Newsletter - Dulwich College Shanghai


Newsletter - Dulwich College Shanghai
Dulwich College Shanghai
7th - 11th May
Whole School
Dulwich College Shanghai Yearbook
The College Yearbook, designed by teachers and students, is a pictorial history of the school year
created to represent the College from Toddlers to Year 13. It is an invaluable collection of memories.
Please go to the main College Reception to pre-order your yearbook at the discounted price of
150RMB. All orders will be delivered to students in mid June. Please note that only a limited number
of yearbooks will be available without pre-order, at the full price of 200RMB each.
The Founder’s Day Geat Apple Pie Bake-Off
Calling all Dulwich bakers: It’s time to pull out your favorite apple pie
recipes and see if you can produce the winning pie at the inaugural
Founder’s Day Great Apple Pie Bake-Off! Prizes include a baking
lesson with a professional baker and The Perfect Pie Cookbook by the
duo “The Hairy Bikers”, a British baking sensation and of course, the
first ever Dulwich College Shanghai Apple Pie Bake-Off Trophy. To
register your entry, please email
Questions? Contact Mrs. Lindsay Bellis,
Founder’s Day Tickets and Picnics
The order form for Glo London
Founder’s Day picnics is now
available online here. To avoid
disappointment, please order in
advance. A reminder that your free
tickets for the event can be collected
from the Main College Reception.
Harvard Krokodiloes Concert, 7.00pm, 1st June 2012
Dulwich College Shanghai is pleased to welcome the Harvard
Krokodiloes, a world-renowned a cappella group, to perform in the
Mei Lan-Fang Theatre on 1st June 2012. Established since 1946, the
Harvard Krokodiloes have delighted audiences worldwide with their
blend of a cappella harmony and humour.
All the twelve talented Ivy League university members balance rigorous
academic studies with a demanding schedule of over 150 concerts
across America during the school year. Since the summer of 1982, the
Krokodiloes have entertained audiences around the world during their
annual six-continent world tour, and we are delighted to be a part of
this year’s tour. Tickets will be on sale at the College Reception from
Friday, 18th May, or by emailing 100RMB
per adult, 50RMB per child.
AEN Informal Parent Meeting
On Friday, 18th May, there will be an informal meeting for DCS parents who have children with
learning difficulties. The meeting will take place in the Junior School meeting room from 8.30am9.30am. This will provide an opportunity for parents to come together and share strategies and
experiences of how to best support and meet the needs of their children. For further information,
please contact
Junior School students enjoyed their
House Tug of War competition.
Diary Dates
Saturday, 12th May
Y5/6 Basketball SISSZ
9.00am Founder’s Day Music Rehearsal
2.30pm Vienna Tour Rehearsal
Sunday, 13th May
10.00am DUCKS Walkathon
Monday, 14th May
Year 1 Book Sharing with parents begins
8.30am Year 6 MFL Coffee Morning
9.00am JS (Year 5/6) STEP Training Course
1.00pm JS (Year 3/4) STEP Training Course
Tuesday, 15th May
CISSA Boys Basketball
Year 1 and Year 2 Sports
Reminder: Saturday, 26th May
For full parent calendar, please click here.
Performing Arts
For more Arts information please click here.
For more sports information please click here.
Summer Writing Course - Stanford
University EPGY Honors Academies
Click here for the brochure and application
form of the above summer writing course.
Please click here for the Friends of Dulwich website.
Dulwich College Shanghai
School News
It has been a very creative week in DUCKS. On Tuesday evening,
we held our annual Mandarin Soirée in the hall at DUCKS. It was
lovely to watch the children singing and reciting poems in Mandarin,
and dancing, too! The Soirée ended with a short play by the DUCKS
Mandarin Drama group telling us all a famous story from Chinese
history. A huge well done to all of the performers and a big thank-you
to the parents and the DUCKS Mandarin staff for arranging such a
wonderful event.
On Wednesday and Thursday, Early Years took to the stage in the ‘big
school’ to perform their concert for parents and friends. Although I
was not able to attend the actual concerts, I did watch the rehearsal
and was amazed by the confidence of these children to stand up on
the stage and sing and dance in front of a big audience. Mrs. Gillespie
tells me that the actual concerts were even better than the rehearsal!
A big thank-you to all the Early Years staff, to the backstage crew, and
especially to Miss Rodi for an amazing event. There is a slide show
of photos from the show on the College website, you can find the
Another fantastic week in Junior School comes to an end. Sports Day
was brilliant today, mixing individual competitiveness with House
competitiveness. A big thank-you to the PE department for their
organisation of the event.
Over the next couple of weeks, we will commence the organisation of
classes for the coming academic year. This will be done in the same way
as previous years. I can assure you that a lot of time and effort goes into
placing your child in an appropriate class. Current teachers and specialists
play a large part in this process. If you would like any further details, please
feel free to come and ask.
House Tug of War
The Junior School children really enjoyed the House Tug of War last
Wednesday. It was quite obvious that the children (and teachers) were
certainly at their competitive best. The side field proved to be an excellent
venue for a wonderful atmosphere and the final results proved very
interesting. Overall, Howard and Shackleton tied for first place, whilst
Anand and Wing tied for second place. Interestingly, we may just have a
cliff-hanger when it comes to this year’s overall winning House with only
a few points separating all of the Houses.
Congratulations to the DCS Future Problem Solvers who have qualified
to compete in the prestigious 2012 Future Problem Solving Program,
International Finals. The Future Problem Solving club comprised four
Year 7 students: Claudia Meng, Victoria Gao, Yifeng Dong and Ananya
Subramanian who did exceptionally well in the Global Issues Problem
Solving Competition in the Alaskan State Bowls held in April. The team
was coached by Ishwar Subramanian(11DE), who himself has again
qualified to compete in the Global Issues Problem Solving Competition
(Senior, Individual) at the International Finals.
The students competed against several other teams from Hong Kong
and the USA, and were ranked 1st in the State Bowls. They are among
the selected group of students who have been invited to represent China
amongst 40 different countries and states such as Australia, Great Britain,
Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand , Portugal,
Singapore, South Africa, and most states within the United States at the
International Conference to be held at Indiana University, Bloomington,
United States.
7th - 11th May
Mrs. Joanne Woodward
Head of DUCKS
link here.
We are looking forward to the Walkathon in aid of Heart to Heart
this Sunday, 10am at DUCKS. We have our fingers crossed that
the weather will be fine, but please note, in case of rain this event
will be cancelled.
Year 1 and Year 2 Sports Day
We are also looking forward to the Year 1 and 2 Sports Day on
Tuesday, 15th May, starting at 9.00am on the main field in front of
the Senior School – parents are very welcome to attend and cheer
on the children as they compete in their Houses.
Year 1 Book Sharing
Following their morning of sports, Year 1 would like to invite all
parents to return to DUCKS for our Book Sharing session from
11.00am to 12.00pm, on Tuesday, 15th May.
Mr. Philip Stewart
Head of Junior School
Congratulations need to go out to many of our Junior School children
this week. Ella Hensey 6P and Imogene Jones 6P raised 800RMB selling
things they don’t play with anymore. Felix Burkle raised 90RMB selling
lemonade. These children have chosen to donate this money to the Heart
to Heart charity. Inspired by this great community spirit, Laura Chisnall 5S,
Shelly Liu 5B, Helen Zhong 5R went on to raise 401RMB for the migrant
school charity. Well done to all of the children who are living the College
philosophy of developing charitable and compassionate individuals.
Eco Dudes
Last weekend, Eco Dudes Lasse Stiefel and Kylie Ye, along with their
teachers, manned a stand to sell up-cycled goods for the school charities.
On Saturday, 12th May, they will also be selling wrapping paper designed
by the Junior School children, and fabrics, too, as part of our ‘Up-cycle
China’ ethos to raise funds at the Green Hills Community Centre fair. Your
support would be most welcome. See you there!
Good Luck to the U11 FOBISSEA team who will be travelling to Saigon
next week to take part in the FOBISSEA Primary Games. We look forward
to hearing about it on their return.
Mr. Nicholas Botting
Head of Senior School
Science House Competition
This week, each House in Senior School organised a team of six students,
three each from Years 10 and 12. They
carried out three Science experiments,
one each in Biology, Chemistry and
Physics. Special thanks to Mr. Van De
Casteele and the Science Department
for running the event.
The results were: 1st Wing, 2nd Anand
and Howard, 3rd Shackleton.