Shutterbugs November 2015


Shutterbugs November 2015
camberwell camera club newsletter Volume 46, No.11
November 2015
Upcoming Events:
President’s Message:
As we prepare for the club’s annual General Meeting on Nov 23 and reflect on
the year, without doubt it has been just a wonderful year for the club on so many
From a photographic perspective, the development of the work of so many
people has been outstanding. I will not single out particular people ( because there
have been so many) but members who only started in the last year or two entering
images in monthly comps are now being acknowledged by judges and members via
Member Choice Awards. Relevantly this year has seen a record number of images
entered in many of the monthly competitions and also a record 253 entries in our
annual trophy competition. This has been a fantastic development and we have
tweaked the monthly comp. arrangements to accommodate entries from even more
members in the future.
But it is in the context of “club” aspects that I am personally most delighted with.
It is just a great group of people to be involved with and to share a passion with. So
many members get involved in a range of tasks and there is absolutely no shortage
of volunteers to help with club projects and initiatives. I also never cease to be
amazed at the level of expertise in so many areas within our pool of members. For
health and other reasons some of our members have had some tough times this
year. I am sure that they have found some help and support through their friendships
at the club.
In his excellent Club Secretary’s report, Wolf Marx details all the major developments and events during the year and acknowledges the contributions of so many
I just want to thank you all for your work and for making this club both a pleasure
and honour to be involved with.
Ken Spence President
Monday November 23:
Annual General Meeting: As well as the AGM
Gaynor Robson will present “ My Photography”
and judge “The Year’s Activities” competition.
Please bring up to 2 prints/DPIs taken since
October last year of any club activity, outing,
workshop etc. merit cards awarded to both print
and DPI winners.
Tuesday December 1:
Club Outing: Please see page 2
Sunday December 6:
Christmas Cocktail Party: 5.30pm at Wolf’s
Monday December 7:
Annual Awards Trophy Night: 7.30pm in the club
rooms. Please bring a plate (either sweet or
savoury) to share.
Monday January 25:
Club Meeting: 7.30 in the club rooms, Jim Love
will present his “My Photography”. Please bring
some of your holiday images.
Monday February 8:
Workshop Night: : 7.30 pm in club rooms.
Background to 2015 Trophy winning images.
Thanks to the 30 people who filled out our detailed member survey. A
summary of the results in contained in this edition of Shutterbugs and
the committee is now considering them in detail, including the extremely useful individual comments and suggestions on a range of
topics. The committee will be responding to these results at its next
meeting, and, member suggestions will spark a range of new and exciting initiatives for 2016.
Image of Month:
October’s Image of the Month by Craig
Taken on a tripod with an Olympus OMD-EM5 micro 4/3 with the kit
12-50 mm lens (24-100 mm equivalent) on the Macro setting
configured to autofocus on the area touched on the Live View
screen with a two second shutter delay. To produce the final image,
six separate exposures, taken at 1/60, ƒ6.0, ISO 400 and focussed
on the six main buds, were exported from Lightroom to Photoshop
as layers, Auto-align then Auto-Blend in Photoshop.
Craig Morgan
Club Outings:
The December outing is to the Melbourne Camera Club ( Cnr. Ferrars St and
Dorcas St. South Melbourne (Melways 57 F2)on Tuesday December 1 at
Bring up to 10 of your best “Club Outing” shots (DPI’s of our usual size) for a
relaxed viewing.
There are photo opportunities in South Melbourne and we will gather for
lunch somewhere nearby. Please contact Peter Brady 9885 6092
Camberwell Camera Club – Maldon Weekend Away Oct 2015.
Camberwell Camera Club members ventured to Maldon in the goldfields to dig for photographic gold in our October weekend away.
After establishing our base camp at the caravan park we headed off on a reconnaissance mission to an abandoned dredge and dragline on the edge of town. What an
amazing place. This site would be perfect for night time photography under a half moon.
After an enjoyable BBQ dinner we headed to Mt Tarrengower for some great sunset views over the Grampians in the distance. We enjoyed the changing shadows and
colours as the sun slowly sank behind the Grampians.
The dredge and dragline were next and they didn’t disappoint. Wonderful rust and silver colours emerged as the moonlight turned night into day while the long exposure shots showed excellent star trails. It was an evening to remember.
No rest for the wicked though. We were up bright and early for the sunrise from the tower on Mt Tarrengower. The rolling hills and mist filled valleys toward Mt Macedon in the distance provided classic rolling hills and mist filled valley photographs. When the sun emerged the trees created wonderful shadows on the mist.
Following breakfast we undertook a walking and photographic tour of Maldon. There are many fine buildings dating back to the 1850’s that are well preserved and still in
use today.
A tour of Carman’s mine by candlelight was next which tested our low light photography skills. A tour of other abandoned mine sites was next, followed by a visit to the
cemetery as the sun was starting to sink low in the sky.
Wolf unleashed his drone, with GoPro attached, above the cemetery to capture the lengthening shadows of the tombstones. When the drone returned to base the GoPro was missing. Disaster! A search party was quickly arranged and eagle eyed Bev found it among the long grass and graves. Wolf has happy to get his GoPro back from
the dead.
Sunset was near so it was back to Mt Tarrengower to watch the sun disappear behind the Grampians. A young couple sitting on a blanket enjoying a romantic sunset
were unfortunate to have a group of photographers arrive to disrupt their evening. However, as the photographers, we were fortunate to find a young couple sitting on
a blanket enjoying the sunset as they added great human interest to our sunset shots.
Dinner in town and discussion way into the night back at the caravan park ended a memorable day.
Next morning we headed to the railway station to enjoy the sounds and smells of a steam train. We positioned ourselves at various vantage points as the train headed to
Castlemaine and later returned to Maldon. We were allowed on board the engine and could see first hand the controls and the coal being loaded into the firebox.
A trip to the Rock of Ages lookout was next. The lookout was strewn with weathered granite boulders and provided great views over the cemetery. As we were about to
leave we heard a rumble in the distance that gradually got closer. To our surprise a convoy of vintage tractors emerged from behind the boulders. The tractors were on a
tour around the district and were driven by some real characters. We enjoyed a chat with them while we photographed the unusual sight.
After that unexpected bonus, club members headed home with memories of a great weekend and memory cards full of wonderful photos waiting to be explored.
Ian Spence
Beyond Point and Shoot Photography Course:
A huge vote of thanks to all our session presenters and helpers for another successful photography course.
The Club has been running this course for a number of years now, bringing in much needed money and
new members.
Camberwell Camera Club Inc.
Annual Report 2015
It is my great pleasure to submit the Annual Report of the Camberwell Camera Club for 2015.
This was once again a year of innovation, learning and entertainment. After we all recovered from the
festive season, we appreciated an entertaining and insightful talk, given at our January meeting by
Chris Roberts, on the things to look out for when considering participation in photographic tours
The sharing of experiences and knowledge was formalised this year by the introduction of an additional
monthly meeting held on the second Monday of each month. These meetings were designed as workshop meetings where members and some non-member guests could share their specialist knowledge
with our Club members. Our appreciation for the organisation of these workshops goes to Donna
Killeen and members such as Jim Love, Barney Meyer, David Bignell, Fiona Armstrong and many
others who took the time to enrich our photographic skills.
One of the highlights of each year is of course the Club Competition, and we can thank our Competition
Stewards, Peter Brady, Sue Welsh and Vicky Hyduke for the excellent work they have done to keep
our competitions running smoothly all year. We also thank the various members who participated in the
selection committees, chaired by Peter Brady and Sue Welsh, to select the Club’s entries to inter-club
and international competitions. This year we continued with the Image of the Month award into our
monthly competitions and we congratulate all the winners for 2015.
In February we enjoyed the first of our Weekends Away when some of us visited Warburton and we
greatly appreciate the effort and organisation by Ian Spence in making this possible.
Our Club has always been active in making meaningful contributions to the community in which we operate and in February we produced panoramic images of stage backdrops of a Polish Dance Group so
that the valuable backdrops could be preserved. Thank you to Barney Meyer, Graz Tinney, Anna
Janiak, Mark Hassed and Wolf Marx for this activity.
In March we introduced on a trial basis the Member’s Choice Awards in addition to the awards
presented by external judges for our monthly competitions. We appreciate the extra work this entailed
by Sue Welsh, Jim Love and Evan Thomas. We congratulate all the winners of the Member’s Choice
awards during the year. In March we were able to view the images entered by our Club and the
Leighton Buzzard Club in the UK, into our Two Hemispheres Competition. Our Club won the virtual
Trophy in 2014 and our thanks go to Peter Brady for organising this great event.
In April our Club held its inaugural Annual Feature Presentation. This was held in the beautiful Main
Hall of the Hawthorn Arts Centre and we were fortunate to be able to attract renowned photographer,
Peter Eastway to present his work to an audience of 350 members and guests. This was made
possible by a grant from the Boroondara Council and we appreciate the efforts by Wolf Marx, Barney
Meyer, Fiona Anderson, Angela Booth and Ken Spence in making this happen. We were also able to
share an evening with UK audio visual production experts, Linda and Edgar Gibbs, with AV enthusiasts
from our Club and other Melbourne Clubs. Thanks go to Ruth Goldwasser and Wolf Marx for
organising this visit to our Club.
The VAPS Convention was held in Bendigo during May at which our Club achieved a Merit Award for
an audio visual sequence produced by Wolf Marx, but the highlights of the convention for our Club
were some special presentations. Doug Walker was presented his Year Bar for his 40 years of membership with our Club. Matt Moore and Peter Brady were awarded Service Awards for their outstanding
service to the Camberwell Camera Club. Lorraine Holden was awarded a Service Award for the outstanding service to our Club and to VAPS. Don Weston and Sue Welsh were awarded Meritorious Service Awards for their valuable and significant service to our Club. We congratulate them and thank
them for their continued service and membership of our Club.
In June we held our Interclub Competition but were narrowly beaten by Williamstown Photographic
Society. The main event for June, however, was the popular Camberwell Junction Exhibition at which
our members’ images are displayed in the shop windows along Riversdale and Camberwell Roads. Not
only does this event showcase the work we produce but it also provides an avenue to attract new
members to our Club.
The organisation of the exhibition demands a huge amount of work by a team of dedicated members.
Our appreciation for the successful organisation of the exhibition go to Donna Killeen, Angela Booth,
Phil Hankin, Jenny-Maree Marshall, Anne Matthews, Craig Morgan, Diana and Wal Close, Ian Spence,
Fiona Anderson and the many other members that helped out at the opening of the exhibition.
Continued over page
July was a busy month for Inter-Club and International Competitions. Congratulations go to Gaynor
Robson, who achieved a Merit Award, and Ruth Goldwasser who gained an acceptance, at the
prestigious George W Glennie Nature Salon.
We also congratulate the winners of awards in the Knox Photographic Society Inter-club monochrome
competition, being Ken Spence, Donna Killeen, Wal Close, David Bignell and Jeff Chiang. Our
appreciation for the work involved in collating and presenting the images to these competitions go to
Diana and Wal Close.
In August we trailed a “one Month’s Notice” competition and we thank Gaynor Robson for setting us
the challenging topic of “multiple exposure”. We were able in August to participate in an Advanced
Camera Course for which we thank Barney Meyer and Jim Love.
Bev Bryceson also organised an outing to Geelong and separately provided some of us with valuable
insights into macro photography. Thank you Bev.
In September we once again saw the start of our Club’s Beyond Point and Shoot photography course.
This is an important course for our Club because it shares our collective knowledge with newer
members and non-members alike and it is a significant source of funds for the Club. It demands a
substantial amount of commitment from the organisers and presenters and our appreciation is due to
these members who have spent many hours in making the Course so successful. Thanks Duane Harris, Graz Tinney, Brian Sheldon, Anne Mathews, Bec Nicolandos, Ken Spence, Phil Hankin, Don
Weston, Donna Killeen, Anna Janiak, Wolf Marx, Fiona Anderson and Jim Love.
In October our members were busy compiling their entries to the last of the year’s monthly completion
and submitting entries for the end of year Trophy competition and this year’s Leighton Buzzard
competition. Some of us, however, did have time to enjoy another weekend away ay Maldon. Thanks
again Ian Spence.
In November we had the chance to make our ideas known via a survey of members’ opinions and
suggestions for the running of the Club. Thanks Ian Spence for suggesting the idea of a survey and
thanks Vicky Hyduke and Ken Spence for compiling the survey and Anne Matthews for collating and
summarising all of the responses.
Our Club would not be one of the largest and most successful in Victoria if it were not for the many
members that contribute in many significant ways to this success. Phil Hankin, ably assisted when on
leave by Fiona Anderson and Sue Welsh, for producing our newsletter, Shutterbugs. Peter Brady for
his very popular mid-week outings. Barney Meyer, Evan Thomas, Mark Hassed, Inghard Ehrenberg
and Wolf Marx for keeping our website up to date. Don Weston for his ever popular Digital Group. Wolf
Marx and Colin Hunter for convening the Audio Visual Group. Anna Janiak for running the Portrait
Group and providing expertise in the community photo shoots at CamCare, Lynden Aged Care and the
Camberwell Market. Ken Paton and Anne Mathews for providing the tea and coffee and sustenance at
our meetings and Anna Janiak for the co-ordination of this invaluable service. Barney Meyer, ably
assisted in his absence by Bev Bryceson, for the task of projecting our images. Angela Booth and Pier
Vido for producing those fabulous graphic designs to advertise our events. Joe Hadju, Barney Meyer,
Anna Janiak and Ken Spence for organising impromptu photo outings to the City. Phil Hankin and Don
Weston for taking care of the Club’s equipment and keeping track of where it all is. Ken Spence, Fiona
Anderson and Bert Hoveling for drawing up the syllabus for 2016 and contacting all the great speakers
we have lined up for next year. Thanks also to the Committee for the management of the Club with
special thanks to Don Weston for looking after our funds as Treasurer and keeping the membership list
up to date.
This is our second AGM to be held in the St John’s Anglican Church, The venue has proved to be a
splendid location for our meetings and we thank the Church and its staff for the professional and
friendly way they have interacted with our Club. Our most heartfelt thanks must go to the only member
that can honestly say that he has attended each and every one of our meetings, courses and
sub-group events. Not only did he have to sit through some of our longest audio visuals and most
incomprehensible dissertations on histograms, he did so with grace and charm and single handedly
kept the venue in top shape for our convenience. May I express our sincere appreciation to Bruce
The activities of 2015 have again demonstrated the collegiate nature of the Club which makes it a
place not only for improving our photographic skills but also a place to have fun in a supportive
like-minded community. So thanks are due to all of our Members for making this Club such an
enjoyable environment to practice our love of photography.
Wolf Marx
23 November 2015
October Monthly Competition Results: “Macro/Close-Up”
Judges Linda and Roger Keagle
Prints A
John Davis
Jim Love
Brian Sheldon
Mark Hassed
Diana Close
Ken Spence
Craig Morgan
Prints B
Anne Matthews
Fiona Anderson
Inghard Ehrenberg
Paul Palcsek
Wal Close
Paul Palcsek
Anne Matthews
Inside Revealed
Macro Plunge
Delicate Sheath
Expanding Universe
Seed Pods
Highly Commended
Highly Commended
Honour/Image of the Month
Bee and Flower
Western Beach
Don’t Fence Me In
A New Season
Bird’s Eye View
Green Bug
Highly Commended
Highly Commended
Projected Images A
Craig Morgan
Mark Lourensz
Evan Thomas
Evan Thomas
Sue Welsh
Ken Spence
Jim Love
Brian Sheldon
Dandelion Puffball
Bird’s Eye
Flores Muerias Triptych
Fleeting Beauty
Deconstructed Tulip
Spring Maintenance
Projected Images B
Mather Mason
Faux Dragonfly
Irena Bomford
Inghard Ehrenberg Gadawan
Dave Bignell
Lava Fruit
Ian Spence
A Time for Sleep
Irena Bomford
Radiating Aura
Wal Close
Cairn’s Wing Butterfly
Members’ Choice A
Ken Spence
Jim Love
Jim Love
Expanding Universe
Members’ Choice B
Dave Bignell
Irena Bomford
Anne Matthews
This Place
Green Bug
Highly Commended
Highly Commended
Highly Commended
Highly Commended
Highly Commended
Highly Commended
Equal Second
Equal Second
At our October monthly meeting on the 26th we were treated to two very fine
speakers/judges, Linda and Roger Keagle.
Linda and Roger assessed our macro/close-up work with great thoroughness,
giving very detailed and constructive thoughts on every image.
Next Linda showed us some of her close-up work using Focus Stacking which I
think could start a new craze in our club.
They then humbled us all by presenting a slide show in black and white of their
last trip to Bali, each and every shot a winner.
As wolf said if he (and really he was speaking about any of us) came back from
a trip with just one or two of those shots he (we) would be very pleased and
consider the trip a success.
Shutterboggler: By Fiona Anderson
1. Why did News Corp’s David Caird, finalist for press photographer of the year in the Walkley awards, recently withdraw
his entry from the competition?
2. And what was the subject of the photo that led to him withdrawing?
3. In 2010, a man named Randy Guijarro bought a tintype photo of some people playing croquet. One of the people has
been identified as Billy the Kid, making it only the second authenticated photo of “The Kid” known to exist. The photo’s value
is estimated at up to $5M; What did Guijarro pay for it?
4. Which company has recently announced the release of a new full frame, 42.4 mp CMOS sensor, fixed lens compact camera– that fits into your hand?
5. In an Australian first, the Federal Circuit Court last year found that Melbourne travel agent Serpil Sevin had infringed the
copyright of Hawaiian photographer Vincent Khoury Tylor by using one of his images on her website without permission or
payment for rights. What amount was she ordered to pay in damages and costs?
6. And how much of that amount has she so far paid (at date of publication)?
7. Which famous photographer said: In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real that reality.
8. And who said: Every other artist begins with a blank canvas, a piece of paper… the photographer begins with the
finished product.
9. Earlier this year, a team of photographers captured what they hope will be accepted as the largest photo ever taken,
surpassing the previous world record of a 320 gigapixel image by 45gp. What is the subject of their giant panorama?
10. And if printed out at 300 dots per inch what would be the approximate dimensions of the image?
Answers. 1. Because the judges discovered one of his images had been manipulated ( a piece of straw had
been cloned out). 2. Baby gorilla Kimye at Melbourne zoo. 3.$2 in a charity shop. 4. Sony (the RX1R11) 5. $24,000 6.
$0. 7. Alfred Stieglitz 8. Edward Steichen 9. Mont Blanc 10. 100m X 30m
Camberwell Junction Exhibition 2016
Looking for a unique Christmas present that tells a meaningful story
as you flip through the months?
Orders are now being taken for the Loose Change Sponsorship
Scheme’s 2016 Calendar, which is selling for $20.
Professionally designed by CCC member Pier Vido, with beautiful
photographs, it will be printed on quality 200 gsm satin finish card
weight paper, wiro bound in the middle with hole drilled at top for
Each page is A3 [420 mm tall x 297 mm wide], it's nice and big with
plenty of space to write in all your dates - this calendar opens out to
840 mm in height.
We're taking orders not money for the moment so if you're interested,
please email Sheryl Taylor (Pier's wife) - - and
she will add you to the print run.
Delivery will be early December.
All of the profits will go to paying for new school uniforms, socks,
shoes, books and Term 1 school fees for 21 children and young
adults at the New Outlook Centre Tanzania [NOCET] to start off the
new school year.
For more information on the charity and the orphanage, have a chat
with Pier next time you see him, or visit the following websites:
Planning is underway for our 4th Camberwell Junction Exhibition to
be held from 2nd to 31 July 2016.The theme for the photos will be
“Melbourne Moments”. Which, by brilliant forethought is also the
club’s competition subject for the March monthly meeting. Please
note this means the deadline for your comp entries is the February
meeting! The final deadline for the exhibition entries is a week later
on 29th February.
The Exhibition committee will select images from both the comp
entries as well as call for more images from members. We would
like every member to have at least one image in the exhibition.
Email your entries up to 5MB to
The file name should include your name and title. For example
firstname_lastname_title using spaces.jpg An example is
Angela_Booth_ Wow look at that.jpg
In the email you send include the name you want printed on the
photo. It should read as you want it and include the correct
grammer. Eg Angela Booth Wow! Look at that! File size can be up
to 10MB
Melbourne Moments is exactly that. A moment in Melbourne that
you have captured. It could be people on a tram, street scenes,
coffee shop scenes, festival you have visited etc. We will give you
some more ideas along the way. For the exhibition images we are
aiming to get away from picture postcard shots of Melbourne icons,
grafitti and trams and focus more on personal images that reflect
your life in Melbourne. The public love images that involve people.
The topic is effectively OPEN images taken in Melbourne.
Camberwell Camera Club:
President: Ken Spence 9836 2952
Hon. Secretary: Wolf Marx 9809 1410
Shutterbugs Editor: Phillip Hankin 9836 3926
Production Crew: Fiona Anderson
Sue Welsh