April 27, 2016
April 27, 2016
PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID The Roundup (406) 433-3306 Fax (406) 433-4114 e-mail address: info@roundupweb.com www.roundupweb.com %XVLQHVV2IÀFH /RFDWHGDW:HVW0DLQ 6LGQH\07 Wednesday, April 27, 2016 North Dakota Paddlefish Season Opens May 1 6XEPLWWHGE\1RUWK'DNRWD*DPH)LVK $SDGGOHÀVKWDJLVUHTXLUHGWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQ1RUWK'DNRWD·V SDGGOHÀVKVQDJJLQJVHDVRQZKLFKRSHQV0D\DQGLVVFKHGuled to continue through the end of May. However, depending on the overall harvest, an early in-season closure may occur with a 24-hour notice issued by the state Game and Fish Department. 6QDJDQGUHOHDVHRIDOOSDGGOHÀVKLVUHTXLUHGRQ6XQGD\V 0RQGD\V DQG 7KXUVGD\V WKHUHIRUH WKH ÀUVW WZR GD\V RI WKH 2016 snagging season will be snag-and-release only. MandaWRU\KDUYHVWRIDOOVQDJJHGSDGGOHÀVKLVUHTXLUHGRQ7XHVGD\V Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. On these days, all padGOHÀVKFDXJKWPXVWEHNHSWDQGWDJJHGLPPHGLDWHO\ $OOSDGGOHÀVKVQDJJHGDQGWDJJHGPXVWEHUHPRYHGIURP the river by 9 p.m. of each snagging day. Those planning to participate during snag-and-release-only days need to have in WKHLUSRVVHVVLRQDFXUUHQWVHDVRQXQXVHGSDGGOHÀVKVQDJJLQJ tag. Use or possession of gaffs is prohibited on snag-and-release-only days, and, if it occurs, during the snag-and-release extension period. Legal snagging hours are from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. One tag per snagger will be issued. Snagging is legal in all areas of the Yellowstone River in North Dakota, and in the area of the 0LVVRXUL5LYHUO\LQJZHVWRIWKH86+LJKZD\EULGJHWRWKH Montana border, excluding that portion from the pipeline crossing ULYHUPLOHGRZQVWUHDPWRWKHXSSHUHQGRIWKH/HZLVDQG &ODUN:LOGOLIH0DQDJHPHQW$UHDULYHUPLOH If the season closes early because the harvest cap is reached, an extended snag-and-release-only period will be allowed for up to four days immediately following the early closure, but not to extend beyond May 31. Only snaggers with DFXUUHQWVHDVRQXQXVHGSDGGOHÀVKVQDJJLQJWDJDUHHOLJLEOH WRSDUWLFLSDWH2QO\DOLPLWHGDUHDDWWKHFRQÁXHQFHRIWKH0LVsouri and Yellowstone rivers is open to this extended season snagging opportunity. $OOSDGGOHÀVKVQDJJHUVPXVWSRVVHVVDSDGGOHÀVKWDJLQ DGGLWLRQWRDYDOLGÀVKLQJOLFHQVH&RVWRIDSDGGOHÀVKWDJLV IRUUHVLGHQWVDQGIRUQRQUHVLGHQWV Volume 42 • Number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·/HDU\0RQWDQD'HSDUWPHQWRI&RPPHUFH0DU\%DLU0RQWDQD%RDUGRI+RXVLQJ 5LJKW'RQ6WHUQKDQ3UHVLGHQWDQG&(2RIWKH0RXQWDLQ3ODLQV(TXLW\*URXSSUHVHQWHG3DXO*URVKDUWUHWLUHG ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRURIWKH5LFKODQG&RXQW\+RXVLQJ$XWKRULW\6WDFH\1HW]FXUUHQW([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRURIWKH 5LFKODQG&RXQW\+RXVLQJ$XWKRULW\DQG*RYHUQRU6WHYH%XOORFNZLWKKRQRUDU\KDUGKDWVIRUWKHLUHIIRUWVLQ PDNLQJWKH6XQVHW9LOODJHDUHDOLW\)URPOHIWWRULJKW'RQ6WHUKDQ6WDFH\1HW]3DXO*URVKDUWDQG*RYHUQRU 6WHYH%XOORFN3KRWRVE\0HDJDQ'RWVRQ Bra Auction Raises $20,000 The Bra $XFWLRQUDLVHG DSSUR[LPDWHO\ IRUWKH &DQFHU&RDOLWLRQ $LG)XQGZKLFK SURYLGHVÀQDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFHWR SDWLHQWVZLWKDOO W\SHVRIFDQFHU 0RUHWKDQ GRQDWHGEUDV ZHUHDXFWLRQHG RIIGXULQJWKH IXQÀOOHGHYHQLQJ DQGDXFWLRQHHU 5LFN.QLHSNDPS KDGWKHDXGLHQFH ODXJKLQJ WKURXJKRXWWKH QLJKW3KRWRE\ +HDWKHU1HYLQV Legislation Introduced for Tax Savings for FFA, 4-H Student Projects 6XEPLWWHGE\$J1HZV:LUH The Montana Farm Bureau is urging Congressional support for S. 2774, the Agriculture Student EARN Act. The Act, introduced by Senators Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) and Joni Ernst 5,RZD ZRXOG PDNH WKH ÀUVW RI LQFRPH HDUQHG E\ students completing 4-H or FFA agricultural projects tax-free. Farm Bureau also supports companion legislation introduced in the House by Representatives Michael McCaul (R-Texas), Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) and Michael Conaway (R-Texas). That ELOOLV+5WKH6WXGHQW$JULFXOWXUH3URWHFWLRQ$FWRI “Student agricultural projects increase awareness of and foster DQLQWHUHVWLQÀHOGVRIVWXG\WKDWZLOOSURYLGHWKHQH[WJHQHUDWLRQ of farmers and ranchers, food scientists, agricultural engineers, agronomists, horticulturalists and soil scientists,” said Jim Rose, VWDWH))$DGYLVRU´:HJHQHUDOO\GHÀQHDQ))$RU+DJULFXOtural project as a student business venture.” Albert Koenig, the newly elected Montana FFA president, indicated the tax relief bill would be excellent for students. “The tax break would go a long way towards students reinvesting their money to develop their projects further,” noted Koenig. ´0DQ\VWXGHQWVDUHVLJQLÀFDQWSOD\HUVLQWKHLUFRPPXQLWLHV,Q fact, FFA members contributed 6 million to the economy. This legislation could allow students to turn their small projects into working business ventures.” Montana Farm Bureau shares in the development of youth, being involved in developing leaders and helping young people stay involved in agriculture. “Montana Farm Bureau brings resources and individuals together to keep young producers on top of issues that affect their farms and ranches every day,” says MFBF Young Farmer and Rancher Chair Gil Gasper. “Farm Bureau stands behind agriculture to ensure that the next generation can stay involved in farming and ranching or in pursuing other important agricultural careers.” The long-term sustainability of agriculture depends on talented young people pursuing careers in farming and ranching and other agricultural production and food chain professions. 0DLOLQJ$GGUHVV P.O. Box 1207 6LGQH\07 Great Success at ’16 Boys & Girls Club of Richland County Annual Dinner & Auction 6XEPLWWHGE\0LFKHOOH6HDGHHN Thank you Richland County! The evening of April 2nd, over 240 Richland County community members joined Boys & Girls Club staff in the Hawaiian themed luau. It was a celebration of how donors have helped move Boys & Girls Club forward this past year as well as fundraising for 2016-2017 ÀVFDO \HDU :LWK D UHQHZHG VWDII DQG VWURQJ FRPPXQLW\VXSSRUWWKLV\HDU·VHYHQWZDVDEOH WRPHHWWKHJRDOZDVWKURXJK a Raise-the-Paddle segment where individuals SOHGJHG D VSHFLÀF GROODU DPRXQW WRZDUG WKH building fund. This fundraiser completes the ÀVFDO \HDU DQG VXSSRUWV RI WKH DQQXDO operating budget. While fun Hawaiian music played in the EDFNJURXQGWKHOXDXFDPHFRPSOHWHZLWKH[RWLFÁRZHUVIURP Reynolds, a balloon wave from Party Central, the parade of the URDVWHGSLJGRQDWHGE\-LP0LOOHU6DYDJHDÁDYRUIXOXQLTXH drink and great food from Greg Mohr and amazing deserts by Anita Karst. Special speakers were Jason Brothen, Board member, SDUHQWDQGGRQRUZKRVSRNHRIWKHVLJQLÀFDQFHRIEXLOGLQJWKH Clubhouse and what that will mean for Richland County as well as Elaine Stedman, CEO who spoke of how valuable volunteers are in supporting Club activities. “This event has been a staple of this community for many years and this is one of the best outcomes the donors provided us so far,” says Michele Seadeek, Development Director. “We are excited that our community is so engaged in what our Club does and what it means to hardworking families to have this opportunity for our kids.” Boys & Girls Club of Richland County supports over 190 members within a limited space to provide a VDIHDIWHUVFKRROSURJUDPWKDWHQKDQFHVFKLOGUHQ·VOLYHV7KH Clubhouse will provide the needed space to allow any child to participate in clubhouse programs and services. To learn more about the BGCRC future Clubhouse or to donate visit www.richlandbgc.org, Facebook page, or call the club at 406-433-6763. MNAXLP 2A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 REAL ESTATE FINANCING For Home Purchases & Refinancing Stop in today and see Janet Sergent in Sidney Janet Sergent Real Estate Loan Officer NMLS ID# 525727 www.richlandfcu.com 201 West Holly St. • Sidney, MT (406) 482-2704 18 East 2nd St. Culbertson, MT (406) 787-5890 THaNK You To all the businesses and communities of Eastern Montana that helped in the success of Caring for the Cardas – a heartfelt “thank you.” We feel the love and support of our family here and wish we could touch each one of you as you have touched us. God bless us all! – Jeff, Michelle, Colter and Paige Mother’s Day Buffet Sunday, Sunday SSu d May M 8 10am - 3pm p Serving prime rib & salisbury steak with all the trimmings, the salad bar & an array of desserts Reservations i O Only l Catering At The Elks Lodge 123 3rd St. SW, Sidney 406-433-5005 or 817-403-6487 AREA RECOVERY GROUPS MONDAYS: 12 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. – Grief Reovery Support group at First Lutheran Church, Watford City. 6 p.m. – Al-Anon,Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 7 p.m. – Fairview Alive and Kicking at Faith Alliance Church, 704 S. Western Ave. 8 p.m.— AA Group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. TUESDAYS: 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. WEDNESDAYS: 8 p.m.— Al-Anon, Sanford Room, McKenzie Co. Public Library, Watford City. THURSDAYS: 7 p.m. – 1$PHHWLQJ0RQ'DN7UXFNLQJRIÀFH%OGJ W. Holly, Sidney. 8 p.m.— AA Group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. FRIDAYS: 12 p.m. – AA,Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. - AA meeting, basement of Wilmington Lutheran Church, Arnegard. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.- 5 Stones faith based recovery meeting, 6LGQH\1D]DUHQHWK6W6:%DFNGRRULVRSHQ 7 p.m. – Path to recovery at Faith Alliance Church, 704 S. Western Ave. 8 p.m. – $$PHHWLQJV7ULQLW\/XWKHUDQ&KXUFK(G%OGJ Sidney. Eastern Montana Bible Camp Looking for Volunteers Submitted by Dee Jorgensen Summer camps have been a U.S. tradition for over 150 years. Did you know that over ten million American kids attend camp every summer? That opportunity is available close by and coming up quickly. Eastern Montana Bible Camp was incorporated in 1950 and has become a tradition for families and children to attend for the past 66 years. Many changes have taken place at the campground as are visible when you enter camp: a multi-purpose gym/building known as the Ark, chapel, dining hall/kitchen are some of the newer buildings. There are many activities available as well: swimming pool, archery range, RC cars and track, and FOLPELQJZDOOMXVWWRPHQWLRQDIHZ1HZWKLV\HDULVVSHDNHUV· GRUPVDQGDJLUOV·GRUPWKHJLUOV·GRUPLVVWLOOLQSURJUHVV :RQ·W\RXEHRQHRIWKHWHQPLOOLRQZKRJRWRDVXPPHU FDPS"(0%&RIIHUV7HHQFDPSWKHÀUVWIXOOZHHNLQ-XQHIROlowed by Jr. High camp for 7th and 8th graders, Junior camp for 5th and 6th graders, and Pioneer camp for 3rd and 4th graders. $GD\FDPSLVRIIHUHGRQ-XO\WKIRU.QGJUDGHUVSDUHQWV may attend if they wish. Family camp is scheduled for July 236RQJIHVWLV$XJXVW/DGLHV5HWUHDWLVLQ6HSWHPEHU0DQ\ churches, youth groups, community groups and families can also rent the camp for overnight, day, or afternoons. If you would like to help get camp ready for the upcoming season, work days are May 6 & 7, and May 13 & 14. Lunch will be served on those Saturdays only. &KHFN RXW (DVWHUQ 0RQWDQD %LEOH &DPS·V ZHESDJH DW www.embcamp.org for more information and to register for camp, see a calendar of camp dates, and more! You can also call 406.583.7573 for more information. We would love to see you there! Annual Bra Auction Raises Approximately $20,000 For Men, Women, And Children With All Types Of Cancer Throughout 6 Counties By Meagan Dotson The 11th Annual Best Kept Secret Bra Auction had another successful year, raising approximately $20,000 for the Cancer Coalition Aid Fund (CCAF), which is housed at the Foundation for Community Care. The CCAF is part of the Montana Comprehensive Cancer Program that serves Richland, Dawson, McCone, Prairie, Fallon, and Wibaux counties and provides ÀQDQFLDODVVLVWDQFHWRKHOSZLWKOLYLQJDQGRWKHUH[SHQVHVIRU those going through cancer treatments. The CCAF has helped patients from other counties, such as Williams, Roosevelt, Sheridan, Valley, and McKenzie that have received treatment DWWKH6LGQH\&DQFHUFHQWHU7KH&&$)LVQ·WVSHFLÀFWREUHDVW cancer patients, in fact anyone who is battling any type of cancer may apply to receive assistance from this fund. It has helped with 28 different types of cancer including bone, lung, prostate, colorectal, esophageal. In 2015, the CCAF gave $34,250 to residents who qualiÀHGWKURXJKRXWWKHVL[FRXQWLHVDQGWKDWKDYHUHFHLYHGFDQFHU treatments at the Sidney Health Center- Cancer Care and has so far given $8,000 in 2016. More than 40 bras were generously donated for the live auction by businesses, families, individuals, and organizations and additional items were donated for the silent auction. Several inspirational donations were made in honor or memory of loved ones who have been affected by different types of cancer. The emotional evening lacked nothing in terms of fun and entertainment, as auctioneer Rick Kniepkamp had the audience rolling as he good-naturedly teased the bra-walkers and interacted with the attendants. Singer and songwriter Josh Kehr gave a moving performance following the auction. A special thank you goes out to everyone who supported cancer care services in the MonDak including Rick KniepkampRK Auctioneer Services, the Ranger Lounge, The Roundup Newspaper, Eagle 93, the Foundation for Community Care, the Richland County Health Department, Cancer Coalition members, Chase Verschoot and Howard Rambur who assisted with the auction, bra-walkers Charity Schmierer, Suzann Radke, Johanna Bunn, and Meagan Dotson, as well as everyone who donated items, funding, and time, and to the community members who turned out for the evening and ultimately made the event a success! SATURDAYS: 9 a.m. & 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Education bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 3 p.m. - NA meeting, Straight The Path Grp, MonDak 2IÀFH:+ROO\6W6LGQH\ 7 p.m. – AA 24 hour group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. SUNDAYS: 3 p.m. - NA meeting, Straight The Path Grp, MonDak 2IÀFH:+ROO\6W6LGQH\ 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. LAKE WATER LEVEL REPORT Sakakawea Current Elevation ..........................................................1837.2 /DVW:HHN·V(OHY .........................................................1837.2 One Year Ago ...............................................................1839.0 Release For Day (C.F.S.) .............................................14,000 SIDNEY WEATHER DATA Source: MSU Eastern Agricultural Research Center Date High Low Precip. Apr. 18 ...................... 49 ........................39 .....................0.10 Apr. 19 ...................... 61 ........................40 .....................0.04 Apr. 20 ...................... 71 ........................35 .....................0.00 Apr. 21 ...................... 65 ........................37 .....................0.17 Apr. 22 ...................... 77 ........................37 .....................0.02 Apr. 23 ...................... 67 ........................42 .....................0.13 Apr. 24 ...................... 47 ........................39 .....................2.46 Total YTD Precipitation .....................................................3.81 Spring E-Waste Collection Event Returns In May Submitted by Beth Redlin Organizers for the annual “E-rase your E-waste” collections are happy to announce the return of their spring e-waste collection event this year. Jackie Couture, chair of the E-rase your E-waste Committee, reported this week that the group is planning a spring collection on Friday and Saturday, May 13 and 14th in both Sidney (Fri and Sat) and Fairview (Sat morning only) and a fall collection on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 9-10 in Sidney. ´:H·UHSOHDVHGWREHDEOHWRRIIHUDQRWKHUVSULQJWLPHFROOHFtion and to once again be working with the Fairview community to offer the service to city residents there as part of their annual spring cleanup,” Couture said in making the announcement. The spring event had to be cancelled last year because of a backlog in CRT monitors and television sets in recycling warehouses across the country. That backlog was cleared in time to host the fall event last year, Couture said, and has not UHWXUQHG DOORZLQJ IRU WKH UHWXUQ RI WKH JURXS·V UHJXODU 0D\ collection event in 2016. Under the E-rase your E-waste program, area residents can recycle their damaged or outdated electronic equipment for free, although there is a small charge for televisions, and for WKRVHQHHGLQJUHF\FOLQJFHUWLÀFDWHVRUKDUGGULYHVGHVWUR\HG The program was instituted in Sidney in 2005, only the second RILWVNLQGLQ0RQWDQDDQGWKHÀUVWLQDUXUDODUHD More details on the May 2016 event will be available shortly. MNAXLP EVENTS SEND US YOUR EVENTS! THE ROUNDUP: PO Box 1207 :HVW0DLQ6LGQH\07 )D[(PDLOFODVVDGV#HVLGQH\FRP RICHLAND COUNTY Events in Sidney unless otherwise listed. MT Zone. Wed., Apr. 27 DPDP7KH$QQXDO6DYDJH5DELHV&OLQLF7KLVLV DFRQYHQLHQWRSSRUWXQLW\WRSURWHFW\RXUGRJVDQGFDWVIURP UDELHVDQGGLVWHPSHU6DYDJH)LUH'HSDUWPHQW SPSP$IWHU6FKRRO(QULFKPHQWIRU VHVVLRQV0RQ'DN+HULWDJH&HQWHU SP&RPPXQLW\3LQW1LJKW0HDGRZODUN3XEOLF +RXVHIRUHYHU\SLQWVROGZLOOJRWRVXSSRUWDFRPPXQLW\ RUJDQL]DWLRQ Thurs., Apr. 28 SPSP)DPLO\6FLHQFH1LJKWDW5LFKODQG&RXQW\ /LEUDU\ Fri., Apr. 29 DPSP6HQLRU&RPPRGLWLHVZLOOEHGLVWULEXWHGDW WKHEDFNGRRURIWKH1XWWHU%XLOGLQJORFDWHGDW:0DLQ 0HVVDJHQXPEHULV Sat., Apr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ue., May. 3 SPSP/HJR&OXE/HJR/HDJXH5LFKODQG &RXQW\/LEUDU\ SP&'0RVDLF%LUG%DWK0RQ'DN+HULWDJH&HQWHU Fri., May. 6 DP5HDG3OD\$JHV6LQJVRQJVSOD\JDPHV UHDGERRNVDQGFUDIWZLWK\RXUFKLOG5LFKODQG&RXQW\3XEOLF /LEUDU\ Sun., May. 7 DP)DPLO\)ULHQGO\)HOORZVKLS*HW7RJHWKHU)XQELEOH GLVFXVVLRQVVRQJVFUDIWVDKRWSLWFKLQPHDODQG\XPP\ KRPHPDGHGRQXWV&HQWUDO3DUN)UHHWRWKHSXEOLFDQG HYHU\RQHLVLQYLWHG:HDWKHUSHUPLWWLQJ3OHDVHFDOO-XOLDDW RUZLWKDQ\TXHVWLRQV SP0RWKHU·V'D\&DQYDV0RQ'DN+HULWDJH&HQWHU Mon., May. 9 SP0RVDLF*DUGHQ7LOHV0RQ'DN+HULWDJH&HQWHU Tue., May. 10 SPSP:DONLQ7XHVGD\VDWWKH0RQ'DN+HULWDJH &HQWHU SP7KH9):$X[LOLDU\ZLOOPHHWWKHQG7XHVRI HDFKPRQWKDWQRRQDWWKH9):KDOO0HPEHUVFDQEULQJD VDFNOXQFKWRWKHPHHWLQJ SPSP/HJR&OXE/HJR/HDJXH5LFKODQG &RXQW\/LEUDU\ SP&HUDPLF7UDYHO0XJ0RQ'DN+HULWDJH&HQWHU Wed., May. 11 SP&'0RVDLF7LOH%R[HV0RQ'DN+HULWDJH &HQWHU Sat., May 14 DPSP)DLUYLHZFLW\ZLGHFOHDQXSPHHWDWWKH)LUH +DOO Sun., May. 15 DPSPWK$QQXDO)UHH:LOO)LUHPHQ·V %UHDNIDVWDWWKH)LUH+DOO%UHDNIDVWZLOOFRQVLVWVRIIUHQFK WRDVWVDXVDJHVFUDPEOHGHJJVMXLFHDQGFRIIHH7KHUH ZLOODOVREHDQRSHQKRXVHWKDWPRUQLQJZKLFKZLOOLQFOXGH GLIIHUHQWGHPRQVWUDWLRQVDQGWUXFNULGHVIRUNLGVRIDOODJHV WILLIAMS COUNTY Events in Williston unless otherwise listed. CT Zone. Fri., Apr. 29 DPSP$UERU'D\)UHH+RW'RJV3RS1RUWK 'DNRWD5HF\FOLQJVW6W( SPSP9HWHUDQVGLQQHUDQGIXQGUDLVHUDW:LOOLVWRQ 6WDWH&ROOHJH&DIHWHULDLQ6WHYHQ·V+DOO Sat., Apr. 30 DPSP1'6WURQJHVW0DQ:RPDQ,,DW)XOO 6WUHQJWK6\VWHPV$GPLVVLRQLVIUHHWRWKHSXEOLF Tue., May. 3 :LOOLVWRQ&DPHUD&OXE-RLQWKH:LOOLVWRQ&DPHUD&OXE$OO OHYHOVRIH[SHULHQFHDUHZHOFRPH&RPHOHDUQVRPHWKLQJ QHZRUVKDUSHQ\RXUVNLOOV-DPHV0HPRULDO$UW&HQWHU Thurs., May 5 SPSP)W%XIRUG+LVWRU\%RRN&OXEDW0LVVRXUL <HOORZVWRQH&RQÁXHQFH,QWHUSUHWLYH&HQWHU Fri., May. 6 SP3RHWU\2XW/RXG/LYHRSHQPL[DWWKH/DQWHUQ&RIIHH &RWK$YH::LOOLVWRQ1' Sat., May 7 DP%DQG'D\DW+DUPRQ3DUN Sat., May. 14 DP&RPPXQLW\6DOH7KLVLVD5XPPDJHVDOHZLWK DVLOHQWOLYHDXFWLRQDQGDOVRIRRGDQGEHYHUDJHVDOHV 2UJDQL]HGE\8QLWHG:D\DQG:LOOLVWRQ6HD/LRQV &RQFHVVLRQVZLOORSHQDWDP5D\PRQG)DPLO\ &RPPXQLW\&HQWHU DPSP*DUGHQ$UW)HVWLYDO7KLVLVD5HOD\)RU /LIHIXQGUDLVHUHYHQWZKLFKIHDWXUHVJDUGHQDUWSODQWVDQG IXQJDUGHQLWHPV$OOLWHPVDUHVROGWKURXJKVLOHQWDXFWLRQ RUXQLTXHUDIÁH6SRQVRUHGE\3HJJ\·V3DOV5HOD\)RU/LIH 7HDP/XQFKFDQEHSXUFKDVHGIURPWKH%HWKHO5HOD\7HDP %HWKHO/XWKHUDQ+RPH&RQWDFW'HHDQQDW MACKENZIE COUNTY Events in Watford City unless otherwise listed. CT Zone. Thurs., Apr. 28 SPSP6RXS6DQGZLFK6XSSHUDW:DWIRUG&LW\ 3UHVE\WHULDQ&KXUFK)UHHZLOOGRQDWLRQQRSD\PHQWKDVWR EHPDGH Fri., Apr. 29 SP*ORU\RI7KH/RUG)DPLO\0LQLVWULHVSUHVHQWVJXHVW VSHDNHU$QDFOHW3KLUL Sat., Apr. 30 DP%LJ&OHDQ8S'D\LQ:DWIRUG&LW\&LWL]HQVZLOOPHHW DWWKH:DWIRUG&LW\&LYLF&HQWHUDFURVVIURPWKHSRVWRIÀFH SP*XHVWVSHDNHU$QDFOHW3KLULDW*ORU\RI7KH/RUG )DPLO\0LQLVWULHV Sun., May 1 DPSP*XHVWVSHDNHU$QDFOHW3KLULDW*ORU\RI 7KH/RUG0LQLVWULHV ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 3A The Re-Tree Richland County 2.0 Program is Saturday, April 30th C M COOKS ON MAIN for the everyday chef MNAXLP By Meagan Dotson Applications are now available for the Re-Tree Richland County 2.0 program. They are available at Sidney City Hall located at 115 2nd St. SE, Sidney, MT, 59270. This is a free hands-on workshop which teaches people proper tree planting and care techniques and also gives instructions on how to determine the appropriate tree for a given space. The workshop is scheduled for Saturday, April 30th at the 6LGQH\&RXQWU\&OXEIURPDPXQWLOSP)UHH·WR· trees are available to be planted within a city street right-of-way no less than thirty feet from a street corner in Sidney, Lambert, Fairview, and Crane. Any Richland County resident living outside of city limits can contact Stephanie Ridl, City Parks Superintendent and Richland County Tree Board Secretary, DW RU VLGQH\FLW\SDUNV#PLGULYHUVFRP IRU UXUDO SODQWLQJVSHFLÀFV $Y D L O D E O H W U H H V S H F L H V L Q F O X G H ¶ 5 R \ D O ) U R V W · %LUFK ¶$XWXPQ *ROG· *LQNJR 1RUWKHUQ &DWDOSD ,URQZRRG ¶$PHULFDQ 'UHDP· 6ZDPS :KLWH 2DN +DUYHVW *ROG /LQGHQ +HULWDJH 2DN $PHULFDQ 6HQWU\ /LQGHQ 7ULXPSK(OP¶+DYUH·+RQH\ORFXVW¶6WUHHW.HHSHU·+RQH\ORFXVW ¶+RW:LQJV·7DWDULDQ0DSOH0RXQWDLQ)URVW3HDU:KLWH)LUDQG :HHSLQJ:KLWH3LQH All Richland County residents are welcome to attend the ZRUNVKRSKRZHYHUDQ\RQHZKRSODQVRQEHLQJWKHUHPXVWÀOO out an application, even if they are not interested in obtaining a tree; this will give a tentative headcount as brunch will be served. Applications must be returned to Sidney City Hall before April 29th. For those wanting to plant a tree on their property, a site evaluation will be conducted by Richland County Tree Board members and they will help individuals determine the best type of tree for planting. The property owner must attend the Re-Tree Richland County 2.0 program and then plant and maintain the tree. This is the third year that the Re-Tree Richland County 2.0 program has been held, and is one of many steps being taken to diversify the tree canopy of Richland County which has lost PDQ\RILWVWUHHVWR'XWFK(OP'LVHDVH5LGO·VXOWLPDWHJRDOLV to have a canopy with no more than 10% of its population made up by a single species of tree in order to protect against an entire tree population being lost to disease. There is a limit of one tree per property per year. For more information, FRQWDFW5LGODW Wellness Mats 20 % off through sat, May 7 Open Mon - Sat: 9am - 6pm 224 Main Street • Williston, ND 701-572-COOK (2665) • (F) 701-572-2666 National Teacher Appreciation Day Tuesday, y May y 3rd Upcoming Events: May 6 ................ National Nurses Day May 8 ...........................Mothers’ Day May ...............................Graduations Gift Baskets, Balloons & More Many Selections & Prices deliver local with advance notice! 105 E Main St • Sidney, MT | 406-433-4386 www.PartyCentralAndPopcorn.com Paddlefishing Sidney Track Action Trace Jones runs in the 400 meter dash placing second with a time of 51.90. The Eagles travel to Dickinson Tuesday April 26th and to Glendive this weekend. Opening May 1st! Ready To Go... We Have Everything You Need... From Licenses To All The Gear ND Season Starts May 1st MT Season Starts May 15th Gloves • Bats • Balls Pants • Tees • Shoes Baseball Gear One Location To Serve You Better! All Locally Grown! & 4400 N Central 44 Centt l A Ce Ave v • Sh Shops att FFox Run Run Sidney, MT 406-433-1800 | Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm • Sun: 10am - 4pm Large Selections of: • Onion Plants, Leeks & Vegetables • Perennial Grasses • Hybrid Petunias • Perennials (No dead heading, self cleaning) • Montana Seed Potatoes (Variety) Yellowstone Y elllow wsto ws to Valley Greenhouse National FFA Scholarships Awarded to Local Students l I Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm • Sun: 10am - 4pm | Rain or Shine 35247 Cty Rd 127 • Sidney, MT | 406-482-8051 t 2 miles north of Sidney on Fairview Hwy 200, turn east on Cty Rd 127, paved road to 4-way, east 1/2 mile on left a z on e 0 o s ol shi l st n . s e S s and John D e a l F ou ion. r u Lukas Johnson Sean Williams n d e F . a p ns o use t e u s pu ue n in erin degree a M nt na tate ni er ity- oze an. m e F . S n l s t p rs e l i a th U i r i Co eg o is ou . Samantha Fellman Rachel Prevost C lb rts n H FFA. S an a ans to e t e u s t pursu V te inar an de ree t o tan Stat ive sit Boz an. La b rt F . Ra el pl n t s h un t p r u a roa c ti g T o r li d gr e r ol o l g ( T). r n National FFA Scholarships Awarded to Local Students r q i ent S les, In , Jo n Dee e Company, and the N tional FA ou d ti n a at r a d 2,0 c ll ge cholarship to 4 Eastern Montan FFA tud nt . ur e tl , o e t o s r o tri u e ore han $ .2 million to support holars ips for tu e t . o e s c l r i s h v b e m de vailabl through funding se ured b th N io al F o d t n. i n r s u di g co es om in ividuals, businesse and rpo ate sp n o o n ua ll c d n b e ud nts o pursu their educationa goals. o e E s h la sh ps are 4 o 1,788 holarships a arded i 20 6 t ro g t e i n l a i ti . 1 ar s t e 3 d year F Foun ion Scho rshi s h v b e a i h n r a n rs p d nati s from ind v uals, busines es li e F rm E i e t l , o s n o ke Jo n D ere mpany to encourage exc enc an en bl s u e o s i a i n l o ls n ric lture. 116 sponsors contrib ed m re t an 2.6 lli t h l r p f r o t o eve 5 ap icants pursing de es in ric ltu e r l e e . l i h l rs i Pr gr h awar over $44 ion in chol rs p si c . To Apply for the FES FFA Scholarship in 2017 T : 0 . . h l s ip p lic tio will e av lable at .FFA.org begin g on No mbe 15, 01 , d st b c F b a , 1 . S ola hips available pursuing a ultu rel ed eg e o v i u -y r o eg a un ersiti FFA activities, work experi ce, l ers p ti ie , c i a i l e d r a c n de d sc olars p sele n. FFA members are gible t ecei on sc ol s p s a ls n d a ec n sc ola hip urin ollege. p t r o t y n i About National FFA Foundation o c F u d io b lds art rships ith industry, educatio over ent th f un a n l e c t t r co iz FA mber ac ent op stud lea rs d up or h f . r e 1 m bo d of tees comprised of edu rs, b ine l de , d i i, t e o a io i a p ate -r ster nonpr anization ut 82 cent e ry oll r r s b s n a ic tur e ation portunities. For more, vi FA. Gi . In Glasgow 54272 HWY 2 East Glasgow, MT 59230 406-228-2496 In Plentywood 804 East 1st Ave Plentywood, MT 59254 406-765-1531 In Culbertson 21 West 2nd St. Culbertson, MT 59218 406-787-6201 i e v as t a ri t l o f i In Circle Hwy 200 East Circle, MT 59215 406-485-2145 4A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 Vote BRET SMELSER for MT Senate District 18 Will Work For All Residents of District 18 • Vocal advocate for Eastern Montana for over a decade • Fiscal Conservative, Pro-life, Supporter of the 2nd Amendment • 31 years creating jobs in the private sector • Proven dedicated Leader • Faith-based Conservative Cell: 406-939-1121 Business: 406-433-7737 Email: sunrise_bret@hotmail.com Paid for by Smelser for State Senate • 35002 Cty Rd 123, Sidney, MT 59270 • Treasurer Tami Christensen THANK YOU RICHLAND COUNTY! Boys & Girls Club of Richland County would like to thank all our sponsors, donors, and volunteers that helped to make our Annual Dinner and Auction a great success! Without your efforts BGCRC would not be here for our kids. To learn more or to donate to the Building Fund, please check out our website at www.richlandbgc.org or call our Club at 406-433-6763. MSU Extension Specialist Recommends Deep Banding Or Tillage To Prevent Nitrogen Fertilizer Loss Submitted by MSU News Montana State University Extension recommends that producers now applying urea fertilizer (46-0-0) protect it from volatilization loss (ammonia loss to the air) by sub-surface banding, incorporation into the soil by tillage or a half-inch of water in a single event or through the use of urease inhibitors. The standard recommendation for banding nitrogen fertilizer was historically to band it about two inches below seeding depth, RUWKUHHWRÀYHLQFKHVEHORZWKHVRLOVXUIDFH²EHIRUHSDFNLQJ With increased no-till practices and application of nitrogen at seeding, there is less tillage and banding depth has decreased, DOORZLQJIRULPSURYHGVHHGLQJHIÀFLHQF\´5HVHDUFKLQGLFDWHV band and tillage depth may be very important in reducing losses,” said Clain Jones, soil fertility specialist with MSU Extension DQG WKH 'HSDUWPHQW RI /DQG 5HVRXUFHV DQG (QYLURQPHQWDO Sciences. If the bands or incorporation are not deep enough, ammonia from urea and urea containing fertilizers (e.g., Urea Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) 28-0-0 or 32-0-0) diffuses upwards and can be lost to the air as ammonia gas. As urea comes into contact with moist soil, the urea converts to ammonium. This temporarily increases the soil pH locally around the fertilizer. The increased soil pH increases the rate of ammonium conversion to ammonia, and if the ammonia is not contained by soil, it is lost to the air. Studies in central and eastern Canada found this process to be accelerated in subsurface bands of urea or UAN. Concentrated shallow bands (less than WZRLQFKHVGHHSEHIRUHSDFNLQJRIXUHDRU8$1PD\KDYHKLJKHU volatilization loss than broadcast or surface band applications. Conversion of urea to ammonium and then to ammonia KDSSHQVPRUHTXLFNO\LQPRLVWVRLOWKDQRQDGU\VRLOVXUIDFH DQGLQ0RQWDQDLW·VRIWHQPRUHPRLVWDWLQFKHVGRZQWKDQ right at the surface. Shallow bands, especially with dry soil above WKHEDQGKDYHLQVXIÀFLHQWVRLOSDFNHGRYHUWKHWRSWRFRQWDLQ DPPRQLDLQWKHVRLO%DQGLQJGHSWKEHIRUHSDFNLQJQHHGVWR be greater than two inches to minimize N loss to volatilization. 6KDOORZWLOODJHOHVVWKDQWKUHHLQFKHVPD\DOVREHLQVXIÀFLHQWWRSURWHFWQLWURJHQORVVIURPXUHD3KLOOLSH5RFKHWWHZLWK Quebec Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, found that across soil types, urea volatilization loss is reduced by around 32 perFHQWIRUHYHU\LQFKRIWLOODJHGHSWK-RQHVDQGKLVFROOHDJXH5LFN Engel found seeding with air drills after broadcasting urea did not provide enough incorporation to reduce volatilization loss. ´1LWURJHQORVVIURPVKDOORZEDQGVVKDOORZWLOODJHRUEURDGFDVW application costs the producer in direct loss of fertilizer and po- USED EQUIPMENT SALE! loss of nitrogen applied at 90 pounds per acre, when urea is SHUWRQLVZRUWKSHUDFUHORVVRIIHUWLOL]HU/RVW\LHOG and wheat grain protein may be worth more than that. 3UHOLPLQDU\UHVXOWVIURPVWXGLHVFRRUGLQDWHGE\5LJDV.DUDPDQRV.RFK$JURQRPLF6HUYLFHVIRXQGFDQRODSURGXFHGDSproximately four bushels per acre less with urea shallow-banded OHVVWKDQLQFKHVRUEURDGFDVWZLWKRXWLQFRUSRUDWLRQWKDQ with urea banded two to three inches deep. This is presumably because of volatilization differences. Adding the urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl)-thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT, the active ingredient in products such as Agrotain® and Arborite ® AG) reduces volatilization loss from urea and UAN. ,QWKH&DQDGLDQVWXGLHVFRRUGLQDWHGE\.DUDPDQRVDGGLQJ NBPT to broadcast or shallow-banded urea produced the same FDQROD\LHOGVDVGHHSEDQGLQJXQWUHDWHGXUHD,Q(QJHO·VH[WHQVLYH0RQWDQDÀHOGWULDOV1%37UHGXFHGQLWURJHQORVVDERXW SHUFHQWRYHUXQWUHDWHGXUHD´+RZHYHUWKHEHQHÀWWRZKHDW grain yield and protein by treating urea with NBPT was very dependent on the year and season of urea application,” said Engel. Nitrogen loss to the air from shallow-tilled, shallow banded, or broadcast urea-based products may not occur in all conditions or every year. However, incorporation by water or three-inch tillage, or banding at least two inches deep are the best ways to ensure nitrogen fertilizer gets to the crop and is not lost to the air. For more information on urea volatilization see the MSU soil fertility website http://landresources.montana.edu/soilfertility/, or contact Jones at 994-6076 or clainj@montana.edu. Richey Historical Society Needs Your Support Submitted by Richey Historical Society 7KH5LFKH\+LVWRULFDO6RFLHW\ZRXOGDSSUHFLDWH\RXUKHOS LQVSRQVRULQJRXUERRN´7KH/RQJ5RDG+RPHµ7KHERRNZLOO FRQWDLQDSSUR[LPDWHO\DWKRXVDQGSDJHVDQGFRYHU\HDUV of history. There will be information and stories of the people ZKRKRPHVWHDGHGDQGVHWWOHGLQWKH5LFKH\DUHD,WZLOODOVR LQFOXGHSLFWXUHVDQGLQIRUPDWLRQRIWKHÀUVW3RVW2IÀFH5DLOURDG Schools, Businesses, Military Personnel, area Churches and much more. 2XUJRDOLVWRUHDFKE\0D\WK7KH+LVWRULFDO6RFLHW\KDVD& QRQSURÀWVWDWXVZKLFKDOlows any contribution to be tax deductible. A W-9 or a receipt will be given upon request. In the event that we exceed our goal, the remaining funds will be used for other renovation projects at the 5LFKH\0XVHXP All sponsors will be given VSHFLDOUHFRJQLWLRQLQWKHERRN Sponsors will be placed in categories based on the amount RI WKHLU FRQWULEXWLRQ 2WKHU recognition will be given in local newspapers, posters at the Museum and at the High School during the Centennial Celebration. Please help to preserve the heritage of our community for generations to come by sending your contribution WRGD\´7KH/RQJ5RDG+RPHµ will be a helpful resource tool Authorized Bobcat Dealer for the classroom as well as the community. HEGGEN EQUIPMENT, INC. Your sponsorship or do805 South Main St. QDWLRQFDQEHVHQWWR5LFKH\ Watford City, ND 58854 Historical Society, Box 264, 701-842-3636 5LFKH\072URQOLQH at https://igg.me/at/IonA0ymwww.heggenequipment.com NI'J <RX FDQ DOVR DFFHVV https://www.generosity.com DQGVHDUFKIRUWKH´7KH/RQJ 5RDG+RPHµ$GYDQFHGSUH sales have begun at a cost of SHUERRNSOXV LI WKH ERRN LV WR EH PDLOHG 3HUKDSV\RXZRXOGOLNHWRYLVLW RXU)DFHERRNSDJHDWKWWSV ZZZIDFHERRNFRP5LFKH\Museum/ 7KDQN\RXIRU\RXUVXSport. Skid Steers • Wheel Loaders Backhoes • Light Towers • Pumps Scissorlifts • Boomlifts • Forklifts Portable Generators (3kW-125kW) YOUR SOURCE FOR ALL UNITS AT SPECIAL PRICING! EQUIPMENT RENTALS BOBCAT WARRANTY & FINANCING AVAILABLE. Stop by and see us at Heggen Equipment, Inc. in Watford City, for all your Bobcat® equipment rental needs! We have Bobcat S650, T590 and E35 models along with many popular attachments including Bobcat breakers, trenchers, tillers, and augers. Ken Jacquot, Territory Sales Manager 701-339-0616 • kjacquot@ur.com 5083 Bennett Industrial Drive • Williston, ND unitedrentals.com Retiremen y p p t! Ha DAILY, WEEKLY, AND MONTHLY RENTAL OPTIONS AVAILABLE! It's with mixed emotions and sincere gratitude for his service that we are announcing the retirement of Doug Hettich at the end of April. Doug has worked for LYREC for 35 years. He began his career as a staking technician until a lineman position became available. Doug worked as a lineman for many years, and eventually assumed the role of assistant operations manager. Bobcat® and the Bobcat logo are trademarks of Bobcat Company. 16-B130 MNAXLP :DWIRUG&LW\+RPHV,QF 877-839-3949 Inventory Blow Out sale. All Homes Must Go. Ψϰϱ͕ϵϬϬĞůŝǀĞƌĞĚ On behalf of everyone here at LYREC, we wish Doug best of luck in his retirement! Ψϯϳ͕ϵϬϬ tĂƞŽƌĚŝƚLJ ϭϲdžϴϬϯĂŶĚϰĞĚƌŽŽŵ,ŽŵĞƐ͘ DĂŝŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ϰƚŚ Ψϯϵ͕ϵϬϬ ϭϮƚŚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ,tzϮϯĂƐƚ tĂƞŽƌĚŝƚLJ ,ŽŵĞƐ/ŶĐ͘ ϭϱϬϰϰƚŚǀĞ͘EtĂƞŽƌĚŝƚLJ͕E 3200 W. Holly • Sidney, MT | 406-488-1602 | www.lyrec.com i ll d d i ld ” id J F l 20 tĂƞŽƌĚŝƚLJ,ŽŵĞƐ͘ŝŶĨŽ ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 5A Reach Over 21,000 Readers Each Week In Eastern Montana & Western North Dakota And Always On The Internet at roundupweb.com (Paypal required for online purchases) /PX5BLJOH $SFEJU$BSET Add a photo to your classy online! (additional charge) (5% charge added to all transactions) Get Up To 30 Words For Just $t%FBEMJOF.POEBZOPPO CARRIERS NEEDED Need extra cash or want to get some exercise while getting paid? We have carrier routes available in most parts of Sidney. 406-433-3306 or fill out application at The Roundup, 111 W. Main, Sidney. ELEMENTARY TEACHER POSITION The Horse Creek School District is currently accepting applications for an Elementary Teacher. The successful candidate must be eligible for the proper certification through the North Dakota Education Standards and Practice Board (ESPB). Horse Creek School is located 15 miles east of Sidney, MT on ND Hwy 68. This is an unique opportunity to teach in a “one room country school atmosphere” with all the modern conveniences of other public schools, including computers, a smart board, internet, IPads, and the chance to build a oneon-one relationship with the students. Candidate would be responsible for teaching students K-8, with enrollment currently less than 10 students. Candidate must be self-motivated and independent with the ability to multitask. Horse Creek School will be implementing a 4-day school week at the beginning of the 2016-17 school year. Health allowance is included in the contract, and housing is available with the teaching position. For more information call Nikki at 701-770-4813. Submit resume/cover letter/ references and copy of ND Teaching license via email horsecreekschool@yahoo. com OR mail to: Horse Creek School Attn: Joanna 15891 Hwy 68 Cartwright, ND 58838 HELP WANTED Part-time, help wanted. 1 2 days a week. Bartender experience necessary. Call Betty at 480-7068 or stop in to the VFW to grab an application. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ‘15 16x80 trailer, 3 bdrm, 2 bath. Must see. $45,900.00. Will not last at this price. Shane 704-913-8338. Rocky Mtn. Hay Grinding and Fencing We have a Jones Mighty Giant hay grinder ready to work. Has a 400 horse cat to make easy work out of most any hay. 2 hour min charge and hourly rate after that (406) 223-6671 COMMERCIAL/RETAIL PROPERTY FOR SALE OR LEASE 5 ACRE COMMERCIAL LOTS FOR SALE Conveniently located between Williston & Watford City, right off Hwy. 85. Graded recently. Perfect for a new shop or business! Lots have rural water, power, RTC & electric right at the road. Hwy. 85, S. on 140th Ave.77 NW, 1/4 mile on right. 406-471-4049. FARM & RANCH FRANZ RANCH RED ANGUS P.B. Yearling & Two Year Old Bulls. Checked, tested and ready to go. 406-798-3675. FOR SALE Yearling Polled Hereford Bulls. Easy fleshing, moderate birth weights, great disposition. Perfect cross on black cows. Rockeman Polled Herefords, Grassy Butte, ND. 701-8637010, Keith Rockeman. FOR RENT SPACE FOR YOUR BUSINESS Looking for space for your business? We have several locations to choose from. Just opened up! Large office space complete with individual private offices. All utilities pd., wi-fi, internet, cellphone booster, in-house restaurant. Some spaces include windows for signs or displays. Yellowstone Marketplace, Central Ave. & West Main, Sidney. Call Linda at 406-489-1945 or Jody at 406-480-7279. SIDNEY FEEDS Sweet Pro Premium feed supplements for cattle & horses, Hefty Seed Co., south of Sidney. 406-488-4338. FOR RENT For rent in Watford City, ND. Mobile home lots, RV spaces & truck parking. Call for pricing. 701-842-3357. VERMEER HAYING EQUIPMENT See us today for all your haying & feeding equipment, sweeps & farm oil. Anderson Vermeer MINERALS & SUPPLEMENTS Complete line of minerals & supplements, Crystalx protein & mineral tubs for cattle, horses & sheep. All types of liquid feed for livestock. Calving supplies. R&J Ag Supply 406-488-1953, 406480-2006, 1-800-233-2499, Sidney, MT. SY Soren Brennen New! AgriPro’s Highest Return Per Acre Balanced With High Yield and Protein SY Ingmar SY605 CL Latest AgriPro Release Very High Protein PLUS High Yield Potential High Yield CLEARFIELD* Spring Wheat Trapeze Yellow Pea Call For Varieties Not Listed STORAGE UNITS AVAILABLE Sales & Service. Open Mon.Fri., 8 a.m-5:30 p.m. 701-8283358 or 701-828-3482 (after hrs.). Alexander. FOR SALE JD 7800, 4840, 4440, & 4040 Tractors. 78Ford tandem, 20ft box, w/drillfill. 81GMC tandem, 20ft box. 8 Row Heath planter. We’ve retired. 406-480-1255 or 406-489-3123. FOR SALE Corral and windbreak board for sale. Custom saw milling to your dimensions. Call 406478-0154. FOR SALE Haybet barely, cleaned. Call 406-747-9040 or 406-4804242. FOR SALE ‘05 Case RBX, 540 pto, net & twine wrap. ‘02 F-350, 4X4, auto, 7.3 diesel hydrobed. More information call 406480-9634. NOW SERVING SIDNEY! FOR SALE Hay for sale. Can deliver any amount. 701-677-5696. Pickup & Drop Drop-offs p of o fs in Sidney at Seed For Sale DURUM REG. JOPPA REG. CARPIO CERT. LEBSOCK CERT. ALKABO CERT. TIOGA BARLEY CERT. TRADITION OATS COMMON MORTON FLAX COMMON YORK GREEN PEAS CERT. VIPER RED LENTIL CDC MAXIM CL 406-482-9011 1500 S Central Behind McDonalds Watford City Available At Meyer’s Department Store 701-444-2906 200 N Main • Watford City, ND Alterations Are Available Welders Jeans ................$9 Welders Shirts ................$6 Starched Dress Shirts... $455 Starched Jeans ............ $850 SOME VARIETIES ARE LIMITED. Signalness Farms Larry: 701-770-2500 Jason: 701-770-0926 Watford City, ND 1129 2nd Avenue West Williston, ND 58801 701-572-3734 Mon-Fri: 8am - 6pm • Sat: 9am - 3pm New High Yielding Variety with Good Height and Standability 6XSHU6DYLQJ6DOH 20X20 • 10X20 10X16 • 8X9 Modulars starting at $65 per sq. ft. Sidney, MT 482-3799 or 482-2666 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE No Reasonable Offers Refused - Cash Only. Prices Slashed On All Vehicles! MAGRUM MOTORS 1820 2nd St. W. • Williston, ND | 701-572-0114 For Sale: Yearling Angus Bulls. Low birth weights, good quality with good dispositions. Wahlstrom Angus | Alexander, ND 701-572-0221 • 701-580-2601 • 701-572-5179 Only $17 A Week! If you run it for 2 weeks & it doesn’t sell, we’ll run it for 2 more weeks................... FREE! 2000 Ford F450 - Passenger Bus Includes wheelchair lift MAGRUM MOTORS 1820 2nd St. W. Williston, ND 701-572-0114 $ 8,000 Want to place an ad in the Auto trader? classads@esidney.com • (406) 433-3306 for details Union GatewayAgency ǯ ¢ǯȱ HELP WANTED PT KITCHEN HELP The Eagles Club, Watford City, is looking for part time kitchen help. Stop in 1 mi. south Hwy. 85S for an application. ȱȱȱȱȱ ¢ȱȱ DZȱ a/LIH a+HDOWK a0HGLFDUH6XSSOHPHQW a0HGLFDUH3DUW' a*URXS+HDOWK a9LVLRQ a'HQWDO a/RQJ7HUP&DUH 6$9( LOCKININSALE SALEPRICE, PRICE,TAKE TAKEDELIVERY DELIVERYLATER! LATER! LOCK ·V •• WOW!! 2200 2790 Sq. Ft.sq. Modular bells&&whistles. whistles. WOW!!Beautiful Triplewide ft. withwithallallthethebells • 1600 sq. ft. modular, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 6” walls, glamour bath, low-e windows, upgraded cabinets. 21/< 1(:+20(6 RIWKH www.newhomesofthefuture.com )8785( 7239 South Frontage Rd., Billings, Montana 59101 QG6W1: 6LGQH\07 SKRQH ID[ ©2011 Vision Service Plan. All rights reserved. VSP and Vision care for life are registered trademarks of Vision Service Plan. Get GetYour YourRoundup, Roundup,Ag Roundup Ag RoundupororVisitor’s Museum M in Williston liston a at: Guide In • 3 Amigos • 3 Amigos • Cash Wise • ’s • Gramma Gramma Sharon’s Sharon’s • Hedderich’s • Kum Hedderich’s • ‘n Go (2 Locations) • Scenic Sports • Simonson’s Kum ‘n Go (2 Locations) • • Thomas Petroleum C-Store • Simonson’s • Williston Airport 111 West Main • Sidney, MT 406-433-3306 • 1-800-749-3306 &HUWLÀHG1XUVHV$VVLVWDQW Extended Care )ORRU&DUH6SHFLDOLVW(6 (QJLQHHULQJ Maintenance Worker ([WHQGHG&DUH Administrative Assistant 5HLPEXUVHPHQW$FFRXQW5HS 6HDVRQDO*URXQGVNHHSHU 6A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 2003 HONDA ‘03 Honda 1800 motorcycle VTX. 15k miles. Back rest, windshield, black. Senior owned, nice shape. Asking $6000. 406-742-5284. VEHICLES FOR SALE 1985 CORVETTE ‘85 Red Corvette. 62k miles, good condition, clear top. Senior owned, always garaged. Asking $6000. 406742-5284. R&L Painting, call 406-4888244 or 406-480-4055. TABLES & CHAIRS FOR RENT Parties, weddings, get togethers. Ultimate Showdown Assoc. located at Hefty Seed Co. South of Sidney, has tables & chairs for rent. Will deliver. Call 406-488-4338. FOR SALE ‘89 CJ Jeep. 350 Chevy motor. ‘94 Ford 350 Dually, 7.3 diesel, manual transmission. Call 406-478-1914. FOR SALE ‘11 Ford F-150 Ecoboost with FX4 pkg. Black, leather interior, 55,000 miles, good condition. Asking $27,000. 406-480-5057. LOOKING FOR Needing summer pasture. Call 406-480-9634. R&L PAINTING Will paint houses, barns, quonsets, silos, grain bins, etc. References available. Save Time & Money With Great Communication! Mobile Radios 50 to 110 watts • 16 to 127 channels • small & easy to use • Handheld 5 watts w/scan $ 289 St $ arting at 00 359 Call Larry Today At... “Your communication headquarters” M o b i l e R a d i o s • & 2 a/c. $35,000.00. Call 406360-1304. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Handhelds TK-2402 FOR SALE 5TH WHEEL FOR SALE 54’ 5th Wheel Camper. Washer & dryer. Household 2 furnaces S a t e l l i t e T e l e p h o n e s Just North of McDonald’s • Sidney, MT | 406-433-1659 • Toll Free: 1-866-433-1659 Do you have news or photos you would like in The Roundup? Richland ..... Meagan Dotson County 406-478-0517 Roosevelt... Sheridan Martin County 406-529-4031 McKenzie ..........Kathy Taylor County Reaching over 1, Households in Western North Dakota and Eastern Montana Every Week 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 $ $ 9. 32 $ $ 9. 9. 339.9. 359. 369. (etc.) 9. for 30 words or less; 10¢ per additional word Payment Must Accompany Ad Number of words x Number of Times = Cost $ Mail To: The Roundup PO Box 1207, Sidney, MT 59270 Name FREE FREE Free landscape mulch. Stop in and pick up a 2 cubic ft. bag of mulch made from recycled wood, reclaimed from the Williston area. North Dakota Recycling, 409 1st ST. E. Come & see our wide range of: New Steel, Wood Posts, Gates, Panels & Our Shear/Break/Plasma Capabilities! Scrap Metal, Aluminum, Copper, Stainless, Batteries & Much More! SERVING THE MONDAK AREA FOR OVER 70 YEARS! Delivery Available! We pay for: 406-433-1301 REGION 7 FWP SEEKING LANDOWNERS FOR BLOCK MANAGEMENT Classifieds 1 FORKLIFT FOR SALE Hyster forklift for sale. Has 3 wheels. Have over $2300 into machine. Runs on propane. Need to sell, make reasonable offer. Have too many projects. Call for more info at 406-9391451. Forklift is in Glendive, MT. Weight of forklift is 4500lbs. 701-842-6188 35023 County Road 123 • Sidney, MT (Please Print) FOR SALE Minn-Kota Terrova electric trolling motor with foot or hand held control. Call 701-7700616 at Arnegard. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) is seeking landowners in Region 7 who are interested in participating in Block Management. Block Management is a cooperative effort between landowners, public land management agencies, and FWP to help manage public hunting activities and provide equitable hunting opportunities. In the Block Management program, landowners and FWP enter into voluntary agreements that spell out how hunting will be conducted on the landowner’s property. Items such as permission requirements, times when permission will be granted, vehicle use, and numbers of hunters are a few examples of what is covered in a contract. Block Management offers various benefits to landowners enrolled in the program. These include compensation to offset impacts associated with allowing public hunting, hunter and wildlife management, and a complimentary, non-transferable sportsman’s license. Additionally, participants do not relinquish any rights by enrolling and are covered by Montana’s recreational liability statute as well as livestock loss reimbursement, both of which are extended to landowners who allow access at no charge. Yearly budgets are limited, so lands offered for enrollment are prioritized on a region-wide basis. Habitat quality, regional access needs, and hunter opportunity are considered while prioritizing properties. For more information, or to receive an application package, interested landowners can contact Travis Muscha, Region 7 Hunting Access Enhancement Coordinator, at 406-234-0929, or email at trmuscha@mt.gov. BIG SKY Surveying, PC. Joseph L. Kauffman, 12211 PLS N • Subdivisions • Construction Surveying • Land Use Consulting • Environmental Consulting • Topographic Survey • F.E.M.A. Flood Plain • Family Transfers Mapping • Boundary Adjustments PO Box 170 • Sidney, MT 59270 | 406-488-9452 • 406-250-9452 | 215 S Cental Ave • Sidney, MT W E S For all your Farm/Ranch, Recreational, Residential, and Commercial needs. Alan Seigfreid Amanda Seigfreid Jim & Janice Knudsen 120 2nd St. N.E. • Sidney Mt. 59270 (O) 406-433-3010 • (C) 406-489-3010 Broker/Owners email: alans@midrivers.com Website: www.missouririverrealty.com 205 2nd Ave NE Customer Service is Our #1 Priority Farm & Ranch Products & Construction Materials. New Steel, Auminum & Stainless. Brady Smelser • Tim Mulholland • Kelly Moody • Bret Smelser • Ernie Gawryluk Sidney Glendive 35002 CR 123 2703 W. Towne St. 406-433-7737 1-800-423-5219 1-855-810-2995 Williston 13896 W. Front St. 1-800-820-5493 Plentywood Hwy 16 East 406-765-2624 WWW.NICKJONESRE.COM Martini Steel & Seamless Rain Handling Serving The Region For 50 Years! • • • • Seamless Rain Gutters Siding & Roofing Soffit & Fascia Maintenance-Free Decks Office: 406-433-6757 Fax: 406-433-6755 Mon-Fri: am - 6pm Closed: Sat & Sun 2221 S. Central Avenue Sidney, MT 59270 Office: 406-798-3828 • Tom: 406-480-9078 • Dan: 406-291-0437 Ken Tyler Utility Foreman Boring & Trenching Underground Contractors Toll Free: 1-877-488-8066 Office: 1-406-488-8066 Fax: 1-406-488-8067 ktyler.agri@gmail.com 1775 S CENTRAL AVE • SIDNEY, MT 59270 | WWW.AGRIINDUSTRIES.COM ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 7A County Agent Update Mother’s Day Brunch At “The Fringe” By Danielle Steinhoff Tick Season is Underway Tick season is underway here in North Dakota. There are three species of ticks that can be found: American dog tick, Rocky Mountain wood tick and winter tick, American dog tick is the most common. With the worry of Lymes disease being carried in ticks, here in North Dakota we are lucky that the black-legged tick, also known as deer tick, is not naturally occurring. The black-legged Rocky Mountain tick may be transferred over from neighboring states. Ticks will bite on to your skin and engorge with a blood meal. Once the tick is done feeding, it will drop off its host to mate, lay eggs or continue development. There are 4 distinct developmental stages of ticks: stage 1- inactive stage, egg. Followed by three active blood-feeding stages- larva, then nymph and then finally adult. Adults, both male and female, require several days of feeding before reproducing and then death. There is generally one generation per year for American dog tick and winter tick, Rocky Mountain tick has 2-3 life cycles per year. The best way to prevent tick infestations around your home is by keeping the lawns mowed, less than three inches, and removing high plant matter. As you move further away from trees the tick numbers generally decrease. Ticks require high moisture levels, and generally GRQ·W GR ZHOO RQ VSRWV ZLWK direct sunlight. Pesticides can be used to kill ticks as a last resort if a large number of ticks are present. The critical point of application is to target the early life stages, which is within the next few weeks. Some pesticides that may be effective are the following: Carbaryl (Sevin) which is a common garden LQVHFWLFLGH&\ÁXWKULQ7HPSR tick control on turf, Deltamethrin (Suspend, DeltaGard G) tick control in residential areas, S-Fenvalerate (Zema Lawn Spray) tick control on turf, and Permethrin (PermaKill 4Week Tick Killer) used against ticks on the lawn. Liquid formulations of pesticides will kill all adult stages throughout the summer; granular formulations are more effective on nymphs that are overwintering in the fall. When using pesticides of any sort, remember to practice personal protective measures. Wear long sleeve shirts, long pants, and closed toe shoes. You may want to use an insect repellent containing DEET on any exposed skin to repel ticks and RWKHULQVHFWV,I\RXGRÀQGD tick on you, to properly remove WKHP XVH D ÀQH IRUFHSV DQG grab the head as close to your skin as possible. Apply steady upward force until tick is free, if part of the mouth is still in the wound you may treat that as a sliver. (Information from Dr. Janet Knodel and Jackie Buckley) DPHHS Offers Advice To Prevent Tick Bites Submitted by DPHHS As Montanans look to enjoy the great outdoors this spring and summer, Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) DQGORFDOSXEOLFKHDOWKRIÀFLDOV urge everyone to follow a few simple steps to prevent tick bites and their illnesses: Limit, repel, and inspect. State public health officials receive an average of eight tick-borne illness reports every year, the most common being Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Tularemia, and Colorado Tick Fever. “The best defense against tick-borne illnesses is by spraying your legs, ankles, pants, socks, and shoes with insect repellent,” said DPHHS epidemiologist Christine Mulgrew. Public Health experts emphasize a 3-step approach to prevent tick bites: LIMIT: Ticks live in wooded, brushy, or grassy areas so walk in the center of trails and mow your property where you and your pets spend time. REPEL: Wear long, light-colored pants and socks to spot ticks more easily and use insect repellents. Repellents containing up to 30 percent DEET can be used on the skin or clothing. Repellents with lower DEET concentrations might need to be applied more frequently. Repellents containing permethrin can be used on clothing, but not on skin. One application to pants, socks, and shoes may be effective through several washings. INSPECT: Check your skin carefully for ticks after returning from outdoor activities especially if you were in wooded, brushy, or grassy areas. Throwing clothes into a drier on high for 10 minutes, even before washing, best does de-ticking clothing. Remember to inspect children and animals MNAXLP after an outing. The most common symptoms of tick-borne infections include fever and chills, aches and pains, rash, and fever of varying degrees. Although easily treated with antibiotics, WKHVHGLVHDVHVFDQEHGLIÀFXOW for physicians to diagnose. Early recognition and treatment of the infection decreases the risk of serious complications. “See your doctor immediately if you have been bitten by a tick and experience symptoms,” Mulgrew said. If a tick is found and is attached, follow these steps to safely remove the tick: 8VHÀQHWLSSHG´SRLQW\µ tweezers to grasp the tick as FORVH WR WKH VNLQ·V VXUIDFH DV possible. 2. Pull upward with steady, HYHQ SUHVVXUH 'RQ·W WZLVW RU jerk the tick; this can cause the mouth-parts to break off and remain in the skin. If this happens, remove the mouth-parts with tweezers. If you are unable to remove the mouth easily with clean tweezers, leave it alone and let the skin heal. 3. After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol, an iodine scrub, or soap and water. Do not use folklore remedies such as “painting” the tick with nail polish or petroleum jelly, or using heat to make the tick detach from the skin. These methods are not recommended and may cause the tick to burrow deeper into the skin. For more information about tick-borne illnesses, protection and detection efforts, visit the DPHHS website at http://www.dphhs.mt.gov. CHI St. Alexius Health Forms Regional Healthcare System -HII'URS&DWKROLF+HDOWK,QLWLDWLYHV·6HQLRU9LFH3UHVLGHQW DQG([HFXWLYH2IÀFHUZLWKWKH)DUJRGLYLVLRQDQQRXQFHGWRGD\WKH formation of a regional health care system in central and western North Dakota. CHI Mercy Medical Center in Williston, CHI St. JoVHSK·V+HDOWKLQ'LFNLQVRQ&+,&DUULQJWRQ+HDOWKLQ&DUULQJWRQ CHI Mercy Hospital in Devils Lake and CHI St. Alexius Health in Bismarck, Garrison, Turtle Lake, Minot, Mandan, and Washburn are now united under one name, CHI St. Alexius Health. “We are rebranding these facilities to clearly communicate that we are building one regional health care delivery system for the patients we serve,” said Drop. “Our goal is to provide more coordinated care and better outcomes. Together, we can provide the latest medical technology and innovations in care, and expand and upgrade services to meet the growing needs of people in central and western North Dakota.” “Today is an exciting day for our organization and the people we serve,” said Matt Grimshaw, President of CHI St. Alexius Health Williston. “Our ability to continue to grow and provide outstanding care into the future is strengthened through collaboration of our health care providers across the region.” “Quality care is a hallmark of our organizations and today we come together under one name and one mission,” VDLG&+,6W$OH[LXV+HDOWK0HGLFDO&HQWHU·V&(2.XUW6FKOH\ “As the largest health delivery system in the region, we will build upon our mission of healing with an even greater emphasis on quality initiatives and outcomes.” Isaak Angus Ranch Production Sale Tuesday, May 3 • 1 pm (MDT) Stockmen’s West • Dickinson, ND Selling: 90 Yearling Angus Bulls 70 Commercial Fancy Angus Open Heifers The bulls selling will be wide topped, deep ribbed and full of muscle. Many are suitable for heifers. Bulls will be fertility checked. Ready to go to work and are guaranteed to be breeders. Bulls may be viewed at the ranch anytime. AI SIRES REPRESENTED ARE: • Mogck Bulls Eye • Connealy Final Product • Coleman Regis 904 • Sitz Upside 547W • TC Total 410 • S Summit 956 OTHER SIRES: 9am - 2pm • Sunday, May 8 Carved Prime Rib, Lunch Buffet, Breakfast Buffet, Salad Bar, Fresh Fruit, And Assorted Desserts Adults ................................... $2095 Seniors 55 & Older .............. $1795 12 & Under ........................... $1295 3 & Under ........................... FREE 2250 2 250 0 West W Holly • Sidney, MT | 406-433-1894 GET YOUR WHEELS READY FOR... Spring Travels CUSTOMER MAIL-IN REBATE THRU T HRU MAY MAY 15TH 15 EXTENSA XT TENSA A A/S 50 $ CELSIUS C ELSIUS 70 $ 100 AT A T II II $ Must purchase set of 4 tires to qualify. Toyo mail-in rebate offers valid on sales from April 15 - May 15, 2016. We Do More Than Just Tires: •Brakes •Shocks •Struts •Alignments OIL, FILTER & LUBE SPECIAL $ 41 • Isaak New Frontier 2090 • War Upward 801-229 • Isaak Franklin 2086 • SDR Density 2005 • SDR Upward 2046 • Isaak True Grit 3157 For a Catalog Contact: 60 M/T M/T $ 40 INCLUDES FILTER & UP TO 5 QUARTS OF HOUSE OIL. ZStraight Talk ZHonest Service ZFair Prices Isaak Angus Ranch Ron & Jackie Isaak Golden Valley, ND 58541 Home: 701-983-4458 • Cell: 701-891-9999 1601 S Central Ave • Sidney, MT 433-3858 Mon-Fri: 7am - 5:30pm Sat: 7am -12pm 8A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 Key Club Installs 2IÀFHUVDW Kiwanis Lunch Menus Sidney School Thurs., Apr. 28: Pepperoni pizza, tossed salad, pears, crispy treat. Fri., Apr. 29: Hot dog, oven wedges, peaches. Mon., May. 2: Meatballs in gravy over mashed potatoes, green beans, peaches, dinner roll, milk. Tues., May. 3: Corn dogs, oven wedges, fresh fruit, milk. Wed., May. 4: Chicken alfredo over pasta, cheesy bread, steamed broccoli, pears, milk. Savage School Thurs., Apr. 28: Chili. Fri., Apr. 29: &RRN·VFKRLFH Lambert School Thurs., Apr. 28: Hot dogs, macaroni & cheese, peaches, milk. Fri., Apr. 29: Sandwiches, chips, fruit, carrots, milk. Froid School Thurs., Apr. 28: Pulled pork on a bun, baked beans, salad bar, fruit, milk. Fri., Apr. 29: Shrimpmates, rice pilaf, corn dogs, salad bar, fruit, milk. Mon., May 2: Ham & cheese casserole, buns, veggies, salad bar, fruit, milk. Tues., May 3: Italian dunkers with meat sauce, veggies, salad bar, fruit, milk. Wed., May 4: Cheeseburger soup, ham sandwiches, veggies, cake, salad bar, fruit, milk. Bainville School Thurs., Apr. 28: Lasagna, broccoli normandy, carrots, orange. Fri., Apr. 29: Hot dog, bun, pickles, mandarin oranges. Mon., May. 2: Pizza bagels & pineapple. Tues., May. 3: Spaghetti, garlic bread and fruit. Wed., May. 4: Ham croissant, veggie, fruit. Culbertson School Thurs., Apr. 28: Egg rolls, sticky rice, mixed veggies, fruit, milk. Fri., Apr. 29: Ham slices, scalloped potatoes, green beans, fruit, milk. Mon., May. 2: Corn dogs, chips, beans, fruit, milk. Tues., May. 3: Chicken breast, VWXIÀQJIUXLWPLON Wed., May. 4: Ham sandwiches, carrot sticks, fruit, milk. Standing, Left to Right: Mason Hutchinson, MT District Key Club Governor, Shaelyn Bowlds, Treasurer, Lauren Beenken, ASB Co-Representative, Justin Candee, Reporter/Historian, Zach Sommerfeld, ASB CoRepresentative, Danny Johnson, Outgoing President 2015-2016, and Shelby Dolch, MT District 5 Lieutenant Governor. Seated, Left to Right: Kirsten Strickland, Secretary, Johren Carpenter, President, and Maddison Thiessen, Vice President. 15 % off MSRP on Remaining 2015 Chevrolets Silverado, Tahoe, Suburban, Corvette, Camaro, Traverse Prices are good thru May 2nd. Hurry in for Best Selection. 2015 Silverado 1500 Z71, 4WD, LTZ, Black Widow Upfit 2015 Silverado 2500 4WD LT DBL Cab C7449 MSRP ....................$77,035.00 15% off MSRP Factory Vehicle ... $7,975.00 Murphy Discount .......$7,955.00 61,105 $ 2015 Silverado 1500 Z71, 4WD, LTZ, Rocky Ridge Conversion MSRP ....................$68,305.00 15% off MSRP Factory Vehicle ... ..$7,996.00 Murphy Discount .......$4,997.00 55,312 $ 2015 Malibu 1LT MSRP ....................$47,040.00 15% discount ...........$7,056.00 Murphy Discount .......$3,178.00 36,836 $ C7204 MSRP ....................$40,590.00 15% Discount ...........$6,088.00 Murphy Discount ..........$971.00 2015 1500 Z71 LTZ Crew, Rocky Ridge Conversion 2015 1500 Z71 4WD LTZ Crew, Rocky Ridge Conversion MSRP ....................$68,399.00 15% off MSRP Factory Vehicle ... ..$7,886.00 Murphy Discount .......$5,247.00 55,206 $ C7055 MSRP ....................$68,339.00 15% off MSRP Factory Vehicle ... ..$10,250.00 Murphy Discount .......$2,883.00 2015 3500 4WD Chassis Monro Truck Bed 21,323 $ 33,531 $ C7056 C7174 MSRP ....................$26,285.00 15% Discount ...........$3,942.00 Murphy Discount .......$1,020.00 2015 Camaro SS Coupe C6814 C7151 Richey School Thurs., Apr. 28: Tatertot casserole, dinner roll, pineapple, cooked carrots, milk. Fri., Apr. 29: Chicken burger, fries, pears, peas, milk. Mon., May 2: Super potato oles, fresh veggies, fruit cocktail, milk. Tues., May 3: Goulash, green beans, pears, dinner roll, milk. Wed., May. 4: Meatballs, scalloped potatoes, green beans, mandarin oranges, milk. Under the capable direction of outgoing president Danny Johnson, Sidney Key Club ran the entire Kiwanis meeting last Thursday. The program included installation of Key Club officers for the 2016-17 year, plus addresses from Montana Key Club governor Mason Hutchinson and District 5 lieutenant governor Shelby Dolch, both of Glendive. MNAXLP 55,206 $ 2015 Silverado 2500 4WD Crew WT C6833 MSRP ...................................... $52,265.00 15% discount off Truck body....... ..$6,865.00 Murphy Discount ....................... ..$5,426.00 2015 Silverado 2500 4WD Crew Long Box WT 39,974 $ C7413 MSRP ....................$43,420.00 15% Discount ...........$6,513.00 Murphy Discount .......$2,196.00 2015 Sonic LT 34,711 $ 2015 Trax LS FWD Fairview School Thurs., Apr. 28: Pulled pork & gravy sandwich, potatoes, fresh fruit, milk. Fri., Apr. 29: No school. Watford City High School Thurs., Apr. 28: Chicken dumpling soup, roll, string cheese, fresh veggies, fruit, milk. Fri., Apr. 29: No school. C7300 MSRP ....................$43,615.00 15% discount ...........$6,542.00 Murphy Discount .......$2,206.00 34,867 $ C7246 MSRP ....................$17,155.00 15% discount ...........$2,573.00 Murphy Discount ..........$513.00 2015 Silverado 1500 4WD Crew LS 14,082 $ C7075 MSRP ....................$21,070.00 15% Discount ...........$3,160.00 Murphy Discount ..........$611.00 2015 SS Sedan 17,299 $ 2015 Silverado 1500 Z71 4WD DBL Medicine Lake Thurs., Apr. 28: Chicken a la biscuit, salad, mandarin oranges. Fri., Apr. 29: Mac & cheese, hotdog, broccoli, watermelon. C6939 MSRP ....................$43,545.00 15% discount ...........$6,531.00 Murphy Discount .......$1,890.00 35,124 $ C7329 MSRP ....................$48,490.00 15% discount ...........$7,341.00 Murphy Discount .......$1,458.00 40,141 $ C7264 MSRP ....................$48,040.00 15% Discount ...........$7,206.00 Murphy Discount .......$2,871.00 37,963 $ SEE THESE SALES CONSULTANTS FOR QUALITY CAR BUYS! Check us out weekly with... Pat Murphy Dealer Monthly with... Greg Bowles Sales Dusty Falcon Credit Dr Wayne Rodvold Rick Moe Kelly Blomberg Anthony Thompson Colt Treffry General Manager Sales Manager Fleet Manager Business Manager Social Media Consultant Thomas Graham Sales Tim Sorensen Sales Lori Christopherson Sales Cori Fenske Sales Jimmy Ramirez Sales Miguel Quezada Sales Or tak takee advantage of all our publications ever everyy day at... BAD CREDIT APPLY NO CREDIT NOW! Call Dusty Falcon Today NO PROBLEM www.NDCreditDr.com 29 YEARS 1987-2016 SEE THESE SALES CONSULTANTS FOR QUALITY CAR BUYS! 1801 2nd Ave. W. Williston, ND CAll 1-800-888-2927 or 701-577-2927 • Hours: MON.-FRI. 8am to 6pm; SAT. 9am-5pm w w w. m u r p h y m o t o r s . c o m XNLV266164 Se Habla Español ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 1B Special Section From Raking to Stonework,Your Local Landscaper is Here to Help By Meagan Dotson As the weather warms, business begins to pick up for landscaper Curtis Romeo who knows that once summer is in full swing, he will be extremely busy throughout the area. Romeo grew up in Trinidad and moved to Florida in 2009; LQKHPDGHKLVÀUVWYLVLW to Eastern Montana to visit family and friends and for the next few years would commute back and forth between the two states. In 2013, he permanently moved to Fairview, MT. Romeo worked for a landscaping business for four years before relocating to Montana; once here, he began doing yard work for family and friends and working under Jeremy Jensen, who specializes in underground sprinklers, ground leveling, grass seeding, and sod work. “Everyone likes the job that I do and thinks that it looks JRRGZKHQ,·PÀQLVKHG3HRple were telling their friends and neighbors that they liked the work I did and giving out $ERYH&XUWLV5RPHRWLOOHGDQGKDXOHGGLUWWRLQVWDOOWKLVÁRZHUEHGDGGLWLRQDOO\ my number,” said Romeo of he drilled steel pins through the railroad ties to keep them from slipping and how his business began to transplanted the three lilac bushes. grow via word-of-mouth. “I try 5LJKW5RPHRGLGWKHVWRQHZRUNIRUWKLVSDWLRODVWVXPPHU to work to suit everyone so they are happy with the job LQ:ROI3RLQW0LOHV&LW\*OHQGLYH)RUW3HFNDQGLQWR1RUWK DQGWKH\·OOEHUHSHDWFXVWRPers and I work fast. I like to get a job done so I have time to Dakota in addition to the surrounding Fairview and Sidney area. 5RPHR·VUDWHVDUHSHU\DUGIRUPRZLQJDQGHGJLQJDQG take on more work.” Landscaping services Romeo offers apart from Jensen SHUKRXUIRUPRUHLQYROYHGSURMHFWV During the colder months, he works at Sidney Sugars and include general yard cleanup such as mowing, raking, edging, pulling weeds, and cleaning up fence lines. Additional services even then prefers to be outdoors running equipment rather than such as small/medium tree trimming, tilling garden beds, LQVLGHWKHIDFWRU\EXWGRHVDGPLWWKDWKH·VUHDG\IRUQLFHZHDWKHU trenching by hand, hauling dirt, putting in new garden beds, Anyone interested in landscaping services can contact Romeo and planting and transplanting bushes, shrubs, small trees, and DWRU-HQVHQDW “I love to be outside. I grew up outside helping my grandÁRZHUVDUHDOVRDYDLODEOH5RPHRHYHQGRHVVWRQHZRUNVXFK father on his farm and working hard. This is a nice area and I as patios and walkways and, when the work is done, he hauls HQMR\KHOSLQJSHRSOHµKHFRPPHQWHG´2QFH\RXÀQGDMRE\RX any leftover debris to the dump at no additional charge. Both he and Jensen are willing to travel and have worked OLNH\RX·YHJRWWRVWLFNZLWKLWµ Get Ready For Spring At Barrett’s! Candles Mothers Day Home & Apparel, Jewelry & Chocolates Outdoor Don’t forget these important dates: National Nurses Day.......................May 6 Decor Mother’s Day.................................May 8 Barrett Pharmacy & Variety 145 Main • Watford City, ND • 701-842-3311 2B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 We Make Spring Work Easier! For The Big Projects: Home Improvement: WEEKEND • Manlifts • Scissor Lifts • Forklifts RATE • Dozers • Backhoes • Skid Steers SPECIAL • Generators • Flat Bed Trailers • Air Compressors • Nailers • Jack Hammers • Floor Sanders • Tile Cutters • Hammer Drills • And More! Pickup on Fri 3-5pm Return on Mon 7-9am, Get 1-Day Charge! Lawn & Garden: • Tillers • Post Hole Digger • Thatcher • Aerators • And More! *Item must have 8 hours or less on meter • Excavators • Loaders Sidney Rental 2508 S Lincoln Ave • Sidney, MT | 406-433-8338 Mon-Fri: 7am - 5:30pm • Sat: Closed Why Attic to Bonus Room Conversions are Tops When It Comes to Useful Home Improvements $QXQGHUXVHGDWWLFEHFRPHVDIXQFWLRQDOERQXVVSDFHÀOOHGZLWKKHDOWK\QDWXUDOOLJKWDQG YHQWLODWLRQ(QHUJ\6WDUTXDOLÀHGVRODUSRZHUHGIUHVKDLUVN\OLJKWVFORVHDXWRPDWLFDOO\ LQFDVHRIUDLQDQGFDUU\D\HDUZDUUDQW\DJDLQVWOHDNV2SHUDWHGE\WRXFKSDGUHPRWH FRQWUROWKHVN\OLJKWVHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQWVRODUSRZHUHGEOLQGVDQGLQVWDOODWLRQFRVWVDUH HOLJLEOHIRUDSHUFHQWIHGHUDOWD[FUHGLW*HWGHWDLOVDWZZZZK\VN\OLJKWVFRP %372SHQÁRRUSODQVPLQLPDQVLRQVPLFURKRPHV VRPHKRPHGHVLJQVW\OHVDQGHOHPHQWVVKLIWZLWKWKHFXUUHQWV RI FRQVXPHU WDVWHV +RZHYHU RWKHUV VWDQG WKH WHVW RI WLPH EHFDXVHWKH\·UHHQGXULQJO\XVHIXO$WWLFVRUORIWVIRUH[DPSOH DUHDVWDSOHRI$PHULFDQKRPHGHVLJQUHPDLQLQJLQGHPDQG HYHQDVWKHZD\ZHXVHWKHPKDVHYROYHG ,Q E\JRQH HUDV DWWLFV VHUYHG ODUJHO\ DV VWRUDJH VSDFH EXWWKRVHZHUHWKHGD\VEHIRUHWKHJURZWKRIWKHVHOIVWRUDJH LQGXVWU\0RGHUQKRPHRZQHUVFDQVWDVKWKHLUVWXIIRXWVLGHWKHLU KRPHRSHQLQJXSDUDQJHRIRWKHUSRVVLEOHXVHVIRUWKHLUDWWLFV IURPPDVWHUVXLWHVH[WUDEHGURRPVRUKRPHRIÀFHWRZRUNRXW URRPVDQGFUDIWFHQWHUV +RPHRZQHUVDUHDVHDJHUDVHYHUWRFRQYHUWDWWLFVDQGWKH WUHQGLVQ·WOLPLWHGWRSHRSOHEX\LQJROGHUKRPHV0DQ\EXLOGHUV DUHLQFRUSRUDWLQJDWWLFVLQWRQHZFRQVWUXFWLRQWRSOHDVHEX\HUV ZKRZDQWWKHÁH[LELOLW\RIÀQLVKLQJWKHVSDFHDVWKH\OLNHODWHU RQ ,I \RX·UH FRQVLGHULQJ DQ DWWLF FRQYHUVLRQ KHUH DUH D IHZ SRLQWHUVWRNHHSLQPLQG /LJKWIURPDERYH 6RPH DWWLFV DUH FRQVWUXFWHG ZLWK ZLQGRZV RWKHUV KDYH QRQH:KHWKHU\RXUDWWLFKDVDVPDOOZLQGRZRUVROLGZDOOVVN\OLJKWVDQGURRIZLQGRZVDUHWKHJRWRFKRLFHIRUEULQJLQJQDWXUDO OLJKWDQGIUHVKDLULQWRDQDWWLFVSDFH7KHGLUHFWDFFHVVWRWKH URRIPHDQVLW·VHDV\WRDGGQROHDNVN\OLJKWVOLNHWKRVHPDGH E\9HOX[$PHULFD(QHUJ\6WDUTXDOLÀHGVRODUSRZHUHGIUHVK DLUVN\OLJKWVSURYLGHDPSOHQDWXUDOOLJKWSULYDF\DQDGYDQWDJH LQ EHGURRPV DQG EDWKURRPV DQG YHQWLODWLRQ DOVR JUHDW IRU EDWKURRPVDQGNLWFKHQV3URJUDPPDEOHUHPRWHFRQWUROVPDNH LWVLPSOHWRRSHQDQGFORVHIUHVKDLUVN\OLJKWVDQGWRRSHUDWH VRODUSRZHUHGEOLQGVWKDWDOORZ\RXWRGHFLGHMXVWKRZPXFKRU KRZOLWWOHOLJKWHQWHUVWKHURRP 6N\OLJKWV DUH D JUHDW DHVWKHWLF ÀW IRU DWWLFV WRR DQG FDQ KHOSODUJHRUVPDOODWWLFVSDFHVIHHOEULJKWHUDQGELJJHU-R$QQH +D\QHV SURMHFW GHVLJQHU IRU WKH 2·0RUH &ROOHJH RI 'HVLJQ $OXPQL6KRZ+RXVHXWLOL]HGVN\OLJKWVIRUWKHDWWLFFRQYHUVLRQRQ WKDWSURMHFWDQGVD\VWKDWLWZDVDQDPD]LQJWUDQVIRUPDWLRQ´,W ZHQWIURPDGDUNEODFNXQXVDEOHVSDFHWRDZRQGHUIXOZHOOOLW PXOWLSXUSRVHURRPµ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• Gas oil change • Up to 8qts Motor Craft Synthetic 5W20 or 5W30 • 27 point safety Inspection, top off all needed fluids • Test battery & tire rotation $ 104 DIESEL OIL CHANGE • Up to 15qts Motor Craft 10W30 or 15W40 • Top off all needed fluids • 27 point safety inspection y!) (This Gu Performed by ORLON BOSTROM OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! Alignments (Caster/Camber Extra) $ 9595 $7995 $ 4 WHEEL 130 UP TO (QHUJ\6WDUTXDOLÀHGVRODUSRZHUHGIUHVKDLUVN\OLJKWVEULJKWHQ\RXUERQXVVSDFHDQG DOVRRIIHUEODFNRXWEOLQGVIRUGD\WLPH79YLHZLQJ7KHVN\OLJKWVDQGEOLQGVDORQJZLWK LQVWDOODWLRQ FRVWV DUH HOLJLEOH IRU D SHUFHQW IHGHUDO WD[ FUHGLW *HW GHWDLOV DW ZZZ ZK\VN\OLJKWVFRP 2 WHEEL Rebate on select tires with use of Ford Credit Card up to 12 months no interest “Experience the Eagle Country Difference!” 215 East Main • Sidney, MT | 433-1810 or 1-800-482-1810 | eaglecountryfordsales.com $FFRUGLQJWR5HPRGHOLQJ0DJD]LQH·V&RVWYV9DOXH5HSRUW DPDVWHUVXLWHDGGLWLRQUHFRXSVPRUHWKDQSHUFHQWRILWVFRVW ZKHQ\RXUHVHOOWKHKRPH$EDWKURRPDGGLWLRQUHWXUQVPRUH WKDQSHUFHQWRI\RXULQYHVWPHQW +RPHRZQHUVDUHJHWWLQJLQVSLUHGDERXWDWWLFV :KLOHH[WUDEHGURRPVDQGEDWKURRPVDUHDJUHDWZD\WR XVHDWWLFVSDFHWKH\·UHE\QRPHDQVWKHRQO\RQHV,I\RXKDYH DOOWKHEHGURRPVDQGEDWKV\RXQHHG\RXFDQVWLOOEHQHÀWIURP DQ DWWLF FRQYHUVLRQ WR LQFUHDVH \RXU KRPH·V IXQFWLRQDO OLYLQJ VSDFH:KHWKHU\RX·UHDGGLQJDIDPLO\URRPZRUNRXWVSDFH KRPHWKHDWHURUFUDIWURRPWKDWXQXVHGVSDFHLQ\RXUDWWLFLV WKHSHUIHFWZD\WRFUHDWHDVSHFLDOW\VSDFHZLWKRXWJLYLQJXS DQ\RWKHUURRPLQWKHKRXVH <RXUGHFRUDWLQJRSWLRQVDUHDVXQOLPLWHGDV\RXULPDJLQDWLRQWRR6RPHKRPHRZQHUVFKRRVHWRWDNHDGYDQWDJHRIDQ DWWLF·VQDWXUDOO\UXVWLFORRNDQGOHDYHFHLOLQJEHDPVH[SRVHG 2WKHUVZRUNZLWKLQWKHOLPLWDWLRQVRIDORZFHLOLQJDWWLFWRFUHDWH FR]\ULJKWVL]HGSOD\URRPVRUEHGURRPVIRUNLGV6WLOORWKHUV SXWDFUHDWLYHWZLVWRQWKHDWWLF·VRULJLQDOIXQFWLRQVWRUDJHWR PRYHWKHLUZDUGUREHVRXWRIWKHLUPDVWHUVXLWHVDOORZLQJWKHP WRUHFODLPZDONLQFORVHWVSDFHIRURWKHUXVHV $PHULFDQVKDYHEHHQÀQGLQJYDOXHLQDWWLFVIRUJHQHUDWLRQV ,I \RXU DWWLF LV FXUUHQWO\ VHUYLQJ DV VWRUDJH VSDFH LW PD\ EH WLPHWRFOHDQLWRXWDQGVWDUWHQYLVLRQLQJWKHPDQ\ZD\V\RX FDQEULJKWHQDQGIUHVKHQXSWKHVSDFHWRZRUNEHWWHUIRU\RXU IDPLO\DQGOLIHVW\OH We Carry All Your Recreational Needs! • Fishing Tackle • Bait • Coolers • Ice • Beer & Pop • Snack Food • Fishing & Hunting Licenses 809 EAST MAIN • SIDNEY, MT • 406-433-3400 • Sales • Service • Repair Relax. It's Rheem.™ B&J Heating, Inc. Heating - A/C - Refrigeration Brad Kalberer 607 2nd St. SE • Sidney, MT 24 Hour Service • 406-482-4744 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 3B Staging Your Home For Sale By Sheridan Martin If you are someone who is looking to move, whether it be across town or someplace new, there can be a lot of different aspects when it comes to selling your house. One of these aspects is “staging” your home to be appealing to potential buyers. The Roundup talked to Amanda Seigfreid with Seigfreid Insurance and Real Estate, who works with Missouri River Reality, on what it takes to stage a home. Staging Your Home While Still Living In It ´7KHUH·VDORWRIFRPPRQVHQVHWKLQJVWKDWVKRXOGEHWDNHQ care of when making your occupied home appealing to potential buyers,” said Amanda. “This includes just picking up your stuff RIIRIWKHÁRRUPDNLQJVXUHODXQGU\LVGRQHJDUEDJHLVHPSW\ and doing the dishes in the sink.” 7KHUHDUHWZRZD\V$PDQGDH[SODLQHGDERXWÀ[LQJXSWKH house; things to do that will remain inexpensive to where you do not have to spend much money, and things you can do if you are willing to spend a little extra money. 7R UHPDLQ LQH[SHQVLYH RQH RI WKH ÀUVW WKLQJV \RX FDQ do is de-clutter each room, especially the high-lighted rooms such as the kitchen, master bedroom, and the bathrooms.”If you have items on your counters, it helps to put them away in cupboards to make the kitchen appear bigger and more open. If your toothpaste and brushes are out in the open, if possible, put them away in your medicine cabinet. Now the shower, clients do open the shower curtain so it is very important to make sure that there is no clutter in the shower and that it is kept very clean,” said Amanda. 2QHRIWKHELJJHVWFKDOOHQJHVEURXJKWXSZDVNLGV·URRPV ´.LGV·URRPVFDQEHHVSHFLDOO\FKDOOHQJLQJEHFDXVH\RXKDYH toys, clothes and art projects, it is important to de-clutter as PXFKDVSRVVLEOH7KHFOHDQHUWKHÁRRUWKHELJJHUWKHURRP will appear. It is important to note to not stuff things in the closet. People look for closet space, and if the closet is stuffed full and disorganized. Pack things up and put them in storage areas such as the basement or attic so that clients can see boxes and bins DQGWKLQN¶WKLVSHUVRQZDQWVWRPRYHVRWKH\DUHSDFNLQJXSWR PRYH·*LYH\RXUKRPHDVPXFKVTXDUHIRRWDJHDVSRVVLEOHµ The next step in staging your home is to do things that you QRUPDOO\ SXW RII ´:DVK \RXU ZLQGRZV PRZ WKH ODZQ ÀQLVK SDLQWLQJ WKDW ZDOO ÀQLVK SXWWLQJ XS WKDW WULPERDUG WKH OLVW LV HQGOHVV ,W·V DOO DERXW ÀUVW LPSUHVVLRQVµ VDLG$PDQGD ´<RX KDYHWREHZLOOLQJWRSXWWKDWVZHDWHTXLW\LQWR\RXUKRPH2K and the garage is just as important as the house itself. Making sure that it is clean and organized, and almost showcases that you are ready to move.” Now, if you are a family/couple/single person ready to move and are willing to invest some money, Amanda had advice on preparing your home on that as well. After decluttering your home, Amanda stated that renting a storage space is a great expense to make when putting your home for sale. Small home improvement projects that have been held off for awhile areessential to help stage your home for sale. “Broken JDUEDJHGLVSRVDO\RX·YHOHDUQHGWROLYHZLWKRXWLWEXWZKHQ\RX SXW\RXUKRPHXSIRUVDOHQRZLVWKHWLPHWRÀ[LW,I\RXKDYHD OLJKWÀ[WXUHWKDWLVROGDQGRXWGDWHGGRQ·WEHDIUDLGWRVSHQGWKH GROODUVWRUHSODFHLW,QYHVWLQJRRGTXDOLW\OLJKWEXOEV lighting really makes a difference to a potential client,” said Amanda. She also mentioned other projects such as replacing FDUSHW SDLQWLQJ DQG QHZ WULPERDUG ´:KHQ \RX ÀQLVK WKHVH small home improvements, families and couples that come to VHH\RXUKRPHZLOOQRWLFHDQGWKLQNWRWKHPVHOYHV¶:RZWKLV KRXVHLVEHLQJZHOOWDNHQFDUHRI·µ)LQDOO\WDNLQJFDUHRIFUDFNHG or dirty light switches; the little things really make a difference. Decluttering your furniture is also very important. “Clean and organized furniture really helps the client to envision how UHGQRZLVWKHWLPHWRVSHQGVRPHPRQH\DQGSDLQW<RXZDQW their furniture would look in the house,” said Amanda. “Really a neutral and same color scheme throughout your home so that create a functional living space and try not to have so many potential buyers can be focused on your home. Color can be things in one room.” intimidating when it comes to purchasing to house.” )LQDOO\ZKHQLWFRPHVWRVWDJLQJ\RXUKRPHZKLOHVWLOOOLYLQJ 1H[WLVWRÀQLVKDQ\SURMHFWVWKDW\RXKDYHSXWRIIRYHUWKH in it, there were a few basic steps. “Just having air fresheners or years. After moving and all pictures and art have been removed, ÁDPHOHVVFDQGOHVJRLQJUHDOO\KHOSVDORW<RXZDQW\RXUKRPHWR it is important to go back and patch in all of the holes. “When a KDYHWKDWJUHDWÀUVWLPSUHVVLRQDQG\RXZDQWLWWRVPHOOLQYLWLQJ potential buyer views a home, they will start to build a to-do list in especially if you have pets.” their head. The more projects, cleaning and home improvement Staging Your Home When It Is Vacant you can accomplish, the smaller their to-do list will be and the Amanda Seigfreid, also went over some pointers on staging more likely they will be interested in purchasing your home.” your home when it is vacant; both spending little to no money and with some investments. “After moving out of your Interior Design • Project Management home, make sure that the FDUSHWV DQG ÁRRU DUH FOHDQ Commercial • Residential Whether it means shampooing or completely replacing carpet, \RXGHÀQLWHO\ZDQWWKHÁRRUVWR be clean since the room will be HPSW\DQGWKHÁRRULQJZLOOEH RQHRIWKHÀUVWWKLQJVDFOLHQW will look at,” said Amanda. “Now this next step may sound a little strange, but if possi• Floor Covering ble, leave your curtains and • Window Treatments shower curtains behind. Even leaving toilet paper and paper • Space Planning towels in their proper holders • Wall Finishes in bathrooms and kitchens. It just leaves an inviting appear• Kitchen Cabinets ance to an empty home.” and Much More! Make sure that if left behind, appliances are clean. “When a home is vacant, clients tend to look in the refrigFairview, MT erator and dishwasher versus 406-489-1347 when they are not vacant.” Whether you moved kate.knels@gmail.com DFURVV WRZQ RU IDU DZD\ LW·V important to keep your vacant home tidy. If you are unable WRGRLW\RXUVHOIÀQGDWUXVWHG neighbor or close friend to keep the lawn mowed and pick up newspapers that may still be delivered to your home. When that surprise home visit comes, you definitely want your house to have a great ÀUVWLPSUHVVLRQIRUDSRWHQWLDO client. Now comes the home improvements that might need some investments. Full Line Of Grills Plus All The Accessories * H W W L Q J \ R X U F D U S H W cleaned professionally will help to get rid of or lessen any stains and smells buried in your carpet, and help the empty rooms in your home be more appealing. “If your home has a crazy color scheme, or maybe you have that one red wall GOLF CARS because your favorite color is We Offer: Kate Knels SUMMER FUN STARTS AT B&B! Concrete Form Rental Full Sales, Parts & Service See Us For All Your Trailer Needs Too! Mark ark Brodhead | Manager g • 406406 480-7332 480 7332 ((Cel (Cell) l)) 34940 Hwy H 23, 23 south th off Sidney Sid by b the th Flashing Fl hi light li ht Office: 406-433-1888 | Open M-F: 8am - 5pm • Sat: 9am m - 1p 1pm m WWW W WW. .COM COM Tip: When staging a a home for sale while still living in it, it is important to declutter your counter tops of decorations and appliances to help make the kitchen/bathroom more open and appear larger. SALES Shop Meyer’s & Have A Coffee At Door 204! FOR THE HOME Weber Genesis S-330 3 stainless steel burners, 637 sq in cooking area, painted enclosed steel cabinet steel cabinet with stainless steel doors and handles Champlain 5-PC. Chat Set A center table housing a gas fire pit is the centerpiece of this luxury Champlain set. Shatter resistant stant tempered glass panels surrounding the fire pit have a textured, wood grain feel and give you ample space for drinks and snacks. ks. Weber Q 3200 2 stainless steel burners, 468 s in cooking area, cast aluminum lid and body, 2 removeable folding work tables, built in themometer Weber Summit S-670 60,000 BTU main burner, 12,000 BTU side burner, 10,600 BTU sear station burner, tuck-away rotisserie. 769 sq. in cooking area,, stainless steel & enclosed cabinet. BADLANDS HARDWARE Meyers Department Store/Door 204 M-F: 10am - 6pm Sat: 10am - 5pm | 701-444-2906 | 200 N Main, Watford City, ND 701-842-3321 • 104 N Main • Watford City, ND 4B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 SPRING IS HERE! SEE US FOR ALL YOUR IRRIGATION NEEDS Services Offered By Valley® at Your Local Valley Dealer: • Valley Pivot Sales Installation Services & Parts • Floating Irrigation Pumps Installation & Repair • Pipeline “WE CAN DO IT ALL! NO SUBS NEEDED.” www.agriindustries.com | Licensed in MT & ND Sidney, MT Williston, ND Miles City, MT 1775 S. Central Ave. 3105 - 2nd St. W 2106 S. Haynes Ave. 406-488-8066 701-572-0767 406-234-2309 Spring 7 $ REBATE on Pristine TM per gallon container/ $35 per five-gallon container 5 $ REBATE MONEY BACK BY MAIL Offer valid on purchases with dated sales on Medallion receipt between April 17-May 1, 2016. & Integrity® Valid on submissions postmarked on per gallon container/ or before June 1, 2016. Limit $70. See $20 per five-gallon container Dealer for complete details. ® Mon-Fri: 8am - 5:30pm • Sat: 8am - 4pm www.johnsonhardwareandfurniture.com Beat The Heat & The Rush Gas Fuel Injection Cleaning Only $ 9999 Air Conditioning Performance Check Only $ 99 49 Note: Refrigerant, Parts & Labor Extra For your transportation needs, call: 433-2312 • 1-800-788-2312 220 East Main, Sidney, MT Agri Industries Offers These Services: • Valley Pivot Sales • Installation Services & Parts • Floating Irrigation Pumps • Installation & Repair • Electrical • Pipelines • Water Well Drilling & Well Maintainence • Plumbing • Trenching • Boring • Directional Drilling • Heating & Cooling • Full Parts Counter www.agriindustries.com | Licensed in MT & ND Sidney, MT Williston, ND Miles City, MT 1775 S. Central Ave. 3105 - 2nd St. W 2106 S. Haynes Ave. 406-488-8066 701-572-0767 406-234-2309 How to Pick Flowers R REBATE WE CAN DO IT ALL! NO SUBS NEEDED. ACTION AUTO By Meagan Dotson To say that I am an amateur gardener is to be very generous with the term; really, I just like to play in the dirt and see if something beautiful comes of it. Gardening is a hobby that anyone can enjoy in some form regardless of money, time, or space. Herb garden on your windowsill anyone? My main project this year LV D UHFHQWO\ DGGHG · [ · ÁRZHU EHG RQ WKH HDVW VLGH of our house; the size was, in part, to accommodate three miniature lilac bushes that had to be transplanted. So now I am left to decide what to do ZLWKWKHUHVWP\H[SHULHQFHLV mostly with perennials, which come back every year, so I am JRLQJWRPDNHWKLVQHZÁRZHU garden an annuals-only bed and try my hand at something new. One of the things I love about gardening is that it can be very cost effective; I decided that hiring a landscaper to till up the bed, add dirt, and transplant the lilacs was the best investment of my money and would save me the most time. We used railroad ties that we already had as the border for the bed and dirt from an DEDQGRQHGUDLVHGEHGPL[HG with a few bags of hummus. Still, I garden on a budget and therefore decided to start many of the annuals indoors from seed. So how do you choose what to grow? My perennial beds are a grab bag of thinned plants from friends and family that have been given to me over the years. Some were planted with a design in mind and others have a mind of their own and grow where they darn-well please. With my annuals-only bed, I had to do some considering. I knew that , ZDQWHG ÁRZHUV WKDW ZRXOG bloom throughout the summer and would be able to survive me, meaning they needed to be drought resistant, sun-loving, poor-soil thriving plants. There are plants out there that do well with a little abuse and neglect and those are the ones for me! “Can we plant sunflowers?” my ten-year-old asked. Yes, we can. “Cosmos would be pretty ZLWKWKHVXQÁRZHUVµP\PRWKer suggested. Yes, they would. Alright, WKHUH·V D SODFH WR VWDUW , GHFLGHG WR ORRN IRU ÁRZHUV WKDW would be striking in terms of their height and would tier down nicely. I also decided on a color scheme of yellows, varying shades of pink, with a little bit of white, orange, and blue. Additionally, I chose to use flowers that had pretty foliage such as cosmos and moss roses. Foliage creates a nice backdrop for the shorter ÁRZHUVDWWKHIURQWRIWKHEHG DQGDGGVLQWHUHVWLQJWH[WXUH 0\ ¶UHVHDUFK· LQYROYHG standing at the seed packets in the grocery store and reading the growing conditions of those I thought were pretty, along with a few conversations with my mother who can grow just about anything, and from that I made my selection. There will be seven 12” rows minus the growing space for the lilac bushes; the back URZ EHLQJ \HOORZ VXQÁRZHUV which are impressive with their height and are a functional ÁRZHULQWKDWZHFDQKDUYHVW WKHP IRU ELUGVHHG 1H[W ZLOO be a row of pink and white cosmos, this variety will grow ·WR·WDOO7KHWKLUGURZZLOO be a different cosmos variety in yellows and oranges and will JURZ·WR·WDOO7KHQWKHUHZLOO EHDURZRIEDFKHORU·VEXWWRQV D SUHWW\ EOXH FRUQÁRZHU WKDW stands at roughly 2 ½ feet. 5RZ ÀYH ZLOO \HS RQH PRUH WLPH EH D GZDUI FXWHV\ PL[ of pink and white cosmos, growing to about 2 feet tall. 1DVWXUWLXPV ZLOO FRPH QH[W a fragrant, double flowered bloom, and then in the front URZ WKHUH ZLOO EH PRUQLQJ glory bushes to add another type of blue flowers. These are complete compliments of my mother who suggested WKHP DQG SODQWHG H[WUDV IRU PH/DVWO\,ZLOOÀOOLQDURXQG the morning glory bushes with moss roses, a flower I have fond memories of my Grandma Youngquist growing as long as I can remember. 7KH\ZLOOEHDPL[RI\HOORZV oranges, pinks, and whites and will hopefully tie all the colors together while keeping weeds at bay with their spiky leaves and spreading nature. $OORIWKHÁRZHUV,·YHFKRsen are appropriate for full sun Only $17 A Week! If you run it for 2 weeks & it doesn’t sell, we’ll run it for 2 more weeks................... FREE! Your Vehicle Here! Do you have a car, truck, boat or motorcycle that you need to sell? Write up a small description, bring us a picture and get the exposure you need! SELL YOUR VEHICLE...FAST! Want to place an ad in the Auto trader? classads@esidney.com • (406) 433-3306 for details PowerFold® Deck Lift Lift with your finger. Not your back. With our PowerFold® option, our FrontMount™ DuraMax® decks can be lifted at the touch of a switch to an upright position to make maintenance easy and storage a breeze. TRI-COUNTY IMPLEMENT Sidney, MT • 2429W. Holly 406-488-4400 • 1-800-624-6540 Visit our web site at tri-cnty.com Visit grasshoppermower.com for more information. YOUR NEXT MOWER ® © 2008 The Grasshopper Company ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 5B 6XQÁRZHUPRVVURVHDQGEDFKHORU·VEXWWRQVHHGOLQJVDUHDOOJURZLQJVWURQJ We’ve Got Everything You Need For Spring! Every kid loves playing in the dirt. Having kids help in the garden gives them an understanding of the time and effort it takes to make things grow and gives them a sense of accomplishment when they see the tiny seeds sprout. and described one or more: easy to grow, drought resistant, tolerates poor soil, hearty, RU¶QRSHQRWHYHQ0HDJDQFDQ NLOOWKHP·$OULJKW,PDGHWKDW last part up, but we will see! $IWHUSORWWLQJWKHEHGRXW RQJUDSKSDSHU,ÀJXUHGRXW KRZ PDQ\ RI HDFK IORZHU , ZRXOGQHHG«DQGWKHQ,SODQWHGVHYHUDOPRUH7KLVZLOOJLYH PHDIHZH[WUDDQGLWZLOODOVR allow me to plant a little closer than recommended which is something you can get away with when planting annuals, because they will not spread WKHIROORZLQJVHDVRQ7KLVZLOO DOVR KHOS NHHS ZHHGV IURP JURZLQJ E\ VLPSO\ QRW JLYLQJ them room to come up, and UHDOO\ZKRGRHVQ·WZDQWWKHLU ÁRZHUVJURZLQJOLNHZHHGV" :LWKWKHKHOSRIP\NLGV ZH SODQWHG RXU ÁRZHU VHHGV indoors a couple weeks apart, which will prolong blooming. :H ZLOO SODQW DIWHU 0RWKHU·V 'D\ ZKLFK LV DQRWKHU UXOH RI WKXPE P\ PRP KDV JLYHQ PH 7KH FRVPRV DQG KDOI RI WKH EDFKHORU· EXWWRQV ZLOO EH directly seeded into the garden DQGWKHVHHGOLQJVZH·YHVWDUWHGLQGRRUVZLOOJHWDOLWWOHELWRI RDWPHDOLQWKHERWWRPRIHDFK KROHZKLFKLQP\H[SHULHQFH ZLWKSODQWLQJLQJHQHUDOJLYHV WKHPDOLWWOHH[WUDQXWULWLRQDQG helps them make the transition. Remember to loosen WKHURRWVZKHQ\RX·UHSXWWLQJ ÁRZHUVLQVRWKDWWKH\VSUHDG SODQWV WKDW GRQ·W KDYH WKHLU • Home Decor • Jewelry • Purses & Accessories • Designer Fragrances Larsen Service Drug Serving Watford City, New Town and the Surrounding Area 701-444-2410 • 244 N Main • Watford City | 701-627-2410 • 334 Main Street • New Town NEW! CABOT GOLD DECK VARNISH Great for older decking - looks like a new hardwood floor! INTRODUCTORY root-ball loosened will more than likely die despite diligent HIIRUWV 0\ORYHLVIRUÁRZHUJDUGHQV DQG HYHU\ \HDU , WU\ WR UHDVRQP\VHOILQWRDYHJHWDEOH JDUGHQ WHOOLQJ P\VHOI WKDW KRPH JURZQ YHJHWDEOHV ZLOO EH IDU PRUH UHZDUGLQJ WKDQ SUHWW\ ÁRZHUV WKDW GLH DZD\ $V LW WXUQV RXW , DP ZURQJ HYHU\VLQJOH\HDU7KHUHLVMXVW VRPHWKLQJ DERXW D EHDXWLIXO IORZHU EHG WKDW PDNHV P\ Now Is The Time To Buy That New Auto, Boat or RV heart happy. Good luck to \RX ZKHWKHU \RX·UH SODQWLQJ DQQXDOV SHUHQQLDOV RU YHJHWDEOHVDQGKDYHIXQSOD\LQJ LQ WKH GLUW ,I LW GRHVQ·W WXUQ RXWH[DFWO\DV\RXSODQQHGLW FKDQFHVDUHLWZLOOVWLOOEHORYHO\ DQGWKHUHLVDOZD\VQH[W\HDU Plant what makes you happy and then remember to take WLPH WR HQMR\ LW DIWHU DOO LW LV VXSSRVHGWREHIXQ Four Colors In Stock! $ SALE PRICE 99 41 GAL SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE $4598 National Reach. Local Expertise. ProBuild offers you the best of both. 100 14th Street SE • Sidney, MT | 406-433-2012 | Mon-Fri: 7am - 5pm • Sat: 8am - 1pm | www.probuild.com Home Loans When Buying A Home See Janet At RFCU! Fixed Fixed Rate Secured Loans Starting At Starting At 1.75% 2% APR APR On Approved Approved Credit. Credit. On No Origination origination Fees. fees. No Home Equity Loans Available For That Special Project www.richlandfcu.com 201 West Holly St. • Sidney, MT (406) 482-2704 18 East 2nd St. • Culbertson, MT (406) 787-5890 6B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 Glass Repair & Replacement On All Types of Vehicles Insura • Serving the Area Since 1979 • 710 AUTO GLAS S nce R eplace ments Windo w Rep airs & Sealin Major g Credit Cards Direct Claim Billing 5 Essential Spring Home Improvement Projects 710 West Holly • Sidney, MT • 482-1544 SEE US AT THE ANNUAL MEETING ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 AT THE RICHLAND COUNTY FAIR EVENT CENTER IN SIDNEY, MT Call Before You Dig Be Sure There’s Nothing Down There Simply call 811 at least 48 hours in advance p Look U and Locate A simple reminder for something ng that is vital: Look up & locate overhead erhead power lines before using anything tall. Then keep at least 15 feet away. 3200 W. Holly Sidney, MT 406-488-1602 www.lyrec.com (BPT) - The arrival of spring means new beginnings and a fresh chance to tackle those home improvement projHFWV\RX·YHEHHQSXWWLQJRIIIRU the last several months. Get your home ready for summer and make it more beautiful, HIÀFLHQW DQG IXQFWLRQDO WKDQ HYHUZLWKWKHVHÀYHVHDVRQDO projects. Keep, donate or trash. <RXUÀUVWVWHSLVWRGHFOXWter the home. Separate items into three categories: keep, GRQDWHRUWUDVK+HUH·VDWLSLI \RXKDYHQ·WXVHGVRPHWKLQJLQ the last year, chances are you MAKE YOUR NEIGHBORS HAPPY! JOIN OUR CARRIER TEAM $ 100 SIGNING BONUS! PLUS COLD WEATHER BONUS DURING THE WINTER MONTHS & PERIODIC RAISES! 111 West Main • Sidney, MT | 406-433-3306 • 1-800-749-3306 can get rid of it. Items such as unwanted electronics, housewares and gently used clothing can be donated to charity. For everything else, check with your local recycling program before putting anything in the garbage. Get serious about spring cleaning. Give your home a fresh start by wiping down windows, countertops, electronics, appliances, doorknobs, furniture, OLJKWÀ[WXUHVDQGFHLOLQJIDQV $OVREHVXUHWRPRSÁRRUVDQG vacuum carpet. Never cleaned windows before? Find out how with our free guide. Bring your deck back to life. We think winter is hard on us, but just imagine how hard it is on our decks, which weather the bitter cold temperatures, snow and ice all season long. Take a close look at your deck and check for warped, loose or splintered boards. Sweep away anything that may have fallen between the cracks, make any needed repairs, scrub or power wash, and restain if necessary. Do a color refresh. :KHWKHU \RX·UH DGGLQJ a fresh coat of paint to your LQWHULRU RU H[WHULRU ZDOOV RU completely changing the colors of your home, spring is the perfect time to renew your KRPH·VORRN2QHFRORU trend: bold entry doors like those from Pella. Learn more and pick out your new, colorful front door. Bloom where you are planted. Whether you are a homeowner, renter or sublessee, celebrate the end of winter by creating spaces for bright ÁRZHUVDQGPDNLQJWKHPRVW of your garden. Apartment dwellers, bring the outdoors in with hanging baskets, potted plants or herbs. Everything Roundup on the web. ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 7B Know What’s Below Before You Dig This Spring (BPT) - With the snow gone and the ground thawed, many eager homeowners and landscape professionals across the country are rolling up their sleeves and reaching for their shovels to start projects that require digging this spring. During the transition into “digging season,” Common Ground Alliance (CGA), the association dedicated to protecting underground utilities and the people who dig near them, reminds KRPHRZQHUVDQGSURIHVVLRQDOGLJJHUVWKDWFDOOLQJLVWKHÀUVW step towards protecting you and your community from the risk of unintentionally damaging an underground line. Every digging project, no matter how large or small, warrants a free call to 811. Installing a mailbox or fence, building a deck and landscaping are all examples of digging projects that should only begin a few days after making a call to 811. Calling this number connects you to your local one call utility QRWLÀFDWLRQFHQWHU According to data collected by CGA in a phone survey in late February, more than half (46 percent) of American homeowners said they plan to do DIY projects involving digging this year, but 40 percent of them do not plan to make a free call to 811 before digging. Extrapolated to the full population of U.S. homeowners, approximately 51.8 million people will dig this year ZLWKRXWÀUVWFDOOLQJ A utility line is damaged every six minutes in America because someone decided to dig without making a call to 811 to learn the approximate location of buried utilities in their area. Unintentionally striking one of these lines can result in inconvenient outages for entire neighborhoods, harm to yourself or your neighbors and repair costs. As a result, CGA offers the following tips to make sure you complete your project safely and without any utility service LQWHUUXSWLRQVVR\RXGRQ·WEHFRPHDVWDWLVWLF +HUH·VKRZWKHSURFHVVZRUNV 1. One free, simple phone call to 811 makes it easy for your local one call center to notify all appropriate utility companies of your intent to dig. Call a few days prior to digging to ensure enough time for the approximate location of utility lines to be PDUNHGZLWKÁDJVRUSDLQW 2. When you call 811, a representative from your local one call center will ask for the location and description of your digging project. 3. Your local one-call center will notify affected utility companies, which will then send professional locators to the proposed dig site to mark the approximate location of your lines. 4. Only once all lines have been accurately marked, roll up those sleeves and carefully dig around the marked areas. There are nearly 19 million miles of underground utility lines A Clean Home Is A Healthier Home! See us for all your Spring Cleaning Supplies... ... in the United States that your family depends on for everyday needs including electric, gas, water and sewer, cable TV, highspeed Internet and landline telephone. That equals more than DIRRWEDOOÀHOG·VOHQJWKRIXWLOLWLHVIRUHYHU\SHUVRQLQWKH8QLWHG 6WDWHV:LWKWKDWPXFKFULWLFDOLQIUDVWUXFWXUHXQGHUJURXQGLW·V LPSRUWDQWWRNQRZZKDW·VEHORZDQGFDOOEHIRUHGLJJLQJ 7RÀQGRXWPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWRUWKHRQHFDOOXWLOLW\ QRWLÀFDWLRQFHQWHULQ\RXUDUHDYLVLWFDOOFRP QUINNELL ELECTRIC Call us for all your electrical needs! • Sprayway • Lime-away Our • Paper Towels • Vani-Sol • Lysol • Cotton Towels Undiluted • Oven Cleaner • Multi-Purpose cleaners Products • Simple Green • Work & Surgical Gloves • Hand Cleaner • Floor wax & Sealer Save You • Micro-Fiber Cleaning Towels • Cleaners for your rugs, hardwood & vinyl flooring ooring $$$! • Sprayway Bed Bug & Lice Killer Commercial Residential Remodels New Construction Get Ready For The Holidays...Order Supplies Now! East-Mont Enterprises Inc. 608 E. Main • Sidney, MT• Wholesale Distributors 406-433-2910 Candy • Paper Goods • Cleaning Supplies & More! Chuck Quinnell • 406-776-2331 Check Out These Services HURLEY’S OILFIELD SERVICES • Potable Water • Sewer System •Loaders • Communications • Backhoe • Trucking • Skid Houses • Porta Potties Dispatch: 701-844-1234 • Tires • Tune-ups • Overhauls • Windshields • Break Work 406-774-3475 Lambert, MT • Air Conditioning Residential Commercial Industrial 406-776-2474 Call us for your plumbing & heating needs! -iiÊ1ÃÊÀÊÊ9ÕÀÊ >À]Ê*VÕ«]Ê /ÀÕVÊ>`Ê>ÀÊ/ÀiÃt ND!VE.73IDNEY s Tree Service • Tree Removal • Tree Trimming • Tree Mulch • Bobcat Service • Stump Grinding • Licensed & Insured Olson Plumbing & Heating PO Box 375 • Sidney, MT • 406-482-4027 Kleen Auto Detailing 433-5277 FREE ESTIMATES Gary Mindt • Owner & Operator 406-489-2669 or 406-742-5198 • Cars • Pickups • • Wash • Vacuum • Shampoo 215 E. Main • Eagle Country Ford Building Monday - Friday • 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sell Those Unwanted Items In The Roundup Classifieds! Get The First 30 Words For Just: $ 433-3306 | classads@esidney.com 10¢ per word after 30. 25 9 per week 8B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 Gardening 101 Submitted by Richland County Nutrition Coalition Written by Tim Fine and Johanna Bunn MSU Richland County Extension When it comes to preparing an area for a vegetable garden there is one main point to stress: do whatever you possibly can do to limit the amount of “damage” to the soil. Soil damage, refers to soil compaction, breaking soil structure, robbing the soil of nutrients, etc. People frequently get anxious when it ÀQDOO\ZDUPVXSDQGFRQGLWLRQVDUHULJKWIRUZRUNLQJLQWKHVRLO but sometimes waiting an extra day or two to let the soil dry out some (or warm up a little) pays off tremendously in the long run. In terms of getting a garden site ready to go, there are generally two scenarios that a person is dealing with. You are either preparing an area that has been gardened before, or you are looking at installing a new garden in the yard and may have an idea of where it will be located or you may not. The following LQIRUPDWLRQLVGLUHFWHGDWWKRVHRI\RXZKRIDOOLQWRWKHÀUVWFDWegory, although there should be some tips and tricks that, if you have a previously established garden area, will be useful as well. As with real estate, the three most important things to consider when planning a garden are location, location, location. If you have a particular spot that seems to be more fertile, receives a good portion of sunlight in a day (8-10 hours of full sun is preferred), and is near a water source, this is probably the spot where you want to seriously consider putting your garden. If this VSRWLVFXUUHQWO\FRYHUHGZLWKJUDVV\RXZLOOZDQWWRÀUVWNLOOWKH JUDVV$SURGXFWOLNHURXQGXSZRUNVÀQHIRUWKLVEXWUHDGWKH label and make sure that there is enough time between when you spray the grass and when you want to begin planting your vegetables. You can try simply tilling the grass under and not VSUD\LQJ EXW FKDQFHV DUH \RX ZLOO EH ÀJKWLQJ JUDVV LQYDGLQJ your garden all summer long. So, now that you have all of the sighting and planning done, you are now ready to begin tilling. Stressing again that, if the VRLOLVQRWÀWWREHWLOOHGVWD\RXWRILW7U\LQJWRGRVRPHWLOODJH in soils that are still too wet and too cold can cause compaction and/or really damage the structure of the soil and those issues DUH GLIÀFXOW WR FRUUHFW ,I \RX VWDUW WR WLOO DQG WKHUH DUH ODUJH chunks of wet soil sticking to the tines on your tiller or if you have issues pushing it through the mud, then park it for another couple of days and try again. You may feel that this is delaying your planting too much but if you try and put plants into soil that has been worked when it was too wet, you are setting yourself up for failure. Unless you have been getting some moisture that the rest of us have not, this is probably not a concern this spring. After you have tilled the area and created a nice seedbed, your garden should be ready for planting. It is not suggested to add any amendments, such as manure or compost, at this time as those are typically better applied in the fall. The problem with applying them now is that they may not be completely broken down and, especially in the case of manure that comes from animals bedded with wood shavings, can ultimately lead to mineral GHÀFLHQFLHV The last tip in garden preparation is to decide now exactly what it is you want to plant. After deciding, look at how much space plants are going to need in a garden. A nice exercise to try: take old newspapers and cut out the area that particular plants will need. Then take these “newspaper plants” out to the garden and lay them out and see if the garden is big enough for the plants that are intended to go in there. This is a good time to decide what plants go where as well. You do not want to end up with your larger plants (corn, tomatoes, and peppers) shading out the smaller ones (carrots, lettuce, and spinach) so try to keep those taller specimens to the north of the garden. $OWKRXJK WKHVH UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV DUH PDGH VSHFLÀFDOO\ for vegetable gardens, many of them also apply to landscaping beds as well. By no means is this a complete and exhaustive list of how a garden should be prepared and in no way does following these steps guarantee success. Hopefully though, by going through these steps, you will be off to a good start. It would help tremendously if Mother Nature would cooperate in getting our soils ready to be worked with. 1RZWKDW\RXNQRZKRZWRSODQW\RXUJDUGHQOHW·VWDONDERXW nutritional facts of vegetables you may plant. Leafy Greens: Leafy Greens are cholesterol free and low in calories and sodium. Most of these plants are referred to as super foods because they contain phytochemicals, which promote long term health as part of a nutritious diet. They are also good VRXUFHVRI9LWDPLQ$&.SURWHLQDQGÀEHU*UHHQVDUHKLJK in folate, a nutrient important for fetal development and calcium. Kale: Kale is a nutrient packed vegetable, rich in Vitamins $&.DQG%DQGFRQWDLQVVLJQLÀFDQWDPRXQWVRISRWDVVLXP calcium, iron and manganese. It is also a good source of dietary ÀEHUFRQWDLQVQRFKROHVWHURODQGPLQLPDODPRXQWVRIFDORULHV and sodium. Like other leafy greens, it is rich in phytochemicals, which may help prevent cancer and other diseases. To prepare, cut off end of stems using a knife. For large leafed kale, slice on both sides of the stem to remove. Remove the stem and discard. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are high in Vitamin A and C and are a good source of potassium, with 16 calories per half-cup serving. Broccoli: Broccoli is high in folate and Vitamins C, A and K DQGDOVRDJRRGVRXUFHRISRWDVVLXPDQGGLHWDU\ÀEHUZLWK calories per half-cup serving. Summer Squash: Summer squash (zucchini, yellow squash) has a low nutrient value because it is picked when it LVLPPDWXUH6LQFHVXPPHUVTXDVKFRQVLVWVRIZDWHULW has few calories (about 20 per medium squash). This makes it a great summer meal side dish. The vitamins and minerals are found in the skin, therefore, it is best to not peel the squash before cooking. Winter Squash: The edible, dark orange winter squash ÁHVKLVKLJKLQEHWDFDURWHQHZKLFKLVFRQYHUWHGLQWKHERG\WR Vitamin A. Winter squash is also high in complex carbohydrates DQGÀEHU<RXFDQDOVRURDVWWKHVHHGVDVDKHDOWK\VQDFN Food Safety Tips for preparing your vegetables: 1. Clean. Wash hands and food contact surfaces before and after preparation. 2. Chill. Keep produce and food cool and chill promptly. 3. Separate. Keep produce and food separate from raw meats and eggs. For more information, and gardening tips & tricks, check out the Richland County Nutrition Coalition Facebook page at www.facebook.com/1rcnc1, and the Pinterest page at www. pinterest.com/1rcnc1. READY, SET, SALE! BUY A HOME MAINTENANCE KIT R, FOR YOUR MOWE RECEIVE A FREE FES HAT! Drive a John Deere Free For A Year No Interest for 12 Months on Select Lawnmowers If paid in full within 12 months*18a INTEREST WILL BE CHARGED TO YOUR ACCOUNT FROM THE PURCHASE DATE IF THE PURCHASE BALANCE IN NOT PAID IN FULL WITHIN 12 MONTHS OR IF YOUR ACCOUNT IS OTHERWISE IN DEFAULT. 18FOR CONSUMER USE ONLY. INTEREST WILL BE CHARGED TO YOUR ACCOUNT FROM THE 17.9% APR IF THE PURCHASE BALANCE IS NOT PAID IN FULL WITHIN 12 MONTHS OR IF YOUR ACCOUNT IS OTHERWISE IN DEFAULT. * OFFER ENDS 05/02/16 A SUBJECT TO APPROVED CREDIT ON REVOLVING PLAN, A SERVICE OF JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL, F.S.B. SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY; OTHER SPECIAL RATES AND TERMS MAY BE AVAILABLE, SO SEE YOUR DEALER FOR DETAILS AND OTHER FINANCING OPTIONS. AVAILABLE AT PARTICIPATING DEALERS. PRICES AND MODELS MAY VARY BY DEALER. VALID ONLY AT PARTICIPATING US DEALERS. PURCHASE DATE AT X300 Series Mowers D Series Mowers MODEL D105 D110 D125 D130 D140 D155 D160 D170 S240 SPORT HP/DECK SIZE 17.5HP, 42” DECK 19.5HP, 42” DECK 20HP, 42” DECK 22HP, 42” DECK 22HP, 48” DECK 24HP, 48” DECK 24HP, 48” DECK 26HP, 54” DECK 18.5HP, 42” DECK LIST PRICE $ 1,499 $ 1,699 $ 1,799 $ 1,899 $ 1,999 $ 2,199 $ 2,349 $ 2,799 $ 2,499 MODEL X330 X350 X350 X354 X360 (2015) X370 X380 X380 X384 X390 X390 X394 HP/DECK SIZE 20HP, 42” DECK 18.5HP, 42” DECK 18.5HP, 48” DECK 18.5HP, 42” DECK 22HP, 48” DECK 18.5HP, 42” DECK 22HP, 48” DECK 22HP, 54” DECK 22HP, 48” DECK 22HP, 48” DECK 22HP, 54” DECK 22HP, 48” DECK LIST PRICE $ 2,999 $ 3,199 $ 3,599 $ 3,799 $ 5,299 $ 3,999 $ 4,399 $ 4,699 $ 5,099 $ 5,399 $ 5,699 $ 6,099 Z Trak Mowers Zero Turn Mower X500 Series Mowers MODEL HP/DECK SIZE LIST PRICE X570 24HP, 48” DECK $ 5,999 X570 24HP, 54” DECK $ 6,299 X580 24HP, 54” DECK $ 7,299 X584 24HP, 48” DECK $ 7,499 X584 24HP, 54” DECK $ 7,599 X590 25.5HP, 48” DECK $ 7,599 X590 25.5HP, 54” DECK $ 7,899 MODEL Z335E Z355E Z525E Z525E Z535M Z535M Z540M Z540M Z540R Z540R Z540R HP/DECK SIZE 20HP, 42” DECK 22HP, 48” DECK 22HP, 48” DECK 22HP, 54” DECK 25HP, 48” DECK 25HP, 54” DECK 24HP, 48” DECK 24HP, 54” DECK 24HP, 48” DECK 24HP, 54” DECK 24HP, 60” DECK LIST PRICE $ 2,499 $ 2,999 $ 3,899 $ 3,999 $ 4,399 $ 4,499 $ 4,799 $ 4,899 $ 6,099 $ 6,299 $ 6,499 2015 CARRY-OVER SALE 2015 D110 LAWN TRACTOR, 19.5HP, 42” DECK (STK#8909) WAS $1,699 ............................................................ 2015 D110 LAWN TRACTOR,19.5HP, 42” DECK (STK#8913) WAS $1,699 ............................................................ 2015 D140 LAWN TRACTOR,22HP, 48” DECK (STK#8867) WAS $1,999 ............................................................ 2015 D170 LAWN TRACTOR,26HP, 54” DECK (STK#8700) WAS $2,799 ............................................................ 2015 D170 LAWN TRACTOR,26HP, 54” DECK (STK#8851) WAS $2,799 ............................................................ 2015 D170 LAWN TRACTOR,26HP, 54” DECK (STK#8852) WAS $2,799 ............................................................ 2015 S240 SPORT,18.5HP, 42” DECK (STK#8765) WAS $2,499 ............................................................ 2015 S240 SPORT,18.5HP, 42” DECK (STK#8804) WAS $2,499 ............................................................ 2015 X324 LAWN TRACTOR,23HP, 48” DECK (STK#8822) WAS $4,799 ............................................................ 2015 X324 LAWN TRACTOR,23HP, 48” DECK (STK#8738) WAS $4,799 ............................................................ SALE PRICE $1,499 SALE PRICE $1,499 2015 X324 LAWN TRACTOR,23HP, 48” DECK (STK#8753) WAS $4,799 ............................................................ SALE PRICE $4,300 WAS $2,999 ............................................................ SALE PRICE $2,675 WAS $2,999 ............................................................ SALE PRICE $2,675 WAS $3,899 ............................................................ SALE PRICE $3,480 WAS $3,899 ............................................................ SALE PRICE $3,480 WAS $3,999 ............................................................ SALE PRICE $3,570 WAS $5,099 ............................................................ SALE PRICE $4,550 WAS $5,099 ............................................................ SALE PRICE $4,550 WAS $6,299 ............................................................ 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WALK BEHIND MOWERS D SERIES MOWERS AS LOW AS AS LOW AS 90.00 INSPECTION & SERVICE CHANGE CHECK ENGINE MOWER OIL DRIVE BELTS CHECK LINKAGE ADJUSTMENT SHARPEN BLADES CLEAN UNDERSIDE OF DECK www.fesmt.com AS LOW AS 160.00 $ Change engine oil Replace engine oil filter (if equipped) Clean/replace air filter precleaner Replace air filter element Clean engine cooling fans Replace fuel filter Replace spark plugs Clean battery terminals Sharpen Blades Check mower drive belt Clean mower deck Check & level mower deck Check and adjust mower deck belt tension (3-in-1 deck) Check and adjust mower deck spindle brakes (3-in-1 deck) AS LOW AS 195.00 $ INSPECTION & SERVICE X500-X700 MOWERS X300 SERIES MOWERS INSPECTION & SERVICE Change engine Oil & Filter Replace spark plugs Replace air filter elements, both foam and paper. Replace fuel filter Check mower belt Sharpen Blades CONTACT YOUR LOCAL FES SHOP FOREMAN TO SCHEDULE YOUR SPRING MOWER SERVICE TODAY! Clean underside of deck Check tire pressure Clean engine cooling fans (air cooled) Clean radiator fans (liquid cooled) Tighten radiator clamps (liquid cooled) SEE TRAVIS IN GLASGOW 54275 HWY 2 EAST 406-228-2496 AS LOW AS 205.00 $ 175.00 $ INSPECTION & SERVICE Check/tighten clamps air intake & cooling systems Change engine oil & filter Replace fuel filter Check/Clean battery & safety systems Lubricate spindles, pivots, & cylinder Change paper air cleaner element Replace spark plugs SEE JIM IN PLENTYWOOD 804 EAST 1ST AVENUE 406-765-1531 (X465, X475, X485) Check/tighten loose hardware (2WD) Clean/level mowing deck & check tire pressure Sharpen blades Clean radiator fans, screens & check fan belt Z TRAC MOWERS $ INSPECTION & SERVICE Change engine oil Replace spark plugs Replace air filter elements, both foam and paper Replace fuel filter Check mower belt SEE BRUCE IN CULBERTSON 21 W. 2ND STREET 406-787-6201 Sharpen or replace blades Clean underside of deck Check tire pressure Clean engine cooling fans (air cooled) SEE KAYLEN IN CIRCLE HWY 200 EAST 406-485-2145