Title Management


Title Management
collectionPoint provides global digital distribution and
metadata management.
Key functionality and processes managed in the Publish/
Distribution Phase:
1.Sales & marketing workflow to deliver:
a. Final bound book allocations / on-sale dates
b. Final digital distribution targets / on-sale dates
2. Production workflow to communicate / confirm
a. Print lay-down
b. Digital upload
3.Sales & marketing workflow to deliver
a. Press kits
b. Final publicity dates
4.Rights management workflow to deliver / confirm
a. Territory release schedules
b. Subsidiary rights release dates
Title Management
cPTitle Management retains all vital publishing information and
data. A dashboard summary of all key deliverables, events and
performance indicators gives stakeholders up-to-date status and
accounting of each title, its derivative editions and subsidiary
rights components. Customized APIs integrating proprietary ERP
and royalty systems will provide financial reporting through the
cPTitle Mangement dashboard. Business reports and summaries
can be generated throughout all phases of the system to provide
interim and final results for budgetary purposes.
Because collectionPoint is a hosted offering (staged on a secure
Level 3 installation server farm) projects and workflow can be accessed anywhere. An editor can log in from her summer cottage and
submit the latest changes to a manuscript. A sales manager can
log in on his iPad from the field to get the latest pricing and rights
information. A business manager can check on any and all aspects
of a project to see how it is tracking against budget and plan.
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Your Guide to Stress Free
Title Management
From Manuscript to Market – A Complete Workflow Tool
Title Management
They call it a deadline for a reason. But that’s not to say getting
a final product released on-time and on-budget must be a painful
process. Knowing who is doing what; what needs to be done
next; and which resources are at hand helps reduce stress and
eliminate costly last minute decisions. In the end, publishing of
any kind is a collaborative effort. It takes cooperation and timely
contributions from more than just the author. Editors, illustrators, designers, production managers, rights managers, business
managers, sales managers, marketing managers, and in today’s
process, software engineers all play a vital role in the success of
most publishing projects.
So how does a publisher or managing editor take control over so
many moving pieces and enforce processes and procedures that
keep everyone informed while providing meaningful oversight and
reporting? The answer is codeMantra’s new cPTitle Management module. This robust and versatile new software solution
extends the collectionPoint™ platform by adding a collaborative
workflow application that manages inputs from authors, editors,
rights managers, production managers and business managers,
along with marketing and sales executives.
3.Publishing plan and P&L development
4.Initial rights management workflow
Once a project has been green-lighted, a managing editor or
project manager will use the scheduling tool to establish key
milestones and deliverables. Assigned completion dates will
inform the system’s custom workflows and communication tools.
Custom workflows to manage all aspects of the editorial and
design process are readily assembled. Users can be assigned and
removed as required. Bibliographic information is entered and
informs all aspects of a title’s life cycle.
As an integral component of collectionPoint, metadata drives
cPTitle Management and is managed at a granular level – as
individual assets. As a title evolves, so too does the bibliographic
information essential to such upstream management phases.
Workflow segments are designed with hand-shakes and overlaps
to create an over-arching process, capturing content revisions
and metadata changes for all current documents and any upstream dependencies.
Key functionality and processes managed in the
development phase:
Life-cycle Project Management
Track critical data and documents even before a project is approved.
Launch a new project; generate a project ID number and start capturing proposals, responses, correspondence and contracts. cPTitle Management functionality can be broken down into phases.
At the acquisition phase, editors and business managers can archive and track all proposals, contracts and assessment reports
with cPTitle Management. Various users or groups are assigned
specific access rights and when logged into collectionPoint will
be able to view only those documents and data pertinent to their
Title Management
assigned duties. Stakeholders will have a global view of all data
and documents in order to make an informed decision.
cPTitle Management also supplies templates with which to create a publishing plan and associated P&L. Once signed, a title
moves to the next phase where users can customize and implement workflows.
Key functionality and processes managed in the acquisition phase:
1.Proposal review and feedback workflow
2.Contract development and management
1.Project plan and scheduling
2.Editorial review workflow
a. Primary edit and revision
b. Copy-edit and approval
3.Production workflow
a. Design review and acceptance
b. Art review and approval
c. Supplementary acquisition (image, illustration, other)
d. Cast-off, review and approval
e. 1st, 2nd and 3rd galley passes
4.Digital pub plan and approval
5.Digital edition creation / conversion
a. File test and approval
6.Preliminary sales & marketing workflow – outputs to
a. Tip sheets
b. Catalog entry
c. Author biographies
d. Retail & library metadata templates
e. Advertising plan
f. Publicity plan
7.Sales metadata development
Overlaps and hand-offs to:
8.Rights management workflow
9.Publishing plan and P&L
10.Contract management
codeMantra offers complete prepress, composition and
conversion services to meet all of your publishing needs.
In this critical phase all deliverables are finalized and staged for
publication. Sales, marketing, publicity, editorial and rights personnel collaborate to define all content and metadata attributes.
Final production hand-offs are reviewed and all marketing and
sales documentation is developed and approved. A final version of
the publishing plan is validated. Approved print files and instructions are pushed to the printer and all requisite pre-sales metadata is issued to the channel. This is a highly collaborative phase
of cPTitle Management where all stakeholders participate.
Key functionality and processes managed in the
Pre-Publish Phase:
1.Rights management workflow - outputs to include approved:
a. Territorial rights plan
b. Subsidiary rights plan
2.Sales & marketing workflow - outputs to include approved:
a. Catalog entry
b. Website presentation
e. Press release / publicity plan
f. Distribution plan
g. Sales kit
h. Co-op advertising plan
3.Production workflow - outputs to include:
a. Final cover / jacket
b. Final production / paper specs
i. 1st printing
c. Production deliverables to foreign rights owners
d. Digital Edition package and metadata requirements
Overlap and hand-offs to:
4.Publishing Plan and P&L
5.Contract Management
It is in this phase that the collaborative and integrated workflows
of cPTitle Management have their biggest pay-off. As all paths
and processes lead to a single pub date, or set of pub dates, executables are orchestrated in a timely fashion. Bound copies are
shipped to retail distribution centers; digital editions are uploaded
to retail servers; ads are posted and press releases issued.