Naylor Creek Hosta catalog 2016
Naylor Creek Hosta catalog 2016
Naylor Creek Hosta catalog during the season 2016 Welcome to Naylor Creek Nursery’s 2016 mail order catalog of hostas and arisaemas! We survived our first year without a print catalog which we know made some of you pretty unhappy…we also miss it but do not miss the work and time it took to prepare, print and mail it. Always remember there is pdf file button on the homepage that will allow you to print the website in a nice usable form. If you can’t do it there may be a family member or friend that will do it for you. Last resort, ask us and we will do it with minimal complaining. We cannot accommodate visitors to the nursery as we two are the only workers and time is always short. Please use the website, email or telephone to meet your hosta needs. Again this year there are many new hosta introductions so we must continue to trim our list to the number of plants the nursery can hold and we can successfully grow...many older varieties will no longer be available. We are working with a tremendous group of great hybridizers so look for new and exciting introductions from the US and Europe. We continue to grow mostly tissue-cultured hostas as this allows us to bring production to market at a reasonable price and maintain adequate supplies. Also, tissue-culture aids in the attempt to assure we are providing disease free plants. We, and our suppliers, are testing old and new plant stocks on a regular basis in the hope of accomplishing this goal. Please note the 'Hosta Introductions 2016' listings as these are new AND returning hostas and some of the plants will often be smaller. Our growing season commences early and we can normally ship from midMarch through September without interruption. Arisaema (Jack in the Pulpits) selections are still available but we are cataloging fewer than in previous years. Happy Gardening in 2016...Gary & Jack Note: Size abbreviations used in the catalog are: [mini]=dwarf 3-6 inch [S]=small 6-12 inch [M]=medium 1224 inch [L]=large 24-36 inch Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Abby Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Abby Vigorous sport from H. 'Gold Drop' with round green leaves framed by a yellow border that becomes more distinct with the season' progression. Forms a nice flat mound and makes a great edger. Good substance. Ruh $ 8.00 lavender S Hosta Abiqua Drinking Gourd Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Abiqua Drinking Gourd Large "blue" with very round and puckered leaves that are deeply cupped...probably the most deeply cupped of any hosta. It got it's name because the hybridizer's dog could drink from it on a rainy day. Great substance. Walden West $ 10.00 near white L Hosta Abiqua Elephant Ears Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Abiqua Elephant Ears Very large green hosta with huge pointed leaves held in a semi-upright manner. Seedling from H. sieboldiana and developed in Oregon in the '90's. Leaves have good substance and deeply impressed veins. Impressive hosta! Walden West $ 15.00 pale lavender VL Hosta Abiqua Moonbeam Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Abiqua Moonbeam A sport of H. 'August Moon' and every bit as nice as the parent...leaves have wide gold margins surrounding a blue-green center and are topped with lavender fowers. Great substance on a vigorous grower that clumps up fast. Walden West $ 9.00 lavender L Hosta Academy Verdant Verge Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Academy Verdant Verge Very vigorous and works great as an pollinated seedling of H. ‘Yakushima Mizu’ that forms a tight hemispherical green clump about 12-14" across. Chamberlain $ 14.00 lavender S Page 1 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Adorable Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Adorable Shiny yellow leaves are surrounded by a variable wide dark green border on this new and popular sport from H. 'Royal Standard'. Good grower with fragrant white flowers. Van Hoorn Nurseries $ 15.00 white M Hosta Afterglow Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Afterglow Beautiful sport from H. 'Climax' with a very wide yellow border surrounding a green center...promises to be a stunner when mature. Vigorous grower with great substance and the appearance holds up all season. Walters Gardens $ 15.00 lavender L Hosta Alakazaam Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Alakazaam Great mini with H. ‘Atom Smasher’ genes...beautiful green leaves framed by a "ruffled" creamy-white border are electrifying and dance upward. Vigorous grower with good substance. Makes a nice edgertype clump or looks great in the front of the border. Livingston $ 10.00 lavender mini Hosta Allegan Fog Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Allegan Fog (NEW in 2016) Unique, shiny green leaves have leaf centers of a misty green and white variegation. Topped with lavender flowers. Vigorous grower that makes a dense clump with good substance. Herrema $ 11.00 lavender M Hosta Alligator Alley Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Alligator Alley Rapidly makes a medium to large sized clump of coarsely textured bluish-green leaves with a greenish-yellow center. Leaves are heartshaped and show lots of puckering...great substance. Walters Gardens $ 14.00 lavender M/L Page 2 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Almost Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Almost Shiny green leaves held on very red petioles with the red stretching almost halfway into the center of the leaf...about as far as we have seen on any hosta with red petioles. Wrede $ 18.50 lavender M Hosta Amalia Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Amalia (NEW in 2016) (formerly 'Princess Amalia')New variegated sport of H. ‘Dancing Queen’ really stands out...beautiful ruffled chartreuse-yellow leaves have a dark green border that streaks to the center. Lavender flowers. Van den Top $ 25.00 lavender M Hosta Ambrosia PPAF Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Ambrosia PPAF Bob says this sport of H. ''Guacamole'' is "close to perfect"! Yellowishgreen leaves have a blue-green margin and the leaves are covered with a grayish-misty layer. Plant it in a bright spot where it gets good light and enjoy the fragrant flowers. Solberg $ 25.00 lavender L Hosta American Halo Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: American Halo Large blue leaves are nice and thick and surrounded by a wide creamy-white margin. Vigorous grower that clumps up fast and has good pest resistance. White flowers on this very nice hosta. Van Wade $ 12.00 white L Hosta American Hero Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: American Hero Heavy substance...wide dark green borders surround a white center with green flecks. The leaves twist somewhat and make a dense clump topped with lavender flowers. Proving to be a vigorous grower. Walters Gardens $ 12.50 lavender M Page 3 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Amos Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Amos Makes a huge clump of very large rounded blue leaves the size of giant platters that are held in an upright fashion. Tremendous substance and good corrugation. We've all waited a long time for this one. Petryszyn/Cauffman $ 20.00 lavender VL Hosta Andorian Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Andorian Nice blue from Belgium...forms a dense clump of intensely blue-green leaves that are somewhat "folded" and have a wavy margin. The symmetrical clump is topped with lavender flowers and has proven to be fertile. Dupre $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Andrew Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Andrew Variegated sport of H. ‘Blue Mammoth’...thick blue leaves have a beautiful white center. Color contrast is dramatic and the clump is truly beautiful. This one grows slowly but steadily and will usually "leap" the 3rd to 4th year. Hansen $ 18.00 lavender L Hosta Angel Falls Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Angel Falls (NEW in 2016) Reverse variegated ‘Bridal Falls’ PPAF...margins will get to 2" wide and a third color develops between the margin and center. Arching foliage with a deep pie-crust margin and a leaf center that becomes white later in the season makes plenty of interest. Walters Gardens $ 18.00 lavender L Hosta Ann Kulpa Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Ann Kulpa Leaf centers emerge yellow and change to creamy-white by mid season...wide dark green margin shows some puckering. Vigorous grower with good substance and makes a dense clump. Kulpa $ 9.00 lavender M Page 4 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Annabel Lee Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Annabel Lee This fast grower makes a dense clump of very crinkled leaves, emerges a day-glo yellow, soon develops a light blue bloom over bright pale green. Red on the petioles topped with masses of scapes densely blooming in purple. Leaf texture and color are a distinctly unique. Fertile. Scheer $ 18.00 purple M Hosta Apple Candy Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Apple Candy An interesting sport of H. ‘June Fever’...this one has soft green leaves with a yellow border that turn yellow with a white border. Very bright shiny, thick leaves hold up well. Lavender flowers. Van den Top $ 18.00 lavender M Hosta Arc de Triomphe Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Arc de Triomphe Large heart-shaped green leaves have a variable yellow border that does become white by the end of the season. Substance is good and leaf margins are quite wavy...topped with lavender flowers. Elslager $ 10.00 lavender M Hosta Arch Duke Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Arch Duke Very large gray-green leaves sport a powdery white back. One of a few very very large hostas so give this one a prime spot. Pale lavender flowers. Lydell $ 18.00 pale lavender VL Hosta Aristocrat Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Aristocrat Powder-blue leaves surrounded with a creamy-yellow to white margin. Very attractive hosta with good substance that holds up well all season. Can be slow growing but worth the wait. Walters Gardens $ 10.00 lavender M Page 5 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Astral Bliss Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Astral Bliss Intense blue-green leaves are held upright and create a low mound (12") with lots of "flare". Pointed leaves arrange themselves in a layered star-pattern and are folded and wavy. Lavender flowers in August. Dean $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta Atomic Elvis Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Atomic Elvis Cross between ‘Atom Smasher’ and ‘Elvis Lives’ with some of the best traits of each parent. Long narrow blue-green leaves create a dense medium-sized clump. The leaves have a long tip with a slight twist.. A vigorous grower that will be topped with lavender flowers. Livingston $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Autumn Frost Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Autumn Frost Sport from H. ‘First Frost’...very wide creamy-yellow border (turns white late in the season) surrounds a blue-green center. Good grower and lavender flowers. We feel this is one of the best hostas for any garden! Outstanding plant! Walters Gardens $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta Baby Booties Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Baby Booties Small, heart-shaped green leaves with a white border make a nice compact clump...looks good and grows well. Beilstein $ 15.00 purple mini Hosta Baby Doll Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Baby Doll A beautiful little sport of H. ‘Blue Cadet’ with round blue-green leaves that have a dark yellow center...looks like a miniature H. ‘June’. Great substance and topped with lavender flowers midsummer. Van Eechaute $ 20.00 lavender mini/S Page 6 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Bachelor Party Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Bachelor Party Very nice sport from H. 'Bridegroom'...bright green leaves are held upright and twist upward showing off the white border. Very attractive and really stands out. Q&Z Nursery $ 15.00 purple S Hosta Bam Bam Blue Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Bam Bam Blue One of the nicest "blues" we have seen...very blue and very corrugated dinner-sized leaves display some cupping and even a little waviness. Forms an upright clump and holds it's color late. White flowers appear in late June. Schulz $ 15.00 white L Hosta Band of Gold Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Band of Gold Good grower and great substance on large heart-shaped dark green leaves with a wide yellow border that later fades to white. Beautiful white flowers appear in midsummer. Elslager $ 10.00 white L Hosta Barbara Ann Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Barbara Ann An ‘Elegans’ sport...beautiful wide white border surrounds a nicely rounded and corrugated blue leaf with great substance. Forms a tight clump and does best in filtered light. Topped with white flowers. Muntons Microplants $ 12.00 white L Hosta Bashful Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Bashful Open pollinated seedling from H. ‘Blue Cadet’...leaves come up in spring a creamy color mottled with green. The green slowly becomes more prominent but newer flushes will be lighter and misted. Small clump with white flowers . Sisson $ 14.00 white S Page 7 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Battle Star Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Battle Star Heart-shaped blue-green leaves are somewhat shiny and framed with a good yellow border that has a little waviness. Great substance with slight cupping and clump will be topped with lavender flowers midsummer. Goodwin $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Beach Boy Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Beach Boy A new sport from H. ‘Dream Weaver’ with a wide yellow to cream center and a blue green border. Looks something like H. ‘Great Expectations’ but the leaf is much thicker and it grows much better. White flowers. Heemskerk $ 14.00 white M Hosta Beckoning Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Beckoning Gold leaves framed by a wide blue-green border and topped with white flowers. Gold color arrives fairly late in the season. Saville $ 16.00 white L Hosta Bedazzled Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Bedazzled Small clump of blue-green leaves framed by a wide yellow-gold border. Great substance and some cupping on slightly corrugated leaves. Topped with lavender flowers midsummer. Dean $ 12.00 lavender S Hosta Bedford Blue Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Bedford Blue Unique blue from Europe...a cross between H. hypoleuca and H. ‘Halcyon’ with beautiful, pointed, chalky blue leaves that are large and topped with lavender flowers. Chrystal $ 12.00 lavender M Page 8 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Bedford Rise and Shine Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Bedford Rise and Shine (NEW in 2016) Great smaller introduction from Great Britain with thick, shiny green leaves framed by a nice creamy-white border. Proving to be quite vigorous...topped with lavender-purple flowers Chrystal/Bond $ 10.00 lavender S Hosta Beet Salad Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Beet Salad (NEW in 2016) Unique hosta from Bob Solberg with beet red petioles and beet red scapes topped with purple flowers. It also has a very thin red border on the leaf in spring. Fertile and does pass on the red genes Solberg $ 18.00 lavender M Hosta Ben Vernooij Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Ben Vernooij Very striking and fully tetraploid form of H. ‘First Frost’...unbelievably thick blue leaves have a very wide feathered, creamy-yellow border. Large lavender flowers. Fransen/Vernooij $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta Best of Twenty Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Best of Twenty Heart shaped blue-green leaves with extremely intense purplish-red petioles and flower scapes. This "Benedict" plant is finally available after many years. Lavender-purple flowers . Benedict $ 20.00 lavender M Hosta Beyond Glory PPAF Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Beyond Glory PPAF (NEW in 2016) Beautiful new sport of 'Old Glory' with a very wide dark green border...almost 3" wide. Beautiful hosta and should prove to be very garden worthy. Walters Gardens $ 18.00 lavender M Page 9 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Big Daddy Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Big Daddy Chalky-blue leaves are rounded, cupped and puckered...white flowers in late spring. Aden $ 10.00 white L Hosta Black Beauty Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Black Beauty (NEW in 2016) Makes an elegant clump of thick dark green leaves with ruffled edges,..hybrid of 'Green Piecrust'. Carpenter $ 12.50 lavender L Hosta Black Foot Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Black Foot (NEW in 2016) Bright yellow-gold foliage--almost electric in the spring...leaves are spoon-shaped and have very dark petioles. Plant is very vigorous and dark lavender flowers make it a stunner Zyberk/Solberg $ 12.00 lavender S Hosta Blarney Stone Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blarney Stone "Solid as a rock"...extra-large, light Irish-green leaves are rounded and form an impressive domed clump. Lots of heavy corrugation creates a "pebbled" look and the color will lighten. Topped with near-white flowers. Goodenough $ 14.00 white L Hosta Blaze of Glory Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blaze of Glory A bright lemony-gold hosta that lights up in any garden...slightly wavy leaves are topped with near-white flowers in July. Great substance and vivid color make this a desirable specimen. Elslager $ 12.00 lavender M Page 10 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Blazing Saddles Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blazing Saddles Vigorous introduction with H. ‘Blue Umbrellas’ parentage...forms a huge clump of dark green leaves surrounded by a wide creamy-white margin. Lavender flowers appear in early summer. Avent $ 10.00 lavender M Hosta Blitz Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blitz (NEW in 2016) New sport from 'Sugar and Spice' and most likely a tetraploid...dark green leaf with a very wide creamy-yellow border. Leaf has a nice sheen and the plant is stunning. Flowers should be fragrant. Heemskerk $ 22.00 lavender M Hosta Blue Angel Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blue Angel Very large, blue-green leaves form a clump which commands attention...white flowers. Florence Shaw $ 10.00 white L Hosta Blue Cascade Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blue Cascade Dense, medium-sized mound of highly pie-crusted intensely blue leaves. The leaf tips twist outward creating the illusion of constant motion. Lavender flowers midsummer. Carlson $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta Blue Circle Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blue Circle Rounded to heart-shaped yellow leaves have a wide blue-green border on this sport of 'Blue Shadows'. Good substance and great appearance all season...topped with lavender flowers. Warmerdam $ 15.00 lavender M Page 11 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Blue Flame Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blue Flame Variegated sport of H. ‘Fragrant Blue’...heart-shaped leaves are bluegreen and framed by a variable yellow border. Topped with near-white flowers. Possibly the same as H. ‘Secret Love’. Naylor Creek Nursery $ 10.00 white M Hosta Blue Hawaii Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blue Hawaii Vigorous blue hosta with an upright habit that can reach 30" tall. Leaves are nicely corrugated, but flat, and hold their color well throughout the season. Topped with pure white flowers. Petryszyn $ 10.00 white L Hosta Blue Ivory Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blue Ivory Very showy sport of H. 'Halcyon' with thick blue leaves framed by a very wide creamy-yellow border in spring that later turns to white. Topped with lavender flowers in mid summer. Meyer $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Blue Jay Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blue Jay (NEW in 2016) Nice small blue thatforms a dense clump of thick, solid blue leaves. In late May and June it is has intense blue color and is the perfect size to work into the front of the border. Benedict $ 12.00 lavender S Hosta Blue Monday Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blue Monday Little mound of heart-shaped blue leaves...smooth texture and topped with lavender flowers. Solberg $ 12.00 lavender S Page 12 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Blue Mouse Ears Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blue Mouse Ears Wonderful blue with very thick round leaves that form a tight mound. One of the best hostas and a great blue that will be topped lavender flowers midseason. Deckert $ 7.00 lavender mini/small Hosta Blue Wedgwood Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blue Wedgwood (NEW in 2016) Medium sized blue with heavy leaves that are shaped like a wedge...makes a compact clump that is topped with lavender flowers... Smith/BHHS $ 12.00 lavender S Hosta Blueberry Ala Mode Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blueberry Ala Mode Sport from H. ‘Abiqua Drinking Gourd’ with a variable white border that improves with age. Leaf still cups and the plant shows same great characteristics of the parent. Near white flowers. Strandberg $ 16.00 white M/L Hosta Blueberry Muffins Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blueberry Muffins (NEW in 2016) Large blue rounded leaves are held on reddish petioles. Very vigorous grower. Meyer $ 12.00 lavender L Hosta Blueberry Waffles Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blueberry Waffles (NEW in 2016) Huge, almost perfectly round, leaves are a deep blueberry color with lots of puckering and make an impressive mound...great specimen! Brown $ 20.00 near white VL Page 13 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Blushing Blue Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Blushing Blue Nice seedling from a cross of H. longipes hypoglauca and H. ‘Salute’...gray-green leaves come to a point and show a lot of red on the leaves that lasts for weeks. (similar looking to H. ‘Purple Haze’ but lasts much longer). van Elst $ 18.50 lavender M Hosta Bonfire Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Bonfire (NEW in 2016) This is the all green sport of H. 'Paradise Island'...beautiful thick leaves are held on red petioles and the red reaches far into the leaf blade. Fransen $ 12.50 lavender S Hosta Boracay Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Boracay Sport from H. ‘Captain Kirk’ that constantly changes as the season progresses. Leaves emerge green and in about 2 weeks develop a green edge with a shadowy yellow center. Next, the center turns dark green and the border becomes white...then, the center turns white. Finally, the whole leaf becomes white with a green line. Van den Top $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta Bounty Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Bounty (NEW in 2016) Tetraploid form of H. 'Lonesome Dove'...thick cupped leaves have a white center and a very wide blue-green border. This one will be a slow grower but will be worth the wait. $ 25.00 lavender S Hosta Boyz Toy Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Boyz Toy Named for us "boyz" at Naylor Creek...emerges bright chartreuse with pointy little red leaf tips. As the red fades, the slightly glossy leaves turn bright yellow. Scheer $ 12.00 lavender S Page 14 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Brentwood Blues Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Brentwood Blues A wonderful little sport of H. 'Rhythm and Blues' from Steve Watson of Brentwood, has bright white margins on blue-green leaves and topped with lavender flowers. Watson $ 16.00 lavender S Hosta Bridal Falls Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Bridal Falls Beautiful sport from H. ’Niagara Falls’...makes a large clump of dark green leaves with a wide creamy-white border that creates a "feathered" pattern on the leaf. The gentle pie-crusting makes for an elegant hosta topped with lavender flowers. A real eye catcher when mature with good veination. Lovely to behold!! Van den Top $ 14.00 lavender L Hosta Bridegroom Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Bridegroom Interesting small mound of upward twisted and pointed leaves with rippled margins are held on their petioles like no other hosta...a satiny sheen and dark green color add to the interest of the plant. Benedict $ 12.00 lavender S Hosta Bright Star Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Bright Star Another wonderful wide-edged hosta from Jan Van den Top...tetraploid sport of H. ‘Dark Star’. Narrow and thick blue-green leaves with a wide creamy-yellow margin that eventually turns white. Lavender flowers. Van den Top $ 15.00 lavender M Hosta Broadway Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Broadway Here’s a tetraploid of H. ‘Border Street’ from Danny...thick leathery dark green leaves have a broad creamy-white border. Near white flowers on a striking hosta that will perform well late into the year. Van Eechaute $ 16.00 white M Page 15 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Bronx Bomber Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Bronx Bomber Sport from H. ’Pinstripe Sister’...fairly large white leaves are framed with an irregular green border and where there is overlap a lighter green appears. Grows much better than most plants with this much white. Malloy $ 18.00 pale lavender M Hosta Brother Stefan Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Brother Stefan Outstanding yellow-gold leaves are framed by a wide medium green border...good substance and lots of corrugation. Topped with white flowers in midsummer. Petryszyn $ 14.00 white M/L Hosta Candy Dish Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Candy Dish Great plant with good substance...dark green color and lots of ruffles on a broad leaf held by purple petioles. Glass-like sheen and purple flowers create the complete package. Summers/Wrede $ 14.00 purple M Hosta Cape Cod Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Cape Cod Great hybrid by Rick Goodenough from H. ‘Sand Pebbles’...beautiful long wavy green leaves with a wide creamy-white border. Almost appears to be dancing. What a looker! Goodenough $ 20.00 lavender M Hosta Captain Kirk Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Captain Kirk H. ‘Gold Standard’ sport with a wider dark green margin and a gold center. Lavender flowers. Brill $ 12.00 lavender M Page 16 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Captain's Adventure Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Captain's Adventure Interesting sport from H. ‘Captain Kirk’ that goes through changes...greenish-yellow leaves with a border that turns white. The leaf center and border are divided by a green line. Topped with lavender flowers Heemskerk $ 15.00 lavender M Hosta Cathedral Windows PP17295 Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Cathedral Windows PP17295 Wonderful sport from H. ‘Stained Glass’...vigorous grower with heartshaped leaves have a glowing golden center between the very wide dark green border. Bright filtered light will give the best coloration. Near-white fragrant flowers top the clump in late summer. Hansen $ 12.50 near white M Hosta Celtic Bouquet Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Celtic Bouquet Dramatic glossy, heavily textured, rounded foliage makes a medium, flared mound and works to highlight it's neighbors. Red petioles are beneath the foliage, but the show is above the leaves. Black-purple scapes emerge in early July carrying red-purple bracts to compliment an abundance of large, bell-shaped medium-lavender flowers...a bouquet deserving of a vase. Dean $ 28.00 dark lavender L Hosta Celtic Dancer Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Celtic Dancer Upright clump with medium green leaves reaching upward have great substance and lots of ripples. Leaves twist toward the tip and are held on sturdy petioles that show some red. Lavender flowers. Dean $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta Celtic Uplands Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Celtic Uplands Deeply corrugated dark green leaves on red petioles form a vaseshaped clump. The sheen on the leaf and the spider-like flowers make the H. yingeri heritage quite evident. Dark lavender flowers that set viable seed. Dean $ 12.50 lavender M Page 17 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Center of Attention Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Center of Attention Many great attributes...good appearance, wonderful color, above average substance and rapid growth rate. Dark green leaves have a yellow-gold center that turns creamy-white and is topped with lavender flowers. Kulpa $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta Chain Lightning Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Chain Lightning Superb grower with thick gray-green leaves that have an irregular yellow to creamy-white center. Clump is topped with lavender flowers. Ward $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Chart Topper Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Chart Topper The all blue-green sport of H. 'Smash Hit'...good substance and lavender flowers. Possibly the same as H. 'Marmalade on Toast'. Q&Z Nursery $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Cherokee Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Cherokee Great sport from H. 'Moonlight Sonata' with a yellow to creamy-white leaf center. FRAGRANT bluish-white flowers come in late summer. Van Wade $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta Chesapeake Bay Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Chesapeake Bay (NEW in 2016) New blue from Olga...large clump of "oyster-shaped" blue leaves with a wavy margin that are topped with near-white flowers in midsummer. Petryszyn $ 12.50 lavender M Page 18 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Childhood Fantasy Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Childhood Fantasy Long, pointed, thick dark green leaves with some bloom have a twisted tip and a very nice wavy margin. The clump is stunning with the leaves reaching upward and outward. Livingston $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta China Girl Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: China Girl Cross between H. ‘Maya Kingsnake’ and H. ‘Funny Cide’ growing medium-sized plant with undulating shiny green leaves held on deep red petioles. Makes a semi vase-shaped clump. Very fertile both ways. Scheer $ 12.50 purple M Hosta Chorus Girl Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Chorus Girl Wonderful little clump...round puckered leaves become bright gold and are help facing upward. Good substance and great for hybridizing. Beilstein $ 18.50 dark lavender S Hosta Christmas Pageant Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Christmas Pageant Great sport from H. ‘Christmas Tree’ with dark green leaves framed by a very wide yellow to creamy-white border. Vigorous grower with thick corrugated leaves and pale lavender flowers. Pinterics $ 14.00 pale lavender M/L Hosta Church Mouse Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Church Mouse One of the mouses!! Blue-green leaves have lots of puckers, crinkles and ripples. Good grower and a very intersting plant that will stop traffic. Walters Gardens $ 14.00 lavender mini Page 19 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Cinnamon Sticks Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Cinnamon Sticks Gray-green leaves are held on red petioles with the red showing well up into the leaf. Vigorous grower with lavender flowers. Herold $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta City Dog Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: City Dog Variegated form of H. 'Red Dog' leaves held on red petioles with a white rippled border. Van Eechaute $ 25.00 lavender M Hosta Class Act Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Class Act A Mark Zilis hybrid of H. 'Paul's Glory' x H. leaves have a gold border and exceptional substance. Grows well and will make a fine specimen. Zilis $ 18.00 lavender M Hosta Clear Fork River Valley Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Clear Fork River Valley This one has some of the most intense corrugation we have seen on a hosta...thick dark green leaves are nicely rounded and "pucker" like few others. Pale lavender flowers appear in June. Van Wade $ 12.50 pale lavender L Hosta Clifford's Stingray Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Clifford's Stingray Thick leaves have a wide dark green border surrounding an irregular white center with a feathered pattern. Topped with lavender flowers. Clifford $ 14.00 lavender M Page 20 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Climax Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Climax Sport from H. ‘High Noon’...dark green leaves have a wide goldenyellow border and good corrugation. Great substance on a vigorous grower with lavender flowers. Jones $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Clown’s Collar Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Clown’s Collar Charming little hosta with a lovely blue leaf edged with a pale yellow border that later turns white. Good substance and makes a low dense mound topped with pale lavender flowers in July. Edged sport of H. ‘Dorset Clown’. Dean $ 12.00 pale lavender S Hosta Coal Miner Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Coal Miner Comes up blue-green and changes to dark green...this giant has nice wavy leaves with deeply impressed veins and is topped with near-white flowers. In honor of the coal miners. Petryszyn $ 16.00 near white L Hosta Coast to Coast Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Coast to Coast This giant is all gold and really shines in the shade garden...leaves are thick and wavy with a white underside. Clump has an extremely upright form and topped with lavender flowers. Petryszyn $ 15.00 pale lavender L Hosta Cold Heart Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Cold Heart Emerging like frosted lime popsicles, H. ‘Cold Heart’ has rippled and serrated edges on heart-shaped leaves with white backs. In shade, it maintains its frosted lime color and in sun the frost will melt and these hearts will glow with renewed passion. Scheer $ 15.00 lavender M Page 21 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Color Festival Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Color Festival Sport from H. ‘Enterprise’...eye-catching yellow line flows between the white center and the dark green border and makes an outstanding tricolored hosta. Lavender flowers on white scapes. Van Eechaute $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Colored Hulk Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Colored Hulk Reversed variegation of H. ‘Anne’...heart-shaped leaves have a light green center framed with a wide dark green border. Thick leaves show some cupping and a sheen. Lavender flowers. Heemskerk $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Con te Partiro Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Con te Partiro Very nice small blue-green hosta with a creamy-white border that will make a delightful statement in any garden. The leaf shows a slight ripple and is topped with lavender flowers. Johnson $ 14.00 lavender S Hosta Cool as a Cucumber Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Cool as a Cucumber Improved version of H. 'Cascades'...gorgeous cascading clump of green leaves with a white center. Long narrow leaves are held on an upright clump topped with lavender flowers. Walters Gardens $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Copa Cabana Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Copa Cabana Pale yellow leaves have good substance and some corrugation. The leaves hold their color until mid summer and then turn a nice chartreuse color. Lavender flowers. Terpening $ 12.00 lavender S Page 22 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Count Your Blessings Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Count Your Blessings (NEW in 2016) Heart-shaped yellow-green leaves have a yellow border that turns white as the season progresses. Stable form of H. ?Lakeside Mom? Silvers-Elbert $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta Country Mouse Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Country Mouse Tiny blue-green leaves have a crisp white border on this sport of H. ‘Bill Dress’s Blue’. Vigorous grower and makes a perfect little clump that hugs the ground. Lavender flowers. Hansen $ 12.00 lavender mini Hosta Cracker Crumbs Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Cracker Crumbs Shiny leaves emerge bright yellow-gold surrounded by a dark green margin...soon the color becomes chartreuse, then almost coppery, and continues to darken until late summer. Topped dark lavender flowers Solberg $ 12.00 lavender mini Hosta Cranberry Wine Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Cranberry Wine Exceptional plant! Seedling from H. 'Cinnamon Sticks' x H. 'Tequila Sunrise' with bright yellow leaves that turn chartreuse. Pointed leaves are shiny, very wavy and have wonderful substance. The petioles become cranberry colored and purple flowers appear late in the season on top of dark cranberry scapes. Sisson $ 15.00 purple M Hosta Crocodile Socks Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Crocodile Socks Jan brings us the tetraploid form of H. 'Alligator Shoes'...thick green and pebbled leaves have a very wide creamy-yellow border that often streaks to the center.. Beautiful specimen! Van den Top $ 24.00 lavender M Page 23 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Crumb Cake Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Crumb Cake Cross between H. 'Cinnamon Sticks' and H. 'Cracker Crumbs'...nice thick honey-gold leaves on mahogany petioles have a beautiful sheen and rapidly form a dense clump. Leaves are somewhat wavy and will be topped with lavender flowers in July. Solberg $ 12.00 lavender mini Hosta Cup of Joy Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Cup of Joy (NEW in 2016) Large ''gold'' with very round and puckered leave that are deeply cupped. Great substance and good color. Seedlng from ''Abiqua Drinking Gourd'' with near white flowers Myers $ 24.00 near white M Hosta Curly Fries Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Curly Fries Extremely ruffled narrow leaves emerge yellow and slowly turn to nearwhite. One of the most popular hostas of the last couple of years. Solberg $ 12.50 near white S Hosta Dancing Queen Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Dancing Queen Large hosta with an exceptional pie-crusted edge...starts out a bright yellow and then turns a very pale yellow late in the season. Topped with pale lavender flowers in midsummer. Terpening $ 12.50 pale lavender L Hosta Dancing Stars Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Dancing Stars Sport from H. 'Dancing in the Rain' with thick leaves and a wider bluegreen border that surrounds a crisp white center. Topped with lavender flowers. Walters Gardens $ 15.00 lavender M Page 24 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Dark Shadows Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Dark Shadows (NEW in 2016) Thick blue leaves emerge in the spring with an uneven chartreuseyellow border that turns green by the end of the season. Vigorous grower with lavender flowers Hanson $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta Dawn's Early Light Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Dawn's Early Light Emerges with beautiful corrugated bright yellow leaves that sport a nice rippled edge. Later in the season the leaves turn a greenish color but the clump is still very handsome. Pale lavender flowers. Petryszyn $ 14.00 pale lavender M Hosta Deane's Dream Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Deane's Dream Pointed blue leaves on an upright clump held on bright purple petioles. Lavender flowers. Solberg $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta Deep Blue Sea Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Deep Blue Sea One of the most outstanding "blues" we grow...round leaves are very blue and very corrugated with super substance and a heavy glaucous bloom. Flowers appear end of July and are pale lavender and closed. C. Seaver $ 12.50 pale lavender M Hosta Deliverance Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Deliverance Elongated blue-green leaves have a rippled, creamy-yellow uneven border that creates a striped effect. Nice plant with unusual appearance. Avent $ 14.00 lavender M Page 25 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Desert Mouse Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Desert Mouse Another "mouse"...creamy leaves turn white with a blue green border. Topped with lavender flowers. H. ‘Desert Mouse’might be the same as H. ‘Pure Heart’ but we think it grows better. Van den Top $ 14.00 lavender mini Hosta Devil's Advocate Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Devil's Advocate Superb sport from H. ‘Blue Angel’ with the normal large blue leaves framed by a light green border. Stunning clump will be topped with white flowers early in summer. Walters Gardens $ 14.00 white L Hosta Devon Cloud Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Devon Cloud (NEW in 2016) Shiny green leaves in spring with yellow center on this wonderful sport of 'Invincible'. The flowers are fragrant and show mid season. Bowden $ 20.00 purple M Hosta Devon Green Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Devon Green Very shiny dark green leaves have good substance and a smooth texture topped with lavender flowers. This one really shines! Bowden $ 7.00 lavender M Hosta Dewed Steel Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Dewed Steel (NEW in 2016) Very nice plant with unique aqua-blue leaves drenched in a glaucous bloom. Great substance on leaves held upright forming a vase-shaped clump topped with lavender flowers. Van Eechaute $ 14.00 lavender M Page 26 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Diamonds are Forever Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Diamonds are Forever Sport from H. 'Diamond Tiara' with beautiful thick leaves and a very wide white border...very showy with lavender flowers. Walters Gardens $ 12.50 lavender S Hosta Diana Remembered Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Diana Remembered (NEW in 2016) Vigorous grower with huge fragrant near-white flowers...leaves are a rich green framed with a very wide white border. Kulpa $ 12.00 near white M Hosta Dino Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Dino Great new variegated sport from H. ‘T-Rex’ so should make one of the largest variegated hostas there is...very large green leaves with a variable yellow-green border. Lavender flowers. Van Eechaute $ 22.50 lavender M Hosta Dixie Cups Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Dixie Cups (NEW in 2016) Round, somewhat shiny blue leaves. Very nice hybrid of 'Korean Snow' and 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd'. Good grower. Avent $ 20.00 lavender M Hosta Double D Cup Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Double D Cup (NEW in 2016) In spring this plant emerges a grayish-green color looking very ordinary and then in early June it starts to show variegation with a faint green border. The border gets darker with time and the leaves begin to cup. Looks like a different plant in late summer.. Asch $ 16.50 lavender M Page 27 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Doubled Up Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Doubled Up (NEW in 2016) Rubbery and very glossy green leaves. A tetraploid form of plantaginea that stays more compact. Fragrant white flowers come late in the season. Solberg $ 16.00 white M Hosta Dracula Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Dracula Very thick dark green leaves on very dark red all-green sport of H. 'Volcano Island'. Fransen $ 16.00 purple S Hosta Dragon Warrior Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Dragon Warrior This bright and shiny introduction is H. ‘Red Dragon’ with a white edge. Long, pointed green leaves sport a clean white border that displays some rippling...same red petioles as the parent. Dark lavender flowers. Van den Top $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Dream Boat Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Dream Boat (NEW in 2016) Large mound of medium green leaves that show lots of corrugation. Good cupping and great substance on this seedling from H. nigrescens. Form is quite unique. Beilstein $ 14.00 lavender L Hosta Dream Queen Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Dream Queen Thick leaves have a creamy center surround by a wide blue-green margin. Good grower with great substance...white flowers in early summer. Van den Top $ 12.00 white M Page 28 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Dream Weaver Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Dream Weaver (NEW in 2016) Sport of H. ‘Great Expectations’...leaves have a very wide blue-green margin and a yellow center. Leaves are quite round with heavy corrugation and slightly cupped. Topped with white flowers. H. ‘Dream Weaver’ has proven vigor and seems to grow well in all climates. Walek $ 12.50 white M Hosta Dutch Flame Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Dutch Flame (NEW in 2016) Interesting plant! This is a fully tetraploid sport from 'Liberty that is the reverse of 'Game Boy;. Very thick leaves have a yellow-chartreuse center with a cream to white border. Slow grower but worth the wait Heemskerk $ 18.50 lavender L Hosta Early Times Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Early Times This is the all gold sport from H. ’June’...very bright yellow in the spring but does darken to a chartreuse with the season...lavender flowers. Neo Plants Ltd $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Earth Angel Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Earth Angel A variegated sport from H. ‘Blue Angel’ with large thick heart-shaped blue-green leaves that have a wide creamy-white border. Hans Hansen/Shady Oaks Nursery $ 12.00 white L Hosta Ebony Towers Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Ebony Towers Becomes a dense mound of glossy, wavy green foliage on speckled red-purple petioles. Dean $ 15.00 lavender M Page 29 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Eclipse Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Eclipse (NEW in 2016) A new and wonderful sport of H. 'Solar Flare' that has a very similar upright form. Will reach to six feet across at maturity. Gold-margined leaves are slightly rippled and have good substance. Near white flowers top the clump in early summer Dean $ 15.00 near white L` Hosta El Nino PP14632 Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: El Nino PP14632 Sport from H. 'Halcyon'...very blue leaves surrounded by a tidy bright white border. Good substance and topped with lavender flowers. This plant can be absolutely stunning. Warmerdam $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Eleanor Lachman Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Eleanor Lachman Small clump has leaves with creamy-yellow to white centers surrounded by a wide dark green border. Good substance and lavender flowers show in July. Needs good morning light to stimulate vigor. Lachman $ 14.00 lavender S Hosta Electrocution Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Electrocution Long green leaves have a yellow border (later turns to white) that twists severely as they reach upward. A vigorous grower that definitely requires a second look when you walk by. Lavender flowers in July Avent $ 12.00 lavender S Hosta Emerald Charger Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Emerald Charger Outstanding shiny yellow leaves have a wide dark green margin and make a large clump topped with FRAGRANT lavender flowers. Looks like 'Cathedral Windows' but is different because it has a little twist in the leaves. Zilis $ 14.00 lavender L Page 30 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Emerald Paisley Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Emerald Paisley Very nice dark green hosta with strong leaves held on wide petioles that sport a beautiful ruffled margin. This is the all green H. ‘Lakeside Paisley Print’. Lavender flowers. Van Eechaute $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Empress Wu Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Empress Wu The largest hosta we grow...this seedling surpasses all hostas we know. Huge dark green leaves have deeply impressed veins and tremendous substance. In 5 or 6 years a mature clump can reach 4 1/2’ tall. Topped with pale lavender flowers on 5’ scapes. Skaggs $ 14.00 pale lavender VL Hosta Endearing Endeavor Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Endearing Endeavor Blue-green leaves have an irregular, wide yellow border that becomes near white by midseason.. Leaves have good substance and form a medium low mound of somewhat wavy and folded heart-shaped leaves. Lavender flowers early in the season. Dean $ 15.00 lavender M Hosta Enduring Beacon Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Enduring Beacon Glowing yellow, glossy foliage emerges in spring atop red petioles forming a 15" x 32" symmetrical mound which jumps out from across the garden. The brightness endures throughout the season only to be topped off with saturated red flower scapes carrying lavender flowers. Dean $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Enterprise Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Enterprise Sport from H. ‘Captain Kirk’ with a creamy-white center and a wide dark green border. Very good grower for a white centered hosta and has good substance. Topped with lavender flowers. Q&Z Nursery $ 12.00 lavender M Page 31 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Eola Sapphire Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Eola Sapphire (NEW in 2016) Very large blue leaves on one of the largest sieboldiana types...pale lavender flowers. Hottovy/Monrovia $ 14.00 lavender L Hosta Evening Blush Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Evening Blush Another superb blue hosta from Don Dean...pointed blue leaves are held on rich purple petioles. The vase-shaped clump and wavy leaves stand out from across the garden! Dean $ 25.00 purple M Hosta Extreme Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Extreme Unique sport of H. ‘Hadspen Blue’ from Jan van den Top that is marked very similar to H. ‘Striptease’...thick blue leaves have a greenish-blue center surrounded by a striking white line. One of the most unusual hostas we have carried over the years and always in demand. Good grower but has proven difficult to produce. Lavender flowers. Jan Van den Top $ 35.00 lavender M Hosta Faith Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Faith A great gold...nearly round large leaves are so heavily puckered that they develop a brassy golden-yellow on the raised portions, the cupped and domed leaves "glow". Near-white flowers in early summer Dean $ 12.50 white M Hosta Fallen Angel Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Fallen Angel An unusual sport of H. ‘Guardian Angel’ spring all the leaves emerge a misted gray-white color and then turn to blue with time. The process is more rapid in warmer climates. White flowers in June. Broussard/Walek $ 16.00 white L Page 32 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Final Summation Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Final Summation Beautiful sport of H. ‘Sum and Substance’ with a wide dark green edge. Good growers with great substance. Solberg $ 18.00 lavender L Hosta Final Victory Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Final Victory We believe this will turn out to be a really nice hosta...tetraploid form of H. ‘Victory’ with a thicker leaf and wider yellow border. Will not be as big as the parent but still an imposing clump. Van Eechaute $ 22.00 lavender L Hosta Fire and Ice Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Fire and Ice Thick leaves have pure white centers with dark green margins. Lavender flowers. Hansen $ 9.00 lavender M Hosta Fire Island Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Fire Island Stunning red petioles hold bright yellow to greenish-yellow wavy leaves. Lavender flowers. Brincka $ 8.00 lavender M Hosta Fireplace Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Fireplace This is a new sport from H. ’Fire Island’ leaves with a yellow border held on red petioles just like the parent. Reverse variegation to ’Paradise Island’ and beautiful planted together. Van den Top $ 14.00 lavender M Page 33 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Firn Line Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Firn Line Thick blue leaves have a very wide yellow-green border that quickly turns white on this H. ‘First Frost’ sport...said to be different from ’Blue Ivory’ or ’Great Escape’ but appearance is similar. Darwin Plants $ 15.00 lavender M Hosta First Blush Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: First Blush (NEW in 2016) Small to medium hosta w/red petioles extending into the leaf blade and also a thin red margin around the leaf. In spring the leaf between the veins will start to "blush" red from the tip of the leaf down toward the base. The leaves remain red here until temperatures surpass 92 degrees. Solberg $ 32.50 lavender M Hosta First Frost Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: First Frost Sport from H. 'Halcyon' that makes a medium clump of beautiful blue leaves framed by a creamy-yellow to white border. Great substance and holds its looks after others have gone down. Scolnik/Solberg $ 9.00 lavender M Hosta Fleet Week Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Fleet Week Very large upright mounding blue with graceful rippling edges on this ‘Niagara Falls’ hybrid. Pale lavender flowers are held on semi-pendant scapes and are fertile. Scheer $ 16.00 lavender L Hosta Flemish Angel Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Flemish Angel Sport of H. ‘Confused Angel’...different from other variegated ‘Blue Angel’ sports. Large blue-green leaves have a pale yellow border in spring that turns white later in the season. Van Eechaute $ 16.00 white M Page 34 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Flemish Design Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Flemish Design This is the tetraploid sport from H. 'Designer Genes'...thick rubbery yellow leaves on red petioles. Calling all hybridizers! Van Eechaute $ 22.00 purple M Hosta Flemish Gold Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Flemish Gold (NEW in 2016) Nice gold is a seedling from H. 'Salute ...thick leaves have a smooth finish, are gently rippled and held in an upright manner. Striking hosta that is quite vigorous. Topped with near-white flowers in midsummer Van Eechaute $ 14.00 near white M Hosta Flemish Master Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Flemish Master Nice big hosta! H. ‘Dorothy Benedict’ seedling crossed with H. ‘Blue Mammoth’ and makes a large clump of blue leaves with a wide yellowgreen border that turns creamy-white. Van Eechaute $ 16.00 near white M Hosta Flemish Sky Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Flemish Sky (NEW in 2016) Great blue...white backed blue leaves are wedge-shaped and a unique "chalky" blue. Wavy margin and some cupping is evident. Lavender flowers Van Eechaute $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta Fog Light Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Fog Light A hybrid out of the ‘Cold Heart’ line and initially shows intense blue bloom over it colors up it keeps the bloom for awhile, taking on the most unusual color and eventually, in lots of sun, glowing almost orange. Backs of the leaves are very white. Scheer $ 15.00 lavender M Page 35 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Forbidden Fruit PPAF Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Forbidden Fruit PPAF Stunning fully tetraploid form of H. ‘Orange Marmalade’...thick leaves have glowing yellow-orange centers setoff by a wide blue-green border. Vigorous grower and lavender flowers. Fransen $ 15.00 lavender M Hosta Fragrant Blue Ribbons Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Fragrant Blue Ribbons (NEW in 2016) Nice sport of H. ‘Fragrant Blue’...intense powdery blue leaves have a variable white border that jets toward the center. Later the leaf centers become an attractive gray green. Fragrant pale lavender flowers. Beikmann $ 15.00 lavender M Hosta Fragrant Queen Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Fragrant Queen Tetraploid sport of H. ‘Fragrant King’...thicker leaves, wider creamywhite border and a super "doer"! Holds up well all season and is topped with pale lavender fragrant flowers. Van den Top $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Fran Godfrey Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Fran Godfrey Sport from Great Britain of H. ‘Sum and Substance...yellowish-green leaves are surrounded by a dark green border that appears midseason. Lavender flowers appear on 4’ spikes. Park Green Nurseries $ 16.00 lavender VL Hosta Frances Williams Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Frances Williams (NEW in 2016) Still one of the most planted hostas in the world...large metallic bluegreen leaves are rounded and cupped and surrounded with a wide irregular gold margin. White flowers midseason Frances $ 10.00 white L Page 36 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Francheska Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Francheska Pointed green leaves have a blue-green cast and a nice wide border. Leaves have good substance and make a dense, upright clump. Nearwhite flowers. Livingston $ 12.50 near white M Hosta Frank Lloyd Wright Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Frank Lloyd Wright Its blue, its big and has style...large steel-blue wavy leaves come to a tapered point that turns downward and create a vase-shaped clump. Near-white flowers. Goodenough $ 18.00 near white L Hosta Frisian Pride Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Frisian Pride This hosta will make you want to buy gold! Long yellow-gold leaves reach upward, outward and back down creating a dense mound that you will see from across the garden. The edges of the leaves are rippled from the petioles down to a long pointed tip that further adds elegance. Best color in late afternoon sun. Pale lavender flowers Bate Aukema $ 16.50 lavender M Hosta Frisian Waving Steel Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Frisian Waving Steel Wow! One of the most outstanding hostas we have seen...everything about this plant demands attention and approval. This hybrid from H. ‘Grand Slam’ and H. ‘Sky Dancer’ takes the best traits of each parent and amplifies them. Extremely thick blue-green leaves have a radically rippled margin and the elegant leaves layer on top of each other creating a tight mound. Lavender flowers come in midsummer. Bate Aukema $ 20.00 lavender M Hosta Frosted Dimples Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Frosted Dimples Pebbled blue leaves are framed by a variable creamy-white border. Near white flowers. Dean $ 10.00 near white M Page 37 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Frosted Frolic Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Frosted Frolic Charming smaller hosta...semi-rounded blue-green leaves sport a wide creamy-yellow border. The leaves are rigid, held somewhat upright and topped with lavender flowers. Livingston $ 10.00 lavender S Hosta Frosted Mouse Ears Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Frosted Mouse Ears One of the many sports of H. ‘Blue Mouse Ears’...thick blue leaves with a wide creamy-white border and the same lavender flowers as the parent. Deckert $ 12.00 lavender S Hosta Frozen Margarita Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Frozen Margarita Large shiny leaves are greenish-yellow with a pure white border. Good substance on a vigorous grower with FRAGRANT white flowers. Solberg $ 12.00 white L Hosta Fulda Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Fulda Very blue leaves of good substance on a German Tardiana...topped with lavender flowers. Klose $ 14.00 lavender S Hosta Funny Frolic Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Funny Frolic The reverse variegation of H. ‘Frosted Frolic’...leaves have a creamyyellow center framed with a blue-green border and the small clump is topped with lavender flowers Van den Top $ 16.00 lavender S Page 38 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Funny Mouse Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Funny Mouse A newer member to the "mouse" family ...reverse variegation of H. ‘Snow Mouse’ with a clear white border surrounding a blue-green centered leaf. The border does turn to creamy or green late in the season. Great little plant with those perfectly proportioned lavender flowers. Fransen $ 15.00 lavender mini Hosta Game Boy Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Game Boy (NEW in 2016) A reversed sport of H. 'Liberty' that should prove to be an interesting hosta..."flamed center" of cream and white is surrounded by a wide green border. Substance is good and the feather effect of the center is accentuated by a long pointed leaf tip. Heemskerk $ 18.50 pale lavender M Hosta Gentle Giant Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Gentle Giant Fitting name for this "quiet" blue that can reach 42" high by 5-6’ across! Intense blue leaves are deeply cupped, nicely corrugated and held in an upright fashion creating a vase-shaped clump. Does well in cooler or warmer climates. Very fertile and produces lots of seed. Black/Sebright Gardens $ 16.00 pale lavender VL Hosta George Smith Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: George Smith Sport of H. sieboldiana ‘Elegans’...leaves have a yellow-gold center and a wide blue-green margin and grow into a beautiful clump. White flowers. Smith $ 15.00 white M Hosta Georgia Sweetheart Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Georgia Sweetheart Leaves have yellowish-orange centers that fade to a very pale yellow as the season progresses...the wide variable border is dark green and will be topped by lavender flowers. Andersen $ 12.50 lavender M Page 39 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Giantland Mouse Cheese Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Giantland Mouse Cheese (NEW in 2016) Makes a small mound of green foliage that turns yellow and is a good grower. Miller $ 14.00 lavender mini Hosta Giantland Sunny Mouse Ears Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Giantland Sunny Mouse Ears New hybrid that resulted from H. 'Blue Mouse Ears' x H. 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd'...bright gold in the spring and then becomes chartreuse by mid summer. A gold mouse ears! Meyer/Miller $ 14.00 lavender mini Hosta Glacial Towers Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Glacial Towers Beautiful upright clump with the leaves held almost flat but layered well above the ground. The medium green leaves have a wide creamyyellow to white feathered border and where there is overlap two shades of grey-green develop. Lavender flowers are held on tall scapes. Don Dean $ 14.00 lavender L Hosta Glamour Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Glamour Small hosta with an elegant form...creamy-yellow to white leaves have a variable dark green border that streaks to the center. Elongated leaves come to a point and are topped with lavender flowers on creamy scapes. Van Eechaute $ 15.00 lavender S Hosta Glory Hallelujah Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Glory Hallelujah (NEW in 2016) Heart-shaped blue-green leaves with a green border that changes to yellow...this is the reversed variegated sport of H. ‘Paul’s Glory’. Vigorous grower with lavender flowers Hansen $ 12.50 lavender M Page 40 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Goldbrook Glory Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Goldbrook Glory Sport of H. ‘Zounds’ and thought to be one of Sandra Bond’s best. Good substance on a dark green leaf with a bright creamy border that later turns white. Vigorous grower will be topped with lavender flowers. Bond $ 15.00 lavender M/L Hosta Golden Bullion Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Golden Bullion (NEW in 2016) A smaller golden hosta with thick puckered foliage...near white flowers midseason. Bennerup/Ruh $ 10.00 lavender M Hosta Golden Meadows Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Golden Meadows Outstanding color combination...leaves are light green with dark green margins and medium green streaks between the two colors. Super substance and white flowers in summer. van Elderen $ 14.00 white M Hosta Goodness Gracious Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Goodness Gracious Sport from H. ‘Satisfaction’...beautiful heart-shaped leaves have a very wide chartreuse-yellow undulating border wrapped around a dark green center. Great substance and lavender flowers. Walters Gardens $ 15.00 lavender M Hosta Grape Fizz Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Grape Fizz Thick bright green leaves are very shiny and really stand out on this wonderful hybrid but the real treat comes in August when purple-striped fragrant flowers make their appearance...great grower! Solberg $ 15.00 pale lavender M Page 41 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Great Escape Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Great Escape Sport from H. ‘Halcyon’ with a very wide white border...outstanding! Vigorous grower with all the same attributes as its parent especially great substance. Topped with lavender flowers. Van den Top $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Great Expectations Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Great Expectations A real prize when mature...grows slowly and requires a warm sunny spot. Leaves have extremely wide blue-green margins enveloping a yellow-cream center and topped with white flowers. Aden $ 12.00 white L Hosta Great Plains Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Great Plains Begins as an upright clump of blue-green foliage and then changes to shiny dark green midseason. Leaves are somewhat wavy and slightly cupped with thick substance. Petryszyn $ 12.00 lavender L Hosta Green Mouse Ears Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Green Mouse Ears Sport of H. ‘Blue Mouse Ears’...very thick, round dark green leaves form a dense clump topped with lavender flowers. Leaves often show a little folding. Deckert $ 9.00 lavender mini Hosta Gretchen’s Grace Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Gretchen’s Grace Elongated and arching blue-green leaves form a graceful mediumsized mound on this seedling from H. ‘Cinnamon Sticks’ x H. ‘Gilt by Association’. Reddish petioles show color up into the leaves that are held horizontally atop the petioles creating a beautiful vase-shape. Lavender flowers. Sisson $ 14.00 lavender M Page 42 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Grey Ghost Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Grey Ghost Unique H. ‘Blue Angel’ spring the leaves emerge creamywhite with very little color, then turn a bright butter-yellow and eventually blue in about six weeks. Near white flowers. Solberg $ 14.00 white M/L Hosta Guacamole Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Guacamole Best planted in a sunnier location...forms a large mound of gold leaves with dark green margins by the end of the season (in cooler climes it doesn’t show good variegation until June). Very large fragrant nearwhite flowers. Solberg $ 12.50 white L Hosta Guardian Angel Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Guardian Angel Variegated sport of H. ‘Blue Angel’...white-centered leaf early in the spring grows progressively greener and ends with a medium green center and blue border. In time this plant will be a large clump of blue foliage topped with white flowers. In cooler climates the distinct variegation holds well into the season. Thompson $ 12.50 white M/L Hosta Gypsy Rose Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Gypsy Rose Sport from H. ‘Striptease’...creamy-yellow centered leaves have a dark green border with the typical thin white line running between the center and the border. Does not grow as tall as the parent. Lavender flowers. Andersen $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Halcyon Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Halcyon (NEW in 2016) One of the best medium-sized "blues"...makes a wonderful clump of blue leaves topped with lavender flowers mid summer. Smith/BHHS $ 7.00 lavender M Page 43 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Half and Half Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Half and Half Sport from H. ‘Lakeside Cupcake’...emerges with a pure white center that remains for the season. Thick leaves have a dark green border and a third light green color where there is overlap. Lavender flowers. Naylor Creek Nursery $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta Hallelujah Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Hallelujah Vase-shaped mound of bright blue foliage that is nicely cupped. Spade-shaped leaves have great substance on this hybrid of ‘Halcyon’ X ‘Blue Betty Lou’. Q&Z Nursery $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Hands Up Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Hands Up True tetraploid of H. ‘Praying Hands’ with lots of great attributes...very thick leaves (almost feel like rubber) that stay much smaller than the parent and a creamy-yellow to white border that is much more defined. Clump will be topped with lavender flowers. Fransen $ 14.00 lavender S Hosta Hans Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Hans (NEW in 2016) A sport of 'Andrew'.and similar but much more vigorous! Corrugated, puckered and folded leaves with ruffling at the base are blue-green with a showy white center. Green streaks appear late in the summer which contribute to the added vigor. Walters Gardens $ 18.00 lavender M Hosta Happy Dayz Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Happy Dayz A sport from H. ‘Orange Marmalade’ we found several years ago and believed it to be a tetraploid but testing has proven it is not. The leaves are thicker and the bluish-green border is wider than the parent. The leaf center is a bright yellow but fades to a parchment color and shows some variability from plant to plant. Naylor Creek Nursery $ 12.50 lavender M Page 44 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Harry van de Laar Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Harry van de Laar Grayish-green leaves with white backs held on red petioles. Good substance and topped with lavender flowers. Cees Visser $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Heat Wave Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Heat Wave Fantastic sport from H. "Bright Lights"...thick leather-like leaves have a chartreuse-yellow center and a very wide blue-green border. Topped with lavender flowers midsummer and can take quite a bit of sun. A great addition! Van den Top $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Heavy Duty Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Heavy Duty Puckered and cupped dark green leaves are incredibly thick on this seedling from H. ‘Electrum Stater’. Growth rate is vigorous and the leaves hold themselves in an unorganized manner. Near-white flowers. de Rooij $ 14.00 white M Hosta Her Eyes Were Blue Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Her Eyes Were Blue Intensely silver-blue, almost steel gray, leaves are heavily rippled and lightly serrated. The leaf tip twists and curves downward creating a low mound that only reaches about 12" tall. Vigorous growth rate and moderate corrugation makes this a standout in any garden. Dean $ 16.00 lavender S/M Hosta Hi Ho Silver Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Hi Ho Silver (NEW in 2016) Lance-shaped leaves with some ruffling on this wide white margined sport of H. ‘Ginko Craig' makes a small clump and maintains that cute look. Flowers are dark purple. Walters Gardens $ 10.00 lavender mini Page 45 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta High Society Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: High Society Leaves emerge with a yellow center that brightens to white and a variable wide blue margin. Good substance and pale lavender flowers. Hansen/Shady Oaks $ 12.00 pale lavender S Hosta High Voltage Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: High Voltage (NEW in 2016) Brand new tetraploid form of 'Paradise Power'...thick yellow leaves are surround by a wide green border. Should be a good grower and a real lookers. Van den Top $ 28.00 lavender M Hosta Hippodrome Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Hippodrome H. ‘Halcyon’ x H. ‘Christmas Tree’ hybrid that shows the best of both parents...thick, round blue-green leaves have a yellow border that turns creamy-white. Malloy $ 12.00 white M Hosta Hollywood Lights Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Hollywood Lights Large dome-shaped green leaves have a striking yellow center and form a large clump topped by pale lavender flowers in summer. Hansen $ 16.00 pale lavender L Hosta Holy Mouse Ears Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Holy Mouse Ears Another sport from H. ‘Blue Mouse Ears’...thick leaves have a white center surrounded by a blue-green border and topped with lavender flowers. Deckert $ 12.00 lavender S Page 46 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Hot Air Balloon Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Hot Air Balloon Large to very large green-gold with huge unique leaves that seem to float in the breeze. Vigorous grower with very wide and deep set veins...stitched effect. Can take lots of sun. Goodenough $ 12.50 lavender VL Hosta Hot Kiss Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Hot Kiss New addition to a large of H. ‘Kiwi Full Monty’ with leaves that have a brassy-gold center surrounded by a powder-blue border. The white line surrounds the center making this a dramatic color combination that really stands out. Same vigor and topped with lavender flowers just as the rest of the family. Van Eechaute $ 28.00 lavender M Hosta Hudson Bay Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Hudson Bay (NEW in 2016) Improved version of 'Eskimo Pie'...wider, brighter blue border and green streaks frame the white center. Great looking plant that shows good vigor and bulks up fast. Walters Gardens $ 14.00 near white M Hosta Humpback Whale Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Humpback Whale (NEW in 2016) Forms a massive dome-shaped clump of blue-green heart-shaped leaves that are nicely corrugated. Give this one plenty of room as it be an imposing hosta! Seaver $ 14.00 near white L Hosta Ice Cube Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Ice Cube A new addition to the from H. ‘Cracker Crumbs’. Thick shiny green leaves with a narrow white border that resembles the visual edges of an ice cube. Dark lavender flowers. Fransen $ 12.50 lavender mini Page 47 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Iced Lemon Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Iced Lemon Sport of H. ‘Lemon Lime’...elongated gold leaves have a white border and lavender flowers. Batten $ 8.00 lavender S Hosta Imperial Palace Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Imperial Palace (NEW in 2016) Nice seedling from H. ‘Pinstripe Sister’ with a creamy-yellow center framed by a wide two-tone border. Color contrast is quite striking and the clump will be topped with pale lavender flowers. D&J Ward $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Infatuation Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Infatuation A very special hosta resembles a bird in flight...very waxy blue H. kikutii type leaves held on cranberry colored petioles. The leaf margins are wavy and it blooms late and sets seed easily. Solberg $ 24.00 dark lavender S/M Hosta Inniswood Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Inniswood Truly a beauty that’s been around for a while but never falls out of favor...deeply corrugated yellow leaves are framed with a green border and topped with lavender flowers. Inniswood Metro Gardens $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta Invincible Spirit Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Invincible Spirit Seedling from H. ‘Invincible’...cherry red petioles hold beautiful shiny leaves upright allowing the stems to show. Give it a lot of sun for more yellow. Lavender flowers that are fragrant. Zonneveld/Phillips $ 16.00 lavender M Page 48 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Irish Luck Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Irish Luck Stunning pollinated seedling from H. ‘Invincible’ makes a large vase-shaped clump of very SHINY (on top and underneath) and very dark green leaves with deeply impressed veins and rippled edges. Outstanding substance and fragrant lavender flowers. LaLonde $ 14.00 lavender L Hosta Island Breeze PPAF Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Island Breeze PPAF Sport from H. 'Paradise Island' there is a wider dark green border which makes for more contrast and a stunning plant. The upright leaves showoff the cherry red petioles extremely well with the color reaching right up into the leaves and the lavender flowers compliment the clump. This improved version gives exceptional beauty and garden worthiness. Walters Gardens $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Ivory Coast Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Ivory Coast A smaller sport of H. ‘Sagae’...gray-green leaves have a wide rippled yellow border in spring that turns to ivory. Lavender flowers. Savory $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Ivory Queen Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Ivory Queen Impressive reverse variegated sport from H. 'Blue Ivory'...thick leaves have a near-white center surrounded by a wide blue-green border and where the colors overlap a green line develops. This hosta comes from a family of showy sports that have great "staying power" and always tend to look good. Excellent pest resistance. Walters Gardens $ 15.00 lavender M Hosta Jason and Katie Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Jason and Katie Sport of H. ‘Christmas Gold’...dark green leaves are very round and surrounded by a bright yellow border. Tremendous substance and lavender flowers. Hatfield $ 16.00 lavender M Page 49 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Jawbreaker Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Jawbreaker Tetraploid of H. ‘Fragrant Blue’...very thick blue-green leaves show good bloom and moderate corrugation. Soft lilac flowers are very lightly scented. Van den Top $ 18.00 lavender M Hosta Jaws Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Jaws Deep green, intensely serrated and undulating leaves are very thick. A fast growing, dense clump that calls out to be man-handled. Grows well and looks good in full sun but to show-case the darkest green it appreciates a bit of shade. Scheer $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Jerry Landwehr Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Jerry Landwehr White heart-shaped leaves with a wide dark green margin makes a standout hosta. Williams $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Jessica Alba Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Jessica Alba More booty from Jan's treasure chest...this is an outstanding bright yellow sport from H. 'Marilyn Monroe'! Thick yellow leaves held on reddish petioles are ruffled and twist upward showing their undersides. Ample serration and there's even a little red on the tips of the leaves early on. Van den Top $ 24.00 lavender M Hosta Journey’s End Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Journey’s End Sport from H. ‘Choo Choo Train’...heart-shaped yellow-gold leaves framed by a wide dark green and ruffled border. Lavender flowers. Hansen $ 15.00 lavender L Page 50 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Juha Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Juha Sport from H. ‘Striptease’...goldish-green leaves are surrounded by a very wavy white border that can turn to yellow-green later depending on placement. ‘Striptease’ signature "white line" is still apparent. Lavender flowers. Fransen $ 14.00 lavender S/M Hosta June Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: June One of the best hostas...leaves have bright gold to yellow centers with wide blue margins. Great substance and holds up until the very end in the fall. Lavender flowers in late July. Neo Plants Ltd $ 8.00 lavender M Hosta June Fever Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: June Fever Comes up in the spring with a bright yellow leaf center surrounded by a thin blue-green border. Leaves are shiny and darken slowly until they become chartreuse. Good substance and lavender flowers. Jan Van den Top $ 9.00 lavender M Hosta June Spirit PPAF Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: June Spirit PPAF Yellow leaves have excellent substance and a very wide dark green border on this sport of H. 'June Fever'. Place in more sun for a yellower center.. Walters Gardens $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Jurassic Park Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Jurassic Park This one fits into the "giant" category and can form a clump of huge green leaves that are heavily puckered and corrugated making them almost indestructible. More than vigorous. Lysne $ 14.00 pale lavender XL Page 51 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Justine Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Justine Tetraploid of H. ‘June Fever’...all the same wonderful traits as the parent but its even better! Nice thick, shiny yellow leaves have a wide green border. Lavender flowers. Van den Top $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Kalamazoo Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Kalamazoo This elegant hosta has beautiful long pointed, dark green leaves framed by an uneven border that starts yellow and turns white...leaf margin is quite wavy and the back is white! Lavender flowers in midsummer Linneman $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Katherine Lewis Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Katherine Lewis Sport of H. ‘Halcyon’...this one differs from H. ‘June’ in that the leaves are brighter. Needs bright light to show it’s best and at season's end the leaves are a lemon yellow with a dark blue-green margin. Lavender flowers arrive late summer. Lewis $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Kempen Red Twist Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Kempen Red Twist This elegant new hybrid comes from Patrick Butaye of Belgum...beautiful red petioles hold highly ruffled grey-green leaves in an upright manner and the leaves themselves reach for the sky. The plant has proven to be extremely fertile and passes the red pets onto its children. Butaye $ 20.00 lavender M Hosta Kenzie Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Kenzie Great look on a small hosta! Medium green leaves have a nice sheen and start with a yellow border that changes to white. Good substance on a dense clump. Harris $ 12.00 lavender S Page 52 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Key West Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Key West Big gold hosta and a cross between H. ‘Elatior’ and H. ‘Sea High Noon’...large smooth golden leaves are topped with light lavender flowers. Vigorous grower with good substance. Petryszyn $ 14.00 lavender L Hosta Kinbotan Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Kinbotan (NEW in 2016) Very small green leaves with a thin gold edge, nice variegated venusta from Japan. Japan/Ruh $ 10.00 lavender mini Hosta Kingsize Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Kingsize From now on you can have the biggest hosta in another style...H. ‘Empress Wu sport with shiny leaves (no wax on the leaves) and the color is a nice dark green. Van Eechaute $ 14.00 lavender VL Hosta Kiwi Blue Baby Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Kiwi Blue Baby (NEW in 2016) A small-medium Hosta that has pale lavender flowers and grows in half shade/sun. Makes a compact clump that stays close to the ground and grows fairly slowly. Collier $ 12.00 lavender S Hosta Kiwi Full Monty Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Kiwi Full Monty The blue sport of H. ‘Striptease’emerges with frosty blue leaves that have a blue-green center surrounded by a white line (same as H. ‘Striptease). The center later turns to bright gold. Topped with lavender flowers. Sligh $ 12.50 lavender M Page 53 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Lady Bug Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lady Bug (NEW in 2016) A ‘Vanilla Cream’ seedling that makes a very dense mound of rounded, somewhat unruly foliage that ranges from chartreuse to gold in color.. D&J Ward $ 12.00 lavender S Hosta Lady Luck Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lady Luck Danny pulls another one out of his bag of tricks...a H. longipes streaked x H. pycnophylla hybrid from Japanese seed. The plant has satiny shiny leafs with an uneven white border that creates a feathered effect and even has white leafbacks. Gentle waviness and some serration creates even more interest. Van Eechaute $ 18.00 lavender M Hosta Lakeside April Snow Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside April Snow (NEW in 2016) Heart-shaped leaves are soft lime-green with a deep irregular creamy margin that sometimes streaks to the center...cream changes to white in summer. White flowers appear in June Chastain $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Lakeside Banana Bay Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Banana Bay Very pretty hosta with bright yellow leaves framed by a wide applegreen border that creates a feather pattern...really a standout. Lavender flowers. Chastain $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Lakeside Beach Bum Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Beach Bum Really nice small blue hosta with cupped leaves that have lots of corrugation. Will make a stunning plant for the front of the border and will be topped with lavender flowers. Chastain $ 14.00 lavender S Page 54 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Lakeside Circle O Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Circle O Small green leaves are almost circular and have a wonderful yellow to creamy-white border. Nice corrugation and near white flowers. Chastain $ 14.00 near white mini/S Hosta Lakeside Color Blue Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Color Blue (NEW in 2016) Round blue leaves that are heavily corrugated, cupped and of good substance. Upright growing habit. Chastain $ 15.00 lavender M Hosta Lakeside Cupcake Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Cupcake Heart-shaped leaves have a creamy-yellow center framed by a bluegreen border...later the center turns white. Leaves are cupped and have good substance. Chastain $ 12.00 pale lavender S Hosta Lakeside Dimpled Darling Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Dimpled Darling (NEW in 2016) Small oval-shaped green leaves with a creamy margin that is heavily corrugated, Sport of 'Lakeside Dot Com. Chastain $ 12.50 lavender S Hosta Lakeside Dividing Line Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Dividing Line (NEW in 2016) Upright dark green leaves sport a narrow "white-line" center on shiny leaves that are somewhat wavy. Lavender flowers. Chastain $ 15.00 lavender M Page 55 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Lakeside Fancy Pants Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Fancy Pants Long oval shaped gray-green leaves have a wide yellow border. A very attractive hosta and a more recent introduction from Mary Chastain. Chastain $ 15.00 lavender L Hosta Lakeside Little Tuft Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Little Tuft Creamy-yellow leaves later turn white with a dark green border...purple flowers. Chastain $ 12.50 purple S Hosta Lakeside Lollipop Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Lollipop A low clump of very shiny black-green leaves with a cupped rim...almost perfectly round leaf and petiole form the shape of a "lollipop". White flowers and good substance. Chastain $ 12.00 white S Hosta Lakeside Maverick Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Maverick Huge green leaves make an outstanding clump that really bulks up fast! Thick leaves have a nice sheen and are topped with lavender flowers. Chastain $ 16.00 lavender XL Hosta Lakeside Meter Maid Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Meter Maid Sport from H. ‘Summer Music’...beautiful heart-shaped leaves have a wide dark green border and a striking creamy-white center. Where there is overlap a third color of bright green is visible. Chastain $ 14.00 lavender M Page 56 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Lakeside Paisley Print Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Paisley Print One of the prettier hostas...very wide wavy green borders surround a narrow creamy center that shoots up from the petioles like lightning creating a "feather" pattern. Good substance and creamy scapes topped with lavender flowers. Chastain $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta Lakeside Prophecy Fulfilled Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Prophecy Fulfilled Heavily corrugated green leaves have a rippled yellow margin that turns of H. ‘Lakeside Prophecy’' and always sought after. Chastain $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta Lakeside Rhapsody Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Rhapsody Wonderful color and great substance...a medium (bordering on large) clump with blue-green leaves surrounded by a wide uneven white border. Topped with lavender flowers. Chastain $ 12.00 lavender L Hosta Lakeside Ripples Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Ripples Rich dark green leaves are deeply ruffled and form an upright clump topped with lots of white flowers...H. montana heritage and is quite large. Chastain $ 14.00 white L Hosta Lakeside Spruce Goose Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Spruce Goose Beautiful shiny dark green leaves have a long tip and are framed with a wide yellow border that later turns to cream. Lavender flowers. Chastain $ 12.00 lavender M Page 57 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Lakeside Storm Watch Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lakeside Storm Watch Thick dark green leaves are quite wavy (almost feather-shaped) and held upright creating an unusual and eye-catching little clump. Leaves have a sheen and topped with lavender flowers. Chastain $ 9.00 lavender S Hosta Leapin Lizard Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Leapin Lizard We really like this plant...long lance-shaped green leaves are shiny, cupped, folded, puckered and wavy. A very special new introduction. Solberg $ 25.00 lavender M Hosta Lemon Delight Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lemon Delight From H. ‘Lemon Lime’ leaves have a yellow border and lavender flowers. Bowden $ 7.00 lavender mini Hosta Liberty Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Liberty Sport of H. ‘Sagae’...beautifully shaped thick green leaves have a very wide yellow border that later fades to creamy-white. Lavender flowers in summer. Machen $ 14.00 lavender L Hosta Lily Blue Eyes Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lily Blue Eyes Wavy blue leaves with a serrated edge have white backs and make a dense clump. Great substance and topped with lavender flowers. Will fit into any garden spot that gets good light. H. ‘Salute’ x H. ‘Azure Snow’. Donsky $ 12.00 lavender M Page 58 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Lime Shag Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lime Shag (NEW in 2016) Narrow yellow leaves with wavy margins and lavender flowers. AHS/Walek $ 8.00 lavender mini Hosta Lipstick Blonde Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lipstick Blonde Bright yellow-gold leaves are lance-shaped and held on very red petioles. Cross between H. ‘Granny’s Rouge’ and H. ‘Designer’s Genes’. Lavender flowers on this fertile flirt. Van Eechaute $ 18.00 lavender M Hosta Little Devil Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Little Devil Very nice little mini...elongated green leaves have a crisp white border and are topped with lavender flowers. Gowan $ 12.00 lavender mini Hosta Little Jay Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Little Jay Long narrow leaves have a creamy-white center and a blue-green border. Leaves are thick and have a dull finish. Topped with dark lavender flowers. Jan Van den Top $ 12.00 lavender mini Hosta Little Maddie Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Little Maddie (NEW in 2016) Wonderful mini that comes up light green with misting and some streaking. As the season progresses it changes to a dark green but the misting is still apparent. Vigorous grower topped with lavender flowers Van Wyk $ 10.00 lavender mini Page 59 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Little Red Joy Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Little Red Joy Can take lots of sun and is quite vigorous. Small green leaves have a shiny finish and are held on red petioles that show color well up into the leaf. Topped with lavender flowers. Van Eechaute $ 12.00 lavender S Hosta Little Red Rooster Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Little Red Rooster Satin green leaves are quite wavy and held on red petioles. Vigorous grower can take morning sun. Lavender flowers are also held on red scapes. Van Eechaute $ 10.00 lavender S Hosta Little Sunspot Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Little Sunspot (NEW in 2016) A sport of H. ‘Little Aurora’... leaves have a bright gold center surrounded by irregular dark green margins. A beautiful little plant for the border or a container as it has great substance and multiplies rapidly. Blooms with lavender flowers. OUTSTANDING! Briggs Nursery $ 12.50 lavender S Hosta Little Treasure Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Little Treasure Sport from H. ‘Little Jay’ with a very wide blue-green border that gives the plant a totally different look. Good substance and excellent vigor. Lavender flowers . Jan Van den Top $ 10.00 lavender mini Hosta Little Wonder Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Little Wonder Dark green leaves have a white border...makes a tight little clump. Decent substance and good vigor. Topped with lavender flowers Lachman $ 10.00 lavender mini Page 60 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta longipes var hypoglauca Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: longipes var hypoglauca Unusual species and not around much...pointed blue leaves on reddish purple petioles also have white backs. Flowers in the fall. Japan $ 15.00 dark lavender S/M Hosta Love Song Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Love Song Hybrid from H. ‘Arch Duke’ and H. ‘Flemish Sky’ developed by Danny...ruffled and wavy green leaves have white backs and are topped with pale lavender flowers. Van Eechaute $ 14.00 pale lavender M Hosta Loyalist Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Loyalist Reverse variegation of H. ‘Patriot’...dark green leaf borders surround nearly pure white centers. Topped with lavender flowers held on creamy scapes. Walters Gardens $ 9.00 lavender M Hosta Lucky Mouse Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lucky Mouse Mama Mouse has been busy...thick blue-green leaves have a wide creamy-yellow border that eventually becomes creamy-white. A sport of H. ‘One Iota’ and thought to be very similar to H. ‘Mighty Mouse’. Van den Top $ 14.00 lavender mini Hosta Lucky Number Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Lucky Number (NEW in 2016) New introduction that we think will become an instant success! 'Devon Green' with a nice wide white border so you have a stiff dark green leaf framed in pure white. Van Eechaute $ 18.00 lavender M Page 61 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Luna Moth Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Luna Moth (NEW in 2016) This sport of the vigorous "Parky's Prize" is really a wonderful improvement...thicker leaves and a wider border make a very showy plant. Dark green, heart-shaped leaves appear in spring with wide pale green borders that brighten to yellow in time. Topped with lavender flowers. Meyer $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta Mack the Knife Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Mack the Knife Great little hosta with very thick green leaves that have an unusual "orange" colored margin. The elongated leaves are slightly twisted and exhibit a rippled edge. Topped with lavender flowers in July. Dishon $ 12.50 lavender S Hosta Magic Fire Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Magic Fire Thick, deep green leaves with a wide yellow border that streaks toward the center. The leaves twist and fold forming a dense clump topped with lavender flowers in midsummer Jan Van den Top $ 14.00 lavender L Hosta Major Tom Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Major Tom Reaches into a new bag of tricks! Purple petioles hold thick dark green leaves with white backs that twist and turn in every direction, some of them almost create a complete corkscrew. Scheer $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Mango Smoothie Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Mango Smoothie The all yellow-gold sport of H. ’Mango Tango’...rubbery green-gold leaves are topped with lavender flowers. Fransen $ 12.00 lavender M Page 62 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Mango Tango Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Mango Tango Unique sport from H. ‘Dance with Me’...wide green border surrounds a narrow yellow center that has an irregular shape. Vigorous grower topped with lavender flowers. Kinman $ 17.50 lavender M Hosta Mantis Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Mantis (NEW in 2016) Obvious tetraploid sport of H. 'Lancifolia' but has not been tested to prove it. Very thick, long dark green leaves and bigger flowers than the parent. Of interest to hybridizers is the fact that this one might set seed as H. 'Lancifolia' almost never does and pass traits of shininess, elongated leaves and a super growth rate. Van Eechaute $ 18.00 lavender S Hosta Mardi Gras Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Mardi Gras (NEW in 2016) From Olga...a cross between H. ‘Elatior’ and H. ‘Christmas Tree’ and combines the best of both! Large heart-shaped leaves are dark green framed by a white border. Topped with lavender flowers Petryszyn $ 12.50 lavender L Hosta Margie's Angel Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Margie's Angel (NEW in 2016) Leaves have a yellow-gold center surrounded by dark green margins. The pointed leaf has great substance and is quite flat. Tends to be happiest in a shady location and can be used to brighten up a cool moist corner. Near white flowers in June. Solberg $ 15.00 lavender M Hosta Mariachi Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Mariachi A reversed sport of H. 'Guacamole' from Mark Zilis...shiny green leaves and a gold border that becomes more yellow as season progresses. Fragrant pale lavender flowers in August. Zilis $ 12.50 pale lavender L Page 63 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Marilyn Monroe Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Marilyn Monroe Shiny thick gray-green leaves are quite ruffled and have white backs...held on reddish petioles. Vigorous grower topped with lavender flowers. Jim Hawes $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Marmalade on Toast Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Marmalade on Toast Sport from H. ‘Orange Marmalade’ with heart-shaped blue leaves that display gentle wavy margins and moderate corrugation. Fast grower that fills out nicely. Lavender flowers. Fransen $ 10.00 lavender L Hosta Marshmallow Sky Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Marshmallow Sky We are excited to bring another sport of H. 'Orange Marmalade' from Marco Fransen...leaves have a beautiful white center surrounded by a blue-green border. You'll like this one!! Fransen/Vernooij $ 18.00 lavender M Hosta Mata Hari Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Mata Hari (NEW in 2016) Sport from H. ‘Striptease’...leaves have the typical white line around a yellowish-green center, but what’s really different about this one is the wide border which is shiny green and very thick. Has proven to be an excellent grower and will be topped with lavender flowers Strandberg $ 15.00 lavender M Hosta Maui Buttercups Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Maui Buttercups Sturdy hosta that is great to look upon...leathery yellow leaves are rounded, cupped and heavily puckered. Violet flowers on 18" scapes top the small but elegant clump . Vaughn $ 18.50 violet S/M Page 64 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Mellow Mood Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Mellow Mood Sport from H. ‘Whirlwind’...the wavy leaf has a limey-yellow center with prominent veins framed by a dark green irregular border. Clump stays smaller and the leaves twist outward and upward. Lavender flowers Strandberg $ 18.00 lavender S Hosta Merlin Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Merlin Seedling from H. 'Pin Stripe' centered leaf framed with a fairly wide "feathered" gold border. Pale purple flowers held just above the foliage. Ward $ 18.00 pale purple M Hosta Midnight at the Oasis Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Midnight at the Oasis This sport from H. ‘Pathfinder’ begins much like its parent with a thick white centered leaf surrounded by a dark green border. Then, as the season progresses (especially if its a warm one), the white center develops flecks and becomes darker and darker. In cooler climates the center will stay whiter until late summer. Naylor Creek Nursery $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta Mighty Mite Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Mighty Mite Thick, glossy dark green leaves have an almost "plastic" substance...they are wavy and twisted forming a dense, compact, low mound. Burgundy speckled scapes hold dark lavender flowers in September. This little guy is very vigorous and loves the sun. Dean $ 12.00 lavender S Hosta Mighty Mouse Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Mighty Mouse Another very good sport from H. ‘Blue Mouse Ears’...starts out bluegreen with a yellow border and later turns to grey-green with a white border. Great substance. Walters Gardens $ 12.00 lavender mini Page 65 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Milkmaid Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Milkmaid (NEW in 2016) Great hosta from Janet Harvey ... found this seedling in her garden...leaves are thick and a bright medium green with pale green, creamy white and pale yellow streaks and speckling. Leaves also have a nice sheen on both sides.The clump is upright and reaches about 12" tall. Janet Harvey $ 34.00 dark lavender S/M Hosta Mini Skirt Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Mini Skirt And the mice continue to nest...this sport is a H. 'Mighty Mouse' sport with a nice wide ruffled border that is quite showy. Thick leaves make a dense mound that stands out from afar. Walters Gardens $ 14.00 lavender mini Hosta Minnesota Wild Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Minnesota Wild Introduction from Monty Carlson...large heart-shaped green leaves of great substance and are framed with a wide creamy-white border with lots of ruffles. Monty says does not burn and looks great right up until the end of the season. Vigorous grower and we have nice plants. Monty Carlson $ 14.00 lavender M/L Hosta Minuteman Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Minuteman Similar to H. ’Patriot’...a thicker darker green leaf and a more creamywhite cupped margin. Machen $ 9.00 lavender M Hosta Miss Ruby Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Miss Ruby Great plant for hybridizers and collectors...wedge-shaped dark green leaves are held on red petioles and the red goes right up into the leaf. Pale purple flowers appear in late summer. Wrede $ 12.00 pale purple M Page 66 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Misty Morning Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Misty Morning Green leaves turn to gold on this vigorous grower that creates a low dense mound that''s pretty rugged. Good substance and lavender flowers Kuk $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Monkey Business Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Monkey Business (NEW in 2016) This stunning new sport from H. 'Funky Monkey' has a green centered leaf with the beautiful yellowish border held on red stems and is really a show off. Substance is excellent and the plant holds up well all season. Fransen/Naylor Creek $ 28.00 lavender M Hosta Monster Ears Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Monster Ears This is NOT a member of the mouse family...its actually a sport from ‘Sunset Grooves’. Very round and very thick green leaves resemble a "mouse ears" but are much larger. Lavender flowers. Heemskerk $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta Moon Dance Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Moon Dance This medium-sized clump forms an eye-catching mound of puckered leaves that emerge chartreuse-yellow with an irregular and creamywhite feathered border. A second flush appears bright yellow with a white edge above the first and create a two-toned layered appearance. Dean $ 15.00 lavender M Hosta Moonstruck Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Moonstruck This is the reverse variegated sport of H. ‘Dress Blues’...upright, narrow leaves have a wide creamy-white center with a blue border. Topped with pale lavender flowers in early summer. Zumbar $ 14.00 pale lavender S Page 67 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Morning Star Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Morning Star A reverse variegated sport of H. ’Anne’...wide dark green borders surround a flared light yellow center with the leaf being divided into equal thirds. Vigorous grower with lavender flowers. Heemskerk $ 15.00 lavender M Hosta Moulin Rouge Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Moulin Rouge A smaller sport of H. ’Kiwi Full Monty’ from Belgium with different colors and leaf shape . Wavy dark green leaves have a lighter green center and the "family" white line separating the two greens. The center changes colors slightly later and pale lavender flowers appear. Van Eechaute $ 28.00 pale lavender M Hosta Mr Blue Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Mr Blue This is a great introduction...small hosta has striking blue leaves held on deep reddish-purple petioles that show good color up into the leaves. Lavender flowers late in the season. Wrede $ 16.00 lavender S Hosta My Precious Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: My Precious Gino Vandekinderen from Belgium brings us this new mini sport from H. 'Silver Threads and Golden Needles' shiny, bright green leaves have a nice yellow border that is somewhat wavy. Vigorous grower with lavender flowers. Vandekinderen $ 16.00 lavender mini Hosta Naked Lady Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Naked Lady Naked Lady is a sport of H.'Gypsy Rose' and not unlike others in the 'Striptease' line (Hanky Panky and Juha) whereas they go through lots of color changes as the season progresses. Andersen $ 20.00 lavender S Page 68 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Neptune Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Neptune Cascading, wedge-shaped blue-green leaves with a wonderful rippled margin are topped with lavender flowers in August on arching scapes. Slow grower but sure worth the wait! Hansen $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Niagara Falls Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Niagara Falls Large heart-shaped gray-green leaves stand upright and arch outward...each leaf has a dramatically rippled margin and clump is topped with violet flowers. Brincka/Petryszyn $ 12.00 violet L Hosta Nickie Sue Axmear Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Nickie Sue Axmear This great seedling comes from Bob Axmear...plant is named after his oldest daughter. Very large heart-shaped green leaves start out with a yellow "feathery" border that turns creamy-white by the end of the season. Huge clump has an excellent growth rate and lavender flowers Bob Axmear $ 16.00 lavender VL Hosta Night at the Opera Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Night at the Opera (NEW in 2016) Here's our newest Don Dean original! Gorgeous clump of thickly layered green leaves with a wide and wavy yellow border shouts "look at me" and you will!! Leaves have the gusto of a baritone and the substance of a soprano with a large torso. Dean $ 28.00 lavender L Hosta Nippers Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Nippers This little guy is a strong grower and quickly forms a dense mound of dark green leaves. ‘Nippers’ will even work in the deep shade with the 3" round leaves being held horizontally on upright petioles. Lavenderpink blooms Goodenough $ 14.00 lavender S Page 69 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta October Sky Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: October Sky Vase-shaped clump with powder-blue on both the top and bottom of the foliage blends the best of ‘Frosted Dimples’ and ‘Salute’. Leaves hold their color until October’s frost in Minnesota. Near-white flowers in August. Dean $ 14.00 white S/M Hosta Oil Paint Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Oil Paint (NEW in 2016) H. 'Oil Paint' is a ( H.Sea Prize x H.Hirao Majesty ) x H.Invincible hybrid and has streaked shiny leaves. Had a few last year and do have a waiting list but there will be about 10 available for '16. Van Eechaute $ 60.00 lavender M Hosta Olympic Gold Medal Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Olympic Gold Medal All gold sport of H. ‘Olympic Sunrise’...growing habit, leaf shape and vigor are same as the parent but H. ‘Olympic Gold Medal’ has beautiful, glowing, gold leaves that become more yellow. Naylor Creek Nursery/Fransen $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Olympic Silver Medal Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Olympic Silver Medal All blue sport of H. ‘Olympic Sunrise’...growing habit, leaf shape and vigor are same as the parent but H. ‘Olympic Silver Medal’ has super thick, intensely blue leaves that hold all season. Naylor Creek Nursery/Fransen $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Olympic Sunrise Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Olympic Sunrise Sport from H. ‘Katherine Lewis’...thick leaves have a blue-green border that is very wide and creates a feathered pattern. As the season progresses the yellow center turns to a parchment color and the border goes to dark green. Topped with lavender flowers. The clump looks good long after most other hostas have gone down. Naylor Creek Nursery $ 16.00 lavender M Page 70 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Olympic Twilight Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Olympic Twilight Reverse variegated sport of H. ‘Olympic Sunrise’ has thick blue leaves with a narrow chartreuse border that becomes yellow by the end of the season. Clump has upright form and variegation improves with age. Naylor Creek Nursery $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta One Man’s Treasure Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: One Man’s Treasure Very shiny dark green leaves are wavy and held on beautiful red petioles...the red reaches up into the leaf and adds to the elegance. . Medium lavender flowers are held on purple scapes. Benedict/Solberg $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Orange Marmalade Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Orange Marmalade Sport of H. ‘Paul’s Glory’...the center of the leaf is a bright gold in spring, then turns to an orangish gold before it lightens to a pale yellow or white. Plant has good substance and pale lavender flowers Solberg $ 12.00 pale lavender M Hosta Orange Star Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Orange Star Sport from H. ‘June Fever’ and likes the sun! In morning sun the leaf centers will be orange in spring and fade to cream. Grow in shade and you’ll have yellow leaves throughout the season that will not darken. Van den Top $ 15.00 lavender M Hosta Orion’s Belt Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Orion’s Belt Large heart-shaped dark green leaves have a wide and elegant creamy-white border that creates a nice "feathered" effect. Good substance on this 'Pin Stripe' x montana f. macrophylla hybrid. Lavender flowers. Ward $ 14.00 lavender M Page 71 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Over the Waves Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Over the Waves Little known "Benedict" in limited numbers...small clump of bluish-green foliage held on purple-red petioles with the red extending up into the leaf. Leaf texture is smooth and the clump is topped with lavender flowers. Benedict $ 16.00 lavender S Hosta Pandora’s Box Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Pandora’s Box Sport of H. ‘Baby Bunting...small dark green leaves with white centers are topped with lavender flowers in early summer. Good substance and best grown in lots of sun! Hansen $ 12.00 lavender mini Hosta Paradise Island Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Paradise Island Stunning variegated sport from H. ‘Fire Island...beautiful yellow leaves framed by a striking green border and held on red petioles with the red going up into the leaf. Lavender flowers. Fransen $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta Paradise Joyce Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Paradise Joyce Sport from H. ‘Halcyon’ that comes up blue, colors up with a yellow center resembling H. ‘June’ and then finally, the center turns almost white-yellow and holds until the end of the season. . Fransen $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Paradise Power Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Paradise Power Wavy golden leaves have a green border and are topped with lavender flowers. Fransen $ 12.50 lavender M Page 72 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Paradise Puppet Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Paradise Puppet Nice mini with green leaves...stoloniferous so makes a good ground cover. Lavender flowers. Fransen $ 8.00 lavender mini Hosta Paradise Red Delight Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Paradise Red Delight Purple-red petioles and scapes...round, gray-green leaves with white backs. Fransen $ 10.00 lavender S/M Hosta Paradise Sunset Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Paradise Sunset Variegated sport from H. ‘Hydon Sunset’...dainty green leaves have a good yellow border and dark purple flowers. Vigorous grower. Fransen $ 8.00 purple mini Hosta Paradise Sunshine Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Paradise Sunshine Reverse sport of H. ‘Guacamole’...vigorous grower that takes a few weeks to variegate but by summer you have a beauty with green leaves framed by a yellow border. Beautiful fragrant near-white flowers Fransen $ 12.00 near white M Hosta Paradise Tritone Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Paradise Tritone Sport of H. ‘Maya Tritone’ with a green border...leaves emerge bright chartreuse and change to a bright yellow. There is also a cream color present making the leaf interior tritone. Frame it with the green border and colors will vary with lighting. Fransen $ 14.00 lavender S Page 73 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Parisian Silk Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Parisian Silk Makes a mound of very round hearts that appear so silky smooth they beg to be touched. Intense blue color and an unusual concentration of silver wax coating to the center of the leaf. The final effect is the appearance of a faint halo that offers the illusion of the plant being backlit. Dean $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta Party Popper Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Party Popper (NEW in 2016) Brand new introduction...nice smallish hosta with creamy-white center and blue-green border. Thick leaves and good grower. Van Eechaute $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta Patriot Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Patriot (NEW in 2016) Deep forest green leaves have extremely wide, almost pure-white borders...tremendous substance and should be in every hosta garden. Light lavender flower Machen $ 9.00 lavender M Hosta Peanut Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Peanut Unique and unusual mini that has very corrugated leaves...leaf has yellow centers that later turn white surrounded by a wide green border. Lavender flowers. Schwarz $ 9.00 lavender mini Hosta Pearly Gates Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Pearly Gates This one is "to die for" intro from Doug with green leaves surrounded by a very wide white border. Good substance and topped with lavender flowers." Beilstein $ 16.00 lavender M Page 74 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Pete’s Dark Satellite Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Pete’s Dark Satellite Large dark green leaves are quite rounded and show good cupping. Tremendously thick leaves on a vigorous grower that’s topped with lavender flowers. de Rooij $ 10.00 lavender L Hosta Picasso Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Picasso Small elongated leaves have a deep blue-green center with a narrow chartreuse border. Good substance and near-white flowers on this sport of H. 'Indigo'. Q&Z Nursery $ 16.00 near white S Hosta Pie a la Mode Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Pie a la Mode Heart-shaped green leaves have a wide yellow border that changes to white. Sport of H. 'Color a la Mode' with pale lavender flowers. Zilis $ 16.00 pale lavender M Hosta Pilgrim Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Pilgrim (NEW in 2016) Heart-shaped grayish-green leaf has a wide irregular creamy-white margin and good substance. Topped with lavender flower. Malloy $ 10.00 lavender S Hosta Pin-up Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Pin-up Quite elegant new sport from H .’Kiwi Full Monty’...wonderful powderblue border surrounds a creamy-white center much like H. ‘Risky Business' only with a blue border rather than green. Performs well and is very attractive. Van Eechaute $ 18.50 lavender M Page 75 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Pistache Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Pistache Sport from H. ‘Spilt Milk’...leaf centers are a misted combination of several colors of green surrounded by a variable border of green and blue-green. Place the plant in a bright shady location. Good grower with white flowers. A real show-stopper!. Van Eechaute $ 18.00 white M Hosta Pistachio Blueberry Cake Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Pistachio Blueberry Cake A very nice all blue sport of H. ‘Pistache’...wavy leaves of good substance. Fransen $ 12.00 white M Hosta Pizzazz Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Pizzazz Heart-shaped frosty-blue leaves have a cream to white border that is wavy and irregular. Good substance and topped with many white flowers midseason. Aden $ 10.00 lavender M Hosta Playmate Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Playmate Jan Van den Top loves sports from H. ‘Striptease’ and here is another interesting one! Starts out looking similar to some of the others but then turns into a wavy and twisted clump comprised of yellows and greens with the white line between the center and border. Van den Top $ 20.00 lavender M Hosta Plum Nutty Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Plum Nutty Beautiful shiny dark green leaves sport a nicely rippled border...clumps up fast and stands out even though it "just green". Solberg $ 16.00 lavender M Page 76 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Pocketful of Sunshine Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Pocketful of Sunshine Grows quickly into a compact clump of thick cupped yellow leaves framed with broad deep green borders. Leaf centers are chartreuse in spring and brighten with the season. Walters Gardens $ 14.00 lavender S Hosta Popcorn Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Popcorn Leaves have a creamy-white center with a wide blue-green border...some cupping and a fair amount of pebbling. Lavender flowers in July. Lachman $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Prairie Moon Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Prairie Moon Bright yellow-gold leaves have a powdery overlay and the backs are silver...good substance and topped with lavender flowers in August. Nice addition to that dark corner. Hansen $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Prairie Sky Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Prairie Sky Wonderful hybrid from H. ‘Blue Jay’ with nicely cupped powder-blue leaves topped with pale lavender flowers. Makes a tight clump. Hansen $ 12.00 pale lavender M Hosta Prairie's Edge Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Prairie's Edge Sport from 'Prairie Fire' with a green border...bright yellow leaves are framed with the dark border and really stand out. Beautiful plant. Walters Gardens $ 18.00 lavender M Page 77 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Praying Hands Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Praying Hands A little weird...elongated dark green leaves have a waxy sheen and a very thin yellow rippled border. The leaves are folded and wavy, giving a twisted appearance. Light lavender flowers. G. Williams $ 10.00 lavender M Hosta Prima Donna Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Prima Donna Makes a wonderful mound of dark green leaves with a yellow-gold border that later changes to white. The leaf is rather shiny and pale lavender flowers are held on tall scapes. Wilkins $ 12.00 pale lavender L Hosta Prom Queen Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Prom Queen Nice introduction with three distinct colors on a yellow leaf...a wide blue-green border and where there is overlap a bright green appears. The center changes to a creamy-white and the clump is topped with lavender flowers. Pretty good grower for a white centered hosta.. Meyer $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta Proud Dragon Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Proud Dragon Tetraploid sport of H.. Dragon 'Warrior'...Beautiful shiny bright green leaves ane very thick and surrounded by a nice creamy- white border. Van den Top $ 18.00 lavender M Hosta Punk Rock Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Punk Rock Last year we had H. ‘Icicle’ which has a white center but they are difficult to produce and have sold almost through so now we also have the all blue form which is a tetraploid sieboldiana ‘Elegans’. Very thick blue leaves and actually a pretty good looker! Fransen $ 10.00 white M Page 78 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Pure Heart Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Pure Heart The reverse variegation of H. ‘Mighty Mouse’...bright yellow leaves that later fade to pale yellow and are framed with blue-green borders. Great substance and perfectly proportioned lavender flowers. Walters Gardens $ 12.50 lavender mini Hosta Purple Boots Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Purple Boots Beautiful reddish-purple petioles hold smokey gray-green leaves...eyecatching dark purple flower scapes and buds also. Very fertile. Van Eechaute $ 12.50 purple M Hosta Purple Haze Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Purple Haze Very unique hosta with blue leaves held on purple petioles...the purple color continues into the veins of the leaf creating a "purple haze" on the center portion of the leaf surface. This color is very evident in spring and does fade as the season progresses. Good substance on nicely textured leaves that are topped with lavender flowers. Janssen $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Purple Heart Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Purple Heart Bright green to dark green leaves (depending on light exposure) are held on short petioles that are very dark. The leaves have a nice sheen and the red-purple color goes up into the leaf blade.. Lavender flowers on red-purple scapes are especially attractive Terra Nova $ 12.50 purple M Hosta Rain Dancer Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Rain Dancer Quite sturdy and attractive sport from H. ‘Blue Umbrellas’ leaves have a variable yellow border. Topped with lavender flowers. Shady Oaks/Hansen $ 14.00 lavender L Page 79 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Rainbow’s End Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Rainbow’s End A sport from H. ‘Obsession’ with very thick, bright gold leaves framed by a wide, dark green border. Topped with lavender flowers on redpurple flower spikes. Hansen $ 14.00 lavender S Hosta Rainforest Sunrise Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Rainforest Sunrise Great sport from H. ‘Maui Buttercups’...bright gold leaves are framed with a dark green border and show lots of corrugation. Vigorous grower topped with lavender flowers in early summer Andersen $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Raspberry Sundae Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Raspberry Sundae Bright white leaves with a wide green border are carried on raspberryred stems that bring the red color right up into the leaf. Moderate grower, give it some early morning sun or good filtered light and it will come along fine. Deep red scapes are topped with dark purple flowers. Very showy. Terrra Nova $ 14.00 purple S Hosta Raucous Ruffles Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Raucous Ruffles This distinctive blue-green plant roars "look my way" with its deeply rolling ruffles, puckered texture and folded leaves that expose their white undersides. Struts its best stuff when planted in a half day sun in the north, adjust further south. Rough and tough substance. Lavender flowers. Dean $ 18.00 lavender M Hosta Red Bull Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Red Bull Seedling from H. 'Maya Kingsnake' and H. 'Purple petioles hold nicely shaped medium green leaves with good substance. Good veination and lots of substance. Van Eechaute $ 18.00 purple M Page 80 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Red Cadet Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Red Cadet Purple-red petioles and scapes....gray-green leaves form a vigorous clump with lavender flowers on this cross between ‘Riptide’ and ‘Blue Cadet’. Van Eechaute $ 12.00 lavender S Hosta Red Dog Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Red Dog Cherry-red petioles hold long narrow shiny green leaves with a very wavy edge. Upright grower creates a vase-shaped clump of pointed leaves with long tips. Vigorous grower with lavender flowers. Terpening $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Red Dragon Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Red Dragon Nicely rippled, shiny bright green leaves are held on strong upright red petioles. The red extends all the way up to the leaves and even the flower stalks are bright red. Purple flowers in August that are fertile. Livingston $ 12.00 purple M Hosta Reflections Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Reflections Pretty plant with shiny medium-green leaves that have a creamy-white variable border...some streaking to the middle. Lavender flowers. Goodwin $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Regal Supreme Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Regal Supreme Sport from H. ‘Krossa Regal’ with a very wide creamy-white border. Frosty blue-green leaves are held upright creating a vase-shaped clump. Topped with lavender flowers in midsummer. Van den Top $ 12.00 lavender M/L Page 81 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Remember Me Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Remember Me Sport of H. ‘June’...heart-shaped leaves have a bright creamy-white center surrounded by a blue-green border. Topped with lavender flowers. Walters Gardens $ 12.00 lavender S Hosta Rhino Hide Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Rhino Hide Extremely thick leaves...much thicker than any other hosta and they feel just like rubber. Strong petioles hold leaves with bright green centers and a wide blue border. Leaves are deeply cupped and have lots of puckering. Rawson $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Ringtail Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Ringtail Like no other hosta...dark green leaves have a curl at the end of each leaf tip and intense mini ruffles running up the sides. Late season bloomer, it holds up well in autumn and maintains a beautiful vaseshaped clump. Terpening $ 12.00 purple M Hosta Risky Business Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Risky Business Vigorous sport from H. ‘Striptease’...leaves are same shape and size as parent but have a white center with wide dark green margins that contrast beautifully. Lavender flowers. Avent/Hansen/Shady Oaks Nursery $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Robert Frost Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Robert Frost Beautiful hosta with large rounded gray-green leaves and a wide creamy-white margin. Lachman $ 12.00 lavender M Page 82 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Robin Hood Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Robin Hood Thick leaves have a green center framed by a dark green border...heavily corrugated. Topped with near-white flowers in midsummer. Proving to be a vigorous grower and a nice plant. Schwarz $ 14.00 white M Hosta Royal Charmer Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Royal Charmer Shiny green leaves with a beatiful irregular white margin are topped with fragrant white flowers. H. 'Royal Standard' sport. Van Eechaute $ 18.00 white L Hosta Royal Wedding Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Royal Wedding H. 'Diana Remembered' is already a stunning hosta but now we add a much wider border and it really stands and white leaves topped with large fragrant white flowers. Walters Gardens $ 14.00 white M Hosta Ruffed Up Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Ruffed Up (NEW in 2016) Color will range from green in shade to mottled gold and green, to yellow-gold in the sun...absolutely no burn. Genetics of 'Bottom Line’, good growth, great substance, sun tolerance and scapes the size of Redwoods, make this a spectacular clump of ruffled and gold foliage. Carlson $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Sagae Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sagae Outstanding hosta with beautiful blue-green leaves framed in a yellow to cream border that are held upright. Tremendous substance and topped with lavender flowers midseason. Watanabe $ 10.00 lavender L Page 83 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Sara's Sensation Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sara's Sensation (NEW in 2016) Blue-green leaves with very wide golden margins, thick substance, sport of 'Frances Williams'. Hofer $ 14.00 white M Hosta Scallion Pancakes Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Scallion Pancakes Small plant with a large presence and stands out from the crowd with a distinct architectural form. Holds each flat oval leaf straight up and out from the red petioles, showing soft white backs. Good substance, fast growth, pretty dark purple flared bell-shaped flowers en masse starting in mid August. Highly fertile with many stout purple pods. Scheer $ 12.00 purple M Hosta School Bus Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: School Bus Older hosta with rounded yellow leaves that never really made it to market .Bill Janssen was a NW hybridizer in the ‘90’s, another of his plants is ‘Purple Haze’. Janssen $ 16.00 purple L Hosta Sea Gulf Stream Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sea Gulf Stream A great plant...medium-sized hosta with rich chartreuse-gold leaves that have a wonderful piecrust edge (looks serrated when the leaves emerge)and deep blue-green veins in spring. Seaver $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Secret Ambition Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Secret Ambition The tetraploid form of H. ‘Secret Love’...unique colored blue-green leaves are surrounded by a very wide yellow border. Extremely thick leaves on a clump topped with near-white flowers. Van den Top $ 14.00 near white M Page 84 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Secret Love Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Secret Love (NEW in 2016) Variegated sport from H. "Fragrant Blue" heart-shaped leaves with a yellow border. Topped with near-white flowers in early summer. Van den Top $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Secret Treasure Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Secret Treasure H. ‘One Man’s Treasure’ has been one of our favorites for years and now Jan has produced it with a nice wide white border. Shiny dark green leaves have great substance and are held on red petioles that show color well up into the leaf. Good grower with lavender flowers. Van den Top $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta Seducer Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Seducer (NEW in 2016) Showy hosta has large dark green leaves that are slightly ruffled and a very wide gold border. There is a trace of white between the center and the border which develops later in the season...does require summer heat to develop proper coloration. Near-white flowers. Asch $ 16.00 near white L Hosta She's Got the Moves Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: She's Got the Moves Hugo Phillips of Belgium brings us a nice seedling from a cross of H. Setsurei and H. pulchella. Very nice green hosta with heavily ruffled leaves that fold some...good substance and nice form. Fertile and will be of interest to the hybridizers. Phillips $ 20.00 lavender S Hosta Sherborne Swallow Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sherborne Swallow Nice heart-shaped blue leaves on good grower with lavender flowers. Smith/BHHS $ 12.00 lavender M Page 85 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Sherborne Swan Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sherborne Swan Heart-shaped bright blue leaves are slightly corrugated. Lavender flowers. Smith/BHHS $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Sherborne Swift Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sherborne Swift Narrow blue leaves have an intense color and form an upright clump . Smith/BHHS $ 12.00 lavender S/M Hosta Shimmy Shake Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Shimmy Shake Beautifully shaped light green leaves ripple and twist as they reach up and outward making a flat spreading mound. The purplish-red petioles are easily seen as the leaves dance atop them. Exquisite lavender flowers. Scheer $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta sieboldiana ‘Elegans’ Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: sieboldiana ‘Elegans’ Heavy textured blue-green leaves are corrugated and puckered. White flowers. AHS $ 9.00 white L Hosta Silver Bay Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Silver Bay Intense silver-blue leaves make a flat mound about 14" tall. Leaves are quite round with some cupping and good corrugation. Pale lavender flowers in July. Dean $ 12.00 pale lavender M Page 86 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Silver Serenity Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Silver Serenity This is a wonderful introduction from Ron Livingston...arching silverblue leaves have a rippled margin. Makes an elegant upright clump with pale lavender flowers. Livingston $ 12.50 pale lavender L Hosta Silver Shadow Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Silver Shadow Shiny dark green leaves with a thin silvery-white margin on this sport of H. 'Devon Green'. Good substance and lavender flowers. Myerscough College $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta Silver Sheen Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Silver Sheen (NEW in 2016) Yellow leaves with a blue margin. A 'Gold Standard' look alike but the leaves are covered with a silver'blue sheen like its parent 'Kiwi Full Monty'. Fransen $ 18.50 lavender M Hosta Sizzle Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sizzle Very long, narrow yellow leaves with tight ripples that run from the base of the petioles to the tip have a striking green border that accentuates the rippling. Topped with lavender flowers. King $ 12.50 lavender mini Hosta Sky Dancer Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sky Dancer Very nice gray-green, almost blue, leaves with a wavy margin. Has an obvious H. pycnophylla background but has much thicker leaves. The rounded leaves are topped with lavender flowers late in the season. Van Eechaute $ 14.00 lavender M Page 87 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Skylight Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Skylight Heart-shaped leaves form a medium-sized clump of brilliant aquamarine-blue, reflecting the color of the sky. The thick scapes are topped with fertile lavender flowers in June and early July. Best coloring is achieved with 2 hours of morning sun or bright light in high shade. Stegeman $ 18.00 lavender M Hosta Sleeping Beauty Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sleeping Beauty Sport from H. ‘Halcyon’ with pointed, frosty blue-green leaves surrounded by a creamy-white border. Thick leaves topped with pale lavender flowers. Walters Gardens $ 12.00 pale lavender M Hosta Sleeping Star Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sleeping Star Sport from H. ‘Sleeping Beauty’...beautiful frosty blue leaves have a wide creamy border that changes to white. Topped with lavender flowers. Another very nice hosta from Jan Van den Top. Van den Top $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta Small Parts Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Small Parts (NEW in 2016) Mini with character...looks like a miniature H. "Devon Green". Dainty dark green leaves of good substance clump up fast. Vigorous grower with lavender flowers. Van Eechaute $ 10.00 lavender mini Hosta Smoke Signals Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Smoke Signals An outstanding "blue"...symmetrical clump holds intensely blue-green leaves in an upright manner with the somewhat folded, flat leaves filling every space. Holds its color late into the season. Lavender flowers. B&D Stegeman $ 12.00 lavender M Page 88 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Snake Eyes Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Snake Eyes A sport of 'Striptease' that has a more prominent white line between the border and the center. This one really stands out! Torvinen $ 18.00 lavender M Hosta Snow Boy Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Snow Boy This is a sport from H. ‘Deja Blu’...heart-shaped gray-green leaves have a wide dark yellow border. In more sun the leaves develop a white line between the center and the border. Van den Top $ 12.50 lavender S/M Hosta Snow Mouse Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Snow Mouse ‘Blue Mouse Ears’ sport with very thick white-centered leaves surrounded by a blue-green border. Leaf center stays white all season but does show green flecks later. Clump is topped with lavender flowers. Fransen $ 12.00 lavender mini Hosta Sparkler Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sparkler (NEW in 2016) Sport from H. 'Fireworks'...forms a nice mini clump of slender leaves with very narrow, creamy-white to white centers and dark green margins that streak to the middle. Light lavender flowers show in mid summer. Walters Gardens $ 14.00 lavender S Hosta Spartacus Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Spartacus Variegated sport of H. ‘Sea Gulf Stream’...size and form same as the parent but the leaves have a nice dark green center surrounded by a ruffled and serrated yellow margin. Lavender flowers. Hansen $ 14.00 pale lavender L Page 89 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Spilt Milk Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Spilt Milk Blue-green heart-shaped leaves have variable width white to greenishwhite streaks (looks exactly like "spilt milk")...a very unique variegation. Corrugated leaves and near-white flowers. Seaver $ 14.00 white M Hosta Spring Love Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Spring Love (NEW in 2016) New sport from H. ‘Love Pat’ spring yellow leaves sport a blue border and then as the season progresses the color changes to completely blue. Near-white flowers in June. Very Limited! Van den Top $ 25.00 near white M Hosta St Paul Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: St Paul Great sport from H. 'Paul's Glory'...thick leaves have a gold center surrounded by a wide blue-green border. Great substance and vigorous grower topped with pale lavender flowers early .summer Goad $ 12.50 lavender L Hosta Stand by Me Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Stand by Me Unique sport of H. ‘June’...upright yellowish-green leaves have a very irregular blue border with lots of streaking toward the center. Not as large as the parent but a vigorous grower and topped with lavender flowers. Fransen $ 16.00 lavender S/M Hosta Stand Corrected Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Stand Corrected Beautiful green leaves have heavily impressed veins and a variable yellow border with a ruffled margin. Nice sheen on the leaves and this vigorous grower has lavender flowers. Livingston $ 12.00 lavender M Page 90 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Stargate Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Stargate Gorgeous sport of H. ‘Flower Power’...upright gray-green leaves sport a misty and streaked white and green center. In August comes FRAGRANT lavender flowers. Really stands out!. Wade $ 22.00 lavender M Hosta Steffi Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Steffi Light green leaves that color slowly to a deep green surrounded by a white margin. Sport of 'Saint Elmo's Fire'. Serafin $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Stephen King Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Stephen King (NEW in 2016) The darkest red petioles we have seen! Intense, deep, black-red petioles are long and the small leaves showcase the red very well as they curve under on the upper half of the blade giving a nice twist and allowing full vision into the center of the clump. Scheer $ 15.00 purple M Hosta Stimulation Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Stimulation Impressive intro from Tony Avent with heart-shaped glossy green leaves that have lots of rippling. Makes a dense layered clump with lavender flowers. Avent $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Sting Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sting (NEW in 2016) Thick dark green leaves with a white flamed center. A sport of 'Anne' that looks similar like 'Americana'. Heemskerk $ 15.00 lavender M Page 91 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Stir it Up Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Stir it Up Alttara does it again!! Red petioles hold very wavy shiny green leaves that give the appearance of upward mobility. Leaf backs are white and make a dense clump topped with lavender flowers. We just plain find this a very nice hosta to look upon. Scheer $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta Strawberry Parfait Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Strawberry Parfait (NEW in 2016) Sharply pointed glaucous both upper and lower, yellow leaves flare up and out with a rose-pink blush on the base of the petioles. This plant enjoys some sun is adorned with pale lavender flowers in late summer. Dean $ 14.00 lavender S Hosta Strawberry Surprise Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Strawberry Surprise (NEW in 2016) Large blue-green leaves with a wide irregular yellow border present a dramatic display upon an impressive medium-sized mound. The border changes to cream and is complimented with a "surprise" of glaucous red-burgundy flower scapes holding the plant's lavender flowers. Dean $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Striptease Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Striptease Dark green leaf has a unique thin white line that surrounds a narrow elliptical gold center. Vigorous grower that will perform well in most exposures but would be happiest with good morning sun. Thompson $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Stuck in Time Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Stuck in Time Heart-shaped leaves are an Intense yellow color...the solid colored sport from H.‘Stitch in Time’. Fransen $ 12.00 lavender M Page 92 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Sugar and Spice Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sugar and Spice Sport from H. ‘Invincible’...shiny green leaves with a bright cream to white border. Topped with fragrant lavender flowers in August. Zilis $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Sugar Daddy Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sugar Daddy Variegated sport of H. ‘Big Daddy’...corrugated and cupped blue leaves have a variable creamy-white margin up to about 1" wide. Same great substance and dense clump form as the parent. Topped with nearwhite flowers. Zilis $ 16.00 white L Hosta Sum and Substance Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sum and Substance Very large hosta...satin-gold leaves make a huge specimen. In cooler climates grow in full sun. Lavender flowers. Florence Shaw $ 10.00 lavender VL Hosta Summer Breeze Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Summer Breeze (NEW in 2016) Upright clump with green leaves surrounded by a wide gold margin. Leaves have a nice sheen and are topped with lavender flowers Zilis/Diesen $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta Summer Lovin Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Summer Lovin Dark green leaves have a wide yellow border that turns to creamywhite later and thick substance. Give it morning sun or good light. Zilis/Mullins $ 14.00 lavender M Page 93 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Summer Music Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Summer Music Very colorful leaves...snow white centers are surrounded by gold and chartreuse margins. Substance is pretty good and the clump is topped with lavender flowers Klehm $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Sunset Grooves Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sunset Grooves A new sport from H. ‘Rainforest Sunrise’ with rounded leaves that sport a narrow "flamed" yellow center framed by a very wide green border. Leaves are somewhat cupped and have excellent substance. Vigorous grower. Heemskerk $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Sunshine Glory Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sunshine Glory Thick round leaves have a chartreuse-yellow center and a wide white border...good substance and lots of corrugation. Lavender flowers. Vaughn $ 12.00 lavender L Hosta Surprised by Joy Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Surprised by Joy (NEW in 2016) Delightful mini with cream to white leaf centers framed with crisp green borders...leaves are narrow and held upright. Lavender flowers make a delightful display. Malloy $ 12.00 lavender S Hosta Sweet Innocence Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Sweet Innocence Tetraploid form of H. ’Fragrant Bouquet’...heart-shaped apple-green leaves have a very wide creamy border. When mature the leaves have a dome shape and are topped with large fragrant near –white flowers. Hansen $ 14.00 white M Page 94 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Swirls Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Swirls (NEW in 2016) Green leaves with lots of irregular yellow lines, sport of 'Geisha'.. As the season progresses the leaves do darken but the streaking is still evident. Zilis $ 18.00 lavender M Hosta T Rex Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: T Rex A HUGE hosta so give this one lots of room! Gigantic green leaves tend to be rather floppy because they are so big. Near-white flowers. Ward $ 15.00 white VL Hosta Tattle Tails Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Tattle Tails Variegated sport from H. ‘Dragon Tails’...long, wavy leaves have a green center framed by a yellow border. Leaves tend to grow upward and then cascade down making a perfect little mound. Topped with lavender flowers Fransen $ 12.00 lavender mini Hosta Tea at Betty’s Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Tea at Betty’s Very nice variegated sport from H. ‘Rippled Honey’...medium green leaves have a pale yellow border with a heavily rippled margin. Shiny leaves are topped with FRAGRANT lavender flowers. Ford $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Teacher's Pride Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Teacher's Pride Heart-shaped blue leaf with a white center that slowly turns green through the season. A sport of 'Halcyon' that acts like H. 'Guardian Angel'. van Rossum $ 14.00 lavender M Page 95 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Teatime Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Teatime (NEW in 2016) A sport from H. ’English Sunrise’ leaves have a subtle yellow border. Lavender flowers on this probable reverse of H. ‘June’ Zilis/Boyden $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Teeny-weeny Bikini Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Teeny-weeny Bikini Charming mini with pale yellow leaves framed by a medium green margin that streaks to the center. Pointed leaves have a nice sheen and will be topped with deep purple flowers in August. Elslager $ 12.00 purple mini Hosta Temptation Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Temptation Nice sport from H. sieboldiana ‘Elegans’ found in Belgium...large rounded and puckered blue-green leaves have a creamy-white center. Topped with white flowers in midsummer. Cornitensis $ 15.00 white L Hosta Terry Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Terry (NEW in 2016) Grey-green leaves with a wide creamy-white margin on this, stable sport of 'Sally and Bob' which is a streaked plant. Owens $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta The King Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: The King Large heart-shaped blue-green leaves have a wide and irregular border that eventually turns creamy-white and often streaks to the center. The leaves are wavy and held somewhat upright. Topped with lavender flowers. Schwarz $ 18.00 lavender M Page 96 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta The Queen Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: The Queen (NEW in 2016) Attractive yellowish-cream centered leaves with an irregular bluishgreen margin. Very nice sport from 'Sir Richard' Schwarz $ 20.00 lavender M Hosta Theo’s Blue Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Theo’s Blue Beautiful powdery-blue leaves are held on purple-red petioles. The back of the leaf is white. Lavender flowers. Leydens/Zonneveld $ 10.00 lavender M Hosta Theo’s Red Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Theo’s Red Another H. pycnophylla type from Theo Leydens of the Netherlands...wavy gray-green leaves are held on long reddish petioles. Leaf backs are white and lavender flowers appear in midsummer (os stock). Leydens $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Tick Tock Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Tick Tock This sport of H. ‘Gold Drop’ has proved to be an outstanding performer. Thick leaves have a chartreuse-green center framed with a nice bluegreen border. Lavender flowers midsummer. Kipplen $ 12.00 lavender S Hosta Tickle Me Pink Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Tickle Me Pink Leaves emerge bright yellow-chartreuse on red petioles with red tips and some red brushed across the shiny backs. Later the leaves become a golden color. Fuchsia-pink buds emerge in September on dark scapes. Stegeman $ 12.00 purple S Page 97 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Timeless Beauty Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Timeless Beauty Heart-shaped blue leaves have an irregular "feathered" center that changes from yellow to white. Great substance and good growth rate. Lavender flowers. Heemskerk $ 15.00 lavender M Hosta Titanium Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Titanium Vigorous silver-blue clumps up quickly with leathery, smooth centered and wavy edged leaves heavily coated with wax on both sides. At only 9" tall, this clump is perfect for the front of the border. A second flush mid to late season keeps the blue coming. Lavender flowers. Dean $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta Tokudama Aureonebulosa Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Tokudama Aureonebulosa (NEW in 2016) Cupped yellow leaves have a blue-green border...can be a slow grower but is still a very desirable plant with good substance. Nice white flowers in summer maekawa/AHS $ 12.00 white M Hosta Tokudama Flavocircinalis Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Tokudama Flavocircinalis Blue-gray leaves with a yellow margin have heavy substance. Maekawa/AHS $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta Tokyo Smog Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Tokyo Smog A longipes selection from Japan..leaves are white and totally speckled with green flecks. Good substance and subtle waves atop red petioles. Scapes are also red with purple flowers. This should be an excellent plant for the hybridizers to experiment with. Vandekinderen/Van Eechaute $ 25.00 lavender S Page 98 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Tongue Twister Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Tongue Twister Shiny dark green leaves twist upward and outward and always maintain a fresh appearance. Good substance on a vigorous grower with pale lavender flowers in early fall. Solberg $ 12.00 pale lavender S Hosta Totally Twisted Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Totally Twisted Fast grower with long, light, soft green leaves, white backed, red petioles, un-tamed and twisted. As the season grows on, the first flush of leaves can (with the right exposure)develop yellow flecks and speckles. This trait can be passed on to offspring. Tolerates sun well and is fertile . Scheer $ 14.00 purple M Hosta Touch of Class Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Touch of Class A tetraploid with intense blue leaves set off by a yellow-gold center. Topped with lavender flowers. Hansen $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Touch of Frost Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Touch of Frost This is a sport of H. ‘Touch of Class’ ...rubbery-like blue leaves are tough as nails and topped with lavender flowers midsummer. Color holds throughout the season. Fransen $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta Treasure Hunt Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Treasure Hunt (NEW in 2016) Nice heavy green leaves have a variable yellow border on this sport of 'Kiwi Gold Rush'. Good grower that bulks up fast. Fransen $ 18.50 lavender M Page 99 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Trifecta Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Trifecta Colorful sport from H. ‘Little Sunspot...leaves have creamy to pure white centers framed by a dark green border. Good substance and pale lavender flowers in midsummer. Briggs Nursery $ 14.00 pale lavender S Hosta Tropical Dancer PP21209 Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Tropical Dancer PP21209 H. ‘Spring Fling' with attitude! This wonderful sport has a very wide, intensely ruffled, creamy-white border surrounding beautiful long, tapered, green leaves. Vigorous grower. Van den Top $ 12.50 lavender M Hosta Twilight Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Twilight (NEW in 2016) Makes a medium sized clump of tough green leaves that sport a very wide yellow border. Substance is excellent making this one more pest resistant. Walters Gardens $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Twist of Lime Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Twist of Lime (NEW in 2016) Narrow yellow leaves with a green margin, nice sport of 'Lemon Lime', very floriferous. Grows into a "heavy" clump and great for the front of the border.. Banyai/Solberg $ 8.00 lavender mini Hosta UFO Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: UFO Sport from H. ‘Gunther’s Prize’...different from the other yellow-edged ‘Sum and Substance’ sports. Leaves comes up dark green and develop a narrow yellow border. Later, the border fades some and the leaves turn yellowish-green." Fransen $ 16.00 lavender L Page 100 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Uprising Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Uprising A sport of H. ‘Rising Sun’ with a dark green center surrounded by a golden-yellow border that takes a few weeks to define. Leaves have a nice sheen and the substance is superior. Good grower topped with lavender flowers. Fransen $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Valley's Blue Curacao Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Valley's Blue Curacao One of the bluest hostas we have seen!...very intense blue heartshaped leaves with well defined veins and a smooth texture create an open clump. Pale lavender flowers. Linneman $ 16.00 pale lavender M/L Hosta Valley's Chute-the-Chute Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Valley's Chute-the-Chute Low grower with pointed leaves that are wavy...bronze color in spring and then a "Granny Smith" green the rest of the season. Lavender flower Linneman $ 14.00 lavender S Hosta Valley's Lemon Squash Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Valley's Lemon Squash (NEW in 2016) This new introduction of Jeroen Linneman of Hosta Valley fame is going to excite many collectors. This is a great yellow seedling from a cross of two pycnophylla seedlings. The leaves have a wavy margin and also white back. the petioles have also a purple colour. Linneman $ 25.00 lavender M Hosta Valley's Paparazzi Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Valley's Paparazzi (NEW in 2016) Jeroen gives us a new sport from H. 'Deane's Dream' with a creamyyellow border. The gray-blue leaves display large gentle waves and almost fold in places. Stunning color combination and the form of the clump is star-like. Great substance. Great substance. Don't miss out on this one! Linneman $ 18.00 lavender M Page 101 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Valley's Sushi Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Valley's Sushi (NEW in 2016) Sport from 'Red October' leaves sport a white border on a medium-sized clump. Lavender flowers. Linneman $ 20.00 lavender M Hosta Valley's Top Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Valley's Top (NEW in 2016) The streaked version of H. ‘Kalamazoo’...long pointed green leaves are streaked and splashed with creamy-yellow to white. Like its parent, the leaf back is white and the clump is topped with lavender flowers, readily sets seed! Limited availability and expect to sell out early. Linneman $ 32.50 lavender M Hosta Valley's Vanilla Sticks Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Valley's Vanilla Sticks Light blue leaves make an elegant, tight clump. Purple petioles and flower scapes with lavender flowers. Linneman $ 8.00 lavender S Hosta Velvet Moon Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Velvet Moon Sport of H. ‘Abiqua Moonbeam’...plant has large dark green leaves with a very wide golden-yellow border. Similar growing habit and same great vigor as the parent. Lavender flowers. Hansen/Naylor Creek Nursery $ 14.00 lavender L Hosta Venetian Skies Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Venetian Skies (NEW in 2016) New sport of 'Venetian Blue' has long pointed frosty blue leaves with a narrow narrow, rippled, white margin. The upright clump cascades back toward the ground. Late in the summer lavender flowers appear. Klehm $ 22.00 lavender M Page 102 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Venetian Star Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Venetian Star (NEW in 2016) This hybrid offers heavily rippled margins, deep blue foliage, and an arching mounded growing habit. Great looker! Q&Z Nursery $ 22.00 lavender M Hosta Victor Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Victor sport from H. "Whirlwind" (named after the hybridizer?s father) makes a medium-sized mound of shiny dark green leaves that have a narrow irregular yellowish "lightning bolt" center. Too much shade and the center will turn green. Lavender flowers appear midseason Vandekinderen $ 20.00 lavender M Hosta Victory Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Victory Huge variegated sport from H. ‘Elatior’...very large dark green leaves have a wide creamy-yellow border and are held upright. Topped with lavender flowers. Zilis $ 16.00 lavender VL Hosta Viking Ship Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Viking Ship Huge oval to nearly round blue-green leaves stand upright on this giant hosta. Leaves have glaucous bloom top and bottom, are lightly corrugated and deeply veined. Light ruffling and some cupping is also evident. Wiegand $ 16.00 lavender VL Hosta Virginia Reel Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Virginia Reel This little guy forms a fairly flat, pinwheel-shaped clump of pointed blue-green leaves with a yellow border. Good substance and vigorous grower. Walters Gardens $ 15.00 lavender S Page 103 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Volcano Island Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Volcano Island Tetraploid form of H. ‘Paradise Island’...thicker leaves and a wider border makes for more contrast and the upright leaves showoff the cherry red petioles with the color reaching up into the leaves. Lavender flowers . Fransen $ 16.00 lavender M Hosta Vulcan Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Vulcan Sport from 'Captain Kirk' has creamy-white leaves with dark green margins. Golden-yellow streaks occur along the interior margins where the white and green overlap. Vigorous growth rate and pale lavender flowers. Hansen $ 12.00 pale lavender M/L Hosta War Paint Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: War Paint Large pointed and pie-crusted leaves emerge in spring with a clear bright butter-yellow center framed by a dark green border. Yellow center darkens and by mid June the center fades to pale green. Violet flowers. Naylor Creek Nursery $ 20.00 violet M/L Hosta Warwick Comet Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Warwick Comet Quite different from most hostas...very rounded and cupped leaves have a white center (starts out yellow) surrounded by a wide green border. Good corrugation and topped with lavender flowers Jones $ 18.00 lavender M Hosta Warwick Curtsey Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Warwick Curtsey (NEW in 2016) A small heart-shaped blue-green leaf with a creamy-yellow border...rapid grower that clumps up fast and has good substance. Compact plant that makes a good edger with lavender flower. Jones $ 10.00 lavender S Page 104 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Warwick Essence Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Warwick Essence (NEW in 2016) Large, rather glossy blue-green leaves on this beauty have tremendous substance...the clump makes a great specimen and is topped with beautiful fragrant white flowers. Jones $ 14.00 lavender L Hosta Waukon Glass Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Waukon Glass Large frosty-blue leaves have a very wide creamy border that makes a stunning contrast. The leaves have a sheen that almost gives a "glassy" look. Good substance on a large clump topped with lavender flowers. Axmear $ 14.00 lavender L Hosta Waukon Golden Pond Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Waukon Golden Pond Bright gold hosta with round cupped leaves that are thick and held upright. They glow with a shine that makes the plant standout from afar and the color improves with the season. Lavender flowers. Axmear $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Waukon the Moon Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Waukon the Moon (NEW in 2016) Very attractive blue that has great color and holds all season. Leave are quite round and have the feel of parchment...they are very smooth and held upright making them very pleasant to look down on. Axmear $ 18.00 lavender M Hosta Waukon Thin Ice Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Waukon Thin Ice Variegated H. ‘Topaz’ sport with thick blue leaves and a greenishyellow border that becomes yellow later in the season. Upright clump is a vigorous grower with lavender flowers. Axmear $ 10.00 lavender M Page 105 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Wheaton Thunder Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Wheaton Thunder Beautiful large clump of blue leaves have a nice cream border that randomly flares to the middle...originates from an all-blue sport of H. ‘Paul’s Glory’. Heart-shaped leaves show good pebbling and the creamy-white border changes to a light green. Lavender flowers. Goodenough $ 14.00 lavender L Hosta Wheee! Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Wheee! Comes up in spring with the most amazing curly and twisty shoots and then, when it leafs out it continues to curl and twist. Vigorous grower...border can vary in width from year to year. Lavender flowers Meyer $ 12.00 lavender M Hosta Whirlwind Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Whirlwind Leaves have outstanding substance and twist as they reach upward...they are white, yellowish and yellow-green with a dark green border that varies. Prominent veins and lavender flowers. Kulpa $ 10.00 lavender S/M Hosta White Jewel Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: White Jewel Very nice sport from H. 'Orange Star...pure white center surrounded by a wide dark green border on a leaf with a gentle twist and some waviness. The white center reaches completely to the tip. Pale lavenders flowers on creamy-white scapes. Another child of H. 'June Fever'. Van den Top $ 24.00 lavender M Hosta Windfall Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Windfall Here is another, but different, sport from H. ’Sum and Substance’...the leaf on ’Windfall’ is not shiny and has a beautiful dark green border of variable width against a bright yellow leaf when it emerges. Later the leaf turns to light green and the border fades some but is still quite visible. Great substance. Van den Top $ 24.00 lavender L Page 106 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Winter Frost Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Winter Frost We really like this one...beautiful thick blue leaves have ruffled leaf margins and hold their color well. Good grower withs excellent substance. Beilstein $ 22.00 lavender M Hosta Winter Snow Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Winter Snow Sport of H. ‘Sum and Substance’...beautiful shiny, medium green leaves have a nice white border of decent width and the clump is topped with lavender flowers midsummer . NR $ 12.00 lavender L Hosta Wishing Well Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Wishing Well Don Dean is famous for his ‘blues’ and this one is really outstanding! Large blue leaves are deeply cupped, somewhat wavy and show lots of corrugation. Can take lots of sun and will stay blue late into the season. Great substance and near-white flowers. Dean $ 14.00 white L Hosta Woodland Elf Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Woodland Elf Medium green leaves with a neat cream to white edge...substance is good on this rapid growing clumper that quickly forms a tight, neat mound a couple of inches tall. Lavender flowers. Dean $ 12.00 lavender mini Hosta Woop Woop Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Woop Woop We found this unique sport of H. ‘Pathfinder’ many years ago...thick green leaves have a creamy-white center that runs right down the petiole. The leaves twist with the white going to the very tip. Lavender flowers in midsummer. Named after an Australian wine enjoyed at a friends house one infamous evening when the Fransens were visiting from Holland. Naylor Creek Nursery/Fransen $ 18.00 lavender M Page 107 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Hosta Yankee Blue Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Yankee Blue Hybrid from H. ‘Elatior’ and H. ‘Blue Arrow’...long tall blue leaves make a dense upright clump withnear-white flowers. Brincka/Balitewicz $ 18.00 white M Hosta Yellow Polka Dot Bikini Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Yellow Polka Dot Bikini Sport from H. ‘Striptease’ with bright yellow borders that eventually turn apple green...leaf center is dark and shows the typical ‘Striptease’ white line. Quite distinctive early on but as it changes it begins to look very similar to H. ‘Hanky Panky’. The beautiful spring show is well worth having the plant. Leaves twist and cup a little and then flatten out later. Lavender flowers midsummer. Jones $ 16.00 lavender S Hosta Yellow River Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Yellow River (NEW in 2016) Bright deep-green leaves have yellow margins and good substance. This plant achieves a large size in just a couple of years. Lavender flowers in midsummer Smith/Ruh $ 12.00 lavender L Hosta Yin Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Yin Small, perfectly heart-shaped, dark blue leaves are framed with a wide creamy-white margin and have excellent substance. Light lavender flowers in July S. Wilkins, J. Wilkins $ 10.00 lavender S Hosta Yuuyake Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Yuuyake Yuuyake is a new variegated sport from H. rupifraga and the name in Japanese means sunset. Thick dark green leaves have a blazing yellow center and where the two colors cross over you get a third light green. Eventually, the center will probably turn to a creamy-white. Should make a beautiful plant with great substance. Vandekinderen $ 28.00 lavender M Page 108 Naylor Creek - Hosta catalog - season 2016 Page 109 Hosta Zebra Stripes Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Zebra Stripes A unique "white" hosta with green open pollinated seedling from H. 'Outhouse Delight'. The leaves are white when they emerge and then the veins turn green and eventually the whole plant will have to green up to continue growing. Better color in cooler climates.. Avent $ 18.00 lavender M Hosta Zitronenfalter Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Zitronenfalter (NEW in 2016) Bright golden leaves in spring that turn green later, good substance, one of the nicest introductions of Heinz Klose. Klose $ 14.00 lavender M Hosta Zorro Name: Description: Originator: Price: Flowers: Size: Zorro (NEW in 2016) This is an all green sport from 'Justine'...a really nice one. Extremely dark green leaves are very shiny and so smooth its almost difficult to see the veins. This one will stand out from afar. Van den Top $ 22.00 lavender M We hope you enjoyed this catalog! If you have any questions about this catalog, please contact us at