VCS Version 3 - Verified Carbon Standard
VCS Version 3 - Verified Carbon Standard
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 GROUPED PROJECT FOR COMMERCIAL FOREST PLANTATIONS INITIATIVES IN THE DEPARTMENT OF VICHADA Document Prepared By South Pole Carbon Asset Management SAS and Carbono & Bosques Project Title Version Date of Issue Prepared By Contact Grouped project for commercial forest plantations initiatives in the department of Vichada 01 16/02/2016 South Pole Carbon Asset Management Ltd; Corporación Carbono & Bosques T +57 4 352 4428; T +57 4 230 0876; v3.2 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Table of Contents 1 Project Details ...................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Summary Description of the Project ............................................................................................. 4 1.2 Sectoral Scope and Project Type.................................................................................................. 4 1.3 Project Proponent ......................................................................................................................... 4 1.4 Other Entities Involved in the Project ............................................................................................ 5 1.5 Project Start Date .......................................................................................................................... 7 1.6 Project Crediting Period ................................................................................................................ 7 1.7 Project Scale and Estimated GHG Emission Reductions or Removals ....................................... 7 1.8 Description of the Project Activity.................................................................................................. 9 1.9 Project Location .......................................................................................................................... 25 1.10 Conditions Prior to Project Initiation ........................................................................................ 25 1.10.1 Description of the group project location ......................................................................... 26 1.10.2 Description of Instance 1 location ................................................................................... 38 1.11 Compliance with Laws, Statutes and Other Regulatory Frameworks..................................... 51 1.12 Ownership and Other Programs ............................................................................................. 53 1.12.1 Right of Use......................................................................................................................... 53 1.12.2 Emissions Trading Programs and Other Binding Limits ..................................................... 53 1.12.3 Other Forms of Environmental Credit ................................................................................. 53 1.12.4 Participation under Other GHG Programs .......................................................................... 53 1.12.5 Projects Rejected by Other GHG Programs ....................................................................... 54 1.13 2 Additional Information Relevant to the Project ........................................................................ 54 Application of Methodology ................................................................................................................ 55 2.1 Title and Reference of Methodology ........................................................................................... 55 2.2 Applicability of Methodology ........................................................................................................ 55 2.3 Project Boundary ......................................................................................................................... 58 2.4 Baseline Scenario ....................................................................................................................... 60 2.5 Additionality ................................................................................................................................. 62 2.6 Methodology Deviations .............................................................................................................. 69 3 Quantification of GHG Emission Reductions and Removals ............................................................. 69 3.1 Baseline Emissions ..................................................................................................................... 69 3.2 Project Emissions ........................................................................................................................ 70 3.3 Leakage....................................................................................................................................... 71 3.4 Net GHG Emission Reductions and Removals ........................................................................... 71 4 Monitoring ........................................................................................................................................... 81 4.1 Data and Parameters Available at Validation ............................................................................. 81 4.2 Data and Parameters Monitored ................................................................................................. 86 v3.2 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 4.3 5 Monitoring Plan ........................................................................................................................... 93 Environmental Impact ....................................................................................................................... 112 In order to monitor the environmental impacts, a monitoring plan is described in the project description document develop for the Clime Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCBS). ........ 115 6 Stakeholder Comments .................................................................................................................... 115 APPENDIX I: Threatened species ............................................................................................................ 122 v3.2 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 1 1.1 PROJECT DETAILS Summary Description of the Project The Grouped Project for Commercial Forest Plantations Initiatives in the Department of Vichada aims to promote investments new commercial forest plantations in Puerto Carreño Municipality. The project is based on changing the use of land from extensive cattle ranching to sustainable forest production systems, restoring natural forest cover, and creating a landscape of biological and productive corridors that produce financial, social and environmental services for the region. These impacts include the mitigation of climate change, regulation of water flows, expansion of habitat and conservation of the flora and fauna in the zone and the Orinoco region. The Project area for the first instance corresponds to the properties of La Pedregoza, El Toro, Canapro, El Diamante and Horizonte Verde, located at the veredas Caño Negro, Aceito, La Esmeralda and Campo Alegre, in the municipality of Puerto Carreño (Department of Vichada, Colombia). The land within the project boundary is degraded grassland for all cases of the grouped instances, as they all occur in the same baseline conditions. Such grasslands grasslands have been historically subject to burns that took place with the objective to reduce tree covers and expand grasslands in order to develop extensive cattle ranching activities. However, all properties conserve remnants of gallery forests and natural areas. For the first instance, it is expected to reforest around 8,700 ha with commercial plantations, using the species Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Eucalyptus pellita Hevea brasiliensis, Anacardium occidentale, Pinus caribaea and other 25 native species. The project is expected to capture 972,417 tCO2e in 30 years, with an average annual GHG emission of 32,413.92 tCO2e. 1.2 Sectoral Scope and Project Type The project corresponds to VCS scope 14 “Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use” as an Afforestation, Reforestation and Revegetation (ARR). The project is a grouped project that aims to reforest degraded lands, which are expected to remain degraded or to continue to degrade in the absence of the project. 1.3 Project Proponent Organization name Fundación Natura Contact person Roberto León Gómez Charry Title Assistant Director of Local Development and Global Change office Address Carrera 21 No. 39-43, Bogotá D.C. (Colombia) Telephone PBX: (+57-1) 245 5700 - 2455727 Ext. 112 v3.2 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Email Fundación Natura is a non-profit and non-governmental organization (NGO) whose mission is to promote the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources. Since its creation in 1984 researchers and scientists working for this NGO have been interested in generating spaces for environmental research, sustainable land use planning and mitigation of carbon emissions. They have also promoted tools and incentives for land conservation, policymaking, the creation of protected areas and the integrated management of watersheds. 1 Through the Agreement No. 02 of 2015 , Fundación Natura established an alliance with the landowners and project owners, in order to co-finance and collaborate with the development of the project design for carbon markets and eventually with other related activities. The owners and legal representatives of the first instance agreed that Funación Natura could act as project proponent, as they move towards the 2 establishment of a formal figure that represents them . 1.4 Other Entities Involved in the Project Project owners Organization name Cooperativa Casa Nacional del Profesor-CANAPRO Role in the project Project owner and responsible for the administration, implementation of operational tasks, monitoring and harvesting of the planted areas in the nucleus Canapro Contact person Edinson Rafael Castro Alvarado Title Forestry Project Manager Address Calle 63 # 24-58, Bogotá. Colombia Telephone (57+1) 3480564 Email Organization name Plantación Amazonia El Vita S.A.S. Role in the project Project owner and responsible for the administration, implementation of operational tasks, monitoring and harvesting of the planted areas in the nucleus La Pedregoza Contact person Dexter Bernhard Dombro Title Forestry Project Manager Address Carrera 57B # 137-88. Bogotá, Colombia 1 2 Agreement No. 02 of 2015. Fundación Natura and Otrosi Agreement No. 02 of 2015 Commitment letters landowners v3.2 5 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Telephone (57+1) 7046852 Email Organization name Unión Temporal Agroindustria Horizonte Verde Role in the project Project owner and responsible for the administration, implementation of operational tasks, monitoring and harvesting of the planted areas in the nucleus Horizonte Verde Contact person Liliana del Carmen Hernández Montes Title Forestry Project Manager Address Telephone Email Organization name Ecoforestal de Colombia Role in the project Project owner and responsible for the administration, implementation of operational tasks, monitoring and harvesting of the planted areas in the nucleus El Diamante Contact person Fabián Echeverri Title Forestry Project Manager Address Telephone (57) 300-329-6525 Email Organization name Reforestadora El Toro S.A.S. Role in the project Project owner and responsible for the administration, implementation of operational tasks, monitoring and harvesting of the planted areas in the nucleus El Toro Contact person Joaquín Saenz Kopp Title Forestry Project Manager Address Calle 59 # 5-30. Bogotá, Colombia Telephone (57+1) 2113243 Email Project developers Organization name v3.2 South Pole Carbon Asset Management SAS. (South Pole) 6 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Role in the project South Pole elaborates and oversees the development of appropriate project design and monitoring techniques in line with the guidelines of the VCS and CCBS. Contact person Victor David Giraldo T Title Forestry Project Manager Address Calle 10 # 34-11, Oficina 405. Medellín. Colombia Telephone (57) 4 352 4428 Email Organization name Research Center Carbono & Bosques Role in the project Carbono & Bosques elaborates and oversees the development of appropriate project design and monitoring techniques in line with the guidelines of the VCS and CCBS. Contact person Beatriz Zapata Title Carbon project designer Address Calle 51A # 72-23 Interior 601 Telephone (574) 230 08 76 Email 1.5 Project Start Date The Project start date is June 15th, 2011; On this date started the reforestation activities in the nucleus La 3 Pedregoza . 1.6 Project Crediting Period For the current grouped project, the crediting period will be of 30 years and 0 months. The period starts on June 15, 2011, and ends on June 14, 2041. 1.7 Project Scale and Estimated GHG Emission Reductions or Removals Project Scale 3 On this date started the reforestation activities in the nucleus La Pedregoza. See support document: Annual Planting Report, 2011. Finca La Pedregoza. v3.2 7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Project Scale Project Large project v3.2 X Year Estimated GHG emission reductions or removals (tCO2e) 2011 0 2012 29,979.42 2013 96,889.94 2014 173,341.00 2015 281,692.79 2016 397,107.51 2017 513,352.07 2018 553,542.36 2019 600,466.50 2020 742,327.81 2021 678,082.85 2022 688,996.38 2023 729,143.87 2024 796,081.39 2025 851,849.74 2026 936,813.43 2027 966,675.70 2028 901,288.43 2029 917,600.01 2030 997,088.95 2031 879,521.99 2032 877,059.90 2033 920,252.49 2034 1,037,780.28 8 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Year Estimated GHG emission reductions or removals (tCO2e) 2035 1,106,931.58 2036 1,150,372.91 2037 1,118,404.57 2038 1,063,091.78 2039 1,061,404.89 2040 1,102,051.97 2041 972,417.69 Total estimated ERs 972,417.69 Total number of crediting years 30 Average annual ERs 32,413.92 1.8 Description of the Project Activity 1.8.1 Planted species The objective of the first instance is to establish forest plantations with commercial species. The most used species for the project are the Acacia mangium, E. tereticornis and native species (Table 1), which occupy more than 80% of the area intervened by the project. To a lesser extent, other species have been used, such as E. pellita, A. occidentale, H. brasiliensis and P. caribeae. Acacia mangium. Nucleus Horizonte Verde v3.2 E. pellita. Nucleus Horizonte Verde 9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 P. caribaea. Nucleus Horizonte Verde Ochroma piramydale v3.2 E. pellita. Nucleus La Pedregoza Pachira quinata 10 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Dipteryx panamensis Acosmium nitens R. Aguilar Figure 1. Used species in the project for reforestation and restauration activities. Table 1. Native species used in the project for restauration activities. Ochroma pyramidale Pseudosamanea guachapele Calophyllum lucidum Rheedia madruno Hymenaea courbaril Jacaranda copaia Hura crepitans Parahancornia oblonga Pachira quinata Dipteryx panamensis Copaifera aromatica Calophyllum lucidum Cassia moschata Samanea saman Swietenia macrophylla Clorophora tinctoria Cedrela odorata Vochysia obscura Acosmium nitens Enterolobium cyclocarpum Jacaranda obtusifolia Anacardium occidentale Anadenanthera peregrina Ocotea cymbarum The main characteristics and growth conditions of these species are described below. v3.2 11 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Acacia mangium 4 The most used specie for reforestation projects is the Acacia mangium . It is an indigenous species from the northwestern part of Australia, Papua New Guinea and eastern Indonesia, including the Moluccas islands. In Central America it is known as Mangium or Acacia. It has been introduced in countries like Sri Lanka, Popular China, Thailand, Malaysia, Nepal, the Philippines, among others. In Central America was introduced in 1979, for research purposes only and to a higher level only from 1984, in Panama, Costa Rica and Honduras. It is a fast growing species, which grows well in wet and very humid tropical forest; especially in the lower areas of flat topography. This tree reaches 25-30 m in height and up to 90 cm in diameter. It grows well from the sea level to 720 meters above, with temperatures between 12 °C and 34 °C and rainfall between 1,500 and 4,500 mm / year. It grows fast, prefers fertile soils that present good drainage, grows well in acidic soils, tolerates low pH greater than 4. It has an apical dominance when grows in open areas. It is a heliofita specie that regenerates prolifically on abandoned land, or after heavy disturbances such as fires. It prefers deep alluvial soils, but also grows on soils depleted by the prolonged use in agricultural production. The wood is beautiful and with fine features, thus this specie has several uses; heavy constructions, wood crafts and furniture. Its cultivation has been encouraged in Colombia and Venezuela as a source of forage for livestock. Although in Brazil this species has an invasive behavior (in the states of Amapa and Roraima in the Amazon and in the Atlantic Forest and coastal vegetation zones of Bahía, Espiritu Santo and Rio de 5 Janeiro ), in Colombia it has not been considered an invasive species, as it has been widely promoted for restoration processes and recovery of degraded areas (Castellanos et al. 2010, 2011, Mateus 2013, Vargas 2013). Due to the conditions of the department of Vichada, the acacia does not present any problems for growing in this region as the climatic characteristics, height and precipitation are outstanding for this species. Eucalyptus tereticornis E. tereticornis has the widest latitudinal distribution of any species in the genus. Native of Australia and Papua New Guinea. It occurs over a wide range of climatic conditions, and principally in open-forest formation with a number of other eucalypts and on river flats or hill slopes with alluvial or sandy to gravelly soils. E. tereticornis has been most successful in summer rainfall conditions with a moderate to fairly severe dry season. It is considerably drought resistant but is susceptible to frost. The species tolerates occasional waterlogging. In many countries, among the Eucalyptus species, E. tereticornis is considered relatively fire resistant. 4 Pabón, C & Restrepo, C. 2009. Reforestación: Mecanismo rentable y precursor de Desarrollo para Vichada. EIA. Disponible en: 5 GISP 2005. Programa Mundial sobre Especies Invasoras. 2005. Disponible en: v3.2 12 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Is a tree up to 45 m tall or taller; trunk erect, 1-1.8 m in diameter; crown large, open or fairly dense, variable; bark smooth, whitish, peeling in irregular thin sheets or large flakes, becoming mottled with white, grey or bluish patches, often some rough, dark grey bark at base; twigs reddish or yellowish-green. It easily adapts to poor soils, represented by an early growth and absence of pests and diseases. It grows on slightly sloping topography. Altitude: 0-800 m, average temperature of 19-29 °C, annual rainfall 9003,000 mm, resists strong winds, prefers sandy, deep, well-drained, fertile, moist, with pH of 5-6 but also well developed in acid soils. It grows well in sandy and clay soils. In general, E. tereticornis has proved fairly free of pests and diseases. In many areas termites attack young plants if insecticide is not used while planting. In India, the most serious disease has been the 6 canker caused by the fungus Corticium salmonicolo . Eucalyptus pellita In its natural habitat; Australia and Papua New Guinea; is found in open forest formation with a large number of other Eucalyptus species, in tall sclerophyll forest and at the margins of rainforests. The tree grows mainly on gentle to moderately sloping topography, although it is found, to a limited extent, on steep, well-drained slopes of large ridges and even alongside small streams in the drier and hotter parts of its occurrence. On bare rock above beaches, it may be reduced to a bushy shrub. It grows quickly in humid and subhumid, tropical lowland regions and requires uniform to summer rainfall. The species is frost resistant. Is a medium-size to large tree, up to 40 m in height and 1 m in diameter at breast height. At its best, it has a straight trunk to about a half of the tree height and a large, heavily branched crown. The bark is rough and persistent to the small branches, shortly fibrous, shallowly to coarsely fissured, thick and brown to 7 reddish-brown . It easily adapts to poor soils, represented by early growth and the absence of pests and diseases. It grows in slightly inclined topography altitude: 0 to 800 meters, average temperature of 19-29 °C, annual rainfall of 900 to 3,000 mm. Resists strong winds, prefers sandy, deep, well-drained, fertile, moist, with pH of 5-6 but also well developed in acid soils. It grows well in sandy and clay soils. As for pests and diseases, the Coreolopsis fulvocinerea has been reported in Ayapel, Colombia, attacking the wounds left by pruning. There are no reports inside the project area, about the existence of conditions that could compromise the project, and that are frequently mentioned in the literature as diseases that cause significant economic losses. Among the main uses and wood products are the sawmilling industry, timber for structures (easy for immunization), fence posts and electrical transmission. It is used as firewood, coal, pulp, paper, plywood and for the production of fiber and particle boards. 6 World Agroforestry. Eucalyptus tereticornis. Disponible en: 7 World Agroforestry. Eucalyptus pellita. Disponible en: v3.2 13 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Anacardium occidentale This specie is a medium-sized tree, spreading, and evergreen, much branched; grows to a height of 12 m. When grown on lateritic, gravelly, coastal sandy areas, it rarely exceeds 6 m and develops a spreading habit and globose shape with crown diameter to 12 m. Grown inland on loams, it reaches 15 m and is much branched, with a smaller (4- 6 m) crown diameter. The root system of a mature A. occidentale, when grown from the seed, consists of a very prominent taproot and a well developed and extensive network of lateral and sinker roots. A. occidentale requires high temperatures; frost is deleterious. Distribution of rainfall is more important than the amount of it. The tree fruits well if rains are not abundant during flowering and if nuts mature in a dry period; the latter ensures good keeping quality. The tree can adapt to very dry conditions as long as its extensive root system has access to soil moisture. In drier areas (800-1,000 mm of rainfall), a deep and well-drained soil without impervious layers is essential. The ideal weather conditions during the specie´s growing are: altitude: 0-1,000 m, mean annual temperature: 17-38 deg. C, mean annual rainfall: 500 - 3,500 mm, soil type: prefers deep, fertile, sandy soils but will grow well on most soils except pure clays or soils that are otherwise impermeable, poorly 8 drained or subject to periodic flooding . Hevea brasiliensis Commonly known as the rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis is a native tree species of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Guyana, and Suriname. The rubber tree is found in tropical America from Mexico to Sao Paulo, in Africa from Mozambique to Madagascar, in southern India, Sri Lanka, and throughout Southeast Asia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and New Guinea. Commercial rubber plantations are found between 24 degrees north latitude in China to 25 degrees south latitude in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Is a rapid-growing species that can reach 40 m in height and 35 cm in diameter. Its trunk is cylindrical with a narrow base, a gray-green bark, and irregular branches. Its leaves are compound, trifoliate, and alternate. They have a dark green upper face, a light green lower face, and marked venation. The form and composition of the leaves varies between individuals. Hevea brasiliensis is cultivated from sea level to 1,200 m in a range of temperatures between 20ºC and 30°C, with 25°C being its optimal temperature. If temperatures are below 20 ºC or above 35ºC, growth and production is noticeably affected. Precipitation should range from 1,800 mm to 2,500 mm and be well distributed throughout the year and without dry seasons, pronounced, or prolonged heavy precipitation. Otherwise, tree growth and latex production can be delayed. Relative humidity should fluctuate between 70% and 90%. An average humidity of 50% can alter production by affecting levels of defoliation. Trees should annually receive between 1,500 and 2,500 hours of sunshine. Less than an average of 1,200 hours per year can notably affect the content of dry rubber in the latex. Rubber trees should not be planted in areas with high winds given that stems break easily and adult plantations can suffer great losses. The slope of the ground should not be greater than 25%. It is ideal to have flat or slightly 8 World Agroforestry. Anacardium occidentale. Disponible en: v3.2 14 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 undulating soil that has a depth of 1–1.5 m, a sandy loam and clay loam texture, good capacity for retaining humidity, good drainage, and acidity (with a pH between 4.1 and 6.0). In Colombia, all commercial plantations have been established with one or two clones introduced from Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brazil. In the Department of Caquetá (Colombian Amazon), the promotion and development of crops of rubber (H. brasiliensis) during the past 25 years, has favored the 9 establishment of thousands of hectares in other regions . Pinus caribaea It is located on the Atlantic side (Central America) from the sea level on the coastal plains up to 850 m in the hinterland. It has been planted even out if its range at altitudes up to 1,500 meters. It fits to a variety of environments, including poor and degraded soils in sandy to clay and acid soils (pH 4-6.5). Pinus caribaea is a fine tree to 20-30 m tall, often 35 m, with a diameter of 50-80 cm and occasionally up to 1 m; trunk generally straight and well formed; lower branches large, horizontal and drooping; upper branches often ascending to form an open, rounded to pyramidal crown; young trees with a dense, pyramidal crown. This species grows best in frost-free areas up to about 700 m in more fertile sites with good subsoil drainage and annual rainfall of 2,000 -3,000 mm. Generally at elevations of 600-800 m it is associated with P. oocarpa var. hondurensis and P. oocarpa var. ochoterenai. P. caribaea is rated as moderately fire resistant. It tolerates salt winds and hence may be planted near the coast. Young plantations usually start bearing female cones when they are 3-4 years old but these do not produce fertile seed owing to the inadequate supply of pollen at this age, unless older plantations adjoin the site. Male and female flowers are borne on the same plant. The female cones are the equivalent of long shoots whereas the male cones are the equivalent of needle bundles (short shoots). There is a variation in the proportion of male to female cones, with some trees producing almost entirely male cones and others almost entirely female cones. In many places where P. caribaea grows, the mat of needles on the ground is considered valuable for the protection of the soil surface from erosion. In Sri Lanka a massive reforestation programme was undertaken with plantations of P. caribaea to convert heavily eroded lands on which nothing else could be grown. It is the only species so far successfully used to clothe barren eroded and denuded lands with a 10 tree cover . 1.8.2 Planted areas 9 Sterling, A & Hernando, C. 2011. New clones of natural rubber for the Colombian Amazone: emphasis in the resistance to the southamerican evil of leaves (Microcyclus ulei). Disponible en: 10 World Agroforestry. Pinus caribaea. Disponible en: v3.2 15 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Table 2. Current and projected planting areas (ha) by nucleus. Nucleus Specie A. mangium 2011 2012 100.00 101.00 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 207.02 6.02 E. tereticornis E. pellita 150.00 188.00 38.00 H. brasiliensis La Pedregoza A. occidentale P. caribaea 20.00 50.00 42.00 288.00 308.00 8.03 100.03 P. Oocarpa Other sp. 14.60 9.23 11.30 - - 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 El Diamante 120.00 300.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 1,020.00 150.00 E. tereticornis - E. pellita - H. brasiliensis - A. occidentale 21.00 21.00 P. caribaea - P. Oocarpa - Other sp. - 1,041.00 Subtotal A. mangium El Toro 13.45 100.15 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 - E. pellita - H. brasiliensis - A. occidentale - P. caribaea - P. Oocarpa - 313.60 Subtotal v3.2 313.60 E. tereticornis Other sp. Canapro 1,035.13 1,838.18 Subtotal A. mangium Subt A. mangium 287.00 287.00 155.00 155.00 155.00 155.00 155.00 155.00 16 155.00 155.00 155.00 155.00 2,124.00 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Specie Nucleus 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 E. tereticornis - E. pellita - H. brasiliensis 48.00 A. occidentale 52.00 137.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 66.50 66.50 - P. Oocarpa - Other sp. - A. mangium E. tereticornis E. pellita 2,652.50 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1,786.20 586.20 200.00 - - - - 375.00 400.00 25.00 - 800.00 100.80 - - 125.00 110.00 335.80 H. brasiliensis - A. occidentale - P. caribaea - - - - - - P. Oocarpa - - - - - - Other sp. - 2,922.00 Subtotal TOTAL v3.2 462.00 P. caribaea Subtotal Horizonte Verde Subt 1,476.6 1,205.2 1,250.5 150.00 110.00 525.00 550.00 550.00 550.00 400.00 400.00 17 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 8,767.28 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 1.8.3 Silvicultural activities CANAPRO Table 3. Technical activities that are being executed in the instance CANAPRO, which are also described in the document PMFS Canapro, 2014. Activity Land preparation Description Preview of the possible places where it is planned to conduct the seeding of an annual period, taking into account characteristics of the terrain including the topography, soil texture, drainage, effective depth, vegetation etc. Site preparation (subsoiling and plowing) to remove soil beneath the topsoil. Mechanized cleaning is performed to eliminate weeds and grass cover; this also allows the soil tilth and the formation of grooves according to the slope, favoring the drainage and the runoff of water, which must be perpendicular to the slope. Application of one ton of dolomite lime per hectare to the soil. This practice allows the correction of soil acidity. Delineation of the area: due to the short slope of the terrain, the delineation is done in the form of quadrates of an area of 100 m2. Within these quadrates, parallel lines are drawn and the holes are marked with a spacing of 3 m. Planting holes are done by using dredging shovel to facilitate the opening of the hole; Due to the soil compaction, a measure of 20x20x40 cm was established, in order to favor the initial growth of the tree with a deeper hole. In too compacted lands, this work is complemented by a photon 504 tractor that use a drill to generate the hole Sowing Subsequent to the distribution of seedlings in the lots, another application of 100 grams of lime is performed hole to hole in order to optimize the neutralization of the pH of the soil and to ensure good conditions to the seedling. Location of the seedling on land: the seedling bag is removed and the ground cylinder is placed in the hole, the hole is covered and the soil is pushed down to secure the fixing of the seedling. Fertilization Application of 100 grams per tree of Mejisulfatos a chemical fertilizer, which is a compound that contains both, major elements (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and minor elements. This component is applied in the crown around each tree and is covered with some extra soil from the sides. Weed control A clean is performed in the form of a dish with an average diameter of 1.5 m to each existing tree in order to ensure that during the next fertilization the resources are efficiently used by the tree. Pruning This activity is performed with the objective of remove secondary and tertiary branches in order to leave a rectilinear and free trunk, or to eliminate spoiled v3.0 18 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Activity Description branches that may be affecting the development of higher branches and of the tree itself. The cuts are done vertically and accurately, ensuring the health of the tree and its proper healing. LA PEDREGOZA Table 4. Technical activities that are being executed in the instance La Pedregoza, which are also described in the document PMFS La Pedregoza, 2014. Activity Description Land preparation Soil preparation includes the removal of weeds, minor vegetation and rocky material in order to clear the area. At this stage, is very important the identification of the protection areas, such as areas with primary forest, forest relicts, biological corridors and water bodies. Generally, weeds are eliminated as a superficial cleaning. Once the planting area is clean, a groove is done of the land. The groove is performed by using a chisel that breaks the soil to a depth of 60 cm. Once the sowing area is plowed it is appropriate to proceed with the delineation of land. The delineation is done according to the topography of the lot. Sowing Once the soil preparation is completed, it is necessary to plant the seedlings, which are primarily selected considering that their size is no larger than 20 centimeters. This quality selection reduces the risk in the plantation. The distance between seedlings may vary depending on the species, however, a generally distance of 2.8 meters is used for introduced species and 3.5 meters for native species, always following the guide that marks the location of the planting line. If they are nursery seedlings, the sowing is done by carefully removing the bag without crumble the soil and supervising that plants are properly planted in the groove or hole to a depth of 1 to 2 cm from the soil surface , then, the hole is filled very well around the seedling, avoiding gaps in the air. On the other hand, if they are seeds, they are evenly spread on the ground. Fertilization All plants should be fertilized at planting, and every year, until they have enough nutrients in the soil. A forestry engineer will decide when to stop with the fertilizations according to the soil and foliar analysis results and also depending on the age of the plant and dry matter production. Fertilization should be executed in winter to allow the fertilizer to penetrate the soil and reach the roots. Mejisulfatos were used in some stands (plantations of 2011 and 2012), and then chemical fertilization was changed to an organic fertilization using natural forestry practices that include manure fertilizers, composts, manure broths, composting teas and cut grass. Organic fertilization avoids negative impacts on the environment, minimizes transportation costs and causes less risk to the health of humans, animals and wildlife. Additionally, it promotes a better retention of nutrients, with better maintenance of underground micro fauna and better retention of soil moisture during the summer. The composition and dosages of fertilizers applied, can be found in the management plan of La Pedregoza farm (PMFS La Pedregoza 2014). v3.0 19 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Activity Description Weed Control Weed control is carried out manually to each tree. Subsequent to the cleaning, mulch or pasture (grass) is placed around the tree, to maintain the humidity of the soil and to protect the microfauna, and prevent soil drought, as it keeps it wet in summer. The mulch or otherwise serves as pasture fertilization also because it is rich in nitrogen. For this activity a small tractor of a meter wide is used inside the crops and another large tractor of two meters wide is used to cut larger areas of grass and weeds. A portion of the cut grass is left as a hedge and natural fertilizer, and other portion is collected to be added to the compost piles. Under any circumstances, herbicides are used in the Pedregoza farm. Natural silviculture of growth is sufficient to control weeds in crops, as weeds die with the shadow and also serve as natural food for the soil microfauna. It has also been observed that the weed growth in crops is not sufficient to justify the use of chemical herbicides as they generate damages to the microfauna, rivers, morcihales and other ecosystems due to the infiltration of pollutants through the natural runoff of water. Pruning Pruning is necessary for trees oriented to the production of saw logs, because during the growth, common defects usually occur such as knots or bifurcated trunks. This practice contributes to the strengthening of the productive stems (formation pruning) and to the elimination of dry and rotten branches (sanitary pruning) to prevent diseases. Regenerative prunings are also included. Most pruning’s are done in the stands of Acacia mangium, Gmelina arborea and some native species, as other species present natural pruning. Thinning Thinning’s provide the first opportunity for wood products such as poles and small tables or chips, or wrapped biomass (chipped) to be used for the production of pellets; biomass that does not has a formal market is used in the production of charcoal or biochar. The plant material that comes from the thinning can be used to make laminated beams. The projection of crop's thinning and harvestings are presented below Table 5. Projection of thinnings and harvestings for La Pedregoza Eucalyptus pellita, Activity / Acacia mangium Eucalyptus introgresion Specie First Thinning Second Thinning harvesting v3.0 Pinus caribaea year 4 - 5, Intensity of 35% year 5, Intensity of 25% year 6, Intensity 25% Year 6 - 7, Intensity of 15% year 8, Intensity of 25% year 12, Intensity 25% year 8 -10 year 10 -12 - EL TORO 20 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Table 6. Technical activities that are being executed in the instance El Toro, which are also described in the document PMFS El Toro, 2014. Activity Description Land preparation Land preparation is done by using an eccentricity of 0.70 meters wide and at 3.50 meters of distance between grooves and the rest in natural savannas Sowing Sowing is done manually with a distance of 2.40 meters between trees. Fertilization The first fertilization is performed two months after the sowing. In addition, fertilization is done on the first, second and third year. Weed control Mechanical and chemical control with a non-residual herbicide. Pruning An initial pruning is performed including the elimination of leaves when the branches are too young, using a healing disinfectant. The growth pruning comes after the initial pruning, using about 2/3 of the tree height; It is also expected that the species present natural pruning. Control and Management of pests and diseases. The company uses the integrated plan of management of pest and diseases. The principles of resistant tree species are also used, as well as the proper use of the species, balanced nutrition (trophobiosis) and entomological control (beneficial insects). Harvesting and Thinning Thinning’s are not projected for this instance. Total harvesting is executed in year 6 Table 7. Projection of thinnings and harvestings for El Toro Acacia mangium Activity / Specie First Thinning - Second Thinning harvesting -% year 6 EL DIAMANTE Table 8. Technical activities that are being executed in the instance El Diamante, which are also described in the document PMEF El Diamante, 2014. Activity Origin of plant material Description Plant material is produced in a transitional nursery built for this purpose within the farm. Acacia mangium seed is purchased from certified companies for the marketing of seeds, mainly from companies that have the best seed producer trees of Tierra Alta, Córdoba. Production of plant material The production of plant material is performed in a transitional nursery on a site that is as representative as possible of the climatic and soil conditions of the project area, the location of the nursery presents a slope between 0 and 3 percent, in order to favor the drainage and an agricultural soil depth of 50 cm. Due to its proximity to the repopulation area, transport and long distances between v3.0 21 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Activity Description the nursery and the planting area are avoided. The availability and quality of labor in the area is good as workers have experience with the planting of trees. Size of the nursery 2 The nursery area is of about 1,222 m , with an approximate capacity of 14,000 bags each. The eras are separated between them at 0, 6 meters, in order to favor the maintenance executed by the operators in the nursery. Each era is bounded with a plastic rope at a height of 10 cm from the ground to support the bags, and secured every meter to facilitate the counting of trees and sampling. The bags where the seedlings will be produced are tubular bags (bottomless) of 7 cm in diameter and 12 cm high, with good strength and good root formation. The nursery has a polisombra (artificial shadow) of 45% (light input of 55%) 2 meters high about the ground for all eras. The wind and animals of the surrounding area have a direct impact on seedlings, making neccesary the closure of the total area of the nursery with a green mesh of polisombra of 1.60 meters wide, placed at a ground level as it provides consistency and safety. The total capacity of the nursery is of 366,630 seedlings, with a contemplated rate of loss of 10% (dead plants during handling, exit to field, selection intensity and damage in transport). Form and sowing density The plantation is executed during the months of June, July and August, coinciding with the highest amount of rainfall in the region, before the start of the dry season. Land preparation for sowing Delineation is done by using a polypropylene rope in West to East direction. The planting density is 1,111 trees per ha (3 x 3 meters) in quadrate. The planting design is in stands of 10 to 15 hectares in quadrate, with streets of 6-10 meters; for sowing, low or flooded areas are not included. Within the site preparation are included activities that are necessary to remove all obstacles that might affect the work of planting. Stumps, roots, thick branches and weeds must be removed to clear the field of woody vegetation. Land preparation is done with machinery, with a pitch of a tractor and chisel to subsoiling and two steps of a tractor cross with the dredge. Simultaneously with this operation and taking into account the soil test, 60 kg per hectare of dolomite lime are applied (50 g / seedling) as a corrective amendment for soil. Intense sanitary monitoring for the carrier ant is performed by applying insecticides according to the instructions of the product. The plantation is surrounded with fire lines composed by tractor tracks and streets of 10 meters in addition to the pipes, especially during the dry season. Sowing and re sowing The selection of the quality of seedlings reduces the risk of the plantation, as there will be a selection of the seedlings before transplanting them to the field, according to the size which could not be greater than 20 centimeters. Planting is done immediately after liming the soil by carefully following the following steps: v3.0 22 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Activity Description Remove the bags before planting, trying that the soil remains intact Placing the seedling to a depth of 1 to 2 cm from the soil surface. Fill the hole Step around the tree, ensuring that there are no air gaps. Re sowing is carried out if the loss percentage exceeds 10% of the total planted. A month after the planting, the blocks are followed up according to the order of sowing in order to find and replace dead plants. Fertilization Fertilization takes place twenty (20) days or one month after planting applying a compound fertilizer (100 gr / tree) and Borax at 48% (6 g / tree). The application, starts from the performing of a hollow at one side of the tree about 15 cm distant from this. Weed control At least three controls per trees per year are performed, and through the streets of 3.0 m, the mechanized cutting of weeds is performed as often as necessary. This operation is performed during the years 2, 3 and 4 of the project. Pruning Pruning is executed only if necessary and according to the development of trees in order to always get the best quality of the wood. It is planned to execute this activity from the second or third year. Thinning Deformed trees are felled (crooked, forked and defective to avoid competition for space and nutrients with the well-developed trees). This operation is performed at a maximum intensity of 12% of the initial density and contributes to the recycling of nutrients for the remnants. Thinning and harvesting Thinning at age eight (70%) and total harvesting in year 12. Table 9. Projection of thinnings and harvestings for El Diamante Acacia mangium Activity / Specie First Thinning Year 8 (70%) Second Thinning harvesting -% year 12 HORIZONTE VERDE Table 10. Technical activities that are being executed in the instance Horizonte Verde, which are also described in the documents PMEF Horizonte Verde, 2014. Activity Description Origin of plant v3.0 Certified seeds come from the company Refocosta S.A, which is registered on 23 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Activity Description material behalf ICA (Colombian Agriculture Institute). Sowing and germination of seeds and clones Before sowing the seeds, they are treated with water according to the instructions of the supplier company. Regarding to the pregerminative period, germination occurs 15 days after planting. Germination is expected in a total period of 20 days. Management and development of seedlings in the nursery Subsequent to the germination of plants, a selection of those that could be transplanted into bags takes place especially considering their root system. Equally, the transplanting to the bags took into consideration the location of the roots on the soil inside the bag until the moment where they were placed on the final place of planting, which was previously selected. Land preparation and delineation Activities of subsoiling and plowing are executed to provide ventilation to the soil. The plow is very superficial, considering not to translocate the little existing organic horizon. Delineation is done manually, with the help of compass, square, level and ropes, marking with stakes the distances between the lines and rows, which in this case are of 3x2.5m, allowing 1,349 trees / ha. As an additional line is attributable to the row number 0, the number is not 1,333 trees / ha. The hole is performed with spoon shovels considering the enlargement of the holes done with the shovel, as the plant can easily find the soil and to achieve a better development of the roots. Sowing A selection of the best trees is performed before taking the plant material to the field. For sowing, the bag is removed and the planting occurs by immersing the root zone to the soil, ensuring that the changeover zone remains at the ground level and compacting the soil around the tree to prevent air pockets. Fertilization In the activities of plowing and ripping, phosphate rock is applied in order to integrate this element to the soil. At the time of planting, the plants receive a dosage of 150 g / tree of the 15-15-15 compost and minor elements, adding 250 grams of organic matter per tree. Fertilization activities take place until the third year of planting. Weed Control Four (4) annual cleanings are manually executed after the establishment, in order to eliminate competition from grasses and weeds that can compete for space and nutrients with plants. Formation pruning Formation pruning is practiced in case of an infectious attack or any health problem or even when occurs the presence of malformed branches or bifurcation in the stems of plants. Table 11. Projection of thinnings and harvestings for Horizonte Verde Eucalyptus pellita, E. tereticornis Activity / Specie First Thinning Year 5, Intensity of 30% Second Thinning Year 10, Intensity of 50% Harvesting Year 15 v3.0 Acacia mangium Year 3, Intensity of 30% Year 7, Intensity of 50% 10 24 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 1.9 Project Location The Project area for the first instance, corresponds to the properties of La Pedregoza, El Toro, Canapro, El Diamante and Horizonte Verde, located at the veredas Caño Negro, Aceito, La Esperanza and Campo Alegre, in the municipality of Puerto Carreño (See Project Boundary Folder). Table 12. Geodetic coordinates of the central point, within the farms. Nucleus Canapro Farm Coordinate X Coordinate Y Bita 1,040,338.61 1,172,503.33 Caño Negro 1,033,726.78 1,145,425.19 La Esperanza 1,004,503.46 1,150,573.95 Las Maravillas 1,003,557.44 1,154,285.04 El Toro 1 978,189.56 1,171,384.59 978,216.79 1,168,405.35 La Pedregoza El Toro Sur La Pedregoza 1,038,893.26 1,163,248.50 El Diamante El Diamante 992,586.52 1,134,837.61 El Sinaí 970,745.19 1,105,251.76 El Reflejo 968,276.26 1,106,465.08 La Fenicia 965,269.87 1,107,016.73 San José 972,230.04 1,114,629.04 El Silencio 977,677.24 1,116,001.90 Pozo Azul 974,690.02 1,115,035.41 La Agonía 968,596.37 1,118,274.97 La Estaca 969,996.24 1,115,742.06 El Triunfo 983,664.04 1,114,753.83 La Payara 987,784.69 1,149,968.49 La concordia 986,765.04 1,115,441.17 Los Eucaliptos 965,479.28 1,116,924.84 El Pretesto 985,038.06 1,123,535.53 La Diversión 984,102.26 1,120,523.56 El Toro Nuevo Horizonte The project area has a total of 30,000 ha. The expansion area of the grouped project corresponds to the savannas of the eastern plains of Colombia, in the Vichada's department. 1.10 Conditions Prior to Project Initiation Baseline scenario is the same as the conditions existing prior to the project initiation (see section 2.4): livestock under conventional conditions of low productivity, little technification, occurrence of diseases and weak marketing systems. Besides, the dominant food and main source of dietary energy for livestock v3.0 25 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 are natural pastures with high level of lignification, therefore widespread slash-and-burn techniques and 1112 prescribed burns are used to encourage the regrowth of these pastures . 1.10.1 Description of the group project location Physical Characteristics 13 2 Puerto Carreño is the capital of the department of Vichada. It has an area of 12,409 km and is located at a height of 50 meters above the sea level. It borders by the North and east with the Republic of Venezuela (confluence of the Meta and Orinoco rivers respectively), by the South with the Tomo River and by the West with the municipality of La Primavera. Puerto Carreño is located among the coordinates X: 1,185,745.99 and 1,342,465.99; Y: 704,608.41 and 590,548.41 (UTM coordinates). According to Holdridge life zones, the project zone corresponds to moist tropical forest (Bh-T in Spanish). Temperature Records of temperature provided by different climatic stations, qualify the department as presenting a warm climate, with maximum temperatures occurring in the months of February and March with ranges between 25 - 36 ° C and the minimum in July varying between 23 - 31 ° C. The average temperature is of about 28, 8 °C. Figure 2. Monthly average temperature (°C) Puerto Carreño. Source: IDEAM 2012, cited by Pacheco et al 2014. Precipitation 11 Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia. 2005. Línea Base para la Planeación del Manejo Parque Nacional Natural El Tuparro. Disponible en: 12 Diagnóstico E.O.T. Puerto Carreño, 2010 13 EOT Puerto Carreño. 2010a v3.0 26 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Annual precipitation is of about 2,366 mm, with an average monthly rainfall of 197.18 mm. In winter the rains are heterogeneous (prolonged rainy periods of low intensity and periods of heavy rain locally called Chubascos). It has a unimodal rainfall regime, with a dry season from December to April and a wet season from April to November. Macro rain Time: From December to March the weather is extremely dry, while from April to November is highly wet and rainy. The prevailing winds come from the east, and are especially noticeable during the day as they cause huge clouds of dust in the summers above the bare soils. Macro Fluvial Time: Due to the south origin, the Orinoco River begins to grow normally before the Meta River. The maximum water level occurs in August, both in the Orinoco and Meta rivers, and gets down to the minimum in March (Diagnóstico E.O.T. Puerto Carreño, 2010). Figure 3. Precipitación anual (mm) Puerto Carreño. Source: IDEAM 2013, cited by Pacheco et al 2014. Relative Humidity Relative humidity shows a tendency toward dryness, with higher rates in the months of June, July and August; and smaller percentages of moisture in the months of February and March. v3.0 27 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Figure 4. Relative Annual Humidity in Puerto Carreño. Source: IDEAM 2013, cited by Pacheco et al 2014 Solar brightness Annually, the area receives approximately 2,215 hours, a condition that favors the establishment of fruit trees and the phenological development of different plant species of the ecosystem. The months with more available sunlight per year are December to April, with a monthly maximum of 292 hours in January. Figure 5. Annual solar brightness in Puerto Carreño. Source: IDEAM 2013, cited by Pacheco et al 2014. Winds Local winds and light breezes are present. The northeast trade winds contribute to the distribution of rainfall and to the origination of microclimates. They are presented with greater intensity during the dry season and can reach average speeds of 3.3 meters per second. Sporadically, during dry periods, strong winds can occur, causing extensive damage in the few crops present in the area. v3.0 28 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Figure 6. Annual Rose of winds for Puerto Carreño. Source: IDEAM 2013, cited by Pacheco et al 2014 Soils The soils of the Colombian high plains have a moderate to rapid drainage, with thin loamy textures and thick loamy textures. Soils are limited by their low fertility. Soils have high aluminum concentrations and low contents of organic carbon. They are classified as Ferralsols, and regularly are yellow to brown. The soils are generally located on the banks of the tables, its relief is flat to slightly undulated, with slopes ranging from 1 to 5%. Soils present laminar hydric erosion, slight to moderate and in some sectors they present zurales and termite mounds. The rainy season, influences the loss of the few soluble or interchangeable elements generating high soil acidity. Soil pH is generally less than 5.0; and during dry periods, the temperatures favor the polymerization of humic substances giving as a result the hardening of horizons and the cementation coming from the dehydration of iron compounds. Generally the soils Vichada's department are classified in the order of Oxisols characterized by the presence of the Oxic horizon. Soils are sandy and rocky (Guyana Shield) and present hardened levels in the soil profile or face problems of acidity, low fertility (lowland transition to the Amazon region). The largest soils correspond to the floodplain. The region present flat reliefs, deep and well drained, and developed from clay and thin sediments. Soils are developed and present very low fertility and low contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium while present medium contents of organic carbon and high concentrations of aluminum. Geomorphology The geomorphology of the Orinoco region is divided into two contrasting morpho-structural units: mountain region that corresponds to the eastern flank of the east range and the other, the Orinoqués domain represented by plains and savannahs. The high plains of the commonly named Llanos Orientales (eastern llanos) present a combined relief: 30% is occupied by the mountainous structure, and 70% is made of flat structures which are subdivided into: high plains that do not exceed 150 m and the rich alluvial plains in forests, diverse crops, livestock and local fauna. The flat Altillanura (highplains), as a particular landscape, is located at the south of the Meta River and includes much of the department of Vichada. It is covered by materials accumulated by the winds, leading v3.0 29 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 to landscapes formed by thin sand dunes. The relief is gentle with dissectional process. Extensive where rivers deposit sediments in a quasi-horizontally way. In the landscape of the high plains can be found small erosional valleys around the gallery forests; Broad and elongated erosional depressions of colluvialkind, can also be found in the region, leading to estuaries. Because the drainage is imperfect in large areas, flooding events occur during the rainy season, causing waterlogging of the soil, especially where water has a slow penetration. Each of these environments determine the vegetation and a greater or lesser development of the common species, especially trees and shrubs Soils are geologically formed by sedimentary materials accumulated in marine and coastal environments, redeposited when emerged the Eastern range, where they have been subjected to processes of weathering and deeply washing, reducing its mineralogical composition and therefore, impoverishing soils. The Altillanura (high plains) consists of alluvial Plio Pleistocenic materials, which were affected by the great fault line that runs and induces the flow of the Meta River and it has drains that go to the east and south and therefore the Altillanura do not only belongs to the savannas of the Meta-Orinoco region, but also they integrate the transitional area of the Orinoco and the Amazon. Hydrography The municipality of Puerto Carreño has different mainstreams as the Orinoco, Meta, Bita and Tomo rivers; As well as rivers of second order such as, Juriepe, Dagua, Negro, Avion, Muco, Chiquichaque, Terecay and Murciélago; and streams of third order that drain the previously mentioned rivers. The Scheme of territorial organization of Puerto Carreño (2010) describe the following basins: - Orinoco’s Basin The Orinoco basin is geopolitically shared by Venezuela and Colombia, with an area of 1,080,000 km2. Among the main Colombian tributaries are the Guaviare, Vichada, Tuparro, Volume, Meta and Arauca rivers, as they provide most of the Orinoco's Flow. The river network and basin surface, as well as the great length of the Orinoco River (> 2,000 km), allow to distinguish the existence of many different landscapes, landforms and biotypes along its course. These same characteristics in conjunction with the average slope (<0.01%) determine a transit time of water of significant biological importance. The average flow of the Orinoco River is calculated in 36.000m3 / s (1,1X10 12 m3 / year) which places it as the third in the world, after the Amazon. - Meta River The Meta River rises in the eastern cordillera (range). Its hydrological attribute depends on sudden changes in rainfall patterns from one period to another; the strong erosion in the mountains and the limited capacity of the river for water drainage; plus the fact that it serves as a collector of many other rivers in the plains, generating an underground layer whose level is found in wells and lowlands. This river gives the Orinoco River an annual average of 4000m3 / s. It has a navigable length of 730 km between Puerto Lopez and Puerto Carreño, with a fairly straight course without many meanders and ramifications, unlike other rivers in the department. Its West-East course forms the border between Casanare and Vichada and Colombia with Venezuela. v3.0 30 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 - Tomo River The Tomo River originates in the department of Meta. The main tributaries are the Tuparro and Tuparrito rivers and the Tuparro spout. There are other spouts such as the Urimica, Grande, Guairapali, Caviona, the Boral and the Negro. The river goes over about 606 km. - The Bita River The river originates from several streams that born in the high plains, by the west of Puerto Carreño. On its way from west to east, more than 200 km can be identified as navigable, mostly by small boats. Biodiversity Fauna In the Orinoco basin, converge fauna elements of the Andean, Amazonian and Guyanese shield, and others coming from large areas that function as ecotones (transition zones between Orinoco-Amazon, Orinoco and Andes). Neotropical savannas lack of specialized and endemic mammalian fauna as they 14 represent a mix of amazon and other wildlife surrounding biomes . Preliminary data for the Orinoco 15 region (without excluding the whole basin) presented by the National Biodiversity Report identified the 16 presence of 101 species, 72 genera, 26 families and 9 orders of mammals . Mamíferos Most mammals are located in areas near the gallery forests, they play an important role in tropical ecosystems, being crucial for the maintenance and regeneration of forests, through processes such as seed dispersal activities, pollination and frugivory. They also are integral components of the religion, culture and economy of the region, and they are used as food, pets and decorations by different ethnic groups. The next species an be found in the region: Venado sabanero (Odocoileus virginianus), venado colorado or soche (Mazama americana), venado cenizo (Mazama gouazoubira), puma or león colorado (Felis concolor), Tigre mariposo or jaguar (Panthera onca), Chucha de Oreja Negra (Didelphis marsupialis), Cucha roja real (Metachirus nuducaudatos), tunato común (Marmosa murina), oso Hormiguero Palmero (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), oso melero (Tamandua tetradactyla), oso trueno (Cyclopes didactylus), perezoso de tres dedos (Bradypus variegatus), perezoso de dos dedos (Choloepus hoffmanni), ocarro (Pridontes maximus), armadillo hediondo (Cabassous unicinctus), armadillo sabanero (Dasypus sabanicola), cachicamo (Dasypus novemcictus), murciélago vampiro (Desmodus rotundus), murciélago (Carollia perspicillata), murciélago (Artibeus planirostris), murciélago (Artibeus fulinginosus), mono araguato or cotudo (Alouatta seniculus), mono maicero (Cebus apella), mono cariblanco (Cebus albifrons), viudas or viuditas (Callicebus torquatus), perrito venadero (Speothos venaticus), zorro perruno (Cerdocyon thous), cusumbo (Nasua nasua), mapache (Procyon cancrivorus), cuchicuchi or perro de monte (Potos flavus), leoncillo or mico nocturno, (Bassaricyon gabbii), mapuro (Galictis vittata), nutria (Lutra longicaudis), perro de agua (Pteronura brasiliensis), tigrillo or canaguaro (Felis pardalis), tigrillo peludo (Felis wiedi), tonina (Inia geoffrensis), manatí (Trichechus manatus), danta (Tapirus terrestris), 14 Ojasti 1991 Defler and Rodriguez 1998 Chaves and Arango 1998 16 Morales et al. 2004 15 v3.0 31 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 zaino or báquiro (Tayassu tajacu), cerdo de monte, cafuche or chacharo (Tayassu pecari), ardilla colorada (Sciurus igniventris), ratón arrocero (Oryzomys capito), ratón aterciopelado sabanero (Oecomys speciosus), rata acuática (Nectomys squamipes), rata negra (Rattus rattus), Ratón doméstico (Mus domesticus), puercoespin común (Coendou prehensilis), chiguiro or capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris), lapa or guagua (Agouti paca), picure or ñeque (Dasyprocta fuliginosa), jabalí (Proechimys sp.), conejo sabanero (Silvilagus floridanus). Aves Birds can indicate the status of ecosystems, since they form part of the development of vegetation as they act as seed dispersers giving strengthening for the growth dynamics of vegetation in any type of plant cover (grass, shrubs and forests). In this region, most birds are located inside gallery forests, just one fifth one fifth are associated with rivers, estuaries and lagoons. In the Orinoquia region, there are more than 650 bird species, the most widely known are: heron (Mycteria americana), the gaván (Jaribu mycteria), sparrowhawk (Accipiter collaris), parrot (Aratinga acuticauda), macaws (Ara macao), the gallito de ciénaga (Jacana jacana), vulture (zamuro) (Coragyps atratus), the alcaraván (Burhinus bistriatus), the mochuelo (Speootyto cunilaria), pigeons (torcaza) and parakeets (Odontophorus guranensis). Reptiles y anfibios The habitat for reptiles and amphibians are mainly the rivers, streams, estuaries and lagoons and, in general, all kind of water bodies. The most observed species in the region are frogs (Bufo granulosus, Hyla crepitans, Hyla rostrata, Pseudis paradoxus), toads (Bufo marinus) morrocoy (Geochelone carbonaria), iguana (Iguana iguana), lizards (Ameiva ameiva, Tupinambis tequixin: mato, Ameiva bifrontata, Cnemidophorus lemniscatus, Tropidurus torquatus), snakes (Crotalus durissus: cascabel, Mastigodryas pleei, Micrurus isozonus, Pseudo neuwiedi, Tantilla semicincta). Finally, endemics reptiles and amphibians in this region are four frogs (Hyla minuscula, H. Wandae, Physalaemus enesefae y Pipra parva); the Orinoco alligator (Crocodylus intermedius), one turtle (Podocnemis vogli); nine lizards (Anolis onca, Bachia bicolor, B. Guianensis, B. Talpa, Gonatodes Bitatus, Hemidactylus palaichtus, Lepidoblepharis sanctaemartae, Ophryoessoides erythogaster, Tretioscinactus bifasciatus); and four snakes (Bothrops lansbergii, Crotalus vergrandis, Helicops danieli, 17 H. scalaris) . Endangered species The freshwater dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) and the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis), are threatened aquatic mammals. In mammals, the pressures on their habitat represent the greatest threat to species like the leopard (Leopardus pardalis) and the Cebus apella. The “llanero” caiman (Caiman intermedius) is emblematic of the area and one of the most studied crocodiles in the basin; it is of commercial importance, endemic and in critical need of conservation. The morrocoy and charapa turtles (Geochelone denticulata and Podocnemis expansa), are also in danger of extinction; locals consume the eggs or meat of these specie and they are hunted very young to be 18 exported as aquarium pets . 17 18 ICBF. 2014. Plan de Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos Regional Vichada. Governance of Vichada 2008, CORPORINOQUIA, 2004. v3.0 32 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Caiman intermedius (Photo by Gustavo Romero) Trichechus manatus manatus Leopardus pardalis ( (Photo by Joachim S. Müller) Figure 7. Some endangered species of the Orinoco region. Appendix I presents the list of species reported as endangered in the region, according to the UICN red list of threatened species, version 2012. Endangered species usually habit in natural savannahs, gallery forest and water ecosystems of the main rivers: Meta and Orinoco. Such covers are present within the project zone, and therefore such species use the project zone during some portion of their lives. No critical ecosystem services are going to be negatively affected by the project activities to people who live in the project zone, as there are not settlements located inside the project zone. Communities located inside the project area, live far away from the project zone and therefore no significant impacts have been identified for them. Flora The forests of the region are composed mostly of gallery forests 19 along spouts, rivers and streams. Table 13. Common species of the Perto Carreño’s municipality Common name Scientific name Espadero Rapanea Sp Guasimo Luehea Sp Guarumo Cecropia Sp Cedro Cedrela Sp Hobo Spondias mombin Punta de lanza Vismia Sp Hojiancho Hyeronima Sp Hueso Swartzia Sp 19 Covers that consist of woody vegetation located on the margins of permanent or temporary water courses (riverbeds, streams and canals) this type of coverage is limited in its scope, as it borders the waterways and natural drainages. It forms a narrow strip that runs on many occasions as wildlife corridors that serve to communicate isolated plant communities. v3.0 33 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Common name Scientific name Saladillo Caraipa llanorum. Tortolito Didimopanax Sp Anime aspidosperma Sp Guaimaro Pouteria Sp Laurel Nectandra Sp Palma de araco Socratea durísima Palma Cumare Astrocaryum chambira Palma mil pesos Jessenia policarpa Palma moriche Mauritia flexuosa 20 Parra-O, C (2006) describes de native plant cover of Puerto Carreño, according to the formed ecosystems, explained as follows: a) Flooded Forest These forests are located on the sides of the Orinoco, Bita and Meta rivers which generate seasonal flooding’s, letting them submerged during the rainy season. However, there are two types of flooded forest which differ by their position in the floodplain of rivers. The first one is located in the lower part of the floodplain and develops near the coast of the rivers, remaining flooded for several months throughout the year. The dominant species of these forest are Campsiandra amplexicaulis, Simira rubescens,Zygia cataractae and Symmeria paniculata. The second type of flooded forest is located in the highest part of the floodplain of rivers and near to the edge of the rocky outcrop where the dominant species are Eschweilera tenuifolia and Licania heteromorpha and in less proportion Zygia cataractae. a) Gallery Forest Corresponds to a uniform strip of forest vegetation with continuous canopy, with a variable width ranging from a few meters to 500 meters, located on the edge of water bodies and that are characterized by presenting a dense undergrowth forest with numerous lianas, palms and large trees. Soils are sandy and the pipes or spouts surrounding these forests are clear and dark. They are divided into flooded forests, gallery forests and well drained gallery forest. - Well drained Gallery Forest: Corresponds to the strip of gallery forest bordering with areas of welldrained savannas. It presents an underwood, more or less dense, with few palms, trees of at least 25 meters high and 90 cm in diameter, as the following species: Siparuna guianensis, Astrocaryum acaule, Parinari sp, Andira surinamensis, Erythroxylum cf amazonicum, Garcinia madruno, Virola cf elongata, Matayba elegans, Heisteria cf acuminata, Olyra latifolia, Ouratea castaneifolia, Hirtella elongata, Pera arborea, Abuta grandiflora, Socratea exorrhiza, Brosimum guianense, B. lactescens, Tachigali guianensis, Aspidosperma excelsum, Licania kunthiana, 20 Parra-O, C. 2006. Estudio General de la Vegetación Nativa de Puerto Carreño (Vichada, Colombia). Disponible en: v3.0 34 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Himatanthus articulatus, Jacaranda copaia, Licania subarachnophylla, Erisma uncinatum, amon others. - Flooded Gallery Forest: It is located in the floodplain of the streams and rivers that remain flooded in the Orinoco region for more than 6 months. Inside the Pedregosa reserve, the most representative forest is the Bita gallery forest and the most common species of this ecosystem are: Ocotea cymbarum, Licania mollis, Licania apetala, Mouriri acutifolia, Campsiandra implexicaulis, Duroia micrantha, Zygia cf inequalis, Leopoldinia pulchra, Virola surinamensis, Parahancornia oblonga, Xylopia emarginata, Bactris brongniartii, Astrocaryum jauari, Tachigali sp, Simaba orinocense, Acosmiun nitens, Buchenavia viridiflora, Tabebuia barbata, Macrolobium limbatum, Macrolobium multijugum, Vochysia obscura, Miconia aplostachya, Maquira coriacea, Quiina macrophylla, Copaifera pubiflora, Inga sp, Byrsonima japurensis, Mabea nitida, Licania apetala, Garcinia madruno, Scleria sp, among others. b) Savannas They are characterized by presenting a flat to undulated relief, with sandy loamy soils, with Eolic influence and can be separated from very well-drained soils and wet soils to slightly flooded. Around Puerto Carreño are two types of savannas whose physiognomy is mainly determined by the flooding regime to which they are subjected. Within these two types can be found the following types: Open Savannas: They are found mainly by the west of the Cerro El Bita (small mountain). The herbaceous component dominates in these savannas and it has numerous species of grasses, as the Axonopus anceps, Axonopus fissifolius and Hyparrehnia rufa. The shrub component is scarce and is represented by Mimosa microcephala that grows isolated between the herbaceous matrixes. The presence of trees is almost null, showing only some individuals of the American Curatella that grows scattered into the bush. Wooded savannah: It borders the gallery forest and due to its topographic position, remains flooded during the rainy season longer than the open savannas. Therefore, besides the herbaceous component dominated by grasses, it develops a dense shrub component in the limits of the gallery forest (scattered in the savanna) dominated by Mimosa microcephala and Tibouchina spruceana. In addition, it presents a greater quantity of tree species (and larger) than the open savanna, where the common species are Caraipa llanorum and to a lesser extent, Vochysia venezuelana and Mabea trianae. c) Dwarf trees It is a well-drained savanna ecosystem, covered by grasses and dicotyledonous forbs, but with predominance of tree and shrub species, such as Curatella Americana and Byrsonima crassifolia d) Morichales and Saladillales They are almost pure or mixed associations with predominance of Mauritia flexuosa present in moist or phreatic soils, with organic and acid soils. Morichales are dominated by species such as Cecropia Metensis, Mauritia flexuosa, Parahancornia oblong Xylopia emarginata, Xylopia plowmanii, Virola v3.0 35 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 surinamensis, Socratea exorrhiza, Calophyllum brasiliensis, among others. These morichales are located at the headwaters of the gallery forests. Figure 8. Natural vegetation. Mauritia flexuosa (Palma de Moriche). The saladillal is an association of Caraipa llanorum, mainly with other herbaceous species and some bushes, which grow on slightly flooded soils in the orinoquia platform. The most important species that are associated with Saladillales: Eriocaulon humboldtii, Syngonanthus caulescens, Limnosipanea palustris, Acisanthera uniflora, Byrsonima aff coccolobifolia, Chaunochiton angustifolium, Mandevilla scabra, Eriosema simplicifolium, Crotalaria sagitalis, Ipomoea schomburgkii, Curtia tenuifolia, Hyptis conferta, Ocotea sanariapensis, Cuphea odonelli, Rhynchanthera grandiflora, Pterogastra minor, Tibouchina aspera, Sauvagesia erecta, Andropogon virgatus, Panicum caricoides, Sacciolepis angustissima, Limnosipanea spruceana, Xyris savannarum, Poteranthera pusilla, among others. Natural Reserves of the Civil Society (NRCS) in Puerto Careño The NRSC are intended to contribute to the knowledge, consolidation and positioning of private conservation initiatives, through processes of sustainable use and management of biodiversity. The orinoquenses reserves are a quick answer of particular importance to the conservation of regional natural ecosystems and its biodiversity, besides of being places where traditional and sustainable productive systems are maintained. Table 14. Natural Reserves of the Civil Society (NRCS) in Puerto Carreño (2014) No. Reserva Natural Área (ha) 1 Bojonawi 1,293 2 La Ventana 1,293,7 3 Refugio Nimajay 2,012 4 Pitalito 3,202 5 Wakuinali 1,294 6 La Pedregoza 1,293 7 Chaqueva 962 v3.0 36 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 No. Reserva Natural Área (ha) 8 Irosebia 3,817.8 9 Simaruba 1,328 10 Serranías de Casa Blanca Total 21 Source: Pacheco, M et al, 2014 . 350 16,845.5 Current Land Use The natural base is composed of a variety of ecosystems that have high environmental sensitivity and are vulnerable to pressure from activities or projects that alterate their natural conditions, due to the implementation of agricultural activities, livestock, improper mining practices, the introduction of invasive species, deforestation and forest fires. At the same time, the exploitation and destruction of ecosystems is dramatically reducing populations of wild flora and fauna, affecting the quality of life of local communities. Among the different activities that have caused impacts on the ecosystem are include the following: Productive economic practices Deterioration of soils due to extensive crops and their intensification (expansion of the agricultural frontier) repeated burnings or fires Impact of the extensive livestock systems on soil, vegetation and natural fauna Occupation processes (colonization, installation of communication systems and electrical towers) Species of flora and fauna are endangered, the major causes are the habitat destruction, the expansion of the livestock frontier and intense extraction of individuals of wildlife. The predominant land use corresponds mostly to extensive livestock activities, with poor technological adaptation. In recent years, the planting of trees has increased, as well as the use of introduced varieties of grass. Livestock As for the cattle beef, a regional birth rate has being calculated in 30%, which results is less than half the national calculated average; attributable to poverty of minerals in natural grasses. Although the suitable soils for the development of livestock are few, there is the advantage of mobilization along the Meta River of high volumes at prices and times lower than the traditional herding system. Agriculture A high percentage of agricultural products are for personal consumption, due to determinants such as the land aptitude, the limited available labor and its engagement in farming production, production costs and 21 Pacheco, M., Peñuela, L., Solano, C., Galán, S (Eds.) 2014.. “Manejo Forestal Sostenible en plantaciones en la cuenca del rio Bita, Vichada, Colombia” Proyecto: “Fortalecimiento institucional y de política para incrementar la conservación de la biodiversidad en predios privados en Colombia”. Grupo Colombiano Interinstitucional de Herramientas de Conservación Privada (G5): Asociación Red Colombiana de Reservas Naturales de la Sociedad Civil (RESNATUR), Fundación Natura (FN), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), y Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia (PNN). Serie: Conservación de la biodiversidad en predios productivos. No. 4., 214 páginas. v3.0 37 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 transportation for large-scale agriculture and the limited technical knowledge regarding new productive lines and cultural practices required for their development. The low availability of financial resources limits the possibilities for producers to adopt production techniques that require agricultural inputs. Forestry sector Sawmills work "underground", unlicensed for operation and uncontrolled by the government. Sawmills are located in the floodplain of the Meta River, across the Vichada River and along the margins of the Tomo's river, exploiting the gallery forests which currently have serious problems of intervention with the potential loss of forest. 1.10.2 Description of Instance 1 location Instance 1 comprises the following five nucleus CANAPRO- Cooerativa Nacional de profesores The Canapro nucleus consists of two sectors within the area of influence of the Bita's basin, that are located on the route to Puerto Carreño - Casuarito, to respectively 20 and 80 kilometers away from the county seat. The first sector is called Bita due to its location at the margin of the Bita River in the area known as Paso Ganado, and includes three farms, called: La Herradura, Porvenir and La Sonora. The second sector is called the Caño Negro, for being located in the vereda that possess the same name. It includes 5 properties called Potra Zaina, Las Brisas, Laberintos, Potra Zaina 2 and Nuevo Horizonte. This nucleus covers 7,935 ha, which include 7,187 ha eligible for project activities (Figure 9). v3.0 38 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Figure 9. Canapro Nucleus The following maps present the soil types within the Canapro. El Bita: . - Soils Class VII: Includes soils with associations of ants (HOA 1) Chiquichaque (CHcd2-CHcd2-3), Eden (EDcd1) Teresitas (TEaby) and New Antioquia (NAcd1). Includes Flat to strongly broken soils, having one or more of the following limitations: continues floods, fluctuating phreatic water levels, low moisture retention, reduced effective depth, low fertility and high aluminum content. - HOa 1: Ant formation: Limiting flooding periods, fluctuating phreatic levels and low fertility. They have low aptitude for agriculture, except in some areas where subsistence crops can grow. They are soils suitable for ranching or forestry. - TEaby:Teresitas Formation: These soils have a well-defined location in the areas closest to the water streams. It includes deep and well drained soils that suffer from short-term floodings. Sandy and loam soils, sandy and clay soils, of dark brown to yellowish brown color. Highly acid with low fertility and low organic matter contents. Caño Negro: . - Soils Class V: They correspond to the Ceiba associations (CEaxa) Temblón (TMabl) Venturosa (VEay) of dikes and Orillares and community association (COabx) from Eolic origin. These soils v3.0 39 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 - - are flat and concave that generate waterlogged conditions for long periods. Soils of Medium to thin -texture with low fertility, acid, poor in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The Ceiba Association CEazx soils are concave and with slopes of less than 3%. The Parental material is composed of alluvial deposits covered by a thin eolic layer. Used for ranching mainly in dry seasons. Soils Class VI: These soils correspond to the Guayabal associations (Gua-Gua1) and Abeja (Abal) from high plains and Chiquichaque of the dissected high plains. Soils are flat and undulated with slopes ranging from 1 to 12%. In the convex areas with deep soils of medium to fine textures, good dreined. Chiqichaque Association CHbc1 whose top floors are of truncated profile, with abundant gravel (gravel) on the surface and sometimes ferric stones. On the slopes they are deep, of medium texture. They are used for ranching and forestry. Soils Class VII: Includes soils with Ant associations (HOa 1) Chiquichaque (CHcd2-CHcd2-3), Eden (EDcd1) Teresitas (TEaby) and Nueva Antioquia (NAcd1). It groups flat to strongly broken soils, having one or more of the following limitations: frequent floods, fluctuating phreatic levels, low moisture retention, reduced effective depth, low fertility and high aluminum content. HOa 1Ant formation: Limiting flooding periods, fluctuating phreatic levels and low fertility. They have low aptitude for agriculture, except in some areas where subsistence crops can grow. They are soils suitable for ranching or forestry. Figure 10. Types of soils, Bita and Caño Negro, Canapro Land uses: - - v3.0 FPRI: Arboreal species that can be exploited indirectly by collecting latex (rubbery) or fruit (Maranon) such as in the Block Bita. At the end of its productive extractive cycle, trees are harvested to obtain timber products. CT- sowings of grass, cassava and maize. 40 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 - - ZI- Construction zone, where two camps are located, along with the kitchen, a cellar, the well of water and the electric and fuel area. ZI: 3 infrastructure zone with camps, cellars, casinos, plants, etc, whose coordinates are behind. Figure 11. Land Use 2013. Bita. Canapro Figure 12. Land Use, 2013. Caño Negro. Canapro v3.0 41 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Fauna Canapro developed a baseline analysis to identify the species of fauna of the most representative focus groups. A total of 126 species of vertebrates have been found (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) belonging to 63 families and 32 orders in different ecosystems. For the forest ecosystem morichal have been identified 3 amphibian species belonging to 3 families and 1 order, 14 species of reptiles belonging to 9 families and 3 orders, 46 species of birds belonging to 25 families and 16 orders and 12 species of mammals belonging to 10 families and 6 orders. For native savannas, 1 species of amphibian have been found, along with 11 species of reptiles belonging to 9 families and 3 orders, 27 species of birds corresponding to 13 families and 7 orders and 7 species of mammals belonging to 5 families and 4 orders. In cultivated savannas, no amphibian species were found, but 4 species of reptiles were found belonging to 4 families and 1 order, 14 bird species in 9 families and 6 orders and 5 species of mammals belonging to 3 families and 3 orders. This information may be consulted by checking the characterization report of the document PMFS Canapro. Flora A total of 338 species have been found belonging to 83 families of plants of different ecosystems. For the gallery forest ecosystem, 101 species have been found belonging to 50 families; as for the flooded forest, 121 species and 48 families were identified. For the forest ecosystem morichal, 102 species belonging to 51 families have been identified; for high savanna, 100 species were identified belonging to 32 families while for the lower savannah only 80 species belonging to 34 families. This information may be consulted by checking the characterization report of the document PMFS Canapro. La Pedregoza The Pedregoza farm is located in the vereda of Caño Negro, a rural area of the municipality of Puerto Carreño, located approximately 67 km southward west away from the capital along the Casuarito road. The Pedregoza has an area of 2,652.16 ha, which include 7,187 ha eligible for project activities (Figure 13). It bordes on the north with the Bita river, by the northwest with the Caño Manati, by the south with the Merecure farm, by the southeast with the Caño Danta, by the East with the Nimajay Nature Reserve and the Normandy farm. v3.0 42 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Figure 13. La Pedregoza Nucleus. Eligible area: Non forest cover between 2001-2011. Types of soils According to the FAO classification (1965), the general study of soils of Vichada (1973) as seen in the IGAC maps, the property is classified as presenting soils Class VII and V (see description above). - v3.0 Chiquichaque Asociation (CHed2). Teresitas Asociación (TEaby). Ceiba Asociación (CEaz) 43 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Figure 14. Types of soils. La Pedregoza Land Use The current land use in the area where the forestry project is taking place corresponds to: - Gallery Forest - Flooded Fores - Savanna v3.0 44 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Figure 15. Current Land Use, 2013. La Pedregoza Fauna Studies performed in the project area have identified a total 207 species of fauna distributed in: 142 birds, 27 mammals, 16 fish, 13 amphibians and 30 reptiles. A detailed list of species can be found in the attached Management. Flora The latest study performed at The Pedregoza gave as a result, the identification of 391 species of plants of which 66 species are or have some timber potential. In addition 28 of these 66 species are found in well drained gallery forests, 29 were found in flooded gallery forests, 6 in the morichales and 3 in the savannas. A detailed list of species can be found in the Management Plan of The Pedregoza. El Diamante The farm El Diamante is located at the vereda Campo Alegre, 120 km away from the port towards La Primavera village. The property is bordered by other farms at the North, East and West, by the south with the road that goes from Puerto Carreño to the village of La Esmeralda. This nucleus covers a total of 4,215 ha, which include 3,139 ha eligible for project activities (Figure 16). v3.0 45 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Figure 16. El Diamante Nucleus. Eligible area: Non forest cover between 2001-2011. Types of soils Soils correspond to the soils classification class V (see description above). v3.0 46 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Figure 17. Types of soils El Diamante Land Use Currently the lands of the farm are dedicated to the development of reforestation activities. Planted Area (2012): Natural Forest: Roads: Native grasses suitable for plantings: v3.0 400 ha 200 ha 50 ha 1,623.9 ha 47 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Figure 18. Land use, 2013. El Diamante El Toro Located In in the Puerto Murillo inspection, vereda Aceitico, a flat and dissected area of high plains, located on the right side of the road that leads from Puerto Carreño to Puerto Murillo. El Toro is conformed by the farms La Esperanza, Las Maravillas, El Toro 1 and El Toro sur. This nucleus covers a total of 5,411 ha, which include 4,483 ha eligible for project activities (Figure 19). v3.0 48 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Figure 19. El Toro Nucleus. Eligible area: Non forest cover between 2001-2011. Types of soils Soils of flat relief; superficial to deep; poor and imperfectly drained; with floods in rainy seasons; thin to moderately thick textures; very acidic to acidic reactions (pH 4.5 to 5.5); low exchange capacity; low base saturation to very low, high aluminum saturation; high content of organic carbon in the topsoil and erosional zurales. Agricultural soils class VI. Land Use The current land use corresponds to natural grasslands, natural pastures and reforestation. Most of the high plains in the study area are used for ranching, with limited technological adaptation. The farm presents a type of vegetation typical of well-drained savannas with scattered trees and shrubs as well as low or wet savannas around the edges of the gallery forest. It also presents large watersheds with dense and long gallery forests, presenting orinocenses elements at the edges, and some Amazonian elements in the center. Flora v3.0 49 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 A total of 394 species were found in the property, belonging to 92 families of plants of different ecosystems. For the gallery forest ecosystem (BG), 140 species were found belonging to 59 families; for the flooded forest (BI), 129 species and 51 families; for the morichal (MO), 125 species belonging to 58 families; for high savanna (SA), 108 species belonging to 33 families and for the lower savannah (SB), 78 species belonging to 29 families. This information can be consulted at the characterization report of the Management Plan. Fauna For this pilot unit were found a total of 156 species of vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) belonging to 71 families and 34 orders of different ecosystems. For the forest ecosystem / Morichal, the following species were identified: 4 amphibian species belonging to 4 families and 1 order, 13 species of reptiles belonging to 7 families and 3 orders, 63 species of birds belonging to 27 families and 17 orders and 19 species of mammals belonging to 14 families and 7 orders; for native savannas were identified 1 species of amphibious, 8 species of reptiles belonging to 6 families and 2 orders, 40 species of birds corresponding to 15 families and 8 orders, 10 species of mammals belonging to 7 families and 5 orders ; in cultivated savannas no amphibian species were found, but 4 species of reptiles were found belonging to 4 families and 1 order, 22 bird species in 11 families and 7 orders and 4 mammal species in 3 families and 3 orders. This information can be found at the characterization report of the Management Plan. Horizonte Verde This nucleus is conformed by the farms El Sinaí, El Reflejo, La Fenicia, San José, El Silencio, Pozo Azul, La Agonía, La Estaca, El Triunfo, La Payara, La Concordia, La Diversión and Los Eucaliptos. Nuevo Horizonte covers a total of 15,606 ha, which include 14,396 ha eligible for project activities (Figure 20). v3.0 50 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Figure 20. Nuevo Horizonte Nucleus. Eligible area: Non forest cover between 2001-2011. 1.11 Compliance with Laws, Statutes and Other Regulatory Frameworks Regulatory frameworks Colombia is a party of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) and an active member of the ITTO (International Tropical Timber Organization). Colombia has also signed and adopted the following conventions and agreements: v3.0 - Agreement for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Paris, 1972. - Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species: wild fauna and flora. Washington, 1973. - Convention on Biological Diversity. Rio de Janeiro, 1992. - Colombia is active in the UNFCCC REDD+ negotiations where it supports market-based mechanisms and has been a vocal proponent of the idea that REDD+ should accommodate a stepped subnational approach, not only to Reference Levels and Monitoring Report and Verification (MRV) but also in terms of eligibility for phase 3 of REDD+ (results-based payments). 51 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 This interest in subnational processes is reflected by the fact that Colombia is a member of the advisory committee of the Jurisdictional and Nested Requirements (JNR) working group of the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) (VCS 2013). Colombia has ratified the UNFCCC (1995) and the Kyoto Protocol (2005) and has submitted two National Communications to the UNFCCC (in 2001 and 2010) (UNFCCC 2013). Colombia is a member of the World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and became a UN-REDD+ partner country in 201322. Colombia has an established Designated National Authority under the CDM and has at has more than one 23 registered CDM Afforestation/Reforestation project . Nacional Legislation - Act 139 of 1994 through which creates the forestry incentive certificate (Certificado de Incentivo Forestal - CIF) among others. - Regulatory Decree 1824 of 1994 through which Act 139 of 1994 is regulated - Regulatory Decree 900 of 1997 through which CIF for conservation regulated. - National development forest plan (Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Forestal, 2000). - Resolution No. 182 of 2008 of MARD, by which are fixed the procedures and requirements for the registration of agroforestry systems or forest crops for commercial purposes, and by which is adopted the format for mobilization. - Resolution 240 of 2008, by which the resolution 182 of 2008 is amended. - Act 1377 of 2010 that regulates the activity for commercial reforestation - Regulatory Decree No. 2803 of 2010, by which is regulated the Ac 1377 of 2010 about registration of forest crops and agroforestry systems for commercial purposes, protective-productive plantations and the mobilization of primary processing products, among others. - Resolution 058 of 2011, through which a delegation is created and formats are adopted for the registration and updating of the registration certificate, for the mobilization of wood and for the instructions for filling out the products from forestry crops, agroforestry and productive-protective plantations. - Resolution No. 000319 of 2011, by which are set the national average values of total net costs of establishing and maintaining per hectare of planted forest, as well as the maximum amount to be recognized in respect to the CIF ,and the incentive per tree for 2012. Departmental legislation - Resolution 200.41-11.1130 of June 22, 2011. This resolution defines the regional criteria for the development of forestry, agricultural and agro-industrial projects within the jurisdiction of CORPORINOQUIA. It also defines the environmental management measures (Medidas de Manejo Ambiental MMA) for the development of projects in the region. - Resolution No. 500.41-13.1571 from November 6, 2013, which makes some changes to the resolution No.200.41-11.1130 which did not consider the regulation of projects under 5000 hectares, that execute 22 23 v3.0 52 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 irrigation and drainage activities and that due to its ecosystemic importance, required to be regulated; subject to the regulations contained in resolution 1130 of June 22, 2011. Municipal legislation - Land management scheme (Esquema de Ordenamiento Territorial EOT, 2010) of the Municipality of Puerto Carreño. All instances comply with the legislation previously described as they promote reforestation in areas suitable for this purpose, and also promote the soil preparation practices and proper handling of the land, contribute to the mitigation of climate change by reducing GHG emissions, generate sustainable development through their activities and generate social, climatic and environmental co-benefits. 1.12 Ownership and Other Programs 1.12.1 Right of Use There are not ongoing or unresolved disputes or conflicts regarding land. The proof of title documentation ca be found on the attached document information (see Proof of title folder). 1.12.2 Emissions Trading Programs and Other Binding Limits The project does not reduces GHG emissions from activities included in an emissions trading program or any other mechanism, therefore, reductions and removals generated by this project will not be used for compliance under any other program or mechanism. 1.12.3 Other Forms of Environmental Credit The project has no intention to generate any other form of credits related to reductions or removals under the VCS program. 1.12.4 Participation under Other GHG Programs The project has not sought or received any other GHG-related environmental credit. v3.0 53 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 1.12.5 Projects Rejected by Other GHG Programs The project has not been rejected by any other GHG program. 1.13 Additional Information Relevant to the Project Eligibility Criteria Eligibility criteria: Covers of degraded savannahs. Operational capacity of the operator Demonstrate proper environmental practices consistent with the silvicultural requirements of the species planted Demonstrate that the project promotes gender equity and that do not incur in any kind discrimination Unrestricted species and arrangements Establishment of baseline conditions of the project in order to identify and quantify the social and biodiversity benefits of the implemented activities. It is expected that the expansion of the project will occur during the monitoring and verification of the previously validated instances. Meaning that at the time of the first project's monitoring, it may be possible to validate other instances, that comply with the eligibility, additionality and baseline conditions. In addition, all areas to be incorporated into the grouped project must meet the technical land eligibility criteria for carbon forest projects: No evidence of forest in the last 10 years. Greater than one has continuous areas. Forest Not fall into the category of wetlands Systems to implement in the future that meet the definition of forest parameters (minimum coverage cups 30%, minimum height of 5 m and minimum area 1 hectare in the case of Colombia). Leakage Management NA Commercially Sensitive Information No sensitive information has been generated and/or excluded from the public version of the project. Further Information No further information may have bearing the eligibility of the project. v3.0 54 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 2 APPLICATION OF METHODOLOGY 2.1 Title and Reference of Methodology This is an AFOLU A/R project that aims to reforest degraded lands, which are expected to remain degraded or to continue degrade in the absence of the project. The project is a grouped project. Title of 24 the methodology: AR-ACM003. Afforestation and reforestation of lands except wetlands. Version 2.0 . 25 The following documents are indispensable for application of this methodology : (a) Clean development mechanism project standards; (b) A/R methodological tools: 2.2 “Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality in VCS Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) project activities. Version 3.0, adapted from the CDM “Tool for the Demonstration and Assessment of Additionality in A/R CDM Project Activities” (Version 02); “Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks of trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project activities”; “Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks in dead wood and litter in A/R CDM project activities”; “Tool for estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM project activities”; “Estimation of non-CO2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from burning of biomass attributable to an A/R CDM project activity”; “Estimation of the increase in GHG emissions attributable to displacement of pre-project agricultural activities in A/R CDM project activity” Applicability of Methodology Applicability conditions of the Methodology Table 15. Applicability conditions regarding to the methodology applied. Applicability condition a. The land subject to the project activity does not fall in wetland category b. Soil disturbance attributable to the Compliance Through the analysis of land eligibility the covers environmentally fragile such us forests, lagoons, flood plains, wetlands and water bodies were excluded from project boundary (see PMFS). Besides, these covers are protected by the owners and the physical conditions of these ecosystems make difficult the establishment of plantations. Only pastures areas are subject to project activities. The project activity does not take place on organic soils. 24 25 These documents are available online at: v3.0 55 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Applicability condition Compliance project activity does not cover more than 10 per cent of area in each of the following types of land, when these lands are included within the project boundary: Land containing organic soils; Land which, in the baseline, is subjected to land-use and management practices and receives inputs listed in appendices 1 and 2 to the methodology AR-ACM003. The soils of the Colombian high plains have a moderate to rapid drainage, low fertility, high aluminum concentrations and low contents of organic carbon (Diagnóstico E.O.T. Puerto Carreño 2010). According to the soils study performed for the project area, the soils are loam – sandy, sandy-clay-loam, they have a low organic material content, and likewise contain low concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, Na (PMES El Diamante). In the absence of the project activity, the baseline is expected to remain as unmanaged grasslands (without receiving inputs such as listed in appendices 1 and 2 to the methodology AR-ACM003). Such grasslands under tropical conditions have less carbon compared to plantations and forest cover. Therefore, it is expected for soil organic carbon to increase less in the absence of the project activity relative to the baseline. Applicability conditions of the tools Table 16. Applicability conditions regarding to the methodological tools applied. Tool Applicability condition Compliance Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality in VCS Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) project activities. Version 3.0 a. AFOLU activities the same or similar to the proposed project activity on the land within the proposed project boundary performed with or without being registered as the VCS AFOLU project shall not lead to violation of any applicable law even if the law is not enforced. b. The use of this tool to determine additionality requires the baseline methodology to provide for a stepwise approach justifying the determination of the most plausible baseline scenario. Project proponent(s) proposing new baseline methodologies shall ensure consistency between the determination of a baseline scenario and the determination of additionality of a project activity. This tool has no internal applicability a. Forestation of the land will not lead to violation of any applicable law (see section 2.5). b. NA Estimation v3.0 of carbon - 56 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Tool stocks and change in carbon stocks of trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project activities (ARAM-tool-14-v4.2) Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks in dead wood and litter in A/R CDM project activities (ARAM-tool-12-v3.1) Tool for estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM project activities (ARAM-tool-16-v1.1.0) Applicability condition conditions This tool has no internal applicability conditions This tool is applicable when the areas of land, the baseline scenario, and the project activity meet the following conditions: (a) The areas of land to which this tool is applied: (i) Do not fall into wetland category; or (ii) Do not contain organic soils as defined in .Annex A: glossary. of the IPCC GPG LULUCF 2003; (iii) Are not subject to any of the land management practices and application of inputs as listed in the Tables 1 and 2 of the tool. (b) The A/R CDM project activity meets the following conditions: (i) Litter remains on site and is not removed in the A/R CDM project activity; and (ii) Soil disturbance attributable to the A/R CDM project activity, if any, is: • In accordance with appropriate soil conservation practices, e.g. follows the land contours; • Limited to soil disturbance for site preparation before planting and such disturbance is not repeated in less than twenty years v3.0 Compliance With reference to point (a), the areas of land project do not fall into wetland category (see above, Applicability of Methodology). With reference to point (b), the litter will remain on site and will not be removed in any site. Besides the soil disturbance is done by following appropriate soil conservation practices and it is only for site preparation before planting. Those practices include: Improve the physical and microbiological soil conditions, through the implementation of environmentally friendly and natural practices, such as applying natural fertilizers and mycorrhizae. Allow the surface of the exposed soil to keep its natural cover in order to reduce the incidence of direct sunlight, reducing the evaporation of water. This allows the thermal amplitude variability to be lower, favoring the plantations and the activity of soil microorganisms. Follow the harvesting plan of each species, responding to the needs of forest products. 57 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Tool Applicability condition Compliance The harvesting plan involves immediate replanting to maintain the soil cover and the sequestration of carbon. Roots, branches and other parts that are not useful during the harvest will be converted into chips or rolled pieces and then reintegrated to the soil to maintain the contents of organic material. Finally, the estimation of change in SOC will be accounted for the stand models with the species H. brasiliensis, P. caribaea and native species, due to these species have a rotation period longer than 20 years. Estimation of non-CO2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from burning of biomass attributable to an A/R CDM project activity (ARAM-tool-08-v4.0.0) Estimation of the increase in GHG emissions attributable to displacement of preproject agricultural activities in A/R CDM project activity (ARAM-tool-15-v2.0) 2.3 v3.0 The tool is applicable to all occurrence of fire within the project boundary. Non-CO2 GHG emissions resulting from any occurrence of fire within the Project boundary shall be accounted for each incidence of fire which affects an area greater than the minimum threshold area reported by the host Party for the purpose of defining forest, provided that the accumulated area affected by such fires in a given year is ≥5% of the project area This tool is not applicable if the displacement of agricultural activities is expected to cause, directly or indirectly, any drainage of wetlands or peat lands. Non-CO2 GHG emissions resulting from any occurrence of fire within the Project boundary will be accounted, provided that the accumulated area affected by such fires in a given year is ≥5% of the project area. The implementation of project activities do not cause displacement of agricultural activities. Project Boundary 58 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 The relevant GHG sources, sinks and reservoirs for the project and baseline scenarios are presenting below. Table 17. Selection and justification of carbon pools Baseline Source Above and below ground biomass Dead wood, Litter and Soil Organic Carbon Project Above and below ground biomass Dead wood, Litter and Soil Organic Carbon Burning of woody biomass Gas Included? Justification/Explanation Above and below ground carbon stock in the baseline is presented in the isolated trees and grasses. The pre-project trees are neither harvested, nor cleared, nor removed. These do not suffer mortality because of competition from trees planted in the project, or damage because of implementation of the project activity and they are not inventoried along with the project trees in monitoring of carbon stocks throughout the crediting period of the project activity. Therefore, carbon stock in the baseline can be accounted as zero. This is not a requirement of the methodology This is not a requirement of the methodology It is expected that carbon stock in these pools will not decrease due to the implementation of the project activity CO2 No CH4 N2O No No CO2 No CH4 No This is not a requirement of the methodology N2O No This is not a requirement of the methodology Carbon stock in above ground biomass is the major carbon pool subjected to project activity. Carbon stock in below ground biomass is expected to increase due to the implementation of the project activity. This is not a requirement of the methodology This is not a requirement of the methodology Carbon stock in these pools may increase due to implementation of the project activity CO2 Yes CH4 N2O No No CO2 Yes CH4 No This is not a requirement of the methodology N2O No This is not a requirement of the methodology CO2 Yes CH4 Yes N2O Yes Emission of non-CO2 GHGs resulting from the burning of woody biomass due to fire (GHGFF,t) is allowed under this methodology. Emission of non-CO2 GHGs resulting from the burning of woody biomass due to fire (GHGFF,t) is allowed under this methodology. Emission of non-CO2 GHGs resulting from the burning of woody biomass due to fire (GHGFF,t) is allowed under this methodology. Regarding to dead wood and litter in baseline carbon pools, it is expected that whose will not show a permanent net increase. Moreover, since carbon stock in SOC is unlikely to increase in the baseline, the change in carbon stock in SOC may be conservatively assumed to be zero. v3.0 59 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Historically cattle grazing have been the main land use in the Project area and selected as the baseline scenario. According to this and in agreement with IPCC Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (2003) the net GHG removals by sinks in the baseline equals zero. Emission of non-CO2 GHGs resulting from the loss of aboveground tree biomass due to fire (in the event that occur) is considered and calculated using the above ground biomass in trees of relevant strata in last verification and a combustion factor. The physical locations where reforestation activities take place are presented in Figure 21 Figure 21. Project boundary 2.4 Baseline Scenario The natural ecosystem in which the municipality of Puerto Carreño is located, has been dramatically intervened without any restrictions by the action of man, threatening the ecological balance. In an effort to ensure their survival (self-consumption), both, settlers and Indigenous peoples, have been using small plots "conucos" resulting from logging, an action that predisposes soil loss due to its highly eco systemic fragility. There is no doubt that the treatment that has been given to the natural vegetation and land use for agricultural purposes has generated fundamental changes in the physiognomy of different plant associations, affecting the fauna component (Municipio de Puerto Carreño 2012). The most representative ecosystems in the project area are: v3.0 Flooded Forest 60 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Gallery Forest Savannas Dwarf trees Morichales and Saladillales The land within the project boundary is degraded grassland for all cases of the grouped instances, as they all occur in the same department and municipality (see Sect 1.10.2). Such grasslands have historically been subject to burning activities that took place with the objective to reduce tree covers and 2627 expand grasslands in order to develop extensive cattle ranching activities . However, all instances conserve remnants of gallery forest and natural areas as shown in the following aerial photograph (Figure 22). This landscape corresponds to the land prior to the project start date, for the case La Pedregoza farm. 28 Figure 22. Aerial photograph of the Pedregoza farm, in the municipality of Puerto Carreño . It is evident in the last image, that within the project boundary (shaped with yellow dots), only degraded areas existed, but also some patches of natural forest bordering the main water streams. However, the dominant cover are the grasslands. 26 Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia. 2005. Línea Base para la Planeación del Manejo Parque Nacional Natural El Tuparro. Disponible en: 27 Diagnóstico E.O.T. Puerto Carreño, 2010 28 Photo taken by the project owner prior starting the project activities. v3.0 61 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 29 Figure 23. Photograph of the farm Toro 1 taken before the project start date . On the other hand, the instance of Reforestadora El Toro, took the last photo, prior to the project start date, in order to evidence the lack of natural forest and the presence of degraded and extensive grasslands. Few isolated trees could be found in the project area, but none of them were classified as endangered. 2.5 Additionality Considering the “Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality in VCS agriculture, forestry 30 and other land use (AFOLU) project activities Version 3.0 ” the next steps were developed: STEP 1. STEP 2. STEP 3. STEP 4. Identification of alternative scenarios; Investment analysis, or Barrier analysis; Common practice analysis. Step 1: Identification of alternative land use scenarios to the proposed VCS AFOLU project activity Sub-Step 1a: Identify credible alternative land use scenarios to the proposed VCS AFOLU project activity The identified alternative land uses in absence of the VCS forestry proposal are: 29 30 Cattle farming Photo taken by the Project coordinator Luis Miguel Navarro in July 15th of 2012. v3.0 62 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Extensive cattle farming is the ancestral most widespread form of land use in the entire Orinoco 31 32 33 region , , and the department of Vichada has more than 138,000 heads of cattle , with an average of 34 0,3 head of cattle per ha . The beef cattle’s farming has been a historical adaptation to the communities’ culture and to the conditions of regional ecosystems. Cattle’s farming is done by 90% on land with that kind of vocation, while cultivated areas occupy 32% of the land with agricultural potential. In 2008, 9.75 million hectares held a stock of 5,727,131 cattle heads, in the region equivalent to 21.3% of the national total (26,877,824 35 head) . About the production value and its value-added component, it is estimated that cattle farming represents 3.6% of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a significant percentage for an individual activity and especially for a rural activity in the country. This activity also represents 27% of the GDP in 36 the agricultural sector and 64% of the livestock sector at the national level . The firsts instances are located in the municipality of Puerto Carreño, close to the Bita’s river. Among the main economic activities present along the Bita’s basin (like the rest of the municipality), are the extensive 37 cattle ranching and the agriculture , constituting the second largest source of employment followed by 38 the state jobs . Forest plantations (without being registered as a carbon project) Colombia has a huge potential to develop commercial reforestation programs (around 17 million of 39 hectares suitable for forestry plantations establishment distributed in different regions of the country ). This country benefits from excellent climatic, geographic and topographic conditions for tree growth, and has the potential for forest plantations and also possesses the necessary geostrategic conditions to potentiate foreign trade, especially with the increase of treaties for free trade signed during the last 10 40 years . 41 For over 30 years, there have been trials of forest plantations in the high plains in the Orinoco region , but until now only very few, mainly non-native species have been promoted in the country such as Eucalyptus pellita, E. tereticornis, Pinus caribea, Pinus oocarpa, and Anacardium occidentale. Corporinoquia, Universidad de los Andes, The National Corporation for Forestry Research and Development of Colombia (CONIF), the Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research (CORPOICA), 31 Pacheco et al., 2014. Manejo Forestal Sostenible en plantaciones en la cuenca del rio Bita, Vichada, Colombia. Andrade et al. 2009. La mejor Orinoquia que podemos construir. 33 Gobernación del Vichada 2011. Plan vial Departamental Vichada 2011-2019Plan vial Departamental Vichada 2011-2019. 34 CONPES 3797, 2014. Política para el Desarrollo Integral de la Orinoquia: Altillanura - Fase I. 35 Universidad Nacional de Colombia. 2013. Caracterización Región Orinoquía. 36 Cuenca et al. 2008. El sector de ganadería bovina en Colombia. Aplicación de modelos de series de tiempo al inventario ganadero. 37 Pacheco et al., 2014. Manejo Forestal Sostenible en plantaciones en la cuenca del rio Bita, Vichada, Colombia. 38 Municipio de Puerto Carreño. 2012 . Plan de Desarrollo Puerto Carreño 2012-2015. 39 MICT, 2009. Invierta en Colombia. Trabajo, compromiso, ingenio. 40 Departamento Nacional de Planeación, 2015. COLOMBIA: Potencial de Reforestación Comercial. 41 MADR, IICA. 2005. La cadena forestal y madera en Colombia una mirada global de su estructura y dinámica 19912005. 32 v3.0 63 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), and the Gaviotas Research Center have carried 42 out research on the silviculture of this species . The increase of the forestry activity has also been present in the municipality of Puerto Carreño in recent years, with the establishment of introduced tree species such as the Acacia, Eucalyptus and Pine, 43 registering 3,247 ha planted in 2012 . On the other hand, according al Ministerio de Agricultura, forest plantations composed by only foreign species, are being supported by national regulations that attempt to finance forestry projects through the forestry incentive certificate (CIF). In 2012, the municipality of Puerto Carreño counted with 49 CIF registering, covering an area of 9,179 hectares all covered by introduced tree species, including Pinus caribea, Acacia mangium, Tectona grandis, Gmelina arborea, and 44 Eucalyptus pellita . Outcome of Sub-step 1a: Cattle farming Forest plantations (without being registered as a carbon project) Sub-step 1b: Consistency of credible land use scenarios with enforced mandatory applicable laws and regulations All the alternative land use scenarios outcome of the sub-step 1a are legal and enforced by mandatory applicable laws and regulations in Colombia and Orinoco’s region: Cattle farming Plan de Desarrollo, Departamento del Vichada 2012 – 2015. Field Program development engine; Subprogram: Competitive Livestock Development. This line of departmental work seeks to promote and implement the Vichada livestock development through the improvement of production and reproduction rates of livestock. Livestock Development Programme 2006-2019, the government's objective is to achieve by 2019 a herd of 48 million cattle heads in 28 million hectares suitable for livestock in 45 the country, that is, a capacity of 1.27 head/ha . Forest plantations (without being registered as a carbon project): Law 139 from 1994, which creates the forestry incentive certificate CIF National Plan of forestry development (2000) which states the importance of the inclusion of non-native species due to their ability to generate revenues in the short term. Law 1377 from 2010 that regulates forestry activities in the country Resolution number 200.41-11.1130 from 2011, which defines the criteria for the development of forestry projects in the jurisdiction of CORPORINOQUIA, which is the recognized environmental authority of the region where the project is taking place. 42 Andrade et al. 2009. La mejor Orinoquia que podemos construir. Municipio de Puerto Carreño, 2012. Plan de Desarrollo Puerto Carreño 2012-2015. 44 Pacheco et al., 2014. Manejo Forestal Sostenible en plantaciones en la cuenca del rio Bita, Vichada, Colombia. 45 FEDEGAN, 2006. Plan Estratégico de la Ganadería 2019. 43 v3.0 64 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 The Diagnosis of the potential of commercial reforestation, sets a goal to increase the commercial forest plantations, increasing the currently 364,000 hectares to 596,000 hectares. This sector is linked to two of the five locomotives promoted by the Santos government: the innovation engine, considered as one of the boosting green markets, 46 and agricultural locomotive . Outcome of Sub-step 1b: Cattle farming Forest plantations (without being registered as a carbon project) Step 2: Investment analysis The investment analysis was not applied. Follow to step 3. Step 3: Barrier analysis Sub-step 3a: Identify barriers that would prevent the implementation of the type of proposed project activity Investment barrier 17 million of hectares are identified in Colombia with potential to establish commercial forest plantation, 47 however only 253,066 hectares (1.5%) have been planted . WWF, 2015 concluded that 80% of wood and wood products are derived from the exploitation of natural forests, given that commercial 48 reforestation is neither economically attractive nor consolidated as a profitable activity . The very low level of economic activity in the commercial forestry sector is attributed to several factors, 49 among them: low rates of return, the high number of intermediaries , long production cycle, long periods between cash flow disbursements, high concentration of costs in the first years of production, long wait 50,51 for economic returns and difficulties in obtaining bank credits for these types of activities . 46 DNP 2015. COLOMBIA: Potencial de Reforestación Comercial. MICT, 2009. Invierta en Colombia. Trabajo, compromiso, ingenio. 48 WWF, 2015. Informe: causas de la ilegalidad de la madera en Colombia un estudio sobre los flujos del comercio de la madera, los actores y los impactos de la tala ilegal. 49 WWF, 2014. Datos básicos y elementos de contexto sobre el sector Forestal en Colombia. 50 Aldana, C. 2004. Sector forestal Colombiano; fuente de vida, trabajo y bienestar. Serie de documentación no. 50. Corporación nacional de Investigación y Fomento Forestal (CONIF), Bogotá. 51 CONIF y FAO, 2004. Análisis del Mercado Crediticio para el Sector Forestal Colombiano. 47 v3.0 65 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 52 53 There are no commercial bank lines of credit for long-term investments such as reforestation projects . Banks perceive the investment risk for this type of project as very high due to market limitations, the lack 54 of cash flow, and the long wait for a return on the investment . There are multilateral banking credit sources, but processing is quite complex. In comparison, ample lines of credit and financing sources exist for coffee and cattle farming (Banco Agrario) because of lower perceived risks, proven experience, and a steady cash flow. Cattle farming require a minimal investment (basically the purchase of cattle). This investment comes from the income earned with the sale of adult cattle. Additionally, this activity requires a very limited labor force, which is supplied by regional inhabitants who have worked for many years in the ranching sector. Given that this is an extensive activity, the region’s ecological conditions permit the supply of grass required for production. Lastly, this activity requires little infrastructure given that the management system consists of herding 55 cattle (to handling centers) across pastures that feed them until they reach a marketable weight . There are also tax exemptions oriented to promote the agricultural sector, including the article 31 of the law 812 of 2013 about the forestry incentive and the lay 788 of 2002 about tax exemptions. About 90% of commercial reforestations are supported by incentives and tax benefits given by the government. These incentives are not enough to stimulate the reforestation adequately. For example, the government created a risk capital in the Fund for Agricultural Financing- Finagro (with more than 30,000 56 million COP) to invest directly in the commercial forestry sector, however only 514 million COP were 57 used for forestry projects (0.99%) . The Certificado de Incentivo Forestal (CIF) has been created to support A/R activities. According to the Sectorial Forest Monitoring made in 2011 by Banco Agrario of Colombia, in 2008 the total resources 58 received by forestry sector trough government amounted to 51,281 Million COP . The biggest resources were used trough the CIF (35,000 million COP). It corresponds to 67.57% of resources available. Nevertheless, this money is not constant and high transactions costs of obtaining the incentive make it difficult to use (some projects have waited for more than three years for approval). The policies and procedures related to effectively obtaining this incentive are confusing and constantly changing. Further, the level of the incentive is relatively low in terms of the positive externalities generated by reforestation and the high opportunity cost associated with other uses of the land. Second, government 59 deficits often abort the supply of the incentive, even when projects have been approved to receive it . There is no appropriate information to identify the effectiveness of incentives and it is not possible to determine the real impacts over investors. If a project receives the CIF, it must decline the right to get 60 more incentives or tax exemptions that law gives for forestry sector . 52 CONIF y FAO, 2004 conclude that in Colombia we have no lines of credit that can be called forestry credit lines, with the exception of two very limited lines from the Banco Agrario (a state Bank) which specifically limit activities to “plantation and maintenance” and “harvest of trees” but are not focused to reforestation activities. 53 Aldana, C. 2004.: Sector forestal Colombiano; fuente de vida, trabajo y bienestar. Serie de documentación no. 50. Corporación nacional de Investigación y Fomento Forestal (CONIF), Bogotá. 54 FAO, 2006. Tendencias y perspectivas del sector forestal en América Latina Documento de Trabajo. Informe Nacional Colombia. Available at: 55 de la Hoz, J.V. 2009. Geografía Económica de la Orinoquia. Documento de trabajo sobre economía regional. 56 Currently about 183,000 USD 57 Marín, 2010. Financiación forestal, estímulos y exenciones. 58 Currently about 18,000 USD 59 Marín, 2010. Financiación forestal, estímulos y exenciones. 60 Marín, 2010. Financiación forestal, estímulos y exenciones. v3.0 66 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 In general, most of the government monetary resources mentioned before are mainly oriented to the setting of forestry species that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) promote as more suitable for Colombian regions. In the case of Vichada department the MADR only promotes to plant Eucalyptus pellita and Pinus caribea var Houndurensis as these are the only species that have access to the forestry incentive (Pacheco et al. 2014). VCus might generate the possibility to alleviate the investment barrier as the decisive barrier for this A/R VCS project activity by generating access to international capital due to early stage payments for VCUs. Infrastructure barrier (routes of transportation) In general, the departments of the Orinoco region have remained isolated from the rest of the country due to a lack of access by land routes. Infrastructure is thus one of the factors that have disadvantaged the development of the country’s forestry potential. On one hand, there is a tremendous lack of highways and railways in areas with forest resources, and on the other hand the nearby rivers are not, or not sufficiently navigable or they do not connect towards centers of consumption. Transportation costs represent 34% of 61 the value of forest products in the market . A large percentage of forestry products in the Colombian market is transported by roads, which is a negative factor given its high costs. According to the calculations of CORMAGDALENA, the cost of transportation by waterway is nine times lower than roads. The poor transportation infrastructure constitutes a costly constraint to the project activity because it hinders and prevents displacement of personnel, increases the costs of all silvicultural practices and timber harvesting, and increases the travel time of all access routes. According to the observed on field, transportation is very difficult especially during rainy seasons as the current roads, have been created by the cars themselves and they tend to flood and collapse in winter. Only full-equipped cars can move on the roads of the area. As exposed in Table 18, only 10.44 of roads have been paved and 386 kilometers are dirt packed road (unpaved road) within the department. Table 18. Kilometers of roads in the Department of Vichada Classification of Roadway Paved road Dirt packed road Dirt road Total Primary way 9.3 60.95 15.70 85.95 Secondary way 1.14 298.32 1,263.21 1,562.67 Terciary way 27.40 1,007.17 1,034.57 10.44 386.67 2,286.08 2,683.19 TOTAL Source: Secretaria de planeación y desarrollo Territorial del Vichada, tomado de Gobernación del Vichada 2011. According to the zoning study for forest plantations with commercial purposes in Colombia (UPRA, 2015), despite that the departments of Vichada and Meta have large surfaces for commercial forestry activities, the aptitude for this activity is low (dominant aptitude, according to the stablished classification). This 61 Refocosta, 2007. Comercialización de Madera en Colombia y sus oportunidades. v3.0 67 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 qualification is attributed to the lack of road infrastructure and logistics in forestry, as well as soil 62 limitations and ecosystemic restrictions, issues that affect the development of competitive markets . The project owner has to invest in infrastructure or in the maintenance of the existent roads to reach the plantations area and transport any equipment, materials, technology and tools needed for the work. These adverse conditions represent an important barrier that must be overcome by the technical team to guarantee the competitiveness in the national and international markets. Social barriers Lack of skilled labor and properly trained labor force The few communities that inhabit the project area do not have experience in reforestation. Their economic activity is based primarily subsistence farming and subsistence fishing. There is no local supply of labor with experience in forestry, so training is more costly and skilled labor must be paid a higher wage to move them from other regions of the country to this remote region, mostly from regions such as Cordoba, Meta, Antioquia, and Boyacá. The population density in the department of Vichada is very low 2 (1.8 inhabitants per km ) and therefore insufficient to supply the labor requirements of the project activity. The project owner has to recognize all these obstacles and has to overcome these technical barriers. Part of the capacity work could be financed by the income of the carbon credits. Forestry plantations in the region of Puerto Carreño, commonly lack of financial and technical planning as they have not clarity in relation to the markets, species, forestry development, sustainable use of soils, and more important, they did not have clarity about their objectives of production, among others. Which means that in most cases, activities are being coordinated by people without professional or technical background in forestry in addition to the lack of technical assistance from the local authority CORPORINOQUIA. Around 80% of the projects being executed in the municipality, don’t have knowledge or experience in areas related to ecosystem services and they don’t count with formal procedures related to industrial safety, waste management or labor regulations (Pacheco et al., 2014). Sub-step 3b. Show that the identified barriers would not prevent the implementation of at least one of the alternative land use scenarios (except the proposed project activity): Forest plantations with or without native species, without carbon revenues face all the identified barriers. Extensive cattle farming is the land use alternative that does not face any of the identified barriers. For example, if there are not investors even private or public, cattle ranching becomes the most popular activities, as it requires in most cases, only money to obtain the animals. Therefore, extensive cattle farming is the baseline scenario (Table 19). The grouped project with carbon revenues will alleviate the identified barriers. Table 19. Summary of barriers faced for alternative use scenarios Project alternative Barrier faced 62 Unidad de planificación de tierras rurales, adecuación de tierras y usos agropecuarios, UPRA, 2015. Zonificación para plantaciones forestales con fines comerciales – Colombia. v3.0 68 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Project alternative Barrier faced Cattle farming No barriers faced Forest plantations (without being registered as a carbon project) Investment barrier, Infrastructure barrier (routes of transportation), Social barriers Step 4: Common practice analysis Among the forestry projects currently executed in the municipality of Puerto Carreño, 16 from 17 projects, use around three different species, all introduced, resulting in 52% of the total planted. The other half, use between 4 and 6 introduced species and only few cases register the use of native species, but none of 63 the initiatives attempt to participate in the sale of carbon credits . According to the same source, it is clear enough that private companies and even the government institutions are encouraging the growth of the forestry sector with introduced species that affect the genetic biodiversity. Locally, it is noted that forestry development around the Bita’s river in the municipality of Puerto Carreño, has become popular in the recent years, as investors are aware about the economic benefits of forest plantations. However, most of the planted area, has been developed without following technical procedures and methodologies avoiding the full development of this sector. Unplanned harvesting, poor growth of species, lack of interest about the conservation of natural resources are among the main characteristic of these areas (Pacheco et al., 2014). The proposed project activity aims to change the current land use to reforestation, and plant about 8,000 ha in the remote region of the Orinoco, where the dominant economic and cultural activity has been and continues to be extensive cattle ranching. Financial revenues from carbon sequestration will help investors to offset the risks of investing in the area and the high costs of accessing distant markets for the future sale of timber. The sale of certificates of emission reduction is part of the main sources of additional income to the project. In addition, the project seeks to promote the technical development of forestry plantations, by using methods and procedures that allow the well development of the planted area, the inclusion of native species in order to contribute to the sustainable use of the environment and of the landscape and the constant flow of revenues. Therefore, the current initiative will alleviate the common characteristics of the plantations explained before, in order to improve the forestry sector in the area. 2.6 Methodology Deviations Not applicable 3 QUANTIFICATION OF GHG EMISSION REDUCTIONS AND REMOVALS 3.1 63 Baseline Emissions Pacheco et al., 2014. Manejo Forestal Sostenible en plantaciones en la cuenca del rio Bita, Vichada, Colombia. v3.0 69 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 According to the A/R Large-scale Consolidated Methodology, Afforestation and reforestation of lands except wetlands, Version 02.0, the baseline estimation is given as follows: Δ𝐶𝐵𝑆𝐿,=Δ𝐶𝑇𝑅𝐸𝐸_𝐵𝑆𝐿,+Δ𝐶𝑆𝐻𝑅𝑈𝐵_𝐵𝑆𝐿,+Δ𝐶𝐷𝑊_𝐵𝑆𝐿,+Δ𝐶𝐿𝐼_𝐵𝑆𝐿, Where: Δ𝐶𝐵𝑆𝐿,= Δ𝐶𝑇𝑅𝐸𝐸_𝐵𝑆𝐿,= Δ𝐶𝑆𝐻𝑅𝑈𝐵_𝐵𝑆𝐿,= Δ𝐶𝐷𝑊_𝐵𝑆𝐿,= Δ𝐶𝐿𝐼_𝐵𝑆𝐿,= Baseline net GHG removals by sinks in year 𝑡; t CO2e Change in carbon stock in baseline tree biomass within the project boundary in year 𝑡, as estimated in the tool “Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks of trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project activities”; t CO2e Change in carbon stock in baseline shrub biomass within the project boundary in year 𝑡, as estimated in the tool “Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks of trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project activities”; t CO2e Change in carbon stock in baseline dead wood biomass within the project boundary, in year 𝑡, as estimated in the tool “Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks in dead wood and litter in A/R CDM project activities”; t CO2e Change in carbon stock in baseline litter biomass within the project boundary, in year 𝑡, as estimated in the tool “Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks in dead wood and litter in A/R CDM project activities”; t CO2e Δ𝐶𝑇𝑅𝐸𝐸_𝐵𝑆𝐿 can be accounted as zero due to all of the following conditions are met: (a) The pre-project trees are neither harvested, nor cleared, nor removed throughout the crediting period of the project activity; (b) The pre-project trees do not suffer mortality because of competition from trees planted in the project, or damage because of implementation of the project activity, at any time during the crediting period of the project activity; (c) The pre-project trees are not inventoried along with the project trees in monitoring of carbon stocks but their continued existence, consistent with the baseline scenario, is monitored throughout the crediting period of the project activity. Δ𝐶𝑆𝐻𝑅𝑈𝐵_𝐵𝑆𝐿, conservatively is assumed to be zero in the baseline scenario, due to changes in carbon stock of above- and below-ground biomass of non-tree vegetation of the degraded land in baseline scenario, is not possible. 3.2 Project Emissions Increase in non-CO2 GHG emissions within the project boundary as a result of the implementation of the A/R VCS project activity, in year t, as estimated in the tool “Estimation of non-CO2 GHG emissions resulting from burning of biomass attributable to an A/R CDM project activity”; t CO2-e. Considering equation 1 of this tool: GHGE,t = GHGSPF,t + GHGFMF,t + GHGFF,t Where: v3.0 70 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 GHGE,t = Emission of non-CO2 GHGs resulting from burning of biomass and forest fires within the project boundary in year t; t CO2-e GHGSPF,t = Emission of non-CO2 GHGs resulting from use of fire in site preparation in year t; t CO2e GHGFMF,t = Emission of non-CO2 GHGs resulting from use of fire to clear the land of harvest residue prior to replanting of the land or other forest management, in year t; t CO2-e GHGFF,t = Emission of non-CO2 GHGs resulting from fire in year t; t CO 2-e t= 1, 2, 3, … years counted from the start of the A/R project activity Slash-and-burn is a common practice in the baseline, and fire has been used in the area at least once during the period of ten years preceding the start of the project activity and the cleaning of the land of harvest residue prior to replanting does not include use of fire. Considering these conditions, GHGFMF,t = 0. Emission of non-CO2 GHGs resulting from the loss of aboveground tree biomass due to fire is calculated using the above ground biomass in trees of relevant strata in last verification and a combustion factor. Then, ex ante estimations of GHGFF,t are considered as zero. 3.3 Leakage According to methodology AR-ACM0003, version 2.0, the leakage that could occur as a result of the project shall be estimated as follows: LKt = LKAGRIC,t Where: LKt = LKAGRIC,t = GHG emissions due to leakage, in year t; t CO2-e Leakage due to the displacement of agricultural activities in year t, as estimated in the tool “Estimation of the increase in GHG emissions attributable to displacement of preproject agricultural activities in A/R CDM project activity”; t CO 2-e At the time of the project’s implementation, the properties were not being used for cattle or it was not significant. The few animals in the project boundary were displaced to existing grazing lands in the region, subject to the same conditions as baseline. Leakage emission attributable to the displacement of grazing activities is considered insignificant and hence accounted as zero. 3.4 Net GHG Emission Reductions and Removals Actual net GHG removals by sinks were calculated as follows: Where: v3.0 71 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Actual net GHG removals by sinks, in year t; t CO 2- e Change in the carbon stocks in project, occurring in the selected carbon pools, in year t; t CO2-e Emission of non-CO2 GHGs resulting from burning of biomass and forest fires within the project boundary in year t; t CO2-e And, = Change in carbon stock in tree biomass in project in year t, as estimated in the tool “Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks of trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project activities”; t CO2-e. = Change in carbon stock in shrub biomass in project in year t, as estimated in the tool “Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks of trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project activities”; t CO2-e. = Change in carbon stock in dead wood in project in year t, as estimated in the tool “Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks in dead wood and litter in A/R CDM project activities”; t CO2-e. = Change in carbon stock in litter in project in year t, as estimated in the tool “Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks in dead wood and litter in A/R CDM project activities”; t CO2-e. = Change in carbon stock in SOC in project in year t, in areas of land meeting the applicability conditions of the tool “Tool for estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM project activities”, as estimated in the same tool; t CO2-e. For the introduce species, estimation of was made by modelling the stand development, using the information regarding the growth of the species in Colombia (Table 20). In the case of the eucalyptus and pines a von Bertalanffy model was parameterized; for H. brasiliensis the model was adjusted by a non linear regression; and A. mangium was used the equations provided for Torres y Del Valle (2007). Table 20. Used equations for modelling tree stand growth. V: volume in plantations (m3/ha); Gb: basal area; IS: site index; C= carbon content in total biomass (tC/ha). Specie Models Acacia mangium V= a*Gb^b; a: 2.7593; b: 1.4871 Gb= IS*(1-exp(-0.175*t))/(1-exp(- 64 Sources, location Torres y Del Valle 2007 Cordoba (Colombia) 64 Torres D. y J.I Del Valle. 2007. Growth and yield modelling of Acacia mangium in Colombia. v3.0 72 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Specie Models Sources, location 2.36t0)) E. tereticornis Mathematical approach 3 V = A* (1-exp(-b* t)) ; A: 142; b: 0.2913 Data from Vega y González 2003 Villanueva, Casanare (Colombia) Hevea brasiliensis Regression model 3 C = A* (1-exp(-b* t)) ; A: 118.59; b: 0.2212; R2: 94% Data from ITTO et al. (2004) , Nieves & 66 67 Buitrago (2005) , González (2006) , Jurado 68 & Pérez (2007) Doncello-Caquetá, Putumayo-Mocoa y Opón-Santander Pinus caribaea Mathematical approach 3 V = A* (1-exp(-b* t)) ; A: 225.7; b: 0.2042 Data from Vega y González 2003 Villanueva, Casanare (Colombia) Eucalyptus pellita 65 The volume values (m3/ha), were converted to aboveground biomass (tBa/ha) using the next parameters: Table 21. Wood density (D) and Biomass Expansion Factor related to stock biomass data (BEF 2) used to convert volume values to aboveground biomass. D BEF2 Specie Value Source Value Source 69 Acacia mangium 0.45 Orwa et al. 2009 Eucalyptus tereticornis 0.53 Giraldo et al. 2014 Eucalyptus pellita 0.53 Giraldo et al. 2014 Pinus caribaea 0.55 Trujillo 2011 70 2 IPCC 2003, Annex 3A.1.10 1.2 65 Organización Internacional de Maderas Tropicales –OIMT, Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial, CIPAV y Econometria S.A., 2004. Utilización industrial de la madera del caucho en Colombia. Presentación del estudio Abril 1 de 2004 66 Nieves, H., C. Buitrago, J. Moreno y J. Burgos. 2005. Evaluación de los niveles de remoción de CO2 efectuada por plantaciones de caucho Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg. en Colombia 67 González, A. 2006. Remoción de CO2 y secuestro de carbono en las plantaciones de caucho Hevea brasiliensis en el proyecto forestal Cararé - Opón. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales. Proyecto Curricular de Ingeniería Forestal 68 Jurado, A.M. & Pérez, E. 2007. Cuantificación de carbono almacenado en la biomasa aérea en caucho Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. en el municipio de Mocoa, departamento de Putumayo. 69 Agroforestry Database 4.0 (Orwa et al.2009) 70 Giraldo Charria D. L., Nieto Rodríguez V. M., Sarmiento M., Borralho N. (2014) Estimación indirecta de la densidad de la madera mediante el uso de pilodyn en la selección de clones de Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell. Colombia Forestal, 17(2), 181-192. Villanueva, Casanare. v3.0 73 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 For the other species, the stand growth was estimated using the annual above ground net increment in volume and biomass in plantations (IMAVol and IMAB). Table 22. IMAVol: annual above ground net increment in volume in plantations by species (m3/ha/yr); D: Wood density. Specie Source IMAVol D 5.93 0.42 Cordero, J. & Boshier, D.H. (eds) 2003 71 Cedrela odorata 11 0.48 Trujillo 2007 72 Dipteryx panamensis 5.3 0.72 Cordero, J. & Boshier, D.H. (eds) 2003 Enterolobium cyclocarpum 9.2 0.35 Cordero, J. & Boshier, D.H. (eds) 2003 Gmelina arborea 11.9 0.42 17 0.20 Cordero, J. & Boshier, D.H. (eds) 2003 4.302 0.38 Quijada et al. 1998 ; Orton Catie Samanea saman 10 0.42 Cordero, J. & Boshier, D.H. (eds) 2003 Swietenia macrophylla 10 0.40 Calophyllum lucidum Ochroma pyramidale Pachira quinata IPCC 2003, Annex 3A.1.7; Rojas et al 2004 73 74 IPCC 2003, Annex 3A.1.7; Trujillo 2007 75 IMAB = IMAVol * D * BEF1; where BEF1 is the Biomass Expansion Factor related to increment biomass data BEF1 =1.3 (IPCC 2003, Annex 3A.1.10) Table 23. IMAB: annual above ground net increment in aboveground biomass in plantations by species (m3/ha/yr). Specie IMAB Source Calophyllum lucidum 4.98 Cedrela odorata 10.56 Dipteryx panamensis 7.63 where Enterolobium cyclocarpum 6.44 BEF1 = 1.3 (IPCC 2003, Annex 3A.1.10) Gmelina arborea 9.99 Calculated through equation IMAB = IMAVol * D * BEF1 IMAVol and D from Table 22 71 Cordero, J. & Boshier, D.H. (eds) 2003, Árboles de Centroamérica: un Manual para Extensionistas 73 Rojas, Freddy; D. Arias; R. Moya; A. Meza; O. Murillo y M. Arguedas (2004) “Manual para productores de Melina Gmelina arbórea en Costa Rica”. Cartago. 74 Marcelino Quijada, Vicente Garay y Lino Valera. 1998. Resultados de un ensayo de progenies de Saqui-saqui (bombacopsis quinata (jacq.) Dugand) a los 15 años de edad, establecido en la unidad experimental, reserva forestal Caparo, Barinas – Venezuela. 75 72 v3.0 74 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Specie Source IMAB Ochroma pyramidale 6.80 Pachira quinata 3.27 Samanea saman 8.40 Swietenia macrophylla 8.00 Eucalyptus introgresion 6.4 IPCC Annex 3A.1.6; Moist with Long Dry Season 3.2 IPCC Annex 3A.1.6; Moist with Long Dry Season Acosmiun nitems Anadenanthera peregrina Chlorophora tinctoria Copaifera aromatica Hura crepitans Hymenaea courbaril Jacaranda obustifolia Ocotea symbarum Pseudosamanea guachapele Simarouba amara average weighted IMAB 4.91 76 Segura et al 2006 , Anacardium occidentale 3.17 log10(BA) = -0,834 + 2,223 (log10D) 1 Max DBH 15-25 cm; FAO 1982 1 Biomass equation for agroforest species, recommended by Yepes et al. IDEAM 2011 77 Finally, the IMAB for the species listed in Table 22 and Table 23 (except A. occidentale) was calculated as the average weighted based on the planted area. For all cases (except for H. brasiliensis), following equations were applied to obtain the total biomass (including below ground biomass),: Rj = exp[-1.085+0.9256*ln(b)]/b 76 Segura, M., Kanninen, M. & Suárez, D. 2006. Allometric models for estimating aboveground biomass of shade trees and coffee bushes grown together. Agroforest Syst 68: 143-150. 77 Yepes A.P., Navarrete D.A., Duque A.J., Phillips J.F., Cabrera K.R., Álvarez, E., García, M.C., Ordoñez, M.F. 2011. Protocolo para la estimación nacional y subnacional de biomasa - carbono en Colombia. Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología, y Estudios Ambientales-IDEAM-. Bogotá D.C., Colombia. 162 p. v3.0 75 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 bTREE = b * (1+Rj) -1 b: Aboveground tree biomass per hectare in year t (t.d.m.ha ) Rj: Root - shoot ratio for the trees, dimensionless. This equation was used in accordance with Cairns 78 et al. 1997 , suggested by the A/R Methodological tool: “Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks of trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project activities Version 04.2” -1 bTREE: Total tree biomass per hectare in year t (t.d.m. ha ) Carbon stock in project trees biomass (tCO2e) was calculated assuming the tree planting plan presented in Table 2, and using the following equation: CTREE_PROJ,t = bTREE * Ai * CF * 44/12 CTREE_PROJ,t : bTREE: Ai: CF: Carbon stock in project trees biomass; tCO2e -1 Total tree biomass per hectare in year t (t.d.m. ha ) Area of strata i 79 Carbon fraction of tree biomass; t C (t.d.m.). A default value of 0.47 t C (t.d.m.) is used . Change in carbon stock in tree biomass in project in year t, was estimated as: = Change in carbon stock in trees within the project boundary in year t; tCO2e = Carbon stock in trees at time t2; tCO2e = Carbon stock in trees at time t1; tCO2e = Time elapsed between two successive estimations (T= t2 – t1); yr Ex post estimation of change in carbon stock in trees in the project will be estimated considering the availability of economic resources to develop a new allometric equation using the plots data information (Dbh and height). Then will be demonstrated if this equation is appropriate for the purpose of estimation of tree biomass by applying the tool “Demonstrating appropriateness of allometric equations for estimation of aboveground tree biomass in A/R CDM project activities”. Otherwise, a Biomass expansion factor technique will be used. It may even be necessary to evaluate the possibility of restratifying the project boundary, according to the development of the stand models, it would enable the union of several strata in order to optimize the costs and improving the outcomes in forest inventories. Soil organic Carbon 78 Cairns, M.A., Brown, S., Helmer, E.H. & Baumgardner, G.A. 1997. Root biomass allocation in the world’s upland forest. Oecologia 111: 1 – 11 79 According to A/R Methodological tool: Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks of trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project activities Version 04.2. v3.0 76 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Estimations of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks will be accounted for the stand models with the species H. brasiliensis, P. caribaea and native species, due to these species have a rotation period longer than 20 years. Estimations were done in accordance to the “Tool for the estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM project activity”. As suggested by the guidance, it is assumed that the implementation of the project activity increases the SOC content of the lands from the pre-project level to the level that is equal to the steady-state SOC content under native vegetation. The increase in SOC content in the project scenario takes place at a constant rate over a period of 20 years from the year of planting. The areas of land to which the tool is applied do not fall into wetland category, do not contain organic soils and are not subject to any of the land management practices and application of inputs listed in Tables 1 and 2 of the tool. The initial SOC stock at the start of the Project is estimated as follows: Where, = SOC stock at the beginning of the A/R project activity in stratum i of the areas of land; tC -1 ha =Reference SOC stock corresponding to the reference condition in native lands (i.e. nondegraded, unimproved lands under native vegetation – normally forest) by climate region -1 and soil type applicable to stratum i of the areas of land; tC ha = Relative stock change factor for baseline land-use in stratum i of the areas of land; dimensionless = Relative stock change factor for baseline management regime in stratum i of the areas of land; dimensionless = Relative stock change factor for baseline input regime (e.g. crop residue returns, manure) in stratum i of the areas of land; dimensionless The values of de la referencia. are presented in Table 24 and ¡Error! No se encuentra el origen Table 24. Parameters used for the estimation of the soil organic carbon (SOC) Parameter v3.0 Symbol Value Source (SOC estimation tool, V01.1.0) 77 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Parameter Symbol Value Reference SOC (tC/ha) SOCREF,i 47 Land use factor fLU ,i 1 Management factor f MG,i 0.7 Input factor fIN,i 1.0 SOC at the beginning of the project activity SOCinitial,i 32.9 Source (SOC estimation tool, V01.1.0) Table 3 of the tool; Tropical moist, 80 Soils with low activity clay (LAC) Table 6 of the tool; All permanent grassland Table 6 of the tool; Lands are identified as degraded lands. Table 6 of the tool; Grasslands without input of fertilizers Calculated, with Eq. above described Then, the rate of change in SOC stock in project scenario until the steady state is reached is estimated as follows = Change in carbon stock in trees within the project boundary in year t; tCO2e = SOC stock at the beginning of the A/R project activity in stratum i of the areas of land; -1 tC ha =Reference SOC stock corresponding to the reference condition in native lands (i.e. nondegraded, unimproved lands under native vegetation normally forest) by climate region -1 and soil type applicable to stratum i of the areas of land; tC ha = Loss of SOC caused by soil disturbance attribuible to the A/R project in stratum i of the -1 areas of land; tC ha In the case of the soil disturbance attributable to project activity and for which the total area disturbed, over and above the area is less than 10% of the area of the stratum. Then the carbon loss is assumed as zero. The resultant value applying the equation above, is dSOCt,i = 0.71 The change in SOC stock for all the strata of the areas of land, in year t, is calculated as indicated in equation 8 of the tool. 80 Soils with low activity clay (LAC) minerals are highly weathered soils, dominated by 1:1 clay minerals and amorphous iron and aluminium oxides (in WRB classification includes Acrisols, Lixisols, Nitisols, Ferralsols, Durisols; in USDA classification includes Ultisols, Oxisols, acidic Alfisols). v3.0 78 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 = Change in SOC stock in areas of land meeting the applicability conditions of the tool, in year t; tCO2e = The area of stratum i of the areas of land; ha = Change in carbon stock in trees within the project boundary in year t; tCO2e Dead Wood and Litter Estimations were done in accordance with the tool “Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks in dead wood and litter in A/R CDM project activities”. Values of the conservative default-factors expressing carbon stock in litter and dead wood as a percentage of carbon stock in tree biomass was selected according to the guidance provided in the methodological tool. Conservative default-factor based method for estimation of carbon stock in dead Wood (CDW) Project proponent will not make sampling based measurements for estimation of C stock in dead wood for all strata to which this default method is applied, the carbon stock in dead wood was estimated as is indicated in equation 9 of the tool: = Carbon stock in dead wood in stratum i at a given point of time in year t; tCO2e = Carbon stock in tree biomass in stratum i at a given point of time in year t; tCO2e = Conservative default factor expressing carbon stock in dead wood as a percentage of carbon stock in tree biomass; percentage Value of the conservative default factor expressing carbon stock in dead wood as a percentage of carbon stock in tree biomass (DFDW) was selected according to the guidance provided in the relevant table in Section III of the tool. The rate of change of dead wood biomass over a period was calculated assuming a linear change. Therefore, the rate of change in carbon stock in dead wood over a period was calculated as is indicated in equation 10 of the tool. Then, change in carbon stock in dead wood within the project boundary in year is given by equation 11 of the tool. Conservative default-factor based method for estimation of carbon stock in litter (CLI) For all strata to which this default method is applied, the carbon stock in litter will be estimated as is indicated in equation 15 of the tool. Value of the conservative default factor expressing carbon stock in litter as a percentage of carbon stock in tree biomass (DF) has been selected according to the guidance provided in the tool. v3.0 79 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 The rate of change of litter biomass over a period was calculated assuming a linear change. Therefore, the rate of change in carbon stock in litter over a period of time is calculated as is indicated in equation 16 of the tool. Then, change in carbon stock in litter within the project boundary in year is given by equation 16 of the tool. Table 25 and summarize the conservative default factors expressing carbon stock in dead wood and litter. Table 25. Conservative default factor expressing carbon stock in dead wood and litter Parameter DFDW DFLI Description Value (%) Conservative default factor expressing carbon stock in dead wood as a DW percentage of carbon stock in tree biomass Default factor for the relationship between carbon stock in litter and carbon stock in living trees Comments Biome: tropical Elevation: <2000m Precipitation: >1600 mmyr-1 Biome: tropical Elevation: <2000m Precipitation: >1600 mmyr-1 6 1 Total estimated net GHG emission reductions are presented in Table 26. Table 26. Estimated net GHG emission reductions. Yr Estimated project emissions or removals (tCO2e) Estimated baseline emissions or removals (tCO2e) Estimated leakage emissions (tCO2e) Estimated net GHG emission reductions or removals (tCO2e) 1 - - - 29,979.42 2 - - - 96,889.94 3 - - - 173,341.00 4 - - - 281,692.79 5 - - - 397,107.51 6 - - - 513,352.07 7 - - - 553,542.36 8 - - - 600,466.50 9 - - - 742,327.81 10 - - - 678,082.85 11 - - - 688,996.38 12 - - - 729,143.87 13 - - - 796,081.39 14 - - - 851,849.74 15 - - - 936,813.43 16 - - - 966,675.70 17 - - - 901,288.43 18 - - - 917,600.01 v3.0 80 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Yr Estimated project emissions or removals (tCO2e) Estimated baseline emissions or removals (tCO2e) Estimated leakage emissions (tCO2e) Estimated net GHG emission reductions or removals (tCO2e) 19 - - - 997,088.95 20 - - - 879,521.99 21 - - - 877,059.90 22 - - - 920,252.49 23 - - - 1,037,780.28 24 - - - 1,106,931.58 25 - - - 1,150,372.91 26 - - - 1,118,404.57 27 - - - 1,063,091.78 28 - - - 1,061,404.89 29 - - - 1,102,051.97 30 - - - 972,417.69 Total 0 0 0 972,417.69 4 4.1 MONITORING Data and Parameters Available at Validation Data Unit / Parameter: Carbon Fraction (CF) Data unit: tC/t d.m. Description: CF is used to convert biomass to carbon Source of data: Tool: Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks of trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project activities Version 04.2 Value applied: 0.47 Justification of choice of data or description of measurement methods and procedures applied The project meets the applicability conditions laid down in the Tool: Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks of trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project activities Version 04.2 Purpose of the data: Calculation of project emissions Any comment: - Data Unit / Parameter: CO2-e Data unit: tCO2/tC Description: The factor is applied to convert the tree carbon sequestered to tree CO2-e sequestered. v3.0 81 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Source of data: IPCC default value. Value applied: 3.667 (44/12) Justification of choice of data or description of measurement methods and procedures applied Value suggested by the IPCC Purpose of the data: Calculation of project emissions Any comment: - Data Unit / Parameter: fN,i Data unit: Dimensionless Description: Relative stock change factor for baseline input regime (e.g. crop residue returns, manure) in stratum i of the areas of land Source of data: Tables 6 of “Tool for estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM Project” activities Value applied: 1 Justification of choice of data or description of measurement methods and procedures applied The project meets the applicability conditions laid down in the Tool for estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM Project Purpose of the data: Calculation of project emissions Any comment: - Data Unit / Parameter: fMG,i Data unit: Dimensionless Description: Relative stock change factor for baseline management regime in stratum i of the areas of land; dimensionless Source of data: Table 6 of “Tool for estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM Project” activities. Value applied: 7 Justification of choice of data or description of measurement methods and procedures applied The project meets the applicability conditions laid down in the Tool for estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM Project Purpose of the data: Calculation of project emissions Any comment: - Data Unit / Parameter: SOCREF Data unit: t C ha-1 v3.0 82 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Description: Reference SOC stock corresponding to the reference condition in native lands (i.e. non-degraded, unimproved lands under native vegetation, normally forest) by climate region and soil type applicable to stratum i of the areas of land Source of data: Table 3 of “Tool for estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM Project” activities. Value applied: 47 Justification of choice of data or description of measurement methods and procedures applied The project meets the applicability conditions laid down in the Tool for estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM Project Purpose of the data: Calculation of project emissions Any comment: - Data Unit / Parameter: fLU,i Data unit: Dimensionless Description: Relative stock change factor for baseline land use in stratum i of the areas of land Source of data: Tables 6 of “Tool for estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM Project” activities Value applied: 1 Justification of choice of data or description of measurement methods and procedures applied The project meets the applicability conditions laid down in the Tool for estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM Project Purpose of the data: Calculation of project emissions Any comment: - Data Unit / Parameter: DFDW Data unit: % Description: Conservative default factor expressing carbon stock in dead wood as a DW percentage of carbon stock in tree biomass Source of data: “Tool for estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM Project” activities Value applied: 6 Justification of choice of data or description of measurement methods and procedures applied The project meets the applicability conditions laid down in the Tool for estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM Project Purpose of the data: Calculation of project emissions Any comment: - v3.0 83 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Data Unit / Parameter: DFLI Data unit: % Description: Default factor for the relationship between carbon stock in litter and carbon stock in living trees Source of data: “Tool for estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM Project” activities Value applied: 1 Justification of choice of data or description of measurement methods and procedures applied The project meets the applicability conditions laid down in the Tool for estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM Project Purpose of the data: Calculation of project emissions Any comment: - Data Unit / Parameter: Basic wood density Description: The species specific basic wood densities (D; t d.m./m³) were retrieved from the literature to convert the commercial tree volume into tree biomass. For species where no specific basic wood density could be identified the weighted average of all species-specific densities has been applied. Source of data: v3.0 Specie Source A. mangium Orwa et al. 2009 E. tereticornis Giraldo et al. 2014 E. pellita Giraldo et al. 2014 P. caribaea Trujillo 2011 C. lucidum Cordero & Boshier (eds) 2003 C. odorata Trujillo 2007 D. panamensis Cordero & Boshier (eds) 2003 E. cyclocarpum Cordero & Boshier (eds) 2003 G. arborea Rojas et al 2004 O. pyramidale Cordero & Boshier (eds) 2003 84 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 P. quinata Orton Catie sf S. saman Cordero & Boshier (eds) 2003 S. macrophylla Trujillo 2007 Value applied: Specie D Value A. mangium 0.45 E. tereticornis 0.53 E. pellita 0.53 P. caribaea 0.55 C. lucidum 0.42 C. odorata 0.48 D. panamensis 0.72 E. cyclocarpum 0.35 G. arborea 0.42 O. pyramidale 0.2 P. quinata 0.38 S. saman 0.42 S. macrophylla 0.4 Justification of choice of data or description of measurement methods and procedures applied: There is no local data information available on wood density for these species. The values have been suggested, for tropical areas. Purpose of Data Calculation of project emissions Any comment: - Data Unit / Parameter: Biomass Expansion Factor (BEF2) Data unit: Dimensionless Description: The above-ground tree biomass is calculated using the BEF2 Source of data: GPG LULUCF 2003 , Annex 3A.1.10 Value applied: Justification of choice of data or description of measurement 81 1.2 for pines (P. caribaea) 2 for broadleaf species Since species-specific parameters for the project sites and the region were not available at the time of validation, the project 81 IPCC (2003), GPG for LULUCF. Edited by Penman, J., Gytarsky, M., Hiraishi, T., Krug, T., Kruger, D., Pipatti, R., Buendia, L., Miwa, K., Ngara, T., Tanabe, K. and Wagner, F. and retrieved from v3.0 85 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 methods and procedures applied: participants use for all tree species a default value from the GPG LULUCF 2003. The lowest range values (1.2 and 2) are used for pines and broadleaf species to maintain a conservative approach, for tropical climatic zone. Purpose of the data: Data is used for project emission calculation Any comment: - Data Unit / Parameter: Biomass Expansion Factor (BEF1) Data unit: Dimensionless Description: The above-ground tree biomass is calculated using the BEF1 Source of data: GPG LULUCF 2003, Annex 3A.1.10 Value applied: 1.3 Justification of choice of data or description of measurement methods and procedures applied: Since species-specific parameters for the project sites and the region were not available at the time of validation, the project participants use for all tree species a default value from the GPG LULUCF 2003. The lowest range values (1.3) was used to maintain a conservative approach, for tropical climatic zone. Purpose of the data: Data is used for project emission calculation Any comment: - Data Unit / Parameter: Root-Shoot-Ratio (R) Data unit: Dimensionless Description: The below-ground tree biomass is calculated using the RootShoot-Ratio Source of data: This equation was used in accordance with Cairns et al. 1997 , suggested by the A/R Methodological tool: “Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks of trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project activities Version 04.2” Value applied: Rj = exp[-1.085+0.9256*ln(b)]/b; b:Abovegrond tree biomass per -1 hectare in year t (t.d.m. ha ) Justification of choice of data or description of measurement methods and procedures applied: Since species-specific parameters for the project sites and the region were not available at the time of validation, the project participants use for all tree species the equation suggested by the ARAM Tool 14, Version 4.2 Purpose of the data: Data is used for project emission calculation Any comment: - 82 82 Cairns, M.A., Brown, S., Helmer, E.H. & Baumgardner, G.A. 1997. Root biomass allocation in the world’s upland forest. Oecologia 111: 1 – 11 v3.0 86 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 4.2 Data and Parameters Monitored Data / Parameter A Data unit ha Description Project Area Source of data Monitoring of strata and stand boundaries is done using a Geographical Information System (GIS) which allows for integrating data from different sources (including GPS coordinates and Remote Sensing data) Description of measurement methods and procedures to be applied Field measurement: the area shall be delineated either on the ground using GPS or from georeferenced remote sensing data Frequency of monitoring/recording Each time a verification is conducted Value applied: 30,000 Monitoring equipment GPS coordinates and Remote Sensing data QA/QC procedures to be applied Quality control/quality assurance (QA/QC) procedures prescribed under national forest inventory are applied. In the absence of these, QA/QC procedures from published handbooks, or from the IPCC GPG LULUCF 2003, are applied Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions Calculation method measured Comments - Data / Parameter Ai Data unit ha Description Area of stratum i Source of data Monitoring of strata and stand boundaries is done using a Geographical Information System (GIS) which allows for integrating data from different sources (including GPS coordinates and Remote Sensing data) v3.0 87 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Description of measurement methods and procedures to be applied Field measurement: the area shall be delineated either on the ground using GPS or from georeferenced remote sensing data Frequency of monitoring/recording Each time a verification is conducted Value applied: See Table 2 Monitoring equipment GPS coordinates and Remote Sensing data QA/QC procedures to be applied Quality control/quality assurance (QA/QC) procedures prescribed under national forest inventory are applied. In the absence of these, QA/QC procedures from published handbooks, or from the IPCC GPG LULUCF 2003, are applied Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions Calculation method measured Comments The stratification for ex post estimations is based on the actual implementation of the project planting/management plan. It may even be necessary to evaluate the possibility of restratifying the project boundary, according to the development of the stand models, it would enable the union of several strata in order to optimize the costs and improving the outcomes in forest inventories. Data / Parameter ABURN,i,t Data unit ha Description Area burnt in stratum i in year t Source of data Monitoring of strata and stand boundaries is done using a Geographical Information System (GIS) which allows for integrating data from different sources (including GPS coordinates and Remote Sensing data) Description of measurement methods and procedures to be applied Field measurement: the area shall be delineated either on the ground using GPS or from georeferenced remote sensing data Frequency of monitoring/recording Whenever a fire has occurred Value applied: Ex-post Monitoring equipment GPS or georeferenced remote sensing data v3.0 88 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 QA/QC procedures to be applied - Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions Calculation method Used in Eq. 7, ARAM-tool-08-v4.0.0 Comments - Data / Parameter Ap,i Data unit ha Description Area of sample p in stratum i Source of data Field measurement Description of measurement methods and procedures to be applied Standard operating procedures (SOPs) prescribed under national forest inventory are applied. In the absence of these, SOPs from published handbooks, or from the IPCC GPG LULUCF 2003, are applied Frequency of monitoring/recording Each time a verification is conducted Value applied: Ex-post Monitoring equipment Tape measure and GPS QA/QC procedures to be applied Quality control/quality assurance (QA/QC) procedures prescribed under national forest inventory are applied. In the absence of these, QA/QC procedures from published handbooks, or from the IPCC GPG LULUCF 2003, are applied Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions Calculation method - Comments Sample plot location is registered with a GPS and marked on the project map. Data / Parameter DBH Data unit cm Description Diameter at Breast Height of the trees Source of data Field measurements in sample plots v3.0 89 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Description of measurement methods and procedures to be applied Typically measured 1.3 m above-ground. Measure all the trees above some minimum DBH in the permanent sample plots that result in the project activity. Frequency of monitoring/recording Each time a verification is conducted Value applied: Ex-post Monitoring equipment Tape measure QA/QC procedures to be applied Persons involving in the field measurement work should be fully trained in the field data collection. Field measurements shall be checked by a qualified person to correct any errors in techniques. Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions Calculation method - Comments Section 4.3. (Tree DBH measurement) provide the detailed procedures to be applied. Data / Parameter H Data unit m Description Height of tree Source of data Field measurements in sample plots Description of measurement methods and procedures to be applied Measure all the trees height in the permanent sample plots that result in the project activity. Frequency of monitoring/recording Each time a verification is conducted Value applied: Ex-post Monitoring equipment Hypsometer QA/QC procedures to be applied Persons involving in the field measurement work should be fully trained in the field data collection. Field measurements shall be checked by a qualified person to correct any errors in techniques. Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions Calculation method - v3.0 90 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Comments Section 4.3. (Tree height measurement) provide the detailed procedures to be applied. Data / Parameter VTREE, j,p,i,t Data unit m Description Stem volume of trees of species j in sample plot p of stratum i at a point of time in year t calculated using a volume table or volume equation Source of data Field measurements of tree parameters (such as DBH, H, etc.) measured in sample plot p of stratum i at a given point of time in year t Description of measurement methods and procedures to be applied 3 A volume table or volume equation is a table or an equation that predicts tree stem volume based on one or more measurements of a tree. Where the volume table or volume equation predicts under-bark volume (i.e. wood volume, rather than gross stem volume), suitable correction should be applied to estimate the over-bark volume. Frequency of monitoring/recording Each time a verification is conducted Value applied: Ex post Monitoring equipment - QA/QC procedures to be applied Quality control/quality assurance (QA/QC) procedures prescribed under national forest inventory are applied. In the absence of these, QA/QC procedures from published handbooks, or from the IPCC GPG LULUCF 2003, are applied Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions Calculation method - Comments This is used to calculate change in tree biomass in the project scenario, in ex-post Data / Parameter F(D, H) Data unit t d.m. v3.0 91 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Description Function relating measured tree dimensions (x1, x2, x3, …) to above-ground tree biomass For ex ante estimation the allometric equation applicable to a tree species is a theoretical model derived secondary information. Source of data For expost estimation the tools ‘Demonstrating appropriateness of allometric equations for estimation of aboveground tree biomass in A/R CDM project activities’ or ‘Demonstrating appropriateness of volume equations for estimation of aboveground tree biomass in A/R CDM project activities’ should be applied to prove the appropriateness of the equation for both ex-ante and ex-post use. Description of measurement methods and procedures to be applied - Frequency of monitoring/recording Each time a verification is conducted Value applied: - Monitoring equipment - QA/QC procedures to be applied AR-AM-tool-17-v1, AR-AM-tool-18-v1.0.1 Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions Calculation method - Comments This is used to calculate change in tree biomass in the project scenario, in ex-post Data / Parameter T Data unit year Description Time period elapsed between two successive estimations of carbon stock in trees and shrubs Source of data Verification records Description of measurement methods and procedures to be applied - Frequency of monitoring/recording Each time a verification is conducted v3.0 92 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Value applied: - Monitoring equipment - QA/QC procedures to be applied AR-AM-tool-17-v1, AR-AM-tool-18-v1.0.1 Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions Calculation method T= t2-t1 Comments If the two successive estimations of carbon stock in trees are carried out at different points of time in year t2 and t1, (e.g. in the month of April in year t1 and in the month of September in year t2), then a fractional value is assigned to T. 4.3 Monitoring Plan 4.3.1 Verification of changes in carbon stocks in the pools selected This monitoring plan provides guidance on monitoring and standard operational procedures for the A/R project activity. this monitoring plan fulfils the requirement that the project activity should have credible and accurate monitoring procedures in place to enable the evaluation of project performance and verification of the net anthropogenic GHG emission removals. It sets out monitoring procedures that follow the provisions outlined in the project document and the approved monitoring methodology ARACM0003. It is considered the establishment of permanent sample plots for monitoring. Plots will allow monitoring changes in carbon content of aboveground and belowground biomass, in different periods. Monitoring will assess biomass evolution in rodals/stands or layers enclosed by the project and those that have been subjected to various silvicultural activities (i.e. soil preparation, fertilization, thinning, harvesting, enrichment). All parcels shall be properly numbered, geo-referenced, and located within a coverage/layer map present in the Project scope. Collecting reliable measurements is an important part of quality assurance (QA). Standard procedures should be followed to collect reliable data to ensure credibility in the estimation of the baseline, project emissions, leakage, and GHG removals. During the monitoring process, the senior personnel overseeing the project activity shall verify the data collected by the field personnel. The project entity shall implement procedures that will ensure independent verification. Particular attention shall be pay to monitoring and measurement errors. This issue will be addressed through mandatory data checks and training of field personnel. v3.0 Data storage 93 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 The project entity shall make necessary arrangements for data entry on the registry forms. The forms shall be both in paper and electronic formats to ensure that the information is stored in multiple ways. Further, the entity shall ensure the transfer of data to the spreadsheet database as outlined in the monitoring methodology at required intervals. The data shall be archived using acceptable standards and stored in compliance with the instructions of the project information management system. The electronic data shall be stored securely at multiple locations using backup procedures. All GHG related information is collected and aggregated. Information (data) management system The project information management links the operations of the field data collection and spreadsheet database. Further, it outlines responsibilities of staff involved in collecting field data and organization of the spreadsheet database. The supervisory staff overseeing the field data and spreadsheet database must check and certify the data. If any changes occurred in the data collected and processed during the month, the supervisory staff has to provide necessary clarifications. Monitoring periods and frequency The monitoring periods and frequency will be conducted according to verification intervals, which are expected to be every five years. However, it will depend on the consultation and cooperation among the project instances. Monitoring and operational procedures The project participants use Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs). All measured and experimental data shall be documented and archived. Operational procedures under this monitoring plan are defined as those that enable measuring and estimating net carbon stock changes associated with the plantations under the project activity, as well as general monitoring of forestry operations. The project participants shall keep records of all activities, like changes in the actual planted areas, site preparation and forest management. Prior to the start of the inventory, all equipment used during the fieldwork shall be checked and calibrated. The project will manage the sampling uncertainties evaluating and trying to reduce the type of errors. To ensure accurate monitoring data, it is necessary to check that the equipment operates correctly before starting data collection. In order to do that, next procedures will be followed: The tapes will be visually inspected to ensure that they do not have any spots or stains from oxidation. The lines are checked to make sure that they are straight and that the numbers do not interfere with reading measurements. If any anomaly is observed, the tape is removed from use. To check the precision of the hypsometers, distances are measured and noted. The technical team will determine if the instrument is suitable or not, based on the check. If the instrument is not suitable, it is replaced. The instrument should be maintained in the same horizontal position and supported on a flat surface. It is held in this position and pointed at the object. The angle that appears upon pointing at the predetermined point should be zero (0). To check the precision of the GPS, a fixed point of known position (landmark) is taken. The technical team will determine if the new point values are equal or the variation in the data is v3.0 94 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 insignificant (less than four meters), then the data collected by the GPS are reliable. Otherwise, the GPS must to be calibrated according to the manual. Measurement and estimation of carbon content changes Only aboveground and belowground biomass of trees established in the project will be monitored. Therefore, only monitor individual growth of each tree in the plots. This value shall be estimated from the increase in the determined stem in each monitoring. The changes of carbon content in other components of the biomass (branches and leaves) and aboveground (roots) of trees of each plot will be estimated by the Method of Biomass Expansion Factors (Biomass Expansion Factor Method-BEF). The carbon content in dead wood, litter and soil attributable to project activities, will not be monitored. These ones will be estimated by using default values and suggested methods in the tools Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks in dead wood and litter in A/R CDM project activities and Tool for estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM project activities. Stratification The strata defined will be monitored in a database that lists species, area, plot, date of planting, etc. This database will be stored both in physical and digital format. This database will be additionally supported by the respective cartography. An annual update of the project areas is suggested, due to the gradual process of intervention, as this allows a permanent control and monitoring of the areas per stratum. The areas will be periodically monitored in accordance with the criteria established for the monitoring of project boundaries, seeking to identify changes in the parameters of the initially established areas, and promoting the unification of strata considered as dissimilar in the ex ante phase. According to changes in the accumulation of carbon in each monitoring period, a new stratification that would group stands with similar accumulations and other aspects in common. If a pre-sampling is conducted before the first monitoring, the results will allow a re-stratification to be made, according to the following parameters: - Age Silviculture management Carbon capture Cost-effectiveness of the monitoring process Disturbances (plagues, fire, pathologies, etc.) Others Plot size Permanent sample plots (PSPs) will be used for sampling over time to measure and monitor changes of the relevant carbon stocks. Permanent plots will be installed prior to the first verification. The sample plots are used to take measurements such as tree height (H), diameter at breast height (DBH) and species type. For all trees, the DBH measurement will be taken at a height of 1.3 m. This is good practice in inventory and assures that the same point is measured continuously. The field forms for every PSP shall be recorded and kept in the PSP file. v3.0 95 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 2 2 The project will use circular shaped PSP of 250 m (radius of 8.9 m) or 500 m if thinning have occurred, 83 as it is recommended by Yepes et al. IDEAM 2011 for forest plantations, since these are easy to establish and re-measure within the terrain of the project boundary. Number of sample plots The sample size (number of sample plots to be established and measured) can be estimated as follows: 2 I s t I n Wi si Ci Wi i Ci E i 1 i 1 Where: N tα Ni N si E Ci I Wi Sample size (number of sample plots required for monitoring) t value for a significance level of α (0.05) or confidence level of 95% Number of sample units for stratum i, calculated by dividing the area of stratum i by the area of each plot Total number of sample units of all stratum levels, N = ∑Ni Standard deviation of stratum i Allowable error (±10% of the mean) Cost to select a plot of the stratum i Stratum i (total number of strata I) Ni/N The number of plots will be allocated among the strata as per the equation below: si Ci ni n I s Wi i Ci i 1 Wi Where: ni Ci N si I Wi Number of sample units (permanent sample plots) per stratum, that are allocated proportion to Wh* si/√Ci Cost to select a plot of the stratum i Sample size (number of sample plots required for monitoring) Standard deviation of stratum i Stratum i (total n umber of strata I) Ni/N When no information on costs is available or the costs may be assumed as constant for all strata, then: 83 Yepes A.P., Navarrete D.A., Duque A.J., Phillips J.F., Cabrera K.R., Álvarez, E., García, M.C., Ordoñez, M.F. 2011. Protocolo para la estimación nacional y subnacional de biomasa - carbono en Colombia. Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología, y Estudios Ambientales-IDEAM-. Bogotá D.C., Colombia. 162 p. v3.0 96 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 2 I N i si i 1 n 2 I E N N i si 2 t i 1 where: N tα Ni N si E I Sample size (number of sample plots required for monitoring) t value for a significance level of α (0.05) or confidence level of 95% Number of sample units for stratum i, calculated by dividing the area of stratum i by the area of each plot Total number of sample units of all stratum levels, N = ∑Ni Standard deviation of stratum i Allowable error (±10% of the mean) Stratum i (total number of strata I) The number of plots will be allocated among the strata as per the equation below: I ni where: ni Ni si N E tα I 4.3.2 N i 1 2 i si I E N N i si 2 t i 1 N i si Number of sample units (permanent sample plots) per stratum, that are allocated proportion to Wh* si/√Ci Number of sample units for stratum i, calculated by dividing the area of stratum i by the area of each plot Standard deviation of stratum i Total number of sample units of all stratum levels, N = ∑Ni Allowable error (±10% of the mean) t value for a significance level of α (0.05) or confidence level of 95% Stratum i (total number of strata I) Standard operating procedure SOP: SOP Establishment of Plots will be used to establish all plots. The plots will be systematically located with a random start in each stratum to avoid subjective choice of plot locations (plot centers, plot reference points, movement of plot centers to more “convenient” positions). The plot locations will be identified with the help of a GPS device in the field. For each plot the geographic position (GPS coordinate), administrative location and compartment series number will be recorded and archived. The PSPs will be established before the first monitoring takes place and measured for each monitoring event. In the case of special circumstances (e.g., forest fires, uneven growth) additional PSPs may be laid out. v3.0 97 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Data Collection Each pool will be measured following the methodology procedures and IPCC Good Practice Guidance for LULUCF (2003). Carbon stocks in above and below ground biomass of trees are estimated by applying the BEF method. Stem volume, will be calculated applying a manual of procedures developed for local conditions, based on DBH and height measurement in each plot. Stem volume of trees is converted to above-ground and below-ground tree biomass using basic wood density (D), biomass expansion factor (BEF) and root-to-shoot ratio (R), Default carbon fraction (CF) value will be used in order to estimate the carbon stock. Deadwood, litter and soil carbon will be calculated according to the tools Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks in dead wood and litter in A/R CDM project activities and Tool for estimation of change in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM project activities; the conservative default approach might be selected. Forest and tree inventory data is exclusively collected within the limits of the project boundary. Data is collected through observations and measurements within a sample plot. Fieldwork This part includes a description of the Standard Operation Procedures to prepare and carry out fieldwork activities. The fieldwork, together with guidance on the data collection techniques, is described step by step for a sample plot. Overview of data collection process Data are collected by the field crews for plots in different strata. The main information sources for the inventory area: Desktop-based planning; Field measurements and observations. Interviews with local people, owners or land users, the key external reporting, as foresters responsible for the area in which lies the sampling area. The data collection procedures are divided into three phases: The first phase is the field crew formation; The second phase is the preparation of the fieldwork (bibliographic research, contacts with locals, preparation of the field forms, preparation of the maps and access itinerary, material preparation) The third phase is the actual field work: field measurements and observations (access the first plot, plot marking, variable measurements, access to the next plot). Fieldwork organization v3.0 Setting up field crews; Conducting training for field crews; Organizing and planning fieldwork, in particular mobilization and preparation of necessary resources and equipment, such as vehicles, and allocation of plots by field crews; 98 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Monitoring and backstopping fieldwork, including technical and logistic support to field crews, in order to ensure data quality and homogeneity among field crews; Controlling and validating field forms; Controlling data and evaluating its quality; Compiling databases; and Reporting and disseminating results. Field crews will be responsible for collection of data in the field. Field crew composition A forest inventory field crew, taking into account the amount of information to be collected and the tasks of each individual, is composed by at least two members. Additional people may be included to improve performance of the field crews when conditions require greater resources. It is intended that some of the field crews are hired locally and act as guides in the field. One of the crew members must be experienced in tree species identification. The responsibilities of each crew member must be clearly defined and their tasks are as follows: v3.0 The crew leader is responsible for organizing all the phases of the fieldwork, from the preparation to the data collection. He/she has the responsibility of contacting and maintaining good relationships with local stakeholders and has a good overview of the progress achieved in the fieldwork. He/she will specifically: Prepare the fieldwork by carrying out bibliographic research, preparing field forms and maps; Plan the work for the crew; Contact local stakeholders (e.g. authorities) to introduce the survey objectives and the work plan, and request their assistance if needed; Administer the location of plots; Take care of logistics of the crew by organizing and obtaining information on accommodation facilities, recruiting local workers, organizing access to the strata; Ensure that field forms are properly filled in and that collected data are reliable; Organize meetings after fieldwork in order to sum up daily activities; and Organize the fieldworks safety. The assistant of the crew leader will: Help the crew leader to carry out his/her task; Take necessary measurements and observations; Make sure that the equipment of the crew is always complete and operational; and Supervise and orient workers. The workers are assigned the following tasks, according to their skills and knowledge of local species and practices: Help to measure distances; Open ways to facilitate access and visibility to technicians; Provide the common/local name of forest species; Inform about access to the strata; 99 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Provide information about the forest uses and management; and Carry the equipment. Training of the crews on the survey methodology is undertaken at the beginning of the fieldwork in theoretical and practical sessions where techniques of different forest and tree measurements are explained and practiced. Preparation of the fieldwork Bibliographic research In forest inventories, auxiliary information is necessary to prepare the field survey. Existing reports on forest inventory have to be studied to enable the crew members to understand and to build better knowledge on the local realities. Contacts Each field crew, through its leader, starts its work by contacting local stakeholders to introduce the field crew and its programme of work in the area. Authorities may provide information about access conditions to the site. Field crews may also inform the local people about the project. Preparation of the field forms The technical unit of the project will prepare and print, for each crew, the necessary field forms to cover the strata assigned to it. One field form per plot is needed. The form is described in the following section. Some information will be filled-in before going out to the field: sections for identification of the strata and plots (header of each page), general information related to strata location, coordinates of the plot. The crew leader must ensure that enough forms are available to carry out the planned field data collection. Preparation of maps Maps covering the study area will be prepared to help the orientation in the field. These may be enlarged and reproduced, if necessary. The strata limits and plot locations will be delineated on topographic maps and, if available, on aerial photographs/satellite images. The plots in the strata are to be indicated, together with their respective coordinates, in decimal degrees (latitude and longitude) traceable in GPS. The point coordinates of the plots are entered into the GPS receiver. The plot order for data collection will vary according to conditions of accessibility. It is determined during the preparation phase. The plots will have unique IDs following: # (=Stratum number) + # (=Plot number). Field equipment per crew v3.0 The equipment needed to carry out the inventory is composed of: Compass (360°); GPS receiver (Geographic Positioning System) and extra batteries; 100 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 2 self-rolling measuring tapes 10-30 m (metric); 2 diameter tapes or calliper (metric); Tree height and land slope measuring equipment: an Haga and aluminum rods 50m measuring tape or wire rope of 50 meters, marked every 5 meters Wooden stakes (50 cm long) for plot marking; Waterproof bags to protect measurement instruments and forms; Yellow paint; Brushes; Mobile phone (discretionary); Digital camera; Waterproof boots and outfits; Machetes; Emergency kit; Topographic maps; Supporting board to take notes; Data collections forms; Field manual; Permanent markers and pens; Flora and species list (common and scientific names); Data collection in the field Introduction of the project to the local people The crew must establish contacts with local people and on arrival to the site, meet with contacted persons and others such as village representatives and people living closest to the strata area. It will be necessary to contact the local population before visiting the area in order to inform them about the visit and request information about current conditions (e.g. accessibility due to weather conditions or conflicts). The crew must briefly introduce and explain the aim of the visit and study. The aim of the forest inventory must also be clearly introduced to avoid misunderstandings or raise false expectations. Cooperation and support from local people are essential to carry out the fieldwork. Access to plot The plots will be located with the help of the topographic maps (and aerial photographs/satellite images, if available), where the plots have been delineated. Some reference points that facilitate the orientation in the field will also be identified on the maps. A local guide will be useful to access the plots more easily. Orientation in the field will be assured with the help of a GPS where the central points of each plot have been registered as waypoints. To get to a well defined point, an average position is taken with the GPS when its reading indicates that the point is within a few meters (>10m). Then, the compass and measuring tape might be used for the last few meters instead of the GPS.The order of the plots for data collection, decided during the preparatory phase, should be followed and the plot code and orientation must be respected. v3.0 101 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 While accessing the first plot, the form must be filled in. The coordinates of the departure location on foot towards the first plot must be read on GPS (or on the map, if the GPS does not capture a signal). The coordinates of each reference point are read on the GPS and reference photography will be taken. Then, the photograph codes will be reported in the form. Establishment of permanent plot When arriving to the point of the plot, a permanent marker (a wooden stake and marked on the bottom with yellow paint the plot number). The marker must be placed exactly on the position of the point of the plot. In cases where obstacles obstruct such exact location (due to tree, rock, river, etc.) the permanent marker will be placed as close as possible to the starting point of the plot. Marker location data must be collected together with a starting point description of the plot in order to enable relocation in the future. The coordinates of plot marker position are determined, with the help of GPS, as average position. An ID will be assigned to name each one of the points identified by the GPS. The distance and direction (compass bearing in degrees, 360°) of the plot’s starting point, measured from the marker location, must be measured in case that these two positions do not coincide; these indications are recorded in the form under observations. Markers will be positioned at the central point of all plots. Data collection in the plot The data collection starts at the plot starting point and continues in predefined direction. From the plot centre the northern bearing will be identified (0°) and then trees will be measured in clockwise direction. Variables are collected in the plot where large trees are measured (Dbh ≥10 cm, or also ≤10 cm and ≥ 2.5 cm if the plantation is ≤5 years old). These data must be recorded in the form (one for each plot). Tree measurements All trees over 10 cm (also ≤10 cm and ≥ 2.5 cm if the plantation is ≤5 years old) of DBH are measured, and these data is recorded in a field form. Trees located at the border of the plot will be considered as being inside the plot if at least half of the stem diameter is inside at breast height. Data collected include the species identification (common and scientific name), height and diameter. Tree diameter and height measurement methods are crucial for the accurate reporting of data. Tree (DBH) measurement Tree diameter is measured over bark, at 1.3 m breast height above ground with the exception of particular cases mentioned below (see Figures below). Measurement may be carried out with the help of a diameter tape (tape whose diameter unit is in centimetres) or with the use of a calliper. In order to avoid overestimation of the volume and to compensate measurement errors, diameter is measured in cm and adjusted in a decreasing sense (example: 16.8 cm become 16 cm). v3.0 102 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Figure 24. Position for diameter measurement at breast height in flat terrain 84 Some preventive measures must be taken into account: Measurement instruments are kept in a position that perpendicularly cuts the tree axe at 1.3 m. Figure 25 Dbh measurement position for a tree on steep terrain If the diametric tape is used, make sure it is not twisted and is well stretched around the tree in a perpendicular position to the stem. Nothing must prevent a direct contract between the tape and the bark of the tree to be measured. On inclined terrain, DBH tree measurement at 1.3 m is taken from an uphill position. Figure 26 Dbh measurement position for a tree on steep terrain Fork tree: several cases exist, according to the point where the fork divides the stem. If the fork begins (the point where the core is divided) below 1.3 m height, each stem having the diameter required (≥10 cm in the whole plot, ≤10cm and ≥ 2.5 cm for plantations ≤5 years old) will be considered as a tree and will be measured. Diameter measurement of each stem will be taken at 1.3m height. If the fork begins between 0.3 and 1.3 m, each stem will be considered as separate tree and will be measured. The diameter measurement will be taken at 1 meter above the fork origin. If the fork begins at 1.3 m or a little higher, the tree will be counted as a single tree. The diameter measurement is thus carried out below the fork intersection point, just below the bugle that could influence the Dbh. 84 Notes: After Dallmeier 1992, one single dotted line indicates the place for Dbh measurements. If there are two lines on the stem because of a defective tree, the appropriate place to do the measurement is thus indicated. v3.0 103 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Figure 27 Measurement points at fork trees Trees with irregular stem at 1.3 m: trees with bulges, wound, hollows and branches, etc. at breast height, are to be measured just above the irregular point, there where the irregular shape does not affect the stem (see Figure). Figure 28 DBH measurement position for a tree with branch enlargement at 1.3 m and for other trees Inclined trees: diameter measurement is done at 1.3 m. The stem height is measured where the steam base and the ground meet forming an angle (see Figure). Figure 29 DBH measurement position for an inclined tree. The scale to measure the CBH or DBH is 1 cm. Tree height measurement. It is done in several stages: v3.0 To avoid measurement errors the tree distance (at 15, 20, 30 or 40 metres) when taking the measurement must be equivalent to the tree height. Observation of the tree crown. Observation of the tree base. Addition or subtraction of the two observation results according to the case: Addition if the operator is standing uphill (see Figure) in relation to the tree; Subtraction if the operator is standing downhill (see Figure) in relation to the tree. Slope correction. 104 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Figure 30 Tree height calculation 85 Tree height measurement may be carried out by means of several instruments such as a Haga. Observation angles: in order to measure the height of a tree, the operator tries two observation angles. The first one at the top level and a second one at the base of the tree. Determining the height: after each sighting, the operator reads the measure indicated on the scale which corresponds to the landmark chosen in the rod and then adds the results of the two measurements. The result of this addition corresponds to the height of the tree. For the new model, the operator will read the measurements after the second sighting because each pendulum allows the determining of a separate measurement. On inclined terrain: 85 You may find out the height of a tree (12 m for a, b, c, and 11.7 m for d): a) By adding the results above and under the horizontal measurement b) By subtracting from the total, the distance between the base of the tree and the horizontal line c) By adding to the height the instrument from the ground, the distance measured above the horizontal line d) By adding the instrument measurement from the ground to the distance measured from the crown of the tree up to a point located just below on the horizontal (use the telescopic rod), the height is Ho. If D is the distance from the base of the tree to the point located below the horizontal of the top of the tree then the tree height H is calculated by applying the formula: H = √(H²+D²) = √(11.7²+5²) v3.0 105 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 The operator carries out the same operations indicated above, with the exception of the height calculation. If the operator is standing uphill, the results of the two measurements are added. If the operator is standing downhill, the sighting will be directed to the base of the tree and the result will be subtracted from the one directed at the top of the tree. Apply a slope coefficient to the height result. Carry out the observation of a tree point located at the same height where the operators’ eye is positioned in relation to the ground. Check the angle’s measurement in the appropriate scale. Then check the table located on one side of the instrument, on top of which a coefficient table is placed that helps in making the necessary corrections. Apply such coefficient following the formula: h’ = h – hk; in which h’ is the real height, h is the measured height and k the correction coefficient. Height measurement with a Haga: It is an instrument used for measuring heights, which is the solution of triangles known angle, a distance and their respective calibration. With this device, the observer must be at a chosen distance Di and take two angles α1 and α2, which are replaced by the corresponding H and calibration: H1= Di tan α1 H2= Di tan α2 The scale to measure the height is in meters. Then two measurements are needed, one above and one below zero to be added. When both readings are above or below zero are subtracted from the heights. This happens when the observer is outside of the line L equivalent to OH in Fig. Moreover, when not working with horizontal distances is necessary to 86 apply to pending corrections Figure 31 Items for measuring heights with trigonometric principles on flat and sloping. 86 Source: StatisticalComponentsmeasuringDasometryandforestry. 2003, LemaAlvaroTapiasMs.Sc.ForestEngineerPrfesorDasometryand inventories(Universidad Nacional deColombia, Sede Medellín) v3.0 106 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 End of data collection work in the plot and access to the next plot: Once the work in the first plot is completed, the time is recorded in the form and the crew need to access the second plot. If the forest cover allows it, it is possible to directly access the plot with the help of the GPS. Otherwise, it may be assured by using the compass. If the starting point of the next plot to be reached is not accessible on a straight line, the obstacle must be bypassed using auxiliary methods that allow finding the next plot. 4.3.3 Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) The implementing organization will be responsible for the centralized documentation of all project planning and implementation. QA/QC procedures will be implemented and the use of these procedures monitored to ensure that net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks are measured and monitored precisely, credibly, verifiably, and transparently. The project will follow the IPCC GPG of using two types of procedures in order to ensure that the 878889 inventory estimates and their contributing data are of high quality : Quality assurance (QA) and Quality control (QC). Since a QA/QC plan is fundamental to create credibility, one will be developed that outlines QA/QC activities with a scheduled time frame from preparation to final reporting. The plan will describe specific QC procedures in addition to special QA review procedures. The QA/QC plan is an internal document to organize, plan, and implement QA/QC activities and will be represented here only in 9091 a reduced form. Here, some abstract of QA/QC plan features : a) Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that will be established for all procedures such as GIS analysis; field measurements; data entry; data documentation, and data storage. b) Training courses will be held for all relevant personnel on all data collection and analysis procedures. c) Steps will be taken to control for errors in the sampling and data analysis to develop a credible plan for measuring and monitoring carbon stock change in the project context. The same procedures shall be used during the project life to ensure continuity. Field data collection d) The personnel involved in the measurement of carbon pools will be fully trained in field data collection and analysis. SOPs will be developed for each step of the field measurements and followed so that measurements are comparable over time. If different interpretations of the SOPs exist among the field teams, they will be jointly revised to ensure clearer guidance. This procedure will be repeated during the field data collection. e) To verify that plots have been installed and the measurements taken correctly: A minimum of 10% of randomly selected plots will be re-measured by a supervisor with a team not involved in the initial measurement sampling. 87 IPCC GPG for LULUCF; Chapter 5.5 Quality assurance and quality control IPCC GPG and Uncertainty management in National GHG Inventories; Ch. 8 QA and QC 89 IPCC GPG for LULUCF; Chapter 3.2 Forest land 90 IPCC GPG for LULUCF; Chapter 5.5 Quality assurance and quality control 91 IPCC GPG and Uncertainty management in National GHG Inventories; Ch. 8 QA and QC 88 v3.0 107 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 f) The re-measurement data will be compared with the original measurement data. Any errors found will be corrected and recorded. The level of errors recorded will be calculated and reported using this equation: Error (%) Estimate1 Estimate2100 Estimate2 g) The proper entry of data into the data analyses spreadsheets is required to produce reliable carbon estimates. All data sheets will include a “Data recorded by” field. Communication between all personnel involved in measuring and analyzing data will be used to resolve any apparent anomalies before final analysis of the monitoring data can be completed. If there are any problems with the monitoring plot data that cannot be resolved, the plot will not be used in the analysis. Expert judgment and comparison with independent data will be used to ensure data results are in line with expectations. Additionally, field data will be reviewed by a senior member of the monitoring team further ensuring that the data and analysis are realistic. h) Due to the long length of the project and the speed at which technology changes data archiving will be an essential component. Data will be archived in several forms and copies of all data will be provided to each project participant. i) Original copies of the field measurement (data sheets and electronic files) and laboratory data will be stored in a secure location. j) Copies will be stored in a dedicated and safe place (preferably offsite) of all data analysis and models, the final estimate of the amount of carbon sequestered, any GIS products, and the measuring and monitoring reports. k) Electronic copies of all data and reports will be updated periodically and converted to any new format required by future software or hardware. A project participant involved in the field measurements will be assigned to implement this updating. l) The data collected shall be archived for a period of at least two years after the end of the last crediting period of the project activity. Table 27. Verification and checklist considered to guarantee the quality of the information gathered and its management. QC activity Check that assumptions and criteria for the selection of activity Data, emission factors and other estimation parameters are documented. Check for transcription errors in data input and reference. Procedures Cross-check descriptions of activity data, emission factors and other estimation parameters with information on source and sink categories and ensure that these are properly recorded and archived. Confirm that bibliographical data references are properly cited in the internal documentation. Cross-check a sample of input data from each source category (either measurements or parameters used in calculations) for transcription errors. Reproduce a representative sample of emission or removal calculations. Selectively mimic complex model calculations with abbreviated calculations to judge relative accuracy. Check that emissions and removals are calculated correctly. v3.0 108 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 QC activity Check that parameter and units are correctly recorded and that appropriate conversion factors are used. Procedures Check the integrity of database files. Check for consistency in data between categories. Check that the movement of inventory data among processing steps is correct Check that uncertainties in emissions and removals are estimated or calculated correctly. Undertake review of internal documentation Check time series consistency. Undertake completeness checks Compare estimates to previous estimates. v3.0 Check that units are properly labeled in calculation sheets. Check that units are correctly carried through from beginning to end of calculations. Check that conversion factors are correct. Check that temporal and spatial adjustment factors are used correctly. Confirm that the appropriate data processing steps are correctly represented in the database. Confirm that data relationships are correctly represented in the database. Ensure that data fields are properly labeled and have the correct design specifications. Ensure that adequate documentation of database and model structure and operation are archived. Identify parameters (e.g., activity data, and constants) that are common to multiple categories of sources and sinks, and confirm that there is consistency in the values used for these parameters in the emissions calculations. Check that emission and removal data are correctly aggregated from lower reporting levels to higher reporting levels when preparing summaries. Check that emission and removal data are correctly transcribed between different intermediate products. Check that qualifications of individuals providing expert judgment for uncertainty estimates are appropriate. Check that qualifications, assumptions and expert judgments are recorded. Check that calculated uncertainties are complete and calculated correctly. If necessary, duplicate error calculations on a small sample of the probability distributions used by Monte Carlo analyses. Check that there is detailed internal documentation to support the estimates and enable reproduction of the emission and removal and uncertainty estimates. Check that inventory data, supporting data, and inventory records are archived and stored to facilitate detailed review. Check integrity of any data archiving arrangements of outside organizations involved in inventory preparation. Check for temporal consistency in time series input data for each category of sources and sinks. Check for consistency in the algorithm/method used for calculations throughout the time series. Confirm that estimates are reported for all categories of sources and sinks and for all years. Check that known data gaps that may result in incomplete emissions estimates are documented and treated in a conservative way. For each category, current inventory estimates should be compared to previous estimates, if available. If there are significant changes or departures from expected trends, re-check estimates and explain the difference. 109 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 4.3.4 Operational and management structure The project owners in each instance implement the proposed A/R project activity utilizing the locally available and experienced staff. The activities are implemented under the supervision of the technical team. The technical team organizes technical training and consultation, and is responsible for the organization and coordination of measuring and monitoring the actual GHG removals by sinks. Under the proposed A/R project activity each project proponent will provide technical instruction on reforestation and forest management. They will conduct the specific supervision of the implementation of the proposed A/R project activity, collect specific activity data at routine basis, be responsible for measuring and monitoring of the actual GHG removals by sinks, establish an expert team when necessary (e.g., to address any technical issues), conduct checks, and verify the accuracy of measured and monitored data. The operational structure and responsibilities for each project owner is divided into three basic departments: Figure 32.Operational Structure The project proponent is committed to act responsibly, to guarantee the quality of the silvicultural activities performed in the field, and also that the environment, industrial safety and occupational health, are in line to the development of all the processes, products and projects. The skills required by the staff in order to work in the project, are as follows: Specialized staff v3.0 110 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 This staff is composed by professionals that perform specific technical and administrative tasks and that usually have experience in this type of projects. This group of people is hired by the project owners and many of them belong to the permanent team of workers. The group consists of forestry and agricultural engineers, accountants, business managers, among others. Qualified staff Corresponds to the staff who have acquired training and experience in forestry projects through their ongoing work on these projects, and that have specialized in a specific task. The positions held by these personnel are: wholesalers, tractor drivers, mechanics, cooks, and others. No-qualified staff Workers engaged to unskilled activities do not require special skills or training to perform their duties. The company will prioritize the inhabitants of the community and other communities in the area where the project is developed. 4.3.5 Uncertainty assessment The project follows the methods from IPCC GPG for LULUCF, GPG 2003, and the modalities and procedures for A/R project activities to estimate baseline net GHG removal by sinks, leakage, actual net GHG removal by sinks, and net anthropogenic removal by sinks. In the context of this methodology, the major sources of uncertainties related to changes in carbon stock in the living biomass pool include: natural factors such as fire and pest outbreaks; stand variables such as variation in the yield tables, allometric equation, biomass expansion factor (BEF), wood density, carbon fraction; and the errors contributed by the measurement. Estimates of uncertainty will be developed for all land-use categories involved in the inventory part of the monitoring. 4.3.6 Other elements of monitoring plan The baseline will be the continuation of economic activities that take place today; which are due to historical use of the soil, and is unlikely they will have a change. Additionally, it is considered that the changes in the removal of carbon in the baseline scenario are equal to zero. However, if in the course of the project is decided to renew the Accreditation Period of this, it must necessary an upgrade of the baseline to determine whether the baseline approach used is still valid or if the conditions have changed due to changes in regulations and sector policies, technical factors, environmental or market. 4.3.7 Verification of project emissions emissions The project will quantify and monitor the Non-CO2 GHG emissions resulting from an occurrence of fire (forest fire) within the project boundary, whose accumulated area affected by such fires in a year is ≥5% of the project area. These events will be monitored and the affected area will be recorded. v3.0 111 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Emission of non-CO2 GHGs resulting from the loss of aboveground tree biomass due fire will be calculated in each verification period, by using the above ground biomass in trees of relevant strata calculated in the previous verification and the default values for the combustion factor, the emission factors and the global warming potential. 5 5.1 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Environmental impact assessment The project is developed as a system of well-managed commercial plantations, which seeks to minimize the impact of plantations on natural ecosystems and promote the maintenance of the different ecosystem services in the high plains, using criteria of environmental sustainability. The intervention areas and the zoning process, is based on the precautionary principle, therefore, it intends to leave some potential planting area as natural ecosystem, including savannahs. This promotes the permanence of habitat for wildlife and a part of the structure and functionality of the landscape of the high plains, which can be crucial to maintain the provision of ecosystem services (Pacheco et al 2014). These features decrease the ecosystem fragility, increase the quantity and quality of the natural habitat, reduce the impact of fragmentation and change in landscape composition and its consequences on biodiversity. The forest cover generated by the plantations, increase the connectivity of natural ecosystems, which favors the protection of gallery forests, wetlands and morichales. Additionally, the recovery of ecological niches for endemic, vulnerable or threatened species is favored. According to the previously exposed, besides the productive systems, the project is also considered an 92 activity of landscape restoration that incorporates objectives of conservation of biodiversity and generates the following impacts: Table 28. Expected impacts on biodiversity Impact Effect Actual/ Predict Direct/ Indirect Increase of forest cover Positive Actual Direct Connectivity of strategic ecosystems Positive Predicted Direct Recovery of ecological niches. Positive Predicted Indirect Conservation of water sources Positive Predicted Direct Landscape restoration Positive Predicted Indirect Recovery of fauna habitats Positive Predicted Indirect 92 OIMT and UICN (2009) recognize well-managed commercial plantations as a restored forest landscapes, as well as the benefits of those. IUCN, 2010. Gestión Forestal Sostenible, biodiversidad y medios de vida. Disponible en: v3.0 112 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Impact Effect Actual/ Predict Direct/ Indirect Increase of native plant covers. Positive Predicted Direct Increase of biodiversity: fauna and flora Positive Predicted Indirect Carbon sequestration Positive Actual Direct Control of erosion Positive Predicted Direct Loss of biodiversity due to the disturbance of natural ecosystems Negative Predicted Direct Disturbance of the natural balance of nutrients in the soil, changes of pH, salinization, and pollution of water bodies due to the excessive or inappropriate use of agrochemicals Negative Predicted Direct Disturbance of Wildlife due to the excessive or inappropriate use of herbicides Negative Predicted Direct The measures needed and taken to avoid negative impacts on biodiversity are described in detail in the documents related to the sustainable forest management plan (PMFS) of each nucleus. Impacts on soil, fauna, flora and water bodies due to the excessive or inappropriate use of agrochemicals Set the optimum composition and concentrations of nutrients required and the type of materials used for its production. Train the staff in charge of handling the product Administer the product during the appropriate seasons to maximize their efficiency and avoid the imbalance of nutrients in the soil. During the process of fertilization and composting, is produced a degree of non-reusable waste (plastics and others. The person in charge should clearly identify this type of material, to proceed with the proper method of storage and disposal. Washing and maintenance of machinery, tools and containers used for the handling of products, is forbidden in areas close to natural drainage or water sources. Improvement of the physical and microbiological soil conditions by implementing a natural silviculture strategy that includes applying natural fertilizers and mycorrhizae (Farm La Pedregoza). Application of the principle of organic farming and weed control through the use of bio-degradable herbicides, plant protection with less impact and biological control for pests (Farm El Toro). Control of erosion v3.0 Segmentation of large lots into separate blocks by ridges permanently constructed according to the slope, reducing erosional processes caused by rainwater. Establishment of live barriers or dams in strategic locations. 113 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Improve the physical, chemical and microbiological soil conditions, through the management of soil compaction by using a deep vibratory chisel for plowing prior to planting. Proper management using drainages to reduce the velocity of the runoff. Allow the surface of the exposed soil to keep its natural cover in order to reduce the incidence of direct sunlight, reducing the evaporation of water. This allows the thermal amplitude variability to be lower, favoring the plantations and the activity of soil microorganisms. Loss of biodiversity due to the disturbance of natural ecosystems (savannahs) 5.2 Leave some potential planting area as natural ecosystem, including savannahs. This promotes the permanence of habitat for wildlife and a part of the structure and functionality of the landscape of the high plains, which can be crucial to maintain the provision of ecosystem services Keep a band of 100 meters as buffer zones and transition area between the plantations and the forest, in order to allow successional forest dynamics is developed, in addition to minimizing the human intervention on it. Species used for reforestation activities The most used species for the project are the Acacia mangium, E. tereticornis and native species. These species occupy more than 80% of the area intervened by the project. To a lesser extent, other species have been used, such as E. pellita, A. occidentale, H. brasiliensis and P. caribeae. With the exception of the caribbean pine (species that represents less than 3% of the project area), none of the species used has been reported as invasive, according to databases and available sources 93 94 95 (GISIN , GISP 2005 , Baptiste et al. 2010 ). Although Baptiste et al. 2010, reports the P. caribaea as of high risk of invasion, this specie has been 96 97 widely recommended for the establishment of plantations in Vichada (CONIF 1998 , Trujillo 2011 ). In 98 99 addition, several studies (Fernando et al. 2012 , Cortes-Perez et al. 2005 ) have reported successful cases of the specie in Casanare and Vichada for both ecosystem restoration and commercial forest plantations. These researches serve to prove that the caribbean pine plantations favor the development of a diverse underwood of native species, which varies according to the gradient of the silvicultural management and the age of the plantation. Fernando et al. 2012, state that no evidence was recorded about the regeneration of P. caribaea in the ecosystems surrounding the plantations (ie natural forest and 93 GISIN: Global Information Species Information Network 94 GISP: Global Invasive Species Programme, GISP 2005. 95 Baptiste M.P., Castaño N., Cárdenas D., Gutiérrez F. P., Gil D.L. y Lasso C.A. (eds). 2010. Análisis de riesgo y propuesta de categorización de especies introducidas para Colombia. Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt. Bogotá, D. C., Colombia. 200 p. 96 CONIF 1998. Guía para plantaciones forestales comerciales ORINOQUIA. 97 Trujillo 2011. Pino Caribe: El Multipropósito Fuerte de su Género. Revista M&M. 98 Fernández et al 2012. Biodiversidad Vegetal Asociada a Plantaciones Forestales de Pinus caribaea Morelet y Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell Establecidas en Villanueva, Casanare, Colombia 99 Cortés-Pérez, F., H. Dueñas y H. Cardozo. 2005. Cambios en la vegetación de sabana ocasionados por la plantación de Pinus caribaea en Vichada-Colombia. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias 29(110): 69-84. v3.0 114 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 savanna), which so far has shown a low potential for invasion and dominance, compared to the succession in unattended sites. Finally, the evidences prove that the presence and diversity of vegetation in plantations is a sign that wildlife is not absent within the planted area, where the main dispersal agents are wind, followed by fruiteating birds and omnivorous animals. This indicates that the resources provided by the plantations are being used for structural connectivity and shelter (Fernando et al. 2012). In order to monitor the environmental impacts, a monitoring plan is described in the project description document develop for the Clime Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCBS). 6 STAKEHOLDER COMMENTS Summarize relevant outcomes from any stakeholder consultations and mechanisms for on-going communication. 6.1 Stakeholders identification Stakeholders were identified with the help of the landowners who were responsible for summoning the workers and their families, and other people present on neighboring farms. However, the population living close to the properties is limited since most of the settlements are concentrated in the urban area of the municipality of Puerto Carreño. In addition, the environmental and governmental entities and organizations that have a potential interest in the project were also identified. Community Workers of the farms Table 29. Stakeholders: community Rights To develop in a laboral environment that assures the minimal conditions of welfare. Opine, review, report and suggest improvements in their working environment. To be subject of training on topics related to the project activities. Interests The livelihood of the actors and their families depend directly on the project activities Protect the community's interests about the development of projects that impact directly or indirectly the environmental, economic or social conditions of the area of influence. Pertinence Direct participation in the project activities. Direct and indirect receivers of impacts of the project on climate, biodiversity and communities. To emit opinions concerning the direct or indirect project impacts v3.0 115 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Rights Interests Pertinence on the community interests. Communitary groups Group of indigenous Table 30. Stakeholders: communitary groups Rights Interests To Develop in an environment that assures the minimal conditions of welfare. To have equal rights to participate and run for employment opportunities in their environment. Pertinence The livelihood of the actors and their families depend directly on the project activities. Direct participation in the project activities Other actors Project owners Table 31. Stakeholders: Project owners Rights To coordinate all the aspects related to the project’s implementation Interests Successfully conclude all project activities and proposals and to fully comply with the objectives set in terms of the climate components, biodiversity and communities Pertinence Direct participation in the project Majoral office of the municipality of Puerto Carreño Table 32. Stakeholders: Majoral office of the municipality of Puerto Carreño Rights Regulation of land use in the project area. Interests Ensure compliance with current regulations regarding land use. Pertinence local authority in charge of the plannification of the territory where the project is taking place CORPORINOQUIA Table 33. Stakeholders: Environmental authority Rights Interests To Regulate the interventions on associated ecosystems and make sure about the compliance of the environmental regulations related to the development of Ensure the sustainable development of their jurisdiction starting from the verification of compliance with existing environmental regulations for the v3.0 Pertinence Local environmental authority 116 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 projects. different interventions on ecosystems and associated resources. Table 34. Stakeholders: Project owners; Majoral office of the municipality of Puerto Carreño; 100 101 CORPORINOQUIA ; AGAF ; Parques Nacionales Naturales (PNN); Fundación Omacha; Fundación Orinoquia Bio Diversa; Fundación Etnollano. Rights Interests Pertinence Contribute with knowledge and experience in order to improve the implementation of the various project activities Contribute from the generation of knowledge to the economic, social and environmental development of the region. Institutions with presence in the project area that have implemented projects consistent with the regional needs. 6.2 Consultation Stakeholder consultation were carried out in Puerto Carreño, in order to explain the main goals and expected impacts of the project as well as obtain community perceptions and key aspects in improving the design of the project. The invitation to these events was conducted electronically and addressed to various governmental and nongovernmental organizations such as Corporinoquia, AGAF, Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia and others like Fundación Omacha, Fundación Orinoquía Diversa and Fundación Etnollano. Furthermore, the invitation was printed and posted in the bulletin boards of the municipal office of Puerto Carreño. In Addition, coordinators of each nucleus reported and provided technical assistance to the meetings (see Stakeholder consultation folder). To facilitate the participation of all stakeholders, three meetings were organized: one for the urban area, where attendants represented mainly the stakeholders of the project zone; and two in the rural areas, where the attendants were the neighbors of the properties and the workers of each farm (see Registro de Asistencia file). 100 101 Regional autonomous corporation and environmental authority in the Orinoco Region. Asociación Gremial Agroforestal Vichadense. v3.0 117 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 a b c Figure 33. Local consultations. one for the urban area (a), where attendants represented mainly the stakeholders of the project zone; and two in the rural areas (b and c), where the attendants were the neighbors of the properties and the workers of each farm. During the local consultation the aspects of climate change and carbon markets were addressed by providing information and general concepts in simple language that could be understood by all participants. Furthermore, the presentation of the project included the description of the instances considered for the first validation, as well as the strengths of each one, and general aspects such as the area, planted species, forest conservation, among others. The documentation and information regarding the project was made available to the community through the following mechanisms: At the beginning of each meeting, participants received a summary sheet of the project for them to understand the project (Figure 34). During the meetings aspects related to forest carbon projects, specific project activities and participants were explained (see Stakeholder Consultation Report). There were question and answer sessions after the talks. The questions of the participants were resolved and all observations were heard and taken into consideration (Stakeholder Consultation Report). The information provided, included contacts (phone number and email) of the people in charge of the project documentation (project developers), in order to give the attendants, the possibility to permanently communicate their concerns or comments. At the end of the local consultation, attendees were informed about the process to follow up on questions, concerns and / or comments raised at the workshops; which consist in incorporate the relevant comments to the design of the project development. Once the project document is ready, it will be published on the website of the CCB for public comments. v3.0 118 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Figure 34. Stakeholder consultation. In addition to the topics mentioned above, during the local consultation were analyzed the possible impacts that the project might have on individual or collective actors in terms of economic, social and biodiversity aspects. This analysis was performed through the use questions, comments and opinions regarding to the exposed topics. The result of the evaluation, assigned to each impact a rating of positive, negative or neutral according to the effect on the quality of life of each participant (see Stakeholder Consultation Report). Figure 35. Impact assessment exercise during the local consultation Finally, participants were invited and allowed to present their comments anonymously, in order to feel free when expressing their disagreements. So far, the design and implementation project have not been modified, as the comments received do not affect the design of the project (see Registro de Percepciones file). v3.0 119 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Figure 36. Community perception exercise regarding the project. 6.3 Mechanisms for on-going communication The plan to maintain continuous communication with communities includes a communication channel that addresses possible suggestions and complaints, training activities, dissemination of monitoring reports achievements, etc. The main strategies are: The constant monitoring guarantees the participation of communities and the reassessment of goals and objectives during the development of the project. Plans for the dissemination of information (design document, monitoring reports, etc.). The publication of the results, allows the stakeholders to remain updated about the project status, in order to ensure that their participation is effective when required. Plans for conflict resolution and training sessions, facilitate and promote the understanding and participation of employees. For being in constant contact with the community and workers, field technicians are the first responsible for responding to requests from the community. According to the internal procedures of each company (in each nucleus), the technician must climb the observation to the area of human resources and must address the affected to a discussion room, in order to handle the complaint. On the other hand, managers of each nucleus, maintain constant contact with the institutions and project leaders, in order to verify that externally, the project operations are not negatively impacting the surrounding communities. v3.0 120 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 All these measures have been and will continue to be implemented without gender discrimination and respecting the cultural customs of the stakeholders. v3.0 121 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 APPENDIX I: Threatened species According to the UICN red list of threatened species, version 2012, the following species are catalogued 102 as DD (Data deficient), LC (Least concern) , NT (Near threatened), VU (Vulnerable), EN (Endangered), 103 or CR (Critically endangered) (Catalogue of life) depending of their current status of threat. Table 35. Endangered fauna species in the Orinoco region Scientific name Common name Category Fish Osteoglossum ferreirai Arauana Azul, Arawana LC Colossoma macropomum Cachama Negra, Cherna, Gamitana LF Brachyplatystoma juruense Apuy, Manta Negra, Camisa Rayada VU Brachyplatystoma filamentosum Valentón, Plumita, Lechero, Pirahiba EN Brachyplatystoma flavicans Dorado, Plateado EN Brachyplatystoma vaillantii Blancopobre, Pirabutón, Capaz EN Paulicea luetkeni Saliboro, Bagre Sapo, Peje Negro EN Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum Pintadillo Tigre, Bagre, Capararí EN Mammals Aotus brumbacki VU Aotus vociferans LC Ateles belzebuth EN Callicebus torquatus LC Cebus apella LC Saimiri sciureus LC Cacajao melanocephalus LC Lagothrix lagothricha Choyo VU Alouatta seniculus Araguato LC Cebus apella Maicero LC Cerdocyon thous Zorra LC Eira Barbara Ulamá LC Inia geoffrensis Delfín Rosado DD Leopardus pardalis Leopardo LC Leopardus wiedii Tigrillo peludo NT Lontra longicaudis Nutria neotropical DD Myrmecophaga tridactyla Oso hormiguero, oso palmero VU Odocoileus virinianus Venado sabanero LF Panthera onca Tigre NT 102 When a taxon has been evaluated against the criteria and does not qualify for Critically Endangered, endangered or vulnerable or any other category 103 The species catalogued as LF, are those who have not been yet reported by the UICN but appear on the Catalogue of life (indexing the world’s known species) v3.0 122 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Scientific name Common name Category Pecari Tajacu Zaino LC Priodontes maximus Armadillo gigante VU Pteronura brasiliensis Perro de agua EN Puma concolor Puma LC Saimiri sciureus Mico LC Tapirus terrestres Danta común VU Tayassu pecari Cajuche NT Reptiles Ameiva ameiva Lobato cardenillo LF Amphisbaena alba Tatacoa LC Boa constrictor Boa LF Bothrops asper Mapaná LF Caiman crocodilus crocodilus Cachirre LF Chelonoidis carbonaria Morrocoy LF Chelonoidis denticulata Tortuga morrocoy VU Chironius carinatus Voladora LF Cnemidophorus lemniscatus Lobo LF Crocodylus intermedius Caimán del Orinoco, llanero CR Crotalus durissus Cascabel LC Eunectes murinus Guio LF Gonatodes albogularis Toteca LF Iguana iguana Iguana LF Leptodeira annulata Falsa Mapaná LF Mabuya mabouya LF Mastigodryas pleei Guardacaminos LF Paleosuchus palpebrosus Babilla LC Podocnemis expansa Galápaga LR Podocnemis unifilis V Galápaga VU Tupinambis teguixin Lobo pollero LC Birds Amazona amazónica Lora LC Amazona ochrocephala Lora Cabeciamarilla LC Ammodramus humeralis Correcaminos Sabanero LC Anas cyanoptera Pava negra LC Anthracothorax nigricollis Colibri LC Ara macao Guacamaya Macao LC Ara militaris Guacamaya verde VU Ara severus Guacamaya Cariseca LC Aratinga pertinax Perico Carisucio LC Ardea alba Garza Blanca LF v3.0 123 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Scientific name Common name Category Arremonops conirostris Pinzón conirrostro LC Arundinicola leucocephala Monjita pantanera LC Athene cunicularia Murruco , Guarracuco LC Basileuterus cinereicollis Arañero pechigris NT Botaurus pinnatus Avetoro LC Brachygalba goeringi LC Burhinus bistriatus Guerere – Gurre LC Buteo albicaudatus Gavilan LC Buteo magnirostris Gavilán azul LC Buteogallus meridionalis Aguila mona LC Butorides striata Chicuaco LC Cacicus cela Arrendajo LC Cacicus uropygialis Arrendajo escarlata LC Caprimulgus cayennensis Guardacaminos LC Caracara cheriway Carraco LC Cathartes aura Guala LC Cathartes burrovianus Laura LC Chlorostilbon poortmanni Esmeralda rabicorta LC Circus buffoni Aguilucho Negro LC Coereba flaveola Mielero Común LC Colaptes punctigula Carpintero LC Colinus cristatus Perdiz LC Columbina squamata Torcaza LF Columbina talpacoti Tierrera LC Coragyps atratus Samuro LC Crax daubentoni Pavón moquiamarillo NT Crotophaga ani Jirijuelo LC Cyanocorax violaceus Pollo de monte LC Dacnis cayana Dacnis azul LC Dendrocygna viduata Careto LC Dryocopus lineatus Carpintero real LC Egretta caerulea Garza Azul LC Elaenia flavogaster Elaenia copetona LC Falco deiroleucus Halcón Colorado NT Falco femoralis Halcon LC Falco sparverius Halcon, Cernícalo LC Forpus conspicillatus Periquito LC Gymnomystax mexicanus Toche LC Harpia harpyja Águila moñuda NT Herpetotheres cachinnans Guacabó LC v3.0 124 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Scientific name Common name Hypnelus ruficollis Category LC Jabiru mycteria Gaban LC Manacus manacus Pica piedra LC Megaceryle torquata Matraquero, Martin pescador LC Milvago chimachima Chiriguare LC Mimus gilvus Parablata LC Mitu tomentosum Paujil NT Momotus subrufescens Barranquero LF Morphnus guianensis Águila arpía NT Myiozetetes cayanensis Siriri LC Neochen jubata Pato carretero NT Nycticorax nycticorax Chicuaco LC Nyctidromus albicollis Bujio LC Orthopsittaca manilata Catarnica LC Oryzoborus angolensis Arrocero LC Patagioenas cayennensis Torcaza LC Pauxi pauxi Paujil Copete de Piedra EN Penelope jacquacu Pava LC Piaya cayana Pisca, pascuita LC Pilherodius pileatus Garza LC Pipra erythrocephala LC Pitangus lictor Caballicero LC Pitangus sulphuratus Cristofue LC Polystictus pectoralis Tachurí barbado NT Progne chalybea Golondrina LC Pyrocephalus rubinus Pechirrojo LC Quiscalus lugubris Mirla LC Ramphastos tucanus Piapoco, Tucán LC Ramphocelus carbo Come queso LC Sarcoramphus papa Raisamuro LC Sicalis flaveola Canario LC Sporophila minuta Espiguero LC Sturnella magna Chirlobirlo LC Sturnella militaris Soldadito LC Syrigma sibilatrix Campanilla, Chunguita LC Tachycineta albiventer Golondrina LC Tangara cayana Tangara triguera LC Theristicus caudatus Tautaco LC Thraupis episcopus Azulejo LC Thraupis palmarum Azulejo LC v3.0 125 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: VCS Version 3 Scientific name Common name Category Tigrisoma lineatum Vaco Colorado LC Todirostrum cinereum Espatulilla LC Trogon viridis Trogon LC Tyrannus melancholicus Caballicero LC Tyrannus savana (Ma) Tijereta LC Tyrannus tyrannus Siriri LC Vanellus chilensis Alcaraván LC Veniliornis passerinus Carpintero LC Xiphorhynchus obsoletus Trepa troncos LC Zenaida auriculata Paloma LC Amphibians Rhinella granulosus Sapito verrugoso LC Rhinella marina Sapo LC Hypsiboas boans Rana LC Hypsiboas crepitans Rana LC Hypsiboas punctatus Rana LC Pseudis paradoxa Rana LC Trachycephalus venulosus Rana LC Leptodactylus fuscus Saltona LC 104 105 106 107 Source: Mojica et al. (2002) , Renjifo et al. (2002) , Corporinoquía (2004) , Romero et al (2009 ), Rodríguez et al (2006). 104 Mojica, J. I., C. Castellanos, J. S. Usma y R. Álvarez (eds.). 2002. Libro rojo de peces dulceacuícolas de Colombia. Serie Libros Rojos de Especies Amenazadas de Colombia. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales - Universidad Nacional de Colombia y Ministerio del Medio Ambiente. Bogotá, Colombia. 105 Rengifo, L. M., A. M. Franco-Maya, J. D. Amaya-Espinel, G. H. Kattan y B. López-Lanús (eds.). 2002. Libro rojo de aves de Colombia. Serie Libros Rojos de Especies Amenazadas de Colombia. Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt y Ministerio del Medio Ambiente. Bogotá, Colombia. 106 Corporación Autónoma Regional de la Orinoquía (CORPORINOQUIA). 2004. Plan de Acción 2004-2006. Yopal, Colombia. 107 Romero M.H., Maldonado-Ocampo J.A., Bogotá- Gregory J.D., Usma J.S., Umaña-Villaveces A.M., Murillo J.I., Restrepo-Calle S., Álvarez M., Palacios-Lozano M.T., Valbuena M.S., Mejía S.L. Aldana-Domínguez J. y Payán E. 2009. Informe sobre el estado de la biodiversidad en Colombia 2007- 2008: piedemonte orinoquense, sabanas y bosques asociados al norte del río Guaviare. Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt. Bogotá D.C., Colombia. 151 p. v3.0 126