Praesidentenbericht - the Schwaben Club!
Praesidentenbericht - the Schwaben Club!
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community Juni 2012 WICHTIGE DATEN 2012 June 10 Film Nachmittag: Charleys Tante June 9 K-W Trachtenfest July 21 Schnitzengiggle Schwaben Club Keller Main Hall Schwaben Hall Peter Alexander Golden Keys August 31-Sept 2 LANDESTREFFEN DER DONAUSCHWABEN All Halls Many Bands September 15 Kirchweih Main Hall Golden Keys October 5-13 Oktoberfest All Halls Golden Keys & The Polka Brothers October 27 Halloween Dance Schwaben Hall November 17 Frauen Gründungsfest Main Hall Golden Keys December 9 Christmas Luncheon Main Hall December 31 New Year’s Eve Ball Main Hall Praesidentenbericht IMPRESSUM Für die Inhalte der aktuellen Druckausgabe: Anschrift der Redaktion Schwaben Club 1668 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2G 2P1 Telefon 519-742-7979 Hauptredakteur Peter Speckner Graphische Gestaltung Catherine Thompson Please forward all newsletter submissions to: Wunderbar war es zu sehen, wie belebt sich das Klubleben im vergangenen Monat zeigte. Der Monat Mai fing mit dem Muttertagsessen am 6ten an. Die Muetter, Gattinnen, Grossmuetter sowie auch Urgrossmuetter wurden mit umfangreichen Vorfuehrungen von den verschiedenen Tanzgruppen und dem Schwabenchor geehrt. Diese wahrhaft familienbetonte Veranstaltung war sehr gut besucht und das Speisenangebot war reichlich bemessen ! Der Wiener-Galaabend, von den Donautaenzern veranstaltet und als Benefizabend konzipiert, wurde am 12. Mai abgehalten. Die 170 Anwesenden bescherten den Abend einen Rekord-Erfolg. Das Essen, die Unterhaltung und die Tanzvorfuehrungen waren fuer alle Teilnehmer ein Genuss. Die geleistete Arbeit seitens 2 der Donautanzgruppe war allen offensichtlich. Vom Galaball am 12. Mai ging die Tanzgruppe auf Tour und zwar zum naechsten Auftritt bei einer Geburtstagfeier in Burlington, wo das Geburtstagskind seinen 60. feierte. Die Donautanzgruppe wurde gebeten, einige Taenze vorzufuehren. Wegen Platzmangel musste die Truppe aber mitten in der Strasse ihre Dienste leisten, indem die Nachbarn sie umkreisten. Ob in Abendkleidern und Smoking in einem Festsaal oder in den belebten Strassen einer Grossstadt, sind die Donautaenzer ueberall tanzbereit ! Am 27. Mai fand ich mich im zweiten StrudelKochkurs im Klub. Es freut mich, dass die traditonellen Kochrezepte von Mitgliedern der Frauengruppe weitergereicht werden. Es war ein Genuss, die Zubereitung der Teigmasse zu lernen und das Endprodukt am Tagesende nach Hause fuer die anderen Familienmitglieder zu bringen. In den naechsten Monaten kommen andere Gerichte an die Reihe, vielleicht Krautrouladen oder Gulasch. Bitte, diese Kochkurse vormerken. Man lernt viel und es macht zudem Spass ! Ich moechte hiermit Klubmitglied Melanie Williamson gratulieren. Vor kurzem wurde sie als Miss Canada International kuriert. Letztes Jahr hat sie den Titel Miss Ontario errungen. Viele von uns kennen Melanie als langjaehrige Bedienungshilfe im Schwabenklub und neuerdings als Mitglied der Schwabentaenzern. Melanie beschaeftigt sich auch in den bildenden Kuensten, mit Universitaet und Wohltaetigkeitsaktivitaeten. Es ist eigentlich keine Ueberraschung, dass Melanie die Provinz Ontario gut vertritt. Wir wuenschen ihr weiterhin viel Erfolg als die neue Miss Canada International. Ich moechte Sie alle an das bevorstehende Klubpicnick erinnern, das am 3. Juni im Wilmot Rod + Gun Club stattfindet. Kommen Sie mal raus und entspannen Sie sich unter anderen Klubmitgliedern. Am 9. Juni kommt das 5. KW-Trachtenfest, was vom Transylvaniaklub im Schwabenklub veranstaltet wird. Hier werden Sie die Gelegenheit haben, sich unter anderen Klubmitgliedern und auswaertigen Tanzgruppen mitzumischen. Bitte, diese Gruppen unterstuetzten und das Deutschtum aufrechterhalten. President’s Report It is wonderful to see how active the club has been this past month. May kicked off with our Mother’s day luncheon on the 6th. We honoured our mothers, wives, grandmothers, and great grandmothers with performances by the kids, youth, Schwaben and Donau dance groups as well as the Schwaben Club choir. This truly family event was well attended and there was plenty of food for everyone. Our Donau Dancers’ Viennese Gala Ball fundraiser on May 12th was a great success with approximately 170 in attendance. The best attendance to date. The food, entertainment and dancing provided a great evening for all the participants. The effort by the Donau dance group was evident to all those who attended. The Donau Dancer’s went from performing at a gala ball in May to performing in the street. They were asked to perform at a 60th birthday party in Burlington for a gentleman who was of German descent. Due to space challenges they were forced to perform on the street while the neighbours formed a circle around them. Whether they are in gowns and tuxes in an elegant setting or on the streets of a bustling city our Donau Dancers seem to do it all. I participated in our second strudel making class at the club on May 27th. It is great to see traditional recipe’s being passed on to others by many of our long term Frauen members. I enjoyed watching and making my own strudel and then took it home to my family for their enjoyment. I have heard a rumour that we will have cabbage rolls and possibly goulash cooking classes in the future. Be sure to watch for these. I can attest they are both educational and fun. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate one of our club’s members. Melanie Williamson has been awarded the title of Miss Ontario and then Miss Canada International in the last month. Many of us know Melanie from her years of working here at the Schwaben club as a server and also more recently as a member of the Schwaben dancers. Melanie has also been very involved in the arts, her academics and her charity work. It is not surprising to see someone like Melanie represent Ontario. We wish all the best in her new role of Miss Canada International. I want to remind you of our upcoming Club picnic on Sunday, June 3rd at the Wilmot Rod and Gun club. Come out and relax and enjoy the outdoors with your fellow club members. One week later on June 9th we have the K-W Trachtenfest sponsored by the Transylvania Club. The event will be held at the Schwaben club and you will have the opportunity to mingle with other club members and see many of the other dance groups that you do not normally see perform other than at Oktoberfest. So come on out to this great event and help celebrate our german heritage. George Kraehling Jr. President Manager’s Report “What’s Going On” The month of May was a very busy month and June will be very busy too, which is very good. This summer should be a good one. Don’t be afraid to pop in for a cold one on some of those hot summer days…love to see you. Oktoberfest tickets are now on sale and people are starting to pick them up, it’s never too early to purchase your tickets. Take it easy and enjoy the summer, we have a busy fall ahead of us. Don Egley Manager Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe May has seemed to come and go quickly for us. Our groups enjoyed the Mother’s Day Luncheon on May 6, 2012. A sincere thank you to Andrew Tadros for taking photographs of all our dancers with their mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers at this event. Thank you also to Melissa Gissing, Helga Hill, and all those who helped in serving ice cream to the children after lunch. It was a nice treat! A special thank you to the Frauengruppe as a portion of the raffle monies was given to our groups as a donation. We appreciate this greatly as we continue to Geburtstage für Juni Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs, die im Monat Juni Geburtstag feiern Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im neuen Lebensjahr. Name Mueller, Margareth Lutz, Fred Zuzan Ruth Kraehling, Anton Mueller, Peter Becker, Heinrich Robin Mondor Albrecht, Elisabeth Bromberg, Werner Peller-Oliver, Heidi Marx, Karl Steven Orsan Offak, Michael Beiler, Elisabeth Konarski, Karl Lapins, John Doerner, Don Gross, Irene Nuxoll, Josef Henn, Joe Hamburger, Elfriede Schade, Gerhard Bischoff, Bertha Lehn, Stephanie Dyck, Irma Beckett, Kathy Hoedl, Josef Geburtstag 01 01 01 02 02 03 05 06 07 07 08 09 09 10 10 15 1 16 16 18 21 21 23 24 26 26 28 grow along with our expenses. Our plant fundraiser was also successful… thank you to everyone who purchased a hanging basket. In June, our Jugendgruppe and Kindergruppe look forward to the Schwaben Club Picnic and our Penny Raffle Fundraiser. Our Jugendgruppe will be performing at KW Trachtenfest and also at KW Multicultural Festival in Victoria Park. The Jugendgruppe dance year will be celebrated by a Laser Quest Year End Party on June 28th. We plan to take a short summer break… coming back on July 26th to begin practicing for Landestreffen der Donauschwaben 2012. 3 4 I would like to thank the Kindergruppe/ Jugendgruppe Committee for all their hard work and dedication to our groups. They are the ones that keep our dancers, myself and everyone else organized week after week. Thank you, Kathy Beckett, Lea Becker, Helga Hill, Christie Schellenberger, and Johanne Watchorn We welcome a new dancer to the Jugendgruppe… Chiara! Lisa Schaadt Kindergruppe/Jugendgruppe President Frauengruppe Greetings from the Frauengruppe! Here it is June already and we are coming up to our summer break and then we will be into Landestreffen preparation full blast. This is our chance to show our American neighbours what a great club we have. Consider helping in any way you can. No matter how big or small your time commitment, it will all help. In May, we had our Mother’s Day celebration. It was the first event that the Frauengruppe hosted since I took over from Mary Hild. I was nervous that it would be as good as ever. With the help of our set up volunteers, the kitchen staff, the dance groups, singers and all the generous raffle donations, I was happy with the result. I would like to thank everyone very much, and especially all our members who attended and brought their family and friends. June 20th is our final birthday meeting until Sept. We will have our usual supper and bingo. Don’t forget it starts at 6 PM. Susan Cook Frauengruppe President 5 Landestreffen der Donauschwaben is coming to our Club on the September long weekend this year. Help us make this the BEST Landestreffen ever! We are now starting our volunteer lists for all committees for Landestreffen 2012. There will be a sign-up sheet outside the office, or you can email: to let us know what committee you’d like to be on. See the sign-up sheet for committee descriptions. Sign up early to ensure you get the position(s) you want. Minimum 2 hour shift required each day. Let’s all work together to put on the best festival ever! Thanks Mom! 6 Every year, members come together at the Schwaben Club to celebrate that important person in their lives – their Mom. It’s always a lovely afternoon filled with great food and entertainment, so if you weren’t there, you really missed out. And so did your mother! The afternoon began with the fundraiser of our Kinder and Jugend groups – selling bouquets of flowers. A perfect gift for Mom, they were popular with the people in attendance. After brief poem by the Vice President of the Frauengruppe, Miss Schwaben came up to say Grace, and it was time to eat! We started with Caesar salad, and continued on with Schnitzel, Chicken Supreme, mashed potatoes, and Green Beans Almondine. The meal was perfect in every respect. Finishing it off was a Raspberry Cream Torte – it practically tickled the taste buds. It was impossible to go hungry that day. Then came the entertainment - it was top quality all day. First it was our Kindergruppe. They came out and danced up a storm. To say they were cute wouldn’t do them justice. After them, there was a short poem by one of our members. Then the Jugendgruppe came out and showed off what they were capable of. Both groups were fantastic and made every mother in the room proud. The next presentation was a rare but welcome one. The Schwaben Sänger sang a number of songs for our entertainment. They are always wonderful to hear, and it was good to see some younger blood in the group as well. The next dance group was the Schwaben Dancers who whooped it up as usual with their high-energy dancing. Finally, the Donau Dancers hit the floor and performed some lovely dances for us. The day ended with a raffle hosted by the Frauengruppe. The only glitch in the entire day was losing power to the speakers in the Donau half of the hall. But that didn’t stop anything – the MC just grabbed a megaphone and announced the winning numbers manually to half the hall. All in all, it was a great day, and a super way to pay homage to our moms everywhere. Peter Speckner Cultural Director Schwaben Home Cooking May not be exactly as shown. Sunday, July 15, 2012 at 1:00pm THE PERFECT THING FOR SUMMER, LEARN TO COOK A TRADITIONAL MAIN COURSE OF GOULASH IN THE SCHWABEN CLUB’S NEXT COOKING CLASS! IMPRESS YOUR PARENTS, SPOUSE AND FAMILY! 30 PER PERSON $ This class features full portions of the recipe prepared. Participation is limited. Everyone is welcome. Payment required upon registration. Instructor: Mary Hild (former President of the Ladies’ Auxiliary) Ladies’ Auxiliary Members Please call 519-742-7979 for more info or visit the office to register at the Schwaben Club at 1668 King St. E. Kitchener We reserve the right to cancel or postpone the class, in which case, participants will be notified and fully reimbursed. A refund is available up to 5 days before the class begins. No refunds for a missed class. The Transylvania Club presents the 5th K-WTrachtenfest SATURDAY JUNE 9 2012 Doors open at 5 p.m. SCHWABEN CLUB 1668 KING STREET EAST, KITCHENER, ON N2G 2P1 Tickets are $10 / $12 at the door Children 12 and under - no charge Dance to the music of the Transylvania Hofbräu Band Choice menu available Tickets are available at all member clubs of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft (Co-operative Council of German-Canadian Clubs) in Waterloo Region: Alpine Club, Concordia Club, German-Canadian Hunting and Fishing Club, Schwaben Club, Transylvania Club by email: by telephone: 519-742-7979 7 8 #2 9 10 11 Viennese Ball 12 On May 12, 2012 the Donau Dancers of The Schwaben Club hosted our 4th annual Gala Ball. It takes many months of planning, organizing and practicing to put together such an event. The Hall was transformed into a Grand Ballroom with style and elegance. A special thank you toRose Buck and her family for their contribution towards the hall decorations. As our guests entered the Grand Hall, the Eastwood CI junior quartet played an assortment of classical pieces. This was the first time that these young musicians played at such an Film Nachmittag event as this. We have been very fortunate to have Eastwood CI be part our Gala Ball for another year. The students enjoyed themselves and hope to play for us again. Our guests were treated to champagne cocktails provided by Karin and Wolfgang Kahnke and Walter Marzinko from the Donau Dance Group. The meal itself was served in style, be ginning with soup, salad, main course and dessert. A big thank you to the kitchen staff and serving staff for all of your help. The meal was enjoyed by all. This year we had Sydney Gissing and Stefani Kahnke from the Kinder Dancegroup as our June 10, 2012 Tuesday, December 11, 2012 Doors Open 5:30 pm Dinner 6:30 pm Show 8:00 pm GCRS Picnic- July 19th All are welcome! little ambassadors for the evening. They were charming and very beautiful; our guests were enchanted by these two little ones. Thank you young ladies for all of your help. Our group had the privledge of having a professional ballroom champion instruct us on technique this year. Gabrielle Nagy volunteered her time to our group and we greatly appreciate all that she was able to accomplish with us. At 8:00pm our ball began with a traditional Polanaise and Viennese Waltz. ‘Variation’ supplied the music for the evening and the dancefloor was always full. Later on in the evening The Donau Dancers performed a quadrille and a traditional Laendler and Neppendorper for our guests. Everyone enjoyed the performance This year we had a very special guest surprise us. This young lady has worked as a server since the age of 14 at the Schwaben Club and has recently been crowned Miss Canada International 2013. Miss Melanie Williamson attended our event and we were thrilled to be able to have her join us for our fundraiser. As the evening began to wind down, our raffle draw took place. We thank all the sponsors for donating prizes towards our fund raiser. All who attended our evening had a wonderful time. Monika Norlock President, Donau Dancers The German-Canadian Remembrance Society invites all Schwaben members to attend our Memorial Ceremony and Annual PicnicThursday July 19th beginning at 4pm. The afternoon starts with the Memorial Ceremony at the Anna Tuerr Memorial in Mannheim followed by the Picnic at the Paul Tuerr farm nearby at 5pm. There will be great food, entertainment, fundraising raffle, 50/50 draw with many prizes. If you would like to contribute a prize, please call our GCRS office. Directions and maps for the Memorial and Picnic locations are also available from the office. The GCRS is a charitable, non-profit organization of Canadian Citizens of German Descent and heritage, funded solely by members. Annual membership is only $5.00. On the day of the Picnic, you are encouraged to join if you are not yet a member. We also appreciate any additional donations anytime throughout the year. 13 Schwaben Bowling League On Sunday April 29, 2012, we enjoyed our yearend Schwaben Bowling Banquet with our traditional schnitzel dinner. It was enjoyed by all! Our individual winners for 2011-2012 season are as follows: Helga Hill – High Average – 179 Jason Vandermolen – High Average - 207 14 Katie Kraehling - High Triple - 516 Seigfried Speckner - High Triple – 744 Chrissy Hirn - High Single – 198 Joey Vandermolen - High Single – 325 Betty Schneider - Low Score – 44 If anyone is interesting in joining the Schwaben Family Bowling for the next season, we begin again in September 2012 and bowl every 2nd Sunday evening from 6:30 pm at Towne Bowl, Ottawa St., Kitchener until April 2013. Children bowl 2 games (ages 4-14) and Adults (15 and up) bowl 3 games. Please contact me at or through the Schwaben Club. I would like to double the children enrolment and keep this going for the next 30 years! You do not have to be a member, so bring a friend and have some fun! Helga Hill, President Schwaben Family Bowling League Nick Violette - Low Score - 40 The first time in over 20 years – we had 2 children’s teams. The individual winners were as follows: Jessica Hill - High Average 113 Jason Shail - High Average 142 Tyler Hill - High Double 300 Sydney Gissing - High Double 171 Ildiko Nagy - High Single 97 Neue Mitglieder/New Members A warm Schwaben welcome goes out to: Ellen Adam Steven Orsan Christie Schellenberg Tim Strub Doris Zettel Nicholas Underwood – High Single 71 Erika Hanke - Most Improved Bowler +20 pins Providing Personalized Protection Since 1935 /ŶƐƵƌĂŶĐĞZŝƐŬDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ^ƉĞĐŝĂůŝƐƚƐ Stevenson & Hunt Insurance Brokers (KWC) Limited Marsland Centre, 100-20 Erb. St. W. Waterloo 800.265.5956 Personal Home & Car Insurance Commercial Insurance • Group Benefits & Pension Consulting • Financial Services Join the celebration and cheer loud… Bring Dad and celebrate Father’s Day the right way… at the Schwaben Club at the Schwaben Club Germany Germany Portugal Denmark Saturday, June 9, 2012 Sunday, June 17, 2012 in the Keller in the Keller German Beer on Tap Doors Open: 1:00 pm Game Time: 2:45 pm The Best Place to Support Germany German Beer on Tap Doors Open: 12:00 pm Game Time: 2:45 pm 15 vs vs Food Available The Best Place to Support Germany Food Available EURO Cup 2012 Word Search N C O F T E R E D U A N Y S Z C G P O X E H K W O H G O A L B U V N B Q Y N Q W S W Y O O U S K R A A L G K J T E S E P U R R T F B L Q T L A O G N E D L O G I U Y E U R O P E H C A O C F S W L V H D F N C K X N B R N A L N S S A P O H G R S A C R M I D F I E L D E R D P W E Q A M M O A V G U P O U A H E A D N S J U C R R S I W U O S M U B M A F M I A Z R K C E M N R I X J H K T E S J T G N L X S Y G M E G X D A G O O H I K O G C K O B N S Y Z K C E J O X O O B A K P C R Z P S E D I S F F O A H F T L D H I E J N G H G Z X B D E G L M V K P N K K G O P H N U N O K K N Y I E I U U R I K B E E R W K R V D D D G E C B D E R W Y A N Q L th L D Q T O Z E U K K S N T J G X U L H W Q H L K C G R C W S R S Y X Q W H H H O th O Z S P D R M K W O W O Y B H G C U O Y S T J D Y I J L C Q Z Y J G L Z W B R H SOCCER FOOTBALL GOAL FOOT HEAD CORNER KICK GOAL KICK OFFSIDE COACH STRIKER DEFENDER MIDFIELDER GOALIE FOUL YELLOW RED CARD EUROPE GERMANY POLAND UKRAINE GOLDEN GOAL PASS SHOOT Don’t forget to come out to the Schwaben Club on June 9 and 17 to support Germany in their games against Portugal and Denmark! 16 Father’s Day Colouring Challenge Make a special gift for Dad by colouring this picture just for him! INESS HERE R BUS ADVERTISE YOU in our Schwaben Club Nachrichten. Everyone welcome. Contact: email or call the office (519) 742-7979 17 Die Bücherecke The Great Swabian Migration Der Grosse Schwabenzug $20.00 A historical novel by Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn +shipping & handling $59.55 Learn how and why the Donauschwaben settled in their new homes along the Danube in the epic, historical novel by Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn, now translated into English! The Great Swabian Migration relates the fictional stories of a bride from Swabia who travels down the Danube to meet her bridegroom; a family from the Pfalz that travels by wagon to find a hew homeland; and Count Klaus Florimund Mercy, Governor of the Banat, who convinces his nephew to help him achieve his grand vision of a new paradise. Please call office to order: 519-742-7979 At the end of WW2, innocent German civilians became victims of crimes against humanity. Forgotten Voices lets these victims of ethnic cleansing tell their story in their own words, so that they and what they endured are not forgotten. Ulirich Merten argues that applying collective punishment to an entire people, no matter what the circumstances, is a crime against humanity. He conclues that this should be recognized as a European catastrophe, and not only a German one, because of its magnitude and the broad violation of human rights that occurred on European soil. Illustrated narrative about the Kirchweih Fest. The llustrations in this colourful, hardcover book are aquatinted etchings, depicting the way Kirchweih was celebrated Drhaam, and today in our new home in America. $30.00 Donations Thank you to the Frauengruppe for their $200.00 donation to our Club. 18 No Experience Necessary! Practice is Thursdays 6:30 - 7:15 pm Practice is Thursdays 6:30 - 8:00 pm Everyone Welcome at the Schwaben Club! For more information, email Lisa Schaadt, President of both groups, at: Heritage Room Schwaben Club 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Our books in the Heritage Room are available to all members. It is asked that the books remain in the building (they shouldn’t be taken home), but members are invited to come and read them on-site if interested. If a member wishes to take a book home for reading or research, please submit your written request to the Cultural Director’s mail slot in the office. 519-742-7979 TRANSYLVANIA CLUB DATES TO REMEMBER 2012 Office Hours: Wed.- Fri.-9am-1pm Telephone number: 519-744-1191 09. Juni June 16 20. Juni July 20-22 Trachtenfest - 17:00 Uhr Waldfest – Picnic & Golf Tournament (German Canadian Hunting and Fishing Club) Seniorentreffen - Seniors’ Luncheon - Concordia Club - 11:30 Uhr Heimattag (Salem, Ohio) Schuster, Joseph Sr. Schaman, Simon Passed away on May 2, 2012, at the age of 89. He is survived by his wife of 71 years, Eva, his children Helmut and wife Carmen (Waterloo), Joseph and wife Cathy (Kitchener), Gerhard and wife Shelly (Calgary), Eva Marcone and husband Renzo (Kincardine), his grandchildren Morena (deceased), Christina, Frank, Jo-Anne, Vincent, Lise, Martin, Joseph, Katie, Jennifer, Kristen and 13 greatgrandchildren. Joseph was predeceased by his parents Joseph and Marianna, his brother Martin and by his sister Magdalena. Passed away peacefully on Friday, May 4, 2012, at the age of 86. He leaves behind his beloved wife Marie; son John and grand-daughters Elissa and husband Irwin Liu, Katrina (John Paul) and Jessika; daughter Anne and husband Danny and grandsons Daniel (Roxanne) and Davey (Kathryn); brother Tony and wife Rose and family; stepsister Elizabeth and husband Siegfried Petereit and family; and sisterin-law Katherine Weiner and family. Ein Urlauber will nach Bangkok. Das Fräulein im Reisebüro fragt Ihn: “Möchten Sie Über Athen oder Bukarest fliegen?” Urlauber: “Nur über Ostern.” 19 20 Schwaben Club 1668 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2G 2P1
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