Family Camp 2016 - Cross Lake Band


Family Camp 2016 - Cross Lake Band
June 30, 2016
To all families;
Tentative Schedule
14th Annual Community Family Summer Camp Out –2016
Incorporated Community of Cross Lake Mayor & Council’s 14th Annual Family Camp Out will start July 5,
2016 to July 12, 2016 at Sand Bay. We would like to invite your family to join us during this Family fun filled
Last year there were 750 campers plus 200-300 visitors per day. We are expecting more this year.
Please bring the following items, Council will not be providing them:
~ Tents
~ Sleeping Bags
~ Lawn Chairs
~ Bug Spray
~ Mosquito Coils
~Toiletries (Shampoo, Soap, Etc)
~ Towels
~Weiner Sticks
~ Antibacterial Sanitizers
~ Cups, Plates, Cutlery
Council will provide Breakfast & Supper only:
o July 6 – 11th - Breakfast and Supper will be provided.
o July 12th - Camp Tear Down.
Fire Wood: We regret to inform you that NO Firewood will be Provided.
~~~~~~ Please make arrangements for your campsites. ~~~~~~
We ask Campers to:
Please kindly volunteer with daily duties at the main camp: make tea & coffee, boil eggs, cut up fruit, fry meat &
clean kitchen & dining area.
PLEASE keep your camp area clean by disposing of garbage properly. Encourage your children not to litter.
We need to stress to everyone NOT TO BOTHER other people’s camp site or go into other people’s tents.
Bannock will be made daily, if enough people volunteer to make it. We also encourage the ones that know how
to make fried bannock show the ones that do not know how.
KEEP A CLOSE WATCH of your children, ESPECIALLY Around Fire Pits & Swimming Areas (Parents
Please Keep a really close eye on your little ones).
It is crucial that parents/guardians accompany their children/teenagers to the camp. PLEASE do not send them to Sand
Bay to camp out ALONE. If they are not there with responsible family members, they will be sent home along with their
belongings. It is the responsibility of the family member to register them.
Noise Level will be to a minimum 11:00 Nightly, with exception of Fri & Sat, 12:00. We need to respect our
Elders and also Babies by minimizing noise late at night.
The MAIN Area this year will be up on the hill – Kitchen, Dining, Activities (exception for Beach
Volleyball), Information/Registration Booth.
Parking is relocated to Old Road (on hill), except for service vehicles, they will have access to ALL Roads
Registration will take place 10:00 am – 12 noon AND 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
** Keep in mind that Council is not liable for any damages and/or accidents **
Mayor & Council’s focus is: “Value our family traditions, knowledge of our heritage, caring,
sharing, listening, respect, culture, love, friendship, religion, helping each other, laughter, grieving,
and family recreational activities”.
It is our hope & intent that being together will help us cooperate and keep focus as a Family and
This is a family-community camp and absolutely NO alcohol and drugs are allowed at this camp. If
anyone is caught under the influence of either, proper authorities will be called.
VOLUNTEERS AND STAFF. With that, we hope you enjoy our 14th Annual Family
Mayor: Robert (Bob) Smith
Deputy Mayor: Keith Settee
Councillor: Connie Settee
Councillor: Cameron McLeod
Councillor: Rosalie Halcrow
Schedule for Sand Bay
July 5 – July 12, 2016
Subject to Change
Main, Kitchen & Dining Tents will be set up starting Monday, July 4. Please come and HELP
set up these tents @ Sand Bay.
Tuesday July 5th, 2016 (SET UP DAY)
Set up your camp 
Help others set up Camp
Wednesday July 6th 2016 (ELDER’S DAY)
9:00 am– 10:00 am
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Time TBD
1:00pm – 3:00pm
3:00pm – 5:00pm
3:00 pm -5:00 pm
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Official Opening
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Breakfast (Kitchen Tent)
Nutritional Event (CPNP – Sonia Spence/ADI- Wendy McKay)
ELDERS Activities
Haircutting for ELDERS ONLY – Marlene Trout
Elders Bingo
Special Needs Events
Supper (Kitchen Tent)
Mayor Bob Smith & Chief Cathy Merrick - Moment of Silence
Elder’s Visiting & Sharing
DRH Students fiddle: Chloe, Karlyn, Annika
Thursday July 7th 2016 (KID’S DAY)
9:00 am– 10:00 am
10:00am – 2:00pm
10:00am – 2:00pm
4:00 pm
1:00 – 5:00 pm
3:00pm -5:00pm
3:00pm – 5:00pm
1:00 – 3:00pm
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
7pm to 9pm
9 pm – 11:00 pm
Breakfast (Kitchen Tent)
STAR Program – (Linda McDonald/Laura Farmer)
Caricature Artist – Happily Ever After Parties
Balloon Twisting – Happily Ever After Parties
Children’s Horse Rides – Lawrence Ross
Minion & Ninja Turtle – Meet n Greet with kids
Marlowe the Magician – Walk around camp/tent grounds
Caricature Artist/Balloon Twisting – Happily Ever After Parties
Minion & Ninja Turtle – Meet n Greet
Special Needs Activities
Kids Activities
Supper (Kitchen Tent)
Marlowe the Magician – Stage show
Ernest, Delaney, Bo Monias & Eddie Paupanekis
Friday July 8th, 2016 (TEENAGER’S DAY)
 9:00 am– 10:00 am
Breakfast (Kitchen Tent) Perimeter Pancake Breakfast
 10:00am-12:00pm
Bill Blacksmith – Cane Painting Workshop
 2:00pm-5pm
Horse Rides – Lawrence Ross
 2:00 pm
Co-Ed: Road Hockey Tourney
 Time TBD (Ck Info Board) Beach Volleyball Tournament (Mandi Smith)
 3:00pm -5:00pm
Special Needs Activities
 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Supper (Kitchen Tent)
 7:00 pm -10:00pm
Saturday July 9th, 2016 (FAMILY DAY)
9:00 am– 10:00 am
Breakfast (Kitchen Tent) Perimeter Airlines Pancake Breakfast
Tattoo & Face Painting
Maze Run – Fastest time wins
Time TBD (Ck Info Board) Beach Volleyball Tournament Cont’s
1:00 pm
Horse Rides – Lawrence Ross
1:00 pm
Family Activities (Sponsored by Family Enhancement Program)
1:00 pm
Family Scavenger Hunt – Lyle Settee
Fear Factor – Deano Scribe
Poker Derby
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Supper (Kitchen Tent)
7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Singers /Fiddlers - OPEN
Sunday July 10th, 2016
9:00 am– 10:00 am Breakfast (Kitchen Tent)
11:00 am – 12:30 pm Sunday School - Main Tent
Fear Factor continued – Deano Scribe
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm Gospel Jamboree (Afternoon) Local Singers
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Supper (Kitchen Tent)
8:00 pm – 11:00 pm Gospel Jamboree (Evening) Local Singers
10:30pm or 11:00 pm Fireworks- (Henry McKay – Ray McKay CLBOI Rec.)
Monday July 11th, 2016
9:00 am– 10:00 am
1:00 pm- 3:00 pm
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
2:00 pm
3:00-5:00 pm
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Breakfast (Kitchen Tent)
Nail Painting/Pedi’s (LADIES only NO Kids)
Women’s Events- Flo, Angie, Brenda
Men’s Activities-Lyle & Keith Settee
Cane Painting- Bill Blacksmith
Haircuts for Women’s & Men Only-Marlene Trout
Supper (Kitchen Tent)
Local Talent Show OPEN Singers/Fiddlers
Tuesday July 12th, 2016
9:00 am– 10:00 am
Camp Tear Down 
Breakfast (Kitchen Tent)
Mayor & Council would like to
thank all Sponsors for their
Other donations will be posted on Bulletin Board at Camp site ** Thank You**
EVENTS for Men’s Day
Coordinator: Lyle & Keith
(Same activities for Women’s Day on Monday)
SA MA KOW CHO WINS (Loonies provided)
(Supply own gun) for Men and Women on Sunday.
Cash & Bazaar Bingo- bring your dabbers & cash
Subject to cancellation
The above Schedule is what has been planned; it is subject to cancellation or postponement of event
or timingof an event subject to change, if not enough participants/volunteers and/or weather permitting.
Information Board will be on site at MAIN CAMP AREA, Please check periodically for changes,
announcement of activities, Times, etc.
Activities – All activities will be at Sand Bay, and YOU must be a registered
Camper to qualify to compete in all activities. NO EXCEPTIONS.
The Incorporated Community of Cross Lake: Mayor & Council and Staff
sincerely Thanks ALL the Volunteers/Sponors/Grant Approvals/Campers &
Helpers for the successful 14 years of this Family Campout.
It is yours to enjoy, please take pride in your camp out and being with your