Certification body mandated by AFNOR Certification 48/50 rue de la Victoire 75009 PARIS Telephone: +33 (0) 1 75 44 71 71 / CERTIFICATION RULES FOR THE MARK AFNOR Certification identification no.: NF 536 Revision 0 – February 2016 Approval by AFNOR Certification: 16 February 2016 Date of 1st implementation: 1 March 2016 The reference version is the French version, this document is just the translation in English. Date of the translation: 28/04/2016 Reference document: GENERAL RULES FOR THE NF MARK Approved by the President of AFNOR on 23 April 2012 NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 2 of 54 CONTENTS ___________________________________________________________________________ PART 1 .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 PRESENTATION AND SCOPE ............................................................................................................................. 6 SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 WHO CAN APPLY FOR THE NF MARK AND WHY?................................................................................................... 6 CONTACT LIST ............................................................................................................................................... 7 PART 2 .............................................................................................................................................................. 8 CERTIFICATION RULES REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................ 8 GENERAL CERTIFICATION RULES OF THE NF MARK................................................................................................. 8 STANDARDS .................................................................................................................................................. 8 2.2.1 Test standards ................................................................................................................................. 8 2.2.2 Standard concerning the quality management system ................................................................... 8 REGULATIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 8 REQUIREMENTS FOR QUALITY MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................... 9 2.4.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 9 2.4.2 Minimum requirements for quality management ........................................................................... 9 2.4.3 Additional requirements ................................................................................................................ 10 MARKING ................................................................................................................................................... 14 2.5.1 Reference documents .................................................................................................................... 14 2.5.2 The NF logo.................................................................................................................................... 14 2.5.3 Marking conditions........................................................................................................................ 15 PART 3 ............................................................................................................................................................ 18 HOW TO OBTAIN CERTIFICATION: THE ADMISSION PROCEDURE ................................................................... 18 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................................... 19 3.1.1 Application for the right to use the NF mark ................................................................................. 19 3.1.2 Definition of a model ..................................................................................................................... 22 3.1.3 Reference operating speeds .......................................................................................................... 22 3.1.4 Certified characteristics, tolerances and other acceptance criteria .............................................. 23 CASE OF AN APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION ........................................................................................................ 27 3.2.1 Submission of a certification application....................................................................................... 27 3.2.2 Review of the application/Admissibility ........................................................................................ 27 3.2.3 Inspection procedures ................................................................................................................... 28 3.2.4 Evaluation and decision ................................................................................................................. 31 CASE OF AN EXTENSION APPLICATION ............................................................................................................... 32 CASE OF A MAINTENANCE APPLICATION ............................................................................................................ 32 PART 4 ............................................................................................................................................................ 33 CERTIFIED PRODUCT SURVEILLANCE: FOLLOW-UP PROCEDURES ................................................................... 33 FOLLOW-UP INSPECTION PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................. 34 4.1.1 Follow-up tests .............................................................................................................................. 34 4.1.2 Follow-up audit.............................................................................................................................. 34 EVALUATION AND DECISION ........................................................................................................................... 35 STATEMENT OF CHANGES .............................................................................................................................. 36 4.3.1 Changes concerning the holder ..................................................................................................... 36 4.3.2 Changes concerning the production entities ................................................................................. 36 4.3.3 Changes concerning the quality organisation of the production process ..................................... 36 4.3.4 Changes concerning the NF certified product ............................................................................... 37 4.3.5 Temporary or definitive cessation of production........................................................................... 37 4.3.6 Changes concerning the applicable standards and specifications ................................................ 37 NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 3 of 54 CONDITIONS FOR STOPPING MARKING OR REMOVAL OF THE MARK IN THE EVENT OF SUSPENSION, WITHDRAWAL OR WAIVER 37 PART 5 ............................................................................................................................................................ 38 PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS ................................................................................................................... 38 AFNOR CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................ 38 EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION ....................................................................................................... 38 AUDIT BODY ............................................................................................................................................... 38 TEST BODY/LABORATORY .............................................................................................................................. 38 SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE NF AIR CLEANERS MARK ......................................................................................... 39 PART 6 ............................................................................................................................................................ 40 RATES ............................................................................................................................................................. 40 NF CERTIFICATION SERVICES ........................................................................................................................... 40 6.1.1 Development and setting-up of an NF mark ................................................................................. 40 6.1.2 Review of the application .............................................................................................................. 40 6.1.3 Operation of the certification programme .................................................................................... 40 6.1.4 Tests .............................................................................................................................................. 40 6.1.5 Audit .............................................................................................................................................. 40 6.1.6 Sampling ........................................................................................................................................ 40 6.1.7 Right to use the NF mark ............................................................................................................... 41 6.1.8 Additional inspections ................................................................................................................... 41 6.1.9 Promotion ...................................................................................................................................... 41 COLLECTING PAYMENT FOR SERVICES ............................................................................................................... 41 AMOUNT PAYABLE FOR SERVICES .................................................................................................................... 42 PART 7 ............................................................................................................................................................ 43 CERTIFICATION APPLICATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 43 NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 4 of 54 Update and History of modifications Part 1 Part 7 Products covered by the NF mark How to complete applications - Scope - Who can apply for the NF mark and why? - The NF mark Letter templates and application templates Part 2 Part 6 What requirements have to be satisfied? What are the costs? - Applicable rates - Terms of payment APPLICANT/ HOLDER Part 3 Part 5 How is certification obtained? Which bodies are involved? - - For the product - For the quality management system - For the marking Certification body Auditors/Inspectors Test laboratories Mark committee - Application file - Admission visit - Acceptance process Part 4 After certification - Follow-up process - Statement of changes NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 5 of 54 These certification rules were submitted to AFNOR Certification for approval and admission into the NF certification system. They were approved by the legal representative of AFNOR Certification on 16 February 2016. They cancel and replace any previous versions. EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION, as a certification body, undertakes to draw up certification rules that guarantee an appropriate level of requirements for the quality, fitness for purpose and durability of the products. The certification rules can be revised, in part or in full, by EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION after consultation of the interested parties. The revision is approved by the legal representative of AFNOR Certification for admission into the NF certification system. MODIFICATIONS First date of implementation of the certification rules: 1 March 2016 Part modified Revision Date no.: 0 01/03/2016 Modification made Creation of this certification programme NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 6 of 54 Part 1 PRESENTATION AND SCOPE Scope These certification rules relate to independent air cleaners for tertiary sector and residential (domestic) applications that comply with the definition set out in XP-B44-200:2011. This definition, in French, can be translated as follows: "electrically powered device mainly comprising a fan and properties for collecting and/or destroying (partially or fully) air pollutants." The scope is restricted to devices with an intake air flow rate of between 15 m3/h and 1000 m3/h. It is also restricted to air cleaners with a rated voltage of no more than 250 V for single-phase devices and 480 V for other devices. Devices that do not have a fan, particularly "static" air cleaners (which use natural convection) and excluded from the scope. Who can apply for the NF mark and why? These certification rules are open to any applicant whose products fall within the above-defined scope and meet the technical requirements described in Part 2 of this document. Applicants/agents/distributors are defined as follows: 1 – Applicant/holder: Legal entity applying for the right to use the NF mark for its product, and which undertakes to provide control and/or accountability for compliance with all the requirements specified in the certification rules for the NF 536 mark. These requirements cover at least the following steps: design, fabrication, assembly, quality control, marking, packaging and introduction onto the market, and specify the critical points of each step. When the legal entity has obtained the right to use the NF mark, it is known as the holder. 2 – Agent: Legal entity or private individual located in the European Economic Area (EEA), that has a role of representing the applicant/holder outside the EEA and has a written power of attorney from the applicant/holder stating that it can act on its behalf and specifying in what framework (missions and associated responsibilities and financial aspects, complaints, certification body contact, among others) in the NF mark certification process in accordance with the provisions of the certification rules. The agent may be the distributor or the importer; its various roles are clearly identified. 3 – Distributor: Legal entity distributing the products of the applicant/holder that does not modify the product with regard to NF mark requirements. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 7 of 54 Distributors can be of the following types: distributors who distribute the product under the trademark of the holder. In this case, no steps are to be taken with regard to the NF mark. distributors who distribute the product with a change of trademark. The applicant/holder shall apply to maintain the right to use the mark. If the distributor does not wish that explicit reference be made to the manufacturer, the distributor shall apply for admission to the NF mark. In this case, the production plant is not mentioned on the certificate. Depending on the operations performed by the applicant/holder or the distributor, the sites audited and the length of the audit during initial certification and surveillance are established on a case-by-case basis. Contact list Who should you contact? EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION SAS 48/50 rue de la Victoire F- 75009 PARIS Tel: + 33 1 75 44 71 71 - Your contact: Grégory Kelijian Email: NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 8 of 54 Part 2 CERTIFICATION RULES REQUIREMENTS General certification rules of the NF mark The rules for this application of the NF mark, under the terms of the French Consumer Code, are made up of: - the General Rules for the NF mark, which set out the general organisation and terms of use for the mark, - these certification rules, which describe the technical characteristics to be respected, and the procedures used to check conformity with these characteristics, - the standards to which these certification rules refer, and any additional technical specifications. These certification rules, which are used to certify services and non-food products specified in the French Consumer Code1, specify the conditions of application of the General Rules of the NF mark to the products defined in Part 1. Standards 2.2.1 Test standards XP B44-200:2011, Independent air purification devices for tertiary sector and residential applications Test methods - Intrinsic performances XP B44-013:2009, Photocatalysis - Test and analysis method for determining the efficacy of photocatalytic systems for eliminating volatile organic compounds/odours in recirculating interior air - Confined chamber test NF EN ISO 3741:2012, Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Precision methods for reverberation test rooms. The procedure for the performance of the tests is set out in § 2.2.2 Standard concerning the quality management system NF EN ISO 9001:2008 (and subsequent revisions), Quality management systems – Requirements. Regulations The products covered by these certification rules shall comply with applicable French legislation. They are manufactured to comply with all applicable directives and regulations. The applicant/holder will supply the CE declarations of conformity in its technical file (see Part 7). The awarding of the right to use shall under no circumstances substitute the legal responsibility of the company holding the right to use the NF mark by the responsibility of EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION. 1 Articles R 115-1 to R 115-3 and L 115-27 to L 115-32 of the French Consumer Code. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 9 of 54 Requirements for quality management 2.4.1 Purpose Applicants/holders shall take every measure to guarantee the product's continual compliance with these certification rules. This paragraph defines the minimum provisions that the applicant/holder shall set up in terms of quality management so that the products covered by the NF mark are produced at all times in accordance with these certification rules. This paragraph constitutes the audit rules. The quality system is partly based on the applicant's/holder's implementation of a series of organisational measures to control the compliance of the products delivered with standards and additional specifications where applicable. These provisions are described in paragraphs 2.4.2 and 2.4.3. 2.4.2 Minimum requirements for quality management The applicant/holder shall have implemented his own means, the presence and effectiveness of which are assessed using the applicable requirements of NF EN ISO 9001:2008 (see Table 1) or subsequent revisions. Table 1 : Applicable requirements of NF EN 9001:2008 PARAGRAPH QUALITY ORGANISATION REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE (x = applicable) 4 – Quality management system 4.1 General requirements 4.1 a) to e) Identify the processes associated with product realisation, their X interactions, provide resources, control and monitoring thereof. The processes associated with product realisation. 4.2 Documentation requirements 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 The documentation shall include a quality policy, quality manual, X procedures, a description of the processes and records. To be adapted depending on the size of the company and the complexity of the processes described. 4.2.3. Control of documents X Plus: NF mark applications shall be managed and controlled. In case of a modification to the product, the managing body shall be notified accordingly. (e.g. standards and certification rules) Retention period: 10 years (hard or electronic copy) 4.2.4. Records X Retention period = three years minimum 5 - Management responsibility 5.1 Management commitment: communicate the importance of meeting X customer requirements, establish a quality policy, draw up quality Plus: Commitment relating to NF mark objectives, management reviews, resources. certification rules 5.3 Quality policy X 5.4 Planning X 5.5 Responsibility, authority and communication X 5.5.1 Responsibility and authority X 5.5.2 Management representative X 5.5.3 Internal communication X 6 - Resource management 6.1 Provision of resources X 6.2 Human resources 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 Competence, training and awareness of personnel X 6.3 Infrastructure: supply and maintain buildings, equipment and support X services necessary to establish product conformity NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 PARAGRAPH QUALITY ORGANISATION REQUIREMENTS 7 - Product realisation 7.1 Planning of product realisation 7.2.3 Customer communication Paragraph C only 7.4 Purchasing 7.5.1 Control of production and service provision 7.5.2 Validation of processes for production and service provision 7.5.3 Identification and traceability 7.5.5 Preservation of product 7.6 Control of monitoring and measuring equipment 8 - Measurements, analysis and improvement 8.2.2 Internal audit 8.2.4 8.3 8.4 8.5.2 8.5.3 Monitoring and measurement of product Control of nonconforming product (including removal of the mark, if applicable) Analysis of data (paragraphs b and d only) Corrective action Preventive action Page 10 of 54 APPLICABLE (x = applicable) X Plus: NF mark requirements X Processing of complaints X (in part) Restricted to: the body shall set up and implement inspections or other activities required to ensure that the purchased product meets the specified purchasing requirements. X Service = product X X X X X (in part) Restricted to: As a minimum, checking compliance with NF mark requirements X X X X X The duration of follow-up audits of the quality management system may be reduced (0.5 day) for companies with a quality management system certified in accordance with NF EN ISO 9001:2008 (or subsequent revisions), under certain conditions set out in §4.1.2. 2.4.3 Additional requirements The applicant/holder shall have the necessary resources and means for the inspections and tests in order to guarantee product conformity. The results of the inspections set out in the paragraphs below shall be recorded and retained in accordance with a documented procedure. The inspection results shall lie within the tolerances defined in the inspection instructions. Control of suppliers and subcontractors The applicant/holder shall ensure the quality of the raw materials and components used in the manufacture of products for which it is applying for/holds the right to use the NF mark. The applicant/holder shall: - Define the specifications of products to be supplied (and possibly establish specifications with its suppliers) Define its supplier selection criteria Compile and maintain a regularly updated list of its authorised suppliers Establish and maintain up-to-date records relating to the quality of its acceptable suppliers NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 11 of 54 Orders shall clearly describe the product ordered (technical specifications, quantities, lead times, etc.), provide references to the technical characteristics in the specifications and stipulate the request for a certificate of compliance, as required. In the event of subcontracting, precise specifications must be compiled for the subcontractor. The applicant/holder shall set out and implement inspections of the incoming goods by sampling or any other method necessary to guarantee that the purchased products used in the production of the air cleaners meet the specified purchase requirements. The procedures relating to these inspections shall be set out in written documentation. The results of these acceptance inspections shall be recorded and include an indication of the acceptance criteria and decisions taken in cases of non-compliance. Identification and traceability The applicant/holder shall prepare instructions for identifying the product with marking that complies with the requirements of §2.5. This identification shall enable traceability and ensure that a history of the product can be found. Internal production control Internal production control shall cover at least the following points: Dimensional inspection of components The applicant/holder shall inspect the dimensions of the filters and injection-moulded plastic parts by any appropriate means. The effectiveness of the inspection mean shall be proven. These inspections shall take place on each batch delivery or during production by sampling. Checking of component assembly The applicant/holder shall ensure that the correct assembly of the components is checked, by any appropriate means, through sampling. Production test for electrical safety according to NF EN 50106:2009 (100 % inspection) The electrical safety tests shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of NF EN 50106:2009 and the results shall be recorded. Sound test Inspections shall be carried out on the production line. Inspections on the finished product Inspections at the end of the production line (100 % inspection) Each product manufactured shall undergo the necessary inspections at the end of the production line in order to ensure that it complies with the requirements, including legal and regulatory requirements. Inspection of marking Periodic inspections shall be carried out to ensure the compliance and presence of the marking on the certified product, as defined in §2.5 of these certification rules. Visual inspection before packaging (100 % inspection) Visual inspections shall be carried out before the product is packaged. All the inspections and tests carried out throughout the assembly process shall be validated and recorded. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 12 of 54 Production monitoring inspections At least once a year, each certified product model shall undergo the following checks: - Compliance of the information on the packaging (if packaging exists), - Compliance of the markings on the product, - Compliance of the contents and/or version of the manual/technical documentation, - Compliance of the mounting/assembly of the air cleaner, - Air flow test for the operating speeds of the air cleaner, - Measurement of the electrical power consumed by the air cleaner during the air flow test, - Establishment of the sound power for the operating range of the air cleaner, - Verification of sensor operation (if the product is equipped with such elements). All of these checks shall be recorded in a document containing the results and validation requirements. Control of monitoring and measurement equipment All measurement, inspection and testing equipment that might have an influence on the tests conducted within the scope of the NF mark shall be: - Calibrated or checked at specified intervals or prior to use, based on measurement standards associated with international or national calibration standards (when such standards do not exist, the reference used for calibration shall be recorded) - Calibrated as often as required - Identified in order to determine the validity of the calibration - Protected against adjustments that might invalidate the measurement result - Protected against damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance and storage. In addition, the applicant/holder shall assess and record the validity of previous measurement results when it is determined that equipment is not in compliance. The applicant/holder shall take appropriate action on the equipment and any product affected. The records of calibration and verification results shall be retained. Control, measurement and testing equipment shall be used so as to ensure that the measurement uncertainty is known and consistent with required skills in measurement. Preservation of the product The applicant/holder shall preserve product conformity during internal operations and during delivery to the intended destination. This preservation shall include identification, handling, packaging, storage and protection. Preservation shall also apply to product components. The applicant/holder shall use designated areas or storage spaces to prevent damage or deterioration of the product pending its use or delivery. To detect deterioration, the condition of the product in stock shall be assessed at appropriate and defined intervals. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 13 of 54 Control of nonconforming product The applicant/holder shall ensure that any product not in compliance with requirements is identified and controlled to prevent its unintended use or delivery. The controls and the associated responsibilities and authorities for the treatment of nonconforming products shall be defined in written procedures. The applicant/holder shall deal with a nonconforming product bearing the NF mark in one of the following ways: - By carrying out actions to eliminate nonconformity - By authorising its use, release or acceptance by waiver; in this case, the prior agreement of EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION shall be obtained - By carrying out actions to prevent its use (scrapping, for example) The records of the type of nonconformities and any subsequent actions taken, including the waivers obtained, shall be retained. Continuous improvement The applicant/holder shall carry out actions to eliminate causes of nonconformity to prevent them from recurring. The corrective actions shall be appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities encountered. A written procedure shall be established to define requirements for: - Reviewing nonconformities (including customer complaints) - Determining the causes of nonconformity - Assessing the need to carry out actions to ensure that nonconformities do not recur - Determining and implementing the necessary actions - Recording the results of the actions implemented - Reviewing the corrective actions implemented Records showing the complaints relating to certified products and their treatment shall be established and kept. The body shall carry out internal audits at scheduled intervals to determine whether the quality management system is: - Compliant with the requirements of the quality management system and these certification rules - Effectively implemented and maintained The records of the audits and the results thereof shall be retained. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 14 of 54 Marking Marking is an integral part of product certification. Beyond the identification of a certified product and its traceability, the marking of a product with the NF logo ensures better protection of the users and facilitates the defence of holders against misuse and infringements. The reproduction and display of the AFNOR, AFNOR Certification and EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION logos are strictly forbidden without the prior approval of these bodies. 2.5.1 Reference documents The French Consumer Code Article R 115-2 of the French Consumer Code stipulates that: “When reference is made to certification in advertising, on labelling or the presentation of any product or service, and in sales documents of any kind relating thereto, the following mandatory information shall be provided to the consumer or user: - The designation or company name of the certification body or the collective certification mark, - The name of the certification rules used, - The manner in which the certification rules can be consulted or obtained." Article L 115-28 of the French Consumer Code stipulates in particular that: "Any reference made to certification in advertising, on labelling or in the presentation of any product of service, and in sales documents relating thereto, shall be accompanied by clear information enabling the consumer or user to obtain easy access to the certified characteristics. Certification rules shall be available for consultation either free of charge at the certification body premises, or by the sending of copies at the requester's expense." General Rules of the NF Mark The purpose of the marking rules given below is to guide the holder in complying with the regulatory requirements and the NF certification requirements. The General Rules of the NF mark specify the conditions of use and validity and the penalties in the event of improper use of the NF mark. Without prejudice to the sanctions laid down in the General Rules of the NF mark, any incorrect statement of the certified characteristics and any fraudulent use of the NF logo expose the holder to legal proceedings for fraud and/or misleading advertising. 2.5.2 The NF logo The NF logo shall serve to identify all certified products. The holder undertakes to respect the style guide of the NF mark. The NF logo and style guide are available from the marketing and communication department of EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION. The NF certified product shall have a separate name and identification from non-NF certified products. The holder shall only use the NF logo to distinguish NF certified products, without risk of any possible confusion with other products, particularly with non-NF certified products. Holders are advised to first submit all documents relating to the NF mark to EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 2.5.3 Page 15 of 54 Marking conditions This paragraph describes both the conditions for affixing the NF logo and the marking of essential certified characteristics. In order to meet the requirements of article R 115-2 of the French Consumer Code (see §2.5.1), marking shall be produced as follows, whenever this is technically possible (French or English version): This paragraph covers the following three aspects: 1. marking of the NF logo on the NF certified product 2. marking of the NF logo on the packaging of the NF certified product 3. marking of the NF logo on documentation Marking of the NF certified product Each certified product shall show the NF marking permanently, visibly and durably in accordance with the conditions set out in paragraph 2.5.3, and in accordance with the specific standards and regulations in force. Marking on the packaging of the NF certified product or on supporting documentation (including labels) In addition to the NF marking defined in paragraph 2.5.3, the reference and trademark of the certified product shall appear on the packaging and/or in supporting documentation with the certified products. The packaging of the air cleaner shall include a table showing the certified characteristics (see § The applicant/holder is free to choose the format of the table, provided that the information, as defined in the standard table in Part 7 (standard information sheet 008), is clearly and legibly shown. The holder is advised to send the draft documentation to EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION for verification before printing and distribution. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 16 of 54 Marking on documentation (technical and sales documents, posters, advertisements, websites, etc.) General References to the NF mark in the documentation shall be made in such a manner that there is no risk of confusion between certified products and other products. The NF mark shall be reproduced in the documentation and advertising materials in accordance with the conditions defined in paragraph 2.5.3. Reproduction of the NF mark, as defined in 2.5.3, on the holder's letterhead, is prohibited, unless the holder has been granted the NF mark for all of its products. In all cases, the holder shall request prior approval from EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION. In order to meet the requirements of article L 115-28 of the French Consumer Code (see §2.5.1), any reference to the Air Cleaners NF mark in documentation shall be accompanied by a reference to the web site When the documentation mentions the characteristics covered by the certification (see §, this must be done explicitly and in accordance with the information given on the web site, and in such a way that there is no risk of confusion with other non-NF certified characteristics. Holders are advised to submit all documents containing the NF mark to EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION before distribution in order to make sure that this paragraph has been correctly interpreted and to avoid any risk of errors that might result in the immediate recall of any documents already distributed. Requirements relating to the user and maintenance manual The user and maintenance manual shall specify the details and frequency of any maintenance required (filter characteristics and replacement intervals, etc.). Information sheet An information sheet shall be included with each product. This sheet shall clearly and legibly contain the following mandatory information: - the NF logo with the certification programme designation in accordance with the marking given in 2.5.3 - the certification body's name and address (see 1.3) - the identification of the rules used as the basis of certification (NF 536 certification rules) - the holder's identification number - the following certified characteristics (see § o Air circulation flow rates Qmin; Qinter; Qmax (m3/h) o Sound power levels LWmin; LWinter; LWmax (dB[A]) o Absorbed electrical powers PEmin; PEinter; PEmax (W) o Minimum and maximum initial purified air flow rate values Q AEi (m3/h) for the pollutant categories for which an efficiency level is stated o Minimum and maximum recommended room area values Si (m2/h) for the pollutant categories for which an efficiency level is stated o Ratio between the maximum initial purified air flow rate value QAEmax = Max (QAEi=1-11) and the absorbed electrical power PEmax (m3/h/W) The applicant/holder is free to choose the presentation and format of the information sheet, but may use the example given below (see Figure 1). NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 17 of 54 Figure 1: Sample information sheet accompanying the product INFORMATION SHEET The NF mark guarantees the quality of this item in accordance with certification rules NF 536 [holder's identification number] IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS DEFINED BY THE CERTIFICATION RULES OF THE NF 536 MARK CERTIFIED CHARACTERISTICS(1): minimum speed [Qmin] [PEmin] [LWmin] (m3/h) Air circulation flow rate Absorbed electrical power (W) Sound power level (dB[A]) Inert particles Gases Microorganisms Allergens Initial purified air flow rate (m3/h) between [min(QAEi=1-3)] and [max(QAEi=1-3)] between [min(QAEi=4-8)] and [max(QAEi=4-8)] between [min(QAEi=9-10)] and [max(QAEi=9-10)] [QAE11] intermediate speed [Qinter] [PEinter] [LWinter] maximum speed [Qmax] [PEmax] [LWmax] Recommended room area (m2) between [min(Si=1-3)] and [max(Si=1-3)] between [min(Si=4-8)] and [max(Si=4-8)] between [min(Si=9-10)] and [max(Si=9-10)] [Si=11] Maximum purified air flow rate value/Absorbed electrical power (m3/h/W) [max(QAEi=1-11)/ PEmax] (1) For more information, visit the web site. OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE ADVICE Please see the manual enclosed with the device and the safety data plate on the device ___________________________________________________ Item reference and batch or serial number: see product If you are unsatisfied, first consult: [Name and address of the manufacturer or entity responsible for introduction onto the market] If there is still a problem, you can write to the certification body: EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION SAS 48/50 rue de la Victoire F- 75009 PARIS NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 18 of 54 Part 3 HOW TO OBTAIN CERTIFICATION: The admission procedure ___________________________________________________________________________ The certification admission process is articulated as follows: APPLICANT EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION Compiling the application file: - application for the right to use the mark (§3.2.1) - documents to be supplied (Part 7) Review of the certification application (§3.2.2) Factory verifications - quality audit (§ - sampling (§ Corrective actions (if any) Tests (§ Corrective actions (if any) Evaluation of audit and test reports (§3.2.4) Decision and notification (§3.2.4) Follow-up process NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 19 of 54 General 3.1.1 Application for the right to use the NF mark Any applicant (see definition in §1.2) wishing to obtain the right to use the NF mark on a product must first become familiar with the mark certification rules and declare its acceptance of these. There are several types of application for the right to use the NF mark (see Table 2). Table 2 Type of application Admission (cf. §3.2) Extension (cf. §3.3) Maintenance §3.4) Description This is submitted by a manufacturer who does not have the right to use the NF mark for the corresponding application. This corresponds to a product from a particular production unit, defined by a trademark, a sales reference specific to the product introduced and its technical characteristics. Type of certificate issued First certificate or initial certificate For a new model or a modified product. This is Modification of the existing submitted by a manufacturer who already has certificate the right to use the NF mark for the or corresponding application. new certificate if the model is different (cf. For an NF certified product that will be marketed under a different trademark and/or sales reference without any change in its certified characteristics. This is submitted by a manufacturer who already has the right to use the NF mark for the corresponding application. Modification of the existing certificate or new certificate if distributor is different the Before submitting the application, the applicant shall first ensure that it meets the terms and conditions defined in these certification rules, especially Part 2, in relation to its product and sites. The applicant/holder is responsible for making sure that the regulations applicable to its product are effectively respected (for example: CE marking). The applicant shall agree to comply with the same terms and conditions throughout the period of use of the NF mark. Applications for the right to use the NF mark are only admissible for series produced appliances. The applicant/holder shall ensure that its products covered by a right to use the mark comply with all of the requirements of these certification rules throughout the period of use of the NF mark. To support its application, the applicant undertakes, as a minimum, to: - accept and comply with the terms and conditions set out and defined in the certification rules, and in particular: o present for certification products that comply with the regulations in force, o implement any modification made necessary by changes to the certification rules notified by the certification body, o use the certification mark under the conditions set out in the certification rules and for the certified products only, NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 20 of 54 o take action on the basis of decisions made by the certification body in the context of the certification (in particular, to define and implement corrective action following a discrepancy found, or to apply a penalty decision); - comply at all times with the certification requirements defined by the certification rules, including implementing the appropriate changes notified by the certification body; - ensure that the certified product continues to meet the requirements of the certification rules, in particular: o efficiently apply the internal production control system set up to meet the requirements of the certification rules; o perform the inspections for which it is responsible so that the right to use the certification mark may be maintained; - make all necessary arrangements for: o the conduct of evaluation and surveillance (if required), including provision for examining documentation and records, and access to the relevant equipment, location(s), area(s),personnel, and subcontractors of the client in question; o the investigation of complaints; o the participation of observers, if applicable; - make statements and provide information about the certification in accordance with the scope of the certification, in particular: o not submit counterfeit products for certification, o use the trade name of the product submitted only for products certified in accordance with these certification rules; - not use its product certification in such a manner as to bring the certification body into disrepute, or make any statement regarding its product certification that the certification body may consider to be misleading or unauthorised, in particular: o not misuse the certification mark or use it in a manner that does not comply with the certification rules in force, o not use the certification body's logo; - in the event that certification is suspended, withdrawn or terminated, discontinue its use of all means of communication that refer to the certification, take action as required by the certification scheme and take any other required measure; - in the event that a copy of the certification document is supplied to a third party, reproduce it in its entirety or as specified by the certification rules; - when referring to the certification of its products in communication media such as documents, brochures or advertising, comply with the requirements of the certification body and/or the specifications of the certification programme and send the certification body, upon its request, all printed advertisements and catalogues that refer to the certification mark; - comply with all of the requirements that may be prescribed in the product certification programme relating to the use of conformity marks and on information related to the product; investigate, record and keep a record of all complaints made known to it relating to compliance with the certification requirements and o make these records available to the certification body and auditors when requested, o take all appropriate action with respect to such complaints and any deficiencies found in the products that affect their compliance with the certification requirements, - NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 - - - Page 21 of 54 o document the actions taken; inform the certification body without delay of any changes that may affect its ability to conform with the certification requirements, in particular: o inform the certification body without delay of any modification to the basic file submitted at the time of application for the right to use the NF mark (particularly any modification to the product(s) for which the application was made). o inform the certification body of any definitive or temporary cessation of production covered by the certificate; ensure, for all the associated personnel of the certification body or its qualified subcontractors, that all of the safety provisions relating to working conditions, sites or equipment comply with the local regulations in force; pay the certification fees (management, audit and testing, if applicable) in accordance with the price list in force. If the applicant/holder fails to obey these rules, then the review of their application may be interrupted or suspended. In particular, it is strictly forbidden to make any reference to the NF mark before the right to use it has been obtained, or to submit counterfeit products for certification. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 3.1.2 Page 22 of 54 Definition of a model An independent air cleaner model relates to a set of product references having shared technical characteristics and performance levels: - Dimensions of the unit Height x Length x Depth (mm); - Air circulation flow rate Q (m3/h), at the three reference speeds defined in § if applicable; - Absorbed electrical power PE (W), at the three reference speeds defined in § if applicable; - Sound power level LW (dB[A]), at the three reference speeds defined in § if applicable; - Purified air flow rate QAEi (m3/h) when the air cleaner is operating at maximum speed Vmax, for each of the 11 pollutants if applicable; - Recommended room area Si (m2) when the air cleaner is operating at maximum speed Vmax and for a ceiling height Hsp of 2.5 m, for each of the 11 pollutants if applicable; Any variation that does not affect the performance of the device does not constitute a model variation (non-exhaustive list): - Colour - Installation (e.g. wall, ceiling, floor) - Control mode - Number of speeds (for fans with a switch) - Operating current voltage U (V) and frequency f (Hz). The characteristics above, which are necessary to identify the model, form an integral part of the product information sheet to be completed by the applicant (see Part 7). 3.1.3 Reference operating speeds There are three types of fan speed variation: - all-or-nothing ("On/Off"), - speed variation by the supply voltage, - several pre-set speeds selected using a switch. For all-or-nothing ("On/Off") operation, the speed during operation ("On" position) will be taken into account and stated as the maximum speed on the product information sheet (see Part 7). For the other two types of operation, the reference speeds are defined as follows: Table 3 Operation type 2-speed switch 3-speed switch 4-speed switch 5-speed switch 6-speed switch > 6-speed switch Variable-voltage (U) regulator minimum speed intermediate speed - V2 V1 (or night mode if applicable) V3 V4 corresponds to U ≤ 0.2 Umax corresponds to 0.4 Umax ≤ U ≤ 0.6 Umax maximum speed V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 VN>6 corresponds to Umax As a general rule, the certified characteristics are determined either at the three reference speeds, minimum speed (Vmin), intermediate speed (Vinter) and maximum speed (Vmax), or at maximum speed only (see § NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 3.1.4 Page 23 of 54 Certified characteristics, tolerances and other acceptance criteria Certified characteristics A “certified characteristic” is any technical characteristic the content of which is checked within the scope of the NF mark. The certified characteristics at the three reference speeds defined in §3.1.3 are as follows: - Air circulation flow rate Q (m3/h) o Qmin when the air cleaner is operating at minimum speed Vmin o Qinter when the air cleaner is operating at intermediate speed Vinter o Qmax when the air cleaner is operating at maximum speed Vmax - Absorbed electrical power PE (W) o PEmin when the air cleaner is operating at minimum speed Vmin o PEinter when the air cleaner is operating at intermediate speed Vinter o PEmax when the air cleaner is operating at maximum speed Vmax - A-weighted sound power level LW (dB[A]) o LWmin when the air cleaner is operating at minimum speed Vmin o LWinter when the air cleaner is operating at intermediate speed Vinter o LWmax when the air cleaner is operating at maximum speed Vmax The certified characteristics at maximum operating speed are as follows: - Initial purified air flow rate QAEi = Qmax x Ei x 100 (m3/h) associated with the purification efficiency Ei and with respect to the following pollutant categories: o Inert particles in the 0.3 μm to 0.5 μm particle size range; (QAE1) in the 1.0 μm to 2.0 μm particle size range; (QAE2) in the 3.0 μm to 5.0 μm particle size range; (QAE3) o Gases Acetone (chemical formula C3H6O); (QAE4) Acetaldehyde (chemical formula C2H4O); (QAE5) Heptane (chemical formula C7H16); (QAE6) Toluene (chemical formula C7H8); (QAE7) Formaldehyde (chemical formula HCHO); (QAE8) o Microorganisms Staphyloccocus epidermidis; (QAE9) Aspergillus niger; (QAE10) o Fel D1 cat allergen; (QAE11) - Recommended area Si (m2), corresponding to the treated room volume for a ceiling height of 2.5 m and for each of the aforementioned pollutants (S1 ; S2 ; … ; S11). NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 24 of 54 Tolerances The maximum tolerances with respect to the stated value are given in the Table 4 below: Table 4 Certified characteristic Air circulation flow rate Q (m3/h) Initial purified air flow rate QAE (m3/h) Sound power level LW (dB[A]) Absorbed electrical power PE (W) Applicable tolerance -5 %. -5 %. +2dB[A] +5 % with a minimum of 1 W Value format rounded to the nearest unit rounded to the nearest unit rounded to the nearest unit rounded to the nearest unit The rounding rule applies to values declared by the applicant on the product information sheet (see Part 7) and for the presentation of the results in the test report. If the declared values comply with the measured values while taking account of applicable tolerances, they are validated. In the event that the certified characteristics at maximum speed are non-compliant (see §, the declared value that does not comply is corrected and the measured value is retained. In the event that the certified characteristics at the three reference speeds are non-compliant (see §, there are two scenarios: 1. Only one declared value is found not to comply with the measured value. This value is corrected and the measured value is retained. 2. Several declared values do not comply with the measured values. The correction is made as follows: o The declared values found to be non-compliant with the measured values are corrected, and the measured values are retained. o The other declared values are corrected by increasing them by the mean of the differences between the measured values and the non-compliant declared values. Example: For the air circulation flow rate, the tolerance is -5 %. The differences found in the tested flow rate values (on the basis of Table 4) are as follows: Before correction Speed 1 (Min) Speed 2 (Int) Speed 3 Speed 4 (Max) Declared flow rate (m3/h) 60 204 Not declared 420 Measured flow rate (m3/h) 58 192 Not tested 395 Difference (%) -3.3 -5.9 - -6.0 Two of the declared values are non-compliant, therefore scenario no. 2 applies. The values outside the tolerances will therefore be replaced by the measured values and the other values will be corrected by the mean of the differences observed: Mean difference = (3.3+5.9+6.0)/3 = -5.1 % After correction Speed 1 (Min) Speed 2 (Int) Speed 3 Speed 4 (Max) Declared flow rate (m3/h) 60 204 Not declared 420 Corrected flow rate (m3/h) 57 192 Not tested 395 Difference (%) -5.9 - -6.0 -5.1 NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 25 of 54 Acceptance criteria In addition to the check to ensure that the declared values comply with the test results within the applicable tolerances, the decision to grant certification takes into account the following acceptance criteria (see also §3.2.4). Lack of generation of intermediate reaction products/emissions The air cleaner shall not generate reaction/emission by-products. The maximum acceptable concentration differences between the output air and the intake air are given in Table 5. Table 5 Reaction/emission by-product Ozone Formaldehyde Aldehydes (excluding formaldehyde) Ketones Carbon monoxide Nitrogen monoxide Nitrogen dioxide Maximum acceptable concentration difference (μg/m3) 10 15 15 15 5,000 5 10 Compliance with the rule relating to consistency between the purified air flow rate and the recommended treated room area The consistency between the initial purified air flow rate and recommended treated room area values is verified on the basis of the following principles: - A minimum circulation rate τmini is taken into account for each type of pollutant (h-1) ; - R, the reduction in the pollutant concentration, is given to be 80 %, i.e. 0.8; - kv, the air exchange rate due to ventilation, is given to be 0.5 per hour; - kdep, the natural decay rate of the pollutant by settling, is given to be o 1.5 per hour for inert particles in the 3.0 μm to 5.0 μm particle size range, microorganisms and allergens; o 0.5 per hour for inert particles in the 1.0 μm to 2.0 μm particle size range; o 0.1 per hour for inert particles in the 0.3 μm to 0.5 μm particle size range; o 0 for gases as these are negligible with respect to kv; - The ceiling height Hsp is given to be 2.5 m. This gives the following equation: QAEi ≥ (R/(1-R)) x (kv + kdep) x Si x H This equation can also be expressed as a ratio between the initial purified air flow rate QAEi (m3/h) and the recommended room area declared Si (m2), which must then meet the following criterion: QAEi / Si ≥ τmini x H where τmini =(R/(1-R)) x (kv + kdep) NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 26 of 54 The minimum ratios calculated for each type of pollutant using the minimum circulation rate τmini and the height Hsp = 2.5 m are given in Table 6: Table 6 Pollutant Inert particles in the 3.0 μm to 5.0 μm range Inert particles in the 1.0 μm to 2.0 μm range Inert particles in the 0.3 μm to 0.5 μm range Gases Microorganisms Allergens Minimum circulation rate τmini (h-1) QAE / S Criterion 8 ≥ 20 4 ≥ 10 2 ≥5 2 8 8 ≥5 ≥ 20 ≥ 20 If the values declared by the applicant/holder do not comply with these requirements, they shall be corrected. When the technical and sales documentation gives examples of applications, these shall be consistent with the recommended room areas (see suggestions in Table 7). Table 7 Recommended room area (m2) 9 10 12 20 30 44 50 60 75 Example of application child's bedroom, playroom one-person office master bedroom waiting room, small studio one-room apartment; dining room four-person office; open plan living-dining room classroom with a maximum of 25 pupils classroom with a maximum of 30 pupils retail store Compliance of the sound power level The sound power level at maximum operating speed LWmax shall not exceed the following values: - 60 dB[A] for QAEmax=Max(QAEi=1-11) ≤ 250 (m3/h) - 65 dB[A] for QAEmax=Max(QAEi=1-11) > 250 (m3/h) NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 27 of 54 Case of an application for admission 3.2.1 Submission of a certification application The application letter is made on the applicant's letterhead, in accordance with the template given in Part 7 (form letter 001) and addressed to EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION. It stipulates the models presented for admission. An air cleaner model is defined in accordance with the characteristics specified in §3.1.2 If the product comes from a manufacturing unit outside the European Economic Area (EEA), the applicant will appoint an agent within the EEA who jointly signs the application. Upon receipt of the application file, the following process is initiated: - Review of the application/the admissibility thereof, - Implementation of checks and inspections, - Evaluation and decision. 3.2.2 Review of the application/Admissibility Upon receipt of the application file, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION checks that: - all of the required documents have been enclosed with the application letter (see the list of documents to be provided depending on the type of application being made in Part 7), - the documents in the technical file meet the requirements of these certification rules. The application is only admissible if: - the applicant is in control of and takes responsibility for the following steps: design, fabrication, assembly, quality control, marking, packaging and introduction onto the market, and specifies the critical points of each step; - any steps not performed by the applicant are covered by a contract defining the respective responsibilities with their service provider. The list of minimum requirements to be included in a contract can be found in the standard contract for which a template is given in Part 7 (standard sheet 006). The applicant remains responsible for all of the operations and the consistency thereof; - the products covered by the application meet the reference standards and technical specifications laid down in Part 2 of these certification rules; - the inspections and tests of the products covered by the application, as specified in the technical documents of these certification rules, are in place; - all the required documents are enclosed with the application letter, and in particular the contractual documents between the applicant/agent and the applicant/distributor, where appropriate. EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION also makes sure that it is in a position to respond to the application, and may request any additional information required for the admissibility of the application, if it is incomplete. Once the application has been deemed admissible, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION organises the inspections (cf. §3.2.3) and informs the applicant of the organisational procedures (auditor, audit duration, audited sites, laboratories, sampled products, etc.). NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 3.2.3 Page 28 of 54 Inspection procedures Several types of inspections are carried out for the NF mark: - tests on the products (§, - an audit of the plant where the products presented for admission are manufactured and, if applicable, an audit of the final processing unit of the product (§, - an inspection of the technical and sales documentation (§ The plants where the products presented for admission are manufactured and/or assembled will be referred to as "production sites", whether they are owned by the applicant or subcontracted. Admission tests The tests are performed by and are the responsibility of the mark laboratories (see §5.4). A test report produced by the NF mark laboratory is sent to EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION, which then forwards it to the applicant. Details regarding the test method All tests are performed in accordance with XP-B44-200:2011 testing standard, with the following adjustments: - It is specified that the air cleaner shall be operated for at least 30 minutes before any measurements are taken. - The tests shall be performed at a rated voltage of 230 V ±0.5 %. - The initial purified air flow rate values QAEi (m3/h) are measured at maximum operating speed, as defined in §3.1.3, only; The air circulation flow rate Q (m3/h) and the absorbed electrical power PE (W) are measured at three operating speeds (min., max. and intermediate, as defined in §3.1.3) The sound power level LW (dB[A]) is determined in accordance with NF EN ISO 3741:2012, at three operating speeds (min., max. and intermediate, as defined in §3.1.3) Formaldehyde is added to the components of the mixture of gaseous pollutants in the same concentrations (250-500 ppbV). It is therefore both a pollutant injected upstream of the air cleaner and a potential reaction by-product to be detected downstream of the device; - If the five declared initial purified air flow rate values with respect to gases (QAEi=4-8) correspond to efficiency levels of 25 % or less, the test relating to gases will be performed using the method described in experimental standard XP-B44-013:2009, excluding the CO2 mineralisation test and adding formaldehyde to the components of the mixture of gaseous pollutants in the same concentrations (225275 ppbV). The flow chart below (see Figure 2) can be used to select the steps of the test procedure described in standard XP-B44-200:2011 to be performed depending on the declared product information (see product information sheet in Part 7). NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 29 of 54 Figure 2: Flow chart for selection of steps to be performed during testing YES Multiple operating speeds Tests at Vmin: - Measurement of PEmin - Measurement of Qmin - Measurement of LWmin NO NO Vinter YES Tests at Vinter: - Measurement of PEinter - Measurement of Qinter - Measurement of LWinter Tests at Vmax: - Measurement of PEmax - Measurement of Qmax - Measurement of LWmax YES Gases treated NO QAEi=4-8 >0.25Qmax NO YES test according to XP-B44-200:2011: - Measurement of products generated without pollutants - Measurement of Ei=4-8 - Measurement of products generated with pollutants confined chamber test with identification of reaction by-products in accordance with standard XP-B44-013:2009: - Measurement of products generated without pollutants (dummy) - Sampling at T0, T30 and T120 - Identification of products generated YES Hazardous components NO MO treated NO YES Microorganism tests: - Measurement of Ei=9-10 Allergens treated NO YES Cat allergen test: - Measurement of E11 Particles treated NO YES Inert particle test: - Measurement of Ei=1-3 Condition Systematic step Measurement of without air cleaner efficiency NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 30 of 54 Sampling for testing The samples necessary for the performance of the tests may be taken: - directly from commercial outlets. In this case, the procedures for taking and sending the samples to the test laboratory are managed by EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION. - during the audit on the production site. They shall be marked, sealed and numbered by the auditor so that they can be authenticated subsequently. The applicant is responsible for sending the samples to the test laboratory. The number of products to be tested per model and the location from which they are taken are defined in Table 8: Table 8 Number of sites where Product already Number of units to be taken Number of units to be taken the model is produced on the market during the site audit from commercial outlets 1 >1 yes 0 1 no 1 0 yes 1 per production site 1 no 1 per production site + 1 0 Admission audit The audit is performed by a EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATON approved auditor with the aim of ensuring that the measures defined and taken by the applicant during the manufacturing process comply with the requirements of Part 2 of these certification rules. The admission audit lasts for 1.5 days per production site. The audit is conducted according to the general principles laid down in NF EN ISO 19011:2012 for quality audits. The scope of the audit and the details of its execution are specified in an audit plan that is sent to the company beforehand. The audit may be performed in the presence of an observer, who is bound by a confidentiality agreement. EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION may be required to permit the presence of said observer by standards or agreements to which it is a signatory. EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION will systematically inform the applicant that the observer will be present before the audit. EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION may also propose to the applicant that any other observer be present. If the applicant subcontracts part of its business, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION reserves the right to send an auditor to the subcontractor's(s') premises on the basis of the same certification rules. The auditor shall be provided with all the resources necessary (offices, facilities, equipment, etc.) to perform the assignment, including the people qualified to carry it out. With the applicant's agreement, the auditors may make a copy of any document they consider necessary. The holder shall inform EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION of any corrective actions adopted following the detection of non-conformities. The audit reports prepared by the quality management system certification body shall be sent to the auditor or consulted on site. Samples may be taken during the audit in accordance with the sampling procedures set out in § At the end of the audit, the auditor produces a summary sheet giving a detailed description of any nonconformities detected. A copy is given to the applicant/holder. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 31 of 54 An audit report is prepared and sent to the applicant. This report may, as appropriate, be sent to the applicant before or after the evaluation. It may be sent by the auditor, the audit body or EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION. Inspection of the technical and sales documentation The compliance of the information contained in the technical and sales documentation with the criteria set out in § will be checked during the admission and follow-up audits, as well as through regular checking of the information available on the Internet. 3.2.4 Evaluation and decision EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION evaluates the test and audit report(s) in accordance with the procedures in force. When the report shows one or more instances of non-compliance, it is accompanied by a request for a response within a period set out in the report and/or the covering letter. For each instance of non-compliance, the applicant shall present the actions taken or planned, including the schedule to implement such actions. EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION analyses the relevance of the response and may request additional inspections to confirm that the corrective actions have been taken (complete or partial audit and/or tests). If necessary, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION may anonymously present all of the evaluation results to the Mark Committee (see Part 5) for its opinion. Depending on the results of all of the inspections, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION takes one of the following decisions: - Certification granted - Certification refused If certification has been granted, AFNOR Certification authorises the use of the NF mark, and EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION sends the applicant, who is now a mark holder, the NF certificate and a letter notifying it of the decision. The applicant may object to the decision made by submitting a claim in accordance with the General Rules of the NF Mark. The awarding of the right to use shall under no circumstances substitute the legal responsibility of the company holding the right to use the NF mark by the responsibility of EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION. The procedures for communication about certification are defined in paragraph 2.5 of these certification rules. The information about the certified products is available on the web site. This information includes: - identification of the product; - these certification rules; - identification of the holder; - the certified characteristics; On request, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION will provide the information about the validity of any given certificate. When the holder provides copies of certification documents to third parties, they shall be reproduced in full. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 32 of 54 Case of an extension application NF certified products shall comply with the technical file submitted with the admission application, taking into account any observations made when the right to use the mark was granted. Consequently, any modification (including modifications concerning the manufacturing and inspection resources and the quality assurance system that could have a decisive effect on production conformity) that the holder wishes to make to the admitted products shall be communicated to EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION in writing. An application for a new model takes the form of an application to extend admission to the right to use the NF mark (forms defined in Part 7 and update of the file). Following review of the extension application and the corresponding file, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION determines which verifications and tests are to be conducted and informs the applicant of either acceptance of the file "as is", the performance of preliminary inspections or referral to the Mark Committee. If the production site is already known to EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION and the last audit performed pursuant to NF 536 certification took place in the 12 months prior to the extension application, no additional audit will be performed. Otherwise, a specific audit will be scheduled. For new production sites, the admission procedure set out in §3.2 applies. All extension applications give rise to performance testing for the products in question. In the event of an extension application for a new model, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION will take one product corresponding to the new model as a sample from a commercial outlet. If the product is not yet on the market, the sample will be taken from the production site during a specific audit. In both cases, the product shall be marked before it is sent to the laboratory responsible for performing the tests so that it can be authenticated subsequently. Case of a maintenance application The right to use the NF mark granted to a product under a given name or brand is not automatically extended to similar products of the same origin, sold under a different name or brand. The procedure that allows this is known as maintenance of the right to use the NF mark. A holder of the NF mark that wishes to market this product through a distributor and under the trademark of the latter shall apply to maintain the right to use the NF mark using the form set out in Part 7. This maintenance application must be countersigned by the distributor (and the agent, if applicable) and accompanied by the product technical data sheet. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 33 of 54 Part 4 CERTIFIED PRODUCT SURVEILLANCE: follow-up procedures ___________________________________________________________________________ EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION monitors the certified products from the time when the right to use the NF mark is granted, according to the process shown below. HOLDER EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION Factory verifications - quality audit (§4.1.2) - sampling (§4.1.1) Corrective actions (if any) Tests (§4.1.1) Corrective actions (if any) Evaluation of audit and test reports (§4.2) Decision and notification (§4.2) Throughout the certification period, the holder shall: - comply with the requirements defined and the marking procedures described in Part 2, - keep the certification file up to date using the templates given in Part 7, - systematically inform EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION of changes to any characteristics of the certified product, and/or of its organisation that might have an effect on the certification. Moreover, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION reserves the right to proceed with any inspections (audits, tests, verifications, etc.) that it deems to be necessary further to: - a change to the certified product or the quality organisation of the production entities (production plant, production workshops, subcontractors' plants, etc.), - complaints, disputes, litigation, etc. regarding the use of the NF mark that come to its attention. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 34 of 54 Follow-up inspection procedures Follow-up of NF certified products includes examinations, analyses or testing of the products and audits of the manufacturing process. It also includes surveillance of the use of the mark and marking on the products, packaging and all marketing media. The follow-up procedures are based on the decisions made following the previous inspections. 4.1.1 Follow-up tests Samples are taken and the follow-up tests are performed in accordance with § A test report is produced and sent to EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION, which then forwards it to the holder. Follow-up tests are performed annually, on the basis of the calendar year. 4.1.2 Follow-up audit This audit is conducted in accordance with the conditions specified in § Follow-up audits are performed annually, on the basis of the calendar year. The checks focus on any modifications made since the previous audit that affect manufacturing, inspection procedures or any modification of the organisation of the quality management system. EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION may consider reducing the checks on the quality management provisions if the quality management system is ISO 9001-certified and the following conditions are met: - The scope and area of application of the ISO 9001 certificate includes the sites and activities covered by the NF mark and such certificate is valid on the application date; - The ISO 9001 certificate is issued by a certification body accredited pursuant to NF EN ISO/CEI 17021-1:2015 by COFRAC or, failing this, by a member of the EA (European cooperation for Accreditation) or a member body of an association that is party to international recognition agreements, a list of which can be found on the COFRAC web site (; - The ISO 9001 certificate is sent to EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION at least five working days before the scheduled audit date. The reduction relates to the time that the auditor spends checking compliance with the minimum quality management requirements set out in Table 1 (cf. §2.4.2). The duration of the follow-up audit is reduced by 0.5 day and thus falls from 1.5 days to 1 day. In any event, the audit shall include verification of compliance with the additional requirements set out in §2.4.3. EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION draws up an audit report and sends it to the holder. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 35 of 54 Evaluation and decision The evaluation procedures are the same as for admission, as described in §3.2.4. Depending on the results of all of the checks, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION may decide: - to renew the certification, - to renew the certification, with a warning and with or without an increase in inspections, - to suspend or withdraw the certification, - to perform additional inspections or checks before making a decision. If a decision to renew certification has been made, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION maintains the right to use the NF mark. If a decision to suspend or withdraw certification has been made, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION suspends or withdraws the right to use the NF mark. EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION sends written notice of the decision to the holder. The choice of penalty depends on the severity of the non-compliance found. - A warning does not result in suspension, the product still has the NF mark, but the holder shall rectify the non-compliance found within a set period. When a warning is accompanied by an increase in inspections, the actions shall be taken within a set period. A warning may only be repeated once. - Suspension is accompanied by the prohibition of the use of the NF mark on future production. It shall have effect for a maximum period of six months, which may be renewed once, at the end of which withdrawal shall be notified if the holder has not taken any action. - Withdrawal of the right to use the NF mark is a penalty that cancels the holder's right to use the NF mark for the product in question. Penalty notifications relating to the usage right (suspension/withdrawal) are signed by the certification body's decision-making legal representative. The penalty shall come into effect on the date of receipt of its notification. The costs of additional verification caused by the penalties shall be borne by the holder. Holders are responsible for the right to use the NF mark relating to the product concerned and agree to implement the measures arising from the suspension or withdrawal of the usage right, taken in accordance with these certification rules. If the right to use the NF mark is suspended or withdrawn, the holder is prohibited from using the NF mark and making reference to the mark on any new products manufactured (see §4.4). For products manufactured prior to the suspension or withdrawal of the usage right, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION may take specific measures on a case-by-case basis. The holder may challenge the decision by submitting an appeal in accordance with the General Rules of the NF mark. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 36 of 54 Statement of changes Any change to the initial conditions under which the NF mark was obtained shall be reported in writing by the holder. If EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION observes that this obligation has not been honoured, the right to use the NF mark may be suspended or withdrawn. For all other cases, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION determines whether the changes could jeopardise certification and whether an additional inspection is necessary. Depending on the results of the investigation, the Technical Director of EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION takes the appropriate decision. 4.3.1 Changes concerning the holder The holder shall notify EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION in writing of any legal changes to the company or any change in the company name. In case of merger, bankruptcy or take-over of the holder, the right to use the NF mark for all products covered by it ceases automatically. A new application may be submitted and the review procedure simplified depending on the changes. 4.3.2 Changes concerning the production entities Any transfer (total or partial) of the manufacturing entity(ies) of an NF certified product to a different production site brings about an immediate cessation of NF marking by the holder on the transferred products in any form whatsoever. The holder shall send written notification of the transfer to EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION, which will organise an audit of the new production site and, if necessary, perform tests. The certification evaluation and renewal decision procedures are identical to those for admission described in Part 3. 4.3.3 Changes concerning the quality organisation of the production process The holder shall send EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION written notification of any changes to its quality organisation that could have an impact on the conformity of production to the requirements of these certification rules (facilities, quality plans, agent, etc.). Furthermore, any temporary cessation of the internal inspection of an NF certified product brings about an immediate cessation of the NF marking thereof by the holder in any form whatsoever. The holder shall inform EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION of this. EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION then sends notification of the decision to suspend the right to use the NF mark for a specific period. If the usage right cannot be reinstated at the end of this period, it will be withdrawn. The certification evaluation and renewal decision procedures are identical to those for admission described in Part 3. Where appropriate, if distribution is performed by a third party, the holder shall undertake to immediately inform EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION of any changes to the distribution of its products, and in particular any cessation of supply by the designated third party. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 4.3.4 Page 37 of 54 Changes concerning the NF certified product EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION shall be informed in writing of any changes to the NF certified product with respect to the application file or the model admitted, or that might affect the conformity of the product with the requirements of these certification rules, or any change of trademark. Depending on the change declared, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION determines whether it is a certification extension application or maintenance application. 4.3.5 Temporary or definitive cessation of production If production of an NF certified product is temporarily or permanently ceased or if the holder waives its right to use the NF mark, the holder shall send written notice thereof to EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION, specifying the time required to sell its stock of NF marked products. On receipt of the letter from the holder, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION notifies the holder that the right to use the NF mark for the products in question has been suspended. Notification is given of the withdrawal of the right to use the NF mark at the end of the period required to sell the stock given by the holder, approved in advance by EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION; the product is then removed from the list of certified products. If the temporary cessation exceeds six months, the holder shall request a temporary suspension of the right to use the mark (maximum duration: 1 year). After this period, the right of use is withdrawn. If production is restarted, the applicant/holder shall notify EUROVENT CERTITA CERTICATION, which will carry out an audit before the products are marketed under the NF mark. 4.3.6 Changes concerning the applicable standards and specifications If a standard is withdrawn for safety reasons, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION gives notification of the withdrawal of the right to use the NF mark, and will require that the applicant/holder immediately ceases to manufacture the products under the NF mark and recalls NF marked products from its distribution channels. Conditions for stopping marking or removal of the mark in the event of suspension, withdrawal or waiver The mark shall be removed if notification is issued of the suspension or withdrawal of the right to use the mark. Any use of the mark is prohibited from the time of notification of the penalty; the mark shall be removed on receipt of notification. The mark shall be removed in such a way that there is no ambiguity. The holder shall completely remove or conceal the mark logo, or any reference to the mark, from all media (see § If necessary, the media shall be destroyed. EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION may check, by any convenient means, that the mark has been removed satisfactorily. If the holder who has lost the right to use the mark fails to remove the mark completely, it is liable to legal proceedings for fraud and/or misleading advertising. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 38 of 54 Part 5 PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS ___________________________________________________________________________ The bodies involved in the procedure to grant the right to use the NF mark and to monitor the NF certified products are specified below. AFNOR Certification AFNOR owns the NF mark and has granted AFNOR Certification exclusive licensing rights. AFNOR Certification manages and coordinates the NF certification system, which particularly defines the NF mark governance rules and procedure. EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION In accordance with the General Rules of the NF mark, AFNOR Certification has appointed the following body, known as the mandated body, to manage the NF 536 mark: EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION SAS 48/50 rue de la Victoire F- 75009 PARIS Tel: + 33 1 75 44 71 71 - EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION is answerable to AFNOR Certification for the operations with which it has been entrusted and which are covered by a contract. Audit body The production unit will be audited by the following body, known as the audit body: EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION SAS 48/50 rue de la Victoire F- 75009 PARIS Tel: + 33 1 75 44 71 71 - The holder or applicant shall facilitate the operations undertaken by auditors in the performance of their duties. The list of bodies above may be revised or supplemented by the mandated body following consultation of the Mark Committee. Auditors have the right to inspect any applicant's or holder's facilities in order to perform their duties. Test body/Laboratory When the inspections carried out comprise product testing, these are performed upon request by EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION at the mark laboratory(ies) selected by EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 39 of 54 Special committee of the NF Air Cleaners mark An advisory body known as the Special Committee is formed, for which EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION acts as executive secretary. The members of the committee are appointed by EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION. Members of the committee may only be represented by a deputy appointed under the same conditions. The term of office for members is three years and is renewed automatically. EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION reserves the right to end a committee member's term of office if necessary. The members of the committee are selected in order to represent the various interested parties on an equitable basis and to guarantee their relevance: 1 AFNOR Certification representative 1 EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION representative College: Manufacturers, distributors (2 to 7 representatives) Representatives of mark holders or applicants College: Technical bodies, experts, laboratories (1 to 4 representatives) Representatives of audit and test bodies College: Users, prescribers, consumers (1 to 4 representatives) o Representative(s) of prescribers o Representative(s) of consumer associations One of the members of the committee is appointed Chairman under the same conditions. The committee Chairman may change every year. The position is held alternately by a member of a different college. However, the Chairman's term of office may be extended by one or more years, if none of the other colleges submits a candidate. The committee issues notices of decisions and its members are not allowed to receive any compensation for the duties they perform. Special committee members undertake to perform their duties completely impartially and keep all information, particularly personal information, disclosed to them confidential. EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION takes the specific measures necessary to ensure the confidentiality of any applicant or holder files presented to the committee (except in the event of disputes/appeals). The committee may delegate certain tasks to a board or other entity, the members of which shall be appointed from the members of the committee. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 40 of 54 Part 6 RATES ___________________________________________________________________________ This part defines the cost of the services pertaining to NF certification and describes the payment collection procedure. NF certification services 6.1.1 Development and setting-up of an NF mark A registration fee is paid by the applicant when it makes its first application for the right to use the NF mark. 6.1.2 Review of the application The review of the application corresponds to the examination of the application files for each model. 6.1.3 Operation of the certification programme The services for the operation of the certification programme include managing applications relating to certified products and their holders, drawing up lists of certified products, and evaluating inspection results. 6.1.4 Tests The amount relating to the tests is payable on receipt of the invoice issued by EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION. EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION will only order the tests from the mark laboratory when this invoice has been paid. 6.1.5 Audit The audit services include preparing the audit, conducting the audit and producing the audit report. The amount relating to these audit services (with the exception of travel and accommodation costs) is payable on receipt of the invoice issued by EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION. The audit will only be performed when this invoice has been paid. Travel and accommodation costs are payable in addition to these services, and are invoiced separately. Any late cancellation of an audit, the date of which has been agreed on by EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION and the audited company, shall be subject to cancellation fees as follows: - Cancellation 16 days to 11 days prior to the planned date: 50 % of the audit amount retained - Cancellation 10 days to 6 days prior to the planned date: 75 % of the audit amount retained - Cancellation 5 days prior to the planned date: 100 % of the audit amount retained. In addition, the non-reimbursable portion of the costs incurred for travel and accommodation services will be retained and the applicable service charges added to this. Payment for these services will not be reimbursed, even if the right to use the NF mark is not granted or renewed. 6.1.6 Sampling The sampling service comprises the preparatory work and the sampling itself. The general conditions common to NF marks stipulate that a minimum amount of half a day will be invoiced if the sampling is performed outside the scope of the audit. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 6.1.7 Page 41 of 54 Right to use the NF mark Following product certification, EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION invoices the holder for an annual license fee for the right to use the NF mark; this is paid to AFNOR Certification. The license fee paid to AFNOR Certification covers: - defence of the NF mark: filing and protecting the mark, legal advice, processing of misuse cases, legal costs, etc., - contribution to the general promotion of the NF mark, - general operation of the NF mark (organisation of quality assurance, monitoring of bodies in the NF network, management of the NF mark committee, etc.). The general conditions common to NF marks are as follows: - An invoice for the annual fee for the right to use the NF mark is issued to the holder after certification of a product. - Whenever the NF mark is granted during the year, the amount of the usage fee is calculated pro rata for the number of months following the decision to grant the right to use. The fee for the right to use the NF mark is not reimbursed, even if the right to use the mark is suspended or withdrawn in the course of the year. 6.1.8 Additional inspections Costs resulting from additional audits or tests that may prove necessary following inadequacies or anomalies detected during routine inspections are payable by the applicant/holder, regardless of the results. Additional examination of the application is also invoiced for the processing of inadequacies or anomalies observed by EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION or following sanctions proposed by the committee. Inspections continue and the corresponding fees continue to be charged for as long as stocks of NFmarked products remain on the holder's premises. 6.1.9 Promotion The general conditions common to NF marks stipulate that sector-based actions to promote the NF mark are subject to a license fee the amount of which is defined every year and invoiced in addition to the other services. Collecting payment for services The registration fees and costs for the examination and audit services invoiced as part of an application for admission to or to extend the right to use the mark shall be paid in one instalment when the application is submitted with a view to official registration. They will not be reimbursed, even if the usage right is not granted or extended. The costs inherent in the annual follow-up services and the usage right are issued annually at the beginning of the year. All requests to waive the right to use the NF mark (certification termination) shall reach EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION by 30 November of the current year, so that the air cleaner model is not taken into account for the following year. These costs are not reimbursed in the event of nonrenewal, cancellation or suspension of the usage right during the year. EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION is empowered to collect payment for all services and is responsible for transferring the corresponding portion to AFNOR Certification. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 42 of 54 The applicant or holder shall pay all of the costs under the conditions set. Any failure on his part impedes EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION in the exercise of its inspection and intervention responsibilities pursuant to these certification rules. In cases where initial formal notice by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt does not result in full payment of all sums due within one month, any penalty provided for in Part 4 may be taken for all of the holder's admitted products. Amount payable for services The amounts payable for the services involved in obtaining certification and surveillance of certified products are given in a price list that may be revised annually. The price list for the current year is sent to all holders of the mark, and may be sent to applicants on request. The prices are expressed in Euro, and are exclusive of tax. With regard to test fees, samples shall be delivered to the mark laboratory carriage-free and customs-cleared if necessary, within a maximum of 30 days from the sampling date. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 43 of 54 Part 7 CERTIFICATION APPLICATIONS ___________________________________________________________________________ The application for the right to use the NF mark shall be sent to: EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION SAS 48/50 rue de la Victoire F- 75009 PARIS If the application comes from an entity outside the European Economic Area (EEA), the applicant will appoint an agent within the EEA who jointly signs the application. An application concerning a product availing of a foreign conformity mark or a test certificate issued by a foreign laboratory is processed according to existing recognition agreements, in accordance with the general rules of the NF Mark. The applicant produces an application in French or English in accordance with the templates for the various documents to be provided. These are listed in the table below depending on the different types of application; content shall be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Table 9 Documents to be provided for: A first application (for a new product) Documents to be provided for: An extension application for a modified product or A maintenance application for a new trademark or sales reference An application and commitment letter An application and commitment letter according to form letter 001 according to form letter 002A or 002B A general information sheet concerning the applicant according to standard sheet 003 An information sheet relating to the product according to the definition given in §3.1.2 and produced according to standard sheet 004 An information sheet relating to the product (produced according to standard sheet 004) stating the modifications made compared to the NF certified product only Additional elements set out in standard sheet 005 (specific to the application) Additional elements set out in standard sheet 005 (specific to the application) A sheet giving details of the contractual relationships between the applicant and its service provider(s) according to standard sheet 006 A sheet giving details of the contractual relationships between the applicant and its service provider(s) according to standard sheet 006 A sheet identifying the agent and its duties/tasks vis-à-vis the applicant/holder according to standard sheet 007 A sheet identifying the agent and its duties/tasks vis-à-vis the applicant/holder according to standard sheet 007 NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 44 of 54 FORM LETTER 001 NF 536 MARK APPLICATION FOR THE RIGHT TO USE THE NF MARK (to be produced on the applicant's letterhead) EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION SAS 48/50 rue de la Victoire F- 75009 PARIS Re: NF 536 Mark-Air Cleaners Application for the right to use the NF mark I, the undersigned [Title and position], representing [corporate name], request that EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION carry out the verifications required to obtain the right to use the NF mark for the following model: [model name] produced at the following manufacturing entity: [corporate name, address for the trademark and/or specific reference]. In this respect, I declare knowledge and acceptance of the “General Rules of the NF Mark” and all of the requirements of the NF 536-Air Cleaners certification rules and undertake to comply with them throughout the period of use of the NF mark. I also undertake not to use the NF mark before I have obtained the right to use it. I declare that the model covered by this application meets the applicable regulatory requirements and undertake not to present counterfeit products for certification. Yours faithfully, [Date, name and signature of the applicant's legal representative] OPTION (1): Furthermore, I authorise the Company [corporate name, company legal form, registered office] represented by Mr/Mrs/Miss [name of the legal representative] acting as [role] to be my agent in the European Economic Area for any question relating to the use of NF 536 mark in accordance with the power of attorney enclosed with this application. I undertake to inform EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION immediately of any change in the aforementioned agent. In this regard, I ask that the fees incumbent on me be invoiced directly to him/her. The company representing me will pay them on my behalf on receipt of the invoices, as he/she so undertakes when accepting to be my agent. [OPTION (1): Date, name and signature of the applicant's/holder's legal representative after the handwritten words "Approved for representation"] [OPTION (1): Date, name and signature of the agent in the EEA after the handwritten words "Approved for acceptance of representation"] (1) Only applicants/holders from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 45 of 54 FORM LETTER 002 A NF 536 MARK APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION OF THE RIGHT TO USE THE NF MARK FOR A MODIFIED PRODUCT OR NEW MODEL (to be produced on the applicant's letterhead) EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION SAS 48/50 rue de la Victoire F- 75009 PARIS Re: NF 536 Mark-Air Cleaners Application for extension of the right to use the NF mark for a modified product or new model As a holder of the NF mark for the product manufactured by me under the following reference: - [model name - manufacturing entity (corporate name and address) - specific reference and/or trademark - right of use granted on (date, with number: xxxx)] I, the undersigned [Title and position], representing [corporate name], request that EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION carry out the verifications required to obtain the right to use the NF mark for the model manufactured by me, derived from the NF-certified model, with the following modifications: [description of modifications]. This model replaces the certified model: YES (1) NO (1) If NO, give details: This new product manufactured by me will be identified using the following references: o model name o specific reference and/or trademark] I hereby state that the other characteristics of the model covered by this application are in strict compliance with the model that is already NF certified and manufactured under the same conditions. I declare that this model meets the applicable regulatory requirements and undertake not to present counterfeit products for certification. Yours faithfully, [Date, name and signature of the applicant's legal representative] [OPTION (2): Date, name and signature of the agent in the EEA] (1) Delete as appropriate. (2) Only holders from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 46 of 54 FORM LETTER 002 B NF 536 MARK APPLICATION FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE RIGHT TO USE THE NF MARK FOR A NEW TRADEMARK AND/OR SPECIFIC REFERENCE (to be produced on the applicant's letterhead) EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION SAS 48/50 rue de la Victoire F- 75009 PARIS Re: NF 536 Mark-Air Cleaners Application for the maintenance of the right to use the NF mark I, the undersigned [Title and position], representing [corporate name], hereby apply for the maintenance of the right to use the NF mark on products that differ from those admitted to the NF mark only by the trademarks and/or specific references they bear and, where applicable, some modifications that do not change their certified characteristics in any way. Identification of the product admitted to the NF mark Decision No. Name and manufacturing reference .......................................... ............................................ Trademark and/or specific reference requested by the distributor ...................................... [To be filled in if company is other than the holder] The company that will distribute these products under the trademark [new trademark requested] has the following name and address: Name: ........................................................................................................ Address: ..................................................................................................... Please find attached a copy of the commitment sheet of the company [company name] to distribute the products that I deliver to it under the trademark and/or specific reference only. I undertake to immediately inform EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, of any modification made in the distribution of said products and particularly any cessation in supply to the aforementioned Company. I authorise EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION to inform the aforementioned Company of any penalty applied in accordance with the certification rules regarding the products covered by this application. Yours faithfully, [Date and signature of the legal representative of the holder applying for maintenance] NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 47 of 54 [To be completed and enclosed if company is other than the holder] DISTRIBUTOR'S STAMP I, the undersigned: .................................................................. acting in my capacity as: [Manager, Chairman, Managing Director] ................................................................... with registered office located at: ............................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... hereby undertake: not to make any technical modification affecting the nature and/or operating characteristics of the products given below: Identification of the product admitted to the NF mark Decision No. Name and manufacturing reference .......................................... ............................................ Trademark and/or specific reference requested by the distributor ...................................... to only make other modifications that do not change the certified characteristics of the products as manufactured by the Company [holder's company] in any way, such as [details of the modifications]: EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION shall be notified in advance for agreement regarding any subsequent modifications; such modifications shall be agreed upon with the holder; not to modify the trademarks and/or specific references mentioned above without the agreement of the holder of the right to use the NF mark; not to make any modification to said trademarks and/or specific references mentioned above without having first notified EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION thereof in writing; not to make any modification to the marking on the products performed by the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of the NF 536 certification rules, which the undersigned acknowledges having read; to cooperate with EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION on any checks regarding the products subject to these rules and the marketing thereof; to apply the measures that result from any sanctions taken in accordance with the certification rules of the NF mark, which the undersigned acknowledges having read, throughout the usage period of the NF mark; to pay the admission fees provided for by the Financial Provisions of the mark and to make all subsequent payments that will be claimed from me in accordance with these certification rules; to inform the holder of all complaints received relative to the certified products. [Date, name and signature of the legal representative of the maintenance beneficiary]. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 48 of 54 STANDARD SHEET 003 NF 536 MARK GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET CONCERNING THE APPLICANT/HOLDER MANUFACTURING ENTITY: - Company name: ..................................................................................................................... - Address: ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. - Country: ................................................ - Tel.: ...................................................... - SIRET No. (1): ........................................................ APE Code (1): .............................................. - Fax: .......................... /Email, web site: - Name and position of the legal representative (2): ...................................................................... - Name and position of the contact person (if different): ................................................................ - certified quality system: ISO 9001 (join the certificate copy) APPLICANT/HOLDER (if different from the manufacturing entity): - Company name: ..................................................................................................................... - Address: ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. - Country: ................................................ - Tel.: ...................................................... - SIRET No. (1): ........................................................ APE Code (1): .............................................. - Fax: .......................... /Email, web site: - Name and position of the legal representative (2): ...................................................................... - Name and position of the contact person (if different): ................................................................ REPRESENTATIVE IN THE EEA/AGENT (if requested): - Company name: ..................................................................................................................... - Address: ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. - Country: ................................................ - Tel.: ...................................................... - SIRET No. (1): ........................................................ APE Code (1): .............................................. - Fax: .......................... /Email, web site: - Name and position of the legal representative (2): ...................................................................... - Name and position of the contact person (if different): ................................................................ (1) Only for French companies (2) The legal representative is the person who is legally responsible for the company. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 49 of 54 STANDARD SHEET 004 NF 536 MARK PRODUCT SHEET - Trade name: - trademark: ................................................................................................... - sales reference (model name): ...................................................................... - Descriptive characteristics: Example of application(s) (bedroom, office, retail store, etc.) [please complete] Installation (floor/wall/ceiling) [please complete] Control mode [please complete] Presence of the following components: electrostatic filter yes no plasma/ionisation yes no UV-A or UV-C lamp yes no Fan operation: all-or-nothing with a switch variable-speed ("On/Off") number of switch positions (including "night mode"): (complete if applicable) number of fan blades (if variable-speed): (complete if applicable) Supply voltage (V) [please complete] Supply frequency (Hz) [please complete] Dimensions of the unit HxLxD (mm) [please complete] Dimensions of the packaging H'xL'xD' (mm) [please complete] Mass (kg) [please complete] Colour(s) [please complete] - Certified characteristics at the three reference speeds(1)(2): minimum speed intermediate speed maximum speed Air circulation flow rate Q (m3/h): [Qmin] [Qinter] [Qmax] Absorbed electrical power PE (W): [PEmin] [PEinter] [PEmax] Sound power level LW (dB[A]): [LWmin] [LWinter] [LWmax] (1) In accordance with the definition of the speeds given in §3.1.3 of the NF 536 certification rules (2) If there are fewer than three speeds (including "night mode") ("On/Off" switch or operation), give the values for the applicable operating speeds. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 50 of 54 - Certified characteristics at maximum operating speed: Pollutant category treated Treated Initial purified room area air flow rate (m2) where (m3/h) Hsp = 2.5 m Ratio between the initial purified air flow rate QAEi and the absorbed electrical power PEmax (m3/h/W) Inert particles (if applicable(3)) 0.3 μm to 0.5 μm particle size range QAE1 = [QAE1] S1 = [S1] QAE1 / PEmax = [QAE1/ PEmax] 1.0 μm to 2.0 μm particle size range QAE2 = [QAE2] S2 = [S2] QAE2 / PEmax =[QAE2/ PEmax] 3.0 μm to 5.0 μm particle size range QAE3 = [QAE3] S3 = [S3] QAE3 / PEmax =[QAE3/ PEmax] Acetone QAE4 = [QAE4] S4 = [S4] QAE4 / PEmax =[QAE4/ PEmax] Acetaldehyde QAE5 = [QAE5] S5 = [S5] QAE5 / PEmax =[QAE5/ PEmax] Heptane QAE6 = [QAE6] S6 = [S6] QAE6 / PEmax =[QAE6/ PEmax] Toluene QAE7 = [QAE7] S7 = [S7] QAE7 / PEmax =[QAE7/ PEmax] Formaldehyde QAE8 = [QAE8] S8 = [S8] QAE8 / PEmax =[QAE8/ PEmax] Staphyloccocus epidermidis QAE9 = [QAE9] S9 = [S9] QAE9 / PEmax = [QAE9/ PEmax] Aspergillus niger QAE10 = [QAE10] S10 = [S10] QAE10 / PEmax = [QAE10/ PEmax] QAE11 = [QAE11] S11 = [S11] QAE11 / PEmax = [QAE11/ PEmax] Gases (if applicable(3)) Microorganisms (if applicable(3)) Allergens (if applicable(3)) Fel D1 cat allergen (3) If the pollutant category is treated by the air cleaner, give the initial purified air flow rate and treated room area values for all pollutants included in the category. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 51 of 54 STANDARD SHEET 005 NF 536 MARK APPLICANT'S TECHNICAL FILE TEMPLATE Documents relating to the production unit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Presentation of the production unit: location, other main products manufactured in the unit, general plant organisation, subcontracting; Quality manual or plan, if any; Description of the manufacturing process and associated inspection plan (measurement accuracy and tests performed and their frequency); Certificate of compliance of the quality management system (if any); General organisation chart of the plant and organisation chart of the department in charge of quality; Description of the various processes with a definition of inputs, outputs, activities included in each process in reference to ISO 9001:2008 and subsequent versions. Documents relating to the product 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. File of technical drawings for the product (hard copy or electronic copy in PDF format) specifying the location of the air intake and air outlet and the position of the electricity supply; Technical data sheet; Sales documentation; Facsimile of markings and their locations (draft); Facsimile of packaging (draft, if any) or undertaking to comply with the minimum information requirements (see also standard sheet 008); User and/or operating manual; CE declaration of conformity with the Low Voltage (LV) Directive 2006/95/EC, accompanied by the electrical safety test reports in accordance with NF EN 50106:2009 (and/or EN 60335-2-65:2005); CE declaration of conformity with the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2004/108/EC; Declarations of conformity with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC and with the directive on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) 2002/95/EC. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 52 of 54 STANDARD SHEET 006 NF 536 MARK EXAMPLE OF A CONTRACT A form is provided to define the contractual relationships between the applicant and the various service providers to which it subcontracts any of the aspects specified in paragraph 3.2.2. The form shall be updated whenever the contracts are amended or the service provider is changed, and sent to EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION. A form shall be drawn up for each service provider and for each of the previously defined aspects. Applicant/Holder: .......................................................................................................................... Service provider:........................................................................................................................................ Service identification: To be specified based on the definition of the applicant Minimum requirements that must be shown in the contract: - the service provider shall undertake to meet the requirements of the certification rules of the corresponding NF 536 certification programme - management of customer complaints by the applicant/holder in conjunction with the service provider - management of complaints among service providers by the applicant/holder - as part of the design work, the holder of the intellectual property must be designated; it shall inform the other party of any change in the design drawings - the service provider shall inform the applicant/holder of any changes to its quality management system, and in particular of any instances of non-conformity detected by internal inspections or external audits - the service provider accepts the possible presence of a representative of the applicant/holder during the admission audits and during monitoring of NF certification. Contract number: DOCUMENTS TO BE PROVIDED: Copy of the contract in French or English. Sheet prepared on: Modification dates: Subject of the modification 1– 2– 3– ….. NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 53 of 54 STANDARD SHEET 007 NF 536 MARK SAMPLE MANDATE AGENT List of the information to be provided: - Company name: ..................................................................................................................... - Address: ................................................................................................................................. - Country: ................................................ - Telephone: ........................................................ Fax: .................................................................. - SIRET No.(1): ........................................................ NACE code (1): ................................................. - Name and position of the legal representative(2): ........................................................................ - Name and position of the contact person (if different): ................................................................ - VAT ID number: ...................................................................................................................... - Email address of the contact person: ........................................................................................ - Email address of the company: ................................................................................................ - Web site: ................................................................................................................................ (1) Only for French companies. (2) The legal representative is the person who is legally responsible for the company. Identification of the duties of the agent to be specified in the power of attorney between the applicant/holder and the agent Applicant/Holder: .......................................................................................................................... Agent:......................................................................................................................... Minimum requirements to be included in the power of attorney: ● Assignments and associated responsibilities ● Financial aspects ● Complaints ● Contact person for the certification body Power of attorney: The power of attorney shall be registered in the applicant's/holder's quality system. A copy of the power of attorney in French or English shall be enclosed with the co-signed application for admission. Compliance with the power of attorney will be audited. Date of the initial power of attorney Modification dates: 1– 2– 3– Joint signature Subject of the modification NF 536-Air Cleaners Certification Rules - Rev0 Page 54 of 54 STANDARD SHEET 008 NF 536 MARK STANDARD TABLE TO APPEAR ON THE PRODUCT PACKAGING THIS ARTICLE COMPLIES WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS DEFINED BY THE CERTIFICATION RULES OF THE NF 536 MARK CERTIFIED CHARACTERISTICS(1): (m3/h) Air circulation flow rate Absorbed electrical power (W) Sound power level (dB[A]) Inert particles Gases Microorganisms Allergens minimum speed [Qmin] [PEmin] [LWmin] Initial purified air flow rate (m3/h) between [min(QAEi=1-3)] and [max(QAEi=1-3)] between [min(QAEi=4-8)] and [max(QAEi=4-8)] between [min(QAEi=9-10)] and [max(QAEi=9-10)] [QAE11] intermediate speed [Qinter] [PEinter] [LWinter] maximum speed [Qmax] [PEmax] [LWmax] Recommended room area (m2) between [min(Si=1-3)] and [max(Si=1-3)] between [min(Si=4-8)] and [max(Si=4-8)] between [min(Si=9-10)] and [max(Si=9-10)] [Si=11] Maximum purified air flow rate value/Absorbed electrical power (m3/h/W) [max(QAEi=1-11)/ PEmax] (1) The characteristics above are certified in accordance with the NF 536-Air Cleaners certification rules. For more information, visit the web site.