Ingenio - Ingeteam
Ingenio - Ingeteam
Ingenio 13 Cast_EN:Ingenio 11 Castellano.qxd 03/05/10 15:34 Página 1 Ingenio Newsletter Number13 Opening of new offices in France, Germany and the United States We’ve recently inaugurated new com- that a total of 5,400 MW will be ins- and maintenance of photovoltaic mercial representative offices in talled by the end of 2020. The office equipment. This office employs tech- Toulouse (France), Munich (Germany) is situated in the south of France nical personnel and incorporates a and California (United States); the where companies, involved in this warehouse from where equipment aim is to expand our presence, sector, are located and a great num- spare parts will be controlled. worldwide, in the photovoltaic sector. ber of photovoltaic plants are already The office recently opened in the The office in France, officially opened installed or projected to be installed. United States, is located in Santa in October 2009, will centre on the The Munich office, in the Bavaria re- Clara (California), near the Silicon marketing and maintenance of solar gion, is situated in an area where a Valley. The opening of this office power inverter systems for solar pho- great number of German photovol- forms part of Ingeteam’s internatio- tovoltaic plants. The initiative ca- taic projects and companies opera- nal expansion strategy aimed at pro- and services directed at satisfying me about due to the rapid growth ex- ting in this sector are located. Its ac- viding a better service to its clients the needs of the residential, com- perienced in the solar photovoltaic tivities are mainly centred on the sa- in North America. Through this dele- mercial and large multimegawatt fa- sector in France, where it is foreseen le of products, after-sale services gation the company offers products cilities market. New Data Processing Centre (Page 3) – We’ve customized 10% of New Building the wind generators in Spain (Page 4) – New order for Ingeteam in (Page 12) Brazil (Page 6) – Indar manufactures six generators for MAN Diesel SE (Page 8) D. LEGAL BI-3366-05 Ingenio 13 Cast_EN:Ingenio 11 Castellano.qxd 03/05/10 15:34 Página 2 Legal Functional Area Corporate Training on payment means A training course on payment means Sarriguen (Navarra) and in Zamudio More than 80 commercial represen- nancial control related matters, es- was held, on the 26th of October (Bizkaia) organized by the Legal tatives and financial managers, of sential within today’s economic fra- and the 17th of December 2009, in Services Corporate Management. Ingeteam, received training in fi- mework. Invited to attend the exclusive European summit for general counsels The Corporate Management of land. The company was invited the European industry, like Sie- that normally affect companies, Ingeteam’s Legal Services parti- to participate in this exclusive mens AG, Almston Power, Micro- with special emphasis on the le- cipated in the international “Eu- summit, which was attended by soft, Schindler, Gamesa, Telefó- gal protection of industrial pro- ropean Corporate Counsel Sum- the legal directors of the top 60 nica, SAP, ABB Ltd, etc. perty and anti-corruption mea- mit”, held in Montreaux, Switzer- companies and institutions in summit centred on legal matters This sures. Marketing Functional Area Corporate Ingeteam speaks about its experience in Brazil - Newsletter Number 13 At a recent workshop on Brazil, markets, through which ICEX celebrated at Bilbao's Chamber wants to keep Spanish exporting of Eduardo companies informed on the evo- Giménez, director of Corporate lution and special characteris- Marketing, about tics of targeted foreign markets. Ingeteam’s business experience This conference was also atten- in this country. ded The conference was held within Rodríguez de the framework of the informative Spanish Economical workshop program, on foreign Commercial councel in Brasilia. Commerce, Mr. spoke by Mr. José Manuel Castro, the and 2 Ingenio 13 Cast_EN:Ingenio 11 Castellano.qxd 03/05/10 15:34 Página 3 Corporate Functional Area Systems New Data Processing Centre (DPC) With the construction of the new buil- serve the DPC of building 108 and some- presence of non-authorized person- equipment will be located in the ding, located at number 110 in the time in the future also building 106. nel, the centre has been divided into third area. Bizkaia Technological Park, it was possi- Its installation and construction three separate and closed off areas. Thus, the access to workers will be res- ble to create a new DPC (Data Processing design, fitted with a powerful fire The first area will lodge the air con- tricted, based on the maintenance tasks Centre). The computer systems of detection and fire fighting system, ditioning and power supply systems. that need to be performed. Ingeteam Technology, Ingeteam Traction, will provide a good protection In the second area will be located reasons it has been fitted with a monito- Ingeteam T&D, Corporation and all the against floods and fires. the control consoles of the servers. ring, video surveillance and access con- cooperative services will be lodged in this To avoid human errors, caused by the The servers and communications trol system. For safety centre. The construction of this building is based on the American Standard TIA-942. The DPC features will guarantee the correct functioning of all equipment, installed at this centre, by isolating them as far as possible from the most common and damaging elements, such as power failures, fires, floods, human errors and communication faults. The centre occupies a total area of 70 m2 and incorporates an uninterrupted power system (UPS) of 60 kVA. It has also been prepared to lodge a second redundant system of the same characteristics. Fitted with a 275 kVA generator, this centre will be able to avoid stoppages caused by external power cuts. Although the power supply systems are located at building 110, these will also Corporate Functional Area PRL Evaluation of hazards in the wind power sector 3 On the 13th of last October Ingeteam Iberdrola, Alston Ecotecnia, Vestas, etc. participated in a conference on the With this type of conference the “Evaluation of risks in the wind sector” European Agency for Safety and Health promoted by the European Agency on at Work hopes to draft a "Guide on the Safety and Health. Mr. Francisco evaluation of hazards in the wind Violero discussed the problems that sector" detailing the methodologies companies the and directives aimed at identifying and commissioning phase of a wind park. eliminating hazards, minimizing risks, At the conference, held at the Business and evaluating non-avoidable hazards Confederation of Navarra, participated to make the planning of a preventive speakers from Acciona Energia, program more effective. face during - Newsletter Number 13 Ingenio 13 Cast_EN:Ingenio 11 Castellano.qxd 03/05/10 15:34 Página 4 Energy They’ve seen us... “Solar Power International” California, 27-29 October Mr. Miguel Sebastian, Spanish minister of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, visited the Ingeteam stand during the trade fair held in California. Approximately 1000 companies of the sector met at this international fair, bringing together more than 25.000 people. Ingeteam presented its range of products, which have been homologated as per the UL 1741 standard, and strengthened its presence in the North American solar photovoltaic sector. The minister showed interest in Ingeteam’s current situation and encouraged us to continue working in this market. Wind research Aula (Classroom) at the Public University of Navarra Ingeteam Energy, in collaboration with the Renewable Energy National Centre (CENER for the Spanish Centro Nacional de Energys Renovables), Acciona Energy, Acciona Windpower and Gamesa Eólica have created a renewable energy Aula at the Public University of Navarra (UPNA). The main objective of this Aula is to enable students to perform their graduation project and doctorate thesis. Moreover, with the start-up of this research area, students will have direct contact with the wind technologies developed by the companies involved in this area of business. During the current academic course four students from the UPNA and one from the Mondragon University are currently carrying out their graduation “Alternative Vehicle and fuel show” Valladolid 5-7 November Ingeteam Energy attends, for the first time, the alternative vehicle and fuel trade fair, where it presented SIRVE, the electrical vehicle recharge unit developed by the company. “Mantener” Valladolid, 2-3 December Ingeteam Service attended, as exhibitor, the first trade fair on the operation and maintenance of renewable energy plants. The stand, where the company presented its new product image, caused a great impact on the visitors to the fair. Mr. Jorge Magán also made a presentation on maintenance strategies. project in the photovoltaic solar area. We’ve customized 10% of the wind generators in Spain Ingeteam will be refurbishing 2,500 of the so-called "first generation" wind generators that were installed in Spain before 2000. The remodelling of 10% of the wind generators in Spain involves the installation of an electro- “Energaia” Montpellier, 09-12 December Ingeteam participated, for the first time and with great success, as exhibitor at the Energaia of Montpellier. It's worthy of mention the great number and diversified origin of the visitors, amongst which were French installers and promoters, clients from Belgium and North Africa. France's solar photovoltaic market is currently experiencing a rapid growth due to a substantial grant awarded to the generation. nic power circuit, in each of these mills, especially designed to prevent the wind generator from disconnecting during voltage drops. Three companies of the Ingeteam “World Future Energy Summit” (WFES) Abu Dhabi 18-21 January The Prince and Princess of Asturias visited Ingeteam’s stand, at the 2010 World Future Energy Summit (WFES) celebrated in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The Prince and Princess were keen to learn about the new technologies presented by Ingeteam, like its electrical vehicles recharge station denominated SIRVE, or the single-phase Ingecon Sun Lite inverter. group (Ingeteam Energy, Ingeteam Technology and Ingeteam Service) have participated in the manufacturing and installation of this technical solution. These works began last year and will continue throughout 2010. R&D+i management certification Ingeteam Service has got the R&D+i management certificate under the UNE 166002 standard. Its purpose is to apply a new methodology to ensure that the R&D+i activities, required to generate new research and projects and optimize resources, are not lost and consequently new technologies explored. - Newsletter Number 13 4 Ingenio 13 Cast_EN:Ingenio 11 Castellano.qxd 03/05/10 15:34 Página 5 Energy Ingeteam participates in the PSE Sigmasoles on photovoltaic concentration Ingeteam is leader in the development of efficiency solar cells, trackers, photovoltaic Sigmasoles inverters and other auxiliary elements, to be Ingeteam Service secured a contract with Iberdola for the maintenance of a park in Mexico Exceptional and Strategic Project (from the installed in photovoltaic concentration plants. Ingeteam Service secured the tender for the Spanish PSE for Proyecto Singular Estratégico). The project will include a testing workshop, where medium and high voltage maintenance photovoltaic developments made will be validated in real- works that will be carried out at the wind concentration innovation in Spain, is coordinated operating conditions, including also the creation park in Ventosa, municipal town of Juchitán by the Institute of Concentration Photovoltaic of a standard and tests applicable to this new de Zaragoza, Oaxaca, Mexico. Systems (ISFOC). The inverters designed by technology including the commissioning of the During the forthcoming month of Ingeteam are especially adapted to obtain the instruments and procedures required to evaluate November, and in order to launch the pro- maximum output from this technology. the solar resources aimed at determining the real ject, a high voltage specialist and a main- The 4-year duration project is financed for the productivity of photovoltaic concentration plants. tenance technician will travel to the plant first two years, with a 4 million Euro grant by the Besides Ingeteam, the Consortium is composed of site to execute the proposed tasks, such as Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the other companies from the photovoltaic sector, train and capacitate the personnel appoin- Council of the Castile - La Mancha Communities and technological centres like Cener and Cidetec, ted by Ingeteam Service S.A. de C.V. to un- and the FEDER funds. public organisms like INTA, the University of dertake these works, as well as transmit One of the main objectives of the PSE Sigmasoles Castilla - La Mancha, the University of Jaén and our know-how in the follow-up and mana- project involves the development of high- Madrid's Polytechnic University. gement of High Voltage projects. photovoltaic This project, inverters for dedicated the to Ingeteam renovates The Moncloa Palace’s (the official residence of the Spanish President) solar energy equipment Ingeteam renovates the photovoltaic The plant, property of the IDAE (the will be completed in 2010 and the continue for a subsequent period of inverters of the La Moncloa’s Spanish maintenance service of the plant will five years. photovoltaic pergola. The company Diversification and Saving), was that was awarded this project, inaugurated in September 2000. through public tender, will be Ingeteam will be responsible for optimizing the performance of this replacing the inverters, perform installation which has become monitoring improvements and its obsolete. maintenance. The renovation works Institute for Energy Installation of the Ingeteam Loc in three thermosolar fields Installation of 2,376 units of a system re- each plant, of an advanced system capa- wers and heliostat fields. pacity, will be located in Majadas de Tiétar quired for the optimum control of the ther- ble of determining with precision the The control and supervision system will be (Caceres). This plant will produce 100 mi- mo solar fields. exact position of the sun in the sky and installed in these plants to manage com- llion kilowatts hour per year, enough to Ingeteam’s Energy Division signed a con- moving the solar field’s collectors, to the munications and enable plant operators supply 30,000 houses. On the other hand, tract, with Acciona Energia, for the supply most effective position, to obtain the ma- to see at all times the state of the solar Palma del Rio I and Palma del Rio II will and installation of the solar fields’ control ximum performance. This development, field, and consequently control it in a mo- be located in Cordoba. These two plants system in three thermoelectric solar due to its flexibility, will be frequently used re effective manner. will be producing 244 million kilowatts plants in Majadas, Palma del Rio I and not only in thermosolar plants with para- Palma del Rio II. bolic-cylinder collectors, but also in ther- The plants houses. These three plants are previewed Ingeteam will be installing 792 units, in mosolar plants equipped with central to- The first plant, with a 50 megawatts ca- to go into operation during 2010. 5 hour per year, enough to supply 75,000 - Newsletter Number 13 Ingenio 13 Cast_EN:Ingenio 11 Castellano.qxd 03/05/10 15:34 Página 6 Industry Ingeteam Industry renews the ISO 9001:2008 We continue working with Rolls Royce Ingeteam Industry renews its ISO awarded the ISO 9001 and 14001 cer- Ingeteam Industry will continue four 9001:2008 quality management certi- tification International to work, with Rolls Royce Power sets, providing a total power of fication for another three years. For the Organization for Standardization. The Engineering in 18.5 MW: three powered with fourth consecutive year the company ISO 9001 controls the requirements of a cogeneration projects, like the Natural had a deviation-free audit process and good quality management system, and one secured on behalf of OMV electrical successfully obtained this certificate. the 14001 deals with environmental Exploration GMBH. The plant is additional diesel unit of 4.16 Moreover, Ingeteam Ltda (Brazil) was management standards. a power plant equipped with MW electrical power. by the PLC, motor-driven generator of 4.7 MW power, and an Gas, They’ve seen us... “Ilafa” Quito. 25-27 October 2009 “Metal Expo” Moscow 10-13 November 2009 The city of Quito hosted the Ilafa Iron and Like on previous years Ingeteam’s Industry Steel Latin American Congress, celebrated Division attended the Metal Expo exposition at the Swissotel, where the IIafa celebrated in Krokus ExpoCenter held in foundation also took advantage of this Moscow, Russia. This is a worldwide leading event to celebrate its 50th anniversary. exposition for the iron and steel industry and Leading steel producers from Latin metal producers. In this occasion Ingeteam America, Europe and Asia, as well as participated with the Spanish Association of worldwide professionals and Engineers Steelworks Exporters from the iron and steel industry Spanish Asociación Española de Exportadores participated in this three-day conference. de Productos e Instalaciones Siderúrgicas) (Siderex from the Marine New order for Ingeteam in Brazil This is the first order, for the forecast to be completed by Finally, it also includes the power and feasible supply of electrical marine division, secured by our September 2010. management system (PMS), whose power company in Brazil. The equipment supplied for each function is to maintain the efficient conditions. Ingeteam’s marine division tug includes the main switchboard obtained its first order from a that distributes the power from the Brazil shipyard. The order includes three diesel-alternator sets to the the development of the rest of the vessel’s equipment. supply of This energy is mainly used in the equipment, the commissioning and propulsion of the vessel, driving sea trials for two push tugs being the three azimuthal propellers. built at the Rio Maguari Shipyard in Each propeller is driven by a 1,600 Belem situated in the north of kW asynchronous motor, powered Brazil. by a frequency converter with the The electrical supply will be adequate power. Moreover, it also designed includes all the panels required for engineering, the and fabricated by Ingeteam and the project is - Newsletter Number 13 under all operating the auxiliary power supply. 6 Ingenio 13 Cast_EN:Ingenio 11 Castellano.qxd 03/05/10 15:34 Página 7 Traction Basic Technologies Participation in a roundtable Within the framework of the as- During sembly Alamys Ingeteam presented, the re- Association and the Barcelona sults of the energy recovery Rail system of the exposition, Ingeteam’s these installed events in the Traction Division presented a Bilbao Metro, at a roundtable range of systems, products and where other companies with services for the rail sector, for innovative technological de- operators of metro services in velopments, aimed at metro Latin management, were also pre- America, Spain and Portugal. Ingeteam T&D attends the Cigré meeting sent. They’ve seen us... “Railway Fair TRAKO” Gdansk, Poland 14-16 October 2009 Ingeteam Traction attended, for the first time, the International Railways Fair (TRAKO) held in Gdansk. At this fair, Ingeteam Traction presented its latest traction converter designs, the most recent projects carried out by the company and other railway transportation solutions.. “Business on Rails” Brazil 10-12 November 2009 This event, which celebrated its 12th edition, is consolidated as the biggest rail exposition in Latin America. Over 160 companies, from different countries, attended this fair. At the annual CIGRÉ meeting cele- be designed to manage the IEC brated in South Korea, Ingeteam 61850 system, directed at mainte- T&D presented the article “A new nance. Moreover, it also informed generation toolkit for the enginee- the committee about the technolo- ring and maintenance of IEC 61850 gies being currently used in the based SAS” on how software should Asian market. Basic Technologies Ingeteam A.S. and Ingeteam T&D join hands in Georgia The 7 collaboration between coordinate Ingeteam A.S. and Ingeteam A.S. (Czech Republic) Ingeteam T&D work teams. The and Ingeteam T&D has enabled revamping of the Hydroelectric this tender for the renovation of Power a hydroelectric power station in Energo-PRO, is the first of a Georgia. series of invitations to tender Between the 26th and the 30th with similar characteristics, of October specialists from which are due to surface, both companies visited the sometime in the near future, premises, with two objectives where in mind: to establish direct continue developing synergies contact aimed at determining oriented the client’s needs and to development. Station, property Ingeteam towards plans of to business - Newsletter Number 13 Ingenio 13 Cast_EN:Ingenio 11 Castellano.qxd 03/05/10 15:34 Página 8 Basic Technologies Services Ingeteam T&D obtains the OSHAS 18001 certification Change of premises The main headquarters of Pine diaphanous, unified, ample and Ingeteam T&D has obtained the OH- Instalaciones y Montajes have modern space, instead of the old and SAS 18001:2007 certification, an moved to a new building, owned by complex premises. The new main internationally acknowledge speci- Inbisa, in the municipal town of office address will be the following: fication for the certification of Derio (Biscay), very close to the old health office building. For the company this Pine Instalaciones y Montajes, S.A. means an improvement since its Edificio Inbisa Astintze C/Astintze, 6A offices will now be located in a 48160 Derio (Biscay) and safety at work management systems. Ingeteam attends the first Conaval conference Ingeteam Technology was invited to ne environment and its specific ne- attend the first conference on innova- eds. tion management and the application systems aboard a vessel were descri- of ICTs (Information Technologies and bed, and the different cases of inte- Communication), within the frame- gration of these systems, operating in work of the shipyard-auxiliary industry conjunction with the vessel’s equip- relationship model. The conference, ment and the different data commu- celebrated in the Ria de Bilbao’s nication modalities were analyzed; Maritime Museum, delt with the ap- from the vessel to remote monitoring plication of ICTs in Marine enginee- and control elements. ring. Ingeteam also presented examples of The presentation addressed the adap- the application it carried out in some tation of the information systems to vessels, like the Simon Stevin and the the particular conditions of the mari- Cristobal Colón dredger. The power and automation Lastly, We've completed the electrical assembly of 12 Feve locomotives We’ve successfully completed undertake these works in the compliance electrical assembly, with the the public Indar manufactures six generators for MAN Diesel SE including cabling and fibre requisites optic transport standard. locomotives property of FEVE. The traction systems of these Indar Electric signed a contract intentions of reconverting another Pine Instalaciones y Montajes suburban with Man Diesel, an international three carriers in the upcoming also supplied all the required Asturias, were renovated by supplier of large diesel engines, years. This ship, which will be connection Ingeteam’s Traction Division. for the supply of six electric equipped with its own propulsion, generators with a total power will be used in Africa, the Middle generation capacity of 126,000 East and South America. Thanks kVA. to its mobility the ship will be able These generators will be installed to connect to the local network for Pine has carried out the knots. The vessel is property of in a carrier ship, property of the temporary power supply demands “turnkey” electrical installa- North Star and was built at the Turk not inland tion of a ship to be used to tow Balenciaga shipyard, forming Powership Company Ltd., which generation plants. Indar plans to boats, emergency assistances part of a lot of 11 units that was converted to a floating power deliver these generators the etc. this vessel is equipped to will be delivered over the next plant. following month. attain a maximum speed of 13 two years. company Karadeniz The company also has - Newsletter Number 13 catered for by connection of material 12 to of trains, from Electrical installation of the second North Star vessel 8 Ingenio 13 Cast_EN:Ingenio 11 Castellano.qxd 03/05/10 15:34 Página 9 Services Pine will supply the panels for the Coke Plant Pine Equipos Eléctricos has re- More precisely, Pine will build cently been awarded a contract the electrical distribution panels to build eight 400 V electrical for the U7 units, the HD3 switch- panels and a protection panel boards and the transformer’s for the coke plant, being built by protection panel for the ADI- Petronor in Muskiz (Biscay). 1000 project. Pine supplies the LV panels and the MV cabins for a thermosolar plant Pine Equipos will manufacture the 11kV medium-voltage cabins, the fixed andcompartmented variants of the 690V and 400V switchboards, as well as the withdrawable 400 V motor control centres for the La Saetilla thermosolar plant, property of Acciona Energía. The company will also perform the plant’s “Mechanical Completion” development and the electromechanical tests. This new 50 MW installation is the first of two plants that Acciona Energía is going to build in the municipality of Palma del Rio (Córdoba), where Ingeteam Power Plants will be carrying out the turnkey project for the power block. 9 - Newsletter Number 13 Ingenio 13 Cast_EN:Ingenio 11 Castellano.qxd 03/05/10 15:34 Página 10 People Open-doors day Ingeteam participated, on the Many 15th November 2009, in the parking area, of building 106, to Bizkaia participate in the activities being Technological Park’s traditional opened-doors day. people accessed the held here. Fairs They we'll see ... ”EWEC” Warsaw. 20-23 April “Genera” Madrid. 19-21 May “Power Gen Europe” Amsterdam. 8-10 June “Solarexpo” Verona. 5-7 May “Windpower” Dallas. 23-26 May “Intersolar” Munich. 9-11 June - Newsletter Number 13 “Salon Energies Renouvelables” Lyon. 16-18 June 10 Ingenio 13 Cast_EN:Ingenio 11 Castellano.qxd 03/05/10 15:34 Página 11 People Emakunde granted Ingeteam with an award for its commitment to equality On the 27th of last October, the Basque Institute for Women – Emakunde – awarded Ingeteam Technology the prize “Institution Collaborating towards equal opportunities for Women and Men”, for its commitment to equal opportunities between men and women within the company’s Ingeteam Technology organization. In 2009 elaborated a plan for equality between women and men. Upon completion of the plan, the company, pioneer within the group of this initiative, will be setting in motion concrete actions that will be reflected in the management plans of the coming years. People 25 years with Ingeteam As in previous years, during the received the commemorative plaque Christmas cocktail Joseba Ibarrola, for 25 years of employment with the Iñaki Aranberri and Ricardo Galdiz company. 11 In this occasion the traditional the Technological Park of cocktail was held in the new Bizkaia, in Zamudio, with guided building situated at no. 110 of tours of the new premises. - Newsletter Number 13 Ingenio 13 Cast_EN:Ingenio 11 Castellano.qxd 03/05/10 15:35 Página 12 Back Cover New building In January this year Ingeteam representative areas. Technology’s staff moved to the new are located on the first and second building, located at no. 110 of the floor, both equally distributed. Technological Park of Bizkaia, in These open-space offices are prepa- Zamudio. red for 83 working spaces. Each flo- After over a year of construction or also incorporates two closed offi- works the new premises are a real ces and two meeting rooms, located achievement. The building compri- at each extremity. The outstanding ses three floors, each floor divided feature of this building is its natural into different areas. The premises lighting achieved through the insta- are annexed to the building located llation of wide exterior windows. at no. 108 of the Technological Park On the first and ground floors are of Bizkaia, in Zamudio. Both premi- located management's headquar- ses are lodged on a plot of 9,042 m2, ters, comprising, among other, a with the new building occupying mo- main meeting room, other meeting re than 4,000 m2, schematically rooms, the Aula-ikastola (Training structured into three distinct volu- classroom), and the board meeting mes linked to each other through the room, etc. - Newsletter Number 13 The offices 12