environmental noise mapping in thessaloniki greece
environmental noise mapping in thessaloniki greece
ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE MAPPING IN THESSALONIKI GREECE Jannis Panagopoulos J.K.Panagopoulos and Associates, 8 Alopekis, Kolonaki 106 75 Athens, Greece and Sybilla Ltd. 16 Ypsilantou st., Maroussi, 151 22, Athens, Greece email: j.k.panagopoulos@sybilla.gr Apostolos Bizakis, Dora Zisopoulou TREDIT S.A. 78C Vrioulon & 40 K.Karamanli Str. 551 32 Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, Greece Athanasios Karayannis, Sybilla ltd, 16 Ypsilantou st., Maroussi, 151 22, Athens, Greece Nikolaos Kolletis Dynamiki Akoystiki S.A, 47 Ventouri, Holargos 155 62, Athens, Greece Emmanuel Tzekakis Architectural Engineering Dpt. Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece Paul Kassomenos Physics Dpt. University of Ioannina, P.O. Box 1186, 45110, Ioannina,Greece Cities of more than 100,000 inhabitants are required to construct noise maps to be used in noise abatement action plans, within the framework of the Environmental Noise Directive (END) 2002/49/CE concerning the assessment and management of environmental noise. This paper is related to a completed study titled "Assessment of Environmental Noise within the scope of Directive 2002/49 / EC for ATHENS - THESSALONIKI & SERRES agglomerations - STUDY M7: MUNICIPALITIES OF THESSALONIKI AND NEAPOLI". The study was assigned by the MINISTRY OF RECONSTRUCTION OF PRO-DUCTION, ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY / Department of Environment / General Directorate of Environmental Policy, Department of Climate Change and Air Quality (former name : Dept of Air and Noise Control) – Division of Noise, Vibration and Radiation to the joint venture of TREDIT SA I.K.PANAGOPOULOS, and the contract was signed on 03.31.2014. Noise Mapping is used to “classify” the city area into zones according to different Noise levels. It records Noise as is actually present in a location and compares it to the noise levels, as stipulated by the EU standards. In this context a study was conducted on the roads of Thessaloniki city, utilizing both Sound Level Meter measurements (SLM) and Cadna(A) software simulation (for Road Traffic Noise, Industrial/Port noise). Noise maps were constructed and the Population exposed per noise zone maps was calculated. This data was tabulated into different noise zones of the noise indices Lden & Lnight of the study area, in noise zones higher than 55, 65 and 75 dB(A) respectively, at a height of 4m. from the ground . Action plans were also prepared to help the local authorities deal with local-ized noise abatement. The noise mapping procedure for the Thessaloniki County area is presented along with a case study to evaluate several noise abating plans in specific areas. The study methodology is presented in this paper along with the results and conclusions. 1 The 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration 1. Introduction. Study Area The Urban area of the municipalities of Thessaloniki and Neapolis Thessaloniki under study have been defined during the bidding phase of the project and coincide with the municipality limits. The exact limits (mapping extends) have been defined, proposed to the Ministry and formally accepted during the first phase of the present study in order to start the preparations of the treedimensional Digital Terrain Model (DTM) with the use of a Geographical Information System (GIS). These limits are defined by the General Urban Plans of the two Municipalities, slightly extended mainly to the North-West side in order to include the Central Thessaloniki Railway Station (CTRS) Area. The Strategic Noise Mapping Limits are presented in the following Figure. NEAPOLI THESSALONIKI THESSALONIKI Figure 1: Strategic Noise Mapping Limits. The main population data along with their trends, for both the Total Urban Agglomeration of Thessaloniki and the Municipalities under study, according to the Hellenic Statistical Authority, are presented in the table below. The Urban agglomeration of Thessaloniki has its own features and peculiarities. Is Geographical expanse follows two great areas one in the North-West and one in the South-East which are connected with a central city zone which is clearly distinguished from the rest of the city structure. 2. Methodological Approach - Sources – Data Noise Mapping i.e. presentation of data on an existing or predicted noise situation in terms of a noise indicator, indicating breaches of any relevant limit value in force, the number of people affected in a certain area, or the number of dwellings exposed to certain values of a noise indicator in a certain area, is part of the legal obligation of a country according to Directive 2002/49/EC. According to the Directive above ‘strategic noise map’ means a map designed for the global as- 2 ICSV23, Athens (Greece), 10-14 July 2016 The 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration Table 1: Population Data Trends (Hellenic Statistical Authority). Actual Population 1991 Population density per Km2 1991 Actual Population 2001 Population density per Km2 2001 Actual Population 2011 Population density per Km2 2011 Urban Agglomeration of Thessaloniki 749.048 5.708,82 800.764 - 789.191 - Municipality of Thessaloniki 383.967 21.532,47 363.987 20.429,00 324.766** - Municipality of Triandria 11.822 8.014,92 11.289 7.653,56 Municipality of Agios Pavlos 7221 3.697,39 7.978 4.085 Municipality of Neapoli 30.568 26.171,23 30.279 25.923,80 Municipality of Sykeon 83.610* 6481.4* 36.347 3.715,70 41.726 5227,51 * This number represents the newly founded Municipality of Neapoli-Sykeon which resulted from the integration of the old Municipalities of Neapoli & Sykeon ** This number represents the newly founded Municipality of Thessaloniki which resulted from the integration of the old Municipalities of Thessaloniki, Agios Pavlos and Triandria. sessment of noise exposure in a given area due to different noise sources or for overall predictions for such an area; The preparation of Strategic Noise Maps is mandatory for all Urban Agglomerations of more than 250.000 inhabitants. The strategic noise maps must be compliant with the ANNEX IV of the Directive an be able to present data on the following aspects: an existing, a previous or a predicted noise situation in terms of a noise indicator, the exceeding of a limit value, the estimated number of dwellings, schools and hospitals in a certain area that are exposed to specific values of a noise indicator, the estimated number of people located in an area exposed to noise. In order to produce the strategic noise maps the following steps are necessary : A. The collection and processing of a large number of inter-connected data of the Digital Terrain Model : Geographical, Topographical, Urban & Land Use, Census and Population & Traffic In a Uniform, structured and Reliable way which ensures the internal Data cohesion and compatibility. B. The creation of a Digital Geometrical and Functional model of the area under study encompassing all the above data. C. The execution of the calculations to predict the Noise Levels in both the present and future conditions utilizing specialized software (CadnaA in this case) in which the Digital Geometrical and Functional model of the area has been suitably imported. D. The presentation of the prediction results in Map, Table and Diagrammatic forms in an easy to understand way. It is obvious that the needs of the present project demand the use of a Geographical Information System (GIS). A GIS is defined as a set of Hardware (computers), Software (Computer programs encompassing noise prediction algorithms) and Data, which is able to manage, analyze and graphically present geo-referenced data (i.e. data coupled with a spatial reference) The Geographical Information System that was developed for the current study and was used to create the digital geometrical and functional model of the Thessaloniki & Neapoli area was based on the well established Quantum GIS software platform. ICSV23, Athens (Greece), 10-14 July 2016 3 The 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration A Summary presentation of data needed by the model in each Digital Model (GIS) layer in the study area is presented in the table below. The type of the data along with its source and the main information contained in it (to be used by the Environmental Noise Calculation software CadnaA) are also included Table 2: Brief presentation of the data included in the GIS layers. Α/Α 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 THEMATIC LAYER DATA SOURCE Geographical Descriptive Information Maps & Satellite Photagraphs Elevation data-Contour lines (Digital Terrain Model) NATIONAL CADASTRE & MAPPING AGENCY S.A. Hellenic Military Geographical Service, Web Mapping Services NATIONAL CADASTRE & MAPPING AGENCY S.A. Hellenic Military Geographical Service EL.STAT, NATIONAL CADASTRE & MAPPING AGENCY S.A.Municipal Services, Web Mapping Services Building Blocks Buildings Urban planning Data Land Use Sensitive Land Uses (subject to nuisance from noise) Road & Railroad Network – Traffic Data. DATA TYPE MAIN INFORMATION INCLUDED IN THE DATABASE Analog / Digital Geographical Base Analog / Digital 1. Elevation 2. Municipality Analog / Digital 1. EL.STAT code 2. Population 3. Municipality >> Analog / Digital >> Analog / Digital >> Analog EL.STAT, NATIONAL CADASTRE & MAPPING AGENCY S.A. Municipal Services, Region of Central Macedonia, Transport Institute TRAINOSE Analog / Digital 1. Floors No 2. Height 3. Population 4. Land Use 5. Municipality 1. Name / Type 2. Legal Base (ΦΕΚ) 1. Use type 2. Municipality 1. Name 2. Width 3. Traffic data 4. Rail Type 5. Rail Design data 6. Rail Traffic data During the preparation of the Digital Model described above about 37500 buildings were included and ranked into twelve land use types. These include the Residential and sensitive uses like Education, Healthcare/Welfare and Religion uses, well as other special uses like the Thessaloniki International Fair Buildings, the Thessaloniki Port Authority Buildings etc. Other uses like Athletic (sports courts) and cultural/tourism (museums & Hotels) were also used. All the ranks of education (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary) land use is specified in 325 buildings in the study area. Similarly Healthcare and welfare is specified in 76 buildings and Religion related are 76 buildings. 49 buildings are specified as athletic installations and tourism related sites are 56 buildings in the study area. As culture sites (museums, galleries and theaters) 88 buildings are specified. 25 buildings have military use (Third Army Core Headquarters). The great majority of the buildings are ranked as general residential or mixed (residential / commercial). The complexity of the prepared digital model in depicted in the numbers below : Total Number of Building Blocks 4.200 Total Number of Buildings 37.500 Total Number or Road Links 12.000 In the following figure the fully constructed Digital Geometric and Functional Model that was used for the Strategic Noise Mapping calculations is presented along with the information layers that consist it. 4 ICSV23, Athens (Greece), 10-14 July 2016 The 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration Figure 2: Example of a fully constructed Digital Geometric and Functional Model. 3. Acoustic Measurements The Acoustic measurements of airborne noise were executed with mobile stations of noise monitoring bearing the right infrastructure - in order to meet the requirements of new European noise directive (with height measurement application 4, 0 m.)– equipped with noise statistical analyzers and all weather protection (in a mast) and autonomous mobile noise monitoring stations with statistical analyzer and a microphone layout ( in a tripod), with a height measurement application of 4,0 m from the natural ground). Before each 24 hour acoustic measurement the instruments were calibrated with a special calibration instrument (acoustical calibrator), in order to monitor the reliability of the results throughout the duration of the recordings of the acoustic environment. During each measurement the following indicators were recorder L1, L10, L50, L95, L99 of Leq as well as (Lmax) and(Lmin). Results will be presented per measurement location involving at most and the following indicators: L10(18h) LΑeq(08.00-20.00) according to the existing law (Υ.Α. 17252/20.5.92 (ΦΕΚ Β395/13.6.92)) LΑeq(24h) and especially the indices Lden, Lday,Levening & Lnight of the directive 2002/49/EK ICSV23, Athens (Greece), 10-14 July 2016 5 The 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration Under the first stage of the project, the contractor, formed a detailed proposal for measuring environmental noise program in the area of SNM and with emphasis on the pilot noise management of a limited spatial scale Sub-area (ΣΔ1). Overall the program, based on the project's notice, had to include at least 30 daily (24 hour) measurements with hourly presentation analysis of the noise indicators Lden, Lday, Levening, Lnight, (based on the Directive 2002/49/ΕC requirement) , Leq(24hr), L10(18hr), L1,L10 & L50, per individual Municipality covering all the different sources of environmental noise in nearby sensitive receivers/source. In the context of this study however performed 46 24hrs Acoustic measurements (instead of the conventional estimates of 30) with individual consecutive hourly and for 15’ (15 min) periods.. 4. Road Traffic Noise - Results of exposed population, buildings, surface area Using the Digital Model described above, coupled with the acoustic measurements, detailed simulations were performed in order to predict the noise indices Lden & Lnight of the study area. The above data set out in the various zones of the noise indices Lden & Lnight of the study area, should be attributed - according to the above current institutional framework - in noise zones higher than 55, 65 and 75 dB(A) respectively, at a height of 4m. from the ground (see table and graphs below). Under the current framework, the total number of persons living in dwellings exposed to each of the following noise zones/bands of Lden in dB(A) at a height of four meters above the ground: 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, and> 75 is assessed, and in each of the following noise zones/bands of Lnight in dB(A), also at a height of four meters above the ground: 50-54, 55-59, 6064, 65-69 and > 70. Note that all the residents - who are exposed to the above noise zones- are located within the study area in accordance with Annex VI of the Directive. The relevant estimates of SNM which are given in the tables and charts outweigh the above requirement detailing the population (based on official statistics from National Statistical Survey of 2011), corresponding to the noise zones of Lden & Lnight indices for the relevant DTM background according to the most recent time scenario: both as an absolute number of inhabitants and also as surface distributed in all the above zones. Road Traffic Noise maps for the Thessaloniki –Neapoli agglomeration for the noise indices Lden and Lnight are presented in the following table & figures : Table 3: Thessaloniki – Neapoli Agglomerations: Strategic Noise Map (SNM) - Population distribution per road traffic noise zone. Noise Zone dΒ(Α) 6 POPULATION DISTRIBUTION PER NOISE INDEX (residents & %) Lden Lnight Lden Lnight < 45 227 9.514 0,1% 2,4% 45 -50 3.660 111.383 0,9% 28,6% 50 – 55 6.710 121.040 1,7% 31,0% 55 – 60 118.692 79.030 30,4% 20,3% 60 – 65 132.448 43.540 34,0% 11,2% 65 – 70 77.542 25.048 19,9% 6,4% 70 – 75 39.555 509 10,1% 0,1% >75 11.230 0 2,9% 0,0% TOTAL population in residents and relative % per noise zone = 390.064 390.064 100,0% 100,0% ICSV23, Athens (Greece), 10-14 July 2016 The 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration Figure 3: Strategic Road Traffic Noise Map in Thessaloniki –Neapoli Agglomeration- Index Lden. ICSV23, Athens (Greece), 10-14 July 2016 7 The 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration Figure 4: Strategic Road Traffic Noise Map in Thessaloniki –Neapoli Agglomerations - Index Lnight. 5. Conclusions A study was conducted on the roads of Thessaloniki city, utilizing both Sound Level Meter measurements (SLM) and CadnaA software simulation (for Road Traffic Noise, Industrial/Port noise). Strategic Noise maps were constructed and the Population exposed per noise zone maps was calculated. This data was tabulated into different noise zones of the noise indices Lden & Lnight of the study area, in noise zones higher than 55, 65 and 75 dB(A) respectively, at a height of 4m. from the ground. Noise levels typical of cities of this complexity were observed and predicted. Action plans were also prepared to help the local authorities deal with localized noise abatement. 8 ICSV23, Athens (Greece), 10-14 July 2016