Flash Catalyst - Faculty of Science
Flash Catalyst - Faculty of Science
FAKULTI SAINS PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 FA K U LT I S A I N S i PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 http://science.utm.my Edisi: 2015/2016 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Perhatian Maklumat yang terdapat dalam edisi ini adalah benar pada masa ia diterbitkan. Fakulti Sains berhak membuat pindaan apabila perlu tanpa sebarang pengumuman terlebih dahulu. Panduan Akademik ini untuk rujukan mahasiswa kemasukan Sesi 2015/2016 dan akan digunakan sehingga tamat pengajian. Sinopsis kursus yang ditawarkan oleh Fakulti Sains ditulis dalam Bahasa Inggeris sahaja, memandangkan pengajaran dikendalikan dalam bahasa tersebut. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi Dekan Fakulti Sains Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 UTM Skudai JOHOR DARUL TAKZIM No. Telefon: 07 - 5534000 No. Faks: 07 - 5566162 e-mel: dekan.fs@utm.my Laman Sesawang: http://science.utm.my ISI KANDUNGAN BIL KANDUNGAN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Aluan Dekan Pasukan Pengurusan Fakulti Sains Latar Belakang Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Falsafah, Visi, Misi, dan Cogankata Universiti Sejarah Perkembangan Fakulti Sains Visi, Misi, Cogankata dan Objektif Fakulti Sains Bisnes, Penyataan Peluang, Kompetensi Teras Fakulti, Piagam Pelanggan Fakulti Sains Struktur Organisasi, Pentadbiran serta Pengurusan Fakulti Sains Program Pengajian Yang Ditawarkan dan Syarat Kemasukan Carta Organisasi Fakulti Sains Objektif dan Hasil Pembelajaran Program 11.1 Sarjana Muda Sains (Fizik) (SSCZ) 11.2 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kimia) (SSCA) 11.3 Sarjana Muda Sains (Matematik) (SSCE) 11.4 Sajana Muda Sains (Fizik Industri) (SSCF) 11.5 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kimia Industri) (SSCC) 11.6 Sarjana Muda Sains (Matematik Industri) (SSCM) Struktur Kursus dan Pengendalian Kursus Secara Am Kurikulum Program Sarjana Muda Sinopsis Kursus 14.1 Sinopsis Kursus Teras Fizik 14.2 Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Fizik 14.3 Sinopsis Kursus Teras Fizik Industri 14.4 Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Fizik Industri (i) Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Fizik Industri (A) (ii) Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Fizik Industri (B) (iii) Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Fizik Industri (C) (iv) Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Fizik Industri (D) 14.5 Sinopsis Kursus Teras Kimia 14.6 Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Kimia 14.7 Sinopsis Kursus Teras Kimia Industri 14.8 Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Kimia Industri 14.9 Sinopsis Kursus Teras Matematik 14.10 Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Matematik 14.11 Sinopsis Kursus Teras Matematik Industri 14.12 Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Matematik Industri Spesifikasi Program Pengajian 14.1 Sarjana Muda Sains (Fizik) (SSCZ) 14.2 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kimia) (SSCA) 14.3 Sarjana Muda Sains (Matematik) (SSCE) 14.4 Sarjana Muda Sains (Fizik Industri) (SSCF) 14.5 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kimia Industri) (SSCC) 14.6 Sarjana Muda Sains (Matematik Industri) (SSCM) Senarai Staf Akademik Fakulti Sains HALAMAN 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 14 15 16 17 19 20 22 24 38 41 44 50 52 54 56 58 63 66 71 74 78 81 85 89 99 110 120 131 142 152 4 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 FAKULTI SAINS Penguru usaan Faakultii Saain ns Dekan Profesor Dr. Norsarahaida Saidina Amin B.Sc (Hons) (Adelaide), M.Sc (Northwestern), Ph.D (East Anglia). Timbalan Dekan (Akademik) Profesor Dr. Mohd Nor Mohamad B.Sc (Hons) (UKM), M.Sc, Ph.D (Newcastle), APMM, C.Math MIMA. dan Salam Satu Malaysia Syukur ke hadrat Allah swt kerana dengan izinNya Panduan Akademik Fakulti Sains telah dapat dihasilkan dengan jayanya. Pada kesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah dan syabas kepada para mahasiswa yang telah berjaya terpilih untuk mengikuti program pengajian yang ditawarkan oleh Fakulti Sains khususnya dan UTM amnya dalam Sesi Akademik 2015/2016. Panduan Akademik ini memuatkan maklumat ringkas mengenai Fakulti, kurikulum dan sinopsis kursus bagi Program Sarjana Muda yang diguna pakai untuk mahasiswa kemasukan sesi 2015/2016 sehingga tamat pengajian. Mahasiswa kemasukan Semester I Sesi 2015/2016 merupakan kumpulan keenam pelajar yang mengikuti kurikulum baru empat tahun pengajian. Panduan Akademik ini juga menerangkan program dan kursus yang ditawarkan di Fakulti Sains, sistem semester dan pengendalian program pengajian yang dimaksudkan. Diharapkan agar Panduan Akademik ini dapat memberi maklumat yang diperlukan, khususnya oleh mahasiswa, mengenai pengurusan Fakulti, pengendalian program dan kursus yang ditawarkan. Panduan Akademik ini dapat dijadikan panduan untuk mahasiswa merancang pembelajaran di samping menjadi rujukan untuk lebih memahami struktur kursus atau program yang dikendalikan oleh Fakulti Sains. Selain itu, Panduan Akademik ini menjelaskan mengenai sistem penasihatan akademik supaya mahasiswa dan Penasihat Akademik dapat mengetahui peranan masing-masing dengan lebih berkesan. Bagi pihak Fakulti, saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang terlibat dalam menghasilkan Panduan Akademik Sesi 2015/2016 ini. Terima kasih. Wassalam. Wassal Timbalan Dekan (Penyelidikan dan Inovasi) Profesor Dr. Wan Azelee Wan Abu Bakar B.Sc (Hons) (UKM), M.Sc (Herriot-Watt) Ph.D (Nottingham), AMIC. Pengurus Akademik (Penyelidikan dan Inovasi) Profesor Madya Dr. Sharidan Shafie B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc, PhD (UTM). Ketua Jabatan Kimia Profesor Madya Dr. Zaiton Abdul Majid B.Sc (Hons) (UTM), M.Sc (NIU), Ph.D (Malaya), AMIC. Pengurus Akademik Profesor Madya Dr. Zainab Ramli B.Sc (Hons) (UKM), Dip.Ed (Malaya), M.Sc (Sussex), Ph.D (UTM), AMIC. Ketua Jabatan Fizik Profesor Madya Dr. Wan Muhamad Saridan Wan Hassan B.Sc Ed (Hons) (UTM), M.Sc (California), Ph.D (Aberdeen). Pengurus Akademik Profesor Madya Dr. Yusof Munajat B.Sc (Hons) (UKM), M.Sc (W. London), Ph.D (UTM). Ketua Jabatan Sains Matematik Profesor Madya Dr. Rohanin Ahmad B.Sc, M.Sc (Indiana State), Ph.D (UTM). Pengurus Akademik Profesor Madya Dr. Nor’aini Aris B.Sc (Iowa), M.Sc (Kansas), Ph.D (UTM). Pengurus Akademik (Program Luar) En. Ismail Kamis B.Sc, M.Sc (North Carolina). Pengurus Teknologi Maklumat Dr. Abd Khamim bin Ismail B.Sc (UTM) , M.Sc (UPM), Ph.D (Newcastle). PROFESOR DR. NORSARAHAIDA SAIDINA AMIN Dekan Fakulti Sains Pengurus Makmal Profesor Madya Dr. Umi Kalthom Ahmad B.Sc (Swansea), M.Sc (Strathclyde), Ph.D (UTM). Timbalan Pendaftar Encik Abdul Razak Abdul Aziz BA. (Hons) (UKM). Penolong Pendaftar Encik Kiflee bin Jimpi B.Sc (Hons) (UTM). 5 6 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 FAKULTI SAINS Lataar Beelakang UNIV VER RSITI TEKN NOL LOGI MAL LAYSIA A Falsafah, Visi, Misi Dan Cogankata UNIVERSITI Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) telah ditubuhkan pada 14 Mac, 1972 dengan nama Institut Teknologi Kebangsaan (ITK). Pada 1 April, 1975 nama itu ditukar kepada Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Walaupun ia dianggap sebuah universiti yang baru pada ketika itu, namun sebagai sebuah pusat pengajian teknikal ia telah lama bertapak sejak 1925 lagi dengan nama Sekolah Teknik Kuala Lumpur. Sekolah tersebut melatih Juruteknik bagi Jabatan Kerja Raya dan hanya dibuka kepada kakitangan jabatan kerajaan yang lain pada tahun 1930. Johor. Ia berkedudukan lebih kurang 18 km dari Bandaraya Johor Bahru. Kampus cawangan terletak di UTM Kampus Antarabangsa, Jalan Semarak, Kuala Lumpur. Perpindahan dari kampus asal Jalan Semarak, Kuala Lumpur ke kampus induk, Johor Bahru, dimulakan pada tahun 1985 dan dijalankan secara berperingkat. Kini, 15 buah fakulti beroperasi di Kampus Johor Bahru, dan lima sekolah bertaraf fakulti di UTM Kampus Antarabangsa, Kuala Lumpur. Fakulti yang dimaksudkan ialah:- FALSAFAH a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. MISI Pada tahun 1946 kerajaan telah menaiktaraf Sekolah Teknik itu kepada sebuah Maktab Teknik. Bagaimanapun, pembinaan bangunan Maktab Teknik hanya dapat dimulakan pada 1951 di Jalan Gurney, Kuala Lumpur dan siap pada tahun 1955. Pada tahun 1960 Maktab Teknik mengorak langkah mengendalikan kursus kejuruteraan di peringkat iktisas. Pelajar yang mengikuti kursus ini mengambil peperiksaan iktisas yang dianjurkan oleh ‘Institution of Civil Engineers, Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ dan ‘Institution of Electrical Engineers’, United Kingdom. Kursus peringkat ijazah mula ditawarkan pada tahun 1969 apabila Maktab Teknik diperakukan sebagai sebuah Institut Teknik bertaraf universiti oleh Jawatankuasa Perancangan Pelajaran Tinggi. Pada 14 Mac 1972, Duli Yang Maha Mulia Yang Di Pertuan Agong mengisytiharkan penubuhan Institut Teknologi Kebangsaan yang kemudiannya dinamakan sebagai Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Universiti ini diperaku sebagai sebuah universiti bidang teknologi yang menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia sebagai bahasa penghantar. Pada masa ini, kampus induk UTM terletak di kawasan tanah seluas 1,120 hektar di Skudai, m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. Fakulti Sains Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal Fakulti Geoinformasi dan Harta Tanah Fakulti Alam Bina Fakulti Pengurusan Fakulti Pendidikan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik Fakulti Komputeran Fakulti Kejuruteraan Kimia Fakulti Biosains dan Kejuruteraan Perubatan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Bioperubatan dan Sains Kesihatan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Petroleum dan Kejuruteraan Tenaga Diperbaharui Fakulti Tamadun Islam Akademi Bahasa Institut Teknologi antara Malaysia- Jepun (MJIIT) Sekolah Razak UTM dalam Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi Termaju (UTM Razak) Sekolah Perniagaan Antarabangsa (IBS) Sekolah Perdana Polisi Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (UTM Perdana School) Sekolah Informatik Termaju (AIS) Pada Jun 2010, UTM telah mendapat pengiktirafan dan status sebagai sebuah Universiti Penyelidikan [Research Universiti (RU)]. Hukum Allah adalah dasar kepada Sains dan Teknologi. Maka Universiti Teknologi Malaysia berusaha secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu memperkembangkan kecemerlangan Sains dan Teknologi untuk kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran sejagat sesuai dengan kehendakNya. VISI Diiktiraf sebagai pusat kecemerlangan akademik dan teknologi bertaraf dunia. Menjadi peneraju dalam pembangunan modal insan dan teknologi inovatif demi perkayaan khazanah negara. COGANKATA UNIVERSITI KERANA TUHAN UNTUK MANUSIA 7 8 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 FAKULTI SAINS Sejaarah h Perkem mbaang gan n FAK KULTI SAIN NS Falsafah, Visi, Misi Dan Cogankata FA K U L T I Tahun VISI FAKULTI Peristiwa Diiktiraf sebagai fakulti terkemuka dunia dalam sains dan matematik. 1972 - Pusat Perkhidmatan Sains mengendali pengajaran Fizik, Kimia dan Matematik untuk Fakulti Kejuruteraan, Institut Teknologi Kebangsaaan (ITK). Pusat Pengajian Sains dan Kemanusiaan ditubuhkan merangkumi 4 Jabatan (Fizik, Kimia, Matematik, Sains Kemanusiaan). Kursus Diploma Sains dan Pendidikan dimulakan dengan kerjasama Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. 1973 - Pemisahan Pusat Pengajian Sains dari Pusat Pengajian Sains dan Kemanusiaan. Pusat pengajian baru ditubuhkan dengan nama Pusat Pengajian Sains (PPS) yang mengandungi 3 Jabatan iaitu Fizik, Kimia dan Matematik. 1978 - Kursus Diploma Sains serta Pendidikan diubah kepada Kursus Integrasi Sains serta Pendidikan (ISP). 1979 - Pengambilan kumpulan pertama pelajar Sarjana Muda Sains serta Pendidikan (SSP). 1980 - Jabatan Sains Komputer ditubuh dan diletakkan di bawah PPS. 1981 - Pusat Pengajian Sains (PPS) dinaiktaraf ke Fakulti Sains (FS). 1982 - Jabatan Pendidikan dan Jabatan Pendidikan Sains Teknik (dari Pusat Pengajian Kemanusiaan) dipindahkan ke Fakulti Sains. 1983 - Kursus Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer dimulakan di Fakulti Sains. 1984 - Jabatan Sains Komputer dipisahkan dari Fakulti Sains kerana penubuhan Fakulti Sains Komputer. 1986 - Permulaan Kursus Sarjana Muda Teknologi dan Pendidikan (Awam, Elektrik dan Jentera). 1987 - Kursus Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Industri (SSI) dimulakan. Program ditawarkan: Kimia Industri, Fizik Industri dan Matematik Industri. 1988 - Perpindahan Fakulti Sains ke Skudai. - Kursus Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer serta Pendidikan (SPK), dan Kursus Diploma Pendidikan dimulakan. 1989 - Permulaan Program Ijazah Lanjutan dalam bidang Kimia, Fizik dan Matematik. 1992 - Permulaan Kursus Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi serta Pendidikan (Kemahiran Hidup). 1994 - Penstrukturan semula Fakulti Sains. Tiga Jabatan (Kimia, Fizik, Matematik) ditadbir di bawah Fakulti Sains. Jabatan Pendidikan dan Jabatan Pendidikan Sains Teknikal dimansuhkan berikutan penubuhan Fakulti Pendidikan. 1997 - Fakulti Sains menawarkan Program Sarjana Muda Sains Industri (Biologi). 1998 - Fakulti Sains menawarkan Program Sarjana Muda Sains Industri (Fizik Bahan). 1999 - Fakulti Sains menawarkan Program Sarjana Muda Sains Industri (Fizik Kesihatan). 2000 - Jabatan Biologi ditubuhkan. 2002 - Fakulti Sains memulakan program khas dikenali sebagai Program Saintis Cemerlang (Bidang Fizik, Kimia dan Matematik). 2003 - Pengambilan pelajar Sarjana Muda dihadkan kepada lepasan Sijil Matrikulasi, lepasan STPM dan Diploma sahaja. 2005 - Fakulti Sains menawarkan Program Sarjana Muda Sains (Biologi, Kimia, Fizik dan Matematik). 2010 - Pengambilan pelajar Sarjana Muda Sains (Fizik Bahan) dan Sarjana Muda Sains (Fizik Kesihatan) dihentikan. 2012 - Jabatan Matematik dijenamakan semula menjadi Jabatan Sains Matematik. MISI FAKULTI Menjadi peneraju dalam pembangunan modal insan dan perkembangan ilmu menerusi penjanaan dalam penyebaran sains dan matematik bagi kesejahteraan sejagat. COGANKATA Q - L E A P bersama kami. (beLajar, tEroka, gunA dan Praktik) OBJEKTIF FAKULTI ● Menyediakan program akademik berkualiti dalam sains dan matematik bagi memenuhi keperluan pendidikan tempatan dan global. ● Memudahkan penyebaran ilmu sains dan matematik melalui pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang inovatif dan efektif. ● Menghasilkan graduan yang kompeten dan versatil berpandukan nilai moral dan etika yang tinggi. ● Menjalankan penyelidikan dan pembangunan terkehadapan dan transformatif dalam biologi, kimia, fizik dan matematik. ● Melaksanakan penyelidikan antara bidang dan penyelidikan kerjasama. ● Menyediakan persekitaran kondusif bagi pertukaran pengetahuan, pandangan dan idea inovatif. ● Menyumbang kepada kemajuan ilmu melalui penerbitan kesarjanaan. ● Menjalinkan perkongsian pintar dan jaringan global berdasarkan sains. ● Menyumbang kepada penjanaan kekayaan negara melalui penyelidikan dan inovasi. ● Menyumbang kepada peningkatan kualiti hidup, pengawalan alam sekitar dan pemuliharaan sumber asli. 9 10 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 FAKULTI SAINS Bisn nes, Penyata Pelu uan ng, Kom mpentensii gam m Peelaanggaan Fakultii Teraas Faakulti, Piag Strukturr Organisasi, Pentaadbiraan Sertta guru usan Fakullti Sains Peng BISNES Fakulti Sains diketuai oleh Dekan, dibantu oleh dua Timbalan Dekan, tiga Ketua Jabatan, lima Pengurus Akademik,, seorang Pengurus Teknologi Maklumat, seorang Pengurus Makmal, seorang Timbalan Pendaftar dan seorang Penolong Pendaftar. Melaksanakan pengajaran dan pembelajaran, penyelidikan, perundingan dan aktiviti penerbitan dalam sains dan matematik. PENYATAAN PELUANG 1. Menggunakan kepakaran staf bagi merealisasikan budaya cemerlang intelek untuk menarik pelajar berkualiti tinggi. 2. Memaksimakan kerjasama-pintar dan jaringan profesional dengan sektor awam dan swasta untuk mempertingkatkan penyelidikan, latihan pelajar, dan graduan yang memenuhi kehendak pasaran. 3. Mengoptimakan penggunaan peralatan terkini untuk menjalankan program, aktiviti penyelidikan, perundingan dan program pembangunan professional Fakulti. 4. Menjalankan program akademik mengikut keperluan pasaran untuk menghasilkan graduan berkualiti dan memuaskan majikan. 5. Menyokong panduan kepimpinan bervisi, idea inovatif dan transformatif untuk mencapai kecemerlangan pengurusan seterusnya meningkatkan tahap kedudukan akademik Fakulti. KOMPETENSI TERAS FAKULTI 1. Menjalankan pengajaran dan pembelajaran berkualiti dalam bidang sains dan matematik melalui teknik yang kreatif dan inovatif. 2. Merekabentuk program dalam bidang sains dan bidang matematik sejajar dengan trend dan keperluan tempatan dan global. 3. Menjalankan penyelidikan terkehadapan dalam bidang sains dan matematik. 4. Penglibatan dalam penyelidikan kolaboratif dan antara displin. 5. Menghasilkan penerbitan ilmiah secara kosisten. 6. Menyumbangkan khidmat perundingan dan nasihat saintifik. Struktur organisasi Fakulti Sains dapat dilihat pada Carta Organisasi Fakulti Sains di muka berikutnya. Pada masa ini fakulti terdiri daripada tiga buah jabatan iaitu:i Jabatan Fizik ii Jabatan Kimia iii Jabatan Sains Matematik Fakulti Sains merupakan fakulti yang terbesar di UTM dari segi bilangan staf akademik. Kini terdapat seramai 171 orang staf akademik yang berkelayakan tinggi dan berpengalaman serta dibantu oleh 112 orang staf sokongan yang tekun lagi berdedikasi. Dari segi kemudahan dan peralatan, fakulti mempunyai 17 buah bilik kuliah, 4 buah makmal komputer yang diuruskan oleh Jabatan Sains Matematik, mempunyai 27 buah makmal/bengkel yang digunakan untuk tujuan pengajaran dan penyelidikan yang diletak di bawah Jabatan Fizik, manakala Jabatan Kimia pula mempunyai 31 buah makmal yang digunakan bagi pengajaran dan projek penyelidikan ilmiah. Prog gram m Pengajian n Yang g Ditawaarkkan n Dan n Syarrat Kemasukan PROGRAM PENGAJIAN YANG DITAWARKAN Fakulti Sains menawarkan 6 program pengajian di peringkat Sarjana Muda mulai Sesi Akademik 2012/2013 iaitu:- PIAGAM PELANGGAN FAKULTI Fakulti Sains bertekad untuk: 1. Merekabentuk program akademik berkualiti yang berpandukan pasaran, bersesuaian dengan keperluan negara dan berupaya untuk menerapkan nilai beretika kepada pelajar. 2. Menunaikan tugas akademik dengan penuh tanggungjawab dan dedikasi menurut piawai, syarat dan peraturan seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Universiti. 3. Bersikap adil dan saksama dalam menilai prestasi akademik pelajar. 4. Menyediakan makmal serba lengkap dengan peralatan yang sentiasa diperlihara serta keadaan yang sesuai bagi melakukan kerja dan penyelidikan. 5. Memberikan bimbingan profesional, pengawasan dan pengurusan yang efisyen bagi kerjamakmal dan penyelidikan. 6. Menyediakan latihan dan perundingan ke arah memperbaiki kemahiran dan profesionalisme. 7. Mengamalkan sikap mesra, terbuka dan prihatin, sentiasa bersedia untuk memberikan bantuan yang sesuai dengan teras ‘business’ Fakulti. 8. Memberikan layanan dalam tempoh lima (5) minit daripada masa ketibaan pelanggan di kaunter servis Fakulti. 9. Memastikan suasana kerja yang selamat dan sihat di Fakulti. Bil Nama Program Kod Program Kredit Norma Graduan 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sarjana Muda Sains (Fizik) Sarjana Muda Sains (Kimia) Sarjana Muda Sains (Matematik) Sarjana Muda Sains (Fizik Industri) Sarjana Muda Sains (Kimia Industri) Sarjana Muda Sains (Matematik Industri) SSCZ SSCA SSCE SSCF SSCC SSCM 129 128 126 129 128 129 SYARAT KEMASUKAN Kemasukan calon untuk program peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains adalah berdasarkan kelulusan peperiksaan Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia atau Program Matrikulasi Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia atau yang setaraf dengannya dan juga kelayakan Diploma atau yang setaraf dengannya. Perincian syarat kemasukan boleh dirujuk dalam buku Prospektus UTM atau laman sesawang UTM, http:// www.utm.my. Calon dengan kelayakan akademik peringkat Diploma dan lain-lain yang diiktiraf boleh dipertimbangkan untuk diberi pengecualian kredit. 11 12 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 FAKULTI SAINS CARTA ORGANISASI FAKULTI SAINS DEKAN PROF. DR. NORSARAHAIDA SAIDINA AMIN TIMBALAN DEKAN (AKADEMIK) PROF. DR. MOHD NOR MOHAMAD TIMBALAN DEKAN (PENYELIDIKAN & INOVASI) PROF. DR. WAN AZELEE WAN ABU BAKAR TIMBALAN PENDAFTAR ABDUL RAZAK ABDUL AZIZ PENGURUS AKADEMIK (KIMIA) PM DR. ZAINAB YAHYA KETUA JABATAN SAINS MATEMATIK PM DR. ROHANIN AHMAD KETUA JABATAN FIZIK PM DR. WAN MUHAMAD SARIDAN WAN HASSAN PENGURUS AKADEMIK (FIZIK) PM DR. YUSOF MANAJAT KETUA JABATAN KIMIA PM DR. ZAITON ABDUL MAJID STAF AKADEMIK STAF AKADEMIK STAF AKADEMIK STAF SOKONGAN TEKNIKAL STAF SOKONGAN TEKNIKAL STAF SOKONGAN TEKNIKAL PENGURUS AKADEMIK PROGRAM LUAR TN. HJ. ISMAIL BIN KAMIS PENGURUS AKADEMIK (SAINS MATEMATIK) PM DR. NOR’AINI ARIS PENGURUS TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT DR ABD KHAMIM BIN ISMAIL PENGURUS AKADEMIK PENYELIDIKAN PM DR. SHARIDAN BIN SHAFIE PENGURUS MAKMAL PM DR. UMI KALTHOM AHMAD STAF SOKONGAN TEKNIKAL STAF SOKONGAN TEKNIKAL PENOLONG PENDAFTAR KIFLEE JIMPI STAF SOKONGAN PENGURUSAN 13 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 14 FAKULTI SAINS Objektif dan Hasil Pembelajaran Program PO8 Kepimpinan SARJANA MUDA SAINS (FIZIK) - SSCZ PO9 Etika dan Integriti OBJEKTIF PROGRAM Objektif Program Sarjana Muda Sains (Fizik) adalah untuk membekalkan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan atribut yang perlu dicapai kepada graduan supaya berjaya dalam kerjaya. Program direka untuk:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Menyediakan graduan yang mampu bekerja sebagai ahli fizik dalam institusi penyelidikan dan pembangunan. Menyediakan graduan yang mampu menerajui dan mengambil tanggungjawab di tempat kerja dan dalam masyarakat. Menyediakan graduan dengan personaliti yang terserlah, melalui penggunaan alasan yang kukuh dan analisis yang tepat, penulisan yang berkesan serta kemahiran berkomunikasi yang tinggi. Menyediakan graduan dengan minda yang kreatif dan inovatif untuk menghadapi cabaran baharu. Menyediakan graduan dengan sikap profesionalisma serta mampu mengurus pembelajaran kendiri dengan jayanya. Menyediakan graduan yang mempunyai kesedaran keusahawanan serta kesedaran mewujudkan peluang pekerjaan dan kekayaan. HASIL PEMBELAJARAN PROGRAM Bil PO1 Pengetahuan Asas Fizik PO2 Penggunaan Pengetahuan dan Kemahiran Fizik PO10 Keusahawanan Objektif Program Sarjana Muda Sains (Kimia) adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan atribut yang harus dicapai oleh graduat untuk berjaya dalam kerjaya. Program direka untuk:1. 2. 3. Kebolehan menggarap pengetahuan mengenai hukum dan prinsip asas fizik dalam penggunaan terkini serta pengetahuan dalam sains sosial dan pembangunan diri. 4. Kebolehan merancang, menilai dan menunjuk cara kajian dan penyelidikan saintifik yang berkaitan dengan bidang fizik. (C6, P6, A3) 5. 6. Kebolehan mempraktikkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran prinsip dan teori fizik bagi menyelesaikan permasalahan saintifik dengan berkesan. (P4) PO5 Kemahiran Komunikasi Kebolehan berkomunikasi secara berkesan dan yakin menerusi penulisan dan lisan dengan pelbagai lapisan khalayak. (P4) PO6 Kerja Berpasukan Kebolehan berperanan secara berkesan dan bertanggungjawab sebagai ahli kumpulan bagi mencapai matlamat bersama dan mampu menyesuaikan diri dalam situasi dan keutamaan yang berubah. (A3) PO7 Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat dan Pengurusan Maklumat Menyediakan graduat yang berupaya menggunakan dan menghasilkan pengetahuan baru dalam bidang kimia yang relevan bagi pembangunan negara Mendidik graduat menjalankan penyelidikan untuk menyelesaikan masalah kini dan isu masa akan datang demi untuk pembangunan dan kebaikan negara dan manusia sejagat. Melatih graduat yang berupaya menggunakan pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam merancang, menganalisis, mereka dan menyelia kerja berasaskan kimia. Membentuk graduat yang berkemahiran teknikal dalam menyelesaikan masalah secara logik, analitikal dan kreatif berdasarkan fakta dan idea bernas Melatih graduat supaya mempunyai kualiti kepimpinan, etika dan profesional menyumbang kepada negara dan manusia sejagat. Menyediakan graduat yang boleh bekerja secara berpasukan dalam masyarakat berbilang bangsa untuk mencapai sesuatu objektif. Melatih graduat yang boleh berkomunkasi secara berkesan merentasi pelbagai bentuk perhubungan dan khalayak. HASIL PEMBELAJARAN PROGRAM Bil. PO4 Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah Kebolehan mencari dan memperoleh pengetahuan terkini, mampu berdikari dan mengurus masa secara berkesan. (A3) Mempunyai kesedaran tentang peluang perniagaan, keusahawanan dan peluang kerjaya. (P2) OBJEKTIF PROGRAM 7. PO3 Kajian Sain tifik dan Penyelidikan Dalam Bidang Fizik Kebolehan mengadaptasi nilai-nilai etika dan integriti dalam interaksi sosial dan saintifik, berfikiran positif dan memiliki jati diri. (A3) SARJANA MUDA SAINS (KIMIA) - SSCA Hasil Pembelajaran Kebolehan mengguna, mempraktiskan dan menganalisis hukum dan prinsip asas fizik menerusi kaedah eksperimen, teknik pengkomputeran dan matematik dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan fizik. (C4, P4, A3) Kebolehan mempamerkan ketokohan kepimpinan, mengambil tindakan dan mendorong orang lain untuk mencapai matlamat bersama. (A3) Hasil Pembelajaran PO1 Pengetahuan Asas Kimia Kemampuan memperoleh pengetahuan tentang hukum dan prinsip asas kimia yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan semasa serta pengetahuan dalam sains sosial dan pembangunan diri. (C2, P2, A2) PO2 Penggunaan Pengetahuan dan Kemahiran Kimia Kemampuan mengguna, mengamal dan menganalisis hukum, prinsip asas dan teknik kimia melalui kaedah saintifik yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan dalam bidang kimia. (C4, P4, A3) PO3 Kajian dan Penyelidikan Saintifik Kemampuan merancang, menilai dan menunjuk cara kajian dan penyelidikan saintifik yang berkaitan dengan kimia. (C6, P6, A3) 15 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 16 FAKULTI SAINS PO4 Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah Kemampuan mengamalkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran tentang prinsip dan teori kimia dalam penyelesaian masalah saintifik. (P4) PO5 Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Kemampuan mempersembahkan maklumat kimia yang bersifat teknikal, saintifik dan berhujah secara jelas, melalui tulisan dan lisan kepada pelbagai lapisan khalayak. (P4) PO6 Kerja Berkumpulan Kemampuan menggambarkan kemahiran antara perseorangan yang baik dengan menyerlahkan kemahiran bekerjasama dalam pasukan bagi melaksanakan pelbagai peranan yang berlainan. (A3) PO7 Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat dan Pengurusan Maklumat PO8 Kepimpinan PO9 Etika dan Integriti PO10 Keusahawanan PO2 Penggunaan Pengetahuan Matematik dan Teknik Pengiraan dan Analisis Kemampuan mempamerkan kepimpinan, mengambil tindakan dan mempengaruhi orang lain untuk mencapai matlamat yang sama. (A3) Kemampuan mengadaptasi nilai-nilai etika secara berintegriti dan beretika yang baik dalam profesion dan kewajipan terhadap masyarakat. (A3) Kesedaran tentang peluang perniagaan, keusahawanan dan peluang kerjaya. (P2) Keupayaan menilai dan mempamerkan kecekapan dalam memilih kaedah bersesuaian untuk menyelesaikan masalah teori dan penggunaan dalam Sains Matematik. (C6, P6, A3) PO4 Pemikiran Kritis dan Kemahiran Menyelesaikan Masalah. Keupayaan memahami, mengekstrak, menganalisis dan mengenalpasti masalah dari pelbagai sumber dan membangunkan pendekatan berdasarkanpengetahuan matematik untuk menyelesaikan masalah. (P4) PO5 Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Keupayaan menyampai idea dan ilmu matematik dengan jelas dan berkesan secara lisan dan bertulis kepada pelbagai lapisan khalayak.(P4) PO6 Kemahiran Berpasukan Keupayaan menyesuaikan diri dan bekerjasama dalam berpasukan. (A3) PO7 Pembelajaran Berterusan dan Pengurusan Maklumat PO8 Kemahiran Kepimpinan SARJANA MUDA SAINS (MATEMATIK) - SSCE PO9 Moral dan Etika Profesional OBJEKTIF PROGRAM Objektif Program Sarjana Muda Sains (Matematik) adalah untuk menyediakan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan atribut yang seharusnya dicapai oleh graduat bagi satu kerjaya berjaya. Oleh itu adalah dijangkakan graduat program ini akan:1. 2. 3. Menjadi profesional yang kompeten secara matematik untuk menggunakan pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam industri berkaitan, terutama dalam pengajaran, penyelidikan dan pembangunan ilmu baru. Mempunyai kecekapan dalam penulisan dan komunikasi lisan bagi menyebarkan ilmu matematik secara berkesan. Mempunyai kemahiran dan motivasi bagi pendidikan sepanjang hayat dalam pemerolehan pengetahuan matematik baru dan kemahiran mendalam dan meluas. HASIL PEMBELAJARAN PROGRAM Bil. Hasil Pembelajaran Program PO1 Pengetahuan Asas Matematik Keupayaan memperoleh ilmu berkenaan konsep asas, teori dan teknik matematik berhubung isu semasa serta pengetahuan dalam sains sosial dan pembangunan diri. (C2, P2, A2) Keupayaan mengguna dan mengamal kemahiran dalam penaakulan matematik, membentuk pembuktian bermatematik serta mempamerkan kecekapan dalam menggunakan pelbagai teknik dalam menjalankan analisis matematik. (C4, P4, A3) PO3 Diskriminasi dan Organisasi Konsep-Konsep Matematik Kemampuan menimba ilmu dan kemahiran baru dan mengurus maklumat yang berkaitan melalui pelbagai sumber. (A3) PO10 Kemahiran Keusahawanan 17 Keupayaan meneruskan pembelajaran kendiri dan mempamerkan kesedaran berterusan dalam peningkatan pembangunan peribadi dan profesional. (A3) Keupayaan mempamerkan kepimpinan, mengambil tindakan, dan mempengaruhi orang lain untuk mencapai matlamat bersama. (A3) Keupayaan megadaptasi nilai etika dan integriti dalam konteks kerjaya dan kewajipan terhadap masyarakat. (A3) Keupayaan memperoleh kesedaran dalam peluang perniagaan, keusahawanan dan kerjaya. (P2) SARJANA MUDA SAINS (FIZIK INDUSTRI) - SSCF OBJEKTIF PROGRAM Objektif Program Sarjana Muda Sains (Fizik Industri) adalah untuk membekalkan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan atribut yang perlu dicapai oleh graduan supaya berjaya dalam kerjaya. Program direka untuk:1. 2. 3. 4. Melatih graduan yang mampu bekerja sebagai ahli fizik dalam institusi penyelidikan dan industri. Menyediakan graduan yang mampu menerajui pasukan dan mengambil tanggungjawab yang tinggi di tempat kerja dan komuniti. Menyediakan graduan dengan personaliti yang terserlah, melalui penggunaan alatan dan analisis yang kukuh, penulisan yang berkesan dan kemahiran berkomunikasi yang tinggi. Menyediakan graduan dengan minda yang kreatif dan inovatif untuk menghadapi cabaran baru. PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 18 5. 6. Menyediakan graduan dengan integriti profesional dan mampu mengurus pembelajaran kendiri dengan jayanya. Menyediakan graduan yang mempunyai kesedaran keusahawanan dan kesedaran mewujudkan peluang pekerjaan dan kekayaan. HASIL PEMBELAJARAN PROGRAM PO1 Pengetahuan Asas Fizik Kebolehan menggarap pengetahuan mengenai hukum dan prinsip asas fizik dalam penggunaan terkini serta pengetahuan dalam sains sosial dan pembangunan diri. (C2, P2, A2) PO2 Penggunaan Pengetahuan dan Kemahiran Fizik Kebolehan mengguna, mempraktiskan dan menganalisis hukum dan prinsip asas fizik menerusi kaedah eksperimen, teknik pengkomputeran dan matematik dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan fizik yang berkatian dengan industri. (C4, P4, A3) PO3 Kajian Saintifik dan Penyelidikan dalam Bidang Fizik Kebolehan merancang, menilai dan menunjuk cara kajian dan penyelidikan saintifik dalam bidang fizik yang berkaitan dengan penggunaannya di industri. (C6, P6, A3) PO4 Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah Kebolehan mempraktikkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran prinsip dan teori fizik bagi menyelesaikan permasalahan saintifik dengan berkesan. (P4) PO5 Kemahiran Komunikasi Kebolehan berkomunikasi secara berkesan dan yakin menerusi penulisan dan lisan kepada pelbagai lapisan khalayak. (P4) PO6 Kerja Berpasukan Kebolehan berperanan secara berkesan dan bertanggung jawab sebagai ahli kumpulan bagi mencapai matlamat bersama dan mampu menyesuaikan diri dalam situasi dan keutamaan yang berubah. (A3) FAKULTI SAINS SARJANA MUDA SAINS (KIMIA INDUSTRI) - SSCC OBJEKTIF PROGRAM Objektif Program Sarjana Muda Sains (Kimia Industri) adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan atribut yang harus dicapai oleh graduat untuk berjaya dalam kerjaya. Program direka untuk:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Menyediakan graduat yang berupaya menggunakan dan menghasilkan pengetahuan baru dalam bidang kimia yang relevan bagi pembangunan negara Melatih graduat yang berkebolehan mencari penyelesaian masalah berkaitan isu semasa industri kimia untuk kebaikan dan pembangunan negara dan manusia sejagat. Mendidik graduat yang boleh menganalisis dan mengenalpasti peluang peniagaan dan menceburi bidang keusahawanan. Menyediakan graduat yang boleh menyumbang dalam pasukan atau kumpulan yang terlibat dalam projek kimia. Melatih graduat supaya mempunyai kualiti kepimpinan, etika dan profesional menyumbang kepada negara dan manusia sejagat. Menyediakan graduat yang boleh bekerja secara berpasukan dalam masyarakat berbilang bangsa untuk mencapai sesuatu objektif. Melatih graduat yang boleh berkomunkasi secara berkesan merentasi berbagai bentuk perhubungan dan khalayak. HASIL PEMBELAJARAN PROGRAM PO7 Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat dan Pengurusan Maklumat PO8 Kepimpinan PO9 Etika dan Integriti PO10 Keusahawanan Kebolehan mencari dan memperoleh pengetahuan terkini, mampu berdikari dan mengurus masa secara berkesan. (A3) Bil Kebolehan mengadaptasi nilai-nilai etika dan integriti dalam interaksi sosial dan saintifik, berfikiran positif dan memiliki jati diri. (A3) Hasil Pembelajaran PO1 Pengetahuan Asas Kimia Kemampuan memperoleh pengetahuan tentang hukum dan prinsip asas kimia yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan masa kini serta pengetahuan dalam sains sosial dan pembangunan diri. (C2, P2, A2) PO2 Penggunaan Pengetahuan dan Kemahiran Kimia Kemampuan mengguna, melaksana dan analisis hukum dan prinsip asas kimia melalui kaedah saintifik yang berkaitan dengan pengunaan industri. (C4, P4, A3) PO3 Kajian Saintifik Kebolehan mempamerkan ketokohan kepimpinan, mengambil tindakan dan mendorong orang lain untuk mencapai matlamat bersama. (A3) 19 PO4 Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah Kemampuan merancang, menilai dan menunjuk cara kajian saintifik yang berkaitan dengan industri kimia. (C6, P6, A3) Kemampuan mengamalkan ilmu dan kemahiran tentang prinsip kimia untuk menyelesaikan masalah saintifik. (P4) PO5 Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Kemampuan mempersembahkan maklumat kimia yang bersifat teknikal, saintifik dan berhujah secara jelas dan tepat, melalui tulisan dan lisan kepada pelbagai lapisan khalayak (P4) PO6 Kerja Berkumpulan Kemampuan menggambarkan kemahiran antara perseorangan yang baik dengan menyerlahkan kemahiran bekerjasama dalam pasukan bagi melakasanakan pelbagai peranan yang berlainan. (A3) Mempunyai kesedaran tentang peluang perniagaan, keusahawanan dan peluang kerjaya. (P2) 20 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 PO7 Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat dan Pengurusan Maklumat PO8 Kepimpinan Kemampuan menimba ilmu dan kemahiran baru m elalui pelbagai sumber dan mengurus maklumat yang berkaitan. (A3) Kemampuan menunjuk cara kepimpinan, mengambil tindakan dan mempengaruhi orang lain bagi mencapai matlamat bersama. (A3) PO9 Etika dan Integriti Kemampuan mengadaptasi nilai etika secara berintegriti dalam profesion dan kewajipan terhadap masyarakat (A3) PO10 Keusahawanan Kesedaran tentang peluang perniagaan, keusahawanan dan kerjaya. (P2) SARJANA MUDA SAINS (MATEMATIK INDUSTRI) - SSCM OBJEKTIF PROGRAM Objektif Program Sarjana Muda Sains (Matematik Industri) adalah untuk menyediakan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan atribut yang seharusnya dicapai oleh graduat bagi satu kerjaya yang berjaya. Oleh itu adalah dijangkakan graduat program ini akan:1. Menjadi profesional yang kompeten secara matematik yang berupaya mengurus masalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif dalam industri berkaitan. 2. Boleh memegang peranan produktif dan jawatan dalam perancangan, pembuat keputusan, analisis dan penyeliaan kerja dalam sektor awam dan industri. 3. Mempamerkan kerja berkumpulan dan kemahiran kepimpinan dengan komunikasi berkesan dan kecekapan interpersonel yang diingini. 4. Meneruskan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat, boleh mengenalpasti, menyesuai dan menyambar peluang-peluang perniagaan. HASIL PEMBELAJARAN Bil. PO1 Pengetahuan Asas Matematik PO2 Penggunaan Pengetahuan Matematik dan Teknik Pengiraan PO3 Diskriminasi dan Organisasi Konsep-Konsep Matematik Hasil Pembelajaran Program Keupayaan memperoleh ilmu berkenaan konsep asas, teori dan teknik matematik berhubung isu semasa serta pengetahuan dalam sains sosial dan pembangunan diri. (C2,P2,A2) Keupayaan mengguna pengetahuan dan teknik matematik secara berkesan untuk menyelesaikan masalah matematik dan statistik dan membuat analisis yang meyakinkan ke atas keputusan yang diperoleh. (C4,P4,A3) Keupayaan menilai, mencadang dan menunjukcara kaedah bersesuaian untuk menyelesaikan masalah penggunaan dalam Sains Matematik dan industri penyusunan semula pengetahuan dan teknik matematik. (C6,P6,A3) FAKULTI SAINS PO3 Diskriminasi dan Organisasi Konsep-Konsep Matematik Keupayaan menilai, mencadang dan menunjukcara kaedah bersesuaian untuk menyelesaikan masalah penggunaan dalam Sains Matematik dan industri penyusunan semula pengetahuan dan teknik matematik. (C6,P6,A3) PO4 Pemikiran Kritis dan Kemahiran Menyelesaikan Masalah. Keupayaan memahami, mengeluar, menganalisis dan mengenalpasti masalah dari pelbagai sumber dan membangunkan pendekatan berdasarkan pengetahuan matematik untuk menyelesaikan masalah. (P4) PO5 Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Keupayaan menyampai idea dan ilmu matematik dengan jelas dan berkesan secara lisan dan bertulis kepada lapisan khalayak.(P4) PO6 Kemahiran Berpasukan Keupayaan menyesuaikan diri dan bekerjasama dalam berpasukan. (A3) 21 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 22 FAKULTI SAINS Struktur Kursus dan Pengendalian Kursus Secara Am STRU UKTU UR KURSUS S Kurikulum Sarjana Muda Sains digubal untuk memberikan gabungan kursus teras dan elektif yang bersesuaian dan terkini. Kurikulumnya dirancang untuk memperkukuh asas sains dan matematik pada peringkat awal pengajian. Mahasiswa juga dikehendaki menjalani Latihan Industri/Latihan Penyelidikan selama sepuluh minggu. Selain itu, mahasiswa Sarjana Muda Sains Industri perlu mengambil tiga kursus pengurusan. Program Sarjana Muda Sains (Tulen):Bil. Pengkelasan SSCZ Kredit 1 Asas Sains dan Matematik 23 2 Teras Program 53 3 Elektif Program 33 4 Kursus Wajib Universiti a. Kemanusiaan b. Bahasa c. Ko-kurrikulum d. Keusahawanan 10 6 2 2 SSCA % Kredit Jumlah 15.5 129 Kredit % 9 58.5 62 25.6 57.9 64 33 25.8 10 6 2 2 15.7 100 128 % Kredit 33 10 6 2 2 100 126 % Kredit 26.2 15.9 100 ProgramSarjana Sarjana Muda Muda Sains b)b) Program Sains(Industri): (Industri) Bil. Pengkelasan SSCF Kredit 1 Asas Sains dan Matematik 20 2 Teras Program 56 3 Elektif Program 33 4 Kursus Wajib Universiti a. Kemanusiaan b. Bahasa c. Ko-kurrikulum d. Keusahawanan 10 6 2 2 SSCC Jumlah 129 SSCM 13 58.9 58.5 15.5 100 33 10 6 2 2 128 % 9 62 25.6 Mahasiswa diwajibkan mengambil kursus umum universiti yang terdiri daripada kursus-kursus Kemanusiaan, Bahasa Inggeris, Ko-Kurikulum dan Keusahawanan. SSCE % 13 58.9 Semua pengajian di kursus peringkat Sarjana Muda Sains dikendalikan mengikut sistem semester dan pengambilan mahasiswa baru dibuat pada Semester I bagi sesuatu Tahun Akademik. Jangka masa minimum pengajian bagi semua program yang ditawarkan ialah selama 4 tahun (8 semester). Selain itu, mahasiswa tahun akhir perlu menjalankan. Satu kajian penyelidikan atau Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) dalam bidang yang berkaitan. Mereka dikehendaki menghantar tesis berasaskan kepada kajian penyelidikan atau projek yang dijalankan. Penyeliaan PSM akan dijalankan secara berjadual di antara mahasiswa dan staf akademik yang diberi tanggungjawab sebagai Penyelia PSM di setiap Jabatan Fakulti Sains. Taburan kredit bagi Program Sarjana Muda Sains diberikan dalam jadual berikut:a) PENG GENDALIAN KU URSUS SE ECARA A AM 58.9 67 25.8 15.7 100 33 10 6 2 2 129 25.6 15.5 100 Mahasiswa diwajibkan menjalani Latihan Industri/Latihan Penyelidikan (LI/LP) selama sepuluh minggu sama ada di sektor swasta atau badan kerajaan pada semester pendek ketika berada di Tahun 3 pengajian. LI/LP bertujuan untuk melengkapkan bakal graduan dengan pengetahuan praktikal di samping mendedahkan mereka kepada suasana pekerjaan yang sebenar. Penyelia LI/LP yang terdiri dari staf akademik Fakulti Sains akan membuat lawatan dan penyeliaan di setiap agensi di mana mahasiswa Fakulti Sains ditempatkan. Penyelia dari Fakulti Sains akan membuat penilaian bersama dengan Penyelia dari agensi tersebut untuk menilai prestasi setiap mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam program LI/LP, sebelum sesuatu keputusan Hadir Lulus atau Hadir Gagal diperakukan kepada pihak Jawatankuasa Latihan Industri Fakulti Sains. 23 24 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 25 FAKULTI SAINS KURIKULUM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA SARJANA MUDA SAINS (FIZIK) – SSCZ SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr UICI 1012 Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia 2 ULAB1112 English for Academic Communications 2 SSCM 1023 Kaedah Matematik I 3 UHAS 1172 Dinamika Malaysia 2 SSCP 1102 Pengenalan Kepada Fizik SSCP 1143 Mekanik 3 SSCP 1153 Elektrik dan Magnet 3 SSCP 1811 Amali Fizik I 1 Jumlah Jam Kredit 2 14 SSCM 1033 Kaedah Matematik II 3 SSCP 1163 Bunyi, Gelombang dan Optik 3 SSCP 1223 Fizik Moden 3 SSCM 1523 Aljabar Linear 3 SSCP 1821 Amali Fizik II 1 Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 3 Kod SSCM1703 Nama Kursus Persamaan Terbitan I UHAS 2092 Etika profesional Organisasi 2 ULAC 2xx2 Bahasa Asing 2 Elektif ULAB (Pilih 2 kredit) ULAB 3112 ULAB 3122 ULAB 3132 ULAB 3142 ULAB 3152 17 3 3 Kod ULAB2112 3 Elektif Keusahawanan (Pilih 2 kredit) 2 UHAS 3012 Keusahawanan dan Pembangunan Usahawan 2 2 2 2 2 17 Jumlah Jam kredit 15 SEMESTER PENDEK kr Kod Nama Kursus kr 2 SSCU 3915 Latihan Penyelidikan (HW) 5 Service Learning 2 Jumlah Jam Kredit Advanced English for Academic Communications Optik Moden 5 SSCP 2213 Fizik Nukleus SSCP 2313 Elektronik Asas 3 SSCP2113 Termodinamik 3 SSCP 2333 Penganturcaraan Komputer 3 SSCP2413 Fizik Keadaan Pepejal 3 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCP 2811 Amali Fizik III 1 SSCP2613 Fizik Matematik 3 SSCU 4902 Projek Sarjana Muda I 2 SSCU4904 Projek Sarjana Muda II 4 UICI 2022 Sains Teknologi dan Manusia 1 Elektif Fizik (Pilih 12 kredit) 2 UQ_1XX 2 Nama Kursus English for Workplace Communication Reading for Specific Purposes Writing for Specific Purposes Effective Oral Communication Skills Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 4 kr English for Career Search SSCP3523 SSCP2821 Amali Fizik IV SSCP 4163 Elektif Inovasi dan Kreativiti (Pilih 2 kredit) Jumlah Jam Kredit UXXX 2XX2 Inovasi dan Kreativiti 2 SSCP 4323 UHAS 2122 Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif 2 SSCP 4333 15 16 SEMESTER 5 Kod/code Nama Kursus SSCP 3113 Keelektromagnetan SEMESTER 6 kr Kod/code Nama Kursus 3 SSCP3643 Mekanik Kuantum I 3 kr Amali Fizik 1 SSCM 3503 Pembolehubah Kompleks 3 SSCP3821 SSCP 3123 Mekanik Klasik 3 Elektif Fizik (Pilih 9 kredit) SSCP 3133 Fizik Terma dan Statistik 3 SSCP3143 Kerelatifan 3 SSCP 3811 Amali Fizik V 1 SSCP3153 Zarah Keunsuran 3 SSCP3163 Fizik Tenaga dan Alam Sekitar 3 SSCP3333 Fizik Berkomputer 3 Elektif Pembangunan Individu/Masyarakat/ Globalisasi (Pilih 2 kredit) Teknokrat dan UHAS 2032 2 Pembangunan SEMESTER 7 Astrofizik Elektronik dan Instrumentasi Pemprosesan Isyarat Berdigit SSCP 4413 Fizik Semikonduktur SSCP 4423 Fizik Jirim Termampat Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 8 Elektif Fizik (Pilih 12 kredit) 3 SSCP 4173 Mekanik Kuantum II 3 3 SSCP 4213 Fizik Nukleus Lanjutan 3 3 SSCP 4433 Kemagnetan 3 3 SSCP 4453 Fizik Suhu Rendah dan Kesuperkonduksian 3 3 SSCP 4513 Fizik Laser 14 Jumlah Jam Kredit 3 16 26 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 27 FAKULTI SAINS SARJANA MUDA SAINS (KIMIA) – SSCA SEMESTER 1 Kod UICI 1012 SSCC 1322 SEMESTER 2 Nama Kursus Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia kr Kod 2 ULAB1112 Pengenalan Program Kimia 2 UHAS 1172 UHAS 2032 Nama Kursus English for Academic Communication kr Dinamika Malaysia 2 2 UHAS 2092 ULAC 2xx2 Teknokrat dan Pembangunan Etika profesional Organisasi Bahasa Asing SSCC 1003 Prinsip Kimia 3 SSCC 1413 Termodinamik Kimia 3 Elektif ULAB (Pilih 2 kredit) SSCC 1901 Amali Kimia 1 SSCC 1841 Amali Kimia Fizik I 1 ULAB 3112 3 ULAB 3122 ULAB 3132 SSCC 1703 Kimia Tak Organik 3 SSCC 1603 Kimia Organik - Kumpulan Berfungsi SSCC 1851 Amali Kimia Tak Organik I 1 SSCC 1831 Amali Kimia Organik I 1 SSCM 1023 Kaedah Matematik I 3 SSCM1103 Statistik 3 Jumlah Jam Kredit 15 Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 3 Kod Nama Kursus ULAB 3152 SEMESTER 4 kr ULAB 3142 15 Kod Nama Kursus 2 English for Career Search English for Workplace Communication Reading for Specific Purposes Writing for Specific Purposes Effective Oral Communication Skills Jumlah Jam Kredit kr SEMESTER PENDEK Kod Nama Kursus Latihan Penyelidikan SSCU 3915 (HW) 2 SSCP 4453 Fizik Suhu Rendah dan Kesuperkonduksian 3 2 SSCC 4603 Kimia Perubatan 3 2 Elektif Keusahawanan 2 UHAS 3012 Keusahawanan dan Pembangunan Usahawan 2 2 2 2 2 16 Jumlah Jam Kredit 17 SSCC 2613 Kimia Organik - Biomolekul 3 ULAB 2112 Advanced English for Academic Communication SSCC 2891 1 SSCC 2713 Kimia Koordinatan 3 SSCC 2453 Amali Kimia Organik II Kinetik Kimia dan Elektrokimia 3 SSCC 2851 Amali Kimia Tak Organik II 1 SSCC 2841 Amali Kimia Fizik II 1 SSCC 2473 Spektroskopi Molekul 3 SSCC 2312 Pengurusan dan Keselamatan Makmal 2 SSCC 2243 Prinsip Kimia Analisis 3 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCM 1033 Kaedah Matematik II 3 SSCC 2861 Amali Kimia Analisis I 1 SSCU 4902 Projek Sarjana Muda I 2 SSCU 4904 Projek Sarjana Muda II 4 UICI 2022 Sains Teknologi dan Manusia Jumlah 5 SEMESTER 8 Elektif (Pilih 12 kredit) 2 UXXX 2XX2 UHAS 2122 15 5 SEMESTER 7 Inovasi dan Kreativiti Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 5 Elektif (Pilih 12 kredit) SSCC 4233 Analisis Elektrokimia 3 SSCC 4263 Analisis Terma SSCC 4773 Polimer Tak Organik dan Organologam 3 SSCC 4473 Kimia Keadaan Pepejal 3 2 SSCC 4443 Proses Tindak Balas Kimia 3 SSCC 4693 Metabolisme Biomolekul 3 15 SSCC 4653 Sintesis Organik 3 SSCC 4763 Nanokimia 3 SSCC 4733 Radiokimia 3 SSCC 4493 Kimia Permukaan dan Koloid 3 Elektif Inovasi dan Kreativiti (Pilih 2 kredit) Jumlah Jam Kredit kr 2 SEMESTER 6 Mikroskopi dan Analisis Bahan Teknologi Vakum dan Filem Tipis Kod/Code Nama Kursus kr Kod/Code Nama Kursus kr SSCC 4723 Kimia Organologam 3 SSCP 4403 UQ_1XX 2 Service Learning 2 SSCC 3463 Kimia Kuantum 3 SSCC 4363 Kimia Hijau 3 SSCP 4603 SSCC 3233 Analisis Berinstrumen 3 SSCU 3623 Metodologi Penyelidikan dan Pemerolehan Maklumat 3 Jumlah Jam Kredit 14 Jumlah Jam Kredit SSCC 3871 Amali Kimia Analisis II 1 Elektif (Pilih 9 kredit) SSCC 3323 Prinsip Kimia Polimer 3 SSCC 3243 Kaedah Pemisahan 3 SSCC 3533 Penggunaan Komputer dalam Kimia 3 SSCC 3643 Penggunaan Spektorskopi 3 SSCM 1303 Literasi Komputer Elektif Pembangunan Individu/Masyarakat/ Globalisasi (Pilih 2 kredit) 3 3 3 3 16 28 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 29 FAKULTI SAINS SARJANA MUDA MUDA SAINS (MATEMATIK) – SSCE SEMESTER 1 Kod UICI 1012 SSCM 1012 Nama Kursus Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia Pengenalan kepada Program Matematik SEMESTER 2 ULAC 2xx2 Bahasa Asing kr Kod Nama Kursus kr Electif ULAB (Pilih 2 kredit) 2 ULAB 1112 English for Academic Communication 2 ULAB 3112 2 UHAS 1172 Dinamika Malaysia 2 ULAB 3122 English for Career Search English for Workplace Communication Reading for Specific Purposes Writing for Specific Purposes SSCM 1023 Kaedah Matematik I 3 SSCM 1033 Kaedah Matematik II 3 SSCP 1143/ SSCC 1003 Mekanik/ Prinsip Kimia 3 SSCM 1313 Pengaturcaraan Komputer 3 SSCM 1103 Statistik 3 SSCM 1523 Aljabar Linear 3 SSCM 1303 Literasi Komputer 3 SSCM 1703 Persamaan Terbitan I 3 ULAB 3152 16 Jumlah Jam Kredit 16 Elektif (Pilih 6 kredit) Jumlah Jam Kredit ULAB 3132 ULAB 3142 SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCM 2103 Statistik Bermatematik 3 ULAB 2112 Advanced English for Academic Communication 2 SSCM 2423 Kaedah Berangka I 3 SSCM 2043 Kaedah Matematik III 3 Effective Oral Communication Skills 2 Elektif (Pilih 6 kredit) 2 SSCM 3353 Pengaturcaraan C++ 3 2 SSCM 3553 Teori Gelanggang dan Medan 3 2 SSCM 3543 Teori Nombor 3 2 SSCM 3673 Analisis Fungsian 3 2 SSCM 3503 Pembolehubahan Kompleks 3 SSCM 3533 Teori Set dan Mantik 3 SSCM 3793 Kalkulus Ubahan 3 SSCM 3753 Mekanik Bendalir 3 Aljabar Moden 3 SSCM 2793 Kakulus Vektor 3 SSCM 2613 Kalkulus Lanjutan 3 SSCM 3523 SSCM 2673 Matematik Diskret 3 SSCM 2773 Persamaan terbitan II 3 Jumlah Jam Kredit SSCM 2803 Pemodelan Matematik I 3 SSCM 2833 Pengaturacaraan Linear 3 UICI 2022 Sains Teknologi dan Manusia 2 15 Jumlah Jam Kredit Kod Nama Kursus Elektif Inovasi dan Kreativiti (Pilih 2 kredit) SSCU 3915 Latihan Penyelidikan (HW) UXXX 2XX2 Inovasi dan Kreativiti 2 Jumlah Jam Kredit UHAS 2122 Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif 2 kr 5 5 SEMESTER 7 Jumlah Jam Kredit 17 Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 5 Kod Nama Kursus SEMESTER 6 kr SSCM 3423 Kaedah Berangka II 3 UQ-1XX 2 Service Learning 2 Kod SSCM 3703 Elektif Pembangunan Individu/Masyarakat/ Globalisasi (Pilih 2 kredit) Teknokrat dan UHAS 2032 2 Pembangunan UHAS 2092 Etika Profesional 16 2 SSCU 3623 Nama Kursus Persamaan Terbitan Separa Kaedah Penyelidikan dan Pencarian Maklumat SEMESTER 8 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCU 4902 Projek Sarjana MudaI 2 SSCU 4904 Projek Sarjana Muda II 4 Elektif (Pilih 12 kredit) kr 3 3 14 SEMESTER PENDEK Elektif (Pilih 9 kredit) SSCM 4633 Teori Set Kabur 3 SSCM 4783 Mekanik Kuantum 3 SSCM 4653 Aljabar Niskala Gunaan 3 SSCM 4623 Geometri Tak Euklidan 3 SSCM 4683 Topologi 3 SSCM 4733 SistemDinamik 3 SSCM 4763 Dinamik Bendalir Berkomputeran 3 SSCM 3153 Statistik Pentadbiran 3 SSCM 4163 Proses Stokastik 3 SSCM 4813 Kawalan Optimal 3 Jumlah Jam Kredit 13 Elektif Keusahawanan (Pilih 2 kredit) Jumlah Jam Kredit UHAS 3012 Keusahawanan dan Pembangunan Usahawan 2 14 30 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 31 FAKULTI SAINS SARJANA MUDA MUDA SAINS (FIZIK INDUSTRI) – SSCF Elektif ULAB (Pilih 2 kredit) SEMESTER 1 Kod SEMESTER 2 Nama Kursus Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia kr Kod 2 ULAB 1112 SSCM 1023 Kaedah Matematik I 3 SSCP 1102 Pengenalan Kepada Fizik SSCP 1143 ULAB 3112 English for Career Search Nama Kursus English for Academic Communications kr UHAS 1172 Dinamika Malaysia 2 2 SSCM 1033 Kaedah Matematik II 3 ULAB 3142 Mekanik 3 SSCP 1163 Bunyi, Gelombang dan Optik 3 ULAB 3152 SSCP 1153 Elektrik dan Magnet 3 SSCP 1223 Fizik Moden 3 SSCP 1811 Amali Fizik I 1 SSCM 1523 Aljabar Linear 3 SHC 1163 Prinsip Perakaunan SSCP 1821 Amali Fizik II Prinsip Pengurusan 14 Jumlah JamKredit UICI 1012 Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 3 ULAB 3122 2 ULAB 3132 English for Workplace Communications Reading for Specific Purposes Writing for Specific Purposes Effective Oral Communication Skills 1 SHAD 1033 17 Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 4 kr Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus SSCM 1703 Persamaan Terbitan I 3 UQ_1XX 2 Service Learning 2 SSCU 3905 Latihan Industri (HW) SSCP 2213 Fizik Nukleus 3 ULAB 2112 Advanced English for Academic Communications 2 Jumlah jam kredit SSCP 2313 Elektronik Asas 3 SSCP2113 Termodinamik 3 SSCP 2333 Pengaturcaraan Komputer 3 SSCP 2413 Fizik Keadaan Pepejal 3 UICI 2022 Sains Teknologi dan Manusia 1 SSCP 2613 Fizik Matematik 3 2 SSCP 2821 UXXX 2XX2 UHAS 2122 15 Amali Fizik IV SSCP 3113 SSCP 3133 Nama Kursus Keelektromagnetan Fizik Terma dan Statistik Inovasi dan Kreativiti Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 5 Kod 3 2 SHAS 1043 Tabiat Organisasi 3 2 SSCP 3433 Kawalan Kualiti 3 2 2 3 3 17 3 3 5 SEMESTER 8 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCU 4902 Projek Sarjana Muda I 2 SSCU 4904 Projek Sarjana Muda II 4 2 16 SSCP 3323 Elektronik Lanjutan 3 SSCP 3811 Amali Fizik V 1 Elektif Pembangunan Individu/Masyarakat/ Globalisasi (Pilih2 kredit) Teknokrat dan UHAS 2032 2 Pembangunan UHAS 2092 Etika Profesional 2 ULAC 2xx2 Bahasa Asing 2 Nama Kursus kr SSCP 3343 Instrumentasi dan Pemerolehan Data 3 SSCP 3821 Mekanik Kuantum I Amali Fizik VI 3 1 Elektif Keusahawanan (Pilih 2 kredit) UHAS 3012 Keusahawanan dan Pembangunan Usahawan 2 Elektif (Pilih 12 kredit) Elektif A Elektif A SSCP 4123 Penilaian dan Ujian Tanpa Musnah 3 SSCP 4013 Pemprosesan Data 3 SSCP 4133 Elektronik Industri 3 SSCP 4303 Kawalan Proses 3 SSCP 4143 Simulasi Litar Elektronik 3 SSCP 4353 Teknik Ultrasonik 3 3 3 2 Kod SSCP 3613 15 5 SEMESTER 7 1 SEMESTER 6 kr Jumlah Jam Kredit kr Elektif (Pilih 12 kredit) Elektif Inovasi dan Kreativiti (Pilih 2 kredit) Jumlah Jam Kredit Prinsip Pemasaran SEMESTER PENDEK Nama Kursus Amali Fizik III SHAS 1013 Elektif (Pilih 3 kredit) Kod SSCP 2811 Elektif (Pilih 6 kredit) 2 SSCP 4383 Pemprosesan Isyarat 3 SSCP4363 Pengujian dan Penyengaraan Elektronik SSCP 4393 Perantaramukaan Komputer 3 SSCP 4373 Elektronik Komunikasi SSCP 4223 Pengesanan Sinaran 3 SSCP 4253 Fizik Perubatan 3 SSCP 4263 Keselamatandan Kesihatan Pekerjaan 3 Tenaga Nuklear 3 Elektif B SSCP 4233 Perlindungan Sinaran Elektif B 3 SSCP 4243 Fizik Sinaran Gunaan 3 SSCP 4273 SSCP 4293 Dosimetri Sinaran 3 SSCP 4283 SSCP 4913 Radiobiologi 3 3 SSCP 4203 Perlindungan Sinaran Alam Sekitar Perlindungan Sinaran Perubatan Elektif C 3 SSCP 4463 Sains Kakisan 3 Elektif C SSCP 4623 Sains Bahan 3 32 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCP 4633 Bahan Seramik dan Amorfos 3 SSCP 4473 SSCP 4643 Bahan Polimer 3 SSCP 4603 Teknologi Vakum dan Saput Tipis 3 SSCP 4493 SSCP 4713 SSCP 4523 Kajilogam Elektif D Pengenalan Kepada Optik Tak Linear Teknologi Laser 33 FAKULTI SAINS Spektroskopi dan Analisis Bahan 3 SSCP 4483 Peranti Semikonduktor 3 SSCP 4443 Bahan Magnet 3 SARJANA MUDA SAINS (KIMIA INDUSTRI) – SSCC SEMESTER 1 3 SSCP 4403 3 SSCP 4553 3 SSCP 4563 Mikroskopi dan Analisis Bahan Elektif D Optik Gunaan Fotonik 3 Kod Nama Kursus UICI 1012 Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia SEMESTER 2 kr 2 Kod Nama Kursus kr ULAB 1112 English for Academic Communication 2 SSCC 1003 Prinsip Kimia 3 UHAS 1172 Dinamika Malaysia 2 3 SSCC 1901 Amali Kimia 1 SSCC1413 Termodinamik Kimia 3 3 SSCC 1703 Kimia Tak Organik 3 SSCC 1841 Amali Kimia Fizik I 1 3 SSCP 4533 Teknologi Gentian Optik 3 SSCP 4573 Laser dalam Perubatan 3 SSCC 1851 Amali Kimia Tak Organik I 1 SSCC 1603 Kimia Organik - Kumpulan Berfungsi SSCP 4543 Optoelektronik 3 SSCP 4583 Fotometrik 3 SSCM 1023 Kaedah Matematik I 3 SSCC 1821 Amali Kimia Organik I 1 3 SSCP 4593 Kejuruteraan Laser Keadaan Pepejal 3 SSCC 1332 Pengenalan Program kimia Industri 2 SSCM 1103 Statistik 3 14 Jumlah Jam Kredit 16 Jumlah Jam Kredit 15 Jumlah Jam Kredit SSCP 3523 Optik Moden Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 3 15 SEMESTER 4 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCC 2613 Kimia Organik -Biomolekul 3 ULAB 2112 Advanced English for Academic Communication 2 SSCC 2891 Amali Kimia Organik II Kinetik Kimia dan Elektrokimia 1 SSCC 2713 Kimia Koordinatan 3 3 SSCC 2851 Amali Kimia Tak Organik II 1 SSCC 2841 Amali Kimia Fizik II 1 SSCC 2473 Spektroskopi Molekul 3 SSCC 2312 Pengurusan dan Keselamatan Makmal 2 SSCC 2243 Prinsip Kimia Analisis 3 SSCC 2861 Amali Kimia Analisis I 1 SSCM 1303 Literasi Komputer 3 UICI 2022 Sains Teknologi dan Manusia 2 SSCC 2453 Jumlah Jam Kredit 15 Elektif Inovasi dan Kreativiti (Pilih 2 kredit) UXXX 2XX2 Inovasi dan Kreativiti 2 UHAS 2122 Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif 2 Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 5 15 SEMESTER 6 Kod/ Code Nama Kursus kr Kod/ Code Nama Kursus kr UQ_ 1XX2 Service Learning 2 SSCC 3423 Proses Kimia Industri 3 3 3 Analisis Berinstrumen 3 SSCC 3533 Penggunaan Komputer dalam Kimia SSCC 3871 Amali Kimia Analisis II 1 SSCC 3243 Kaedah Pemisahan SSCC 3323 Prinsip Kimia Polimer 3 SSCC 3233 Elektif Pembangunan Individu/Masyarakat/ Globalisasi (Pilih 2 kredit) 34 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 UHAS 2092 Teknokrat dan Pembangunan Etika Profesional ULAC 2xx2 Bahasa Asing UHAS 2032 ULAB 3122 ULAB 3132 ULAB 3142 ULAB 3152 English for Career Search English for Workplace Communication Reading for Specific Purposes Writing for Specific Purposes Effective Oral Communication Skills SARJANA MUDA SAINS (MATEMATIK INDUSTRI) – SSCM 2 2 2 ElektifULAB (Pilih 2 kredit) ULAB 3112 Elektif Keusahawanan (Pilih 2 kredit) Keusahawanan dan UHAS 3012 Pembangunan Usahawan SEMESTER 1 2 Elektif Pengurusan (Pilih 6 kredit) Prinsip Pengurusan Pengantar Perakaunan Kewangan Jumlah Jam Kredit SHAC 1123 Kod UICI 1012 2 SHAS 1013 Prinsip Pemasaran 3 2 SHAS 1043 Tabiat Organisasi 3 2 SSCP 3433 Kawalan Mutu 3 2 2 Elektif Pengurusan (Pilih 3 kredit) SHAD 1033 SSCM 1002 SSCM 1023 Nama Kursus Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia Pengenalan kepada Program Matematik Industri kr Kod Nama Kursus kr 2 ULAB 1112 English for Academic Communication 2 2 UHAS 1172 Dinamika Malaysia 2 3 Kaedah Matematik I 3 SSCM 1033 Kaedah Matematik II SSCP 1143/ SSCC 1003 Mekanik/Prinsip Kimia 3 SSCM 1313 Pengaturcaraan Komputer 3 SSCM 1103 Statistik 3 SSCM 1523 Aljabar Linear 3 SSCM 1303 Literasi Komputer Persamaan Terbitan I Jumlah Jam Kredit 3 3 SSCM 1703 16 Jumlah Jam Kredit kr Kod Nama Kursus kr Advanced English for Academic Communication 2 SEMESTER 3 3 16 SEMESTER 2 Kod Jumlah Jam Kredit 17 SSCM 2103 Nama Kursus SSCU 3905 Nama Kursus Latihan Industri (HW) Jumlah Jam Kredit Statistik Bermatematik 3 ULAB 2112 kr SSCM 2423 Kaedah Berangka I 3 SSCM 2043 Kaedah Matematik III 3 5 SSCM 2803 Pemodelan Matematik I 3 SSCM 2613 Kalkulus Lanjutan 3 5 SSCM 2793 Kalkulus Vektor 3 SSCM 2773 Persamaan Terbitan II 3 SSCM 2673 Matematik Diskret 3 SSCM2833 Pengaturcaraan Linear 3 UICI 2022 Sains Teknologi dan Manusia 2 SEMESTER 7 SEMESTER 8 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCU 4902 Projek Sarjana Muda I 2 SSCU 4904 Projek Sarjana Muda II 4 Elektif (Pilih 12 kredit) UXXX 2XX2 Inovasi dan Kreativiti 2 UHAS 2122 Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif 2 Penggunaan Spektroskopi 3 SSCC 4253 Analisis Makanan 3 SSCC 4223 Sains Alam Sekitar 3 SSCC 4673 Kimia Organik Industri 3 SSCC 4663 Kimia Hasil Semulajadi 3 SSCC 4293 Kimia Radioanalisis 3 SSCC 4273 Sains Forensik 3 SSCC 4353 Kimia Pengguna 3 SSCC 4483 Kimia Kakisan 3 SSCC 4493 Kimia Permukaan dan Koloid 3 SSCC 4683 Bioteknologi 3 SSCC 4753 Kimia Pemangkinan 3 Kimia Bahan Jumlah Jam Kredit Elektif Inovasi dan Kreativiti (Pilih 2 kredit) Elektif (Pilih 12 kredit) SSCC 3643 SSCC 4743 3 16 SEMESTER 4 SEMESTER PENDEK Kod 35 FAKULTI SAINS Jumlah Jam Kredit 17 Jumlah Jam Kredit 16 16 SEMESTER 6 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCM 3133 Kawalan Mutu Berstatistik 3 SSCM 3103 Rekabentuk Ujikaji 3 SSCM 3423 Kaedah Berangka II 3 SSCM 3803 Pemodelan Matematik II 3 UQ–1XX 2 Service Learning 2 3 14 Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 5 Elektif Pembangunan Individu/Masyarakat/ Globalisasi (Pilih 2 kredit) Teknokrat dan UHAS 2023 2 Pembangunan UHAS 2092 Etika Profesional 2 ULAC 2xx2 Bahasa Asing 2 Elektif ULAB (Pilih 2 kredit) Elektif Keusahawanan (Pilih 2 kredit) UHAS 3012 Keusahawanan dan Pembangunan Usahawan Elektif (Pilih 6 kredit) 2 36 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SINO OPS SIS S KURSU US SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS FIZIK SSCP 1102 - Introduction to Physics Program Physics is a fundamental of science. Physics covers a wide range of phenomana from the smallest sub – atomic particles to the largest galaxies. Physics is the scientific study of matter and energy and how they interact with each other. Physicist is a scientist who studies or practices physics. Careers in physics include working as scientist in medical field, industry and education. The philosophy of physics is essentially a part of the philosophy of science, which includes the philosophy of Einstein, Muslim and Chinese philosophers. SSCP 1143 - Mechanics This course discusses motion of a body or a system. Beginning with the basic and derived physical quantities and vector as mathematical tool, various types of motion such as linear, free-fall, projectile, circular, rotational and simple harmonic motions are described. Other topics such as equilibrium, elasticity, gravitation and fluids mechanics illustrate the application of a body in motion under the influence of forces. SSCP 1153 - Electricity and Magnetism The course examines the force of electromagnetism, which encompasses both electricity and magnetism. It includes the exploration of some electromagnetic phenomena. It begins by examining the nature of electric charge and then a discussion of interaction of electric charges at rest. It studies on charges in motion, particularly in the electric circuit. lt then continues into the study of magnetic interaction, how moving charges and currents respond to magnetic field. The principle of electromagnetic induction and how resistors, inductors and capacitors behave in ac circuits is discussed. The electrical energy-conversion devices such as motors, generators and transformers are also discussed. Finally the discussion on the four maxwell equations that completely described both electricity and magnetism will be made. SSCP 1163 - Sound, Wave and Optics The course starts with introduction to the concept of sound, how it is produced, its characteristics, intensity and quality as well as the interference of sound which will be applied to modern sound devices. The course emphasizes optics as waves. These will be inseminated in the phenomenon of interference and diffraction of light and its modern-day applications. In general, the course provides the basic concepts of sound and optics. SSCP 1223 - Modern Physics The course begins with a brief discussion on the nature of science in the quest of better understandings of the natural phenomena – highlighting the dilemmas and failures of classical physics in the face of some landmark experiments and discoveries, which gave the impetus to new ideas and paradigm shift into the modern physics. Finally, formalities of quantum mechanics is introduced by discussing the 1-D time independent Schrodinger equation (TISE), applied to an idealised infinite square potential well. SSCP 1811 - Physics Practical I Students perform experiments related to physics of mechanics, electricity and magnetism and wave optics. These experiments can be performed either individually or in pairs. At the end of the experiments, students present technical reports which describe the experiment, the analysis and the FAKULTI SAINS 37 findings. Upon completion, the students should have the ability to handle the instrumentations and relate the experiments to the theories learned in basic physics, perform experimental analysis on the laboratory works and write technical reports. SSCP 1821 - Physics Practical II Students perform experiments related to the physics of thermodynamics, optics, modern physics and electronics. These experiments will be performed either in a group or individually. At the end of each experiment the student present a technical report which describes the experiment, the analysis and the findings. Upon completion, the students should have the ability to handle the instrumentations and relate the experiments to the theories learned in basic physics, perform experimental analysis on the laboratory works and write technical reports. SSCP 2113 - Thermodynamics The course starts with discussions on basic concepts of thermodynamics, thermodynamic properties of materials and thermodynamic processes. The next topics will emphasize on energy transfer and energy analysis of systems and processes using the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The principles of gas power and refrigeration cycles are also briefly highlighted. In general, the course provides the basic concepts of thermodynamics and it applications in conservation and utilisation of energy as well as in automobile industry. SSCP 2213 - Nuclear Physics The course introduces some major concepts and theories of nuclear physics. The course begins with understanding the basic knowledge of the constituents of nucleus and the properties of nuclear forces. The next topic of the course is introducing the radiation sources and the types of ionizing radiations. Nuclear decay processes and the properties of ionizing radiations will be discussed. The interactions of nuclear radiations with mater and mechanism of nuclear reaction are also covered in this subject. Students will learn some basic concepts on radioactivity including radioactive decay law, radioactive decay series and radioactive equilibriums. Some nuclear models such as liquid drop model, shell model and optical model of the nucleus will be introduced at the end of the course. In general, the course provides a basic concept of interaction processes of nuclear radiation in order to widen the appreciation of nuclear physics to the students. SSCP 2313 - Basic Electronics The course starts with introduction to electronic components, circuit building and basic measurement of signal. Various circuit theory analysis such as superposition principle, mesh current analysis, Thevenin and Norton theorem are taught. DC and AC circuit analysis and the use of semiconductor devices such as diodes and transistors are discussed. The hybrid h and phi small signal models for transistor are emphasized. Next the small signal amplifiers, power amplifiers, differential amplifier are constructed for better understanding and practical experience. In general, the course provides good balance between theoretical and practical works on electronic circuits and its everyday applications. SSCP 2333 - Computer Programming This course begins with a comprehensive introduction to computer, role of computer in physics, and operating system. Computer programming involving choices of computer languages and programming concept is also discussed. In the laboratory, the student experience working with a Linux desktop, client-server working environment, and all the necessary tools for terminal-server programming works. Throughout the course students are guided to build computer programs from simple to complex, all about solving various physics problem, based on the Java programming language. Students are exposed to methods for writing command-line based programs and tools utilising widgets for building application with graphical user interface. 38 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCP 2413 - Solid State Physics Introduces basic concepts in solid state physics, with emphasis on crystal structures. The roles of phonons and electrons in a solid are discussed, using various models. Upon completion, students should be able to explain basic concepts used in solid state physics and techniques used in determining crystal structures. Students should also be able to discuss thermal properties of solids and the behaviour of electrons in solids, using various models. SSCP 2613 - Mathematical Physics The main aim of the course is to provide physics students with mathematical treatment of a range of fundamental topics in physics. The course content consists of vector analysis, vector calculus, complex variable, matrices, ordinary and partial differential equations, and Fourier series. The course thus consolidates and integrates Mathematics and Physics, and helps to overcome some of the difficulties which are associated with the interface between the two subjects. SSCP 2811 - Practical Physics III Students perform experiments related to materials science, advanced electronics, laser/optics and nuclear physics. These experiments will be conducted in group of two or three students. At the end of each experiment the group prepares a technical report which contains the experimental procedure, detailed data analysis, discussion on the findings, and the conclusions. Upon completion, the student should have the ability to relate the experiments to the physical principles learned in relevant courses in materials science, advanced electronics, laser/optics and nuclear physics, perform experimental analysis on the laboratory works and write technical reports. SSCP 2821 - Practical Physics IV Students perform experiments related to materials science, advanced electronics, laser/optics and nuclear physics. These experiments will be conducted in group of two or three students. At the end of each experiment the group prepares a technical report which contains the experimental procedure, detailed data analysis, discussion on the findings, and the conclusions. Upon completion, the student should have the ability to relate the experiments to the physical principles learned in relevant courses in materials science, advanced electronics, laser/optics and nuclear physics, perform experimental analysis on the laboratory works and write technical reports. SSCP 3113 - Electromagnetism Introduces the vector and calculus approaches in understanding various laws and principles of electromagnetism-and time independent Maxwell’s equations. The course will also describe the time varying electromagnetic fields and it physical principles in various applications. SSCP 3123 - Classical Mechanics The course starts with brief discussion on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics. Introduction to Euler’s equation, Lagrange equation, Hamiltonian principle, Euler theorem and kinetic energy, space time homogeneity, isotropic of specific velocity and momentum space, canonical equation, cyclic coordinates. Central field motion: orbit in a central field, planetary motion- Kepler’s law, motion in an inverse square field – Rutherford scattering. Dynamics of rigid body: kinetic energy, inertia tensor, angular momentum, base axis for inertia. Oscillation: one dimensional motion, simple harmonic motion in one and two dimensions, damped and forced oscillations, electric circuit oscillation. Coupled oscillation: two coupled oscillators, weak coupled, problem examples, orthogonality of Eigenvector, normal coordinate, molecular vibration. FAKULTI SAINS 39 SSCP 3133 - Thermal and Statistical Physics Introduces the concepts of statistical mechanics and quantum statistics. The properties of large number of particles, the Fermi Dirac, Bose-Einstein and Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution laws are discussed. Upon completion, the student must have the ability solve problems, relating to the properties of large number of particles and explain the connection between entropy and the number of accessible quantum states. The students should also be able to relate between the free energy and the partition function and be able to calculate the properties of different thermodynamic systems. SSCP 3323 - Advanced Electronics The course begins with discussion of operational amplifier (OPAMP) and its applications such as summing and differential amplifiers, differentiator/integrator, and active filters. Sensors and amplification of signals are introduced. Basic concepts and principles of digital circuits; number codes and number system, Boolean algebra, logic gates, Karnaugh maps, IC specification and interfacing, encoding and decoding, flip-flops, counters, shift registers and digital arithmetic circuits are also discussed. Finally analogue to digital and digital to analogue conversion are covered. In general, the course will be conducted by lectures and hands-on to provide students with sound basic concepts and practical experience in advanced analogue and digital electronics. SSCP 3343 - Instrumentation and Data Acquisition The course consists of two parts: The first part begins with a review of basic elements in measurement systems; sensing element, signal conditioning, signal processing and signal presentation. The instrument’s classification, errors in measurement, static and dynamic characteristics of instrument and calibration will also be introduced. Next, the physical quantity measurement which includes displacement, velocity and acceleration for translational and rotational motion, force and torque, low, medium and high pressure, temperature and other physical quantities, such as flow, level, humidity and electrical quantities are discussed. The second part of this course introduces basic concepts and techniques for interfacing a microcontroller to external devices for data collection and process control and developing the related software required. This includes transferring and converting analogue variables into the digital form needed for processing. It is aimed at students interested in data acquisition and real-time control systems. In general, the course provides on the general concepts of measurement system technology and physical quantities measurement technique. SSCP 3643 - Quantum Mechanics This course introduces students to new phenomena leading to quantum mechanics. It will discuss quantum phenomena such as black body radiations, photoelectric effects; Particle-wave duality, wave packets, Schrödinger equations; Observable expectation values; Quantum operator and postulations of quantum mechanics. It will examine and solve problems for one dimensional time independent Schrödinger equations for infinite and finite square potential well, potential barrier; Harmonic oscillator; Hydrogen atom using momentum operator. Basic concepts in quantum mechanics are described and the uses of the quantum mechanical approach in solving contemporary quantum mechanical problems are explained. New phenomena in quantum mechanics, which makes it different from classical mechanics are also discussed. 40 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCP 3811 - Physics Practical V Students will conduct two six weeks Mini Projects. They perform open-ended experiments, and produce not more than five pages formal technical report of their work. The project can be done either individually or in pairs. At the end of semester the student will present a short seminar which describes the project, the analysis and the findings. Upon completion, the student will be supervised on essentially one-to-one basis by project supervisor, but they will also be expected to develop their ability to work independently. SSCP 3821 - Physics Practical VI Students taking Practical Physics VI will conduct two six weeks Mini Projects on physics based ICT. The sudents are required to develop ICT projects to solve problems related to physics. The students will be supervised by a supervisor, but they are encoranged to work independently. At the end of semester the student will present a short seminar which describes the project, the analysis and the findings. SSCU 3915 - Industrial Training/Research Trainning Industrial training is viewed as an important strategy to expose students to real work life situation and to equip them with the necessary skills so that they would be job ready upon graduation. The students will undertake a 10 week training at an organization or industry. During this training, the students will apply the knowledge learned in the university and boost their skills needed by a profession. The students will be involved in hands-on use of instruments or quality control or statistical analysis and optimization techniques and other relevant skills. At the end of the industrial training period the students should acquire basic skills in a professional manner and the experience gained during the training should enrich their generic skills. SSCU 4902 - Undergraduate Project I Students are required to execute a project (research) under an identified supervisor in an agreeable field of physics and documented the findings. Students will learn to gather information of the related topic through literature survey/review activities, construct research methodology, built-up results and discussion (if manageable and sufficient data were obtained), anticipate the expected results (if no data were obtained), and write conclusion and references. Finally, students are required to submit a research proposal and a draft project/research report comprising of Title, Introduction, Literature Survey/Review, Research Methodology/Experimental, Results and Discussion/Expected Results, Conclusion, and References. SSCU 4904 - Undergraduate Project II Students are required to execute a project (research) under an identified supervisor in an agreeable field of physics and documented the findings. Students will learn to gather information of the related topic through literature survey/review activities, construct research methodology, built-up results and discussion, come-up with conclusion and references. Finally, it is compulsory for the students to submit a proceeding and a project or research report comprising of Title, Introduction, Literature Survey/ Review, Experimental, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Future Work and References. FAKULTI SAINS 41 SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF FIZIK SSCP 3143 - Relativity This course presents the essential concepts of general relativity theory. The emphasis is on the physical understanding of the theory and the mathematical development is kept simple. Space-time diagrams are used extensively in the explanation of the theory. SSCP 3153 - Elementary Particle This course is designed to expose student to understand the most fundamental components of nature using the quark model. Topics of interest include the structure, definition, flavor and the combination of quarks to form other particles. Classifications of particles and their interactions into a number of easily identifiable categories, and a number of empirical rules will also be studied. Interactions between particles will be dealt with in terms of the four types of forces and the exchange of particles between them. Also included in the course will be the conservation theory of various interactions in terms of lepton number, parity, charge conjugate and time reversal. At the end of the course, the student will be exposed to the understanding of unification theory of forces which incorporate the mechanics of the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions into a single theory. SSCP 3163 - Energy and Environmental Physics The course starts with a brief introduction on the processes and issues in environmental physics which include the global warming. The principal topics are the physics of the built environment, energy for living, environmental health, revealing the planet, the biosphere, the global climate, climate change. The alternative sources of energy such as nuclear energy, wind as well as water will also be discussed. This course provides essentially physics principles that underlie environmental issues and shows how they contribute to the interdisciplinary field of environmental science as a whole. This is very important for the students to be aware of especially when they engage in the industry. SSCP 3333 - Computational Physics This course begins with a comparative discussion about analytical and numerical methods of studying physical phenomena. The design of program codes and equivalent pseudo codes are discussed. Numerical methods for investigation of elementary mechanics problems such as projectile, oscillatory, and planetary motions, and the chaos of non-linear pendulum are introduced. Calculation of potential surface, electric and magnetic fields, and visualization of the respective calculated data are also covered. Wave phenomena are investigated numerically. Methods for investigation of random system and Monte Carlo simulation are also studied. Finally the course ends with an introduction to molecular dynamic simulation method and how to animate visualization of simulated system. SSCP 3523 - Modern Optics This course exposes the students to the field of optics. Elementary optics, ray optics, optical instruments, source and detector, interference and diffraction, image processing, laser, polarization and electromagnetic effects, fibre optics and integrated optics are described and discussed. At the end of the course, students should be able to understand and apply the concepts to solve the problems related to the optical phenomena. Students should have the ability to apply and use standard optical components including laser and fibre optics components. The students should also be able to explain the functions of various components in optical systems in various applications and be thankful to the Creator of light. 42 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCP 4163 - Astrophysics Students will be introduced to the concepts and methods of astronomy and astrophysics which include familiarity with astronomical objects and their classification, learning about measurements and units, and introduction to some basic topics like the astrophysical nature of radiation, orbital dynamics, stellar structure, and many body dynamics. SSCP 4173 - Quantum Mechanics II This course introduces a theory in solving problems in physics. It will discuss quantum phenomena such as black body radiations, photoelectric effects; particle-wave duality, wave packets, Schrödinger equations; observable expectation values; quantum operator and postulations of quantum mechanics. It will examine and solve problems for one dimensional time independent Schrödinger equations for infinite and finite square potential well, potential barrier; harmonic oscillator; hydrogen atom using momentum operator. The students are expected to understand spin and Zeeman effect, perturbation theory and Stark effect. At the end of the course, the student should be able to solve some contemporary quantum mechanical problems. The students should also be able to work in a team and adhere to professional ethics. SSCP 4213 - Advanced Nuclear Physics This is a continuation of the introductory nuclear physics course. Some topics are repetition of the introductory course but would be dealt in more detail. The course begins with the discussion of the nuclear properties, followed by the quantum mechanics theory applied specifically to the different potential- well of the nucleus. Different aspects of nuclear forces are dealt with great length. The classical shell models of the nucleus are discussed in detail together with some other realistic nuclear models. The three important nuclear emission; alpha emission, beta decay, gamma radiation will also be dealt. In addition the types of nuclear reactions, types and processes are included. The course ends with the introduction of nuclear energy production and nuclear astrophysics. SSCP 4323 - Electronics and Instrumentations The course begins with discussion of operational amplifier (OPAMP) and its applications such as summing and differential amplifiers, differentiator/integrator, and active filters. Basic elements in measurement systems; sensing element, signal amplification, signal conditioning, signal processing and signal presentation are introduced. Basic concepts and principles of digital circuits; number codes and number system, Boolean algebra, logic gates, Karnaugh maps, IC specification and interfacing are discussed. Finally analogue to digital and digital to analogue conversion are covered. In general, the course will be conducted by lectures and hands-on to provide students with sound basic concepts and practical experience in advanced analogue and digital electronics. SSCP 4333 - Digital Signal Processing The course starts with the discussion on the breadth and depth of digital signal processing (DSP). Then students will learn about mathematics essential to signal processing such as statistic, probability, complex number, matrices and polynomial. ADC and DAC conversions are discussed in detail. SSCP 4413 - Semiconductor Physics The aim of this course is to provide basic knowledge and theory of semiconductor physics and introduction to semiconductor devices. It will start with the growth and doping of semi conducting materials, followed by the energy band and carrier concentration in thermal equilibrium and carrier transport phenomena in semiconductor. Discussion on the p-n junction and some selected diodes will be given toward the end of the course. FAKULTI SAINS 43 SSCP 4423 - Condensed Matter Physics The course starts with a brief introduction on the single electron model and Schrodinger equation followed by the theory of a nearly free electron and tightly bound electron. The electron-electron interaction will be look into before the discussion on the band structure is given. Finally, the dynamic theory on the electron transport will be discussed in detail. This is very important for the students to prepare themselves before they go out to industry especially when dealing with low temperature physics. SSCP 4433 - Magnetism The course describes the fundamentals of magnetism, its discovery and its impact on civilisation and technology. The phenomenological and theoretical approach will be employed, begining with a brief review on elementary magnetostatics and origins of magnetism - magnetic dipole, its response to an applied magnetic field and various interactions giving rise to different types of magnetic ordering in solids. It also covers material’s classifications: Diamagnetism, para-, ferro-, antiferro- and ferrimagnetism, as well as relevant rules/laws/theoretical approaches: Hund’s Rule, Curie’s and CurieWiess law, Langavin and Stoner theories, etc. Crystalline–electric field effects are treated at a level that is sufficient to provide the basic knowledge in understanding the properties of materials. Other topics include the techniques for magnetic field generation and measurements, magnetic materials and their various applications, such as in electrical and media devices. In general, the students should be able to understand phenomenon related to magnetism, distinguish between the class of magnetic materials and types of magnetism, their wide applications and technological advancements, and be able to perform basic calculations. SSCP 4453 - Low Temperature Physics and Superconductivity This course introduces to the students to the basic knowledge of low temperature physics and many important properties at low temperature regimes. Students are also introduced with the many important aspect of the cryogenic world – the cryogens and cryophysics. Liquid helium and its important properties which are important in the cryophysics will be discussed in detail which then followed by the techniques and methods of achieving low temperatures and measurement at low temperatures. This is then followed by low temperature phenomena such as superconductivity and related theory. Basic properties of superconductivity will be discussed. Students are also will be exposed with many theories of superconductivity such as- Gorter and Casimir theory, London theory, Ginzburg -Landau theory and BCS theory. The lecture end with introduction to high temperature superconductors. SSCP 4513 - Laser Physics This course relates the principle of laser generation and its fundamental characteristics. It starts by discussing the rejuvenation of optics due to the invention of laser. This is followed by introducing the nature of light interaction with atom, Einstein relation, absorption and gain coefficient, laser mode, and laser beam modulation. Last but not least the laser light properties are highlighted and comparison is made with respect to conventional light. 44 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS FIZIK INDUSTRI SSCM 1023 - Mathematical Methods I The course revises and extends Matriculation and STPM topics such as differentiation and integration and includes topics such as complex numbers and differential equations, which may be new to many students. Topics covered include parametric equations, functions, polar coordinates, vectors, and complex numbers. Students will learn how to define functions, and plot the graphs, using the Cartesian as well as polar coordinates; solve problems involving complex numbers and vectors. Additional topics include limits and continuity, differentiation techniques and its applications, integration techniques including improper integrals. Upon completion, the students would have acquired some quite powerful tools of analysis. This is also an introductory course on differential equations. Topic includes first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Students will learn how to classify and solve first order ODEs. SSCM 1033 - Mathematical Methods II This course continues and extends the techniques introduced in Mathematical Methods I, with further differential equations and calculus of multivariable functions. Topics include linear second order ODEs with constant coefficients, functions of several variables, partial differentiation and multiple integrations. Students will learn how to classify and solve second order linear ODEs with constant coefficients using the method of undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters. They will also learn to determine the domain and range, techniques of graph sketching, and limit and continuity, find (partial) derivatives and evaluate (double and triple) integrals, pertaining to a function of two and three variables. The use of cylindrical and spherical coordinates is also highlighted. Applications include finding the volume, mass, centre of gravity, and moment of inertia of a solid. SSCP 1143 - Mechanics This course discusses motion of a body or a system. Beginning with the basic and derived physical quantities and vector as mathematical tool, various types of motion such as linear, free-fall, projectile, circular, rotational and simple harmonic motions are described. Other topics such as equilibrium, elasticity, gravitation and fluids mechanics illustrate the application of a body in motion under the influence of forces. SSCP 1153 - Electricity and Magnetism The course examines the force of electromagnetism, which encompasses both electricity and magnetism. It includes the exploration of some electromagnetic phenomena. It begins by examining the nature of electric charge and then a discussion of interaction of electric charges at rest. It studies on charges in motion, particularly in the electric circuit. lt then continues into the study of magnetic interaction, how moving charges and currents responds to magnetic field. The principle of electromagnetic induction and how resistors, inductors and capacitors behave in ac circuits is discussed. The electrical energy-conversion devices such as motors, generators and transformers are also discussed. Finally the discussion on the four fundamental equations that completely described both electricity and magnetism will be made. SSCP 1163 - Sound, Wave and Optics The course starts with introduction to the concept of sound, how it is produced, its characteristics, intensity and quality as well as the interference of sound which will be applied to modern sound devices. The course emphasizes optics as waves. These will be inseminated in the phenomenon of interference and diffraction of light and its modern-day applications. In general, the course provides the basic concepts of sound and optics FAKULTI SAINS 45 SSCP 1223 - Modern Physics The course begins with a brief discussion on the nature of science in the quest of better understandings of the natural phenomena – highlighting the dilemmas and failures of classical physics in the face of some landmark experiments and discoveries, which gave the impetus to new ideas and paradigm shift into the modern physics. Finally, formalities of quantum mechanics is introduced by discussing the 1-D time independent Schrodinger equation (TISE), applied to an idealised infinite square potential well. SSCM 1523 - Linear Algebra The course begins with the study of matrices and determinant. Starting with simple matrix operations, elementary row operation and inverses, and determinant of matrices. Solve the linear system using matrix inverse, Crammer’s rule, Gauss and Gauss—Jordan elimination method. Next, the focus is on the vector spaces, subspace, linear independence, spanning sets, bases, coordinate vector and change of basis, orthogonal bases, and the Gram-Schmidt process. There follows a discussion of linear transformation and matrices, as well as the kernel and range. Finally, find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors and use them in diagonalization problem. SSCM 1703 - Differential Equations An introductory first course in differential equations. Topics include first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs), linear second order ODEs with constant coefficients, the Laplace transform and its inverse, Fourier series, and elementary partial differential equations (PDEs). Students will learn how to classify and solve first order ODEs, solve second order linear ODEs with constant coefficients using the method of undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters, use the technique of Laplace transforms to solve ODEs with specified initial or boundary conditions, and use the technique of separation of variables to solve initial-boundary value problems involving heat and wave equations and boundary value problems involving Laplace equation. SSCP 1811 - Physics Practical I Students perform experiments related to physics of mechanics, electricity and magnetism and wave optics. These experiments can be performed either individually or in pairs. At the end of the experiments, students present technical reports which describe the experiment, the analysis and the findings. Upon completion, the students should have the ability to handle the instrumentations and relate the experiments to the theories learned in basic physics, perform experimental analysis on the laboratory works and write technical reports. SSCP 1821 - Physics Practical II Students perform experiments related to the physics of thermodynamics, optics, modern physics and electronics. These experiments will be performed either in a group or individually. At the end of each experiment the student present a technical report which describes the experiment, the analysis and the findings. Upon completion, the students should have the ability to handle the instrumentations and relate the experiments to the theories learned in basic physics, perform experimental analysis on the laboratory works and write technical reports. SSCP 1861 - Physics Practical I (Sem II) Students perform experiments related to the physics of thermodynamics, optics, modern physics and electronics. These experiments will be performed either in a group or individually. At the end of each experiment the student present a technical report which describes the experiment, the analysis and the findings. Upon completion, the students should have the ability to handle the instrumentations and relate the experiments to the theories learned in basic physics, perform experimental analysis on the laboratory works and write technical reports. 46 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCP 2113 - Thermodynamics The course starts with discussions on basic concepts of thermodynamics, thermodynamic properties of materials and thermodynamic processes. The next topics will emphasize on energy transfer and energy analysis of systems and processes using the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The principles of gas power and refrigeration cycles are also briefly highlighted. In general, the course provides the basic concepts of thermodynamics and it applications in conservation and utilisation of energy as well as in automobile industry. SSCP 2213 - Nuclear Physics The course introduces some major concepts and theories of nuclear physics. The course begins with understanding the basic knowledge of the constituents of nucleus and the properties of nuclear forces. The next topic of the course is introducing the radiation sources and the types of ionizing radiations. Nuclear decay processes and the properties of ionizing radiations will be discussed. The interactions of nuclear radiations with mater and mechanism of nuclear reaction are also covered in this subject. Students will learn some basic concepts on radioactivity including radioactive decay law, radioactive decay series and radioactive equilibriums. Some nuclear models such as liquid drop model, shell model and optical model of the nucleus will be introduced at the end of the course. In general, the course provides a basic concept of interaction processes of nuclear radiation in order to widen the appreciation of nuclear physics to the students. SSCP 2313 - Basic Electronics The course starts with introduction to electronic components, circuit building and basic measurement of signal. Various circuit theory analysis such as superposition principle, mesh current analysis, The venin and Norton theorem are taught. DC and AC circuit analysis and the use of semiconductor devices such as diodes and transistors are discussed. The hybrid h and phi small signal models for transistor are emphasized. Next the small signal amplifiers, power amplifiers, differential amplifier are constructed for better understanding and practical experience. In general, the course provides good balance between theoretical and practical works on electronic circuits and its everyday applications. SSCP 2333 - Computer Programming This course begins with a comprehensive introduction to computer, role of computer in physics, and operating system. Computer programming involving choices of computer languages and programming concept is also discussed. In the laboratory, the student experience working with a Linux desktop, client-server working environment, and all the necessary tools for terminal-server programming works. Throughout the course students are guided to build computer programs from simple to complex, all about solving various physics problem, based on the Java programming language. Students are exposed to methods for writing command-line based programs and tools utilizing widgets for building application with graphical user interface. SSCP 2413 - Solid State Physics Introduces basic concepts in solid state physics, with emphasis on crystal structures. The roles of phonons and electrons in a solid are discussed, using various models. Upon completion, students should be able to explain basic concepts used in solid state physics and techniques used in determining crystal structures. Students should also be able to discuss thermal properties of solids and the behaviour of electrons in solids, using various models. SSCP 2613 - Mathematical Physics The main aim of the course is to provide physics students with mathematical treatment of a range of fundamental topics in physics. The course content consists of vector analysis, vector calculus, complex variable, matrices, ordinary and partial differential equations, and Fourier series. The course thus FAKULTI SAINS 47 consolidates and integrates Mathematics and Physics, and helps to overcome some of the difficulties which are associated with the interface between the two subjects. SSCP 2811 - Physics Practical III Students perform experiments related to materials science, advanced electronics, laser/optics and nuclear physics. These experiments will be conducted in group of two or three students. At the end of each experiment the group prepares a technical report which contains the experimental procedure, detailed data analysis, discussion on the findings, and the conclusions. Upon completion, the student should have the ability to relate the experiments to the physical principles learned in relevant courses in materials science, advanced electronics, laser/optics and nuclear physics, perform experimental analysis on the laboratory works and write technical reports. SSCP 2821 - Physics Practical IV Students perform experiments related to materials science, advanced electronics, laser/optics and nuclear physics. These experiments will be conducted in group of two or three students. At the end of each experiment the group prepares a technical report which contains the experimental procedure, detailed data analysis, discussion on the findings, and the conclusions. Upon completion, the student should have the ability to relate the experiments to the physical principles learned in relevant courses in materials science, advanced electronics, laser/optics and nuclear physics, perform experimental analysis on the laboratory works and write technical reports. SSCP 3113 - Electromagnetism Introduces the vectorial and calculus approaches in understanding various laws and principles of electromagnetism-and time independent Maxwell’s equations. The course will also describe the time varying electromagnetic fields and it physical principles in various applications. SSCP 3133 - Thermal and Statistical Physics The course starts with a brief discussion on the general concept and definition, the importance, as well as the costs of quality in managing a business organization. The next topics will emphasize on the quality management principles, total quality management, and ISO 9001 quality management requirements in manufacturing and servicing industries. The statistical techniques in quality control such the process modelling, the acceptance sampling and the statistical process control (SPC) will be discussed. Common SPC tools for troubleshooting and monitoring a process including the process capability analysis will be emphasized. Basic concepts and definition of reliability is also highlighted. In general, the course provides on the general concepts of quality, quality management systems and the applications of various techniques in statistical quality control (SQC) both in production and service industries. SSCP 3143 - Relativity This course presents the essential concepts of general relativity theory. The emphasis is on the physical understanding of the theory and the mathematical development is kept simple. Space-time diagrams are used extensively in the explanation of the theory. SSCP 3153 - Elementary Particle This course is designed to expose student to understand the most fundamental components of nature using the quark model. Topics of interest include the structure, definition, flavor and the combination of quarks to form other particles. Classifications of particles and their interactions into a number of easily identifiable categories, and a number of empirical rules will also be studied. Interactions between particles will be dealt with in terms of the four types of forces and the exchange of particles between them. Also included in the course will be the conservation theory of various interactions in terms of 48 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 lepton number, parity, charge conjugate and time reversal. At the end of the course, the student will be exposed to the understanding of unification theory of forces which incorporate the mechanics of the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions into a single theory. SSCP 3163 - Energy and Environment Physical The course starts with a brief introduction on the processes and issues in environmental physics which include the global warming. The principal topics are the physics of the built environment, energy for living, environmental health, revealing the planet, the biosphere, the global climate, climate change. The alternative sources of energy such as nuclear energy, wind as well as water will also be discussed. This course provides physics principles that underlie environmental issues and shows how they contribute to the interdisciplinary field of environmental science as a whole. This is very important for the students to be aware of especially when they engage in the industry. SSCP 3323 - Advanced Electronics The course begins with discussion of operational amplifier (OPAMP) and its applications such as summing and differential amplifiers, differentiator/integrator, and active filters. Sensors and amplification of signals are introduced. Basic concepts and principles of digital circuits; number codes and number system, Boolean algebra, logic gates, Karnaugh maps, IC specification and interfacing, encoding and decoding, flip-flops, counters, shift registers and digital arithmetic circuits are also discussed. Finally analogue to digital and digital to analogue conversion are covered. In general, the course will be conducted by lectures and hands-on to provide students with sound basic concepts and practical experience in advanced analogue and digital electronics. SSCP 3333 - Computation Physics This course begins with a comparative discussion about analytical and numerical methods of studying physical phenomena. The design of program codes and equivalent pseudo codes are discussed. Numerical methods for investigation of elementary mechanics problems such as projectile, oscillatory, and planetary motions, and the chaos of non-linear pendulum are introduced. Calculation of potential surface, electric and magnetic fields, and visualization of the respective calculated data are also covered. Wave phenomena are investigated numerically. Methods for investigation of random system and Monte Carlo simulation are also studied. Finally the course ends with an introduction to molecular dynamic simulation method and how to animate visualization of simulated system. SSCP 3343 - Instrumentation and Data Acquisition The course consists of two parts: The first part begins with a review of basic elements in measurement systems; sensing element, signal conditioning, signal processing and signal presentation. The instrument’s classification, errors in measurement, static and dynamic characteristics of instrument and calibration will also be introduced. Next, the physical quantity measurement which includes displacement, velocity and acceleration for translational and rotational motion, force and torque, low, medium and high pressure, temperature and other physical quantities, such as flow, level, humidity and electrical quantities are discussed. The second part of this course introduces basic concepts and techniques for interfacing a microcontroller to external devices for data collection and process control and developing the related software required. This includes transferring and converting analogue variables into the digital form needed for processing. It is aimed at students interested in data acquisition and real-time control systems. In general, the course provides on the general concepts of measurement system technology and physical quantities measurement technique. SSCP 3433 - Quality Control The course starts with a brief discussion on the general concept and definition, the importance, as well as the costs of quality in managing a business organization. The next topics will emphasize on FAKULTI SAINS 49 the quality management principles, total quality management, and ISO 9001 quality management requirements in manufacturing and servicing industries. The statistical techniques in quality control such the process modelling, the acceptance sampling and the statistical process control (SPC) will be discussed. Common SPC tools for troubleshooting and monitoring a process including the process capability analysis will be emphasized. Basic concepts and definition of reliability is also highlighted. In general, the course provides on the general concepts of quality, quality management systems and the applications of various techniques in statistical quality control (SQC) both in production and service industries. SSCM 3503 - Complex Variables This course introduces calculus of functions of a single complex variable. Topics covered include the algebra and geometry of complex numbers, complex differentiation, complex integration, complex series including Taylor and Laurent series, the theory of residues with applications to the evaluation of complex and real integrals, and conformal mapping with applications in solving boundary value problems of science and engineering. SSCP 3523 - Modern Optics This course exposes the students to the field of optics. Elementary optics, ray optics, optical instruments, source and detector, interference and diffraction, image processing, laser, polarization and electromagnetic effects, fibre optics and integrated optics are described and discussed. At the end of the course, students should be able to understand and apply the concepts to solve the problems related to the optical phenomena. Students should have the ability to apply and use standard optical components including laser and fibre optics components. The students should also be able to explain the functions of various components in optical systems in various applications and be thankful to the Creator of light. SSCP 3613 - Quantum Mechanics I This course introduces students to new phenomena leading to quantum mechanics. It will discuss quantum phenomena such as black body radiations, photoelectric effects; Particle-wave duality, wave packets, Schrödinger equations; observable expectation values; quantum operator and postulations of quantum mechanics. It will examine and solve problems for one dimensional time independent Schrödinger equations for infinite and finite square potential well, potential barrier; harmonic oscillator; hydrogen atom using momentum operator. Basic concepts in quantum mechanics are described and the uses of the quantum mechanical approach in solving contemporary quantum mechanical problems are explained. New phenomena in quantum mechanics, which makes it different from classical mechanics. SSCP 3811 - Physics Practical V Students will conduct two six weeks Mini Projects. They perform open-ended experiments, and produce not more than five pages formal technical report of their work. The project can be done either individually or in pairs. At the end of semester the student will present a short seminar which describes the project, the analysis and the findings. The student will be supervised on one-to-one basis by project supervisor, but they will also be expected to develop their ability to work independently. SSCP 3821 - Physics Practical VI Students taking will conduct two six weeks Mini Projects on physics based ICT. The sudents are required to develop ICT projects to solve problems related to physics. The students will be supervised by a supervisor, but they are encoranged to work independently. At the end of semester the student will present a short seminar which describes the project, the analysis and the findings. 50 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF FIZIK INDUSTRI (A) SSCP 4013 - Data Processing This course introduces students to the way of expressing data from experiment and how to analyze and draw meaningful conclusions from it. Emphasis is on the usage of open source software packages. We begin with theoretical discussion on measurement uncertainty, accuracy, and precision, systematic and random errors and sources of errors, standard deviation and level of confidence, error propagation, and rejection of measurement using Chauvenet’s Criterion. Type of distribution; binomial, Gaussian, Lorentzian, and Poisson. Student will be introduced to linear and non linear curve fitting techniques which include linear regression, multiple regressions, peak resolution and fitting, correlation coefficient and Chi-squared measure of fitting quality. Next various methods of data visualisation will be taught. These include 2D plot, surface plot, vector plot, and plot animation. Lastly student will learn to do drawing of scientific diagram, digital image manipulation, and import/export of image file types. Amongst the scientific data analysis software packages that will be used include Gnuplot, Octave, Scilab, and Maxima. SSCP 4123 - Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation The course introduces students to major non-destructive testing (NDT) methods such as penetrant testing (PT), magnetic particle testing (MT), industrial radiography (RT) and eddy current testing (ET). This will be followed by discussions of their physical principles and general techniques used. Specific application techniques based on all of the methods mentioned will be discussed in further details. The discussion will focus on parameters affecting the outcome of each NDT method. The application of eddy current techniques in material inspection such as thin plates and tubes will be describe. In radiography, the parameters affecting the exposure and the radiograph quality will be discussed. The codes and standards and their application to specific NDT methods will be discussed. Acceptance criteria applicable to specific requirements will also be discussed. Student will also be exposed to the safety aspects in NDT which includes radiation and work safety, work ethics, metallurgical processes and defects. SSCP 4133 - Industrial Electronics In this course the student will be exposed with general knowledge of industrial electronics. discrete control, input and output devices, solid state devices in industrial electronics. Operational amplifiers and linear ICs. SCRs, triacs and other thyristors. Discrete automation sensors and devices, analog process control devices and sensors. Safety, DC motors and control circuits. AC motors and variable speed drives. special purpose motors and control devices programmable logic controllers embedded microcontrollers, open and closed loop process control. In general, the course provides the basic knowledge of electronic devices, motors and machines related to industrial applications and the working principle of common instruments in industrial applications. SSCP 4143 - Electronic Circuit Simulation This course introduces students to the principle and the various techniques in electronic circuit simulation such as DC, AC, transients, and worst-case scenario analysis. The circuit simulation utilizes SPICE and QUCs circuit simulator packages. In addition noise and performance analysis, harmonic distortion, sensitivity analyses are also discussed. The course will focus on discrete passive and active electronic components. In general, the course provides alternative way to experience circuit building and analysis without having to build real circuit. FAKULTI SAINS 51 SSCP 4303 - Process Control This course begins with discussion of the basic principle of process of control system related to a production process, the criterion of control system for performance evaluation, the piping and instrumentation drawing (P&ID) to process control system, the process control system responses, sensor time response – first order response and second order response and the various aspects of digital control system. The process control characteristics and some aspects of digital process control are discussed. In general, the course will be conducted by lectures and simple simulated hands-on to provide students with practical experience in process control. SSCP 4363 - Electronic Testing and Maintenance The course provides the basic knowledge of how to test suspected electronic components and how to properly maintain and handle them during usage. The lecture starts with hazard and safety procedure in dealing with electricity. Basic electronic testing instruments such as digital multi meter (DMM), oscilloscope, and spectrum analyser. Common electronic problems such as short and open circuit, loading effect, ground loop, electrostatic discharge, electromagnetic interference, impedance mismatch are discussed. Testing basic discrete electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, transistors are covered. Common sensors such as thermocouple, Hall effect sensors, accelerometer and piezoelectric crystal are discussed. After completing this course students will have basic skill to procure cost effective testing instruments, to use the equipments, to identify common electronic problems and to perform basic troubleshooting on basic components. The focus on safety will ensure the students to avoid danger/hazard caused by electricity. SSCP 4353 - Ultrasonics Techniques The course will describe the physical principles of ultrasonic waves and their interactions with media leading to the application in defect detections of engineering components and systems. The discussion will highlight the transduction mechanisms, ultrasonic systems, and various ultrasonic application techniques ranging from low intensity up to high intensity applications. SSCP 4373 - Electronic Communications This course introduces students to various process controls in industries. The process control characteristics and some aspects of digital process control are discussed. After completing this course, the student must have the ability to describe the various industrial process controls. The student must also be able to explain the techniques in digital process control. SSCP 438 3 - Signal Processing The course covers the continuous (analog) and discrete (digital) signal processing. Students are introduced to continuous and discrete system. The focus will be on linear time invariant (LTI) system. Laplace transform and Z transform are discussed. Fourier transform and discrete Fourier transform are also discussed. Finally students are taught to design the analogue and digital filters. Upon completion, students will have adequate background to explore the world of signal processing. SSCP 4393 - Computer Interfacing This course introduces basic concepts and techniques for interfacing a microcontroller to external devices for data collection and process control and developing the related software required. This will include transferring and converting analog variables into the digital form needed for processing. It is aimed at students interested in data acquisition and real-time control systems. 52 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF FIZIK INDUSTRI (B) SSCP 4203 - Medical Radiation Protection This course will give an overview on the various techniques and radiation doses involved in diagnostic radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine. It will also touch on the current trends in use of diagnostic radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine. The relevant laws, regulations and procedures that need to be observed and be implemented for radiological protection in medical practice will be elaborated. At the end of the course, students should have an overall grasp on the operation of the medical radiological protection. SSCP 4223 - Radiation Detection The important detection techniques for ionizing radiations are introduced in this course. The discussion begins with introducing the principles of radiation detection related to radiation units, radiation sources and radiation interactions. Nuclear radiation detector parameters such as detector model, detector efficiency, energy resolution, counting curve and counting statistics are discussed. The next topic will emphasize on the principles of operation and basic characteristics of various detection systems. Various nuclear detectors such as gas filled detector, scintillation detector and semiconductor detector are main concerned of the subject. The course also emphasizes on the principle and operation of thermal and fast neutron detector. The principle of radiation dosimetry such as thermoluminescent dosimetry, chemical dosimetry, film dosimetry and calorimeter are also discussed at the end of the course. SSCP 4233 - Radiation Protection Designed to ground students in the principles of radiation protection, that is, on justification, optimization and dose limits. It will emphasize on the theories, the techniques and the procedures for external dose control that is the use of distance, shielding and time; and internal dose control, including introduction to the physics of aerosol, use of unsealed sources, primary and secondary containments, radioactive laboratories and leak tests. The course will also discuss organization and radiation protection programmes; emergency procedures, monitoring, radiological protection in radiation devices, transport regulations and radioactive waste management. Upon completion, students should have an overall grasp of the radiation protection principles and practice; and most importantly the safety culture required. SSCP 4243 - Applied Radiation Physics This course is a follow-up of nuclear physics and is designed to expose student to different types of radiation that exist in nature and environment, in particular the nuclear based radiation. Primary and secondary, directly and indirectly ionizing radiation are differentiated. Interactions of alphas, betas, photons and neutrons with matter are detailed. Radiation effects on materials are discussed. Applications of radiation in radio tracing, gauging, dating, and industrial imaging are studied. Accelerator as sources of radiation and their usefulness is also covered. Upon completion student are expected to have good grounding in applied radiation physics and ability to explain and discuss the application of radiations in various fields. FAKULTI SAINS 53 SSCP 4253 - Medical Physics This course introduces Medical Physics to physics majors as an elective in their program. Three main areas of medical physics namely medical imaging, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy are surveyed. The emphasis is in the physics that govern the field. At the end of the course students are expected to have an idea of the subject matter, its usefulness and applications in modern medicine. SSCP 4263 - Occupational Health and Safety This course is designed in such a way that the student understands the issues of health that prevailed among workers. The concept of the relationship between work and health will be discussed in detail. Some of the relevant topics covered during the course will be the subject of toxicology, thermal stress and mental health. Students will also be required to know about the principles of epidemiology, ergonomics and health services related to work. This course also prepares student to understand the management of occupational health through health education, health promotion program, management of risks as well as from the legislative point of views such as the safety and health act. SSCP 4273 - Nuclear Energy The course starts with brief discussion on neutron physics related to production, absorption and scattering of neutron, neutron cross sections and nuclear fission. The next topics will emphasize on the principle of neutron moderation and neutron multiplication leading to steady state fission reactor core design based on diffusion theory. The principle of fusion reaction and energy production from controlled thermonuclear fusion is also briefly highlighted. In general, the course provides on the general concepts of neutron physics and it application in nuclear reactor for energy generation. SSCP 4283 - Environmental Radiation Protection This course introduces students to the theoretical basis of environmental radiological protection and the basic principles and procedures of radiological protection in medical practice. Sources of environmental radiation and its dosage implications will be elaborated. Environmental models for radionuclide dispersal will be introduced. Handling of TENORM will be discussed. At the end of the course, students should have an overall grasp on the operation of the environmental radiological protection. Transport regulation and radioactive waste management. SSCP 4293 - Radiation Dosimetry This course introduces radiation dosimetry as an area of radiation physics. Principle of dosimetry, radiation dose, radiation units, fluence, kerma and absorbed dose will be discussed. Dosimetry techniques and measurements, Bragg-Gray cavity theory and stopping power are discussed. The working principles of standard air chamber, thimble chamber and its calibration for dose measument are discussed. High energy photon and electron dosimetry are briefly outlined. Internal dosimetry of beta and gamma, and external neutron dosimetry are also studied. At the end of the course students are expected to have a working knowledge of radiation dosimetry. SSCP 4913 - Radiobiology This course introduces students to the theoretical basis and the model of the biological effects of radiation. Physical, chemical and cellular perspectives will be elaborated. It will then examine the macroscopic effects of radiation, be it deterministic, somatic stochastic or genetic. The course will also discuss the effects of ingested radionuclide and the various models involved in it, radiation ecology and the effects of non-ionizing radiations. At the end of the course, students should be able to make informed judgments on the short and the long-term health physics and radiological protection implications of a radiation exposure. 54 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF FIZIK INDUSTRI (C) SSCP 4403 - Microscopic And Material Analysis This is an introductory course on microscopic techniques that deals with the basic working principles and schematic diagram of construction of various microscopes, namely, light microscope, electron microscope, x-ray microscope, acoustic microscope, field ion microscope, and scanning probe microscope. For each type of microscope, particular reference is given to the resolving power, sample preparation, and analysis of the micrograph. In general, this course will provide the students with necessary knowledge on the choice of microscope for study of materials. SSCP 4443 - Magnetic Materials The course will cover the fundamentals of magnetism and the basic theories and applications of magnetic materials. It begins with a brief review on elementary magnetostatics and origins of magnetism. The basic theories describing ferro-, ferri-, para-, dia- and antiferromagnets will be outlined briefly. Some other properties such as anisotropy and magneto-optical effect will also be discussed in order to understand their applications. Finally, the students will be introduced to some novel magnetic phenomena and exotic magnetic materials with some modern device applications. The students will also undertake a written assignment to cover other related topics, such as in the field of space science, medicine, biology and agriculture. SSCP 4463 - Corrosion Science This is an introductory course on corrosion science with emphasis on the electrochemistry and kinetics of corrosion. The areas covered in this course are, namely, measurements and testing of corrosion, standard practices in corrosion prevention and inhibition, choices of materials and their environments, atmospheric corrosion, and metals oxidation. This course will provide students with general knowledge on corrosion mechanism and methods and ways of combating corrosion. SSCP 4473 - Spectroscopy and Material Analysis The course starts with a basic concept of spectroscopy followed by the properties of electromagnetic waves. Then the interaction of em radiation with matter will be given. The next topic will be on the basic instrumentation that is used in the spectroscopy. Then the spectrum and its intensity will be discussed. Molecular vibration is the next, followed by microwave spectroscopy. The infrared spectroscopy followed by Raman spectroscopy will be highlighted before the NMR spectroscopy. In general, the course provides some knowledge on the spectroscopy techniques for material analysis that are used mainly in material related industry. SSCP 4483 - Semiconductor Devices This course is designed to focus on the semiconductor devices and material requirement for devising particular devices. It started with discussion on the growth, doping process, contact materials and properties of semiconductor. The study and discussion on the p-n junction and Schottky contact/diode will be a main objective of the course. The basic principle, operation and material requirement of devices and introduction to micro and nano-materials and electronics will be given toward the end of the lectures. FAKULTI SAINS 55 SSCP 4493 - Metallurgy Solidification and crystalization; phase equilibrium diagrams; composition determination; steel hardening process; heat treatment of steel; welding process and types of welding; defects in welding; casting process and types of casting; forging process and defects in forging; type of oxidation formation; corrosion ; corrosion; protection; metallography testing; mechanical Testing. SSCP 4603 - Vacuum and Thin Film Conductance and throughput. vacuum gauges and pumps. nucleation, physical vapour deposition, chemical vapour deposition, characterization measurements, properties – structural, optical, electrical and magnetic, novel properties – quantum effect, giant magnetoresistance, thin film solar cells, layered magnetic nanostructures - GMR sensors, single-electron devices. SSCP 4623 - Material Science This course introduces to the students basic and important properties of materials. This includes materials structures and deffects that determine the vital properties that can be utilized such as its mechanical, electrical or optical properties. Students are also taught with the important parameters of material characteristics and methods of testing these parameters. In general this course provides the relationship between the required properties and materials processing to suit certain product application. SSCP 4633 - Ceramics and Amorphous Materials The course starts with a brief introduction on the amorphous and ceramic materials, the formation theory and thermodynamic approach. Their preparation techniques will be given consequently. The next topic will be on the microscopic and the macroscopic structure of amorphous and ceramics which include the bond and the imperfections. The physical, mechanical, optical and the electrical properties will be emphasized in the following parts. Then, the chemical durability of amorphous will be attentively highlighted. In general, the course provides some knowledge on the amorphous and ceramics material and their characterization that are useful in the glass and ceramics industry. SSCP 4643 - Polymeric Materials The course starts with a brief basic concept of polymer and degree of polymerization.The classification of polymer will then followed. The preparation techniques and the crosslinkages are then discussed. The crystallinity, amorphousity and the morphology of the polymer will also be highlighted. The mechanical, physical and thermal properties will also be presented. In general, the course provides some knowledge on the polymeric material and their characterizations that are useful in polymer industry. 56 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF FIZIK INDUSTRI (D) SSCP 3523 - Modern Optics This course exposes the students to the field of optics. Elementary optics, ray optics, optical instruments, source and detector, interference and diffraction, image processing, laser, polarization and electromagnetic effects, fibre optics and integrated optics are described and discussed. At the end of the course, students should be able to understand and apply the concepts to solve the problems related to the optical phenomena. Students should have the ability to apply and use standard optical components including laser and fibre optics components. The students should also be able to explain the functions of various components in optical systems in various applications and be thankful to the Creator of light. SSCP 4523 - Laser Technology This course introduces the laser source and it application in industry. It covers basic laser, light interaction with atom, laser structure and generation, laser type. The laser sources have been applied in many areas including in industry and holography. In engineering the laser is used for material processing. Holography is used for quality control. Laser is used to drive fusion interaction. In military the lasers are used as a guidance and weapon. SSCP 4533 - Fibre Optic Technology Introduces the historical development and the importance of fibre optics in different applications. The parameters involved in the usage of optical fibres and the components of a fibre optic system will be described. Techniques of preparing an optical fibre will be discussed, including instruments used for preparation and measurement. The application of fiber optics in communication and sensing will be described and discussed. Upon completion, the student must have the ability to describe the structure, material content, the various characteristics of an optical fibre. The student should also be able to analyze the functional role of the various components of an optical fibre system for use in communication and sensing, and be able to describe the preparation and measurement techniques required. SSCP 4543 - Optoelectronics This course is designed to expose the students to the present trends in optoelectronics and will be introduced to the basic concepts and working principles in optoelectronic components and devices. The fundamental and functional of main components in optoelectronics system are discussed, including the analysis of parameters essential in the design and applications of optoelectronics system. After completing this course, the students must have the ability to explain the main concepts of optoelectronics as it emerges in wide ranges of physics especially light and optics. Students comprehend the working of various optoelectronics concept, components and devices, describe and discuss the functions of their components and analyze the parameters involved in the design and application of optoelectronics system. SSCP 4553 - Applied optics This course exposes the students to the variety of applications related to optics. Optical design techniques, photometry, radiometry, application of laser optics, fibre optics components and optical systems are described and discussed. Upon completion, students should have the ability to make simple optical design using standard optical components including laser and fibre optics components. The students should also be able to explain the functions of various components in optical systems in various applications and be thankful to the Creator of light. FAKULTI SAINS 57 SSCP 4563 - Photonics Introduces the various fields of study in photonics such as Fourier optics, crystal optics, integrated optics, nanophotonics and biophotonics. The principles and parameters involved in the various fields of study will be described. The applications that have emerged from thse studies such as in communication, sensing and imaging will be described and discussed. Upon completion, the student must have the ability to describe the models used in the various fields of study in photonics. The student should also be able to analyze the functional role of the various components and devices in different photonic systems, such as their roles in communication, sensing and imaging systems. SSCP 4573 - Laser In Medicine This course introduces laser devices applied in medicine. It covers laser biophysic, nonlinear effect and photodisruption, mechanism of damage induced by Nd: YAG laser, laser tissue interactions, laser in eye surgery, laser in dentistry, laser acupuncture, low level laser theraphy LLLT, digital holography. Generally lasers have been utilized in wide area of medical field. SSCP 4583 - Photometry Introduces the basic concepts in photometry and the various the photometric parameters involved, photmetric measurement procedures and instrumentation will be described. Fundamentals of colorimetry will also be discussed, including the CIE system used. Upon completion, the student must have the ability to describe the various photometric parameters, measurement procedures and instrumentation related to photometry and colorimetry. The student should also be able to use photometry parameters in analyzing simple optical systems. SSCP 4593 - Solid State Laser Engineering This course describes the design and construction of solid state laser. This includes the design of optical resonator, which cover the transverse modes, longitudinal mode, intensity and frequency control, hardware design, unstable resonator and wavelength selection. To pump the laser, various pump sources are discussed. The pump radiation transfer methods are also described. To stabilize the laser, the effect of thermo-optic is considered. Finally the laser beam is modulated by Q-switched and mode locked. SSCP 4713 - Introduction to Nonlinear optic This course describes the interaction of laser with nonlinear materials. It starts with interaction of photon and atom, followed by discussion of laser operation, laser oscillation, electro-optic, and introduction to non linear optic. Nonlinear process includes second harmonic generation, parametric and phase conjugation. Finally, the solitary wave is studied in dispersive media for generating ultra-short pulse. 58 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS KIMIA SSCC 1322 – Introduction to Chemistry Program The course provides students with the understanding of the role of chemists and the relationship of chemistry to society so that they can make reasoned judgements on issues that are affected by the processes and products of chemistry. The students will be introduced to the role of the chemist in researching, analyzing and developing chemistry knowledge and products for the purpose of benefiting mankind and for sustaining the world. The course also discusses research and development of chemistry and career prospects for chemistry graduates. Part of the course also provide students with the view of the foundation of chemistry through their applications to every day lives specifically in the topics of chemistry and the environment, green chemistry, food chemistry, chemistry of household products, cosmetics and personal care, medicines, drugs and crime. Development of the students’ study and generic skills essential for a successful graduate and qualified professional chemist is also addressed. SSCC 1003 – Principles of Chemistry This course strengthens principles of chemistry knowledge before proceeding to more specialized and higher levels chemistry subjects. The first part of this course exposes students to fundamentals of atoms and molecules and concepts which are known to be the main sources of chemical processes. The formation of chemical bonding, structure of molecules and properties of compounds are discussed. The second part of this course concentrates on stoichiometry and the relation between reacted species in reactions. The last part of this course strengthen student in term of fundamental knowledge of organic chemistry and introduces students the ideas of green chemistry concept. SSCM 1023 – Mathematical Methods 1 The course revises and extends Matriculation and STPM topics such as differentiation and integration and includes topics such as complex numbers and differential equations, which may be new to many students. Topics covered include parametric equations, functions, polar coordinates, vectors, and complex numbers. Students will learn how to define functions, and plot the graphs, using the Cartesian as well as polar coordinates; solve problems involving complex numbers and vectors. Additional topics include limits and continuity, differentiation techniques and its applications, integration techniques including improper integrals. Upon completion, the students would have acquired some quite powerful tools of analysis. This is also an introductory course on differential equations. Topic includes first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Students will learn how to classify and solve first order ODEs. SSCM 1303 – Computer Literacy This course introduces basic computer data processing with no computer background required or assumed. It provides a general knowledge about computing including the what, the do’s, the don’ts and its operation. The emphasis is on developing skills in handling Microsoft Office such as MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel and MS Office. Mathematical Software such as Maple and SPSS will also be introduced. SSCC 1901 - Chemistry Practical This course is designed to improve students’ skills in observing chemical reactions, practicing good safety habits, using laboratory apparatus, handling chemicals and performing chemistry experiments. It comprises of chemical laboratory techniques such as glassware calibration, preparation and dilution of solutions, titration, separation, extraction, including data analysis and reporting. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to apply appropriate general chemistry laboratory techniques, draw conclusions and present scientific data in a clear and logical manner. FAKULTI SAINS 59 SSCC 1703 - Inorganic Chemistry This course introduces the basic concepts of inorganic chemistry, focusing largely on structure, reactivity and periodicity of inorganic substances of the main group elements. The course also teaches the systematic survey of the descriptive inorganic chemistry of the main group elements, including industrial applications and practical uses of important classes of inorganic compounds. SSCC 1851 - Inorganic Chemistry Practical I This course introduces the basic concepts and skills in inorganic chemistry practical. The experiments are focused on physicochemical properties of elements and compounds of Group IA, Group IIA, Aluminium, Nitrogen, Sulphur and Halogen. This course also exposes students to basic skill of handling chemicals and preparing solution. SSCC 1413 – Chemical Thermodynamics The course provides the concepts and principle of physical chemistry, starting with a brief discussion on gases which include the properties and equation of state of ideal and real gas and continuing with the principle of corresponding states. The next topics will emphasize on Thermodynamics: Basic concepts of thermodynamics – State functions, heat, enthalpy, internal energy, Gibbs free energy, Helmholtz free energy, heat capacity, First, Second and Third Laws of thermodynamics and Zeroth law of thermodynamics. Topics on the Chemical Equilibria will focus on chemical potentials and phase equilibria which include the phase rule and phase diagram of single component system. The final topic will cover Solutions: compositions, partial molar quantities, ideal solutions, ideally dilute solutions and non ideal solutions. SSCC 1841 - Physical Chemistry Practical I This course is design to increase and strengthen students’ understanding on the concepts and principles in Chemical Thermodynamics through experiments conducted in the laboratory. The experiments selected for the course illustrate concepts explored in the Chemical Thermodynamics lecture, enable students to test the relation of theories with experiments, learn experimental methods used by physical chemist, develop laboratory skills and the ability to work independently, learn how to effectively present scientific results and appreciate the limitations inherent in both theoretical treatments and experimental measurements. SSCC 1603 – Organic Chemistry-Functional Groups This course discusses the fundamental concepts of functional groups in organic compounds. These include aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols, organohalogen compounds, ethers, epoxides, aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids. In each topic, the students will be introduced to the structures of the functional groups and the nomenclatures (common names and IUPAC names). Physical properties, preparations, reactions and visual tests will also be discussed. Inter-conversion of the related functional groups and their reaction mechanisms are also included. SSCC 1821 - Organic Chemistry Practical I This course comprises several laboratory experiments related to organic chemistry. Emphasis is on the basic skills of recrystallization, extraction, separation, reflux and distillation. Upon completion, students should be able to assemble and use basic apparatus for experimental organic chemistry and present scientific data in a clear and logical way and produce a scientific report of their work. SSCC 2613 - Organic Chemistry-Biomolecules This course introduces the classifications, synthesis and reactions of biomolecules such as carbohydrates, peptides, proteins and lipids. It will also emphasize on the three-dimensioal structures and fundamental concepts of stereochemistry. Infrared spectroscopy is included as a technique in characterising the functional groups of compounds. 60 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCC 2891 - Organic Chemistry Practical II This course introduces students to the techniques and knowledge required in the synthesis or preparation of isomeric compounds, N-heterocyclic compounds, derivative of glucose, azo dyes and the isolation, purification and reaction of lipid. Students will be exposed to the infrared spectroscopic technique as a tool to determine the functional groups of the synthetic and isolated compounds. SSCC 2453 - Chemical Kinetics and Electrochemistry This course presents the fundamental concept and the application of chemical kinetics and electrochemistry. The chemical kinetics study includes rate and mechanism of reactions, orders of reactions, rate laws and the comparison of theories with experiments for simple gas reactions, reactions in solution, complex reactions, homogeneous catalysis, chain reactions and rapid reactions. While electrochemistry includes the electrolyte conductivity, theory on conductivity, activity, transport numbers, electrochemical cells and electrode processes and kinetics. SSCC 2841 - Physical Chemistry Practical II This course is design to increase and strengthen students’ understanding on the concepts and principles in Chemical Kinetics and Electrochemistry through experiments conducted in the laboratory. The experiments selected for the course illustrate concepts explored in the Chemical Kinetics and Electrochemistry lecture, enable students to test the relation of theories with experiments, learn experimental methods used by physical chemist, develop laboratory skills and the ability to work independently, learn how to effectively present scientific results and appreciate the limitations inherent in both theoretical treatments and experimental measurements. SSCC 2312 - Laboratory Safety and Management The emphasis of this subject is to expose the students in the fundamental concept and theory related to Laboratory Organization and Laboratory Design, Material and Chemical managements, Dangerous Instrumentations, Safety in Laboratory and Chemical Store, Safety Procedures and Documentations. The basic knowledge on Quality Laboratory System, Legal and Environmental Act 1974, Chemistry Act 1975, Machine and Factory Act 1967 and Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 will also be introduced. SSCC 2713 - Coordination Chemistry This course introduces the different types of ligands used in coordination chemistry and how their different modes of coordination lead to isomerism. The systematic way of naming metal complexes will be outlined. The different ideas on bonding in metal complexes will be discussed and this will help students to understand the advantages and limitations of each theory. The substitution mechanistic pathways of metal complexes and its kinetics and how this mechanism is determined experimentally are illustrated. The electronic spectra and colour properties of the metal complexes will be explained. Spectroscopic characterization techniques of coordination compounds are also covered. SSCC 2851 - Inorganic Chemistry Practical II The emphasis of this course is to provide the students with an appreciation for the synthesis and characterizations of coordination compounds. It is also aimed to provide the students with a degree of competence in the laboratory skills required for accurate and precise chemical analysis. The experiments selected for this course include developing skills in the synthesis and isolation of coordination compounds or metal complexes with different kinds of ligands followed by characterization by conventional methods such as gravimetry, titrimetry and melting point, including characterization techniques used by coordination chemists such as UV-visible, NMR and FTIR spectroscopies. The principles of the spectroscopic methods are described and discussed with respect to their respective spectral outputs and interpretation obtained from the as-synthesized coordination compounds. SSCC 2473 - Molecular Spectroscopy The emphasis of this course is to expose the students to the fundamental principles of molecular FAKULTI SAINS spectroscopy focusing on molecular energy levels and their interaction with electromagnetic radiation, spectral outputs and their interpretation in relation to molecular structure. The branches of spectroscopy covered include rotational spectroscopy, vibrational spectroscopy (IR and Raman), electronic spectroscopy (absorption and emission) and spin resonance spectroscopy (NMR and ESR). The general spectrometer components and the requirements for high resolution spectrum of FTIR and FT NMR will be discussed to represent the practical aspects of this subject. SSCC 2243 - Principles of Analytical Chemistry This course provides a basic introduction to quantitative chemical analysis, with emphasis on classical chemical methods. The course introduces general analytical techniques that include sampling, sample preparation, data analysis and method validation; and classical analytical methods that include gravimetric and volumetric techniques. The volumetric method will emphasize on acid-base, precipitation, complexation and redox titrations. SSCC 2861 - Analytical Chemistry Practical I The subject introduces students to Good Laboratory Practices in classical (wet chemistry) methods. Experiments are designed to complement the topics covered in Principles of Analytical Chemistry (SSC 2243), which include gravimetric and volumetric techniques. Part of the course consists of a short laboratory project. SSCC 3233 - Instrumental Analysis This course introduces the principles, instrumentation, and application of spectroscopic and chromatographic methods used in analytical chemistry. Emphasis is on ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, atomic absorption spectroscopy and emission spectroscopy, liquid chromatography and gas chromatography. SSCC 3871 - Analytical Chemistry Practical II The subject introduces students to laboratory work related to instrumental methods of analysis. Experiments complement topics in Instrumental Analysis (SSCC 3233) that include techniques in ultra violet-visible spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, and atomic flame emission photometry SSCC 3323 - Principles of Polymer Science This course is to introduce the students about polymers as materials with characteristic mechanical and physical properties which are controlled by the structure and the methods of synthesis. Topics covered in the course are polymer synthesis, the reaction of monomers to form polymers, copolymers or terpolymers either by chain-growth, step-growth (polycondensation), ring-opening polymerisations. Polymerization mechanisms and polymerization kinetics related to degree of polymerization and molecular weight control and molecular distributions will be discussed in detail. Physical aspect of polymer (polymer structures, morphology, amorphous state and glass-transitions temperature Tg, crystalline state and melting temperature Tm) will also be discussed. The inter-related molecular weights and molecular weight distributions on morphologies and their effects on the processing and final properties of polymers will be emphasized, as well as the structure-properties relation that influenced the overall properties of a polymer. SSCC 3463 - Quantum Chemistry The emphasis of this course is to expose the students to the fundamental principles and techniques of quantum chemistry in the description of atom and molecule in terms of electronic structure and properties. This course is introduced by discussing wave particle behaviour of electron, Schrodinger wave equations and its applications to a particle in a box, harmonic oscillator, rigid rotor, hydrogen atom, and hydrogen like atoms. It continued further on the combination of atoms to form molecules; valence bond and molecular orbital theories; Huckel approximation; approximate techniques: variation and perturbation. 61 62 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCC 4483 - Corrosion Chemistry This subject introduces the concept of corrosion; which includes definition and importance of corrosion, the driving force for corrosion reactions, the rates of electrochemical reactions, rates of electrochemical corrosion reactions, characteristic forms of electrochemical corrosion, prevention and control of electrochemical corrosion and high temperature corrosion/oxidation and its control. Upon completion, students should be able to develop and apply knowledge to describe the electrochemical corrosion processes and its prevention. Students should also be able to rationalize the importance of corrosion effect in industrial application and our lives. SSCU 3623 - Research Methology and Data Retrieval This course teaches the students on principles of research methodology and information retrieval. Topics include research philosophy and objectives, literature study and review, choosing and defining research problems and design, preparing and writing research proposals, technical report writing (the elements of technical writing), types of technical report writing, dissertation writing, public speaking (preparation and presentation) and information retrieval (search strategies). Presentation of assignment is also an important component in this course. SSCU 3915 – Research Training All students under this program are compulsory to do research training at local or oversea research centres/institutes. Students are required to apply for research attachment that will take placed for 10 weeks. Students will be exposed to real research practice with supervisors assigned by the faculty and the industry. Students will be assessed on the reports written by the students submitted to the faculty at the end of the training as well as the reports from both supervisors SSCU 4902 - Undergraduate Project I Students are required to execute a project (research) under an identified supervisor in an agreeable field of chemistry and documented the findings. Students will learn to gather information of the related topic through literature survey/review activities, construct research methodology, built-up results and discussion (if manageable and sufficient data were obtained), anticipate the expected results (if no data were obtained), and write conclusion and references. Finally, students are required to submit a research proposal and a draft project/research report comprising of Title, Introduction, Literature Survey/Review, Research Methodology/Experimental, Results and Discussion/Expected Results, Conclusion, and References SSCU 4904 - Undergraduate Project II Students are required to execute a project (research) under an identified supervisor in an agreeable field of chemistry and documented the findings. Students will learn to gather information of the related topic through literature survey/review activities, construct research methodology, built-up results and discussion, come-up with conclusion and references. Finally, it is compulsory for the students to submit a proceeding and a project or research report comprising of Title, Introduction, Literature Survey/ Review, Experimental, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Future Work and References FAKULTI SAINS 63 SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF KIMIA SSCC 3243 - Separation Methods This course introduces the basic principles, instrumentation and applications of separation methods commonly used in chemical analysis. A general overview and classifications of common separation methods is first given followed by their basic principles of separation. Major separation methods and its applications discussed include extraction, chromatography and electrophoresis. SSCC 3533 - Application of Computer in Chemistry This course introduces the application of computer methods in chemistry. Topics discussed include regression analysis, multivariate calibration, pattern recognition, experimental design and optimisation, handling of chemical structures, chemical databases, molecular modelling, and artificial intelligence. Applications of these methods in data analysis, structural searching, prediction of properties and drug design are discussed. SSCC 3643 - Application of Spectroscopy This course discusses the principle and application of infrared (IR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopies and mass spectrometry (MS) for structural determination of organic compounds. In addition, elemental analysis for determination of molecular formula and index of hydrogen deficiency will be discussed. SSCC 4603 - Medicinal Chemistry This course discusses the general principles of medicinal chemistry with emphasis on the molecular interaction of drugs with biological systems. The functional groups commonly found in drugs are reviewed with respect to their nomenclature and chemical reactivity. The absorption and metabolism characteristics are then related to the physicochemical properties of these functional groups. The theories and principles of drug-receptor interactions and drug design are presented, as well as the general principles of drug metabolism. To illustrate current drug developments, this course will utilize examples from chemical biology, bioorganic chemistry and drug design. SSCC 4233 - Analytical Electrochemistry This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the principles of analytical electrochemistry. Fundamental aspects of electrode reactions and structure of the interfacial region and application of electrode reactions to electrochemical characterization are included. Major electroanalytical techniques will be discussed including potentiometry, amperometry, polarography, cyclic voltammetry, pulse and differential pulse voltammetry, square wave voltammetry, and stripping analysis. Introduction to the principles of chemical and biochemical sensors will also be discussed. SSCC 4773 - Inorganic and Organometallic Polymer The course is intended to give an understanding of the basic principles of inorganic and organometallic polymers. It will emphasise on the physical properties, chemical synthesis, the characterisation and practical applications of the polymers. All the major inorganic and organometallic polymers such as polyphosphazenes, polysilanes, polysiloxanes, polyferrocenes and other polymers will be dealt with. SSCC 4443 - Chemical Reactions Process This course is designed to prepare students to formulate and solve material and energy balances on chemical process systems. It lays the foundation for courses in thermodynamics, unit operations, kinetics and process dynamics. It introduces the engineering approach to solving process-related problems - breaking a process down into its components, establishing the relations between known and unknown process variables, assembling the information needed to solve for the unknowns using 64 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 a combination of experimentation, empiricism and the application of natural laws to obtain the desired solution. SSCC 4653 - Organic Synthesis This course discusses the interconversion of various functional groups and the formation of C-C bonds; which represent two crucial areas in organic synthesis. Students will be introduced to the use of protecting groups and oxidation-reduction in the synthetic methodology. The retrosynthesis approach in organic synthesis will also be elaborated. Specific topic on carbonyl functionalities will be discussed which mainly highlight the related condensation reactions. Further discussion on rearrangement and pericylic reactions will be emphasized. Throughout the course, the usefulness of the synthetic methods will be related with their applications in various research and industry. Upon completion, the students should be able to plan synthetic strategy and pathway using both functional interconversion and C-C bond formation. SSCC 4733 - Radiochemistry The course is focussed on the fundamentals of nuclear structure and physico-chemical properties in radioactivity. The mass-energy relationship presented in this course includes the binding energy of nuclear reactions - energetic of nuclear reactions, cross-section and types of reactions. Radioactivity phenomena as explained in rates of nuclear decay, determination of half lives and growth of radioactive products are covered. Quantitative aspect of this course will be discussed under units of radioactivity, detection of radiation and instrumentation in radiochemistry. The study of the interaction of radiation with matter is included. Basic principles of nuclear reactors are also presented along with applications of radionuclides in chemistry and other related areas. Some aspects of nuclear energy generation, nuclear fuel reprocessing and nuclear waste disposal will also be discussed. SSCC 4723 - Organometallic Chemistry The course teaches the chemistry of organometallic compounds. It includes the definition and classification of the compounds, 18-electron rule and its limitations, types of bonding and methods of preparation followed by characterization of organometallic compounds. The discussion continues with the types of reactions and application of organometallic compounds as catalysts and others; metalcarbonyl complexes: synthesis, structure, reactions and applications; clusters compounds and their structure and isolobal relationship; the bioinorganic compound: coenzyme B12, and nitrogen fixation. SSCC 4363 - Green Chemistry This course introduces students to the principles and application of Green Chemistry which was developed based on historical cases and current research. Topics include evaluation methods for environmental and human health impact, alternative reagents in designing safer reactions and chemicals, green chemical synthesis, green chemical products, and economic advantages to Green Chemistry. Real-world cases in green chemistry will be used to illustrate the goals of Green Chemistry. SSCC 4263 - Thermal Analysis This subject is designed to provide students with an understanding of the principles and application of thermal analysis methods. Key thermal analysis methods such as Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) are discussed, including instrumental system, factors affecting measurements, and the effect of sample properties on thermograms. Other thermal analysis methods discussed include microthermal analysis, thermomechanical analysis and dilatometry. Discussions will also cover interpretation of thermograms and application of the thermal analysis methods. SSCC 4473 - Solid State Chemistry This course exposes students to solid state chemistry beginning with introduction to simple crystals structures, symmetry, lattices and units cells, crystalline solids, and lattice energy. Following this, FAKULTI SAINS 65 the main topic discussed include X-ray Diffraction and its use in solving single crystal structures; various preparative methods in solid states; bonding in solids states and electronic properties and electronic conductivity in simple metals, semiconductors and doped semiconductors; defects and non-stoichiometry; ionic conductivity in solids, solid electrolytes; non-stoichiometric compounds and electronic properties of non-stoichiometric oxides; application of physical techniques in characterization of inorganic solids; optical properties of solids; magnetic and dielectric properties of materials; phase diagram and its interpretation; relationship between structure, physicochemical and mechanical properties of materials including zeolites and related structures SSCC 4693 - Metabolism of Biomolecules This course discusses the metabolism of biomolecules in the class of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. The discussion will include catabolism and anabolism for each biomolecule. The interaction of biomolecules with one another to produce ATP will be discussed. Inborn errors of metabolism related to the specific biomolecules will also be highlighted. SSCC 4763 - Nanochemistry The primary objective of this course is to provide a broad foundation of understanding nanochemistry in the field of nanotechnology, so that students are prepared to continually learn about this emerging field. New era about nanomaterials is coming because of special physical and chemical properties of materials underlying nanoscale. This course mainly introduces novel nanomaterials and instrumental for materials analysis. This will include topics on; Introduction to nanochemistry and nanotechnology, The chemistry of nanofabrication; sol-gel, colloidal system, hydrothermal, thin film, catalysis, selfassembly), Preparation methods for highly porous materials, Surface modifications-functionalization, Spectroscopy (AA, FTIR and ICP), Characterization of nanomaterials (TEM, SEM/FESEM, XPS, XRD), Perspectives of nanochemistry in the environmental applications. Based on this knowledge, students can have ideas about controlling physicochemical properties of nanomaterials to solve the problems specifically in the environmental applications towards sustainability. . SSCC 4493 - Surface and Colloid Chemistry Students are introduced to the fundamental concept of all type of surfaces and interfaces, to understand the surface phenomenon such as physical and chemisorption process, classification of adsorption isotherm, capillary, wetting and spreading. For colloid chemistry, the course will discuss the classification of colloid, colloidal phenomena and colloidal stability. Upon completion, students should be able to develop and apply knowledge in describing several absorption models and the difference between physisorption and chemisorption and properties and stability of colloidal system. SSCP 4403 - Microscopic and Material Analysis This is an introductory course on microscopic techniques that deals with the basic working principles and schematic diagram of construction of various microscopes, namely, light microscope, electron microscope, x-ray microscope, acoustic microscope, field ion microscope, and scanning probe microscope. For each type of microscope, particular reference is given to the resolving power, sample preparation, and analysis of the micrograph. In general, this course will provide the students with necessary knowledge on the choice of microscope for study of materials. SSCP 4603 - Vacuum and Thin Film Conductance and throughput. Vacuum gauges and pumps. Nucleation, Physical Vapour Deposition, Chemical Vapour Deposition, Characterization Measurements, Properties – structural, optical, electrical and magnetic, Novel Properties – quantum effect, giant magnetoresistance, Thin Film Solar Cells, Layered Magnetic Nanostructures - GMR sensors, Single-Electron Devices. 66 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS KIMIA INDUSTRI SSCC 1003 - Principles of Chemistry This course strengthens principles of chemistry knowledge before proceeding to more specialized and higher levels chemistry subjects. The first part of this course exposes students to fundamentals of atoms and molecules and concepts which are known to be the main sources of chemical processes. The formation of chemical bonding, structure of molecules and properties of compounds are discussed. The second part of this course concentrates on stoichiometry and the relation between reacted species in reactions. The last part of this course strengthen student in term of fundamental knowledge of organic chemistry and introduces students the ideas of green chemistry concept. SSCC 1901 - Chemistry Practical This course is designed to improve students’ skills in observing chemical reactions, practicing good safety habits, using laboratory apparatus, handling chemicals and performing chemistry experiments. It comprises of chemical laboratory techniques such as glassware calibration, preparation and dilution of solutions, titration, separation, extraction, including data analysis and reporting. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to apply appropriate general chemistry laboratory techniques, draw conclusions and present scientific data in a clear and logical manner. SSCC 1703 - Inorganic Chemistry This course introduces the basic concepts of inorganic chemistry, focusing largely on structure, reactivity and periodicity of inorganic substances of the main group elements. The course also teaches the systematic survey of the descriptive inorganic chemistry of the main group elements, including industrial applications and practical uses of important classes of inorganic compounds. SSCC 1851 - Inorganic Chemistry Practical I This course introduces the basic concepts and skills in inorganic chemistry practical. The experiments are focused on physicochemical properties of elements and compounds of Group IA, Group IIA, Aluminium, Nitrogen, Sulphur and Halogen. This course also exposes students to basic skill of handling chemicals and preparing solution. SSCM 1023 - Mathematical Methods 1 The course revises and extends Matriculation and STPM topics such as differentiation and integration and includes topics such as complex numbers and differential equations, which may be new to many students. Topics covered include parametric equations, functions, polar coordinates, vectors, and complex numbers. Students will learn how to define functions, and plot the graphs, using the Cartesian as well as polar coordinates; solve problems involving complex numbers and vectors. Additional topics include limits and continuity, differentiation techniques and its applications, integration techniques including improper integrals. Upon completion, the students would have acquired some quite powerful tools of analysis. This is also an introductory course on differential equations. Topic includes first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Students will learn how to classify and solve first order ODEs. SSCC 1332 - Introduction to Industrial Chemistry Program This course introduces students to the definition and the different fields of the Chemistry, and the relationship of chemistry to society and industry. It also provides students with the understanding of the role of the chemists in providing and using scientific knowledge to make reasoned judgements on issues that are affected by the processes and products of chemistry. The students will be introduced to the aspects of chemistry required for analyzing, developing and managing chemical knowledge and products that are beneficial to mankind and sustainable environment. The management of chemistry research and development and career prospects for industrial chemistry graduates will also be discussed. The course also provides the basic foundation of chemistry for applications to every FAKULTI SAINS day lives specifically in the topics of chemistry and the environment, green chemistry, food chemistry, chemistry of household products, cosmetics and personal care, medicines, drugs and crime. In addition, the development of the students’ study and generic skills essential for a successful graduate and qualified professional chemist is introduced. SSCC1413 - Chemical Thermodynamics The course provides the concepts and principle of physical chemistry, starting with a brief discussion on gases which include the properties and equation of state of ideal and real gas and continuing with the principle of corresponding states. The next topics will emphasize on Thermodynamics: Basic concepts of thermodynamics – State functions, heat, enthalpy, internal energy, Gibbs free energy, Helmholtz free energy,heat capacity, First, Second and Third Laws of thermodynamics and Zeroth law of thermodynamics. Topics on the Chemical Equilibria will focus on chemical potentials and phase equilibria which include the phase rule and phase diagram of single component system. The final topic will cover Solutions: compositions, partial molar quantities, ideal solutions, ideally dilute solutions and non ideal solutions SSCC 1841 - Physical Chemistry Practical I This course is design to increase and strengthen students’ understanding on the concepts and principles in Chemical Thermodynamics through experiments conducted in the laboratory. The experiments selected for the course illustrate concepts explored in the Chemical Thermodynamics lecture, enable students to test the relation of theories with experiments, learn experimental methods used by physical chemist, develop laboratory skills and the ability to work independently, learn how to effectively present scientific results and appreciate the limitations inherent in both theoretical treatments and experimental measurements. SSCC 1603 Organic Chemistry - Functional Groups This course discusses the fundamental concepts of functional groups in organic compounds. These include aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols, organohalogen compounds, ethers, epoxides, aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids. In each topic, the students will be introduced to the structures of the functional groups and the nomenclatures (common names and IUPAC names). Physical properties, preparations, reactions and visual tests will also be discussed. Inter-conversion of the related functional groups and their reaction mechanisms are also included. SSCC 1821 - Organic Chemistry Practical I This course comprises several laboratory experiments related to organic chemistry. Emphasis is on the basic skills of recrystallization, extraction, separation, reflux and distillation. Upon completion, students should be able to assemble and use basic apparatus for experimental organic chemistry and present scientific data in a clear and logical way and produce a scientific report of their work SSCM 1103 - Statistics (SSCE/ SSCM) The course is an introduction to statistics, reviewing some descriptive statistics which includes probability and random variables. Then, the topic of sampling distributions and inferential statistics which include estimation procedures and hypothesis testing is covered. The latter using the method of analysis of variance when more than two means are involved. Also, simple linear regression and contingency table are introduced. Students will be trained in the use of computer software such as Microsoft Excel and SPSS. SSCC 2613 - Organic Chemistry - Biomolecules This course introduces the classifications, synthesis and reactions of biomolecules such as carbohydrates, peptides, proteins and lipids. It will also emphasize on the three-dimensioal structures and fundamental concepts of stereochemistry. Infrared spectroscopy is included as a technique in characterising the functional groups of compounds. 67 68 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCC 2891 - Organic Chemistry Practical II This course introduces students to the techniques and knowledge required in the synthesis or preparation of isomeric compounds, N-heterocyclic compounds, derivative of glucose, azo dyes and the isolation, purification and reaction of lipid. Students will be exposed to the infrared spectroscopic technique as a tool to determine the functional groups of the synthetic and isolated compounds. SSCC 2453 - Chemical Kinetics and Electrochemistry This course presents the fundamental concept and the application of chemical kinetics and electrochemistry. The chemical kinetics study includes rate and mechanism of reactions, orders of reactions, rate laws and the comparison of theories with experiments for simple gas reactions, reactions in solution, complex reactions, homogeneous catalysis, chain reactions and rapid reactions. While electrochemistry includes the electrolyte conductivity, theory on conductivity, activity, transport numbers, electrochemical cells and electrode processes and kinetics SSCC 2841 - Physical Chemistry Practical II This course is design to increase and strengthen students’ understanding on the concepts and principles in Chemical Kinetics and Electrochemistry through experiments conducted in the laboratory. The experiments selected for the course illustrate concepts explored in the Chemical Kinetics and Electrochemistry lecture, enable students to test the relation of theories with experiments, learn experimental methods used by physical chemist, develop laboratory skills and the ability to work independently, learn how to effectively present scientific results and appreciate the limitations inherent in both theoretical treatments and experimental measurements SSCC 2312 - Laboratory Safety and Management The emphasis of this subject is to expose the students in the fundamental concept and theory related to Laboratory Organization and Laboratory Design, Material and Chemical managements, Dangerous Instrumentations, Safety in Laboratory and Chemical Store, Safety Procedures and Documentations. The basic knowledge on Quality Laboratory System, Legal and Environmental Act 1974, Chemistry Act 1975, Machine and Factory Act 1967 and Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 will also be introduced. SSCM 1303 - Computer Literacy This course introduces basic computer data processing with no computer background required or assumed. It provides a general knowledge about computing including the what, the do’s, the don’ts and its operation. The emphasis is on developing skills in handling Microsoft Office such as MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel and MS Office. Mathematical Software such as Maple and SPSS will also be introduced. SSCC 2713 – Coordination Chemistry This course introduces the different types of ligands used in coordination chemistry and how their different modes of coordination lead to isomerism. The systematic way of naming metal complexes will be outlined. The different ideas on bonding in metal complexes will be discussed and this will help students to understand the advantages and limitations of each theory. The substitution mechanistic pathways of metal complexes and its kinetics and how this mechanism is determined experimentally are illustrated. The electronic spectra and colour properties of the metal complexes will be explained. Spectroscopic characterization techniques of coordination compounds are also covered SSCC 2851 – Inorganic Chemistry Practical II The emphasis of this course is to provide the students with an appreciation for the synthesis and characterizations of coordination compounds. It is also aimed to provide the students with a degree of competence in the laboratory skills required for accurate and precise chemical analysis. The experiments selected for this course include developing skills in the synthesis and isolation of coordination compounds or metal complexes with different kinds of ligands followed by characterization FAKULTI SAINS 69 by conventional methods such as gravimetry, titrimetry and melting point, including characterization techniques used by coordination chemists such as UV-visible, NMR and FTIR spectroscopies. The principles of the spectroscopic methods are described and discussed with respect to their respective spectral outputs and interpretation obtained from the as-synthesized coordination compounds. SSCC 2473 – Molecular Spectroscopy The emphasis of this course is to expose the students to the fundamental principles of molecular spectroscopy focusing on molecular energy levels and their interaction with electromagnetic radiation, spectral outputs and their interpretation in relation to molecular structure. The branches of spectroscopy covered include rotational spectroscopy, vibrational spectroscopy (IR and Raman), electronic spectroscopy (absorption and emission) and spin resonance spectroscopy (NMR and ESR). The general spectrometer components and the requirements for high resolution spectrum of FTIR and FT NMR will be discussed to represent the practical aspects of this subject. SSCC 2243 - Principles of Analytical Chemistry This course provides a basic introduction to quantitative chemical analysis, with emphasis on classical chemical methods. The course introduces general analytical techniques that include sampling, sample preparation, data analysis and method validation; and classical analytical methods that include gravimetric and volumetric techniques. The volumetric method will emphasize on acid-base, precipitation, complexation and redox titrations. SSCC 2861 - Analytical Chemistry Practical I The subject introduces students to Good Laboratory Practices in classical (wet chemistry) methods. Experiments are designed to complement the topics covered in Principles of Analytical Chemistry (SSCC 2243), which include gravimetric and volumetric techniques. Part of the course consists of a short laboratory project. SSCC 3233 - Instrumental Analysis This course introduces the principles, instrumentation, and application of spectroscopic and chromatographic methods used in analytical chemistry. Emphasis is on ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, atomic absorption spectroscopy and emission spectroscopy, liquid chromatography and gas chromatography. SSCC 3871 - Analytical Chemistry Practical II The subject introduces students to laboratory work related to instrumental methods of analysis. Experiments complement topics in Instrumental Analysis (SSCC 3233) that include techniques in ultra violet-visible spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, and atomic flame emission photometry SSCC 3323 – Principles of Polymer Chemistry This course is to introduce the students about polymers as materials with characteristic mechanical and physical properties which are controlled by the structure and the methods of synthesis. Topics covered in the course are polymer synthesis, the reaction of monomers to form polymers, copolymers or terpolymers either by chain-growth, step-growth (polycondensation), ring-opening polymerisations. Polymerization mechanisms and polymerization kinetics related to degree of polymerization and molecular weight control and molecular distributions will be discussed in detail. Physical aspect of polymer (polymer structures, morphology, amorphous state and glass-transitions temperature Tg, crystalline state and melting temperature Tm) will also be discussed. The inter-related molecular weights and molecular weight distributions on morphologies and their effects on the processing and final properties of polymers will be emphasized, as well as the structure-properties relation that influenced the overall properties of a polymer. 70 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCC 3423 Industrial Chemical Process This course is designed to discuss the basic principles involved in chemical industrial processes. It involves dimension analysis, material and energy balances, basic unit operations, basic separation processes and process controll. Dimension analysis stresses on the basic units, dimensions, conversions of units which usually applied in scientific and engineering calculations. Material and energy balances discuss the fundamentals of material and energy balances calculations in nonreactive and reactive systems as well as recycle, by pass and purge on chemical process. Basic unit operations and separation processes include type of reactors, heat exchanger, distillation, absorption and filtration processes. Process controll discuss the process flow, flow-diagram and automation on chemical industries. SSCC 3533 - Application of Computer in Chemistry This course introduces the application of computer methods in chemistry. Topics discussed include regression analysis, multivariate calibration, pattern recognition, experimental design and optimisation, handling of chemical structures, chemical databases, molecular modelling, and artificial intelligence. Applications of these methods in data analysis, structural searching, prediction of properties and drug design are discussed. SSCC 3243 - Separation Methods This course introduces the basic principles, instrumentation and applications of separation methods commonly used in chemical analysis. A general overview and classifications of common separation methods is first given followed by their basic principles of separation. Major separation methods and its applications discussed include extraction, chromatography and electrophoresis. SSCU 3905 – Industrial Traning All students under this program are compulsory to do industrial training at local or oversea chemical industries. Students are required to apply for the industrial attachment that will take for 10 weeks. Students will be exposed to real industrial practice with supervisors assigned by the faculty and the industry. Students will be assessed on the reports written by the students submitted to the faculty at the end of the training as well as the reports from both supervisors. SSCU 4902 – Undergraduate Project I Students are required to execute a project (research) under an identified supervisor in an agreeable field of chemistry and documented the findings. Students will learn to gather information of the related topic through literature survey/review activities, construct research methodology, built-up results and discussion (if manageable and sufficient data were obtained), anticipate the expected results (if no data were obtained), and write conclusion and references. Finally, students are required to submit a research proposal and a draft project/research report comprising of Title, Introduction, Literature Survey/Review, Research Methodology/Experimental, Results and Discussion/Expected Results, Conclusion, and References SSCU 4904 – Undergraduate Project II Students are required to execute a project (research) under an identified supervisor in an agreeable field of chemistry and documented the findings. Students will learn to gather information of the related topic through literature survey/review activities, construct research methodology, built-up results and discussion, come-up with conclusion and references. Finally, it is compulsory for the students to submit a proceeding and a project or research report comprising of Title, Introduction, Literature Survey/ Review, Experimental, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Future Work and References. FAKULTI SAINS 71 SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF KIMIA INDUSTRI SSCC 3643 - Application of Spectroscopy This course discusses the principle and application of infrared (IR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopies and mass spectrometry (MS) for structural determination of organic compounds. In addition, elemental analysis for determination of molecular formula and index of hydrogen deficiency will be discussed. SSCC 4223 - Environmental Science The subject will focus on the fundamental concepts of environmental studies and sustainability. Emphasis will be given on sustaining the ecosystem, biodiversity, natural resources and environmental quality. Awareness and practical application of green technology will also be discussed. SSCC 4663 - Natural Products Chemistry This course introduces the fundamental concepts of natural products chemistry. The biosynthetic pathway of the secondary metabolites such as terpenes, flavonoids and alkaloids will be discussed. Isolation, classification and structural identification of terpenes, flavonoids and alkaloids will be covered. Reaction and synthesis associated with these compounds will be further examined. SSCC 4273 - Forensic Science This course provides an introduction to forensic science and the legal aspects. The roles of forensic scientist as crime scene investigator to laboratory analyst and finally as an expert witness in court are highlighted. Forensic analyses of paints, glass, hairs & fibres, fire debris, question document, drugs of abuse, blood, semen and saliva are covered in this course. SSCC 4483 - Corrosion Chemistry This subject introduces the concept of corrosion; which includes definition and importance of corrosion, the driving force for corrosion reactions, the rates of electrochemical reactions, rates of electrochemical corrosion reactions, characteristic forms of electrochemical corrosion, prevention and control of electrochemical corrosion and high temperature corrosion/oxidation and its control. Upon completion, students should be able to develop and apply knowledge to describe the electrochemical corrosion processes and its prevention. Students should also be able to rationalize the importance of corrosion effect in industrial application and our lives. SSCC 4683 - Biotechnology This course aims to give students an understanding of the multidisciplinary nature of biotechnology and the basic principles involved. It includes understanding of microbiology, biochemistry and simple engineering aspects of scale-up bioprocesses. The course mainly focuses on industrial and environmental aspects of biotechnology and applications of biotechnology in the environment: bioremediation; sewage and wastewater treatment processes and bioleaching. Topics such as cloning, stem cells technology or any other current topic is included as a special topic of interest. 72 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCC 4743 - Materials Chemistry An overall introduction to the importance of materials, and how chemistry controls its properties. Exploration of materials in terms of bonding such as ionic, covalent, metallic, Van der Waals and phases. Exploration of ‘property’; mechanical, electrical, optical and thermal. Some definitions, formulae, and measurements of simple properties of the materials. Variety of material which includes metals, semiconductors, superconductors, ceramics, glass, composites, layered materials (clays) and polymer. Introduction to advanced materials; carbon nanotubess, nanocomposite. Composites, such as Metal Matrix Composite, Polymer Matrix Composite and Ceramic Matrix Composite. Polymers and the Specialty polymers: functionalized polymers and electrically-conducting polymers. The co-relation between structure of materials with respect to their physico-chemical and mechanical properties. Describe various methods of synthesis, processes and applications of various materials according to industrial perspective. Characterization of materials using modern and sophisticated instruments. SSCC 4253 - Food Analysis The subject is designed to provide students with an understanding of the principles and procedures for the analysis of the chemical components of food. Introduction to food chemistry, food regulations, sample handling and preparation for data collection, reporting and analysis of data are included. Key analytical and separation techniques are discussed, including proximate analysis, classical techniques, and relevant modern instrumental techniques. SSCC 4673 - Industrial Organic Chemistry The course is intended to expose the students to organic chemicals in industries. The scope includes the organic chemicals used in foods, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and agro-based industries. The synthesis and analysis of some selected chemicals will be discussed. Industrial chemicals such as flavours and fragrances; vitamins; antioxidants; dyes and colouring materials; common drugs including antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anticancer, antihypertensive and antidepressant etc.; soaps and detergents; insecticides; fungicides; pesticides will be covered. Basic knowledge and uses of phytochemicals from herbs and spices will be introduced. SSCC 4293 - Radioanalytical Chemistry This course focuses on the principles of radioactivity and their applications in analytical chemistry including use of radiotracers in quantitative work. Error in techniques used will also be covered. Some of the analytical approaches discussed are isotope dilution analysis; radiometric titrations including selection of radiotracers. Some techniques of using radiotracers such as liquid scintillation techniques, its principles and applications will be discussed. Other related techniques include radioimmunoassay, neutron activation analysis, radiocarbon dating and geological chronology, radiochromatography. Some industrial applications in industry will also be covered.. SSCC 4353 - Consumer Chemistry Introduces students to various consumer products that are chemically based or in need of chemical formulations. These products include foods, cosmetics, household products, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals related to agriculture. Legislation and current concerns and issues will also be examined. Upon completion, students should be able to identify chemical formulations and functions of chemical components, formulate new products or make modifications on chemical based consumer products. Students should be able to develop and apply knowledge in understanding the importance of using safe chemicals for consumer products. FAKULTI SAINS 73 SSCC 4493 - Surface and Colloid Chemistry Students are introduced to the fundamental concept of all type of surfaces and interfaces, to understand the surface phenomenon such as physical and chemisorption process, classification of adsorption isotherm, capillary, wetting and spreading. For colloid chemistry, the course will discuss the classification of colloid, colloidal phenomena and colloidal stability. Upon completion, students should be able to develop and apply knowledge in describing several absorption models and the difference between physisorption and chemisorption and properties and stability of colloidal system. SSCC 4753 - Catalytic Chemistry This course introduces students to the role of catalysts in chemical and biological processes. Kinetics and reaction mechanism of catalysed reactions and structural aspects of catalysts will be highlighted. Emphasis is on the factors that influences catalysts reactivity in both homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. Different methods of preparation and characterization of catalytic material and the underlying principles with regard to industrial application of the catalyst will be discussed. Upon completion, students should be able to develop and apply knowledge in explaining the principles of catalysis in industrial processes, identify methods of preparing and characterizing catalysts such as supported metal catalysts, zeolites and metal oxides. 74 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS MATEMATIK SSCM 1012 - Introduction to Mathematics Programme Mathematics is among the most fascinating of all intellectual disciplines, the purest of all art forms, and the most challenging of games. It is a study of quantity, space, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns, formulate new conjectures, and establish truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms, definitions and theorems. Mathematics is applied as an essential tool in many fields, including natural sciences, engineering, medicine, and the social sciences. Applied mathematics, the branch of mathematics concerned with application of mathematical knowledge to other fields, inspires and makes use of new mathematical discoveries and sometimes leads to the development of entirely new mathematical disciplines, such as statistics and operational research. The study of mathematics is not only exciting, but important: mathematicians have an opportunity to make a lasting contribution to society by helping to solve problems in such diverse fields as medicine, management, economics, government, computer science, physics, psychology, engineering, and social science. SSCM 1023 - Mathematical Methods I The course revises and extends Matriculation and STPM topics such as differentiation and integration and includes topics such as complex numbers and differential equations, which may be new to many students. Topics covered include parametric equations, functions, polar coordinates, vectors, and complex numbers. Students will learn how to define functions, and plot the graphs, using the Cartesian as well as polar coordinates; solve problems involving complex numbers and vectors. Additional topics include limits and continuity, differentiation techniques and its applications, integration techniques including improper integrals. Upon completion, the students would have acquired some quite powerful tools of analysis. This is also an introductory course on differential equations. Topic includes first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Students will learn how to classify and solve first order ODEs. SSCM 1103 - Statistics The course is an introduction to statistics, reviewing some descriptive statistics which includes probability and random variables. Then, the topic of sampling distributions and inferential statistics which include estimation procedures and hypothesis testing is covered. The latter using the method of analysis of variance when more than two means are involved. Also, simple linear regression and contingency table are introduced. Students will be trained in the use of computer software such as Microsoft Excel and SPSS. SSCM 1303 – Computer Literacy This course introduces basic computer data processing with no computer background required or assumed. It provides a general knowledge about computing including the what, the do’s, the don’ts and its operation. The emphasis is on developing skills in handling Microsoft Office such as MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel and MS Office. Mathematical Software such as Maple and SPSS will also be introduced. SSCM 1033 - Mathematical Methods II This course continues and extends the techniques introduced in Mathematical Methods I, with further differential equations and calculus of multivariable functions. Topics include linear second order ODEs with constant coefficients, functions of several variables, partial differentiation and multiple integrations. Students will learn how to classify and solve second order linear ODEs with constant coefficients using the method of undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters. They will also learn to determine the domain and range, techniques of graph sketching, and limit & continuity, find (partial) derivatives and evaluate (double and triple) integrals, pertaining to a function of two and three variables. The use FAKULTI SAINS 75 of cylindrical and spherical coordinates is also highlighted. Applications include finding the volume, mass, centre of gravity, and moment of inertia of a solid. SSCM 1313 - Computer Programming This course will provide the basic programming skill in Computer Programming. Topics include flowcharts, algorithms, basic syntax in C, and process of compiling, pre-processing components, operators, loops, branches, data/variable types, strings, arrays, functions, pointer and structure. Students will learn to write an efficient and maintainable programs using Microsoft Visual C/C++ software. The lectures are supplemented with the non-trivial lab exercises. SSCM 1523 - Linear Algebra The course begins with the study of matrices and determinant. Starting with simple matrix operations, elementary row operation and inverses, and determinant of matrices. Solve the linear system using matrix inverse, Crammer’s rule, Gauss and Gauss—Jordan elimination method. Next, the focus is on the vector spaces, subspace, linear independence, spanning sets, bases, coordinate vector and change of basis, orthogonal bases, and the Gram-Schmidt process. There follows a discussion of linear transformation and matrices, as well as the kernel and range. Finally, find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors and use them in diagonalization problem. SSCM 1703 - Differential Equations I An introductory first course in differential equations. Topics include first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs), linear second order ODEs with constant coefficients, the Laplace transform and its inverse, Fourier series, and elementary partial differential equations (PDEs). Students will learn how to classify and solve first order ODEs, solve second order linear ODEs with constant coefficients using the method of undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters, use the technique of Laplace transforms to solve ODEs with specified initial or boundary conditions, and use the technique of separation of variables to solve initial-boundary value problems involving heat and wave equations and boundary value problems involving Laplace equation. SSCM 2103 - Mathematical Statistics The course is about mathematical statistics which covers set theory and probability, univariate and bivariate random variables, transformation of variables, mathematical expectation for univariate and bivariate random variables, Chebychev’s Inequality, moment generating function for univariate and bivariate variables, order statistics, limiting distribution. Upon completion students should be able to understand the mathematical concepts behind the statistical methods. SSCM 2423 - Numerical Method I This course discuss various numerical methods that can be used to solve problems involving nonlinear equations, linear system, interpolation and curve fitting, numerical differentiation and integration, eigenvalue problem, ordinary differential equation and partial differential equation. SSCM 2673 - iscrete Mathematics This course introduces the applications of discrete mathematics in the field of computer science. It covers sets, logic, proving techniques, combinatorics, functions, relations, graph theory and algebraic structures. These basic concepts of sets, logic functions and graph theory are applied to Boolean Algebra and logic networks, while the advanced concepts of functions and algebraic structures are applied to finite state machines and coding theory. SSCM 2793 - Vector Calculus Vector valued Function: Definition of vector valued function, position vector and graph, vector differentiation and Integration, unit tangent vector, unit normal vector, unit bi normal vector, curvature, radius of curvature, torsion and Frenet-Serret formulas. Del operator, gradient, divergence, curl, normal vector to the surface, directional derivative, rate of change. Line Integral: line integral in two and three dimension, work, Green’s Theorem, potential function and conservative force field. Surface Integral: surface integral for scalar functions, surface area, surface integral for vector functions, Gauss’s Theorem, and Stokes’s Theorem. 76 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCM 2803 - Mathematical Modelling I Introduces the basic principles of mathematical modelling. Emphasis is on some underlying general concepts related to mathematical modelling and differential equations. These include topics in first and second-order differential equations, mathematical models and numerical methods, systems of differential equations, nonlinear systems and phenomena, eigen-values and boundary value problems. Upon completion, students should exhibit the ability to analyze resulting models by making use of both classical and numerical mathematical techniques and the essential knowledge and basic skills of mathematical modelling in describing, comprehending and predicting the behaviour of various physical, biological, mechanical processes and as well as other relevant dynamical systems. SSCM 2043 - Mathematical Method II Comprises of two parts. The first part is concerned with Partial Differential Equations. Linear and nonlinear first order equations. Classification of linear second order equations. Wave and heat equations in one-dimensional and Laplace equation in two-dimensional Cartesian coordinates. While the second part deals with Complex variables. This part of the course introduces calculus of functions of a single complex variable. Topics covered include the algebra and geometry of complex numbers, complex differentiation, complex integration. SSCM 2613 - Advanced Calculus A formal study of real numbers, subsets of the real line, functions, sequences and series. Functions of a single variable are studied with regards to types, limits, continuity, differentiability and integrability. Students learn to formulate and rigourously prove theorems on analysis using various kind of methods such as contradiction, induction, contrapositive etc. Prior knowledge of simple logic of truth is helpful for quick understanding but not essential SSCM 2773 - Differential Equations II Initial value problems for first order: Existence and uniqueness theorem, Lipschitz’s condition. Picard’s iteration. Gronwall’s inequality. Continuity with respect to initial data. Changing differential equations of order n to matrix form and vice versa. Second order linear equation: superposition principle. Fundamental solution and Wronskian. Second solution from a known solution. Cauchy-Euler equation. Nonhomogeneous equation and variations of parameter method. Ordinary, singular and regular singular points for second order linear differential equation. Power series solution around ordinary points. Legendre’s equation. Power series solution around regular singular points; Frobenius’s method. Bessel’s equation Cayley-Hamilton’s theorem: exponential matrix. Fundamental matrix and fundamental solution: general solution. Liouville theorem. Solving linear differential equation of any order with constant coefficients by matrix method. Transition matrix and solution of linear differential equation with variables coefficients. Autonomous systems and phase space: trajectory, critical point, stability, asymptotic stability. Linear systems with constant coefficients: stable node, saddle point, centre and spiral point. Linearization of nonlinear system. Stability of nonautonomous equations; stability for linear systems. Stability theorem for autonomous equation: Liapunov functions. SSCM 2833 - Linear Programming Introduces the basic methodology of Operational Research (OR). Mainly deals with Linear Programming (LP) and related topics such as duality, sensitivity analysis, Transportation Problem, and Integer Linear Programming. Besides manual calculations, students learn how to use computer packages to solve and analyse problems. SSCM 3423 - Numerical Methods II This course discusses problem using numerical methods that involve systems of nonlinear equations, ordinary differential equation (initial and boundary value problems) and partial differential equation. FAKULTI SAINS 77 SSCM 3523 - Modern Algebra This course consists of two parts. The first part includes introduction to groups, types of groups, isomorphism between groups, composition of groups to form a direct product, and types of subgroups including normal subgroups and factor groups. The second part is a selected topic of Sylow Theorems and their applications. SSCM 3703 - Partial Differential Equations Wave, heat and Laplace equations in one and two-dimensional spaces. Solution of equations in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems using the method of separation of variables. Selected non-homogeneous and non-homogenous boundary conditions wave and heat equations. SSCU 3623 - Research Mythology and Data Retrieval This course teaches the students on principles of research methodology and information retrieval. Topics include research philosophy and objectives, literature study and review, choosing and defining research problems and design, preparing and writing research proposals, technical report writing (the elements of technical writing), types of technical report writing, dissertation writing, public speaking (preparation and presentation) and information retrieval (search strategies). Presentation of assignment is also an important component in this course. SSCU 4902 - Undergraduate Project 1 Students are required to execute a project (research) under an identified supervisor in an agreeable field of mathematics and document their findings. Students will learn to gather information on chosen topics through literature survey/review activities, construct research methodology, anticipate expected results, write current findings and references. Finally, students are required to submit a research proposal and a draft project/research report comprising of Title, Introduction, Statement of Problem, Research Objectives, Literature Survey/Review, Research Methodology, Expected Findings, Conclusion and References. SSCU 4909 - Undergraduate Project 2 Students are required to execute a project (research) under an identified supervisor in an agreeable field of mathematics and document their findings. Students will learn to gather information on chosen topics through literature survey/review activities, construct research methodology, anticipate results, analyze findings, draw conclusion, write references, and to suggest further research. Finally, students are required to submit a report comprising of Title, Introduction, Statement of Problem, Research Objectives, Literature Survey/Review, Research Methodology, Analysis of Findings, Conclusion and References. SSCC 1003 - Principles of Chemistry This course strengthens principles of chemistry knowledge before proceeding to more specialized and higher levels chemistry subjects. The first part of this course exposes students to fundamentals of atoms and molecules and concepts which are known to be the main sources of chemical processes. The formation of chemical bonding, structure of molecules and properties of compounds are discussed. The second part of this course concentrates on stoichiometry and the relation between reacted species in reactions. The last part of this course strengthen student in term of fundamental knowledge of organic chemistry and introduces students the ideas of green chemistry concept. SSCP 1143 - Mechanics (L1) This course mainly discusses motion of a body or a system. Beginning with the basic and derived physical quantities and vector as mathematical tool, various types of motion such linear, free-fall, projectile, circular, rotational and simple harmonic motions are described. Other topics such as equilibrium, elasticity, gravitation and fluids mechanics illustrate the application of a body in motion under the influence of a force. 78 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF MATEMATIK SSCM 3503 - Complex Variables This course introduces calculus of functions of a single complex variable. Topics covered include the algebra and geometry of complex numbers, complex differentiation, complex integration, complex series including Taylor and Laurent series, the theory of residues with applications to the evaluation of complex and real integrals, and conformal mapping with applications in solving boundary value problems of science and engineering. SSCM 3533 - Set Theory & Logic Introduces axiomatic set theory and elementary logic. Since set theory and logic form the foundation of mathematics and are greatly intertwined, informal approach to sets are first reviewed to gather vocabulary for a study of logic. The logic parts include propositional algebra and predicate calculus, arguments and methods of proof. Set theory includes the basic axioms and definitions. Basic laws are derived rigorously using methods of logic. Further topics for introducing modern advanced mathematics include properties of numbers, sets and relations, equivalence relations, functions and cardinality. SSCM 3793 - Calculus of Variations This course discusses mainly the extremals of functionals. Beginning with a review of similar concepts in functions of many variables, the concepts of functional and variational problems are introduced. Topics include analytical methods of solution (extremals of functionals) analytically and selected numerical methods. Upon completion, the students should be able to locate and identify extremizing functions as solutions to variational problems, based on the necessary and the sufficient conditions for an extremum, solve some basic applied problems, and know how to use the direct methods for finding the extremum. FAKULTI SAINS 79 students possessing sufficiently high maturity in mathematical reasoning. Topics include, Properties of Integers: Well ordering property, division, greatest common divisor and Euclidean algorithms, primes and unique factorization theorem. Congruence, computation of mod inverses, solving congruence equations, Fermat’s little theorem and Euler’s theorem. Sum of squares. Counting results using the Mobius Inversion Formula, Pythagorean Triples and Quadratic Reciprocity. Although no sophisticated techniques are used, the students should appreciate the beauty and elegance of tools used in the subject. SSCM 3673 – Functional Analysis Metric spaces: open set, closed set, neighbourhood, convergence, Cauchy sequences, completeness. Normed spaces: vector space, normed space, Banach space, finite dimensional normed space and subspaces, compactness and finite dimension, linear operators, bounded and continuous linear operators, linear functionals, linear operators and functionals on finite dimensional spaces. Banach Fixed Point Theorem: contraction mapping and Banach Fixed Point Theorem,error bound in iteration, applications to linear equations, application to differential equations, application to integral equations. SSCM 3753 – Fluid Mechanics Comprises two parts. The first part is concerned with fluid kinematics while the second part deals with the derivation and the solution of the equations of motion for inviscid and viscous fluids. Students learn to apply mathematical techniques to solve fluid flow problems. SSCM 3523 – Modern Algebra This course consists of two parts. The first part includes introduction to groups, types of groups, isomorphism between groups, composition of groups to form a direct product, and types of subgroups including normal subgroups and factor groups. The second part is a selected topic of Sylow Theorems and their applications. SSCM-3153 - nferential Statistics This course introduces the theory of inferential statistics. It is concerned with the frequentist approach to inference covering point and interval estimation of parameters and hypothesis testing. Properties of estimators such as unbiasedness and sufficiency are applied to estimators of parameters of various distributions. Test of statistical hypotheses include certain best test, uniformly most powerful tests, likelihood ratio tests and chi-square tests. SSCM 4163 – Stochastic Process This course begins with the fundamental of stochastic processes that is the probability theory, and proceeds to discussing major stochastic processes, including Markov chains; discrete and continuous Markov chains, Poisson processes, and renewal theory. Applications to inventory problems, equipment replacement and queuing theory are also dealt with through examples. Upon completion, students should be able to recognize the relevance of mathematical techniques presented in solving real-world problems, apply the techniques, and demonstrate knowledge of various random processes. SSCM 3353 - C++ Programming Software structures, concepts, and conventions that support C++ object-oriented programming. Identification of class structure, problem partitioning, and abstraction. Components of object-oriented language to algorithmic program design: objects, methods and events. Program control, abstraction of data, variable types, arrays, functions and pointers. Scientific problem modeling and simulation, and graphical-user interface design for data visualization. Case studies and software development projects on selected problems in numerical methods, graph theory and discrete-event simulations. SSCM 4633 – Fuzzy Set Theory The course starts with brief discussion on an overview of crisp sets. It then follows with basic definition and important terminologies which include - cut, Extension Principle, and operation on Fuzzy sets. Fuzzy Arithmetic on Fuzzy Numbers including Operations on Intervals and Fuzzy Numbers, Lattice of Fuzzy Numbers are also thoroughly highlighted. Fuzzy Relations and Fuzzy Graphs are also discussed. Lastly we deal with Fuzzy Analysis and Uncertainty Modelling. SSCM 3543 - Fields & Ring Theory Introduces the concepts of rings and fields. Topics include ring, integral domain, homomorphism, quotient ring, field, field of quotients, vector space, extension field and algebraic extension. Emphasis is given to both the subject matter and the structure of proofs. SSCM 3543 – Number Theory This is an appreciation course in the subject, focusing on the basic topics which are within the grasp of In general, the course provides on the general concepts of fuzzy sets and its operations. The emphasis is also given for its applications in Uncertainty Modelling SSCM 4653 – Applied Abstract Algebra Introduces some basic applications of abstract algebra. Topics include applications of modern algebra in symbolic computations, finite fields, error correcting codes. Computer packages such as Maple will be used. 80 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCM 4683 - Topology This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of modern topology: metric spaces, topological spaces, connectedness, compactness, completeness, quotient spaces, manifolds, and classification of surfaces. Not only the course emphasizes the geometric aspects of topology, some applications to analysis will also be discussed. The material is very conceptual in nature, therefore it is all about proving abstract theorems, applying those theorems to examples, and finding counter-examples to false statements. SSCM 4733 – Dynamical Systems Introduces discrete and continuous dynamical systems, with the ultimate goal of introducing chaos and fractals. For continuous autonomous dynamical systems students learn how to find and classify the fixed points, periodic points and their stability. For a discrete system, they learn how to find the fixed points, periodic points and orbits of various periods. Applications include population growth, including one in a prey-predator environment. Students will study various attractors including the Lorenz attractor. Computer software will be used to simulate and study the dynamical systems. SSCM 4623 – Non-Euclidean Geometry This course is a survey of main concepts of Euclidean geometry with the emphasis on the axiomatic approach, constructions and logic of proof including historical aspects. A study of axioms of Euclidean geometry, inference rule, some basic theorems of Euclidean geometry and rigorous proofs will be offered. Non-Euclidean geometry is introduced. The similarities and differences between Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries will be discussed. SSCM 4763 – Computational Fluid Dynamics This is an introductory course on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) where students are exposed to the techniques of obtaining the numerical solution to fluid flow problems using computer. Historical development, philosophy and the significance of CFD are discussed. The governing equations of fluid dynamics are derived from the fundamental physical principles. The derivation of finite difference approximations to derivatives is revised. Discretization is based on both explicit and implicit techniques. The application to classic fluid flow problems such as Couette flow and other unidirectional flows for viscous fluids, supersonic and subsonic flow for inviscid fluids will be discussed. SSCM 4783 – Quantum Mechanics This course introduces the basics of quantum mechanics. It covers the topic relating to the failure of classical mechanics and steps towards wave mechanics and Schrodinger equation. The concepts and formalism of quantum mechanics are applied to one dimensional problem, angular momentum, the hydrogen atom and electron spin and total angular momentum. SSCM 4813 – Optimal Control This course introduces the optimal control theory. The discussion includes definitions and classification of system control types. Topics include optimal control problems such as necessary and sufficient conditions using calculus of variation. Upon completion, students should exhibit understanding of the basic concepts and principles of mathematical control systems. The students should also be able to formulate state space equation, determine systems characteristics and solve basic optimal control problem using variational approach and dynamic programming. FAKULTI SAINS 81 SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS MATEMATIK INDUSTRI SSCM 1002 - Introduction to Industrial Mathematics Programme Mathematics is among the most fascinating of all intellectual disciplines, the purest of all art forms, and the most challenging of games. It is a study of quantity, space, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns, formulate new conjectures, and establish truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms, definitions and theorems. Mathematics is applied as an essential tool in many fields, including natural sciences, engineering, medicine, and the social sciences. Applied mathematics, the branch of mathematics concerned with application of mathematical knowledge to other fields, inspires and makes use of new mathematical discoveries and sometimes leads to the development of entirely new mathematical disciplines, such as statistics and operational research. Industrial mathematics is one of the strands of applied mathematics aimed at industries. The study of mathematics is not only exciting, but important: mathematicians have an opportunity to make a lasting contribution to society by helping to solve problems in such diverse fields as medicine, management, economics, government, computer science, physics, psychology, engineering, and social science. This course aims at exposing students to this wonderful world of mathematics. SSCM 1023 - Mathematical Methods 1 The course revises and extends Matriculation and STPM topics such as differentiation and integration and includes topics such as complex numbers and differential equations, which may be new to many students. Topics covered include parametric equations, functions, polar coordinates, vectors, and complex numbers. Students will learn how to define functions, and plot the graphs, using the Cartesian as well as polar coordinates; solve problems involving complex numbers and vectors. Additional topics include limits and continuity, differentiation techniques and its applications, integration techniques including improper integrals. Upon completion, the students would have acquired some quite powerful tools of analysis. This is also an introductory course on differential equations. Topic includes first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Students will learn how to classify and solve first order ODEs. SSCM 110 - Statistics The course is an introduction to statistics, reviewing some descriptive statistics which includes probability and random variables. Then, the topic of sampling distributions and inferential statistics which include estimation procedures and hypothesis testing is covered. The latter using the method of analysis of variance when more than two means are involved. Also, simple linear regression and contingency table are introduced. Students will be trained in the use of computer software such as Microsoft Excel and SPSS. SSCM 1303 - Computer Literacy This course introduces basic computer data processing with no computer background required or assumed. It provides a general knowledge about computing including the what, the do’s, the don’ts and its operation. The emphasis is on developing skills in handling Microsoft Office such as MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel and MS Office. Mathematical Software such as Maple and SPSS will also be introduced. SSCM 1033 - Mathematical Methods II This course continues and extends the techniques introduced in Mathematical Methods I, with further differential equations and calculus of multivariable functions. Topics include linear second order ODEs with constant coefficients, functions of several variables, partial differentiation and multiple integrations. Students will learn how to classify and solve second order linear ODEs with constant coefficients using the method of undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters. They will also learn to determine the domain and range, techniques of graph sketching, and limit & continuity, find (partial) derivatives and evaluate (double and triple) integrals, 82 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 pertaining to a function of two and three variables. The use of cylindrical and spherical coordinates is also highlighted. Applications include finding the volume, mass, centre of gravity, and moment of inertia of a solid SSCM 1313 - Computer Programming This course will provide the basic programming skill in Computer Programming. Topics include flowcharts, algorithms, basic syntax in C, process of compiling, pre-processing components, operators, loops, branches, data/variable types, strings, arrays, functions, pointer and structure. Students will learn to write an efficient and maintainable programs using Microsoft Visual C/C++ software. The lectures are supplemented with the non-trivial lab exercises. SSCM 1523 - Linear Algebra The course begins with the study of matrices and determinant. Starting with simple matrix operations, elementary row operation and inverses, and determinant of matrices. Solve the linear system using matrix inverse, Crammer’s rule, Gauss and Gauss—Jordan elimination method. Next, the focus is on the vector spaces, subspace, linear independence, spanning sets, bases, coordinate vector and change of basis, orthogonal bases, and the Gram-Schmidt process. There follows a discussion of linear transformation and matrices, as well as the kernel and range. Finally, find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors and use them in diagonalization problem. SSCM 1703 - Differential Equations I An introductory first course in differential equations. Topics include first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs), linear second order ODEs with constant coefficients, the Laplace transform and its inverse, Fourier series, and elementary partial differential equations (PDEs). Students will learn how to classify and solve first order ODEs, solve second order linear ODEs with constant coefficients using the method of undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters, use the technique of Laplace transforms to solve ODEs with specified initial or boundary conditions, and use the technique of separation of variables to solve initial-boundary value problems involving heat and wave equations and boundary value problems involving Laplace equation. SSCM 2103 - Mathematical Statistics The course is about mathematical statistics which covers set theory and probability, univariate and bivariate random variables, transformation of variables, mathematical expectation for univariate and bivariate random variables, Chebychev’s Inequality, moment generating function for univariate and bivariate variables, order statistics, limiting distribution. Upon completion students should be able to understand the mathematical concepts behind the statistical methods. SSCM 2423 - Numerical Methods I This course discuss various numerical methods that can be used to solve problems involving nonlinear equations, linear system, interpolation and curve fitting, numerical differentiation and integration, eigenvalue problem, ordinary differential equation and partial differential equation. SSCM 2673 - Discrete Mathematics This course introduces the applications of discrete mathematics in the field of computer science. It covers sets, logic, proving techniques, combinatorics, functions, relations, graph theory and algebraic structures. These basic concepts of sets, logic functions and graph theory are applied to Boolean Algebra and logic networks, while the advanced concepts of functions and algebraic structures are applied to finite state machines and coding theory. SSCM 279 - Vector Calculus Vector valued Function: Definition of vector valued function, position vector and graph, vector differentiation and I ntegration, unit tangent vector, unit normal vector, unit bi normal vector, curvature, radius of curvature, torsion and Frenet-Serret formulas. Del operator, gradient, divergence, curl, normal vector to the surface, directional derivative, rate of change. Line Integral: line integral in two and three dimension, work, Green’s Theorem, potential function and conservative force field. Surface Integral: surface integral for scalar functions, surface area, surface integral for vector functions, Gauss’s Theorem, and Stokes’s Theorem. FAKULTI SAINS 83 SSCM 2803 - Mathematical Modelling I Introduces the basic principles of mathematical modelling. Emphasis is on some underlying general concepts related to mathematical modelling and differential equations. These include topics in first and second-order differential equations, mathematical models and numerical methods, systems of differential equations, nonlinear systems and phenomena, eigen-values and boundary value problems. Upon completion, students should exhibit the ability to analyze resulting models by making use of both classical and numerical mathematical techniques and the essential knowledge and basic skills of mathematical modelling in describing, comprehending and predicting the behaviour of various physical, biological, mechanical processes and as well as other relevant dynamical systems. SSCM 2043 - Mathematical Methods III Comprises of two parts. The first part is concerned with Partial Differential Equations. Linear and nonlinear first order equations. Classification of linear second order equations. Wave and heat equations in one-dimensional and Laplace equation in two-dimensional Cartesian coordinates. While the second part deals with Complex variables. This part of the course introduces calculus of functions of a single complex variable. Topics covered include the algebra and geometry of complex numbers, complex differentiation, complex integration. SSCM 2613 - Advanced Calculus A formal study of real numbers, subsets of the real line, functions, sequences and series. Functions of a single variable are studied with regards to types, limits, continuity, differentiability and integrability. Students learn to formulate and rigourously prove theorems on analysis using various kind of methods such as contradiction, induction, contrapositive etc. Prior knowledge of simple logic of truth is helpful for quick understanding but not essential SSCM 2773 - Differential Equations II Initial value problems for first order: Existence and uniqueness theorem, Lipschitz’s condition. Picard’s iteration. Gronwall’s inequality. Continuity with respect to initial data. Changing differential equations of order n to matrix form and vice versa. Second order linear equation: superposition principle. Fundamental solution and Wronskian. Second solution from a known solution. Cauchy-Euler equation. Nonhomogeneous equation and variations of parameter method. Ordinary, singular and regular singular points for second order linear differential equation. Power series solution around ordinary points. Legendre’s equation. Power series solution around regular singular points; Frobenius’s method. Bessel’s equation Cayley-Hamilton’s theorem: exponential matrix. Fundamental matrix and fundamental solution: general solution. Liouville theorem. Solving linear differential equation of any order with constant coefficients by matrix method. Transition matrix and solution of linear differential equation with variables coefficients. Autonomous systems and phase space: trajectory, critical point, stability, asymptotic stability. Linear systems with constant coefficients: stable node, saddle point, centre and spiral point. Linearization of nonlinear system. Stability of nonautonomous equations; stability for linear systems. Stability theorem for autonomous equation: Liapunov functions. SSCM 2833 - Linear Programming Introduces the basic methodology of Operational Research (OR). Mainly deals with Linear Programming (LP) and related topics such as duality, sensitivity analysis, Transportation Problem, and Integer Linear Programming. Besides manual calculations, students learn how to use computer packages to solve and analyse problems. SSCM 3133 - Statistical Quality Control Methods of designing experiments are intended for undergraduates with good algebra background and have been introduced to basic statistics. Emphasis is given on working with data and the understanding of the different methods of designing and analyzing of the data. Students will also undergo training in using data analysis packages, including, but not limited to, the SPSS and Microsoft Excel. 84 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCM 3423 - Numerical Methods II This course discusses problem using numerical methods that involve systems of nonlinear equations, ordinary differential equation (initial and boundary value problems) and partial differential equation. SSCM 3103 - Design of Experiments Methods of designing experiments are intended for undergraduates with good algebra and have been introduced to basic statistics. Emphasize working with data and the understanding of the different methods of designing and analyzing of the data. Students will also undergo training in using data analysis packages, including, but not limited to, the SPSS and Microsoft Excel. SSCM 3803 - Mathematical Modelling II This course introduces the use of mathematical tools in the modelling of problems in physical, social, biological and environmental sciences. It explores the interrelations between mathematics and applied problems from such areas. Modelling and simulation of case studies in the areas mentioned are also discussed in detailed. SSCU 4902 - Final Year Project 1 Students are required to execute a project (research) under an identified supervisor in an agreeable field of mathematics and document their findings. Students will learn to gather information on chosen topics through literature survey/review activities, construct research methodology, anticipate expected results, and write current findings and references. Finally, students are required to submit a research proposal and a draft project/research report comprising of Title, Introduction, Statement of Problem, Research Objectives, Literature Survey/Review, Research Methodology, Expected Findings, Conclusion and References. SSCU 4904 - Final Year Project 2 Students are required to execute a project (research) under an identified supervisor in an agreeable field of mathematics and document their findings. Students will learn to gather information on chosen topics through literature survey/review activities, construct research methodology, anticipate results, analyze findings, draw conclusion, write references, and to suggest further research. Finally, students are required to submit a report comprising of Title, Introduction, Statement of Problem, Research Objectives, Literature Survey/Review, Research Methodology, Analysis of Findings, Conclusion and References. SSCC 1003 - Principles of Chemistry This course strengthens principles of chemistry knowledge before proceeding to more specialized and higher levels chemistry subjects. The first part of this course exposes students to fundamentals of atoms and molecules and concepts which are known to be the main sources of chemical processes. The formation of chemical bonding, structure of molecules and properties of compounds are discussed. The second part of this course concentrates on stoichiometry and the relation between reacted species in reactions. The last part of this course strengthen student in term of fundamental knowledge of organic chemistry and introduces students the ideas of green chemistry concept. SSCP 1143 - Mechanics This course mainly discusses motion of a body or a system. Beginning with the basic and derived physical quantities and vector as mathematical tool, various types of motion such linear, free-fall, projectile, circular, rotational and simple harmonic motions are described. Other topics such as equilibrium, elasticity, gravitation and fluids mechanics illustrate the application of a body in motion under the influence of a force. FAKULTI SAINS 85 SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF MATEMATIK INDUSTRI SSCM 3143 – Decision Theory Introduces the basic problems and techniques of decision making and comprises two major parts. The first part covers basic principles and approaches in decision making. The second part explores the methods and applications of information that are used in making an optimal decision. Differences between the classical frequencies approach and Bayesian approach in making decision, identify prior distributions and likelihood functions, and combine these two entities to obtain posterior distributions, which will then be combined with loss function to obtain Bayesian estimators. Concepts of conjugate distributions on prior and posterior distributions, important definitions in decision theory, proving admissibility and inadmissibility of a decision, process of making an optimal decision, utility and reward, and sensitivity analysis related to an optimal decision. Analysis of subjective probabilities SSCM 3503 – Complex Variables This course introduces calculus of functions of a single complex variable. Topics covered include the algebra and geometry of complex numbers, complex differentiation, complex integration, complex series including Taylor and Laurent series, the theory of residues with applications to the evaluation of complex and real integrals, and conformal mapping with applications in solving boundary value problems of science and engineering. SSCM 3533 – Set Theory and Logic Introduces axiomatic set theory and elementary logic. Since set theory and logic form the foundation of mathematics and are greatly intertwined, informal approach to sets are first reviewed to gather vocabulary for a study of logic. The logic parts include propositional algebra and predicate calculus, arguments and methods of proof. Set theory includes the basic axioms and definitions. Basic laws are derived rigorously using methods of logic. Further topics for introducing modern advanced mathematics include properties of numbers, sets and relations, equivalence relations, functions and cardinality. SSCM 3703 – Partial Differential Equation Wave, heat and Laplace equations in one and two-dimensional spaces. Solution of equations in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems using the method of separation of variables. Selected non-homogeneous and non-homogenous boundary conditions wave and heat equations. SSCM 3793 – Calculus of Variations This course discusses mainly the extremals of functionals. Beginning with a review of similar concepts in functions of many variables, the concepts of functional and variational problems are introduced. Topics include analytical methods of solution (extremals of functionals) analytically and selected numerical methods. Upon completion, the students should be able to locate and identify extremizing functions as solutions to variational problems, based on the necessary and the sufficient conditions for an extremum, solve some basic applied problems, and know how to use the direct methods for finding the extremum. SSCM 3883 – Multi-Objectives Decision Making This course is an introduction to the theory and algorithms behind optimization under competing objectives involving single and also multiple decision makers. In this course, we explore several approaches for finding the solution to the multi-objective problems, as well as the concepts of Pareto optimality and tradeoff curves to better understand the trade-offs between objectives that occur in multiobjective decision making problems. 86 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCM 3123 – Multivariate Statistical Analysis Presents major views and theories in multivariate statistical analysis. A main tool for the purpose in matrix algebra. Emphasis is on normal distribution, inferences about a mean vector, principal components, factor analysis and inference for structured covariance matrices, and canonical correlation analysis. Students will embark on a small-scale project investigating multivariate data. It is expected that the students will gain skills dealing with multivariate data using the techniques taught. SSCM 3153 – Inferential Statistics This course introduces the theory of inferential statistics. It is concerned with the frequentist approach to inference covering point and interval estimation of parameters and hypothesis testing. Properties of estimators such as unbiasedness and sufficiency are applied to estimators of parameters of various distributions. Test of statistical hypotheses include certain best test, uniformly most powerful tests, likelihood ratio tests and chi-square tests. SSCM 3353 – C++ Programming Software structures, concepts, and conventions that support C++ object-oriented programming. Identification of class structure, problem partitioning, and abstraction. Components of object-oriented language to algorithmic program design: objects, methods and events. Program control, abstraction of data, variable types, arrays, functions and pointers. Scientific problem modeling and simulation, and graphical-user interface design for data visualization. Case studies and software development projects on selected problems in numerical methods, graph theory and discrete-event simulations. SSCM 3753 – Fluid Mechanics Comprises two parts. The first part is concerned with fluid kinematics while the second part deals with the derivation and the solution of the equations of motion for inviscid and viscous fluids. Students learn to apply mathematical techniques to solve fluid flow problems. SSCM 3843 – Optimization Methods Comprises of two parts. The first part covers topics on unconstrained optimisation such as onedimensional and n-dimensional search methods, interpolation method and gradient methods. The second part covers topics on constrained optimisation such as the Kuhn Tucker method, modified Hooke and Jeeves search method, complex method, penalty function methods, and the Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Technique (SUMT). SSCM 3503 – Complex Variables This course introduces calculus of functions of a single complex variable. Topics covered include the algebra and geometry of complex numbers, complex differentiation, complex integration, complex series including Taylor and Laurent series, the theory of residues with applications to the evaluation of complex and real integrals, and conformal mapping with applications in solving boundary value problems of science and engineering. SSCM 3523 – Modern Algebra This course consists of two parts. The first part includes introduction to groups, types of groups, isomorphism between groups, composition of groups to form a direct product, and types of subgroups including normal subgroups and factor groups. The second part is a selected topic of Sylow Theorems and their applications. FAKULTI SAINS 87 SSCM 4163 - Stochastic Processes This course begins with the fundamental of stochastic processes that is the probability theory, and proceeds to discussing major stochastic processes, including Markov chains; discrete and continuous Markov chains, Poisson processes, and renewal theory. Applications to inventory problems, equipment replacement and queuing theory are also dealt with through examples. Upon completion, students should be able to recognize the relevance of mathematical techniques presented in solving real-world problems, apply the techniques, and demonstrate knowledge of various random processes. SSCM 4243 – Sampling Techniques This course introduces sampling methods used in sample surveys. The students are given a comprehensive account of sampling theory for use in sample surveys and include illustrations of how the theory is applied in practice. A prerequisite is familiarity with algebra, knowledge of probability for finite sample spaces and basic statistics. Topics include simple random sampling, sampling proportion and percentages, estimation of sample sizes, stratified random sampling, ratio estimators, systematic sampling, and cluster sampling. SSCM 4823 – Scheduling This course discusses various problems in the area of scheduling. It includes single machine, Parallel machine, Flow shop, Open shop and Lot Sizing. Approaches for modelling and solving some classes of scheduling problems will be discussed. In this course, Project Management which includes project planning, scheduling and control will also be introduced. In more details, it will introduce the Critical Path Method (CPM) and Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). In addition, Resource Levelling and Allocation, and Time and Cost Trade-Offs are presented. SSCM 4113 – Time Series Subject covers a wide range of methods for descriptive analysis, modelling, decomposition and forecasting involving both time and frequency domains. Methods include plotting, trend fitting, estimation of seasonal and cyclical effects, stationary time series, probability modelling, Box-Jenkins approach and forecasting SSCM 4213 – Generalized Linear Model This course consists of two parts that is the theory of generalized linear model and the application of generalized linear model in regression model, one-factor analysis of variance and two-factor analysis of variance. SPSS statistical package is used to apply generalized linear model to the above models. SSCM 4763 – Computational Fluid Dynamics This is an introductory course on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) where students are exposed to the techniques of obtaining the numerical solution to fluid flow problems using computer. Historical development, philosophy and the significance of CFD are discussed. The governing equations of fluid dynamics are derived from the fundamental physical principles. The derivation of finite difference approximations to derivatives is revised. Discretization is based on both explicit and implicit techniques. The application to classic fluid flow problems such as Couette flow and other unidirectional flows for viscous fluids, supersonic and subsonic flow for inviscid fluids will be discussed. SSCM 4813 – Optimal Control This course introduces the optimal control theory. The discussion includes definitions and classification of system control types. Topics include optimal control problems such as necessary and sufficient conditions using calculus of variation. Upon completion, students should exhibit understanding of the basic concepts and principles of mathematical control systems. The students should also be able to formulate state space equation, determine systems characteristics and solve basic optimal control problem using variational approach and dynamic programming. 88 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCM 4833 – Discrete-Event Simulation Concepts of simulation, event, discrete-event, continuous event, system model and its types. Random number generation. Stochastic processes. Computer implementation. Probability and Statistical tools: discrete/continuous distributions, Poisson process. Birth death processes. Queuing models: Markovian single and multiple servers, arrival, service and laws of conservation. Steady-state behaviour of finite population. Loss system with blocking, Erlang’s B and C equations. Little’s equation. Simulation model building, verification and validation. Data collection, parameter estimation, goodness-of-fit tests, multivariate and time-series input models. Measures of performances using point and interval estimation. Output analysis using confidence-interval estimation. Case studies on traffic system, material handling and network analysis. SSCM 4863 – Financial Mathematics The first half of the course begins with an introduction to basic financial mathematics covering the computation of simple interest and discount rates, deriving the compound interest, and applications of different rates of interest in determining the present and future values of different types of annuities for different time periods. The second part of the course mainly concerns the classical quantitative finance i.e. derivatives, specifically the option pricing . First, an introduction to the subject of finance is presented. This consists of a collection of definitions and specifications concerning the financial markets in general. Then, the subject of derivatives and its concepts are introduced. Two main options pricing for pricing derivatives are examined: The Binomial option pricing and the Black-Scholes option pricing. FAKULTI SAINS Spesifikasi Program SARJANA MUDA SAINS (FIZIK) - SSCZ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Institusi Penganugerahan Institusi Pengajaran Nama Program Anugerah Akhir Kod Program Akreditasi Badan Berkanun atau Profesional Bahasa Pengantar Mod Pengajian (Konvensional, Jarak jauh, dll) Mod Operasi (Francais, tadbir - kendiri, dll) Skim Pengajian (Sepenuh masa/Separuh masa) Tempoh Pengajian Bil. Semester Sepenuh Separuh Masa Masa 8 - Jenis Semester Normal Pendek 12. Syarat Kemasukan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Sarjana Muda Sains Fizik Sarjana Muda Sains (Fizik) TS15 Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris Konvensional Tadbir -kendiri Sepenuh Masa Minimum : 4 tahun Maksimum : 6 tahun Bil. minggu per semester Sepenuh Masa Separuh Masa 17 - - Memenuhi Syarat Universiti dan Program seperti berikut: 1. Lulus Matrikulasi / STPM / Asasi Sains UM dengan sekurang -kurangnya gred Bí dalam Fizik dan sekurang -kurangnya C Kimia dan Matematik. atau 2. Diploma Sains atau Kejuruteraan dengan sekurang-kurangnya CPA 2.70 dari institusi yang diiktiraf. 13. Objektif Program Pendidikan (PEO) Objektif Program Sarjana Muda Sains (Fizik) adalah untuk memberi pengetahuan, kemahiran dan ciri -ciri yang perlu dicapai oleh graduan untuk kerjaya yang berjaya. Program ini direka untuk: 1. Menyediak an graduan untuk bekerja sebagai ahli fizik yang berkebolehan di i nstitusi - institusi penyelidikan dan pembangunan. 2. Menyediakan graduan yang mampu menerajui dan mengambil tanggungjawab di temapt kerja dan dalam masyarakat. 3. Menyediakan graduan yang mempunyai personaliti tersohor, melalui hujah yang kritikal serta kemahiran komunikasi bertulis dan lisan yang berkesan. 4. Menyediakan graduan berfikiran kreatif dan inovatif dalam menempuh cabaran baru. 5. Menyediakan graduan yang berintegriti profesional dan mampu menguruskan pembelajaran kendiri. 6. Menyediakan graduan yang berkemahiran keusahawanan dan mampu memandang kehadapan terhadap kekayaan dan peluang pekerjaan. 14. Hasil Pembelajaran Program Kod Kaedah Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (a) Pengetahuan Teknikal dan Kompetensi Matlamat Hasil Pembelajaran Penilaian 89 90 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 PO1 Pengetahuan Asas Fizik PO2 Penggunaan pengetahuan dan kemahiran fizik PO3 Kajian saintifik dan penyelidikan dalam bidang fizik Kebolehan mengarap pengetahuan mengenai hukum dan prinsip asas fizik dalam penggunaan terkini serta pengetahuan dalam sains sosial dan pembangunan diri. (C2, P2, A2) Berkebolehan menggunakan, amalan dan menganalisis hukum- hukum dan prinsip prinsip asas fizik menggunakan kaedah eksperimen, teknik pengiraan dan matematik yang berkaitan dengan masalah fizik (C4, P4, A3) Kebolehan untuk merancang, menilai dan menunjukkan kajian saintifik dan penyelidikan yang berkaitan dengan bidang fizik (C6, P6, A3) FAKULTI SAINS Kuliah, tutorial, seminar, kerja makmal, pembacaan terarah dan pembelajaran aktif. Kuliah, tutorial, sesi ‘hands on’ komputer, kerja makmal, latihan penyelidikan Peperiksaan, ujian, kuiz, laporan makmal, pembentangan, tugasan, latihan berasaskan masalah, laporan projek Peperiksaan, ujian, kuiz, laporan makmal, pembentangan, tugasan bertulis, latihan berasaskan masalah, laporan projek, latihan simulasi, penyelidikan, laporan latihan. Projek yang diselia, Peperiksaan, ujian, kuliah, kerja makmal, kuiz, laporan makmal, pembacaan terarah, laporan Projek Tahun latihan simulasi, latihan Akhir, pembentangan, berasaskan komputer, tugasan bertulis, pembelajaran berasaskan penyelidikan, laporan masalah, latihan amali. penyelidikan (b) Kemahiran Insaniah PO4 Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah Keupayaan untuk mengamalkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran prinsip fizik dan teori untuk menyelesaikan masalah saintifik. (P4) Kuliah, tutorial, kerja makmal, pembacaan terarah, latihan simulasi, latihan berasaskan komputer, pembelajaran berasaskan masalah Laporan Projek Tahun Akhir, peperiksaan, laporan makmal, pembentangan, tugasan PO5 Kemahiran Komunikasi Kebolehan berkomunikasi secara berkesan dan yakin menerusi penulisan dan lisan kepada pelbagai lapisan khalayak. (P4) Projek yang diselia, kuliah, kerja makmal, tugasan individu, latihan dan penyelidikan. Laporan Projek Tahun Akhir, peperiksaan, laporan makmal, pembentangan, tugasan bertulis, penyelidikan, laporan amali. PO6 Kerja Berpasukan PO7 Pembelajaran sepanjang hayat dan Pengurusan Maklumat Berkebolehan untuk berfungsi secara berkesan dan dengan tanggungjawab sebagai ahli pasukan untuk mencapai matlamat yang sama dan menyesuaikan diri dengan situasi dan keutamaan yang berubah. (A 3) Kebolehan mencari dan memperoleh pengetahuan terkini, mampu berdikari dan mengurus masa secara berkesan. (A3) Perbincangan berkumpulan, kerja -kerja makmal, tugasan kumpulan, latihan penyelidikan. Berkebolehan untuk menunjukkan PO8 Kepimpinan PO9 Etika dan Integriti PO10 Keusahawanan Bil. untuk mencapai matlamat yang sama (A3 ) Keupayaan untuk menyesuaikan diri nilai -nilai etika dan integriti dalam interaksi sosial dan sains, berfikiran positif dan mempunyai harga diri (A3) Kesedaran tentang peluang perniagaan, keusahawanan, dan kerjaya (P2) Laporan projek, tugasan kumpulan, laporan amali. Kuliah, kerja makmal, projek tahun akhir, tugasan, latihan penyelidikan Tugasan bertulis, laporan makmal, laporan projek tahun akhir, penyelidikan laporan amali Kuliah, projek, latihan penyelidikan Tugasan bertulis,laporan projek, laporan latihan penyelidikan Pengkelasan Jam Kredit i. Asas Sains dan Matematik 23 ii. Program Teras 53 iii. Program Elektif 33 iv. Kursus Wajib Universiti a. Kemanusiaan b. Bahasa c. Kokurikulum d. Keusahawanan 10 6 2 2 Peratus (%) 58.9 25.6 15.5 Jumlah 129 100 Untuk program Sains, sila isikan klasifikasi berikut. (Lain - lain sila rujuk kepada garis panduan ) Bil. A B Projek tahun akhir, tugasan individu, latihan penyelidikan dan untuk mempengaruhi yang lain Projek-projek, tugasan kumpulan, kerja makmal 15. Pengkelasan Kursus Laporan makmal, tugasan kumpulan, laporan projek kumpulan, penyelidikan laporan amali. Laporan projek tahun akhir, tugasan bertulis, penyelidikan, laporan latihan penyelidika n. kepimpinan, untuk mengambil tindakan Pengkelasan Jam Kredit Peratus (%) 1.1 Kursus Fizik (a) Kuliah (b) Makmal / Bengkel (c) Projek Tahun Akhir (d) Latihan Penyelidikan 77 6 6 5 60.6 4.7 4.7 3.9 Jumlah Jam Kredit untuk Bahagian A 94 72.9 1.2 Kursus Berkaitan (a) Matematik (b) Kemanusiaan / Etika (c) Ko kurikulum (d) Bahasa Inggeris (e) Keusahawanan 15 10 2 6 2 11.6 7.8 1.6 4.7 1.6 91 92 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 FAKULTI SAINS Jumlah Jam Kredit untuk Bahagian B 33 25.6 1.3 Jumlah Jam Kredit untuk Bahagian A dan B 129 100% Elektif Inovasi dan Kreativiti (Pilih 2 kredit) UXXX 2XX2 Inovasi dan Kreativiti UHAS 2122 Jumlah Jam Kredit 129 jam kredit 16. Jumlah jam kredit untuk penganugerahan ijazah 15 Kod/ code Nama Kursus Keelektromagnetan 3 SSCP3643 Mekanik Kuantum I 3 SSCM 3503 Pembolehubah Kompleks 3 SSCP3821 Amali Fizik 1 SSCP 3123 Mekanik Klasik 3 Elektif Fizik (Pilih 9 kredit) SSCP 3133 Fizik Terma dan Statistik 3 SSCP3143 Kerelatifan 3 Untuk pengijazahan, pelajar perlu: SSCP 3811 Amali Fizik V 1 SSCP3153 Zarah Keunsuran 3 Mencapai jumlah tidak kurang dari pada 129 jam kredit dengan minimum CPA 2.0. Lulus Latihan Penyelidikan Tamat dan lulus Projek Sarjana Muda . Elektif Pembangunan Individu/Masyarakat/ Globalisasi (Pilih 2 kredit) Teknokrat dan UHAS 2032 2 Pembangunan Etika profesional UHAS 2092 2 Organisasi SSCP3163 Fizik Tenaga dan Alam Sekitar 3 SSCP3333 Fizik Berkomputer 3 Optik Moden 3 Syarat penganugerahan: SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 Nama Kursus SSCP 3113 SEMESTER 6 kr Kursus ini ditawarkan dalam mod sepenuh masa dan berdasarkan sesi akademik 2 Semester .Beberapa kursus dijalankan dan dinilai setiap semester. Penilaian adalah berdasarkan peperiksaan akhir dan kerja kursus yang dijalankan sepanjang semester. Kod/ code 2 2 16 SEMESTER 5 17. Struktur Program dan ciri -ciri, Kurikulum dan Syarat Penganugerahan Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif ULAC 2xx2 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr UICI 1012 Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia 2 ULAB1112 English for Academic Communications 2 SSCM 1023 Kaedah Matematik I 3 UHAS 1172 Dinamika Malaysia 2 SSCP 1102 Pengenalan K epada Fizik 2 SSCM 1033 Kaedah Matematik II 3 SSCP 1143 Mekanik 3 SSCP 1163 Bunyi, Gelombang dan Optik 3 ULAB 3132 SSCP 1153 Elektrik dan Magnet 3 SSCP 1223 Fizik Moden 3 ULAB 3142 SSCP 1811 Amali Fizik I 1 SSCM 1523 Aljabar Linear 3 ULAB 3152 SSCP 1821 Amali Fizik II 1 Jumlah Jam Kredit 14 Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 3 Kod SSCM 1703 SSCP 2213 Nama Kursus Persamaan Terbitan I Fizik Nukleus 3 3 Kod ULAB2112 UQ_1XX1 Nama Kursus kr Advanced English for Academic Communications 2 Elektronik Asas 3 SSCP2113 Termodinamik 3 SSCP 2333 Penganturcaraan Komputer 3 SSCP2413 Fizik K eadaan Pepejal 3 SSCP 2811 Amali Fizik III 1 SSCP2613 Fizik Matematik 3 Sains Teknologi dan Manusia 2 SSCP2821 ULAB 3122 Jumlah Jam Kredit Amali Fizik IV Elektif Keusahawanan (Pilih 2 kredit) 2 UHAS 3012 Keusahawanan dan Pembangunan Usahawan 2 2 2 2 2 17 Jumlah Jam kredit 15 SEMESTER PENDEK Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCU 3915 Latihan Penyelidikan (HW) 5 Jumlah Jam Kredit 5 SEMESTER 7 2 SSCP 2313 UICI 2022 English for Career Search English for Workplace Communication Reading for Specific Purposes Writing for Specific Purposes Effective Oral Communication Skills ULAB 3112 17 Service Learning 2 Elektif ULAB (Pilih 2 kredit) SEMESTER 4 kr Bahasa Asing SSCP3523 kr SEMESTER 8 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCU 4902 Projek Sarjana Muda I 2 SSCU4904 Projek Sarjana Muda II 4 Elektif Fizik (Pilih 12 kredit) Elektif Fizik (Pilih 12 kredit) SSCP 4163 Astrofizik 3 SSCP 4173 Mekanik Kuantum II 3 SSCP 4323 Elektronik dan Instrumentasi 3 SSCP 4213 Fizik Nukleus Lanjutan 3 1 93 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCP 4333 SSCP 4413 SSCP 4423 Pemprosesan Isyarat Berdigit 3 Fizik Semikonduktur 3 Fizik Jirim Termampat Jumlah Jam Kredit SSCP 4433 SSCP 4453 Kemagnetan 3 Fizik Suhu Rendah dan Kesuperkonduksian 3 Fizik Laser 3 3 SSCP 4513 14 Jumlah Jam Kredit 16 18. Pemetaan Hasil Pembelajaran Terancang untuk Kursus HASIL PEMBELAJARAN SSCM1023 Pengenalan kepada Kursus Fizik Kaedah Matematik I ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP3821 Amali Fizik VI ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCU4902 Projek Sarjana Muda I ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCU49 04 Projek Sarjana Muda II Kursus Elektif SSCP3523 Optik Moden ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP3333 Fizik Berkomputer ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP3153 Zarah Keunsuran ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP3143 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP4323 Kerelatifan Fizik Tenaga dan Alam Sekitar Elektronik dan Instrumentasi ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP4163 Astrofizik ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP4333 Pemprosesan Isyarat Berdigit ¥ ¥ ¥ Fizik Semikonduktor ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP4423 Fizik Jirim Termampat ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP4433 Kemagnetan ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP4513 Fizik Laser Fizik Suhu Rendah dan Kesuperkonduksian Mekanik Kuantum II ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Kerja Berpasukan Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat Etika dan Integriti Keusahawanan SSCP4413 Kepimpinan SSCP3163 PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 P09 PO10 SSCP4453 Kursus Teras SSCP1102 ¥ Fizik Terma dan Statistik Pemikiran Kritikal dan Penyelesaian Masalah Kursus Mekanik Kuantum 1 SSCP3133 Kemahiran menganalisis dan Ujikaji Kod SSCP4173 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP4213 Fizik Nukleus Lanjutan Kursus Universiti Tamadun Islam dan UICI 1012 Tamadun Asia UHAS 1172 Dinamika Malaysia Sains, Technologi dan UICI 2022 Manusia UHAS 2092 Etika Profesional UHAS 2023 Teknokrat dan Pembangunan UHAS 2122 Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif ¥ SSCM1523 Algebra Linear ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCM1033 Kaedah Matematik II ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCM1703 Persamaan Terbitan I ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCM3503 Pembolehubah Kompleks ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP1143 Mekanik ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP1153 Elektrik dan Magnet ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP1811 Amali Fizik I ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP1163 Bunyi, Gelombang dan Optik ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP1223 Fizik Moden ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP1821 Amali Fizik II ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ UXXX 2xx2 ULAC 2xx2 ¥ ¥ ¥ UQ_ 1xx1 Inovasi dan kreativiti Bahasa Asing Keusahawanan dan Pembangunan Usahawan Bahasa Inggeris untuk Komunikasi Akademik Bahasa Inggeris lanjutan untuk Komunikasi Akademik Bahasa Inggeris untuk Kerjaya Bahasa Inggeris untuk Komunikasi Tempat Kerja Membaca untuk Tujuan Khusus Penulisan untuk Tujuan Khusus Kemahiran Komunikasi Lisan Berkesan Ko -kurikulum I UQ_ 1xx1 Ko -kurikulum II UHAS 3012 ¥ ULAB 1112 ¥ SSCP2313 Elektronik Asas ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP2213 Fizik Nukleus ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP2333 Pengaturcaraan Komputer ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP2811 Amali Fizik III ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP2113 Termodinamik ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP2613 Fizik Matematik ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP2413 Fizik Keadaan Pepejal ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP2821 Amali Fizik IV ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP3123 Mekanik Klasik ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP3113 Keelektromagnetan ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP3811 Amali Fizik V ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCU3915 Latihan Penyelidikan (HW) ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ULAB 2112 ULAB 3112 ¥ ¥ ULAB 3122 ¥ ¥ ¥ ULAB 3132 ¥ ULAB 3142 ULAB 3152 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP3643 Penggunaan Pengetaahuan dan kemahiran fizik KURSUS DITAWARKAN 95 FAKULTI SAINS Pengetahuan Asas Fizik 94 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 96 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 PO1-PO3 = Kemahiran Teknikal PO4-PO10 = Kemahiran Generik 19. Keunikan Program Program ini menekankan kepada kemahiran penyelidikan dan pengalaman dalam latihan penyelidikan dalam fizik tulen kontemporari untuk siswazah. Menjalin hubungan dengan universiti -universiti tempatan dan antarabangsa/ institusi penyelidikan. 20. Prospek Kerjaya dan Laluan Kerjaya Siswazah dari program ini boleh bekerja sebagai Pegawai penyelidik - institut penyelidikan, universiti dan industri Pegawai Sains - institut penyelidikan, universiti dan industri Guru Fizik - sekolah dan kolej Pegawai kawalan kualiti - industri 21. Program Merentas Kampus ( Cross Campus Program) Pelajar diberi peluang untuk mendaftar kursus tertentu di universiti yang terlibat di dalam dan luar negera. Mana-mana gred atau kredit sehingga 1/3 daripada jumlah kredit dalam kurikulum boleh dipindahkan. 22. Program UTM Degree ++ Pelajar diberi peluang untuk mendaftar dalam program sijil yang ditawarkan oleh Pusat Kecemerlangan di Universiti, dengan kebanyakan kursus-kursus yang ditawarkan oleh Pusat Pengajian Profesional dan Pendidikan Berterusan (SPACE) semasa cuti semester mereka. 23. Kemudahan Sedia Ada A: Makmal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Makmal Optik Makmal Elektronik Asas & Lanjutan Makmal Optoelektronik Makmal Fizik Nuklear Makmal Dosimetri Sinaran Makmal Penyelidikan dan Teknologi Laser Makmal Teknologi Fiber Optik Makmal Filem Tipis & Suhu Rendah Makmal Vakum Makmal Sains Bahan & Analisis Bahan Makmal Komputer & Mikrokomputer Makmal Latihan Fotonik & Penyelidikan Makmal Penyelidikan Kristal Optik Bengkel Elektronik & Mekanikal B: Peralatan Utama 1. Diffractometer sinar-X (XRD) 2. Mesin pertumbuhan hablur menggunakan kaedah CZ. 3. Spektrofotometer inframerah 4. Spektrometer UV -VIS 5. Mesin CNC 6. Spektrometer Photoluminiscence 7. Ellipsometer 8. Relau Suhu Tinggi FAKULTI SAINS 9. 10. 11. 12. Differential Thermal Analyzer (DTA) Peralatan Kekerasan Vickers - Vickers Hardness Equipment Mesin Ujian Mekanikal Am Pengesan Germanium Hyper tulen - Hyper pure Germanium Detector 13. Mikroskop Daya Atom (AFM) - Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) 14. Rapid Thermal Process (RTP) 15. Mesin tegangan - Tensile Machine 16. Mesin kakisan - Corrosion Machine 24. Sokongan untuk Pelajar dan pembelajaran mereka a. b. c. d. e. Dua minggu program induksi bagi suaikenal dan pengenalan kepada kemahiran pembelajaran. Buku panduan pelajar serta Modul Bimbingan Nisbah staf dan pelajar 1: 12 Kemudahan perpustakaan dan sumber pembelajaran yang lain. Semua pelajar disediakan penasihat akademik yang mempunyai tugas membantu dalam masalah peribadi serta menasihati program pembelajaran. 25 Kaedah Penilaian dan Peningkatan kualiti dan Piawaian Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran. Mekanisma bagi semakan dan penilaian pengajaran, pembelajaran, penilaian, kurikulum dan hasil piawaian. 1. Prestasi Pelajar dari segi: KS / KB CPA Prestasi pelajar graduat Siswazah pada masanya (GOT) Tempoh tamat belajar Analisis prestasi kursus 2. Kebolehpasaran Kajian Keluar Kajian Alumni Kajian Pasaran 3. Prestasi Pensyarah Penilaian pengajaran oleh pelajar (OMR) Senarai semakan kompetensi untuk kakitangan (CV) Sasaran Kerja Tahunan (SKT) 4. Semakan semula kurikulum Jawatankuasa akademik Fakulti PSM (projek tahun akhir sarjana muda) Laporan pemeriksa luar Semakan semula pencapaian hasil pembelajaran kursus oleh pelajar E-Portfolio Pelajar Penilaian kemahiran generik (Performance Criteria Report) 5. Sistem penyampaian Jawatankuasa Jaminan Kualiti Akademik CSI (Indeks kepuasan pelanggan) 97 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 98 26 FAKULTI SAINS SARJANA MUDA SAINS (KIMIA) - SSCA SSI (Indeks kepuasan pelajar) Laporan audit AKNC Piawaian MQA 3. Nama Program Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Sarjana Muda Sains dalam Kimia 4. Anugerah Akhir Sarjana Muda Sains (Kimia) 5. Kod Program TS16 (SSCA) 1. Institusi Penganugerah 2. Institusi Pendidikan Peraturan taksiran Ringkasan markah, gred dan mata nilaian Gred Mata Nilaian 90-100 80-89 A+ A 4.00 4.00 75 -79 A- 3.67 6. Badan Akreditasi Berkanun atau Profesional Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia 7. Bahasa Pengantar Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Inggeris 8. Mod Pengajian (Konvensional, pembelajaran jarak jauh, dan lain-lain Konvensional 70-74 B+ 3.33 B 3.00 9. Mod Operasi (Francais, Urustadbir sendiri, dan lain lain Urustadbir Sendiri 65-69 60-64 B- 2.67 10. Skema Pengajian (sepenuh masa/separuh masa Sepenuh Masa C+ C 2,33 2.00 11. Tempoh Pengajian Minimum : 4 tahun Maximum : 6 tahun 45-49 C- 1.67 Jenis Semester 40-44 D+ 1.33 35-39 D+ 1.00 30-34 00-29 DE 0.67 0.00 55-59 50-54 Lazim Pendek (Latihan Industri) 12. Syarat Kemasukan Peranan Pemeriksa Luar (Pemeriksa Pelawat) Pemeriksa Pelawat dilantik oleh Jawatankuasa Akademik Fakulti Semakan semula dan menilai kurikulum program. Semakan semula dan menilai prosedur dan kaedah penilaian. Mencadangkan syor yang perlu kepada Jawatankuasa Akademik. Bilangan Semester Sepenuh Masa Separuh Masa 8 - - Bilangan minggu dalam semester Sepenuh Masa 14 - Separuh Masa - Memenuhi semua syarat Universiti dan syarat keperluan program yang berikut: (1) Lulus Matrikulasi/STPM/Asasi Sains UM dengan gred minimum B í dalam Kimia dan minimum C dalam Matematik dan Fizik atau Biologi Atau (2) Diploma Sains atau Kejuruteraan dengan CPA minimum 2.70 daripada institusi yang diiktiraf. 27. Kaedah Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran Kaedah Pengukuran e-Portfolio Hasil kaji selidik Kursus Laporan Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus Kaji selidik Projek Tahun Akhir Kaji selidik PO oleh pelajar tahun akhir PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 Tempoh Tindakan oleh x x x x x x x x x x berterusan Pelajar x x x x x x x x x x Akhir-sem Pensyarah x x x x x x x x x x Akhir-sem Pensyarah x x x x x Akhir-sem Fakulti x x x x x x x x x Akhir-sem Fakulti x x x x x x x Akhir sesi Fakulti Kaji selidik Latihan Penyelidikan x x x Kaji selidik Alumni x x x x x x x x x x Kaji selidik Majikan x x x x x x x x x x Sekali / tahun Sekali / tahun Ketua Jabatan KetuaJabatan 13. Objektif Program Objektif Program Sarjana Muda Sains (Kimia) adalah untuk memberikan pengetauan, kemahiran dan atribut yang harus dicapai oleh graduat untuk berjaya dalam kerjaya. Program direka untuk: 1. Menyediakan graduat yang berupaya menggunakan dan menghasilkan pengetahuan baru dalam bidang kimia yang relevan bagi pembangunan negara 2. Mendidik graduat menjalankan penyelidikan untuk menyelesaikan masalah kini dan isu masa akan datang demi untuk pembangunan dan kebaikan negara dan manusia sejagat. 3. Melatih graduat yang berupaya menggunakan pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam merancang, menganalisis, mereka dan menyelia kerja berasaskan kimia. 4. Membentuk graduat yang berkemahiran teknikal dalam menyelesaikan masalah secara logik, analitikal dan kreatif berdasarkan fakta dan idea bernas 5. Melatih graduat supaya mempunyai kualiti kepimpinan, etika dan profesional menyumbang kepada negara dan manusia sejagat. 6. Menyediakan graduat yang boleh berkerja secara berpasukan dalam masyarakat berbilang bangsa untuk mencapai sesuatu objektif. 7. Melatih graduat yang boleh berkomunkasi secara berkesan merentasi pelbagai bentuk perhubungan dan audian. 99 100 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 FAKULTI SAINS 14. Hasil Pembelajaran Program Kemampuan membentangkan maklumat teknik, saintifik dan maklumat dan hujah kimia secara jelas dan tepat, secara bertulis dan secara oral kepada pelbagai khalayak ramai. (P4) Projek berkumpulan, penyelidikan bersendirian, latihan penyelidikan. Persembahan oral, tugasan bertulis, laporan makmal,laporan projek tahun akhir. Kemampuan menunjukkan kemahiran interpersonal yang baik dengan kemampuan bekerja secara berkumpulan sebagai bahagian daripada pasukan melaksanakan pelbagai peranan pasukan yang berlainan. (A3) Tutorial, kerja makmal, tugasan berkumpulan Laporan makmal dan persembahan berkumpulan PO7 Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat dan Pengurusan Maklumat Kemampuan memperoleh ilmu pengetahuan, kemahiran baru dan mengurus pelbagai maklumat daripada sumber yang berlainan. (LL3) Tutorial, projek penyelidikan, kerja makmal Laporan makmal, laporan projek penyelidikan PO8 Kepimpinan Kemampuan menunjukkan kepimpinan, mengambil tindakan dan menggerakkan penglibatan orang lain. (A3) Tugasan berkumpulan persembahan Laporan tugasan berkumpulan dan persembahan PO9 Etika dan Integriti Kemampuan bertindak secara berintegriti dan beretika yang baik dalam profesion dan tanggungjawab mereka kepada mesyarakat. (A3) Peperiksaan, tugasan berkumpulan dan projek penyelidikan bersendirian Persembahan laporan dan seminar. PO10 Keusahawanan Kesedaran terhadap peluang perniagaan dan keusahawanan Projek tahun akhir, kerja makmal, latihan penyelidikan Tugasan bertulis, laporan makmal, esei, laporan projek tahun akhir (a) Pengetahuan dan Kecekapan Teknikal Hasil Pembelajaran (PO) PO1 Pengetahuan Asas Kimia PO2 Aplikasi pengetahuan dan kemahiran kimia PO3 Kajian Saintifik dan Penyelidikan Matlamat Hasil Pembelajaran Kaedah Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Penilaian Kemampuan memperoleh ilmu pengetahuan berkaitan hukum dan prinsip asas kimia yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan semasa serta ilmu pengetahuan sains sosial dan pembangunan diri (C2, P2, A2) Kuliah, tutorial, kerja makmal, pembacaan terarah, dan perbincangan berkumpulan Kemampuan mengguna, mengamal dan menganalisis hukum asas, prinsip dan teknik kimia menggunakan kaedah saintifik yang berkaitan dengan aplikasi kimia (C4, P4, A3) Kuliah, kerja makmal, tugasan pembacaan, perbincangan berkumpulan, dan tugasan penyelesaian masalah, kemahiran peralatan, perisian berkaitan denga kimia. Peperiksaan, ujian, kuiz, tugasan, dan laporan makmal, persembahan oral, projek berkumpulan, dan simulasi komputer. Kemampuan merancang, menilai, dan melaksanakan kajian saintifik dan penyelidikan berkaitan kimia. (C6, P6, A3) Kuliah, kerja makmal, tugasan pembacaan, perbincangan berkumpulan, dan tugasan penyelesaian masalah, kemahiran peralatan, perisian berkaitan dengan kimia, projek penyelidikan, kerja makmal, persembahan parojek dan laporan, latihan penyelidikan. Peperiksaan, ujian, kuiz, tugasan, dan laporan makmal, persembahan oral, projek berkumpulan, simulasi komputer, cadanga penyelidikan, persembahan laporan projek tahun akhir, dan laporan Penyelia Latihan Penyelidikan. PO5 Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Peperiksaan, ujian, kuiz dan laporan. PO6 Kerja Berkumpulan (b) Kemahiran Generik PO4 Pemikiran Kritis & penyelesaian Masalah Kemampuan belajar secara bersendirian dan mengamalkan ilmu dan kefahaman prinsip serta teori kimia dan menilai kajian semasa (P4) Projek penyelidikan bersendirian, projek penyelidikan bekumpulan, latihan penyelidikan. Laporan projek bersendirian, laporan makmal, laporan projek penyelidikan tahun akhir. 15. Klasifikasi Kursus No. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Klasifikasi Jam Kredit Peratus (%) Asas Sains dan Matematik 13 58.5 Teras program 62 Elektif program 33 25.8 Kursus Wajib Universsiti 10 Kemanusiaan 15.7 6 Bahasa Inggeris 2 Ko -kurikulum 2 Keusahawaanan Jumlah 128 100 Untuk program sains, sila isi klasifikasi berikut (Lain -lain, sila rujuk peraturan badan rasmi berkaitan) 101 102 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 Klasifikasi Kursus Kimia (a) Kuliah (b) Makmal/Bengkel/ Kerja Lapangan (c) Latihan Penyelidikan (d) Projek Tahun Akhir Jumlah Jam Kredit Untuk Bahagian A A. B. FAKULTI SAINS Kimia Organik - Biomolekul 3 ULAB 2112 Advanced English for Academic Communication 2 SSCC 2891 Amali Kimia Organik II 1 SSCC 2713 Kimia Koordinatan 3 SSCC 2453 Kinetik Kimia dan Elektrokimia 3 SSCC 2851 Amali Kimia Tak Organik II 1 SSCC 2841 Amali Kimia Fizik II 1 SSCC 2473 Spektroskopi Molekul 3 SSCC 2312 Pengurusan dan Keselamatan Makmal 2 SSCC 2243 Prinsip Kimia Analisis 3 SSCM1033 Kaedah Matematik II 3 SSCC 2861 Amali Kimia Analisis I 1 UICI 2022 Sains Teknologi dan Manusia 2 Jam Kredit Peratus(%) SSCC 2613 76 9 59.4 7.0 3.9 4.7 5 6 96 75.0 Kursus Berkaitan (a) Matematik (b) Kemanusiaan/ Etika (c) Ko -Kurikulum (d) Bahasa Inggeris (e) Keusahawanan Jumlah Jam Kredit Untuk Bahagian B 12 10 2 6 2 32 25.0 Jumlah jam kredit untuk Bahagian A dan B 128 100 9.4 7.8 1.6 4.6 1.6 Elektif Inovasi dan Kreativiti (Pilih 2 kredit) Jumlah Jam Kredit 15 UXXX 2XX2 Inovasi dan Kreativiti UHAS 2122 Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 5 16. Jumlah jam kredit untuk bergraduan 128 jam kredit Program ini ditawarkan dalam mod sepenuh masa dan berdasarkan sesi akademik 2 Semester. Kursus dilaksanakan dan dinilai mengikut semester yang telah ditetapkan. Penilaian kursus dilakukan berdasarkan peperiksaan akhir dan kerja kursus yang dilaksanakan sepanjang semester. SEMESTER 1 Nama Kursus kr Kod/ Code Nama Kursus kr Service Learning 2 SSCC 3463 Kimia Kuantum 3 SSCU 3623 Metodologi Penyelidikan dan Pemerolehan Maklumat 3 Kod Nama Kursus Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia kr 2 ULAB1112 SSCC 1322 Pengenalan Program Kimia 2 UHAS 1172 SSCC 1003 Prinsip Kimia 3 SSCC 1901 Amali Kimia 1 SSCC 1703 Kimia Tak Organik 3 SSCC 1851 Amali Kimia Tak Organik I SSCM1023 Kaedah Matematik I UICI 1012 Kod Amali Kimia Analisis II 1 Elektif (Pilih 9 kredit) SSCC 3323 Prinsip Kimia Polimer 3 SSCC 3243 Kaedah Pemisahan 3 SSCC 3533 Penggunaan Komputer dalam Kimia 3 SSCC 3643 Penggunaan Spektorskopi 3 2 SSCP 4453 Fizik Suhu Rendah dan Kesuperkonduksian 3 2 SSCC 4603 Kimia Perubatan 3 ULAC 2xx2 Nama Kursus Bahasa Asing kr 2 Elektif ULAB (Pilih 2 kredit) Dinamika Malaysia 2 ULAB 3112 SSCC 1413 Termodinamik Kimia 3 ULAB 3122 SSCC 1841 Amali Kimia Fizik I 1 SSCC 1603 Kimia Organik - Kumpulan Berfungsi 3 1 SSCC 1831 Amali Kimia Organik I 1 3 SSCM1103 Statistik 3 Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 3 Kod Literasi Komputer Nama Kursus English for Academic Communication 15 ULAB 3132 ULAB 3142 Kod Nama Kursus Kod kr English for Career Search English for Workplace Communication Reading for Specific Purposes Writing for Specific Purposes Effective Oral Communication Skills Jumlah Jam Kredit 15 SEMESTER 4 kr 3 SSCC 3871 ULAB 3152 Jumlah Jam Kredit Analisis Berinstrumen Elektif Pembangunan Individu/Masyarakat/ Globalisasi (Pilih 2 kredit) Teknokrat dan UHAS 2032 Pembangunan Etika profesional UHAS 2092 Organisasi SEMESTER 2 SEMESTER 6 UQ_1XX1 SSCM 1303 * Syarat penganugerahan: Untuk dianugerahkan ijazah, pelajar seharusnya: Memperoleh tidak kurang daripada 128 jam kredit dengan CPA minimum 2.00. Lulus Latihan Industri (menyamai 5 jam kredit). Menyempurna dan lulus Projek Sarjana Muda T ahun Akhir. 2 15 Kod/ Code SSCC 3233 17. Struktur dan Ciri Program, Kurikulum dan Syarat Penganugerahan 2 SEMESTER PENDEK Nama Kursus 3 2 Elektif Keusahawanan 2 UHAS 3012 Keusahawanan dan Pembangunan Usahawan 2 2 2 2 2 16 kr Jumlah Jam Kredit 17 103 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCU 3915 Latihan Penyelidikan (HW) 5 Jumlah 5 SSCC 2613 SSCC 2891 SSCC 2453 SSCC 2841 SEMESTER 7 SEMESTER 8 SSCC 2312 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCU 4902 Projek Sarjana Muda I 2 SSCU 4904 Projek Sarjana Muda II 4 Elektif (Pilih 12 kredit) Elektif (Pilih 12 kredit) SSCC 4233 Analisis Elektrokimia 3 SSCC 4263 Analisis Terma 3 SSCC 4773 Polimer Tak Organik dan Organologam 3 SSCC 4473 Kimia Keadaan Pepejal 3 SSCC 4443 Proses Tindak Balas Kimia 3 SSCC 4693 Metabolisme Biomolekul 3 SSCC 4653 SSCC 4733 Sintesis Organik 3 Radiokimia SSCC 4763 3 Nanokimia SSCC 4493 Kimia Permukaan dan Koloid Kimia Organologam 3 SSCP 4403 SSCC 4363 Kimia Hijau 3 SSCP 4603 14 Jumlah Jam Kredit Jumlah Jam Kredit 3 3 Mikroskopi dan Analisis Bahan Teknologi Vakum dan Filem Tipis SSCC 4723 3 3 16 18. Pemetaan Hasil Pembelajaran Program dengan Kursus SSCC 1851 Amali Kimia Tak Organik I SSCM 1023 SSCM 1103 SSCC 1413 SSCC 1841 Kaedah Matematik I Statistik Termodinamik Kimia Amali Kimia Fizik I Kimia Organik– Kumpulan Berfungsi Amali Kimia Organik I Kaedah Matematik II SSCC 1603 SSCC 1821 SSCM 1033 PO1 PO2 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ PO4 PO5 PO6 ¥ ¥ PO8 PO9 PO10 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Keusahawanan PO7 Etika dan Integriti Kerja Berkumpulan Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Pemikiran kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah Kajian Saintifik dan Penyelidikan PO3 Kepimpinan Kursus Kursus Teras SSCC 1322 Pengenalan Program Kimia SSCC 1003 Prinsip Kimia SSCC 1901 Amali Kimia SSCC 1703 Kimia Tak Organik Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat Kod Aplikasi Pengetahuan dan Kemahiran Kimia HASIL PEMBELAJARAN TAWARAN KURSUS 105 FAKULTI SAINS Pengetahuan Asas 104 SSCC 2713 Kimia Organik - Biomolekul Amali Kimia Organik II Kinetik Kimia dan Elektrokimia Amali Kimia Fizik II Pengurusan dan Keselamatan Makmal Kimia Koordinatan SSCC 2851 SSCC 2473 SSCC 2243 SSCC 2861 SSCC 3233 SSCC 3871 SSCC 3323 Amali Kimia Tak Organik II Spektroskopi Molekul Prinsip Kimia Analisis Amali Kimia Analisis I Analisis Berinstrumen Amali Kimia Analisis II Prinsip Kimia Polimer Metodologi Penyelidikan dan SSCU 3623 Pemerolehan Maklumat SSCC 3463 Kimia Kuantum SSCU 3915 Latihan Penyelidikan SSCU 4902 Projek Sarjana Muda I SSCU 4904 Projek Sarjana Muda II Kursus Elektif SSCC 3283 Kaedah Pemisahan Penggunaan Komputer dalam SSCC 3533 Kimia SSCC 3643 Penggunaan Spektroskopi SSCC 4723 Kimia Organologam SSCC 4233 Analisis Elektrokimia SSCC 4493 Kimia Koloid dan Permukaan Polimer Tak Organik dan SSCC 4773 Organologam SSCC 4443 Proses Tindak Balas Kimia SSCC 4653 Sintesis Organik SSCC 4473 Kimia Keadaan Pepejal SSCC 4693 Metabolisma Biomolekul SSCC 4763 Nanokimia SSCC 4263 Analisis Terma SSCC 4733 Radiokimia SSCC 4603 Kimia Perubatan SSCC 4363 Kimia Hijau SSCP 4403 Mikoskopi dan Analisis Bahan Fizik Suhu Rendah dan SSCP 4453 Kesuperkonduksian Kursus Universiti Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun UICI 1012 Asia UHAS 1172 Dinamika Malaysia UICI 2022 Sains, Technologi dan Manusia UHAS 2092 Etika Profesional UHAS 2023 Teknokrat dan Pembangunan UHAS 2122 Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif UXXX 2xx2 Inovasi dan kreativiti ULAC 2xx2 Bahasa Asing Keusahawanan dan UHAS 3012 Pembangunan Usahawan ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 106 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 ULAB 1112 ULAB 2112 ULAB 3112 ULAB 3122 ULAB 3132 ULAB 3142 ULAB 3152 UQ_ 1xx1 UQ_ 1xx1 English for Academic Communication Advanced English for Academic English For Career Search English for Workplace Reading for Specific Purposes Writing for Specific Purposes Effective Oral Communication Skills Ko-Kurikulum I Ko-Kurikulum II FAKULTI SAINS ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Petunjuk: PO1-PO3 = Kemahiran Teknikal: PO4-PO10 = Kemahiran Generik 19. Keunikan Program Program membenarkan pelajar menjalankan latihan penyelidikan mereka di organisasi tempatan dan antarabangsa. Makmal pengajaran untuk kursus amali dilengkapi dengan kemudahan terkini dan instrumen yang lengkap. Program diiktiraf oleh badan profes ional; Institut Kimia Malaysia. Jalinan hubungan sedia ada dengan industri tempatan dan antarabangsa mengukuhkan lagi kurikulum program. Program membenarkan pelajar melakukan pemindahan kredit kursus yang setara yang ditawarkan oleh universiti lain sama ada di dalam atau di luar negara. 23. Kemudahan yang ada Senarai Kemudahan: 1. Makmal Penyelidikan 2. Bengkel Peniup Kaca 3. Makmal Bioteknologi 4. Makmal Makromolekul 5. Stor Kimia 6. Pusat Sumber Jabatan Kimia 7. Bilik Aktiviti Pelajar 8. Bilik Komputer Pelajar 9. Makmal Kimia Tak Organik 1&2 10. Makmal Kimia Fizik 1&2 11. Makmal Kimia Organik 1&2 12. Makmal Analisis 1 & 2 13. M akmal Forensik 14. Bilik Instrumen 21. Program Rentas Kampus Senarai Instrumen: 1. Spektrometer Resonans Magnet Nukleus 2. Kromatografi Gas - Spektrometer Jisim 3. Spektrometer Inframerah -Transformasi Fourier 4. Kromatografi Penelapan Gel 5. Spektrometer UL -Nampak 6. Spektrometer Pantulan Tersebar UL -Nampak 7. Kromatografi Cecair Berprestasi Tinggi 8. Kromatografi Gas 9. Kromatografi Gas – Pengesan Spektroskopi Jisim 10. Spektrometer Serapan Atom 11. Mikroskop Imbasan Elektron 12. Mikroskop Imbasan Elektron -Pemancaran Medan 13. Mikroskop Transmisi Elektron 14. Kromatografi Ion 15. Elektroforesis Rerambut 16. Penganalisis Permukaan BET 17. Kalorimeter Imbasan Pembeza 18. Penganalisis Termogravimetri 19. Sistem Voltametri 20. Spektrometer Pendarfluor 21. Sistem Penjerapan/Nyahjerapan Permukaan 22. Penganalisis Jumlah Karbon Organik 23. Fotometer Nyala 24. Spektrometer Putaran Elektron 25. Pembelauan Sinar X 26. Spektrometer Jisim – Gandingan Aruhan Plasma (ICP-MS) 27. Kotak Glove Pelajar dibenarkan untuk mengikuti kursus tertentu di universiti tempatan atau antarabangsa yang berlainan. Maksimun gred dan jumlah kredit yang boleh dipindahkan adalah 1/3 daripada jumlah kredit keseluruhan program. 24. Sokongan kepada Pelajar dan Pembelajaran 20. Prospek dan Laluan Kerjaya Graduan program ini dapat bekerja sebagai: Ahli kimia atau saintis di institut penyelidikan kerajaan seperti MARDI, Malaysia Palm Oil Board (MPOB), RRI, PRSS, SIRIM, Jabatan Kimia Malaysia dan Agensi Nuklear Malaysia (Nuclear Malaysia). Ahli kimia atau jurutera proses di sektor swasta yang meliputi industri seperti petrokimia, getah , kelapa sawit, farmaseutik, pewarna dan tekstil, kosmeseutik, elektronik, rawatan air dan pemprosesan makanan. Ahli akademik atau penyelidik di institusi pengajian tinggi, dengan peluang mengikuti program lanjutan pasca siswazah di peringkat Master dan PhD. Pegawai kawalan kualiti, jaminan kualiti dan pemasaran di agensi dan industri yang memerlukan pengetahuan kimia dan kemahiran berkaitan yang baik. 22. Program Professional Skills Certificate Pelajar diwajibkan mengikuti kursus tambahan yang diiktiraf oleh universiti melalui anjuran SPACE UTM . Contoh: ISO 9001:2008, OSHE, How to manage your personal finance, How to get yourself employed dan lain-lain (a) Pegawai Sokongan Penasihat Akademik 107 108 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 FAKULTI SAINS Kaunselor Persatuan Pelajar (PESAT) 65 – 69 60 – 64 55 – 59 50 – 54 45 – 49 40 – 44 35 – 39 30 34 0 – 29 (b) Sokongan Prasarana Capaian Internet (Tanpa Wayar) e-Pembelajaran Perpustakaan Digital Kafetaria Pusat Kesihatan Kemudahan Sukan dan Rekreasi Bilik Kuliah Bestari Bilik Aktiviti Pelajar Sudut Pembacaan (b) B BC+ C CD+ D DE 3.00 2.67 2.33 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.00 0.67 0 Peranan Pemeriksa Luar (Pemeriksa Pelawat) Pemeriksa Pelawat di lantik oleh Jawatankuasa Akademik Fakulti untuk: (c) Sokongan Kewangan Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Negara (PTPTN ) MARA JPA dan lain-lain Mengkaji semula dan menilai kurikulum program Mengkaji semula dan menilai kaedah penilaian pelajar Mencadangkan penambahbaikan kurikulum kepada Jawatankuasa Akademik. 27. Kaedah Penilaian Program 25. Kaedah Penilaian dan Penambahbaikan Kualiti dan Piawaian Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Mekanisma semakan semula pengajaran, pembelajaran, penilaian , kurikulum dan piawaian hasil. 1. Prestasi pelajar berdasarkan: KB/KS/KG –Lulus/Lulus Bersyarat/Gagal CPA – Purata Mata Kumulatif Prestasi Pelajar akan Bergraduan GOT – Graduasi Pada Masa Kadar Penyelesaian Analisa Prestasi Kursus 2. Kebolehpekerjaan Soal selidik pengeluaran Soal selidik alumni Soal selidik pasaran 3. Prestasi Pensyarah Pengajaran oleh pelajar (e-PPP)\ Senarai semak kompetensi staf (CS). Laporan Penilaian Prestasi Tahunan (LPPT) 4. Kajian Semula Kurikulum Jawatankuasa Akademik Fakulti Soal selidik latihan industri Soal selidik Projek Sarjana Muda Laporan Penilai Luar Soal selidik pencapaian CO oleh pelajar e-Portfolio pelajar Penilaian Kemahiran Generik (Laporan Kriteria Prestasi) 5. Sistem Penyampaian Jawatankuasa Jaminan Kualiti Akademik Indeks Kepuasan Pelanggan (CSI) Indeks Kepuasan Majikan (ESI) Audit Anugerah Kualiti Naib Canselor (AKNC) Piawai Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA) 26. Peraturan Penilaian a. Gred dan Markah Markah Gred 90-100 80 – 89 75 – 79 70 – 74 A+ A AB+ Mata Penilaian 4.00 4.00 3.67 3.33 Kaedah Pengukuran e- Portfolio Soal selidik Hasil Kursus Laporan Hasil Kursus Soal selidik Projek Sarjana Muda Soal selidik PO oleh pelajar tahun akhir Soal selidik latihan penyelidikan Soal selidik alumni Soal selidik majikan Hasil Pembelajaran Tempoh Tindakan PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Sepanjang Pelajar masa Setiap Pensyarah semester Setiap Pensyarah semester Setiap semester Fakulti Setiap semester Fakulti Setiap sesi Fakulti Sekali setahun Sekali setahun Ketua Jabatan Ketua Jabatan 109 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 110 FAKULTI SAINS SARJANA MUDA SAINS (MATEMATIK) - SSCE 1. Institusi Penganugerah 2. Institusi Pengajaran 3. Nama Program 4. Anugerah Muktamad 5. Kod Program 6. Badan Profesional atau Berkanun Pentauliahan 7. BahasaPengantar 8. Mod Pengajian (Konvensional, pembelajaran jarak jauh, dll) 9. Mod Operasi (Francais, Pentadbiran -kendiri, dll) 10. Skim Pengajian (Sepenuh Masa /Separuh Masa) 11. Tempoh Pengajian Jenis Semester Biasa Pendek 12. Syarat Kemasukan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Sarjana Muda Sains dalam Matematik Sarjana Muda Sains (Matematik) TS08 (SSCE) Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Bahasa Melayu dan Inggeris Konvensional Pentadbiran-kendiri Sepenuh Masa Minimum : 4 tahun Maksimum : 6 tahun Bil. Semester Bil. Minggu per semester Sepenuh Masa Separuh Masa Sepenuh Masa Separuh Masa 8 14 Memenuhi semua syarat universiti dan syarat program seperti berikut: 1. Lulus Matrikulasi / STPM / Asasi Sains UM dengan sekurangkurangnya gred Bídalam mata pelajaran Matematik dan sekurangkurangnya C dalam mata pelajaran Kimia dan Fizik atau Biologi. atau 2. Diploma Sains atau Kejuruteraan dengan PNGK sekurang-kurangnya 2.70 dari institusi diiktiraf 13. Objektif Pendidikan Program Objektif program BSc (Matematik Industri) adalah untuk memberi pengetahuan, kemahiran dan atribut yang perlu dicapai oleh graduan untuk berjaya dalam kerjaya. Oleh itu, adalah dijangka bahawa, graduan program ini akan 1. 2. 3. menjadi ahli profesional matematik yang kompeten yang mampu menggunakan pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam industri berkaitan terutamanya dalam pengajaran, penyelidikan dan pembangunan pengetahuan baru. mempunyai kemahiran dalam menulis dan komunikasi lisan untuk menyebarkan pengetahuan matematik dengan berkesan. mempunyai kemahiran dan motivasi untuk pendidikan yang berterusan sepanjang hayat dalam pemerolehan pengetahuan baru dan kemahiran matematik secara mendalam. 14. Hasil Pembelajaran Program Kod Hasil Pembelajaran dihasratkan Kaedah Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (a) Pengetahuan dan Kecekapan Teknikal Penilaian Berkebolehan memperoleh pengetahuan tentang konsep asas matematik, teori dan Kuliah, tutorial, teknik yang berkaitan PO1 dengan isu-isu semasa serta pembacaanterarah. Pengetahuan Asas pengetahuan dalam bidang sains sosial dan pembangunan peribadi. (C2,P2,A2) Berkebolehan menggunakan dan mengamalkan Kuliah, tutorial, projek kemahiran dalam taakulan (Projek Sarjana Muda PO2 matematik, membina bukti (PSM), berkumpulan / Penggunaan Ilmu bukti matematik dan individu), pembacaan Matematik serta memapar kecekapan terarah, latihan Teknik penggunaan pelbagai teknik berasaskan komputer, Berpengiraan dan matematik dalam latihan simulasi, latihan Analisis menjalankan analisis penyelidikan. matematik (C4,P4,A3) Keupayaan untuk menilai Kuliah, projek (PSM, dan menunjukkan PO3 berkumpulan / individu), kemahiran dalam memilih Diskriminasi/ pembacaan terarah, kaedah yang sesuai untuk Membeza dan pembelajaran berasaskan menyelesaikan masalah Organisasi/ komputer, pembelajaran Menyusun Konsep teori dan aplikasi dalam berasaskan masalah, sains matematik Matematik latihan penyelidikan . (C6,P6,A3) b) KemahiranInsaniah Berkebolehan untuk memahami, mengekstrak, menganalisis dan mengenalpasti masalah dari Pembelajaran aktif, PO4 projek (PSM, pelbagai sumber dan Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian membangunkan pendekatan berkumpulan / individu), latihan penyelidikan. berasaskan pengetahuan Masalah matematik untuk menyelesaikan masalah. (P4) Kebolehan untuk menyampaikan idea dengan Pembelajaran aktif, PO5 projek (PSM, jelas dan berkesan dalam Kemahiran berumpulan / individu), bentuk penulisan dan lisan Komunikasi latihan penyelidikan. kepada pelbagai khalayak. (P4) Keupayaan untuk Pembelajaran aktif, menyesuaikan diri dan projek (PSM, PO6 bekerjasama sebagai berumpulan), latihan Kerja Berpasukan sebahagian daripada penyelidikan. pasukan. (A3) PO7 Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat dan Pengurusan Maklumat Berkebolehan pembelajaran kendiri dan menunjukkan kesedaran untuk pembangunan peribadi dan profesional yang berterusan. Pembelajaran aktif, projek (PSM, berkumpulan / individu), kursus-kursus pembangunan Peperiksaan, kuiz, ujian, tugasan. Peperiksaan, kuiz, ujian, output perkomput eran, pembentangan, laporan projek, laporan latihan penyelidikan. Peperiksaan, kuiz, ujian, output perkomputeran, pembentangan, laporan projek, laporan latihan penyelidikan. Tugasan bertulis, pembentangan lisan, laporan projek, portfolio pembelajaran, laporan latihan penyelidikan. Pembentangan lisan, laporan projek, laporan latihan penyelidikan. Pembentangan lisan, laporan projek, penilaian rakan sebaya, laporan latihan penyelidikan. Tugasan bertulis, pembentangan lisan, laporan projek, portfolio pembelajaran, laporan latihan penyelidikan. 111 112 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 17. Struktur dan Ciri Program, Kurikulum dan Keperluan Penganugerahan Ijazah profesional, latihan penyelidikan. (A3) PO8 Kepimpinan Berkebolehan memimpin, mengambil tindakan dan mempengaruhi orang lain untuk mencapai matlamat yang sama.(A3) Pembelajaran aktif, projek kumpulan, pembelajaran perkhidmatan, aktiviti kokurikulum, kerja berkumpulan. PO9 Etikadan Integriti Berkebolehan menyesuaikan nilai etika dan integriti dalam konteks profesion dan kewajipan kepada masyarakat.(A3) PSM, aktiviti kokurikulum, kerja berkumpulan, latihan penyelidikan. Laporan PSM, portfolio pembelajaran, laporan latihan penyelidikan. Memperoleh kesedaran tentang peluang perniagaan, keusahawanan dan kerjaya.(P2) Kuliah, tugasan, kajian kes, PSM, seminar, bengkel, aktiviti ko kurikulum, kerja berkumpulan. Tugasan bertulis, pembentangan lisan, laporan PSM, peperiksaan, laporan latihan penyelidikan. P10 Keusahawanan 113 FAKULTI SAINS Pembentangan lisan, laporan projek, penilaian rakan sebaya. Kursus ini ditawarkan dalam mod sepenuh masa dan berdasarkan Sesi Akademik dua Semester dengan beberapa kursus yang diajar dan dinilai setiap Semester. Penilaian adalah berdasarkan peperiksaan akhir dan kerja kursus yang dijalankan di seluruh semester. Keperluan Penganugerahan: Untuk bergraduat, pelajar perlu: Mencapai sejumlah tidak kurang daripada 126 jam kredit dengan minimum PNGK 2.0. Lulus latihan penyelidikan. Tamat dan lulus projek sarjana muda. SEMESTER 1 Kod UICI 1012 SSCM 1012 Nama Kursus Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia Pengenalan kepada Program Matematik SEMESTER 2 kr Kod Nama Kursus kr 2 ULAB 1112 English for Academic Communication 2 2 UHAS 1172 Dinamika Malaysia 2 SSCM 1023 Kaedah Matematik I 3 SSCM 1033 Kaedah Matematik II 3 SSCP 1143/ SSCC 1003 Mekanik/ Prinsip Kimia 3 SSCM 1313 Pengaturcaraan Komputer 3 57.9 Teras Program 64 Elektif Program 33 26.2 Kursus Wajib Universiti 10 15.9 Kemanusiaan 6 Bahasa Inggeris 2 Ko -Kurikulum 2 Keusahawanan 1.4 Jumlah 126 100 Bagi program Sains, sila isi klasifikasi berikut. (Lain -lain, sila rujuk kepada garis panduan Badan Berkanun berkaitan) Bil. Klasifikasi Jam Kredit Peratusan (%) Kursus Matematik A (a) Kuliah 95 74.5 (b) LatihanPenyelidikan 5 3.9 (c) Projek Sarjana Muda 6 4.8 Jumlah Jam Kredit Bahagian A 106 84.1 B Kursus Berkaitan 7.9 (a) Kemanusiaan/Etika 10 1.6 (b) Ko -Kurikulum 2 (c) Bahasa Inggeris 4.8 6 1.6 2 (d) Keusahawanan Jumalah Jam Kredit Bahagian B 20 15.9 Jumlah Jam Kredit Bahagian A dan 126 100 B SSCM 1103 Statistik 3 SSCM 1523 Aljabar Linear 3 SSCM 1303 Literasi Komputer Persamaan Terbitan I 16. Jumlah jam kredit untuk bergraduat Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCM 3423 Kaedah Berangka II 3 UKQL 3012 Service Learning 2 15. Pengelasan Kursus Bil. i. Pengelasan Sains Asas dan Matematik Jam Kredit 9 Peratusan (%) ii. iii. iv 126 Jumlah Jam Kredit 3 SSCM 1703 16 Jumlah Jam Kredit kr Kod Nama Kursus kr ULAB 2112 Advanced English for Academic Communication 2 SEMESTER 3 Kod Nama Kursus 3 16 SEMESTER 4 SSCM 2103 Statistik Bermatematik SSCM 2423 Kaedah Berangka I 3 SSCM 2043 Kaedah Matematik III 3 SSCM 2793 Kakulus Vektor 3 SSCM 2613 Kalkulus Lanjutan 3 SSCM 2673 Matematik Diskret 3 SSCM 2803 Pemodelan Matematik I 3 SSCM 2773 Persamaan terbitan II 3 SSCM 2833 Pengaturacaraan Linear 3 UICI 2022 Sains Teknologi dan Manusia 2 Elektif Inovasi dan Kreativiti (Pilih 2 kredit) Jumlah Jam Kredit 3 17 UKQU 2202 Inovasi dan Kreativiti UHAS 2122 Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 5 2 2 16 SEMESTER 6 Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCM 3703 Persamaan Terbitan Separa 3 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 Electif ULAB (Pilih 2 kredit) KURSUS DITAWARKAN Elektif (Pilih 6 kredit) English for Career Search 2 SSCM 3353 Pengaturcaraan C++ 3 ULAB 3122 English for Workplace Communication 2 SSCM 3553 Teori Gelanggang dan Medan 3 ULAB 3132 Reading for Specific Purposes 2 SSCM 3543 Teori Nombor 3 ULAB 3142 Writing for Specific Purposes 2 SSCM 3673 Analisis Fungsian 3 ULAB 3152 Effective Oral Communication Skills 2 Kod Elektif (Pilih 6 kredit) Pembolehubahan Kompleks 3 SSCM 3533 Teori Set dan Mantik 3 SSCM 3793 Kalkulus Ubahan 3 SSCM 3753 Mekanik Bendalir 3 SSCM 3523 Aljabar Moden 3 Jumlah Jam Kredit 15 Jumlah Jam Kredit 14 SEMESTER PENDEK Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCU 3915 Latihan Penyelidikan (HW) 5 Jumlah Jam Kredit 5 SEMESTER 7 SEMESTER 8 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCU 4902 Projek Sarjana Muda I 2 SSCU 4904 Projek Sarjana Muda II 4 Elektif (Pilih 12 kredit) Elektif (Pilih 9 kredit) SSCM 4633 Teori Set Kabur 3 SSCM 4783 Mekanik Kuantum SSCM 4653 Aljabar Niskala Gunaan 3 SSCM 4623 Geometri Tak Euklidan 3 SSCM 4683 Topologi 3 SSCM 4733 Sistem Dinamik 3 SSCM 4763 Dinamik Bendalir Berkomputeran 3 SSCM 3153 Statistik Pentaabiran 3 SSCM 4163 Proses Stokastik 3 SSCM 4813 Jumlah Jam Kredit 14 PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO1O 2 ULAB 3112 SSCM 3503 Keusahawanan 2 Etika dan Integriti Bahasa Asing 3 Kawalan Optimal 3 Jumlah Jam Kredit 13 Kursus Teras SSCM 1012 SSCM 1023 SSCP 1143 SSCC 1003 SSCM 1103 SSCM 1303 SSCM 1033 SSCM 1313 SSCM 1523 SSCM 2673 SSCM 2103 SSCM 2423 SSCM 1703 SSCM 2793 SSCM 2833 SSCM 2043 SSCM 2613 SSCM 2773 SSCM 2803 SSCU 3623 SSCU 4902 SSCU 4904 SSCU 3915 SSCM 3423 Kursus Elektif SSCM 3503 SSCM 3533 SSCM 3703 SSCM 3793 SSCM 3353 SSCM 3553 SSCM 3543 SSCM 3673 SSCM 4733 SSCM 3753 SSCM 4623 SSCM 4633 Nama Kursus Pengenalan kepada Program Matematik Kaedah Matematik I Mekanik Prinsip Kimia Statistik Literasi Komputer Kaedah Matematik II Pengaturcaraan Komputer Aljabar Linear Matematik Diskret Statistik Bermatematik Kaedah Berangka I Persamaan Terbitan I Kalkulus Vektor Pengaturcaraan Linear Kaedah Matematik III KalkulusLanjutan Persamaan Terbitan II Pemodelan Matematik I Kaedah Penyelidikan & Pencarian Maklumat Projek Sarjana Muda I Projek Sarjana Muda II Latihan Penyelidikan (HW) Kaedah Berangka II Pembolehubah Kompleks Teori Set dan Mantik Persamaan Terbitan Separa Kalkulus Ubahan Pengaturcaraan C++ Teori Medan & Gelanggang Teori Nombor Analisis Fungsian Sistem Dinamik Mekanik Bendalir Geometri Bukan Euklid Teori Set Kabur Kemahiran Insaniah Kemahiran Kepimpinan ULAC 2xx2 UHAS 3012 Keusahawanan dan Pembangunan Usahawan Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat 2 HASIL PEMBELAJARAN Pengetahuan Asas dan Kecekapan Elektif Keusahawanan (Pilih 2 kredit) Kerja Berpasukan Etika Profesional 18. Pemetaan Hasil Pembelajaran Program kepada Kursus Komunikasi UHAS 2092 3 Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah 2 Kaedah Penyelidikan dan Pencarian Maklumat Kemahiran Analitik Pengiraan SSCU 3623 Pengetahuan Asas Elektif Pembangunan Individu/Masyarakat/ Globalisasi (Pilih 2 kredit) Teknokrat dan UHAS 2032 Pembangunan 115 FAKULTI SAINS Penggunaan Teknik Matematik 114 / - - - / - - - / - / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / - / / / / / - / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / - / - - / / - - - - / - / - / / / / / / / / / - / / / / / / - / - / / - - / / - / - / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / - / / - / / - - - - / 116 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCM 4653 SSCM 4683 SSCM 4763 SSCM 4783 SSCM 4163 SSCM 3153 SSCM 4813 SSCM 3523 UKQL 3012 Aljabar Abstrak Gunaan Topologi Dinamik Bendalir Berkomputeran Mekanik kuantum Proses Stokastik Statistik Pentadbiran Kawalan Optimum Aljabar Moden Servis Komuniti FAKULTI SAINS / / / / - / - / - - - - - / / / - - - / - - - / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / - 20. Prospekdan Laluan Kerjaya Graduat program ini boleh bekerja sebagai Ahli akademik dan penyelidik di institusi pengajian tinggi Penyelidik di jabatan R&D di dalam syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) atau syarikat multi nasional Eksekutif kewangan dalam institusi kewangan Pegawai pentadbiran dalam pertubuhan kerajaan atau sektor swasta Eksekutif jualan dan pemasaran 21. Program Silang Kampus Kursus Universiti Tamadun Islam dan UICI 1012 Tamadun Asia UHAS 1172 Dinamika Malaysia Sains, UICI 2022 Technologi dan Manusia UHAS 2092 Etika Profesional UHAS 2023 Teknokratdan Pembangunan UHAS 2122 Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif UXXX 2xx2 Inovasidan Kreativiti ULAC 2xx2 Bahasa Asing Keusahawanan dan UHAS 3012 Pembangunan Usahawan Bahasa Inggeris untuk ULAB 1112 Komunikasi Akademik Bahasa Inggeris Lanjutan ULAB 2112 untuk Komunikasi Akademik Bahasa Inggeris untuk ULAB 3122 Komunikasi di Tempat Kerja Pembacaan untuk Tujuan ULAB 3132 Khusus Penulisan untuk Tujuan ULAB 3142 Khusu / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Komunikasi Lisan Berkesan / UQ_ 1xx1 UQ_ 1xx1 ULAB 3112 Ko -Kurikulum I Ko -Kurikulum II English for Career Search / / / / 22. Program UTM Degree ++ / / ULAB 3152 Pelajar diberi peluang untuk mendaftar kursus tertentu di institusi yang menyertai sama ada tempatan atau luar negara. Mankala gred atau kredit boleh dipindahkan sehingga 1 / 3 daripada jumlah kredit dalam kurikulum. / Pelajar diberi peluang untuk mendaftar dalam program -program sijil yang ditawarkan oleh Pusat Kecemerlangan di universiti semasa cuti semester mereka. Sebagai contoh, Sijil Pengurusan Kualiti Menyeluruh (TQM). / / 19. Keunikan Program Program khas ini bertujuan untuk melahirkan ahli matematik muda cemerlang dan berbakat. Mewujudkan hubungan dengan fakulti matematik tempatan dan antarabangsa untuk tujuan latihan penyelidikan di luar negara. Satu-satunya program Sarjana Muda Matematik yang menawarkan latihan penyelidikan di makmal penyelidikan sama ada di dalam atau di luar negara. Program ini membenarkan perpindahan kredit daripada kursus setaraf yang ditawarkan di institusi tempatan atau luar negara. Menyediakan pelajar untuk membangun dan mengaplikasi p engetahuan dan kemahiran matematik mereka secara beretika dalam bidang matematik atau bidang lain. 23. Kemudahan Disediakan Senarai makmal komputer dan bilik -bilik dengan kemudahan IT 15. Makmal Komputer 1 16. Makmal Komputer 2 17. Makmal Komputer 3 18. Makmal Komputer 4 19. Bilik Kuliah Bijak 20. Pusat Sumber 24. Sokongan untuk Pelajar dan Pembelajaran Mereka Program induksi untuk tujuan orientasi dan pengenalan kemahiran belajar selama dua minggu Bukudan Modul Panduan Pelajar Nisbah staf - pelajar 1:15 dalam pengajaran Perpustakaan yang ekstensif/lengkap dan lain -lain kemudahan sumber pembelajaran. Pelajar diberikan penasihat akademik untuk membantu mereka dalam perancangan pendidikan. 25. Kaedah untuk menilai dan meningkatkan kualiti dan piawaian mekanisma pengajaran dan pembelajaran untuk semakan dan penilaian pengajaran, pembelajaran, penilaian, kurikulum dan piawaian hasil 1. Prestasi pelajar dari segi: KS/KB PNGK Prestasi pelajar graduat Graduat Tepat Masa, GOT Kadar Selesai Analisis Prestasi Kursus 117 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 118 FAKULTI SAINS 27. Alat Penilaian 2. Keboleh Pekerjaan Kaji selidik keluar Kaji selidik alumni Kaji selidik pasaran Alat Pengukuran e- Portfolio 3. Prestasi pensyarah Penilaian Pengajaran oleh Pelajar (OMR) Senarai semakan kecekapan untuk staf (CV) Penilaian tahunan staf (SKT) 4. Semakan Kurikulum Jawatankuasa Akademik Fakulti Kaji selidik PSM Laporan pemeriksaluar Kaji selidik pencapaian hasil pembelajaran oleh pelajar e-Portfolio pelajar Penilaian Kemahiran Insaniah (Kriteria Laporan Prestasi) 5. Sistem Penyampaian Jawatankuasa Jaminan Kualiti Akademik CSI SSI Laporan audit AKNC Piawaian MQA 26. Peraturan Taksiran a) b) Ringkasan markah, gred matanilai masing-masing Markah Gred Matanilai 90-100 80-89 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 00-29 A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DE 4.00 4.00 3.67 3.33 3.00 2.67 2.33 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.00 0.67 0.00 Peranan Pemeriksa Luar (Pemeriksa Pelawat) Pemeriksa Pelawat dilantik oleh Jawatankuasa Akademik Fakulti Menyemak dan menilai kurikulum program, Menyemak dan menilai prosedur dan kaedah penilaian, Membuat syor kepada Jawatankuasa Akademik. PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 x x x x Hasil Pembelajaran PO5 PO6 PO7 x x x PO8 PO9 PO10 x x x x x x x Hujung Semester Fakulti Fakulti x x x x Hujung Sesi Sekali Setahun Sekali Setahun x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Soal Selidik Alumni x x x x x x x x Soal Selidik Majikan x x x x x x x x x x x Pelajar x x x berterusan Hujung Pensyarah Semester Hujung Pensyarah Semester Hujung Fakulti Semester Soal Selidik Hasil Pembelajaran kursus Laporan Hasil Pembelajaran Soal Selidik Projek Sarjana Muda Soal selidik Hasil Pembelajaran Program (PO) oleh pelajar tahun akhir Soal selidik Latihan Industri x Jangkamasa Tindakan x Ketua Jabatan 119 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 120 SARJANA MUDA SAINS (FIZIK INDUSTRI) - SSCF 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Sarjana Muda Sains Fizik Industri Sarjana Muda Sains (Fizik Industri) TS33 Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris Konvensional Tadbir Kendiri Sepenuh masa Minimum : 4 tahun Maksimum : 6 tahun Bil. Semester Bil. minggu per semester Sepenuh masa Separuh Masa Sepenuh masa Separuh Masa 8 14 Memenuhi syarat Universiti dan program seperti berikut: 1. Lulus matrikulasi / STPM/ASASI Sains UM dengan sekurang - kurangnya gred Bí dalam Fizik dan sekurang - kurangnya C dalam kimia dan matematik. atau 2. Diploma Sains atau Kejuruteraan dengan sekurang - kurangnya CPA 2.70 dari institusi yang di iktiraf. Institusi Penganugerahan Institusi Pengajaran Nama Program Anugerah Akhir Kod Program Akreditasi Badan Berkanun atau Profesional Bahasa Penghantar Mod Pengajian ( Konvensional, jarak jauh, dll) Mod Operasi ( Francais, Tadbir Kendiri, dll) Skim Pengajian ( Sepenuh masa/ Separuh masa) Tempoh Pengajian Jenis semester Normal Pendek 12. Syarat Kemasukkan 13. Objektif Program Objektif Program Sarjana Muda Sains (Fizik Industri) adalah untuk memberi pengetahuan, kemahiran dan ciri - ciri yang perlu dicapai oleh graduan untuk kerjaya yang berjaya. Program ini direka untuk : 1. Melatih ahli fizik yang berketerampilan untuk keperluan industri dan institusi penyelidikan. 2. Menyediakan graduan yang mampu menerajui satu pasukan dan mengambil tanggungjawab utama di tempat kerja dan masyarakat. 3. Menyediakan graduan yang mempunyai personaliti tersohor, melalui hujah yang kritikal dan analisis serta kemahiran komunikasi bertulis dan lisan yang berkesan. 4. Menyediakan graduan berfikiran kreatif dan inovatif dalam menempuh cabaran baru. 5. Menyediakan graduan yang berintegriti profesional dan mampu menguruskan pembelajaran kendiri. 6. Menyediakan graduan yang berkemahiran keusahawanan dan mampu memandang kehadapan terhadap kekayaan dan peluang pekerjaan. FAKULTI SAINS 14. Hasil Pembelajaran Program Kod Matlamat Hasil Kaedah Pengajaran pembelajaran Pembelajaran (a) Kemahiran teknikal dan kopetensi Kebolehan menggarap pengetahuan mengenai hukum dan prinsip asas Kuliah, tutorial, PO1 fizik dalam penggunaan seminar, kerja makmal, Pengetahuan Asas terkini serta pengetahuan pembacaan terarah, Fizik dalam sains sosial dan pembelajaran aktif. pembangunan diri (C2,P2,A2) Kebolehan mengguna, mempraktiskan dan menganalisis hukum dan PO2 prinsip asas fizik menerusi Kuliah, tutorial, kerja Penggunaan kaedah eksperimen, teknik makmal, sesi hands on pengetahuan dan pengkomputeran dan komputer, latihan kemahiran Fizik matematik dalam industry menyelesaikan permasalahan fizik yang berkaitan dengan industri.(C4, P4, A3) Projek yang diselia, Kebolehan merancang, kuliah, kerja makmal, menilai dan menunjukcara pembacaan terarah, PO3 kajian dan penyelidikan latihan simulasi, latihan Kajian Saintifik dan saintifik dalam bidang fizik berasaskan komputer, Penyelidikan dalam yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran Bidang Fizik penggunaannya di berasaskan masalah, industri.(C6, P6, A3) latihan ind ustri. (b) Kemahiran insaniah Projek yang diselia, kuliah, kerja makmal, Kebolehan mempraktikkan pembacaan terarah, pengetahuan dan PO4 latihan simulasi, latihan kemahiran prinsip dan teori Pemikiran Kritis dan berasaskan komputer, fizik bagi menyelesaikan Penyelesaian Masalah pembelajaran permasalahan saintifik berasaskan masalah, dengan berkesan.(P4) latihan industri, tutorial. PO5 Kemahiran Komunikasi PO6 Kerja Berpasukan Penilaian Peperiksaan, ujian, kuiz, laporan makmal, pembentangan, tugasan bertulis, latihan berasaskan masalah, laporan projek. Peperiksaan, laporan makmal, pembentangan, tugasan - tugasan bertulis, latihan berasaskan masalah, laporan projek, Laporan Latihan Industri, Latihan Simulasi Laporan Projek Tahun Akhir,Peperiksaan, laporan makmal, Pembentangan, tugasan bertulis, laporan latihan industri. Laporan Projek t ahun akhir, peperiksaan laporan makmal, pembentangan, tugasan bertulis, laporan latihan industri. Kebolehan berkomunikasi secara berkesan dan yakin menerusi penulisan dan lisan kepada pelbagai lapisan khalayak (P4) Projek yang diselia, kuliah, kerja makmal, tugasan individu, latihan industri. Laporan Projek tahun akhir, peperiksaan, laporan makmal, pembentangan, tugasan bertulis, laporan latihan industri. Kebolehan berperanan secara berkesan dan bertanggungjawab sebagai ahli kumpulan bagi mencapai matlamat bersama dan mampu menyesuaikan diri dalam situasi dan keutamaan yang berubah.(A3) Projek tahun akhir, tugasan berkumpulan, latihan industri, kerja makmal Laporan Makmal,Lapuran Projek tahun akhir, lapuran latihan industri. 121 122 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 PO7 Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat dan Pengurusan Maklumat Kebolehan mencari dan memperoleh pengetahuan terkini, mampu berdikari dan mengurus masa secara berkesan. (A3) Kemampuan mempamerkan kepeimpinan, bertindak balas dan mengajak mempengaruhi yang lain untuk mencapai matlamat bersama. (A3) Kebolehan mengadaptasi nilai -nilai etika dan integriti dalam interaksi sosial dan saintifik, berfikiran positif dan memiliki jati diri.(A3) Mempunyai kesedaran dan kecenderungan kepada peluang perniagaan dan keushawanan. (P2) PO8 Kepimpinan PO9 Etika dan Integriti PO 10 Keushawanan 15. Pengkelasan Kursus Bil. Pengkelasan i. Asas sains dan matematik ii. Program Teras iii. Program Elektif iv. Kursus Wajib Universiti a. Kemanusian b. Bahasa c. Ko -kurikulum d. Keusahawanan Projek tahun akhir, tugasan individu, latihan industry. Projek, tutorial, tugasan berkumpulan, kerja makmal. Pengkelasan Keusahawanan Kuliah Makmal / bengkel Projek Tahun Akhir Latihan Industri Jumlah jam kredit untuk Bahagian A 1.2 1.3 Jumlah Jam Kredit untuk Bahagian (A +B) Matematik Pengurusan danPemasaran Kemaknusian /Etika Ko -Kurrikulum Bahasa Inggeris 41 31.8 129 100% 129 jam kredit Kuliah, projek tahun akhir, latihan industri. Lapuran Projek tahun akhir, tugasaan bertulis, lapuran latihan industri. Kuliah, latihan industry, project Tugasan bertulis,projek report 17. Struktur dan Ciri - ciri Program, kurikulum dan syarat penganugerahan Kursus ini ditawarkan dalam mod sepenuh masa dan berdasarkan Sesi Akademik 2 Semester dengan beberapa kursus dijalankan dan dinilai di setiap semester. Penilaian adalah berdasarkan kepada peperiksaan akhir dan kerja kursus yang dijalankan sepanjang semester. Syarat Penganugerahan: Untuk pengijazahan, pelajar perlu: Mencapai jumlah tidak kurang 129 jam kredit dengan minimum CPA 2.0 Lulus Latihan Industri Tamat dan lulus Projek Sarjana muda. SEMESTER 1 Jam kredit 20 56 33 10 6 2 2 Peratus (%) 58.9 25.6 15.5 Jam Kredit Peratus % Kod UICI 1012 Nama Kursus Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia SEMESTER 2 kr Kod 2 ULAB 1112 71 6 6 5 55.0 4.7 4.7 3.8 88 68.2 12 9 10 2 6 9.3 7.0 7.8 1.6 4.7 Nama Kursus English for Academic Communications kr 2 SSCM 1023 Kaedah Matematik I 3 UHAS 1172 Dinamika Malaysia 2 SSCP 1102 Pengenalan Kepada Fizik 2 SSCM 1033 Kaedah Matematik II 3 SSCP 1143 Mekanik 3 SSCP 1163 Bunyi, Gelombang dan Optik 3 SSCP 1153 Elektrik dan Magnet 3 SSCP 1223 Fizik Moden 3 SSCP 1811 Amali Fizik I 1 SSCM 1523 Aljabar Linear 3 SSCP 1821 Amali Fizik II 1 Jumlah Jam Kredit 14 Jumlah Jam Kredit 17 SEMESTER 4 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCM 1703 Persamaan Terbitan I 3 UQ_1XX1 Service Learning 2 SSCP 2213 Fizik Nukleus 3 ULAB 2112 Advanced English for Academic Communications 2 SSCP 2313 Elektronik Asas 3 SSCP 2113 Termodinamik 3 SSCP 2333 Pengaturcaraan Komputer 3 SSCP 2413 Fizik Keadaan Pepejal 3 SSCP 2811 Amali Fizik III 1 SSCP 2613 Fizik Matematik 3 UICI 2022 Sains Teknologi dan Manusia 2 SSCP 2821 Amali Fizik IV 1 Kursus berkaitan (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 1.6 16. Jumlah Jam Kredit untuk penganugerahan Pembentangan, tugasan berkumpulan Kursus Fizik (a) (b) (c) (d) 2 Jumlah jam kredit untuk Bahagian B SEMESTER 3 1.1 B (f) Lapuran Projek tahun akhir, tugasaan bertulis, lapuran latihan industri. Jumlah 129 100 Untuk program Sains, sila isikan klasifikasi berikut. (Lain -lain sila rujuk kepada garis panduan) Bil. A 123 FAKULTI SAINS Elektif Inovasi dan Kreativiti (Pilih 2 kredit) UXXX 2XX2 Inovasi dan Kreativiti 2 UHAS 2122 Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif 2 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 15 Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 5 16 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCP 3113 Keelektromagnetan 3 SSCP 3343 Instrumentasi dan Pemerolehan Data 3 SSCP 3133 Fizik Terma dan Statistik 3 SSCP 3613 Mekanik Kuantum I 3 SSCP 3323 Elektronik Lanjutan 3 SSCP 3821 Amali Fizik VI 1 SSCP 3811 Amali Fizik V 1 2 Etika Profesional 2 ULAC 2xx2 Bahasa Asing 2 Elektif ULAB (Pilih 2 kredit) UHAS 3012 Keusahawanan dan Pembangunan Usahawan SSCP 4393 3 SSCP 4373 Elektronik Komunikasi 3 SSCP 4223 Pengesanan Sinaran 3 SSCP 4253 Fizik Perubatan 3 SSCP 4263 Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan 3 Tenaga Nuklear 3 SSCP 4233 Prinsip Pemasaran 3 ULAB 3122 English for Workplace Communications 2 SHAS 1 043 Tabiat Organisasi 3 2 SSCP 3433 Kawalan Kualiti 3 2 Perlindungan Sinaran Fizik Sinaran Gunaan 3 SSCP 4273 SSCP 4293 Dosimetri Sinaran 3 SSCP 4283 SSCP 4913 Radiobiologi 3 SSCP 4203 SSCP 4623 Sains Bahan SSCP 4633 Bahan Seramik dan Amorfos SSCP 4643 SSCP 4603 SSCP 4493 Sains Kakisan 3 3 SSCP 4473 Spektroskopi dan Analisis Bahan 3 Bahan Polimer 3 SSCP 4483 Peranti Semikonduktor 3 Teknologi Vakum dan Saput Tipis 3 SSCP 4443 Bahan Magnet 3 SSCP 4403 Mikroskopi dan Analisis Bahan 3 Kajilogam 18. Pemetaan hasil pembelajaran program kepada kursus Hasil Pembelajaran Jumlah jam kredit Kod kr 5 5 SEMESTER 7 SEMESTER 8 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCU 4902 Projek Sarjana Muda I 2 SSCU 4904 Projek Sarjana Muda II 4 Elektif (Pilih 12 kredit) Elektif (Pilih 12 kredit) Elektif A Elektif A SSCP 4123 Penilaian dan Ujian Tanpa Musnah 3 SSCP 4013 Pemprosesan Data 3 SSCP 4133 Elektronik Industri 3 SSCP 4303 Kawalan Proses 3 SSCP 4143 Simulasi Litar Elektronik 3 SSCP 4353 Teknik Ultrasonik 3 Kursus Kursus Teras SSCP 1102 Pengenalan kepada Kursus Fizik SSCP 1143 Mekanik SSCP 1153 Elektrik dan Kemangnetan SSCM 1023 Kaedah Matematik I SSCM 1523 Algebra Linear SSCM 1033 Kaedah Matematik II SSCM 1703 Persamaan Terbitan I SSCP 1811 Amali Fizik I SSCP 1163 Bunyi, Gelombang dan Optik SSCP 1223 Fizik Moden SSCP 1821 Amali Fizik II SSCP 2313 Elektronik Asas SSCP 2213 Fizik Nukleus SSCP 2333 Pengaturcaraan Komputer SSCP 2811 Amali Fizik III P01 P02 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Keusahawanan 15 Etika, integriti dan jati diri Jumlah Jam Kredit kepimpinan 17 KURSUS DITAWARKAN SEMESTER PENDEK Latihan Industri (HW) 3 Pembelajaran sepanjang hayat 3 SSCU 3905 3 Kerja berpasukan Prinsip Pengurusan 3 Elektif C Komunikasi 3 3 Penyelesaian masalah Prinsip Perakaunan SHA D 1033 Nama Kursus Perlindungan Sinaran Alam Sekitar Perlindungan Sinaran Perubatan SSCP 4463 Elektif (Pilih 3 kredit) Kod 3 2 SHC 1163 Jumlah Jam Kredit Elektif B SSCP 4243 Elektif (Pilih 6 kredit) SHAS 1 013 ULAB 3152 3 Perantaramukaan Komputer Elektif C 2 Effective Oral Communication Skills Pengujian dan Penyengaraan Elektronik 2 English for Career Search ULAB 3142 SSCP 4363 Elektif B ULAB 3112 Reading for Specific Purposes Writing for Specific Purposes 3 Elektif Keusahawanan (Pilih 2 kredit) UHAS 2092 ULAB 3132 Pemprosesan Isyarat Kemahiran menganalisis dan eksperimen Elektif Pembangunan Individu/Masyarakat/ Globalisasi (Pilih 2 kredit) Teknokrat dan UHAS 2032 Pembangunan SSCP 4383 SEMESTER 6 Aplikasi pengetahuan dan kemahiran bidang fizik Jumlah Jam Kredit FAKULTI SAINS Pengetahuan asas fizk 124 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P010 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 125 126 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCP 3323 SSCP 2613 SSCP 2413 SSCP 2821 SSCP 3113 SSCP 2113 SSCP 3343 SSCP 3811 SSCP 3821 SSCP 3613 SSCP 3133 SSCU 4902 SSCU 4904 SSCU 3905 Elektronik Lanjutan Fizik Matematik Fizik Keadaan Pepejal Amali Fizik IV Keelektromagnetan Termodinamik Instrumentasi dan Pemerolehan Data Amali Fizik V Amali Fizik VI Mekanik Kuantum Fizik Terma dan Statistik Projek Sarjana Muda I Projek Sarjana Muda II Latihan Industri (HW) FAKULTI SAINS ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP 4463 SSCP 4473 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ELEKTIF (Pilih 33 Kredit) Kursus Elektif Pengurusan (Pilih 9 Kredit) SSCP 3433 Kawalan Kualiti SSCD 1043 Tabiat Organisasi SHAC 1163 Prinsip Perakaunan SHAF 1013 Prinsip Pemasaran SHAD 1033 Prinsip Pengurusan ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SSCP 4133 SSCP 4143 SSCP 4383 SSCP 4393 SSCP 4353 SSCP 4363 SSCP 4373 SSCP 4303 SSCP 4013 SSCP 4913 SSCP 4223 SSCP 4233 SSCP 4243 SSCP 4293 SSCP 4253 SSCP 4263 SSCP 4273 SSCP 4283 SSCP 4203 SSCP 4623 SSCP 4633 SSCP 4643 SSCP 4603 SSCP 4493 Elektif A Penilaian dan Ujian Tanpa Musnah Elektronik Industri Simulasi Litar Elektronik Pemprosesan Isyarat Pengantaramukaan Komputer Teknik Ultrasonik Pengujian dan Penyenggaraan Elektronik Elektronik Komunikasi Kawalan Proses Pemprosesan Data Elektif B Radiobiologi Pengesanan Sinaran Perlindungan Sinaran Fizik Sinaran Gunaan Dosimetri Sinaran Fizik Perubatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Tenaga Nuklear Perlindungan Sinaran Alam Sekitar Perlindungan Sinaran Perubatan Elektif C Sains Bahan Bahan Seramik dan Amorfus Bahan Polimer Teknologi Vakum dan Saput Tipis Kajilogam Teknokrat dan Pembangunan UHAS 2122 UXXX 2xx2 ULAC 2xx2 Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif Inovasi dan Kreativiti Bahasa Asing Keusahawanan dan Pembangunan Usahawan English for Academic Communications Advanced English for Academic Communications English for Career Search English for Workplace Communication Reading for Specific Purposes Writing for Specific Purposes Effective Oral Communication Skills Keusahawanan ko-kurrikulum I ko-kurrikulum II SSCP 4553 SSCP 4563 SSCP 4573 SSCP 4583 SSCP 4593 UICI 1012 ¥ Elektif Fizik (Pilih 24 kredit dari satu kumpulan) SSCP 4123 UHAS 2023 SSCP 4523 SSCP 4533 SSCP 4543 SSCP 3523 SSCP 4713 ¥ ¥ ¥ UHAS 2092 SSCP 4483 SSCP 4443 SSCP 4403 ¥ ¥ ¥ Sains Kakisan Spektroskopi dan Analisis Bahan Peranti Semikonduktur Bahan Magnet Mikroskopi dan Analisis Bahan Elektif D Teknologi Laser Teknologi Gentian Optik Optoelektronik Optik Moden Pengenalan kepada Optik Tak Linear Optik Gunaan Fotonik Laser dalam Perubatan Fotometrik Kejuruteraan Laser Keadaan Pepejal Kursus Universiti Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia Dinamika Malaysia Sains, Technologi dan Manusia Etika Profesional UHAS 1172 UICI 2022 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ UHAS 3012 ¥ ULAB 1112 ¥ ¥ ULAB 2112 ¥ ULAB 3112 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ULAB 3122 ULAB 3132 ULAB 3142 ULAB 3152 UHAS 3012 UQ_ 1xx1 UQ_ 1xx1 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ PO1-PO3 = Kemahiran Teknikal: PO4-PO10 = Kemahiran Generik ¥ 19. Keunikan Program ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Program ini digubal dan dirancang menepati kehendak semasa industri. Program ini membenarkan pelajar mengikuti latihan industri sama ada di dalam atau di luar negara. Wujud hubungan universiti dengan industri sama ada dalam dan luar negara. Program ini membenarkan pemindahan kredit daripada kursus setara daripada institusi pengajian tinggi yang lain. Makmal – makmal kami dilengkapi dengan peralatan dan kemudahan terkini. 127 128 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 20. Prospek dan laluan kerajaya Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Fizik Industri menyediakan graduan yang boleh dan mampu melaksanakan tugasan penyelidikan dan pembangunan di industri, makmal -makmal penyelidikan sama ada kerajaan atau swasta sebagai penyelidik dan ahli s ains, jurutera kawalan kualiti. Antara profesyen yang biasa diceburi oleh graduan program ini ialah Jurutera Jaminan Kualiti dan Jurutera Kawalan di Industri Pembuatan, Penyelia Jaminan Kualiti Ujian Tanpa Musnah, Pengurus Instrument, Pegawai OSHA, Penyelidik di Institusi Penyelidikan Kerajaan dan Swasta, Jurutera Pemasaran dan jualan. Di sektor awam graduan Fizik industri boleh meneroka kerjaya sebagai Pegawai Sains, Saintis, Ahli Meteorologi dan sebagainya. 21. Program merentas kampus (Cross Campus Program) Pelajar diberi peluang untuk mendaftar kursus tertentu di universiti yang terlibat di dalam dan luar negara. Mana-mana gred atau kredit sehingga 1/3 daripada jumlah kredit dalam kurikulum boleh dipindahkan. 22. Program UTM Degree ++ Pelajar diberi peluang untuk mendaftar dalam program sijil yang ditawarkan oleh Pusat Kecemerlangan di Universiti, dengan kursus - kursus yang ditawarkan oleh Pusat Pengajian Profesional dan Pendidikan Berterusan (SPACE) semasa cuti semester mereka . 23. Kemudahan Sedia Ada A: Makmal 1. Makmal Fizik Moden 2. Makmal Optik 3. Makmal Elektronik Asas & Lanjutan 4. Makmal Optoelektronik 5. Makmal Fizik Nuklear 6. Makmal Dosimetri Sinaran 7. Makmal Penyelidikan dan Teknologi Laser 8. Makmal Teknologi Fiber Optik 9. Makmal Filem Tipis & Suhu Rendah 10. Makmal Vakum 11. Makmal Sains Bahan & Analisis Bahan 12. Makmal Komputer & Mikrokomputer 13. Makmal Latihan Fotonik & Penyelidikan 14. Makmal Penyelidikan Kristal Optik 15. Bengkel Elektronik & Mekanikal B: Peralatan Utama 1. Diffractometer Sinar - X (XRD) 2. Mesin Pertumbuhan hablur menggunakan kaedah CZ 3. Spektrofotometer inframerah 4. Spektrometer UV -VIS 5. Mesin CNC 6. Spektrometer Photoluminiscence 7. Mesin Pengilap dan Pengisar Berkejituan Tinggi 8. Ellipsometer 9. Relau Suhu Tinggi 10. Differential Thermal Analyzer (DTA) 11. Peralatan kekerasan Vickers -Vickers Hardness Equipment 12. Mesin Ujian Mekanikal Am FAKULTI SAINS 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Pengesan Germanium Hyper tulen -Hyper pure Germanium Detector Mikroskop Daya Atom (AFM) - Atomic Force Microscope Rapid Thermal Process (RTP) Mesin Tegangan - Tensile Machine Mesin Kakisan - Corrosion Machine 24. Sokongan untuk pelajar dan pembelajarannya a) b) c) d) e) Dua minggu program induksi bagi suaikenal dan pengenalan kepada kemahiran pembelajaran Buku panduan pelajar serta Modul Bimbingan Nisbah staf dan pelajar 1:12 Kemudahan perpustakaan dan sumber pembelajaran yang lain Semua pelajar disediakan penasihat akademik yang mempunyai tugas membantu dalam masalah peribadi serta menasihati program pembelajaran. 25. Kaedah Penilaian dan Peningkatan Kualiti dan Piawaian Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran. Mekanisma bagi semakan dan penilaian pengajaran, pembelajaran, penilaian, kurikulum dan hasil piawaian. 1. Pencapaian pelajar dari segi: KS/KB CPA Prestasi pelajar graduat Graduat pada masanya Tempoh tamat belajar Analisis prestasi kursus 2. Keboleh pasaran Kajian keluar Kajian Alumini Kajian Pasaran 3. Prestasi Pensyarah a. Penilaian pengajaran oleh pelajar b. Senarai semak kompetensi staf (CV). c. Sasaran Kerja Tahunan (SKT) 4. Semakan semula Kurikulum Jawatankuasa akademik fakulti Kajian Latihan industri Kajian Projek Sarjana Muda Laporan pemeriksa luar Semakan semula pencapaian hasil pembelajaran kursus oleh pelajar e-Portfolio pelajar Penilaian kemahiran Generik (Performance Criteria Report) 5. Sistem penyampaian Jawatankuasa Jaminan Kualiti Akademik CSI (Indeks kepuasan pelanggan) SSI(Indeks kepuasan pelajar) Laporan audit AKNC Piawaian MQA 129 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 130 FAKULTI SAINS SARJANA MUDA SAINS (KIMIA INDUSTRI) - SSCC 26 Peraturan Penaksiran a) Ringkasan markah, gred dan mata nilaian. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 1. Institusi Penganugerah Markah 90-100 80-89 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 00-29 Grad A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D+ DE Mata nilai 4.00 4.00 3.67 3.33 3.00 2.67 2,33 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.00 0.67 0.00 2. Institusi Pendidikan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 3. Nama Program Sarjana Muda Sains dalam Kimia industri 4. Anugerah Akhir Sarjana Muda Sains (Kimia Industri) 5. Kod Program TS07 (SSC) 6. Badan Akreditasi Berkanun dan Profesional Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia 7. Bahasa Pengantar Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris 8. Mod Pengajian (Konvensional, pembelajaran jarak jauh, dan lain -lain Konvensional 9. Mod Operasi (Francais, Urustadbir sendiri, dan lainlain) Urustadbir sendiri 10. Skema Pengajian (sepenuh masa/separuh masa) Sepenuh masa 11. Tempoh Pengajian Minimum : 4 tahun Maksimum : 6 tahun Bilangan minggu dalam semester Sepenuh Masa Separuh Masa 14 - Jenis Semester Lazim b) Peranan Pemeriksa Luar (Pemeriksa Pelawat) Pemeriksa Pelawat dilantik oleh Jawatankuasa Akademik Fakulti bagi Semakan semula dan nilai kurikulum program Semakan dan menilai prosedur dan kaedah penilaian Mencadangkan syor yang perlu kepada Jawatankuasa Akademik Pendek (Latihan Industri) 12. Syarat Kemasukan 27. Kaedah Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran Kaedah Pengukuran Tempoh Tindakan oleh LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 LO7 LO8 LO9 LO10 e- Portfolio x x x x x x x x x x beterusan pelajar Hasil kaji selidik kursus x x x x x x x x x x Akhir Sem pensyarah x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Laporan hasil pembelajaran kursus Kaji selidik Projek Tahun Akhir Kaji Selidik PO oleh pelajar tahun akhir Kaji selidik Latihan Industri x x 131 x Akhir Sem x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Akhir Sem x Akhir Sem Akhir sesi Kaji selidik Alumni x x x x x x x x x x Kaji selidik Majikan x x x x x x x x x x sekali/ tahun sekali/ tahun Bilangan Semester Sepenuh Masa Separuh Masa 8 - - - - Memenuhi syarat kemasukan ke Universiti dan syarat keperluan program seperti berikut: (1) Lulus Sijil Matrikulasi/STPM/Asasi UM dengan Minimum Gred Bí dalam subjek Kimia dan minimum C dalam Matematik dan Fizik atau Biologi. atau, (2) Diploma Sains atau Kejuruteraan dengan minimum CPA 2.70 yang diperoleh dari mana-mana institusi yang diiktiraf. pensyarah 13. Objektif Program Fakulti Objektif Program Sarjana Muda Sains (Kimia Industri) adalah untuk memberikan pengetauan, kemahiran dan atribut yang harus dicapai oleh graduat untuk berjaya dalam kerjaya. Program direka untuk: - Fakulti 1. Menyediakan graduat yang berupaya menggunakan dan menghasilkan pengetahuan baru dalam bidang kimia yang relevan bagi pembangunan negara 2. Melatih graduat yang berkebolehan mencari penyelesaian masalah berkaitan isu semasa industri kimia untuk kebaikan dan pembangunan negara dan manusia sejagat. 3. Mendidik graduat yang boleh menganalisis dan mengenalpasti peluang perniagaan dan menceburi bidang keusahawanan. 4. Menyediakan graduat yang boleh menyumbang dalam pasukan atau kumpulan yang terlibat dalam projek kimia. 5. Melatih graduat supaya mempunyai kuali ti kepimpinan, etika dan profesional menyumbang kepada negara dan manusia sejagat. 6. Menyediakan graduat yang boleh berkerja secara berpasukan dalam masyarakat berbilang bangsa untuk mencapai sesuatu objektif. 7. Melatih graduat yang boleh berkomunkasi secara b erkesan merentasi berbagai bentuk perhubungan dan audian. Fakulti KJ KJ 132 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 FAKULTI SAINS 14. Hasil Pembelajaran Program (PO) Kod Matlamat Hasil Pembelajaran Kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran PO2. Aplikasi pengetahuan dan kemahiran Kimia PO3. Kemahiran menganalisis dan melakukan eksperimen Kuliah, tutorial, kerja makmal, pembacaan terarah, perbincangan kumpulan Peperiksaan, ujian , kuiz, tugasan, laporan makmal, pembentangan lisan dan projek kumpulan. Kebolehan untuk merancang, menilai dan menunjukkan kajian saintifik yang berkaitan dengan industri kimia (C6, P6, A3 ) Kuliah, kerja makmal , pembacaanyang diberikan , perbincangan kumpulan dan penyelesaian masalah, tugasan, hands-on instrumen, perisian kimia dan projek penyelidikan. Cadangan penyelidikan, pembentangan projek dan laporan. Peperiksaan, ujian , kuiz, tugasan, dan laporan makmal, Kumpulan projek , simulasi komputer.Cadangan projek, pembentangan , laporan projek tahun akhir , dan laporan Penyelia Industri. PO5. Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Keupayaan untuk mencari pengetahuan baru, kemahiran dan menguruskan maklumat yang relevan daripada pelbagai sumber. (A3) Projek Tahun Akhir, tugasan individu, kerja makmal, latihan Industri Laporan Projek Tahun akhir, laporan tugasan bertulis , laporan Makmal, dan laporan latihan Industri PO8. Kemahiran Memimpin Berkebolehan untuk menunjukkan kepimpinan, mengambil tindakan dan mempengaruhi orang lain bagi mencapai matlamat yang sama. (A3) Tugasan berkumpulan dan kerja makmal Laporan tugasan berkumpulan dan laporan makmal Keupayaan untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan beretika dan berintegriti dalam profesion dan kewajipan masing-masing kepada masyarakat. (A3) Kuliah, tugasan individu, Kerja Makmal Projek Tahun Akhir dan latihan industri Laporan makmal, tugasan individu, laporan pembentangan seminar dan laporan projek tahun akhir Kesedaran peluang perniagaan, keusahawanan dan kerjaya. (P2) Kuliah, kerja-kerja makmal, kajian kes dan latihan Industri Tugasan bertulis, laporan tahun akhir dan laporan latihan industri PO9 Etika dan Integriti PO10. Keusahawanan (b) Kemahiran Insaniah Berkebolehan untuk menyampaikan maklumat teknikal, saintifik dan kimia dan hujah-hujah dengan jelas dan betul, secara bertulis dan secara lisan kepada pelbagai khalayak. (P4) PO7. Pembelajaran berterusan dan Pengurusan Maklumat Peperiksaan, ujian , kuiz, dan laporan makmal. Kuliah, kerja makmal , pembacaanyang diberikan , perbincangan kumpulan dan penyelesaian masalah tugasan, “ hands-on” instrumen, dan perisian kimia yang berkaitan. Keupayaan untuk mengamalkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran prinsip kimia dan teori untuk menyelesaikan masalah saintifik. (P4) Laporan makmal, buku log dan laporan tugasan berkumpulan PO6. Kerja Berkumpulan Berkebolehan untuk mengaplikasi, mengamal dan menganalisis hukumhukum asas dan prinsip prinsip kimia menggunakan kaedah saintifik yang berkaitan dengan aplikasi industri (C4, P4, A3 ) PO4. Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah Kerja makmal dan tugasan berkumpulan Penilaian (a) Pengetahuan dan Kecekapan Teknikal Berkebolehan untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan PO1. tentang hukum dan prinsip Pengetahuan asas asas kimia yang berkaitan Kimia dengan penggunaan semasa (C2, P2, A2 ) Berkebolehan untuk menggambarkan kemahiran interpersonal yang baik dengan keupayaan yang tinggi untuk bekerjasama sebagai sebahagian daripada pasukan yang melaksanakan pelbagai peranan pasukan yang berbeza. (A3) Projek penyelidikan bebas, projek penyelidikan berkumpulan, latihan industri Laporan projek Bebas, laporan tugasan individu dan laporan trainng industri . Projek berkumpulan, kerja Makmal , penyelidikan bebas, latihan industri. Persembahanlisan, tugasan bertulis , laporan makmal, penyelidikan, laporan projek , laporan latihan Industri 15. Klasifikasi Kursus No. 1 2 3 4 Klasifikasi Jam Kredit Peratus (%) Asas sains dan matematik 13 58.5 Teras Program 62 Elektif Program 33 25.8 Kursus Wajib Universiti 10 Kemanusiaan 6 15.6 Bahasa Inggeris 2 Ko -kurikulum 2 Keusahawanan Jumlah jam kredit 128 100% Untuk program sains, sila isi klasifikasi berikut (Lain -lain, sila rujuk peraturan badan rasmi berkaitan) Klasifikasi Jam Kredit Peratus (%) A. Kursus Kimia (a) Syarahan 70 54.7 (b) Makmal/Bengkel/Kerja Lapangan 9 7.0 (c) Latihan Industri 5 3.9 133 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 134 B. (d) Projek Tahun Akhir Jumlah Jam Kredit Untuk Bahagian A Kursus Berkaitan (a) Matematik (b) Kemanusiaan/Etika (c) Ko -Kurikulum (d) Bahasa Inggeris (e) Keusahawanan (f) Pengurusan Jumlah Jam Kredit Untuk Bahagian B Jumlah Jam Kredit Untuk Bahagian A dan B 6 93 4.7 70.3 9 10 2 6 2 9 38 7.0 7.8 1.6 4.7 1.6 7.0 29.7 128 100% 16. Jumlah Jam Kredit Untuk Bergraduasi SSCC 2312 Literasi Komputer 3 UICI 2022 Sains Teknologi dan Manusia 2 3 SSCC 2861 Amali Kimia Analisis I 1 Elektif Inovasi dan Kreativiti (Pilih 2 kredit) UXXX 2XX2 Inovasi dan Kreativiti 2 UHAS 2122 Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif 2 Jumlah Jam Kredit kr Kod/ Code UQ_ 1xx1 Service Learning 2 SSCC 3423 kr Kod Nama Kursus kr UICI 1012 Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia 2 ULAB 1112 English for Academic Communication 2 SSCC 1003 Prinsip Kimia 3 UHAS 1172 Dinamika Malaysia 2 1 SSCC 3243 Kaedah Pemisahan Prinsip Kimia Polimer 3 2 UHAS 2092 Etika Profesional 2 Elektif Keusahawanan (Pilih 2 kredit) ULAC 2xx2 Bahasa Asing 2 UHAS 3012 ElektifULAB (Pilih 2 kredit) ULAB 3112 English for Career Search English for Workplace Communication Reading for Specific Purposes Writing for Specific Purposes Effective Oral Communication Skills 1 SSCC1413 Termodinamik Kimia 3 3 SSCC 1841 Amali Kimia Fizik I 1 SSCC 1851 Amali Kimia Tak Organik I 1 SSCC 1603 Kimia Organik - Kumpulan Berfungsi 3 SSCM 1023 Kaedah Matematik I 3 SSCC 1821 Amali Kimia Organik I 1 SSCC 1332 Pengenalan Program kimia Industri 2 SSCM 1103 Statistik 3 ULAB 3152 15 Jumlah Jam Kredit 15 Elektif Pengurusan (Pilih 3 kredit) ULAB 3122 ULAB 3132 ULAB 3142 Prinsip Pemasaran 3 2 SHAS 1 043 Tabiat Organisasi 3 2 SSCP 3433 Kawalan Mutu 3 2 2 3 3 Kod Nama Kursus kr SHAC 1123 SSCC 2613 Kimia Organik -Biomolekul 3 ULAB 2112 Advanced English for Academic Communication 2 Jumlah Jam Kredit 16 SEMESTER PENDEK SSCC 2713 Kimia Koordinatan 3 SSCC 2851 Amali Kimia Tak Organik II 1 Amali Kimia Fizik 1 SSCC 2473 Spektroskopi Molekul 3 II SHAS 1 013 Prinsip Pengurusan kr Kod Nama Kursus SSCU 3905 Latihan Industri (HW) Jumlah Jam Kredit 2 2 Pengantar Perakaunan Kewangan Nama Kursus Keusahawanan dan Pembangunan Usahawan Elektif Pengurusan (Pilih 6 kredit) SHA D 1033 Kod 3 3 Amali Kimia Analisis II SSCC 3323 Amali Kimia 1 3 SSCC 3871 Kimia Tak Organik Amali Kimia Organik II Kinetik Kimia dan Elektrokimia 3 SSCC 3533 SSCC 1703 SEMESTER 4 Proses Kimia Industri 3 SSCC 1901 SEMESTER 3 kr Analisis Berinstrumen SEMESTER 2 Nama Kursus Nama Kursus Penggunaan Komputer dalam Kimia Elektif Pembangunan Individu/Masyarakat/ Globalisasi (Pilih 2 kredit) Teknokrat dan UHAS 2032 Pembangunan Kod 15 SEMESTER 6 Nama Kursus Syarat Penganugerahan: Untuk dianugerahkan ijazah, pelajar seharusnya: Memperoleh tidak kurang daripada 128 jam kredit dengan CPA minimum 2.00. Lulus Latihan Industri (setara 5 jam kredit). Menyempurnakan dan lulus Projek Sarjana Muda Tahun Akhir. SSCC 2841 Prinsip Kimia Analisis Kod/ Code SSCC 3233 SSCC 2453 15 SSCC 2243 SEMESTER 5 Program ini ditawarkan dalam mod sepenuh masa dan berdasarkan sesi akademik 2 Semester. Kursus dilaksanakan dan dinilai mengikut semester yang telah ditetapkan. Penilaian kursus dilakukan berdasarkan peperiksaan akhir dan kerja kursus yang dilaksanakan sepanjang semester. SSCC 2891 2 SSCM 1303 128 jam kredit SEMESTER 1 Pengurusan dan Keselamatan Makmal Jumlah Jam Kredit 17. Struktur dan Ciri Program, Kurikulum dan Syarat Penganugerahan Jumlah Jam Kredit 135 FAKULTI SAINS kr 5 5 Jumlah Jam Kredit 17 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SEMESTER 7 SSCC 2851 SEMESTER 8 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCU 4902 Projek Sarjana Muda I 2 SSCU 4904 Projek Sarjana Muda II 4 Elektif (Pilih 12 kredit ) SSCC 3643 SSCC 4223 Elektif (Pilih 12 kredit) Penggunaan Spektroskopi 3 Sains Alam Sekitar 3 SSCC 4253 Analisis Makanan SSCC 4673 3 Kimia Organik Industri 3 SSCC 4663 Kimia Hasil Semulajadi 3 SSCC 4293 Kimia Radioanalisis 3 SSCC 4273 Sains Forensik 3 SSCC 4353 Kimia Pengguna 3 SSCC 4483 Kimia Kakisan 3 SSCC 4493 Kimia Permukaan dan Koloid 3 SSCC 4683 Bioteknologi 3 SSCC 4753 Kimia Pemangkinan 3 SSCC 4743 Kimia Bahan 3 Jumlah Jam Kredit 14 Jumlah Jam Kredit 16 18. Pemetaan Hasil Pembelajaran Program dengan Kursus SSCM 1023 SSCM 1103 SSCC 1413 SSCC 1841 SSCC 1603 SSCC 1821 SSCM 1303 SSCC 2613 SSCC 2891 SSCC 2453 SSCC 2841 SSCC 2312 SSCC 2713 Kaedah Matematik I Statistik Termodinamik Kimia Amali Kimia Fizik I Kimia Organik – Kumpulan Berfungsi Amali Kimia Organik I Literasi Komputer Kimia Organik -Biomolekul Amali Kimia Organik II Kinetik Kimia dan Elektrokimia Amali Kimia Fizik II Pengurusan dan Keselamatan Makmal Kimia Koordinatan Kerja Berkumpulan Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat Kepimpinan PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Keusahawanan Kemahiran Berkomunikasi PO2 Etika dan Integriti Pemikiran kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah PO1 Kemahiran Analisa dan Eksperimen Kod Kursus Kursus Teras SSCC 1332 Pengenalan Program Kimia Industri SSCC 1003 Prinsip Kimia SSCC 1901 Amali Kimia SSCC 1703 Kimia Tak Organik SSCC 1851 Amali Kimia Tak Organik I Aplikasi Pengetahuan dan Kemahiran Kimia HASIL PEMBELAJARAN KURSUS 137 FAKULTI SAINS Pengetahuan Asas 136 PO9 PO10 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ UHAS 3012 ¥ ULAB 1112 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Spektroskopi Molekul Prinsip Kimia Analisis Amali Kimia Analisis I Analisis Berinstrumen Amali Kimia Analisis II Prinsip Kimia Polimer Kaedah Pemisahan Proses Kimia Industri Penggunaan Komputer dalam Kimia SSCU 4902 Projek Sarjana Muda I SSCU 4904 Projek Sarjana Muda II SSCU 3905 Latihan Industri Kursus Elektif Pengurusan SHAD 1033 Prinsip Pengurusan SSCP 3433 Kawalan Kualiti SHAD 1043 Tabiat Organisasi SHAD 1053 Prinsip Makroekonomi SHAF 1013 Prinsip Pemasaran Kursus Elektif Kimia SSCC 3643 Penggunaan Spektroskopi SSCC 4223 Sains Alam Sekitar SSCC 4683 Bioteknologi SSCC 4663 Kimia Hasil Semulajadi SSCC 4353 Kimia Pengguna SSCC 4253 Analisis Makanan SSCC 4293 Kimia Radioanalisis SSCC 4273 Sains Forensik SSCC 4483 Kimia Kakisan SSCC 4673 Kimia Organik Industri SSCC 4743 Kimia Bahan SSCC 4493 Kimia Koloid dan Permukaan SSCC 4753 Kimia Pemangkinan Kursus Universiti Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun UICI 1012 Asia UHAS 1172 Dinamika Malaysia UICI 2022 UHAS 2092 UHAS 2023 UHAS 2122 UXXX 2xx2 ULAC 2xx2 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ULAB 2112 ¥ ULAB 3112 ¥ ULAB 3122 ULAB 3132 ULAB 3142 ¥ ¥ Amali Kimia Tak Organik II SSCC 2473 SSCC 2243 SSCC 2861 SSCC 3213 SSCC 3871 SSCC 3323 SSCC 3243 SSCC 3423 SSCC 3533 Sains, Teknologi dan Manusia Etika Profesional Teknokrat dan Pembangunan Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif Inovasi dan kreativiti Bahasa Asing Keusahawanan dan Pembangunan Usahawan English for Academic Communication Advanced English for Academic Communication English for Career Search English for Workplace Communication Reading for Specific Purposes Writing for Specific Purposes ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 2 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 2 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 2 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 2 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 138 FAKULTI SAINS UQ_ 1xx1 Effective Orals Communication Skills Ko-Kurikulum I ¥ UQ_ 1xx1 Ko-Kurikulum II ¥ ULAB 3152 ¥ ¥ Petunjuk: PO1-PO3 = Kemahiran Teknikal: PO4-PO10 = Kemahiran Generik: 19. Keunikan Program Program direkabentuk dengan pengkhususan diberikan kepada kehendak dan keperluan semasa industri berkaitan. Program membolehkan pelajar mendapat pengalaman latihan industri di syarikat tempatan ataupun antarabangsa. Program diiktiraf oleh badan profesional; Institut Kimia Malaysia. Jalinan hubungan dengan industri tempatan dan antarabangsa mengukuhkan lagi kurikulum program. Program membenarkan pelajar melakukan pemindahan kredit kursus yang setara ditawarkan dari universiti tempatan atau antarabangsa yang lain. Makmal pengajaran untuk kursus amali dilengkapi dengan kemudahan terkini dan instrumen yang lengkap. 20. Masa Depan and Laluan Kerjaya Graduan program boleh bekerja sebagai: Ahli kimia atau saintis di institut penyelidikan kerajaan seperti MARDI, Malaysia Palm Oil Board (MPOB), RRI, PRSS, SIRIM, Jabatan Kimia Malaysia dan Agensi Nuklear Malaysia (Nuclear Malaysia). Ahli kimia atau jurutera proses di sektor swasta yang meliputi industri seperti petrokimia, getah, kelapa sawit, farmaseutikal, pewarna dan tekstil, kosmeseutikal, elektronik, rawatan air dan pemeprosesan makanan. Ahli akademik atau penyelidik di institusi pengajian tinggi, dengan peluang mengikuti program lanjutan pasca siswazah di peringkat Master dan PhD. Pegawai kawalan kualiti, jaminan kualiti dan pemasaran di agensi dan industri yang memerlukan pengetahuan kimia dan kemahiran berkaitan yang baik. 21. Program Rentas Kampus Pelajar dibenarkan untuk mengikuti kursus tertentu di universiti tempatan atau antarabangsa yang berlainan. Maksimun gred dan jumlah kredit yang boleh dipindahkan adalah 1/3 daripada jumlah kredit keseluruhan program. 22. Program Professional Skills Certificate Pelajar diwajibkan mengikuti kursus tambahan yang diiktiraf oleh universiti melalui anjuran SPACE UTM dan lain -lain pusat kecemerlangan. Contoh: ISO 9001:2008, OSHE, How to manage your personal finance, How to get yourself employed dan lain -lain. 23. Kemudahan Senarai kemudahan: 1. Makmal Kimia Tak Organik 1 & 2 2. Makmal Kimia Fizik 1 & 2 3. Makmal Kimia Organik 1 & 2 4. Makmal Analisis 1, & 2 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Makmal Forensik Bilik Instrumen (10) Makmal Penyelidikan (10) Bengkel Peniup Kaca Makmal Bioteknologi Makmal Makromolekul Stor Bahan Kimia Pusat Sumber Jabatan Kimia Bilik Aktiviti Pelajar Bilik Komputer Pelajar Senarai Instrumen: 1. Spektrometer Resonans Magnet Nukleus 2. Kromatografi Gas - Spektrometer Jisim 3. Spektrometer Inframerah -Transformasi Fourier 4. Krom atografi Penelapan Gel 5. Spektrometer UL - Nampak 6. Spektrometer Pantulan Tersebar UL-Nampak 7. Kromatografi Cecair Berprestasi Tinggi 8. Kromatografi Gas 9. Spektrometer Serapan Atom 10. Mikroskop Imbasan Elektron 11. Mikroskop Imbasan Elektron - Pemancaran Medan 12. Mikroskop Transmisi Elektron 13. Kromatografi Ion 14. Elektroforesis Rerambut 15. Penganalisis Permukaan BET 16. Kalorimeter Imbasan Pembeza 17. Penganalisis Termogravimetri 18. Sistem Voltametri 19. Spektrometer Penrdarfluor 20. Sistem Penjerapapan/Nyahjerapan Permukaan 21. Penganalisis Jumlah Karbo n Organik 22. Fotometer Nyala 23. Spektrometer Putaran Elektron 24. Pembelauan Sinar-X 25. Spektrometer Jisim-Gandingan Aruhan Plasma (ICP-MS) 26. Kotak Glove 24. Sokongan Pelajar dan Pembelajaran (b) Pegawai Sokongan Penasihat Akademik Kaunselor Persatuan Pelajar (PESAT) (b) Sokongan Prasarana Capaian Internet (Tanpa Wayar) e-pembelajaran Perpustakaan Digital Kafetaria Pusat Kesihatan Kemudahan Sukan dan Rekreasi Bilik Kuliah Bestari 139 140 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 FAKULTI SAINS Bilik Aktiviti Pelajar Sudut Pembacaan Anjung Kimia 141 (b) Peranan Pemeriksa Luar (Pemeriksa Pelawat) Pemeriksa Pelawat di lantik oleh Jawatankuasa Akademik Fakulti untuk: (d) Sokongan Kewangan PerbadananTabung Pendidikan Tinggi Negara (PTPTN) MARA JPA dan lain-lain 25. Kaedah Penilaian dan Peningkatan Kualiti Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Mekanisma untuk piawai kajian semula dan penilaian pengajaran, pembelajaran, penilaian, kurikulum dan hasil pembelajaran 1. Prestasi pelajar berdasarkan: KB/KS/KG –Lulus/Lulus Bersyarat/Gagal CPA – Purata Mata Kumulatif Prestasi Pelajar akan Bergraduan GOT – Graduasi Pada Masa Kadar Penyelesaian Analisa Prestasi Kursus 4. Kajian Semula Kurikulum Jawatankuasa Akademik Fakulti Soal selidik latihan industri Soal selidik Projek Sarjana Muda Laporan Penilai Luar Soal selidik pencapaian CO oleh pelajar e-Portfolio pelajar Penilaian Kemahiran Generik (Laporan Kriteria Prestasi) 2. Keboleh pekerjaan Soal selidik pengeluaran Soal selidik alumni Soal selidik pasaran 5. Sistem Penyampaian Jawatankuasa Jaminan Kualiti Akademik Indeks Kepuasan Pelanggan (CSI) Indeks Kepuasan Majikan (ESI) Audit Anugerah Kualiti Naib Canselor (AKNC) Piawai Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA) 3. Prestasi Pensyarah Pengajaran oleh pelajar (e-PPP) Senarai semak kompetensi staf (CS). Laporan Penilaian Prestasi Tahunan (LPPT) 26. Peraturan Penilaian Gred dan Markah Markah 90 – 100 80 – 89 75 – 79 70 – 74 65 – 69 60 – 64 55 – 59 50 – 54 45 – 49 40 – 44 35 – 39 30 – 34 0 – 29 Gred Mata Penilaian A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DE 4.00 4.00 3.67 3.33 3.00 2.67 2.33 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.00 0.67 0 Mengkaji semula dan menilai kurikulum program Mengkaji semula dan menilai kaedah penilaian pelajar Mencadangkan penambahbaikan kurikulum kepada Jawatankuasa Akademik. 27. Kaedah Penilaian Kaedah Pengukuran e- Portfolio Soalselidik Hasil Kursus Laporan Hasil Kursus Soal selidik Projek Sarjana Muda Soal selidik PO oleh pelajar tahun akhir Soal selidik latihan industri Hasil Pembelajaran PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Soal selidik alumni x x x x x x x x x x Soal selidik majikan x x x x x x x x x x Tempoh Sepanjang masa Setiap semester per semester Setiap semester Setiap semester Tindakan Pelajar Pensyarah Pensyarah Fakulti Fakulti Akhir sesi Fakulti Sekali setahun Sekali setahun Ketua Jabatan Ketua Jabatan PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 142 FAKULTI SAINS SARJANA MUDA SAINS (MATEMATIK INDUSTRI) - SSCM 1. Institusi Penganugerah 2. Institusi Pengajaran 3. Nama Program 4. Anugerah Muktamad 5. Kod Program 6. Badan Profesioanl atau Berkanun Pentauliahan 7. Bahasa Pengantar 8. Mod Pengajian (Konvensional, pembelajaran jarak jauh, dll) 9. Mod Operasi (Francais, Pentadbiran - kendiri, dll) 10. Skim Pengajian (Sepenuh Masa /Separuh Masa) 11. Tempoh Pengajian Jenis Semester Biasa Pendek 12. Syarat Kemasukan Bil. Semester Sepenuh Masa Separuh Masa 8 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Sarjana Muda Sains dalan Matematik Industri Sarjana Muda Sains (Matematik Industri) TS34 (SSCM) Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Bahasa Melayu dan Inggeris Konvensional Pentadbiran-kendiri Sepenuh Masa Minimum : 4 tahun Maksimum : 6 tahun Bil. Minggu per semester Sepenuh Masa Separuh Masa 17 Memenuhi semua syarat universiti dan syarat program seperti berikut: 3. Lulus Matrikulasi / STPM / Asasi Sains UM dengan sekurang kurangnya gred Bídalam mata pelajaran Matematik dan sekurang kurangnya C dalam mata pelajaran Kimia dan Fizik atau Biologi. atau 4. Diploma Sains atau Kejuruteraan dengan PNGK sekurang -kurangnya 2.70 dari institusi diiktiraf. 13. Objektif Pendidikan Program Objektif program Sarjana Muda Sains (Matematik Industri) adalah untuk memberi pengetahuan, kemahiran dan atribut yang perlu dicapai oleh graduan untuk berjaya dalam kerjaya. Oleh itu, adalah dijangka bahawa, graduan program ini akan 1. 2. 3. 4. menjadi ahli profesional dalam matematik yang kompeten, mampu berhadapan dengan masalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif dalam industri berkaitan. berupaya memainkan peranan dan kedudukan/lantikan yang produktif dalam membuat keputusan, analisis dan pengawasan kerja dalam sektor industri dan awam. mempamerkan kemahiran kerja berpasukan dan kepimpinan dengan komunikasi yang berkesan dan kemahiran antara personal yang wajar. meneruskan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat untuk membolehkan mereka mengenal pasti, menyesuaikan diri dan merebut peluang perniagaan. PO1 Pengetahuan Asas PO2 Penggunaan Ilmu Matematik serta Teknik Berpengiraan dan Analisis PO3 Diskriminasi/ Membeza dan Organisasi/Menyu sun Konsep Matematik PO4 Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah PO5 Kemahiran Komunikasi PO6 Kerja Berpasukan 14. Hasil Pembelajaran Program Kod Hasil Pembelajaran dihasratkan Kaedah Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (a) Pengetahuan dan Kecekapan Teknikal Penilaian PO7 Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat dan Pengurusan Maklumat Keupayaah memperoleh ilmu berkenaan konsep asas, teori dan teknik matematik berhubung isu semasa serta pengetahuan dalam sains social dan pembangunan diri. (C2,P2,A2) Kuliah, tutorial, pembacaan terarah. Keupayaan mengguna pengetahuan dan teknik Kuliah, tutorial, projek matematik secara berkesan (Projek Sarjana Muda untuk menyelesaikan (PSM), berkumpulan / masalah matematik dan individu), pembacaan statistic dan membuat terarah, latihan analisis yang meyakinkan berasaskan komputer, ke atas keputusan yang latihan industri. diperoleh. (C4,P4,A3) Keupayaan menilai, mencadang dan Kuliah, projek (PSM, menunjukcara kaedah berkumpulan / individu), bersesuaian untuk pembacaan terarah, menyelesaikan masalah pembelajaran berasaskan penggunaan dalam Sains komputer, pembelajaran Matematik dan industry berasaskan masalah, penyusunan semula latihan industri. pengetahuan dan teknik matematik.( C6,P6,A3) b) Kemahiran Insaniah Berkebolehan untuk memahami, mengekstrak, menganalisis dan Pembelajaran aktif, mengenalpasti masalah dari projek (PSM, pelbagai sumber dan membangunkan pendekatan berkumpulan / individu), latihan industri. berasaskan pengetahuan matematik untuk menyelesaikan masalah. (P4) Kebolehan untuk menyampaikan idea dengan Pembelajaran aktif, projek (PSM, jelas dan berkesan dalam berumpulan / individu), bentuk penulisan dan lisan latihan industri. kepada pelbagai khalayak. (P4) Keupayaan untuk Pembelajaran aktif, menyesuaikan diri dan projek (PSM, bekerjasama sebagai berumpulan), latihan sebahagian daripada industri. pasukan. (A3) Pembelajaran aktif, Berkebolehan pembelajaran projek (PSM, kendiri dan menunjukkan berkumpulan / individu), kesedaran untuk kursus-kursus pembangunan peribadi dan pembangunan profesional yang berterusan. profesional, latihan ( A3) industri. Peperiksaan, kuiz, ujian, tugasan. Peperiksaan, kuiz, ujian, output perkomputeran, pembentangan, laporan projek, laporan latihan industri. Peperiksaan, kuiz, ujian, output perkomputeran, pembentangan, laporan projek, laporan latihan industri. Tugasan bertulis, pembentangan lisan, laporan projek, portfolio pembelajaran, laporan latihan industri. Pembentangan lisan, laporan projek, laporan latihan industri. Pembentangan lisan, laporan projek, penilaian rakan sebaya, latihan industri laporan. Tugasan bertulis, pembentangan lisan, laporan projek, portfolio pembelajaran, laporan latihan industri. 143 144 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 PO8 Kepimpinan Berkebolehan memimpin, mengambil tindakan dan mempengaruhi orang lain untuk mencapai matlamat yang sama. (A3) Pembelajaran aktif, projek kumpulan, pembelajaran perkhidmatan, aktiviti kokurikulum, kerja berkumpulan. PO9 Etika dan Integriti Berkebolehan menyesuaikan nilai etika dan integriti dalam konteks profesion dan kewajipan kepada masyarakat.(A3) PSM, aktiviti kokurikulum, kerja berkumpulan, latihan industri. Laporan PSM, portfolio pembelajaran, laporan latihan industri. Kod Memperoleh kesedaran tentang peluang perniagaan, keusahawanan dan kerjaya. (P2) Kuliah, tugasan, kajian kes, PSM, seminar, bengkel, aktiviti ko kurikulum, kerja berkumpulan. Tugasan bertulis, pembentangan lisan, laporan PSM, peperiksaan, laporan latihan industri. SSCM 1002 P10 Keusahawanan Pembentangan lisan, laporan projek, penilaian rakan sebaya. 129 jam kredit 17. Struktur dan Ciri Program, Kurikulum dan Keperluan Penganugerahan Ijazah Kursus ini ditawarkan dalam mod sepenuh masa dan berdasarkan Sesi Akademik dua Semester dengan beberapa kursus yang diajar dan dinilai setiap Semester. Penilaian adalah berdasarkan peperiksaan akhir dan kerja kursus yang dijalankan di seluruh semester. Keperluan Penganugerahan: Untuk bergraduat, pelajar perlu: Mencapai sejumlah tidak kurang daripada 129 jam kredit dengan minimum PNGK 2.0. Lulus latihan industri. Tamat dan lulus projek sarjana muda. SEMESTER 1 15. Pengelasan Kursus Pengelasan Jam Kredit Peratusan (%) Bil. i. Asas Sains dan Matematik 9 58.9 ii. Teras Program 67 iii. Elektif Program 33 25.6 iv Kursus Wajib Universiti 15.5 10 Kemanusiaan 6 Bahasa Inggeris 2 Ko -Kurikulum 2 Keusahawanan 1.4 Jumlah 129 100 Bagi program Sains, sila isi klasifikasi berikut. (Lain - lain, sila rujuk kepada garis panduan Badan Berkanun berkaitan) Bil. Klasifikasi Jam Kredit Peratusan Kursus Matematik A (d) Kuliah 98 76 (e) Latihan Industri 5 3.9 (f) Projek Sarjana Muda 6 4.7 Jumlah Jam Kredit Bahagian A 109 84.5 B Kursus Berkaitan (e) Kemanusiaan/Etika 10 7.8 (f) Ko -Kurikulum 2 1.5 (g) Bahasa Inggeris 6 4.7 (h) Keusahawanan 2 1.5 Jumalah Jam Kredit Bahagian B 20 15.5 Jumlah Jam Kredit Bahagian 129 100 A dan B 16. Jumlah jam kredit untuk bergraduat 145 FAKULTI SAINS UICI 1012 SSCM 1023 Nama Kursus Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia Pengenalan kepada Program Matematik Industri Kaedah Matematik I SEMESTER 2 kr Kod Nama Kursus kr 2 ULAB 1112 English for Academic Communication 2 2 UHAS 1172 Dinamika Malaysia 2 3 SSCM 1033 Kaedah Matematik II 3 SSCP 1143/ SSCC 1003 Mekanik/Prinsip Kimia 3 SSCM 1313 Pengaturcaraan Komputer 3 SSCM 1103 Statistik 3 SSCM 1523 Aljabar Linear 3 SSCM 1303 Literasi Komputer 3 SSCM 1703 Persamaan Terbitan I 16 Jumlah Jam Kredit Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 3 Kod Nama Kursus 3 16 SEMESTER 4 kr Kod Nama Kursus kr 2 SSCM 2103 Statistik Bermatematik 3 ULAB 2112 Advanced English for Academic Communication SSCM 2423 Kaedah Berangka I 3 SSCM 2043 Kaedah Matematik III 3 SSCM 2773 Persamaan Terbitan II 3 SSCM 2613 Kalkulus Lanjutan 3 SSCM 2793 Kalkulus Vektor 3 SSCM 2803 Pemodelan Matematik I 3 SSCM 2673 Matematik Diskret 3 SSCM2833 Pengaturcaraan Linear 3 UICI 2022 Sains Teknologi dan Manusia 2 Elektif Inovasi dan Kreativiti (Pilih 2 kredit) Jumlah Jam Kredit 17 UKQU 2202 Inovasi dan Kreativiti 2 UHAS 2122 Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif 2 Jumlah Jam Kredit SEMESTER 5 16 SEMESTER 6 Kod Nama Kursus kr Kod Nama Kursus kr SSCM 3133 Kawalan Mutu Berstatistik 3 SSCM 3103 Rekabentuk Ujikaji 3 SSCM 3423 Kaedah Berangka II 3 SSCM 3803 Pemodelan Matematik II 3 UKQL 3012 Servis Komuniti 2 Elektif Pembangunan Individu/Masyarakat/ Globalisasi (Pilih 2 kredit) Teknokrat dan UHAS 2032 2 Pembangunan UHAS 2092 Etika Profesional 2 Elektif Keusahawanan (Pilih 2 kredit) UHAS 3012 Keusahawanan dan Pembangunan Usahawan 2 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 2 SSCM 3353 Pengaturcaraan C++ 3 2 SSCM 3753 Mekanik Bendalir 3 2 SSCM 3843 Kaedah Pengoptimuman 3 2 SHAF 10 13 Prinsip Pemasaran 3 SSCM 3153 Statistik Pentadbiran 3 Kod Elektif (Pilih 6 kredit) SSCM 3143 Teori Kata Putus 3 SSCM 3533 Teori Set dan Mantik 3 SSCM 3753 Mekanik Bendalir 3 SSCM 3793 Kalkulus Ubahan 3 SSCM 3883 Membuat Keputusan Berbilang Objektif 3 SHAS 1 043 Tabiat Organisasi 3 Jumlah Jam Kredit 16 SEMESTER PENDEK kr SSCU 3905 Latihan Industri (HW) Jumlah Jam Kredit 16 5 Jumlah Jam Kredit 5 SEMESTER 7 SEMESTER 8 Kod/ Code Nama Kursus kr Kod/ Code Nama Kursus kr SSCU 4902 Projek Sarjana Muda I 2 SSCU 4904 Projek Sarjana Muda II 4 Elektif (Pilih 12 kredit) Elektif (Pilih 9 kredit) SSCM 3523 Aljabar Moden 3 SSCM 4863 Matematik Kewangan 3 SSCM 3503 Pembolehubah Kompleks 3 SSCM 4213 Model Linear Teritlak 3 SSCM 4113 Siri Masa 3 SSCM 4813 Kawalan Optimal 3 SSCM 4163 Proses Stokastik 3 SSCM 4833 Simulasi Peristiwa Diskret 3 3 SSCM 4243 Teknik Pensampelan 3 SSCM 4823 Dinamik Bendalir Berkomputeran Penjadualan SHD 1513 Prinsip Pengurusan SSCM 4763 3 3 Jumlah Jam Kredit 14 Jumlah Jam Kredit 18. Pemetaan Hasil Pembelajaran Program KURSUS DITAWARKAN HASIL PEMBELAJARAN Pengetahuan Asas Kemahiran Insaniah dan Kecekapan 13 Nama Kursus Kursus Teras SSH1002 Pengenalan kepada Program Matematik Industri SSCM 1023 Kaedah MatematikI SSCP 1143 Mekanik SSCC 1003 Prinsip Kimia SSCM 1103 Statistik SSCM 1303 Literasi Komputer SSCM 1033 Kaedah Matematik II SSCM 1313 Pengaturcaraan Komputer SSCM 1523 Aljabar Linear SSCM 2673 Matematik Diskret SSCM 2103 Statistik Bermatematik SSCM 2423 Kaedah Berangka I SSCM 1703 Persamaan Terbitan I SSCM 2793 Kalkulus Vektor SSCM 2833 Pengaturcaraan Linear SSCM 2043 Kaedah Matematik III SSCM 2613 Kalkulus Lanjutan SSCM 2773 Persamaan Terbitan II SSCM 2803 Pemodelan Matematik I SSCM 3103 Rekabentuk Ujikaji SSCU 4902 Projek Sarjana Muda I SSCU 4904 Projek Sarjana Muda II SSCU 3905 Latihan Industri (HW) SSCM 3133 Kawalan Mutu Berstatistik SSCM 3423 Kaedah Berangka II SSCM 3803 Permodelan Matematik II Kursus Elektif SSCM 3143 Teori Kataputus SSCM 3153 Statistik Pentadbiran SSCM 3503 Pembolehubah Kompleks SSCM 3533 Teori Set dan Mantik SSCM 3703 Persamaan Terbitan Separa SSCM 3793 Kalkulus Ubahan SSCM 3883 Membuat Keputusan Berbilang - Objektif SSCM 4113 Siri Masa SSCM 3123 Analisis Multivariat SSCM 3353 Pengaturcaraan C++ SSCM 3753 Mekanik Bendalir SSCM 3843 Kaedah Pengoptimuman SSCM 4863 Matematik Kewangan SSCM 4163 Proses Stokastik SSCM 4213 Model Linear Teritlak SSCM 4243 Kaedah Pensampelan SSCM 3523 Aljabar Moden Keusahawanan 3 Etika dan Integriti ULAB 3152 Analisis Multivariat Kemahiran Kepimpinan ULAB 3142 SSCM 3123 Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat ULAB 3132 English for Workplace Communication Reading for Specific Purposes Writing for Specific Purposes Effective Oral Communication Skills 2 Kerja Berpasukan ULAB 3122 Elektif (Pilih 6 kredit) English for Career Search Komunikasi Elektif ULAB (Pilih 2 kredit) ULAB 3112 Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah 2 Kemahiran Analitik Pengiraan Bahasa Asing Penggunaan Teknik Matematik ULAC 2xx2 147 FAKULTI SAINS Pengetahuan Asas 146 PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 / - - - / - - - / - / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / - - / / / - / / / / / / / / / / / - / / / / - / - / / - / - / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / - / / / / / - - - - / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / - / / / / / / / / - / - / - - - - / / / / / 148 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 SSCM 4763 Dinamik Bendalir Berpengiraan SSCM 4813 Kawalan Optimum SSCM 4823 Penjadualan SSCM 4833 Simulasi Acara Diskret SHAD 1033 Prinsip Pengurusan SHAD 1043 Tabiat Organisasi SHAF 1013 Prinsp Pemasaran Kursus Universiti Tamadun Islam dan UICI 1012 Tamadun Asia UHAS 1172 Dinamika Malaysia Sains, Technologi dan UICI 2022 Manusia UHAS 2092 Etika Profesional UHAS 2023 Teknokrat dan Pembangunan UHAS 2122 Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif UXXX 2xx2 ULAC 2xx2 UHAS 3012 ULAB 1112 ULAB 2112 ULAB 3112 ULAB 3122 ULAB 3132 ULAB 3142 ULAB 3152 UQ_ 1xx1 UQ_ 1xx1 Inovasi dan kreativiti Bahasa Asing Keusahawanan dan Pembangunan Usahawan Bahasa Inggeris untuk Komunikasi Akademik Bahasa Inggeris Lanjutan untuk Komunikasi Akademik Bahasa Inggeris Untuk Carian Kerjaya Bahasa Inggeris untuk Komunikasi di Tempat Kerja Pembacaan untuk Tujuan Khusus Penulisan untuk Tujuan Khusus Komunikasi Lisan Berkesan Ko -Kurikulum I Ko -Kurikulum II FAKULTI SAINS / / / - - - / - - - / / / - / / / - / / - / / - / / - - / - - / / / / / / / / / / / Eksekutif Kewangan dalam institusi kewangan. Pentadbir di sektor awam dan swasta Ahli akademik dan penyelidik di institusi akademik dan penyelidikan 21. Program Silang Kampus Pelajar diberi peluang untuk mendaftar kursus tertentu di institusi yang menyertai sama ada tempatan atau luar negara. Mankala gred atau kredit boleh dipindahkan sehingga 1 / 3 daripada jumlah kredit dalam kurikulum. / / 22. Program UTM Degree ++ / / / / / / Pelajar diberi peluang untuk mendaftar dalam program -program sijil yang ditawarkan oleh Pusat Kecemerlangan di universiti semasa cuti semester mereka. Sebagai contoh, Sijil Pengurusan Kualiti Menyeluruh (TQM). / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 19. Keunikan Program Program khas ini bertujuan untuk melahirkan ahli matematik industri muda cemerlang dan berbakat. Mewujudkan hubungan dengan pusat-pusat matematik industri antarabangsa untuk latihan industri di luar negara. Satu -satunya program Matematik Industri di negara ini yang menawarkan latihan industri selama satu semester sama ada tempatan atau di luar negara. Program ini membenarkan perpindahan kredit daripada kursus setaraf yang ditawarkan di institusi tempatan atau luar negara. Menyediakan pelajar untuk mengaplik asi pengetahuan dan kemahiran matematik mereka secara beretika dalam perancangan, membuat keputusan, analisis dan penyeliaan kerja yang berkaitan dengan industri dan sektor awam atau swasta. 20. Prospek dan Laluan Kerjaya Graduat program ini boleh bekerja sebagai Pengurus jaminan kualiti, jurutera kawalan pengeluaran dan pegawai perancangan dalam industri seperti pembuatan, telekomunikasi dan minyak & gas. Ahli statistik, penganalisis penyelidikan operasi, eksekutif jualan dan pemasaran di industri perkhidmatan. 23. Kemudahan Disediakan Senarai makmal komputer dan bilik - bilik dengan kemudahan IT 21. Makmal Komputer 1 22. Makmal Komputer 2 23. Makmal Komputer 3 24. Makmal Komputer 4 25. Bilik Kuliah Bijak 26. Pusat Sumber 24. Sokongan untuk Pelajar dan Pembelajaran Mereka Program induksi untuk tujuan orientasi dan pengenalan kemahiran belajar selama dua minggu Buku dan Modul Panduan Pelajar Nisbah staf-pelajar 1:15 dalam pengajaran Perpustakaan yang ekstensif/lengkap dan lain-lain kemudahan sumber pembelajaran. Pelajar diberikan penasihat akademik untuk membantu mereka dalam perancangan pendidikan. 25. Kaedah untuk menilai dan meningkatkan kualiti dan piawaian mekanisma pengajaran dan pembelajaran untuk semakan dan penilaian pengajaran, pembelajaran, penilaian, kurikulum dan piawaian hasil 1. Prestasi pelajar dari segi: KS/KB PNGK Prestasi pelajar graduat Graduat Tepat Masa, GOT Kadar Selesai Analisis Prestasi Kursus 2. Keboleh Pekerjaan Kaji selidik keluar Kaji selidik alumni Kaji selidik pasaran 149 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 150 FAKULTI SAINS 27. Alat Penilaian 3. Prestasi pensyarah Penilaian Pengajaran oleh Pelajar (OMR) Senarai semakan kecekapan untuk staf (CV) Penialain tahunan staf (SKT) 4. Semakan Kurikulum Jawatankuasa Akademik Fakulti Kaji selidik Latihan Industri Kaji selidikPSM Laporan pemeriksa luar kaji selidik pencapaian hasil pembelajaran oleh pelajar e-Portfolio pelajar Penilaian Kemahiran Insaniah (Kriteria Laporan Prestasi) 5. Sistem Penyampaian Jawatankuasa Jaminan Kualiti Akademik CSI SSI Laporan audit AKNC Piawaian MQA 26. Peraturan Taksiran b) b) Hasil Pembelajaran Alat Pengukuran Ringkasan markah, gred matanilai masing -masing Markah Gred Matanilai 90-100 80-89 75-79 70.74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 00-29 A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DE 4.00 4.00 3.67 3.33 3.00 2.67 2.33 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.00 0.67 0.00 Peranan Pemeriksa Luar (Pemeriksa Pelawat) Pemeriksa Pelawat dilantik oleh Jawatankuasa Akademik Fakulti Menyemak dan menilai kurikulum program, Menyemak dan menilai prosedur dan kaedah penilaian, Membuat syor kepada Jawatankuasa Akademik. PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 e- Portfolio x x x x x x x x x x Soal Selidik Hasil Pembelajaran Laporan Hasil Pembelajaran Soal Selidik Projek Sarjana Muda Soal Selidik Hasil Pembelajaran Program (PO) oleh Pelajar Tahun Akhir Soal Selidik Latihan Industri x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Soal Selidik Alumni x x x x x x x x x x Soal Selidik Majikan x x x x x x x x x x x x x Jangka masa Tindakan Berterusan Pelajar Hujung Pensyarah Semester Hujung Pensyarah Semester Hujung Fakulti Semester Hujung Fakulti Semester Hujung Sesi Sekali Setahun Sekali Setahun Fakulti Ketua Jabatan Ketua Jabatan 151 152 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 FAKULTI SAINS SENARA AI STAF AK KAD DEM MIK K FAK KUL LTI SAIN NS JABATAN FIZIK Ketua Jabatan Dr. Wan Muhamad Saridan Wan Hassan, B.Sc.Ed (Hons) (UTM), M.Sc (California), Ph.D (Aberdeen). Profesor Dr. Ahmad Termizi Ramli, B.Sc (Hons) (Leeds), M.Sc (Salford), Dip. (Swansea), Ph.D (Wales). Dr. Husin Wagiran, B.Sc, Dip.Ed (UKM), M.Sc (Surrey), Ph.D (Aston), MIFM. Dr. Rosli Hussin, B.Sc (Hons) (UKM), M.Sc (West London), Ph.D (Warwick), MASS. Dr. Md. Rahim Sahar, B.Sc (UKM), M.Sc (Kent), Ph.D (Warwick), MASS, MMSS. Dr. Yaacob Mat Daud, B.Sc (Hons) (UKM), M.Sc, Ph.D (Kent). Dr. Yusof Munajat, B.Sc (Hons) (UKM), M.Sc (W. London), Ph.D (UTM). Dr. Suhairul Hashim, B.Sc (UKM), M.Sc (Surrey), Ph.D (UTM). Dr. Zuhairi Ibrahim, B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc (Essex), PhD (UTM). Pensyarah Kanan Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman, B.Sc, M.Sc (Sheffield). Dr. Abdul Khamim Ismail, B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc (UTM), Ph.D (Newcaslte). Dr. Abdul Rahman Tamuri, B.Sc (UTM), Ph.D (UTM). Profesor Madya Dr. Ahmad Radzi Mat Isa, B.Sc (Hons) (Malaya), M.Sc (Southampton), Ph.D (Reading). Dr. Amiruddin Shaari, B.Sc (U.S.A), M.Sc (California State), Ph.D (Liverpool). Dr. Hazri Bakhtiar, B.Sc, M.Sc , Ph.D (Metz France). Mohamed Noor Muhammad, B.Sc (Hons) (Brimingham), M.Sc (London). Dr. Karim Deraman, B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc (UKM), Ph.D (UTM), MIFM, MASS. Dr. Mohammad Alam Saeed, Ph.D (Punjab) , MPHILL , M. Sc (Punjab). – Kontrak Dr. Md Supar Rohani, B.Sc (Hons) (UKM), M.Sc (West London), Ph.D (Warwick). Mohd Khalid Kasmin, B.A (Macalester College), M.Sc (UTM), MASS. Dr. Sib Krishna Ghoshal, B.Sc, M.Sc (Calcutta), Ph.D (New Delhi). – Kontrak Muhammad Zaki Hj Yaakob, B.Sc (Hons) (UKM), M.Sc (Sussex). Dr. Raja Kamarulzaman Raja Ibrahim, B.Sc (UTM), M. Phil (Southampton), PhD (Manchester) Dr. Ramli Arifin, B.Sc (Hons) (UKM), Dip.Ed, M.Sc, PhD (UTM) Dr. Rashid Ahmed, B.Sc , M.Sc, Ph.D (Punjab). – Kontrak Dr. Roslinda bte Zainal, B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc , PhD (UTM). Dr. Wan Nurulhuda Wan Shamsuri, B.Sc (Salford), M.Sc, PhD (UTM), MASS. Dr. Rosnita Muhammad, B.Sc, M.Sc, PhD (UTM) Dr. Mohd Arif Jalil, B.Sc, M.Sc, PhD (UTM) Dr. Izyan Hazwani binti Hashim, B.Sc, M.Sc (UTM), PhD (Osaka) Pensyarah Masleeyati bte Yusof, B.Sc, M.Sc (UKM). Tutor Nor Ezzaty Ahmad, B.Sc. (USM), M.Sc (UTM) - CB Siti Sarah bt Safaai, B.Sc (UTM) Norehan Mohd Nor, B.Sc (UTM) - CB Koh Meng Hock, B.Sc (UTM), M.Sc (UM) - CB Faizani bin Mohd Noor, B.Sc, M. Sc (UTM) - CB Razif bin Razali, B.Sc, M.Sc (UTM) - CB Muhammad Firdaus bin Omar, B.Sc, M.Sc (UTM) Fairuz Diyana Ismail, B.Sc (UTM) Husni Hani Jameela Sapingi, B.Sc (UTM) Ho Sze Phing, B.Sc (UTM) Maisarah Duralim, B.Sc (UTM) Mohd Asmu’i Mohd Akil, B.Sc (UTM). Nor Ain Husein, B.Sc (UTM), Phd (UM) Suhaila M. Buhari, B.Sc (UTM).- CB Nurul Aini Tarjudin, B.Sc (UTM). 153 154 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 FAKULTI SAINS SENARA AI STAF AK KAD DEM MIK K FAK KUL LTI SAIN NS JABATAN KIMIA Dr. Farediah Ahmad, B.Sc (Hons) (UKM), Ph.D (Kent), AMIC. Dr. Joazaizulfazli Jamalis, B.Sc. (UTM).. Dr. Jafariah Jaafar, B.A (CSU), M.Sc (Kentucky, UBC Vancouver), PhD (KTI) AMIC. Dr. Mohd Bakri Bakar, B.Sc, M.Sc (UTM) – CB , Ph.D (Trinity Collage), AMIC Dr. Nor Aziah Buang, B.Sc (UKM), M.Sc (Sussex), Ph.D (UTM), AMIC Dr. Norazah Mohd Basar, B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc (UTM), Ph.D (UTM). Dr. Abdul Rahim Yacob, B.Sc (Hons) (USM), Ph.D (Cardiff). Dr. Razali Ismail, B.Sc, M.Sc (Ohio), Ph.D (UTM). Dr. Roswanira Abd. Wahab, B.Sc (Hons)(UiTM), M.Sc (UTM), PhD (UPM), AMIC Dr. Hasnah Mohd Sirat, B.Sc (UKM), Ph.D (London), AMIC. Dr. Rusmidah Ali, B.Sc (Hons), Dip.Ed (UKM), M. Phil. (Southampton), Ph.D (Durham), AMIC. Ketua Jabatan Dr. Zaiton Abdul Majid, B.Sc (Hons) (UTM), M.Sc (NIU), Ph.D (Malaya), AMIC. Profesor Dr. Wan Azelee Wan Abu Bakar, B.Sc (Hons) (UKM), M.Sc (Herriot-Watt) Ph.D (Nottingham), AMIC. Dr. Mohamed Noor Hasan, B.Sc (Hons) (UKM), M.Sc, Ph.D (Penn State). Dr. Rahmalan Ahmad, B.Sc (UKM), M.Sc (Salford), Ph.D (La Trobe), AMIC. - Kontrak Prof. Dr. Wan Aini bte Wan Ibrahim, B.Sc (Hons) (Exeter), Postgraduate Diploma Education (UKM), M.Sc, Ph.D (Loughborough), FMIC. – Dr. Wan Azlina Ahmad, B.Sc (Hons) (Malaya), Ph.D (London). Dr. Madzlan Aziz, B.Sc (Hons) (Newcastle), M.Sc (UMIST), Ph.D (De Montfort), AMIC.Profesor Madya Dr. Azli Sulaiman, Dip.Sc.Ed, B.Sc.Ed (Hons)(UTM), M.Sc, Ph.D (Loughborough). Dr. Umi Kalthom Ahmad, B.Sc (Hons) (Swansea), M.Sc (Strathclyde), Ph.D (UTM), AMIC. Dr. Zainab Ramli, B.Sc (Hons) (UKM), Dip.Ed (Malaya), M.Sc (Sussex), Ph.D (UTM), AMIC. Dr. Zainoha Zakaria, B.Sc (Wales), M.Sc (UPM), Ph.D (Loughborough), AMIC Pensyarah Kanan Dr. Che Rozid Mamat, B.Sc (UTM), Ph.D (Southampton), AMIC Hashim Baharin, B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc (UTM), AMIC Dr. Hasmerya Maarof, B.Sc (UTM), M.Sc (Cardiff) , Ph.D (Cardiff)), AMIC Dr. Naji Arafat Haji Mahat, B. Sc (UKM), PhD (USM) Dr. Nursyafreena Attan, B.Sc, PhD (UTM) Rugayah Mohamed, B.Sc (Hons) (UKM), M.Sc (UTM), AMIC Dr. Shajarahtunnur Jamil, B.Sc (Hons) (UKM), M.Sc, Ph.D (UTM),AMIC Khairil Juhanni Abd Karim, B.Sc, M.Sc (Gifu, Japan). Aemi Syazwani binti Abdul Keyon, B.Sc. (UTM), M.Sc. (UTM) , AMIC Dr. Siti Aminah Setu @ Sabtu, B.Sc (UTM), PhD (Oxford) Pensyarah Mohd Daniel Abdullah @ Anthony Nyangson Anak Steven, B.Sc (UiTM), M.Sc (UTM). Tutor Mohd Syafiq Elias, B.Sc (UTM), MSc (UTM) - CB Zulkifli Idris, B.Sc (UTM), PhD (Oxford) 155 156 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 FAKULTI SAINS SENARA AI STAF AK KAD DEM MIK K FAK KUL LTI SAIN NS JABATAN MATEMATIK Ketua Jabatan Dr. Rohanin Ahmad, B.Sc, M.Sc (Indiana State), Ph.D (UTM). Profesor Dr. Mohd Ismail Abd. Aziz, B.Sc (NSW), M.Sc (Loughborough), Ph.D (City). Timbalan Naib Canselor (HEMA) Dr. Mohd Nor Mohamad, B.Sc (Hons) (UKM), M.Sc, Ph.D (Newcastle), APMM, C.Math MIMA - Timbalan Dekan (Akademik) Dr. Norsarahaida Saidina Amin, B.Sc (Hons) (Adelaide), M.Sc (Northwestern), Ph.D (East Anglia). - Dekan Dr. Nor Haniza Sarmin, B.Sc (Hons), M.A, Ph.D (Binghamton). Timbalan Dekan (Kemasukan & Hubungan Pelanggan) SPS Dr. Zuhaimy Hj. Ismail, B.Sc (Hons) (Nottingham), PGCE (UKM), M.Sc, Ph.D (Loughborough). Dr. Muhammad Hisyam Lee @ Lee Wee Yew, B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc (UKM), Ph.D (UTM). Profesor Madya Dr. Ali Abd Rahman, B.Sc (Washington), M.Sc (New Mexico), Ph.D (Bradford). Hazimah Abdul Hamid, B.Sc, M.Sc (WMU). Dr. Ong Chee Tiong, Dip.Ed, B.Sc.Ed (Hons), M.Sc, Ph.D (UTM). Halijah Osman, B.Sc (Missouri), M.Sc (Kentucky), Dip.Ed (UTM). Dr. Norazlina Ismail, B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc (UKM), PhD (Massey) Dr. Robiah Adnan, B.A (CSU, Chico), M.Sc (Kentucky, Lexington), Ph.D (UTM). Ibrahim Mohd Jais, B.Sc (North Carolina), M.Sc (Western Carolina). Dr. Nur Arina Bazilah Aziz, B.Sc (UTM), M.Sc (West London), PhD (UM) Ismail Kamis, B.Sc, M.Sc (North Carolina). Dr. Shazirawati Mohd Puzi, B.Sc (UTM), M.Sc (Sussex), PhD (UTM) Mahad Ayem, B.Sc (Hons), Dip.Ed (Malaya), M.Sc (Cranfield). Dr Syarifah Zyurina Nordin, B.Sc, M.Sc (UTM), PhD (Curtin) Dr. Maslan Hj. Osman, B.Sc.Ed (Hons) (UTM), M.Sc, Ph.D (Newcastle). Dr. Zaiton Mat Isa, B.Sc, M.Sc (UTM), PhD (Queensland) Dr. Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, B.Sc, M.Sc (UTM)-CB , Ph.D (UTM). Dr. Zuhaila Ismail, B.Sc, M.Sc (UTM), PhD (Southampton) Dr. Norhaiza Ahmad, B.Sc. (Hons) (UMIST), M,Sc (Sheffield) , Ph.D (UKM). Dr. Fong Wan Heng, B.Sc, M.Sc, PhD (UTM) Dr. Shamsudin Ahmad, B.Sc (UKM), M.Sc, Ph.D (City). Dr. Sharidan Shafie, B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc, PhD (UTM). Dr. Yudariah Mohammad Yusof, B.Sc.Ed (Hons) (Malaya), M.Sc (Leeds), Ph.D (Warwick). Dr. Mukhiddin Muminov, M.Sc (Samarkand), Phd (Academy of Science , Uzbekistan) Dr. Fadhilah Yusof, B.Sc, M.Sc, M.BA (Indiana State) Ph.D (UTM). Dr. Normah Maan, B.Sc (Hons) (Sheffield), M.Sc, Ph.D (UTM). Pensyarah Kanan Dr. Mukheta Isa, B.Sc (UKM), M.Sc, Ph.D (Newcastle) APMM, MSEAMS. Dr. Ani Shabri, B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc (UTM) , Ph.D (UKM). Dr. Anati Ali, B.Sc (UTM), M.Sc (East Anglia) , Ph.D (UTM). Dr. Norzieha Mustapha, B.Sc (UTM), M.Sc (Sussex), Ph.D (UTM). Pensyarah Farhana Johar, B.Sc, M.Sc (UTM).-CB Dr. Hazzirah Izzati Mat Hassim, B.Sc, M.Sc. PhD (UTM) Muhammad Fauzee Hamdan, B.Sc, M.Sc (UTM). Rashidah Ahmad, B.Sc, M.Sc (NIU) - CB. Noraslinda Mohamed Ismail, B.Sc (Hons) (UPM), M.Sc (UTM). Dr. Roselainy Abd Rahman, KST Wan Rukaida Abdullah, B.Sc, M.Sc (UTM) Dr. Shariffah Suhaila Syed Jamaludin, B.Sc (Carleton), M.Sc (UKM)-CB , Ph.D (UKM). Muhammad Najib Zakaria, B. Sc, M.Sc (UTM) – CB Dr. Yeak Su Hoe, B.Sc, M.Sc (UTM), Ph.D (NUS). Tutor Adrian Syah bin Halifi, B.Sc (UTM). Dr. Ismail Mohamad, B.Sc, M.Sc (Indiana), Ph.D (Lancester). Dr. Arifah Bahar, B.Sc (Hons) (Manchester), M.Sc (UKM), Ph.D (Strathclyde). Dr. Khairil Anuar Arshad, B.Sc (Northwest), M.Sc (Kentucky), Dip.Ed (UTM), Ph.D (Bradford). Che Lokman Jaafar, B.Sc, M.Sc (Ohio). Dr. Zarina Mohd Khalid, B.Sc (Hons.) (Kent), M.Sc (Warwick), Ph.D (Kent). Che Rahim Che Teh, B.Sc (Hons) (Malaya), M.Sc (UTM). Dr. Amidora Idris, B.Sc, M.Sc (UKM), PhD (UTM) Dr. Munira Ismail, B.Sc, M.Sc (Indiana State), Ph.D (UTM). Dr. Faridah Mustapha, B.Sc (Florida State Univ.), M.Sc (E. Kentucky Univ.), Dip.Ed (UTM), Ph.D (Strathclyde). Dr. Fuaada Mohd Siam, B.Sc, M.Sc (UTM), PhD (Glasgow) Taufiq Khairi bin Ahmad Khairuddin, (M.Sc (UTM) , B.Sc (UTM). Dr. Nor’aini Aris, B.Sc (Iowa), M.Sc (Kansas), Ph.D (UTM). Hamisan Rahmat, B.Sc (Hons) (Malaya), M.Sc (West London). Dr. Haliza Abd. Rahman, B.Sc (Hons) (UMIST), M.Sc (UKM), PhD (UTM) Wan Rohaizad Wan Abdullah, M.Bs (UTM) , B.Sc (UTM). Dr. Maizah Hura Ahmad, B.Sc (Iowa), M.Sc (Kansas), Ph.D (UTM). Zakaria Dollah, B.Sc (Hons) (Malaya), M.Sc (UTM). Mohd Arif bin Admon, B.Sc (UTM) Niki Anis Ab. Karim, B.Sc (UTM) 157 158 PANDUAN AKADEMIK MAHASISWA SESI 2015/2016 FAKULTI SAINS IBNU SINA INSTITUTE FOR SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH (ISI – SIR) Pengarah Kanan Dr. Mohd Marsin Sanagi, B.A (Macalester), M.Sc (Iowa), Ph.D (Loughborough), FMIC. 1) Laser Centre Pengarah Dr. Noriah Bidin, B.Sc (Hons), Dip.Ed. (UKM), M.Sc. (Loughborough), Ph.D (UTM). Profesor Dr. Jalil Ali, B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc (Malaya), Ph.D (UTM), MIFM. Pensyarah Kanan Dr. Suzairi Daud, B.Sc, M.Sc, PhD (UTM) Dr. Kashif Tufail Chaudhary, B.Sc (Punjab), M.Sc, PhD (UTM) Dr. Mahdi Bahadoran, B.Sc, M.Sc (Shiraz), PhD (UTM) 2) Centre for Sustainability Nanomaterials (Cs Nano) Pengarah Dr. Hadi Nur, B.Sc, M.Sc (ITB), PhD (UTM) Profesor Dr. Zulkafli Othaman, B.Sc.Ed (Hons) (UTM), M.Sc (Oregon), Ph.D (Bath), MIFM, MASS Dr. Tahir Ahmad, B.A, M.Sc (California State), Ph.D (Sheffield Hallam). Dr. Samsudi Sakrani, B.Sc (UKM), M.Tech (West London), Ph.D (Aston), MASS Dr. Mustaffa Shamsuddin, B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc (East Anglia), Ph.D (Leeds). Profesor Madya Dr. Norma Alias, B. Sc, M.Sc, PhD (UKM) B.A (CSU, Chico), M.Sc (Portland State), Ph.D (UTM) Dr. Ali Hassan Mohamed Murid B.Sc, M.Sc (Iowa), Dip.Ed, Ph.D (UTM) Dr. KK Viswanathan, B.Sc (India), M.Sc, Ph.D (Madras, India).kontrak Pensyarah Kanan Dr. Norzieha Mustapha, B.Sc (UTM), M.Sc (Sussex), Ph.D (UTM) Dr. Arifah Bahar, B.Sc (Hons) (Manchester), M.Sc (UKM), Ph.D (Strathclyde). Dr. Zaitul Marlizawati Zainuddin, B.Sc (Southampton), M.Sc (Salford), Ph.D (Birmingham). Dr. Sugeng Triwahyono, B. Sc, M.Sc, (KITAMI), PhD (Hokaido) Dr. Riadh Sahnoun, B.Sc (Tunisia), Ph.D (Paul Sabatier). Pensyarah Kanan Dr. Lee Siew Ling, B.Sc, M.Sc, PhD (UPM) Dr. Hendrik Oktendy Lintang, B. Sc (Gadja Mada), M. Sc, PhD (Tokyo) Kontrak Dr. Leny Yuliati, B.Sc (Gadja Mada), M. Sc, PhD (Nagoya) – Kontrak Dr. See Hong Heng, B.Sc, M.Sc, PhD (UTM) Dr. Rafaqat Hussain, B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D (London). – Kontrak Dr. Yap Yung Szen, B.Sc, M.Sc (UTM), PhD (Osaka) 3) Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CIAM) Pengarah Dr. Zainal Abd. Aziz B.Sc (Hons) (Manchester), M.Sc, Ph.D (UKM). Profesor Dr. Shaharuddin Salleh, RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABILITY ENVIRONMENT (RISE) Pengarah Kanan Dr. Abdull Rahim Hj. Mohd Yusoff, B.Sc (Hons) (Liverpool), M.Phil (Newcastle), Ph.D (Loughborough), AMIC 159 Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi Dekan Fakulti Sains Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 UTM Johor Bahru Johor Darul Takzim Tel: 07-553 4000 • Fax: 07-556 6162 science.utm.my Designed and Printed by: ECONOMY EXPRESS PRINTING Tel: 607-520 6366 Fax: 607-520 6476 Email: sales@economy.com.my