world - Kuehne + Nagel


world - Kuehne + Nagel
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M A G A Z I N E NO . 2 / 0 9
Well positioned to expand
into new markets
2010 Soccer World Cup
A continent awaits the starting whistle
Kühne + Nagel World Nr. 2/2007
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Attractive airfreight solutions
for West Africa
Flowers from Mount Kenya
Kuehne + Nagel always
finds a way
Wilhelm Zertani
Druckerei und Verlag
D-28001 Bremen
Shoes for a better chance in life
Round the World
Heavy lift express in Vietnam
Print run
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
WORLD NO. 2/2009
Markets & Products
Managing size XXXL imports
KN Login: Visibility as a
success factor in logistics
Twice a year
English and German
A control tower for Philips
Healthcare’s global distribution
Robert Cathomas
Design and layout
Kaufmann Kommunikationsdesign
Final sprint to the
2010 Soccer World Cup
Published by
Kuehne + Nagel International AG
P.O. Box 67, CH-8834 Schindellegi
Telephone +41 44 786 95 15
+41 44 786 96 90
Interview with Regional Manager
Dave Swart
People & News
The success of logistics
depends on people
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Dear readers
“We want to show that Africa’s time has come,” were the words of South Africa’s President Thabo Mbeki with regard to the 2010 Soccer World Cup. This great sporting event,
which is feverishly awaited by millions of fans all over the world and has the entire continent in its thrall, is an enormously important prestige project for the country of South
Africa. A few months before the starting whistle most of the extensive preparatory
work, which includes many highly ambitious infrastructure projects, is close to completion. The logistics experts of Kuehne + Nagel have contributed to the punctual and successful conclusion of a number of these construction projects.
However, Kuehne + Nagel’s interest in the African market is not just a recent development; we have been active for decades in a number of African countries and have continuously expanded our presence there. We are now represented in 32 countries, in
some of which we have gained the position of market leaders. The close links between
our African locations and our global network enable us to provide a growing number of
customers with tailor-made, integrated services to, from and on this continent.
The key to our success is the combination of comprehensive logistics experience with
specialised industry know-how. Precisely in regions like Africa, whose transport infrastructure often leaves much to be desired, an additional factor is absolutely essential:
a first-class knowledge of local conditions. The articles on the following pages show
what Kuehne + Nagel’s experts, with their experience and creativity, are able to achieve.
I wish you an entertaining read.
Your Reinhard Lange
CEO Kuehne + Nagel International AG
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
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Kuehne + Nagel in Africa
With its own facilities in 44 locations in 13 countries, including warehouses with a total area of
around 80,000 sqm, and partnerships with highly reputed agents in a further 19 countries, Kuehne +
Nagel has an efficient transport and logistics network also on the African continent. In a sometimes decades-long process the company has established itself in a leading market position in
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various key countries and rapidly growing industry sectors. Some 1,100 employees contribute
their logistics expertise and excellent knowledge of local conditions to an attractive service
offering which is meeting with a growing demand from Kuehne + Nagel’s customers in Africa and
the rest of the world.
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
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Well positioned to expand
into new markets
Dave Swart, Regional Manager for sub-Saharan Africa,
speaks about a continent that has a promising growth
potential despite major political, economic and infrastructural challenges
Mr. Swart, by generated turnover
Africa is still the smallest region for
Kuehne + Nagel. What is its strategic importance for the Group?
Born and raised in South Africa, Dave Swart
completed a Bachelor of Commerce degree
at the University of Cape Town; following
this he graduated from the University of
South Africa with a Certificate in Theory of
Accountancy and completed his studies by
qualifying as a Chartered Accountant of
South Africa. In 1992 he began his logistics
career at UTI, an international forwarding
company, where he held general manager
positions for Finance and Africa Exports.
In 1997 he became managing director of
his own company Airborne Express, which he
It is the smallest region in terms of generated turnover, but Africa as a whole
has experienced one of the largest average GDP growth rates over the last four
years. This is due in a considerable part
to the new interest shown by the economic powerhouses in this emerging
market, especially China, which has
invested massive amounts in Africa in
order to secure rights to its natural
resources. This offers Kuehne + Nagel
good opportunities for opening up new
markets and expanding existing ones.
Today, however, it is necessary to have
fully fledged operations in most of the
large countries which work on the same
platform globally and which offer the
same levels of service as our customers
experience worldwide. To ensure this is
our most important challenge.
see a major growth in the oil producing
countries as well as major developments
in the East African countries with a
strong export trade, and the Maghreb
becomes increasingly interesting as a
production site. South Africa remains
particularly attractive, not only because
of its size and relative stability but also
as an important trading partner for the
rest of Africa.
Which industries are important for
Kuehne + Nagel in Africa?
We are particularly active in a number of
industries. One of them is the oil and gas
industry in West Africa, where Kuehne +
Nagel has offices in the three main oil producing countries and handles a large
number of global customers. The export of
perishable goods is another important
sector. We are the market leader in flower
exports from Kenya, and also provide
many services in the import of perishables
to South Africa. We are active for many
customers there in the consumer market
and naturally are involved with big
projects especially with regard to the infrastructure development associated with
the Soccer World Cup in 2010. Emergency
and relief cargo is likely to remain an
important market in the foreseeable
future. Here Kuehne + Nagel is involved
sold in 2002 to take the position of managing director for South Africa of the Nippon
Express agency. In 2006 he joined Kuehne +
Nagel as Regional Manager of sub-Saharan
Africa, the position which he holds today.
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What is your current coverage, and in
which countries do you see further
growth potential?
We have our own offices in 13 countries
and have well respected agents, some
with Kuehne + Nagel implant teams, in a
further 19 countries. In the remainder of
the countries which are mostly in West
Africa, we work with non-exclusive
agents as needed. With over 50 years in
Africa, we are very well positioned to be
part of this continent’s emergence. We
“With over 50 years
in Africa, we are very
well positioned to be
part of this continent’s
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Kuehne + Nagel’s regional head office in Johannesburg
with all well-known organisations and
coordinates deliveries through its competence centre in Copenhagen and special
units in Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe,
Sudan and Mozambique.
What are the impacts of the economic crisis? Do you start to see light at
the end of the tunnel?
In early 2008, as a result of uncertainty
due to the power shortages experienced
in South Africa, the political upheaval in
Kenya and the general decline in business confidence, the Kuehne + Nagel
Africa organisation embarked upon a
policy of cost constraint and reduction
and at the same time increased its sales
activities. This resulted in us being very
well prepared for the global economic
crisis so that, at this stage, we are still
performing well in comparison with
2008. Although we have definitely seen
a reduction in freight volumes and a GDP
growth for the whole of Africa of only
one per cent is predicted for 2009 and
2010 as compared with six per cent in
previous years, the South African economy
is being buoyed by the infrastructure
development and construction associated with the coming Soccer World Cup.
The prices of the commodities produced
in many African countries are predicted
to rise, and we feel that mining activities
will once again become lucrative, resulting in major investments that will generate substantial investments which, in
turn, have an immediate effect on logistics operations.
One of Africa’s main problems is its
insufficient transport infrastructure.
This is indeed the largest obstacle in
Africa. Not only are there poor or nonexistent rail networks between many
countries and a poor quality road system;
another major problem are the severe
delays that result from the number of
border posts and different customs
unions which you have to transit. At
some border posts you can have up to
500 trucks waiting weeks in order to
transit. In addition, many African seaports do not have the capabilities to
handle large volumes of ships and containers, leading to congestion and delays
of up to 60 days which further add to the
logistics costs. As a result, we at Kuehne +
Nagel are continually looking at alternative solutions to our customers’ logistics
requirements. More often than not the
most direct route is not necessarily the
quickest solution nor the cheapest.
“Our principal goal
is to increase our
market share in both
sea and airfreight.”
What are your further development
plans? Are you planning any acquisitions?
We will continue looking for opportunities
to expand our network in Africa, but we
do not want to merely have offices in each
country; each country organisation must
make a meaningful contribution to the
global Kuehne + Nagel network. It is our
intention to look at potential agents who
fit the culture of Kuehne + Nagel for possible acquisitions to enlarge our network.
We are also actively seeking logistics firms
with experience in certain niche markets.
It is our plan to increase our activities in
the mining industry for instance, not only
in South Africa but also within the rest of
Africa. However, our principal goal is to
increase our market share in both sea and
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
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Final sprint to the
2010 Soccer World Cup
For South Africa the hosting of the Soccer World Cup 2010 is
a prestige project of the highest importance. Kuehne + Nagel
South Africa is involved in a number of the many projects for
the creation of the necessary infrastructure
There was a tremendous wave of euphoria
when FIFA nominated
South Africa as the
host for the 2010 Soccer World Cup five
years ago – not only in the country itself
but all over the African continent. Since
the start of the extensive preparations,
doubts have been expressed in many quarters as to whether they can be successfully completed, and, above all, whether they
will be finished on time. How do things
look today, only a few months before the
starting whistle?
In terms of stadiums, it had been decided
to upgrade five existing stadiums, namely Soccer City and Ellis Park in Johannesburg (to 95,000 and 62,000 capacity
respectively), Loftus Versveld in Pretoria
(50,000), Free State in Bloemfontein
(48,000) and Royal Bafokeng in Rustenburg (42,000). With the exception of Soccer City these have all been completed.
This stadium, which will be the venue for
the opening event on June 11, 2010 and
for the final one month later, is expected
to be completed by the end of this year.
The completion of five new stadiums is
also scheduled for the end of 2009: in
Durban (70,000), Cape Town (70,000),
Port Elizabeth (48,000), Nelspruit (46,000)
and in Polokwane (45,000).
As a curtain raiser to this event, the Confederations Cup was successfully held in
June of this year using four of the recently
refurbished stadiums. This contest was
regarded as a dress rehearsal for the World
Cup, and a number of experts have proclaimed it a resounding success. Franz
Beckenbauer, Chairman of FC Bayern
Munich and member of the FIFA Executive Committee, was quoted as saying:
“The organisation was very, very good,
there were no problems and everything
went according to plan.”
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
WORLD NO. 2/2009
World Cup 2010 in figures
Investments in transport infrastructure:
740 million euro
Investments in stadiums:
1 billion euro
Contribution to GDP from 2006 to 2010:
4.5 billion euro
Number of tickets on sale:
3 million
Cumulative television audience:
27 billion
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“We want, on behalf of our continent, to stage an event that will send ripples of confidence
from the Cape to Cairo – an event that will create social and economic opportunities
throughout Africa. We want to ensure that, one day, historians will reflect upon the 2010
World Cup as a moment when Africa stood tall and resolutely turned the tide on centuries
of poverty and conflict. We want to show that Africa’s time has come.”
Many other infrastructure projects in
South Africa are closely linked with the
World Cup. All major airports in the country are being upgraded, in particular
Johannesburg International, where the
work is almost complete. There already
exists a very efficient system of two to
three lane roads around the major cities,
which are now partly being further
upgraded to four or five lane highways.
Accommodation capacity is also being
raised by building a number of hotels in
addition to the first class hotels which
already exist in all major centres. In view
of the enormous numbers of visitors
expected for the tournament, the authorities, in addition, are looking at the possibility of berthing large cruise vessels in
the bays of major cities, not to mention
the use of some neighbouring countries
such as Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and
even Mauritius.
In the field of public transport, various
upgrading projects are in progress in
order to move the spectators quickly and
safely to and from the stadiums. The
recently established “Bus Rapid System”
directly connects many newly built stations close to the stadiums with the city
centres. A particularly ambitious project
is the 80-kilometre rail link “Gautrain”,
which connects Johannesburg International Airport with the important business centres of Sandton, Johannesburg,
Soweto and Pretoria.
Kuehne + Nagel is directly involved in
a number of the above mentioned
projects by handling the import and
delivery of equipment such as road
machines and concrete pumps for the
countless construction sites. The logistics provider also transports machinery
and equipment for the Gautrain project,
delivering the items weighing up to 80
tons to the required place at exactly
the right time. To avoid disturbing the
time sensitive construction work, the
machines are generally delivered at
night and lifted directly onto the rails
with special cranes under the watchful
eye of Kuehne + Nagel South Africa’s
project division.
In this way Kuehne + Nagel is helping to
ensure that the ambitious construction
projects will be completed in time for the
kick-off in June 2010 and that the World
Cup tournament will be a great success,
an impressive demonstration of South
Africa’s capabilities and, it is hoped, an
unforgettable sporting and cultural experience.
A section of the Gautrain construction work near the Sandton suburb Marlboro, Gauteng province
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30 years in Namibia
Kuehne + Nagel gained its first foothold in Namibia with the acquisition of the United Shipping company already in 1975; since January 1979 the affiliate has operated in that country under the name
of Kuehne + Nagel (Pty.) Ltd. The local company’s business, which
was then handled by a staff of only four, initially concentrated mainly on air- and seafreight.
Although these are still among its core activities, today a staff of 50
people provides an ever wider range of services such as customs
clearance, cross-border road transport to and from Angola and Zambia, and warehousing and project operations. Kuehne + Nagel has
offices at the international airport of Hosea Kutako, in Walvis Bay
and in Oshikango / Santa Clara on the Namibian-Angolan border.
Its headquarters are located in Windhoek and were recently moved
to new premises to accommodate the need for greater space.
To mark the 30th anniversary of its foundation, this January the
company held a well-attended reception for numerous representatives of customers, suppliers and government authorities. On this
occasion Managing Director Lars-Oliver Nees took an optimistic view
of the future: “I am confident that Kuehne + Nagel, with its extensive range of services, will further expand its market position in
Namibia. We see interesting potentials in the expansion of our existing business and in the field of integrated logistics solutions, for
which there is an ever stronger demand.”
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
WORLD NO. 2/2009
School books for
Congo’s children
In a number of African countries Kuehne + Nagel
provides logistics services in the transport and
distribution of relief goods for international organisations. In Dar Es Salaam, a regional hub for this type
of cargo, a specialised department has for many
years dealt with transit shipments of the United
Nations to the bordering countries Rwanda, Burundi,
Zambia, Malawi and the Democratic Republic of
Congo. In close coordination with the Kuehne +
Nagel emergency and relief division in Copenhagen,
the colleagues in Tanzania handle all in- and outgoing shipments controlled locally by the 14 UN
entities that operate in Tanzania. The commodities
include temperature-sensitive goods such as medicines and vaccines, but also personal effects of UN
employees and vehicles such as cars and trucks.
As a part of this cooperation, Kuehne + Nagel is
also making a major contribution to the Unicef
“Back to School” project in the Democratic Republic
of Congo. With this broad-based initiative the UN
aid organisation helps children in countries in
various parts of the world to obtain an education
by initiating the construction and rebuilding of
schools, the distribution of teaching materials and
the training of teachers. The goods arriving at the
container terminal in Dar Es Salaam are cleared
with customs by Kuehne + Nagel and transported
to the Unicef warehouses at Goma, Bukavu, Bunia
and Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
From these warehouses the education materials
are packed into kits and delivered to schools all
over the eastern part of the country, where they are
distributed to tens of thousands of children.
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airfreight solutions
for West Africa
Kuehne + Nagel offers its international
customers from the oil and gas industry tailormade transport solutions to and from West
Africa with regular direct airfreight connections
between Texas and Angola
Angola has been an oil producer for over 40 years. Today,
OPEC member Angola is the largest oil producer in sub-Saharan Africa. In the last few years, new oil concessions have
been awarded to a number of global oil majors including
Exxon, BP, Total and Chevron as well as the state-owned
Angolan company Sonangol, resulting in large investments in
a modern production infrastructure and a substantial inbound
cargo volume.
This traffic relates mainly to complex project business, dangerous goods transport, general sea- and airfreight shipments
of consumables and the transport of operating and specialist
personnel. In handling all these tasks Kuehne + Nagel pays
close attention to the reliability of the supply chain and ontime delivery, for failures and shutdowns on the giant drilling
rigs can quickly result in enormous costs. Nevertheless,
unforeseeable ad-hoc and express shipments are an everyday
part of oil and gas logistics. They may be necessary, for
instance, in the event of unexpected technical problems on
the drilling rigs or events affecting health and safety, a field
where this industry now sets particularly high standards.
Much of the cargo and specialised personnel originates from
Houston, USA, one of the oil industry’s five main global hubs
and the seat of many oil companies and their leading suppliers. Until 2002 there were no direct air connections between
the USA and Angola, so that the Sonangol subsidiary Sonair
began using its own chartered MD-11 for these supply flights.
However, the Angolan oil company soon turned to Kuehne +
Nagel for its expertise, entrusting the logistics provider with
managing the aircraft’s entire 15-tonne cargo capacity. To
support this activity, Kuehne + Nagel placed additional personnel in Houston and Luanda and began selling the space
to other forwarders and direct customers. Today the “Houston
Express” operates three times per week directly between
Houston and Luanda, serving mainly oil and gas industry customers. It remains the only direct air service between the USA
and Angola, and is considerably more attractive than the circuitous route via Europe.
After its arrival in Luanda, however, the freight is still far from
reaching its final destination. A large part of Angola’s major
oil production facilities are located in the remote northern
part of the country and are also offshore. Much of Angola’s
road and rail infrastructure was destroyed in the civil war
between 1975 and 2002 and still today remains largely unusable. Most production installations have access to port facilities, but on-shipment from the chronically congested port of
Luanda is no option for urgent airfreight consignments. The
oil bases can be reached by air, but only relatively small passenger aircraft that are poorly suited for the transport of cargo fly from Luanda. Therefore at the beginning of 2008,
Kuehne + Nagel started the “Angola Air Express”, a regular
freighter service between Luanda, Soyo and Cabinda and to
neighbouring countries. To provide this service the company
took on long-term charter of an Antonov 32, an aircraft ideally suited for the purpose which can land and take off at the
short airstrips close to the oil bases.
The combination of Houston Express and Angola Air Express
has now developed into an unrivalled transport facility for
the oil companies operating in Angola (and, increasingly, also
for customers in other industries), and demand for its capacity is correspondingly strong – a further example of Kuehne +
Nagel’s innovative and integrated approach to its industry
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The production of cut and garden flowers is estimated to employ 50,000 to
60,000 people directly and 500,000
people indirectly through affiliated services to the industry. If each has four
dependants, the total beneficiaries are
roughly two million people or seven per
cent of the population. The fact that
these employment opportunities are in
rural areas is very important, as they not
only stem migration into the cities but
are also an important factor in the fight
against poverty.
Flowers from
Mount Kenya
The EU consumes half of all the cut flowers sold in the world,
and one in three of them comes from Kenya. As the biggest
perishables logistics provider in East Africa, Kuehne + Nagel
plays an important role in the time-critical transport of this
export product which is extremely important for Kenya’s
Agriculture accounts for nearly 25 per
cent of Kenya’s GDP, and three quarters
of this East African country’s population
depend on the sector either directly or
indirectly. The production and sale of
fruit, vegetables and flowers is the
fastest-growing part of the economy and
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in the last few years has created a large
number of jobs. As a foreign exchange
earner, it is second only to remittances
from Kenyans working abroad.
Kenya supplies cut flowers mainly to the
Netherlands and to the United Kingdom,
Germany and France. Newer markets,
some of them fast growing, are the USA,
Japan, Russia and the Middle East.
Despite the onset of the economic crisis,
exports in 2008 showed a further small
increase to a total of 93,000 tonnes.
With a share of roughly one third,
Kuehne + Nagel is the largest perishables logistics operator in East Africa.
The flower farms are mainly situated
around Lake Naivasha and Nakuru, in
the Great Rift Valley, Nanyuki and Timau
on the slopes of Mount Kenya, as well as
Kericho in the highlands of Kenya, which
is also a major tea growing area. There,
most flowers are grown in special greenhouses before they are graded and
packed in large packing houses with a
temperature controlled environment.
Flowers are held in cold stores awaiting
transport to Jomo Kenyatta Airport for
Many flower farms now
cooperate with international organisations and
initiatives that encour.............
age, support and certify
the observance of improved production
and working conditions. “We were
responding to a market demand,” said
Richard Hechle, general manager of
Panda Flowers, one of Kenya’s twelve
internationally certified fair trade flower
farms. “Customers want to know that
their flowers are coming from a place
with good environmental and social conditions.” Many of the 900 employees on
the 45-hectare farm confirm that fair
trade has had remarkable effects on
their working conditions. “Fair trade has
really improved the lives of workers and
the community,” says Esther Kinuthia,
a junior supervisor standing between
beds of red roses in one of Panda’s greenhouses.
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Kuehne + Nagel’s logistics solutions in
Kenya are based on daily direct flights
from Nairobi to Amsterdam using specially chartered full freighter aircraft
and belly-hold capacity on the regular
passenger flights of various airlines.
Flowers that are picked, graded and
packed in the morning need to be delivered to the airport early enough for the
evening flights the same day. Farmers
used to bring their products to the airport by every conceivable means, but
today Kuehne + Nagel collects the flowers all over the country according to a
fixed timetable with five refrigerated
trucks, all of them equipped with the
latest RFID technology. In Kuehne +
Nagel’s own cold store facility at the
airport, the company’s employees unload
the flowers from the trucks and consolidate the shipments on airfreight pallets for the various flights. The facility
is also equipped with the only vacuum
cooler in operation in Eastern Africa
that can handle two aircraft main deck
pallets at the same time. This is used
mainly for shipments from farms without their own pre-coolers. Within 24
hours of the flowers being picked in the
farms around Kenya, they have landed
at their many destinations all over the
In the last few years Kuehne + Nagel
has continuously invested in the development of an uninterrupted cold chain
for the transport of cut flowers. Cold
chain management starts at the point
of harvesting and continues through to
the auctions and outlets around the
world. It also includes advising the
farms and their suppliers and instructing their personnel on matters of quality control. Many customers have ‘dovetailed’ with Kuehne + Nagel’s systems
and combined them with their own cold
chain and tracking and tracing systems.
One such customer is FloraHolland,
which has been active for many years as
an auctioneer for horticultural products.
With a total of
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . six auction cen-
tres in the Netherlands – the country
where suppliers and buyers are offered
the best sales/purchase opportunities –
it can be regarded as the largest marketing organisation for horticultural products in the world. In 2008, roughly
75,000 tonnes of cut flowers from
Kenya were sold at the auctions of
FloraHolland. The organisation is constantly working on innovative ideas to
improve the cold chain processes. Two
new technologies are currently in the
pilot phase: In one project, temperature
loggers are placed on each shipment to
allow a daily follow-up of the cool chain
performance, and in the other, FloraHolland is working on its own tracking
and tracing system in which flower boxes are scanned at the farm, upon delivery at the airport and upon unpacking
in the Netherlands. All systems are
implemented and executed with assistance of Kuehne + Nagel, who is a
major factor for the success of these
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Kuehne + Nagel
always finds a way
In the course of their work, project logistics experts are often
faced with enormous challenges. As, for instance, in the transport of a reactor from Japan to South Africa which Kuehne +
Nagel recently carried out for Sasol Technologies
Sasol Technologies, South Africa’s second
largest industrial undertaking, employs
28,000 people all over the world and is
one of the market leaders in the field of
coal gas liquefaction for the production
of gasoline and components for the chemical industry. In 2007 Kuehne + Nagel
was entrusted with carrying out a feasibility study for the transport of a liquefaction reactor from the works at Nagasu in
Japan to the Sasol plant in Secunda,
South Africa.
On a visit to the Japanese producer, the
African project division of Kuehne +
Nagel inspected the two enormous reactor components under construction (a
bottom section weighing 419 tonnes
and measuring approximately 22 x 9 x 9
metres, and a 252-tonne upper section
measuring 18 x 9 x 9 metres) and examined the shipping possibilities at different ports on Japan’s west coast. It soon
became clear that due to shipping
capacity restraints, it was necessary to
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
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book a suitable ship as soon as possible
although shipping was not scheduled to
take place until mid-2009. Further
research showed that suitable trailers
for post-shipment transport were not
available in Africa and would have to be
imported from France.
At the end of 2008 a task force team was
put together with members representing
the customer, the maritime carrier and
the haulage company. It also included
representatives of a company specialising
in route analysis and road clearance for
heavy load transport, and a consultant
for the calculation of the required trailer
configuration based on the maximum
allowed road load of 27.5 kilonewtons.
In February 2009 the preparations were
held up by an unexpected event. Without prior announcement the Ministry of
Roads and Works started to upgrade a
part of the route from the port of
Richards Bay to the site. Immediate
talks with the road construction firm
showed that an interruption of the work
would involve excessive costs. Furthermore, there was no guarantee that the
six-metre-wide trailers would be able to
pass through the road construction sites.
Since no alternative routes were available in South Africa, it was decided to
transport the reactor through Swaziland
where a route was found which could be
suitable – if certain repairs and modifications were made. So Kuehne + Nagel
appointed a contractor to effect the necessary alterations at the two border
posts, to strengthen bridges and enlarge
roundabouts, as well as raising a pedestrian footbridge.
In June 2009, after loading had been
completed under the supervision of
Kuehne + Nagel specialists, the chartered heavy lift freighter sailed from the
Japanese port of Shimonoseki with all
the parts of the reactor (total weight 990
tonnes or 4,950 seafreight tons). The
voyage to South Africa went very smoothly, as did the unloading operation in
Richards Bay, where the two trailers and
twenty-eight trucks were efficiently positioned alongside the ship.
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At the border with Swaziland, where power and telephone cables had to be raised,
the passage of the imposing convoy
blocked the customs post for all other
traffic for no less than six hours. Further
challenges were presented by bad weather, which resulted in two days of delays,
and a 13 per cent gradient for which five
additional prime movers had to be hired.
The second frontier crossing back into
South Africa at Mahamba had already
been found so “unsuitable” in the route
analysis that the customs buildings had
to be largely demolished after tough
negotiations with the customs authorities of the two countries (and, of course,
rebuilt afterwards). It was also necessary
to redirect fibre optic cables, widen roads
and move fences so that the loads could
follow a tricky slalom route back into
South Africa.
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On the final stage to Secunda there was
a further surprise for all concerned. On
the last kilometres of the route, further
unanticipated road works had begun.
Thanks to the fast reaction of those in
charge of the project, these works were
stopped for the time the convoy took to
pass. After four weeks of “highly eventful” overland transport, the reactor parts
reached their destination safely and on
schedule – to the complete satisfaction
of the customer and to the great relief of
the Kuehne + Nagel South Africa project
division team.
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Number one
in South Africa
Kuehne + Nagel has been voted
the “Best Freight Forwarder in South
Africa for the year 2008” by the
Professional Management Review
PMR. This well-known business
magazine annually publishes a
highly regarded corporate ranking
list based on a survey carried out
among 30,000 African managers
from all fields of industry and
commerce, public authorities and
associations. This year, for the
fourth time in six years, it chose the
Kuehne + Nagel national company
as the best logistics organisation
operating in the country.
In 2008, for the first time all four
of the top award recipients were
international forwarders, one reason
why Andre van Rensburg, the Managing Director of Kuehne + Nagel
South Africa, was particularly
delighted that his company has
again won first place: “This award
is a testimony to the sustained
success of our efforts to gain a
leading position as a logistics
provider in the South African market.
Our good performance compared
with our strongest competitors is
largely due to our ability to develop
innovative integrated logistics
solutions for our customers.”
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
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Partnership with
CIDA Empowerment
Since 2003 the South African government has made efforts to promote a greater
representation and participation of the black and coloured population majority in
the public administration and the private sector of the economy. In support of this
initiative, in December 2008 Kuehne + Nagel transferred a 17 per cent holding
in its subsidiary KN Tsepisa Logistics (Pty.) Ltd. to the South African investor
CIDA Empowerment. This is a public benefit organisation which uses the dividend
revenue from its various corporate holdings to fund the tertiary education of
financially disadvantaged young people. The most important of these projects is
the CIDA City Campus in Johannesburg, a private, non-profit education institute that
provides students, mainly from rural areas, with free tuition for higher educational
qualifications. For Kuehne + Nagel South Africa the partnership between KN
Tsepisa and CIDA is an example of the successful implementation of the broadbased Black Economic Empowerment transformation process that brings long-term
benefits to all participants. By its commitment, Kuehne + Nagel actively helps to
achieve authentic and sustainable empowerment by providing South Africa’s
youth with the opportunity to transcend poverty through education – a goal that
will enable the logistics provider to recruit local graduates with a sound professional training as members of its staff.
Students at the CIDA City Campus in Johannesburg
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From Tunisia to the counters
around the world
Ingenico relies on Kuehne + Nagel’s multi-modal transportation services all over the world. From their Tunisian production
site, the logistics company ships more than one million card
terminals per year
With over 15 million terminals deployed
across 125 countries, Ingenico is the
world’s market leader in the industry for
secure electronic payment systems and
as such an important partner of retailers, banks and payment service providers
around the globe.
Since 2007, Kuehne + Nagel is Ingenico’s strategic global logistics partner,
being the unique interface to all the payment terminal vendor’s suppliers and
subsidiaries for their international transport-related processes. The seamless
solution provided by Kuehne + Nagel
combines all modes of air, sea and road
transport for the door-to-door shipments
from the suppliers to all of Ingenico’s
subsidiaries in Europe, North and South
America, Asia and Australia.
Ben Arous in Tunisia is key to Ingenico’s
supply chain organisation. The production
centre of Sagem, a company Ingenico
acquired in 2008, manufactures more
than one million card terminals annually, which is approximately one quarter of
Ingenico’s total needs. Every month
Kuehne + Nagel handles 80 tonnes of
air, sea and roll-on-roll-off shipments to
European grouping centres in Madrid,
Lyon, Glasgow and Helsinki as well as to
final consignees located in the rest of
the world.
In order to match the high performance
targets in regards to on-time delivery, a
dedicated customer service is monitoring the shipments and specific daily
operational reports are created. Depending on the level of urgency, Kuehne +
Nagel is offering different transport
modes, allowing Ingenico to benefit
from the best option at the moment of
the shipment.
With the tried and tested solution
Kuehne + Nagel strategically supports
this key customer in its rapid growth
while Ingenico can focus on their core
competence services, expanding their
sales and the sales of their customers, be
it in the USA, in Japan, China, Mexico or
Further growth potential in the Maghreb
Kuehne + Nagel has for many years been one of the leading logistics providers in
North Africa, particularly on the transport routes between the Maghreb and Germany. In 2008 the company strengthened its presence by concluding cooperation
agreements with well-known agents in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. In collaboration with these partners, Kuehne + Nagel can now offer its customers integrated
air, sea and land transport services to and from the North African countries.
One reason for the attractiveness of the Maghreb is its geographical proximity to
southern Europe; many major firms have already relocated production facilities
there. In the medium term, Kuehne + Nagel therefore sees an attractive potential
for growth in North Africa which it intends to exploit by targeting the development
of new business with key customers and with small and medium-sized firms. One
good example is the Legrand group, which has entrusted Kuehne + Nagel with the
management of shipments from its French distribution centre to its customers in
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
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A control tower for global distribution
For Philips Healthcare, one of the world’s leading producers
of medical diagnostics systems, Kuehne + Nagel is developing
a state-of-the-art integrated outbound logistics system. The
planning and implementation of this large and challenging
project are in the hands of the logistics specialists of the
Lead Logistics Solutions business field
In 2006, after a thorough internal
review, Philips Healthcare made the
decision to outsource the global management and coordination of its Imaging Systems’ physical distribution activities to an external logistics provider. The
aim was to allow Philips Healthcare to
focus on its core competencies and
enable it to meet its stated supply chain
goals of delivering operational excel-
lence from supplier to end customer,
increasing customer satisfaction, improving cost control, enhancing management reporting and establishing end-toend visibility.
Medical imaging systems are one of
Philips’ most important product groups
and generate roughly a third of the
eight billion euros which the healthcare
sector contributes to the group’s total
turnover. With large high-tech computed
tomography, magnetic resonance, nuclear
medicine and X-ray products to deliver
and install in medical practices and hospitals, Philips Healthcare manages a
challenging network coordinating 6,000
service technicians in over 60 countries
with complex last mile delivery and
installation requirements. It was this
complexity, matched with their drive for
“sense and simplicity”, that led to Philips’
outsourcing decision.
In May 2007, after an extensive tender
process that included many of the
world’s leading logistics providers,
Philips Healthcare chose Kuehne +
Nagel to implement and manage this
challenging plan. Over the next ten
months the Lead Logistics Solutions
(LLS) business field and the customer
worked together in a proof-of-concept
phase to create the foundation for a successful Global Control Tower (GCT)
deployment by creating harmonised
processes, configuring IT systems and
managing “live” customer-facing improvement projects. With the proof-of-concept
phase successfully completed and after
the calculation of the costs and benefits
of the envisaged collaboration, Kuehne
+ Nagel and Philips Healthcare signed a
five-year agreement in April 2008 for
Kuehne + Nagel to manage the GCT for
the Imaging Systems group.
With the preparatory work largely completed, the two companies set about the
implementation of the complex solution.
This included a transfer of 19 Imaging
Systems employees from Philips Healthcare to Kuehne + Nagel. These employees, who provide Kuehne + Nagel with
broad institutional and Philips-specific
experience, are located in Best (Netherlands), Cleveland (Ohio, USA) and in
Hamburg (Germany). Peter Haver, the
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The control tower concept is based on
the complete integration of the systems
of Kuehne + Nagel and Philips Healthcare in the field of outbound logistics.
This gives Philips Healthcare a “single
source” for carrier messaging, tracking
and communication, while providing
Kuehne + Nagel with instantaneous
sales and purchase order details as soon
as they become available. Armed with
the Imaging Systems’ order details,
Kuehne + Nagel can focus on efficient
planning, shipment optimisation, mode
selection and cost reduction. In addition, having one, integrated system
allows seamless coordination of the different Kuehne + Nagel GCT services of
logistics procurement, transport execution, customer service, freight bill audit
and payment, KPI / metric reporting
and document management.
René Botter, Director of Physical Distribution for Philips Healthcare Imaging
Systems, sees this integrated operating
environment as a key component of the
GCT: “Kuehne + Nagel is an expert in
this type of outsourcing activity. With
the integrated environment we can harmonise the processes, drive efficiencies
and create end-to-end shipment visibility. This transparency will provide us with
the management intelligence to continuously improve, in conjunction with
Kuehne + Nagel, our operations.”
In addition to the implementation of the
integrated GCT solution, Kuehne +
Nagel is managing a series of value
adding projects that have provided considerable cost savings for Philips Healthcare. With the challenge of a long and
complex implementation, Peter Haver
recognises the importance of these
improvement initiatives: “Managing
these value-adding projects allows
Kuehne + Nagel to make a near immediate positive financial impact while we
are deploying our integrated solution. In
addition to creating a more attractive
business case, these projects also help
us learn the intricacies of the Philips
Healthcare business environment prior
to the integrated solution being fully
In August of this year the GCT concept
went live at the first sites, and a full rollout is planned for to be completed in
August 2010. Despite the challenges of
this complex outbound logistics concept, Kuehne + Nagel is also exploring
the possibilities of integrated inbound
and warehouse solutions for additional
improvement opportunities. Reinhard
Schullerus, Senior Vice President Lead
Logistics Solutions of Kuehne + Nagel,
looks forward to a productive future
with such a prestigious customer: “We
are delighted to be working together
with Philips Healthcare on this important programme. I am confident that it
will bring many benefits to both organisations and further add value to Philips’
operations in the years to come. The
Philips Healthcare GCT engagement represents a flagship account for LLS: a
complex, global engagement with a
blue-chip, industry-leading customer.”
Kuehne + Nagel Global Business Manager with responsibility for Philips Healthcare, commented: “Obtaining these
employees was a key factor for us. While
we have broad supply chain outsourcing
and management experience, we lacked
the product-specific knowledge and the
last mile delivery experience of this very
specialised industry. The employees that
transferred provide us with many years
of experience and a great deal of subject
matter expertise.” This group of transfers
was augmented with a flexible labour
force supplied from the Lead Logistics
Control Centres, the centralised and
shared operations hubs that support LLS
business activity in Asia, Europe and
North America.
Lead Logistics
Solutions (LLS)
Lead Logistics Solutions is the business
field of Kuehne + Nagel that offers
integrated logistics solutions. With the
end-to-end control of customer supply
chains, regardless of what transport and
service modes are involved, LLS provides
a one-stop-shop solution with centralised
accountability and responsibility for cost,
quality and performance. LLS offers its
services either as an umbrella covering
the operational services of various other
business fields of Kuehne + Nagel or as
a neutral solution, where LLS takes over
key components of customers’ logistics
management. The service portfolio of LLS
covers the entire supply chain as well as
key IT solutions for customers who are
keeping the management function in
• Supplier and Inventory Management
• Distribution and Network Management
• After Market Management and
• Supply Chain Technology Solutions
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
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A visit to CMA CGM in Marseille
In June, the Chairman of the Board of
Directors Klaus-Michael Kuehne and
Otto Schacht, Vice President Global
Seafreight of Kuehne + Nagel, (left) paid
a visit to the CMA CGM shipping company in Marseille. They were received by
the Board Chairman Jacques R. Saadé
and his son Rodolphe Saadé, the Group
Chief Executive Vice President Farid T.
Salem, the Senior Vice President for
Europe-Asia Services Nicolas Sartini,
Marketing & Sales Global Accounts Manager Claude Lebel (right) and other rep-
resentatives of the top management.
Following a presentation of the shipping
company, the guests inspected its new
headquarters building which is now
under construction, the imposing, 147metre-high CMA CGM Tower designed by
the British-Iraqi star architect Zaha
Hadid. The world’s third largest shipping
company is one of Kuehne + Nagel’s preferred carriers and last year transported
nearly 9 million TEU with a total of 370
Germany’s best logistics trainees
Stefanie Kettelhodt, a trainee forwarding and logistics manager with Kuehne
+ Nagel in Bremen, beat all her fellow
contestants in Germany’s biggest test of
knowledge for logistics trainees and won
the coveted distinction of “Best Trainee
2008”. The contest, in which more than
1,500 trainees take part, is held each
year by the industry magazine Verkehrs-
rundschau. The third place also went to
a Kuehne + Nagel trainee, Matthias
Wienke of the Mannheim office – a further clear testimony to the Company’s
strong commitment to staff development. In the meantime both winners
have passed their final exams (naturally
with excellent results).
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Qualified, motivated staff
with a large potential
Mr. Harings, you have now belonged
to the Kuehne + Nagel organisation
for just over three months. What are
your first impressions?
Kuehne + Nagel has a very individual,
firmly anchored corporate culture and a
qualified and motivated staff with a large
potential. What has struck me above all is
the entrepreneurial thinking, target-orientation and high commitment of the personnel at all levels. For the future too, I
consider the international outlook of the
employees and their strong identification
with the Company to be significant factors for the success of Kuehne + Nagel.
I know that I have taken the right decision in joining Kuehne + Nagel and look
forward to making a major contribution
to our future success.
What priorities have you set for the
work of the Human Resources department?
“In the future too,
I consider the international outlook
of the employees
and their strong
identification with
the Company to be
significant factors
for success.”
First and foremost I want the human
resources department to support the
implementation of the business strategy
in as diverse and proactive a way as possible. In addition to strengthening our
global talent management, this includes
providing our staff with the opportunity
to work in all parts of the world, active
work in the personnel field to facilitate
the integration of newly acquired firms
and, of course, the provision of first-class
day-to-day support in the field of HR
services. I shall continue to focus the
organisation and operation of the
human resources department upon the
needs of our “internal customers”.
Is the economic crisis changing your
priorities? Like many other companies, Kuehne + Nagel has also had
to reduce its personnel costs.
The new Chief Human Resources Officer Lothar A. Harings
has been responsible for managing global human resources
of the Kuehne + Nagel Group since May 1, 2009. In this
position he succeeds Klaus-Dieter Pietsch, who retired at the
end of May
Before joining Kuehne + Nagel, Lothar A.
Harings (48) held a number of management positions with international companies. In his last position, which he held
for nearly seven years, he was a member of
the management board and Chief Human
Resources Officer with the T-Mobile International Group.
Klaus-Michael Kuehne commented as follows
on the appointment of Lothar A. Harings:
“In the service sector the employees occupy
a particularly important position, which
makes highly professional personnel services all the more necessary. We are therefore
very pleased to have obtained, with Mr.
Harings, a Chief Human Resources Officer
with extensive international experience.”
Every part of the Company must contribute to the reduction of costs. Particularly in support and administration,
one of the management’s clear targets
was to cut costs by at least ten per cent,
a greater amount than in the operational areas and in sales. We shall
achieve this objective this year.
additional sales staff and are already
seeing the first results in the form of
increased business. At the same time we
are analysing the existing sales staff all
over the world in order to determine
their individual training and improvement needs and to take appropriate
On the other hand Kuehne + Nagel
intends to substantially strengthen
its sales organisation. How is recruitment progressing?
In your opinion, does a “war for talents” exist in the logistics sector?
Our dual strategy in response to the crisis – to reduce costs and at the same
time to gain market share by stepping
up our sales activities – is the right
approach. We have so far engaged 200
In our recruitment policy we are demanding high standards with regard to personality and qualification. In view of
Kuehne + Nagel’s excellent reputation
in the market, I am confident that we
can win the really good applicants for
our Company.
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
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Managing size XXXL
The transport and customs clearance of the enormous
floating platforms that are used for offshore oil and gas
production is a project logistics activity par excellence.
In Brazil Kuehne + Nagel has provided this integrated
service since the year 2000 and established itself in
an excellent position in the market
The production of oil and gas in Brazil
takes place mainly offshore and is dominated by the semi state-owned Petrobras, a global player among the oil companies with an annual turnover of roughly 130 billion dollars. The enterprise is
one of the technological leaders in the
field of offshore production, and one of
the world’s largest in terms of its number
of production facilities.
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
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One of the service packages successfully
offered by Kuehne + Nagel in the oil and
gas sector is the logistics management
of the import and start-up preparations
of the giant offshore production and
storage platforms. These so-called FPSO
(Floating Production, Storage and Offloading) units are leased to Petrobras for a
number of years by their mainly foreign
builders and operators. An FPSO is in
most cases a former super tanker which
has been converted and equipped with
installations to receive crude oil from
several sub-sea pipelines, to process it
and to be used as floating depots until it
is loaded into oil tankers for export or
local consumption onshore.
The temporary importation of an FPSO
into Brazilian territorial waters for the
duration of the contract is a challenging
project assignment which involves many
individual logistics and organisational
elements. The agencies that must be
contacted at an early stage include such
diverse state organisations as the port
and customs authorities, the civil aviation office and navy, the federal police,
the Brazilian central bank and health
authorities. These highly complex projects
must be handled with a maximum of
efficiency – for the leasing costs of a single FPSO run into hundreds of thousands
of dollars per day.
Kuehne + Nagel’s assignment normally
begins with an inspection of the FPSO’s
components at the fabrication yards prior to its departure for Brazil, to ensure
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that the installations comply with Brazilian import regulations. The pre-inspection, among other things, covers the helicopter deck which is essential for the
transfer of the crew and supplies.
Licensed Kuehne + Nagel experts also
inspect prescribed safety installations
such as lifeboats, fire-fighting systems
and emergency plans – and check the
completeness of the ship’s documents
and manuals and the travel documents
and work permits of the crew. At the end
of the pre-inspection the consultants
issue a “punch list” of all items that
need to be corrected before arrival in
Brazil. Finally, Kuehne + Nagel prepares
the inventory of the vessel, which can
consist of up to 17,000 items and is
required for customs clearance and
import licensing. All items need to be
classified in accordance with the Brazilian Customs Tariff Code and the inventory must, of course, be translated into
Before the arrival of an FPSO, the anchor
system needs to be in place at its operating site. Its components are often
imported into Brazil by Kuehne + Nagel
or brought to their site from onshore
locations and installed in the oilfield
with the aid of special supply and installation vessels. They consist of heavy
items such as polyester ropes, steel
cables, anchor shackles and anchor
chains. An anchor chain may weigh up
to 2,000 tonnes and a suction pipe can
be 25 metres long, 5 metres in diameter
and weigh up to 100 tonnes.
The actual customs inspection in Brazil,
which Kuehne + Nagel handles on
behalf of its customers, may take up to
two weeks and includes, among other
things, the daily transport of personnel
and officials to and from the FPSO and
the temporary housing of the crew on
land. Once all formalities have been
completed, the operator receives the
necessary import and operating licenses
valid for the duration of the contract
with Petrobras. Only then can the FPSO
sail to the oilfield location where it will
be anchored.
The Kuehne + Nagel project team has so
far handled the import procedures for a
total of 15 FPSOs and thus made an
important contribution to the excellent
reputation the logistics company now
enjoys among international suppliers for
the oil and gas industry and the world’s
leading platform operators and oil companies.
Kuehne + Nagel strengthens its
oil and gas capabilities
Effective April 1 of this year Kuehne +
Nagel acquired J. Martens Holding AS,
a company headquartered in Bergen,
Norway. By taking over this leading
logistics provider for the oil and gas sector, the Group has significantly strengthened its capabilities in this important
industry segment. Besides providing
transport and logistics services for the
past 125 years in Norway, J. Martens
has set up operations in other key markets such as Singapore, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. With its 260
employees, the company achieved a
turnover of approximately CHF 250 million in 2008.
year contract on logistics services to the
USA, Europe and Asia with Vizada
VSAT, a leading producer of satellite
communications systems. This represents an extension of the services which
J. Martens previously supplied to Vizada’s subsidiary Marlink. Kuehne +
Nagel will additionally be responsible
for the management of a number of
Vizada’s consolidation centres and
warehouses in the Netherlands, California and Dubai, the air and sea transport
of the products and their delivery to the
end customers. In many cases these are
ships which are located in port and
awaiting new satellite communications
“The acquisition of J. Martens significantly strengthens our capabilities and
position not only in Norway but also in
the international oil and gas logistics
market,” comments Peter Ulber, Executive Vice President Sea & Air Logistics of
Kuehne + Nagel International AG. “It
ideally fits our strategy to globally
expand our specialised services for individual target groups who – like the oil
and gas industry – demand a high level
of industry-specific know-how and experience.”
The first fruits of the acquisition were
not long awaited. In July Kuehne +
Nagel Norway already concluded a two-
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
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Visibility as a success
factor in logistics
With the latest version of its Internet-based information
management system KN Login, Kuehne + Nagel is again
setting the benchmark for the industry. The high-performance
website provides clear access to all important data relating
to a freight shipment, automated process monitoring and
powerful tools for data integration, statistics and reporting.
The modules of the system can be combined, allowing it
to be easily adapted to the individual needs of a specific
customer or industry
Trade and industry expect logistics
services to meet ever higher standards
of efficiency, flexibility and reliability.
Increasingly complex and more finely
branched supply chains and ever more
frequent changes in procurement loca-
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
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tion, production and distribution make
the management of global supply
chains an increasingly challenging task.
The economic crisis has led to increased
cost pressure. As a result, companies
attach an even higher priority to the
reduction of inventory by shortening
lead times in order to reduce tied-up
capital costs.
This development is accompanied by a
growing need for maximum supply
chain visibility on the part of industrial
and trading companies. Without a
seamless overview of the process, they
cannot be certain whether production
supplies have arrived on time or their
shipments have been punctually delivered. End-to-end visibility, real-time control of order books and stocks, shipping
documents and delivery status are now
a critical requirement.
Kuehne + Nagel is one of the pioneers
of Internet-based tracking and tracing
and order management solutions. As
one of the first logistics providers to
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offer its customers appropriate tools,
Kuehne + Nagel has received a number
of awards for its achievements. Since
introducing the first version of KN Login
at the end of the 1990s, the Company
has consistently and successfully exploited the potential of Internet technology.
With the worldwide introduction of the
latest version, completed at the end of
2008, Kuehne + Nagel again set the
benchmark for the industry in terms of
efficiency, speed, user-friendliness and
adaptability of the software.
Round the clock, KN Login offers its customers and business partners all over
the world a uniform and detailed
overview of all information relating to
the location and status of their goods in
the supply chain. Data from the Kuehne
+ Nagel operational system for sea, air,
land transport and the contract logistics
field is linked via interfaces to KN
Login, allowing continuous monitoring
of the shipments, orders and articles via
the Internet. The documents belonging
to each shipment can be viewed electronically and easily shared if required.
All participants in the supply chain or
procurement process can be linked via
KN Login, which greatly simplifies collaboration in the logistics process.
As a result of the clear visibility and
interaction with the customer’s supply
chain in KN Login, the system is simple
to handle for all users. For instance, customers can access all important order
and shipment data according to various
criteria, using their own references such
as order, product, and invoice numbers
or shipment references. Individual users
can be given access rights based on
their area of responsibility. If required,
data interchange with the customer’s
operational system can easily be set up.
Many customers also take advantage of
the possibility of using KN Login to
automatically monitor their supply and
logistics processes. When important
process steps are reached, or in the
event of potential or actual service disruptions, the appropriate persons are
automatically informed by e-mail, which
eliminates the need to continuously
monitor the progress of individual shipments or products. This shortens the
response time of the customers, facilitates decision making in the event of
disruptions, and prevents complaints
and costs related to the delayed receipt
of information and products.
KN Login also includes powerful and
easy-to-use functions for the creation of
statistics and analyses. These reporting
tools offer a wide range of possible
applications for monitoring, performance measurement and continuous optimisation of complex logistics solutions.
KN Login provides customers with a
quick overview of their consignments,
shipments and orders in the various
processes including upcoming shipment
departures and arrivals.
The modules of the information management system can be combined and
are activated according to the needs of
the individual customer or user. This
makes KN Login into a precisely-tailored
solution that can be extended at any
time and provides customers with a
wide range of possibilities for optimising their supply chains.
In addition to the basic KN Login modules for order and shipment monitoring,
Kuehne + Nagel also offers special solutions to cover the requirements of specific branches of trade and industry. For
instance, a growing number of customers entrust Kuehne + Nagel with
monitoring their suppliers with regard
to production and order fulfilment status. This order management process,
which often takes place many months
before the actual shipment, has an enormous influence on the reliability of the
supply chain. Configured to customerspecific requirements, KN Login supports these monitoring activities with a
high degree of efficiency.
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
WORLD NO. 2/2009
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Virgin Megastore
streamlines its logistics
With 36 sales outlets and a
workforce of 1,200 Virgin Megastore is one of France’s leading
chains of entertainment and
lifestyle stores. Under a comprehensive plan to centralise and increase the efficiency of its order and inventory management and logistics processes, in June the
company concluded a five-year contract with Kuehne +
Nagel for the management of its central warehouse and
distribution to the megastores all over the country. In
total, Virgin Megastore will invest some 30 million
euros in this plan to optimise its supply chain and centralise over 60 per cent of its product flows.
As the exclusive logistics partner of Virgin Megastore,
on approximately 8,000 sqm of its distribution centre in
Bondoufle to the south of Paris, Kuehne + Nagel will
manage warehousing and handling of 30,000 stockkeeping units from goods categories such as gift packages, DVDs, video games, consoles, electronics and merchandising products. Books and music are the only product ranges that will continue to be replenished by the
Virgin Megastore expects the partnership with Kuehne +
Nagel to bring marked efficiency improvements in warehousing and distribution, synergies in data capture, and
better tracking and tracing capabilities – in other words
process improvements that will benefit its own stores, its
commercial offering and ultimately also the customers.
Award-winning Stock’n’Roll
The international logistics team of the
world-famous restaurant and hotel chain
Hard Rock International honoured the
Kuehne + Nagel distribution centre in
Louisville (Kentucky, USA) in July with its inaugural Rockin’ &
Stockin’ Award. The quarterly award – an electric guitar emblazoned with the Hard Rock and Kuehne + Nagel logos – will be
presented to the distribution centre with the highest overall performance and will now travel between the five Kuehne + Nagel
distribution centres, depending on which staff wins for the
Tony Paladino, Hard Rock’s Director of Logistics and Distribution, said, “The Louisville team has set the bar for dedication and
excellence. Its vendor compliance program success is off the
scale and the staff continuously looks for ways to improve operating procedures.”
The group, which was founded in 1970, now operates 152 establishments in 52 countries, including 126 of the famous Hard
Rock Cafes and a number of hotels and casinos. With 70,000
items, the company has the world’s biggest collection of musical
memorabilia (such as instruments, stage costumes, gold records
and historical original photos of musicians and show stars),
which hang in its bars, cafes and restaurants.
In 2004 Hard Rock International outsourced distribution of
music-related products, collectibles and fashion merchandise to
Kuehne + Nagel. The logistics provider now handles more than
200,000 individual items and 36,000 packages daily in its distribution centres for Hard Rock.
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Shoes for a better
chance in life
According to a simple “one for one” principle, for every pair
of shoes sold, the Californian TOMS Shoes company gives
a pair of new shoes to a child in need somewhere around
the world. Kuehne + Nagel ensures that the footwear gets
to its various destinations
Food, clean water,
shelter, medical care
and education are
only a few of the
needs that
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . basic
come to mind when one thinks about a
child living in a developing country.
Good shoes are hardly at the top of the
list, because one easily forgets that children in many of these countries often
have to walk long distances to meet the
challenges of everyday life. Barefoot,
this is even more difficult and in some
places even impossible.
Shoes make the children’s way easier
and protect them from injuries, infections and parasites, the main cause of
disease in many parts of the world. In
addition, many children cannot attend
school barefoot because shoes are a
required part of their uniform. Many
people may take shoes for granted, but
more than half the world’s population
lives in conditions where they are only a
luxury item.
When Blake Mycoskie, an American,
was travelling in Argentina three years
ago, he came across a group of schoolchildren without shoes and resolved to
change this situation. In Santa Monica,
California, he established the firm of
TOMS Shoes, which distributes shoes
according to a clear philanthropic con-
cept: with every pair purchased, TOMS
gives a pair of new shoes to a child in
need – one for one. Based on a sustainable, self-supporting business plan,
TOMS is able to achieve this aim without relying on charity.
For the worldwide transport of its products, both in actual sales and in the distribution of the donated shoes, TOMS
Shoes relies on Kuehne + Nagel. “With
its global network which also works well
in developing countries, Kuehne +
Nagel helps us to handle our growing
transportation volume in an efficient
manner,” says Jonathan Jung, TOMS
Shoes Vice President Operations. “The
logistics provider develops new transportation channels, whereas other
providers offer a limited and expensive
KN Login, Kuehne + Nagel’s Internetbased information and management
system (see article on page 24), is a
great help in enabling TOMS Shoes to
realise their full potential. “Kuehne +
Nagel’s online portal has helped map
out schedules for products arriving in an
easy way with high visibility into each
step of the process for freight and customs,” Jung continued. “Their handling
of the new U.S. Import ISF requirements
has also been very helpful and easy to
Since the start in 2006, TOMS Shoes has
already given over 150,000 pairs of new
shoes to children in countries such as
Argentina, South Africa, Ethiopia and
even the United States. With the projected number of 300,000 additional pairs
in 2009, Kuehne + Nagel will become a
vital part of their “one for one” philosophy. “As a Kuehne + Nagel representative, being a part of TOMS Shoes gives
me a sense of significance, knowing our
service can help children in underdeveloped areas improve their chances for a
better life,” says Dennis Wong, Account
Executive for TOMS Shoes at Kuehne +
Nagel in Los Angeles.
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
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New logistics centre for
Audi Volkswagen Korea
Audi Volkswagen recently entered into a strategic partnership with Kuehne + Nagel for its warehouse management
and parts distribution in Korea. In April, the two companies
laid the foundation stone for a new warehouse close to the
port of Incheon. The modern, purpose-built facility, which
already went into operation in September 2009, is located
north-west of Seoul and 40 kilometres south of Incheon
International Airport. The location was chosen because of
its ease of access and excellent infrastructure. The logistics
centre provides 4,500 sqm of dedicated warehouse space
for 20,000 stock-keeping units of Audi Volkswagen and has
expansion possibilities for a further 2,000 sqm.
Under a three-year service contract, Kuehne + Nagel will
be handling Audi Volkswagen spare parts for the Korean
after-sales market, performing a range of activities including
receiving, picking and packing, handling of dangerous
goods and distribution to Audi Volkswagen dealers throughout the country. A key factor for the award of the contract
to Kuehne + Nagel was its commitment to constructing a
brand-new state-of-the-art logistics centre in Korea.
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
WORLD NO. 2/2009
“Best project logistics
provider in Asia”
At this year’s presentation of the Asian Freight & Supply
Chain Awards in Hong Kong, Kuehne + Nagel was distinguished with the prize for the “Best Logistics Provider
Project Cargo 2009”.
The awards conferred by the influential industry publication Cargonews Asia are among the most coveted in the
Far Eastern logistics sector. Its readers selected Kuehne +
Nagel for having repeatedly demonstrated its innovation
and flexibility in project management – as, for instance,
it recently did in Vietnam.
Kuehne + Nagel’s well established network of branches
with project specialists all over the Asia-Pacific region and
in the rest of the world analyses risk and liability questions
for its customers and advises them on matters relating
to legal requirements, local rules and issues relating to
customs and insurance. On the basis of its many years of
project experience, the logistics provider offers successful
market solutions that combine efficiency, quality and
reliability. Another factor for success is the standardised IT
platform which provides Kuehne + Nagel and its customers
with a web-based worldwide communication system in real
Joerg Bull, Managing Director Hong Kong,
receives the prestigious award
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Heavy lift express in Vietnam
Last November, Kuehne + Nagel’s project
transport team in Vietnam had the task
of delivering an urgent consignment in
the heavy category. The Vietnamese
subsidiary of Air Liquide, the world’s
leaders in industrial and medical gases
and related services, chose the company
to transport an oversized gas tank
weighing 105 tonnes from Tianjin in
China to Ho Chi Minh City as quickly as
Whereas shipment from the port of
Tianjin to Vietnam presented no major
problems for the world’s number one in
seafreight forwarding, the tricky part
lay in the on-carriage of the tank from
the docks in Ho Chi Minh City to the
final project site at Saigon Hi-Tech
Park. As a first obstacle, the gas tank
was too heavy for the shore crane at
Tianjin Port to load, so that a 700tonne floating crane had to be hired
and transported to the loading site. A
careful survey of the infrastructure at
the destination showed that with its
dimensions of 35 x 4.5 x 4.5 meters the
cargo was simply too large to be carried
through the busy, narrow streets of
Vietnam’s biggest city.
Thanks to this outstanding logistics performance by all concerned, the gas tank
was delivered to the Saigon Hi-Tech
Park five days before the deadline. The
customer was delighted with this outcome.
Faced with this situation, the inventive
Kuehne + Nagel project team decided
to transport the tank to its final destination via the Saigon River. After clearing
customs in a record time of only one
day, the tank was loaded onto two turntables fixed on a multi-axle hydraulic
trailer on a barge which then carried it
up the river. A temporary jetty was
quickly constructed, fences which stood
in the way were removed and the cargo
was brought to land. Finally, the tank
was transported to the job site under
police escort, so as to avoid any interference from other traffic on the road.
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Logistics solutions for
Graco in Australia…
Graco Inc., one of the world’s leaders in fluid handling
systems and components, has awarded Kuehne + Nagel a
new five-year contract for integrated logistics services for
its Australian operations. Kuehne + Nagel is responsible for
providing comprehensive services to support Graco’s entire
product portfolio of around 2,600 items to move, measure,
control, dispense and spray a wide range of fluids and
viscous materials used in lubrication, commercial, and
industrial and construction. These services include international transport by sea and air, import customs clearance,
storage, inventory management and distribution to Graco’s
customers throughout Australia.
In addition, Kuehne + Nagel is rendering a series of valueadded services including labelling, reverse logistics and
repacking. All warehouse processes are supported by
Kuehne + Nagel’s state-of-the-art information and warehouse management systems such as KN Login (see article
on page 24) to guarantee complete visibility along
Graco’s supply chain on a real-time basis.
… and for Benetton in Russia
In September the Italian fashion company Benetton chose Kuehne + Nagel to
provide integrated logistics services for
its expanding domestic retail operations in Russia. The comprehensive service offered by Kuehne + Nagel to one of
the world’s premier manufacturers of
casual clothing, footwear and accessories ranges from forwarding of merchandise to Russia by road and air,
import customs clearance, storage and
order deliveries to the Italian brand’s
more than 150 shops throughout the
country. In addition Kuehne + Nagel is
responsible for the provision of a series
of value-added services.
“As one of the leading fashion retailers,
we require a capable logistics provider
with industry know-how and experience
in Russia,” said Valter De Santis, Global
Head of Logistics for the Benetton
group. “Kuehne + Nagel has proved
itself to be our trusted partner for ongoing growth in this important country.”
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Car spares logistics
for Stuttgart area
As part of a new distribution strategy of the car
maker BMW, since May 2009 Kuehne + Nagel has
operated a modern distribution centre in Gaertringen
for the company’s dealer network in the Stuttgart
The BMW dealers in this city region were formerly
supplied with parts and accessories by a simple
overnight service from the distribution centres in
Strasbourg and Dingolfingen. In addition, the new
Dealer Metropolitan Distribution Centre now enables
up to four additional deliveries per day to be made
in the Stuttgart area and one daily delivery to more
distant locations. The DMDC concept allows BMW
to further increase the efficiency of its supply service
and supports dealers to expand their trade in spare
parts with independent repair shops.
Kuehne + Nagel’s multi-user facility in Gaertringen is
an ideal base for these operations. Under the six-year
logistics contract, Kuehne + Nagel manages a logistics warehouse for BMW with an area of 3,200 sqm
and capacity for roughly 15,000 stock-keeping units.
There is scope for an expansion of the facility to
6,000 sqm. In addition to inventory management
using BMW’s own stock control system, the services
provided under the contract include the control of
the goods receipt process, the handling of cross-dock
orders, and the order picking, packing and supply
of BMW parts and accessories.
Packing artists
do the impossible
The packing experts of Cargopack, a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Kuehne + Nagel, succeeded in doing the impossible on an
urgent “special mission” in Costa Rica at the beginning of the
year. One of the world’s leading suppliers to the automobile
industry had entrusted Kuehne + Nagel with the task of transporting a large production plant with a total volume of 250 sea
crates back to Germany from the Central American country. A
special challenge was the packing of the plant, which had to be
completed within six weeks to the highest quality standards –
and this with only ten days’ prior notice in a country with no
packing industry or corresponding infrastructure of its own. Cargopack, a specialist in packing for the worldwide transport of complete plants, was the only provider from North America and
Europe who was prepared to take on this Herculean job.
So in mid-January eight of its experts from Germany set off for
Costa Rica equipped with all the packing material and equipment they needed – such as wooden crate parts, transport floors,
anti-corrosion products, screws, tools, an electric generator and a
compressor. On site they had to work to a tight time schedule
and under clean-room conditions, conforming to the customer’s
specific packaging requirements and closely monitoring external
influences such as moisture, unwanted light exposure and temperature variations. By their outstanding efforts, the Cargopack
experts completed the job within the narrow time window and
safely handed over the sensitive plant to their colleagues from
Kuehne + Nagel, who then handled its shipment to Hamburg
and its overland transport through Germany. It arrived punctually
and in perfect condition at its destination in Nuremberg and the
customer was fully satisfied with the complete service that had
been provided.
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
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The success of logistics
depends on people
Since 2008 the Kuehne Foundation has financed the Chair
of Logistics Management at the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology Zurich (ETH). Its head, Prof. Dr. Stephan M. Wagner,
believes that modern logistics professionals must permanently
deepen and renew their knowledge in order to master the
growing challenges of this dynamic industry
When I present the ETH Zurich, I like to
mention the pioneering scientist who
held a professorship of theoretical
physics there from 1912 to 1914. The relativity theory is concerned with the
structure of space and time. In logistics
too, space and time are important factors for the achievement of customer satisfaction. But in addition to the global
Prof. Dr. Stephan M. Wagner
Before taking over the Chair of Logistics Management at the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology Zurich (ETH), Stephan M. Wagner (39) was on the staff of the WHU – Otto
Beisheim School of Management. Prior to that, he worked for ten years in private industry
as head of supply chain management in a Swiss technology company and as senior manager
for a leading international business consultancy. He has an MBA from Washington State
University, a doctorate and a habilitation degree from the University of St. Gallen, and is
author of ten books and countless articles on subjects such as supply chain management,
procurement and supplier management, innovation in the supply chain and the management of logistics providers. His latest book Managing Risk and Security – The Safeguard of
Long-Term Success for Logistics Service Providers – has just been published.
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
WORLD NO. 2/2009
Professor Wagner, you are the head
of an institute at the university
where Albert Einstein once taught.
Is modern logistics as complicated
as the theory of relativity?
geographical coverage and reliable
delivery which customers expect, the
range of services and costs also play a
decisive role. If we look at modern logistics networks and logistics services,
these are undoubtedly very complex.
Their organisation and optimisation
require scientific methods and practical
experience in equal measure.
Are the leading universities now sufficiently active in the provision of
logistics training? How important
are private sponsorships such as
that of the Kuehne Foundation?
The success of logistics ultimately depends
on the people who design and implement it. In this connection the staff in
logistics companies must constantly
deepen and renew their professional
knowledge. A number of universities now
provide a good basic training in logistics
and related subjects. But when it comes
to the training of managers, the field is
much narrower. Here, privately-operated
and supported further training schemes
can make a valuable contribution.
When the economy is going through
a difficult period, many companies
show a greater interest in outsourcing their supply chain. What are the
crucial factors for the success of
such strategies?
We now see companies resorting to both
outsourcing and insourcing. The aim of
outsourcing is to reduce costs, while
insourcing is intended to make greater
use of free capacity within the organisation and thus avoid staff cuts. As is so
often the case, the success of such
strategies depends on a well thoughtout plan and its consistent implementation.
Who sets the trends in today’s
logistics: shippers, logistics providers
or politics?
Before the crisis I would have said the
shippers set both tone and tempo.
They adopted a bolder approach to the
outsourcing of logistics services and
were willing to adopt new pathways.
However, new and innovative solutions
have always developed at the interface
between the service provider and shipper. The political sphere undoubtedly
wields a great deal of power, creates
new operational conditions and intervenes in a regulatory manner. Here we
need think only of the reduction of
vehicle CO2 emissions.
What are the most important developments that will affect the transport and logistics industry in the
next five years?
As in the past, in the next five years we
shall see both big and small changes.
Telematics, for instance, still has an
enormous potential for achieving cost
reductions, lowering pollutant emis-
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sions and securing supply chains.
Companies will take a more critical
view of the globalisation of their distribution and value creation activities,
and will no longer pursue globalisation “at any price”. And the crisis –
however long it continues – will
change the competitive landscape.
Some companies will emerge stronger
from it and will be able to take advantage of new market opportunities,
while others will disappear from the
How will the global logistics market look after the end of the present economic crisis?
I think there will be a shakeout. Particularly in contract logistics, the survival
of a logistics provider will be decided
by its financial strength. When the
waves of the crisis have subsided,
everyone will probably be setting their
sights somewhat lower.
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Magic Flute
from down under
The numerous shareholders who
travelled to Schindellegi to attend
this year’s Annual General Meeting
of Kuehne + Nagel International AG
were able to enjoy a very special
agenda item after the conclusion of
the meeting. This was a performance
of Mozart’s Magic Flute staged by the
Co-Opera Company from Australia,
for which the audience showed its
appreciation with generous applause.
Since 1990 this group of 24 actors
and singers has travelled all over the
Australian continent to bring operatic
art to remote places that are far from
city opera houses and concert halls.
This notable artistic engagement has
received substantial support from the
Kuehne Foundation. On its first European tour, with its easily transportable
orchestra reduced to a piano, a string
quartet and a wind quintet together
with a collapsible stage set, the troupe
performed for a total of two days as
guests in the “Swiss outback”.
KUEHNE + NAGEL . . . . . . .
WORLD NO. 2/2009
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Kuehne Foundation
supports interdisciplinary
centre for allergy research
In the presence of prominent guests from the fields of medicine, research, education and politics, the Christine KuehneCentre for Allergy Research and Education (CK-CARE) has
been ceremonially opened in Davos, Switzerland. The aim of
the project, which will receive support totalling 20 million
Swiss francs from the Kuehne Foundation over the next five
years, is to bring about a substantial improvement in
research, treatment and prevention in the field of allergy
The project is named after its initiator,
Christine Kuehne, member of the foundation’s board of trustees and wife of its
donor Prof. Dr. h.c. Klaus-Michael Kuehne,
who comments as follows on the engagement: “Now that allergies affect one child
in four and generate costs to the economy in excess of 100 billion euros, allergic
diseases must no longer be trivialised. By
our sponsorship of the research network,
we should like to bring a cure for these
diseases a large step nearer.”
On the initiative of Christine Kuehne,
with the support of the foundation an
advisory unit for neurodermatitis patients
was already established in 2004 at the
Children’s Hospital of the Zurich University Clinics. In the space of four years this
has already gained a good reputation as
a centre for allergy research. CK-CARE,
the further development of this project, is
the second largest scheme ever to be
sponsored by the Kuehne Foundation
after the Kuehne School in Hamburg, and
so far the most important in Switzerland.
It can rightly claim to be the world’s
largest privately-sponsored institute for
allergy research.
In the research network supported by CKCARE, over the next five years professors
from the fields of allergology, immunology, dermatology, paediatrics and basic
medical research will be active in four
locations: in the High Altitude Clinic and
the Swiss Institute for Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF) in Davos, the Zurich
Children’s Hospital and the Technical
University Munich.
According to Prof. Heidrun Behrendt,
spokeswoman of CK-CARE, the support
Joining forces for allergy research (from the left): PD Dr. med. Roger Lauener, Prof. Dr. med. Cezmi Akdis, Karl Gernandt (member of the
CK-CARE board of directors), Christine und Klaus-Michael Kuehne, Prof. Dr. med. Heidrun Behrendt, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Johannes Ring
and Dr. Joerg Draeger (chairman of the CK-CARE board of directors)
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given by the Kuehne Foundation “enables
a dream to come true. For the first time,
prominent scientists from various fields of
allergy research will combine their capacities, strengths and results and place
them at the disposal of other scientists
and affected persons. Only such a union
provides a sound basis for excellent
research and can initiate the urgently
needed optimisation of training and
further training in the field of allergy at
medical schools.”
Education and further training is the second core activity of CK-CARE, with the
aim of making the latest knowledge
about allergies and their prevention available to a broader public and helping to
bridge the gap, which is still too wide,
between theoretical progress and practical possibilities. New research findings
will immediately be made available to
doctors treating the relevant conditions
as well as to students and affected persons. The organisation will not only propagate facts, scientific method and a culture of thinking, but above all will also
promote understanding for the needs
of allergy sufferers and other affected
Opening of Harbour Front Literature Festival
For both logistics and literature, creativity and variety are essential factors. It is this common feature that motivated the KlausMichael Kuehne Foundation, together with the cultural authority of the city of Hamburg, to create the Harbour Front Literature
Festival. The aim of the project is to hold a major international
book festival annually in the Hanseatic city. From September 9
to 19, some 90 German and international authors presented
themselves to an interested audience in various locations
against the background of the port.
One of the venues was the German head office of Kuehne +
Nagel in the HafenCity, where Klaus-Michael Kuehne was able
to welcome his former schoolmate, the well-known German poet
and singer-songwriter Wolf Biermann, at a reading of his work.
Three other events on the festival programme took place at the
same location: a lecture by Dr. Sabine Schulz on the subject “Disaster relief logistics – 8 years after 9/11” and a discussion with
the documentary author Dr. Birte Graefing entitled “The change
of labour in the ports – from the billhook to the container” moderated by the journalist Dr. Reimer Eilers, who also presented
extracts from his own book Das neue Tor zur Welt – 40 Jahre
Container (“The new gateway to the world – 40 years of the container”). Finally, a press discussion on the subject “What is the
common future of China and Germany?” brought the authors
and China experts Lars Amenda, Petra Haering, Yu Chien Kuan
and Juergen Bertram as well as the moderator Hans-Hermann
Klare together at the discussion table.
Former schoolmates meet at the festival opening: main supporter
Klaus-Michael Kuehne and singer-songwriter Wolf Biermann
The Klaus-Michael Kuehne Foundation was established in Hamburg in 2008 as a complement to the Swiss Kuehne Foundation.
It focuses its support on the fields of art, culture and the preservation of monuments and historical buildings, science, research
and vocational training in Germany. The Harbour Front Literature Festival is the first major project it has sponsored.
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