Special Edition-New Arrivals
Special Edition-New Arrivals
Summer 2015 Special Edition: New Arrivals !"#$%&'(' )**$&'+' \&+)&$H'9:1>! !"#$%"&'()*&+,"'&+-'./0' 23,$#4536,"73'#8'9:1;' <-#5,"#+'=$#%$&*4' ! 1' 9' >' ' Theo: Vietnam ¾ 0&","?'0#+-)$&4?'2)44"&?''@A$&"+3?'@B?'C"3,+&*' ¾ (&*"D"34'E33-3-' ' F' ¾ ($3G)3+,DH'<4A3-'I)34,"#+4' J' !"#$%"&'()*&+,"'' &+-'./0! !"#$%&$'(")*+$,"#-%$)*),.#)/%"#,-%)%0+# 01#)/,#234#5,6"7,)),&#%"#)/,#0+,#*+-# Theo came home from Ho 0+78#0990&)'+%)8#10&#'"#*)#234#)0#),77# 2)44"&K''9ODGLPLU3XWLQ·V,QIOXHQFH' L' 80'#*:0')#;%0&<%*#='(*+)%#*+-#6/*)# Chi Minh City, Vietnam in /3D3%&,"#+'8$#*'0MNM?'C"3,+&*' O' "/,#%"#-0%+<#10&#'"#:,10&,#)/,#!9&%7#>?# May 2015 at the age of 15 ,@,+)A#B0#97,*",#&,*-#)/%"#*&)%$7,A# %LHQYHQXH«1HZ$UULYDOV' 1:' We couldn’t be # months. (&*"DH'(3&,)$34K' 19' Dzdz happier. He’s a curious, ¾ @A$&"+3'PQ53$"3+63' ' 19 6*"#*)#)/,#C0+)&,*7#;*7*#6/,&,#"/,# spunky, energetic, humourous "*+<#)60#"0+<"A#B/,#/*-#*+# ¾ ()D8"DD3-'&+-'.R&+A8)D' ' 1J' little guy (and he has a great ,D)&*0&-%+*&8#,11,$)#0+#/,&#*'-%,+$,E#F# ¾ NH',$"5',#'C"3,+&*' ' 1L' 6*"#$0(97,),78#'+9&,9*&,-#10&#%)#*+-#F# ¾ ·VXUYLYLQJWKHZDLW·' ' 1O' apetite!). /*@,#+,@,&#/*-#*+8#0)/,&#,D9,&%,+$,# ¾ ·7KH8SVLGHSGRZQ.LQJGRP·' 9:' Our home is filled with love, G'%),#7%H,#%)A#4,&#")*<,#9&,",+$,#6*"# E3T4?'M)$$3+,'P73+,4' 91' giggles and little shoes! (,"(,&%I%+<A#2/,#$&06-#6*"#%+#),*&"J#F# ¾ ./0'&+-',R3'(),)$3' ' 91 6*"#*")0+%"/,-A# We love you so much Theo. We’re so glad you’re here! ¾ U36#*3'&'./0'<*V&44&-#$' 99'' ' # F#)*7H,-#)0#/,&#/'":*+-K*<,+).# W",3$&,)$3'&+-'("D*4' ' Lee-Anne and Sang Maier C*'&%$,.#*+-#7,*&+,-#*#1,6#)/%+<"# ¾ '<-#5,"#+'W",3$&,)$3'8#$'MR"D-$3+' 99 *:0')#/,&A#B/,#6*"#:0&+#%+#F)*78.#$*(,# ¾ ("D*4'&V#),'<-#5,"#+K''B,)6A'' 9;' lee-annemaier@tdh.ca )0#L*+*-*#*"#*#80'+<#60(*+.#7%@,"#6%)/#/,&#=&,+$/#L*+*-%*+#/'":*+-#*+-# ¾ ¶5LFK0DQ3RRU0DQ·S'<'B)**&$H' 9>' -*'</),&#L&8")*7#%+#B),M!++,M-,"MN*$".#*+-#)0'&"#)/,#60&7-#<%@%+<# www.bringinghomethelittlefella.wordpress.com $0+$,&)"A#O/,+#"/,#6*"#"%D),,+#%+#F)*78.#"/,#P0%+,-#/,F$*7#$/'&$/#$/0%&# U$#&-3$'<-#5,"#+'X44)34' 9J' *+-#-%"$0@,&,-#Ȃ#)0#/,&#*(*I,(,+)#M#)/*)#"/,#/*-#*+#,D)&*0&-%+*&8#@0%$,A## Special Note: Theo is a second generation Terre Des Homme adoptee! ¾ .R3'Y5,"#+&D'=$#,#6#D' B0(,#8,*&"#7*),&.#/,&#/'":*+-#,+$0'&*<,-#/,&#)0#"%+<#*+-#)00H#0+#)/,# N&A"+%'<'/"883$3+63' 9L' (*+*<,(,+)#01#/,&#$*&,,&A#=0&#/,	*&).#"/,#",,("#)0#/*@,#+0)/%+<#01#)/,# ¾ ."6A3,4³!"#$%"&'()*&+,"'M#+63$,'' 9OZ9[' Ǥ Ǯ ǯ $0+"%-,&"#)/*)#"/,#/*"#*#-')8#)0#'",#%)#)0#-0#<00-#%+#)/,#60&7-A# ' # ' B/,#%"#*#/%</M$7*""#9,&10&(,&A#F+#*--%)%0+#)0#/,&#")&0+<#")*<,#9&,",+$,.#"/,# !"#"$%&'()*+,-*#' %"#*&)%$'7*),A##B/,#/*"#*#6%-,#&,9,&)0%&,.#$*9)'&,-#0+#",@,&*7#*7:'("#6/%$/# .$*/$%0'1#2*$0%,-*#3' ,+P08#7%@,78#"*7,"A#!"#*#9,&"0+#"/,#%"#<,+,&0'"#*+-#H%+-#*+-#@,&8# ,(9*)/,)%$A#Q')#*77#01#)/*)#9*7,"#*<*%+")#)/,#1*$)#)/*)#"/,#%"#*7"0#*#)&',# !"#$"%&'()*'+"#$,%-!"#$%&'()!*!#% Ǥ Ǯǯ $./(0+1'2*"' Oleksander (Sasha), age 11, 9,&10&(,&"#:,$*'",#)/,8#"0(,/06#")&0+<78#*11,$)#)/,#*'-%,+$,A#!+-#"/,# -0,"#)/*)A# arrived in Calgary on May 27th, 2015 456'7#,%$-*'1#89! # Sasha is a happy and healthy little boy. Since ;%0&<%*#0+M-%"$#%"#+0)#G'%),#)/,#"*(,#*"#;%0&<%*#%+M9,&"0+A#O/,+#;%0&<%*# "#!$%&'!()'*! his arrival in Calgary, it's been a non-stop "%+<"#%+M9,&"0+#"/,#"0(,/06#&,*$/,"#0')#%+)0#)/,#*'-%,+$,#6%)/#/,&# +*,*!-%.!/#"!01234''3!$5446!,7! ǯ adventure for him. Everything is new and 89-!:;9' )/*)#%"#:0)/#'+%G',#*+-#906,&1'7A#Q,%+<#9&,",+)#*)#0+,#01#/,&#$0+$,&)"#%"# exciting for this little guy! He's learning *+#,D9,&%,+$,A#F#-0#+0)#H+06#,D*$)78#/06#"/,#-0,"#%).#:')#F#/*@,# :;<=>'?@AB;=C;'D':;<=>'A<;BAE;E':2%F>' English and adapting well to his new home. ,D9,&%,+$,-#%)#*+-#F#&,$0<+%I,#6/*)#"/,#-0,"A## $./(0+1'2*"% # +1'(.+"#$(2+1'2*"% ;%0&<%*#-%-#"%+<#)60#"0+<"#*)#)/,#C0+)&,*7#234#;*7*.#:')#C*'&%$,#"*8"# Julie & Mike Melnick )/*)#6*"#P'")#*+#%+)&0-'$)%0+A#4,%&")#1'77#9,&10&(*+$,#10ê#%"#<0%+<#)0# 456'+*G$'&"H'"#2%#,H! :,#*)#)/,#R%*7)0#2/,*)&,#0+#B'+-*8.#!9&%7#>?#*)#STUU#9(A#2/,#)/,*),&#/*"# VWU#",*)"#*+-#6,#/09,#)0#1%77#)/,(#*77A#F1#80'#*&,#+,*&#C0+)&,*7.#97,*",#<0# juliedesrosiers@hotmail.com <=<9!>5%2'4!?@%A4.6!"@B!C4%%@! ǡ Ǯ ǯǤ# D%2E@'146!FG!$"H!:HI' !""#$%%&&&'"!()"*(*+),"-'.)%(/%#*-0*)11)"+-/%123+.%4567850+-*0+)5921)/"+ :E<?>'I=JB==AE'D':E<?>'I==BJ<AE':2%F>' 5:(/(9+"5.-/.(*"59-*5";!5.)/);)'!"1,< < $./(3)454*0+1'2*"% =*(/;)/<>)?)/)20!<@:*(/;)/A";!'.)B< +1'6()#7484./".+82+1'2*"% Nullam eget neque Sasha: Ukraine TDH QUARTERLY Summer 2015: Special Edition New Arrivals Georgia: Vietnam Nguyen Thanh Van (Georgia Grace) Born September 1, 2013 and adopted at 18 months old. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Adopted March 31, 2015 in Ho Chi Minh city, Nullam eget neque Vietnam Home forever on April 16, 2015 I am overjoyed to finally have my precious daughter home. Georgia is a joyful, loving and compassionate little girl who is the light of my life and brings me so much Joy! Laurie Roberston lrobertt@hotmail.com Eugénia et Alexandre: Ukraine Nous sommes bien heureux d'être de retour au pays avec nos deux petits cocos ukrainiens Eugénia et Alexandre et de retrouver nos 3 enfants Jacob, Isaac et Justine qui nous ont tant manqué. La rencontre des enfants ukrainiens avec ceux canadiens s'est très bien déroulée et tout ce beau monde s'entend à merveille. La routine pour les enfants (lever le matin, la douche/bain, faire le lit, brosser les dents, les repas et les dodos) est bien établie. On réalise qu'on est tombé sur de très bons enfants. Et ceux-ci sont très heureux d'être avec nous! Ils nous collent, nous serrent dans leurs bras, et sont tout sourire. 2 TDH QUARTERLY Summer 2015: Special Edition New Arrivals James: Vietnam Sed pellentesque C’est un très grand plaisir de vous présenter James, un petit bonhomme aux yeux pétillants et au rire et sourire contagieux qui charme tous ceux qu’il rencontre. It gives me great pleasure to present to you, James, a little guy with sparking eyes and a contagious Nullam eget neque smile that charms all who meet him. James arrived in Quebec on FEB 18th, 2015 from Vietnam at the age of 30 months. Annie Francis Annakim: Vietnam Le 9 mai est arrivè Annakim dans sa nouvelle maison au Québec. Annakim a 3 ans et demi ét l adaptation se fait très bien !! Son grand frère loucas ét sa petite sœur rose élia sont très contente d avoir une nouvelle sœur!! Annakim est pleine d énergie !!! Catherine-Anne Lavigne 3 TDH QUARTERLY Summer 2015: Special Edition New Arrivals Logan, Angélika , Maxim : Ukraine Welcome siblings from the UKRAINE! Sister and brothers newly arrived in May 2015. Logan, 6 years old, Angélika ,4 years old and Maxim, 8 years old. Welcome!!! (Their story was covered in the local news! See the full story at the end of the newsletter!) Dominique Busque William: Vietnam Karen Ballantyne and Jay Barton and their son Jasper welcomed William Duc Barton, born October 2008 (6 years old) this April from Vietnam. Will is a social, confident kid who loves sports (especially baseball) and already has lots of friends. We love celebrating and sharing new arrivals! To have your announcement published, please email Lee-Anne Maier at: lee-annemaier@tdh.ca or submit your announcement online at http://goo.gl/forms/0C71FsqKeh If we missed your new arrival, it’s never to late to submit! Good news stories, family updates, children’s artwork or writing are also welcome contributions. These can all be a great way to give hope to waiting families and to connect the families who are home. 4 , L Ec reur Progrè S tc . MEDIA tE MERCREDI F I F 201 5 I Volume 107 N" 46 J l er juillet 38 502 exemplaires ( leclaireurprogres.ca .l .i i i r '!4 'ïì ¡j ,"1 f ( Ri (Photo !"#$%&'()"*+",-(.#//%&"00( !"#$! ! "#$%&'(#)!*+!,-#!&*.$&!/#0)1$1#2!!!"#$%&'()*(+,(-.(/0!!34'&&#,!5!6758! Adoption in the Ukraine A fa m ily fr o m B e a u c e r o n n e w e a v in g p e r fe c t h a p p in e s s ! 9+,#2!$!),$:!*+!6!;*(,-)!'(!,-#!<=>9?/@A!!B*;'('C4#!!D4)C4#!!$(%!E$2C4')!!>*:!,42(#%!,-#'2!%2#$;!!!!*+! 2$')'(F!$!+$;'&:!'(,*!2#$&',:!G:!C4'.H&:!#I1$(%'(F!!,-#'2)!0',-!,-#!$%*1,'*(!*+!J!)'G&'(F)!+2*;!,-#!<H2$'(# Maxim, 8, Logan, 6, and little Angélika, 4 years old !"#$%&'()"*+",-(.#//%&"00( !"#$! ! ! SAINT-GEORGES. After a recent stay of two months in the Ukraine, Dominique Busque, and Marquis Roy from St. Georges realized their biggest dream, to form a family through adoption. They are now the parents of three energetic and healthy children: Maxim, 8, Logan, 6, and little Angélika, 4 years old. Back home in Beauce since May, the family glows with perfect happiness. The siblings have become familiar with their new environment and new language: French. The parents themselves are in heaven because their dream has finally become a reality. “We are truly very happy. Sometimes it may feel like things get a bit hectic and demanding but we are a great team and we are fully immersed in our new reality. Everything is going well, even very well, "says the new 31 year-old mother. ”Contrary to most other couples, our Plan A had always been to adopt.” "We fully assume our life choices. Biologically, we didn’t even try to have children, "says Marquis. "We were a little eccentric in our decision. We knew that even if our ways are not accepted with unanimity, this had always been our project, "adds Marquis’s wife, married since 2007.! !"#$%&'()"*+",-(.#//%&"00( !"#$! ! SAINT-GEORGES. Since their return from Kiev, Dominque Busque and Marquis Roy ‘s children adapt to their new family environment, and, despite their mother tongue, Russian, the fear of the language barrier proved to be unfounded according to this couple from St. George. As much as the language issue worried us initially, today it is no longer a challenge. They are trying to learn a new language. We manage to understand one another through sounds and gestures. We felt we were prepared yet expected it to be worse. It is not more difficult to have three versus one. It just takes more organization and management, "says Dominique. Most certainly having adopted siblings facilitates their integration. "They are from the same family so they play together, understand each other and stand by one another," says Marquis. The two oldest have also helped Dominique and Marquis a lot by acting as interpreters for their little sister, especially during their stay in Ukraine. The couple also got a helping hand from a social worker. As new parents, they view the upcoming school year in a positive light, despite the various challenges awaiting their children. (J.F.F.)! ! ! ! ! !"#$%&'()"*+",-(.#//%&"00( !"#$! ! Dominique and Marquis accompanied by their 3 adopted children from the Ukraine in front of their home. Logan, Angelika et Maxim. ( TC Media – Jean-Francois Fecteau) credits. jean-francois.fecteau@tc.tc A PERFECT MATCH After many unsuccessful efforts with China and Kazakhstan, the couple finally turned to Ukraine which was not their first choice. Only two and a half years after their initial start in adoption it finally became possible with this country. On March 27, they took off in the direction towards the capital, Kiev, and without knowing the gender or the number of children they would return with to Beauce. According to the homestudy evaluation, the couple had the opportunity to adopt one to three children between the ages of 0 to 12 years. Still there were unknowns. "We are super happy with the result. I think our kids match our personalities perfectly. We were told that in adoption, you know where it’s leading, but you do not know where you will end up " confirms Dominique who strongly believed in this project. "The more it moves ahead, the more you develop as a person. It felt like everything lead us to the children we should have somewhere out there., was it destiny? I think so, "adds Marquis who will soon celebrate his 34th birthday. ! ! !
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It is important to remember that adopt...