decigo decigo - Gravitational Wave Project Office
decigo decigo - Gravitational Wave Project Office
Prospects and progress of DECIGO / DECIGO Path Finder Nobuyuki Kanda DECIGO collaboration drawn by Sora.K Seiji Kawamura, Takashi Nakamura, Kimio Tsubono, Takahiro Tanaka, Ikkoh Funaki, Naoki Seto, Kenji Numata, Shuichi Sato, Nobuyuki Kanda, Takeshi Takashima, Kunihito Ioka, Kazuhiro Agatsuma, Tomotada Akutsu, Tomomi Akutsu, Koh-suke Aoyanagi, Koji Arai, Yuta Arase, Akito Araya, Hideki Asada, Yoichi Aso, Takeshi Chiba, Toshikazu Ebisuzaki, Motohiro Enoki, Yoshiharu Eriguchi, MasaKatsu Fujimoto, Ryuichi Fujita, Mitsuhiro Fukushima, Toshifumi Futamase, Katsuhiko Ganzu, Tomohiro Harada, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Kazuhiro Hayama, Wataru Hikida, Yoshiaki Himemoto, Hisashi Hirabayashi, Takashi Hiramatsu, Feng-Lei Hong, Hideyuki Horisawa, Mizuhiko Hosokawa, Kiyotomo Ichiki, Takeshi Ikegami, Kaiki T. Inoue, Koji Ishidoshiro, Hideki Ishihara, Takehiko Ishikawa, Hideharu Ishizaki, Hiroyuki Ito, Yousuke Itoh, Shogo Kamagasako, Nobuki Kawashima, Fumiko Kawazoe, Hiroyuki Kirihara, Naoko Kishimoto, Kenta Kiuchi, Shiho Kobayashi, Kazunori Kohri, Hiroyuki Koizumi, Yasufumi Kojima, Keiko Kokeyama, Wataru Kokuyama, Kei Kotake, Yoshihide Kozai, Hideaki Kudoh, Hiroo Kunimori, Hitoshi Kuninaka, Kazuaki Kuroda, Kei-ichi Maeda, Hideo Matsuhara, Yasushi Mino, Osamu Miyakawa, Shinji Miyoki, Mutsuko Y. Morimoto, Tomoko Morioka , Toshiyuki Morisawa, Shigenori Moriwaki, Shinji Mukohyama, Mitsuru Musha, Shigeo Nagano, Isao Naito, Noriyasu Nakagawa, Kouji Nakamura, Hiroyuki Nakano, Kenichi Nakao, Shinichi Nakasuka, Yoshinori Nakayama, Erina Nishida, Kazutaka Nishiyama, Atsushi Nishizawa, Yoshito Niwa, Masatake Ohashi, Naoko Ohishi, Masashi Ohkawa, Akira Okutomi, Kouji Onozato, Kenichi Oohara, Norichika Sago, Motoyuki Saijo, Masaaki Sakagami, Shin-ichiro Sakai, Shihori Sakata, Misao Sasaki, Takashi Sato, Masaru Shibata, Hisaaki Shinkai, Kentaro Somiya, Hajime Sotani, Naoshi Sugiyama, Yudai Suwa, Hideyuki Tagoshi, Kakeru Takahashi, Keitaro Takahashi, Tadayuki Takahashi, Hirotaka Takahashi, Ryuichi Takahashi, Ryutaro Takahashi, Takamori Akiteru, Tadashi Takano, Keisuke Taniguchi, Atsushi Taruya, Hiroyuki Tashiro, Mitsuru Tokuda, Masao Tokunari, Morio Toyoshima, Shinji Tsujikawa, Yoshiki Tsunesada, Ken-ichi Ueda, Masayoshi Utashima, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Toshitaka Yamazaki, Jun'ichi Yokoyama, Chul-Moon Yoo, Shijun Yoshida, Taizoh Yoshino 1 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO Bridge between mHz and 10Hz Ω 2 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO Bridge between mHz and 10Hz Ω 2 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO Bridge between mHz and 10Hz Ω 2 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO DECIGO Deci-hertz Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory 3 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO DECIGO Deci-hertz Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory 3 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO Plan of the Talk 1. DECIGO’s Seinece 2. Conceptual Design 3. DECIGO Path Finder Thanks to S.Kawamura, M.Ando, N.Seto, S.Sato, M.Tokuda and DECIGO collaborators for figures, photograph and many suggestions. 4 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO Science of DECIGO Stochastic Background GW : Hearing a call of the early universe Huge number of binary systems : Foreground (cleaning) problem Probing dark energy NS formation Black Hole related GW IMBH BH+NS Others... 5 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO Science of DECIGO Stochastic Background GW : Hearing a call of the early universe Huge number of binary systems : Foreground (cleaning) problem Probing dark energy NS formation Black Hole related GW IMBH BH+NS cosmological interests ! Others... 5 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO Deci-Hz band has fruitful info. Compact Binaries (NS, stellar mass BH, IMBH) " #1/2 ! ρ f ∼ Gρ ∼ [Hz] 106 [g/cm3 ] frequency [Hz] 1 ~ several years before coalescence of NS-NS 10 1.4-1.4 Msolar 10-10 Msolar 1 TGW ∼ 0.1 0.01 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 time [sec] ! f 0.2[Hz] "−8/3 ! M 1.2M" "−5/3 8 2.5 3.0x10 Escape from WD-WD confusion noise around mHz 6 2009年7月10日金曜日 [yrs] Stochastic Background GW from early universe DECIGO Ω Two (or more) set of DECIGO/BBO make possible to reach the sensitivity of stochastic GW from early universe. Ω Ω 7 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO Foreground GW from NS-NS binaries Many neutron star binaries are exist. Roughly ~105 NS-NS binary mergers will appear on DECIGO for year(s) of observation. These signals called DECIGO instrumental noise spectrum 10 simulated signal : noise + 10 NS-NS binaries* as NS-NS ‘foreground’. * It appear as ‘confusion 10 noise’ around 0.1Hz. -21 5 0-10 years before merge -22 -23 10 How to remove is a problem. (In another words, we will use many NS’s GWs !) -24 10 0.01 8 2009年7月10日金曜日 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 0.1 Hz 2 3 4 5 6 789 1 Cleaning requires ... DECIGO Quite huge number of templates will be needed. (Culter & Harms, Phys.Rev. D73 042001, for BBO) Very acculate waveform parameters must be determined. → Δm/m < ~10-7 % (in our estimation) However, in principle, the cleaning will be possible ! !" #$$ !" #$' !" #$& (total fitting parameters)/(data amount) ~(R x Tobs x n) / (f x Tobs) !" #$% / /012345/67896:8/;<8=>9?@ /;AB;/CB8DA98/=E86FGF:H / ;=E86F//<AI89/;<8=>9?@ #% //!@J@/K/!" /L #( //!@J@/K/!" /L #) //!@J@/K/!" /L $ ' 9 2009年7月10日金曜日 & % ( ) * + ",! -. $ ' & % ( ) * + ! DECIGO NS-NS probe for ... NS formation DECIGO might see z~5 NS binaries. S/N ~ (1+z)1/6 Good angular resolution ~ λ/D ~ 109 m / 1AU ~ 10-2 rad ❨Diffraction limit. It will be slightly better with mode analysis.❩ Dark energy, or Weak lensing geometrical test of high-redshift universe dL-z relation Cutler&Holz, arxiv0906.3752 10 2009年7月10日金曜日 Acceleration of Expansion of the Universe Expansion +Acceleration? DECIGO DECIGO GW NS-NS (z∼1) Output Strain Template (No Acceleration) Real Signal ? Phase Delay∼1sec (10 years) Time Seto, Kawamura, Nakamura, PRL 87, 221103 (2001) 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO More Massive Objects IMBH (Intermidiate Mass Black Hole) Enough high S/N 1000Msolar-1000Msolar @ z=1 --> S/N ~ 103 BH + NS Also enough S/N, better than NS-NS. 12 2009年7月10日金曜日 Let’s focus on experimental apparatus. DECIGO DECIGO conceptual design ca vit Ar m Conceptual design : Space-based, drag free Fabry=Perot IF, Finesse:10, 10W 532nm laser, 3 interferometers 1000 km base line mirror diameter : 1m, weight 100 kg y Deci-hertz Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory 1000km Arm cavity Laser Mirror Photodetector Drag-free S/C 13 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO Why FP cavity? Transponder type (e.g. LISA) Implement FP cavity Shot noise Transponder type (e.g. LISA) e Implement FP cavity FP cavity type Frequency 2009年7月10日金曜日 Sh ot no is Shorten arm length f1 e is no ot Sh ure Shot noise f1 s res n p -2 tio e f dia nois Ra ure s res n p -2 tio e f dia nois Ra Strain Shorten arm length Better bestsensitivity DECIGO Requirements Acceleration noise should be suppressed below radiation pressure noise Force noise: DECIGO = LISA/50 (Acceleration noise in terms of h: 1, Distance: 1/5000, Mass: 100) Fluctuation of magnetic field, electric field, gravitational field, temperature, pressure, etc. Sensor noise should be suppressed below shot noise. Phase noise: DECIGO = LCGT×10 (Sensor noise in terms of h: 1, storage time: 10) Frequency noise, intensity noise, beam jitter, etc. Thruster system should satisfy range, noise, bandwidth, and durability. 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO Cavity and S/C control Cavity length change PDH error signal Mirror position (and Laser frequency) Relative motion between mirror and S/C Local sensor S/C thruster Displacement Signal between S/C and Mirror S/C 1 Local Sensor S/C 2 Mirror Thruster Actuator Displacement signal between the two Mirrors 2009年7月10日金曜日 Thruster Fig: S. Kawamura Orbit and Constellation Candidate of orbit: Record-disk orbit around the Sun Relative acc. 4x10-12 m/s2 (Mirror force ~10-9 N ) Halo orbit around L2 (or L1) Relative acc. 4x10-7 m/s2 (Mirror force ~10-4 N ) 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO DECIGO Orbit and Constellation Candidate of orbit: Record-disk orbit around the Sun Relative acc. 4x10-12 Separated unit m/s2 (Mirror force ~10-9 N ) Halo orbit around L2 (or L1) Relative acc. 4x10-7 m/s2 (Mirror force ~10-4 N ) Constellation 4 interferometer units Separated unit 2 overlapped units Cross correlation 2 separated units Angular resolution 2009年7月10日金曜日 overlapped units DECIGO DECIGO-PF DECIGO Pathfinder (DPF) First milestone mission for DECIGO Shrink arm cavity DECIGO 1000km DPF 30cm Single satellite Local Sensor (Payload ~1m3 , 350kg) Low-earth orbit (Altitude 500km, sun synchronous) 30cm FP cavity with 2 test masses Stabilized laser source Drag-free control 2009年7月10日金曜日 Actuator Thruster DECIGO DPF satellite Mast structure DPF Payload Size : 950mm cube Weight : 150kg Power : 130W Data Rate: 800kbps Mission thruster x12 Mission Thruster head Stabilized. Laser source On-board Computer Power Supply SpW Comm. Satellite Bus (‘Standard bus’ system) Size : 950x950x1100mm Weight : 200kg SAP : 960W Battery: 50AH Downlink : 2Mpbs DR: 1GByte 3N Thrusters x 4 2009年7月10日金曜日 Interferometer module Satellite Bus system Bus thruster Solar Paddle DPF mission payload Mission weight : ~150kg Mission space : ~90 x 90 x 90 cm Laser source Yb:YAG laser (1030nm) Power : 25mW Freq. stab. by Iodine abs. line DECIGO Drag-free control Local sensor signal Feedback to thrusters Fabry-Perot interferometer Finesse : 100 Length : 30cm Test mass : 1kg Signal extraction by PDH 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO DPF Sensitivity Laser source : 1030nm, 25mW IFO length : 30cm Finesse : 100, Mirror mass : 1kg Q-factor : 105, Substrate: TBD Temperature : 293K 2009年7月10日金曜日 Satellite mass : 350kg, Area: 2m2 Altitude: 500km Thruster noise: 0.1μN/Hz1/2 (Preliminary parameters) Possible GW target of DPF DECIGO Blackholes events in our galaxy IMBH inspiral and merger h ~ 10-15 , f ~ 4 Hz Distance 10kpc, m = 103 Msun Obs. Duration (~1000sec) KAGAYA BH QNM h ~ 10-15 , f ~ 0.3 Hz Distance 1Mpc, m = 105 Msun 2009年7月10日金曜日 Possible GW target of DPF DECIGO Blackholes events in our galaxy IMBH inspiral and merger h ~ 10-15 , f ~ 4 Hz Distance 10kpc, m = 103 Msun Obs. Duration (~1000sec) KAGAYA BH QNM h ~ 10-15 , f ~ 0.3 Hz Distance 1Mpc, m = 105 Msun Observable range reaches the Galactic center (SNR~5 ) Hard to access by others Original observation 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO Gravity of the Earth Measure gravity field of the Earth for Satellite Orbits GPS satellite Determine global gravity field Density distribution Monitor of change in time Ground water motion Strains in crusts by earthquakes and volcanoes 東京大字地震研・新谷氏、 京都大学・福田氏の資料/情報提供 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO Gravity of the Earth Measure gravity field of the Earth for Satellite Orbits GPS satellite Determine global gravity field Density distribution Monitor of change in time Ground water motion Strains in crusts by earthquakes and volcanoes Observation Gap between GRACE and GRACE-FO (2012-16) DPF contribution 東京大字地震研・新谷氏、 京都大学・福田氏の資料/情報提供 2009年7月10日金曜日 in international network DECIGO R&D for DPF (1) By M.Musha Stabilized Laser BBM development Yb:YAG (NPRO) source Saturated absorption by I2 Stability test, Packaging IFO and housing BBM-EM development Test of concepts + Earth gravity sensors S.Sato’s talk (P. Session #2, Today) Y.Wakabayashi’s poster 2009年7月10日金曜日 By S.Sato By A.Araya R&D for DPF (2) Attitude control and Drag-free Satellite structure (mass distribution) Passive attitude stabilization by gravity gradient Mission thruster position Control topology 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO By S.Moriwaki R&D for DPF (2) Attitude control and Drag-free Satellite structure (mass distribution) Passive attitude stabilization DECIGO By S.Moriwaki by gravity gradient Mission thruster position Control topology Thruster System design with existing tech. Noise meas. system (thruster stand) Development of Slit FEEP 2009年7月10日金曜日 By I.Funaki DECIGO Roadmap of DECIGO/DPF 2007 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 R&D Fabrication 15 16 17 18 19 20 R&D Fabrication 21 22 23 24 25 R&D Fabrication Mission DECIGO Pathfinder (DPF) Pre-DECIGO DECIGO SDS-1/SWIM Objective GW astronomy GW observation Detect GW with min. spec FP between S/C Single small satellite Short FP interferometer 3 S/C 1 interferometer unit 3 S/C x 3-4 units Space test of key tech. Design 26 2009年7月10日金曜日 26 DECIGO Organization PI: Kawamura (NAOJ) Deputy: Ando (Kyoto) Executive Committee Kawamura (NAOJ), Ando (Kyoto), Seto (Kyoto), Nakamura (Kyoto), Tsubono (Tokyo), Tanaka (Kyoto), Funaki (ISAS), Numata (Maryland), Sato (Hosei), Kanda (Osaka city), Takashima (ISAS), Ioka (KEK) Pre-DECIGO Sato (Hosei) Detector Numata (Maryland) Ando (Kyoto) Satellite Funaki (ISAS) Design phase DECIGO pathfinder Leader: Ando (Kyoto) Deputy: Takashima (ISAS) Mission phase Detector Laser Housing Ando (Kyoto) Ueda (ILS) Musya (ILS) Sato (Hosei) Drag free Moriwaki (Tokyo) Sakai (ISAS) 27 2009年7月10日金曜日 Science, Data Tanaka (Kyoto) Seto (Kyoto) Kanda (Osaka city) Thruster Bus Data Funaki (ISAS) Takashima (ISAS) Kanda (Osaka city) Collaboration and support DECIGO ・Supports from LISA Technical advises from LISA/LPF experiences Support Letter for DECIGO/DPF LISA-DECIGO workshop (2008.11) ・Collab. with Stanford univ. group Drag-free control of DECIGO/DPF UV LED Charge Management System for DPF ・Collab. with JAXA navigation-control section formation flight of DECIGO, DPF drag-free control ・Research Center for the Early Universe (RESCEU), Univ. of Tokyo Support DECIGO as ones of main projects (2009.4-) ・Collab. with UNISEC (University Space Engineering Consortium) Call for active young engineers 2009年7月10日金曜日 DECIGO Summary DECIGO is a future space-based GW detector project : Fabry-Perot IF, 1000km baseline, constellation flight Deci-Hz band is a focus of DECIGO! (same to BBO) Fruitful frequency band for not only astronomical sources but also cosmological studies. DECIGO Path Finder is going now. 29 2009年7月10日金曜日
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