Consolidated financial statements and financial
Consolidated financial statements and financial
ABCD (Translation from the Italian original which remains the definitive version) WIND Group Consolidated financial statements and financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2010 (with reports of the auditors thereon) KPMG S.p.A. 6 April 2011 WIND GROUP Report on operations at December 31, 2010 CONTENTS THE WIND TELECOMUNICAZIONI GROUP ..................................................................................... 3 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND CORPORATE BODIES OF WIND TELECOMUNICAZIONI SPA .............................. 5 WIND GROUP HIGHLIGHTS AT DECEMBER 31, 2010....................................................................... 6 THE ITALIAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES MARKET .................................................................... 7 TRENDS IN OPERATIONS ........................................................................................................ 10 NETWORK.......................................................................................................................... 23 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES .................................................................................. 25 HUMAN RESOURCES .............................................................................................................. 27 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ........................................................................................ 32 DATA PROTECTION ............................................................................................................... 33 REGULATORY FRAMEWORK AT DECEMBER 31, 2010 ...................................................................... 34 MAIN PENDING LEGAL PROCEEDINGS AT DECEMBER 31, 2010 .......................................................... 46 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA...................................................................... 50 SUMMARIZED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE PARENT WIND TELECOMUNICAZIONI SPA ......................... 61 SUMMARIZED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF WIND’S SUBSIDIARIES ...................................................... 62 SUBSEQUENT EVENTS ............................................................................................................ 64 RISK MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................. 64 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS ............................................................................................... 64 DISCLOSURES PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 2497-TER OF THE ITALIAN CIVIL CODE ....................................... 64 OUTLOOK .......................................................................................................................... 65 PROPOSED ALLOCATION OF THE RESULT FOR THE YEAR OF THE PARENT WIND TELECOMUNICAZIONI SPA ..... 65 GLOSSARY ......................................................................................................................... 66 Report on operations at December 31, 2010 2 THE WIND TELECOMUNICAZIONI GROUP The WIND Telecomunicazioni Group (hereinafter also WIND or the Group) is a leading Italian telecommunications operator offering mobile, Internet, fixed-line voice and data products and services to consumer and corporate subscribers. The Group markets its mobile services through its ‘‘WIND’’ brand and it provides voice, network access, international roaming and value added services, or ‘‘VAS,’’ as well as mobile Internet services, to its mobile subscribers, through (i) the Global System for Mobile Communications (‘‘GSM’’) and General Packet Radio Services allowing continuous connection to the Internet (‘‘GPRS’’) (which are known as ‘‘second generation’’ or ‘‘2G’’ technologies), and (ii) universal mobile telecommunications systems, which are designed to provide a wide range of voice, high speed data and multimedia services (‘‘UMTS’’) and High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (‘‘HSDPA’’) technology (which are known as ‘‘third generation’’ or ‘‘3G’’ technologies). In line with the Italian telecommunications market, the majority of WIND mobile subscribers are pre-paid subscribers. WIND is the leading alternative fixed-line operator in Italy. It markets its fixed-line voice, broadband and data services primarily through ‘‘Infostrada’’ brand and offers its Internet services, including narrowband (dial-up) access and Internet portal services, primarily through the ‘‘Libero’’ brand. The following are the main offices of the Parent, WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA: Registered office Secondary office Via Cesare Giulio Viola, 48 - 00148 Rome - Italy Via Lorenteggio, 257 - 20152 Milan - Italy The Parent WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA is controlled by WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) through WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA, which wholly owns WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA. At the present date the Sawiris family holds 67.02% of WIND TELECOM SpA through a company registered in Luxembourg, Weather Investments II Sàrl, institutional investors hold 21.61%, while WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA holds 7.76% and other investors hold the remaining 3.61%. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 3 The following diagram outlines the structure of the WIND Group at December 31, 2010: WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA 27% 27% 100% 100% ITNet Srl WIND Retail Srl WIND Acquisition Finance II SA WIND Finance SL SA 100% 100% WIND International Services SpA WIND Acquisition Finance SA 100% WIND International Services Sàrl 99.13% 0.87% WIND International Services SA On October 4, 2010 the indirect parent Weather Investments II Sàrl and VimpelCom Ltd signed an preliminary agreement for the merger of the two groups, an operation which will lead to the creation of the sixth largest mobile phone operator in the world by number of customers. No final agreement had yet been signed at the date of these consolidated financial statements, as subject to the completion of a series of conditions necessary for the closing of the transaction. In this respect, on March 17, 2011 the majority of the Shareholders of VimpelCom Ltd at their Extraordinary General Meeting approved the issue of up to 325,639,827 ordinary shares and 305,000,000 convertible preference shares and the increase of VimpelCom Ltd’s share capital needed to complete the merger between VimpelCom Ltd and WIND TELECOM SpA. With this approval, the closing of the merger transaction will proceed and is expected to be completed in the first half of 2011, subject to satisfaction of additional conditions of contract. As defined by the agreement, same Group’s assets should be returned to Weather Investments II Sàrl as part of the agreed fee for the sale. In particular for the Wind Group these are the assets relating to web portal "Libero", the subsidiaries WIND International Services SpA and It Net Srl and the branch referring to the operation of the submarine cable between Italy and Greece. In base on the information currently available, the Directors estimate that the relating assets included in the consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2010 are recoverable. In addition, on November 12, 2010 the merger of Enel Net Srl and Italia Online Srl into WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA was completed. The accounting, tax and profit-sharing effects were as from January 1, 2010, and the transaction, which qualified as "under common control, did not result in any impact on the Group consolidated financial statement. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 4 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND CORPORATE BODIES OF WIND TELECOMUNICAZIONI SPA Board of Directors (1) Chairman Naguib Onsi Naguib Sawiris Directors Luigi Gubitosi, CEO Hassan Abdou Ossama Bessada Khaled Bichara Amedeo Carassai Emad Farid Vincenzo Nesci Board of Statutory Auditors (2) Chairman Giancarlo Russo Corvace Standing auditor Roberto Colussi Standing auditor Maurizio Paternò di Montecupo Substitute auditor Luana Iadarola Substitute auditor Stefano Zambelli Independent Auditors KPMG SpA (1) Re-appointed in the shareholders’ meeting of April 12, 2010 for a two-years term, until the date of the shareholders’ meeting convened for the approval of the Company’s financial statements at December 31, 2011. Furthermore, in consequence of the resignation of Mr. Onsi Nagib Sawiris from his office as director, the Board of Directors held on November 5, 2010 co-opted Mr. Vincenzo Nesci as new director of the Company in replacement of Mr. Onsi Nagib Sawiris. The Shareholders’ meeting held on November 24, 2010 confirmed Mr. Vincenzo Nesci in his office as director for the same term as the others Board Members as indicated above. (2) Re-appointed in the shareholders’ meeting of April 12, 2010 for three-years term, until the date of the shareholders’ meeting convened for the approval of the Company’s financial statements at December 31, 2012. The shareholders’ meeting held on April 12, 2010 appointed Mrs. Luana Iadarola and Mr. Stefano Zambelli as substitute auditors in replacement of Mr. Luca Dezzani and Bruno Franceschetti. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 5 WIND GROUP HIGHLIGHTS AT DECEMBER 31, 2010 The operating and financial data below are based on the Group’s consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010, prepared in compliance with the IFRS endorsed by the European Union, while operational data derive from the management systems of the Parent. Operational data At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 Mobile customers (millions of SIM Cards) 19.9 18.4 Mobile ARPU (euro/month) 16.6 17.4 Fixed-line customers (millions of lines) 3.0 2.8 34.0 35.4 99.70% 99.66% 7,236 7,054 Income statement figures (millions of euro) 2010 2009 Revenue 5,898 5,726 (1) 2,185 2,142 Operating income 1,160 1,139 Profit/(Loss) for the year attributable to owners of the Parent (252) 308 Fixed-line ARPU (euro/month) Mobile network coverage(1) Employees (headcount) (1) As a percentage of the Italian population. EBITDA (1) Operating income before depreciation and amortization, reversal of impairment losses/impairment losses on non-current assets and gains/losses on disposal of non-current assets. Statement of financial position figures (millions of euro) Total assets At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 14,091 14,463 1,517 1,667 Equity attributable to owners of the parent non-controlling interests Total liabilities Net financial indebtedness 0 1 12,573 12,794 8,415 8,541 Report on operations at December 31, 2010 6 THE ITALIAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES MARKET Industry overview Italy is Europe’s fourth largest telecommunications services market by revenue. The value of the Italian mobile market in 2010 is estimated in approximately €21 billion, a decline over the previous year, with a 6.4% increase in multimedia and data services and a 5.3% decrease in voice services. The Italian fixedline market (Voice and VAS voice) totalled approximately €8.5 billion, a decrease over 2009 mainly as a result of a drop in voice traffic revenues. Value added service revenues are estimated to be 9.5% of the total market, with a fall of 10% over the previous year. The value of the Internet access market in 2010 is estimated in approximately €4.3 billion, with the broadband segment accounting for 99%. All the leading operators launched promotions or revised their tariffs and bundles as far as the various mobile telephony services are concerned. Operators continued the race in 2010 to provide advanced mobile internet services for new terminals (smartphones, tablets, e-readers) and dongles. As the result of the availability of advanced terminals and the numerous applications and contents that may be used on the move, the mobile internet market has been a driving force for operators. Voice offerings on the other hand suffered the greatest falls in prices due to the heavy competition, with especially aggressive offers to be found above all in the area of Mobile Number Portability (MNP). All the leading operators renewed their offering portfolios in the fixed telephone sector in 2010 aiming at dual play offers (internet and voice at a predetermined fixed fee), accompanying these with promotional prices for a certain period of time. WIND introduced an FMC (Converging Fixed-Mobile) offer for the first time during the year for the residential and business segments. Mobile Telecommunications The Italian mobile market is the second largest market in terms of sales in Europe after France. There are four network operators in Italy offering mobile telecommunications services to approximately 90 million registered subscribers at December 31, 2010, representing a penetration rate of approximately 150% of the Italian population. Penetration is distorted by the widespread use of multiple SIM cards by individual users. It is estimated that about 85% of mobile users in Italy subscribe to pre-paid services, leading to low subscriber acquisition costs and high EBITDA margins compared to the rest of Europe. The Italian market is characterized by very limited competition from MVNOs. WIND has a MVNO agreements with Auchan (one of the leading large retail store groups) and, it also entered into a commercial partnership agreement with ENEL for the supply of mobile telephone services under the ENELMia brand. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 7 At December 31, 2010, excluding MVNOs, WIND had an estimated market share of 22%, while Telecom and Vodafone had a market share of 34% and H3G of 10%. Fixed-Line Telecommunications Voice The Italian market for fixed-line voice telecommunication services is the fourth largest market in Europe in terms of value after Germany, the United Kingdom and France. Telecom Italia still dominates the fixedline voice market although the liberalization of the fixed-line voice market after 1998 has enabled operators to provide indirect voice services and, since 2003, direct fixed-line voice services via LLU. The advantage of providing direct, unbundled voice services to subscribers is that Infostrada bills the subscriber directly and the relationship between the subscriber and Telecom Italia is therefore removed. For customers located outside the direct service coverage areas Infostrada offers WLR (wholesale line rental) through which it is able to set up an exclusive commercial relationship with its customer, leasing the lines from Telecom Italia under wholesale terms and conditions. WIND’s competitors in the fixed-line voice market include, among others, Fastweb, BT Albacom, Vodafone/Teletu and Tiscali. Internet At December 31, 2010, consumer Internet access reached a penetration of approx 59% of total fixed lines in Italy. Broadband services in Italy have grown rapidly since 2001, reaching around 13.3 million connections at December 31, 2010, representing a penetration of approximately 22% of the Italian population. Despite the recent strong growth in broadband, Italy still lags behind other European countries, mainly due to the lack of technological infrastructure and low personal computer penetration. At December 31, 2010, with over 1.9 million broadband subscribers, WIND is Italy’s second largest broadband service provider after Telecom Italia and has a market share of 14%. At the beginning of May 2010, WIND, Fastweb and Vodafone launched the “2010: Fiber for Italy” project for the development of a new NGN network that envisages coverage of the country’s 15 largest cities in 5 years, reaching 10 million inhabitants, in 4 million property units, with of investments totaling €2.5 billion distributed among the operators and institutions involved. The project’s initial stage will see the cabling of 7,400 property units in the Fleming Hill quarter in Rome, where testing regarding the first customers began in July 2010 at a speed of 100 Mbps for households and 1 Gbps for businesses. The year 2010 was also important as far as regulations governing the development of new generation networks (NGNs) at a national level were concerned. In September the NGN Committee published guidelines for transition to NGNs; this document, however, was disputed by the alternative operators (Other Licensed Operators, OLOs) on the basis that it failed to include the positions expressed by these operators. Subsequently AGCOM initiated an analysis of the fixed access network market in Italy in line Report on operations at December 31, 2010 8 with the European Commission recommendation on Next Generation Access (NGA) networks. The government therefore set up a discussion table with the operators which ended with the definition of a model common to all operators for a “passive” infrastructure of reference for the NGN. On 10 November a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by the Ministry of Economic Development and seven telephone operators - Telecom Italia, Vodafone, WIND, Fastweb, Tiscali, 3 and BT Italia - for the setting up of a vehicle company to look after the realisation of the passive infrastructure required to develop new generation networks for broadband. Agcom was given the task of determining a regulatory framework for access to the infrastructure, which must be open to all operators under the same conditions. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 9 TRENDS IN OPERATIONS Mobile Operations WIND had a total of 19.9 million mobile telephone customers at December 31, 2010, a rise of 8.2% over December 31, 2009, increasing its a market share (excluding MVNO operators) to 22% from the 20.9% achieved in the fourth quarter of 2010. The following table sets out key figures regarding mobile operations. Mobile 2010 12 months 2009 12 months Change 8.2% 19.9 18.4 3,985 3,785.5 5.3% Voice traffic (billions of minutes) (1) 41.5 35.5 16.9% ARPU (Euro/month) 16.6 17.4 (4.6%) 19.4% 16.5% Customer base (millions of SIM Cards) Revenue (millions of euro) % ARPU Data/Total ARPU (1) International incoming traffic not incuded Voice and SMS offerings Consumer voice and SMS offerings In 2010 WIND concentrated on increasing its customer base through the seasonal Passa a WIND promotion, that gives new customers who apply for number portability a 50% discount on the monthly fee of major Noi voice options. The aim of this promotional strategy is to increase the interest of the customers of other operators in the services offered by WIND, gaining their loyalty by means of an automatic renewal offer and providing them with a price advantage linked to the customization of their tariff plan. During the summer, WIND has kicked off the Super Summer Ricarica which had the objective of stimulating the recharges made and the traffic generated by customers. In June, WIND continued with its off-net strategy by reformulating its Noi Tutti x2 and Noi Tutti x3 offers; these offers had been on promotion for new customers with a reduction of 50% given on the monthly fee for the Voice and SMS options for the first three months. The historical Noi 2 option was renewed and renamed Noi 2 Unlimited and this provides unlimited calls to a favourite WIND number for only 1 euro a week. WIND’s Christmas offer was enriched with the Super Noi Tutti 2x1 and 3x2 promotions, whose aim was to allow customers to get to know Internet browsing from a mobile phone and discover its benefits: all new customers choosing the Noi Tutti offers received the Internet No Stop option for 6 months as a present from WIND, and this allows them to browse without limit. In addition, Internet No Stop was provided free of charge for one year if a Noi Tutti option was activated together with a Noi Tutti SMS option. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 10 In order to attract new customers WIND also introduced seasonal packs with two rechargeable SIMs offered at a special price, for which the latest summer or Christmas items or promotions can be activated. There was no shortage of possibilities for existing customers either: WIND gave the go ahead to promotions such as Super Summer Ricarica, having the aim of encouraging the top-ups and traffic generated by customers, and the SMS Christmas Pack, which offers messages for 6 months at a price of €19 or €39 depending on the number of messages selected. During the second half of the year WIND continued to put particular emphasis on the ethnic segment where it continues to be the market leader. Always ready to satisfy the needs of foreign residents in Italy, WIND proposed beneficial tariffs to enable its customers to keep in contact with their loved ones throughout the world. In particular, tariffs were reduced in November and December for calls made to the principal destinations abroad with the Call Your Country option: Rumania, Albania, Morocco and Senegal. Communication has become closer to the ethnic segment too: after translating the Call Your Country brochure into the main languages, WIND published an information leaflet in Rumanian describing the tariff plans and the dedicated options it offers. Always attentive to the needs of young people in September WIND entered an agreement with the Ministry for Education, the Universities and Research concerning the dissemination of Information and Communication Technology to high school pupils. The Group made its experience and technological skills available for the “IoStudio - La Carta dello Studente” initiative organised by the Ministry of Education, offering a real economic benefit to over 4 million students by extending the “WIND Campus” offer, which was previously only available to university students, to high school students holding the card. Finally, in 2010 WIND strengthened its commercial thrust on package offers dedicated to subscription customers through an advertising campaign for the All Inclusive tariff plan, for which the monthly fee was reformulated to include minutes, SMS, unlimited Internet browsing from mobile phones and a mobile phone starting from zero euros. In addition, for new customers activating one of the All Inclusive tariff plans, a discount is given for 24 months equivalent to the cost of the government concessionary tax. The “Summer Edition” promotion was launched in July for customers subscribing to All Inclusive without buying a mobile phone, and this offers an even more beneficial monthly fee on the whole range of All Inclusive tariff plans. The promotion also continued after the summer, offering All Inclusive customers the possibility of making a choice between the SIM + Telephone version and the SIM Edition version which does not include a telephone but has a lower monthly fee. Additional options for SMS consumer voice and SMS offers Together with the consumer voice tariffs dedicated to specific market segments, WIND also offers customers the possibility of extending and customizing their usage profile by subscribing to certain options dedicated to calls, SMSs or internet browsing through the payment of a fixed monthly or weekly fee. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 11 WIND continues to concentrate its strategy on on-net offers and on options that aim at building a “community” by encouraging mobile users to subscribe to WIND services and use the WIND SIM card as their primary one. These options enable the Group to acquire new subscribers who are interested in becoming members of the community WIND because their friends or relatives use WIND. At the same time, WIND is continuing to focus on their off-net options that enable it to reach larger market segments, thanks also to the introduction of SMS bundles of varying sizes that customers can choose on the basis of a combination of usage and spending that is best suited to their needs. In line with this strategy, in the third quarter WIND launched a promotion for the Pieno WIND option for new customers who receive calls and SMSs from other operators; this provides for a free of charge service for the first four months and free activation costs. Corporate voice offerings WIND also provides voice services to its corporate customers, to small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) and to professionals (SOHOs), with offers tailored for each market segment. In the case of large companies, which often require competitive offers to be made for their mobile telephony requirements, WIND offers customized services suitable for their specific needs. WIND offers more standard products for SMEs and SOHO customers: - Flat tariff plans that envisage a certain number of minutes of calls (also shared between the different SIM cards of the customer) for the payment of a monthly fee or “all inclusive” plans that envisage packages of minutes for voice calls, SMSs and mobile internet against payment of a fixed monthly fee. - Pay-per-use tariff plans with specific promotions (a reduction in the government concessionary tax or in the fee or the exclusion of a monthly minimum-sized spending threshold). In September 2010 WIND enhanced the range of offerings for its business customers with One Company, the integrated solution dedicated to small and medium-sized businesses. One Company provides fixed telephones, mobile telephones, ADSL and mobile internet and allows for unlimited free of charge calls from fixed numbers to business mobile phones, unlimited calls from fixed telephones to national fixed telephone numbers and a single tariff to non-business mobiles. For the mobile component, One Company makes it possible to choose between two tariff plans, one flat and one based on usage; in addition, it is possible to select options which on the payment of a monthly charge per SIM provide additional packages of minutes to all mobile operators. Corporate voice options WIND offers a variety of voice service options to SMEs and SOHO customers and to large businesses, such as: − Extra Options, that offer voice minutes in addition to the minutes included in the flat tariff plan; − Extra SMS Option, an offer of SMSs in addition to those included in the flat tariff plan or that may be subscribed in addition to the voice only flat plans; Report on operations at December 31, 2010 12 − Leonardo Voice and SMSs, that offers benefits over OnNet services to corporate subscribers, similar to the Noi options available to consumer customers; − WIND Dual SIM, which allows customers to use the same telephone number, functionalities and tariff plan by means of two SIM cards in two separate devices, in this way meeting the needs of customers having a mobile telephone for vocal calls and a smartphone/mobile internet key for internet connection and data. Data and VAS offerings for consumer and corporate In addition to its mobile telephone offers WIND also provides a complete range of mobile data services and VASs for telephones and computers, for both consumer and corporate subscribers. The majority of WIND’s data and VAS offers are available on both GSM and UMTS / HSDPA networks, while certain services, such as videocalls, are restricted to the UMTS network. WIND offers the following data and VAS services: • Mobile Internet. During the year WIND increased its penetration of Mobile Internet in its customer base by increasing the activation of Internet options and simplifying the Internet on-consumption tariff. WIND introduced for all of its top-up customers a single on-consumption tariff based on connection time, thus removing the barriers relating to an understanding of service access costs based on data volume. Customers with frequent Internet use have continued to choose the options without time limit but subject to a fair usage policy under which an abuse of the Internet service envisages a significant slowing down of connection speed. These “without limits” offers continue to be a driving force for the activation of options for connections from mobile telephones and from tablets or personal computers, thanks also to the promotions introduced in the Christmas period; for navigation from PCs the Mega Unlimited option was offered with a discount of 50% on the 12 months option to all those who bought a WIND Internet Key, thereby winning a group of new customers. In November WIND completed its Internet offer for mobile telephone connection with Internet No Stop Daily, which allows for navigation for an entire day for a fixed price of €1, with no time limits. In conclusion, a “test and buy” promotion was launched on the Internet No Stop option for the Christmas campaign for a period of between 6 and 12 months, valid for all customers activating Noi Tutti and Noi Tutti SMS offers for voice and SMS traffic. For SOHO and SME customers WIND offers a complete portfolio of options, Leonardo Mega Ore, dedicated to Internet navigation, which includes variable Internet traffic packs ranging from 50 hours every two months to unlimited traffic and which has fees varying from 9 to 45 euros a month. The range of offers was further enriched as the result of the commercial launch in November 2010 of the new Leonardo Mega Smartphone option, devised specifically for people accustomed to navigating in Internet and reading their e-mails directly from their smartphone. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 13 • BlackBerry. The BlackBerry services provided by WIND are available for large companies, SMEs and consumer customers, with the possibility for new customers to include a the smartphone in the chosen tariff plan charge. • Info from SMSs and MMSs. SMS offers provide customers with information such as news, sport, weather forecasts, horoscopes, financial information and information about television programs, together with a series of games, ringing tones, a chat service for subscribers and services specifically aimed at students. MMS offers provide multi-media contents (photo, audio and video), such as for example sporting events, news, gossip, music and a chat service. • WIND WAP portal and web. The WIND WAP portal enables customers to buy ring tones and other options for their telephones and to browse a variety of websites, with various services such as news, sport and finance. In addition, Libero Internet and the mobile portal are at the disposal of all mobile telephone subscribers (both WIND and other operators), providing an electronic mailbox and other free of charge services and basing itself on the advertising revenue business model. In connection with its data and VAS offers, WIND works in close contact with suppliers of content and applications, such as for example Mediaset, RAI, Dada (RCS group) and Zed I-musica. These provide content using their own names and provide cross-operator services. International roaming WIND subscribers can use their mobile telephone services in other countries, including SMS, MMS and data services (GPRS, EDGE, 3G, HSDPA), where available, through international roaming. Roaming coverage outside Italy is guaranteed by agreements with approximately 440 international operators. During the summer months two new Roaming options, Easy Travel Europe and Easy Travel World have been introduced, with particular success in terms of activation. At a fixed monthly fee, they offer affordable tariffs for all calls made in the EU area and other parts of the world, respectively. Sales and distribution WIND markets its products and mobile services, including SIM cards, scratch cards and WIND branded and unbranded handsets, through a series of exclusive sales outlets, which at December 31, 2010 consisted of 159 WIND-owned stores and 391 points of sales operating exclusively under the WIND brand. The non-exclusive sales network consists of 1,311 WIND dealers, 573 points of sales in electronic chain store outlets and 4,020 other points of sales in small towns in Italy managed by SPAL SpA, the largest WIND distributor in terms of sales outlets. WIND also sells a portion of its services online through the website, while scratch cards are distributed through small points of sales (tobacconists, newsagents, etc.). Report on operations at December 31, 2010 14 As part of its strategy, which sees the distribution network as an increasingly crucial factor for growth, WIND continues to extend and raise the quality of its distribution chain as a means of strengthening its sales network. In the wake of the Group’s evolution and the excellent results achieved over the years the new WIND flagship store located in the heart of Milan was opened on June 17, 2010, a shop combining elegance, design and technology. Inside the open store it is possible to view sales offers on modern LCD monitors, try out mobile phones using touch screens and have an area at your disposal that is fully dedicated to post-sales assistance. Fixed Telephony and Internet Voice services The following table sets out the key fixed-line indicators. Fixed-line Customer base (thousands of lines) (1) 2010 12 months 2009 12 months Change 3,003 2,843 6% 2,226 2,009 11% 1,786 1,789 (0.2%) Voice traffic (billions of minutes) 19.5 18.9 3% ARPU (Euro/month) 34.0 35.4 (4%) of which LLU (thousands) Revenue (millions of euro) (1) Including Virtual LLU. WIND offers a vast range of direct and indirect fixed-line voice services, broadband and narrowband (dial-up) internet and data transmission services, and provides one of the leading internet portals in Italy. WIND provides its services for the consumer and corporate markets under the Infostrada brand (fixedline voice services and broadband internet) and under the Libero brand (narrowband or dial-up, data services and the internet portal). WIND offers broadband services to both its direct and indirect customers. For the direct offer WIND rents the “last mile” of the access network from Telecom Italia which is disconnected from the Telecom Italia equipment and connected to the WIND equipment in the telephone exchange. WIND pays a monthly rental fee to Telecom Italia for this service. For the indirect offer WIND resells to its customers a service that it buys wholesale from Telecom Italia. In order to promote its business also in areas where direct access to the network via unbundling (LLU) is not envisaged for its customers, WIND also provides its services using WLR technology. As a response to the trends in the fixed telecommunications market in Italy with an increasing fixedmobile replacement and migration of customers from narrowband to broadband, WIND has been concentrating its efforts on increasing the number of subscribers to direct voice services and broadband Report on operations at December 31, 2010 15 internet services. At December 31, 2010, WIND’s fixed-line voice customer base amounted to 3 million subscribers, representing an increase of 5.6% over December 31, 2009 mainly driven by the rise in direct voice customers, whose number grew by 10.8% over the previous year. At December 31, 2010, WIND had 777 thousand indirect voice customers of whom 439 thousand were WLR subscribers. Internet and data The following table sets out the key internet access indicators. Internet and data services 2010 12 months 2009 12 months Change Internet Customer Base ('000) 2,056 1,923 7% of which Narrowband ('000) of which Broadband ('000) of which LLU ('000) of which Shared Access ('000) 145 281 (48%) 1,912 1,643 16% 1,587 1,340 18% 22 29 (24%) WIND offers a vast range of internet and data transmission services for both consumer and business customers. At December 31, 2010, WIND had 1.91 million broadband internet customers and 0.14 million narrowband subscribers. In order to respond to the needs of customers requiring a single solution for their telephonic and internet connectivity needs, WIND offers the 'TuttoIncluso and Absolute ADSL packages which consist of a bundle of a vocal fixed line and unlimited broadband connectivity for a predetermined monthly fee. The Group’s positioning in this market has been consolidated by the launch, on October, 10 2010, of an Infostrada promotion on TuttoIncluso and Absolute that provides a €10 discount in the monthly fee for two years. An increasing number of LLU customers (71.8% at December 31, 2010) chose an offer including voice and broadband internet services. Consumer voice offerings WIND offers a traditional analogue service (PSTN), a digital fixed-line telephone service (ISDN) and other services such as caller ID, an answering service, conference calls, call restriction, information services and call transfers all over Italy. Corporate voice and data offerings WIND provides PSTN, ISDN and VoIP fixed-line network voice services, data services and connectivity services to corporate subscribers. More specifically, WIND’s offer is increasingly directed towards the large corporate subscribers segment, capitalizing on the experience gained with ENEL and the specific service infrastructures for that group such as dedicated call center. For customers of this nature WIND Report on operations at December 31, 2010 16 tailors its offering to the specific needs expressed by the customer and, where asked, to the requirements needed for taking part in tenders. Direct access to the network is assured to large corporate subscribers by radio link, by direct optic fiber connections or, in areas where direct access via LLU is not available, by dedicated lines leased from Telecom Italia. In addition, WIND provides these corporate subscribers with a national dedicated toll-free number, prepaid cards and magnetic stripe telephone cards. For SMEs, WIND offers a wide range of products such as off-the-shelf dual-play suite (voice + internet) with tariff plans based on VoIP technology: TuttoIncluso Aziende offers from 3 to 8 voice lines with ADSL internet access while the latest offer, Infostrada Impresa, later renamed WIND Impresa, provides for a minimum of 8 to a maximum of 60 voice lines with SHDSL internet access. In addition, subscriptions may be made to a rental, management and maintenance of telephone switchboards service together with the WIND Impresa offer: a single monthly fee per user includes a number of minutes of traffic, internet, PBX services and IP telephones. For the SMEs, in September 2010 WIND launched One Company, the integrated solution that provides fixed telephones (based on VoIP technology), mobile telephones, ADSL, mobile internet and VAS. One company provides free calls between fixed and mobile business, unlimited calls from fixed telephones to national fixed telephone numbers, unlimited ADSL up to 20 Mbps and a single tariff to non-business mobiles. In addition, it is possible to select payment options which provide additional packages of minutes to mobile operators. In terms of the Internet access service, WIND offers a complete set of value added services, some of which, such as IP Static, level II Dominion and the Evolved Mail and Messaging services, are included in the ADSL offer, while others are optional and have a charge. Included among the main charged services offered is the Certified E-Mail service, which by using predetermined legal standards certifies the despatch of e-mails from a specific e-mail box, giving it legal value. The Certified E-Mail service is supplied through a promotion providing a free of charge post box for 24 months. The positioning of value added services was consolidated with the launch of two new service packs in December: 1. Communication Pack: evolved e-mail with sharing of contacts and calendar, also available from a person’s own mobile phone, which enables faxes to be sent to national numbers and provides a real time messaging service from a person’s own PC together with certified email which gives legal value to correspondence. 2. Security pack: The integrated service for electronic security which consists of an antivirus and firewall to protect the PC and services for storing data on WIND servers to ensure that they are kept safe. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 17 Award of Enel tender At the end of December 2010 WIND was awarded the tender for the supply of national telecommunications services to the ENEL group. More specifically, it won the tender for the supply of mobile access, fixed telephony, access and data backbone. The ENEL tender had been announced in 2009 as the most important European supply contract for fixed telephony, mobile telephony and intranet and internet access data. Based on the auction the total value of the contract was estimated at over 238 million euros, with contract terms ranging from 3 to 5 years. Given the volumes, complexity and technical skills required, the tender attracted the interest of the leading fixed and mobile infrastructure operators. The award process was based on objective quality criteria relating to the technical solution proposed and the best price. Fixed-line sales and distribution The main consumer-dedicated fixed-line sales channel is represented by telephonic sales made by call centers through both outbound and inbound calls. To acquire business customers WIND avails itself of dedicated outbound sales agencies. Call center staff are trained to recognize a customer’s needs or to get these to emerge, and to propose products and services that best meet their specific needs. Call centers also make outbound calls to potential customers chosen using business intelligence means. In the consumer customer internet access market the Libero web portal represents a fundamental distribution channel, as it enables subscribers to register for internet access. There was a considerable rise in consumer purchases in 2010 via the WIND Store network, in particular for the TuttoIncluso and Absolute bundle offers. For its business customers WIND proposes its Internet and fixed telephone services through selling agencies, call centres and its direct sales force. Libero internet portal WIND manages the ''Libero'' internet portal, which at December 31, 2010 was the leading portal in Italy in terms of the number of active user accounts and visited pages, having over 11 million individual visitors and more than 2.2 billion visited pages each month. In addition to being one of the major e-mail service suppliers in Italy, with 8,3 million active e-mail accounts at December 31, 2010, Libero also offers a vast range of content and services, including a search engine, news and vertical channels (organized into groups such as finance, cars, women and travel). The portal also hosts an online community called the Libero Community, which at December 31, 2010 had approximately over 5.2 million visitors (source Nielsen Unique Audience for Brand “Libero Share” Chanel that include Libero Community). Libero also has a social network service, Libero Blog, and is one of the Italian portals that allows its customers to share the content they generate through the Libero Video application, in this way making a substantial contribution to the 2.0 web and succeeding in reaching further important market segments. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 18 National wholesale data services WIND, thanks to its presence at a national level, offers connectivity services to other operators exploiting the excess capacity in its network. Since April 2009 international services have been channeled into WIND International Services SpA (WIS), a fully-owned subsidiary of WIND, while the sale of national services at a wholesale level has remained under the direct responsibility of WIND. Interconnection services WIND offers other operators its wholesale services and through these it makes its network available to national and international operators and manages inbound and outbound call termination traffic on its network for them. For managing calls that terminate on its mobile or fixed-line network WIND receives a fee from other operators. In the same way WIND is required to pay termination tariffs to other operators for calls that terminate on their mobile or fixed-line telephone networks. Mobile to mobile, mobile to fixed, fixed to mobile and fixed to fixed interconnection tariffs are regulated by AGCOM. Bundled and converging services WIND is one of the leading suppliers in Italy of mobile telephony services, internet, fixed-line voice services and data services having an integrated infrastructure and a network coverage that extends throughout the country, thus allowing it to be well placed when it comes to offering integrated service packages that combine these products. The Dual-play package offers broadband internet and fixed-line vocal communication services, while the Triple-Play package offers broadband internet, a fixed voice line and DSL television (IPTV). The last one at the end of December has been further enhanced with the launch of the new VideoOnDemand section that allows all Infostrada TV customers to access an extensive catalog of films. It also includes a personal video recorder, web programming (through the internet website) and the sharing of multi media content with the PC for a fixed monthly fee. As part of the converging services WIND offers packages that include a fixed voice line and a predetermined number of minutes of traffic towards specified WIND mobile telephone users, including Noi 2 Infostrada and Noi 3 for consumer customers and Azienda WIND in the SOHO market. It is to note the success of the SuperTuttoIncluso offering that combines the benefits of Infostrada’s TuttoIncluso offer with WIND’s post-paid All Inclusive Smart mobile offer. In particular, customers who take advantage of the SuperTuttoIncluso offer also enjoy a reduction in the fees for the services included in the offer. Customer services and retention of customers WIND’s customer service activities are coordinated by the customer operations unit, which is divided into mobile telephony, fixed-line telephony (including also the internet segment) and business customers. In order to provide a made-to-measure service for customers, WIND provides customer service also in Rumanian. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 19 During 2010 surveys of customer satisfaction index showed that the WIND Customer Operation units were the best compared to major competitors. WIND has enterprise call centers in Rome and Ivrea dedicated to its customers, with internal agents allocated to each individual customer in order to provide those of a strategic nature with top quality services. The call centers dedicated to residential customers are located throughout the country in favor of which were provided over 100,000 hours of training (Fixed Consumer Customer Care). WIND puts special emphasis on its customer interface systems in order for them to be accessible and easy to use, and has an integrated billing system for all of its subscribers as well as a free of charge system that enables business customers to pay their bills, enter orders and obtain information electronically in a matter of minutes. WIND manages the websites, and where considerable emphasis is placed on effective customer management. Since the beginning of 2010 in order to meet the needs of customers, WIND offers the option of paying the bills in all Sisal offices in Italy. By analysing customer needs the customer relationship management function (CRM) identifies the specific action that needs to be taken on the basis of individual demands, drawing up and carrying out promotional programmes designed to improve customer satisfaction, increase the value associated with each customer, augment the use of the service, develop cross-selling and up-selling strategies. In particular, in recent months there has been a significant push to maximize the spread of Internet access service by mobile phone. The revival of loyalty programs has also increased the benefits for customers through discounts and promotions at new partner in order to consolidate the retention process and the perception of competitive advantage against other operators. WIS Group The WIS Group manages a long-distance international communications network which provides voice and data services via satellite, electrical and optical cable and new generation technologies, together with the related support services. WIS also offers private satellite circuits for corporate and government customers that need dedicated circuits between two points, typically between Africa and a location in Europe. Marketing and Branding The WIND’s reference markets are mobile telephony, internet, fixed-line telephony and data, which are offerings requiring the use of a multibrand strategy that exploits the strength inherent in each of the WIND, Infostrada and Libero brands in their respective markets. WIND positions each of its products and adapts its marketing and communication campaigns to all of the markets in which it operates: each brand, WIND, Infostrada and Libero, bears distinctive “W” logo, which enables the brand of the various products to be identified as all belonging to WIND. By carrying out a massive multi-media campaign (TV, posters, radio and the press) in 2010 WIND confirmed its interest in and commitment towards the high-spending consumer customers as a target, a Report on operations at December 31, 2010 20 person geared towards achieving value for money, as represented by the All Inclusive subscription plans. In addition the attention placed by WIND on new technologies has continued to rise, with the Group carrying out a new campaign dedicated to Internet browsing in mobility. As confirmation of its considerable interest in new technologies and in the social media in September WIND opened official profiles on Facebook, Twitter and Friendfeed, tools with which WIND is once more asserting its commitment to be “closer” to its customers. As ratification of WIND’s positioning as a successful operator, two evocative and emotional institutional campaigns were devised and realised in 2010, planned for TV, the internet and the national press, in which WIND takes the opportunity of thanking all those customers who have put their trust in the company over the past few years. The choice of the pay-off of the “Closer” campaign is intended to emphasise the particular relationship that the Group has established with its customers. Cooperation with the Panariello-Incontrada duo, once again the stars of the WIND advertisements, continued in the fourth quarter. The alternation of testimonials, together with clear communication focused on the product, is the cornerstone of the success of WIND’s communications, always high in the public’s appreciation. The year 2010 also marked the start of a new, innovative communication campaign dedicated to the Business segment. Channelled via billboards (airports), the press (daily and periodical), internet and radio, and for the first time also via TV, the campaign successfully presented to the public the WIND Business offer, which is geared to a target of professionals and small businessmen. The campaign dedicated to the WIND Business Class offer was carried out with the contribution of a new face, Riccardo Rossi, the testimonial selected for this market segment. The Infostrada advertising campaigns supporting the fixed line and internet offers, carried out with the collaboration of Rosario Fiorello, one of the most famous and highly esteemed Italian showmen, and channelled through a precise media strategy combined with a clear and direct style of communication and a complete but simple offer, continue to be effective in providing support for the brand Infostrada and its recognition. The success of Infostrada continued thanks to the simplicity and essentiality of the new communication format, supported in the year by two massive television and radio campaigns as well as by the constant presence of the brand on the internet channel. In September Infostrada launched on TV and on-line, on the main Italian websites, a new communication format "With Infostrada you live better" and has been very successful in commercial terms and approval by the public. The new format has in fact accompanied the brand until the end of the year, closing with a second massive television campaign and a national radio campaign. In addition WIND sponsors concerts, television programmes and sports events; more specifically, in music where the interest shown by each age band and the possibility of involving the public are greater, Report on operations at December 31, 2010 21 WIND produces the exclusive television programme the "WIND Music Awards", the occasion for giving awards to those Italian singers who have achieved the greatest success during the year. WIND is also the main sponsor of the football club AS Roma and will sponsor all the matches played by the club until June 30, 2013. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 22 NETWORK WIND has developed an integrated network infrastructure providing high-capacity transmission capabilities and extensive coverage throughout Italy. At December 31, 2010, WIND mobile network covered 99.70% of the Italian population while WIND UMTS network covered 81.54% of the Italian population. WIND has expanded its HSDPA at 7.2 Mbps in all UMTS covered cities. In 2010 the HSDPA service has evolved to 14.4 Mbps in 64 Italian provincial capitals. Mobile and fixed-line networks are supported by 19,629 kilometers of fiber optic cable backbone in Italy and 4,335 kilometers of fiber optic cable MANs as of December 31, 2010. The network uses a common system platform, WIND ‘‘intelligent network,’’ for both mobile and fixed-line networks. Network platform has been upgraded to provide it with a uniform IP network platform, which provides additional capacity. The integrated nature of operations allows to offer subscribers mobile, fixed-line and Internet product bundles and VAS. WIND has also approximately 449 roaming agreements with other Italian and international telecommunications operators around the world. Fixed-Line Network WIND fixed-line network consists of an extensive fiber optic transport network with over 19,629 kilometers of transmission backbone, 4,335 kilometers of fiber optic cable MANs linking all capitals of Italian provinces and other major cities in Italy, a radio transmission network with approximately 14,651 radio links in operation. The voice switching network consists of a TDM/ATM network composed of 63 switching centrals (Local, Transit and International) and a NGN/IMS network composed of 31 softswitch and 28 TrunkingGateways. From June this network is supported by a new C4 NGN network that consists of 2 Media Gateway Controllers and 12 Media Gateway Soft switches. WIND is able to route almost all backbone traffic via own infrastructure, with little need to lease further capacity from third parties. At December 31, 2010 WIND had 1,158 LLU sites for direct subscriber approximately connections, 2,740 million with a lines, capacity and of had interconnections with 613 SGUs, which allow direct and indirect carrier pre-selection, as well as WLR services. WIND Internet network consists of an aggregated data network with more than 168 points of presence, broadband remote access servers for ADSL direct and indirect access Internet services and for virtual private network corporate services, more than ten network access servers for dial-up access Internet services and EDGE routers for direct Internet access. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 23 Mobile Network WIND offers mobile services through dual band GSM900 and GSM-1800 digital mobile network, which also supports GPRS, a mobile technology that provides greater bandwidth for data transmission and Internet access than GSM. GSM network also supports EDGE capabilities. EDGE is an upgraded technology that enables to offer increased data speeds and VAS over GSM network and also to reduce the cost of handling mobile data traffic. WIND also offers mobile services over UMTS network, a mobile technology that provides even greater bandwidth than GSM network, using HSDPA technology to provide enhanced speeds for data transmission and mobile Internet services. The following table provides an analysis of WIND’s GSM/GPRS and UMTS/HSDPA networks at December 31, 2010. Units GSM/GPRS Radiating sites 12,218 258 BSC (Base Station Controllers) MSC (Mobile Switching Centers) 55 HLR (Home Location Register) 15 SGSN (Service GPRS Support Node) 13 GGSN (Gateway GPRS Support Node)* 6 UMTS Node B 7,514 52 RNC (Radio Network Controller) MSC-Server 7 MGW (mediagateway) SGSN (Service GPRS Support Node) 10 16 (13 SGSN dual access) * shared with UMTS core network Report on operations at December 31, 2010 24 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES In order to select the best technologies and the best architectural solutions for the fixed and mobile network, WIND focuses on the study and trials of new solutions designed to increase performance for broadband customers for both mobile and fixed networks. For the mobile network, WIND has developed technical and economic studies and tested and selected new technologies to allow in the medium term for broadband services up to 42 Mbit/s through the gradual inclusion of all the features provided by the HSPA (High Speed Packet Access) standard. To support the development of mobile broadband, the optimization of the mobile network and predisposition to LTE (Long Term Evolution), WIND has launched new and innovative multi-year infrastructure projects, such as for example the modernisation of the 2G and 3G networks in a Single RAN perspective (namely one single infrastructure for various technologies) and the backhauling of the BTS in optic fiber. The project to introduce latest generation radio bridges continued. On the fixed access network WIND has developed technical and economic studies and tested new technologies that will enable ultra broadband fiber networks (Fiber To The Home, Fiber to the Building, Fiber to The Mobile) to be developed. As part of the “Fiber for Italy” project, WIND has developed a pilot project in conjunction with Fastweb and Vodafone to create a point-to-point FTTH network in the Fleming quarter of Rome, capable of connecting a potential number of 7,000 homes in optic fiber. This aim of this test is to demonstrate the efficiency of an access infrastructure in fiber which has avant-garde architecture, is efficient and "future proof" and can be shared amongst various operators, encouraging a competitive situation with clear benefits for end users. WIND continued along its route of testing and selecting new technologies to be used over the next few years in order to simplify the "all-IP" global access network architecture at all levels of the network (fixed, mobile, transport and core). Confirming its vocation, through its WIND Innovation Lab (WIL) centre of excellence, the “workshop of ideas and projects, WIND encourages the introduction of solutions designed to improve the Group’s offering and business potential, and more specifically certain precise lines of technological scouting were followed. A detailed analysis was carried out in order to identify new “on-line sales” channels and to seek markets to encourage the definition of new service models by means of crowdsourcing solutions. The purpose of this is to strengthen solutions aimed at improving the “self care” section available to the user by including collaboration functionalities to solve technical aspects, to provide information without using the usual call center methods and to create new interactive channels. The new solutions, based on the potential which crowdsourcing offers, enable an architecture to be defined having several interaction channels with the customer, including not only that on the internet and Interactive Voice Response systems (IVR) architecture, but also and above all those of an innovative nature represented by the mobile web and social network solutions. During the second half of 2010 an innovative study was also started up on Report on operations at December 31, 2010 25 “Sentiment analysis” to anticipate error situations which may involve customers who are working together in the network. In addition Customer Care Automation and Customer Equipment Management solutions were analysed during the year with the aim of improving the quality of the services offered by WIND: in particular, measures were planned to improve performance and to identify and solve problems for the section regarding both the network and the systems. For this purpose various activities were implemented to increase WIND’s ability to provide solutions for Mobile Device Management: diagnoses, the configuration of new services, overcoming malfunctioning automatically, configurations and installations of new applications functionalities to which others are added to enable users to manage their profile directly on the mobile terminal automatically. On the question of innovation, in 2010 WIND continued to encourage a detailed analysis of the opportunities of Cloud Computing by analysing the possible scenarios which may increase opportunities in related businesses. The Group has a series of activities in progress to improve “green vision” in order to increase adherence to the Green ICT model in service development sectors and more generally in internal behaviour. The technological scouting activities of WIL were also focused on the key services to be offered for FTTH access, M-payment solutions (which may be managed through mobile devices) and any matters regarding Infomobility. In 2010 WIL also took an active part in various research projects, capable of exploiting financing opportunities available at both European Union and local public administration levels. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 26 HUMAN RESOURCES At December 31, 2010, the Group had a workforce of 7,236 employees structured as follows. Senior Managers Middle Managers Office Staff Subtotal (w/o WIS Group) WIS Group Total WIND Group No. of employees at 12/31/2010 12/31/2009 158 151 582 565 6,385 6,241 7,125 6,957 average No. of employees in 2010 2009 156 149 582 567 6,368 6,105 7,106 6,821 111 97 110 94 7,236 7,054 7,216 6,915 During 2010, 414 employees joined the group and 254 left (excluding WIS Group), of which 273 hiring (of which 241 under temporary contracts) and 101 terminations (including 68 under temporary contracts) were at WIND Retail. Below the Recruiting report (excluding temporary workers). Report on operations at December 31, 2010 27 The following charts summarize personnel statistics relating to WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA and its Italian subsidiaries (WIS SpA not included). Wind Group - Age Groups 45-54 13% Wind Group (Wind Retail not incl) - Education >54 2% Other 4% <35 32% Degree 24% Secondary School 72% 35-44 53% Average age: 37,6 Graduates excluding Call Center: 28% Within the WIND Group there is a significant female presence of 46%, this percentage increased with the acquisition of Phone, WIND Retail today. Approximately 70% of personnel is based in Milan, Rome and Naples. Ivrea and Palermo are two other important locations in terms of number of employees. Departments1) Sites 1) 2) 12/31/2010 12/31/2010 12/31/2009 37% 36% Milan 14% 14% 7% 7% Ivrea 11% 11% Customer Care 28% 29% Rome 36% 35% Marketing & Sales 18% 18% Naples 19% 20% Staff 10% 10% Other 20% 20% 100% 100% Total 100% 100% Network Information Technology Total 1) WIND Retail and Wis Group not included 12/31/2009 2) Naples include also Pozzuoli site Organization During the year the main organizational changes that have occurred as part of Operations concern the Technology Department, where Ziad Shatara, who was previously Information Technology Manager, took over responsibilities as Chief Technology Officer from January 1, 2010. Changes were made to the Infostrada Customer Management micro-organization in September with an effect on the service team structure. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 28 Consistent with the Group’s commitment to be “Closer” to its customers, the mobile sales structures were reorganized in October by intensifying local presence. The merger of Enel Net and Italia On Line into WIND Telecomunicazioni was completed in November 2010. The Flamingo project, aimed at improving development processes and the practical use of Information Technology, was initiated during the year. Development and training Development During the first part of 2010, top management drew up the vision, strategy and new values that are representative of a corporate culture based on excellence. Consistent with this, a series of activities marking the various steps on the journey towards excellence were commenced. One of the first steps was to share the results of the Opinion Survey launched in 2009 by publishing these on the Group’s intranet. Various initiatives have been set up at a management and Group level on the basis of certain of the findings emerging from the survey, of which the following are the most important: • Job Posting, to encourage an encounter between organizational needs and individual expectations concerning growth and change; • the redefinition of a 12-skill model defined by the Group’s new values. Types of conduct are associated with these skills and are measured annually through the Performance Appraisal process; • a review of the Performance Appraisal process. To reinforce the changes a training program on all the Group’s assessors was carried out. The process was completed with 100% of the appraisals and 95% of the feedback and orientation meetings between appraiser and appraisee performed; • a re-examination of the meritocracy policy with specific emphasis being placed on the management appointment process; • the launching of a rich new internal training catalogue open to all employees; • the start-up of Cross Appraisals, meaning 360 degree appraisals, for all managers, designed to improve managerial skills. In addition, consistent with previous years, 144 people attended the Development Center initiatives. Training A total of 27,631 man-days of training were given in 2010, of which: Report on operations at December 31, 2010 29 - 54% relating to Technological Innovation & Product Development activities, realized both as direct training given to the professional families of the Technology Department and as internal training carried out by the Business Units for sales and customer management; - 38% relating to training activities, consisting mainly of catalogue courses on cross board and occupational subjects addressed to the whole of the Group’s workforce; - 7% relating to training activities carried out by the Safety department and concerning health and safety at work. In addition, institutional training programs continued during the year, such as: • the Induction in WIND training program: the young new graduates hired during 2008 and 2009 completed their project, structured during the year into various training activities dedicated to Team Effectiveness and Self Realization, while the group of new graduates hired in 2010 began their own project with a dedicated training course, Telecoms Mini MBA, given thanks to collaboration with INFORMA, a prestigious international training firm; • the managerial skills program dedicated to recently appointed middle and senior management, which reached its third edition after starting up in 2008 and is determined by the need to provide basic and advanced elements of such skills. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 30 Industrial relations The procedure required by Law no. 428/90 in connection with the reverse merger of Mondo WIND Srl into Phone Srl, Group companies working in the marketing of telecommunications products and services, was initiated in February. The procedure was completed with the signing of an agreement with the trade unions with whom specific flexibility regimes were defined; in addition to this an accord was reached under which the national collective bargaining agreement (CCNL) for employees providing telecommunications services would apply. The work of the bilateral commissions set up at a company level continued during the year, and it was in these bodies that the organizational and professional repercussions of the operating model adopted to manage the strengthening of the network infrastructures were presented to the Trade Unions, together with the results of the check required by the CCNL of October 23, 2009 regarding the new provisions on employee classification. As far as vacation is concerned, a formal minute was signed with the trades unions in May relating to the way in which leave may be taken in 2010; this also included an agreement with the Unions on the objective of fully using leave vesting during the year and all residual back leave. The issue was picked up again in subsequent months and two agreements were signed in December: the first relating to the way in which vacation leave would be managed, in order to harmonize the Group’s regulations with the new legal and contractual rules, and the second regarding collective closures in 2011. An agreement was signed in June which will also allow certain training initiatives to be funded by the Group’s account with Fondimpresa. The new quality assurance organization and the new operating team structure of Infostrada Customer Management were presented to the Unions in September. As a result of following the procedure envisaged by Law no. 428/90 in connection with the merger of Italia On Line Srl into WIND in November, 18 workers have continued their employment relationship in the merging company. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 31 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY WIND confirmed its commitment to corporate responsibility with the objective of increasingly integrating its many business activities with social and environmental actions, as well as ensuring that it conducts itself in a responsible manner in its relations with both internal and external stakeholders. WIND is constantly committed to following an internal path for continuous improvement in all its processes and actions, enabling it to increase the value of its brand and corporate reputation. The WIND 2009 Sustainability Report was published in October 2010 whose aim is to provide stakeholders with information on the Group’s economic, social and environmental performance during the year. The “WIND per te” (WIND for you) initiative introduced at the beginning of 2006 and designed to assist WIND employees in reconciling their work obligations with their day-to-day personal needs (info service, online consulting, administrative practices, laundry and car assistance) continues to be much appreciated by employees. A variety of social initiatives was supported in 2010: blood donation at the Rome and Milan offices that achieved considerable success; “Race for the cure” in the fight against breast cancer; charity Easter egg sales to raise funds for the Don Orione Foundation; the free breast visits carried out at the Sandro Pertini Hospital in Rome for all female employees; unlimited internet access key was donated to the pediatric cancer ward of the Policlinico Gemelli; Christmas sale of the pig-shaped piggy banks to support projects 10/10. Cooperation was given to San Patrignano during the year for the “Wefree” project, a touring show aiming to raise awareness in adolescents over the issue of youth hardship. To celebrate the first 10 years of WIND, the “10/10 - let’s put solidarity into focus” project was launched; this sees 11 not-for-profit associations getting together for the first time in Italy to work on 10 worldwide projects: in Manila (Philippines), Kiev (Ukraine), Italy, Congo (Africa) and Apurimac (South America). The project continues successfully and about €92 thousand euro was donated at the end of 2010. WIND supported more than 90 SMS fundraising initiatives in 2010, collecting approximately €4.2 million for not-for-profit organizations. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 32 DATA PROTECTION Personal data protection in Italy is governed by Legislative Decree no. 196 of June 30, 2003, the “Personal Data Protection Code”, whose aim is to ensure that personal data processing is carried out in observance of the rights, fundamental liberties and dignity of the persons concerned, with special emphasis being put on the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the personal data. In this respect, in its capacity as data owner, WIND has set up a Privacy Office in its Asset Corporate Governance department whose function is to satisfy legislative requirements on the subject and any subsequent changes and additions, as well as those arising from the provisions of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data. The Group accordingly has a Data Protection Document (Documento Programmatico sulla Sicurezza dei Dati - DPS) which consists of all the security measures introduced to protect the data for which WIND is the data owner and for which the law requires an annual updating. The DPS is currently updated to March 31, 2010, and steps are being taken to prepare a version of the DPS updated to March 31, 2011. An inquiry of data was carried out in preparing the 2010 DPS whose aim was to accurately identify the data processed within the Group, at the end of which a review was performed of the risk analysis and gap analysis regarding the security measures. In addition, WIND appointed data supervisors pursuant to article 29 of Legislative Decree no. 196/03 and persons in charge of processing pursuant to article 30 of Legislative Decree no. 196/03, drawing up the related operating instructions. In view of the request for “prior checking” presented to the Guarantor for the protection of personal data concerning Profiling carried out on the combined personal data of customers, in line with the requirements of the provision “Prescriptions to providers of publicly accessible electronic communication services who perform profiling activities” issued on June 25, 2009 and published in the Official Journal of July 11, 2009, and following its acceptance, WIND also set up all the technical and organisational measures aimed at the complete fulfilment of the prescriptions of a general nature contained in the provision and those of a specific nature contained in the acceptance request. In addition, WIND set up all the measures necessary for checking compliance with the Guarantor’s provision for the protection of personal data in matters concerning video-surveillance, dated April 8, 2010 and published in the Official Journal of April 29, 2010. Further, steps were taken to adopt all the requirements of the provision of April 8, 2010, again of the above-mentioned Authority, in respect of the measures to protect any “reverse search” for old telephone service subscribers. Again in 2010, in its capacity as data owner and in compliance with its duty to monitor the data supervisors, WIND continued to perform a series of checks on such with the aim of ensuring that the work they are doing and the security measures adopted respond to the instructions given to them on appointment as per article 29 of Legislative Decree no. 196/03 and later by means of communications and operating instructions. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 33 REGULATORY FRAMEWORK AT DECEMBER 31, 2010 In December 2009, the European Parliament and Council approved both the directives amending the present regulatory framework and the Regulation establishing the BEREC (the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications set up by the chairmen of the 27 EU Authorities), which has the purpose of assisting the European Commission, by means of non-binding opinions and documents in harmonizing the approaches to the regulations in the various countries of the European Union. The directives that have been approved became effective on December 19, 2009 and must be adopted at the national level by June 19, 2011, whereas the Regulation creating the BEREC has been directly effective since January 7, 2010. It is also worth noting the complex topic of next generation networks that involved operators in the definitions of a proper procedural and regulatory framework for the transaction from copper to fiber optics. Fixed-line market Antitrust Activities On June 23, 2010 the Italian Antitrust Authority (Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato AGCM) initiated the A428 - “WIND-Fastweb/ Telecom Italia Conduct” proceeding aimed at ascertaining whether Telecom Italia had abused its dominant position in the fixed-line market by means of operating and commercial practices consisting of: i) the refusal to activate customers and the failure to update the data bases needed for defining activation orders; ii) policies under which significant discounts were given on access fees for narrowband offers (POTS and ISDN services) addressed to business customers in areas open to the LLU service. Telecom Italia Reference Offers The following proceedings for the revision of the Telecom Italia offers have been initiated in 2010: - WLR and LLU services (15/10/CIR and 16/10/CIR): the proceedings to revise these offers specifically regard the economic terms of services not subject to network caps and the technical terms of the offer. These proceedings were concluded with resolutions 53/10/CIR and 54/10/CIR and published in August 2010; - Bitstream services, market 5 (ex 12): with resolution no. 43/10/CIR, in August 2010 the procedure to revise the bitstream 2010 RO began, with respect in particular to the economic conditions of the services not subject to network caps and the technical conditions of the offer. Concerning the matters included in the above-mentioned resolution, on December 9, 2010 resolution no. 105/10/CIR was passed, approving Report on operations at December 31, 2010 34 the 2010 Reference Offer. The economic conditions of the services not subject to network caps are effective retrospectively from May 1, 2010. The economic conditions applied from January 1 to 30 April were those approved in 2009 through resolution no. 71/09/CIR. Concerning the way in which the BU LRIC model (Bottom-Up Long Run Incremental Cost: the model for calculating the cost on the fixed access services of Telecom Italia) is proceeding, the cost model for the services subject to network caps of the WLR, LLU and Bitstream offers was determined through resolution no. 578/10/CONS, specifying the values to be used in applying the network cap mechanism for the years from 2010 to 2012. These values are applicable from May 1, 2010 to December 31, 2012. For the period from May 1 to December 31, 2010 the changes must be applied by respecting the prices relating to the same services contained in the 2009 Reference Offer, as approved by the Authority. - call collection, termination and transit services in the fixed public telephone network, markets 2, 3 ex 10 (ex 8, 9 and 10): through resolution no. 55/10/CIR public consultation relating to the 2010 RO began in August 2010, as the result of the rules introduced by market analysis resolution no. 179/10/CONS. Resolution no. 119/10/CIR was passed on December 17, 2010 approving, the 2010 Reference Offer whose economic conditions have effect from January 1, 2010. - dedicated capacity transmission services, wholesale direct circuits and partial circuits (market 6 ex 13,14): through resolution no. 34/10/CIR the revision procedure began at the end of June 2010 following the completion of the market analysis (Resolution no. 2/10/CONS). On October 27, 2010 resolution no. 73/10/CIR was published, approving the 2010 Reference Offer whose economic conditions have effect from January 1, 2010. Fixed access network - Market analysis – Markets 1, 4 and 5 With Resolution no. 731/09/CONS, AGCOM completed its analysis of the wholesale fixed network access service markets (markets 4 and 5 of the Recommendation), confirming all the requirements that Telecom Italia has to meet as envisaged by the regulatory framework. With the same resolution AGCOM additionally confirmed Telecom Italia as being the dominant operator in the fixed network voice access service retail markets. With Resolution no. 2/10/CONS AGCOM concluded its analysis of the leased line terminal segments (market 6 of the Recommendation), as part of this decision the network terminal segment market has been separated into segments used for reconnecting base radio stations and those used for supplying fixed network services to end users. Only this latter market was considered worthy of regulation in advance and it has seen the introduction of all the requirements envisaged by the regulatory framework on Telecom Italia, while for the BTS backhauling circuit market the regulator has provided for the removal of all the obligations incurred by Telecom Italia from 2011. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 35 The proceedings for analysing the wholesale and retail markets for fixed network voice traffic services were concluded during the second quarter of 2010 with the issue of Resolution no. 179/10/CONS for the wholesale markets, substantially confirming Telecom Italia’s obligations, under the regulatory framework. Resolution no. 180/10/CONS relating to the Transit wholesale service left Telecom Italia with the obligation for district traffic only, liberalising the transit service at a national level. At a retail market level, acknowledging that the markets are no longer susceptible to regulation a priori, resolution no. 284/10/CONS initiates a process to remove the retail obligations of Telecom Italia completely, and this will be completed at the end of 2010. AGCOM still however holds the right to verify the replicability of Telecom Italia’s retail offers through wholesale traffic service offers (collection and termination) by carrying out procedures to be identified in the proceeding initiated with resolution no. 667/09/CONS, and specifying the consequences of any inability to achieve replicability (penalties and the suspension of the offer). In respect of the market for the provision of wholesale access services to new generation networks, the market analysis establishes, again under the responsibility of Telecom Italia, the requirement for bitstream on fibre and access to civil infrastructures and used fiber, leaving open the issue of defining the conditions for the implementation of the matters included in the provision for optic fiber network access services, subsequent to the approval of the Recommendation on NGAN networks by the European Commission and on the basis of the non-binding proposal for guidelines of the NGN Italia Committee, taking into account the actual development of optic fiber networks throughout the country. - NGN In September 2010, AGCOM set up a preliminary investigation procedure through resolution no. 498/10/CONS, whose object was an examination of market conditions and competition regarding wholesale access services to new generation networks (markets 4 and 5 amongst those identified by Recommendation 2007/879/EC), in order to adjust the regulatory provisions established on this matter in resolution no. 731/09/CONS. As part of this procedure, in December AGCOM sent a questionnaire to all the operators. WIND sent its reply to this questionnaire on January 14, 2011, consequently AGCOM set up public consultation no. 1/11/CONS. - Monitoring Group for Telecom Italia’s Commitments As a result of the meetings between AGCOM, Telecom Italia and the alternative operators that have been held since March 2010, the Commitment Monitoring Group (Gruppo Monitoraggio Impegni - GMI) requested Telecom Italia to carry out specific measures on groups 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 aimed at: i) reducing the refusal of customer passage; ii) improving parity of treatment; and iii) avoiding situations where ATM are closed without prior notice/planning. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 36 Telecom Italia has published new policies for contacting customers in line with the principles required by the Commitment Monitoring Group (Gruppo Monitoraggio Impegni - GMI) and arranged a mechanism for providing notice of the state of saturation of ATM centers. In conjunction with the other alternative operators, WIND has reported a series of items to the Authority’s Commitment Monitoring Group concerning the critical matters still encountered regarding Commitment Groups 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 12, on which the Authority’s Council must express its opinion. - Definition of cost model The procedure carried out to satisfy the requirements of market analysis resolution no. 731/09/CONS, aiming at defining a cost model for the determination of wholesale prices for access services to the fixed network of Telecom Italia (Unbundling, Bitstream, VLLU) and calculating the WACC (weighted average cost of capital), was completed through the issue by AGCOM of its final resolution no. 578/10/CONS of November 11, 2010. - Price testing With Resolution no. 667/09/CONS, AGCOM set up a public consultation relating to the proposal for the adjustment and innovation of the price testing methodology used in connection with Resolution no. 152/02/CONS. In October 2010, AGCOM published its final proceeding for defining a new price testing model as per resolution no. 499/10/CONS “Adjustment and innovation of the price testing methodology currently used in connection with Resolution no. 152/02/CONS ‘measures designed to ensure the full application of the principle of internal and external parify of treatment by operators having considerable market strength in fixed telephony’”. Pure number portability procedures On February 11, 2010 a public consultation procedure was initiated on “the introduction of secret codes in pure number portability (NP) procedures as per resolution no. 41/09/CIR” and WIND provided its comments on March 16, 2010. In July 2010 resolution no. 35/10/CIR was published, which contains the basic rules for the realization of the procedures for number portability between operators. At present meetings of the inter-operator discussion table on the issue are being held with AGCOM in order to complete the final details concerning the start-up of the procedures and manage the transitional/pilot stage in the passage from the present situation to the new one. In a circular dated October 28, 2010, AGCOM defined the means of testing and managing NPs during the transition period until definitive NP procedures become effective. The effective date for the procedures defined in this way by 35/10/CIR was established as February 7, 2011. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 37 Again in October 2010, the means of carrying out the testing of the pure NP procedures as per resolution no. 35/10/CIR was defined jointly amongst the operators. Public consultations of the European Commission and the ERG During the second half of 2009 WIND replied to a series of European consultations, amongst which that on Regulating Access to the NGAN (Next Generation Access Network) stands out in particular; in this latter case WIND expressed its view that access to the development of these networks should be open to all the players in the sector in an effective, transparent and non-discriminatory way. The recommendation was published in September, 2010. During 2010 WIND took part in a series of consultations on the following subjects: - the Functional Separation guidelines and experience at a national level, the consultation set up by the BEREC with the aim of identifying the guidelines able to support the national regulatory authorities relating to the decision as to whether to proceed with the adoption of functional separation models, and in the case in question regarding the most suitable methods to implement them. In addition, it was stressed that the Functional Separation remedy should be accompanied exclusively by the criterion of the Equality of Input (EoI), and hence that its minimum level should guarantee that the wholesale services offered by the functionally “separate” entity should be provided through the same systems and processes and have the same timing, terms and conditions. - updating the existing universal service regulation, supporting the position that fixed and mobile services are complementary and that there is the need to finance such services by means of a State fund which, on the basis of the extent to which it may be extended to other sectors, would define the means of coverage; - Public consultation as preparation for the European Commission’s program for radio spectrum policies, which highlights the necessity for a harmonized approach to policies for managing the radio spectrum at a European level, noting the need to have access to a greater portion of spectrum in order to encourage the development on the market of broadband services and technologies and requesting additionally to have the 800MHz band available by 2013 as well as transparent, procompetition and non-discriminatory procedures for allocating frequencies; - determining best practice in establishing procedures for customer migration between operators, with WIND expressing its full agreement with the guidelines proposed by the BEREC which substantially coincide with the principles inspiring current procedures and stressing the need for similar guidelines to be extended to business customers; - Public consultation on the second draft of the European Commission Recommendation on the Next Generation Access Network (NGAN), making direct amendments to the text under consultation and therefore supporting the need for an alternative operator (such as WIND) to see its current Report on operations at December 31, 2010 38 obligations for the access markets (markets 4 and 5) unaltered, even in the case of the development of the NGAN, to see these obligations extended also in the case of access infrastructure in fiber and finally to see that the migration process from the current copper network to a fiber network occurs within a reasonable time, providing for measures protecting both competition and the investments in copper made by alternative operators; - The European Commission public consultation on “Open internet and net neutrality”, supporting the need for network providers to be able to manage their network freely as a means of optimizing information flow and to provide both the end-user and the content/service provider with a different quality service based on different pricing policies and stressing that the present level of transparency in supplying services for both the fixed and mobile network provides a sufficient and suitable balance between the customer’s need for information and the complexity involved for the network/service provider to manage the information. In addition, the need has been highlighted not to establish any further regulatory limitations on internet services from both fixed lines and mobiles, in order not to inhibit the desire of operators to make investments in new technologies (i.e. NGN, LTE) or slow down the development of new broadband internet services/applications. AGCOM public consultations Resolution no. 395/10/CONS referred to public consultations on the market analysis relating to market 18 of radio and television broadcasting services for the transmission of contents to the final user. It was noted that the companies operating in broadcasting activities on terrestrial digital networks currently have a position of extreme importance in market 18 (i.e. deriving from their vertical integration and their level of revenues) which might become even stronger due to the considerable discontinuity introduced by the passage to digital. It was additionally proposed that on completion of the analogue-digital switch off a new market analysis should be conducted to check the accuracy of the assessments made in the present market analysis. Finally, it was requested that the process of transition to digital should lead to the freeing of frequencies in the 790 - 862 MHz band, to be allocated to mobile operators. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 39 Mobile market Mobile Termination With resolution no. 667/08/CONS, all Italian mobile operators (Telecom Italia, Vodafone, WIND, H3G) have been identified as holders of significant market power, and transparency, access, non discrimination, price control and cost accounting obligations have been put on each of them. More specifically, article 12 of resolution no. 667/08/CONS requires the following glide path for mobile termination rates to be used as from July 1, 2009. As from As from As from As from Eurocents/minute 07/01/2009 07/01/2010 07/01/2011 07/01/2012 H3G 11.0 9.0 6.3 4.5 Telecom Italia 7.7 6.6 5.3 4.5 Vodafone 7.7 6.6 5.3 4.5 WIND 8.7 7.2 5.3 4.5 With reference to this glide path, article 14 of resolution no. 667/08/CONS provides for the possibility to review this reduction in tariffs subject to the definition of a new long-term incremental cost model, which will not have retroactive effect. Following the advice of Europe Economics, the Authority began developing the cost model at the beginning of 2009. In this respect on November 25, 2010 the consultative stage initiated with AGCOM resolution no. 509/10/CONS was completed; the final decision of AGCOM is currently awaited in respect of the definition of a cost model relating to the voice termination service on the mobile network pursuant to article 14 of resolution no. 667/08/CONS. Market Analysis - Mobile Termination At the end of the public consultation procedure by which the Authority defined the new model for determining mobile termination tariffs (submitted to the European Union for its opinion), AGCOM took the decision with Resolution no. 670/10/CONS to initiate the third cycle of the mobile termination market analysis. The object of the proceeding is “to review the glide path defined in 2008, namely to verify whether, and to what extent, the termination tariff levels of the four mobile operators must be revised to take account of market changes and the degree of competition. As usual, before dealing with the question of the regulatory measures, the market analysis will review both the definition of the market, as part of which the SMS termination service will also be assessed, and the analysis of the competitive situation, also in the light of the increasing role of virtual mobile operators”. This proceeding is expected to be completed by the first half of 2011. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 40 During the proceeding WIND will be involved in the compilation of a preliminary questionnaire prepared by AGCOM aimed at collecting the data to be used for carrying out the market analysis by the Authority and preparing the respective document that will be subject to public consultation. Roaming regulation The guidelines for the provision of the international roaming service between European countries for SMS, MMS and data services came into effect on July 1, 2009. In particular these further reduce the price sof roaming calls, introducing ‘per second’ billing after the first 30 seconds and after the first second for calls received from abroad. In addition, the cost of sending an SMS from abroad has been reduced and tariffs for browsing the net with a mobile phone abroad have been brought down through the introduction of a maximum wholesale price of 1 euro for each MB downloaded. A locking mechanism has also been introduced for when the bill reaches 50 euros or another ceiling chosen by the consumer. In conclusion, the European discipline protecting consumers using European roaming mobile data traffic became effective on March 1, 2010; included amongst the regulations is the possibility for customers to define maximum spending ceilings and alert and automatic blocking mechanisms if these are exceeded. National Numbering Plan With resolutions no. 34/09/CIR and no. 80/09/CIR the Authority amended and supplemented certain provisions of the national numbering plan contained in resolution no. 26/08/CIR. These resolutions postponed the effective date of the new numbering regulations in “decade 4” to February 1, 2010, with the possibility of a transitional arrangement until April 30, 2010. With resolution no. 2/10/CIR on March 8, 2010 a new public consultation was launched on the NNP, in respect of which WIND submitted its comments on April 7, 2010. The issue is under study and is awaiting a final decision about publication. With of resolution no. 74/10/CIR, published in the Official Journal of December 10, 2010, the NNP has been supplemented and updated (resolution no. 26/08/CIR), introducing certain important changes including 4-figure codes for radiomobile services which are available for allocation in blocks of 1 million numbers. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 41 Additional topics Audiovisual and multimedia content With resolution no. 407/09/CONS, AGCOM extended the deadline for the survey on the producers of content in the electronic communications sector, initiated with resolution no. 626/08/CONS. The final closing date for this proceeding (originally planned for the end of February 2010) is currently pending. Audiovisual and Radiophonic Media Services In June, with resolutions no. 258/10/CONS and no. 259/10/CONS, AGCOM published two consultations concerning regulations to define permits for providing linear and non-linear audiovisual services and radiophonic services for “other means of communication” (such as IP networks, namely Web TV, VOD, IPTV, radio/video services via internet, etc.). These resolutions respond to the commitment of AGCOM to establish such regulations, defined as part of Decree no. 177 of July 31, 2005, the so-called “Romani Decree”, as amended by Legislative Decree no. 44 of March 15, 2010 (see article 21, paragraph 1-bis of the Consolidated Law on Audiovisual and Radio Media Services - Testo Unico dei Servizi di Media Audiovisivi e Radiofonici – TUSMAR). WIND has presented a position paper in this respect regarding the regulation of non-linear services (no. 259/10/CONS) At the end of December AGCOM closed two proceedings with resolutions no. 606/10/CONS and no. 607/10/CONS, respectively. A detailed analysis has been initiated on the impact of the final decisions for WIND, which are expected to extend some of the authorizations required to provide services and certain operating activities connected with IPTV services and Libero portal services. Digital decoders As part of activities as per resolution no. 523/09/CONS (an investigation into the characteristics of receiving television programmes digitally and the initiatives needed for introducing a “single decoder”), in February WIND took part in providing information regarding its SetTopBox product offer (which includes a terrestrial digital decoder) using a questionnaire drawn up by AGCOM. Copyright On February 12, 2010, AGCOM published the results of a survey on copyright for electronic communications networks. The aim of the survey was to take stock of the situation regarding piracy and national regulation. In this context WIND took part in the drafting of a reply document as part of ASSTEL and in a hearing at the Authority office as part of the IPTV Association. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 42 At the end of December, AGCOM set up a public consultation through resolution no. 668/10/CONS on a package of initiatives regarding responsibilities for copyright protection, also in the light of those which the law allocates to the Authority. WIND is involved in defining an internal positioning on the management of the issues in question, with specific emphasis being given to the adverse effects for telecommunications operators which may derive from these (tax, any economic or operating charges, responsibility for the process of providing services, etc.). In addition, activities continue in ASSTEL in which WIND actively participates. Discussion meetings have been planned to establish a common positioning in reply to the consultation. Technical discussions regarding spectrum management rules On February 9, 2010 AGCOM initiated discussions for an updating of the spectrum management rules by publishing a notice on its website. The first meeting between operators and AGCOM was held on February 22, 2010, with the aim of discussing qualifying and prequalifying activities performed as part of unbundling and bitstream services. The discussions are still ongoing. Technical discussions concerning “regulatory intervention regarding IP interconnection and interoperability for the supply of VoIP services” On February 9, 2010 AGCOM initiated discussions regarding “regulatory intervention regarding IP interconnection and interoperability for the supply of VoIP services” by publishing a notice on its website. These discussions regard issues concerning IP interconnection such as: interwork between IP technology networks, the definition of a common set of standards, the signalling protocols and technical interfaces required for the supply of IP-based services and the determination of traffic delivery points. The discussions also involve the use of numbering (geographic and non-geographic) for the supply of VoIP services and the related regulatory requirements, such as the requirement to provide access to emergency services and number portability. The first meeting between operators and AGCOM was held on February 22, 2010. The discussions are still ongoing. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 43 Law no. 220 of December 13, 2010: provisions for the preparation of the Government’s annual and multi-annual financial statements (the 2011 budget law, also known as the 2011 stability law), published in the Official Journal, General Series no. 297 of December 21, 2010. Paragraph 1 of article 8 of this law establishes that the Authority must initiate a procedure for allocating the frequencies (790-862 MHz and other available frequencies) to be used for broadband mobile services within 15 days of the date on which the law enters into force. The Ministry will establish the allocation of the frequencies at a later date. In addition, article 13 provides that revenue of not less than €2,400 million will result from the implementation of paragraph 1 of article 8. The allocation procedures must be completed within a term that ensures that the revenues arising from the allocation will be recognized in the Government’s financial statement by September 30, 2011. Main new consumer protection regulations As the consequence of AGCOM resolutions no. 244/08/CSP and no. 400/10/CONS, by the end of October 2010 consumers will be able to monitor the performance of their desktop internet connection by means of certified, free of charge software which they may use on their own personal computers. The introduction of this innovative monitoring system is the result of collaboration between AGCOM and FUB (Ugo Bordoni Foundation) and support provided by the operators. To this end, the operators published certain parameters, including the maximum and minimum speeds used in uploading and downloading. In conjunction with FUB, AGCOM additionally set up a technical discussion table with the mobile operators to update resolution no. 104/05/CSP, with the aim of defining the indicators to be used as a basis for testing the quality of in-mobility data and voice services. The operators confirmed their full availability to collaborate in this project and have prepared a work program which will be put into practice over a period of seven months and which envisages a periodic updating of FUB and AGCOM on the results achieved regarding the identification of the above-mentioned indicators. With resolution no. 326/10/CONS the regulator has provided for the following measures concerning user protection: • Alert systems and expense limits for data traffic; • The availability of systems for controlling data traffic costs; • The predetermination of upper monthly data traffic consumption thresholds; • Information to be provided to customers regarding the above measures; • The availability of tariff plans for voice and SMS services that are in line with EC standards and related disclosure to customers. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 44 WIND has started the necessary internal implementation activities aimed at full compliance with the provisions of said resolution. It is also actively involved in joint initiatives as a member of Asstel. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 45 MAIN PENDING LEGAL PROCEEDINGS AT DECEMBER 31, 2010 WIND is subject to various legal proceedings arising in the ordinary course of business. Below is a description of all material pending legal proceedings at December 31, 2010, excluding those situations in which the cost arising from a negative outcome of the proceedings cannot be estimated or for which a negative outcome is not considered probable. In addition, WIND is subject from time to time to tax audits and investigations, some of which may in the future result in legal proceedings. Audit by the Italian Tax Authorities On November 29 and 30, 2010 the Tax Revenue Office notified separate assessments in which it disputed omission by WIND to subject interest payments made to WIND France SL SA and WIND Acquisition Finance SA in 2005 to withholding tax at source. The disputed withholding tax for the year in question amounts approximately to €1.3 million plus the penalties and interest due by law. This adjustment arises from the Tax Audit Findings Report dated May 31, 2010 in which the Tax Revenue Office disputes the request for a refund of the withholding tax on the interest payments made by WIND to WIND France SL SA (the issuer of the Second Lien loan) and WIND Acquisition Finance SA (the issuer of the High Yield bonds) for 2005 and part of 2006, as well as questioning whether such tax should have been withheld on the interest paid by WIND for the remainder of 2006 and for 2007 and 2008. The Parent has filed a tax settlement proposal in this respect within the terms of law. An unsuccessful outcome of the tax settlement procedure would be duly challenged before the competent judicial authorities. Based on a detailed analysis of this matter no provision has been made in the financial statements at December 31, 2010. Proceedings Concerning Electromagnetic Radiation Proceedings are still pending, in particular before the administrative courts, regarding the installation of base radio stations. These are mainly the result of current concerns about electromagnetic radiation. The claims are of an undeterminable monetary amount. Proceedings with agents Certain proceedings are still pending at different judicial stages relating to the termination of agency agreements (including those with Golden Voice, I&IA), in which the agents seek payment from WIND of certain indemnities provided for by Italian legislation; these include the termination indemnity, the collection indemnity, the indemnity in lieu of notice and the indemnities pursuant to article 1751 of the Italian Civil Code. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 46 WIND/ITALGO SPA WIND was sued by Italgo SpA (formerly Delta SpA), which on the declaration of a breach by WIND of certain provisions of an agreement signed with Delta SpA for the provision of goods and services (the “Commercial Agreement”) is seeking the termination of the agreement and other related agreements, the sentencing of WIND to pay a penalty of €3.3 million, the sentencing of Wind to refund the price of €23 million paid for Delta SpA shares and pay additional damages (to be quantified during the proceedings) for the costs which Italgo alleges to have incurred as the result of WIND’s breaches. Subordinately, the plaintiff has asked for a reduction in the purchase price agreed by the parties to be settled by offsetting this amount against an amount of €9 million payable to WIND. On March 19, 2010, an injunction was issued by the Court of Rome ordering WIND to pay a total of €3 million. WIND appealed the decision and, presently, a negative outcome is considered probable. IOL/RTI RTI SpA - Mediaset (“RTI”) initiated a proceeding against ITALIA ONLINE Srl (“IOL”) before the Court of Milan on the grounds that IOL continued to make 1,600 videos owned by RTI available on following the expiry of IOL’s non-exclusive license for such video content on December 31, 2008. RTL is claiming for damages of approximately €100 million. However, if the Court recognizes the responsibility of IOL, it is probable that the company will be liable for a payment of €1 million. The hearing held on July 14, 2010 started the phase for the clarification of the conclusions. The pleading for the conclusions has been filed and the hearing for the final discussion was held on January 20, 2011. Currently WIND is waiting for the outcome of the proceeding. WIND/Crest One SpA Crest One SpA (‘‘Crest One’’) has initiated proceedings against WIND for (i) the refund of approximately €16 million, previously paid to WIND by Crest One as value added tax under a distribution agreement entered into between Crest One and WIND, and (ii) the compensation of all damages suffered by Crest One (to be determined following the trial) in relation pursuant to the payment of such value added tax by Crest One to WIND. The legal action is at its initial phases and therefore it is not yet possible to quantify any potential liability. The next hearing will be held on May 16, 2012. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 47 Terna/Enel.Net/WIND Through a writ of summons notified on June 11, 2010, Terna and Telat sued WIND and Enel.Net before the Court of Rome in order to request the termination of three contracts executed by Terna, Enel.Net and Telat, alleging the breach by Enel.Net under article 1453 of the Italian Civil Code, of contractual provisions relating to the review of fees. In particular, the contracts concern i) the hospitality of Enel Net’s fiber on Terna’s insfrastructure ii) the lease of the relevant industrial sites; and iii) the maintenance of Enel.Net’s fiber cables. The first hearing, scheduled for February 23, 2011 as indicated in the writ of summons, was brought forward to January 19, 2011 following a request of anticipation by Terna and Telat; at the present state of affairs the second hearing has been scheduled for June 1, 2011 and any losses to be incurred by the Group, while considered possible, are unable to be determined. Proceedings concerning Misleading Advertising and Unfair Commercial Practices Under Legislative decree no. 146/2007, the Italian Antitrust Authority has the power to initiate proceedings concerning unfair commercial practices and misleading advertising and issue fines of up to €500 thousand for each proceeding. In particular, many of these proceedings brought against WIND concerned the advertising of VAS; on September 30, 2010, only one of these proceedings was still pending. This proceeding was closed on December 15, 2010 and notified on January 3, 2011. On January 5, 2010 AGCM started a sanction proceeding against WIND regarding undue telemarketing activities (i.e. calls to customers that had not given their acceptance to be contacted). This proceeding has been closed with the acceptance of WIND undertaking. Turnover contribution On September 19, 2009, WIND served two appeals to the competent Ministries before the Regional Administrative Court of Lazio (the Lazio TAR) (one on its own behalf and the other on behalf of the former Infostrada), claiming for re-payment of the interest on the amounts paid as turnover contribution, which were found to have been illegally assessed and were reimbursed to WIND on July 12, 2007 and to the former Infostrada on December 17, 2008. Following the hearing of December 10, 2009, the Lazio TAR accepted WIND’s appeal, and on December 17, 2009, the Ministry of the Economy and Finance repaid interest approximately €4.7 million to WIND. On January 20, 2010, a hearing was held to discuss the appeal before the Lazio TAR for the repayment of interest on the contribution paid by the former Infostrada, where the Lazio TAR acknowledged the right of Infostrada to receive only a partial amount of the interest payments, as calculated starting from April 18, 2006 rather than, as demanded by WIND, from the date of payment of the concerned amounts. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 48 On May 25, 2010 WIND filed a claim before the State Council against the TAR Lazio’s ruling in order to obtain the entire repayment of the interest payments related to the amounts paid by the former Infostrada. The hearing before the State Council will take place on April 15, 2011. WIND-Antitrust Authority (Proceeding no. A/357) With a decision dated August 3, 2007, the Antitrust Authority closed proceeding no. A/357 by condemning WIND and Telecom Italia for abuse of their dominant positions in the wholesale termination market due to the discriminatory application of economic and technical conditions for fixed-to-mobile on net (fixed-mobile calls originating and terminating on the WIND network) and intercom calls (the calls on the internal telephone lines of a business customer) in favor of their respective internal divisions and to the detriment of fixed-line competitors. WIND was fined a sum of €2 million and ordered to cease the discriminatory behaviour. WIND appealed against the decision by seeking the annulment before the Administrative Court of Lazio (the Lazio TAR). The hearing was discussed on January 23, 2008. The Lazio TAR rejected WIND’s appeal on January 29, 2008 and the related decision was published on April 7, 2008. On September 17, 2008 WIND filed an appeal before the State Council, seeking the annulment of the above Lazio TAR’s decision. The related hearing for the discussion before the State Council originally scheduled for May 11, 2010 was postponed to October 12, 2010. During the hearing the Judge has declared the interruption of the proceedings acknowledging the insolvency procedure declared by one of the parties (Eutelia SpA) on its insolvency procedure. The next hearing for the discussion before the State Council will take place on March, 15, 2011, where the parties will discuss the case. We are currently awaiting the definitive sentence. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 49 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA The following tables provide a summary of the main consolidated financial and performance data for the Group for 2010, prepared in conformity with the IFRS endorsed by the European Union, together with a comparison with the corresponding figures for 2009. Income statement figures (millions of euro) Revenue EBITDA(1) Operating income Net finance expense Unusual finance expense Profit/(Loss) before tax Profit/(Loss) for the year attributable to the owners of the parent 2010 5,898 2,185 1,160 (883) (386) (103) (252) 2009 5,726 2,142 1,139 (557) 0 582 308 (1) Operating income before depreciation and amortization, reversal of impairment losses/impairment losses on non-current assets and gains/losses on disposal of non-current assets. Capital expenditure (millions of euro) Statement of financial position figures (millions of euro) Total assets Equity attributable to owners of the parent non-controlling interests Total liabilities Net financial indebtedness 2010 2009 956 999 December 31, 2010 14,091 December 31, 2009 14,463 1,517 0 12,573 8,415 1,667 1 12,794 8,541 Report on operations at December 31, 2010 50 EEaarrnniinnggss ppeerrffoorrm maannccee The table below sets out the consolidated income statement for 2010 and a comparison with the 2009 figures. 2010 2009 Change (millions of euro) Revenue Other revenue Total revenue amount % 5,771 127 5,898 5,575 151 5,726 196 (24) 172 3.5% (15.9)% 3.0% Purchases and services Other operating costs Personnel expenses (3,180) (145) (388) (3,072) (144) (368) (108) (1) (20) (3.5)% (0.7)% (5.4)% Operating income before depreciation and amortization, reversal of impairment losses/impairment losses on non-current assets and gains/losses on disposal of non-current assets 2,185 2,142 43 2.0% (1,002) (997) (5) (0.5)% (23) 0 1,160 4 (10) 1,139 (27) 10 21 n.s. 100% 1.8% 11 (894) (386) 6 88 (645) 0 0 (77) (249) (386) 6 (87.5)% (38.6)% n.s. n.s. (103) 582 (149) (273) (252) 309 0 0 (252) 309 0 1 (252) 308 Depreciation and amortization Reversal of impairment losses/(impairment losses) on non-current assets Gains (losses) on disposal of non-current assets Operating Income Finance income Finance expense Unusual finance expense Foreign exchange gains (losses) Profit/(Loss) before tax Income tax Profit/(Loss) from continuing operations Profit/(Loss) from discontinued operations Profit/(Loss) for the year Non-controlling interests Profit/(Loss) for the year attributable to the owners of the parent (685) (117.7)% 124 45.4% (561) (181.6)% 0 n.s. (561) (181.6)% (1) n.s. (560) (181.8)% Report on operations at December 31, 2010 51 Revenue The Group generated total revenue of €5,898 million in 2010, an increase of €172 million over 2009. Revenue amounted to €5,771 million in 2010, an increase of €196 million (+3.5%) over the previous year. The following table provides details of this item and changes with respect to 2009. The following table provides an analysis of this item for 2010 and a comparison with the figures for the previous year: 2010 2009 (millions of euro) Revenue from sales Telephony services Interconnection traffic International roaming Judicial authority services Other revenue from services Total 144 4,199 1,233 53 7 135 5,771 130 3,991 1,268 68 9 109 5,575 Change Amount % 14 208 (35) (15) (2) 26 196 10.8% 5.2% (2.8)% (22.1)% (22.2)% 23.9% 3.5% The positive performance was mainly due to a rise of €208 million in revenue from telephony services, €4,199 million in 2010 (€3,991 million in 2009). This increase is essentially attributable to a rise in the mobile segment, also due to the increase in the customer base. In the fixed segment, there has been a rise in revenue from fixed charges and contributions mainly in internet and data services as a consequence of growth in the customer base and due to tariff policies. The revenue from sales increased by €14 million during 2010 (+10.8% over 2009), the increase in this item is mainly due to the increase in the sale of mobile handsets also to the good performance achieved by the sales outlets of WIND Retail Srl. Other revenue amounts in total to €127 million for 2010 (€151 million for 2009) and refers principally to prior year income and the revision of estimates made in previous years. The decrease in the item is mainly due to inclusion in December 31, 2009 of €30 million arising from settlement agreements with some operators (€16 million for 2010) and €10 million (€3 million for 2010) arising from the grant obtained from the Puglia Region as part of the “Measures to support local growth” programme, regarding investments made between 2004 and 2008, in which the Parent took part through the Elawind Consortium. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 52 Operating costs Operating costs for 2010 came to €3,713 million, representing an increase of €129 million over the previous year. Purchases and services amounted to €3,180 million in 2010, an increase of €108 million over 2009. The following table provides an analysis of this item for 2010 and a comparison with the figures for the previous year. 2010 2009 (millions of euro) Interconnection traffic Leases Customer acquisitions costs Cost of goods sold and consumable materials Outsourcing, consulting and professional services Advertising and promotional services Maintenance and repair Utilities National and international roaming Other Total 1,286 708 254 189 193 182 123 75 31 139 3,180 1,293 666 225 182 177 174 119 71 28 137 3,072 Change Amount % (7) 42 29 7 16 8 4 4 3 2 108 (0.5)% 6.3% 12.9% 3.8% 9.0% 4.6% 3.4% 5.6% 10.7% 1.5% 3.5% In accordance with the National Numbering Plan, following the introduction in February 2010 of the interoperability of series 4 numbers, the Group records higher termination and content costs compared with traffic revenue relating to series 4 towards customers of other operators for whom the Company performs the role of Service Provider. The change in purchases and services is mainly attributable to: - an increase of €36 million in “Lease of local access network” costs compared to 2009 due to an increase in the LLU and WLR customer bases also as the result of the migration of the VLLU customer base to the Wholesale Line Rental (WLR) service; - an increase of €29 million in “Customer acquisition costs” compared to 2009 principally due to the increase in commissions resulting from the rise in activations and mobile traffic. The 2009 balance includes the reclassification of €78 million from this item to amortization of intangible assets due to the different presentation of some customer acquisition costs. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 53 Personnel expenses increased by €20 million (+5.4%) over 2009. The change is mainly due to the increase in Group employees during the year (an increase of 182 units compared with December 31, 2009, mainly due to the increase in the subsidiary WIND Retail Srl) and to the renewal of the National Collective Labour Contract signed on October 23, 2009. The change in Other personnel expenses is mainly due to the provision for restructuring of €10 million, for which further details may be found in note 19 to the consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2010. EBITDA Operating income before depreciation and amortization, reversal of impairment losses/impairment losses on non-current assets and gains/losses on disposal of non-current assets (EBITDA) came to €2,185 million in 2010, representing an increase of €43 million, or 2.0%, over 2009. This change is essentially the result of the positive performance of revenue and the prior year actions aimed at controlling operating costs. Operating income Operating income for 2010 came to €1,160 million, an increase of €21 million compared with 2009. This is primarily the result of an increase in EBITDA partially offset by the impact of the impairment losses in certain radio network components, decommissioned in the end of the year, due to the equipment modernisation plan. Finance income and expense In 2010, net finance expense came to €1,263 million (€557 million in 2009), including unusual finance expense of €386 million related to the debt refinancing transaction of November 2010. Excluding unusual items, net finance expense increased by €320 million (57%) as the result of an increase in charges on bond loans caused by the issues of July 2009 and November 2010, only partially offset by a decrease in bank expense due to a lower exposure to banks following the repayments made during the year on the previous loan and a change in the bond/bank debt mix as a result of the Group refinancing operation (more details are available in notes 16, 33 and 35 to the 2010 consolidated financial statements). Report on operations at December 31, 2010 54 Result for the year attributable to owners of the Parent 2010 closed with a loss of €252 million (profit of €308 million in 2009). This result was negatively impacted by one-off costs related to the debt refinancing operation of November 2010 and higher finance charges in part not deductible for tax purposes, only partially offset by increases in the item "Revenue" (€196 million compared to 2009). Report on operations at December 31, 2010 55 SSttaatteem meenntt ooff ffiinnaanncciiaall ppoossiittiioonn hhiigghhlliigghhttss The following reclassified statement of financial position represents an aggregate under operational criteria of the assets and liabilities of the statement of financial position prepared in accordance with IFRS: As of December 31, As of December 31, 2010 2009 Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets Financial assets measured at cost Total non-current assets 3,471 7,995 2 11,468 3,423 8,117 2 11,542 48 (122) 0 (74) 1.4% (1.5)% n.m. (0.6)% Net working capital Inventories Trade receivables Trade payables Tax assets and liabilities Other assets Other liabilities Total net working capital 22 1,379 (1,773) (577) 185 (529) (1,293) 28 1,401 (1,792) (565) 401 (551) (1,078) (6) (22) 19 (12) (216) 22 (215) (21.4)% (1.6)% 1.1% (2.1)% (53.9 )% 4.0% (19.9)% (61) (182) (62) (192) 1 10 1.6% 5.2% 9,932 10,210 (278) (2.7)% Equity attributable to owners of the Parent Non-controlling interests Total equity 1,517 0 1,517 1,667 2 1,669 (150) (2) (152) (9.0)% (100.0)% (9.1)% Net financial indebtedness 8,415 8,541 (126) (1.5)% 9,932 10,210 (278) (2.7)% (millions of euro) Employee benefits Provisions Net invested capital Total net financing Change Amount % Property, plant and equipment amounted to €3,471 million, increased by €48 million compared with 31 December 2009, mainly as the net effect of investments of €699 million, the depreciation charge for the year of €639 million and impairment losses of €13million. In addition, during the year, Radio bridges were written down by €16 million as part of an operation to modernize production infrastructures. In the connection with an operation to replace transmission equipment being carried out to render the network more efficient and to obtain benefits from synergies, the net carrying amount of the replaced equipment was impaired by €19 million, more than offset by the positive effect of €21 million resulting from the recognition of the increase in the market value of the equipment received as a replacement. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 56 Intangible assets amounted to €7,995 million, down €122 million compared with 2009, mainly as the net effect of investments of €257 million, and the amortization charge for the year of €362 million. The balance at December 31, 2009 of Other intangible assets includes the reclassification of €66 million, originally recognized in Other receivables, due to the effect of the different presentation of some customer acquisition costs, for which details may be found in note 2.1 to the 2010 consolidated financial statements. Working capital, which had a negative balance of €1,293 million at December 31, 2010, decreased by €215 million mainly as the effect of the decrease in Other assets, due to Put options exercised on Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl. Equity amounted to €1,517 million at December 31, 2010, of which €1,517 million is attributable to owners of the Parent and €0.3 million to non-controlling interests. The following table sets out the principal changes in consolidated equity in 2010 and 2009. Consolidated equity (millions of euro) Beginning of year Consolidation reserve Result for the year Dividends paid Change in Cash Flow Hedge reserve Other changes End of year December 31, 2010 December 31, 2009 1,669 4,282 0 (252) (10) 112 (2) (39) 309 (2,744) (141) 2 1,517 1,669 Report on operations at December 31, 2010 57 The following table sets out the composition of net financial indebtedness at December 31, 2010 and the changes over December 31, 2009. December, 31 December 31, 2010 2009 amount Non-current financial liabilities Bonds Financing from banks Financing from other lenders Derivative financial instruments 5,315 3,299 239 34 3,863 4,806 415 1,452 (1,507) 239 (381) Current financial liabilities Bonds Financing from banks Financing from other lenders Derivative financial instruments 167 108 67 - 157 9 9 102 9,229 9,361 (132) (1.4)% Non-current financial assets Derivative financial instruments Financial receivables 173 220 179 40 (6) 180 (3.4)% n.m. Current financial assets Derivative financial instruments Financial receivables 15 17 (2) n.m. (11.8)% Cash and cash equivalents 406 584 (178) (30.5)% TOTAL FINANCIAL ASSETS (B) 814 820 (6) (0.7)% 8,415 8,541 (126) (1.5)% (millions of euro) Change % FINANCIAL LIABILITIES TOTAL GROSS FINANCIAL INDEBTEDNESS (A) 37.6% (31.4)% n.m. (91.8)% 10 6.4% 99 n.m. 58 n.m. (102) (100.0)% FINANCIAL ASSETS NET FINANCIAL INDEBTEDNESS (A-B) Net financial indebtedness decreases by €126 million over that at December 31, 2009, mainly due to the change in the mix of financial liabilities as the result of refinancing completed on November 26, 2010 which led, inter alia, to the settlement of most derivatives partially financed through loans from other banks funded by liabilities to other included in Financing from other lenders. With respect to financial assets, the item Financial receivables includes the financial receivable from the indirect parent WIND TELECOM SpA, amounting to EUR 144 million. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 58 CCaasshh fflloow w ssttaatteem meenntt Consolidated cash flows for 2010 are set out in the following statement and are compared to the corresponding figures for 2009. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 2010 2009 (millions of euro) Change amount % Cash flows from (used in) operating activities Profit/(Loss) from continuing operations (252) 309 (561) (181.6)% Adjustments to reconcile the profit / (loss) for the year with the cash flows from/ (used in) operating activities Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses on noncurrent assets Net changes in provisions and employee benefits (Gains)/losses on disposal of non-current assets Changes in current assets Changes in current liabilities 1,025 (11) 1 73 287 994 25 10 108 204 31 (36) (9) (35) 83 3.1% (144.0)% (90.0)% (32.4)% 40.7% 1,123 1,650 (527) (31.9)% (699) (5) (256) (1) (690) 2 (309) (86) (9) (7) 53 85 (1.3)% n.m. 17.2% 98.8% (961) (1,083) 122 11.2% Net cash flows from operating activities Cash flows from (used in) investing activities Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Acquisition of intangible assets (Acquisition)/Disposal of financial assets Net cash flows used in investing activities Cash flows from (used in) financing activities Changes in loans and bank facilities Dividends paid (334) (5) 2,381 (2,744) (2,715) 2,739 (114.0)% 99.8% Net cash flows used in financing activities (339) (363) 24 6.6% Net cash flows for the year (178) 204 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 584 379 205 54.1% Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 406 583 (177) (30.4)% (382) (187.1)% Cash flows from operating activities, amounting to €1,123 million, decreased by €527 million over the previous year, mostly as an effect of the higher finance expense for the year following the issue of July 2009 and the refinancing operation of November 2010, previously commented. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 59 Investing activities used cash during 2010 of a total of €961 million, representing a decrease of €122 million over 2009. Investments in 2009 included the purchase of a license for the use of a further 5 MHz in the 2100 MHz band for €89 million and €53 million for the acquisition of M-Link Sàrl and €31 million for the purchase of Phone Srl. During 2010, financing activities used cash of €339 million as the net effect of the following operations: • early repayments of €363 million, made by the Parent on January 12, 2010 (€336 million) and on August 9, 2010 (€27 million), attributable to the Credit Facility Agreement; • early repayments following the partial refinancing operation which was completed on November 26, 2010 as follows: o €3,869 million related to the termination of the Parent’s Credit Facility Agreement; o €688 million related to the termination of the Luxembourg associate WIND Finance SL SA’ s Second Lien Subscrition Agreement; o €1,441 million related to the termination of the Senior Notes Proceeds Loan Agreement maturing in 2015 issued by the subsidiary WIND Acquisition Finance SA; • distribution of dividends of €5.4 million to the direct parent WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA, to pay the consent fees for the issue of the new debt, provided by clauses of the Pik Proceeds Loan Agreement under which a bond was issued by the Luxembourg associate Wind Acquisition Holdings Finance SA on December 15, 2009; • the issue of new Senior Security Notes maturing in 2018 and having an amount of €2,734 million (nominal amount of €1,750 million and USD1,300 million); • the subscription of a new bank loan (Senior Facility Agreement) of €3,530 million; • payment of fees of €237 million connected with the issue of new loans and bonds. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 60 SUMMARIZED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE PARENT WIND TELECOMUNICAZIONI SPA The income statement and statement of financial position figures below relate to the separate financial statements of the Parent WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA at December 31, 2010, prepared in conformity with the IFRS endorsed by the European Union. Income statement figures (millions of euro) Revenue EBITDA(1) Operating income Net finance expense Unusual finance expense Profit/(Loss) before tax Profit/(Loss)l for the year 2010 5,554 2,148 1,128 (885) (386) (121) (256) 2009 5,446 2,093 1,099 (604) 0 495 263 (1) Operating income before depreciation and amortization, reversal of impairment losses/impairment losses on non-current assets and gains/losses on disposal of non-current assets. Statement of financial position figures (millions of euro) Total assets Equity Total liabilities December 31, 2010 December 31, 2009 13,677 1,497 12,180 14,693 1,497 13,196 Report on operations at December 31, 2010 61 SUMMARIZED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF WIND’S SUBSIDIARIES The income statement and statement of financial position figures below relate to the separate financial statements or the reporting packages of the subsidiaries of WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA, prepared in accordance with the IFRS endorsed by the European Union. The term IFRS includes all International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), all International Accounting Standards (IASs), all interpretations of the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) and all interpretations of the Standing Interpretations Committee (SIC) currently endorsed by the European Union and contained in published EU Regulations. ITnet Srl Income statement figures (millions of euro) Revenue EBITDA(1) Operating income Net finance expense Profit/(Loss) before tax Profit/(Loss) for the year 2010 2009 15.9 1.1 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) (0.2) 15.0 1.7 1.0 0.1 1.1 0.6 (1) Operating income before depreciation and amortization, reversal of impairment losses/impairment losses on non-current assets and gains/losses on disposal of non-current assets Statement of financial position figures (millions of euro) Total assets Equity Total liabilities December 31, 2010 December 31, 2009 24 9 15 26 9 17 2010 2009 70.3 3.0 1.5 (0.1) 1.5 (0.1) 16.0 (4.8) (4.8) (0.0) (4.9) (4.9) WIND Retail Srl Income statement figures (millions of euro) Revenue EBITDA(1) Operating income Net finance expense Profit/(Loss) before tax Profit/(Loss) for the year (1) Operating income before depreciation and amortization, reversal of impairment losses/impairment losses on non-current assets and gains/losses on disposal of non-current assets December 31, December 31, 2010 2009 Total assets 53 27 Equity 26 8 Total liabilities 27 19 Statement of financial position figures (millions of euro) Report on operations at December 31, 2010 62 WIS SpA Income statement figures (millions of euro) 2010 2009 Revenue EBITDA(1) Operating income Net finance expense Profit/(Loss) before tax Profit/(Loss) for the year 655.9 21.1 21.1 0.2 21.0 12.1 484.9 23.7 23.7 0.0 23.6 15.4 (1) Operating income before depreciation and amortization, reversal of impairment losses/impairment losses on non-current assets and gains/losses on disposal of non-current assets December 31, 2010 December 31, 2009 285 85 200 255 73 182 Income statement figures (millions of euro) 2010 2009 Revenue EBITDA(1) Operating income Net finance expense Profit/(Loss) before tax Profit/(Loss) for the year 0.0 (1.2) (1.2) (18.8) (16.9) (17.3) 0.0 (0.1) (0.1) 0.7 0.6 0.4 Statement of financial position figures (millions of euro) Total assets Equity Total liabilities WIND Acquisition Finance SA (1) Operating income before depreciation and amortization, reversal of impairment losses/impairment losses on non-current assets and gains/losses on disposal of non-current assets Statement of financial position figures (millions of euro) Total assets Equity Total liabilities December 31, 2010 December 31, 2009 5,621 83 5,538 4,045 2 4,044 Report on operations at December 31, 2010 63 SUBSEQUENT EVENTS For a comment of the events that took place after December 31, 2010, please refer to note 41 to the consolidated financial statements and to note 40 to the separate financial statements of WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA at December 31, 2010. RISK MANAGEMENT For a disclosure on the management of financial risks, please refer to note 2.5 to the consolidated financial statements and to note 2.5 to the separate financial statements of WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA at December 31, 2010. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS All related party transactions, including those among WIND Group’ companies, are part of ordinary operations, are carried out contractually at market rates and mainly relate to transactions with telephone operators. Then, the Group’s tax position and its presentation in the financial statements reflect the effects of the election made in 2006 and renewed in 2009 by the Italian parent WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) to take part in the national tax consolidation procedure. The disclosure on related party transactions is presented in note 37 to the consolidated financial statements and to note 36 to the separate financial statements of WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA at December 31, 2010, to which reference is made. At December 31, 2010 and during the year, Group companies did not hold treasury shares of the Parent WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA, either directly or through trustees, or shares of the parent WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA and the indirect parent WIND TELECOM SpA or investments in the indirect parent Weather Investments II Sàrl. DISCLOSURES PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 2497-TER OF THE ITALIAN CIVIL CODE There are no events to report under article 2497-ter Italian Civil Code, governing the management and coordination activities of WIND TELECOM SpA on WIND. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 64 OUTLOOK The positive growth trend experienced by the WIND Group throughout the year coupled with an ongoing cost structure optimization process reasonably allow to believe that the Group will continue consolidating its performance and further strengthening its competitive position in 2011. The WIND Group will continue to explore and develop the most promising opportunities arising from the combination of new technologies and new needs expressed by the market while continuing to build, in 2011, upon the commercial success experienced during the course of 2010 in the mobile, fixed-line voice and internet segments. The growth prospects of the WIND Group in 2011 will be supported and sustained by the necessary financial investments which will be in line with the investments made in 2010. PROPOSED ALLOCATION OF THE RESULT FOR THE YEAR OF THE PARENT WIND TELECOMUNICAZIONI SPA 2010 ended with a loss of €256 million. The Board of Directors recommends that the shareholders approve the financial statements at December 31, 2010 and carry forward the loss for the year under the Retained earnings reserve. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 65 GLOSSARY ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line): a technology which via a modem uses normal twistedpair telephone lines and converts the traditional telephone line into a high-speed digital link for transferring multimedia data into asymmetric mode. ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode): a switching technology that permits the transmission of different kinds of information such as voice, data and video. Backbone: the telecommunications network portion with the highest traffic intensity and from which the connections for services in the local areas depart. Base Station Controller (BSC): an interface with the MSC switching exchange. It has the task of supervising and controlling radio resources, both during the phase when a call is being set up and during the maintenance phase. Base Transceiver Station (BTS): a radio signal transmitter which sends out the GSM radio signal via antenna to cover an area (a cell). Bitstream: a service consisting in the supply by the incumbent to the alternative operator of the transmission capacity between the final customer’s workstation and the interconnection point or PoP (Point of Presence) of an alternative operator which wants to offer broadband services to its final customers. Broadband: services characterized by a transmission speed of 2 Mbit/s or more. Cloud Computing: represents the emerging development model, implementation of ICT infrastructures which support the provision of the services and the distribution of Cloud Services, meaning services where the “intangible” asset may be acquired and used in real time through the internet. Crowdsourcing: a neologism which specifies a model in which a business or an institution delegates an activity which is usually assigned to employees of a group, generally containing a large number of members who have not been determined in advance, in “open call” mode using the internet (through outsourcing). EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution): an evolution of the GPRS standard that increases the data transmission rate on the GSM network. EIR (Equipment Identity Register): a database which contains the data to validate access to the network by a mobile phone through its IMEI code. ESP (Enhanced Service Provider): an operator which provides telecommunications services to the public availing of an agreement with a mobile network licensee. FEMTO Cell: low power indoor cellular base station. FEMTO Cells allow mobile operators to connect standard mobile devices to their networks through the customers’ home DSL or cable broadband network. FNR: (Flexible Numbering Register): a table in which the telephone numbers of a single customer under the old and the new operator are listed. FR (Frame Relay): a packet switching transmission technique. Gateway: a network node which allows interfacing with another network using different protocols. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 66 GGSN (Gateway GPRS Support Node): a node which acts as a gateway between a GPRS wireless network and an Internet or private network. GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network): optical access network. GPRS (General Packet Radio Service): a packet-switching based system of transmitting data over the GSM network at medium speed. GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications): standard architecture for digital cellular communications working on 900MHz and 1800MHz bands. This is currently the most widespread mobile telephony standard in the world. HLR (Home Location Register): a centralized database containing the details of each mobile telephone customer authorized to access the GSM network. HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access): a protocol which allows UMTS networks to improve their performance by increasing capacity and band width. Internet: a global computer network accessible to the public. The Internet is an interface for networks based on different technologies but which use the TCP/IP protocol platform. IP (Internet Protocol): a packet-switching network protocol which enables networks with heterogeneous technologies to be inter-connected. IPTV (Internet Protocol Television): a system which transmits digital audiovisual content via a broadband Internet connection. ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network): a circuit-switching technology which allows the transmission of voice and data over traditional telephone lines. ISP (Internet Service Provider): a vendor who provides access to the Internet. LLU (Local Loop Unbundling): it indicates unbundled access to the local network, meaning the possibility for alternative operators, on the payment of a fee, to make use of the incumbent’s infrastructure to offer services to its own customers. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network): a computer network infrastructure within a town or city. MGW (Media Gateway): it connects different types of networks (such as PSTN, Next Generation Networks, 2G and 3G); one of its main functions is to convert between the different transmission and coding techniques. MMS (Mobile Multimedia Services): multimedia messaging services for mobile phones. MNP/FNR Node: (Mobile Number Portability/Flexible Numbering Register) Node - see FNR. Modem: a device that modulates and demodulates signals containing the information to enable digital data to be transmitted on analog channels. MSC (Mobile Switching Center): a part of the GSM mobile telephone network which in addition to acting as a network interface executes functions such as controlling calls, switching traffic and issuing data cards (used for tariffing traffic). MSC-Server: a 3G core network element. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 67 MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator): a company which provides mobile phone services but which does not own a telephone network or have its own frequencies and which uses the infrastructure and frequencies of other mobile telephone operators to offer mobile telephone services. NGN/IMS: (Next Generation Network/IP Multimedia Subsystem): these allow all types of information and services (voice, data and all sorts of media) to be transported by encapsulating them into packets: NGN type networks are based on the Internet Protocol. Node: a topological network junction, commonly a switching center or station. B Node: a term which in UMTS technology denotes the radio base station which creates the coverage of the cell. Packet Switching: method of transmitting information by which each message is divided into different packets that are then sent to their specified destination, even by different routes. PoP (Point of Presence): a point of access to the network provided by an ISP to route traffic to the final users connected to it. RNC (Radio Network Controller): an element of the UMTS network with supervisory and control functions over the B Nodes. Roaming: a service by which mobile telephone operators allow their customers to make connections by using a network not owned by them. This service is activated when the phone is used in a foreign country (if the operators of the other country belong to the GSM network) or when the customer is in the home country of an operator which does not have fLLU coverage in that country. SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node): the SGSN is responsible for the delivery of data packets from and to the mobile stations within its geographical service area. Shared Access: indicates the sharing of access to the user’s twisted-pair telephone lines by the incumbent and another LLU service provider. Short Message Service Center: a network element in the mobile telephone network which delivers SMS messages. SIM (Subscriber Identity Module): a chip to which a serial number is associated that enables a telephone operator to identify on its computer system a specific mobile telephone subscriber, and which enables the subscriber to gain access to its services. SME: small and medium-sized enterprises. SMS: short text messages that can be received and sent through GSM network connected mobile phones. Softswitch: a central device in a telephone network which routes calls from one phone line to another entirely by means of software (instead of by physical switchboards). Switching Center: network nodes which handle the set-up and routing of the signal towards the required destination. TDM (Time-Division Multiplexing): a technique for sharing a communication channel in which two or more signals are apparently transferred simultaneously within the channel, but where in reality each in turn has the exclusive use of the channel for a short period of time. Trunking Gateway: an interface between the VoIP network and the traditional telephone network. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 68 UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System): a third generation mobile phone technology (3G), the successor to GSM, consisting of a broadband transmission system in which data travels at 2Mbit/s. Unbundling: see LLU. VAS: Value Added Services. VDSL2: (Very High Digital Subscriber Loop): Transmission system at high speeds over copper wire. Virtual Unbundling: VLLU, meaning "virtual LLU”, is the complete unbundling of the old operator’s line for administrative purposes only. Telephony services continue to be provided by the old operator while data and internet services are provided by the new operator. VMS (Voicemail System): a centralized system for managing telephone messages. VoIP: a technology which makes it possible to hold a telephone conversation over the Internet or another dedicated network using the IP protocol instead of passing through the traditional telephone network. WAP (Wireless Application Protocol): a protocol allowing access to the Internet from a mobile phone. Web 2.0: a general term describing an evolution of the World Wide Web and referring to the set of online applications characterized by a high level of interaction between the website and the user. Webmail: an application which enables an electronic mail account to be managed via a web browser. Wholesale Line Rental (WLR): a service in which a telecommunications operator other than the incumbent may set up an exclusive commercial relationship with its customers, also outside the LLU service coverage areas, leasing the customer’s lines from the incumbent under wholesale terms and conditions. WiMax (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access): a technology that allows wireless access to broadband telecommunications networks. Report on operations at December 31, 2010 69 WIND GROUP Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND NOTES THERETO CONTENTS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION ................................................................ 73 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT ......................................................................................... 74 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME ......................................................... 75 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT ................................................................................... 76 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CONSOLIDATED EQUITY ................................................................. 77 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE WIND TELECOMUNICAZIONI GROUP AS OF AND FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2010 ................................................... 78 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 78 2 GENERAL ACCOUNTING POLICIES ................................................................................... 80 3 SEGMENT REPORTING .................................................................................................. 104 4 ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSALS.................................................................................... 105 5 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT ............................................................................. 106 6 INTANGIBLE ASSETS .................................................................................................... 107 7 FINANCIAL ASSETS ...................................................................................................... 110 8 DEFERRED TAX ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ...................................................................... 112 9 INVENTORIES .............................................................................................................. 113 10 TRADE RECEIVABLES.................................................................................................... 113 11 CURRENT TAX ASSETS.................................................................................................. 115 12 OTHER RECEIVABLES ................................................................................................... 115 13 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS .................................................................................... 116 14 EQUITY ....................................................................................................................... 116 15 EARNINGS PER SHARE.................................................................................................. 119 16 FINANCIAL LIABILITIES ................................................................................................ 119 17 DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS ......................................................................... 123 18 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ................................................................................................... 124 19 PROVISIONS ................................................................................................................ 125 20 OTHER LIABILITIES ...................................................................................................... 126 21 TRADE PAYABLES ......................................................................................................... 126 22 OTHER PAYABLES ........................................................................................................ 127 23 TAX PAYABLES ............................................................................................................. 128 24 REVENUE ..................................................................................................................... 128 25 OTHER REVENUE ......................................................................................................... 129 26 PURCHASES AND SERVICES .......................................................................................... 130 27 OTHER OPERATING COSTS ........................................................................................... 131 Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 71 28 PERSONNEL EXPENSES ................................................................................................. 132 29 DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION ............................................................................ 132 30 REVERSAL OF IMPAIRMENT LOSSES / (IMPAIRMENT LOSSES) ON NON-CURRENT ASSETS 133 31 GAINS/(LOSSES) ON DISPOSAL OF NON-CURRENT ASSETS ............................................. 133 32 FINANCE INCOME ........................................................................................................ 134 33 FINANCE EXPENSE ....................................................................................................... 134 34 FOREIGN EXCHANGE GAINS/(LOSSES), NET ................................................................... 135 35 UNUSUAL FINANCE EXPENSE ........................................................................................ 136 36 INCOME TAX ................................................................................................................ 136 37 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS .................................................................................. 137 38 NET FINANCIAL DEBT ................................................................................................... 139 39 CASH FLOW STATEMENT .............................................................................................. 139 40 OTHER INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 140 41 SUBSEQUENT EVENTS .................................................................................................. 145 Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 72 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (thousands of euro) Note At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment 5 3,471,478 3,422,568 Intangible assets 6 7,994,844 8,117,067 Financial assets 7 399,695 227,702 Deferred tax assets 8 210,465 262,223 12,076,482 12,029,560 Total non-current assets Inventories 9 21,767 28,122 Trade receivables 10 1,379,470 1,401,311 Financial assets 7 15,836 224,424 Current tax assets 11 11,877 10,217 Other receivables 12 179,406 185,581 Cash and cash equivalents 13 406,147 583,690 2,014,503 2,433,345 14,090,985 14,462,905 Issued capital 147,100 147,100 Share premium 751,887 736,887 (105,708) (201,445) Total current assets TOTAL ASSETS Equity and Liabilities Equity 14 Reserves Retained earnings Equity attributable to owners of the parent Non-controlling interests Total equity 724,217 984,556 1,517,496 1,667,098 299 1,451 1,517,795 1,668,549 9,083,434 Liabilities Financial liabilities 16 8,887,739 Employee benefits 18 61,264 62,014 Provisions 19 182,141 192,200 Other non-current liabilities 20 11,622 6,700 Deferred tax liabilities 8 792,092 822,170 9,934,858 10,166,518 Total non-current liabilities Financial liabilities 16 341,163 277,444 Trade payables 21 1,773,087 1,791,768 Other payables 22 517,508 543,932 Tax payables 23 6,574 14,694 2,638,332 2,627,838 Total liabilities 12,573,190 12,794,356 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 14,090,985 14,462,905 Total current liabilities Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 73 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (thousands of euro) Note 2010 2009 12 months 12 months 5,574,718 Revenue 24 5,770,916 Other revenue 25 126,898 151,655 5,897,814 5,726,373 Total revenue Purchases and services 26 (3,179,511) (3,072,254) Other operating costs 27 (144,878) (143,885) Personnel expenses Operating income before depreciation and amortization, reversal of impairment losses/impairment losses on non-current assets and gains/losses on disposal of non-current assets 28 (388,254) (368,393) 2,185,171 2,141,841 Depreciation and amortization 29 (1,001,365) (996,598) Reversal of impairment losses/(impairment losses) on non-current assets 30 (23,319) 3,948 Gains/(losses) on disposal of non-current assets 31 (406) (9,848) 1,160,081 1,139,343 Operating income Finance income 32 10,513 88,343 Finance expense 33 (894,032) (645,247) (509) Foreign exchange gains/(losses), net 34 6,736 Unusual finance expense 35 (386,326) - (103,028) 581,930 (148,769) (273,303) (251,797) 308,627 - - (251,797) 308,627 10 364 (251,807) 308,263 (1.72) 2.11 Profit/(Loss) before tax Income tax 36 Profit/(Loss) from continuing operations Losses from discontinued operations Profit/(Loss) for the year Non-controlling interests Profit/(Loss) for the year attributable to the owners of the parent Earnings per share (in euro) – basic and diluted: Continuing operations 15 Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 74 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (thousands of euro) Note Profit/(Loss) for the year Other comprehensive income Cash flow hedges Income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income 14 14 2010 2009 12 months 12 months (251,797) 308,627 140,394 (194,300) (27,978) 53,433 112,416 (140,908) (139,381) 167,719 (139,391) 167,355 10 364 (41) Translation reserve Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax Total comprehensive income for the year Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 75 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (thousands of euro) 2010 2009 12 months 12 months (251,797) 308,627 1,024,678 994,336 (10,809) 25,018 Cash flows from operating activities Profit/(Loss) from continuing operations Adjustments to reconcile the profit/(loss) for the year with the cash flows from/ (used in) operating activities Depreciation, amortization and (reversal of impairment losses)/impairment losses on non-current assets Net changes in provisions and employee benefits (Gains)/losses on disposal of non-current assets 406 9,848 73,451 108,246 286,861 204,230 Changes in current assets Changes in current liabilities Changes in non-controlling interests Net cash flows from operating activities - 364 1,122,790 1,650,670 (699,148) (689,982) Cash flows from investing activities Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Acquisition of intangible assets (4,998) 2,191 (256,656) (309,731) (Acquisition)/Disposal of financial assets Net cash flows used in investing activities (547) (85,588) (961,349) (1,083,110) Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds from loans and banks' facilities (333,583) 2,381,038 (5,401) (2,743,615) Net cash flows used in financing activities (338,984) (362,577) Net cash flows for the year (177,543) 204,983 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 583,690 378,707 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 406,147 583,690 Dividends paid ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE CASH FLOW STATEMENT (thousands of euro) Income tax paid 2010 2009 12 months 12 months (82,269) (68,979) Interest paid on loans/bonds (707,102) (476,210) Interest paid on hedging derivative instruments (489,586) (149,615) 338,598 138,293 Interest received on hedging derivative instruments Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 76 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CONSOLIDATED EQUITY Equity attributable Retained to the earnings/(losses owners of carried forward) the parent Equity attributable to the owners of the parent Issued capital Share premium reserve Other reserves 147,100 3,001,055 (52,636) - Profit for the year - - - Cash flow hedge - - - Translation reserve - (thousands of euro) Balances at January 31, 2009 1,185,160 Noncontrolling interests 4,280,679 1,087 Equity 4,281,766 Total comprehensive income for the year 308,263 308,263 364 308,627 (140,867) - (140,867) - (140,867) (41) - (41) - (41) Transactions with equity holders - Allocation of profit - - 17,446 (17,446) - - - - Consolidation reserve - - (38,596) - (38,596) - (38,596) - Dividends paid - (2,264,168) - Other changes - Balances at December 31, 2009 147,100 - - (479,447) (2,743,615) - (2,743,615) 13,249 (11,974) 1,275 - 1,275 736,887 (201,445) 984,556 1,667,098 1,451 1,668,549 Total comprehensive income for the year - Loss for the year - - - (251,807) (251,807) 10 (251,797) - Cash flow hedge - - 112,416 - 112,416 - 112,416 (9,500) Transactions with equity holders - Dividends paid - - - (9,500) (9,500) - - Other changes - 15,000 (16,679) 968 (711) (1,162) (1,873) 751,887 (105,708) 724,217 1,517,496 299 1,517,795 Balances at December 31, 2010 147,100 Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 77 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE WIND TELECOMUNICAZIONI GROUP AS OF AND FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2010 1 INTRODUCTION WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA (“WIND”, the “Parent” or the “Company”) is a joint stock company having its registered office in Via Cesare Giulio Viola, 48, Rome (Italy), and is controlled by WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) through WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA which wholly owns WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA. WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA and its subsidiaries (the “Group” or the “Wind Group”) operate primarily in Italy in the fixed and mobile telecommunications sector under the brands “Infostrada” and “Wind” and in the Internet services sector under the “Libero” brand. In addition the Group manages a long-distance international telecommunications network through the Group headed by WIND International Services SpA. The following diagram outlines the structure of the WIND Group at December 31, 2010. WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA Wind Acquisition Finance II SA 27% Wind Finance SL SA 27% 100% WIND Retail Srl ITNet Srl 100% 100% 100% WIND International Services SpA Wind Acquisition Finance SA 100% WIND International Services Sàrl 99.13% 0.87% WIND International Services SA On October 4, 2010 the indirect parent Weather Investments II Sàrl and VimpelCom Ltd signed an preliminary agreement for the merger of the two groups, an operation which will lead to the creation of the sixth largest mobile phone operator in the world by number of customers. No final agreement has yet been signed at the date of these consolidated financial statements, as subject to a series of conditions necessary for the closing of the transaction. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 78 In this respect, on March 17, 2011 the majority of the Shareholders of VimpelCom Ltd at their Estraordinary General Meeting approved the issue of up to 325,639,827 ordinary shares and 305,000,000 convertible privileged shares and the increase of VimpelCom Ltd’s share capital needed to complete the merger between VimpelCom Ltd and WIND TELECOM SpA. With this approval, the closing of the merger transaction will proceed and is expected to be completed in the first half of 2011, subject to the fulfillment of additional conditions of contract. As defined by the agreement, same Group’s assets should be returned to Weather Investments II Sàrl as part of the agreed fee for the sale. In particular for the Wind Group these are the assets relating to "Libero" web portal, the subsidiaries WIND International Services SpA and It Net Srl and the branch referring to the operation of the submarine cable between Italy and Greece. In base on the information currently available, the Directors estimate that the relating assets included in the consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2010 are recoverable. Contextually in November 2010 the Group completed an important refinancing occurred in the transaction with VimpelCom Ltd, which led to the following: i) the disbursement to the Parent of a new Senior Facility Agreement of €3,530 million; ii) the issue of new Senior Secured Notes maturing in 2018 and having an amount of €1,716 million and USD1,275 million (nominal amount of €1,750 million and USD1,300 million, respectively). This liquidity enabled the following financial liabilities to be fully repaid in advance at the same time: i) the Parent’s Senior Credit Facility (Credit Facility Agreement entered into on August 11, 2005) for €3,756 million and USD149 million; ii) Second Lien Notes issued by the Luxembourg associate WIND Finance SL SA for €552 million and USD180 million; iii) Senior Notes maturing in 2015 issued by the Luxembourg subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA for €950 million and USD650 million. The completion of the refinancing operation enabled the Group to extend the average maturity of approximately two years and benefit from lower average finance expense. The Group closed 2010 with a loss before tax of €103,028 thousand (a profit before tax of €581,930 thousand in 2009) and a loss for the year of €251,807 thousand (a profit for the year of €308,263 thousand in 2009). This result has been negatively affected by the unusual finance expense (of €386,326 thousand of euro) incurred in connection with the repayment of these loans and the greater finance expense due to issue of the bond of €2.7 billion completed in July 2009, which are both partially nondeductible, within the limits imposed by current tax legislation. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 79 The WIND Group will continue developing its commercial activities throughout 2011 in both the fixed telephony and internet segment and the mobile segment, pursuing the business opportunities arising from new technologies meeting the emerging demands of its various customer segments. The 2011 investment program to support planned growth is at least in line with that implemented in 2010. The Group’s business plan confirms that the economic and financial balance will be maintained, that profitability will increase in the medium term and that the carrying amounts of recognized non-current assets at December 31, 2010 will be recovered. 2 GENERAL ACCOUNTING POLICIES 2.1 Basis of preparation The consolidated financial statements of WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA at December 31, 2010 have been prepared on a going concern basis and in accordance with the IFRS endorsed by the European Union. The term IFRS includes all International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), all International Accounting Standards (IASs), all interpretations of the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) and all interpretations of the Standing Interpretations Committee (SIC) endorsed by the European Union and contained in published EU Regulations. During the year no exceptional events occurred such as to require the waivers provided for by IAS 1. These consolidated financial statements are expressed in euros, the currency of the economy in which the Group operates. Unless otherwise stated, all amounts shown in the tables and in these notes are expressed in thousands of euro. For presentation purposes, the current/non-current distinction has been used for the statement of financial position, while expenses are analyzed in the income statement using a classification based on their nature. The indirect method has been selected to present the cash flow statement. For the purposes of comparison, balances in the statement of financial position and income statement and the detailed tables in the notes have been reclassified where necessary. These reclassifications however do not affect the Group’s loss for the year or equity. During 2010 in order to follow sector practice more closely the directors have changed the presentation of costs incurred for the acquisition of customers (mainly relating to commissions paid to the sales network) capitalizing them as intangible assets, when the IFRS requirements for recognition as noncurrent assets are met, and amortizing them over the minimum contractual term. In prior years these costs were deferred over the minimum contractual term and presented as “Other receivables” in current assets, so this change in presentation has had no effect on the opening equity or the profit or loss for prior years. The effects relating to this different presentation may be found in notes 6, 12, 26 and 29. These consolidated financial statements were approved by the Parent’s Board of Directors on March 22, 2011. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 80 2.2 Basis of consolidation These consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA and those entities over which the company exercises control, both directly or indirectly, from the date of acquisition to the date when such control ceases. Control may be exercised through direct or indirect ownership of shares with majority voting rights, or by exercising a dominant influence expressed as the direct or indirect power, based on contractual agreements or statutory provisions, to determine the financial and operational policies of the entity and obtain the related benefits, regardless of any equity relationships. The existence of potential voting rights that are exercisable or convertible at the reporting date is also considered when determining whether there is control or not. The financial statements used in the consolidation process are those prepared by the individual Group entities as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 (the reporting date for these consolidated financial statements) in accordance with the IFRS used by the Parent in drawing up these statements and approved by the respective Boards of Directors. The consolidation procedures used are as follows: ¾ the assets and liabilities and income and expenses of consolidated subsidiaries are included on a line-by-line basis, allocating to non-controlling interests, where applicable, the share of equity and profit or loss for the year that is attributable to them. The resulting balances are presented separately in consolidated equity and the consolidated income statement; ¾ the purchase method of accounting is used to account for business combinations in which the control of an entity is acquired. The cost of an acquisition is measured as the fair value of the assets acquired, liabilities incurred or assumed and equity instruments issued at the acquisition date. Any excess of the cost of acquisition over the fair value of the assets and liabilities acquired is recorded as goodwill. If the cost of acquisition is less than the fair value of the net assets of the subsidiary acquired, the difference is recognized directly in the profit or loss after first verifying that the fair values attributed to the acquired assets and liabilities and the cost of the acquisition have been measured correctly; ¾ business combinations in which all of the combining entities or businesses are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the business combination are considered business combinations involving entities under common control. In the absence of an accounting standard guiding the accounting treatment of these operations the Group applies IAS 8, consolidating the carrying amounts of the transferred entity and reporting any gains arising from the transfer directly in equity; ¾ the purchase of investements from minority holders in entities where control is already exercised is not considered a purchase but an equity transaction. Therefore, the difference between the Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 81 cost incurred for the acquisition and the respective share of the accounting equity acquired is recognized directly in equity; ¾ unrealized gains and losses arising from transactions carried out between companies consolidated on a line-by-line basis and the respective tax effects are eliminated if material, as are corresponding balances of receivables and payables, income and expense, and finance income and expense; ¾ gains and losses arising from the sale of investments in consolidated subsidiaries are recognized in income as the difference between the selling price and the corresponding portion of the consolidated equity sold. The following table provides a summary of the Group’s investments showing the criteria used for consolidation and measurement. Registered office Share/quota capital Euros Basis of consolidation / measurement % holding 12.31.2010 12.31.2009 12.31.2010 12.31.2009 Subsidiaries Enel.Net Srl Italy 21,135,000 Merged 100 Merged Line by line Italia Online Srl Italy 1,400,000 Merged 100 Merged Line by line ItNet Srl Italy 1,004,000 100 100 Line by line Line by line WIND Retail Srl Italy 1,026,957 100 100 Line by line Line by line WIND international Services SpA Italy 640,000 100 100 Line by line Line by line Wind international Services Sàrl Luxembourg 1,065,000 100 100 Line by line Line by line Wind international Services SA Belgium 1,265,000 100 100 Line by line Line by line Luxembourg 60,031,000 100 27 Line by line Line by line Elawind Consortium Italy 4,500 33.33 33.33 Cost Cost Wind Team Consortium Italy 4,500 33.33 33.33 Cost Cost WIND Finance SL SA Luxembourg 31,000 27 27 Line by line Line by line Wind Acquisition Finance II SA Others Luxembourg 31,000 27 27 Line by line Line by line Mix Srl Italy 99,000 15 15 Cost Cost Consel Italy 51,000 1 1 Cost Cost Janna Scarl Italy 13,717,365 17 17 Cost Cost QXN Italy 500,000 10 10 Cost Cost Hellas Telecommunication I Sàrl Luxembourg 1,873,400 - 15.83 N/A Fair Value Weather Finance II Sàrl Luxembourg 12,500 - 16 N/A Cost Wind Acquisition Finance SA Associates Compared to the consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2009 the following operations have affected the scope of consolidation: • on March 25, 2010, the reverse merger of Mondo WIND Srl into Phone Srl was completed, with the aim of pursuing economic, operational and corporate structure efficiency objectives, with Phone Srl changing its name at the same time to WIND Retail Srl. In this respect, on July 17, 2009 the subsidiary Mondo WIND Srl had acquired 100% of the quota capital of Phone Srl, for which details may be found in the consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2009; Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 82 • on November 12, 2010, the merger of the companies Enel.Net Srl and Italia Online Srl into WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA was completed. It should be noted that this transaction, which may be defined as “under common control”, had no effect on the Group’s scope of consolidation; • on November 26, 2010, the Parent completed the purchase of the remaining 73% of the share capital of the Luxembourg company Wind Acquisition Finance SA, already consolidated on a lineby-line basis as “special purpose vehicle” from CCT Corporate Nominees Limited at a price of €1,788 thousand. As a result of the acquisition of Phone Srl completed during the second half of 2009, the amounts in the income statement, the statement of comprehensive income and the cash flow statement at December 31, 2009 and 2010 are not directly comparable. In order to allow a clearer reading of the amounts, the following table sets out the contribution to the Group’s consolidated income statement of former Phone Srl (WIND Retail Srl to which former Mondo WIND Srl’s implicit values have been unbundled, calculated on basis of trend of data at merger date). 2009 12 months 2010 12 months Revenue Other revenue 13,135 8 28,161 167 Total revenue 13,143 28,328 Purchases and services Other operating costs Personnel expenses Operating income before depreciation and amortization, reversal of impairment losses/impairment losses on non-current assets and gains/losses on disposal of noncurrent assets (3,734) (246) (4,336) (6,054) (106) (13,832) 4,826 8,336 (thousands of euro) Depreciation and amortization and impairment losses Operating income Finance income Finance expense Profit before tax Income tax Profit for the year (58) (1.125) 4,768 7,211 5 (12) (25) 4,761 7,186 (1) (1,567) 4,760 5,619 The investments in WIND Finance SL SA and Wind Acquisition Finance II SA, in which the Group has an interest of 27%, have been consolidated on a line-by-line basis because they are special purpose entities. 2.3 Summary of main accounting policies The principal accounting policies adopted in preparing these consolidated financial statements are set out below. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 83 Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment are stated at purchase cost or production cost, net of accumulated depreciation and any impairment losses. Cost includes expenditure directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for use and any dismantling and removal costs which may be incurred as a result of contractual obligations which require the asset to be returned to its original state and condition. Borrowing costs directly associated with the purchase or construction of property, plant and equipment are recognized directly in profit or loss. Costs incurred for ordinary and cyclical repairs and maintenance are taken directly to profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. Costs incurred for the expansion, modernization or improvement of the structural elements of owned or leased assets are capitalized to the extent that they have the requisites to be separately identified as an asset or part of an asset, in accordance with the “component approach”. Under this approach each asset is treated separately if it has an autonomously determinable useful life and carrying amount. Depreciation is charged systematically, on a straight-line-basis from the date the asset is available and ready for use over its estimated useful life. The useful lives of property, plant and equipment and their residual values are reviewed and updated, where necessary, at least at each year end. Land is not depreciated. When a depreciable asset is composed of identifiable separate components whose useful lives vary significantly from those of other components of the asset, depreciation is calculated for each component separately, applying the “component approach”. The useful lives estimated by the Group for the various categories of property, plant and equipment are as follows. Plant and machinery Planning and development costs of the fixed line and mobile telephone network 5-20 years Residual term of license Equipment Other assets 4 years 5-10 years Gains or losses arising from the sale or retirement of assets are determined as the difference between the selling price and the carrying amount of the asset sold or retired and are recognized in profit or loss under “Gains/(losses) on disposal of non-current assets”. Finance leases are leases that substantially transfer all the risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of assets to the Group. Property, plant and equipment acquired under finance leases are recognized as assets at their fair value or, if lower, at the present value of the minimum lease payments, including any Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 84 amounts to be paid for exercising a purchase option. The corresponding liability due to the lessor is recognized as part of financial liabilities. An asset acquired under a finance lease is depreciated over the shorter of the lease term and its useful life. Lease arrangements in which the lessor substantially retains the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of the assets are classified as operating leases. Lease payments under operating leases are recognized as an expense in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Intangible assets Intangible assets are identifiable non-monetary assets without physical substance which can be controlled and which are capable of generating future economic benefits. Intangible assets are stated at purchase and/or production cost including any expenses that are directly attributable to preparing the asset for its intended use, net of accumulated amortization in the case of assets being amortized and any impairment losses. Borrowing costs accruing during and for the development of the asset are recognized in profit or loss. Amortization begins when an asset becomes available for use and is charged systematically on the basis of the residual possibility of utilization of the asset, meaning on the basis of its estimated useful life. ¾ Industrial patents and intellectual property rights, concessions, licenses, trademarks and similar rights Costs for the purchase of industrial patents and intellectual property rights, concessions, licenses, trademarks and similar rights are capitalized. Amortization is charged on a straight-line basis such as to write off the cost incurred for the acquisition of a right over the shorter of the period of its expected use and the term of the underlying agreement, starting from the date on which the acquired right may be exercised. Trademarks are not amortized as they are considered to have an indefinite useful life. ¾ Software Costs relating to the development and maintenance of software programs are expensed as incurred. Unique and identifiable costs directly related to the production of software products which are controlled by the Group and which are expected to generate future economic benefits for a period exceeding one year are accounted for as intangible assets. Direct costs – where identifiable and measurable – include the cost of employees who develop the software, together with a share of overheads as appropriate. Amortization is charged over the useful life of the software which is estimated at 5 years. ¾ Goodwill Goodwill represents the excess of the cost of an acquisition over the interest acquired in the fair value at the acquisition date of the assets and liabilities of the entity or business acquired. Goodwill relating to investments accounted for using the equity method is included in the carrying amount of the investment. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 85 Goodwill is not systematically amortized but is rather subject to periodic tests to ensure that the carrying amount in the statement of financial position is adequate (“impairment test”). Impairment tests are carried out annually or more frequently when events or changes in circumstances occur that could lead to an impairment loss on the cash generating units (“CGUs”) to which the goodwill has been allocated. An impairment loss is recognized whenever the recoverable amount of goodwill is lower than its carrying amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of the fair value of the CGU less costs to sell and its value in use, which is represented by the present value of the cash flows expected to be derived from the CGU during operations and from its disposal at the end of its useful life. The method for calculating value in use is described in the paragraph below “Impairment losses”. Once an impairment loss has been recognized on goodwill it cannot be reversed. Whenever an impairment loss resulting from the above tests exceeds the carrying amount of the goodwill allocated to a specific CGU, the residual amount is allocated to the assets of that particular CGU in proportion to their carrying amounts. The carrying amount of an asset under this allocation is not reduced below the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and its value in use as described above. ¾ Customer list The customer list as an intangible asset consists of the list of customers identified on allocating the goodwill arising on acquisitions carried out by the Group. Amortization is charged on the basis of the respective estimated useful lives, which range from 5 to 15 years. ¾ Customer Acquisition Costs These consist mainly of the cost of commissions paid to the sales network, which in line with sector practice are capitalized as intangible assets from 2010, in accordance with the principles of reference, and amortized over the minimum contract term. Impairment losses At each reporting date, property, plant and equipment and intangible assets with finite lives are assessed to determine whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset concerned is estimated and any impairment loss is recognized in profit or loss. Intangible assets with an indefinite useful lives are tested for impairment annually or more frequently when events or changes in circumstances occur that could lead to an impairment loss. The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and its value in use, which is represented by the present value of its estimated future cash flows. In determining an asset’s value in use the estimated future cash flows are discounted using a pre-tax rate that reflects the market’s current assessment of the cost of money for the investment period and the specific risk profile of the asset. If an asset does not generate independent cash flows, its recoverable amount is determined in relation to the cash-generating unit (CGU) to which it belongs. An impairment loss is recognized in the profit or loss Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 86 when the carrying amount of an asset or the CGU to which it is allocated exceeds its recoverable amount. If the reasons for previously recognizing an impairment loss cease to exist, the carrying amount of an asset other than goodwill is increased to the carrying amount of the asset that would have been determined (net of amortization or depreciation) had no impairment loss been recognized on the asset, with the reversal being recognized in profit or loss. Investments Investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries are stated at cost. Investments in companies where the Group exercises a significant influence (“associates”), which is presumed to exist when the Group holds between 20% and 50%, are accounted for using the equity method. The equity method is as follows: ¾ the Group’s share of the profit or loss of an investee is recognized in profit or loss from the date when significant influence or control begins up to the date when that significant influence or control ceases. Where the investee accounted for using the equity method has a deficit as the result of losses, its carrying amount is reduced to zero and any excess attributable to the Group in the event that it has legal or constructive obligations on behalf of the investee or in any case to cover the losses is recognized in a specific provision. Equity changes in investees accounted for using the equity method that do not result from profit or loss are recognized directly in consolidated equity reserves; ¾ unrealized gains and losses generated from transactions between the Parent or its subsidiaries and its investees accounted for using the equity method are eliminated on consolidation for the portion pertaining to the Group; unrealized losses are eliminated unless they represent an impairment loss. Investments in other companies are measured at fair value with any changes in fair value being recognized in profit or loss. If the fair value cannot be reliably determined an investment is measured at cost. Cost is adjusted for impairment losses if necessary, as described in the paragraph “Impairment losses”. If the reasons for an impairment loss no longer exist, the carrying amount of the investment is reversed up to the extent of the loss with the related effect recognized in profit or loss. Any risk arising from losses exceeding the carrying amounts of investments is accrued in a specific provision under liabilities to the extent of the Group’s legal or constructive obligations on behalf of the investee or in any case to the extent that it is required to cover the losses. Investments held for sale or to be wound up in the short term are classified as current assets and stated at the lower of their carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 87 Financial instruments Financial instruments consist of financial assets and liabilities whose classification is determined on their initial recognition and on the basis of the purpose for which they were purchased. Purchases and sales of financial instruments are recognized at settlement date. ¾ Financial assets Financial assets are initially recognized at fair value and classified in one of the following four categories and subsequently measured as described below: i) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss: this category includes financial assets purchased primarily for sale in the short term, those designated as such upon initial recognition, provided that the assumptions exist for such classification or the fair value option may be exercised, and financial derivatives except for the effective portion of those designated as cash flow hedges. These assets are measured at fair value; any change in the period is recognized in profit or loss. Financial instruments included in this category are classified as current assets if they are held for trading or expected to be disposed of within twelve months from the reporting date. Derivatives are treated as assets or liabilities depending on whether their fair value is positive or negative; positive and negative fair values arising from transactions with the same counterparty are offset if this is contractually provided for. ii) Loans and receivables: these are non-derivative financial instruments, mostly relating to trade receivables, which are not quoted on an active market and which are expected to generate fixed or determinable repayments. They are included as current assets unless they are contractually due over more than twelve months after the reporting date in which case they are classified as non-current assets. These assets are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. If there is objective evidence of factors which indicate an impairment loss, the asset is reduced to the discounted value of future cash flows. The impairment loss is recognized in profit or loss. If in future years the factors which caused the impairment loss cease to exist, the carrying amount of the asset is reinstated up to the amount that would have been obtained had amortized cost been applied. iii) Held-to-maturity investments: these are fixed maturity non-derivative financial instruments having fixed or determinable payments which the Group has the intention and ability to hold until maturity. These assets are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method, adjusted as necessary for impairment losses. In the case of impairment the policies used for financial receivables apply. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 88 iv) Available-for-sale financial assets: these are non-derivative financial instruments which are either specifically included in this category or included there because they cannot be classified in the other categories. These assets are measured at fair value and any related gain or loss is recognized directly in an equity reserve and subsequently recognized in profit or loss only when the asset is actually sold or, if there are cumulative negative changes, when it is expected that the losses recognized in equity cannot be recovered in the future. For debt securities, if in a future period the fair value increases due to the objective consequence of events occurring after the impairment loss has been recognized in profit or loss, the original value of the instrument is reinstated with the corresponding gain recognized in profit or loss. Additionally, the yields from debt securities arising from the use of the amortized cost method are recognized in profit or loss in the same manner as foreign exchange differences, whereas foreign exchange differences relating to available-for-sale equity instruments are recognized in the specific equity reserve. The classification as current or non-current assets is the consequence of strategic decisions regarding the estimated period of ownership of the asset and its effective marketability, with those which are expected to be realized within twelve months from the reporting date being classified as current assets. Financial assets are derecognized when the right to receive cash flows from them ceases and the Group has effectively transferred all risks and rewards related to the instrument and its control. ¾ Financial liabilities Financial liabilities consisting of loans, trade payables and other obligations are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. When there is a change in expected cash flows which can be reliably estimated, the value of the loans is recalculated to reflect such change based on the present value of expected cash flows and the originally determined internal rate of return. Financial liabilities are classified as current liabilities except where the Group has an unconditional right to defer payment until at least twelve months after the reporting date. Financial liabilities are derecognized when settled and the Group has transferred all the related costs and risks relating to the instrument. ¾ Derivative financial instruments When a contract is entered into the instrument is initially recognized at fair value, with subsequent changes in fair value being recognized as a financial component of income. Where instead it has been decided to use hedge accounting, meaning in those situations in which the hedging relationship is identified, subsequent changes in fair value are accounted for in accordance with the following specific criteria. The relationship between each derivative qualifying as a hedging instrument and the hedged Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 89 item is documented to include the risk management objective, the strategy for covering the hedge and the means by which the hedging instrument’s effectiveness will be assessed. An assessment of the effectiveness of each hedge is made when each derivative financial instrument becomes active and throughout the hedge term. In the case of a fair value hedge, i.e. the hedge refers to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability, the changes in the fair value of the hedging instrument and those of the hedged item are both recognized in profit or loss. If the hedge is not fully effective, meaning that these changes are different, the non-effective portion is treated as finance income or expense for the year in the income statement. For a cash flow hedge, the fair value changes of the derivative are subsequently recognized, limited to the effective portion, in a specific equity reserve (the “cash flow hedge reserve”). A hedge is normally considered highly effective if from the beginning and throughout its life the changes in the expected cash flows for the hedged item are substantially offset by the changes in the fair value of the hedging instrument. When the economic effects deriving from the hedged item are realized, the reserve is reclassified to the income statement together with the economic effects of the hedged item. Whenever the hedge is not highly effective, the non-effective portion of the change in fair value of the hedging instrument is immediately recognized as a financial component of the profit or loss for the year. Cash flow hedges also include hedges of the currency risk for transactions carried out in US dollars. These obligations are translated at the year-end exchange rate and any resulting exchange gains and losses are offset in the income statement against the change in the fair value of the hedging instrument. When hedged forecast cash flows are no longer considered highly probable during the term of a derivative, the portion of the “cash flow hedge reserve” relating to that instrument is reclassified as a financial component of the profit or loss for the year. If instead the derivative is sold or no longer qualifies as an effective hedging instrument, the “cash flow hedge reserve” recognized to date remains as a component of equity and is reclassified to profit or loss for the year in accordance with the criteria of classification described above when the originally hedged transaction takes place. Quotations at the reporting date are used to determine the fair value of financial instruments listed on active markets. In the absence of an active market, fair value is determined by referring to prices supplied by third-party operators and by using valuation models based primarily on objective financial variables and, where possible, prices in recent transactions and market prices for similar financial instruments. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 90 Taxation Income tax is recognized on the basis of taxable profit for the year and the applicable laws and regulations, using tax rates prevailing at the reporting date. Deferred taxes are calculated on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the consolidated financial statements at the tax rates that are expected to apply for the years when the temporary differences will be realized or settled and tax losses carried forward will be reversed, based on tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the reporting date. An exception to this rule regards the initial recognition of goodwill and temporary differences connected with investments in subsidiaries when the Group is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences or when it is probable that the differences will not reverse. Current and deferred taxes are recognized in profit or loss, except for those arising from items taken directly to equity; in such cases the tax effect is recognized directly in the specific equity item. Tax assets and liabilities, including those regarding deferred taxation, are offset when they relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on the same taxable entity and when the entity has a legally enforceable right to offset these balances and intends to exercise that right. In addition, current tax assets and liabilities are offset in the case that different taxable entities have the legally enforceable right to do so and when they intend to settle these balances on a net basis. The Group’s tax position and its presentation in the financial statements reflect the effects of the election made in 2006 and renewed in 2009 by the Italian parent WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) to take part in the national tax consolidation procedure. For the regulations on electing the tax consolidation procedure to apply, the parent that elected for consolidation is required to determine a single overall tax base for corporate income tax (IRES) purposes consisting of the sum of the taxable profit or tax loss of the Parent and those of its subsidiaries taking part in the procedure, and to settle a liability by making a single tax payment or to recognize a single tax credit for repayment or to be carried forward. Therefore, it follows that a receivable or payable with the Parent is found in the financial statements on transferring a tax loss or taxable profit, respectively, in the place of the respective tax receivables or payables accrued by the Group companies taking part in the procedure. Inventories Inventories are stated at the lower of purchase cost or production cost and net estimated realizable value. Cost is determined using the weighted average cost method for fungible goods or goods held for resale. When necessary, provisions are made for slow-moving and obsolete inventories. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 91 Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents are recognized at fair value and consist of short-term highly liquid investments (generally not exceeding three months) that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. Assets held for sale and assets in disposal groups Assets held for sale consist of non-current assets (or disposal groups) whose carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use. Assets held for sale are measured at the lower of their carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. No further depreciation is charged from the time that a depreciable asset is reclassified to this caption. Gains or losses arising from discontinued operations or from assets held for sale are reported as a separate item in profit or loss, net of any tax effects. Provisions Provisions are recognized for a loss or expense of a specific nature that is certain or probable to arise but for which the timing or amount cannot be precisely determined. Provisions are only recognized when the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation arising from past events that will result in a future outflow of resources, and when it is probable that this outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation. The amount provided represents the best estimate of the present value of the outlay required to meet the obligation. The interest rate used in determining the present value of the liability reflects current market rates and takes into account the specific risk of each liability. Risks for which the likelihood of a liability arising is only possible are disclosed in the notes under “Contingent assets and liabilities” and no provision is made. Employee benefits ¾ Short-term employee benefits Short-term employee benefits are recognized in profit or loss in the period when an employee renders the related service. ¾ Post-employment benefits Post-employment benefits may be divided into two categories: 1) defined contribution plans and 2) defined benefit plans. Contributions to defined contribution plans are charged to profit or loss when incurred, based on their nominal value. For defined benefit plans, since benefits are determinable only after the termination of employment, costs are recognized in profit or loss based on actuarial calculations. Defined benefit plans, which include the Italian post-employment benefits (TFR) which are due in accordance with the provisions of article 2120 of the Italian Civil Code and which are accrued up to December 31, 2006, are based on an employee’s working life and the remuneration received during Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 92 service. The related liability is projected forward to calculate the probable amount payable at the termination date and is then discounted using the Projected Unit Credit Method, to take account of the passage of time before the actual payment of the benefit. The measurement of the liability recognized in the statement of financial position is carried out by third party actuaries, based on actuarial assumptions which relate mainly to: the discount rate, which must reflect market yields on the high quality corporate bonds having a term consistent with the expected term of the obligation, increases in salaries and employee turnover. As a consequence of the introduction of Law no. 296 of December 27, 2006 (the 2007 Finance Act) and subsequent decrees and regulations, the post-employment benefits accruing from January 1, 2007 are considered to be part of defined contribution plans and recognized in the same manner as other defined contribution plans, if the amounts are transferred to treasury funds of the national social security organization (INPS), or from June 30, 2007 or the date of employee election, if earlier, if transferred to private pension plans. The post-employment benefits accrued up to these dates remain defined benefit plans, with the related actuarial calculations excluding any assumptions regarding increases in salaries as had been previously made. The difference arising from this change was recognized in the consolidated profit or loss for the year ended December 31, 2007. At each reporting date, actuarial gains and losses, defined as the difference between the carrying amount of the liability and the present value of the Group’s obligation at year end, which arise from changes in the actuarial assumptions referred to above, are recognized using the “corridor approach”, meaning only when the gains or losses exceed 10% of the present value of the Group’s obligation at the previous reporting date. Any amount in excess of 10% is charged against future income over a period in line with the average remaining working life of employees, starting with the first period subsequent to recognition. ¾ Termination benefits and redundancy incentive schemes Benefits due to employees on the termination of employment contracts are treated as a liability when the Group is demonstrably committed to terminating these contracts for a single employee or group of employees before the normal retirement date or to granting termination benefits in order to facilitate voluntary resignations of surplus employees following a formal proposal. These benefits do not create future economic advantages to the Group and the related costs are therefore immediately recognized in profit or loss. ¾ Share-based payments The Group recognizes additional benefits to certain managers and other members of personnel through stock option plans. IFRS 2 - Share-based Payments considers these plans to represent a component of employee remuneration; the cost of these plans therefore consists of the fair value of the option at the grant date and is recognized in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the period between the grant Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 93 date and the vesting date, with the corresponding entry recognized directly in equity. Changes in the fair value of the option subsequent to the grant date have no effect on the original measurement. Translation of items in non-euro currencies Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into euros at the exchange rate prevailing at the date of the transaction. Exchange gains and losses arising on the settlement of transactions and those arising on the translation at year-end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities are recognized in profit or loss. With reference to foreign transactions whose currency risk is covered with derivatives, further details are provided in the note Financial instruments. Revenue recognition Revenue is recognized at the fair value of the consideration received, net of rebates and discounts. Revenue from the sale of goods is recognized when the Group transfers the risks and rewards of ownership of the goods. Revenue from services is recognized in profit or loss by reference to the stage of completion and only when the outcome can be reliably estimated. More specifically, the criteria followed by the Group in recognizing core-business revenue are as follows: ¾ revenue arising from post-paid traffic, interconnection and roaming is recognized on the basis of the actual usage of each subscriber and telephone operator. Such revenue includes amounts paid for access to and usage of the Group network by customers and other domestic and international telephone operators; ¾ revenue from the sale of prepaid cards and recharging is recognized on the basis of the prepaid traffic actually used by subscribers during the year. The unused portion of traffic at period end is recognized as “Other payables - Prepaid traffic to be used”; ¾ revenue from the sale of mobile phones and fixed-line phones and related accessories is recognized at the time of sale; ¾ one-off revenue from fixed and mobile (prepaid or subscription) activation and/or substitution, activation of new services and tariff plans is recognized for the full amount at the moment of activation independent of the period in which the actual services are rendered by the Group. In the case of promotions with a cumulative plan still open at year end, the activation fee is recognized on an accrual basis so as to match the revenue with the period in which the service may be used; ¾ one-off fees received for the granting of rights to use owned fiber optic cables are recognized at the time of the transfer of the underlying right and, therefore, of the related risks and rewards. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 94 Government grants Government grants are recognized when a formal decision of the disbursing government institution has been taken, with recognition being matched to the costs to which they relate. Grants related to income are taken to “Other revenue” in the profit or loss, while grants related to assets are recognized as deferred revenue and taken to income on a straight-line basis over the useful life of the asset to which the grant directly relates. Finance income and expense Finance expense is recognized on an accruals basis using the effective interest method, meaning at the interest rate that renders all cash inflows and outflows linked to a specific transaction financially equivalent. Earnings per share ¾ Basic Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the profit or loss for the year attributable to owners of the parent, both from continuing and discontinued operations, by the weighted average number of ordinary shares of the parent outstanding during the year. ¾ Diluted Diluted earnings per share are calculated by dividing the profit or loss for the year attributable to owners of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares of the parent outstanding during the year where, compared to basic earnings per share, the weighted average number of shares outstanding is adjusted for the effects of all dilutive potential shares, while the profit or loss for the year is adjusted for the effects of such conversion net of taxation. Diluted earnings per share are not calculated when there are losses as any dilutive effect would improve earnings per share. New accounting standards and interpretations The Group has adopted all the newly issued and amended standards of the IASB and interpretations of the IFRIC, endorsed by the European Union, applicable to its transactions and effective for financial statements for years beginning January 1, 2010 and thereafter. Accounting standards, amendments and interpretations adopted from 1 January 2010 The following is a brief description of the new standards and interpretations adopted by the Group in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2010. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 95 ¾ IFRS 3 – Business Combinations (2008) The main changes to IFRS 3 concern: i) the accounting treatment of step acquisition of subsidiaries, ii) the possibility to measure non-controlling interests at fair value in a partial acquisition, iii) the recognition of acquisition-related costs as expenses and iv) the recognition at the acquisition date of any contingent consideration included in the arrangements. The introduction of this standard had no effect on the Group’s consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2010. ¾ IFRS 1 - First Time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (2008) The restructured IFRS 1 eliminates certain transitory provisions and also contains certain minor changes to the text having the aim of ensuring high quality information in the accounts of first-time adopters. The introduction of this standard had no effect on the Group’s consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2010. ¾ Amendment to IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (Eligible Hedged Items) The aim of this amendment to IAS 39 is to clarify the application of hedge accounting to the inflation component of financial instruments and option contracts when they are used as hedging instruments. The amendment, effective from July 1, 2009, had no effect on the Group’s consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2010. ¾ Amendment to IAS 27 – Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements The revisions to IAS 27 principally affect the accounting for transactions and events that result in a change in the Group’s interest in its subsidiaries and the attribution of a subsidiary’s losses to noncontrolling interests. The amendment, effective from July 1, 2009, had no effect on the Group’s consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2010. ¾ IFRIC 17 – Distribution of Non-cash Assets to Owners This interpretation provides clarification and guidance for accounting for the distribution of non-cash assets to owners. The interpretation, effective from July 1, 2009, had no effect on the Group’s consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2010. ¾ IFRIC 18 – Transfers of Assets from Customers This interpretation, effective from July 1, 2009, provides clarification and guidance for accounting for items of property, plant and equipment received from customers or for cash received from customers to acquire or construct items of property, plant and equipment. The introduction of this interpretation had no effect on the Group’s consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2010. ¾ Improvements to IFRS (April 2009) In April 2009, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued Improvements to IFRS as part of its annual process of making amendments designed to simplify and clarify international financial Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 96 reporting standards. The majority of these improvements, effective from July 1, 2009, are clarifications of or corrections to existing IFRS or changes resulting from amendments made previously to IFRS. The amendments to IFRS 8, IAS 17, IAS 36 and IAS 39 lead to changes to existing requirements or provide additional guidance on the implementation of these requirements. ¾ Amendments to IFRS 2 - Group Cash-settled Share-based Payment Transactions These amendments, effective from January 1, 2010, clarify the accounting for share-based payment transactions where the supplier of the goods or services is paid in cash and the obligation is undertaken by another group entity (group cash-settled share-based payment transactions). These amendments has had no effect on the Group’s consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2010. Accounting standards, amendments and interpretations not yet effective and not adopted early by the Group The following standards and interpretations had been issued at the date of these notes but were not yet effective for the preparation of these consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2010. STANDARD/INTERPRETATION EFFECTIVE DATE EU endorsement Amendments to IAS 32 - Classifications of rights issues Annual financial statements beginning on or after February 1, 2010 Endorsed IAS 24 - Related Party Disclosures (revised in November 2009) Annual financial statements beginning on or after January 1, 2011 Endorsed IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments Annual financial statements beginning on or after January 1, 2013 Not endorsed Amendments to IFRS 1 and IFRS 7 - Limited Exemption from Comparative IFRS 7 Disclosures for First-time Adopters Annual financial statements beginning on or after July 1, 2010 Endorsed IFRIC 19 – Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with Equity Instruments Annual financial statements beginning on or after July 1, 2010 Endorsed IFRIC 14 – Prepayments of a Minimum Funding Requirement Annual financial statements beginning on or after January 1, 2011 Endorsed Improvements to IFRS (May 2010) Annual financial statements beginning on or after January 1, 2011 Endorsed Amendments to IFRS 7 – Financial Instruments: Disclosures Annual financial statements beginning on or after July 1, 2011 Not endorsed Amendments to IAS 12 - Deferred tax: Recovery of Underlying Assets Annual financial statements beginning on or after January 1, 2012 Not endorsed Amendments to IFRS1 – Severe Hyperinflation and Removal of Fixed Dates for FirstTime Adopters Annual financial statements beginning on or after January 1, 2011 Not endorsed The Group is currently assessing any impact the new standards and interpretations may have on the financial statements for the years in which they become effective. 2.4 Use of estimates The preparation of these consolidated financial statements required management to apply accounting policies and methodologies based on complex, subjective judgments, estimates based on past experience and assumptions determined from time to time to be reasonable and realistic based on the related circumstances. The use of these estimates and assumptions affects the amounts reported in the Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 97 statement of financial position, the income statement and the cash flow statement as well as the notes. The final amounts for items for which estimates and assumptions were made in the consolidated financial statements may differ from those reported in these financial statements due to the uncertainties that characterize the assumptions and conditions on which the estimates are based. The accounting principles requiring a higher degree of subjective judgment in making estimates and for which changes in the underlying conditions could significantly affect the consolidated financial statements are briefly described below. ¾ Goodwill: goodwill is tested for impairment at least on an annual basis to determine whether any impairment losses have arisen that should be recognized in profit or loss. More specifically, the test is performed by allocating the goodwill to a cash generating unit (CGU) and subsequently estimating the unit’s fair value. Should the fair value of the net capital employed be lower than the carrying amount of the CGU, an impairment loss is recognized on the allocated goodwill. The allocation of goodwill to cash generating units and the determination of the fair value of a CGU require estimates to be made that are based on factors that may vary over time and that could as a result have an impact on the measurements made by management which might be significant. ¾ Impairment losses on non-current assets: non-current assets are reviewed to determine whether there are any indications that the carrying amount of these assets may not be recoverable and that they have suffered an impairment loss that needs to be recognized. In order to determine whether any such elements exist it is necessary to make subjective measurements, based on information obtained within the Group and in the market and also on past experience. When a potential impairment loss emerges it is estimated by the Group using appropriate valuation techniques. The identification of the elements that may determine a potential impairment loss and the estimates used to measure such loss depend on factors which may vary over time, thereby affecting estimates and measurements. ¾ Depreciation of non-current assets: the cost of property, plant and equipment is depreciated on a straight-line basis over the useful lives of the assets. The useful life of property, plant and equipment is determined when the assets are purchased and is based on the past experience of similar assets, market conditions and forecasts concerning future events which may affect them, amongst which are changes in technology. The actual useful lives may therefore differ from the estimates of these. The Group regularly reviews technological and business sector changes, dismantling costs and recoverable amounts in order to update residual useful lives. Such regular updating may entail a change of the depreciation period and consequently a change in the depreciation charged in future years. ¾ Deferred tax assets: the recognition of deferred tax assets is based on forecasts of future taxable profit. The measurement of future taxable profit for the purposes of determining whether or not Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 98 to recognize deferred tax assets depends on factors which may vary over time and which may lead to significant effects on the measurement of this item. ¾ Provisions: in recognizing provisions the Group analyses the extent to which it is probable that a liability will arise from disputes with employees, suppliers and third parties and, in general, the losses it will be required to incur as a result of past obligations. The definition of such provisions entails making estimates based on currently known factors which may vary over time and which could actually turn out to be significantly different from those referred to in preparing the notes to these financial statements. 2.5 Risk management Credit risk The Group’s credit risk is principally associated with trade receivables which at December 31, 2010 amounted to €1,379,470 thousand. The Group minimizes credit risk through a preventive credit check process which ensures that all customers requesting new products and services or additions to existing services are reliable and solvent, also by using a preference for contracts which provide for the use of automatic payment methods with the aim of reducing the underlying credit risk. This check is carried out in the customer acceptance phase through the use of internal and external information. The Group additionally exercises timely post-customer acquisition measures for the purpose of credit collection such as the following: • sending reminders to customers; • employing measures for the collection of overdue receivables, separated by strategy, portfolio and customer profiles; • measuring and monitoring the debt status through reporting tools. The result of this effective action is that the Group has a limited amount of credit losses. Additionally, as a general rule, the Group has a limited level of credit concentration as the consequence of diversifying its product and services portfolio to its customers. In more detail, a small concentration of credit may be found in the business that WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA carries out with the Enel Group, with dealers and domestic and international operators. WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA is also assisted by sureties issued by primary banks as collateral for the obligations resulting from supplies and receivables from dealers. In terms of financial assets, the Group has an exposure to credit risk with financial counterparties with whom it enters into derivative agreements to hedge against interest rate and currency risk, makes deposits of available cash through money market transactions and holds current accounts. In order to manage its counterparty risk, the Group carries out money market transactions and Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 99 transactions involving derivatives for hedging purposes solely with parties having “Investment Grade” rating and monitors and limits the concentration of transactions with any single party. The Group had a positive net balance on its current accounts of €404,359 thousand at December 31, 2010. The Group’s credit risk exposure from derivative contracts is represented by their realizable value or fair value, if positive. The positive fair value of the entire portfolio at December 31, 2010 was €45,446 thousand (details of this may be found in note 17). Liquidity risk Liquidity risk arises mostly from the cash flows generated by debt servicing, in terms of both interest and principal, and from all of the Group’s payment obligations that result from business activities. In respect of debt, on November 26, 2010 WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA entered a new floating rate long-term loan agreement - the Senior Facility Agreement - consisting of two tranches: tranche A, amortizing, and tranche B, bullet, denominated in euros. The total nominal amount of this agreement amounts to €3,530,000 thousand, to which €400 million of a revolving credit facility not drawn down should be added. The subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA, a company registered under Luxembourg law, has a high yield bond outstanding with value date July 13, 2009 and maturity date July 15, 2017 which consists of a tranche of a nominal amount of USD2,000,000 thousand and a tranche of a nominal amount of €1,250,000 thousand, each with a coupon of 11.75%. On November 26, 2010 this company issued Senior Secured Notes in euros and US dollars maturing on February 15, 2018. The Notes are divided into two tranches: one having a nominal amount of USD1,300,000 thousand and paying a six-monthly coupon of 7.25% and one having a nominal amount of €1,750,000 thousand and paying a six-monthly coupon of 7.375%. As mentioned in the previous note 1, the new bond issue and the new loan were required to make early repayment of the high yield bond maturing in December 2015, the previous Senior Credit Facility Agreement and the Second Lien Notes. The “Senior Secured Notes” are subject to mandatory repayment in the following situations: • if there is a change of control, all bondholders will be entitled to request the total or partial repurchase of the bonds they hold at a price equal to 101% of the notional amount plus the interest accrued at the repurchase date; • in the case of asset sales, any proceeds not reinvested in the form envisaged by the offering memorandum and which exceed the amount of €25,000 thousand must be used to make a pari- passu repurchase offer to bondholders and debtholders at a price of 100% of the notional amount plus the interest accrued at the repurchase date. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 100 The mandatory repayment flows provided for in the above agreements, including the amounts not yet used, which translate US dollar tranches at the hedge agreement exchange rate are as follows. (millions of euro) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Senior Facilities Agreement Term Loan A1 11 27 27 30 33 37 - - 165 Term Loan A2 89 223 223 245 267 303 - - 1,350 Term Loan B1 - - - - - - 1,334 - 1,334 Term Loan B2 - - - - - - 681 - 681 Revolving - - - - - 400 - - 400 56 77 73 52 20 17 - - 294 Senior Notes Euro - - - - - - 1,250 - 1,250 Senior Notes USD - - - - - - 1,428 - 1,428 1,750 Annuity Senior Secured Notes 2017 Senior Secured Notes 2018 Senior Notes Euro Senior Notes USD Total - - - - - - - 1,750 - - - - - - - 924 924 156 327 323 327 320 757 4,693 2,674 9,577 The Senior Facilities Agreement imposes certain covenants on the Group, with which the Group, at 31 December 2010, is fully in compliance. The tranches of bonds that are denominated in US dollars are hedged by cross currency swaps. As concerns liquidity risk, these cross currency swaps will lead to an exchange of principal on maturity. In order to deal with the liquidity risk arising from these commitments, the Group may, in addition to cash flows from ordinary operations, also count on a revolving credit line of €400,000 thousand which forms part of the long-term loan agreement referred to above, disbursed on a committed basis and currently unused. The contractual due dates for financial liabilities, including those for interest payments, which are representative of the respective effects on profit or loss, are set out in the following tables, which provide the figures at December 31, 2010 and 2009. Carrying amount at December 31, 2010 Total Contractual cash flows 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Bank loans 3,407 (4,532) (265) (422) (409) (422) (433) (458) (2,120) - Bonds 5,482 (9,185) (516) (522) (522) (522) (522) (522) (3,269) (2,790) (73) (89) (80) (56) (21) (18) - - (4,288) (264) (302) (281) (270) (260) (261) (1,672) (978) 4,299 260 274 262 256 251 251 1,740 1,005 (861) (1,061) (1,030) (1,014) (985) (1,008) (5,321) (2,763) (millions of euro) 2018 Non-derivative financial liabilities Loans from others Net derivative financial liabilities 306 45 Outflows Inflows Total 9,240 (13,706) Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 101 Carrying amount at December 31, 2009 Contractual cash flows 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Bank loans 4,816 (5,765) (508) (552) (690) (1,697) (2,318) - - - Bonds 4,019 (7,474) (470) (469) (469) (469) (469) (1,870) (310) (2,948) (4,570) (382) (408) (386) (356) (489) (781) (170) (1,598) 3,874 249 272 262 294 415 668 163 1,551 (1,111) (1,157) (1,283) (2,228) (2,861) (1,983) (317) (2,995) (millions of euro) 2015 2016 2017 Non-derivative financial liabilities Net derivative financial liabilities 516 Outflows Inflows Total 9,351 (13,935) Market risk The Group’s strategy for managing interest rate and currency risks is aimed at both managing and controlling such financial risks. More specifically, this strategy is aimed at eliminating currency risk and optimizing debt cost wherever possible, taking into account the interests of the Group’s stakeholders. Managing market risk for the WIND Group refers to financial liabilities from the time they actually arise or from when there is a high probability that they will arise. More specifically, the following market risks are monitored and managed: • Cash flow risk - this is the risk that movements in the yield curve could have an impact on profit or loss in terms of greater finance expense. • Fair value risk - this is the risk that movements in the yield curve could have an impact on the fair value of debt. • Currency risk - this is the risk that the fair value of financial instruments in currencies other than the euro or their cash flows, or the amounts payable or receivable generated by ordinary operations but not in euros, could undergo adverse effects caused by fluctuations in exchange rates. The main objectives that the Group intends to reach are: ¾ to continue to defend the strategic plan scenario from the effects of exposure to currency, interest rate and inflation risks, identifying an optimum combination of the fixed rate, floating rate and inflation components for financial liabilities; ¾ to reduce the cost of debt; ¾ to manage derivatives in compliance with the Group’s approved strategies, taking into consideration the different effects that derivative transactions could have on profit or loss and the statement of financial position. After signing the medium/long-term loan contract with a banking syndicate, WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA issued a hedging letter in 2010 in which, regarding interest rate risk, it undertook to hedge, for the first Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 102 three years, at least 50% of its exposure to the interest accruing on the total debt and to hedge 100% of its currency risk exposure on the Senior Secured Notes issued in foreign currency. To meet these commitments the interest rate risk was hedged and, at the present time, this has reached a level of approximately 94%, with a maximum hedge term of less than seven years. At December 31, 2010, outstanding derivative contracts hedging interest rate risk total €3,300,000 thousand, of which €2,530,000 thousand having a residual term of between one and five years and €800,000 thousand having a residual term exceeding five years. Considering that the total of loans and bonds outstanding at December 31, 2010 amounted to €8,999,690 thousand, the fixed to floating ratio was as follows at that date. (millions of euro) Outstanding at 12.31.2010 Rate at 12.31.2010 8,799 97.78% 200 2.22% At fixed rate At floating rate In compliance with the Hedging Letter, the currency risk resulting from the bonds issued by the subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA has been fully hedged by cross currency swap transactions having a total notional of USD3,300,000 thousand. All derivative agreements were entered into at market rates, without any up-front payments or receipts (a zero cost basis) and with a credit margin being applied. With regard to the unhedged portion of floating rate debt, it is estimated that an increase of 100 basis points in the euro interest rate yield curve (all other variables remaining constant) would lead to an increase in borrowing costs of approximately €2,000 thousand, with the related effect on equity. Fair value hierarchy IFRS 7 requires financial instruments recognised in the statement of financial position at fair value to be classified on the basis of a hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in determining fair value. The following levels are used in this hierarchy: • Level 1 – quoted prices in active markets for the assets or liabilities being measured; • Level 2 – inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (as prices) or indirectly (derived from prices) on the market; • Level 3 – inputs that are not based on observable market data. The following table provides an analysis under this hierarchy of financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value at December 31, 2010. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 103 (millions of euro) Level 1 Note Level 2 Level 3 Total Assets at fair value Derivative financial instruments 17 Total assets - 173 - 173 - 173 - 173 Liabilities at fair value Derivative financial instruments 17 Total liabilities - 34 - 34 - 34 - 34 In 2010 there were no transfers either from Level 1 to Level 2 or vice versa or from Level 3 to other levels or vice versa. The following table provides changes in Level 3 in 2010. (millions of euro) Derivative financial instruments Balances at December 31, 2009 207 Gains and (losses) recognised in profit or loss 6 Increases/(Decreases) (213) Balances at December 31, 2010 3 - SEGMENT REPORTING Identifying the Group’s segments was carried out on the basis of its organizational structure and internal reporting system. In particular, since the risks and rewards of the Group’s investments are influenced exclusively by differences in the products sold and services rendered, the format for reporting segment information is by business segments (fixed-mobile telephony). Assets and liabilities for which a specific allocation to the segments was not possible (in particular financial assets and liabilities and current and deferred tax assets and liabilities) have been assigned on the basis of specific parameters. Those assets and liabilities are reported separately in the table below. Fixed (millions of euro) Mobile Total 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 1,855 1,850 4,043 3,876 5,898 5,726 351 356 1,834 1,786 2,185 2,142 Total revenue Operating income (*) (*) operating income before amortization and depreciation, impairment losses on non-current assets and gains/(losses) on disposal of non-current assets Fixed (millions of euro) Allocated assets Non allocated assets Total Allocated liabilities Non allocated liabilities Total Mobile Others Total At December At December At December At December At December At December At December At December 31, 2010 31, 2009 31, 2010 31, 2009 31, 2010 31, 2009 31, 2010 31, 2009 2,128 2,144 9,147 9,229 1,776 1,789 13,052 13,162 - - - - 1,039 1,301 1,039 1,301 2,128 2,144 9,147 9,229 2,816 3,090 14,091 14,463 959 943 1,482 1,377 - - - 959 943 1,482 1,377 105 277 2,546 2,597 10,028 10,197 10,028 10,197 10,132 10,474 12,573 12,794 Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 104 4 ¾ ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSALS Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl On June 30, 2010 as resolved by the Parent’s Board of Directors of March 17, 2010, the Put option was partially exercised on 985 shares held in Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl for an amount of €70,066 thousand. The related amount due from the Parent Weather Investments SpA has been recognized through the assignment of an equal amount of receivables from the subsidiaries Enel.Net Srl (€48,787 thousand), ITALIA ONLINE Srl (€18,665 thousand), ITNET Srl (€2,181 thousand) and WIS SpA (€432 thousand). By means of a written notification to the parent WIND TELECOM SpA, on November 29, 2010, the Parent exercised its put option on the remaining 1,980 shares held in Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl at a price of €143,103 thousand. As provided by the transfer agreement signed on November 29, 2010 by WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA and WIND TELECOM SpA, the investment in Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl, which had a nil carrying amount at December 31, 2009, was fully transferred to the parent WIND TELECOM SpA. Regarding the payment of the consideration by the parent, on November 29, 2010, the Group Parent and WIND TELECOM SpA signed an intragroup loan agreement by virtue of which the Group Parent granted the parent a loan of €143,103 thousand, for which details may be found in note 7. ¾ Wind Acquisition Finance SA On November 26, 2010, the Group Parent completed the purchase of remaining 73% of the share capital (4,526 shares) of the Luxembourg company Wind Acquisition Finance SA from CCT Corporate Nominees Limited at a price of €1,788 thousand, for a corresponding equity of €1,162 thousand. The Group Parent already owned 27% of the share capital of the company as a consequence of which the transaction led to the acquisition of 100% of the share capital of the Luxembourg company. ¾ WIND International Services Sàrl On September 30, 2010, the board of directors of WIND International Services SpA granted powers to its representative to vote at the shareholders' meeting of the subsidiary WIND International Services Sàrl (held on October 21, 2010) in favour of the winding up of that company. Under this operation all of the subsidiary's activities will be transferred to WIND International Services SpA within the first half of 2011. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 105 5 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT The following table sets out the changes in “Property, Plant and Equipment” at December 31, 2010. (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2009 Additions (Impairment losses)/ Reversal of impairment losses Depreciation Disposals Other At December 31, 2010 1,859 - (51) - - - 1,808 2,925,812 444,537 (606,554) (12,963) (4,745) 309,354 3,055,441 Equipment 18,913 12,070 (9,983) - - 4,047 25,047 Other 57,608 16,329 (22,392) - (199) 19,988 71,334 418,376 226,212 - - - (326,740) 317,848 3,422,568 699,148 (638,980) (12,963) (4,944) 6,649 3,471,478 Land and buildings Plant and machinery Assets under construction Total The cost, accumulated impairment losses and accumulated depreciation at December 31, 2010 can be summarized as follows. (thousands of euro) Cost Land and buildings Plant and machinery At December 31, 2010 Accumulated impairment losses Accumulated depreciation Carrying amount 2,355 - 547 1,808 9,253,974 56,956 6,141,577 3,055,441 25,047 Equipment 134,019 - 108,972 Other 468,974 162 397,478 71,334 Assets under construction 318,490 642 - 317,848 10,177,812 57,760 6,648,574 3,471,478 Total “Property, plant and equipment” increased by a net amount of €48,910 thousand in the year ended December 31, 2010, determined mostly by the investments (amounting to €699,148 thousand) which were only partially offset by the charges for depreciation and impairment losses of €638,980 and €12,963 thousand, respectively. In particular, “Plant and machinery” increased by €129,629 thousand over the previous year. The main gross increases of the year regard purchases and operations of radio links and high frequency equipment for the expansion of the mobile access network and plant and machinery under construction (3G mobile technologies and the respective transport and support networks and IT investments connected with the increasing number of new services being provided to customers). As part of the plan for the development of the Group’s production structure, disposals have been made of equipment, infrastructure and transmission systems having a carrying amount of €4,745 thousand which are no longer usable; these relate mostly to radio links and high frequency equipment (€1,361 thousand) and electronic switchboards and equipment (€1,180 thousand). Radio bridges were impaired by €16,282 thousand during the year as part of an operation to modernize production infrastructures. In addition, in connection with an operation to replace transmission equipment being carried out to render the network more efficient and to obtain benefits from synergies, the net carrying amount of replaced equipment of €18,596 thousand was written off, more than offset by the positive effect of €20,703 thousand resulting from the recognition as an increase in the market value of the equipment received as a replacement. “Other” mainly includes plant and machinery which entered into use during the year. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 106 At December 31, 2010, transmission equipment, telephone systems and commutation switchboards owned by the Parent and having a carrying amount of €122,578 thousand were with customers for use (€105,758 thousand at December 31, 2009), while transmission equipment for direct access through “unbundling of the local loop” having a carrying amount of €90,833 thousand (€110,811 thousand at December 31, 2009) was held on deposit by Telecom Italia SpA. “Plant and machinery” additionally includes the expenditure incurred to acquire the exclusive rights for the use of cable ducts and optic fiber for a total of €77,859 thousand at December 31, 2010 (€61,513 thousand at December 31, 2009). At December 31, 2010, “Equipment” had a carrying amount of €25,047 thousand, representing an increase over the balance at the end of the previous year as the result of the investments which were only partially offset by the depreciation charge for the year. Commercial equipment having a carrying amount of €10,664 thousand at December 31, 2010, was with third parties, mostly authorized dealers, for use at that date (€9,290 thousand al December 31, 2009). The net balance of “Other”, €71,334 thousand at December 31, 2010, increased during the year mainly as the result of increased investments and the entry into use during the year of office machines and electronic equipment, which were only partially offset by the depreciation charge for the year. The balance of “Assets under construction” of €317,848 thousand at December 31, 2010 consists mainly of plant and machinery being completed and tested. 6 INTANGIBLE ASSETS The following table sets out the changes in “Intangible assets” at December 31, 2010. (thousands of euro) Industrial patents and intellectual property rights Concessions, licenses, trademarks and similar rights Other intangible assets Goodwill Assets under development Total At December 31, 2009 Additions Amortization (Impairment losses)/ Reversal of impairment losses 239,688 96,296 (90,545) (3) 54,950 300,386 3,473,226 197 (115,116) - (1,389) 3,356,918 695,401 115,236 (156,724) - 1,143 655,056 - (810) 499 3,621,249 3,621,560 Other At December 31, 2010 87,192 44,927 - - (70,884) 61,235 8,117,067 256,656 (362,385) (813) (15,681) 7,994,844 The cost, accumulated impairment losses and accumulated amortization at December 31, 2010 can be summarized as follows. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 107 (thousands of euro) Cost At December 31, 2010 Accumulated Accumulated impairment losses amortization Carrying amount Industrial patents and intellectual property rights 1,517,382 6,866 1,210,130 300,386 Concessions, licenses, trademarks and similar rights 4,561,872 1,002 1,203,952 3,356,918 Other intangible assets 1,292,535 - 637,479 655,056 Goodwill 3,622,059 810 - 3,621,249 Assets under development Total 61,235 - - 61,235 11,055,083 8,678 3,051,561 7,994,844 “Intangible assets decreased by a net amount of €122,233 thousand during the year mainly due to the combined effect of new investments of €256,656 thousand and the amortization charge for the year of €362,385 thousand. “Other” mainly includes industrial patents and intellectual property rights which entered into use during the year. The balance at December 31, 2009 of “Other intangible assets” includes the reclassification of €66,450 thousand, originally recognized in “Other receivables”, due to the effect of the different presentation of some customer acquisition costs, for which details may be found in note 2.1. “Industrial patents and intellectual property rights” consist of the cost for the outright purchase of application software licenses or the right to use such licenses for an unlimited period and the capitalized costs relating to the time spent by Parent personnel in designing, developing and implementing information systems, which at December 31, 2010 amounted to €6,499 thousand (€7,123 thousand at December 31, 2009). Application software having a carrying amount of €710 thousand was in use by third parties, customers and business call center outsourcers at the end of the year (€551 thousand at December 31, 2009). “Concessions, licenses, trademarks and similar rights” include individual licenses for the installation of networks and concessions to operate in the regulated activities of the telecommunications sector granted to the Group’s companies by the relevant authorities, as detailed below. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 108 Individual licenses or General Authorizations Date of issue Date of expiry (*) February 1998 February 2018 WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA Installation of network and provision of voice telephony services on the Italian national territory (**) Installation and provision of public telecommunications networks on the Italian national territory April 1998 April 2018 Provision of public digital mobile communications services using DCS 1800 technology, including June 1998 June 2018 April 1999 April 2019 January 2001 (***) December 2029 July 2002 July 2022 February 2009 February 2029 February 2009 February 2029 License related to telecom for using earth stations and satellite stations on the Belgian territory September 2005 N/A (Autorenowable) License for using a V-Sat earth station 73ASEQ September 2005 N/A (Autorenowable) License for using a V-Sat earth station 73AGBL September 2005 N/A (Autorenowable) the possibility of operating in frequencies in the 900 MHz band using GSM technology pursuant to article 6, paragraph 6(c) of Presidential Decree no. 318 of September 19, 1997 Installation and provision of public telecommunications networks on the Italian national territory issued to Infostrada SpA now merged Provision of third generation mobile communications services adopting the UMTS standard (IMT-2000 family) and the installation of the related network on the Italian national territory pursuant to article 6, paragraph 6(c) of Presidential Decree no. 318 of September 19, 1997 Use of frequencies for broadband point-multipoint radio networks in the 24.5-26.5 GHz band for the geographical area corresponding to the specified Italian region/autonomous province (****) Wind International Services SpA Installation of a telecommunications network in order to present the voice telephony service within the limits of the Italian national territory Installation and provision of a public telecommunication network within the limits of the Italian national territory Wind International Services SA (*) Individual licenses are renewable in compliance with the regulations prevailing at the time of the renewal upon submission of an application at least 60 days prior to the expiry date (article 25, paragraph 6, of Decree no. 259/03) (**) The Parent has two licenses for network installation and the provision of fixed line telephony services following the merger of Infostrada SpA (***) The term of the license came into effect on January 1, 2002 (****) A total of 21 individual point-multipoint licenses have been assigned “Concessions, licenses, trademarks and similar rights” for €1,453,103 thousand refer to trademarks which have an indefinite useful life. “Similar rights” consist of rights of way and the right to use assets owned by third parties for a predetermined period of time and are initially recognized at their one-off purchase price, including any accessory costs. This item relates for the most part to the costs incurred by Infostrada SpA, now merged, for the purchase in 1998 of the right of way on the Italian railway network and the purchase of the right to use the existing optic fiber on the network. “Other intangible assets” mainly relate to the fair value of the customer list, amounting to €556,167 thousand, identified on allocating the goodwill at December 31, 2006 arising from the merger of the former parent Wind Acquisition Finance SpA and to the customer acquisition costs amounting to €85,954 thousand. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 109 “Assets under development” consist of the internal and external costs incurred for the purchase or development of intangible assets for which the respective ownership right has not yet been fully acquired at the end of the year or which relate to incomplete projects, and downpayments made to suppliers for the purchase of intangible assets. More specifically, intangible assets under development relate to the costs incurred for the design, development and implementation of information systems or specific modules thereof. “Goodwill” pertains to the subsidiary WIND Retail Srl for €28,632 thousand and to the parent WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA for 3,592,617 thousand with the excess amount allocated to the following cash generating units. At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 CGU Fixed Mobile Goodwill 276,997 276,997 3,344,252 3,344,563 3,621,249 3,621,560 The change in the goodwill attributable to WIND Retail Srl is the net effect of an increase of €499 thousand arising from the purchase on January 28, 2010 of two new points of sales and a decrease of €810 thousand resulting from the recognition of an impairment loss during the year relating to the share of the goodwill allocated to the points of sales which form part of the rationalization of the subsidiary’s commercial network planned to take place in 2011. Goodwill at December 31, 2010 is allocated to the individual cash generating units representing the minimum level used for monitoring such assets for management control purposes. The carrying amount of goodwill recognized and of intangible assets with indefinite useful lives at December 31, 2010 was tested for impairment but no impairment losses were identified. The test was carried out by comparing the carrying amount with the value in use and recoverable amount. More specifically, the value in use was calculated on the basis of the discounted cash flows resulting from the 2011-2015 business plan. A growth rate of 1% was assumed for the years not covered by this plan. An interest rate of 7.78% was used to discount the cash flows being the weighted average cost of capital, net of the tax effect, calculated using the capital asset pricing model. 7 FINANCIAL ASSETS The following table sets out “Financial assets” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. At December 31, 2010 (thousands of euro) Financial assets measured at cost Non-current 2,165 At December 31, 2009 Current - Total 2,165 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial instruments Financial receivables Total 172,575 Non-current Current Total 2,063 - - - 2,063 - 179,323 207,167 386,490 - 172,575 224,955 15,836 240,791 46,316 17,257 63,573 399,695 15,836 415,531 227,702 224,424 452,126 Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 110 “Financial assets measured at cost” consist of non-controlling interests in companies and consortia as set out in the following table: Company / consortium Elawind Consortium Wind Team Consortium Consel Consortium Janna Scarl Mix Srl QXN Scpa Other consortiums Weather Finance II Sàrl Total financial assets measured at cost % of investment 33.33% 33.33% 1.00% 17.00% 15.00% 10.00% - At December 31, 2010 2 1 1 2,072 15 50 24 2,165 At December 31, 2009 2 1 1 1,971 15 50 21 2 2,063 The change in the item “Derivative financial instruments” essentially reflects the exercising of the option on the shares in Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl carried out during the year (€207,054 thousand at December 31, 2009) for which details may be found in note 4. Details of the composition of the “Derivative financial instruments” balance and respective changes are to be found in note 17. “Financial receivables” classified as “Financial assets” and amounting to €240,791 thousand at December 31, 2010 consist mainly of: • the loan of €143,103 thousand from WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) as per the Intercompany Loan Agreement signed on November 29, 2010 following the exercising of the options on the shares in Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl. The agreement provides for a single lump-sum repayment 37 months after November 30, 2010, with interest being capitalized and charged at an annual Euribor+2.625% rate; • fees of €71,420 thousand (of which €11,394 thousand in current assets) recognized for hedging derivatives arranged in the current and previous years, which are being amortized over the terms of these instruments; • the residual value of the transaction costs for the unused portion of bank loans equal to €15,863 thousand (revolving tranches for which further details may be found in note 16), which are charged to profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the term of the agreement. An amount of €1,737 thousand was collected in November 2010 representing the interest accrued on the sums at the time inappropriately paid to the Parent and the former Infostrada as Turnover Contribution (Law no. 448/1998), for which a formal legal request for repayment has been made that was notified on March 31, 2009. At December 31, 2010 the current financial receivable relating to the Turnover Contribution was €3,430 thousand. The following table sets out the due dates for financial receivables. (thousands of euro) Financial receivables Guarantee deposits Receivables due from parents Receivables due from related parties Others Total At December 31, 2010 <1 year 519 11 15,306 15,836 1<x<5 years 1,891 143,632 42,969 188,492 >5 years 3,543 32,920 36,463 Total 5,953 143,632 11 91,195 240,791 At December 31, 2009 <1 year 549 16,708 17,257 1<x<5 years 4,015 4,015 >5 years 2,208 40,093 42,301 Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 Total 6,772 56,801 63,573 111 8 DEFERRED TAX ASSETS AND LIABILITIES The following tables provide the variation of “Deferred tax assets” and “Deferred tax liabilities” by origin at December 31, 2010. At December 31, 2009 Description Tax losses carried forward Provision for bad debts (taxed) Provisions for risks (taxed) Measurement of financial assets/liabilities Derivative financial instruments Amortization and depreciation of non-current assets Deferred tax assets Employee benefits Accelerated depreciation and amortization Property, plant, and equipment at fair value Depreciation of PPA Deferred tax liabilities Decrease At December 31, 2010 Increase 38,333 38,333 - - 104,108 15,136 18,412 107,384 53,680 18,737 15,136 50,079 1,523 1,523 - - 64,348 27,977 - 36,371 231 24 16,424 16,631 262,223 101,730 49,972 210,465 1,366 552 - 814 15,580 - - 15,580 101,044 7,328 - 93,716 704,180 22,198 - 681,982 822,170 30,078 - 792,092 The decrease in the deferred tax assets during the year is mainly due to the utilization of tax losses carried forward against the IRES tax charge for year. For details please refer to note 36. Deferred tax assets at December 31, 2010 and 2009 which relate to items recognized directly in other components of profit or loss relate entirely to the transactions on derivatives hedging cash flows, as described in further detail in note 14. The table below provides an analysis of the deferred tax assets arising from the carryforward of tax losses by year of expiry of the loss, together with changes for the year. (thousands of euro) Year Valid until 1997-1999 unlimited Total At December 31, 2009 Increase/ (decrease) At December 31, 2010 38,333 (38,333) - 38,333 (38,333) - Deferred tax assets have been recognized by considering the probability of their utilization and the extent to which the directors believe there is a reasonable certainty that sufficient profits will be generated in future years against which the losses may be used within the time limits imposed by prevailing tax laws and regulations. In 2010, no deferred tax assets were recognized in respect of temporary differences carried forward indefinitely totalling €116,397 thousand (€14,387 thousand at December 31, 2009), arising from nondeductible finance expenses within the limits imposed by law, due to the lack of reasonable certainty of their recoverability. As such, even if transferred to the tax consolidation, consistently with the terms of the agreement, no receivables due from the indirect parent WIND TELECOM SpA have been recognized. In fact, on the basis of this agreement, if the excess interest expense is transferred to the national Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 112 consolidation, the transferring company obtains the right to remuneration corresponding to the theoretical tax benefit transferred, only if, and to the extent to which, the company which has transferred this excess interest expense transfers to the consolidation the excess gross operating profit (GOP) not utilized in the tax period for the deduction of interest expense pursuant to article 96, paragraphs 1, 2 and 7 of the Consolidated Income Tax Law (TUIR). 9 INVENTORIES The following table provides an analysis of “Inventories” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Finished goods Advances Write-downs Total At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 22,607 28,721 - - (840) (599) 21,767 28,122 “Finished goods” consist principally of mobile phone handsets and the related accessories. The significant change taking place during the year is essentially due to a fall in the value of inventory of mobile telephone terminals, kits and related accessories, stocks consisting of products which are technologically extremely advanced but do not have a very high unit value, ensuring an optimum level of rotation. 10 TRADE RECEIVABLES The following table provides an analysis of “Trade receivables” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Due from final customers Due from telephone operators Due from authorized dealers Due from related parties Other trade receivables (Provision for bad debts) Total At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 980,792 386,341 303,724 17,467 77,526 (386,380) 980,221 373,945 336,630 20,724 66,183 (376,392) 1,379,470 1,401,311 “Due from final customers” arise principally from the supply of fixed and mobile telephony services to customers with subscription contracts, while “Due from telephone operators” mainly relate to interconnection and roaming services. “Due from authorized dealers” relate to sales of radio mobile and fixed-line handsets and related accessories, as well as rechargeable telephone cards and top-ups. The balance of net trade receivables at December 31, 2010 has decreased by a total of €21,841 thousand over that at December 31, 2009. This is mostly due to the decrease in receivables from Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 113 authorized dealers (€32,906 thousand) as the consequence of the improvement in average collection days. The €9,988 thousand increase in the provision for bad debts has been affected by the increase in receivables from customers, which is mainly connected with the rise in turnover. The following table provides an analysis of trade receivables and the respective provision for bad debts by due date at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) - unexpired At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 Gross amount (Provision) Gross amount (Provision) 1,013,197 (9,517) 876,957 (6,728) - expired from: - 0-30 days - 31-120 days - 121-150 days - beyond 150 days Total 120,316 (281) 137,740 (422) 90,608 (1,251) 181,219 (927) 21,871 (237) 33,115 (411) 519,858 (375,094) 548,672 (367,904) 1,765,850 (386,380) 1,777,703 (376,392) The following table provides an analysis of trade receivables at December 31, 2010 and 2009, net of the provision for bad debts, between those falling due within 12 months and those falling due after 12 months. (thousands of euro) At December 31, -within 12 months -after 12 months Total At December 31, 2010 2009 1,369,287 1,396,223 10,183 5,088 1,379,470 1,401,311 The following table sets out changes in the provision for bad debts during the year ended December 31, 2010. (thousands of euro) Provision for bad debts At December 31, 2009 376,392 Increases 74,851 (Utilizations) At December 31, 2010 (64,863) 386,380 In order to guarantee the obligations assumed by the Parent as a consequence of loans disbursed under the Senior Facility Agreement on November 24, 2010, for which further details may be found in note 16, and the obligations assumed by the subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA (“WAF”), as a consequence of the Senior Notes, expiring in 2017, issued on July 13, 2009 and the Senior Secured Notes, expiring in 2018, issued on November 26, 2010, the Parent established collateral by transferring trade receivables, receivables from intercompany loans and receivables relating to insurance contracts, both present and future, in favor of the lending banks and the other creditors specified in the supplemental deed related to the respective collateral contract and in favor of the subscribers to the Senior Secured Notes. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 114 11 CURRENT TAX ASSETS The balance on this item of €11,877 thousand at December 31, 2010 (€10,217 thousand at December 31, 2009) mostly regards receivables for current tax assets arising from taxes paid in previous years. Advance payments of IRAP tax made during the year are classified as a deduction from tax payables. 12 OTHER RECEIVABLES The following table sets out details of “Other receivables” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 Trade prepayments 87,823 83,458 Other receivables due from third parties 29,531 33,408 Tax receivables 33,096 34,513 Advances to suppliers 30,284 32,611 Other receivables due from parents 10,964 14,020 240 1,808 Other receivables due from related parties Other receivables due from associates (Provision for bad debts) Total 12 11 (12,544) (14,248) 179,406 185,581 The following table provides an analysis of “Other receivables” and the respective provision for bad debts by due date at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) - unexpired At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 Gross balance (Provision) Gross balance (Provision) 167,552 (7,258) 175,071 (7,691) - expired from: - 0-30 days 1,314 - 6,960 - - 31-120 days 945 - 3,347 - - 121-150 days 368 - 249 - 21,771 (5,286) 14,202 (6,557) 191,950 (12,544) 199,829 (14,248) - beyond 150 days Total The following table provides an analysis of other receivables at December 31, 2010 and 2009, net of the provision for bad debts, between those falling due within 12 months and those falling due after 12 months. (thousands of euro) -within 12 months -after 12 months Total At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 176,694 185,581 2,712 - 179,406 185,581 “Trade prepayments” relate mainly to lease installments for civil and technical sites and lease installments for telephone network circuits. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 115 The balance at December 31, 2009 of trade prepayments include the reclassification of €66,450 thousand due to the different presentation of some customer acquisition costs under intangible assets, for which further details may be found in note 2.1. The following table provides an analysis of “Tax receivables” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) At December 31, VAT Other tax receivables Total At December 31, 2010 2009 30,806 29,914 2,290 4,599 33,096 34,513 The following table sets out changes in the provision for bad debts for other receivables for the year ended December 31, 2010. This table refers solely to receivables which are due for payment after 12 months. (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2009 Provision for bad debts 13 14,248 Increases (Utilizations) - (1,704) At December 31, 2010 12,544 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS The following table sets out an analysis of “Cash and cash equivalents” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 Bank deposits and checks 406,110 583,597 Cash on hand and stamps 37 93 406,147 583,690 Total The level of cash and cash equivalents is the consequence of the surplus cash generated by operations. Changes occurred mostly as the effect of cash flows arising from ordinary settlements of a financial nature. Further details may be found in note 39 to the cash flow statement. 14 EQUITY The following table provides details of the changes in “Equity” during the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 116 Retained earnings/(losses carried forward) Equity attributable to the owners of the parent Noncontrolling interests 1,185,160 4,280,679 1,087 Equity attributable to the owners of the parent Issued capital Share premium reserve Other reserves 147,100 3,001,055 (52,636) - Profit for the year - - - Cash flow hedge - - - Translation reserve - (thousands of euro) Balances at January 1, 2009 Total equity 4,281,766 Total comprehensive income for the year 308,263 308,263 364 308,627 (140,867) - (140,867) - (140,867) (41) - (41) - (41) Transactions with equity holders - Allocation of 2008 profit - - 17,446 (17,446) - - - - Consolidation reserve - - (38,596) - (38,596) - (38,596) - Dividends paid - (2,264,168) - Other changes - Balances at December 31, 2009 147,100 - - (479,447) (2,743,615) - (2,743,615) 13,249 (11,974) 1,275 - 1,275 736,887 (201,445) 984,556 1,667,098 1,451 1,668,549 Total comprehensive income for the year - Loss for the year - - - (251,807) (251,807) 10 (251,797) - Cash flow hedge - - 112,416 - 112,416 - 112,416 (9,500) Transactions with equity holders - Dividends paid - - - (9,500) (9,500) - - Other changes - 15,000 (16,679) 968 (711) (1,162) (1,873) 751,887 (105,708) 724,217 1,517,496 299 1,517,795 Balances at December 31, 2010 147,100 The share capital of the parent WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA at December 31, 2010 consisted of 146,100,000 ordinary shares with no nominal value, fully subscribed and paid up by the sole shareholder WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA. Despite the encumbrances on the pledged shares underlying the share capital of the Parent held by WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA, the voting rights at shareholders’ meetings of the Parent are retained by WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA by express contractual agreement as an exception to the provisions of paragraph 1, article 2352 of the Italian Civil Code. Changes in equity attributable to the owners of the Parent during the year ended December 31, 2010 were due mainly to: ¾ the resolution adopted on April 12, 2010 by the parent’s shareholders that approved the annual financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2009 allocating the profit for the year of €263,279,546.37 to Retained earnings; ¾ the resolution adopted on November 24, 2010 by the Parent’s shareholders that approved the distribution of a dividend of €9,500,000 to the parent WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA; ¾ the resolution of the Board of Directors of the Parent, which at its meeting of December 15, 2010 approved the release of sums totaling €15,000 thousand included in the financial statements under the item “Other reserves”, reclassifying them to the “Share premium reserve”. This reserve had been created to put into practice the resolution adopted by the shareholders of the Parent in an extraordinary general meeting held on June 23, 2005, in respect of its possible use as part of Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 117 the implementation of the Puglia Project, as this latter project was implemented and completed without the allocation or utilization of such sums; ¾ the increase in the cash flow hedge reserve as the effect of the income and the expense recognized among other components of the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for 2010 that relate entirely to the transactions on hedging derivatives on cash flows, as described in further detail in note 17. The following table shows the changes in the cash flow hedge reserve. Interst rate risk (thousands of euro) Foreign currency risk Gross reserve Tax effect Total Gross reserve Tax effect Total Cash Flow Hedge Reserve (201,952) 55,537 (146,415) (85,639) 23,550 (62,089) (208,504) (106,263) 29,221 (77,042) 245,920 (60,885) 185,035 107,993 122,359 (33,649) 88,710 (121,622) 37,335 (84,287) 4,423 (185,856) 51,109 (134,747) 38,659 0 38,659 (96,088) At December 31, 2009 Changes in fair value Reversal to profit or loss At December 31, 2010 The loss for the year attributable to the owners of the parent totaled €251,807 thousand. Share-based payments During the year, the stock option plan approved on June 30, 2006 by the Board of Directors of the indirect parent WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) ended. The plan, with a total duration of 5 years, awarded a number of Group employees the right to acquire a specified number of ordinary shares of WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA or WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA. The options granted have a vesting period split into three tranches of equal value and may be exercised every year from June 30, 2008 until June 30, 2010, subject to a public offering for sale and subscription and the consequent listing of the shares of one of these companies on the electronic stock exchange organized and managed by Borsa Italiana SpA or on a foreign stock exchange. The exercising of the options was additionally subject to a number of restrictions on the duration of the employment relationship and to achieving certain professional performance objectives. The rights vest from the grant dated and were exercised for a one-year period in the following three tranches: June 30, 2008, June 30, 2009 and June 30, 2010. A total of 1,376,160 options were granted at the date the plan became effective, representing a total of approximately 3% of the economic capital of WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA or, alternatively, WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA, at a strike price of €73.85. As an alternative to the stock option plan the Group has defined the long-term incentive plan that quantifies the benefits pertaining to each employee under a method aimed at remunerating the creation Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 118 of value during the period in which the stock option plan of the WIND Group is valid, which is proportionally linked to growth as measurable in terms of EBITDA and reduction of debt. With reference to the stock option plan, the first, the second and the third tranches of the alternative long-term incentive plan were disbursed on June 30, 2008, June 30, 2009 and June 30, 2010, respectively. 15 EARNINGS PER SHARE The calculation of earnings per share is based on the profit attributable to the owners of the Parent; profit refers to continuing operations and discontinued operations. Both basic and diluted earnings per share have been calculated by using as a denominator the weighted average for the year of the number of outstanding shares, since there were no diluting effects at December 31, 2010 or December 31, 2009. The data underlying the calculation are as follows. (thousands of euro) At December 31, Profit/(Loss) from continuing operations Weighted average number of shares (units) Earnings per share from continuing operations – basic and diluted (in Euro) 16 At December 31, 2010 2009 (251,797) 308,627 146,100,000 146,100,000 (1.72) 2.11 FINANCIAL LIABILITIES The following table sets out an analysis of “Financial liabilities” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 Non-current Current Total Non-current Current Total Bonds issues 5,315,107 166,777 5,481,884 3,862,788 156,586 4,019,374 Bank loans 3,299,470 107,857 3,407,327 4,806,043 9,673 4,815,716 238,928 66,529 305,457 - 9,678 9,678 34,234 - 34,234 414,603 101,507 516,110 8,887,739 341,163 9,228,902 9,083,434 277,444 9,360,878 Loans from others Derivative financial instruments Total financial liabilities The change in the composition of the balances in financial liabilities results from the effect of the partial refinancing operation which was completed on November 26, 2010 and which led to the following: i) the disbursement to the Parent of a new Senior Facility Agreement of €3,530 million; ii) the issue of new Senior Secured Notes maturing in 2018 and having an amount of €1,716 million and USD1,275 million (€964 million) (nominal value of €1,750 million and USD1,300 million, respectively). This liquidity enabled the following financial liabilities to be fully repaid in advance at the same time: Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 119 i) the Parent’s Senior Credit Facility Agreement entered into on August 11, 2005 in the amount of €3,756 million and USD149 million (€113 million); ii) Second Lien Notes issued by the Luxembourg associate WIND Finance SL SA in the amount of €552 million and USD180 million (€136 million); iii) Senior Notes maturing in 2015 issued by the Luxembourg subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA in the amount of €950 million and USD650 million (€491 million). As shown in the following table and as detailed further below, by carrying out the refinancing operation the Group has changed the mix between bank debt and bond debt, enabling them to extend average maturity of approximately two years and benefit from lower average finance expense. The following table sets out an analysis of “Financial liabilities” at December, 2010 and 2009 by due date. (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2010 1<x<5 years >5 years <1 year Total At December 31, 2009 1<x<5 years >5 years <1 year Total Bonds issues 166,777 - 5,315,107 5,481,884 156,586 - 3,862,788 4,019,374 Bank loans 107,857 1,075,000 2,224,470 3,407,327 9,673 4,806,043 - 4,815,716 66,529 221,019 17,909 305,457 9,678 - - 9,678 - 10,782 23,452 34,234 101,507 194,320 220,283 516,110 341,163 1,306,801 7,580,938 9,228,902 277,444 5,000,363 4,083,071 9,360,878 Loans from others Derivative financial instruments Total financial liabilities The following table provides an analysis of “Financial liabilities”, excluding derivative financial instruments, by currency and effective interest rate. (thousands of euro) Euro US dollars Total At December 31, 2010 <5% 5%<x<7.5% 7.5%<x<10% 10%<x<12.5% 12.5%<x<15% Total 168,340 3,511,497 1,762,808 - 1,252,653 6,695,298 - - 959,329 - 1,540,041 2,499,370 168,340 3,511,497 2,722,137 - 2,792,694 9,194,668 The following table provides a comparison between the carrying amount and fair value of non-current “Financial liabilities” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2010 Carrying amount At December 31, 2009 Fair value Carrying amount Fair value Bonds issues 5,315,107 5,668,996 3,862,788 4,216,050 Bank loans 3,299,470 3,422,143 4,806,043 4,891,720 238,928 238,928 - - 34,234 34,234 414,603 414,603 8,887,739 9,364,301 9,083,434 9,522,373 Loans from others Derivative financial instruments Total The fair value is approximately the same as the carrying amount for current “Financial liabilities”. Current “Financial liabilities” at December 31, 2010 consist exclusively of the portions of bank loans and bonds described below, for which payment is due by the end of the following financial year, referring to both principal and accrued interest. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 120 An analysis of the derivative financial instruments balance and of the respective changes is found in note 17. Bonds The item “Bonds” increased principally as the result of the Group’s debt refinancing, which led on November 26, 2010 to the early repayment of the 2015 Senior Notes by an amount of €950 million and USD650 million and the issue of new Senior Secured Notes maturing in 2018 and divided into two tranches of €1,750 million (having a coupon of 7.375%) and USD1,300 million (having a coupon of 7.25%), respectively. Since the 2015 Senior Notes provide for early repayment options at determined prices, the operation led to the payment of a premium for the repayment to bondholders of approximately €73 million. The following table sets out the main information relating to outstanding “Bonds” at December 31, 2010 following the refinancing operation. (thousands of euro) Bonds Carrying amount at December 31, 2010 Carrying amount at December 31, 2009 Nominal amount Issue price Currency Due date Interest rate Price 2017 Senior Secured Notes € 1,252,653 1,257,931 1,250,000 96.3% EUR 07/15/2017 11.75% 112.00% 2017 Senior Secured Notes $ 1,540,041 1,435,145 1,496,782 97.5% USD 07/15/2017 11.75% 112.00% 2018 Senior Secured Notes € 1,729,861 - 1,750,000 99.3% EUR 02/15/2018 7.38% 101.25% 2018 Senior Secured Notes $ 959,329 - 972,908 99.3% USD 02/15/2018 7.25% 101.50% 5,481,884 2,693,076 5,469,690 Total As required by the Group’s risk management policies, for which details may be found in note 2.5 in order to fully eliminate any currency risks arising from issues denominated in US dollars, the Group has entered into hedging arrangements based on cross currency swaps for a notional amount of €2,389,169 thousand, which at December 31, 2010 had a positive fair value of €77,376 thousand and a negative fair value of €20,404 thousand. Bank loans The decrease in “Bank loans” is principally due to the effects of the Group’s debt refinancing, which led to the early repayment on November 26, 2010, of the Credit Facility Agreement by an amount of €3,756 million and USD149 million (€113 million) and the Second Lien Subscription Agreement by an amount of €552 million and USD180 million (€136 million), both entered into in 2005. The following table sets out the main information relating to outstanding “Bank loans” at December 31, 2010 following the refinancing operation. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 121 (thousands of euro) Bank loans Carrying amount at December 31, 2010 Nominal amount at December 31, 2010 Residual Commitment Currency Due date Interest rate Senior Facility Agreement - Tranche A1 160,222 166,118 166,118 EUR 11/26/2016 Euribor+4.00% - Tranche A2 1,300,999 1,348,882 1,348,882 EUR 11/26/2016 Euribor+4.00% - Tranche B1 1,285,973 1,333,882 1,333,882 EUR 11/26/2017 Euribor+4.25% - Tranche B2 656,696 681,118 681,118 EUR 11/26/2017 Euribor+4.50% - - 400,000 EUR 11/26/2016 Euribor+4.00% 3,530,000 3,930,000 - Revolving - Bank overdrafts - Other accrued interest expense Total 1,751 1,686 3,407,327 The new Senior Facility Agreement, disbursed on November 26, 2010 to the Parent WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA and denominated exclusively in euros, is made up of various tranches, each having its own specific repayment plan and interest rates which may be reviewed on the basis of the trend of specific equity ratios. Details and the main features of the tranches are as follows: • tranche A1 is repayable from May 26, 2011 to November 26, 2016. Interest is payable at Euribor plus a spread of 400 basis points. The maximum amount of the facility of €166 million was fully in use at December 31, 2010; • tranche A2 is repayable from May 26, 2011 to November 26, 2016. Interest is payable at Euribor plus a spread of 400 basis points. The maximum amount of the facility of €1,349 million was fully in use at December 31, 2010; • tranche B1 is repayable in a single lump sum on November 26, 2017. Interest is payable at Euribor plus a spread of 425 basis points. The maximum amount of the facility of €1,334 million was fully in use at December 31, 2010; • tranche B2 is repayable in a single lump sum on November 26, 2017. Interest is payable at Euribor plus a spread of 450 basis points. The maximum amount of the facility of €681 million was fully in use at December 31, 2010; • a revolving tranche having final repayment on November 26, 2016. This may be used either as a cash loan or a signature loan. If used as a cash loan interest is payable at Euribor plus a margin of 400 basis points and there is a non-use commission of 160 basis points. The maximum amount of the facility, €400 million, is wholly unused and therefore fully available. With the aim of reducing its bank loan exposure to fluctuations in interest rates and foreign exchange rates, the Group has entered transactions which qualify as hedges for a notional amount of €3,330,000 thousand, whose fair value at December 31, 2010, including forward start transactions, is negative for €11,526 thousand. The hedges extend to September 2016 and consist of plain vanilla interest rate swaps and plain vanilla forward start interest rate swaps. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 122 Loans from others This item, having a balance of €305,457 thousand (€9,678 thousand at December 31, 2009), consists of €295,778 thousand (of which €56,950 is the current portion) payable to banks against the deferred repayment plan of the fair value of the derivative instruments hedging loans that were repaid with the refinancing of the Group’s debt. 17 DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The following table provides details of the outstanding derivative financial instruments at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 Fair value (+) Fair value (-) Fair value (+) Fair value (-) 77,376 20,404 113 276,565 2,304 13,830 - 239,545 79,680 34,234 113 516,110 - Exchange rate risk - Interest rate risk Total cash flow hedges Put & call options 207,054 - Total Fair value hedge 207,054 - - Embedded derivatives on Senior Secured Notes Total Non Hedge Accounting Derivatives Total 92,895 - 179,323 92,895 - 179,323 172,575 34.234 386,490 516,110 The following table shows the detail of current and non-current derivative instruments. (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2010 Fair Value (+) Current At December 31, 2009 Fair Value (-) Fair Value (+) Fair Value (-) 101,507 - - 207,167 Non-current 172,575 34,234 179,323 414,603 Totale derivati 179,575 34,234 386,490 516,110 The fair value of financial instruments listed on active markets was determined as the market quotation at the reporting date. In the absence of an active market, fair value was determined by referring to prices provided by external operators and using valuation models based mostly on objective financial variables, as well as by taking into account, where possible, the prices used in recent transactions and the quotations of similar financial instruments. The following were outstanding at December 31, 2010: • cross currency swaps hedging the interest rate and currency risks relating to the tranches of bonds denominated in US dollars, for which reference should be made to note 16, having a notional amount of €2,389,169 thousand (€2,254,022 thousand at December 31, 2009) and having a positive fair value of €77,376 thousand and a negative fair value of €20,404 thousand (negative fair value of €276,565 thousand at December 31, 2009); Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 123 • plain vanilla interest rate swaps and plain vanilla forward start interest rate swaps hedging the interest rate risk of bank loans, having a notional amount of €3,330,000 thousand (€4,475,000 thousand at December 31, 2009) and a negative fair value of €13,830 thousand and a positive fair value of €2,304 thousand (negative fair value of 239,545 at December 31, 2009); • embedded derivatives of €92,895 thousand (€179,323 thousand at December 31, 2009) relating to the fair value of the early repayment options provided for on issue of the Senior Secured Notes (€77,706 thousand and €15,189 thousand on the loans expiring in 2017 and 2018, respectively), for which details may be found in note 16. The change in the balance of derivative financial instruments compared with the previous year is mainly due to the inclusion at December 31, 2009 of: • the fair value of the put option on the shares of Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl by an amount of €207,054 that was extinguished during the year through the partial exercising of the option on June 30, 2010 and the exercising of the remaining portion on November 29, 2010 (details of this matter may be found in note 4); • the fair value of the derivative financial instruments relating the loans repaid and closed as result of the refinancing operation. 18 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS The following table sets out the changes in “Employee benefits” at December 31, 2010. (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2009 Accrual (Utilization) Other changes At December 31, 2010 62,014 20,994 (2,124) (19,620) 61,264 Post-employment benefits Other changes during the year consist mostly of the transfer of the post-employment benefits accrued during the year to supplementary pension funds or to the Treasury fund held by the Italian social security organization INPS (€18,265 thousand). The main actuarial assumptions underlying the calculation of the post-employment benefits are the following. Average inflation rate Discount rate Increase in wages and salaries Employee turnover rate 2.00% 4.3% N/A 3.00%– 4.00% The effects recognized in profit or loss are as follows. (thousands of euro) Current service costs Finance expense Total Actual return on plan assets At December 31, At December 31, 2010 18,858 2,136 20,994 N/A 2009 24,365 (2,816) 21,549 N/A Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 124 19 PROVISIONS The following table sets out changes in “Provisions” during the year ended December 31, 2010. At December 31, 2009 Increases (Decreases) At December 31, 2010 Litigation 34,076 16,344 (13,895) 36,525 Restructuring Universal service contribution as per Presidential Decree no. 318 of September 19, 1997 15,475 10,022 (13,482) 12,015 (thousands of euro) 57,406 527 - 57,933 Product assistance 2,399 1,947 (1,549) 2,797 Dismantling and removal 8,139 1 (419) 7,721 74,705 21,740 (31,295) 65,150 192,200 50,581 (60,640) 182,141 Other provisions Total Litigation The provision at the respective dates is based on estimates using the best information available of the total charge that the Group expects to incur upon settlement of all outstanding legal proceedings (for details on the main proceedings in progress, please refers to paragraph on main pending legal proceedings in note 40). Restructuring The provision consists of the costs which the Parent expects to incur in future years as a consequence of implementing restructuring and reorganization plans resulting from the identification of areas of efficiency in certain business areas initiated during the current and previous years. The utilization of the restructuring provision in the amount of €13,482 thousand is entirely due to leaving incentives and personnel outplacement costs. Universal service contribution Article 3, paragraph 6, of Presidential Decree no. 318 of September 19, 1997 regarding the “Implementation of European Union Directives” establishes a mechanism designed to distribute the net cost of providing universal service throughout the country whenever the related obligations represent an unfair cost for the entity or entities assigned the responsibility for supplying the service. For the years 2004 to 2009, the contribution has been estimated on the basis of the best information available at the date of the calculation, pending the determination by the Communications Regulator of the actual amount to be paid by the Parent. Other provisions This item consists of the measurement of certain liabilities arising from obligations assumed by the Group for which an estimate is made at the date of these financial statements of the amount to be settled upon Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 125 due date. The balance includes €24,534 thousand for liabilities for termination benefits arising from agency contracts in existence at the reporting date and €16,843 thousand accrued in 2010 relating to compensation plan for the long-term retention and incentive of management, for which further details may be found in note 14. Changes in the year relate to the payment of the third tranche in July 2010 and to the amounts accrued during the year that will be paid in the future. 20 OTHER LIABILITIES “Other non-current liabilities” at December 31, 2010 and 2009 amount to €11,622 thousand and €6,700 thousand, respectively, and relate to deferred income on long-term commercial contracts. 21 TRADE PAYABLES The following table provides details of “Trade payables” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 520,308 506,190 Due to agents 52,945 40,455 Due to authorized dealers 41,664 32,847 2,440 1,178 Due to telephone operators Due to parents Due to associates Due to related companies - 2 25,697 35,470 Construction contracts Other trade payables Total - 10 1,130,033 1,175,616 1,773,087 1,791,768 The change in this item over the year is principally due to the effect of normal settlements during the course of the year. Payables to agents and authorized dealers have risen by €21,307 thousand as the result of an increase in customer acquisition costs, details of which may be found in note 26. Trade payables “due to parents” of €2,440 thousand are the consequence of the agreement between the indirect parent WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) and the WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA relating to the provision of services for which further details may be found in note 37. Trade payables “due to telephone operators” mainly relate to interconnection and roaming services. Trade payables “due to related companies” mainly relate to transactions with telephone operators belonging to the group for which further details may be found in note 37. “Other trade payables” mainly relate to payables to suppliers for the purchase of goods and services. The following table provides an analysis of trade payables by due date. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 126 (thousands of euro) -within 12 months -after 12 months Total 22 At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 1,742,507 1,770,848 30,580 20,920 1,773,087 1,791,768 OTHER PAYABLES The following table provides an analysis of “Other payables” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 Payables to social security organizations 35,274 34,674 Tax payables 34,667 37,056 Payables to personnel 58,180 59,386 24,721 24,499 85,238 82,487 Payables to government bodies: - grants Other amounts payable to parents Other amounts payable to related companies 214 87 223,594 219,941 Deferred income 26,455 29,232 Other payables 29,165 56,570 517,508 543,932 Prepaid traffic to be used Total The following table provides an analysis by due date. (thousands of euro) -within 12 months -after 12 months Total At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 517,508 543,932 - - 517,508 543,932 “Payables to social security organizations” relate principally to the employer’s and employees’ portions of social security contributions for December and the employer’s portion accrued on deferred remuneration (mostly accrued vacation and other permitted leaves that have been accrued but not yet taken). This item also includes the amounts payable to the Italian social security organization INPS for the accrued post-employment benefits (TFR) yet to be paid which employees had elected to transfer to the Treasury fund in accordance with Law no. 296 of December 27, 2006, the “2007 Finance Act”, and subsequent decrees and regulations. The following table sets out details of “Tax payables” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 Government license fee 20,033 13,979 Withholding tax 10,836 11,973 3,000 10,423 VAT Other 798 681 Total 34,667 37,056 Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 127 “Payables to personnel” consist mostly of liabilities for accrued vacation and other accrued leaves still to be taken at the end of the year. “Payables to government bodies for grants” represent amounts due for licenses and concessions provided by the relevant bodies. Of “Other payables to parents”, €79,827 thousand refers to a payable to the indirect parent WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) following the transfer of IRES tax payables by Group companies as part of the national tax consolidation procedure and €4,099 thousand to a payable to the direct parent WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA following the resolution adopted by the shareholders of the Group Parent, who in their general meeting of November 24, 2010 approved the distribution of a dividend to the parent of €9,500 thousand, of which €5,401 thousand has been paid. “Prepaid traffic to be used” consists of the unused portion of prepaid traffic, sold by the Parent via rechargeable telephone cards and top-ups, which had not yet been utilized at the end of the year. “Deferred income” refers to income for billings made contractually in advance in prior years and in 2010 for lease and installation fees relating to the utilization of broadband capacity (‘initial capacity’), which will be recognized in later periods. “Other payables” consist of amounts due to supplementary pension funds, amounts payable for bank commissions and guarantee deposits received from customers. 23 TAX PAYABLES The balances at December 31, 2010 and 2009 of €6,574 thousand and €14,694 thousand, respectively, represent the amounts due by the parent for income tax for the year (IRAP), net of advance payments for the corresponding tax periods. Receivable and payable items for IRES are included in receivables and payables from and to the parent, as Group companies have elected to take part in the national tax consolidation procedure of WIND TELECOM SpA. 24 REVENUE The following table provides an analysis of “Revenue” for 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Change 2010 2009 12 months 12 months Amount % 144,208 129,654 14,554 11.2% - Telephone services 4,199,393 3,991,152 208,241 5.2% - Interconnection traffic 1,232,876 1,267,924 (35,048) (2.8)% - International roaming 52,632 68,269 (15,637) (22.9)% 7,351 9,380 (2,029) (21.6)% 24.1% Revenue from sales Revenue from services - Judicial authority services - Other revenue from services 134,456 108,339 26,117 Total revenue from services 5,626,708 5,445,064 181,644 3.3% Total 5,770,916 5,574,718 196,198 3.5% Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 128 “Revenue” has increased by €196,198 thousand over the previous year. In accordance with the National Numeration Plan, following the introduction in February 2010 of the interoperability of series 4 numbers, the Group has recorded the traffic revenue towards customers of other operators for whom the Company performs the role of Service Provider. This positive trend was mainly driven by a €208,241 thousand increase in revenue from telephone services which reached €4,199,393 thousand at December 31, 2010 (€3,991,152 thousand at December 31, 2009). This increase is essentially attributable to a rise in the mobile segment due also to the increase in the customer base. In the fixed segment, there has been a rise in revenue from fixed charges and contributions mainly in internet and data services as a consequence also of growth in the customer base. The revenue from sales increased by €14,554 thousand during the year 2010 (+11.2% over 2009) mainly due to the increase in the sale of mobile handsets, also as the result of the good performance of the WIND Retail Srl points of sales. Other revenue from services increased by €26,117 thousand in 2010 mainly as the result of an increase in sales of advertising space on the portal. These changes are only partially offset by: ¾ the decrease of €35,048 thousand in revenue from “Interconnection traffic” (-2.8% over 2009) mainly due to the combined effect of: • lower termination revenue from the mobile and fixed network caused by the reduction in unit charges, which was only partially offset by an increase in incoming fixed and mobile voice traffic; • the decrease in interconnection revenue from narrowband internet traffic following a general shift in the direction of broadband technology; • an increase in the traffic volume of SMS value added services. ¾ a decrease of €15,637 thousand in revenue from international roaming (-22.9% over 2009) mainly due to the general reduction in roaming tariffs on international markets, which was not sufficiently offset by the increase in the roaming volumes of the voice component. 25 OTHER REVENUE “Other revenue” amounts in total to €126,898 thousand for 2010 (€151,655 thousand for 2009) and refers principally to prior year income and the revision of estimates made in previous years. The decrease in the item is mainly due to inclusion at December 31, 2009 of €30,000 thousand arising from agreements reached for settlement agreements with some operators (€16,580 thousand for 2010) and €10,215 thousand (€2,691 thousand for 2010) arising from the grant obtained from the Puglia Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 129 Region as part of the “Measures to support local growth” framework programme, regarding investments made between 2004 and 2008, in which the Parent took part through the Elawind Consortium. 26 PURCHASES AND SERVICES The following table provides an analysis of “Purchases and services” for 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Interconnection traffic Customer acquisition costs Lease of civil and technical sites Purchases of raw materials, consumables, supplies and goods Lease of telecommunication circuits Advertising and promotional services Outsourced services Other services Lease of local access network Maintenance and repair Utilities National and international roaming Consultancies and professional services Change in inventories Other leases and use of third party assets Bank and postal charges Transport and logistics Total purchases and services Change 2010 12 months 2009 12 months Amount % 1,286,425 253,961 242,413 183,135 95,390 181,500 142,015 101,301 350,232 122,740 74,727 31,473 51,141 6,356 20,696 19,546 16,460 1,292,987 224,773 239,627 194,231 90,758 174,478 134,563 104,254 314,457 118,997 71,198 27,879 42,004 (11,989) 21,221 18,585 14,231 (6,562) 29,188 2,786 (11,096) 4,632 7,022 7,452 (2,953) 35,775 3,743 3,529 3,594 9,137 18,345 (525) 961 2,229 (0.5)% 13.0% 1.2% (5.7)% 5.1% 4.0% 5.5% (2.8)% 11.4% 3.1% 5.0% 12.9% 21.8% (153.0)% (2.5)% 5.2% 15.7% 3,179,511 3,072,254 107,257 3.5% Purchases and services increased by €107,257 thousand over 2009. In accordance with the National Numeration Plan, following the introduction in February 2010 of the interoperability of series 4 numbers, the Group had recorded higher termination and content costs against revenue from series 4 traffic towards customers of other operators for whom the Company performs the role of Service Provider (note 24). The change in the item is mainly due to the combined effect of the following increases and decreases compared to 2009: • an increase of €37,775 thousand in “Lease of local access network” costs due to an increase in the LLU and WLR customer bases also as the result of the migration of the VLLU customer base to the Wholesale Line Rental (WLR) service; • an increase of €29,188 thousand in “Customer acquisition costs” principally due to the increase in commissions resulting from the rise in activations and mobile traffic. The balance at December 31, 2009 includes the reclassifications of €78,202 thousand from this item to amortization of intangible assets due to the different presentation of some customer acquisition costs, for which further details may be found in note 2.1; • an increase of €9,137 thousand in “Consultancies and professional services” mainly due to the increase in purchases of the external professional services. The item includes remuneration for Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 130 statutory auditors of Group companies, equal to €344 thousand, and the remuneration for the external audit activities on financial statements, equal to €1,360 thousand (total compensation for the audit to separate and consolidate financial statements at December 31, 2010 is equal to €499 thousand). As resolved by shareholders in their ordinary general meeting of April 12, 2010 the Directors of the Parent receive no fees; • an increase of €7,452 thousand in “Outsourced services” mainly due to the rise in purchase volumes of call center services, which is also the result of the increase in the customer base; • a net increase of €7,249 thousand in “Change in inventories” and “Purchases of raw materials, consumables, supplies and goods” due to an increase in mobile phone handsets sell in and the need for larger quantities to ensure stocks of the new stores acquired with WIND Retail; • an increase of €7,022 thousand in “Advertising and promotional services” due to higher costs of tv advertising tools and productions; • a decrease of €6,562 thousand in “Interconnection traffic” costs. This is mainly due to the fall in termination tariffs on the mobile network, the lower costs for internet collection due to the increase in broadband traffic and the lower costs of voice collection due to the increase in the penetration of direct technology, only partially offset by higher volumes of national termination to mobile and fixedline phones, higher international termination retail volumes and higher termination costs incurred with other operators as the result of the introduction of the interoperability of series 4 numbers. 27 OTHER OPERATING COSTS The following table provides an analysis of “Other operating costs” for 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) 2010 2009 12 months 12 months Amount % 74,885 65,046 9,839 15.1% (58.1)% Impairment losses on trade receivables and current assets Accruals for costs Change 7,345 17,548 (10,203) Annual license fees 25,737 23,004 2,733 11.9% Other operating costs 19,070 19,124 (54) (0.3)% Accruals for risks 16,344 16,464 (120) (0.7)% 1,497 2,699 (1,202) (44.5)% 144,878 143,885 993 0.7% Gifts Total other operating costs The decrease shown is mostly due to lower accruals for costs mainly due of the revision to the estimated amount due for the Universal Service contribution, only partially offset by the rise in impairment losses on trade receivables as an effect of the increase in collection risk. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 131 28 PERSONNEL EXPENSES The following table provides an analysis of “Personnel expenses” for 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) 2010 12 months 2009 12 months 305,557 85,554 24,286 19,079 (46,222) 289,316 83,421 21,772 18,397 (44,513) 16,241 2,133 2,514 682 (1,709) 5.6% 2.6% 11.5% 3.7% 3.8% 388,254 368,393 19,861 5.4% Wages and salaries Social security charges Other personnel expenses Post-employment benefits (Costs capitalized for internal works) Total personal expenses Change Amount % The item increases by €19,861 thousand (+5.4%) over 2009 mainly due to the increase in Group employees during the year (an increase of 182 units compared with December 31, 2009, mainly related to the subsidiary WIND Retail Srl) and to the renewal of the National Collective Labour Contract signed on October 23, 2009. “Other personnel expenses” include mainly the provision for restructuring for €10,010 thousand, for which further details may be found in note 19. The number of employees at year end was as follows. At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 166 597 6,473 157 581 6,316 7,236 7,054 2010 12 months 2009 12 months 166 597 6,464 156 583 6,179 7,227 6,918 Senior management Middle management Employees Total The average number of employees during the year was as follows. Senior management Middle management Employees Total 29 DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION The following table provides an analysis of “Depreciation and amortization” for 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Depreciation of property, plant and equipment - Buildings - Plant and machinery - Industrial and commercial equipment - Other assets Amortization of intangible assets with finite lives - Industrial patents and similar rights - Licenses, trademarks and similar rights - Other intangible assets Total depreciation and amortization Change 2010 12 months 2009 12 months Amount % 51 606,554 9,983 22,392 51 630,973 7,996 23,517 (24,419) 1,987 (1,125) n.m. (3.9)% 24.8% (4.8)% 90,545 115,116 156,724 84,837 109,246 139,978 5,708 5,870 16,746 6.7% 5.4% 12.0% 1,001,365 996,598 4,767 0.5% Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 132 The 2009 balance of Amortization of Other intangible assets includes the reclassification of €78,202 thousand, originally recognized in Purchases and services, due to the different presentation of some customer acquisition costs, for which details may be found in note 2.1. The rise in the deprecation and amortization charge over 2009 is due to an increase in the amortization of intangible assets (€28,324 thousand), essentially as the result of the increased investments in software and the increase in the customer base, which, above all in the final quarter, led to a considerable rise in customer acquisition costs, only partially offset by a decrease in the depreciation of property, plant and equipment (€23,557 thousand) as a result of the completion of the deprecation period for equipment acquired in previous years and the effect of the disposals of non-current assets. 30 REVERSAL OF IMPAIRMENT LOSSES / (IMPAIRMENT LOSSES) ON NON-CURRENT ASSETS The following table provides an analysis of “Reversal of impairment losses / (impairment losses) on non- current assets” for 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Reversal of impairment losses / (Impairment losses) on property, plant and equipment Reversal of impairment losses / (Impairment losses) on intangible assets Total 2010 2009 Change 12 months 12 months Amount % (22,506) 2,927 (25,433) n.m. (813) 1,021 (1,834) n.m. (23,319) 3,948 (27,267) n.m. This item, having a negative balance of €23,319 thousand for 2010 (a positive balance of €3,948 thousand for 2009), consists mainly of the impairment losses recognised under plant and equipment and relates to the following: • for €16,282 thousand to the impairment losses on radio bridges due to the equipment modernisation plan; • for €2,107 thousand to the positive effect arising from the operation to replace certain transmission equipment (of €20,703 thousand), net of impairment losses (of €18,596 thousand), for which details may be found in note 5. 31 GAINS/(LOSSES) ON DISPOSAL OF NON-CURRENT ASSETS The following table provides an analysis of “Gains/(losses) on disposal of non-current assets” for 2010 and 2009. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 133 (thousands of euro) 2009 12 months Amount % 2,510 902 1,608 178.3% (2,916) (10,750) 7,834 (72.9)% (406) (9,848) 9,442 (95.9)% Gains on disposal of property, plant and equipment Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment Total Change 2010 12 months The change over the previous year is due to the lower losses recorded in 2010 on the disposal and/or sale of property, plant and equipment as part of the normal renewal process for these assets. 32 FINANCE INCOME The following table provides an analysis of “Finance income” for 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Income on bank deposits Change 2010 2009 12 months 12 months Amount % 2,885 5,578 (2,693) (48.3)% (91.5)% Fair value measurement of derivatives 6,114 71,535 (65,421) Other 1,514 11,230 (9,716) (86.5)% 10,513 88,343 (77,830) (88.1)% Total finance income The decrease in finance income is mainly due to the result of lower gains on the measurement of derivatives at fair value (€58,270 thousand at December 31, 2009). In this respect at December 31, 2010 the item consists principally of income of €6,114 thousand arising from the measurement at fair value of the put option on the shares held in Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl until November 29, 2010, the date on which the option was fully exercised (for further details reference is made to note 4). The decrease in finance income is also due to the lower finance income accrued on the average stock of cash, primarily due to the reduction in market rates and to the amount of €9,881 thousand included at December 31, 2009 in Other finance income relating to interest accrued on the undue amounts paid by the Parent and by the former Infostrada SpA as Turnover Contribution (Law no. 448/1998), for which a refund has been requested through two notices to pay served on March 31, 2009. 33 FINANCE EXPENSE The following table provides an analysis of “Finance expense” for 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Finance expense on: Bond issues Bank loans Discounted provisions Cash flow hedges, reversed from equity Fair value measurement of derivatives Other Total finance expense 2010 12 months 2009 12 months Change Amount (510,536) (243,590) (2,418) (104,645) (26,010) (6,833) (300,079) (268,546) (2,872) (69,687) (218) (3,845) (210,457) 24,956 454 (34,958) (25,792) (2,988) 70.1% (9.3)% (15.8)% 50.2% n.m. 77.7% (894,032) (645,247) (248,785) 38.6% % Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 134 Finance expense increased by €248,785 thousand during 2010 as the result of an increase in bond finance expense caused by the July 2009 and November 2010 issues, only partially offset by a decrease in exposure to banks following the repayments made during the year on the previous loan and a change in the bond/bank debt mix as the result of the Group refinancing operation. In this respect the following table provides an analysis of finance expense on bonds and loans by interest and amortized cost charge component. (thousands of euro) Bonds Bank loans 12 months 2010 12 months 2009 interest expense amortized cost charges Total interest expense amortized cost charges Total (495,808) (14,728) (510,536) (285,538) (14,541) (300,079) (216,958) (26,632) (243,590) (249,914) (18,632) (268,546) (216,958) (41,360) (754,126) (535,452) (33,173) (568,625) The following effects should be added to the expense accruing on financial liabilities, as detailed in note 16: • hedge accounting for the portion of the cash flow hedge reserve reclassified to profit or loss during the year following the use of derivative financial instruments, amounting to €104,645 thousand; • the measurement of the embedded derivatives in the early repayment options on the 2017 Senior Secured Notes, amounting to €26,010 thousand. 34 FOREIGN EXCHANGE GAINS/(LOSSES), NET The following table provides an analysis of “Foreign exchange gains (losses) - net” for 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Change Amount 2010 12 months 2009 12 months Realized gains Unrealized gains Foreign exchange gains 260,324 182,966 443,290 7,178 132,034 139,212 253,146 50,932 304,078 n.m. 38.6% n.m. Realized losses Unrealized losses Foreign exchange losses Total 283,271 153,283 436,554 6,736 6,852 132,869 139,721 (509) 276,419 20,414 296,833 7,245 n.m. 15.4% n.m. n.m. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 % 135 35 UNUSUAL FINANCE EXPENSE The item of €386,326 recognized during the year refers to the refinancing operation completed on November 26, 2010, following the transaction with VimpelCom Ltd. This refinancing led to the early repayment of the Credit Facility Agreement, the Second Lien Subscription Agreement and the 2015 Senior Notes. More specifically, these charges relate to the following: • for €153,724 thousand (of which €79,119 thousand on the bonds and €74,605 thousand on the bank loans) to the residual balance of the fee paid on entering the arrangement/issue of the old loans at the repayment date, forming part of the amortized cost of the same loans; • for €92,385 thousand to the repayment of the premium due to the subscribers of the 2015 Senior Notes and the payment of the fee for authorising the refinancing operation; • for €75,897 thousand to the write-off of the positive fair value of the embedded derivative in the 2015 Senior Notes; • for €64,320 thousand to the reclassification to profit or loss of the portion of the cash flow hedge reserve relating to extinct derivative instruments which no longer met the conditions to hedge future cash flows. 36 INCOME TAX The following table provides an analysis of “Income tax” for 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Current tax Deferred tax Total income tax Change Amount 2010 12 months 2009 12 months (193,237) 44,468 (330,611) 57,308 137,374 (12,840) (41.6)% (22.4)% (148,769) (273,303) 124,534 (45.6)% % The net charge for the year is made up of the following: • current income taxes expense of €193,237 thousand (of which €123,150 thousand for IRES tax and €70,087 thousand for IRAP tax) charged on the consolidated taxable income for 2010 in decrease compared to 2009 due to the lower result before tax. It should be noted, however, that the overall tax expense increased due to the higher interest payable, which is partially non-deductible, on the €2.7 billion bond issue completed in July 2009 and on the Group refinancing operation completed on November 26, 2010; • net deferred tax income of €44,468 thousand, arising from a decrease of €14,684 thousand in deferred tax assets mainly relating to the changes in temporary differences arising from provisions and financial instruments and from the release of deferred tax liabilities of €29,784 thousand, mainly relating to the changes in temporary differences arising from non-current assets. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 136 The following table provides a reconciliation between the theoretical tax rate and the effective tax rate for 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) 2010 Theoretical tax rate Profit/(Loss) before tax Theoretical tax assets relating to IRES Non-deductible costs/non-taxable revenue Non-recognized deferred tax assets Adjustments to previous years taxes 27.50% (103,028) 2009 27.50% 581,930 (28,333) 132,075 (25,060) 78,682 Actual IRES tax (current and deferred) Effective IRES tax rate IRAP tax at Group level Actual tax expense recognized in profit or loss Overall tax rate 76.37% 160,031 31,202 (1,403) 10,861 200,691 34.49% 70,087 148,769 144.40% 72,612 273,303 46.96% The above reconciliation between the theoretical and effective tax rates has been performed solely for IRES tax (corporate income tax) purposes. The IRAP tax charge is included to reconcile with the overall income tax expense in the financial statements. 37 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS Transactions with related parties Transactions with the related parties described below consist of those with WIND TELECOM Group (formerly Weather Group) companies. Related party transactions are part of normal operations which are conducted on an arm's length basis from an economic standpoint and formalized in agreements, and mainly relate to transactions with telephone operators. In particular, the Parent has entered into an agreement with the parent WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) under which the latter is entitled to receive an annual fee of approximately €8 million plus ancillary expenses for providing services to the former (such as those relating to IT, marketing, personnel, purchasing, etc.). In addition, as discussed in note 4, to which reference is made for further details, the Parent has been assigned a put option versus its parent WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA), with a fair value of €207,054 thousand at December 31, 2009. On June 30, 2010 the put option was partially exercised on 985 shares held in Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl for an amount of €70 million, and on November 29, 2010 the option was exercised on the remaining 1,980 shares held in that company for consideration of €143 million. Regarding the payment of the consideration by the parent, on November 29, 2010 the Parent and WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) signed an intragroup loan agreement by virtue of which the Parent granted the parent a loan of €143,103, for which details may be found in note 7. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 137 At December 31, 2010 and during the year, the Group companies did not hold treasury shares of WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA, either directly or through trustees, or shares of WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA or of the indirect parent WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) or investments in the indirect parent Weather Investments II Sàrl. The table below provides a summary of the main effects of related party transactions on the financial position and result of operations of the year. (thousands of euro) 2010 Revenue Arpu for Telecommunication Services Finance Income Expenses Trade receivables Other receivables Trade payables Other payables Acquisitions of noncurrent assets - - 700 - - - - 1,176 1,658 319 - 806 - - - 687 443 - 292 - - Orascom Telecom Algeria 16,811 47,655 2,856 - 6,108 30 - Orascom Telecom Tunisie SA 20,748 44,783 4,451 - 11,018 34 - - 99 - - 1,333 - 125 Egyptian Company for Mobile Services Orascom Telecom Holding S,A,E, Orascom Technology Solutions (OTS) Orascom Telecom Service Europe 17 269 17 - 63 - 124 1 110 - - - - 4 573 892 - 265 - - 20 -14 54 - 1 12 - Mobinil for Telecommunication S,A,E, - - 4 - - - - Trans World Associates (Private) Ltd, - 645 - 230 - - - 322 - - - - - - - - 89 - 43 - - 14,602 4,555 - - - - - Telecel Centrafrique S,A, 469 79 625 - 79 - - U-Com Burundi S,A, (Telecel Burundi) 833 1,539 429 - 817 5 - 2,135 5,063 426 - 945 2 - - - - - 5 - - 314 - 315 - 1 - 6,896 1,835 3,543 - 727 - - - - 10 - - - 5,431 7,399 2,200 - 3,069 - - - - - - 125 - - Pakistan Mobile Communications Ltd, (Mobilink) Mobizone Orascom Telecom Bangladesh Ltd, (Banglalink) Med Cable Ltd Consortium Algerien de Telecommunication Global Entity for Telecom Trade Telecel Zimbabwe Globalive Wireless Management Wind Mobile Canada Link Direct International Limited Rain Srl Wind Hellas Telecommunications SA Weather Finance II Sàrl Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl -6 Weather Capital Sàrl - 128 - - - 128 WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA - -25 - 1,195 274 4,099 - WIND TELECOM SpA* 50 529 7,579 - 9,831 2,166 81,139 - Wind Acquisition Holdings Finance SA - - - - - - 23 - Wind Team Consortium - - - - 1 - - - Elawind Consortium - - - - 11 - - - 69,953 529 124,508 17,467 11,278 28,137 85,472 125 Total * payables to WIND TELECOM SpA relate for €79,827 to the transfer, by the parent and the subsidiaries IT.Net and WIS, of their corporate income tax (IRES) payables following the choice of taking part in the national tax consolidation procedure with WIND TELECOM SpA. Directors The directors of the Parent, who are identified as key management personnel, receive no fees, as resolved by shareholders in their ordinary general meeting of April 12, 2010. There were no transactions with directors in 2010. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 138 38 NET FINANCIAL DEBT The following statement shows the Group’s net financial debt broken down into its principal components, as already described in notes 7, 16 and 17 to the financial components of the statement of financial position. At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 Bonds issues 5,315,107 3,862,788 Bank loans 3,299,470 4,806,043 238,928 - (Amounts in thousands of euros) Financing from other lenders Derivative financial instruments 34,234 414,603 8,887,739 9,083,434 Bonds issues 166,777 156,586 Bank loans 107,857 9,673 66,529 9,678 Non-current financial liabilities Loans from others Derivative financial instruments - 101,507 341,163 277,444 TOTAL GROSS FINANCIAL DEBT 9,228,902 9,360,878 Cash and cash equivalents (406,147) (583,690) Current financial liabilities Derivative financial instruments - (113) (15,306) (16,708) (15,306) (16,821) TOTAL CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS (421,453) (600,511) NET FINANCIAL DEBT 8,807,449 8,760,367 Derivative financial instruments (172,575) (179,323) Financial receivables (219,521) (40,093) Non-current financial assets (392,096) (219,416) NET FINANCIAL DEBT 8,415,353 8,540,951 Financial receivables Current financial assets The net financial debt at December 31, 2010 does not include guarantee deposits of €5,953 thousand. 39 CASH FLOW STATEMENT Cash flows from operating activities, amounting to €1,122,790 thousand, decreased by €527,880 thousand over the previous year, mostly as an effect of the higher finance expense incurred during the year due to the issue oF July 2009, and the refinancing operation of November 2010. Investing activities used cash during 2010 of a total of €961,349 thousand, representing a decrease of €121,761 thousand over 2009. Investments in 2009 included the purchase of a license for the use of a Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 139 further 5 MHz in the 2100 MHz band for €88,781 thousand and €53,493 thousand for the acquisition of M-Link Sàrl and €30,893 thousand for the purchase of Phone Srl. During 2010, financing activities used cash of €338,984 thousand as the net effect of the following transactions: • early repayment of €363 million, made by the Parent on January 12, 2010 (€336 million) and on August 9, 2010 (€27 million), attributable to the Credit Facility Agreement; • early repayments following the partial debt refinancing operation which was completed on November 26, 2010, as follows: o €3,869 million related to the closure of the Parent’s Credit Facility Agreement; o €688 million related to the closure of the Luxembourg associate WIND Finance SL SA’s Second Lien Subscription Agreement; o €1,441 million related to the closure of the 2015 Senior Notes issued by the Luxembourg subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA; • distribution of dividends of €5.4 million to the direct parent WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA, to pay the consent fees for the issue of the new bond, issued under the Pik Proceeds Loan Agreement by the Luxembourg associate WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SA on December 15, 2009; • the issue of new Senior Secured Notes maturing in 2018 and having an amount of €2,734 million (nominal amount of €1,750 million and USD1,300 million); 40 • the entering into a new bank loan (Senior Facility Agreement) of €3,530 million; • payment of €237 million of fees connected with the issue of new loans and bonds. OTHER INFORMATION Main pending legal proceedings WIND is subject to various legal proceedings arising in the ordinary course of business. Below is a description of all material pending legal proceedings at December 31, 2010, excluding those situations in which the cost arising from a negative outcome of the proceedings cannot be estimated or for which a negative outcome is not considered probable. Proceedings with agents Certain proceedings are still pending at different judicial stages relating to the termination of agency agreements (including those with Golden Voice, I&IA), in which the agents seek payment from WIND of certain indemnities provided for Italian legislation; these include the termination indemnity, the collection Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 140 indemnity, the indemnity in lieu of notice and the indemnities pursuant to article 1751 of the Italian Civil Code. WIND/ITALGO SPA WIND was sued by Italgo SpA (formerly Delta SpA), which on the declaration of a breach by WIND of certain provisions of an agreement signed with Delta SpA for the provision of goods and services (the “Commercial Agreement”) is seeking the termination of the agreement and other related agreements, the sentencing of WIND to pay a penalty of €3.3 million, the sentencing of Wind to refund the price of €23 million paid for Delta SpA shares and pay additional damages (to be quantified during the proceedings) for the costs which Italgo alleges to have incurred as the result of WIND’s breaches. Subordinately, the plaintiff has asked for a reduction in the purchase price agreed by the parties to be settled by offsetting this amount against an amount of €9 million payable to WIND. On March 19, 2010, an injunction was issued by the Court of Rome ordering WIND to pay a total of €3 million. WIND appealed the decision and, presently, a negative outcome is considered probable. IOL/RTI RTI SpA - Mediaset (“RTI”) initiated a proceeding against ITALIA ONLINE Srl (“IOL”) before the Court of Milan on the grounds that IOL continued to make 1,600 videos owned by RTI available on following the expiry of IOL’s non-exclusive license for such video content on December 31, 2008. RTL is claiming for damages of approximately €100 million. However, if the Court recognizes the responsibility of IOL, it is probable that the company will be liable for a payment of €1 million. The hearing held on July 14, 2010 started the phase for the clarification of the conclusions. The pleading for the conclusions has been filed and the hearing for the final discussion was held on January 20, 2011. Currently WIND is waiting for the outcome of the proceeding. WIND/Crest One SpA Crest One SpA (‘‘Crest One’’) has initiated proceedings against WIND for (i) the refund of approximately €16 million, previously paid to WIND by Crest One as value added tax under a distribution agreement entered into between Crest One and WIND, and (ii) the compensation of all damages suffered by Crest One (to be determined following the trial) in relation pursuant to the payment of such value added tax by Crest One to WIND. The legal action is at its initial phases and therefore it is not yet possible to quantify any potential liability. The next hearing will be held on May 16, 2012. Proceedings concerning Misleading Advertising and Unfair Commercial Practices Under Legislative decree no. 146/2007, the Italian Antitrust Authority has the power to initiate proceedings concerning unfair commercial practices and misleading advertising and issue fines of up to €500 thousand for each proceeding. In particular, many of these proceedings brought against WIND Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 141 concerned the advertising of VAS; on September 30, 2010, only one of these proceedings was still pending. This proceeding was closed on December 15, 2010 and notified on January 3, 2011. On January 5, 2010 AGCM started a sanction proceeding against WIND regarding undue telemarketing activities (i.e. calls to customers that had not given their acceptance to be contacted). This proceeding has been closed with the acceptance of WIND undertaking. WIND-Antitrust Authority (Proceeding no. A/357) With a decision dated August 3, 2007, the Antitrust Authority closed proceeding no. A/357 by condemning WIND and Telecom Italia for abuse of their dominant positions in the wholesale termination market due to the discriminatory application of economic and technical conditions for fixed-to-mobile on net (fixed-mobile calls originating and terminating on the WIND network) and intercom calls (the calls on the internal telephone lines of a business customer) in favor of their respective internal divisions and to the detriment of fixed-line competitors. WIND was fined a sum of €2 million and ordered to cease the discriminatory behaviour. WIND appealed against the decision by seeking the annulment before the Administrative Court of Lazio (the Lazio TAR). The hearing was discussed on January 23, 2008. The Lazio TAR rejected WIND’s appeal on January 29, 2008 and the related decision was published on April 7, 2008. On September 17, 2008 WIND filed an appeal before the State Council, seeking the annulment of the above Lazio TAR’s decision. The related hearing for the discussion before the State Council originally scheduled for May 11, 2010 was postponed to October 12, 2010. During the hearing the Judge has declared the interruption of the proceedings acknowledging the insolvency procedure declared by one of (Eutelia SpA) on its insolvency procedure. The next hearing for the discussion before the State Council will take place on March, 15, 2011, where the parties will discuss the case.. We are currently awaiting the definitive sentence. Contingent assets and liabilities The WIND Group had the following contingent liabilities at December 31, 2010. Audit by the Italian Tax Authorities On November 29 and 30, 2010 the Tax Revenue Office notified separate assessments in which it disputed omission by WIND to subject interest payments made to WIND France SL SA and WIND Acquisition Finance SA in 2005 to withholding tax at source. The disputed withholding tax for the year in question amounts approximately to €1.3 million plus the penalties and interest due by law. This adjustment arises from the Tax Audit Findings Report dated May 31, 2010 in which the Tax Revenue Office disputes the request for a refund of the withholding tax on the interest payments made by WIND to WIND France SL SA (the issuer of the Second Lien loan) and WIND Acquisition Finance SA (the issuer of the High Yield bonds) for 2005 and part of 2006, as well as questioning whether such tax should have been withheld on the interest paid by WIND for the remainder of 2006 and for 2007 and 2008. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 142 The Parent has filed a tax settlement proposal in this respect within the terms of law. An unsuccessful outcome of the tax settlement procedure would be duly challenged before the competent judicial authorities. Based on a detailed analysis of this matter no provision has been made in the financial statements at December 31, 2010. Proceedings Concerning Electromagnetic Radiation Proceedings are still pending, in particular before the administrative courts, regarding the installation of base radio stations. These are mainly the result of current concerns about electromagnetic radiation. The claims are of an undeterminable monetary amount. Terna/Enel.Net/WIND Through a writ of summons notified on June 11, 2010, Terna and Telat sued WIND and Enel.Net before the Court of Rome in order to request the termination of three contracts executed by Terna, Enel.Net and Telat, alleging the breach by Enel.Net under article 1453 of the Italian Civil Code, relating of contractual provisions relating to the review of fees. In particular, the contracts concern i) the hospitality of Enel Net’s fiber on Terna’s insfrastructure ii) the lease of the relevant industrial sites; and iii) the maintenance of Enel.Net’s fiber cables. The first hearing, scheduled for February 23, 2011 as indicated in the writ of summons, was brought forward to January 19, 2011 following a request of anticipation by Terna and Telat; at the present state of affairs the second hearing has been scheduled for June 1, 2011 and any losses to be incurred by the Group, while considered possible, are unable to be determined. The WIND Group had the following contingent assets at December 31, 2010. Turnover contribution On September 19, 2009, WIND served two appeals to the competent Ministries before the Regional Administrative Court of Lazio (the Lazio TAR) (one on its own behalf and the other on behalf of the former Infostrada), claiming for payment of the interest on the amounts paid as turnover contribution, which were found to have been illegally assessed and were reimbursed to WIND on July 12, 2007 and to the former Infostrada on December 17, 2008. Following the hearing of December 10, 2009, the Lazio TAR accepted WIND’s appeal, and on December 17, 2009, the Ministry of the Economy and Finance repaid interest approximately €4.7 million to WIND. On January 20, 2010, a hearing was held to discuss the appeal before the Lazio TAR for the repayment of interest on the contribution paid by the former Infostrada, where the Lazio TAR acknowledged the right of Infostrada to receive only a partial amount of the interest payments, as calculated starting from April 18, 2006 rather than, as demanded by WIND, from the date of payment of the concerned amounts. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 143 On May 25, 2010 WIND filed a claim before the State Council against the TAR Lazio’s ruling in order to obtain the entire repayment of the interest payments related to the amounts paid by the former Infostrada. The hearing before the State Council will take place on April 15, 2011. Guarantees No Group company has pledged any guarantees, either directly or indirectly, in favor of parents or companies controlled by the latter. The collateral pledged by Group companies at December 31, 2010 as a guarantee for liabilities may be summarized as follows: ¾ a special lien pursuant to article 46 of the Consolidated Banking Law on certain assets, present and future, belonging to the Parent as specified in the relevant deed, in favor of the banking syndicate party to the Senior Facility Agreement and other creditors specified in the relevant deed; ¾ a lien exists on the Parent’s trademarks and intellectual property rights, as specified in the relevant deed, pledged in favor of the banking syndicate party to the Senior Facility Agreement and other creditors specified in the relevant deed; ¾ a lien exists on 640,000 shares corresponding to the entire share capital held by the Parent in WIND International Services SpA, pledged in favor of the banking syndicate party to the Senior Facility Agreement and the subscribers to the Senior Notes, expiring in 2017, issued by WIND Acquisition Finance SA on July 13, 2009 and the Senior Secured Notes, expiring in 2018, issued by Wind Acquisition Finance SA on November 26, 2010. Despite the encumbrances on the pledged shares, the voting rights at shareholders’ meetings of the companies are retained by the Group by express contractual agreement as an exception to the provisions of paragraph 1, article 2352 of the Italian Civil Code. Finally, in order to provide a guarantee for its obligations, the Parent has pledged as security its trade receivables, receivables arising from intercompany loans and receivables relating to insurance policies, present and future, as described in the specific instrument, to the banking syndicate in accordance with the Senior Facility Agreement and the other lending parties specified in the supplemental deed related to the respective contract as a guarantee for and in favor of the subscribers to the Senior Notes, expiring in 2017, issued on July 13, 2009 by Wind Acquisition Finance SA and in favor of the subscribers to the Senior Secured Notes, expiring in 2018, issued on November 26, 2010 by Wind Acquisition Finance SA.. Moreover, the Parent has pledged as security its receivables arising from the Put and Call option dated May 26, 2005 as described in the relevant deed, to the banking syndicate in the Senior Facility Agreement and the other lending parties specified therein as a guarantee for and in favor of the Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 144 subscribers to the Senior Secured Notes expiring in 2017 issued by Wind Acquisition Finance SA on July 13, 2009 and the Senior Secured Notes expiring in 2018 issued by Wind Acquisition Finance SA on November 26, 2010. A description is provided below of personal guarantees (sureties) issued mainly by banks and insurance companies on behalf of the Group and in favor of third parties in respect of commitments of various kinds. The total of these, amounting to €129,216 thousand at December 31, 2010 includes: • sureties totaling €66,517 thousand issued by insurance companies, of which €44,111 thousand in favor of the Rome Tax Revenue Office as security against the Group’s excess VAT receivable which was offset in 2008 (for €29,652 thousand) and in 2009 (for €14,459 thousand) as part of the special procedure envisaged by Presidential Decree no. 633 of October 26, 1972 and subsequent amendments; • sureties totaling €62,699 thousand issued by banks, relating to sponsorships, participation in tenders, property leases, operations regarding prize competitions, events and excavation licenses. The Parent has been under the management and coordination of WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) since July 2007. 41 SUBSEQUENT EVENTS On March 17, 2011, the majority of the shareholders of VimpelCom Ltd at their Extraordinary General Meeting approved the issue of up to 325,639,827 ordinary shares and 305,000,000 convertible privileged shares and the increase in VimpelCom Ltd’s authorized share capital needed to complete the merger between VimpelCom Ltd and WIND TELECOM SpA. With this approval, the closing of the merger transaction will proceed and is expected to be completed in the first half of 2011, subject to the fulfillment of additional conditions of contract. As defined by the agreement, same Group’s assets should be returned to Weather Investments II Sàrl as part of the agreed fee for the sale. In particular for the Wind Group these are the assets relating to "Libero" web portal, the subsidiaries WIND International Services SpA and It Net Srl and the branch referring to the operation of the submarine cable between Italy and Greece. Consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 145 WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND NOTES THERETO CONTENTS STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION....................................................................................... 149 INCOME STATEMENT ............................................................................................................... 150 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME ................................................................................ 151 CASH FLOW STATEMENT .......................................................................................................... 152 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY........................................................................................ 153 NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE WIND TELECOMUNICAZIONI SpA AS OF AND FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2010 ........................................................... 154 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 154 2 GENERAL ACCOUNTING POLICIES ................................................................................. 155 3 ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSALS.................................................................................... 176 4 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT ............................................................................. 179 5 INTANGIBLE ASSETS .................................................................................................... 181 6 FINANCIAL ASSETS ...................................................................................................... 183 7 DEFERRED TAX ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ...................................................................... 186 8 INVENTORIES .............................................................................................................. 188 9 TRADE RECEIVABLES.................................................................................................... 188 10 CURRENT TAX ASSETS.................................................................................................. 190 11 OTHER RECEIVABLES ................................................................................................... 190 12 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS .................................................................................... 191 13 EQUITY ....................................................................................................................... 192 14 FINANCIAL LIABILITIES ................................................................................................ 195 15 DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS ......................................................................... 199 16 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ................................................................................................... 200 17 PROVISIONS ................................................................................................................ 201 18 OTHER LIABILITIES ...................................................................................................... 202 19 TRADE PAYABLES ......................................................................................................... 202 20 OTHER PAYABLES ........................................................................................................ 203 21 TAX PAYABLES ............................................................................................................. 204 22 REVENUE ..................................................................................................................... 205 23 OTHER REVENUE ......................................................................................................... 206 24 PURCHASES AND SERVICES .......................................................................................... 206 25 OTHER OPERATING COSTS ........................................................................................... 208 26 PERSONNEL EXPENSES ................................................................................................. 208 27 DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION ............................................................................ 209 Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 147 28 REVERSAL OF IMPAIRMENT LOSSES (IMPAIRMENT LOSSES) ON NON-CURRENT ASSETS .. 210 29 GAINS/(LOSSES) ON DISPOSAL OF NON-CURRENT ASSETS ............................................. 210 30 FINANCE INCOME ........................................................................................................ 210 31 FINANCE EXPENSE ....................................................................................................... 211 32 FOREIGN EXCHANGE GAINS/(LOSSES), NET ................................................................... 212 33 UNUSUAL FINANCE EXPENSE ........................................................................................ 212 34 INCOME TAX ................................................................................................................ 213 35 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS .................................................................................. 214 36 NET FINANCIAL DEBT ................................................................................................... 215 37 CASH FLOW STATEMENT .............................................................................................. 216 38 OTHER INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 217 39 SUBSEQUENT EVENTS .................................................................................................. 223 Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 148 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (thousands of euro) Note At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment 4 3,455,109 3,396,515 Intangible assets 5 7,963,945 8,072,927 Financial assets 6 426,251 670,526 Deferred tax assets 7 210,419 274,825 12,055,724 12,414,793 Total non-current assets Inventories 8 16,801 22,271 Trade receivables 9 1,275,469 1,315,737 Financial assets 6 6,206 226,074 Current tax assets 10 8,022 7,285 Other receivables 11 175,104 194,328 Cash and cash equivalents 12 139,441 512,388 1,621,043 2,278,083 13,676,767 14,692,876 Issued capital 147,100 147,100 Share premium 752,157 737,157 (105,327) (164,084) Total current assets TOTAL ASSETS Equity and Liabilities Equity 13 Reserves Retained earnings Total equity 702,835 776,707 1,496,765 1,496,880 9,514,810 Liabilities Financial liabilities 14 8,734,310 Employee benefits 16 59,680 60,311 Provisions 17 181,961 190,782 Other non-current liabilities 18 11,622 4,050 Deferred tax liabilities 7 791,984 706,010 9,779,557 10,475,963 Total non-current liabilities Financial liabilities 14 264,151 568,359 Trade payables 19 1,640,794 1,699,100 Other payables 20 495,500 444,677 Tax payables 21 - 7,897 2,400,445 2,720,033 Total liabilities 12,180,002 13,195,996 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 13,676,767 14,692,876 Total current liabilities Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 149 INCOME STATEMENT (thousands of euro) Note 2010 2009 12 months 12 months 5,281,489 Revenue 22 5,421,992 Other revenue 23 132,465 164,719 5,554,457 5,446,208 Total revenue Purchases and services 24 (2,905,879) (2,865,066) Other operating costs 25 (143,321) (140,352) Personnel expenses Operating income before depreciation and amortization, reversal of impairment losses/impairment losses on non-current assets and gains/losses on disposal of non-current assets 26 (357,046) (348,012) 2,148,211 2,092,778 Depreciation and amortization 27 (997,431) (988,177) Reversal of impairment losses/(impairment losses) on non-current assets 28 (22,387) 3,948 Gains/(losses) on disposal of non-current assets 29 (406) (9,901) 1,127,987 1,098,648 Operating income Finance income 30 10,460 88,223 Finance expense 31 (895,172) (691,780) Foreign exchange gains/(losses), net 32 2,240 68 Unusual finance expense 33 (366,672) - (121,157) 495,159 (134,746) (231,879) (255,903) 263,280 - - (255,903)) 263,280 Profit/(Loss) before tax Income tax 34 Profit/(Loss) from continuing operations Losses from discontinued operations Profit/(Loss) for the year - Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 150 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (thousands of euro) Note Profit/(Loss) for the year Other comprehensive income Cash flow hedges Income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax Total comprehensive income for the year 13 13 2010 2009 12 months 12 months (255,903) 263,280 140,394 (194,300) (27,978) 53,433 112,416 (140,867) (143,487) 122,413 Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 151 CASH FLOW STATEMENT (thousands of euro) 2010 2009 12 months 12 months (255,903) 263,280 1,019,812 985,916 (10,625) 23,432 Cash flows from operating activities Profit/(Loss) from continuing operations Adjustments to reconcile the profit/(loss) for the year with the cash flows from/ (used in) operating activities Depreciation, amortization and (reversal of impairment losses)/impairment losses on non-current assets Net changes in provisions and employee benefits (Gains)/losses on disposal of non-current assets Changes in current assets Changes in current liabilities Net cash flows from operating activities 406 9,901 159,354 160,640 123,943 124,181 1,036,987 1,567,350 (690,728) (675,722) Cash flows from investing activities Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Acquisition of intangible assets (Acquisition)/Disposal of financial assets Net cash flows used in investing activities (5,034) 2,084 (255,099) (308,825) (61,596) (90,926) (1,012,457) (1,073,389) (429,602) 2,326,095 Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds from loans and banks' facilities Changes in current accounts with subsidiaries 37,526 69,005 Dividends paid (5,401) (2,743,616) Net cash flows used in financing activities (397,477) (348,516) Net cash flows for the year (372,947) 145,445 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 512,388 366,943 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 139,441 512,388 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE CASH FLOW STATEMENT (thousands of euro) Income tax paid 2010 2009 12 months 12 months (75,345) (67,742) Interest paid on loans/bonds (840,790) (476,896) Interest paid on hedging derivative instruments (489,586) (149,615) 338,598 138,293 Interest received on hedging derivative instruments Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 152 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY Equity (thousands of euro) Balances at January 1, 2009 Share premium reserve Issued capital Other reserves Retained earnings/(losses carried forward) (52,637) 1,022,295 Equity 147,100 3,001,325 4,118,083 - Profit for the year - - - 263,280 263,280 - Cash flow hedges - - (140,867) - (140,867) Total comprehensive income for the year Transactions with equity holders - Allocation of loss - - 17,446 (17,446) - - Dividends paid - (2,264,168) - (479,448) (2,743,616) - Other changes - - 11,974 (11,974) - 147,100 737,157 (164,084) 776,707 1,496,880 - Loss for the year - - - (255,903) (255,903) - Cash flow hedges - - 73,757 - 73,757 - Merger of Enel Net Srl and Italia OnLine Srl - - - 191,531 191,531 - Dividends paid - - - (9,500) (9,500) - Other changes - 15,000 (15,000) - - 147,100 752,157 (105,327) 702,835 1,496,765 Balances at December 31, 2009 Total comprehensive income for the year Transactions with equity holders Balances at December 31, 2010 Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 153 NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE WIND TELECOMUNICAZIONI SpA AS OF AND FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2010 1 INTRODUCTION WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA (“WIND” or the “Company”) is a joint stock company having its registered office in Via Cesare Giulio Viola, 48, Rome (Italy), and is controlled by WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) through WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA which wholly owns WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA. WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA operates primarily in Italy in the fixed and mobile telecommunications sector under the “Infostrada” and “WIND” brands and in the Internet services sector under the “Libero” brand. These separate financial statements are the first document prepared following the merger of the subsidiaries Italia Online Srl and Enel Net Srl into the Company. The transaction was completed on November 12, 2010, with the signing of the merger agreement. The operation has effect from November 12, 2010. For fiscal and accounting purposes, the merger has effect from January 1, 2010. In this respect, taking also into account of the contribution of the “International & national wholesale” business line to the subsidiary WIND International Services SpA made on April 1, 2009 (for which further details may be found in the separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2009), the amounts in the 2010 statement of financial position, income statement and statement of comprehensive income are therefore not directly comparable with those in the corresponding 2009 statements. On October 4, 2010 the indirect parent Weather Investments II Sàrl and VimpelCom Ltd signed a preliminary agreement for the merger of the two groups, an operation which will lead to the creation of the sixth largest mobile phone operator in the world by number of customers. No final agreement had yet been signed at the date of these separate financial statements, as subject to the fulfillment of a series of conditions necessary for the closing of the transaction. In this respect, on March 17, 2011 the majority of the Shareholders of VimpelCom Ltd at their Special General Meeting approved the issue of up to 325,639,827 ordinary shares and 305,000,000 convertible priviliged shares and the increase in VimpelCom Ltd’s authorized share capital needed to complete the merger between VimpelCom Ltd and WIND TELECOM SpA. With this approval, the closing of the merger transaction will proceed and is expected to be completed in the first half of 2011, subject to the fulfillment of additional conditions of contract. As defined by the agreement, same Company’s assets should be returned to Weather Investments II Sàrl as part of the agreed fee for the sale. In particular, for the Company these are the assets relating to web portal "Libero", the subsidiaries WIND International Services SpA and ItNet Srl and the business line referring to the operation of the submarine cable between Italy and Greece. In base on the information currently available, the Directors estimate that the relating assets included in the separate financial statements at December 31, 2010 are recoverable. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 154 In November 2010, the Company completed an important refinancing operation in connection with the transaction with VimpelCom Ltd, which led to the following: • • i) the disbursement of a new Senior Facility Agreement for an amount of €3,530 million; ii) the disbursement of a new loan taken out with the Luxembourg registered subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA, maturing 2018 by an amount of €2,711 million; This liquidity enabled the following financial liabilities to be fully repaid in advance at the same time: • i) the Company’s bank loans (“Credit Facility Agreement” entered into on August 11, 2005) in the amount of €3,756 million and of USD149 million; • ii) Second Lien Proceeds Loan Agreement issued by the Luxembourg associate WIND Finance SL SA in the amount of €552 million and of USD180 million; • iii) the Senior Notes Proceeds Loan Agreement maturing 2015 issued by the Luxembourg subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA in the amount of €950 million and of USD650 million. The completion of the refinancing operation enabled the Company to extend the average maturity of approximately two years and benefit from lower average finance expense. The Company closed 2010 with a loss before tax of €121,157 thousand (a profit before tax of €495,159 thousand in 2009) and a loss for the year of €255,903 thousand (a profit of €263,280 thousand in 2009). The result was adversely affected by the unusual finance expense (€366,672 thousand) incurred in connection with the repayment of these loans and the higher interest payable due to the increase in the financial payable due to the subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA following the issue of the bond of €2.7 billion finalized in July 2009, both of which are partially non-deductible, within the limits imposed by current tax legislation. The Company will continue developing its commercial activities throughout 2011 in both the fixed telephony and internet segment and the mobile segment, pursuing the business opportunities arising from new technologies meeting the emerging demands of its various customer segments. The 2011 investment program to support planned growth is at least in line with that implemented in 2010. The Company’s business plan confirms that the economic and financial balance will be maintained, that profitability will increase in the medium term and that the carrying amounts of recognized non-current assets at December 31, 2010 will be recovered. 2 GENERAL ACCOUNTING POLICIES 2.1 Basis of preparation These separate financial statements of WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA at December 31, 2010 have been prepared on a going concern basis and in accordance with the IFRS endorsed by the European Union. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 155 The term IFRS includes all International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), all International Accounting Standards (IASs), all interpretations of the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) and all interpretations of the Standing Interpretations Committee (SIC) endorsed by the European Union and contained in published EU Regulations. During the year no exceptional events occurred such as to require the waivers provided by IAS 1. These separate financial statements are expressed in euro, the currency of the economy in which the Company operates. Unless otherwise stated, all amounts shown in the tables and in these notes are expressed in thousands of euro. For presentation purposes, the current/non-current distinction has been used for the statement of financial position, while expenses are analyzed in the income statement using a classification based on their nature. The indirect method has been selected to present the cash flow statement. For the purposes of comparison, balances in the statement of financial position and income statement and the detailed tables in the notes have been reclassified where necessary. These reclassifications however do not affect the Company’s loss for the year or equity. During 2010 in order to follow sector practice more closely the directors have changed the presentation of costs incurred for the acquisition of customers (mainly relating to commissions paid to the sales network) capitalizing them as intangible assets, when the IFRS requirements for recognition as noncurrent assets are met, amortizing them over the minimum contractual term. In prior years these costs were deferred over the minimum contractual term and presented as “Other receivables” in current assets, so this change in presentation has had no effect on the opening equity or the profit or loss for prior years. The effects relating to this different presentation may be found in notes 5, 11, 24 and 27. These separate financial statements were approved by the Company’s Board of Directors on March 22, 2011. 2.2 Summary of main accounting policies The principal accounting policies adopted in preparing these separate financial statements are set out below. Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment are stated at purchase cost or production cost, net of accumulated depreciation and any impairment losses. Cost includes expenditure directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for use and any dismantling and removal costs which may be incurred as a result of contractual obligations which require the asset to be returned to its original state and condition. Borrowing costs directly associated with the purchase or construction of property, plant and equipment are recognized directly in profit or loss. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 156 Costs incurred for ordinary and cyclical repairs and maintenance are taken directly to the profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. Costs incurred for the expansion, modernization or improvement of the structural elements of owned or leased assets are capitalized to the extent that they have the requisites to be separately identified as an asset or part of an asset, in accordance with the “component approach”. Under this approach each asset is treated separately if it has an autonomously determinable useful life and carrying amount. Depreciation is charged systematically on a straight-line-basis from the date the asset is available and ready for use over its estimated useful life. The useful lives of property, plant and equipment and their residual values are reviewed and updated, where necessary, at least at each year end. Land is not depreciated. When a depreciable asset is composed of identifiable separate components whose useful lives vary significantly from those of other components of the asset, depreciation is calculated for each component separately, applying the “component approach”. The useful lives estimated by the Company for the various categories of property, plant and equipment are as follows. Plant and machinery 5-20 years Planning and development costs of the fixed line and mobile telephone network Residual term of license Equipment 4 years Other assets 5-10 years Gains or losses arising from the sale or disposal of assets are determined as the difference between the selling price and the carrying amount of the asset sold or retired and are recognized in profit or loss under “Gains/(losses) on disposal of non-current assets”. Finance leases are leases that substantially transfer all the risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of assets to the Company. Property, plant and equipment acquired under finance leases are recognized as assets at their fair value or, if lower, at the present value of the minimum lease payments, including any amounts to be paid for exercising a purchase option. The corresponding liability due to the lessor is recognized as part of financial liabilities. An asset acquired under a finance lease is depreciated over the shorter of the lease term and its useful life. Lease arrangements in which the lessor substantially retains the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of the assets are classified as operating leases. Lease payments under operating leases are recognized as an expense in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 157 Intangible assets Intangible assets are identifiable non-monetary assets without physical substance which can be controlled and which are capable of generating future economic benefits. Intangible assets are stated at purchase and/or production cost including any expenses that are directly attributable to preparing the asset for its intended use, net of accumulated amortization in the case of assets being amortized and any impairment losses. Borrowing costs accruing during and for the development of the asset are recognized in the profit or loss. Amortization begins when an asset becomes available for use and is charged systematically on the basis of the residual possibility of utilization of the asset, meaning on the basis of its estimated useful life. ¾ Industrial patents and intellectual property rights, concessions, licenses, trademarks and similar rights Costs for the purchase of industrial patents and intellectual property rights, concessions, licenses, trademarks and similar rights are capitalized. Amortization is charged on a straight-line basis such as to write off the cost incurred for the acquisition of a right over the shorter of the period of its expected use and the term of the underlying agreement, starting from the date on which the acquired right may be exercised. Trademarks are not amortized as they are considered to have an indefinite useful life. ¾ Software Costs relating to the development and maintenance of software programs are expensed as incurred. Unique and identifiable costs directly related to the production of software products which are controlled by the Company and which are expected to generate future economic benefits for a period exceeding one year are accounted for as intangible assets. Direct costs – where identifiable and measurable – include the cost of employees who develop the software, together with a share of overheads as appropriate. Amortization is charged over the useful life of the software which is estimated at 5 years. ¾ Goodwill The caption includes the goodwill arising from the mergers of Infostrada SpA (2002) and WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA (2006) and the goodwill paid to acquire the business unit of Blu SpA (2002). Goodwill is not systematically amortized but is rather subject to periodic tests to ensure that the carrying amount in the statement of financial position is adequate (“impairment test”). Impairment tests are carried out annually or more frequently when events or changes in circumstances occur that could lead to an impairment loss on the cash generating units (“CGUs”) to which the goodwill has been allocated. An impairment loss is recognized whenever the recoverable amount of goodwill is lower than its carrying amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of the fair value of the CGU less costs to sell and its value in use, which is represented by the present value of the cash flows expected to be derived from the CGU during operations and from its disposal at the end of its useful life. The method for Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 158 calculating value in use is described in the paragraph below “Impairment losses”. Once an impairment loss has been recognized on goodwill it cannot be reversed. Whenever an impairment loss resulting from the above tests exceeds the carrying amount of the goodwill allocated to a specific CGU, the residual amount is allocated to the assets of that particular CGU in proportion to their carrying amounts. The carrying amount of an asset under this allocation is not reduced below the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and its value in use as described above. ¾ Customer list The customer list as an intangible asset consists of the list of customers identified on allocating the goodwill arising on transactions and acquisitions carried out by the Company. Amortization is charged on the basis of the respective estimated useful lives, which range from 5 to 15 years. It should be noted that the estimated useful lives of the mobile customer list have changed during the course of the year on the basis of an assessment carried out by management. In particular, the useful life of these types of costs has been extended from 10 to 15 years; the effect of this change in the accounting estimates relating to the useful lives of this category of investments has been reflected using the prospective method, in accordance with the provisions of IAS 8, paragraph 36. ¾ Customer Acquisition Costs These consist mainly of the cost of commissions paid to the sales network, which in line with sector practice are capitalized as intangible assets from 2010, in accordance with the principles of reference, and amortized over the minimum contract term. Impairment losses At each reporting date, property, plant and equipment and intangible assets with finite lives are assessed to determine whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset concerned is estimated and any impairment loss is recognized in profit or loss. Intangible assets with an indefinite useful life are tested for impairment annually or more frequently when events or changes in circumstances occur that could lead to an impairment loss. The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and its value in use, which is represented by the present value of its estimated future cash flows. In determining an asset’s value in use the estimated future cash flows are discounted using a pre-tax rate that reflects the market’s current assessment of the cost of money for the investment period and the specific risk profile of the asset. If an asset does not generate independent cash flows, its recoverable amount is determined in relation to the cash-generating unit (CGU) to which it belongs. An impairment loss is recognized in the profit or loss when the carrying amount of an asset or the CGU to which it is allocated exceeds its recoverable amount. If the reasons for previously recognizing an impairment loss cease to exist, the carrying amount of an asset other than goodwill is increased to the carrying amount of the asset that would have been Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 159 determined (net of amortization or depreciation) had no impairment loss been recognized on the asset, with the reversal being recognized in profit or loss. Investments Investments in subsidiaries and associates are measured at cost. Investments in other companies are measured at fair value through profit or loss. If fair value cannot be reliably determined an investment is measured at cost. Cost is adjusted for impairment losses if necessary, as described in the paragraph “Impairment losses”. If the reasons for an impairment loss no longer exist, the carrying amount of the investment is increased up to the extent of the loss with the related effect recognized in profit or loss. Any risk arising from losses exceeding the carrying amounts of investments is accrued in a specific provision to the extent of the Company’s legal or constructive obligations on behalf of the investee or in any case to the extent that it is required to cover the losses. Investments held for sale or to be wound up in the short term are classified as current assets at the lower of their carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. Financial instruments Financial instruments consist of financial assets and liabilities whose classification is determined on their initial recognition and on the basis of the purpose for which they were purchased. Purchases and sales of financial instruments are recognized at settlement date. ¾ Financial assets Financial assets are initially recognized at fair value and classified in one of the following four categories and subsequently measured as described below: i) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss: this category includes financial assets purchased primarily for sale in the short term, those designated as such upon initial recognition, provided that the assumptions exist for such classification, i.e., the fair value option may be exercised, and financial derivatives except for the effective portion of those designated as cash flow hedges. These assets are measured at fair value; any change in the period is recognized in profit or loss. Financial instruments included in this category are classified as current assets if they are held for trading or expected to be disposed of within twelve months from the reporting date. Derivatives are treated as assets or liabilities depending on whether their fair value is positive or negative; positive and negative fair values arising from transactions with the same counterparty are offset if this is contractually provided for. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 160 ii) Loans and receivables: these are non-derivative financial instruments, mostly relating to trade receivables, which are not quoted on an active market and which are expected to generate fixed or determinable repayments. They are included as current assets unless they are contractually due over more than twelve months after the reporting date in which case they are classified as non-current assets. These assets are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. If there is objective evidence of factors which indicate an impairment loss, the asset is reduced to the discounted value of future cash flows. The impairment loss is recognized in profit or loss. If in future years the factors which caused the impairment loss cease to exist, the carrying amount of the asset is reinstated up to the amount that would have been obtained had amortized cost been applied. iii) Held-to-maturity investments: these are fixed maturity non-derivative financial instruments having fixed or determinable payments which the Company has the intention and ability to hold until maturity. These assets are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method, adjusted as necessary for impairment losses. In the case of impairment losses the principles used for financial receivables apply. iv) Available-for-sale financial assets: these are non-derivative financial instruments which are either specifically included in this category or included there because they cannot be classified in the other categories. These assets are measured at fair value and any related gain or loss is recognized directly in an equity reserve and subsequently recognized in the profit or loss only when the asset is actually sold or, if there are cumulative negative changes, when it is expected that the losses recognized in equity cannot be recovered in the future. For debt securities, if in a future period the fair value increases due to the objective consequence of events occurring after the impairment loss has been recognized in profit or loss, the original value of the instrument is reinstated with the corresponding gain recognized in the profit or loss. Additionally, the yields from debt securities arising from applying of the amortized cost method are recognized in the profit or loss in the same manner as foreign exchange differences, whereas foreign exchange differences relating to available-for-sale equity instruments are recognized in the specific equity reserve. The classification as current or non-current assets is the consequence of strategic decisions regarding the estimated period of ownership of the asset and its effective marketability, with those which are expected to be realized within twelve months from the reporting date being classified as current assets. Financial assets are derecognized when the right to receive cash flows from them ceases and the Company has substantially transferred all risks and rewards related to the instrument and its control. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 161 ¾ Financial liabilities Financial liabilities consisting of loans, trade payables and other obligations are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. When there is a change in expected cash flows which can be reliably estimated, the value of the loans is recalculated to reflect such change based on the present value of expected cash flows and the originally determined internal rate of return. Financial liabilities are classified as current liabilities except where the Company has an unconditional right to defer payment until at least twelve months after the reporting date. Financial liabilities are derecognized when settled and the Company has transferred all the related costs and risks relating to the instrument. ¾ Derivative financial instruments When a contract is entered into the instrument is initially recognized at fair value, with subsequent changes in fair value being recognized as a financial component of income. Where instead it has been decided to use hedge accounting, meaning in those situations in which the hedging relationship is identified, subsequent changes in fair value are accounted for in accordance with the following specific criteria. The relationship between each derivative qualifying as a hedging instrument and the hedged item is documented to include the risk management objective, the strategy for covering the risk and the means by which the hedging instrument’s effectiveness will be assessed. An assessment of the effectiveness of each hedge is made when each derivative financial instrument becomes active and throughout the hedge term. In the case of a fair value hedge, i.e. the hedge refers to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability, the changes in the fair value of the hedging instrument and those of the hedged item are both recognized in the profit or loss. If the hedge is not fully effective, meaning that these changes are different, the non-effective portion is treated as finance income or expense for the year in the income statement. For a cash flow hedge, the fair value changes of the derivative are subsequently recognized, to the extent of the effective portion, in a specific equity reserve (the “cash flow hedge reserve”). A hedge is normally considered highly effective if from the beginning and throughout its life the changes in the expected cash flows for the hedged item are substantially offset by the changes in the fair value of the hedging instrument. When the economic effects deriving from the hedged item are realized, the reserve is reclassified to the income statement together with the economic effects of the hedged item. Whenever the hedge is not highly effective, the non-effective portion of the change in fair value of the hedging instrument is immediately recognized as a financial component of the profit or loss for the year. Cash flow hedges also include hedges of the currency risk for transactions carried out in US dollars. These Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 162 obligations are translated at the year-end exchange rate and any resulting exchange gains and losses are offset in the profit or loss against the change in the fair value of the hedging instrument. When hedged forecast cash flows are no longer considered highly probable during the term of a derivative, the portion of the “cash flow hedge reserve” relating to that instrument is reclassified as a financial component of income. If instead the derivative is sold or no longer qualifies as an effective hedging instrument, the “cash flow hedge reserve” recognized to date remains as a component of equity and is reclassified to the income statement in accordance with the criteria of classification described above when the originally hedged transaction takes place. Quotations at the reporting date are used to determine the fair value of financial instruments listed on active markets. In the absence of an active market, fair value is determined by referring to prices supplied by third-party operators and by using valuation models based primarily on objective financial variables and, where possible, prices in recent transactions and market prices for similar financial instruments. Taxation Income tax is recognized on the basis of taxable profit for the year and the applicable laws and regulations, using tax rates prevailing at the reporting date. Deferred taxes are calculated on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the separate financial statements at the tax rates that are expected to apply for the years when the temporary differences will be realized or settled and tax losses carried forward will be reversed, based on tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the reporting date. An exception to this rule regards the initial recognition of goodwill. Current and deferred taxes are recognized in profit or loss, except for those arising from items taken directly to equity; in such cases the tax effect is recognized directly in the specific equity item. Tax assets and liabilities, including those regarding deferred taxation, are offset when they relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on the same taxable entity and when the entity has a legally enforceable right to offset these balances and intends to exercise that right. In addition, current tax assets and liabilities are offset in the case that different taxable entities have the legally enforceable right to do so and when they intend to settle these balances on a net basis. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 163 The Company’s tax position and its presentation in the financial statements reflect the effects of the election made in 2006 and renewed in 2009 by the Italian parent WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) to take part in the national tax consolidation procedure. For the regulations on electing the tax consolidation procedure to apply, the parent that elected for consolidation is required to determine a single overall tax base for corporate income tax (IRES) purposes consisting of the sum of the taxable profit or loss of the Parent and its subsidiaries taking part in the procedure, and to settle a single liability by making a single tax payment or to recognize a single tax credit for repayment or to be carried forward. Therefore, it follows that a receivable or payable with the Parent is found in the financial statements on transferring a tax loss or taxable profit, respectively, instead of the respective tax receivables or payables accrued by the Company. Inventories Inventories are stated at the lower of purchase cost or production cost and estimated net realizable value. Cost is determined using the weighted average cost method for fungible goods or goods held for resale. When necessary, provisions are made for slow-moving and obsolete inventories. Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents are recognized at fair value and consist of short-term highly liquid investments (generally not exceeding three months) that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. Assets held for sale and assets in disposal groups Assets held for sale consist of non-current assets (or disposal groups) whose carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use. Assets held for sale are measured at the lower of their carrying amount and fair value, i.e., the amount for which the assets could be sold, less costs to sell. No further depreciation is charged from the time that a depreciable asset is reclassified to this caption. Gains or losses arising from discontinued operations or from assets held for sale are reported as a separate item in profit or loss, net of any tax effects. Provisions Provisions are recognized for a loss or expense of a specific nature that is certain or probable to arise but for which the timing or amount cannot be precisely determined. Provisions are only recognized when the Company has a present legal or constructive obligation arising from past events that will result in a future outflow of resources, and when it is probable that this outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation. The amount provided represents the best estimate of the present value of the outlay required Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 164 to meet the obligation. The interest rate used in determining the present value of the liability reflects current market rates and takes into account the specific risk of each liability. Risks for which the likelihood of a liability arising is only possible are disclosed in the notes under “Contingent assets and liabilities” and no provision is made. Employee benefits ¾ Short-term employee benefits Short-term employee benefits are recognized in profit or loss in the period when an employee renders the related service. ¾ Post-employment benefits Post-employment benefits may be divided into two categories: 1) defined contribution plans and 2) defined benefit plans. Contributions to defined contribution plans are charged to profit or loss when incurred, based on their nominal amount. For defined benefit plans, since benefits are determinable only after the termination of employment, costs are recognized in profit or loss based on actuarial calculations. Defined benefit plans, which include the Italian post-employment benefits (TFR) which are due in accordance with the provisions of article 2120 of the Italian Civil Code and which are accrued up to December 31, 2006, are based on an employee’s working life and the remuneration received during service. The related liability is projected forward to calculate the probable amount payable at the termination date and is then discounted using the Projected Unit Credit Method, to take account of the passage of time before the actual payment of the benefit. The measurement of the liability recognized in the statement of financial position is carried out by third party actuaries, based on actuarial assumptions which relate mainly to: the discount rate, which must reflect market yields on the high quality corporate bonds having a term consistent with the expected term of the obligation, increases in salaries and employee turnover. As a consequence of the introduction of Law no. 296 of December 27, 2006 (the 2007 Finance Act) and subsequent decrees and regulations, the post-employment benefits accruing from January 1, 2007 are considered to be part of defined contribution plans and recognized in the same manner as other defined contribution plans, if the amounts are transferred to treasury funds of the national social security organization (INPS), or from June 30, 2007 or the date of employee election, if earlier, if transferred to private pension plans. The post-employment benefits accrued up to these dates remain defined benefit plans, with the related actuarial calculations excluding any assumptions regarding increases in salaries as had been previously made. The difference arising from this change was recognized in the separate profit or loss for the year ended December 31, 2007. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 165 At each reporting date, actuarial gains and losses, defined as the difference between the carrying amount of the liability and the present value of the Company’s obligation at year end, which arise from changes in the actuarial assumptions referred to above, are recognized using the “corridor approach”, meaning only when the gains or losses exceed 10% of the present value of the Company’s obligation at the previous reporting date. Any amount in excess of 10% is charged against future income over a period in line with the average remaining working life of employees, starting with the first period subsequent to recognition. ¾ Termination benefits and redundancy incentive schemes Benefits due to employees on the termination of employment contracts are treated as a liability when the Company is demonstrably committed to terminating these contracts for a single employee or group of employees before the normal retirement date or to granting termination benefits in order to facilitate voluntary resignations of surplus employees following a formal proposal. These benefits do not create future economic advantages to the Company and the related costs are therefore immediately recognized in profit or loss. ¾ Share-based payments The Company recognizes additional benefits to certain managers and other members of personnel through stock option plans. IFRS 2 - Share-based Payments considers these plans to represent a component of employee remuneration; the cost of these plans therefore consists of the fair value of the option at the grant date and is recognized in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the period between the grant date and the vesting date, with the corresponding entry recognized directly in equity. Changes in the fair value of the option subsequent to the grant date have no effect on the original measurement. Translation of items in non-euro currencies Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into euros at the exchange rate prevailing at the date of the transaction. Exchange gains and losses arising on the settlement of transactions and those arising on the translation at year-end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities are recognized in profit or loss. With reference to foreign transactions whose currency risk is covered by derivatives, further details are provided in the note Financial instruments. Revenue recognition Revenue is recognized at the fair value of the consideration received, net of rebates and discounts. Revenue from the sale of goods is recognized when the Company transfers the risks and rewards of Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 166 ownership of the goods. Revenue from services is recognized in profit or loss by reference to the stage of completion and only when the outcome can be reliably estimated. More specifically, the criteria followed by the Company in recognizing core-business revenue are as follows: ¾ revenue arising from post-paid traffic, interconnection and roaming is recognized on the basis of the actual usage of each subscriber and telephone operator. Such revenue includes amounts paid for access to and usage of the Company network by customers and other domestic and international telephone operators; ¾ revenue from the sale of prepaid cards and recharging is recognized on the basis of the prepaid traffic actually used by subscribers during the year. The unused portion of traffic at period end is recognized as “Other payables - Prepaid traffic to be used”; ¾ revenue from the sale of mobile phones and fixed-line phones and related accessories is recognized at the time of sale; ¾ one-off revenue from fixed and mobile (prepaid or subscription) activation and/or substitution, activation of new services and tariff plans is recognized for the full amount at the moment of activation independent of the period in which the actual services are rendered by the Company. In the case of promotions with a cumulative plan still open at year end, the activation fee is recognized on an accrual basis so as to match the revenue with the period in which the service may be used; ¾ one-off fees received for the granting of rights to use owned fiber optic cables are recognized at the time of the transfer of the underlying right and, therefore, of the related risks and rewards. Government grants Government grants are recognized when a formal decision of the disbursing government institution has been taken, with recognition being matched to the costs to which they relate. Grants related to income are taken to “Other revenue” in the profit or loss, while grants related to assets are recognized as deferred revenue and taken to income on a straight-line basis over the useful life of the asset to which the grant directly relates. Finance income and expense Finance expense is recognized on an accruals basis using the effective interest method, meaning at the interest rate that renders all cash inflows and outflows linked to a specific transaction financially equivalent. Earnings per share ¾ Basic Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 167 Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the profit or loss for the year both from continuing and discontinued operations, by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year. ¾ Diluted Diluted earnings per share are calculated by dividing the profit or loss for the year by the weighted average number of ordinary shares of the outstanding during the year where, compared to basic earnings per share, the weighted average number of shares outstanding is adjusted for the effects of all dilutive potential shares, while the profit or loss for the year is adjusted for the effects of such conversion net of taxation. Diluted earnings per share are not calculated when there are losses as any dilutive effect would improve earnings per share. New accounting standards and interpretations The Company has adopted all the newly issued and amended standards of the IASB and interpretations of the IFRIC, endorsed by the European Union, applicable to its transactions and effective for financial statements for years beginning January 1, 2010 and thereafter. Accounting standards, amendments and interpretations adopted from 1 January 2010 The following is a brief description of the new standards and interpretations adopted by the Company in the preparation of the separate financial statements at December 31, 2010. ¾ IFRS 3 – Business Combinations (2008) The main changes to IFRS 3 concern: i) the accounting treatment of step acquisition of subsidiaries, ii) the possibility to measure non-controlling interests at fair value in a partial acquisition, iii) the recognition of acquisition-related costs as expenses and iv) the recognition at the acquisition date of any contingent consideration included in the arrangements. The introduction of this standard has had no effect on the Company’s separate financial statements at December 31, 2010. ¾ IFRS 1 - First Time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (2008) The restructured IFRS 1 eliminates certain transitory provisions and also contains certain minor changes to the text having the aim of ensuring high quality information in the accounts of first-time adopters. The introduction of this standard has had no effect on the Company’s separate financial statements at December 31, 2010. ¾ Amendment to IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (Eligible Hedged Items) The aim of this amendment to IAS 39 is to clarify the application of hedge accounting to the inflation component of financial instruments and option contracts when they are used as hedging instruments. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 168 The amendment, effective from July 1, 2009, has had no effect on the Company’s separate financial statements at December 31, 2010. ¾ Amendment to IAS 27 – Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements The revisions to IAS 27 principally affect the accounting for transactions and events that result in a change in the Group’s interest in its subsidiaries and the attribution of a subsidiary’s losses to noncontrolling interests. The amendment, effective from July 1, 2009, has had no effect on the Company’s separate financial statements at December 31, 2010. ¾ IFRIC 17 – Distribution of Non-cash Assets to Owners This interpretation provides clarification and guidance for accounting for the distribution of non-cash assets to owners. The interpretation, effective from July 1, 2009, has had no effect on the Company’s separate financial statements at December 31, 2010. ¾ IFRIC 18 – Transfers of Assets from Customers This interpretation, effective from July 1, 2009, provides clarification and guidance for accounting for items of property, plant and equipment received from customers or for cash received from customers to acquire or construct items of property, plant and equipment. The introduction of this interpretation has had no effect on the Company’s separate financial statements at December 31, 2010. ¾ Improvements to IFRS (April 2009) In April 2009, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued Improvements to IFRS as part of its annual process of making amendments designed to simplify and clarify international financial reporting standards. The majority of these improvements, effective from July 1, 2009, are clarifications of or corrections to existing IFRS or changes resulting from amendments made previously to IFRS. The amendments to IFRS 8, IAS 17, IAS 36 and IAS 39 lead to changes to existing requirements or provide additional guidance on the implementation of these requirements. ¾ Amendments to IFRS 2 - Group Cash-settled Share-based Payment Transactions These amendments, effective from January 1, 2010, clarify the accounting for share-based payment transactions where the supplier of the goods or services is paid in cash and the obligation is undertaken by another group entity (group cash-settled share-based payment transactions). These amendments has had no effect on the Company’s separate financial statements at December 31, 2010. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 169 Accounting standards, amendments and interpretations not yet effective and not adopted early by the Company The following standards and interpretations had been issued at the date of these notes but were not yet effective for the preparation of these separate financial statements at December 31, 2010. STANDARD/INTERPRETATION EFFECTIVE DATE EU Endorsement Amendments to IAS 32 - Classifications of rights issues Annual financial statements beginning on or after February 1, 2010 Endorsed IAS 24 - Related Party Disclosures (revised in November 2009) Annual financial statements beginning on or after January 1, 2011 Endorsed IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments Annual financial statements beginning on or after January 1, 2013 Not endorsed Amendments to IFRS 1 and IFRS 7 - Limited Exemption from Comparative IFRS 7 Disclosures for First-time Adopters Annual financial statements beginning on or after July 1, 2010 Endorsed IFRIC 19 – Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with Equity Instruments Annual financial statements beginning on or after July 1, 2010 Endorsed IFRIC 14 – Prepayments of a Minimum Funding Requirement Annual financial statements beginning on or after January 1, 2011 Endorsed Improvements to IFRS (May 2010) Annual financial statements beginning on or after January 1, 2011 Endorsed Amendments to IFRS 7 – Financial Instruments: Disclosures Annual financial statements beginning on or after July 1, 2011 Not endorsed Amendments to IAS 12 - Deferred tax: Recovery of Underlying Assets Annual financial statements beginning on or after January 1, 2012 Not endorsed Amendments to IFRS1 – Severe Hyperinflation and Removal of Fixed Dates for FirstTime Adopters Annual financial statements beginning on or after July 1, 2011 Not endorsed The Company is currently assessing any impact the new standards and interpretations may have on the financial statements for the years in which they become effective. 2.4 Use of estimates The preparation of these financial statements required management to apply accounting policies and methodologies based on complex, subjective judgments, estimates based on past experience and assumptions determined from time to time to be reasonable and realistic based on the related circumstances. The use of these estimates and assumptions affects the amounts reported in the statement of financial position, the income statement and the cash flow statement as well as the notes. The final amounts for items for which estimates and assumptions were made in the separate financial statements may differ from those reported in these financial statements due to the uncertainties that characterize the assumptions and conditions on which the estimates are based. The accounting principles requiring a higher degree of subjective judgment in making estimates and for which changes in the underlying conditions could significantly affect the separate financial statements are briefly described below. ¾ Goodwill: goodwill is tested for impairment at least on an annual basis to determine whether any impairment losses have arisen that should be recognized in profit or loss. More specifically, the test is performed by allocating the goodwill to a cash generating unit (CGU) and subsequently estimating the unit’s fair value. Should the fair value of the net capital employed be lower than Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 170 the carrying amount of the CGU, an impairment loss is recognized on the allocated goodwill. The allocation of goodwill to cash generating units and the determination of the fair value of a CGU require estimates to be made that are based on factors that may vary over time and that could as a result have an impact on the measurements made by management which might be significant. ¾ Impairment losses on non-current assets: non-current assets are reviewed to determine whether there are any indications that the carrying amount of these assets may not be recoverable and that they have suffered an impairment loss that needs to be recognized. In order to determine whether any such elements exist it is necessary to make subjective measurements, based on information obtained within the Company and in the market and also on past experience. When a potential impairment loss emerges it is estimated by the Company using appropriate valuation techniques. The identification of the elements that may determine a potential impairment loss and the estimates used to measure such loss depend on factors which may vary over time, thereby affecting estimates and measurements. ¾ Depreciation of non-current assets: the cost of property, plant and equipment is depreciated on a straight-line basis over the useful lives of the assets. The useful life of property, plant and equipment is determined when the assets are purchased and is based on the past experience of similar assets, market conditions and forecasts concerning future events which may affect them, amongst which are changes in technology. The actual useful lives may therefore differ from the estimates of these. The Company regularly reviews technological and business sector changes, dismantling costs and recoverable amounts in order to update residual useful lives. Such regular updating may entail a change of the depreciation period and consequently a change in the depreciation charged in future years. ¾ Deferred tax assets: the recognition of deferred tax assets is based on forecasts of future taxable profit. The measurement of future taxable profit for the purposes of determining whether or not to recognize deferred tax assets depends on factors which may vary over time and which may lead to significant effects on the measurement of this item. ¾ Provisions: in recognizing provisions the Company analyses the extent to which it is probable that a liability will arise from disputes with employees, suppliers and third parties and, in general, the losses it will be required to incur as a result of past obligations. The definition of such provisions entails making estimates based on currently known factors which may vary over time and which could actually turn out to be significantly different from those referred to in preparing the notes to these financial statements. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 171 2.5 Risk management Credit risk The Company’s credit risk is principally associated with trade receivables which at December 31, 2010 amounted to €1,275,469 thousand. The Company minimizes credit risk through a preventive credit check process which ensures that all customers requesting new products and services or additions to existing services are reliable and solvent, also by using a preference for contracts which provide for the use of automatic payment methods with the aim of reducing the underlying credit risk. This check is carried out in the customer acceptance phase through the use of internal and external information. The Company additionally exercises timely post-customer acquisition measures for the purpose of credit collection such as the following: • sending reminders to customers; • employing measures for the collection of overdue receivables, separated by strategy, portfolio and customer profiles; • measuring and monitoring the debt status through reporting tools. The result of this effective action is that the Company has a limited amount of credit losses. Additionally, as a general rule, the Company has a limited level of credit concentration as the consequence of diversifying its product and services portfolio to its customers. In more detail, a small concentration of credit may be found in the business that WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA carries out with dealers and domestic and international operators. WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA is also assisted by sureties issued by primary banks as collateral for the obligations resulting from supplies and receivables from dealers. In terms of financial assets, the Company has an exposure to credit risk with financial counterparties with whom it enters into derivative agreements, makes deposits of cash through money market transactions and holds current accounts. In order to manage its counterparty risk, the Company carries out money market transactions and transactions involving derivatives for hedging purposes solely with parties having “Investment Grade” rating and monitors and limits the concentration of transactions with any single party. The Company had a positive balance on its current accounts of €139,425 thousand at December 31, 2010. The Company’s credit risk exposure from derivative contracts is represented by their realizable value or fair value, if positive. The negative fair value of the entire portfolio at December 31, 2010 was €11,526 thousand. Liquidity risk Liquidity risk arises mostly from the cash flows generated by debt servicing, in terms of both interest and principal, and from all of the Company’s payment obligations that result from business activities. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 172 In respect of debt, on November 26, 2010 WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA entered a new floating rate medium/long-term loan agreement - the Senior Facilities Agreement - consisting of two tranches: tranche A, amortizing, and tranche B, bullet, denominated in euros. The total nominal amount of this agreement amounts to €3,530,000 thousand, to which €400 million of a revolving credit facility which has not been drawn down should be added. The Luxembourg-based subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA issued to WIND: • the Loan Agreement 2017, with value date July 13, 2009, amended on November 26, 2010, and maturity date June 15, 2017, with a nominal amount of €2,678,068 thousand and annual interest of 11.90% payable semi-annually; • the Loan Agreement 2018, with value date November 26, 2010, and maturity date January 15, 2018, with a nominal amount of €2,711,101 thousand and annual interest of 7.60% payable semi-annually. Finally, the Company has amortizing loans to banks against the deferred repayment plan of the fair value of the derivative instruments to hedge extinct since repaid loans in the refinancing of the Company’s debt, denominated in euros with a nominal amount at of €295,781 thousand at December 31, 2010. The mandatory repayment flows provided for in the above agreements, including the amounts not yet used, are as follows. (millions of euro) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Senior Facility Agreement Term Loan A1 11 27 27 30 33 37 - - 165 Term Loan A2 89 223 223 245 267 303 - - 1,350 Term Loan B1 - - - - - - 1,334 - 1,334 Term Loan B2 - - - - - - 681 - 681 Revolving - - - - - 400 - - 400 56 77 73 52 20 17 - - 294 Loan agreement 2017 - - - - - - 2,678 - 2,678 Loan agreement 2018 - - - - - - - 2,711 2,711 156 327 323 327 320 757 4,693 2,711 9,613 Annuity Total The Senior Facility Agreement imposes certain covenants on the Company, with which the Company, at 31 December 2010, is fully in compliance. In order to deal with the liquidity risk arising from these commitments, the Company may, in addition to cash flows from ordinary operations, also count on a revolving credit line of €400,000 thousand which forms part of the medium/long-term loan agreement referred to above, disbursed on a committed basis and currently unused. The contractual due dates for financial liabilities are set out in the following tables, which provide the figures at December 31, 2010 and 2009. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 173 Carrying amount at December 31, 2010 Total contractual cash flows 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Bank loans 3,390 (4,652) (271) (441) (429) (441) (452) (478) (2,140) - Financing from subsidiaries 5,290 (8,989) (558) (525) (525) (525) (525) (525) (3,043) (2,763) (73) (89) (80) (56) (21) (18) - - (223) (29) (65) (44) (33) (23) (23) (6) - 113 21 34 21 15 10 10 2 - (13,751) (910) (1,086) (1,057) (1,040) (1,011) (1,034) (5,187) (2,763) (millions of euro) 2018 Non-derivative financial liabilities Loans from others Net derivative financial liabilities 306 12 Outflows Inflows Total 8,998 Carrying amount at December 31, 2009 Total contractual cash flows 2011 2012 2013 2014 Bank loans 4,151 (4,823) (498) (636) (1,644) (1,579) - - - Financing from associates 4,684 (8,415) (522) (522) (522) (1,208) (1,870) (310) (2,948) (4,570) (408) (386) (356) (489) (781) (170) (1,598) 3,874 272 262 294 415 668 163 1,551 (13,934) (1,156) (1,282) (2,228) (2,861) (1,983) (317) (2,995) (millions of euro) 2015 2016 2017 Non-derivative financial liabilities Net derivative financial liabilities 516 Outflows Inflows Total 9,351 Market risk The Company’s strategy for managing interest rate and currency risks is aimed at both managing and controlling such financial risks. More specifically, this strategy is aimed at eliminating currency risk and optimizing debt cost wherever possible, taking into account the interests of the Company’s stakeholders. Managing market risk for WIND refers to financial liabilities from the time they actually arise or from when there is a high probability that they will arise. More specifically, the following market risks are monitored and managed: • Cash flow risk - this is the risk that movements in the yield curve could have an impact on profit or loss in terms of greater finance expense; • Fair value risk - this is the risk that movements in the yield curve could have an impact on the fair value of debt; • Currency risk - this is the risk that the fair value of financial instruments in currencies other than the euro or their cash flows, or the amounts payable or receivable generated by ordinary operations but not in euros, could undergo adverse effects caused by fluctuations in exchange rates. The main objectives that the Company intends to reach are: ¾ to continue to defend the strategic plan scenario from the effects of exposure to currency, interest rate and inflation risks, identifying an optimum combination of the fixed rate, floating rate and inflation components for financial liabilities; Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 174 ¾ to reduce the cost of debt; ¾ to manage derivatives in compliance with the Company’s approved strategies, taking into consideration the different effects that derivative transactions could have on profit or loss and the statement of financial position. After signing the medium/long-term loan contract with a banking syndicate, WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA issued a hedging letter in 2010 in which, regarding interest rate risk, it undertook to hedge, for the first three years, at least 50% of its exposure to the interest accruing on the total debt. To meet these commitments the interest rate risk was hedged and, at the present time, this has reached a level of approximately 94%, with a maximum hedge term of less than seven years. At December 31, 2010, outstanding derivative contracts hedging interest rate risk total €3,300,000 thousand, of which €2,530,000 thousand having a residual term of between one and five years and €800,000 thousand having a residual term exceeding five years. Considering that total bank loans and loans from subsidiaries outstanding at December 31, 2010 amounted to €8,919,169 thousand, the fixed to floating ratio was as follows at that date. (millions of euro) Outstanding at 12.31.2010 Rate at 12.31.2010 8,719 97.76% 200 2.24% At fixed rate At floating rate All derivative agreements were entered into at market rates, without any up-front payments or receipts (a zero cost basis) and with a credit margin being applied. With regard to the unhedged portion of floating rate debt, it is estimated that an increase of 100 basis points in the euro interest rate yield curve (all other variables remaining constant) would lead to an increase in borrowing costs of approximately €2,000 thousand, with the related effect on equity. Fair value hierarchy IFRS 7 requires financial instruments recognised in the statement of financial position at fair value to be classified on the basis of a hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in determining fair value. The following levels are used in this hierarchy: • Level 1 – quoted prices in active markets for the assets or liabilities being measured; • Level 2 – inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (as prices) or indirectly (derived from prices) on the market; • Level 3 – inputs that are not based on observable market data. The following table provides an analysis under this hierarchy of financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value at December 31, 2010. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 175 (millions of euro) Note Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Assets at fair value Derivative financial instruments 15 Total assets - 95 - 95 - 95 - 95 Liabilities at fair value Derivative financial instruments 15 Total liabilities - 14 - 14 - 14 - 14 In 2010 there were no transfers neither from Level 1 to Level 2 or vice versa nor from Level 3 to other levels or vice versa. The following table provides changes in Level 3 in 2010. (millions of euro) Derivative financial instruments Balances at December 31, 2009 207 Gains and (losses) recognised in profit or loss 6 Increases/(Decreases) (213) Balances at December 31, 2010 3 0 ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSALS ¾ Enel.Net Srl and Italia OnLine Srl; During the second half of 2010, the corporate transactions for the integration process of the activities of the subsidiaries Enel.Net Srl and Italia OnLine Srl were completed, began during the year with the resolutions passed by the boards of directors of WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA and of the subsidiaries, aimed to achieve operating synergies through simplifying ownership structure and optimizing the financial and capital structure of the company. The major steps of the process can be summarized as follows: • May 27, 2010: the shareholders’ meetings of Italia OnLine Srl and Enel.Net Srl approved the merger into WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA; • November 12, 2010: the merger of Italia OnLine Srl and Enel.Net Srl into WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA had real effects. The merger, completed on November 12, 2010 but which for accounting, tax and profit-sharing purposes was effective from January 1, 2010, was accounted for at the carrying amount in the 2010 financial statements since the merged companies are entirely owned by the merging company and thus the conditions for the application of IFRS 3 (Business combinations) do not exist. The following tables provide the merger effects on the statement of financial position at January 1, 2010 with evidence also of the balances acquired from the merged companies Enel.Net Srl and Italia OnLine Srl. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 176 Merger Effects WIND premerger Assets Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets Financial assets Investments accounted for using the equity method Deferred tax assets Total non-current assets Inventories Trade receivables Financial assets Current tax assets Other receivables Cash and cash equivalents Assets held for sale Total current assets Total assets IOL pre-merger ENEL.NET pre-merger Merger 3,396,515 8,006,477 670,526 35 5 10 407,891 49 2,013 274,825 336 133 12,348,343 386 410,086 22,271 1,315,737 226,074 7,285 260,778 512,388 - 17,140 61,895 72 221 2,081 - 80,900 150,522 2,736 310 - Inter-company (348,160) (348,160) - BLA - (393,305) - - (13,162) - (406,466) (96,363) (212,418) (45,289) - 33,047 - Adjustments WIND postmerger 12,442 - 3,411,136 8,018,973 324,389 12,442 - 262,132 12,016,631 22,271 1,317,414 226,073 7,357 251,493 514,779 - 2,344,533 81,409 234,468 - (354,070) 33,047 - 2,339,387 14,692,876 81,795 644,554 (348,160) (354,070) (373,419) 12,442 14,356,018 WIND premerger IOL pre-merger ENEL.NET pre-merger Merger Inter-company Adjustments WIND postmerger 147,100 737,157 (164,084) 1,400 1,561 21,135 3,000 285,368 (22,535) (3,000) (289,199) - 776,707 1,496,880 51,858 54,819 104,870 414,373 (154,458) (469,192) - 58,057 58,057 133,474 133,474 968,238 1,688,411 9,514,810 60,311 190,782 4,050 706,010 153 1,020 31 2,650 116,038 - - (431,376) - - 9,083,434 60,464 191,802 6,700 822,079 10,475,963 1,204 118,688 - - (431,376) - 10,164,479 568,359 1,699,100 444,677 7,897 5,416 20,356 - 47,457 64,019 17 - (212,418) (130,543) (11,109) - (56,730) 56,630 - - 299,211 1,678,060 517,943 7,914 Merger Effects EQUITY and LIABILITIES Equity Issued capital Share premium Reserves Retained earnings or losses carried forward Total equity Liabilities Financial liabilities Employee benefits Provisions Other non-current liabilities Deferred tax liabilities Total non-current liabilities Financial liabilities Trade payables Other payables Tax payable Liabilities associates to assets held for sale BLA - - 147,100 737,157 (164,084) - - - - - - - - 2,720,033 25,772 111,493 - (354,070) (100) - 2,503,128 Total liabilities 13,195,996 26,976 230,181 - (354,070) (431,476) - 12,667,607 Total Equity and Liabilities 14,692,876 81,795 644,554 (469,192) (354,070) (373,419) 133,474 14,356,018 Total current liabilities For comparative purposes, the following table provides the economic situation restated at December 31, 2009 which shows the economic effects of the operation from the beginning of the previous year. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 177 Merger Effects WIND premerger IOL premerger ENEL.NET premerger Merger Intercompany 5,281,489 164,719 27,008 60 86,020 525 - (100,302) (8,170) - - 5,294,215 157,134 Total revenue 5,446,208 27,068 86,545 - (108,472) - - 5,451,349 Purchases and services Other operating costs Personnel expenses Operating income before depreciation and amortization, reversal/impairment of non-current assets and gains/losses on disposal of non-current assets (2,948,403) (140,352) (342,877) (5,800) (1,049) (1,139) (23,761) (216) - - 108,472 - (59,930) - - (2,929,423) (141,617) (344,016) 2,014,576 19,080 62,568 - - (59,930) - 2,036,294 (909,975) 3,948 (9,901) (71) - (35,603) 52 - - 29,955 - - (915,694) 3,948 (9,849) 1,098,648 19,009 27,017 - - (29,975) - 1,114,699 Finance income Finance expense Unusual finance expense Foreign exchange gains (losses) 88,223 (691,780) 68 525 (12) - 1,495 (280) (2) - (981) 981 - - 89,262 (666,610) 66 Profit before tax 495,159 19,522 28,230 - - (5,494) - 537,417 Income tax (231,879) (6,360) (9,460) - - 753 - (246,946) Profit / (loss) from continuing operations 263,280 13,162 18,770 - - (4,742) - 290,470 - - - - - - - - 263,280 13,162 18,770 - - (4,742) - 290,470 Revenue Other revenue Depreciation and amortization Reversal of impairment losses/(impairment losses) on non-current assets Gains (losses) on disposal of non-current assets Operating income Gain (Loss) from discontinued operations Profit / (loss) for the year BLA Adjustements 24,481 WIND postmerger A surplus of €121,032 thousand arose on the merger, being the difference between the value of the net equity of the merged companies and the carrying amount of these investments in the Company's financial statements, recognized as follows: i. €133,474 thousand as Retaining earnings (of which €94,374 thousand for Enel.Net Srl and €39,100 thousand for Italia Online Srl) representing the merging company's share of the results earned by the merged companies between the date of acquisition of the investment and the effective accounting date of the merger; ii. €12,442 thousand (referring entirely to Italia Online Srl) as Goodwill under Intangible Assets, il line with the treatment of the merged company in the Parent’s consolidated financial statements, prior to the merger. ¾ Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl; On June 30, 2010, as resolved by the Company’s Board of directors of March 17, 2010, the Put option was partially exercised on 985 shares held in Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl for an amount of €70,066 thousand. The related amount due from the Parent WIND TELECOM SpA has been recognized through the assignment of an equal amount of receivables from the subsidiaries Enel.Net Srl (€48,787 thousand), ITALIA ONLINE Srl (€18,665 thousand), ITNET Srl (€2,181 thousand) and WIS SpA (€432 thousand). Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 178 By means of a written notification to the parent WIND TELECOM SpA, on November 29, 2010 the Company exercised its put option on the remaining 1,980 shares held in Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl at a price of €143,103 thousand. As provided for by the transfer agreement signed on November 29, 2010 by WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA and WIND TELECOM SpA, the investment in Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl, which had a nil carrying amount at December 31, 2009, was fully transferred to the parent WIND TELECOM SpA with effective date November 30, 2010. Regarding the payment of the consideration by the parent, on November 29, 2010, the Company and WIND TELECOM SpA signed an intragroup loan agreement by virtue of which the Company granted the parent a loan of €143,103 thousand, for which details may be found in note 6. ¾ Wind Acquisition Finance SA; On November 26, 2010, the Company completed the purchase of the remaining 73% of the share capital (4,526 shares) of the Luxembourg company Wind Acquisition Finance SA from CCT Corporate Nominees Limited at a price of €1,789 thousand, for a corresponding equity of € 1,162 thousand. In addition, at the same date, the Company paid €60,000 thousand into the investment as an increase in its share capital, taking its carrying amount to €61,797 thousand at December 31, 2010 (€8 thousand at December 31, 2009). 4 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT The following table sets out the changes in “Property, Plant and Equipment” at December 31, 2010, , with a separate indication of the assets acquired as the result of the merger into the Company of the subsidiaries Enel.Net Srl and Italia Online Srl, details of which may be found in note 3. (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2009 Land and buildings Plant and machinery Additions Depreciation (Impairment losses)/ Reversal of impairment losses Disposals Contribution to merger Other At December 31, 2010 - - - - - 552 - 552 2,914,993 441,927 (605,384) (12,841) (4,730) 13,155 302,845 3,049,965 18,879 Equipment 15,191 8,311 (8,618) - 14 3,981 Other 56,526 14,877 (21,682) - (178) 41 20,017 69,601 409,805 225,613 - - - - (319,306) 316,112 3,396,515 690,728 (635,684) (12,841) (4,908) 13,762 7,537 3,455,109 Assets under construction Total The cost, accumulated impairment losses and accumulated depreciation at December 31, 2010 can be summarized as follows. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 179 (thousands of euro) Cost Land and buildings Plant and machinery At December 31, 2010 Accumulated impairment losses Accumulated depreciation Carrying amount 552 - - 552 9,237,995 56,530 6,131,500 3,049,965 Equipment 117,848 - 98,969 18,879 Other 464,502 161 394,740 69,601 Assets under construction Total 316,112 - - 316,112 10,137,009 56,691 6,625,209 3,455,109 As a result of the merger, details of which may be found in note 3, Property, plant and equipment at December 31, 2010 rose by €58,594 thousand, representing the combined effect of the investments made (of €690,728 thousand), the increase arising from the recognition of the balances of Enel.Net Srl and Italia Online Srl, only partially offset by depreciation and impairment losses charged during the year (of €635,684 thousand and €12,841 thousand, respectively) and a decrease of €22,659 thousand due to the elimination of the accounting effects of the Backbone Lease Agreement with the former subsidiary Enel.Net Srl, now merged. In particular, “Plant and machinery” has increased by €134,972 thousand over the previous year. The main gross increases of the year regard purchases and operations of radio links and high frequency equipment for the expansion of the mobile access network and plant and machinery under construction (3G mobile technologies and the respective transport and support networks and IT investments connected with the increasing number of new services being provided to customers). As part of the plan for the development of the Company’s production structure, disposals have been made of equipment, infrastructure and transmission systems having a carrying amount of €4,730 thousand which are no longer usable; these relate mostly to radio links and high frequency equipment (€1,361 thousand) and electronic switchboards and equipment (€1,181 thousand). Radio bridges were impaired by €16,282 thousand during the year as part of an operation to modernize production infrastructures. In addition, in connection with an operation to replace transmission equipment being carried out to render the network more efficient and to obtain benefits from synergies, the net carrying amount of replaced equipment of €18,596 thousand was written off, more than offset by the positive effect of €20,703 thousand resulting from the recognition as an increase in the market value of the equipment received as a replacement. “Other” mainly includes plant and machinery which entered into use during the year. At December 31, 2010, transmission equipment, telephone systems and commutation switchboards owned by the Company and having a carrying amount of €122,578 thousand were with customers for use (€105,758 thousand at December 31, 2009), while transmission equipment for direct access through “unbundling of the local loop” having a carrying amount of €90,833 thousand (€110,811 thousand at December 31, 2009) was held on deposit by Telecom Italia SpA. “Plant and machinery” additionally includes the expenditure incurred to acquire the exclusive rights for the use of cable ducts and optic fiber for a total of €77,859 thousand at December 31, 2010 (€61,513 Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 180 thousand at December 31, 2009). At December 31, 2010, “Equipment” had a carrying amount of €18,879 thousand, representing an increase over the balance at the end of the previous year as the result of the investments which was only partially offset by the depreciation charge for the year. Commercial equipment having a carrying amount of €10,664 thousand at December 31, 2010, was with third parties, mostly authorized dealers, for use at that date (€9,290 thousand al December 31, 2009). The net balance of “Other”, €69,602 thousand at December 31, 2010, increased during the year mainly as the result of increased investments and the entry into use during the year of office machines and electronic equipment, which were only partially offset by the depreciation charge for the year. The balance of “Assets under construction” of €316,112 thousand at December 31, 2010 consists mainly of plant and machinery being completed and tested. 5 INTANGIBLE ASSETS The following table sets out the changes in “Intangible assets” at December 31, 2010. (thousands of euro) Industrial patents and intellectual property rights Concessions, licenses, trademarks and similar rights Other intangible assets Goodwill Assets under development Total At December 31, 2009 Additions Amortization (Impairment losses)/ Reversal of impairment losses Merger Others 239,633 96,063 (90,453) (3) - 54,756 299,996 3,471,558 6 (114,898) - 5 5 3,356,676 695,077 114,103 (156,396) - - 870 653,654 3,579,943 - - - 12,442 - 3,592,385 (70,409) 61,234 12,447 (14,778) 7,963,945 86,716 44,927 - - 8,072,927 255,099 (361,747) (3) At December 31, 2010 The cost, accumulated impairment losses and accumulated amortization at December 31, 2010 can be summarized as follows. (thousands of euro) Cost At December 31, 2010 Accumulated Accumulated impairment losses amortization Carrying amount Industrial patents and intellectual property rights 1,514,761 1,163 1,213,602 299,996 Concessions, licenses, trademarks and similar rights 4,561,129 1,000 1,203,453 3,356,676 Other intangible assets 1,289,655 - 636,001 653,654 Goodwill 3,592,385 - - 3,592,385 Assets under development Total 61,234 - - 61,234 11,019,164 2,163 3,053,056 7,963,945 “Intangible assets” decreased by a net amount of €108,982 thousand during the year mainly due to the combined effect of new investments of €255,099 thousand and the amortization charge for the year of €361,747 thousand. An amount of €12,442 thousand has been allocated to Goodwill, which arises from the merger surplus generated by the elimination of net equity of the merged company against the investment in Italia OnLine Srl in the financial statements of the merging company. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 181 “Other” mainly includes industrial patents and intellectual property rights which entered into use during the year. The balance at December 31, 2009 of Other intangible assets includes the reclassification of €66,450 thousand, originally recognized in Other receivables, due to the effect of the different presentation of some customer acquisition costs, for which details may be found in note 2.1. “Industrial patents and intellectual property rights” consist of the cost for the outright purchase of application software licenses or the right to use such licenses for an unlimited period and the capitalized costs relating to the time spent by the Company personnel in designing, developing and implementing information systems, which at December 31, 2010 amounted to €6,498 thousand (€7,123 thousand at December 31, 2009). Application software having a carrying amount of €710 thousand was in use by third parties, customers and business call center outsourcers at the end of the year (€551 thousand at December 31, 2009). “Concessions, licenses, trademarks and similar rights” include individual licenses for the installation of networks and concessions to operate in the regulated activities of the telecommunications sector granted to the Company by the relevant authorities, as detailed below. Date of issue Date of expiry (*) February 1998 February 2018 Installation and provision of public telecommunications networks on the Italian national territory April 1998 April 2018 Provision of public digital mobile communications services using DCS 1800 technology, including June 1998 June 2018 April 1999 April 2019 January 2001 (***) December 2029 July 2002 July 2022 Individual licenses or General Authorizations WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA Installation of network and provision of voice telephony services on the Italian national territory (**) the possibility of operating in frequencies in the 900 MHz band using GSM technology pursuant to article 6, paragraph 6(c) of Presidential Decree no. 318 of September 19, 1997 Installation and provision of public telecommunications networks on the Italian national territory issued to Infostrada SpA now merged Provision of third generation mobile communications services adopting the UMTS standard (IMT-2000 family) and the installation of the related network on the Italian national territory pursuant to article 6, paragraph 6(c) of Presidential Decree no. 318 of September 19, 1997 Use of frequencies for broadband point-multipoint radio networks in the 24.5-26.5 GHz band for the geographical area corresponding to the specified Italian region/autonomous province (****) (*) Individual licenses are renewable in compliance with the regulations prevailing at the time of the renewal upon submission of an application at least 60 days prior to the expiry date (article 25, paragraph 6, of Decree no. 259/03) (**) The Company has two licenses for network installation and the provision of fixed line telephony services following the merger of Infostrada SpA (***) The term of the license came into effect on January 1, 2002 (****) A total of 21 individual point-multipoint licenses have been assigned “Concessions, licenses, trademarks and similar rights” for €1,453,103 thousand refer to trademarks which have an indefinite useful life. “Similar rights” consist of rights of way and the right to use assets owned by third parties for a predetermined period of time and are initially recognized at their one-off purchase price, including any Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 182 accessory costs. This item relates for the most part to the costs incurred by Infostrada SpA, now merged, for the purchase in 1998 of the right of way on the Italian railway network and the purchase of the right to use the existing optic fiber on the network. “Other intangible assets” mainly relate to the fair value of the customer list, amounting to €556,167 thousand, identified on allocating the goodwill at December 31, 2006 arising from the merger of the former parent Wind Acquisition Finance SpA. “Assets under development” consist of the internal and external costs incurred for the purchase or development of intangible assets for which the respective ownership right has not yet been fully acquired at the end of the year or which relate to incomplete projects, and downpayments made to suppliers for the purchase of intangible assets. More specifically, intangible assets under development relate to the costs incurred for the design, development and implementation of information systems or specific modules thereof. “Goodwill” has been allocated to the following cash generating units at the relevant dates. At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 CGU Fixed Mobile Goodwill 289,439 276,997 3,302,946 3,302,946 3,592,385 3,579,943 Goodwill at December 31, 2010 is allocated to the individual cash generating units (CGU) representing the minimum level used for monitoring such assets for management control purposes. The carrying amount of goodwill recognized and of intangible assets with indefinite useful live at December 31, 2010 was tested for impairment but no impairment losses were identified. The test was carried out by comparing the carrying amount with the value in use and recoverable amount. More specifically, the value in use was calculated on the basis of the discounted cash flows resulting from the 2011-2015 business plan. A growth rate of 1% was assumed for the years not covered by this plan. An interest rate of 7.78% was used to discount the cash flows being the weighted average cost of capital, net of the tax effect, calculated using the capital asset pricing model. 6 FINANCIAL ASSETS The following table sets out “Financial assets” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. At December 31, 2010 (thousands of euro) Financial assets measured at cost Derivative financial instruments Financial receivables Total At December 31, 2009 Non-current 161,494 95,199 169,558 Current 6,206 Total 161,494 95,199 175,764 Non-current 445,785 179,323 45,418 Current 207,167 18,907 Total 445,785 386,490 64,325 426,251 6,206 432,457 670,526 226,074 896,600 Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 183 “Financial assets measured at cost” consist of investments in subsidiaries and associates and noncontrolling interests in consortia. The following table provides an analysis of the changes in investments during the year. (thousands of euro) Amounts as of December 31, 2009 Increase/ Disposals Merger Amounts as of December 31, 2010 Other Investments in: - subsidiaries: Enel Net Srl Italia OnLine Srl ITnet Srl Mondo Wind Srl WIND Retail Srl WIND International Services SpA Wind international Services SA Wind Acquisition Finance SA Total 319,998 28,162 10,473 31,103 55,887 82 8 61,789 (319,998) (28,162) - (31,103) 31,103 - 10,473 31,103 55,887 82 61,797 445,713 61,789 (348,160) - 159,342 8 2 1 8 - - - 8 2 1 8 19 - - - 19 1 50 2 2,072 10 (2) - - 1 2,072 10 50 - - associates: WIND Finance SL SA Consorzio Elawind Consorzio Wind Team Wind Acquisition Finance II SA Total - other companies: Consorzio Consel Janna Scarl Mix Srl QXN Società consortile per azioni Hellas Telecommunication I Sàrl Weather Finance II Sàrl Total Total 53 2,080 - - 2,133 445,785 63,869 (348,160) - 161,494 The following table sets out investments in subsidiaries at December 31, 2010. (thousands of euro) ITnet Srl Rome - Via Cesare Giulio Viola, 48 1,004 Share/quota holders' equity as of 12/31/2010 8,650 WIND Retail Srl Rome - Via Cesare Giulio Viola, 48 1,027 26,179 (93) 100% 31,103 WIND International Services SpA Rome - Via Cesare Giulio Viola, 48 640 168,034 2,865 100% 55,887 1,265 18,436 5,605 0.87% 82 60,031 82,957 (17,294) 100% 61,797 Name Wind international Services SA Wind Acquisition Finance SA Registered office Belgium - Rue de commerce 23, 1400 Nivelles Luxemebourg - 125 Avenue du X September, L-2551 Share/quota capital as of 12/31/2010 Profit (loss) for the year ended 12/31/2010 (171) Holding % as of December 31, 2010 100% Carrying amount as of 12/31/2010 10,473 (*) as per the financial statements prepared by the companies' directors for the approval of the Share/quotaholders meetings, changed, where needed, to be compliant with the Company's measurement criteria used for the preparation of these separate financial statements. Changes in the balance of investments in subsidiaries arose mainly from the following effects: • the merger of Enel Net Srl and Italia Online Srl into WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA, which was completed on November 12, 2010 and led to the elimination of the carrying amounts of the investments from the statement of financial position of the Company, which at the merger date Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 184 amounted to €319,998 thousand and €28,162 thousand for Enel.Net Srl and Italia OnLine Srl, respectively (for which details may be found in note 3); • the reverse merger of Mondo WIND Srl into Phone Srl (a 100% subsidiary of Mondo WIND Srl) became effective on April 1, 2010 and the company’s name was changed from Phone Srl to WIND Retail Srl. This operation led to the whole of the company’s quota capital being assigned to WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA as the sole quotaholder of Mondo WIND Srl; • the purchase by CCT Corporate Nominees Limited, finalized on November 26, 2010, of the remaining portion of 73% (4,526 shares) of the Luxembourg company Wind Acquisition Finance SA at a price of €1,789 thousand. In addition, at the same date, the Company paid €60,000 thousand into the investment as an increase in its share capital, taking its carrying amount to €61,797 thousand at December 31, 2010 (€8 thousand at December 31, 2009). The following table sets out investments in associates at December 31, 2010. (thousands of euro) Wind Acquisition Finance II SA WIND Finance SL S.A. Registered office Carrying amount as of December 31, 2010 Share Capital / Consortium fund Share/quota holders' equity as of December 31, 2010 Profit (loss) for the year ended December 31, 2010 31 (11) (10) 27.0% 8 31 420 23 27.0% 8 Luxembourg - Boulevard Grande Duchesse Charlotte, 65 Luxembourg - - 125 Avenue du X September, L-2551 Holding % as of December 31, 2010 The following table sets out non-controling interests in companies and consortia at December 31, 2010. (thousands of euro) Consel - Consorzio Elis per la formazione professionale superiore a rl QXN Società consortile per azioni Registered office Rome - Via Sandro Sandri, 45 Rome - Via Bissolati n.76 Consorzio Janna Cagliari - Loc. Sa Illetta, Strada Statale 195 Km 2.3 Consortium fund Holding % as of December 31, 2010 Carrying amount as of December 31, 2010 1% 1 51 500 10% 50 13,717 17% 2,072 10 MIX srl Milan - Via Caldera, 21 99 10% Consorzio Elawind Rome - Via Cesare Giulio Viola, 48 5 33.3% 2 Consorzio Wind Team Rome - Via Cesare Giulio Viola, 48 5 33.3% 1 As a result of the merger of Enel Net Srl and Italia Online Srl into WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA, which was completed on November 12, 2010 and for which details may be found in note 3, the Company recognized in its statement of financial position the directly held investment of Enel.Net Srl in Janna Scarl, equal to 17% of its quota capital, for an amount of €2,072 thousand, and the investment of Italia OnLine Srl in Mix Srl, equal to 9.75% of its quota capital, for an amount of €10 thousand. The change in the item “Derivative financial instruments” essentially reflects the exercising of the option on the shares in Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl carried out during the year (€207,054 thousand at December 31, 2009), for which details may be found in note 3. Details of the composition of the “Derivative financial instruments” balance and respective changes are to be found in note 15. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 185 “Financial receivables” classified as non-current “Financial assets” and amounting to €169,558 thousand at December 31, 2010 consist mainly of: • the new loan of €143,103 thousand to WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) (as per the Intecompany Loan Agreement) resulting from the agreement signed on November 29, 2010 by the Company and WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) following the exercising of the options on the shares in Wind Hellas Telecommunications Sàrl. The agreement provides for a single lump-sum repayment 37 months after November 30, 2010, with interest being capitalized and charged at an annual rate of Euribor+2.625%; • fees recognized relating to derivatives on the new bank loans issued for €5,496 thousand and • and guarantee deposits for electricity, property leases and the lease of ISDN lines. “Financial receivables” classified as current assets and amounting to €6,206 thousand at December 31, 2010 relate in part to the residual value of the transaction costs for the unused portion of bank loans (revolving tranches for which further details may be found in note 14), which are charged to profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the term of the agreement and to the fees recognized relating to derivatives on the new bank loans issued for €1,899 thousand. An amount of €1,737 thousand was collected in November 2010 representing the interest accrued on the sums at the time inappropriately paid to the Company and the former Infostrada as Turnover Contribution (Law no. 448/1998), for which a formal legal request for repayment has been made that was notified on March 31, 2009. At December 31, 2010 the current financial receivable relating to the Turnover Contribution was €3,430 thousand. The following table sets out the due dates for financial receivables. (thousands of euro) Financial receivables Guarantee deposits Receivables due from parents Receivables due from subsidiaries Others Total 7 At December 31, 2010 <1 year 408 5,798 6,206 1<x<5 years 1,610 143,632 4,989 150,231 >5 years 2,958 16,369 19,327 At December 31, 2009 Total 4,976 143,632 27,156 175,764 <1 year 366 1,848 16,693 18,907 1<x<5 years 3,712 - 3,712 >5 years 1,614 40,092 41,706 Total 5,692 1,848 56,785 64,325 DEFERRED TAX ASSETS AND LIABILITIES The following tables provide the variation of “Deferred tax assets” and “Deferred tax liabilities” by origin at December 31, 2010. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 186 At December 31, 2009 Description Tax losses carried forward Provision for bad debts (taxed) Provisions for risks (taxed) Measurement of financial assets/liabilities Derivative financial instruments Amortization and depreciation of non-current assets Deferred tax assets Employee benefits Accelerated depreciation and amortization Decrease 38,333 38,333 - - 103,946 15,136 18,573 107,383 53,306 18,646 15,374 50,034 1,523 1,523 - - 64,348 27,977 - 36,371 13,369 13,162 16,424 16,631 274,825 114,777 50,371 210,419 1,246 571 584 Property, plant, and equipment at fair value Depreciation of PPA Deferred tax liabilities At December 31, 2010 Increase 31 706 14,995 15,579 - 7,327 101,044 93,717 704,180 22,198 - 681,982 706,010 30,096 116,070 791,984 The decrease in the deferred tax assets during the year is mainly due to the utilization of tax losses carried forward against the IRES tax charge for year. For details please refer to note 34. Deferred tax assets at December 31, 2010 and 2009 which relate to items recognized directly in other components of profit or loss relate entirely to the transactions on derivatives hedging cash flows, as described in further detail in note 13. The table below provides an analysis of the deferred tax assets arising from the carryforward of tax losses by year of expiry of the loss, together with changes for the year. (thousands of euro) Year Valid until 1997-1999 unlimited At December 31, 2009 Increase/ (decrease) At December 31, 2010 38,333 (38,333) - 38,333 (38,333) Total Deferred tax assets have been recognized by considering the probability of their utilization and the extent to which the directors believe there is a reasonable certainty that sufficient profits will be generated in future years against which the losses may be used within the time limits imposed by prevailing tax laws and regulations. In 2010, no deferred tax assets were recognized in respect of temporary differences carried forward indefinitely totalling €116,397 thousand (€14,387 thousand at December 31, 2009), due to nondeductible finance expense to the limits imposed by law, due to the lack of reasonable certainty of their recoverability. As such, even if transferred to the tax consolidation procedure, consistently with the terms of the agreement, no receivables due from the indirect parent WIND TELECOM SpA have been recognized. In fact, on the basis of this agreement, if the excess interest expense is transferred to the national consolidation, the transferring company obtains the right to remuneration corresponding to the theoretical tax benefit transferred, only if, and to the extent to which, the company which has transferred this excess interest expense transfers to the consolidation the excess gross operating profit (GOP) not utilized in the tax period for the deduction of interest expense pursuant to article 96, paragraphs 1, 2 and 7 of the Consolidated Income Tax Law (TUIR). Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 187 8 INVENTORIES The following table provides an analysis of “Inventories” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Finished goods Write-downs Total At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 17.641 22.870 (840) (599) 16,801 22,271 “Finished goods” consist principally of mobile phone handsets and the related accessories. The significant change taking place during the year is essentially due to a fall in the value of inventory of mobile telephone terminals, kits and related accessories, stocks consisting of products which are technologically extremely advanced but do not have a very high unit value, ensuring an optimum level of rotation. 9 TRADE RECEIVABLES The following table provides an analysis of “Trade receivables” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 Due from final customers 975,247 974,911 Due from telephone operators 255,163 253,474 Due from authorized dealers 303,724 336,630 44,715 60,233 Due from subsidiaries Due from related parties 2,719 3,097 Other trade receivables 76,695 58,985 (Provision for bad debts) Total (382,794) (371,593) 1,275,469 1,315,737 “Due from final customers” arise principally from the supply of fixed and mobile telephony services to customers with subscription contracts, while “Due from telephone operators” mainly relate to interconnection and roaming services. “Due from authorized dealers” relate to sales of radio mobile and fixed-line handsets and related accessories, as well as rechargeable telephone cards and top-ups. The balance of net trade receivables at December 31, 2010 has decreased by a total of €40,268 thousand over that at December 31, 2009. This is mostly due to the decrease in receivables from authorized dealers (€32,906 thousand) as the consequence of the improvement in average collection days. In addition, the balance at December 31, 2010 does not include receivables from Enel.Net Srl or Italia OnLine Srl as these were acquired through the merger of these companies, details of which may be found in note 3. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 188 “Other trade receivables” increased by €17,710 thousand over December 31, 2009 mainly as the result of third party receivables arising from the sale of services on the portal, which was originally carried out by Italia OnLine. The €11,201 thousand increase in the provision for bad debts has been affected by the increase in receivables from customers, which is mainly connected with the rise in turnover, as well as with the acquisition of the provisions for bad debts from the subsidiary Italia OnLine Srl. The following table provides an analysis of trade receivables and the respective provision for bad debts by due date at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) - unexpired At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 Gross amount (Provision) Gross amount (Provision) 977,698 (9,516) 980,443 (6,683) - expired from: - 0-30 days 92,357 (281) 122,742 (243) - 31-120 days 64,005 (855) 60,498 (750) - 121-150 days - beyond 150 days Total 20,939 (237) 17,133 (361) 503,264 (371,905) 506,514 (363,556) 1,658,263 (382,794) 1,687,330 (371,593) The following table provides an analysis of trade receivables at December 31, 2010 and 2009, net of the provision for bad debts, between those falling due within 12 months and those falling due after 12 months. (thousands of euro) At December 31, -within 12 months 2009 1,265,286 1,310,649 -after 12 months Total At December 31, 2010 10,183 5,088 1,275,469 1,315,737 The following table sets out changes in the provision for bad debts during the year ended December 31, 2010. (thousands of euro) Provision for bad debts At December 31, 2009 371,593 Increases 74,025 (Utilizations) (63,319) Merger At December 31, 2010 495 382,794 In order to guarantee the obligations assumed by the Company as a consequence of loans disbursed under the Senior Facility Agreement on November 24, 2010, for which further details may be found in note 14, and the obligations assumed by the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company Wind Acquisition Finance SA (“WAF”), as a consequence of the High Yield Notes, expiring in 2017, issued on July 13, 2009 and the Senior Secured Notes, expiring in 2018, issued on November 26, 2010, the Company established collateral by transferring trade receivables, receivables from intercompany loans and receivables relating to insurance contracts, both present and future, in favor of the lending banks and the other creditors Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 189 specified in the supplemental deed related to the respective collateral contract and in favor of the subscribers to Senior Secured Notes. 10 CURRENT TAX ASSETS The balance on this item of €8,022 thousand at December 31, 2010 (€7,285 thousand at December 31, 2009) mostly regards receivables for current tax assets arising from taxes paid in previous years. Advance payments of IRAP tax made during the year are classified as a deduction from tax payables. 11 OTHER RECEIVABLES The following table sets out details of “Other receivables” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 Trade prepayments 86,833 80,787 Other receivables due from third parties 28,488 25,354 Tax receivables 24,993 33,440 Advances to suppliers 29,861 32,588 Other receivables due from parents 10,125 13,315 Other receivables due from related parties Other receivables due from subsidiaries Other receivables due from associates (Provision for bad debts) Total 10 1,602 7,219 11,962 20 6,288 (12,445) (11,008) 175,104 194,328 The following table provides an analysis of “Other receivables” and the respective provision for bad debts by due date at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) - unexpired At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 Gross balance (Provision) Gross balance (Provision) 148.885 (7.160) 185.317 (7.416) - expired from: - 0-30 days 1.232 - 6.896 - - 31-120 days 946 - 2.983 - - 121-150 days 368 - 67 - 36.118 (5.285) 10.073 (3.592) 187.549 (12.445) 205.336 (11.008) - beyond 150 days Total The following table provides an analysis of other receivables at December 31, 2010 and 2009, net of the provision for bad debts, between those falling due within 12 months and those falling due after 12 months. (thousands of euro) -within 12 months -after 12 months Total At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 172.392 194.328 2.712 - 175.104 194.328 Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 190 “Other receivables” at December 31, 2010 fell by a total of €19,224 thousand over December 31, 2009. At December 31, 2010 this item does not include receivables from Enel.Net Srl or Italia OnLine Srl as at that date these companies had been merged; details of the merger may be found in note 3. The change in “Other receivables due from associates” fell following the reclassification of the Luxembourg-based subsidiary from an associate to a subsidiary as the result of the acquisition of the entire share capital of this company, details of which may be found in note 3. “Trade prepayments” relate mainly to lease installments for civil and technical sites and lease installments for telephone network circuits. The balance at December 31, 2009 of trade prepayments include the reclassification of €66,450 thousand due to the different presentation of some customer acquisition costs under the intangible assets, for which further details may be found in note 2.1. The following table provides an analysis of “Tax receivables” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 6,294 18,699 28,907 4,533 24,993 33,440 VAT Other tax receivables Total The following table sets out changes in the provision for bad debts for other receivables for the year ended December 31, 2010. This table refers solely to receivables which are due for payment after 12 months. The increase in this item is fully due to the acquisition of the provisions for bad debts from the subsidiary Enel Net Srl. (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2009 Provision for bad debts 12 11,008 Increases (Utilizations) Merger (1,060) 2,497 At December 31, 2010 12,445 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS The following table sets out an analysis of “Cash and cash equivalents” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Bank deposits and checks Cash on hand and stamps Total At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 139,425 16 512,376 12 139,441 512,388 The level of cash and cash equivalents is the consequence of the surplus cash generated by operations. Changes occurred mostly as the effect of cash flows arising from ordinary settlements of a financial nature. Further details may be found in note 37 to the cash flow statement. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 191 13 EQUITY The following table provides details of the changes in “Equity” during the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009. Equity Share premium reserve Issued capital (thousands of euro) Balances at January 1, 2009 Other reserves Retained earnings/(losses carried forward) (52,637) 1,022,295 - - 263,280 263,280 - (140,867) - (140,867) 147,100 3,001,325 - Profit for the year - - Cash flow hedges - Equity 4,118,084 Total comprehensive income for the year Transactions with equity holders - Allocation of profit - - 17,446 (17,446) - - Dividends paid - (2,264,168) - (479,448) (2,743,616) - Other changes - - 11,974 (11,974) - 147,100 737,157 (164,084) 776,707 1,496,880 - Loss for the year - - - (255,903) (255,903) - Cash flow hedges - - 73,757 - 73,757 - Merger of Enel Net Srl and Italia OnLine Srl - - - 191,531 191,531 - Dividends paid - - - (9,500) (9,500) - Other changes - 15,000 (15,000) - - 147,100 752,157 (105,327) 702,835 1,496,765 Balances at December 31, 2009 Total comprehensive income for the year Transactions with equity holders Balances at December 31, 2010 The share capital of WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA at December 31, 2010 consisted of 146,100,000 ordinary shares with no nominal value, fully subscribed and paid up by the sole shareholder WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA. Despite the encumbrances on the pledged shares underlying the share capital of the Company held by WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA, the voting rights at shareholders’ meetings of the Company are retained by WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA by express contractual agreement as an exception to the provisions of paragraph 1, article 2352 of the Italian Civil Code. Changes in equity attributable to the owners of the Company during the year ended December 31, 2010 were due mainly to: ¾ the resolution adopted on April 12, 2010 by shareholders that approved the annual financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2009 allocating the profit for the year of €263,279,546.37 to Retained earnings; ¾ the resolution of shareholders who at their meeting of May 27, 2010 approved the plan to merge the subsidiaries Enel.Net Srl and Italia OnLine Srl, which led to a change in Retained earnings/(losses carried forward) of €191,531 thousand arising from: o the elimination of the investment in Enel.Net Srl carried in the financial statements of the merging company at €319,998 thousand at the merger date against the Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 192 equity of the merged company, which led to a goodwill of €94,374 thousand allocated to Retained earnings/(losses carried forward); o the elimination of the accounting effects of the Backbone Lease Agreement with the marged former subsidiary Enel.Net Srl carried in Retained earnings/(losses carried forward) an increase of €58,058 thousand; o the elimination of the investment in Italia OnLine Srl carried in the financial statement of the merging company at €28,162 thousand at the merger date against the equity of the merged company, which led to goodwill of €26,657 thousand, of which €39,099 thousand has been allocated to Retained earnings/(losses carried forward) and the balance of €12,442 thousand to Goodwill in Intangible assets for which details may be found in note 3. ¾ the resolution adopted on November 24, 2010 by shareholders that approved the distribution of a dividend of €9,500,000 to the parent WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA; ¾ the resolution of the Board of Directors, which at its meeting of December 15, 2010 approved the release of sums totaling €15,000 thousand included in the financial statements under the item “Other reserves”, reclassifying them to the “Share premium reserve”. This reserve had been created to put into practice the resolution adopted by the shareholders in an extraordinary general meeting held on June 23, 2005, in respect of its possible use as part of the implementation of the Puglia Project, as this latter project was implemented and completed without the allocation or utilization of such sums; ¾ the increase in the cash flow hedge reserve as the effect of the income and the expense recognized among other components of the Statement of Comprehensive Income for 2010 that relate entirely to the transactions on hedging derivatives on cash flows, as described in further detail in note 15. The following table shows the changes in the cash flow hedge reserve. (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2009 Changes in fair value Reversal to profit or loss At December 31, 2010 Interst rate risk Foreign currency risk Gross reserve Tax effect Total Gross reserve Tax effect Total Cash Flow Hedge Reserve (201,952) 55,537 (146,415) (85,639) 23,550 (62,089) (208,504) (106,263) 29,221 (77,042) 221,402 (60,885) 160,517 83,475 122,359 (33,649) 88,710 (135,763) 37,335 (98,428) (9,718) (185,856) 51,109 (134,747) - - - (134,747) The loss for the year of the Company totaled €255,903 thousand. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 193 The following statement provides additional disclosure on equity and is prepared pursuant to article 2427, number 7-bis, showing the items in equity separately according to their source, possibility of utilization and distribution, in addition to their utilization in prior years. Nature/description Amount Possibility of utilization Amount available for absorption of losses (thousand of euro) Share capital Share premium Reserves: Other reserves Cash Flow Hedge Reserve Retained earnings Total Amount not distributable (**) Summary of the amounts utilized during the previous years (*) 147,100 752,157 B A-B-C 29,420 (134,747) 958,738 A-B-C B A-B-C 1,752,668 Remaining amount distributable - for other reasons 752,157 (752,281) - 580,044 - - 1,332,201 134,747 (**) 1,197,453 Key: A: for share capital increases B: to cover losses C: for distribution to shareholders * These amounts relate to utilizations made starting from 2007, after the reverse merger of the former parent Wind Acquisition Finance SpA ** Non-distributable amount relating to the negative CFH reserve (€134,747 thousand) Share-based payments During the year, the stock option plan approved on June 30, 2006 by the Board of Directors of the indirect parent WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) ended. The plan, with a total duration of 5 years, awarded a number of Company employees the right to acquire a specified number of ordinary shares of WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA or WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA. The options granted have a vesting period split into three tranches of equal value and may be exercised every year from June 30, 2008 until June 30, 2010, subject to a public offering for sale and subscription and the consequent listing of the shares of one of these companies on the electronic stock exchange organized and managed by Borsa Italiana SpA or on a foreign stock exchange. The exercising of the options was additionally subject to a number of restrictions on the duration of the employment relationship and to achieving certain professional performance objectives. The rights vest from the grant dated and were exercised for a one-year period in the following three tranches: June 30, 2008, June 30, 2009 and June 30, 2010. A total of 1,376,160 options were granted at the date the plan became effective, representing a total of approximately 3% of the economic capital of WIND Telecomunicazioni SpA or, alternatively, WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA, at a strike price of €73.85. As an alternative to the stock option plan the Company has defined the long-term incentive plan that quantifies the benefits pertaining to each employee under a method aimed at remunerating the creation Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 194 of value during the period in which the stock option plan of the WIND is valid, which is proportionally linked to growth as measurable in terms of EBITDA and reduction of debt. With reference to the stock option plan, the first, the second and the third tranches of the alternative long-term incentive plan were disbursed on June 30, 2008, June 30, 2009 and June 30, 2010, respectively. 14 FINANCIAL LIABILITIES The following table sets out an analysis of “Financial liabilities” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Financing from subsidiaries Financing from associates Bank loans Loans from others Derivative financial instruments Total financial liabilities At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 Non-current Current Total Non-current Current Total 5,199,876 89,765 5,289,641 431,377 290,483 721,860 - - - 4,523,262 160,836 4,684,098 3,281,676 107,857 3,389,533 4,145,568 5,856 4,151,424 238,928 66,529 305,457 - 9,677 9,677 13,830 - 13,830 414,603 101,507 516,110 8,734,310 264,151 8,998,461 9,514,810 568,359 10,083,169 On November 2010 the Company completed an important refinancing operation occurred in relation with the transaction with VimpelCom Ltd, which led to following: i) the disbursement of a new Senior (Senior Facility Agreement) for an amount of €3,530 million; ii) the disbursement of a new loan taken out with the Luxembourg registered subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA, maturing January 15, 2018 for an amount of €2,711 million at an annual interest rate of 7.60% (Loan Agreement 2018); This liquidity enabled the following financial liabilities to be fully repaid in advance at the same time: i) the Company’s Senior credit facility (Credit Facility Agreement entered into on August 11, 2005) in the amount of €3,756 million and USD149 million (€113 million); ii) Second Lien Proceeds Loan Agreement issued by the Luxembourg associate WIND Finance SL SA in the amount of €552 million and of USD 180 million (€136 million); iii) Senior Notes Proceeds Loan Agreement maturing 2015 issued by the Luxembourg subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA in the amount of €950 million and of USD 650 million (€491 million). As shown in the following table and as detailed further below, by carrying out the refinancing operation the Company has enabled it to extend its average maturity approximately of two years and benefit from lower average finance expense. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 195 In addition the acquisition of residual share of 73% of Wind Acquisition Finance SA determined the reclassification of financial liabilities issued by it from Financing from associates to Financing from subsidiaries. The following table sets out an analysis of “Financial liabilities” at December, 2010 and 2009 by due date. (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2010 1<x<5 years >5 years <1 year Financing from subsidiaries 89,765 Financing from associates Bank loans Loans from others Total 5,199,876 <1 year 5,289,641 290,483 Total 131,324 300,053 721,860 - - - - 160,836 660,474 3,862,788 4,684,098 107,857 1,075,000 2,206,676 3,389,533 5,856 4,145,568 - 4,151,424 66,529 221,019 17,909 305,457 9,677 - - 9,677 - 10,782 3,048 13,830 101,507 194,320 220,283 516,110 264,151 1,306,801 7,427,509 8,998,461 568,359 5,131,686 4,383,124 10,083,169 Derivative financial instruments Total financial liabilities - At December 31, 2009 1<x<5 years >5 years The following table provides an analysis of “Financial liabilities”, excluding derivative financial instruments, by currency and effective interest rate. (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2010 <5% 5%<x<7.5% 7.5%<x<10% Euro 225,367 3,493,703 2,658,304 10%<x<12.5% 12.5%<x<15% - 2,607,258 8,984,631 Total Total 225,367 3,493,703 2,658,304 - 2,607,258 8,984,631 The following table provides a comparison between the carrying amount and fair value of non-current “Financial liabilities” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2010 Carrying amount Financing from subsidiaries Financing from associates Bank loans Loans from others Derivative financial instruments Total At December 31, 2009 Fair value Carrying amount Fair value 5,199,876 5,356,431 431,377 431,377 - - 4,523,262 4,891,098 3,281,676 3,422,105 4,145,568 4,216,672 238,928 238,928 - - 13,830 13,830 414,603 414,603 8,734,310 9,031,294 9,514,810 9,953,750 The fair value is approximately the same as the carrying amount for current “Financial liabilities”. Current “Financial liabilities” at December 31, 2010 consist exclusively of the portions of loans for which payment is due by the end of the following financial year, referring to both principal and accrued interest. An analysis of the derivative financial instruments balance and of the respective changes is found in note 15. Bank loans The decrease in “Bank loans” is principally due to the effects of the Company’s debt refinancing, which led to the early repayment of the Credit Facility Agreement on November 26, 2010, entered into in 2005, and the disbursement of the new Senior Facility Agreement. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 196 The following table sets out the main information relating to outstanding “Bank loans” at December 31, 2010 following the refinancing operation. (thousands of euro) Bank loans Carrying amount at December 31, 2010 Nominal amount at December 31, 2010 Residual Commitment Currency Due date Interest rate Senior Facility - Tranche A1 159,384 166,118 166,118 EUR 11/26/2016 Euribor+4,00% - Tranche A2 1,294,199 1,348,882 1,348,882 EUR 11/26/2016 Euribor+4,00% - Tranche B1 1,279,249 1,333,882 1,333,882 EUR 11/26/2017 Euribor+4,25% - Tranche B2 653,262 681,118 681,118 EUR 11/26/2017 Euribor+4,50% - - 400,000 EUR 11/26/2016 Euribor+4,00% 3,530,000 3,930,000 - Revolving - Bank overdrafts - Other accrued interest expense Total 1,751 1,687 3,389,533 The new Senior Facility Agreement denominated exclusively in euros, is made up of various tranches, each having its own specific repayment plan and interest rates which may be reviewed on the basis of the trend in certain specific income statement and statement of financial position indices: • tranche A1 is repayable from May 26, 2011 and maturing on November 26, 2016. Interest is payable at Euribor plus a spread of 400 basis points. The maximum amount of the facility of €166 million was fully in use at December 31, 2010; • tranche A2 is repayable from May 26, 2011 and maturing on November 26, 2016. Interest is payable at Euribor plus a spread of 400 basis points. The maximum amount of the facility of €1,349 million was fully in use at December 31, 2010; • tranche B1 is repayable in a single lump sum on November 26, 2017. Interest is payable at Euribor plus a spread of 425 basis points. The maximum amount of the facility of €1,334 million was fully in use at December 31, 2010; • tranche B2 is repayable in a single lump sum on November 26, 2017. Interest is payable at Euribor plus a spread of 450 basis points. The maximum amount of the facility of €681 million was fully in use at December 31, 2010; • a revolving tranche having final repayment on November 26, 2016. This may be used either as a cash loan or a signature loan. If used as a cash loan interest is payable at Euribor plus a margin of 400 basis points and there is a non-use commission of 160 basis points. The maximum amount of the facility, €400 million, is wholly unused and therefore fully available. With the aim of reducing its bank loan exposure to fluctuations in interest rates and foreign exchange rates, the Company has entered into transactions which qualify as interest rate hedges for a notional amount of €3,330,000 thousand, whose fair value at December 31, 2010, including forward start transactions, is negative for €11,526 thousand. The hedges extend to September 2017 and consist of plain vanilla interest rate swaps and plain vanilla forward start interest rate swaps. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 197 Financing from subsidiaries The considerable increase in “Financing from subsidiaries” is mainly the result of the Loan Agreement 2018, taken out by the Company with the Luxembourg registered subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA at a notional amount of €2,711,101 thousand. Interest is payable on this loan, which is repayable on January 15, 2018, on a half-yearly basis at an annual rate of 7.60%. As part of the refinancing operation, WIND and its subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA additionally amended the Loan Agreement 2017 by changing the currency of the initial tranche, which was originally denominated in dollars (USD2,000 thousand), to euros (€1,428 thousand). In addition, as the result of the merger completed on November 12, 2010, details of which may be found in note 3 this item does not include: • the debt of a financial nature due to the subsidiary Enel.Net Srl and relating to the application to the Backbone Lease Agreement of the finance lease method as required by IAS 17, which at December 31, 2009 amounted to €488,106 thousand; • the current accounts with Enel.Net Srl and Italia OnLine Srl, which at December 31, 2009 amounted to €150,423 thousand and €61,855 thousand respectively. An amount of €56,865 thousand at December 31, 2010 refers to the sight current accounts with subsidiaries on which interest is charged on a quarterly basis at market rates. Details of the Financing from subsidiaries at December 31, 2010, following the refinancing operation are provided bellow. (thousands of euro) Carrying amount at December 31, 2010 Nominal amount at December 31, 2010 Residual Commitment Currency Due date Interest rate Loan Agreement 2017 2,607,258 2,678,068 2,678,068 EUR 06/15/2017 11.9% Loan Agreement 2018 2,625,357 2,711,101 2,711,101 EUR 01/15/2018 7.60% 5,232,615 5,389,169 5,389,169 Total As discussed earlier, on November 26, 2010 the Company made full repayment of the amounts due under the Senior Notes Proceeds Loan Agreement maturing in 2015 and payable to the Luxembourg registered subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA (which became a subsidiary following the acquisition completed by the Company in November 2010, details of which may be found in note 3). The Senior Notes Proceeds Loan Agreement 2015 provided options for early repayment at predetermined prices, as a result of which the transaction led to the payment of a premium of approximately €73 million. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 198 Financing from associates This item had a nil balance at December 31, 2010, as the financial debt due to Wind Finance SL SA relating to the Second Lien Proceeds Loan Agreement of September 29, 2005 was repaid on November 26, 2010, as discussed earlier. Loans from others This item, having a balance of €305,457 thousand (€9,677 thousand at December 31, 2009), consists of €295,778 thousand (of which €56,950 is the current portion) payable to banks against the deferred repayment plan of the fair value of the derivative instruments to hedge extinct since repaid loans in the refinancing of the Company’s debt. 15 DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The following table provides details of the outstanding derivative financial instruments at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2010 Fair value (+) Fair value (-) - Exchange rate risk - Interest rate risk Total cash flow hedges 2,304 13,830 At December 31, 2009 Fair value (+) Fair value (-) 113 - 276,565 239.545 516.110 2,304 13,830 113 Put & call options - - 207,054 - Total Fair value hedge - - 207,054 - - Embedded derivatives on Senior Notes Total Non Hedge Accounting Derivatives 92,895 92,895 - 179,323 179,323 - Total 95,199 13,830 386,490 516,110 The following table shows the detail of current and non-current derivatives instruments. (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 Fair Value (+) Fair Value (-) Fair Value (+) Fair Value (-) - - 207,167 101,507 95,199 13,830 179,323 414,603 95,199 13,830 386,490 516,110 Current Non current Total derivatives The fair value of financial instruments listed on active markets was determined as the market quotation at the reporting date. In the absence of an active market, fair value was determined by referring to prices provided by external operators and using valuation models based mostly on objective financial variables, as well as by taking into account, where possible, the prices used in recent transactions and the quotations of similar financial instruments. There were no currency risk hedges outstanding at December 31, 2010 as following the refinancing operation the Company no longer had any debt in currencies other than the euro at that date. The following were outstanding at December 31, 2010: Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 199 • plain vanilla interest rate swaps and plain vanilla forward start interest rate swaps hedging the interest rate risk of bank loans, having a notional amount of €3,330,000 thousand (€4,475,000 thousand at December 31, 2009) and a negative fair value of €11,526 thousand (negative fair value of €239,545 at December 31, 2009); • embedded derivatives of €92,895 thousand (€179,323 thousand at December 31, 2009) relating to the fair value of the early repayment options on the Loan Agreement 2017 and 2018 (€77,706 thousand and €15,189 thousand on the loans expiring in 2017 and 2018, respectively), for which details may be found in note 14. The change in the balance of the derivative financial instruments compared with the previous year is mainly due to the inclusion at December 31, 2009 of: • the fair value of the put option on the shares of Hellas Telecomunications I Sàrl by an amount of €207,054 that was extinguished during the year through the partial exercising of the option on June 30, 2010 and the exercising of the remaining portion on November 29, 2010 (details of this matter may be found in note 3); • 16 the fair value of the derivative financial instruments closed relating the loans repaid. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS The following table sets out the changes in “Employee benefits” at December 31, 2010. (thousands of euro) Post-employment benefits At December 31, 2009 60,311 Accrual (Utilization) Other changes 19,977 (2,048) (18,790) Merger At December 31, 2010 230 59,680 The column Merger contains the post-employment benefits (TFR) acquired by the Company from Italia OnLine Srl as the result of the merger. Other changes during the year consist mostly of the transfer of the post-employment benefits accrued during the year to supplementary pension funds or to the Treasury fund held by the Italian social security organization INPS (€17,388 thousand). The main actuarial assumptions underlying the calculation of the post-employment benefits are the following. Year Average inflation rate Discount rate Increase in wages and salaries Employee turnover rate 2010 2.00% 4.3% N/A 3.00%– 4.00% The effects recognized in profit or loss are as follows. (thousands of euro) Current service costs Financial expense Total Actual return on plan assets At December 31, At December 31, 2010 17,902 2,075 19,977 N/A 2009 23,433 (2,735) 20,698 N/A Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 200 17 PROVISIONS The following table sets out changes in “Provisions” during the year ended December 31, 2010. At December 31, 2009 Increases (Decreases) Merger At December 31, 2010 Litigation 33,057 16,344 (13,895) 1,020 36,526 Restructuring Universal service contribution as per Presidential Decree no. 318 of September 19, 1997 15,372 10,010 (13,482) 11,900 (thousands of euro) 57,405 527 - 57,932 Product assistance 2,395 1,947 (1,549) 2,793 Dismantling and removal 8,140 1 (419) 7,722 74,413 21,737 (31,062) 65,088 190,782 50,566 (60,407) Other provisions Total 1,020 181,961 The column Merger contains the provisions acquired by the Company from Italia OnLine Srl as the result of the merger Litigation The provision at the respective dates is based on estimates using the best information available of the total charge that the Company expects to incur upon settlement of all outstanding legal proceedings (for details on the main proceedings in progress, please refers to paragraph on main pending legal proceedings in note 38). Restructuring The provision consists of the costs which the Company expects to incur in future years as a consequence of implementing restructuring and reorganization plans resulting from the identification of areas of efficiency in some business areas initiated during the current and previous years. The utilization of the restructuring provision in the amount of €13,482 thousand is entirely due to leaving incentives and personnel outplacement costs. Universal service contribution Article 3, paragraph 6, of Presidential Decree no. 318 of September 19, 1997 regarding the “Implementation of European Union Directives” establishes a mechanism designed to distribute the net cost of providing universal service throughout the country whenever the related obligations represent an unfair cost for the entity or entities assigned the responsibility for supplying the service. For the years 2004 to 2009, the contribution has been estimated on the basis of the best information available at the date of the calculation, pending the determination by the Communications Regulator of the actual amount to be paid by the Company. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 201 Other provisions This item consists of the measurement of certain liabilities arising from obligations assumed by the Company for which an estimate is made at the date of these financial statements of the amount to be settled upon due date. The balance includes €24,534 thousand for liabilities for termination benefits arising from agency contracts in existence at the reporting date and €16,843 thousand accrued in 2010 relating to the compensation plan for the long-term retention and incentive of management, for which further details may be found in note 13. Changes in the year relate to the payment of the third tranche in July 2010 and to the amounts accrued during the year that will be paid in the future. 18 OTHER LIABILITIES “Other non-current liabilities” at December 31, 2010 and 2009 amount to €11,622 thousand and €4,050 thousand, respectively, and relate to deferred income on long-term commercial contracts. 19 TRADE PAYABLES The following table provides details of “Trade payables” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 353,186 352,927 Due to agents 52,945 40,455 Due to authorized dealers 41,664 32,847 Due to telephone operators Due to parents Due to subsidiaries 2,438 1,178 71,993 107,043 32 5,308 Due to associates Due to related parties Other trade payables Total 3,225 4,985 1,115,311 1,154,357 1,640,794 1,699,100 The change in this item over the year is principally due to the effect of normal settlements during the course of the year. More specifically, compared to December 31, 2009 the item “Payables due to subsidiaries” does not include any balances due to Enel.Net Srl or Italia OnLine Srl, which were acquired by the Company as the result of the merger and for which details may be found in note 3. Payables to agents and authorized dealers have risen by €21,307 thousand as the result of an increase in customer acquisition costs, details of which may be found in note 24. “Trade payables due to parents” of €2,438 thousand are the consequence of the agreement between the indirect parent WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) and the Company relating to the provision of services for which further details may be found in note 35. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 202 “Trade payables due to telephone operators” mainly relate to interconnection and roaming services “Trade payables due to related parties” mainly relate to transactions with telephone operators belonging to the group for which further details may be found in note 35. “Other trade payables” mainly relate to payables to suppliers for the purchase of goods and services. The following table provides an analysis of trade payables by due date. (thousands of euro) -within 12 months -after 12 months Total 20 At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 1,610,214 1,678,180 30,580 20,920 1,640,794 1,699,100 OTHER PAYABLES The following table provides an analysis of “Other payables” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 Payables to social security organizations 33,601 33,214 Tax payables 30,041 26,054 Payables to personnel 54,837 55,837 24,721 24,499 73,580 2,597 Payables to government bodies: - grants Other amounts payable to parents Other amounts payable to subsidiaries 283 762 223,594 219,936 Deferred income 26,494 28,469 Other payables 28,349 53,309 495,500 444,677 At December 31, At December 31, Prepaid traffic to be used Total The following table provides an analysis by due date. (thousands of euro) -within 12 months -after 12 months Total 2010 2009 495,500 444,677 - - 495,500 444,677 “Payables to social security organizations” relate principally to the employer’s and employees’ portions of social security contributions for December and the employer’s portion accrued on deferred remuneration (mostly accrued vacation and other permitted leaves that have been accrued but not yet taken). This item also includes the amounts payable to the Italian social security organization INPS for the amounts of accrued post-employment benefits (TFR) yet to be paid which employees had elected to transfer to the Treasury fund in accordance with Law no. 296 of December 27, 2006, the “2007 Finance Act”, and subsequent decrees and regulations. The following table sets out details of “Tax payables” at December 31, 2010 and 2009. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 203 (thousands of euro) At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 Government license fee 18,697 13,894 Withholding tax 10,546 11,479 Other 798 681 Total 30,041 26,054 “Payables to personnel” consist mostly of liabilities for accrued vacation and other accrued leave still to be taken at the end of the year. “Payables to government bodies for grants” represent amounts due for licenses and concessions provided by the relevant bodies. Of the “Other payables to parents”, €68,168 thousand refers to a payable to the indirect parent WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) following the transfer of IRES tax payables by the Comapny as part of the national tax consolidation procedure and for €4,099 thousand to a payable to the direct parent WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA following the resolution adopted by the shareholders of the Company, who in their general meeting on November 24, 2010 approved the distribution of a dividend to the parent of €9,500 thousand, of which €5,401 thousand has been paid. “Prepaid traffic to be used” consists of the unused portion of prepaid traffic, sold by the Company via rechargeable telephone cards and top-ups, which had not yet been utilized at the end of the year. “Deferred income” refers to income for billings made contractually in advance in prior years and in 2010 for lease and installation fees relating to the utilization of broadband capacity (‘initial capacity’), which will be recognized in later periods. “Other payables” consist of amounts due to supplementary pension funds, amounts payable for bank commissions and guarantee deposits received from customers. 21 TAX PAYABLES The balances at December 31, 2010 and 2009 of €nil and €7,897 thousand, respectively, represent the amounts due by the Company for income tax for the year (IRAP), net of advance payments for the corresponding tax periods. Receivable and payable items for IRES are included in receivables and payables from and to the parent, as the company has elected to take part in the national tax consolidation procedure of WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA). Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 204 22 REVENUE The following table provides an analysis of “Revenue” for 2010 and 2009. The revenue for 2010 is not directly comparable with that for 2009 following the merger of the subsidiaries Italia Online Srl and Enel Net Srl into the Company carried out in the second half of 2010, for which further details may be found in note 3 and the contribution of the “International and national Wholesale business” to the subsidiary Wind International Services SpA on April 1, 2009, for which further details may be found in separate financial statements at December 31, 2009. (thousands of euro) Revenue from sales Change 2010 2009 12 months 12 months Amount % 140,797 124,114 16,683 13,4% Revenue from services - Telephone services 4,192,998 3,987,861 205,137 5,1% - Interconnection traffic 894,061 997,929 (103,868) (10,4)% - International roaming 60,339 68,238 (7,899) (11,6)% 7,351 9,380 (2,029) (21,6)% 126,446 93,967 32,479 34,6% Total revenue from services 5,281,195 5,157,375 123,820 2,4% Total 5,421,992 5,281,489 140,503 2,7% - Judicial authority services - Other revenue from services “Revenue” has increased by €140,503 thousand over the previous year. In accordance with the National Numeration Plan, following the introduction in February 2010 of the interoperability of series 4 numbers, the Company has recorded the traffic revenue towards customers of other operators for whom the Company performs the role of Service Provider. This positive trend was mainly driven by a €205,137 thousand increase in revenue from telephone services which reached €4,192,998 thousand at December 31, 2010 (€3,987,861 thousand at December 31, 2009). This increase is essentially attributable to a rise in the mobile segment also due to the increase in the customer base. In the fixed segment, there has been a rise in revenue from fixed charges and contributions mainly in internet and data services as a consequence also of growth in the customer base. The revenue from sales increased by €16,683 thousand during the year 2010 (+13.4% over 2009) mainly due to the increase in the sale of mobile handsets, also as a result of the increased procurement needs of the WIND Retail Srl points of sales. Other revenue from services increased by €32,479 thousand in 2010 mainly as the consequence of revenues earned from the sale of services and advertising on the portal and for hospitality income, which in 2010 also includes the revenue of the former subsidiaries IOL and Enel Net. These changes are only partially offset by: ¾ the decrease of €103,868 thousand in revenue from “Interconnection traffic” (-10.4% over 2009) mainly due to the combined effect of: Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 205 • lower termination revenue from the mobile and fixed network caused by the reduction in unit charges, which was only partially offset by an increase in incoming fixed and mobile voice traffic; • the decrease in interconnection revenue from narrowband internet traffic following a general shift in the direction of broadband technology; • ¾ an increase in the traffic volume of SMS value added services; a decrease of €7,899 thousand in revenue from international roaming (-11.6% over 2009) mainly due to the general reduction in roaming tariffs on international markets, which was not sufficiently offset by the increase in the roaming volumes of the voice component. 23 OTHER REVENUE “Other revenue” amounts in total to €132,465 thousand for 2010 (€164,719 thousand for 2009) and refers principally to prior year income and the revision of estimates made in previous years. The decrease in the item is mainly due to inclusion at December 31, 2009 of €30,000 thousand arising from agreements reached for settlement agreements with some operators (€16,580 thousand for 2010) and €10,215 thousand (€2,691 thousand for 2010) arising from the grant obtained from the Puglia Region as part of the “Measures to support local growth” framework programme, regarding investments made between 2004 and 2008, in which the Company took part through the Elawind Consortium. 24 PURCHASES AND SERVICES The following table provides an analysis of “Purchases and services” for 2010 and 2009. The Purchases and services for 2010 are not directly comparable with that for 2009 following the merger of the subsidiaries Italia Online Srl and Enel Net Srl into the Company carried out in the second half of 2010, for which further details may be found in note 3 and the contribution of the “International and national Wholesale business” to the subsidiary Wind International Services SpA on April 1, 2009, for which further details may be found in separate financial statements at December 31, 2009. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 206 (thousands of euro) Interconnection traffic Customer acquisition costs Lease of civil and technical sites Purchases of raw materials, consumables, supplies and goods Lease of telecommunication circuits Advertising and promotional services Outsourced services Other services Lease of local access network Maintenance and repair Utilities National and international roaming Consultancies and professional services Change in inventories Other leases and use of third party assets Bank and postal charges Transport and logistics Total purchases and services Change 2010 12 months 2009 12 months Amount % 1,001,438 286,523 236,269 185,051 93,905 180,879 141,991 93,626 350,280 121,912 73,774 31,473 47,604 5,470 20,054 19,181 16,449 1,076,479 230,740 242,236 190,027 89,172 190,049 134,509 98,010 314,503 117,775 70,519 27,879 39,018 (9,933) 21,631 18,334 14,118 (75,041) 55,783 (5,967) (4,976) 4,733 (9,170) 7,482 (4,384) 35,777 4,137 3,255 3,594 8,586 15,403 (1,577) 847 2,331 (7.0)% 24.2% (2.5)% (2.6)% 5.3% (4.8)% 5.6% (4.5)% 11.4% 3.5% 4.6% 12.9% 22.0% (155.1)% (7.3)% 4.6% 16.5% 2,905,879 2,865,066 40,813 1.4% Purchases and services increased by €40,813 thousand over 2009. In accordance with the National Numeration Plan, following the introduction in February 2010 of the interoperability of series 4 numbers, the Company has recorded higher termination and content costs against revenue from series 4 traffic towards customers of other operators for whom the Company performs the role of Service Provider (note 22). The change in the item is mainly due to the combined effect of the following increases and decreases compared to 2009: • an increase of €55,783 thousand in “Customer acquisition costs” principally due to the increase in commissions resulting from the rise in activations and mobile traffic and increased trade promotion and comarketing costs, incurred amongst others with the subsidiary WIND Retail Srl. The balance at December 31, 2009 include the respective reclassifications of €78,202 thousand from this item to amortization of intangible assets due to the different presentation of some customer acquisition costs, which further details may be found in note 2.1; • an increase of €35,777 thousand in “Lease of local access network” costs due to an increase in the LLU and WLR customer bases also as the result of the migration of the VLLU customer base to the Wholesale Line Rental (WLR) service; • a net increase of €10,427 thousand in “Change in inventories” and “Purchases of raw materials, consumables, supplies and goods” due to an increase in mobile phone handsets sell in and the need for larger quantities to ensure stocks of the new stores acquired by WIND Retail; • an increase of €8,586 thousand in “Consultancies and professional services” mainly due to the increase in the purchases of the external professional services. The item includes remuneration for statutory auditors of Group companies, equal to €344 thousand, and the remuneration for the external audit activities on financial statements, equal to €1,012 thousand (total compensation for the audit to separate and consolidate financial statements at December 31, 2010 is equal to €475 Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 207 thousand). As resolved by shareholders in their ordinary general meeting of April 12, 2010 the Directors of the Company receive no fees; • an increase of €7,482 thousand in “Outsourced services” mainly due to the the rise in purchase volumes of call center services, which is also the result of the increase in the customer base; • a decrease of €75,041 thousand in “interconnection traffic” costs. This is mainly due to the fall in termination tariffs on the mobile network, the lower costs for internet collection due to the increase in broadband traffic and the lower costs of voice collection due to the increase in the penetration of direct technology, only partially offset by higher volumes of national termination to mobile and fixedline phones, higher international termination retail volumes and higher termination costs incurred with other operators as the result of the introduction of the interoperability of series 4 numbers. The negative change in this item is also the result of the contribution of the “International & national wholesale” business to the subsidiary WIND International Services SpA on April 1, 2009; • decrease of €9,170 million in costs for “Advertising and promotional services”, mainly as the result of the reduction in intercompany internet advertising costs incurred with the former subsidiary IOL Srl, which as the result of the merger no longer existed in 2010. 25 OTHER OPERATING COSTS The following table provides an analysis of “Other operating costs” for 2010 and 2009 (thousands of euro) Impairment losses on trade receivables and current assets Accruals for costs 2010 2009 12 months 12 months Amount Change % 74,025 63,115 10,910 17.3% (58.1)% 7,345 17,548 (10,203) Annual license fees 25,639 22,789 2,850 12.5% Other operating costs 18,471 18,738 (267) (1.4)% Accruals for risks 16,344 15,464 880 5.7% 1,497 2,698 (1,201) (44.5)% 143,321 140,352 2,969 2.1% Gifts Total other operating costs The decrease shown is mostly due to lower accruals for costs mainly due to the revision to the estimate of the amount due for the Universal Service contribution, only partially offset by the rise in impairment losses on trade receivables as an effect of the increase in collection risk. 26 PERSONNEL EXPENSES The following table provides an analysis of “Personnel expenses” for the years 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Wages and salaries Social security charges Other personnel expenses Post-employment benefits (Costs capitalized for internal works) Total personal expenses 2010 12 months 2009 12 months Change Amount 281,940 79,784 23,644 17,900 (46,222) 273,470 79,705 21,404 17,946 (44,513) 8,470 79 2,240 (46) (1,709) 3.1% 0.1% 10.5% (0.3)% 3.8% 357,046 348,012 9,034 2.6% Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 % 208 The item increases by €9,034 thousand (+2.6%) over 2009 mainly due to the renewal of the National labour Contract signed on October 23, 2009. “Other personnel expenses” include mainly the provision for restructuring for €10,010 thousand for which further details may be found in note 17. The number of employees at year end was as follows. At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 155 575 5,693 149 556 5,709 6,423 6,414 2010 12 months 2009 12 months 155 573 5,743 148 560 5,817 6,471 6,524 Senior management Middle management Employees Total The average number of employees during the year was as follows. Senior management Middle management Employees Total 27 DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION The following table provides an analysis of “Depreciation and amortization” for 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Depreciation of property, plant and equipment - Plant and machinery - Industrial and commercial equipment - Other assets Amortization of intangible assets with finite lives - Industrial patents and similar rights - Licenses, trademarks and similar rights - Other intangible assets Total depreciation and amortization Change 2010 12 months 2009 12 months Amount % 605,384 8,618 21,682 624,723 6,661 23,061 (19,339) 1,957 (1,379) (3.1)% 29.4% (6.0)% 90,453 114,898 156,396 84,807 109,015 139,910 5,646 5,883 16,486 6.7% 5.4% 11.8% 997,431 988,177 9,254 0.9% The 2009 balance of Amortization of other intangible assets includes the reclassification of €78,202 thousand, originally recognized in Purchases and services, due to the different presentation of some customer acquisition costs, for which details may be found in note 2.1. The rise in the deprecation and amortization charge over 2009 is due to an increase in the amortization of intangible assets (€28,015 thousand), essentially as the result of the increased investments in software and the increase in the customer base, which above all in the final quarter led to a considerable rise in customer acquisition costs, only partially offset by a decrease in the depreciation of property, plant and Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 209 equipment (€18,761 thousand) as a result of the completion of the deprecation period for equipment acquired in previous years and the effect of the disposals of non-current assets. 28 REVERSAL OF IMPAIRMENT LOSSES (IMPAIRMENT LOSSES) ON NON-CURRENT ASSETS The following table provides an analysis of “Reversal of impairment losses (impairment losses) on non- current assets” for 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) 2010 Reversal of impairment losses / (Impairment losses) on property, plant and equipment Reversal of impairment losses / (Impairment losses) on intangible assets Total 2009 Change 12 months 12 months Amount (22,383) (4) (22,387) 2,927 1,021 3,948 (25,310) (1,025) (26,335) % n.m n.m n.m This item, having a negative balance of €22,387 thousand for 2010 (positive balance of €3,948 thousand for 2009), consists mainly of impairment losses recognised under plant and equipment and relates to the following: • for €16,282 thousand to the impairment losses on radio bridges due to the equipment modernisation plan; • for €2,107 thousand to the positive effect arising from the operation to replace certain transmission equipment (of €20,703 thousand), net of the respective impairment losses (of €18,596 thousand), for which details may be found in note 4. 29 GAINS/(LOSSES) ON DISPOSAL OF NON-CURRENT ASSETS The following table provides an analysis of “Gains/(losses) on disposal of non-current assets” for 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Gains on disposal of property, plant and equipment Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment Total Change Amount 2010 12 months 2009 12 months 2,509 (2,915) 850 (10,751) 1,659 7,836 195.2% (72.9)% (406) (9,901) 9,495 (95.9)% % The change over the previous year is due to the lower losses recorded in 2010 on the disposal and/or sale of property, plant and equipment as part of the normal renewal process for these assets. 30 FINANCE INCOME The following table provides an analysis of “Finance income” for 2010 and 2009. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 210 (thousands of euro) Income on bank deposits Income from subsidiaries Change 2010 2009 12 months 12 months Amount % 2,826 5,417 (2,591) (47.8)% 18 62 (44) (71.0)% Fair value measurement of derivatives 6,114 71,535 (65,421) (91.5)% Other 1,502 11,209 (9,707) (86.6)% 10,460 88,223 (77,763) (88.1)% Total finance income The decrease in finance income is mainly due to the result of lower gains on the measurement of derivatives at fair value (€58,270 thousand at December 31, 2009). In this respect at December 31, 2010 the item consists principally of income of €6,114 thousand arising from the measurement at fair value of the put option on the shares held in Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl until November 29 2010, the date on which the option was fully exercised (for further details reference should be made to note 6). The decrease in finance income is also due to the lower income accrued on the average stock of cash, primarily due to the reduction in market rates and to the amount of €9,883 thousand included at December 31, 2009 in Other finance income relating to interest accrued on the undue amounts paid by the Company and by the former Infostrada SpA as Turnover Contribution (Law no. 448/1998), for which a refund has been requested through two notices to pay served on March 31, 2009. 31 FINANCE EXPENSE The following table provides an analysis of “Finance expense” for 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Finance expense on: Bank loans Financing from associates Financing from subsidiaries Discounted provisions Cash flow hedges, reversed from equity Fair value measurement of derivatives Impairment losses on financial assets Other Total finance expense 2010 12 months 2009 12 months Change Amount (194,942) (50,701) (510,219) (2,357) (104,183) (208,858) (361,869) (26,601) (2,790) (69,687) 13,916 311,168 (483,618) 433 (34,496) (6.7)% (86.0)% n.m. (15.5)% 49.5% (26,004) (6,767) (26,004) (4,112) (17,645) (218) 4,112 10,878 (25.786) (100.0)% (61.6)% (895,172) (691,780) (203,392) 29.4% % Finance expense increased by €203,392 thousand as the result of an increase in finance expense to the subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA, following the placements concluded in July 2009 and November 2010, only partially offset by a decrease in finance expense due to a lower exposure to banks following the repayments made during the year on the previous loan and a change in the bond/bank debt mix as the result of the refinancing operation. In this respect the following table provides an analysis between the interest component and the amortized cost charge component for finance expense loans. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 211 (thousands of euro) 12 months 2010 Bank loans Financing from associates 12 months 2009 interest expense amortized cost charges Total interest expense amortized cost charges Total (168,105) (26,837) (194,942) (192,057) (16,801) (208,858) (361,869) (49,049) (1,651) (50,701) (344,428) (17,441) (495,688) (14,531) (510,219) (26,601) - (26,601) (712,842) (43,019) (755,861) (563,085) (34,243) (597,328) Financing from subsidiaries The following effects should be added to the expense accruing on financial liabilities, for which further details may be found in note 14: • hedge accounting for the portion of the cash flow hedge reserve reclassified to the income statement during the year following the use of derivative financial instruments, amounting to €104,183 thousand; • the measurement of the embedded derivatives in the early repayment options on the 2017 and 2018 Loan Agreement, amounting to €26,044 thousand. 32 FOREIGN EXCHANGE GAINS/(LOSSES), NET The following table provides an analysis of “Foreign exchange gains (losses) - net” for 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) 2010 2009 12 months 12 months Realized gains Unrealized gains Foreign exchange gains Realized losses Unrealized losses Foreign exchange losses Total 33 Change Amount % 191,901 3,658 188,243 n.m. 3,887 67,225 (63,338) (94,2)% 195,788 70,883 124,905 n.m. 192,613 2,313 190,300 n.m. 935 68,502 (67,567) (98,6)% 193,548 70,815 122,733 n.m. 2,240 68 2,172 n.m. UNUSUAL FINANCE EXPENSE The item of €366,672 recognized during the year refers to the refinancing operation completed on November 26, 2010 following the transaction with VimpelCom Ltd. This refinancing led to the early repayment of the Credit Facility Agreement, the Second Lien Proceeds Agreement from the Luxembourgbased associate WIND Finance SL SA and the 2015 Senior Notes Proceeds Loan Agreement from the Luxembourg-based subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA. More specifically, these charges relate to the following: • for €153,724 thousand (of which €59,883 thousand on the bank loans issued by the Company, €14,722 thousand on the financing from the Luxembourg-based associate WIND Finance SL SA and €79,119 thousand on the financing from the Luxembourg-based subsidiary Wind Acquisition Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 212 Finance SA) to the residual balance at the repayment date of the fee paid on entering the arrangement/issue of the old loans, forming part of the amortized cost of same loans; • for €75,897 thousand to the write-off of the positive fair value of the embedded derivative in the 2015 Senior Notes Proceeds Loan Agreement; • for €72,730 thousand to the repayment of the finance expense in relation to the early repayment of the loans in relation of the financing operation; • for €64,320 thousand to the reclassification to the income statement of the portion of the cash flow hedge reserve relating to extinct derivative instruments which no longer met the conditions to hedge future cash flows. 34 INCOME TAX The following table provides an analysis of “Income tax” for 2010 and 2009. (thousands of euro) Current tax Deferred tax Total income tax 2010 2009 12 months (179,186) Change 12 months Amount % (281,038) 101,852 (36.2)% 44,440 49,159 (4,719) (9.6)% (134,746) (231,879) 97,133 (41.9)% The net charge for the year is made up of the following: • current income taxes expense of €179,186 thousand (of which €111,092 thousand for IRES tax and €68,094 thousand for IRAP tax) charged on consolidated taxable income for 2010 in decrease compared to 2009 due to the lower profit before tax. There is however a rise in the overall effective tax rate caused by the increase in interest arising from the higher financial payables due to the subsidiary WIND Acquisition Finance SA following the issue of the bond of €2.7 billion in July 2009 and the unusual financial expenses incurred in connection with the repayment of certain loans (both of which are partially non-deductible). • net deferred tax income of €44,440 thousand, arising from a decrease of €14,621 thousand in deferred tax assets mainly relating to the changes in temporary differences arising from provisions and financial instruments and from the release of deferred tax liabilities of €29,819 thousand, mainly relating to the changes in temporary differences arising from non-current assets. The following table provides a reconciliation between the theoretical tax rate and the effective tax rate for 2010 and 2009. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 213 (thousands of euro) 2010 Theoretical tax rate Profit/(Loss) before tax 27.50% (121,157) Theoretical tax assets relating to IRES 2009 27.50% (33,318) 495.159 136,169 125,029 Non-deductible costs/non-taxable revenue Non-recognized deferred tax assets Adjustments to previous years taxes 31,468 (4,061) (25,059) Actual IRES (current and deferred) Effective IRES tax rate 55.01% IRAP tax Actual tax expense as per income statement Overall tax rate 111.22% 163,576 66,652 33.03% 68,094 68,304 134,746 231,880 46.83% The above reconciliation between the theoretical and effective tax rates has been performed solely for IRES (corporate income tax) purposes. The IRAP tax charge is included to reconcile with the overall income tax expense in the financial statements. 35 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS Transactions with related parties Transactions with the related parties described below consist of those with WIND TELECOM Group (formerly Weather Group) companies. Related party transactions are part of normal operations which are conducted on an arm's length basis from an economic standpoint and formalized in agreements, and mainly relate to transactions with telephone operators. In particular, the Company has entered into an agreement with the parent WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) under which the latter is entitled to receive an annual fee of approximately €8 million plus ancillary expenses for providing services to the former (such as those relating to IT, marketing, personnel, purchasing, etc.). In addition, as discussed in note 3 to which reference should be made for further details, the Company has been assigned a put option versus its parent WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA), with a fair value of €207,054 thousand at December 31, 2009. On June 30, 2010 the put option was partially exercised on 985 shares held in Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl for an amount of €70 million, and on November 29, 2010 the option was exercised on the remaining 1,980 shares held in that company for consideration of €143 million. Regarding the payment of the consideration by the parent, on November 29, 2010 the Company and WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) signed an intragroup loan agreement by virtue of which the Company granted the parent a loan of €143,103, for which details may be found in note 6. Finally, following the change to euros of the currency used in the Loan Agreement 2017, set up with the subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA, the Company transferred the cross currency swaps previously hedging the tranches in US dollars to that subsidiary. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 214 At December 31, 2010 and during the year, the Company did not hold treasury shares or shares, either directly or through trustees, or shares of WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA, or of the indirect parent WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) and Weather Investments II Sàrl. The table below provides a summary of the main effects on the income statement and statement of financial position of related party transactions during the year. (thousands of euro) 2010 Finance Income Revenue Arpu for Telecommunication Services Finance expense Expenses Trade receiv. Other receiv. Financial receiv. Trade Payables Other Payabes Acq. of noncurrent assets Financial Liabilities - - - - 700 - - - - - - 1,176 - 1,658 - 319 - - 806 - - - - - 701 - 443 - - - - - - Orascom Telecom Algeria 397 - 61 - 108 - - 20 - - - Orascom Telecom Tunisie SA 366 - 935 - 133 - - 248 - - - - - 99 - - - - 1,333 - - 125 17 - 269 - 17 - - 63 - - - 91 - 1 - 60 - - - - - - Mobizone Orascom Telecom Bangladesh Ltd. (Banglalink) 4 - 572 - 892 - - 265 - - - 4 - 4 - 53 - - 1 - - - Globalive Wireless Management - - - - - - - 5 - - - Rain Srl - - - - - 10 - - - - - 279 - 502 - - - - 359 - - - Weather Finance II Sàrl - - - - - - 125 - - - Hellas Telecommunications I Sàrl WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA - - - - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,195 - 273 4,099 - - 50 529 7,567 - - 8,930 - 2,165 69,481 - - Consorzio Wind Team - - - - - 1 - - - - - Consorzio Elawind - - - - - 11 - - - - - Wind Acquisition Finance SA - - - 661,827 - 2,618 - 814 - 5,232,615 - Wind Acquisition Finance II SA - - 38 - - - - 32 - - - WIND Finance SL SA - - - 65,423 - 8 - - - - - 4,329 - 5,479 53 7,117 250 - 5,992 - 8,614 126 107,834 - 349,746 184 22,831 165 - 60,214 - 42,544 - 36,137 18 29,032 4 14,767 4,191 7 4,973 809 5,868 - 150,684 547 396,664 727,491 47,434 17,379 7 77,688 74,389 5,289,641 251 Egyptian Company for Mobile Services Orascom Telecom Holding S.A.E. Orascom Technology Solutions (OTS) Orascom Telecom Services Europe Company Pakistan Mobile Communications Ltd. (Mobilink) Wind Hellas Telecommunications SA WIND TELECOM SpA * It Net Srl WIND International Services SpA WIND Retail Srl Totale Directors The directors of the Company, who are identified as key management personnel, receive no fees, as resolved by shareholders in their ordinary general meeting of April 12, 2010. There were no transactions with directors in 2010. 36 NET FINANCIAL DEBT The following statement shows the Company’s net financial debt broken down into its principal components, as already described in notes 7, 15 and 16 to the financial components of the statement of financial position. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 215 (thousands of euro) Financing from subsidaries Financing from associates Financing from banks Financing from other lenders Derivatives Non-current financial liabilities Financing from subsidaries Financing from associates Financing from banks Financing from other lenders At December 31, At December 31, 2010 2009 5,199,876 431,377 - 4,523,262 3,281,676 4,145,568 238,928 - 13,830 414,603 8,734,310 9,514,810 89,765 290,483 - 160,836 107,857 5,856 66,529 9,677 - 101,507 264,151 568,359 TOTAL GROSS FINANCIAL DEBT 8,998,461 10,083,169 Cash and cash equivalents (139,441) (512,388) Derivatives Current financial liabilities Derivative financial instruments Financial receivables Current financial assets TOTAL CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS Derivative financial instruments Financial receivables - (113) (5,798) (18,543) (5,798) (18,656) (145,239) (531,044) (95,199) (179,323) (164,991) (40,093) Non-current financial assets (260,190) (219,416) NET FINANCIAL DEBT 8,593,032 9,332,709 The net financial debt at December 31, 2010 does not include guarantee deposits of €4,977 thousand. 37 CASH FLOW STATEMENT Cash flows from operating activities, amounting to €1,036,987 thousand, decreased by €530,363 thousand over the previous year, mostly as an effect of the higher finance expense incurred during the year due to the issue of July 2009, and the refinancing operation of November 2010. Investing activities used cash during 2010 of a total of €1,012,457 thousand, representing a decrease of €60,932 thousand over 2009. Investments in 2009 included the purchase of a license for the use of a further 5 MHz in the 2100 MHz band for €88,781 thousand and €53,493 thousand for the acquisition of M-Link Sàrl and €30,893 thousand for the purchase of Phone Srl. During 2010, financing activities used cash of €397,477 thousand as the net effect of the following transactions: Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 216 • early repayment of €363 million, made by the Company on January 12, 2010 (€336 million) and on August 9, 2010 (€27 million), attributable to the Credit Facility Agreement; • early repayments following the partial debt refinancing operation which was completed on November 26, 2010 as follows: o €3,859 million related to the closure of the Company’s Credit Facility Agreement; o €677 million related to the closure of the Luxembourg associate WIND Finance SL SA’ s Second Lien Subscrition Agreement; o €1,401 million related to the closure of the 2015 Senior Notes Proceeds Loan Agreement issued by the Luxembourg subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA; • distribution of dividends of €5.4 million to the direct parent WIND Acquisition Holdings Finance SpA, to pay the consent fees for the issue of the new bond issue under the Pik Proceeds Loan Agreement by the Luxembourg associate Wind Acquisition Holdings Finance SA on December 15, 2009; • a new loan (Loan Agreement 2018) taken out with the Luxembourg registered subsidiary Wind Acquisition Finance SA having a notional amount of €2,711 million and a repayment date of January 15, 2018; 38 • the entering into a new bank loan (Senior Facility Agreement) of €3,530 million; • payment of €311 million fees of connected with the issue of new loans and bonds; • changes in current accounts with subsidiaries for an amount of €38 million. OTHER INFORMATION Main pending legal proceedings WIND is subject to various legal proceedings arising in the ordinary course of business. Below is a description of all material pending legal proceedings at December 31, 2010, excluding those situations in which the cost arising from a negative outcome of the proceedings cannot be estimated or for which a negative outcome is not considered probable. Proceedings with agents Certain proceedings are still pending at different judicial stages relating to the termination of agency agreements (including those with Golden Voice, I&IA), in which the agents seek payment from WIND of certain indemnities provided for by Italian legislation; these include the termination indemnity, the collection indemnity, the indemnity in lieu of notice and the indemnities pursuant to article 1751 of the Italian Civil Code. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 217 WIND/ITALGO SPA WIND was sued by Italgo SpA (formerly Delta SpA), which on the declaration of a breach by WIND of certain provisions of an agreement signed with Delta SpA for the provision of goods and services (the “Commercial Agreement”) is seeking the termination of the agreement and other related agreements, the sentencing of WIND to pay a penalty of €3.3 million, the sentencing of Wind to refund the price of €23 million paid for Delta SpA shares and pay additional damages (to be quantified during the proceedings) for the costs which Italgo alleges to have incurred as the result of WIND’s breaches. Subordinately, the plaintiff has asked for a reduction in the purchase price agreed by the parties to be settled by offsetting this amount against an amount of €9 million payable to WIND. On March 19, 2010, an injunction was issued by the Court of Rome ordering WIND to pay a total of €3 million. WIND appealed the decision and, presently, a negative outcome is considered probable. IOL/RTI RTI SpA - Mediaset (“RTI”) initiated a proceeding against ITALIA ONLINE Srl (“IOL”) before the Court of Milan on the grounds that IOL continued to make 1,600 videos owned by RTI available on following the expiry of IOL’s non-exclusive license for such video content on December 31, 2008. RTL is claiming for damages of approximately €100 million. However, if the Court recognizes the responsibility of IOL, it is probable that the company will be liable for a payment of €1 million. The hearing held on July 14, 2010 started the phase for the clarification of the conclusions. The pleading for the conclusions has been filed and the hearing for the final discussion was held on January 20, 2011. Currently WIND is waiting for the outcome of the proceeding. WIND/Crest One SpA Crest One SpA (‘‘Crest One’’) has initiated proceedings against WIND for (i) the refund of approximately €16 million, previously paid to WIND by Crest One as value added tax under a distribution agreement entered into between Crest One and WIND, and (ii) the compensation of all damages suffered by Crest One (to be determined following the trial) in relation pursuant to the payment of such value added tax by Crest One to WIND. The legal action is at its initial phases and therefore it is not yet possible to quantify any potential liability. The next hearing will be held on May 16, 2012. Proceedings concerning Misleading Advertising and Unfair Commercial Practices Under Legislative decree no. 146/2007, the Italian Antitrust Authority has the power to initiate proceedings concerning unfair commercial practices and misleading advertising and issue fines of up to €500 thousand for each proceeding. In particular, many of these proceedings brought against WIND Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 218 concerned the advertising of VAS; on September 30, 2010, only one of these proceedings was still pending. This proceeding was closed on December 15, 2010 and notified on January 3, 2011. On January 5, 2010 AGCM started a sanction proceeding against WIND regarding undue telemarketing activities (i.e. calls to customers that had not given their acceptance to be contacted). This proceeding has been closed with the acceptance of WIND undertaking. WIND-Antitrust Authority (Proceeding no. A/357) With a decision dated August 3, 2007, the Antitrust Authority closed proceeding no. A/357 by condemning WIND and Telecom Italia for abuse of their dominant positions in the wholesale termination market due to the discriminatory application of economic and technical conditions for fixed-to-mobile on net (fixed-mobile calls originating and terminating on the WIND network) and intercom calls (the calls on the internal telephone lines of a business customer) in favor of their respective internal divisions and to the detriment of fixed-line competitors. WIND was fined a sum of €2 million and ordered to cease the discriminatory behaviour. WIND appealed against the decision by seeking the annulment before the Administrative Court of Lazio (the Lazio TAR). The hearing was discussed on January 23, 2008. The Lazio TAR rejected WIND’s appeal on January 29, 2008 and the related decision was published on April 7, 2008. On September 17, 2008 WIND filed an appeal before the State Council, seeking the annulment of the above Lazio TAR’s decision. The related hearing for the discussion before the State Council originally scheduled for May 11, 2010 was postponed to October 12, 2010. During the hearing the Judge has declared the interruption of the proceedings acknowledging the insolvency procedure declared by one of (Eutelia SpA) on its insolvency procedure. The next hearing for the discussion before the State Council will take place on March, 15, 2011, where the parties will discuss the case.. We are currently awaiting the definitive sentence. Contingent assets and liabilities WIND had the following contingent liabilities at December 31, 2010. Audit by the Italian Tax Authorities On November 29 and 30, 2010 the Tax Revenue Office notified separate assessments in which it disputed omission by WIND to subject interest payments made to WIND France SL SA and WIND Acquisition Finance SA in 2005 to withholding tax at source. The disputed withholding tax for the year in question amounts approximately to €1.3 million plus the penalties and interest due by law. This adjustment arises from the Tax Audit Findings Report dated May 31, 2010 in which the Tax Revenue Office disputes the request for a refund of the withholding tax on the interest payments made by WIND to WIND France SL SA (the issuer of the Second Lien loan) and WIND Acquisition Finance SA (the issuer of the High Yield Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 219 bonds) for 2005 and part of 2006, as well as questioning whether such tax should have been withheld on the interest paid by WIND for the remainder of 2006 and for 2007 and 2008. The Company has filed a tax settlement proposal in this respect within the terms of law. An unsuccessful outcome of the tax settlement procedure would be duly challenged before the competent judicial authorities. Based on a detailed analysis of this matter no provision has been made in the financial statements at December 31, 2010. Proceedings Concerning Electromagnetic Radiation Proceedings are still pending, in particular before the administrative courts, regarding the installation of base stations. These are mainly the result of current concerns about electromagnetic radiation. The claims are of an undeterminable monetary amount. Terna/Enel.Net/WIND Through a writ of summons notified on June 11, 2010, Terna and Telat sued WIND and Enel.Net before the Court of Rome in order to request the termination of three contracts executed by Terna, Enel.Net and Telat, alleging the breach by Enel.Net under article 1453 of the Italian Civil Code, relating of contractual provisions relating to the review of fees. In particular, the contracts concern i) the hospitality of Enel Net’s fiber on Terna’s insfrastructure ii) the lease of the relevant industrial sites; and iii) the maintenance of Enel.Net’s fiber cables. The first hearing, scheduled for February 23, 2011 as indicated in the writ of summons, was brought forward to January 19, 2011 following a request of anticipation by Terna and Telat; at the present state of affairs the second hearing has been scheduled for June 1, 2011 and any losses to be incurred by the Company, while considered possible, are unable to be determined. WIND had the following contingent assets at December 31, 2010. Turnover contribution On September 19, 2009, WIND served two appeals to the competent Ministries before the Regional Administrative Court of Lazio (the Lazio TAR) (one on its own behalf and the other on behalf of the former Infostrada), claiming for payment of the interest on the amounts paid as turnover contribution, which were found to have been illegally assessed and were reimbursed to WIND on July 12, 2007 and to the former Infostrada on December 17, 2008. Following the hearing of December 10, 2009, the Lazio TAR accepted WIND’s appeal, and on December 17, 2009, the Ministry of the Economy and Finance repaid interest approximately €4.7 million to WIND. On January 20, 2010, a hearing was held to discuss the appeal before the Lazio TAR for the repayment of interest on the contribution paid by the former Infostrada, where the Lazio TAR acknowledged the Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 220 right of Infostrada to receive only a partial amount of the interest payments, as calculated starting from April 18, 2006 rather than, as demanded by WIND, from the date of payment of the concerned amounts. On May 25, 2010 WIND filed a claim before the State Council against the TAR Lazio’s ruling in order to obtain the entire repayment of the interest payments related to the amounts paid by the former Infostrada. The hearing before the State Council will take place on April 15, 2011. Guarantees The company has not pledged any guarantees, either directly or indirectly, in favor of parents or companies controlled by the latter. The collateral pledged by the Company at December 31, 2010 as a guarantee for liabilities may be summarized as follows: ¾ a special lien pursuant to article 46 of the Consolidated Banking Law on certain assets, present and future, belonging to the Company as specified in the relevant deed, in favor of the banking syndicate party to the Senior Facilities Agreement and other creditors specified in the relevant deed; ¾ a lien exists on the Company’s trademarks and intellectual property rights, as specified in the relevant deed, pledged in favor of the banking syndicate party to the Senior Facilities Agreement and other creditors specified in the relevant deed; ¾ a lien exists on 640,000 shares corrisponding to the entire share capital held by the Company in WIND International Services SpA, pledged in favor of the banking syndicate party to the Senior Facilities Agreement and the subscribers to the High Yield Notes, expiring in 2017, issued on July 13, 2009 by Wind Acquisition Finance SA and the Senior Secured Notes, expiring in 2018, issued on November 26, 2010 by Wind Acquisition Finance SA; Despite the encumbrances on the pledged shares, the voting rights at shareholders’ meetings of the companies are retained by the Company by express contractual agreement as an exception to the provisions of paragraph 1, article 2352 of the Italian Civil Code. Finally, in order to provide a guarantee for its obligations, the Company has pledged as security its trade receivables, receivables arising from intercompany loans and receivables relating to insurance policies, present and future, as described in the specific instrument, to the banking syndicate in accordance with the Senior Facilities Agreement and the other lending parties specified in the supplemental deed related to the respective contract as a guarantee for and in favor of the subscribers to the High Yield Notes, expiring in 2017, issued on July 13, 2009 by Wind Acquisition Finance SA and in favor of the subscribers to the Senior Secured Notes, expiring in 2018, issued on November 26, 2010 by Wind Acquisition Finance SA. Moreover, the Company has pledged as security its receivables arising from the Put and Call option Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 221 dated May 26, 2005 as described in the relevant deed, to the banking syndicate in the Senior Facilities Agreement and the other lending parties specified therein as a guarantee for and in favor of the subscribers to the High Yield Notes expiring in 2017 issued by Wind Acquisition Finance SA, on july 13, 2009 and the Senior Secured Notes expiring in 2018 issued by Wind Acquisition Finance SA, on November26, 2010 . A description is provided below of personal guarantees (sureties) issued mainly by banks and insurance companies on behalf of the Company and in favor of third parties in respect of commitments of various kinds. The total of these, amounting to €126,012 thousand at December 31, 2010 includes: • sureties totaling €66,509 thousand issued by insurance companies, of which €44,111 thousand in favor of the Rome Tax Revenue Office as security against the Company’s excess VAT receivable which was offset in 2008 (for €29,652 thousand) and in 2009 (for of €14,459 thousand) as part of the special procedure envisaged by Presidential Decree no. 633 of October 26, 1972 and subsequent amendments; • sureties totaling €59.503 thousand issued by banks, relating to sponsorships, participation in tenders, property leases, operations regarding prize competitions, events and excavation licenses. The Company has been under the management and coordination of WIND TELECOM SpA (formerly Weather Investments SpA) since July 2007. In this respect, a summary is provided below of the key data from the latest approved set of financial statements of WIND TELECOM SpA, being those as of and for the year ended December 31, 2009. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 222 (thousands of euro) At December 31, 2009 BALANCE SHEET ASSETS A) UNPAID CALLED-UP SHARE CAPITAL B) FIXED ASSETS C) CURRENT ASSETS D) ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL ASSETS 5,808,596 445,220 1,148 6,254,964 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES A) EQUITY B) ALLOWANCES FOR RISKS AND CHARGES C) EMPLOYEES’ LEAVING ENTITLEMENT D) PAYABLES E) ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 5,151,646 46,987 91 1,051,727 4,513 6,254,964 MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS 510,587 INCOME STATEMENT A) VALUE OF PRODUCTION B) OPERATING COSTS C) FINANCE INCOME AND EXPENSES D) ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS VALUES E) EXTRAORDINARY INCOME AND EXPENSES Income taxes for the year NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 39 10,904 (52,301) (189,117) (598,131) (9) 83,039 (745,615) SUBSEQUENT EVENTS On March 17, 2011 a majority of the Shareholders of VimpelCom Ltd at their Special General Meeting approved the issue of up to 325,639,827 ordinary shares and 305,000,000 convertible priviliged shares and the increase in VimpelCom Ltd’s authorized share capital needed to complete the merger between VimpelCom Ltd and Wind Telecom SpA. With this approval, the closing of the merger transaction will proceed and is expected to be completed in the first half of 2011, subject to the fulfillment of additional conditions of contract. As defined by the agreement, same Company’s assets should be returned to Weather Investments II Sàrl as part of the agreed fee for the sale. In particular, for the Company these are the assets relating to web portal "Libero", the subsidiaries WIND International Services SpA and It Net Srl and the branch referring to the operation of the submarine cable between Italy and Greece. Separate financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 223