Quoi de Neuf?


Quoi de Neuf?
Quoi de Neuf?
Hello everyone,
September 2013
Volume 9, n° 4
In this issue:
Manager’s Note
The 2013 Season
Fall Conve ntion
ExpoStars 2013
CAFE Convention
Did you know ?
5 reasons why
Quebeckers are crazy…
What’s new for 2014
Present your Fair
Dates for 2014
2013 Activities Report 6
Good news!
For sale
Another season is ended. The hour is in the balance sheet and in the
preparation of reports and to do so, this year, you have to refer to your new fair
administrator’s book which you received during the spring Annual General
Assembly. It is important for the Association that you supply us the following
completed documents: the performance indicators sheet, the global summary of
judgments as well as the activity report.
The new annual report contains more statistics which will be very useful for the
Association as well as for the exhibitions. It is also important to include in it what
worked well during your fair and what didn’t go well. Please complete
conscientiously these documents because they will be source of reflections and
references for the next edition.
Even this year, introspection is necessary for each of the agricultural exhibition.
We have to plan the future of each of our exhibition and raise the following
- Is our exhibition successful and profitable enough?
- Are there alliances which would help us perform better and make our
exhibition more profitable?
- Which activities did work well and which we should eliminate?
Do not forget that the MAPAQ program was renewed but only for this year.
Meetings and discussions are still taking place to set up a long-term program
and we hope that this program will be available from spring 2014. But to do so,
we need to know what went well and what your problems in realizing your
exhibition were. All that you can reveal us on your exhibition will be useful for
the discussions with the MAPAQ
The autumn congress will be held this year in Joliette on October 25th and 26th.
It will be once again the place of discussions and formations. It is important to
participate in large numbers in this meeting of your Association. Rive Nord Fair
will be our host and they concoct us a well filled program of activities.
See you there,
François Brunet
General Manager
Quoi de Neuf?
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The season 2013 of the agricultural shows
The 2013 season of agricultural fairs is already behind us and the temperature was not there. Even this year,
hundreds of thousand visitors crossed the doors of 31 agricultural fairs of Quebec.
Whether it is by personal interest to the agriculture or by simple desire to spend a good moment in family,
the agricultural summer fairs, in spite of the competition which they have to face, put up a good show.
Who was visited and evaluated by AEAQ?
The following exhibitions were visited and evaluated during the
summer : Bécancour, St-Félicien, Rive-Nord, Trois-Rivières, St-Isidore/
Bassin de la Chaudière, St-Hyacinthe, Vallée-de-la-Coaticook, Abitibi,
Huntingdon et Montmagny.
I also had the chance to visit for my own interest two other exhibitions,
BBQ Bellechasse and Brome.
Rive-Nord relocate in Sainte-Julienne
This year, Rive Nord moved its exhibition on a magnificent ground in
Sainte-Julienne. Several problems waited for the team of the exhibition
for this first edition in this new place, but they knew how to meet the
expectations of visitors by presenting a very beautiful exhibition. I
believe that Rive Nord found new grounds for several years!
The educational circuit "from
the Farm to the Market"
Even this year, the educational circuit
"from the farm to the market" gained
a striking success with the young
clientele and their parents. The
educational circuit visited 7 fairs
during the summer: BBQ Bellechasse,
Lachute, Portneuf, Chicoutimi,
Lotbinière, Beauce and Montmagny.
The Tactiles Tables
The tactile tables also visited 7
exhibitions during the summer:
Bécancour, St-Félicien, Kamouraska,
Rimouski, Vallée de la Coaticook,
Montmagny et Brome.
The new Provincial exhibition of Montmagny
It is with a lot of energy and not much time that the team of the agricultural show of Montmagny knew how
to take up the challenge to hold the Finale Provincial of animals Judgments for first year. Montmagny
welcomed 12 800 visitors during the week of the exhibition.
According to the opinion of the breeders, such as written in “La Terre de Chez Nous”, Montmagny deserves a
perfect note. The Agricultural Society of Montmagny took up the challenge in a masterly fashion.
Naturally, it was a first edition which was realized in a short time with an enormous workload. There are
certainly things to be improved and to be revised. That is why the AEAQ would like to receive comments
and recommendations of those who visited the exhibition this summer. So, we can all help
Montmagny to do better next year.
Please send us your comments at direction@expoduquebec.com
Thank you!
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AEAQ 2013 Fall Congress, October 25th & 26th
(Registration form on line at www.expoduquebec.com )
The AEAQ autumn congress will take place on October 25th and 26th at the hotel Château Joliette. The Rive-Nord Fair,
host of the event, as well as the AEAQ team are expecting to see you during those days !
Activity for the spouses
Friday October 25th
11 :00 till 1 :00 pm
Registration at the hotel
(lunch on your own, restaurant on site)
1:30 pm
Departure from the hotel by Bus for a
the program is the same as the delegates
« Rallye-bus » to l’Île des Moulins at Terrebonne Saturday:
3:30 pm
Visit of the Expo Rive-Nord site at Ste-Julienne
4:00 pm
Welcome Cocktail at Municipalité of Ste-Julienne
5:30 pm
Departure from Sainte-Julienne for the hotel
Château Joliette
6:00 pm
Arrival at the hotel au Château Joliette
7:30 pm
Banquet (tenue de ville) and ExpoStars Awards
Saturday October 26th
6:45 till 8:45 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
Departure from Château Joliette (“Gourmet tour”)
9:30 am
Visit at the Seigneurie des
Patriotes - (L’Assomption)
Lunch at restaurant L’Ange Cornu
1:00 pm
Departure from the restaurant
1:30 pm
Visit and tasting at Chocolaterie
Le Cacaoyer
3:30 pm
Return to the Château Joliette
« The secrets of advertising adapted to your fair »
by Mme Marielle Ruellant, Presidente of Fréquence Portée Média Inc. and member of
Médialliance Group.
11:30 am
Discussions on 2013 expos season and what’s new for 2014
12:30 pm
Lunch (buffet style)
2:00 pm
« How to built initiatives projects »
presented by M. René Beauparlant, specialist in animations and events, holder of a master's
degree in philosophy of the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières and specialist in entertainment
His conference aims at supplying the necessary tools to develop interesting initiatives projects.
4:30 pm
End of the activities
Hotel’s reservation
Château Joliette
450, St Thomas Street
Joliette (Québec) J6E 3R1
Phone : 450 752-2525
1 800 361 0572
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ExpoStars 2013: a new formula this year!
As it was very difficult last year to obtain candidacies in each of the
categories of the competition ExpoStars, we decided to group for this year
some categories.
So, the categories Communication, Education, Family, Financial Partners will
be grouped under the category "Project of the year".
The categories "Prize of the Jury" and "Tribute to a Builder" will be kept.
The guide and the form will soon follow by e-mail.
The deadline is October 9th
« Project initiative of the
« Tribute to a builder»
The presented projects can be projects of communication, promotion, marketing,
agricultural education, Incentive to attract the families, activities raising awareness on
agriculture or fundraising and promotions activities.
All the stimulant projects and relevant projects can be presented in this category.
This category also includes projects that the realization deserves a special mention.
Partner or company heavily involved for a long time
CAFE 2013 Convention in Ottawa *REMINDER*
The Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions (CAFE) will hold its annual
convention from November 20 till 23, 2013 in Ottawa.
We invite you to participate in large numbers in this convention, especially
that it will take place near us in Ottawa.
Visit the www.canadian-fairs.ca for the complete program
and if you want to register,
please call Mavis Hanna at 1 800 663-1714
or e-mail her at info@canadian-fairs.ca
A visit to the Canadian agricultural Museum will be part of the program.
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Did you know?
Demand of conformity of your suppliers to the CSST
It is of your duty to inform yourself if your suppliers are in
accordance with the CSST.
If one of your supplier sis not in compliance with the CSST
and if he goes bankrupt, the CSST can turn around towards
tour organization, or even towards the members of your
board of directors, to get their money back which your
supplier owes them.
If so, the CSST will calculate the number of hours that the
supplier worked for you and will charge you in the pro rata
the sum owed in CSST.
It is preferable for you sent to the CSST a "conformity
request" for each of your suppliers.
You will find the appropriate form at:
Did you know?
Protection of your volunteers by the CSST
Did you know that your volunteers can be protected by
the CSST if you make the request?
It will cost you less than 10 $ per person to obtain this
protection during your event.
You only have to make the demand to the CSST, to
supply the list of names of your volunteers and to pay
the fee.
For information :
For online registration :
Five reasons why Quebeckers are crazy about festivals
According to a survey realized by TNS for Festival et Événements Québec in 2013, with 3 000 referees, about 60% of
the Quebeckers mention that they have participates in at least one festival in their region during the last two years.
Transposed on the whole population, it’s 4,8 million Quebeckers that participated in at least an event in their region. But
what makes Quebeckers so found of festivals?
The results of the survey show five obvious reasons
1– The festivals give relaxation and pleasure.
80 % of the Quebeckers agree with the idea that the participation to a festival offers relaxation and
entertainment and contributes to their happiness.
2– The festivals allow to be active and to move
By looking at the programming of all the types of events, we are able to notice that they are many to propose to
their festival-goers a crowd of physical and sports activities
(…) Almost two Quebeckers out of three consider that the festivals offer opportunities to be active and to move.
3– The festivals participate in the individual self-fulfillment
About 70 % of the Quebeckers consider that the festivals are opportunities to learn new things, even to fulfill
4– The festivals facilitate and favor social relationships
For 60 % of the referees in the survey, the festivals in which they participated allowed them to meet other
5-The festivals are a source of pride, belonging and social commitment
More than nine Quebeckers out of ten feel some pride for events of their region and consider that the festivals
bring profits for the community.
In 2012-2013, it is more than 40 500 volunteers who gave of their time in the organization of 215 festivals,
member of FEQ.
Source: Extracts of a press release of September 9th emitted by Festival et Événements Québec.
Quoi de Neuf?
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New for your exhibitions for 2014
During summer, 2013, we developed an animal display information kit, “Salon des races”,
presented on 18" X 24" posters in full colors. This “Salon des races”, presenting 16 posters, give
the information onto several races that we find in your agricultural fair.
Some fairs tested them at the end of the summer and some have decided to buy the series of
posters to expose them every year during their fair. You can purchase the kit for 500 $ and that
includes the transport casing. Also, you might want to include that project into your 2014
Business Plan!
It seems preferable, for a better visual impact, that the posters are expose all in the same place.
We have other ideas and tools to develop for summer 2014. We shall present you our reflection
Present your exhibition in photos!
During the 2013 Congress, we are going to make a retrospective of the summer by
presenting in pictures the fairs.
Thank you for sending us about ten of your best photos of your fair. Note that photos
do not need to be in excellent resolution. A resolution of 72 Dpi is even ideal for this
type of presentation.
You can send them by e-mail or on a CD or also use "Web Cargo boat" to send your
photos. It will be easier than to send them via multiple e-mails. Visit the
www.webcargo.net to register and it is free
2013 Activities Report
We would like to remind you that it is very important for the Association that
you complete the following documents: the performance indicators sheet, the
global summary of judgments as well as the activity report.
You will find in the administrator’s book the new example of annual report
which you have to fill.
This new report will allow the Association to compile more easily the global
and annual statistics of agricultural fairs besides compiling the specific
statistics of each fair.
It is also important to include in your report what went well and what went
You are probably not the only ones to have met those problems and we
would like to share your solutions with the others.
Dates of your 2014 Fair
If you already know the dates when your fair will take place in 2014,
PLEASE let us know and send them to us by e-mail at
Quoi de Neuf?
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The 2013 AEAQ promotional poster was nominated at the Festival &
Événements Québec “PRIX COUP D’ÉCLAT” contest. The winner will be
announced on the night of November 12.
For Sale
THE AEAQ decided to sale 2 of 4 tactile tables " Smart Table " that she possesses. The 2 sets went out only once at the
same time last summer.
The kids adore this activity and it is a good way of arousing their interest while offering educational games. They can
serve to project video and images and to play games. The free “Smart Table Toolkit” software is easy to use for the
creation of new games and offers practically infinite possibilities. Some existing games are available on Smart web site.
The on-line service of "Smart" is very good. The resources for service call, remote repairs and updates of the computer
system are very efficient.
The guarantee is effective until October, 2014.
If you have an interest for the Tables, the sale price is $ 5 000 each and include the transport casing.
( The original purchase price was $ 7 000 each table and each transport casing was $ 1 000 )
They can be sold separately.
For any questions, do not hesitate to communicate with us.
The next Quoi de Neuf ?
The next edition of Quoi de Neuf? will be published in December 2013.
If you have any suggestions or topics to share, or if you believe that some training or
worshops would be required, please send us your comments!
In the meantime, keep checking the AEAQ website for the latest developments!
Retrouvez-nous sur facebook!
1175, boul. Charest Ouest, # 22A
Québec (Qc) G1N 2C9
T. 418-527-1196 / F. 418-527-6954