Mum`s Group - Cheshire Cheese
Mum`s Group - Cheshire Cheese
News & Information for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Trans people in Cheshire 215 October/November 2015 Mum’s Group Body Positive Cheshire & North Wales hold their Annual General Meeting on Monday 7th December 2015, 2-4pm. The meeting will review the work of the charity during the period April 2014 - March 2015. The meeting will be open to the public so please come along if would like to learn more about us. The venue is yet to be confirmed but you can get updates from the Cheese website or by visiting Body Positive directly at or calling 01270 653150. Out’n’About Body Positive AGM Are you a gay or bisexual mum? If so we have just the group for you. The newly formed Mum's Group runs every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 1pm 3pm from Body Positive's base at Bridgewater House, 230 Edleston Road, Crewe CW2 7EH. Come along and meet up with other gay and bi mums in a safe confidential space. Young children welcome. For more information contact or call 01270 653150. HIV Insurance Survey Chris Morgan the Lead Financial Adviser at Unusual Risks and resident finance columnist in Baseline Magazine is currently campaigning for better treatment of HIV Positive people by the UK Insurance Industry. He recently met with the Association of British Insurers (ABI) and their HIV and Insurance Working Group, about updating the UK's Insurance Industries “Best Practice” guidelines for HIV and Insurance. During this meeting Chris agreed to assist The ABI in developing their next generation of guiding principles around HIV and Insurance and to write a consumer guide designed to raise awareness within the UK HIV Community about insurance and related issues. This new survey will assist us in pressing for change on important issues for the HIV Community and improving the way that HIV Positive people are treated by the UK Insurance Industry. If you’re HIV positive and would like to help out then visit to complete the survey. Gay & Bisexual Men Saturday 17 October Delamere Forest Train Station Café, Station Road, Northwich CW8 2HZ, 2-4pm Monday 16 November Starbucks, Holmes Chapel Rd, Middlewich CW10 0JB, 7-9pm Monday 14 December Society Rooms, Park Green, Macclesfield SK11 7NA, 7-9pm Lesbian & Bisexual Women Saturday 17 October Starbucks, Holmes Chapel Rd, Middlewich CW10 0JB, 2-4pm Saturday 21 November Silk Museum, Roe St, Macclesfield SK11 6UT, 2-4pm Saturday 12 December Christmas Markets (Manchester) Phone 01270 653150 for details. Up to date details of all events available at or 01270 653150 Send your news of up and coming events, or indeed anything you think may interest the Cheese readers to Chris at: Cheshire Cheese, Bridgewater House, 230 Edleston Road, Crewe CW2 7EH. Tel 01270 653150. Or email us at Free Condoms & Lube To recieve your free copy of the Cheshire Cheese each month, complete the form and send it to: Cheshire Cheese, Bridgewater House, 230 Edleston Road, Crewe CW2 7EH. Or Email: Tel 01270 653150 Paper copy Email copy Available to residents of West & East Cheshire and Halton only and delivered direct to your door. All orders are dispatched in plain packaging. Your personal details will be destroyed once your order has been dispatched. Complete and post to: BPCNW, Bridgewater House, 230 Edleston Road, Crewe CW2 7EH. Or visit Tel. 01270 653150. Postage & packing is free. Both Name Tick if you would like to receive information with your order. (By ticking this box you are agreeing to receive information which may have adult content.) If you have an allergy to latex please call for options. Send my free condoms & lube to: Address Name Postcode Address Email address Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s SUPER GONORRHOEA! infections that can become resistant if you do not take the cure for them properly; you do not finish the course of drugs. Not everyone who has super-gonorrhoea will necessarily show symptoms. If you have had any Super-gonorrhoea is the street name for a type of unprotected sex (oral, vaginal or anal) then you gonorrhoea that is resistant (cannot be treated) by must get tested. Early treatment means a ticket to a conventional medicines. Bugs are getting better and working their way around drugs traditionally used to treat them. In some cases this mean’s they require treatments that aren’t yet available in the UK and need to be shipped in. clean bill of health. Leaving it too late can mean long-term, irreversible damage. Super-gonorrhoea is in Cheshire so you should take extra care to protect yourself and your partners by using the very latest condoms that are thinner and more Resistance is caused when a bacteria is produced skin-like than ever before. If you need free that is unaffected by antibiotics. This can happen condoms and lubricant contact us or if you are over when people given treatment do not complete 24 complete our online order form at their medicines. Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia are . Cheshire Police has over 60 LGBT Liaison Officers covering all the Force area. This is to ensure that people from the LGB&T communities who live, work and socialise in Cheshire have confidence in the Force. We want people to be confident that they will be treated fairly and with respect and have a clear understanding that they can report homophobic and transphobic hate crime and incidents directly to Cheshire Police, knowing that there are staff adequately trained to deal with them. If you need to speak to an LGBT Liaison Officer ring your local police number and ask for an officers details, or, between 8am – 5pm ring 01606 362003 and speak to a member of the Force Diversity Team who will be able to give you advice and contact details. CheshireCheese Sexually Diverse Individuals Survey Body Positive attended the North Wales Pride in July 2015, to provide information regarding our services. An excellent day of fun and entertainment and an opportunity to make a positive stance against discrimination and violence toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. Thank you to Gareth Shaw who volunteered his time to attend the day. We look forward to seeing you all next year. New North Wales HIV Drop In Body Positive are joining THT to provide a drop in service in Colwyn Bay for people living with or affected by HIV. Please come a long for a chat and a coffee, lunch is also provided.Look forward to seeing you there. The new drop in starts on the 1st of October from 12.00pm till 18.00pm and will be held at The Quaker House, Erskine Road, Colwyn Bay. West Cheshire Domestic Abuse Family Safety Unit You are invited to take part in a research study which aims to explore the life experiences of sexually diverse individuals. The study is open to people over the age of 18 who do not identify as heterosexual. You are asked to fill in a questionnaire package which should take less than 10 minutes. You will not be asked to give your name or any identification in the questionnaire, so all the information you give will be anonymous. Only the researcher and supervisor will have access to the data. The data will be used for an MSc dissertation and may form part of a published article. The data generated in the course of research will be kept securely in either paper or electronic form and will be destroyed one year following award of the MSc degree, or (if the data is likely to be used for a publication or conference paper) it may be kept for a period of ten years after the completion of the research project. Confidential Support for those who experience domestic abuse and stalking Are you now or have you recently experienced physical, emotional, sexual harm within a relationship or been stalked by a partner or ex-partner? Has your partner or family member: These behaviours are abusive Called you names and made you feel bad about yourself? Made you afraid by threatening you or your children? Behaved violently towards you? Stopped you seeing your friends and family? Kept you without money? Followed you, phoned or texted you constantly? Talk to a worker in confidence on 01606 351375 Workers cover the whole of Cheshire West and Chester area. Monday to Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm or leave a message. Or through your local refuge, Police, Health Centre or Social Services. National Domestic Violence Helpline: 24 Hour Freephone 0808 2000 247 If you’d like to take part, visit 2HokWUPWn9rdr The research is being conducted in p a rt f ulf illment o f a n M Sc in Occupational Psychology at Goldsmiths University of London. For further information regarding this study please contact the experimenter whose details can be found on the survey web page. CheshireCheese CheeseBoard What’s happening this month in Cheshire Switchboards & Helplines LESBIAN, GAY & BISEXUAL Cheshire LGBT Helpline 01270 653150 (Mon 5.00pm - 9.30pm) Chester Sexual Abuse Support Service 07583 879464 Email: Therapeutic counselling and telephone support for men and women 18+ who have experienced sexual abuse or violence Gay Farmer Helpline 07837 931894 (Telephone calls can be expensive so we will call you back) Email: Website: Gay Farmer? Need to talk? Need information? Talk with someone who understands. Complete confidentiality assured. Mersey HIV Helpline 0151 237 3990 (Mon/Fri 9.00am - 5.00pm) Warrington 01925 241994 (Tuesday 5.30 - 8.30pm) National (LLGS) 0300 330 0630 (National rate even from mobiles phones) Instant messaging via Email: (10am - 11pm 7 days a week) Liverpool Armistead Centre 0151 227 1931 Email: (Mon, Wed, Fri – 12.00am - 6.00pm. Tues, Thurs 2.00pm - 9.0pm. Sat 1.00pm - 7.00pm ) Manchester Lesbian & Gay Foundation 0845 3 303030 (6-10pm) Automated service (10 - 6pm) North Wales LGBTQ Helpline 01248 371367 (Tuesday 7.00-9.00pm) Email Website Editorial Contact Chris Flewitt Deadline 216 19 November 2015 OTHER HELPLINES AMICUS - LGBT Group Helpline 08457 413092 (Local rates) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender rights at work (confidential helpline) Domestic Violence National: 0808 2000 247 Specialist Men's Helpline: 0808 801 0327 Arch 01270 253957 (Crewe) Broken Rainbow (national): 08452 604480 Cheshire East Team: 01244 613531 Cheshire West Team: 01244 614234 Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre: 01925 221546 National AIDS Helpline 0800 567 123 (24 Hours) Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 (24 Hours) Confidential, emotional support Triangle 0808 801 0306 (10am to 6pm confidential) Housing helpline advice and support service for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people in Wales Pubs & Clubs etc. Cheshire Cheese Bridgewater House 230 Edleston Road Crewe CW2 7EH Telephone 01270 653150 Fax 01270 653158 CHESTER Bar Six T Nine 1 Boughton Friday & Saturday 11pm - 4am. Thursday & Sunday 11pm - 3am "Genderblender” 12-14 Northgate Street 01244 372 141 Every Tuesday @ Reflex, Chester, 10pm - 3am Liverpool Arms (The LA) 79 Northgate Street Website: NORTHWICH Northwich Sauna Winnington Lane, CW8 4GX 01606 784881 Website: For gay and bi curious guys Youth Groups CONGLETON Utopia 01260 290000 For LGBT youth aged 16 -21 years. Tuesdays 5.30-7.30pm CREWE Men With Mugs 01270 653150 Gay & Bisexual men’s drop in. 7.00 - 9.00pm Every other Monday CREWE Utopia 01270 253633 Email: For lesbian, gay & bisexual people up to 19 years. Wednesday 6.30pm - 9.00pm ELLESMERE PORT Utopia Email:debbie.lightfoot@cheshirewestandch For gay, lesbian & bisexual people up to 25 years. Tuesday 6.30pm - 9.00pm HALTON Halton G Space 0151 422 5503 or 0778 933 2880 Email: Weekly Halton Youth Service project offering information and advice for young people aged 13 19 who identify as LGB in Halton MACCLESFIELD Utopia 33 Great King Street, Macclesfield Jennifer Duggan: 0779 443 7234 For gay, lesbian & bisexual people up to 25 years. Monday 6.30pm - 8.30pm WARRINGTON GLYSS (Gay & Lesbian Youth Support Service) Call/ text Jane 07747 473 829 Website: Weekly youth group meets Tuesdays 4.30pm 7.30pm, Wednesdays 6.30pm - 9.30pm, Thursdays 6.30pm - 9.30pm Social Groups ALL CHESHIRE Gay Outdoor Club 08448 770462 (National number) 07928 179688 (Clive, North Wales) Website: For Women 01270 653150 Lesbian & Bisexual women’s drop in. 7.00 9.00pm ist Thursday & 3rd Saturday of the month NESTON Lesbian Badminton Group 07810 788040 Play every other Friday between 7 - 8pm. Call/Text for details Health, Support, Information & Advice Body Positive Cheshire & North Wales Bridgewater House, 230 Edleston Road, Crewe, CW2 7EH Tel: 01270 653150 Fax: 01270 653158 E mail: Website: Support, information and advice for people with sexual health/sexuality issues (including LGBT people) and people living with or affected by HIV Relate Cheshire & Merseyside 03003305793 Email: Providing Counselling, Sex therapy, Information & Advice about healthy relationships. Sexual Health Clinics Free confidential advice and treatment on sexually transmitted infections/HIV testing CHESHIRE walking/climbing/swimming/cycling/and lots more Chester 0300 323 1300 Crewe 01270 612255 Macclesfield 01625 663400 Runcorn 01928 753101 Warrington 01925 644202 Option 1 LGB Travelling Social Groups 01270 653150 Monthly groups for gay and bisexual men and lesbian and bisexual women in locations around Cheshire. See front page for upcoming groups. Liverpool 0151 706 2620 Southport & Formby 01704 513303 St Helens 01744 646473 Wirral 0151 604 7339 CHESTER Mersey & Dee Women 07946 231877 Email: Informal, lively social group providing a safe, friendly atmosphere where lesbians (and nonlesbian women) of all ages can meet new and old friends, and take part in the various events and activities organised by members. Meets monthly in the centre of Chester Pride in P3 P3,1 York Street, Chester, CH1 3LR 01244 405930 Email: Informal social group providing a safe friendly atmosphere for mature LBGT to meet new friends, take part in events and activities organised by the group. Meet alternative Mondays, contact for details. Clwyd & Cheshire Gay Group Nigel 01978 291008 Meets alternate Tuesdays WIRRAL & MERSEYSIDE STAFFORDSHIRE Stoke-on-Trent 0300 7900 165 Stafford 01785 230260 NORTH WALES Holyhead 01407 766026 Bangor 01248 384054 Rhyl 01745 534455 Wrexham 01978 727197 DISCLAIMER: The inclusion of any service agency or individual in the Cheshire Cheese Newsletter does not indicate a recommendation. CONGLETON Out in Cong E-mail: Facebook: Closed Facebook Group: Twitter: Weekly meet-up for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, intersex, asexual, queer and nonbinary folk in and around Congleton. Every Tuesday at The Young Pretender, Lawton Street, Congleton, from 8.30pm BODYPOSITIVE ©2015 Body Positive Cheshire & North Wales Registered Charity 1009850
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