we are the ones we`ve been waiting for
we are the ones we`ve been waiting for
! WE ARE THE ONES WE’VE BEEN WAITING FOR... To name a few... “Until the lions learn to write, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter.”- African Proverb ǹǽ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action The Legacy of the New Generation for the Continent Africa 2.0 is a Pan-African Civil Society organization gathering more than 300 young emerging leaders from Africa and the Diaspora sharing a collective UHRHNM ENQ EQHB@ @MC BNLLHSSDC SN ƥMCHMF @MC HLOKDLDMSHMF RTRS@HM@AKD RNKTSHNMRBNMSQHATSHMFSNKD@OEQNFSGDCDUDKNOLDMSNESGDBNMSHMDMS,NQD SG@M EQHB@MM@SHNM@KHSHDR@QDQDOQDRDMSDCHM EQHB@VHSGOQNƥKDREQNL CHUDQRDA@BJFQNTMCRRTBG@ROQHU@SDRDBSNQFNUDQMLDMS@MCBHUHKRNBHDSX “Change or transform your character “ African Symbol of life transformation This African Symbol combines two separate adinkra African Symbols, the “Morning Star” which can mean a new start to the day, placed inside the wheel, representing rotation or independent movement. 6D @QD SGD NMDR VD G@UD ADDM V@HSHMF ENQʖ 6D ADKHDUD SG@S VD LTRS FDS HMUNKUDC@MCADO@QSNESGDBG@MFDSG@SVDVHRGSNRDDNMSGDBNMSHMDMS(M NQCDQSNCDƥMDNTQRDKUDRVDTRDSGDVNQCř#HMJ3@MJŚ3GHRLD@MR 3GHMJ 3@MJSG@S@KRN#NDR3GHMFRHMNSGDQVNQCRVD/QNONRD2NKTSHNMR@MC@HLSN OK@X@B@S@KXRSQNKDHMSGD(LOKDLDMS@SHNM/QNBDRRAX3Q@MRENQLHMF'NOD (MSN BSHNM .TQOTQONRDHRSNDƤDBSSGNTFGSETKTOKHESHMFHM EQHB@AXAQHMFHMFSNFDSGDQ KD@CDQR@MCBG@MFDL@JDQREQNLOQHU@SDRDBSNQBHUHKRNBHDSX@MCFNUDQMLDMS committed to developing and implementing constructive solutions at international, pan-African and national level that will produce positive S@MFHAKDNTSBNLDR@BBDKDQ@SHMFSGDFQNVSGNESGDBNMSHMDMS 3GDBNQDU@KTDRNE EQHB@BNLLTMHSX@QDSolidarity, Unity, Progess, Leadership, (MSDFQHSX24/+( We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǹǾ About the Africa 2.0 Manifesto Our Agenda for Africa #TQHMFSGDMC MMT@K EQHB@+D@CDQRGHO2XLONRHTLSGSG)TMD SGDNTSKHMD@MCRSQ@SDFHB@RODBSRNE,@MHEDRSVDQDCHRBTRRDC@MCBNMRSQTBSDC3GD ƥM@KCNBTLDMSQDƦDBSRSGD@BSHUDBNMSQHATSHNMR@MCSGNTFGSRNELNQDSG@M young emerging leaders from 38 nationalities across the continent (MNQCDQSNOQDO@QDSGD,@MHEDRSN EQHB@LNAHKHYDC@"N@KHSHNMNESGD6HKKHMF FQNTOSG@SE@BDR EQHB@ŗROQNAKDLRGD@CNMVHSGOQ@FL@SHRLJMNVKDCFD@MCLNQ@K OTQONRDNMDSG@SATHKCR@BQHSHB@KL@RR@MCVNQJR@R@3D@LSNV@QCRNMDBNLLNM FN@KRTOONQSDCAX5HRHNM EQHB@ M FDMC@@MC@1N@CL@OENQ EQHB@ʖ 3GD5HRHNM EQHB@,@MHEDRSN@HLR@SADBNLHMFSGDQDEDQDMBDFTHCDANNJNENTQ FDMDQ@SHNM@MC@BNLLNMA@RDENQNTQINHMSBNMSHMDMS@KDƤNQSSNATHKC@ADSSDQ EQHB@ENQ@KK3GD,@MHEDRSNF@SGDQRHMRHFGSRNMADRSOQ@BSHBDR KDRRNMRKD@QMDCJDXCDUDKNOLDMSOQHNQHSHDR role of civil society, private sector & Government DMF@FDLDMSRTOONQSDCAX/@M EQHB@MBNNQCHM@SHNM JMNVKDCFDRG@QHMFSN@CCQDRR execution challenges. JUNE, JULY 2010 CAPE TOWN + JOHANNESBURG South Africa /' 2$ SETTING THE FRAMEWORK MADIBA ACKNOWLEDGES AFRICA 2.0 “There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come..” - Victor Hugo /' 2$ DESIGNING THE VISION 2011, Mombassa Kenya /' 2$NMV@QCR MOBILISATION AND IMPLEMENTATION NEXT STEP: 2012 Gathering the Coalition of the willing 3rd Africa 2.0 Leadership Symposium 12th-14th June 2012, Abuja (Nigeria) “Designing and Implementing Solutions together” ns g Africa Upliftin Inclusive Growth Create an d share the wealth Ǻǹ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Growth Enabling de Infrastructure pgra Environment U Upgrade cture Infrastru Transform Hope into Action future The Africa 2.0 Leadership Symposium => A call for action gathering a “Coalition of the Willing” The ultimate purpose of the Africa 2.0 Symposium is to Gather a ‘critical mass’ of committed, pro-active top emerging and senior leaders from the private sector, civil society and government committed to working together to unlock the potential of the continent. energy Educati on mobilise VISION AFRICA MORE The Africa 2.0 Leadership Symposium is not a talk shop! It is about Transforming hope into Action. Based on an interactive and engaging format of master class, The Africa 2.0 Leadership Symposium aims at analyzing best practices and focuses on key deliverables that are supported by a concrete action plan in pilot countries where implementation will subsequently be monitored and evaluated. Decision makers Success spir pin ro speer ou It will focus on 4 topics, namely: - Disseminating Best Practices to turn Africa into a Global Food basket. - Corporate Champions driving Cluster Strategies & Regional Integration. - Capacity Building: Developing ,sourcing and retaining African Talents. - Upgrade Infrastructure to enable the accelerated growth. s The 3rd Annual Africa 2.0 Leadership Symposium will be structured in 4 workshops - master class, under the theme: “Designing and Implementing Solutions Together”. Leap frog 100+ NEW GENERATION ACTION We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǺǺ However long the night, the dawn will break. (African Proverb) Ǻǻ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǺǼ “Winners are Dreamers who never quit” African words of wisdom Ǻǽ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action Contents 1. UPLIFTING AFRICANS 22 "G@MFDSGDLHMCRDS1D!Q@MCHMF EQHB@ʖ 3GD1NKDNE,DCH@ Ş+D@C2 Ş+D@C(MCH@ 3GD1NKDNESGD/QHU@SD2DBSNQ /Q@BSHB@KHMUNKUDLDMSAXOQHU@SDRDBSNQ !THKC@MCQDS@HMGTL@MB@OHS@K ,NUDSNV@QCR@JMNVKDCFDA@RDCRNBHDSX /QNUHCDCDBDMSGD@KSGB@QD@MC@ƤNQC@AKDGNTRHMFRBGDLDR 'D@KSGB@QD 'NTRHMF "@RD2STCX+@FNR$JN SK@MSHB@+D@OEQNF OOQN@BGSN'NTRHMF(RRTDR 2. 3. INCLUSIVE GROWTH: CREATING AND SHARING AFRICAN WEALTH 'NVCNVDCDƥ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Ʀ@FRGHOOQNIDBSR UPGRADING AFRICA’S INFRASTRUCTURE /NVDQHMF EQHB@ +DUDQ@FDNMSGDDWO@MRHNMNESDKDBNLLTMHB@SHNMRRDBSNQ 3Q@MRONQS@MCV@SDQ(MEQ@RSQTBSTQD /QHNQHSXENBTRNMQDFHNM@KSQ@MRONQSBNQQHCNQR 6G@S@QDSGDJDXRTBBDRRE@BSNQR 2TOONQS@MCHLOKDLDMSSGD EQHB@6@SDQ5HRHNM OQNONRDCAX EQHB@M4MHNM E#!@MC4-$" /QNUHCD@MDM@AKHMFA@MJHMFHMEQ@RSQTBSTQD@MC KD@CSGDLNAHKDA@MJHMFQDUNKTSHNMFKNA@KKX +$ 2(-& %4-#(-&2,$ŗ2 $MG@MBD@EQ@LDVNQJENQKD@RHMFƥM@MBD 38 4. A GROWTH ENABLING ENVIRONMENT 72 RS@AKDL@BQNDBNMNLHBDMUHQNMLDMS CCQDRRSGDFNUDQM@MBDHRRTDR 3GDř "3(.,ŚOQHMBHOKD (LOQNUDSGDHMUDRSLDMSBKHL@SD EQHB@EQNLENNCRDBTQHSXSNFKNA@KENNCA@RJDS +DSŗRRS@QSD@SHMFB@RR@U@AQD@C #DUDKNO@M(MSDFQ@SDC FQHATRHMDRR#DUDKNOLDMS/NKHBX *DDO EQHB@FQDDM 5. KEY SUCCESS FACTORS 2NBH@KBNMSQ@BSADSVDDMFNUDQMLDMSOQHU@SDRDBSNQ@MCBHUHKRNBHDSX "NLLHSSDC@MCUHRHNM@QXKD@CDQRGHO (MUNKUDVNLDMXNTSG#H@RONQ@@MCSDBGMNKNFX ,NAHKHRHMFSGDXNTSG 41&$-3+8 ##1$228.43'4-$,/+.8,$-3ʖ ,NAHKHRHMFVNLDM ,NAHKHRHMFSGD#H@RONQ@ CCQDRRHMFSGDDWDBTSHNMBG@KKDMFDR*DMX@5HRHNMB@RDRSTCX %HMCHMFSGDLNMDXSNONVDQSGD5HRHNM 2SNOSGDKD@JAXQDCTBHMFSGDHKKDF@KNTSƦNVRNEETMCR @MCHMBQD@RHMFFNUDQMLDMSQDUDMTDR /QNLNSDOTAKHBOQHU@SDO@QSMDQRGHOR@MCCHUDQRHEX HMSDQM@SHNM@KAHK@SDQ@KO@QSMDQR +DUDQ@FDNMSGD#H@RONQ@AXHRRTHMF#H@RONQ@!NMCR ^2NTQBDƥM@MBHMFSGQNTFGHMSDQM@SHNM@KB@OHS@KL@QJDSR 4RD/QHU@SD/K@BDLDMS/QNFQ@LR +@BJNELNMDXRGNTKCMNSAD@MDWBTRD 5.6 Passion and dedication will help drive the process - it’s up to us! 86 119 56 ,@M@FHMF$CHSNQ MAMADOU TOURE %1(" 2XLONRHTL SHERYL MANCHIISI Art Direction SEFA GOHOHO / ITUMELENG TLHONE Art & Design ITUMELENG TLHONE, SACHA PARK, MANDLA DYANTYI THANK YOU TO KEONE PRODUCTIONS, SACHA PARK AND SONGHAI AFRICA LTD Photography AFRICA PHOTO 3GD %QHB@,@MHEDRSNHROTAKHRGDCAX2NMFG@H EQHB@+SC @MC !1"NMRTKSHMF KKBNQQDRONMCDMBDRGNTKCAD@CCQDRRDCSN EQHB@ Foundation 3DKE@W EQHB@HR@QDFHRSDQDCSQ@CDL@QJ We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO "NOXQHFGSg www.africa2point0.org ǺǾ Why a Vision for Africa? 3GD RS BDMSTQX HR @M DQ@ NE FKNA@KHR@SHNM SG@S G@R RDDM L@MX M@SHNMR RDDJHMF SN OQNSDBS their common interests and increase their HMƦTDMBDSGQNTFGQDFHNM@KNQF@MHR@SHNMR3GDRD organisations have manifested in various forms HMBKTCHMFSQ@CDAKNBRSG@SBQD@SDBTRSNLTMHNMR EQDD SQ@CD @QD@R BNLLNM L@QJDSR LNMDS@QX unions and preferential trading areas for their LDLADQR6GHKDRNLDOQNONMDMSRNEEQDDSQ@CD NOONRD RTBG AKNBR @R HMHLHB@K SN SGD FKNA@K multilateral trading system, countries have, nevertheless, proceeded with ideas that they ADKHDUD@QDHMSGDHQHMSDQDRS African Symbol of greatness, charisma and leadership This African Symbol is said to have played an inspiring role in the designing of other African Symbols. it signifies the importance of playing a leadership role. !TƤDSDC AX RDUDQD DBNMNLHB BQHRHR SGQD@SDMHMF SN CDRSQNX RNLD NE HSR LDLADQ M@SHNMR SGD $TQNOD@M 4MHNM $4 ENQ HMRS@MBD HR A@SSKHMF SN JDDO HSR GD@C @ƦN@S "GHM@ @MC (MCH@ VGHBG BNMRSHSTSDAKNBRNESGDHQNVMCTDSNSGDHQRHYD@MC growing economies, have emerged as powers to ADQDBJNMDCVHSGNMSGDFKNA@KRS@FD(M EQHB@ SGDQD HR SGD EQHB@M 4MHNM 4 @MC RDUDQ@K QDFHNM@KANCHDRATSFNHMFENQV@QCSGDBNMSHMDMS VNTKCG@UDSNADLNQDRSQ@SDFHB(SG@RSNVNQJ in harmony having a common vision and goal for HSR ODNOKD 6HSG BNTMSQHDR @MC @ ONOTK@SHNM NENMDAHKKHNM EQHB@G@RSQDLDMCNTRGTL@M@MC LHMDQ@KQDRNTQBDRSNRDSHSNM@MHQQDUDQRHAKDO@SG of prosperity. ,@MX EQHB@M BNTMSQHDR E@BD BNLLNM HRRTDR in their quest to develop; they share similar ONKHSHB@K GHRSNQHDR G@UHMF ADDM RTAIDBSDC SN colonial rule; their leaders fought at various stages against Western domination; most gained HMCDODMCDMBD @QNTMC XD@QR @FN SGDX G@UD Ǻǿ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO had to go through the daunting challenges of M@SHNMATHKCHMFƥFGSHMFSNRS@XSNFDSGDQHMROHSD NE SGD SQHA@K DSGMHB QDKHFHNTR @MC NSGDQ HRRTDR that threatened to tear them apart. We now have to move from the old perception of the common threat and unite towards a common FN@K @MC BNLLNM NAIDBSHUD 3GD CDRSHMHDR NE EQHB@M M@SHNMR @QD KHMJDC VGDSGDQ VD V@MS HS or not. Some of our contemporary leaders have started the process and initiated continental HMHSH@SHUDR -$/ # DSB @MC DMUHRHNMDC @ O@SG SNV@QCRř@M EQHB@M1DM@HRR@MBDŚ.TQFDMDQ@SHNM which inherited independence and freedom, MNVG@R@QDRONMRHAHKHSXSNBNMSHMTDSGDKDF@BX AX ATHKCHMF @M DBNMNLHB@KKX HMCDODMCDMS @MC HMROHQHMF EQHB@(MNQCDQSN@BGHDUDSGHRVDLTRS G@UD@QN@CL@O@EQ@LDVNQJ@OK@M@UHRHNM(S RGNTKCMNSADRDO@Q@SDUHRHNMRATS@BNLLNM NTSKNNJ SG@S VHKK BQNRREDQSHKHRD NTQ QDRODBSHUD RJHKKR @MC JMNVKDCFD SN VNQJ ENQ SGD FNNC NE @KK EQHB@ ADKHDUDR SG@S @BGHDUHMF SGHR VHKK require a critical mass of people that understand the issues and are ready to dedicate themselves to the cause. EQHB@HR@M@CUNB@BXFQNTOAQHMFHMFSNFDSGDQ a community of emerging leaders from Africa @MCHSRCH@RONQ@VHSGCHUDQRDA@BJFQNTMCREQNL civil society, the private sector and government to promote and implement a collective vision ENQSGDBNMSHMDMSA@RDCNM@KD@OEQNF@OOQN@BG (MRSD@C NE S@BJKHMF RODBHƥB HRRTDR @S NMBD VNLDM BGHKCQDM DCTB@SHNM NQ GD@KSG VD HMSDMC SN ENBTR NM @ FQNVSG EQ@LDVNQJ SG@S S@BJKDRSGDQNNSB@TRDRNELNRSNENTQOQNAKDLR Transform Hope into Action ‘I dream of the realization of the Unity of Africa whereby its leaders combine their efforts to solve the problems of this continent. I dream of our forests, our deserts, our wilderness.’ (Nelson Mandela) 3GD EQHB@,@MHEDRSN OQNONRDR@BNKKDBSHUD5HRHNMENQ Africa, a roadmap proposing suggestions and solutions SG@SSQ@MRBDMCANQCDQR@MC addresses common challenges. (ideas, SHRA@RDCNM@BQNRREDQSHKHR@SHNMNEJMNVKDCFD experiences and lessons learned from our LHRS@JDR MDHFGANTQR @MC DKCDQR (S DLOG@RHRDR FDMDQ@K HMSDQDRS @ANUD HMCHUHCT@K HMSDQDRS (S RDDJR SN BG@MFD C@L@FHMF LHMCRDSR F@KU@MHRD @KK EQHB@MR SN ADBNLD L@RSDQR NE SGDHQ NVM CDRSHMX HMUHSD @KK SN L@JD @ BNMSQHATSHNM @MC SN Q@HRD NTQ GD@CR VGHKD KNNJHMF @S SGD AHFFDQ OHBSTQD EQHB@ HR CQHUDM AX XNTMF EQHB@MR ENQ EQHB@ ADB@TRD SGD SHLD G@R BNLD ENQ TR SN ETKƥKNTQONSDMSH@K@R@ODNOKD 5HRHNMHMUHSHMF NTQKD@CDQRSNRHSVHSGTR@SSGDCHRBTRRHNMS@AKD SNHCDMSHEX@MCHLOKDLDMSRNKTSHNMRSNFDSGDQʖ 5HRHNM ENQ EQHB@ʖ 3GD SHLD HR MNVʖ (E VD CN MNS S@JDTOSGDQDRONMRHAHKHSXMNNMDDKRDVHKK6D @QDSGDNMDRVDG@UDADDMV@HSHMFENQʖ We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǺȀ A Vision inviting all children of Africa from “Monrovia to Mombasa” to make a new contribution to the Universal Civilization! A Vision inviting all of us to raise our heads and look at the bigger picture! A Vision designed and driven by the people from Africa for the people of Africa. A Vision inviting our leaders to sit at the discussion table to identify and implement solutions together! A Vision for our children. A Vision for Africa! A Vision for Africa is necessary. A Roadmap or a long term plan aimed at proposing a framework including joint solutions, that transcend borders and address common challenges. A Vision based on cross-fertilization of knowledge and experiences. A Vision that rises from lessons learned from our neighbours’ and from our elders’ previous mistakes and successes through deeper dialogue and insight. A Roadmap that puts General Interest above Individual Interest! A Vision that galvanizes all Africans to become masters of their own destiny and enables them to push further the limits of their capabilities. - Mamadou Kwidjim Toure: Founder of Africa 2.0 Ǻȁ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action What is Vision Africa ultimately about? (ENTQFDMDQ@SHNMNE EQHB@MR is to realize the promise of L@JHMFSGHR@FD EQHB@ŗRBDMSTQX @MDVAQDDCNEBHSHYDMRGHO@MC leadership has to emerge. (S G@R SN AD KD@CDQRGHO SG@S S@JDR NVMDQRGHO of the continent’s development process; one SG@S AQD@JR @V@X EQNL SGD ŖAK@LD @MC DWBTRDŗ LHMCRDSNESGDO@RSSG@SE@BDR EQHB@ŗROQNAKDLR GD@C NM VHSG OQ@FL@SHRL JMNVKDCFD @MC LNQ@KOTQONRDSG@SVNQJR@R@SD@LSNV@QCR@ BNLLNMFN@KRTOONQSDCAX5HRHNM EQHB@3GD 5HRHNM HR @ANTS OQNONRHMF @ KD@OEQNF @OOQN@BG ENQ SGD BNMSHMDMS 6G@S CN VD LD@M AX SG@S (M SGD SDKDBNLLTMHB@SHNMR RDBSNQ ENQ HMRS@MBD SGD BNMSHMDMS KD@OEQNFFDC AX RJHOOHMF ƥWDC KHMD SDKDBNLLTMHB@SHNMR QNKKHMF NTS LNAHKD BNLLTMHB@SHNMR @MC QD@BGHMF LNQD SG@M ODQBDMSODMDSQ@SHNMHMKDRRSG@MXD@QREQNL RHW ODQBDMS ODMDSQ@SHNM HM D@QKX (E EQHB@ follows the economic development model of the 6DRSDQM VNQKC HS L@X S@JD @ BDMSTQX SN B@SBG up; as a result it is important for the continent SN SGHMJ NTS NE SGD ANW @MC CDUDKNO @ LNCDK of development adapted to African realities, capitalising on its unique position as the last ŖFKNA@KNOONQSTMHSXŗ3HLD,@F@YHMD 2TBG @ KD@OEQNF @OOQN@BG VNTKC AD A@RDC NM KDRRNMR KD@QMDC ADRS OQ@BSHBDR @MC CQHUDM We are the Ones we have been waiting for AX @ BNLAHMDC ANSSNLTO @MC SNOCNVM @OOQN@BG DMG@MBDC SGQNTFG AQN@C RS@JDGNKCDQ BNMRTKS@SHNM@MCHLOKDLDMS@SHNM3GHR,@MHEDRSN V@ROQDO@QDCAXSGDODNOKDNE EQHB@ EQHB@ LDLADQR@MCRTOONQSDQRENQSGD@SSDMSHNMNESGD continent’s leaders and everyone determined to @BBDKDQ@SDHSRCDUDKNOLDMS6GHKDSGD,@MHEDRSN is visionary, it is also action-oriented. We chose SGDXD@Q@R@JDXLHKDRSNMDVGDMVDGNOD SN NAS@HM @M DMCNQRDLDMS NE SGD BSHNM /K@M OQNONRDC HM SGHR ,@MHEDRSN EQNL RNLD EQHB@M BNTMSQHDR3GDENKKNVTOOK@MVHKKADSNDMENQBD @ QDENQLR OQNFQ@LLD @KKNVHMF SGD 5HRHNM SN L@SDQH@KHRD3GDJDXRTBBDRRE@BSNQRVHKKQDKXNM SGQDDL@INQED@STQDR Ş an African leadership committed to DLAQ@BHMF @M HMBKTRHUD @MC RTRS@HM@AKD growth Ş @ RNBH@K BNMSQ@BS ADSVDDM FNUDQMLDMS private sector and civil society to follow the proposed plan Ş @ RSQNMF @V@QDMDRR @MC LNAHKHR@SHNM campaign towards the youth, women and SGD#H@RONQ@HMO@QSHBTK@QAXKDUDQ@FHMFNM technology %NTQBQHSHB@K@QD@RNEKD@CDQRGHOLTRSADS@BJKDC SGDRD@QDSGDETMC@LDMS@K@WDRNE5HRHNM EQHB@ Uplifting Africans 2. Creating and sharing the wealth 3. Upgrading infrastructure 4. "QD@SHMF @M DM@AKHMF DMUHQNMLDMS ENQ growth JDXRTBBDRRE@BSNQRLTRS revolve around an African leadership committed to DLAQ@BHMF@MHMBKTRHUD@MC RTRS@HM@AKDFQNVSG RNBH@K BNMSQ@BSADSVDDM&NUDQMLDMS the Private Sector and Civil 2NBHDSXHMBKTCHMFSQHADKD@CDQR to follow the proposed plan; and a strong awareness and LNAHKHY@SHNMB@LO@HFMSNV@QCR the youth, women, and the #H@RONQ@HMO@QSHBTK@QAX KDUDQ@FHMFNM3DBGMNKNFX Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǺȂ Ş "G@MFDSGDLHMCDSR1DAQ@MCHMF EQHB@ Ş !THKCHMF@MCQDS@HMHMF'TL@MB@OHS@K Ş ,NUDSNV@QCR@JMNVKDCFDA@RDC society Ş Provide decent healthcare @MC@ƤNQC@AKDGNTRHMF schemes. Uplifting Africans Enabling Ş Powering Africa environment Ş Leverage on expansion of telecommunications sectors Ş /QNUHCD@MDM@AKHMFA@MJHMF HMEQ@RSQTBSTQD@MCKD@CSGDLNAHKD A@MJHMFQDUNKTSHNMFKNA@KKX Inclusive growth Upgrading Africa’s Infrastructure Ş Promote entrepreneurship SNBQD@SDINAR Ş Foster cluster strategy to encourage expansion of local industries Ş /QNLNSD1DFHNM@K Champions Ş Accelerate and consolidate regional integration Ş Ş Ş Ş Ş 3Q@MRONQS@MCV@SDQ(MEQ@RSQTBSTQD Ş RS@AKD,@BQN economic environment (LOQNUDSGDHMUDRSLDMS climate Address the governance issues Secure food for the people *DDO EQHB@FQDDM A vision without a task is but a dream. A task without a vision is drudgery. A vision with a task is the hope of Africa. 1.Uplifting Africans P u t the people ƥQRS Over the past G@KE BDMSTQX SGD AHFFDRS LHRS@JD NE EQHB@MR V@R SN ADKHDUD SG@S SGDHQ VD@KSG V@R ADMD@SG SGDHQ EDDS HM SGD ENQL NE LHMDQ@K QDRNTQBDR .M SGD BNMSQ@QXʖ EQHB@ŗR FQD@SDRS VD@KSG HR @BST@KKX HSR ODNOKD !DSVDDM @MC EQHB@ŗRONOTK@SHNMHRDWODBSDCSNQD@BGAHKKHNMODNOKD NTS NE VGHBG ODQBDMS HR DWODBSDC SN AD ADKNV XD@QR NKC -N NSGDQ BNMSHMDMS HM GTL@M GHRSNQX G@R DUDQ ADDM FD@QDC TO VHSG RTBG @ fantastic force in terms of human capital. On the other hand, this unique NOONQSTMHSX ONRDR @ ENQLHC@AKD BG@KKDMFD HS HR HLODQ@SHUD SN CDUHRD @ QNATRS OK@M ENQ HMSDFQ@SHMF SGHR DLDQFHMF VNQJENQBD @MC OQNUHCD @KK SGD necessary ingredients to optimise its potential. First and foremost, Africa’s L@HMBG@KKDMFDHR@ANTSTOKHESHMF EQHB@MRANSGLDMS@KKX@MCOGXRHB@KKX ,DMS@KKXSGHRLD@MRENRSDQHMF@CXM@LHBFDMDQ@SHNMNE EQHB@MRSG@SS@JD NVMDQRGHO NE SGDHQ NVM CDRSHMX @MC BNMSQHATSD SN HLOQNUHMF SGDHQ KHUDR without waiting for a providential leader or government to solve all their OQNAKDLR (S HR SGD ODNOKD VGN CQHUD @MC HLOKDLDMS SGD 5HRHNM (MCDDC VG@SHR@&DMDQ@KVHSGNTS@M@QLX Five critical action points are necessary to uplift Africans: Ş 1DAQ@MCHMF EQHB@BG@MFDSGDLHMCRDSADKHDUDHMXNTQRDKEADKHDUDHM XNTQM@SHNMŗRONSDMSH@KADKHDUDHM EQHB@ Ş "@O@BHSX!THKCHMF@MC1DSDMSHNMATHKC@MCJDDO@MDCTB@SDCRJHKKDC QDV@QCDCVNQJENQBDSG@SVHKKCQHUDSGDS@JDNƤ Ş *MNVKDCFDA@RDC 2NBHDSX RDDJ JMNVKDCFD @OOKX JMNVKDCFD DMG@MBDJMNVKDCFDCHRRDLHM@SDJMNVKDCFD Ş #DBDMS 'D@KSGB@QD RGNTKC NTQ GTL@M QDRNTQBDR AD NTQ ADRS @RRDS let’s not lose it or waste it Ş (LOQNUDC'NTRHMF"NMCHSHNMRATHKC@GD@KSGXR@MHS@QXDMUHQNMLDMS ǻǻ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ENQ@ADSSDQRS@MC@QCNEKHUHMF@MCGHFGDQVNQJENQBDOQNCTBSHUHSX Transform Hope into Action 1.1 Change the mindsetRe-Branding Africa! “Independence” African Symbol of independence, freedom, emancipation. “From the expression: Fawodhodie ene obre na enam. Literal translation: “Independence comes with its responsibilities.” “If you want a year of prosperity, grow a grain... if you want ten years of prosperity, grow a tree... if you want a hundred years of prosperity... grow a people.” We are the Ones we have been waiting for EQHB@G@RKNMFRTƤDQDCEQNL@ONNQODQBDOSHNM FKNA@KKX 3GHR G@R TMENQSTM@SDKX G@C @ SDQQHAKD impact on the continent, with the people seeing themselves in the manner that they are perceived AX ENQDHFMDQR Ŗ2K@UDQXŗ ŖBNKNMH@KHRLŗ Ŗ3GHQC 6NQKCŗ @MC ŖO@SDQM@KHRLŗ @QD SDQLHMNKNFHDR SG@S VDRGNTKCMNS@KKNVSNGNKCTRA@BJ6DG@UDSN LNUDNM6DB@MMNSBG@MFDSGDO@RSATSVDB@M CDRHFM @MC ATHKC NTQ NVM ETSTQD 3GHR LHMCRDS G@RSNBG@MFD@MCRGNTKCADQDOK@BDCAX@M EQH " -#.@SSHSTCD EQHB@MBNTMSQHDRMDDCSNOK@BD country mindset and country reputation at the BNQD NE SGDHQ CDUDKNOLDMS@K FN@KR (MSDQM@K @MC DWSDQM@K BQDCHAHKHSX @QD ETMC@LDMS@K BNTMSQX AQ@MCHMF ONOTK@SHNM SG@S HR @KHFMDC ADGHMC SGD AQ@MC B@MMNS AD HFMNQDC HM SGD BTQQDMS FKNA@KDBNMNLXŖ"NTMSQXAQ@MCHMFŗRGNTKCƥQRS @MCENQDLNRSHMUNKUDM@SHNM@KLHMCRDSATHKCHMF around unity, performance and solidarity HM NQCDQ SN H DMRTQD SG@S SGD HL@FDAQ@MC OQNIDBSDC NTSRHCD HR QDƦDBSDC HMRHCD @MC HH SG@S SGD BHSHYDMR NE SGD BNTMSQX @QD RTƧBHDMSKX geared up mentally and psychologically to @BGHDUD SGD 5HRHNM @MC LDDS SGD BG@KKDMFDR @GD@C (M OQ@BSHBD SGHR B@M AD CNMD SGQNTFG @ BNLAHMDC SNOCNVM @MC ANSSNLTO @OOQN@BG (S HR @ANTS DRS@AKHRGHMF HMCDODMCDMS RSQTBSTQDR NQCDO@QSLDMSRQDRONMRHAKDENQU@QHNTR@RODBSR NE AQ@MC RSQ@SDFX ONOTK@SHNM DMCNQRDLDMS reputation management and competitive HCDMSHSX (M 1V@MC@ Ŕ @ BNTMSQX VGNRD QDOTS@SHNMV@ROQDUHNTRKXGD@UHKXS@HMSDCAXSGD FDMNBHCDV@RQ@MJDCSGNTSNEBNTMSQHDR HMSGD6$%&KNA@K"NLODSHSHUDMDRRHMCDW3NC@X 6DB@MMNSBG@MFDSGDO@RSATS VDB@MCDRHFM@MCATHKCNTQ NVMETSTQD3GHRLHMCRDSG@RSN BG@MFD@MCRGNTKCADQDOK@BDC AX@M EQH" -#.@SSHSTCD 1V@MC@ HR @LNMF SGD SNO ƥUD BNTMSQHDR HM SGD RTA2@G@Q@M EQHB@MQDFHNM(SG@RODQENQLDCVDKK in areas such as institutions due to government zero tolerance on corruption and areas such as K@ANTQ L@QJDS DƧBHDMBX (SR AQ@MCHMF DWDQBHRD has supported growth initiatives in anchor HMCTRSQHDR RTBG @R BNƤDD SD@ @MC SNTQHRL @MC LNRSHLONQS@MSKXV@RDLAQ@BDCAXHSRODNOKD .UDQ SGD K@RS BNTOKD NE XD@QR SGD FKNA@K K@MCRB@ODG@RRGHESDCVHSGMNSHBD@AKDBG@MFDNM SGDBNMSHMDMS3NC@X EQHB@G@RCDLNBQ@BHDR BNLO@QDCSNNMKXHMLNQDBNTMSQHDRVHSG QDRSNQDCL@BQNDBNMNLHBRS@AHKHSXOQHU@SHR@SHNM initiatives as well as intra- and inter-regional HMHSH@SHUDR 3GD ,B*HMRDX Ŗ+HNMR NM SGD LNUDŗ QDONQSOQNIDBSRSGDENKKNVHMFRS@SHRSHBRAX Ş ʙSQHKKHNM EQHB@ŗRBNKKDBSHUD&#/ Ş ʙSQHKKHNM EQHB@ŗRBNMRTLDQRODMCHMF Ş ʙLHKKHNM 3GD MTLADQ NE EQHB@M households with discretionary income As the world searches for new space and NOONQSTMHSX EQHB@G@RSNADKHDUDSG@SHSHRQD@CX @MC ONHRDC SN G@QMDRR SGD NOONQSTMHSX 3GD RSQ@SDFX @MC @OOQN@BG SN 1DAQ@MCHMF EQHB@ G@RSNAD@BNKKDBSHUDDƤNQSADSVDDMBNTMSQHDR ATHKSNMHMCHUHCT@KBNTMSQXENBTR@MCQDOTS@SHNM ATHKCHMF Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǻǼ 3GDƥQRS@MCLNRSBQHSHB@KRSDOHMSGD1DAQ@MCHMFNE EQHB@HRSGD BKD@Q@QSHBTK@SHNMNEVG@S!Q@MC EQHB@RS@MCRENQ3GDQDMDDCRSN AD@KHFMLDMSNEUHRHNM@MCU@KTDRSG@SODQLD@SDR@BQNRRONKHSHBR ATRHMDRRRONQSRBTKSTQD@MCGDQHS@FD African Symbol of courage, valor, and heroism The crossed swords were a popular motif in the heraldic shields of many former Akan states. In addition to recognizing courage and valor, the swords can represent legitimate state authority. ǻǽ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO 3GDƥQRS@MCLNRSBQHSHB@KRSDOHMSGDQDAQ@MCHMF NE EQHB@HRSGDBKD@Q@QSHBTK@SHNMNEVG@SŖ!Q@MC Africa’ stands for. Africa has to determine the BNKKDBSHUD UHRHNM NE GNV VD V@MS EQHB@ SN AD ODQBDHUDC MCVG@SVHKKSGHRAD@ANTS Ş successful regional integration and ‘brain gain’ Ş optimism Ş an image of Africa owned by Africa that is spoken about and believed in by Africans themselves Ş delivery on promises Ş political maturity and committed leaders Ş respect for self and others Ş a move away from the perception of Africa as a dangerous continent Ş innovation Ş DƧBHDMS@MCDƤDBSHUDOQHU@SDRDBSNQ %NQ EQHB@ SN ETKKX @BGHDUD SGD QDAQ@MCHMF FN@K FNUDQMLDMSRLTRSS@JD@G@QCKNNJ@SSGDHQ@AHKHSX SNCDKHUDQENQSGDHQBHSHYDMR@RVDKK@RSGDHQ@AHKHSX to attract investment, tourism, trade as well as RJHKK(SVHKKMNSADDMNTFGSNKNNJ@SSGDAQ@MCHMF exercise in isolation of policies and governance RSQTBSTQDR 3GD QDOTS@SHNM ATHKCHMF DWDQBHRD MDDCR SN AD RDDM @R @ BQHSHB@K BNLONMDMS ENQ @ M@SHNMŗR FQNVSG @MC RTQUHU@K (M SGD DMC SN achieve a changed identity and image, Africans VHKK MDDC SN CQHUD SGHR BG@MFD ANUD @KK DKRD BTKSHU@SHMF @ RSQNMF AQ@MC HCDMSHSX QDPTHQDR active development and management over a ODQHNCNESHLD@MCLTRSADE@QQD@BGHMF@BQNRR SNTBG ONHMSR 3GDQD MDDCR SN AD @KHFMLDMS NE vision and values that permeates across politics, ATRHMDRRRONQSRBTKSTQD@MCGDQHS@FD 3GD EQHB@ 5HRHNM @CUNB@SDR ENQ @BSHUD RTOONQS NE @ 1DAQ@MCHMF EQHB@ OQNBDRR 3GD OQNBDRRAXBNTMSQXVHKKADCHƤDQDMSSGDSHLD@S which each country engages with the process VHKK AD CHƤDQDMS ATS SGD DMC FN@K @MC UHRHNM G@RSNADSGDR@LDŔ@MDV EQHB@(MSGHRDƤNQS ADRHCDR FNUDQMLDMS OQHU@SD RDBSNQ @MC LDCH@ B@MOK@X@BQHSHB@KQNKDHMOQNLNSHMFSGD EQH" - DO attitude. The Role of African Media: 3GD LDCH@ RDQUDR @R @ BQHSHB@K BNMRSHSTDMS ENQ HMENQL@SHNM CHRRDLHM@SHNM %TSTQD !Q@MC RS@SDR SGD SG@S SGD ENKKNVHMF HR MNS@AKD ENQ KD@CHMF BNTMSQXAQ@MCR Ş GD@KSGXLHWSTQDNEOTAKHB@MCBNLLDQBH@K AQN@CB@RS MDSVNQJR VHSG LTKSHOKD RS@SHNMR some international reach and a relatively free press Ş $WBDKKDMS BNLLTMHB@SHNM HMEQ@RSQTBSTQD VHSG GHFG KDUDKR NE HMSDQMDS @MC LNAHKD phone penetration Ş M SGD @FD NE ANQCDQKDRR BNLLTMHB@SHNM SGQNTFGRNBH@KMDSVNQJRBNTMSQXAQ@MCR@QD MNV O@QSKX ATHKS AX @FFQDF@SDC RDMSHLDMSR and content arising from people’s personal Transform Hope into Action REBRANDING A F R I C A We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǻǾ experience; the more open a country and SGD ADSSDQ HSR SDBGMNKNFHB@K HMEQ@RSQTBSTQD SGDLNQDKHJDKXFNNC@MCA@CDWODQHDMBDR will permeate and impact awareness and OQDEDQDMBDENQHSRAQ@MC 3GD RSQNMFDRS M@SHNM AQ@MCR G@UD NMD SGHMF HM common - digital openness. Africa may not have FQD@SHMSDQMDSODMDSQ@SHNMATSLNAHKDSDKDOGNMX has changed the communication trends across the world. 3GDLDCH@SGDMB@MOK@X@QNKDHMSGDENKKNVHMF L@MMDQ Ş A donation of media time to the promotion of the Africa identity agenda Ş ,DCH@ODQRNM@KHSHDRG@UD@RSQNMFENKKNVHMF @MC EQHB@M INTQM@KHRSR @MC DCHSNQR B@M drive positive perception of the continent, AX GHFGKHFGSHMF ONRHSHUD @RODBSR NE EQHB@ without negating the negative Ş media houses can provide a platform for “What I hear, I keep” African Symbol of wisdom, knowledge and prudence The implied meaning of the phrase “mate masie” is “I understand”. Understanding means wisdom and knowledge, but it also represents the prudence of taking into consideration ǻǿ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO BHSHYDM DMF@FDLDMS @MC B@M AD @S SGD forefront of social change seen in the cases NE ANSG +D@C 2 @MC +D@C (MCH@ HMHSH@SHUDR RDDADKNV 3GD LDCH@ BDQS@HMKX G@R @ OHUNS@K QNKD HM DMG@MBHMF @ BNTMSQX NQ BNMSHMDMSR AQ@MC strength. Way too often media focus on what is going wrong, they should also highlight African RTBBDRR RSNQHDR @MC BNMSQHATSD SN SGD EQH" - #. SSHSTCD @MC DMG@MBD SGD ,HMCRDS2GHES $W@LOKDRNEGNVLDCH@B@MOK@X@QNKDHMBKTCD the Lead SA initiative in South Africa and the +D@C(MCH@B@LO@HFMAX3GD3HLDRNE(MCH@ The Economist December 2012 ŝ/HDG6$ 3GHRHR@/QHLDCH@!QN@CB@RSHMF@MC(MCDODMCDMS -DVRO@ODQR&QNTOHMHSH@SHUD@HLDC@SLNAHKHRHMF 2NTSG EQHB@MRSNKNNJVHSGHM@MCADSGDBG@MFD SGDXV@MSSNRDD3GDAQN@CB@RSFQNTOTRDRSGD ONVDQNELDCH@@RVDKK@RHSRDWSDMRHUDMDSVNQJ ENQ LNAHKHR@SHNM @QNTMC HRRTDR HM SGD BNTMSQX MNS@AKD BNMSQHATSHNM AX SGD FQNTO RHMBD SGD launch of the initiative was its involvement HM SGD LNAHKHR@SHNM NE 2NTSG EQHB@MR ADGHMC RBGNNKR@MCGNROHS@KRCTQHMFSGDRSQHJDODQHNCHM 2DOSDLADQ ŝ/HDG,QGLD 3GD 3HLDR NE (MCH@ B@LO@HFM B@KKDC ENQ @ MDV FDMDQ@SHNMSNŚKD@C(MCH@Ś@RSGDVNQKCŗRK@QFDRS CDLNBQ@BXBDKDAQ@SDCXD@QRNEHMCDODMCDMBD ,NQDSG@MQD@CDQRVDMSNMSNO@QSHBHO@SD HM @ BNMSDRS SG@S DMCDC VHSG @ VDDJ S@KDMS RGNV ENQ ONKHSHB@K GNODETKR /TAKHB HMSDQUHDVR @MC CDA@SDR GDKODC 3GD 3HLDR NE (MCH@ SN CQ@F A donation of media time to the promotion of the Africa’s identity and agenda. African INTQM@KHRSR@MCDCHSNQRB@M drive positive perception of SGDBNMSHMDMSAXGHFGKHFGSHMF positive aspects of Africa without negating the negative. ,DCH@GNTRDRB@MOQNUHCD a platform for citizen DMF@FDLDMS@MCB@MAD@SSGD forefront of social change. Transform Hope into Action I am an African. I owe my being to the hills and the valleys, the mountains and the glades, the rivers, the deserts, the trees, the flowers, the seas and the everchanging seasons that define the face of our native land. - Thabo Mbeki citizens’ attention to the most important issues of their country. “The ”Lead India” worked because it connected powerfully with a strong emotion lying dormant in the hearts of young Indians: that India can only achieve its ”rightful” place on the world stage if we get ourselves a better and more committed set of political leaders. In India, the upper middle class reader of a newspaper like The Times of India feels a strong sense of alienation from the political system and the administrative machinery. He feels a leadership vacuum. The Times of India tries to VWHS LQ DQG ƲOO WKLV YDFXXP DW OHDVW SDUWLDOO\Ş 1@GTK*@MR@K!Q@MC#HQDBSNQ3HLDRNE(MCH@ 7KH5ROHRIWKH3ULYDWH6HFWRU Time Magazine 1963 We are the Ones we have been waiting for When we express a preference for German cars, )@O@MDRDDPTHOLDMSNQ@M EQHB@M@HQKHMDB@QQHDQ VDHMRSHMBSHUDKXL@JDBGNHBDRA@RDCNMHL@FDR and experience. Products and companies are as K@QFDKX QDRONMRHAKD ENQ ATHKCHMF M@SHNM AQ@MCR @R@QDFNUDQMLDMSR3GD&DQL@MR@QDJMNVMENQ precision, largely a reputation gained through SGD VNQKCŗR DWODQHDMBD VHSG &DQL@M AQ@MCDC When we express a preference for &DQL@MB@QR)@O@MDRDDPTHOLDMS@M African airline carrier, we instinctively L@JDBGNHBDRA@RDCNMHL@FDR@MC experience. Products and companies @QD@RK@QFDKXQDRONMRHAKDENQATHKCHMF M@SHNMAQ@MCR@R@QDFNUDQMLDMSR cars that have repeatedly delivered on the experience. !TRHMDRRDR NM SGD BNMSHMDMS OK@X @ QNKD HM changing the reputation of Africa through how SGDX@QDODQBDHUDC@RFKNA@KOK@XDQRATS@KRN@R SQTRSDC ATRHMDRRDR ,3- G@R ADBNLD @ KD@CHMF FKNA@K BNLO@MX SG@S B@QQHDR SGD EQHB@M M@LD ATS LNRS HLONQS@MSKX GNV SGD BNLO@MX HR @AKD SN BNLODSD @MC CDKHUDQ FKNA@K DWBDKKDMBD Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǻȀ Addressing the Human Capital Challenge The Virtuous Circle of Higher Education Ş KD@CAXDW@LOKDAXCQHUHMFFQNVSGDWO@MRHNM into the continent through consistent and strategic investment Ş HLOQNUDSGDBNMSHMDMSŗRHL@FDAXCDKHUDQHMF OQNNEONHMSR@MCS@MFHAKDE@BSR Ş ƥM@MBH@KKX BNMSQHATSD SN SGD DRS@AKHRGLDMS @MCDWO@MRHNMNEM@SHNMAQ@MCHMFRSQTBSTQDR 1.2 Build and retain human capital Source World Bank, 2010 Quitters never win, Winners never quit, so keep on moving - Oduigwe Okala BNMSQHATSDR SN SGD NUDQ@KK ATRHMDRR HL@FD NE EQHB@$BNA@MJVHSGSGDK@QFDRSOQDRDMBDNMSGD BNMSHMDMSHR@MDW@LOKDNE@M EQHB@MATRHMDRR HMUDRSHMF HM EQHB@ BNMSQHATSHMF SN @ ƥM@MBH@K industry image of trust in Africa as a place to DWO@MC @MC SGQHUD ƥM@MBH@KKX 2N HR SGD B@RD ENQ 2 !QDVDQHDR 4! &QNTO #@MFNSD &QNTO .Q@RBNL &QNTO NQ ."/ &QNTO !TRHMDRR @KRN OQNUHCDR BQDCHAKD KD@CDQR @MC NOHMHNM RG@ODQR SG@S @QD AQ@MC BG@LOHNMR @MC @CUNB@SDR NM L@MXFKNA@KENQTLR Serve as advocates for Africa and promote African excellence. ǻȁ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Source World Bank, 2008 Practical involvement by private sector: Ş Serve as advocates for Africa and promote EQHB@MDWBDKKDMBDHELNQD EQHB@MATRHMDRR people are represented on international OK@SENQLR@MC@QDRDDMSNKD@CFKNA@KNOHMHNM ENQ BG@MFD @MC RTRS@HM@AKD CDUDKNOLDMS SGDQDOTS@SHNMNE EQHB@@R@A@RJDSB@RDHR lessened Ş EQHB@MATRHMDRRDRSNHMUDRSHMSGDBNMSHMDMS @MC FDMDQ@SD B@OHS@K HE EQHB@M ATRHMDRRDR do not lead growth and expansion into the continent Africa’s reputation as an investment destination is diminished Ş Provision of proof points into nation and BNMSHMDMS@K AQ@MCHMF CQHUDR SN HLOQNUD country image Ş !TRHMDRR@R@BQHSHB@KO@QSMDQ@MCETMCDQHM SGDENQL@SHNMNEAQ@MCHMFRSQTBSTQDRVHSGHM countries When South Africa bid for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, there was doubt internationally that it had SGD B@O@AHKHSX SN OTKK HS NƤ (S V@R HMCDDC SGD ƥQRS 6NQKC "TO DUDQ NQF@MHRDC NM SGD EQHB@M continent. To the dismay of many, it turned out to ADNMDNESGDADRSNQF@MHRDC@MCLNRSOQNƥS@AKD World Cup events in the history of football. 'NV BNLD %HQRS 2NTSG EQHB@ G@C @ VGNKD BNMSHMDMSADGHMCHS@MCSGDBNTMSQXŗRONOTK@SHNM ETKKX LNAHKHRDC ENQ HSR RTBBDRR 2DBNMCKX @MC SGHR RGNTKC MNS AD ENQFNSSDM HS CDUDKNODC SGD @CDPT@SD HMSDQM@K B@O@BHSX @MC RJHKKR SN DM@AKD HS SN @BGHDUD SGD LHRRHNM OOQNOQH@SD B@O@BHSX ATHKCHMF DMS@HKR SGD CDUDKNOLDMS and strengthening of education and decisionL@JHMFRJHKKRQDPTHQDCENQRTRS@HM@AKDDBNMNLHB CDUDKNOLDMS &QD@SDQ @SSDMSHNM RGNTKC AD FHUDM SN ANSG SGD RTOOKX @MC CDL@MC RHCDR NE the capacity development equation, namely DCTB@SHNM DWO@MRHNM @MC @ARNQOSHUD B@O@BHSX NE SGD DBNMNLX HD DLOKNXLDMS BQD@SHNM 3GD LNCDK @CNOSDC LTRS BNLAHMD @M @RRDS ENBTR HCDMSHƥB@SHNM NE GTL@M @RRDSR @MC RSQDMFSGR NE SGD M@SHNM VHSG @ QDK@SHNMRGHO @MC MDSVNQJ ENBTRATHKCHMF@MCKDUDQ@FHMFJMNVKDCFDJMNV GNVMDSVNQJR@MC@KKH@MBDR3GHRHRNMKXUH@AKD Transform Hope into Action Capacity Building: case study. Reinforcing Capacity at Government level is of paramount importance. This can be addressed by creating stronger systematic bridges between private sector and public sector. In the late 90’s in Cote d’Ivoire the BNEDT (government arm focused on large national infrastructure projects, led at the time by Tidiane Thiam) set up a program with private sector companies in country and multinationals abroad to mobilize young talented highly skilled Ivoirians in the country and the diaspora to join the BNEDT for 2-3 years before returning to their previous private sector employer. In a few years following the implementation of such scheme, the BNEDT put on track more infrastructure projects than in the previous 20 years. This is what we call leapfrog! In order to attract skills and build the necessary internal capacity to deliver on the Vision, African governments could set up secondment SURJUDPV ZLWK SULYDWH VHFWRU ƲUPV DQG ZRUN RQ VDODU\ GLƱHUHQWLDOV EDVHG RQ D WD[ deductibility program, to ensure consistency of UHPXQHUDWLRQIRUVHFRQGHGVWDƱ through the communities, local empowerment @MC HMBKTRHNM NE @KK (M ,NY@LAHPTD QDBDMS sector-wide strategies on roads, health and OTAKHB ƥM@MBH@K L@M@FDLDMS G@UD O@HC increasing attention to capacity constraints and coordination of donor support. As a result, ,NY@LAHPTD HR ADFHMMHMF SN AQHMF SGD MDDCDC BNGDQDMBDSNHSROTAKHBRDBSNQB@O@BHSXATHKCHMF DƤNQSR SGQNTFG QDBDMS HLOKDLDMS@SHNM NE HSR OTAKHBRDBSNQQDENQLOQNFQ@LSG@S@CCQDRRDRANSG BQNRRRDBSNQ@MCRDBSNQB@O@BHSXBNMRSQ@HMSR(M ,@K@VHSGDQN@CRRDBSNQG@RRGNVMRTARS@MSH@K @MC RTRS@HM@AKD HLOQNUDLDMSR CTD SN RSQNMF RS@JDGNKCDQOQDRRTQDRNKHCCH@FMNRHRNEB@O@BHSX BNMRSQ@HMSR @MC DƤDBSHUD TRD NE ANSG SDBGMHB@K assistance and training. accelerated growth in a highly competitive global environment where skills make the CHƤDQDMBD Ş training curricula are more adapted to market demands and reinforcement of capacity in priority sectors, for instance make corporate/ NGO/ government internship a pre-requisite for all tertiary and technical education diplomas Ş build capacity in government and at the decision-making level in general - train the local, national and regional leaders; stronger bridges and skills transfer between public and private sector Ş KD@OEQNF AX KDUDQ@FHMF NM SDBGMNKNFX through e-learning and distance learning 2NLDHLLDCH@SD@BSHNMVNTKCMDDCSNADS@JDM RTBG@R Ş ensuring that the government plays a facilitating role by setting up an enabling framework and policies that facilitate the reinforcement of capacities across the spectrum Ş greater focus on higher education; higher education is itself a strong catalyst for Other medium term solutions would involve HLOKDLDMSHMF @ B@O@BHSX ATHKCHMF EQ@LDVNQJ A@RDC NM @ BNLLTMHSX OQNAKDLRNKUHMF @OOQN@BG 3GHR VNTKC HMUNKUD @ BNLAHMDC @OOQN@BG A@RDC NM RXRSDL@SHB RJHKKR RD@QBGHMF dissemination approach. Ş ENBTR NM HCDMSHEXHMF RJHKKR @MC RSQDMFSGR @U@HK@AKDVHSGHMSGDBNLLTMHSHDRATRHMDRR social, geographic etc. ANANSE NTONTAN “Spider’s web” Symbol of wisdom, creativity and the complexities of life Ananse, the spider, is a well-known character in African folktales. We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǻȂ As Africans we should develop a stronger culture and eagerness to acquire and share JMNVKDCFD@LNMFRSNTQRDKUDR Ş T OFQ@CD RJHKKR AX DMG@MBHMF QDK@SHNMRGHOR @MC MDSVNQJR ENQ JMNVKDCFD BQNRR fertilisation within communities Ş launch initiatives locally and regionally Ş community empowerment and local leadership Ş HMBKTRHUD JMNVKDCFD @MC JMNVGNV dissemination process through rewards mechanism and recognition Ş RTRS@HM@AHKHSX RTOONQSDC AX @ BTKSTQD NE innovation 1.3 Move towards a knowledge-based society 3GD VNQKCŗR K@QFDRS RODMCDQ NM QDRD@QBG @MC CDUDKNOLDMS 1# HR (RQ@DK (S CDCHB@SDR ODQBDMS NE HSR FQNRR CNLDRSHB OQNCTBS &#/ SN 1# ENKKNVDC AX 2B@MCHM@UH@M BNTMSQHDR KHJD %HMK@MC ODQBDMS @MC #DML@QJ ODQBDMS 3GD 4MHSDC 2S@SDR NE LDQHB@ 42 RODMCR ODQBDMS (M SGD CDUDKNOHMF VNQKC “He who does not know can know from learning” African Symbol of knowledge, life-long education and continued quest for knowledge RRTLHMFVDG@UDATHKS@MCKDUDQ@FDC@KKSGDRD RJHKKR GNV CN VD JDDO SGDL 'NV CNDR EQHB@ QDUDQRD SGD AQ@HM CQ@HM SG@S G@R OK@FTDC SGD BNMSHMDMS ENQ NUDQ G@KE @ BDMSTQX !X OQNUHCHMF citizens with decent healthcare, housing, HMEQ@RSQTBSTQD VHSGHM @ RS@AKD @MC OQNRODQNTR environment. Ǽǹ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action (MCH@ RODMCR ODQBDMS VGHKD EQHB@M BNTMSQHDR @QDADSVDDMODQBDMS.MKXSGQDD EQHB@M countries spend more than one percent of GDP NM 1# 3GDX @QD ,@K@VH 4F@MC@ @MC 2NTSG Africa. -NV SG@S VD G@UD @BJMNVKDCFDC SG@S OQHNQHSX RGNTKCAD@KKNB@SDCSNRSQDMFSGDMHMFDCTB@SHNM @MCM@SHNMVHCDB@O@BHSXATHKCHMFSGDRDLTRSAD RTOONQSDC AX @ M@SHNM@K LHMCRDS RGHES SNV@QCR RDSSHMF TO @ JMNVKDCFDA@RDC KD@CDQRGHO Underlying this drive to cultivate constructive LDMS@KLNCDKRHR@MTMCDQRS@MCHMFŔCQHUDMAX SNO KD@CDQRGHO @MC JDX RS@JDGNKCDQR NE SGD importance of research and information-sharing B@O@AHKHSHDR @MC RSQTBSTQDR (M NSGDQ VNQCR @R Africans we should develop a stronger culture @MCD@FDQMDRRSN@BPTHQD@MCRG@QDJMNVKDCFD amongst themselves. KDC AX BNLO@MHDR RTBG @R 2NMX +DS TR AD@Q HM LHMCSG@SHMRNLDJDX@QD@R EQHB@MJMNVKDCFD and technologies are leading the world in terms NE @CU@MBDLDMS ,/DR@ HR @M DW@LOKD NE GNV SGDBNMSHMDMSKD@CRSGDLNAHKDA@MJHMFRO@BDNQ DUDM4RG@GHCHŗRSDBGMNKNFXCDUDKNODCAXXNTMF Africans which was used to save thousands NE KHUDR @ESDQ SGD '@HSH D@QSGPT@JD @MC )@O@MŗR SRTM@LH3GDBNLO@MXRODBH@KHRDRHMCDUDKNOHMF free and open source software for information collection, visualisation and interactive L@OOHMF 3GHR JMNVKDCFDA@RDC RNBHDSX DMG@MBDC AX HMENQL@SHNM SDBGMNKNFX MDDCR SN AD MTQSTQDC @MC DWO@MCDC ETQSGDQ SGQNTFG @M DM@AKHMFEQ@LDVNQJRDSTOAXSGDINHMSDƤNQSNE KD@CDQR@MCJDXRS@JDGNKCDQR ODQBDMS LNAHKD ODMDSQ@SHNM ODQBDMS ODMDSQ@SHNM HM 2DUDMSX ODQBDMS NE SGD EQHB@M ONOTK@SHNM HR ADKNV XD@QR NKC @MC LNRSKXRD@QBGHMENQL@SHNMSGQNTFGSGDHQLNAHKD phones. As most telecommunication licenses @QD ADDM QDMDVDC NM SGD BNMSHMDMS @MC MDV EQDPTDMBHDR @QD ADHMF @SSQHATSDC NMD BNMBQDSD action point that Africa 2.0 recommended to telecom regulators and other competent @TSGNQHSHDRHRSN Ş HMBKTCD @ QNKK NTS OQNFQ@L NAKHF@SHNM NE AQN@CA@MC OKTR C@S@ @BBDRR SN EQHB@MR schools and universities Ş @CHRBNTMSNEŔODQBDMSENQC@S@@BBDRR for schools, universities, other learning centres and students across the continent. (MSDQMDSODMDSQ@SHNM@MCAQN@CA@MCBNMMDBSHUHSX RGNTKC ADBNLD @ L@INQ OQHNQHSX HM SGD @FDMC@ NE NTQ BNTMSQHDR 6GX CN VD ADKHDUD SGHR HR @BGHDU@AKD EQHB@ RTBBDRRETKKX L@M@FDC SN RJHOƥWDCSDKDBNLLTMHB@SHNMKHMDRAXRSDOOHMF CHQDBSKX HMSN SGD LNAHKD QDUNKTSHNM SN QD@BG Case study on how South Korea transformed towards a knowledge-based society in one generation. Ş (M SGD O@RS G@KE BDMSTQX 2NTSG *NQD@ has progressed from an input-driven to @ JMNVKDCFDA@RDC DBNMNLX (M +DSŗRMNSENQFDSSG@S)@O@MANTFGSSGDO@SDMSNM transistors from the United States after World 6@Q((@MCDMCDCTOG@UHMFSGDADRSODQENQLHMF audio-visual technology industry in the world We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǼǺ (MSDQMDSODMDSQ@SHNM@MCAQN@CA@MCBNMMDBSHUHSXRGNTKCADBNLD@ L@INQOQHNQHSXHMSGD@FDMC@NENTQBNTMSQHDR Africa 2.0 recommends that AX@SKD@RSNEGHFG schools and Universities across EQHB@ADBNMMDBSDCVHSG !QN@CA@MC(MSDQMDS@BBDRR KRN SGDQDRGNTKCAD@RXRSDL@SHB CHRBNTMSNEENQRSTCDMS S@QHƤRNMC@S@FT@Q@MSDDCAX telecommunication operators. 3GHRQDBNLLDMC@SHNMBNTKC ADSHDCTOVHSGSGDQNKK NTSNAKHF@SHNMNESDKDBNLR operators when they renew their telecoms license in the coming years. Ǽǻ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO @FQHBTKSTQD @MC ƥRGHMF @BBNTMSDC ENQ ODQBDMS NE &#/ HM SGD BNTMSQX VHSG RDQUHBDR @BBNTMSHMF ENQ ODQBDMS @MC L@MTE@BSTQHMFENQODQBDMS!XSGHR had reversed. Services now accounted for ODQBDMS NE DLOKNXLDMS @MC @FQHBTKSTQD @MC ƥRGHMF ENQ ITRS ODQBDMS 6HSG SGDRD changes came dramatic income growth. Per capita gross national income rose from DWSQDLDKXKNVKDUDKRHMSGDRSN@QNTMC ʙHMSNʙHM///SDQLRHM ,TBGNESGHRFQNVSGG@RADDMCQHUDM AXJMNVKDCFD BBNQCHMFSNSGD6NQKC!@MJ NMKX SGQDD .$"# BNTMSQHDR HMUDRS @ GHFGDQ ODQBDMS@FD NE SGDHQ &#/ HM JMNVKDCFD GHFGDQ DCTB@SHNM RNESV@QD @MC QDRD@QBG @MCCDUDKNOLDMSSG@M*NQD@*NQD@RBNQDR GHFGKX NM SGD !@MJŗR *MNVKDCFD $BNMNLX (MCDW @MC G@R BNMSHMTDC SN HLOQNUD HSR RBNQDNUDQSGDO@RSCDB@CD3GDOQNONQSHNM of individuals with computers, the fraction TRHMFSGDHMSDQMDS@MCSGDMTLADQNEO@SDMS @OOKHB@SHNMRFQ@MSDCG@UDQHRDMRHFMHƥB@MSKX RHMBD 3GD E@RSDRS HMSDQMDS AQN@CA@MC BNMMDBSHNMR @QDHM2NTSG*NQD@MNSSGD4MHSDC2S@SDRATSHS G@RMNS@KV@XRADDMRN3GDQDV@R@CDKHADQ@SD RSQ@SDFXAXONKHBXL@JDQRSNENBTRNMSDBGMNKNFX as a way to revitalise the economy following the BNKK@ORDNESGD RH@MƥM@MBH@KL@QJDSRHM !QN@CA@MC G@R @ BNLO@Q@SHUDKX FQD@SDQ HLO@BS NM CDUDKNOLDMS SG@M NSGDQ ("3 !QN@CA@MC supports economic growth as expanded @BBDRR SN AQN@CA@MC E@BHKHS@SDR RNBH@K @MC DBNMNLHB HMSDFQ@SHNM HMBQD@RDR SGD DƧBHDMBX NE ATRHMDRRDR DM@AKDR VHCDQ RDQUHBD OQNUHRHNM AX FNUDQMLDMSR @MC NODMR MDV NOONQSTMHSHDR ENQ BNTMSQHDR ƥQLR @MC HMCHUHCT@KR KNNJHMF SN O@QSHBHO@SDHMSGDJMNVKDCFDDBNMNLX (M NQCDQ SN @SS@HM SGHR BKD@Q LD@RTQ@AKD FN@KR @MCS@QFDSRVDQDRDS@MCBNLLTMHB@SDC Ş @KKAHFNƧBD@MC@O@QSLDMSATHKCHMFRVNTKC ADFHUDM@ƥAQDBNMMDBSHNMAX Ş 30 percent of households would have AQN@CA@MC@BBDRRAX Ş more than 80 percent of households would G@UD@BBDRRSNE@RSBNMMDBSHNMRNELAOR NQLNQDAX 2NTSG *NQD@ŗR DCTB@SHNM RXRSDL HR technologically advanced and it is the world’s ƥQRS BNTMSQX SN AQHMF GHFGRODDC ƥAQDNOSHB AQN@CA@MC HMSDQMDS @BBDRR SN DUDQX OQHL@QX and secondary school nationwide. Using this infrastructure, the country has developed the ƥQRS CHFHS@K SDWSANNJR HM SGD VNQKC VGHBG VHKK AD CHRSQHATSDC ENQ EQDD SN DUDQX OQHL@QX @MC RDBNMC@QXRBGNNKM@SHNMVHCDAX Transform Hope into Action 1.4 Provide decent KHDOWKFDUHDQGDƠRUGDEOH housing schemes Healthcare Quality healthcare is a pre-requisite supplement SNLHMCRDSRGHES@MCB@O@BHSXATHKCHMF$ƤDBSHUD OTAKHBOQHU@SD O@QSMDQRGHOR @QD DRRDMSH@K @R ANSG O@QSHDR G@UD RODBHƥB @MC BNLOKDLDMS@QX QNKDR SN OK@X HM @M DM@AKHMF EQ@LDVNQJ A@RDC NM HMRSHSTSHNM@K QDENQL RTOONQSDC AX HMBQD@RDC dialogue with an empowered private sector. !DRS OQ@BSHBDR ENQ OQNLNSHNM OQDUDMSHNM B@QD @MC QDG@AHKHS@SHNM MDDC SN AD HMBNQONQ@SDC into country health plans in line with national circumstances. Africa can do it and has done it ADENQD%NQDW@LOKDSGDENQSGBNLHMF KDW@MCQH@ 4MHUDQRHSX 'NROHS@KR OQNIDBS HM $FXOS HR @M excellent example of a well-structured PPP OQNIDBS VGDQD SGD OQHU@SD RDBSNQ HR QDRONMRHAKD for the construction and facilities management NESGDGNROHS@KATHKCHMF@MCSGDOTAKHBRDBSNQHR QDRONMRHAKDENQSGDOQNUHRHNMNEGD@KSGRDQUHBDR We are the Ones we have been waiting for VHSGHMHS OQNIDBSSNHLOQNUDSGDV@SDQ @MC R@MHS@SHNM RDQUHBDR NE +HKNMFVD ,@K@VH O@QSMDQDC@V@SDQ@TSGNQHSXEQNLSGD4*VHSGSGD +HKNMFVD6@SDQ!N@QC@KKNVHMFENQSGDHMHSH@SHNM NERTBBDRRETKHMRSHSTSHNMATHKCHMF@MCOQNUHCHMF a model for a national approach to managing V@SDQHMBHSHDR@MCK@QFDQSNVMR3GDBNMSHMDMSG@R reached a stage where cross-fertilisation from SGDMDHFGANTQR@MCADRSOQ@BSHBDCHRRDLHM@SHNM ADBNLDR @ JDX RTBBDRR E@BSNQ SN RSDDQHMF SGD growth. FNNC QDBDMS DW@LOKD NE @ RTBBDRRETK OTAKHB private partnership is Lesotho’s healthcare RXRSDL!TQCDMDCAXNMDNESGDVNQKCŗRGD@UHDRS B@RDKN@CRNE'(5 (#2HSG@RBNLOKDSDC its SQ@MRENQL@SHNMSN@LNCDQM@MCDƧBHDMS service with the opening of SGD 0TDDM ,@LNG@SN ,DLNQH@K 'NROHS@K HM SGD B@OHS@K ,@RDQT 3GD GNROHS@K @MC SGQDD ƥKSDQ BKHMHBR @QD SGD QDRTKS NE @ OTAKHBOQHU@SD O@QSMDQRGHO ADSVDDM ... the forthcoming Alexandria 4MHUDQRHSX'NROHS@KROQNIDBSHM $FXOSHR@MDWBDKKDMSDW@LOKD NE@VDKKRSQTBSTQDC///OQNIDBS where the private sector is QDRONMRHAKDENQSGDBNMRSQTBSHNM and facilities management of SGDGNROHS@KATHKCHMF@MCSGD OTAKHBRDBSNQHRQDRONMRHAKDENQ the provision of health services within it. Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǼǼ SGDFNUDQMLDMS@MCSGD3RDONMFBNMRNQSHTLKDC AX2NTSG EQHB@MGD@KSGB@QDHMUDRSLDMSGNKCHMF BNLO@MX -$3" 1$ 4MCDQ SGD O@QSMDQRGHO SGD FNUDQMLDMS BNMSQ@BSDC 3RDONMF SN ATHKC L@M@FD @MC NODQ@SD SGD MDV OTAKHB GNROHS@K without increasing costs to patients. Africa has demonstrated its capacity to leapfrog by using technology to address health related issues. R@MDW@LOKDADSVDDMODQBDMS NECQTFRRNKCHMCDUDKNOHMFBNTMSQHDRL@XADE@JD @MCODNOKDCHDHMSGD6NQKCDUDQXXD@Q NEE@JDLDCHBHMDLNRSKXHM EQHB@L/DCHFQDDHR @M EQHB@MA@RDCENQOQNƥSBNLO@MXVHSG@MNM OQNƥS@ƧKH@SDVGHBGV@RENTMCDCAX@&G@M@H@M RNBH@KDMSQDOQDMDTQ!QHFGS2HLNMR+@TMBGDCHM L/DCHFQDD VNQJR VHSG LNAHKD NODQ@SNQR and pharmaceutical manufacturers to provide BDKKOGNMDA@RDCOG@QL@BDTSHB@K@TSGDMSHB@SHNM AX BNMRTLDQR @MC AX RN CNHMF BNMSQHATSDR to reducing the prevalence of counterfeit medicines, a cause of death for more than 2000 ODNOKD C@HKX HM @ƤDBSDC O@QSR NE SGD VNQKC HMBKTCHMF EQHB@ 3GD RXRSDL V@R HMUDMSDC AX !QHFGS2HLNMRADSVDDM@MC 3GD L/DCHFQDD RDQUHBD HR EQDD SN TRD ENQ consumers of medicines at the pharmacy or Ǽǽ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO NSGDQ ONHMS NE R@KD 'NVDUDQ NMKX LDCHBHMDR L@CD AX OG@QL@BDTSHB@K BNLO@MHDR SG@S G@UD RHFMDC TO SN SGD RBGDLD B@M AD UDQHƥDC TRHMF SGDRDQUHBD3GDRXRSDL@KRNBNKKDBSRHMQD@KSHLD C@S@BNUDQHMFCQTFOTQBG@RHMFSQDMCRSG@SB@MAD TRDCSNHLOQNUDNMSGDCDRHFMNEOTAKHBGD@KSG supply chains and anti-counterfeiting measures. 3GDRDQUHBDHRRSQTBSTQDC@R@LTKSHRS@JDGNKCDQ partnership, involving pharmaceutical companies, telecom companies, pharmaceutical safety regulatory agencies and pharmacists’ @RRNBH@SHNMR .SGDQ RS@JDGNKCDQR RTBG @R BNMRTLDQ@RRNBH@SHNMR@MCGD@KSGONKHBXL@JDQR are also approached to support the program. L/DCHFQDD G@R PTHBJKX ROQD@C HSR RDQUHBD HM &G@M@*DMX@@MC-HFDQH@VHSG@BSHUHSHDRTMCDQ V@X SN K@TMBG HM ƥUD NSGDQ BNTMSQHDR HM EQHB@ @MCSGQDDHM RH@AXSGDLHCCKDNE6HSGHM three years mPedigree has forged partnerships VHSG'/SGDVNQKCŗRK@QFDRSSDBGMNKNFXBNLO@MX AXQDUDMTDSGDL@HMLNAHKDMDSVNQJOQNUHCDQR in Africa with plans to have partnerships with NUDQSDKBNRAXSGDDMCNE(SG@RADDM DMCNQRDCAXLTKSHOKDFNUDQMLDMSRG@RLTKSHOKD pharmaceutical manufacturing clients and is on S@QFDSSNANSGAQD@JDUDM@MCQD@BGOQNƥS@AHKHSX HM L/DCHFQDDVNQJRVHSGLNAHKD operators and pharmaceutical manufacturers to provide cellOGNMDA@RDCOG@QL@BDTSHB@K @TSGDMSHB@SHNMAXBNMRTLDQR @MCAXRNCNHMFBNMSQHATSD to reducing the prevalence of counterfeit medicines, a cause of death for more than 2000 ODNOKDC@HKXHM@ƤDBSDCO@QSRNE the world, including Africa. Transform Hope into Action BHSXKHJD#@J@QENQHMRS@MBD G@RSNGNRSMDVBNLDQR from rural areas every year. Housing 'NTRHMF HR @ L@INQ HRRTD HM EQHB@ @R AX SGDQD VHKK AD @CCHSHNM@K LHKKHNM ODNOKD ƦNBJHMF HMSN TQA@M @QD@R BHSX KHJD #@J@Q ENQ HMRS@MBD G@R SN GNRS MDVBNLDQR EQNL QTQ@K @QD@R DUDQX XD@Q 3GNRD MTLADQR OQNUHCD @ A@RHB HCD@ NE SGD TQFDMS MDBDRRHSX SN RDS TO the appropriate housing infrastructure and We are the Ones we have been waiting for DPTHOLDMS SN @CCQDRR SGD RHFMHƥB@MS BG@KKDMFD NE FQNVHMF ONOTK@SHNM @MC TQA@MHY@SHNM EDV HLONQS@MSTQFDMSRSDORMDDCSNADS@JDM Ş develop and communicate on a long term TQA@M OK@MMHMF RBGDLD @SSQ@BSHMF OQHU@SD investors Ş LNAHKHRD A@MJR SN FDS HMSN GNTRHMF ƥM@MBD RBGDLDR @MC HMUNKUD SGD BDMSQ@K A@MJR SN drive the plan and support in that direction Ş clarify and computerise land ownership schemes and deeds title registration procedures to enforce collaterals Ş develop a mortgage insurance program in BNMITMBSHNM VHSG @ BNLLDQBH@K HMRTQ@MBD company Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǼǾ Ş CDUDKNO KNB@K HMCTRSQHDR ENQ ATHKCHMF L@SDQH@KR SN @KKNV Q@OHC @MC @ƤNQC@AKD response to construction needs within BNTMSQHDRBDLDMSFK@RRAQHBJRRSDDK Ş promote the dissemination of low cost GNTRHMF SDBGMNKNFHDR SGQNTFG INHMS ventures with local partners to allow rapid construction and meeting rampant housing CDL@MCRNEKNVHMBNLDAQ@BJDS Ş ATHKC MDV BHSHDR @CI@BDMS SN DWHRSHMF GHRSNQHB@K TQA@M BDMSQDR @MC HMSQNCTBD large scale land registration programs and E@BHKHS@SDSGD@BPTHRHSHNMNESHSKDAXDWHRSHMF occupiers of property Some African cities are progressively overcoming SGD BG@KKDMFD NE TQA@MHR@SHNM @MC GNTRHMF RB@QBHSX AX S@JHMF @OOQNOQH@SD LD@RTQDR SN K@TMBG U@RS OQNFQ@LR HM JDX BHSHDR (M MFNK@ SGD FNUDQMLDMS NE !DMFTDK@ OQNUHMBD ENQDRDDR ATHKCHMF QDRHCDMBDR TMSHK 2NLD QDRHCDMBDR VHKK AD TMCDQ SGD QDRONMRHAHKHSXNESGD MFNK@MRS@SDTMCDQ Ǽǿ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO SGD QDRONMRHAHKHSX NE OQHU@SD DMSHSHDR SGD R@LD MTLADQ NE OTAKHBOQHU@SD O@QSMDQRGHOR @MC ENQ HMCHUHCT@K BNMRSQTBSHNM 2NLD QDRHCDMBDRVHKKADATHKSHMSGDLTMHBHO@KHSHDRNE !DMFTDK@+NAHSN!@H@%@QS@@MC"@STLADK@ &DVH6WXG\/DJRV(NR$WODQWLFD /HDSIURJ$SSURDFKWR+RXVLQJ,VVXHV 3GD LTKSHAHKKHNMCNKK@Q $JN SK@MSHB OQNIDBS promises to turn Lagos, already one of the ATRHDRS BNLLDQBH@K BHSHDR HM EQHB@ HMSN @ ƥM@MBH@K ONVDQGNTRD 6HSG LNCDQM SQ@MRONQS VHCD ANTKDU@QCR RS@SDNESGD@QS NƧBDR @MC living quarters, advocates of the self contained city within a city say that it will provide a new F@SDV@XSN EQHB@3GHRMDV-HFDQH@MBHSXVHKKQHRD from what was in existence over a hundred years @FN +@MC QDBK@L@SHNM VNQJ HR @KQD@CX NM SQ@BJ to create solid foundations extending over nine RPT@QDJHKNLDSQDR3GHRVHKKRTOONQS@MDVTQA@M CDUDKNOLDMS SGD RHYD NE SGD ,@MG@SS@M CHRSQHBS NE-DV8NQJ"HSX $JN SK@MSHBVHKKRDQUD@RLNQD SG@MITRS@BNLLDQBH@KATHKS (SHRDWODBSDCSG@S QDRHCDMSR@MC BNLLTSDQRVHKKƦNVHMSNSGD new city each day, presenting a golden opportunity for real estate developers and anyone RDDJHMFSNLNUDNTSRHCD the highly congested Lagos metropolis. . Transform Hope into Action $JN SK@MSHBVHKKCNLNQDENQ SGDM@SHNMSG@MITRSANNRSHMF its tourism industry. Around INARG@UDADDM created since construction ADF@M@MCETQSGDQL@MONVDQ VHKKHMDUHS@AKXADQDPTHQDCSN maintain such an enterprise We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǼȀ 2. Inclusive Growth: Creating and Sharing African Wealth Ǽȁ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action +RZGRZHGHơQH wealth? 6D G@UD @BJMNVKDCFDC SG@S SGD SQTD VD@KSG NE NTQBNMSHMDMSHRHSRODNOKD(SHRSGDODNOKDSG@S can enhance the value of our natural resources @MC OTS SGDL HMSN OQNCTBSHUD TRD (E RHLOKX having natural and physical assets were the main CDSDQLHM@MSR NE VD@KSG BNTMSQHDR KHJD -HFDQH@ KFDQH@ MFNK@ SGD #DLNBQ@SHB 1DOTAKHB NE "NMFN#1"VHKKG@UDLNQDVDHFGSHMSGDVNQKC (S HR TMENQSTM@SDKX MNS SGD B@RD (M GHR ANNJ ř/KNVHMFSGD2D@Ś,HBG@DK%@HQA@MJRHKKTRSQ@SDR the various forms of capital that drive a nation’s OQNRODQHSX 'HR @M@KXRHR BNMBKTCDC SG@S M@STQ@K QDRNTQBDR@QDE@QEQNLADHMFSGDNMKX@MCLNRS HLONQS@MSCQHUDQ'DKNNJR@SOQNRODQHSX@R@RDS NERSNBJR3GDBG@QSADKNVKHRSRSGDRDUDMENQLR NERSNBJRB@KKDCSGD2DUDM%NQLRNE"@OHS@K3GD "G@QSL@JDR@CHRSHMBSHNMADSVDDM2NBH@K"@OHS@K @MCNSGDQENQLRNE"@OHS@K2NBH@K"@OHS@KSGDJDX CHƤDQDMSH@SNQHM@BNTMSQXŗRODQENQL@MBDHRSGD GHFGDRSENQLNE"@OHS@K(SHRBNLONRDCNE The highest forms of capital are; 1. Institutional capital such as legal protections NE S@MFHAKD @MC HMS@MFHAKD OQNODQSX FNUDQMLDMS CDO@QSLDMSR SG@S VNQJ VHSG KHSSKDGHCCDMBNRSRSNSGDDBNMNLX@MCƥQLR that maximize value to shareholders, and BNLODMR@SD@MCSQ@HMVNQJDQR 2. Knowledge resources such as international patents, and university and SGHMJS@MJB@O@BHSHDR 3. Human capital VGHBG QDOQDRDMSR RJHKKR HMRHFGSR@MCB@O@AHKHSHDR We are the Ones we have been waiting for 3GDOQHBDNEBNBN@NHK OK@SHMTLA@TWHSDHRGHFGSNC@X and can collapse tomorrow as African states have no control over these products. !TSSGDU@KTDNERNBH@KB@OHS@K ATHKSQDL@HMR@MCNMKXSG@S capital creates true value, allowing a country to rapidly @C@OSSNFKNA@KBNMCHSHNMR@MC evolutions. 4. Culture capital which means not only the DWOKHBHS @QSHBTK@SHNM NE BTKSTQD KHJD LTRHB K@MFT@FD @MC QHST@KHRSHB SQ@CHSHNM ATS @KRN @SSHSTCDRADKHDER@MCU@KTDRSG@S@QDKHMJDC to innovation. 6D EQDPTDMSKX L@JD SGD BNLLNM LHRS@JD NE ADKHDUHMF SG@S EQHB@ HR QHBG (S HR HMSDQDRSHMF to realise that when analysing the correlation ADSVDDM &#/ @MC DWONQS NE M@STQ@K QDRNTQBDR we come to the conclusion that the countries with the highest purchasing power parity per capita are less dependent on natural resources DWONQSR3GDRDR@LDBNTMSQHDRG@UDSGDGHFGDRS KDUDK NE RNBH@K B@OHS@K 3@JD 2NTSG *NQD@ VGHBG G@CSGDR@LD&#/ODQB@OHS@@R-HFDQH@&G@M@ @MC"@LDQNNMHMSGDR@MCHRMNVNMDNESGD DHFGSQHBGDRSBNTMSQHDRHMSGDVNQKC(SCNDRMNS G@UD ODQBDMS NE SGD M@STQ@K VD@KSG NE SGDRD EQHB@M BNTMSQHDR 6G@S L@CD SGD CHƤDQDMBD 2SQNMF UHRHNM@QX KD@CDQRGHO RTOONQSDC AX institutional and human resources with culture B@OHS@K@MCJMNVKDCFD2NCNSGDL@SGRʖ "G@MFHMF SGHR RS@SD NE @Ƥ@HQR G@R OQNUDC challenging for most African countries in the past XD@QR RHMBD HMCDODMCDMBD 'NVDUDQ VHSG the right focus, determination and leadership, economic development can happen faster than DUDQ ADENQD 3GHR HR SGD O@SG SN ENKKNV HM NQCDQ SNATHKC EQHB@ŗRETSTQDOQNRODQHSX3GDOQHBDNE BNBN@ NHK OK@SHMTL @MC A@TWHSD HR GHFG SNC@X and can collapse tomorrow as African states have MN BNMSQNK NUDQ SGDRD OQNCTBSR !TS SGD U@KTD of social capital remains and only that capital creates true value, allowing a country to rapidly @C@OSSNFKNA@KBNMCHSHNMR@MCDUNKTSHNMR Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǼȂ “Name of a board game” African Symbol of intelligence and ingenuity TESTIMONY BY MO IBRAHIM TO AFRICA 2.0 “Dear Friends It is wonderful that young African men and women are coming forward to articulate the African vision and to set an agenda for the continent. Past generations of leaders have failed you. They presided over a vast and rich continent but through misrule and bad governance, we are passing to you an impoverished, under developed continent. Mo Ibrahim ǽǹ ( 2011 Africa 2.0 Award Winner: Entrepreneur of the Decade). Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO I know you will succeed where we failed - you are better educated than us, more informed, wellconnected and better organised. The world watched you in Tunisia and Egypt bringing down entrenched dictatorships, armed only with your courage and your mobiles. I watched you and knew that Africa would be safe and prosperous. Unfortunately, I could not join you in Mombasa but would like to convey what an honour it is to even be nominated for this award. The fact that it is the result of a vote by young Africans, future leaders, makes it even more meaningful. Many thanks Mo Ibrahim (June,15th 2011)” Transform Hope into Action The Seven Forms of Capital 'XULQJ WKRVH VL[ ZHHNV \RX FRPH XS ZLWK LGHDV alone, thinking in your room, not really having DQ LGHD RI ZKHUH WR ƲQG QHLWKHU SDUWQHUV RU LQIRUPDWLRQWKDWFRXOGKHOS\RXULGHDNLFNRƱ Wealth and Natural Resources Exports Your twin goes out and talks to ten people from various complementary backgrounds. Subsequently, your twin has access to three innovative start-ups providing advice and sharing WKHLUH[SHULHQFH<RXUWZLQSURJUHVVHVDORQJWKRVH VL[ ZHHNV DQG PDQDJHV WR ƲQG PDQXIDFWXUHUV FDSDEOH RI EXLOGLQJ IRXU GLƱHUHQW SURWRW\SHV IRU him to try and compare. After choosing the best SURWRW\SHKHƲQDOO\JRHVWRDURXQGWDEOHRUJDQLVHG by his former university and comes across a few angel investors and successful entrepreneurs who VKDUHWKHLUH[SHULHQFHDERXWNH\VXFFHVVIDFWRUV and looking at new investment opportunities. Who between you and your twin, who would have the greater chances to succeed? For sure, even you would bet on your twin! “Imagine that you have an identical twin, both of you have the same talents and brainpower. You DUHERWKJLYHQDVSHFLƲFVL[ZHHNDVVLJQPHQW\RX should come up with a creative business idea and start the company with potential partners if you ƲQGDQ\ We are the Ones we have been waiting for In a real world analogy, chances are that you are somewhere in Africa and your twin somewhere in an OECD country or G20 country with a more favourable environment. The question is now, how can the continent create the adequate conditions and framework boosting entrepreneurship and RƱHU FRPSDUDEOH FKDQFHV RI VXFFHVV IRU LWV population?” 3NHMBQD@RDSGDHQ Creditworthiness African entrepreneurs can address SGDETMCHMF@MCJMNVKDCFD F@OHRRTDAXO@QSMDQHMFLNQD "QDCHS!TQD@TRRGNTKCAD systematically reinforced or BQD@SDCSNOQNUHCDQDKH@AKD information on payment ADG@UHNQR@MCBQDCHSGHRSNQX SNATHKCFQD@SDQSQTRSADSVDDM KDMCDQR@MCANQQNVDQR Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǽǺ The poor Can’t sleep because they are hungry, and the rich can’t sleep because the poor are crying... ... once domestic investment is successfully fostered across Africa, foreign investment will grow even faster. 2.2 Prioritising entrepreneurship to create jobs As we have now set up the overall mindset shift SNV@QCR SGD EQH" - #. @SSHSTCD HS @RRTLDR SG@S @BQNRR SGD AN@QC VD G@UD OQNUHCDC SGD EQ@LDVNQJENQSGD EQHB@MONOTK@SHNMSNADKHDUD LNQD HM HSRDKE @MC S@JD NVMDQRGHO NE HSR NVM CDRSHMX3GDƥQRSS@MFHAKDQDRTKSNERTBGLHMCRDS RGHES RGNTKC SGDQDENQD AD SGD DWO@MRHNM NE entrepreneurship as more individuals armed VHSG @ RSQNMFDQ RDKEBNMƥCDMBD B@M S@JD QHRJR LNQD VHKKHMFKX HMMNU@SD @R VDKK @R BQD@SD INAR @MC NOONQSTMHSHDR (S HR HLONQS@MS SN MNSD SG@S Africans have exceptional creative minds and @QD M@STQ@KANQM DMSQDOQDMDTQR +DS TR FHUD SGDL SGD @CDPT@SD EQ@LDVNQJ @MC BNMCHSHNMR SN AKNRRNL $MSQDOQDMDTQR @QD SGD DRRDMBD NE INABQD@SHNMVD@KSGBQD@SHNM@MCOQNRODQHSX KK great companies around the world and in Africa VDQD NMBD RL@KKSNLDCHTLRHYD ATRHMDRRDR 3GD @AHKHSX SN ENRSDQ RSQNMF DMSQDOQDMDTQH@K communities is thus of paramount importance in our economic transformation process. According ǽǻ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Source: IFC/McKinsey & Company, Assessing Finance Gap for SMEs Source, Monitor Group,”Accelerating Economic Development” Transform Hope into Action SN SGD EQHB@M #DUDKNOLDMS !@MJ #! SGQNTFGNTS SGD R EQHB@ŗR OQHU@SD RDBSNQ QDOQDRDMSDCODQBDMSNE&#/@MCODQBDMS NE DLOKNXLDMS ,@MX BG@KKDMFDR DWHRS SN CQHUD high-impact, as opposed to necessity, forms of entrepreneurship in Africa and to increase SGD Q@SD NE RTQUHU@K NE SGDRD DMSDQOQHRDR (M South Africa, a country that has a relatively well CDUDKNODCATRHMDRRHMEQ@RSQTBSTQDODQBDMSNE MDV ATRHMDRRDR E@HK VHSGHM SGD ƥQRS LNMSGR 3GHR RGNVR SG@S DMSQDOQDMDTQRGHO HM LNRS BNMSDWSRHRMNS@MD@RXTMCDQS@JHMF "TLADQRNLD ATRHMDRR DMUHQNMLDMSR B@M AD STQMDCHMSNOQNATRHMDRRDMUHQNMLDMSRSGQNTFG RHLOKD ONKHBX @MC OQNBDCTQDR ,D@RTQDR SN improve company registration, tax regimes and NODQ@SHNM@K BNMCHSHNMR RGNTKC AD OTS HM OK@BD 3GD HMENQL@K RDBSNQ QDOQDRDMSR ODQBDMS NE SGD DBNMNLX @BQNRR SGD BNMSHMDMS 3GHR HR @ RHFMHƥB@MSKNRRHMS@WQDUDMTDRENQFNUDQMLDMS OQNATRHMDRR DMUHQNMLDMS SG@S DM@AKDR easier company registration with adequate HMBDMSHUDR RTBG @R @ S@W GNKHC@X ENQ SGD ƥQRS ,@MXBG@KKDMFDRDWHRS to drive high-impact, as opposed to survival, forms of entrepreneurship in Africa; however, solutions to these challenges also exist and have ADDMSDRSDCŁANSGHM EQHB@@MC @AQN@C We are the Ones we have been waiting for SGQDD XD@QR RTARDPTDMS SN QDFHRSQ@SHNM HR GDKOETK2TOONQSDCAXA@RHBHMENQL@SHNMBDMSQDR NM L@M@FDLDMS GTL@M QDRNTQBDR @MC L@QJDS C@S@ATRHMDRRDRBNTKCADBNLDGHFGKXOQNƥS@AKD 3GDQD @QD CHƤDQDMS @OOQN@BGDR SN RSHLTK@SHMF entrepreneurship and each approach calls for a CHƤDQDMSLHWNE@RRDSR Solutions to these challenges exist and have ADDMSDRSDCANSGHM EQHB@@MC@AQN@C Ş use a cluster-based approach to identify local assets and competitive advantage favouring entrepreneurship in the region Ş use media and advertising to promote entrepreneurship as a viable career choice Ş develop an entrepreneurship guide web or mobile portal and business centres Ş promote entrepreneurial skills at all stages of the education system Ş assist cashed-out/successful entrepreneurs in the region to reinvest in the community SGQNTFGBNNQCHM@SDCDƤNQSR Ş adopt a portfolio approach to venture ƥM@MBHMF@MCL@M@FDDWODBS@SHNMR Ş reduce the regulatory burden on small businesses Ş improve access and delivery for government support programs Ş consider evaluation criteria at the program design stage Ş lack of availability of skills in the short term is resolvable through the set up of business incubators, labour incentives for SMEs and liberal immigration policies for the import of foreign talent BBDRR SN ƥM@MBD HR @ L@INQ BNQMDQRSNMD SN ensure the emergence of a class of successful Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǽǼ “The child that leaves the fate of his future in the hope of inheritance property, sets himself up for a life of poverty.” EQHB@M DMSQDOQDMDTQR 3GHR BG@KKDMFD BNTKC AD @CCQDRRDC HE RNLD JDX LD@RTQDR VDQD S@JDM 3GDXBNTKCADCDRBQHADC@RENKKNVR Ş to increase their creditworthiness African entrepreneurs can address the funding and knowledge gap issue by partnering more. 3GDX BNTKC LDDS A@MJDQRŗ DWODBS@SHNMR HE DMSQDOQDMDTQR VNQJDC LNQD VHSG NSGDQ O@QSMDQR RG@QDGNKCDQR BNMSQHATSHMF DHSGDQ VHSGLNQDDPTHSXSQD@RTQXNQBNLOKHLDMS@QX RJHKKR @CLHM @BBNTMSHMF NODQ@SHNM@K ensuring stronger prospects for their ATRHMDRRDR Ş @ RSQNMFDQ OTAKHBOQHU@SD O@QSMDQRGHO HR necessary to @KKNV ENQ @ LNQD ƦDWHAKD regulatory framework AX RDSSHMF TO less barriers to company registration, including KHFGSDQ@MCRHLOKDQS@W@SHNMRXRSDLR Ş credit Bureaus should be systematically reinforced or created SN OQNUHCD QDKH@AKD HMENQL@SHNM NM O@XLDMS ADG@UHNTQR @MC BQDCHSGHRSNQXSNATHKCFQD@SDQSQTRSADSVDDM KDMCDQR@MCANQQNVDQR Ş a closer dialogue should also take ǽǽ place between bank associations and accountancy associations to build greater trust @MCSQX@MCƥMCBNLLNMLD@RTQDRSN @CCQDRR QDKH@AHKHSX NE HMENQL@SHNM OQNUHCDC AX2,$R Ş QDCTBD2,$RƥM@MBHMFBNRSRSGQNTFG » 3GD OQNLNSHNM @MC CDUDKNOLDMS NE RL@KKDQBNLLDQBH@KA@MJRNQQTQ@KA@MJR HCD@KKXVHSGKNB@KB@OHS@KBKNRDQSN2,$R » The development of shared credit units for SMEs3GDRDTMHSRSG@S@QDRODBH@KHYDC HM2,$RQDCTBDSGD@CLHMHRSQ@SHUDBNRSNE handling such organisations and can, in some cases, provide technical assistance to entrepreneurs. » What can be done from bank’s perspective? » Another practice increasingly adopted AXSQ@CHSHNM@KBNLLDQBH@KA@MJRHMNQCDQ SNVNQJVHSG2,$RHMUNKUDRpartnerships with certain institutions that have a better knowledge of these counterparties: 1*2V QRQƲQDQFLDO VHUYLFH SURYLGHUV PLFURƲQDQFH LQVWLWXWLRQV 0),V OHDVLQJ companies, SME federations, etc. » Another way to reduce information @RXLLDSQX HR SN HMBQD@RD SGD MTLADQ NE HMSDQLDCH@QHDR ADSVDDM SGD KDMCDQ @MC SGD ƥM@K ANQQNVDQ !@MJR B@M consequently lend to recognized @FDMSR SG@S G@UD ADSSDQ @BBDRR SN 2,$R BNNODQ@SHUDR OQNEDRRHNM@K @RRNBH@SHNMRş M DW@LOKD NE SGHR LNCDKB@MADRDDMVHSGSGDO@QSMDQRGHO ADSVDDM !@QBK@XR !@MJ NE &G@M@ @MC &G@M@ŗR ř2TRT BNKKDBSNQRŚ @RRNBH@SHNMR 6NQKC!@MJ “Pray for what you need, but always work for what you want” - Nguz a Karl-i-Bond, Junior Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action BKTRSDQHRCDƥMDC@R@FQNTO of interconnected companies and institutions in a particular ƥDKCSG@S@QDMNSNMKX physically located in the same OK@BDATS@QD@KRNKHMJDCAX common suppliers, technologyneeds and other overlaps or synergies. (MNQCDQSNATHKCRNKHCBKTRSDQRVD RGNTKCSGHMJLNQD@KNMFSGDKHMDR of vertical integration and focus on production of goods with higher @CCDCU@KTD R@MDW@LOKD-HFDQH@ is one of the largest oil producer HMSGDVNQKCATSRDQHNTRKXK@BJRNHK QDƥMDQXB@O@BHSX#DUDKNOHMF@M .HK(MCTRSQXBKTRSDQBNTKCGDKOSGD country reduce heavily its import AHKK MNSGDQDW@LOKDHRSGDLHMDQ@K industry, while most of the diamond SQ@CDCFKNA@KKXHRDWSQ@BSDCEQNL EQHB@ MSVDQOQDL@HMRSGDFKNA@K center for diamond cutting…So isn’t HSSHLDSNSGHMJBKTRSDQ@MCCDUDKNO some poles of excellence that would GDKOBQD@SDLNQDINAR@MCLNQD VD@KSG We are the Ones we have been waiting for 2.3 Foster Cluster 6WUDWHJ\WRHQFRXUDJH expansion of local industries (E INA BQD@SHNM HR CQHUDM AX entrepreneurship, what then drives RTRS@HM@AKDSGQHUHMFDMSQDOQDMDTQRGHO A well implemented cluster strategy, BNNQCHM@SDC VHSG @CDPT@SD KHMJ@FD OQNFQ@LLDRBNTKCAD@RSQNMFCQHUDQENQ INABQD@SHNM6G@SHR@BKTRSDQ A cluster LVGHƩQHGDVDJURXSRILQWHUFRQQHFWHG companies and institutions in a SDUWLFXODU ƩHOG WKDW DUH QRW RQO\ physically located in the same place, but are also linked by common suppliers, technology needs and other overlaps or synergies. "KTRSDQR BQD@SD RHFMHƥB@MS opportunities for local employment and national enterprise while also NƤDQHMF @M @SSQ@BSHUD OQNONRHSHNM SN ENQDHFM HMUDRSNQR KNNJHMF SN QDKNB@SD NQ expand their operations in the heart of existing activity. Well documented BKTRSDQRHMBKTCD'NTRSNMŗR.HK@MC&@R BKTRSDQ2HKHBNM5@KKDXŗR("3BKTRSDQSGD City of London’s Financial Services cluster and Bangalore’s Business Process Outsourcing cluster. (Source: Monitor Group, Accelerating Economic Development). 3GDBG@QSADKNVHKKTRSQ@SDR2HMF@ONQDŗR maritime cluster and the relevant components in place to ensure DƧBHDMBX Well documented clusters HMBKTCD'NTRSNMŗR.HK@MC&@R BKTRSDQ2HKHBNM5@KKDXŗR("3 cluster, the City of London’s Financial Services cluster and !@MF@KNQDŗR!TRHMDRR/QNBDRR .TSRNTQBHMFBKTRSDQŚ2NTQBD ,NMHSNQ&QNTO BBDKDQ@SHMF $BNMNLHB#DUDKNOLDMS MTLADQ NE EQHB@M BNTMSQHDR G@UD @KRN ADDM quite successful at implementing cluster RSQ@SDFHDR @MC ADMDƥSHMF EQNL GHFG QDSTQMR ENQ the country and the population. (M 1V@MC@ DLA@QJDC NM @M @LAHSHNTR -@SHNM@K "NLODSHSHUDMDRR /QNFQ@L SN TOFQ@CD SGD ODQENQL@MBD NE HSR JDX ATRHMDRR BKTRSDQR particularly the export-oriented ones, starting VHSG BNƤDD SD@ @MC SNTQHRL R @ QDRTKS SGD BNTMSQX L@M@FDC SN HMBQD@RD DWONQSR AX percent in the past decade from $80million in SNʙLHKKHNMHMENQDB@RSSNQD@BG ʙLHKKHNMHM#TQHMFSGDR@LDODQHNCNE time, income levels also increased dramatically, VHSG &#/ FQNVHMF @S @M @UDQ@FD NE ODQBDMS @MC &#/B@O FQNVHMF EQNL ʙ ODQ B@OHS@ HM SNʙHM1V@MC@HRSGTRVDKKNMHSR V@XSN@BGHDUHMFHSRNAIDBSHUDNEADBNLHMF @ LHCCKDHMBNLD BNTMSQX ʙ &#/B@O AX $(4C@S@ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǽǾ Illustrative Map of Singapore’s Maritime Cluster (M1V@MC@DLA@QJDC NM@M@LAHSHNTR-@SHNM@K Competitiveness Program to upgrade the performance NEHSRJDXATRHMDRRBKTRSDQR particularly the export-oriented NMDRRS@QSHMFVHSGBNƤDDSD@ and tourism. OQNCTBDQR@RHFMHƥB@MSKXGHFGDQOQHBDENQL@MFNR @S SGD E@QL F@SD KDUDKŕ "% % HM TO EQNL"% %HM Source: Monitor Group, Accelerating Economic Development “crocodile” African Symbol of adaptability The crocodile lives in the water, yet breathes the air, demonstrating an ability to adapt to circumstances. ǽǿ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ,@KHHLOKDLDMSDC@LTKSHLNC@KSQ@MRONQS@SHNM system involving road, rail and sea to move L@MFN DWONQSR SN CDRSHM@SHNM L@QJDSR HM $TQNOD LNQD DƧBHDMSKX 3GQNTFG @ O@QSMDQRGHO VHSG OQHU@SD NODQ@SNQR @MC A@BJDC AX CNMNQ ƥM@MBHMF @ BNKCBG@HM QDEQHFDQ@SDC RXRSDL V@R developed, phytosanitary improvements were L@CD BDQSHƥB@SHNM @MC SQ@BD@AHKHSX OQNFQ@LR were implemented and training in orchard management practices and post-harvest G@MCKHMF VDQD NƤDQDC SN ,@KH@M @FQHBTKSTQ@K VNQJDQR R @ QDRTKS ,@KHŗR L@MFN DWONQSR SN SGD $4 HMBQD@RDC ƥUDENKC HM UNKTLD ADSVDDM 2003 and 2008. Sea freighted exports, which VDQD YDQN HM QNRD SN LDSQHB SNMR 3Q@MRHSSHLDENQL@MFNREQNL2HJ@RRNSN-NQSGDQM $TQNOD CDBQD@RDC EQNL C@XR SN C@XR NUDQ SGD R@LD ODQHNC @MC ,@KH G@R ADBNLD @M increasingly recognised origin of fruit imports to SGD$TQNOD@M4MHNM3GD@OOQN@BG@KRNAQNTFGS ,NQNBBN HR @KRN @ AQHKKH@MS DW@LOKD GNV the country evolved from one of the largest OGNROG@SD OQNCTBDQR HMSN @ FKNA@K BG@LOHNM HM EDQSHKHYDQ OQNCTBSHNM @MC CHRSQHATSHNM KDC AX ."/ &QNTO (E SGNRD BNTMSQHDR G@UD CNMD HS other African countries should follow that path. EQHB@ADKHDUDRSG@S@BKTRSDQRSQ@SDFXMDDCR SN AD HLOKDLDMSDC RXRSDL@SHB@KKX AX EQHB@M countries in a coordinated manner that could @KKNVRXMDQFHDRADSVDDMBNTMSQHDR@MCFDMDQ@SD greater intra-African trade to foster greater wealth generation. 6G@S @QD SGD JDX RTBBDRR E@BSNQR VG@S @QD SGD CQHUDQR SN HLOKDLDMS @MC QDOKHB@SD 6GHBG BKTRSDQSNBGNNRD(M@SSGDK@TMBGNESGD ƥQRS EQHB@ 2XLONRHTL VD HMUHSDC 2DMHNQ ,@M@FDLDMSNE,NMHSNQ&QNTOVGNCDUDKNODC "KTRSDQ2SQ@SDFHDR@QNTMCSGDVNQKCSNVNQJVHSG the team of young emerging leaders and share SGDHQ UHDVR NM "KTRSDQ 2SQ@SDFHDR 3GD OQNBDRR FDMDQ@KKX BNLOQHRDR SDM RSDOR EQNL CDƥMHMF @ Transform Hope into Action BKTRSDQRSQ@SDFHDR@QDMNSNMKX@OOKHB@AKDSNBNTMSQHDRATSB@M@KRNADDMDMCNQRDCAXOQNUHMBDR QDFHNMR@MCKNB@KFNUDQMLDMSRB@MAD@QRHFMHƥB@MSEQTHSRHEHLOKDLDMSDCBNQQDBSKX Isolated company competitive economic strategy towards ensuring HMRSHSTSHNM@K ODQENQL@MBD (S HR @KRN HLONQS@MS to note that cluster strategies are not only @OOKHB@AKDSNBNTMSQHDRATSB@M@KRNADDMCNQRDC AX OQNUHMBDR QDFHNMR @MC KNB@K FNUDQMLDMSR @MC B@M AD@Q RHFMHƥB@MS EQTHSR HE HLOKDLDMSDC correctly. Industry Cluster (integrated value chain) 3GDBG@QSRADKNVOQDRDMSSGDJDX@RODBSRSNAD S@JDM HMSN BNMRHCDQ@SHNM @R VDKK @R @M DW@LOKD NE SGD NTSBNLD NE "KTRSDQ /QHNQHSHR@SHNM ,@SQHW CDUDKNODC ENQ -HMG 3GT@M NMD NE SGD ONNQDRS QDFHNMRHM5HDSM@L(E-HMG3GT@MB@MCNHSSGD VGNKDNE EQHB@B@MCNHSSNNʖ Source: Monitor Group, “Accelerating Economic Development” We are the Ones we have been waiting for Source: Monitor Group, “Accelerating Economic Development” ,NQNBBNHR@KRN@AQHKKH@MS example on how the country evolved from one of the largest phosphate producer into a FKNA@KBG@LOHNMHMEDQSHKHYDQ OQNCTBSHNM@MCCHRSQHATSHNM KDCAX."/&QNTO(ESGNRD countries have done it other African countries should follow SG@SO@SG EQHB@ADKHDUDR that a cluster strategy needs to ADHLOKDLDMSDCRXRSDL@SHB@KKX AX EQHB@MBNTMSQHDRHM@ coordinated manner that BNTKC@KKNVRXMDQFHDRADSVDDM countries and generate greater intra-African trade to foster greater wealth generation. Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǽȀ 2.4 Promote Regional Corporate Champions (S HR @LTRHMF VGDM NMD SQ@UDKR NTSRHCD SGD BNMSHMDMS@MC@RJRODNOKD@ANTSSGDHQODQBDOSHNM NE EQHB@ 3GDX EQDPTDMSKX @RRNBH@SD EQHB@ VHSG SGD K@MC NE KHNMR KDNO@QCR YDAQ@ QGHMNR @MC elephants. We do have wild animals in our great ENQDRSR !TS @LNMF SGD @MHL@KR @QD @ RODBH@K RODBHDRSG@SVDB@KK1DFHNM@K"G@LOHNMR3GNRD EQHB@M 1DFHNM@K "G@LOHNMR @QD BNQONQ@SHNMR VGNRD STQMNUDQ B@M QD@BG 42ʙ AHKKHNM 3GDX @QD ATHKCHMF @M HMSDQM@SHNM@K ENNSOQHMS G@UD @M @UDQ@FD FQNVSG Q@MFHMF ADSVDDM @MC percent annually and have solid international @LAHSHNMR3GDHQOQNCTBSHUHSXQD@BGDR@" &1NE ODQBDMS LNQD SG@M $TQNODŗR ODQBDMS @MC ODQBDMS ENQ SGD 4MHSDC 2S@SDR /QDRDMSDC HM ANSG BG@QSR ADKNV @QD SGD SNO EQHB@M companies and their performance over the last decade. Africa 2.0 Leadership Symposium, Mombasa JUNE 2011 ǽȁ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO 3GNRD EQHB@M1DFHNM@K Champions are Corporations whose turnover can reach 42ʙAHKKHNM3GDX@QDATHKCHMF an international footprint, have an average growth Q@MFHMFADSVDDMODQ cent annually and have solid HMSDQM@SHNM@K@LAHSHNMR Transform Hope into Action Top 40 African Regional Champions 3GD @UDQ@FD @MMT@K STQMNUDQ FQNVSG NE SGD SNO BNLO@MHDR ADSVDDM @MC V@R ODQBDMS LNMF SGNRD BNLO@MHDR LNQD @MC LNQD RTBG @R ,3- 4! #@MFNSD &QNTO $BNA@MJ "DUHS@K 2NM@SQ@BG .Q@RBNL 2S@MC@QC!@MJ."/&QNTONQDUDM$PTHSX!@MJ 2HEB@. -#.$SGHNOH@M HQKHMDR*DMX@ HQV@XR and Shoprite have emerged into true regional champions. 6G@SHRNTQCDƥMHSHNMNE@QDFHNM@KBG@LOHNM regional champion is a company partly owned AX EQHB@MB@OHS@KB@O@AKDNEGNKCHMF@RSQ@SDFHB ONRHSHNM HM @ FHUDM L@QJDS M@SHNM@K QDFHNM@K BNMSHMDMS@K@MCDUDMHMSDQM@SHNM@K3GHRBNLO@MX RGNTKCADFNUDQMDCAXRSQHBSQTKDRNEFNUDQM@MBD @MCSQ@MRO@QDMBXHMHSRL@M@FDLDMS(SLTRSAD @AKDSNFQNV@SSGDQ@SDNE@LHMHLTLNESN ODQBDMS HM HSR JDX L@QJDSR SN E@BHKHS@SD SGD LNAHKHR@SHNM NE QDRNTQBDR @MC BNMRNKHC@SD HSR development. 3GD BNLONMDMSR SG@S BG@Q@BSDQHRD @ ŖBG@LOHNMŗ include elements such as the strategic dimension NE SGD OQNIDBS SGD UHRHNM @MC PT@KHSX NE HSR promoters and management, the use of modern information technology, the growth potential of HSRL@QJDSRSGDSQ@MRO@QDMBXHMSGDL@M@FDLDMS @U@HK@AHKHSX@MCOTAKHB@SHNMNEƥFTQDR@MCRSQHBS governance. 6GDMGNLDFQNVMBNLO@MHDRADFHMSNDLDQFD into regional and international players as regional champions there is a need to support SGDHQDWO@MRHNMSGQNTFGSGDE@RSSQ@BJOQNUHRHNM NE B@OHS@K RJHKKR RODBH@K RS@STR OQHUHKDFDR @MC L@QJDS@BBDRR We are the Ones we have been waiting for 6G@SHRNTQCDƥMHSHNMNE@ QDFHNM@KBG@LOHNMř QDFHNM@K champion is a company partly NVMDCAX EQHB@MB@OHS@K B@O@AKDNEGNKCHMF@RSQ@SDFHB ONRHSHNMHM@FHUDML@QJDS national, regional, continental @MCDUDMHMSDQM@SHNM@K3GHR BNLO@MXRGNTKCADFNUDQMDC AXRSQHBSQTKDRNEFNUDQM@MBD and transparency in its L@M@FDLDMS(SLTRSAD@AKDSN grow at the rate of a minimum NESNODQBDMSHMHSR JDXL@QJDSRSNE@BHKHS@SDSGD LNAHKHY@SHNMNEQDRNTQBDR@MC BNMRNKHC@SDHSRCDUDKNOLDMSŚ Source: BCG, The African Challengers Comparative Performance of Top 500 African companies Source: BCG, The African Challengers Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǽȂ How to ensure a sustainable expansion for Regional Champions? Corporate Champions should not F@HMSGDHQSHSKDNMKXSGQNTFGOQNƥS L@JHMFATS@KRNAXBG@LOHNMHMF RS@MC@QCROQNLNSHMFCDBDMSVNQJ conditions for employees supported AX@LHMHLTLNERNBH@KOQNSDBSHNM enhanced with greater corporate RNBH@KQDRONMRHAHKHSXOQHNQHSHYHMF HMSDQM@KRS@Ƥ@MCDWSDQM@K RS@JDGNKCDQRRTOOKHDQRDSB B@O@BHSXATHKCHMF Ǿǹ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO EQHB@ ŗR NAIDBSHUD HM O@QSMDQRGHO VHSG Forum and other willing institutions, is to create @ QDFHNM@K EQ@LDVNQJ NE ONKHBX @MC ƥM@MBH@K incentives that would help existing and emerging EQHB@M BNLO@MHDR NUDQBNLD BNMRSQ@HMSR 3GHR VHKKADCNMDVHSG@UHDVSNADBNLHMFLD@MHMFETK BNMSQHATSNQR @MC BG@LOHNMR SG@S BNTKC GDKO RTOONQS SGD DBNMNLHB CDUDKNOLDMS NAIDBSHUDR NESGDBNMSHMDMS@MCBNMSQHATSDSNSGDDLDQFDMBD NE EQHB@@R@FKNA@KDBNMNLHBBG@LOHNM EDV HMHSH@SHUDRBNTKCADRS@QSHMFONHMSRSNRDQUDRTBG FN@KR Ş a Regional Champions Development initiative (RCD) will act as the centre point for galvanising resources and strengthening collaboration between relevant Regional Champions@MCBNTMSQXRODBHƥBHMRSHSTSHNMR to directly address constraints to regional and continental expansion for African companies, including the development of special status initiatives and provision of 1"#(ETMCHMFSNDKHFHAKDBNLO@MHDR Ş @ 1DFHNM@K "G@LOHNMR (MCDW VGHBG VHKK form the comparable basis for measuring progress and performance of African businesses on their journey towards Regional Championship. Ş @ #H@RONQ@ !NMC SN ƥM@MBH@KKX RTOONQS QDFHNM@K @MC HMSDQM@SHNM@K DWO@MRHNM NE Regional Champions. As it currently stands, SGNRD BG@LOHNMR CN MNS ADMDƥS EQNL national export credit agencies or powerful RSNBJL@QJDSRSNRTOONQSSGDHQHMSDQM@SHNM@K growth. Transform Hope into Action When home-grown companies begin to emerge into regional and international players as regional champions there is a need to support their expansion through the fast-track provision of capital, skills, special status privileges and market access. What role can the champions play in helping the continent leapfrog? 1DFHNM@K"G@LOHNMRB@MGDKO@BGHDUDSGHR5HRHNM AX QDHMENQBHMF SGDHQ @BSHNMR @MC BNMRTKS@SHNM DƤNQSVHSGFNUDQMLDMSR@MCBHUHKRNBHDSXAX Ş investing more actively in capacity building @MC RJHKKR TOFQ@CD ENQ SGD ADMDƥS NE SGD nation. Ş participating and committing to help implement industry clusters and enhance linkage programmes. Ş contributing to the regional integration agenda from a thought leadership as well as implementation point of view. We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǾǺ SGDBNLAHM@SHNMNEVD@KSGHDQBTRSNLDQRB@O@AKDRS@Ƥ@MCCDUNSDC RS@JDGNKCDQRBNMSQHATSDSNFQD@SDQOQNƥSRHMSGDKNMFQTM “Help me and let me help you” African Symbol of cooperation and interdependence Africa needs to develop performance criteria with local and international HMUDRSNQRADXNMCQDSTQMSNRG@QDGNKCDQR that include return to community. 0,,,HMDOQNIDBSHM ,@C@F@RB@QG@RATHKS@M (MEQ@RSQTBSTQDKDF@BXVNQSG LNQDSG@MʙLHKKHNMHMSGD QDFHNMQN@CRONQSSDQLHM@K DSBSNRDBTQDDWONQSR Ǿǻ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO The responsibilities and obligations of private sector in ensuring successful inclusive growth. Ş Systematically enhance capacity among U@QHNTR RS@JDGNKCDQR RTOOKHDQR O@QSMDQR BTRSNLDQR Ş Generating income and investment through paying local wages, taxes, dividends and .M@BNMSHMDMSVGDQDONUDQSXHRSGDL@INQHRRTD royalties; HSHRSGDQDRONMRHAHKHSXDUDMLNQDRN@MNAKHF@SHNM Ş "QD@SHMFINARSGQNTFGKNB@KQDBQTHSHMF ENQATRHMDRRSNS@JD@BSHNMSNTOKHESSGDBNLLTMHSX Ş Developing human and environment in which resources through SGDX NODQ@SD 3GD QD@RNM investment in training and HR RHLOKD SGD BNLAHM@SHNM RJHKKRCDUDKNOLDMS Although not numerous, of wealthier customers, Ş !THKCHMF KNB@K B@O@AKD RS@Ƥ @MC CDUNSDC some local and ATRHMDRRDR SGQNTFG RS@JDGNKCDQR BNMSQHATSD SN international companies RTOOKHDQ @MC CHRSQHATSHNM FQD@SDQ OQNƥSR HM SGD KNMF MDSVNQJR run. have excelled in this Ş 2OQD@CHMF QDRONMRHAKD discipline, among them HMSDQM@SHNM@K ATRHMDRR Africa needs to develop standards; two were nominated for performance criteria with Ş Supporting technology local and international the Africa 2.0 Award in development and transfer HMUDRSNQR ADXNMC QDSTQM SN the category resource through investment in shareholders that include QDSTQM SN BNLLTMHSX 3GD DMG@MBDLDMSOQNIDBSNE local research and the Ş (MSQNCTBSHNM NE same way as dividends the decade. new technologies and and return on equity are processes; tools to measure return Ş $RS@AKHRGHMF OGXRHB@K on investment, we could and institutional develop a scorecard called infrastructure. ř1DSTQM NM "NLLTMHSX 1@SHNŚ (M SGDHQ QDONQS ř#NHMF &NNC ATRHMDRR HM EQHB@Ś 3GD EQHB@ /QNFQDRR G@R L@CD @ list of recommendations on Corporate Social 'NV SN FDS !TRHMDRR SN BNLOKX SN RTBG BQHSDQH@ 1DRONMRHAHKHSXOQHNQHSHDRSNVGHBG EQHB@ETKKX @MC LDDS SGD DWODBSDC 1DSTQM NM "NLLTMHSX RTARBQHADR QDPTHQDLDMSR Ş %HQRSKX SGD @OOQN@BG BNTKC AD HMBDMSHUD Ş /QNCTBHMFR@ED@MC@ƤNQC@AKDOQNCTBSR@MC A@RDCRTBG@Q@SHNBNTKCADBNLD@RBNQDB@QC services; Transform Hope into Action @KKNVHMFBDQS@HM@CU@MS@FDRKNVDQHMSDQDRS Q@SD VHSG A@MJR RODBHƥB S@W CDCTBSHNMR DSBş Ş 2DBNMCKX OTAKHRG SGD RBNQDB@QC QDRTKSR SN create competition and emulation. Ş 3GHQCKXCDUDKNO@RSQNMF@V@QDMDRR@LNMF BNMRTLDQR @ANTS SGD RBNQDB@QC QDRTKSR @R TKSHL@SDKX DUDM HE BNMSQHATSHMF SN SGD community is the least of their concern SGDX VHKK BDQS@HMKX AD VNQQHDC @ANTS KNRHMF BTRSNLDQR@MCL@QJDSRG@QD 3GNRD OQHMBHOKDR RGNTKC ADBNLD @ MNQL @BQNRR the continent to ensure full coordinated inclusive growth. Although not numerous, some local and international companies have excelled in this discipline, among them two were nominated for the Africa 2.0 Award in the category resource DMG@MBDLDMSOQNIDBSNESGDCDB@CD 3GD 0,, LHMD OQNIDBS FNS SGD FN@GD@C EQNL 1HN3HMSNHM TFTRS3GDOQNIDBSRS@QSDCHM )@MT@QX@MCSGDƥQRSRGHOLDMSNEHKLDMHSD V@RRDMSUH@SGDMDVKXBNLOKDSDC/NQSNE$GN@K@ RNTSGVDRS NE %NQS #@TOGHM HM ,@X 3GD SNS@KBNRSNESGDHMUDRSLDMSSNFDSSGDOQNIDBSSN BNLOKDSHNMHR42ʙAHKKHNM/QNCTBSHNMNMSGHR RHSD VHKK DUDMST@KKX Q@LO TO SN SNMR @ year with a potential to expand production to 2.2 LHKKHNMSNMR@XD@Q3GDQ@VL@SDQH@KHKLDMHSD@MC YHQBNMVHKKADTOFQ@CDCSNOQNCTBD@MDV SHS@MHTLCHNWHCDBGKNQHCDRK@FRTHS@AKDENQFKNA@K SHS@MHTLEDDCRSNBJL@QJDSR R@BNMSQHATSHNMSN the country’s development and in order to ensure SGDBNLLDQBH@KUH@AHKHSX@MCRTRS@HM@AHKHSXNESGHR OQNIDBS 0,, G@R ATHKS @M (MEQ@RSQTBSTQD KDF@BX VNQSG LNQD SG@M ʙ LHKKHNM HM SGD QDFHNM QN@CRONQSSDQLHM@KDSBSNRDBTQDDWONQSR3GD OQNIDBSG@R@KRNADDMRTBBDRRETKKXHLOKDLDMSDC We are the Ones we have been waiting for with strong involvement of local communities VGNADMDƥSDCEQNLSGNTR@MCRNEINAR@MCRLD KHMJ@FDR OQNFQ@LR ,NQDNUDQ 0,, CDUDKNODC an environmental friendly plan and committed to leaving a net positive impact on the unique AHNCHUDQRHSXNE,@C@F@RB@Q -DVLNMS &G@M@ŗR G@EN &NKC ,HMD BNMRHRSDC NE @ ʙ LHKKHNM HMUDRSLDMS DWSQ@BSHMF &NKC EQNL SGD G@EN QDFHNM HM &G@M@ AX -DVLNMS ,HMHMF"NQONQ@SHNMRDBNMCK@QFDRS&NKCLHMHMF BNLO@MXHMSGD6NQKC 3GD G@EN&NKC,HMD/QNIDBSG@RBQD@SDC LNQDSG@MCHQDBS@MCHMCHQDBS INAR3GDBNLO@MXBNMSQ@BSDCATRHMDRR VNQSGʙLHKKHNMHMʙ LHKKHNMHMVHSG&G@M@H@M ATRHMDRRDR@BBNTMSHMFENQNUDQ ODQBDMSNESGD-DVLNMS&G@M@ŗRSNS@K OTQBG@RDR@MCAQN@CKXNƤDQDCSQ@HMHMF HMQDBNQCJDDOHMFATRHMDRRL@M@FDLDMS L@QJDSCHUDQRHƥB@SHNMƥM@MBDE@BHKHS@SHNM @MCSDBGMHB@KOQNCTBSHUD@RRHRS@MBD SNNUDQKNB@KRL@KK@MCLDCHTL RHYDCRTOOKHDQATRHMDRRDRHMHSR G@EN host communities. Additionally, -DVLNMSHMSQNCTBDC@GHFGKXRTBBDRRETK FQHBTKSTQ@K(LOQNUDLDMS@MC+@MC BBDRR/QNFQ@L (+ /SN@RRHRS compensated farmers to restart farming with such incentives as farming inputs @MC@BBDRRSN@KSDQM@SHUDK@MC,NQDSG@M ODQBDMSNEE@QLDQR@QD@F@HME@QLHMF using improved planting and harvesting methods that result in the production of higher yields. Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǾǼ 2.5 Accelerate and consolidate regional integration ‘When two Brothers fight, Strangers always reap the harvest’ An Ibo saying ... unless we assign ourselves a BNLLNMOTQONRDSG@STMHƥDR @MCLNAHKHYDRNTQBHSHYDMR@MC leaders, the concept of regional integration will remain a remote idea, considered as nice to have ATSMNS@M@SHNM@KOQHNQHSX Ǿǽ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO :K\IDVWWUDFNWKH5HJLRQDO,QWHJUDWLRQ" 6GHKDHSONRDRENQLHC@AKDBG@KKDMFDR@OOQNOQH@SD regional integration is imperative for Africa as it VNTKCGDKO Ţ Increase the bargaining power of African states on the international scene as a respected and coherent economic bloc. Ţ Achieve prosperity by providing greater markets for economic agents and greater opportunities for the people Ţ Pool capacities and create competence centres, facilitating regional division of labour and associated specialisation for increased productivity. Ţ Pool natural resources to ensure the reduction of costs of productions while increasing productivity and reducing dependence on international overseas trade. Ş Strengthening cross border collaboration and dependency and contain risks of cross border BNMƦHBSR What are the issues hampering Regional ,QWHJUDWLRQ" 3GDDƤDBSHUD EQHB@M1DFHNM@K(MSDFQ@SHNMG@R@BGHDUDC @ LHWDC ODQENQL@MBD BG@Q@BSDQHYDC AX CHRBQDO@MBX @LNMF QDFHNMR $".6 2 @MC 2 #" ADHMF SGD ADRS ODQENQLDQRL@HMKXCTDSNSGDENKKNVHMFQD@RNMR Ş too much overlap in regional economic community LDLADQRGHO Ş underfunding Ş K@BJNEB@O@BHSXVHSGHMQDFHNM@KHMRSHSTSHNMR Ş poor implementation of agreed programs at national level Ş T MBKD@Q UHDV NE SGD BNRSR @MC ADMDƥSR NE integration Ş FQNVHMF ATS HMRTƧBHDMS OQHU@SD RDBSNQ participation Ş almost no popular participation Ş HM@OOQNOQH@SD HMSDFQ@SHNM SDLOK@SD A@RDC NM $TQNOD@M(MSDFQ@SHNMLNCDK How can those challenges be addressed? 1. Rationalise and coordinate the RECs (UNECA Recommendations) Ş LHMHLHRHMF SQ@MRHSHNM@K @QQ@MFDLDMSR 3GD rationalisation process will also have to @CCQDRR M@SHNM@K RNUDQDHFMSX ADB@TRD LDLADQ BNTMSQHDR L@X MNS AD OQDO@QDC SN BDCD ONVDQR SN @ RTOQ@M@SHNM@K ANCX ENQ ED@Q NE KNRHMF independence. Ş BNMRNKHC@SHMF UDRSDC HMSDQDRSR 1@SHNM@KHR@SHNM must consolidate and maximise vested interests and achievements of the regional economic communities. Ş Q@SHEXHMF OQNSNBNKR /QNSNBNKR @QD MDDCDC SN OTS SQD@SHDR HMSN DƤDBS !TS L@MX LDLADQ RS@SDR G@UDADDMRKNVHMRHFMHMF@MCQ@SHEXHMFQDFHNM@K economic community protocols, which in many B@RDR @QD BNMSQ@CHBSNQX %NQ DW@LOKD 4-$" RTFFDRSRSG@SSNE@RSSQ@BJSGDQDFHNM@KHMSDFQ@SHNM OQNBDRR Q@SHƥB@SHNMR BNTKC AD RTARSHSTSDC AX ř@BSR CDBHRHNMR NQ CHQDBSHUDRŚ SG@S S@JD DƤDBS immediately. Ş L@SBGHMF QDRNTQBDR VHSG @LAHSHNMR 2TBBDRRETK HMSDFQ@SHNMQDPTHQDRRDBQDS@QH@SRVHSGSGDRS@ƧMF ƥM@MBH@KQDRNTQBDR@MC@TSGNQHSXSN@BSENQLDLADQ RS@SDR 3GD QDFHNM@K DBNMNLHB BNLLTMHSHDR @KRN need to set priorities for their activities and focus NM BNMBQDSD KHLHSDC @BGHDU@AKD NAIDBSHUDR BNLLHRRHNMKDCAXENQLDQ/QDRHCDMS'$.KTRDFTM .A@R@MINHRVNQJHMFNMHMMNU@SHUDRDKEƥM@MBHMF mechanisms - such as the system of community KDUHDR OQDU@HKHMF HM 4$,. @MC "$, " RODBH@K @HQONQS S@WDR MDFNSH@AKD @KKNB@SHNMR EQNL &#/ Transform Hope into Action CHUHCDMC EQNL CDAS QDKHDE @LNMF NSGDQRSNADOQNONRDCSN EQHB@M Union Commission shortly. 2. Africa needs a continental Vision, a common goal embraced by its people and its leaders. Africa 2.0 shares the view that unless we assign ourselves a common OTQONRD SG@S TMHƥDR @MC LNAHKHRDR our citizens and leaders, the concept of regional integration will remain a remote idea, considered as nice SN G@UD ATS MNS @ M@SHNM@K OQHNQHSX M @OOQN@BG VNTKC AD SN ONRRHAKX promote a synthetic pan-African UHRHNMONRRHAKXATHKCHMFNM-$/ #NQ EQHB@ 5HRHNM @MC NSGDQ BNLAHMDC BNLOKDLDMS@QX @OOQN@BGDR SG@S VHKK G@UD JDX CDUDKNOLDMS OQHNQHSHDR @MC VNTKC RTARDPTDMSKX AD CHRRDLHM@SDC among the African population for consultation and endorsement. Such a 5HRHNMVHKK@CCQDRRSGDBNLLNMHRRTDR facing African nations and propose ways to address them through regional BNNQCHM@SHNM @MC BNKK@ANQ@SHNM VGHKD leaving enough room for individual country policies and autonomy. 5HRHNM "$, " HR @ FNNC DW@LOKD HE SGD 5HRHNM @BST@KKX FDSR HLOKDLDMSDCʖ HKKTRSQ@SHMF SGD willingness of independent states SN CQ@ES @ QDFHNM@K EQ@LDVNQJ VHSGHM VGHBG SGDX BNTKC ATHKC SGDHQ M@SHNM@K strategies and long terms policies and OQHNQHSHDR3GD5HRHNM"$, "B@M AD @QSHBTK@SDC @R ENKKNVR ř3Q@MRENQL "$, " HMSN @M DLDQFHMF HMSDFQ@SDC and secured economic community CQHUDMAXFNNCFNUDQM@MBDRTOONQSHMF GTL@M CDUDKNOLDMSŚ 3GD 5HRHNM We are the Ones we have been waiting for ENBTRDR NM RSQNMF CHUDQRHƥB@SHNM @MC empowerment of the private sector. As RTBGHSHRA@RDCNMƥUDBNLODSHSHUDMDRR CQHUDQRENQDRSQXDMDQFXNHK@MCF@R @FQHATRHMDRR LHMHMFLDS@KKTQFX @MC C@HQXƥRGDQHDR RTOONQSDC AX ENTQ ETMC@LDMS@KR Ş deployment of adequate infrastructure that supports competitiveness drivers Ş construction of regional infrastructure that will facilitate economic integration Ş common market and free trade agreements Ş governance and macro-economic stability KSGNTFGSGDDƤDBSHUDHLOKDLDMS@SHNM NE RTBG 5HRHNM QDL@HMR SN AD CDLNMRSQ@SDC@RHSQDKHDRRHFMHƥB@MSKX on the commitment of the leaders of SGDLDLADQBNTMSQHDRSN@BST@KKXCQHUD SGDOQNBDRRHSHR@RSQ@SDFHB@OOQN@BG to national planning, articulated with @ AQN@CDQ ODQRODBSHUD NE @ QDFHNM@K 5HRHNM SG@S OQNUHCDR HLOKDLDMS@SHNM guidelines and development priorities ENQ D@BG LDLADQ BNTMSQX KRN RTBG an approach highlights the recent TMCDQRS@MCHMF AX EQHB@M KD@CDQR NM the need for a concerted approach towards a common goal. 3. Pragmatic approach focused on immediate key deliverables with tangible results to reinforce credibility and generate momentum. Ş 3GD "@RD NE .' # /NNKHMF legal capacity and harmonising HMUDRSLDMS BNCD .' # G@R ADDM PTHSD RTBBDRRETK @S addressing capacity challenges HMHSRLDLADQRS@SDRAXOQNUHCHMF logistical and institutional support to the national courts of its LDLADQ BNTMSQHDR %TQSGDQLNQD .' # G@RRTBBDDCDCHMRDSSHMF@ common, harmonised investment BNCD ENQ @KK LDLADQ BNTMSQHDR SGTR E@BHKHS@SHMF SGD LNAHKHSX of investments in the zone and D@RHMFATRHMDRROQ@BSHBDRSGQNTFG smoother expansion of economic agents in the area. Ş Addressing the urgent completion NEHLO@BSETKBQNRRANQCDQOQNIDBSR SGHRHRRTDRGNTKCADSNOOQHNQHSXENQ 1$"R 3GHR BNTKC G@UD HLLDCH@SD impact in terms of socio-economic growth and have a demonstration DƤDBS VHSG S@MFHAKD NTSBNLDR RDBTQHMF RSQNMFDQ ATXHM ENQ SGD population +RZ($&LVGULYLQJWKHDJHQGD on transport corridors: leapfrog approach based on ƢDJVKLSSURMHFWV (M SGD $@RS EQHB@M "NLLTMHSX commissioned a study leading to the formation of a Corridor Diagnostic Study S@RJ ENQBD VGHBG OQDO@QDC @M @BSHNM plan to address the issue of transport BNQQHCNQR HM $@RS EQHB@ 3GD @BSHNM plan presents a practical roadmap for improving the performance of the northern and central corridors and BNMRDPTDMSKXBQD@SHMFINARHMBQD@RHMF trade and enhancing prosperity for SGDLHKKHNMBHSHYDMRNE$@RS EQHB@ @MC HSR MDHFGANTQR 3GD @BSHNM OK@M presents prioritised infrastructure and NODQ@SHNM@K OQNIDBSR ENQ SGD MNQSGDQM and central corridors and is comprised NE @ L@HM QDONQS RTOONQSDC AX RDUDM technical papers. .M SGD -NQSGDQM "NQQHCNQ ETKKX HLOKDLDMSHMFSGD BSHNM/K@MVNTKC Ş Decrease the price of road SQ@MRONQSAXODQBDMS Ş Decrease the price of rail transport AXODQBDMS Ş 1DCTBD SGD SHLD NE RGHOOHMF AX QN@CAXODQBDMS Ş 1DCTBD SGD SHLD NE RGHOOHMF AX Q@HKAX@M@UDQ@FDQDCTBSHNMNE percent On the Central Corridor, fully HLOKDLDMSHMFSGD BSHNM/K@MVNTKC Ş Decrease the price of road SQ@MRONQSAXODQBDMS Ş #DBQD@RD SGD OQHBD NE Q@HK NQ Q@HK K@JDSQ@MRONQSAXODQBDMS Ş 1DCTBD SGD SHLD NE RGHOOHMF NUDQ@KKAXODQBDMS (LOKDLDMS@SHNM 2SQ@SDFX A@RDC NM 2S@JDGNKCDQ$MF@FDLDMS .M %DAQT@QX SGD "#2 GDKC HSR RDBNMC @MC ƥM@K QDFHNM@K RS@JDGNKCDQ VNQJRGNO HM #@QDR 2@K@@L 3@MY@MH@ 3GD LDDSHMF V@R GNRSDC AX SGD $ " @MC RTOONQSDC AX CNMNQ @FDMBHDR S SGD VNQJRGNO RS@JDGNKCDQRQDUHDVDCSGD#Q@ES BSHNM Plan and accompanying technical papers, approved it and provided further input into the Final Action /K@M3GHROQNLNSDC@GD@KSGXRDMRDNE NVMDQRGHOAXSGDAQN@CBNLLTMHSXNE RS@JDGNKCDQR HMBKTCHMF FNUDQMLDMSR transport service providers, shippers, freight forwarders and development O@QSMDQR -D@QKX RS@JDGNKCDQR attended in all. ǾǾ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO 3.Upgrading Africa’s Infrastructure Ǿǿ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action Closing the circle on Telecoms Infrastructure Power: Towards Regional Pools River Bassins: Managing Commons Roads: Connecting the dots “when you climb a good tree” African Symbol of support, cooperation and encouragement Africa needs better infrastructure in order to enable the uplifting of its citizens in a context of a sustainable wealth creation agenda. The mobile telephony boom reminds us that Africa is sometimes able to economically leapfrog. Traditional approaches to electrification, internet connectivity or access to water might just not be adapted to the African context. Here as well, African leaders will have to think and act beyond ‘conventional wisdom’ and invite civil society and the private sector to the table. Source: AfDB 2008 We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǾȀ (ESGDBNMSHMDMS@CCQDRRDCSGD ONVDQHMDƧBHDMBHDR@MCBNRS HMDƤDBSHUDMDRRSGDBNMSHMDMS BNTKC@CCSNSNHSR@MMT@K &#/&QNVSGQ@SDHDONSDMSH@KKX L@SBGHMF(MCH@ŗRBTQQDMS&#/ FQNVSGQ@SDNE Ǿȁ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action 3.1 Powering Africa EQHB@G@RSGDVNQKCŗRKNVDRSDKDBSQHƥB@SHNMQ@SDSNS@KKHMFNMKX@QNTMC&6HMFDMDQ@SHMFB@O@BHSX BNLO@QDCSN&6ENQ2O@HM@KNMDENQDW@LOKD(ESGDBNMSHMDMS@CCQDRRDCSGDONVDQHMDƧBHDMBHDR @MCBNRSHMDƤDBSHUDMDRRHSBNTKC@CCŔODQBDMSSNHSR@MMT@K&#/FQNVSGQ@SDHDONSDMSH@KKXL@SBGHMF (MCH@ŗRBTQQDMS&#/FQNVSGQ@SDNEODQBDMS(SBNTKC@KRNBNMSQHATSDSNHMBQD@RHMFHSRKDUDKNEENQDHFM CHQDBS HMUDRSLDMS AX ODQBDMS VNTKC XNT HMUDRS HM @ BNTMSQX VGDQD SGDQD HR MN DKDBSQHBHSX 2NLD BNTMSQHDR G@UD ADDM @AKD SN RNKUD SGDHQ DMDQFX HRRTDR SG@MJR SN RSQNMF BNLLHSLDMS @MC KD@CDQRGHO ,NQNBBNENQDW@LOKDK@TMBGDC@ʙAHKKHNMVNQKCBK@RRQTQ@KDKDBSQHƥB@SHNMOQNFQ@LSG@SAQNTFGSSGD M@SHNM@KDKDBSQHƥB@SHNMQ@SDEQNLODQBDMSHMSNODQBDMSHM ,NQNBBNENQDW@LOKDK@TMBGDC @42#AHKKHNMVNQKCBK@RR QTQ@KDKDBSQHƥB@SHNMOQNFQ@L SG@SAQNTFGSSGDM@SHNM@K DKDBSQHƥB@SHNMQ@SDEQNLHM SNHM Source: World Bank Group We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǾȂ ǿǹ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action +HJD,NQNBBNSGDQDRSNESGDBNMSHMDMSHRB@O@AKD NE HMBQD@RHMF HSR B@O@BHSX AX ODQBDMS HM SGD next decade if fully dedicated and committed to SGHR S@RJ 3GD BG@QSR ADKNV RGNV SGD TMS@OODC potential of hydroelectricity as well as associated (//RHLLDCH@SDKXDWDBTS@AKD RSQ@SDFHB O@QSMDQRGHO ADSVDDM #%(R international equipment manufacturers and EQHB@MDMSDQOQHRDRŔVHSGRSQNMFONKHSHB@KRTOONQS ŔHRQDPTHQDCSNCDUDKNOHMMNU@SHUD@OOQN@BGDR that ensure generalised access to energy. 1. % HWVG@SHRAQNJDMSGHRBNTKCHLLDCH@SDKX generate an additional capacity of 15GW) We are the Ones we have been waiting for Ş implement a streamlined planning process Ş set up an optimised maintenance plan Ş QDG@AHKHS@SD HMRS@KKDC B@O@BHSX HMBKTCHMF SGQNTFG OTAKHBOQHU@SD O@QSMDQRGHO programmes 2. Make electricity a national/regional priority Ş complete reforms opening up the access, RTOOKX@MCCHRSQHATSHNMNEDKDBSQHBHSX Ş CDUDKNO Ʀ@FRGHO FDMDQ@SHNM OQNIDBSR SN increase supply and reduce generation costs Ş BQD@SD @ /// EQ@LDVNQJ SG@S VNTKC @SSQ@BS FKNA@KQDFHNM@K@MCKNB@KOK@XDQR Ş decentralise and empower private initiatives A 10-20 year National Power Strategy needs to be enforced as a national priority and implemented regardless of changes in electoral agenda and rotating political regimes Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǿǺ ǿǻ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action Africa-Africa cooperation and regional approaches constitute the key to a successful and efficient power sector. and diversify technologies to increase access Ş roll out smart grid technologies to help QDCTBDFDMDQ@SHNM@MCCHRSQHATSHNMBNRSRAX up to 30 percent 3. Intensive planning and capacity building for empowering local industries Ş @ XD@Q -@SHNM@K /NVDQ 2SQ@SDFX MDDCRSNADDMENQBDC@R@M@SHNM@KOQHNQHSX and implemented regardless of changes in electoral agenda and rotating political regimes Ş B@O@BHSX ATHKCHMF HR QDPTHQDC ANSG @S SGD operational level to retain expertise as well as the management level in areas such as RSQTBSTQHMF ƥM@MBHMF QDFTK@SHNM OK@MMHMF and procurement Ş promote the development of local L@MTE@BSTQHMF SN RTOOKX QDFHNM@K L@QJDSR @ ŖS@F SD@L OQHMBHOKDŗ BNTKC AD DMUHR@FDC VGDQDJDXRDKDBSHNMBQHSDQH@ENQOQNBTQDLDMS from international equipment suppliers and contractors should include involvement, empowerment and partnerships with local We are the Ones we have been waiting for HMCTRSQX A@RDC NM RJHKKR @MC SDBGMNKNFX transfer 4. Regional policy framework should take a stronger lead Ş Africa-Africa cooperation and regional @OOQN@BGDR BNMRSHSTSD SGD JDX SN @ RTBBDRRETK @MC DƧBHDMS ONVDQ RDBSNQ QDFHNM@K@OOQN@BGVNTKC@KKNV Ş RB@K@AHKHSX@MCDBNMNLHBUH@AHKHSXNEOQNIDBSR DMG@MBHMFDKDBSQHBHSX@ƤNQC@AHKHSX Ş compensation for the location mismatch ADSVDDMDMDQFXRNTQBDR@MCK@QFDDKDBSQHBHSX CDL@MCBDMSQDRSGQNTFGBQNRRANQCDQSQ@CD @MC @M @CDPT@SD SQ@MRM@SHNM@K CHRSQHATSHNM MDSVNQJ Ş @CCQDRRHMF SGD K@BJ NE B@O@BHSX @S M@SHNM@K KDUDKRAXBDMSQ@KHRHMFSGDRJHKKR 5. Power trade schemes Ş BNTKC FDMDQ@SD RHFMHƥB@MS R@UHMFR @MC BNTKC SQHFFDQ RTARS@MSH@K MDV RNTQBDR NE ONVDQOQNCTBSHNMB@O@BHSXHEBNLAHMDCVHSG DƧBHDMSSQ@MRLHRRHNMRBGDLDR Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǿǼ /HYHUDJHRQ the expansion of telecommunications sector As with access to power, access to SDKDBNLLTMHB@SHNMR Ŕ BGHDƦX SDKDOGNMX @MC HMSDQMDS Ŕ QDOQDRDMSR @M DRRDMSH@K CQHUDQ NE CDUDKNOLDMS ENQ EQHB@ 6D ADKHDUD SG@S VHSGHM the coming years most Africans will access C@S@ @MC HMENQL@SHNM SGQNTFG SGDHQ LNAHKD OGNMDR @MC VHKK RJHO BNLOTSDQR SGD R@LD V@X SGDBNMSHMDMSRJHOODCƥWDCKHMDR3NCDKHUDQNM SGD OQNLHRDR NE @ JMNVKDCFDA@RDC RNBHDSX EQHB@MDDCRSNS@JDSGDKD@CHMSGDMDWSLNAHKD AQN@CA@MCQDUNKTSHNM telecommunications will foster further innovation and encourage technology-focused HMUDRSLDMSR!DSVDDM and 2008, more than US ʙAHKKHNMV@RHMUDRSDCHM SDKDBNLLTMHB@SHNMRMDSVNQJR HM EQHB@LNRSKXAXSGDOQHU@SD sector. ǿǽ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO (LOQNUDC@BBDRR@MCDWONRTQD@QDETMC@LDMS@K CQHUDQR ADGHMC BTKSTQ@K BG@MFDR @MC RGHESR HM LHMCRDS SN JMNVKDCFDA@RDC QDRD@QBG focused mental models. Current innovations in telecommunications drive access to information, improve coordination and allow for informed @MCHMBKTRHUDCDBHRHNML@JHMF3GDKHADQ@KHR@SHNM of telecommunications will foster further innovation and encourage technology-focused HMUDRSLDMSR!DSVDDM@MCLNQDSG@M ʙAHKKHNMV@RHMUDRSDCHMSDKDBNLLTMHB@SHNMR MDSVNQJRHM EQHB@LNRSKXAXSGDOQHU@SDRDBSNQ #TQHMFSGDR@LDODQHNCDƤNQSRAX2TA2@G@Q@M African governments succeeded in expanding MDSVNQJ BNUDQ@FD EQNL @QNTMC ODQBDMS SN NUDQODQBDMSNESGDONOTK@SHNM Transform Hope into Action Africa is entering the 2nd Mobile Broadband Revolution Evolution Voice Vs. Data for Sample African Operators 3N @BGHDUD SGHR UHRHNM SGD QNKD NE telecommunications in Africa should DMS@HK H SGD CDLNBQ@SHR@SHNM NE @BBDRR SN SDKDBNLLTMHB@SHNMR C@S@ @MC JMNVKDCFD @MC HHSGDHMBQD@RDHMOQNCTBSHUHSXNE EQHB@MRNBHN DBNMNLHB @FDMSR OQHU@SD RDBSNQ FNUDQMLDMS BHUHK RNBHDSX %NQ SGHR SN G@OODM SGD ENKKNVHMF MDDCRSNAD@CCQDRRDC@MCLNMHSNQDC Ş stimulate technology innovation and rapid @CNOSHNM&+3$DSB Ş HMBQD@RD BNLODSHSHNM SN L@JD SDKDBNLLTMHB@SHNMRLNQD@ƤNQC@AKDENQSGD OTAKHB Ş greater infrastructure sharing to reduce industry costs Ş RSQNMFDQ @SSDMSHNM NM SDQQDRSQH@K A@BJANMD A@BJG@TK@MCK@RSLHKDBNMMDBSHUHSX Ş HMUDRSLDMSRRTARHCHDR NM @CU@MBDC G@MCRDSR SN @KKNV CHRRDLHM@SHNM NE LNAHKD AQN@CA@MC We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǿǾ 3.3 Transport and water ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH Priority focus on regional transport corridors No sustainable growth can be achieved if we cannot ensure the mobility of our most valuable assets: our people and our goods. Africa’s road CDMRHSXHRDRSHL@SDC@SJLJLpBNLO@QDCSN JLJLp HM NSGDQ KNV HMBNLD BNTMSQHDR R for electricity, other underlying infrastructural needs, including transportation and water, require a similar careful growth strategy A@K@MBHMFDWO@MRHNM@MCMDDCENQL@HMSDM@MBD ENBTRHMFNMAQN@CDMHMF@BBDRRVGHKDL@HMS@HMHMF the quality of existing infrastructure. Considering SGD RHFMHƥB@MS F@O HM SQ@MRONQS HMEQ@RSQTBSTQD HS HRDRRDMSH@KSNRDSOQHNQHSXNAIDBSHUDRHMSDQLRNE SQ@MRONQS BNQQHCNQR KHMJHMF OQNCTBSHNM BDMSQDR SNBNMRTLOSHNMBDMSQDRSNADBNLOKDSDCVHSGHM BKD@Q @MC @FQDDC SHLDKHMDR HMUNKUHMF OTAKHB OQHU@SD DMF@FDLDMSR -$/ # @MC 4-$" G@UD HCDMSHƥDC@RDQHDRNESQ@MRONQSBNQQHCNQRRTBG@R MHMD3Q@MR EQHB@M'HFGV@XR3 '@RVDKK@RSGD HMSDQBNMMDBSHNMMDSVNQJRSNSGDRD3 '3GHR@KRN implies the upgrade of the main ports on the BNMSHMDMSSNHMBQD@RDSQ@ƧBUNKTLD@MCQDCTBD freight time to allow timely delivery of goods. 1DBDMSDƤNQSRG@UDADDML@CDSNTOFQ@CD@MC increase railways as the demand for natural QDRNTQBDRHRFQNVHMFRHFMHƥB@MSKX.MD@OOQN@BG BNTKC AD SN BNQQDK@SD SQ@MRONQS HMEQ@RSQTBSTQD SDMCDQR VHSG JDX LHMDQ@K QDRNTQBDR OQNIDBSR to encourage stronger involvement of private sector investments. ǿǿ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Why the priority focus on regional transport corridors?3GDHLO@BSNESQ@MRBNMSHMDMS@KQ@HKV@X HM SGD 4MHSDC 2S@SDR HM RDBNMC G@KE NE SGD SG century provides a good example. 3Q@MRBNMSHMDMS@K Q@HKQN@CR GDKODC NODM TO unpopulated interior regions of continents to exploration and settlement that would not NSGDQVHRD G@UD ADDM ED@RHAKD (M L@MX B@RDR SGDX@KRNENQLDCSGDA@BJANMDRNEBQNRRBNTMSQX O@RRDMFDQ @MC EQDHFGS SQ@MRONQS@SHNM MDSVNQJR (MSGD4MHSDC2S@SDRNE LDQHB@SQ@MRBNMSHMDMS@K railroads created a nationwide transportation MDSVNQJ SG@S TMHSDC SGD BNTMSQX 3GHR MDSVNQJ replaced the wagon trains of previous decades and allowed for the transportation of larger quantities of goods over longer distances. One approach could be to correlate transport infrastructure tenders with key mineral resources projects to encourage stronger involvement of private sector investments. Transform Hope into Action 3GD-XD@Q///BNMBDRRHNM has successfully reduced overloading of heavy vehicles, @L@INQB@TRDNEQN@C CDSDQHNQ@SHNM3GD-G@R also facilitated the growth of tourism in the region as well as other sector investments in ,NY@LAHPTDRTBG@RSGD,NY@K aluminium smelter and the natural gas plants at Pande and 3DL@MD What are the key success factors? 1. Focus on maintenance: 1DFTK@Q LNMHSNQHMF of transport system and quality should help reduce the high costs related to QDETQAHRGLDMSR CTD SN KNMFSDQL MDFKDBS 3GD R@UHMFR FDMDQ@SDC EQNL ADSSDQ L@HMSDM@MBD BNTKC AD @KKNB@SDC SN ATHKC new roads. 2. Institutional reforms coordinated with regional integration 3GHR HMUNKUDR @ KHADQ@KHRDC QDFTK@SNQX EQ@LDVNQJ @KKNVHMF an increased engagement of the private RDBSNQ RTOONQSDC AX RSQNMF M@SHNM@K @MC regional institutions who are committed to implementing the transport corridors. We are the Ones we have been waiting for 3. Human and institutional capacity4OFQ@CD SGD JMNVKDCFD @MC RJHKKR NE RS@Ƥ HMUNKUDC in policy formulation, planning and implementation as well as those engaged in regulatory and enforcement functions; and Q@HRD OTAKHB @V@QDMDRR @MC O@QSHBHO@SHNM NEJDXRS@JDGNKCDQRHM@KKOG@RDRNEONKHBX L@JHMF@MCHLOKDLDMS@SHNMHMNQCDQSNGNKC KD@CDQR@BBNTMS@AKD 4. Increase and diversify sources of funding: 3GHR VNTKC RS@QS AX DMRTQHMF SG@S EQHB@M states commit to allocate a minimum of 8 percent of GDP to the development of SQ@MRONQSHMEQ@RSQTBSTQDHMNQCDQSNADHMKHMD VHSGNSGDQKNVHMBNLDBNTMSQHDR(RRTDANMC emissions to tap into the excess liquidity NE KNB@K A@MJR "@LDQNNM HRRTDC @ ANMC K@RSXD@Q@MCQ@HRDCʙLHKKHNM+@RSATS MNSKD@RS@MCOQNA@AKXSGDLNRSHLONQS@MS O@UD SGD V@X ENQ @ RSQNMFDQ OTAKHBOQHU@SD DMF@FDLDMS AX HRRTHMF QN@CR @MC Q@HKV@X BNMBDRRHNMR SN BNLLHSSDC @MC B@O@AKD private partners. 3GD - SNKK QN@C EQNL 6HSA@MJ 2NTSG EQHB@ SN ,@OTSN ,NY@LAHPTD TMCDQ BNMRSQTBSHNM RHMBD@RO@QSNE@O@QSMDQRGHOADSVDDMSGD FNUDQMLDMSR NE 2NTSG EQHB@ @MC ,NY@LAHPTD through a 30-year concession to a private BNMRNQSHTL 3Q@MR EQHB@M "NMBDRRHNMR Ŕ G@R RGNVM SGD UH@AHKHSX NE ///R HM SGD QN@C RDBSNQ VGDQDSGDTRDQR@QDVHKKHMF@MC@AKDSNO@X3GD - XD@Q /// BNMBDRRHNM G@R RTBBDRRETKKX QDCTBDCNUDQKN@CHMFNEGD@UXUDGHBKDR@L@INQ B@TRD NE QN@C CDSDQHNQ@SHNM 3GD - G@R @KRN facilitated the growth of tourism in the region as VDKK@RNSGDQRDBSNQHMUDRSLDMSRHM,NY@LAHPTD RTBG @R SGD ,NY@K @KTLHMHTL RLDKSDQ @MC SGD M@STQ@KF@ROK@MSR@S/@MCD@MC3DL@MD “when you climb a good tree” African Symbol of support, cooperation and encouragement Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǿȀ The great wall of Lagos, Eko city WATER for life 6XSSRUWDQGLPSOHPHQWWKH$IULFD Water Vision 2025 proposed by African 8QLRQ$I'%DQG81(&$ ,NQD SG@M ODQBDMS NE SGD ONOTK@SHNM HM "@LDQNNM &G@M@ ,@TQHS@MH@ -HFDQ @MC 3@MY@MH@ LTRS SQ@UDK LNQD SG@M SVN JHKNLDSQDR to their primary water supply. Africa 2.0 proposes to align all water initiatives ADGHMC SGD EQHB@ 6@SDQ 5HRHNM OQNONRDC AXSGD EQHB@M4MHNM EQHB@M#DUDKNOLDMS!@MJ @MC4-$" HM3GD5HRHNMHRENQLTK@SDC@R ENKKNVRŚ M EQHB@VGDQDSGDQDHR@MDPTHS@AKD @MC RTRS@HM@AKD TRD @MC L@M@FDLDMS NE water resources for poverty alleviation, socioeconomic development, regional cooperation @MCSGDDMUHQNMLDMSŚ 3GD EQ@LDVNQJ ENQ @BGHDUHMF SGHR UHRHNM B@KKR ENQ ENTQ L@INQ OQHMBHOKDR @KHFMDC VHSG JDX PT@MSHƥ@AKD S@QFDSR ENQ @MC @R @ LHKDRSNMD Ş Strengthening governance of water QDRNTQBDR » development of national policies and BNLOQDGDMRHUDHMRSHSTSHNM@KQDENQL ODQBDMSNEBNTMSQHDRAX » DM@AKHMF DMUHQNMLDMS ENQ QDFHNM@K BNNODQ@SHNM NM RG@QDC V@SDQ AX HLOKDLDMSHMF QHUDQ A@RHM NQF@MHR@SHNMR ODQBDMSAX Ş (LOQNUHMFV@SDQVHRCNL » systems for information generation, @RRDRRLDMS @MC CHRRDLHM@SHNM ODQBDMSBNLOKDSDCAX » RTRS@HM@AKD ƥM@MBHMF ENQ HMENQL@SHNM generation and management (100 percent complete at national level and 30 percent complete at river basin level by 2015) » capacity building (research, technical assistance etc. - 60 percent of countries complete by 2015) Ş ,DDSHMFTQFDMSV@SDQMDDCR » proportion of people without access reduced (by 75 percent in 2015 and by 95 percent in 2025) » water for achieving food security (increase size of irrigated area by 50 percent in 2015, 100 percent by 2025) » DƤDBSHUD L@M@FDLDMS NE CQNTFGS ƦNNCR @MC CDRDQSHƥB@SHNM ODQBDMS operational by 2025) Estimated Yearly investments needs to achieve Africa Water Vision 2025 Ş 2SQDMFSGDMHMF SGD ƥM@MBH@K A@RD ENQ SGD CDRHQDCV@SDQETSTQD » ƥM@MBHMF TQFDMS V@SDQ MDDCR ODQBDMSNODQ@SHNM@KAX Source: African Development Bank ǿȁ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action Once again the success of such a plan will depend on the full awareness, endorsement, HMUNKUDLDMS@MCBNLLHSLDMSNEFNUDQMLDMSROQHU@SDRDBSNQ@MCBHUHKRNBHDSXINHMSKX RTOONQSHMF@MCHLOKDLDMSHMFSGD5HRHNM3GDS@AKD@BQNRROQNONRDR@MDRSHL@SDNESGD XD@QKXHMUDRSLDMSMDDCRSN@BGHDUDSGDOQNONRDC5HRHNM EQHB@ADKHDUDR@L@WHLTLHLOKDLDMS@SHNMNEOTAKHBOQHU@SDO@QSMDQRGHORBGDLDR SGQNTFG@ƤDQL@FDNQDKRDRGNTKCGDKOLDDSRTBGNAIDBSHUDR!TQJHM@%@RNK@TMBGDC SGD.T@F@CNTFNT6@SDQ2TOOKX/QNIDBSVGHBGG@RRTBBDDCDCHMCDKHUDQHMF@RSD@CX V@SDQRTOOKXSN@VHCDQONOTK@SHNMVHSGODQBDMSNESGDBHSXŗRONOTK@SHNMG@UHMF @BBDRR SN R@ED V@SDQ AX (M (UNQX "N@RS V@SDQ Ŗ@ƤDQL@FDŗ C@SHMF EQNL QDU@LODCHM@MC2DMDF@KV@SDQŖ@ƤDQL@FDŗC@SHMFEQNLSGDODQENQL@MBD NESGD///G@RADDMUDQXR@SHRE@BSNQXVGDMLD@RTQDCAXHMCHB@SNQRNE@BBDRRQDKH@AHKHSX NODQ@SHNM@KDƧBHDMBXƥM@MBH@KRTRS@HM@AHKHSX@MC@ƤNQC@AHKHSX(MANSGBNTMSQHDRSGD V@SDQRTOOKXRDQUHBDHRMNVOQNUHCDCAXKNB@KKXQNNSDCVNQKCBK@RROQHU@SDNODQ@SNQR TMCDQBNMSQ@BSVHSGDƧBHDMS@MCBNLLHSSDCOTAKHBO@QSMDQR We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǿȂ 3.4 Provide an enabling banking infrastructure and lead the mobile banking revolution globally Comparative Penetration Analysis Growth of Mobile Money Vs Needed Intervention 3GD ƥM@MBH@K RDBSNQ HR NESDM BNMRHCDQDC SN QDOQDRDMS SGD ŖKTMFR NE SGD DBNMNLXŗ @MC G@R RSQNMF ONRHSHUD KHMJ@FDR VHSG DBNMNLHB CDUDKNOLDMS@VDKKETMBSHNMHMFƥM@MBH@KRDBSNQ is essential for private sector-led growth, which in turn drives poverty reduction. According SN 3GD $BNMNLHRS (MSDKKHFDMBD 4MHS ř EQHB@M countries south of the Sahara are poised to DMINX@RTQFDHMFQNVSGHMSGDHQA@MJHMFRXRSDLR CTQHMF SGHR CDB@CD 3GD SGQDD L@HM CQHUDQR NE SGHR CDUDKNOLDMS VHKK AD FDMDQ@KKX UDQX GHFG Q@SDR NE DBNMNLHB FQNVSG ƥM@MBH@K CDDODMHMF SN ETKƥK GTFD TMLDS MDDCR ENQ A@RHB ƥM@MBH@K services and new technologies to provide them O@QSHBTK@QKXNUDQLNAHKDOGNMDRŚ FQNVSG HM A@MJ BK@HLR HR @ LDQD ETMBSHNM NE SGD ENQDB@RSDC DBNMNLHB FQNVSG 3GD RDBNMC RBDM@QHN @MSHBHO@SDR ƥM@MBH@K RDBSNQ CDDODMHMF in addition to high levels of economic growth. 3GD CDDODMHMF VNTKC QDRTKS EQNL LNQD GNTRDGNKCR @MC ATRHMDRRDR R@UHMF ANQQNVHMF @MC SQ@MREDQQHMF LNMDX VHSG A@MJR @MC TRHMF SGDRDRDQUHBDRLNQDHMSDMRDKXFQNVSGDRSHL@SDC @SSHLDRSGDQ@SDNE&#/FQNVSG 6D ADKHDUD SGDQD BNTKC AD @ SGHQC RBDM@QHN KD@CHMFSNDUDMADSSDQQDRTKSRHESVNJDXE@BSNQR @QD@CCQDRRDCƥQRSKX EQHB@MBNTMSQHDRVHKKMDDC SNQDHMENQBDHMRSHSTSHNMRRTOONQSHMFSGDƥM@MBH@K RXRSDLR RTBG @R BQDCHS ATQD@TW A@MJQTOSBX OQNBDCTQDR @MC RVHES @MC DƧBHDMS BNTQSR (S RGNTKC AD SGD QDRONMRHAHKHSX NE BDMSQ@K A@MJR to play an active and leading role to ensure such institutions are empowered and play their QNKD DƧBHDMSKX 2DBNMCKX EQHB@ BNTKC KD@C SGD MDWS A@MJHMF QDUNKTSHNM HE @ BNMBDQSDC DƤNQS HR L@CD SNV@QCR DRS@AKHRGHMF @MC DM@AKHMF @M DMUHQNMLDMS ENQ LNAHKD A@MJHMF SN DWO@MC HM thriving conditions. 3GD BG@QS ADKNV OQDRDMSR SGD ENQDB@RS NE A@MJ BK@HLR A@MJRŗ ƥM@MBH@K @RRDSR ADSVDDM @MC (M SGD ƥQRS RBDM@QHN SGD Access to Finance Source: GSMA, MMU Annual Report Ȁǹ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO (MCDDCSGDA@MJHMFRDBSNQG@RE@HKDCSN@CCQDRR SGD MDDCR NE SGD ANSSNL NE SGD OXQ@LHC @MC emerging lower middle class for two main QD@RNMR QDK@SDC SN H SGDHQ HMB@O@BHSX SN ƥMC @M DBNMNLHB@KKX UH@AKD NODQ@SHMF LNCDK B@O@AKD of covering heavy structure costs and adapted ENQ SGD KNV HMBNLD AQ@BJDS @MC HH SGD GD@UX regulatory requirements often not adapted to the African context where a limited portion of SGD ONOTK@SHNM B@M LDDS SDCHNTR *8" *MNV 8NTQ"TRSNLDQBQHSDQH@ Transform Hope into Action ,NAHKD A@MJHMF VNTKC AD @ FNNC V@X SN HMBKTCD SGD TMA@MJDC HMSN SGD RXRSDL @MC LNAHKHRD@CCHSHNM@KR@UHMFRSNQDHMENQBDKDMCHMF B@O@BHSHDR EQNL A@MJR 1DFHNM@K BNNQCHM@SHNM focus on leveraging innovative technologies and @BBNLLNC@SHMF ƥM@MBHMF MDDCR NE ANSG DMCR NE SGD RODBSQTL Ŕ EQNL K@QFDRB@KD HMUDRSNQR SN SGD QTQ@K ONNQ Ŕ @QD MDBDRR@QX SN NOSHLHRD SGDDWO@MRHNMNESGDRDBSNQ@MC@KKNVA@MJRSN support the growth of the economy. 3GD SVN BG@QSR NM SGD KDES CDOHBS SGD Q@SHNM@KD ENQ DWO@MCHMF SGD A@MJHMF RDBSNQ @MC KHRS SGD MDBDRR@QX RSDOR SG@S BNTKC DM@AKD SGD A@MJHMF RDBSNQSNS@JDETKK@CU@MS@FDNESGHRNOONQSTMHSX (QKDQFHDIUDPHZRUNIRUOHDVLQJ ơQDQFH (MSQNCTBHMF +D@RHMF HM 6DRS @MC "DMSQ@K EQHB@ a priority for the development of the private sector and economic growth. ,@MXRSTCHDRG@UDCDLNMRSQ@SDCSG@SCHƧBTKSHDR HM @BBDRRHMF ƥM@MBD @QD SGD UDQX ƥQRS NARS@BKD for the development of small and medium DMSDQOQHRDR 2,$R HM EQHB@ (M SGD L@INQHSX NE EQHB@M BNTMSQHDR GHFG HMSDQDRS Q@SDR @MC K@BJ NE BNKK@SDQ@K OQDBKTCD 2,$R EQNL RDBTQHMF SGD MDBDRR@QX BQDCHS ENQ B@OHS@K @BPTHRHSHNM 3GTR SQ@CHSHNM@KA@MJHMF@MCBNLLDQBH@KBQDCHS@QD NMKX @U@HK@AKD SN SGD SNO DMC NE SGD L@QJDS (M this context, leasing is particularly relevant for EQHB@@R@RTHS@AKDƥM@MBH@KHMRSQTLDMSENQ2,$R ADB@TRDHSDM@AKDRRL@KKATRHMDRRDRSNKDUDQ@FD an initial cash deposit with the inherent value of SGD@RRDSADHMFOTQBG@RDC@BSHMF@RBNKK@SDQ@K We are the Ones we have been waiting for Leasing, in its simplest form, is a means of CDKHUDQHMF ƥM@MBD (S HR @ BNMSQ@BS ADSVDDM SVN O@QSHDR VGDQD NMD O@QSX SGD KDRRNQ OQNUHCDR @M @RRDS OTQBG@RDC EQNL @ SGHQC O@QSX Ŕ SGD RTOOKHDQENQTRDSNSGDNSGDQO@QSXSGDKDRRDD ENQ @ RODBHƥDC ODQHNC NE SHLD HM QDSTQM ENQ RDS payments. Worldwide, equipment leasing has CDLNMRSQ@SDCHSR@AHKHSXSNHMBQD@RDHMUDRSLDMS HM B@OHS@K DPTHOLDMS (M CDUDKNODC BNTMSQHDR KD@RHMF HR TRDC SN ƥM@MBD NE OQHU@SD HMUDRSLDMSRTOSNHMRNLDDBNMNLHDR (M 2TA2@G@Q@M EQHB@ ADB@TRD NE L@MX unresolved issues revolving around the regulatory regime, taxation and the rights of the CHƤDQDMSO@QSHDRSGDKD@RHMFHMCTRSQXHRBTQQDMSKX in a nascent stage, with a penetration rate of less SG@MDWBKTCHMF2NTSG EQHB@@MC-HFDQH@(M !TQJHM@ %@RN ,@KH NQ 2DMDF@K SGD ODMDSQ@SHNM rate of leasing is inferior or equal to .M SGD BNMSQ@QX SGD ODMDSQ@SHNM Q@SD NE KD@RHMF HM 3TMHRH@ NQ ,@TQHSHTR HR QDRODBSHUDKX@MC(%"B@KBTK@SDC SG@S SGD UNKTLD NE KD@RHMF ƥM@MBHMF HM 2DMDF@KBNTKCFQNVENTQSDDMSHLDRHMITRS SDM XD@QR EQNL ʙ LHKKHNM HM SN ʙ LHKKHNM HM RGNTKC MDBDRR@QX QDENQLRADTMCDQS@JDM +D@RHMF CDUDKNOLDMS RGNTKC AD @ OQHNQHSX ENQ EQHB@@RHSOQNUHCDRRHFMHƥB@MSONSDMSH@K for stimulating capital formation in the QDFHNM ANNRSHMF OQHU@SD RDBSNQ CDUDKNOLDMS and reducing poverty. Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ȀǺ 4. A growth enabling environment Ȁǻ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action The rainmaker who doesn’t know what he’s doing will be found out by the lack of clouds. Luganda, Uganda 3GD CDUDKNOLDMS OQNBDRR HR ETKK NE NARS@BKDR and unexpected challenges that often prevent BNTMSQHDREQNLRS@XHMFNMBNTQRD(MSGDXD@QR ADSVDDM HMCDODMCDMBD @MC SGD BNTO (UNQX"N@RSV@RGDQ@KCDC@R@LNCDKNERS@AHKHSX and progress in Francophone Africa; today, after hundreds of thousands of casualties due to HMSDQM@KBNMƦHBSRSGDBNTMSQXHRRKNVKXŖRVHSBGHMF SGD KHFGSR A@BJ NMŗ @F@HM (M SGD CDB@CDR ADSVDDMSGDR@MCRTMCDQ$LODQNQ '@HKD2DK@RRHDŗRQTKD$SGHNOH@L@CDSQDLDMCNTR strides in its modernisation agenda; then came SGDE@LHMD@MCSGDŖQDCSDQQNQŗSG@SRDSSGD BNTMSQXA@BJCDB@CDR@MCHSG@RADDMQDBNUDQHMF only recently through years of sustained growth. 3GDRDDW@LOKDR@MCSGDOTQONRDNESGHRRDBSHNM highlight the grim realisation that development processes, even when they are well thoughtthrough and seamlessly executed, are not HLLTMD SN ŖAKNVR NE E@SDŗ ONKHSHB@K BNTOR E@LHMD K@SDMS RS@SDR NE HMRDBTQHSX NQ ŖHMGDQDMS Ʀ@VRŗ FNUDQM@MBD @MC BNQQTOSHNM OQNAKDLR DMUHQNMLDMS@K @MC ENNC BQHRDR SG@S B@M CDQ@HK years of resolute progress. 4.1 A stable macroeconomic environment ,@BQNDBNMNLHB RS@AHKHSX @ BQHSHB@K BNMSDWST@K DKDLDMS NE VD@KSG BQD@SHNM HR @ANTS FNUDQMLDMSRŗ B@O@BHSX SN L@HMS@HM @ ŖUHQSTNTR ƥRB@K BXBKDŗ VGDQD SGD VD@KSG FDMDQ@SDC AX OQHU@SD DMSDQOQHRD ƥKSDQR HMSN @ RNKHC S@W A@RD GHFG@MCFQNVHMFV@FDRENQVDKKSQ@HMDCVNQJDQR @MC GD@KSGX OQNƥSR EQNL SGD R@KD NE HMMNU@SHUD OQNCTBSR @MC RDQUHBDR .UDQ SGD O@RS XD@QR We are the Ones we have been waiting for 3@MY@MH@ CQ@L@SHB@KKX HLOQNUDC HSR DBNMNLHB performance through a process of comprehensive DBNMNLHB QDENQLR 3GD BNTMSQX LNUDC EQNL @ BNMSQNKKDC DBNMNLX SN @M NODM L@QJDSA@RDC NMDSGQNTFG@LNMFRSNSGDQE@BSNQRRNTMCƥRB@K @MCLNMDS@QXONKHBHDRSNBNMSQNKHMƦ@SHNMƥRB@K BNMRNKHC@SHNM @MC RSQNMFDQ OTAKHB ƥM@MBH@K management, privatisation and reform of stateowned enterprises, reduction in the level of state intervention in the economy, trade reform, KHADQ@KHR@SHNMNESGDƥM@MBH@KRDBSNQ@MCBQD@SHNM NE@L@QJDSNQHDMSDCQDFTK@SNQXEQ@LDVNQJ 4.2 Address the governance issues 3GD BG@KKDMFD NE FNUDQM@MBD KHDR HM SGD HLOKDLDMS@SHNM NE @ RNBH@K BNMSQ@BS ADSVDDM citizens and leaders where institutional QDRNTQBDR ODNOKD B@OHS@K @MC JMNVKDCFD @QD NOSHL@KKX TRDC SN @SS@HM RG@QDC NAIDBSHUDR @MC goals. Currently this social contract often does MNS DWHRS NM SGD EQHB@M BNMSHMDMS EQHB@M BNTMSQHDR Q@MJ @S SGD ANSSNL NE SGD *@TEL@M “he who wants to be king “ African Symbol of service and leadership From the expression “Nea ope se obedi hene daakye no, firi ase sue som ansa” meaning “He who wants to be king in the future must first learn to serve.” Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ȀǼ +HADQH@ŗR&NUDQM@MBD@MC $BNMNLHB,@M@FDLDMS RRHRS@MBD/QNFQ@L&$, / V@RHMSQNCTBDCHM in an attempt to support the reconstruction of the E@HKDCRS@SD&$, /OK@XDC an important role early on HMRS@AHKHYHMFDWODMCHSTQD @MCDRS@AKHRGHMFOQNBDRRDR revenue collection tripled ADSVDDM@MC SGD"DMSQ@K!@MJG@RATHKSHSR QDRDQUDRSNMD@QKXʙLHKKHNM @SDMCEQNLNMKXʙ LHKKHNM@SDMCHLONQS@MS ATCFDSHMF@MCDWODMCHSTQD OQNBDRRDRG@UD@KRNADDM DRS@AKHRGDC@MCF@HMRG@UD ADDML@CDHMHMBQD@RHMF SQ@MRO@QDMBXVHSG+HADQH@ LNUHMFEQNLNTSNEHM SNNTSNEHM NM3Q@MRO@QDMBX(MSDQM@SHNM@KŗR "NQQTOSHNM/DQBDOSHNMR(MCDW Ȁǽ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO HMCDW NM FNUDQMLDMS DƤDBSHUDMDRR MC FNUDQM@MBD HR TKSHL@SDKX @ANTS SGD ENRSDQHMF NE GHFGODQENQLHMFHMRSHSTSHNMRVHSGQDF@QCSNSGDHQ ODNOKDBNLODSDMBDLDQHS 2. HMBDMSHUDR @MC NAIDBSHUDR LD@RTQ@AHKHSX BK@QHSX 3. @BBNTMS@AHKHSX KDUDK NE LNMHSNQHMF BNMRDPTDMBDRRTODQUHRHNM A@MJG@RATHKSHSRQDRDQUDRSNMD@QKXʙLHKKHNM @S DMC EQNL NMKX ʙ LHKKHNM HM (LONQS@MSATCFDSHMF@MCDWODMCHSTQDOQNBDRRDR G@UD@KRNADDMDRS@AKHRGDC@MCF@HMRG@UDADDM L@CD HM HMBQD@RHMF SQ@MRO@QDMBX VHSG +HADQH@ LNUHMFEQNLNTSNEHMSNNTS NE HM NM 3Q@MRO@QDMBX (MSDQM@SHNM@KŗR "NQQTOSHNM/DQBDOSHNMR(MCDW MTLADQ NE EQHB@M BNTMSQHDR G@UD GNVDUDQ DRS@AKHRGDC RODBH@KHRDC @FDMBHDR SN @CCQDRR SGDOQNAKDLNEBNQQTOSHNML@MXNEVGHBGG@UD DWODQHDMBDC FQD@S RTBBDRR -HFDQH@ŖR $BNMNLHB and Financial Crimes Commission provides a ADRSOQ@BSHBDDW@LOKDNE@RTBBDRRETKNUDQRHFGS @CUHRNQX AN@QC @MC SGD @MMT@K QDONQSR NE SGD *DMX@M MSHBNQQTOSHNM "NLLHRRHNM NQ 5DQHƥB@SDTQ &DMDQ@K HM ,@KH @QD DWBDKKDMS examples of a governance report listing activities @MC@BGHDUDLDMSR(M@CCHSHNML@MXRTBBDRRETK HMHSH@SHUDRG@UDADDMHLOKDLDMSDCVGNRDDƤDBSR NMHLOQNUDCFNUDQM@MBDG@UDADDMVHCDROQD@C +HADQH@ŗR&NUDQM@MBD@MC$BNMNLHB,@M@FDLDMS RRHRS@MBD /QNFQ@L &$, / V@R HMSQNCTBDC HM HM@M@SSDLOSSNRTOONQSSGDQDBNMRSQTBSHNM NESGDE@HKDCRS@SD&$, /OK@XDC@MHLONQS@MS QNKD D@QKX NM HM RS@AHKHRHMF DWODMCHSTQD @MC DRS@AKHRGHMF OQNBDRRDR QDUDMTD BNKKDBSHNM SQHOKDCADSVDDM@MC@MCSGDBDMSQ@K (S HR NTQ UHDV SG@S FNUDQM@MBD RGNTKC MNS AD DWBKTRHUDKXCQHUDMAXCDBHRHNML@JDQRATSRGNTKC @KRN ADBNLD @ QDRONMRHAHKHSX NE D@BG BHSHYDM to maintain pressure on their administration or elected representatives at local, regional @MC M@SHNM@K KDUDKR A@RDC NM RODBHƥB BQHSDQH@ EQHB@ OQNONRDR @ ANSSNLTO @OOQN@BG A@RDC NM SGD ACTIOM Principle "3(., RS@MCR ENQ BBNTMS@AHKHSX "HSHYDMRGHO 3Q@MRO@QDMBX (MENQL@SHNM .QF@MHR@SHNM@K A@K@MBD @MC ,DCH@ HMUNKUDLDMS(SOQNUHCDRFTHCDKHMDRENQ@KK EQHB@M citizens to follow in order to ensure that good FNUDQM@MBDADBNLDR@M@SHNMVHCDBNMBDQM@MC CDKHUDQR FNNC @MC RTRS@HM@AKD QDRTKSR VHSG JDX CDKHUDQ@AKDRNMD@BGNESGDRHW@ENQDLDMSHNMDC @QD@R EQHB@OQNONRDRSNK@TMBGSGD "3(., Principle Campaign across Africa empowering the population to drive the good governance, HMCHUHCT@KKX@MCBNKKDBSHUDKX EQHB@OQNONR@K Transform Hope into Action ,QWURGXFLQJ7KHŘ$&7,20řprinciple EQHB@OQNONRDR@ANSSNL TO@OOQN@BGA@RDCNMSGD ř "3(.,/QHMBHOKDŚ "3(., RS@MCRENQ BBNTMS@AHKHSX "HSHYDMRGHO3Q@MRO@QDMBX (MENQL@SHNM.QF@MHY@SHNM@K A@K@MBD,DCH@HMUNKUDLDMS (SOQNUHCDRFTHCDKHMDRENQ@KK African citizens to follow in order to ensure that Good &NUDQM@MBDADBNLDR@ nationwide concern and CDKHUDQRFNNC@MCRTRS@HM@AKD QDRTKSRVHSGJDXCDKHUDQ@AKDRNM D@BGNESGD@ENQDLDMSHNMDC areas. Africa 2.0 proposes to K@TMBGSGD "3(.,/QHMBHOKD Campaign across Africa empowering the population to drive the Good Governance at their respective level individually and collectively. We are the Ones we have been waiting for EQHB@@BJMNVKDCFDRSGDMDBDRRHSXSNRDSTO anti-corruption agencies as well as the related JDXRTBBDRRE@BSNQR Ş 3HLD E@BSNQ SN QD@BG Q@OHC BNMRDMRTR NM setting up structures and governance principles Ş $MRTQD SGDHQ ETKK HMCDODMCDMBD ONKHSHB@K @OONHMSLDMSRBNKKTRHNMDSB Ş CDPT@SD ƥM@MBH@K B@O@AHKHSHDR SN DWDBTSD DƧBHDMSKX Ş $WSDMCDC@BBDRRSNHMENQL@SHNM Consistent with the concept of collective @BBNTMS@AHKHSX @MC ATHKCHMF NM SGD ,NQNBBN B@RD VD OQNONRD @ RDS NE FTHCDKHMDR AX VGHBG to scale up, monitor and hold governments @BBNTMS@AKD6DADKHDUDSG@S&NNC&NUDQM@MBD RGNTKC AD SGD BNMBDQM NE @KK @MC BNTKC AD@Q rapid fruits if the right mindset is applied and a RXRSDL@SHB@OOQN@BGHRDMCNQRDCAX@KKBHSHYDMR @MCRS@JDGNKCDQR6DADKHDUDSG@SSGDADRSOK@BD to ensure that good governance is implemented, @QD @BST@KKX SGD TKSHL@SD ADMDƥBH@QHDR ř3GD /DNOKDŚ &NNC &NUDQM@MBD RGNTKC RS@QS GDQD @MCMNVʖ EQHB@VNTKCKHJDSNOQNONRDVHSG SGD RTOONQS NE @ RSQ@SDFHB O@QSMDQ SN K@TMBG @ continental campaign to the masses around the ř "3(.,/QHMBHOKDŚ "3(., HR @ /QHMBHOKD CDUDKNODC AX EQHB@ SGDSDQLRS@MCRENQ BBNTMS@AHKHSX"HSHYDMRGHO 3Q@MRO@QDMBX (MENQL@SHNM .QF@MHY@SHNM@K !@K@MBD,DCH@(MUNKUDLDMS 3GD "3(.,/QHMBHOKDRGNTKCADBNMRHCDQDC@R a simple guideline to improve and maintain good FNUDQM@MBD@BQNRRSGDAN@QCAXř$LONVDQHMFSN SGD/DNOKDŚ6DUHDVHS@R@FTHCHMFEQ@LDVNQJ @BBDRRHAKD ENQ SGD řL@MVNL@M NM SGD RSQDDSŚ (MCDDCVG@SSGD EQHB@MONOTK@SHNMG@RLHRRDC ENQ@KNMFSHLDV@R@K@BJNEADMBGL@QJVGHBG G@RNESDMKDCSGDLSN@BBDOSSGDTM@BBDOS@AKD "3(., @HLR @S RDSSHMF TO SGD KDUDK NE CDL@MC@MCJDXDWODBS@SHNMRSG@SD@BGBHSHYDM @MC RS@JDGNKCDQ RGNTKC OK@BD HM SGDHQ CDBHRHNM L@JDQR VGHKD CDLNMRSQ@SHMF @ OQN@BSHUD ADG@UHNQ SN DMRTQD SG@S FNNC FNUDQM@MBD HR @OOKHDCDƤDBSHUDKXAX@KKNETR@SU@QHNTRKDUDKR of interactions from corporate, to municipalities to national and regional levels. An active and RTRS@HM@AKD @V@QDMDRR B@LO@HFM @QNTMC SGD "3(., /QHMBHOKDR RGNTKC AD@Q RHFMHƥB@MS QDRTKSR @R HS VNTKC L@JD FNUDQM@MBD SGD HRRTD @MCQDRONMRHAHKHSXNE@KK EQHB@MR ACCOUNTABILITY: BBNTMS@AHKHSXDM@AKDR@RSQNMFDQRDKECHRBHOKHMD EQNL CDBHRHNM L@JDQR @MC O@UDR SGD V@X ENQ ADSSDQ FNUDQM@MBD 'NV SN CQHUD CDBHRHNM L@JDQRŗ@BBNTMS@AHKHSX First of all, it is critical to ensure that decision L@JDQR BNLLTMHB@SD SGDHQ NAIDBSHUDR VGDM S@JHMF NƧBD NQ VGDM BNLLHSSHMF SN @M @BSHNM OK@M 3GNRD NAIDBSHUDR RGNTKC AD PT@MSHS@SHUD @MC PT@KHS@SHUD 3GHR RGNTKC @KKNV SN LD@RTQD @BGHDUDLDMSR@F@HMRSSGDHQNAIDBSHUDR@MC@RRDRR Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ȀǾ SGDHQ ODQENQL@MBD 2DBNMCKX @BBNTMS@AHKHSX HR NMKX@BGHDU@AKDVGDMQNKDR@MCQDRONMRHAHKHSHDR @QDBKD@QKXCDƥMDCHM@EQ@LDVNQJNEOQNBDCTQDR that are clear. As a result, an adequate reward @MC R@MBSHNM LDBG@MHRL RGNTKC AD @OOKHB@AKD to ensure that good governance principles are QDRODBSDC 3NN NESDM HLOTMHSX OQDU@HKR @MC paves the way for worsening governance. What @KSDQM@SHUDR @QD SN AD DMUHR@FDC VGDM RDMHNQ KD@CDQRCNMŗS@OOKX@CDPT@SDR@MBSHNMR(MSG@S case peer pressure and society pressure may @OOKX AX AQHMFHMF SGD HRRTD HM SGD OTAKHB OK@BD @MCONHMSHMFƥMFDQR@SSGDLHRL@M@FDLDMSVHSG VG@SDUDQBNLLTMHB@SHNMSNNKL@XAD@U@HK@AKD ř M HCD@ BNTKC AD SN DMBNTQ@FD KNB@KQDFHNM@K -&.R OTAKHRG UH@ VDARHSD @ V@KK NE RG@LD NE BNQQTOSDC CDBHRHNM L@JDQR NQ Q@MJHMF NE LHRL@M@FDC ETMCRŚ ATS @S HMSDQM@SHNM@K regional, municipal and corporate level. TR 'NV LTBG HR OQHU@SD RDBSNQ HMUNKUDC HM SGD ONKHBHDR @MC FQNVSG OK@MR "HSHYDMRGHO HR therefore a prerequisite for quality governance, SGDQDHRMNDƧBHDMBXVHSGNTSRNTMCBGDBJR@MC A@K@MBDR'NVLTBGV@RRODMSNMSGHRQN@CHRHS @KHFMDCSNTRT@KRS@MC@QCR@QDVDNUDQO@XHMF 6GDQDCNDRSGDLNMDXFNDSB3GDQD@KBG@KKDMFD is that although necessary, an anti-corruption @FDMBX L@X MNS AD DMNTFG SN S@BJKD SGD &NUDQM@MBD OQNAKDL DRODBH@KKX HE SG@S @FDMBX STQMRNTSSNADBNQQTOSHSRDKE6DMDDCSNSTQMSGD QD@K TKSHL@SD ADMDƥBH@QHDR NE FNNC FNUDQM@MBD VGNENQRTQDVHKKMNSADAH@RDC3GDODNOKD3GD "HSHYDMR%NQSG@SQD@RNMSGDXMDDCSNS@JDSGDHQ QDRONMRHAHKHSX @MC BNLD NTS NE SGD RG@CNV AX setting up the standards and demanding more @BBNTMS@AHKHSXEQNLCDBHRHNML@JDQR TRANSPARENCY CITIZENSHIP ř(ERODDBG@MCDMPTHQX@QDMNSHMCDODMCDMS@MC TMSQ@LLDKDCHSL@JDRMNCHƤDQDMBDTMCDQVG@S ENQL NE FNUDQMLDMS XNT KHUD XNT @QD @ RTAIDBS @MCMNS@BHSHYDMŚ2DM@SNQ6HKKH@L$!NQ@G 3GHRHROQNA@AKXSGDLNRSHLONQS@MSBNLONMDMS NE @M DƧBHDMS &NUDQM@MBD 2XRSDL 6G@S CN VD LD@M AX BHSHYDMRGHO (E BHSHYDMR CNMŗS GNKC CDBHRHNM L@JDQR @BBNTMS@AKD VGN VHKK 'NV L@MX NE XNT JMNV SGD OQNFQ@L @MC NAIDBSHUDR NESGDL@XNQNEXNTQLTMHBHO@KHSXNQSGDATCFDS NE XNTQ QDFHNM NQ BNTMSQX 'NV L@MX NE XNT KNNJDC NQ @RJDC ENQ HS "HSHYDMRGHO RS@QSR VHSG DMPTHQX @SSHSTCD @MC @ANUD @KK VHSG SGD RDMRD NE QDRONMRHAHKHSX ENQ VG@S HR G@OODMHMF @QNTMC Ȁǿ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO 3Q@MRO@QDMBX MDDCR SN AD HMSDQOQDSDC GDQD @R @ CTSX HMBTLADMS SN KD@CDQR 3Q@MRO@QDMBX LD@MRRHLOKDSGHMFRKHJDOQNUHCHMFUHRHAHKHSX@MC BNLENQS SG@S CDBHRHNM L@JDQR L@JD SGD QHFGS BGNHBDR ENQ SGDHQ BNMRSHSTDMSR 3Q@MRO@QDMBX means also providing consistency in preserving the prevalence of general interest over personal @MC NQ RL@KK FQNTOŗR HMSDQDRS (M NSGDQ VNQCR GNVV@RSGDS@WO@XDQRLNMDXRODMS6@RSGDQD @E@HQSQ@MRO@QDMSSDMCDQENQSGHROQNIDBS#HCSGD ADRSBNMSDMCDQ@BST@KKXVHM(RSGDBNRSENQSGHR OQNIDBS HMƦ@SDC CNDR HS @KHFM SN HMSDQM@SHNM@K ADMBGL@QJR QDSGDX@KHFMDCVHSGHMSDQM@SHNM@K ADMBGL@QJEQNL@BNRS@MCPT@KHSXODQRODBSHUD (R SGHR ODQRNM SGD LNRS BNLODSDMS ENQ SGD INA .M VG@S BQHSDQH@ V@R SG@S ODQRNM @OONHMSDC 3GD NMKX BNMRSHSTDMSR DMSHSKDC SN @RJ RTBG questions are the taxpayers, in other words it is SGD OQHL@QX QDRONMRHAHKHSX NE UNSDQR SN DMPTHQD @MCCDL@MCFNUDQM@MBD3GHR@RRTLDRSG@SBHUHK RNBHDSX FQNTOR NQF@MHYD SGDLRDKUDR ADSSDQ @MC focus their actions in a coordinated approach while communicating massively and demand increased transparency. INFORMATION (MENQL@SHNM HR @ BHSHYDMŗR ETMC@LDMS@K QHFGS SN AD TRDC RXRSDL@SHB@KKX (M SG@S RDMRD SGD QNKD of civil society is to question the information L@CD@U@HK@AKD(MNSGDQVNQCRHSHRMNSADB@TRD the government or municipalities have shown some form of transparency that the information OQNUHCDC RGNTKC MNS AD PTDRSHNMDC R @M DW@LOKD CN XNT JMNV SGD ATCFDS NE SGD L@HM TSHKHSHDRHMXNTQBNTMSQX#NXNTJMNVGNVSGD ETMCR @QD ADHMF RODMS '@UD XNT PTDRSHNMDC SGNRD MTLADQR (E XNT CNMŗS HS LD@MR SG@S XNT G@UDSQTRSHMSGDFNUDQMHMFANCHDR@MCDWDBTSHUDR VGN@QDGDQDSNRDQUDNTQM@SHNMR(ESG@SHRSGD case, there is therefore no need to complain @ANTS ONNQ FNUDQM@MBD HM EQHB@ 6HSGNTS @ consciousness to enquire, without a systematic request for information dissemination, good FNUDQM@MBD HR ONHMSKDRR (MENQL@SHNM E@HQ @MC @BBTQ@SD HMENQL@SHNM HR SGD QNNS @R HS @KKNVR the population to follow closely that the right CDBHRHNMR@QDADHMFL@CD&NUDQM@MBDB@MMNSAD envisaged without a communication scheme that provides adequate information to constituents. (MENQL@SHNMMDDCRSNG@UDSGDENKKNVHMFED@STQDR Transform Hope into Action Ş U@HK@AHKHSX %QNL -@SHNM@K SN LTMHBHO@KHSX level information on how taxpayer money HR TRDC RGNTKC AD CHRBKNRDC @MC L@CD @U@HK@AKDENQBNMRTKS@SHNM Ş BBTQ@BX KK CHRBKNRDC HMENQL@SHNM RGNTKC AD@BBTQ@SD@MCQDƦDBSSGDE@BSRHM@E@HQ@MC faithful manner. Ş %QDPTDMBX"NMRSHSTDMSRRGNTKCADQDFTK@QKX updated of decisions made and proposed @BSHNM OK@MR SN AD @AKD SN ENKKNV TO NM RTBBDRRETK HLOKDLDMS@SHNM A@RDC NM announcements made. ORGANIZATIONAL BALANCE 6HSGNTSSGD@OOQNOQH@SDBNMSQNK@MCUDQHƥB@SHNM LD@RTQDRPT@KHSXFNUDQM@MBDB@MMNSDLDQFD(S HR ETMC@LDMS@K SG@S FNUDQMHMF ANCHDR CDUDKNO appropriate organizational structures to ensure that decisions are made in the interest of the ONOTK@SHNM2DD,@SQHW@ANUD Only independent control commissions with strong mandate to operate in autonomy can DM@AKDADSSDQFNUDQM@MBD .QF@MHY@SHNM@K A@K@MBD @KRN LD@MR A@K@MBD NE ONVDQR ADSVDDM DWDBTSHUD ITCHBH@QX @MC KDFHRK@SHUD ANCHDR 3GNRD NAUHNTRKX CDODMC on the willingness of Leaders to allow for such NTSBNLDR SN S@JD OK@BD -DUDQSGDKDRR HS HR SGD QDRONMRHAHKHSXNEBHUHKRNBHDSX@MCBNTMSQXDKHSDR SNL@JDRTBGQDPTDRSRHM@BNMRSQTBSHUDV@X@R ř.QF@MHY@SHNM@K !@K@MBDŚ @KRN QDEDQR SN @ RSQNMF and dynamic citizenship. We are the Ones we have been waiting for MEDIA INVOLVEMENT ř( G@UD CHRBTRRDC DKRDVGDQD SGD QDL@QJ@AKD E@BSSG@SHMSGDSDQQHAKDGHRSNQXNEE@LHMDRHMSGD VNQKCMNRTARS@MSH@KE@LHMDG@RDUDQNBBTQQDCHM any independent and democratic country with a QDK@SHUDKXEQDDOQDRRŚ/QNE L@QSX@2DM6HMMDQ NESGD-NADK/QHYDENQ$BNMNLHBR (M L@MX CDUDKNOHMF BNTMSQHDR SGD LDCH@ OK@XR a strategic role in maintaining good governance OQHMBHOKDR AX OTAKHRGHMF LHRL@M@FDLDMS @MC NQ HQQDFTK@QHSHDR EQNL CDBHRHNM L@JDQR EQHB@ HR @S@SHOOHMFONHMS3GDBNMSHMDMSBNTKCKDUDQ@FD NMRSQNMFDQLDCH@DMF@FDLDMSHMOTAKHB@Ƥ@HQR NƤDQHMFOK@SENQLRENQCHRBTRRHNM@MC@RRDRRLDMS on how the state and local governments are L@M@FDC6HSGSGDDLDQFDMBDNEHMSDQMDSLNAHKD phones and other social media, the continent is at the dawn of empowered citizenship and overcoming the challenges of isolation and misinformation. 2NBH@K ,DCH@ @MC !QN@CDM UHQST@K BNLLTMHSHDR G@UD ADBNLD @ ONVDQETK OK@SENQL ENQ CDA@SDR @MC DMF@FDLDMS @R SGDX DM@AKD @ FQD@SDQ and faster dissemination of information and LNAHKHY@SHNM 3GHR NAUHNTRKX HLOKHDR RSQNMFDQ EQDDCNLNEOQDRR,DCH@NVMDQR@MCCDUDKNODQR LTRS AD @KKNVDC SN SGQHUD HM @M DM@AKHMF QDFTK@SNQXEQ@LDVNQJ2GNTKCRTBG@EQ@LDVNQJ MNSADFQ@MSDCVDDMBNTQ@FDLTKSHK@SDQ@KRBHUHK RNBHDSX@MCOQHU@SDRDBSNQSNS@JD@RSDO(MCDDC private sector have a good reason to advocate @RSGDXSGQHUDADSSDQHM@KHADQ@KHYDCEQ@LDVNQJ @KKNVHMF SGD QDRTQFDMBD NE CHUDQRHƥDC KNB@K NQ M@SHNM@K LDCH@ BG@MMDKR NƤDQHMF AQN@CDQ NOONQSTMHSHDRENQ@CUDQSHRHMFSNANNRSSGDR@KDR and increase their turnover. Also stronger media HMUNKUDLDMSDM@AKDRAQN@CDQRG@QHMFNEKDRRNMR learned, new ideas and solutions dissemination. ,PSURYHWKH investment climate The role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) BBNQCHMF SN SGD $QMRS 8NTMF $8 1DONQS ř(SŗR SHLD ENQ EQHB@Ś ADRHCDR ADHMF @ BQHSHB@K source of longer-term capital for reinvestment in infrastructure and other developmental HMHSH@SHUDR %#( @KRN OQNUHCDR @ ONRHSHUD QHOOKD DƤDBSHMBKTCHMF Ş )NABQD@SHNMHMSGDK@RSDHFGSXD@QR@KNMD %#(GDKODCBQD@SDLMDVINARHM EQHB@ Ş Development of local suppliers - local sourcing policies help to create extended supply chains of domestic providers Ş 2JHKKRSDBGMNKNFX@MCJMNVKDCFDSQ@MREDQ Ş B@S@KXRS ENQ DBNMNLHB CHUDQRHƥB@SHNM GDKOHMF EQHB@M DBNMNLHDR LNUD ADXNMC overdependence on natural resources. (MSGDR@LDQDONQS$8DRSHL@SDRSG@SMDV%#( OQNIDBSR HMSN EQHB@ RGNTKC QD@BG 42ʙA AX BQD@SHMFINARODQ@MMTL With annual foreign direct investment increasing EQNLʙAHKKHNMSNʙAHKKHNMODQXD@QADSVDDM @MC @ FQNVHMF LHCCKD BK@RR @MC @ XNTMFONOTK@SHNM EQHB@G@RADDMK@ADKKDCŖSGD Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ȀȀ Ȁȁ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action K@RSHMUDRSLDMSEQNMSHDQŗ'NVDUDQLTBGNESGHR OQNFQDRR HR MNS SQ@MRK@SHMF HMSN ADSSDQ KHUDR ENQ average Africans and further improvements in investment climates are required via initiatives SN @CCQDRR ONNQ FNUDQM@MBD BNQQTOSHNM VD@J institutions, compromised legal systems, human capacity challenges and antiquated infrastructure. Furthermore, once domestic investment is successfully fostered across Africa, foreign investment will grow even faster. Africa OQNONRDR@MTLADQNEJDXHLONQS@MSLD@RTQDR aimed at galvanising and helping African civil RNBHDSXDMSQDOQDMDTQR@MCKD@CDQRGHOSN Ş embrace and disseminate the use of global benchmarking reports (World Bank Doing Business, Competitiveness Rankings, etc.) as our main evaluation tools. Ş use these current business environment ADMBGL@QJHMF DWDQBHRDR SN @RRDRR SGD progress made to date and, in collaboration with local and international academics, professional organisations and other governments, develop performance indicators and goals which are aligned with the national priorities and visions. Ş KNAAX ENQ SGDRD BNLLHSSDDR SN G@UD HMSDQ ministerial and technical people in charge NE ATRHMDRR DMUHQNMLDMS QDENQLR @MC NSGDQ VNQJHMF FQNTOR SN AD RSQDMFSGDMDC expanded or included in government transformation programs. Ş RTOONQS SGD VNQJ NE M@SHNM@K QDFHNM@K @MC HMSDQM@SHNM@K S@RJ ENQBDR AX DMBNTQ@FHMF EQHB@M DMSQDOQDMDTQR @MC ATRHMDRRDR SN report their customer experience when CD@KHMFVHSGOTAKHBHMRSHSTSHNMR Ş ensure a wider dissemination of reports which empower African entrepreneurs We are the Ones we have been waiting for and civil society to hold their leadership @BBNTMS@AKD%NQDW@LOKDSNDMRTQDSG@SSGD ƥMCHMFR NE SGD 42 (# ETMCDC Ŗ!NQCDQKDRR Removing Trade Barriers in West Africa’ are OQDRDMSDCDWSDMRHUDKXSN6DRS EQHB@MSQTBJ CQHUDQRSQ@CDQR@MCNƧBH@KRRN@BSHNMRB@M be taken and responsible institutions held accountable if the laws are not respected. !NSRV@M@ G@R DRS@AKHRGDC @ MTLADQ NE programmes and policies that have enhanced HSR @AHKHSX SN @SSQ@BS %#( SG@S G@R ADDM SGD driving force of the economy, allowing changes in the country’s economic structure from SGD CNLHM@MBD AX SGD @FQHBTKSTQ@K RDBSNQ @S independence to a prevailing mining activity. 1V@MC@HR@OQNLHMDMSRTBBDRRRSNQXHMSDQLRNE winning over the investment climate challenge AX BNLAHMHMF @ UHRHNM@QX @MC BNLLHSSDC leadership with a strong population involvement towards turning the country into a preferred investment destination in less than ten years. Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ȀȂ 4.4 Africa : from food security to global food basket BESE SAKA “sack of cola nuts” African Symbol of affluence, power, abundance, plenty, togetherness and unity The cola nut played an important role in the economic life of Ghana. A widely-used cash crop, it is closely associated with affluence and abundance. This African Symbol also represents the role of agriculture and trade in bringing peoples together. 2HST@SHNMRRTBG@RSGD$SGHNOH@MCQNTFGSHMSGD R NQ SGD QDBDMS B@RD NE E@LHMD HM 2NL@KH@ HM )TKX TFTRS CDLNMRSQ@SD SG@S E@LHMD B@M BNLOKDSDKX CDRS@AHKHRD @ BNTMSQX @MC particular focus is required to ensure a nation’s DPTHKHAQHTL %NNC RDBTQHSX @MC @FQHBTKSTQD HM EQHB@ @QD SGQD@SDMDC AX BG@KKDMFDR RTBG @R climate change, rural migration and droughts. 3NS@K ENNC DWONQSR HMBQD@RDC EQNL ʙ AHKKHNM HM SN ʙ AHKKHNM HM VGHKD SGD HLONQS AHKKCNTAKDCADSVDDM@MCEQNLʙ AHKKHNMSNʙAHKKHNM3GHRSQ@CDCDƥBHSGHFGKHFGSR the necessity for African nations to move up the value chain and enter into the age of agroprocessing to reduce their food dependency @MCADBNLD@MDSDWONQSDQSNBQD@SD@CCHSHNM@K VD@KSGENQHSRODNOKD ʙHMBQD@RDHM@FQHBTKSTQ@K U@KTD@CCDCFDMDQ@SDR@ʙʙHMBQD@RDHM the rural non-farm economy. Overall GDP growth originating in agriculture is two to four times LNQDDƤDBSHUDHMQDCTBHMFONUDQSXSG@MFQNVSG generated outside agriculture. %TQSGDQLNQD HM EQHB@ NUDQ ODQBDMS NE SGD population is involved in some form of agricultural 3NS@KENNCDWONQSRHMBQD@RDC EQNLʙAMHMSNʙAM HMVGHKDHLONQSAHKK CNTAKDCADSVDDM@MC EQNLʙAMSNʙAM activity and the average African family spends LNQD SG@M ODQBDMS NE HSR HMBNLD NM ENNC 8DS @FQHBTKSTQD BNMRSHSTSDR NMKX ODQBDMS NE Africa’s GDP; it is thus quite unproductive, in O@QSHBTK@Q ADB@TRD NE HRRTDR QDK@SDC SN K@MC tenure, poor irrigation and mechanisation, added SN KHLHSDC @U@HK@AHKHSX NE HMOTSR 3GDRD HRRTDR @QDADHMFRTBBDRRETKKX@CCQDRRDCHMRNLDO@QSR NE SGD BNMSHMDMS HM $SGHNOH@ @ANTS RHW LHKKHNM GNTRDGNKCR G@UD QDBDHUDC SHSKD BDQSHƥB@SDR HM @ BNRSDƤDBSHUD V@X SGQNTFG SGD HLOKDLDMS@SHNM of systematic registration and user right BDQSHƥB@SHNM OQNBDCTQDR @MC HM $FXOS SGD (MSDFQ@SDC6@SDQ1DRNTQBD,@M@FDLDMS(61, African nations to move up the value chain and enter into the age of agro-processing to reduce their food dependency. ȁǹ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action Overall GDP growth originating in agriculture is two to four SHLDRLNQDDƤDBSHUDHM reducing poverty than growth generated outside agriculture. Furthermore, in Africa, over NESGDONOTK@SHNMHR involved in some form of agriculture activity and the average African family spends LNQDSG@MNEHSRHMBNLD on food. CDUDKNODC @ RTBBDRRETK RONS L@QJDS DWBG@MFD Commodity exchanges help to remove or reduce SGDGHFGSQ@MR@BSHNMBNRSRNESDME@BDCAXDMSHSHDR along commodity supply chains in developing countries. Properly functioning commodity DWBG@MFDR B@M OQNLNSD LNQD DƧBHDMS OQNCTBSHNM RSNQ@FD L@QJDSHMF @MC @FQN processing operations. Commodity exchanges NƤDQHMFSQ@CDHMHMRSQTLDMSRRTBG@RENQV@QCR@MC futures contracts also provide sector participants with means of managing exposure to commodity OQHBD UNK@SHKHSX %TQSGDQLNQD SGD @U@HK@AHKHSX of a neutral and authoritative price reference can overcome information asymmetries that @MC$SGHNOH@G@RCDUDKNODC @RTBBDRRETKRONSL@QJDS exchange. Commodity exchanges help to remove or reduce the high transaction BNRSRNESDME@BDCAXDMSHSHDR along commodity supply chains in developing countries. @BSHNMOK@M@MC@RRNBH@SDC(MSDFQ@SDC(QQHF@SHNM (LOQNUDLDMS@MC,@M@FDLDMS/QNIDBS(((,/HR SGDƥQRSK@QFDRB@KD@OOKHB@SHNMNESGDHQQHF@SHNM modernisation program, which has introduced BNMSHMTNTR ƦNV SN HLOQNUD V@SDQ CDKHUDQX SN agricultural land. Rationale for commodity exchange BNLLNCHSX DWBG@MFD HR @ L@QJDS HM VGHBG LTKSHOKD ATXDQR @MC RDKKDQR SQ@CD BNLLNCHSX KHMJDC BNMSQ@BSR NM SGD A@RHR NE QTKDR @MC OQNBDCTQDR K@HC CNVM AX SGD DWBG@MFD 2NTSG Africa has an internationally recognised BNLLNCHSX DWBG@MFD @MC $SGHNOH@ G@R SGD@U@HK@AHKHSXNE@MDTSQ@K@MC@TSGNQHS@SHUDOQHBDQDEDQDMBD can overcome information asymmetries that have often disadvantaged smaller or less well-connected farmers in the past. We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ȁǺ have often disadvantaged smaller or less wellconnected farmers in the past. Transform our products and develop strong agroindustry A stronger agro-industry should help the continent reduce food import dependency and BQD@SD LNQD VD@KSG 3GD BG@QSR ADKNV OQDRDMS the margins structure across the agricultural U@KTD BG@HM @MC SGD ONSDMSH@K F@HMR @U@HK@AKD ENQ EQHB@MBNTMSQHDRHESGDXS@JDSGD@OOQNOQH@SD LD@RTQDRSNLNUDTOSGDU@KTDBG@HM3GDRDBNMC chart highlights some countries’ success stories @MCSGDRSDORS@JDM We do not consume what we produce and we do not OQNCTBDVG@SVDBNMRTLDʖ ȁǻ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO A stronger agro industry should help the continent reduce food import dependency and create more wealth The prosperity of the trees is the well being of the birds. Transform Hope into Action /HWŖVVWDUWHDWLQJFDVVDYDEUHDG Our mass production of agricultural products is CQHUDM SN DWONQS DF BNBN@ @MC BNƤDD VGDQD margins are extremely low due to international BNLODSHSHNM .TQ RHFMHƥB@MS ENNC HLONQS CDƥBHS QDRTKSREQNLNTQSQ@MRENQLDCMTSQHSHNMG@AHSR@MC our newly acquired taste. We import most of our VGD@S BNQM @MC QHBD (M -HFDQH@ ENQ HMRS@MBD percent of cassava produced is now wasted due not only to transport infrastructure and storage CDƥBHDMBHDR ATS @KRN ADB@TRD NE SGD VHCDMDC F@O HM D@SHMF G@AHSR ADSVDDM SGD TQA@M @MC QTQ@KONOTK@SHNM3GDHQNMXHRSG@SKNB@KOQNCTBSR NM KNB@K L@QJDSR KHJD RNQFGTL @MC B@RR@U@ FDMDQ@SD LTBG AHFFDQ L@QFHMR ENQ E@QLDQR Ŕ ODQBDMS (S HR SHLD VD RS@QS @BPTHQHMF taste adapted to our local conditions and thus BNMSQHATSHMF SN SGD NUDQ@KK RNBHNDBNMNLHB prosperity of our nations. Furthermore due to our secular familiarity with those local products we G@UDCDUDKNODC@TMHPTDJMNVGNVSG@SBNTKC give us competitive edge on the production and transformation of such products. According to @ RSTCX AX SGD 42 B@CDLX NE 2BHDMBDR Ŗ+NRS Crops of Africa’, Africa’s local cereals - rice, millet, fonio, sorghum, tef and dozens of wild cereals present a local legacy of genetic wealth upon VGHBG@RNTMCENNCETSTQDLHFGSADATHKS2NNTQ ETSTQDKHDRHMB@RR@U@AQD@C 'HYHORSDQ,QWHJUDWHG$JULEXVLQHVV Development Policy Case Study : Karnataka Government India 3GD &NUDQMLDMS NE *@QM@S@J@ CDUDKNODC Ŗ(MSDFQ@SDC FQHATRHMDRR #DUDKNOLDMS /NKHBX ŗSG@SG@RADDMENQLTK@SDCSN@CCQDRRJDX BNMBDQMR @ƤDBSHMF SGD @FQHBTKSTQ@K FQNVSG @MC allied sectors namely improving productivity, minimizing post harvest losses, enhancing post harvest processing and value addition, DMG@MBHMF U@KTD QD@KHY@SHNM SGQNTFG ADSSDQ L@QJDSHMF BG@MMDKR RTRS@HM@AKD OQ@BSHBDR HM OQNCTBSHNM OQNBDRRHMF AQ@MCHMF L@QJDSHMF DSB3GDONKHBXK@XRRSQDRRNM@MHL@KGTRA@MCQX and dairy in terms of generating income and QTQ@K DLOKNXLDMS HMBQD@RHMF SGD @U@HK@AHKHSX NE @MHL@K OQNSDHM HM SGD ENNC A@RJDS @MC ENQ FDMDQ@SHMFDWONQS@AKDRTQOKTRSNS@QFDSL@QJDSR 3GD.AIDBSHUDRNESGDONKHBX@HLR@S@CCQDRRHMF BG@KKDMFDR 2TRS@HM@AKD @FQHBTKSTQ@K @BSHUHSX DMG@MBDC OQNCTBSHUHSX @MC ADSSDQ QD@KHY@SHNM SN farming community. 2. Development of Agri-infrastructure 3. #DUDKNOLDMS NE FQN A@RDC (MCTRSQX including Food Processing Units 4. 1DRD@QBG RJHKK CDUDKNOLDMS @MC employment generation !NNRSHMF@FQNDWONQSRNESGDRS@SD (MUDRSLDMSRHM@FQHBTKSTQD@MC@KKHDCRDBSNQR (MUDRSNQ EQHDMCKX ONKHBHDR @MC QDFTK@SNQX EQ@LDVNQJ We are the Ones we have been waiting for Foreign land acquisition in Africa: Source Mo Ibrahim Foundation 3GDHQNMXHRSG@SKNB@KOQNCTBSR NMKNB@KL@QJDSRRNQFGTL J@R@U@DSBFDMDQ@SDLTBGAHFFDQ L@QFHMRENQE@QLDQR Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ȁǼ 3GD(MSDFQ@SDC FQHATRHMDRR#DUDKNOLDMS/NKHBX HRA@RDCNMSGDENKKNVHMFOQHMBHOKDR Development of Agri Input Sector 'HFGPT@KHSXRDDCRHCDMSHƥB@SHNMOQNCTBSHNM @MCRSNQ@FD@MCBDQSHƥB@SHNMBDMSDQR Focus Development of Key Products /QNLNSHMFJDXOQNCTBSRG@UHMFBNLODSHSHUD advantage and uniqueness Brand Building Ş Demarcation of areas for each of these BNLLNCHSHDR DRS@AKHRGHMF PT@KHSX BDQSHƥB@SHNM Farming, Cultivation, Dairy Husbandry, Poultry Husbandry, Fisheries, Sericulture, Apiculture and Animal Husbandry Ş Adopt modern practices and technologies @MC RBHDMSHƥB L@M@FDLDMS SDBGMHPTDR 3N NUDQBNLD SGD BNMRSQ@HMSR KHJD unproductive plantation, low productivity NEBQNORCTDSNHMEDQHNQFDMDSHBRSNBJR Organic Farming Clusters Ş (MSTMDVHSGFQNVHMFCDL@MCENQNQF@MHB produce and health consciousness, and leveraging the inherent advantages of local natural resources. Agri - Horti - Animal Husbandry - Fisheries Food Processing Corridor Ş $MG@MBDC QDUDMTDR SN E@QLDQR and employment potential to local ONOTK@SHNM @M FQH'NQSH MHL@K 'TRA@MCQX%HRGDQHDR %NNC /QNBDRRHMF Corridor of excellence is envisaged. ȁǽ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Ş 3GHR BNQQHCNQ RG@KK AD @KHFMDC @KNMF L@INQ SQ@MRONQS @QSDQHDR HD QN@C @MC Q@HK SQTMJ QNTSDR 3GHR VNTKC OQHL@QHKX CDQHUD SGD @CU@MS@FDNEDWHRSHMFKNFHRSHBRMDSVNQJHMSGD region and integrate the planning process NE SGD BNQQHCNQ @RRHLHK@SHMF &QDDMƥDKC @MC !QNVMƥDKCCDUDKNOLDMS Market Intelligence Cell Ş C@S@A@MJ NE HMENQL@SHNM NM ANSG CNLDRSHB @MCFKNA@KSQDMCR@BQNRROQNCTBSBG@HMR@MC sector Agro Based Industry (or Agro-Industrial Units) Special Agro Tourism Investment Zones Ş to promote agriculture tourism to provide, DLOKNXLDMS@MCDBNMNLHBRS@AHKHSXHMQTQ@K communities. Knowledge Support Cell Ş SN E@BHKHS@SD @FQHATRHMDRR HM *@QM@S@J@ @MC SN JDDO @AQD@RS NE K@SDRS SDBGMNKNFX @MC information in the sector, central product information, cultivation Investment Promotion Ş QDFTK@Q HMUDRSLDMS OQNLNSHNM DUDMSR KHJD &KNA@K(MUDRSNQR,DDS&(,!HNSDBGMNKNFX Summit etc to promote investment into the state Fiscal Incentives and facilitation Ş(CDMSHEXHMF K@MC A@MJR ENQ RTRS@HMDC industrialization and infrastructure development. Ş$WDLOSHNM EQNL 2S@LO #TSX ENQ ,2,$ +@QFD @MC ,DF@ @FQN A@RDC HMCTRSQHDR @MC agri-infrastructure. Ş$WDLOSHNM EQNL $MSQX 3@W ENQ ,2,$ +@QFD @MC ,DF@ @FQN A@RDC HMCTRSQHDR @MC @FQH infrastructure. Ş(MBDMSHUDRENQ$WONQS.QHDMSDC,2,$+@QFD @MC,DF@@FQNA@RDCHMCTRSQHDR Ş2TARHCXENQRDSSHMFTO$3/RAX,2,$+@QFD @MC ,DF@ @FQN A@RDC HMCTRSQHDR @MC @FQH infrastructure. Ş(MSDQDRS %QDD +N@M NM 5 3 ENQ +@QFD @MC ,DF@@FQNA@RDCHMCTRSQHDR ,NQD HMENQL@SHNM @U@HK@AKD NM GSSOVVV J@QTM@CTFNUHM#NBTLDMSR(MSDFQ@SDC FQH!TRHMDRR1-OLOCE Transform Hope into Action 4.5 Keep Africa green Unless we incorporate environmental considerations into our development planning, implementation and evaluation, the future of our species, and of all the other species that BNMRSHSTSD SGD AHNCHUDQRHSX @MC M@STQ@K A@K@MBD of our planet, remains endangered. Present and future prosperity and the peaceful coexistence of peoples and their nation states, not only revolves around issues of exclusion from, and access to L@QJDSRATS@KRN@QNTMCHRRTDRNEDWBKTRHNMEQNL access to and control of natural resources. While We are the Ones we have been waiting for FKNA@KQDRNTQBD@U@HK@AHKHSXHRKHJDKXSNJDDOO@BD with increased general consumption, frequent local and regional shortages will continue to threaten our existence and challenge current governance and management systems. 3GD FNUDQMLDMS NE 4F@MC@ DRS@AKHRGDC @M $MUHQNMLDMS(MENQL@SHNM"DMSQD$("VHSG4-$/ RTOONQSHM3GHR$("G@RFDMDQ@SDC@MTLADQ NE BNMBQDSD ADMDƥSR SN U@QHNTR OK@MMHMF @MC development initiatives, through environmental @RRDRRLDMS @MC QDONQSHMF @S CHƤDQDMS KDUDKR support to the national development processes, the use of remote-sensing technology for CDBHRHNML@JHMFHMBQD@RDC@BBDRRSNHMENQL@SHNM HMBKTCHMFENQDCTB@SHNM@MCQDRD@QBG@MCADSSDQ OTAKHB@V@QDMDRRNEDMUHQNMLDMS@KHRRTDR EQHB@BTQQDMSKXADMDƥSREQNL@MDMUHQNMLDMS@K B@OHS@KSG@SSGDBNMSHMDMSRGNTKCLNMDSHRD3GHR FNDR ADXNMC SNTQHRL @MC DBNSNTQHRL EQHB@M countries should maintain and intensify their BNNQCHM@SDC DƤNQSR @MC CDRHFM @ BNLLNM KNMF SDQL RSQ@SDFX SN ADMDƥS EQNL B@QANM BQDCHS NOONQSTMHSHDRQDRTKSHMFEQNLSGD*XNSN/QNSNBNK Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ȁǾ Leapfrogging Africa The time has come. 5. Key Success Factors ȁǿ Transform Hope into Action Africans can address their critical challenges if and only if citizens and leaders from all sectors of society actively VNQJVHSGSGDRS@SDSNHLOQNUD delivery. 6RFLDOFRQWUDFW between government, private sector, civil society and tribe leaders 6D ADKHDUD SG@S SGD Q@OHC DLDQFDMBD NE SGD BNMSHMDMS B@M NMKX AD ROTQQDC AX @ BNLAHMDC @MC BNMBDQSDC LTKSHRS@JDGNKCDQ @BSHNM 3GHR means an empowered civil society and proactive private sector engaging constructively with a BNLLHSSDC FNUDQMLDMS @MC UHBD UDQR@ 3GHR CXM@LHB RTOONQSDC AX @M @CDPT@SD BQHSHB@K mass, would help converge towards one common NAIDBSHUDFDS EQHB@SNKD@OEQNF Since democracy and the end of apartheid in 2NTSG EQHB@MR G@UD E@BDC @ E@Q LNQD BG@KKDMFHMF S@RJ HM BQD@SHMF @ MDV M@SHNM SG@M @MSHBHO@SDC 1DBDMSKX @ CHUDQRD FQNTO NE leading citizens representing civil society and FNUDQMLDMSONKHSHB@KO@QSHDRATRHMDRRDROTAKHB administration, trade unions, religious groups, @B@CDLH@@MCSGDLDCH@B@LDSNFDSGDQSNOQNAD We are the Ones we have been waiting for Source; Monitor Group, Africa from the Bottom Up the country’s present situation and to consider ONRRHAKDETSTQDRTMCDQ@MHMHSH@SHUDJMNVM@RSGD #HMNJDMF2BDM@QHNR 3GDO@QSHBHO@MSRBNMBKTCDCSG@Sř2NTSG EQHB@MR can address their critical challenges if, and only if, citizens and leaders from all sectors of society @BSHUDKXVNQJVHSGSGDRS@SDSNHLOQNUDCDKHUDQX As citizens, South Africans also need to insist that all spheres of government, from national to KNB@K @BBNTMS ENQ SGDHQ ODQENQL@MBDŚ 2NTQBD EQHB@ EQNL SGD ANSSNL TO ,NMHSNQ &QNTO BTKSTQD MDDCR SN DLDQFD VGDQD řSGD ƥQRS NMD SN AK@LD RGNTKC AD SGD NMD BNLOK@HMHMF NM poor roads, electricity, poor governance without @BSHMFNMHSŚ.TQUHDVHRSG@SBG@MFDRS@QSREQNL VHSGHMʖ A culture needs to emerge VGDQDřSGDƥQRSNMDSNAK@LD RGNTKCADSGDNMDBNLOK@HMHMF on poor roads, electricity, poor governance without acting on HSŚ.TQUHDVHRSG@SBG@MFD RS@QSREQNLVHSGHMʖ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ȁȀ ȁȁ Transform Hope into Action 5.2 Committed and visionary leadership 3GNRDL@INQBNMRSHSTDMSR B@O@AKDNEHMƦTDMBHMFKD@CDQR @QDSGDHQDMSNTQ@FDSGD LDCH@"NQONQ@SD EQHB@ BHUHKRNBHDSXHMSDQM@SHNM@K regional partners. &QD@Sʖ -NV SG@S VD G@UD @M DMF@FDC LNQD empowered, more committed civil society and private sector, how do we get leaders to come to SGDO@QSX#TQHMFSGDƥQRS EQHB@+D@CDQRGHO 2XLONRHTL HM RDD www.africa2point0. org EQHB@ F@SGDQDC XNTMF @MC RDMHNQ KD@CDQR SN AQ@HMRSNQL NM RNKTSHNMR SN @CCQDRR SGD JDX HRRTDR GHMCDQHMF SGD DWO@MRHNM NE SGD BNMSHMDMS 3GD MDBDRRHSX ENQ RSQNMF @MC committed leadership across Africa appeared @R @ BQHSHB@K RTBBDRR E@BSNQ 3GD AQ@HMRSNQLHMF @MC VNQJRGNO RDRRHNMR KDC SN SGD BNMBKTRHNM that Africa could improve the performance of HSR KD@CDQR @MC L@JD SGDL LNQD @BBNTMS@AKD @S QDFHNM@K M@SHNM@K NQ KNB@K KDUDK HE ƥUD L@INQ constituents acted constantly concomitantly and HLOKDLDMSDCSGD@CDPT@SDBGDBJR@MCA@K@MBDR @KKNVHMF SGD ř EQHB@ 2GHO SN RS@X NM SQ@BJ @MC QD@BGBQTHRHMFRODDCŚSNV@QCR 3GNRD ƥUD L@INQ BNMRSHSTDMSR B@O@AKD NE HMƦTDMBHMF KD@CDQR @QD SGDHQ DMSNTQ@FD SGD LDCH@ BNQONQ@SD EQHB@ BHUHK RNBHDSX @MCHMSDQM@SHNM@KQDFHNM@KO@QSMDQR(SRGNTKC AD MNSDC SG@S D@BG NE SGDRD ƥUD BNMRSHSTDMSR G@UD @S RNLD ONHMS HM GHRSNQX ADDM @BSHUDKX engaged in addressing local, national and regional leadership issues. What in our view G@R ADDM LHRRHMF HM SGD O@RS HR G@UHMF SGDRD ƥUDBNMRSHSTDMSRVNQJG@MCHMG@MCOQN@BSHUDKX in designing, promoting and implementing an @BSHNMOK@MSNADDMCNQRDCAXSGDHQKD@CDQR3G@S HR VG@S VD B@KK BQHSHB@K L@RRʖ 3GD BG@QSR ADKNV RTLL@QHRDSGDETMC@LDMS@KJDXRTBBDRRE@BSNQR LDMSHNMDC @ANUD @MC HKKTRSQ@SD SGD OQNONRDC @OOQN@BG SN @BGHDUD 5HRHNM EQHB@ NQ @S least stir the continent in that direction. ,QYROYHZRPHQ\RXWK Diaspora and technology "TSSHMF@BQNRRSGDJDXOHKK@QRSG@SENQLSGDA@RHR NE 5HRHNM EQHB@ @QD ENTQ SGDLDR VNLDM XNTSG#H@RONQ@@MCSDBGMNKNFX Addressing these four themes is integral to the @SS@HMLDMSNE5HRHNM EQHB@@MCBNMUDQRDKX failing to unleash the potential of these four E@BSNQR VNTKC GHMCDQ SGD S@JDNƤ NE 5HRHNM EQHB@ 3GDRD ENTQ SGDLDR BNMRSHSTSD SGDQDENQD SGD UDQX ENTMC@SHNM @MC SGD ŖMNMMDFNSH@AKDŗ 6G@SHMNTQUHDVG@RADDMLHRRHMFHMSGDO@RSHRG@UHMF SGDRDBNMRSHSTDMSRVNQJG@MCHMG@MCOQN@BSHUDKXHM designing, promoting and implementing an action plan SNADDMCNQRDCAXSGDHQKD@CDQR We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ȁȂ Transversal Theme Vision Pillars Women Diaspora Youth Technology Infrastructure/power Clusters Food Security Governance Competitiveness Entrepreneurship Investment Regional integration Capacity building Rebranding @RODBSRNESGD5HRHNM EQHB@3GDX@QDSGD fundamental areas that Africa needs to address. 3GD S@AKD @ANUD HKKTRSQ@SDR @QD@R VGDQD SGD SQ@MRUDQR@K SGDLDR VNLDM XNTSG #H@RONQ@ @MC SDBGMNKNFX @MC SGD SDM 5HRHNM OHKK@QR intersect. While all four themes impact Africa’s BNLODSHSHUDMDRR@BQNRRSGDAN@QCSGDXD@BG@QD CDDLDCSNG@UD@CHƤDQDMSCHQDBS@MCRHFMHƥB@MS DƤDBSNMBDQS@HMOHKK@QRSG@MNMNSGDQR 3GD RG@CDC ANWDR HMCHB@SD SGNRD OHKK@QR VGDQD SGDX VHKK G@UD SGD LNRS HLO@BS 3GDQDENQD emphasis in the discussion around women, XNTSG #H@RONQ@ @MC SDBGMNKNFX VHKK AD FTHCDC AXSGHRFQHC Ȃǹ !DB@TRDAX EQHB@VHKK have to face the enormous Challenge to address the needs of 200 million Africans DMSDQHMFSGDINAL@QJDS Ş S GDX @QD MNV ADSSDQ HMENQLDC @MC LNQD connected through social media and other electronic platforms Ş by 2020 Africa will have to face the enormous challenge to address the needs of 200 million Africans entering the job market Ş they are the ones who will ultimately inherit the continent Ş they are more demanding and more proactive than the previous generations BNMƥQLDCAXQDBDMSDUDMSRHM-NQSG EQHB@ Mobilising the youth 6GXRGNTKC5HRHNM EQHB@TKSHL@SDKXADDLAQ@BDC @MCCQHUDMAXSGDXNTSG!DB@TRD Ş ODQBDMS NE SGD EQHB@M ONOTK@SHNM HR ADKNVXD@QRNKC Ş their future is ahead of them and they are BQ@UHMFENQ@ADSSDQ EQHB@ “twisting” African Symbol of initiative, dynamism and versatility Transform Hope into Action !X EQHB@ŗRK@ANQENQBDHROQNIDBSDCSNQD@BG AHKKHNMNUDQS@JHMF"GHM@ŗR@MC(MCH@ŗR (M SGD OTAKHB@SHNM Ŗ+HNMR NM SGD ,NUD 3GD /QNFQDRR @MC /NSDMSH@K NE EQHB@M $BNMNLHDRŗ SGD ,B*HMRDX &KNA@K (MRSHSTSD DWOQDRRDC @ UHDV NE SGD RHFMHƥB@MBD NE EQHB@ŗR ONSDMSH@K demographic dividend in the following terms, ř!X EQHB@ŗR K@ANTQ ENQBD HR OQNIDBSDC SN QD@BGAHKKHNMNUDQS@JHMF"GHM@ŗR@MC(MCH@ŗRŚ 'NVDUDQ SGHR HR ADMDƥBH@K NMKX HE EQHB@ B@M provide its young people with the education @MC RJHKKR SGDX MDDC ř3GHR K@QFD VNQJENQBD BNTKC @BBNTMS ENQ @ RHFMHƥB@MS RG@QD NE ANSG FKNA@K BNMRTLOSHNM @MC OQNCTBSHNMŚ (S HR important for African governments and African education systems to understand the policy HLOKHB@SHNMRNESGDRDOQNIDBSHNMR3GDJDXS@JD NTS 8DR HS HR @ANTS DCTB@SHMF SGD XNTSG ATS HS HR MNS ITRS @ANTS ENBTRHMF NM KHSDQ@BX Q@SDR SGD PT@MSHS@SHUD @RODBSR HS HR @KRN @ANTS SGD content of the education, the qualitative aspects @QD BQTBH@K 3GD QD@K PTDRSHNMR FNUDQMLDMSR RGNTKC AD @RJHMF SGDLRDKUDR @QD SGD ENKKNVHMF Are we preparing our young people for the ETSTQD QDVDOQDO@QHMFSGDLSNBNLODSDHM@ FKNA@KDBNMNLX QDVDSD@BGHMFSGDLSNSGHMJ BQHSHB@KKX What do we mean by ‘think critically’? 6D GNOD SG@S @R L@MX XNTSG @R ONRRHAKD VHKK @BBDRR@MCQD@CSGD EQHB@,@MHEDRSNRNSG@S they can question what they are told, so that they B@M AQN@CDM SGDHQ JMNVKDCFD RN SG@S SGDX B@M ATHKCFQD@SDQADKHDEHMSGDLRDKUDR@MCQDKXLNQD NM SGDLRDKUDR 3GD EQHB@ ,@MHEDRSN HR SGD KDF@BX NE NTQ TOBNLHMF FDMDQ@SHNM ,NQD SG@M XNTMF DLDQFHMF KD@CDQR EQNL LNQD SG@M M@SHNM@KHSHDRG@UDBNLAHMDCSGDHQRSQDMFSGR SGDHQ RJHKKR SGDHQ DMDQFX SN CDRHFM @ BNLLNM 5HRHNM ENQ EQHB@ 6D G@UD CNMD RN SN NƤDQ @ ADSSDQ ETSTQD ENQ SGNRD XNTSG SN @KKNV SGDL SN ETKƥKKSGDHQONSDMSH@K@MCDUNKUDHM@M EQHB@ETKK NEGNOD@MCNOONQSTMHSHDR(MNQCDQSNQD@BGMDV heights, Africa needs to partner the energy of her youth with the wisdom of her elders. 3GDQD@KPTDRSHNMRFNUDQMLDMSRRGNTKC AD@RJHMFSGDLRDKUDR@QDSGDENKKNVHMF NMDR QDVDOQDO@QHMFNTQXNTMFODNOKD ENQSGDETSTQD QDVDOQDO@QHMFSGDLSN BNLODSDHM@FKNA@KDBNMNLX QDVD SD@BGHMFSGDLSNSGHMJBQHSHB@KKX We are the Ones we have been waiting for 6G@SCNVDLD@MAX řSGHMJBQHSHB@KKXŚ6D hope that as many youth @RONRRHAKDVHKK@BBDRR and read the Africa ,@MHEDRSNRNSG@S they can question what they are told, so that SGDXB@MAQN@CDMSGDHQ JMNVKDCFDRNSG@SSGDX B@MATHKCFQD@SDQADKHDEHM themselves and rely more on themselves. Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ȂǺ 3GHRFDMDQ@SHNMDLDQFDR indeed in a timely context where Africa arises as SGDK@RSEQNMSHDQNƤDQHMF unprecedented opportunities. A virgin land endowed with untapped exceptional natural resources where DUDQXSGHMFMDDCRSNADATHKS a continent where democracy and individual freedom is RKNVKXADBNLHMF@QD@KHSX Africa is a continent with an upcoming middle class, a continent slowly opening to the world and progressively @BBDRRHMFJMNVKDCFDSGQNTFG technology and connectivity. Ȃǻ 85*(17/<$''5(66<287+ 81(03/2<0(17 3GD QDBDMS ř%NQDRHFGS EQHB@Ś QDONQS I@MT@QX AX!QNNJHMFR(MRSHSTSDOQNONRDR@UDQXFNNC @M@KXRHRNESGDRHST@SHNMSG@SBNTKCADRTLL@QHYDC @RENKKNVR ř.M @UDQ@FD XNTSG TMDLOKNXLDMS HM 2TA Saharan Africa is over 20 percent and is expected to increase over the next decade. 3N ROTQ INA BQD@SHNM @LNMF SGD XNTSG EQHB@M FNUDQMLDMSR RGNTKC NƤDQ U@QHNTR HMBDMSHUDR HMBKTCHMF S@W AQD@JR SN ENQDHFM ƥQLR SG@S BQD@SD KNB@K INAR ENQ EQHB@MR @MC RSQNMFKX DMBNTQ@FD RJHKKRSQ@MREDQ (M @M @OO@QDMS QDRONMRD SN SGD XNTSGKDC Q@A 2OQHMF EQHB@M GD@CR NE RS@SD CDBHCDC SN @BBDKDQ@SDSGDŔ#DB@CDNE8NTSG BSHNM /K@M @S SGD EQHB@M 4MHNM 2TLLHS GDKC HM ,@K@AN$PT@SNQH@K&THMD@3GDXG@UDDRS@AKHRGDC RDUDQ@K XNTSGENBTRDC FN@KR SN QDCTBD XNTSG TMDLOKNXLDMSAXODQBDMSODQXD@QEQNL SNDK@ANQ@SDNM@3DBGMHB@K@MC5NB@SHNM@K $CTB@SHNM @MC 3Q@HMHMF 35$3 EQ@LDVNQJ @MC SN provide adequate funding to advance the youth @FDMC@ /NKHBXL@JDQR MDDC SN CDSDQLHMD RDBSNQR VHSGONSDMSH@KENQINAFQNVSG@MCRHLTKS@MDjNTRKX CDUDKNOSGDMDDCDCRJHKKRHMSGDXNTSGONOTK@SHNM K@QFD ONQSHNM NE ODNOKD @FD Ŕ HM 2TA Saharan Africa are involved in self-employment HM SGD HMENQL@K @MC @FQHjBTKSTQ@K RDBSNQR 6NQKC !@MJ %NQ DW@LOKD ,@KH G@R ODQBDMS $SGHNOH@ODQBDMS@MC2NTSG EQHB@ODQjBDMS of the total population employed in the informal RDBSNQ C@LR 3GD *DMX@M &NUDQMLDMS 5HRHNM OK@M G@R HCDMSHƥDC RDBSNQR SN ENBTR NM @R @ LDCHTL term economic growth strategy. For example, HMENQL@SHNM SDBGMNKNFX (3 DM@AKDC RDQUHBDR @QD DWODBSDCSNOQNUHCDINARHMƥUDXD@QR(M NQCDQƥKKSGDRDONRHSHNMR*DMX@G@RCDRHFMDC@BHSX @S*NMY@SNRDQUD@R@MHMBTA@SNQENQHMUDRSLDMS HM(3DMj@AKDCRDQUHBDR BBNQCHMFSNSGD*DMX@M An old man who by himself carries one load on the head and another in his hand, must have played away his youth. Transform Hope into Action 5HRHNMVDARHSDSGDHMBTA@SNQRHSDG@RADDM @BPTHQDC@MCSGDED@RHAHKHSXRSTCXL@RSDQOK@MHR BNLOKDSD3GDHMBTA@SNQED@STQDR@O@Q@KKDKOK@M to provide centers of specialization for education HM(3DM@AKDCRDQUHBDR 5DQX KHSSKD @SSDMSHNM HR O@HC SN SGD @FQN@KKHDC RTARDBSNQŕSGNRD @BSHUHSHDR SG@S SQ@MRENQL E@QLNTSOTSRHMSNƥM@KOQNCTBSR3GD@FQN@KKHDC sector has great potential for youth employment ADB@TRD ENQL@K RJHKK QDPTHQDLDMSR @QD SXOHB@KKX KNV@SSGDADFHMMHMFVGHBG@KKNVRXNTSGSNKD@QM AXFQ@CT@KKXLNUHMFEQNLRHLjOKDS@RJRSNLNQD RNOGHRSHB@SDCOQNCTBSHNM(MQDF@QCRSNHLOQNUHMF BNMCHSHNMRENQDMSQDOQDMDTQRONKHBXL@JDQRMDDC SNOQNUHCDHMBDMSHUDRENQƥM@MBH@KHMRSHSTSHNMRSN HMMNU@SHUDKX ƥMC V@XR SN CDKHUDQ ANSG ƥM@MBH@K and social capital to self-employed youth. (M2DMDF@KSGD BBDKDQ@SDC&QNVSG2SQ@SDFXG@R CDjƥMDC @ CDUDKNOLDMS OK@M ENQ JDX RDBSNQR SN ANNRS XNTSG DLOKNXLDMS @MC DBNMNLHB FQNVSG3GDRDBSNQRVHSGGHFGONSDMSH@KENQXNTSG DLOKNXLDMS @QD @FQHBTKSTQD ƥRGDQHDR SDWSHKDR information and communication technology, @MC SNTQHRL CCHSHNM@KKX SGD Ŕ We are the Ones we have been waiting for -DV -@SHNM@K $LOKNXLDMS /NKHBX RTOONQSR SGD HMENQL@K RDBSNQ @MC @ROHQDR SN BQD@SD MDV INAR CTQHMF SGD ODQHNC 3GD FNUDQMLDMS G@R@KRNCDRHFMDCRTOONQSRODBHƥB@KKXENQXNTSG OQNIDBSR VHSGHM SGD EQ@LDjVNQJR NE U@QHNTR OQNFQ@LR @MC @FDMBHDR 2HMBD 2DMDF@K has developed a national action plan for youth DLOKNXLDMS3GHROK@MG@RDRS@AKHRGDC@MNMKHMD L@M@FDLDMS HMjENQL@SHNM RXRSDL SN @RRHRS XNTSG HM SGDHQ RD@QBG ENQ INA NOONQSTMHSHDR 3GD -@SHNM@K %TMC ENQ 8NTSG $LOKNXLDMS @MC SGD -@SHNM@K FDMBXENQ8NTSG$LOKNXLDMS@QDSVN additional government organizations dedicated SNHMSDFQ@SHMFXNTMFODNOKDHMSNSGDK@ANQL@QJDS @MC RTOONQSHMF XNTSGKDC ATRHMDRR OQNIDBSR 3GDRD NQF@MHY@SHNMR @QD BTQQDMSKX ETMBSHNMHMF @MC @QD AQN@CKX BNMRHCDQDC DƤDBSHUD SNNKR ENQ ANSGDCTB@SDC@MCMNMDCTB@SDCŚ 3GHR FDMDQ@SHNM DLDQFDR HMCDDC HM @ SHLDKX context where Africa arises as the last frontier NƤDQHMF TMOQDBDCDMSDC NOONQSTMHSHDR UHQFHM land endowed with exceptional untapped natural resources, where everything needs to AD ATHKS @ BNMSHMDMS VGDQD CDLNBQ@BX @MC HMCHUHCT@KEQDDCNLHRRKNVKXADBNLHMF@QD@KHSX Africa is a continent with an upcoming middle class, a continent slowly opening to the world @MCOQNFQDRRHUDKX@BBDRRHMFJMNVKDCFDSGQNTFG technology and connectivity. Why we believe this emerging generation of youth has the potential to become the outliers of this century? (M GHR ANNJ Ŗ.TSKHDQR SGD 2SNQX NE 2TBBDRRŗ ,@KBNKL &K@CVDKK CD@KR VHSG SGD BTKSTQ@K @MC societal forces that give rise to opportunistic HMCHUHCT@KR 3GQNTFG @ RDQHDR NE B@RD RSTCHDR Gladwell insists that we have all too easily ANTFGSHMSNSGDLXSGSG@SRTBBDRRETKODNOKD@QD RDKEL@CD(MRSD@CGDR@XRSGDXř@QDHMU@QH@AKX SGD ADMDƥBH@QHDR NE GHCCDM @CU@MS@FDR @MC extraordinary opportunities and cultural legacies SG@S @KKNV SGDL SN KD@QM @MC VNQJ G@QC @MC L@JDRDMRDNESGDVNQKCHMV@XRNSGDQRB@MMNSŚ &K@CVDKK CDƥMDR @M NTSKHDQ @R @ ODQRNM NTS NE SGD NQCHM@QX řVGN CNDRMŗS ƥS HMSN NTQ MNQL@K TMCDQRS@MCHMF NE @BGHDUDLDMSŚ BBNQCHMF SN &K@CVDKKFQD@SLDM@MCVNLDM@QDG@QCVNQJDQR VGN ADMDƥSDC EQNL NOONQSTMHSHDR QDK@SDC SN BNKK@ANQ@SHNMSHLDOK@BD@MCBTKSTQDŚ$MNSD (M @CCHSHNM SN DWBDOSHNM@K BNMCHSHNMR @MC BNMSDWS SVN HLONQS@MS BG@KKDMFDR MDDC SN AD @CCQDRRDC AX SGHR DLDQFHMF FDMDQ@SHNM '@QC VNQJ @MC E@UNTQ@AKD EQ@LDVNQJ E@BHKHS@SHMF @M EQH" -#. BTKSTQD @MC @BBDRR SN JMNVKDCFD VHKKADMDBDRR@QXSNTMKD@RGSGDONSDMSH@KNESGD XNTSG@MCS@JD EQHB@SNMDVGDHFGSR'@QCVNQJ implies auto-determination and self-reliance and is generally expressed through entrepreneurship @MCBHSHYDMRGHORDKECHRBHOKHMD3GDNAIDBSHUDNE SGD EQHB@,@MHEDRSNHRSNO@QSKXBNMSQHATSDSN SGDDLDQFDMBDNESGHR EQH" -#.@SSHSTCD@MC OQNUHCD @ A@RHB JMNVKDCFD NM SGD ONSDMSH@K NE the continent as well as insights into what each of us, in particular the youth, can do to uplift Africa @MCBQD@SDADSSDQKHUHMFBNMCHSHNMRENQNTQRDKUDR AXBNLAHMHMFNTQDƤNQSR@MCSQ@MRENQLHMFGNOD into action. 3GD QNKD NE SGD FNUDQMLDMS @MC SGD ƥUD BNMRSHSTDMSR LDMSHNMDC OQDUHNTRKX OQHU@SD sector, media, entourage, civil society and LTKSHK@SDQ@KR HR SN BNKK@ANQ@SD SN DRS@AKHRG @ growth environment and concrete opportunities ENQSGDXNTSGSNADBNLDŖNTSKHDQR Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ȂǼ Women in Africa represent NESGDSNS@KONOTK@SHNM BNMSQHATSD@OOQNWHL@SDKX NESGD@FQHBTKSTQ@KVNQJ@MC OQNCTBDNESGD ENNCXDSSGDXD@QMNMKX percent of African incomes and NVMITRSNESGDBNMSHMDMSŗR @RRDSR4-#/ Africans say that if a woman is hungry, she will feed her children. Ȃǽ Transform Hope into Action Mobilising women 6GX CN VD ADKHDUD VNLDM B@M AD QDOQDRDMS@SHUDR NE 5HRHNM EQHB@ @MC AD @S SGD forefront of the transformational process of SGD BNMSHMDMS 6NLDM SQ@MRLHS SGD EQHB@M values and education to the children of Africa and are proactive agents in local communities. ř6NLDM HM EQHB@ QDOQDRDMS ODQBDMS NE SGD SNS@K ONOTK@SHNM BNMSQHATSD @OOQNWHL@SDKX ODQBDMS NE SGD @FQHBTKSTQ@K VNQJ @MC OQNCTBD ŔODQBDMSNESGDENNCXDSSGDXD@QMNMKX ODQBDMS NE EQHB@M HMBNLDR @MC NVM ITRS ODQBDMSNESGDBNMSHMDMSŗR@RRDSRŚ4-#/ 6GHKD VNLDM B@M L@JD BKD@Q BNMSQHATSHNMR SN @KK SDM OHKK@QR NE 5HRHNM EQHB@ SGDQD are three areas where their participation will L@JD RHFMHƥB@MS HLO@BS @MC VGHBG V@QQ@MS @SSDMSHNM3GDRD@QD@R@QDDMSQDOQDMDTQRGHO FNUDQM@MBD@MCENNCRDBTQHSX Enhance women in entrepreneurship 3GD EQHB@ "NLODSHSHUDMDRR 1DONQS OQNCTBDCAXSGD6NQKC$BNMNLHB%NQTL6NQKC !@MJ@MCSGD EQHB@M#DUDKNOLDMS!@MJHRNK@SDC four factors that will help accelerate Africa’s growth and development. One of the four factors was the need to expand African women’s DMSQDOQDMDTQRGHO EQHB@G@RHCDMSHƥDC@KHRS NEJDX@BSHNMRSG@SBNTKCENRSDQSGDDWO@MRHNMNE VNLDMHMDMSQDOQDMDTQRGHO@LNMFSGDL Ş in order to overcome the lack of access to funds faced by African entrepreneurial women, create an African Women Diaspora Fund that invests in women on the continent. The Diaspora can pool their ETMCRSNV@QCR@VNQSGXATS@KRNOQNƥS@AKD initiative. Ş create a business idea competition – to promote learning, competitiveness and network creation and reinforcement (Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund could focus on VNLDMRODBHƥB@KKX Ş assess the feasibility of an African Training Institute Hub for Women Entrepreneurs with the aim to develop a two-way information and knowledge centre and local communities reinforcement. Ş DM@AKD VNLDM SN AD LNQD DƤDBSHUD participants in public-private dialogue processes. Empower women in agriculture ř(M EQHB@ŗR @FQHBTKSTQD RDBSNQ VNLDM QDBDHUD KDRR SG@M ODQBDMS NE SGD BQDCHS SN RL@KK farmers and less than l percent of the total credit to agriculture yet Africa is a continent VGDQDVNLDM@QDQDRONMRHAKDENQODQBDMSNE ENNCOQNCTBSHNMŚ%TJTC@/@QQ EQHB@ ADKHDUDRSG@SDLONVDQHMFVNLDMHM@FQHBTKSTQD RGNTKC KD@C SN @ RHFMHƥB@MS KD@OEQNF ENQ SGD BNMSHMDMS 3GD ƥQRS RSDOR SN SGHR DLONVDQLDMS BBNQCHMFSN&Q@B@,@BGDK President of the Foundation for Community Development ,NY@LAHPTDRODBHƥB@KKX vis-a-vis women in agriculture, řVNLDMMDDCSNADHMUNKUDC HMCDBHRHNML@JHMFRNSG@S SGDXB@MS@BJKDCHRBQHLHM@SHUD aspects of land ownership. We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ȂǾ No matter how far a stream flows, It never forgets it’s source. - Aham EQHB@M#H@RONQ@ EQHB@MRNQ people from African descent living outside of the African BNMSHMDMS#DƥMHSHNMEQNL EQHB@M4MHNM 3GDRS@SRSGDDUHCDMBDSGD QD@KHSXʖ3GD EQHB@M#H@RONQ@ DWBDDCRLHKKHNMODNOKDSN C@SD(SHRBNLONRDCNEƥQRS@MC second generation Africans outside the continent, in addition to African Americans @MC"@QHAD@MR Ȃǿ OQNBDRRBNTKCRS@QSVHSGSGDENKKNVHMF@BSHNMR Ş Women’s right to land ownership could change the face of Africa and speed up DƤNQSR SN @BGHDUD ENNC @MC MTSQHSHNM security. (IFPRI) Ş Capacitate women with the technological skills to boost productivity in Africa’s agricultural sector. Ş Biotechnology could be a technological option for small-scale farmers, mostly women, and there is need for agricultural bodies and governments to ensure that women are familiar with emerging technologies. Biotechnology produces high yields, drought resistance and broad leaves. According to IFPRI, the variety substantially reduces weeding by women and children. (Rockefeller Foundation) Support women leadership for greater governance A third area where women’s involvement would L@JD @ RHFMHƥB@MS CHƤDQDMBD HR FNUDQM@MBD L@HMKX HM SGD @QD@R NE ONKHBXL@JHMF CDBHRHNM L@JHMF @MC @BBNTMS@AHKHSX 3GDQD HR @ RSQNMFDQ KHJDKHGNNCSG@S@MHMBQD@RDHMEDL@KDO@QSHBHO@SHNM results in the adoption of gender-sensitive policies in various areas. According to Graca ,@BGDK /QDRHCDMS NE ,NY@LAHPTDŗR %NTMC@SHNM ENQ"NLLTMHSX#DUDKNOLDMSRODBHƥB@KKXUHR@ UHR VNLDM HM @FQHBTKSTQD řVNLDM MDDC SN AD HMUNKUDC HM CDBHRHNML@JHMF RN SG@S SGDX B@M S@BJKDCHRBQHLHM@SHUD@RODBSRNEK@MCNVMDQRGHOŚ Mobilising the Diaspora 'HƲQLWLRQ EQHB@MR NQ ODNOKD EQNL EQHB@M descent living outside of the African continent EQHB@M 4MHNM 3GD RS@SR SGD DUHCDMBD SGD QD@KHSXʖ3GD EQHB@M#H@RONQ@DWBDDCRLHKKHNM ODNOKDSNC@SD(SHRBNLONRDCNEƥQRS@MCRDBNMC generation Africans outside the continent, in @CCHSHNMSN EQHB@M LDQHB@MR@MC"@QHAD@MR The rising importance of African DiasporaHMHSH@SDCHMƦNV #H@RONQ@ HMƦNV HMSN EQHB@M DBNMNLHDR DRRDMSH@KKX S@JDR SGD ENQL NE OQHU@SD B@RG SQ@MREDQR SN E@LHKHDR QDLHSS@MBDR ONQSENKHN Transform Hope into Action “knot of pacification or reconciliation” African Symbol of reconciliation, peacemaking and pacification Mpatapo represents the bond or knot that binds parties in a dispute to a peaceful, harmonious reconciliation. It is a African Symbol of peacemaking after strife.” equity investment in the corporate sector and ONQSENKHN HMUDRSLDMSR HM SGD ƥM@MBH@K L@QJDS !XE@QQDLHSS@MBDRBNMRSHSTSDSGDATKJNEHMƦNV EQNL SGD #H@RONQ@ HMSN RTA2@G@Q@M EQHB@ 'NVDUDQ SGDQD HR DUHCDMBD NE @ RL@KK A@RD NE portfolio investments from this group as well as a perceived role that the Diaspora could OK@X HM DMG@MBHMF @MC DM@AKHMF %#( HMSN SGDHQ NQHFHMCNLDRSHBDBNMNLHDR3GTRMNSNMKXCNDR the Diaspora community have the potential to HMUDRSHMHSRNVMQHFGSHS@KRNG@RSGDJMNVKDCFD DWODQSHRD@MCDWODQHDMBDSG@SBNTKCADCDOKNXDC HM DM@AKHMF OQHU@SD RDBSNQ HMUDRSLDMS HM SGD NQHFHM #HƤDQDMS LNCDKR NE HMSDQUDMSHNM @QD ONRRHAKD@MCHMBKTCD Ş cross-border investor networks #H@RONQ@ LDLADQR HMUDRS HM SGDHQ NQHFHM BNTMSQHDR solely or in partnerships. Ş mentoring/venture capital networks: ENQDHFM RS@QSTO ƥQLR DRS@AKHRGDC AX managers and owners of Diaspora origin VNQJVHSGRS@QSTOƥQLRHMSGDHQBNTMSQHDRNE NQHFHMSNCDUDKNO@MCƥM@MBDBNLLDQBH@KKX UH@AKDOQNIDBSR We are the Ones we have been waiting for Ş outsourcing networks: #H@RONQ@ ATRHMDRR owners outsource some of their operations SN ƥQLR HM SGDHQ NQHFHM BNTMSQHDR #H@RONQ@ DWDBTSHUDR VNQJHMF ENQ LTKSHM@SHNM@KR @AQN@C HMƦTDMBD HMUDRSLDMS CDBHRHNMR SN NTSRNTQBDNODQ@SHNMRSNƥQLRHMSGDHQNQHFHM countries. Ş brain circulation networks: Diaspora LDLADQRŗ RJHKKR @QD LNAHKHRDC SN OQNUHCD L@M@FDQH@K @MC JMNVKDCFD DWODQSHRD SN ƥQLR @MC 1# K@ANQ@SNQHDR HM SGDHQ NQHFHM countries. Ş fostering bilateral trade: Diaspora involved in trading with home country and in enhancing the reputation of home country investment climate in the host country. 4MKHJD NSGDQ ENQDHFM HMUDRSNQR SGD #H@RONQ@ investor may have other considerations that CN MNS ƥS MHBDKX VHSG FDMDQ@KKX @BBDOSDC %#( Q@SHNM@KD %HQRS SGDX L@X AD LNQD KHJDKX SN invest in economies that others would consider GHFGQHRJ RHLOKX ADB@TRD SGDX G@UD ADSSDQ JMNVKDCFD @MC QDK@SHNMRGHO NOONQSTMHSHDR SG@S NSGDQHMUDRSNQRK@BJ2DBNMCKXSGDXB@MBNLAHMD SGHR JMNVKDCFD VHSG SGD RJHKKR JMNVKDCFD @MC MDSVNQJR SGDX G@UD BTKSHU@SDC @AQN@C XHDKCHMF HLONQS@MS RXMDQFHRSHB @CU@MS@FDR 3GHQC SGDX L@X HMUDRS ENQ @KSQTHRSHB QD@RNMR Ŕ ENQ ŖKNUD NE home country’, with the expectation that their investment will have a positive impact on E@LHKHDRKDESADGHMCHMSGDGNLDBNTMSQHDR DƤDBSHUDHMSDQE@BDADSVDDMSGDHQBNTMSQXNE residence and their home country.3GDXB@M play a dual role of advisory and advocacy. Ş African Diaspora to increase their levels of foreign direct investment to their home countries Ş Africans in the Diaspora to be encouraged to invest in their home countries. It is important that they are provided with information to raise their awareness of investment opportunities. Ş Africans in the Diaspora to contribute %HQRSSGD#H@RONQ@L@XAD LNQDKHJDKXSNHMUDRSHMNTQ economies that others would BNMRHCDQGHFGQHRJRHLOKX ADB@TRDSGDXG@UDADSSDQ JMNVKDCFD@MCQDK@SHNMRGHO opportunities that other HMUDRSNQRK@BJ2DBNMCKXSGDX B@MBNLAHMDSGHRJMNVKDCFD VHSGSGDRJHKKRJMNVKDCFD@MC MDSVNQJRSGDXG@UDBTKSHU@SDC @AQN@CXHDKCHMFHLONQS@MS synergistic advantages. Recommendations for the Diaspora communities: Ş Create Diaspora Councils abroad in countries VHSG@RHFMHƥB@MS#H@RONQ@OQDRDMBD Ş Africans in the Diaspora need to mobilise and organise themselves to act as an Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ȂȀ 3GDQDRODBSHUD EQHB@M governments need to tap into the Diaspora pool of talent and where relevant, appoint Diaspora experts as @CUHRNQXLDLADQRNEGHFGKDUDK committees and commissions DRS@AKHRGDCAXSGDU@QHNTR FNUDQMLDMSR3GDXRGNTKC@KRN encourage measures facilitating recruitments of Diaspora LDLADQRHMSGDOQHU@SDRDBSNQ as well set the adequate EQ@LDVNQJSNOQNLNSD#H@RONQ@ entrepreneurship locally. SGDHQ JMNVKDCFD SDBGMHB@K DWODQSHRD @MC OQ@BSHB@K DWODQHDMBD HM JDX @QD@R RTBG @R DMDQFXENQDW@LOKD3GNRDHMSGD#H@RONQ@ LTRSADFHUDM@MNOONQSTMHSXSNBNMSQHATSD 3GHRB@MS@JDRG@ODAX#H@RONQ@HM@RODBHƥB country selecting itself or their respective government allocating to them a sector @MC @ QDFHNM VGDQD SGDX B@M UHRHAKX RGNV SGDHQ @CCDC U@KTD 3GHR HMSDQBG@MFD B@M AD E@BHKHS@SDC AX SGD DLA@RRHDR %NQ DW@LOKD SGNRD VNQJHMF HM 2HKHBNM 5@KKDX @RRHRSHMF HM ENQLTK@SHMF@M("3ONKHBX ^ Ȃȁ Recommendations for African Governments: Ş ^3GD QDRODBSHUD EQHB@M FNUDQMLDMSR MDDC to tap into the Diaspora pool of talent and where relevant, appoint Diaspora experts as @CUHRNQXLDLADQRNEGHFGKDUDKBNLLHSSDDR @MCBNLLHRRHNMRDRS@AKHRGDCAXSGDU@QHNTR FNUDQMLDMSR 3GDX RGNTKC @KRN DMBNTQ@FD measures facilitating recruitments of #H@RONQ@ LDLADQR HM SGD OQHU@SD RDBSNQ @R VDKKRDSSGD@CDPT@SDEQ@LDVNQJSNOQNLNSD Diaspora entrepreneurship locally. ^ A key question governments must ask themselves is: “To what extent is the legal framework consistent with a strategy favourable to Diaspora involvement and investment?” Put in place a legal framework: Ş KDF@KRS@AHKHSXRHLOKHBHSX@MCOQDCHBS@AHKHSX Ş SGD K@V RGNTKC MNS AD UNK@SHKD TMBDQS@HM unnecessarily complex, unenforced. &NUDQMLDMS HMSDQUDMSHNM RGNTKC MNS AD @QAHSQ@QX Ş freedom and non-discrimination Ş SGD K@V RGNTKC MNS OTS GTQCKDR (S RGNTKC AD @R EQDD @R BNMRHRSDMS VHSG ETMC@LDMS@K policies where there is a need for protection DF DMUHQNMLDMS BNMRTLDQR @F@HMRS BNQQTOSHNM LNMDX K@TMCDQHMF NQ BQHLD (S RGNTKC DRBGDV KDF@K SQHA@KHRL @MC WDMNOGNAH@ Ş property and contract rights Ş SGDRDETMC@LDMS@KQHFGSRHMBKTCDQD@RNM@AKD taxation, not expropriation, as the means of @QDCHRSQHATSHUDONKHBX Ş QHRJ@MCBNRSQDCTBSHNM Transform Hope into Action Ş ƥM@MBH@K K@V RGNTKC RDDJ SN KNVDQ MNS HMBQD@RD QHRJR @MC BNRSR ƦNVHMF EQNL investments; sanctions for non-compliance RGNTKC MNS AD TMQD@RNM@AKX GHFG criminalising civil wrongs or nullifying transactions for minor reasons. 3GD*DMX@5HRHNMHRSGDM@SHNM@KKNMFSDQL CDUDKNOLDMSAKTDOQHMSSG@S@HLRSNSQ@MRENQL*DMX@ into a newly industrializing, middle-income country OQNUHCHMF@GHFGPT@KHSXNEKHEDSN@KKHSRBHSHYDMRAX 2030 in a clean and secure environment. Ensure ease of investing and attracting knowledge and know-how: Ş provide a contact for assistance in Diaspora investment promotion and facilitation Ş L@HMS@HM RS@SHRSHBR @ANTS HMV@QC @MC outward Diaspora investment Ş handle enquiries in relation to the conduct of Diaspora investor or investors Ş HMUDRSHF@SD @MC RDDJ SN QDRNKUD BNMBDQMR NQ BNMƦHBSR Q@HRDC HM QDK@SHNM SN #H@RONQ@ investment Ş NODQ@SDHM@UHRHAKD@BBDRRHAKDSQ@MRO@QDMS @MC @BBNTMS@AKD L@MMDQ +DF@K @CUHBD should, however, in certain circumstances AD BNMƥCDMSH@K @MC RTAIDBS SN SGD R@LD standards of lawyer-client protection and RDQUHBD@R@OQHU@SDK@VƥQL 5.4 Addressing the execution challenges: Kenya Vision 2030 case study (S HR NTQ QDRONMRHAHKHSX SN DWDBTSD SGD 5HRHNM @MC CDKHUDQ SGD ADRS ONRRHAKD @BGHDUDLDMSR SN DMRTQD SGD TOKHESHMF NE SGD BNMSHMDMS 3GHR VHKK require commitment, dedication from senior KD@CDQR BNLAHMDC VHSG SGD ETKK DMCNQRDLDMS AX SGD EQHB@M ONOTK@SHNM KSGNTFG RSHKK @S D@QKXHLOKDLDMS@SHNMRS@FD*DMX@5HRHNM We are the Ones we have been waiting for is a good example to learn from, in terms of implementation of a country vision. 3GD*DMX@5HRHNMHRSGDM@SHNM@KKNMFSDQL CDUDKNOLDMS AKTDOQHMS SG@S @HLR SN SQ@MRENQL *DMX@ HMSN @ MDVKXHMCTRSQH@KHRHMF LHCCKD income country providing a high quality of life SN@KKHSRBHSHYDMRAXHM@BKD@M@MCRDBTQD environment. Implementation Plan (LOKDLDMS@SHNM NE 5HRHNM HR L@M@FDC SGQNTFG@RDQHDRNEƥUDXD@Q,DCHTL3DQL/K@MR ,3/ 3GD ƥQRS ,3/ TMCDQ HLOKDLDMS@SHNM Ŕ OK@BDR GHFG OQDLHTL NM DBNMNLHB FQNVSG E@RSDQ INA BQD@SHNM ONUDQSX QDCTBSHNM HLOQNUDC HMBNLD CHRSQHATSHNM @MC FDMCDQDPTHSXVGHKD@KRNDMRTQHMFSG@SA@K@MBD is attained in development across all regions NE SGD BNTMSQX 3GD ONKHBHDR @MC QDENQLR TMCDQ SGD ,3/ @HL @S @BGHDUHMF E@RSDQ @MC RHFMHƥB@MS RSQTBSTQ@K BG@MFDR HM *DMX@ŗR DBNMNLX HM terms of increasing the share of manufacturing and industry in GDP and that of manufactured exports in total exports. Additionally, the strategy HCDMSHƥDR ONKHBX KDF@K @MC HMRSHSTSHNM@K QDENQLR SG@S @QD QDPTHQDC SN AD HLOKDLDMSDC HM D@BG RDBSNQ(MSGHRQDF@QCSGD@BGHDUDLDMSNESGDMDV BNMRSHSTSHNM HM @BBDKDQ@SDC SGD ONKHSHB@K OHKK@QITCHBH@KONKHBD@MCDKDBSNQ@KQDENQLR ^ 3GDUHRHNMBNLOQHRDRSGQDDJDXOHKK@QRDBNMNLHB RNBH@K@MCONKHSHB@K3GDDBNMNLHBOHKK@Q@HLRSN @BGHDUD@M@UDQ@FDDBNMNLHBFQNVSGQ@SDNE percent per annum and sustaining the same TMSHK 3GD RNBH@K OHKK@Q RDDJR SN DMFDMCDQ ITRSBNGDRHUD@MCDPTHS@AKDRNBH@KCDUDKNOLDMS in a clean and secure environment, while the ONKHSHB@K OHKK@Q @HLR SN QD@KHRD @M HRRTDA@RDC ODNOKDBDMSQDCQDRTKSNQHDMSDC@MC@BBNTMS@AKD CDLNBQ@SHB RXRSDL 3GD SGQDD OHKK@QR @QD anchored on the foundations of macroeconomic RS@AHKHSX HMEQ@RSQTBSTQ@K CDUDKNOLDMS RBHDMBD SDBGMNKNFX @MC HMMNU@SHNM 23( +@MC 1DENQLR 'TL@M 1DRNTQBDR #DUDKNOLDMS 2DBTQHSX @MC /TAKHB2DBSNQ1DENQLR3GDUHRHNMV@RNƧBH@KKX K@TMBGDCHM)TKX ^ Funding K@QFDO@QSNE SGDƥM@MBHMF@MCHMUDRSLDMSNE SGD OQNFQ@LLDR @MC OQNIDBSR HR DWODBSDC SN BNLDEQNLSGDOQHU@SDRDBSNQSGQNTFGSGDOTAKHB Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ȂȂ (MSGDƥRB@KXD@Q SGD*DMX@M government allocated more SG@M42#AHKKHNMSNV@QCR 5HRHNMƦ@FRGHO OQNIDBSR OQHU@SD O@QSMDQRGHO ATRHMDRR BNLAHM@SHNMR 3GD FNUDQMLDMS G@R OQNFQDRRHUDKX HMBQD@RDC SGD @KKNB@SHNM ENQ 5HRHNM OQNIDBSR SN @OOQNWHL@SDKX ODQBDMS Ŕ ODQBDMS NM SGD CDUDKNOLDMS HMEQ@RSQTBSTQ@K BNLONMDMS and over 20 percent on the social - education, GD@KSG DMUHQNMLDMS @MC GNTRHMF (M SGD ƥRB@K XD@QSGD*DMX@MFNUDQMLDMS@KKNB@SDC LNQD SG@M ʙ AHKKHNM SNV@QCR 5HRHNM Ʀ@FRGHOOQNIDBSR ^ Organisational and structural achievements ^ ^ H Governance: Creation of the Vision 2030 Delivery Board and the Vision 2030 Delivery Secretariat through a presidential order as a Semi Autonomous Government Agency (SAGA) in February 2009. The agency is charged with the responsibility of providing overall strategic leadership, oversight, guidance, setting targets and evaluating results achieved in the implementation of 5HRHNMƦ@FRGHOR@RVDKK@RSGDDƤDBSHUD communication of the achievements of Vision 2030 to the public. ^ ^ ^ ^ HH^ ^ ^ ^ Dissemination and entrenchment: Vision 2030 has been disseminated countrywide to SGDDMSHQDOTAKHBRDQUHBD(MSGDBTQQDMSƥRB@K XD@Q5HRHNMƦ@FRGHOOQNIDBSR have been entrenched in the performance contracts of all government ministries and agencies. Integrated communication Ǻǹǹ through electronic media, social media, town-hall meetings and partnerships with private and civic sector institutions is under way with a collective goal to align ownership of the constitution and Vision 2030 by all Kenyans. ^ 3URJUHVV KLJKOLJKWV RI 9LVLRQ ƳDJVKLS projects 3GD *DMX@ 5HRHNM HR HM HSR SGHQC XD@Q NE HLOKDLDMS@SHNM 3GD NUDQ@KK HLOKDLDMS@SHNM progress is monitored and reported annually SGQNTFG SGD MMT@K /QNFQDRR 1DONQSR /1R Whereas some sectors have recorded high levels of success, others have had mixed successes while some have recorded very low success Q@SDR 2HFMHƥB@MS OQNFQDRR G@R ADDM L@CD HM infrastructure development and the political OHKK@Q MDV BNMRSHSTSHNM ITCHBH@K RDBTQHSX DKDBSNQ@K QDENQLR 3GD BNTMSQX HR ONHRDC ENQ L@INQRNBH@KOQNFQ@LRŔDCTB@SHNM@K@MCGD@KSG reforms. Lessons Learned Ş High calibre human capital is an absolute prerequisite for the implementation of any ambitious, transformational national development plan. Ş Prioritisation and sequencing based on ‘measurable socio-economic transformational impact’ has been critical Transform Hope into Action towards informing budget allocations. Ş Collaboration to avoid overlaps among key implementing and supporting ministries, departments and agencies, private sector and communities is critical to the success of implementing a long-term national development. Ş Top level government support at the level of the president and prime minister has been critical to the successful formulation and implementation of Vision 2030. Ş Legal frameworks to govern public-private partnerships and procurement for critical projects are necessary for the smooth implementation of major infrastructure projects. Ş Performance contracting with all implementing agencies is a key instrument SN L@M@FHMF SGD BNLOKDW OQNIDBS management discipline required to deliver on transformational projects and instil a transformational culture – thinking big, business unusual and paradigm shift to QDKDMSKDRRENBTRNMQDRTKSR^ Ş Budgetary resources must be given priority ENQ Ʀ@FRGHO OQNIDBSR @MC DWSDQM@K OQHU@SD sector and development partners aligned through PPP frameworks. Ş Land use planning frameworks, guided by a national spatial plan, is critical to the development of the enabling infrastructure for long-term national development. We are the Ones we have been waiting for Ş Global benchmarking strategy is critical SN @BPTHQHMF SGD MDBDRR@QX Ʀ@FRGHO project roadmaps and technology and knowledge transfers necessary to develop and maintain a globally competitive and prosperous middle-income country. Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǺǹǺ 5.5 Finding the money to power the Vision In his book ‘Ending Africa’s Poverty Trap’, the economist Jeffrey Sachs estimated at approximately $1.2 billion the external funds Ghana would need each year to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) set by the United Nations while Tanzania and Uganda would respectively need $2.5 billion and $1.6 billion. Those numbers are highly achievable for each country by applying long term vision, discipline and creativity. Those external funds could be sourced by applying some key principles: 7XSTXLIPIEOERHVIHYGIXLIMPPIKEPSYXÀS[WSJJYRHWJVSQ corruption and tax evasion) 2. Systematically promote public-private partnerships and diversify international bilateral partners 3. Reduce dependency on foreign aid while prioritising and coordinating its allocation 4. Increase government budgets through innovative tax and rigorous collection system 5. Mobilise Diaspora investments through Diaspora bonds 6. Mobilise international capital markets 7. Use private placement programs to boost the growth Ǻǹǻ Transform Hope into Action We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǺǹǼ leak of $854 billion between 1970 and 2008. Under this report, Africa loses an average of $29 billion per year since 1970. 3GHRRSTCXRGNVRSG@S SGHRƦNVHRO@QSHBTK@QKXGDKODCAXSGDNO@BHSXNE SGD HMSDQM@SHNM@K ƥM@MBH@K RXRSDL EQ@FLDMSDC ADSVDDM QDRSQHBSDC @QD@R @MC S@W G@UDMR VHSG SGDDƤDBSNEQDCTBHMFSGDS@WQDUDMTDRNE EQHB@M countries. ^ 3GD@CU@MS@FDNESGD LDBG@MHRLNE3@W LMDRSX as an immediate temporary solution is that it would allow African states to rapidly collect additional tax revenues and simultaneously attract foreign B@OHS@KHMƦNV Ǻǹǽ ^ EQHB@ OQNONRDR SGQDD JDX LD@RTQDR SG@S VNTKCGDKORSNOSGDKD@J $MBNTQ@FD SGD HMENQL@K RDBSNQ SN INHM SGD ENQL@K RDBSNQ AX RDSSHMF SGD @CDPT@SD HMBDMSHUD EQ@LDVNQJ ENQ 2,$R RHLOKHƥDC company registration schemes, minimum RNBH@K OQNSDBSHNM OQNCTBSR S@W HMBDMSHUDR GNKHC@XRENQƥQRSSGQDDXD@QRONRSQDFHRSQ@SHNM DSB 2. Set up a tax amnesty to allow repatriation of illegal funds into Africa. 3. 1DHMENQBD B@O@BHSX @MC RXRSDLR VHSGHM EQHB@MS@W@CLHMHRSQ@SHNMSNDM@AKD@RNTMC BNKKDBSHNM NE S@W QDUDMTDR RTOONQSDC AX @ RSQNMFITCHBH@QXRXRSDLB@O@AKDNEDMENQBHMF the relevant sanctions and monitoring fraud LNQDDƧBHDMSKX 6WRSWKHOHDNE\ reducing the illegal RXWƢRZVRIIXQGVDQG increasing government revenues Raymond Baker, director of the Global Financial Integrity, says at least $1.2 trillion of illicit money leaves developing countries every year, compared with the estimated $120 billion which these countries receive in aid. In other words, he said, for every dollar that the West was handing out across the table, they were taking back ten dollars under the table. (www.youtube.com/ watch?v=VzCQJWkK6z0). According to a 2010 report by the Global Financial Integrity for African PLQLVWHUV RI ƲQDQFH $IULFD UHFRUGHG WKH LOOHJDO ^ Rationale for a tax amnesty (SVHKKS@JDSHLDSNATHKCSGDMDBDRR@QXB@O@BHSX @MC RDS TO SGD QDKDU@MS OQNBDCTQD ENQ DƤDBSHUD @MC BNLOQDGDMRHUD S@W BNKKDBSHNM 3GD advantage of the mechanism of tax amnesty as an immediate temporary solution is that it would allow African states to rapidly collect additional tax revenues and simultaneously attract foreign B@OHS@K HMƦNV 3GDQDENQD SGD @CNOSHNM NE @ S@W @LMDRSX BNTKC AD @ E@BSNQ HM ANNRSHMF SGD DBNMNLX!DRHCDRSGDRTBBDRRDRHM-NQSG EQHB@ Transform Hope into Action !DRHCDRSGDRTBBDRRDR HM-NQSG EQHB@SGDLNRS recent international cases of adoption of tax amnesty VDQD(S@KX@MC!DKFHTL(M (S@KXO@RRDC@MDVS@W amnesty for individuals and ATRHMDRRDR3GHRNODQ@SHNM V@R@RTBBDRRADB@TRD VHSG@ƥMDNESN @KLNRSAHKKHNM$TQNRHM undeclared funds deposited @AQN@CVDQDQDO@SQH@SDC the most recent international cases of adoption NES@W@LMDRSXVDQD(S@KX@MC!DKFHTL(M (S@KX O@RRDC @ MDV S@W @LMDRSX ENQ HMCHUHCT@KR @MC ATRHMDRRDR 3GHR NODQ@SHNM V@R @ RTBBDRR ADB@TRD VHSG @ ƥMD NE Ŕ ODQBDMS @KLNRS AHKKHNM$TQNRHMTMCDBK@QDCETMCRCDONRHSDC @AQN@C VDQD QDO@SQH@SDC 3GD RS@SD LD@MVGHKD V@R@AKDSNQDBNUDQAHKKHNMHM@CCHSHNM@KS@W revenue. (MSGDV@JDNESGDƥQRSSVNS@W@LMDRSXLD@RTQDR @CNOSDC AX (S@KX !DKFHTL @KRN O@RRDC @ S@W @LMDRSXHM.MO@XLDMSNE@ƥMDNQODM@KSX set at a rate of nine percent of remittances, the taxpayers, with the exception of legal persons, We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǺǹǾ NEB@OHS@KƦHFGSHM EQHB@ HR@SSQHATSDCSNBNLLDQBH@KS@W evasion from private sector. Ǻǹǿ Transform Hope into Action VDQDƥM@KKXEQDDCEQNL@KKS@WDRO@HCADENQD@MC thereafter immune from legal prosecution for S@W DU@RHNM %NKKNVHMF SGHR LD@RTQD AHKKHNM $TQNR VHKK AD QDFTK@SDC @MC LHKKHNM V@R BNKKDBSDCAX!DKFHTL ^ Ş 3GD MNM@OOKHB@SHNM NE @LMDRSX HE BQHLHM@K OQNBDDCHMFR NQ @M HMUDRSHF@SHNM AX SGD S@W authorities is in progress. 'NVDUDQSGDS@W@LMDRSXHRRNLDSHLDRRDDM@R @ OQDLHTL O@HC SN EQ@TCRSDQR @MC @R AQD@JHMF SGD DPT@KHSX NE BHSHYDMR AX DRS@AKHRGHMF @ LNQD E@UNTQ@AKDSQD@SLDMSENQEQ@TCRSDQRSG@MGNMDRS S@WO@XDQR $SGHB@KKX SGD DRS@AKHRGLDMS NE @ S@W amnesty applied to African countries should, in NTQUHDVAD@BBNLO@MHDCAXRNLDNQ@KKNESGD ENKKNVHMFQDBNLLDMC@SHNMR Ş 3GD QDRSQHBSHNM NE SGD S@W @LMDRSX HM SHLD giving it a temporary and not permanent feature. Ş 3GDDRS@AKHRGLDMSNE@RHMFKDTRDOQNBDCTQD for fraud. Ş 2DSSHMF@ƥMDCHRBG@QFDSG@SHRMNSSNNKNV while remaining enticing. Ş 2DSSHMF@KNVDQƥMDHESGD@LMDRSHDCETMCR @QDHMUDRSDCHM@QD@RHCDMSHƥDC@ROQHNQHSHDR AXSGD2S@SD We are the Ones we have been waiting for Rigorous coordinated measures to limit future WD[HYDVLRQDQGFDSLWDOƳLJKW ^ 2DUDMSX ODQBDMS NE B@OHS@K ƦHFGS HM EQHB@ HR @SSQHATSDCSNBNLLDQBH@KS@WDU@RHNMEQNLOQHU@SD RDBSNQ 3GHR OQDRDMSR @ C@TMSHMF BG@KKDMFD SG@S MDDCR SN AD @CCQDRRDC TQFDMSKX (E BNQQTOSHNM represents indeed a much smaller portion NE SGD DRSHL@SDC B@OHS@K ƦHFGS HSR C@L@FHMF HLO@BS NM EQHB@M DBNMNLHDR RGNTKC MNS AD HFMNQDC ^ BBNQCHMF SN SGD EQHB@M 4MHNM řSGD QDRNTQBDRV@RSDCADB@TRDNEBNQQTOSHNMHM EQHB@ QD@BGODQBDMSNESNS@K&#/NESGDBNMSHMDMSŚ RTOONQSR JDQD ,TM@ UHBD OQDRHCDMS NE 3Q@MRO@QDMBX(MSDQM@SHNM@K@RGNQSE@KKDRSHL@SDC HMSNʙAHKKHNMXD@Q@MCBDQS@HMKXLNQD SNC@X 2NTQBD )DTMD EQHPTD ř EQHB@ 3GD MDV E@BDRNEBNQQTOSHNMŚ According to the African 4MHNMřSGDQDRNTQBDRV@RSDC ADB@TRDNEBNQQTOSHNMHM EQHB@QD@BGNESNS@K&#/ NESGDBNMSHMDMSŚRTOONQSR JDQD,TM@UHBDOQDRHCDMSNE 3Q@MRO@QDMBX(MSDQM@SHNM@K@ shortfall estimated in 2002 to ʙAHKKHNMXD@Q@MCBDQS@HMKX LNQDSNC@X2NTQBD)DTMD EQHPTDř EQHB@3GDMDVE@BDR NEBNQQTOSHNMŚ ^ Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ǺǹȀ No one can corrupt you unless you are corrupt (ewe proverb from Ghana) According to Chr. Michelsen Institute, most B@OHS@K ƦHFGS G@OODMR TMCDQ SGD ENKKNVHMF conditions: Ş Cash is carried out of the country and BG@MFDCHMSNNSGDQBTQQDMBHDR@AQN@C Ş 2LTFFKHMF D@RHKX SQ@MRONQS@AKD U@KT@AKDR @BQNRRANQCDQRENQDW@LOKDFNKCRHKUDQ@QS @MC IDVDKKDQX 2HMBD SGHR LDSGNC HMUNKUDR RLTFFKHMF MN A@MJR HM SGD GNLD BNTMSQX MDDCSNADHMUNKUDC Ş Transfer pricing: systematic overpricing and under-invoicing in trade transactions. 3GD ENQDHFM ATXDQ OTSR SGD CHƤDQDMBD HM the price and payment into a foreign bank @BBNTMSHMSGDDWONQSDQŗRM@LD Ş 4MCDQFQNTMC A@MJHMF VGDQD LNUDLDMS NE capital is done in a system independent of SGDNƧBH@KA@MJHMFRXRSDLHMSGDBNTMSQX Ş Transferring money overseas through commissions and agent fees paid by foreign contractors into foreign bank accounts of residents. Ş !@MJ SQ@MREDQR EQNL @ KNB@K @ƧKH@SD NE @ foreign institution to a designated recipient @AQN@C Although the high level of corruption is anticipated to put some constraints to the implementation of reforms it is important that @ BKNRDQ BNKK@ANQ@SHNM S@JDR OK@BD DMBNTQ@FHMF A@MJRFNUDQMLDMSR@MCCDUDKNOLDMS@FDMBHDR SN VNQJ SNFDSGDQ HM NQCDQ SN BTQA SGD HRRTD NE B@OHS@KƦHFGS ^ !@MJR BNTKC HLOKDLDMS RSQNMFDQ BNMSQNK @MC BNLOKH@MBDRXRSDLR Ş Create clear control mechanisms, policies and procedures. Ş 2SQD@LKHMD QDONQSHMF QNTSHMDR EQNL A@MJ RS@ƤSNQDKDU@MS@TSGNQHSHDR ^ -&.R@MCSGDLDCH@L@XOK@X an important role in informing civil society of corrupt @BSHNMRNE/$/RAXOTAKHRGHMF JMNVKDCFDSG@SHRD@RHKX @U@HK@AKD@MC@BBDRRHAKDENQSGD OTAKHB Governments Ş &NUDQMLDMSR RGNTKC DRS@AKHRG KDFHRK@SHNM SG@SL@JDR@FFQDRRHUDL@QJDSHMFNEA@MJHMF HMS@WG@UDMRVHSGHMSGDANTMC@QHDRNESGDHQ BNTMSQXLNQDCHƧBTKS Ş (CDMSHƥB@SHNM NE A@MJ BTRSNLDQR VHKK AD more secure with nationally approved @MC RS@MC@QCHRDC HCDMSHƥB@SHNM O@ODQR Donor agencies could potentially assist FNUDQMLDMSDƤNQSSNCDUDKNOSGDRXRSDLHE requested. Ş A stronger peer review mechanism should ADDMENQBDCADSVDDM EQHB@MFNUDQMLDMSR Ş /TSRSQNMFDQOQDRRTQDNMA@MJR@TCHSƥQLR @MC @BBNTMSHMF ƥQL @RRNBH@SHNMR SN @RRDRR this and report such practices. ^ 108 Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action International Organisations Ş When required, development agencies should provide resources for professional FTHC@MBD @MC B@O@BHSX ATHKCHMF HM @RRDS QDBNUDQX B@RDR @MC SQ@HMHMF NE A@MJ personnel in due diligence and in accordance VHSG*8"OQHMBHOKDR Ş NGOs and the media may play an important role in informing civil society of corrupt actions by publishing knowledge that is easily available and accessible for the public. ^ - Increase government innovative tax schemes revenues through ^ 3@WNMƥM@MBH@KSQ@MR@BSHNMR 3GDHCD@NE@FKNA@KS@WNMƥM@MBH@KSQ@MR@BSHNMR HR MNS MDV @MC V@R QDBDMSKX GHFGKX CDA@SDC @S the G20 Cannes Summit. According to a report OQDO@QDC AX SGD 6NQKC !@MJ @MC (MSDQM@SHNM@K ,NMDS@QX %TMC řRNLD LNCDKKHMF RTFFDRSR SG@S DUDM@RL@KKS@WNESDMA@RHRONHMSRNMDPTHSHDR @MC SVN A@RHR ONHMSR NM ANMCR VNTKC XHDKC @ANTS ʙ AHKKHNM NM @ &VHCD A@RHR NQ ʙ AHKKHNMHEBNMƥMDCSNK@QFDQ$TQNOD@MDBNMNLHDR 2NLD%33ƥM@MBH@KOQNONR@KRNƤDQRTARS@MSH@KKX K@QFDQ DRSHL@SDR HM SGD ʙ ʙ AHKKHNM Q@MFD DRODBH@KKX HE CDQHU@SHUDR @QD HMBKTCDCŚ KSGNTFGL@MX@QFTDSG@SRTBGETMCRBNTKCAD allocated to international development some L@INQTMBDQS@HMSHDRQDL@HMSNAD@CCQDRRDC Ş (S HR MNS RTQD HE NQ VGDM SGD & BNTMSQHDR will reach a common ground on such a taxation mechanism. Ş "NMRHCDQHMF SGD BTQQDMS CHƧBTKSHDR NE SGD $TQNOD@M @MC LDQHB@M DBNMNLHDR We are the Ones we have been waiting for SGD OQNA@AHKHSX NE @KKNB@SHMF @M @CDPT@SD amount of the proceeds, if any, to fund the development of poor countries appears slimmer and slimmer. As a result, African countries should not wait for TMBDQS@HM NTSBNLDR @MC MDDC SN RS@QS SGHMJHMF @ANTS @OOKXHMF RTBG LD@RTQDR @S GNLD 2NLD BNTMSQHDR RTBG @R 2NTSG EQHB@ @MC *NQD@ G@UD @KQD@CX TMCDQS@JDM RTBG @ O@SG BBNQCHMF SN Kavaljit Singh, Director of Madhyam, New Delhi, HS HR HMSDQDRSHMF SN MNSD SG@S @KSGNTFG (MCH@ HR NOONRHMFSGD@CNOSHNMNESGDFKNA@KƥM@MBH@KS@W @SSGD&řSGDBNTMSQXHMSQNCTBDC@2DBTQHSHDR 3Q@MR@BSHNM 3@W 233 HM DPTHSX L@QJDSR HM "TQQDMSKX 233 HR BG@QFDC @S SGD Q@SD NE ODQBDMS NM CDKHUDQXA@RDC ATX @MC RDKK SQ@MR@BSHNMR@MCODQBDMSNMMNMCDKHUDQX A@RDC R@KD SQ@MR@BSHNMR 3GD Q@SD HR ODQBDMS NM %. R@KD SQ@MR@BSHNMR (LONRDC NM ANSG ENQDHFM @MC CNLDRSHB HMUDRSNQR SGD 233 HR BNKKDBSDC AX SGD RSNBJ DWBG@MFDR EQNL SGD AQNJDQR@MCO@RRDCNMSNSGDDWBGDPTDQSGDQDAX DM@AKHMF SGD @TSGNQHSHDR SN Q@HRD QDUDMTD HM @ MD@S@MCDƧBHDMSL@MMDQŚ According to a report prepared AXSGD6NQKC!@MJ@MC (MSDQM@SHNM@K,NMDS@QX%TMC ř2NLDLNCDKKHMFRTFFDRSR SG@SDUDM@RL@KKS@WNEAO A@RHRONHMSRNMDPTHSHDR@MC SVNA@RHRONHMSRNMANMCR VNTKCXHDKC@ANTSAHKKHNM CNKK@QRNM@&VHCDA@RHR NQAHKKHNMCNKK@QRHEBNMƥMDC SNK@QFDQ$TQNOD@MDBNMNLHDR 2NLD%33ƥM@MBH@KOQNONR@KR NƤDQRTARS@MSH@KKXK@QFDQ DRSHL@SDRHMSGD AHKKHNMCNKK@QQ@MFDDRODBH@KKX HECDQHU@SHUDR@QDHMBKTCDCŚ 3DQLDC@RŖSDQLHM@SNQS@WŗSGD233V@RRSQNMFKX NOONRDCAX@KNAAXNERODBTK@SNQRC@XSQ@CDQR @QAHSQ@FDTQR @MC ŖMNHRD SQ@CDQRŗ ,@MX NE SGDL G@COQDCHBSDCSG@SSGDHMSQNCTBSHNMNE233VNTKC AQHMF(MCH@MƥM@MBH@KL@QJDSRSN@RS@MCRSHKK@MC would dry up liquidity. Since its implementation, all apprehensions QDK@SDC SN 233 G@UD OQNUDC DQQNMDNTR 3GD E@BS SG@S SGDQD HR SNN LTBG KHPTHCHSX HM SGD (MCH@M L@QJDSR HR @KRN @CLHSSDC AX SGD BQHSHBR NE 233 Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO 109 109 #TQHMFSGDƥRB@KXD@Q SGD(MCH@MFNUDQMLDMSŗR QDUDMTDEQNL233V@R1R LHKKHNMʙAHKKHNM @RTARS@MSH@K@LNTMSHM the present times when tax revenues are under severe OQDRRTQD3GDS@W@TSGNQHSHDR G@UDRDS@S@QFDSNE1R LHKKHNMʙAHKKHNMENQSGD ƥRB@KXD@Q 3GD HLOKDLDMS@SHNM NE 233 G@R @KRN QDCTBDC some loopholes in the existing tax regime. For HMRS@MBD ENQDHFM HMUDRSNQR VGN TRDC SN S@JD TMCTD @CU@MS@FD NE SGD AHK@SDQ@K CHQDBS S@W @UNHC@MBD SQD@SHDR RTBG @R (MCH@,@TQHSHTR S@W SQD@SX@QDMNVS@WDCTMCDQSGD233QDFHLD KSGNTFG SGD SQ@CHMF SQDMCR QDUD@K SG@S SGD 233 did not help much in reducing the volatility in SGD(MCH@MDPTHSXL@QJDS(MCH@M@TSGNQHSHDRG@UD BNKKDBSDCRHYD@AKDQDUDMTDEQNLSGD233#TQHMF SGDƥRB@KXD@QSGD(MCH@MFNUDQMLDMSŗR QDUDMTD EQNL 233 V@R 1R LHKKHNM ʙ AHKKHNM @ RTARS@MSH@K @LNTMS HM SGD OQDRDMS times when tax revenues are under severe OQDRRTQD3GDS@W@TSGNQHSHDRG@UDRDS@S@QFDSNE 1RLHKKHNMʙAHKKHNMENQSGDƥRB@KXD@Q ^ (M@BNMSDWSVGDQDHMENQL@K RDBSNQQDOQDRDMSNE M@SHNM@KDBNMNLHDRHSL@JDR HSCHƧBTKSENQFNUDQMLDMSRSN BNKKDBSS@WDƧBHDMSKXEQNLSGD productive sector. 110 Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO R EQHB@M ƥM@MBH@K L@QJDSR @QD FQNVHMF @S @ RSQNMF Q@SD SGHR BNTKC AD @M NOONQSTMHSX ENQ states and governments to generate additional sources of revenues on currency exchanges and NSGDQƥM@MBH@KSQ@MR@BSHNMR ^ xʙʙ ʙ3URSHO$IULFDLQWRDFDVKOHVVHFRQRP\WRFDSWXUH tax on electronic payments (M @ BNMSDWS VGDQD HMENQL@K RDBSNQR QDOQDRDMS ODQBDMS NE M@SHNM@K DBNMNLHDR HS L@JDR HS CHƧBTKSENQFNUDQMLDMSRSNBNKKDBSS@WDƧBHDMSKX from the productive sector. Formalising the HMENQL@K RDBSNQ VHKK S@JD SHLD @MC RHFMHƥB@MS @LNTMS NE QDRNTQBD ADENQD QD@BGHMF @ R@SHRE@BSNQXKDUDK RNKTSHNMVNTKCADSNOQNODK SGDBNMSHMDMSHMSN@B@RGKDRRDBNMNLXAXRDSSHMF @M @CDPT@SD EQ@LDVNQJ RXRSDL@SHRHMF LNAHKD A@MJHMF@MCLNAHKDO@XLDMSR3GHRBNTKC@KKNV African governments to apply a tax on electronic O@XLDMSRL@XADŔODQBDMSNEO@XLDMSR SG@S BNTKC GDKO NƤRDS SGD K@BJ NE BNKKDBSHNM NE 5 3 @MC NSGDQ -DS (MBNLD 3@W EQNL 2,$R KRN ŔODQBDMS@QD@BBDOS@AKDODQBDMS@FDR@R SGDXBNTKCAD@CITRSDCSNSGDRHYDNESQ@MR@BSHNMR SN @UNHC ODM@KHRHMF KNV HMBNLD AQ@BJDSR 2TBG rates are tiny compared to the rates currently @OOKHDC AX LNMDX SQ@MREDQ BNLO@MHDR @BQNRR EQHB@Q@MFHMFEQNLŔODQBDMS Transform Hope into Action RNKTSHNMVNTKCADSN propel the continent into a B@RGKDRRDBNMNLXAXRDSSHMF @M@CDPT@SDEQ@LDVNQJ RXRSDL@SHYHMFLNAHKDA@MJHMF @MCLNAHKDO@XLDMSR 3GHRBNTKC@KKNV EQHB@M governments to apply a tax on DKDBSQNMHBO@XLDMSRL@XAD NEO@XLDMSRSG@S BNTKCGDKONƤRDSSGDK@BJNE BNKKDBSHNMNE5 3@MCNSGDQ-DS (MBNLD3@WEQNL2,$R We are the Ones we have been waiting for "NMRHCDQHMF SGD AK@S@MS RTBBDRR NE ,/DR@ HM *DMX@ @MC SGD OQNLHRHMF NTSBNLD EQNL SGD QDENQLR HLOKDLDMSDC HM -HFDQH@ SN enhance electronic payments and reduce B@RG SQ@MR@BSHNMR SGDQD BNTKC AD @ RHFMHƥB@MS opportunity for African governments to capture a piece of the promising high volumes of SQ@MR@BSHNMR@MCO@QSKXBNLODMR@SDSGDHQATCFDS CDƥBHS 3GD @CU@MS@FD NE RTBG @M @OOQN@BG HR SG@S DKDBSQNMHB SQ@MREDQR @QD HMRS@MSKX SQ@BD@AKD @MC PT@MSHƥ@AKD @R SGDX OQNUHCD @M NOONQSTMHSX SN retain the funds at the source without facing the daunting challenges of chasing tax payers. 3GHRVNTKCNAUHNTRKXHLOKXRSQNMFBNKK@ANQ@SHNM ADSVDDM A@MJR FNUDQMLDMSR @MC O@XLDMS switching companies to ensure quality reporting, audit and procedures implementation. First and foremost, it would require African governments @MC BDMSQ@K A@MJR SN RDS TO SGD @CDPT@SD EQ@LDVNQJ HMBDMSHUDR @MC LNMHSNQHMF @KKNVHMF true rapid evolution towards a cashless economy. 5.5.2 Promote publicprivate partnerships and diversify international bilateral partners EQHB@MBNTMSQHDR@QDLNQD@MCLNQDKNNJHMFHMSN OTAKHBOQHU@SDO@QSMDQRGHORBGDLDRSNETMCSGDHQ CDUDKNOLDMS 3GHR SQDMC MDDCR SN @BBDKDQ@SD RTARS@MSH@KKX @R QDENQLR FDMDQ@KKX K@F ADGHMC and are delaying the expansion of the continent. (M @ BNMSDWS VGDQD .$"# BNTMSQHDR @QD E@BHMF L@INQCHƧBTKSHDR@MCVGDQDSGD!1("2BNTMSQHDR emerge as partners of reference, Africa has a RHFMHƥB@MSB@QCSNOK@XHMQDCDƥMHMFHSRSHDRVHSG its international partners. As an example, since 2008 China’s yearly investment in Africa has DWBDDCDC6NQKC!@MJ&QNTO(MUDRSLDMSRNMSGD BNMSHMDMS3GDS@AKDADKNVFHUDR@MDW@LOKDNM SGD BNMSQHATSHNM NE "GHM@ HM TOFQ@CHMF EQHB@ŗR power sector. 2DSSHMF SGD QHFGS EQ@LDVNQJ RGNTKC GDKO SGD continent attract more investors and at last Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO 111 111 China Contribution to Africa Power Generation Capacity As an example since 2008 China yearly investment in Africa has exceeded World !@MJ&QNTO(MUDRSLDMSRNMSGD continent. Source: World Bank Group 3GD EQHB@MLHFQ@MSRKHUHMFNTSRHCDSGDHQGNLDBNTMSQHDR@QDDRSHL@SDC SNG@UDLNQDSG@MʙAHKKHNMHMCDBK@QDCR@UHMFRXD@QKXRNTQBD #DUDKNOLDMS%HM@MBDUH@#H@RONQ@!NMCR3Q@BJ1DBNQC@MC/NSDMSH@KAX *DSJ@Q1@SG@,NRSNESGDRDR@UHMFR@QDJDOSHMA@MJ@BBNTMSRNTSRHCD EQHB@NQHMUDRSDCHMLHFQ@MSRŗGNRSBNTMSQHDR2GNTKCTMCDBK@QDCR@UHMFRAD S@JDMHMSN@BBNTMSSGNRDETMCRBNTKCD@RHKXQD@BGʙAHKKHNM 112 Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action R@MDW@LOKD(RQ@DK@MC(MCH@G@UDQ@HRDCTOSN@QNTMC42ʙ AHKKHNMRDPTHU@KDMSHM#H@RONQ@!NMCRRHMBDSGDXK@TMBGDC those products. MDFNSH@SD SGD ADRS ONRRHAKD SDQLR @KKNVHMF LTST@KKX ADMDƥBH@QX O@QSMDQRGHOR ETDKKHMF DBNMNLHBFQNVSG(SHR@KRNHLONQS@MSSNDU@KT@SD SGD @BST@K ADMDƥSR NE SGNRD O@QSMDQRGHOR ENQ SGD EQHB@MONOTK@SHNMAXTOFQ@CHMFB@O@BHSX@S FNUDQMLDMSKDUDKVHSGSD@LRNEDWODQSRB@O@AKD NE DMRTQHMF SG@S NTQ BNTMSQHDR SN CN MNS RHMJ into a new form of colonisation and that our resources are not given away at cheap prices. ESDQ "GHM@ (MCH@ @MC !Q@YHK @QD MNV RGNVHMF FQD@S HMSDQDRS HM SGD EQHB@M BNMSHMDMS 3GHR RGNTKCAD@MNOONQSTMHSXSNOK@XSGDK@VNENƤDQ @MCCDL@MC@MCNAS@HMSGDADRSONRRHAKDSDQLR for our people. 3GD EQHB@M 4MHNM CDƥMDR NTQ #H@RONQ@ QDOQDRDMS@SHUD @R @MXNMD ŖEQNL EQHB@M CDRBDMS or heritage’. Over the decades, the African Diaspora has grown larger, stronger, wealthier, more educated and are currently in a position to ADBNLD@RNKHCBNMSQHATSNQSNSGDDWO@MRHNMNE SGDBNMSHMDMS3GD#H@RONQ@!NMCHR@MHLONQS@MS mechanism for maintaining ties with the #H@RONQ@3GHRƥM@MBH@KUDGHBKDHR@RS@AKDRNTQBD NE ANQQNVHMF EQNL NUDQRD@R @R VDKK EQHB@M BNTMSQHDRB@MQ@HRD@STOSNʙAHKKHNM@XD@Q ^ /HYHUDJHRQWKH Diaspora by issuing Diaspora Bonds (M @ BNMSDWS NE KNNLHMF FKNA@K ƥM@MBH@K BQHRHR @ƤDBSHMF HMUDRSNQRŗ KHPTHCHSX HM @M DMUHQNMLDMS VGDQDQDFHNM@KAKNBJR@MCBNTMSQHDRBNLODSDSN attract foreign direct investment, we, as Africans, need to develop innovative schemes to fuel the growth and accelerate the development of our BNMSHMDMS EQHB@RG@QDRSGDUHDVSG@S@ANMC HRRT@MBD CDRHFMDC @MC L@QJDSDC SN SGD EQHB@M Diaspora could help the African continent accelerate its development and raise untapped NQ TM@FFQDF@SDC @LNTMSR NE ADSVDDM ʙ AHKKHNMDUDQXXD@Q 3GDƥQRSOQNCTBSBNTKC AD@ʙAMANMCHRRTDC AX@OQNONRDC2ODBH@K /TQONRD5DGHBKDVGNRD ownership design could ADETQSGDQCHRBTRRDCNMBD the concept is endorsed. 3GDANMCRRGNTKCG@UD@ LHMHLTLATKKDSL@STQHSX NEXD@QRVHSGHMSDQDRS rolled up. ^ We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO 113 113 2NTSG EQHB@!NSRV@M@ -@LHAH@,NQNBBNG@UD successfully raised funding SGQNTFG(MSDQM@SHNM@K"@OHS@K ,@QJDSRSNETMCSGDFQNVSGNE SGDHQDBNMNLHDR(MSGDƥQRS RDLDRSDQNE2DMDF@K managed to gather up to 42ʙAHKKHNMRTARBQHOSHNM HMSDMSENQ@42ʙLHKKHNM !NMC(MSDQM@SHNM@K (MUDRSNQRDWOQDRRDC@M HMSDQDRSSNRTARBQHADHMSGD !NMC-HFDQH@@KRNQ@HRDC 42ʙLHKKHNMNM+NMCNM "@OHS@K,@QJDSR2NCHC &G@M@@MC&@ANMVGN respectively raised up to 42ʙLHKKHNM@MC 42ʙAHKKHNM AX S@OOHMF HMSN SGD R@UHMFR NE M@SHNM@KR KHUHMF @AQN@C3GD EQHB@MLHFQ@MSRKHUHMFNTSRHCDSGDHQ home countries are estimated to have more than ʙ AHKKHNM HM CDBK@QDC R@UHMFR XD@QKX (source : Development Finance via Diaspora Bonds, Track Record and Potential by Ketkar & Ratha,NRSNE SGDRDR@UHMFR@QDJDOSHMA@MJ@BBNTMSRNTSRHCD Africa or invested in migrants’ host countries. 2GNTKCTMCDBK@QDCR@UHMFRADS@JDMHMSN@BBNTMS SGNRDETMCRBNTKCD@RHKXQD@BGʙAHKKHNM (MCDDC HLONQS@MS ATS TM@FFQDF@SDC @LNTMSR @QD NESDM SQ@MREDQQDC A@BJ GNLD NTSRHCD NE ENQL@K BG@MMDKR NQ A@MJHMF RXRSDLR CTD SN SQ@MR@BSHNMBNRSRATS@KRNHMSDQLDCH@QXEDDR .SGDQ BNTMSQHDR G@UD LNAHKHRDC SGDHQ #H@RONQ@ to support their growth and development. As an DW@LOKD(RQ@DK@MC(MCH@G@UDQ@HRDCTOSNʙ AHKKHNMHM#H@RONQ@!NMCRRHMBDSGDXK@TMBGDC SGNRD OQNCTBSR !Q@YHK ANMC V@R RDBTQDC AX QDLHSS@MBD EQNL VNQJDQR EQNL )@O@M @MC G@R QDBDHUDC @ BQDCHS Q@SHMF GHFGDQ SG@M SGD !Q@YHK RNUDQDHFM ANMC #H@RONQ@ ANMCR @QD CHƤDQDMS EQNLENQDHFMBTQQDMBXCDONRHSR%"#R#H@RONQ@ ANMCR @QD SXOHB@KKX KNMFC@SDC RDBTQHSHDR SN AD redeemed only upon maturity. FCDs, in contrast, B@M AD VHSGCQ@VM @S @MX SHLD @MC @QD TRDC AX many developing countries to attract foreign BTQQDMBXHMƦNVR ^ 3GD ƥQRS OQNCTBS BNTKC AD @ ʙ AHKKHNM ANMC HRRTDC AX @ OQNONRDC 2ODBH@K /TQONRD 5DGHBKD VGNRD NVMDQRGHO CDRHFM BNTKC AD ETQSGDQ CHRBTRRDC NMBD SGD BNMBDOS HR DMCNQRDC 3GD ANMCR RGNTKC G@UD @ LHMHLTL ATKKDS L@STQHSX NEƥUDSNRDUDMXD@QRVHSGHMSDQDRSQNKKDCTO(S RGNTKC AD @ ƦNVU@MHKK@ OQNCTBS HCD@KKX KHRSDC NM@L@INQKNB@KNQHMSDQM@SHNM@KDWBG@MFD Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ^ 2NTSG EQHB@ !NSRV@M@ -@LHAH@ @MC ,NQNBBN have successfully raised funding through HMSDQM@SHNM@KB@OHS@KL@QJDSRSNETMCSGDFQNVSG NESGDHQDBNMNLHDR(MSGDƥQRSRDLDRSDQNE 2DMDF@K L@M@FDC SN F@SGDQ TO SN ʙ AHKKHNM RTARBQHOSHNM HMSDMS ENQ @ ʙ LHKKHNM ANMC @MC HMSDQM@SHNM@K HMUDRSNQR DWOQDRRDC @M HMSDQDRS SN RTARBQHAD HM SGD ANMC -HFDQH@ @KRN Q@HRDCʙLHKKHNMNM+NMCNM"@OHS@K,@QJDSR 2NCHC&G@M@@MC&@ANMVGNQDRODBSHUDKXQ@HRDC TOSNʙLHKKHNM@MCʙAHKKHNM ^ ^ 114 6RXUFHơQDQFLQJ through international capital markets ^ 1DRODBSHUDKX QDBDMSKX Q@SDC ! @MC ! AX 2S@MC@QC /NNQ 3@MY@MH@ @MC 9@LAH@ @QD @KRN BNMSDLOK@SHMF ANMC DLHRRHNMR NM HMSDQM@SHNM@K L@QJDSR ^ ,@MX EQHB@MBNTMSQHDRHRRTHMF RNUDQDHFMANMCROQHBDC ADSVDDMUDQRTR ENQ.$"#ANMCR@QDSGDQDENQD now attractive to international HMUDRSNQRKNNJHMFSNCHUDQRHEX their portfolio. Transform Hope into Action 3GNRD RTBBDRRETK @SSDLOSR SN Q@HRD ETMCR NM HMSDQM@SHNM@K B@OHS@K L@QJDSR QDUD@K SGD HLOQNUDCBQDCHAHKHSXNE EQHB@MBNTMSQHDRNMSGD international scene resulting from the increase of raw material prices, the high demand in China and improved governance of African states. ,@MX EQHB@MBNTMSQHDRHRRTHMFRNUDQDHFMANMCR OQHBDCEQNLŔODQBDMSUDQRTRŔODQBDMS ENQ .$"# ANMCR @QD SGDQDENQD MNV @SSQ@BSHUD SN HMSDQM@SHNM@K HMUDRSNQR KNNJHMF SN CHUDQRHEX SGDHQONQSENKHN3GHRSQDMCHR@KRNDMBNTQ@FDCAX SGDHLOQNUDCA@MJ@AHKHSXNEL@MX EQHB@MRS@SDR VGNRDHMCDASDCMDRRQ@MFDRADSVDDM@MC ODQBDMSNE&#/NM@UDQ@FDUDQRTRODQBDMSNE &#/ENQSGD$TQN9NMD ^ Africa 2.0 encourages other African countries to further pursue the alternative of funding their CDUDKNOLDMS AX TRHMF HMSDQM@SHNM@K L@QJDSR ETMCHMF @R @ MNML@INQ BNLONMDMS NE SGDHQ growth strategy. ^ M @KSDQM@SHUD SN QDCTBD SGD BNRSR NE ANMC DLHRRHNMR VNTKC AD ENQ EQHB@M BNTMSQHDR SN CN INHMS DLHRRHNMR SGQNTFG ONNKHMF FQNTOR NE BNTMSQHDR NQ QDFHNM@K AKNBR HM NQCDQ SN NƤDQ QHRJ CHUDQRHƥB@SHNM ENQ HMUDRSNQR 2TBG ANMCR could also for instance help fund regional HMEQ@RSQTBSTQDOQNIDBSRHMDKDBSQHBHSXNQSQ@MRONQS @MC NUDQBNLD SGD EQDPTDMS AK@LD NM K@BJ NE resources from individual countries to complete QDFHNM@KHMEQ@RSQTBSTQDOQNIDBSR ^ We are the Ones we have been waiting for 5.5.5 Use Private Placement Programs ^ 'HRSNQHB@KKX SGD /QHU@SD /K@BDLDMS /QNFQ@LR :///< G@UD ADDM @U@HK@AKD SN Q@HRD ETMCR RHMBD 6NQKC 6@Q (( 3GDX @QD MNS OTAKHBKX OQNLNSDC @MCO@QSHBHO@SHNMHRRSQHBSKXAXHMUHS@SHNMSNNMKX those who have expressed an interest to use SGDL 3GDX @QD @M DWBDKKDMS V@X SN Q@HRD ETMCR ENQOQNIDBSRVNQKCVHCDVHSGNTSFNHMFHMSNCDAS Funds received are from trading transactions of A@MJHMRSQTLDMSRThese are not loans and funds received do not have to be paid back. ^ (M SGD 42 HS HR B@KKDC "QDCHS $MG@MBDLDMS /QNFQ@LHM$TQNODHSHRB@KKDC/QHU@SD/K@BDLDMS /QNFQ@L HM SGD ƥM@MBH@K L@QJDSR HS HR B@KKDC EQ@BSHNM@KHRDC A@MJHMF NQ RXMSGDSHB KDUDQ@FD 3GD $TQNOD@M 1DBNUDQX /QNFQ@L ADSSDQ JMNVM @RŖ3GD,@QRG@KK/K@MŗK@TMBGDC@ESDQ6NQKC6@Q (( ONTQDC ETMCHMF SNS@KKHMF ʙ AHKKHNM @ANTS ʙAHKKHNM@SOQHBDRHMSNSGDDBNMNLHDR NE 6DRSDQM $TQNOD SN @KKNV RODDCX @MC RTRS@HM@AKD DBNMNLHB QDBNUDQX 3GD ,@QRG@KK /K@M BNLAHMHMF ETMCHMF @MC @ RNBHNDBNMNLHB FQNVSGOK@MG@ROK@XDC@RHFMHƥB@MSQNKDHMSGD KNMFSDQLFQNVSGNE6DRSDQM$TQNOD@RHSRDSSGD stage for prosperity. Private Placement Programs are an excellent way to raise funds ENQOQNIDBSRVNQKCVHCDVHSGNTS FNHMFHMSNCDAS%TMCRQDBDHUDC are from trading transactions of !@MJ(MRSQTLDMSR3GDRD@QDMNS loans and funds received do MNSG@UDSNADO@HCA@BJ ř(S OQNUHCDC ETMCR SN ƥM@MBD OQHU@SD @MC OTAKHB HMUDRSLDMS L@HMKX HM HMEQ@RSQTBSTQD %HQRS SGD ,@QRG@KK /K@M PTHBJDMDC SGD O@BD NE Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO 115 115 OQHU@SDHMUDRSLDMS2DBNMCHSRTOONQSDCOTAKHB HMUDRSLDMSHMHMEQ@RSQTBSTQD3GHQCHSDKHLHM@SDC ANSSKDMDBJR%NTQSGHSE@BHKHS@SDCSGDMDFNSH@SHNM NE @ OQNFQNVSG ŖRNBH@K BNMSQ@BSŗ SG@S OQNUHCDC SGD ONKHSHB@K RS@AHKHSX @MC BKHL@SD MDBDRR@QX SN RTOONQSSGDONRSV@QANNLŚ FQNTO HR KHMJDC VHSG SGD OQNFQ@L ENQ DW@LOKD3GD6NQKC"@OHS@K/QNFQ@LHRTRDC to generate funds for government, corporate @MC OQHU@SD DMSHSHDR /QNIDBS 2ODBHƥB /TQONRDR/QNFQ@L)TQHRCHBSHNMRHR@&KNA@K Application. The World Capital Program requires from the participating country to block a reserve of gold (or key natural asset, underground or not) or cash bullion in the country’s central (or top 100 global) bank. It is structured on a 5 –10 year platform VHSG SGD NOSHNM SN DWSDMC 3GHR SQ@CD allows for the modernising of government infrastructure and departments and the development of electric power supply, oil @MC F@R Q@HK @MC QN@C MDSVNQJR HQNM @MC steel, housing, health and educational institutions etc. through to the development NE QTQ@K @MC ONRS BNMƦHBS QDBNMRSQTBSHNM developments. ^ %HQRSSGD,@QRG@KK/K@M PTHBJDMDCSGDO@BDNE private investment. Second, it RTOONQSDCOTAKHBHMUDRSLDMS HMHMEQ@RSQTBSTQD3GHQCHS DKHLHM@SDCANSSKDMDBJR%NTQSG it facilitated the negotiation of @OQNFQNVSGřRNBH@KBNMSQ@BSŚ that provided the political RS@AHKHSX@MCBKHL@SDMDBDRR@QX SNRTOONQSSGDONRSV@QANNLŚ %NQDUDQXCNKK@QNE,@QRG@KK/K@METMCRQDBDHUDC the recipient country was required to place @ RODBHƥB @LNTMS NE CNLDRSHB BTQQDMBX NQ FNKCHM@BNTMSDQO@QSETMCSNADTRDCNMKXENQ RODBHƥBOTQONRDR(MNQCDQSN@RRDRRSGDHLO@BS NESGD,@QRG@KK/K@M#DKNMF$HBGDMFQDDMCHC @ BNLO@QHRNM ADSVDDM QFDMSHM@ @MC 6DRSDQM $TQNOD ř!DENQD SGD V@Q QFDMSHM@ G@C ADDM @R QHBG @R BNMSHMDMS@K $TQNOD (M !TDMNR Aires was among the top 20 cities of the world HMSDKDOGNMDRODQB@OHS@(M QFDMSHM@G@C ADDMODQG@ORENTQSGHMCDMRHSXNELNSNQUDGHBKDR ODQB@OHS@VHSG@OOQNWHL@SDKXSGDR@LDMTLADQ of vehicles per person as France or Germany. QFDMSHM@ EQNL Ŕ V@R @ BNTMSQX HM SGDR@LDBK@RR@R"@M@C@NQ TRSQ@KH@8DS@ESDQ 6NQKC 6@Q (( QFDMSHM@ FQDV UDQX LTBG LNQD slowly than France or Germany and fell rapidly EQNL SGD Q@MJR NE SGD %HQRS 6NQKC SN SGD 3GHQC World. We encourage African governments to consider /QHU@SD /K@BDLDMS /QNFQ@LR ///R @R @ RDQHNTR @KSDQM@SHUD SN ANNRS SGDHQ BNTMSQXŗR DBNMNLHB DWO@MRHNM(SHRMDUDQSGDKDRRHLONQS@MSSNADV@QD NERB@LR@MCNSGDQE@JDOQNONR@KRNMSGDL@QJDS Participation in Private Placement Programs DWHRSRHMSVNENQLR6NQKC"@OHS@K/QNFQ@LR@MC /QNIDBS%HM@MBHMF%@BHKHSHDR ^ 1. The World Capital Program HR MNS @ ŖSQ@CD OQNFQ@Lŗ HM SGD SQ@CHSHNM@K RDMRD -N SQ@CD 116 Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO ^ 2. Project Financing Facilities @QD ƥM@MBH@KKX engineered zero percentage interest and non-recourse sophisticated funding facility via PPP. Project Financing Facilities provide a means for the government to provide up to 20 100 percent of project funding/ ƥM@MBHMF QDPTHQDLDMS NE HMEQ@RSQTBSTQD projects without cash commitment but a single collateral obligation of a Bank Guarantee from an acceptable Top 100 !@MJ M@KLNRSBNRSKDRRLD@MRNEƥM@MBHMF large infrastructure projects within the country. ^ %TMCHMF BNTKC @KRN AD LNAHKHRDC TMCDQ RHLHK@Q RBGDLDRSNRDSTO@MCATHKCEQDDDBNMNLHBYNMDR UH@@RNUDQDHFMFT@Q@MSDD3GDHMSDQDRSDCBNTMSQX NQNSGDQRS@JDGNKCDQNQF@MHR@SHNMRBNTKCBQD@SD Transform Hope into Action Long Run Economic Growth, 1880–1980 - Argentina Long Run Economic Growth, 1880–1980 - Argentina Source: Delong, Eichengreen, 1991 Source: Delong, Eichengreen, 1991 Long Run Economic Growth, 1880–1980 - Argentina Comparative GDP per Capita Growth !DENQDSGDV@Q QFDMSHM@G@C ADDM@RQHBG@R"NMSHMDMS@K $TQNOD(M!TDMNR HQDR was among the top 20 cities of the world in telephones per B@OHS@(M QFDMSHM@G@C ADDMODQG@ORENTQSGHMCDMRHSX of motor vehicles per capita, with approximately the same MTLADQNEUDGHBKDRODQODQRNM as France or Germany. Source: Delong, Eichengreen, 1991 Source: Delong, Eichengreen, 1991 We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO 117 117 @ EQDD YNMD @MC HRRTD @ MNMAHMCHMF RNUDQDHFM FT@Q@MSDD %QDD YNMDR @QD BQD@SDC AX ONKHSHB@K powers declaring a designated plot of land as a free zone for social and economic development. 3GD RNUDQDHFM FT@Q@MSDD L@X AD HMFQNTMC NQ @ANUD FQNTMC @RRDSR -@STQ@K F@R CDONRHSR L@X AD @KRN TRDC SN GXONSGDB@SD SGD RNUDQDHFM guarantee for all of their developments. We encourage African governments to consider Private Placement Programs ///R@R@RDQHNTR@KSDQM@SHUD SNANNRSSGDHQBNTMSQXŗR economic expansion. #TA@H HQONQS%QDDYNMDV@RDRS@AKHRGDCHM @RO@QSNESGD#TA@HFNUDQMLDMSŗRRSQ@SDFHBOK@M SN AD @M HMUDRSLDMS CQHUDM DBNMNLX #TA@H Airport Freezone is one of the fastest growing free zones in the region and is currently home to over BNLO@MHDREQNLU@QHNTRHMCTRSQXRDBSNQR including aviation industry, pharmaceutical OQNCTBSR KNFHRSHBR @MC EQDHFGS IDVDKKDQX (3 @MC LNAHKD OGNMD @BBDRRNQHDR (MSDQM@SHNM@K HMUDRSNQR B@M DMINX CXM@LHB FQNVSG SGQNTFG #TA@H HQONQS %QDDYNMDŗR DWBDKKDMS HMBDMSHUD O@BJ@FDRHMBKTCHMFODQBDMSS@WDWDLOSHNM ODQBDMSENQDHFMNVMDQRGHO@MCMNBTQQDMBX restrictions. Located strategically within the ANTMC@QHDR NE #TA@H (MSDQM@SHNM@K HQONQS #TA@H HQONQS%QDDYNMDNƤDQR@Q@MFDNELNCDQM facilities with state-of-the art infrastructure. /DFNRIPRQH\VKRXOG not be an excuse 6DG@UDNESDMAK@LDCSGDK@BJNEETMCR@RSGD RNTQBDNE@KKDUHKR@MCSGDQD@RNMENQ EQHB@ŗRK@BJ NE OQNFQDRR 6D RGNTKC MNS ENQFDS SG@S SGD ƥQRS BNMCHSHNMR HM @MX ETMCQ@HRHMF DWDQBHRD @QD H @ FNNCATRHMDRROK@M@MCHH@RSQNMFL@M@FDLDMS SD@L RRTBGHSHRSGDQDRONMRHAHKHSXNE EQHB@MR @MC SGDHQ KD@CDQR SN OQDO@QD @ QNATRS ATRHMDRR OK@MA@RDCNM@BKD@QUHRHNM 3GD NAIDBSHUD NE EQHB@ ,@MHEDRSN HR SN FHUD RNKHC SNNKR ENQ @ RNTMC ATRHMDRR OK@M A@RDC NM @ EQ@LDVNQJ RTOONQSDC AX ADMBGL@QJR @MC success stories to replicate. African leaders RGNTKCAD@QHMLHMCSG@S@BKD@QCHQDBSHNM@MC@ KNMFSDQLUHRHAHKHSXQD@RRTQDRHMUDRSNQR 3GD ,@MHEDRSN HE Q@SHƥDC AX EQHB@M BNTMSQHDR BNTKCADSGDA@RDNERTBG@ATRHMDRROK@M KRN SGD CDƥMHSHNM NE L@M@FDLDMS SD@L RGNTKC AD AQN@CDMDC ADXNMC SGD LDQD BHQBKD NE EQHB@M government leaders and should also involve OQHU@SDRDBSNQ@MCBHUHKRNBHDSXKD@CDQR(MNSGDQ VNQCRSGDQDRONMRHAHKHSXENQCDUDKNOLDMSRGNTKC ADTMCDQS@JDMAX@KKBNTMSQXKD@CDQR@BQNRRSGD RODBSQTLBNLLHSSHMFSNSGDOK@M@MCLNAHKHRHMF the necessary human capital to implement such a plan. As a result the funding will follow. 6DG@UDNESDMAK@LDCSGDK@BJNEETMCR@RSGDRNTQBDNE@KKDUHKR@MC SGDQD@RNMENQ EQHB@ŗRK@BJNEOQNFQDRR6DRGNTKCMNSENQFDSSG@SSGD ƥQRSBNMCHSHNMRHM@MXETMCQ@HRHMFDWDQBHRD@QDH@FNNCATRHMDRR OK@M@MCHH@RSQNMFL@M@FDLDMSSD@L 118 Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action EQHB@MKD@CDQRRGNTKCAD@QHM mind that a clear direction and @KNMFSDQLUHRHAHKHSXQD@RRTQDR investors and voters. ^ 5.6. Passion and dedication will help drive the process LWŖVXSWRXV JDXCDSDQLHMHMFE@BSNQHM@BGHDUHMFSGDFN@KR RDS AX 5HRHNM EQHB@ HR O@RRHNM /@RRHNM HR RN HLONQS@MS ADB@TRD @KNMF VHSG QD@RNM HS HR SGD JDX DKDLDMS SG@S CQHUDR QD@K BG@MFD @MC SQ@MRENQL@SHNM (M NQCDQ SN LNUD EQNL @ certain position or state to another, energy is needed. And passion gives us the extra energy MDDCDC SN LNUD SGQNTFG CHƧBTKS RHST@SHNMR SN AD CDSDQLHMDC @MC ODQRDUDQD VGDM SGD FNHMF gets tough. When the heart and the mind are engaged simultaneously and harmoniously the ONRRHAHKHSHDR@QDDMCKDRR Passion is generated when we identify or are DMF@FDCHMRNLDSGHMFSG@SVDQD@KKXB@QD@ANTS (SHRSG@SDWSQ@DMDQFXSG@SADBNLDR@U@HK@AKDSN us when we feel that we are doing something SG@SHRLD@MHMFETKSNTRNQVDADKHDUDVHKKL@JD @CHƤDQDMBDHMNTQBNLLTMHSX 6D HM EQHB@ @QD RNTKETK ODNOKD 3GHR HR DUHCDMS in the way we live our lives and the way we We are the Ones we have been waiting for “Love never loses its way home” Passion is so important ADB@TRD@KNMFVHSGQD@RNMHS HRSGDJDXDKDLDMSSG@SCQHUDR real change and transformation. (MNQCDQSNLNUDEQNLBDQS@HM ONRHSHNMRS@SDSN@MNSGDQ energy is needed. express ourselves through all forms of art. Our ancestors lived their lives in close relationship with the people in their communities and in G@QLNMX VHSG M@STQD .TQ HCDMSHƥB@SHNM VHSG our soul helps us tap into our passion virtually DƤNQSKDRRKX2NVDG@UDHSHMTRVDB@MAD@MC do anything and realistically achieve the goals VDRDSENQNTQRDKUDR3GDJDXHRSNFNA@BJSNNTQ SQTDRDKUDR@MCAD@TSGDMSHBHM@KKVDCN 3GD OQDO@Q@SHNM @MC OQNCTBSHNM NE EQHB@ ,@MHEDRSN HR @ FNNC DW@LOKD NE VG@S @ FQNTO of young Africans can achieve. All Africa 2.0 LDLADQR BG@LOHNMR @MC BNMSQHATSNQR EQNL private sector, civil society or government A@BJFQNTMC G@UD S@JDM SGD SHLD CDROHSD SGDHQ African Symbol of the power of love We in Africa are soulful people. ATRX RBGDCTKDR @MC BNLLHSSDC DMDQFX HMSN OQNCTBHMF SGHR CNBTLDMS 3GDX CHC RN ADB@TRD NESGDHQE@HSGHMSGDBNMSHMDMS@MCSGDHQATQMHMF CDRHQDSNRDD EQHB@DLDQFD@MCRTBBDDC3GNRD VDQD ADMDUNKDMS BNLHMF EQNL @KK BNQMDQR NE Africa and from around the world to show you that they care, to show you that we can, to RG@QD SGDHQ JMNVKDCFD @MC O@RRHNM VHSG XNT hoping that together we could apply our souls to transform hope into action. We are the ones we have been waiting for! Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO 119 119 Ellen Sirleaf-Johnson (Winner Africa 2.0 Award- Institutional figure of te decade) Why are some countries able, despite their very real and serious problems, to press ahead along the road to reconciliation, recovery, and redevelopment while others cannot? These are critical questions for Africa, and their answers are complex and not always clear. Leadership is crucial, of course. Kagame was a strong leader - decisive, focused, disciplined, and honest - and he remains so today. I believe that sometimes people's characters are molded by their environment. Angola, like Liberia, like Sierra Leone, is resource-rich, a natural blessing that sometimes has the sad effect of diminishing the human drive for self-sufficiency, the ability and determination to maximize that which one has. Kagame had nothing. He grew up in a refugee camp, equipped with only his own strength of will and determination to create a better life for himself and his countrymen. " 120 Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action It is not the world that makes a man... ...But a man that makes his world. We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO 121 121 Vision Africa 2.0: Governing Council When young Africans unite to combine their skills, passion and energy to propose innovative solutions that could move the continent forward… In order to drive the process and ensure that we provide a full overview and innovative solutions for the pillars promoted by Africa 2.0 within the Overall Framework Vision Africa 2020, we have gathered a group of Champions whose role will be to drive the process and mobilize the skills and inputs from other Africa 2.0 members and thought leaders to contribute to the Vision Africa 2020 Manifest to be released in the last quarter of 2011. The Champions come from the various parts of the continent and are part of the core team of Africa 2.0; they have the immense responsibility of delivering a Manifest of quality that will be a reference ENQ@BBDKDQ@SDCFQNVSGNMSGDBNMSHMDMS KKBG@LOHNMRG@UD@RNKHCDWODQHDMBD@MCTMHPTD DWODQSHRDHMSGDHQƥDKCRTOONQSDCAX@MHMSHL@SDJMNVKDCFD@MCO@RRHNMSGHRBNMSHMDMSNENTQR Vision Africa 2020 will only happen with your contribution and energy to drive change in Africa through a leapfrog approach. Divided we fall, together we stand. Africa 2.0 invites you to dive in, join the bandwagon, and make your contribution. 122 Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO Transform Hope into Action Jacqueline Musiitwa (Zambia-Uganda) Champion: Investment Climate Reforms )@BPTDKHMD ,TM@ ,TRHHSV@ HR SGD ENTMCDQ NE 3Q@MRHSHNM@K 3Q@CD @ MNMOQNƥS NQF@MHY@SHNM OQNLNSHMF RNBH@K SQ@CD HMUDRSLDMS @MC DMSQDOQDMDTQRGHO HM ONRSBNMƦHBS BNTMSQHDR 2GD @KRN QTMR 'NI@ +@V &QNTO@ANTSHPTDK@VƥQLA@RDCHM-DV8NQJ422GDHRA@RDCHM*HF@KH VGDQDRGD@CUHRDRSGD1V@MC@,HMHRSDQNE)TRSHBDNMKDF@KL@SSDQRHM HMUDRSLDMS@MCSQ@CD)@BPTDKHMD@SSDMCDC#@UHCRNM"NKKDFDVGDQDRGD QDBDHUDC@! HM/NKHSHB@K2BHDMBD@MC(MSDQM@SHNM@K2STCHDR2GDD@QMDC @ &Q@CT@SD #HOKNL@ HM +DF@K /Q@BSHBD EQNL SGD TRSQ@KH@M -@SHNM@K 4MHUDQRHSX@MC@)TQHR#NBSNQEQNLSGD4MHUDQRHSXNE,DKANTQMD Dare Okoudjou (Benin) Champion: Increasing Financial Inclusion to boost entrepreneurship structures #@QDHRQDBNFMHYDC@RNMDNESGDVNQKCDWODQSRHMSGDLNAHKDƥM@MBH@K RDQUHBDRƥDKC'DHRSGDENTMCDQ@MC"$.NE,%2 EQHB@@/@M EQHB@M BNLO@MX SG@S CDUDKNOR @MC CHRSQHATSDR ƥM@MBH@K RDQUHBDR SGQNTFG LNAHKDOGNMDRHMRTQ@MBDBQDCHSQDLHSS@MBDRDSB'DADF@MGHRB@QDDQ @R,@M@FDLDMS"NMRTKS@MSVHSG/QHBDV@SDQGNTRD"NNODQRHM/@QHRVGDQD GD @RRHRSDC KD@CHMF 3DKDBNL ,DCH@ BNLO@MHDR HM $TQNOD EQHB@ on strategy development and implementation as well as Operational DƤDBSHUDMDRR HRRTDR 'D GNKCR @ ,2B HM 3DKDBNL $MFHMDDQHMF EQNL $-23/@QHR%Q@MBD@MC@M,! EQNL(-2$ #%Q@MBD2HMF@ONQD Younes Maamar (Morocco) Champion: Infrastructure - Power Africa Sophie Masipa (South Africa) Champion: Rebranding Africa 8NTMDR ,@@L@Q HR ,@M@FHMF /@QSMDQ NE D.-$ (MUDRSLDMSR ++/ @ 4* ,NQNBBNA@RDCDMDQFXCDUDKNODQ@MC5HBD"G@HQL@MNE4LDLD+SCSGD DKDBSQHBHSXTSHKHSXNE4F@MC@@@Ƨ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Ŕ/@KLNKHUDDWO@MCHMFGDQ AQ@MCONQSENKHN'DQL@HM@BGHDUDLDMSRRSDLEQNLSVNJDXHMHSH@SHUDR SG@S RGD OQNIDBS L@M@FDC 3GD 6NQKC $BNMNLHB %NQTL #@UNR OQNIDBS @R VDKK @R SGD !Q@MC 2NTSG EQHB@ L@QJDSHMF @BSHUHSHDR ENQ SGD %(% 6NQKC"TO2NTSG EQHB@'DQDWODQHDMBDHM%,"&@MCRDQUHBDR @MC JDX ENBTR NM M@SHNM AQ@MCHMF @R @ BNMBDOS L@JDR GDQ @ VDKK QNTMCDCL@QJDSHMFRODBH@KHRS Jackie Chimhanzi (Zimbabwe) Champion: Cross Cutting Topics: Mobilizing the Youth, the Diaspora, women and technology to drive Vision Africa 2020 #Q )@BJHD "GHLG@MYH HR @ +D@C HM SGD 2SQ@SDFX CHUHRHNM NE #DKNHSSD "NMRTKSHMF (M SGHR B@O@BHSX RGD L@M@FDR OQNIDBSR @MC KD@CR OQNIDBS SD@LR NM BKHDMS DMF@FDLDMSR 2GD G@R VNQJDC VHSG BKHDMSR HM U@QHNTR RDBSNQR NHK F@R ONVDQ RSDDK A@MJHMF LHMHMF AQDVDQX @MC MNM OQNƥS2GDGNKCR@!2B'NMR,! @MC/G#@KKEQNL"@QCHƤ!TRHMDRR 2BGNNK 4MHUDQRHSX NE 6@KDR /QHNQ SN INHMHMF #DKNHSSD "NMRTKSHMF HM )NG@MMDRATQFRGDV@R@QDRD@QBGDQ@MCKDBSTQDQHM2SQ@SDFHB,@QJDSHMF HMSGD4* We are the Ones we have been waiting for Mario Mendes(Angola) Chapter Head Angola ,@QHN ,DMCDR VNQJR @R #HQDBSNQ NE !TRHMDRR #DUDKNOLDMS ENQ 2HLOKDR .HK NMD NE SGD AHFFDRS HMCHFDMNTR NHK RDQUHBDR BNLO@MHDR HM MFNK@ 'DKD@CRSGDDWDBTSHNMNESGDBNLO@MXŗRKNMFSDQLFQNVSGOK@MA@RDC on strategic partnerships with oil & gas multinationals that ensure SDBGMNKNFXSQ@MREDQ@MCDLONVDQLDMSNESGDKNB@KVNQJENQBD"TQQDMSKX GD HR @M @BSHUD LDLADQ NE ,/+ MFNK@ŗR QTKHMF O@QSX @MC CDUHRDR RSQ@SDFHB O@ODQR ENQ SGD O@QSX ,@QHN GNKCR @ ! HM $BNMNLHBR EQNL Stanford University. Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO 123 123 124 Vera Songwe (Cameroon) Champion: Good Governance Didier Acouetey (Togo) Champion: Building competitive regional champions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idier Acouetey is the President and Founder of the AfricSearch Group, @ LTKSHM@SHNM@K '1 "NMRTKSHMF ƥQL RODBH@KHYDC HM EQHB@ @MC SGD ƥQRS NQF@MHY@SHNM SG@S @BSHUDKX BNTMSDQDC SGD AQ@HM CQ@HM OQNBDRR HM EQHB@ 2HMBD HSR HMBDOSHNM HM SGD EQHB2D@QBG &QNTO G@R GDKODC QDBQTHS LNQDSG@M EQHB@MR 'DG@RVNML@MX@V@QCRHMBKTCHMFSGDř EQHB@(MSDQM@SHNM@KŚ@V@QCENQ řSGDLNRS@BSHUD EQHB@MRHMSGDVNQKCENQSGDK@RSXD@QR#HCHDQ FQ@CT@SDC EQNL SGD QSR DS ,DSHDQR RBGNNK HM /@QHR @MC GNKCR @M ,! EQNL$2"/$ / Malik Fal (Senegal) Vision Africa 2.0 Framework & Champion Coordinator Mugo Kibati (Kenya) &KDPSLRQ3RZHULQJDQG([HFXWLQJWKH9LVLRQRI$IULFD ,@KHJ%@KHR,#NESGD2NTSG EQHB@MNODQ@SHNMRNE$MCD@UNQ@-DV8NQJ A@RDC-&.CDCHB@SDCSNSGDOQNLNSHNMNEGHFGHLO@BSDMSQDOQDMDTQRGHO HMDLDQFHMFL@QJDSR/QHNQSN$MCD@UNQ,@KHJ%@KV@RVHSG,HBQNRNESR !TRHMDRR,@QJDSHMF.ODQ@SHNMR!,.&QNTO!DENQD,HBQNRNES,@KHJ V@R VHSG SGD .3% &QNTO BNMRTKS@MBX @R 5HBD /QDRHCDMS EQHB@ QDFHNM ESDQ BNLOKDSHMF ƥUD XD@QR NE ATRHMDRR RSTCHDR ,@KHJ VNQJDC ENQ RHW XD@QRENQ/DORH"NK@(MSDQM@SHNM@K@BQNRRD@RSDQM@MCRNTSGDQM EQHB@ 'DSGDM@SSDMCDC'@QU@QCR*DMMDCX2BGNNKNE&NUDQMLDMSVGDQDGD QDBDHUDC@,@RSDQRCDFQDDHM/TAKHB CLHMHRSQ@SHNM,/ ,TFN *HA@SH HR SGD #HQDBSNQ &DMDQ@K 5HRHNM #DKHUDQX 2DBQDS@QH@S @HLDC@SSQ@MRENQLHMF*DMX@HMSN@MDVKXHMCTRSQH@KHYDCBNTMSQXB@O@AKD NEOQNUHCHMF@GHFGPT@KHSXNEKHEDENQ@KKHSRBHSHYDMRAXSGDXD@Q 'DHRSGD%NTMCDQNE,HKHJH5DMSTQDR@RSQ@SDFXDWDBTSHNMƥQLVHSG@ RSQNMF SQ@BJ QDBNQC HM ATRHMDRR KD@CDQRGHO @MC BG@MFD L@M@FDLDMS 'D GNKCR @ ! 3DBG $KDBSQHB@K $MFHMDDQHMF EQNL ,NH 4MHUDQRHSX @MC @ ,@RSDQŗRCDFQDDHM3DBGMNKNFX,@M@FDLDMSEQNL,(3@M,! !TRHMDRR %HM@MBDEQNLSGD&DNQFD6@RGHMFSNM4MHUDQRHSX@MCRSTCHDC$TQNOD@M 4MHNM$BNMNLHBR@S.WENQC4MHUDQRHSX Habib Hann (Guinee Konakri) Champion: Adopting and implementing Cluster Strategies Ipeleng Selele (South Africa) Co-Champion – Entrepreneurship '@AHAG@RADDMHMBG@QFDNEMDFNSH@SHMFQ@HRHMF@MCRSQTBSTQHMFETMCHMF ENQ RSQ@SDFHB OQNIDBSR NM ADG@KE NE SGD FNUDQMLDMS NE &THMD@ 'D G@R CDUDKNODCHMUDRSLDMSHCD@R@MCL@QJDSDCSGDLSNONSDMSH@KHMUDRSNQR @QNTMC SGD VNQKC /QHNQ SN QDSTQMHMF SN &THMD@ '@AHA V@R 5HBD /QDRHCDMS @S &NKCL@M 2@BGR RRDS ,@M@FDLDMS &2 , HM -DV 8NQJ '@AHAFQ@CT@SDC"TL+@TCDEQNLSGD4MHUDQRHSXNE/@QHR#@TOGHMDHM %Q@MBDVHSG@!@BGDKNQCDFQDDHM$BNMNLHBR@MC@,@RSDQŗRCDFQDDHM %HM@MBD@MC BBNTMSHMF@MCGNKCR@M,! EQNL-DV8NQJ (ODKDMF2DKDKDGNKCR@,2",@RSDQNE2BHDMBDHM(MSDQM@SHNM@K,@QJDSHMF 2SQ@SDFXEQNLSGD4MHUDQRHSXNE+NMCNM2NTSG!@MJ2GDG@RDWODQHDMBD HM QDONRHSHNMHMF RSQ@SDFX ENQDHFM L@QJDS DMSQXDWO@MRHNM RSQ@SDFX BK@RRHB@KL@QJDSHMFRSQ@SDFXBNLLTMHB@SHNMRRSQ@SDFXRS@JDGNKCDQ@MC AQ@MCDMF@FDLDMS@MCM@SHNMAQ@MCHMF Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO 'DQ O@RRHNM ENQ EQHB@ HR CDQHUDC EQNL SGD HMROHQ@SHNM NE @OOKXHMF HMSDQM@SHNM@KADRSOQ@BSHBDVGHKDQDL@HMHMFSQTDSNSGDTMHPTDHCDMSHSHDR NE EQHB@ML@QJDSR Transform Hope into Action Patricia Gieskes (DRC) Champion: Capacity Building Joel M. Carter Co-Champion Investment Climate /@SQHBH@ HR BTQQDMSKX SGD "G@HQ ODQRNM @MC 1DRNTQBDR L@M@FDQ ENQ SGD)NA%@BSNQX1DBQTHSLDMS@BNLO@MXRGDRDSTO@MCHLOKDLDMSDC @MCSGDNMKXQDBQTHSLDMS@FDMBXHMSGD#1"SNG@UD@SQ@HMHMFBDMSQD ENQSGDOTQONRDNEB@O@BHSXATHKCHMF@MCSG@SG@R@KHBDMRDDPTHU@KDMS to a state-owned company. Prior to this, she was the Administrative "NNQCHM@SNQ @S (., *HMRG@R@ VGDQD RGD OQNLNSDC @MC L@HMS@HMDC KH@HRNMR VHSG FNUDQMLDMS @TSGNQHSHDR CHOKNL@SHB LHRRHNMR @MC 4- @FDMBHDR /@SQHBH@ G@R @ !@BGDKNQŗR CDFQDD HM !TRHMDRR CLHMHRSQ@SHNM EQNL ,DQBTQH &NKCL@M 'HKUDQRTL @MC @ "NLLDQBH@K 1DOQDRDMS@SHUD CDFQDDEQNLSGD&Q@MC)D@M2BGNNK )NDK HR QDRONMRHAKD ENQ NUDQRDDHMF @KK NODQ@SHNM@K @QD@R @S $,1& $LDQFHMF ,@QJDSR 1DRD@QBG &QNTO HMBKTCHMF QDRD@QBG C@S@ management, information technology, account management and 'TL@M1DRNTQBDR'DG@RVNQJDC@S$QMRS8NTMFHM-DV8NQJ"HSXHM %HM@MBH@K2DQUHBDR!@MJHMF@MC"@OHS@K,@QJDSR@MC'DCFD%TMCR)NDK G@R@CDFQDDHM!TRHMDRR CLHMHRSQ@SHNMEQNL/HL@"NKKDFD@MC@CDFQDD in Accounting from the University of Arizona. Mamadou Toure (Cameroon) Founder of Africa 2.0 – Vision Africa 2.0 Leader Yohannes Mezgebe (Ethiopia) Chapter Head Ethiopia ,@L@CNT *VHCIHL 3NTQD HR SGD %NTMCDQ NE EQHB@ 'D HR @ XD@Q NKC EQNL "@LDQNNM @MC BTQQDMSKX VNQJR ENQ (%" (MSDQM@SHNM@K %HM@MBD "NQONQ@SHNM HM )NG@MMDRATQF BNUDQHMF HMUDRSLDMSR HM SGD 3DKDBNLLTMHB@SHNMR ,DCH@ @MC 3DBGMNKNFHDR RDBSNQ HM 2TA2@G@Q@M EQHB@ ESDQ RS@QSHMF GHR B@QQDDQ VHSG */,& HM /@QHR GD INHMDC %NQSHR &QNTO @MC VNQJDC NM FNUDQMLDMS @CUHRNQX LDQFDQR @BPTHRHSHNMR @MCOQNIDBSƥM@MBD@BQNRR EQHB@ ESDQBNLOKDSHMFGHFGRBGNNK@S+XBDD +NTHR +D &Q@MC HM /@QHR GD FQ@CT@SDC EQNL $#'$" !TRHMDRR 2BGNNK VHSG @ ,@RSDQ NE 2BHDMBD HM ,@M@FDLDMS (M GD BNLOKDSDC SGD $WDBTSHUD 3Q@HMHMF "NTQRD @S '@QU@QC *DMMDCX 2BGNNK NE &NUDQMLDMS NM/TAKHB/QHU@SD/@QSMDQRGHOR 8NG@MMDR,DYFDADVNQJRVHSGSGD/@M EQHB@M8NTSG4MHNM/84'D was selected as one of the twenty future leaders from African nations SN QDBDHUD SGD QBGAHRGNO #DRLNMC 3TST %DKKNVRGHO V@QC HM 8NG@MMDRG@ROQNUHCDCMDSVNQJHMF@CUNB@BXKD@CDQRGHOOQDO@Q@SHNM @MC @M HMSDQM@SHNM@K OK@SENQL ENQ XNTMF EQHB@M KD@CDQR 'D G@R QDBDHUDC MTLDQNTR @V@QCR ENQ GHR VNQJ @MC V@R QDBDMSKX @V@QCDC @ &KNA@K8NTSG+D@CDQRGHO V@QC@MC8NTMF(MSDQM@SHNM@K LA@RR@CNQ Lievin FELIHO Chapter Head Africa 2.0 France Sefa Gohoho (Ghana) Co-Chapter Head Africa 2.0 Ghana +HDUHM G@R RODBH@KHYDC HM SGD BNMCTBS @MC DU@KT@SHNM NE OTAKHB ONKHBHDR 'D QDOQDRDMSR SGD EQHB@ %NTMC@SHNM HM %Q@MBD 'D RS@SDR ř3GHR BNLLHSLDMS DM@AKDR LD SN BNMSQHATSD SN @ CXM@LHB DBNMNLHB CDUDKNOLDMS HM EQHB@Ś ESDQ LNQD SG@M XD@QR NE VNQJHMF ENQ BHUHK RNBHDSX GD INHMDC SGD OTAKHB RDQUHBD @MC HR SGD BDMSQ@K CQHUDQ NE SGD %QDMBG,HMHRSQXNE+@ANTQDLOKNXLDMS@MCGD@KSGENBTRHMFNMHRRTDR relating to welfare of certain occupational groups. 2DE@ &NGNGN HR BNKD@CDQ NE EQHB@ ŗR &G@M@ "G@OSDQ @R VDKK INHMS KD@CDQ NE SGD NE QDAQ@MCHMF EQHB@ ENQ EQHB@ FQ@CT@SD NE SGD +NMCNM 2BGNNK NE $BNMNLHBR RGD HR @M @BSHUD ATRHMDRR @R VDKK @R @ social entrepreneur, pursuing several interest through her holding BNLO@MX2NMFG@HHMBKTCHMF2TALDQFDC+TLADQ"NLLDQBH@K%KNNQHMF Flower Farming, a Café and an Art Foundation. 2DE@BTQQDMSKXKHUDRHM&G@M@ATSG@RKHUDC@MCSQ@UDKKDC@BQNRR EQHB@ 'DQ O@RRHNM ENQ SGD BNMSHMDMS BNLDR EQNL G@UHMF RDDM ƥQRS G@MC HSR QHBGMDRR@MCONSDMSH@KSNGDQ EQHB@HR@OK@BDNETMHSXVD@KSGHMM@SD talent. We are the Ones we have been waiting for Africa 2.0 MANIFESTO 125 125 Teddy Warria (Kenya) Chapter Head Africa 2.0 Kenya 3DCCX6@QQH@HR@*DMX@MDMSQDOQDMDTQVGNVNQJRSNRSHLTK@SDRXRSDLHB long-term change in Africa through education, health, technology, and ATRHMDRR CDUDKNOLDMS 'D BNMSDMCR @ LTKSHRDBSNQ@K @OOQN@BG SN BNLA@S (#2@MCNSGDQBQHOOKHMFGD@KSGBG@KKDMFDRVGHKDTMKD@RGHMFSGD ONSDMSH@KNE EQHB@MDMSQDOQDMDTQRSNOQNLNSDDBNMNLHBFQNVSG'DHR @O@QSMDQ@S EQHB@ŗR3@KJHMF+SCVGDQDGDKD@CRATRHMDRRCDUDKNOLDMS Caleb Tamfu (Cameroun) Chapter Head Africa 2.0 United Kingdom ,Q "@KDA 3@LET HR "N%NTMCDQ NE '.1(9.- @ /TAKHB 1DK@SHNMR @MC "HUHK 2NBHDSX /K@SENQL FD@QDC @S SGD @KHFMLDMS NE HMƦTDMSH@K @MC @ƨTDMS EQHB@MRNESGD#H@RONQ@SNSGDCDUDKNOLDMS@FDMC@HM EQHB@ ,Q 3@LETŗR VD@KSG NE DWODQHDMBD HM SGD VNQKC NE (MUDRSLDMS !@MJHMF ,NQF@M 2S@MKDX @MC 1NX@K !@MJ NE 2BNSK@MC RSQDMFSGDMDC AX GHR O@QSHBTK@Q DWODQSHRD HM ƥM@MBH@K DMFHMDDQHMF @MC SQ@CHMF AQHMFHMF @M HLLD@RTQ@AKDVD@KSGSNOK@SENQLRKHJDSGD!DRSNE EQHB@ V@QCR@MCSGD "NMMDBSDC1N@CSN2S@QCNL3G@HK@MC3NTQ Lai Yahaya (Nigeria) Champion: Powering the Vision +@H 8@G@X@ HR @ K@VXDQ DBNMNLHRS @MC ONKHBX DMSQDOQDMDTQ VGN advise governments on economic reform, energy sector restructuring, OQHU@SHR@SHNM OTAKHB RDBSNQ QDENQL @MC OTAKHB ƥM@MBH@K L@M@FDLDMS HRRTDR+@H V@R OQDUHNTRKX @M @RRNBH@SD VHSG SGD FKNA@K DMDQFX OQNIDBS ƥM@MBD SD@L NE SGD KD@CHMF 6@KK 2SQDDS K@V ƥQL NE ,HKA@MJ 3VDDC '@CKDX ,B"KNX 'D GNKCR @ ! 'NMR @MC , EQNL !@KKHNK "NKKDFD .WENQC4MHUDQRHSX'DV@R@V@QCDC3TST%DKKNVNESGD EQHB@M+D@CDQRGHO (MRSHSTSD@MC@-DV+D@CDQENQ3NLNQQNVVHSGSGD%NTMC@SHNMCT%NQTL Universale. Daniele Crouse (South Africa) Vision Africa 2.0 - Champion Coordinator #@MHDKD "QNTRD DWODQHDMBD HR HM RSQ@SDFX CDUDKNOLDMS @MC OQNIDBS L@M@FDLDMS #@MHDKD VNQJDC @R @ RSQ@SDFX BNMRTKS@MS LNRSKX HM the transportation and pharmaceutical industries, focusing on NQF@MHY@SHNM@K QDCDRHFM ODQENQL@MBD L@M@FDLDMS @MC L@QJDS QDRD@QBG ADENQD LNUHMF SN *HF@KH 1V@MC@ ENQ SVN XD@QR SN VNQJ ENQ .3%&QNTONMM@SHNM@K@MCBKTRSDQBNLODSHSHUDMDRRHMHSH@SHUDR#@MH¤KKD GNKCR@!@BGDKNQNE"NLLDQBD#DFQDDHM,@SGDL@SHBR@MC$BNMNLHBR EQNL6HSR4MHUDQRHSX@!@BGDKNQNE QSR#DFQDDHM%QDMBG@MC$MFKHRG VHSG 'NMNTQR HM $MFKHRG +HSDQ@STQD EQNL 4-(2 VHSG @M @CCHSHNM@K MSGQNONKNFX L@INQ @MC @ ,@RSDQR HM !TRHMDRR CLHMHRSQ@SHNM HM Strategy from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Bright B. Simons( Ghana) Co-Champion: Leveraging on Technology 126 Africa !QHFGS ! 2HLNMR HR SGD #HQDBSNQ NE #DUDKNOLDMS 1DRD@QBG @S (, -( @MCSGD"NNQCHM@SNQNESGDL/DCHFQDD-DSVNQJ'DODQENQLR@Q@MFDNE ETMBSHNMRENQ(, -(QDK@SDCSNRNBH@KL@QJDSHMFQDRD@QBG@MCBNNQCHM@SHMF @KKH@MBDR 3GDRD CTSHDR G@UD HMUNKUDC ROD@JHMF DMF@FDLDMSR @QNTMC the world and led to numerous quotations in the international press, Q@MFHMFEQNLNOHMHNMRHMSGD RH@M3HLDRSN@OOD@Q@MBDRNMSGD!!" (M GD INHMDC SGD 6NQKC $BNMNLHB %NQTLŗR 3DBGMNKNFX /HNMDDQ "NLLTMHSX@S#@UNR!QHFGS@3$#@MC RGNJ@%DKKNVHR@LDLADQNE SGD$UH@M&QNTO@MC@M@BSHUDLDLADQNENSGDQCDUDKNOLDMSENBTRDC RNBHDSHDRHM EQHB@@MCDKRDVGDQDHMBKTCHMFSGD&KNA@K FDMC@"NTMBHK NMSGD%TSTQDNE,NAHKD"NLLTMHB@SHNMRNESGD6NQKC$BNMNLHB%NQTL 'D HR @ QDBHOHDMS NE MTLDQNTR @V@QCR Q@MFHMF EQNL ,@QHD "TQHD @MC "NLLNMVD@KSG 5HRHNM &Q@MSR SN @ // 1" 2BGNK@QRGHO HM &@LL@ 1@X 2.0 MANIFESTO Astronomy. 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Soji Omisore (Nigeria) Co-Champion: Food Security 2NIHHR@M(MUDRSLDMS.ƧBDQENQSGD(%"6NQKC!@MJ&QNTOBNUDQHMFSGD QD@K RDBSNQ RODBHƥB@KKX FQHATRHMDRR @MC FQHATRHMDRR (MEQ@RSQTBSTQD 'DHRQDRONMRHAKDENQSGD2 #"QDFHNM@MC@KRNRTOONQSRSGD(%" EQHB@ SD@LHMNQHFHM@SHMF@MCDWDBTSHMFHMUDRSLDMSNOONQSTMHSHDRHMSGD2TA 2@G@Q@ EQHB@QDFHNM/QHNQSN(%"GDV@R@M(MUDRSLDMS#HQDBSNQENQ@ QD@KDRS@SDENBTRDCETMCHMSGD4*ENQXD@QR@RVDKK@R@,@M@FDLDMS "NMRTKS@MS HM RSQ@SDFX ENQ XD@QR @KRN HM SGD 4* 'D G@R @ ,! EQNL "GHB@FN&Q@CT@SD2BGNNKNE!TRHMDRR@MC@! $BNMNLHBREQNL+NMCNM University. 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COM CROFT ANDREW WORDPRESS.COM CHAI FM KHAYA FM SAFM LOTUS FM RADIO ‘go to africa 2.0 and vote for food and trees’ ‘africa 2.0 event custodian live on soweto tv tonight’ ‘kenya welcomes second annual africa 2.0’ TODAY METRO FM SOWETO TV NEWS E-TV NEWS CNBC AFRICA CNN CHANNEL AFRICA RADIO LOTUS FM IAFRICA. ‘countdown begins for second `africa 2,0 leadership symposium’ ‘africa 2.0 lifetime achievement nominees announced’ ‘africa 2.0 2011 awards’ COM BUSINESS DAY ONLINE TREASURY GOV.ZA THE ZIMBABWEAN. COM ALHAMSYAH. COM CONGOO.COM NEXT AFRICA 2.0 AWARDS JUNE 2012 .415(2(.-8.41,(22(.- “To establish a prosperous and inspiring Africa within the next 20 years”
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