2011 - University Archives and Records Center


2011 - University Archives and Records Center
Other Commencement Programs
255th Commencement
Mon day, May 1 6 , 2 0 1 1
255th Commencement
Mon da y, May 16 , 2 01 1
The University of Pennsylvania
In the words of one elegiac tribute, “Great men have two lives: one which occurs while they work on this earth; a second which
begins at the day of their death and continues as long as their ideas and conceptions remain powerful.”
These words befit the great Benjamin Franklin, whose inventions, innovations, ideas, writings, and public works continue to shape
our thinking and renew the Republic he helped to create and the institutions he founded, including the University of Pennsylvania.
Nowhere does Franklin feel more contemporary, more revolutionary, and more alive than at the University of Pennsylvania. His
startling vision of a secular, nonsectarian Academy that would foster an “Inclination join’d with an Ability to serve Mankind, one’s
Country, Friends and Family” has never ceased to challenge Penn to redefine the scope and mission of the modern American
When pursued vigorously and simultaneously, the two missions – developing the inclination to do good and the ability to do well –
merge to help form a more perfect university that educates more capable citizens for our democracy.
Penn has embodied and advanced Franklin’s revolutionary vision for 271 years. Throughout its history, Penn has extended
the frontiers of higher learning and research to produce graduates and scholars whose work has enriched the nation and all of
The modern liberal arts curriculum as we know it can trace its roots to Franklin’s innovation to have Penn students study
international commerce and foreign languages.
The first medical and business schools in the United States were launched here.
And the first general-purpose electronic, digital computer – ENIAC – was invented right here at the University of Pennsylvania.
At Penn, the never-ending quest for innovation and academic distinction has found perfect Franklinian expression in “The Penn
Compact,” President Amy Gutmann’s bold vision for propelling our University from excellence to eminence in all our core
endeavors. Fulfilling the goals of the Compact – increasing access for talented students of all backgrounds, integrating knowledge
across multiple disciplines, and engaging our knowledge with communities locally and globally – is the focus of Penn’s current $3.5
billion Making History campaign, and will position the University to make the greatest possible contribution to our society and our
Today, Penn proudly graduates a class of men and women who have shown the intelligence, drive, integrity, and character to
become engaged citizens who will serve humanity with distinction. Our Penn graduates are poised to take their place as productive
democratic citizens and as just and humane stewards of our world.
In these challenging and perilous times, a world in need of young men and women who are willing to shoulder the moral
responsibilities of leadership can look to Penn.
Franklin wrote: “We may make these times better if we bestir ourselves. The noblest question in the world is ‘What good may I do
in it?’”
The answer to this question will be furnished by Franklin’s newest heirs, the graduates of 2011.
Franklin Field
Guests will find this diagram helpful in locating the approximate seating of the degree candidates. The sequence in which the
candidates are presented for degrees is shown on the next page. The list on page 13, detailing the colors of the candidates’ hoods
according to their fields of study, may further assist guests in identifying the locations of the various schools.
In case of emergency, evacuation procedures will be announced.
33rd St.
South St.
guest seating
Convention Ave.
guest seating
guest seating
33rd St.
Keeping Franklin’s Promise.................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Franklin Field Commencement Seating............................................................................................................................................... 2
The Commencement Ceremony.......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Historical Notes.................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Academic Ceremony and Regalia...................................................................................................................................................... 13
The Schools of the University............................................................................................................................................................ 15
Honorary Degree Citations................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Degrees in Course............................................................................................................................................................................... 21
The School of Arts and Sciences............................................................................................................................................ 21
The College of Arts and Sciences............................................................................................................................... 21
The Graduate Division................................................................................................................................................ 28
The College of Liberal and Professional Studies........................................................................................................ 28
The School of Engineering and Applied Science................................................................................................................... 29
The Wharton School............................................................................................................................................................... 35
The Wharton Undergraduate Division....................................................................................................................... 35
The Wharton Graduate Division................................................................................................................................. 38
The School of Nursing............................................................................................................................................................ 43
The School of Medicine......................................................................................................................................................... 45
The Law School...................................................................................................................................................................... 47
The School of Design............................................................................................................................................................. 49
The School of Dental Medicine............................................................................................................................................. 51
The School of Veterinary Medicine....................................................................................................................................... 52
The Graduate School of Education........................................................................................................................................ 53
The School of Social Policy & Practice.................................................................................................................................. 56
The Annenberg School for Communication.......................................................................................................................... 58
The Graduate Faculties........................................................................................................................................................... 59
ROTC Commissions........................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Principal Academic Honor Societies.................................................................................................................................................. 64
Prizes and Awards............................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Faculty Honors.................................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Alumni Representatives...................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Commencement Marshals.................................................................................................................................................................. 80
Trustees of the University................................................................................................................................................................... 81
Officers of the University................................................................................................................................................................... 82
School Ceremonies............................................................................................................................................................................. 83
The Commencement Ceremony
The audience is requested to stand during the Academic Procession, the singing of the National Anthem, the Invocation, the Dismissal and the singing of
“The Red and Blue,” and to remain in place until the Academic Procession has left the field.
Westminster Brass
James W. Hala, Director
Procession of the Alumni Class Representatives
Procession of the Class of 1986
Procession of the Class of 1961
David L. Cohen, Chair of the Board of Trustees
Ali-Reza Mirsajadi, C’11
Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight
O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming.
And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Charles L. Howard, Chaplain
Amy Gutmann, President
Presentation of the 25th and 50th Reunion Classes
Academic Honors
Vincent Price, Provost
Camille Z. Charles, Chair, Faculty Senate
The President
Renée C. Fox..........................................................................................................................................................Doctor of Science
Annenberg Professor Emerita of the Social Sciences,
University of Pennsylvania
Mo Ibrahim...............................................................................................................................................................Doctor of Laws
Chairman of the Board, Mo Ibrahim Foundation
The Commencement Ceremony (Continued)
Nicholas D. Kristof ....................................................................................................................................Doctor of Humane Letters
Pulitzer Prize Winner
Columnist, New York Times
Sheryl WuDunn...................................................................................................................................... Doctor of Humane Letters
Pulitzer Prize Winner
Senior Managing Director, Mid-Market Securities
President, TripleEdge
Ei-ichi Negishi, Gr’63..................................................................................................................................................Doctor of Science
Herbert C. Brown Distinguished Professor of Chemistry,
Purdue University
Recipient of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Joyce Carol Oates................................................................................................................................... Doctor of Humane Letters
Roger S. Berlind ’52 Professor of the Humanities,
Princeton University
Denzel Washington..................................................................................................................................................... Doctor of Arts
Academy Award Winning & Tony Award Winning Actor
The Provost
Denzel Washington, Academy Award Winning & Tony Award Winning Actor
The President
Candidates are presented by the Deans and the Vice Provost for Education
The President
The Chaplain
By William J. Goeckel, Class of 1896, and Harry E. Westervelt, Class of 1898
Come all ye loyal classmates now, in hall and campus through,
Lift up your hearts and voices for the royal Red and Blue.
Fair Harvard has her crimson, old Yale her colors too,
But for dear Pennsylvania, we wear the Red and Blue.
Hurrah! Hurrah! Pennsylvania!
Hurrah for the Red and the Blue;
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
Hurrah for the Red and the Blue.
Historical Notes
The Commencement of 1761
250 years ago: “Juvenes in Artibus initiati” or “Students in the Arts.” The Latin text reproduced here is the upper third of a “broadside” or
poster, printed and distributed in May 1761, which was intended for public display and which advertised the “public examinations” of the students held
prior to Commencement. The broadside was written in the form of an announcement that the students would engage in a public defense under the auspices
of the several members of the Faculty “Senate;” the Trustees of the College of Philadelphia; James Hamilton, the Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania and
also Trustee of the College; and most importantly, Thomas and Richard Penn, sons of William Penn and joint proprietors of the Province of Pennsylvania.
The Latinized names of the thirteen members of the Class of 1761 – “Juvenes in Artibus initiati” – follow at the bottom of this cropped illustration.
Collections of the University Archives and Records Center.
n Saturday last the public Commencement was
held in the College of this City, before a
vast Concourse of People of all Ranks. Besides
the usual Exercises (which gave great Satisfaction
to the Audience) there was performed in the
Forenoon an elegant Anthem, composed by JAMES
LYON, A.M. of New-Jersey College; and, in
the Afternoon an ODE, sacred to the Memory
of our late gracious Sovereign GEORGE II,
written and set to Music, in a very grand and
masterly Taste, by FRANCIS HOPKINSON,
Esq., A.M. of the College of this City. A Sett of
Ladies and Gentlemen, in order to do Honour
to the Entertainment of the Day, were kindly
pleased to perform a Part both of the Anthem
and Ode, accompanied by the Organ, which
made the Music a very compleat and agreeable
Entertainment to all present.
Besides the Degrees conferred on the Students,
the Rev. Mr. ISAAC EATON, and the Rev. Mr.
SAMUEL STILLMAN were admitted to the
honorary Degree of Master of Arts.
Pennsylvania Gazette
Thursday, 28 May 1761
Tradition and innovation are the very heart and soul of the
University of Pennsylvania, but it is rare to find evidence for this
understanding of University identity in the events of 250 years
ago. The Commencement of 1761, however, provides just that
opportunity. The Annual Commencement – simultaneously
solemn and celebratory – is the greatest of all Penn’s traditions.
In academic dress, it is formal; in speech, it is learned, witty, and
humorous; in style and spirit, it is joyful.
Celebrating commencement with music – both instrumental and
vocal – is a tradition at the University of Pennsylvania virtually as
old as the University itself. Today and for many years, stretching
back at least as far as the 1930s, the Academic Procession has
marched to Edward Elgar’s magnificent composition, “Pomp
and Circumstance, No. 1.” Likewise, the singing of the National
Anthem and “the University hymns” has a venerable place at
Penn’s commencements. There was a time, however, in early
American life, when the performance of music at public ceremonies
was a dramatic and newsworthy innovation. The College of
Philadelphia – as Penn was then known – not only embraced the
change, but was in the vanguard of experimentation. The story
began in December 1759, when the following advertisement was
placed in the Philadelphia newspapers,
Historical Notes (continued)
By PERMISSION, and by particular DESIRE, towards
the raising a Fund for purchasing an ORGAN, to the
COLLEGE-HALL in this City, and instructing the
Charity Children in PSALMODY,
250 years ago:
Francis Hopkinson
(1737-1791) was one
of the most talented
and most distinguished
of Penn’s 18th century
graduates. A member
of the first graduating
class, that of 1757,
he afterwards trained
in the law, served
in the Continental
Congress, and signed
the Declaration of
Independence. He was
also an accomplished
artist, musician, and
playwright. Engraving by
James Barton Longacre
from a painting by
Robert Edge Pine.
At the THEATRE, on Society Hill, this evening will be
presented, the tragical and interesting History of
Thorowgood, by Mr. Douglass; Uncle, Mr. Morris; George
Barnwell, Mr. Hallam; Blunt, Mr. Harman; Trueman, Mr.
Tomlinson; Millwood, by Mrs. Douglass; Maria, Mrs. Love;
Lucy, Mrs. Harman.
Before the Play, and between the Acts, several celebrated
Pieces of Concert Music will be performed by some
Gentlemen of this City, who have kindly consented to
promote the Design of this Entertainment; for which
Purpose a neat Harpsichord will be provided.
Also, a Prologue in Praise of MUSIC will be spoken by
Mr. Hallam; and an occasional Epilogue by Mrs. Douglass.
N.B. As this Benefit is wholly intended for improving our
Youth in the divine Art of PSALMODY and CHURCH
MUSIC, in order to render the Entertainment of the
Town more compleat at Commencements, and other
public Occasions in our COLLEGE, it is not doubted
but it will meet with all due Encouragement from the
Inhabitants of this Place.
To begin exactly at Six o’Clock.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Dunlap, Mr. Hurry, and of
several Gentlemen.
Pennsylvania Gazette
Thursday, 27 December 1759
Philadelphians did, indeed, support the “Benefit for improving
our Youth” and the play produced at the “THEATRE, on Society
Hill,” must have sold out, because a fine organ was soon thereafter
constructed in the first College Hall – located on a campus at
Fourth and Arch Streets in Philadelphia – and was both introduced
to the public at the Commencement of 1760 and reported in the
Philadelphia newspapers as follows,
… The Orations, Disputations, and other Academical
Exercises, were agreeably intermixed with sundry Anthems
and pieces of Psalmody, sung by the Charity Boys, attended
with an Organ, which the Liberality of the Town lately
bestowed. At the Close of the whole, the Audience was
most delightfully entertained with two Anthems sung
by several Ladies and Gentlemen, who have not been
ashamed to employ some of their Leisure Hours in
learning to celebrate their Maker’s Praises with Grace
and Elegance. …
Pennsylvania Gazette
Thursday, 15 May 1760
Collections of the
University Archives and
Records Center.
Innovation and tradition. The College of Philadelphia’s first
two Commencements – those of 1757 and 1759 – brought
to Philadelphia the best traditions of five hundred years of
higher education in the Anglo-American world. The next
two Commencements – those of 1760 and 1761 – presented
Philadelphians with an extraordinary innovation, the public
performance of music, both instrumental and vocal. The
celebration of Commencement with music has continued from
that day to the present time. At today’s Commencement both
the participants and the audience will think of the music as one
of the hallowed traditions of the graduation ceremony. And so
it is. True to its essential nature, the University of Pennsylvania
has nurtured and developed the innovation of music until it has
become one of Penn’s most outstanding traditions.
One Hundred Fifty Years Ago
The Commencements of 1861
uring a period of over a century, the
influence exercised throughout our country
by the University of Pennsylvania has been
acknowledged. Its varied departments have
been conducted very successfully as schools of
instruction, and are renowned for their talent.
In the catalogue published for this year, we note
that there were in the Department of Arts, one
hundred and forty pupils, in that of Medicine,
four hundred and sixty-five, and in that of Law,
seventy-one. The Charity (English) Schools
number one hundred and fifty pupils, thus
making a total of eight hundred and twenty-six
Historical Notes (continued)
scholars, a number that will compare favorably
with Yale College, or any other of our distant
educational establishments.
The continued prosperity of the Medical Department,
which this year shows a larger class of pupils than any
other medical school in the United States, is especially
gratifying, the large number of four hundred and
sixty-five students being truly remarkable, in view of
numerous and powerful rivals, the commercial distress
of the country, and a political excitement hitherto
Of the Medical Class, there were from Pennsylvania,
two hundred and twenty-two students; from North
Carolina, forty-four; from Virginia, thirty-six; from
Mississippi, nine; from Tennessee, eight; from Florida,
five; from South Carolina, four; from Texas, three;
from the United States Army and Navy, seven; from
Nova Scotia, six; from England, one; from the West
Indies, two; as well as some from Louisiana, Georgia,
Alabama, Massachusetts and New York. The latter
state furnished five. With all the pre-eminence claimed
by the metropolis in commerce, Philadelphia has always
maintained the lead in medical instruction, and it is a
subject of congratulation to many of our citizens, whose
interests are closely identified with our medical schools,
to learn that this prosperity is so well maintained by the
University, under existing conditions.
The medical commencement is to be held at the
Musical Fund Hall, on Thursday next, at noon, when
we may expect to see a large graduating class, who, in
returning to their homes, will carry with them agreeable
recollections of their residence in our city.
Philadelphia Inquirer
Tuesday, 12 March 1861
By March 1861, as these clippings from the Philadelphia
newspapers make clear, the national political crisis loomed, dark
and threatening, over much of the local news. South Carolina
had seceded from the Union on 20 December 1860 and six
Southern states – South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama,
Mississippi, and Louisiana – joined to form a provisional
Confederate government on 8 February 1861. Those six states,
plus Texas, adopted the “Constitution of the Confederate States”
on Monday, 11 March 1861. At the University of Pennsylvania’s
School of Medicine, nineteen members of the graduating class
were permanent residents of these first seven states of the
Confederacy. An additional forty-eight were residents of four
other Southern states – Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and
North Carolina – which, just a few weeks later, after war broke
out at Fort Sumter, would also secede from the Union. Residents
of the eleven Confederate states made up a total of 38% of the
graduating class. In retrospect, it was remarkable that there was
no incident at the School’s Commencement.
The Annual Commencement of the University of
Pennsylvania took place yesterday morning, in Musical
Fund Hall. The procession moved from the College,
at ten o’clock, and reached the hall half an hour
afterward, in the following order: -- The Provost, Dr.
GOODWIN, at the head, in cap and gown, followed by
and COPPÉE, the Trustees of the University, and the
graduates, in order of rank. Professors and graduates
were all gowned.
The hall was two-thirds filled, chiefly by ladies, whose
gay bonnets presented the coup d’oeil of a gorgeous
The proceedings were opened by a prayer by the
Provost, followed by a Greek salutatory oration, by Mr.
After this came the following orators: -The Parallax of Human Vision, EDWARD J.
Puritanism in America, MARTIN P. JONES.
The Moral Pendulum, CHARLES A.
The Threefold Future, SAMUEL WAGNER, JR.
Louis Philippe, JOHN FORBES, JR.
The Effect of Truth upon its Advocates, CHARLES
150 years ago: Medical Hall on the Ninth Street Campus. In 1828
the faculty of the School of Medicine engaged a prominent Philadelphia
architect, William Strickland, to design a new Medical Hall. Construction
began in February 1829 and was completed in October of that year.
Medical education at Penn was conducted in this building until the School
moved to West Philadelphia in 1873. In this view, which dates to ca. 1870,
the photographer stood on the east side of Ninth Street and turned his
camera southwest in order to document the east and north facades of the
building. Photograph by Robert Newell, Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Collections of the University Archives and Records Center.
Historical Notes (continued)
150 years ago: Daniel Raynes Goodwin (1811 – 1890) (A.B., Bowdoin College,
1832; LL.D. (hon.), University of Pennsylvania, 1868) was Provost of the University of
Pennsylvania in 1861 and presided at both the Medical Commencement in March and
the University Commencement in July. These were his first Penn commencements;
he had come to Philadelphia just a year earlier from Trinity College in Hartford,
Connecticut, where he held the presidency from 1853 to 1860. He was also an ordained
Episcopal clergyman and very active in the national Episcopal church. In 1868 he left
Penn to become Dean of the Episcopal Divinity School in Philadelphia. Goodwin was
the seventh and last clergyman to hold the Penn provostship. This early photograph
of Goodwin dates to ca. 1861. Oliver H. Willard, photographer, 1628 Market Street,
Collections of the University Archives and Records Center.
The valedictory address was very well delivered by
GREGORY BEDELL KEEN, who spoke first to the
audience and then to the Trustees of the University,
afterwards to the Professors, then to the Juniors, and
finally to the graduates. I
The music which interspersed the exercises was by
HASSLER’s Orchestra. The proceedings closed at halfpast one o’clock.
It is interesting to speculate upon the future of these
youths; whether their lives will be a prolonged march
of victory, of the nobleness of which their speeches give
the keynote, or whether their intellectual manhood will
slip into the slough of money-getting, or many of the
frivolities of fashionable life.
[The reporter then listed the names of the fiftynine graduates, beginning with the names of the
twenty-three recipients of the degree of Bachelor
of Arts, continuing with the names of the sixteen
recipients of the semi-honorary degree of Master
of Arts, the names of the eighteen recipients of the
degree of Bachelor of Laws, the names of the two
recipients of the degree of Doctor of Medicine, and
concluding with the names of the three recipients
of honorary degrees, two Doctors of Divinity and
one Doctor of Laws.]
The various gentlemen here mentioned formed upon
the platform in front of the Provost, and were addressed
in Latin by him, with good advice and compliments
upon their diligence, ending by conferring their various
degrees upon them by name.
The Provost then announced in English various
prizes, as follows:
Intellectual and Moral Philosophy – ED S.
Greek and Latin – RICHARD H. DOUGLASS.
English Language and Literature – RICHARD H.
Essay on the Colonial Principle – GEORGE D.
Declamation – JAS. W. ASHTON and CHAS. G.
The “Henry Reed Prize” – RICHARD H.
Philadelphia Inquirer
Thursday, 4 July 1861
The most striking feature of the University Commencement of
1861 was its adherence to tradition. The ceremony of July 1861
was virtually indistinguishable from that of a century earlier. The
public procession in academic garb, the entrance into a grand
auditorium, the accompanying music, the initial student address
in Greek, the six student addresses in English, the conferring
of degrees, and the valedictory were all borrowed directly
from Penn’s first commencements. Likewise, the undergraduate
curriculum in 1861 was little different from its counterpart
in 1761. While professional education – led by the School of
Medicine, but by 1861 also including the Law School and the
School of Engineering and Applied Science – was transforming
the landscape of American universities, the liberal arts and
sciences were mired in the past. Another generation would pass
before this too would change.
150 years ago: Robert Empie
Rogers (1813 – 1884) (M.D.,
University of Pennsylvania, 1836) was the
School of Medicine’s Commencement
speaker in March 1861. He was then
concluding his ninth year as Professor of
Chemistry and his fifth year as Dean of
the School. He would continue another
sixteen years in both positions, resigning
both in 1877, at the age of sixty-four.
Though trained as a physician, he did
not practice; he was a scientist who
greatly expanded the field of chemistry
as applied to medicine during his years at
Penn. Rogers introduced, among several
other notable innovations, the study of
organic chemistry at Penn. This early
photograph of Rogers dates to ca. 1861.
Photographer unknown.
Collections of the University Archives and
Records Center.
Historical Notes (continued)
Fifty Years Ago:
The Commencements of 1961
During the middle years of the twentieth century, Penn held two,
regular graduation ceremonies: the Mid-Year Convocation and
the annual Commencement. The University typically conferred
several hundred degrees at the Mid-Year Convocation, which
permitted it to be held in Irvine Auditorium. The annual
Commencement was much the larger of the two – the University
typically conferred more than 2,000 degrees – and it was held
in the Municipal Auditorium (where the Ruth and Raymond
Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine now stands). The
traditions observed at both events were similar in several respects
to those held by the College a century and two centuries earlier –
the participants still dressed in academic regalia; the procession,
accompanied by music, was still an extraordinary parade; the
awarding of degrees still symbolized the achievement of a lifelong
credential of enormous importance – but the program was now
focused – like that of the School of Medicine in 1861 – on the
inspirational leadership of the speaker and the recipients of
honorary degrees. Student “orators” had given way to those who
had been successful and become prominent in American and
international life. In 1961 Penn’s Mid-Year Convocation and its
annual Commencement adhered closely to this new statement of
educational values. It is the model that continues to the present
Penn Graduates 600 at Mid-Year
he University of Pennsylvania graduated a
mid-year class of about 600 and conferred
honorary degrees on an educator-physicist and a
clergyman Saturday.
educational levels, from elementary school through graduate and
professional schools.” During his tenure, Adams maintained and
perhaps enhanced the Council’s national stature. In February
1960, when Adams announced his retirement, the Chicago Tribune
said, “The Council presidency is regarded as one of the top
positions in education in the United States.” A year later, the
University of Pennsylvania joined in praising Adams and his
work with ACE by awarding him its honorary degree of Doctor
of Science,
Today, fifty years later, the American Council on Education is
located on Dupont Circle in Washington, D.C., where its work
is carried forward under the presidency of Molly Corbett Broad.
The ACE web site summarizes its current strategic plan as
follows, “ACE, the major coordinating body for all of the nation’s
higher education institutions, seeks to provide leadership and a
unifying voice on higher education issues and to influence public
policy through advocacy, research, and program initiatives.”
Wise Choice of Values Urged on Penn
Greenewalt Warns of Conformity
Adjustment to an organizational environment requires
“neither brash self-assertion nor unquestioning
compliance,” Crawford H. Greenewalt, president of E.
I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., declared Monday at the
205th commencement of the University of Pennsylvania.
Greenewalt told more than 2,400 members of the
graduating class that adjustments call for a choice
of values which recognize that individual aims and
organizational goals are “thoroughly compatible and
may be achieved with honor both for the individual and
for the organization.”
Dr. Arthur S. Adams, president of the American
Council on Education, delivered the convocation
address and received an honorary degree of Doctor of
Science. The Rev. Edward G. Harris, chaplain of the
University and lecturer in Christian ethics since 1950,
received an honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. He
recently was named dean of the Divinity School of the
Protestant Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, and will
leave Penn June 30.
In the graduating class were students from 32 States,
the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and 22 foreign
Philadelphia Inquirer
Sunday morning, 5 February 1961
In February 1961 Arthur Stanton Adams (1896 – 1980) was
completing his eleventh and final year as President of the
American Council on Education (ACE). In May 1950, when
Adams was elected to the presidency of ACE, the New York Times
described the privately-supported, non-profit in these terms,
“The Council, with more than one thousand affiliated colleges,
universities, and national educational organizations, is considered
the most influential school group in the country. It cuts across all
50 years ago: Mid-Year Convocation in Irvine Auditorium. In
1961, Penn’s distinguished Professor of Anthropology, Loren Corey Eiseley,
was Provost of the University and as Provost he presented the Convocation
speaker, Arthur Stanton Adams, to President Gaylord Probasco Harnwell
for the conferring of the honorary degree of Doctor of Science. In this view,
Eiseley, in glasses, is at the left; Adams, is in the center; and Harnwell,
holding a rolled copy of the citation which accompanied the degree, is at
the right. The 1961 Mid Year Convocation was Penn’s last. The Trustees
had already acted to adopt the modern calendar of semesters and in the fall
of 1961, the new calendar went into effect. This photograph was taken on
Saturday, 4 February 1961; the photographer is unknown.
Collections of the University Archives and Records Center.
Historical Notes (continued)
“The organization which disregards individual
development does so at its own peril,” he said. “And
in this day and age it is equally dangerous for an
organization to become the victim of a ‘conformity
complex’ among its people. No organization can be
anything more than a cross-section of the individuals it
Dr. Gaylord P. Harnwell, president of the university,
conferred the degrees in course and also nine honorary
degrees at the exercises, which opened at 10:15 a.m. in
the Municipal Auditorium. A special citation was given
Dr. Eugene B. Ormandy, conductor and music director
of the Philadelphia Orchestra for 25 years. He already
holds an honorary degree of Doctor of Music from the
Honorary degrees of Doctor of Laws were conferred
on Greenewalt; Mayor Richardson Dilworth; Judge
William H. Hastie, of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Third Circuit; Dr. Arnold J. Toynbee, historian and
visiting professor at Penn; Dr. Hugh Borton, president
of Haverford College; and Francis Boyer, chairman of
the board of Smith, Kline & French.
Two professors received honorary degrees of Doctor of
Science, Dr. Eugene P. Wigner, holder of the Thomas
D. Jones professorship in mathematics and physics at
Princeton University, and Dr. Henry LeRoy Bockus,
emeritus professor of medicine and gastroenterology
in Penn’s Graduate School of Medicine. The honorary
degree of Doctor of Letters was conferred on Dr. Albert
C. Baugh, who is Felix E. Schelling memorial professor
of English literature at the university.
Presenting the candidates for honorary degrees were
Dr. Loren C. Eiseley, provost of the university; Dr.
I. S. Ravdin, vice president for medical affairs; and
Dr. Alfred H. Williams, chairman of the university’s
trustees. Deans of the respective schools presented their
graduating classes, the members of which come from
43 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and
38 foreign countries.
Cash awards of $500 to $1,000 were announced for five
members of the faculty in recognition of “distinguished
teaching.” The awards were made possible through
funds from the Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback
Foundation. Recipients were Dr. Baugh; Dr. W.
Carlton Harris, professor of finance; Dr. Merkel H.
Jacobs, emeritus professor of physiology; Dr. Edward
Rose, professor of clinical medicine; and Dr. Roy G.
Williams, professor of anatomy.
Philadelphia Inquirer
Tuesday morning, 6 June 1961
Fifty years ago, the University of Pennsylvania held its annual
Commencement ceremony at the Municipal Auditorium, which
was located on South 34th Street, where the Perelman Center
for Advanced Medicine now stands. In 1961, Penn President
Gaylord P. Harnwell presided at Commencement and conferred
forty-eight different degrees, recommended by the faculties of
nineteen different schools, to 2,246 graduates. He also conferred
137 certificates of proficiency, 106 diplomas, and seventy-five
military commissions. The University’s guests of honor were the
nine recipients of honorary degrees, led by the Commencement
speaker, Crawford H. Greenewalt.
In 1961, Crawford Hallock Greenewalt (1902 – 1993) was
one of the leading corporate executives in the nation. Born
in Massachusetts, raised in Philadelphia, educated at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Greenewalt returned to
Philadelphia in 1922 and began his forty-five-year career with
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. In 1948 he was elected
President of the du Pont Company and served in that position
for fourteen years. In 1962, he would be elected Chairman
of the Company’s Board of Directors and he would hold that
position for five years, until his retirement in 1967. In 1951,
Time magazine had honored Greenewalt by placing him on the
cover of its weekly publication. A decade later, the University of
Pennsylvania honored him in similar fashion, by awarding him its
honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.
Penn in 2011
Excerpts from
“A Vibrant Intellectual and Professional Home at
for 11 January 2011
Happy New Year and welcome back to Penn! Returning
to my office from home after winter’s break, I watch
our community assume a familiar rhythm, and see our
campus come alive with the activities and excitement
of a new semester. I feel fortunate to have a vibrant
intellectual and professional home to return to after the
holidays. That Penn is truly a home was foretold by our
founder, Benjamin Franklin, when he noted that, “A
house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for
the mind as well as the body.”
Of course, the strength of any home depends on
the strength not only of its members, but also of its
community. Penn is stronger when we engage with
our neighbors. Last fall, Penn received a well-earned
national recognition for our local engagement efforts
when we were named “Best Neighbor” among national
colleges and universities. Since a New Year is often a
time for reflection, I thought this the perfect opportunity
to reflect on our ongoing engagement and its impact on
our local community.
Historical Notes (continued)
To survive and thrive, a neighborhood, like a home,
must first be built on a strong economic foundation.
Our economic commitment to West Philadelphia has
produced a robust micro-economy on and around
campus, resulting in increasing retail sales, employment,
homeownership, and small business development. In
fiscal year 2010 alone, we purchased more than $100
million in products and services from local businesses in
our own backyard.
Penn’s purchasing power creates job opportunities for
members of the community and stimulates growth.
To cite just one example, despite the Great Recession,
Telrose Corporation, a West Philadelphia-based
business that supports many of our offices, has grown
over four-fold, profiting from more than $4 million in
Penn business last fiscal year.
Our wider economic impact is also evidenced in our
most recent economic impact study, commissioned
this past fall and released just this month. In the City
of Philadelphia, we are the largest private employer,
generating $9.5 billion in total expenditures, up more
than 45 percent over the past four years! We also support
57,000 jobs and $4 billion in earnings, and contribute
$170 million in taxes. We remain an economic, as well
as an intellectual, powerhouse. …
The most visible and transformative project currently
underway through Penn Connects is the soon-to-becompleted Penn Park, our University’s “front lawn.” At
the foot of the Center City skyline, along the west bank
of the Schuylkill River, this 24-acre urban park will offer
exceptional recreational and athletic expanses…
To complement Penn Park, we will soon begin work
on Shoemaker Green, our college commons next to the
Palestra. Shoemaker Green will be a welcoming space
of lawns, trees-lined walkways, and sitting areas. Both
a destination and a pedestrian route from Locust and
Smith Walks to Penn Park, it will provide additional
green space for recreation and relaxation for the Penn
community and our local community. Taken together,
Penn Park and Shoemaker Green will add 25 percent
more green space to our campus home, already one of
the greenest and leafiest urban campuses in the country.
Oliver Wendell Holmes once wrote that “Where we
love is home … ” For me, and for all of us who are part
of the Penn community, I know that this is why we think
of Franklin’s University as home. As we return to Penn
and begin another semester with the members of our
Penn family, as we again engage the, “food and fire for
the mind” we find here, let me wish each of you a New
Year filled with health, hope, and happiness.
Amy Gutmann
and Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of
Political Science
In 2011 the Penn Compact with its threefold theme – increasing
access, integrating knowledge, and engaging locally and globally
– leads the University of Pennsylvania into the future. It does so in
partnership with the campus building plan, Penn Connects, and the
$3.5 billion capital campaign, Making History. Working together
these three initiatives promise to achieve President Gutmann’s
objective for Penn: from excellence to eminence. Today, as the
University community celebrates the Commencement of 2011,
it is useful to reflect on the institution’s oldest traditions and to
recognize that Penn is keeping faith with the best of its past.
Mark Frazier Lloyd
University Archives and Records Center
Academic Regalia
Today – May 16, 2011 – is the University of Pennsylvania’s 255th Commencement. Penn traces its origins to a deed of trust executed in 1740 and is
celebrating its 271st birthday this year. President Amy Gutmann will confer bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees upon some 6,000 graduates of the
University’s 12 schools. Honorary degrees will be awarded to seven individuals of distinction in varied fields, as you will note on pages 18, 19 and 20 in
this program.
he practice of sporting signs
on caps and gowns as a form
of public proclamation at
Commencement dates to the early
1760s and recalls an even more ancient
tradition, originating in the practice of
medieval universities. Penn’s archives
contain several 18th century -broadsides,
printed in Latin, which were -distributed
to Commencement guests along with
the regular programs. The broadsides
contain a series of propositions classified
under various academic headings.
Presumably, the graduating students were
willing to defend these theses against any
assertions to the contrary. On the eve of
the Revolution, however, statements such
as “the rights of the people are as divine
as the rights of their rulers” must have
met with widespread sympathy.
Commencement exercises at American
universities and colleges traditionally are
composed of three essential elements:
the Academic Procession, the conferring
of degrees, and the Commencement
address. This practice has been codified
since 1895, when a national conference
on academic -costume and ceremony was
proposed and a plan known initially as
the “Intercollegiate System” was formally
adopted. The Trustees of the University
of Pennsylvania incorporated this code
in the Statutes of the University in
November 1896. Now under the aegis of
the American Council on Education, the
“Academic Costume Code and Academic
Ceremony Guide” was revised in 1932
and 1960.* Throughout the 20th century,
Commencement at Penn has, with minor
modifications, followed the dictates of the
code and its revisions.
By 1896, however, Penn had been
granting degrees for nearly 140 years.
Like other American colonial colleges,
Penn borrowed its 18th century
Commencement rituals directly from
the English universities. In England the
history of academic dress reaches back
to the early days of the oldest schools.
As early as the second half of the 14th
century, the statutes of certain colleges
prohibited “excess in apparel” and
required the wearing of a long gown. It
is still an open question as to whether
academic dress finds its sources chiefly
in ecclesiastical or in civilian dress.
It is often suggested that gowns and
hoods were the simplest, most effective
method of staying warm in the unheated,
stone buildings which housed medieval
scholars. In any case, academic regalia
had evolved to contemporary familiarity
by the time Benjamin Franklin was
awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws by
the University of St. Andrews in 1759.
In April 1887, on the recommendation
of a committee of the faculty, the
Trustees adopted the “‘Pennsylvania’
System of Academic Costume.” The
colors and trimmings of hoods and
caps were regularized according to
faculty and degree. Beginning with
the Commencement of 1887, the
“‘Pennsylvania’ System” was published
in each year’s program and adherence to
its rules was expected of trustees, faculty,
and students alike. Beginning in 1896, the
“‘Pennsylvania’ System” was superseded
by the “Intercollegiate System,” which
has continued in effect to the present
arc cut away. The masters gown may be
worn open or closed. The doctoral gown
is a more elaborate costume faced down
the front with black velvet and across the
sleeves with three bars of the same; these
facings and crossbars may be of velvet
of the color distinctive to the field of
study to which the degree pertains. The
doctoral gown has bell-shaped sleeves
and may be worn open or closed. Some
institutions have authorized doctoral
gowns in colors other than the customary
black; holders of the University of
Pennsylvania doctorate may wear red
and blue gowns.
The hoods are lined in silk with the
official color or colors of the college or
university which granted the highest
degree held by the wearer; more than
one color is shown by division of the
field color in a variety of ways, such as
by chevron or chevrons. The binding
or edging of the hood is in velvet, with
widths of two inches, three inches, and
five inches for the bachelors, masters, and
doctoral degrees, respectively. The color
of the border indicates the field of study
to which the degree pertains. University
of Pennsylvania graduates wear a hood
lined in red with a blue chevron. The
mortarboard cap is standard, though
soft square-topped caps are permissible.
Recipients of doctorates may wear a gold
tassel fastened to the middle point of the
top of the cap; all others wear black.
The gowns used in American academic
ceremonies vary according to the highest
degree awarded to the wearer. The gown
for the bachelor’s degree has pointed
sleeves; it is designed to be worn closed.
The gown for the masters degree has
an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist. The
sleeve base hangs down in the traditional
manner. The rear part of its oblong
shape is square cut and the front has an
*This and additional material which follows is taken from “An Academic Costume Code and Academic Ceremony Guide” in American Council on Education,
American Universities and Colleges, 14th ed. (New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1992).
Academic Ceremony and Regalia (continued)
Degrees shall be conferred today
according to the following order:
Arts & Letters, white
Science, golden yellow
Business Administration, mustard
Nursing, apricot
Medicine, green
Law, purple
Fine Arts, brown
Dental Medicine, lilac
Veterinary Medicine, gray
Education, light blue
Social Work, citron
Philosophy, dark blue
Academic Procession
The order for today’s Academic
Procession is as follows:
Mace Bearer
President and Provost
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Commencement Speaker
Candidates for Honorary Degrees
Officers of the University
Visiting Dignitaries
university Mace
The Secretary of the University carries
the University mace, the symbol of
authority of the University, at the head
of the Academic Procession. It was a
gift of the family of William Murray
Gordon, M.D. 1910. It is adorned with
the seal and arms of the University,
the Penn and Franklin coats-of-arms, a
depiction of the Rittenhouse orrery, and
a thistle symbolizing the early ties of the
University with Scotland.
President’s Badge of Office
The President wears as a badge of
office a silver medallion of which one
face is engraved, like the mace, with
the University seal. The obverse of the
President’s medal bears the “orrery seal,”
designed in 1782 by Francis Hopkinson,
A.B. 1757, a Signer of the Declaration
of Independence. The medal, suspended
on a chain composed of silver links,
was given by the late Trustee Thomas
Sovereign Gates, Jr., A.B. 1928, LL.D.
1956, on the occasion of Sheldon
Hackney’s inauguration as President in
October 1981.
University Seal and Symbols
Seal of the
The Trustees of
the University
have an official
seal that is, in
effect, the signature
of the corporation. It had its origin
at a meeting of the Board of Trustees
in 1755 with Benjamin Franklin as
Chairman. Though the seal underwent
changes over the years, the most recent
design, approved in 1932 and adopted
in 1933, returned it to virtually its
original form.
The seal is composed of seven books
stacked on a slanted desk top with
the books bearing the following titles,
representing the curricula of the
day: Theolog, Astronom, Philosoph,
Mathemat, Logica, Rhetorica,
Grammatica. On the periphery
of the stack of books appears the
University motto, Leges Sine Moribus
Vanae, and the whole is encircled
with the inscription Universitatis
Penn Coat‑of‑Arms
The Penn
was derived by
combining the
coat of arms
of Benjamin
Franklin and that of William Penn’s
family. The dolphin on the red
chief was part of Franklin’s coatof-arms and the three silver plates
on a blue chevron were a part of
Penn’s. The two were combined on
a white shield along with two open
volumes representing the University’s
educational purpose.
Motto: Leges Sine Moribus Vanae
The motto of the University, Leges
Sine Moribus Vanae, means “Laws
without morals are useless.” It comes
from the longer quotation from
Horace, “Quid leges sine moribus
vanae proficiunt?” the sense of which
is “of what avail are empty laws
without (good) morals?”
School Colors
Eighteenth century American
academic institutions did not
have colors. The earliest known
representation of the combined
Penn colors, red and blue, is on the
incised lid of the 1871 College Hall
One legend traces their origins to an
early track meet at Saratoga, New
York, between Penn, Harvard, and
Yale. When asked by the officials
what colors would be representing the
Penn team, the Pennsylvania captain
reportedly replied, “We’re going to
be wearing the colors of the teams we
beat,” i.e. Harvard Crimson and Yale
Blue. We shall assume that Penn was
victorious and thus remained loyal to
the Red and Blue.
The Schools of the University
The School of Arts and Sciences
recipients of monies granted by the
National Institutes of Health.
The School of Arts and Sciences (SAS)
is the direct descendant of the College of
Philadelphia, where Benjamin Franklin
established the first modern arts and
sciences curriculum in the English
colonies. Undergraduate programs for
men date to the chartering of the College
in 1755; the College of Liberal Arts
for Women was founded in 1933. The
Graduate School was established in 1882
with the appointment of a Faculty of
Philosophy. The College of Liberal and
Professional Studies (lifelong learning)
traces its roots to 1892. The School of
Arts and Sciences was born in 1974 with
the merger of the College of Arts and
Sciences, the College for Women, the
Graduate School, and four social science
departments from Wharton. Today
SAS is the largest of the University’s
12 schools, providing a liberal arts
education for all Penn undergraduates
and supporting graduate studies, basic
research, and continuing education
across the full range of the humanities,
natural sciences, and social sciences. The
School has 26 departments with 483
standing faculty, 21 research centers,
five interschool institutes, and 10,000
The Law School (1790)
The School of Medicine (1765)
The first medical school in the English
colonies was established at Penn in 1765,
and it has set the academic tone and
direction of American medical education
since that time. Today, the School of
Medicine, a leader among the nation’s
medical schools, is committed to the
highest standards in education, research,
and patient care. It is continuously
engaged in long-range strategic planning
and implementation, focusing on
programs and facilities that will take
it well into the 21st century. In the
current academic year, the School has
28 departments, 23 interdepartmental
centers and institutes, and 1,879 full-time
faculty members. It educates 746 M.D.
students, 150 M.D./Ph.D. students, and
595 Ph.D. students, and trains more
than a thousand residents and fellows.
Over the last decade, the School has
consistently ranked among the top
Legal education at Penn began in 1790
with a series of lectures on law by the
University’s first law professor, James
Wilson, a signer of the Declaration of
Independence and one of the original
six justices of the Supreme Court of
the United States. After a long hiatus,
instruction in law was reinstituted in
1850 by George Sharswood; in 1852
the Bachelor of Laws degree was
conferred for the first time; and in 1888
the course of study was extended from
two to three years. Today Penn Law’s
pervasive cross-disciplinary program sets
the standard in legal education with an
innovative program that starts at the
Law School and extends throughout the
University. More than 70 percent of Law
School faculty hold advanced degrees
beyond law and 46 percent have joint
appointments and affiliations, adding
a broad perspective to the classroom.
Law School students augment their legal
education with classes throughout the
University and earn certificates and joint
degrees from many of the graduate and
professional programs. In the 2010-2011
academic year the Law School has 921
students; 66 standing faculty including
18 associated faculty and clinicians, 5
fellows and 1 senior fellow, 13 visiting
faculty, and 94 practitioners/lecturers.
The Law School awards four degrees:
Juris Doctor; Master of Laws; Master of
Comparative Laws; and Doctor of the
Science of Law.
The School of Engineering and
Applied Science (1852)
The School of Engineering and Applied
Science (SEAS) is one of the oldest in
the United States, tracing its beginnings
to the establishment of the School
of Mines, Arts and Manufactures in
1852. The first graduate of the School
received a Bachelor of Science degree
in 1854. Since that time, the School has
grown into a center of excellence in the
creation of technology and in technology
education. Its spirit of innovation led
to the creation in 1946 of ENIAC, the
first all-electronic, large-scale, general-
purpose digital computer, making
SEAS the birthplace of the computer
age. Today, Penn Engineering offers
a wide range of undergraduate and
graduate programs, including the first
alternative liberal arts program based in
an engineering school. Penn Engineering
is particularly distinguished by its
interdisciplinary, cross–school programs
such as Management and Technology,
Digital Media Design, Biotechnology,
and the Singh Program in Market
and Social Systems Engineering.
Penn Engineering currently has 110
standing faculty, approximately 1,500
undergraduate students, 1,000 graduate
students, four research institutes, ten
research centers, and one regional
The School of Design (1869)
Although the School of Design dates its
founding from 1890, architecture courses
were first offered at the University of
Pennsylvania in 1869, making Penn’s
architecture program the second oldest
in the United States. In 1921, the
Department of Architecture joined with
the Department of Music and Fine Arts
to create an independent undergraduate
School of Fine Arts modeled on the
French École des Beaux Arts. In 1958,
the School was renamed the Graduate
School of Fine Arts, reflecting the
shift to graduate degree offerings in
architecture, city and regional planning,
landscape architecture and fine arts. The
triumvirate of architecture, landscape
architecture and city planning shaped
the core of the School in the 1950s
and 1960s. In the 1980s, a program in
historic preservation was added. Today,
the School provides a rich environment
for the study of the arts, architecture,
landscapes and urbanism. Its
opportunities now include undergraduate
study in fine arts, architecture and
digital media design. As a more accurate
description of the School’s major
concerns and advancements made
across a variety of fields, the School was
renamed, in 2003, the School of Design.
The School has a standing faculty of
35, approximately 130 lecturers and
associated faculty, and more than 600
The Schools of the University (continued)
The School of Dental Medicine
of 438 faculty members, including 45
standing faculty.
Established in 1878 as the Dental
Department of the University of
Pennsylvania, the School of Dental
Medicine is among the oldest universityaffiliated dental institutions in the
country with a history deeply rooted in
forging precedents in dental education,
research, and patient care. Its first
facilities in 1878 were housed in Medical
Hall (now Claudia Cohen Hall), and
the following year, it moved into its
own building, Dental Hall, designed
and constructed for its particular
needs. In 1897, Thomas W. Evans, a
Philadelphia native and exceptional
clinician who spent most of his life in
France as the dentist and confidant
to European nobility, left his estate to
create and maintain a dental school
that would be “second to none.” Evans’
bequest would become one with the
University, creating the Thomas W.
Evans Museum and Dental Institute,
which opened in 1915 as the bestequipped dental building in the nation
at that time. Today, the Evans Building
remains the site of much of the School’s
clinical and classroom instruction. The
dental campus also includes the Robert
Schattner Center and the Leon Levy
Center for Oral Health Research, home
to the School’s basic science faculty
and extensive research activities. The
School of Dental Medicine is a major
provider of clinical care to residents of
the West Philadelphia community and
also has established innovative outreach
programs; through community service
learning, students log nearly 9,600 hours
each year serving approximately 20,000
residents in the surrounding Philadelphia
neighborhoods. The School awards the
degrees of Doctor of Dental Medicine
and Master of Science in Oral Biology
and trains postdoctoral residents in the
clinical specialties of endodontics, oral
medicine, oral and maxillofacial surgery,
orthodontics, pediatrics, periodontics,
periodontics/orthodontics, and
periodontal prosthesis. In the 2010-2011
academic year, the School of Dental
Medicine has 506 DMD students, 86
postdoctoral residents, 23 postdoctoral
researchers and fellows, and a total
The Wharton School (1881)
The Wharton School of the University
of Pennsylvania – founded in 1881 as
the first collegiate business school – is
recognized globally for intellectual
leadership and ongoing innovation
across every major discipline of business
education. The most comprehensive
source of business knowledge in the
world, Wharton bridges research
and practice through its broad
engagement with the global business
community. The school has more
than 4,800 undergraduate, MBA and
doctoral students; nearly 9,000 annual
participants in executive education
programs; and an alumni network of
86,000 graduates.
The School of Veterinary
Medicine (1884)
Penn’s School of Veterinary Medicine
is one of the world’s premier veterinary
schools. Founded in 1884, the School
was built on the concept of Many
Species, One MedicineTM. A pioneer
since its inception, the School has led the
way in such areas as infectious disease
research, germ cell biology, animal
transgenesis, comparative oncology, and
comparative medical genetics. It has also
successfully integrated scholarship and
research with all aspects of veterinary
medical education. The School’s strength
in basic sciences, immunology and
mathematical modeling are valuable
assets for developing strategies to
rapidly detect and control the spread
of new infections and for improving
and developing vaccines that effectively
protect animals. In Philadelphia, on
Penn’s campus, are the Matthew J. Ryan
Veterinary Hospital for companion
animals, as well as classrooms,
research laboratories and the School’s
administrative offices. The Vernon and
Shirley Hill Pavilion is home to state-ofthe-art classrooms and research facilities
for the School. The large animal facility
at New Bolton Center, in Kennett
Square, Pa., includes the George D.
Widener Hospital for the care of horses
and food animals, diagnostic laboratories
serving the agricultural industry and
research facilities to determine new
treatment and diagnostic measures for
large animal diseases. The School has
more than 125 standing faculty and
accepts approximately 125 students per
year for the four-year program.
The Graduate School of
Education (1914)
The Graduate School of Education
(GSE) is a leader in the production of
education research and the preparation
of education practitioners. GSE is
unique among schools of education
in its development of custom degree
programs, its extensive collaborations in
Philadelphia, and its rich collaborations
across Penn. The School is organized
into five academic divisions, has 36
standing faculty, various research
centers, and slightly over 1,000 students.
Originally an undergraduate education
school and, for many years, a five-year
professional school, GSE now provides
advanced professional qualifications
for educators across the lifespan and
offers courses that lead to practice- and
research-focused masters and doctoral
degrees. The School also offers executive
doctoral degree programs and a broad
schedule of continuing education courses.
The School of Nursing (1935)
Nursing Education at Penn began in
1886 when the Hospital of the University
of Pennsylvania started a nurse training
program. In 1935, the Trustees of the
University of Pennsylvania established
a nursing degree program within the
School of Education, and in 1950 the
School of Nursing was established. The
Master of Science in Nursing program
was instituted in 1961, the Doctor of
Nursing Science program in 1978,
and the Doctor of Philosophy program
in 1984. These innovations and a
curriculum which progressively reflects
changing health care delivery patterns
have advanced the School into the first
rank of American schools of nursing.
The School has two departments,
Biobehavioral and Health Sciences
and Family and Community Health. It
is widely recognized for its leadership
in nursing research and currently
houses six research centers with foci in
health outcomes and policy research,
The Schools of the University (continued)
biobehavioral health sciences, nursing
history, health equity, aging, and
transitions in health. It also has a global
reputation for innovations in nursemanaged clinical practice and is a World
Health Organization Collaborating
Center for Nursing and Midwifery
Leadership. The School of Nursing has
56 standing faculty and 1,086 students.
The School of Social Policy &
Practice (1948)
The School of Social Policy & Practice
began in 1908 as a private school that
opened its doors to five students in
the field of child welfare. The School
affiliated itself with the University in
1935 and became a formal school in
1948. In 2005, it changed its name
from the School of Social Work to the
School of Social Policy & Practice. The
School offers the Master of Social Work,
Master of Science in Nonprofit/NonGovernmental Organization Leadership,
Master of Science in Social Policy,
Doctor of Philosophy in Social Welfare,
and Doctor of Social Work degrees. The
School is devoted to advancing human
welfare, promoting social justice, and
developing effective societal responses
to global human need. Building on the
School’s century-long commitment
to social work and social change, the
School educates clinicians, policymakers,
scholars, researchers, and leaders who
work to advance the human welfare of
local, national, and global communities.
The School houses a number of research
centers and programs, including: the
Field Center for Children’s Policy,
Practice, and Research; the Center
for High Impact Philanthropy; the
Cartographic Modeling Lab; the
Social Impact of the Arts Project; the
Program for Religion and Social Policy
Research; the Out-of-School Time
Resource Center; and the Evelyn Jacobs
Ortner Center on Family Violence. The
School has 21 standing faculty and 465
The Annenberg School for
Communication (1959)
Founded through the generosity and
vision of diplomat and philanthropist
Walter Annenberg, the Annenberg
School for Communication at the
University of Pennsylvania is devoted
to furthering our understanding of the
role of communication in public life
through research, education and service.
At the School’s founding, Ambassador
Annenberg identified its unique
mission. “Every human advancement
or reversal can be understood through
communication,” he said. “The right
to free communication carries with it
responsibility to respect the dignity of
others - and this must be recognized
as irreversible. Educating students to
effectively communicate this message
and to be of service to all people is
the enduring mission of this school.”
Annenberg is nationally ranked as
the best graduate program in mass
communication, health communication,
political communication, and culture,
society and communication. The
Annenberg School has 20 full-time
faculty, over 80 graduate students
and more than 200 undergraduate
students. The school offers the degree
of Doctor of Philosophy, and runs an
undergraduate program through the
College of Arts and Sciences. The
School is home to the Annenberg Public
Policy Center, the Center of Excellence
in Cancer Communication Research,
the Center for Global Communication
Studies, the Scholars Program in
Culture & Communication, and the
Institute for Public Service, among many
additional projects pursuing innovative
communication research and services.
Honorary Degree Citations
Renée C. Fox
Over the course of your illustrious
career in academia, you have integrated
knowledge across disciplines to advance
humanity’s understanding of the
sociology of medicine and medical
education, ethics, and research. Your
peers around the globe consider you a
major figure in 20th century sociology,
and the Penn community is forever
fortunate that you built your intellectual
home here on our campus.
A graduate of Smith College, you
received your doctoral degree in
sociology from Radcliffe College in 1954
and became a faculty member at Barnard
College. In 1969, you joined the faculty
of the University of Pennsylvania with
a primary appointment in the School
of Arts and Sciences, and secondary
appointments in the School of Medicine
and the School of Nursing. A beloved
teacher and mentor, you received both a
Danforth Foundation E. Harris Harbison
Gifted Teaching Award and a Lindback
Foundation Award for Distinguished
Teaching. In 1998, after nearly three
decades of contributions to Penn, you
became the Annenberg Professor Emerita
of the Social Sciences.
A celebrated scholar, you have
completed field work on four continents
and enlightened generations of students
and peers by teaching and lecturing in
colleges, universities, and medical schools
the world over. You have authored
or co-authored numerous articles and
influential books including Experiment
Perilous: Physicians and Patients Facing the
Unknown, The Courage to Fail: A Social View
of Organ Transplants and Dialysis, and Spare
Parts: Organ Replacement in American Society.
Numerous accolades have been bestowed
upon you, among them election to
the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences and the Institute of Medicine,
the American Sociological Association’s
Leo G. Reeder Award for Distinguished
Contributions to Medical Sociology, a
Radcliffe Graduate School Medal, and
a Centennial Medal from the Graduate
School of Arts and Sciences of Harvard
University. In 1995, you were named
Chevalier of the Order of Leopold II by
the Belgian Government, and, in 2007,
you received a Lifetime Achievement
Award from the American Society for
Bioethics and Humanities.
A pioneer in the area of medical
sociology, you have combined
knowledge from various fields to explore
the intricacies of human behavior,
interaction, and culture. In recognition
of your outstanding academic career
and scholarly contributions, the Trustees
of the University of Pennsylvania are
honored and pleased to confer upon you,
Renée C. Fox, the degree of Doctor of
Science, honoris causa.
Mo Ibrahim
Asked recently to describe your job in ten
words, you responded that you provide
“a forum for a coherent African voice on
political and economic development.”
From your early work as an entrepreneur
to your current initiatives to increase
accountability and improve governance
across Africa, you leverage your talents to
benefit the continent you call home.
Born in Sudan to parents who
understood the power of education,
you excelled in academics and received
a scholarship to attend Alexandria
University. In 1974, you traveled to
the United Kingdom to study electrical
engineering at the University of
Bradford, and you went on to earn your
doctoral degree from the University of
Birmingham. After a successful start
to your career at British Telecom, you
founded Mobile Systems International, a
consultancy that advised communications
companies around the globe.
Aware of the tremendous opportunity to
bring mobile communications to Africa,
you launched Celtel International in
1998. That inspired decision created
jobs and infrastructure, revolutionized
communications across the continent,
and generated significant revenue.
Seven years and more than six million
customers later, the company was sold
for $3.4 billion, providing a springboard
for your next great endeavor.
In 2005, you established the Mo Ibrahim
Foundation to cultivate responsible
leaders who promote economic and
social progress in Africa. To this end, you
introduced the Ibrahim Prize. Consisting
of $5 million distributed over 10
years, the prize is awarded to outgoing
African heads of state who observe
constitutional term limits and encourage
good governance. To complement the
prize, the Foundation also releases the
Ibrahim Index of African Governance,
a respected tool that is used to measure
progress across the continent.
In recognition of your achievements
as a researcher, businessperson, and
philanthropist, you have received
numerous awards including the GSM
Association Chairman’s Award, the
telecommunications industry’s highest
accolade; the BNP Paribas Prize for
Philanthropy; and the Foundation for
Democracy in Africa’s Medal of Glory
Award. In 2008, Time magazine named
you one of the 100 most influential
people in the world.
You have harnessed technology to help
more Africans share their voices and
used your personal success to transform a
continent. Today, in recognition of your
abiding commitment to improving the
lives of your people, the Trustees of the
University of Pennsylvania are honored
and pleased to confer upon you, Mo
Ibrahim, the degree of Doctor of Laws,
honoris causa.
Nicholas D. Kristof and
Sheryl WuDunn
Exemplifying the highest ideals of
journalism and the finest inclinations
of the human spirit, you immerse your
readers in history-making moments
and bring light to the darkest corners of
existence. Together, you have met the
daunting challenges of our time with
courage and demonstrated that every
person has the power to change the
world for the better.
Nicholas, you graduated from Harvard
University and continued your studies
as a Rhodes Scholar, receiving a law
degree from Oxford University. Sheryl,
you received a bachelor’s degree
from Cornell University, a Master
of Business Administration from the
Harvard Graduate School of Business
Honorary Degree Citations (continued)
Administration, and a master’s degree in
public administration from the Woodrow
Wilson School at Princeton University.
In 1990, together, you became the
first husband and wife team in history
to win a Pulitzer Prize in Journalism.
Correspondents for The New York Times,
you helped to bring the Tiananmen
Square protests and their aftermath to
the attention of people around the world.
You have co-authored two insightful
books about Asia: Thunder from the East:
Portrait of a Rising Asia and China Wakes:
The Struggle for the Soul of a Rising Power.
You also have received the George
Polk Award for special achievement in
journalism, and the Hal Boyle Award
from the Overseas Press Club. In 2009,
you were awarded the Dayton Literary
Peace Prize for Lifetime Achievement in
recognition of your “work chronicling
human rights in Asia, Africa, and the
developing world.”
Nearly two years ago, you published your
third book, Half the Sky: Turning Oppression
into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. In
your call to empower women and girls
around the world, you skillfully combined
startling statistics about global poverty
with heartrending stories of individual
suffering and triumphant tales of survival
and success. With this New York Times
bestseller, you exposed millions of readers
to the harsh realities facing half of
humanity, and, even more importantly,
suggested personal, institutional, national,
and global actions that can help create
lasting change.
You have pursued your life’s work with
integrity, passion, and inspiring tenacity.
For revealing suffering that too often
remains hidden and for showing us our
potential to make a positive difference
in the lives of our sisters and brothers
around the world, the Trustees of the
University of Pennsylvania are honored
and pleased to confer upon you, Nicholas
D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, the
degree of Doctor of Humane Letters,
honoris causa.
Ei-ichi Negishi
The number of lives one touches is a
simple gauge of success. By this measure,
you have had an astonishingly successful
career driving progress in the areas of
organic and organometallic chemistry.
Your groundbreaking research has
helped to advance the development of
not only lifesaving medications and cropprotecting agricultural chemicals, but also
state-of-the-art electronics.
You received your bachelor’s degree
from the University of Tokyo. In 1960,
you immigrated to the United States.
Supported by a Fulbright-SmithMund Scholarship and a Harrison
Fellowship, you earned your doctoral
degree in chemistry at the University of
Pennsylvania. Here at Penn, you met
the famous chemist Herbert C. Brown,
who became your mentor and eventually
oversaw your postdoctoral research at
Purdue University.
After a short tenure in industry,
you decided to pursue an academic
career and joined the faculty at
Syracuse University in 1972. Seven
very productive years later, you were
invited back to Purdue University as
full professor. In 1999, you became
the inaugural Herbert C. Brown
Distinguished Professor of Chemistry.
Over the course of your career, you have
authored several books and published
hundreds of research papers, which have
been cited more than 20,000 times.
You have received major awards
including the Yamada-Koga Prize,
the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Sir
Edward Frankland Prize Lectureship,
the American Chemical Society Award
for Organometallic Chemistry, the
Chemical Society of Japan Award,
and a Guggenheim Fellowship. Your
contributions to humanity also have been
recognized with the State of Indiana’s
Sagamore of the Wabash and Japan’s
Order of Culture, that nation’s top
cultural award.
In 2010, you were awarded the Nobel
Prize in Chemistry with Richard Heck
and Akira Suzuki “for palladiumcatalyzed cross couplings in organic
synthesis.” In your speech at the Nobel
Banquet, you described the prize as “the
ultimate recognition for a lifetime spent
questioning, exploring, experimenting;
passing through the valleys of anguish to
climb the mountains of success.”
Since walking Penn’s campus many
years ago, you have aimed your sights
high. For reaching the summit by
relentlessly seeking the truth and for
advancing chemistry to the benefit of all
people, the Trustees of the University of
Pennsylvania are honored and pleased
to confer upon you, Ei-ichi Negishi, the
degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa.
Joyce Carol Oates
Writing about the nature of humans’
relationship to art, you once noted that
“we are stimulated to emotional response
not by works that confirm our sense of
the world, but by works that challenge
it.” Through poems, plays, short stories,
novels, and essays, you have challenged
our sense of the world and deepened our
appreciation for both the familiar and the
The gift of a typewriter at age 14
ignited your passion for writing. You
drafted novel after novel throughout
high school and continued writing as an
undergraduate at Syracuse University.
Before your senior year began, you
won the Mademoiselle fiction contest for
your short story, “In the Old World.”
You earned a master’s degree from the
University of Wisconsin-Madison and
taught at the University of Detroit and
the University of Windsor in Ontario. In
1978, you joined the faculty at Princeton
University, where you are the Roger S.
Berlind ’52 Professor of the Humanities
and a revered professor of creative
writing in the Lewis Center for the Arts.
Over the last half-century, you have
written more than 70 books, mastering
multiple literary forms and slipping into
new genres with astonishing dexterity.
Whether describing a family’s decline
in We Were The Mulvaneys, exploring
the psychology of Marilyn Monroe in
Blonde, or rendering tragedy against
the Niagara Falls’ incessant roar in The
Falls, you consistently capture readers’
imaginations, often introducing us to
Honorary Degree Citations (continued)
new subjects as a result of your own
unflagging curiosity.
Earlier this year, President Barack
Obama presented you with the
2010 National Humanities Medal in
recognition of your “contributions to
American letters.” You have received
numerous literary awards including a
National Book Award, the O. Henry
Prize for Continued Achievement in the
Short Story, the Pen/Malamud Award
for Short Fiction, and the Fairfax Prize
for Lifetime Achievement in the Literary
Arts. A three-time Pulitzer Prize finalist,
you are a member of the American
Academy of Arts and Letters, and, in
2009, the National Book Critics Circle
honored you with the Ivan Sandrof
Lifetime Achievement Award.
One of the greatest authors of our
time, you have stirred the emotions
and sparked the imaginations of
generations of readers. In recognition
of your expansive literary abilities,
your remarkable capacity to capture
nuance, and your educational prowess,
the Trustees of the University of
Pennsylvania are honored and pleased
to confer upon you, Joyce Carol Oates,
the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters,
honoris causa.
Denzel Washington
In your introduction to A Hand to Guide
Me: Legends and Leaders Celebrate the People
Who Shaped Their Lives, you wrote that
“we’re all meant to walk a certain path
at a certain time in a certain direction.”
As an undergraduate at Fordham
University, you found your path to the
stage, playing the lead in productions
of Eugene O’Neill’s The Emperor Jones
and Shakespeare’s Othello. You went
on to receive training at the American
Conservatory Theater in San Francisco,
and your performances have delighted
and moved audiences ever since.
A successful run during the 1980s on
the popular television show St. Elsewhere
launched your career. Over the next two
decades, you brought fictional characters
to life in films such as Crimson Tide and
Philadelphia, and skillfully recreated the
lives of real people including South
African freedom fighter Steve Biko, high
school football coach Herman Boone,
and Malcolm X. Your achievements in
front of the camera are complemented
by your work behind it. Director and
star of The Great Debaters, you introduced
new generations to the uplifting true
story of Wiley College’s renowned debate
team and went on to personally fund the
team’s reestablishment in 2007.
Your prodigious talents have been
recognized with some of the most coveted
awards for performances on the screen
and the stage. You received the 1989
Academy Award for Best Supporting
Actor for your portrayal of Private Trip
in the Civil War epic Glory. Twelve
years later, your powerful performance
as Detective Alonzo Harris in the gritty
police drama Training Day earned you
the Academy Award for Best Actor.
Earlier this year, you starred in the
magnificent Broadway revival of August
Wilson’s 1987 drama Fences, earning a
Tony Award for Best Performance by a
Leading Actor in a Play.
You inspire us not only through
brilliant performances, but also through
your compassionate efforts to support
underserved populations. As a child, you
spent countless hours at the Boys Club
in your hometown of Mount Vernon,
New York; today, you are a forceful
advocate for the Boys & Girls Clubs of
America, serving on the organization’s
Board of Governors and as a national
spokesperson. In 2004, you received the
organization’s highest honor, the Herbert
Hoover Humanitarian Award. A good
citizen of the nation and of the world,
you also support American veterans and
their families, and the children of Africa
through charities such as the Nelson
Mandela Children’s Fund.
The world is more beautiful today
because you discovered your path early
in life. For embracing the transformative
power of your craft, for exploring the
depths and diversity of the human
experience, and for championing great
humanitarian causes, the Trustees of the
University of Pennsylvania are honored
and pleased to confer upon you, Denzel
Washington, the degree of Doctor of
Arts, honoris causa.
Degrees in Course
The School of Arts and Sciences
Rebecca W. Bushnell, Dean
The College of Arts
and Sciences
August 13, 2010
Andrew V. Adrianopoulos
Karen Au Yeung
Lindsey N. Ayuk-Takor
Ryan Donovan Bailey
Patrick William Bauer
John Augustus Cesarine
Victor Chateaubriand
Darya G. Cheban-Katz
Ji Yoon Chung
Mariel Orit Dabah
Emily Alexandra De Santo
Nicholas Won-Heng Eng
Makeda Talibah Farley
Michael R. Girod
Aleksandr Gitsis
Gabrielle D. Gomes
Joseph W. Goniprow
Kimberly Lauren Gravenor
Eileen Knize Harper
Wildersee B. Harris
Jumanah Hassan
Roland Scott Hernández
Ilario T. Huober
Aristodimos D. Iliopulos
M. Eric Jett
George Karandinos
Iris Minji Kim
Joseph C. Krissel
Sarah Nicole Ladley
Melissa Landa
Thomas Li Logan
Yelizaveta Lozovatskaya
Amanda Margolis
Michael E. C. McMullen
Junseok Moon
Ana Maria Moreno
Nicolas Mulder
Ian M. Nash
Hannah Rose Nicholas
Jessica Ann Olli
Zubin Aspi Patel
Brianne L. Polito
Jayanth Raghavan
Sloane Carly Rasmussen
Roger Rengert
Hyejin Rhieu
Robert D. Sheehan
Yan Shen
Yang Shi
Caroline Lauren Shields
Samaria Ann Ship
Edward J. P. Smith
Anna Cesidia Spiridigliozzi
John Corley Tatum III
Jesada Temaismithi
Alex Yan Shek Tong
Loris Toribio
Stephanie C.Y. Tsai
Eisha Pankaj Udeshi
John Andrew Vergari
Chloe Stephanie Wayne
Allyson McCranie White
Victoria Wilbur
Krystle G. Wright
Jean Juyoung Yoon
Grace Fei Zhang
December 22, 2010
Anthony D. Abitante
Adrienne Lloyd Adler
Karishmma Advani
Frank Wesley Anderson Jr.
Mikal Tahir Renfrow Anderson
Melinda Jael Angeles
Eunji Baek
Lindsay Baker
Jon-Marc C. Balint
Amy Naomi Berenbaum
Bradford Jerome Blackmon
TaLisa J. Carter
Stephen Chao
Minh Hao Chau
Ji Young Choi
Samuel S. Conte
Catherine Gray Coogan
Zoe Dare-Attanasio
Anastasia Natasha David
Talisa De Carlo
Matthew W. DeLuca
Anita Satish Deshpande
Alexi Dinerstein
Bryna Djuhar
Joseph Samuel Dubroff
Mary Martha Dumas
Junona Elgudin
Chase Evan Feiger
Benjamin D. Flesch
Jared Benjamin Fries
Melissa Lauren Gad
Ian V. Gallo
Jacob Ezra Ginsberg
Mathan Shlomo Glezer
Derek Carl Gollnitz
Halley Marisa Goodman
William L. Gordon
Griffin Jeremy Gould
Danielle Schwarzbein Graham
Charles VanArsdale Greene
Alexander Grendi
Ashley Jill Guthrie
Gregory William Hamill
Sun Hyup Han
Robert David Hanni
Bryan Joseph Hassett
Danielle Nichole Heitmann
Alexandra Amira Heller
Gina Heng
David Marian Hilbert
Xiaomeng Hu
Molly Hude
Jae Hyuk Hwang
Colin Daniel Jacobsen
Michelle Jeong
Eric F. Johnson
Alexandra M. E. Jozefowski
Esther Katcoff
Alexandra Adaire King
Celine Marguerite Kosian
Kalhan Koul
Madison Kramer
Loan H. Le
Dong Joon Lee
Jennifer Jeeyoung Lee
Andrew Michael Luongo
David M. Macknet
Artem Vladimirovich Mariychin
Scott Colby Mayland
Leland M. Meibeyer
Laura Sophie Michaels
Joshua Monte Milber
Tanvi Misra
Jonathan Moyal
Emily E. Mullin
Jared Newman
Ried Bassett Niziak
Marianne H. O’Brien
Kyle Louis Olson
Jake D. Peterson
Amanda B. Ravich
Jenna A. Riemenschneider
Stevie Ames Roberts
Morgan Alexandra Bass Roper
Rebecca Tracy Rosen
Zvi Rosen
Janice M. Rottenberg
Elizabeth Renee Rubin
Jonathan David Kalman
James P. Simpson
Sharon Smith
Jessie Taylor Spellman
John Forester Stein
Kristen Goeun Su
Sainatee Iona Suárez
Ellen Ai Sun
Alex L. Takakuwa
Danielle Nola Thomas
JoAnna Tonini
Andrew Joseph Trees
Megan Tracey Tryon
Rahul Rao Venkateshwara
Lipei Perry Wang
Min-Jung Wang
Shawn Yuexian Wang
Barbara Xinfang Wei
Candice Wei
Adina Sharon Weinblatt
Carly Elizabeth Weiss
Olivia J. Wheat
Michelle Renee Williamson
Stephanie Beryl Winer
Christopher J. Wogan
Hon-Leung Wong
Saarah Woodby
Carol K. Xu
Alvin Jalin-Liu Yap
Min-Hyung Yoo
Sophie L. YorkWilliams
May 16, 2011
Kristopher Joseph Abbate
Douglas Abelow
Leah Jaclyn Abrams
Stephen Paddock AbramsDowney
Rodrigo Domingos Roriz Abreu
Alexandra Lauren Acker
Blake Connor Adams
Kimberly E. Adams
Mark Alexander Adams
Charles Cudjo Addo-Yobo
Anna Elizabeth Adler
Eitan Joshua Adler
Nathan Jack Adler
Vishesh Agrawal
Karen Andrea Aguirre Ramón
Nicolas Aguirre
Amelia Mary Madelyn Ahlgren
Yasmina Ahmed
Jin-Young Ahn
Kristen Aigeldinger
Seghen Aklilu
Abdulaziz K. AlMulla
Fatma Al-Misnad
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in
this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student’s
name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student’s transcript is the official record of the University.
Bachelor of Arts (continued)
Michel Mazin Al-Moumen
Fashina Mira Aladé
Maria C. Alba
Jamie Albers
Lauren Albert
Daniel Alberto Albornoz
Inna Alecksandrovich
Catharine Meigs Alger
Umer Meraj Ali
Steven Alaric Allen
Anusha Mihirini Alles
Matthew William Amalfitano
Grace Margaret Ambrose
Adam Mark Amdur
William F. Amling
Jeffrey Amoakohene
Kent Amoo-Achampong
Grace Hye Son An
Emily Spackman Andersen
Christina Nicole Anderson
Nathan Pedrini Anderson
Christina Andrews
Sean Andrew Angiolillo
Layal Antoury
Tatiana Aparicio
Victoria Eugenia Arango
Arthur John Argall III
Kate Leigh Arian
Sarah Hannan Arkebauer
Cassandra Elizabeth Armstrong
Maria Luisa Armstrong
Samuel Henry Aronson
Diego Arroyo Ornelas
Anthony J. S. Aruffo
Natalie Ashbridge
Annie Priyanka Ashok
Gelila Mulu Asnake
Kevalin Athayu
Sushil Raja Atmakuri
Lily Avnet
Kevin C. Axelrod
Adam Elliot Bagley
Michael Constantino Bagnoli
Mingzhu Bai
Nathalie Jill Kun Baker
Varun P. Balan
Anthony Michael Balduzzi
Jamil G. Baldwin
Sydney Leah Baloue
Max Harris Bandier
Natasha Bandukwalla
Eric Joseph Banecker
Courtney Anne Bannerot
Zachary William Baran
Yelena S. Baras
Nicholas Timothy Barnes
Lisa Diane Barnett
Zachary Barnett
Jeremy Charles Baron
Brendan Aurelius Barraclough
Pablo N. Barrera
Samuel C. Barrett
Cristian Javier Barrios
John Christopher Bartel
Kendall June Bass
Alan Bassini
Derric Ross Edward Bath
Andrew Michael Bauer
Madeline Anne Bauer
Rachel Elizabeth Bauer
Samuel Julian Baum
Rachel Dena Baye
Sara Luretta Bayley
Kanwar Kabir Singh Bedi
Adam Joseph Behrens
Jelani Bektemba
Matthew Scott Belasco
Nico Randall Simon Belgrave
Benjamin Seth Sotsky Bell
Brittany Wallis Bell
Jessica Sarah Bell
Everett Aaron Benjamin
Adrienne L. Benson
Sabrina Robin Kaiulani Benun
Ellen Benveniste
Benjamin D. Berg
Kaitlyn S. Berger
Nicholas Ethan Berger
Jed Basch Bergman
Daniel Andrew Berkman
Heather Berman
Jill Elizabeth Berman
Jayne Rose Bernsten
John Joseph Berweiler
Blaine Beshah
Claire Ashley Beveridge
Margaret Dolores Bevilacqua
Prerana Bharadwaj
Ritwik Bhatia
Samuel S. Biddle
Solomon William Bienstock
Brittany Tatjana Binler
Delphine Jeanne-Marie
Mideline Birckel
Alyssa Birnbaum
Sudipa D. Biswas
Margaret Ann Black
Nathaniel Blakney
Jillian B. Blazejewski
Dina Bleckman
Adam James Bloch
Brandon Jack Bloch
Matthew A. Bloch
Samantha Mariel Bloom
Sarah Bloom
Aaron Joseph Bloomfield
Ta’Tiana J. Blue
Ashley Nicole Bockman
Tanya S. Bogin
Jacob A. Boomgaardt
Nicholas Seizo Boscamp
Sourav Kumar Bose
Aniver Oluwatobi Bosede
David Bournas-Ney
Elise Margaret Bowe
Evan Kaiko’o Bradler
Shane Brady
Melissa Nicole Braff
Manuel Alfred Bramble
Val Bratinov
Brian Brauntuch
Noah Sherr Breslau
Marshall Ratliff Bright
Naomi L. Bromell
Emerson Thomas Brooking
Ebony Nicole Brown
William A. Browne
Samantha Kyle Browning
Siler Goddin Bryan
Kristen L. Bryant
Cherrie Nicole Bucknor
Stephen Gabriel Burak
Shaun Anthony Burdette
Joanna Marie Burkitt
Lorel Erica Burns
Peter Brussard
Georgina Elizabeth Butler
Stephen F. Caggiano II
Ashley Monet Caines
Jose Pablo Cambronero
Kaitlin Rae Campbell
Andrea Noelle Beatrice C.
Sara Bess Cannon
Yufei Cao
Natalie Rose Capasso
Richard A. Cappadona
Janae Cárdenas
Rebecca Joan Carew
Siobhan Patricia Carey
Michael Anthony Cargo
Jennifer Turnbull Carl
Aviva Dawn Caroff
Allison Carroll Goldman
Elizabeth Maud Steptoe Carson
Chloe Rose Castellón
Linda Castillo
Nicholas Aaron Catero
Matthew J. Cavanagh
Philip Benjamin Cawkwell
Amanda Laura Chain
Geoffrey Chan
Sau Yan Chan
Tricia Chandiramani
Diana Chang
Edward Daedo Chang
Leah Kristina Charlesworth
Cole B. Charnas
Ching-Yin Chen
Eric Randall Chen
LeeAnn Chen
Li-Hsing Chen
Michael Yoon Chen
ShaoMan Jasmine Chen
Jonathan Kuen Hung Chia
Jonathan Chia
Richard Ta Chen Chiang
Andrew Shu-Li Chiao
Laura Ethel Chiel
Michael W. Chien
Stephen C. Childs
Justin Rei Sun Ching
Michael Chirico
Rachel R. Chizkov
Andrew Choi
Brenda Jeena Choi
Gyujae Choi
Henry Sukwon Choi
Yuri Choi
Alok Amit Choksi
Andrew Daoan Chou
Jeffrey Chung
Min Young Chung
Rachael Dessa Cico
Joseph Halliday Cioffi
James Fletcher Clark
Brett Cloak-Gentile
Drew Richardson Coblitz
Sarah Louise Cockrum
Emily M. Coco
Sara Anne Coenen
Remington A. Cofield
Jordan Scott Cogan
Saraleah Ariel Cogan
John Marshall Coglianese
Ian Cohan-Shapiro
Ilana Denise Cohen
Jesse Scott Cohen
Katherine Anne Cohen
Rachel Mathilda Cohen
Jordan Paul Cole
Kym Lindsey Cole
Danielle Ashley Coleman
Fatu Siede Coleman
Manfred Alejandro Collado
Allison Marie Collins
Suzanna Clare Connell
Hannah Cohn Connor
Rebecca T. Cook
David Aaron Voncino Cooper
William P. Cooper
Brett Copell
Anthony Malliet Cordaro
Benjamin Asher Cornfeld
Katherine Helen Corogenes
Justin Randall Royston
Carolina Piedade Costa
Michael L. Costa
Kevin Matthew Cotter
John R. Coulter
Maggie Leigh Covel
Mary Catherine Craig
Andrea Creamer
Ignacio Crespo Riofrio
McKenna Dolores Crilley
Nia Inez Crosley
Bachelor of Arts (continued)
Kenneth A. Csaplar Jr.
Calina Cynthia Cuevas
Joshua E. Culbertson
Hannah Elizabeth Cummons
Matthew Thomas Curnan
Paul Cusick
Jacqueline Brooke Cutler
Lauren Theresa Dandrea
Melissa Jill Danilow
Zachary Connor Dann
Diane Kim Thien Dao
Sarbani Das
Michael Davidov
Katie Elizabeth Davidson
Amanda Rachel Davis
Christin N. Davis
Jenay Davis
Khaliff Muhammad Davis
Raleigh L. Davis
William Frank Davis
Nicole A. Davis-Villamil
Juna Elizabeth Dawson-Murray
Rachel Marissa Dayno
Nicole Marie De Cuir
Jonathan Matthew Johannes de
Luke T. De Luca
Jessica Jo De Sabato
Phillip de Souza Leao Muller
Leila Charlotte Decker
Veronica Margaret Decker
Phillip James Deerwester
Eric Jonathan Dein
Sarah Dekker
Jessie Della Femina
Naomi Silverman Delphin
Kseniya Demchenko
Neeti Vivek Desai
Robert Caedmon DeSocio
Maureen Ryan Devenny
Michael Gerard Devine
Adrien Maxwell Dewez
Michael DiMaggio
Vanessa Evangelia Diamataris
Arielle Elyse Diamond
Francis X. Diebold IV
Christiana Amalie Dietzen
Elise M. Dihlmann-Malzer
Nicole Michelle Dillard
Megan Elizabeth Dingley
Lan Thuy Dinh
Christina Marie DiStefano
Maggie A. Ditzel
Michael Adam Djilani
Fernanda F. Dobal
David Lawrence Dobkin
Ina Dogani
Jason G. Doh
Kelly-Ann R. Dolor
Eva Domi
Elizabeth S. Donald
Rebecca U. Donald
Elizabeth Dong
Stephen Dong
Maura Douglas
Janice Yang-Ling Dow
Porter Espy Drake
Ashley Dana Dreyfus
Pei Du
Grant Cameron Dubler
Ian Spencer Dubrowsky
John-Paul Yuki Dudzinsky
Jillian Mariel Dumé
Fernando Morris Duran
Rachael Grace Durkin
Katherine Hayley Duus
Nora Lily Dweck
Akiva Meir Dworkin
Marissa K. Dwyer
Mark Stefan Dziemianowicz
Winifred Lauren Eastwood
Antonio Echavarria
Edward Charles Eckels
Megan H. Edelman
Jared Alden Effron
John T. Eggleston
Joshua David Eisenberg
Evan Ross Eisler
Kimberly Fanya Eisler
Nadav I. Eitan
Mercedes Medou Ekono
Brittany E. Elliott
Sarah Renee Ellison
Nathalie Elvasvili
Alexa Marie Ely
Thema Emanuel
Benjamin Candel Epstein
Sarah Elizbeth Shipp Ernst
Rayza Ers
Gabrielle Anne Esensten
Rose Espinola
Emily Caroline Ettel
John Dows Evans II
David Adam Faber
Nicolas Fabiancic
Sarah Narumi Fackler
Yuqing Fan
Sara Alison Farber
Nina Annwright Farran
Farhana Fazleabas
Natalie M. Feigenbaum
Alexandra Sloane Feinson
Adam J. Feldman
Max Z. Feldman
Jennifer Esther Feldstein
Henry Feng
Thomas Ansel Ferguson
Alana Marie Ferrari
Alexander Christian Fidrych
Jason M. Fiedler
Michael Brian Field
Rachel Rosamund Catherine
Solange Fielding
Chennery Fife
David Alexander Fine
Raquel Eve Finkelstein
Ariel Benjamin Fisher
Rachel Morgan Fisher
Richard Ransom Fisher
Elizabeth Ann FitzGerald
Sean Flanagan
Matthew Sean Flegenheimer
Aaron Fleishman
Jaclyn Beth Fleishman
Paul Michael Fleming
Liat Fleming-Shemer
Michelle Flesh
Joel J. Fliegelman
Ashley Ann Flores
Jolecia Michelle Flournory
Rebecca A. Fogel
Clare Marie Foran
Marcy Rachel Forgang
Karla Forjoe
Brendan Pike Forster
Michael A. Foster
Lee Caitlin Fountain
Anna Elizabeth Fountaine
Dennis J. Fox
Emily Jane Fox
Matthew Peter Fox
Sieraaj Francis
Jesus Franco
Maxime Francois-Poncet
Louis Matthew Frank
Ryna Frankel
David Clinton Frankenfield
Andrea Marie Frantz
Etan Zachary Fraser
Zoe Ayanna Freckleton
Rachel I. Freedman
Daniel Freiman Bardor
Maureen Shelton French
Matthew G. Frias
Adam Benjamin Friedman
Benjamin Avery Friedman
Julia Gail Friedman
Sarah Lynn Friedman
William Grant Frierson IV
Daniel C. Frost
Menghan Fu
Yuri S. Fuchs
Ryan James Fuld
Calworth Livingstone Furbert III
Valerie Furman
Jennifer Y. Gai
Nicholas Daniel Gajewski
Alexandra Nicole Galati
Phillip Graham Gallagher
Sean Richard McCormack
Teresa Ann Dufresne Galli
Paul Gamble
Teck Wang Gan
Pengcheng Gao
Isabela Mazzola Garcez
Edward Garcia
Michael J. Gardner
Michael Conway Garofalo
Keiffer George Garton III
Michael Garzarella
Lydia Gau
Justine E. Gaver
Jeffrey A. Gazzara, Jr.
Afia Pramang Genfi
Emily Bennetts Gerard
Alexander Griffin Gershon
Hannah Bess Rubenstein
Jared Samuel Getzoff
Carol Ann Gianessi
Alexander K. Giannakakis
Lauren Gibson
Scott Edward Giffin
Alison E. Gilbert
Jason D. Gilliland
Giulia Giordano
Morgane Sally Giordano
Steven A. Gipson
Rachel Marie Gittelman
Andreas Gittis
Gareth Evan Glaser Jr.
Michael Gabrielle Glass
Boris L. Glazman
Lauren Terese Goda
Alexandra Jane Gold
Michael Aaron Gold
Elisheva Naomi Goldberg
Vera J. Goldberg
Mathew A. Golden
Batia Sandra Goldenberg
Miriam Goldenberg
Andrew Robert Goldman
Daniel Jay Goldowitz
Alexandra L. Goldstein
Jessica Miller Goldstein
Maura Stanley Goldstein
Rebecca Rose Sady Golembeski
Rahul Ram Goli
Ana I. Gonzalez
Lisa Frances Gonzalez-Turner
Gloria María González
Jason Landau Goodman
Marcus Cheikh-Anta Goodwin
Girish Raja Gopalan
Anastacia A. Gordon
Zachary Aaron Gorn
Jason K. Gorskie
Melissa Gradilla
Christian Grados
Andrew Michael Granowitz
Elizabeth Chapman Grant
Luke Alexander Grau
Ian C. Graves
Camille L. Green
Laura Michelle Green
Samantha Lauren Greenblatt
Morgan Phelan Griff
Bachelor of Arts (continued)
Carolyn Anne Grillo
Benjamin Roger Grinberg
Christina Louise Joyce Grindley
Lynndon K. Groff
Ilana Eve Gromis
Jonathan Ari Gruskin
Jin Guan
Wenceslao A. Guerrero Matos
Brad Gulick
Jimmy Z. Guo
Sarah Xie Guo
Tanvi Gupta
Jaclyn Beth Gurwin
Peter Joohyung Ha
Jacqueline Haas
Jamie F. Hagan
Ethan Harrison Haimm
Jaclyn Alyse Hall
Kristin Lesline Hall
Malcolm Halle
Molly Byrnes Halloran
Chang Joon Han
Ji Eun Han
Rebecca Han
Julian Max Handel
Adam Gordon Hanno
Shane Doyle Hanson
David B. Harbage
Elizabeth Anne Hardin
Elise Schley Harrington
Brittany Lynae Harris
Matt Scott Harrison
Adam Golding Hartheimer
Maximilian Thomas Hass
Robert D. Haas
Luke Hassall
Syed-Khizer Hayat
William Francis Hayes
Chiyel Raah Adeiye Hayles
Alyssa Suzanne Haynes
Christine J. Heidelberg
Jessica Erin Heidenberg
JoanMarie Taylor Heider
Evi Lora Heilbrunn
Sara Elizabeth Heinze
Jonna Jillian Heldrich
Douglas Herbert Helfman
Rebecca Michelle Heller
Catherine Anne Henderson
Charles Linvel Hendren
Benjamin Henriquez
Renata Greganne Henry
Ariel Herman
Laura Elizabeth Herring
Megan J. Hess-Homeier
Albert Anthony Hewitt Jr.
Michael William Shepp Hiatt
Daniel James Higgins
Alan-Michael Edward
Stephen Hill
Christopher Henry Hillard
Patrick James Hillstrom
Brian P. Ho
Jeffrey Ho
Lisa Ming-Wei Hoang
Zachary R. Hochster
Pamela Elizabeth Hodge
Miriam T. Hoffman
Evelyn Marie Hoffman-Harland
Robert Hoke
Erica Evette Holland
Douglas B. Hollin
Rebecca Holtz
Alexandra Marie Holtzman
Cayce Hook
Allison Hilary Hopfan
Jasmine Auriel Hoskins
Pierre Hotimsky
Philip Hsiao
Catherine Hsu
JiaHao Hu
Andy Pang Yan Huang
Anne Huang
Cyrus Sizhong Huang
Julia Yu Huang
Mark Huang
Allison L. Huberlie
Brett P. Hughes
Elisabeth M. Humphrey
Melanie Lynne Hunt
Kevin Clark Huntington
Stanley Therlow Huntley II
Elizabeth Huntsman
Ari R. Huverserian
Ellen Tran Huynh
Brian H. Hwang
Diana Imbert
Lindsay Ann Ingram
Jessica Rachel Ireland
Chase Alexander Irwin
Knaack A. Isaac I
Caitlin Ruth Isham
Prioty Islam
Shaan Nibras Islam
Scott Carl Israelite
Rachel Meg Ivanhoe
David Reid Jacobson
Naomi Jagoda
Aneesh V. Jain
Nimit Jain
Pavithra Sara Jaisankar
Raya Jalabi
Devanshi Jalan
Nastasia Akeeva James
George Thomas Jansen
Nanneke Kathryn Ilona Jansen
Kira A. Jarosz
Arati V. Jasani
Evelyn Patricia Jaworski
Derek Jia
Anthony Dongyi Jiang
Xinpei Jiang
Ryan Cecil Jobson
Valerie Seeta Joell
Tiffany Rhea John-Lewis
Courtney Alexis Johnson
Kory Douglas Johnson
Abigail Boswell Johnston
Benjamin Lloyd Jones
Larsen Elizabeth Jones
Masha Gregory Jones
Jeremiah Scheider Joseph
Richard Tucker Joseph
Victoria Amanda Joseph
John-Paul Julien
Sol Jung
Nelda M. Kacyem
Jordan Kourtney Kahle
Alexandria E. Kahmann
Kristin Elizabeth Kaiser
Michael Kiel Kaiser
Alexander Craig Kalish
Sara Rose Kalkstein
David Joseph Kaltman
Danielle Elissa Kamis
Lei Kang
Rishav Kanoria
Jessica Helen Kansky
David Kanter
Kristy Caren Kao
Naomi Dena Kaplan
Hagop J. Kaprielian
Lauren Kapsalakis
Evangelia Karanikas
Saksham Karwal
Gillian Allyn Kassner
James J. Katz
Jenna A. Katz
Petyon Ellant Katz
David Stephen Katzianer
Megan Alexandra Kauffman
Joel Harrison Kaufman
Colin Michael Kavanaugh
Kaede Kawauchi
Laura E. Keen
Isabel Kay Keller
Andrew Scott Kener
Ian T. Kennard
Terrance Kennedy
Alexandra McMullen Kenney
Shivani Dilip Kesaria
Andrew Robert Kibert
Anne Kim
Christine Miran Kim
Chul Hee Kim
Elliot Kim
Gi Bum Kim
Hijoo K. Kim
Hyun-Ji Kim
Jung-Hyun Kim
Junyoung Kim
Sammy Kim
Stephanie Kim
Taehyun Kim
Blake A. Kimmey
Eric Anthony King
Alexander Elliott Kingman
Alexis Gibbs Kington
Sarah Ann Kinosian
Sarah Estelle Kirsch
Winsome Alexandria Kirton
Erica Danielle Kivitz
Andres C. Klaric
David M. Klatt
Liore Hilah Klein
Amanda Evelyn Klinger
Dacy Caitlin Knight
Brian Sungwoo Ko
Natalia Kogay
Simren Kohli
Janice C. Kong
Angela Maria Konstantaras
YoungJae Koo
Jennifer Leigh Kornblau
Max Julius Korus
Danyal Habib Kothari
John Christopher Kouch, Jr.
Sarah E. Kounaves
Kristina G. Koutsarova
Philip J. Kozak, Jr.
Christopher Mark Krachmer
Cory Jordan Krasnoff
Kevin Schlede Krebs
Jaˉnis Kreilis
Jeremy C. Kreitman
Susannah Krewson
Naomi Anne Krieger
Dara Kritzer-Cheren
Margaret Beth Kross
Marissa Gabrielle Krupen
Andrew Scott Kuhn
David Kuncio
Poorvi Kunzru
Sarah Tybie Kurz
Taishi Kushiro
Ibidayo Kuye
Steve Donnadieu Kwizera
Raymond Kwok
Rachel Y. Kwon
Matthew Owen Kwong
James C. La Marre IV
Danielle LaMorte
Hicham Laalej
Matthew Robert Labovitz
Lorenzo Felipe Lagos
Kevin Christopher Lai
Brian Joseph Laidlaw
Carol J. Lam
Jeremy Lam
Steven Brett Lang
Keely Louise Langdon
Matthew Lanza
Sarah Assunta Laskin
Oren Raziel Lavie
Eben Matthew Lambert
Khánh-Anh Hoàng Lê
Stephen A. Leach
Bachelor of Arts (continued)
Caitlin M. Leahy
Alexander Harry Lebow
Alan H. Lee
Carolina Lee
Carolyn Winnie Lee
Jasmine Sonn Yoon Lee
Jennifer Y. Lee
Jeong-Mi Jane Lee
Jessica Lee
Jong-Hoon Scott Lee
Jung Kuk Lee
Kristina Cyana Lee
Michael Junho Lee
Sun-Myoung Lee
Scott David Lefever
Catherine Lefkowitz
Bryce August LeFort
Eugénie Pauline Diane Lejeune
Sanaë Lemoine
Jed Falk Lenzner
Zachary Elias Leonsis
Shira Rebecca Lerner
Stephanie Michelle Lerner
Ryan O’Shea Leske
Mark Andrew Lester
Eunice Hilching Leung
Elana Shriver Lev
Talia J. Lev
Michael David Levenstein
Daniel Levin
Margarita Levin
Matthew E. Levin
Michael Gilbert Levin
C. Brian Levine
Jordan Hurst Levine
Carly Elizabeth Levitz
Aaron Michael Levy
Alexander Whitehouse Levy
Anthony Augustine Levy
Rafael C. Levy
Caitlyn Rebecca Lewis
Marc L. Lewis
Mieka Bayla Lewis
Scott Randall Lexton
Anning Li
David Muzi Li
Diana Li
Dongming Li
Erin He-ning Li
Jennifer Ran Li
Linda Li
Lucia Yiwen Li
Ningkun Li
Rosie Qing Li
Sharon Li
Xinjie Liao
Joshua Isak Lieberman
Samuel Brian Liebeskind
Lorena Likaj
Marcus Brandon Lim
Robyn Sy Lim
Soo Jin Lim
Stephanie Haeun Lim
Ilona Limonta-Volkova
Emily Grace Lin
Jessica Yi-Jay Lin
Kuan-Yu W. Lin
Michelle Mui Lin
Qintan Lin
Catherine I. Lindberg
Thomas Carl Lindh
Edward Fort Linton
Eugene Miles Lipkin
Jeffrey Nathaniel Lipman
Anabel Lippincott
Lauren Lipsay
Alexandra N. Lipschultz
Charles R. Lipsius
Rochelle Lipsky
Yuliya Litviakova
Tuo Liu
Johnny Grimes Lloyd
Jerricka Lo Verme
Peter Michael Lodato
LuzSelenia Loeb
Steven Tarbell Loeffler
Samantha Lynn Logan
Glennis Amelia Logsdon
Sugyan Lohiaa
Christina Beverly Lomax
Brady Burdett Lonergan
Adriana Yolanda Lopez Melara
Maria López Conde
Alexander G. Lorenc
Adrian Fernando Lorenzo
Benjamin Joshua Loughin
William James Lovotti
Trisha Ya-Wen Low
Yang Lu
Emer Hannah Lucey
Sigrid Willa Luhr
Angie Anqi Luo
Susan Luo
Jessica Lupardus
Jordan P. Lurie
Kyle J. Lutkewitte
Charles G. Lynch
Ian P. Lynch
Huge Ma
Jing Ma
Jingyi Ma
Rui Ma
Andrews Llyod Macalaster
Hannah Reed MacAyeal
Brendan MacFadgen
Sarah Raffae MacIntosh
Lauren Ann MacIntyre
Elizabeth Anne Madara
Anne Goss Madeira
Nicholas James Madian
Avinash Maganty
Leslie Mah
Evan Maines
Julian Heines Maldonado
Nbba Malik
Jonathan Ross Mallen
Laura Catherine Malta
Rachel Elise Marchand
Allegra Maria Marchione
Alison Catherine Marcus
Landon C. Marder
Rachel Ellen Margolis
Jeanne Michele Mariani
Michael D. Mariano
Aditi Marisetti
Andrew M. Mark
David Francisco Marmugi
Bryan Stephen Marques
Jennifer Anne Marsh
Kristen M. Martin
Stephon T. Martin
Enmanuel Martínez
Jaime Enrique Martínez
Vanessa Martinez
Gregory José Marvin
Andrew Matas
John Preston Mathias
Sarah Keiko Matsui
Danielle Fay Matsumoto
Felipe Matsunaga
Rebecca Lynn Matte
Caroline Elizabeth Matthews
Katherine A. Maughan
Rhea Denise May
Mary Katherine McCarthy
Emma Clare McClafferty
Rebecca Jill McClain
Logan River McCullar
Hannah Marie McDonnell
Emily Jane McDowell
Bridget Aileen McDugall
Laurel Anne McGarvie
Lauren Nicole McGlockton
Patrick Martin McGowan
Margaret E. McGrath
Lucy Anderton McGuigan
Stephanie McIntyre
Sarah Elizabeth McKay
Timothy Martin McKenzie
Kendra Martina Renee McKoy
Christine Leigh McLellan
James McNeill
Rebecca Rittenhouse Meaders
John Coleman Meadows
Evan W. Medina
Lucy Maja Medrich
Isha Mehta
Paul Mekler
Dorothy Jane Melander-Dayton
Atlee Marie Melillo
Heather Lee Mellinger
Joanna N. Melnick
Ayelet S. Menche
Nicole C. Mendell
Lauren S. Mendelson
Neil Mendhiratta
Monica Sijia Meng
Maryanne Mercede
Pranav Hemant Merchant
Mark Mercurio
Joshua S. Merel
Kenneth Ross Merrill
Eric Ryan Merron
Brian Joseph Mertens
Robin Metcalfe-Klaw
Christopher Paul Michienzi
Lauren Elizabeth Mifflin
Christopher Milione
Avery Lauren Miller
Julia Rose Miller
Sarah Morgan Miller
Matthew J. Mingey
Ana Miniuk
Jo Marie Minton
Leah Ariel Mintz
Mario Miranda
Ali-Reza Mirsajadi
Allison Fine Mishkin
Miten Mayur Mistry
Mary Ann Harris Mitchell
Nandita Mittal
Daniel William Monckton
Kelsey Lynn Montz
Clarence Lee Moore
Ian Roscher Moore
Rico David Moorer
David James Moquin
Ryan Jonathan Morgan
Elise Brigham Morocco
Serge J. Morrell
Daniel Rhodes Morrison
Daniel James Morson
Alexis Anne Moshang
Roxana Sahar Moussavian
Sophie Leah Moussazadeh
Adam G. Muchnick
Adolph Brian Mullen
Kyle B. Mulligan
Ian Joseph Murray
Christian W. Myers
Anushka Ann Nadarajah
Mariam Naeem
Gabrielle Marin Nagler
Lauren Naile
Angela Nakauka Ddamba
Brian Herman Nalitt
Agnes Nam
Gabriel Nam
Cindy Navarro
Maria Beatriz Navarro
Chayapong Naviroj
Taylor Charles Neason
Adam G. Neinstein
Darby Ashling Nelson
Nichole Ashley Nelson
Christopher Barrett Neuman
Jeffrey Ng
Bachelor of Arts (continued)
Siu Lung Ng
Madeline Haley Ngo
Duyen Luong Nguyen
Luna Vuu Nguyen
Tony Kim Nguyen
Young Hoang Nguyen
Samantha Ann Ni
Xiaochun Ni
Peter Daniel Nicholas III
Caroline Madeleine Margaret
Cynthia Marie Nicoletti
Terren Kathryn Niethamer
Maria Elena Nieves
Bijan Andrew Niknam
Mikhail Nikolaev
Harald Alexander Dagson
Shai Nir
Erica J. Nist-Lund
Charlotte Corbett Noren
Thomas M. Norminton
Gabriella Ariana Nourafchan
April Michelle Nunn
Maggie J. Nyce
Gage M. O’Connell
Charles H. O’Connor
Kendall Marie O’Connor
Garrett F. O’Dwyer
Denis F. O’Flynn O’Brien
Jonathan Andrew Oei
April Nicole Ognibene
Helen Oh
Chisom Sheila Okechukwu
Oluwemimo B. Oladapo
Darryll Mark Alton Oliver
Gerrit Alexander Orem
Erik Benjamin Oros
Yuval Orr
Tiffany Ortiz
Amy Gail Oster
Sarah Danielle Owen
Oliver Richard William
Michael Louis Paci III
Jonathan Gerson Packer
Alexandra Fleming Ka’iulani
Alex Gregory Paino
Mark Peter Pan
Sonya Parashar
Jessica C. Parisi
Emily Park
Hae-Ran Park
Amber Ashley Parker
Sharon Candace Parks
Kaneesha Cherelle Parsard
Wiktoria Parysek
Amit Bakulesh Patel
Anish Anil Patel
Darshan Patel
Heenal Patel
Hersh Navnit Patel
Niketa Kishorkumar Patel
Brooke Leslie Patkin
Kristov Paulus
Amber Raena Payne
Octavia Aris Payne
Alexander J. Pearse
Kensey Erin Pease
Tatiana Peisach
Adrian Otto Pelliccia
Taina Peña
Kathryn Diane Penza
Justen Perez
Michelle Elizabeth Perlin
Mariama L. Perry
Meredith E. Perry
Michael Nasser Petegorsky
David Laurence Peters
Perry Li Petra-Wong
Margo Ann Peyton
Peter Pham
Phung Do Phan
Evan M. Philipson
Haley Elizabeth Phillips
Quan Hoang Phung
Connie Phuong
Beheshtine S. Pichvai
Anastasia M. Piliouras
William Pilling
Antonieta Michelle Pimienta
Ethan I. Pine
Juliana Pineda Cardona
Alaina Foster Pirraglia
Steven Reed Plimpton
Eric David Poeltl
Roxanne Marie Pogue
John Devon Pohl
Luba Polyak
Lily Gracewood Posner
Mili Pothiwala
Erin Elizabeth Power
Arjun Prabhu
Noam Pratzer
Briana Lyn Pressey
Brittney Nicole Pressley
Samantha G. Prince
Kingdar Prussien
Alisha D. Prystowsky
Francesca Pujals Salerni
Amanda Beth Punim
Corey Morris Purcell
Ashwin Meher Pushpala
Pamela Wynne Putnam
Fahim Firozali Pyarali
Kexin Qiang
Joshua Zhaochen Qin
Pengchao Qiu
Cristina Quattrone
Tara Liane Quinn
Manoj Pandurangasai Racherla
Linnea A. Rading
Gala Radinovic
Michael Stephen Radocchia
Meera Vimala Ragavan
Jennia N. Rajaei
Ranganathan Ramachandran
Arvind Raman
Jaya Kamakshi Ramesh
Ragavan Ramsubramani
Vandana Metlapalli Rao
James William Rappaport
Aleksandar Rasevski
Roya Rashtchi
Michael D. Ratner
Theodore Rawlings
Mehdi Mohammed Abbas
Katherine Elizabeth Rea
Taylor D. Reckhow
Richard Tyler Reece
Jonathan G. Reef
Rachel Elizabeth Reese
Amr Mohamed Refaat
Rebecca A. Reicherter
Clementine Julia Reid
Luke M. Reilly
Hillary Reinsberg
Landon Scott Reitz
Adriane M. Remiker
Jessica Harvis Renny
Melissa Ann Retkwa
Joshua Songin Reverand
Katherine Keane Reynolds
Spencer Allen Rhoda
Allison Lenore Rhodes
Christine Marie Rhodes
Sarah Ribner
Samuel Benjamin Ribnick
Halsey Cordner Richartz
Lee Philip Richman
Lisa Nicole Rickles
Meta Helen Rieck
Jessica Beth Riegel
Arden Michael Rienas
Cecily Susan Rieser
Jacqueline Renée Rifkin
Carter Mifflin Righi
Sasha Riser-Kositsky
Joshua H.L. Rittenberg
Nicolas John Rivard
Paul Grayson Rivenburgh
Crystal Rivera
Mary Somers Riverso
Andrew Rizzo
Michael Ro
Joshua C. Roberts
Janel Kristin Robertson
Sabrina Cierra Robinson
Tiffany Denise Robinson
Nicolai Robles
Victor Giles Rodin
Alicia Marie Rodriguez
Jon Tyler Rodriguez
Jarrad Lee Kieffer Roeder
William Francis Roegge
Alexandria Benson Roman
Matthew A. Romanowski
Rachel René Romeo
Dana Elyse Rommerdahl
Alexandra Brooke Rosen
Benjamin Edward Rosen
Jamie Melissa Rosen
Alex Michael Rosenberg
Joshua Craig Rosenberg
Lauren B. Rosenberg
Randall Alexandra Rosenberg
Noah Harrison Rosenstein
Carlye Eleanor Rosenthal
Aaron Seth Ross
Hillary Erin Ross
Anthony J. Rossano
Reid S. Rothenberg
Eliza Loren Rothstein
Griffin S. Rotman
Justin Michael Routt
Jordan Matthew Rubin
Alexandra M. Rubino
John Alexander Ruch
Daniel Rudofsky
Jesse Fisher Rudolph
Allison Virginia Ruel
Luis Ignacio Ruffolo d’Empaire
Jenna Danielle Russell
Tyler James Russell
William Russell
Michael Lev Rutenberg
Melissa Dana Rutman
Alexander Jay Ryu
Paloma Hedda Ines Saez
David Michael Saginur
Reiko Elena Sakai
Emily Laura Salmon-Denikos
Zachary D. Saltman
Anjali Vyas Salvador
Nicholas G. Salvatore
Ayesha Samant
Avinash Nitin Samarth
Alexandra Corbett Samowitz
Petal Kimberly Samuel
Zhana Nikolaeva Sandeva
Joseph Lee Sanfilippo
Daniel Santos
Raiam Pinto dos Santos
Kirsten Anne Saracini
Victoria Anne Satagaj
Paul Frederick Sauer, Jr.
Adam Phillip Savitt
Daniela Savoia
Brandon Michael Savran
Samuel David Sayegh
Joshua James Scanish
William Collin Schenk
Rose Ellen Schlecker
Andrew Ryan Schlossberg
Bachelor of Arts (continued)
Benjamin Jacob Golden
Marisa Anne Hsiao-Ch’ing
Benjamin Max Scholom
August O. Schopfer
Andreas Schreiber
Debbie Ariel Schub
Anthony P. Schuller
Emily Reed Schultheis
Alexandra Schuster
Peter Jackson Schwab
Zachary G. Schwam
Benjamin Daniel Schwarz
Sarah J. Scotland
Lindsey A. Scott
Natasha Alexandria Scott
Andrew J. Scurria
Joshua B. Seaver
Kwang-Yew See
Matthew Evan Seigerman
Lauren Ann Selame
Harper Samuel Seldin
Genna Elizabeth Selesnick
Lara Seligman
Emily Kristine Selvin
Selin Serbest
Andrea M. Serrano
Brooke Elizabeth Sgambati
Devyn Elizabeth Shafer
Aditya Samir Shah
Darshak P. Shah
Ranee Rohit Shah
Alexander Ariel Shahery
Yasha Khatib Shahidi
Mohamed Shahin
Barbara Ekwuojo Shaibu
Nangisai Chido Shambare
Christina Lynn Shaw
Megan H. Shaw
Michael F. Shaw
Paul Luther Shay
Rachel Shepard
Anne N. Sherman
David Sherman-Presser
Tadashi Shida
Daniel Evan Shiff
Davida Eliana Starkman Shiff
Jamie Yuri Shim
Jane Shim
Mindy Y. Shim
Karen B. Shin
Christopher John Shook
Adam Robert Shore
David Michael Shore
Sandra Joan Shorenstein
Thomas Marshall Shovlin
Stephanie Siaw
Lemuel Y. Sibulo, Jr.
Kelly Anne Siderio
David Marc Siegel
Melissa Beth Siegel
Daniel M. Silverman
Adam Benjamin Silverschotz
James R. Silverstein
Erica Paige Simon
Kira Simon-Kennedy
Sim Kay Sims II
Darren James Sinatro
Jacob Galler Singer
Shanti Priya Singh
Lauren Amanda Sipzner
Jonathan P. Sirulnick
Beverley K. Sithole
Tammarah Sklarz
Hannah Eve Skop
Joel W. Slater
Carrie Reaves Slaton
Michael Sliozberg
Michael V. Slivjak
Carey Beth Sloane
Halley Sloane
Michael Jonathan Slotnick
Adam John Smith
Amy Danielle Smith
Ariel Daniella Smith
Darren F. Smith
Eric Smith
Jerin Shae-Xia Smith
Frank Arthur Smith IV
Mavis Eckman Snelson
Garret L. Sobol
Caitlyn Anne Sommers
Zachary Graham Sommers
Julie Son
Woo Seong Son
Anna Hwan Hee Song
Wenjie Song
Eleanor Coleman Sorenson
Tayler Anne Sorensen
Renata Sotomayor Brunet
Sarah Gicquel Souli
Gideon Mordechai Meyers
Lauren E. Springer
Joseph M. Squadroni
Lavanya Srinivasan
Michael St. John
Jenna S. Stahl
Anne Lawrence Stancliffe
Tyler John Stanley
Carey Lyn Stauder
Ariel Benjamin Stein
Julie Elana Stein
Benjamin Eric Steinberg
Ryan Scott Steinberg
Shelli April Steinberg
William Alan Steinberger
David Maxwell Steinhardt
Andrew P. Steinmetz
Sarah Marie Sterling
Caroline Lia Stern
Brenna Ann Stevens
Max Trevor Stevens
Charlotte Davenport Stewart
Vaughn Morton Steward III
Abbey Parker Stockstill
Sarah Fox Stoecker
Madeleine Kate Stolper
Fred Everett Stoops, Jr.
Luke Joseph Norton Storer
Elizabeth Anne Strasbaugh
Roger Scott Stronach
Kali Racquel Strother
Emily Elizabeth Strupp
Miranda L. Sturgis
Rodrigo Suarez
Michael Edmund Sulewski, Jr.
Eugene Sung
Rebecca Ann Sussman
Prasanna Chandar
Julia King Swanson
Yuliya Sychikova
Henry Chin-Ming Tai
Adelene Y. Tan
Esther Tang
Brian M. Tannenbaum
Naomi S. Tarlow
Jacqueline Sylvia Tartell
Rachel Seville Tashjian
Loukas Tasigianis
Arber Tasimi
Jesse Fielding Taylor
Jordan Starr Taylor
Nia Reneé Taylor
Natalie Tejero
Matthew Nathan Tellem
Didi Teng
Harrison Maxwell Tenzer
Maya Ilana Tepler
Katherine Frances Thackray
Jeffrey Then
Nicholas Alexander Theuerkauf
Tony Thieu
Adrian John Thomas
Rachel Rose Thomas
J. Elliott Thomasson
Adam McGill Thompson
Charlotte Ames Thompson
Demetrie Thompson
Emily Austin Thompson
Kajsa Marie Thompson
Katherine A. Thompson
Megan Elizabeth Thompson
Alexander W. Tickle
Taylor Mariel Tieman
Stuart Alexander Tishman
Michael Stuart Tomback
Michael James Tompkins
Liane Frances Toohey
Yana Toporovskaya
Stacey Bryanne Toseland
Alexander Toumayan
Claudia Kristin Trahan
Bao Tram
Khanh Tran
Mordechai Treiger
Kha Trinh
Linh My Truong
Chia Ming Tsai
Bonny Tsang
Francis Tseng
Valeria A. Tsygankova
Alina R. Tulloch
Michael Tully II
Conor Ryan Turley
Alexander Stephen Silva Turner
Eliana Galya Turner
Elizabeth Anne Turner
Meredith Turtletaub
Tim G. Tuveson
Michael S. Tzeng
Francis Joseline Udler
James Ken Ueda
Daniel Eduardo Urgelles
Jason Daniel Vahn
Alexander Jason Valner
Gregory Van
Polly Henrica Maria
van den Berg
Christopher William Van Eaton
Juliana Rae van Hoeven
Amelia Van Iwaarden
Jayme Elizabeth Van Oot
Matthew F. G. Van Voorhis
Lee Elliott Vandivier
LeighEllen Grace Vanzino
Julian Alexander Vasquez
Sarah Vaughn
Sahro Lilja Vedder
Elena M. Vespoli
Athanasia F. Vgontzas
Kevin Kirk Vichyastit
Adrienne M. Vidal-Irizarry
Rachel Marie Villa
Catalina Isabel Villamil
Erik Virbitsky
Vikram Venkat Vish
Dana Lynn Vogel
Lynden Oren Volpe
Viraj Bhagirath Vora
Peter R. Wade
Sarah Lerner Walcoe
John Walker
Gregory R. Wall
Daniel S. Wallach
K’Shelle Erin Waller
Alison Lindsay Wand
Amanda Ming Wang
Eric Jyun-Han Wang
Hsiang-Wen Wang
Louise Luyang Wang
Luhan Daphne Wang
Veronica Wang
Aurora Jaipaul Wardlaw
Hannah McGuyre Ware
Bachelor of Arts (continued)
Robert Bayne Warfield
Joshua Zubin Warren
Brittny Taneka Washington
Kirstin Elise Washington
Gordon Hughes Watkins III
Jade Monique Watkins
Max Theodore Wayne
Caitleen Brennan Weaver
Francis A. Weber
Alec Anthony Webley
Shu-min Wee
Rebecca JoAnn Weeks
Shaneke Tharange Weerakoon
Jeffrey Stewart Weinstein
Michael Ameer Weintraub
Adam James Weir
Hannah Gwen Weiss
Max Joseph Weiss
Michael B. Weiss
Lauren Claire Weissbrod
Yuan Wen
Jesse S. Wenger
Kelsey Werber
Chaia I. Werger
Marc S. Werner
Samantha Robin Wertheimer
Martina J. Westcott
Jessica Hope Wetstone
Daniella Wexler
Winston Wey
Rennie Yixuan Whang
Jessica Ann White
Jessica B. White
Laura Wallace White
Paul Anthony White
Alexis Anna Williams
Amelia Sung Williams
Cameron J. Williams
Collin Devon Williams, Jr.
Ellen Nicole Williams
Thomas Daniel Williams
Tiffany A. Williams
Jaia Tyler Ridgeway Wilson
Joshua S. Wilson
Saras M. Windecker
Corey Ryan Winkoff
Daniel H. Winston
Gina Marie Winters
Samuel Ariel Wisch
Jacob Irving Wischnia
Madison Wojciechowski
Kelsey Elise Wolfe
James Won
Cory James Uyehara Wong
Tucker Bancroft Wood
Joseph Dooley Woodard IV
Austin M. Woodlin
Amy Elizabeth Woodrum
Elizabeth Ann Wordell
Carolyn Shoutong Wu
Joanna Naihua Wu
Teresa Wu
Bjorn-Erik Wulff
Samantha Leigh Wyatt
Lilly A. Wyden
William Xiong
Kellen Xu
David Eduardo Yáñez
Andrew Yang
Elaine Yang
Jamie Siyu Yang
Zachary D. Yeates
Joseph Lawrence Yellin
Jason Jaein Yoo
Youngmin Yoon
Jeeyoon Yu
Jessica Macy Yu
Doyle Y. Yuan
Summer Y. Yuan
Ellen T. Yusti
Lauren Michelle Zagorski
Ali Zahalka
Tanya Katrina Zaist
Zahid Zakaria
David Ye Zhai
Phillip David Zhang
Taiwei Zhang
Yifei Zhang
Ying Zhang
Zhenyu Zhao
Siwei Zhou
Yixue Tiffany Zhou
Tongtong Zhu
James A. Zimmerman
Kelby Whyte Zimmerman
Kyle David Zimmerman
Daniel E. Zinshteyn
Kamil Zniber
Mohammad Zohaib
Amy Elisabeth Zurek
Suzanne Pavlath Zwemer
Matthew Kyle Grewe
Danielle B. Howard
Rachel Meredith Hull
Aftab Imam
Bangmoo Lee
Cristina A. Limas
Brian Forbes Maher
Miriam Manon
Christine Lynne Moyle
Conor William O’Callaghan
Richard Donald Powers
Terrence J. Tracy, Jr.
Seth Adam Williams
May 16, 2011
Master of Governmental
Patrick William Bauer
Lilly Marie Bertz
Christopher Adrian Ogilvie
Kelly Farraday
Alexander L. Harris
Annamarie D. Horan
Eui Kyun Hwang
Ellen Marie Kamei
Abraham Jinmahn Kwon
Stephanie Diane Lerner
Ana Jean Liss
Marissa Litman
Kelly M. McGinnis
Shawn McKenna
Adam Moll
Robert Wyche Morgan
Francis Joseph Myers, IV
Simran Noor
Jason Leon Owens
Jonathan Zachary Pearson
Maria de last Mercedes Pérez
Mateo R. Rando
Danielle Redden
Adam Thomas Ruchman
Christopher Kyle Rupe
Thomas Howard Shupe II
Jinhee Song
Pornsiri Supanya
Frank William Warren
Laura E. Wesolowski
Joshua Wheeling
August 13, 2010
Master of Philosophy
Amanda Axsom
Loredana Cromarty
Patrice Anne Green
Lacey Mae Rapini
May 16, 2011
Master of Science in
Organizational Dynamics
December 22, 2010
August 13, 2010
Bryan Christopher Banks
Alisha Bazaz Wells
Emily Margaret Reading Castor
Emily G. Stiebel
Amy Beth Arrigo
Liza A. Craig
Ong Hwee Ping
Courtney L. Wright
The Graduate
Division of the
School of Arts and
Melissa Helen Killeen
Richard E. Smith
December 22, 2010
Brent Austin Buford
Renee Karen Kovick
Andrew Paul Kriz
Ping Shen Loveland
Tamara Marie Nuzzaci
Leah Alexandra Schneiberg
Robert C. Schwartz, Jr.
Sandra Piccione Torres
Ninh N. Tran
May 16, 2011
Dana Ismail Mahdi Al Husseini
Jamie Arrington
Marion Campbell
Kavitha Chandrasekaran
Donald C. Choi
Debra Newman Dionis
Timothy Joseph Ferguson
Deepti Gudipati
Dache D. Hyman
Melissa J. Kraus
Scott H. Larmore
Erin T. Lemons
Chantia Celeste Leonard
Wynne Dimone Maynor
Liam Henry O’Connor
Sarina Acosta Pasricha
Michael Eaion Pegg
Aruna Prabhakaran
Melissa M. Rogers
Elena Marta Sharp
Margaret A. Sykes
Inam Ur-Rahman
Erica R. Wexler
Karima Aquila Williams
Robert Edward Wisniewski
Kevin Michael Zachery
The College of
Liberal and
Professional Studies
Associate in Arts
August 13, 2010
Christine Evans Davis
Donna Lorraine Shuler
Bachelor of Arts
August 13, 2010
Jennifer Abramson Agarwal
Dor Avraham Bocian
Eugene Choe
Lenny Dewitt
Helen Elizabeth Hansen
Thomas Christopher Hovind
Anita Marie Juni
David N. Karp
Michael Richard Karp
Benjamin R Kenney
Bachelor of Arts (continued)
Grayson Ford Maas
Roman Mersie-Hazen
Deborah Seeley
Eric Shure
December 22, 2010
Dorothy G. Archey
Janet Elliott Bernstein
Leah Marie D’Agostino
Valerie Frankel
Cynthia M. Harkins
Sergio Jackson
Eileen Elizabeth Kelly
Andrew Nelson Kimball
Keiko Kimura Middleton
Joanna R. Mucera
Alicia Nichole Sue O’Gwynn
Susan K. Pitcher
Deborah Port
Sharon Scully Stetson
May 16, 2011
Shawn Darrin Aiken
Brian Nissim Antar
Theresa L. Antoff
Joseph J. Caivano
Vicki Ann Pasquini Caloiero
Kira Capresecco Campo
Donovan Bradley Cheney
Cornelia Alice Griffith Colijn
Theresa Louise Crawford
Nova Crispo
Jean Lanza Curcio
Sarah Salome Davis
Amar H. Desai
Precious Zamaswazi Dlamini
L.L. Faircloth II
Susan Mary Gavin-Leone
Jordan Bane Harris
Kevin J. Hisler
Hans Hyonchang Kim
Stefanie Michelle Lassin
Neil Kennedy McConachie
Maureen P. Miller
Molly E. O’Neill
Sami Quazi
Natalia Carolina QuinterosGuevara
Matthew Reall
Jennifer Kathryn Dawn Schuller
Reem Sharhan
Benjamin Libson Strogatz
Dennis Joseph Szafran
Francesca Lola Valente
Rona Whitehead
Bachelor of Fine Arts
August 13, 2010
Aimee Denault
Rebecca Ann Harmer
Melissa Jane Jester
Doron Langberg
Catherine Mulligan
Master in Chemical
Master of Integrated
Science Education
December 22, 2010
December 22, 2010
August 13, 2010
Zoe C. Blatt
Kate Schmidt Nishiumura
Isis A. Shiffer
Mickayel Louise Thurin
Tabatha Jaye Bray-Gilbert
Elizabeth Ann Endres
Michael Ryan Tudor
Stephanie Montalvo
May 16, 2011
Lesia Alexandra Micheline
Master of Applied
Positive Psychology
August 13, 2010
Bridget Susan Biggar
Cahla Nicole Bloom
Joshua Franklin Bradstreet
Leona Maher Brandwene
Lauren Cox Broadhurst
Robyn A. Brook
Thomas M. Calkusic
Scott Philip Charles
Jessica Desmond Colman
Jaime Booth Cundy
Paula M. Davis-Laack
Danielle Marie Defeo
Genevieve Jacqueline Douglass
Elizabeth Gragg Elizardi
Carl John Fleming
Justin Michael Flores
Max Samuel Glass
Stella Michelle Grizont
Gretchen Pisano Grunwell
Jennifer Hogan
Lucy Hone
Naama Kaminer-Mevorak
Vanessa Ann King
Toni Anne Mahowald
Nicole Lyn Mathias
Alison Rachel McCormick
Sinthumathi Natesan
Lorrie A. Peniston
Robert W. Rebele
Lesley A. Russo
Lisa Virginia Sansom
Kathryn Lynn Snyder
Matthew Michael Sosnowsky
Jan Stanley
Prakriti Tandon
Mark A. Tolmachoff
Ninh N. Tran
Emily Lynne vanSonnenberg
Elena Volnova
Amy Michèle Walker
Yukun Zhao
Lisa K. Zigarmi
Zuzana Žilková
May 16, 2011
Nahla Abdelrahman
Michael E. Ames
Laura Manzella
Andrea Lea Session
Waldemar Wiktor Stepnowski
Michelle Vigil Thornton
Jeremy P. Wolf
Master of
Environmental Studies
August 13, 2010
Sydney Glassman
Sudha Iyer
Scott Alan Weisinger
December 22, 2010
Frank Wesley Anderson Jr.
Valerie Frankel
Robert H. Goldman
Amy Grubb
Sarra Zoe Reich
Yuming Shen
Catherine Smith
Reema Walia
May 16, 2011
Stephanie Alarcón
Emily Marie Bush
Aimee Madison Cario
Judy Yi-Wei Chen
Margaret A. Christie
Lucia DiNapoli
William C. Dunagan
Vivian J. Futran
Patrick Gardner
Steven Roy Gillard
Elizabeth J. Haegele
Kellee M. Hand
Sara Elizabeth King
Sara Joan Malone
Maame-Serwaa AgyemangMensah
Adam T. Mowery
Ernestina D. Owusu
Naiying Peng
Nykia Marie Perez
Chryslene Tresa Rebeiro
Alexandra Swayze Dews
Mordechai Treiger
Audrey McKeon Ziomek
December 22, 2010
Katharine Blandino-Nienhuis
Matthew Raymond Cieslik
Michael Conforti
Charles Foster
Connie Goochee
Jeffrey Thomas Maddock
Michael Edward Mancinelli
Francis Kamau Muchugi
Bonnie L. Wilson
May 16, 2011
Yassmin Afifi
Cynthia Marie Brauer
Jacquelyn M. Conrad
Gloria Egner
Beth Gillard
Ayana Njeri Griffin
Jenna Marie Hoffman
Raymond John Kucklinca
Dirck A. McDowell
Jillian Rieser
Robert Stokes
Michael Strobach
Master of Liberal Arts
August 13, 2010
Laura Alcantara
Andrea Susan Anderson
Donna Rose Brown
Katherine M. Brown
Laura Elizabeth DiGiovanni
Abigail E. Hinsman
Catherine Lee Porter
Andrew D. Sommers
Einstein Tan
December 22, 2010
Sandor M. Aguilar Chanchan
Charles Arthur Anderson
Jaime L. Bramble
Olivia R. Brubaker
Ryan J. Buries
Harn Chung
Benjamin J. Dyme
Randi Michelle Edelman
Jacob Chesley Galecki
Hannah Kate Jacoby-Rupp
Charlene F. Mukarakate
Yinka Uriah Neil
Liesl Marie Schumacher
Heather J. Urkuski
May 16, 2011
Patricia M. Bachman
Carrie Elizabeth Barjenbruch
Master of Liberal Arts (continued)
Robert Joseph Behr
Preston E. Broderick
Blake Alexander Cole
Reuben D’Silva
Iyobosa Valerie Ekhato
Francis H. Fardone
Mihir Garud
Jacquelyn Ann Bernadette
Paul Stephen Horos III
Lori Iannella
Carlotta Denise Johnston
Hilary Ann Pearson
Raisha Renée Price
Kerri Lyn Riveley
Margaret Anne Sanborn
Sara I. Smith-Katz
Lindsey Lau Stetson
Marc Ardito Sully
Adam Vassar
Master of Medical
May 16, 2011
Michael Frederick Bartels
Sanghoon Chong
Alan Dotts
Kelly Ericsson Hosier
Maura L. Kirk
Joseph Vincent Panetta
Jane Mills Waesche
Caitlyn Marie Yeager
August 13, 2010
Renee Ann Pistone
December 22, 2010
Michael D. Devlin
Master of Science in
Applied Geosciences
August 13, 2010
Jaithish John
December 22, 2010
Cindy Shanta Nawal
May 16, 2011
Faye Donna Edmund
Madison Kramer
Boyan Makarenko
Candidates for the degrees of Master
of Arts, Master of Science or Doctor
of Philosophy can be found under the
Graduate Faculties listing.
Eduardo D. Glandt, Dean
Bachelor of Applied
August 13, 2010
Christopher Chang
Chaejoon Lim
Natasha S. Sabharwal
Shonith Subhash
December 22, 2010
Metchel Fong
James D. Kim
Kyoung Wan Kim
Vineet Dilip Patil
May 16, 2011
Thomas Michael O’Brien Abel
Vaibhav Agrawal
Varun P. Balan
Manu T. Bhat
Prateek Sandhiprakash Bhide
Justin Adam Charlap
Chester Chen
Gilbert Ka Hay Cheng
Robyn Yie Lyn Choo
Perry Thomas Clarkson
Samantha Crook
Timothy Scott Donnally
Vashisht Garg
Leah Haimson
Jonathan Andrew Haski
Maxwell Elliott Heinritz
Diego Hernandez Diaz
Daniel L. Irwin
Danielle Jabin
Aditi Jain
Sandeep Karipineni
James J. Katz
Brian Sungwoo Ko
Marissa Gabrielle Krupen
Elizabeth Megan Lakata
Amin Lakhani
Huanwu Li
Andy Tong Liang
Alvin Jun Wei Loke
Peter Po Maa
Jordan Phillip Mayerson
Yash Mittal
Abhiraj Rajiv Modi
Gokul Mohan
Shai Nir
Catherine Helen Pao
Kirti Vardhan Patodia
Ari Seifter
Stephanie Jill Simon
Beverley K. Sithole
Sara Adina Stohl
Eric H. Su
Daniel Susskind
Jeffrey Andrew Tornick
Ashley Trocle
Chia Ming Tsai
Mfon Umoh
Linda Wan
Zhicong Wang
Robert Benjamin Yaffe
Alexander Jihoon Yang
Scott Boole Yerganian
Michael Yuan
Ashley Meredith Yuki
Bachelor of Science in
August 13, 2010
Theodore Michael Aronson
Karen Au Yeung
Michelle H. Chen
Isaiah Greene
Sumo Gupta
Zeenat Imam
John Francis Kenney IV
Stephen Lovejoy
Daniel Meana
Jayanth Raghavan
Noah Ready-Campbell
James D. Shkolnik
Edward Hughes Tipton
December 22, 2010
Alexander T. Berger
Simran Bhatia
Edgar Cahyadi
Vignesh Chandramouli
Joseph W. Coyne, Jr.
Kolin C. Hribar
Xiaoniu Huang
Kenneth W. Hwu
Dalip Singh Kang
Devi Arini Kasih
Kunal Kumar Lala
Usama Mahmud
Julia Kathleen Mahon
Patricia Lorraine Mutyaba
Samuel Sun Riggs
Nirav Vikash Sanghani
Bo Gunnar Henrik Staal
Tarun Vemulkar
Alfred Chiching Wang
Gregory Robert Wiedman
Carlin Yuen
May 16, 2011
Madhur Agarwal
Avantika Agrawal
Rishi Agrawal
Sifat Al-Jannat Ahmad
Fahad Mohamed Al-Ameri
H. Anthony Arena
Adrienne Arndt
Philip Kwame Danso Asare
Uriah J. Baalke
Renata Bakousseva
Daniel Adam Balikov
Sheri Lian Balsara
Tal Bar-Or
Andrea Lynn Barberio
Andrew Michael Barr
Dhruv Batura
Michael Charles Beecham
Evan David Benshetler
Louis Bergelson
Jason Erwin Bernstein
Jesse Alexander Beyroutey
Erinn Bibolet
Navroz Adil Billimoria
Elizabeth Mary Blake
Bennett Blazei
Shahid Iqbal Bosan
Michael Joseph Boyle
Mathew S. Bramson
Efrem D. Braun
Nathan Myles Budischak
Matthew Scott Byrne
Hyungsoo Hannes Byun
Na Cao
Shengya Cao
Nathan John Carberry
Thomas M. Castner
Christopher James Ceperley
In-Chul M. Cha
Siddharth Chandrasekhar
Erin L. Chang
Kumardipti Chatterjee
Lu Davida Chen
Sophia Chen
Yuning Alice Chien
Benjamin Lane Chirlin
Daniel Bauchan Choi
Kulika Chomvong
Lillian Y. Chou
Kevin Yen-Min Chu
Jaehee Chung
Kiuk Chung
Eric Ross Cohen
Rylan T. Collins
Samantha Caitlin Collins
Eric Steven Comeau
Timothy Hiroshige Cragg
Matthew Thomas Curnan
Jeremy M. Cytryn
Michael E. Czubakowski
Hessa Darwish
Jeffrey Gordon Denis
Nihar S. Dharamsey
Alexander Dolgonos
Kathryn G. Downes
Andreea S. Dumitrescu
Ceren Durmaz
Evan N. Dvorak
Lindsey Taylor Eatough
Edward Charles Eckels
Dara Mayada Elass
Michael Engber
Hande Erfus
William H. Etter, Jr.
Arielle Cole Evans
Brittney Katherine Exline
Robert Steven Feigenberg
Gabriel Emilio Fernando
Lauren Elizabeth Frazier
Gregory L. Fu
Benjamin D. Galloway
Vishnu Ganesan
Manika Garg
Matthew Ryan Gay
Zane Craig Giffen
Samuel H. Gilbert
Spencer Tate Glantz
Tejus Goenka
Miguel A. Gonzalez, Jr.
Elizabeth Ann Green
Harry G. Green
Grace Guan Gui
Adhiraj Gupta
Gaurav Gupta
Binyamin Tzvi Hachen
Kelsey Marie Hall
Michael F. Harker
Erica Rachel Harkins
Maria Harten
Lucas Hartman
Robert D. Haas
Syed-Khizer Hayat
Simon K. Healey
Brandon Joshua Hedvat
Abhishek S. Hendi
Mariana Hernandez Cano
Andrew Christopher Hicks
Jonathan Terrill Hodrick
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in
this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student’s
name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student’s transcript is the official record of the University.
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (continued)
Cyrus Sizhong Huang
David J. Hubsher
Evan Lorenson Hyde
Juan Andrés Jacobus-Avila
Victor A. Janmey
Jacci Kiara Jeffries
Jennielle A. Jobson
Rekha Vijay Jois
Jihyun Katherine Joo
Aditya Sameer Kaji
Leftheris Kaleas
Lei Kang
Michael Robert Karp
Saksham Karwal
Maria Noelle Kaufman
Janiece Kelly
Burcu Kement
Ciara Erin Kennedy
Ross Eric Kessler
Sydney Rochelle Kestle
Sabina Khanna
Jane P. Kim
Amanda R. King
Stephanie M. Klebba
Stephen Bryant Koblin
Aarti Deepak Kochhar
Adam Todd Komoroski
Kevin Schlede Krebs
Anjay Kumar
Ryan Jinhan Kumbang
Hicham Laalej
Eric H. Lamb
Reuben Agala Latigo
Jedtsada Laucharoen
Jeremy R. Lautman
Alexandra Elizabeth Baoboe
Andrew S. Lee
Carolina Lee
Paul Hao chung Lee
Ivan Levcovitz
Karen Chiu Liao
Lim Xiang Li
Harrison Yi Liu
Jeremy Liu
Sugyan Lohiaa
Jeremy Casey Lui
Eyas Mahmoud
Anirudha Majumdar
Boyan Makarenko
Robin Roger Antoine Marcenac
Daniel Markowtiz
Paul D. Martin
Noé Martínez Ibarra
Omar Andrew Amyn Maskati
Sebastian Edward Mauchly
John Patrick Mayer, Jr.
William Mannion McGill
Rahil Mehrotra
Cari Lynn Meisel
Zachary T. Meister
Ryan D. Menezes
Marija Mircevska
Miten Mayur Mistry
Manuel Molina Villalba
Christina M. Monteleone
Nicole J. Nelson
Kamil Niaz
Oscar Nunez Pantoja
Ian Michael O’Hara
Samuel Nathan Oldak
Olutosin Afolabi Osibodu
James Michael Ottavi-Brannon
Matteus Jiawei Pan
Mark E. Pando
Mohona Paul
Ian E. Perera
Benjamin Nadav Plotnick
Bryan D. Pope
Deepak Prabhakar
Sachin Puranik
Raghav Puranmalka
Ashwin Meher Pushpala
Vidya Puthenpura
Xiao Qiao
Ranganathan Ramachandran
Fabio Suraj Raman
Vyas Ramanan
Erik James ReVeal
Charles Repoux
Shannon K. Ridge
Damon Rocco
Kathryn Ann Rohacz
Daniel S. Rosenthal
William R. Safrin
Yash Saini
Alikhan Sapargaliyev
Parijat Sarkar
John Thomas Sauls
Katherine Savarise
Daniela Savoia
Steven F. Schlaefer
Brittany Allyson Schoeninger
Ser Jin
Christopher Setian
Somil M. Shah
Vikas Shanbhogue
Nikhil Shankar
S. Adam Sharaff
Xia Helin Shiah
Dan Jonathan Shmueli
Michael Joshua Shomin
Edward L. Siegel
Mikiya S.H. Silver
Amy Michelle Silverstein
James R. Silverstein
Divya Singhal
Brian Justin Slakter
Amanda E. Smith
David William Sobel
Prashanth Sompalli
Erich Robert Sorger
Andrew Arthur Stanley
Mitchell Nathan Steinberg
Nicholas Jocelyn Edmund
Jason Noli Suapengco
Rodrigo Suarez
Stuart L. Summerfield
Issei Brendan Suzuki
Vadim Svirskiy
Samuel H. Tell
Pengtao Teng
Gabriel E. Torres
Andrew P. Townley
Nicholas A. Trasolini
Andrew Tsai
Vincent Joseph Valant
Eric Robbins Valentine
Amanda Cara Vecchione
Andres Felipe Velazquez
Antony Van Ho
Conor Joseph Walsh
Thomas Joseph Walsh
Kaikai Wang
Qian Wang
Samantha Wang
Paul Richard Wegescheide
Charles Mei Wei
Joseph C. Weinhoffer, Jr.
Jacob Marshall Wharton
Martin Tripp Wiegand
Beverly Winarto
Audrey Marianna Wobst
Tracy Brooke Wolfbiss
Carol H. Wong
Wong Wee Chin
Nickolaus Patrick Woodruff
Kristin Kazue Yamauchi
Eugene S. Yarovoi
Michael Quong-Wing Yee
Misha Amir Yerlick
Pallavi Yerramilli
Alice Haltmaier Yurechko
Jordan Zarrilli
Nathan J. Zeichner
David Ye Zhai
Powell Zhang
Michael Yizheng Zhao
Lisa Cheng Zheng
Yi Zhou
Mohammad Zohaib
Amanda Zwarenstein
Master of Biotechnology
(This degree is conferred
jointly with the School of
Arts and Sciences)
August 13, 2010
Meghan N. Brown
Ivy Ifan Lin
Timur Selimkhanov
Eric Michael Wolf
December 22, 2010
Aarti Atmaram Ramanathan
Amanda L. Baer
Matthew Louis Bernetich
Nasri Joe Bou-Saba
Geoffrey Chu
Sarah Hanif Dandia
Nadish Goyal
Odella C. Jno-Charles
Anjlee R. Joshi
Amar Prasad Kadaba
Efstathios Alexandros
Eun Ji Kim
Sean Lee
Sonal Jayanti Patel
Benjamin Kwete Quaynor
Davinder Sandhu
Hsiao-Chiao Shiah
Pavel Tishchenko
Victoria Louise Walton
May 16, 2011
Judith Y. Anton
Navjeet Kaur Basraon
Kevin William Bock
Chia-Pei Chen
Wei-Hung Chen
Ping-I Chiang
Wei-Chi Chou
Andrew Daniel Feier
Lindsay Glace
Melissa Lynn Hedberg
Courtney L. Hill
Wenjia Huang
Denny Dieu Huynh
Sabina Khanna
Siddharth Kishore
Akhil Purushotham Kotian
Kevin Krebs
I-Ting Kuo
Brian Joseph Laidlaw
Julianne Lefkowitz
Julia Davisson Lonchar
Christopher Eric Louie
Shravanthi Madhavan
Divya Vijay Menon
Madhura Keshava Nayak
Atman R. Parikh
Surbhi Puri
Anjana Ravindran
Amir Satvat
Saiful Effendi Syafruddin
Erica Christie Taddeo
Derice Tsai
Ashley Nicole Vogel
Ashley Vogel
Shuqian Yu
Master of Computer and
Information Technology
August 13, 2010
John Thomas Fischer
December 22, 2010
Anna Lisa Allegretti
Christopher Arriola
Steven Eric Finn
Michael Harris Frankel
Samuel Crawford Smith
Blake Andrew Willmarth
May 16, 2011
Jayvin Singh Arora
Douglas Ogwora Atati
Young H. Lee
Louise D’Agostino Murphy
Anderson Osagie
Yashaswini Prabhu
Ashwin Meher Pushpala
Priyanka Vergadia
Puneet Vohra
John Pedro Warner
Ryan Weicker
Master of Science in
August 13, 2010
Irshad Aly Allana
Jay Ram Gupta
Chelsea Anne Marsh
Joseph Robert Mcloughlin
Samantha Leigh Wozniak
Akira Toh
Veronica Joan Wallace
Michael Quong-Wing Yee
Master of Science in
(Chemical and
August 13, 2010
Raena Jae Hariharan
December 22, 2010
Yen-Chen Tseng
May 16, 2011
Ashley John Abraham
Lawrence Adijanto
Tapesh Bardia
Na Cao
Chen Chen
Majemite I. Dafinone
Polimyr Caesar Dave Pelisco
Yilu Fan
Ali Hasan Raza
Advait Soni
Bryce Evan Stewart
Kwadwo Edem Tettey
Prasad Avdhut Vaidya
Shangchun Yi
Master of Science in
(Computer and
Information Science)
December 22, 2010
August 13, 2010
Smitha B. Gopal
Woojin Han
Giana Montero Garnier
Nimit Priyavadan Shah
Varun Aggarwala
Michael A. Brautbar
Matthew S. Feczko
Pengfei Huang
Constantine Evangelos Lignos
Noah Ready-Campbell
May 16, 2011
Fahad Mohamed Al-Ameri
Michael Charles Beecham
Shengya Cao
Yuning Alice Chien
Andreea S. Dumitrescu
Katherine Maria Gerasimowicz
Mariana Hernandez Cano
Kolin C. Hribar
Ang Li
Zhuoyuan Lu
Eual Abraham Phillips, Jr.
Benjamin J. Pichette
Raghav Puranmalka
Vyas Ramanan
Sneha Ravi
John Thomas Sauls
Amy Michelle Silverstein
Vineet Tiruvadi
December 22, 2010
Tanmoy Chakraborty
Jian Chang
Sanjian Chen
Dongsoo Han
Marie Mariam Jacob
Mengyao Li
Brian Jaakko Finnbjorn Lyons
Vivek Rane
Kyle Brett Super
Jinsong Tan
Charles Chase Justice Treatman
Chih-Hui Wen
Jianzhou Zhao
Wenting Zhou
May 16, 2011
December 22, 2010
Nikita Aggarwal
James Louis Anderson III
Evan David Benshetler
Jennifer A. Engimann
Qiong Fei
Ziju Feng
Thomas Fili
Hou Yue
Cheng Huang
Melvin Chacko Kanasseril
Benjamin Runar Karel
Jordan Edward Kay
Neha Khatri
Reshmi Krishna
Kunal Kumar Lala
Qihui Liang
Z. Roy Ma
Jonathan Baird McCaffrey
Ryan D. Menezes
Inderpreet Singh Nanda
Sandeep Singh
John P. Sonchack
Ruichuan Tong
Geetika Vasudeo
Qian Wang
Qi Zheng
Adetayo Oladapo Adeleye
Joseph W. Coyne, Jr.
Akari Hagio
Shichong Hu
Xiao Ma
Ashkan Vakil
Yao Xiao
Master of Science in
(Computer Graphics and
Game Technology)
August 13, 2010
Sunil Kamat
December 22, 2010
Shawn Li Doria
Yukari Hagio
Lukai Lan
Matteo Marinucci
Nadim Bashar Sinno
May 16, 2011
Krishnan Chunangad
Stephen Lovejoy
Noé Martínez Ibarra
Ramkrish Raja
Damon Rocco
Varun Talwar
May 16, 2011
Philip Kwame Danso Asare
Madhur Behl
Jitender Bishnoi
Kui Cao
Victor O. Chukwuka
Fan Deng
Miguel A. Gonzalez, Jr.
Ryan Stewart Keepers
Ross Eric Kessler
Vinata Koppal
Sang-Il Joseph Kwon
Santhosh Kumar Lalgudi
Eshita Marwah
Ashish S. Mody
Sunny Patel
Cecil Lee Quartey
Ser Jin
Yi Su
Vadim Svirskiy
Andrew P. Townley
Zhichuan Wang
May 16, 2011
Roshan Dash
Master of Science in
(Integrated Product
August 13, 2010
Jason Reed Halpern
Christopher Ryan Xydis
December 22, 2010
Master of Science in
(Electrical Engineering)
Todd Jonathan Kent
Thabo Polyana Mahlangu
Matthew Nowicki
Matthew Patrick Owens
August 13, 2010
May 16, 2011
Prn Dan Mo
Miroslav Pajic
Sameera Anirudh Peesapati
Shang Wei
Nicholas David Araujo
Meihua Chen
Ding Liu
Philip William Tribe
Master of Science in
(Management of
August 13, 2010
Johnavo Bradley
Catherine Chiu
Prasid R. Dasgupta
Kaushik Deka
Sina Djali
Fong Hsu
Tochi Iheagwara
Daniel Kerns
Sanjay Khanna
Cynthia Kwan
Christopher Lee
Waqas Makhdum
Kevin Matthews
Sung Nam
Jose Thierry-Thien Kim
Alex Ni
Ravindra Prasad
David G. Proctor
Sundara Rajesh
Zina Raye
William Read
Brian Ruh
Nishit Sahay
Dennis Scott
Edward A. B. Scott
Uday Shah
Vinod Skariya
Vladislav Vilensky
Earl Villanueva
Khamsouk Xapakdy
Ying Wufina Nash
Master of Science in
(Materials Science and
August 13, 2010
Sangameshwar Rao Saudari
December 22, 2010
Joshua Aaron Gomberg
Xiaoniu Huang
Hsu-Chung Ko
Yu-Chin Lin
Arthur Aaron Spector
Tarun Vemulkar
Po-Chun Yang
May 16, 2011
Muharrem Acerce
Navroz Adil Billimoria
Cheng-Che Chen
Chang-Lung Chiang
Vicky Vi Thuy Doan-Nguyen
John Douglas Farrell
Mariam Maged Georges
Jinxiao Guo
Tao Guo
Xiang Hao
Cheng-Wei Huang
Linghua Jin
Scott Donhan Juang
Chien-Lin Lai
Chang-Lin Li
Haofeng Li
Jie Li
Yu-Wen Liu
Hirenkumar Karsandas
Ryan Patrick McCaffrey
Hai Zhu
Master of Science in
(Mechanical Engineering
and Applied Mechanics)
August 13, 2010
Michalis Agoras
Willy Bernal
Sina Ghassemi
Edward J. Li
Neehar J. Mokal
Matthew Paul Piccoli
Matthew I. Rosenfeld
December 22, 2010
Heather Theresa Denver
Jacob Asa Levinson
Peter B. Matthews
Zichuan Derek Tang
Yu Wang
May 16, 2011
John Christopher Bartel
Master of Science in
August 13, 2010
Ian J. Ferguson
December 22, 2010
Andrew David Bowen
Juan Felipe Ocampo
Theparit Peerasathien
Lucas Ducjin Sanjuan Mejia
May 16, 2011
Mansimar Singh Aneja
Mohit Sudhakar Bhoite
Jordan Brindza
Aylin Caliskan
Ian Bradley Donnellan
Michael Jay Friedmann
Neeraj Jhawar
Kapadia Jaimeen Vinay
Adam Todd Komoroski
Stephen Gerald McGill, Jr.
Oscar Núne-z Pantoja
Huen Oh
Shaojie Shen
Dinesh Dilip Thakur
Lu Wang
Master of Science in
(Systems Engineering)
May 16, 2011
August 13, 2010
April Acosta
Arunkumar Byravan
Edgar Cahyadi
Dheeraj V. Chandrashekar
Danielle Patrice Desilvio
Jedtsada Laucharoen
Ian Michael O’Hara
Steven F. Schlaefer
Dan Jonathan Shmueli
Michael Joshua Shomin
Travis W. Smith
Aslesh Reddy Tati
Jason Alan Thompson
Zhenyan Wang
Zhiran Xu
Yi Yang
Rang Zhang
Huan Zhu
Temitope N. Animashaun
Nikin Bharat Chahwala
Ceyhun Eksin
Rui Kang
Jesse Alexander Beyroutey
Sarah H. Dong
Hande Erfus
Justin Fanelli
Brandon Joshua Hedvat
Rui Li
December 22, 2010
Gregory Robert Wiedman
December 22, 2010
Simran Bhatia
Vincent Chan Tuck Seng
Ying Chen
Adam R. Lindsay
Divyang Deepakraj Mago
David Pietrocola
Onur Uras
Zheng Wang
Christie Wei
Qiuyang Xu
Qi Zhang
James Nicí
Junhua Pei
Jiaxing Pi
Amanda E. Smith
Rogdigo Suarez
Haoying Sun
Dongyi Tang
Nuo Wang
Qianqian Wu
Mengying Xiao
Wen Yu
Lei Zhang
Yuankai Zhang
Zuhe Zhang
Master of Science in
and Networking)
December 22, 2010
Biradar Anil Basawantaray
Binish Kurian Chandy
Vaibhav Papireddy Reddy
May 16, 2011
Swapnil Sunil Angane
Saket Anil Apte
Peigen Bai
Archit Anand Bhave
Janani Chandiran
Harjot Gill
Punit Kumar Gouthi
Rahul Rakesh Gupta
Jaime Iglesias García
Jain Parag Prakash
Jain Shailesh Ashok
Karthik Kadambi Seshachari
Palash Kusumwal
Yi Liu
Tyrus Shyun Lloyd
Rong Ma
Sushant Vithal Manurkar
Kuldeep Marathe
Shriram Natarajan
Kai Pan
Harshendu Patel
Nikhil Raina
Swaathy Raman
Taher Aquil Saeed
Mayurnath Sankar Rao
Bipen Sasi
Simran Paul Singh
Umang Soni
Yang Xu
Qian Zhang
Hu Zhou
May 16, 2011
Candidates for the degrees of Master
of Arts, Master of Science or Doctor
of Philosophy can be found under the
Graduate Faculties listing.
Thomas S. Robertson, Dean
The Wharton
Bachelor of Science in
August 13, 2010
Kelly Alvarez
Alessandro Cesare Argenio
Christopher Chang
Victor Chateaubriand
Chongping Chen
Giovanna Katherine Desselle
Joshua Kenneth Eisenberg
Britton Ertman
Aleksandr Gitsis
Kimberly Lauren Gravenor
Harrison Bentley Greer
Sumo Gupta
Harold Jarin
Christian Alexander Johnson
John Francis Kenney IV
Si Thu Kyaw
Chaejoon Lim
Diana Siyao Liu
Brendan James McNally
Chen Meng
John Patrick Moore
Jason Damien Myers
Tobin C. Pugash
Noah Ready-Campbell
Justin M. Reilly
Natasha S. Sabharwal
Mounya Sabri
Yang Shi
Dina YeoJi Shin
Carol Rachel Shore
Shonith Subhash
Alex Yan Shek Tong
Chris Tsai
Haley Renee Turner
Sherry Wang
Jared L. Watson
Chloe Stephanie Wayne
Allyson McCranie White
Alexis Williams
Jihyun Yi
Han Zhao
December 22, 2010
Sami Ahmed
Javi James Battle
Simran Bhatia
Alex Justin Bratman
Vignesh Chandramouli
Minh Hao Chau
Ryan Dierberg
Douglas J. Eckhardt
Dillon Forrest
Mark Matthew Froot
Andrew Gaybrick
Derek Carl Gollnitz
Halley Marisa Goodman
Gregory William Hamill
Gina Heng
Xiaomeng Hu
Xiaoniu Huang
Justin A. Hurst
Kenneth W. Hwu
Sebastian Jaramillo Castro
Eric F. Johnson
Dalip Singh Kang
Soo Suck B. Kang
Devi Arini Kasih
Priyanka Khare
James D. Kim
Joo Yeon Kim
Michael Klein
Xenia C. Kolesnikov
Amanuel Lakew
Dong Joon Lee
Hye Soo Lee
Andrew Carroll Leonard
Cheng Li
Gina J. Li
David Lin
John Lin
Joshua Klein Lipman
John Peterson Loftin
Julia Kathleen Mahon
Artem Vladimirovich Mariychin
Jonathan Moyal
Vineet Dilip Patil
Chanson J. Pipitone
Ryan David Porch
Joseph Gregory Scherer
Judah Zachary Siegal
Whitney T. Smart
Simon Alexander Smith
Judah Alan Sosnick
Bo Gunnar Henrik Staal
Andrew Joseph Trees
Mason Browning Turville
Gur Devan S. Walia
Alfred Chiching Wang
Shawn Yuexian Wang
Candice Wei
Hon-Leung Wong
Andre Xiao
Siyao Zhao
May 16, 2011
Thomas Michael O’Brien Abel
William Trice Abramson
Brad Francis Xavier Adams Jr.
Nathan Jack Adler
Avantika Agrawal
Rishi Agrawal
Nicolas Aguirre
Avishkar Akira Ahuja
Michel Mazin Al-Moumen
Mohammed Ahmed Al-Tamimi
Ethan R. Alderman
Inna Alecksandrovich
Hamad A. Almudhaf
Alexandra Altfeld
Venu Madhav Amar
Amol Dipakkumar Amin
Ronak M Amin
Lauren Elizabeth Amira
Sachin S. Amrute
Michael J Andrew
Shi-Hui Ang
Diana W. Ark
Diego Arroyo Ornelas
Punpilas Asawasudsakorn
Sushil Raja Atmakuri
Phillip Leib Azouz
Brandon James Bagley
Christopher L. Baird
Jamil G. Baldwin
Natasha Bandukwalla
Meghan Elizabeth Barron
Leisy Bartumeut
Joseph Masaki Baum
Sara Luretta Bayley
Abraham Peter Becker
Kanwar Kabir Singh Bedi
Matthew Gus Berg
Taylor Ashley Bernheim
Cameron Vaughn Berns
Carly Melissa Bernstein
Jason Erwin Bernstein
Jesse Alexander Beyroutey
Jay V. Bhagat
Asha Ganapathi Bhat
Manu T. Bhat
Prateek Sandhiprakash Bhide
Arjun Bhimavarapu
Franklin Bi
Louis Bi
Jonathan Michael Biava
Lauren Margaret Biegger
Samuel S. Biery
Bennett Blazei
Justin L. Bleich
Harold Cornelius Bone II
Shahid Iqbal Bosan
Sourav Kumar Bose
Yana Vladimirovna Boubnova
Kieran Dennis Boyle
Efrem D. Braun
Theresa Breitton
Ezra David Brettler
Andrew S. Brodsky
Ryan Edward Brog
Adam Schain Brown
Kirk Kennedy Brown
Sarah Jane Brown
Emanuel E. Bryant
Patrick Sean Buck
Erik De Paiva Buischi
Dmitry Bury
Hyungsoo Hannes Byun
Chloe Petschek Caan
Shaun Andrew Caesar
Joshua Reid Canter
D’André P. Carr
Christopher Joseph Carter
Enrique Daniel Casafont Quirós
Daniel Casiero
Alain C. Castillo
Thomas M. Castner
Elizabeth Lee Celata
Ayesha Anna Chacko
Melody Chan
Tricia Chandiramani
Siddharth Chandrasekhar
Justin Ko-Cheng Chang
Tiffany Chang
Justin Adam Charlap
Trevor Charlston
Rohit Chauhan
Vikramjit Singh Chawla
Malatri Chayavichitsilp
Chester Chen
Derrick C. Chen
Dong L. Chen
D. Andrew Chen
Elizabeth Chen
Michael J. Chen
Mingwei Chen
Peng-Fei Chen
Shaochiao Joy Chen
Xiang-Yu Chen
Alvin Lance Cheng
Gilbert Ka Hay Cheng
Lulu Cheng
Tiffany Debra Cheung
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in
this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student’s
name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student’s transcript is the official record of the University.
Bachelor of Science in Economics (continued)
Tiffany Lisa Chin
Cheolyoung Sunhye Choi
Grace Choi
Henry Sukwon Choi
Christopher Martin Chomiak
Kulika Chomvong
Robyn Yie Lyn Choo
Lillian Y. Chou
Jon M. Christman
Derek Chu
Perry Thomas Clarkson
Sean M. Coghlan
Lisa Michelle Cohen
Rachel Stephanie Cohen
Brittany Lynn Commins
Phillip Jeffrey Cook
Steven George Cook
Bartell Jacques Cope
Ryan Sean Corbett
Jennifer Marie Costello
Samantha Crook
Brandon Reese Crowfeather
Jacqueline Brooke Cutler
Steven B. Cymerman
Alan de Robert d’Escragnolle
Joseph Michael D’Orazio
Vidya Dabir
Colin Treadway Dampier
Britt Christina Danneman
Lloyd Danzig
Jacob Jamil Davis
Maria Davydenko
Daniel De Jesús García
Wendy Johmar De La Rosa
Phillip de Souza Leao Muller
Jeffrey Gordon Denis
Robert Caedmon DeSocio
Adrien Maxwell Dewez
Berkeley Jay Dietvorst
Samantha J. DiSciullo
Michael Adam Djilani
George Chi Liem Do
Lilian Marthe Dorvil
Daniel Fernandes dos Santos
David Guy Drapkin
Andrew Richard Manuel
Robert Charles Dugger
Alexander James Echavarria
Sam Edelson
Hande Erfus
Malcolm F. Evans
Yuqing Fan
Samuel P. Fearn
Michael Steven Feliu
Sha Feng
Aileen Fernandes
Gabriel Emilio Fernando
Lauren Reena Fleischer
Aaron Fleishman
Jaclyn Beth Fleishman
Genevieve Elizabeth Fleming
Wai Lumn Foong
James Edward Foreman
Brendan Pike Forster
Christopher Fortunato
Alexander James Fu
Andrew Fu
Menghan Fu
Ray Yue-Kwong Fung
Wilson Eric Chira Gachugu
Catherine Xinqiao Gao
Manika Garg
Boris L. Glazman
Patrick A. Glover
Elad Golan
Girish Raja Gopalan
Arielle Grapstein
Daniel Paul Green
Nicholas Alexander Greif
Adam Jeremy Gross
Rohan Grover
Grace Guan Gui
Sarah Xie Guo
Steven Wenhan Guo
Aman Gupta
Richa Gupta
Jacob Andrew Guterman
Jason Haas
Samuel B. Haber
Nicholas Haft
Leah Haimson
Kristin Lesline Hall
Carolina Handal
Julian Max Handel
Charmaine Hanson
Jonathan Andrew Haski
Thomas Davey Hawkins
Brandon Joshua Hedvat
Christine J. Heidelberg
Maxwell Elliott Heinritz
Jaskaran Singh Heir
Zachary Heller
Daniel Hellwig
Umar Henry
Patrick Anthony Hernandez
Diego Hernandez Diaz
Alexander Stephen Hill
Dennis Ho
Patricia Pak-Sze Ho
Kevin Lee Hoe
Alexander Brent Hoffman
Douglas B. Hollin
Alexandra Marie Holtzman
Ming Him Matthew Hong
Christian James Hoogerheyde
Marko Rista Horvat
Pierre Hotimsky
Alexandra Justine House
Ryan Nicholas Houston
David Chenyang Hu
George Tian Huang
He Huang
Julia Yu Huang
Mark Huang
Olivia D. Hughes
Audra Hugo
Mary Ibrahim
Jessica Idiculla
Lindsay Ann Ingram
Ariana Cheryl Ireland
Daniel L. Irwin
Jason Israel
Danielle Jabin
Aditi Jain
Aneesh V. Jain
Ankur Jain
Ishaan Jain
Nimit Jain
James Scott Jankoski
Michael Jarrell
Jonathan Jean-Pierre
Ananya Jhalani
Derek Jia
Jenny Yiran Jiang
Amber Qingqing Jin
Amanda Lacy Johnson
Kory Douglas Johnson
Andrew Coleman Jones
Jillian M. Jourdain
Adam Gabriel Judd
Nelda M. Kacyem
Aparna Kadan
Hanna Kalmanovich
Manoshi Kamdar
Andrew Dohyun Kang
Sooihn Kang
Jeffrey A. Kaplan
Kunal S. Karki
Richard Laurence Katz
Sabina Khanna
Brandon Kim
Don K. Kim
Elyse Junghyun Kim
Junyoung Kim
Caitlin Alexandra King
Shane Kleinstein
Zachary Paul Klinvex
Jonathan Ko
Stephen Bryant Koblin
Natalia Kogay
Dara Kritzer-Cheren
Robert Kuan
Akash Kumar
Anjay Kumar
Bharat Venkat Kuncham
Guillermo Kunin
Taishi Kushiro
Alp Kutlualp
Peter H. Kwag
Joorhyun Kwak
Rashmi Kwatra
Gregory Dimitrios LaFata
Kevin Christopher Lai
Amin Lakhani
Jeffrey Scott Lanes
Jeremy R. Lautman
Alan H. Lee
Alice Han Lee
Colin Pui Sun Lee
Hope Lee
Lee Matthew Mun Hong
Anthony Leem
Scott David Lefever
Danetsy Lourdes Len
Ryan O’Shea Leske
Margarita Levin
Matthew E. Levin
Rebecca Jaye Levine
Asaf Levy
Rafael C. Levy
Jacob Alan Lewko
Ang Li
Ang Li
Huanwu Li
Jacinda Changhui Li
Lucia Yiwen Li
Mengwen Li
Ningkun Li
Andy Tong Liang
Julian Liang
Joshua Isak Lieberman
Siang-ee Lim
Lim Xiang Li
Paula Limeira Lima
Ilona Limonta-Volkova
Michael J. Lin
Thomas Carl Lindh
Eugene Miles Lipkin
Charles R. Lipsius
Allen Liu
Harrison Yi Liu
Kevin Yangtian Liu
Linda Liu
Paulo Denny Liu
Rose D. Liu
Brian Lo
Alvin Jun Wei Loke
William James Lovotti
Eugene Yik Hei Lui
Jeremy Casey Lui
Lui Kit Man, Peter
Raymond H. Lui
Christian B. Lunoe
Charles G. Lynch
Ting-Shing Ma
Winston Ma
Peter Po Maa
Varun Madan
Sean M. Mahoney
Hanna Maksymova
Camilo Andrés Maldonado
Geoffrey Kelner Malekian
Alexander L. Malvone
Matthew Dean Manin
Robin Roger Antoine Marcenac
Jared Lee Marks
Bachelor of Science in Economics (continued)
Jordan Huffman Martin
Danielle Fay Matsumoto
Jordan Phillip Mayerson
Eduardo Mayoral Llorente
Dale Warren McCook
Lauren Elizabeth McDevitt
Alexandra M. McDonough
Alexander Robert McGuffey
Joseph McKendry
Heather Lynette Meads
Heidy G. Medina
Chintan Rajiv Mehta
Gerardo Javier Meléndez-Torres
Jakefield B. Merrill
Lauren Elizabeth Mifflin
Harley Samuel Miller
Mario Miranda
Giresh Jaint Mirpuri
Shashaank Mishra
Jack Phiyong Mo
Abhiraj Rajiv Modi
Cory Michael Moelis
Eric Michael Mogil
Gokul Mohan
Sophia Naomi Molinas
Jared Dean Mollenbeck
Nicolas Brett Montoya
Kendall A.C. Moore
Ryan Jonathan Morgan
John Morley
Serge J. Morrell
Eric Charles Morris
Sophie Leah Moussazadeh
Michele Mui
Pritha Mundra
Guido Alberto Murguia
Ryan James Murray
Tyler Benjamin Myerberg
Taha Nabi
Nihar Dilip Naik
Ryan C. Narcum
Michael Craig Naughton
Sami D. A. Nazif
Daniel Neelon
Matthew Jay Newberg
Wayne Ngai
Bijan Andrew Niknam
Kevin Philip Nolan
Brian Garrett Nordyke
Brett Michael Novick
Matthew C. Oliveras
Oluwatobi Ifeoluwa Olopade
Debora Rosana Olsson
Joshua Emanuel Oynick
Katherine Rebecca Palusci
Matteus Jiawei Pan
Catherine Helen Pao
Sona V. Parikh
Dong Keun Park
Hersh Navnit Patel
Palak Patel
Sweta Patel
Yuv Chandra Pathuri
Kirti Vardhan Patodia
Michael Miller Pechman
Marcos Felix Perez
Roger O. Peterkin IV
Carolyn Sara Pollard
Ricardo Alberto Ponce
Jennifer Joy Poon
Poon Michael Chin Wun
David Isaac Portnoy
Joshua B. Powers
Nathan Kent Powers
Dominique Pupke
Brian Marc Putzy
Xiao Qiao
Joshua Zhaochen Qin
Meera Vimala Ragavan
Bilal Aziz Raja
Adam A Ramada
Vyas Ramanan
Davesh R. Ramchandani
Ragavan Ramsubramani
Alison J. Rapaport
Roya Rashtchi
Kalyani Prasuna Ravi
Jonathan G. Reef
Neville Oliver Reeves
Deborah Rachel Reich
Michael R Repsch
Charlotte Alexandra Revol
Melissa Stephanie Rhodes
Daniel P. Rickles
Arden Michael Rienas
David M. Rittner
Jarrad Lee Kieffer Roeder
Kathryn Ann Rohacz
Gregory Howard Rollman
Michael Dana Rose
Joshua P. Rosen
Cameron T. Rouzer
Jennifer Ross Rowland
Jordan Matthew Rubin
Piervincenzo Lorenzen Russo
Vincent Anthony Russo
Nelly Ruvalcaba
Jonathon R. Saelinger
Angel Omar Saez Maldonado
Christine Salvarani
Joshua Dean Salzman
Ayesha Samant
Andrew Lawrence Samson
Ankur Sancheti
Raiam Pinto dos Santos
Aisha Saraf
Samuel Douglas Henry Sargent
Parijat Sarkar
Samuel David Sayegh
Sarah A. Schachet
Joseph A. Schinco
Kale Thomas Schnettler
Benjamin Max Scholom
Katelyn Elizabeth Schuh
Elizabeth Scott
Kwang-Yew See
Monica Sehgal
Nicholas W. Semeniuk
Selin Serbest
Abhijay Sethia
Maulik M. Shah
Ronak Shah
Sagar S. Shah
Sejal Nandkumar Shah
Vidhi Shanghvi
Smitha J. Sharma
Hao Sheng
Xia Helin Shiah
Elyse Gabrielle Sholk
Muhammad Shahwaiz Shoukat
Susanna Ruth Shuman
Thomas Edward Shyr
Adam Benjamin Silverschotz
Zachary Harris Singer
Chiranjeev Singh
Samir R. Singh
Thanasi Skafidas
Samantha Ashley Small
Evan Thomas Smith
Mark Elton Smith
Alexandra Elizabeth Snow
Erica Son
Erich Robert Sorger
Marco Michael Spigonardo
Lavanya Srinivasan
David Aaron Stark
Nicholas Jocelyn Edmund
Jessica L. Stewart
Travis D. Stier
Matthew Heath Stine
Sara Adina Stohl
Fred Everett Stoops, Jr.
Benjamin Anton Strate
Michael David Stratton
Eric H. Su
Dominic J. Sugrue
Peter Louis Sullivan
Stuart L. Summerfield
Andrew Quanji Sun
Daniel Susskind
Issei Brendan Suzuki
Jenny Sy
Austin A. Szafranski
Satya Tagat
Henry Chin-Ming Tai
Jessica Linh Tan
Anderson Tanoto
Lawrence Kovac Tanzman
Jason Taub
Andrew Paul Techmeier
Natalie Tejero
Samuel H. Tell
Michael S. Tesser
Nicholas Alexander Theuerkauf
John Vincent Thomas
Adam McGill Thompson
Roberto Tolosa
Mariana José Torregrosa Junco
Michael Thomas Toth
Adam J. Triglia
Joshua Thomas Troxel
Lillian Vincci Tsang
Matthew Richard Tuten
Petry Solianny Ubri
James Ken Ueda
Aghogho O. Ughwanogho
Daniel Eduardo Urgelles
Eric Robbins Valentine
Charles D. Vantassell
Marco V. Varela Alvarado
Bhuwan Vashisht
Jason Brett Vigushin
Vikram Venkat Vish
Viraj Bhagirath Vora
Joshua Samuel Wais
Linda Wan
Kathy Wang
Linda Keyu Wang
Lucy Qi Wang
Ruinan Wang
Tony Su Wang
Ying Lily Wang
Miles Robeson Warmington
Shu-min Wee
Michael Ameer Weintraub
Nicole Elle Weisenburger
Qin Wen
Stephanie Morgan Wheeler
Nicholas David Burns
Candace Lorraine Whye
Keith Eugene Williams II
Marlowe Eloise-Izumi Williams
Samuel Williams
Wesley Julian Williams
Beverly Winarto
Russell Jeffrey Windsor
Brian Michael Wing
Travis Jay Winkler
Michael Louis Winsten
Michelle Park Winters
Samuel Ross Winthrop
Ann Celine Wirry
Alexander Theodore Witkes
Cory James Uyehara Wong
Jane Cindy Wong
Wong Wee Chin
Yin Kwan Wong
Sterling Renee Wright
Charlotte D. Wuisan
Joseph Wyatt
Kellen Xu
Wuchen A. Xu
Kristin Kazue Yamauchi
Alexander Jihoon Yang
Bachelor of Science in Economics (continued)
Kyle Alexander Raymond
Lok Ka Yeung
Youngmin Yoon
Lok Lun Lawrence Yu
Justin Y. Yuan
Michael Yuan
Ashley Meredith Yuki
Georgia Zhang
Jiying Zhang
Mindy Yifan Zhang
Nancy W. Zhang
Yi-Yan Zhang
Yu Zhang
Jennifer W. Zhao
Michael Yizheng Zhao
Wendy Zhao
Luke W. Zhou
Yixue Tiffany Zhou
Andrew Richard Zloto
Kamil Zniber
Suzanne Pavlath Zwemer
The Wharton
Graduate Division
Master of Business
August 13, 2010
Joy Oredoyin Bajowa
Sheezan Bakali
Jamaal Ahmil Brown
Natthorn Chaiyapruk
Alok Chanani
Andrew Inhyuk Chang
Christine Joan Lui Chen
Melissa Louise Claugus
Itohowo Edidiong Ekpoudom
Sandra F. Faber
Gareth Denis Feighery
Marina S. Glazman
José Gómez Moreno
Amit Gupta
Jeoung Woo Hong
JooYun Hong
Takashi Kawasaki
JaeEun Kim
Vikram Mohan Lal
Albert Lee
Congliang Li
Donal McElwee
Masaki Nakamura
Taro Nakatani
Tram Nguyen-Fung
Moritz Alexander Ostermayer
Olutayo Babajide Osunkunle
Justin Richard Serafini
Parul Seth-Bharadwaj
Akihisa Shiozaki
Yuan Shu
Gita Rusmida Sjahrir
Adriana Denise Solorzano
Erica Rae St.John
Marina Tarasova
Christopher Agie Thornsberry
Summer A. Ticas
Jean-Marie Truelle
Chaya Venkatasubbarao
Yun Uei Wu
Lynn Yap Li Yun
Taketo Yasui
Alexandre Zdantchouk
December 22, 2010
Dongwoo Kim
Bendjin Kpeglo
Daniel Steuer Miller
May 16, 2011
Runa A
Carissa Li-Anne Abbott
Ellen Susan Abbott
Fatima Abdulla
Naim Nashid Abdullah
Samantha Berez Abzug
Swarup Acharya
Gemma Felicity Acton
Olumide Olufemi Adebayo
Mia Rachel Adelberg
David Brill Adelman
John Bailey Adger III
Cyrus Hale Afshar
Ethan Atin Agarwal
Shantanu Agarwal
Shiv Kumar Agarwal
Tushar Aggarwal
Jose Manuel Aguirre
Nadim Alameddine
Jose Carlos Alcazar Martín
Andrey Aleev
Farez Alibay
Elizabeth Ann Almasi
Clay E. Almy
Anthony Joseph Altimore
Ana Paula Bettinelli Alves
Roy Amariglio
Samrat Ambewadikar
Noriko Ambulo
Yoel Amir
Arlette Pauline Andely Itoko
Matthew David Anderson
Gustavo Andres
Carl Kafui Anku
Kristiina Elisabet Anstey
Michael Antonsen
Christine Louise Apold
Charles Benedict Aquino
Andres Manuel Aranda II
Daniel Joseph Araujo
Meredith Ann Argeris
Kae Arima
Phillip John Arowosegbe
Sheena Reddy Ashok
Rexford Kofi Asibuo, Jr.
Matthew Craig Axelrod
Mary L. Baccash
Sebastian Christian Badea
Jung Gun Bae
Gina Gelareh Bahremand
Eun Hye Baik
Sevasti Balafas
Jessye McEvoy Ball
Anna Cristina Chan Banaag
Kanika Bandanwal
Adwoa Awua Banful
Alison A. Banks
Pallavi Bansal
Ravi Bansal
Dan Barak
Rangel Garcia Barbosa
Antonio Barczinski
David Y. Bard
Deb Bardhan
Dominique Renee Basile
Hugo Enrique Santiago Basso
Ömer Ethem Bayar
James Duncan Beaty
Whitney Ireland Beckett
Gregorio Francisco Bekes
Elizabeth Anne Bell
Kathleen Bellehumeur
Jonathan Ben-Horin
Nicolas Bentz
Maria Teresa Bergna
Kathryn Ann Bergstrom
Jennifer Michelle Berry
Kevin Mark Bersofsky
David William Beznos
Deepa Bhat
Rajat Bhatia
Lee H. Bienstock
Adil Ugras Bilici
Matthew F. Bird
Charles William Birnbaum
Joseph Daniel Bitterman
Collin William Blackburn
Patricia Blanco Estades
Christopher Harold Bland
Aden Hills Bliss
Robert Pacaña Boc
Maya Sara Bodinger
Melanie Caroline Bolch
Chad Stone Bonham
Victor A. Bonilla
Monalisa Bora
Sergio Borrego
Ksenija Alexandrovna Boutov
Patricia Sophia Vandel Boylan
Robert B. Brantley
Marta F. Braun
Jordan Paul Brehove
Konstantin Breydo
Jeffrey D. Bricker
Iain Douglas McDonald Bridges
Megan Joy Brody
David Philip Brower
Colin Rudolph Brown
Lucas James Brown
Martin Thomas Brown
Jonathan Brudnick
Vaidas Buˉdvytis
Matthew D. Burns
Anita Butani
Hyunsuk Byun
Kaifan Cai
Brian Keith Cantrell
Amaya I. Capellán
Alexandra Cappy
Catherine Elizabeth Carey
Grant William Carpenter
Donald Edward Carson
Jason Anthony Carter
Henrique de Vasconcelos
Rachel Bolante Cervantes
David Mathew Chacko
Amy Chan
Edward Kuei Chung Chan
Helen M. Chan
Hui Ting Chan
Pranav Chandra
Alice Jen Chang
Christina Chang
Han-Ju Andrew Chang
Witchayanun Chanwigoon
Victor Chao
Fritz Emmanuel Charles
Nikhil Kumar Chaturvedi
Annie Charyu Chen
Christopher Pei-Hsin Chen
Karin Chen
Ren Chen
Yin Chen
Jenny Cheng
Leer Cheng
Nina Vladimirovna Cherny
Edward Yih-Wen Chiang
Aaron Leon Childress
Iris Foon-Lok Chin
Sri Anjani Chittajallu
Meehyun Cho
Mina Cho
Philip Youngsik Cho
William K. Cho
Joon C. Choi
Minjung Choi
Tair Chokin
Jenny Chou
Sumit Roy Choudhury
Jason Dwight Chow
Richard B. Christensen
Karen S. Chung
Lewis Chung
Shihwan S. Chung
James Chuong Hui
Valeria Alejandra Cisnero
Peter N. Petras Cleopa
Master of Business Administration (continued)
Rodney Damon Cocks
Erez Cohen
William Scott Coleman
Veronica Leila Anne Collins
Liam Collins
Kendall Brandon Combs
Lyn Comerford
Kyle Wagner Compton
Nigel F. Cordeiro
Lander Augusto CoronadoGarcia
Brian J. Corvino
Emilie Martine Coueignoux
Ranga Lorenzo Covindassamy
Christopher Lee Cox
Justin Garrett Craig
Brian David Crandall
Deborah Michelle Crandall
Bruce I. Crocker
Joseph K. Croney
Pablo Andrés Curello
Luiza Curi de Mattos
Daniel Stonebreaker Curtis
Andrea Marie D’Emidio
Aditya Dada
Pooja Daswani
Payel Datta
Francois Daumard
Anders Davas
Vishal R. Davè
Edward Allen Daverman
Davit S. Davtyan
Anoopkumar R. Dawar
Philip Joaquin de Cortes
Aymeric de Hemptinne
Edrizio De La Cruz
Line Groot Degner
Joseph Paul Dekker
Veronica Delgado
Amit Jawahar Desai
Jay Desai
Manali Desai
Michael Christopher DeSantis
Subodh Srinivas Deshmukh
Jessica Renée DesNoyer
David Detrilles
Rohan Deuskar
Ruslana Deykun
Sandeep Dhar
Ravinder Singh Dhat
Adrian R. Diaz
Lauren Diane DiCola
Yuanxia Ding
Caroline L. Donchess
Sarah H. Dong
Rafael Donnay
Christopher John Donnellon
Benjamin David Doob
Kiran B. Doreswamy
Rupesh Jagdish Doshi
Francis George Doumet
Sean Michael Dowling
Scott Charles Dragicevich
Erin Dress
Alexa Susan Driansky
Alexander Driskill-Smith
Ish S. Dugal
Liai Duong
Taylor Mareen Duvall
Natalie Jennifer Dwoskin
Patrick Arthur Dwyer
Elizabeth Catherine Eavey
Daniel Edwards
Frank Mott Edwards
Adam Charles Eichner
Mark Richard Elliott
Thomas Wesley Ellis
Brian Gregory Erke
Loucynda Patricia Escobar
Obed Esejowho
Vladimir Preston Estiverne
Nathan Etessami
Amanda Streng Evison
Andrew Ben Fabian
Grace Fabian
Nicholas Halcro Falconer
Ying Fan
Nicholas P. Favret
Michael Steven Fazekas
S. Conor Feeney
Carmen Nieves P. Feliciano
Zachary Savard Fenton
Antón M. Fernández Zambrano
María Fernandez Vidal
Frederico Arieta da Costa
Ashley Elizabeth Finch
Kathleen Elise Finlayson
Ethan J. Fleegler
Thomas Lawrence Flick
Jill E. Ford
Christopher R. Fortier
Jacqueline Dione Foster
Carl Elwood Fowler IV
Zachary Phillip Fox
Philip Theodore Foxworthy
William Irving Fradin
Gordon M. Fraley
Benjamin Ray Francois
Mitchell Kenneth Freeman
Fadi Antoine Frem
Sarah Elizabeth Ann Frew
Alexandra M. Friedman
Andrew Russell Friedman
Ari Daniel Friedman
Cheryl Staab Friedman
Sara Alice Friesen
Kalman Gabriel
Nikhil Gadia
Samitha Peshala
Ailian Gan
Daniel Jeffrey Garblik
Andrés Daniel Garcia
Natalie Garcia
Tanuj Garg
Virginia Marie Garmendia
Joshua Benjamin Gartland
Ricardo Gaspar Marcos
Michelle Gaster
Victor Gavrilov
Allison Faywing Gaw
Frew Amare Gebreab
Martin S. Gedalin
Diane Nguyen George
Nassim Geraili
Julien Gervaz
Nicholas Ghoussaini
Jason Anthony Gianola
Shaun Kevin Gilbert
Lauren Elizabeth Gingerich
Nipun K. Girotra
Alison Go
Jonathan Alexander Godin
Edward Thomas Golay
Gaurav Golechha
Marcial González Pérez
Esther González Flórez
Ross Adam Goodman
Andrew Warren Gould
Jessica Papirno Gould
Ashwini Govindaraman
Parul Goyal
Matthew Wilson Grant
William Taylor Grant
Courtney Irene Graybill
David Swiler Green
James Edmonds Gregoire
Miriam Grobman
Craig Anthony Gronczewski
Ruoou Gu
Yiyang Elaine Gu
Bryan Charles Gunderson
Nitin Gupta
Pranav Gupta
Supriya Gupta
Tanuj K. Gupta
Adam Michael Guren
Ingrid Lovisa Gustafsson
José Miguel Guzmán
Christine Lee Ha
Richard William Haas
Jason Andrew Haase
Cherif Habib
Maurice L. Habif
Haralambos Theodore
Alejandro Hagan
Katherine Cortlandt Hagin
Sheynna Hakim
Andreas Sundby Hall
Alexandre Hamaide
Imani L. Hamilton
Dong Han
Ting Han
Evan Xiao Han
Boonyanuch Hannoraseth
Lei Hao
Wayne Hao
Jonathan Harari
Christopher Michael Hardy
Jonathan Westleigh Harmon
Larry Thomas Harris
Ryan Green Harstad
Yvonne Marie Hart
Jonathan Carl Michael
Edward R. Hartman
Anjana Harve
Shuji Hatsukaiwa
Yizhou He
Charles E. Hedden
Rebecca Lipke Hefner
Navi Hehar
Kathryn Thierry Heinz
Andrew David Heller
Leigh Hellrung
Courtney Erin Henry
Lauren Cassandra Herrington
Maia H. Hightower
Corydon Hill
Kosuke Hirama
Pei Ho
Jason Thomas Hodder
Max Alejandro Holdö
Todd M. Holmes
Sungmin Hong
Asaf Horesh
Amy J. Horn
Nahoko Hoshino
Tage Hampton Howerton
Hanqing Huang
Joshua K. Huang
Jennifer Dianne Hugo
Lauren Elizabeth Huneke
Ka-Yen Hung
Lauren Hussey
Mariel A. Ilardi
Julie Elizabeth Ingalls
Mary Katherine Irish
Genta Itoh
Kenichi Iwakura
Ranjita Iyer
Stephan Jacob
Nishant S. Jadhav
Srinivasan Jagannathan
Fernando Jaimes Rivera
Ankur Jain
Dhruv Hemchand Jain
Jyoti Jain
Neil Jain
Santoshkumar Janardhan
Alexander Jarzebinski
Chanhyeok Jeong
Minyang Jiang
Xin Jiang
Neha Chandrakant Jikaria
Master of Business Administration (continued)
Kaity Jan Jimenez
Marcela Jimenez Palacio
Yanjie Jin
Corinne Joachim-Sanon
Alisha Colleen Johnson
Claire Ifland Johnson
Alison Jonas
Kevjorik D’sean Jones
Christopher John Joseph
Jenish Joseph
Prashant S. Joshi
Tom Christian Jovik
Anaïs Julienne
Gaurav Kachhawa
Ripan S. Kadakia
Arif Kadir
Vinayak Sunil Kakodkar
Lalit Nandu Kalani
Kazuhiro Kamada
Kirk Edward Kaminsky
Judith Joohyung Kang
William Ping-Yu Kang
Helen Lin Kao
Om Kaosa-ard
Rohit Kapoor
Matthew Daniel Kardel
Zoë Thandiwe Karl
David Andrew Kasirer
Biten K. Kathrani
Khushpreet Kaur
Nirmala Kavasery
Umair Kayani
Kerry Martin Kellogg
Katerina Kelman
Florent Kervazo
Rabia Khalil
Christelle Kheir
Anju Khetan
Derek Milo Kightlinger
Hyun Je Kim
Jae B. Kim
Jaehyun Kim
Ji-Seon Kim
Daniel Jong Hun Kim
Lena Kim
Meesun Sunny Kim
Kim, Minjee
Miranda Boyun Kim
Nikhil Prafulla Kirtane
Nina Biren Kleaveland
Kenneth Earl Klingler
Amanda Knauer
Colin James Knight
Takaki Kobayashi
Jaseong Koo
Jason Kung Yi Koo
Gregory Alan Korbel
Sean Michael Korduner
Neil Ashok Kothari
Joshua Scott Kowitt
Michael A. Kramer
Anika Blanche Kreider
Yana Krivozus
Alexander V. I. Kugajevsky
Philip R. Kuhl
Aman Kumar
Sameer A. Kumar
Sameer Nirmal Kumar
Shawn V Kumar
Vishal Kumar
Uttam Gautamchand Kumbhat
Junyup Solmont Kwaak
Gayle Rieger Laakmann
Jessica Lee Lachs
Stephen Michael LaFata
Peter Pao Lai
Patrick Peter Lally
Giulio Lampugnani
Robert Brett Lanier
Bruno S. Lasansky
Nicole Lucia Bernadine Layne
Lado Lebanidze
Stephanie Claire Leber
Brian D. Lee
Catherine Jung Lee
Chang Hoon Lee
Jennifer Cho-Chun Lee
Christopher Arthur Lee
Daehee Lee
David J. Lee
Jeffrey Kai-Leung Lee
Jihyo Lee
Joon Lee
Julia Kwong Lee
Junhwan Jonathan Lee
Kyung Hoon Lee
Seok Hyung Chester Lee
Sungbae Lee
Tae Hoon Lee
Victor Minchih Lee
Matthew Leeds
Ann Elizabeth Lewis
Mihuan Li
Xiaoning Li
Yina Liang
Nir Liebling
Shannon Sprague Lijek
Derek Richard Lim
Tzer-Han Lim
Alyssa W. Lin
Derek Hua-Wei Lin
Jie Lin
Ruth Lin
Wayne Lin
Jing Jing Liu
Katherine Liu Silverman
Rong Liu
Xin Liu
Fong Yue May Lo
Carl Aroon Åkesson Lönnberg
Peter Koen Hendrik Loomans
Justin Loring
James Loveday Laghi
Andrew B. Lovelace
Juan Antonio Lovera
Lili Lu
May Pu-Mei Lu
Simon Lu
Yang Lu
Meghan Clare Luchi
Jessica S. Luk
Yi Luo
Jonathan Gehman Lyons
Robert Marcus MacAskie
Michael Alan MacLennan
John Edward Madsen III
Brandon W. Mah
Amit Mahadik
Alexandre Malamatinas
Emilio I. Maldonado
Varun Mammen
Karthik Subramanian
Jürgen Manke
Ioannis Mantzaris
Shayan Manzar
Ying Mao
Jeremiah James Marble
Bryan N. Marcovici
Zivan Maricic
James Moyle Marsh
Christopher Senné Martin
Kevin John Martin
Michael John Martinez
Christopher Michael Miller
Lindsey Mathews Padrino
Michael Charles Mayon
Chinelo Nwadiuto Mba
Lesley W. Mbogo
Bruce Dunlop McAlpine
Patrick Conlan McBrearty
Daniel James McCleary
Rashad Augery McCloud
Marco Oliver McCottry
Alexander Halpin McCoy
John Richard McDowell
Colin William McGinnis
Michelle Elizabeth McGovern
Philip Rae St. Basil McLeod
David Evan McMullin
Brianne E. McQuillan
Angus Deane McWilliams
Andrew Kirk Meaney
Johnathan David Medina
Melissa Medina
Roberto Medri
Richard Joseph Meene, Jr.
Ilyse Leslie Mehlman
Tushar Mehrotra
Khyati Mehta
Nicholas Robert Mentel
Humaira S. Merchant
Wivelie Willince Mesidor
Thomas Metscher
Daniel Alejandro Mibelli Soulés
Jason Phillip Ray Miles
Anthony David Milinowicz
Samuel Christopher Miller
Zachary David Miller
Thomas Milon
Chris Min
Divya V. Minisandram
Anna Christina Minyard
Gregory Paull Mitchell
Sameh Farouk Mohieldeen
Marcela Monsalve Rincón
Melissa Ann Montefusco
José Carlos Santos Ramalho
Teixeira Monteiro
Bernardo Montúfar
Natalia Montuori
Melody Moon
Sarah Main Morgenstern
Christine Elizabeth Moseley
Mark Randall Moser, Jr.
Laura Bordeau Moss
Julianna Leigh Muir
Pushkar Shrikant Mukewar
Jason Adams Mulliner
Federico Muñoz
Hideya Muraoka
Kenichiro Murata
Jacqueline Murphy
Nathan James Howard Murphy
Tembwe Kacha Anthony
Daniel Chiman Myung
Gota Nakazawa
Christopher Nakutis
Anita Namanya
Atul Narayan
Camile Kenneth Elias Nassif
Arvind Natarajan
Rahul Nath
Juan Leonardo Navarro Ávila
Francisco Antonio Navarro
Raymond R. Nawar
Marina Nazarova
Rose Wanjiru Ndindiri
Philip Andrew Neff
Scott Dougherty Neff
David Ryan Neiderer
Brett Christopher Nelson
Andrew Grafton Neumeyer
David C. Neverson
Bingsheng Ng
William Chang Kuan Nham
Evelyn Ni
Anna Nicanorova
John Henry Nichols IV
Andrew Clayton Nickerson
Stephanie Germaine Nieto
Prashant T. Nikam
Maneesh Sean Nisargand
Jessica Colleen Nowak
Master of Business Administration (continued)
Udochi Chizoba Nwogu
Kathleen Frances O’Brien
Christopher James O’Connell
Joseph S. O’Donnell
Meghan Therese O’Donoghue
Daniel Joseph O’Brien
Ada Obua
Megan O’Connor
Earl B. Odom, III
Kelechi Ogbunamiri
Muoyo Okome
Olorunfunmi Oliyide
Ayokunle Tanimola Omojola
Duncan Christian Orr
Cynthia Ortiz
Samuel Otu
Keith Byron Otuomagie
Justin Michael Overdorff
Navin Pal
Sameer Pandhi
Jennifer Lynn Chappell Paradis
Ashesh Nipun Parikh
Alan Hanul Park
Carolina Park
Ji Young Park
Joohyung Park
Christine Ann Parker
Hetal H. Patel
Nisha Rajendra Patel
Samir Patodia
Kelvin J. Paulino
Cheryl Leslie Payne
Douglas H. Payne
Shumeng Pei
Aníbal Ernesto Pellegrini
Guy Penini
Jennifer Pereira
Javier Pérez Lecumberri
Anne Claire Perkins-Link
Samantha Marie Perry
Johnathan Luke Peterson
Michael Thaler Petrillo
Sarah Bickert Pettengill
Zurab Pichkhaia
Adam Piekarski
Garrett Paul Pilcher
Francesco Genaro Pileggi
Sergio Ribeiro Pimentel
Laura Platt
Matthew D. Pohlson
Michel Thomas Poirier
Emily Poon
Sergey Popov
Amika Porwal
Timothy D. Power
Amanda Rae Powers
Rajeev S. Prabhakar
Krystina M. Priest
José Miguel Prieto Núñez
María Inés Prieto Lagos
Carlos Alberto Pro Chavez
Christopher Michael Prochak
Monica Punjabi
Brendan Stephen Pytka
Fadi Qayed
Matthew Phillip Rader
Srinidhi Raghavan
Vimala Raghavendran
Rashad Ashequer Rahman
Elango Rajagopal
Raghuram Rajah
Kumar Rajnish
Jocelyn Sangueza Ramirez
Miguel Alfredo Ramos Vallenas
Alan William Ramsay
Sudhir Rani
Suraj Rao
William Middendorf
Luca Ratto
Rehmann Rayani
Stephanie Nicole Reaves
Suhitha Reddy
Telukutla Reddy
Amir Reichman
Courtney Marie Reilly
Nicholas Steven Reise
Aaron Gang Ren
David Eric Rhode
Rebecca Ricalde
Katie Belza Richardson
Sean William Richardson
Matthew Peter Rigazio
Vaibhav Rikhye
Karen Allison Ritter
Avram Robbins
John Alba Roberts
Hillary Burch Robertson
Vienna Marie Robinson
Xavier Robitaille
Delfin C. Rodillas III
César José Rodríguez Elizondo
Paul Michael Rodriguez
Garrett Duff Rogers
Juliana Román Urcuyo
Viacheslav Romanov
Amnon Ron
David Rodriguez Ronco
Ariel Luis Rosa
Stanislav Rosenberg
Jacob Thomas Rosenbloom
Scott Peter Roslyn
John Harris Ross
James Adam Roth
Tamara Naomi Rothenberg
Shaul Rozen
Scott Rubino
Kylee T. Rudd
Mark Rummell Jr.
Margaret Clare Russell
Sarah LaBree Russell
Christopher Patrick Ryan
Peter James Ryan
Augustus James George Rylands
Alain Boulos Saade
Sigal Saar
José Manuel Saavedra
Eric Adam Sadkin
Puneet Singh Sahi
Adriana Giovanna Salazar
Chiara Salghini
Talal Faysal Salman
Eli Salomon
Camille Sambrano
Eduardo Magalhães Samuel
Rochan Sankar
Vivek Sankaran
Jane Hwang Santini
Abiodun Qazeem Sanusi
Kunal Sarda
Amir Satvat
Brandon Wayne Savage
Barkha Saxena
Richard J Scanlon
Joseph Henry Scattergood
Kevin Allen Schimmelmann
Carolyn Elizabeth Schogol
Justin Matthew Schomaker
Jessica Elaine Schreiber
Jennifer Saranow Schultz
Nicole Renee Schumacher
Matthew Aaron Schwab
Emily Manning Schwarz
Michael Henry Schwerdtman
Austin Reed Scott
Rebecca Alice Seesel
Daniel Wei Quan Seet
Brad Matthew Segal
Nina Sen
Christopher John Sergeant
Andrea Sevanto
Omar Samee Seyal
Elberta Seybold
Kevin Pradip Shah
Mitesh Shah
Niraj Jagdish Shah
Sejal D. Shah
Awais Amin Shaikh
Lige Shao
Ayman Z. Sharaiha
Mrinalini Sharma
Saleh Shaya
Zachary Ethan Sheinberg
Shrinivas Shetty
Shi Wenyun
Coco Hsin-Yueh Shiao
I-hung Shih
Adriana Sillero
Cristina Silva Muñoz
Thomas Anthony David Silva
Fabio Silvagni
Casey Headley Simmons
Eli Maxwell Simon
Irina Simuni
Akshi Singh
Anirudh Singhania
Pablo Augusto Serrano Singzon II
Sanghamitra Sinha
Hasan Siraj
Jonathan Todd Sizemore
William P. Skinner
Paul D. Smith
Megan Theresa Sniecinski
Bradford Charin Sodowick
Robert Brandon Sokol
James W. Son
Soyeon Song
Winston Hsin-Haw Song
Sodany Sor
Francisco Sordo Mogollón
Michael D. Sorensen
André Luiz Soresini
Janet Souk
Alonzo Preston South
Aarthi Sowrirajan
Michael L. Spilo
Nicholas Spitzman
Luka Spoljaric
Frank Russell Sprole
Bhuvan Srinivasan
Anubhav Srivastava
Rebecca Stavros
Daniela Stefovska
Alexander Heifetz Stein
Reid Jordan Stein
Eric Weiss Steinberg
Matthew Charles Stephenson
Robert Louis Sterchi
Robert Philip Stevenson
Brandon Bartley Stuut
Andree Lisinio Subervi
Arathi Subramanian
Gayathri Subramanian
Kavitha Subramanian
Ramesh B. Subramanian
Daniel H. Sugar
Paula Dongsun Suh
Leah McCord Sullivan
Mukund Sundaram
Kara Sweeney
Hamid Tabib
Gloria Tai
Dmitry Taraschansky
Dylan Henry Tatz
Samuel Stevenson Taylor
Sapna Shivkumar Tejwani
Jared H. Teo
Jason A. Thacker
Jeffrey John Thelen
Anthony Henry Thomas II
Bradley L. Thomas
Laura Gudrun Thompson
Gaurav Tiwari
Luakena Arthur Jose Tolbert
Michael Anzo Tonelli
Melisa Torres Buendía
Diana Barnard TownsendButterworth
Master of Business Administration (continued)
Julia Rose Travis
Glyn Truscott
Iesan Tsai
Yosuke Tsuji
Jianzong Tu
Sergey Tumakha
Özge Tuncel
Sophia Tariq Umar
Blair Kristin Urish
Kathleen Bea Utecht
Bhavin Ramesh Vakani
Haydeé Valdés Medina
Luciano Cardoso Valle
Alejandro Valls Szirtes
Peter van de Veer
Ian François Van Reepinghen
Pilailak Vannacharoen
Marina Monteiro Vannucci
Nina Elizabeth Varghese
Manish Varma
Vipin K. Varma
Nashan Nekita Vassall
Constance Renee Vaughn
Rajani Veeramachaneni
Zaman Velji
Eswar V.R.P. Vemulapalli
Regi Mathew Vengalil
Pallassana S. Venkataraman
Puthucode Subramanyan
Laurent Vernier
Jaime Alejandro Vidal Caicedo
Alberto J Villalpando Páez
Marco Elias Villegas
Jonathan Corman Vogan
Beth McCosh Vogel
Paul Vogelman
Daniel Royce Edward Voss
Adam Waaramaa
Nicholas Brian Wagner
Christopher Merrill Wahl
Robert Ngetha Waithaka
Bhupen Wakankar
Gordon James Wallace
Ava Wan
Cui Wang
Selina Ber-Jin Wang
Isis Katarina Ward
Andrea Leigh Warnke
Aaron Lee Wasserman
G. Nash Waterman
Bernardo Weaver
Amy S. Wei
Ke Wei
Jeremy David Weil
Marla Evin Weinstein
William Weinstein
Casey Michael Wendelburg
Michael Lea Westover
C. Devin Whatley
Katherine Mary White
David Kenneth Wilkes
Elizabeth Burns Wilson
James Wilson
William J. Wizeman
Theodore J. Wolcott
Michael Lawrence Wolf
Joanna Paula Wolkowski
Kuo-Hsiung Hanson Wong
Joshua Samuel Woodford
Chinglun Wu
Chinglun Wu
Kang Ying Connie Wu
Pauline Wu
Shaopo Wu
Xinye Wu
Yicheng Xie
Xu Jun
Wensi Xu
Mimi Xue
Erchen Yan
Eyal Yanai
Jae Hyuk Yang
Praveen Yasarapu
Mai Yasuhara
Yewen Derek Ying
Jinny Yoo
Kyu Tae Yoo
Sungwon Yoon
Peter Donnelly Yordán
Salih Ercüment Yörük
Chien-Ying Yu
Jason C. Yu
Li Yu
Derek H. Yuan
Jack Chen Wen Yuen
Saar Zacharish
Salma George Zahr
Roberto J. Zamora
Eric Paul Zarkovich
Tomas Zavala
Ivan Alexandrovitch Zdanov
Mary Wan-Qing Zeng
Brent David Zettel
Hui Zhang
Qi Zhang
Xin Zhang
Yuan Zhang
Zhu Lin
Jacob Zigelman
Dana Znamova
Gina Jin Zou
Xu Zou
John Zox
Stuart Reardon Zurn
Candidates for the degrees of Master
of Arts, Master of Science or Doctor
of Philosophy can be found under the
Graduate Faculties listing.
Afaf I. Meleis, Dean
Bachelor of Science in
December 22, 2010
Danielle Nicole Altares
Katy Matilda Baker-Cohen
Sara Bekele
Eva Rebecca Bildner
Meredith Dana Boehm
Lauren Elizabeth Boroski
Lauren Nicole Bowles
Allison Elizabeth Boyd
Danielle Allyce Calin
Micaela Lindsay Carwell
Alena Cavalieri
Brittani Cher’don Cook
Heide Lee Cruikshank
Nichole Alexandra D’Amico
Thomas Michael DeAngelis
Lorna Divino
Catherine Alison Domanska
Caitlin J. Dougherty
Mackenzie Erin Douglass
Melissa L. Dowling
Amanda C. Fredericks
Lisa Sarah Friedman
Nicole Elizabeth Gilmore
Chava Goldschmidt
Kaitlinn Mary Goode
Kendra L. Gunnell
Jessica Colleen Hadfield
Eve K. Hadley
Hannah Margaret Haigler
Adrienne Kalika Hall
Benjamin A. Hart II
Christina Jacobson
Susanne Marie Johnson
Trudy Kao
Demere Lynne Kasper
Luca Kelava
Stephanie April Kleven
Jennifer Leflar Kraft
Aparna Kumar
Natasha Ellen Leary
Rebecca Rose Leeser
Amy Rachel Wheeler Levin
Sean Anthony Luis
Waverly Anne Lutz
Bettina Eve Makon
Leonard Daniel Mancini
Elisabeth Frances Marie
Ashley Ruth McCarthy
Emily McGregor
Shira Lee Meyerowitz
Emilie Nicole Miller
Kelly M. Miskill
Amy Therese Moitoza
Aliza Miriam Narva
Autumn Victoria Nelson
Megan Thayer Nelson
Randi Danielle O’Neill
Grace Erin Oppenheim
Patricia Yaung Paik
Nina-Rizza Pancho Panaligan
Carla Ann Paredes
Irina V Pekareva-Kochergina
Diana McKenzie Pliego Stout
Allison Leigh Rees
Jonathan Adam Rockfeld
Megan Catherine Rogers
Svetlana Sakhnovsky
Lauren Jacqueline Sanders
Erin Kendra Schelar
Elizabeth Ann Schnorr
Cormany Moore Simon-Nobes
Andrea Margaret Smith
Linden Meredith Spital
Michael Alexander Stawnychy
Bridget S. Sullivan
Lindsay Ann Teittinen
Nicole Marie Tripoli
Adriane Marie Little Tuttle
Sara Marie Van Craeynest
Audrey Beth Vanim
Sarah Elizabeth Watkins
Chelsea Caroline Webb
Ashley D. Woodruff
Linda Joo Yi
Cara Ruth Zapatka
May 16, 2011
Jamie-Ann Cammayo Acero
Amy Lynn Altemeyer
Riley M. Arendasky
Lauren Elisabeth Arrigoni
Emily Jane Barr
Michele Marie Barrila
Yuliya S. Bilan
Katherine Ann Bivin
Allison J. Boyer
Meredith Christine Bress
Caitlin Johanna Carr
Elizabeth J. Castle
Amelia Marie Cataldo
Dong Er Chen
Hannah Marie Cisper
Erin Kathleen Comerford
Aileen M. Connell
Marla Susan Coyne
Annemarie E. D’Amato
Katherine R. Daily
Nicole-Marie de Luna
Ellen R. Dreibelbis
Alexandra Drewicz
Nicole J. Driffill
Emily Gayle Fawcett
Lauren Celeste Fiske
Erin Elizabeth Galloway
Margaret Elizabeth Gladman
Laura Grace Goergen
Katherine Anne Goldschmidt
Benjamin A. Goodrum
Francis Herrera
Elaine A. Hoi
Courtney Anne Horn
Brittany Horvath
Stephanie Wen Hwang
Marin Jacobwitz
Geron DeMarcus Johnson
Mariam D. Kahn-Woods
Alyssa Laurie Kaplan
Michael John Kegerreis
Laura Jeanne Kemp
Melissa Joy Koehler
Kelley Aileen Marie Lazor
Jenna Rae Lewis
Julian Liang
Dionne Anni Liew
David Thomas McPherson
Elizabeth D. Maguire
Rachel Carol Mathisen
Annie Paniello Matthews
Rachel Elizabeth McCoy
Abby G. McDowell
Gerardo Javier Meléndez-Torres
Julia Hunter Moon
Sophia Marie Mooney
Meredith Kaitlin Mooney-Levin
Chelsea Elizabeth Motzel
Michele Mui
Jennifer A. Newcomer
Toluwalase Ogunsola
Erica Maria Palma
Erika M. Papenfuss
Grace Park
Nahyoung Park
Therese Yoneka Parker
Triana Leigh Pearson
Kelcie L. Pinick
Sarah Poirier
Hilary K. Sheridan
Susanna Ruth Shuman
Samantha Ashley Small
Alexandra K. Smith
Karyn-Maria Astorga Sulit
Layla S. Tendler
Alyssa Joanna Topilow
Kristen K. Townsend
Marisa Jean Vascotto
Christina M. Vinton
Bridget N. Waclawik
Alison B. WIlliams
Naomi Isabelle Yager
Tamara F. Yang
Master of Science in
August 13, 2010
Wendy L. Adams
Seonhee An
Samantha Ann Archibong
Katie Hontz Bard
Pamela Jessen Barnes
Olga Vladislavovna Baturenko
Kendall Biallas Baumgartner
Natasha Marie Beasley
Heather A. Begun
Catherine Benigno
Erin Lucy Bennett
Courtney Marie Biddle
Rebecca Alyn Bixby
Jackie Rae Braun
Hillary Ann Bray
Christine N. Brewer
Casey L. Slanina-Brooks
Rebecca Elaine Zack Callahan
Kristen Marie Cavanaugh
Hanane Chaibainou
Grace Chang
Whitney Michele Chase
Jennie Hong Choe
Jessica A. Silveri-Clark
Mariel L. Colella
Hannah Elizabeth Cramer
Faith Crozier
Sheena Marie Curtin
Melissa Ocampo de la Cerna
Shayla J. Edwards
Taryn Marie Edwards
Sarah Emily Farkash
Kathryn S. Fowle
Aarti Gadkar
Angela Lanette Garmon
Kelly Jean Garrison Garmur
Jennifer Gebbia
Lauren N. Goldschmidt
Amanda B. Gordon
Christopher Kyle Gordon
Roseanna Theresa Melle-Green
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in
this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student’s
name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student’s transcript is the official record of the University.
Master of Science in Nursing (continued)
Lauren Elizabeth Hancock
Katherine Anne Hanlon
Jennifer Harvey
Amy Lynn Hoffman
Wenting Hou
Lori Michelle Huntenburg
Cherise April Thompson
Carolyn Marie Johns
Brianna Christine Kalmykow
Elise D. Keppler
Mara Devin Killen
Kathleen Ann Kirkpatrick
Kristin Elizabeth Knopf
Alexandra Katerina Kotsovos
Jessica Ilyse Kramer
Carolyn Marie Kyle
Michael Anne Kyle
Bridget Marie Larner
Chung-Yin Lee
Ja-Tee Irene Lee
Lindsay Marie Lee
Alice Jane Liao
Motria Alexandra Lonchyna
Tiffany Rose Lyons
Meredith Ann MacKenzie
Denise Evelene Kisely Martin
Susan J. McCall
Nancy McGovern
Aleah Jean McHenry
Melissa Lynn McKinney
Kathleen Sarah Mechler
Jonathan Alexander Messing
Stacey Marie Meyers
Allison Ann Miller
Wendy Richardson Miner
Chooza Moon
Renee Morturano
Deborah D. Moyer
Emily Page Moyer
Marilou Leizl Nieves
Sandra Adams O’Haire
Jessica Olingy
Elizabeth Marie Oswald
Nicole Priscilla Pasao
Jessica S. Patrell
Christiana Marie Powers
Thomas John Rauchut
Hwasoon Rim
Debra Ann Robbins
Jessica Anne Rowland
Erin Leigh Ryan
Carole A. Sattur
Jason A. Saucier
Sara Elisabeth Schewel
Christine Angela Sereno
Doris Mae Shank
Erin Cara Shaver
Adam Randall Sheely
Candyce Shelton
Cheryl J. Sickles
Matthew Sigafus
Lauren Elizabeth Skiff
Danielle Nichole Smith
Jill Elizabeth Smith
Lizbeth A. Lawrence-Smith
Casandra Blue Snader
Katherine Anne Snyder
Afrodite Sourias
Rebecca Stanwood
Elisa Shannon Stephens
Amy Diane Stoffregen
Margaret Elizabeth Stoneback
Elizabeth Mary Tanzi
Carolyn Marie Trabka
Ashley Jill Tucker
Abayomi M. Walker
Abigail Hodges Walsh
Catherine Hawkins Walsh
Kathleen Walsh
Mary Young Wang
Adrienne Elizabeth Wasserman
Nicole Marie Weaver
Vanessa Sheila Williams
Melanie Wright Winter
Ann M. Wislowski
Wei Kuo Yen Dorado
Ashley Nicole Zampini
Anastasia Andreevna Zhuk
December 22, 2010
Maura Theresa Holt Aaberg
Tali Averbuch
Suzanne Deu Pree Murphy
Snezhana Blazhko
Kiera Catherine Burke
Abigail Seely Butler
Anndrea Dawn Carey
Heather Cates Head
Kristin Marie Chapman
Rebecca Martha Coyle
Lindsay Anne Dauphinee
Laura Jane Downing
Jennifer Lee Harrar
Juliana Catherine Hayman
Meredith Michelle Hunter
Erin M. Johnson
Julia Kerns
Karen Chamyi Lee
Caitlin Phillips LeGros
Sage A. Macleod
Ann Marie Mangoni
Joanna Marie Marroquin
Chelsea Ann McEvoy
Ana Carolina Mejia Gomez
Rachel Holly Miller
Dyan Stephanie Ortiga
Rosaline Osei Owusu
Sarah R. Patten
Jasmine Perez
Natalie Barbara Plachter
Anna Leah Posner
Alison Purcell
Mary Catherine Reilly
Jorge Efrain Roman
Emma Rose
Claire Louise Rouleau-Dise
Rebecca Rothenberg Safley
Katherine Louise Sandstrom
Theresa Elizabeth Smart
Erin Walker Smith
Sarah Diane Stenger
Aileen Leng Thai
Alicia Catherine Travis
Megan Galbreath Turnbull
Lydia Catherine Warner
Kathryn Anne Williams
Beverly L. Wilson
Joy Shalom Yoder
Kevin M. Yu
Melissa Elizabeth Zarych
May 16, 2011
Ryan Paul Beecher
Lynn Ann Burtch
Lindsey Burritt Couture
Kathleen M. Crowell
Erin R. Depew
Angelarosa Guiseppina
Angela Marie Dougherty
Kathryn Lauren Farrell
Shaun Briel Fenton
Matthew L. Fox
Danielle Marie Francis
Ashley Lynn Glor
Wintye Goitom
Rebecca Hanna
Renee B. Herkloz
Amanda Leigh Kern
Jessica Marie Lamey
Michael Shaylan Lord
Susan Mattio
Marykate Rinaldi
Britney Elizabeth Singer
Rebecca C. Van Arsdale
Brian Vells
Michael David Villanueva
Andrea Jean Weaver
Mark Baxter Werner II
Megan Kathleen Wilson
Jessica Yeh
Margaret Ann Yoho
Candidates for the degrees of Master
of Arts, Master of Science or Doctor
of Philosophy can be found under the
Graduate Faculties listing.
Arthur H. Rubenstein, Dean
Master of Bioethics
Master of Public Health
August 13, 2010
December 22, 2010
Abbas Rattani
Melinda Rebecca Schottenstein
Noah David Shannon
Carly Chornobil
Kathleen Rose Flandrick
Carmen Leticia Frazier
Joshua Havassy
Erin M. Johnson
Tara Ann Walhart
December 22, 2010
Alyssa Lauren Bindman
Anne Marter
Kim Jean Overby
Andrew Daniel Radu
Daniel J. Schwartz
Leslie K. Serchuck
Mark Spatz
May 16, 2011
Sarah Abigail
Christine P. Chou
Ryan Hamilton Crosner
Katharine Baratz Dalke
Matthew Joseph Drago
Deborah M. Fisher
Nicole A. Gaddis
Melissa J. Hatch
Stephanie Marie Hoffmann
David N. Hoke, Jr.
Rachel Horton
Viktoriya Karshenboyem
Yoon-Jee Kim
Nicole Alexis Langelier
Johnathan Lindsey
Jolion C. McGreevy
Mary Therese McNichol
Doha Gamal Mekki
Thomas E. Mellon, Jr.
Justin Robert Messina
Lindsey Middlecamp
Anne Mueller
Joseph A. O’Brien
Suhasini M. Ranganathan
Christopher B. Renjilian
Jennifer Rittenhouse-Puhak
John Joseph Rolecki
Ian G. Sheffer
Raymond Patrick Shupak
Brett J. Smith
Danielle Jacqueline Soucier
Emily Sophia Sarah Stopa
Christina Marie Tafel
Alycia Moria Valente
B. Corbett Walsh
Bridget Healy Walsh
May 16, 2011
Amy Marie Badler
Aqsa Ashraf Durrani
Melissa D. Frank
Michael John Harvey
Vanesa Karamanian
Sumanya Narra
Breah Lynn Paciotti
Charity Ann Payne
Bradley C. Pennington
Tiffany Richardson
John Gerard Wierzbowski
Master of Science in
Clinical Epidemiology
August 13, 2010
Jennifer A. Accardo
Robert Avery
Carrie Bess Daymont
Alyson Fox
Jeffrey Stephen Gerber
Paula Goldenberg
Steve Kim
Sheila Nolan
Elizabeth Parks Prout
Pinyo Rattanaumpawan
Mary E. Rausch
Emily Kirschner Saks
Christopher Vinnard
Mark Robert Zonfrillo
December 22, 2010
Michelle Denburg
Sogol Mostoufi-Moab
Sandra Schwab
Michael Shashaty
Sarah E. Winters
May 16, 2011
Christopher P. Bonafide
Courtney Gabriel
David Goldberg
Tammy I. Kang
Kara Beth Mascitti
Akira Nishisaki
David Oyewole Olaleye
Pari Shah
Jiong Jiong Wang
Master of Science in
Health Policy Research
August 13, 2010
Marissa Blum
JiWon Jane Shin Jue
Zachary F. Meisel
December 22, 2010
Glenda Louise Wrenn
May 16, 2011
Genevieve Louise Buser
Brownsyne Tucker Edmonds
Keerthi Gogineni
Neera Goyal
Joshua Addams Hilton
Sophia Jan
Jeffrey Todd Kullgren
Florence Marie Momplaisir
James D. Park
James Reilly
Janice Vincia Scobie
Amy Tsou
Niamey Pender Wilson
Catherine Scarlet Goodyear
Master of Science in
Translational Research
August 13, 2010
Adam Cuker
Binita Maya Kamath
Michele Puszkarczuk Lambert
Jay Mehta
Sara Elizabeth Pinney
Lauren H. Sansing
William C. Stacey
December 22, 2010
Noah M. Cook
Vandana Gupta Abramson
Stephen Wong
May 16, 2011
Naji Alamuddin
Kristen Perkins Foering
Sharyn Ingram Katz
Nuala Jennings Meyer
Jared Michael Pisapia
Mohammed Haris Umer
Doctor of Medicine
August 13, 2010
Brijal Mahesh Desai
December 22, 2010
Johane Gildade Boursiquot
May 16, 2011
Sarah M. Abdulla
Crystal Ugochi Agi
Marissa Lauren Albert
Kevin Michael Alexander
Ruben Gerard Alexander
Elizabeth Ann Almasi
William David Alonso Arias
Defne Audrey Amado
Rachel Beth Anolik
Sasha Stephen
Adedayo Olumide Ashana
David Dean Aufhauser Jr.
Stephen Joseph Bagley
Catherine Owens Bakey
Harveen Bal Bergquist
Renée Marie Betancourt
Suneel Bhaskar Bhat
Lawrence Thomas Bish
Vivian Lee Bishay
Nicholas Alexander Borja
Samuel Borofsky
Danièle Michelle Bourget
Kate Teresa Brizzi
Danielle Denise Brown
Andrés Martín Bur
Kathleen E. Carey
Daniel Kenneth Case
David Mathew Chacko
Rishi Chanderraj
Alejandro Chavez
Chiu-Yu Chen
Christopher Pei-Hsin Chen
Derek Hanson Chu
Ephraim William Church
Lori Amanda Cory
Amanda Valerie Crichlow
Avner Dagan
Katharine Baratz Dalke
Priya Harakh Dedhia
Paul Douglas Deitrick Jr.
Cecilia Lynch Disney
Matthew Joseph Drago
Emily Katherine Duffy
Maria Dugan
Michael Eblan
Meredith Hardy Edwards
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in
this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student’s
name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student’s transcript is the official record of the University.
Doctor of Medicine (continued)
Hilary Elizabeth Faust
Sarah Wheeler Fesnak
Kristen Perkins Foering
Juron Scott Foreman
Diana Leslie Geisser
Ankona Ghosh
Kea Diana Bliss Gilbert
Catherine T. Ginty
Aaron David Greenblatt
Joshua James Gruber
Kendrick Brandon Gwynn
Rachel Hadler
Anthony Lionel Paul Halperin
Douglas Allen Hardesty
Alicia Anne Henderson
David Ian Hindin
Mark Samuel Hockenberry
Vamsi K. Kancherla
Sundeep Krishna Kumar Kasi
Caroline Lansing Kelly
Matthew Van Exan Kiefer
Miranda Boyun Kim
Rachel Kohn
Elliott Davin Kozin
Nicole Alexis Langelier
Jessica Michelle Langer
Martina I. Lefterova
Kirstin Elisabeth Leitner
Frederick Liu
David Antonio Long, Jr.
Christine Ya-Chi Louie
Lea C. Lowenfeld
Jonathan Ludmir
Karl John Maki
Zachary Lennon McCormick
Brett Andrew McCray
Kathleen Elizabeth McKeegan
Noah David McKittrick
Kristine Renee Fortin
Eric Albert Mellon
Arielle Rachel Nagler
Amol Kumar Narang
Valdet Nikci
Ksenia A. Orlova
Christina S. Palmer
Anil Kumar Panigrahi
Darshan Rajendra Patel
Kunal Parimal Patel
Shetal Arvind Patel
Bridget S. Perrin
Carina Elizabeth Peschiera
Laura Ann Petrini
Evan William Piette
Jared Michael Pisapia
Alexei L. Polishchuk
Nicholas Pulos
Marc Ian Rabner
Brian Allen Raphael
Christopher B. Renjilian
Andrew John Renuart
Kimberly S. Resnick
Karen Revere
Andrea Hsu Roe
Kathleen Elizabeth Romero
Kayla Yonit Rosen
Jennifer Pamela Rowland
Emily Anne Rupp
Michael Eric Russo
Uma Menon Sachdeva
Gabriella Eve Safdieh
Meron Anbesaw Selassie
Nicole Seminara-Zambryzcka
Jacob Ezra Shabason
Kevin Pradip Shah
Anup Sharma
Jessica Marie Sheehan
Nicholas Paul Shungu
Adam Jordan Small
Maximilian James Smith
Jeffrey Benjamin Stambough
Cordelia Raymond Stearns
James Harris Stephen
Kirstin Lee Tawse
Amy Meng-Hsuan Tsou
Elana Sarah Tykocinski
Jorge Armando Uribe
Lindsay Ann Uribe
Michael D. Walker
Scott Daniel Walter
Tara Danielle Wedin
Eric Wehrenberg-Klee
Sarah Wehrli
Elizabeth J. Welsh
Stacey-Ann Elizabeth Whittaker
Ged Graves Wieschhoff
David R. Wise
Mindy Yang
Debra Nana Yeboa
Jason Joseph Zopf
Candidates for the degrees of Master
of Arts, Master of Science or Doctor
of Philosophy can be found under the
Graduate Faculties listing.
Michael A. Fitts, Dean
Master of
Comparative Laws
May 16, 2011
Ilan Rosenberg
Master of Laws
December 22, 2010
Okeroghene Pearl Ighoyivwi
May 16, 2011
Jean-Paul A. Acut
Fandi Aditya
Bothayna Ahmed G.
Australia Alba Muñoz
Cora Su Li Ang
Brandon Hyungsik Bang
Joshua Barton
Christopher Beauchamp
Pablo E. Bermeo
Vardan Bezhanyan
Hannah G. A. Bill
Caroline Borgers
Joao Paulo Bueno Minetto
André A. Calumby
Chan Chi Cue Stephanie
Sidharth Chauhan
Chun-Wei Chen
Declan Crowe
Hanno Delp
Audrey Distler
Marie Dumont
Juan Crisostomo Malabanan
Daiki Fukumori
Irina Svetoslavova Galabova
Omer Gamlieli
Grégoire Gersant
Abhimanyu Ghosh
Michal Gilad Gat
Ivane Gogelia
Beiying Hu
Akiko Iioka
Eirini Ioannidi
Igor Ismagilov
Stanislaw Juliusz Janiszewski
Gozde Kayacik
Gabriela Klasa
Thaddeus J. Kobylarz
Masashi Konno
Yanqing Liang
Wesley Wei Chiao Liao
Lukas Lim
Ming-Hao Lin
Tingting Liu
Sekinat Olubunmi Malik
Zhuqing Mao
Nicolas Gérard Lionel
Naimeh Masumy
Hideki Matsumoto
Conor Brian McLaughlin
Alejandro Medina Mora Nieto
Pedro Menendez San Martin
Byoung-Wook Min
Yuta Miyagishima
Seong Jun Mo
Timur Narkuziev
Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos Giannidis
Humira Mariam Noorestani
Brage Nordgård
Mariano Jesús Oteiza Díaz
Akindeji Opeyemi Oyebode
Ann Kimberly Pan
Hongjin Park
Smriti Parsheera
Rawin Pattamasingh na ayuthaya
Veronica Picciafuoco
Argyro Portokalaki
Nichya Praneejitt
Lu Ran
Kuei-Ling Rao
Eole Rapone
Abid Hussain Rizvi
Juan Pablo Roselló Rodriguez
Luca Rossi
Ritu Rustogi-Harhangi
David Alejandro Salazar
Apipong Sarntikasem
Charlotte Sauvanet-Wolff
Shahzad Siddiqui
Nilesh Sinha
Phoebe Wai Yu So
Sophie Alice Staehlin
Scott Anthony Suozzi
Ezgi Taboglu
Yosuke Taguchi
Erika Tang (Tah-Yu Lun)
Guillaume Toffel
Alhaji Mbaimba Turay
Otto-Philipp von Gruben
Tingying Wang
Nicolas Wehrli
Andrés Winter Salgado
Xifeng Xi
Masahito Yokoyama
Le Zhou
Ersoy Zirhlioğlu
Juris Doctor
December 22, 2010
Michael William Anderson
Anne Stuart Long
May 16, 2011
Fatina Abdrabboh
Gregory Robin Ablavsky
Morteza Afshari
Zareef Jalal Nurul Ahmed
Jared Aizad
Sarah Dina Moore Alba
Russell Austin Aldrich
Sheerine Alemzadeh
Nicole Marie Amerian
Katherine Nora Andrews
Elizabeth Teresa Augustine
Kevin D. Bale
Daniel Baltuch
Jeremy Charles Baron
Linda Bartusiak
Sara Graf Berkeley
Anne Sarah Bider
Mushfique Shams Billah
Jessica Jacobson Birnbaum
Alison M. Bonelli
James Hudson Borod
Stephanie Brockman
Kristen-Elise F. Brooks
Mark Clifton Brown
Christopher Michael Bugay
Benjamin Bumann
Lucas L. Burns
Jason Harris Busch
Melisa Aileen Button
John Paul Caddell
Joshua Calabro-Kailukaitis
Zachary D. Caplan
Sarah W. Carroll
Adriana C. Castellanos
Candace Y. Chang
Jessica A. Chiarello
Christine P. Chou
Ronald Alexander Clark, Jr.
Adam B. Cohen
Miata Loretta Coleman
Matthew S. Connors
Robert Cooper
Elizabeth Creighton Corey
Jinelle Joni-Gaye Craig
Justin Garrett Craig
Ryan Hamilton Crosner
Seth Clinton Daniels
Katherine Unger Davis
Emily Cuneo DeSmedt
Melissa Susan Deutsch
Argia J. DiMarco
Bobbi-Jo Breanne Dobush
James Patrick Doust
Andrew J. Dressel
Katherine Evelyn Driscoll
Alexander Dworkowitz
Elizabeth Adams Eisenberg
William R. Elder
Stefan David Nicholas Ellis
Paul Fattaruso II
Nicholas Stratton Feltham
Julia Marie Figurelli
Matthew Fink
Jonathan K. Fisch
Adam Fischman
Erika Ashley Fisher
Sharon Forscher
Sarah Ruth Frazier
Lindsey Ann Freeman
Elise Ruth Garber
Natalie Georges
Dorje Tsering Glassman
Mitchell K. Goldfarb
SharryAnn Sherise Gonzales
Pierre Gooding
Darren Goodman
Michael Ryan Gorenstein
Joseph Michael Gormley
Bindu Lalitha Gottipati
Matthew Wilson Grant
Jena Marie Griswold
Benjamin Z. Grossberg
Theresa H. Gue
Melinda Hope Haas
Sarah Dawn Hammer
Lief NØrgaard Haniford
Alexander L. Harris
Kyle Anthony Harris
Daniel Martin Hartzman
Melissa Hatch
Shannon Hannah Hedvat
Elizabeth Gregg Hendee
Margaret Katherine Henn
Meghan A. Higgins
Stephanie Marie Hoffmann
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in
this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student’s
name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student’s transcript is the official record of the University.
Juris Doctor (continued)
Wendell F. Holland, II
Mia Howard
Hao-Chin Jeng
Timothy Stephen Jenkins
Danielle Josephs
Clare M. Joyce
Christina Marie Kaba
Viktoriya Karshenboyem
Eric Christopher Kassab Jr.
Gregory Milton Katz
Jasmine Marisa Kaufman
Laura Kaufman
Yoon-Jee Kim
Michael Brett Kind
Erik Kindschi
Jennifer Kissiah
Agatha Koprowski
Jesse Lynn Krohn
Abraham Jinmahn Kwon
Daniel J. LaRose
Kaylan Lasky
Lindsay A. Lau
Hyein Lee
Rebekah Lee
Russell Leino
Danielle Lemberg
Alexander Grant Leventhal
Sarah Emily Levin
Di Li
Jane Zenzi Li
Albert David Lichy
Joel C. Lin
Johnathan Lindsey
Joshua Matthew Link
Kimberly Greta Lippman
Jake Adam Loggins
Meredith Woodley Louis
Matthew Philip Majarian
Rebecca Strauss Maltzman
Angela Joy Markle
David Marley
Michael John Martinez
Haniya Masud
Corinna Renee McCurdy
Joseph S. McFarlane
Matthew Randolph McFeeley
Rachel Mary McQuaid
Taylor Merritt Meacham
Nirav Navin Mehta
Doha Gamal Mekki
Lindsey Middlecamp
Hira Fatima Moin
William Mongan
John Moore
Dianna Jean Myles
Diana Ni
Jessie Martine Smith Nibley
Abigail Shechtman Nicandri
Jasmin Sara Niku
Remy Nshimiyimana
Scott C. Oberlander
Bikila Tajh Ochoa
Frank W. Olander
David George Oyler
Navin Pal
Tracie L. Palmer
Jade Palomino
Allen W. Pan
Clara J. Pang
Jason E. Parris
Krishna Párthasárathy
David Payne
Douglas Alexander Carne
Spencer Pepper
Rafael Andrés Pérez Octavio
Johnathan Luke Peterson
Brian J. Pierce
Ashley E. Prime
Teresa Cahill Principe
Lily Qian
Iris Rabinovitch
Adam Michael Rapp
Angela B. Redai
Kerry Lynn Reynolds
John Alexander Gianoutsos
Michael Jay Ringelheim
Abel Rodríguez
Megan Elizabeth Rok
Seth Rokosky
John Joseph Rolecki
Jessica Fallon Rosenbaum
Avi Daniel Rosenblit
David A. Rosenthal
Christopher John Rosina
Stephen Alexander Rossi
Sarah L. Rothenberg
Gideon Rov
Eli S. Rubin
Robert S. Ruff III
Jennifer Lorch Sabin
Kiran Sachdeva
Jodi L. Sackel
Benjamin David Salvina
Jacob Alexander Sand
Turhan Fiaz Sarwar
Robin D. Schleifer
Christopher Michael Schmitt
Jordan Matthew Schneider
Rory K. Schneider
Megan Anne Schultz Richards
Amanda Rachel Schwartz
Adam Abraham Schwartzbaum
Kristen Elizabeth Scoville
David Shapiro
Anthony Pizzonia Shaskus
Altin H. Sila
Justin L. Simard
Robert Slack
Mary Christine Slavik
Katrina Suzanne Smith
Andrew Gale Sokol
Melissa Ann Solomon
Tiffany Frances Southerland
Robert Marc Staloff
Maureen Rose St. Cyr
Samantha Kelly Stephens
Emily Sophia Sarah Stopa
Mariam Subjally
Heather Kathleen Suchorsky
Simin Sun
Grace Minjeong Sur
Bennett Surajat
Molly Elisabeth Swartz
Jennifer Lena Tam
Ron Joseph Tanner
Matthew Kurt Telford
Daniel Thiel
Jason Fletcher Thompson
Bonnie Caroline Tice
Sara Clare Tilitz
Samuel Benjamin Tonkin
Sergio Arturo Tostado
Brian Trainor
Mariko Mai Tran
Carol Frances Trevey
Zöe B. Tsien
Kimberly R. Upham
Genevieve Adesua Uzamere
Jessica L. Uziel
Neil Nikhil Vakharia
Robert Patrick Vance, Jr.
Karolien M. Vandenberghe
Amy Neda Vegari
Danielle Marie Villoch
Nathan Vogel
Paul Vogelman
Ashley Earnestine Walker
Jennifer Noyes Wallace
Edmund T. Wang
Alisa Ann Waxman
Joshua S. Weinberg
Marla Evin Weinstein
James Gerald Welch
Jennifer Lind Wendell
David S. Wermuth
Eric Howard Wexler
Joseph Yauger Whealdon, III
Stanley Y. Wong
John Kyunghoon Woo
Jessica Michelle Woolf
Anne Victoria Wright
Tsung-Hui (Danny) Wu
Lynn Sooyun Yang
Zhao Yang
Felicia Yuen-Lee Yen
Gary J. Yen
Ramsey M. Younis
Haining Zhan
Doctor of the Science of
August 13, 2010
Craig Martin
May 16, 2011
Daniella Beinisch
Marilyn Jordan Taylor, Dean
Master of Architecture
August 13, 2010
Mahdi Alibakhshian
Megan Murphy Burke
December 22, 2010
Sean Soobong Bang
Shannon M. Brennan
Lauren Marie Giamundo
Jun Young Lee
Seongbeom Mo
Kadambari Srinivasan
Stephen J. Van Leer
Sara Lin Witschi
May 16, 2011
Mikael Lance Avery
Arthur Azoulai
Sarah Bulgarelli
Sizhe Chen
Ikje Cheon
Yi-Ting Chiu
Young Hwan Choi
Jihyun Chung
Ross Jennings Cockrell
Tia Grace Crocker
Jeffrey Michael Davis
Christina Marie Dreibholz
Terry A. Driggs, Jr.
David Robert Eaton
Daniel Osazee Ebuehi
Leslie S. Fulton
Thomas Michael Giannino
Michael Jeffrey Gloudeman
Michael Francis Golden
Boraam C. Han
William B. Heyer
Xiaotian Huang
Bo Rin Jung
Hyungwoo Kim
Geoffrey William Klein
WingLam Kwan
Tzu-Ching Lai
Benjamin Ping-Hei Lee
Dukyoung Lee
Jiae Lee
Kin Wai Leung
Tiffany Linda Li
Chia Wei Liao
Eli Linger
Qian Liu
Daniel Mark Luegering
Kin Chun Ma
Konstantina Manousaridou
Christina Maria Marconi
Jessica L. Marvin
Alexandria Marie Mathieu
Thomas Bartol Michael
Annie Michaelides
Derek Scott Molenaar
Karli Anne Molter
Josef Musil
William Bryant Netter
Angela F. Nuñez Matos
Jianqiu Ouyang
Soo Jin Steven Park
Sunghyun Park
Preethi Pathireddy
Elizabeth Michelle Piller
Betty Louise Prime
Adam J. Pyse
Melody Amy Rees
Cristina María Rodríguez
Nathaniel Forbes Race Rogers
Sanam Goli Salek
Jacquelyn Santa Lucia
John R. Scherer Jr.
Bradley Andrew Schnell
Myongki Seong
Mark Shkolnikov
Steven Phillip Song
Qianqian Sun
Diego Adrian Taccioli
Darren Justin Taylor
Andrew Tétrault
Alexandra VanOrsdale
Alejandro David Vázquez
Alina Vilas
Maria Federica von Euw
Valmik Vyas
Tyler Fitzpatrick Wallace
Wang Chengbo
Yiran Wang
Samuel Simon Warden-Hertz
Michael David Wetmore
John Kenneth Wheeler
Brett Michael Wiemann
Chulho Woo
Kaicong Wu
Yifan Wu
Wenda Xiao
Hang Xu
Wen Xu
Yohei Yamada
Cong Yan
Chenghan Yang
Ildo Yang
Erwei Yi
Margaret Mihae Yoo
Dane Richard Zeiler
William Tyler Zembrodt
Qin Zhang
Yitian Zhao
Yuan Zhu
Brian John Zilis
Master of City and
Regional Planning
December 22, 2010
Shara Danese Taylor
May 16, 2011
Adam Paul Amrhein
Shoshana Sarah Bannett
Alison Baumann
Erich Paul Bilal
Ariane Burwell
Donald Edward Carson
Brian J. D’Amico
Philip B. Dawson
Nathaniel Echeverria
Lauren Anna Edlund
Mustufa Enayat Eran
Lauren Alissa Faber
Edward Daniel Faustin
Kendra Elizabeth Fretz
Lauren Rall Gaito
Raman Marco Gardner
Michael Colin Gaughan
Benjamin Jacob Goldman
Victoria Lynn Harris
Julieanne Nicole Herskowitz
Bennett Rea Hilley
Jeffrey John Hreben
Stephen M. Hurst
Emma Margaret Johnson
Carly Rose Jones
Vanessa E. Jones
Emily K. Leckvarcik
Jaekyung Lee
Pamela Kristine Lee
Christy Marie Leffall
Yumi S. Lifer
Michelle Lin
Boris Lipkin
Diana Lu
Anjuli Maniam
Shawn Scott Megill Legendre
Meghan Leslie Merritt
Jillian Barbra Nameth
Kelly Nealis
Lauren E. Nolan
Akua Nyame-Mensah
Marie J. Park
Michael Maher Parkinson
Allen Isaac Penniman
Kelly E. Peterson
Laura Anne Podolnick
Abigail M. Poses
Matthew V. Rao
Ashley Helene Richards
Anthony Beran Riederer
Jonathan D. Snyder
David I. Streim
Alexandra C. Sweet
John Corley Tatum III
Adam Tyler Tecza
Karen April Thompson
Rachel Winship Thompson
Maria Carolyn Tranguch
Rachel Clare Van Tosh
Matthew James VanOosten
Rebecca Morse Wetzler
James Carl Willmer
Hope Winship
Ching Yui Dominic Wong
Andrew J. Zalewski
Master of Fine Arts
December 22, 2010
Matthew Howard Krawcheck
May 16, 2011
Paige Lindsay Adair
Amy M. Archambault
Sandy Gail Boyer
Zoë Anastasia Chronis
Sarah Alana Cohen
Robert Howard Dimin
Rachel A. Eschenbach
Stephen Grebinski
Justine E. Hill
Elizabeth M. Hull
Soo-Hyun Kang
Bradley Kenneth LaMere
Elina Malkin
Michael Paul Marfione
Kent D. Miller
Jayson Scott Musson
Heidi H. Nam
Martha Ellen Rich
Tamara Suber
Jessica Ann Vaughn
Jessica Jeong Hwa Yang
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in
this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student’s
name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student’s transcript is the official record of the University.
Master of Landscape
December 22, 2010
Annabelle Hernandez Fontanez
Caroline Soyoung Kim
Hyun Suk Kim
Hoyoung Lee
Emerson Angell Taylor
May 16, 2011
Rachel Ahern
Johanna Frances Barthmaier
Christopher Bleakley
Rana J. Boland
Stephan Luis Bürgi
Leslie Jeanne Carter
Po-Shan Chang
Martha Jane Clifford
Edward D. Confair Jr.
Yang Dai
Michael A. DeGregorio
Cathryn Dwyre
Marie Frances Hart
Tamara Marie Henry
Alison Bick Hirsch
Sanghyun Lim
Connie Pei Lin
Michelle Lin
Michael Glen Lindquist
Amy Anne Linsenmayer
Sheng Liu
Karen Orly Lutsky
Joseph Izaak Marwil
Sahar Moin
Karli Anne Molter
James R. Phillips
Andrew Cameron Pirie
Zeinab Rabiee
Svetlana Ragulina
Alaleh Rouhi
Bowon Shim
Lewis Tyler Swanson
Yuichiro Tsutsumi
Alejandro David Vázquez
Tengteng Wang
Master of Science in
Historic Preservation
August 13, 2010
Alison Keane Haley
Yaritza Hernández Nieves
Katherine Elizabeth Verone
May 16, 2011
Emily Marie Aloiz
Henry Martin Bernberg
Cara Bertron
Kimberly Anne Broadbent
Rebecca Cordes Chan
Samantha Grace Driscoll
Cassandra Glinkowski
Ana Paula Arato Gonçalves
Kristin M. Hagar
Natalie Karas
Ayşem Kılınç Ünlü
Rebekah Krieger
Nicole C. Matchette
Kevin D. McMahon
Olivia Torrance Mitchell
Betty Louise Prime
Nathaniel Forbes Race Rogers
Sara Blakely Rogers
Alanna Catherine Stewart
Alison Emlyn Swing
Elizabeth Tiffin Thompson
Joseph C. Torres II
Rie Silvana Yamakawa
Master of Urban Spatial
August 13, 2010
Deniz Karagulle
December 22, 2010
Jesse Andrew Lippert
Qingwen Mi
Nina Safavi
Guy Michael Thigpen
May 16, 2011
Supratim Banik
Gregory James Carlino
Edward Daniel Faustin
Jeremy Wayne Hancher
Miguel Carlos Leon
Michael Robert Mariano
Daniel Foster McGlone
Joanne Tu Purtsezova
Kathy Tang
Candidates for the degrees of Master
of Arts, Master of Science or Doctor
of Philosophy can be found under the
Graduate Faculties listing.
Denis F. Kinane, Dean
Master of Science in
Oral Biology
August 13, 2010
Fahad Ali Alshehri
Shan-Ju Chou
Thomas Hsueh-Sheng Lin
Isabelle Mortalena
Shalin Raj Shah
December 22, 2010
Steven Jae Doo Kim
Alexandre Lombardi Vidal L.
Huan Su
May 16, 2011
Hyung Jin Bae
Hyun Oh Chung
Julia Garcia Baeza
Ji Young Kim
Nipul K. Tanna
Peter Tawil
Doctor of Dental
August 13, 2010
Chan Wook Cheong
Christine Wang
Latania Minnette Williams
December 22, 2010
Alison Adler
Randolph Edward Birsch
Jamie Hong Tran
May 16, 2011
Anwar Abdul-Nabi
Stephanie Marie Acevedo
Senthil N. Arun
Syeda Bakhtawar
Sarmad Bakuri
Isaac Bar
Sofia Barroso
Pallavi Batra
Laura Elizabeth Battaglia
Melanie Levi Baum
Amanda Mary Bayley
Anu Bhalla
Paula Fiuza Bielak
Gregory William Bocash
Iris E. Bogdan
Dylan Bordonaro
Heather R. Boyle
Leigh Ann Brandenburg
Jungsoo Byun
Jennifer L. Caplin
Cassio Castro
Christopher Paul Chafin
Stacey Lei-ling Chan
Christie Elena Chavez
Stefani Li Lin Cheung
Li-Ping Chew
Woo Hyun Cho
Woosuk John David Choie
Sally C. Chu
So Yeon Chung
Yooshun Chung
Molly Dee Cohen
Caleb J. Cross
Laila Amanda Dantas
Susan Elizabeth DellaRipa
Alysa Ann Donaldson
Frank Joseph Doroba III
Molly Jessica Ehrlich
Rajan Dinesh Faldu
Kimberly Anne Farrell
Ping-Ping Feng
Jacqueline Ann Fillinger
Vincent M. Foring
Carmen Alyson Garcia
Candace Faith Gershkovich
Gregory Michael Gittleman
Joshua A. Goldfein
Maiya N. Greene
Eitan Gross
Janmeet Singh Grover
Ujval Reddy Gummi
Zane Karrer Haider
Kelly Jeane Halle Brown
Jillian Marie Harrison
Amelia Marie Hazard
Kenny He
Ashley Lynn Hebert
Markus Steven Hill
Valentina Holina
Jun Sung Hong
Vincent Chuan Min Huang
Elise Victoria Hurrell
Jesse W. Hwang
Erin Michal Issac
Kenneth Rajiv Jainandan
Constance Haekyung Jin
Elysa Rachel Kahan
David Ryan Kahn
Sahar Kamkar
Sarah Khan
Juliana Kuleva
Allen Jesse Lee
Eun Hye Lee
Sanghun Lee
Sat Pyol Lee
Rachel Esther Levarek
Keren R. Levine
Joan Marie Lowe-Ching
Megan Baongan Ly
Jin Young Maeng
Anu Mahajan
Saurabh Mannan
Benjamin John Martin
Grant Carlos McSurdy
Sandhya Menon
Justin Robert Messina
Matthew S. Miller
Aryam D. Modesto
Tiffany Danelle Morgan
Catherine Ashley Muldoon
Daniel A. Narain
Rick L. Pan
Jacy J. Papasikos
Anthony John Papinsick
Mukund Patel
Alexander Douglas Paul
Christine Perpetual Pereira
Robert J. Peterman
Haissam Ramadan
Rhae Anna L. Riegel
Jena Marie Roath
Allison Lynn Rodriguez
Scott C. Roemer
Andrey A. Rossius
Jenifer Santos
Danielle B. Scheir
Daniel M. Schwartz
Victoria Seto
Stephanie Yoshiko Shinmachi
Chhitiz Shrestha
Ashutosh Ashok Shrivastava
Raymond Patrick Shupak
Jennifer Lynn Sielski
Justin Silvestre
Goth Kwo Fung Siu
Elayne Smithen Ramos
Osama Soliman
Hanseung Song
Mary Elizabeth Sorrentino
Omar Yousef Souman
Andrew Mark Sousa
Ljiljana Stanisic
Natalie Marie Stinton
Jordan Taylor Strott
Solomon C. Sund
Chun Tan
Meenal Manjunath Thirtha
Daniel Patrick Tibbetts
Nina Diem Tran
Neil Eric Uffner
Jill Suzanne Varriale
Matthew John Venuto
Kurtis Lee Wadsworth
April Susan Wallden
Xiaogu Wang
Hua Wei
Avraham A. Weiner
Candace Elease Whittington
Sooyeon Kelly Youn
Anna Dan Ni Yuan
Deena Zimmerman
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in
this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student’s
name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student’s transcript is the official record of the University.
Joan C. Hendricks, Dean
Doctor of Veterinary
August 13, 2010
Matthew Douglas Klein
Elena Nicole Shockman
May 16, 2011
Daniel Matthew Abbott
Karilyn Lee Abrahamsen
Sana Fatima Ahmed
Amy Jo Alivernini
Laura Beatriz Ateca
Christopher Robert Autieri
Rachel Lee Baek
Laura Ashley Bahorich
Lauren Rose Barber
Alison Jane Barnstable
Susan Jane Bender
Jenna Irene Beras
Amanda Nicole Bisol
Lauren Avery Blood
Kelly Dawn Bott
JoEllen Marie Bruinooge
Alexander Maxwell Bush
Sarah Virginia Cady
Caroline Ann Cantner
Michael Angelo Caruso III
Rachel Margaret Cassoff
Layne Marie Chaya
Lauren Michelle Chestney
Elizabeth Becker Choca
Denise Sheun Chow
Kristin Leigh Cody
Chase Evan Constant
Michelle Cook Sangar
Ann Elizabeth Cooper
LaTasha Kareem Crawford
Cathleen Elise DeBenedictis
Seth Adam Dunipace
Kathleen Marie Eshelman
Laura Ellen Faulkner
Heather Jaclyn Finn
Jessica Ann Fragola
Jennifer Ruth Frohlich
Anna Merrill Gates
Allison Brooke Goodman
Ankur Kumar Gupta
Talia Guttin
Eve Julia Isbey Harrison
Elizabeth Lee Higgins
Katie Elizabeth Hiller
Apryle Anne Horbal
Susan Jarman
Chaney Jin
Melissa Marie Jones
Mariam Kamal
Nathan Michael Kapp
Lisa Marie Kattenhorn
Giovanna Marie Kiani
Jessica Lynn Kishel
Andrew David Koch
Sara Nicole Kutney-Krykewycz
Jodi Anne Lasko
Tracey Alexandria Lettich
Leah Levanduski
Mark Benjamin Levine
Kaitlyn Ann Lutz
Megan Elyse Mackalonis
Emily Michele Marion
Elizabeth Phipps Martin
Dimitria Amelia Mathys
Colin Thomas McDermott
Chad Spencer McGee
Meghan Reeves McIntosh
Lindsay Reed Mendenhall
Michael Messina
Stephanie Ann Metheny
Lee Miyahara
Matthew Gregory Montresor
Emily Jean Morse
Sarah Jo Moser
Christine Marie Mullin
Alexandra Jane O’Keefe
Lianna Renee Osborne
Nikkita Gunvant Patel
Gilbert Roswell Patterson
Megan Cora Peddigree
Susan Jessica Pello
Jennifer Anne Perkins
Sarah Torrey Peters
Andrea Marie Pherson
Blythe Hamill Philips
Sandra Judith Platt
Ana Cristina Poeck
Jessica Christine Pritchard
Robert Louis Proietto
Bradley Philip Rosato
Amy Marie Santonastaso
Emily Anna Schaefer
Chaundra Lillie Schofield
Lauren Whitney Sechler
Michael Uri Segal
Kristina Marie Simone
Nicole Elizabeth Sinclair
Amy Joelle Smagala
Ayla Oakley Turnquist
Melissa Lynn Vadnais
David Vafek
Anya Christine Valdes-Dapena
Kate Patricia Walters
Cory Martin Waxman
Takis Dimitry Euphemian
Kenneth Michael Weiner
Jessica Matejik Wilkinson
Lisa Mary Paolo Wirth
Chloe Wormser
Ashley Elizabeth Yanchik
Michelle Antoinette Zappacosta
Stephanie Ann Wynne Zinsser
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in
this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student’s
name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student’s transcript is the official record of the University.
Andrew C. Porter, Dean
Master of Philosophy in
August 13, 2010
Andrea Coffin
Lauren Jaime Ginsberg
Grayce Marie Margaret
Gillian E. Pears
Sara N. Rosenberg
Carli Heather Segal
May 16, 2011
Jody Aramburo
Jamie Deann Bower
Valerie R. Dorn
Ashley Ann Easley
Marina Dotto Lima
Bridget Nicole Martin
Guy Mattingly Weissinger II
Lindsay Catherine Wick
Master of Science
in Education
August 13, 2010
Anthony Albanese
April Klarman Apfelbaum
Emily Taylor Bailin
Sara Dawley Beach
Nathan Samuel Blumenfeld
Erin Danielle Bogan
Heron Contee Botchford
Jamie Deann Bower
Ivan J. Brcek
C. Barton Bronk
Tomika Lynnette Brown
Anthony Quimson Buenafe
Sarah Burgess
Jane Ellen Calvani
Deborah Chu
Michelle M. Ciccone
Michael Charles Cohen
Kristin Rene Combs
Johnathan Thomas Cox
Brian M. Cuzzolina
Jennifer Louise Deuprey
Andrea Ruth Dimola
Rachael Jeannette Isadora
Sarah Prentice Dyson
Ashley Ann Easley
Robert Williams Eccles
Heather May Eckert
Henry Douglas Fairfax
Elizabeth Andrea FernandezVina
Frank Christopher Fesnak
Hannah Askin Franz
Ellen Suzanne Fritch
Cassidy Serena GarrisonKimmel
Katie Keil Garson
Joseph C. Giardino
Kaitlin Marie Ginder
Blair McLaughlin Godfrey
Amanda Rose Goodman
Kirsten Swenson Harris
Kara Marie Herbertson
Eleanor Russell Hero
Brandi Lane Holten
Yu-Fen Hsieh
Karisa Jo Hunt
Patrick Lee Hurley
Fei Jia
Hyejung Modesta Kang
Alexandra Regina Kelly
Abigail Kirchner
Jennifer Diane Kregor
Christina Labib
Monique Jeveta Leo
Michael Anthony Lesniak
Pei-Chun Liao
Kimberly Ann Maley
Bridget Nicole Martin
Kate J Matwychuk
Chelsea Claire Matz
Caitlin A. McDugall
Douglas J. McLane Jr.
Edward Mensah
Marissa Munn
Caitlin Murphy
Michael John Myers II
Awilda Ortiz
Bianca P. Pandit
Christina A. Pellicci
Kathleen Rose Pelusi
Renata Peralta
Sarah Diane Alexandra Baker
Addison Paige Porter
Timothy Dennis Prol
Natasha D. Reddy
Jennifer L. Reid
Joy Helene Rothman
Susan Angst Rymzo
Sean Marc Sasscer
Rachel Ann Scheer
Rebecca Dale Schindler
Jason Richard Sellers
Janelle Kirstie Sheridan
Yuhai Shou
Steven J. Sieller
Lisa Carol Reynolds Smoots
Julia Anne Snyder
Kinneret Suberri
Acotirene Surette Jungwirth
Dana Rose Swartz
Stefany Y. Tobel
Hayley Elizabeth Tucker
Sarah Marie Warnet
Guy Mattingly Weissinger II
Caitlin M.G. Whitson
Ali Jordyn Widerman
Virginia Marie Witter
Nida Yousuf
December 22, 2010
Alzain A A Alhusein
Jody Aramburo
Todd Andrew Bates
Emily Cora Bercos-Hickey
Wagaye Berhanu
Keisha Blount
Elizabeth Blum Savetsky
Bong, Woo Lee
Cara Ellen Bonnington
Nilly Buchsbaum
Vernon Anthony Caldwell
Eunice Chae
Lan Cheng
Daniel P. Chinburg
Amy Rebecca Coe
Lauren Corkery
Marialice J. Dancy
Francis Patrick Ellis
Margaret Mary Ferrigno
Andrea Elyse Fleishaker
Susanna J. Fry
Krysta L. Halye
Kathryn Marguerite McCoy
Allison Mary Horne
Ibtesam F. Hussein
Gloria Jeanne Johnson
Maureen Joan Josephsen
Chan Mi Jung
Alexis Ann Kennedy
Minyoung Kim
Naryang Kim
Sachie Koizumi
Lee, Joo Young
Damien Leri
Matthew Douglas Lessie
Amy Elizabeth Levine
Jee Hae Ivy Lim
Marina Dotto Lima
Kate Olivia Malamut
Raven Angelica Mayfield
Julia Louise McClain
Vivian Vy Nguyen
Melissa Rose Opitz
Wua Park
Marena Alexandra Perkins
Mary M. Ponzio
Nicole Marie Ragone
Erica M Reisinger
Sarah Gabrielle Robbins
Matthew Rosen
Lindsay Michelle Rupsis
Jungeun Seo
Ujin Shim
Allison Wynne Still
Heajin Suh
Matthew James Tarditi
Elisabeth Ursell
Ashley H.S. Ward
Heather Che’Mattison-Watkins
Monica Lynn Weaver
Ryan Kathleen Wentz
Yang Tao
Tz-Yun Yeh
Tara Zuber
May 16, 2011
Marie Annette Acevedo
Shade Y. Adu
Serkaddis Alemayehu
Sally Abdullah Alghamdi
Laurence Anderson Allen
Victoria-Diane Velencia Allison
Yvette Almaguer
Alexander Curtis Alton
Ashley Dorris Anderson
Julie Lyn Anderson
Krystal Lynne Anderson
Sean R. Anthony
Erika Kahlon Antonsen
Racquel Lovelene Armstrong
Linda Asiama
Karim B. Assous
Michael J. Aumann
Kaitlyn Baraldi
Keanan Barbour-March
Michael Aloysius Barnes
Laura Lee Ariel Barry
Regina Grace Bell
Shafiqah Aneesah-Ziyad Berry
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in
this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student’s
name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student’s transcript is the official record of the University.
Master of Science in Education (continued)
Alison Joy Berstecher
Paige R. Billings
Haley Birnbaum
Kathryn Obelenus Birster
Gabriella Lindsay Blake
Lisa Marie Bogdanski
Beverly A. Bohn
Aaron Tyler Bothner
Ralph Lionel Bouquet
Ashley Elizabeth Boustany
Pharen Francesca Bowman
Nataliya Braginsky
Joanna Iiene Braman
Sara R Braun
Allison Laine Briggs
Gianna Monique Brisbone
Paige Hall Brookstein
Kyle A. Brophy
Caitlin Elizabeth Brown
Kathleen Meredith Brown
Sophia Brumby
Peter Bucchianeri
Alexander Andreas Buxbaum
Marina Rose Byrne-Folan
Stacy A. Calabretta
Emily Brenda Callaghan
Kevin T. Callaghan, Jr.
Paul Raymond Camacho Jr
Yu Cao
Naomi M. Caplan
Cecilia M. Cardesa-Lusardi
Candace P. Carmon
Giselle Carrillo
Kristen E Casper
Andrea Nicole Charbonnel
Cara Ashley Cheek
Felby Chen
Jen-Ju Chen
Lei Chen
Meishan Chen
Yixing Chen
Yukun Chen
Caitlin Alastair Cherry
Davinah Sharnese Childs
Donna Choi
Jihye Choi
Mark T. Cice
Sean W. Clark
Alanna Cohen
Claire Amy Cohen
Edward M. Colbert
Robert Alexander Comfort
Andrea Claire Correll
Ellen Bihler Corsello
Krista Luise Cortes
Kate Eastman Crandall
Florentina Crawford
Catherine Mary Curry
Kara Anne Dalton
Christopher von Kleydorff
Megan Phyllis Davidson
Elizabeth J L Davis
Amelia A. DeGory
Jacqueline Delafuente
Blanchard George Diavua
Laura E. Diefenderfer
Katherine M. Diffenderfer
Christopher W. Donner
Shane Patrick Donovan
Jessica Nicole Downes
Erica Hall Dressler
Rui Du
Jessica Leigh Duddy
Brandi Durkac
Rashid Albert Duroseau
Summer Kerschel Edward
Stephanie Ann English
Arthur Paul Ernst Jr.
Jennifer Lynn Eytel
Timothy Francis Fahey
Asra Farooq
Malissa Farrish
Sarah Hinsdale Faude
Stephanie Lauren Fazio
Kelly Marie Fedak
Stephen H. Feder
Dylan Harry Fenton
Michael Timothy Ferrier
Kylah Hunter Field
Kristen M. Finger
Cristina Marie Fitzpatrick
Kaitlyn Rose Fitzpatrick
Victoria Frederick
Megan E. Frink
Alejandro Gac-Artigas
Jean Pierre Gagnon
Shuai Gao
Adam K. Garson
Lisa Marie Gibes
Charmaine Patrice Giles
Elizabeth Grace Gillstrom
Hallie S. Gittleman
Kristin Lindell Glaeser
Meghan Lammie Glenn
Lauren Marie Glowzenski
Brian Robert Goddu
Tashianna Amoinique Latrobe
Heather G. Green
Shivani Grover
Emily K. Guck
Devalina Guha-Roy
Susannah Louise Gund
Lauren Marisa Gutstein
Christy Lynn Halcom
Yang Han
Katrina M. Hardgrove
Charles N Hayward
Markus Steven Hill
Sarah Veness Hill
Milana Lauren Hogan
Hui-Chun Tracey Hsueh
Annisa S Huang
Danhui Huang
Sara Lynn Ianni
Allison Elizabeth Irwin
Michael Masao Ishimoto
Molly Montgomery Jamison
Norly S. Jean-Charles
Qinxu Jiang
Brendon J. Jobs
Michael Barnet Johnson
Sarah Lee Joseph
Angela M Jubinville
James Gerard Kaiser, Jr
Mark Alexander Karcz
Sara M. Kasman
Kathleen Kelly
Shannon Colleen Kelly
Stefanie Kemmler
Aaron Jungmin Kim
Esther J. Kim
Hyeon Jeong Kim
Hyun Joo Kim
Jeanne R. Kim
Jenny Kim
Myounghee Kim
Neha Kiri
David Kiplangat Kirui
Emily A. Klim
Andrew J. Knap
Andrew F Knips
Lingda Kong
Sophia Rachel Koshland
Miranda E. Kozman
Connor B Krone
Andrea L. Kuhar
Erkan Kulekci
Ching-I Kuo
Jacob Daniel Laliberte-Kerner
Charles Howard Lane
Angela Lara Gonzalez
Lauren Elizabeth LaRusso
Robert Francis Leary
Allen Jesse Lee
Christina Soo Lee
Josephine Lee
Jungmin Lee
Lee, Szu-Nung
Thomas Kin Pang Lee
Wan-Chien Lee
Youngwha Lee
Catherine Elizabeth Legnetti
Margaret Marian Lewis
Jun Li
Tina T. Li
Alice Ann Lin
Jheng-Yi Lin
Patrick Brent Lindsey
Caitlin Maguire Liston
Jielu Liu
William Jiungshi Liu
Xiaojie Liu
Yeting Liu
Francisco Javier Lopez, Jr.
Daniel G. Lopez
Florence A. Lucas
Diane E. Luckman
Mark Peder Lund
Eric James Lundblade
Xi Luo
Xiaoyang Ma
Matthew C. MacDonald
Erika Magana
Angela Maldonado
Michael Thomas Malloy
Erica M. Marks
Colin James Marlowe
Brittany Elizabeth Maslowsky
Laura Ainslie Masters
Caitlin Marie Matyas
Alison McCartan
Robert M McCord
Jessica McInerney
Julie Whalen McIntyre
Anna-Liisa McKernan
Julia Ann McWilliams
Nicholas Matthew Medaglio
Meijun Meng
Nicole Meseguer
Mary Julie Michalow
Rachel Michelle Miklosey
Graham Nicholas Stuart Miller
Mary Kathryn Miller
Elizabeth A. Moody
Daniel Moorhead
Emily Anne Moren
Michelle Yoshiko Morikawa
Jeffrey William Morris
Sarah Roff Morrison
Lisa M. Mulhern
Huzefa Mun
Jacqueline Monique Nelson
Samantha Neugebauer
David Aaron November
Cristian Eduardo Nunez
Noelle O’Brien
Casey C O’Conor
Michael Ockay
Mahasan Violet Offutt-Chaney
William N. Osei
Leandro Andres Otero
Ni Ou
Jenna Pallay
Alicia Rebeca Pantoja
Grace Park
Saebom Park
Kevin Ian Parsons
Darshan Nilesh Patel
Maya Solanki Pawar
Sumathi Pearl
Shih-Ti Peng
Luiz M. Pereira
Julie Pham
Tuyen Ngoc Phan
Mallory Kaye Phillips
Cara J. Piccerilli
Master of Science in Education (continued)
Ellen Elizabeth Pierson
Megan M. Pippet
David Eric Polett
Jennifer Portante
Samantha Marlena Post
Joshua R. Power
Jessica I. Prach
Hannah R. Prussin
Henna Atif Qureshi
Tanvi Rastogi
Tiffany Ray
Sheena Nicole Reed
Rayna D Reid
Nicole L Rice
Garrett E. Richardson
Latanya Shavonne Richardson
Brittany Ann Richmond
Sarah Katherine Millar
Gabriela Monica Rivas
Megan Louise Roberto
Nathaniel Brown Rosenblum
Kathleen Route
Paul Gregory Rubin
Lauren Rudick
Stephen J. Ryan
Daisy Salazar
Samantha Maria Saldana
Keri Salvador
Carly Doris Salvadore
Joseph Timothy Sass
Catherine K. Schmidt
Emily Susan Schrag
Jillian Schreib
Julie Schwartz
Erica Segal
Sophia R Seifert
Shao, Feng
Suveer Sharma
Mary Lisabeth Shean
Yidan Shi
Jessie Dewell Shields
Theresa Shields
Allison M. Shoemaker
Catherine Elaine Shubert
Amanda Beth Siegel-Mevorah
Ariella Beryl Silverstein-Tapp
Judith Tamare Simons
Megan Moir Smiley
Kevin Smith
ShinHyang Sohn
Nicholas J. Spade
Anna Cesidia Spiridigliozzi
Emily Anne Stagliano
Candice L. Staples
Danielle Rene Staton
Chrishante I. Strickland
Ginger C Stull
Katherine Sue
Karin Ashley Swartz
Ryan Edward Sweeney
Xin Tan
Laura Jeannette Taylor
Lauren Michelle Teune
Aye Thuzar
Jing Tian
Jamie Rose Tomczuk
Yoko Tominaga
Megan Mara Tribble
Natalie Trumpikas
Edward Truong
Ya-Ju Tsai
Hiu Ching Tse
Hsiao-Ning Tu
Hayley Hahn Tucker
Sean Thomas Andrew Tucker
Salih Tuzer
Züleyha Ünlü
Robert Christopher Vaccarino
Kristen Van Autreve
Machonn Antonin Vance
Debbe Elaine Velasquez
Pantelis Velentzas
Christine Lynn Vroome
Julia Renee Wade
Danielle Wagner
Jen-Chi Wang
Tiantian Wang
Polly Corrinna Tooley Weiss
Hannah G. Weitzer
Mary Suzanne Welsh
Rachel Quisqueya Welsh
Jennifer Jill Westerhuis
Ronald W. Whitaker, II
Jeffrey R. Wilheim
Lauren Mariel Wilkins
Wayne Thomas Wilson, Jr.
Naomi J. Wischnia
Julia Marie Wittig
Beverly O’Brien Wolff
William Neil Wong
Xin, Yutong
Jialu Haven Xu
Sheng-Cin Yang
Zhenzi Yang
Qing Yi
JungHee Yoon
Fang Yu
Si Yu
Shiyao Yuan
Fangzhi Zhang
Haomin Zhang
Kai Grace Zhang
Li Zhang
Shijing Zhang
Zhang, Ying
Zhang Yuanyuan
Lin Zhao
Haiyan Zhou
Bilu Zhuang
Richard Jacob Zimny
Kathryn Zyskowski
Doctor of Education
August 13, 2010
Joseph Michael Alberti
Jodi Hope Buyyounouski
Glenn Alan Cummings
Susan Kaye Elliott
Jeffrey William Focht
Cassandra Argery Frangos
Nathan J. Franklin
Jill Guindon-Nasir
Matt G. Kinnich
Anita Mastroieni
Mary Jean McNevin
Wilbur Leon Parker
Elizabeth Agro Radday
Melissa Ann Saunders
Laurie Ann Savona
Ann Elizabeth Schulte
E. Joseph Steier, III
Debra D. Williams
Katherine Gladstone Windsor
December 22, 2010
Christina Candelaria Alvarez
Amy Jane Gorence Bach
Amy Leigh Benedict-Augustine
Annie Hunt Burriss
Mary Marada Francone
Rena M. Harris
Kelly A. Hunter
Vera Jeannie Lee
Allan Joseph Medwick
Stacy R. Gill Phillips
Lacy Elizabeth Roberson
Sharlene Valeria Roberson
Matthew James Varga
May 16, 2011
Carl David Atkinson
Anthony Richard Bailey
Thomas Baileys
Paul Gerard Barker
Eric R. Bernstein
Ari Michael Betof
Linda L. Branch
Marjorie Danabel BrownAnfelouss
Gina Lia Calzaferri
Marc Milton Camille
Alicia Cantón Guzmán
Damon William Cates
Timothy Scott Cawood
Jennifer L. Chidsey
Douglas E. Clark
Sherry Tucker Coleman
Bonnie Elizabeth King Comella
Randi Reich Cosentino
Kevin G. Creagh, C.M.
Antoinette Caprice Dendtler
Ann T. DeRosa
Page Miller Fahrig-Pendse
William Henry Featherston
Miriam Fife
Mark Clayton Ford
Gary E. Fraser
John Milton Gillis, Jr.
Hilary Joy Greenberg
Jessie R. Harper
Randy Bernard Hayward
Amy Kathryn Hecht
William Lynn Howard II
Ronald Christopher Jackson
Tammi Dionne Jackson
Wesley T. Kawata, Jr.
Mary Lee Kelly
Sarah McMenamin Kim
Rashmi Kumar
Daniel J. Lazar
Stephen John Lightcap
Stacey J. Lopez
Louis J. Mayer
John Francis McArdle
Susan Marie McGinley
Tryan Louis McMickens
Donald J. Medeiros
Jennifer T. Meller
Tina Lavern Mitchell
Ryan Thomas Monaghan
Jesse L. Nickelson
Vanessa O’Brien-McMasters
Stephen Wilson Oliver
Janice Merrill Orlov
Ebbie Parsons, III
Juliette D. Pennyman
Stacey Lee Petrey
Margaret Frances Plympton
JoEllyn Prouty McLaren
Mary Isabel Ramirez
Mary Kaye Rhude-Faust
Michele Beane Ricchiuto
Martha A. Richmond
Anthony Lawrence Rini
Rachel B. Robinson
Christina Rose
Tracey A. Rush
Henry Saltiel
Karen A. Schade
Jeffrey F. Scott
Christopher S. Soto
Arthur Henry Sulzer
Laurie N. Swisher
Jennifer Rose van Frank
Anuradha Vedantham
Lawrence Pace Ward
Robbin Monique WashingtonSmart
Susan Elizabeth Wells
Carol D. Wiggins
Candidates for the degrees of Master
of Arts, Master of Science or Doctor
of Philosophy can be found under the
Graduate Faculties listing.
Richard J. Gelles, Dean
Master of Social Work
August 13, 2010
Carolyn Deyonne Hardaway
Joanna Schober Johnson
Rhea Rose Nunoo
December 22, 2010
Lydia Nadeen Underwood
May 16, 2011
Paula Agulla
Kaelin Elizabeth Ainley
Julia C. Alter
Lauren Michelle Andreason
Nicole M. Artz
Mahtab Ayatollahi
Lillian S. Bailey
Suzanne Iris Bass
Brittany LeClair Kier Bayliss
Meredith L. Beck
Kira Noelle Berstecher
Gina Marie Bizzoco
Dorothy Denise Boykin
Sheila Diane Boynton
Jennifer Patricia Braude
Lindsey Brown
Aleisha Taaj Browne
Julie Anne Busch
Melinda Meghan Christianson
Zachary James Catir
Sarah Nicole Cermak
Sammy N. Chebolio
Kelly Nicole Chubb
Alyson Beth Clements
Shana Aviva Cohen
Jabina G. Coleman
Rachel Constance Compton
Lauren Marie Corregano
Theresa Michelle Costagliola
Susan E. Coyle
Jennifer A. Curren
Jennifer Anne Dammer
Nicole E. Davenport
Carys M. Davies
Tenia Davis
Heather Faye de Vries
Jamie L. Diehl
Kathryn L. Doornbos
Silvina Andrea Duchini
Caitlin Marie Dwyer
Mara Sussette Easley
Ivone Alejandra Falk
Lauren D. Fein
Alex D. Feinberg
Chelsea Barbara Fineberg
Peter F. Fischbeck
Ariyon Mitchell Fountaine
Jasmine Ann Garland
Amanda K. Garlen
Makda Tsehaie Gebrezghi
Whitney Elaine Gilmore
Elise Jordan Grob
Aparna Gupta
Alejandro Hagan
Jessica Lynn Hall
Daniel Warren Halstead
Kristen D. Hamill
Tiffany L. Hamill
Mallory Kate Hanfling
Mi Kyoung Hargrove
Morgan Leigh Harris
Jennifer Anita Hawelu
Sarah Veness Hill
Jennifer S. Hime
Anna Grace Hunt
Vanessa Dawn Iyua
Vanessa E. Jackowski
Shelita Lynn Jackson
Barleh Jessica Johnson
Diondra J Johnson
Monica Rae Johnson
Kerianne Johnstin
Kelsey Brooke Karsh
Laura Ashley Kessler
Casey Thompson Kevorkian
Jason D. Kim
Tiffany Marie King
Suzanne Grace Kirk
Daniel J. Knapp
Kara Kreikemeier Labedz
Irene R. Kreimer
Julie Feldman Laderberg
Meredith Diana Lang
Melanie Blease Lapierre
Caitlin M. Leavis
Hyuk-Seung Lee
Jordan Hendel Levy
Anna Litt
Eric Stephen Loudenslager
David L. Lumpkin
Julie Ann Maggioncalda
Ashley Alexandra Mapp
Jennifer Lynne Marks
Anna Martin
Dawn Yvette Martin
Latoya E. Martin
Irma Martinez
Erin Leigh Mascarella
Jessica Rebecca Massler
Tara Anne Matthews
Lauren Pryce McCarthy
Margaret McDonald
Julia Alejandra McDougall
Rochelle Marie Mirowski
Cecily A. Mitchell
Christina Marie Moceri
Lindsay Nichele Moody
Aisha Renée Moore
Leah C. Mundy
Anna Murphey
January Nale
TiAira S. Neal
Suzanne Lynn Nelson
Almaz Nigusse
Barrie Kahn Nussbaum
Jennifer Ann O’Brien
Joseph A. O’Brien
Hannah Afua Obeng
Mei-Ju Pan
Sarah K. Pearse
Mary E. Pelak
Katharine Maria Penzo
Nicole Anne Pittella
Mia Giovanna Ravasio
Meryl Claudia Reichbach
Abigail J Reikow
Mary Abigail Rix
Megan Rose Rooney
Samantha K Rozzell
Joelle Anne Ruben
Amy Elizabeth Ruff
Sumesh R. Sadarangani
Celysmar Santana Oquendo
Rachael Schneider
Kamra L. Scott
Tracy Leigh Shadle
Sara Lisa Shore
Tali Silberberg
Annie Kathryn Simon
Abbie Lynn Slatus
Joelle Nicole Smith
Samantha D. Smith
Katie L. Struble
Kathryn L. Suchniak
Kali Lenn Thompson
Marie Toshinari
Kathy Y. Totoki
Kimberly Jill True
Jocelyn M. Tyree
Bridget Healy Walsh
David Hayworth Wengert
Victoria L. West
Benjamin Thomas Krakauer
Ebonye S. White
Glennine S Williams
Cho Salma Win
Lisa Wojtowicz
Master of Science
in Nonprofit/NGO
December 22, 2010
Ling Wang
May 16, 2011
Christine A. Baumann
Tesla D. DuBois
Lauren Kathlyn Fischer
Daniel Warren Halprin
Charles E. Harrison
Louis Albert Jeantete
Sadia Kalam Shiliwala
Lia Katz
Carolyn Marie Lynch
Kim Machlup
Shannon D. Malone
Emily R. Marchese
Caroline A. McClellan
Angus I Murray
Phuong Anh Nguyen
Laura Jimena Rojas Roa
Sarah Silver Schwartz
Kristyn Marie Stewart
Emily R. Sutcliffe
J. Lansing Sylvia
Alyssa Catherine Todd
Katherine Elizabeth Bennett
Kayci L. Weimer
Deana Woodall
Master of Science in
Social Policy
August 13, 2010
Kalen Elizabeth Flynn
Jennifer Elyse James
Brooke Shayna Rothman
Shira Tamar Roza
Katherine Sell
Herbert Kenneth Whren
Abigail Mason Woodworth
Jessica L. Zangari
May 16, 2011
AnMarie Thien Nguyen
Julianne Marie Robin Oothoudt
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in
this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student’s
name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student’s transcript is the official record of the University.
Master of Science in Social Policy (continued)
Benjamin David Salvina
Nan Zhou
Doctor of Social Work
December 22, 2010
Laura V. Kotler-Klein
May 16, 2011
Ginneh Leone Akbar
Annapoorna Ayyagari
Guia Calicdan-Apostle
Toya Vannetta Clebourn-Jacobs
Mery F. Diaz
Lloyd Patrick Peneza Gestoso
Erica Danya Goldblatt
Sabrina R. Gonzalez
Tracy Harmon Griffith
Jill A. Harrington-LaMorie
Melissa C. Kahane-Nissenbaum
Katherine Callaway Ledwith
Jack Bernard Lewis, Jr.
Jennifer Clarke Plumb
Paul E. Starling
Candidates for the degrees of Master
of Arts, Master of Science or Doctor
of Philosophy can be found under the
Graduate Faculties listing.
Michael X. Delli Carpini, Dean
Candidates for the degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy for the Annenberg School for Communication can be found under the
Graduate Faculties listing.
Candidates will be presented by Andrew N. Binns, Vice Provost for Education
Master of Arts
December 22, 2010
May 16, 2011
August 13, 2010
Vibhanshu Abhishek
Avram Alpert
Margaret Marshall Andrews
Anton Ivanov Badev
Rachel Christen Banner
Claire Burgess Barshied
Alfredo Cumerma
Sabrina Marie Danielsen
Michael John Edwards
Rachel Epstein
Helena de Llanos
Jordan David Frisby
Dominic Paul Galante
Adina T. Goldstein
Adam Seth Ingram Goodman
Rachel Meira Guberman
Rong Hai
Mijeong Han
Arun S. Hendi
Stephen Watts Kearny Hibbard
Maria Elizabeth Insalaco
Bryan L. Jones
Ceyda Karamursel
Omolola Maida Keita
Jungha Kim
Konstanze Hannah Kunst
Seulki Choi Lee
Sarah Elizabeth Lenzi
Jonathan Bret Maney
Lina Maria Martinez
Murray McPherson
Alessandra Mirra
Elisa Modolo
Sonali Bina Murarka
Zulal Neyzi
Eduardo Vicente Ortiz
Haotian Qi
Justine E. Quinn
Jurgen Raymond Reinhoudt
Giselle Roman Medina
Patrick O. Romano
Pedro Saboulard Restrepo
Cezar Augusto Ramos Santos
Nese Lisa Senol
Lucas Siow
Andrew C. Stokes
Elske Straver
Jennifer Lee Swerida
Fangyun Tom Tan
Troy L. Thompson
Christopher Agie Thornsberry
Beatrice Tychsen Wayne
Ling-Chia Wei
David Weiss
Catherine Serim Yang
Christopher Fareed George Ali
Matthew David Anderson
Esteban Patricio Argudo
Darren Poehlein Ashby
Matthew Craig Axelrod
Sarah Arminda Garrity
Julia Becker
Kathleen Bellehumeur
Charles William Birnbaum
Chad Stone Bonham
Stephanie Brockman
Vaidas Budvytis
Benito Cachinero-Gorman
Amaya I. Capellán
Michael Yoon Chen
Nina Vladimirovna Cherny
Federico Chester
Kiuk Chung
Ilana Denise Cohen
Kendall Brandon Combs
Daniel Stonebreaker Curtis
Aymeric de Hemptinne
Line Groot Degner
Brent Alan Dooley
Francis George Doumet
Natalie M. Feigenbaum
Matthew Peter Fox
Zachary Phillip Fox
David Christopher Gardner
Ricardo Gaspar Marcos
Julien Gervaz
Dorje Tsering Glassman
Rosemary Audrey Sinclair
Miriam Grobman
Michael Oscar Harhay
Chelsea Elizabeth Harper
Ian M. Hartshorn
Sarah Beth Hatz
Emma C. J. Hayward
Christine Ylan Ho
Joshua K. Huang
Charlotte Ickes
Stephan Jacob
Claire Ifland Johnson
Lauren Kapsalakis
Y. Fatih Karahan
Colleen Elizabeth Kron
Jeffrey Kai-Leung Lee
Qi Liu
Ioannis Mantzaris
Juan Leonardo Navarro Ávila
Thien Nguyen
Sarah Nicolazzo
Jaume Oliu
Gerardo Benitez Pelaez
Brett Aaron Bumgarner
Brenden Marino Carbonell
Jun Chen
Peter Sachs Collopy
Walter Czarnecki
Scott Anthony De Orio
Carl Denig
Matthew C. Farmer
Theresa Marie Fedor
Sarah L. Ferri-Kolwicz
Katrina M. Fincher
Jose Gomez Moreno
Munish Gupta
Moriah Simon Hazani
Gretchen Head
Jessica Y. Ho
Fernando Hoces de la Guardia
Irena Ilieva
Hyun Suk Kim
Inji Kim
Tae-Eun Kim
Joseph Gabriel Litvin
Sidney Xu Lu
Edward Ma
Jon-Callum Makkai
Francesca N. Marzullo
Susan Lorraine Mello
Justus Allen Myers
Robin Thu Ngo
Sarah A. Parvanta
Teresa K. Pegors
Elizabeth Anne Roodhouse
Ameed Saabneh
Jeremy Scott Safran
Paige Marie Scofield
Adrienne Ellen Scutellaro
Ethan Sharygin
Maria Sironi
Stephan Adrian Stohler
Pamela K. Stokes
Younglee Tak
Andy S.L. Tan
Pinar Ure
Emily Vala-Haynes
Amy Melissa Venator
Olesya Venger
Julia Wang
Yuanfei Wang
Junhow Wei
Alicia Bianca Jimenez Woodley
Ying Zhao
Robert Peal
Thomas Mathew Pooley
Noam Pratzer
Luca Ratto
Julia Resnitsky
Lydia Lois Rieck
Zvi Rosen
Eduardo Magalhães Samuel
André Luiz Soresini
Jonathan Stein
Margot Ries Stern
Huan Sun
Erin Joy Suyehara
Bridget Rose Swanson
Amy Tanguay
Necati Tereyağoğlu
Nellwyn Alexandra Thomas
Diana Barnard TownsendButterworth
Glyn Truscott
Jorge Armando Valencia
Andrés Felipe Velazquez
Jaime Alejandro Vidal Caicedo
Lisa Charlotte Ward
Marc S. Werner
Pauline Wu
Eunice Y. Yang
Ivan Alexandrovitch Zdanov
Adnan Ahmad Zulfiqar
Master of Science
August 13, 2010
Marybless Banal Atienza
Matthew Eli Berck
Seth James Brown
Ann Elaine Christensen
Joshua Sahagun Garcia
Chenaimwoyo Ann Marie
Oznur Gulhan
Maggie He
Catharine Hoffman Dickerson
Yi-Lin Huang
Li Jiang
Austin Patrick Joyce
Meara Carroll Kauffman
Sumeet Anand Khetarpal
Jenny Lin
Matthew Steven Lucas
Jessada Mahatthananchai
Philipp Meyer
Ayodele Ogunkoya
Usha Ramachandran
Jessica Rose Rearden
Charles Michael Romanchock
Jessica Lina Stirba
Margaret Sarah Tammaro
Master of Science (continued)
Katherine Jane Thorn
Kristine Shannon Wong
December 22, 2010
Philip Bowker Andrews
Cheyne Richard Blair
Michael B. Cassidy
Sarah Sookyung Chung
Elana Feingold-Link
Stephanie Josefina Finnel
Elizabeth Brendle Froh
Amanda L. Mahoney
Alessandro Marino
Michelle Se Won Min
Sara Louise Mora
Jessica Pickett
Francis J. Pierciey Jr.
Michail Alexander Reiche
Kosha Ruparel
Marcela A. Sardi
Yifu Shi
Christina Marie Slota
Steven Grant Swartz II
Jesada Temaismithi
Terease Shatun Waite
Xuefei Xia
Liangbin Yang
May 16, 2011
Sarah Elspeth Helen Appleby
Nida Arafat
Arthur John Argall III
Kevin C. Axelrod
Caitlin Alyse Baiduc
Jacobus Baik
Katherine Elizabeth Barszcz
Aaron Michael Bert
Jing Cai
Jessica Sarah Cohen
Samantha Laine Cox
Jamey W. Crawford
Gina M. DeLaurentiis
Beenish Dhanani
Shannon Elaine Finn
Breena G. Fraga
Sarah Ruth Frazier
Brian James Frederick
Garrett Lowell Goon
Lorna Jane Gunn
Sabrina Haugebrook
Lisa Ming-Wei Hoang
Laura Elizabeth Hollinger
Prioty Islam
Huseyin Kara
Anna Christine Kegler
Deena Marie Kelly
Hoikwang Kim
Benjamin M. Laitman
Jeffrey Alexander Lavenberg
Rosie Qing Li
Chi Liu
Samantha Lynn Logan
Robert T. Luisi
Jennifer Marie Lynch
Jie Cindy Ma
Avinash Maganty
Matthew Geyer Malloy
Bryan Stephen Marques
Amanda M. McGlinchy-Tudor
Alan Michael Meert
Lindsay Rand Messina
Lindsay A. Miller
Mackson Mandela Ncube
Stephanie C. Nguyen
Theresa Nathalie Leigh-Nguyen
Madeleine Frances Novich
Alyssa Francesca Okita
Min Pan
Adam Abraham Porroni
Lauren Hailey Pringle
Zhengqing John Qi
Mehdi Mohammed Abbas
Matthew Tigran Riser
Michael Lev Rutenberg
Douglas M. Schaefer
Benjamin Louis Schmitt
Olivia Christine Schnitzer
Cristin Nicole Scott
Cindy Soo
Kay See Tan
Dinkorma Ouologuem eps
Kimberly Venta
Catalina Isabel Villamil
Wang, Hsiao-Wen
Robin Marie Ward
Yuan Wen
Matthew Thomas White
Bjorn-Erik Wulff
Jamie Siyu Yang
Alexander Hewitt Young
Doyle Y. Yuan
Lindsay M. Yurcaba
Saad Zaheer
Doctor of Philosophy
August 13, 2010
Michalis Agoras
Caroline Indu Alexandra
Elisa Alvarez Garrido
Michael Anthony Ambroso
Emmanuel Angel
Jacob Peter Avery
Brendon Ming Baker
Colleen M. Baker
Kathlene Teresa Baldanza
Robert Clayton Bauer
John Frederic Beausang
Viola G. Hernandez Benavente
Susan E. Bickerstaff
Brian Christopher Bingham
Jean Marie Brechman
Darren Michael Brey
Nicholas Jay Buchkovich
Beth Ann Burke
Xiaoxia Cao
Todd Padraic Clifford Carmody
Nancy Carrillo
Timothy Patrick Cash
Alison Wen-Yin Chang
Alejandro Chavez
Daniel Tien-Nang Chen
John Paul Christy
John T. Connor
LaTasha Kareem Crawford
Anna Mira Cremaldi
Erin G. Cross
Brett R. Danaher
Shermin R. de Silva
Paolo Di Leo
Michael E. Drew
Jeffrey Thomas Duda
Logan James Everett
Rachel Fester
Alexa Suzan Firat
Luke Owles Fleming
Melissa Amy Flores
Chwan Hong Foo
Jay C. Fournier
Anna Meschan Foy
Joseph Richard Francica
Michael Harry Freiman
Peter Nikolaus Funke
Kevin Chalgren Galloway
Bryan P.S. Gibb
Shuvra Gupta
Clarisse Leonie Haxton
Thomas K. Haxton
Andrew D. Hilton
Julia Margaretha Hormes
Jian Hua
Alice Hsin Huang
Ben-Zion Daniel Huberman
Jamie Lynn Ifkovits
Lei Ju
Michael Julian Jung
Sarah Kerman
Stephen Sang-Bae Kim
Stefan Klusemann
Andrew Robert Konicek
Daniel Woolsey Kulp
George J. Leslie Jr.
Jeehyun Lim
Andrew Charles Lipman
Edith Liu
Jianglan Liu
Lamorris Marquis Loftin
Andrea Kohn Maikovich-Fong
Jason Creed Matejkowski
Catherine Claire McDonald
Jonathan Nicholas Porter
Sharon B. Meropol
Eric Edwin Miller
Jared D. Minkel
Jeannie Lynn Moulton
Rebekah Hillary Nagler
Constantine Valenzuela
Maclean Marie Pancoast
Nandan L. Nerurkar
Emily Nicole Ogden
Soyoung Oh
Danielle Marie Olds
Chieh Ou Yang
Xuan Pan
Jie Y. Park
Omer Kagan Parmaksiz
Cathryn D. Peltz
Alexander E. Pichugin
Thomas Johannes Plank
Namrata Poddar
Ranjani Prabhakaran
Haiou Qin
Carolyn Marie Quam
Jonathan N. Raksin
Jason Gabriel Rheins
John Henry Rice
Julia L. Richards
Julie Marie Glasscock Rogers
Brian Rouleau
Sandra Russell Jones
Emma R. Schachner
Kaija E. Schilde
Alec Andrew Schmaier
Karl Robert Schmitz
James Nathan Scott
Rachel A. Simmons
Janet Lee Six
Vanessa Smith
Jennifer E. Smith-Garvin
Pushkar Sohoni
Karen Sonik
Laura Keenan Spero
Gavin Steingo
Gregory Alexander Steirer
Mara Taylor
Nicholas Edward Taylor
Herve Anderson Tchumkam
Gregory J. Tentler
Rebecca Lynn Trotta
Amy Meng-Hsuan Tsou
Robert E. Tucker
Melanie R. Vishnu
Chenyang Wang
Chia-Hao Wang
Wenqin Wang
Cong Wei
Gretchen Edra Weiss
Cristin G. Welle
Camella Geneva Wilson
Kelly Lynn Wiltse Nicely
Doctor of Philosophy (continued)
David R. Wise
Kristina Zaprazna
Lanlan Zhou
December 22, 2010
Dalia Abo Haggar
Armen Matthew Abramian
Bart Russell Anderson
Heather Lynn Ansorge
Ahmet Onur Atasoylu
Seunghee Baek
Rebecca Wright Beerman
Daniel Berger
Balpreet Bhogal
Frederick Richard Bidrawn
Amitai Yisrael Bin-Nun
Colin Boyarin Blundell
Tamaz Brelidze
Rachel L. Burk
Bing Cai
Belgin Canturk
Indraneel Chakraborty
Urvashi Chakravarty
Lucas Champollion
John Clark
Jason P. Covy
Timothy J. Cowley
Amanda J. Crocker
Julie Christine Czupryna
Ashley Erin Darcy Mahoney
Nikhil Dinesh
Brian Christopher DiPaolo
Abigail Mattel Druck Shudofsky
Stephanie R. Elsky
Todor Georgiev Enev
James Perry Evans
Adam D. Ewing
William C. Ewing
Pnina Feldman
Douglas Paul Finkbeiner
Desiree A. Fleck
Jack Allen Franklin
Rudy E. Fuentes
Ryan Gabbard
Kuzman Ganchev Ganchev
Seth K. Goldman
Marcus DaSilva Goncalves
Aarthi Gopinathan
Ashley Meredith Goss
Jonathan Gress-Wright
Brigitta Gundersen
Aida Gureghian
Zehua Li Hahn
Walter Nils Hakala
Jason Alan Hall
Sophia Jihae Wee Hamm
Eileen Sheryl Hammer
James Casey Hammond
Bruce W. Hardy
Alexandra Harrar
Susan Helft
Adam R. Hersperger
Thomas Hilgers
Lia Christine Howard
Haitao Hu
Shawnika J. Hull
Mahmud Mustaqim Hussain
Tamar Jacobowitz
Dunuwille Eranda Ruwan
Dunuwille Avinda Nuwan
Peri A. Johnson
Beth Ann Judas
Radhakrishna C. Kamath
John Lowenstein Kenney
Wonsuk Kim
Catrina E. King
Kyung-Nan Koh
Kin-Wah Kwong
Pearl Susana Kyei
Jodi Ann Levinthal
Nehama Lewis-Persky
Kathryn Ashley Lindl
Hanqing Liu
Yingting Liu
Ziyue Liu
Kimberly Ann Malecka
Marton T. Markovits
Consuelo Martinez-Reyes
Zsolt Marton
Lauren Elizabeth Mays
Kristine Renee Fortin
Melissa L. Meltzer
Robert Frederick Meyer
Leslie K. Milk
Vanessa Mongey
Donna Sabella Monheit
Katarina Moravcevic
Sherry Elizabeth Morgan
Renuka Rajendra Nayak
Natalia Barbara Nedelsky
Rachael Loxley Nichols
Kerstin Nicole Nordstrom
Moira O’Keeffe
Arun Padmanabhan
J. Brandon Parker
Teshell K. Ponteen Greene
Lashon M. Pringle
Andrea Puig de la Parra
Kyle Patrick Quinn
William J. Quinn III
Hilda Elena Ramon
Jennifer Marie Reed
Andrew John Rennekamp
Brendon Guenther Ricart
Matteo Rinaldi
Christopher George Rowan
Marta Allyson White Rowh
John Stanislav Sadar
Sergio Emilio Saenz Rivera
Mahmut Selman Sakar
Deidre L. Sandrock
Christopher S. Schnader
Harry William Schroeder III
Michael Serazio
Garry Kellen Seward
Niraj Madhav Shanbhag
Adrienne Shaw
Olga Shebanova
Robert Paul Simone
Jennifer N. Skirkanich
C. Riley Snorton
Jinsong Tan
Joshua Ian Tauberer
Lokman Tsui
Heather Lynn Tubbs Cooley
Gillian P. Ritson
Petr Valenta
Catherine Rosanne von Reyn
Patrick Michael Vora
Lejla Vujicic
Deborah Karin Wainwright
Michael Jeffrey Wald
Jun Wang
Limin Wang
Shen Wang
Gordon Lee Witty
Wu Nan
Ye Xing
Damon A. Yarnell
Zhou Yu
Jia Zeng
HuaLei Shelley Zhang
Nan Zhou
Wenting Zhu
Chengjie Zuo
May 16, 2011
T. Nana Mokoah AckatiaArmah
Valerie Nicole Adams
Alvaro Aguirre R.
Spencer Loren Allen
John Yeagley Baker
Ivan Sergeyevich Baldychev
David M. Barbee
Francis Harper Barchi
Jennifer K. Bateman
Carolyn Grace Baugh
Axel E. Bernal Garayar
Elena Bernardis
Andrew Berns
Crystal Biruk
Caroline Blair Bishop
Julia Alexandra Bloch
Brenna L. Brady
Jennifer Stepp Breen
Phillip Dwight Buckley
David Richard Busch Jr.
Christine Isobelle Carag
Katherine Anne Cardin
Ruben Castro
Manash Shankar Chatterjee
Pei-Chen Chiang
Chonika Ceptember ColemanKing
Franciska Anqonett Coleman
David Joseph Conklin
Robert L. Connor
Anna Cox
Ana Gabriela Cristancho
Sara Wiesel Cullen
Janice Curington
Christopher D’Andrea
Anne-Marie D’Aoust
Ankur B. Dalia
Kimberly Michele Davis
Dragoş Deliu
Ravi Anand Desai
Jason Benjamin DeVito
Timothy Dampman DeVries
Chaya Eliana Ariel Diertani
Lara Nicole Dotson-Renta
Kristin Conner Doughty
Matthew C. Dulik
Aviad Eilam
Kiarash Emami
Traci L. English-Clarke
Janine Stoddard Everett
Ian Scott Farrell
Keith Aaron Summer Feigenson
Christopher Jonathan Finlay
Joelle (Hungyee) Fong
Paul Leonard Franco
Rosemary Frasso
Anindya Ghosh
Wendy R. Ginsberg
Cassondra Giombetti
Andrea Loraine Glenn
Roman Gorelik
Candace Anne Grand Pré
Ryan Daniel Grauer
Wendy Marie Green
Brittany N. Griebling
Joseph Michael Grogan
Aaron M. Hagler
Joshua D. Hawk
Michael Charles Heinrich
Edward Paul Herbst
Jennifer Cheung Hom
Eric J. Hoyer
Chih-Jung Hsu
David Eduardo Hurtado
Jared Adam Iacovelli
André K. Isaacs
Amanda Gay Johnson
Juthanat Kaeobamrung
Tolga Karayayla
Matthew Karp
Kendra M. Kathan
Najat S. Khan
Phillip Moses Korngut
Laura Y. Kraya
Ramsey Kraya
Krystle Ann-Marie Lang Kuhs
Jennifer Wyatt Kyker
Doctor of Philosophy (continued)
Janine Marie Lamonica
Kenneth Lassen
Sarah Laursen
Jeehyun Lee
Jiyoon Lee
Justin Leidwanger
Jennifer L. Leight
Brian Lewandowski
John H. Lewis
Hojun Li
Sisi Liang
Robert Dan Lieberthal
Fern Lin
Shu Lin
Andrew M. Lippa
Oren Livio
Patrick Michael Lombardi
Deirdre Loughridge
Stephen Daniel Mague
Gillian Blanche Maimon
David Robertson Mann
Jeremy Rothman Manning
Jessica Lynne Martucci
Elisabetta Adriana Matsumoto
Sally V. Maxwell
S. Irene Medina
Mandavi Mehta
Hestia Simonetti Mellert
Shimul Melwani
Ricardo Augusto Emmanuel
Leslee Katrina Michelsen
Emily Bain Modrall
Andrew Wayne Mulcahy
Jerome Michael Nance
Melinda G. Nelson-Hurst
Hui Nie
Alex M. Nieves
Benjamin R. Nordstrom
Benjamin Daniel Nye
Abby L. Olsen
Serdar Özkan
Rebecca Hope Padot
Victoria Ming Pak
Shetal Arvind Patel
Jeffrey William Patterson-Fortin
Xiaoyu Peng
Gabriel H. Pizzorno
Jeppe von Platz
Adam C. Powell
Houry Vazken Puzantian
Tingting Qi
Ailin Qian
Mian Qin
Christine D. Reid
Robert John Riggs Jr.
David Michael Rothschild
David Michael Russo
Leah Rachel Sabin
Poulomi Saha
Roberto Salguero-Gómez
John Frank Sands, Jr.
Elizabeth Clark Scheyder
Keith Barry Schutsky
Leander Seah
Perrin A. Selcer
Soumya Sen
Tingting Sha
Gil Shapira
Andrew J. Shih
David Israel Shyovitz
Aaron Michael Smith
Jasmine Sylvia Smith
Luke Alexander Somers
Ning Song
Kathleen Sprouffske
Praveen Srinivasan
Ravi Shankar Srinivasan
Tianxiang Su
Jessica Elizabeth Taaffe
Elia Dion Tait Wojno
Jason Alan Thompson
Alexander T. Toshev
Alison Celeste Traweek
Esther Naomi Twery
Marie Thérèse Ung
Paul Nicholas Vernaza
Lisa Ann Vuchak
Kerry Melissa Wallach
Erin J. Walsh
Siying Wang
Tamara Juliette Warhol
Brenda Watt
Xi Weng
Rachel Sarah White
Cara Michele Winter
Wen Yao
Lei Zhang
Rongmei Zhang
Xiuyuan Zhang
Huaqing Zhao
Qihui Zhu
Xuelian Zhu
Daniel Aaron Zlotoff
ROTC Commissions
Stephen D. Marchioro
Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps
Commanding Officer and Director of
Naval Science
The following graduates of the Naval Reserve
Officers’ Training Corps who have completed
the course of instruction in Naval Science are
being commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the
United States Marine Corps:
Brad Francis Xavier Adams
Daniel Ralph Carlson
Padraig Eoghan Cullen
Patrick Fullbright
Jason Joseph Romero
The following graduates of the Naval Reserve
Officers’ Training Corps who have completed the
course of instruction in Naval Science are being
commissioned as Ensigns in the United States
Hannah Marie Bennett
Rylan Thomas Collins
Ellen Ruth Dreibelbis
Anthony James Giampa
Maura Elizabeth Hanley
Zachary Elias Howitt
Alexander Craig Kalish
Alessandro Larocca
Steven Anthony Makuch
Jonathan Andrew McGrath
Erika Merite Papenfuss
Codie Gene Rose
Louis Alan Schlecker
Brian Thomas Schoendorfer
Jeffrey Howard Stuhr
Principal Academic Honor Societies
Phi Beta Kappa
Delta of Pennsylvania
Phi Beta Kappa is one of the oldest
and most prestigious academic
societies for undergraduates. The
Delta Chapter of the University of
Pennsylvania was founded in 1892 and
continues to thrive in the twenty-first
century. It honors those students who
have distinguished themselves through
undergraduate research and by
breadth of study in the liberal arts.
Anna Lina Aagenes
Vishesh Agrawal
Amber L. Alhadeff
Anusha Mihirini Alles
Sarah Hannan Arkebauer
Eric Augenbraun
Kevin C. Axelrod
Lisa Diane Barnett
Jessica Sarah Bell
Justin M. Besen
Brandon Jack Bloch
Samantha Mariel Bloom
Alexander Daniel Bolton
Noah Sherr Breslau
Kristen L. Bryant
Jose Pablo Cambronero Sanchez
Allison Carroll Goldman
Michael Yoon Chen
Yu Chen
Laura Ethel Chiel
Ian Cohan-Shapiro
Ilana Denise Cohen
Hannah Cohn Connor
Anthony Malliet Cordaro
Jillian Rebecca Dent
Thayne A. Dibble
Megan H. Edelman
Natalie M. Feigenbaum
Elana Feingold-Link
Clare Marie Foran
Matthew Peter Fox
Nicholas Daniel Gajewski
Teresa Ann Dufresne Galli
Derek Carl Gollnitz
Jaclyn Beth Gurwin
Ethan Harrison Haimm
Kristin Lesline Hall
Adam Gordon Hanno
Jumanah Hassan
Ari R. Huverserian
Reda Issa
Nimit Jain
Tharuni A. Jayaraman
Ryan Cecil Jobson
Donielle Nicole Johnson
Kory Douglas Johnson
Masha Gregory Jones
Sol Jung
David Kanter
Naomi Dena Kaplan
Lauren Kapsalakis
Gillian Allyn Kassner
Jenna A. Katz
Lauren E. Kennedy
Charles A. Kenworthy
Andrew Robert Kibert
Lucas Kocia
Celine Marguerite Kosian
Jaˉnis Kreilis
Brian Thomas Kroener
Sarah Tybie Kurz
Danielle LaMorte
Lorenzo Felipe Lagos
Eben Matthew Lambert Lazarus
Elizabeth M. Lee
Jessica Lee
Sanaë Lemoine
Carly Elizabeth Levitz
Aaron Michael Levy
Ningkun Li
Edward Fort Linton
Tuo Liu
Trisha Ya-Wen Low
Daniel J. Luftig
Sigrid Willa Luhr
Adam Ross Mandelsberg
Allegra Maria Marchione
Kristen M. Martin
Andrew Matas
Neil Kennedy McConachie
Maxime Dufour McKenna
Karuna S. Meda
Joshua S. Merel
Eric Ryan Merron
Brian Joseph Mertens
Roderick Gordon Olivier Miller
Mario Miranda
Allison Fine Mishkin
Terren Kathryn Niethamer
Yuval Orr
Amit Bakulesh Patel
Michelle Elizabeth Perlin
Phung Do Phan
Jill M. Portnoy
Noam Pratzer
Pengchao Qiu
Amanda B. Ravich
Landon Scott Reitz
Jessica Harvis Renny
Allison Lenore Rhodes
Lisa Nicole Rickles
Jessica Beth Riegel
Arden Michael Rienas
Sasha Riser-Kositsky
Jacqueline Nicole Rivera
Joshua C. Roberts
Rachel René Romeo
Zvi Rosen
Aaron Seth Ross
Alexander Jay Ryu
Danish Saleh
Avinash Nitin Samarth
Petal Kimberly Samuel
Peter Jackson Schwab
Zachary G. Schwam
Daniel Evan Shiff
Hannah Eve Skop
Kaegan A. Sparks
Lauren E. Springer
Jenna S. Stahl
Anne Lawrence Stancliffe
Michael Edmund Sulewski, Jr.
Arber Tasimi
Johan Erik Tatoy
Didi Teng
Lauren Margaret Textor
James C. Tobias
Linh My Truong
Valeria A. Tsygankova
Lee Elliott Vandivier
Athanasia F. Vgontzas
Catalina Isabel Villamil
Katherine M. Wallace
Hannah McGuyre Ware
Roger Franklin Weber
Adam James Weir
Jessica Hope Wetstone
Laura Wallace White
Jamie Siyu Yang
Joseph Lawrence Yellin
Jason Jaein Yoo
Jason Yoon
Doyle Y. Yuan
Ali Zahalka
Dana L. Zalkin
Hanzhe Zhang
Omicron Kappa Upsilon
(Dental Medicine)
The Omicron Kappa Upsilon Honor
Society (OKU), a national dental honor
society, was established in 1914 to
promote and recognize scholarship
and character among students of
dentistry. Annually, faculty members
of the OKU ETA Chapter at the
University of Pennsylvania School of
Dental Medicine select senior student
Syeda Bakhtawar
Amanda Mary Bayley
Li-Ping Chew
Alysa Ann Donaldson
Joshua A. Goldfein
Zane Karrer Haider
Jillian Marie Harrison
Ashley Lynn Hebert
Justin Robert Messina
Jacy J. Papasikos
Alexander Douglas Paul
Principal Academic Honor Societies (continued)
Scott C. Roemer
Raymond Patrick Shupak
Goth Kwo Fung Siu
Chun Tan
Matthew Cryer
Honor Society
(Dental Medicine)
The Matthew Cryer Honor Society,
was established in 1912. Membership
in the Cryer Society of the University
of Pennsylvania School of Dental
Medicine is the highest scholastic
honor awarded to the 10 highestranked students in each class at
the completion of the second year.
The Society honors the academic
achievements of its members and acts
as a resource to new students entering
the School of Dental Medicine.
Amanda Mary Bayley
Christopher Paul Chafin
Joshua A. Goldfein
Sanghun Lee
Justin Robert Messina
Jacy J. Papasikos
Alexander Douglas Paul
Scott C. Roemer
Justin Silvestre
Goth Kwo Fung Siu
Eta Kappa Nu
(Electrical and Computer
Eta Kappa Nu is the international
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Society. Members of Eta Kappa
Nu are selected in their junior and
senior years based upon academic
achievements and relevant majors.
Madhur Agarwal
William H. Etter Jr.
Robert S. Feigenberg
Aditi Jain
Hijoo Kim
Alvin Loke
Kunal Lala
Huanwu Li
Peter Maa
Paul D. Martin
Jiawei (Matteus) Pan
Daniela Savoia
Jin Ser
Christopher S. Setian
Erich R. Sorger
Nicholas J. Stevens
Eric H. Su
Daniel Susskind
Andrew P. Townley
Andres Felipe Velazquez
Joseph C. Weinhoffer Jr.
Nickolaus Woodruff
Pallavi Yerramilli
Tau Beta Pi
As Penn’s engineering honor society,
Tau Beta Pi invites exemplary juniors
and seniors to join each semester.
Valuing scholarship and character,
the society organizes events aimed
at community service, student
networking and enhancement of
undergraduate education.
Avantika Agrawal
Andrea Barberio
Efrem Braun
Hyung Soo Byun
Erin Chang
William Cheringal
Eric R. Cohen
Nils Dahl
Alex Dolgonos
Edward Eckels
Gabriel Fernando
Lei Kang
Sabina Khanna
Carolina Lee
Alvin Loke
Eyas Mahmoud
Cari Meisel
Jiawei Pan
Vyas Ramanan
Daniela Savoia
Nikhil Shankar
X. Helin Shiah
Erich Sorger
Nicholas Stevens
Andrew Townley
Antony Vo
Emily Whitcher
Beverly Winarto
Robert Yaffe
Kristin Yamauchi
Amanda Zwarenstein
Alpha Omega Alpha (Medicine)
Beta of Philadelphia
Alpha Omega Alpha is a national
honor society that recognizes and
perpetuates excellence in the medical
profession. The organization promotes
scholarship and research in medical
schools, encourages a high standard
of character and conduct among
medical students and graduates and
recognizes high attainment in medical
science, practice and related fields.
Crystal U. Agi
David Dean Aufhauser, Jr.
Stephen J. Bagley
Harveen Bal
Renée Marie Betancourt
Lawrence Thomas Bish
Derek Chu
Lori Amanda Cory
Cecilia Lynch Disney
Kristen P. Foering
Anthony L. P. Halperin
Douglas Hardesty
Alicia Anne Henderson
Mark Samuel Hockenberry
Sundeep K. Kasi
Rachel Kohn
Kirstin Elisabeth Leitner
Brett Andrew McCray
Arielle Rachel Nagler
Christina S. Palmer
Darshan Rajendra Patel
Shetal Arvind Patel
Laura A. Petrini
Jared Michael Pisapia
Alexei Polishchuk
Kimberly S. Resnick
Jessica Marie Sheehan
Maximilian James Smith
Cordelia Raymond Stearns
Ged Wieschhoff
Sigma Theta Tau
Xi of Pennsylvania
Sigma Theta Tau International,
the Honor Society of Nursing, has
a mission to support the learning,
knowledge and professional
development of registered nurses.
As a global community of nurses,
members of Sigma Theta Tau
International, uphold the mission of
the Society in an effort to improve
the health of people worldwide.
Membership is by invitation to
those nursing students who exhibit
academic excellence.
Linda Ath
Bridget H. Barrett
Anne B. Berkowitz
Catherine J. Bertels
Erica Blanco
Allison J. Boyer
Micaela Lindsay Carwell
Aileen M. Connell
Brittani Cher’don Cook
Amanda N. Daley
Jessie Daniel
Nicole-Marie S. de Luna
Lauren Der
Jaclyn Ann Detweiler
Ellen Ruth Dreibelbis
Principal Academic Honor Societies (continued)
Christine B. Du
Rebecca J. Engberg
Elizabeth Brendle Froh
Roseanna Theresa Melle-Green
Kelly J. Hannan
Courtney A. Horn
Geron Demarcus Johnson
Koren E. Jones
Mariam D. Kahn-Woods
Xiao L. Kang
Youjeong Kang
Rachel A. Corbin Keashen
Laura Jeanne Kemp
Alicia E. Kinton
Allison E. Kodan
Jennifer Leflar Kraft
Aparna Kumar
Jeffrey J. Lee
Julianne E. Linahan
Michelle Y. Lu
Aria Mahtabfar
Elizabeth A. Majzoub
Kaitlyn F. McCoy
Casey A. McGrath
Theresa M. Messing
Sophia M. Mooney
Taleen Khoury Moughamian
Naoko Nakamura
Autumn Victoria Nelson
Angela L. Nguyen
Lauren M. Olsen
Triana L. Pearson
Kelcie L. Pinick
Aditi Rao
Leigh S. Raphael
Lauren A. Reifsnyder
Carla Marie Robinson
Jessica Elisabeth Schatz
Katherine J. Schmidt
Alexandra K. Smith
Michael Alexander Stawnychy
Kimberly Ann Strauch
Karyn-Maria A. Sulit
Lindsey R. Swigart
Courtney R. Terenna
Caroll C. Tipian
Alyssa J. Topilow
Amanda L. Webb
Clarice Li-Phing Wee
Margaret Ann Yoho
Phi Zeta
(Veterinary Medicine)
Beta Chapter
The Society of Phi Zeta was
organized in 1929. Also in 1929, a
charter was granted to the School
of Veterinary Medicine at the
University of Pennsylvania, and the
Beta Chapter was established. The
goal of the Phi Zeta Veterinary Honor
Society is to provide advancement
of the veterinary profession, high
educational requirements and
high scholarship. The object of the
Society is to recognize and promote
scholarship and research in matters
pertaining to the welfare and diseases
of animals.
Karilyn Lee Abrahamsen
Amy Jo Alivernini
Rachel Lee Baek
Jenna Irene Beras
Joellen Marie Bruinooge
Rachel Margaret Cassoff
Denise Sheun Chow
Chase Evan Constant
Ann Elizabeth Cooper
Laura Ellen Faulkner
Heather Jaclyn Finn
Jessica Ann Fragola
Allison Brooke Goodman
Ankur Kumar Gupta
Talia Guttin
Elizabeth Lee Higgins
Giovanna Marie Kiani
Sarah Nicole Kutney-Krykewycz
Tracey Alexandria Lettich
Matthew Gregory Montresor
Christine Marie Mullin
Megan Cora Peddigree
Andrea Marie Pherson
Blythe Hamill Philips
Jessica Christine Pritchard
Lauren Whitney Sechler
Anya ChristineValdes-Dapena
Chloe Wormser
Michelle Antoinette Zappacosta
Beta Gamma Sigma
(Business Administration)
Alpha of Pennsylvania
Beta Gamma Sigma is the
international honor society serving
business programs accredited
by AACSB International - The
Association to Advance Collegiate
Schools of Business. Membership in
Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest
recognition a business student
anywhere in the world can receive
in a business program accredited by
AACSB International.
Ronak M Amin
Prateek Sandhiprakash Bhide
Hannes Hyungsoo Byun
Daniel Casiero
Melody Chan
Minh Chau
Derrick Chen
Phillip Jeffrey Cook
Wendy De La Rosa
Wai-Lumn Foong
Brendan Pike Forster
Jason Haas
Kristin L Hall
Ming Him Matthew Hong
George Tian Huang
Lingqing Huang
Jason Scott Israel
Nimit Jain
Andrew C Jones
Kunal S. Karki
Priyanka Khare
Jungsun Kim
Jeffrey Scott Lanes
Scott David Lefever
Huanwu Li
Jacinda Li
Ningkun Li
Eugene Miles Lipkin
Harrison Yi Liu
Raymond H Lui
Junxu Lye
Peter Po Maa
Artem Vladimirovich Mariychin
Gerardo Javier Meléndez-Torres
John Dennis Morley
Nathaniel Andrew Naukam
Katherine Rebecca Palusci
Matteus Jiawei Pan
Yuv Chandra Pathuri
Jue Pu
Bilal Raja
Vyas Ramanan
Roya Rashtchi
Jonathan G. Reef
Arden Michael Rienas
Jay Rodrigues
Kwang-Yew See
Zachary Harris Singer
David Aaron Stark
Travis D Stier
Daniel Susskind
Jason Taub
Lu Tian
Michael Toth
Lucy Q. Wang
Shu-Min Wee
Andre Xiao
Andrew Yang
Lawrence Lok Lun Yu
Andrew Richard Zloto
Prizes and Awards
Senior Class Awards
Spoon Award: Matthew W. Amalfitano
Bowl Award: Gerardo Javier MeléndezTorres
Cane Award: Adam J. Behrens
Spade Award: Mark P. Pan
Althea K. Hottel Award: Lindsey T.
Gaylord P. Harnwell Award: Janice Dow
David R. Goddard Award: Wendy J. De La
R. Jean Brownlee Award: Rachel R. Romeo
Leadership Awards
Asian Alumni Network Student Leadership
Asian Alumni Network Student
Leadership Award: Rohan Grover
Association of Alumnae Fathers’ Trophy:
Megan T. Tryon
Association of Alumnae Robert J. Alig
Senior Award: Brittany Wallis Bell
Association of Latino Alumni Student
Leadership Award: Enmanuel Martínez
Association of Native Alumni Student
Leadership Award: Megan Red ShirtShaw
Black Alumni Society Student Leadership
Award: Ryan Jobson
James Brister Society Student Leadership
Award: Janice Dow
Class of 1915 Award: Luis I. Ruffolo
Sol Feinstone Undergraduate Awards: Jason
Goodman, Enmanuel Martínez, Arielle
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Alumni
Association Student Leadership Award:
Jason Landau Goodman
William A. Levi Kite and Key Award
for Service and Scholarship: David
Fellowships and Awards
Beinecke Scholarship: Valeria A.
Class of 1939 Graduate Fellowship:
Michael Chirico
George H. Frazier Prize: Lisa D. Barnett
Norman J. Goldring Prize: Lisa D. Barnett,
Paul L. Shay
Goldwater Scholarship: Kevin Axelrod
Marshall Scholarship: Kristin Hall, Gerardo
Javier Meléndez-Torres
Paul F. Miller, Jr. Scholarship: Evan
Ames, Benjamin Brockman, Antony
Krumbhaar, Bilal Raja
Penn Alumni Student Award of Merit:
Sourav Bose, John T. Eggleston, Jessica
Heidenberg, Allison Huberlie, Deepak
Penn Student Agencies Award: Alexander
J. Ryu
President's & Provost's Citation for
Exceptional Commitment to Graduate
& Professional Student Life: Michael
Baiocchi, Cassondra Giombetti, Christa
Heyward, Mahlet N. Mesfin, Andrew
W.W. Smith Charitable Trust Scholarship:
Christopher Dunn, Maeve Flynn,Evan
Hunt, Pavel Konov, Paul Orlies, Nitha
Saju, Carlee Wagner, Julie Waters, Jared
Waxman, Kenneth Winterbottom
Thouron Awards (American Fellows): Grace
Ambrose, Sourav Bose, Nimit Jain,
Aaron Levy, Julia Luscombe, Rachel
Romeo, Valeria A. Tsygankova
Thouron Awards (British Fellows): Hannah
Bill, Rose Grey, Robert Peal, Jonathan
Truman Scholarship: Sarah Brown,
Gerardo Javier Meléndez-Torres
Trustees’ Council of Penn Women Michele
Huber and Bryan D. Giles Award:
Amin Lakhani
Trustees’ Council of Penn Women Student
Leadership Award: Amelia Marie
Stephen Wise Award: Ariel Benjamin
Fisher, Roxana Sahar Moussavian
James Howard Weiss Memorial Award:
Lu D. Chen
Benjamin Franklin Scholars
Abdulaziz K. AlMulla, JiaHao Hu, Terren
Kathryn Niethamer, Elizabeth Renee
Rubin, Valeria A. Tsygankova
Sami Ahmed, Jayne Rose Bernsten, Sourav
Kumar Bose, Bartell Jacques Cope, Ignacio
Crespo Riofrio, Rose Espinola, Megan
J. Hess-Homeier, Allison Huberlie, Brian
Joseph Mertens, Anushka Ann Nadarajah,
Mark Peter Pan, Samuel Benjamin Ribnick,
Allison Pfeffer Roland
The Annenberg School for
Most Innovative Poster, National
Communication Association conference:
Brooke Duffy, Tara Liss-Marino,
Prof. Katherine Sender
George Gerbner Post Doctoral Fellowship
for 2011 – 2012: Seth K. Goldman
The School of Arts and
Graduate Awards
Dean’s Scholars – Doctoral
Joanne P. Baron, Anthropology
Ashley Cohen, English
Matthew D. Handelman, German
Erin E. Kelley, History of Art
Darien Lamen, Music
Jisun Lee, Chemistry
Joanna Radin, History and Sociology of Science
Eli Tsukayama, Psychology
Bradford Winegar, Philosophy
Dean’s Scholar – Professional
Master’s Programs
Inman Rahman, Organizational Dynamics
Undergraduate Awards
Dean's Scholars - College of Arts
and Sciences
Ioana Aron, Chemistry
Ilana D. Cohen, Philosophy and English
Lauren Kapsalakis, Anthropology
Kathryn Llewellyn, Communication and
Eileen Moison, Biochemistry and Accounting
Benjamin Moskowtiz, Philosophy, Politics and
Daniel Shiff, Philosophy and Physics
Jessica Wetstone, Logic, Information and
Doyle Yuan, Biochemistry and Biophysics
Dean’s Scholar - College of
Liberal and Professional Studies
Undergraduate Program
Molly O’Neill, English
School Prizes
Association of Alumnae Rosemary D.
Mazzatenta Scholars Award: Sarah
Brown, Diane Dao, Melissa Gradilla,
Elana Lev
Charles W. Burr Book Prize: Raya Jalabi
Abraham D. Cohn Prize: Allison Huberlie
College Alumni Society 250th
Commemoration Award: Janice Dow
Penn Genome Frontiers Institute Excellence
in Genomics Undergraduate Award:
Jamie S. Yang
The Rose Award: Sean Angiolillo, Pablo
Barrera, Sourav Bose, Kym Cole,
Clare Foran, Lauren Kapsalakis,
Allegra Marchione, Emily Schultheis,
Christopher Shook, Sarah Vaughn
This is a partial list of recipients of prizes and awards. A number of awards are not announced prior to the time the Commencement program goes to press.
Prizes and Awards (continued)
Vagelos Fund for Undergraduate Research:
Pablo Barrera, Kym Cole, Masha Jones,
Aaron Ross, William Schenk
Roy and Diana Vagelos Science Challenge
Award: Kevin C. Axelrod, Aaron M.
Levy, Steven R. Plimpton
Joseph Warner Yardley Prize: Minh Chau
College Alumni Society
Undergraduate Research Grants
Ernest M. Brown, Jr. Grant: Lauren
Louis H. Castor, M.D., C’48 Award:
Prerana Bharadwaj, Solomon Bienstock,
Rachel Chizkov, Lydia Gau, Kexin
CAS Board of Managers and Presidents
Grant: Sean Angiolillo, Adam Behrens,
Michael Chien, Stephen Childs,
Jonathan de Jong, Clare Foran, Evi
Heilbrunn, Celine Kosian, Mark Lester,
Ningkun Li, Julie Stein, Adelene Tan,
Polly van den Berg, Catalina Villamil
Gantz Family Award: Ariel Fisher, Elisheva
Goldberg, Andrew Kibert, Yuval Orr
Gelfman International Summer Fund:
Kanwar Kabir Singh Bedi, Anthony
Cordaro, Jonathan de Jong, Stephanie
Winer, Elaine Yang
Goldfeder Family Grant: Carol Gianessi
Ruth Marcus Kanter Grant: Christian
Grados, Carly Levitz, Aaron Levy,
Jeanne Michele Mariani, Kendra
McKoy, Sasha Riser-Kositsky, Andrew
Schlossberg, Eric Smith, Vaughn
Stewart, Arber Tasimi, Jonathan
Williams, Stephanie Winer
Milstein Family Grant: James Katz, Qintan
Lin, Andrew Rizzo
Penn Undergraduate Climate Action
Grant: Rachel-Marie Gittelman, Maura
Goldstein, Rachel Margolis, Kristin
Pincus-Magaziner Family Research and
Travel Fund: Rachel Cohen, RachelMarie Gittelman, Xinpei Jiang, Sol
Jung, Shira Lerner, Kyle Lutkewitte,
Kaneesha Parsard, Emily Schultheis,
Valeria Tsygankova
Mary L. and Matthew S. Santirocco Award:
Ryna Frankel, Margaret Kross, Dorothy
Melander-Dayton, Rachel Romeo
College of Liberal and
Professional Studies
Ronald J. Caridi Award: Neil McConachie
Linda Bowen Santoro Award: Dennis
Association of Alumnae Continuing
Education Award: Valerie Frankel
Departmental, Center and
Program Awards
Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
Louis Vederman Prize: Netanel Fisher
Philadelphia Inquirer Intern: Victor
Granary Books Intern: Jessica Sutro
Philadelphia Magazine Intern: Katie
African Studies Center
Creative Writing Program
Es’Kia Mphahlele Prize in African
Humanities: Jillian Diuguid
Nnamdi Azikiwe African Studies Prize:
Nia Crosley
College Alumni Society Poetry Prizes
First: Justin Ching
Second: Arabella Susie Ahn
Third: Jenny Fan
Judy Lee Award for Dramatic Writing
First: Ying (Sarah) Zhang
Second: Ben Rosen
Third: Anna Belc
Lillian and Benjamin Levy Award
First: Colette Bloom
Second: Kiley Bense
Third: Aaron Klapwald
Gibson Peacock Prize for Creative
First: Jessica Goldstein
Second: Jenny Fan
Third: Justin Ching
Parker Prize for Journalistic Writing:
Matthew Flegenheimer
Ezra Pound Prize for Literary Translation:
Jacqueline Yue
William Carlos Williams Prize of the
Academy of American Poets: Matthew
Center for Africana Studies
Raymond Pace Alexander Prize in Africana
Studies: Everett Benjamin
Sadie Tanner Alexander Prize in Africana
Studies: Evi Heilbrunn
W.E.B. DuBois Prize in Africana Studies:
Samantha Osborne
John Edgar Wideman Prize in Africana
Studies: Kaneesha Parsard
Center for Africana Studies Distinguished
Student Prize: Everett Benjamin
Anthropology Department
Department of Anthropology Prize
Winner: Lydia Gau
Honorable Mention: Lauren Kapsalakis
Asian American Studies Program
Dr. Rosbane Rocher Prize: Anthony Tran
Biochemistry Program
Chairman's Award: David R. Jacobson
Founder’s Prize: Mai Tsukikawa
Helix Prize: Bjorn-Erik Wulff
Hydra Prize: Arthur J. Argall
John C. Makris Memorial Award:
Michael L. Rutenberg-Schoenberg,
Jamie S. Yang
Biological Basis of Behavior
Edward N. Pugh, Jr. Award: Joseph L. Yellin
Center for Programs in
Contemporary Writing
Bassini Writing Apprenticeships
in the Center for Programs in
Contemporary Writing: Katie
Sanders, Jessica Yu
Eisenberg Literary Journalism
Fellowship: Kimberly Eisler, Maggie
RealArts@Penn Internships:
MTV Networks Intern: Jared
Rolling Stone Magazine Intern:
Jessica Goodman
Brooklyn Films Intern: Jamie Napoli
David Stern and Stuart Gibbs,
Screenwriters Intern: Jessica
Kelly Writers House
Terry B. Heled Travel and Research Grant:
Katie Sanders
Kerry Sherin Wright Prize: Grace Ambrose
Kelly Writers House Junior Fellow: Thomas
Goldstein Prize: Andrea Amanullah
Chemistry Department
Alpha Chi Sigma Award: Youngmin Yoon
American Chemical Society Award: Terren
American Institute of Chemists Medal
Award: Ted Eckels
CRC Outstanding Freshman Award:
Samuel Stern, Lindsay Warrenburg
Flagbearer: Allegra Marchione
John G. Miller Award: Deidre Sandrock
Merck & Co. Award: Jessica Heidenberg
Priestly Club Award: Alyssa Haynes
Cinema Studies
Flesch Prize for Best Honor Thesis: Michael
Flesch Prize for Best Essay: Eliana Ritts,
Joshua Roberts
Flesch Screenwriting Award: Tyler J. Stanley
Prizes and Awards (continued)
Flesch Student Activity Award: Tamar
Lisbona, Mary (Molly) Mitchell, Adrian
Pelliccia, Sarah Stoecker
Classical Studies Department
College Alumni Society Prize in Classics:
Hannah Ware
Communication Within the
Emerging Scholar Talk: Yuval Orr
Earth and Environmental Science
Undergraduate Prizes
Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden Award:
Nanneke Jansen
Henry Darwin Rogers Award: Anastasia
Elaine B. Wright Award: William Cooper
Graduate Prizes
Institute for Environmental Studies Award
for Excellence in Environmental Studies:
Vivian Futran
Institute for Environmental Studies Award
for Excellence in Applied Geosciences:
Faye Edmund
EES Outstanding “Teaching Assistant”:
Cornelia Colijn
East Asian Languages and
Civilizations Department
Adele Austin Rickett Memorial Prize:
Natalie M. Feigenbaum
Rickett Prize in Chinese Studies: Matthew
William R. LaFleur Memorial Prize: Brian
M. White
Economics Department
Undergraduate Prizes
Bernard Shanbaum Prize for Excellence in
Economics: Lisa Rickles
Graduate Prizes
William Polk Carey Prize in Economics:
Chao Fu, Antonio Penta
Hiram C. Haney Fellowship Award in
Economics: Kurt Mitman
Edwin Mansfield Teaching Prize: Olga
David Cass/Beth Hayes Prize for
Graduate Research Accomplishment in
Economics: Xi Weng
Joel Popkin Graduate Student Teaching
Prize in Economics: Zhao Yang
Lawrence Robbins Prize: Selman Erol,
Zehao Hu
Paul Taubman Memorial Prize for
Empirical Economics Research:
Clement Joubert
Sidney Weintraub Memorial Fellowship:
Francesc Dilme
Penn Institute for Economic
Undergraduate Prizes
Lawrence R. Klein Prize for Outstanding
Research in Economics: Eben Lazarus
Simon Kuznets Fellowship Award in
Economics: Shepard Berg, Joel Tee
Graduate Prize
Maloof Family Dissertation Fellowship in
Economics: Karam Kang
English Department
Edward Ziegler Davis Prize: José
Workmen’s Circle/Arbiter Ring Prize:
Saraleah Cogan
German Society of Pennsylvania Prize:
Galileu Kim
Health and Societies Program
College Alumni Society Prize in Health and
Society: Vera Goldberg
History Department
Phillip E. Goldfein Class of ’34
Shakespearean Prize: Jenny Chung
College Alumni Society Henry Reed Prize
Winner: Jessica Penzias
Honorable Mention: Anne Huang
Dosoretz Prize: Valeria Tsygankova
L. Barry Pick Prize: Trisha Low, Valeria
Nancy Rafetto Leach P. Sweeten Prize:
Anusha Alles
Rittenberg Prize: Kaneesha Parsard
Lynn M. Case Prize: Eric Smith
Thomas C. Cochran Prize: Evi Heilbrunn
Hillary Conroy Prize: Aaron Ross
Captain Victor Gondos Jr., Prize: Jared Fries
Jeanette Nichols Prize: Michael Slivjak
Jack Reece Prize: Robert Eldridge
Adolph G. Rosengarten, Jr. Prize: Clare
James V. Saporito Memorial Prize: Brandon
Gussie Wachs Prize: Alicia DeMaio
Martin Wolfe Prize: Ian Murray
Fels Institute of Government
History of Art Department
Institutional Service Award: Emily Margaret
Reading Castor, Ellen Marie Kamei
Poritzky Leadership Award: Stephanie
Diane Lerner
Public Service Award: Danielle Redden,
Christopher Kyle Rupe
IM Captain of the Year: Josh Wheeling
College Alumni Society David M. Robb
Prize: Pablo Barrera, Sol Jung
Fine Arts Program
Fine Arts Chair’s Award: Sarah Dekker
Fine Arts Senior Award: Gregory Wall
Fine Arts Junior Award: Alexander Remnick
Kelly Senior Research Grant: Rebecca
Donald, Gregory Wall
Fox Leadership Program
Fox Leadership Award: Sourav Bose,
Susanna Shuman
German Department
Arthur M. Daemmrich and Alfred Guenther
Memorial Prize: Daniel DiMassa
Erich Friedmann Memorial Prize: Boris
Glazman, Natalie Tejero
Adolph C. Gorr Delta Phi Alpha Prize:
Michael Annunziata, Travis Hunt
Max Kade Foundation Prize: Sonja
Henrietta M. Keller Prize: Elena Evans
Adolf D. Klarmann Prize: Joseph Cloward,
Catherine Galloway
C.F. Lauber Prize: Zachary Gao
Daniel B. Shumway Prize: Lauren Corallo
Otto Springer Prize: Natalie Tejero
Petronella van Weezel Prize: James Stephen
Fritz, Jr.
History and Sociology of Science
Society of the College Prize: Emer Lucey,
Brian Mertens
Flagbearer: Nimit Jain
International Relations Program
College Alumni Society Award for
International Relations: Teresa D. Galli
James A. Markley Distinguished Service
Award: Alex Gershon
Bruce Newsome Leadership Award: Samuel
Norman D. Palmer Prize for Best Thesis in
International Relations
Winner: Jaˉnis Kreilis
Runners Up: Carlye Rosenthal, Stephanie
IR Program Valedictorian
Winner: Jaˉnis Kreilis
Runner-up: Neil McConachie
Flagbearer: Anna H. Song
Jewish Studies Program
Samuel and Esther Goldin Endowment
Award: Hannah Gerstenblatt
Music Department
David Halstead Music Prize: Ke Chia Chen
Hilda K. Nitzsche Prize in Music: Scott
Helen L. Weiss Music Prize: Melissa
Prizes and Awards (continued)
Near Eastern Languages and
Civilizations Department
Judah Goldin Memorial Prize for Excellence
in Advanced Hebrew Studies: Linda S.
Moshe Greenberg Prize: David A. Stark
Organizational Dynamics Program
Dr. Paul J. Korshin Award: Erica R. Wexler
Lois Ginsberg Award: Sarina Acosta
Faculty Award for Academic Excellence:
Inam Ur-Rahman
Penn Humanities Forum
Andrew W. Mellon Undergraduate
Coordinating Research Fellowship:
Kaneesha Parsard
Andrew W. Mellon Undergraduate Steering
and Research Fellowship: Ryan Jobson,
Sol Jung
Andrew W. Mellon Undergraduate Research
Fellowship: Ilana Cohen, Rachel Cohen,
Ryan Jobson, Sol Jung, Yuval Orr,
Kaneesha Parsard, Landon Reitz, Petal
Samuel, Valeria Tsygankova
Philosophy Department
Elizabeth F. Flower Prize for Best Philosophy
Paper: Adam M. Croom
James F. Ross Prize for Best History of
Philosophy Paper: Adam Weir
Philosophy, Politics, and
Economics Program
College Alumni Society Prize in Philosophy,
Politics and Economics: Fernanda
Dobal, Lauren Springer
Goldstone Prize for Academic Excellence:
David Kanter
Physics and Astronomy
Chair's Teaching Award: Carl Goodrich
William E. Stephens Memorial Prize: Aaron
M. Levy, Steven R. Plimpton
Werner B. Teutsch Prize: Jing Cai
Elias Burstein Prize: Elisabetta Matsumoto
Herbert B. Callan Prize: Wouter Ellenbroek
Political Science Department
Robert Holtz Memorial Prize: Yuri Fuchs
Philo Bennett Prize: Daniel Rudofsky, Sarah
Leo S. Rowe Prize: Emerson Brooking,
Jessica Riegel
Religious Studies Department
Khyentse Foundation Award for Excellence
in Buddhist Studies: Frank Clements
Merle Saunders Schaff Memorial Award:
Rachel Schonwetter
Romance Languages Department
Clifton C. Cherpack Prize in French Studies:
Teresa Galli, Tuo Liu
Lina A. Ruiz Y Ruiz Memorial Award:
Winner: Michael Gorshein
Honorable Mention: Carily Hayes
Edwin B. Williams Memorial Award:
Winner: Lisa Rickles
Honorable Mention: David Kanter
Best Honors Thesis in Hispanic Studies:
Tuo Liu
Flag Bearer: Tuo Liu
Vittorini Prizes for Italian Studies:
Elementary Italian: Julia Kelsoe
Intermediate Italian: Samuel Hougie
Advanced Italian: Lane Rubin
200/300 Level-Culture & Literature: Lauren
Slavic Languages and Literatures
Slavic Departmental Research Essay Prize:
Melissa Goodman, Ana Miniuk
Urban Studies Program
Award for Commitment to Social Justice in
the City: Hannah G. Weiss
Award for Contribution to the Urban
Studies Program: Samantha M. Bloom,
David L. Dobkin
Norman Glickman Prize for the Best Senior
Seminar Paper: Hannah C. Connor
Hassenfeld Grants for Undergraduate
Research in Urban Studies: Samantha
M. Bloom
Roy and Diana Vagelos Life
Sciences and Management
Robert L. Benz and Marie Uberti-Benz
Family Prize in Life Sciences and
Management: Meera Ragavan
Gender, Sexuality and Women’s
Studies Program
Lynda Hart Prize in Gender and Sexuality
Studies: Joshua Herren
Carroll Smith-Rosenberg Senior Thesis
Prize in Gender, Sexuality and Women’s
Studies: Theresa Antoff
The School of Dental
2011 American Academy of Oral and
Maxillofacial Pathology Dental Student
Award: Justin Robert Messina
2011 American Association of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgeons Dental Implant
Student Award: Alexander Douglas Paul
2011 American Association of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgeons Dental Student
Award: Rachel Esther Levarek
2011 Certificate of Merit American
Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
Predoctoral Student Award: Jena Marie
2011 HANAU™ Best of the Best
Prosthodontic Award: Mukund Patel
2011 Oral Biology Award: Justin Robert
2011 Judith Rodin Award: Li-Ping Chew,
Matthew S. Miller
Academic Affairs Award: Alysa Ann
Academy of Dental Materials Award:
Kimberly Anne Farrell
Academy of General Dentistry Award:
Omar Yousef Souman, Meenal
Manjunath Thirtha
Academy of Operative Dentistry Award:
Daniel Patrick Tibbetts
Achievement Award in Pharmacology
and Therapeutics: Paula Fiuza Bielak,
Alysa Ann Donaldson, Carmen Alyson
Garcia, Zane Karrer Haider, Vincent
Chuan Min Huang, Benjamin John
Martin, Meenal Manjunath Thirtha,
Neil Eric Uffner
ADEA/Johnson & Johnson Preventive
Dentistry Scholarship Award: Stephanie
Marie Acevedo, Li-Ping Chew
Alpha Omega Certificate of Academic
Achievement Award: Joshua A.
Goldfein, Justin Robert Messina
American Academy of Cranio-Facial Pain
Award: Alysa Ann Donaldson
American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Award: Syeda Bakhtawar
American Academy of Gold Foil Operators
Achievement Award: Avraham A.
American Academy of Implant Dentistry
Undergraduate Dental Student Award:
Raymond Patrick Shupak
American Academy of Oral and
Maxillofacial Radiology Achievement
Award: Markus Steven Hill
American Academy of Orofacial Pain
Outstanding Senior Award: Rhae Anna
L. Riegel
American Academy of Periodontology
Award: Andrew Mark Sousa
American Association of Orthodontics
Award: Elysa Rachel Kahan
American College of Dentists Outstanding
Leader Award: Raymond Patrick
American College of Prosthodontists Award:
Xiaogu Wang
Prizes and Awards (continued)
American Dental Society of Anesthesiology/
Horace Wells 2011 Senior Student
Award: Scott C. Roemer
American Equilibration Society Award:
Vincent M. Foring
Theodor Blum Oral Surgery Award: Justin
Robert Messina
Dr. Morris Bradin Award in Periodontics:
Catherine Ashley Muldoon
George Bronkovic Service Award: Rick L.
Eleanor J. Bushee Senior Dental Student
Award: Carmen Alyson Garcia
Certificate of Merit and Award in Oral
Medicine: Anna Dan Ni Yuan
Abram Cohen Award in Periodontics: Jesse
W. Hwang, Rick L. Pan
Columbia Dento-Form Corp. Award:
Kimberly Anne Farrell
Community Dentistry and Dental Public
Health Award: Laila Amanda Dantas
Community Dentistry and Pediatric Dental
Health Award: Stephanie Marie
J. George Coslet Award in Periodontics:
Sarmad Bakuri
Matthew H. Cryer Society Award in Oral
Medicine: Natalie Marie Stinton
Delaware Valley Society of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgeons Excellence
Award: Daniel M. Schwartz
Delaware Valley Society of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgeons Implantology
Award: Christopher Paul Chafin
Delta Dental Student Leadership Award:
Kimberly Anne Farrell, Janmeet Singh
Grover, Alexander Douglas Paul, Jena
Marie Roath
Dentsply Student Clinician Award:
Raymond Patrick Shupak
Drabkin Memorial Prize for Research in
Biochemistry: Scott C. Roemer
Joseph E. Ewing Award in Fixed
Prosthodontics: Victoria Seto
Pierre Fauchard Academy Foundation
Dental Student Scholarship Award: Jena
Marie Roath
Pierre Fauchard Academy Senior Student
Award: Joshua A. Goldfein
Henry M. Goldman Award in Pathology:
Molly Jessica Ehrlich, Jena Marie Roath,
Scott C. Roemer
Bal K. Goyal Memorial Award in Preclinical Removable Prosthetics: Amanda
Mary Bayley
Louis I. Grossman Award in Endodontics:
Joshua A. Goldfein
Dr. Earle Banks Hoyt Teaching Award:
Alexander Douglas Paul
International College of Dentists Student
Leadership Award: Anu Bhalla
ICOI/Sullivan-Schein Dental Predoctoral
Achievement Award: Amanda Mary
William S. Kramer Award of Excellence:
Justin Robert Messina
Adrian R. and Regina Kristeller Prize in
Radiology: Amanda Mary Bayley
Limoli Practice Management Award and
Scholarship: April Susan Wallden
Martin J. Loeb Leadership Award: Kimberly
Anne Farrell
Eisa Mozaffari Award: Stefani Li Lin
Northeastern Society of Periodontists, Inc.
Award: Stefani Li Lin Cheung
Outstanding Dental Student in Implant
Dentistry Award: Goth Kwo Fung Siu
Pass-International Dentist Award: Syeda
Bakhtawar, Chun Tan, Meenal
Manjunath Thirtha, Hua Wei
Pathology Award: Zane Karrer Haider
Predoctoral Endodontics Award: Hua Wei
Quintessence Award for Clinical
Achievement in Periodontics: Rachel
Esther Levarek
Quintessence Award for Clinical
Achievement in Restorative Dentistry:
Vincent M. Foring
Quintessence Award for Research
Achievement: Raymond Patrick Shupak
Rabinowitz Memorial Award in
Biochemistry: Molly Jessica Ehrlich,
Joshua A. Goldfein
Henry B. Robinson Award in Restorative
Dentistry: Kenny He
Herman Segal Emergency Care Award:
Gregory Michael Gittleman
E. Howell Smith Award in Prosthetic
Dentistry: Goth Kwo Fung Siu
Student Achievement Award in
Endodontics: Kurtis Lee Wadsworth
The School of Design
Albert F. Schenk-Henry Gillette Woodman
Scholarship: First Place: John Johnston,
Le Tang; Second Place: Paul Chan;
Third Place: Andreas Kostopoulis,
Nicole Reamey; Honorable Mention:
Margo Angelopoulos, Catherine
Guentert, Erin Saven, Melanie Silver
American Planning Association Gold
Coast Chapter 2010 Award for Best
Implementation of a Plan: Ralph
Christopher Leland Lyon Memorial Fund
Award: Amy Archambault
E. Lewis Dales Traveling Fellowships: Nga
Ting Chan, Fei Chen, Uhn Choi, Jessica
Condor, Patrick Corrigan, Eric Craig,
Elizabeth Hobart, James F. Hower,
Jason Jackson, Dongyul Kim, Ihnil Kim,
Young Bum Kim, Gregory Knobloch,
Alexander Knowles, Qiyao Li, Evan
Litvin, Hanxiao Liu, Michelle Ma,
Christopher McAdams, Natali Medina,
Amanda Morgan, Mark Nicol, Lea
Oxenhandler, Bowen Qiu, Kathryn
Rufe, Sudipto Sengupta, Jinsuk Seo,
David Tao, James Tenyenhuis, Andreas
Tjeldflat, Jennifer Tobias, Sarah Wan,
Allison Weiler, Shulei Weng, Ying Xu,
Hung Kit Yuen
John Stewardson Memorial Scholarship in
Architecture 2011: Michael Gloudeman
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Van Alen Traveling
Fellowship 2010: Benjamin Ping-Hei
Lee, Sahar Moin
NYU Schack Sustainable Real Estate Case
Competition: Jordan Barr, Raman
Gardner, Michael Gaughan, Rebecca
Jee, Katerina Kelman, David Streim
Susan Cromwell Coslett Traveling
Fellowship 2010: Paige Adair
Vermont Studio Scholarship Award: Sarah
Anderson, Erik Reinholdz
The Graduate School of
William E. Arnold Award for Outstanding
Contributions by a Student: Joseph Sass
Educational Linguistics Faculty Award for
Leadership in Educational Linguistics:
Donna Monheit
Educational Linguistics International Award:
Jiyoon Lee
GSE Award for Outstanding Service to
Students: Evelyn Jordan, Christine Lee
GSE Student Leadership Award: Mary
Dell H. Hymes--Nessa Wolfson Award for
Excellence in Educational Linguistics:
Tamara Warhol
The School of Engineering
and Applied Science
Graduate Awards
John A. Goff Prize: Nora Ayanian
Joseph, D’16, and Rosaline Wolf Award:
Kin-Wah (Eric) Kwong
Morris and Dorothy Rubinoff Award: Colin
Blundell, Alexander Toshev
Richard K. Dentel Memorial Prize in
Urban Transportation: Madhur Behl
S. J. Stein Prize: Matteo Rinaldi
Solomon R. Pollack Award for Excellence
in Graduate Bioengineering Research:
Jamie Ifkovits, Kyle Quinn
Prizes and Awards (continued)
Undergraduate Awards
American Institute of Chemists’ Medal
Award: Matthew Gay
A. Norman Hixson Laboratory Report
Prize: Sifat Ahmad, Kulika Chomvong
Albert Giandomenico Award: Daniel
Balikov, Nathan Carberry, Betty Huang,
Akash Y. Shah
Albert P. Godsho Engineering Prize: Kiuk
Chung, Lu (Owen) Tian
American Chemical Society Award: Spencer
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Delaware Valley Section Award:
Andrew Glace, Eyas Mahmoud, William
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Award: Nihar Naik
Ben and Bertha Gomberg Kirsch Prize:
Robert Yaffe
Benjamin Franklin Society Award: Casey
Bioengineering Student Leadership Award:
Tracy Wolfbiss
Computer Science Academic Award: Ryan
Cornelius N. Weygandt Award: Alexey
Dawn and Welton Becket Digital Media
Design Achievement Awards: Ian Perera
Diana Chi Summer Research Award:
Kaitlin Pollock, Samantha Raja
Donald F. Othmer Sophomore Academic
Excellence Award: Abraham Arthur
E. Stuart Eichert, Jr. Memorial Prize: Paul
Gurniak, Madhav Nandipati, Samuel
Engineering Alumni Society E. Stuart
Eichert, Jr. Award: Eve Ying Lee
Herman P. Schwan Bioengineering Award:
Vyas Ramanan
Hugo Otto Wolf Memorial Prize: Fahad M.
Al Ameri, Samantha C. Collins, Edward
Eckels, Jungsun (Ella) Kim, Zachary
Meister, Andrew Stanley
Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers’ Student Award: Timothy
Jaros Baum & Bolles Award: Samantha
John Grist Brainerd Award: Lu D. Chen
Management and Technology Scholarship
Award: Vyas Ramanan
Manfred Altman Memorial Award: Young
Hyun (Alfred) Kwon, Ian Penkala
Moore School A. Atwater Kent Prize:
Andrew Townley
Moore School Council Cwikla Award:
Lauren Frazier
Penn Engineering Exceptional Service
Award: Varun Balan, Andrea Barberio,
Michael Boyle, Efrem Braun, Shengya
Cao, William Cheringal, Nils Dahl,
Matthew Gay, Sarah Hanna, Brandon
Hedvat, Alexey Komissarouk, Carolina
Lee, Ivan Levcovitz, Peter Maa, William
McGill, Nihkil Shankar, Xiao Qiao,
Samantha Wang, Yi Zhou, Amanda
Penn Genome Frontiers Institute Excellence
in Genomics Undergraduate Award:
Harrison Liu
R. M. Brick Award: Xiao Qiao
Ralph Teetor Award: Ian O’Hara
Sidney Shore Award: Kristin Yamauchi
Stuart W. Churchill Individual Research
Prize: Dominique Ingato
Victor W. K. Ku Memorial Award: Sarah
Clark, Ying (Eve) Lee
Walter Korn Award: Ryan Menezes
William L. Everitt Student Awards of
Excellence: Paul D. Martin, Andrew
Wolf Family Award in Systems Engineering:
Lu (Owen) Tian
Wolf-Hallac Award: Erin Chang, Alice
The Law School
Law students are acknowledged for a
variety of awards, including Order of
the Coif, at the graduation ceremony.
The School of Medicine
AAN Medical Student Prize: Brett Andrew
Kenneth E. Appel Award: Katharine Baratz
Clyde F. Barker Research Prize: Rachel
Michelle M. Battistini, M.D. Award:
Caroline Lansing Kelly
Mary Ellis Bell Prize: David Hill, Craig
Nancy C. Bell, M.D. Memorial Prize
in Dermatology: Nicole SeminaraZambryzcka
Emily and Francis Botelho Prize for
Excellence in Basic Science: Derek
Hanson Chu, Jessica Marie Sheehan
Anna Marie Chirico Award: Cordelia
Raymond Stearns
Clinical Epidemiology Research Prize:
Nicole Seminara-Zambryzcka
John G. Clark Prize: Hojun Li
Sarle H. Cohen Award for Geriatric
Medicine: Kayla Yonit Rosen
Adolph J. Creskoff Prize: Brian Allen
Leonard Davis Institute Prize for Health
Services Research: Peter Derman
Helen O. Dickens, M.D. Award: Crystal
Ugochi Agi, Bridget S. Perrin
Gertrude M. & Ezra M. Eisen Prize: Kevin
Michael Alexander
Emergency Medicine Research Prize: Maria
Lillie M. Erk Prize: Rachel Kohn
Stuart L. Fine Ophthalmology Medical
Student Research Prize: Jorge Armando
William T. Fitts, Jr. Memorial Prize:
Harveen Bal Bergquist
Jesse H. Frank, M.D. Prize in Pathology:
Christine Ya-Chi Louie
Theodore Friedmann Prize: Nicole Alexis
Celso-Ramon Garcia Award for
Outstanding Women’s Health Research:
Kelly Quinley
The Ken Ginsburg Soul of Medicine
Award: Christopher B. Renjilian
Dr. Morris Ginsburg Prize : Renée Marie
John Glick Prize for Translational Cancer
Research: Debra Nana Yeboa
Dr. David B.P. Goodman Award: Anne
George W. Householder, III Memorial Prize:
Brian Finkelman
Byron S. Hurwitz, MD, M’66 Memorial
Prize: Karen Revere
ITMAT Prize for Clinical/Translational
Research: Emily Charlson
Dr. William F. Jeffers Prize: Ksenia A.
Orlova, Uma Menon Sachdeva
Rose and Hershel Kanovsky Prize in
Internal Medicine: Shetal Arvind Patel
Marie Leebron Prize in Pediatrics: Maria
Marc Levine, M.D. Radiology Research
Award: Patrick Georgoff
Rose Meadow Levinson Memorial Prize:
Scott Bresler, Marta Rowh
Henrietta and Jacob Lowenberg Prize in
Pediatrics: Alicia Anne Henderson
Balduin Lucke Memorial Prize: Ana
Morton McCutcheon Memorial Prize:
Alejandro Chavez
Merck Manual Award: Derek Hanson Chu,
Stephen Joseph Bagley, Arielle Rachel
Nagler, David Dean Aufhauser Jr.
Joel Gordon Miller Award: Tara Danielle
Dr. Spencer Morris Prize: Alicia Anne
Henderson, Cordelia Raymond Stearns
Herbert and Faye Moskowitz Prize: Rachel
Kohn, Nicole Seminara-Zambryzcka
Prizes and Awards (continued)
Stuart Mudd Award in Microbiology: Amy
Meng-Hsuan Tsou
William G. Munns Memorial Prize: Jeffrey
Benjamin Stambough
Department of Neurosurgery Award:
Ephraim William Church
Charles A. Oliver Memorial Prize: Uma
Menon Sachdeva
Pediatric Research Prize: Andrew John
O.H. Perry Pepper Prize: Alexei L.
Nathan and Pauline Pincus Prize for
Outstanding Achievement as a
Clinician: Jessica Marie Sheehan
Gary and Helen Phillips Prize for Academic
Excellence: Sundeep Krishna Kumar
Pulmonary Research Prize: Rachel Kohn
John Pryor Award for Trauma Research:
Nicholas Beck
Eric Corey Raps Memorial Prize: Defne
Audrey Amado
Dr. I.S. Ravdin Prize: David Dean
Aufhauser Jr.
Jonathan Rhoads Prize for Surgical
Scholarship: Brian Baumann
Richard K. Root Prize for Infectious Disease
Research: Amy Meng-Hsuan Tsou
Dr. Ramon Sifre Prize for Excellence in
Diagnostic Medicine: Anthony Lionel
Paul Halperin
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Excellence Award: Amanda Valerie
John R. Stanley Research Prize for
Dermatology: Aileen Chang
Dr. Freddy Stark Award for Gross Anatomy:
Jessica Marie Sheehan
J. George Teplick, M.D., FACR Memorial
Award: Jennifer Pamela Rowland
Dr. Robert M. Toll Prize: Ryan Vass
The Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine
Award presented by the Arnold P. Gold
Foundation: Nicholas Paul Shungu
Dr. Roy G. Williams Award: Matthew
LeBoeuf, Kunal Parimal Patel
Horatio C. Wood Prize in Pharmacology:
Jacob Ezra Shabason
Nikitas J. Zervanos, M.D. Prize in Family
Medicine: Nicholas Paul Shungu
The School of Nursing
Alumni Award: Amelia Marie Cataldo
Ellen D. Baer Award: Amelia Marie Cataldo
Ann Wolbert Burgess Endowed Student
Award: Tiffany Louise Dovydaitis
Dean’s Award: Gerardo Javier MeléndezTorres
Claire M. Fagin Award: Jorge Efrain Roman
Marion R. Gregory Award: Janine Stoddard
Jeanne Frances Hopkins Award: Francis
Norma Lang Award: Michael Shaylan Lord
Theresa I. Lynch Award: Amy Lynn
Wealtha McGurn Research Award: Nancy
Dorothy Mereness Award: Micaela Lindsay
Mary D. Naylor Undergraduate Research
Award: Allison Elizabeth Boyd
Teaching Assistant Award: Elizabeth
Brendle Froh
Henry O. Thompson Prize in Ethics: Kali
Adia Rhodes
Joyce E. Thompson Award in Women’s
Health: Kristin Marie Chapman,
Heather Cates Head
Ralston Center Award for Gerontology
Nursing Excellence: Christina Lyn
Sigma Theta Tau Award: Danielle Nicole
Altares, Anna Marie DiPietro, Janine
Stoddard Everett
Herbert S. Steuer Memorial Prize:
Catherine Gao, Jessica Idiculla, Jameson
Newman, Adam Swick
Hildebrand Award: David Kaltman, Justin
Howard E. Mitchell Scholarship: Morgan
Humphrey, Bekinwari Idoniboye
Ian MacMillan Award for Excellence in
Research and Leadership: Anjay Kumar,
David Siegel, Ava Yi-yan Zhang
Louis Rudolph Accounting Award: Ann
Naren Udayagiri Scholarship Award: Corey
Richard de Raismes Kip Prize in Insurance
and Risk Management: Matthew Berg,
Sarah Schachet
S. Loveman Prize for Excellence in
Entrepreneurial Decision-Making:
Avantika Agrawal
Snider Seed Award: Joe Cohen, Steven
Dong, Charlie Javice
WEP Advisory Board Intern Fellowship:
Diana Kattan, Ann Lee, JY Lee, Sally
The School of Social Policy
& Practice
Dr. Ram Cnaan Award for Meritorious
Clinical DSW Student: Katherine
Dean’s Award for Social Policy Excellence:
CaSandra McLeod
Emerging Leader Award for the NPL
Program: Emily R. Sutcliffe
Richard J. Estes Global Citizenship Award:
Ling Wang
Hal Levin Award for Outstanding Ph.D.
Student: Joanna Bisgaier
Dr. Ruth E. Smalley Award in International
Social Welfare: Tara Anne Matthews
Rosa Wessel Award for Meritorious MSW
Student: Julie Maggioncalda
The Wharton School
Undergraduate Division
Albert A. Berg Award: Tony Wang
Class of 1975 Management Award:
Huanwu Li
Dean’s Award for Excellence: Kristin L.
Hall, Gerardo Javier Meléndez-Torres
Dean’s Award for Service to Wharton:
Mindy Y. Zhang
Dean’s Award for Service to Penn and the
Community: Ayesha Anna Chacko
Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key: Ann Wirry
Elias B. Cohen Scholarship: Jillian Jourdain
Financial Executives International Award:
Jason Haas
Faculty Honors
Lindback Awards
Under terms of a gift from the Christian R.
and Mary F. Lindback Foundation, grants are
announced to the following members of the faculty
as Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Awards
for Distinguished Teaching:
Peter Dodson, Veterinary
Sarah Gordon, Law
Rachel Kelz, Medicine
Stephen Kimmel, Medicine
Jennifer Pinto-Martin, Nursing
Scott Poethig, SAS
Jean-Michel Rabaté, SAS
Greg Urban, SAS
Provost’s Award for Teaching
Excellence by Non-Standing
Benoit Dubè, Medicine
Rebecca Stein, SAS
Provost’s Award for Distinguished
Ph.D. Teaching and Mentoring
Lawrence Brown, Wharton
Paul Guyer, SAS
The Annenberg School for
Kathleen Hall Jamieson: named to
Commission on Humanities and Social
Sciences; 2010 American Publishers
Award for Professional and Scholarly
Marwan M. Kraidy: Guggenheim Fellow
Carolyn Marvin: International
Communication Association Fellows
Book Award
Barbie Zelizer: Tankard Book Award Finalist
The School of Arts and
Faculty Accorded Emeritus Status
Nina J. Auerbach
David P. Balamuth
Anthony R. Cashmore
Donald D. Fitts
Murray Gerstenhaber
Sheldon Hackney
G. Cameron Hurst, III
Jeffrey H. Tigay
Michael W. Zuckerman
Paul Allison, Sociology: Elected as a Fellow of
the American Statistical Association
Richard Beeman, History: 2010 George
Washington Book Prize
Kathleen Brown, History: 2010 Lawrence W.
Levine Award of the Organization of
American Historians
Rita Copeland, Classical Studies: Elected a
Fellow of the Medieval Academy of
Stuart Curran, English: Elected a Fellow of
the American Academy of Arts and
Frank Diebold, Economics: Elected
President of the Society for Financial
Edward Dixon, Germanic Languages and
Literatures: College of Liberal and
Professional Studies Distinguished
Teaching Award for Affiliated Faculty
Tulia Falleti, Political Science: Van Cott
Award and Best Paper Award from the
Political Institutions Section of the Latin
American Studies Association
Martha Farah, Psychology: Elected a Fellow
of the American Academy of Arts and
Renée Fox, Sociology: Honorary degree from
Harvard University
Philip Gressman, Mathematics: Alfred P.
Sloan Foundation Fellow
Paul Guyer, Philosophy: Provost’s Award
for Distinguished Ph.D. Teaching and
Jennifer Heerding, Biological Basis of Behavior:
Dean’s Award for Distinguished
Teaching by Affiliated Faculty
Paul Heiney, Physics and Astronomy: Dean’s
Award for Innovation in Teaching
Peter Holquist, History: Named 2010
Distinguished Editor by the Council of
Editors of Learned Journals
Jerry Jacobs, Sociology: 2011 Merit Award
from the Eastern Sociological Society
Daniel Janzen, Biology: Honorary degree
from the University of Guelph
Alan C. Johnson, Physics and Astronomy:
Dean’s Award for Mentorship of
Undergraduate Research
Charles Kane, Physics and Astronomy: 2010
Europhysics Prize of the European
Physical Society Condensed Matter
Demie Kurz, Women’s Studies: Provost and
the Trustees Council of Penn Women
Award of Recognition
Marsha Lester, Chemistry: Elected a Fellow of
the American Chemical Society
Andrea Liu, Physics and Astronomy: Elected
a Fellow of the American Academy of
Arts and Sciences
Catriona Macleod, Germanic Languages and
Literatures: Ira H. Abrams Memorial
Award for Distinguished Teaching
Stephanie McCurry, History: 2011 Merle
Curti Award and Avery O. Craven
Award from the Organization of
American Historians
Gene Mele, Physics and Astronomy: 2010
Europhysics Prize of the European
Physical Society Condensed Matter
Gary Molander, Chemistry: Elected a Fellow
of the American Chemical Society
Diana Mutz, Political Science: Murray
Edelman Career Achievement Award
from the Political Communication
Section of the American Political
Science Association
Andreea Nicoara, Mathematics: Dean’s
Award for Distinguished Teaching by an
Assistant Professor
Kevin Platt, Slavic Languages and Literatures:
Guggenheim Fellowship
Scott Poethig, Biology: Christian R. and
Mary F. Lindback Foundation Award
for Distinguished Teaching
Christine Poggi, History of Art: Howard R.
Marraro Prize of the Modern Language
Association of America
Jerry Porter, Mathematics: 2011 Certificate
for Meritorious Service for contributions
to the Math Association of America's
Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware
Jean-Michel Rabaté, English: Christian R.
and Mary F. Lindback Foundation
Award for Distinguished Teaching
David Ruderman, History: 2010 National
Jewish Book Award in History
Heather Sharkey, Near Eastern Languages and
Civilizations: College Alumni Society
Charles Ludwig Distinguished Teaching
Rudra Sil, Political Science: College of Liberal
and Professional Studies Distinguished
Teaching Award for Standing Faculty
Larry Silver, History of Art: 2010 Roland
Bainton Award for the Best Book in
Art and Music History by the Sixteenth
Century Studies Conference
Kaja Silverman, History of Art: Andrew
W. Mellon Foundation Distinguished
Achievement Award
Rebecca Stein, Economics: Provost’s Award
for Teaching Excellence by NonStanding Faculty
Robert Strain, Mathematics: Alfred P. Sloan
Foundation Fellow
Thomas Sugrue, History: Named Presidentelect of the Urban History Association
John Trueswell, Psychology: Elected a Fellow
of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science
Gregory Urban, Anthropology: Ira H. Abrams
Memorial Award for Distinguished
Teaching; Christian R. and Mary
F. Lindback Foundation Award for
Distinguished Teaching
Faculty Honors (continued)
The School of Dental
Faculty Accorded Emeritus Status
Howard M. Rosenberg
Sherrill Adams, Biochemistry: Elizabeth
Bingham Mentoring Award from the
Philadelphia chapter of the Association
for Women in Science.
Chun-Hsi Chung, Orthodontics: Director,
American Board of Orthodontics;
President of American Board of
Orthodontics in 2017
Elliot Hersh, Oral Surgery and Pharmacology:
Elected into the University’s John
Morgan Society
Bekir Karabucak, Endodontics: Omicron
Kappa Upsilon Faculty Award
Margrit Maggio, Preventive and Restorative
Sciences: Outstanding Faculty Support,
Penn Student National Dental
Andres Pinto, Oral Medicine: Named Chair
of the Scientific Committee of the
American Academy of Oral Medicine;
Named to the editorial board of the
Oral Medicine section of Oral Surgery,
Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology,
Oral Radiology and Endodontology
Thomas Sollecito, Oral Medicine-Clinician
Educator: President, American Academy
of Oral Medicine Board of Trustees;
Alumni Award of Merit, University
of Pennsylvania School of Dental
Robert Vanarsdall, Orthodontics: Middle
Atlantic Society of Orthodontics
(MASO) Representative to the
American Association of Orthodontics
(AAO) Council of Scientific Affairs;
E.H. Angle Society of Orthodontics
Distinguished Service Award
The School of Design
Laureen Boles, City Planning: American
Legion Martin Luther King Community
Service Award
James Corner, Landscape Architecture: 2010
Cooper Hewitt National Design Award
in Landscape Architecture
David E. Leatherbarrow, Architecture: Award
for Distinguished Teaching in the
Undergraduate Programs in the School
of Design
John Milner, Historic Preservation: AIA
Pennsylvania Medal of Distinction
2010; Albert Simons Medal of
Excellence, College of Charleston, SC;
F. Otto Haas Award
Witold Rybczynski, Architecture: Pennsylvania
American Institute of Architects
President’s Award for 2011
Jenny E. Sabin, Architecture: G. Holmes
Perkins Award for Distinguished
Teaching by a Member of the
Associated Faculty
Dana Tomlin, City Planning & Landscape
Architecture: URISA 2010 GIS Hall of
Fame inductee
Franca Trubiano, Architecture: Secretary/
Treasurer of Building Technology
Educators Society
Domenic Vitiello, City Planning: G. Holmes
Perkins Award for Distinguished
Mindy Watts, City Planning: American
Planning Association 2010 National
Planning Excellence Award for Public
Marion Weiss, Architecture: Tau Sigma Delta
Gold Medal Winner
Robert Yaro, City Planning: American
Planning Association New York Chapter
Lawrence Orton Award
The Graduate School of
Xinyin Chen: Shanghai Institutions of
Higher Learning Eastern Scholar
James H. Lytle: GSE Excellence in
Teaching Award
Susan Lytle: AACTE David G. Imig Award
for Distinguished Achievement in
Teacher Education
Laura Perna: Elected Vice President, AERA
Division J
The School of Engineering
and Applied Science
Faculty Accorded Emeritus Status
Vukan R. Vuchic
Rajeev Alur, Computer and Information Science:
2010 Logic in Computer Science Testof-Time Award
Paulo Arratia, Mechanical Engineering and
Applied Mechanics: National Science
Foundation CAREER Award
Ritesh Agarwal, Materials Science Engineering:
National Institutes of Health 2010 New
Innovator Award
Joseph Bordogna, Electrical and Systems
Engineering: inducted into the Delaware
Valley Engineering Hall of Fame
Gershon Buchsbaum, Bioengineering: 2011
Ford Motor Company Award for
Outstanding Faculty Advising
Jason Burdick, Bioengineering: Edward C.
Nagy New Investigator Award from
the National Institute of Biomedical
Imaging and Bioengineering
Christopher Chen, Bioengineering: George H.
Heilmeier Faculty Award for Excellence
in Research
Nader Engheta, Electrical and Systems
Engineering: elected Fellow of the
International Society for Optical
Dan Gianola, Materials Science Engineering:
National Science Foundation CAREER
Andreas Haeberlen, Computer and Information
Science: National Science Foundation
Matthew Lazzara, Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering: S. Reid Warren, Jr. Award
for Distinguished Teaching
Daeyeon Lee, Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering: National Science Foundation
George Pappas, Electrical and Systems
Engineering: 2010 Antonio Ruberti
Young Researcher Prize from the IEEE
Control Systems Society
Alejandro Ribeiro, Electrical and Systems
Engineering: National Science Foundation
Michael Rizk, Bioengineering: 2011 Dean’s
Award for Excellence in Teaching
Casim Sarkar, Electrical and Systems
Engineering: National Science Foundation
Ben Taskar, Computer and Information Science:
named a 2010 Young Investigator by the
Office of Naval Research
The Law School
David A. Skeel, Jr.: Robert A. Gorman
Award for Excellence in Teaching
Matthew D. Adler: A. Leo Levin Award for
Excellence in an Introductory Course
Louis Pollak: Adjunct Teaching Award
C. Edwin Baker (posthumously): Harvey
Levin Memorial Award for Teaching
The School of Medicine
Faculty Accorded Emeritus Status
Donald E. Campbell
Stuart L. Fine
William W. Fox
Francisco Gonzalez-Scarano
David R. Jobes
Paige B. Kaplan
Haig H. Kazazian
Reuben E. Kron
William B. Long
Kwaku Ohene-Frempong
Stanley S. Schwartz
Jane M. Vanderkooi
Craig Alter, Pediatrics: Dean’s Award for
Excellence in Clinical Teaching at an
affiliated hospital
Marisa S. Bartolomei, Cell & Developmental
Biology: Jane M. Glick Graduate Student
Teaching Award
Faculty Honors (continued)
Virginia W. Chang, Medicine: Marjorie A.
Bowman New Investigator Research
Benoit Dubè, Psychiatry: Provost’s Award
Ronald M. Fairman, Surgery: Luigi
Mastroianni, Jr., Clinical Innovator
Harold I. Feldman, Medicine: Arthur Asbury
Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award
David Gasser, Genetics: Special Dean’s Award
Eric Goren, Medicine: MSG Clinical
Teaching Award
Jeffrey S. Gerdes, Pediatrics: Alfred Stengel
Health System Champion Award
Roger A. Greenberg, Cancer Biology: Michael
S. Brown New Investigator Research
John Hirshfeld Jr., Genetics: Special Dean’s
Ann L. Honebrink, Obstetrics & Gynecology:
Sylvan Eisman Outstanding Primary
Care Physician Award
Rachel Kelz, Surgery: Christian R. and Mary
F. Lindback Award for Distinguished
Sami Khella, Neurology: Dean’s Award for
Excellence in Clinical Teaching at an
affiliated hospital
Stephen Kimmel, Medicine: Christian R.
and Mary F. Lindback Award for
Distinguished Teaching
Sara Kinsman, Adolescent Medicine: Penn
Sidney M. Kobrin, Medicine: I.S. Ravdin
Master Clinician Award
John M. Maris, Pediatrics: William Osler
Patient-Oriented Research Award
Wallace Miller Jr., Radiology: Robert
Dunning Dripps Memorial Award
for Excellence in Graduate Medical
Wallace Miller Jr., Radiology: Penn Pearls
Amy Pruitt, Neurology: Penn Pearls
Ernest Rosato, Surgery: Penn Pearls
Richard Rutstein, Pediatrics: Blockley-Osler
Kathryn Schmitz, Biostatistics & Epidemiology:
Dean’s Award for Excellence in Basic
Science Teaching
Courtney Schreiber, Obstetrics & Gynecology:
Penn Pearls
Steven Siegel, Psychiatry: Leonard Berwick
Memorial Teaching Award
Alissa Silverman, Psychiatry: Dean’s
Award for Excellence in Medical
Student Teaching by an Allied Health
H. Lee Sweeney, Physiology: Stanley N.
Cohen Biomedical Research Award
David T. Teachey, Pediatrics: Lady Barbara
Colyton Autoimmune Research Award
Scott O. Trerotola, Radiology: Louis Duhring
Outstanding Clinical Specialist Award
Kevin G. Volpp, Medicine: Samuel Martin
Health Evaluation Sciences Research
James White, Cell & Developmental Biology:
MSG Basic Science Teaching Award
George Woody, Psychiatry: Scott Mackler
Award for Excellence in Substance
Abuse Teaching
The School of Nursing
Faculty Accorded Emeritus Status
Jane H. Barnsteiner
Linda H. Aiken: Inaugural International
Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame, Sigma
Theta Tau International Honor Society
of Nursing; HRH Princess Muna
Al-Hussein Award, American Nurses
Credentialing Center
Kathleen M. Brown: Book of the Year
Award, American Journal of Nursing
Ann Wolbert Burgess: Inaugural
International Nurse Researcher Hall of
Fame, Sigma Theta Tau International
Honor Society of Nursing
Cindy Connolly: Fellow, American Academy
of Nursing; Legacy Award, Penn
Nursing Alumni Association
Patricia D’Antonio: Book of the Year
Award, American Journal of Nursing;
M. Adelaide Nutting Award, American
Association for the History of Nursing;
Fellow, College of Physicians of
Christina DiMichele: Cabinet Member,
Pennsylvania State Nurses Association
Cabinet for Nursing Practice and
Professional Development
Mary Ersek: Fellow, Palliative Care
Nursing-Hospice and Palliative
Nurses Association; Dean’s Award for
Exemplary Teaching
Lois K. Evans: Inaugural International
Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame,
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor
Society of Nursing; Claire M. Fagin
Distinguished Researcher Award
Claire M. Fagin: Hall of Fame, American
Nurses Association; Honorary Doctorate
of Humane Letters, University of
Syracuse; Honorary Doctorate of Fine
Arts, New York University
Julie A. Fairman: M. Adelaide Nutting
Award, American Association of the
History of Nursing; Fellow, College of
Physicians of Philadelphia
Maureen George: Fellow, American
Academy of Nursing; Outstanding
Member Award, Association of
Asthma Educators; Dean’s Award for
Undergraduate Scholarly Mentorship
Ellen Giarelli: President-Elect, International
Society of Nurses in Genetics
Wendy Grube: Award for Teaching
Excellence, Department of Family and
Community Health
Alexandra Hanlon: Vice President,
American Statistical Association,
Philadelphia Chapter
Nancy P. Hanrahan: Fellow, American
Academy of Nursing
Patricia Hentz: Academic Practice Award,
Department of Family and Community
Loretta Sweet Jemmott: Inaugural
International Nurse Researcher Hall of
Fame, Sigma Theta Tau International
Honor Society of Nursing
Laura Klenke-Borgmann: Award for
Teaching Excellence by Non-Standing
Eileen Lake: Distinguished Alumni Award,
Duke University School of Nursing
Norma Lang: President’s Award, American
Nurses Association; Living Legend
Award, American Academy of Nursing
Terri H. Lipman: Spirit of Nursing Award,
University of Massachusetts School of
Nursing; Barbara J. Lowery Faculty
Award, Doctoral Student Organization
Maria Magro: Palmer Carrier Doctoral
Scholarship Award, American
Association of Nurse Anesthetists;
Program Director of the Year Award,
Pennsylvania Association of Nurse
Matthew D. McHugh: Joan Lynaugh
Faculty Mentorship Award, Department
of Family and Community Health
Salimah H. Meghani: Distinguished Alumni
Award, Aga Khan University
Afaf I. Meleis: Hall of Fame, University of
California-Los Angeles
Mary D. Naylor: Inaugural International
Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame, Sigma
Theta Tau International Honor Society
of Nursing; Policy Luminary Award,
American Association of Colleges of
Nursing; Commissioner, Medicare
Payment Advisory Commission
Kelly Wiltse Nicely: President, Pennsylvania
Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Ann L. O’Sullivan: Meritorious Service
Award, National Council of State
Boards of Nursing
Jennifer A. Pinto-Martin: Christian R.
and Mary F. Lindback Award for
Distinguished Teaching
Kathy Culpepper Richards: Distinguished
Alumni Award, University of Texas at
Patricia Rogers: Undergraduate Award for
Teaching, Student Nurses Association
at Penn
Julie Sochalski: Director of Nursing, Health
Resources and Service Administration,
Bureau of Health Professions
Faculty Honors (continued)
Marilyn Sawyer Sommers: Writing Award
for Excellence in Research, Journal of
Forensic Nursing
Diane L. Spatz: Leader of Leaders Award,
National Student Nurses Association;
Expert Alumni Award, Penn Nursing
Alumni Association
Marilyn Stringer: Fellow, American
Academy of Nursing
Neville Strumpf: Inaugural International
Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame, Sigma
Theta Tau International Honor Society
of Nursing; Distinguished Researcher
Award, Hospice and Palliative Care
Nurses Association
Eileen Sullivan-Marx: Fellow, Health
and Aging Policy Fellows Program;
Advocacy-Legislative Award,
Pennsylvania State Nurses Association;
Dean’s Award for Exemplary
Professional Practice
Anne M. Teitelman: Fellow, American
Academy of Nurse Practitioners;
Distinguished Alumni Award, Yale
University School of Nursing; Dean’s
Award for MS/MSN Scholarly
Nancy C. Tkacs: Outstanding Nurse
Educator Award, Graduate Student
June Treston: Faculty Service Award,
Department of Family and Community
Barbra Mann Wall: Fellow, American
Academy of Nursing
Jean Whelan: Cabinet Member,
Pennsylvania State Nurses Association
Cabinet for Nursing Practice and
Professional Development
The School of Social Policy
& Practice
Faculty Accorded Emeritus Status
Carol Wilson Spigner
Joseph McBride (posthumously): School of
Social Policy & Practice Excellence in
Teaching Award, Part-time Faculty
Damon Freeman: School of Social Policy &
Practice Excellence in Teaching Award,
Standing Faculty
The School of Veterinary
Faculty Accorded Emeritus Status
Jorge F. Ferrer
Charles D. Newton
Peter Dodson, Animal Biology: Christian
R. and Mary F. Lindback Award for
Distinguished Teaching
Julie Engiles, Pathobiology: Class of 2013
Teaching Award
Amy Johnson, Clinical Studies – New Bolton
Center: Class of 2011 Teaching Award
Lesley King, Clinical Studies – Philadelphia:
Class of 2011 Teaching Award
Peter Nassar, Animal Biology: Class of 2014
Teaching Award
Rose Nolen-Walston, Clinical Studies – New
Bolton Center: Class of 2012 Teaching
Raymond W. Sweeney: Clinical Studies –
New Bolton Center: Pfizer Distinguished
Veterinary Teacher Award
Jeffrey Wilson, Clinical Studies – Philadelphia:
Class of 2012 Teaching Award
The Wharton School
Faculty Accorded Emeritus Status
Elizabeth E. Bailey
Marshall E. Blume
Yu-Sheng Zheng
Franklin Allen, Finance: MBA, Excellence
in Teaching: Core Curriculum, Spring
Martin Asher, Finance: William G. Whitney
Award for Distinguished Teaching in the
Affiliated Faculty, 2010
Sigal Barsade, Management: MBA,
Teaching Commitment and Curricular
Innovation, 2010; MBA, Excellence in
Teaching: Core Curriculum, Spring
Janice R. Bellace, Legal Studies and Business
Ethics: President, International Labour
and Employment Relations Association.
Ed Bergman, Legal Studies and Business
Ethics: William G. Whitney Award for
Distinguished Teaching in the Affiliated
Faculty, 2011
Jennifer Blouin, Accounting: MBA, Teaching
Commitment and Curricular
Innovation, 2010
Steven Blum, Legal Studies and Business
Ethics: William G. Whitney Award for
Distinguished Teaching in the Affiliated
Faculty, 2011
Robert Borghese, Legal Studies and Business
Ethics: MBA, Excellence in Teaching:
Elective Curriculum, Spring 2010
Eric Bradlow, Marketing: Named Top-5
Business School Professor, Financial
Times (2010)
Andrew Brandt, Legal Studies and Business
Ethics: William G. Whitney Award for
Distinguished Teaching in the Affiliated
Faculty, 2010
Lawrence D. Brown, Statistics: Provost’s
Award for Distinguished Ph.D. Teaching
and Mentoring, 2011
Brian Bushee, Accounting: MBA, Excellence
in Teaching: Elective Curriculum,
Spring 2010
Saikat Chaudhuri, Management: Wharton
Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching
Award in the Standing Faculty, 2011
Pirthwiraj Choudhury, Management: Haynes
Prize, Academy of International
Business, 2010
Nicholas Constan, Legal Studies and Business
Ethics: William G. Whitney Award for
Distinguished Teaching in the Affiliated
Faculty, 2010
Domenico Cuoco, Finance: MBA, Excellence
in Teaching: Elective Curriculum,
Spring 2010
Stuart Diamond, Legal Studies and Business
Ethics: MBA, Excellence in Teaching:
Elective Curriculum, Spring 2010
Thomas Donaldson, Legal Studies and Business
Ethics: Marc and Sheri Rapaport
Undergraduate Core Teaching Award,
Alex Edmans, Finance: “Goes Above and
Beyond the Call of Duty”, MBA
Teaching Award, Fall 2010
Jehoshua Eliashberg, Marketing: Elected
Fellow, INFORMS Society for
Marketing Science, 2010; Elected Fellow,
Institute for Operations Research and
the Management Sciences, 2010
Peter Fader, Marketing: Wharton
Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching
Award in the Standing Faculty, 2011
Adam Grant, Management: Wharton
Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching
Award in the Standing Faculty, 2010;
MBA, Excellence in Teaching: Elective
Curriculum, Spring 2010; “Goes Above
and Beyond the Call of Duty”, MBA
Teaching Award, Fall 2010; Wharton
Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching
Award in the Standing Faculty, 2011;
APA Distinguished Scientific Award for
Early Career Contribution to Applied
Psychology, 2011; SIOP Distinguished
Early Career Contributions Award –
Science, 2011
Anne Greenhalgh, Management: William
G. Whitney Award for Distinguished
Teaching in the Affiliated Faculty, 2010
Mauro Guillen, Management: MBA,
Teaching Commitment and Curricular
Innovation, 2010
Joseph Gyourko, Real Estate: MBA,
Excellence in Teaching: Elective
Curriculum, Spring 2010
Luzi Hail, Accounting: American Accounting
Association Award for Notable
Contributions to Accounting Literature,
William Hamilton, Management: Wharton
Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching
Award in the Standing Faculty, 2010
John Hershey, Operations and Information
Management: Wharton Undergraduate
Excellence in Teaching Award in the
Standing Faculty, 2010
Faculty Honors (continued)
Lawrence G. Hrebiniak, Management: Named
to “Who’s Who in Finance & Industry”
Beta Gamma Sigma, Red Key,
Sphinxhead, 1988-2010
Nien-Hê Hsieh, Legal Studies and Business
Ethics: Wharton Undergraduate
Excellence in Teaching Award in the
Standing Faculty, 2011
Robert Inman, Finance: Wharton
Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching
Award in the Standing Faculty, 2010
Christopher Ittner, Accounting: MBA,
Excellence in Teaching: Core
Curriculum, Spring 2010
Howard Kaufold, Finance: “Goes Above
and Beyond the Call of Duty”, MBA
Teaching Award, Spring 2010
Michael Kelsen, Legal Studies and Business
Ethics: MBA, Excellence in Teaching:
Elective Curriculum, Spring 2010
Stephen J. Kobrin, Management: Booz&Co/
Strategy+Business Eminent Scholar
in International Management Award,
Academy of Management, 2010
Peggy Bishop Lane, Accounting: “Tough,
but We’ll Thank You in Five Years”,
MBA Teaching Award, Fall 2010;
MBA, Excellence in Teaching: Core
Curriculum, Spring 2010
William Laufer, Legal Studies and Business
Ethics: Wharton Undergraduate
Excellence in Teaching Award in the
Standing Faculty, 2010; National WhiteCollar Crime Research Consortium,
Outstanding Book Award, 2009
Jean Lemaire, Insurance and Risk Management:
Wharton Undergraduate Excellence in
Teaching Award in the Standing Faculty,
Dan Levinthal, Management: Elected, Fellow
of the Academy of Management;
Honorary degree from the University of
Southern Denmark
Leonard Lodish, Marketing: Kenyon College,
The Alumni Council Humanitarian
Service Award
Mark G. Low, Statistics: Wharton
Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching
Award in the Standing Faculty, 2011
Craig MacKinlay, Finance: Wharton
Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching
Award in the Standing Faculty, 2011
Jerrilyn Greene Marston, Legal Studies and
Business Ethics: William G. Whitney
Award for Distinguished Teaching in the
Affiliated Faculty, 2010
Olivia Mitchell, Insurance and Risk
Management: Award for Achievement
in Applied Retirement Research,
Retirement Income Industry
Association, 2010; Top 50 Women in
Wealth Award, Wealth Management
Association, 2010
Cassie Mogilner, Marketing: Wharton
Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching
Award in the Standing Faculty, 2011
Felipe Monteiro, Management: “Goes Above
and Beyond the Call of Duty”, MBA
Teaching Award, Spring 2010; Wharton
Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching
Award in the Standing Faculty, 2011
Meredith Myers, Management: William
G. Whitney Award for Distinguished
Teaching in the Affiliated Faculty, 2011
Keith Niedermeier, Marketing: American
Marketing Association, Hugh G. Wales
Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award,
Mary O’Sullivan, Management: MBA,
Excellence in Teaching: Core
Curriculum, Spring 2010; “Tough, but
We’ll Thank You in Five Years”, MBA
Teaching Award, Spring 2010; “Goes
Above and Beyond the Call of Duty”,
MBA Teaching Award, Spring 2010
Alexander Rakhlin, Statistics: NSF CAREER
Award, 2010
Americus Reed, Marketing: Journal of
Consumer Research, awarded in 2009
for the best paper that was published in
Dave Reibstein, Marketing: Vice President/
Finance Secretary, American Marketing
Diana Robertson, Legal Studies and Business
Ethics: MBA, Excellence in Teaching:
Elective Curriculum, Spring 2010
Nancy Rothbard, Management: MBA,
Teaching Commitment and Curricular
Innovation, 2010
Ronald Sarachan, Legal Studies and Business
Ethics: William G. Whitney Award for
Distinguished Teaching in the Affiliated
Faculty, 2011
Galit Sarfaty, Legal Studies and Business Ethics:
American Society of International Law,
Francis Deak Prize, 2010
Sergei Savin, Operations and Information
Management: MBA Class of 1984 Award,
2010; MBA, Excellence in Teaching:
Core Curriculum, Spring 2010; “Goes
Above and Beyond the Call of Duty”,
MBA Teaching Award, Fall 2010
Rom Schrift, Marketing: Best Competitive
Paper Award, Society for Consumer
Psychology, 2010
Kenneth Shropshire, Legal Studies and
Business Ethics: Wharton Undergraduate
Excellence in Teaching Award in the
Standing Faculty, 2010; Wharton
Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching
Award in the Standing Faculty, 2011
Nicolaj Siggelkow, Management: Helen
Kardon Moss Anvil Award, 2010;
MBA, Excellence in Teaching: Elective
Curriculum, Spring 2010
Uri Simonsohn, Operations and Information
Management: Wharton Undergraduate
Excellence in Teaching Award in the
Standing Faculty, 2010
Harbir Singh, Management: IIT Delhi
Distinguished Alumni Award, 2010
Nicholas S. Souleles, Finance: Marc and
Sheri Rapaport Undergraduate Core
Teaching Award, 2011
Robert Stambaugh, Finance: Named a
Fellow of the Financial Management
Michael Steele, Statistics: Wharton
Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching
Award in the Standing Faculty, 2010
Betsey Stevenson, Business and Public Policy:
John T. Dunlop Outstanding Scholar
Award, 2010
Robert Stine, Statistics: MBA, Excellence
in Teaching: Core Curriculum, Spring
2010; “Tough, but We’ll Thank You in
Five Years”, MBA Teaching Award, Fall
Mori Taheripour, Legal Studies and Business
Ethics: William G. Whitney Award for
Distinguished Teaching in the Affiliated
Faculty, 2011
Christian Terwiesch, Operations and
Information Management: MBA, Excellence
in Teaching: Core Curriculum, Spring
2010; “Tough, but We’ll Thank You
in Five Years”, MBA Teaching Award,
Spring 2010; “Goes Above and Beyond
the Call of Duty”, MBA Teaching
Award, Spring 2010
Karl Ulrich, Operations and Information
Management: Wharton Undergraduate
Excellence in Teaching Award in
the Standing Faculty, 2010; MBA,
Teaching Commitment and Curricular
Innovation, 2010
Richard Waterman, Statistics: MBA,
Excellence in Teaching: Core
Curriculum, Spring 2010; “Tough, but
We’ll Thank You in Five Years”, MBA
Teaching Award, Fall 2010
Kevin Werbach, Management: Berlin Prize in
David Wessels, Finance: MBA, Excellence in
Teaching: Elective Curriculum, Spring
Patricia Williams, Marketing: Wharton
Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching
Award in the Standing Faculty, 2010
Justin Wolfers, Business and Public Policy:
MBA, Excellence in Teaching: Core
Curriculum, Spring 2010; “Tough, but
We’ll Thank You in Five Years”, MBA
Teaching Award, Spring 2010
Alumni Representatives
The Class of 1961
The Class of 1986
Norma “Pedie” Killebrew
David D. Blatte
Susan Dreier Wishnow
Gift Chairs:
Bruce Cummings
Steven A. Heller
Reunion Committee Chairs:
Binnie Schuman Donald
Peter Eustis
John F. Gamba
Norma “Pedie” Killebrew
David G. Marshall
Richard S. Silverman
Reunion Committee Chairs:
Dina Orlove Fink
Susan Dreier Wishnow
Gift Chairs:
David C. Blatte
Andrew Craig Hart
Howard A. Lipson
Andrea Pomerantz Lustig
Mark A. Spilker
Alumni Class Leadership Council
Steven L. Roth
Association of Alumnae
Susanne K. Czarnecki
Association of Latino Alumni
Jasmine Pérez
Association of Native Alumni
Anna Martin Dapice
Black Alumni Society
Christopher B. Sample
Global Alumni Network
Benjamin H. Craine
James Brister Society
Haywood L. Perry III
Penn Diversity Alliance
Martin Camacho
PennGALA (LGBT Alumni Association)
Dennie B. Zastrow
Trustees’ Council of Penn Women
Marjorie Weiss Patkin
University of Pennsylvania Asian
Alumni Network
Marianne Mondt
Alumni Representatives
Old Guard
Bernard Lemonick
Jay Furman
Morton W. Levi
Anna Robbins Hageman
Harry S. Gross
Jerome M. Zaslow
1946Robert Finkelstein,
in memory of
Seymour Finkelstein, W’46
Roslyn Silverman Hahn
Philip M. Shiekman
Alice Way Waddington
George K. Wills
Harry Carl Schaub
Peter Sigmund
Mae Agnes Pasquariello
Caroline A. Pasquariello
Martin Bloom
Sidney E. Gable
Norm Schonfeld
John C. T. Alexander
Charles M. Meredith III
Beverly Korman Popowich
Deborah Popowich Korus
Richard J. Censits
Carl Cyril Hoyler
Harriet Luskin Hornick
Roger J. Winston
Norma “Pedie” Killebrew
Bonnie Stein Squires
Jon A. Stiklorius
A. Parker Sharron
Vicki Douglass Bendit
Paul L. Herring
Howard Coonley II
Alice Murdoch Dagit
Barbara Russo Bravo
Jean Moss Clemons
Francis P. Devine
Stephen D. Kramer
Ellen Marder Pries
Jeffrey D. Sommers
Calvin Bland
Jayson N. Schwartz
Susanna E. Lachs
Gregory S. Suss
George E. Doty, Jr.
Lee Spelman Doty
Eric M. Benshetler
Anamarija Rubinic Lakata
Robert F. Lakata
Adrienne A. Price
Ford J. Levy
Susan Silberman Liebeskind
Allan C. Bell
Dale Borenstein Bell
Sally Lyn Katz
Flora D. Stewart
Corinne Graham Keller
David C. Blatte
Susan Dreier Wishnow
Barry A. Bear
Neil Charles Bernstein
Mark G. Weiner
Lolita K. Jackson
Carol* Rachel Shore
Orville Russel Walls III
Bradley N. Richards
Kiera Reilly
Todd P. Huseby
Nicole C. Maloy
Deidra Green Hill
Joshua “Reuben” Wetherbee
Adam J. Plotkin
Stacy E. Bookman
Karen S. Chance
Brett E. Weinheimer
Raymond G. Valerio
Paula Budnick
Joshua D. Klein
William D. Moore III
Courtney M. Malloy
Lauren G. Hedvat
Pierre Gooding
Andrew T. Kaplan
Puneet Singh
Brett A. Perlmutter
Arthur Gardner Smith
Commencement Marshals
Bill Alexander
Janet Ansert
Elizabeth Balcom
Seth Baldwin
Kevin Barry
Pamela Beaty
Suzanne Bellan
Valerie Benson
Melvin Benson
Karen Bergbauer
Elise Betz
John Blankemeyer
Sallyann Bowman
John Bradley
Brenda Brand
Lisa Bristow
Charles Bronk
Lynn Carroll
Jessica Carswell
Chris Cataldo
Karen Chance
Kim Clark
Kelly Cleary
Doris Cochran-Fikes
Erin Cross
Susan Curran
Judith Currano
Mary Jo Daley
Mary Lou Day
Sydney de Lapeyrouse
Ralph De Lucia
Dawn Maglicco Deitch
John C. DeLong
John T. Delong
Sue Kauffman DePuyt
Dennis Disbrow
Mary Jo Driscoll
Janet Dwyer
Beverly Emonds
Amy Everwine Bru
Jean Findlay
Katie Freedman
Ty Furman
Jane Gallen
Joseph Gasiewski
Matt Geraghty
David Glancey
Kelly Graf
Jamie Grant
Erika Gross
David Grossman
Sonya Gwak
Karen Hamilton
Steve Hamilton
Katie Hanlon
Joanne Hanna
Harold J. Haskins
Loretta Hauber
Margaret Heer
Robert E. Helfman
George Hettenbach
Cora M. Ingrum
Meg Insall
Revathy Iyer
Sherry Jamison
Alice Kelley
Hasina Khanom
Elizabeth Kimmelman
Max King
Jean-Marie Kneeley
Mary Kononenko
Walter Kononenko
Peggy Kowalski
Karu Kozuma
Minjoo Kweon
Aimee LaBrie
Mary Ann Lafferty-Dellavalle
Edwin M. Ledwell
Jack Lewis
Mark Frazier Lloyd
Brenda Loewen
Irene Lukoff
Delores Magobet
Troy Majnerick
Nicole Maloy
Nate Mandel
Anthony Martino
Dana Matkevich
Mary Mazzola
Jeanine McAdams
Nancy McCue
Alison McGhie
Andrew R. McGhie
Judith McKee
Lisa V. Mengucci
Adam Michaels
Trina Middleton
Bart Miltenberger
Tonya Mitchell
Lynn Moller
Yve-Car Momperousse
Whitney Morton
Joanne Murray
Christian Myers
Elizabeth O’Brien
Maryann O’Leary
Gail Oberton
James Palka
Cara Palladino
Maria Perkins
Burton Ploener
Leigh Ann Preston
Raisha Price
Tak Puang
Cecilia Ramirez
Anne Reedstrom
Scott H. Reikofski
Kiera Reilly
Scott Reynolds
Rodney Robinson
Allison Rose
Patricia Rose
Colleen Becht Rotindo
Lynn M. Rotoli
Alexis Ruby Howe
Casey Ryan
Terry Sacksith
Mitchell Saifer
Isabel Sampson-Mapp
Donna M. Samuel
Sue Ledwell Saragnese
Linda Satchell
Gregory Schmidt
Bob Schoenberg
Evelyn Schwartz
Susan Shapiro
Adam Sherr
Julie Shuttleworth
Emily Siegel
Chantel Smith
Lynne Sniffen
Tony Sorrentino
Jules Spaeth
Alan Speed
Ann-Marie Staples
Ashley Steger
Kenneth Stewart
Glenn Stieffenhofer
Elizabeth Neaves Straw
Jason Strohl
Marty Sullivan
Joseph Sun
Natalia Taggert
Gregory Tausz
Valerie Taylor
Tamika Thomas-Jackson
Nicole Tillman
Rob Tisot
Lisa Vaccarelli
Duncan W. Van Dusen
Julia Vick
Susan Villari
Barbara Wagner
James Walton
Hoopes Wampler
Helene Weinberg
Jennifer Wetzel
Linda A. Wiedmann
Lisbeth Willis
Kim Wing
Tamara Zurakowski
The student ushers are members
of the Kite and Key Society, the
undergraduate service organization
founded in 1924. Their participation
is coordinated by Elizabeth
Trustees of the University
Scott L. Bok, Esq., C’81, W’81, L’84
Mrs. Judith Bollinger, WG’81
Mr. David Brush, C’82
Gilbert F. Casellas, Esq., L’77
Mrs. Susan W. Catherwood
William W.M. Cheung, DMD, D’81, GD’82
Dr. Raymond K.F. Ch’ien, Gr’78
Mr. L. John Clark, W’63, WG’68
David L. Cohen, Esq., L’81, Chair
Hon. Tom Corbett, ex officio
Pamela Daley, Esq., L’79
Susan F. Danilow, Esq., CW’74, G’74
Mrs. Lee Spelman Doty, W’76
Mr. William P. Egan II, WG’69
Mr. David Ertel, W’87, WG’88
Mr. Jay S. Fishman, W’74, WG’74
Mrs. Sarah Fuller, CW’71
Mr. Robert A. Gleason, Jr., W’61
Perry Golkin, Esq., W’74, WG’74, L’78
Mr. Joel M. Greenblatt, W’79, WG’80
Mr. James H. Greene, Jr., W’72
Mr. Vahan H. Gureghian
Dr. Amy Gutmann, ex officio
Dr. Janet F. Haas
Mr. Andrew R. Heyer, W’79, WG’79
Mr. Robert S. Kapito, W’79
Mr. Michael J. Kowalski, W’74
Mrs. Andrea Berry Laporte, Nu’69
Mr. William P. Lauder, W’83
Mr. Charles B. Leitner III, C’81
Paul S. Levy, Esq., L’72
Mr. Robert M. Levy, WG’74
M. Claire Lomax, Esq., C’84
Mr. Howard S. Marks, W’67
Dr. Deborah Marrow, CW’70, Gr’78
Mr. Edward J. Mathias, C’64
Mr. Marc F. McMorris, C’90, WG’94
Ms. Andrea Mitchell, CW’67
Mr. Marshall H. Mitchell
Mr. Daniel S. Och, W’82
Mr. Simon D. Palley, WG’83
Mr. Ronald O. Perelman, W’64, WG’66
Mr. Egbert L. J. Perry, CE’76, WG’78, GCE’79
Mr. Richard C. Perry, W’77
Mrs. Julie Beren Platt, C’79
Mr. Andrew S. Rachleff, W’80
Mr. James S. Riepe, W’65, WG’67
Mrs. Katherine Stein Sachs, CW’69
Dr. Marie A. Savard, Nu’72, M’76
Mr. John P. Shoemaker, C’87
Mr. David M. Silfen, C’66, Vice Chair
Dr. Krishna P. Singh, GME’69, Gr’72
Dr. Susan C. Taylor, C’79
Ms. Carol Elizabeth Ware, NU’73
Mr. George A. Weiss, W’65, Vice Chair
Mr. Mark O. Winkelman, WG’73
Mrs. Ehsan El-Tahry Zayan, CW’73
Mrs. Madlyn K. Abramson, Ed’57, GEd’60
Hon. Arlin M. Adams, L’47, Hon’98
Robert S. Blank, Esq., L’65
Richard P. Brown, Jr., Esq., L’48
Dr. Gloria Twine Chisum, Gr’60, Hon’94
Mr. Jerome Fisher, W’53
Mr. Robert A. Fox, C’52
Mr. Stephen J. Heyman, W’59
Mr. Jon M. Huntsman, W’59, Hon’96
Mr. Paul K. Kelly, C’62, WG’64
Mr. James J. Kim, W’59, G’61, Gr’63
Mr. Leonard A. Lauder, W’54
Mr. Robert P. Levy, C’52
Mr. William L. Mack, W’61
Mr. A. Bruce Mainwaring, C’47
Mr. Paul F. Miller, Jr., W’50, Hon’81
Mr. John B. Neff, Hon’84
Mr. Russell E. Palmer, Hon’84
Mrs. Adele K. Schaeffer, CW’55
Mr. Alvin V. Shoemaker, W’60, Hon’95
Mr. Saul P. Steinberg, W’59
Myles H. Tanenbaum, Esq., W’52, L’57
Dr. P. Roy Vagelos, C’50, Hon’99
Mr. Raymond H. Welsh, W’53
Dr. Charles K. Williams II, Gr’78, Hon’97
Mr. Paul Williams, W’67
Mr. Walter G. Arader, W’42
Mr. Charles D. Dickey, Jr., Hon’88
Mr. G. Morris Dorrance, Jr., C’49, WG’51
John G. Harkins, Jr., Esq., C’53, L’58
Mrs. Margaret R. Mainwaring, Ed’47, Hon’85
Mrs. Jacqueline G. Wexler, Hon’79
As of May, 2011
Statutory Officers of the University
Dr. Amy Gutmann
Dr. Vincent Price
Executive Vice President of the University of Pennsylvania for the Health System and Dean, School of Medicine
Dr. Arthur H. Rubenstein
Executive Vice President
Mr. Craig R. Carnaroli
Senior Vice President and General Counsel of the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Pennsylvania Health System
Wendy S. White, Esq.
Vice President for Budget and Management Analysis
Ms. Bonnie Gibson
Vice President for Business Services
Ms. Marie D. Witt
Vice President and Chief of Staff
Mr. Gregory S. Rost
Vice President for Communications, Interim
Ms. Phyllis Holtzman
Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations
Mr. John H. Zeller
Vice President for Facilities and Real Estate Services
Ms. Anne Papageorge
Vice President for Government and Community Affairs
Mr. Jeffrey Cooper
Vice President for Finance and Treasurer
Mr. Stephen D. Golding
Vice President for Human Resources
Dr. John J. Heuer
Vice President for Information Systems and Computing
Ms. Robin H. Beck
Vice President for Institutional Affairs
Ms. Joann Mitchell
Vice President for Public Safety
Ms. Maureen Rush
Secretary of the University
Ms. Leslie Laird Kruhly
Mr. John Horn
School Ceremonies
Graduates will participate in school ceremonies immediately following Commencement or as noted. Family and friends are welcome.
The Annenberg School for Communication
The School of Nursing
Bachelor of Arts Ceremony on May 15
M.A. and Ph.DMonday, May 16, 1:30 p.m.,
Room 110, Annenberg School
Ceremony: Monday May 16, 3:00 p.m.,
Verizon Hall at the Kimmel Center,
Broad and Spruce Streets
Reception:12:00 – 1:30 p.m.,
Agora, Annenberg Public Policy Center,
202 S. 36th Street
Reception: Monday, May 16, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.,
Carol Elizabeth Ware Lobby,
Claire M. Fagin Hall
The School of Arts and Sciences
The School of Social Policy & Practice
College of Arts and Sciences
Ceremony on May 15
Graduate Division
Ceremony:Monday, May 16, 1:00 p.m.,
Hill Square, 33rd and Walnut Street
Reception:Hill Square, immediately following the
College of Liberal and Professional Studies
Ceremony: Monday, May 16, 6:30 p.m.,
Irvine Auditorium (tickets required)
Hall of Flags, Houston Hall,
immediately following the ceremony
The School of Veterinary Medicine
Ceremony: Monday, May 16, 2:30 p.m.,
Zellerbach Theatre, Annenberg Center
Ceremony on May 15
Reception: Annenberg Center Courtyard,
immediately following the ceremony
The School of Dental Medicine
The Wharton School
Ceremony: Monday, May 16, 1:00 p.m.,
Irvine Auditorium
Undergraduate Division
Reception: Robert Schattner Center,
240 S. 40th Street,
immediately following the ceremony
Graduate Division
The School of Design
Ceremony: Monday, May 16, 1:30 p.m.,
Furness Plaza, 34th and Locust Walk
Ceremony on May 15
Ceremony on May 15
Doctoral Division
Ceremony on May 15
Luncheon: Monday, May 16, Noon,
Meyerson Hall Terrace
The Graduate School of Education
Ceremony on May 14
The School of Engineering and
Applied Science
Doctoral and Master’s Ceremonies on May 15
Undergraduate Monday, May 16, 2:30 p.m.,
Ceremony: Franklin Field
Luncheon:Immediately following the main University
Commencement ceremony
The Law School
Ceremony: Monday, May 16, 3:00 p.m.,
Academy of Music, Broad and Locust Streets
Reception on May 15
The School of Medicine
Ceremony on May 15
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The Commencement Program is produced by the Office of the University Secretary:
Leslie Laird Kruhly, University Secretary and Alison McGhie, Senior Director, Operations and Technology.
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