Detroit Shriners - Detroit Moslem Shriners


Detroit Shriners - Detroit Moslem Shriners
October 2015
Detroit Shriners
Moslem Shriners 2015
Holiday Party
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Social Hour 6:00pm • Dinner 7:00pm
Penna’s of Sterling
38400 Van Dyke Ave. • Sterling Heights, MI 48312
Entertainment by Jerry
Ross Band
Reservations call Shrine Office, 248.569.2900 Ext. 110.
Hotel Rooms will be available at: Hampton Inn & Suites, 36400 Van Dyke,
Sterling Hgts, MI 48312, 586.276.0600 • $99 for standard room, $109 for suite
Room rate guarantee only through 11/13/2015, Code:SHR
By Joe Murphy
Shriners Shine
We see them at parades and like events
Just out there having a good time
But there’s another serious side
Of those members of the Shrine
That's what makes a Shriner someone very special
They show so much concern and care
For those children who were the losers
In the game of. “Is Life Fair?”
To a crippled child they offer hope
That someday they might run and play
Just as those other children do
Though they cannot even walk today
They offer help to the helpless
Offer a chance of a full rich life
To those who would have no chance at all
If not for that skilled surgeon’s knife
For the Shriners Hospitals for Crippled Children
Do everything they possibly can
To help that crippled child become
A fully functional lady or man
If medical science can offer hope
The Shriners see they receive it in full measure
For they know the dear Lord up above
Considers every child a treasure
Members of the Shrine we salute you
May the Lord bless each and every one
And we stand in awe and wonder
At the miracles your efforts have won
October Moslemite 3
Detroit Shriners
Shriners Shine................................... Page 3
Index and Office ................................ Page 4
Ten printed issues a year as well as all 12 online issues every year
Drivers, Black Camel/Notices............. Page 5
Shrine Office
NAPA Thank You................................ Page 2
Child Care.......................................... Page 6
Reception Unit................................... Page 7
248-569-2900 • Fax 248-557-4402
Past Master Unit ............................... Page 8
24350 Southfield Rd., Southfield, MI 48075
Shriners Dues Letter ......................... Page 9
Office Hours: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Cincinnati Tipsheet........................... Page 10
Commodore’s Report....................... Page 11
What’s New in Erie.................Pages 12 & 13
Shriners Creed................................. Page 14
Shrine Lancers................................. Page 15
9:00 am to 7:30 pm Monday (4:00 pm on Monday’s in July and August)
Larry Leib, Potentate248-895-5342
Keystone Kops &
Clown of the Year......................... Page 16
Craig Stigleman, Chief Rabban248-302-7337
Director Michigan State Fair
Ladies of The Shrine &
Daughters of the Nile.................... Page 17
Art Brdak, Assistant Rabban
Bob O’ Brien, High Priest and Prophet
Support our Advertisers
and Events.................................... Page 18
Ladies Fall Fun................................. Page 19
Jeff Geske, Oriental Guide586-381-8187
Robert Pate P.P., Recorder 248-569-2900 x107
cell: 734-645-2611
Dr. Fred Jex, Treasurer586-980-9406
Robert Scott, Chaplain989-644-5267
Charlie Ferguson, Co-General Chairman586-531-2143
Charles Taylor, Co-General Chairman586-382-7883
Don Kincheloe, Chief Photographer Emeritus586-322-5336
Helen Brown, Office Staff, Accounting248-569-2900 x115
Pam York, Child Care/Transportation248-569-2900 x109
Official Philanthropy of
Shriners International
For information concerning
Shriners Hospitals for Children, call
Dorothy Stoner, Guest Relations248-569-2900 x110
Acting GM, Silver Gardens248-569-2299
Deadline for November Issue
October 22nd, 2015
All articles or comments should be directed to the Layout Director:
Theresa – Rex Printing - 586-206-0390
October Moslemite
The Black Camel
A very special THANKS
to all of our drivers!
On behalf of the officers and members of Moslem
Shriners, we express our sincere sympathy to the
families and friends of these departed Nobles.
Cherrell Fry
Chicago - 8 • Cincinnati - 4
Stanley Kamer
William McFarlin
Tom Peters
John Petitto
Chuck Koteles
Jerry Stafford
John Van Wert - 2
Len Satlowski
Marty Levine
Dave Fowler - 2
Bob Peterson
Don Crawford
Dave Guest - 2
Ron Ryan
Jerry Freeburn - 5
Dick Morgan - 2
Phil Hudson
William Warfield
Irving Wineman
Al Miller
Ill. Sir Larry Leib, Potentate of Moslem Shrine
has called for:
The Stated Meeting and Election of Office
for the Moslem Shrine Temple
To be held on Monday, December 7th, 2015 at 7:00pm
at the Moslem Shrine Temple
Entry to the meeting will require possession of a
2015 Moslem Shrine Dues card
So Ordered: Attested to:
Ill. Sir Larry Leib, Potentate
Robert Pate, P.P. Recorder
October Moslemite 5
Child Care
Greetings Nobles
The Traveling Hospital information Trailer and
Pickup was a great success again at the state Fair.
The display gave the public a chance to see the great
work that is done by our 22 hospitals. Many people
stopped by to thank us for the great work we do
and to tell us stories of Friends or family members
who were treated at our hospitals, many took our
packets to pass on to people they know with a child
we could help.
The display visibility also contributed to us getting
several new patients for Moslems childcare program.
I had the great chance to speak with many people
about the great care we give to kids and to tell them
about the many things our hospitals do to improve
the lives of kids.
We all support our hospitals just by being a Shriner
but to talk,one on one with a mom or dad with a
child we can help and seeing the child in front of
you as you talk with the family about the care the
is giving strikes home as to the great things we
as Shriners do to help a child. On one occasion
a family came up an older gentleman his two
grow daughters and several grand kids, The man
introduced himself and informed that he was a
brother mason,one of the daughters told us all
that she was a past Shriner hospital kid the other
October Moslemite
daughter informed that she had moved to L.A area
of California and ask if we have have any hospitals
near her, I was able to walk her through the display
trailer show her our hospital locations.
As I was speaking with her she stated her young son
was having orthopedic issues in his legs and feet and
it caused him to have a strange walking pattern, as
she talked about her son she starting to cry because
she wasn’t sure if anything could be done to help
her little boy, I assured her that our hospitals have
some of the finest medical teams and our orthopedic
hospitals our some of the finest in the world.
Seeing the hope on a persons face really makes you
feel good about being a Shriner whether we transport
them to a hospital in Moslem area,or you can help
a child thousands of miles away the feeling that you
can give a child a chance cannot be explained.
I wish to thank the Nobles and there ladies for taking
time out of there labor day weekend to help.
Past Potes Charlie Fergusion and John Thornhill and
Lady Mary, Past Pote and Recorder Bob Pate, High
Priest and Prophet Bob O’Brian and Lady Judy
Noble Don Thamarus, Noble Gary Compton and
Lady Lorraine, Noble Charlie Taylor.
Frank (Chum) Dougherty
Chief of Staff Childcare Moslem Shrine
Reception Unit
by: George Staten
Greetings to all the members of the Reception Unit.
Hope this finds everybody in good health and enjoying
the good weather we are having. We have had a few days
of cold, but the warm weather is back so enjoy it while
you can.
As I said before, all of the functions that are put on by
the Shrine are not only fund-raisers, they are for your
enjoyment and if you don’t attend them, you are not
getting your money’s worth.
July 15th was our Charity Poker Outing. We made a
good profit and had a good time while we were doing it.
Again, thanks to all that helped. Come to the meeting
and we will have a report on how we did.
As you probably know by now, our Unit has been given
the job of carrying the Shrine Banner in all the Parades.
Everybody needs the exercise, so if you can, volunteer to
help. We have had other Unit members help up to this
time. Call your director George and let him know you
would like to be a part of carrying the banner.
We have new ties, a Shrine Shirt and a Gray Shrine
Sport Jacket on order. If you want any of these let your
Director George know and he will order them. These
will be subsidized by the Unit.
By the time you receive this the State Fair will be history.
Hope all that could were there working or just enjoying
the Fair and Circus. Also our Secretary worked to help
Membership. Hope he had a lot of help.
If you can think of any fund-raiser that might be good
for the Unit, come to the meeting and let us know and
we will discuss them.
By the time you receive this article our outing to Sarnia,
Canada boat cruise and lunch on the St. Clair River and
then to the Point Edward Casino will be past. If every
thing goes same as last time, everybody had a good
time and made money at the Casino. (I hope that is not
wishful thinking.)
Brothers, as I said before at one of our meetings of the
Reception Unit, a motion was made to pay half of the fee
of any new Shriner that any Member of the Reception
Unit would have join the Shrine with the stipulation that
they be an active member of the Reception Unit for a
year. This still stands. Pick-up a petition from the Shrine
Office for your Masonic Lodge and the Shrine and see
how many you can get to join. Maybe we can help have
more candidates at the the next Ceremonial.
If anybody wants RECEPTION on their FEZ, let your
director George or Secretary Ray Moore know. The Unit
will cover the cost. Also, if you want a Unit Name Tag let
your Secretary know. Again, the Unit will cover the cost.
We still have gold and silver Shrine Fez pins, so sell them
if you can. Call director George at 248-828-4151 and he
will mail them to you.
If you are not receiving any notification of meetings, call
Director George.
Brothers, we have lost (2) of our member in August,
Floyd Hicks and Bob Jewell. Our sympathy and prayer
go out to their family. A donation will be made to the
Shrine Child Care in their name.
I tried to catch-up with Bufford Gibson and haven’t had
much success. He is still recovering from the stroke he
had. Call him at 248-669-5958 and see if you can catch–
up with him and see how he is doing.
If you know of any of our members that are not doing
very well, let your director know so he can send them a
card and give them a call.
Our next meeting will be Monday, September 28th. Join
us for snacks, desert, refreshments, a 50/50 drawing and
a door prize and a lot of fellowship. We will have new
members coming in so come out and meet them. With
your help we can have a great meeting.
Nobles: Would anybody like to volunteer to be the
Scribe for the Unit? Your job would be to put the article
in the Moslemite each month. It’s not a big job and
doesn’t take much time. If you are interested, talk to
Dates to Remember: Sept. 16th thru Sept. 20th – GLSA.
Convention. Sept. 24th – Potentate’s Birthday Party.
Sept. 26th – Shrine Meat Raffle. Sept. 27th – Clinton
Fall Festival parade. Nov. 12th – Trivia Night. Nov. 14th
– Shrine Ceremonial. ? December 7th – Shrine Election.
QUOTABLES : A true friend knows your weaknesses
but shows you your strengths; feels your fears but
fortifies your faith; sees your anxieties but frees your
spirit; recognizes your disabilities but emphasizes your
William Arthur Ward
October Moslemite 7
Past Master Unit
“Good Deeds”
Do all the good you can
In all the ways you can
In all the places you can
At all the times you can
To all the people you can
As long as ever you can.
Author: John Wesley
Many thanks to our Potentate, Larry Leib and
special thanks to Chief Rabban Craig Stigleman and
all their staff for all their planning and guidance in
making the Michigan State Fair so successful over
the Labor Day Holiday. Also thanks to the Divan
and to all the Nobles and their Ladies that worked
so hard. I heard from many Nobles that it was a
pleasure for them to be there and take part in this
endeavor. A Job Well Done.
October Birthdays:
WB Peter Rowe, October 20th, WB James Sparks,
October 26th, and WB Robin Handelman, October
28th, Happy Birthday and Many Happy Returns.
Would you like to join the Past Master Unit? We
do need to recruit new members. If you are a Past
Master or a Worshipful Master of a Masonic Lodge,
please come to our next meeting and be a part of
great fellowship and help portray the Second Section
of the Master Mason Degree for Lodges requiring
our assistance. Please call me at 248-488-9711 and
come to our next business meeting in the Shrine
Center. I guarantee you will not be disappointed.
We meet on the 3rd Monday of the month and
our October meeting will be at the Shrine Center
on Monday, October 19th starting at 9:00 P.M.
Our November meeting will be held on Monday,
November 16th. Hope to see you there.
John Thornhill, P.P.
Jack Horner,
Associate Member of the
Board of Governors at
Shriners Hospitals for Children
- Erie, presents numerous
checks totaling $3896 to
Bob Lee, P P, Chairman of
the Board of Governors.
October Moslemite
October Moslemite 9
News from Cincinnati
Specialty care beyond a burn
Alee Shriners Sends Dog Bitten
Child to Cincinnati
Recently, thanks to Alee Shriners
(Savannah, GA) and the Quint Shrine
club, a four-year-old girl suffering
from a vicious dog mauling accident
was referred to Cincinnati.
“Knowing that we can play a role in
getting this child under the care of
some of the world’s best pediatric
plastic surgeons is extremely
important to us and our members.
To know that in some small way we
are helping improve this child’s life
gives all our members a huge sense
of pride. It is important for people
to know the expertise we have in
Cincinnati goes well beyond burns”
“You can’t imagine how scary this
is,” said the girl’s mother. “It was
an awful accident and I thank
the Shriners for their support and
Ramon Powell from the Quint
Shrine Club saw the story about
the girl’s accident on Facebook and
immediately contacted the family
to meet with them. Powell told the
family about the conditions and type
of care available at the Cincinnati
hospital, and its pediatric plastic
surgery expertise. “The children
are what it’s all about,” Powell said.
Plastic Surgery
Shriners Play a Big Role
in Referrals
When it comes to finding medical help for
children, Shriners are now more important
than ever. Members of the fraternity have
always played a critical role in helping
families in their communities get connected
with Shriners Hospitals for Children –
Cincinnati, and now it has become even
easier with a website and referral cards.
Shriners Hospitals for Children – Cincinnati
continues to make referring a patient
and obtaining an appointment for care
easier than ever through the www. website.
Every page has a Schedule an Appointment
and a Contact Us feature; both are easy
forms that families can complete and submit
online directly to the hospital.
Referral Cards
Referral cards are also a great resource
that Nobles can use. These cards allow
families easy access to hospital information
and services. The cards provide hospital
contact information to assist in scheduling
appointments. On the back of each card is
space for the Shriner’s name and Temple.
Please stop by the Business Development
office to pick cards up, or call 513-872-6391
to have them mailed to your Temple.
Cleft Lip & Palate
Reconstructive Surgery
Complex Wounds & Skin Conditions
Conditions Treated
All Services Provided Regardless of a Family’s Ability to Pay
Shriners Hospitals for Children® – Cincinnati is one of only four freestanding hospitals in the country dedicated to the treatment of pediatric burns and specializing in plastic
and reconstructive surgery. Our physicians’ experience and expertise in pediatric burn treatment, cleft lip and palate, complex wound and skin conditions, and plastic and
reconstructive surgery makes Shriners Hospitals for Children – Cincinnati a first choice for care.
If you know a child we can help, go to or call:
Burn and Emergency Services
October Moslemite
SHC-CIN_Media Resources.Sept 2015
Plastic Surgery Services
Article Submitted by: Joe Merem
No. 3 - SEPTEMBER, 2015
But, first a bit of business:
Mid-Atlantic Ambassador Don Wellen, former Commodore
of Kena Yacht Club and former
Commodore ot the Mid-Atlantic
Association of Shrine Yacht
Clubs, has been appointed as
MidAtlantic Region Commodore.
Don is a fantastic innovator and
Captain Jean Lafitte and his partner
Madeline Regaud (maybe?).
Are you ready for the
Party!? I've been waiting all my
life to go to New Orleans and to
see it all. I love great jazz and
this is where it really started. I
love good food and this is where
the fabulous French food melded with those of the Spanish
and the creole to make all the
unique Cajun dishes so many
enjoy today. And, it will never
taste the same anywhere else.
Ready to play Huck Finn
and ride up and down Ole
Miss!? We plan a buffet
luncheon with a live jazz
band concert just for your
And, oh the sights and
sounds of Basin Street!
Folks, it just doesn't get any
better than this. Because our
Hotel is in the very heart of
the French Quarter, you're
just steps away from this
citiy's landmark homes,
gardens, fine restaurants and
the wildest bars and bistros
with incredible music and
fun. It's the experience of a
lifetime. You surely don't
want to miss a bit of it!
New Member Uniform Items:
As reports come in of all the new
members who have recently
joined IASYC, it is important to
promote the uniform items they
will be needing. These include:
dress shirt, cap and jacket. (Our
light jacket is ideal for N.O. as it
is light, flexible and warm; and
is now being offered at 30% off.
Our ladies love them!
Indemnity Insurance:
Hotels are now requiring groups
such as ours to carry their own
Group Indemnity Insurance.
IASYC has obtained appropriate
coverage specifically for our
N.O. trip. Incidentally, Ladies,
please leave your best jewelry
at home for your visit to New
Orleans. MardiGras attracts
some of the world's best pick
pockets (they work in teams) so
wear "junk" ear rings, rings, etc.
Our itinerary is virtually all
casual, so "dress up" is not
required. Men: carry only that
amount of cash you need for
emergencies and use a
minimum of credit cards. The
word is: TRAVEL LIGHT!
Notice: Lonnie Ramos is
now preparing the 2015-16
IASYC Directory. It is a vital
tool for every Officer in IASYC.
The cost is $35.00 per copy
and is worth every penny.
Reserve your copy today.
All aboard the Steamship Nachez for a ride on the Mississippi.
What’s New in Erie!
Shriners Hospitals for Children®
Erie Ambulatory Surgery Center and Outpatient Specialty Care Center
An Update for our Temple Affiliates
October 2015
Rare Bone Disease
Unite Siblings
Thanks to Shriners Hospitals
for Children, siblings with the same
medical diagnosis but from different
countries, met for the first time this
week. Genesis Alecza Baide-Munoz,
an international patient from Honduras, traveled with her mother to
Shriners Hospitals for ChildrenTampa to receive care for osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), also known as
"brittle bone disease." Genny, 2, also
got to meet her big brother, Jordan
Noland, 17, for the first time. Jordan, brought to the United States as
an infant for treatment of OI, was
adopted by Janet Noland, a physical therapist from Shriners Hospitals for Children – Erie. Jordan has received expert orthopaedic care during his lifetime at the Shriners Hospitals in Erie
and Montreal. Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. Noland traveled from Erie, PA to meet Genesis and her
mother from Honduras and provided loving support and guidance throughout their stay in Tampa for care.
Jordan has had many struggles in living with brittle bone disease. He has had over 10
surgeries to help with his condition. Jordan has rods in his arms, legs and two rods in his back
supporting his spine.
He was heartbroken that Genny, his sister, would struggle with OI as well, but he was
thankful for Shriners Hospitals for Children and that his sister will be receiving the same expert
care that he did. He also said that meeting Genny was a dream come true. His adoptive mother,
Janet Noland, knows how special this moment was for Jordan and talked about how excited he
was for this family reunion. "There is a bond that exists there, and we are excited to be able to
do something to help her," Mrs. Noland said. The Noland family along with Genesis and her
mother were visiting the Clearwater Marine Aquarium for a special experience with the dolphins and a tour of the facility before traveling back to Erie and Honduras.
October Moslemite
What’s New in Erie! — Page 2
2nd Annual Telethon
Continues Momentum
The second annual TV telethon
broadcast live from the Erie medical
center continued the momentum generated by the first. On Tuesday, September 15 JET 24 (Erie ABC affiliate) and
FOX 66 (Erie FOX affiliate) teamed up
to incorporate live TV coverage from
the medical center along with news stories featuring patient successes and
awareness pieces.
The telethon was enormously
successful for two reasons. The first is the fact that the community opened their hearts and donated over $12,000 the night of the telethon. Secondly, the awareness generated in the community thanks to JET 24 and FOX 66’s coverage was priceless.
Did you miss the live TV telethon? Don't worry, the telethon continues! For 30 days after the telethon you can still donate as part of the telethon, with all funds going to SHC-Erie’s
new C-Arm, by logging onto and selecting
“Erie” from the drop down box.
A mobile C-arm is a medical imaging device that utilizes X-ray technology and is used
in the ORs in the ASC, Clinic and Radiology for various procedures. The C-arm gets its name
from the C-shaped arm used to connect the X-ray source to the X-ray detector.
For additional information, contact: Greg Hall (814) 875-8782.
October Moslemite 13
Shriners believe in God and that He created man
to serve His purposes, among which is service to
others in His name.
will be honorable, our relations will be
trustworthy and our spirits forgiving
of each other.
We believe that care for the less fortunate,
especially children who suffer from burns and
crippling diseases, is our institutional calling.
As brothers we offer each other fraternal
affection and respect. Together we will support
each other in adherence to this creed, so that we
and our communities will be the better because
of our fraternity and its principles.
We are patriots, each willing to serve his
country with fidelity and courage. We cherish
independence under law and freedom
with responsibility.
We honor family. We respect our parents, wives
and children. We should instill in our children the
tenets of this creed, and the heritage from
which it emanates.
As Shriners we look beyond ourselves to
serve the needs of others, especially children
who cannot help themselves. We believe
Shriners Hospitals to be the world's greatest
philanthropy, and we covenant with each other
to support its “temples of mercy” with spirit,
time, talent and means.
As individuals we pledge ourselves to integrity,
virtue and nobility of character. Our intentions
Congratulations Motor Corp
October Moslemite
Shrine Lancers
by Todd Wyber (Piper T)
Hello Lancers,
I hope you all had a great summer! It’s hard to believe
that we are now in the middle of October and getting
ready for Halloween parties, cider mills and colder
weather. Myself and a few other Lancers, Norm
and Dave B., went camping at the Monroe KOA for
Halloween weekends with our families. We had a
blast. Perhaps we can get some more Lancers to camp
next year with us.
Speaking of families, Dave
Burnette and his lovely
wife Amy are now proud
parents to their new little
girl named Bristol Ann.
Everything went well and
Dave was waiting in the
waiting room with a new
toolbox just for Bristol.
She will soon be helping
him when he works on his
car in the garage or on any
other projects around the
house. Their older daughter
Natalie just loves being a
new older sister. Congratulations Dave and Amy!
Below is a picture of the Landers in front of the circus
tent after the Labor Day Parade in Novi. We had a
good turn out of cars and we had a lot of fun. Thank
you to all that showed up. This is a great picture and is
now hanging in the unit room. We have an 8 X 10 on
the wall for all to see. It was a great day for a parade.
Speaking of the Shrine Circus, what a success it was!
On behalf of all the Lancers, we would like to give a
big shout-out to Craig Stigleman and his crew for a
great circus. I was fortunate enough to spend some
time with Craig at the circus and he is truly a great
guy and brother Mason/Shriner. I would also like to
thank all of the members of the Hungry 5 for keeping
the hospitality room stocked and for the great
breakfast provided on Monday morning before the
parade. Thank you guys!
It was great to see the Lancers at the circus helping
out at the shows and around the State Fair. If it wasn’t
for the Shriners and their families/friends, it wouldn’t
have been the huge success that it was. It truly is a
great time to be a Shriner.
Future shows and parades to plan for include:
October (date unknown as of this article)- Apple
Nov. 22nd- Royal Oak Parade (Dress warm)
Nov. 27th- Grosse Pointe Parade (Dress warm)
The Great Lakes convention has already happened
by the time you receive this article in October, but it
hasn’t happened yet as I’m typing this on Sept. 9th.
So, more to come next month on how it went and
some pictures. I’m sure we had a GREAT time at the
Just a side note, I think the new white shirts in
parades look great.
Until next time, enjoy the rest of October and we
hope to see you at the events listed above and at the
November Lancer business meeting at the Temple.
The first Monday of every month at 7pm is when we
hold our monthly business meetings.
To all NEW and Experienced Shriners, here is your
chance. If you have been looking for that one unit that
you would like to belong to, look no further. Come to
the Lancer room on the first Monday of each month
and meet the guys. You will have the time of your life
driving a Lancer car in the parades. Contact myself or
Dave Talbot for information and make a decision that
I know you won’t regret. Come join one of the fastest
growing units in Moslem and become a Lancer today!
Until next time, keep you engines runnin.
Todd Wyber (Piper T)
(Lancer and Veteran Highlander)
October Moslemite 15
By Johnny Rad
HOLY SMOKES two articles in a row, that has to be a
modern day record for this unit. I hope everyone enjoyed
the last article I wrote because it was a little more difficult
then I thought it would be. Like I said last time we are
going to talk a little bit about the director of the Keystone
Kops, so here we go. Steve Gregory was born some where,
grew up some place, went to school I think, and then got
a job. OK, now for my next article. Just kidding, Steve’s
life is much more interesting then that. So let me tell
you a little bit about Steve. At some point in life Steve
decided it was a good idea to get married, so he married
his lovely wife Karen. When I asked Steve how long
he has been married he said, and I quote “it seems like
forever”. I am sure he meant it with all the love he could
muster. Steve has two children, Kristy (she’s a cutie) and
Brian (he’s a mommas boy) seriously his sister is tougher
then he is but he’s a good kid. Steve also has two grand
children, Landen (3) and Reese (1). Now I know this is
were Karen’s saying that I didn’t mention Brian’s wife
Karly, well there is a reason for that. During our lodge
picnic, to which Steve is the Worshipful Master, I found
out that Karly is a Michigan State fan thus excluding her
from being mentioned. Karly, there is only one school in
this state and that is THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN
I got a little side tracked there but Karly made me mad at
our lodge picnic. A girl talking sports, it’s ridiculous!
So let’s recap shall we? Steve got married, has two kid’s,
two grand kid’s and one daughter in law. There must be
something else I can say about Steve, oh yeah, Steve is the
BEST director the Kops ever had. The amount of work he
does to keep the unit moving is unmatched in the Shrine.
He does all the work on the “Model T” just to try to keep
it running. Like the time he put a new battery in for the
Belleville Parade but forgot to check the ignition switch.
We made it as far as the start of the parade but no further.
Steve also makes sure the Kops know where the parades
are and what time to be there. Like the time we arrived at
a parade for a 10 AM line up and a 11 AM step off only
to find out it was a 1 PM line up for a 2 PM step off, that
was a loooong day. Steve also designs and orders all our
parade shirts and does a bang up job, like the time we all
ordered tall shirts and got regulars instead. Steve argued
with the assistant director and had to call his wife just
to find out I was right all along. I’m still waiting for an
apology from that incident. And NO, I don’t want to be
the director. I can honestly say that if it weren’t for Steve I
would not be a Keystone Kop today.
Right about now Steve is saying to himself, I should have
let Johnny join the Directors Staff.
Loki was the Clown of the year!
October Moslemite
Hello Everyone
As you read this many of us have returned from
Cleveland , as we were at the GREAT Lakes Unit
Meet. It is good to see our friends from the other
Courts that we do not see often.
Now we can get down to the final thoughts and
plans for September 2016, when we will host
Great Lakes. There will be a meeting on October
14th at 6.00 P.M to take one step closer to our
goal to make the 50th Meet the best ever. If you
haven’t been to a meeting come out to give us
your ideas and help.
October 25th will be the Princess Luncheon,
hosted by Lady Nancy Edson at the Shrine Center.
Come out to support Lady Nancy for this event.
Fall is on it’s way as the leaves are turning and
cold weather will soon be here. Keep in your
thoughts and prayers our members who need
them and also our troops who fight to keep
us safe.
Until next time be safe and healthy.
God Bless You,
Margie Hudson P.H.P
Greetings Ladies of the Household
I hope you are well and planning to come Session October 12th, 2015. Lunch will be provided by the
Tambourettes and begins at 11 am. The session begins at noon.
Our Day Trippers are planning a trip to the Toledo Art Museum on October 9th, 2015. We will meet
at the Shrine Center parking lot at 9:30 am. After visiting the Toledo Museum, which has no admission,
we will go to Mancy’s Steak House for lunch about noon and then visit to Libbey Glass outlet before
heading back to the Shrine Center. What a fun-filled day we will have. Bring your family and friends
and come along with us.
October 29th the Day Trippers are planning a trip to Alma to check in on PQ Betty Cockerham. She
recently moved to the Masonic Home. A sign up sheet will be available at the October Session to see
who would like to join us.
In besides our Stated Session on November 9th, we are planning Penny Bingo, November 12th,
12:30 – 3 pm. Bring your own pennies to use as markers or buy them at the door at the Shrine Center
Nobles’ Lounge. Dessert, coffee and tea will be provided. Members, spouses and friends are all invited,
so come join us.
Eunice Everett has given us a list of items she can always use as she creates items for the kids in the
Shriners’ Hospitals. You can leave the items with Dorothy in the office and she will see that Eunice
gets them or you can bring them to our Stated Sessions. She needs: Binding, white or brown cotton
material for surgical dolls, fiber fill, lace, big buttons, cord for backpacks, quilt batting, crayons regular
and jumbo, material, and both quart and gallon Ziploc bags.
Thanks in advance for your help.
God’s Blessing to all,
Sheila McWilliams, Queen
Ahmose Temple #63 Daughter of the Nile
October Moslemite 17
Oakview Cemetery Sites
Section J
1032 N Main St • Royal Oak, Mi 48067
Reach over 3,000 households!
Shriner businesses advertise monthly
to your best prospects...
our members and their families.
18 sites available below current sales prices
$1,000 - $1,500
based on single or multiple purchase
Contact the Moslem Shrine Office
at 248 569-2900 for information
Photography by
Don Kincheloe
Have you seen a photograph
and would like a copy?
Contact Don at
Lakeside Shrine Club invites all
Nobles, their Ladies and Friends to the
Annual Feather Party
on Wednesday, November 18th, 2015
at the Jefferson Masonic Lodge,
located at 22000 11 Mile Road,
Saint Clair Shores.
Doors open at 6:00 p.m. with a
Full Course Turkey Dinner including mashed
and sweet potatoes, corn, rolls, dessert and
coffee served at 7:00 p.m. There will be
bar service available. Bingo will take place
immediately following dinner.
There will be 15 Bingo Prize Certificates.
Cost is $15.00 per person.
Please RSVP by November 6th, 2014 to
Bill Pullen @ 586-772-4297 or
Dennis Kalakey @ 586-773-0071
October Moslemite
Spot and Full Color add $75.00 to the per issue cost of your
advertising. Web Banners on
$100.00 per month. Contract advertisers SAVE 25% on web
banners. Link to your website $25 per month.
To place an ad please contact or 248.569.2900 ext 110.
Contact Larry Ode
for additional information.
Larry Ode P.P.
October Moslemite 19
Detroit Shriners
A publication of the Moslem Shrine Center
24350 Southfield Rd.
Southfield, MI 48075-2818
A Philanthropic Organization - Dated Material Please Deliver Within 3 Days
The Moslemite is the official publication of Moslem Shrine Temple.
Specialists in Spine Surgery
Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeons
Miles L Singer DO Noble, Moslem Shriners
Comprehensive Care of the
Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar Spine
Minimally Invasive and Traditional Surgical Options
Phone 248.926.1960
2300 Haggerty Road, Suite 2100
West Bloomfield, MI 48323