SIRIM QAS International`s Corporate Profile
SIRIM QAS International`s Corporate Profile
I N T E R N AT I O N A L SIRIM QAS INTERNATIONAL SDN. BHD. ( 4 1 0 3 3 4 - X ) Building 8, SIRIM Complex No. 1, Persiaran Dato' Menteri Section 2, P.O. Box 7035, 40700 Shah Alam, Malaysia Tel: 603 5544 6000 Fax: 603 5510 6810 Hotline: 603 5510 3535 Telex: SIRIM MA 38672 Issue No.1 Rev.2 I N T E R N AT I O N A L C O R P O R AT E P R O F I L E SIRIM QAS International C E R T I F I C AT I O N • INSPECTION • TESTING Content page Vision and mission 1 Introduction 2 Our accreditations and recognitions 4 Management systems certifications 10 Product certification 16 Testing services 20 Inspection services 24 Marks of excellence 27 Contact us 28 1 Vision Mission To be a world class certification, Providing world class certification, inspection and testing body of choice. inspection and testing services which are in compliance with relevant ISO/IEC Guides, Standards and accreditation bodies’ requirements. Shared Values Quality Policy • • • • • We are committed to satisfying our customers by providing credible, efficient and professional services. We respect and trust each other We are dedicated to our clients We practice the highest standards of integrity We are committed to excellence We achieve success through teamwork We are also committed to ensuring impartiality in the provision of our services. As such, we ensure that commercial, financial or other pressures do not influence our decisions or the delivery of our services. 2 Introduction 3 SIRIM QAS INTERNATIONAL is Malaysia’s leading certification, inspection and testing body. A wholly-owned subsidiary of SIRIM Berhad, we have been providing conformity assessment services to both local and international customers for nearly forty years, giving us a track record that is second to none. We are renowned for our impartiality, competence and efficiency. Our continuous commitment to these values makes us the natural choice for certification, inspection and testing services. 4 Globally Recognised Services SIRIM QAS International is a nationally and internationally accredited institution. Our certification, inspection and testing services are conducted according to international standards, thus assuring our clients of our complete competence and impartiality. These accreditations guarantee that our certification and testing reports will be recognised anywhere in the world. 5 A C C R E D I TAT I O N S A N D R E C O G N I T I O N S F O R C E R T I F I C AT I O N S E R V I C E S STANDARDS MALAYSIA ➤ The Department of Standards Malaysia (STANDARDS MALAYSIA) has accredited SIRIM QAS International as a certifying authority for the following management systems and product certifications: • ISO 9001 Quality Management System • ISO 14001 Environmental Management System • Product Certification • OHSAS 18001 & MS 1722 Occupational, Health and Safety Management System • Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) • Chain-of-Custody Certification for forest management and related timber industries • Forest Management Certification System UKAS IATF ➤ We are also accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to certify the following management systems: ➤ SIRIM QAS International belongs to a select group of reputable certification bodies recognised by the International Automotive Task Force (IATF) authorised to provide ISO/TS 16949 certification for the automotive industry worldwide. • ISO 9001 Quality Management System • ISO 14001 Environmental Management System • ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management System • ISO 13485 Quality Management System for Medical Devices 6 A C C R E D I TAT I O N S & R E C O G N I T I O N S F O R C E R T I F I C AT I O N S E R V I C E S MTCC SCS UNFCCC ➤ The Malaysia Timber Certification Council (MTCC) has approved SIRIM QAS International as a Notified Certification Body for the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS). ➤ We are affiliated with the USbased Scientific Cer tification System (SCS), a certification body accredited by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). ➤ SIRIM QAS International is a Designated Operational Entity (DOE) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This enables us to offer validation, verification and certification services for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects. ➤ SIRIM QAS International is also the PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes) notified certification body operating forest management and chain-ofcustody (CoC) certifications under MTCS. 7 R RSPO ➤ We are accredited by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Organisation (RSPO) to provide RSPO certifications to businesses within the palm oil industry. THE INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION NETWORK ➤ We are a Registered Certification Body with APM Group and can certify organizations according to the ISO/IEC 20000 – IT Service Management System standard. ➤ SIRIM QAS International is also a partner of IQNet, an international network of management systems certification bodies. All 37 IQNet partners mutually recognize ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and various other certificates of all other IQNet partners as being equivalent to their own. 8 A C C R E D I TAT I O N S & RECOGNITIONS FOR C E R T I F I C AT I O N S E R V I C E S A C C R E D I TAT I O N S & R E C O G N I T I O N S F O R T E S T I N G S E R V I C E S NCB and CBTL of IECEE CB Scheme STANDARDS MALAYSIA Energy Commission of Malaysia ➤ Our testing laboratories are accredited by the Department of Standards Malaysia (STANDARDS MALAYSIA) for the following areas: ➤ SIRIM QAS International has been appointed as the Designated Testing Laboratory and Certification Body by the Energy Commission of Malaysia. This covers the issuance of Certificates of Conformity in relation to ASEAN EE MRA and APEC EE MRA for electrical equipment and electronics. ➤ We are recognised as an Issuing and Recognising National Certification Body (NCB) and Cer tification Body Testing Laborator y (CBTL) under the IECEE CB Scheme. • Civil engineering and construction materials • Electrical and electronics products • Chemicals and consumer products • Mechanical and automotive parts and components • Fire protection equipment • Communications and multimedia products • Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing 9 RECOGNITION FOR INSPECTION SERVICES ISTA UL DOSH ➤ We are a Certified Packaging Laboratory of the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) based in the United States. ➤ We are also an approved testing laborator y for Under writers Laboratories (UL) and cover the following test standards to support UL certification schemes for fire doors: ➤ SIRIM QAS International is recognised by the Department of Occupational, Safety and Health Malaysia (DOSH) as an Inspecting Authority under the Fourth Schedule of Factories and Machinery (Steam Boiler and Unfired Pressure Vessel) Regulations, 1970. • UL 10B – Fire Test of Door Assemblies • UL 10C – Positive Pressure Fire Tests of Door Assemblies Inspection Services for Foreign Certification Bodies ➤ More then 20 foreign certification bodies and regulatory agencies have appointed SIRIM QAS International to conduct inspection audits on their behalf. 10 Management Systems Certifications As a leading institution in the management systems certification business, we can offer a wide range of services to help organisations penetrate local, regional and international markets. We have developed long term relationships with clients from a diverse range of industries including the automotive sector, electrical and electronics products, civil engineering and construction materials, chemicals and materials, petrochemicals, oil and gas, information, communication and technology (ICT), education, hospitality, healthcare, logistics, food, agriculture, forestry and public sector organisations. Our service offerings are backed by a large pool of technically competent professionals with industrial knowledge who are committed to providing the best services available to industry. We facilitate our client’s efforts to enhance their core business processes and ultimately improve their business performance. With an effective management system in place, our clients benefit from a clearly structured and systematic approach to business that results in a more positive experience for their customers. We also offer the option of combined management systems certification audits with the objective of providing consistent, optimised and efficient audits. 11 M A N A G E M E N T S Y S T E M C E R T I F I C AT I O N S C H E M E S ISO 9001 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATION ISO/TS 16949 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FOR THE AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR MS 1900 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FROM ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVES ISO 13485 MEDICAL DEVICES - QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATION The ISO 9001 standard promotes the adoption of a systematic process for developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness o f a company’s quality management. An organisation conforming to this standard will have a structured management system that will help it to consistently meet customer and regulatory requirements and achieve continuous improvement in all of its processes. The ISO/TS 16949 standard emphasises the development of a process-oriented quality management system that provides for continuous improvement and defect prevention as well as a reduction of variation and waste in the supply chain. It specifies the technical requirements for establishing a common quality management system that is accepted by leading automotive manufacturers around the world. The MS 1900 standard specifies the requirements for a Shariah-compliant Quality Management System. It ensures that an organisation is managed in accordance with universally accepted values such as justice, honesty, truthfulness, sincerity, timeliness and discipline. It also ensures that the halal and non-halal aspects of all processes necessary for the deliver y of products and ser vices are effectively identified, communicated and implemented. The ISO 13485 standard is aimed at harmonizing the differing quality management system requirements specified in national and regional regulations for medical devices. Certification to this standard will facilitate the export of medical devices to markets where regulatory requirements apply. 12 M A N A G E M E N T S Y S T E M C E R T I F I C AT I O N S C H E M E S ISO/IEC 27001 INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ISMS) CERTIFICATION ISO/IEC 20000 IT SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATION HAZARD ANALYSIS CRITICAL CONTROL POINT (HACCP) CERTIFICATION The ISO/IEC 27001 standard specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving an Information Security Management System (ISMS). Conforming to this standard means that a n organisation has a management system in place that ensures the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of its information. The ISO/IEC 20000 standard is aimed at IT support and maintenance organisations. It describes an integrated set of processes and management approaches for the effective delivery of IT services to internal and external customers. The HACCP standard provides food-related businesses with a scientific, rational and systematic approach towards identifying, assessing and controlling hazards to ensure that their products are safe for human consumption. It involves establishing a HACCP Plan that is in accordance to the 7 Principles of the HACCP system and is applicable to all businesses involved in the preparation, processing, manufacturing, packaging, storage and transportation or sale of food products. SIRIM QAS International also works in collaboration with the Ministry of Health to provide auditing services for the Malaysian Certification Scheme for HACCP. 13 ISO 22000 FOOD MS 1514 GOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT MANUFACTURING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION PRACTICE (GMP) CERTIFICATION IQNET SA 8000 SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY CERTIFICATION ISO 14001 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATION The ISO 22000 standard may be applied to all businesses along the food supply chain, from farming to transportation through processing and finally retail. Its methodologies, policies and principles are designed to enhance a company’s ability to identify and control food safety hazards, thus allowing the organisation to meet or exceed international food regulations. The SA 8000 (Social Accountability 8000) standard is based on the priciples of international workplace norms contained within the International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions, the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The fundamental focus of the SA 8000 is to improve working conditions around the world. The ISO 14001 standard requires that an organisation systematically identify and manage the environmental aspects and impacts resulting from its activities, products and/or services. By complying with this standard, an organisation can improve its environmental performance as well as enhance its public image and gain access to the growing market for “green” products. The MS 1514 standard specifies the prerequisites for good manufacturing practices, from primary production to final delivery to consumers. It describes the minimum hygienic and manufacturing conditions necessary for ensuring that a product is safe and suitable for consumption. 14 M A N A G E M E N T S Y S T E M C E R T I F I C AT I O N S C H E M E S S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y C E R T I F I C AT I O N FOREST MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION OHSAS 18001 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATION MS 1722 PART 1 ROUNDTABLE ON OCCUPATIONAL SUSTAINABLE PALM OIL SAFETY AND HEALTH (RSPO) CERTIFICATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATION This certification scheme provides a scientifically sound assessment of environmental claims and encourages forest operations to be managed in a sustainable manner. It offers organisations a mechanism to demonstrate their good management practices to interested wood buyers. The OHSAS 18001 standard is intended to address occupational health and safety hazards for employees, temporary employees, contractors and other on-site personnel. Conformance to this standard will provide the organisation with an effective method of protecting personnel from workplace injuries and illnesses while demonstrating the management’s commitment to meeting legal occupational safety and health requirements. The MS 1722 Part 1 standard is based on the International Labour Organisation’s Occupational Safety and Health standard. As the requirements of this standard are equivalent to the OHSAS 18001 standard, only a single audit is required for certification to both OHSAS 18001 and MS 1722. The RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Organisation) certification assesses companies according to a set of principles and criteria geared towards ensuring sustainable palm oil production. These principles are based on economic, social and environmental sustainability standards that promote the growth and use of sustainable oil palm products through credible global standards and stakeholder engagement. 15 C L I M AT E C H A N G E SERVICE CLEAN DEVELOPMENT MECHANISM (CDM) MALAYSIAN BRAND CERTIFICATION As a Designated Operational Entity (DOE), SIRIM QAS International can provide validation, verification and certification of CDM projects all over the world. The validation of a CDM project confirms its compliance with UNFCCC eligibility criteria. Verification is carried out to ensure that the project's activities have been implemented and operated as per the registered Project Design Document (PDD) and ultimately to certify emission reductions. The Malaysian Brand Certification Scheme aims to promote the domestic and global recognition of Malaysian products and ser vices. It adopts a comprehensive and holistic approach to assessment that combines and examines all the following criteria within the organisation: • The quality management system of the organisation • The local and global needs of its customers • The quality of its products and services • The financial capability of the organisation • The organisation’s corporate social responsibility initiatives • The organisation’s marketing and branding strategy 16 Product Certification SIRIM QAS International’s Product Certification Scheme provides credible and cost effective third party assurance on the quality, safety and reliability of products. Our certification mark enhances customer confidence by signifying that a product complies to national or international standards. SIRIM QAS International has been appointed by various Malaysian regulatory agencies such as the Energy Commission, the Communication and Multimedia Commision, the Fire and Rescue Department and the Road Transport Department to certify that products meet relevant national regulatory requirements. Products can be certified under any of the following schemes: • Product Certification Scheme • Product Listing Scheme • Batch Certification Scheme • Fire Listing Scheme • Modular Coordination Verification Scheme • New Generation Diesel Engine Scheme • IECEE CB Scheme • UN Marking for Packaging • International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) • E-permit • Type Approval • Electromagnetic Compatibility Certification Scheme • Eco-labeling Scheme • Chain-Of-Custody Certification for forest-based products 17 Product Certification Scheme The Product Certification Scheme is offered to manufacturers or traders who need to have their product certified to meet the requirements of a national or international standard. For most products, participation in this scheme is voluntary. However, government regulatory authorities may make certification mandatory for certain products. Product Listing Scheme This scheme is similar to the Product Certification Scheme but is used in cases where there is no formally-recognised national or international product standard. Instead, certification is realised according to association or industry standards as well as acceptable customer specifications as references. Batch Certification Scheme Another third-party certification scheme whereby products are sample tested in batches. Certificates of conformity and/or labels are issued to each batch and are based on publicly-available national or international standards or the standards of industry, associations or acceptable customer specifications. Fire Listing Scheme SIRIM QAS International offers several certifications on passive fire protection products such as fire resistant door sets and roller shutters. These certifications are awarded based on the whole “system” of the product, including all its components such as the door leaves, frames and ironmongeries. Because these certifications are based on entire systems, the certified products must be sold with the exact same components or of equivalent or better grade than those used during testing. Modular Coordination Verification Scheme This is a concept of coordination of dimension and space, in which buildings and components are dimensioned and positioned in terms of the International System of Units (SI) known as ‘1M’ (1 metre) which is equivalent to 100 mm. It is internationally accepted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and many other countries including Malaysia. 18 New Generation Diesel Engine Scheme The aim of this scheme is to encourage a cleaner environment by awarding low-emission vehicles and engines with a “green” status. Owners of these vehicles or engines will enjoy lower road tax rates. This offers the market an incentive to invest in vehicles which comply with the low-emission requirements of the EURO 1 standard. IECEE CB Scheme The IECEE CB Scheme is crucial for manufacturers who want to reassure end users about the safety and reliability of their products and is the fastest and most economic road towards worldwide third party certification. It is a multilateral recognition agreement scheme that assures a product’s conformity to the criteria of IEC international standards and that it requires no further testing or evaluation. UN Marking for Packaging The UN Marking scheme follows international packaging practices and covers the type of packaging, class or group of danger, capacity, country which certified the packaging, year of manufacture as well as the approving authority. It runs on the Product Certification Scheme and includes packaging performance, factory assessment and surveillance inspection, all of which are instrumental in ensuring that the packaging complies with the requirement of the Malaysian Standard as well as the UN Orange Book. ISTA International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) test procedures are internationally recognised because they are based on leading technology and the most current global transport environment data. Real-world transport data is provided by ISTA members for the benefit of other members. A vast amount of members’ transportation environment data is aggregated to create a powerful data set for simulating route variables. These observations of the transport environment are used to create valid simulations in test scenarios, thus increasing a package’s likelihood of surviving real world transport scenarios. 19 Type Approval Type Approval is a Product Certification Scheme granted to a specific model of communications equipment which has complied with the technical specifications of a Malaysian or international standard or other countries’ national standards organisations. It is also granted to products that comply with the technical checklist or declarations of association or industry standards or acceptable customer specifications. Type Approval is a mandatory requirement for all communications equipment under the Communications and Multimedia Act (CMA) 1998, Communications and Multimedia (Technical Standards) Regulations 2000. E-permit - An E-permit is an electronic import permit document which is issued by SIRIM QAS International for communication and multimedia products for the purpose of clearance from the Royal Malaysian Customs Department. The application and approval of permits is done via the E Permit System. Electromagnetic Compatibility Certification Scheme The basis of this scheme is to ensure that electrical and electronics products and equipment are safe and do not interfere with the normal operation of other equipment. Manufacturers certified according to this scheme may apply for the EMC Mark as the product certification process is conducted through an independent third-party. Eco-labeling Scheme This scheme enables companies to position themselves as environmental leaders. Manufacturers, retailers, importers and exporters who meet the requirements of this scheme may use the SIRIM Eco-label mark to declare the environmental benefits of their products and thus gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. Chain-Of-Custody Certification for Forest-Based Products This scheme audits the transport and transformation of wood-based products from primary logging through timber processing to final product. It assesses and proves the origin of wood products and assures buyers that they come from forests that are managed responsibly. 20 Testing Services SIRIM QAS International's testing services are designed to facilitate a business’s conformance to safety and government regulatory requirements, user expectations as well as national and international standards. We can test a wide range of materials, components, prototypes and finished products. Our state-of-the-art testing laboratories are manned by personnel that are accredited to the ISO/IEC 17025 international standard. We provide a comprehensive range of testing services for products under the following categories: • Mechanical and automotive testing • Civil engineering and construction materials testing • Electrical and electronics products testing • Radio frequency (RF) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing • Chemicals and consumer goods testing • Fire protection testing 21 Mechanical and Automotive Components Testing When safety and reliability are critical, SIRIM QAS International can help ensure that your products meet required performance, safety and reliability specifications, whether it's a routine component test or a customised test for a complex part. Our Mechanical and Automotive Lab is accredited to conduct a variety of tests on mechanical and electrical/electronic products and components, automotive components as well as for packaging and its materials. We also provide testing services for personal protective equipment (PPE) and gas appliances. Civil Engineering and Construction Materials Testing We are acknowledged as a leading independent testing laboratory for building and construction materials. These include steel bars, bricks, cements, precast concrete products, pipes and fittings, ceramic tiles and sanitary wares, acoustic materials and thermal insulation products for energy efficient designs. Our labs are equipped with competent personnel and state-of-the-art technical facilities to test products to ensure they meet both Malaysian and international codes and standards. Our test reports are recognised by the industry’s leading manufacturers and government agencies nationwide and around the world. We are a onestop centre providing total solutions for the Malaysian construction and building industry. 22 Electrical and Electronics Products Testing SIRIM QAS International is the only organisation in Malaysia that can provide comprehensive compliance testing for electrical and electronic products. We offer testing and evaluation solutions for household domestic appliances, audio-video products, wiring accessories, lighting and accessories and IT and office equipment for safety, energy efficiency and performance. Combined with our advanced skill and technology, we also support the requirements of product development and quality control during manufacturing. Radio Frequency (RF) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Testing As the market for electrical and electronics products continues to grow, most countries throughout the world have realised the importance of electromagnetic compatibility testing. Products must function satisfactorily in their intended environments without causing any degradation to other electrical devices including life-saving equipment. Our Radio Frequency (RF) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Laboratory is accredited to test electrical equipment for radiated emissions, susceptibility, electrostatic discharge, harmonics and voltage dips and surges in domestic household appliances, industrial scientific and medical equipment and information technology products. 23 Chemicals and Consumer Products Testing SIRIM QAS International has the comprehensive testing facilities required to meet the needs for chemical, physical and microbiological testing. Our diversified technologies in chemical and consumer products testing covers a wide range of specialised fields including textiles, food, water and water treatment, building materials, specialised oils, coating materials, food packaging and toys. Aided by our state-of-the art facilities, our expert team can provide technical guidance on chemical, physical and microbiological testing as well as the regulatory requirements and specifications related to chemicals and consumer products. Fire Protection Testing The Fire Protection Section at SIRIM QAS International offers comprehensive fire testing services under the areas of passive and active fire protection to consumers, the manufacturing / fire industry, regulatory authorities and other interested parties. The lab is accredited and fully equipped with comprehensive, up-to-date testing facilities to carry out fire testing in accordance with national and international standards. With its high level of integrity, credibility and competent personnel, the Fire Protection Section can assist industries in meeting global requirements and needs. Our services are closely aligned with the needs of industry to cater to specific customer requirements. We are also recognised by the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) as an approved testing laboratory for fire doors. 24 Inspection Services Engineering Inspection SIRIM QAS International provides engineering inspection services that include mandatory inspection as well as independent third party inspection, verification and endorsement services. These services support the oil and gas and energy industry as well as other engineering sectors in demonstrating compliance with regulatory requirements, codes, standards and specifications for new constructions as well as for in service inspections. Driven by a multi-disciplined team of highly skilled and experienced engineers, we provide engineering inspection services for welded and non-welded structures and components of plants and facilities during construction and shut down. Mandatory Inspection Services SIRIM QAS International is recognised by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia (DOSH) as the Inspecting Authority under the Fourth Schedule of the Factories and Machinery (Steam Boiler and Unfired Pressure Vessel) Regulations 1970. We provide mandatory inspections services covering: • Review and verification of design drawings and stress calculations of steam boilers, unfired pressure vessels and pipelines • Witnessing, inspection, verification and approval of new, used or in-service local or imported steam boilers, unfired pressure vessels and pipelines • Witnessing, verification and approval of Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS), Welder Performance Qualification Test (WPQT) and electrode approval performed by competent firms for steam boilers, unfired pressure vessels, gas pipelines and hoisting machines. Independent Third Party Inspection, Verification and Endorsement Services Our independent inspection, verification and endorsement services cover: • Inspection before, during and after construction • Compliance inspection on imported and in-service industrial equipment and machinery • Condition monitoring and plant assessment • Non-Destructive Evaluation (witness and verification of test reports) • Endorsement of failure investigation and analysis reports 25 26 Inspection Services for Foreign Certification Bodies As a preferred certification, inspection and testing service provider, SIRIM QAS International is recognised by foreign certification bodies, regulatory agencies and individual clients around the world to conduct inspections on their behalf. Inspections are based on established inspection procedures and the specific requirements of importers, regulators and clients. SIRIM QAS International is an inspection agent for the following foreign certification bodies: NORTH AMERICAN REGION Canada & United States SOUTH AMERICAN REGION Argentina • Independent agencies inspections for government • Ad-hoc independent quality auditing and inspections based on clients’ needs and requirements • Import and export inspections assisting both importers and exporters to verify that their products meets regulatory, quality and safety requirements of importing countries. These inspection services includes services such as ad-hoc quality/pre-shipment inspection, determining conformity to specific requirements and issuing conformity/quality certificates, conformity certificate programmes for goods exported to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and operating the CSA/SIRIM Customer Service Centre. Inspections are conducted by competent and experienced inspectors conversant with the relevant requirements including requirements for the products in question. - IRAM (Instituto Argentino de Normalización y Certificación) EUROPEAN REGION United Kingdom - Intertek ASTA BEAB Sweden - Intertek Semko AB Italy - IMQ (Istituto Italiano del Marchio di Qualità) Switzerland - Electrosuisse Swiss Electrotechnical Association (SEV) Belgium - CEBEC (SGS-CEBEC) Denmark - UL International Demko A/S Germany - VDE Testing and Certification Institute Netherlands - KEMA Quality B.V. Norway - Nemko AS Finland - FIMKO (SGS Fimko Ltd.) Slovenia - SIQ (Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology) France - LCIE Bureau Veritas (Laboratorie Central des Industries Électricques) These services include: • Inspections on behalf of foreign certification bodies which have agreements with SIRIM QAS International - CSA International ASIA – PACIFIC REGION Japan - JET (Japan Electrical Safety & Environment Technology Laboratories) - JQA (Japan Quality Assurance Organization) China - CQC (China Quality Certification Center) Korea - KTL (Korea Testing Laboratory) Philippines - BPS (Bureau of Product Standards) MIDDLE EAST REGION Saudi Arabia - SASO (Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization) 27 Marks of Excellence QUALITY SYSTEM OH&S SYSTEM ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEM SIRIM SIRIM SIRIM GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE HACCP FOOD SAFETY SYSTEM SIRIM SIRIM SIRIM FOREST MANAGEMENT RSPO SIRIM SIRIM SIRIM CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY ITSMS ISMS SIRIM SIRIM SIRIM CM MS LISTED PRODUCT SIRIM SIRIM SIRIM emc SIRIM ECO-LABEL SIRIM SIRIM MODULAR COORDINATION 28 Contact Us For business enquiries, please call: Sales, Marketing and Business Development Tel: Fax: Email: Website: 603 5544 6402 / 6403 603 5544 6787 Headquarters SIRIM QAS INTERNATIONAL SDN. BHD. (410334-X) Building 8, SIRIM Complex No. 1, Persiaran Dato’ Menteri Section 2, P.O. Box 7035 40700 Shah Alam Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia Tel: 603 5544 6400 Fax: 603 5544 6810 Regional Offices SIRIM Pulau Pinang SIRIM Sarawak Lot Pt. 483, Mukim 6 13500 Permatang Pauh Seberang Prai, Pulau Pinang Tel: 604 5377 435/437 Fax: 604 5377 436 Lot 802, Taman Perindustrian Demak Laut Jalan Bako, Peti Surat 3292 93764 Kuching, Sarawak Tel: 6082 4390 52/54 Fax: 6082 4390 60 SIRIM Johor SIRIM Sabah No. 3, Jalan Teknologi 5 Taman Teknologi Johor 81400 Senai, Johor Darul Ta’zim Tel: 607 5990 033/077 Fax: 607 5998 366 Lot 1, Fasa 1, Taman Perindustrian KKIP Jalan Timur 6, 88450 Kota Kinabalu Beg Berkunci 2072 88999 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Tel: 6088 4970 84/82 Fax: 6088 4963 57 Branch Offices SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd. (Labuan) Lot No. 2, Dataran Labuan Jalan Merdeka, Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan Seberang Prai, Pulau Pinang Tel/Fax: 6087 422718 SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd. (Kerteh) Lot 9284, Ground Floor Jalan Kampung Gelugor, Kerteh 24300 Kemaman, Terengganu Tel: 609 8264 300 Fax: 609 8264 200