Full Agenda Packet 8.3.16 for web
Full Agenda Packet 8.3.16 for web
Novato Fire District Board of Directors Agenda Board Meeting August 3, 2016 Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: Fire Station 61, 2nd Floor 7025 Redwood Blvd., Novato, CA 94945 The Board meeting agenda and all supporting documents are available for public review at 95 Rowland Way, Novato, CA, 72 hours in advance of a scheduled board meeting. A fee will be charged for additional copies of board meeting documents. District facilities and meetings comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If special accommodations are needed, please contact the District Administrative Services Manager as soon as possible, preferably two days prior to the meeting. ROLL CALL President Lj Silverman Director William Davis Director Jim Galli Director Worth Fenner, Jr. Director Steve Metcho OPEN TIME FOR PUBLIC EXPRESSION (Please observe a three minute time limit.) This is an opportunity for any member of the public to briefly address the District Board on any matter that does not appear on this agenda. Items that appear to warrant a more lengthy presentation or Board consideration will be placed on the agenda for discussion at a future meeting. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS 1. Citizen recognition Anthony Bonino for Achieving Eagle Scout 2. Recognize Engineer Shawn Kreps for 20 years of dedicated service 3. A presentation will be made to the Board of Directors on receiving our 8th Comprehensive Annual Financial (CAFR) Award. 4. Dave Jeffries, Public Safety Consultant, will make a presentation on Emergency Management Roles for Elected Officials. Agenda reviewed and approved by President Silverman on July 20, 2016 Agenda – 8/3/16 Page 1 BREAK AND REFRESHMENTS-15 MINUTES ASSOCIATION PRESIDENTS’ REPORT This is opportunity for the President, or designee, of each labor association to address the Board. DIRECTOR MATTERS Directors may report on their activities and meetings. President may report to the Board on the Novato Fire Foundation. CHIEF’S REPORT The Fire Chief will report on the District’s business activities and operations. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS These items can be acted on in one consolidated motion or may be removed from the Consent Calendar and separately considered at the request of any person. 1. Minutes of Regular Board of Directors Meeting June 1, 2016 2. Minutes of Special Board of Directors Meeting June 22, 2016 3. Minutes of Special Board of Directors Meeting July 6, 2016 4. Advancement Record: Lynne Osgood, Fire Inspector 5. Request for Ambulance Fee Debt Write Off due to Financial Hardship in the amount of $2,522.26. 6. Request for EMS Write Off-Multi-Year Uncollectible Ambulance Billing Accounts totaling 28,697.56. 7. Board approval is requested to remove Denise Wade and add Administrative Services Manager Jeanne Villa to the Bank of America Operating Fund Signature card, and the WestAmerica Bank Novato Fire Protection District Payroll and Lockbox and FSA Signature Card; and to direct the Accounting Specialist to prepare the necessary paperwork. 8. Board approval is requested to add Administrative Services Manager Jeanne Villa and remove Denise Wade from the Westamerica Safe Deposit Signature Card 9. Board approval is requested to donate a surplused vehicle, (Unit 28, a 2002 Chevy Tahoe) to Bull Lake Fire District, Montana. 10. Request for Travel Authorization for Fire Chief Heine, Deputy Chief Brolan, and Director Davis to attend the California Special District Association (CSDA) Conference in San Diego October 9-13, 2016. Agenda – 8/3/16 Page 2 Agenda Page #2 NEW BUSINESS 1. Ambulance Re-mount for Units 24 and 39 Board to consider Staff’s recommendation to award a sole source request to Leader Industrial for the re-mount of two district ambulances. 2. Grand Jury Report 2015-2016 The 911 First Responder Referral Program, More Than a BandAid for Seniors Board to review and approved suggested responses to the Grand Jury Report, “015-2016 The 911 First Responder Referral Program, More Than a Band-Aid for Seniors” 3. Grand Jury Report 2015-2016 Marin’s Hidden Human Sex Trafficking Challenge. It’s Happening In Our Backyard Board to review and approved suggested responses to the Grand Jury Report, “2015-2016 Marin’s Hidden Human Sex Trafficking Challenge. It’s Happening In Our Backyard” 4. Big Cat Advertising Contract Board to consider Staff’s recommendation to approve Big Cat Advertising contract for $68,400. 5. Joint Power Agreement (JPA) for Paramedic Ambulance Billing Service Between Novato Fire Protection District and Marin County Fire Department Board to consider Staff’s recommendation to enter into an Joint Power Agreement with Marin County Fire Department. 6. Fuel Delivery Services for Fiscal Year 2016/2017 through Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Board approval is requested for Staff’s recommendation to release an Invitation to Bid for Fuel Delivery Services. COMMITTEE REPORTS Directors may report on committee activities and meetings. 1. MERA (President Silverman and Director Metcho) 2. City of Novato As Successor Agency to Dissolved Redevelopment Agency (Finance Director Hom and Director Davis) 3. Finance Committee (Directors Davis and Fenner, Jr.) 4. Policy Committee (President Silverman and Director Galli) Agenda – 8/3/16 Page 3 Agenda Page #3 FINANCIAL REPORTS 1. Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance Financial Report, May and June 2016 2. Revenues and Expenditures Detail Financial Report May and June 2016 3. Vendor Summary Financial Report, May and June 2016 INFORMATION Items of a general nature that the staff wishes to bring to the attention of the Board. 1. Customer Satisfaction Survey Report, May 2016 and June 2016 2. Written Communications CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-EXISTING LITIGATION (Government Code Section 54956.9) Name of case: Kirk Lewis v. Novato Fire Protection District – CIV 1600731 2. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Government Code Section 54957.6 Agency Designated Representative: Fire Chief Mark Heine and Deputy Fire Chief Adam Brolan Employee organization: Novato Fire Chief Officer’s Association, IAFF Local 1775 ADJOURNMENT Agenda – 8/3/16 Page 4 Agenda Page #4 Presentation(s) Section Agenda Page #5 Agenda Page #6 NOVATO CITY AND FIRE DISTRICT ELECTED/APPOINTED OFFICIALS GUIDE TO DISASTER OPERATIONS Agenda Page #14 Novato City/District Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations Version Date: 07/27/2016 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations INTRODUCTION As a member of the Novato City Council or the Novato Fire District Board of Directors, you have a role in the emergency response organization of Novato. This guide is intended to provide you with a clearer understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the City Council and Board of Directors during disaster or emergency operations, and to assist you in the decision-making process. As an elected official, your response during a disaster is an important part of the continuity of government. Your actions influence community members, as well as employees, and directly impact our community’s ability to protect lives, property, and the environment. Your primary role during a disaster is one of policymaker, communicator, liaison, and oversight. You know the needs of the community and you have already established effective channels of communication with your constituents. The City and District’s Joint Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) outlines the policies and procedures, and ensures compliance with State and Federal Requirements. The Emergency Operations Plan clearly spells out how the City and District and various other agencies, individually and collectively, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. This integrated emergency management system is based on an “all-hazards approach” to dealing with incidents which allow us to manage disasters no matter the size or complexity. As with all Disaster Service Workers, your ability to support emergency response efforts will depend directly upon your preparedness at home and at work. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this guide. Any questions regarding the information within this guide can be directed to: City of Novato Novato Fire District Cathy Capriola Interim City Manager Emergency Services Director 922 Machin Avenue Novato, CA 94945 415-899-8901 (office) ccapriola@novato.org Mark Heine Fire Chief Emergency Services Director 95 Rowland Way Novato, CA 94945 415-878-2690 (Office) mheine@novatofire.org Jamie Knox Captain Emergency Services Manager 909 Machin Avenue Novato, CA 94945 415-899-7002 (office) jknox@novato.org Adam Brolan Deputy Fire Chief Emergency Services Manager 95 Rowland Way Novato, CA 94945 415-878-2690 (Office) abrolan@novatofire.org Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #15 1 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations I. ROLE OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOTIFICATION: In the event of a disaster, you will be notified by the Directors of Emergency Services or their designees. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The City Council and Fire Board’s actions during and following a disaster influences community members as well as employees, and directly impact the City and District’s ability to protect lives and property. Elected officials play a crucial role in setting policy for emergency management within the City and District. During an actual event, the City Manager is, by law, the Director of Emergency Services for the City of Novato as is the Fire Chief for the Novato Fire District. The City Manager and Fire Chief are responsible for carrying out the policy established by the City Council and Fire Board respectively. The Novato Joint Emergency Operations Plan embodies that policy direction. When a disaster strikes, the City Council and Fire Board Members will often serve as primary conduits between the government and the public both during and after the event. The City Council and Fire Board may hold public meetings to conduct the business relevant to response and recovery from the disaster (for example, the adoption of ordinances) and to hear from and communicate with the public. Additionally, the Council and Board may review potential or threatened litigation and provide general direction to the Directors of Emergency Services in such matters. MANAGING A DISASTER The City Manager and Fire Chief act as the DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY SERVICES for their jurisdictions. They are responsible for carrying out the policy established by the City Council and Fire Board respectively. The Police Services Captain and Deputy Fire Chief serve as the Emergency Services Managers for their respective jurisdictions. During a disaster, the Joint Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is run by an EOC Director. That EOC Director may be one of the Emergency Services Directors, or may be filled by the Assistant City Manager or Police Chief. Many of the duties of the Emergency Services Director are delegated to the EOC Director during an actual emergency. Specific responsibilities of the City Council and Fire Board include: • Receive regular updates and briefings from the Directors of Emergency Services. • Serve as a liaison with other City, County, State and/or Federal government representatives. • Review and approve the Proclamation of Local Emergency (City Council Only). • Conduct meetings to determine public needs and identify current or future actions related to the disaster. • Distribute information provided by the Directors of Emergency Services to assist with public information outreach and keeping your constituents informed. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #16 2 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations • Visit impacted areas, shelters, and other temporary facilities to spot problems and special issues. • Review requirements for special legislation and development of policy. • Consider and approve both short and long term recovery recommendations as developed by staff. • Serve as the liaison with public or community organizations. • Survey problem sites in Novato and assist residents and the Community in finding solutions to problems resulting from the disaster. • Participate in required training as required by State and Federal law. For more information about training opportunities for elected officials, see Recommended Training for Elected Officials in Appendix A of this Guide. MEDIA RELATIONS AND COORDINATED COMMUNICATIONS: When a disaster strikes, communicating important information through the media is one way to keep the public informed of existing dangers, areas to avoid, and where to go for help. To ensure that information being released to the public is accurate and up-to-date, the Public Information Officer (PIO) function is coordinated through the management section of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). During a disaster, the EOC Public Information Officer acts as the City and District’s principal spokesperson, providing information and reassurance to the community on media outlets, through written communications with the public, and through meetings with officials from other levels of government. Council and Board members may be requested by the Directors of Emergency Services to provide information and reassurance to the community through personal appearances and meetings with officials from other levels of government. Council and Board Members may act as principal information conduits within the community. The Council and Board Members will coordinate with the EOC Public Information Officer as needed. The Directors of Emergency Services will share information at regular intervals with the Council and Board Members to ensure timely communication of disaster information and to answer any questions the Council and Board Members may have. The EOC Public Information Officer will coordinate and handle incoming media requests and prepare statements. The EOC Public Information Officer will support any Council Member who is asked to meet with the media. For more information about working with the media during a disaster, see Working With the Media in Appendix B of this Guide. RESPONDING TO A DISASTER AREA Depending on the size and scope of the disaster, it is recommended that you do not respond to the immediate disaster area because of safety concerns for you as Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #17 3 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations well as emergency responders working at the scene. However, if you do choose to respond to the scene, you are encouraged to respond to the Incident Command Post and to follow these guidelines: • Inform the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Director that you are going to the scene. • Bring at least one form of identification. Not every police officer or firefighter will know you. • Park your car in a safe place away from the incident and in an area where your vehicle does not obstruct the road. Blocked roads may slow emergency vehicles from reaching their destination. • Check in with the Incident Commander as soon as you arrive at the scene. This person is responsible for directing all activities at the incident scene. The Incident Commander should be located at the Command Post. • The Incident Commander(s) are in command of their incidents and coordinate with the Emergency Operations Center as their chain of command. You should not try to direct any field operations. Any concerns you may have should be directed to the EOC Director on duty. • The fire, law enforcement, or other emergency response agency may establish a “Hot Zone” into which only persons with the proper protective clothing and training are allowed to enter due to hazards to health and safety. Be prepared to follow their guidance and understand if you are denied access, it is for your safety. • Watch for hazards and pay attention to your surroundings. Many responders are struck by cars every year because they are operating in the roadways where drivers are easily distracted by the disaster or incident. • Watch where you step. The scene may contain hazardous materials that can wind up on your shoes, which in turn can contaminate your car, home or business. Do not walk into or touch spilled material. Avoid inhaling fumes, smoke, and vapors. Avoid flood water; it may be contaminated. EMERGENCY MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL: The Brown Act (Government Code §§ 54950-54962) governs meeting access for local public bodies. The Brown Act cannot be suspended by a local proclamation of emergency or by any other legislation. In emergency situations, the City, Fire District and its officials must comply with the Brown Act. However, the Brown Act itself does provide some flexibility with the noticing and agenda requirements in “emergency situations.” Emergency - Defined as a work stoppage, crippling activity, or other activity that severely impairs public health, safety, or both, as determined by a majority of the members of the legislative body. Government Code section 54956.5(a)(1). In cases of “emergency,” the local legislative body (the City Council or Fire Board) may hold an emergency meeting without complying with the 24-hour notice requirement Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #18 4 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations and/or posting requirement ordinarily necessary prior to the Council/Board holding a special meeting. However, telephonic notification must be given to the media at least one hour before the emergency meeting is held. Government Code section 54956.5(b)(1). HOW YOU CAN PREPARE 1. CARRY KEY PHONE NUMBERS. Carry in your wallet the important phone numbers you will need during an emergency. 2. DEVELOP AN EMERGENCY PLAN. Take time now to prepare an emergency plan for yourself and your family. 3. PARTICIPATE IN TRAINING. Get the appropriate training for you and your family, including Emergency Preparedness and SEMS/ NIMS training. 4. SUPPORT COMMUNITY PREPAREDNESS EFFORTS. As a civic leader, your efforts to encourage community preparedness programs like Get Ready! And Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) will go a long way. Dire Emergency - Defined as a crippling disaster, mass destruction, terrorist act, or threatened terrorist activity that poses peril so immediate and significant that requiring a legislative body to provide one-hour notice before holding an emergency meeting under this section may endanger the public health, safety, or both, as determined by a majority of the members of the legislative body. Government Code section 54956.5(a)(2). In cases of “dire emergency,” the one-hour notice of the meeting provided to the media can occur at the same time the presiding officer or designee is notifying the members of the legislative body about the dire emergency meeting. And, in situations where telephone services are not functioning, the notice requirements mentioned above shall be deemed waived, and the legislative body, or designee of the legislative body, shall notify the media of the fact of the holding of the emergency meeting, the purpose of the meeting, and any action taken at the meeting as soon after the meeting as possible. Government Code section 54956.5(b)(2). Post Meeting Obligations - Where the Council/Board has conducted an emergency meeting or a dire emergency meeting pursuant to these Government Code provisions, the City, or District as appropriate, must post minutes of the meeting, a list of the persons notified or attempted to be notified prior to the meeting, the actions taken by the Council/Board and roll call vote. This information must be posted in a public place, as soon after the meeting as possible and shall remain in place for ten (10) days. Government Code section 54956.5(e) ROLE OF STANDBY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS The Municipal Code and Board Resolutions provide for continuity of government in the event of an emergency. Standby City Council and Fire Board members will be used during an emergency when the City Council/Fire Board cannot reconstitute itself and its Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #19 5 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations members are unavailable. Each Council member and Board member is expected to name up to three Standby Council/Board members in January of each year. While filling the post of an unavailable regular City Council/Fire Board member during an emergency, the standby City Council/Fire Board member will take an oath of office and assume all the other duties and responsibilities that the regular City Council/Fire Board member would have had, including the duty to attend Council/Board meetings, vote on matters brought before the City Council/Fire Board, comply with Fair Political Practices Act with respect to avoidance of conflicts of interest in making decisions, comply with the Brown Act, and adhere to all other City Council/Fire Board requirements. Standby City Council/Fire Board members will participate in required training as required by State & Federal law and be familiar with Novato’s disaster operations. II. EMERGENCY PROCLAMATIONS Proclamations and Declarations of Emergency are tools used to mobilize and empower government agencies in response to a threat to life or property or an actual incident. Proclamations are a prerequisite step in obtaining both regional assistance and financial support. Note, this section applies primarily to the City of Novato under the authorities of cities and counties under the California Emergency Services Act. LOCAL EMERGENCY: Emergency proclamations are normally made when there is an actual incident or threat of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property caused by natural or man-made situations. A Local Emergency is proclaimed by the City Council, or, when there is an immediate need, the City Director of Emergency Services. If the Director proclaims a Local Emergency, the City Council must ratify it within seven days. The City Council must review the need for the proclamation at least every 14 days until the Local Emergency is terminated. The Local Emergency must be terminated by resolution as soon as conditions warrant. The authority of the City Director of Emergency Services may be delegated to the EOC Director during an EOC activation. Local Emergency Defined: A “local emergency” exists whenever the City or an area therein is suffering or in imminent danger of suffering an event that may cause injury or death to persons, or damage to or destruction of property to the extent that Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #20 THE DECLARATION PROCESS STEP 1 Conditions indicate a local disaster is likely to occur or has already occurred. STEP 2 Local Emergency declared by the City Council or Director of Emergency Services. (Can be delegated to the EOC Director) STEP 3 City or County Director of Emergency Services requests a State and Federal Declaration from the Governor, as warranted. STEP 4 Governor requests a Presidential Declaration, as warranted. 6 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations extraordinary measures must be taken to protect the public health, safety, and welfare. Such an event shall include but not be limited to the following: fire, explosion, flood, severe weather, drought, earthquake, volcanic activity, spills or releases of oil or hazardous material, contamination, utility or transportation emergencies, disease, blight, infestation, civil disturbance, riot, sabotage, terrorist attack and war. PURPOSE OF EMERGENCY PROCLAMATION: • Authorize the undertaking of extraordinary police powers. • Provide limited immunity for emergency actions of public employees and governing bodies. • Authorize the issuance of orders and regulations to protect life and property (e.g., curfews). • Activate pre-established local emergency provisions such as special purchasing and contracting. • Require the emergency services of a local official or employee. • Requisition necessary personnel and materials from any local agency or department. • VERY IMPORTANT…it is the prerequisite for requesting a Governor’s Proclamation of a State of Emergency and/or a Presidential Declaration of an Emergency or Major Disaster. WHEN TO ISSUE AN EMERGENCY PROCLAMATION: In the event an emergency or disaster exceeds the response capability of City resources or extreme conditions threaten the life and property of the community, it is the City’s duty to issue an emergency proclamation. Keep in mind the following: • The local proclamation is the first step toward a state and federal declaration, which would then activate eligible state and federal disaster relief programs to provide financial relief to both local government and the public. • A local, state and/or federal declaration is likely to send a reassuring message to the public that officials intend to pursue every avenue available to assist the disaster victims. • In order to acquire state and federal assistance it is not necessary for Novato to declare an emergency, if the County has already done so. • Cities/Towns within a county are bound by county rules and regulations adopted by the county during a proclaimed local emergency when the emergency is in both the incorporated and unincorporated territory. (Ref. 62 California Attorney General Opinions, 701, dated 1979) For more information, see SAMPLE PROCLAMATIONS in the Appendix C of this Guide. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #21 7 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations STATE PROCLAMATION OF EMERGENCY: A State of Emergency may be proclaimed by the Governor when conditions of disaster or extreme peril exist which threaten the safety of person and property within the state. The Governor may also proclaim a state of emergency when requested to do so by local authorities or when the local authority is inadequate to cope with the emergency. When the Governor proclaims a State of Emergency: • Mutual aid shall be rendered in accordance with approved emergency plans when the need arises in any city or county for outside assistance. • The Governor shall, to the extent he/she deems necessary, have the right to exercise all police power vested in the state by the Constitution and the laws of the State of California within the designated area. • Jurisdictions may command the aid of citizens as deemed necessary to cope with an emergency. • The Governor may suspend the provisions of orders, rules or regulation of any state agency and any regulatory stature or stature prescribing the procedure for conducting state business. • The Governor may commandeer or make use of any private property or personnel (other than the media) in carrying out the responsibilities of his office. • The Governor may promulgate issue and enforce orders and regulations deemed necessary. • A State Proclamation activates the California Natural Disaster Assistance Act (CDAA) which provides financial assistance for items such as repairing or replacing public property or facilities, and local agency overtime costs and costs of supplies used in the response. • A State Proclamation is needed to request a Presidential Declaration and access to federal disaster relief programs. PRESIDENTIAL DECLARATIONS: The Governor of an impacted state may request a Presidential Declaration of Emergency or Disaster when the disaster is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the ability of the state and affected local jurisdictions. Federal Declaration of Emergency: In some cases, the President may make a Declaration of Emergency instead of a Disaster. An Emergency Declaration unleashes the support of any or all of the 27 federal agencies. It also authorizes reimbursement of emergency work, such as debris removal and emergency protective measures. It stops short, however, of providing certain types of recovery assistance. Federal Declaration of Major Disaster: A Presidential Declaration of Disaster is made when the President determines that the situation warrants major federal disaster Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #22 8 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations assistance. In addition to the assistance provided in an Emergency Declaration, a Disaster Declaration may make a broad range of assistance available to individual victims, including: • Temporary housing • Disaster unemployment and job placement assistance • Individual and family grants • Legal services to low-income victims • Crisis counseling and referrals DECLARATION OF HEALTH EMERGENCY: The County Public Health Officer (PHO) may declare a local health emergency (Health and Safety Code § 101080; Government Code § 8558) whenever there is a release, spill, escape, or entry of hazardous waste or medical waste that is determined to be an immediate threat to the public health, or an imminent and proximate threat of the introduction of any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease, chemical agent, non-communicable biologic agent, toxin, or radioactive agent. This declaration must be ratified by the County Board of Supervisors if it is to remain in effect after seven days, and must be reviewed at least every 14 days until the emergency is terminated. After a Health Emergency has been declared, the PHO will have supervision and control over all environmental health and sanitation programs and personnel employed by the County. In addition, the PHO can require any person or organization that the director or local health officer shall specify to furnish any information known relating to the properties, reaction, and identity of the material that has escaped, been released, or spilled. A Public Health Emergency may also be declared if there is an outbreak of a communicable disease. The PHO may then require isolation or quarantine of any case of contagious, infectious, or communicable disease when this action is necessary for the protection of the public health. The PHO may also take any measures as may be necessary to prevent the spread of the disease or occurrence. III. PHASES OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT The phases of emergency management -- mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery -- represent the various elements of a disaster. The phases are dynamic and interconnected. For example, tasks taken to recover from a disaster may have effects on mitigation, preparedness, and response to future occurrences and recovery efforts will begin almost immediately while the initial response efforts are still under way. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #23 9 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations MITIGATION: Mitigation refers to any activity that prevents an emergency, reduces the chance of an emergency happening, or reduces the effects of unavoidable circumstances that turn into emergencies. Mitigation refers to any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to life and property from a hazard event. Mitigation, also known as prevention (when done before a disaster), encourages long-term reduction of hazard vulnerability. The goal of mitigation is to decrease the need for response as opposed to simply increasing the response capability. Mitigation can protect critical community facilities, reduce exposure to liability, and minimize community disruption. Examples of mitigation in Novato include flood prevention efforts such as monitoring reservoirs and waterways by the North Marin Water District and Marin Flood Control District, installation of flood control pumps, maintenance of levees and strict adherence to building codes. PREPAREDNESS: Preparedness refers to plans or preparations made to save lives and to assist response and rescue operations. Preparedness involves activities that are done before a disaster; such as training, planning, community education, and exercises. Examples of preparedness in Novato include assessment and evacuation plans, mass care and shelter plan, and ongoing disaster preparedness training and education of Novato employees, residents and volunteers. During a major emergency or disaster, the City and District’s emergency response time may be delayed by 72 hours or longer, and therefore it is crucial for the public to be educated about disaster preparedness and survival techniques. As a civic leader you can encourage others to have plans and emergency supplies for both home and workplace. Encourage residents to get involved in their community and to promote a neighborhood approach to emergency preparedness. Additionally, you have the opportunity to set a good example by developing a family disaster plan and creating an emergency supplies kit for your home and your workplace. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #24 10 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations COMMUNITY PREPAREDNESS PROGRAMS: Get Ready! The City’s Get Ready! program prepares volunteers to be ready to respond to help our community in the event of an emergency. This free two-hour class gives residents basic instruction in emergency preparedness. Participants will learn about hazards to prepare for in Novato, ways to reduce the risks of loss and injury before disaster strikes, how to create a family disaster plan, and what to put in an emergency supplies kit. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training In this 18-hour program, participants will learn about disaster preparedness and emergency response, including basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, neighborhood organization, and triage. Graduates take the skills they have learned into the community by educating friends, family, and their neighbors. Fire Safe Marin Fire Safe Marin is a partnership dedicated to enhancing wildfire safety and to build firewise communities. Resources include information on the Chipper Program, Defensible Space, Fire Safe Homes, Evacuation Planning and Educational Tools. To get more information or to download the materials go to http://www.readysetgomarin.org/ Alert Marin The Marin County emergency notification system (Alert Marin) may be used for a variety of notifications related to earthquakes, fires, crime incidents, hazardous material incidents, and infectious disease information. Alert Marin will send voice messages to phone numbers included in the emergency 911 database, 411 telephone directory database, and any other phone numbers. Alert Marin will also send text messages to e-mail and SMS addresses signed up at AlertMarin.org. RESPONSE: Response involves actions taken to save lives and prevent property damage in an emergency situation. Response is putting your preparedness plans into action. Disasters and emergencies involve significant risks to life, safety, and welfare. Natural disasters, such as floods, involve contaminated flood water and debris that can produce a myriad of hazards. Major fires produce smoke, toxic gases, and the possibility of structural collapse. Hazardous materials events usually involve toxic materials that can cause numerous types of health hazards. Terrorism threats can involve chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or explosive devices. Major earthquakes can impact virtually every aspect of our society. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #25 11 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations NOVATO’S ORDER OF PRIORITY FOR RESPONSE: 1. Protect life, property and environment. 2. Initiate command and control initiatives. 3. Mitigate the situation (includes reducing property damage and protection and restoration of critical infrastructure). 4. Initiate recovery actions. 5. If it is a major natural disaster, effect the emergency declaration. Response Time Residents may think that government is slow to respond. It typically takes the federal government at least 72 hours to respond to a local emergency. Hurricane Katrina has demonstrated that local, state, and federal governments can be overwhelmed and the community’s expectations will not match the government’s capabilities. Having a prepared community reduces the impact to the community and reduces the impact on emergency services. RESPONSE EFFORTS DURING THE RESPONSE PHASE, THE NOVATO MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE: • Drinking water • Emergency shelter • Emergency medical transport and/or treatment • Help in seeking disaster assistance BUT WE NORMALLY DO NOT PROVIDE: • Batteries • Flashlights • Financial Support • Generators • Food (except in shelters and mass feeding sites) • Individual Transportation RECOVERY: Recovery includes actions taken to return the environment to its normal state, or an even safer situation following an emergency. This includes clean-up and restoration activities, repairing damages, restoring utilities, cleaning up debris, and getting financial assistance to help pay for these activities. Recovery is often the hardest phase of the disaster and may continue for an extended time. The City of Novato has the primary responsibility for protecting its residents from disasters, and for helping them to recover when disaster strikes. Government agencies at all levels are key partners in the recovery process, offering resources and programs that will help the City and District, its residents, and business owners pick up the pieces and return the community back to normal as quickly as possible. TYPES OF FEDERAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE: None of FEMA’s programs are designed to replace individual losses 100% -- only to bring living conditions back to a “safe and habitable” condition. The majority of federal disaster assistance is conveyed in the form of U.S. Small Business Administration Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #26 12 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations (SBA) Loans, not grants. Public and private entities will complete stacks of paperwork, undergo numerous inspections, and devote hundreds of staff-hours toward reimbursement for disaster-related losses. Despite these complexities, federal disaster relief is all that many individuals have to rely on to rebuild their lives. This is particularly true for those homeowners without flood insurance – and 30% of disaster related claims occur outside federally designated floodplain areas. Not all federal disaster relief programs are activated for every disaster. Presidential decisions about relief programs are based on the preliminary damage assessment and any subsequent information that may be discovered. Some disaster declarations will provide only Individual Assistance (private) or only Public Assistance (government). Hazard mitigation opportunities are available in most situations. Novato’s efforts in the damage assessment process will help ensure that residents obtain as many benefits as possible under the law. Federal disaster assistance available under a major disaster declaration falls into three general categories: Individual Assistance, Public Assistance, and Hazard Mitigation Assistance. Individual Assistance This assistance is directed towards residents, business owners, individuals, and families. In every case, the disaster victim must register for assistance to establish eligibility. FEMA (or the providing agency) will verify eligibility and determine a need before assistance is offered. Individual Assistance includes: • Temporary Housing Assistance • Home Repair Assistance • Rental Assistance • Mortgage and Rental Assistance • Small Business Administration Disaster Loans • Individual and Family Grants for necessary expenses and serious needs of disaster victims that cannot be met through insurance or other forms of disaster aid. Public Assistance FEMA Public Assistance funds the repair, restoration, reconstruction, or replacement of a public facility or portion of the infrastructure that is damaged or destroyed by a disaster. Projects fall into the following categories: debris removal, emergency protective measures, road systems and bridges, water control facilities, public buildings and contents, public utilities, and parks and recreation. Intent to apply for assistance must be filed with the State within 30 days after the area is designated eligible for assistance. FEMA reviews and approves the project applications and obligates the Federal share of the costs (75 percent) to the State. The State then disburses funds to local applicants. The State may cover 75% of the project costs that FEMA does not cover and may elect to cover the full share not covered by FEMA. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #27 13 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations Hazard Mitigation Assistance This funding is for measures designed to reduce future losses to public and private property. Eligible mitigation projects include acquisition or relocation of properties located in high hazard areas; elevation of flood prone structures; seismic and wind retrofitting of existing structures; and protecting existing structures against wildfire. In the event of a major disaster declaration, all counties within the declared State are eligible to apply for assistance under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. IV. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS STANDARDIZED EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SEMS): The Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) has been adopted by the City of Novato and the Novato Fire District for managing the response to multi-agency and multi-jurisdiction emergencies. Local governments in California are required to use SEMS when their emergency operations center is activated or a local emergency is proclaimed in order to be eligible for state funding of response-related personnel costs. The SEMS model incorporates: • Incident Command System: A field-level emergency response system based on management by objectives. • Multi/inter-agency Coordination: Affected agencies work together to coordinate allocations of resources and emergency response activities. • Mutual Aid: A system for obtaining additional emergency resources from nonaffected jurisdictions. • Operational Area Concept: County and its subdivisions coordinate damage information, resource requests and emergency response. ORGANIZATIONAL LEVELS: Fully activated, SEMS consists of five levels: field response, local government (Novato), operational Area (Marin County), Region (Coastal), and State. The various levels are activated starting at the Field Level and move up as the size of an incident increases and additional resources are needed. Novato is part of the Marin County Operational Area and the Coastal Region of the Governor's Office of Emergency Services. Field – On-scene responders carry out tactical decisions and activities in direct response to an incident or threat. Local – Novato manages and coordinates emergency response within its jurisdiction. Operational Area – County of Marin coordinates resources and priorities among local governments, and multi-agency response and recovery efforts Countywide. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #28 14 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations Regional – California Coastal Region, State Office of Emergency Services coordinates information and resources among operational areas, and coordinates overall State agency support for emergency response activities within the region. California has six mutual aid regions to provide more effective aid. There are three Administrative regions (Coastal, Inland, and Southern) that California’s Office of Emergency Services maintains to coordinate with emergency service organizations at local, county and private sector organizations. State Level - The state level manages state resources in response to the emergency needs of the other levels and coordinates mutual aid among the mutual aid regions and between the regional level and state level. The state level also serves as the coordination and communication link between the state and the federal disaster response system including FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Emergency Operations Center Functions: Management – Provides overall direction and sets priorities for an emergency. Operations – Implements priorities established by management. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #29 15 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations Planning/Intelligence – Gathers and evaluates information; develops the Novato Joint EOC Action Plan. Logistics – Obtains the resources to support operations, including equipment, supplies and materials, facilities, services, and personnel. Finance/Administration – Tracks all costs related to the operations, including personnel and equipment cost accounting and documentation. NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (NIMS): The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is a nationwide standardized approach to incident management and response. Developed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and released March 2004, it establishes a uniform set of processes and procedures that emergency responders at all levels of government will use to conduct response operations. COMMAND AND MANAGEMENT: The NIMS standard incident command structures are based on the following key organizational systems: • The Incident Command System (ICS) • Multi-Agency Coordination Systems (MACS) • Public Information Systems Other key NIMS components are: Preparedness Effective incident management begins with prevention and preparedness activities conducted continually, well in advance of any potential incident. Preparedness involves an integrated combination of planning, training, exercises, personnel qualification & certification standards; and equipment acquisition/certification. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #30 16 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations Resource Management NIMS defines standardized mechanisms and establishes requirements for processes to inventory, mobilize, dispatch, track, and recover resources over the life cycle of an incident. Communications and Information Management NIMS identifies the requirement for a standardized framework for communications, information management (collection, analysis, and dissemination) and informationsharing at all levels of incident management. Supporting Technologies Technology systems provide supporting capabilities essential to implementing and refining NIMS. These include voice and data communications systems, information management systems (i.e., record keeping and resource tracking) and data display. DISASTER & CIVIL DEFENSE MASTER MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT: The statewide mutual aid system is codified in the California Disaster and Civil Defense Master Mutual Aid Agreement. All counties, incorporated cities, and the State of California have adopted the Agreement, which was developed in 1950. The Master Mutual Aid Agreement creates a formal structure wherein each local jurisdiction retains control of its own facilities, personnel, and resources, but may also receive or render assistance to other jurisdictions within the State. For more information about special resources available locally, see Special Marin County Resources in Appendix D of this Guide. V. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION The City of Novato and Novato Fire District emergency management organizations use the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Novato is part of the Marin County Operational Area and the Coastal Region of the Governor's Office of Emergency Services. CITY DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY SERVICES: The City Manager serves as the City Director of Emergency Services and is responsible for implementing the Emergency Operations Plan through the efforts of City departments that are organized under the SEMS functions. The City Director of Emergency Services is empowered to: (Section 2-13.7, Muni Code) 1) Request the City Council to proclaim the existence of a Local Emergency. If the City Council cannot be convened, the Emergency Services Director may proclaim the existence of a Local Emergency in accordance with California Government Code Section 8630. Whenever a Local Emergency is proclaimed by the Emergency Services Director, the City Council shall take action to ratify the proclamation as Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #31 17 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations soon as is practical, but no later than seven calendar days after the date of such proclamation. 2) Request the Governor to proclaim a State of Emergency when, in the opinion of the Emergency Services Director, the locally available resources are inadequate to cope with the emergency. When possible, this should be done through the Marin Operational Area, i.e., Marin County Emergency Operations Center. 3) Control and direct the effort of the emergency organization of the City in preparedness, response, and recovery to accomplish the purposes of this chapter. 4) Direct cooperation between and coordination of services and staff of the emergency organization of the City; and resolve questions of authority and responsibility that may arise between them. 5) Represent the City in all dealings with public or private agencies on matters pertaining to emergencies as defined herein. In the event of the proclamation of a Local Emergency, the proclamation of a State of Emergency by the Governor or the Director of the State Office of Emergency Services, or the existence of a State of War Emergency, the City Emergency Services Director is empowered: 1) To make and issue rules and regulations on matters reasonably related to the protection of life and property as affected by such emergency; provided, however, such rules and regulations be confirmed at the earliest practicable time by the City Council; 2) To obtain vital supplies, equipment, and such other properties found lacking and needed for the protection of life and property and to bind the City for the fair value thereof and, if required immediately, to commandeer the same for public use; 3) To require emergency services of any City officer or employee and, in the event of the proclamation of a State of Emergency in Marin County or the existence of a State of War Emergency, to command the aid of as many citizens of the City as he or she deems necessary in the execution of his or her duties; such persons shall be entitled to all privileges, benefits, and immunities as are provided by state law for registered disaster service workers; 4) To requisition necessary personnel or materials of any City department or agency; and 5) If the Emergency Services Director is the City Manager or the City Manager’s standby officer, to execute all of his or her ordinary power as City Manager, all of the special powers conferred upon him or her by this section or by resolution or emergency plan adopted pursuant hereto by the City Council, all powers conferred upon him or her by Section 38791 of the California Government Code or any other law, statute rule or ordinance or by any agreement approved by the City Council, and any power designated by any other lawful authority. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #32 18 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations 6) Advise the City Council on the needs of the City; 7) Delegate duties as necessary. During an emergency operations center activation, the Emergency Services Director may delegate his/her responsibilities under this section to the authorized Emergency Operations Center Director for designated operational periods. Such delegation shall include a written limitation if any on the authority of such delegate to exercise the authority of the Emergency Services Director, including, but not necessarily limited to fiscal spending authority. FIRE DISTRICT DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY SERVICES: The Fire Chief serves as the Fire District Director of Emergency Services and is responsible for implementing the Emergency Operations Plan through the efforts of the District offices that are organized under the SEMS functions. The Fire District Director of Emergency Services is empowered to: (Section 1.06, Operations Policy #3-XI-1) 1) Request the City or Novato and/or County of Marin to proclaim the existence of a Local Emergency. 2) Control and direct the effort of the emergency organization of the District in preparedness, response, and recovery to accomplish the purposes of this chapter. 3) Direct cooperation between and coordination of services and staff of the emergency organization of the District; and resolve questions of authority and responsibility that may arise between them. 4) Represent the District in all dealings with public or private agencies on matters pertaining to emergencies as defined herein. In the event of the proclamation of a Local Emergency by the City of Novato or County of Marin that includes the jurisdiction of the Novato Fire District, the proclamation of a State of Emergency by the Governor or the Director of the State Office of Emergency Services, or the existence of a State of War Emergency, the Fire District Emergency Services Director is empowered: 1) To make and issue rules and regulations on matters reasonably related to the protection of life and property as affected by such emergency; provided, however, such rules and regulations be confirmed at the earliest practicable time by the Board of Directors; 2) To obtain vital supplies, equipment, and such other properties found lacking and needed for the protection of life and property and to bind the District for the fair value thereof and, if required immediately, to commandeer the same for public use; 3) To require emergency services of any District officer or employee; and 4) To requisition necessary personnel or materials of the District; and Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #33 19 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations 5) If the Fire District Emergency Services Director is the Fire Chief or the Fire Chief’s standby officer, to execute all of his or her ordinary power as Fire Chief, all of the special powers conferred upon him or her by this section or by resolution or emergency plan adopted pursuant hereto by the Board of Directors, all powers conferred upon him or her by any other law, statute rule or ordinance or by any agreement approved by the Board of Directors, and any power designated by any other lawful authority. 6) Advise the Board of Directors on the needs of the District; 7) Delegate duties as necessary. During an emergency operations center activation, the Emergency Services Director may delegate his/her responsibilities under this section to the authorized Emergency Operations Center Director for designated operational periods. Such delegation shall include a written limitation if any on the authority of such delegate to exercise the authority of the Emergency Services Director, including, but not necessarily limited to fiscal spending authority on behalf of the District. ROLE OF CITY AND DISTRICT STAFF: All Novato regular employees are, by law, Disaster Service Workers. The roles and responsibilities for Disaster Service Workers are authorized by the California Emergency Services Act and are defined in the California Labor Code. If the City of Novato (or County of Marin if their declaration includes Novato) declares a Local Emergency during normal work hours, employees will be expected to remain at work to respond to the emergency needs of the City. If a Local Emergency is declared outside of normal work hours, employees may be called back to work, either in Novato or in their home communities. City and District departments have specified roles and functions to assume when a large-scale emergency or area-wide disaster strikes. These roles are well-defined in order to maintain a steady and secure response and recovery. It’s important that these emergency functions are established so that City and District staff understands what to do in the event such a situation occurs, and can in turn assure the community that the situation is being addressed and all steps are being taken to maximize the public’s safety and wellbeing. Novato’s Joint Emergency Operations Plan outlines the defined organizational structure and chain of command for emergency operations procedures, and the functional responsibilities of the City and District’s departments during such an emergency. In one way or another, every employee of Novato is a participant in Novato’s emergency response organization. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN: The Novato Joint Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) addresses the planned response to extraordinary emergency situations associated with natural disasters, technological incidents, and national security emergencies in or affecting Novato. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #34 20 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations The Emergency Operations Plan: • Establishes the emergency management organization required to respond to and mitigate any significant emergency or disaster affecting Novato. • Identifies the policies, responsibilities, and procedures required to protect: o The health and safety of Novato residents and neighborhoods. o Public and private property. o The environmental effects of natural and technological emergencies/disasters. • Establishes the operational concepts and procedures associated with field response to emergencies, the Novato Joint Emergency Operations Center (EOC) activities, and the recovery process. • The EOP establishes the framework for implementation of the California Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS) in Novato. The Plan is intended to facilitate multiagency and multi-jurisdictional coordination in emergency operations, particularly between Novato and other local governments, including special districts, the County of Marin, and State agencies. • The EOP is an operations guide and planning reference. City and District departments and local agencies with roles and responsibilities identified in the EOP are encouraged to develop emergency operations plans, detailed standard operating procedures (SOPs), and emergency response checklists based on the provisions of the EOP. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER: While day-to-day operations are conducted from departments that are dispersed throughout the community, the Novato Joint Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is a location from which centralized emergency management can be performed during a major emergency or disaster. This facilitates a coordinated response by the Directors of Emergency Services, Emergency Management Staff, and representatives from organizations that are assigned emergency management responsibilities. The level of EOC staffing will vary depending on the specific emergency situation. Novato’s primary EOC is located in the Novato Fire Administration building at 95 Rowland Way, Novato. The secondary EOC is at the Novato Police Training Room at 909 Machin Ave., Novato. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTERS Novato’s primary EOC is located in the Novato Fire Administration building at 95 Rowland Way, Novato. The secondary EOC is at the Novato Police Training Room at 909 Machin Ave., Novato. The Emergency Operations Center provides a central location of authority and information, and allows for face-to-face coordination among personnel who must make emergency decisions. The following functions are performed in the Novato Joint EOC: Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #35 21 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations • Managing and coordinating emergency operations. • Receiving and disseminating warning information. • Developing emergency policies, procedures, and action plans. • Collecting intelligence from, and disseminating information to, the various EOC representatives and the City Council and Fire Board, and, as appropriate, to County, special district, non-profit and community-based organizations, state agencies, military, and federal agencies. • Preparing intelligence/information summaries, situation reports, operational reports, and other reports as required. • Maintaining general and specific maps, information display boards, and other data pertaining to emergency operations. • Continuing analysis and evaluation of all data pertaining to emergency operations. • Controlling and coordinating the operational and logistical support of departmental and agency resources committed to the emergency. • Maintaining contact and coordination with support departments, other nongovernmental agencies and the County/Operational Area EOC. • Providing emergency warnings, alerts, information, and instructions to the public, making official releases to the news media. Management of the EOC and alternate EOC facilities is the responsibility of Novato’s Joint Novato Emergency Management program. This responsibility includes all facility functions, support systems, and operational readiness issues. Organization of the EOC and staff is based on the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS). The City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Fire Chief or Police Chief serve as the EOC Director. The EOC Director has the primary responsibility for ensuring that the City Council and Fire Board are kept apprised of the situation and will bring all major policy issues to the City Council and Fire Board for review and decision. The Emergency Operations Center can be activated by the following staff: • City Manager / City Emergency Services Director • Assistant City Manager • Police Chief • Fire Chief / Fire Emergency Services Director • Police Captains or Watch Commander • Deputy Fire Chief or Battalion Chiefs • Emergency Services Manager with concurrence of any of the above The organizational chart below represents a full activation of the EOC. For smaller events, only certain positions within the EOC will be staffed. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #36 22 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations NOVATO DISASTER COUNCIL: The Novato Disaster Council has the following responsibilities: 1) It shall be the duty of the Disaster Council to review and recommend for adoption by the City Council and the Board of Directors of the District, emergency and mutual aid plans and agreements and such ordinances and resolutions and rules and regulations as are necessary to implement such plans and agreements; 2) The Disaster Council shall meet upon call of the Director of Emergency Services at any time, but no less than annually; 3) The Disaster Council shall encourage coordinated emergency planning between and amongst the City, District, the County of Marin, the Novato Sanitary District, the North Marin Water District, the Novato Unified School District, and other local partners in the Novato area; 4) Promote individual, family and neighborhood disaster preparedness and postdisaster self-reliance programs; 5) Review and evaluate disaster preparedness progress in public and private sectors; Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #37 23 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations 6) Review an annual report summarizing the efforts and progress of overall emergency operations planning which will thereafter be presented by the Director of Emergency Services or his/her designee to the City Council and District Board. The Council is intended to coordinate a variety of community education and volunteer programs with Novato preparedness efforts. The Disaster Council structure was last updated in 2015. GOVERNMENT EMERGENCY TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM (GETS): Selected city and district staff with emergency response assignments are registered with the federal Government Emergency Telecommunications System (GETS). GETS provides emergency access and priority processing in the local and long distance telephone system. It is intended to be used in an emergency or crisis situation when telephones are congested. Staff have been provided with a special calling card and passcode which provides access. Staff also uses a related program, the Wireless Priority Service (WPS) to provide similar access on cell phones. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #38 24 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations Appendix A – RECOMMENDED TRAINING FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS Highly Recommended Training (NIMS Compliance Requirements): 1. IS-100.b Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS-100 Course. (2-3 hours) This is a FEMA online self-study course intended to give participants a basic overview of the Incident Command System (ICS). ICS 100, Introduction to the Incident Command System, introduces the Incident Command System (ICS) and provides the foundation for higher level ICS training. This course describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the Incident Command System. It also explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS). https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-100.b 2. IS-700.a Introduction to the National Incident Management (NIMS) Course. (2-3 hours) This is a FEMA online self-study course intended to give participants a basic overview of the National Incident Management System (NIMS). NIMS provides a consistent nationwide template to enable all government, private-sector, and nongovernmental organizations to work together during domestic incidents. https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-700.a 3. IS-908 Emergency Management for Senior Officials Course. (1 hour) This is a FEMA online self-study course designed to introduce senior/elected officials to the important role they play in emergency management. The responsibility for preparing for, responding to, and recovering from incidents, both natural and manmade, begins at the local level - with individuals and public officials in the county, city, or town affected by the incident. https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-908 Additional Recommendations: 1. First Aid Certification Course (4 hours) 2. CPR/AED (Automated External Defibrillators) Certification Course (4 hours) 3. Get Ready (2 hours) 4. Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) Course (18 hours) Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #39 25 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations Appendix B – WORKING WITH THE MEDIA Public Information - One of the main ways residents will learn critical information during a disaster is through the news media. The EOC PIO will provide the media with important information the public needs to know to survive and recover from an emergency event. While the EOC PIO will work closely with the media, Council and Board members will often be sought out by the news media for comments or information specific to the disaster. In the event of a significant incident, the Directors of Emergency Services will designate a senior staff member to contact and brief City Council and Fire Board members. In addition, media briefings may be scheduled for Council and Board members to attend. The EOC PIO and/or the EOC Director will confer with Council and Board members to brief them on the situation and what response and recovery actions are under way. The following information may be helpful in responding to the media. Tips for responding to questions from the media in a Disaster: • Answer questions directly and to the point. • If you don’t know the answer, don’t speculate. Bad information can cause the public to take incorrect actions and can damage your credibility. Get the reporter’s name and telephone number so that you can follow up with an answer, and do it. • Do not exaggerate the facts. Give facts as you know them and cite your own sources. In an emergency or disaster, the information you reveal could threaten lives if it is incorrect. • Tell the truth and avoid using “no comment.” If you don’t know the answer, be honest and say so. No comment gives the impression that you have something to hide. • Avoid going “off the record.” It can come back to haunt you. • Challenge any efforts to put words in your mouth. If you don’t, you may end up appearing to agree with something you actually disagree with. • Be alert. Avoid answering speculative “what if” questions. Be prepared to lead the interview to the points you want to make. Tips for delivering your message: • Speak naturally and avoid using “jargon” or terminology that is unfamiliar to those working outside of local government. • Say the most important thing first and then, if necessary, elaborate. Avoid long, rambling responses. Be succinct and clear. • Make one point at a time and speak in simple language. During times of high stress people are generally only able to remember short, concise bits of information. • If you must read a prepared statement, review the information before going “live.” Read in a relaxed manner. Avoid stilted, halting speeches. • Be believable, personable, and conversational. Credibility is vital to getting your message across. • Let the EOC PIO know if you talk to the media. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #40 26 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations Appendix C – SAMPLE PROCLAMATIONS RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING EXISTENCE OF A LOCAL EMERGENCY (by City Council) WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 2-13 of the City of Novato empowers the City Council to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency when said city is affected or likely to be affected by a public calamity; and WHEREAS, said City Council has been requested by the Director of Emergency Services of said city to proclaim the existence of a local emergency therein; and WHEREAS, said City Council does hereby find: That conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property have arisen within said city, caused ; (fire, flood, storm, epidemic, riot, earthquake, drought, energy shortage, or other causes) commencing on or about _____ ____.m. on the ______ day of ______________, 20___); and by That the aforesaid conditions of extreme peril warrant and necessitate the proclamation of the existence of a local emergency; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED that a local emergency now exists throughout said city; and IT IS HEREBY FURTHER PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that during the existence of said local emergency the powers, functions, and duties of the Director of Emergency Services and the emergency organization of this city shall be those prescribed by state law, by ordinances, and resolutions of this city and by the Novato Joint Emergency Operations Plan, as approved by the City Council on April 14, 2015. IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that said local emergency shall be deemed to continue to exist until its termination is proclaimed by the City Council of the City of Novato, State of California. Dated: ____________________________ CITY COUNCIL ATTEST: __________________________ City of Novato Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #41 27 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING EXISTENCE OF A LOCAL EMERGENCY (by Director of Emergency Services) WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 2-13 of the City of Novato empowers the Director of Emergency Services to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency when said city is affected or likely to be affected by a public calamity and the City Council is not in session; and WHEREAS, the Director of Emergency Services of the City of Novato does hereby find; That conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property have arisen within said city, caused by ; and ; (fire, flood, storm, epidemic, riot, earthquake, drought, energy shortage, or other causes) That the City Council of the City of Novato is not in session (and cannot immediately be called into session); NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED that a local emergency now exists throughout said city; and IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that during the existence of said local emergency the powers, functions, and duties of the emergency organization of this city shall be those prescribed by state law, by ordinances, and resolutions of this city, and by the Novato Joint Emergency Operations Plan, as approved by the City Council on April 14, 2015. Dated: ___________________________ By:____________________________________ Director of Emergency Services City of Novato Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #42 28 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations RESOLUTION CONFIRMING EXISTENCE OF A LOCAL EMERGENCY WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 2-3 of the City of Novato empowers the Director of Emergency Services to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency when said city is affected or likely to be affected by a public calamity and the City Council is not in session, subject to ratification by the City Council within seven days; and WHEREAS, conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property have arisen within this city, caused by (fire, flood, storm, epidemic, riot, earthquake, drought, energy shortage, or other causes) commencing on or about _____ ___.m. on the _____ day of ___________, 20____, at which time the City Council of the City of Novato was not in session; and WHEREAS, said City Council does hereby find that the aforesaid conditions of extreme peril did warrant and necessitate the proclamation of the existence of a local emergency; and WHEREAS, the Director of Emergency Services of the City of Novato did proclaim the existence of a local emergency within said city on the ______ day of _______________, 20___; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that said local emergency shall be deemed to continue to exist until its termination is proclaimed by the City Council of the City of Novato, State of California. Dated: __________________________ ATTEST: _________________________ CITY COUNCIL City of Novato Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #43 29 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING TERMINATION OF LOCAL EMERGENCY WHEREAS, a local emergency existed in the City of Novato in accordance with the resolution thereof by the City Council on the ______ day of ______________, 20___, or Director of Emergency Services on the _____ day of ____________________, 20______, and its ratification by the City Council on the ________ day of _________________, 20____, as a result of conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property caused by ; and (fire, flood, storm, epidemic, riot, earthquake, drought, energy shortage, or other causes) WHEREAS, the situation resulting from said conditions of extreme peril is now deemed to be within the control of the normal protective services, personnel, equipment, and facilities of and within said City of Novato; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Novato, State of California, does hereby proclaim the termination of said local emergency. Dated: _________________________ CITY COUNCIL City of Novato ATTEST: ______________________ Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #44 30 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations Appendix D – SPECIAL MARIN COUNTY RESOURCES Urban Search & Rescue (USAR): The Marin County Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Team is a "multi-hazard" discipline, since it may be needed for a variety of emergencies or disasters. The team is certified as a "heavy" rescue team by the Governor's Office of Emergency Services and is made up of members from various jurisdictions. Members are trained as technical specialists, capable of performing confined space rescue, water rescue, physical search and rescue operations in collapsed structures, initial medical stabilization of injured response personnel & trapped victims, hazardous materials categorization, structural hazard evaluation, and stabilization of damaged structures. USAR's Four Major Functional Elements: • Search • Rescue • Medical • Water Rescue The Marin County USAR team is designed to be totally self-sufficient for the first 48 hours of operation. Specialized equipment includes concrete and steel cutting tools, breaking devices, portable generators, power saws, drills, air bags, lighting, ropes and other technical rescue items. Other equipment carried by the three designated rescue units includes medical supplies, hazardous materials and radiation monitors, protective clothing, victim locating devices, search cameras, water rescue boats, communication equipment, and computer equipment. Sheriff's Office Search & Rescue (SAR): The Marin County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Unit was first sponsored in 1976 by the American Red Cross. During that time, they assisted with the Orphan Airlift at Hamilton Field of Vietnamese children and many first aid events. In 1978, sponsorship of the team was changed to the Sheriff’s Department, and the unit began to respond to its first search and rescue missions. During the early years with the Marin County Sheriff’s Office, the unit responded to several large SAR missions, including an overnight search for two missing children in the hills above Inverness and several challenging incidents searching for the victims of the trailside killer between 1979 and 1981. The unit also was heavily involved in disaster operations during the great flood of 1982 and lesser flooding disasters in '83, '85 and '86. During this time, SAR also assisted in investigations for numerous evidence searches. SAR is capable of carrying out a wide spectrum of missions from high altitude rescues to searching for victims of predator abductions. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #45 31 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES): RACES is a volunteer organization of licensed amateur radio operators in Marin County. RACES members operate radio equipment installed in Emergency Operations Centers and other strategic locations. RACES is organized under FEMA and operates according to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. In Marin County RACES is administered by the Marin County Sheriffs Office of Emergency Services. RACES members may provide communications support using amateur radio, cellular and regular phones, as available. RACES has prepositioned equipment in Novato at the primary and secondary EOC as well as at Sutter-Novato Hospital as well as other locations across the county. Their goals are: • To provide emergency communications as needed and as requested in the event of a disaster. • To maintain readiness to provide communications in the event of a failure of emergency communications systems. • To support emergency services in gathering information about potential hazards to life and property. • To support emergency services in disseminating information to the public. • To improve skills, knowledge, and abilities of RACES members through trainings, seminars, and information. Marin Medical Reserve Corps (MMRC): The mission of the Marin County Medical Reserve Corps is to develop partnerships within Marin County medical professionals (active and retired) that aid in the education, training and deployment of citizen volunteers and resources in the event of a large scale, local emergency or disaster. The vision of the Marin Medical Reserve Corps (MMRC) is to enlist citizen volunteers to assist in the establishment of an organized pool of resources capable of being deployed to support emergency medical operations throughout the county. The MMRC is administered by the Marin County Department of Health & Human Services. Marin County Hazardous Materials Response Team: The County has one Operational Area hazardous material team and two hazardous material response vehicles. The team is comprised of personnel from County and city fire departments as well as County Environmental Health. The team is administered by the Marin County Fire Chiefs Association. It includes eleven (11) personnel who are equipped and trained at a Technician level, which allows them to work in very close proximity to a released material. There are also fourteen (14) personnel who are equipped and trained as Specialists - the highest level of hazardous material training. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #46 32 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations North Bay Incident Management Team: Hosted by the Marin County Fire Department, the North Bay Incident Management team is a multi-discipline, all-hazard Type III Incident Management Team that includes staff from a variety of local agencies in Marin, Sonoma, Napa and Solano Counties. The team can provide incident commanders and/or a variety of Incident Command and EOC staff upon a mutual aid request. Past assignments have included earthquake exercises, several wildfires, crowd control, shelter operations and exercise support. Members of both Novato Fire District and the Novato Police Department have been members of this team. Marin County Fire Investigation Team: A program of cooperative aid among Marin County Fire Agencies under the local fire service and rescue mutual aid plan appendix 7, for the provision of fire investigation services to any County jurisdiction requesting assistance in investigating the cause and origin and circumstances of any fire, explosion, or other related hazardous condition. The Team may be activated when the preliminary fire investigation by the requesting department has been unsuccessful in determining the cause and origin of the fire; When the fire is of a magnitude that it generates investigative needs beyond the capabilities of the requesting agency; Or where a fire death has occurred. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #47 33 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations Appendix E – ACRONYMS AND GLOSSARY List of Acronyms & Abbreviations AAR AFN CDAA CDC CERT DHS DOC EMAC EMMA EOC EOP FEMA GC HAZMAT HSC IC ICP ICS IDE JFO JIC JIS LAC MACS MARAC MMRC NBIMT NIMS NRF NWS OA OES PDA PHO RACES REOC RIMS SAR SEMS SOC TENS USAR After Action Report Access and Functional Needs California Disaster Assistance Act Centers for Disease Control Community Emergency Response Team Department of Homeland Security Department Operations Center Emergency Mutual Aide Compact (State) Emergency Managers Mutual Aid Emergency Operations Center Emergency Operations Plan Federal Emergency Management Agency Government Code Hazardous Materials Health and Safety Code Incident Commander Incident Command Post Incident Command System Initial Damage Estimate Joint Field Office Joint Information Center Joint Information System Local Assistance Center Multi-Agency Coordination System Mutual Aid Regional Advisory Committee Marin Medical Reserve Corps North Bay Incident Management Team National Incident Management System National Response Framework National Weather Service Operational Area Office of Emergency Services Preliminary Damage Assessment Public Health Officer Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services Regional Emergency Operations Center Resource Information Management System Search and Rescue Standardized Emergency Management System State Operations Center Telephone Emergency Notification System Urban Search and Rescue Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #48 34 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations Glossary of Terms This Glossary contains definitions of terms commonly used by agencies and organizations in the emergency management field. A Access and Functional Needs (AFN): Populations whose members may have additional needs before, during, and after an incident in functional areas, including but not limited to: Maintaining Independence; Communication; Transportation; Supervision; Medical Care. These individuals in need of additional response assistance may include: Those who live in institutionalized settings; Older adults; Children; Those from diverse cultures; Those who have limited English proficiency or are non-English speaking; and Those who are transportation disadvantaged. Access and Functional Needs Officer (AFN Officer): An EOC position, assigned to the Management Section, who serves the EOC by coordinating public messaging with the Public Information Officer, providing liaison with Access and Functional Needs communities and groups, and provides advice to the EOC Director and other EOC staff on Access and Functional Needs issues. Action Plan: "Action Plan" means the plan prepared in the EOC containing the emergency response objectives, overall priorities, and supporting activities for a designated period. (See EOC Action Plan) After Action Report: A report covering response actions, application of SEMS, modifications to plans and procedures, training need, and recovery activities. After action reports are required under SEMS after any emergency which requires a declaration of an emergency. American Red Cross: A nationwide volunteer agency providing disaster relief to individuals and families. Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS): A communications reserve that provides tactical, logistical and administrative support and communications for all government communications systems. (Such as RACES) B C Care and Shelter: A phase of operations that meets the food, clothing, and shelter needs of people on a mass care basis. Casualty Collection Points (CCP): See Field Treatment Sites Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #49 35 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations Catastrophic Disaster: An event or incident which produces severe and widespread damages of such a magnitude as to result in the requirement for significant resources from outside the affected area to provide the necessary response. Civil Air Patrol: A civilian auxiliary of the United States Air Force which provides personnel, services, and equipment for specified missions in support of state and local emergency operations. Command Post: (See Incident Command Post) Continuity of Government: All measures that may be taken to ensure the continuity of essential functions of governments in the event of emergency conditions, including lineof-succession for key decision makers. D Damage Assessment: The process utilized to determine the magnitude of damage and the unmet needs of individuals, businesses, the public sector, and the community caused by a disaster or emergency event. Declaration: The formal action by the President to make a State eligible for major disaster or emergency assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, PL 3-288, as amended (the Stafford Act). Delegation of Authority: A statement provided to the Incident Commander by the Agency Executive delegating authority and assigning responsibility. The Delegation of Authority can include objectives, priorities, expectations, constraints and other considerations or guidelines as needed. Many agencies require written Delegation of Authority to be given to Incident Commanders prior to their assuming command on larger incidents. Department Operations Center (DOC): An EOC used by a distinct discipline, such as fire, law, or public works. Department operations centers may be used at all SEMS levels above the field response level, depending upon the impact of the emergency. Designated Area: Any emergency or major disaster-affected portion of a State that has been determined eligible for Federal assistance. Disaster: A sudden calamitous emergency event bringing great damage loss or destruction. Disaster Field Office: A central facility established by the Federal Coordinating Office within or immediately adjacent to disaster impacted areas to be utilized as a point of coordination and control for state and federal governmental efforts to support disaster relief and recovery operations. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #50 36 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations Disaster Service Worker: Includes public employees and any unregistered person impressed into service during a State of War emergency, a State of emergency, or a Local Emergency by a person having authority to command the aid of citizens in the execution of his duties. E Emergency Alert System (EAS): A system that enables the President and federal, state, and local governments to communicate through commercial radio and television broadcast stations with the general public in the event of a disaster. Emergency Management Director (Director of Emergency Services): The individual within each political subdivision that has overall responsibility for the jurisdiction's emergency management efforts. For the City of Novato, this is the City Manager. For the Novato Fire District, this is the Fire Chief. Emergency Operations: Those actions taken during the emergency period to protect life and property, care for the people affected, and temporarily restore essential community services. Emergency Operations Center (EOC): A location from which centralized emergency management can be performed. EOC facilities are established by an agency or jurisdiction to coordinate the overall agency or jurisdictional response and support to an emergency. Emergency Operations Plan (EOP): The plan that each jurisdiction has and maintains for responding to relevant hazards. The City of Novato and the Novato Fire District currently operate under a Joint EOP) Emergency Period: A period which begins with the recognition of an existing, developing, or impending situation that poses a potential threat to a community. It includes the warning (where applicable) and impact phase and continues until immediate and ensuing effects of the disaster no longer constitute a hazard to life or threat to property. Emergency Plans: Those official and approved documents which describe principles, policies, concepts of operations, methods and procedures to be applied in carrying out emergency operations or rendering mutual aid during emergencies. These plans include such elements as continuity of government, emergency functions of governmental agencies, mobilization and application of resources, mutual aid, and public information. Emergency Public Information (EPI): Information disseminated to the public by official sources during an emergency, using broadcast and print media. EPI includes: (1) instructions on survival and health preservation actions to take (what to do, what not to do, evacuation procedures, etc.), (2) status information on the disaster situation Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #51 37 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations (number of deaths, injuries, property damage, etc.), and (3) other useful information (state/federal assistance available). EOC Action Plan: The plan developed at SEMS EOC level which contains objectives, actions to be taken, assignments and supporting information for the next operational period. (See Action Plan) Essential Facilities: Facilities that are essential for maintaining the health, safety, and overall wellbeing of the public following a disaster (e.g., EOCs, hospitals, police and fire department buildings, utility facilities, etc.). May also include buildings that have been designated for use as mass care facilities (e.g., schools, churches, etc.). Evacuee: An individual who moves or is moved from a hazard area to a less hazardous area with anticipation of return when the hazard abates. Evacuation Center: A location for evacuees to gather immediately following a disaster. Usually temporary in nature when either the event is of short duration or when evacuees will be moved from Evacuation Centers to Medical or General Population Shelters. Exercise: Maneuver or simulated emergency condition involving planning, preparation, and execution; carried out for the purpose of testing, evaluating, planning, developing, training, and/or demonstrating emergency management systems and individual components and capabilities, to identify areas of strength and weakness for improvement of an emergency operations plan (EOP). F Federal Coordinating Officer (FCO): The person appointed by the President to coordinate federal assistance following an emergency or major disaster declaration. Federal Disaster Assistance: Provides in-kind and monetary assistance to disaster victims, state, or local government by federal agencies under the provision of the Federal Disaster Relief Act and other statutory authorities of federal agencies. Federal Disaster Relief Act: Public Law 93-288, as amended, that gives the President broad powers to supplement the efforts and available resources of state and local governments in carrying out their responsibilities to alleviate suffering and damage resulting from major (peacetime) disasters. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): This agency was created in 1979 to provide a single point of accountability for all Federal activities related to disaster mitigation and emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. Field Treatment Site (FTS): A location within a jurisdiction that is used for the assembly, triage (sorting), medical stabilization, and subsequent evacuation of casualties. It may be used for the receipt of incoming medical resources (doctors, Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #52 38 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations nurses, supplies, etc. Preferably the site should include or be adjacent to an open area suitable for use as a helicopter pad. Flood Insurance: The insurance coverage provided under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM): The official map of a community prepared by FEMA, which shows the base flood elevation, along with the special hazard areas and the risk premium zones. The study is funded by FEMA and is based on detailed surveys and analysis of the site-specific hydrologic characteristics. G General Population Shelter: A shelter that provides a safe haven in the event persons must evacuate their homes. They provide basics such as food, water, and basic first aid. Persons evacuating to a general population shelter should bring their own supplies such as blankets, toiletries/hygiene items, medications, and clothing. H Hazard: Any source of danger or element of risk to people or property. Hazard Area: A geographically defined area in which a specific hazard presents a potential threat to life and property. Hazardous Material: A substance or combination of substances which, because of quantity, concentration, physical, chemical, radiological, explosive, or infectious characteristics, poses a potential danger to humans or the environment. Generally, such materials are classed as explosives and blasting agents, flammable and nonflammable gases, combustible liquids, flammable liquids and solids, oxidizers, poisons, diseasecausing agents, radioactive materials, corrosive materials, and other materials including hazardous wastes. Hazardous Material Incident: Any uncontrolled release of material capable of posing a risk to health, safety, and property. Areas at risk include facilities that produce, process, or store hazardous materials as well as sites that treat, store, and dispose of hazardous material. Hazard Mitigation: A measure that will reduce the potential for damage to a facility from a disaster event. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP): Authorized under Section 404 of the Stafford Act. Provided funding for hazard mitigation projects that are cost effective and complement existing post-disaster mitigation programs and activities for beneficial mitigation measures that are not funded through other programs. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #53 39 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations Hazard Mitigation Plan: The plan resulting from a systematic evaluation of the nature and extent of vulnerability to the effects of natural hazards, including the actions needed to minimize future vulnerability to identified hazards. The City of Novato has a current Hazard Mitigation Plan approved by FEMA in 2012. I Incident: An occurrence or event, either human-caused or by natural phenomena, that requires action by emergency response personnel to prevent or minimize loss of life or damage to property and/or natural resources. Incident Action Plan (IAP): The plan developed at the field response level that contains objectives reflecting the overall incident strategy and specific tactical actions and supporting information for the next operational period. The plan may be oral or written. Incident Commander (IC): The individual responsible for the command of all functions at the field response level. Incident Command Post (ICP): The location at which the primary command functions are executed. The ICP may be co-located with the incident base or other incident facilities. Incident Command System (ICS): The nationally used standardized on-scene emergency management concept specifically designed to allow its user(s) to adopt an integrated organizational structure equal to the complexity and demands of single or multiple incidents without being hindered by jurisdictional boundaries. ICS is the combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications operating within a common organizational structure, with responsibility for the management of resources to effectively accomplish stated objectives pertinent to an incident. Incident Objectives: Statements of guidance and direction necessary for the selection of appropriate strategy(s) and the tactical direction of resources. Incident objectives are based on realistic expectations of what can be accomplished when all allocated resources have been effectively deployed. Incident objectives must be achievable and measurable, yet flexible enough to allow for strategic and tactical alternatives. Individual Assistance (IA): Supplementary Federal assistance provided under the Stafford Act to individuals and families adversely affected by a major disaster or an emergency. Such assistance may be provided directly by the Federal Government or through State, local governments or disaster relief organizations. Information Officer: Responsible for interfacing with the public and media or with other agencies requiring information directly from the incident. This position is also referred to as Public Affairs or Public Information Officer (PIO) in some disciplines. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #54 40 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations L Liaison Officer: Responsible for coordinating with representatives from cooperating and assisting agencies. Local Assistance Center (LAC): A facility established by local government within or adjacent to a disaster impacted area to provide disaster victims a "one-stop" service in meeting their emergency representatives of local, state, and federal governmental agencies, private service organizations and certain representatives of the private sector. Local Emergency: The duly proclaimed existence of conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the territorial limits of a county, city and county, or city, caused by such conditions as air pollution, fire, flood, storm, epidemic, riot, or earthquake or other conditions, other than conditions resulting from a labor controversy, which conditions are or are likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment, and facilities of that political subdivision and required the combined forces of political subdivisions to combat. M Major Disaster: Any hurricane, tornado, storm, flood, high-water, wind-driven water, tidal wave, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, mudslide, snowstorm, drought, fire, explosions, or other catastrophe in any part of the United States which, in the determination of the President, causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant major disaster assistance under the Federal Disaster Relief Act, above and beyond emergency services by the Federal Government, to supplement the efforts and available resources of States, local governments, and disaster relief organizations in alleviating the damage, loss, hardship, or suffering caused thereby. Management by Objectives: In SEMS field and EOC levels, this is a top-down management activity that involves a three-step process to achieve the desired goal. The steps are: establishing the objectives, selection of appropriate strategy(s) to achieve the objectives; and the direction or assignments associated with the selected strategy. Mass Care Facility: A location where temporary services are provided to disaster victims during an emergency which may include lodging, food, clothing, registration, welfare inquiry, first aid, and essential social services. Master Mutual Aid Agreement: An agreement entered into by and between the State of California, its various departments and agencies, and the various political subdivisions, municipal corporations, and other public agencies of the State of California to assist each other by providing resources during an emergency. Mutual aid occurs when two or more parties agree to furnish resources and facilities and to render services to each other to prevent and combat any type of disaster or emergency. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #55 41 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations Medical Shelter: These specialized shelters are intended to provide temporary care and housing for individuals with chronic medical conditions requiring regular medical treatment (which is usually provided in the home), such as: Foley catheter maintenance; Diabetes; Medication management; Blood pressure monitoring; Ostomy care; Stable oxygen and nebulizer therapy. Mitigation: Pre-event planning and actions that aim to lessen the effects of potential disaster. Multi-Agency Coordination: The functions and activities of representatives of involved agencies and/or jurisdictions who make decisions regarding the prioritizing of incidents and the allocation of critical resources. Multi-Agency Coordination System (MACS): The combination of personnel, facilities, equipment, procedures and communications integrated into a common system. When activated, MACS has the responsibility for coordination of assisting agency resources and support in a multiagency or multi-jurisdiction environment. A MAC Group functions within the MACS. MACS organizations are used within the California Fire Services. Multi-Agency Incident: An incident where one or more agencies assist a jurisdictional agency or agencies. The incident may be managed under single or unified command. Multi-jurisdiction Incident: An incident requiring action from multiple agencies that have a statutory responsibility for incident mitigation. In ICS these incidents will be managed under Unified Command. Mutual Aid Agreement: Written agreement between agencies and/or jurisdictions in which they agree to assist one another upon request, by furnishing personnel and equipment. Mutual Aid Coordinator: An individual at operational area, region or state level that is responsible to coordinate the process of requesting, obtaining, processing and using mutual aid resources. Mutual Aid Coordinator duties will vary depending upon the mutual aid system. Mutual Aid Region: A subdivision of State Office of Emergency Services established to assist in the coordination of mutual aid and other emergency operations within a geographic area of the state, consisting of two or more county (operational) areas. Marin County is in Mutual Aid Region II N National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP): The Federal program, created by an act of Congress in 1968, which makes flood insurance available in communities that enact satisfactory floodplain management regulations. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #56 42 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations National Incident Management System (NIMS): The federal standard for incident management. Based in ICS, provides core set of concepts, principles, and terminology. National Response Plan (NRP): Supersedes Federal Response Plan. Provides framework for federal agencies involved with domestic incident management. DHS manages response for "Incidents of National Significance." National Warning System (NWS): The federal portion of the civil defense warning system, used to disseminate warning and other emergency information from the warning centers or regions to warning points in each state. O One Hundred (100)-Year Flood: The flood elevation that has a one-percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. It is also known as the base flood elevation. Operational Area: An intermediate level of the state emergency organization, consisting of a county and all political subdivisions within the county's geographic borders. An operational area is defined in law (Section 8559, California Government Code) as an organization (not a jurisdiction) whose boundaries are those of a county. The operational area concept is the backbone of the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS). Operational Area Coordinator: The individual within the operational area responsible for a specific function such as law enforcement, coroner's services, or emergency medical services. Operational Period: The period of time scheduled for execution of a given set of operation actions as specified in the Incident or EOC Action Plan. Operational Periods can be of various lengths, although usually not over 24 hours. P Public Assistance (PA): Federal assistance provided under the Stafford Act to State and local government agencies or certain private, nonprofit organizations. Public Information Officer (PIO): The individual delegated the authority to prepare public information releases and to interact with the media. Duties will vary depending upon the agency and SEMS level. R Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES): An emergency services program designed to make efficient use of skilled radio amateur in accordance with approved emergency communications plans. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #57 43 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations Recovery: Activities traditionally associated with providing Federal supplemental disaster recovery assistance under a Presidential major disaster declaration. These activities usually begin within days after the event and continue after the response activities cease. Recovery includes individual and public assistance programs that provide temporary housing assistance, grants and loans to eligible individuals and government entities to recovery from the effects of a disaster. Recovery Operations Center (ROC): A facility established by the local government within or adjacent to a disaster impacted area to provide disaster relief agencies and organizations "one stop" shop for the coordination of their efforts. Representatives from local, state, and federal governmental agencies, private service organizations and certain representatives of the private sector may be resent. Regional Emergency Operations Center (REOC): Facilities found at State OES Administrative Regions. REOCS are used to coordinate information and resources among operational areas and between the operational areas and the state level. Shelter Manager: An individual who provides for the internal organization, administration, and operation of a shelter facility. Span of Control: The supervisory ratio maintained within an ICS or EOC organization. A span of control of five-positions reporting to one supervisor is considered optimum. Stafford Act: Robert T. Stafford disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, PL 100-707, signed into law November 23, 1988; amended the Disaster Relief Act of 1974, PL 93-288. Staging Areas: Locations at an incident where resources can be placed while awaiting a tactical assignment. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): A set of instructions having the force of a directive, covering those features of operations that lend themselves to a definite or standardized procedure. Standard operating procedures support an annex by indicating in detail how a particular task will be carried out. Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS): A system required by California Government Code for managing response to multi-agency and multijurisdiction emergencies in California. SEMS consists of five organizational levels that are activated as necessary: Field Response, Local Government, Operation Area, Region and State. State Coordinating Officer (SCO): The person appointed by the Governor to act for the State in cooperation with the Federal Coordinating Officer. State of Emergency: The duly proclaimed existence of conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property that are likely to be beyond the Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #58 44 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations control of the services, personnel, equipment, and facilities of any single county, city and county, or city and require the combined forces of a mutual aid region or regions to combat. State of War Emergency: The condition which exists immediately, with or without a proclamation thereof by the Governor, whenever the state or nation is directly attacked by an enemy of the United States, or upon the receipt by the state of a warning from the federal government that such an enemy attack is probable or imminent. State Operations Center (SOC): An EOC facility operated by the Governor's Office of Emergency Services at the state level in SEMS. Located in Sacramento. T Technical Specialists: Personnel with special skills that can be used anywhere within the ICS or EOC organization. Technological Hazard: Includes a range of hazards emanating from the manufacture, transportation, and use of such substances as radioactive materials, chemicals, explosives, flammables, agricultural pesticides, herbicides and disease agents; and oil spills on land, coastal waters or inland water systems. Triage: A process of rapidly classifying patients on the basis of the urgency of treatment that is needed. The prioritizing of medical care based on the nature and severity of illness or complaint, history, signs and symptoms, general appearance, vital signs and a brief physical assessment. Tsunami: A large oceanic wave generated by earthquakes, submarine volcanic eruptions, or large submarine landslides in which sudden forces are applied to the water mass. The fastest tsunami waves can move at speeds of hundreds of miles per hour in the open ocean. However, as the waves enter shallower waters in coastal area, wave velocity decreases and wave height can increase to 100 feet or more on impact at the shoreline. U Unified Command: In ICS, Unified Command is a unified team effort which allows all agencies with responsibility for the incident, either geographical or functional, to manage an incident by establishing a common set of incident objectives and strategies. This is accomplished without losing or abdicating agency authority, responsibility or accountability. Urban Rescue: The complex process in which trained personnel use specialized equipment to locate and extricate victims trapped in collapsed buildings, and the mobilization and management of such personnel and equipment. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #59 45 Elected/Appointed Officials Guide to Disaster Operations W Weapon of Mass Destruction: Device using chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear materials. WUI-Zone. Wildland Urban Interface Zone. Wildfire hazard area where urban development immediately adjoins wild lands. Novato Emergency Management: Version Date: 07/27/16 Agenda Page #60 46 Association Presidents’ Report (verbal report) Agenda Page #61 Directors’ Matters (Verbal Report) Agenda Page #62 Chief’s Report (verbal report) Agenda Page #63 Consent Calendar Items Section Agenda Page #64 Novato Fire District Board of Directors Regular Board Meeting Minutes June 1, 2016 1 2 The meeting was called to order by President Silverman at 6:00 p.m. in the Board meeting room at Station 61, 7025 Redwood Blvd., Novato CA, 94945. 3 4 5 ROLL CALL 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 President Silverman, Vice President Steve Metcho, Directors Worth Fenner, Jr., Bill Davis, Jim Galli STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Fire Chief Mark Heine, Deputy Fire Chief Adam Brolan, Battalion Chiefs Bill Tyler, and Dmitri Menzel; Dan Hom, Finance Director; Denise Wade, Recording Secretary, Gretchen Felciano, Human Resources Manager and Jeanne Villa, IT Analyst. ALSO PRESENT Riley Hurd, District Counsel 13 14 No public comments were made. 15 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS 16 17 18 1. Citizen recognition Anthony Bonino for Achieving Eagle Scout Chief Heine suggested the Board moves onto the next presentation since the Bonino family has not arrived. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2. Recognize Captain Erich Mesenburg for completing the National Fire Academy Executive Fire Officer Program Chief Heine introduced Captain Mesenburg and provided background information on his achievement and highlighted that the Executive Fire Officers (EFO) program from the National Fire Academy is a four year intense Master’s program. The EFO program is for Chief Officers; however Captain Mesenburg was one of a few Captains who were accepted into the program. Chief Heine presented Captain Mesenburg with an EFO challenge coin and on behalf of the Board of Directors President Silverman presented him with his diploma. 27 Captain Mesenburg thanked the Board and Fire Chief. 28 29 30 31 32 33 3. Recognize Fire Chief Mark Heine for 30 years of dedicated service Chief Brolan introduced Chief Heine and provided background information, followed by an introduction of Chief Heine’s wife Kim, his mother Jean and father Richard, fellow fire peers Fire Chiefs Welch, Weber, Tubbs and Davidson; City of Novato Counsel Member Eric Lucan and Marie Borders from Novato Chambers, then Chief Brolan presented him with his 30 years of service plaque. OPEN TIME FOR PUBLIC EXPRESSION Minutes– 6/1/16 Page 1 Draft Consent Calendar-1 Agenda Page #65 34 Chief Heine thanked his wife for her support, dedication and commitment, along with his parents. 35 36 37 President Silverman called a break at 6:17 p.m. for family and friends to congratulate members for their accomplishments. 38 The public meeting reconvened and was called to order by President Silverman at 6:30 p.m. 39 40 41 3. Presentation on the Novato Fire Foundation Report by Captain Erich Mesenburg Chief Heine introduced Captain Mesenburg, he reported out on the Foundation programs, along with foundation website; facebook, twitter and the newsletter. 42 President Silverman thanked Captain Mesenburg for his report. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 BREAK AND REFRSHMENTS-15 MINUTES NOVATO PROFESSIONAL FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION (NPFA) REPORT No report. DIRECTOR MATTERS Novato Fire Foundation: Report provided by Captain Mesenburg. Director Metcho attended the Alisha Ruch relay at station 61 and noted that the relay came through in reverse order this year. President Silverman recognized FF/PM Marc Teldeschi and Engineer Don Wehr for taking care of his neighbor last week; the crews were polite and professional. Director Davis recognized Director Galli for participating on the Finance Committee while he was on vacation. CHIEF’S REPORT Chief Heine reported: • • • Special Finance Committee meeting June 14th, at 9:00 a.m. The primary focus is on the preliminary budget FY16/17 review Special Board of Directors meeting June 22nd, at 6:00 p.m. The Board to adopt the preliminary FY16/17 budget Regular Board meeting July 6th Board of Directors items: • Art & Wine Festival June 11th and 12th downtown Novato • Sidewalk CPR/AED training same dates at Art/Wine and at Vintage Oaks Shopping Center Chief Heine stated that Dan Hom has been appointed to the Marin County Financial Audit Advisory Committee. His term will run until May of 2019. Minutes– 6 /1/16 Page 2 Draft Consent Calendar-1 Agenda Page #66 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 Chief Heine stated that there was a three alarm Structure fire last Friday at the Cooley Ranch located on San Antonio Road. Chief Menzel performed a great job as the incident commander. The Family was very pleased with our efforts and attention to detail in the salvage process. Chief Heine stated that the Fire District received the 2016 Project Achievement Award for Station 64 project, which came from the Construction Managers Association of America. He and Chief Tyler attended the banquet in Sacramento to accept the award on behalf of the District. Chief Heine stated that the Fire District completed the recruitment process for the reclassified position of Administrative Assistant/RPM Division. He was pleased to announce that Denise Wade has been selected for the position. Chief Heine stated that the Fire District completed the recruitment process for the Executive Assistant position, which has been retitled to “Administrative Services Manager”. There were two applicants; Shannon Wager and Jeanne Villa. The applicants were interviewed by a panel and passed to be interviewed by the Fire Chief. Chief Heine stated that the final phase of the Lexipol Policy Management System transition has started. The entire membership will have a 30 day window to review the policies with a a July 1st live date. Chief Heine stated that Maze and Associates are conducting the credit card and ambulance billing transaction analysis. Fire Agency Self Insurance Services (FASIS): No report. Chief Heine reported: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SimplexGrinnell, $23,670, Fire sprinkler & alarm inspection service for all locations. Scheduled repair maintenance Lube Air Systems, $2,254, Mechanics machinery service and repair. Scheduled repair maintenance Fowler Electric Services, $975New HDMI and CAT #6 cabling for Station 65 Scheduled repair maintenance PUBLIC WORKS Simpson Sheet Metal, $5,375, New HVAC for server room at Station 65. Scheduled repair PIGGYBACK: Nothing to report RFP/IFB: Nothing to report RENEWALS: Superlative Steam Cleaning, $9,670, Renewal of carpet & tile cleaning contract. Marin Building Maintenance, $6,500, Renewal janitorial services contract for Administrative Office. Minutes– 6 /1/16 Page 3 Draft Consent Calendar-1 Agenda Page #67 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 Mark Clementi, PhD, $4,110, Renewal of pre-employment psychological testing contract. Big Bear Fire Extinguisher, $4,000, Renewal of fire extinguisher maintenance renewal contract. Cagwin & Dorward, $28,776, Renewal of landscape maintenance services contract. EMS BILLING: Nothing to report President Silverman stated he would like to pull Consent Calendar item 3 Advancement Record for Lauren Pallas as a separate item. 131 132 1. Minutes of Regular Board Of Directors Meeting April 13, 2016 133 2. Minutes of Regular Board Of Directors Meeting May 4, 2016 134 135 Director Metcho stated he would like to make one correction to the minutes of May 4,, 2016, to reflect that he left the room when he recused himself. 136 3. Advancement Record: Lauren Pallas, Administrative Assistant 137 4. Budgetary Amendments for April 2016: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 Increase 9305 CTO Pay budget account 1019 in the amount of $50,000. Increase 9307 CTO Pay budget account 1019 in the amount of $75,000. Increase 9305 Overtime budget account 1020 in the amount of $100,000. Increase 9307 Overtime budget account 1020 in the amount of $175,000. Increase 9308 OES Reimbursements revenue budget account 9942 in the amount of $400,000. Increase 9305 Out of Class Pay budget account 1021 in the amount of $13,000. Increase 9306 Out of Class Pay budget account 1021 in the amount of $9,000. Decrease 9305 Overtime budget account 1020 in the amount of $13,000. Decrease 9306 CTO Pay budget account 1019 in the amount of $9,000. Increase 9308 Legal Fees budget account 2713 in the amount of $45,000. Decrease 9308 Parts & Outside Labor budget account 2087 in the amount of $23,000. Decrease 9305 Data Processing Equipment budget account 4880 in the amount of $22,000. 5. Request to Surplus Informational Technology (IT) Equipment:: 10 Panasonic Toughbook’s (MDCS) and 1 Dell Latitude c840 laptop 162 6. Request to Surplus Unit 36-2002 Chevrolet pickup Increase 9307 Cal OSHA Requirements budget account 2020 in the amount of $30,000. Decrease 9307 Special Fire Equipment budget account 2268 in the amount of $30,000. Increase 9308 Audit & Accounting Fees budget account 2717 in the amount of $25,000. Decrease 9308 Property Tax Fees budget account 2269 in the amount of $25,000. Minutes– 6 /1/16 Page 4 Draft Consent Calendar-1 Agenda Page #68 Request for Travel Authorization for the Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief to attend Fire Rescue International, August 17-20, 2016, San Antonio, Texas. 163 164 7. 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT 3. Advancement Record: Lauren Pallas, Administrative Assistant 182 M/s Fenner, Jr. /Metcho Advancement Record: Lauren Pallas, Administrative Assistant – 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 In Favor: Directors, Fenner, Jr., Davis, Metcho, and Silverman Opposed: None Recused: Director Galli 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 No public comments were made. M/s Galli/Fenner Jr. motioned to approve consent calendar items 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 with the correction stated by Director Metcho. In Favor: Directors Galli, Fenner, Jr., Davis, Metcho, and Silverman Opposed: None Motion carried. 5-0 Director Galli rescued himself from consent calendar item 3 due to his son lives with Ms. Pallas, followed by him leaving the Board meeting room. President Silverman moved to Consent Calendar item 3. Motion carried. 4-1 Director Galli returned to the Board meeting room at 6:50 p.m. NEW BUSINESS 1. Adoption of Resolution 2016-6 Regarding Records and Reports Retention Policy and the Retention Schedule for Novato Fire Protection District Chief Heine asked the Board to accept the Policy committee’s recommendation to adopt the records and reports retention policy and retention schedule. OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were made. M/s Metcho/Fenner, Jr. motioned to adopt Resolution 2016-6 Regarding Records and Reports Retention Policy and the Retention Schedule for Novato Fire Protection District Roll call was conducted; Directors Galli, Fenner, Jr., Davis, Metcho, and President Silverman In Favor: Directors Galli, Fenner, Jr., Davis, Metcho, and Silverman Opposed: None Minutes– 6 /1/16 Page 5 Draft Consent Calendar-1 Agenda Page #69 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 Motion carried. 5-0 2. Adoption of Resolution 2016-7: Authorizing Execution of A Joint Powers Agreement for Hazardous Materials Spill Management Chief Heine asked the Board to consider the adoption of Resolution 2016-7: Authorizing Execution of A Joint Powers Agreement for Hazardous Materials Spill Management. Chief Heine stated the primary changes are the increase in total contribution to $85,000 and the OES typing for the team increases to a Type I team. OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were made. M/s Fenner, Jr./Metcho motioned to adopt Resolution 2016-7: Authorizing Execution of A Joint Powers Agreement for Hazardous Materials Spill Management. Roll Call: Directors Fenner, Jr., Davis, Metcho, Galli, and President Silverman In Favor: Directors Galli, Fenner, Jr., Davis, Metcho, Silverman Opposed: None Motion carried. 5-0 3. Adoption of Resolution 2016-8 Establishing the Special Tax Rate for 2016/17 and Rescinding Resolution 2016-5 Chief Heine asked the Board to consider the adoption of Resolution 2016-8: Establishing the Special Tax Rate for 2016/2017 and Rescinding Resolution 2016-5. OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were made. M/s Galli/Fenner, Jr. motioned to adopt Resolution 2016-8: Establishing the Special Tax Rate for 2016/2017 and Rescinding Resolution 2016-5. Roll call was conducted; Directors, Davis, Metcho, Galli, Fenner, and President Silverman In Favor: Directors Galli, Fenner, Jr., Davis, Metcho, and Silverman Opposed: None Motion carried. 5-0 4. Continuation of Agreement between the Novato Fire Protection District and City of Novato for Shared Services of an Emergency Consultant Chief Heine asked the Board to consider Staff’s recommendation to continue agreement 4539 (Emergency Services Consulting) between the Novato Fire Protection District and the City of Novato for the shared service of an Emergency Consultant. Minutes– 6 /1/16 Page 6 Draft Consent Calendar-1 Agenda Page #70 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 President Silverman stated the exercise was very impressive. OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were made. M/s Davis/Fenner Jr motioned to approve to continue the agreement 4539 (Emergency Services Consulting) between the Novato Fire Protection District and the City of Novato for the shared service of an Emergency Consultant. In Favor: Directors Galli, Fenner, Jr., Davis, Metcho, and Silverman Opposed: None Motion carried. 5-0 Director Metcho stated he has to rescue himself from this item because he’s a recipient of Marin County Employees Retirement benefits and stepped out of the board meeting room. 5. Marin County Employees’ Retirement Association Actuarial Valuation Report as of June 30, 2015 Chief Heine asked the Board to consider the Finance Committee’s recommendation to accept and file the Marin County Employees’ Retirement Actuarial Valuation Report as of June 30, 2015. Chief Heine turned this item over to Dan Hom; he reviewed the actuarial report with the Board of Directors. OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were made. M/s Galli/Fenner, Jr. motioned to accept and file the Marin County Employees’ Retirement Actuarial Valuation Report as of June 30, 2015. In Favor: Directors Galli, Fenner, Jr., Davis, Metcho, and Silverman Opposed: None Motion carried. 4-1 Director Metcho returned to the Board meeting room at 7:30 p.m. 6. Formation of ad-hoc Committee regarding Board Manual President Silverman asked the Board to consider a formation of an ad-hoc committee to review and update the Board of Directors Manual and provide direction to staff. OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were made. Minutes– 6 /1/16 Page 7 Draft Consent Calendar-1 Agenda Page #71 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 M/s Galli/Silverman motioned to create an ad-hoc committee and an appoint Directors Fenner and Metcho to the ad-hoc committee. 7. Renewal of IT Support Services Contract with the Marin IT Chief Heine asked the Board to approve Staff’s recommendation to renew the IT support services contract, add an additional 4 hours per week to the contract and utilize Marin IT’s software and hardware reseller services. OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were made. M/s Metcho/Davis motioned to renew the IT support services contract, add an additional 4 hours per week to the contract and utilize Marin IT’s software and hardware reseller services. In Favor: Directors Galli, Fenner, Jr., Davis, Metcho, and Silverman Opposed: None Motion carried. 5-0 8. Adoption of Amended Disposition of Surplus Property Policy 1-IX-26 Chief Heine asked the Board to accept the Policy committee’s recommendation to adopt the amended Disposition of Surplus Property Policy 1-IX-26. OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were made. M/s Gall/Davis motioned to adopt the amended Disposition of Surplus Property Policy 1-IX- 26. In Favor: Directors Galli, Fenner, Jr., Davis, Metcho, and Silverman Opposed: None Motion carried. 5-0 9. Preliminary Budget Summary and Comparison Information for FY 2016/2017 The Board reviewed and discussed the Preliminary Budget Summary and Comparison information for FY2016-2017. Chief Heine turned this item over to Chief Tyler; he provided background information on the budget process and noted that the items in the budget are based off of our core responsibilities. Chief Tyler turned it over to Dan Hom, he reviewed the Budget summary and comparison sheet. President Silverman asked about station 63 for future renovation and tower/classroom was addressed in the budget. Minutes– 6 /1/16 Page 8 Draft Consent Calendar-1 Agenda Page #72 342 343 Chief Heine stated that station 63is not listed as a line item for next year’s budget; however there are designated reserve funds available. 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 REPORTS 1. MERA (President Silverman and Director Metcho) Director Metcho stated that the MERA Governing Board meeting has been cancelled for June 22nd. Chief Heine recommended Director Metcho to follow up with the MERA Executive Board regarding our radio experience at the Colley fire that was located in the valley and how important the Corda site is. 2. City of Novato As Successor Agency to Dissolved Redevelopment Agency (Finance Director Hom and Director Davis) No report. 3. Finance Committee (Directors Fenner and Galli) No report. 4. Policy Committee (President Silverman and Director Galli) Director Galli stated that the District is performing the roll out of Lexipol and will report out to the committee next month. FINANCIAL REPORTS 1. Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance Financial Report, April 2016 369 2. Revenues and Expenditures Detail Financial Report, April 2016 370 3. Vendor Summary Financial Report, April 2016 371 372 INFORMATION 1. Customer Satisfaction Survey Report, April 2016 373 2. Written Communications 374 CLOSED SESSION 375 376 The Novato Fire Protection District Board of Directors moved to a closed session with Fire Chief Heine at 7:59 p.m. to discuss the closed session items: 377 Minutes– 6 /1/16 Page 9 Draft Consent Calendar-1 Agenda Page #73 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL--EXISTING LITIGATION (Government Code Section 54956.9) Name of case: Kirk Lewis v. Novato Fire Protection District – CIV 1600731 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 2. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Government Code Section 54957.6 Agency Designated Representative: Fire Chief Mark Heine and Deputy Fire Chief Adam Brolan Employee organization: Novato Fire Chief Officer’s Association, IAFF Local 1775 387 388 The closed session was completed at 9:30 p.m. The Board returned to open session at 9:30 p.m., President Silverman stated that there were no reportable actions. 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to conduct, President Silverman adjourned the meeting at 9:31 p.m. Submitted by, Denise Wade, Recording Secretary Minutes– 6 /1/16 Page 10 Draft Consent Calendar-1 Agenda Page #74 Novato Fire District Board of Directors Special Board Meeting Minutes June 22, 2016 1 2 The meeting was called to order by Vice President Metcho at 6:00 p.m. in the Board meeting room at Station 61, 7025 Redwood Blvd., Novato CA, 94945. 3 4 ROLL CALL Vice President Steve Metcho, Directors Worth Fenner, Jr., Bill Davis, and Jim Galli 5 6 Director Lj SIlverman 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ABSENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Fire Chief Mark Heine, Deputy Fire Chief Adam Brolan, Battalion Chief Bill Tyler; Dan Hom, Finance Director and Denise Wade, Recording Secretary OPEN TIME FOR PUBLIC EXPRESSION No public comments were made. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 1. Advancement Records: Jeanne Villa Administrative Services Manager and Denise Wade Risk Reduction, Prevention & Mitigation(RPM) Assistant OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were made. M/s Fenner, Jr./Davis motioned to approve consent calendar item 1 as present. In Favor: Directors Galli, Fenner, Jr., Davis, and Metcho Opposed: None Absent: Director Silverman Motion carried. 4-1 NEW BUSINESS 1. Acceptance of Strategic Plan Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Chief Heine asked the Board to accept the Strategic Plan Fiscal Year 2016/2017 with the amended edits that he will provide to the Board. Chief Heine reviewed the 2015/2016 Strategic plan. He stated that the Board of Directors set five strategic goals for staff, in which staff developed fifty-nine measurable objectives to meet them, as of today staff completed forty-nine measurable objectives. He reviewed what objectives were completed, what objectives would move to next year and what objectives were still active. He reviewed the 2016/2017 Strategic Plan with the Board of Directors. DRAFT Minutes– 6/22/16 Page 1 Consent Calendar-2 Agenda Page #75 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 Chief Heine stated the following amendments to the 2016/2017 Strategic Plan would be to added; Chief Brolan’s name to page one and under Goal four Develop/Revise Core District Documents the Grand Jury Report; The 911 First Responder Referral Program will be implemented under this goal. Director Fenner, Jr. stated that there should be a procedure in place for periodic review of the Strategic Plan. Chief Heine replied yes, a Strategic Plan policy should be developed. OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were made. M/s Fenner, Jr./ Davis motioned to accept the Strategic Plan Fiscal Year 2016/2017 with the amended edits; add Brolan’s name to page one and under Goal four Develop/Revise Core District Documents the Grand Jury Report; The 911 First Responder Senior Referral Program will be implemented under this goal and county wide. In Favor: Directors Galli, Fenner, Jr., Davis, and Metcho Opposed: None Absent: Director Silverman Motion carried. 4-1 2. Adoption of Preliminary Budget Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Chief Heine asked the Board to adopt the Preliminary Budget Fiscal Year 2016/2017 and formally set a date for the adoption of the final budget. Chief Heine turned this item over to Chief Tyler; he provided a summary of the budget process and highlighted the following items: the District’s property taxes came in at 5.36%, which provided the District with an extra $430,000 dollars plus of revenue. Along with an unanticipated amount of $280,000 dollars of Redevelopment Agency funds. Chief Heine stated that the good news is that Novato Fire will adopt a budget with total revenues exceeding expenditures. He also, recommended that $250,000 dollars be placed in the unassigned fund balance for the Finance Committee and Board to review at a future date. OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were made. M/s Galli/Davis motioned to adopt the Preliminary Budget Fiscal Year 2016/2017 of $28,016,481 and set the September 7, 2016 date for the adoption of the final budget. In Favor: Directors Galli, Fenner, Jr., Davis, and Metcho Opposed: None Absent: Director Silverman DRAFT Minutes– 6/22/16 Page 2 Agenda Page #76 Consent Calendar-2 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Motion carried. 4-1 3. Maze & Associates Contract Extension for Fiscal Years 2017, 2018, and 2019 Chief Heine asked the Board to consider the Finance Committee’s recommendation to extend Maze & Associates contract for the Fiscal Years 2017 through 2019 in the amount of $61,014. Chief Heine stated that built into Maze & Associates contract was an option to extend for three years. The service provided by them has been outstanding. He noted that the maximum period allowed under the Audit Rotation Requirement of Government code section 1240.6(b) is six consecutive years with the same audit principle partner; however after 2019 the District would need to change an audit partner with Maze & Associates or issue a request for proposal for audit services. OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were made. M/s Fenner, Jr./Davis motioned to extend Maze & Associates contract for the Fiscal Years 2017 through 2019 in the amount of $61,014. In Favor: Directors Galli, Fenner, Jr., Davis, and Metcho Opposed: None Absent: Director Silverman Motion carried. 4-1 104 105 106 The Novato Fire Protection District Board of Directors moved to a closed session with Fire Chief Heine at 6:35 p.m. to discuss the closed session items: 107 108 109 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL--EXISTING LITIGATION (Government Code Section 54956.9) Name of case: Kirk Lewis v. Novato Fire Protection District – CIV 1600731 110 111 112 113 2. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Government Code Section 54957.6 Agency Designated Representative: Fire Chief Mark Heine and Deputy Fire Chief Adam Brolan Employee organization: Novato Fire Chief Officer’s Association, IAFF Local 1775 114 115 116 The closed session was completed at 8:00 p.m. The Board returned to open session at 8:01 p.m., President Silverman stated that item one there was no reportable action, item two direction was given to negotiators. 117 118 119 120 121 122 CLOSED SESSION ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to conduct, President adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m. Submitted by Denise Wade, Recording Secretary DRAFT Minutes– 6/22/16 Page 3 Agenda Page #77 Consent Calendar-2 Novato Fire District Board of Directors Special Board Meeting Minutes July 6, 2016 1 2 The meeting was called to order by President Silverman at 9:00 a.m. in the Heritage Conference room at Administration Building, 95 Rowland Way, Novato CA, 94945. 3 4 5 ROLL CALL President Lj Silverman, Vice President Steve Metcho, Directors Worth Fenner, Jr., Bill Davis, and Jim Galli 6 7 Fire Chief Mark Heine and Deputy Fire Chief Adam Brolan 8 9 No public comments were made. 10 11 12 STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC EXPRESSION CLOSED SESSION The Novato Fire Protection District Board of Directors moved to a closed session with Fire Chief Heine and Deputy Fire Chief Brolan at 9:00 a.m. to discuss the closed session item: 13 14 15 16 17 1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS 18 19 The closed session was completed at 11:05 a.m. The Board returned to open session at 11:05 a.m., President Silverman stated that direction was given to negotiators. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ADJOURNMENT Government Code Section 54957.6 Agency Designated Representative: Fire Chief Mark Heine and Deputy Fire Chief Adam Brolan Employee organization: Novato Fire Chief Officer’s Association, IAFF Local 1775 There being no further business to conduct, President Silverman adjourned the meeting at 11:06 a.m. Submitted by Denise Wade, Recording Secretary DRAFT Minutes– 7/6/16 Page 1 Consent Calendar-3 Agenda Page #78 Agenda Page #80 Agenda Page #81 Agenda Page #82 Agenda Page #83 Agenda Page #85 Agenda Page #86 NOVATO FIRE DISTRICT CHAPTER IX FINANCE OPERATIONS MANUAL BOOK NO. 1 SUBJECT 26 Disposition of Surplus Property ORGANIZATION 26.0 CODE 1-IX-26 PAGE 1 OF 2 DATE 5/17/16 Previous Version 12/5/12 PURPOSE To outline the manner in which the Novato Fire District (District) disposes of surplus property. 26.01 POLICY The District may sell directly, lease, donate, or otherwise dispose of any asset or property belonging to the District determined to be no longer required for District operation. 26.02 PROCEDURE Property once determined to be no longer of use to the District, may be deemed surplus. A. All efforts will be made to repurpose items if possible. B. Items with a value less than five thousand dollars ($5,000) and have no use, may be disposed by any District Authorized Purchaser. 1. Items can be donated to any governmental agency, including school districts, within the State of California. 2. Items can be put up for sale on a public auction. 3. Profits from the sale shall be recorded and deposited in the general fund. Items that have no value or attempts have been made to sell via public auction may be disposed of, including offering items to district members so long as there items are for personal use only. APPROVED Surplus items outside the State of California may require board action. Surplus items sold to district members must remain with the employee and cannot be resold INITIATOR B/C McCarthy NOVATO FIRE DISTRICT CHAPTER IX FINANCE OPERATIONS MANUAL BOOK NO. 1 SUBJECT 26 Disposition of Surplus Property ORGANIZATION C. CODE 1-IX-26 PAGE 2 OF 2 DATE 5/17/16 Previous Version 12/5/12 Item with a value of more than five thousand dollars ($5,000), Real Estate, or Apparatus require the approval of the Board of Directors prior to being deemed surplus. 1. Items can be donated to any governmental agency within the State of California. 2. Items can be put up for public auction for sale. D. Profits from sale shall be recorded and deposited in the general fund All District inventory tags, or anything that labels the surplus item as District property, shall be removed prior to being disposed of. 1. Items with fixed asset inventory tags will be recorded once deemed surplus and the Finance Director or Finance Manager will be notified if this information to remove items from the District’s inventory database. E. Apparatus once deemed surplus and disposed of shall be removed from the District’s insurance agency as soon as possible. F. All items that are deemed surplus and disposed of will be recorded by the person disposing of that item and a form AD 56 will be completed and forwarded to the Finance Department. APPROVED INITIATOR B/C McCarthy Agenda Page #89 Agenda Page #90 Exhibit A Agenda Page #91 Agenda Page #92 Agenda Page #93 Exhibit B Agenda Page #94 Agenda Page #95 Agenda Page #96 Agenda Page #97 Agenda Page #98 Agenda Page #99 Agenda Page #100 Agenda Page #101 Agenda Page #102 Agenda Page #103 Agenda Page #104 Agenda Page #105 Agenda Page #106 Agenda Page #107 Agenda Page #108 New Business Section Agenda Page #109 Agenda Page #110 Agenda Page #111 Agenda Page #112 Agenda Page #113 Agenda Page #114 Agenda Page #115 Agenda Page #116 Agenda Page #117 Agenda Page #118 Agenda Page #119 Agenda Page #120 Agenda Page #121 Agenda Page #122 Agenda Page #123 Agenda Page #124 Agenda Page #125 Agenda Page #126 Agenda Page #127 Agenda Page #128 Exhibit A Agenda Page #129 Agenda Page #130 Agenda Page #131 Agenda Page #132 Agenda Page #133 Agenda Page #134 Agenda Page #135 Agenda Page #136 Agenda Page #137 Exhibit B Agenda Page #138 Agenda Page #139 Agenda Page #140 Agenda Page #141 Agenda Page #142 Agenda Page #143 Agenda Page #144 Agenda Page #145 Agenda Page #146 Agenda Page #147 Agenda Page #148 Agenda Page #149 Agenda Page #150 Agenda Page #151 Agenda Page #152 Agenda Page #153 Agenda Page #154 Agenda Page #155 Agenda Page #156 Agenda Page #157 Agenda Page #158 Agenda Page #159 Agenda Page #160 Agenda Page #161 Agenda Page #162 Agenda Page #163 Agenda Page #164 Agenda Page #165 Agenda Page #166 Agenda Page #167 Agenda Page #168 Agenda Page #169 Agenda Page #170 Agenda Page #171 Agenda Page #172 Agenda Page #173 Agenda Page #174 Agenda Page #175 Agenda Page #176 Agenda Page #177 Agenda Page #178 Agenda Page #179 Agenda Page #180 Agenda Page #181 Agenda Page #182 Agenda Page #183 Agenda Page #184 Agenda Page #185 Agenda Page #186 Agenda Page #187 Agenda Page #188 Agenda Page #189 Agenda Page #190 Agenda Page #191 Agenda Page #192 Agenda Page #193 Agenda Page #194 Agenda Page #195 Agenda Page #196 Agenda Page #197 Agenda Page #198 Agenda Page #199 Agenda Page #200 Agenda Page #201 Agenda Page #202 Agenda Page #203 Agenda Page #204 Agenda Page #205 Agenda Page #206 Agenda Page #207 Agenda Page #208 Agenda Page #209 Agenda Page #210 Agenda Page #211 Agenda Page #212 Agenda Page #213 Agenda Page #214 Agenda Page #215 Agenda Page #216 Agenda Page #217 Agenda Page #218 Agenda Page #219 Agenda Page #220 Agenda Page #221 Agenda Page #222 Agenda Page #223 Agenda Page #224 Agenda Page #225 Agenda Page #226 Agenda Page #227 Agenda Page #228 Agenda Page #229 Committee Reports Section 1. MERA 2. City of Novato as Successor Agency to Dissolved Redevelopment Agency 3. Finance Committee 4. Policy Committee Agenda Page #230 Financial Reports Section Agenda Page #231 Agenda Page #232 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance July 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016 Account Code 9001 · Current Secured 9002 · Current Unsecured 9006 · Prior Unsecured 9007 · Special Assessment 9041 · Supplemental Assessment Current 9042 · Supplemental Assessment Unsec 9043 · Supplemental Assessment Redemp. 9045 · Novato Hamilton RDA 9046 · Education Rev Augm Fund-Redist 9047 · Novato Downtown Redevelopment Sub-total Property Taxes 9201 · Interest Sub-total Interest Income 9280 · State Homeowners Prop Tax Reduc 9367 · Other State Aid, Grant 9419 · Federal Grant Received 9483 · In-Lieu Housing Sub-total Intergovernmental 9576 · CPR Class Fees 9925 · GEMT Revenue 9931 · Outside Agency Amb Bill Serv 9932 · Novato Ambulance Service Fees 9935 · Plan Checks 9945 · MERA & HazMat Admin Services Sub-total Charges for Services Month Ended May-31-2016 Year to Date May-31-2016 Revised Budget Variance Over (Under) Percent Revised Budget Original Budget Variance Over (Under) Percent Original Budget 77,642.48 82,541.45 1,004.68 - 14,670,687.05 306,486.56 11,330.95 4,849,717.77 410,658.75 5,327.71 6,634.84 331,806.13 1,296,419.42 505,119.67 15,164,368.00 304,961.00 22,714.00 5,093,259.00 407,476.00 5,623.00 11,940.00 337,543.00 1,338,491.00 249,058.00 (493,680.95) 1,525.56 (11,383.05) (243,541.23) 3,182.75 (295.29) (5,305.16) (5,736.87) (42,071.58) 256,061.67 96.7% 100.5% 49.9% 95.2% 100.8% 94.7% 55.6% 98.3% 96.9% 202.8% 15,164,368.00 304,961.00 22,714.00 5,093,259.00 407,476.00 5,623.00 11,940.00 337,543.00 1,338,491.00 249,058.00 (493,680.95) 1,525.56 (11,383.05) (243,541.23) 3,182.75 (295.29) (5,305.16) (5,736.87) (42,071.58) 256,061.67 96.7% 100.5% 49.9% 95.2% 100.8% 94.7% 55.6% 98.3% 96.9% 202.8% 161,188.61 22,394,188.85 22,935,433.00 (541,244.15) 97.6% 22,935,433.00 (541,244.15) 97.6% 10.33 12,024.06 14,940.00 (2,915.94) 80.5% 14,940.00 (2,915.94) 80.5% 10.33 12,024.06 14,940.00 (2,915.94) 80.5% 14,940.00 (2,915.94) 80.5% 30,447.63 - 73,944.25 279,130.71 3,299.90 88,388.00 245,000.00 - (14,443.75) 34,130.71 3,299.90 83.7% 113.9% 0.0% 0.0% 88,388.00 245,000.00 - (14,443.75) 34,130.71 3,299.90 83.7% 113.9% 0.0% 0.0% 30,447.63 356,374.86 333,388.00 22,986.86 106.9% 333,388.00 22,986.86 106.9% 315.00 19,785.92 88,216.59 2,728.00 - 2,205.00 178,962.32 2,008,471.45 47,173.88 74,483.13 2,220.00 50,000.00 298,800.00 2,100,000.00 44,326.00 75,525.00 (15.00) (50,000.00) (119,837.68) (91,528.55) 2,847.88 (1,041.87) 99.3% 0.0% 59.9% 95.6% 106.4% 98.6% 2,220.00 50,000.00 298,800.00 2,100,000.00 44,326.00 75,525.00 (15.00) (50,000.00) (119,837.68) (91,528.55) 2,847.88 (1,041.87) 99.3% 0.0% 59.9% 95.6% 106.4% 98.6% 111,045.51 2,311,295.78 2,570,871.00 (259,575.22) 89.9% 2,570,871.00 (259,575.22) 89.9% Page 1 of 5 Agenda Page #233 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance July 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016 Account Code 9250 · Parking Lot Rent 9934 · Impact Fees 9936 · Sale of Assets 9938 · Elections 9940 · Other Refunds/Reimbursements 9942 · OES Reimbursements Sub-total Other Revenue Total Revenues Month Ended May-31-2016 Year to Date May-31-2016 Revised Budget Variance Over (Under) Percent Revised Budget Original Budget Variance Over (Under) Percent Original Budget 2,500.00 275.00 - 27,500.00 18,822.15 15,527.50 300.00 6,853.19 1,300,658.82 30,000.00 30,410.00 2,650.00 1,249,589.00 (2,500.00) (11,587.85) 15,527.50 300.00 4,203.19 51,069.82 91.7% 61.9% 0.0% 0.0% 258.6% 104.1% 30,000.00 30,410.00 2,650.00 352,089.00 (2,500.00) (11,587.85) 15,527.50 300.00 4,203.19 948,569.82 91.7% 61.9% 0.0% 0.0% 258.6% 369.4% 2,775.00 1,369,661.66 1,312,649.00 57,012.66 104.3% 415,149.00 954,512.66 329.9% 305,467.08 26,443,545.21 27,167,281.00 (723,735.79) 97.3% 26,269,781.00 173,764.21 100.7% Page 2 of 5 Agenda Page #234 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance July 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016 Account Code Month Ended May-31-2016 1003 · Regular Staff Salaries 1019 · CTO Pay 1020 · Overtime - Callback 1021 · Out of Class Pay 1022 · Director Fees 1023 · Response Pay 1025 · Vacation Pay 1026 · Education Incentive 1027 · Executive Bonus 1402 · Retirement 1404 · FICA Medicare 1502 · Life Insurance 1510 · Dental Insurance 1512 · Flexible Savings Account 1513 · Health Insurance 1514 · Vision Plan 1517 · Administrative Allowance 1701 · Workers' Compensation 1703 · Physicals 1704 · Sick Leave Buyback 1705 · Admin Leave 1706 · Deferred Compensation 730,813.90 52,912.51 164,225.37 1,600.00 4,000.00 393,065.84 12,886.05 676.04 20,056.31 (492.77) 1,090,499.02 1,627.52 1,350.00 20,573.97 18,559.86 Total Salaries and Benefits 2,512,353.62 47,915.04 52.94 16,129.31 137.75 2,816.22 547.29 268.00 28,951.38 3,003.23 5,429.53 7,262.63 2020 · Cal-OSHA Requirements 2021 · Clothing 2024 · First Aid Supplies 2025 · Oxygen 2026 · Investigative Tools 2027 · Tool Replacement 2028 · Board Expense 2029 · Advertising 2034 · Outside Assistance 2038 · CPR Materials 2039 · Schools and Seminars 2040 · Training Aids and Materials Year to Date May-31-2016 8,100,639.77 908,611.08 2,063,045.50 30,700.63 10,700.00 2,689.65 19,509.45 44,800.00 29,826.32 4,387,888.56 155,680.49 26,359.47 249,659.09 (5,306.42) 2,753,092.21 20,024.18 15,150.00 933,804.66 12,156.00 4,173.39 591.66 273,990.57 Revised Budget Variance Over (Under) Percent Revised Budget Original Budget Variance Over (Under) Percent Original Budget 8,970,461.00 976,950.00 2,312,000.00 45,000.00 15,000.00 14,000.00 168,000.00 59,400.00 29,900.00 4,996,000.00 170,440.00 26,000.00 265,000.00 3,085,000.00 22,500.00 18,000.00 1,068,883.00 44,000.00 8,250.00 289,710.00 (869,821.23) (68,338.92) (248,954.50) (14,299.37) (4,300.00) (11,310.35) (148,490.55) (14,600.00) (73.68) (608,111.44) (14,759.51) 359.47 (15,340.91) (5,306.42) (331,907.79) (2,475.82) (2,850.00) (135,078.34) (31,844.00) 4,173.39 (7,658.34) (15,719.43) 90.3% 93.0% 89.2% 68.2% 71.3% 19.2% 11.6% 75.4% 99.8% 87.8% 91.3% 101.4% 94.2% 0.0% 89.2% 89.0% 84.2% 87.4% 27.6% 0.0% 7.2% 94.6% 8,970,461.00 542,950.00 1,890,000.00 23,000.00 15,000.00 14,000.00 168,000.00 59,400.00 10,400.00 4,996,000.00 170,440.00 26,000.00 265,000.00 3,085,000.00 22,500.00 18,000.00 1,068,883.00 44,000.00 8,250.00 289,710.00 (869,821.23) 365,661.08 173,045.50 7,700.63 (4,300.00) (11,310.35) (148,490.55) (14,600.00) 19,426.32 (608,111.44) (14,759.51) 359.47 (15,340.91) (5,306.42) (331,907.79) (2,475.82) (2,850.00) (135,078.34) (31,844.00) 4,173.39 (7,658.34) (15,719.43) 90.3% 167.3% 109.2% 133.5% 71.3% 19.2% 11.6% 75.4% 286.8% 87.8% 91.3% 101.4% 94.2% 0.0% 89.2% 89.0% 84.2% 87.4% 27.6% 0.0% 7.2% 94.6% 20,037,786.26 22,584,494.00 (2,546,707.74) 88.7% 21,686,994.00 (1,649,207.74) 92.4% 50,659.64 231.51 88,012.57 1,652.20 456.00 3,284.02 8,609.54 4,596.44 259,785.73 4,163.47 32,472.42 52,261.42 57,000.00 1,000.00 101,100.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 3,500.00 11,500.00 47,500.00 356,780.00 4,500.00 63,650.00 102,550.00 (6,340.36) (768.49) (13,087.43) (347.80) (4,544.00) (215.98) (2,890.46) (42,903.56) (96,994.27) (336.53) (31,177.58) (50,288.58) 88.9% 23.2% 87.1% 82.6% 9.1% 93.8% 74.9% 9.7% 72.8% 92.5% 51.0% 51.0% 27,000.00 1,000.00 101,100.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 3,500.00 11,500.00 47,500.00 356,780.00 4,500.00 63,650.00 77,550.00 23,659.64 (768.49) (13,087.43) (347.80) (4,544.00) (215.98) (2,890.46) (42,903.56) (96,994.27) (336.53) (31,177.58) (25,288.58) 187.6% 23.2% 87.1% 82.6% 9.1% 93.8% 74.9% 9.7% 72.8% 92.5% 51.0% 67.4% Page 3 of 5 Agenda Page #235 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance July 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016 Account Code 2041 · Food 2042 · Extinguishing Agents 2049 · Conferences & Meetings 2050 · Equipment Testing 2059 · Liability & Property 2074 · School and Seminars 2087 · Parts & Outside Labor 2088 · Shop Supplies 2121 · Vegetation Mgmt 2129 · Election Expense 2131 · Books & Periodicals 2137 · Document Reproduction 2141 · Computer Supplies 2151 · Computer System Software 2164 · Computer Hardware Maintenance 2262 · Hazardous Materials Prog 2268 · Special Fire Equipment & Suppl 2269 · Property Tax Fee 2273 · Employee Service & Recognition 2397 · Facilities Projects 2398 · Facilities Repair 2399 · Station Supplies 2400 · Hydrants 2401 · Memberships 2406 · Payroll Service Charge 2407 · Office Supplies 2501 · Gas, Oil & Grease Vehicles 2528 · Central Dispatch 2530 · Emergency Operations Center 2533 · Marin Emergency Radio Authority 2537 · Radio & MDC Maintenance 2713 · Legal Fees 2717 · Audit & Accounting Fees 2718 · Consulting Fees 2731 · Water 2732 · Electricity 2736 · Garbage Month Ended May-31-2016 3,127.31 5,188.77 11,156.42 16,632.63 6,337.61 1,158.63 8,819.22 3,639.55 619.29 11,654.93 2,032.03 2,765.71 279.00 2,668.86 2,688.83 6,713.46 178,150.50 14,784.98 23,658.28 7,881.49 1,400.00 581.57 7,641.44 1,515.37 Year to Date May-31-2016 16,725.17 36,013.05 15,037.69 150,712.45 4,353.49 100,104.11 1,912.05 9,587.61 80,255.87 2,235.07 5,639.23 13,590.60 131,963.13 61,279.58 8,737.50 18,329.37 251,591.98 3,141.75 83,622.06 128,627.43 17,338.48 6,959.79 13,159.09 39,537.46 57,604.34 73,068.61 356,301.00 212,826.90 36,829.13 117,305.57 48,533.41 107,778.42 12,684.70 103,899.84 12,923.91 Revised Budget 12,000.00 6,100.00 44,000.00 30,400.00 155,000.00 4,000.00 109,500.00 2,500.00 34,500.00 80,316.00 6,235.00 3,500.00 11,000.00 108,800.00 94,500.00 9,000.00 37,450.00 260,125.00 2,500.00 190,447.00 221,868.00 15,000.00 12,000.00 12,200.00 46,200.00 42,850.00 101,425.00 340,000.00 52,500.00 213,500.00 50,000.00 120,000.00 64,300.00 141,600.00 20,000.00 115,000.00 16,000.00 Variance Over (Under) 4,725.17 (6,100.00) (7,986.95) (15,362.31) (4,287.55) 353.49 (9,395.89) (587.95) (24,912.39) (60.13) (3,999.93) 2,139.23 2,590.60 23,163.13 (33,220.42) (262.50) (19,120.63) (8,533.02) 641.75 (106,824.94) (93,240.57) 2,338.48 (5,040.21) 959.09 (6,662.54) 14,754.34 (28,356.39) 16,301.00 (52,500.00) (673.10) (13,170.87) (2,694.43) (15,766.59) (33,821.58) (7,315.30) (11,100.16) (3,076.09) Percent Revised Budget 139.4% 0.0% 81.8% 49.5% 97.2% 108.8% 91.4% 76.5% 27.8% 99.9% 35.8% 161.1% 123.6% 121.3% 64.8% 97.1% 48.9% 96.7% 125.7% 43.9% 58.0% 115.6% 58.0% 107.9% 85.6% 134.4% 72.0% 104.8% 0.0% 99.7% 73.7% 97.8% 75.5% 76.1% 63.4% 90.3% 80.8% Original Budget 12,000.00 6,100.00 44,000.00 30,400.00 155,000.00 4,000.00 132,500.00 2,500.00 34,500.00 57,316.00 6,235.00 3,500.00 11,000.00 123,800.00 94,500.00 9,000.00 67,450.00 285,125.00 2,500.00 190,447.00 221,868.00 15,000.00 12,000.00 12,200.00 46,200.00 42,850.00 144,425.00 340,000.00 52,500.00 213,500.00 50,000.00 75,000.00 39,300.00 196,600.00 20,000.00 115,000.00 16,000.00 Variance Over (Under) 4,725.17 (6,100.00) (7,986.95) (15,362.31) (4,287.55) 353.49 (32,395.89) (587.95) (24,912.39) 22,939.87 (3,999.93) 2,139.23 2,590.60 8,163.13 (33,220.42) (262.50) (49,120.63) (33,533.02) 641.75 (106,824.94) (93,240.57) 2,338.48 (5,040.21) 959.09 (6,662.54) 14,754.34 (71,356.39) 16,301.00 (52,500.00) (673.10) (13,170.87) 42,305.57 9,233.41 (88,821.58) (7,315.30) (11,100.16) (3,076.09) Percent Original Budget 139.4% 0.0% 81.8% 49.5% 97.2% 108.8% 75.6% 76.5% 27.8% 140.0% 35.8% 161.1% 123.6% 106.6% 64.8% 97.1% 27.2% 88.2% 125.7% 43.9% 58.0% 115.6% 58.0% 107.9% 85.6% 134.4% 50.6% 104.8% 0.0% 99.7% 73.7% 156.4% 123.5% 54.8% 63.4% 90.3% 80.8% Page 4 of 5 Agenda Page #236 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance July 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016 Account Code 2737 · Sewage 2738 · Telephone System Month Ended May-31-2016 Year to Date May-31-2016 Revised Budget Variance Over (Under) Percent Revised Budget Original Budget Variance Over (Under) Percent Original Budget 21,836.93 12,215.76 200,518.28 13,900.00 225,100.00 (1,684.24) (24,581.72) 87.9% 89.1% 13,900.00 225,100.00 (1,684.24) (24,581.72) 87.9% 89.1% Total Services and Supplies 455,446.13 3,059,128.84 3,781,396.00 (722,267.16) 80.9% 3,824,396.00 (765,267.16) 80.0% 3301 · Debt Service - Principal 3302 · Debt Service - Interest 170,774.71 17,280.62 803,486.13 115,157.88 820,500.00 118,700.00 (17,013.87) (3,542.12) 97.9% 97.0% 820,500.00 118,700.00 (17,013.87) (3,542.12) 97.9% 97.0% 188,055.33 918,644.01 939,200.00 (20,555.99) 97.8% 939,200.00 (20,555.99) 97.8% 3,700.00 2,350.54 32.78 122,318.87 - 1,421,711.28 136,695.46 1,480.74 148,614.16 10,242.87 1,427,747.00 30,000.00 137,000.00 6,500.00 231,450.00 16,800.00 (6,035.72) (30,000.00) (304.54) (5,019.26) (82,835.84) (6,557.13) 99.6% 0.0% 99.8% 22.8% 64.2% 61.0% 827,747.00 30,000.00 162,000.00 6,500.00 119,450.00 60,800.00 593,964.28 (30,000.00) (25,304.54) (5,019.26) 29,164.16 (50,557.13) 171.8% 0.0% 84.4% 22.8% 124.4% 16.8% 128,402.19 1,718,744.51 1,849,497.00 (130,752.49) 92.9% 1,206,497.00 512,247.51 142.5% - 149,820.00 150,000.00 (180.00) 99.9% 150,000.00 (180.00) 99.9% - 149,820.00 150,000.00 (180.00) 99.9% 150,000.00 (180.00) 99.9% Total Debt Service 4048 · Building Facilities 4810 · EMS Equipment 4815 · Fire Suppression Equipment 4818 · Exercise Equipment 4834 · Communication & Computer Equip 4880 · Data Processing Computer Equip Total Capital Outlay 8500 · Intergovernmental Transfers Total Intergovernmental Transfers Net Change in Fund Balance (2,978,790.19) 559,421.59 (2,137,306.00) Budget Reconciliation Original Budget Station 64 construction - BOD 4/13/2016 (1,537,306.00) (600,000.00) Revised Budget (2,137,306.00) 2,696,727.59 (1,537,306.00) 2,096,727.59 Page 5 of 5 Agenda Page #237 Agenda Page #238 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 Account Code 9001 · Current Secured 9002 · Current Unsecured 9006 · Prior Unsecured 9007 · Special Assessment 9041 · Supplemental Assessment Current 9042 · Supplemental Assessment Unsec 9043 · Supplemental Assessment Redemp. 9045 · Novato Hamilton RDA 9046 · Education Rev Augm Fund-Redist 9047 · Novato Downtown Redevelopment Sub-total Property Taxes 9201 · Interest Sub-total Interest Income 9280 · State Homeowners Prop Tax Reduc 9367 · Other State Aid, Grant 9419 · Federal Grant Received 9483 · In-Lieu Housing Sub-total Intergovernmental 9576 · CPR Class Fees 9925 · GEMT Revenue 9931 · Outside Agency Amb Bill Serv 9932 · Novato Ambulance Service Fees 9935 · Plan Checks 9945 · MERA & HazMat Admin Services Sub-total Charges for Services Month Ended Jun-30-2016 Year to Date Jun-30-2016 Revised Budget Variance Over (Under) Percent Revised Budget Original Budget Variance Over (Under) Percent Original Budget 649,016.32 216,960.50 23,538.53 292.62 164,017.00 120,990.61 15,319,703.37 306,486.56 11,330.95 5,066,678.27 434,197.28 5,327.71 6,927.46 495,823.13 1,296,419.42 626,110.28 15,164,368.00 304,961.00 22,714.00 5,093,259.00 407,476.00 5,623.00 11,940.00 337,543.00 1,338,491.00 249,058.00 155,335.37 1,525.56 (11,383.05) (26,580.73) 26,721.28 (295.29) (5,012.54) 158,280.13 (42,071.58) 377,052.28 101.0% 100.5% 49.9% 99.5% 106.6% 94.7% 58.0% 146.9% 96.9% 251.4% 15,164,368.00 304,961.00 22,714.00 5,093,259.00 407,476.00 5,623.00 11,940.00 337,543.00 1,338,491.00 249,058.00 155,335.37 1,525.56 (11,383.05) (26,580.73) 26,721.28 (295.29) (5,012.54) 158,280.13 (42,071.58) 377,052.28 101.0% 100.5% 49.9% 99.5% 106.6% 94.7% 58.0% 146.9% 96.9% 251.4% 1,174,815.58 23,569,004.43 22,935,433.00 633,571.43 102.8% 22,935,433.00 633,571.43 102.8% 11.23 12,035.29 14,940.00 (2,904.71) 80.6% 14,940.00 (2,904.71) 80.6% 11.23 12,035.29 14,940.00 (2,904.71) 80.6% 14,940.00 (2,904.71) 80.6% 13,048.99 - 86,993.24 279,130.71 3,299.90 88,388.00 245,000.00 - (1,394.76) 34,130.71 3,299.90 98.4% 113.9% 0.0% 0.0% 88,388.00 245,000.00 - (1,394.76) 34,130.71 3,299.90 98.4% 113.9% 0.0% 0.0% 13,048.99 369,423.85 333,388.00 36,035.85 110.8% 333,388.00 36,035.85 110.8% 225.00 65,227.43 37,288.08 151,540.95 5,808.00 - 2,430.00 65,227.43 201,601.12 2,160,012.40 52,189.88 74,371.51 2,220.00 50,000.00 298,800.00 2,100,000.00 44,326.00 75,525.00 210.00 15,227.43 (97,198.88) 60,012.40 7,863.88 (1,153.49) 109.5% 130.5% 67.5% 102.9% 117.7% 98.5% 2,220.00 50,000.00 298,800.00 2,100,000.00 44,326.00 75,525.00 210.00 15,227.43 (97,198.88) 60,012.40 7,863.88 (1,153.49) 109.5% 130.5% 67.5% 102.9% 117.7% 98.5% 260,089.46 2,555,832.34 2,570,871.00 (15,038.66) 99.4% 2,570,871.00 (15,038.66) 99.4% Page 1 of 5 Agenda Page #239 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 Account Code 9250 · Parking Lot Rent 9934 · Impact Fees 9936 · Sale of Assets 9938 · Elections 9940 · Other Refunds/Reimbursements 9942 · OES Reimbursements Sub-total Other Revenue Total Revenues Month Ended Jun-30-2016 Year to Date Jun-30-2016 Revised Budget Variance Over (Under) Percent Revised Budget Original Budget Variance Over (Under) Percent Original Budget 2,500.00 10,891.73 600.00 400.00 - 30,000.00 27,861.68 8,719.50 900.00 7,253.19 1,277,761.29 30,000.00 30,410.00 2,650.00 1,249,589.00 (2,548.32) 8,719.50 900.00 4,603.19 28,172.29 100.0% 91.6% 0.0% 0.0% 273.7% 102.3% 30,000.00 30,410.00 2,650.00 352,089.00 (2,548.32) 8,719.50 900.00 4,603.19 925,672.29 100.0% 91.6% 0.0% 0.0% 273.7% 362.9% 14,391.73 1,352,495.66 1,312,649.00 39,846.66 103.0% 415,149.00 937,346.66 325.8% 1,462,356.99 27,858,791.57 27,167,281.00 691,510.57 102.5% 26,269,781.00 1,589,010.57 106.0% Page 2 of 5 Agenda Page #240 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 Account Code 1003 · Regular Staff Salaries 1019 · CTO Pay 1020 · Overtime - Callback 1021 · Out of Class Pay 1022 · Director Fees 1023 · Response Pay 1025 · Vacation Pay 1026 · Education Incentive 1027 · Executive Bonus 1402 · Retirement 1404 · FICA Medicare 1502 · Life Insurance 1510 · Dental Insurance 1512 · Flexible Savings Account 1513 · Health Insurance 1514 · Vision Plan 1517 · Administrative Allowance 1701 · Workers' Compensation 1703 · Physicals 1704 · Sick Leave Buyback 1705 · Admin Leave 1706 · Deferred Compensation Total Salaries and Benefits 2020 · Cal-OSHA Requirements 2021 · Clothing 2024 · First Aid Supplies 2025 · Oxygen 2026 · Investigative Tools 2027 · Tool Replacement 2028 · Board Expense 2029 · Advertising 2034 · Outside Assistance 2038 · CPR Materials 2039 · Schools and Seminars 2040 · Training Aids and Materials Month Ended Jun-30-2016 731,349.82 207,311.69 170,546.88 495.36 1,300.00 154,375.54 4,000.00 471,751.29 17,657.62 2,341.52 20,372.82 589.32 167,333.10 1,645.10 1,350.00 36,522.50 18,634.86 Year to Date Jun-30-2016 8,831,989.59 1,115,922.77 2,233,592.38 31,195.99 12,000.00 2,689.65 173,884.99 48,800.00 29,826.32 4,859,639.85 173,338.11 28,700.99 277,557.39 (4,717.10) 2,928,574.99 22,012.70 16,500.00 970,941.24 12,156.00 4,173.39 591.66 292,625.43 Revised Budget Variance Over (Under) Percent Revised Budget Original Budget Variance Over (Under) Percent Original Budget 8,970,461.00 976,950.00 2,312,000.00 45,000.00 15,000.00 14,000.00 168,000.00 59,400.00 29,900.00 4,996,000.00 170,440.00 26,000.00 265,000.00 3,085,000.00 22,500.00 18,000.00 1,068,883.00 44,000.00 8,250.00 289,710.00 (138,471.41) 138,972.77 (78,407.62) (13,804.01) (3,000.00) (11,310.35) 5,884.99 (10,600.00) (73.68) (136,360.15) 2,898.11 2,700.99 12,557.39 (4,717.10) (156,425.01) (487.30) (1,500.00) (97,941.76) (31,844.00) 4,173.39 (7,658.34) 2,915.43 98.5% 114.2% 96.6% 69.3% 80.0% 19.2% 103.5% 82.2% 99.8% 97.3% 101.7% 110.4% 104.7% 0.0% 94.9% 97.8% 91.7% 90.8% 27.6% 0.0% 7.2% 101.0% 8,970,461.00 542,950.00 1,890,000.00 23,000.00 15,000.00 14,000.00 168,000.00 59,400.00 10,400.00 4,996,000.00 170,440.00 26,000.00 265,000.00 3,085,000.00 22,500.00 18,000.00 1,068,883.00 44,000.00 8,250.00 289,710.00 (138,471.41) 572,972.77 343,592.38 8,195.99 (3,000.00) (11,310.35) 5,884.99 (10,600.00) 19,426.32 (136,360.15) 2,898.11 2,700.99 12,557.39 (4,717.10) (156,425.01) (487.30) (1,500.00) (97,941.76) (31,844.00) 4,173.39 (7,658.34) 2,915.43 98.5% 205.5% 118.2% 135.6% 80.0% 19.2% 103.5% 82.2% 286.8% 97.3% 101.7% 110.4% 104.7% 0.0% 94.9% 97.8% 91.7% 90.8% 27.6% 0.0% 7.2% 101.0% 375,002.34 101.7% 24,173.06 (768.49) (378.09) (191.91) (4,544.00) 179.84 (2,021.55) 706.44 (63,500.44) (336.53) (26,642.67) (9,395.67) 189.5% 23.2% 99.6% 90.4% 9.1% 105.1% 82.4% 101.5% 82.2% 92.5% 58.1% 87.9% 2,007,577.42 22,061,996.34 22,584,494.00 (522,497.66) 97.7% 21,686,994.00 513.42 12,709.34 155.89 395.82 868.91 26,130.00 33,493.83 3,676.00 15,892.91 51,173.06 231.51 100,721.91 1,808.09 456.00 3,679.84 9,478.45 48,206.44 293,279.56 4,163.47 37,007.33 68,154.33 57,000.00 1,000.00 101,100.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 3,500.00 11,500.00 47,500.00 356,780.00 4,500.00 63,650.00 102,550.00 (5,826.94) (768.49) (378.09) (191.91) (4,544.00) 179.84 (2,021.55) 706.44 (63,500.44) (336.53) (26,642.67) (34,395.67) 89.8% 23.2% 99.6% 90.4% 9.1% 105.1% 82.4% 101.5% 82.2% 92.5% 58.1% 66.5% 27,000.00 1,000.00 101,100.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 3,500.00 11,500.00 47,500.00 356,780.00 4,500.00 63,650.00 77,550.00 Page 3 of 5 Agenda Page #241 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 Account Code 2041 · Food 2042 · Extinguishing Agents 2049 · Conferences & Meetings 2050 · Equipment Testing 2059 · Liability & Property 2074 · School and Seminars 2087 · Parts & Outside Labor 2088 · Shop Supplies 2121 · Vegetation Mgmt 2129 · Election Expense 2131 · Books & Periodicals 2137 · Document Reproduction 2141 · Computer Supplies 2151 · Computer System Software 2164 · Computer Hardware Maintenance 2262 · Hazardous Materials Prog 2268 · Special Fire Equipment & Suppl 2269 · Property Tax Fee 2273 · Employee Service & Recognition 2397 · Facilities Projects 2398 · Facilities Repair 2399 · Station Supplies 2400 · Hydrants 2401 · Memberships 2406 · Payroll Service Charge 2407 · Office Supplies 2501 · Gas, Oil & Grease Vehicles 2528 · Central Dispatch 2530 · Emergency Operations Center 2533 · Marin Emergency Radio Authority 2537 · Radio & MDC Maintenance 2713 · Legal Fees 2717 · Audit & Accounting Fees 2718 · Consulting Fees 2731 · Water 2732 · Electricity 2736 · Garbage Month Ended Jun-30-2016 1,233.35 7,761.64 2,394.84 9,720.16 13.75 13,675.00 360.19 122.25 1,305.71 6,759.88 11,960.00 22,116.49 124.62 43,551.70 54,699.28 2,609.02 5,002.00 8,190.50 5,693.70 6,944.28 9,435.31 13,647.01 13,927.17 15,165.75 6,035.63 2,133.90 9,254.97 1,511.22 Year to Date Jun-30-2016 15,849.08 42,915.78 17,432.53 150,712.45 5,436.99 108,466.69 2,159.88 23,262.61 80,255.87 2,595.26 5,761.48 14,896.31 138,723.01 73,239.58 8,737.50 40,445.86 251,591.98 3,266.37 127,238.76 183,326.71 19,947.50 11,961.79 21,349.59 45,231.16 64,548.62 82,850.90 356,301.00 13,647.01 212,826.90 36,829.13 131,232.74 63,837.76 115,122.05 14,818.60 113,193.56 14,435.13 Revised Budget 12,000.00 6,100.00 44,000.00 30,400.00 155,000.00 4,000.00 109,500.00 2,500.00 34,500.00 80,316.00 6,235.00 3,500.00 11,000.00 108,800.00 94,500.00 9,000.00 37,450.00 260,125.00 2,500.00 190,447.00 221,868.00 15,000.00 12,000.00 12,200.00 46,200.00 42,850.00 101,425.00 340,000.00 52,500.00 213,500.00 50,000.00 120,000.00 64,300.00 141,600.00 20,000.00 115,000.00 16,000.00 Variance Over (Under) 3,849.08 (6,100.00) (1,084.22) (12,967.47) (4,287.55) 1,436.99 (1,033.31) (340.12) (11,237.39) (60.13) (3,639.74) 2,261.48 3,896.31 29,923.01 (21,260.42) (262.50) 2,995.86 (8,533.02) 766.37 (63,208.24) (38,541.29) 4,947.50 (38.21) 9,149.59 (968.84) 21,698.62 (18,574.10) 16,301.00 (38,852.99) (673.10) (13,170.87) 11,232.74 (462.24) (26,477.95) (5,181.40) (1,806.44) (1,564.87) Percent Revised Budget 132.1% 0.0% 97.5% 57.3% 97.2% 135.9% 99.1% 86.4% 67.4% 99.9% 41.6% 164.6% 135.4% 127.5% 77.5% 97.1% 108.0% 96.7% 130.7% 66.8% 82.6% 133.0% 99.7% 175.0% 97.9% 150.6% 81.7% 104.8% 26.0% 99.7% 73.7% 109.4% 99.3% 81.3% 74.1% 98.4% 90.2% Original Budget 12,000.00 6,100.00 44,000.00 30,400.00 155,000.00 4,000.00 132,500.00 2,500.00 34,500.00 57,316.00 6,235.00 3,500.00 11,000.00 123,800.00 94,500.00 9,000.00 67,450.00 285,125.00 2,500.00 190,447.00 221,868.00 15,000.00 12,000.00 12,200.00 46,200.00 42,850.00 144,425.00 340,000.00 52,500.00 213,500.00 50,000.00 75,000.00 39,300.00 196,600.00 20,000.00 115,000.00 16,000.00 Variance Over (Under) 3,849.08 (6,100.00) (1,084.22) (12,967.47) (4,287.55) 1,436.99 (24,033.31) (340.12) (11,237.39) 22,939.87 (3,639.74) 2,261.48 3,896.31 14,923.01 (21,260.42) (262.50) (27,004.14) (33,533.02) 766.37 (63,208.24) (38,541.29) 4,947.50 (38.21) 9,149.59 (968.84) 21,698.62 (61,574.10) 16,301.00 (38,852.99) (673.10) (13,170.87) 56,232.74 24,537.76 (81,477.95) (5,181.40) (1,806.44) (1,564.87) Percent Original Budget 132.1% 0.0% 97.5% 57.3% 97.2% 135.9% 81.9% 86.4% 67.4% 140.0% 41.6% 164.6% 135.4% 112.1% 77.5% 97.1% 60.0% 88.2% 130.7% 66.8% 82.6% 133.0% 99.7% 175.0% 97.9% 150.6% 57.4% 104.8% 26.0% 99.7% 73.7% 175.0% 162.4% 58.6% 74.1% 98.4% 90.2% Page 4 of 5 Agenda Page #242 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 Account Code 2737 · Sewage 2738 · Telephone System Month Ended Jun-30-2016 Year to Date Jun-30-2016 Revised Budget Variance Over (Under) Percent Revised Budget Original Budget Variance Over (Under) Percent Original Budget 19,134.55 12,215.76 221,226.94 13,900.00 225,100.00 (1,684.24) (3,873.06) 87.9% 98.3% 13,900.00 225,100.00 (1,684.24) (3,873.06) 87.9% 98.3% Total Services and Supplies 388,319.99 3,466,250.83 3,781,396.00 (315,145.17) 91.7% 3,824,396.00 (358,145.17) 90.6% 3301 · Debt Service - Principal 3302 · Debt Service - Interest 16,725.28 3,704.79 820,211.41 118,862.67 820,500.00 118,700.00 (288.59) 162.67 100.0% 100.1% 820,500.00 118,700.00 (288.59) 162.67 100.0% 100.1% 20,430.07 939,074.08 939,200.00 (125.92) 100.0% 939,200.00 (125.92) 100.0% (58,354.75) 2,872.28 1,363,356.53 136,695.46 3,590.18 148,614.16 13,115.15 1,427,747.00 30,000.00 137,000.00 6,500.00 231,450.00 16,800.00 (64,390.47) (30,000.00) (304.54) (2,909.82) (82,835.84) (3,684.85) 95.5% 0.0% 99.8% 55.2% 64.2% 78.1% 827,747.00 30,000.00 162,000.00 6,500.00 119,450.00 60,800.00 535,609.53 (30,000.00) (25,304.54) (2,909.82) 29,164.16 (47,684.85) 164.7% 0.0% 84.4% 55.2% 124.4% 21.6% (55,482.47) 1,665,371.48 1,849,497.00 (184,125.52) 90.0% 1,206,497.00 458,874.48 138.0% - 149,820.00 150,000.00 (180.00) 99.9% 150,000.00 (180.00) 99.9% - 149,820.00 150,000.00 (180.00) 99.9% 150,000.00 (180.00) 99.9% Total Debt Service 4048 · Building Facilities 4810 · EMS Equipment 4815 · Fire Suppression Equipment 4818 · Exercise Equipment 4834 · Communication & Computer Equip 4880 · Data Processing Computer Equip Total Capital Outlay 8500 · Intergovernmental Transfers Total Intergovernmental Transfers Net Change in Fund Balance (898,488.02) (423,721.16) (2,137,306.00) Budget Reconciliation Original Budget Station 64 construction - BOD 4/13/2016 (1,537,306.00) (600,000.00) Revised Budget (2,137,306.00) 1,713,584.84 (1,537,306.00) 1,113,584.84 Page 5 of 5 Agenda Page #243 Agenda Page #244 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Date Ordinary Income/Expense Income 9001 · Current Secured Deposit 5/25/2016 Deposit 5/25/2016 Deposit 5/25/2016 Num JA5089-002 JA5090-002 JA5091-002 Name Source Name 105250 0 LEVY 105250 0 LEVY 105250 0 LEVY Memo UNITARY UNITARY UNITARY Total 9001 · Current Secured 105250 0 LEVY Deposit Total 9041 · Supplemental Assessment Current 9043 · Supplemental Assessment Redemp. Deposit 5/5/2016 JA5083-013 Deposit 5/5/2016 JA5083-019 Deposit 5/5/2016 JA5083-023 Deposit 5/13/2016 JA5084-013 Deposit 5/13/2016 JA5084-021 Deposit 5/13/2016 JA5084-026 GJ 053116 105250 0 LEVY 105250 0 % DLNQ PNLTY 105250 0 % ADD PNLTY 105250 0 LEVY 105250 0 % DLNQ PNLTY 105250 0 % ADD PNLTY Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit WestAmerica Bank WestAmerica Bank WestAmerica Bank CALIFORNIA BANK OF COMMERCE D.L. FALK CONSTRUCTION INC. D.L. FALK CONSTRUCTION INC. Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Interest withdrawal escrow retention 5.63 4.29 0.41 47.64 -47.64 10.33 4267 NOVATO TOYOTA NOVATO TOYOTA Parking lot rent - May Total 9250 · Parking Lot Rent 2,500.00 2,500.00 9280 · State Homeowners Prop Tax Reduc Deposit 5/6/2016 JA5082-002 Deposit 5/6/2016 JA5082-006 Deposit 5/6/2016 JA5082-012 Deposit 5/6/2016 JA5082-017 Deposit 5/6/2016 JA5082-026 105250 0 LEVY 105250 0 LEVY 105250 0 LEVY 105250 0 LEVY 105250 0 LEVY Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Total 9280 · State Homeowners Prop Tax Reduc 9576 · CPR Class Fees Sales Receipt 5/3/2016 Sales Receipt 5/6/2016 Sales Receipt 5/6/2016 Sales Receipt 5/10/2016 Sales Receipt 5/10/2016 Sales Receipt 5/11/2016 Sales Receipt 5/13/2016 Sales Receipt 5/16/2016 Sales Receipt 5/16/2016 Sales Receipt 5/17/2016 Sales Receipt 5/17/2016 Sales Receipt 5/17/2016 Sales Receipt 5/19/2016 Sales Receipt 5/24/2016 310.34 23.23 44.10 547.81 29.11 50.09 1,004.68 Total 9201 · Interest 9250 · Parking Lot Rent Sales Receipt 5/5/2016 82,541.45 82,541.45 Total 9043 · Supplemental Assessment Redemp. 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 72,711.29 4,896.16 35.03 77,642.48 9041 · Supplemental Assessment Current Deposit 5/18/2016 JA5088-002 9201 · Interest Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit General Journal Paid Amount 4264 4268 4272 4274 4275 4273 4281 4284 4288 4292 4293 4294 4299 4303 0.06 31.17 282.15 30,032.61 101.64 30,447.63 MONTI, SARAH CHAPMAN, TREVOR EGGERT, RICARDA SHARON, JOSHUA EGGERT, RICARDA SCHILLING, THEA FRENCH, MIWA DELANEY, ELISABETH HUBBARD, RACHEL & ROGER Costello, Julie FILLEY, KATHRYN GARDNER, AKAISHA SCHNEIER, SHARLENE BARKIN, JANNA & GABRIEL MONTI, SARAH CHAPMAN, TREVOR EGGERT, RICARDA SHARON, JOSHUA EGGERT, RICARDA SCHILLING, THEA FRENCH, MIWA DELANEY, ELISABETH HUBBARD, RACHEL & ROGER Costello, Julie FILLEY, KATHRYN GARDNER, AKAISHA SCHNEIER, SHARLENE BARKIN, JANNA & GABRIEL CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees 30.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 30.00 30.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 30.00 Page 1 Agenda Page #245 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Sales Receipt Date 5/27/2016 Num 4309 Name Source Name TURGEON, RICHARD TURGEON, RICHARD Memo CPR fees Total 9576 · CPR Class Fees Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice 9931 · Outside Agency Amb Bill Serv 5/13/2016 655 5/17/2016 657 5/23/2016 658 5/26/2016 661 45.00 315.00 EBBETTS PASS FIRE DISTRICT ALBANY FIRE DEPARTMENT CITY OF KINGSBURG CITY OF COALINGA - FIRE DEPARTMENT EBBETTS PASS FIRE DISTRICT ALBANY FIRE DEPARTMENT CITY OF KINGSBURG CITY OF COALINGA - FIRE DEPARTMENT 900.00 5,619.01 2,887.29 10,379.62 Total 9931 · Outside Agency Amb Bill Serv 9932 · Novato Ambulance Service Fees Sales Receipt 5/2/2016 4256 Deposit 5/2/2016 Sales Receipt 5/3/2016 4261 Deposit 5/3/2016 Deposit 5/4/2016 Check 5/5/2016 807600177 Sales Receipt 5/5/2016 4265 Sales Receipt 5/5/2016 4266 Deposit 5/5/2016 Sales Receipt 5/6/2016 4270 Deposit 5/6/2016 General Journal 5/7/2016 GJ 050716 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Check 5/10/2016 807600185 Check 5/10/2016 807600186 Check 5/10/2016 807600190 Sales Receipt 5/10/2016 4276 Deposit 5/10/2016 Deposit 5/10/2016 Sales Receipt 5/11/2016 4277 Deposit 5/11/2016 Deposit 5/12/2016 Sales Receipt 5/13/2016 4282 Deposit 5/13/2016 Sales Receipt 5/16/2016 4286 Sales Receipt 5/16/2016 4287 Sales Receipt 5/16/2016 4289 Deposit 5/16/2016 Check 5/17/2016 807600239 Check 5/17/2016 807600242 Check 5/17/2016 807600245 Check 5/17/2016 807600246 Sales Receipt 5/17/2016 4295 Deposit 5/17/2016 Deposit 5/18/2016 Check 5/19/2016 807600257 Check 5/19/2016 807600260 Check 5/19/2016 807600261 Check 5/19/2016 807600262 Check 5/19/2016 807600263 Check 5/19/2016 807600273 Deposit 5/19/2016 Sales Receipt 5/20/2016 4297 Deposit 5/20/2016 Paid Amount 19,785.92 WILLIAMS, DEANNA DEPOSIT LOCKBOX SCOTT, JACQUELYN DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX TOWN OF CORTE MADERABACHMAN, CALEB WILSON, HELEN DEPOSIT LOCKBOX LEWIS, DAN DEPOSIT LOCKBOX WILLIAMS, DEANNA DEPOSIT LOCKBOX SCOTT, JACQUELYN DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX TOWN OF CORTE MADERABACHMAN, CALEB WILSON, HELEN DEPOSIT LOCKBOX LEWIS, DAN DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX CITY OF COALINGA CITY OF COALINGA KAISER/EMPLOYERS MUTUAL INC. LEE, ERIC DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX LOIACONO, JOHN DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX PACHECO, RAYMOND DEPOSIT LOCKBOX BRANDON, KATHERINE HOWEY, DAVID FUSARO, LORI DEPOSIT LOCKBOX CITY OF ALBANY KINGSBURG FIRE DEPARTMENT RESOLVE INSURANCE SYSTEMS RESOLVE INSURANCE SYSTEMS ZHAO, LISHAN DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX EDWARDS, TIMOTHY KAISER/EMPLOYERS MUTUAL INC. LIU, YI LOPEZ, CIARA LAW OFFICES OF MARIE T. MAIOLO MUC... REILLY, ELIZABETH DEPOSIT LOCKBOX WATSON, WILLIAM DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX CITY OF COALINGA CITY OF COALINGA KAISER/EMPLOYERS MUTUAL INC. LEE, ERIC DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX LOIACONO, JOHN DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX PACHECO, RAYMOND DEPOSIT LOCKBOX BRANDON, KATHERINE HOWEY, DAVID FUSARO, LORI DEPOSIT LOCKBOX CITY OF ALBANY KINGSBURG FIRE DEPARTMENT RESOLVE INSURANCE SYSTEMS RESOLVE INSURANCE SYSTEMS ZHAO, LISHAN DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX EDWARDS, TIMOTHY KAISER/EMPLOYERS MUTUAL INC. LIU, YI LOPEZ, CIARA LAW OFFICES OF MARIE T. MAIOLO MUCH... REILLY, ELIZABETH DEPOSIT LOCKBOX WATSON, WILLIAM DEPOSIT LOCKBOX EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT IN MAIL DEPOSIT 050316, pt paid by cc on Deanna ... EMS Ambulance Service Fees EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT Stale checks NORIDIAN N. CA | HCCLAIMPMT IN MAIL DEPOSIT 050516, ins pd acct by cc on Cale... 050516, ins pd acct by cc on Hele... 051016, pt has Wcomp on Michel... EMS Ambulance Service Fees NORIDIAN N. CA | HCCLAIMPMT IN MAIL DEPOSIT EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT IN MAIL DEPOSIT EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT EMS Ambulance Service Fees EMS Ambulance Service Fees EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT 051316, pt paid by cc on Raymon... 051616, ins pd by cc on Katherin... 041516, collection/resolve fee Ma... 051516, collection/resolve fee Ap... EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT IN MAIL DEPOSIT 110515, pt is Novato resident on ... 031616, ins pd 2x on Betty Sundb... 110515, pt is Novato resident Yi Liu 020916, pt overpaid on Ciara Lopez 022216, records pmt on Tiara Jen... 031616, pt is Novato resident on ... IN MAIL DEPOSIT EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT 125.00 8,410.91 484.79 14,452.14 875.00 -125.00 1,957.60 324.07 3,011.76 462.53 863.51 -574.70 494.22 7,597.18 -1,957.60 -324.07 -2,583.00 204.00 2,559.39 7,026.09 175.00 1,273.85 218.41 200.00 3,031.00 255.02 250.00 1,914.05 2,213.70 -200.00 -255.02 -1,822.84 -937.89 783.44 7,357.24 2,459.66 -480.03 -425.16 -278.44 -425.16 -15.00 -482.03 1,926.90 297.57 2,621.52 Page 2 Agenda Page #246 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Sales Receipt Check Sales Receipt Deposit Check Check Check Check Deposit Deposit General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Sales Receipt Sales Receipt Deposit Deposit Deposit Date 5/23/2016 5/23/2016 5/23/2016 5/23/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/25/2016 5/25/2016 5/25/2016 5/25/2016 5/25/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/27/2016 5/31/2016 Num 4298 232 4302 807600288 807600289 807600290 807600300 GJ 052516 GJ 052516 GJ 052516 GJ 052516 GJ 052516 4306 4307 Name Source Name SMITH, KATHLEEN NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION D... NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST DEPOSIT LOCKBOX CITY OF ALBANY CITY OF ALBANY CITY OF ALBANY TOWN OF CORTE MADERADEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX EDWARDS, TIMOTHY LIU, YI LOPEZ, CIARA LAW OFFICES OF MARIE T. MAIOLO MUC... REILLY, ELIZABETH RODAS, ROBIN RODAS, ROBIN DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX SMITH, KATHLEEN NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION D... NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST DEPOSIT LOCKBOX CITY OF ALBANY CITY OF ALBANY CITY OF ALBANY TOWN OF CORTE MADERADEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX EDWARDS, TIMOTHY LIU, YI LOPEZ, CIARA LAW OFFICES OF MARIE T. MAIOLO MUCH... REILLY, ELIZABETH RODAS, ROBIN RODAS, ROBIN DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX Memo EMS Ambulance Service Fees EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT 052316, pt paid by cc on Eric Lee 052316, pt paid by cc on Bani Do... 052316, pt paid by cc on Kathlee... 052316, pt paid by cc on Oliver L... NORIDIAN N. CA | HCCLAIMPMT IN MAIL DEPOSIT VOID #7400018598 VOID #7400018606 VOID #7400019164 VOID #7400019216 VOID #7400019400 EMS Ambulance Service Fees EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT IN MAIL DEPOSIT IN MAIL DEPOSIT Total 9932 · Novato Ambulance Service Fees 9935 · Plan Checks Sales Receipt 5/2/2016 Sales Receipt 5/4/2016 Sales Receipt 5/13/2016 Sales Receipt 5/13/2016 Sales Receipt 5/18/2016 Sales Receipt 5/23/2016 Sales Receipt 5/25/2016 Sales Receipt 5/26/2016 4259 4271 4280 4283 4296 4300 4304 4305 100.00 -104,868.95 104,868.95 9,693.43 -204.00 -783.44 -100.00 -462.53 1,057.61 4,415.01 480.03 278.44 425.16 15.00 482.03 25.00 25.00 445.68 2,737.97 6,646.59 88,216.59 Intelli-tech SPROETE, VINCE NOR CAL BUILDERS EAH CAPITAL VASQUEZ, JUAN ANTONIO ALPHA FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS SUPERIOR AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER CO. TODD MORRIS FIRE PROTECTION Intelli-tech SPROETE, VINCE NOR CAL BUILDERS EAH CAPITAL VASQUEZ, JUAN ANTONIO ALPHA FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS SUPERIOR AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER CO. TODD MORRIS FIRE PROTECTION Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Total 9935 · Plan Checks 88.00 352.00 352.00 352.00 528.00 528.00 176.00 352.00 2,728.00 9940 · Other Refunds/Reimbursements Sales Receipt 5/16/2016 4285 ANDERSON PROCESS SERVICE ANDERSON PROCESS SERVICE Rich Hopkins Subpoena to appear Total 9940 · Other Refunds/Reimbursements 9943 · Health Premium Reimbursements Sales Receipt 5/2/2016 4258 Sales Receipt 5/3/2016 4263 Sales Receipt 5/11/2016 4279 Sales Receipt 5/26/2016 4308 General Journal 5/31/2016 GJ 053116 General Journal 5/31/2016 GJ 053116 General Journal 5/31/2016 GJ 053116 General Journal 5/31/2016 GJ 053116 275.00 275.00 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST MCERA NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST MCERA NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Health Premium Reimb. Health Premium Reimb. Health Premium Reimb. Health Premium Reimb. Total 9943 · Health Premium Reimbursements 15,604.18 15,727.20 15,593.68 15,593.68 -50,734.50 -368.23 -6,914.90 -4,501.11 0.00 Total Income 305,467.08 Gross Profit Expense 1003 · Regular Staff Salaries Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Paid Amount 305,467.08 807600178 807600178 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 128,186.92 20,536.92 Page 3 Agenda Page #247 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Check Check Check Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Date 5/9/2016 5/9/2016 5/9/2016 5/9/2016 5/9/2016 5/9/2016 5/9/2016 5/9/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 Num 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 Name Source Name NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. SHUBIN,ROBERT J BLUE,FOREST H GAULKE,THOMAS F GODOY,RICHARD S GOODSPEED,CHRISTOPHER J HAKENEN,AARON K HAMBY,KERI S HAMILTON,RYAN J KEADY,TRISTAN G KISER,KEEF W LARROQUE,MARK L LEAR,KIRK M LEMELIN,JEFF M LESIK,KIMBERLY D MARSHALL,KYLE B MCGARGILL,ANDREW J MCGUINNESS,MICHAEL J PACE,JASON A PACHECO,NOLE D PETERS,DANIEL J PETERSON,TED A PONTIUS,ROSWELL B RHOADES,ERIN N SCHIAVO,DAVID A SCOTT,NICOLE M TELDESCHI,MARC R TIFFANY,PAUL B WAGER,SHANNON M ZANONI,JASON A JESSELL,LORI M OSGOOD,LYNNE SIMON-WARGO,SANDRA J TYLER,WILLIAM G BARGIACCHI,ANTHONY D BERNARDINI JR,MARIO L BLACK,ADAM R BLANDON,MARVIN J BOALS,MICHAEL S BOWLDS,ALEX A BRODY,WILLIAM A BROLAN,ADAM J DAGUE,KYLE M DAVIS,JEFFREY M DICOCHEA,JOHN S DOHERTY,JOSEPH F FERNANDEZ,DOUGLAS P FLETCHER,DONALD M FORKES,KENNETH D NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. 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NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. BLUE,FOREST H GAULKE,THOMAS F GODOY,RICHARD S GOODSPEED,CHRISTOPHER J HAKENEN,AARON K HAMBY,KERI S HAMILTON,RYAN J KEADY,TRISTAN G KISER,KEEF W LARROQUE,MARK L LEAR,KIRK M LEMELIN,JEFF M LESIK,KIMBERLY D MARSHALL,KYLE B MCGARGILL,ANDREW J MCGUINNESS,MICHAEL J ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings WORKERS COMP WORKERS COMP Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings 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General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Date 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 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PACHECO,NOLE D PETERS,DANIEL J PETERSON,TED A PONTIUS,ROSWELL B RHOADES,ERIN N SCHIAVO,DAVID A SCOTT,NICOLE M TELDESCHI,MARC R TIFFANY,PAUL B WAGER,SHANNON M ZANONI,JASON A JESSELL,LORI M OSGOOD,LYNNE SIMON-WARGO,SANDRA J TYLER,WILLIAM G BARGIACCHI,ANTHONY D BERNARDINI JR,MARIO L BLACK,ADAM R BLANDON,MARVIN J BOALS,MICHAEL S BOWLDS,ALEX A BRODY,WILLIAM A BROLAN,ADAM J DAGUE,KYLE M DAVIS,JEFFREY M DICOCHEA,JOHN S DOHERTY,JOSEPH F FERNANDEZ,DOUGLAS P FLETCHER,DONALD M FORKES,KENNETH D FREEDMAN,SCOTT R KREPS,SHAWN M LACROIX,ROBERT A LARKIN,GEOFFREY P MCCARTHY,GERALD J MENZEL,DMITRI J MESENBURG,ERICH W MICHALIK,SCOTT A PANNELL,JEFFREY S PECK,ELI G SHELINE,BRIAN C SHUBIN,ROBERT J SMITH,BARRETT A TAUL,MIKE S VALUCH,OWEN E VELIQUETTE,JEFFREY L WEHR,DONALD J WHITE,STEVEN J ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S HOPKINS,RICHARD E FELCIANO,GRETCHEN M HEINE,MARK A HOM,DANIEL W O'BRIEN,JENNY A PALLAS,LAUREN C Source Name ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT 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4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 3,226.93 4,581.94 5,194.71 4,343.38 4,633.36 6,365.47 4,568.23 4,568.23 5,194.71 4,568.23 4,568.23 5,194.71 4,568.23 8,297.40 5,194.71 5,194.71 5,194.71 4,568.23 5,194.71 5,194.71 4,498.21 5,194.71 4,568.23 5,194.71 4,568.23 6,062.35 5,665.75 5,194.71 4,568.23 4,568.23 4,568.23 4,568.23 5,194.71 5,194.71 5,194.71 5,194.71 6,062.35 4,568.23 5,194.71 4,568.23 4,568.23 5,161.25 8,114.90 6,317.29 2,832.50 1,937.38 Page 6 Agenda Page #250 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Date 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 Num PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 Name Source Name VILLA,JEANNE M WADE,DENISE D WALRAVEN,COLLEEN M WHITTET,JEFFREY J ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Total 1003 · Regular Staff Salaries Paid Amount 3,422.50 3,729.34 2,188.75 5,949.04 730,813.90 1019 · CTO Pay Check Check Check Deposit Deposit Deposit General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Check Check Check Deposit Deposit Deposit General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal 5/9/2016 5/9/2016 5/9/2016 5/9/2016 5/9/2016 5/9/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. KISER,KEEF W LEAR,KIRK M LEMELIN,JEFF M LESIK,KIMBERLY D MARSHALL,KYLE B MCGUINNESS,MICHAEL J BLACK,ADAM R BOWLDS,ALEX A DAGUE,KYLE M DICOCHEA,JOHN S LACROIX,ROBERT A SMITH,BARRETT A TAUL,MIKE S WHITE,STEVEN J ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S MICHALIK,SCOTT A TAUL,MIKE S VALUCH,OWEN E WHITTET,JEFFREY J NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. PETERSON,TED A HAKENEN,AARON K KISER,KEEF W LARROQUE,MARK L MCGARGILL,ANDREW J PONTIUS,ROSWELL B VELIQUETTE,JEFFREY L BLACK,ADAM R BLANDON,MARVIN J MICHALIK,SCOTT A TAUL,MIKE S VALUCH,OWEN E WHITE,STEVEN J LARKIN,GEOFFREY P ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S VILLA,JEANNE M NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Total 1019 · CTO Pay 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid CTO 2 BC PAY 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit CTO 2 BC PAY CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID OC CTO2 paid CTO 2 BC PAY CTO PAID CTO PAID OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid OUTOF CLASS CP OUTOF CLASS CP CTO PAID 5,027.04 17,027.58 3,294.72 -5,027.04 -17,027.58 -3,294.72 916.32 906.24 458.16 460.56 453.12 1,832.64 518.76 778.14 1,548.72 521.16 1,541.16 2,593.80 1,563.48 1,548.72 908.64 1,355.40 2,084.64 2,064.96 3,294.72 8,429.19 18,096.50 789.80 -8,429.19 -18,096.50 -789.80 1,101.75 916.32 2,748.96 1,381.68 921.12 1,359.36 2,398.08 1,037.52 908.64 1,355.40 4,169.28 2,064.96 6,162.62 123.84 123.84 789.80 52,912.51 Page 7 Agenda Page #251 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Date 1020 · Overtime - Callback Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 Check 5/24/2016 Check 5/24/2016 Check 5/24/2016 Check 5/24/2016 Deposit 5/24/2016 Deposit 5/24/2016 Deposit 5/24/2016 Num 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 Name Source Name NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. BLUE,FOREST H GAULKE,THOMAS F GODOY,RICHARD S HAKENEN,AARON K HAMBY,KERI S HAMILTON,RYAN J KEADY,TRISTAN G KISER,KEEF W LEAR,KIRK M LESIK,KIMBERLY D MCGARGILL,ANDREW J PACE,JASON A PACHECO,NOLE D PETERS,DANIEL J PONTIUS,ROSWELL B SCHIAVO,DAVID A SCOTT,NICOLE M TELDESCHI,MARC R TIFFANY,PAUL B ZANONI,JASON A BERNARDINI JR,MARIO L BLANDON,MARVIN J BRODY,WILLIAM A DAGUE,KYLE M DAVIS,JEFFREY M DICOCHEA,JOHN S DOHERTY,JOSEPH F FLETCHER,DONALD M FREEDMAN,SCOTT R KREPS,SHAWN M LACROIX,ROBERT A LARKIN,GEOFFREY P MCCARTHY,GERALD J MESENBURG,ERICH W MICHALIK,SCOTT A PANNELL,JEFFREY S SHELINE,BRIAN C TAUL,MIKE S VALUCH,OWEN E WEHR,DONALD J ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S WHITTET,JEFFREY J NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. Memo 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit Paid Amount 29,786.33 39,562.45 514.80 -29,786.33 -39,562.45 -514.80 1,374.48 2,718.72 1,706.40 1,660.83 1,374.48 836.30 114.54 1,374.48 1,359.36 1,381.68 1,381.68 679.68 801.78 1,381.68 1,359.36 1,366.92 2,763.36 2,072.52 1,359.36 2,718.72 1,484.34 1,362.96 112.95 1,548.72 1,548.72 2,149.79 2,767.28 130.29 1,541.16 1,362.96 2,311.74 2,243.21 1,611.21 3,126.96 1,355.40 1,874.07 2,825.30 293.15 3,097.44 2,725.92 4,088.88 514.80 38,772.22 716.14 54,744.73 128.70 -38,772.22 -716.14 -54,744.73 Page 8 Agenda Page #252 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Deposit General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Date 5/24/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 Num 807600281 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 Name Source Name NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. BLUE,FOREST H GODOY,RICHARD S HAMBY,KERI S KEADY,TRISTAN G LARROQUE,MARK L LEAR,KIRK M LEMELIN,JEFF M LESIK,KIMBERLY D MCGUINNESS,MICHAEL J PACE,JASON A PACHECO,NOLE D PETERS,DANIEL J RHOADES,ERIN N SCHIAVO,DAVID A TYLER,WILLIAM G BARGIACCHI,ANTHONY D BERNARDINI JR,MARIO L BLANDON,MARVIN J BOALS,MICHAEL S BOWLDS,ALEX A BRODY,WILLIAM A DAGUE,KYLE M DAVIS,JEFFREY M DICOCHEA,JOHN S DOHERTY,JOSEPH F FLETCHER,DONALD M KREPS,SHAWN M LACROIX,ROBERT A LARKIN,GEOFFREY P MCCARTHY,GERALD J MENZEL,DMITRI J MESENBURG,ERICH W MICHALIK,SCOTT A PANNELL,JEFFREY S SHELINE,BRIAN C SMITH,BARRETT A TAUL,MIKE S WEHR,DONALD J WHITE,STEVEN J ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S WHITTET,JEFFREY J ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo Deposit O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T Total 1020 · Overtime - Callback 1021 · Out of Class Pay Check 5/24/2016 Deposit 5/24/2016 -128.70 4,123.44 2,559.60 1,374.48 1,546.29 1,439.25 2,718.72 5,641.10 2,763.36 4,123.44 1,359.36 2,892.14 2,763.36 2,733.84 2,733.84 716.14 692.64 1,370.16 681.48 1,355.40 2,366.84 2,710.80 1,548.72 3,645.95 3,126.96 1,355.40 3,908.70 1,362.96 2,311.74 2,725.92 1,199.04 3,957.83 3,126.96 1,044.79 1,135.80 1,362.96 1,556.28 3,648.12 1,362.96 3,097.44 4,088.88 128.70 164,225.37 807600281 807600281 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. 053116 Payroll Deposit Total 1021 · Out of Class Pay 1022 · Director Fees Check 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 Paid Amount 247.68 -247.68 0.00 807600178 807600178 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. DAVIS,WILLIAM L FENNER,WORTH F GALLI,JIM A METCHO,STEVE R NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT 051516 Payroll Deposit BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBERS 1,100.00 -1,100.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 Page 9 Agenda Page #253 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type General Journal Check Deposit General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Date 5/13/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 Num PR 05152016 807600281 807600281 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 Name Source Name SILVERMAN,LOUIS J NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. FENNER,WORTH F GALLI,JIM A METCHO,STEVE R SILVERMAN,LOUIS J ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo BOARD MEMBERS 053116 Payroll Deposit BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBERS Total 1022 · Director Fees 1026 · Education Incentive Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 Paid Amount 300.00 500.00 -500.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 1,600.00 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. BLUE,FOREST H GOODSPEED,CHRISTOPHER J HAKENEN,AARON K HAMBY,KERI S HAMILTON,RYAN J KEADY,TRISTAN G KISER,KEEF W LARROQUE,MARK L LEMELIN,JEFF M LESIK,KIMBERLY D MCGARGILL,ANDREW J MCGUINNESS,MICHAEL J PACHECO,NOLE D PETERS,DANIEL J RHOADES,ERIN N SCHIAVO,DAVID A SCOTT,NICOLE M TELDESCHI,MARC R JESSELL,LORI M SIMON-WARGO,SANDRA J BARGIACCHI,ANTHONY D BERNARDINI JR,MARIO L BLACK,ADAM R BLANDON,MARVIN J BOWLDS,ALEX A DAGUE,KYLE M DAVIS,JEFFREY M DICOCHEA,JOHN S FLETCHER,DONALD M KREPS,SHAWN M LARKIN,GEOFFREY P MESENBURG,ERICH W PANNELL,JEFFREY S PECK,ELI G SHELINE,BRIAN C SMITH,BARRETT A TAUL,MIKE S VALUCH,OWEN E WEHR,DONALD J WHITE,STEVEN J NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE 975.00 125.00 900.00 -975.00 -125.00 -900.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 50.00 75.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 75.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 Page 10 Agenda Page #254 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type General Journal Check Check Check Deposit Deposit Deposit General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Date 5/13/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 Num PR 05152016 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 Name Source Name ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. BLUE,FOREST H GOODSPEED,CHRISTOPHER J HAKENEN,AARON K HAMBY,KERI S HAMILTON,RYAN J KEADY,TRISTAN G KISER,KEEF W LARROQUE,MARK L LEMELIN,JEFF M LESIK,KIMBERLY D MCGARGILL,ANDREW J MCGUINNESS,MICHAEL J PACHECO,NOLE D PETERS,DANIEL J RHOADES,ERIN N SCHIAVO,DAVID A SCOTT,NICOLE M TELDESCHI,MARC R JESSELL,LORI M SIMON-WARGO,SANDRA J BARGIACCHI,ANTHONY D BERNARDINI JR,MARIO L BLACK,ADAM R BLANDON,MARVIN J BOWLDS,ALEX A DAGUE,KYLE M DAVIS,JEFFREY M DICOCHEA,JOHN S FLETCHER,DONALD M KREPS,SHAWN M LARKIN,GEOFFREY P MESENBURG,ERICH W PANNELL,JEFFREY S PECK,ELI G SHELINE,BRIAN C SMITH,BARRETT A TAUL,MIKE S VALUCH,OWEN E WEHR,DONALD J WHITE,STEVEN J ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo EDU INCENTIVE 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE Total 1026 · Education Incentive 1402 · Retirement Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Check 5/12/2016 Paid Amount 25.00 975.00 125.00 900.00 -975.00 -125.00 -900.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 50.00 75.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 75.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 4,000.00 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600207 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll Deposit Deposit 051516 Payroll, retiree 303.12 405.75 -303.12 -405.75 69,963.12 Page 11 Agenda Page #255 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Check Check Check Check General Journal General Journal Check Check Deposit Deposit Check Check Check Check Check General Journal General Journal Date 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 Num 807600207 807600207 807600207 807600207 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600302 807600302 807600302 807600302 807600302 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 Name Source Name MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC VELIQUETTE,JEFFREY L HEINE,MARK A NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC VELIQUETTE,JEFFREY L HEINE,MARK A MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo 051516 Payroll, retiree 051516 Payroll, retiree 051516 Payroll, retiree 051516 Payroll, retiree INCENTIVE PAY INCENTIVE PAY 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll Deposit Deposit 053116 Payroll, retiree 053116 Payroll, retiree 053116 Payroll, retiree 053116 Payroll, retiree 053116 Payroll, retiree INCENTIVE PAY INCENTIVE PAY Total 1402 · Retirement 1404 · FICA Medicare Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 General Journal 5/13/2016 Check 5/24/2016 Check 5/24/2016 Check 5/24/2016 Check 5/24/2016 Check 5/24/2016 Deposit 5/24/2016 Deposit 5/24/2016 Deposit 5/24/2016 Deposit 5/24/2016 Deposit 5/24/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 Paid Amount 11,933.44 99,728.17 10,416.04 3,712.20 303.12 405.75 303.12 405.75 -303.12 -405.75 69,963.12 11,933.44 99,870.33 10,416.04 3,712.20 303.12 405.75 393,065.84 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Total 1404 · FICA Medicare 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Employer Medicare Tax Employer Medicare Tax Employer Medicare Tax Employer Medicare Tax Employer Social Security Tax Employer Medicare Tax ER Tax 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Employer Medicare Tax Employer Medicare Tax Employer Medicare Tax Employer Medicare Tax Employer Social Security Tax Employer Medicare Tax ER Tax 2,272.53 285.34 2,816.61 556.38 138.08 -2,272.53 -285.34 -2,816.61 -556.38 -138.08 2,272.53 285.34 2,816.62 488.16 68.20 138.08 0.01 2,452.19 295.73 3,462.58 521.91 84.70 -2,452.19 -295.73 -3,462.58 -521.91 -84.70 2,452.16 295.73 3,462.60 490.92 31.00 84.71 -0.01 12,886.05 Page 12 Agenda Page #256 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Date 1502 · Life Insurance Check 5/5/2016 Check 5/5/2016 Check 5/5/2016 Check 5/5/2016 Check 5/5/2016 Check 5/10/2016 Check 5/24/2016 Check 5/26/2016 Check 5/26/2016 Check 5/26/2016 Check 5/26/2016 Check 5/26/2016 Check 5/26/2016 Check 5/26/2016 Check 5/26/2016 Check 5/26/2016 Check 5/26/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 Num 807600172 807600172 807600172 807600172 807600172 807600195 807600295 807600308 807600308 807600308 807600308 807600308 807600330 807600330 807600330 807600330 807600330 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 Name Source Name PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK SERV. MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK SERV. CAPF CAPF CAPF CAPF CAPF EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK SERV. MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK SERV. CAPF CAPF CAPF CAPF CAPF EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Memo 042516, life premium Accnt#7300... 042516, life premium Accnt#7300... 042516, life premium Accnt#7300... 042516, life premium Accnt#7300... 042516, life premium Accnt#7300... 3200079224, remaining due Cont... 3200080059, Contract#E091-070... 042216, June2016 disability prem... 042216, June2016 disability prem... 042216, June2016 disability prem... 042216, June2016 disability prem... 042216, June2016 disability prem... FDAC0616-NOV, life premium C... FDAC0616-NOV, life premium C... FDAC0616-NOV, life premium C... FDAC0616-NOV, life premium C... FDAC0616-NOV, life premium C... Total 1502 · Life Insurance 1510 · Dental Insurance Check 5/26/2016 Check 5/26/2016 Check 5/26/2016 Check 5/26/2016 Check 5/26/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 167.99 22.04 246.36 41.63 11.76 42.12 1,067.04 563.03 73.87 825.67 139.53 39.40 664.29 87.15 974.16 164.62 46.49 -1,621.30 -283.12 -2,146.13 -375.84 -74.72 676.04 807600330 807600330 807600330 807600330 807600330 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts FDAC0616-NOV, dental premium... FDAC0616-NOV, dental premium... FDAC0616-NOV, dental premium... FDAC0616-NOV, dental premium... FDAC0616-NOV, dental premium... Total 1510 · Dental Insurance 1512 · Flexible Savings Account Check 5/2/2016 Check 5/2/2016 Check 5/3/2016 Check 5/3/2016 Check 5/3/2016 Check 5/3/2016 Check 5/3/2016 Check 5/4/2016 Check 5/5/2016 Check 5/5/2016 Check 5/5/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/10/2016 Check 5/10/2016 Deposit 5/11/2016 Paid Amount 9,251.13 1,213.70 13,566.52 2,292.55 647.31 -2,490.75 -434.95 -3,297.02 -577.39 -114.79 20,056.31 4/29/2016 4/29/2016 4/30/2016 5/1/2016 5/1/2016 4/30/2016 4/30/2016 5/3/2016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 5/7/2016 5/9/2016 9180 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCC2016 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV WAGER, SHANNON VILLA, JEANNE WAGER, SHANNON WAGER, SHANNON VILLA, JEANNE LESIK, KIMBERLY O'BRIEN, JENNY O'BRIEN, JENNY TELDESCHI, MARC HAMILTON, RYAN HOM, DANIEL TELDESCHI, MARC HOPKINS, RICHARD O'BRIEN, JENNY LESIK, KIMBERLY HOPKINS, RICHARD Deposit 15.00 15.00 50.00 15.00 22.50 46.96 15.00 15.00 8.29 99.00 15.00 5.00 208.31 59.99 20.00 20.00 -1,852.63 Page 13 Agenda Page #257 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Deposit Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Date 5/11/2016 5/12/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/16/2016 5/16/2016 5/16/2016 5/16/2016 5/18/2016 5/18/2016 5/18/2016 5/18/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/27/2016 5/27/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 Num 5/10/2016 5/11/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/14/2016 5/14/2016 5/14/2016 5/17/2016 5/18/2016 5/18/2016 5/18/2016 5/18/2016 5/23/2016 5/23/2016 9191 5/25/2016 5/25/2016 5/25/2016 5/25/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/27/2016 5/27/2016 5/27/2016 5/27/2016 Name Source Name HCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCFSA2016 DCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 DCFSA2016 HCC2016 DCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCC2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCC2016 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. HCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 DCFSA2016 DCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 DCFSA2016 ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV Memo HEINE, MARK WADE, DENISE HEINE, MARK BRODY, WILLIAM MICHALIK, SCOTT MICHALIK, SCOTT MICHALIK, SCOTT MICHALIK, SCOTT MICHALIK, SCOTT WAGER, SHANNON LESIK, KIMBERLY FELCIANO, GRETCHEN BERNARDINI, MARIO HEINE, MARK HAKENEN, AARON HOPKINS, RICHARD HAMILTON, RYAN HAMILTON, RYAN HAKENEN, AARON HOM, DANIEL HEINE, MARK VILLA, JEANNE VILLA, JEANNE HOM, DANIEL BRODY, WILLIAM HOPKINS, RICHARD Deposit BRODY, WILLIAM WAGER, SHANNON TELDESCHI, MARC HAKENEN, AARON WAGER, SHANNON HAKENEN, AARON BRODY, WILLIAM WAGER, SHANNON TELDESCHI, MARC FELCIANO, GRETCHEN Total 1512 · Flexible Savings Account 1513 · Health Insurance Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Check 5/11/2016 Check 5/11/2016 Check 5/11/2016 Check 5/11/2016 Check 5/11/2016 Check 5/12/2016 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 9181 9181 9181 9181 9181 807600219 Paid Amount 72.85 18.50 20.00 208.33 13.29 21.00 32.61 108.37 502.53 208.33 160.00 64.38 50.00 30.00 15.00 20.00 4.90 35.10 145.99 124.00 169.20 0.39 14.61 5.00 30.27 19.05 -1,852.63 120.00 -15.00 20.00 15.00 40.00 5.00 208.33 11.03 20.00 64.38 -492.77 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER CalPERS NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER CalPERS 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit 051516 Payroll RHS employer 051516 Payroll RHS employer 051516 Payroll RHS employer 051516 Payroll RHS employer 051516 Payroll RHS employer 051116, OPEB prefund 2015/201... 2,064.87 261.29 2,317.08 589.81 56.78 -2,064.87 -261.29 -2,317.08 -589.81 -56.78 2,064.87 261.29 2,317.08 589.81 56.78 938,494.00 Page 14 Agenda Page #258 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Date 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 Num 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 9192 9192 9192 9192 9192 807600311 807600311 807600311 807600311 807600311 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 Name Source Name NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER CalPERS CalPERS CalPERS CalPERS CalPERS NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER CalPERS CalPERS CalPERS CalPERS CalPERS Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Memo 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit 053116 Payroll RHS employer 053116 Payroll RHS employer 053116 Payroll RHS employer 053116 Payroll RHS employer 053116 Payroll RHS employer 2033, June2016 premium Contra... 2033, June2016 premium Contra... 2033, June2016 premium Contra... 2033, June2016 premium Contra... 2033, June2016 premium Contra... Adjustment Total 1513 · Health Insurance 1514 · Vision Plan Check 5/26/2016 Check 5/26/2016 Check 5/26/2016 Check 5/26/2016 Check 5/26/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 2,064.87 261.29 2,317.08 589.81 56.78 -2,064.87 -261.29 -2,317.08 -589.81 -56.78 2,064.87 261.29 2,317.08 589.81 56.78 65,910.84 8,647.19 96,656.42 16,333.59 4,611.84 -0.02 -18,274.57 -3,191.20 -24,190.21 -4,236.33 -842.19 1,090,499.02 807600330 807600330 807600330 807600330 807600330 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts FDAC0616-NOV, visionpremium ... FDAC0616-NOV, visionpremium ... FDAC0616-NOV, visionpremium ... FDAC0616-NOV, visionpremium ... FDAC0616-NOV, visionpremium ... Total 1514 · Vision Plan 1517 · Administrative Allowance Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Deposit 5/9/2016 Paid Amount 684.54 89.81 1,003.86 169.64 47.90 -132.64 -23.16 -175.57 -30.75 -6.11 1,627.52 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit 1,400.00 350.00 2,450.00 96.81 134.95 1,060.67 75.00 75.00 525.00 -1,400.00 -350.00 -2,450.00 -96.81 -134.95 Page 15 Agenda Page #259 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Date 5/9/2016 5/9/2016 5/9/2016 5/9/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 Num 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 PR 05152016 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 PR 05312016 Name Source Name NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. WAGER,SHANNON M FORKES,KENNETH D FELCIANO,GRETCHEN M HOM,DANIEL W O'BRIEN,JENNY A PALLAS,LAUREN C VILLA,JEANNE M WADE,DENISE D WALRAVEN,COLLEEN M NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. WAGER,SHANNON M FORKES,KENNETH D FELCIANO,GRETCHEN M HOM,DANIEL W O'BRIEN,JENNY A PALLAS,LAUREN C VILLA,JEANNE M WADE,DENISE D WALRAVEN,COLLEEN M ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE Total 1517 · Administrative Allowance 1701 · Workers' Compensation Sales Receipt 5/2/2016 Sales Receipt 5/2/2016 Check 5/2/2016 Check 5/3/2016 Check 5/3/2016 Check 5/3/2016 Check 5/4/2016 Check 5/5/2016 Check 5/5/2016 Sales Receipt 5/6/2016 Check 5/10/2016 Check 5/10/2016 Check 5/11/2016 4257 4260 7666 7667 7668 7669 7670 807600166 7671 4269 7672 7673 7674 Paid Amount -1,060.67 -75.00 -75.00 -525.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 1,400.00 350.00 2,450.00 96.81 134.95 1,060.67 75.00 75.00 525.00 -1,400.00 -350.00 -2,450.00 -96.81 -134.95 -1,060.67 -75.00 -75.00 -525.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 1,350.00 ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES cust. ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES cust. Bernardini, Mario FAZZARI, JEFF Jeffrey Stevenson MD THE AIRPORT CLUB, Precision Medical Products Inc EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT Cathy Rucker ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES cust. CYPRESS CARE INC. Center for Interventional Spine, A Medica Redwood Orthopaedic Surgery As ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES cust. ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES cust. Bernardini, Mario FAZZARI, JEFF Jeffrey Stevenson MD THE AIRPORT CLUB, Precision Medical Products Inc EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT Cathy Rucker ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES cust. CYPRESS CARE INC. Center for Interventional Spine, A Medica Redwood Orthopaedic Surgery As Workers Comp Workers Comp Bernardini, Mario Fazzari, Jeff Boals, Michael Shubin, Robert Goodspeed, Chris l1427508928, employment tax 03/... Rucker, Steve Workers Comp Shubin, Robert Goodspeed, Chris Peck, Eli -2,256.86 -2,256.86 460.00 529.00 120.01 928.50 714.36 720.00 2,256.86 -2,206.58 537.71 91.64 425.00 Page 16 Agenda Page #260 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Check Sales Receipt Sales Receipt Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Sales Receipt Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Date 5/11/2016 5/11/2016 5/11/2016 5/11/2016 5/12/2016 5/16/2016 5/17/2016 5/17/2016 5/17/2016 5/17/2016 5/18/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/20/2016 5/20/2016 5/20/2016 5/23/2016 5/23/2016 5/23/2016 5/23/2016 5/24/2016 5/25/2016 5/25/2016 5/26/2016 5/27/2016 5/27/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 Num 7675 7676 7677 7678 807600211 7679 4290 4291 807600236 7680 7681 7682 7683 7684 7685 7686 7687 7688 4301 7689 7690 7691 7692 7693 7694 7695 7696 7697 7698 7699 Name Source Name Back to Golf Performance and Fitness, Inc EL DORADO PHYSICAL THERAPY EL DORADO PHYSICAL THERAPY EL DORADO PHYSICAL THERAPY ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. Bernardini, Mario ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES cust. ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES cust. ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. FAZZARI, JEFF Richard A Nolan MD Cathy Rucker Login, Susan C M.D. Laboratory Corporation of Amer Anes And Analgesia Med Grp In Stone River Pharmacy Solutions Witzig, Hannah, Sanders & Reagan, LLP Witzig, Hannah, Sanders & Reagan, LLP ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES cust. Northern California Medical Associates, I The Surgery Center of San UCSF Medical Center Louis Lupo UCSF Medical Center ADVANCED RX MANAGEMENT Athens Managed Care ADVANCED RX MANAGEMENT Bernardini, Mario FAZZARI, JEFF ALIGN NETWORKS, INC Back to Golf Performance and Fitness, Inc EL DORADO PHYSICAL THERAPY EL DORADO PHYSICAL THERAPY EL DORADO PHYSICAL THERAPY ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. Bernardini, Mario ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES cust. ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES cust. ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. FAZZARI, JEFF Richard A Nolan MD Cathy Rucker Login, Susan C M.D. Laboratory Corporation of Amer Anes And Analgesia Med Grp In Stone River Pharmacy Solutions Witzig, Hannah, Sanders & Reagan, LLP Witzig, Hannah, Sanders & Reagan, LLP ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES cust. Northern California Medical Associates, I The Surgery Center of San UCSF Medical Center Louis Lupo UCSF Medical Center ADVANCED RX MANAGEMENT Athens Managed Care ADVANCED RX MANAGEMENT Bernardini, Mario FAZZARI, JEFF ALIGN NETWORKS, INC Memo Shubin, Robert Goodspeed, Chris Goodspeed, Chris Goodspeed, Chris 11695, Mar2016 fees Contract#E... Bernardini, Mario Workers Comp Workers Comp 11751, Apr2016 fees Contract#E... Fazzari, Jeff Fazzari, Jeff Rucker, Steve Lesik, Kim Lesik, Kim Lesik, Kim Shubin, Robert Shubin, Robert Fazzari, Jeff Workers Comp Lesik, Kim Lesik, Kim Lupo, Louis Lupo, Louis Lupo, Louis Fazzari, Jeff Goodspeed, Chris Fazzari, Jeff Bernardini, Mario Fazzari, Jeff Shubin, Robert Total 1701 · Workers' Compensation 1706 · Deferred Compensation Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 Check 5/9/2016 General Journal 5/15/2016 General Journal 5/15/2016 General Journal 5/15/2016 General Journal 5/15/2016 General Journal 5/15/2016 General Journal 5/15/2016 Check 5/24/2016 Check 5/24/2016 Check 5/24/2016 Check 5/24/2016 Check 5/24/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 General Journal 5/31/2016 Paid Amount 134.24 230.00 340.00 210.00 8,692.56 460.00 -2,148.28 -2,256.86 3,960.00 529.00 151.63 2,256.86 43.56 3.06 369.70 33.16 280.35 92.50 -2,206.58 1,240.33 3,781.96 1,104.00 786.75 123.57 1,090.90 20.00 88.74 443.58 529.00 127.46 20,573.97 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 807600178 GJ 051516 GJ 051516 GJ 051516 GJ 051516 GJ 051516 GJ 051516 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 807600281 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 GJ 053116 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll 051516 Payroll Medical Stipend - deferred comp Medical Stipend - deferred comp Medical Stipend - deferred comp Education Incentive - deferred co... Education Incentive - deferred co... Education Incentive - deferred co... 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll 053116 Payroll Medical Stipend - deferred comp Medical Stipend - deferred comp Medical Stipend - deferred comp Education Incentive - deferred co... Education Incentive - deferred co... Education Incentive - deferred co... 1,325.00 200.00 1,650.00 525.00 50.00 1,400.00 350.00 2,450.00 96.81 134.95 1,060.67 1,325.00 200.00 1,650.00 600.00 50.00 1,400.00 350.00 2,450.00 96.81 134.95 1,060.67 Page 17 Agenda Page #261 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Date Num Name Source Name Memo Total 1706 · Deferred Compensation Check Check Check Check Check Check 2020 · Cal-OSHA Requirements 5/3/2016 5/12/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 Paid Amount 18,559.86 807600145 807600212 807600255 807600255 807600255 807600255 GRAINGER ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. CREW BOSS CREW BOSS CREW BOSS CREW BOSS GRAINGER ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. CREW BOSS CREW BOSS CREW BOSS CREW BOSS 9042801846, supply Contract#P0... 189337, turnout coat Contract#P0... 0096525, clothing PO#13695 Co... 0096882, clothing Contract#E153... 0096599, clothing PO#13694 Co... 0096661, clothing PO#13694 Co... Total 2020 · Cal-OSHA Requirements 25.62 1,426.78 20,158.26 392.37 25,705.71 206.30 47,915.04 2021 · Clothing Check 5/5/2016 807600174 SONOMA DESIGN APPAREL SONOMA DESIGN APPAREL 46496, Walraven polo Total 2021 · Clothing Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 2024 · First Aid Supplies 5/3/2016 5/5/2016 5/10/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/17/2016 5/17/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 52.94 52.94 807600161 807600169 807600192 807600208 807600215 807600215 807600215 807600215 807600215 807600215 807600215 807600215 807600215 807600215 807600225 807600225 807600225 807600225 807600225 807600225 807600237 807600237 807600264 807600280 807600284 807600284 807600284 807600284 807600306 807600306 807600306 807600306 807600306 807600306 807600315 807600315 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. ARROW INTERNATIONAL, INC. BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC LIFE ASSIST, INC. ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. ARROW INTERNATIONAL, INC. BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC LIFE ASSIST, INC. ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. 2364704, St#61 Contract#P019-1... 748396, supply Contract#P004-F... 748897, supply Contract#P004-F... 93892935, supplies PO#13953 82023083, supplies Contract#P0... 82106955, supplies PO#13685 C... 82110959, supplies Contract#P0... 82112325, supplies Contract#P0... 82124668, supplies Contract#P0... credit 82124668, supplies Contra... 82130119, supplies PO#13957 C... credit 82130119, supplies PO#13... 82131551, supplies PO#13955 C... credit 82131551, supplies PO#13... 745977, supply Contract#P004-F... 749442, supply Contract#P004-F... 749695, supply Contract#P004-F... 749688, supply Contract#P004-F... 749787, supply Contract#P004-F... 749792, supply Contract#P004-F... 82134334, supplies Contract#P0... credit 82134334, supplies Contra... 750562, supply Contract#P004-F... 2373857, St#61 Contract#P019-1... 82139688, supplies Contract#P0... credit 82139688, supplies Contra... 82139687, supplies Contract#P0... credit 82139687, supplies Contra... 82143910, supplies Contract#P0... credit 82143910, supplies Contra... 82145378, supplies Contract#P0... credit 82145378, supplies Contra... 82146760, supplies Contract#P0... credit 82146760, supplies Contra... 751327, supply Contract#P004-F... 751496, supply Contract#P004-F... Total 2024 · First Aid Supplies 353.16 322.07 135.00 1,957.56 382.51 199.50 309.09 393.25 107.98 -3.24 3,125.04 -93.75 1,108.26 -33.25 1,698.77 1,080.12 469.98 341.12 120.40 1,236.04 152.14 -4.56 207.20 214.02 235.60 -7.07 111.84 -3.36 110.00 -3.30 63.50 -1.91 273.23 -8.20 1,351.28 229.29 16,129.31 2025 · Oxygen Check 5/3/2016 807600152 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC MATHESON TRI-GAS INC 13293664, Contract#P009-07011... 9.50 Page 18 Agenda Page #262 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Check Check Date 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 Num 807600152 807600152 Name Source Name MATHESON TRI-GAS INC MATHESON TRI-GAS INC MATHESON TRI-GAS INC MATHESON TRI-GAS INC Memo 13293407, Contract#P009-07011... 13293451, Contract#P009-07011... Total 2025 · Oxygen 2027 · Tool Replacement Check 5/10/2016 Check 5/10/2016 Check 5/10/2016 807600206 807600206 807600206 Maintenance WINZER CORPORATION WINZER CORPORATION WINZER CORPORATION WINZER CORPORATION WINZER CORPORATION 5554909, supply PO#0774 5554970, supply PO#0774 5571686, supply PO#0774 807600174 807600182 4278 807600298 807600329 SONOMA DESIGN APPAREL CROWN TROPHY SILVERMAN, LJ SAFEWAY, INC. CARD SERVICE CENTER SONOMA DESIGN APPAREL CROWN TROPHY SILVERMAN, LJ SAFEWAY, INC. CARD SERVICE CENTER 46496, Metcho polo 23855, palque plates BOD FDAC Over Payment 433533-051416-2828, bod meeting 040916 embassy suites, Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 807600204 VISION INTERNET PROVIDERS, INC. VISION INTERNET PROVIDERS, INC. 32616, web hosting Contract#E05... 807600154 807600198 807600232 807600243 807600285 807600285 807600296 807600304 807600304 807600304 807600304 807600304 807600319 NELSON NELSON SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FITNESS SERVI... NELSON CASCADE HEALTHCARE SERVICES CASCADE HEALTHCARE SERVICES NELSON AEROTEK AEROTEK AEROTEK AEROTEK AEROTEK NELSON NELSON NELSON SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FITNESS SERVIC... NELSON CASCADE HEALTHCARE SERVICES CASCADE HEALTHCARE SERVICES NELSON AEROTEK AEROTEK AEROTEK AEROTEK AEROTEK NELSON 6114541, Demartino 041016 Con... 6115843, Demartino 041716 Con... 20236, St#64 service Contract#E... 6116943, Demartino 042416 Con... T29243, Apr2016 EMS edu servic... T29246, Apr2016 CQI services C... 6117830, Demartino 050116 Con... OP06378676, Erwin 043016 Cont... OP06378676, Gaytan 040216 Co... OP06378676, Simpson 040216-0... OP06378676, Torres 040216-043... OP06378676, Zuniga 040216-04... 6118696, Demartino 050816 Con... Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 1,160.00 1,160.00 192.50 1,160.00 4,750.00 4,750.00 1,160.00 1,220.00 434.72 1,827.00 5,083.41 4,893.75 1,160.00 28,951.38 807600268 807600268 NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL 1415613, AED/CPR WB Certs P... 1417011, AED/CPR Kits PO#0796 Total 2038 · CPR Materials 2039 · Schools and Seminars 5/19/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 268.00 268.00 Total 2034 · Outside Assistance 2038 · CPR Materials Check 5/19/2016 Check 5/19/2016 57.60 35.73 -172.87 12.17 614.66 547.29 Total 2029 · Advertising 2034 · Outside Assistance 5/3/2016 5/10/2016 5/12/2016 5/17/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 1,662.52 1,025.12 128.58 2,816.22 Total 2028 · Board Expense 2029 · Advertising Check 5/10/2016 80.75 47.50 137.75 Total 2027 · Tool Replacement 2028 · Board Expense Check 5/5/2016 Check 5/10/2016 Sales Receipt 5/11/2016 Check 5/24/2016 Check 5/26/2016 Paid Amount 2,481.39 521.84 3,003.23 807600274 807600312 807600321 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 SONOMA FIRE TRAINING OFFICERS ASS... JESSELL, LORI employee NATIONAL CODE SERVICES ASSOCIATI... CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER SONOMA FIRE TRAINING OFFICERS ASSOC JESSELL, LORI employee NATIONAL CODE SERVICES ASSOCIATION... CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER 051916, RIO Adam Brolan class/t... 052616, meal for CA fire code class 052616, CA fire code cert test L.... 041916 priceline rental, FDIC con... 041916 hmshost div, FDIC confer... 042116 pan am plaza, FDIC conf... 042016 waffle house, FDIC confe... 042116 FDIC/fire engineer, FDIC ... 042116 FDIC/fire engineer, FDIC ... 042116 FDIC/fire engineer, FDIC ... 042216 steak n shakes, FDIC co... 042216 towne park, FDIC confere... 170.00 13.85 300.00 191.17 55.00 24.00 38.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 28.00 30.00 Page 19 Agenda Page #263 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Date 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 Num 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 Name Source Name CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER Memo 042316 alamo rent a car, FDIC co... 042316 avis rent a car, FDIC conf... 042316 shell, FDIC conference fuel 042316 hyatt place, FDIC confere... 050916 hsassociate, Fire mgmt 2... 041916 IAFC, FRI conference 050916 SRJC registration 042116 yolk, 042216 marriott jw, 042316 sir vezas taco, 042316 yolk, 042316 laz pkg, 050516 southwest, S223 class 050516 southwest, S223 class Total 2039 · Schools and Seminars Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 2040 · Training Aids and Materials 5/3/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/17/2016 5/17/2016 5/19/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/3/2016 5/24/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 807600145 807600221 807600229 807600240 807600244 807600269 807600303 807600314 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 GRAINGER DIGITAL COMBUSTION, INC. NOVATO BUILDERS SUPPLY GOLDEN STATE LUMBER NOVATO BUILDERS SUPPLY PACHECO, NOLE ALL STAR RENTS L. N. CURTIS & SONS CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER GRAINGER DIGITAL COMBUSTION, INC. NOVATO BUILDERS SUPPLY GOLDEN STATE LUMBER NOVATO BUILDERS SUPPLY PACHECO, NOLE ALL STAR RENTS L. N. CURTIS & SONS CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER 9052438836, supply Contract#P0... 1252, upgrade FS6-IN & FS6-PL ... 1604-141152, vent prop 922380, St#62 project PO#0777 1604-146204, St#62 051916, St#62 project reimb 595262-4, brush chipper INV25443, extinguisher 041116 belli deli, St#62 project m... 041416 bff transportation, forklift ... 042016 erigging, St#62 safety rails 042816 erigging, St#62 safety rails 4262 807600298 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 Check Check Check Check Check 43.08 875.00 21.25 4,205.79 12.82 71.79 436.56 296.89 34.62 204.00 464.74 596.09 7,262.63 MARIN COUNTY FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC SAFEWAY, INC. CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER MARIN COUNTY FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC SAFEWAY, INC. CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER District cc MCFCA Reimb. Paner... 439507-042616-0979, ops meeting 042716 moylans, staff meeting 041416 boca pizzeria, succession... 041416 marbins breakfast, fire di... 042016 village pizzeria, dist admi... 042116 panera bread, MCFCA m... 050716 panera bread, pacheco v... 042516 play it again sports - FR... 042716 play it again sports 050416 belli deli, EOC training m... 041316 moylans, mtg Brolan,Pet... 041916 hopmonk, ems mtg Peter... 042616 boca pizzeria, ems mtg C... 050316 hopmonk, ems mtg Hein... 042116 extreme pizza, budget m... Total 2041 · Food 2049 · Conferences & Meetings 5/3/2016 5/19/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 384.09 78.15 19.06 1,396.98 395.00 1,250.00 52.00 54.77 40.00 53.27 53.23 80.00 30.00 467.96 5,429.53 Total 2040 · Training Aids and Materials 2041 · Food Sales Receipt Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Paid Amount -68.29 25.91 135.20 57.48 38.27 115.22 68.29 137.20 423.83 1,685.61 34.00 84.00 35.00 129.00 97.53 129.06 3,127.31 807600155 807600271 807600329 807600329 807600329 NORCAL FPO'S PALLAS, LAUREN CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER NORCAL FPO'S PALLAS, LAUREN CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER 1600001054, FPO meeting L.Jes... 050416, AFSS conf reimb 040916 embassy suites, FDAC c... 040916 embassy suites, FDAC c... 040916 embassy suites, CA SP d... 30.00 104.64 614.66 614.66 637.52 Page 20 Agenda Page #264 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Date 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 Num 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 Name Source Name CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER Memo 040916 embassy suites, FDAC c... 042016 united, EFO syposium 042016 united, EFO syposium 042016 united, EFO syposium 042116 lucas oil stadium, FDIC c... 041116 conference, CFED conf e... 041116 fire districts, FDAC annua... 041216 hopmonk, ems mtg Konik... 042516 novato recreation, pache... 042916 resort at squaw creek, Total 2049 · Conferences & Meetings 2050 · Equipment Testing Check 5/10/2016 807600188 Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 614.66 478.20 113.00 100.00 15.00 1,000.00 320.00 60.50 161.50 324.43 5,188.77 DCS TESTING & EQUIPMENT, INC. DCS TESTING & EQUIPMENT, INC. 15445, fire hose testing Contract#... Total 2050 · Equipment Testing 2087 · Parts & Outside Labor 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/5/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 Paid Amount 11,156.42 11,156.42 807600143 807600144 807600144 807600144 807600146 807600148 807600148 807600153 807600168 807600191 807600199 807600199 807600199 807600199 807600199 807600199 807600214 807600223 807600227 807600227 807600228 807600230 807600230 807600247 807600259 807600272 807600279 807600282 807600282 807600293 807600293 807600294 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 ABLE TIRE & BRAKE INC CAPITOL CLUTCH & BRAKE, INC CAPITOL CLUTCH & BRAKE, INC CAPITOL CLUTCH & BRAKE, INC INTERSTATE BATTERY LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. NORTH COAST TRUCK INSPECTIONS Maintenance LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS BLAKES AUTO BODY NORTH, INC. Maintenance NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS ABLE TIRE & BRAKE INC Maintenance PETERSON TRUCKS, INC. Maintenance Maintenance PETERSON TRUCKS, INC. Maintenance ABLE TIRE & BRAKE INC ABLE TIRE & BRAKE INC LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. MARIN COUNTY FORD CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER ABLE TIRE & BRAKE INC CAPITOL CLUTCH & BRAKE, INC CAPITOL CLUTCH & BRAKE, INC CAPITOL CLUTCH & BRAKE, INC INTERSTATE BATTERY LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. NORTH COAST TRUCK INSPECTIONS KUSSMAUL ELECTRONICS CO., INC. LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS BLAKES AUTO BODY NORTH, INC. HI-TECH E.V.S. INC. NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS ABLE TIRE & BRAKE INC PETERSON TRUCKS, INC. PETERSON TRUCKS, INC. APACHE SIGNS HI-TECH E.V.S. INC. PETERSON TRUCKS, INC. WATTCO ABLE TIRE & BRAKE INC ABLE TIRE & BRAKE INC LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. MARIN COUNTY FORD CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER 561336, unit#2 Contract#P015-05... 1402225, unit#18 1404054, unit#40 1404055, unit#3 310022763, batteries/cores unit#40 0071117, unit#30 0071139, unit#36 5592, all units smoke test PO#0657 75086, unit#21 0071174, unit#12 850361, unit#7 851055, unit#38 851975, unit#2 852004, unit#11 852007, unit#11 852413, unit#39 53724, unit#26 153425, unit#20 Contract#R018-0... 849114, unit#25 851797, unit#25 561367, unit#20 Contract#P015-0... 256244P, unit#40 Contract#E122... 256599P, unit#40 Contract#E122... 050316, Unit#16 153498, unit#20 Contract#R018-0... 214649, unit#18 Contract#E122-0... 45430, unit#40 561638, unit#20 Contract#P015-0... 561756, unit#17 Contract#P015-0... 0071150, unit#29 0071309, unit#25 FOW25453, unit#17 042316 oreilly auto, anchor point ... 042616 extreme pizza, cad install... 042616 pini hardware, antenna m... 041516 novato lock, St#61 040916 mcclellan hospitality, - ... 040916 mcclellan hospitality, 042216 snap on industrial 1,110.74 -87.20 270.35 441.45 350.96 83.43 58.99 845.00 419.25 69.50 38.63 4.34 77.28 38.85 2.23 22.77 271.31 36.78 68.41 29.33 305.75 1,053.62 322.05 636.56 534.23 6,461.02 24.72 40.50 1,092.18 43.81 44.09 346.83 65.23 94.99 39.08 17.99 541.75 541.75 234.08 Page 21 Agenda Page #265 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Check Date 5/26/2016 Num 807600329 Name Source Name CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER Memo 050916 chevron Total 2087 · Parts & Outside Labor Check Check Check Check 2121 · Vegetation Mgmt 5/10/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 Check Check Check Check 807600181 807600307 807600307 807600307 BIG CAT ADVERTISING BIG CAT ADVERTISING BIG CAT ADVERTISING BIG CAT ADVERTISING BIG CAT ADVERTISING BIG CAT ADVERTISING BIG CAT ADVERTISING BIG CAT ADVERTISING 4688, WUI postcards Contract#I0... 4738, April2016 consulting Contr... 4738, April2016 WUI post cards r... 4738, April2016 WUI cards graphi... Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 807600205 807600256 807600301 807600329 VANZEBO LASER, LLC DELL BUSINESS CREDIT VANZEBO LASER, LLC CARD SERVICE CENTER VANZEBO LASER, LLC DELL BUSINESS CREDIT VANZEBO LASER, LLC CARD SERVICE CENTER 94329, toner Contract#I073-012215 981027168, memory module 94411, toner Contract#I073-012215 041616 factoryoutletstore, returne... 807600176 807600193 807600241 807600241 807600324 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 2268 · Special Fire Equipment & Suppl 5/3/2016 807600145 5/3/2016 807600145 5/3/2016 807600150 5/26/2016 807600329 5/26/2016 807600329 TRITECH EMERGENCY MEDICAL SYSTE... MARIN IT, INC KRONOS INCORPORATED KRONOS INCORPORATED TRITECH EMERGENCY MEDICAL SYSTE... CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER TRITECH EMERGENCY MEDICAL SYSTEM... MARIN IT, INC KRONOS INCORPORATED KRONOS INCORPORATED TRITECH EMERGENCY MEDICAL SYSTEM... CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER INV051060, respond billing custo... 2016-14810, Cisco smartnet ann... 11049537, service Contract#E12... 11051149, service Contract#E12... INV051161, NEMSIS import - imp... 041116 logmein, ems billing softw... 041116 hilgrave, hyper terminal e... 050716 microsoft onedrive, D.Ho... 050816 microsift office, data stora... 041516 tri tech software, Contract... 2273 · Employee Service & Recognition Check 5/10/2016 807600182 Check 5/26/2016 807600329 GRAINGER GRAINGER MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES, INC. CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER GRAINGER GRAINGER MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES, INC. CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER 9074618310, supply Contract#P0... 9052438836, supply Contract#P0... IN1019373, battery door latch scr... 042916 vortex optics, binoculars ... 050216 amazon, helmet parts 807600142 807600142 807600142 807600142 807600142 807600142 807600147 807600170 807600194 807600202 807600210 807600218 84.76 7.21 2.28 3,515.40 29.90 3,639.55 CROWN TROPHY CARD SERVICE CENTER CROWN TROPHY CARD SERVICE CENTER 23855, palque plates 050216 toast, admin day Heine,B... Total 2273 · Employee Service & Recognition Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 300.00 3,883.00 215.00 1,973.25 500.00 99.00 64.99 3.99 9.99 1,770.00 8,819.22 Total 2268 · Special Fire Equipment & Suppl 2398 · Facilities Repair 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/5/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 958.87 167.46 185.25 -152.95 1,158.63 Total 2151 · Computer System Software Check Check Check Check Check 2,653.14 500.00 3,059.47 125.00 6,337.61 Total 2141 · Computer Supplies 2151 · Computer System Software 5/5/2016 5/10/2016 5/17/2016 5/17/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 40.00 16,632.63 Total 2121 · Vegetation Mgmt 2141 · Computer Supplies 5/10/2016 5/19/2016 5/24/2016 5/26/2016 Paid Amount 258.71 360.58 619.29 ATCO ATCO ATCO ATCO ATCO ATCO IES, INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MARIN PLUMBING MARIN PLUMBING THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR ALHAMBRA & SIERRA SPRINGS CINTAS ATCO ATCO ATCO ATCO ATCO ATCO IES, INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MARIN PLUMBING MARIN PLUMBING THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR ALHAMBRA & SIERRA SPRINGS CINTAS 130184, Admin Contract#I054-04... 130185, St#61 Contract#I054-042... 130186, St#62 Contract#I054-042... 130187, St#63 Contract#I054-042... 130188, St#64 Contract#I054-042... 130189, St#65 Contract#I054-042... PM17541, maintenance service C... 8334, urinal clog Contract#I061-0... 8338, leak repair Contract#I061-0... 3002513860, 050116-073116 ser... 10741750050116, Contract#E012... 1, 040116-043016 Contract#P017... 110.00 75.00 75.00 80.00 65.00 75.00 2,386.75 613.31 597.00 913.24 243.39 140.00 Page 22 Agenda Page #266 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Date 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/24/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 Num 807600224 807600226 807600248 807600254 807600254 807600254 807600254 807600254 807600291 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 Name Source Name JDL ELECTRIC MARIN BUILDING MAINTENANCE, INC. AVANTGUARD LOCKSMITH CAGWIN & DORWARD CAGWIN & DORWARD CAGWIN & DORWARD CAGWIN & DORWARD CAGWIN & DORWARD CAGWIN & DORWARD CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER JDL ELECTRIC MARIN BUILDING MAINTENANCE, INC. AVANTGUARD LOCKSMITH CAGWIN & DORWARD CAGWIN & DORWARD CAGWIN & DORWARD CAGWIN & DORWARD CAGWIN & DORWARD CAGWIN & DORWARD CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER Memo 2, 042516, St#65 5025, April2016 service Contract... 5954, station door locks Contract... 550710, Admin Maintenance Con... 550345, St#61 Maintenance Cont... 550346, St#62 Maintenance Cont... 550339, St#63 Maintenance Cont... 550342, St#65 Maintenance Cont... 550343, St#64 maintenance Cont... 040916 amazon, highway sign loc... 050216 pini hardware, St#61 repa... 050716 pini hardware, St#61 elec... 041816 pini hardware, gfci - BOW... 050216 amazon, timer 050416 home depot, St#63 Total 2398 · Facilities Repair Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 2399 · Station Supplies 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 Paid Amount 100.00 420.00 2,880.00 431.00 441.00 463.00 363.00 336.00 364.00 86.80 127.21 64.65 18.48 68.00 118.10 11,654.93 807600145 807600145 807600145 807600145 807600145 807600158 807600258 807600258 807600299 807600299 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE GRAINGER GRAINGER STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE GRAINGER GRAINGER STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER 9052438836, supply Contract#P0... 9059993346, credit Contract#P01... 9065708126, supply Contract#P0... 9066070948, supply Contract#P0... 9068273755, supply Contract#P0... 3296446949, Contract#111010 9085132307, supply Contract#P0... 9087166840, supply Contract#P0... 8039157486, 3301747914 Contra... 8039157486, 3301747915 Contra... 050716 pini hardware, St#64 U5 r... 041816 amazon, St#64 supplies ... 050216 amazon, potholder 050216 amazon, amp volt connec... 051116 costco, St#65 supplies 041916 battery brokers, - BLACK Total 2399 · Station Supplies 188.45 -7.52 2.02 19.29 194.31 94.46 11.85 60.29 209.46 68.66 17.68 36.78 10.06 28.58 455.40 642.26 2,032.03 2400 · Hydrants Check Check 5/3/2016 5/12/2016 807600145 807600222 Maintenance DECKMASTERS GRAINGER DECKMASTERS 9035917914, credit Contract#P01... 050416, annual hydrant maint Co... Total 2400 · Hydrants 2401 · Memberships Check 5/26/2016 2,765.71 807600329 CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER 041916 intl assoc of fire, IAFC m... Total 2401 · Memberships 2406 · Payroll Service Charge Check 5/5/2016 Check 5/5/2016 General Journal 5/10/2016 Check 5/11/2016 Check 5/24/2016 279.00 279.00 807600162 807600162 GJ 051016 Debit 807600283 ADP ADP WestAmerica Bank BANK OF MARIN ADP ADP ADP WestAmerica Bank BANK OF MARIN ADP 472161826, Contract#E020-070114 472159117, Contract#E020-070114 Bank Charge 473646776, Contract#E020-070114 Total 2406 · Payroll Service Charge 2407 · Office Supplies Check 5/3/2016 Check 5/3/2016 -350.29 3,116.00 170.47 1,058.38 7.00 195.51 1,237.50 2,668.86 807600149 807600158 Lease Payment STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE MAILFINANCE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE N5885848, Contract#E043-070114 3296446942, Contract#P002-010... 96.12 5.22 Page 23 Agenda Page #267 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Date 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/26/2016 Num 807600158 807600158 807600158 807600158 807600173 807600175 807600182 807600183 807600201 807600201 807600201 807600203 807600249 807600270 807600275 807600278 807600299 807600299 807600318 Name Source Name STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE SURE SHRED CROWN TROPHY COSTCO WHOLESALE 2 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE UNITED PARCEL SERVICE A and P MOVING, INC. NEOPOST USA INC. STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE UNITED PARCEL SERVICE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE Lease Payment STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE SURE SHRED CROWN TROPHY COSTCO WHOLESALE 2 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE UNITED PARCEL SERVICE A and P MOVING, INC. NEOPOST USA INC. STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE UNITED PARCEL SERVICE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE MAILFINANCE Memo 3296446943, Contract#P002-010... 3296446946, Contract#P002-010... 3296446947, Contract#P002-010... 3296446948, Contract#P002-010... 3299376490, Contract#P002-010... 305407, certificate destruction 23855, palque plates Commissio... 031324, 041716 coffee 8038946670, 3299979814 Contra... 8038946670, 3299979815 Contra... 8038946670, 3299979816 Contra... 0000X68602186, Contract#E141-... 4045623, storage Contract#E001-... 14865588, ink - tape PO#0897 8039039393, 3300605598 Contra... 0000X68602206, Contract#E141-... 8039157486, 3301747912 Contra... 8039157486, 7155496874 Contra... N5932207, Contract#E043-070114 Total 2407 · Office Supplies Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 2501 · Gas, Oil & Grease Vehicles 5/10/2016 5/12/2016 5/19/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 807600199 807600233 807600253 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 NAPA AUTO PARTS SC FUELS WALRAVEN, COLLEEN EE CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER NAPA AUTO PARTS SC FUELS WALRAVEN, COLLEEN EE CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER 849460, unit#1 050516, April2016 Contract#B00... 051716, travel reimb for Disaster ... 041516 shell, C61 fuel - BROLAN 050316 shell, C61 fuel 041916 safeway fuel, unit#32 fuel 050116 microbilt corp, 042716 petco, - TAUL 042916 pini hardware, 042916 belli delli, 050116 chevron, 041316 fastrak, toll fees 807600196 807600266 MARIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE MARIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE MARIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE MARIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 16241, dispatch services Jan16-... 16241, dispatch services Apr16-J... 89,075.25 89,075.25 178,150.50 2537 · Radio & MDC Maintenance Check 5/10/2016 807600197 Check 5/19/2016 807600265 Check 5/24/2016 807600286 MARIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE MARIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE MARIN COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR MARIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE MARIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE MARIN COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR 16256, mobile data comp maint J... 16256, mobile data comp maint A... 050916, April 2016 radio shop sv... Total 2537 · Radio & MDC Maintenance Check Check Check Check Check 2.44 6,172.87 7.02 53.70 40.00 45.76 138.60 108.98 46.74 10.72 31.63 55.00 6,713.46 Total 2528 · Central Dispatch 2713 · Legal Fees 5/3/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/26/2016 114.42 389.03 78.47 14.05 22.65 160.00 48.71 92.94 129.37 66.14 35.88 128.13 36.75 506.78 195.25 70.09 33.07 369.64 96.12 2,688.83 Total 2501 · Gas, Oil & Grease Vehicles 2528 · Central Dispatch Check 5/10/2016 Check 5/19/2016 Paid Amount 807600157 807600292 807600292 807600292 807600323 7,225.50 7,225.50 333.98 14,784.98 RILEY F. HURD III LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE RILEY F. HURD III RILEY F. HURD III LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE RILEY F. HURD III Total 2713 · Legal Fees 13061, Mar2016 service Contract... 1420653, 043016 services Contra... 1420654, 043016 services Contra... 1420655, 043016 services Contra... 13099, April2016 service Contrac... 11,265.00 100.00 2,135.68 2,227.60 7,930.00 23,658.28 2717 · Audit & Accounting Fees Page 24 Agenda Page #268 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Check General Journal Date 5/3/2016 5/13/2016 Num 807600151 GJ 051316 Name Source Name MAZE & ASSOCIATES WestAmerica Bank MAZE & ASSOCIATES WestAmerica Bank Memo 18864, internal control report Con... Analysis Charge Total 2717 · Audit & Accounting Fees Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 2718 · Consulting Fees 5/5/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 807600165 807600187 807600187 807600187 807600189 807600217 807600220 Paid Amount 7,200.00 681.49 7,881.49 DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC EMERGENCY REPORTING BIG CAT ADVERTISING DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC EMERGENCY REPORTING BIG CAT ADVERTISING DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC 2016-01-14A, west states fire prot... 2016-2-07R2, certified fire Contra... 2016-01-01A, marin comm clinic ... 2016-2-06R1, todd morris fire prot... 2016-2033, data import 4682, March2016 consulting Cont... 2016-01-01B, westside mechanic... Total 2718 · Consulting Fees 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 200.00 500.00 100.00 1,400.00 2731 · Water Check Check Check Check 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/24/2016 5/26/2016 807600171 807600171 807600297 807600320 NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. 042116, Accnt#1708501 Contract... 042116, Accnt#1708601 Contract... 051016, Accnt#1839301 Contract... 051216, Accnt#1833202 Contract... Total 2731 · Water Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 2732 · Electricity 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/12/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 246.49 54.00 28.00 253.08 581.57 807600156 807600156 807600156 807600156 807600200 807600200 807600200 807600200 807600231 807600316 807600317 807600325 PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E MC CARTHY, GERALD JR MENZEL, DMITRI employee VELIQUETTE, JEFF PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E MC CARTHY, GERALD JR MENZEL, DMITRI employee VELIQUETTE, JEFF 042616, Accnt#2375449117-5 Co... 042616, Accnt#6093478999-5 Co... 042616, Accnt#2886168221-0 Co... 042716, Accnt#8167658955-9 Co... 042916, Accnt#2844501557-2 Co... 042916, Accnt#8783705711-3 Co... 042916, Accnt#2333782453-8 Co... 050216, Accnt#8209325619-4 Co... 050416, Accnt#0554263785-4 Co... May2016 PG&E stipend May2016 PG&E stipend May2016 PG&E stipend Total 2732 · Electricity 107.69 80.33 183.34 69.76 1,669.42 2,536.23 1,338.69 402.70 1,141.08 37.40 37.40 37.40 7,641.44 2736 · Garbage Check Check Check Check Check Check 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 807600267 807600267 807600267 807600267 807600267 807600267 NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC 1897282, Admin Contract#E039-... 1903331, St#61 Contract#E039-1... 1903335, St#62 Contract#E039-1... 1903333, St#63 Contract#E039-1... 1903332, St#64 Contract#E039-1... 1903334, St#65 Contract#E039-1... Total 2736 · Garbage Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 2738 · Telephone System 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 201.50 251.87 251.87 251.87 306.39 251.87 1,515.37 807600141 807600141 807600141 807600141 807600141 807600141 807600141 807600141 807600141 807600141 AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET 000007905379, Accnt#93910197... 000007905382, Accnt#93910197... 000007905374, Accnt#93910197... 000007905383, Accnt#93910197... 000007905375, Accnt#93910197... 000007905376, Accnt#93910197... 000007905377, Accnt#93910197... 000007905378, Accnt#93910197... 000007905380, Accnt#93910197... 000007905381, Accnt#93910197... 36.53 17.41 54.04 17.57 35.74 216.11 34.89 34.83 36.71 156.95 Page 25 Agenda Page #269 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Date 5/3/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/10/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/17/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 Num 807600159 807600163 807600164 807600167 807600179 807600179 807600180 807600209 807600213 807600234 807600235 807600235 807600238 807600250 807600250 807600251 807600252 807600276 807600277 807600305 807600309 807600310 807600322 807600326 807600327 807600328 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 807600329 Name Source Name VERIZON WIRELESS AMERICAN MESSAGING SERVICES, LLC COMCAST FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T MOBILITY AT&T AT&T CALNET VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS COMCAST AT&T AT&T COUNTY OF MARIN - MARIN.ORG COMCAST VERIZON WIRELESS VISTA BROADBAND NETWORKS, INC AT&T MOBILITY COMCAST COMCAST RACKSPACE US INC. VCOM SOLUTIONS, INC. VERIZON BUSINESS VISTA BROADBAND NETWORKS, INC CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER VERIZON WIRELESS AMERICAN MESSAGING SERVICES, LLC COMCAST FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T MOBILITY AT&T AT&T CALNET VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS COMCAST AT&T AT&T COUNTY OF MARIN - MARIN.ORG COMCAST VERIZON WIRELESS VISTA BROADBAND NETWORKS, INC AT&T MOBILITY COMCAST COMCAST RACKSPACE US INC. VCOM SOLUTIONS, INC. VERIZON BUSINESS VISTA BROADBAND NETWORKS, INC CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER Memo 9763933688, Accnt#270651397-0... W41096068QE, May2016 service... 042316, Accnt#81553001302690... 041916, Accnt#20918822400317... 000007947292, Accnt#93910207... 000007954199, Accnt#93910197... 991004252X05042016, Accnt#99... 050116, Accnt#24813426905632 ... 000007688671, Accnt#41589213... 9764526003, Accnt#3083867340... 9764584350, Accnt#2420102630... 9764370294, Accnt#9717448970... 050516, Accnt#81553001302649... 050116, Accnt#23434173600390 ... 051016, Accnt#41588420723541 ... 107400004/30/16, optical etherne... 050916, Accnt#81553001305528... 9764803343, Accnt#442079777-0... 101346, Contract#E007-060113R1 287245779341X05172016, Accnt... 051616, Accnt#81553001302685... 051716, Accnt#81553001400317... 4178990, service Contract#E016-... CORP00081520160512, service ... 00454091, Contract#E151-042716 101662, cancellation payment Co... 040916 satellite phones direct, M... 050516 toll free conference, nfd c... 050616 toll free conference, nfd c... 050916 toll free conference, nfd c... 051016 toll free conference, nfd c... 040916-050416 toll free conferen... Total 2738 · Telephone System 3301 · Debt Service - Principal Check 5/3/2016 Check 5/12/2016 807600160 807600216 WestAmerica Bank BANK OF MARIN WestAmerica Bank BANK OF MARIN 042516, 526-01152 principal Cont... 042916, principal Contract#E003-... 4048 · Building Facilities 5/26/2016 807600160 807600216 WestAmerica Bank BANK OF MARIN WestAmerica Bank BANK OF MARIN 042516, 526-01152 interest Contr... 042916, interest Contract#E003-0... 13,654.08 3,626.54 17,280.62 807600313 Station 64 KITCHELL/CEM, INC. 66470, 032816-042416 St#64 Co... Total 4048 · Building Facilities 3,700.00 3,700.00 4815 · Fire Suppression Equipment Check 5/26/2016 807600329 Check 5/26/2016 807600329 CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER 041716 huskyliners, F250 floor m... 051016 lifecore fitness, rowing m... Total 4815 · Fire Suppression Equipment 4818 · Exercise Equipment Check 5/26/2016 153,971.18 16,803.53 170,774.71 Total 3302 · Debt Service - Interest Check 54.20 195.17 106.16 140.26 102.30 35.88 2,752.02 23.51 630.21 1,647.08 65.26 84.16 201.98 128.73 114.92 2,285.00 141.16 294.56 259.95 1,155.71 142.51 106.12 1,221.00 7,378.54 4.90 1,395.06 147.84 1.77 0.85 1.99 2.06 375.29 21,836.93 Total 3301 · Debt Service - Principal 3302 · Debt Service - Interest Check 5/3/2016 Check 5/12/2016 Paid Amount 807600329 580.34 1,770.20 2,350.54 CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER 050916 amazon, exercise ball 32.78 Page 26 Agenda Page #270 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail May 2016 Type Date Num Name Source Name Memo Total 4818 · Exercise Equipment 4834 · Communication & Computer Equip Check 5/10/2016 807600184 Check 5/24/2016 807600287 Paid Amount 32.78 CDCE, INC. CDCE, INC. CDCE, INC. CDCE, INC. Total 4834 · Communication & Computer Equip 130745, antennas PO#0795 Cont... 107957, MDC components PO#0... 4,101.30 118,217.57 122,318.87 Total Expense 3,284,257.27 Net Ordinary Income -2,978,790.19 Net Income -2,978,790.19 Page 27 Agenda Page #271 Agenda Page #272 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Date Ordinary Income/Expense Income 9001 · Current Secured Deposit 6/15/2016 Num JA5101-002 Name Source Name 105250 0 LEVY Memo Deposit Total 9001 · Current Secured 9007 · Special Assessment Deposit 6/15/2016 JA5101-009 105250 3 LEVY Deposit 105250 0 LEVY Deposit Total 9041 · Supplemental Assessment Current 9043 · Supplemental Assessment Redemp. Deposit 6/14/2016 JA5105-013 Deposit 6/14/2016 JA5105-021 Deposit 6/14/2016 JA5105-025 JA5092-001 JA5093-001 JA5097-001 105250 0 LEVY 105250 0 % DLNQ PNLTY 105250 0 % ADD PNLTY Deposit Deposit Deposit HAMILTON RDA PASS THROUGH HAMILTON RDA PASS THROUGH RESIDUAL ABX126 RDA ROPS 16-17A ROPS 16-17A Residual ABX126 72,501.20 8,102.65 83,413.15 164,017.00 9047 · Novato Downtown Redevelopment Deposit 6/1/2016 JA5095-001 Deposit 6/1/2016 JA5096-001 Deposit 6/1/2016 JA5098-001 Deposit 6/1/2016 JA5099-001 NOVATO DOWNTOWN RDA PASS THRO... NOVATO DOWNTOWN RDA PASS THRO... RESIDUAL ABX126 RDA RESIDUAL ABX126 RDA ROPS 16-17A ROPS 16-17A Residual ABX126 Residual ABX126 Vintage Oaks Total 9047 · Novato Downtown Redevelopment GJ 063016 37,882.18 12,693.83 45,932.17 24,482.43 120,990.61 WestAmerica Bank WestAmerica Bank WestAmerica Bank CALIFORNIA BANK OF COMMERCE D.L. FALK CONSTRUCTION INC. D.L. FALK CONSTRUCTION INC. Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Interest withdrawal escrow retention Total 9201 · Interest 6.07 0.38 4.78 46.10 -46.10 11.23 4315 NOVATO TOYOTA NOVATO TOYOTA Parking lot rent - June Total 9250 · Parking Lot Rent 2,500.00 2,500.00 9280 · State Homeowners Prop Tax Reduc Deposit 6/3/2016 JA5100-002 Deposit 6/3/2016 JA5100-006 Deposit 6/3/2016 JA5100-012 Deposit 6/3/2016 JA5100-017 Deposit 6/3/2016 JA5100-026 105250 0 LEVY 105250 0 LEVY 105250 0 LEVY 105250 0 LEVY 105250 0 LEVY Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Total 9280 · State Homeowners Prop Tax Reduc 9576 · CPR Class Fees Sales Receipt 6/1/2016 Sales Receipt 6/10/2016 221.04 23.28 48.30 292.62 Total 9045 · Novato Hamilton RDA 9250 · Parking Lot Rent Sales Receipt 6/6/2016 23,538.53 23,538.53 Total 9043 · Supplemental Assessment Redemp. 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 216,960.50 216,960.50 9041 · Supplemental Assessment Current Deposit 6/13/2016 JA5104-002 9201 · Interest Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit General Journal 649,016.32 649,016.32 Total 9007 · Special Assessment 9045 · Novato Hamilton RDA Deposit 6/1/2016 Deposit 6/1/2016 Deposit 6/1/2016 Paid Amount 4310 4326 0.03 13.36 120.92 12,871.12 43.56 13,048.99 HODGE, HENRY ALVES, ROBERTA HODGE, HENRY ALVES, ROBERTA CPR Fees CPR fees 15.00 15.00 Page 1 Agenda Page #273 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Sales Receipt Sales Receipt Sales Receipt Sales Receipt Sales Receipt Sales Receipt Sales Receipt Sales Receipt Sales Receipt Sales Receipt Date 6/10/2016 6/10/2016 6/10/2016 6/15/2016 6/16/2016 6/20/2016 6/20/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Num 4327 4328 4329 4338 4332 4340 4344 4365 4368 4370 Name Source Name STASSEVITCH, DEBORAH FEDOROFF, ANDREW MORRIS, ALISON CENICEROS,JASMIN KRUEGER, ERIN HEPSLEY, CAROL CORTES, PATRICIA WHITAKER, RONIE MCPHERSON, FRANKIE DELORIA, PAUL STASSEVITCH, DEBORAH FEDOROFF, ANDREW MORRIS, ALISON CENICEROS,JASMIN KRUEGER, ERIN HEPSLEY, CAROL CORTES, PATRICIA WHITAKER, RONIE MCPHERSON, FRANKIE DELORIA, PAUL Memo CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees CPR fees Total 9576 · CPR Class Fees 9925 · GEMT Revenue Sales Receipt 6/16/2016 Paid Amount 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 45.00 30.00 225.00 4337 STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA GEMT REVENUE NOVATO Total 9925 · GEMT Revenue 9931 · Outside Agency Amb Bill Serv Invoice 6/2/2016 656 Invoice 6/6/2016 659 Invoice 6/6/2016 660 Invoice 6/6/2016 662 Invoice 6/10/2016 669 Invoice 6/10/2016 669 Invoice 6/16/2016 663 Invoice 6/22/2016 666 Invoice 6/27/2016 664 Invoice 6/27/2016 668 Invoice 6/30/2016 672 Invoice 6/30/2016 672 65,227.43 Sanger Fire Department CITY OF KINGSBURG ALBANY FIRE DEPARTMENT EBBETTS PASS FIRE DISTRICT CORTE MADERA FIRE DEPT. CORTE MADERA FIRE DEPT. SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO FIRE DEPT CITY OF KINGSBURG CITY OF COALINGA - FIRE DEPARTMENT SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO FIRE DEPT CORTE MADERA FIRE DEPT. CORTE MADERA FIRE DEPT. Sanger Fire Department CITY OF KINGSBURG ALBANY FIRE DEPARTMENT EBBETTS PASS FIRE DISTRICT CORTE MADERA FIRE DEPT. CORTE MADERA FIRE DEPT. SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO FIRE DEPT CITY OF KINGSBURG CITY OF COALINGA - FIRE DEPARTMENT SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO FIRE DEPT CORTE MADERA FIRE DEPT. CORTE MADERA FIRE DEPT. 3,030.71 2,875.67 2,939.99 738.00 2,318.23 100.00 5,976.00 2,111.76 6,863.75 6,642.00 3,591.97 100.00 Total 9931 · Outside Agency Amb Bill Serv 9932 · Novato Ambulance Service Fees Deposit 6/1/2016 Deposit 6/2/2016 Sales Receipt 6/3/2016 4316 Deposit 6/3/2016 Deposit 6/6/2016 Sales Receipt 6/7/2016 4324 Deposit 6/7/2016 Deposit 6/7/2016 Sales Receipt 6/8/2016 4323 Check 6/9/2016 807600390 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/10/2016 General Journal 6/13/2016 GJ 061316 Deposit 6/13/2016 Sales Receipt 6/16/2016 4364 Deposit 6/16/2016 Deposit 6/17/2016 Sales Receipt 6/20/2016 4345 Sales Receipt 6/20/2016 4346 Deposit 6/20/2016 Check 6/21/2016 807600417 Check 6/21/2016 807600426 Deposit 6/21/2016 Deposit 6/21/2016 65,227.43 37,288.08 DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX CHAVEZ, SAMUEL DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX HERNANDEZ, MISAEL DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX CARDOZA, MARIA RESOLVE INSURANCE SYSTEMS DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX KAISER DEPOSIT LOCKBOX LOUBRIEL, REMY DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX BURNS, KEVIN IGNACIO, VASQUEZ DEPOSIT LOCKBOX CITY OF ALBANY TOWN OF CORTE MADERAEMS BILLING DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX CHAVEZ, SAMUEL DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX HERNANDEZ, MISAEL DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX CARDOZA, MARIA RESOLVE INSURANCE SYSTEMS DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX KAISER DEPOSIT LOCKBOX LOUBRIEL, REMY DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX BURNS, KEVIN IGNACIO, VASQUEZ DEPOSIT LOCKBOX CITY OF ALBANY TOWN OF CORTE MADERADEPOSIT LOCKBOX IN MAIL DEPOSIT IN MAIL DEPOSIT EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT IN MAIL DEPOSIT EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT NORIDIAN N. CA | HCCLAIMPMT EMS Ambulance Service Fees 060816, collection/resolve fee Ma... IN MAIL DEPOSIT IN MAIL DEPOSIT VOID #807600260 IN MAIL DEPOSIT EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT IN MAIL DEPOSIT EMS Ambulance Service Fees EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT 062016, pt paid by cc on Kevin B... 061516, pt paid by cc on Donna ... Ambulance Billing EFT ref#73010... NORIDIAN N. CA | HCCLAIMPMT 21,439.40 95.00 100.00 6.46 6,200.21 1,500.00 23,106.42 24,246.88 200.00 -932.14 257.50 702.86 425.16 25,847.63 50.00 12,990.49 2,135.33 300.00 200.00 14,829.84 -300.00 -354.48 2,007.62 1,498.37 Page 2 Agenda Page #274 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Deposit Sales Receipt Deposit Sales Receipt Sales Receipt Deposit Deposit Check Check Check Check Deposit Deposit Sales Receipt Deposit Date 6/21/2016 6/22/2016 6/23/2016 6/24/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/28/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Num 4356 4355 4361 807600475 807600476 807600479 807600513 4369 Name Source Name DEPOSIT LOCKBOX LOUBRIEL, REMY DEPOSIT LOCKBOX VIAN, LAIMA ZHU, YU DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX CITY OF ALBANY CITY OF ALBANY CITY OF ALBANY TOWN OF CORTE MADERADEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX LOIACONO, JOHN DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX LOUBRIEL, REMY DEPOSIT LOCKBOX VIAN, LAIMA ZHU, YU DEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX CITY OF ALBANY CITY OF ALBANY CITY OF ALBANY TOWN OF CORTE MADERADEPOSIT LOCKBOX DEPOSIT LOCKBOX LOIACONO, JOHN DEPOSIT LOCKBOX Memo IN MAIL DEPOSIT EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT EMS Ambulance Service Fees EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT IN MAIL DEPOSIT 062216, pt paid by cc on Remy L... 062416, pt paid by cc on Laima Vi... 062716, pt paid by cc on Yu Zhu 062316, pt paid by cc on Samuel ... IN MAIL DEPOSIT NORIDIAN N. CA | HCCLAIMPMT EMS Ambulance Service Fees IN MAIL DEPOSIT Total 9932 · Novato Ambulance Service Fees 9934 · Impact Fees Sales Receipt 6/28/2016 4360 CITY OF NOVATO - IMPACT FEES CITY OF NOVATO - IMPACT FEES Fire Impact Fees 10,891.73 10,891.73 4322 4317 4318 4319 4320 4321 4330 4339 4336 4341 4342 4343 4348 4349 4351 4352 4353 4357 4358 4367 JATINDER, SINGH SINCLAIR FIRE PROTECTION, INC SINCLAIR FIRE PROTECTION, INC SINCLAIR FIRE PROTECTION, INC WESTSIDE MECHANICAL TIET, TUAN MELIN, CHARLES SISCO, JUSTIN INCOM MECHANICAL, INC. ADVANCED SECURITY SYSTEMS BARNECUT, JOHN & DENISE SINCLAIR FIRE PROTECTION, INC COSCO FIRE PROTECTION, INC. SINCLAIR FIRE PROTECTION, INC WESTSIDE MECHANICAL WESTSIDE MECHANICAL TODD MORRIS FIRE PROTECTION FIRE STOP SPRINKLER COMPANY KAI WAI YU DEMARTINI, RONALD JATINDER, SINGH SINCLAIR FIRE PROTECTION, INC SINCLAIR FIRE PROTECTION, INC SINCLAIR FIRE PROTECTION, INC WESTSIDE MECHANICAL TIET, TUAN MELIN, CHARLES SISCO, JUSTIN INCOM MECHANICAL, INC. ADVANCED SECURITY SYSTEMS BARNECUT, JOHN & DENISE SINCLAIR FIRE PROTECTION, INC COSCO FIRE PROTECTION, INC. SINCLAIR FIRE PROTECTION, INC WESTSIDE MECHANICAL WESTSIDE MECHANICAL TODD MORRIS FIRE PROTECTION FIRE STOP SPRINKLER COMPANY KAI WAI YU DEMARTINI, RONALD Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Permit/Plan Fee Total 9935 · Plan Checks 9938 · Elections Sales Receipt 6/20/2016 4,862.50 50.00 892.44 68.00 193.55 5,017.62 951.58 -50.00 -68.00 -193.55 -100.00 425.16 2,412.39 437.34 89.37 151,540.95 Total 9934 · Impact Fees 9935 · Plan Checks Sales Receipt 6/7/2016 Sales Receipt 6/9/2016 Sales Receipt 6/9/2016 Sales Receipt 6/9/2016 Sales Receipt 6/9/2016 Sales Receipt 6/9/2016 Sales Receipt 6/10/2016 Sales Receipt 6/15/2016 Sales Receipt 6/16/2016 Sales Receipt 6/20/2016 Sales Receipt 6/20/2016 Sales Receipt 6/20/2016 Sales Receipt 6/22/2016 Sales Receipt 6/22/2016 Sales Receipt 6/24/2016 Sales Receipt 6/24/2016 Sales Receipt 6/24/2016 Sales Receipt 6/28/2016 Sales Receipt 6/28/2016 Sales Receipt 6/30/2016 Paid Amount 176.00 440.00 440.00 44.00 176.00 176.00 352.00 352.00 44.00 264.00 352.00 440.00 264.00 440.00 88.00 352.00 176.00 704.00 264.00 264.00 5,808.00 4347 TREASURER COUNTY OF MARIN TREASURER COUNTY OF MARIN Elections/Polling Total 9938 · Elections 9940 · Other Refunds/Reimbursements Sales Receipt 6/22/2016 4350 600.00 TREASURER COUNTY OF MARIN TREASURER COUNTY OF MARIN Restitution Payment - Rory Ward Total 9940 · Other Refunds/Reimbursements 9943 · Health Premium Reimbursements Sales Receipt 6/1/2016 4313 Sales Receipt 6/10/2016 4331 Sales Receipt 6/28/2016 4363 600.00 400.00 400.00 MCERA NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST MCERA NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST Health Premium Reimb. Health Premium Reimb. Health Premium Reimb. 16,003.03 15,593.68 15,593.68 Page 3 Agenda Page #275 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Date 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Num GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 Name Source Name Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Memo Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts -37,022.45 -359.44 -6,814.76 -2,993.74 Total 9943 · Health Premium Reimbursements 0.00 1,462,356.99 Total Income Gross Profit Expense 1003 · Regular Staff Salaries Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 Paid Amount 1,462,356.99 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. BLUE,FOREST H GAULKE,THOMAS F GODOY,RICHARD S GOODSPEED,CHRISTOPHER J HAKENEN,AARON K HAMBY,KERI S HAMILTON,RYAN J KEADY,TRISTAN G KISER,KEEF W LARROQUE,MARK L LEAR,KIRK M LEMELIN,JEFF M LESIK,KIMBERLY D MARSHALL,KYLE B MCGARGILL,ANDREW J MCGUINNESS,MICHAEL J PACE,JASON A PACHECO,NOLE D PETERS,DANIEL J PETERSON,TED A PONTIUS,ROSWELL B RHOADES,ERIN N SCHIAVO,DAVID A SCOTT,NICOLE M TELDESCHI,MARC R TIFFANY,PAUL B WAGER,SHANNON M ZANONI,JASON A JESSELL,LORI M OSGOOD,LYNNE SIMON-WARGO,SANDRA J TYLER,WILLIAM G BARGIACCHI,ANTHONY D BERNARDINI JR,MARIO L NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings 128,454.88 20,536.92 177,030.16 33,703.91 5,949.04 -128,454.88 -20,536.92 -177,030.16 -33,703.91 -5,949.04 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,313.98 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 6,365.47 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 3,226.93 4,581.94 5,194.71 4,343.38 4,633.36 6,365.47 4,568.23 4,568.23 Page 4 Agenda Page #276 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Check Check Check Check Check Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit General Journal General Journal General Journal Date 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Num PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 Name Source Name BLACK,ADAM R BLANDON,MARVIN J BOALS,MICHAEL S BOWLDS,ALEX A BRODY,WILLIAM A BROLAN,ADAM J DAGUE,KYLE M DAVIS,JEFFREY M DICOCHEA,JOHN S DOHERTY,JOSEPH F FLETCHER,DONALD M FORKES,KENNETH D FREEDMAN,SCOTT R HOPKINS,RICHARD E KREPS,SHAWN M LACROIX,ROBERT A LARKIN,GEOFFREY P MCCARTHY,GERALD J MENZEL,DMITRI J MESENBURG,ERICH W MICHALIK,SCOTT A PANNELL,JEFFREY S PECK,ELI G SHELINE,BRIAN C SHUBIN,ROBERT J SMITH,BARRETT A TAUL,MIKE S VALUCH,OWEN E VELIQUETTE,JEFFREY L WEHR,DONALD J WHITE,STEVEN J ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S FERNANDEZ,DOUGLAS P HOPKINS,RICHARD E FELCIANO,GRETCHEN M HEINE,MARK A HOM,DANIEL W O'BRIEN,JENNY A PALLAS,LAUREN C VILLA,JEANNE M WADE,DENISE D WALRAVEN,COLLEEN M WHITTET,JEFFREY J NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. BLUE,FOREST H GAULKE,THOMAS F GODOY,RICHARD S ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings WORKERS COMP WORKERS COMP Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Paid Amount 5,194.71 4,568.23 4,568.23 5,194.71 4,568.23 8,297.40 5,194.71 5,194.71 5,194.71 4,568.23 5,194.71 4,498.21 5,194.71 1,507.52 4,568.23 5,194.71 4,568.23 6,062.35 5,665.75 5,194.71 4,568.23 4,568.23 4,568.23 4,568.23 5,194.71 5,194.71 5,194.71 5,194.71 6,062.35 4,568.23 5,194.71 4,568.23 5,194.71 3,060.71 5,161.25 8,114.90 6,317.29 2,832.50 1,937.38 3,422.50 3,729.34 2,188.75 5,949.04 128,454.88 20,536.92 177,030.16 33,703.91 5,949.04 -128,454.88 -20,536.92 -177,030.16 -33,703.91 -5,949.04 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,313.98 Page 5 Agenda Page #277 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Date 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Num PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 Name Source Name GOODSPEED,CHRISTOPHER J HAKENEN,AARON K HAMBY,KERI S HAMILTON,RYAN J KEADY,TRISTAN G KISER,KEEF W LARROQUE,MARK L LEAR,KIRK M LEMELIN,JEFF M LESIK,KIMBERLY D MARSHALL,KYLE B MCGARGILL,ANDREW J MCGUINNESS,MICHAEL J PACE,JASON A PACHECO,NOLE D PETERS,DANIEL J PETERSON,TED A PONTIUS,ROSWELL B RHOADES,ERIN N SCHIAVO,DAVID A SCOTT,NICOLE M TELDESCHI,MARC R TIFFANY,PAUL B WAGER,SHANNON M ZANONI,JASON A JESSELL,LORI M OSGOOD,LYNNE SIMON-WARGO,SANDRA J TYLER,WILLIAM G BARGIACCHI,ANTHONY D BERNARDINI JR,MARIO L BLACK,ADAM R BLANDON,MARVIN J BOWLDS,ALEX A BRODY,WILLIAM A BROLAN,ADAM J DAGUE,KYLE M DAVIS,JEFFREY M DICOCHEA,JOHN S DOHERTY,JOSEPH F FLETCHER,DONALD M FORKES,KENNETH D FREEDMAN,SCOTT R KREPS,SHAWN M LACROIX,ROBERT A LARKIN,GEOFFREY P MCCARTHY,GERALD J MENZEL,DMITRI J MESENBURG,ERICH W MICHALIK,SCOTT A PANNELL,JEFFREY S PECK,ELI G SHELINE,BRIAN C SHUBIN,ROBERT J SMITH,BARRETT A TAUL,MIKE S ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Paid Amount 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 6,365.47 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 4,581.94 3,226.93 4,581.94 5,194.71 4,343.38 4,633.36 6,365.47 4,568.23 4,568.23 5,194.71 4,568.23 5,194.71 4,568.23 8,297.40 5,194.71 5,194.71 5,194.71 4,568.23 5,194.71 4,498.21 5,194.71 4,568.23 5,194.71 4,568.23 6,062.35 5,665.75 5,194.71 4,568.23 4,568.23 4,568.23 4,568.23 5,194.71 5,194.71 5,194.71 Page 6 Agenda Page #278 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Date 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Num PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 Name Source Name VALUCH,OWEN E VELIQUETTE,JEFFREY L WEHR,DONALD J WHITE,STEVEN J ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S BOALS,MICHAEL S FERNANDEZ,DOUGLAS P HOPKINS,RICHARD E FELCIANO,GRETCHEN M HEINE,MARK A HOM,DANIEL W O'BRIEN,JENNY A PALLAS,LAUREN C VILLA,JEANNE M WADE,DENISE D WALRAVEN,COLLEEN M WHITTET,JEFFREY J ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings WORKERS COMP WORKERS COMP WORKERS COMP Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Regular Earnings Total 1003 · Regular Staff Salaries Paid Amount 5,194.71 6,062.35 4,568.23 5,194.71 4,568.23 4,568.23 5,194.71 4,568.23 5,161.25 8,114.90 6,317.29 2,832.50 1,937.38 3,422.50 3,729.34 2,188.75 5,949.04 731,349.82 1019 · CTO Pay Check Check Check Check Check Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Check Check Check Check Deposit Deposit 6/1/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 9200 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 GJ 061516 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 PECK, ELI employee NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. HAMILTON,RYAN J LEAR,KIRK M LEMELIN,JEFF M MARSHALL,KYLE B MCGUINNESS,MICHAEL J TYLER,WILLIAM G BLACK,ADAM R BLANDON,MARVIN J BOWLDS,ALEX A LACROIX,ROBERT A MICHALIK,SCOTT A PECK,ELI G TAUL,MIKE S VELIQUETTE,JEFFREY L WHITE,STEVEN J LACROIX,ROBERT A MICHALIK,SCOTT A TAUL,MIKE S VALUCH,OWEN E WHITTET,JEFFREY J PECK, ELI employee NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. PECK, ELI employee NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT PECK, ELI employee NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. 061516 cto pay 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO 2 BC PAY CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid Reverse Jun 2016 manual payroll... 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll Deposit Deposit 2,271.60 6,337.32 13,441.35 50,652.49 3,294.72 -6,337.32 -13,441.35 -50,652.49 -3,294.72 431.64 1,812.48 458.16 2,718.72 916.32 13,441.35 518.76 454.32 14,006.52 7,192.08 1,581.30 2,271.60 2,605.80 3,597.12 3,097.44 7,737.91 1,355.40 4,169.28 2,064.96 3,294.72 -2,271.60 28,723.27 90,417.58 2,195.00 11,754.60 -28,723.27 -90,417.58 Page 7 Agenda Page #279 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Deposit Deposit General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Date 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Num 807600429 807600429 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 Name Source Name NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. PETERSON,TED A KISER,KEEF W SCHIAVO,DAVID A BLUE,FOREST H GOODSPEED,CHRISTOPHER J PETERS,DANIEL J SCOTT,NICOLE M BROLAN,ADAM J MCCARTHY,GERALD J MENZEL,DMITRI J VELIQUETTE,JEFFREY L BRODY,WILLIAM A KREPS,SHAWN M MESENBURG,ERICH W MICHALIK,SCOTT A BLANDON,MARVIN J FREEDMAN,SCOTT R MENZEL,DMITRI J MESENBURG,ERICH W MICHALIK,SCOTT A PANNELL,JEFFREY S SHELINE,BRIAN C TAUL,MIKE S VALUCH,OWEN E BERNARDINI JR,MARIO L BRODY,WILLIAM A ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S WADE,DENISE D WHITTET,JEFFREY J WHITTET,JEFFREY J ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo Deposit Deposit CTO 2 BC PAY CTO PAID CTO PAID OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid CTO 2 BC PAY CTO 2 BC PAY CTO 2 BC PAY CTO 2 BC PAY CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID CTO PAID OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid OC CTO2 paid OUTOF CLASS CP OUTOF CLASS CP OUTOF CLASS CP CTO PAID CTO 2 BC PAY OC CTO2 paid Total 1019 · CTO Pay 1020 · Overtime - Callback Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 Paid Amount -2,195.00 -11,754.60 2,056.60 1,832.64 1,822.56 57.27 6,834.60 12,435.12 3,684.48 13,116.38 17,535.96 16,391.70 2,185.75 1,807.20 2,271.60 1,042.32 1,807.20 4,088.88 3,242.86 10,822.73 2,084.64 1,807.20 3,946.91 965.43 2,084.64 5,216.18 123.84 123.84 247.68 2,195.00 2,848.56 8,906.04 207,311.69 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. GAULKE,THOMAS F HAKENEN,AARON K HAMILTON,RYAN J KEADY,TRISTAN G LEAR,KIRK M LESIK,KIMBERLY D MCGARGILL,ANDREW J MCGUINNESS,MICHAEL J PACE,JASON A PACHECO,NOLE D PETERS,DANIEL J PETERSON,TED A PONTIUS,ROSWELL B SCOTT,NICOLE M TELDESCHI,MARC R NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T 31,118.70 43,898.36 1,492.92 -31,118.70 -43,898.36 -1,492.92 1,755.84 1,116.77 3,075.44 1,374.48 339.84 1,381.68 1,381.68 2,748.96 1,359.36 2,748.96 2,763.36 1,432.28 2,718.72 2,820.93 1,381.68 Page 8 Agenda Page #280 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Check Check Check Check Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Date 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Num PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 Name Source Name ZANONI,JASON A BARGIACCHI,ANTHONY D BERNARDINI JR,MARIO L BLANDON,MARVIN J BOALS,MICHAEL S BRODY,WILLIAM A DAGUE,KYLE M DAVIS,JEFFREY M DICOCHEA,JOHN S DOHERTY,JOSEPH F FERNANDEZ,DOUGLAS P FLETCHER,DONALD M KREPS,SHAWN M LACROIX,ROBERT A LARKIN,GEOFFREY P MCCARTHY,GERALD J MENZEL,DMITRI J MESENBURG,ERICH W PECK,ELI G TAUL,MIKE S WEHR,DONALD J WHITE,STEVEN J ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S WHITTET,JEFFREY J NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. BLUE,FOREST H HAKENEN,AARON K KEADY,TRISTAN G LARROQUE,MARK L LEAR,KIRK M LESIK,KIMBERLY D MCGUINNESS,MICHAEL J PACHECO,NOLE D PETERS,DANIEL J PETERSON,TED A PONTIUS,ROSWELL B SCOTT,NICOLE M TELDESCHI,MARC R OSGOOD,LYNNE TYLER,WILLIAM G BARGIACCHI,ANTHONY D BERNARDINI JR,MARIO L BLANDON,MARVIN J BRODY,WILLIAM A DAGUE,KYLE M DICOCHEA,JOHN S DOHERTY,JOSEPH F FLETCHER,DONALD M KREPS,SHAWN M ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T Paid Amount 2,718.72 1,385.28 1,370.16 1,362.96 1,468.35 28.24 1,548.72 3,097.44 2,605.80 1,355.40 385.29 130.29 2,044.44 4,623.48 2,016.05 449.64 3,362.40 1,563.48 1,362.96 5,374.46 4,088.88 1,548.72 2,725.92 1,492.92 27,860.92 718.73 61,544.77 3,912.48 -27,860.92 -718.73 -61,544.77 -3,912.48 1,374.48 3,608.01 1,546.29 2,763.36 2,718.72 1,381.68 4,123.44 4,510.01 1,381.68 330.53 1,359.36 1,381.68 1,381.68 112.77 605.96 1,385.28 1,370.16 2,725.92 2,710.80 1,548.72 1,563.48 4,066.20 5,504.75 2,725.92 Page 9 Agenda Page #281 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Date 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Num PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 Name Source Name LACROIX,ROBERT A PECK,ELI G SHELINE,BRIAN C SMITH,BARRETT A TAUL,MIKE S VALUCH,OWEN E WEHR,DONALD J WHITE,STEVEN J ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S DOHERTY,JOSEPH F KREPS,SHAWN M LACROIX,ROBERT A SHELINE,BRIAN C ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S LACROIX,ROBERT A WHITTET,JEFFREY J WHITTET,JEFFREY J ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T O/T OOC OT 2 OOC OT 2 OOC OT 2 OOC OT 2 OOC OT 2 OT BC O/T OT BC Total 1020 · Overtime - Callback 1021 · Out of Class Pay Check 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 807600370 807600370 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 807600429 807600429 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. BERNARDINI JR,MARIO L LARKIN,GEOFFREY P PECK,ELI G ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. 061516 Payroll Deposit OUTOF CLASS CP OUTOF CLASS CP OUTOF CLASS CP OUTOF CLASS CP 063016 Payroll Deposit 495.36 -495.36 123.84 123.84 123.84 123.84 495.36 -495.36 495.36 807600370 807600370 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. DAVIS,WILLIAM L FENNER,WORTH F GALLI,JIM A METCHO,STEVE R SILVERMAN,LOUIS J NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. DAVIS,JEFFREY M FENNER,WORTH F GALLI,JIM A METCHO,STEVE R SILVERMAN,LOUIS J DAVIS,JEFFREY M DAVIS,WILLIAM L NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT 061516 Payroll Deposit BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBERS 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll Deposit Deposit BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBERS Total 1022 · Director Fees 1025 · Vacation Pay Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 3,082.32 1,362.96 2,725.92 3,112.56 2,768.66 6,194.88 2,725.92 3,097.44 4,088.88 1,355.40 1,362.96 1,541.16 1,362.96 1,362.96 1,798.56 2,471.04 1,441.44 170,546.88 Total 1021 · Out of Class Pay 1022 · Director Fees Check 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 Paid Amount 500.00 -500.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 600.00 -200.00 -600.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 -200.00 200.00 1,300.00 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll Deposit 7,345.00 109,894.68 37,135.86 -7,345.00 Page 10 Agenda Page #282 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Deposit Deposit General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Date 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Num 807600429 807600429 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 Name Source Name NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. PETERSON,TED A BLANDON,MARVIN J BOWLDS,ALEX A BROLAN,ADAM J FERNANDEZ,DOUGLAS P FORKES,KENNETH D HOPKINS,RICHARD E MCCARTHY,GERALD J MICHALIK,SCOTT A SHUBIN,ROBERT J HEINE,MARK A HOM,DANIEL W VILLA,JEANNE M WADE,DENISE D ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo Deposit Deposit VACATION PAID VACATION PAID VACATION PAID VACATION PAID VACATION PAID VACATION PAID VACATION PAID VACATION PAID VACATION PAID VACATION PAID VACATION PAID VACATION PAID VACATION PAID VACATION PAID Total 1025 · Vacation Pay 1026 · Education Incentive Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 Paid Amount -109,894.68 -37,135.86 7,345.00 2,725.92 13,487.76 29,296.44 18,493.92 5,277.00 6,475.80 14,988.00 2,710.80 16,439.04 20,411.34 13,793.12 1,614.40 1,317.00 154,375.54 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. BLUE,FOREST H GOODSPEED,CHRISTOPHER J HAKENEN,AARON K HAMBY,KERI S HAMILTON,RYAN J KEADY,TRISTAN G KISER,KEEF W LARROQUE,MARK L LEMELIN,JEFF M LESIK,KIMBERLY D MCGARGILL,ANDREW J MCGUINNESS,MICHAEL J PACHECO,NOLE D PETERS,DANIEL J RHOADES,ERIN N SCHIAVO,DAVID A SCOTT,NICOLE M TELDESCHI,MARC R JESSELL,LORI M SIMON-WARGO,SANDRA J BARGIACCHI,ANTHONY D BERNARDINI JR,MARIO L BLACK,ADAM R BLANDON,MARVIN J BOWLDS,ALEX A DAGUE,KYLE M DAVIS,JEFFREY M DICOCHEA,JOHN S FLETCHER,DONALD M KREPS,SHAWN M LARKIN,GEOFFREY P NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE 975.00 125.00 900.00 -975.00 -125.00 -900.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 50.00 75.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 75.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 Page 11 Agenda Page #283 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Check Check Check Deposit Deposit Deposit General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal General Journal Date 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Num PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 Name Source Name MESENBURG,ERICH W PANNELL,JEFFREY S PECK,ELI G SHELINE,BRIAN C SMITH,BARRETT A TAUL,MIKE S VALUCH,OWEN E WEHR,DONALD J WHITE,STEVEN J ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. BLUE,FOREST H GOODSPEED,CHRISTOPHER J HAKENEN,AARON K HAMBY,KERI S HAMILTON,RYAN J KEADY,TRISTAN G KISER,KEEF W LARROQUE,MARK L LEMELIN,JEFF M LESIK,KIMBERLY D MCGARGILL,ANDREW J MCGUINNESS,MICHAEL J PACHECO,NOLE D PETERS,DANIEL J RHOADES,ERIN N SCHIAVO,DAVID A SCOTT,NICOLE M TELDESCHI,MARC R JESSELL,LORI M SIMON-WARGO,SANDRA J BARGIACCHI,ANTHONY D BERNARDINI JR,MARIO L BLACK,ADAM R BLANDON,MARVIN J BOWLDS,ALEX A DAGUE,KYLE M DAVIS,JEFFREY M DICOCHEA,JOHN S FLETCHER,DONALD M KREPS,SHAWN M LARKIN,GEOFFREY P MESENBURG,ERICH W PANNELL,JEFFREY S PECK,ELI G SHELINE,BRIAN C SMITH,BARRETT A TAUL,MIKE S VALUCH,OWEN E WEHR,DONALD J WHITE,STEVEN J ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE EDU INCENTIVE Paid Amount 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 975.00 125.00 900.00 -975.00 -125.00 -900.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 50.00 75.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 75.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 Page 12 Agenda Page #284 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type General Journal Date 6/30/2016 Num PR 06302016 Name Source Name ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo EDU INCENTIVE Total 1026 · Education Incentive 1402 · Retirement Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 25.00 4,000.00 807600369 807600369 807600369 807600369 807600369 807600370 807600370 PR 06152016 807600429 807600429 807600468 807600468 807600468 807600468 807600468 PR 06302016 MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. VELIQUETTE,JEFFREY L NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC VELIQUETTE,JEFFREY L MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC ADP PAYROLL IMPORT 061516 Payroll, retiree 061516 Payroll, retiree 061516 Payroll, retiree 061516 Payroll, retiree 061516 Payroll, retiree 061516 Payroll Deposit INCENTIVE PAY 063016 Payroll Deposit 063016 Payroll, retiree 063016 Payroll, retiree 063016 Payroll, retiree 063016 Payroll, retiree 063016 Payroll, retiree INCENTIVE PAY Total 1402 · Retirement 1404 · FICA Medicare Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 Paid Amount 70,084.45 11,933.44 100,012.49 9,760.77 3,712.20 303.12 -303.12 303.12 303.12 -303.12 75,209.06 11,933.44 160,298.27 24,488.73 3,712.20 303.12 471,751.29 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Employer Medicare Tax Employer Medicare Tax Employer Medicare Tax Employer Medicare Tax Employer Social Security Tax Employer Medicare Tax 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Employer Medicare Tax Employer Medicare Tax Employer Medicare Tax Employer Medicare Tax Employer Social Security Tax Employer Medicare Tax Employer Medicare Tax 2,314.72 480.24 3,726.62 504.58 152.26 -2,314.72 -480.24 -3,726.62 -504.58 -152.26 2,314.74 480.24 3,726.60 473.58 31.00 152.26 2,698.39 295.77 6,080.08 1,082.54 310.02 -2,698.39 -295.77 -6,080.08 -1,082.54 -310.02 2,698.39 295.77 6,080.10 1,045.33 37.20 310.01 -2.90 Page 13 Agenda Page #285 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type General Journal General Journal Date 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Num PR 06302016 PR 06302016 Name Source Name ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo Employer Medicare Tax Employer Social Security Tax Total 1404 · FICA Medicare 1502 · Life Insurance Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 807600378 807600378 807600378 807600378 807600378 807600387 807600387 807600387 807600387 807600387 807600401 807600401 807600401 807600401 807600401 807600480 807600480 807600480 807600480 807600480 807600484 807600484 807600484 807600484 807600484 807600505 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS CAPF CAPF CAPF CAPF CAPF FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK SERV. Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS CAPF CAPF CAPF CAPF CAPF FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK SERV. Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts 060116, life premium 060116, life premium 060116, life premium 060116, life premium 060116, life premium 060916, life premium Accnt#7300... 060916, life premium Accnt#7300... 060916, life premium Accnt#7300... 060916, life premium Accnt#7300... 060916, life premium Accnt#7300... FDAC0716-NOV, life premium C... FDAC0716-NOV, life premium C... FDAC0716-NOV, life premium C... FDAC0716-NOV, life premium C... FDAC0716-NOV, life premium C... 062216, July2016 disability premi... 062216, July2016 disability premi... 062216, July2016 disability premi... 062216, July2016 disability premi... 062216, July2016 disability premi... 070116, life premium 070116, life premium 070116, life premium 070116, life premium 070116, life premium 3200081109, Contract#E091-070... Check Check Check Check 30.69 4.03 45.01 7.61 2.14 167.99 22.04 246.36 41.63 11.76 664.29 87.15 974.16 164.62 46.48 563.03 73.87 825.67 139.53 39.40 30.69 4.03 45.01 7.61 2.14 1,088.32 -1,078.35 -188.31 -1,427.40 -249.98 -49.70 2,341.52 807600401 807600401 807600401 807600401 807600401 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts FDAC0716-NOV, dental premium... FDAC0716-NOV, dental premium... FDAC0716-NOV, dental premium... FDAC0716-NOV, dental premium... FDAC0716-NOV, dental premium... Total 1510 · Dental Insurance 1512 · Flexible Savings Account 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 2.90 12.40 17,657.62 Total 1502 · Life Insurance 1510 · Dental Insurance Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 Paid Amount 9,325.34 1,223.44 13,675.36 2,310.94 652.50 -2,454.68 -428.65 -3,249.27 -569.03 -113.13 20,372.82 5/28/2016 5/28/2016 5/31/2016 5/30/2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 DCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV BRODY, WILLIAM BRODY, WILLIAM WAGER, SHANNON WAGER, SHANNON 10.00 38.26 197.30 60.00 Page 14 Agenda Page #286 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Deposit Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Deposit Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Date 6/1/2016 6/2/2016 6/2/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/6/2016 6/6/2016 6/6/2016 6/6/2016 6/6/2016 6/6/2016 6/7/2016 6/8/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/10/2016 6/10/2016 6/10/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/14/2016 6/14/2016 6/14/2016 6/14/2016 6/14/2016 6/14/2016 6/14/2016 6/16/2016 6/16/2016 6/20/2016 6/20/2016 6/20/2016 6/21/2016 6/21/2016 6/23/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/29/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Num 5/31/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/2/2016 6/2/2016 6/2/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/6/2016 6/7/2016 6/8/2016 6/8/2016 9206 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/10/2016 6/10/2016 6/10/2016 6/10/2016 6/10/2016 6/10/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/17/2016 6/17/2016 6/17/2016 6/20/2016 6/20/2016 6/22/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 9217 6/27/2016 6/25/2016 6/25/2016 6/27/2016 6/28/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 Name Source Name HCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. HCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCFSA2016 DCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCC2016 DCFSA2016 DCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCC2016 HCC2016 HCFSA2016 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 DCFSA2016 HCC2016 HCC2016 DCFSA2016 HCFSA2016 DCFSA2016 ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV ADP BENEFIT SERV Memo WAGER, SHANNON HOPKINS, RICHARD HOPKINS, RICHARD VILLA, JEANNE HAKENEN, AARON HAKENEN, AARON WAGER, SHANNON WAGER, SHANNON HAKENEN, AARON HAKENEN, AARON HAKENEN, AARON HAKENEN, AARON O'BRIEN, JENNY MICHALIK, SCOTT HOPKINS, RICHARD HOM, DANIEL Deposit HOPKINS, RICHARD O'BRIEN, JENNY TELDESCHI, MARC VILLA, JEANNE LESIK, KIMBERLY LESIK, KIMBERLY LESIK, KIMBERLY HOPKINS, RICHARD WADE, DENISE WADE, DENISE BRODY, WILLIAM BRODY, WILLIAM DAVIS, JEFFREY WAGER, SHANNON FELCIANO, GRETCHEN LACROIX, ROBERT LACROIX, ROBERT VILLA, JEANNE LESIK, KIMBERLY HOPKINS, RICHARD DAVIS, JEFFREY TELDESCHI, MARC TELDESCHI, MARC DAVIS, JEFFREY SCOTT, NICOLE SCOTT, NICOLE SCOTT, NICOLE Deposit HEINE, MARK LACROIX, ROBERT HOPKINS, RICHARD HOPKINS, RICHARD HAMILTON, RYAN BRODY, WILLIAM DAVIS, JEFFREY DAVIS, JEFFREY WAGER, SHANNON WAGER, SHANNON FELCIANO, GRETCHEN Paid Amount 50.00 184.54 128.00 37.50 10.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 474.60 10.00 4.44 15.00 59.99 677.80 5.00 15.00 -1,852.63 20.00 10.00 250.00 15.00 138.05 21.95 35.00 20.00 0.34 18.16 208.33 86.50 15.00 208.33 64.38 15.17 4.83 30.00 160.00 19.01 50.00 20.00 4.62 15.00 107.10 170.18 104.82 -1,852.63 10.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 17.30 208.33 15.00 20.00 45.37 15.00 64.38 Page 15 Agenda Page #287 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Date Num Name Source Name Memo Total 1512 · Flexible Savings Account 1513 · Health Insurance Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Check 6/10/2016 Check 6/10/2016 Check 6/10/2016 Check 6/10/2016 Check 6/10/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Check 6/28/2016 Check 6/28/2016 Check 6/28/2016 Check 6/28/2016 Check 6/28/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 9207 9207 9207 9207 9207 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600440 807600440 807600440 807600440 807600440 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 9218 9218 9218 9218 9218 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 589.32 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. CalPERS CalPERS CalPERS CalPERS CalPERS NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. CalPERS CalPERS CalPERS CalPERS CalPERS Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit 061516 Payroll RHS employer 061516 Payroll RHS employer 061516 Payroll RHS employer 061516 Payroll RHS employer 061516 Payroll RHS employer 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 2053, July2016 premium Contract... 2053, July2016 premium Contract... 2053, July2016 premium Contract... 2053, July2016 premium Contract... 2053, July2016 premium Contract... Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit 063016 Payroll RHS employer 063016 Payroll RHS employer 063016 Payroll RHS employer 063016 Payroll RHS employer 063016 Payroll RHS employer Adjustment Total 1513 · Health Insurance 1514 · Vision Plan Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 Paid Amount 2,064.87 261.29 2,317.08 589.81 56.78 -2,064.87 -261.29 -2,317.08 -589.81 -56.78 2,064.87 261.29 2,317.08 589.81 56.78 2,079.07 261.29 2,317.08 589.81 56.78 66,460.27 8,719.28 97,462.14 16,469.75 4,650.27 -2,079.07 -261.29 -2,317.08 -589.81 -56.78 2,079.07 261.29 2,317.08 589.81 56.78 -0.02 -13,335.49 -2,328.71 -17,652.31 -3,091.37 -614.57 167,333.10 807600401 807600401 807600401 807600401 807600401 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts EBS EBS EBS EBS EBS Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts Reclass insurance receipts FDAC0716-NOV, vision premium... FDAC0716-NOV, vision premium... FDAC0716-NOV, vision premium... FDAC0716-NOV, vision premium... FDAC0716-NOV, vision premium... 687.56 90.20 1,008.28 170.39 48.11 -129.47 -22.61 -171.38 -30.01 Page 16 Agenda Page #288 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type General Journal Date 6/30/2016 Num GJ 063016 Name Source Name Reclass insurance receipts Memo -5.97 Reclass insurance receipts Total 1514 · Vision Plan 1517 · Administrative Allowance Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 Deposit 6/9/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 Deposit 6/24/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 Paid Amount 1,645.10 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 PR 06152016 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 PR 06302016 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. WAGER,SHANNON M FORKES,KENNETH D FELCIANO,GRETCHEN M HOM,DANIEL W O'BRIEN,JENNY A PALLAS,LAUREN C VILLA,JEANNE M WADE,DENISE D WALRAVEN,COLLEEN M NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. WAGER,SHANNON M FORKES,KENNETH D FELCIANO,GRETCHEN M HOM,DANIEL W O'BRIEN,JENNY A PALLAS,LAUREN C VILLA,JEANNE M NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE 1,400.00 350.00 2,450.00 96.81 134.95 1,060.67 75.00 75.00 525.00 -1,400.00 -350.00 -2,450.00 -96.81 -134.95 -1,060.67 -75.00 -75.00 -525.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 1,400.00 350.00 2,450.00 96.81 134.95 1,060.67 75.00 75.00 525.00 -1,400.00 -350.00 -2,450.00 -96.81 -134.95 -1,060.67 -75.00 -75.00 -525.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 Page 17 Agenda Page #289 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type General Journal General Journal Date 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Num PR 06302016 PR 06302016 Name Source Name WADE,DENISE D WALRAVEN,COLLEEN M ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADP PAYROLL IMPORT Memo AFLAC INSURANCE AFLAC INSURANCE Total 1517 · Administrative Allowance 1701 · Workers' Compensation Sales Receipt 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/2/2016 Check 6/2/2016 Check 6/2/2016 Check 6/2/2016 Check 6/2/2016 Check 6/2/2016 Check 6/7/2016 Check 6/7/2016 Sales Receipt 6/9/2016 Check 6/10/2016 Check 6/10/2016 Check 6/10/2016 Check 6/14/2016 Check 6/15/2016 Check 6/15/2016 Check 6/15/2016 Check 6/15/2016 Sales Receipt 6/16/2016 Sales Receipt 6/16/2016 Sales Receipt 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/17/2016 Check 6/17/2016 Check 6/20/2016 Check 6/20/2016 Check 6/21/2016 Check 6/23/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Sales Receipt 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/27/2016 Check 6/27/2016 General Journal 6/28/2016 Check 6/28/2016 Check 6/28/2016 Check 6/28/2016 Check 6/28/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Sales Receipt 6/30/2016 4312 807600336 7700 7701 7702 7703 7704 7705 7706 7707 7708 7709 7710 7711 7712 807600353 807600354 4325 7713 7714 7715 7716 7717 7718 7719 7720 4333 4334 4335 7721 7722 7723 7724 7725 7726 7727 7728 807600434 4354 7729 7730 7731 GJ 062816 7732 7733 7734 7735 7736 7737 7738 4366 Paid Amount 75.00 75.00 1,350.00 ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES cust. FIRE AGENCIES SELF INS. SYSTEM ALIGN NETWORKS, INC Randall K. Schaefer, M.D. Ambridge Chiropractic Corporation Cypress Care, Inc. Richard A Nolan MD Richard A. Nolan, MD Richard A. Nolan, MD Cathy Rucker Stone River Pharmacy Solutions TEASDALE, ROBERT M.D Dr Scott P Taylor DC Richard A Levy, MD Dr Scott P Taylor DC FASIS FASIS FIRE AGENCIES SELF INSURANCE SYST... ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. Athens Managed Care ALIGN NETWORKS, INC FAZZARI, JEFF Witzig, Hannah, Sanders & Reagan, LLP Witzig, Hannah, Sanders & Reagan, LLP Witzig, Hannah, Sanders & Reagan, LLP Witzig, Hannah, Sanders & Reagan, LLP FIRE AGENCIES SELF INSURANCE SYST... FIRE AGENCIES SELF INSURANCE SYST... FIRE AGENCIES SELF INSURANCE SYST... Cathy Rucker ALIGN NETWORKS, INC ALIGN NETWORKS, INC MARIN GENERAL HOSPITAL David Anderson, Au.D. David Anderson, Au.D. Ambridge Chiropractic Corporation Hearing and Speech Center of Northern Cal ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. FIRE AGENCIES SELF INSURANCE SYST... Athens Managed Care ALIGN NETWORKS, INC ALIGN NETWORKS, INC The Surgery Center of San ALIGN NETWORKS, INC David Benevento, D.C. Patrick J. McGahan, MD FAZZARI, JEFF ALIGN NETWORKS, INC Richard A. Nolan, MD Richard A. Nolan, MD FIRE AGENCIES SELF INSURANCE SYST... ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES cust. FIRE AGENCIES SELF INS. SYSTEM ALIGN NETWORKS, INC Randall K. Schaefer, M.D. Ambridge Chiropractic Corporation Cypress Care, Inc. Richard A Nolan MD Richard A. Nolan, MD Richard A. Nolan, MD Cathy Rucker Stone River Pharmacy Solutions TEASDALE, ROBERT M.D Dr Scott P Taylor DC Richard A Levy, MD Dr Scott P Taylor DC FASIS FASIS FIRE AGENCIES SELF INSURANCE SYSTEM ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. Athens Managed Care ALIGN NETWORKS, INC FAZZARI, JEFF Witzig, Hannah, Sanders & Reagan, LLP Witzig, Hannah, Sanders & Reagan, LLP Witzig, Hannah, Sanders & Reagan, LLP Witzig, Hannah, Sanders & Reagan, LLP FIRE AGENCIES SELF INSURANCE SYSTEM FIRE AGENCIES SELF INSURANCE SYSTEM FIRE AGENCIES SELF INSURANCE SYSTEM Cathy Rucker ALIGN NETWORKS, INC ALIGN NETWORKS, INC MARIN GENERAL HOSPITAL David Anderson, Au.D. David Anderson, Au.D. Ambridge Chiropractic Corporation Hearing and Speech Center of Northern Cal ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. FIRE AGENCIES SELF INSURANCE SYSTEM Athens Managed Care ALIGN NETWORKS, INC ALIGN NETWORKS, INC The Surgery Center of San ALIGN NETWORKS, INC David Benevento, D.C. Patrick J. McGahan, MD FAZZARI, JEFF ALIGN NETWORKS, INC Richard A. Nolan, MD Richard A. Nolan, MD FIRE AGENCIES SELF INSURANCE SYSTEM Workers Comp FASIS-2016-0850, 2014-2015 pa... Goodspeed, Chris Goodspeed, Chris Shubin, Robert Goodspeed, Chris Fazzari, Jeff Fazzari, Jeff Fazzari, Jeff Rucker, Steve Boals, Michael Danford, Craig Boals, Michael Boals, Michael Boals, Michael 060116, reimb for Doug Fernande... 060216, reimb for Robert Shubin ... Workers Comp Pace, Jason Brolan, Adam Shubin, Robert Fazzari, Jeff Rucker, Steve Shubin, Robert Fazzari, Jeff Rhoades, Erin Workers Comp Workers Comp Workers Comp Rucker, Steve Shubin, Robert Shubin, Robert Shubin, Robert Glines, Leroy Glines, Leroy Shubin, Robert Taul, Michael 11936, May2016 fees Contract#E... Workers Comp Goodspeed, Chris Goodspeed, Chris Goodspeed, Chris VOID #7690 Goodspeed, Chris Goodspeed, Chris Wikeen, Chris Fazzari, Jeff Goodspeed, Chris Fazzari, Jeff Fazzari, Jeff Workers Comp -806.00 22,079.00 128.19 10.93 655.86 188.24 144.94 151.58 144.94 2,256.86 16.84 99.63 112.79 151.63 54.46 2,148.28 6,304.48 -2,256.86 11.00 20.00 127.46 529.00 481.94 1,130.10 392.50 1,678.98 -2,256.86 -2,149.28 -153.52 2,256.86 112.28 127.46 867.10 339.31 36.00 640.00 96.84 3,960.00 -2,256.86 20.00 129.33 129.33 -3,781.96 128.19 476.00 483.94 529.00 128.19 144.94 144.94 -2,256.86 Page 18 Agenda Page #290 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Date 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Num 7739 7740 7741 7742 7743 7744 7745 Name Source Name Cathy Rucker Athens Managed Care Comp Today Comp Today ALIGN NETWORKS, INC Ambridge Chiropractic Corporation ALIGN NETWORKS, INC Cathy Rucker Athens Managed Care Comp Today Comp Today ALIGN NETWORKS, INC Ambridge Chiropractic Corporation ALIGN NETWORKS, INC Memo Rucker, Steve Goodspeed, Chris Goodspeed, Chris Goodspeed, Chris Shubin, Robert Shubin, Robert Goodspeed, Chris Total 1701 · Workers' Compensation 1706 · Deferred Compensation Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 General Journal 6/15/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 General Journal 6/30/2016 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 807600370 GJ 061516 GJ 061516 GJ 061516 GJ 061516 GJ 061516 GJ 061516 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 807600429 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 GJ 063016 NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll 061516 Payroll Medical Stipend - deferred comp Medical Stipend - deferred comp Medical Stipend - deferred comp Education Incentive - deferred co... Education Incentive - deferred co... Education Incentive - deferred co... 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll 063016 Payroll Medical Stipend - deferred comp Medical Stipend - deferred comp Medical Stipend - deferred comp Education Incentive - deferred co... Education Incentive - deferred co... Education Incentive - deferred co... Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 1,325.00 200.00 1,650.00 600.00 50.00 1,400.00 350.00 2,450.00 96.81 134.95 1,060.67 1,325.00 200.00 1,650.00 600.00 50.00 1,400.00 350.00 2,450.00 96.81 134.95 1,060.67 18,634.86 807600377 807600522 EMERGENCY EQUIP MANAGEMENT, INC L. N. CURTIS & SONS EMERGENCY EQUIP MANAGEMENT, INC L. N. CURTIS & SONS 63486, alterations 207336, parka Total 2020 · Cal-OSHA Requirements 2024 · First Aid Supplies 6/1/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/29/2016 2,256.86 20.00 12.54 32.41 127.46 110.01 112.08 36,522.50 Total 1706 · Deferred Compensation 2020 · Cal-OSHA Requirements Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Paid Amount 807600339 807600376 807600376 807600437 807600437 807600437 807600437 807600437 807600437 807600437 807600437 807600437 807600437 807600463 807600463 807600496 60.00 453.42 513.42 LIFE ASSIST, INC. BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE LIFE ASSIST, INC. 751986, supply Contract#P004-F... 82161207, supplies Contract#P0... credit 82161207, supplies Contra... 82169423, supplies Contract#P0... credit 82169423, supplies Contra... 82175646, supplies Contract#P0... credit 82175646, supplies Contra... 82177056, supplies Contract#P0... credit 82177056, supplies Contra... 82179961, supplies Contract#P0... credit 82179961, supplies Contra... 82179960, supplies Contract#P0... credit 82179960, supplies Contra... 8039625169, 3305028957 Contra... 8039625169, 3305028958 Contra... 753962, supply Contract#P004-F... 341.12 78.85 -2.37 1,743.00 -52.29 151.10 -4.53 1,288.91 -38.67 4,060.32 -121.81 976.03 -29.28 282.21 209.25 0.00 Page 19 Agenda Page #291 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Date 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 Num 807600496 807600496 807600496 807600496 807600496 807600496 807600496 807600520 807600535 807600535 807600535 Name Source Name LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIFE ASSIST, INC. ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER Memo 754058, supply Contract#P004-F... 755082, supply Contract#P004-F... 755477, supply Contract#P004-F... 755629, supply Contract#P004-F... 754080, supply Contract#P004-F... 753893, supply Contract#P004-F... 755012, supply Contract#P004-F... 2389849, St#61 Contract#P019-1... 051216 amazon, trauma bag 051216 amazon, trauma bag 060416 amazon, luggage tags Total 2024 · First Aid Supplies Paid Amount 650.16 998.68 1,878.03 453.78 -487.94 -318.20 -162.65 704.70 39.98 59.97 10.99 12,709.34 2025 · Oxygen Check Check Check Check Check 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/21/2016 6/24/2016 807600383 807600383 807600383 807600423 807600457 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC MATHESON TRI-GAS INC MATHESON TRI-GAS INC MATHESON TRI-GAS INC MATHESON TRI-GAS INC MATHESON TRI-GAS INC MATHESON TRI-GAS INC MATHESON TRI-GAS INC MATHESON TRI-GAS INC MATHESON TRI-GAS INC 13396286, Contract#P009-070114 13458064, Contract#P009-07011... 13458020, Contract#P009-07011... 13458276, Contract#P009-07011... 13518747, Contract#P009-07011... Total 2025 · Oxygen 2027 · Tool Replacement Check 6/7/2016 155.89 807600367 Maintenance WINZER CORPORATION 5595504, supply Total 2027 · Tool Replacement Check Check Check Check 2028 · Board Expense 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/29/2016 807600445 807600446 807600453 807600535 DAVIS, WILLIAM bod FABULOUS FRAMERS KAOF CARD SERVICE CENTER DAVIS, WILLIAM bod FABULOUS FRAMERS KAOF CARD SERVICE CENTER 061516, CSDA conference travel ... 9425, black frame PO#10879 062216, Director Metcho attend C... 060816 ca special district, special... Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 807600381 807600515 807600516 KRONOS INCORPORATED VISION INTERNET PROVIDERS, INC. VISION INTERNET PROVIDERS, INC. KRONOS INCORPORATED VISION INTERNET PROVIDERS, INC. VISION INTERNET PROVIDERS, INC. 11060580, service Contract#E12... 32872, web hosting Contract#E05... 32871, project pmt #2 Contract#E... 150.00 8,500.00 17,480.00 26,130.00 807600358 807600386 807600386 807600416 807600416 807600459 807600470 807600470 807600470 807600470 807600506 807600506 807600535 NELSON NELSON NELSON CASCADE HEALTHCARE SERVICES CASCADE HEALTHCARE SERVICES NELSON AEROTEK AEROTEK AEROTEK AEROTEK NELSON NELSON CARD SERVICE CENTER NELSON NELSON NELSON CASCADE HEALTHCARE SERVICES CASCADE HEALTHCARE SERVICES NELSON AEROTEK AEROTEK AEROTEK AEROTEK NELSON NELSON CARD SERVICE CENTER 6119775, Demartino 051516 Con... 6121833, Demartino 052916 Con... 6120831, Demartino 052216 Con... T29793, May2016 EMS edu servi... T29873, May2016 CQI services C... 6123253, Demartino 060516 Con... OP06429983, Erwin 050716-052... OP06429983, Simpson 050716-0... OP06429983, Torres 050716-052... OP06429983, Zuniga 050716-05... 6123986, Demartino 061216 Con... 6125034, Demartino 061916 Con... 060216 quinns uniforms, captain ... Total 2034 · Outside Assistance 2039 · Schools and Seminars Check 6/9/2016 156.79 62.12 50.00 600.00 868.91 Total 2029 · Advertising 2034 · Outside Assistance 6/7/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/21/2016 6/21/2016 6/24/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 395.82 395.82 Total 2028 · Board Expense 2029 · Advertising Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 13.82 42.75 80.75 4.75 13.82 1,160.00 1,160.00 1,160.00 4,750.00 4,750.00 928.00 4,029.75 4,095.00 4,433.00 4,433.00 1,160.00 1,160.00 275.08 33,493.83 807600379 HAKENEN,AARON HAKENEN,AARON 060416, reimb fire mgmt 1 & fire ... 364.00 Page 20 Agenda Page #292 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Date 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 Num 807600504 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 Name Source Name MESENBURG, ERICH employee CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER MESENBURG, ERICH employee CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER Memo 062416, CDG class Fire Mgmt 2D... 052316 hs associates, fire mgmt ... 052416 int'l code council, ICC co... 051116 travelocity, FRI conf trave... 051116 amarican air, FRI conf air... 051116 amarican air, FRI conf air... 051116 amarican air, FRI conf air... 051116 amarican air, FRI conf air... 052416 smf parking, S-223 052316 alamo rent a car, S223 Total 2039 · Schools and Seminars Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 2040 · Training Aids and Materials 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/2/2016 6/21/2016 6/21/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 807600473 807600482 807600521 807600522 807600522 807600535 807600535 807600535 ALERT-ALL CORP. FIRE SMART PROMOTIONS ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. L. N. CURTIS & SONS L. N. CURTIS & SONS CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER ALERT-ALL CORP. FIRE SMART PROMOTIONS ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. L. N. CURTIS & SONS L. N. CURTIS & SONS CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER 216060024, public edu supplies P... 103204, fire hats & wrist bands P... 162406, light lantern PO#13961 275049, rescue tech PO#13950 283159, lights PO#13962 051916 e-rigging, St#62 drill grou... 051116 pennwell ecommerce, trai... 052516 van bebber bros, material 4314 807600425 807600425 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 5,100.38 2,130.00 2,783.03 2,552.39 2,789.44 -387.64 471.21 454.10 15,892.91 MARIN COUNTY FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC SAFEWAY, INC. SAFEWAY, INC. CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER MARIN COUNTY FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC SAFEWAY, INC. SAFEWAY, INC. CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER Reimb. MCFCA Panera Bread 434120-052516-0979, ops meeting 806871-052716-0979, san antoni... 060216 las guitarras, moard meet... 051016 the international society, ... 051016 hopmonk, ems mtg LJ, H... 051116 hopmonk, ems mtg Torre... 051216 moylans, ems billing Pete... 051716 boca pizzeria, ems meeti... 051116 red boys pizza, Heine Bro... 051916 panera bread, reimb district 060916 las guitarras, meeting Hei... Total 2041 · Food 2049 · Conferences & Meetings 6/7/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/16/2016 6/16/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 790.00 395.00 625.00 8.00 253.60 253.60 357.10 357.10 36.00 236.60 3,676.00 Total 2040 · Training Aids and Materials 2041 · Food Sales Receipt Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Paid Amount -69.59 20.36 431.58 65.20 125.00 61.69 119.47 86.95 130.93 83.22 69.59 108.95 1,233.35 807600346 807600374 807600380 807600404 807600408 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 AFSS NORTHERN DIVISION AMERICAN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION HAKENEN,AARON NORCAL FPO'S SONOMA COUNTY FPO ASSOCIATION CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER AFSS NORTHERN DIVISION AMERICAN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION HAKENEN,AARON NORCAL FPO'S SONOMA COUNTY FPO ASSOCIATION CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER 052716, AFSS North Qtrly trainin... 060116, Reg#4221428 2016 regi... 060416, reimb IAFC fire rescue m... Complete Review 2016 edition C... Joint Marin Sonoma FPO/BO me... 052316 ca special dist, leadershi... 052316 resort at squaw creek, ca ... 052416 panera bread, NCSA clas... 052516 panera bread, NCSA clas... 060416 labor arbitration inst, labo... 060716 srjc registration, J. O'Brie... 051016 inn by the lake, cal chiefs ... 051116 virgin america, CFED con... 051116 virgin america, CFED con... 051116 united, CFED conf airfare 051116 united, CFED conf airfare 051116 travelocity, CFED conf air... 25.00 299.00 2,337.65 1,625.00 120.00 675.00 175.00 21.48 14.99 -550.00 259.00 113.00 179.10 179.10 287.10 287.10 8.00 Page 21 Agenda Page #293 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Date 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 Num 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 Name Source Name CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER Memo 051916 macduffs pub, ems mtg c... 052616 renaissance hotels, CFE... 052716 renaissance hotels, CFE... 052716 renaissance hotels, CFE... 051216 united, - HEINE Total 2049 · Conferences & Meetings 2050 · Equipment Testing Check 6/29/2016 807600532 Maintenance LUBE AIR SYSTEMS 4911, Contract#I062-050216 2,394.84 2,394.84 807600347 807600361 807600361 807600361 807600361 807600361 807600361 807600361 807600388 807600412 807600413 807600419 807600421 807600428 807600435 807600456 807600458 807600503 807600526 807600527 807600530 807600531 807600533 807600533 807600533 807600533 807600533 807600533 807600533 807600534 807600535 807600535 807600528 807600529 GJ 063018 GJ 063018R GJ 063019R GJ 063019RR ABLE TIRE & BRAKE INC NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS PINI HARDWARE INC. Maintenance ACE ELECTRIC SERVICE Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance ABLE TIRE & BRAKE INC LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. MARIN COUNTY FORD MARIN COUNTY FORD Emergency Maintenance Maintenance LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS Maintenance CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER Maintenance LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. LEADER INDUSTRIES LEADER INDUSTRIES LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. ABLE TIRE & BRAKE INC NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS PINI HARDWARE INC. ABLE TIRE & BRAKE INC ACE ELECTRIC SERVICE HI-TECH E.V.S. INC. LEHR AUTO ELECTRIC, INC. WATTCO ABLE TIRE & BRAKE INC LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. MARIN COUNTY FORD MARIN COUNTY FORD DIEGO TRUCK REPAIR, INC HI-TECH E.V.S. INC. LEADER INDUSTRIES LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS SPARTAN MOTORS CHASSIS, INC. CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER LEADER INDUSTRIES LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. LEADER INDUSTRIES LEADER INDUSTRIES LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. 562422, unit#3 Contract#P015-05... 853508, unit#2 853526, unit#17 853527, unit#17 854308, unit#18 854899, unit#3 855257, unit#7 855909, unit#4 319535, unit#17 562339, unit#7 Contract#P015-05... 13286, unit#3 153756, unit#3 Contract#R018-07... 01124629, unit#7 45648, unit#7 563243, unit#3 Contract#P015-05... 00071511, unit#33 FOW26127, unit#2 FOCS39782, unit#39 PO#0660 49205, unit#39 153996, unit#7 Contract#R018-07... 61676, unit#2 PO#0661 0071671, unit#32 859051, unit#2 859402, unit#2 859406, unit#2 859546, unit#7 860763, unit#2 862270, unit#15 862561, unit#45 00652958, unit#7 060916 professional window, type... 051616 pini hardware, Unit#16, 2... 61676, unit#2 PO#0661 0071671, unit#32 For CHK 807600528 voided on 0... Reverse of GJE GJ 063018 -- For... For CHK 807600529 voided on 0... Reverse of GJE GJ 063019R -- F... Total 2087 · Parts & Outside Labor 2088 · Shop Supplies Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/21/2016 99.16 11.00 780.48 915.48 -100.00 7,761.64 Total 2050 · Equipment Testing 2087 · Parts & Outside Labor Check 6/7/2016 Check 6/7/2016 Check 6/7/2016 Check 6/7/2016 Check 6/7/2016 Check 6/7/2016 Check 6/7/2016 Check 6/7/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/21/2016 Check 6/21/2016 Check 6/21/2016 Check 6/21/2016 Check 6/21/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 General Journal 6/29/2016 General Journal 6/29/2016 General Journal 6/29/2016 General Journal 6/29/2016 Paid Amount 1,738.48 13.54 82.23 77.28 49.20 47.48 140.90 26.56 16.28 1,788.27 418.69 286.74 232.18 243.25 1,704.01 53.81 346.83 982.27 160.00 150.26 536.24 161.85 82.23 40.75 14.28 13.09 38.76 4.65 18.29 17.23 196.20 38.33 0.00 0.00 536.24 -536.24 161.85 -161.85 9,720.16 807600388 807600423 PINI HARDWARE INC. MATHESON TRI-GAS INC PINI HARDWARE INC. MATHESON TRI-GAS INC 319949, switch for shop parts room 13458276, Contract#P009-07011... 9.00 4.75 Page 22 Agenda Page #294 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Date Num Name Source Name Memo Total 2088 · Shop Supplies Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 2121 · Vegetation Mgmt 6/16/2016 6/16/2016 6/16/2016 6/16/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 13.75 807600402 807600405 807600406 807600407 807600478 807600488 807600489 807600495 807600518 807600519 INDIAN VALLEY ASSOCIATES NOVATO HEIGHTS PROSPECT PLACE HOMEOWNERS ASS... PLEASANT VALLEY 44 HOMEOWNERS A... CHEDA KNOLLS HOA BAYSIDE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HILLSIDE HOA LAMPERTI, EDWARD J. WILD HORSE VALLEY ASSOCIATION WESTERN OAKS VILLAGE ASSOCIATION INDIAN VALLEY ASSOCIATES NOVATO HEIGHTS PROSPECT PLACE HOMEOWNERS ASSOC... PLEASANT VALLEY 44 HOMEOWNERS AS... CHEDA KNOLLS HOA BAYSIDE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HILLSIDE HOA LAMPERTI, EDWARD J. WILD HORSE VALLEY ASSOCIATION WESTERN OAKS VILLAGE ASSOCIATION Vegetation management matchin... Vegetation management matchin... Vegetation management matchin... Vegetation management matchin... 062116, Vege Mgmt Grant 062116, Vege Mgmt Grant 062816, Vege Mgmt Grant 062016, Vege Mgmt Grant 062116, Vege Mgmt Grant 062116, Vege Mgmt Grant Total 2121 · Vegetation Mgmt 2131 · Books & Periodicals Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 807600535 807600535 CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER 060216 srjc bookstore, J. O'Brien ... 060216 srjc bookstore, J. O'Brien ... Check Check Check Check Check 807600443 DISCOVERY OFFICE SYSTEMS DISCOVERY OFFICE SYSTEMS 55E1324941, service Contract#E... Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 807600343 807600366 807600393 807600393 807600442 VANZEBO LASER, LLC VANZEBO LASER, LLC STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE DELL BUSINESS CREDIT VANZEBO LASER, LLC VANZEBO LASER, LLC STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE DELL BUSINESS CREDIT 94453, toner Contract#I073-012215 94495, toner Contract#I073-012215 8039247259, 7153150226 return... 8039247259, 7155240374, T2500... 984614640, ram PO#0785 348.69 642.87 -250.31 158.87 405.59 1,305.71 807600391 807600395 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 RACKSPACE US INC. TRITECH EMERGENCY MEDICAL SYSTE... CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER RACKSPACE US INC. TRITECH EMERGENCY MEDICAL SYSTEM... CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER 4254091, service Contract#E016-... INV051445, respond billing addt'l ... 051616 tritech, Contract#E144-02... 051516 vimeo plus, video storage 052816 malwarebytes, anti spyware 053116 zendesk, annual service ... 060816 mocrosoft onedrive, accn... 060816 microsoft office, renewal Total 2151 · Computer System Software 2164 · Computer Hardware Maintenance Check 6/1/2016 807600340 Check 6/29/2016 807600498 2268 · Special Fire Equipment & Suppl 6/1/2016 807600338 6/7/2016 807600355 6/7/2016 807600355 6/9/2016 807600375 6/9/2016 807600384 6/24/2016 807600432 6/24/2016 807600432 1,221.00 550.00 1,770.00 59.95 24.95 3,120.00 3.99 9.99 6,759.88 MARIN IT, INC MARIN IT, INC MARIN IT, INC MARIN IT, INC 2016-14973, May2016 maint Con... 2016-15147, June2016 maint Co... Total 2164 · Computer Hardware Maintenance Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 122.25 122.25 Total 2141 · Computer Supplies 2151 · Computer System Software 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 212.72 147.47 360.19 Total 2137 · Document Reproduction 2141 · Computer Supplies 6/1/2016 6/7/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/24/2016 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,175.00 500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 13,675.00 Total 2131 · Books & Periodicals 2137 · Document Reproduction Check 6/24/2016 Paid Amount 5,980.00 5,980.00 11,960.00 L. N. CURTIS & SONS GRAINGER GRAINGER BUCK'S SAW SERVICE, INC NAPA AUTO PARTS ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. L. N. CURTIS & SONS GRAINGER GRAINGER BUCK'S SAW SERVICE, INC NAPA AUTO PARTS ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. INV26750, handle forest - wood h... 9099130115, supply Contract#P0... 9104689311, supply Contract#P0... 318978, chainsaws PO#0773 854330, pint hook 188778, survivor light Contract#P... 188778, survivor light Contract#P... 162.41 11.41 86.79 2,903.46 117.41 947.21 -631.47 Page 23 Agenda Page #295 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Date 6/24/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 Num 807600449 807600521 807600524 807600524 807600525 807600535 807600535 807600535 Name Source Name HICKS VALLEY STATION FUND SEW SHIP ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. UNIFIRE POWER BLOWERS, INC. UNIFIRE POWER BLOWERS, INC. ZEN FIRE & SAFETY CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER HICKS VALLEY STATION FUND SEW SHIP ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. UNIFIRE POWER BLOWERS, INC. UNIFIRE POWER BLOWERS, INC. ZEN FIRE & SAFETY CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER Memo 115, hose packs PO#13543 162406-1, attack hose PO#14397 9058173, chain saw parts 9057997, chains part PO#13963 IN062316-2, fire hose PO#14396 052316 amazon, weather meter 052416 factory outlet store, garmin 060216 garmin Total 2268 · Special Fire Equipment & Suppl 2273 · Employee Service & Recognition Check 6/29/2016 807600535 Check Check Check Check Check Check 807600333 807600342 807600447 807600472 807600472 807600535 CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER 052416 framing achievement, dipl... Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 124.62 124.62 AMERICAN ASPHALT R&R TRUE NORTH SIGNS & GRAPHIC SERVI... GLOBAL PORTABLE BUILDINGS Repairs Repairs CARD SERVICE CENTER AMERICAN ASPHALT R&R TRUE NORTH SIGNS & GRAPHIC SERVICES GLOBAL PORTABLE BUILDINGS AMERICAN ASPHALT R&R AMERICAN ASPHALT R&R CARD SERVICE CENTER 7874, St#62 repair Contract#E14... 1949, admin signs Contract#I095-... 6012016, cargo container PO#13... 8013, St#62 repair Contract#E14... 8012, Admin repair Contract#E14... 060716 pini hardware, St#63 toile... Total 2397 · Facilities Projects 2398 · Facilities Repair 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/21/2016 6/21/2016 6/21/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 1,500.00 3,399.50 433.00 1,447.00 10,734.27 259.00 365.89 380.61 22,116.49 Total 2273 · Employee Service & Recognition 2397 · Facilities Projects 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/24/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 Paid Amount 9,080.00 9,340.95 2,953.31 11,910.00 10,259.00 8.44 43,551.70 807600334 807600341 807600345 807600345 807600345 807600345 807600345 807600345 807600357 807600364 807600364 807600364 807600364 807600364 807600364 807600372 807600382 807600392 807600392 807600415 807600418 807600418 807600454 807600454 807600454 807600454 807600454 807600464 807600464 807600471 807600477 807600477 BAY ALARM SIMPSON SHEET METAL, INC ATCO ATCO ATCO ATCO ATCO ATCO MARIN PLUMBING Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance ALHAMBRA & SIERRA SPRINGS Maintenance Repairs Repairs CINTAS DONLEE PUMP COMPANY DONLEE PUMP COMPANY Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Repairs Repairs Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance BAY ALARM SIMPSON SHEET METAL, INC ATCO ATCO ATCO ATCO ATCO ATCO MARIN PLUMBING TYCO SIMPLEXGRINNELL TYCO SIMPLEXGRINNELL TYCO SIMPLEXGRINNELL TYCO SIMPLEXGRINNELL TYCO SIMPLEXGRINNELL TYCO SIMPLEXGRINNELL ALHAMBRA & SIERRA SPRINGS MARIN BUILDING MAINTENANCE, INC. SIMPSON SHEET METAL, INC SIMPSON SHEET METAL, INC CINTAS DONLEE PUMP COMPANY DONLEE PUMP COMPANY LEETE GENERATORS LEETE GENERATORS LEETE GENERATORS LEETE GENERATORS LEETE GENERATORS SIMPSON SHEET METAL, INC SIMPSON SHEET METAL, INC ATCO CAGWIN & DORWARD CAGWIN & DORWARD 2057628160515M, Contract#E01... 23946, St#65 service Contract#I... 132815, Admin Contract#I054-04... 132816, St#61 Contract#I054-042... 132817, St#62 Contract#I054-042... 132818, St#63 Contract#I054-042... 132819, St#64 Contract#I054-042... 132820, St#65 Contract#I054-042... 8365, St#65 repair Contract#I061... 78632383, Admin fire & sprinkler ... 78632385, St#61 fire & sprinkler ... 78632384, St#62 fire & sprinkler ... 78632386, St#63 fire & sprinkler ... 78632381, St#64 fire & sprinkler ... 78632382, St#65 fire & sprinkler ... 10741750060116, Contract#E012... 5105, May2016 service Contract#... 72204, St#65 service Contract#I... 24061, unit 4B Contract#I090-040... 1, 050116-053116 Contract#P017... 79231, St#61, 62, 65 maintenanc... 79138, St#61, 62, 64, 65 mainten... 24637, Admin service Contract#I... 24638, St#61 service Contract#I0... 24639, St#62 service Contract#I0... 24640, St#63 service Contract#I0... 24641, St#65 service Contract#I0... 24114, St#65 service Contract#I... 24115, St#65 service Contract#I0... 137653, St#61 Contract#I054-042... 553486, Admin maintenance Con... 553120, St#61 maintenance Cont... 1,554.75 675.00 110.00 75.00 75.00 80.00 65.00 75.00 199.00 855.00 750.00 750.00 284.00 1,266.00 829.00 243.39 420.00 15,630.00 145.00 140.00 63.33 1,713.33 380.00 420.00 354.84 359.67 400.00 145.00 1,026.00 1,600.00 431.00 441.00 Page 24 Agenda Page #296 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Date 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 Num 807600477 807600477 807600477 807600477 807600490 807600491 807600491 807600493 807600493 807600512 807600521 807600535 807600535 Name Source Name Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Repairs Maintenance JORGENSEN COMPANY JORGENSEN COMPANY Repairs ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. CARD SERVICE CENTER Maintenance CAGWIN & DORWARD CAGWIN & DORWARD CAGWIN & DORWARD CAGWIN & DORWARD JONES GARAGE DOOR CO., INC. IES, INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES IES, INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES JORGENSEN COMPANY JORGENSEN COMPANY SIMPSON SHEET METAL, INC ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER Memo 553121, St#62 maintenance Cont... 553113, St#63 maintenance Cont... 553117, St#64 maintenance Cont... 553116, St#65 maintenance Cont... 48594, St#61, 62 Contract#I057-0... SV022338, St#61 repair service ... PM16285, St#61 service Contract... 5599380, semi annual service Co... 5599386, semi annual service Co... 72263, St#65 service Contract#I... 162406-1, attack hose PO#14397 051716 novato builders supply, St... 052416 weddle plumbing, St repa... Total 2398 · Facilities Repair Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 2399 · Station Supplies 6/7/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/24/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 Paid Amount 463.00 363.00 364.00 336.00 4,385.00 4,426.00 2,386.75 840.00 840.00 5,100.00 3,399.50 66.22 174.50 54,699.28 807600355 807600393 807600393 807600393 807600463 807600487 807600487 807600487 807600487 807600487 807600487 807600523 807600523 807600523 807600523 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 GRAINGER STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER GRAINGER STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER 9104689311, supply Contract#P0... 8039247259, 3302278595 Contra... 8039247259, 3302278596 Contra... 8039247259, 3302278597 Contra... 8039625169, 3305028956 Contra... 9131111065, supply Contract#P0... 9131111073, supply Contract#P0... 9135793983, supply Contract#P0... 9140831968, supply Contract#P0... 9146183224 9137438611 8039716678, 3305616234 Contra... 8039716678, 3305616235 Contra... 8039716678, 3305616237 Contra... 8039716678, 3305616238 Contra... 053116 staples, St#64 - MESEN... 051816 amazon, supply cancel - ... 053016 amazon, cooler 053116 amazon, cooler 060816 costco, water 060816 costco, water gatorade Total 2399 · Station Supplies 54.03 123.68 452.73 35.47 297.53 37.45 40.25 26.23 -8.70 277.32 -277.32 208.48 26.08 26.08 244.63 110.89 -10.06 19.03 76.12 388.80 460.30 2,609.02 2400 · Hydrants Check Check 6/7/2016 6/24/2016 807600352 807600450 DECKMASTERS DECKMASTERS DECKMASTERS DECKMASTERS 052716, annual hydrant maint Co... 061516, annual hydrant maint Co... Total 2400 · Hydrants Check Check Check 2401 · Memberships 6/16/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 5,002.00 807600404 807600441 807600441 NORCAL FPO'S CALIF SPECIAL DISTRICT ASSOC CALIF SPECIAL DISTRICT ASSOC NORCAL FPO'S CALIF SPECIAL DISTRICT ASSOC CALIF SPECIAL DISTRICT ASSOC NorCal FPO annual membership ... 36159, 2016 regular member dues 36159, 2017 regular member due... Total 2401 · Memberships 2406 · Payroll Service Charge Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/8/2016 Check 6/9/2016 General Journal 6/10/2016 2,050.00 2,952.00 275.00 4,871.00 3,044.50 8,190.50 807600332 807600332 Debit 807600371 GJ 061016 ADP ADP BANK OF MARIN ADP WestAmerica Bank ADP ADP BANK OF MARIN ADP WestAmerica Bank 473649490, Contract#E020-070114 473647082, Contract##020-070114 474306847, Contract#E020-070114 Bank Charge 1,043.54 119.85 250.27 1,151.00 7.00 Page 25 Agenda Page #297 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Date 6/16/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 Num 807600397 807600433 807600433 807600474 807600474 807600474 807600474 Name Source Name ADP ADP ADP ADP ADP ADP ADP ADP ADP ADP ADP ADP ADP ADP Memo Inv#474658527 contract# E020-0... 475368906, Contract#E020-070114 474961011, Contract#E020-070114 472914593, Contract#E020-070114 credit 472914593, Contract#E020... 475366419, Contract#E020-070114 475367432, Contract#E020-070114 Total 2406 · Payroll Service Charge 2407 · Office Supplies Check 6/7/2016 Check 6/7/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Check 6/9/2016 Sales Receipt 6/10/2016 Check 6/21/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Sales Receipt 6/28/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check 6/29/2016 Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 19.80 1,237.50 1,048.02 1,151.00 -511.75 20.00 157.47 5,693.70 807600360 807600360 807600373 807600393 807600393 807600393 807600393 807600393 807600393 807600394 807600396 807600396 4362 807600427 807600451 807600461 807600462 807600462 807600462 4359 807600492 807600497 807600508 807600508 807600509 807600523 NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST A and P MOVING, INC. STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNITED PARCEL SERVICE LOPEZ, MARIA UNITED PARCEL SERVICE IMPRESS PRINTING SERVICES SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE NEOPOST IMPRESS PRINTING SERVICES Lease Payment NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST PREMIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST A and P MOVING, INC. STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNITED PARCEL SERVICE LOPEZ, MARIA UNITED PARCEL SERVICE IMPRESS PRINTING SERVICES SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE NEOPOST IMPRESS PRINTING SERVICES MAILFINANCE NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST PREMIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 051316, ambulance billing postag... 051316, postage PO#0349 4045814, storage Contract#E001-... 8039247259, 3302278588, Contr... 8039247259, 3302278589, Contr... 8039247259, 7155886070 Contra... 8039247259, 7155992339 Contra... 8039247259, 3302278592 Contra... 8039247259, 7156039786 shredd... 8039431494, 3303497491 Contra... 0000X68602216, Contract#E141-... 0000X68602226, Contract#E141-... Office Supplies 0000X68602236, Contract#E141-... 768, satisfaction survey cards PO... 031497691, envelopes 8039542174, 0145912849 Contra... 8039542174, 3304537264 Contra... 8039542174, 3304537266 Contra... Refund Unapplied Payment 770, yellow cards N5980712, Contract#E043-070114 061216, ambulance billing postag... 061216, postage PO#0349 GSA23043145, envelopes 8039716678, 3305616233 Contra... Total 2407 · Office Supplies 2501 · Gas, Oil & Grease Vehicles 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/9/2016 6/21/2016 6/21/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 Paid Amount 924.72 1,081.01 36.75 186.81 52.38 11.94 60.29 83.61 782.84 110.75 33.62 36.60 -16.00 47.31 521.89 268.34 86.36 500.73 1.11 -27.77 131.29 96.12 1,558.10 17.56 196.06 161.86 6,944.28 807600355 807600355 807600375 807600414 807600420 807600502 807600511 807600517 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 GRAINGER GRAINGER BUCK'S SAW SERVICE, INC BAY AREA AIR QUALITY MGMT HAKENEN,AARON MATT AND JEFF'S CAR WASH SC FUELS WALRAVEN, COLLEEN EE CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER GRAINGER GRAINGER BUCK'S SAW SERVICE, INC BAY AREA AIR QUALITY MGMT HAKENEN,AARON MATT AND JEFF'S CAR WASH SC FUELS WALRAVEN, COLLEEN EE CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER 9104689311, supply Contract#P0... 9105089867, supply Contract#P0... 318861, St#64 chainsaw parts FY16/17, 3UH63, Admin annual p... 061716, reimb HazMat Specialist ... 060115-053116, vehicle washes 060816, May2016 Contract#B001... 062416, travel reimb for Ford Mo... 051916 chebron, unit#32 060816 chevron, unit#32 052716 fatsrak, toll fees 051616 fastrak, toll fees 051916 hyatt hotels, St#64 award... 052416 petco, - TAUL 052416 belli deli 053116 chebron, 060616 belli deli 196.65 108.55 11.70 557.00 446.04 949.63 4,611.55 33.90 64.84 64.18 72.00 55.00 19.00 48.99 21.61 44.89 20.45 Page 26 Agenda Page #298 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Date 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 Num 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 807600535 Name Source Name CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER Memo 060316 netwelder - FORKES 060716 northern tool 052516 pini hardware - LACROIX 052016 weldingsupplies, - VELI... 052316 northern tool 052516 northern tool 061016 amazon 051116 pini hardware, - MENZEL 051216 pini hardware Total 2501 · Gas, Oil & Grease Vehicles 2530 · Emergency Operations Center Check 6/16/2016 807600411 Check 6/16/2016 807600411 Check 6/16/2016 807600411 Check Check Check Check Check 807600455 807600455 807600455 807600455 807600460 CITY OF NOVATO CITY OF NOVATO CITY OF NOVATO CITY OF NOVATO CITY OF NOVATO CITY OF NOVATO Invoice #NOV-16-01 Contract #E... Invoice #NOV-16-02 Contract #E... Invoice #NOV-16-03 Contract #E... LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE RILEY F. HURD III LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE RILEY F. HURD III 1422278, 053116 services Contra... 1422279, 053116 services Contra... 1422280, 053116 services Contra... 1422281, 053116 services Contra... 13147, May2016 service Contract... Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 300.00 5,017.67 2,192.00 455.00 5,962.50 13,927.17 GJ 061416 807600403 807600403 807600535 WestAmerica Bank MAZE & ASSOCIATES MAZE & ASSOCIATES CARD SERVICE CENTER WestAmerica Bank MAZE & ASSOCIATES MAZE & ASSOCIATES CARD SERVICE CENTER Analysis Charge Invoice #19489 Contract #R008-0... Invoice #19489 Contract #R008-0... 060116 microbilt corp, ems billing... Total 2717 · Audit & Accounting Fees 2718 · Consulting Fees 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/16/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 5,203.13 5,931.38 2,512.50 13,647.01 Total 2713 · Legal Fees 2717 · Audit & Accounting Fees General Journal 6/14/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/29/2016 272.73 39.98 7.88 445.00 299.00 1,004.00 13.08 16.82 10.84 9,435.31 Total 2530 · Emergency Operations Center 2713 · Legal Fees 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 Paid Amount 807600351 807600351 807600410 807600436 807600436 807600444 807600444 807600444 807600481 807600510 807600535 705.29 11,560.00 2,720.00 180.46 15,165.75 DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC LEXIPOL LLC BIG CAT ADVERTISING BIG CAT ADVERTISING DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC ROCKET FIRE CONSULTING CARD SERVICE CENTER DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC LEXIPOL LLC BIG CAT ADVERTISING BIG CAT ADVERTISING DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC ROCKET FIRE CONSULTING CARD SERVICE CENTER 2016-02-15, canyon road Contrac... 2016-02-16, novato chevrolet Co... Invoice #16851 Contract #E034-0... 4784, May2016 consulting Contra... 4784, May2016 sprinkler post car... 2016-02-18, bio marin Contract#I... 2016-01-19, colombo residence ... 2016-02-20, terra firma global par... 2016-02-21, chatta residence Co... 062716, consulting service Contr... 053116 esri, Contract#E120-0917... Total 2718 · Consulting Fees 150.00 150.00 900.00 500.00 145.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 2,025.00 1,565.63 6,035.63 2731 · Water Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/29/2016 807600359 807600359 807600359 807600359 807600359 807600359 807600385 807600385 807600507 NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. 051216, Accnt#1833202 Contract... 052616, Accnt#4291201 Contract... 052616, Accnt#4188801 Contract... 052616, Accnt#4188701 Contract... 052616, Accnt#703502 Contract#... 052616, Accnt#703402 Contract#... 060216, Accnt#692801 Contract#... 060216, Accnt#1839301 Contract... 061616, Accnt#1708601 Contract... 54.00 107.28 54.00 241.46 54.00 176.56 206.76 28.00 54.00 Page 27 Agenda Page #299 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Date 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 Num 807600507 807600507 807600507 807600507 Name Source Name NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. Memo 0609166, Accnt#1825601 Contra... 060916, Accnt#958102 Contract#... 060916, Accnt#4272001 Contract... 061616, Accnt#1708501 Contract... Total 2731 · Water Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check 2732 · Electricity 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 Paid Amount 54.00 183.07 235.31 685.46 2,133.90 807600362 807600362 807600362 807600362 807600389 807600389 807600389 807600389 807600389 807600500 807600501 807600514 PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E MC CARTHY, GERALD JR MENZEL, DMITRI employee VELIQUETTE, JEFF PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E PG&E MC CARTHY, GERALD JR MENZEL, DMITRI employee VELIQUETTE, JEFF 052516, Accnt#6093478999-5 Co... 052516, Accnt#2886168221-0 Co... 052516, Accnt#2375449117-5 Co... 052616, Accnt#8167658955-9 Co... 053116, Accnt#8783705711-3 Co... 053116, Accnt#2844501557-2 Co... 053116, Accnt#2333782453-8 Co... 060116, Accnt#8209325619-4 Co... 060316, Accnt#0554263785-4 Co... June2016 PG&E stipend June2016 PG&E stipend June2016 PG&E stipend Total 2732 · Electricity 54.19 150.25 88.96 55.00 2,896.47 1,933.48 2,036.62 537.10 1,390.70 37.40 37.40 37.40 9,254.97 2736 · Garbage Check Check Check Check Check Check 6/21/2016 6/21/2016 6/21/2016 6/21/2016 6/21/2016 6/21/2016 807600424 807600424 807600424 807600424 807600424 807600424 NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC 1907381, Admin Contract#E039-... 1907322, St#61 Contract#E039-1... 1907323, St#62 Contract#E039-1... 1907324, St#63 Contract#E039-1... 1907325, St#64 Contract#E039-1... 1907380, St#65 Contract#E039-1... Total 2736 · Garbage 2738 · Telephone System Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/1/2016 Check 6/7/2016 Check 6/7/2016 Check 6/7/2016 Check 6/7/2016 Check 6/7/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 Check 6/16/2016 General Journal 6/17/2016 Check 6/24/2016 251.87 251.87 251.87 251.87 251.87 251.87 1,511.22 807600331 807600331 807600331 807600331 807600331 807600331 807600331 807600331 807600331 807600331 807600335 807600337 807600344 807600344 807600348 807600350 807600365 807600398 807600399 807600399 807600400 807600409 807600409 GJ 061716 807600430 AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET DISH NETWORK FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AMERICAN MESSAGING SERVICES, LLC COMCAST VERIZON WIRELESS AT&T MOBILITY AT&T AT&T COUNTY OF MARIN - MARIN.ORG VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VISTA BROADBAND NETWORKS, INC AT&T AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET DISH NETWORK FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AMERICAN MESSAGING SERVICES, LLC COMCAST VERIZON WIRELESS AT&T MOBILITY AT&T AT&T COUNTY OF MARIN - MARIN.ORG VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VISTA BROADBAND NETWORKS, INC AT&T 000008034188, Accnt#93910197... 000008034196, Accnt#93910197... 000008034195, Accnt#93910197... 000008034194, Accnt#93910197... 000008034193, Accnt#93910197... 000008034192, Accnt#93910197... 000008034191, Accnt#93910197... 000008034190, Accnt#93910197... 000008034189, Accnt#93910197... 000008034197, Accnt#93910197... 051816, Accnt#82557070806329... 051916, Accnt#20918822400317... 000008059812, Accnt#93910207... 000008081722, Accnt#93910197... W4106068QF, June2016 service ... 052316, Accnt#81553001302690... 9765581943, Accnt#270651397-0... Inv#991004252X06042016 contra... Contract #E038-070114 234341-... Contract #E038-070114 248134-... Invoice #1074000 Contract #E04... Invoice #97660174743 Contract #... Invoice #9766232807 Contract #... VOID #807600277 061016, Accnt#41588420723541 ... 53.57 17.37 156.62 36.65 36.48 34.77 34.69 215.78 35.69 17.42 87.99 139.75 204.60 35.88 235.16 106.16 54.20 2,143.29 128.73 23.51 2,285.00 1,647.56 65.28 -259.95 114.92 Page 28 Agenda Page #300 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Date 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 Num 807600431 807600438 807600439 807600465 807600466 807600467 807600469 807600469 807600469 807600469 807600469 807600469 807600469 807600469 807600469 807600469 807600469 807600483 807600485 807600486 807600523 807600535 807600535 807600535 Name Source Name AT&T MOBILITY COMCAST COMCAST VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON BUSINESS VCOM SOLUTIONS, INC. AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS COMCAST COMCAST STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER AT&T MOBILITY COMCAST COMCAST VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON BUSINESS VCOM SOLUTIONS, INC. AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET AT&T CALNET FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS COMCAST COMCAST STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER CARD SERVICE CENTER Memo 287245779341X06172016, Accnt... 060516, Accnt#81553001302649... 060916, Accnt#81553001305528... 9766450334, mdc modems Contr... 06473610, Contract#E044-070114 CORP00081520160612, service ... 000008165721, Accnt#93910197... 000008165729, Accnt#93910197... 000008165720, Accnt#93910197... 000008165728, Accnt#93910197... 000008165727, Accnt#93910197... 000008165726, Accnt#93910197... 000008165725, Accnt#93910197... 000008165724, Accnt#93910197... 000008165723, Accnt#93910197... 000008165722, Accnt#93910197... 000008215160, Accnt#93910197... 061916, Accnt#20918822400317... 061616, Accnt#81553001302685... 061716, Accnt#81553001400317... 8039716678, 3305616232 Contra... 051316 satellite phones direct, C... 060816 satellite phones direct, C... 051116-060916 toll free conferen... Total 2738 · Telephone System 3301 · Debt Service - Principal Check 6/7/2016 807600349 BANK OF MARIN BANK OF MARIN 052716, principal Contract#E003-... 807600349 BANK OF MARIN BANK OF MARIN 052716, interest Contract#E003-0... 3,704.79 3,704.79 807600356 807600368 654 807600422 807600448 807600452 807600494 Station 64 Station 64 Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit MIKE BROWN ELECTRIC CO. Station 64 Station 64 Station 64 KLEINFELDER GROUP, INC. GOLDFARB & LIPMAN Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit MIKE BROWN ELECTRIC CO. GOLDFARB & LIPMAN KITCHELL/CEM, INC. KLEINFELDER GROUP, INC. 001107894, St#64 slab 041116-0... 119582, April2016 St#64 services... Improvements to 105 Roblar Driv... 67806001, fuel tank er contral pa... 119850, May2016 St#64 services... 66941, 042516-052916 St#64 Co... 001109938, St#64 slab 050916-0... Total 4048 · Building Facilities Check Check Check Check 16,725.28 16,725.28 Total 3302 · Debt Service - Interest 4048 · Building Facilities Check 6/7/2016 Check 6/7/2016 Invoice 6/16/2016 Check 6/21/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/24/2016 Check 6/29/2016 911.06 201.98 141.16 1,311.43 4.90 7,361.30 39.52 17.42 53.42 17.38 156.61 36.67 36.49 34.79 34.69 215.91 35.88 140.18 142.51 106.12 42.18 147.84 147.84 146.15 19,134.55 Total 3301 · Debt Service - Principal 3302 · Debt Service - Interest Check 6/7/2016 Paid Amount 4880 · Data Processing Computer Equip 6/7/2016 807600363 6/24/2016 807600442 6/29/2016 807600499 6/29/2016 807600535 1,665.00 4,724.00 -72,000.00 123.00 76.50 4,950.00 2,106.75 -58,354.75 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE DELL BUSINESS CREDIT MARIN IT, INC CARD SERVICE CENTER STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE DELL BUSINESS CREDIT MARIN IT, INC CARD SERVICE CENTER Total 4880 · Data Processing Computer Equip 8039339515, 7156253069, St#61... 985673876, pc PO#0785 2016-15135, APC smart PO#0797 052016 newegg, St#61 speakers 274.93 1,925.83 623.16 48.36 2,872.28 Total Expense 2,360,845.01 Net Ordinary Income -898,488.02 Page 29 Agenda Page #301 Novato Fire Protection District Revenues and Expenditures Detail June 2016 Type Date Num Name Source Name Memo Paid Amount -898,488.02 Net Income Page 30 Agenda Page #302 Agenda Page #303 Novato Fire Protection District Vendor Summary May 2016 May 16 911 SCULPTURE A and P MOVING, INC. AABET BUSINESS SYSTEMS AAERO HEATING & SHEET METAL ABLE TIRE & BRAKE INC ACE ELECTRIC SERVICE ADP ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADTS, INC. AEROTEK AFSS NORTHERN DIVISION AIR EXCHANGE, INC. ALHAMBRA & SIERRA SPRINGS ALL STAR RENTS ALLIED MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT CO INC ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. ALLSTATE MED CENTRAL AMERICAN CASTING & MFG CORP AMERICAN MESSAGING SERVICES, LLC ANDERSON, SANDRA APACHE SIGNS APPLEONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES INC ARROW INTERNATIONAL, INC. ASR-BRICKER MINCOLA AT&T AT&T CALNET AT&T MOBILITY ATCO ATHENS ADMINISTRATORS ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. AUTO MANAGED CARE AVANTGUARD LOCKSMITH BANK OF MARIN BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY BANK OF THE WEST BARGHIACCHI, ANTHONY employee BARGIACCHI,ANTHONY D BAUER COMPRESSORS, INC. BAY ALARM BAY AREA AIR QUALITY MGMT BAY CITY BOILER & ENGINEERING BEARINGS & HYDRAULICS BEEDLE,BRADFORD R BEHM, JOANN BENTIVOGLIO, ELISABETH BERNARDINI JR,MARIO L BERNARDINI, MARIO SR employee BICKMORE BIG 4 PARTY RENTALS BIG BEAR FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO. INC BIG CAT ADVERTISING BILL'S TOWING BLACK,ADAM R BLAKES AUTO BODY NORTH, INC. BLANDON,MARVIN J BLUE CROSS BLUE CROSS OF CALIGORNIA BLUE SHIELD OF CALIFORNIA BLUE,FOREST H BOALS, MICHAEL SEAN BOALS,MICHAEL S BOLT STAFFING BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOWLDS,ALEX A BRODY,WILLIAM A 0.00 36.75 0.00 0.00 2,549.17 0.00 2,466.35 12,886.05 0.00 13,458.88 0.00 0.00 243.39 436.56 0.00 1,426.78 0.00 0.00 195.17 0.00 636.56 0.00 0.00 1,957.56 0.00 267.16 1,409.17 3,907.73 480.00 0.00 12,652.56 0.00 2,880.00 20,625.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,029.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,090.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,837.61 0.00 12,045.70 271.31 12,139.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,761.80 0.00 10,491.86 0.00 6,413.30 13,634.40 11,960.21 Jul '15 - May 16 0.00 1,334.25 456.00 0.00 18,588.76 2,955.38 36,907.88 155,680.49 139.00 114,701.34 300.00 5,047.17 2,753.10 616.38 289.95 2,408.11 800.16 121.11 2,214.05 425.16 2,577.56 6,846.70 0.00 6,541.63 55.04 2,679.28 8,696.41 43,764.42 4,800.00 5,616.09 63,449.95 2,324.84 2,880.00 227,254.97 103,851.90 323,929.60 1,256.52 134,767.19 238.01 18,460.00 194.00 0.00 392.60 300.00 500.00 375.00 139,912.44 1,260.09 3,000.00 1,805.77 513.51 35,708.23 720.00 154,823.74 271.31 143,742.95 2,571.43 187.50 365.00 149,446.08 1,448.32 143,726.90 945.75 37,731.30 197,026.02 146,265.30 Page 1 Agenda Page #304 Novato Fire Protection District Vendor Summary May 2016 May 16 BROLAN, ADAM employee BROLAN,ADAM J BUCK'S SAW SERVICE, INC BWS DISTRIBUTORS CA CONF OF ARSON INVESTIGATORS CAGWIN & DORWARD CalCPA CALIF SPECIAL DISTRICT ASSOC CALIF STATE FIREFIGHTERS' ASSN CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD CALIFORNIA BANK OF COMMERCE CALIFORNIA FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC. CALIFORNIA FIRE EXPLORING ASSOCIATION CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL STATISTICS, INC. CalPERS CAMILLERI, AMIE CAPF CAPITOL BARRICADE, INC. CAPITOL CLUTCH & BRAKE, INC CAPTURED MEMORIES CARD SERVICE CENTER CASCADE FIRE EQUIPMENT CO. CASCADE HEALTHCARE SERVICES CCAI CDCE, INC. CFPI CFS TAX SOFTWARE, INC. CHERUBINA CATERING CHONG, TONG YU CHURCH MUTUAL CINTAS CITY OF ALBANY CITY OF COALINGA CITY OF NOVATO CITY OF SANGER FIRE DEPARTMENT COMCAST CONNECTED FLEET SYSTEMS INC. CONNOLLY INC & KAISER FONDTION HEALTHPLAN COSTCO COSTCO WHOLESALE 2 COUNTY CHIEFS ASSOCIATION COUNTY OF MARIN-ASSESSOR COUNTY OF MARIN-DEPT OF H&HS COUNTY OF MARIN - MARIN.ORG COUNTY OF MARIN TAX COLLECTOR CRATERS & FREIGHTERS CREW BOSS CROWN TROPHY D.L. FALK CONSTRUCTION INC. DAGUE, KYLE DAGUE,KYLE M DAVIS, WILLIAM bod DAVIS,JEFFREY M DAVIS,WILLIAM L DC DCFSA2015 DCFSA2016 DCS TESTING & EQUIPMENT, INC. DECKMASTERS DELL BUSINESS CREDIT DELOSSANTOS, PERLA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE DICOCHEA,JOHN S DIEGO TRUCK REPAIR, INC 0.00 16,594.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,398.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -47.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,130,653.88 0.00 1,641.50 0.00 624.60 0.00 27,756.63 0.00 9,500.00 0.00 122,318.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 140.00 1,287.44 2,281.67 0.00 0.00 697.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 92.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,285.00 0.00 0.00 46,462.64 343.15 47.64 0.00 15,085.58 0.00 15,634.09 200.00 0.00 0.00 764.78 11,156.42 3,116.00 167.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,337.33 0.00 Jul '15 - May 16 737.18 202,155.58 469.34 381.60 70.00 71,415.96 1,194.00 800.00 600.00 820.00 96,771.88 2,325.00 500.00 800.00 3,017,511.74 158.00 16,188.00 34,709.15 6,126.27 421.83 193,428.21 161.16 71,250.00 390.00 122,318.87 370.00 168.00 2,453.00 86.82 470.76 1,583.34 21,874.08 10,223.06 1,054.00 720.00 6,753.94 6,072.00 5,452.62 165.00 956.09 6,667.00 238,470.00 577.00 22,250.00 16,219.26 3,316.66 46,462.64 343.15 977,845.87 0.00 190,149.93 249.87 189,906.72 1,500.00 2,472.64 3,650.96 4,613.10 11,156.42 4,879.00 4,458.73 2,358.55 0.00 149,826.69 0.00 203,528.13 2,426.75 Page 2 Agenda Page #305 Novato Fire Protection District Vendor Summary May 2016 May 16 DIGITAL COMBUSTION, INC. DIGITAL GRANGE DINGA, LORA DIPIETRO & ASSOCIATES, INC. DISCOVERY OFFICE SYSTEMS DISH NETWORK DOHERTY,JOSEPH F DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC DONLEE PUMP COMPANY DOWNTOWN FORD SALES DUN & BRADSTREET CREDIBILITY CORP. DUNAWAY, JUDITH DUNN, BEVERLY EBBETTS PASS FIRE DIST. EBS EDWARDS & SONS EQUIPMENT SERVICE, INC. EDWARDS, TIMOTHY EMERGENCY REPORTING EMI-ACCENTURE REFUNDS EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT ENERSPECT MEDICAL SOLUTIONS, LLC EXCEL MICRO, INC. FABULOUS FRAMERS FASTSIGNS FAZZARI, JEFF FDAC FIRE DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION OF CA FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL EXPRESS FELCIANO,GRETCHEN M FENNER,WORTH F FERNANDEZ,DOUGLAS P FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FILEMAKER, INC. FINNEGAN INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES FIRE AGENCIES SELF INS. SYSTEM FIRE ENGINEERING FIREFLEX YOGA, LLC FIRESTATS, LLC. FLETCHER,DONALD M FORKES, KENNETH employee FORKES,KENNETH D FOWLER ELECTRIC SERVICES INC. FREEDMAN,SCOTT R FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS FTS FOREST TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS LTD. GALLI, JAMES A. GALLI,JIM A GARY BARNER INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES GAULKE, TOM F. GAULKE,THOMAS F GLASS ARCHITECTS GODOY,RICHARD S GOLDEN STATE LUMBER GOLDFARB & LIPMAN GOODSPEED,CHRISTOPHER J GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOC. GRAINGER GRINDEL, JACOB HAKENEN,AARON HAKENEN,AARON K HAMBY,KERI S HAMILTON,RYAN J HANSEN, ANDREA HC HCC2015 HCC2016 875.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,259.14 700.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,903.67 0.00 0.00 200.00 0.00 720.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,587.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,472.50 200.00 10,389.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,578.41 0.00 9,146.42 0.00 11,930.58 140.26 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 11,882.60 0.00 12,893.96 4,205.79 0.00 9,213.88 0.00 279.07 0.00 0.00 11,841.03 12,012.84 9,564.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 377.41 Jul '15 - May 16 875.00 4,549.11 500.00 22,813.70 906.42 874.90 146,895.28 10,275.00 4,107.87 109,312.62 1,099.00 234.11 2,253.73 163.79 374,889.63 5,065.80 480.03 10,370.00 0.00 720.00 1,538.70 1,452.00 280.81 50.81 12,696.00 1,915.00 0.00 560.65 112,133.80 1,800.00 122,149.97 894.80 7,204.00 3,115.00 755,215.00 29.00 3,500.00 5,400.00 189,057.09 311.22 100,610.62 4,638.00 132,713.33 140.26 18,530.26 251.25 1,900.00 1,227.00 636.21 117,738.04 64,897.43 130,513.28 4,205.79 450.00 125,156.91 820.00 6,629.36 800.16 191.00 138,438.95 118,396.44 143,204.70 800.16 8,635.60 231.90 406.41 Page 3 Agenda Page #306 Novato Fire Protection District Vendor Summary May 2016 May 16 HCFSA2015 HCFSA2016 HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE LTD HEALTHCOMP ADMINISTRATORS HEALTHNET - SELECT PPO HEINE, MARK employee HEINE,MARK A HI-TECH E.V.S. INC. HOM,DANIEL W HOPKINS,RICHARD E HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATES HOWARD, HARRIET HUMANA HEALTH CARE PLANS HUNTER, SCOTT IAFC MEMBERSHIP ICC IES, INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INDUSTRIES FOR THE BLIND, INC. INTERSTATE BATTERY INTERVISION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. JANG, JUNGSOON JDL ELECTRIC JESSELL, LORI employee JESSELL,LORI M JOHN I. COOPER GENERAL CONTRACTOR, INC. JONES GARAGE DOOR CO., INC. JORGENSEN COMPANY KAISER PERMANENTE- OHSS KAISER/EMPLOYERS MUTUAL INC. KASELIONIS,TOMAS P. KEADY,TRISTAN G KELLY, DIANE M. KELLY, DONNA KINGSBURG FIRE DEPARTMENT KISER,KEEF W KITCHELL/CEM, INC. KNOWLEDGENET KREPS,SHAWN M KRONOS INCORPORATED KUSSMAUL ELECTRONICS CO., INC. L. N. CURTIS & SONS LACROIX, ROBERT LACROIX,ROBERT A LARKIN, GEOFFREY employee LARKIN,GEOFFREY P LARROQUE,MARK L LAWRENCE, JOAN LEADER INDUSTRIES LEAR,KIRK M LEETE GENERATORS LEHR AUTO ELECTRIC, INC. LEMELIN, JEFF employee LEMELIN,JEFF M LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. LESIK, KIM LESIK,KIMBERLY D LEWIS, KIRK I. LEWIS,KIRK I LEXIPOL LLC LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIU, YI LOPEZ, CIARA MAILFINANCE MALLORY COMPANY MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK SERV. 0.00 2,070.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,041.30 571.01 12,784.58 9,136.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,386.75 0.00 350.96 0.00 0.00 100.00 13.85 10,589.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,008.16 0.00 10,924.71 0.00 0.00 255.02 14,303.64 3,700.00 0.00 11,912.38 2,188.25 419.25 296.89 0.00 16,554.06 0.00 14,279.43 12,134.81 0.00 0.00 14,148.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,363.14 299.82 0.00 13,919.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,463.28 7,191.27 0.00 0.00 192.24 0.00 1,109.16 Jul '15 - May 16 7,076.76 12,315.19 67.00 6,784.05 62.86 0.00 224,985.97 11,881.12 145,098.76 129,461.37 978.75 463.71 70.03 800.16 254.00 240.00 15,342.35 100.18 4,312.23 26,289.43 0.00 455.00 990.29 120,134.35 10,329.80 2,680.00 840.00 12,156.00 12,243.99 900.00 128,848.23 110.90 2,038.91 10,594.40 141,213.24 117,995.00 790.00 153,577.26 28,333.08 2,336.60 2,083.82 395.00 194,832.33 1,423.47 156,846.24 148,609.62 500.00 193.38 153,054.61 8,034.09 3,511.57 59.95 132,024.69 2,609.90 4,350.00 132,976.04 0.00 98,913.64 26,750.00 57,212.58 32,861.07 556.88 425.16 1,251.43 649.03 11,279.52 Page 4 Agenda Page #307 Novato Fire Protection District Vendor Summary May 2016 May 16 MANN, THERESA MARIN AUTO GLASS MARIN BUILDING MAINTENANCE, INC. MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC. MARIN CO. REGISTRAR OF VOTERS MARIN COUNTY FORD MARIN COUNTY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS JPA MARIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE MARIN COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR MARIN EMERGENCY RADIO MARIN GENERAL HOSPITAL MARIN GENERAL SERVICES AUTHORITY MARIN IT, INC MARIN PLUMBING Marin Professional Firefighters Local1775 MARIN TROPHIES & TREASURES MARINSCOPE, INC. Mark A. Clementi, Ph.D. MARSHALL,KYLE B MARTIN & HARRIS APPLIANCES, INC. MATHESON TRI-GAS INC MATRIX CONSULTING GROUP, LTD. MAZE & ASSOCIATES MC CARTHY, GERALD JR MCCARTHY,GERALD J MCCOURTNEY, HAZEL MCFCA MCGARGILL,ANDREW J MCGUINNESS,MICHAEL J MCSHANE, WILLIAM MEDI-CAL MENZEL, DMITRI employee MENZEL,DMITRI J MESENBURG, ERICH employee MESENBURG,ERICH W METCHO, STEVE bod METCHO,STEVE R MEYERS, NAVE, RIBACK, SILVER & WILSON MICHALIK,SCOTT A MIKE BROWN ELECTRIC CO. MILLER PACIFIC ENGINEERING GROUP MOHR, ROBERT MORRIS, GLORIA MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES, INC. MURRAY, TENNY N.F.P.A. NAPA AUTO PARTS NATIONAL ASSOC. OF ELECTED FIRE OFFICIALS NATIONAL CODE SERVICES ASSOCIATION, INC. NATIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY INFORMATION BUREAU NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL NELSON NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST NEOPOST INC NEOPOST USA INC. NFPA INTERNATIONAL NORCAL FPO'S NORDLING, GORDON NORTH COAST TRUCK INSPECTIONS NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTHBAY REPROGRAPHICS NOVATO BUILDERS SUPPLY NOVATO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOVATO CHEVROLET, INC. NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC 0.00 0.00 420.00 391,648.10 0.00 0.00 346.83 0.00 192,601.50 333.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,883.00 1,210.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,617.00 0.00 137.75 0.00 7,200.00 37.40 14,934.95 0.00 0.00 11,616.68 15,219.96 0.00 0.00 37.40 15,289.33 0.00 16,793.34 0.00 400.00 0.00 14,247.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.28 0.00 0.00 284.28 0.00 300.00 0.00 3,003.23 5,800.00 0.00 0.00 506.78 0.00 30.00 0.00 845.00 581.57 0.00 34.07 0.00 0.00 1,515.37 Jul '15 - May 16 376.09 652.50 4,200.00 4,377,749.69 850.00 80,255.87 1,877.87 8,737.50 385,203.00 19,109.71 108,975.00 6,796.46 6,667.00 78,271.66 1,558.31 948.00 878.69 1,092.39 1,250.00 121,716.76 719.96 1,680.70 26,094.00 24,793.00 411.40 186,268.10 591.66 100.00 150,687.66 190,566.84 500.00 0.00 411.40 182,732.62 0.00 186,838.76 256.11 1,600.00 861.99 140,615.19 649.88 14,249.20 481.74 483.19 3,112.77 200.00 1,305.00 5,750.73 250.00 300.00 318.00 3,573.23 9,251.00 18,572.87 0.00 849.04 165.00 730.00 400.00 845.00 12,684.70 65.55 5,827.29 1,290.00 3,376.14 12,923.91 Page 5 Agenda Page #308 Novato Fire Protection District Vendor Summary May 2016 May 16 NOVATO FIRE FOUNDATION NOVATO FIRE PROTECT DIST - ATHENS NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO PROF FIREFIGHTERS ASSOC NOVATO SANITARY DISTRICT O'BRIEN,JENNY A OFFICE TEAM OSGOOD, LYNNE OSGOOD,LYNNE OVERPAYMENT RECOVERY SERVICES OXBLUE CORPORATION PACE, JASON PACE,JASON A PACHECO, NOLE PACHECO,NOLE D PACIFIC E DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS, LLC PACIFIC MOBILE STRUCTURES, INC. PALLAS, LAUREN PALLAS,LAUREN C PANNELL,JEFFREY S PARTNERSHIP HEALTHPLAN OF CALIFORNIA PECK,ELI G PELLATON, MARY PETERS, ERIC PETERS,DANIEL J PETERSON TRUCKS, INC. PETERSON,TED A PG&E PINI HARDWARE INC. PONTIUS,ROSWELL B POWER MAINTENANCE CORP. PRECOR COMMERCIAL FITNESS PREFERRED ALLIANCE, INC PREMIER AND COMPANIES PREMIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS PREMYSIS PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY RACKSPACE US INC. RANAWEERA, DEEPIKA RANDALL, SCOTT RAWLINGS FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC RECOVERY SERVICES REILLY, ELIZABETH RELM WIRELESS CORPORATION RENT A JOHN RESOLVE INSURANCE SYSTEMS RHOADES,ERIN N RILEY F. HURD III ROCKET FIRE CONSULTING RON'S APPLIANCE REPAIR ROSE CITY LABEL ROUSSEAU'S GALLERY RUCKER, STEVE SACRAMENTO METROPOLITAN FIRE DISTRICT SAFETY-KLEEN SYSTEMS, INC. SAFEWAY, INC. SAN MARIN FLOWERS SANTA ROSA JUNIOR COLLEGE SC FUELS SCAN HEALTHCOMP SCHIAVO,DAVID A SCHWARZ,JENNIFER L SCOTT, NICOLE employee SCOTT,NICOLE M SEBASTOPOL BEAR.& HYD.CO.,INC SEFAC, INC 0.00 0.00 3,869.74 0.00 0.00 5,815.00 0.00 0.00 8,686.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,202.92 71.79 12,957.80 0.00 0.00 104.64 4,024.76 12,196.33 0.00 9,186.46 0.00 0.00 13,458.92 7,836.69 13,832.69 7,529.24 0.00 11,882.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 489.78 1,221.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,760.73 11,947.72 19,195.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.08 0.00 0.00 6,172.87 0.00 13,314.64 0.00 0.00 12,077.24 0.00 0.00 Jul '15 - May 16 71.00 182,450.13 686,497.24 248.75 12,644.80 67,006.52 41,099.11 23.73 95,922.03 3,057.75 2,146.00 51.23 154,729.72 71.79 162,334.13 6,225.04 4,583.08 320.50 44,540.56 136,530.09 0.00 130,106.19 425.16 800.16 142,846.53 9,569.60 179,105.83 102,822.14 165.32 133,387.59 1,750.00 10,453.12 168.00 223.12 406.73 553.13 5,387.58 13,288.00 500.00 3,056.50 2,255.68 1,675.67 482.03 340.90 295.91 13,118.41 137,813.37 62,215.00 6,207.50 489.02 0.00 1,722.76 15,446.06 362.05 182.97 280.02 477.70 88.50 62,641.13 28,904.16 164,316.44 28,003.51 262.45 153,042.32 44.36 3,881.27 Page 6 Agenda Page #309 Novato Fire Protection District Vendor Summary May 2016 May 16 SERVICE STATION SYSTEMS SHELINE,BRIAN C SHRM (SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RESOURCE MGMT) SHUBIN,ROBERT J SHUMATER, DEBORAH SILVA, JIM SILVERADO AVIONICS SILVERMAN, LJ bod SILVERMAN,LOUIS J SIMMONS, LUCINDA SIMON-WARGO, SANDY employee SIMON-WARGO,SANDRA J SIMPSON SHEET METAL, INC SMITH, BARRETT SMITH,BARRETT A SONOMA COUNTY FPO ASSOCIATION SONOMA DESIGN APPAREL SONOMA FIRE TRAINING OFFICERS ASSOC SORENSEN, BARBARA F. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FITNESS SERVICES, INC SOUTHERN COUNTIES LUBRICANTS, LLC SPARTAN MOTORS CHASSIS, INC. SST INSURANCE BROKERS, INC STAMPS.COM STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STATE FIRE TRAINING STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD STERICYCLE, INC. STROUPE PETROLEUM SUCHOCKI, GAIL SUDDUTH, MARY SUE SUPERIOR SEPTIC PUMPING SERVICE SUPERLATIVE STEAM CLEANING SURE SHRED SVAJIAN, COURTNEY TAR, NATALIE TARGETSOLUTIONS LEARNING, LLC TAUL,MIKE S TAYLOR HOUSEMAN, INC. TEETER & SCHACHT TELDESCHI, MARC employee TELDESCHI,MARC R TEVIXMD CORPORATION THE NYHART COMPANY THE RAWLINGS COMPANY refund THOMSON-WEST/BARCLAYS THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR TIFFANY,PAUL B TOWN OF CORTE MADERATRITECH EMERGENCY MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC. TROPE GROUP TURNOUT SERVICES TYLER, WILLIAM employee TYLER,WILLIAM G UL LLC (UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES) Umpqua Bank UNIFIRE POWER BLOWERS, INC. UNITED HEALTH CARE UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CA, BERKELEY VA NORTHERN CA HEALTH CARE VALLEY POWER SYSTEMS, INC. VALUCH, OWEN VALUCH,OWEN E VAN MIDDE & SON CONCRETE VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER 0.00 13,374.72 0.00 10,389.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 9,316.72 0.00 0.00 14,639.50 0.00 110.54 170.00 0.00 192.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,825.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 160.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,298.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,386.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 913.24 10,523.24 587.53 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,447.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 198.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,666.78 0.00 10,579.66 Jul '15 - May 16 187.11 150,879.55 190.00 121,885.26 800.16 305.00 2,411.75 714.70 2,700.00 340.13 1,041.80 103,747.04 32,088.00 8.14 186,334.22 525.00 421.46 170.00 350.00 2,009.11 1,464.28 1,312.29 150,822.87 31.98 41,510.61 40.00 168.84 772.25 450.00 483.19 53.44 225.00 8,557.09 160.00 525.00 125.35 6,955.00 193,232.99 205.00 631.30 561.26 171,282.73 6,043.50 8,560.00 10,220.53 145.00 3,592.06 115,755.64 10,688.53 800.00 23,882.93 408.64 0.00 157,484.05 0.00 -62.77 262.03 1,979.74 1,622.18 32.00 2,223.16 19,228.65 108.50 176,781.77 26,750.00 117,381.16 Page 7 Agenda Page #310 Novato Fire Protection District Vendor Summary May 2016 May 16 VANZEBO LASER, LLC VARNEY, STEVEN VCOM SOLUTIONS, INC. VELIQUETTE, JEFF VELIQUETTE,JEFFREY L VERIZON BUSINESS VERIZON CALIFORNIA VERIZON WIRELESS VILLA, JEANNE employee VILLA,JEANNE M VISION INTERNET PROVIDERS, INC. VISTA BROADBAND NETWORKS, INC WADE, DENISE employee WADE,DENISE D WAGER, SHANNON WAGER,SHANNON M WALRAVEN, COLLEEN EE WALRAVEN,COLLEEN M WALTHERS, EDWARD WATTCO WEHR,DONALD J WELLNESS CENTRAL WestAmerica Bank WESTERN EXTERMINATOR COMPANY WHITE, MIYO WHITE,STEVEN J WHITTET, JEFF employee WHITTET,JEFFREY J WILLIAMS, FERNE WILLWERTH, SONYA WINZER CORPORATION ZAGARIS, NICK S. ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S ZANONI,JASON A ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION ZOOM IMAGING SOLUTIONS, INC. TOTAL Jul '15 - May 16 1,144.12 0.00 7,378.54 37.40 15,129.02 4.90 0.00 2,145.26 0.00 7,784.80 268.00 1,655.01 0.00 7,608.68 0.00 6,603.86 7.02 4,527.50 0.00 24.72 13,275.34 0.00 168,303.42 0.00 0.00 21,248.20 0.00 15,836.30 0.00 0.00 2,816.22 0.00 18,396.70 11,882.60 567.18 0.00 9,561.73 565.14 82,903.38 411.40 224,549.65 48.81 1,880.28 18,843.68 364.57 87,849.10 4,020.45 4,254.51 3.46 86,438.64 489.66 70,491.19 7.02 26,842.07 498.75 8,926.82 152,928.96 194.19 377,594.85 300.00 -400.00 196,121.49 4,942.08 187,881.38 800.16 2,368.18 4,177.06 125.00 153,324.28 138,580.96 9,272.75 5,701.29 3,340,588.14 27,148,901.44 Page 8 Agenda Page #311 Agenda Page #312 Novato Fire Protection District Vendor Summary June 2016 Jun 16 911 SCULPTURE A and P MOVING, INC. AABET BUSINESS SYSTEMS AAERO HEATING & SHEET METAL ABLE TIRE & BRAKE INC ACE ELECTRIC SERVICE ADP ADP PAYROLL IMPORT ADTS, INC. AEROTEK AFSS NORTHERN DIVISION AIR EXCHANGE, INC. ALERT-ALL CORP. ALHAMBRA & SIERRA SPRINGS ALL STAR RENTS ALLIED MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT CO INC ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. ALLSTATE MED CENTRAL AMERICAN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION AMERICAN ASPHALT R&R AMERICAN CASTING & MFG CORP AMERICAN MESSAGING SERVICES, LLC ANDERSON, SANDRA APACHE SIGNS APPLEONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES INC ARROW INTERNATIONAL, INC. ASR-BRICKER MINCOLA AT&T AT&T CALNET AT&T MOBILITY ATCO ATHENS ADMINISTRATORS ATHENS INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. AUTO MANAGED CARE AVANTGUARD LOCKSMITH BANK OF MARIN BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY BANK OF THE WEST BARGHIACCHI, ANTHONY employee BARGIACCHI,ANTHONY D BAUER COMPRESSORS, INC. BAY ALARM BAY AREA AIR QUALITY MGMT BAY CITY BOILER & ENGINEERING BAYSIDE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT BEARINGS & HYDRAULICS BEEDLE,BRADFORD R BEHM, JOANN BENTIVOGLIO, ELISABETH BERNARDINI JR,MARIO L BERNARDINI, MARIO SR employee BICKMORE BIG 4 PARTY RENTALS BIG BEAR FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO. INC BIG CAT ADVERTISING BILL'S TOWING BLACK,ADAM R BLAKES AUTO BODY NORTH, INC. BLANDON,MARVIN J BLUE CROSS BLUE CROSS OF CALIGORNIA BLUE SHIELD OF CALIFORNIA BLUE,FOREST H BOALS, MICHAEL SEAN BOALS,MICHAEL S 0.00 36.75 0.00 0.00 5,230.76 418.69 5,436.43 17,657.62 0.00 16,990.75 25.00 0.00 5,100.38 243.39 0.00 0.00 9,897.77 0.00 299.00 31,249.00 0.00 235.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 267.16 1,558.30 3,054.35 2,080.00 0.00 3,971.00 0.00 0.00 20,680.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,107.02 0.00 1,554.75 557.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,224.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 645.00 0.00 11,008.18 0.00 20,544.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,695.63 0.00 10,604.81 Jul '15 - Jun 16 0.00 1,371.00 456.00 0.00 23,819.52 3,374.07 42,344.31 173,338.11 139.00 131,692.09 325.00 5,047.17 5,100.38 2,996.49 616.38 289.95 12,305.88 800.16 299.00 31,249.00 121.11 2,449.21 425.16 2,577.56 6,846.70 0.00 6,541.63 55.04 2,946.44 10,254.71 46,818.77 6,880.00 5,616.09 67,420.95 2,324.84 2,880.00 247,935.31 103,851.90 323,929.60 1,256.52 146,874.21 238.01 20,014.75 751.00 0.00 1,500.00 392.60 300.00 500.00 375.00 152,136.90 1,260.09 3,000.00 1,805.77 513.51 36,353.23 720.00 165,831.92 271.31 164,287.41 2,571.43 187.50 365.00 160,141.71 1,448.32 154,331.71 Page 1 Agenda Page #313 Novato Fire Protection District Vendor Summary June 2016 Jun 16 BOLT STAFFING BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BOWLDS,ALEX A BRODY,WILLIAM A BROLAN, ADAM employee BROLAN,ADAM J BUCK'S SAW SERVICE, INC BWS DISTRIBUTORS CA CONF OF ARSON INVESTIGATORS CAGWIN & DORWARD CalCPA CALIF SPECIAL DISTRICT ASSOC CALIF STATE FIREFIGHTERS' ASSN CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD CALIFORNIA BANK OF COMMERCE CALIFORNIA FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC. CALIFORNIA FIRE EXPLORING ASSOCIATION CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL STATISTICS, INC. CalPERS CAMILLERI, AMIE CAPF CAPITOL BARRICADE, INC. CAPITOL CLUTCH & BRAKE, INC CAPTURED MEMORIES CARD SERVICE CENTER CASCADE FIRE EQUIPMENT CO. CASCADE HEALTHCARE SERVICES CCAI CDCE, INC. CFPI CFS TAX SOFTWARE, INC. CHEDA KNOLLS HOA CHERUBINA CATERING CHONG, TONG YU CHURCH MUTUAL CINTAS CITY OF ALBANY CITY OF COALINGA CITY OF NOVATO CITY OF SANGER FIRE DEPARTMENT COMCAST CONNECTED FLEET SYSTEMS INC. CONNOLLY INC & KAISER FONDTION HEALTHPLAN COSTCO COSTCO WHOLESALE 2 COUNTY CHIEFS ASSOCIATION COUNTY OF MARIN-ASSESSOR COUNTY OF MARIN-DEPT OF H&HS COUNTY OF MARIN - MARIN.ORG COUNTY OF MARIN TAX COLLECTOR CRATERS & FREIGHTERS CREW BOSS CROWN TROPHY D.L. FALK CONSTRUCTION INC. DAGUE, KYLE DAGUE,KYLE M DAVIS, WILLIAM bod DAVIS,JEFFREY M DAVIS,WILLIAM L DC DCFSA2015 DCFSA2016 DCS TESTING & EQUIPMENT, INC. DECKMASTERS DELL BUSINESS CREDIT DELOSSANTOS, PERLA 0.00 8,049.26 37,983.70 13,806.54 0.00 59,007.62 2,915.16 0.00 0.00 2,398.00 0.00 7,915.50 0.00 0.00 -46.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 193,761.71 0.00 1,641.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,016.21 0.00 9,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 140.00 611.55 0.00 13,647.01 0.00 697.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,285.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.10 0.00 13,536.86 156.79 13,536.86 300.00 0.00 0.00 996.42 0.00 5,002.00 2,331.42 0.00 Jul '15 - Jun 16 945.75 45,780.56 235,009.72 160,071.84 737.18 261,163.20 3,384.50 381.60 70.00 73,813.96 1,194.00 8,715.50 600.00 820.00 96,725.78 2,325.00 500.00 800.00 3,211,273.45 158.00 17,829.50 34,709.15 6,126.27 421.83 214,444.42 161.16 80,750.00 390.00 122,318.87 370.00 168.00 1,500.00 2,453.00 86.82 470.76 1,723.34 22,485.63 10,223.06 14,701.01 720.00 7,451.87 6,072.00 5,452.62 165.00 956.09 6,667.00 238,470.00 577.00 24,535.00 16,219.26 3,316.66 46,462.64 343.15 977,891.97 0.00 203,686.79 406.66 203,443.58 1,800.00 2,472.64 3,650.96 5,609.52 11,156.42 9,881.00 6,790.15 2,358.55 Page 2 Agenda Page #314 Novato Fire Protection District Vendor Summary June 2016 Jun 16 DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE DICOCHEA,JOHN S DIEGO TRUCK REPAIR, INC DIGITAL COMBUSTION, INC. DIGITAL GRANGE DINGA, LORA DIPIETRO & ASSOCIATES, INC. DISCOVERY OFFICE SYSTEMS DISH NETWORK DOHERTY,JOSEPH F DONALD D. DAMMEN, P.E., LLC DONLEE PUMP COMPANY DOWNTOWN FORD SALES DUN & BRADSTREET CREDIBILITY CORP. DUNAWAY, JUDITH DUNN, BEVERLY EBBETTS PASS FIRE DIST. EBS EDWARDS & SONS EQUIPMENT SERVICE, INC. EDWARDS, TIMOTHY EMERGENCY EQUIP MANAGEMENT, INC EMERGENCY REPORTING EMI-ACCENTURE REFUNDS EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT ENERSPECT MEDICAL SOLUTIONS, LLC EXCEL MICRO, INC. FABULOUS FRAMERS FASTSIGNS FAZZARI, JEFF FDAC FIRE DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION OF CA FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL EXPRESS FELCIANO,GRETCHEN M FENNER,WORTH F FERNANDEZ,DOUGLAS P FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION FILEMAKER, INC. FINNEGAN INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES FIRE AGENCIES SELF INS. SYSTEM FIRE ENGINEERING FIRE SMART PROMOTIONS FIREFLEX YOGA, LLC FIRESTATS, LLC. FLETCHER,DONALD M FORKES, KENNETH employee FORKES,KENNETH D FOWLER ELECTRIC SERVICES INC. FREEDMAN,SCOTT R FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS FTS FOREST TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS LTD. GALLI, JAMES A. GALLI,JIM A GARY BARNER INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES GAULKE, TOM F. GAULKE,THOMAS F GLASS ARCHITECTS GLOBAL PORTABLE BUILDINGS GODOY,RICHARD S GOLDEN STATE LUMBER GOLDFARB & LIPMAN GOODSPEED,CHRISTOPHER J GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOC. GRAINGER GRINDEL, JACOB 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,708.70 160.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 122.25 87.99 15,913.46 900.00 1,776.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31,128.82 0.00 0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 62.12 0.00 1,058.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,472.50 300.00 29,268.63 178.96 0.00 0.00 22,079.00 0.00 2,130.00 0.00 0.00 16,174.46 0.00 14,423.42 0.00 13,632.28 279.93 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 10,919.72 0.00 2,953.31 8,627.96 0.00 4,800.50 16,048.48 0.00 552.66 0.00 Jul '15 - Jun 16 0.00 149,826.69 0.00 218,236.83 2,586.75 875.00 4,549.11 500.00 22,813.70 1,028.67 962.89 162,808.74 11,175.00 5,884.53 109,312.62 1,099.00 234.11 2,253.73 163.79 406,018.45 5,065.80 480.03 60.00 10,370.00 0.00 720.00 1,538.70 1,452.00 342.93 50.81 13,754.00 1,915.00 0.00 560.65 122,606.30 2,100.00 151,418.60 1,073.76 7,204.00 3,115.00 777,294.00 29.00 2,130.00 3,500.00 5,400.00 205,231.55 311.22 115,034.04 4,638.00 146,345.61 420.19 18,530.26 251.25 2,200.00 1,227.00 636.21 128,657.76 64,897.43 2,953.31 139,141.24 4,205.79 5,250.50 141,205.39 820.00 7,182.02 800.16 Page 3 Agenda Page #315 Novato Fire Protection District Vendor Summary June 2016 Jun 16 HAKENEN,AARON HAKENEN,AARON K HAMBY,KERI S HAMILTON,RYAN J HANSEN, ANDREA HC HCC2015 HCC2016 HCFSA2015 HCFSA2016 HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE LTD HEALTHCOMP ADMINISTRATORS HEALTHNET - SELECT PPO HEINE, MARK employee HEINE,MARK A HI-TECH E.V.S. INC. HICKS VALLEY STATION FUND SEW SHIP HILLSIDE HOA HOM,DANIEL W HOPKINS,RICHARD E HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATES HOWARD, HARRIET HUMANA HEALTH CARE PLANS HUNTER, SCOTT IAFC MEMBERSHIP ICC IES, INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES IMPRESS PRINTING SERVICES INDIAN VALLEY ASSOCIATES INDUSTRIES FOR THE BLIND, INC. INTERSTATE BATTERY INTERVISION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. JANG, JUNGSOON JDL ELECTRIC JESSELL, LORI employee JESSELL,LORI M JOHN I. COOPER GENERAL CONTRACTOR, INC. JONES GARAGE DOOR CO., INC. JORGENSEN COMPANY KAISER PERMANENTE- OHSS KAISER/EMPLOYERS MUTUAL INC. KAOF KASELIONIS,TOMAS P. KEADY,TRISTAN G KELLY, DIANE M. KELLY, DONNA KINGSBURG FIRE DEPARTMENT KISER,KEEF W KITCHELL/CEM, INC. KLEINFELDER GROUP, INC. KNOWLEDGENET KREPS,SHAWN M KRONOS INCORPORATED KUSSMAUL ELECTRONICS CO., INC. L. N. CURTIS & SONS LACROIX, ROBERT LACROIX,ROBERT A LAMPERTI, EDWARD J. LARKIN, GEOFFREY employee LARKIN,GEOFFREY P LARROQUE,MARK L LAWRENCE, JOAN LEADER INDUSTRIES LEAR,KIRK M LEETE GENERATORS LEHR AUTO ELECTRIC, INC. 3,147.69 13,988.66 9,263.88 12,770.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 835.37 0.00 2,462.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36,641.14 437.00 1,500.00 1,175.00 26,577.70 15,612.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,812.75 653.18 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,589.42 0.00 4,385.00 1,680.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 12,184.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,096.52 4,950.00 3,771.75 0.00 17,591.38 150.00 0.00 5,957.66 0.00 36,364.93 500.00 0.00 11,326.35 12,077.24 0.00 536.24 14,034.92 1,914.51 232.18 Jul '15 - Jun 16 3,338.69 152,427.61 127,660.32 155,975.66 800.16 8,635.60 231.90 1,241.78 7,076.76 14,777.98 67.00 6,784.05 62.86 0.00 261,627.11 12,318.12 1,500.00 1,175.00 171,676.46 145,073.63 978.75 463.71 70.03 800.16 254.00 240.00 22,155.10 653.18 1,500.00 100.18 4,312.23 26,289.43 0.00 455.00 990.29 130,723.77 10,329.80 7,065.00 2,520.00 12,156.00 12,243.99 50.00 900.00 141,032.88 110.90 2,038.91 10,594.40 152,309.76 122,945.00 3,771.75 790.00 171,168.64 28,483.08 2,336.60 8,041.48 395.00 231,197.26 500.00 1,423.47 168,172.59 160,686.86 500.00 729.62 167,089.53 9,948.60 3,743.75 Page 4 Agenda Page #316 Novato Fire Protection District Vendor Summary June 2016 Jun 16 LEMELIN, JEFF employee LEMELIN,JEFF M LEONARDI AUTO ELEC., INC. LESIK, KIM LESIK,KIMBERLY D LEWIS, KIRK I. LEWIS,KIRK I LEXIPOL LLC LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE LIFE ASSIST, INC. LIU, YI LOPEZ, CIARA LUBE AIR SYSTEMS MAILFINANCE MALLORY COMPANY MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK SERV. MANN, THERESA MARIN AUTO GLASS MARIN BUILDING MAINTENANCE, INC. MARIN CO EMPLOYEES RETIR ASSOC MARIN CO FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC. MARIN CO. REGISTRAR OF VOTERS MARIN COUNTY FORD MARIN COUNTY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS JPA MARIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE MARIN COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR MARIN EMERGENCY RADIO MARIN GENERAL HOSPITAL MARIN GENERAL SERVICES AUTHORITY MARIN IT, INC MARIN PLUMBING Marin Professional Firefighters Local1775 MARIN TROPHIES & TREASURES MARINSCOPE, INC. Mark A. Clementi, Ph.D. MARSHALL,KYLE B MARTIN & HARRIS APPLIANCES, INC. MATHESON TRI-GAS INC MATRIX CONSULTING GROUP, LTD. MATT AND JEFF'S CAR WASH MAZE & ASSOCIATES MC CARTHY, GERALD JR MCCARTHY,GERALD J MCCOURTNEY, HAZEL MCFCA MCGARGILL,ANDREW J MCGUINNESS,MICHAEL J MCSHANE, WILLIAM MEDI-CAL MENZEL, DMITRI employee MENZEL,DMITRI J MESENBURG, ERICH employee MESENBURG,ERICH W METCHO, STEVE bod METCHO,STEVE R MEYERS, NAVE, RIBACK, SILVER & WILSON MICHALIK,SCOTT A MIKE BROWN ELECTRIC CO. MILLER PACIFIC ENGINEERING GROUP MOHR, ROBERT MORRIS, GLORIA MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES, INC. MURRAY, TENNY N.F.P.A. NAPA AUTO PARTS NATIONAL ASSOC. OF ELECTED FIRE OFFICIALS 0.00 9,722.04 215.66 0.00 12,077.24 0.00 0.00 900.00 7,964.67 3,352.98 0.00 0.00 2,394.84 96.12 0.00 1,088.32 0.00 0.00 420.00 471,145.05 0.00 0.00 1,329.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 867.10 0.00 12,583.16 199.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,882.60 0.00 160.64 0.00 949.63 14,280.00 37.40 45,098.30 0.00 0.00 10,695.56 17,052.60 0.00 0.00 37.40 41,908.33 790.00 15,229.86 0.00 200.00 0.00 18,398.36 123.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 766.65 0.00 Jul '15 - Jun 16 59.95 141,746.73 2,825.56 4,350.00 145,053.28 0.00 98,913.64 27,650.00 65,177.25 36,214.05 556.88 425.16 2,394.84 1,347.55 649.03 12,367.84 376.09 652.50 4,620.00 4,848,894.74 850.00 80,255.87 3,206.97 8,737.50 385,203.00 19,109.71 108,975.00 7,663.56 6,667.00 90,854.82 1,757.31 948.00 878.69 1,092.39 1,250.00 133,599.36 719.96 1,841.34 26,094.00 949.63 39,073.00 448.80 231,366.40 591.66 100.00 161,383.22 207,619.44 500.00 0.00 448.80 224,640.95 790.00 202,068.62 256.11 1,800.00 861.99 159,013.55 772.88 14,249.20 481.74 483.19 3,112.77 200.00 1,305.00 6,517.38 250.00 Page 5 Agenda Page #317 Novato Fire Protection District Vendor Summary June 2016 Jun 16 NATIONAL CODE SERVICES ASSOCIATION, INC. NATIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY INFORMATION BUREAU NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL NELSON NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST NEOPOST INC NEOPOST USA INC. NFPA INTERNATIONAL NORCAL FPO'S NORDLING, GORDON NORTH COAST TRUCK INSPECTIONS NORTH MARIN WATER DIST. NORTHBAY REPROGRAPHICS NOVATO BUILDERS SUPPLY NOVATO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOVATO CHEVROLET, INC. NOVATO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC NOVATO FIRE FOUNDATION NOVATO FIRE PROTECT DIST - ATHENS NOVATO FIRE PROTECTION DIST. NOVATO HEIGHTS NOVATO PROF FIREFIGHTERS ASSOC NOVATO SANITARY DISTRICT O'BRIEN,JENNY A OFFICE TEAM OSGOOD, LYNNE OSGOOD,LYNNE OVERPAYMENT RECOVERY SERVICES OXBLUE CORPORATION PACE, JASON PACE,JASON A PACHECO, NOLE PACHECO,NOLE D PACIFIC E DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS, LLC PACIFIC MOBILE STRUCTURES, INC. PALLAS, LAUREN PALLAS,LAUREN C PANNELL,JEFFREY S PARTNERSHIP HEALTHPLAN OF CALIFORNIA PECK, ELI employee PECK,ELI G PELLATON, MARY PETERS, ERIC PETERS,DANIEL J PETERSON TRUCKS, INC. PETERSON,TED A PG&E PINI HARDWARE INC. PLEASANT VALLEY 44 HOMEOWNERS ASSOC PONTIUS,ROSWELL B POWER MAINTENANCE CORP. PRECOR COMMERCIAL FITNESS PREFERRED ALLIANCE, INC PREMIER AND COMPANIES PREMIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS PREMYSIS PROSPECT PLACE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY RACKSPACE US INC. RANAWEERA, DEEPIKA RANDALL, SCOTT RAWLINGS FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC RECOVERY SERVICES REILLY, ELIZABETH RELM WIRELESS CORPORATION RENT A JOHN 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,728.00 3,581.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,900.00 0.00 0.00 2,133.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,511.22 0.00 0.00 3,944.74 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 5,815.00 0.00 0.00 8,799.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,523.24 0.00 16,522.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,024.76 13,133.37 0.00 0.00 14,307.82 0.00 0.00 25,894.04 0.00 23,895.35 9,142.77 25.28 1,500.00 13,241.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.06 0.00 1,500.00 489.78 1,221.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jul '15 - Jun 16 300.00 318.00 3,573.23 15,979.00 22,154.26 0.00 849.04 165.00 2,630.00 400.00 845.00 14,818.60 65.55 5,827.29 1,290.00 3,376.14 14,435.13 71.00 182,450.13 690,441.98 1,500.00 248.75 12,644.80 72,821.52 41,099.11 23.73 104,721.56 3,057.75 2,146.00 51.23 165,252.96 71.79 178,856.98 6,225.04 4,583.08 320.50 48,565.32 149,663.46 0.00 0.00 144,414.01 425.16 800.16 168,740.57 9,569.60 203,001.18 111,964.91 190.60 1,500.00 146,629.55 1,750.00 10,453.12 168.00 223.12 602.79 553.13 1,500.00 5,877.36 14,509.00 500.00 3,056.50 2,255.68 1,675.67 482.03 340.90 295.91 Page 6 Agenda Page #318 Novato Fire Protection District Vendor Summary June 2016 Jun 16 RESOLVE INSURANCE SYSTEMS RHOADES,ERIN N RILEY F. HURD III ROCKET FIRE CONSULTING RON'S APPLIANCE REPAIR ROSE CITY LABEL ROUSSEAU'S GALLERY RUCKER, STEVE SACRAMENTO METROPOLITAN FIRE DISTRICT SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS SAFETY-KLEEN SYSTEMS, INC. SAFEWAY, INC. SAN MARIN FLOWERS SANTA ROSA JUNIOR COLLEGE SC FUELS SCAN HEALTHCOMP SCHIAVO,DAVID A SCHWARZ,JENNIFER L SCOTT, NICOLE employee SCOTT,NICOLE M SEBASTOPOL BEAR.& HYD.CO.,INC SEFAC, INC SERVICE STATION SYSTEMS SHELINE,BRIAN C SHRM (SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RESOURCE MGMT) SHUBIN,ROBERT J SHUMATER, DEBORAH SILVA, JIM SILVERADO AVIONICS SILVERMAN, LJ bod SILVERMAN,LOUIS J SIMMONS, LUCINDA SIMON-WARGO, SANDY employee SIMON-WARGO,SANDRA J SIMPSON SHEET METAL, INC SMITH, BARRETT SMITH,BARRETT A SONOMA COUNTY FPO ASSOCIATION SONOMA DESIGN APPAREL SONOMA FIRE TRAINING OFFICERS ASSOC SORENSEN, BARBARA F. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FITNESS SERVICES, INC SOUTHERN COUNTIES LUBRICANTS, LLC SPARTAN MOTORS CHASSIS, INC. SST INSURANCE BROKERS, INC STAMPS.COM STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STATE FIRE TRAINING STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD STERICYCLE, INC. STROUPE PETROLEUM SUCHOCKI, GAIL SUDDUTH, MARY SUE SUPERIOR SEPTIC PUMPING SERVICE SUPERLATIVE STEAM CLEANING SURE SHRED SVAJIAN, COURTNEY TAR, NATALIE TARGETSOLUTIONS LEARNING, LLC TAUL,MIKE S TAYLOR HOUSEMAN, INC. TEETER & SCHACHT TELDESCHI, MARC employee TELDESCHI,MARC R TEVIXMD CORPORATION THE NYHART COMPANY 932.14 9,213.88 5,962.50 2,025.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 268.34 0.00 451.94 0.00 0.00 4,611.55 0.00 11,036.44 0.00 0.00 17,200.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,240.77 0.00 26,828.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 9,316.72 22,721.00 0.00 13,601.98 120.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.23 0.00 0.00 4,170.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,542.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,077.24 0.00 0.00 Jul '15 - Jun 16 14,050.55 147,027.25 68,177.50 8,232.50 489.02 0.00 1,722.76 15,446.06 362.05 268.34 182.97 731.96 477.70 88.50 67,252.68 28,904.16 175,352.88 28,003.51 262.45 170,243.29 44.36 3,881.27 187.11 165,120.32 190.00 148,713.72 800.16 305.00 2,411.75 714.70 2,900.00 340.13 1,041.80 113,063.76 54,809.00 8.14 199,936.20 645.00 421.46 170.00 350.00 2,009.11 1,464.28 1,329.52 150,822.87 31.98 45,681.10 40.00 168.84 772.25 450.00 483.19 53.44 225.00 8,557.09 160.00 525.00 125.35 6,955.00 220,775.25 205.00 631.30 561.26 183,359.97 6,043.50 8,560.00 Page 7 Agenda Page #319 Novato Fire Protection District Vendor Summary June 2016 Jun 16 THE RAWLINGS COMPANY refund THOMSON-WEST/BARCLAYS THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR TIFFANY,PAUL B TOWN OF CORTE MADERATRITECH EMERGENCY MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC. TROPE GROUP TRUE NORTH SIGNS & GRAPHIC SERVICES TURNOUT SERVICES TYCO SIMPLEXGRINNELL TYLER, WILLIAM employee TYLER,WILLIAM G UL LLC (UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES) Umpqua Bank UNIFIRE POWER BLOWERS, INC. UNITED HEALTH CARE UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CA, BERKELEY VA NORTHERN CA HEALTH CARE VALLEY POWER SYSTEMS, INC. VALUCH, OWEN VALUCH,OWEN E VAN MIDDE & SON CONCRETE VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER VANZEBO LASER, LLC VARNEY, STEVEN VCOM SOLUTIONS, INC. VELIQUETTE, JEFF VELIQUETTE,JEFFREY L VERIZON BUSINESS VERIZON CALIFORNIA VERIZON WIRELESS VILLA, JEANNE employee VILLA,JEANNE M VISION INTERNET PROVIDERS, INC. VISTA BROADBAND NETWORKS, INC WADE, DENISE employee WADE,DENISE D WAGER, SHANNON WAGER,SHANNON M WALRAVEN, COLLEEN EE WALRAVEN,COLLEEN M WALTHERS, EDWARD WATTCO WEHR,DONALD J WELLNESS CENTRAL WestAmerica Bank WESTERN EXTERMINATOR COMPANY WESTERN OAKS VILLAGE ASSOCIATION WHITE, MIYO WHITE,STEVEN J WHITTET, JEFF employee WHITTET,JEFFREY J WILD HORSE VALLEY ASSOCIATION WILLIAMS, FERNE WILLWERTH, SONYA WINZER CORPORATION ZAGARIS, NICK S. ZAGARIS,NIKOLAUS S ZANONI,JASON A ZEN FIRE & SAFETY ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION ZOOM IMAGING SOLUTIONS, INC. TOTAL Jul '15 - Jun 16 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,163.88 454.48 550.00 0.00 9,340.95 0.00 4,734.00 0.00 26,778.25 0.00 0.00 1,880.00 0.00 117.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23,915.44 0.00 10,593.86 991.56 0.00 7,361.30 37.40 18,513.81 4.90 0.00 3,078.47 0.00 8,609.40 25,980.00 -259.95 0.00 11,120.68 0.00 6,603.86 33.90 4,527.50 0.00 243.25 16,001.26 0.00 701.06 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 18,183.02 0.00 32,352.80 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 395.82 0.00 17,735.74 11,882.60 10,734.27 704.70 0.00 10,220.53 145.00 3,592.06 124,919.52 11,143.01 1,350.00 23,882.93 9,340.95 408.64 4,734.00 0.00 184,262.30 0.00 -62.77 2,142.03 1,979.74 1,739.71 32.00 2,223.16 19,228.65 108.50 200,697.21 26,750.00 127,975.02 10,553.29 565.14 90,264.68 448.80 243,063.46 53.71 1,880.28 21,922.15 364.57 96,458.50 47,480.45 3,994.56 3.46 97,559.32 489.66 77,095.05 40.92 31,369.57 498.75 9,170.07 168,930.22 194.19 378,295.91 300.00 1,500.00 -400.00 214,304.51 4,942.08 220,234.18 1,500.00 800.16 2,368.18 4,572.88 125.00 171,060.02 150,463.56 10,734.27 9,977.45 5,701.29 2,462,603.46 29,628,984.90 Page 8 Agenda Page #320 Information Section Agenda Page #321 Agenda Page #322 Agenda Page #323 Agenda Page #324 Agenda Page #325 Agenda Page #326 Closed Session Section Agenda Page #327