outfront minnesota`s structure
outfront minnesota`s structure
2006 ANNUAL REPORT OUTFRONT MINNESOTA’S STRUCTURE Staff Ann M. DeGroot Executive Director Pam Burrows, Business Associate Bart J. Cannon, Web Developer Phil Duran, Staff Attorney Jim Halloran, Development/ Communications Associate Connie Kauppi, Volunteer Services and Information Technology Manager Kathy Lee, Speakers Bureau Our structure, with one entity overseeing two others, helps fulfill our mission: to make our home a place where GLBT Minnesotans have the freedom, power, and confidence to make the best choices for their own lives. OutFront Minnesota OutFront Minnesota is an IRS-designated 501(c) (4) nonprofit which conducts public policy work, advocacy, lobbying, and grassroots organizing. Its funding comes from members and donors. Financial gifts are not tax deductible. This entity oversees all agency operations. OutFront Minnesota Community Services OutFront Minnesota Community Services is an IRS-designated 501(c) (3) nonprofit which provides legal referrals, anti-violence, community organizing, education and training. Its funding comes from foundations, donors, and the United Way. Financial gifts are tax deductible. OutFront Minnesota Action IRS-designated 527 political action committee, which works to elect state officials supportive of GLBT rights. This is a nonpartisan PAC which endorses candidates and participates in voter participation efforts. Funding comes from individual donors. Gifts are not tax deductible. Jo Marsicano Communications Director Laura McCarty Development Director OutFront Minnesota Community Services — Board of Directors, 2006 Monica Meyer Public Policy Director Chair: Lynn Moline / President, Lynn Moline Associates Sian Nelson, Operations Director Adam Robbins Lobby Day Coordinator Becky Smith Community Organizer Rebecca Waggoner Kloek, Anti-Violence Coordinator Incoming Chair: Michael Robins / Executive Producer, Illusion Theatre Vice-Chair: Amelious N. Whyte, Jr. / Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs University of Minnesota Incoming Vice-Chair: Jane Eastwood / Division Director, External Relations and Partnerships / Minneapolis Public Library Secretary: Barbara Satin / Retired, St. Paul Companies Incoming Secretary: Brad Froslee / Pastor, St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church Treasurer: Bob Ball / Retired Andrea Jenkins / Sr. Policy Aide, Minneapolis City Council Members: Ivan Brown / Merchandising, Target Corporation Robert Lilligren / Member, Minneapolis City Council Maggie George / Consumer Insights Manager, General Mills Fabian Hoffner / Attorney in Private Practice John Moore / Co-owner, The Saloon Eileen Scallen / Professor, William Mitchell College of Law Paul Tuchman / President, Out Smart Marketing Photo by Sophia Hantzes Dear Friend, The year 2006 saw OutFront Minnesota work rigorously to fulfill our mission – to make our home a place where GLBT Minnesotans have the freedom, power, and confidence to make the best choices for their own lives. We organized the opposition to a destructive amendment to our state constitution that would have banned marriage or its legal equivalent for same-sex unions. We were privileged to lead a struggle which reminded us of our large and strong community as well as the vital role our allies play in our common vision for a more just world. Ann M. DeGroot Executive Director OutFront Minnesota also saw substantial achievements in its legal, anti-violence, and community organizing programs. We helped push for favorable legal changes, provided service to hundreds of crime and domestic violence victims, and worked with thousands statewide to organize for positive political change. In 2006 we also embarked on an exciting venture, entering into preliminary discussions with the city of Minneapolis to develop a GLBT center. We are excited to be taking the lead on this project, and for how the center will serve our entire community. OutFront Minnesota’s board leadership stepped down to make way for new leadership. Lynn Moline, our outgoing Board Chair, served us for seven years, with stellar results. New Board Chair Michael Robins brings experience as a board member and Executive Director of the Illusion Theatre Lynn A. Moline Outgoing Board Chair We also said goodbye to Board Officers Amelious Whyte and Barbara Satin, and Board Member Ivan Brown. We deeply thank them for their service to OutFront Minnesota and acknowledge their contributions to the financial, administrative, and policy strength of the organization. We look back on a successful 2006 and look forward to a bright 2007. Michael H. Robins Ann M. DeGroot Lynn A. Moline Michael H. Robins Incoming Board Chair Photo by Sophia Hantzes CONSTITUTIONAL AMMENDMENT DEFEAT When state lawmakers considered whether to send a constitutional amendment to voters that would have banned same-sex couples from marrying or forming equivalent legal unions, OutFront Minnesota went into high gear. OutFront Minnesota and the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits testify against the anti-marriage constitutional amendment. The fight was centered at the legislature and in the public square, and OutFront Minnesota waged the battle in both places, marshaling resources to create a wall of opposition to the amendment. The campaign to defeat the amendment: • Collected nearly 15,000 signatures, letters and postcards against the amendment from constituents in every district in the state • Engaged 1,000 community activists in Community Action Trainings statewide • Helped secure opposition from over 300 organizations including the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits, Family and Children’s Service, the League of Women Voters, and the Minnesota Senior Federation OutFront Minnesota volunteers march in the Twin Cities Pride parade. • Helped persuade editorial boards across the state to • Organized testimony for the April 4th Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. The committee oppose the amendment and helped get hundreds of voted against sending the amendment to voters anti-amendment letters to the editor published and all other amendment efforts were thwarted • Held a joint rally of 2,500 people with People of for the session Faith to demonstrate religious-based opposition to the amendment Photo by Sophia Hantzes • Held justFair Lobby Day bringing 5,000 people to the capitol to rally against the amendment and in • Produced our 2006 legislative handbook, informing favor of GLBT rights; participants met with over lawmakers in detail about the consequences of the 90% of the state legislature amendment POLITICAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS OutFront Minnesota’s justFair Lobby Day of 2006 was the largest in our history. Five thousand people converged on the State Capitol to cheer, rally, and celebrate the anticipated defeat of the anti-marriage amendment and remind lawmakers that their votes on GLBT issues matter. Attendants at Lobby Day also met personally with their lawmakers to have productive, meaningful conversations about GLBT rights. Participants met with both supportive and oppositional lawmakers, reflecting the commitment to stand up for justice no matter the audience. Citizens demonstrate against Focus on the Family and in favor of standing up for all families. Photo by Sophia Hantzes To kick off the fall, OutFront Minnesota organized a demonstration to protest the message of James Dobson’s Focus on the Family, which came to town to promote anti-gay candidates for office. His message was met with 325 people who carried signs, chanted, and spoke out. Sponsoring organizations included Rainbow Families, the Jewish Community Relations Council, and the Faith Family Fairness Alliance. The demonstration received positive news coverage and showed the broader community that anti-gay messages will be met with direct and productive counter messages. In November, OutFront Minnesota also helped turn out thousands of supporters of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender rights to the polls for Election Day. OutFront Minnesota worked on get-out-the-vote strategies with a number of coalitions which included labor, environmental, and reproductive rights groups. OutFront Minnesota talks with voters at Twin Cities Pride. OUTFRONT MINNESOTA’S IMPACT When a discriminatory ordinance punishing people for being in the “wrong” bathroom in Minneapolis parks, OutFront Minnesota’s legal staff went to work. The ordinance had dire consequences for transgender people. Our staff worked with the park board to rescind the ordinance. Through the year, the legal staff provided information and referrals to more than 400 people, assisted gay-straight alliance groups in schools across the state, and organized a three-part legal education series for GLBT community audiences. Photo by Anne Hodson OutFront Minnesota provides legal referrals and assistance to the GLBT community. People from across the state came to OutFront Minnesota’s justFair Lobby Day to demonstrate for equality. The legal program also: • Provided consultations to community organizations, attorneys, service providers • Provided legal education to GLBT community audiences • Supported court challenges related to Medical Assistance funding for gender-reassignment services OutFront Minnesota provided community organizing statewide to ensure that the number of people active in the movement for GLBT equality increases each year. For instance, the small town of Fairmont had some GLBT and equal rights supporters living in it, but they were not organized. With the help of our community organizer, those in Fairmont now have their own GLBT group. Union leader Javier Morillo speaks at an Organizing Convention in advance of the 2006 elections, co-sponsored by O u t F r o n t Minnesota. The community organizing program traveled over 15,500 miles to more than 30 communities to conduct Community Action Trainings preparing over 1,000 citizens to fight the anti-marriage amendment to the state constitution. The community organizing program also attended all Prides throughout the state — 8 in all. OutFront Minnesota helped break new ground in the debate over marriage rights, engaging large numbers of faith communities in public discourse, and Photo by Anne Hodson co-sponsoring a People of Faith rally at the State Capitol. OutFront Minnesota also supported other organizations, for instance serving as a fiscal agent for SOY (Shades of Yellow, a Hmong gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender organization), as the group developed its own strength. OutFront Minnesota supported the Workplace Alliance, helping it build strength among GLBT employee resource groups. OutFront Minnesota hosted and updated the Alliance’s web pages and provided timely and informative news to members by hosting its listserve. OutFront Minnesota helped publicize and register participants for Workplace Alliance Power Breakfasts, engaging local members in the tax equity campaign for domestic partner benefits. OutFront Minnesota was also honored for its work, receiving the Headwaters Foundation’s Ally for Justice award. The award recognized OutFront Minnesota’s successes in leading the efforts to stop the anti-marriage amendment and for its two decades of commitment to GLBT rights. OutFront Minnesota’s Anti-Violence Program served 600 clients who’d experienced hate and bias crimes, sexual assault, harassment, and domestic violence including counseling and court advocacy. OutFront Minnesota trained over 1,000 advocates, service providers, and law enforcement to identify same-sex domestic violence and understand service barriers faced by GLBT people. The organization worked closely with the Minneapolis Police Community Relations Council, presented at two national conferences, and worked with other programs to address racial and sexual orientation disparities in services provided by police departments and services for homeless GLBT youth. People of Faith Rally, cosponsored by OutFront Minnesota. Rochester Pridefest goer fills out OutFront Minnesota postcard to send to lawmakers. “The rally in the rotunda we did jointly with OutFront Minnesota was a huge success. I and many others I’ve talked to feel that changed the tide around the marriage amendment in 2006. It gave a very clear voice that there are thousands of people of faith who support GLBT rights and marriage rights.” ~Rev. Laurie Crelly, Chair of Faith Family Fairness Alliance Photo by Sophia Hantzes ELECTIONS AND PAC The change in majority of the Minnesota legislature was one of the most significant political events of 2006 for the M I N N E S O TA gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community. After years of an anti-GLBT majority and the targeting of our community, supporters of GLBT rights finally saw their values reflected in the legislative majority. OUTFRONT ACTION By a strong margin, Minnesotans chose candidates to represent them who were much more likely to support GLBT rights. In addition, nine sponsors of the anti-marriage constitutional amendment were defeated. Human Rights official Tyrone Terill speaks at OutFront Minnesota's justFair Lobby Day. OutFront Minnesota Action, the nonpartisan political action committee affiliated with OutFront Minnesota, was proud to help this effort. The political action committee endorsed 74 candidates for state office and of those, 74% were elected, and 100% of the incumbents we endorsed won. Our efforts to campaign for and endorse candidates were based on their positions on GLBT rights, not party affiliation. In all, nearly 40,000 GLBT-rights supporters were engaged and mobilized thanks to the work of OutFront Minnesota Action in 2006. It’s just one of the ways that this political action committee served a high mission in this vital Election Year. This page, and all PAC-related activities, paid for by OutFront Minnesota Action. Citzens in Fargo Moorhead participate in an OutFront Minnesota Community Action Training. Photo by Sophia Hantzes OutFront Minnesota Action worked with several coalitions to turn out the progressive vote in Minnesota including pro-choice, environment, and union organizations. By working in progressive coalitions, mobilizing GLBT rights supporters to work to elect fair-minded elected officials, and by heading up a statewide get-out-the-vote campaign, many candidates endorsed by the PAC won their elections. OutFront Minensota Action also staffed an election center on Election Day to help bring voters to the polls. Working with communities of color at Soul Essence Pride celebration. Photo by Anne Hodson An estimated 5,000 people participated in OutFront Minnesota's justFair Lobby Day. DONORS $5,000+ Alan G Braun Anonymous $2,500- 4,999 Shayna Berkowitz and Phyllis Wiener Maggie S George and Rev Rebecca Voelkel Douglas R Heidenreich Paul B Tuchman and Thomas Evers $1,000 - 2,499 William G Atmore and James J McConnell Robert F Ball, III and Mark D Schuler Mark A Bisignani Pete Bissonette David A Bjork and Jeff Bengtson Gerriann Brower and Barbara J Mock Jeffrey C Dean, Esq Sally M Ehlers and Ann Adams Andrew J Gerst and Jon Tate Karol A Gilman and Jamie Hofberger Lucille Goodwyne and Richard A Lundy Lois Hall, MD and Anja Curiskis Thomas Harkcom, MD Arthur E Higinbotham and Joan Hildebrandt Higinbotham Rev. Stephanie J Hill and Margaret F Richardson Fabian S Hoffner Alice L Johnson and Amy Crawford Gregory L King and James M Bradeen Thomas L Knabel, MD and Kent Allin Lindsey R Kopp John A Larsen and Karen Larsen John E Larsen and Michael Stewart Gregg S Larson and Robert H Carlson, Jr Lynn A Moline and Rebecca M Norris Charles M Nolte and Terry Kilburn Susan J Okerstrom and Angelique Frederiksen Cheryl J Paullin and Dorothy J Coffey Milo Pinkerton and Virgil Taus Donn Poll and Eric S Nelson Judith E Reisman and Jane S Levin Hanan J Rosenstein, MD and Rich Alberta Eileen A Scallen and Marianne Norris John L Sullivan Byron A Thayer, I.S.O.B. Amy E Thompson and Jessica A Nauman Jack R Thompson and Jeffrey R Longenecker Elizabeth J Tisel and Sarah M Farley David M Waterbury and Ruth H Waterbury Edward J Zapp $750 - 999 Lois S Burnett and Elinor Ah-Li Monahan Christopher John Gores and Bryan R Vacinek Thomas A Grupa Helene Haapala and Connie Martin Philip R Johnson and Donald J Donahugh Lindsay J Kruh Kevin A Marvelli Eileen McAwley and Stacy Lynn O’Reilly Scott A Mulert and Jeff O’Hern Jeffrey J Turner Beth Lynn Zemsky and Jennifer Martin Harvey H Zuckman and Philip E Oxman $500 - 749 Ronald Linde, MD and Rob Ostrander William H Schlichting and Stephen Lenius Lane M Skalberg and Daniel Brennenstuhl Dwight Grotte, MD and Tom Wilson Thomas L Jirak and Helen Jirak DyShaun G Muhammad and Jeremy P Black Jeffrey Cookson and Steven Helmeke Ann Marie DeGroot and Rhonda Lundquist Joan Hildebrandt Higinbotham Karen A Williams John P Moore and Damon Nelson Jeff Hlavacek and Brian VanderWaal Jon D Carlat Scott K Cabalka Daniel E Hathaway, MD Deborah J Anderson and Lori B Lundell Beverly Balos and Mary Louise Fellows Lee A Biersdorf and Ellyn Hosch Terrell J Brown Sarah E Flynn and Helen M Boyne Brian J Gilligan and Steve Pospisil Jan B Holman Thomas H McNeill Kathy Ogle, MD and Valerie K Ulstad, MD Patrick J Prochaska, DDS and Scott Smith Soren A Ryberg, MD and Martin P McCann, III Carla J Smith and Chris Heeter Charlaine E Tolkien and Karen E Hawley, PhD Susan Van Pelt and Lee Walker Marcus R Waterbury and Jacqueline White Renae M Weber and Ruth Roberson Paul C Hogrefe and James M Sauder William R King Stephen J Bubul and Lee Lewis David Butorac Elliot B Eskin and Stephen A Carlson Kevin R Horne and Eric Gustin Valerie V Mondor and Beth Kerr Mark F Kinney Laurence D Montan, Jr Scott M Fearing and Todd C Gordon Gregory L Anderson Pamela A Endean and Colleen M Carey Victoria Evan and Rebecca Smith Dr. Petra A. Mertens and Susan Lester Christopher G Morley Donald S Ofstedal and Jerald R Lee Sally W Pillsbury Terese Marie Pritschet Lucy C Rogers and Lawrence V Grant Jeff I Ross and Tim Peterson Jeanne M Steil Ida Swearingen and Ellen Hawley Joni Thome $250 - 499 Edward S Alch and Patrick Pryor Janet C Anderson and Colleen M Mlecoch Sue Ann G Anderson Norma J Bakke Ann E Bancroft and Pam Arnold Cheryl A Barber and Veronica Karlinsky Barbara A Becker and Kathryn L Houston Peter Benner Bernice Berns Alfred A Bertke and Darlene F Bertke John P Billig and Eu Han Lee Bradley A Boogren Jason Bright and Alex Matusevitch Troy R Brinkman Scott T Brown William A Brown Monica J Bryand and Terresa A Rizzardi Steve V Buck and James Neagbour Steve Burns and Michael Lamon Charles H Burrill and Don W Taylor Keith M Byron John W Callahan and Mary Ann Callahan Peter A Carlson and Bradley J Betlach, Esq Carolyn E Carr and Jonathan S Sellman Barbara J Case and Sheri Lutz Beth Chaplin and Teri Shaughnessy Anna K Clark and Anne Carter Robert F Copeland and Greg Staler John Cowles, Jr and Sage Fuller Cowles Grant B Crenshaw Eugene P Danilenko Steven D Debner James L Denton Mark S Dietz and Tom Segal Chris J Dinderman Pat Dunlavy and Rebecca Patton Michael J Eaton and Paul VanCura James B Eckard Jeremy J Eckert Karla Ekdahl and Peter Hutchinson Jason R Fenske and Christoffer J Dordell Corrinne M Fiedler Stephen H Fischer and Mark Schultz Gerald T Flom Barbara L Forster and Larry Hendrickson Gayle Fuguitt and Thomas Veitch Michael P Garrett and Anthony Scornavacco Kent A Gebhard Michele A Gersich and John L Hartman Kristine Gjerde and Dale Gjerde Timothy J Gluszak and Rodney D Bacon Michael A Grouws Olafur Gudmundsson Katherine G Hadley and Cynthia J Fay John Hansen and Vince Whitted Stacey M Heins and Samuel D Heins Allan D Henden and Alan W Scott Joseph P Jarrard and Kenneth W Dailey Jared Jelinek Duane A Johnson Howard B Johnson and Katherine W Johnson Laura G Johnson and Elizabeth Baker Sally A Johnson and Kay E Kramer Molly Johnston William A Jones Russ King Hugh Klein and Judy Lebedoff Eric J Klis James J Kopp and Jim P Kober Jeremy F Kurtz and Mark J Makowski Ross M Kyllo and Richard B Adams Helen M LaFave and Nia Wronski Ann Leviton Gus Ljungkull David G Maier Nicholas J Manthey and Greg Skorich Kathleen M Marah and Robin Getman Don Masler T Todd Masman Lee Mauk and Russ Bursch Sandy McGahn Jill L Meyer and Louise Hotka Russell Meyers and Len F Minars Meadow Lee Muska Ross Allan Neely Sian Nelson Stephen Nelson Vincent R Netz Jane R Newman and Amy S Lange Andrea L Nixon and Paula A Lackie Debora L Nugent and Barbara R Shumsker Wendy Nunn Judith A Olsen Wallace E Peck and Catherine M Peck Angela M Pemrick Daniel Petrik Harry F Pihl, III and James J Rifino, Jr Ken Rafowitz and Dan Porter John H Rempfer and Frank Perone Michael Ryan and James Ryan Robert M Safford Mary Kay Sauter and Orville Sauter James D Schaub and Joel Nelson Eda L Schmidt Robin L Schribman and Lori Charney Thomas R Scott, MD Peter J Seeley Deborah A Serafini Andrew M Simons Marilyn Skurdahl and Deborah McCarl, M.D. Cindy Smith Lorna Smith and Diane Savino Teri M Solinger and Jann Martha Hillenbrand Ryan L Stroschein and Braden Jeunesse Jody L Swanson and Kevin Swanson Shane Swanson and Jeffery S Brockmann Michael Tenlen and David Zvanovec Jill A Thompson and Diana Kennedy Brian D Thorson and Dennis C Bless David P Tonseth David D Ulrich Jerilyn R Veldof and Anna Anderhagen James Walsh and Nichole Parkhouse-Walsh Elizabeth A Warner Robert Werner and Joseph T Nix Dobson West and Jane West Christopher R Westlund Mark A Westman and Christopher Duff Penny A Wheeler, MD and Margaret H Chutich Alexander M Whitney David K Whitney and Javier Joel Cisneros Amelious N Whyte, Jr David D Williams Gary L Williams and Jerry A Tapp Professor Anthony S Winer Maryann Wolters and Michael R Olson Don A Yager and Richard L Groger Laura F Young and Susan D Purdie Cory C Zanin and Tom Buchberger Louise Ziegler Eileen M Zurek $100-249 Anonymous Daniel L Boyer Dan Hanson and Keith Grennier Debra L Klein and Diana Ensign David Ruschke Gary D Bolt Ann M Cull Gary M Groth and Michael Hammerschmidt Nancy Heck and Kim Gustafson Lynn Marie Hill and Joel Kjome Patricia M Mingee and Deborah Engelhard Jessica Ware-Joncas and Stacie Ware-Joncas James M Wellman and Lori Wellman Theresa J Bernard Suzanne Born and Carol Cummins Jeff L Fournier and Charles Tiedeman George R Hamm and Michael O Fry M Lynne Schulz and Mary M Walser Daniel H Hawkins and Michael E Welter Larry J Brandts and Ed Snyder David Bucher and William Cooper Brian Forney Charlotte Frampton and Gene Frampton Faris Keeling and Bonnie Keeling Miriam L King Yvonne Morman and David D Morman Kathryn Robbins and Catherine Croghan David L Waldemar and Dana K Edstrom Mark B Godwin and Troy Brueggemeier Richard Schusterman Jennifer Kahn Connie Erin Kauppi and Bridget O’Brien Carla Moos and Pamela J Kadrlik Barry G Leavitt Christopher Nappa and Stephen Smith Robert D Allen Michelle E Beeman and Barbara Tretheway Linda K Buccelli Bonnie Burg, L.I.C.S.W. and Meg Graham Mary A Cowden and Ron Cowden A.K. Dayton and Laurie Hanson D Jane Eastwood and Carol Sharpe Sarah J Greene and Christopher S Greene Kenneth I Grina and Nellavon C Grina Glenn S Harman Carol A Iwata Kelly Karahalios Curt Larson and Mark A Fries Nicholas C Lauer and Michaela M Lauer Carol Meeter and Conee L Biggs Jon P Mikolajczak Gretchen Murr and Thomas Murr Marylou Owen Debra S Pleasants and Micheal E Pleasants Candy Roberts and Mary Salter Deborah Talen and Polly Talen Regina A Wagner and Christine M Ryan Jacqueline M White Beth M Bibus and Anne Ogborn Mindy J Nakamoto and Linnea Carlson Kathleen L Wulf and Marianne Christianson Loretta T Mallak and Patricia Nienow Mark LaChapelle and Scott Brush Leslie W Bendtsen Dan A Kunz and Pat Vetting Kevin Guy Miller and Robert Jardin Rebekah T Satre and Rebekah Pratt Lorna K Girard and Lonna J Beilke Wendy I Horowitz and Julian Bowers Kimberly Rowe Timothy M Goggin and Timothy Meyer Heather M McCarl and Mary McCarl Joseph P Plante and Eric Neumann John E Rittman and Thomas E Trisko Cheryl L Winch and Christine Hazel Ronald J Traxinger Michelle D Boyum-Breen and Trenda Boyum-Breen Mark P Heymans and Donn C Burleigh Abby Switkin and Sarah Corris Heather Devlin and A Lauren Crain Linville L Doan Toni A. H. McNaron Michael H Robins Cynthia Scott John O Whalen Clair M Wood Brad Baso Mary J Grant and Guy Grant Tim Herbstrith Deirdre J Rosenfeld Heidi Schreiber L Murray Thomas and Stephen Davis Kristine L Brelje Stephanie A Hallisy and Vickie L Hallisy Beth A Hawkins and Linda L Zeien Nancy A Hite Roger K Johnson and Barbara Johnson Jean K Quam and Bonnie Dudovitz Kim Hill Smith and Carol Wise Ronald C Wilson and Arthur R Stoeberl Daniel B Greene and James Scott Steve K Milbrandt Rex Beyer and Nick Meyer N Jeanne Burns and Elizabeth Oppenheimer Lauren C Culbert and Sharleen G Stueland MJ Gilbert and Heller Sue Landecker Kris S. Holm and David Louwagie Neal R Holtan and Stephen Dent Marc Roth and Ann Kaner-Roth Jeffrey P Sartain and Mark Sedio Thomas A Thorson Janine Lynn Vesper and Kendra M Curry David A Wood and Brian J Mulhern Theresa J Herman and Donna Hillebrand Roberta Baker and Sheryl Joy Dr Margaret C Charmoli Ryan B Connolly Steven M Gallagher Joyce R Sharer David C Heide and Michael Crull Paul E Kaminski and Rich Bonnin Rev Charles W Larsen Taina Maki and Lee Nelson Duane L Olson and Jeff Stark Greg Rogers and White Ash Keith J Thompson and Mary Thompson Stephen Tolan Reggie Wendorf Donald P Untiedt and James M McKee Gregory P LaBelle and John Moors Virginia C Larsen Sharon Baker Collin M Conroy and Gary Reetz David L Elert Mark D French and Kip Hardina Matt A Grimms Kimberly L Johnson Jayne Kainulainen Barbara K Maple Debra A McDonald and Traci E Bergo Philip Park and Paul T. Sakry Steven J Pearthree and Randy Rowoldt Janet M Schmitt Sherman Erik Steen Sean Sweeney and Jay Olson Thomas W Schierholz Anne Dixon and Keith Dixon Marlys Fiterman John E Martinson and Frances Martinson Paula Merrigan and Martha Mockus Polly A Philblad and Kathleen Driscoll James Quenzer Otto J Reitz and Laverne Reitz Jana Lynn Shortal Katherine C Meerse and David Woodard Susan J Albrecht and Nancy S Desmond Linda J Alter and Lisa Capell Daniel S Anderson James J Anderson and Ron Urness Tal S Anderson James B Assali and Michael Mauch Anita L Bellant Craig R Berdan and Mark R Storck Thomas J Blackmar and Dave Conkey Allen J Borcherding Ronald E Brunk and Charles W Parker John J Buck Richard C Burbach Prof. Donna M Byrne Beverly Calmenson and Calvin Calmenson Robert W Carlson Joel R Charlson Rick S Christensen and Jim S Mueller Dennis Vernon Christian and Theo Park Robert D Cohrs and Chadd Dunn Betty Conklin and Dale Conklin Patrick W Costigan Dennis Crumb Richard A Demers and Lois A Demers Anna Dennis and Karen Wiebe Arlan P Dohrenburg Christopher Harold Dolan and Ryan Spaeth David Fey and Michael Putman Beth Forest and Diane Forest Christopher R Gaffer and Julie Gaffer Steven M Garrigan and Jeff Goodson Rick Geissler and Steven Throndson Thomas John Glaser and Gregory Scott Leder Cheryl Grady and Celeste Culberth Judith A Halbert Dr Daniel K Hall-Flavin and Jefrey R Hall-Flavin John D Hanson Prof. Phebe Haugen Lisa M Heldke and Margaret R O’Connor James F Helget Julie M Hendrickson and Nancy Carolyn Michael Elizabeth A. Hentges and C McAuley Hentges Darin Howard and Ron Caplinger Steve Humerickhouse and Terry Sullivan Gary K Jacobson Lorrie J Janatopoulos and Sharon Chadwick Walt A Johnson Lanniray T Jordan Mary E Jordan and Jeanne Witzig Joshua M Kaplan and Scott Coleman Mary L Kelly and Pamela R Murray Louise H Keppel and William J Keppel Kristen Koeppen and Maddy Zanardo Linda J Lee and James A Lee Loretto G Lippert and Jane E Leonard Bruce Manning Doreen Matteson and Michele R Rinne Christopher Matthews Rebecca L McKenna and Jane E Ellis Janella J Miller and Meg Sandifer Jay C Miller Scott B Morgan and John B Kerr Lois E Naegele and Ross B Naegele Nick J Naumann and Joe Chadwick Don B Portwood and Barbara L Portwood Leroy F Pulles Julie Y Ralston Aoki and Stan T Sherwood Jacque H Reidelberger Laura Smidzik and Linda Smidzik Therese Sonnek and Diana Sonnek Jeanette M Thomas and Larissa Nelson Roxanne Thomas Kate M Urquhart and Barb Yau Hal Walberg and Sandra Walberg Nancy E Walsh and Jeanne A Haapala Kathleen L Whatley and Peter Whatley Lisa B Wilde Daniel J Wolter Ronald Paulson Kathy Moore Byron Baune and Richard G Montgomery Scott W Bilodeau and Richard Carper Rev Anita L Bradshaw and Sherrie Stockton Ruth H Crane and Doug Crane Bette DeMars and John DeMars Beth A Feckter and Lorraine Colford Jessica Flatequal and Maria R Bevacqua Larry P Fonnest and James H Nepp Robert Garfinkle and S Koch Amy Gavel Nancy Jo Gossard and Susan J Hoffman Jeni Henry Gene Janssen and Robert Garvey Roger L Kahler Laurence A Kivens, Psy.D., L.P. Edwin Martin and Katherine W Martin James D Miller and Tony Anastasia Greg Moser Isolde E Mueller and Rebecca Raham Laura J Nelson and Heidi J Kinzler John Norman Chaplain Theresa Pick and John P Pick D’Anne Prior and Merle DeNuccio Randi Ann Reitan and Philip R Reitan Pauline J Rike Creg Schumann and Joel Dickinson Matt J Seering and Mark Keerbs Samantha Thomas Aaron M Tidball Patricia Sullivan Vanni and Pete Vanni Lori A Vossler Yang and Alan Yang Pam Werb and William R Werb Darlene M White and Thomas F White Mel Holm and Mitch Marks Marcia L Avner Betsy Petersen and Sam A McClure Tony Van Hoof and Jeremy Bue David T Anderson Melinda J Horn Richard D Pearson Jeffery A Rozenberg Teresa M Wahlroos and Leigh Wahlroos John Cegielski Mary T Howard Jeffrey L Strand and Kim W Jeppesen Robert A Aderhold Floyd R Anderson Doris Barry and George Barry Arba-Della Beck Jamie Binder Michael Bisping and Ty J Tonander Allen L Blaich Adam Neil Bock Jonathan E Booth and Martin Burkel Eve Borenstein and Candace J Falk Nicholai P Braaten and Jason Kudrna Richard Breen Matthew P Bribitzer-Stull and Jason Bribitzer-Stull Jerry A Burg Merle Busic and David Bruns Jamie Buss and Ruby J Steigerwald Randy J Bye and Jeffrey G Myers Jody Bystrom Mike D Cassidy Teresa P Chegwidden and Nathan Casto Julia E Classen and Judy Remington James P Collins Catherine L Coon Nancy Cosgriff Marc A Curie James (Bill) W. Curtis Christopher T Davis and Greg Marita Vanessa Dayton and David Dayton Tom M DeGree and Dean Schlaak Eve Deikel John Duran Randy Durbin and Paul Hiebel Lake Dziengel and Karen Lundgren Susan K Ebbers Jason Etten and Jessica Etten Meg Forney and Jon Fagerson Jerry R Foss and Howard Dixon Peter W Freund Teri Frost-Tibben and Kristen E Frost-Tibben Judith Gavin Mark R Gehrman Barb Geisman Rick D. Glasscock Rev. G. Dean Goebel Monte Gomke Joel Graf and Michael Maurer Marcia Greenfield and Leon Greenfield Jason Gritti Daniel P Guida and Sandra L Guida Kathleen Hagen and Chernah Coblentz Carolyn G Halliday, MA Laurel Haycock and Lynda Cramer James L Hunter and Shane Hunter Robert L Johnson and Jon Monda Norman G Jones and Robert H Gotwalt Dona Jordan Rev. Nancy A Kauppi and David Kauppi J Evan Kelley and Robert Winters Kit Ketchum and Ginny McCarthy Susan E Kimberly Daniel T Knutson Robert Kramer Stephen Dann Lander and Ben Dann Lander James M Larson Charles K Linderkamp Jennifer Lindquist Barb J Loida and Kristin Snow Jean Lovett and Diane Dobitz Jan K Malcolm and Kris Carlton Bernadette Masur Karen Ann McConkey and H James McConkey Mary M. McDougall and Colleen Watson Joyce Mellstrom and Betsy Husting Dirk Meuleners Marilyn Meyer and Patricia McLean Douglas J Muirhead and Faye Knowles Shirley Mundy and Jennifer Jordan Lisa Nadeau and Mary Novak Brian J Neil Brad C Nelson Neil R Nelson and Linda Nelson Stacy Noyes and Sheila Duddy Jon Odell William T O’Dowd, PhD and George D Zilligen Lynne S Ogawa and Laura Flockencier LaNelle Olsen C Ann Olson Tom Parkhill and Tom Reid James A Payne Betsy Peregoy and Janice Hunton Curt N Peterson and Mike Skarp Gayle Peterson Lois E Podoll and Kathy Swan Jeannette Polkinghorne and Jamie Saeland Vicki J Reece and Pat Wagner Pastor Judy Reitz and David A Reitz Mary Richardson Carla A Rigato and Cynthia Waight Stephen Sagner Ken Sakurai H.W. Schafer Louis R Schafer and Bruce Reeves Tim K Schultz and Peter O’Toole Laura J Secord Jackie Shapiro Noreen Shaughnessy and Terry Shaughnessy Timothy L Short John G Skogmo and Tom Morin Jake Smith Sylvia Stengle George Stevens and Janet Stevens Bob Thomas and Carol Thomas Thomas Thul Claire M Todd Frank Tomasiewicz Julie Toth John R Warnert Mary Lou Werner Judy M Will and Burton C Will Kathryn Williams Valerie J Wolff and Carole Evenchik John R Yoakam, Ph D and Gary Gimmestad Jerry H Ziertman and David C Kistle $1-99 Stephanie K Abel Daniel V Abrahamson and Karen Abrahamson Fred L Aden and Hal Chader Erik Michael Adolphson Julius Agers Jamie Ahrens and Stormy Church Cynthia A Aigner and Susan M Winslow Jeffrey A Albrecht Lisa D Albrecht and Patricia Rouse Adrian Alcantara Heather J Alderink Michelle A Aldrich and Kathryn Daniels John T Alexander Kate Alexander Kim Alexander Joseph Alfano David K Allen and Scott Coenen Gregory E Allen Kay Allen Matthew B Allen Kathleen Alme Jacqueline Alvarez and Sharon Stevenson Craig F Amundsen Commissioner Anne M Amundson H Andrew Andersen Brian Edward Anderson and J. Manuel Ramales-Quiroz Dale Gregory Anderson and Ken Sakurai Daniel Anderson Edward Anderson Eric Anderson Rev. Glenn M Anderson and Audrey V Anderson Greg Anderson Kenn Anderson and Johnny L Hedgepeth M.J. Anderson Rachel M Anderson and Kimberly J Brown Richard L Anderson Robert K Anderson and John Schmidt Roger Anderson Sarah E Anderson Sharon G Anderson and Lauren C Siegel Tim Anderson and Chad Hong Margaret Anderson Kelliher Elizabeth L Andres Elizabeth M Andress Dean A Andrew Elizabeth J Andrews Bufford A Ang Charles H Angelo and Randy Fritz Linda Appelholm and Robert A Appleholm Maria Orleny Arboleda and Migdalia LoyolaMelendez Lawrence Archbold David B Armbruster Nancy Arneson Richard B Aronson Carol K Arthur and Alan Arthur Teresa Askew and Ann Garvey Stan Atkinson Mary Lou Aurell and Patty Jo Erven Angela J Ause Bruce H Ause and Kathy R Ause Earl A Austin Erin Azer Gary Baardsgaard Tracy Backer Eldona Bacon and Theresa Bacon Mary L Bahneman and Laura Migliorino Tyler A Bahr Donald E Baker and Geoffrey T Gunning Magel L Baker and Cassie L Roberts Sara Balick and Heather Kidd Michael Ball Mohammed Bamyeh Dawn Barfnecht Christopher Bargeron and Jay Schuler Craig Barrett Robert L Bartels Ehryn J Barthelme Edward Bartholic and Andrey G Zenovich Carolyn A Bartoo Kim Baso Joyce K Battcher-Malchow and Douglas Malchow Chad Bauer Marion D Bauer and Ann Goddard Patricia A Bauer and David P Geister Karen L Bauman and Lori Bauman Ward J Bauman Bradley A Beahen Jay Bechtle and Chee Chong Diana Beck Matthew R Beck Arlin Becker Candice BeckhamChasnoff and Sarra Beckham-Chasnoff John R Beckwith Mark T Beedy Tim D Beekmann and Patrick Durkin Wendy Beemer Gail Behrens-McArdle and Myk Beherns-McArdle Beau C Belcher and Tom Welch Barbara K Belew Joann S Bell and Carol Langer Emily L Beltz Mark Bemis Kate W Bender Jane Bennett Mary Anne Bennett and Donald Bennett Ramona I Bennett and Renee Polk Mindy S Benowitz and Rachel Lipkin Arthur Carl Benson Kelley E Benyo and Carrie Michurski Matthew Berg and Jungeun Berg Dianne Berg Messerole and Suzy Berg Messerole Mark Bergaas Jennifer Bergeson Lisa Bergin and Elizabeth Wheeler Mary F Bergland and Kristina M Fahnestock Amy L Bergquist Teresa Bergwall Andrew Bertke and Joseph Agee Anthony A Bibus, III and Kathy Bibus Cheryl A Biegler Leslie Binder Jessica M Binkley and Donna M Andrews Michael Black and Steve Norquist Candy Blake and Rich Howard Michael Blanch and David Wehde Steven J Blanchard and Jerry Kelly Amy Blanchette Seth R Blanton, Jr and Kurt Hagen Melissa M Blethen and Lori Weeks Kristy Blue Sarah J Blum Thomas J Blunt and Thomas L Thress Sarah C Bober Charles Boe and Ken Kausalik Michael K Boe and Steve Asche Susan B Boen and Cathy Perkins Iver Bogen Laura Boisen John Boler and Verne Ediger Brian H Bollingberg Kayleen E Bonczek Dean Borghorst Aleta A Borrud, MD and James Y Findlay Kari Bostrom Tom Bostyancic Jane N. Bowman Robert F Boyce and Thomas Cytron-Hysom Joseph R Boyle Julie Brabender Brad L Bradshaw and Matthew Jenson Michael C Brady and Edsel Mikkola Laurie E Branch-Gehl Carl Brandt Robert J Brandt Steven G Brandt and Lee H Jordan Pam S Branham and Judy Juhnke James P Braucher Emilie Braunel Matthew P Braunwarth Anne L Breckbill and Jane Ramseyer Miller Michael R Bredenkamp Peg Brenden and Deb Wilson Heather A Brennan and Nancy E Anderson John M Brentnall Kathryn Brewer Jeremy Brezovan and Edward Gonda Anita Broccolino Mark S Brock Michael Brogan Lance Brolin Katherine E Bronner and Mary P Henderson David Brookbank Alison Brown Amy Brown Chad A Brown and Charlie Botzenmayer Ivan Brown Kathi Brown Kristen M Brown and Kris Schaefer La Tesha S Brown Amy K Brugh and Michael Nicholls Andrew D Brunetta Erica M Brunik and Elizabeth A Hughes Elizabeth L Brunsvold Kevin Brusven Amy Brynolfson Thomas E Buchner Dale W Bucholdt Janice G Buck Carol Bulchuck Edmund F Burg Thomas A Burger and Mark Iezek Robert J Burgett Daniel J Burkart Ardys Burley Georgann Burns Kathleen A Burns Gary L Burseth Bernard E Busch Deb J Bushway and Deborah A Kotcher Sharon E Byers Jane F Byrne and Barbara J Price Carol P Byrnes Scott D Cady Bill Caldwell and Steven Potts Cynthia Callanan Adam D Campbell Ronald G Campbell Brandi Canter and Gabi Wirz Jeff Cantu and Jeff Nordstrom Janelle M Carle Anders L Carlson and Chris Jozwiak Candace L Carlson and Tom M Carlson Dwight M Carlson Gregory Carlson and Francois Coetzee Maureen L Carlson Roger A Carlson and Lois L Carlson Thomas R Carlson Alan B Carpenter and Scott McKenzie Thomas P Carrillo and John W Welsh Lorraine A Carroll and James D Carroll James Cassidy Marie Cassler and Rodney Cassler Brent Caven and Tony Hoffman Christopher Chan Sofia M Chavier and Alix Miller Keith A Cheetham Professor Mark Chekola Angela P Chen and Jamie Wilkie Michael S. Chinn David T Chollar and Tony L Schneider Arlett Christensen Janey K Christensen and Mark Christensen Jean Christensen and Kit Christensen Joan Christensen John A Christiansen James J Cihlar and William Reichard Chris Cinque Jamison Citron Barbara Clark Christopher M Clark and Doug Rank Heather Clark Susan L Clarke Todd Clasen Daniel B Clausen and Karl J McKiver Barbara M Clayton and Donald G. Crain Molly Clemen Thomas N Clough Norma R Clubb Linda B Coffin Linda Colburn Gregory Morgan Cole and John H Greenham Rosalie Cole Jen Coleson and Nate Voss Joe Comby and Dan Wozney Connie C Comford and Joanne M Pedersen Janet M Conn and Michael Debelak Don C Conner and Patricia A Conner Abby Conover Melissa B Conway and Michele L Boyer Abigail S. Cook Susan Corbin Nan D Corliss and Glenn Corliss Jeanne O Cornish and David Cornish Sarah C Corvin and Dan Larkin Corvin Joseph Coughlin Claude L Council, Ph D and Dustin Peterson David John Court William R Cowden and Kevin J Rutkowski Travis J Cowell Shannon Craigo-Snell Jane Crain and Lawrence C Crain Lauren Crain Nancy L Cramblit and Dennis F Cramblit Barbara Anne Crapson Rev Laurie E Crelly and Denise Chan Lyn Crosby Chris Cummings Michael D Cummins Deb Cundy and Susan Denk Mary Curry and Kevin Curry Mimi V Curtin and Donald P Curtin Jill C Cyann John J Czyscon Marilyne Dahl Brian J Dahlvig and Brian Woods Loretta Dakin Nancy Daly Roger Dalziel and Mike Erie Tyler Damico Rev. John Darlington and Julie Andrews Darlington Suzanne M Darnell Mercy Das-Sulc Gregg Daubert and Robert Williams Barbara C Daughter and Robin R Stouder Wesley E Davey Gregory L Davidson Barbara A Davis and Bridget J Fritz Dan Davis and Ed Simpson Jennifer J Davis Dawn Dawson Mae De La Rosa Susan De Vries Cindy Dean and Lydia Wyatt Judith E Dehler Mary K Delvo and Raynelle Delvo Rachel A Dennis John E Derus Matthew V Desing and Vanesa Arozamena Denise DeVaan and Elizabeth C Bohun Carrie J Devall Michelle V Dibblee and Michele Morgan Jane S Dickerson and Todd Dickerson Arthur Dickson and Julie Dahl Tammy Dieterich Marilyn K Dietrich and Tom White Ann C Dillon, Dr Sara M Dion Arlo Dissette and Stephen Harzog Paul Dixon David J Dobmeyer Katherine T Dodge and Steve Downing Michael Dodson Mary C Doerr Adam Domian Mary Donnay Thomas A Dooher and Denise Dooher David W Dorava and Javier Buenfil Azpiri Judith A Dorn Richard Doyle Dallas S Drake and Joseph E Shulka James Dryden Jackie K Dubbe-Ohana and Carol E Jillian-Ohana Edward J DuBois and Tom Heie Bob Duerr Janiece Duffy Adam E Duininck Karen E Duke and Desiree M Kempcke Catherine Dunaway and Jennifer Wisnom Sarah N Duncan Shawn P Dunn Alan M Dupre Philip A Duran Michael F Durchslag and Carrie Bakken RonDurette Mallika Dutta Pamela D Dyer-Bennet Nicholas Ebersirch Timothy S Eckery and Taften Collbaugh Ivars Edens and David Hanson Kimberly D Edson and Angie Joyce Cassidy Edstrom J Michele Edwards Amy M Egenberger Greg D Eggenberg Cynthia Egli Joanne M Ehren-Dalhquist Robert J Einweck and Rod Coyour Eric Eischens Jennie Eisert Rev Paul A Eknes-Tucker and William EknesTucker, Jr. Stephen Eland Andrew Elfenbein and John Watkins Keith Ellison Kathleen S Emro and Timothy Ross Bruce J Engebretson and Philip J Parker John England James M Erickson Krista M Erickson Sarah J Erickson Jeffrey Paul Ertl Susan L Estill and Scott Culler Davin Euken Brian J Evans and Robert T Allen Richard E Evans Richard A Fahel and Jeffrey A Haug Laura Lynn Fairweather and Lorelee Mae Bergmark Rita M Falkowski Melissa Falldin Marilyn Farinella Hugo Federhart and Elaine Federhart Jane Fee Davey C Feela Kristina A Felbeck and David A Heitke Lynda Felver Gloria Ferguson and Buddy Ferguson Heather C Ferguson and Annika M Fjelstad William Feser Lori J Fewer and Patricia A Lee Joseph R Fickle Steve J Field Stephen M Figlmiller and Lazaro Hernandez Amy Finch and Noel Raymond Rebecca L Fink David Finke Tom Finkel Patty A Finnemore and Terry Boelter Bonnie E Fisher Bruce Fisher Deb I Fisher Beverly N Fitzgerald Kyle Fitzwater and Steven Rosnow Shannon M Fletcher Jennifer L Flo Rachel Flynn Thomas A Fokken Gerald W Foley James Foltz Tomo S Foote-Lennox Sherman G Ford Judy C Foster and Sue Becker Robert Frame Bruce Franck Lucinda Frantz and Lora Grgich William C H Frase Alan J Fredrickson Susan K Freeman Thomas S Freeman Scott M Freundschuh Richard J Frisch and Robert M Wallace Rev. Bradley A Froslee and Bill O’Connor Karyl Frye and Marilee A Anderson Joe Fryer David Fuerst Stephen Fuller and Ozzie Mayers Brent Fuqua Sandra Fynboh Greta Gaard and Barry Greenwald Mary Gaasch and Matthew John Koncar Kelli Gaborsky Amy Gabriel and Dawn Gelle Scott A Gallus Jim P Galvin Brian Ganje Lisa Ganser Douglas Gardner Frieda Gardner and Susan W Oppenheim Abigail Garner Deborah Garrido Karen J Garvin and F Jan Brundige Rex W Gaskill Sieglinde Gassman Margaret M Gast Kerry Gauthier Vicki D Gaylord Marcia J Gemperle and Edwin M Gemperle Tom Gerhard Darryl E Germain Bradley P Gess Katy Ghiasi Allen H Gibas Donald B Gibson Christina Giese and Erica Miller Mark D Gilbert Virginia R Gilderhus Becca Gilen and Juanna Kohler Glennie J Gilleen Beth Gillis Sarah Gillmore J Fred Gilman Dorothy M Gjerdrum and Linda Cobb Bruce Q Gjovig Katherine Linda Glessing Elizabeth A Glidden Shawn Glidden and Ellen Keane Megan Gluth Eric W Goad Nancy J Goblisch Valerie Godet Charles Goenner Alan J Goetz Jacqueline A Gohdes and Dorothy J Eide Harold S Gold Joe Goldman Janice Goldstein and Jules Goldstein Milton Goldstein and Rosalie Goldstein Leah J Goldstein-Moses and Doug Moses Michael Goleski John Gonsiorek and James Jane Goodnight Damion J Goodrich Bryan Gordon Patricia Graham and Doris M Ikier Reginald Graupmann Myra S Greenberg and Lionel Greenberg George F Greene and Lisa M Greene Jonathan W Greene and Patrick Murphy Max Gries and Tyler van Vierzen Chris Griffith Gregory N Grinley and Raymond D Terrill Kathryn A Groninga James C Groskopf Kirk Gryder Barbara R Gudmundson Sue C Guesnard and Debra J Broad Valerie Gustafson Carolyn Guy, Esq. Terry Gydesen Sherry R Haaf and Betty Edwards Amy E Haas and Jodie Johnson Jeffrey A Haas Vickie Habermann and Jeff Habermann Heather W Hackman Michael Hagedorn and Jane Hagedorn Vernon Hagel Donna Hagert Kevin T Hahn Robert W Halfhill Frieda R Hall and T Scott Hall Kurt Hall and Jim Larson Roxxy Hall and Jennifer Evans-Hall Timothy P Hall James D Halloran Jerome P. Halloran and Lois A. Halloran Joyce M Halstrom Nicole Halvorson Nora Nell Hamburge Dean Hamilton Holly L Hamilton, DVM George H Hamm and Joan C Hamm Michael Hammond Laurie Hamre Jonathan M Hanft Anne Hansen Kathleen L Hansen and Leland D Hansen Mary Sue Hansen Timothy C Hansen and Kevin Reardon Becky Hanson Harvey H Hanson Mary A Harder and Lois McBroom Bryan E Hardy Cathy Hare and Janice Knieff Marian C Hargis and Ellen St. John Fred E. Harms and Mary Harms Janis Harrington Sue Harrington and Terry Miller David J Harris Whitney Harris Marcie Hartmann John Haselman Sarah Hassell Joan E Hastings Dennis K Hauck Andrew Hauer Nancy Hauer and Joyce Ulmer Paula J Haugle Connie Hauswirth Kim W Havey and Cesar Merino Tom Hayden and Jay Peterson Judith A Heckenliable Carter Hedberg Daniel E Hedges Jeanne Heer James A Heffernan Pamela Heggie and Nancy Newman Lyle Heikes Jeremy Heimer Don Helland and Joe Smagacz Brenda Helt Texas Hemmaplardh Paula Hemming Colin R Hempstead Susan K Henderson and Richard Cottle Dan S Hendrickson Heidi Jay Hennen Chrissy Henning Susan E Herlofson Jory M Herman and Per Chomdokmai Emberly Hermann Henry J Herrmann, Esq and Jerry Kolbinger Frederick Hey Nils Heymann Jennifer Hickman Suzanne Hickman J Hicks Pamela A Hightower Rev. Anita C Hill and Janelle M Bussert Paul O Hill and Thomas Powell Megan Hinman Ted Hinnenkamp and Mary Hinnenkamp Lin M Hipp and Collette D Theriault Michael Hnida Thomas W Hoban and Mary K Hoban John P Hoch and Deborah J Hoch Anne E Hodson and Rachel Syverson Brett W Hoem and Daniel Peterson Debra A Hoffman and Richard P Hoffman Bill Hoffmann John S Hokanson and Mable Hokanson Kathleen Hollinger Michael Hollmen Suzanne L Holtz and Diane Ferreira Andrew J Honsey and Lance P Hoffman Alan E Hooker and Jeremy Aufderheide Steven Hope Michael Horn Rosalene O Horner and Wayne Carlson Randy Hornstine Susan A Horovitz Shannon K Horton Breanna Howard Douglas Howard Gretchen Howarth Brad Huard and Terence Huard Dan R Hudson Gary A Hudson Nathan J Huerkamp and Kimberly S Therres Nicole E Hughes and Adam Hughes Kathleen E Hull and Kathryn Hansen Karyn J Hummer and Kathryn A Grande Paul Hunnel Elizabeth Hunter Melissa Hunter Paul Hussa Lynne C Hvidsten and Cindy H Amberger Stacy C Hydinger and Maria C Crownhart Doris M Ikier James R Ingman and Mary Sue Ingman Gary Istad Michelle Jackelen JanBert Jacobse Jana Jacobson Jason Jacobson Aaron J Jakl Eric James Joshua Lazarus James Katrina James Allison M Janecky and Tanya Mueller Lee A Janisch Carla D Januska Eric C Jensen Karol L Jensen and Karen L Anderson Tyler R Jensen Ian Jentz Christina C Jerkins Meghan M Jermeland and Garett A Jermeland Julia C Johnsen Anne Johnson Barbara J Johnson and Richard Andre Bob Johnson and Dan Johnson Carly J Johnson Carol Johnson Craig R Johnson David W. Johnson and Rene Bustamante Diane K Johnson and Margaret Kellogg Dolores L Johnson and Sandra L Steelman Elaine Johnson James P Johnson, Jr Jamie Johnson Jo Ann Johnson and D David Lenander Katrina W Johnson and Anita Wheeler Marvin L Johnson Michelle F Johnson Pam Johnson and Bill Amberg Sandra B C Johnson Dan S Johnson-Powers Donald Johnstone Ronald E Joki and Jay Harvey Pearson Michael Jonak Cynthia Jones and Janice Klausing Linda Jones and Victoria Van Slyke Robert F Jones, III Charles Jordan and Joseph A Larson Diane M Jorgensen and Joanne Rhiger Jen E Joseph and Deb M LeAir Marmie Jotter and James A Jotter Brian Joyce Bonnie Jude Judy Jungwirth Rita M Juran Mera Kachgal Ken J Kaffine Cynthia J Kaiser and Cathy Fejes Denise M Kaiser and Mark Allen Jeff P Kalk and Josh Waterman Sidney Kaplan and Joy Kaplan J John Karason, Jr. and David B Wattman Zoe Kardasis Matthew J Karl Trisha A Kasen and Andy Kasen Stacey Kaye and Steven Kaye Tim Kehr Adam G Keim and Brian Mangin Anne E Keirstead and Meredith Aby Wendy K Kellett John F Kelly Sarah K Kempf Beth Kendall and Molly Mortensen John J Kennedy Betsy J Kerr and Roberta L Steele Tim A Kersten Marge R Keyes Joseph Kieffer Laurie L Kilfoy and Cara Mia Antonello Ann M Kilgore and Jon A Kilgore Rick Killian Yoo-suk Kim Sharon L Kimble Sloan R King, PhD LP and Mary Hay Clark L Kinser Mary Jo Kinsky and Timothy R Kinsky Marguerite Kirchhoff and Andrew Kirchhoff Tonia Kittelson James M Klahr Rick Klehr Brian D Klein Teri Kline Steve Kloek Sheldon G Klugman Karen A Knab Julie Knezevich and Janeen Johnson Sharon Knezevich Jan L Knieff and Catherine J Hare John Knochel Richard Knochel and Karen Knochel Amy Knox and Mark Edstrom Edward J Knutson and Chad P Knutson Greg Kobylinski and John Jeffers William Koch and Paul Lennander Daniel R Kocon and Bryan Berndt Carol Koepp Joshua N Koestenbaum Owen F Konecnik W F Owen Konecnik and Michael D Johnson Jeffrey L Kopseng Nancy Kosciolek and Rod Nordin Lori A Koshork and Therese Buchmiller Sidney Kossowsky Jason Kovach Gary Kowalke and Scott Nelson Brian R Kraft and Kevin Curtis Joyce Krech and Jennifer Jeannette Scott R Kreft Randall Kroc Mary Jean Kroll Rachel Kronick Douglas P Krueger Al Kruger Ronald A Kubik Janet Kummala and Al Kummala Charles Kundschier and Mary Ellen Kundschier Norman R Kunselman Prof. Christina L Kunz and Hassan M Saffouri Mitch Kusy and Scott Vrchota Andrew J Kuula and Ron C Haselius Margaret LaBore and Myrna L. Tautant Lee A Lack Jeff D Lacy Dianne Lair and Douglas D Williams Lori L Lake and Diane Thompson Jill Lakhan Michael A Lambert and C Scott Cooper Alexandria F Lammers Sally L Lammi Michael J Lamprecht and Robin Anderson Paul Landskroener and Marybeth Neal Maury S Landsman and Julie G Landsman Kim Lane and Linda Metzger Robert J Langer Jim Langworthy David Lanier Ellen Lansky Erik Larson Justin Larson Leah D Larson Mert Lassonde and Pat Lassonde Robert Laughlin and Jeffrey Inglese Tracy R LaVere and Karen L Ryan Marie LaVictoire Matthew LaVoie Kurt D Lawrason Ross E Lawrence and Robert Thompson Jim Lawser and Duane Bandel Valerie Lawson Margaret E LeDuc Alexander J Lee Eric R Lee Kathryn E Lee and S April Conlee Kathy A Lee Larry L Lee Peter J Lee and Marc W Blakesley Christine Lehmann Randy Lehmann and John Libra Olive V Leikvold Eric M Lein and Laurel H Stein Greg Lemke and Mark Youngblood Michael R Lemmer and Dan Saunders James M Lenahan Aaron David Less Jennifer S Levenhagen Kent D Levine and George R Jones Sandra B Levine Steven D Levy Anne Lewandowski Greg Lewis and Will Sharp Jack R Lewis Marjorie C Lewis and Robert Lewis Monica Lewis and Doug Weatherhead Teresa M Lewis and Bonita Dahlhauser Donald Lewsi Howard Lieberman and Pat Moore Tina Liebling Patrick D Liestman Lisa Lindesmith and Toni Pangborn Jon G Lindgren and Elaine Lindgren Katy Lindquist Linda R Lindsay and Larry Lindsay Daniel Lintin and Mikel Hampel Susan L Littrell Donald Livingston John S Livingston and Dean Smith Patrick E Lochwood and Tom L Saga Rebecca A Loeding Diane Loeffler Stacie L Loegering and Elizabeth Holen Jennifer M Loewenthal Mark D Lofstrom Nick Logsdon Kaarin Long Juan M Lopez Sarah Ruth Lorenz Thomas J Lorenzo Samir Lother Jeff Lotz Lori M Loughney Dennis A Louie Becky Lourey and Gene Lourey Kevin Lovejoy and Milt Sherburne Philip C Lowe, Jr Ann Lowry and Karen Poortvliet Candace L Lund and Jenny Skorupa Curt Lund Stanley Lundberg Rosemary Lundell and Barbara Stevens Lee Lundin Catherine Lundoff and Jana Pullman Susannah Lupert Bill Lyons James O Lysne Amy Lytton and Brigid Riley Sarah MacDougall Katherine BK Macke and John W Macke Julie Madden Richard Madigan Diane Madison and Leslie Madison Jill S Madsen and Katie Fox Brooke J Magid Hart and Sean J. Hart Dr Dada Maglajlic Suze J Magoon Kristin Maier and Sarah Maier Cheryl Mairs A Carl Maki Kim A Makie Jeanie Mallberg Brent Malley and Greg Leatherman John Maloney and Stephen Carlson Kelly Maloney and Deanna M Cadreau Joseph M Manion Randolph W Mann and Yasuji Horita Tim Marburger Greg Mardis Marc A Markell and Edward Breun Marcia Marks Mary Winston Marrow and Jane Green Richard K Marsden Jo Marsicano Michelle Martin Michael Martinez Jeffrey C Masco Christopher D Mashuda David F Masur Matthew Masur Sonja C Mathiesen Lisa Mathieson Chris Mattera Patricia M Mattern David Matthews Roger O Mattson Greg Maus Scott L Mayer and John H Zeches Russell Mayerfeld David J Mayo, PhD Gary Mazzone Donald J McCall and Tom Richardson Laura J McCarty John W McConnell, MD Joseph A McCormack Kevin G Mccourt Deborah Carter McCoy Robert W McCoy and J Margaret McCoy Timothy McCubrey Gayle L McDermond David E McDonald and Craig B Christianson Jamie McDonald and Jennifer McDonald Martha A McDonell and Cathy Morrison Mary T McDonough and Marshall McDonough Jim McGowan Matthew J McGrane Margaret M McKenna and Edie Karras Kevin S McLaughlin Melissa K Mcloone Rev. Jane A McMahill and David R McMahill Molly McMahon Maureen E McManus and Mark W McSpadden Brian McNeill and Steve Sexton Donald McTavish and Janet McTavish Kathleen A McTavish and Shirley Duke Norine M McVann and Vicki L Breese Julie Medbery and Bob LaBree Cathy L Melton Paul L Merrell Suzy Messerole and Diane K Berg David R Metz Monica A Meyer Curt Micka William J Middeke and Patricia J Middeke Peter Mielech Paul K Mielke Scott Mikesh Dawn Mikkelson Cheryl Miller and Rhys Miller John P Miller Kristi Jo Miller Harold M Minor Randy Paul Miranda and Thomas George Johnson Paul Mittelstadt Adrianne Mittelstaedt Karen M Mittelsteadt and Meagan McLaughlin Joel D Mixon Kristin Moe and Danette Ricks Robert W Moen and John Salveson Eric Molho Phillip Momont Miriam Monasch and Kathryn Johnson Kathleen M Monicatti and Lawrence A Monicatti Karen Monsebroten and Diane Bolgreaw Daniel Mooney Mary R Moore Melissa Ann Moore and Cory M Moore Michelle Moran and Christina Payton Denise K Moreland and Debra L Pearson Peter Morey Julie Morgan and Tom Morgan Helen Morgan-Rallis Marie Christine Morris Ron Morris Virginia F Morse Jeff J Moses and John Westerfield Paul A Moss and Craig Miller Ellen M Mriga Victoria A Mucha and Wanda Marsolek Michael Muehlbach Christina L Mueller and Kenneth Mueller Georgia Mueller Jeff A Mueller and Gene Danilenko Sara Beth Mueller Jill D Mullaney Ismael J Munar Elizabeth Munnich Rogelio L Munoz DJ Munro Kendall Munson Craig Muntifering Mary M Murphy Barbara J Murray and Jodi Buehring Ross R Murray and Richard Garnett Meredith Matthew Musel Olivia Nabulwala Tracey Lee Nagel and Debbie McLouglin Mark Nardi Rebecca D Nash James S Nastoff Marsha Nater Billy Navarro, Jr. and Tyler Jensen Jolene C Nelson and Martha Rueter Jolynn M Nelson and Sarah Henderson Judy C Nelson and Paul E Nelson Kate R Nelson Linda C Nelson and Michael Larsen Matthew Nelson and Kip Beardsley Sheila M Nelson Susan Nelson Todd B Nelson and Vern Hagel Katie P Nemmers Karan Newberg and Dale Newberg Mrs Martha Newcom James S Newstrom Kirsten M Newstrom Cecelia A Newton W. Thomas Nichol and Bernt von Ohlen Barbara A Nicholls Rebecca Nichols and Gail A Sederski Teresa A Nick and Dawn Wilson Phyllis A Nickels Ron Nolan Paul Nolle and Reid Bordson Roselyn J Nordaune, Esq Bruce Nordstrom-Loeb and Barbara Loeb Suzanne Nordsving Tom Normile Connie I Noterman and Fred Morris Bob Novak and Scott Berg Lee Novelli Susan G Nygaard William Nynas Nancy Nystuen Walt Oberstar David O’Connell Ingrid Odegaard Brennan O’Dell and Craig Kaplan John J O’Donnell Geoff O’Gara Adeola Jane Ogunwolf Brian L Ohman Linda Oi Mary A Oldham Mary O’Leary Allen E Olson and Alan MacFarlane Carol L Olson and De Weber Chalres Olson and Sara Gjerdrum Darin Olson and Brent Nelson FJ Olson Fred H Olson and Elizabeth Brackett Jack Olson and Yvonne Leiser Jerome Olson Mary K Olson Mary Kay Olson Randy Olson and Dudley Klinga Tony D Olufson Ellen O’Neill and L Sue Lawson Les Opatz Roy Orr Martha Osterberg and Barbara Schillo Julie O’Sullivan Dennis M Otremba Meredith Otten Kaarin Ottman Joseph H Otto, Jr Kristie Otto Jackie Overland and Ray Overland Marianna Padilla Dwana C Paplon Jean M Parish and Doug Parish Mary L Parish Stacey Parks and Lisa Doom Anita S Patel Sherrie E Patton Emily Paul Janice L Paulsen Kate Pearson and Annie Pennola Anthony Pecora Carol Pecora Gina M Pecora Annie Pennola Margaret Pennola Carol Perkins and Cy Perkins Nicholas J Perkins and Brian D Winter Quiana Perkins Tony Perpich and Irene Perpich Ronald G Perrier David Perrizo Douglas H Perry and Cory Graeser Blaine Peters and Patrick Reid Ann Peterson and Russell A Peterson David C Peterson Paul A Peterson Paul A Petrella Norman D Petrik and Joyce E Petrik Jay M Peyer Gary H Phelps Anne E Phibbs and Debra S Leavitt Becky Phillips Elizabeth N Phillips Robert B Phyle Lisa A Pierce and Karen L Abshier Matthew E Piermantier Robert M Pierson John P Pikala and Cristopher C Tibbetts Laura J Pilot Kathy Plumb and Reverend David R Plumb Lee Pontell and Ross Plombon Danny P Porter and Troy Miller Mary Porter Rebecca A Potter and Christine Wolf James E Pounds and Gordon Erickson Mark Powell Jennifer Pradt David Preis and Keith Vargo Beth M Prewett and Jenny M Wettersten Benedict L Psick, Jr and Antonio G Moreno Patricia A Puyear and Kathy Hodges Donald F Quaintance James P Quinn and John R Ewoldt Daniel Quirk and Joe Avila Jim Quitter Diane J Rackowski Christine A Radtke and Calvin Radtke Zainool Rahman Mark Ramsey Judith B Rappaport J David Rasche Ellen R. Ratner and Peter Shanedling Gordon J Rausch Dan Rebek Martha Reckdahl Michael J Redmond and Steven H Ukasick Tom B Reed Jordan Reese Carolyn C Rehn Martha Reis and Cynthia Richter Chris C Reisdorf and Sheila H Collins Sara M Reisdorf and Deborah Arndell Jennifer Randolph Reise and Derek Burrows Reise Daniel W Renk Joseph R Renneke and Donald G Komro Leslie Rentmeester and Robin Paurus David A Rephan Emily Resseger Jerett D Reuter Jeanna M Rex and Jess Haines Thomas M Reynen and Stephen Gryzan Ginger Reynolds Alexa C Ricciardi and Michele L Bird Alice S Rice and Charles E Rice Julie A Richards Sheila Richter and Marcel Richter Christopher D Ridgway and Jonathan B Herseth Robert Ridgway Diane R Riley Jennifer Ristau Donald M Ritchie Charles Ritt Jennifer Rivera Victor M Rivera Thomas E Roach and Timothy M Nix Adam M Robbins and Jesse Field Angela Robinson and Jim Kurkowski Linda Robinson Jay D Roble Jessica Rochester and Renea Youngs Alan Rodgers Kenneth G Rodgers and Richard C Laurion Jaron J Roering Jeannie Rogalsky Phil R Rogosheske and Val Rogosheske Paige Rohman Patrick Roland Domonic A Rollins Bridgette Rongitsch Stephen J Rose and Kristen L Rose Stuart S Rosenberg Tina Rosenberg-Scholl and Sharon Rosenberg-Scholl David J Rosenbloom and Annie E Handford Laura G Ross and Mary C Nesvig Marvin G Rothfusz Ellen Rowell and Julie Manworren Kevin Rozman David M Rubedor and Byron Bradley James Rubio Angela M Rudolph Thomas S Ruffaner Laurence A Ruggeri Ida L Rukavina Marilyn I Rushenberg and Susan M Farnham Phyllis S Russell and Stacy Aldrich David J Rust Karen Rutan and Shari Lindfors Jenny L Ryan and Nicole J Kubista Jorge Saavedra Joseph Sack Troy Sagdalen Jason Samuels Mary L Samuels and Michael H Samuels John E Sanders Trevor Sannes Dan W Sassenberg Catherine Satern and Ann Marie Godfrey John H Sathrum and Debra Jo Sathrum Barbara Satin Roy Satre and Dorothy Satre James Satter Jacalyn M Sauer and Pamela J Dudziak Mark Sauter Thomas Saylor and Kimberly A Johnson Roger E Sayre Thomas K Scallen and Billie Jo Scallen Richard A Scarlett DavidDavid Schachter Daniel R Schaffer Carol Schellack and Lowell Schellack Jason Schellack Cynthia F Scherzer Mary Schiesel Barbara L Schifano Rick J Schillinger Timothy L Schlamp Lori Schleis and Brad Steen Lisa J Schlesinger Stephanie Schleuder David S Schluchter Michael G Schmalz Bert Schmidt Jim Schmidt Judith Schmidt Tina M Schmidt Karen Schmitt William L Schmitt Herbert H Schnabel James Schnebelem Jane Schneider Nancy Schneider and Amy Schneider Yvonne E Schneider and Jodie R Belknap Sara E Schoen and Elizabeth Aram Patrick H Schreier Joel Schroeder Barbara Schubring and Molly Morton Andrea Schultz Steven H Schultz Jason Schulz Ray Schumann Lea A Schuster and Kim Gillespie Kevin C Schwandt Dave Schwartz Richard A Schwartz Mary Schwarz Jill Schwimmer and Denise Windenburg Ronald R Scolman and Jim Calkins Jeffrey P Scott John Scott James G Scoville and Judith N Scoville Kent Searl and David Boisclair Rebecca Sechrist Ann M Seha and Margaret M Molinari Louise Seliski and Julie T Guth Claire Selkurt, Ph D and Dianne C Legg Kelly A Selz and Richard Selz Mark Shafer Gabrielle E Shaffer Holiday Shapiro and Robyn M Linde Victoria Shapiro Carrie Sharp and Kelly Kirby Alison Sharpe Abigail Shaw Christine Sheetz John F Shekleton Stacy Lynn Shelton Catherine A Sherwin Heather M Shiell and Lori J Miller Glen W Shifflet James Shipp Cindy M Shober Zeb Henderson Shreve and Tricia Hendren Marjorie E Sigel and Richard Van Deusen Joseph Silvaghi Ann Simerson and MaryAnn Hagan Laurie Rose Simon Herbert J Singer and Rochelle Singer Jon D Sipe Stephanie Sipprell Bernice B Sisson and John M Sisson Karen Skalko Amy B Skare Gary P Skarsten Tom C Skogstrom and Steven Pauling Kevin Skwira-Brown and Anne Skwira-Brown Heather Smallman Rebecca Smart and Julie Groetsch Becky Smith Courtney J Smith David Smith Karen M Smith Kelly M Smith and Elle Sachs Reid Smith and LaWayne Leno Shannon Smith and Carole Chabries Shannon Smith and Cyrena Anderson Timothy Sneer and Dale Kruse Lee Snook and Lois Snook Elizabeth M Snyder Norman Snyder and Willie Snyder Robert A Snyder and Thomas M Maijala Susan Sobelson and Judy Ingram Eric W Sodemann and Nathan Jacoby Chris W Solheid and Matt Massman Mary Sorensen Jack K Soriano Janet E South Allan H Spear and Junjiro Tsuji Carole Specktor Beatrice Spector Dean A Spencer and Bill Holland Donna Blair Spencer Jeff Spencer Sue Spencer Ted Springer and Nancy Springer Susan L Stacey and Brad Meinhold Kathryn Stanley and Marisa Klapka Faith H Starbuck Ian Stark Suzanne Staudenmaier and Kelly McGee Mike Steenson Lexann M Steffens and Matthew J Steffens Emily B Steil Jeremy C Steil Dan Stein Michael Stein and Jeannine Stein Lyle D Steinfeldt and James R Hartsoe Diane Stellrecht Ross E Stenersen Elizabeth S Stenglein and Rose K Stenglein Martha Stenglein Bradley S Stepan Rodney Stevens Kathryn Stevenson Carol Stoddart and Karl Groth Valerie J Stoehr Corynn E Stoltenberg Wendi J Storhoff Karl F Stote David Strand Gretchen L Strate and Anthony Fulda Janette H Strathy Jim B Stratton Cathy A Strobel and Andrea Ayres Catherine M Strub Jack Stuart Ellen R Stubbs and Karen A Kobey Roxanne Stuhr Walter J Stull and Jane Stull Denise Sullivan Fay C Sullivan David J Susick Virginia M Sutton and Stephen French Wallace K Swan and Lyle Rossman John Swanson Lynn Swanson and John Swanson Ruthann R. Swanson Patricia A Sween Michael F Sweeney and Nina K Sweeney Amy Jo Swing and Colleen Kelly David B Switzer Mary Sue Taallerud and John M Pokrzywinski Amma Tanksley-west Jerry A Tapp Peggy Tardif and Kelly Graham David Tarr and Joshua Vang Gary J Taruscio Bruce R Taylor and Dennis M Carey Linda J Taylor Patricia R Teiken and Susan Harris Jacqueline Teisberg and John E Teisberg Rev. Tim W Tennant-Jayne Jennie Thatcher and Sandy Jayne Louis A Thayer and Andrew Voss Karen M Thill and Peter Thill Patty A Thoe Donald E Thompson Erin Thompson Karen Thompson and Patricia Bresser Martin S Thompson Mary J Thompson Peg Thompson and Mary Kay Kernan Ted Thoms Rev. Susan L Thornton and Paula M Childers Larry Throndson and Darlene Throndson Brian Tibaldo Steven P Tibbetts, LICSW David J Tidball and Cynthia J Tidball Bryan Tillman and Timothy J Majors Reilly Tillman Colleen Timmer Todd Tollefson Charles A Tombarge Susan J Torkelson, MD and Karyn Torkelson George Torline Laura A Toth and Rashelle E Brown Raighne J Towery and Robert C Newquist Mike W Townley Travis J Trautman and John Bergman Shelly A Trimble and Dominique A Seely Steve Triplett Janet C Tripp Jason True Esera Tuaolo and Mitchell Wherley Scott R Tulius and Kent Krienke Ann Turnball Ann M Turnbull and Coleen J Carder Patricia A Turner and John R Turner Ann M Tuttila and Chris Bur Gerald F Tyrrell and Kevin S Reuther Maureen Ulbee and Gretchen L Ulbee Judith Tuuri Ulseth and Robert L Ulseth Cynthia C Unowsky and Thomas Badow Roger G Urbanski and Donna M Urbanski Kathleen A Vader, MA LP David A Vagneur, MD and Scott Remmel Linda M Valerian Gary A Van DenHeuvel Renee Van Gorp David N Van Hattum Don Van Meter and Bob Lee Janine van Ree and Jan Van Deursen Chris VanMeter Anne Vattendahl Arlana Vaughan Megan S Vaught and Melani Sullivan Nicholas Vavrichek and Kent Owen Jones Robert Velander Nancy Ver Steegh and Jack Ver Steegh Nancy Marie Vezner Zsolt Vincze Phillip A Voight Tolly Vollen and Karen Vollen Kelly V Vossberg and Dave Murphy Heidi E Wagner Amy B Wagner-Wieland and Jeffrey A Wieland Kim W Waldof Dawn Walek John Walker Stephania Cookie Walker Terry Walker Terry W Walker Michele Wallace Sieglinde Waller and Duane Waller Greg Wallin Gail A Wallinga and Susan M Langston Mary C Walsh and Karen M Casserly Ann R Walters and Elizabeth R Langer Anne Walters Becky Waltider and Stephanie Smith Debra S Wamsley Jim A Ward Kristin Marie Warfield Beverley Warner Scott T Wasescha Kelly N Waterman Darrel K Waters and Timothy Gerarden Lance Watkins Mary Kay Watson and Debbie Wygal Richard A Wayman Thomas Weaver Jessica Webster Thomas D. Webster Jennifer Weddell Robert Weddle Alfred Wehrsdorfer, Jr Judith H Weir and Olly Staneslow William Weir Robbie Weisel and Britt Robson Abbey Weiss and Deirdre Hinz David R. Weiss Patricia G Weitzel Michael B Welch David K Wells, Jr John Wells Scott A Wells and Ron Urbanski James Welsch Mike D Welton Kristine Wendland Alfonso T Wenker Randy Werner and Peter Tressel Kristin Wertz and Mary M Danielson Darcy J Westerlund and Frank Westerlund Roland B Westerlund Rev. Judith J WestLee and Janet M WestLee Judy Westlee Chris White W Michael White and Joe McManmon Robert F White Barbara J Whitmire and Steven W Whitmire Marie J Whiton Robert J Wieber and Emilio M Fuentes, Jr Dawn Wieczorek and Ann L Schrooten Wendy S Wiegmann and Cathy E Heying Lisa M Wiends Heinsohn and Jeffrey A Wiens Heinsohn Barbra Ellen Wiener Warren Wiese and Dan Bach Gary W Wieser Alan C Williams and Timothy Perry Nancy J Williams and Jennifer Lee MacKenzie Kenneth R Williamson Michael D Wilson and Kimberley M Spear Michael D Wilson Rachel J Wilson and August Berkshire William E Wimsett Judy A Winiecki and LaVerle McAdams Cecilia Wirth Sarah Wirth Adam Wirtzfeld Carol Witte and Winston Cavert Linda Wolf Mona K Wong and Melinda McGowan Charlaine Wood Deborah Lyn Woodworth John Work and Dennis Walston Amy E Worthingham and Annette Walby Lynn Marie Wrabek Joan Wrabetz and Francis Vargas Jennifer W Wrenson Beth Wright and Anne Graham Margaret Wright Kendrick Wronski and Meg A Riley Gretchen A Wurzer Ralph Wyman Kevin Xiong Ricky Xiong Jonathan L Yarbrough and Cody Rogahn Miriam Yeung Judith E Young Roxanne Young and Clacy Johnson Kathleen E Youngblom and Michelle M Rafferty Roger D Youngs Andrew J Zahorsky and Anthony Nemcek Arnold D Zahratka and R Thomas Jeffries Jen Zaligson Jennifer Zehner Paul G Zerby and Elizabeth J Zerby Joseph Zhon Terry Zickrick Dawn Zimmerman and Joanne Grace Catapand W Ranslow Zuber, III Ronald J Zweber Anonymous ABOUT OUTFRONT MINNESOTA’S FINANCIAL INFORMATION The year 2006 is an illustration of the volatility in the nonprofit fundraising environment. A bright spot is that the proportion of our resources provided by individuals grew to almost one-third of the total, and also increased in total dollar terms. Expenses — the costs we incur to generate program and other activities — remained at or above 2005 levels to meet the continuing challenges to GLBT equality. Revenues — the resources we gather to pay for the work — did not keep pace, especially support provided by foundations and corporations. As a result, our net asset balances fell in 2006, that is, we incurred an operating deficit. Financial information is provided for all three organizations which, together, make up OutFront Minnesota and Subsidiaries. OutFront Minnesota is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code, and OutFront Community Services is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3). OutFront Minnesota Action is a state political action committee under section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code. Any financial information marked “consolidated” consists of the accounts of all three organizations after the elimination of all interorganizational transactions and accounts. All financial information shown is taken from our audited financial statements. Both our audited financial statements and our IRS Form 990 reports for 2006 and prior years are available for inspection at our offices. OUTFRONT MINNESOTA AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION December 31, 2006 (with comparative totals for 2004 & 2005) ASSETS 2006 Current Assets Cash & equivalents $ 84,409 Contributions Receivable 168,453 Contracts and other receivables 7,705 Prepaid expenses and inventory 9,594 Investments 961 Total Current Assets 271,122 7,080 Contributions Receivable Furniture & Equipment 79,383 Accumulated depreciation (68,999) Net furniture & equipment 10,384 TOTAL ASSETS $288,586 LIABILITIES and NET ASSETS Current Liabilities Accounts payable $ 80,810 Accrued expenses 39,207 Deferred revenue Current maturities of lease payable 4,330 Total Current Liabilities 124,347 Long-term Lease Payable 3,183 Total Liabilities 127,530 Net Assets Unrestricted (95,568) Temporarily Restricted 256,624 Total Net Assets 161,056 TOTAL LIABILITIES and NET ASSETS $288,586 2005 2004 $ 71,514 328,299 20,471 13,862 8,520 442,666 7,225 79,382 (62,352) 17,030 $466,921 $ 78,613 126,626 22,485 8,194 523 236,441 4,925 83,732 (78,566) 5,166 $246,532 $ 48,754 24,102 3,853 76,709 7,510 84,219 $ 61,779 20,297 8,053 90,129 90,129 (2,890) 385,592 382,702 $466,921 (12,676) 169,079 156,403 $246,532 OUTFRONT MINNESOTA AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES Year ended December 31, 2006 OutFront Minnesota Support and Revenue Foundations & Corporations Individual Contributions Memberships United Way Government Contract Program Service Fees Special Events Other Income Total Support and Revenue Program and Other Expenses Program Services Advocacy & Organizing Systems Change & Public Policy $26,720 61,874 111,287 668,968 17,842 (733) 885,958 Individual Support Levels $250 OutFront Minnesota Community Services $214,742 61,925 37 133,490 94,305 13,738 6,164 435 524,836 $100 Eliminations 13,776 13,776 (663,439) (663,439) Total $241,462 137,575 111,324 133,490 94,305 19,267 24,006 (298) 761,131 1,369 17,591 18,960 (398,786) (95,064) (493,850) 513,395 192,387 705,782 162,759 108,061 270,820 948,371 108,423 67,341 678,885 175,764 18,960 (105,667) (63,922) (169,589) (663,439) 165,515 111,480 276,995 982,777 Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets (62,413) Net assets, end of year $50 Individual Gifts $111 Memberships $117 $0 2005 (154,049) (5,184) - (221,646) 277,227 106,753 (1,278) - 382,702 $214,814 $ (47,296) $ (6,462) - $ 161,056 $ 2006 Use of Funds 2006 Advocacy & Organizing 52% Fundraising 11% 416,789 86,332 503,121 Net assets, beginning of year $138 $150 OutFront Minnesota Action 494,023 183,528 677,551 Supporting Services Management & General Fundraisimg Total Supporting Services Total Expenses $113 $200 Management & General 17% Systems Change & Public Policy 20% Source of Funds 2006 Program Service Fees 2.5% Government Contract 12.4% Special Events 3.2% Foundations & Corporations 31.7% United Way 17.5% Memberships 14.6% Individual Contributions 18.1% Memberships and Affiliations America Votes Equality Federation Gill Foundation Democracy Project Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault OUTFRONT MINNESOTA Leading Minnesota Toward GLBT Equality Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Cabinet Minnesota GLBTA Campus Alliance Minnesota Participation Project 310 38th Street East, Suite 204 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55409 612-822-0127 (phone) 800-800-0350 (toll free) 612-822-8786 (fax) Minnesota Progressive Political Table www.outfront.org Minnesota Lavender Bar Association Minnesota Schools OUTreach Coalition Minnesota Voter Project TakeAction Minnesota Transgender Commission U of M Systemwide Standing Commission on GLBT Concerns Quorum © Copyright 2007 OutFront Minnesota All Rights Reserved
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