Bericht des Präsidenten


Bericht des Präsidenten
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community
Marz 2009
Main Hall
Schwaben Hall
Schwaben Hall
Bericht des Präsidenten
Tribute Show: Beach Bums:
A Tribute to the Beach Boys
Spring Concert:
Mit Musik in den Frühling
ANTON AUS TIROL,Edith Prokc, Rudi Ecker
und Die Fichter Buam
Mother’s Day Lunch
Main Hall
Vienese Ball
Main Hall
Picnic TBD
Schwaben Dancers Fundraiser
Schwaben Hall
Tag der Donauschwaben
5,6,7-Sep - Labour Day Weekend
Main Hall
The Golden Keys
9-17-Oct All Halls The Golden Keys/Seagrams Band
Halloween Party
Schwaben Hall
The Golden Keys
Ladies’ Auxilliary Gründungsfest
Main Hall
The Golden Keys
Christmas Lunch
Main Hall
New Year’s Eve
Für die Inhalte der aktuellen
Anschrift der Redaktion
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1
The Golden Keys
Peter Speckner
Graphische Gestaltung
Catherine Thompson
Please forward all newsletter
submissions to:
Wera Dennis
Telephone (519) 894-6695 or
Abgesehen von all dem Schnee, den wir bekamen und der
sich in unserem Parkplatz anhäuft, ist alles in Ordnung.
Am 14. Februar veranstaltete unser Klub ein „Tribute
to the Stars”. Stars gleich Unterhaltungskünstler. Die
Ebenbilder von Billy Joel und Elton John waren hier für
eine Sonderveranstaltung und es war eine hervorragende Show. Unsere Schwaben Halle war total ausverkauft,
das Büffet war ausgezeichnet und unsere Gäste genossen eine tolle Veranstaltung zweier bewanderten
Veranstalter. Wir freuen uns schon auf unsere nächste
„Tribute Show“ am 28. März mit den „Beach Boys“.
Die nächste im Februar abgehaltene Veranstaltung war
unser Gründungsfest/Anniversary am 21. Februar 2009.
Wie immer, diese Veranstaltung ist bei unseren
Mitgliedern sowie den eingeladenen Gästen immer sehr beliebt. Wir hatten wiederum ein volles
Haus und alle verbrachten eine gute Zeit. Mitglied
schaftsauszeichnungen wurden ausgegeben:
Silbernadel für 10 Jahre Mitgliedschaft an Marianne
Lang und Steve Zimmermann. Eine Goldnadel für
25 Jahr Mitgliedschaft and Henry Gehrs und George
Kraehling, Jr.
John Hild, Ed Ries, Mary Hild, Katie Geimer and
Annie Lutz erhielten die Klubnadel für vorbildlich geleistete Dienste.
Brandy Chapman, als ausscheidendes Vorstandsmitglied,
erhielt die Bronzenadel für ihre Dienste.
Dieter Hanke wurde die „President’s Pin“ unseres Klubs
überreicht als Anerkennung an seine Präsidentschaft in unserem Klub und wir danken ihm auch für seine vielen Dienstjahre
als Vorstandsmitglied in verschiedenen Funktionen.
Hans Schaadt, Präsident des Verbandes der
Donauschwaben in Kanada, überbrachte Grüße des
Verbandes und übergab Auszeichnungen für exzellenten Service an die folgenden Personen: Mary Hild,
Kathie Geimer, Monica Anstett und Betty Neidert.
Die „Golden Keys“ spielten für uns und es sah so aus,
als ob allen die Musik gefiel.
Unsere nächste Veranstaltung im Klub wird am
21. März uns Schlachtfest sein und kurz danach
unser Frühjahrskonzert mit Edith Brock, Anton
aus Tirol, Rudy Ecker und Die Fichtler.
Ich möchte Ihnen nunmehr gerne mitteilen, dass
zur Zeit ein Dialog über die Zusammenfassung
aller unserer deutschen Klubs an einem Ort
geführt wird, aber bitte Ruhe bewahren, es
ist nur ein Dialog. Sollte jedoch jemand von
ihnen zu diesem Thema Stellung nehmen,
würden wir uns über Ihre Ausführungen
freuen. Der Transylvania Club ist zur Zeit dabei
Entscheidungen für deren Klub zu treffen und
sobald weitere Informationen vorliegen, werden
wir diese weitergeben.
Das ist es für heute und ich freue mich schon sie alle
bei unseren künftigen Veranstaltungen zu sehen.
Phil Neidert
President’s Report
Except for the snow that has been falling and
building up on our parking lot, we seem to be
doing just fine.
On February 14th we hosted here at our club, a
“Tribute to the Stars” Stars as in entertainers.
The likenesses of Billy Joel and Elton John were
here for a special performance, and what a performance it was. Our Schwaben Hall was full to
capacity, we served a super buffet and our guests
enjoyed a tremendous performance by two very
knowledgeable entertainers. We are eagerly
looking forward to our next “Tribute Show” featuring the Beach Boys” on March 28th.
Next up for us in February was our Gruendungsfest/Anniversary on February 21, 2009.
This celebration as always was enjoyed by the
many of our members and along with our invited guests. We were once again at capacity. A
great time was had by everyone. Club service
awards were handed out to Marianne Lang and
Steve Zimmerman, Silver for 10 years membership. Gold for 25 years memberships were given
to Henry Gehrs and George Kraehling, Jr.
John Hild, Ed Ries, Mary Hild, Katie Geimer
and Annie Lutz were awarded the Club’s pin for
exemplary services.
Brandy Chapman, our out-going board member
was awarded our bronze pin for her service.
Dieter Hanke was awarded the Clubs “President’s
Pin” in honour of his former presidency of our
club and we thank him also for the many years
of service as a Director in various capacities.
Hans Schaadt, President of the Alliance of
Danube Swabians Canada brought us greetings
from the Alliance and presented Service Awards
to the following people: Mary Hild, Kathie
Geimer, Monica Anstett and Betty Neidert.
The “Golden Keys” played for our enjoyment and
from what I saw, everyone enjoyed their music.
Our next club event will be our Schlachtfest
on March 21st, followed by our Spring Concert
featuring Edith Brock, Anton aus Tirol, Rudy
Ecker and Die Fichtler.
I would also like to convey to you that there is
dialogue going on about the possibility of all our
German Clubs joining at one location, but, relax, it’s only dialogue. However, if some of you
have some comments on this subject, we would
be pleased to hear from you. The Transylvania
Club is presently involved with some decision
making for their club, and as more information
becomes available we will pass it on.
This will do for now, I am looking forward to
greeting you at our up-coming events.
Phil Neidert
Donations towards the newsletter:
M. Lang
B. Lang
Tony & Helma Sertic
T. Kraehling
Vielen Dank für die Spenden.
th Birthday
Love Mommy, Daddy,
Oma & Opa
Manager’s Report
This year has started off very promising and
looks as if we are going to have a good year…
.bookings are steady and are very busy.
What a great night Valentine’s Day was with the
Elton John/Billy Joel Show. The food was delicious and the entertainment was enjoyed by all.
Our Beach Party is scheduled for March 28th. If
you are tired of the Winter and feel the need for
something warmer, summer will come early with
the sounds of the Beach Bums coming to us from
Montreal. Wear your sandals, Hawaiian shirt,
sunglasses and grass skirts and come and join us,
the food will be fun and you can order your favorite tropical drink from the bar and enjoy a night
at the beach. We will all have a great time.
Make sure that you look at the Club Calendar
and our Website for additional information on
up-coming events.
Don Egley
Leamington, Ontario
Rhine Danube Club
18, 2009
Meal - 6:30
Grand March - 8:00pm
$30.00 per person
Dancers $25.00 per person
Serving: Chicken, Schnitzel, Potatoes,
Vegetables, Salad, Buns, Coffee & Dessert
Band - Mississauga Express
We are booking a bus and the return
trip of the cost of the bus per person
will be $20.00, in addition to the cost of
admission per person as stated above.
If interested in attending this event,
please contact Monica Anstett by e-mail
or call 519 742-3495.
Geburtstage Für März
Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs,
die im Monat Februar Geburtstag feiern
Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im
neuen Lebensjahr.
Geimer, Robert
Schwander, Benno
Nowak, Robert
Hamburger, Peter
Lipp, Barbara
Weiner, Josef
Gehrs, Helen
Stickel, Josef
Grundwald, Konrad
Putschli, Magdalena
Schade, Frieda
Groh, Joe
Offak, Eric
Stankowitsch, Anna
Dennis, Ken
Zimmerman, Gloria
Schuster, Josef
Hayer, Michael
Zuzan, Richard
Rief, Edmund
Bruckler, Mary
Demko, Catherine
Bekiroski, Hannelore
Szierer, Henry
Nemeth, Frank
Galanti, Giesela
Chapman, Brandy
Gerber, Paul Sr.
Gehrs, Heinrich
Obert, Paul
Stag & Doe
for Andrea Adam and
Peter Speckner
June 13, 2009
Keller, Schwaben Club
Contacts for information and tickets:
Shelley Speckner Email:
Colin Andrechek - Phone (519) 572-1590
More information and times to follow.
The Schwaben Club’s
78th Anniversary
a joyous
On Saturday February 22nd, 2009, the Schwaben
Club celebrated its 78th anniversary. The Golden
Keys provided excellent entertainment that kept
everyone on the dance floor all night. The food
was delicious, and included two kinds of salad,
chicken schnitzel, roast beef and hazelnut torte.
The Schwaben Dancers enjoyed celebrating
with everyone. Our whole dance group came
out, and the dance floor was packed for our performance.
We performed our new rope dance “Gebundene
Liebe” choreographed by our teacher Peter
Speckner. It has been a year in the making, and
wouldn’t have been possible without the custommade ropes constructed by Mennonite harness
makers and their 100 year old hand-cranked
sewing machine.
The Kindergruppe performed a new dance
as well, and did an excellent job. The Donau
Dancers’ performace was wonderful. The dance
groups would like to congratulate the Club for its
years of accomplishments and for such a successful and wonderful evening!
Katelyn Borch
Just a small note: The Schwaben Dancers are collecting Zehrs tapes. If you are able to contribute any
Zehrs tapes, we would really appreciate it. Please drop
them off in the office. Thanks!
Mary and Jake Adam are 50-year Schwaben Club members,
surrounded by their family
The Schwaben Dancers, bigger than ever and still growing
Kindergruppe and
The highlight for this month was our very own
Schwaben Club’s 78th Anniversary. Even with
over half of our dance group absent due to illness, we were able to perform our new dance
“Today is the Day”. The children did a phenomenal job… their best yet! Way to go dancers! I am so proud of all of you and I know
your teachers are too!
Teaching twenty children and keeping it fun
and interesting is not only a challenge at
times but also an art. A BIG thank-you to our
teacher volunteers who make this all possible.
Deanna Schaadt with Miss Schwaben
2009 Katie Harvey
Dedicated are Jennifer Offak, Katelyn Borch
and Andrea Adam. A special thank-you to
Miss Katie Harvey, Miss Schwaben 2009. The
extra help is always appreciated.
The children look forward to our next club
event in March…Schlachtfest! Hope to see
you all there!
Reminder: Practice for Kindergruppe is
Thursday’s at 6:30pm. If you are interested
in our Jugendgruppe, please feel free to contact me for more information.
Lisa Schaadt
Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe President
Jayne Beckett with Miss Schwaben
2009 Katie Harvey
Valentine’s Concert
The Schwaben Club was the
place to be for Valentine’s
Day this year. It hosted the
“Face to Face” concert, a
tribute to Billy Joel and
Elton John. It was a
night to remember. The
event was sold out.
As couples entered the club,
they were greeted with a hall decorated in a true Valentine’s theme: from hearts and
cupids suspended from the ceiling to candles and
dishes of cinnamon hearts on every table.
The buffet was outstanding. Everyone complimented the presentation of the hall and how deliNACHRICHTEN ONLINE IN PDF FORMAT
Tyler Watchorn with Miss Schwaben 2009
Katie Harvey
cious the food was. Dinner was a great success.
But that was not the end of the evening. The
night was just beginning. You could feel the
excitement as the Billy Joel/Elton John Tribute
show began. The backup musicians were first
class. “Billy” and Elton” were electrifying! The
audience loved it They clapped and sang along
with the group.
As the evening was coming to a close, couples
found areas to dance intimately to the songs of
”New York State of mind” and “Can you feel
the love tonight”. The night was filled with romance and love.
“Face to Face” received a standing ovation and
thanked the audience with an encore to remember.
Monika Norlock
Website: / Link: Newsletters/Nachrichten / Click on the month you wish to view
Commemorative Garden
The ball is really rolling now. The fundraising
campaign is in full swing, and donations are
coming in. Based on the crowds of people viewing the display in the foyer at Gründungsfest,
there is a lot of positive opinion and interest in
the Garden.
That doesn’t mean we don’t need your help.
We still need all Club members, their families,
and members of the community to contribute if we want this garden to really blossom.
So having said that; donation forms are available from the Club’s office, on the shelf unit outside the office, and also on the Schwaben Club’s
website -
Feel free to view the available renderings of the
garden, ask questions of the Garden Committee
members (Nick Lang, Walter Marzinko, Peter
Speckner), and please give generously so that
our garden can really begin to grow. Thank you
very much.
Peter Speckner
Communications Liaison
in Kitchener
Am Mittwoch, den 11. März, zwischen
10:00 Uhr und 13:00 Uhr, findet im
Concordia Club in Kitchener, 429 Ottawa
Street South, ein Konsularsprechtag des
Deutschen Generalkonsulats Toronto statt.
1972 FORD THUNDERBIRD, 429 cu in, automatic, chocolate metallic brown, original
engine and tranny, great driver, stored every winter since 1980. $7000.00, CALL
(519) 574-7708
BEDROOM SUITE, Koehler double bed with
two dressers, mirror, side table, box spring
and mattress. wood, faux-oak finish, rarely
used. $500.00 OBO, CALL (519) 748-5746
HOSPITAL STYLE BED, Stryker model with
full bedside and foot board controls, Top
of the line model, comes with two mattresses. This bed is a demo model that was
used for one week and then stored. Please
call for more info. Has many valuable uses.
$3000.00, CALL (519) 574-7708
MANUAL WHEELCHAIR used 6 Months $250.00
with extra seating pad.
WALKER with wheels and basket $50.00 or
B.O. Call (519) 621-8524
Great condition. Comes with original remote, and
a universal remote. Also includes an RF
Modulator, so digital cables can be connected to TV. Great for students. $75
OBO Call (519) 954-0457 or email to
To add an item please contact the
Schwaben Club at 519-742-7979. or send
an email to
Thank You Note
Magdalena Neu (Rausch, Lehn)
February 18, 2009
Blessed with a long and full life, the
Lord called home Magdalena “Lena”
Neu, on Sunday, February 15, 2009 in
her 99th year. Magdalena was born in the
village of Sacalaz, in the Banat Region
of Romania on October 27, 1910. Sadly
missed by her daughter, Katherine and
son-in-law Wayne Hallman, her grandchildren, Linda (Mike) Maguire, Dianne
(Tim) Kirby, and Brian (Christina)
We would like to thank Mr. John
Baur for his generous donation of
German books to our club.
Schwaben Club Kitchener
Ein herzlichen Dankeschön geht an
Herrn John Baur für seine Spende von
deutschen Büchern an unseren Klub.
Schwabenklub Kitchener
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1
Got it & want to sell it?
Need to buy it? Need a service?
Check out the Schwaben Classifieds
on page 7