RESEARCH - universitatea de stiinte agricole si medicina veterinara
RESEARCH - universitatea de stiinte agricole si medicina veterinara
ROMANIA MINISTERUL EDUCATIEI, CERCETARII, TINERETULUI SI SPORTULUI UNIVERSITATEA DE ŞTIINŢE AGRICOLE ŞI MEDICINĂ VETERINARĂ DIN CLUJ-NAPOCA Str. Mănăştur Nr.3-5, 400372 Cluj-Napoca, România Tel.+ 40-264-596.384; Fax + 40-264-593.792 RESEARCH – DEVELOPMENT INNOVATION THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE Tradition and modernity EAP Editura AcademicPres Cluj-Napoca, 2013 © Copyright 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction, modification, storage in a retrieval system or retransmission, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, for any reasons, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND VETERINARY MEDICINE CLUJ-NAPOCA, Research – Development – Innovation Achievements (2008-2013; Cluj Napoca) /coord.: prof. univ. dr .Carmen Socaciu : AcademicPres, 2013 Bibliogr. ISBN 978-973-744-322-9 I. Socaciu, Carmen (coord.) 378:63(498 Cluj-Napoca). The paper was developed at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ClujNapoca. Editorial: Prof. Dr. Carmen Socaciu - Vicerector of Scientific Research, coordinator Prof. Dr. Doru Pamfil - Rector, Scientific Editor Prof. Dr. Liviu Al. Mărghitaş - President, Editor Assist. Prof. Dr. Antonia Odagiu - Vicedean of Scientific Research, Faculty of Agriculture Lecturer Dr. Mugurel Jitea - Dean of Scientific Research, Faculty of Horticulture Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mirela Cadar - Vicedean of Scientific Research, Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies Prof. Dr. John Marcus - Vicedean of Scientific Research, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Assist. Prof. Dr. Elena Mudura - Vicedean of Scientific Research, Faculty of Food Science and Technology Dr. Ing Doru Sabau - Director of Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer Department Group of publication: Dr. Dorottya Domokos Sorina Dârjan Bianca Vlaicu Editura AcademicPres – University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Calea Mănăştur 3-5, 400372 Cluj-Napoca Phone: 0264-596384 Fax: 0264-593792 E-mail: UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND VETERINARY MEDICINE Research Infrastructure – Institutes and Research Centers Research Institute for Life Sciences Research Center for Biodiversity New Institute of Advanced Horticulture Research of Transylvania FOREWORD The agricultural higher education in Transylvania has a long tradition, our university being founded in 1869. During its 145 years of existence, the former Institute of Agronomic Studies Cluj-Mănăştur has benefited from the contributions of many outstanding personalities and specialists from different agricultural research area. Today it is one of the most prestigious Life Sciences Universities and research institution in Romania and in Danube region. In the last ten years the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca (USAMV) has seen impressive developments, especially after changing its mission and strategy to being a research university. The university has passed the national accreditation of ARACIS with the best appreciation, was evaluated twice by European Universities Association and was recently classified in the Top 12 best Romanian universities of advanced research and education. The academic staff and the students (more than 7.000) benefit from modern research and teaching facilities for their theoretical and practical training. They conduct research projects in well equipped laboratories, research centers, institutes and veterinary clinics. Our campus also boasts well equipped new library and a pilot farm of more than 2.000 hectares. A significant part of the academic staff and graduate students have studied or took advantage from research scholarships from universities of different EU countries. More than 200 staff, researchers and students visit our university each year, balancing the 300 Romanian’s outgoing by Erasmus scholarships, Marie Curie and Leonardo grants or through research projects. Research and innovation remain the top priorities and as a consequence more than half of the university’s budget comes from national and international grants. The university also offer research grants for young scientist each year and host an international symposium which attracts more than 600 participants. There are on the way projects for research infrastructure of more than 20 million euro. More than 200 national and international projects are running through existing research laboratories, centers and institutes, which are presented in this guide. USAMV is very active also at the international level. We have collaboration agreements with universities and research institutes from over 40 countries and contributes as an active member to several international associations such as: EUA, ICA. CASSE, DRC, GCHERA, AUF, UBS etc. It is my strong belief that through our new Strategy to 2020, USAMV Cluj-Napoca will continue to flourish and contribute, through high quality research and education, to the progress of Romanian agriculture. I hope that the presentation of the university infrastructure will help to find new partners in the European Research Area and to contribute also to a successful implementation of the new Horizon 2020 and European Innovation Partnership programs, for the benefit of the EU agriculture and rural development. Rector Prof. Dr. Dhc. Doru C. Pamfil CONTENTS 1. FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE ............................................................................................................ 7 RESEARCH CENTERS ...................................................................................................................................... 7 C.1.1. Plant Culture ................................................................................................................................... 7 C.1.2. Minimum Systems and Sustainable Agricultural Technologies .................................................... 14 C.1.3. Advanced Research Center for Life Quality Assurance and Environmental Protection ............... 23 RESEARCH LABORATORIES .......................................................................................................................... 31 L.1.1. Applied biological sciences............................................................................................................ 31 L.1.2. Optimization and development of sustainable technologies in crop production ........................ 37 L.1.3. The Fertility Control Of Soils And The Monitoring Of Agricultural Ecosystems ............................ 43 L.1.4. Laboratory for the Environmental Control and Plant Protection ................................................. 49 2. FACULTY OF HORTICULTURE ........................................................................................................ 58 RESEARCH CENTERS .................................................................................................................................... 58 C.2.1. Research Center for Biotechnology in Agriculture ....................................................................... 58 C.2.2. Transylvanian Horticultural Research Center ............................................................................... 66 RESEARCH LABORATORIES .......................................................................................................................... 71 L.2.1. National Reference Laboratory for the Assessment and Certification of Conformity of Vegetal Products Containing Genetically Modified Organisms ........................................................................... 71 L.2.2. Horticultural and forestry Plant Breeding and Genetics ............................................................... 76 L.2.3. Business Administration and Rural Development ........................................................................ 83 L.2.4. Landscape design and planning using sustainable concepts ........................................................ 89 L.2.5. Research laboratory on Vegetables .............................................................................................. 94 L.2.6. Research Laboratory for Biodiversity and Bioconservation.......................................................... 97 L.2.7. Land reclamation, land measurements and exact science ......................................................... 103 L.2.8. Integrated Management of Forestry Ecosystems ....................................................................... 108 3. FACULTY OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY .......................................................... 114 RESEARCH CENTERS .................................................................................................................................. 114 C.3.1. Center for Advanced Research and Extension in Apiculture ...................................................... 114 C.3.2. Reference Center for Advanced Research in Sericulture and Silk Production Promotion ......... 119 RESEARCH LABORATORIES ........................................................................................................................ 122 P a g e |3 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.3.1. Zonal Laboratory for Animals Genotyping .................................................................................. 122 L.3.2. Laboratory for Certification and Cryopreservation of Animal Germplasm................................. 127 L.3.3. Laboratory of Research and Feed Quality Control ...................................................................... 132 L.3.4. Research Laboratory in Fisheries ................................................................................................ 135 4. FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE .......................................................................................... 140 RESEARCH CENTERS .................................................................................................................................. 140 C.4.1. Research Center - Veterinary Biotechnologies ........................................................................... 140 C.4.2. Experimental and comparative pathology ................................................................................. 148 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses ....................................................................... 159 RESEARCH LABORATORIES ........................................................................................................................ 183 L.4.1. Physico-chemical techniques applied to the analysis of animal origin products ....................... 183 L.4.2. Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory ................................................................................. 187 L.4.3. Animal production and food safety ............................................................................................ 195 L.4.4. Pharmacovigilance Laboratory.................................................................................................... 205 5. FACULTY OF OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY .................................................................... 212 RESEARCH CENTERS .................................................................................................................................. 212 C.5.1. Research Center of Biochemistry and Agrofood Biotechnology ................................................ 212 C.5.2. Food Quality and Safety Research Center .................................................................................. 226 RESEARCH LABORATORIES ........................................................................................................................ 232 L.5.1. Lab Testing For Food Quality and Safety..................................................................................... 232 L.5.2. Molecular Nutrition and Proteomics Research Laboratory ........................................................ 237 P a g e |4 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 INTRODUCTION The mission and strategy of USAMV Cluj-Napoca from the last decade have included as main priorities, the excellence in education and research and competitiveness at national and international level, regarded as prerequisites to become an entrepreneurial University connected to the socio-economic environment. Through its performance of being included, according to the national classification from 2011, among the 12 Romanian universities with "advanced research and education", USAMV ClujNapoca has managed to strengthen its leading role in academic domains and research & innovation areas specific to Life Sciences (Agriculture - Horticulture - Forestry - Engineering and Environmental and Protection – Food Science and Technology - Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology - Veterinary Medicine), integrated in the current European Research Area (ERA) priorities and the future ones (Horizon 2020). The strategic and operational plan coordinated by the Research and Innovation Vice-rectorate for the period 2008-2013 included priorities and objectives based on systematic analysis of SWOT type (evaluation) and FORESIGHT (prevision). The structuring of RDI system (research, technological development and innovation) by category of research units (institutes – centers - laboratories) of specific thematic areas was initiated by the national accreditation system (CNCSIS) of advanced research centers, during 2000-2005, continued then through the university management's own initiatives, based on the criteria approved by the Senate (in 2011) to authorize research centers and laboratories running fundamental or applied research activity, innovation, consulting and technical services, technology transfer in Life Sciences, as well as in engineering, technology, economics, rural development, tourism. In the period 2007-2010 the University had particularly significant performances through successful national research projects (CEEX, Partnerships-PCE and Ideas with doctoral projects - TD, postdoctoral PD, young teams TE), reaching generous funds that allowed unprecedented development of infrastructure, improvement of laboratory facilities with equipments and pilot station installations, as well as employing, during the project, of new members in the research teams, such as young researchers (post-graduate, PhD students and Postdocs). The SWOT analysis made for the international evaluation carried out by the European University Association (EUA, 2011) revealed this evolving trend, reflected by a significant increase in publications with international impact (ISI Journals and BDI International Data Base), increases of citations and of patent applications or certification of new plant varieties. The dynamics and fluctuations in the national financement of recent years have led to discrepancies between the three components that may ensure the sustainability of the research activities, namely infrastructure, equipments and materials (1), human resources (2) and financial resources (3). During the last two years, amid the reduction of funds for research and development at the national level, there were reduced significantly the employment possibilities for young researchers and support for the current activities in centers and laboratories, as well as difficulties in the procurement of supplies and maintenance of equipments. In this context, the University supports, from its own funds, research grants for young researchers, to stimulate the ISI publications and „ Innovation Voucher " for boosting the collaborations with the economic environment, as well as a specific programme in support of priority areas of each faculty. Special efforts have been made to keep the two functional infrastructures "Research Institute" of the University such as "Research Institute in Life Sciences" and the „Research Center for Biodiversity" as well the institute on „Advanced Horticulture Research Institute of Transylvania", which will be soon inaugurated. P a g e |5 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 To assess the sustainability of these institutes, centers and laboratories, the Scientific Council has conducted in June 2012 monitoring visits to all infrastructures and evaluation of running activity in centers and laboratories from each faculty. There were done specific SWOT analysis and were made proposals to the Administration Council and to the Senate, in order to stimulate performance in research and services’ offer, to bring more benefits, prestige and visibility of Research & Innovation achievements made by USAMV Cluj-Napoca. The Scientific Council also has structured and framed the research themes of the University in accordance with the priority domains and thematic areas of European research (according to 7th Framework Programme), in order to facilitate the integration of the research groups from USAMV ClujNapoca in international consortia. In this context, this report includes an overview of the research & innovation infrastructure, human and material resources available in each authorized centers or research laboratories of USAMV Cluj-Napoca, during the period 2008-2013. The report underlines the performance of each group members, their research results as a prologue of future strategies, on short and medium term, as developed by each research center or laboratory, to ensure the research sustainability on specific areas of competence. The International cooperation based on specific topics of expertise represents a major strategic objective for the research innovation and technological development of USAMV Cluj-Napoca, which aims both the integration in the European platforms, as well as the development of joint projects in Europe and worldwide. This report represents therefore a milestone for our approach towards the international integration of our University in international consortia, in future European projects, such as Horizon 2020, Bridge programs (public-private partnerships) or programs EIP (European Innovation Partnerships). Prof. Dr. Carmen Socaciu Vice-rector for Research & Innovation P a g e |6 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.1. Plant Culture 1. FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE RESEARCH CENTERS C.1.1. Plant Culture 1. Contact data The name of the research center Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Plant Culture CP Prof. Dr. Ioan Rotar Agriculture +40 264 595 825 ext.178 2. Objectives 2.1. Establishment of grassland use technologies according to the requirements set out in the Development Plan of European Agriculture for the period 2013-2020. 2.2. Improvement of sown grassland farming systems in the context of the appearance of new private farms with highly productive species. 2.3. Elaboration of cultivation technologies in accordance with the requirements imposed in the face of agriculture by climate change. 2.4. Improvement of cultivation technologies of the main crops. 2.5. Study of the biology and phenology of the main crops. 2.6. Eco - technologies (in the system of bio - agriculture) in wheat, potato and herbs. 2.7. Development of varieties and seed production in Festuca arundinacea. 2.8. Genetic improvement of varieties of wheat, soybean, spring barley and corn hybrids with normal and sugar grain. 2.9. Collection, study and preservation of maize germplasm. 2.10. Study of the different cultivation technologies of fodder in arable land and the grassland exploitation from the plain area. 2.11. Use of different types of mineral fertilizer and the study on its effect on crop quality of and the soil chemistry. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Agronomy. 3.5. Plant Physiology. 3.2. Culture of grasslands and fodder plants. 3.6. Botany. 3.3. Amelioration. 3.7. Agro – chemistry. 3.4. Phytotechnics. 3.8. Animal nutrition. P a g e |7 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.1. Plant Culture 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan 4.12. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sima Nicuşor 4.2. Prof. Dr. Vidican Roxana 4.13. Assist. Prof. Dr. Florin Păcurar 4.3. Prof. Dr. Haş Ioan 4.14. Assist. Prof. Dr. Vârban Rodica 4.4. Prof. Dr. Morar Gavrilă 4.15. Assist. Prof. Dr. Stoie Andrei 4.5. Prof. Dr. Duda Marcel 4.16. Assist. Prof. Dr. Muntean Leon 4.6. Prof. Dr. Tămaş Elena 4.17. Assist. Prof. Dr. Muntean Sorin 4.7. Prof. Dr. Mărghitaş Marilena 4.18. Assist. Prof. Dr. Vâtcă Sorin 4.8. Prof. Dr. Mihai Gheorghe 4.19. Assist. Dr. Moldovan Cristina 4.9. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vârban Dan 4.20. Assist. Dr. Morea Adriana 4.10. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gâdea Ştefania 4.21. Assist. Dr. Toader Constantin 4.11. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şteţca Gheorghe 4.22. Eng. Moldovan Lavinia 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Research on grassland ecosystems with Arnica montana in the upper basin of Arieş. 5.2. Influence of alfalfa’s major diseases on yield and the quality of forage. 5.3. Determination of forage quality by using destructive and non-destructive methods. 5.4. Research on the use and maintenance of low-input grassland. 5.5. Determination of the behaviour of simple and complex mixtures of perennial grasses and legumes from the Odorheiu Secuiesc Depression. 5.6. Research on organic and mineral fertilization of Festuca rubra located on different soils. 5.7. Research on the influence of sludge from urban purges on alfalfa culture. 5.8. Ecological technologies in potato culture, suitable varieties, treatments for disease, pests and weeds control based on ecological principles. 5.9. Ecological technologies of spelled wheat cultivation, fertilization based on ecological principles, different densities of cultivation. 5.10. Creating new varieties of tall fescue: Jucu 5, Napoca 2 and Transilvania, red clover: Select 2 and Roxana 1, Lotus corniculatus: Dacia 1 and sainfoin: Vlamar. 5.11. Maintaining the varieties of alfalfa, sainfoin, clover and seed production. 5.12. Variability study of quality characteristics at an assortment of winter wheat. 5.13. Phenotypic and genotypic study of maize inbred lines cytoplasmic differentiation. 5.14. Capacity and stability study on maize production in competitive system and without competition between plants. P a g e |8 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.1. Plant Culture 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 1. Drying stove 5.3., 5.7 2007 2. Mechanical balance, analytical balance ALT 220 4 NM KERN 5.3., 5.7 2008 3. Mineralization system KJELDHAL TIP VELP DK 6 5.3., 5.7 2007 4. Laboratory mill RETSCH MODEL GRINDOMIX GM 200 5.3., 5.7 2007 5. Mower SOLO FS 87, Moto sew STHL, Moto sew FS 70 RCE 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8 2007 6. Electronic Herbometre 5.1, 5.9, 5.10 2007 7. 4X Hygrometer FARM PRO 5.1, 5.9, 5.10 2007 8. PH meter SORTORIUS DOCU PH+/P10 5.3., 5.7 2007 9. Spectrophotometer JENWAJ PFP 7 5.3., 5.7 2007 10. Mineralization unit – Selecta; Distillation unit Kjeldahl Selecta 5.3., 5.7 2007 11. Solid phase extraction system 5.3., 5.7 2007 12. Multi parameter Analyzer 5.3., 5.7 2007 13. Sample homogenization system, automatic titrate 5.3., 5.7 2007 14. Machine for the determination of total organic carbon 5.3., 5.7 2007 15. Gas chromatograph with mass spectrometer 5.3., 5.7 2007 16. Planetary mill with balls for grinding soil samples 5.3., 5.7 2007 17. Automatic extraction system Soxhlet 5.3., 5.7 2007 18. Hard soil sampling kit, soft soil sampling kit 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8 2007 19. Germinators Lindhardt, Mithscherlich 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8 2007 20. Projector, laptop 5.3., 5.7 2007 Director/Project responsible Period 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme 1. Conservation of the biodiversity of Arnica montana ecosystems through sustainable use; PN II IDEI-UEFISCSU 2. Evaluation of grassland production potential and the establishment of technological measures to increase the P a g e |9 2009-2011 Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan 2007-2010 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.1. Plant Culture production of green mass; MECI 3. PN II IDEI, New approaches to the sustainable use of secondary grasslands to preserve the cultural landscape; CNCSIS Assist. Prof. Păcurar Florin 2009-2011 4. PN II, Impact assessment of resource utilization and organic-mineral nutrition of plant species for the protection and improvement of soil fertility and the increase of safety and security of agricultural food; MECT Prof. Dr. Mărghitaş Marilena 2008-2011 5. CEEX P-CD, MEC no. 104/2006, Sustainable Recovery of herbs and hops with the obtaining of bioactive preparations (VaDuPlaMed), MEC, CNMP-BIOTECH 6. PN-II-IN-CI-2012-1 with no. 48CI/15.06.2012, "Research on the increasing of adaptability and performance of hops varieties Magnum, Merkur, and Perle in the climatic conditions of the Sighişoara area, ADAPHAMSIG"; UEFISCDI Prof. Dr. Duda Matei 2012 7. PNCD IDEI, Establishing a range of annual and perennial forage in the conditions of the Transylvanian Plain, in order to limit the negative effects of drought on forage production; Ministry of Education, Research and Youth CNCSIS: 1488 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sima Nicuşor 2009- 2011 2006-2008 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 280 8.2. Patents - 7 8.3. Completed PhD theses - 33 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. IMPORTANCE AND FUNCTIONS OF GRASSLANDS, Carlier L, I. Rotar, Mariana Vlahova, Roxana Vidican, 2009, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 37, Issue: 1, Pages: 25-30. 9.2. INFLUENCE OF THE MANAGEMENT ON THE PHYTOCOENOTIC BIODIVERSITY OF SOME ROUMANIAN REPRESENTATIVE GRASSLAND TYPES, Vintu Vasile; Samuil Costel; Rotar Ioan; Moisuc Alexandru; Razec I., 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJNAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 1, Pages: 119-125. 9.3. EFFECT OF SOIL TILLAGE SYSTEM ON SOIL PROPERTIES AND YIELD IN SOME ARABLE CROPS, Teodor Rusu, Paula Ioana Moraru and Ioan Rotar, 2011, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 9, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 426-429, Part: 1. 9.4. FERTILIZATION EFFECTS ON THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND IN VITRO ORGANIC MATTER DIGESTIBILITY OF SEMI-NATURAL MEADOWS AS PREDICTED BY NIR SPECTROMETRY, Laura M. Dale, André Thewis, Ioan Rotar, Christelle Boudry, Florin S. Păcurar, Bernard Lecler, Richard Agneessens, Pierre Dardenne, Vincent Baeten, 2013, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI P a g e |10 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.1. Plant Culture AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 41, Issue: 1, Pages: 42-48. 9.5. THE INFLUENCE OF MINERAL AND ORGANIC LONG –TERM FERTILIZATION UPON THE FLORISTIC COMPOSITION OF FESTUCA RUBRA L.-AGROSTIS CAPILLARIS L. GRASSLAND IN APUSENI MOUNTAINS, ROMANIA, Florin S. Păcurar, Ioan Rotar, Anca D. Bogdan, Roxana M. Vidican And Laura Dale, 2012, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Pages: 866-879, Part: 2. 9.6. RESEARCH ON CRUDE PROTEIN AND DIGESTIBILITY OF ARNICA MONTANA CONVENTIONAL NIR SPECTROMETRY AND HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGING L. USING NIR, Dale Laura M.; Pierna Juan A. Fernandez; Vermeulen Philippe; Lecler Bernard; Bogdan Anca D.; Pacurar Florin S.; Rotar Ioan; Thewis Andre; Baeten Vincent, 2012, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Pages: 391-396, Part: 1. 9.7. EVALUATION OF “TURDA” MAIZE GERMPLASM FOR PHENOTYPIC VARIABILITY IN GRAIN CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, Has Voichita, I. Has, D. Pamfil, Ana Copandean, S. Campean, 2009, MAYDICA, Volume: 54, Issue: 2-3, Pages: 313-320. 9.8. DENSITY EFFECTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL VARIANCE AND EXPECTED RESPONSE TO SELECTION IN MAIZE (ZEA MAYS L.), Tokatlidis S. I., Voichita Haş, I. Mylonas, I. Haş, G. Evgenidis, V. Melidis, Anna Copandean, Lissavet Ninou, 2010, EUPHYTICA; Volume: 174, Issue: 2, Pages: 283-291. 9.9. CHARACTERIZATION OF „TURDA” MAIZE GERMPLASM FOR THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE GRAIN, Has Voichita, I. Has, D. Pamfil, Ana Copandean, 2010, ROMANIAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, Volume: 27, Pages: 59-67. 9.10. MAIZE HYBRIDS LESS DEPENDENT ON HIGH PLANT DENSITIES IMPROVE RESOURCE EFFICIENCY IN RAINFED AND IRRIGATED CONDITIONS, Tokatlidis I.S., V. Haş, V. Melidis, I. Haş, I. Mylonas, G. Evghenidis, A. Copândean, E. Ninou, V. Fasoula , 2011, FIELD CROPS RESEARCH, Volume: 120, Issue: 3, Pages: 345-351. 9.11. CONSERVATION AGRICULTURE VERSUS CONVENTIONAL AGRICULTURE: THE INFLUENCE OF AGRICULTURAL SYSTEM, FERTILIZATION AND PLANT PROTECTION ON WHEAT YIELD, M.A. Grigoras, A. Popescu, D. Pamfil, I. Has, M. Gidea, 2012, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 40, Issue: 1, Pages: 188-194. 9.12. INFLUENCE OF NO-TILLAGE AGRICULTURE SYSTEM AND FERTILIZATION ON WHEAT YIELD AND GRAIN PROTEIN AND GLUTEN CONTENTS, Mircea Adrian Grigoras, Agatha Popescu, Doru Pamfil, Ioan Has and Mihai Gidea, 2012, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, 2012, Volume: 10, Issue: 2, Pages: 532-539, Part: 2. 9.13. THE INFLUENCE OF THE NUTRITIONAL SPACE UPON THE RAW MATERIAL AND VOLATILE OIL YIELDS IN VALERIANA OFFICINALIS L., UNDER THE ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF CLUJ-NAPOCA, ROMANIA, Muntean Sorin, Leon Muntean, Leon Sorin Muntean, Marcel M. Duda, Dan I. Vârban, 2009, PLANTA MEDICA, Vol. 75, Issue 9, PB26, p. 934. 9.14. ASSESMENT OF SOMACLONAL VARIATION IN PURPLE CONEFLOWER (ECHINACEA PURPUREA (L) MOENCH) BY RAPD (RANDOM AMPLIFICATION OF POLYMORPHIC DNA) FINGERPRINTING ANALYSE, Muntean Leon, Sorin Muntean, Marcel M. Duda, Dan I. Vârban, 2009, PLANTA MEDICA, Vol. 75, Issue 9, PB27, p. 934. 9.15. RESULTS REGARDING SEED MORPHOLOGY OF SOME MEDICINAL PLANT VARIETIES , Duda M. Marcel, Marcela Fălticeanu, Simona Vaida, Bogdan Duda, 2010, PHARMACOGNOSY MAGAZINE (Publication of Pharmacognosy Network Worldwide). Medknow Publications, Vol. 6, Issue 22 (Suppl.), p. S41. P a g e |11 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.1. Plant Culture 9.16. CAMELINA SATIVA: A NEW SOURCE OF VEGETAL OILS, Imbrea Florin, Ştefana Jurcoane, Horia V. Hălmăjan, Marcel Duda, Lucian Botoş, 2011, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 16, Issue: 3, Pages: 6263-6270. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan – member in the editorial committee of Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca journal. 10.2. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan - member in the editorial committee of Bulletin of UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Agriculture journal. 10.3. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan - member in the editorial committee of Romanian Journal of Grasslands and Forage Crops. 10.4. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan - member in the editorial committee of the journal Agriculture - Science and agricultural practice. 10.5. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan - member in the editorial committee of ProEnvironment journal. 10.6. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan - Assessor expert CNCSIS. 10.7. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan - Assessor expert ARACIS. 10.8. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan - awarded with the “Iuliu Prodan” prize from the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Science. 10.9. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan - member in the editorial committee of Craiova University Annals, the series of Agriculture-Montanology-Cadastre. 10.10. Prof. Dr. Vidican Roxana - member in the editorial committee of Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics. 10.11. Prof. Dr. Vidican Roxana - member in the editorial committee of Bulletin of UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Agriculture journal. 10.12. Prof. Dr. Vidican Roxana - member in the editorial committee of Romanian Journal of Grasslands and Forage Crops. 10.13. Prof. Dr. Vidican Roxana – Assessor expert type A – Calimas. 10.14. Prof. Dr. Vidican Roxana – Assessor expert type A – CNRED. 10.15. Prof. Dr. Haş Ioan – member in the editorial committee of Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca journal. 10.16. Prof. Dr. Haş Ioan – correspondent member of ASAS. 10.17. Prof. Dr. Haş Ioan – member in the editorial committee of Bulletin of UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Agriculture journal. 10.18. Prof. Dr. Haş Ioan – member in the editorial committee of Ameliorarea Plantelor journal. 10.19. Prof. Dr. Morar Gavril – member in the editorial committee of Bulletin of UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Agriculture journal. 10.20. Prof. Dr. Duda Matei Marcel - Expert/assessor in the national evaluation association for research projects. 10.21. Prof. Dr. Duda Matei Marcel – awarded with the "Amilcar Vasiliu" prize from the Academy of P a g e |12 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.1. Plant Culture Scientists from Romania. 10.22. Assist. Prof. Dr. Muntean Leon - member in the editorial committee of Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca journal. 10.23. Assist. Prof. Dr. Vâtcă Sorin - member in the editorial committee of Bulletin of UASVM ClujNapoca, Agriculture journal. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. National contract signed with partners from the economic environment: - Study of the effect of applying amendments on half-natural grasslands, of alfalfa crop and beet; partnership with HOLCIM ROMÂNIA SA, 2012-2014. - Research concerning the influence of fertilization with urea and zeolite minerals under the ecologic and soil conditions from SCDA Turda; partnership with SC AZOMUREŞ S.A. - Services - testing plant varieties of the species Camelina sativa L.; partnership with BIOTEHGEN Bucureşti. P a g e |13 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.2. Minimum Systems and Sustainable Agricultural Technologies C.1.2. Minimum Systems and Sustainable Agricultural Technologies 1. Contact data The name of the research center Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Minimum Systems and Sustainable Agricultural Technologies SMTAD SMTAD Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor Agriculture +40 264 596 384 ext. 204 +40 264 593 792 2. Objectives 2.1. The development of scientific research programmes and of consultancy in the field of sustainable agricultural technologies at the regional, national and international level. 2.2. The development of long-term research systems to achieve scientifical and technological results. 2.3. The development of scientific concepts and solutions for the development of agricultural technologies suitable for the local socioeconomic and soil-climate conditions. 2.4. Biodiversity conservation, environment quality conservation and the development of technological measures for adaptation to global climate changes. 2.5. The concentration and the development of the research potential, project development and extension of scientific research results. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Sustainable agricultural technologies and agricultural machinery: substantiation of scientific solutions for soil conservation systems; conservation of soil fertility and the integration of the working system with fertilization, integrated weed control and crop rotation for the implementation of sustainable agriculture; territory organization; extension, implementation and consultancy. 3.2. Agricultural machinery: testing new types of agricultural machinery placed in exploitation, evaluation of fuel consumption for different agricultural works and the development of solutions to reduce these threats; introduction of precision agriculture in agricultural technologies. 3.3. Pedology and Agrochemistry management of fertilization and soils amendments, the study and inventory of the soil; evaluation of lands; the study of weak productive soils; ecological reconstruction and soil fertility improvement, remediation possibilities for degraded soil fertility. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Blaga Gheorghe - Soil science, land evaluation, ecological reconstruction 4.2. Prof. Dr. Bogdan Ileana - Agricultural machinery, plant cultivation, herbs, statistics 4.3. Prof. Dr. Dîrja Marcel - Combating soil erosion, land improvements P a g e |14 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.2. Minimum Systems and Sustainable Agricultural Technologies 4.4. Prof. Dr. Drocaș Ioan - Coordinator in field of agricultural machinery, precision agriculture 4.5. Prof. Dr. Duda Marcel Matei - Conventional and sustainable technologies for field crops, conditioning and storage of agricultural products 4.6. Prof. Dr. Guș Petru - Phytotechny, agricultural legislation, land assessment 4.7. Prof. Dr. Luca Emil - Land improvement, irrigation, rural development 4.8. Prof. Dr. Mărghitaș Marilena - Agrochemistry, nutrient management, agronomical improvement, ecological restoration, agrochemical mapping, environmental protection 4.9. Prof. Dr. Păcurar Ioan - Field of soil science coordinator, land evaluation 4.10. Prof. Dr. Rusu Mihai Cornel - Agrochemistry, management of fertilization and soil amendments, including agrochemical actions to undertake for soil polluted reconstruction 4.11. Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor - Coordinator of agricultural machinery and technologies for sustainable farming, agricultural consultancy and rural development 4.12. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stănilă Sorin - Conservative soil tillage technology, agricultural machinery 4.13. Assist. Prof. Dr. Buta Mihai - Pedology, soil mapping, geology studies 4.14. Assist. Prof. Dr. Marian Ovidiu - Exploitation of agricultural equipment, energy production base for agriculture 4.15. Assist. Prof. Dr. Molnar Adrian - Agricultural machinery, horticultural machinery, engines and tractors 4.16. Assist. Prof. Dr. Pop Adrian Ioan - Agricultural machinery, experimental technique, herbs 4.17. Assist. Prof. Dr. Ranta Ovidiu - Mechanization technologies, pollution control technologies, tractors 4.18. Assist. Dr. Toader Constantin - Agrochemistry, soil science, fertilizers, organic fertility of the soil 4.19. Assist. Dr. Topan Călin - Mechanization, power base, driving the tractor 4.20. Dr. Eng. Barbură Marinela - Soil science, forestry stations 4.21. Dr. Eng. Cacovean Horea - Pedology, agrochemistry, soil mapping 4.22. Dr. Eng. Cătinaș Ioana - Pedology, methods for soil research 4.23. Dr. Eng. Clapa Doina, CSII - Ecological reconstruction of fields, research methods of plants 4.24. Research Eng. Dr. Moraru Paula Ioana - Soil working systems, sustainable agriculture 4.25. PhD Students: Chemist Eng. Moldovan Lavinia - Soil chemistry and agrochemistry; Eng. Chețan Cornel - Agricultural machinery, plant protection, agricultural technologies; Eng. Chețan Felicia Agricultural machinery, research methods of soil crop rotation; Eng. Coste Camelia - Climatology, environmental protection, climate change; Eng. Marian Rafael - Soil tillage systems, sustainable technologies, climate change. 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Strengthening the scientific and technological competence in the field of conservative soil maintenance and of sustainable agricultural technologies. 5.2. Research-development-implementation on fields like Agrochemistry, pedology, agricultural P a g e |15 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.2. Minimum Systems and Sustainable Agricultural Technologies machinery, agricultural machinery and technologies, expertise-sustainable agricultural consulting and international collaboration. 5.3. The development of sustainable agricultural technologies, adapted to climate changes, the improvement of soil functioning through interdisciplinary research on soil – plant-growing technology. 5.4. The organization of International symposiums on "Soil Minimum Tillage Systems", 2nd Edition, 1819 July, 2008; 6th Edition: June 27-29, 2011; 7th Edition: 2-May 3, 2013. 6. Research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 1. Massey Ferguson Tractor 105 HP; reversible plough PP-330 Eberardt; Rotary harrows KE-253 Eberardt; paraplow; chisel plough (2); disc harrows GD 3,4; EEP600 sprayer equipment; Optimal No Tillage Accord; Garden tillers. 5.1, 5.2, 5.4 2006-2012 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Monitoring system of soil respiration (7 units – temperature, humidity: CS616, GMM220, CO2: O2: Figaro KE-25). Monitoring system of thermal and hydric regime of soil (20 micro stations HOBO-MAN-H21-002, temperature: STMB-M002, humidity: SMC-M005, rainfall: RG3-M). ACE Automatic station (Automated Soil CO2 Exchange System) for the determination of soil CO2 exchange. Digital automatic hammers Fieldscout SC900; portable pH meter Sentix SUR; STH-LaMotte Kit 5-5007; Delmhorst ultra-sensitive electrometric moisture meter KS-D1; IDF Jet ARL2725 tonometer; digital infitrometer Turf Tec; Aquaterr digital manometer Temp 300; permeameter Guelph 2800K1. Center’s Laboratories: Agrochemistry, Agrotechnics pedology, laboratory for analyzing soil – plant agricultural machinery - Optimization and development of Sustainable Technologies in the Plant culture. Organization experimental field 5.1, 5.3 2008 Soil monitoring 5.1, 5.2 2008-2009 Monitoring, climatology 5.3 2011 Soil breathing monitoring 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 2008-2012 Soil and plant analysis 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 2008-2012 Soil, plant, and agricultural machinery analysis 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme Director/Project responsible 1. Management of soil, water and carbon: environmental, economical and social benefits; PN2 – Exploratory Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor P a g e |16 Period 2012-2013 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.2. Minimum Systems and Sustainable Agricultural Technologies Workshop, PN-II-ID-WE-2012-4-092, c. 85/24.09.2012 2. The improvement of cultivation technologies in terms of the climatic and soil conditions from Romania in order to recover the phytotherapeutic value of species: Baptisia tinctoria, chionanthus Virginicus, Equisetum arvense and Ranunculus bulbosus; PN2 CI UEFISCDI: PN-II-IN-CI-20121-0337, c. 167 CI / 7.12.2012 Prof. Dr. Duda Marcel 2012-2013 3. Implementation of minimum works technology at autumn cereals and land use optimization at SC Nora Ly Agroserv SRL in terms of eco-conditioning; Project CI, UEFISCIDI: PN-II-IN-CI-2012-1-0201, c. 109CI/20.07.2012 Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor 2012 4. Implementation of direct sowing technology and the increase of the adapting degree of SC Pombis SRL under ecological, economical and organizational aspect Project CI, UEFISCIDI: PN-II-IN-CI-2012-0017, c. 4CI/21.05.2012 Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor 2012 5. Research on the adaptability and growth performance of hops varieties Magnum, Merkur and Pearls in the soil and climatic conditions of the Sighişoara area; PN2 CI UEFISCDI: PN-II-IN-CI-2012-1-0089, c. 48CI / 15.06.2012 Prof. Dr. Duda Marcel 2012 6. In vitro propagation technology transfer of (Vaccinium corymbosum) at S.C. Natural Invest SRL; PN2 CI UEFISCDI: PN-II-IN-CI-2012-1-0107, c. 81CI /29.06.2012 Dr. Eng. Clapa Doina 2012 7. Research on the influence of soil working system on moisture, temperature and soil respiration; PN 2-RU273/2010, c. 176/2010 Research Eng. Dr. Moraru Paula Ioana 2010-2012 8. Research on improving the technology of direct sowing at maize crops. Contract Research, SC Agrocons Parox SRL; c. 3654/14.04.2011 Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor 2011 9. Tests with plant species from the variety of Camelina sativa L. BIOTEHGEN Bucharest; c. 4796/ 18.05.2011 Prof. Dr. Duda Marcel 2011 10. Testing foliar fertilizers to agricultural and horticulture crops; ABU-(DOCENT), c. 583 Prof. Dr. Rusu Mihai Cornel 2008-2012 11. Assessing the impact of the organo-mineral plant nutrition use of species for the protection and improvement of soil fertility and increase of safety and security of agricultural production and food supply; PN2 Partnerships Project, MECI – CNMP, c. 52128/2008 Prof. Dr. Mărghitaș Marilena 2008-2011 12. Common land for sustainable management; INTERREG IV C – COMMONS Prof. Dr. Păcurar Ioan 2008-2011 13. Monitoring of the impact of agriculture on the global climate, the management of soil, water, and carbon sequestration through the maintenance of systems: minimum tillage and no-tillage in the Transylvanian plain; Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor 2008-2011 P a g e |17 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.2. Minimum Systems and Sustainable Agricultural Technologies PN2 Partnerships Project, MECI – CNMP, c. 52114/1.10.2008 14. Research on the promotion of a comprehensive system for the evaluation of soil’s physico-mechanical properties in order to increase the safety and security of agricultural production; PN2 Partnerships Project, MECI-CNMP, c. 5210/1.10.2008 Prof. Dr. Drocaș Ioan 2008-2011 15. Alternative crops with adapting potential for different environmental conditions and their complex exploitation by biotechnology; PN2 Partnerships Project, MECI-CNMP, c. 51-018/ 15.09.2007 Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor 2007-2010 16. Study on the biological and ecological diversity of perennial species, reconsidering their utility (culinary, medicinal, decorative, etc.), in the context of sustainable socio-economic development and the alignment to EU trends; PN2, MEC-CNMP, c. 51-061/2007 Prof. Dr. Duda Marcel 2007-2010 17. Interdisciplinary research on the correlation of soil-plant, the establishment of some transfer factors for areas with historical anthropogenic pollution. MEC-CNMP, PN2, c. 52-157/2008 Prof. Dr. Guș Petru 2008-2010 18. Advising for the rejuvenating and performance improvement of hop plantation from Ocna Sibiului, SC Comcereal SA Sibiu; c. 4496/6.05.2009 Prof. Dr. Duda Marcel 2009 19. Sustainable land management in Cojocna region in the context of integration into the European Structures; MECCNCSIS, TD, c. 404/2007 Assist. Prof. Dr. Buta Mihai 2007-2008 20. Testing and diagnosing the technical condition of plant work machinery in order to reduce environmental pollution; Grant CNCSIS, A, c. 894/2007 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stănilă Sorin 2007-2008 21. Complex system of the research phenomena of arable land degradation of and the monitoring of the negative impact of agriculture on natural resources and global climate change; CEEX, M1, MEC-AMCSIT, c. 124/20.07.2006 Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor 2006-2008 22. Promoting the integration of sustainable agricultural technologies and research systems and the maintenance of soil structure in the European Research Area; CEEX, M3, MEC-CNMP, c.129/1.08.2006 Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor 2006-2008 23. Improvement of conservation and recovery of degraded soils by human intervention in the agroecosystems from the colinear area in order to increase the quality of life and to protect the environment. MEC-CEEX, MI, BIOTEC, c. 44/10.10.2005 Prof. Dr. Guș Petru 2006-2008 24. Management of field crops in conservation agriculture systems in the Transylvanian Plain; MEC-CEEX M1, Prof. Dr. Guș 2006-2008 P a g e |18 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.2. Minimum Systems and Sustainable Agricultural Technologies AGRAL, 3/3.10.2005 Petru 25. Sustainable management of degraded land management in the hilly area of Transylvania; MEC-CEEX-AGRAL, c. 68/04.10.2006 Prof. Dr. Păcurar Ioan 2006-2008 26. Research on the sustainable use of histosoils of the Olt and Mures basins; MEC-CNCSIS, c. 45GR/17.05.2006 Prof. Dr. Păcurar Ioan 2006-2008 27. Research and development of innovative techniques and equipment, for the maintenance of potato crops in conservative system; CEEX, M1, MEC-AMCSIT, c. 66/4.10.2006 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stănilă Sorin 2006-2008 28. Research and development of technologies for sustainable plant protection treatments, with a favourable impact on the environment and the quality of agricultural products; CEEX, M1, c. 67/04.10.2006 Prof. Dr. Drocaș Ioan 2006-2008 29. Research on the risk of surface erosion, landslides, land, assets and means of rehabilitation, in order to prevent potential hydrological disasters in North-Western Transylvania; Grant CNCSIS, A, c. 1128/2006 Prof. Dr. Dîrja Marcel 2006-2008 30. National and international Network for biofuels quality assurance and their by-products and the promotion of a project PC7; BIO-Q-NET, CEEX Prof. Dr. Luca Emil 2006-2008 31. Sustainable Recovery of herbs and hops in order to obtain bioactive preparations; CEEX P-CD, MEC, c. 104/2006 Prof. Dr. Duda Marcel 2006-2008 32. The rehabilitation and reconstruction of organic waste through organic cultivation of alternative bush bilberry, on degraded lands in surface mines; CEEX P-CD, MEC, c. 757/2006 Dr. Eng. Clapa Doina 2006-2008 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 434; guidelines, books: 34 8.2. Patents – 1 8.3. Services – 5 8.4. Tests for non-members - 878 8.5. Technologies developed - 4 upgraded technologies (paraplow, chisel plough, Rotary Harrow, sowing combine); spraying machine upgraded EEP-600ME; car spraying in vineyards and orchards with electronic equipment and sensors-1000ME ATOM 8.6. Completed PhD theses - 36 (9 scientific advisors) 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. VEGETATIVE DEVELOPMENT AND PRODUCTION OF SOME AMARANTHUS CULTIVARS UNDER THE TRANSYLVANIAN CONDITIONS, ROMANIA, Rusu T., 2012, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & P a g e |19 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.2. Minimum Systems and Sustainable Agricultural Technologies ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 10, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 742-745, Part: 2. 9.2. EFFECT OF TILLAGE SYSTEMS ON SOIL MOISTURE, SOIL TEMPERATURE, SOIL RESPIRATION AND PRODUCTION OF WHEAT, MAIZE AND SOYBEAN CROPS, Moraru P. I., T. Rusu, 2012, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 10, Issue: 2, Pages: 445-448, Part: 1. 9.3. OIL EXTRACTION AND FATTY ACID CHARACTERIZATION OF NANNOCHLOROPSIS OCULATA MICROALGAE FOR BIODIESEL APPLICATIONS, Gog A., L. Senila, M. Roman, E. Luca, C. Roman, F. D. Irimie, 2012, STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA, Volume: 57, Issue: 1, Pages: 111118. 9.4. EFFECT OF SOIL TILLAGE SYSTEM ON SOIL PROPERTIES AND YIELD IN SOME ARABLE CROPS. Rusu T., P. I. Moraru, I. Rotar, 2011, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 9, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 426-429, Part: 1. 9.5. EVOLUTION OF SOIL PROPERTIES INFLUENCED BY SOIL USAGE AND SOIL TILLAGE SYSTEM, Moraru P. I., T. Rusu, 2011, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 9, Issue: 2, Pages: 710-713, Part: 2. 9.6. PHENOL REMOVAL FROM WASTEWATERS USING POLYPHENOLOXIDASE FROM POTATO, Majdik, C., G. Katona, M. Chintoanu, M. Roman, E. Luca, S. M. Simon, T. Rusu, C. Roman, 2011, STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA, Volume: 56, Issue: 1, Pages: 267-273. 9.7. IMMOBILIZED POLYPHENOLOXIDASE FOR WASTEWATERS TRATEMENT, Majdik, C., G. Katona, M. Chintoanu, M. Roman, E. Luca, S. M. Simon, T. Rusu, C. Roman, 2011, STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA, Volume: 56, Issue: 1, Pages: 261-266. 9.8. PRODUCTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF BIODIESEL FROM RAPESEED OILS, Gog, A., M. Chintoanu, M. Roman, E. Luca, F. D. Irimie, 2011, STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA, Volume: 56, Issue: 1, Pages: 17-26. 9.9. BIODIESEL PRODUCTION FROM SUNFLOWER OIL WITH CANDIDA ANTARCTICA LIPASE B., Gog A., M. Chintoanu, M. Roman, E. Luca, P. Csaba, F. D. Irimie, 2011, STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABESBOLYAI CHEMIA, Volume: 56, Issue: 1, Pages: 71-79. 9.10. NEW WAYS IN USING FAR-INFRARED RADIATIONS FOR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Coman M., T. Rusu, 2010, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 8, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 714-716, Part: 1. 9.11. SOIL TILLAGE CONSERVATION AND ITS EFFECT ON SOIL ORGANIC MATTER, WATER MANAGEMENT AND CARBON SEQUESTRATION, Moraru P. I., T. Rusu, 2010, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 8, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 309-312, Part: 1. 9.12. INFLUENCE OF INFESTATION WITH ECHINOCHLOA CRUS-GALLI SPECIES ON CROP PRODUCTION IN CORN, Rusu T., P. Gus I., Bogdan P., I. Moraru A., I. Pop, M. L. Sopterean, L. I. Pop, 2010, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 8, Issue: 2, Pages: 760-763, Part: 2. 9.13. THE CELLULAR BIODEGRADATION OF DI- AND TRIHYDROXYBENZENES, Katona G., M. Miclean, M. Chintoanu, M. Roman, E. Luca, L. Senila, C. Majdik, C. Roman, 2010, STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA, Volume: 55, Issue: 3, Pages: 151-156. 9.14. THE BIODEGRADATION OF VARIOUS POLIHYDROXY BENZENES WITH PELOBACTER ACIDIGALLICI, Katona G., C. Roman, M. Chintoanu, A. Gog, G. Pitl, M. Roman, E. Luca, C. Majdik, 2010, REVISTA DE CHIMIE, Volume: 61, Issue: 9, Pages: 907-910. 9.15. IMPLICATIONS OF MINIMUM TILLAGE SYSTEMS ON SUSTAINABILITY OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AND SOIL CONSERVATION, Rusu T., P. Gus, I. Bogdan, P. I. Moraru, A. I. Pop, C. P a g e |20 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.2. Minimum Systems and Sustainable Agricultural Technologies Doina, D. I. Marin, I. Oroian, L. I. Pop, 2009, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 7, Issue: 2, Pages: 335-338. 9.16. SOIL FORMATION PROCESSES IN THE GANGUE HEAPS RESULTED IN SURFACE MINING IN CLUJ COUNTY (ROMANIA), Clapa D., T. Rusu, I. Pacurar, A. Fira, 2009, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 7, Issue: 1, Pages: 248-251. 9.17. INFLUENCE OF SOIL TILLAGE SYSTEM ON WINTER WHEAT BREAD MANUFACTURE QUALITY, Rusu T., P. Guş, I. F. Moldovan, I. Bogdan, P. I. Moraru, A. I. Pop, I. Păcurar, D. Clapa, 2008, ACTA HORTICULTURAE, Volume: 802, Pages: 233-237. 9.18. EFFECT OF MINIMUM TILLAGE ON THE CONTROL OF CONVOLVULUS ARVENSIS L. IN A FLUVISOL, Rusu T., P. Gus, I. Bogdan, P. I. Moraru, A. I. Pop, D. Weindorf, H. Cacoveanu, 2008, JOURNAL OF PLANT DISEASES AND PROTECTION, Special Issue: 21, Pages: 587-590. 9.19. THE USE OF ISUBGOL AND SEQUESTRENE 138 FOR THE IN VITRO PROPAGATION OF THE HIGHBUSH BLUEBERRY (VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM L.), Clapa D., A. Fira, T. Rusu, 2008, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 6, Issue: 1, Pages: 145-147. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor - President of the Transylvania Branch of the National Society for Soil Science (SNRSS); Editor of: Agricultural Science Research Journal; International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production; American Journal of Rural Development; Member of the scientific committee of: Scientific Papers, Series a. Agronomy; Natural Resources and Sustainable Development; Official reviewer in doctoral committees: 2 international and 22 local; Member of the ROAD MACSUR-Modelling platform for European Agriculture with Climate Change for Food Security - 10.2. Prof. Dr. Guș Petru - Member of the Romanian Academy of Science; technical expert for agriculture; coordinator (20 theses completed). 10.3. Prof. Dr. Rusu Mihai Cornel - Member of the Academy of agricultural and Forestry Sciences "Gheorghe Ionescu Sisești"; corresponding member of the Academy of Science of Romania; PhD. coordinator (14 theses completed). 10.4. Prof. Dr. Luca Emil - Associate member of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences "Gheorghe Ionescu Sisești"; general Secretary of the Society for Ecological Agriculture in Romania; President of the Cluj Branch of the Society of Journalists in Romania; Chief Editor (founder) of the journal: Agriculture; Editor of the journals: Bioterra, The farmer, Transylvania life. 10.5. Prof. Dr. Duda Marcel Matei - Editor of the journal: Medicinal Plants and Hop, AcademicPres Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca; in 2009, Member of the Commission: Plant of the field, ClujNapoca Branch of the Academy of Agricultural and forestry Sciences "Gheorghe Ionescu Sisești”. 10.6. Prof. Dr. Mărghitaș Marilena - Vice President of the Transylvania Branch of the National society of Romanian Soil Science (SNRSS); land evaluator; judiciary technical expert; coordinator. 10.7. Prof. Dr. Dîrja Marcel - Member of the National Board of the National Agency of Cadastre and Real estate advertising; external evaluator of ARACIS; land evaluator; judiciary technical expert; doctoral coordinator; director of the laboratory of improvements to land, land-based Measurements and Exact Sciences; Member of the Scientific Committee of the Scientific Papers, Series E: Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental. P a g e |21 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.2. Minimum Systems and Sustainable Agricultural Technologies 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Plants measurements: STAS production, kg/ha; statistical processing of the data; productivity features; the purity of the seed; MMB; MH; germination; cold-test corn seed; humidity; calculation of the seed; the amount of seed per hectare. 11.2. Efficiency: gross margin; energy efficiency; fuel economy. 11.3. Soil determinations: identification and characterization of soil profile; soil sampling; structure; humidity; water movement in soil; physical index; agrochemical index; cultural index of the land. 11.4. Indices of sustainability for agricultural technologies: resiliency capacity of soil, sustainable agriculture index. 11.5. Consultancy: efficient use of vegetation factors in the vegetal sector; improvement and perfecting sustainable technologies for growing plants; improvement of technology of plant growing and using the code of good agricultural practice; crop rotation and territorial organization of agriculture; development of strategies to combat weeds and herbicide use; the formation of aggregates in sustainable technologies; complex aggregates and their rationale use; the maintenance of tractors and agricultural machinery. P a g e |22 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.3. Advanced Research Center for Life Quality Assurance and Environmental Protection C.1.3. Advanced Research Center for Life Quality Assurance and Environmental Protection 1. Contact data The name of the research center Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Advanced Research Center for Life Quality Assurance and Environmental Protection CAPI Prof. Dr. Ioan Gh. Oroian Agriculture +40 264 596 384 +40 264 593 692 2. Objectives 2.1. Research of excellence in the fields of: - quality and protection of water, soil and air resources in order to correlate their quality with the quality of urban life and to formulate solutions in order to improve it; - integrated management of crop pathogens and pests control; - management of environmental systems in relation with the legislation in this area in order to optimize the agricultural production systems; 2.2. Modelling the evolution of crops health in different environmental conditions by using meta models with predictors, for a better farm management in the conditions favouring the emergence and development of specific pests. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Monitoring of environmental quality - water 3.10. resources, soil, air, and invasive plant species. 3.11. 3.2. Mapping of pollution risk areas. 3.12. 3.3. Environmental impact studies. 3.13. 3.4. Ecological reconstruction. 3.14. 3.5. Sustainable development. 3.15. 3.6. Waste management. 3.16. 3.7. Environmental protection strategies. 3.8. Protected areas management. 3.9. Management of agricultural ecosystems. Theoretical and applied Plant pathology. Theoretical and applied Entomology. Plant protection strategies. Horticultural crops. The management of ornamental crops. Project management. Mathematical modelling of the evolution of the main agricultural crops depending on the climatic conditions. 3.17. Monitoring risk phenomena. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Ioan Gh. OROIAN - Director of the Center; expertise in the field of plant protection, air resource management, waste management, policies and national and international legislation P a g e |23 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.3. Advanced Research Center for Life Quality Assurance and Environmental Protection Permanent members: 4.2. Prof. Dr. Apahidean Silviu Alexandru - Horticultural field 4.3. Prof. Dr. Apahidean Maria - Horticultural field 4.4. Prof. Dr. Oltean Ioan - Entomology, integrated management of plant protection 4.5. Prof. Dr. Bunescu Horia - Entomology, integrated management of plant protection 4.6. Prof. Dr. Puia Carmen - Plant pathology, ecological reconstruction, integrated management of plant protection 4.7. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dumitras Adelina - Ornamental crop management, sustainable development 4.8. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paulette Laura - Strategies for environmental protection, ecological reconstruction 4.9. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Proorocu Marian - Protected areas, environmental strategies 4.10. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maxim Aurel - Protected areas, sustainable development 4.11. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihaiescu Tania - Spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques 4.12. Assist. Prof. Dr. Sandor Mignon - Protected areas, control of soil quality 4.13. Assist. Prof. Dr. Odagiu Antonia - Monitoring the quality of the environment, environmental impact studies, project management 4.14. Assist. Prof. Dr. Florian Vasile - Plant pathology, integrated management of plant protection 4.15. Assist. Prof. Dr. Florian Teodora - Entomology, integrated management of plant protection 4.16. Assist. Dr. Brasovean Ioan - Plant pathology, waste management 4.17. Assist. Dr. Apahidean Ioan - Horticultural field 4.18. Assist. Dr. Suciu Loredana - Plant pathology, integrated management of plant protection 4.19. Assist. Dr. Iederan Cristian - Plant pathology, ecological reconstruction 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Monitoring the quality of water, soil and air resources. 5.2. Monitoring the pollution of water, soil and plant resources, with heavy metals. 5.3. Monitoring risk phenomena nationally - floods, earthquakes. 5.4. Elaboration of impact studies. 5.5. The analysis of crop pathogens and the development of solutions in order to counteract their action. 5.6. The analysis crop pests and the development of solutions in order to counteract their action. 5.7. Studies on the management of environmental systems in conjunction with the legislative issues and the formulation of solutions in order to reduce the negative impact of harmful inputs. 5.8. Mapping of areas with risk of pollution, highlighting the determinants sources and the promoting factors. 5.9. Elaborating studies and feasible solutions in order to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture and ornamental ecosystems. 5.10. Shaping the evolution of the state of health of agricultural crops in different environmental P a g e |24 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.3. Advanced Research Center for Life Quality Assurance and Environmental Protection conditions through the use of meta models with the predictors. 5.11. Organization of symposiums on "Good practices in the management of water resources", dedicated to the World day for Water and "R-Regeneration, Rehabilitation and Restoration of the soil – from Concept to achievement, dedicated to the Day of Earth", 2009-2013. 6. The research infrastructure Acquisition (year) No. Equipment Related activity 1. Automatic analyzer SO2 NOx, CO, O3 – tip APSA, APNA, APMA, APOA, 370 5.1, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10 2007 2. Automatic analyzer of PM2,5 and PM10 5.1, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10 2007 3. Load monitoring equipment to indoor air PM2,5 and PM10 5.1, 5.4 2007 4. Mobile equipment to monitor air quality resources 5.1, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10 2007 5. Mobile equipment for monitoring the quality of water resources 5.1, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10 2007 6. Mobile equipment for monitoring the quality of soil resources 5.1, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10 2008 7. Atomic Absorption Spectrometer AAS - Perkin Elmer 2.1, 2.2, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 2008 8. Ion chromatograph 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 2009 9. GC - Perkin Elmer 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 2010 10. Spectrophotometers UV-VIS 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 2010 11. Electronic microscope 2.5, 2.6 2007 12. VELP extraction equipment for lipid compounds 2.1, 2.10 2010 13. Rotary evaporator 2.1, 2.10 2008 14. Furnace Nabertherm 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.7, 2.8, 2.10 2008 15. Drying stove 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.7, 2.8, 2.10 2009 16. Microbiological kits 2.5, 2.6 2007 17. Microbiological determiner 2.5, 2.6 2007 18. Entomological determiner 2.5, 2.6 2007 P a g e |25 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.3. Advanced Research Center for Life Quality Assurance and Environmental Protection 19. IT infrastructure 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 2008 20. Specialized software 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 2008 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme Director/Project responsible 1. Bio protection techniques of vegetable crops using ecologic products; Contract No.51-0093/2007 Prof. Dr. Apahidean Silviu 2008 - 2010 2. Integrated protection of potato crop against plant pathogens in the context of organic agriculture; CNCSIS Grant, BD Asisst. Prof. Dr. Braşovean Ioan 2009 3. Strategies of ecological combat of pests from the agricultural and horticultural ecosystems; CNCSIS Grant, A Prof. Dr. Bunescu Horia 2008 4. Improving techniques for multiplication and conservation of the germ plasma of species used in spatial ornamental ecosystems; CNCSIS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Dumitraş 2008 5. Implementing of modern design concepts and solutions, of development and rehabilitation of green spaces and restoration of degraded lands for the conservation of natural biodiversity, with impact on reducing environmental pollution in accordance with EU normatives and standards; APAC, Module II, no. 162CPII / 22.08.2008 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Dumitraş 2008 - 2010 6. The grounding of principles and design methodologies of the experimental models in order to value the green spaces and degraded lands, with impact on reducing environmental pollution in the context of integrating European Platform of Sustainable Management of ecological resources of ecological reconstruction, in accordance with EU norms and standards; PN2 Capacities, Module III, no. 425/15.06.2010 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Dumitraş 2010 - 2012 7. Research concerning the distribution, morphology, biology and control of the pest Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte in the ecological conditions of Transylvania and its influence on infection with some parasitic; CNCSIS, BD/42 Assist. Prof. Dr. Florian Teodora 2009 8. Integrated control of the pest Diabrotica virgifera virgfera by using conventional and unconventional methods and the quantification of quantitative and qualitative losses of production, PN2, PD Assist. Prof. Dr. Florian Teodora 2008 - 2009 P a g e |26 Period USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.3. Advanced Research Center for Life Quality Assurance and Environmental Protection 9. Integrated control of the pest Diabrotica virgifera virgfera by using conventional and unconventional methods and the quantification of quantitative and qualitative losses of production, PD PN II Assist. Prof. Dr. Florian Teodora 2010- 2012 10. Study on the influence of the main diseases of alfalfa on the harvest and fodder quality; D/41 Assist. Prof. Dr. Florian Vasile 2009 11. Study on the influence of the main diseases of alfalfa on the harvest and fodder quality project; PN2 70/2008, CNCSIS 115 Assist. Prof. Dr. Florian Vasile 2008 -2009 12. Research concerning the inventory and preservation of genetic diversity from various vegetable species - the premise of expanding organic agriculture and food security on long term; PN2 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maxim Aurel 2008 - 2010 13. The accreditation of the laboratory for water and noise level assays according to SR EN ISO/CEI 17025: 2005 and European directives transposed into Romanian legislation; CEEX Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihăiescu Tania 2008 14. Non-conventional biotechnologies used for the disproof of the major pests in vine and fruits trees; CEEX Prof. Dr. Oltean Ion 2008 15. Biometric control strategies of fruit pests using of last generation; PN2, Project 61040/2007 Prof. Dr. Oltean Ion 2008 - 2010 16. Air quality control laboratory; P-CONFORM Prof. Dr. Oroian Ioan 2008 17. Research on the ecological integrated ecosystems protection - essential part of the concept of sustainable agriculture in accordance with European normatives and standards; CEEX Prof. Dr. Oroian Ioan 2008 18. Interdisciplinary research on the effect of major potentially harmful inputs from technology sources (fertilizers, pesticides) in the optimization of the relationship between soil, plant, consumers; PN2 Prof. Dr. Oroian Ioan 2008 - 2010 19. Broadening the genetic basis of winter wheat germplasm of Kosovo; Project ASO, Austria, Kosovo, Bulgaria, Romania Prof. Dr. Oroian Ioan 2009 - 2010 20. Increasing the administrative capacity of UASVM Cluj for the improvement and optimisation of the research activity; POS CCE, 2 CDI, 2.2.4. Prof. Dr. Oroian Ioan 2010 21. Obtaining selenium with increased bioavailability on natural substrate of Allium sativum l. (garlic) in order to improve the quality of life by increasing food security and safety, POS CCE, 2 CDI, 2.1.1. Prof. Dr. Oroian Ioan 2010 - 2012 22. AgroCariera; POS DRU Prof. Dr. Oroian Ioan 2010 - 2011 P a g e |27 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.3. Advanced Research Center for Life Quality Assurance and Environmental Protection 23. PN II Soil Resources quality inventory and crop production obtained in protected areas and the development of technical documentation of land use and new methods of analysis consistent with the EU standards; The National Center for Program Management 2007-2010, Contract no. 51045/17.09.2007 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paulette Laura 2007 - 2010 24. Ways of using sewage sludges from biodegradable wastes from (from hydro-accumulation basins and sewage stations) in view of reducing environmental pollution; The National Center for Program Management 2008-2011, Contract No. 32105/2008 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paulette Laura 2008 - 2011 25. Scientific substantiation for the inclusion of the Cusma area, BN County in the European Ecological Network Natura 2000; PN2 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Proorocu Marian 2008 - 2010 26. Sustainable management of the site Natura 2000 ROSCI0233 Someşul Rece; POS Mediu Assoc. Prof. Dr. Proorocu Marian 2013 - 2015 27. Bioremediation of soils contaminated with products from the petroleum industry to play their socio-economic circuit; PN2 Prof. Dr. Puia Carmen 2008 - 2010 28. The modern unconventional method for the microbial depollution of phenol in order to strengthen biodiversity; PN2 Prof. Dr. Puia Carmen 2008 - 2010 29. The influence of mineral and organic fertilization on the soil biodiversity and biochemical processes in an arable land; PN II PD Assist. Prof. Dr. Sandor Mignon 2010 - 2012 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 342 8.2. Patents - 1 8.3. Patent requests - 4 8.4. New products - 2 8.5. New technologies - 5 8.6. New services - 1 8.7. Completed PhD thesis - 15 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. RESULTS OBTAINED IN THE BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WESTERN CORN ROOT WORM, DIABROTICA VIRGIFERA VIRGIFERA LE CONTE (2007-2010), Teodora Florian, Ion Oltean, Horia Bunescu, Firuţa Camelia Todoran, Vasile Florian, 2013, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 11, Issue: 1, Pages: 306-308. 9.2. THE INFLUENCE OF WESTERN CORN ROOTWORM - DIABROTICA VIRGIFERA VIRGIFERA LE CONTE ATTACK, UPON QUALITY OF CORN SEEDS, Teodora Florian, Ion Oltean, Horia Bunescu, Vasile Florian, Camelia Todoran, Laura Dale, 2012, JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, Volume: 161, P a g e |28 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.3. Advanced Research Center for Life Quality Assurance and Environmental Protection Supplement: S, Pages: 16-16. 9.3. THE INFLUENCE OF SELECTED METEOROLOGICAL FACTORS ON MICROBIAL BIOMASS AND MINERALIZATION OF TWO ORGANIC FERTILIZERS, Mignon S. Sandor, Traian Brad, Aurel Maxim, Constantin Toader, 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 1, Pages: 107-113. 9.4. SIMULTANEOUS ION CHROMATOGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF ANIONS AND CATIONS IN SURFACE WATERS FROM FIZES VALLEY, Muntean E., Tania Mihaiescu, Nicoleta Muntean, R.Mihaiescu, 2008, CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.102, Issue 15 (Special Issue), pp. s441-s444. 9.5. POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS IN WASTEWATER SEWERAGE SYSTEM FROM THE CLUJNAPOCA AREA, Alhafez L., Nicoleta Muntean, Edward Muntean, Tania Mihăiescu, Radu Mihăiescu, Dumitru Ristoiu, 2012, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, Volume: 11, Issue: 1, Pages: 5-12. 9.6. PHYSICO–CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE KARST LAKE IGHIU (ROMANIA), Mihaiescu R. , Andreea Ioana Pop, Tania Mihaiescu, Edward Muntean, Simion Beldean, Nicoleta Muntean, Livia Alhafez, Alexandru Ozunu, 2012, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, Volume: 11, Issue: 3, Pages: 623-626. 9.7. THE INFLUENCE OF HEAVY METALS ON GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF EICHHORNIA CRASSIPES SPECIES, CULTIVATED IN CONTAMINATED WATER, Buta Erzsebet, Paulette Laura, Mihăiescu Tania, Buta M., Cantor Maria, 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 2, Pages: 135-141. 9.8. ASSESSING IMPACTS OF TRIAZINE PESTICIDES USE IN AGRICULTURE OVER THE WELL WATER QUALITY, Drăguş Andreea, Beldean-Galea M. S., Mihăiescu R., Carmen Roba, Mihăiescu Tania, Ristoiu D., 2012, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, Volume: 11, Issue: 2, Pages: 319-323. 9.9. IMPLICATIONS OF MINIMUM TILLAGE SYSTEMS ON SUSTAINABILITY OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AND SOIL CONSERVATION, Rusu T., P. Guş, Ileana Bogdan, Paula Ioana Moraru, A.I.Pop, Doina Clapa, D.I. Marin, I. Oroian, Lavinia Ioana Pop, 2009, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 7, Issue: 2, Pages: 335-338. 9.10. DEFINING AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS IN ROMANIA DURING A FIVE YEARS INTERVAL (2004 – 2008), USING STATISTICAL TOOLS. NOTE I. THE PM10 FRACTION, Ioan Oroian, 2010, METALURGIA INTERNATIONAL, Volume: 15, Issue: 9, Pages: 79-82. 9.11. TESTING THE MULTIPLE REGRESSION ANALYZE APPROACH IN PREDICTING HEAVY METALS AIR EMISSIONS. A CASE STUDY, Ioan Oroian, 2010, METALURGIA INTERNATIONAL, Volume: 15, Issue: 8, Pages: 87-90. 9.12. ASSESSMENT OF INDUSTRIAL SOURCES HEAVY METALS CONTAMINATION IN BAIA-MARE AREA, Ioan Oroian, 2010, METALURGIA INTERNATIONAL, Volume: 15, Issue: 10, Pages: 103-106. 9.13. TESTING MULTIREGRESSION MODEL IN PREDICTING PHYTOPHTORA INFESTANS L. ATTACK DEGREE ON POTATO CULTURE DEVELOPED IN CLIMATIC CONDITIONS FROM TRANSYLVANIA, ROMANIA, Ioan Gh. Oroian, Antonia Odagiu, Ilie Covrig, Laura Paulette, Teodor Rusu, 2013, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 11, Issue: 1, Pages: 449-453. 9.14. CO2 FLAGGING - AN IMPROVED METHOD FOR THE COLLECTION OF QUESTING TICKS, Călin M Gherman, Andrei D. Mihalca, Mirabela O. Dumitrache, Adriana Györke, Ioan Oroian, Mignon Sandor and Vasile Cozma, 2012, PARASITES & VECTORS, Volume: 5, Article Number: 125. 9.15. SCREENING AND QUANTIFICATION OF AFLATOXINS AND OCHRATOXIN A IN DIFFERENT CEREALS CULTIVATED IN ROMANIA USING THIN - LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY – DENSITOMETRY, C. Braicu, C. Puia, E. Bodoki and C. Socaciu, 2008, JOURNAL OF FOOD QUALITY, Volume: 31, Issue: 1, P a g e |29 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.1.3. Advanced Research Center for Life Quality Assurance and Environmental Protection Pages: 108-120. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Prof. Dr. Horia Bunescu; Prof. Dr. Ioan Oltean; Prof. Dr. Carmen Puia; Assist. Prof. Dr. Vasile Florian; Assist. Prof. Dr. Teodora Florian – members of the Scientific Council of the journal “Protecţia plantelor”, indexed by CNCSIS. 10.2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Dumitraş; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Laura Paulette; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Proorocu Marian; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maxim Aurel; Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihaiescu Tania; Assist. Prof. Dr. Mignon Sandor; Assist. Dr. Ioan Braşovean; Assist. Prof. Dr. Cristian Iederan – members of the Editorial committee of ProEnvironment journal, indexed by CNCSIS, indexed in several IDB (Thomson Reuters - Zoological Records, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, and CABI). 10.3. Prof. Dr. Ioan Oroian - Chief Editor of the journal ProEnvironment, indexed by CNCSIS, indexed in several IDB (Thomson Reuters - Zoological Records, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, CABI etc.), member in the Editorial Committee of the journals: Advances in Agriculture & Botanics, Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation – International Journal of the Bioflux Society, Animal Biology & Animal Husbandry, Advances in Environmental Sciences, Extreme Life, Biospeology & Astrobiology, Human & Veterinary Medicine, Bulletin of UASMV Cluj-Napoca Agricultural series, indexed in several IDB (Thomson Reuters - Zoological Records, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, CABI, etc. ); Awarded with the „Traian Săvulescu” prize by the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Gheorghe Ionescu Şişeşti, in 2006, for the Agro chemistry Treaty, authors: Rusu Mihai, Marilena Mărghitaş, I. Oroian, Tania Mihăiescu, Adelina Dumitraş, ISBN 973-40-0727-0, Ed.: CERES, BUCHAREST, 672 P., 2005; Awarded with the „Iuliu Prodan” prize by the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Gheorghe Ionescu Şişeşti, in 2007 and the „Traian Săvulescu” prize awarded by the Romanian Academy, in 2008 for the “Atlas de Fitopatologie – trilingv”, authors: Oroian I., V. Florian, V. Holonec, Ed. Academiei Romane, Bucharest ISBN 973-27-1311-9, 2006. 10.4. Assist. Prof. Dr. Antonia Odagiu - Member of the Editorial Committee of the journals: Journal of Central European Agriculture, ProEnvironment, Advances in Agriculture & Botanics, Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation – International Journal of the Bioflux Society, Animal Biology & Animal Husbandry, Advances in Environmental Sciences, Human & Veterinary Medicine, Bulletin of UASMV Cluj-Napoca Agricultural series, indexed in several IDB (Thomson Reuters - Zoological Records, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, CABI). 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Partnership between research /education unit and economic agent: - Current capabilities and implementation of information and communication systems in environmental protection, agriculture and sustainable development; Scientific Research Contract with SC XTC COMPUTERS SRL, 2010 – 2011. P a g e |30 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.1. Applied biological sciences RESEARCH LABORATORIES L.1.1. Applied biological sciences 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Applied Biological Sciences SBA Prof. Dr. Vidican Roxana Agriculture +40 264 596 384 +40 264 593 692 2. Objectives 2.1. Alignment to international standards and achievement of a superior performance in terms of used methods and the laboratory equipment specific for the areas of botany, genetics and plant amelioration, microbiology, quality analysis of fodder and animal products in order to obtain competitive results on the scientific and of the international publications markets and to access European funds. 2.2. Establishment of grassland use technologies in accordance to the requirements set out in the Development Plan of European Agriculture for the period 2013-2020. 2.3. Validation of the instrumental methods of analysis used in the motorization of fodder quality, of the microscopic and molecular ones used in genetic, plant amelioration and microbiology. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Establishment of the technologies for grassland use according to the requirements set out in the Development Plan of European Agriculture for the period 2013-2020. 3.2. Monitoring the fodder quality. 3.3. Amelioration of varieties of wheat, soybeans, spring barley and of corn hybrids with normal and sugared grain. 3.4. The study and maintenance of maize germplasm. 3.5. Monitoring the quality of livestock products. 3.6. Soil Microbiology. 3.7. Theoretical and applied genetics. 3.8. Theoretical and applied botanics. 3.9. Project management. P a g e |31 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.1. Applied biological sciences 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Vidican Roxana – Laboratory manager: expertise in field of microbiology, fodder plant culture and project management Permanent members: 4.2. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan – Fodder crops, pratology biodiversity conservation 4.3. Prof. Dr. Tămaş Elena – Genetics and plant amelioration , plant biotechnology 4.4. Prof. Dr. Haş Ioan - Genetics and plant amelioration 4.5. Assist. Prof. Dr. Vârban Rodica – Botanics and biodiversity 4.6. Assist. Prof. Dr. Stoie Andrei – Botanics, phytosociology, biodiversity 4.7. Assist. Prof. Dr. Păcurar Florin - Fodder crops, pratology, biodiversity conservation 4.8. Assist. Prof. Dr. Gherman Mariana – monitoring the quality of animal products 4.9. Assist. Dr. Morea Adriana - monitoring the quality of animal products, fodder crops 4.10. Eng. Dr. Berindean Ioana – molecular markers, biotechnologies 4.11. Racz Camelia, Post doc – maize amelioration 4.12. PhD Students: Eng. Albuş Amalia - fodder crops, pratology; Eng. Pintea Iancu – microbiology; Biologist Ignat Laura – microbiology. 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Research on grassland ecosystems with Arnica montana in the upper basin of Aries. 5.2. The influence of alfalfa’s major diseases on yield and the quality of forage. 5.3. Determination of forage quality by using destructive and non-destructive methods. 5.4. Research on the use and maintenance of low-input grassland. 5.5. Research on the influence of sludge from urban purges on alfalfa culture. 5.6. Creating varieties and seed production at maize, wheat and legumes. 5.7. Molecular characterization of some crop genotypes harvested for amelioration. 5.8. Analysis of some micro organisms from the Rhizobium species. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 5.5, 5.7 2008 5.2, 5.5, 5.8 2008 1. Bio photometer (Eppendorf) 2. Sterile table with laminar flow 3. Micro centrifuge (Sigma) 5.3, 5.5, 5.7, 5.8 2008 4. Electrophoretic System with horizontal and vertical shaft, thermocycler, thermostat, UV Transilluminator 5.3, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 2009 5. IT Technics (Computer system with attached capture, processing and analysis of images, SOFTWARE Win 2000, 5.3, 5.5, 5.7, 5.8 2009 P a g e |32 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.1. Applied biological sciences alpha imager TotalLab 120, LotalLab 120 DM) 6. Microscopes ML-4M 5.2, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 2008 7. Thermostat drying stove 5.2, 5.5, 5.7, 5.8 2008 8. Mechanical balance, analytical balance ALT 220 4 NM KERN 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.5 2007 9. Mineralization system KJELDHAL TIP VELP DK 6 5.1, 5.3 2008 10. Laboratory mill RETSCH MODEL GRINDOMIX GM 200 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 2008 11. Electronic Herbometer 5.1, 5.4 2010 12. 4XHygrometer FARM PRO 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 2010 13. Ph-meter SORTORIUS DOCU PH+/P10 5.1, 5.3, 5.5 2009 14. Spectrophotometer JENWAJ PFP 7 5.1, 5.5, 5.7 2009 15. Precision balance with auto calibration, 0,1 mg la 120 g-/ mg-210 g 5.1, 5.3, 5.5, 5.7, 5.8 2010 16. Epifluorescence microscope Olympus BX51 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 2010 17. NIR Machine 5.2, 5.3, 5.5, 5.8 2011 Director/Project responsible Period 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme 1. The conservation of the biodiversity of Arnica Montana ecosystems through sustainable use; PN II IDEI-UEFISCSU 2. Evaluation of grassland production potential and the establishment of technological measures to increase the production of green mass; MECI 2009-2011 Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan 2009-2011 Assist. Prof. Dr. Pacurar Florin 3. PN II IDEI New approaches to the sustainable use of secondary grasslands to preserve the cultural landscape; CNCSIS 4. Study of the Romanian Carpathian mountain flora in order to optimize the conservation strategies of genetic interspecific biodiversity; PN2 Assist. Prof. Dr. Stoie Andrei 2009-2011 5. The Assessment of the existing genetic diversity at Romanian maize crops in order to obtain new hybrids with superior characteristics and productivity; PN2 Prof. Dr. Haş Ioan 2009-2011 6. The Collection, evaluation, improvement and conservation of early maize germplasm from Transylvania region. The Identification of some genotypes for the bioethanol production; PN2 Prof. Dr. Haş Ioan 2012-2014 2. Energy-efficient technology for the integrated production Prof. Dr. Haş Ioan of biogas from biomass in terms of agricultural farms from Romania; PN2 2008-2011 P a g e |33 2007-2010 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.1. Applied biological sciences 3. The coexistence of genetically modified organisms with the conventional and ecologic ones; Sectorial Program – 2.1.6 Prof. Dr. Haş Ioan 2008-2011 4. Genetic study of the variability and combination ability of some synthetic populations and maize inbreeds; CNCSIS Prof. Dr. Haş Ioan 2006-2010 5. The conservation of the biodiversity of Arnica Montana ecosystems through sustainable use; PN2 IDEI-UEFISCSU Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan 2006-2008 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 264 8.2. Patents - 2 8.3. Patent requests - 2 8.4. Completed PhD theses - 19 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. IMPORTANCE AND FUNCTIONS OF GRASSLANDS, Carlier L, I. Rotar, Mariana Vlahova, Roxana Vidican, 2009, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 37, Issue: 1, Pages: 25-30. 9.2. INFLUENCE OF THE MANAGEMENT ON THE PHYTOCOENOTIC BIODIVERSITY OF SOME ROUMANIAN REPRESENTATIVE GRASSLAND TYPES, Vintu Vasile; Samuil Costel; Rotar Ioan; Moisuc Alexandru; Razec I., 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJNAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 1, Pages: 119-125. 9.3. FERTILIZATION EFFECTS ON THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND IN VITRO ORGANIC MATTER DIGESTIBILITY OF ROMANIAN SEMI-NATURAL MOUNTAIN MEADOWS AS PREDICTED BY NIR SPECTROMETRY, Laura M. Dale, André Thewis, Ioan Rotar, Christelle Boudry, Florin S. Păcurar, Bernard Lecler, Richard Agneessens , Pierre Dardenne , Vincent Baeten, 2013, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 41, Issue: 1, Pages: 58-64. 9.4. THE INFLUENCE OF MINERAL AND ORGANIC LONG –TERM FERTILIZATION UPON THE FLORISTIC COMPOSITION OF FESTUCA RUBRA L.-AGROSTIS CAPILLARIS L. GRASSLAND IN APUSENI MOUNTAINS, ROMANIA, Florin S. Păcurar, Ioan Rotar, Anca D. Bogdan, Roxana M. Vidican and Laura Dale, 2012, Journal of food agriculture and environment, VOLUME: 10, ISSUE: 1, PAGES: 866-879, PART: 2. 9.5. RESEARCH ON CRUDE PROTEIN AND DIGESTIBILITY OF ARNICA MONTANA CONVENTIONAL NIR SPECTROMETRY AND HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGING L. USING NIR, Dale Laura M.; Pierna Juan A. Fernandez; Vermeulen Philippe; Lecler Bernard; Bogdan Anca D.; Pacurar Florin S.; Rotar Ioan; Thewis Andre; Baeten Vincent, 2012, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Pages: 391-396, Part: 1. 9.6. THE INFLUENCE OF MINERAL AND ORGANIC LONG-TERM FERTILIZATION UPON THE FLORISTIC COMPOSITION OF FESTUCA RUBRA L.-AGROSTIS CAPILLARIS L. GRASSLAND IN APUSENI MOUNTAINS, ROMANIA, Pacurar Florin S.; Rotar Ioan; Bogdan Anca D.; Vidican Roxana M.; Dale Laura, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, 2012, Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Pages: 866-879, Part: Part 2. 9.7. ASSESSMENT OF GENETIC VARIATION ON FOUR GENERA OF CACTACEAE USING TAXONOMIC, CYTOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR MARKERS METHODS, Lucica Mihalte, Radu E. Sestras, Gyorgy P a g e |34 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.1. Applied biological sciences Feszt, Elena Tamas, PLANT OMICS, 2011, Volume: 4, Issue: 3, Pages: 142-148. 9.8. ASSESSMENT OF THE GENETIC VARIABILITY AMONG SOME JUGLANS CULTIVARS FROM THE ROMANIAN NATIONAL COLLECTION AT SCD P. VALCEA USING RAPD MARKERS, Pop Iulia Francesca, Doru Pamfil, Paul Raica, Ioana Virginia Petricele, Cristian Sisea, Eszter Vas, Beata Bbotos, Monica Bodea, Mihai Botu, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, 2010, Volume: 15, Issue: 2, Special Issue: SI, Supplement: S, Pages: 41-49. 9.9. GENETIC DIVERSITY OF PLUM POX VIRUS ISOLATES IN MUNTENIA, ROMANIA, Ioan Zagrai, Luminita Zagrai, Silvia Preda, Beatrice Kelemen, Ioana Petricele, Octavian Popescu, Doru Pamfil, Maria Isac, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, 2010, Volume: 15, Issue: 3, Pages: 53035309. 9.10. RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN BIOMARKERS OF VASCULAR DYSFUNCTION AND PERIPHERAL ARTERIAL DISEASE, Gherman Claudia, Mironiuc Aurel, Radulescu Serban, Fodor Dana, Filip Adriana, Mire Simona, Doru Pamfil, Petricele Ioana, Pop Iulia, Micula Sanda, PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORLD MEDICAL CONFERENCE, 2010, Pages: 164-169. 9.11. TOCOFEROL AND FATTY ACIDS CONTENTS OF SELECTED ROMANIAN CEREAL GRAINS, Matea, Cristian Tudor, O. Negrea, I. Haş, Simona Ifrim, C. Bele, 2008, CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.102, Issue 15 (Special Issue), pp. s726-s727. 9.12. CHARACTERIZATION OF "TURDA" MAIZE GERMPLASM FOR THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE GRAIN, Voichita Has, Ioan Has, Doru Pamfil, Ana Copandean, ROMANIAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, 2010, Volume: 27, Pages: 59-67. 9.13. DENSITY EFFECTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL VARIANCE AND EXPECTED RESPONSE TO SELECTION IN MAIZE (ZEA MAYS L.), Tokatlidis S. I., Voichita Haş, I. Mylonas, I. Haş, G. Evgenidis, V. Melidis, Anna Copandean, Lissavet Ninou, 2010, EUPHYTICA; Volume: 174, Issue: 2, Pages: 283-291. 9.14. EVALUATION OF “TURDA” MAIZE GERMPLASM FOR PHENOTYPIC VARIABILITY IN GRAIN CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, Has Voichita, I. Has, D. Pamfil, Ana Copandean, S. Campean, 2009, MAYDICA, Volume: 54, Issue: 2-3, Pages: 313-320. 9.15. DENSITY EFFECTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL VARIANCE AND EXPECTED RESPONSE TO SELECTION IN MAIZE (ZEA MAYS L.), Tokatlidis S. I., Voichita Haş, I. Mylonas, I. Haş, G. Evgenidis, V. Melidis, Anna Copandean, Lissavet Ninou, 2010, EUPHYTICA; Volume: 174, Issue: 2, Pages: 283-291. 9.16. MAIZE HYBRIDS LESS DEPENDENT ON HIGH PLANT DENSITIES IMPROVE RESOURCE EFFICIENCY IN RAINFED AND IRRIGATED CONDITIONS, Tokatlidis I.S., V. Haş, V. Melidis, I. Haş, I. Mylonas, G. Evghenidis, A. Copândean, E. Ninou, V. Fasoula , 2011, FIELD CROPS RESEARCH, Volume: 120, Issue: 3, Pages: 345-351. 9.17. EFFICIENT MICROPROPAGATION PROTOCOL FOR HIGHBUSH BLUEBERRY (VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM L.) CV. ELLIOT, Vescan L.A., D. Pamfil, Clapa Doina, A. Fira, C. R. Sisea, Iulia Francesca Pop, Ioana Virginia Petricele, Oana Ciuzan, Rodica Pop, 2012, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 17, Issue: 1, Pages: 6893-6902. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan – member in the editorial committee of Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca journal. 10.2. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan - member in the editorial committee of Bulletin of UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Agriculture journal. 10.3. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan - member in the editorial committee of Romanian Journal of Grasslands and P a g e |35 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.1. Applied biological sciences Forage Crops. 10.4. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan - member in the editorial committee of Agriculture - Science and agricultural practice journal. 10.5. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan - member in the editorial committee of ProEnvironment journal. 10.6. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan - Assessor expert CNCSIS. 10.7. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan - Assessor expert ARACIS. 10.8. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan awarded with „Iuliu Prodan” prize by the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. 10.9. Prof. Dr. Rotar Ioan - member in the editorial committee of Craiova University Annals, the series of Agriculture-Montanology – Cadastre. 10.10. Prof. Dr. Vidican Roxana - member in the editorial committee of Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics. 10.11. Prof. Dr. Vidican Roxana - member in the editorial committee of Bulletin of UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Agriculture journal. 10.12. Prof. Dr. Vidican Roxana - member in the editorial committee of Romanian Journal of Grasslands and Forage Crops. 10.13. Prof. Dr. Vidican Roxana - Assessor expert type A – Calimas. 10.14. Prof. Dr. Vidican Roxana - Assessor expert type A – CNRED. 10.15. Prof. Dr. Has Ioan - Member in the editorial committee of Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 10.16. Prof. Dr. Haş Ioan - correspondent member ASAS. 10.17. Prof. Dr. Haş Ioan - member in the editorial committee of Bulletin of UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Agriculture journal. 10.18. Prof. Dr. Haş Ioan - member in the editorial committee of Plant amelioration journal. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. National contract signed with partners from the economic environment: - Study of the effect of applying amendments on half-natural grasslands, of alfalfa crop and beet, partnership with HOLCIM ROMÂNIA SA, 2012-2014. - Research concerning the influence of fertilization with urea and zeolite minerals under the ecologic and soil conditions from SCDA Turda –Partnership with SC AZOMUREŞ S.A. P a g e |36 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.2. Optimization and development of sustainable technologies in crop production L.1.2. Optimization and development of sustainable technologies in crop production 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Optimization and development of sustainable technologies in crop production ODTDCP ODTDCP Prof. Dr. Drocaș Ioan Agriculture +40 264 596 384 ext. 167 +40 264 593 792 2. Objectives 2.1. The scientifically and technological development of sustainable technologies in crop production. 2.2. Introduction of modern technologies in applied research to increase agricultural production. 2.3. The use of new aggregates and appropriate technologies for different working conditions. 2.4. The formation and consolidation of some research teams to ensure in the future highly qualified human resources for the performance of scientific research. 2.5. Development of national and international collaborations with laboratories having a similar field activity. 2.6. Development of the conformity certification services in machinery field for plant protection treatments in accordance with European Regulations. 2.7. Promotion of precision farming. 2.8. Providing consultancy in the field. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. The energy based and agricultural machinery: new types of machinery will be tried and placed in exploitation in order to determine their parameters, optimal settings and functional operating conditions; the resistance will be evaluated during working hours and as well as fuel consumption; the rational formation of agriculture aggregates, exploiting their potential to reduce fuel consumption; the introduction of precision agriculture in various agricultural technologies; adaptation of machinery to the requirements of the European standards both as regards for the safety of the user as well as for the environment protection; features of machinery working in the mountain area and the endowment of small and medium-sized farms with machines ; the possibility of introducing precision farming in modern farms, and the establishment of sustainable technologies, in order to achieve qualitative work with minimum levels of consumption. 3.2. The use of non - conventional fuels in agriculture in order to reduce production costs and the greenhouse effect: the use of the new generation of non-conventional fuels, their production method , the establishment of the optimum production technology; determination of energy consumption in various used agricultural technologies and the choice of technologies with minimum consumption and maximum efficiency. 3.3. Sustainable agricultural technologies: the development of scientific solutions for soil conservation systems, ensuring environmental protection and maximum efficiency; introduction of P a g e |37 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.2. Optimization and development of sustainable technologies in crop production technologies with minimal or no tillage at crops that provide high yields on suitable lands for such technologies; the practice of anti-erosion works system on slopes and foundation for sustainable technologies for the agricultural exploitation of different sizes; application of an adequate crop rotation and conduction of practical comparative demonstrations at various cultures. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Drocaș Ioan - coordinating agricultural machinery, precision agriculture 4.2. Prof. Dr. Naghiu Alexandru - coordinating in the field of unconventional fuels in agriculture and determination of energy consumption at various agricultural aggregates 4.3. Prof. Dr. Naghiu Livia - sustainable horticultural technologies 4.4. Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor - establishment of new agricultural technologies in crop production 4.5. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stănilă Sorin - unconventional technologies, precision agriculture 4.6. Assist. Prof. Dr. Bărbieru Victor Adrian – agricultural machines and automation of technological processes of livestock 4.7. Assist. Prof. Dr. Muntean Mircea Valentin - measuring devices used in agriculture and food industry 4.8. Assist. Prof. Dr. Ranta Ovidiu - automation of production processes in agriculture, agricultural machinery and equipment 4.9. Assist. Prof. Dr. Molnar-Irimie Adrian - precision agriculture, agricultural machinery and equipment 4.10. Assist. Prof. Dr. David Adriana Paula - optimization of machinery and equipment used in the cleaning and sorting of seed 4.11. Assist. Dr. Marian Ovidiu Marius - using GPS in driving agricultural machinery 4.12. Assist. Dr. Topan Călin - choosing tractors used in sustainable technologies 4.13. Assist. Cătunescu Giorgiana Mihaela - PhD student, operations unit in the technological processes 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Testing and diagnosing the plant protection treatments machinery (complete – for all types of machinery). 5.2. Determination of flow and nozzles pressure. 5.3. Determination of pump flow. 5.4. Determination of the take-off speed power. 5.5. Checking pressure gauges. 5.6. Determination of fuel consumption while executing various works. 5.7. Determination of the resistance to traction of various agricultural machinery. 5.8. Determination of the soil resistance to penetration. 5.9. Setting agricultural aggregates with minimum levels of fuel. 5.10. Optimization of the agricultural aggregates in order to increase the agricultural production and to reduce energy consumption. P a g e |38 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.2. Optimization and development of sustainable technologies in crop production 6. The research infrastructure Acquisition (year) No. Equipment Related activity 1. Massey Ferguson Tractor 105 HP, reversible plough PP-330 Eberhardt, KE-253 rotary harrow Eberhardt; paraplough chisel (2), disc harrow GD-3, 4; EEP600 sprayer equipment, drills Accord Optima No Tillage; tiller Experimental field: 5.9, 5.10 2006-2012 2. Stand for testing and diagnosing of machinery for plant treatments in field crops 2007-2009 3. Stand for testing and diagnosing machines for protection treatments in vineyards and orchards Practical demonstrations: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 4. Stand for checking the nozzles for plant treatments 5. Device for measuring temperature and relative humidity of the air 2007-2009 6. Device for measuring the speed of air currents Practical demonstrations: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 7. Device for volumetric measurement of fuel consumption 2006 8. Rim strain gauge for measuring tensile strength of the agricultural machinery Field experience: 5.6, 5.9 Field experience: 5.9, 5.10 9. Installation for testing hammer mills, mixers and making automatically feeding recipes Laboratory trials: 5.10 2010 10. Computers and GPS units for driving Experimental trials: 5.8, 5.9 Experimental trials: 5.10 Experimental trials: 5.9, 5.10 Soil and plants analyses: 5.8 2008 agricultural aggregates 11. Machinery and equipment with sensors, transducers and process computers 12. Processor machine with direct seeding 13. Fieldscout SC900 digital penetrometer, portable pH meter Sentix SUR; LaMotte kit STH-5-5007, electrometric moisture meter Delmhorst KS-D1; Jet fill ARL2725 sphygmomanometer, digital Turf Tec; Aquaterra Temp 300 Digital Thermo-hygrometer; 2800K1 Guelph permeameter. 2010 2012 2007-2008 2010 2008-2012 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme 1. The implementation of direct sowing technology and the increase of the adaptability degree of SC Pombis SRL from the economical, ecological and organizational point of view; PN2-IN-CI-2012-0017, c. 4CI/21.05.2012 P a g e |39 Director/Project responsible Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor Period 2012 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.2. Optimization and development of sustainable technologies in crop production 2. Research on improving the technology of direct sowing at maize crops; Research Contract, SC Agrocons Parox SRL: c. 3654/14.04.2011 Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor 2011 3. Monitoring the impact of agriculture on global climate changes, soil, water, and carbon management through conservative systems: minimum tillage and no-tillage in the Transylvanian plain; Partnership Project PN2, MECI – CNMP, c. 52-114/1.10.2008 Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor 2008-2011 4. Research on the promotion of a complex system for the evaluation of the soil physic-mechanical properties in order to increase the safety and security of agricultural production; Partnerships Project PN2 MECI-CNMP, c. 5210/1.10.2008 Prof. Dr. Drocaș Ioan 2008-2011 5. Alternative crops with adapting potential for different environmental conditions and their complex exploitation by using biotechnology. Partnerships projects PNII, MECICNMP, c. 51-018/ 15.09.2007. Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor 2007-2010 6. Testing and diagnosing the technical condition of the machinery for plant works in order to reduce environmental pollution; Grant CNCSIS, A, c. 894/2007 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stănilă Sorin 2007-2008 7. Complex system research of the degradation phenomena of arable land and monitoring of the negative impact of agriculture on natural resources and global climate change; CEEX, M1, MEC-AMCSIT, c. 124/20.07.2006 Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor 2006-2008 8. Promoting the integration of sustainable agricultural technologies and of the conservative soil working in the European research area; CEEX, M3, MEC-CNMP, c.129/1.08.2006 Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor 2006-2008 9. Research and development of some innovative techniques and applying equipment, for maintenance of potato crops in conservative system; CEEX, M1, MECAMCSIT, c. 66/4.10.2006 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stănilă Sorin 2006-2008 10. The research and development of some sustainable technologies of plant protection treatments, with a favourable impact on the environment and the quality of agricultural products; CEEX, M1, c. 67/04.10.2006 Prof. Dr. Drocaș Ioan 2006-2008 11. Studies concerning the use of fuels based on vegetable oils as a source of renewable energy for agricultural farms; ENERGOECOFARM – PN2 Prof. Dr. Naghiu Alexandru 2007-2010 12. Research concerning the implementation of the most effective solutions in terms of energy for the production of biogas in integrated system in the conditions of agricultural farms in Romania; BIOGEF – PN2 Prof. Dr. Naghiu Alexandru 2008-2011 13. Enzymatic Transesterification technology designed for the production of biofuels from of 2nd generation; CARENZI – PN2 Prof. Dr. Naghiu Alexandru 2008-2011 P a g e |40 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.2. Optimization and development of sustainable technologies in crop production 14. Research, verification and certification Center for of the quality of biofuels; VERIBIOCOMB– PN2 Prof. Dr. Naghiu Alexandru 2008-2009 15. Mechanization and Energy use in selected arable farms in Central and South Eastern Europe; Project CASEE Prof. Dr. Naghiu Alexandru 2012-2013 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 163; guidelines, books - 18 8.2. Services – 3 8.3. Tests for external beneficiaries - 20 8.4. Technologies - 4 upgraded technologies (direct seeding; upgraded spraying machine EEP-600ME; spraying machine in vineyards and orchards with electronic equipment and sensors ATOM1000ME; field kitchen with computer applications) 8.5. Completed PhD theses - 6 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. STUDIES REGARDING THE SET OF ACTIONS NEEDED FOR FITOSANITARY TREATMENT IN ORDER TO REDUCE THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT, Molnar, A., Drocaş, I., Ranta, O., Stănilă, S., Muntean, M., 2009, ProEnvironment 2 (2009) 218 – 221. 9.2. EFFECT OF SOIL TILLAGE SYSTEM ON SOIL PROPERTIES AND YIELD IN SOME ARABLE CROPS, Teodor Rusu, Paula Ioana Moraru and Ioan Rotar, 2011, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 9, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 426-429, Part: 1. 9.3. INFLUENCE OF INFESTATION WITH ECHINOCHLOA CRUS-GALLI SPECIES ON CROP PRODUCTION IN CORN, Rusu T., P. Gus I., Bogdan P., I. Moraru A., I. Pop, M. L. Sopterean, L. I. Pop, 2010, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 8, Issue: 2, Pages: 760-763, Part: 2. 9.4. IMPLICATIONS OF MINIMUM TILLAGE SYSTEMS ON SUSTAINABILITY OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AND SOIL CONSERVATION, Rusu T., P. Guş, Ileana Bogdan, Paula Ioana Moraru, A.I.Pop, Doina Clapa, D.I. Marin, I. Oroian, Lavinia Ioana Pop, 2009, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 7, Issue: 2, Pages: 335-338. 9.5. INFLUENCE OF SOIL TILLAGE SYSTEM ON WINTER WHEAT BREAD MANUFACTURE QUALITY, Rusu T., P. Guş, I. F. Moldovan, I. Bogdan, P. I. Moraru, A. I. Pop, I. Păcurar, D. Clapa, 2008, ACTA HORTICULTURAE, Volume: 802, Pages: 233-237. 9.6. EFFECT OF MINIMUM TILLAGE ON THE CONTROL OF CONVOLVULUS ARVENSIS L. IN A FLUVISOL, Rusu T., P. Gus, I. Bogdan, P. I. Moraru, A. I. Pop, D. Weindorf, H. Cacoveanu, 2008, JOURNAL OF PLANT DISEASES AND PROTECTION, Special Issue: 21, Pages: 587-590. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Prof. Dr. Drocaș Ioan - official reviewer for PhD committees: 8; associate editor of the Bulletin of UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Agriculture Department; Reviewer at Agricultural and engineering – INMATEH Bucharest magazine. 10.2. Prof. Dr. Naghiu Alexandru -corresponding member of the National Academy of Agriculture from Italy (since 2005); Member of the Working Group II – Conversion of the European platform for biofuels; Vice-President of Biofuels technology Platform from Romania – BIOCARO; associate member of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. P a g e |41 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.2. Optimization and development of sustainable technologies in crop production 10.3. Prof. Dr. Rusu Teodor - President of the Transylvania Branch of Romanian National Society for Soil Science (SNRSS), publisher of journals: Agricultural Science Research Journal; International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production; member in the Scientific Committee of magazines: Scientific Papers, Series A. Agronomy; Natural Resources and Sustainable Development; official reviewer for national PhD committee: 22 International: 2, organization member FACCE MACSUR Modelling European Agriculture with Climate Change for Food Security - 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Efficiency: energy efficiency; fuel consumption; ploughing resistance. 11.2. Soil determinations: determination of resistance to penetration; tensile strength of agricultural machinery. 11.3. Implementation of the European norms required for plant protection treatments machinery. 11.4. Testing and diagnosing of plant protection treatments machinery: uniformity of distribution at width, flow nozzles, pumps, and flow testing gauges. 11.5. Advising: using process computers on various tractors, farm machinery, installations; using GPS for driving various tractors in aggregate with agricultural machines; the establishment of sustainable technologies in the mat system; the establishment of technology with minimum works for different cultures, optimisation of agricultural machines. P a g e |42 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.3.The Fertility Control Of Soils And The Monitoring Of Agricultural Ecosystems L.1.3. The Fertility Control Of Soils And The Monitoring Of Agricultural Ecosystems 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail The Fertility Control Of Soils And The Monitoring Of Agricultural Ecosystems CFSMA CFSMA Prof. Dr. Mărghitaş Marilena Agriculture +40 264 596 384 ext. 203 or 194 +40 264 593 792; 2. Objectives 2.1. The development of the research potential of soils and products quality, the establishment of a permanent network of control and monitoring of soil fertility, capability to establish and to enforce specific technologies to sustainable agriculture. 2.2. Development of concepts and improved solutions adapted to the pedo-agrochemical, climatic, and socio-economic conditions, suitable to sustainable agriculture and to the increasing of the safety and security of agricultural and food production. 2.3. The concentration of the research potential for integrating systems for the conservation of soil fertility through advanced sustainable technologies of fertilization applied in the field. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Agrochemistry – fertility - fertilization, agrochemical - methodology, control methods of soil fertility, the levels of plant nutrition, soil fertility management, ecological reconstruction of soils degraded by pollution, nutrient and fertilizer management and agrochemical monitoring of soil: implementation of new methods of control of soil fertility and of a profitable management of fertilization and soil amendments; the correct establishment of the conditions and the level of soils and vegetation contamination of with heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn) and agrochemical measures for ecological reconstruction of polluted areas. 3.2. The scientific basis of the agrochemical optimization of the soil-plant-fertilizer system. 3.3. Elaborate research of the causality of nutritional disorders in plants. 3.4. The experimentation of complex technology of fertilization: with new kinds of fertilizers. 3.5. Agricultural advisory. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Rusu Mihai - Agrochemistry, pedology, pollution, degradation, ecological reconstruction 4.2. Prof. Dr. Mărghitaş Marilena - Agrochemistry, management of fertilizers and nutrients, land evaluation, ecological reconstruction, economic optimization 4.3. Assist. Prof. Dr. Sandor Mignon Severus - Soil sciences, ecology, microbiology, soil biodiversity, soil fertility P a g e |43 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.3.The Fertility Control Of Soils And The Monitoring Of Agricultural Ecosystems 4.4. Assist. Dr. Toader Constantin - Agrochemistry, soil science, fertilization and fertility 4.5. Chemist Dr. Moldovan Lavinia - Soil-plant-fertilizer agrochemical methodology, soil sciences 4.6. Assist. Dr. Mihai Mihaela - Agrochemical methodology, soil sciences 4.7. Lecturer Mihai Valentin Constantin - Agrochemical methodology, soil sciences 4.8. PhD Students: Eng. Tomoş Camelia - Agrochemical methodology, soil; Ec. Poruţiu Andra Agrochemical methodology, economical optimization, soil sciences. 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Analysis of soil, plant, fertilizers for the control, monitoring and protection of soil fertility in order to accomplish the Agrochemical Monitoring System of the quality state of soils from Romania. 5.2. Analysis of soil, plant, fertilizers for studies and agro-chemical mapping in cadastral territories for the substantiation of soil fertility increasing measures in order to accomplish the scheduled vegetable productions and the ecological reconstruction of affected soils by degradation and pollution factors, (acidity-salinization, failure - excess mineral, contamination with heavy metals, nitrates, pesticides, etc.). 5.3. Analysis of soil, plant, for studies and agrochemical mapping used in the projects setup decisions financed by the State or by private resources as well as from European funds for fruit plantations, grapevines and other crops to increased indexes of economic efficiency. 5.4. Analytical activity at soil , plant, fertilizers for the rational application of fertilizer types from the existing products and of those undergoing approval with effect of quantitative and qualitative enhancement of agricultural and horticultural crops and obtaining supplies and products to be used and consumed which ensure the increase of the users food safety. 6. The research infrastructure No. 1. Equipment Microwave mineralizer - with RS 232 interface and parallel port; maximum pressure: 35 bar at 200 °C; Operating temperature: -200 °C ambient; Magnetron: 2,450 MHz frequency; Magnetron power: 950 W; Dimensions: 34 × 57 × 46 cm, Power supply: 220/240 ± 10% VAC,50Hz 2. Calcinations furnace - fully controlled with an electronic controller; provided with double jacket, outer casing in stainless steel; short heating time; > 5 °C accuracy; the programming done in steps of 1 °C; 11 litres volume; inner dimensions L × l × h: 210x230x210 mm; overall dimensions: L × l × h: 485x425x565 mm; weight: 27 kg; power supply: 220V/3,0 KW; temperature max. 1100 °C operating 3. Mineralization unit type Kjeldahl - maximum power: 2500 W (230 V); Temperature range: 50-500 °C; time: 1 min to 10 hours; stability: ± 1°C, no. programs: 20; no. program stages: 4; acoustic signal at the end of a cycle. P a g e |44 Related activity Agro-chemical analysis of soilplant-fertilizer: Acquisition (year) 2005 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 2004 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.3.The Fertility Control Of Soils And The Monitoring Of Agricultural Ecosystems 4. Distillation unit - cooling water consumption: 80 l capacity/1 h distillation; Consumption of distilled water closed circuit: 2 l/h; tank capacity: 10 litres; power consumption: 1300 W; weight: 23 kg. 5. Rotary evaporator - rotational speed 80-200 rpm, 0.7 l bath volume, bath diameter 139 mm; temperature range 30-100 °C, accuracy of 50 c temperature, heating power 500W, surface condensates 270 cm2; the rate of evaporation: 250 ml H2O/h 6. Solid phase extraction system - works with extraction disks with φ of 47 mm equipped, with 24 places of extraction, sample 1 litre tank, adapts to any type of collection vessel, allowing individual control of the vacuum extraction for each cartridge. 7. Chemical hood - air flow: 180 m3/h; internal volume: 0,128 mc; power consumption: 75 W; noise level: 44 dB. 2004 8. Drying stove - Volume 50 l; Maximum absorbed power max. 1500 VA; Temperature range 20-200 °C; Programmable time 0 – 999 min; Accuracy 1 °C; Temperature gradient 10 °C; Reproducibility temperature 1 °C; difference in temperature between the enclosure and the shown value 1 °C. 1999 9. Multiparameter analyzer (pH meter, conductometre) resolution: 0.01 pH; 0.1 μS/cm; 1 mV; 1 °C; temperature compensation: automatic with Pt 1000 or manually; display: 3 ½ number 12 LCD screen; ambient temperature: 4-40 °C; humidity: 0-90% (non-condensing); weight: 600 g; dimensions: 13 x 18 x 10 cm. 2004 10. Sample homogenization system - electronic control of the stirring speed; The shaking platform dimensions: 450x450 mm; maximum load: 15 kg; Shaking limit: up to 60 min. or continuous operation; Shaking frequency: 2-50 min-1; Shaking amplitude: 3 degrees; Power supply: 220V/50 Hz; Weight: 18 kg. 2005 11. Automatic Titrator - 10 titration methods for different applications, two-point calibration, unit values are stored in a buffer solution, 8 via the serial interface RS-232-C, the unit can be connected to a PC or printer; metering accuracy: 0.15% relative to the nominal volume; systemic error -0,1%; random error: 0.05%; displaying 0-20 ml volume with a resolution of 0.01 ml. 2005 12. Machine for the determination of total organic carbon the method of catalytic oxidation determination: at 680 °C -900/NDIR detection for carbon; mode of operation: the control computer; injection mode: automatically; limit of detection: 4ppb; measurement accuracy: CZ 1.5%; measuring time: approx. 3 min. for both TC and IC; sample volume: 10 ... 2000 µm l; Automatic dilution: dilution factors between 2-50; ambient temperature: 5 – 2005 P a g e |45 2006 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.3.The Fertility Control Of Soils And The Monitoring Of Agricultural Ecosystems including; dimension 440x560x460 (WxDxH mm), weight 40 kg. 13. Spectrophotometer with atomic absorption - accuracy wavelength: ≤± 0,70 nm nm; sound level NON-BGC: ≤0,0150 Abs; sound level BGC-D2: ≤0,0350 Abs; Base line Drift: : ≤0,0060 Abs/30 min; absorbance: Abs; ≤0,2300 repeatability: ≤2,00% (95%) confidence coefficient; detection limit: ≤0,00400: ppm; stability: ≤6,0% 2005 14. Graphite furnace for atomic spectrometer with absorption (AAS) - accuracy wavelength: ≤± 0,70 nm sound level NON-BGC: ≤0,0150 Abs sound level BGC-D2: ≤0,0350 Abs; Base line Drift: ≤0,0060 Abs/30 min; absorbance: ≤0,2300 Abs; repeatability: ≤2,00% confidence coefficient; (95%) detection limit: ≤0,00400 ppm; stability: ≤6,0% 2005 15. UV-VIS spectrophotometer - double beam optical system: a monocromator; light source: halogen lamp, 50W lamp deuterium; the detector: silicon photodiode; spectral band width: 1nm; display: 0.1 wavelength nm; wavelength accuracy: ±0,3 0.3 nm; wavelength repeatability: ±0,1 nm 0,1 nm scanning speed: 160-3200 nm/min; setting λ speed: 6000 nm/min; changing the lamps between: 295 – 364 nm; photometric range: absorbance: 0.5-3,999 Abs; transmittance: 0,0 – 399, photometric accuracy: ±0,004 Abs (Abs at 1,0); ±0,002 Abs (from 0.5 Abs); photometric repeatability (Abs at 1,0) ±0,001 Abs; (from 0.5 Abs); Baseline stability (drift): 0,001 Abs Baseline variation: ±0.001 Abs; noise level: ± 0,002 Abs (P-P)/RMS (0.0002) 2005 16. Planetary Mill with balls - the initial size of the particle: maxim10 mm; Final finesse: > 1μm; Grinding vessel volume: 500 ml; Speed regulation by digital system: 100650 rot/min; Function for the 10 combinations of parameters; Quick clamping device of grinding vessel; 85 dB noise level 2005 17. Ultrasonic bath 5.1, 5.2, 5.3,5.4, 5.5, 5.6 2006 18. Ultrapurified Water Device - ultra clean: 2001-B, 09658701 0,055 metre Conductivity μS/cm (MΏ-18.2 cm resistivity), total organic carbon 200 ppb, bacteria < less than 1KbE/ml and less of a particle/ml and more than 0,2 μm Agro-chemical analysis of soilplant-fertilizer: 2006 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 19. Magnetic stirrer Speed safe 5.1, 5.2, 5.3,5.4, 5.5, 5.6 2007 20. Sampling Kit for hard and soft soils - includes different soil sampling sounds, peg type and type drill 2006 21. Chemical hood with dust 1800x800x910/2400 mm Agro-chemical analysis of soilplant-fertilizer: P a g e |46 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.3.The Fertility Control Of Soils And The Monitoring Of Agricultural Ecosystems according to the standard. EN14175 - type TA 1800, tipping discharge of pollutants with the speed of 630 m3/hr, 250 mm diameter bellows, voltage 230/400V, 50/60 Hz 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 7. Representative research projects Director/Project responsible No. Project title and financing programme Period 1. Assessing the impact of using organo-mineral nutrition of plant species for the protection and improvement of soil fertility and the safety and security increasing of agricultural production and food; PN2, No. 52128/01.10.2008, Partnership, MECI – CNMP Prof. Dr. Mărghitaş Marilena 2008-2011 2. Conservation of the mountain Agroecosystem biodiversity; Partner: Research and Development Institute for Grassland - Braşov; Contract No. 339/ 8.12.2006, Sectorial Plan 631/ 2006-2010 Eng. Dr. Razec Maria 2006-2010 3. Assessing the impact of organic production systems on the agronomic and biological value of feed eco-systems and the quality of livestock products in order to increase the economic efficiency of farms and food safety; Partner Institute of research-development for Grassland – Braşov, Contract no. 445/3637, PNCDI (2007-2013) Eng. Dr. Razec Maria 2008-2011 4. The Coexistence of genetically modified organisms, with conventional and organic one; Partner: The Research and Development Agricultural Station Turda; Contract no. 324/ 8.12.2006, Sectorial Plan 631/ 2006-2010 Prof. Dr. Haş Ioan 2006-2010 5. The preservation of the genetic potential and biodiversity of indigenous sericol resources; Contract no. 51014/2007, PNCDI II Prof. Dr. Paşca Ioan 2007-2010 6. Testing the foliar fertilizers at agricultural and horticultural crops; Contract no. 508 – 2008-V21.1 – Agro, 506-2011-V7-Agro; ASAS – ICPA Bucharest Prof. Dr. Rusu Mihai 2008-2012 7. The influence of mineral and organic fertilization on the biodiversity of soil and the biochemical processes in an arable land; PN2, PD, No. 274/2010 Assist. Prof. Dr. Şandor Mignon 2010-2012 8. Research of technologies and differentiated systems for fertilizations at potato; CNCSIS, TD – PN II, no. 157/15.09.2008 Assist. Dr. Toader Constantin 2008-2009 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 110; guidelines, books - 12 8.2. Analysis for external beneficiaries - 225 8.3. Technologies - 5 (Fertilization technology with organic protection for grain maize, Fertilization technology for obtaining high-quality fodder, Fertilization technology with organic protection for P a g e |47 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.3.The Fertility Control Of Soils And The Monitoring Of Agricultural Ecosystems bearing cherry , Fertilization technology of with organic protection for bearing plum, Rational fertilization technology for obtaining high-quality apple fruit) 8.4. Completed PhD theses - 12 (2 PhD advisors) 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. INTERACTION OF EARTHWORMS AND ENCHYTRAEIDS IN ORGANICALLY AMENDED SOIL, Mignon SANDOR And Stefan SCHRADER, 2012, NORTH-WESTERN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, Volume: 8, Issue: 1, Pages: 46-56, Article Number: 111145. 9.2. THE INFLUENCE OF SELECTED METEOROLOGICAL FACTORS ON MICROBIAL BIOMASS AND MINERALIZATION OF TWO ORGANIC FERTILIZERS, Mignon S. Sandor, Traian Brad, Aurel Maxim, Constantin Toader, 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 1, Pages: 107-113. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Prof. Dr. Rusu Mihai, ASAS member. 10.2. Prof. Dr. Mărghitaş Marilena, Vice President of the Transylvania Branch of National Society for Soil Science (SNRSS), judiciary technical expert for agriculture, certified land valuer. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Soil determinations: field visits, based on a site plan (topographic base) drawing ground units to achieve agrochemical homogeneous surfaces for soil sampling, the identification and characterisation of soil profile; the collection of soil samples; determination of soil humidity; determination of main agrochemical indexes of acidity and alkalinity; determination of main agrochemical indexes (soil pH, humus, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and microelements). 11.2. Plant determinations: Analyses through foliar diagnosis method and plant analysis in all its components, for the diagnosis of some nutritional disorders, the study of the dynamics of nutrition elements accumulation during the plant vegetation and for the estimation of consumption (export) of nutrients from the soil along with the harvest. 11.3. Expert advice on: the improvement and perfecting of sustainable fertilization technologies with ecological protection and cultivation of vegetable species; improvement of cultivation technologies of plants and the use of the Best practices Manual in the fertilization technology of agricultural plants. P a g e |48 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.4. Laboratory for the Environmental Control and Plant Protection L.1.4. Laboratory for the Environmental Control and Plant Protection 1. Date de contact The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Laboratory for the Environmental Control and Plant Protection LIP Assist. Prof. Dr. Antonia Odagiu Agriculture +40 264 596 384 +40 264 593 692 Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail 2. Objectives 2.1. The alignment to international standards and the achievement of increased analytical performance of the laboratory instrumental methods used in the analysis of the environment quality and of the specific areas of plant pathology, entomology, plant protection, in order to obtain competitive results on the scientific market and of the international publications and the acceding to European funds. 2.2. The validation of instrumental analysis methods (chromatography, mass spectrometry) used in monitoring the quality of the environment and of those microscopic used in the plant protection. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Monitoring of environmental quality-water resources, soil, air, and invasive plant species. 3.2. Mapping of pollution risk areas. 3.3. Environmental impact studies. 3.4. Ecological reconstruction. 3.5. Sustainable development. 3.6. Waste management. 3.7. Environmental protection strategies. 3.8. Protected areas management. 3.9. Management of agricultural ecosystems. 3.10. Theoretical and applied Plant pathology. 3.11. Theoretical and applied Entomology. 3.12. Plant protection strategies. 3.13. Project management. P a g e |49 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.4. Laboratory for the Environmental Control and Plant Protection 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Ioan Gh. OROIAN - Director of Center, expertise in the field of plant protection, air resource management, waste management, policies and national and international legislation Permanent members: 4.2. Prof. Dr. Oltean Ioan - Entomology, integrated management of plant protection 4.3. Prof. Dr. Bunescu Horia - Entomology, integrated management of plant protection 4.4. Prof. Dr. Puia Carmen - Plant pathology, ecological reconstruction, integrated management of plant protection 4.5. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paulette Laura - Strategies of environmental protection, ecological reconstruction 4.6. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Proorocu Marian - Protected areas, environmental strategies 4.7. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maxim Aurel - Protected areas, sustainable development 4.8. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihaiescu Tania - Spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques, project management 4.9. Assist. Prof. Dr. Odagiu Antonia - Monitoring the quality of the environment, environmental impact studies, project management 4.10. Assist. Prof. Dr. Florian Vasile - Plant pathology, integrated management of plant protection 4.11. Assist. Prof. Dr. Florian Teodora - Entomology, integrated management of plant protection 4.12. Assist. Dr. Brasovean Ioan - Plant pathology, waste management 4.13. Assist. Dr. Suciu Loredana - Plant pathology, integrated management of plant protection 4.14. Assist. Dr. Iederan Cristian - Plant pathology, ecological reconstruction 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Monitoring the quality of water, soil and air resources. 5.2. Monitoring the pollution with heavy metal of water, soil and plant resources. 5.3. The analysis of crop pathogens and the development of solutions in order to counteract their action. 5.4. The analysis crop pests and the development of solutions in order to counteract their action. 5.5. Environmental systems analysis and the formulation of solutions in order to reduce the negative impact of harmful inputs. 5.6. Organization of symposiums on "Good practices in the management of water resources", dedicated to the World day for Water and "R-Regeneration, Rehabilitation and Restoration of the soil – from Concept to achievement, dedicated to the Day of Earth", 2009-2013. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 1. Automatic analyzer SO2 NOx, CO, O3 – tip APSA, APNA, 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 2007 P a g e |50 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.4. Laboratory for the Environmental Control and Plant Protection APMA, APOA, 370 2. Automatic analyzer of PM2,5 and PM10 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 2007 3. Load monitoring equipment to indoor air with PM2,5 and PM10 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 2007 4. Mobile equipment to monitor air quality resources 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 2007 5. Mobile equipment for monitoring the quality of water resources 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 2007 6. Mobile equipment for monitoring the quality of soil resources 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 2008 7. Atomic Absorption Spectrometer AAS - Perkin Elmer 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 2008 8. Ion chromatograph 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 2009 9. GC - Perkin Elmer 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 2010 10. Spectrophotometers UV-VIS 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 2010 11. Electronic microscope 2.3, 2.4 2007 12. VELP extraction equipment for lipid compounds 2.1 2010 13. Rotary evaporator 2.1 2008 14. Furnace Nabertherm 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 2008 15. Drying stove 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 2009 16. Microbiological kits 2.3, 2.4 2007 17. Microbiological determinater 2.3, 2.4 2007 18. Entomological determinater 2.3, 2.4 2007 19. IT infrastructure 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 2008 20. Specialized software 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 2008 Director/Project responsible Period 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme 1. Integrated protection of potato crop against plant pathogens in the context of organic agriculture; CNCSIS/BD Assist. Dr. Braşovean Ioan 2009 2. Strategies of ecological combat of pests in organic agricultural and horticultural ecosystems; CNCSIS/A Prof. Dr. Bunescu Horia 2008 3. Research concerning the distribution, morphology, biology and control of the pest Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte in the ecological conditions of Transylvania and its influence on infection with some parasitic; BD/42 Assist. Prof. Dr. Florian Teodora 2009 P a g e |51 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.4. Laboratory for the Environmental Control and Plant Protection 4. Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte spreading, morphology, biology, control and influence on the attack of some diseases of maize in the ecological conditions from Transylvania; TD PN2 71/2008; CNCSIS 116 Assist. Prof. Dr. Florian Teodora 2008 - 2009 5. Integrated control of the pest Diabrotica virgifera virgifera by using conventional and unconventional methods and the quantification of quantitative and qualitative losses of production; PD, PN2 Assist. Prof. Dr. Florian Teodora 2010- 2012 6. Study on the influence of the main diseases of alfalfa on the harvest and fodder quality; D/41 Assist. Prof. Dr. Florian Vasile 2009 7. Study on the influence of the main diseases of alfalfa on the harvest and fodder quality project; PN2 70/2008, CNCSIS 115 Assist. Prof. Dr. Florian Vasile 2008 -2009 8. Research concerning the inventory and preservation of genetic diversity from various vegetable species - the premise of expanding organic agriculture and food security on long term; PN2 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maxim Aurel 2008 - 2010 9. The accreditation of the laboratory for water and noise level assays according to SR EN ISO/CEI 17025: 2005 and European directives transposed into Romanian legislation; CEEX Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihăiescu Tania 2008 10. Non-conventional biotechnologies used for the disproof of the major pests in vine and fruits trees; CEEX Prof. Dr. Oltean Ion 2008 11. Biometric control strategies of fruit pests using of last generation; PN2, Project 61040/2007 Prof. Dr. Oltean Ion 2008 - 2010 12. Air quality control Laboratory; P-CONFORM Prof. Dr. Oroian Ioan 2008 13. Research on the ecological integrated ecosystems protection -essential part of the concept of sustainable agriculture in accordance with European norms and standards; CEEX Prof. Dr. Oroian Ioan 2008 14. Interdisciplinary research on the effect of major potentially harmful inputs from technology sources (fertilizers, pesticides) in the optimization of the relationship between soil, plant, consumers; PN2 Prof. Dr. Oroian Ioan 2008 - 2010 15. Broadening the genetic basis of winter wheat germplasm of Kosovo; Project ASO - Austria, Kosovo, Bulgaria, Romania Prof. Dr. Oroian Ioan 2009 - 2010 16. Increasing the administrative capacity of UASVM Cluj for the improvement and optimisation of the research activity; POS CCE, 2 CDI, 2.2.4. Prof. Dr. Oroian Ioan 2010 17. Obtaining selenium with increased bioavailability on natural substrate of Allium sativum l. (garlic) in order to Prof. Dr. Oroian 2010 - 2012 P a g e |52 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.4. Laboratory for the Environmental Control and Plant Protection improve the quality of life by increasing food security and safety; POS CCE, 2 CDI, 2.1.1. Ioan 18. AgroCariera, POS DRU Prof. Dr. Oroian Ioan 2010 - 2011 19. Soil Resources quality inventory and crop production obtained in protected areas and the development of technical documentation of land use and new methods of analysis consistent with the EU standards; PN2, The National Center for Program Management 2007-2010, contract no. 51045/17.09.2007 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paulette Laura 2007 - 2010 20. Ways of using sewage sludges from biodegradable wastes from (from hydro-accumulation basins and sewage stations ) in view of reducing environmental pollution; PN2, The National Center of Management Programs, contract No. 32105/2008 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paulette Laura 2008 - 2011 21. Scientific substantiation for the inclusion of the Cusma area, BN County in the European Ecological Network Natura 2000; PN2 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Proorocu Marian 2008 - 2010 22. Sustainable management of the site Natura 2000 ROSCI0233 Someşul Rece; POS Mediu Assoc. Prof. Dr. Proorocu Marian 2013 - 2015 23. Bioremediation of soils contaminated with products from the petroleum industry to play their socio-economic circuit; PN2 Prof. Dr. Puia Carmen 2008 - 2010 24. The modern unconventional method for the microbial depollution of phenol in order to strengthen biodiversity; PN2 Prof. Dr. Puia Carmen 2008 - 2010 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 207 8.2. Patents - 1 8.3. Patent applications - 4 8.4. Products - 2 8.5. Technologies - 5 8.6. Services - 1 8.7. Completed PhD theses - 15 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. RESULTS OBTAINED IN THE BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WESTERN CORN ROOT WORM, DIABROTICA VIRGIFERA VIRGIFERA LE CONTE (2007-2010), Teodora Florian, Ion Oltean, Horia Hunescu, Firuţa Camelia Todoran, Vasile Florian, 2013, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & P a g e |53 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.4. Laboratory for the Environmental Control and Plant Protection ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 11, Issue: 1, Pages: 306-308. 9.2. THE INFLUENCE OF WESTERN CORN ROOTWORM - DIABROTICA VIRGIFERA VIRGIFERA LE CONTE ATTACK, UPON QUALITY OF CORN SEEDS, Teodora Florian, Ion Oltean, Horia Bunescu, Vasile Florian, Camelia Todoran, Laura Dale, 2012, JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, Volume: 161, Supplement: S, Pages: 16-16. 9.3. THE INFLUENCE OF SELECTED METEOROLOGICAL FACTORS ON MICROBIAL BIOMASS AND MINERALIZATION OF TWO ORGANIC FERTILIZERS, Mignon S. Sandor, Traian Brad, Aurel Maxim, Constantin Toader, 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 1, Pages: 107-113. 9.4. SIMULTANEOUS ION CHROMATOGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF ANIONS AND CATIONS IN SURFACE WATERS FROM FIZES VALLEY, Muntean E., Tania Mihaiescu, Nicoleta Muntean, R.Mihaiescu, 2008, CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.102, Issue 15 (Special Issue), pp. s441- s444. 9.5. POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS IN WASTEWATER SEWERAGE SYSTEM FROM THE CLUJNAPOCA AREA, Alhafez L., Nicoleta Muntean, Edward Muntean, Tania Mihăiescu, Radu Mihăiescu, Dumitru Ristoiu, 2012, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, Volume: 11, Issue: 1, Pages: 5-12. 9.6. PHYSICO–CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE KARST LAKE IGHIU (ROMANIA), Mihaiescu R. , Andreea Ioana Pop, Tania Mihaiescu, Edward Muntean, Simion Beldean, Nicoleta Muntean, Livia Alhafez, Alexandru Ozunu, 2012, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, Volume: 11, Issue: 3, Pages: 623-626. 9.7. THE INFLUENCE OF HEAVY METALS ON GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF EICHHORNIA CRASSIPES SPECIES, CULTIVATED IN CONTAMINATED WATER, Buta Erzsebet, Paulette Laura, Mihăiescu Tania, Buta M., Cantor Maria, 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 2, Pages: 135-141. 9.8. ASSESSING IMPACTS OF TRIAZINE PESTICIDES USE IN AGRICULTURE OVER THE WELL WATER QUALITY, Drăguş Andreea, Beldean-Galea M. S., Mihăiescu R., Carmen Roba, Mihăiescu Tania, Ristoiu D., 2012, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, Volume: 11, Issue: 2, Pages: 319-323. 9.9. IMPLICATIONS OF MINIMUM TILLAGE SYSTEMS ON SUSTAINABILITY OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AND SOIL CONSERVATION, Rusu T., P. Guş, Ileana Bogdan, Paula Ioana Moraru, A.I.Pop, Doina Clapa, D.I. Marin, I. Oroian, Lavinia Ioana Pop, 2009, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 7, Issue: 2, Pages: 335-338. 9.10. DEFINING AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS IN ROMANIA DURING A FIVE YEARS INTERVAL (2004 – 2008), USING STATISTICAL TOOLS. NOTE I. THE PM10 FRACTION, Ioan Oroian, 2010, METALURGIA INTERNATIONAL, Volume: 15, Issue: 9, Pages: 79-82. 9.11. TESTING THE MULTIPLE REGRESSION ANALYZE APPROACH IN PREDICTING HEAVY METALS AIR EMISSIONS. A CASE STUDY, Ioan Oroian, 2010, METALURGIA INTERNATIONAL, Volume: 15, Issue: 8, Pages: 87-90. 9.12. ASSESSMENT OF INDUSTRIAL SOURCES HEAVY METALS CONTAMINATION IN BAIA-MARE AREA, Ioan Oroian, 2010, METALURGIA INTERNATIONAL, Volume: 15, Issue: 10, Pages: 103-106. 9.13. TESTING MULTIREGRESSION MODEL IN PREDICTING PHYTOPHTORA INFESTANS L. ATTACK DEGREE ON POTATO CULTURE DEVELOPED IN CLIMATIC CONDITIONS FROM TRANSYLVANIA, ROMANIA, Ioan Gh. Oroian, Antonia Odagiu, Ilie Covrig, Laura Paulette, Teodor Rusu, 2013, P a g e |54 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.1.4. Laboratory for the Environmental Control and Plant Protection JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 11, Issue: 1, Pages: 449-453. 9.14. CO2 FLAGGING - AN IMPROVED METHOD FOR THE COLLECTION OF QUESTING TICKS, Călin M Gherman, Andrei D Mihalca, Mirabela O Dumitrache, Adriana Györke, Ioan Oroian, Mignon Sandor and Vasile Cozma, 2012, PARASITES & VECTORS, Volume: 5, Article Number: 125. 9.15. SCREENING AND QUANTIFICATION OF AFLATOXINS AND OCHRATOXIN A IN DIFFERENT CEREALS CULTIVATED IN ROMANIA USING THIN - LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY – DENSITOMETRY, C. Braicu, C. Puia, E. Bodoki and C. Socaciu, 2008, JOURNAL OF FOOD QUALITY, Volume: 31, Issue: 1, Pages: 108-120. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Prof. Dr. Horia Bunescu, Prof. Dr. Ioan Oltean, Prof. Dr. Carmen Puia, Assist. Prof. Dr. Vasile Florian, Assist. Prof. Dr. Teodora Florian - The Scientific council of the journal Protecţia plantelor, Ranked by CNCSIS. 10.2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Laura Paulette, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Proorocu Marian, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maxim Aurel, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihaiescu Tania, Assist. Dr. Ioan Braşovean, Assist. Dr. Cristian Iederan - The editorial committee of ProEnvironement journal, Ranked by CNCSIS, recorded in BDI (Thomson Reuters - Zoological Records, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, CABI). 10.3. Prof. Dr. Ioan Oroian - Chief Editor of ProEnvironment, ranked by CNCSIS, recorded in BDI (Thomson Reuters - Zoological Records, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, CABI etc.), member in the Editorial Committee of journals: Advances in Agriculture & Botanics, Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation – International Journal of the Bioflux Society, Animal Biology & Animal Husbandry, Advances in Environmental Sciences, Extreme Life, Biospeology & Astrobiology, Human & Veterinary Medicine, Bulletin UASMV Cluj-Napoca Agriculture series, registered in BDI (Thomson Reuters - Zoological Records, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, CABI etc. Received the „Traian Săvulescu” Award of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Gheorghe Ionescu Şişeşti in 2006, for the Agro chemistry Treaty, authors: Rusu Mihai, Marilena Mărghitaş, I. Oroian, Tania Mihăiescu, Adelina Dumitraş, ISBN 973-40-0727-0, Ed.: CERES, BUCHAREST, 672 P., 2005; Award „Iuliu Prodan” of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Gheorghe Ionescu Şişeşti in 2007 and the „Traian Săvulescu” Award of the Romanian Academy in year 2008 for “Atlas de Fitopatologie – trilingv”, authors: Oroian I., V. Florian, V. Holonec, Ed. Academiei Romane, Bucharest ISBN 973-27-1311-9, 2006. 10.4. Assist. Prof. Dr. Antonia Odagiu - Member in the Editorial Committee of the journals: Journal of Central European Agriculture, ProEnvironment, Advances in Agriculture & Botanics, Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation – International Journal of the Bioflux Society, Animal Biology & Animal Husbandry, Advances in Environmental Sciences, Human & Veterinary Medicine, Bulletin UASMV Cluj-Napoca Agriculture series, registered in BDI (Thomson Reuters Zoological Records, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, CABI). 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Partnership between research /education unit and economic agent: - Current capabilities and implementation of information and communication systems in environmental protection, agriculture and sustainable development; Scientific Research Contract with SC XTC COMPUTERS SRL, 2010 – 2011. P a g e |55 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 Faculty of Agriculture - Research Infrastructure The Research Infrastructure – Faculty of Agriculture Research Centers and Laboratories Perkin Elmer - FT NIR Spectrometer VELP system for crude cellulose quantification The Plant Culture Research Center TESCAN - VEGA LSU electronic microscope Mobile laboratory of air quality analysis The Life Quality and Environmental and Plant Protection Advanced Research Center Nabertherm ash furnace VELP system for crude protein quantification - digestion and distillation The Laboratory of Applied Biological Sciences P a g e |56 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 Faculty of Agriculture - Research Infrastructure Devices for agrotechnical field tests HOBO-H21 devices for monitoring the soil thermic and hydric regimen The Laboratory for the Improvement and Development of the Sustainable Technologies in Plant Culture Optima HD seeding machine for direct sowing, Stand for testing and diagnose of machines multi-row hoe used for phytosanitary treatments The Laboratory for the Improvement and Development of the Sustainable Technologies in Plant Culture AA-6300 Shimadzu atomic absorbtion spectrometer Images from the laboratory of water - noise analyze The Laboratory of the Environmental Quality Control and Plant Protection P a g e |57 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.2.1. Research Center for Biotechnology in Agriculture 2. FACULTY OF HORTICULTURE RESEARCH CENTERS C.2.1. Research Center for Biotechnology in Agriculture 1. Contact data The name of the research center Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Research Center for Biotechnology in Agriculture BIOCERA Prof. Dr. Doru Pamfil Horticulture +40 744779416 +40 264 593 792 2. Objectives 2.1. Using molecular markers assisted selection at plant species of economic interest. 2.2. Study of intra and interspecific phylogenetic relationships using molecular analysis techniques (RAPD, ISSR, AFLP, RFLP, GARS, SNP, Tilling, RT PCR). 2.3. In vitro production of propagating material and application of modern therapies in order to obtain material free of viruses. 2.4. Using methods of multiplication in vitro of some medicinal species in order to stimulate the accumulation of large amounts of secondary metabolites with phytopharmaceutical value. 2.5. In vitro induction and study of somaclonal variability at some plant species. 2.6. Study of some microorganisms of economic interest. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Genetic fingerprinting study in plants using molecular analysis techniques based on PCR amplification. 3.2. Breeding unconventional plant (marker assisted selection). 3.3. Genomics and proteomics studies at some model plants (Arabidopsis thaliana). 3.4. Micropropagation of some horticultural plant species. 3.5. In vitro multiplication and molecular-level studies of some secondary metabolism changes. 3.6. In vitro production of valuable propagating material free of viruses from some plant species. 3.7. General Microbiology and Soil Microbiology. P a g e |58 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.2.1. Research Center for Biotechnology in Agriculture 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr Doru Pamfil - Director (3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7) 4.2. Assist. Prof. Dr. Pop Rodica - Micropropagation sector coordinator (3.1, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7) 4.3. Researcher Dr. Eng Harta Monica- Molecular markers sector coordinator ( 3.1,3.2, 3.4) 4.4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cordea Mirela (3.2, 3.4) 4.5. Prof. Dr. Constantin Botez (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4) 4.6. Postdoc. Dr. Eng. Adrian Vescan ( 3.4, 3.5, 3.6) 4.7. Postdoc. Dr.Eng. Taoutaou Abdelmoumen (3.1, 3.3) 4.8. Postdoc. Dr.Eng. Pop Iulia Francesca (3.1, 3.3, 3.4) 4.9. Postdoc. Dr. Eng. Lazar Simona (3.1, 3.2) 4.10. PhD Students: Oana Ciuzan (3.1, 3.3, 3.4); Sipetean Ionut (3.1); Festila Angela (3.1, 3.2) 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Using molecular analysis (RAPD, ISSR, SSR, GARS, RT-PCR) to study the genetic fingerprint of some horticultural species (plum, cherry, grape, walnut, potato, etc). 5.2. Study of genetic fingerprint at must and experimental and commercial wines. 5.3. Genomic and proteomic study of the response to biotic stress at model species Arabidopsis thaliana. 5.4. Molecular analysis of some valuable genotypes of corn for the production of bioethanol. 5.5. Ex situ conservation of genetic resources at some horticultural species (walnut, chestnut, hazel) based on genetic evaluation. 5.6. Genetic characterization of Plumpox strain by RT-PCR and RFLP techniques. 5.7. Research at the molecular level of the interaction between host plants and pathogens. 5.8. Using in vitro cultures in order to obtain virus free plants by chemotherapy (plum). 5.9. Friable callus induction and production at medicinal plants in order to obtain useful substances. 5.10. Study of genetic diversity of the gene AdipoQ (atherosclerosis) in different human populations. 5.11. Study at cellular and molecular level of economic useful microorganisms (microorganisms in the soil, the bacteria involved in bioremediation of polluted water, etc). 5.12. Identifying potential of biotechnology in the development of European bio-economy. 6. The research infrastructure No. 1. Equipment Ice cube maker (Brema) P a g e |59 Related activity 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8, 5.10, Acquisition (year) 2001 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.2.1. Research Center for Biotechnology in Agriculture 5.12 2. Autoclave (RAYPA AS75) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.9, 5.10, 5.12 2008 3. Microwave owen (Sharp) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8, 5.10, 5.12 2002 4. Double distilled-water unit (GFL) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8, 5.10, 5.12 2007 5. Micro Centrifuges (Micro 200, Sigma 1-15) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8 2009 6. Cooled centrifuge ROTIXA 50 RS (Hettich) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8 2009 7. Sterile vertical laminar flow cabinets (Gemini) 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10 2009 8. Refrigerators (Zanussi, Arctic, Beko DEN447WD, AEG Electrolux) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10 2007-2009 9. Freezers (Zanussi, Arctic, Beko DEN447WD, AEG Electrolux) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10 2007-2009 10. Freezer for samples cooled at -70 0C (Sanyo MDF-U32V) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10 2002 11. Vortex –(Bioblock) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8 2009 12. Termocyclers (Mastercycler Gradien, Eppendorph), Palm Cycler (Corbett Research) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 2004-2009 13. Genetic analyzer CEQ 8800 TM (Beckman Coulter) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8. 2008 14. ELISA system including washing device 5.7, 5.8, 5.12 2008 15. Incubator 1000 (Heidolph) 5.7, 5.8 2008 16. Spectrophotometer (BioPhotometer Eppendorf) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8 2001 17. pH metre WTW Inolab PH 720 Set 5.3, 5.7, 5.9, 5.10 2007 18. Horizontal and vertical electrophoresis units 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 2008 19. Plastic frame for agarose gels pouring 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 2004 P a g e |60 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.2.1. Research Center for Biotechnology in Agriculture 20. Image capture and editing system UPV (Biospectrum AC) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.10 2008 21. Analytical balances (PRECISA XT 220°, Acculab-Sartorius) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10 2007 22. Mill for grated vegetable samples (Tissue Lyser II Qiagen 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 2007 23. Real -Time PCR System - LightCycler 480 5.8 2008 24. Water bath with stirring platform Unitherm HB (Fisher Bioblock Scientific Polystat) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.9, 5.10 2002 25. Microscope RAMAN Senterra 5.3, 5.10 2009 26. Personal automation for DNA, RNA and Protein Purification (MagNA Pure LC System) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12 2009 27. Microarray scanner - GenePix Pro 4200A 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11 2009 28. Hybridation station TECAN for Microarray scanner 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11 2009 29. Disposable liquid nitrogen containers 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.9, 5.10 2002-2009 30. Disposable biohazard containers 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.9, 5.10 2006-2009 31. Nikon Stereomicroscope 5.10 2009 32. Optical microscopes 5.7, 5.8 2006-2009 33. Thermostat (Memmert) for incubating the samples 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10 2009 34. Growth chamber for in vitro culture 5.7, 5.8 2010 Period 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme Director/Project responsible 1. Knowledge-based Platform of Biotechnologies; ME MEC Platforms, no. 97/2006-2009 Prof. Dr. Pamfil Doru 2006-2008 2. Genetic polymorphism study of local grapevine cultivars for determining genetic fingerprint of wine; GENOVIN, PNCD 2, Module I, no. 51-003/2007 Prof. Dr. Pamfil Doru 2007-2010 P a g e |61 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.2.1. Research Center for Biotechnology in Agriculture 3. Collecting, improving and preservation of Transylvanian early maize for identification of some maize genotypes for the production of bio-ethanol; GERMOPOR, PNCD 2, Module I, no. 52129/2008 Prof. Dr. Pamfil Doru 2008-2011 4. Advanced biotechnologies of micro-multiplication, preservation and somaclonal selection of ornamental trees and bushes for landscape rehabilitation; ARBOR, CEEX, Module I, no. 48/2005 Prof. Dr. Pamfil Doru 2005-2008 5. Develop innovative molecular diagnostic and stratification of risk factors in atherosclerosis; ATEROMOL, PNCD 2, Module I, no. 62-091/2008 Prof. Dr. Pamfil Doru 2008-2011 6. Ex situ preservation of original genetic resources at Prunus, Juglans, Corylus and Castanea based on the genetic and agro-biologic evaluation; CONSERGEN, CEEX, Module I, nr. 101/2006 Prof. Dr. Pamfil Doru 2006-2008 7. Serum and molecular variability of the insulates from the Romanian Plum pox virus and their geographic spreading at the level of the main fruit-tree growing regions; VSMPPV, CEEX, Module I, nr. 102/2006 Prof. Dr. Pamfil Doru 2006-2008 8. Applied Biotechnology with impact in the Romanian and European Bio-economy; POSTDOC, POSDRU/ 89/1.5/S/ 52432 Prof. Dr. Pamfil Doru 2010-2012 9. Building new genetic basis for future cereals; CEEX 2b/2005 Prof. Dr. Botez Constantin 2006-2008 10. Research on the use of molecular markers in improving the resistance of potato (Solanum tuberosum) at Phytophthora infestans; PN2, IDEI/ 1496/2009 Prof. As. Botez Constantin 2009-2011 11. Using molecular analysis techniques to identify individuals with high pharmaceutical values provided from different growth areas at Ginkgo biloba L. species; CNCSIS, A, no. 851/2006 Dr.Eng. Bodea (Harta) Monica 2006-2008 12. Using nSSR and cSSR markers to characterize some autochthonous and new created grapevine (Vitis vinifera) cultivars from Romania; Grant USAMV Cluj-Napoca, RU 1357/2013 Dr. Eng. Harta Monica 2013 13. Using molecular analysis techniques at Prunus, Corylus, Juglans and Castanea genus, in order to preserve them in gene banks; CNCSIS, TD, no.339/2007 Dr. Eng. Pop Iulia Francesca 2007-2008 14. Research on non-host resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana species to the pathogen Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei; CNCSIS, BD, nr.121/2006 Dr. Eng. Pop Iulia Francesca 2006-2008 P a g e |62 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.2.1. Research Center for Biotechnology in Agriculture 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles: ISI - 13, BDI - 56 8.2. Proposed and accepted patents as main authors or coauthors - 5 8.3. Completed PhD theses - 22 8.4. Books in the area of competence - 7 8.5. Services (analysis performed by others) - 3 8.6. Doctoral students who have carried out experimental studies in laboratory center - 24 8.7. Postdoctoral students who have carried out experimental studies in laboratory center - 4 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. RELATIONSHIPS OF WALNUT CULTIVARS IN A GERMPLASM COLLECTION: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PHENOTYPIC AND MOLECULAR DATA, Iulia Francesca Pop, Adina Cristina Vicol, Mihai Botu, Paul Andrei Raica, Kourosh Vahdati, Doru Pamfil, 2013, SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE, Volume: 153, Pages: 124-135. 9.2. MOLECULAR AND SEROLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION OF PLUM POX STRAINS IN THREE PLUMGROWING AREAS SITUATED IN TRANSYLVANIAN FRUIT CENTRAL AREA, ROMANIA, Briciu A., Pamfil D., Briciu D., 2012, BULGARIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE, Volume: 18, Issue: 1, Pages: 70-76. 9.3. ROLE OF SOME PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS IN A RESISTANT GENE PYRAMIDED POTATO GENOTYPE TO LATE BLIGHT, Taoutaou A., C. Socaciu, D. Pamfil, E. Balasz , C. Botez, 2013, BULGARIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE, Vol. 19 (1), p. 126-132. 9.4. NEW MARKERS FOR POTATO LATE BLIGHT RESISTANCE AND SUSCEPTIBILITY USING FTIR SPECTROSCOPY, Taoutaou A., Socaciu C., Pamfil D., Fetea F., Balazs E., Botez C., 2012, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 40, Issue: 1, Pages: 150-154. 9.5. EFFICIENT MICROPROPAGATION PROTOCOL FOR HIGHBUSH BLUEBERRY (VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM L.) CV. ELLIOT, Vescan L.A., D. Pamfil, Clapa Doina, A. Fira, C. R. Sisea, Iulia Francesca Pop, Ioana Virginia Petricele, Oana Ciuzan, Rodica Pop, 2012, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 17, Issue: 1, Pages: 6893-6902. 9.6. G x E INTERACTION ON YIELD STABILITY OF FIVE SWEET CORN HYBRIDS GROWN UNDER DIFFERENT AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS, Marin Ardelean, Mirela Cordea, Voichiţa Haş, Agnes Bors, 2012, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 40, Issue: 1, Pages: 290-292. 9.7. THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT FACTORS UPON THE IN VITRO PROPAGATION IN QUERCUS ROBUR AND Q. FRAINETTO BY SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS, Timofte Adrian I., Doru Pamfil, Palada-Nicolau Magdalena, Claudia S. Timofte, 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJNAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 1, Pages: 288-291. 9.8. AUXIN CONTROL IN THE FORMATION OF ADVENTITIOUS ROOTS, Pop Tiberia I., Doru Pamfil, Bellini Catherine, 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 1, Pages: 307-316. 9.9. USE GENOMIC FINGERPRINTING TECHNIQUES FOR REVEALING DNA POLYMORPHISM IN GINKGO P a g e |63 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.2.1. Research Center for Biotechnology in Agriculture BILOBA L. A MEDICINAL WOODY SPECIES, Monica Harta, Doru Pamfil, Marin Ardelean, Carsten Pedersen, Rodica Pop, Mirela Cordea, 2010, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 15, Issue: 2, Special Issue: SI, Supplement: S, Pages: 56-61. 9.10. EVALUATION OF THE GENETIC DIVERSITY OF SEVERAL CORYLUS AVELLANA ACCESSIONS FROM THE ROMANIAN NATIONAL HAZELNUT COLLECTION, Pop Iulia Francesca, Doru Pamfil, Paul Andrei Raica, Petricele Ioana, Vicol Adina, Harta Monica, Sisea Cristian Radu, Botu Mihai, 2010, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 38 Issue: 2 Special Issue: SI Pages: 61-67. 9.11. PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON MICROSATELLITE MARKER ANALYSIS OF RESISTANCE TO COMMON BUNT IN SOME WHEAT GENOTYPES (TRITICUM AESTIVUM L.), Coţa Laura Cristina, Doru Pamfil, Constantin Botez, Mircea A. Grigoraş, 2010, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJNAPOCA, Volume: 38, Issue: 2, Special Issue: SI, Pages: 42-47. 9.12. ASSESSMENT OF THE GENETIC VARIABILITY AMONG SOME JUGLANS CULTIVARS FROM THE ROMANIAN NATIONAL COLLECTION AT S.C.D.P. VÂLCEA USING RAPD MARKERS, Pop Iulia Francesca, Doru Pamfil, Paul Raica, Ioana Virginia Petricele, Cristian Sisea, Eszter Vas, Beata Botos, Monica Bodea, Mihai Botu, 2010, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 15 Issue: 2 Special Issue: SI Supplement: S Pages: 41-49. 9.13. GENOTYPIC VARIABILITY OF THE MAIN APPLE CULTIVARS GROWN IN TRANSYLVANIA, ROMANIA, EVALUATED BY MEANS OF RAPD ANALYSIS, Mitre Ioana, Lehel Luckacs, Marin Ardelean, Viorel Mitre, Radu Sestras, Rodica Pop, Mirela Cordea, 2009, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 37, Issue: 1, Pages: 261-264. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Members of Romanian Academy: Prof. Dr. Pamfil Doru. 10.2. Associated members ASAS: Prof. Dr. Pamfil Doru. 10.3. Members of international organizations in the field (Eucarpia, ISHS): Doru Pamfil, Constantin Botez, Cordea Mirela, Rodica Pop, Iulia Francesca Pop, Simona Lazar. 10.4. Members in editorial /scientific boards of the national and international journals: Prof. Dr. Pamfil Doru. 10.5. Participation in scientific conferences of national and international profile: - 8th -12th Int. Symp. Prospects for the 3 rd Millennium Agriculture, USAMV Cluj ( 20082013) - Int. Symp. "Horticultura, Stiinta, Calitate, Diversitate si Armonie", 2008, 2009, USAMV Ion Ionescu de la Brad, Iasi - 43th Croatian and 3rd International Symposium on Agriculture, Opatja, 2008 - 44th Croatian and 4rd International Symposium on Agriculture, Opatja, 2009 - In Vitro Biology Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, 2009 - Int. Symp. "Tradition and modern plants in cultivation and exploitation of forest", USAMVB Timisoara, 2008 - Ann. Int. Symp. "The 60th Anniversary of the Faculty of Horticulture”, Bucuresti,2008 - 17th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research (EAPR)”, Publ. P a g e |64 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.2.1. Research Center for Biotechnology in Agriculture Transylvania University, Brasov - 18th EUCARPIA General Congress” Modern variety breeding for present and future needs”, Valencia, Spain, 2008 - International Workshop on Bioencapsulation, Luxembourg, COST 865, 2009. - The development of agri-food localized chains in European Mountain Areas, Lyon, France, 2009 - The new biotechnology applied in berry fruits, COST863/WG2, Cacak, Serbia, 2009 - World Medical Conference. Malta, 2010 - International Life sciences Students’ Conference, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2009 - Society for Experimental Biology Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 2010 - Conference on Plant Biotechnologies - Present and Future Prospects - Genetically Modified Crops in Romania and the National Biosafety Framework, Pitesti, 2010 - Feed for Health Conference, Tromso, Norway, 2010 - International francophone conference BIOVEG, Cluj-Npoca, Romania, 2010 - 2nd International VIB Student Symposium: VIBes in Bioscience’, Belgium, 2010 - International Workshop on Seabuckthorn, Berlin-Potsdam, 2010 - V Congreso Biología de la Conservación de Plantas – Es Mercadal (Menorca), Spania, SeptOct., 2011 10.6. External Internship scientific research (min. 3 months): Postdoctorand Harta Monica –Milano, Italia. 10.7. Foreign exchange visits and documentation: (Pamfil Doru, Monica Harta, Rodica Pop, Mirela Cordea, Adrian Vescan, Simona Lazar). 10.8. Foreign doctoral students in internship research and documentation: Hoshyar Azeez (Suleimania, Irak). 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Study on the action of chemical and biological factors affecting the accumulation of secondary metabolites. 11.2. Genetic fingerprinting at species of plants and animals. 11.3. Commercial micropropagation at some horticultural plant species. 11.4. Production of virus-free plant material. 11.5. Cell cultures (callus) at medicinal plants. 11.6. Courses and training in the field of molecular biology laboratory. P a g e |65 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.2.2. Transylvanian Horticultural Research Center C.2.2. Transylvanian Horticultural Research Center 1. Contact data The name of the research center Transylvanian Horticultural Research Center Acronym CCHT Logo Website Director Prof. Dr. Sestraş Radu Faculty Horticulture Phone + 40 264 596 384 ext. 117 Fax + 40 264 593 792 E-mail 2. Objectives 2.1. Collection, preservation and the study of germplasm from different horticultural species. 2.2. Modern methods of induction and operation of natural and artificial variability. 2.3. Getting new genotypes in horticultural plants, selection, testing and creating of new cultivars. 2.4. Using the modern biotechnology and genetic engineering in plant breeding and providing food resources and food security. 2.5. Optimization and upgrading technologies of horticultural crop species in order to increase the production quantity and quality. 2.6. Improving the quality of taste and nutrition, the therapeutic qualities, the environmental and the economic performance of fruits and vegetables. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Biodiversity and conservation of horticultural plants. 3.2. The genetics improvement of horticultural species. 3.3. Modern technologies in fruit growing, viticulture, vegetable and flower growing. 3.4. Processing technology and use of horticultural products. 3.5. The production technology of horticultural seeds and seedlings. 3.6. Research methodology in horticulture. 3.7. Using the biostatistics and experimental techniques in horticultural research. 3.8. Administration and effective management and sustainable land. 3.9. Develop and implement specific programs safeness horticultural plants, maintaining a healthy environment, food safety consumer. 3.10. The promotion of research in horticulture production: demonstrative plots, evaluation of new plant breads; scientific publication; enhancing the relation with the economic and social actors. P a g e |66 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.2.2. Transylvanian Horticultural Research Center 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Sestraş Radu – genetics, plant breeding 4.2. Prof. Dr. Mitre Viorel – fruit-growing 4.3. Prof. Dr. Pop Nastasia – viticulture 4.4. Prof. Dr. Măniuţiu Dănuţ – vegetable growing 4.5. Prof. Dr. Cantor Maria – flower growing 4.6. Prof. Dr. Stan Rodica Silvia – English language 4.7. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lazăr Vasile – exploitation of horticultural products 4.8. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sima Rodica – vegetable growing 4.9. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cordea Mirela – plant breeding 4.10. Prof. Dr. Mitre Ioana – fruit-growing 4.11. Assist. Prof. Dr. Sestraş Adriana – biodiversity, experimental technique 4.12. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihalte Lucica – botany 4.13. Assist. Prof. Dr. Bunea Claudiu – viticulture 4.14. Assist. Prof. Dr. Singureanu Valentin – landscape design 4.15. Assist. Prof. Dr. Buta Erzsebet – flower growing 4.16. PhD Students: Dan Valentin – landscape design; Puskas Melinda – plant breeding; Cicevan Raluca – plant breeding; Sorin Şchiop – plant breeding; Tripon Andreea – horticulture; 4.17. MSc candidate Candrea Alexandra – horticulture 4.18. BSc candidate Morariu Paula – horticulture 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. In the area of biodiversity, genetics and plant breeding of horticultural plants: creations new cultivars of apple, pear, gladioli, carnations; exhaustive studies have been conducted on the substance of horticultural germplasm from different species, identifying disease resistant genotypes, addressing modern breeding objectives and required variability caused creation of new cultivars of apple, pear, gladiolus, Marigold, etc., in vitro development of protocols that will produce in a short time a large number of neoplantlets; molecular techniques were applied to identify polymorphisms and phylogenetic relationships among species and cultivars. 5.2. The technological disciplines: they developed new technologies horticultural crop species, varietal types were tested in trees and shrubs, vines, vegetables and flowers, have been approved and a new foliar fungicide and foliar fertilizer on copper, was revealed suitability of varieties and hybrids for current consumption, industrial processing etc. 6. The research infrastructure No. 1. Equipment Research laboratories in genetics and breeding, fruit, vegetable, vine and flower P a g e |67 Related activity Acquisition (year) 5.1., 5.2 2013 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.2.2. Transylvanian Horticultural Research Center 2. Equipment - specific research tools: microscopic analysis, molecular determination of the content of useful substances from plants, fruits, vegetables etc. 5.1., 5.2 2013 Director/Project responsible Period 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme 1. Evaluation of gene pool diversity of autochthonous vine varieties using molecular markers and phenotypic; DIVIROM, PN2, Partnerships, Grant 51-037 Prof. Dr. Sestraş Radu 2007-2010 2. The study of genetic variability and stability of fruit to the main varieties of plums grown in Transylvania with molecular markers and nonparametric methods; Grant CNCSIS, type A Prof. Dr. Mitre Viorel 2007-2008 3. Investigation of ornamental plant breeding germpasm and exchange of technology; MCT, Coop. Bilateral, 18 BIL Prof. Dr. Cantor Maria 2008-2009 4 The promotion of the Romanian research into the European research programs of international germplasm cryopreservation; CPM, CEEX Prof. Dr. Cantor Maria 2008 5. Research on the development and modernization of green spaces in Romania with a favourable impact on the environment and human; AGRAL, CEEX Prof. Dr. Cantor Maria 2008 6. Counteracting genetic erosion risk due to hereditary dowry narrowing of apple and pear cultivars and their vulnerability to the actions of agents to avoid stress by increasing genetic diversity; CORISCGEN, PN2, Partnerships, Grant 51-016 Prof. Dr. Sestraş Radu 2007-2010 7. Creating hybrid populations to prevent genetic erosion and widening of the basis for selection for new varieties to the hair, suitable systems for sustainable agriculture; Grant PNCDI2, Partnerships, Nr. 1216 Assist. Prof. Dr. Sestraş Adriana 2007-2010 8. Application of recurrent selection and MAS in interspecific hybrid populations of apple varieties to create decorative and identification of genotypes resistant to attack major diseases; Grant PN2, IDEI, 1499 Prof. Dr. PhD. Sestraş Radu 2009-2011 9. The collection, maintenance and use of indigenous genetic biodiversity to develop integrated strategies useful tree species improvement programs; Sectoral Plan: ADER 2020 Assist. Prof. Dr. Sestraş Adriana 2011-2014 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - over 150 scientific papers, ISI Thomson Reuters (Web of Science - Science Citation Index Expanded, ISI Proceedings), Scopus, CABI Publishing (CAB Direct), DOAJ, BASE, Scientific Commons, Index Copernicus, CAS, CSA, EBSCO or other recognized international databases P a g e |68 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.2.2. Transylvanian Horticultural Research Center 8.2. Patents - 12 (new varieties, fertilizers foliar / fungicides) 8.3. Completed PhD theses -19 (4 scientific advisors) 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. THE VARIABILITY OF DIFFERENT LARCH CLONE PROVENANCES ON THE RESPONSE TO THE ATTACK BY ITS MAIN PESTS AND FUNGAL DISEASES, Vilcan A, Taut I, Holonec L, Mihalte L, Sestras R.E., 2013, TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION, Volume: 27, Issue: 3, Pages: 697-705. 9.2. TRANSGENIC TOMATO PLANTS EXPRESSING THE ANTIGEN GENE PFCP‑2.9 OF PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM, Kantor M, Sestras R, Chowdhury K, 2013, PESQUISA AGROPECUARIA BRASILEIRA, Volume: 48, Issue: 1, Pages: 73-79. 9.3. PHENOTYPIC VARIATION AND GENETIC DIVERSITY OF CALENDULA OFFICINALIS (L.), Baciu A-D, Pamfil D, Mihalte L, Sestras Af, Sestras R.E., 2013. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 19(1): 143-151. 9.4. THE PLANT SIZE AND THE SPINE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FIRST GENERATION PROGENY OBTAINED THROUGH THE CROSS-POLLINATION OF DIFFERENT GENOTYPES OF CACTACEAE, Mihalte L, Sestras R.E., 2012, EUPHYTICA, Volume: 184, Issue: 3, Pages: 369-376. 9.5. POISSON PARAMETERS OF ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY: A QUANTITATIVE STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY APPROACH, Sestraş R.E., Jäntschi L., Bolboacă S.D., 2012, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, Volume: 13, Issue: 4, Pages: 5207-5229. 9.6. A SIMULATION STUDY FOR THE DISTRIBUTION LAW OF RELATIVE MOMENTS OF EVOLUTION, Jäntschi L., Bolboacă S.D., Sestraş R.E., 2012, COMPLEXITY, Volume: 17, Issue: 6, Pages: 52-63. 9.7. POSSIBILITIES TO IMPROVE APPLE SCAB (VENTURIA INAEQUALIS (CKE.) WINT.) AND POWDERY MILDEW [PODOSPHAERA LEUCOTRICHA (ELL. ET EVERH.) SALM.] RESISTANCE ON APPLE BY INCREASING GENETIC DIVERSITY USING POTENTIALS OF WILD SPECIES, Sestras A.F., Pamfil D., Dan C., Bolboaca S.D., Jäntschi L., Sestras R.E., 2011, AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CROP SCIENCE, Volume: 5, Issue: 6, Pages: 748-755. 9.8. ASSESSMENT OF GENETIC VARIATION ON FOUR GENERA OF ‘CACTACEAE’ USING TAXONOMIC, CYTOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR MARKERS METHODS, Mihalte L., Sestras R.E., Feszt G., Tamas E., 2011, PLANT OMICS, Volume: 4, Issue: 3, Pages: 142-148. 9.9. IDENTIFICATION OF THE MOST ORGANOGENIC-RESPONSIVE VARIETY OF TOMATO USING THE VARIETY X MEDIUM INTERACTION, Kantor M., Sestras R., Chowdhury K., 2010, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 15, Issue: 5, Pages: 5640-5645. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Prof. Dr. Sestraş Radu - associate member ASAS (Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences); chief editor Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (ISI WoS, 'Plant Sciences', IF 2011 = 0.652) Scientia Notulae Biologicae, editorial member board: Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture, Agriculture, Frontiers in Crop Science and Horticulture, Leonardo Journal of Sciences, Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies, Agricultural Science / Agrarian Science, South-Western Journal of Horticulture, Biology and Environment etc. 10.2. Prof. Dr. Mitre Viorel - Advisory Editor and editorial board member Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, Notulae Scientia Biologicae, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture. 10.3. Assist. Prof. Dr. Lucica Mihalte - Assistant Editor Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, P a g e |69 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.2.2. Transylvanian Horticultural Research Center Notulae Scientia Biologicae etc. 10.4. Numerous papers indexed in International Data Bases: ISI Thomson Reuters, CAB Direct, DOAJ, Vinita, inistea, Index Copernicus, BASE, ScientificCommons, getCITED, BLD, EBSCO, SCOPUS etc. 10.5. Participation in numerous international scientific conferences. 10.6. Participation in organizations, companies, national scientific associations (e.g. Society of Horticulture and Forestry in Transylvania - SHST, Romanian Society of Horticulture - SRH etc.) And international (e.g., International Society for Horticultural Science - ISHS, European Association for Plant breeding Research - EUCARPIA and so on). 10.7. Awards, certificates, medals for team members at national and international scientific meetings, for scientific work, achievements and new plant varieties, patents etc. (e.g. Prof. Sestraş Radu medal 'G. Rudi', Univ. Agrarian Chisinau, 'Socio fee', La Società di Scienza Natural Medicine e dell 'Universita di Parma). 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Advice and expertise in horticulture: setting fruit growers, vineyards, vegetable and flower. 11.2. Assistance and advice in the maintenance, operation and the use of horticultural crops, horticultural production respectively. 11.3. Develop and implement specific programs safeness horticultural plants, creating and maintaining a healthy environment and food safety for consumers. 11.4. Develop and implement models for improving the creation and introduction of new crop cultivars in order to increase horticultural production. 11.5. Design, layout and landscaping. 11.6. Farm management and marketing of horticultural specific horticultural sector. 11.7. Support and advice in developing research projects. 11.8. Horticultural research and education. 11.9. Support and sustain the recovery and dissemination of research results. 11.10. Publication of results in scientific journals: Notulae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, Notulae Scientia Biologicae. P a g e |70 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.1. National Reference Laboratory for the Assessment and Certification of Conformity of Vegetal Products Containing Genetically Modified Organisms RESEARCH LABORATORIES L.2.1. National Reference Laboratory for the Assessment and Certification of Conformity of Vegetal Products Containing Genetically Modified Organisms 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail National Reference Laboratory for the Assessment and Certification of Conformity of Vegetal Products Containing Genetically Modified Organisms CERT-OMG Prof. Dr. Pamfil Doru Horticulture +40 264 596 384 +40 264 593 792 2. Objectives 2.1. GMO testing of plant-derived food products. 2.2. GMO testing of seed lots. 2.3. GMO testing of feed matrices. 2.4. Participation in ring trials organized by ENGL and EU-RL GMFF. 2.5. Implementation of new GMO testing procedures. 2.6. Training of specialists in the field of GMO testing. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Isolation and purification of DNA from raw and processed food matrices. 3.2. Quality assessment of DNA extracts. 3.3. Qualitative GMO testing using PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis coupled with ethidium bromide staining. 3.4. Quantitative GMO testing using real-time PCR. 3.5. Microarray-based GMO identification. 3.6. Expert advice in the field of GM crops and derived food products. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Pamfil Doru - manager (3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6.) 4.2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cătană Corina - quality manager (3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.6.) P a g e |71 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.1. National Reference Laboratory for the Assessment and Certification of Conformity of Vegetal Products Containing Genetically Modified Organisms 4.3. Assist. Prof. Dr. Pop Rodica - operator (3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4.) 4.4. Assist. Prof. Dr. Ramona Suharoschi - operator (3.5.) 4.5. Teaching assist. Dr. Sisea Cristian Radu - operator (3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6.) 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. GMO testing for soybean transformation event GTS 40-3-2 (Roundup Ready). 5.2. GMO testing for maize transformation event Bt-176. 5.3. GMO testing for maize transformation event MON 810. 5.4. GMO testing of samples issued by ENGL and EU-RL GMFF. 5.5. Microarray GMO testing. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 1. Pipettes for micrometric volumes (Eppendorf) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4., 5.5. 2007 2. Nucleic acid purification instrument (Roche) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4., 5.5. 2007 3. Nucleic acid extraction system (Promega) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4., 5.5. 2007 4. Thermal cyclers (Palm Cycler) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4., 5.5. 2007 5. Horizontal electrophoresis system (Fisher) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2008 6. Real-time PCR system (Corbett) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2008 7. Real-time PCR system (Roche) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2008 8. Microarray scanner (Axon) 5.5. 2008 9. Microarray hybridization station (Tecan) 5.5. 2009 10. Gel documentation systems and imaging and analysis software (UVP) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2008 11. ELISA system (Tecan) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2008 12. Analytical balances (Precisa) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2007 13. Incubator (Memmert) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2008 14. Incubator with agitator (Hettich) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2008 15. Laminar flow cabinets 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4., 5.5. 2007 16. Deep freezer (Sanyo) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2008 17. Bidistiller apparatus (GFL) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2007 P a g e |72 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.1. National Reference Laboratory for the Assessment and Certification of Conformity of Vegetal Products Containing Genetically Modified Organisms 18. Micro centrifuge (Hettich) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2007 19. Cooling micro centrifuge (Hettich) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2007 20. Autoclave (Raypa) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2008 21. pH meter (Inolab) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2007 Director/Project responsible Period 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme 1. Study on the GMOs content of soy and maize foodstuff; CNCSIS/BD Teaching Assist. Dr. Sisea Cristian Radu 2006-2008 2. Study on the GMOs content of soy and maize foodstuff; CNCSIS/TD Teaching Assist. Dr. Sisea Cristian Radu 2007-2008 3. GMO testing of food products containing soybean and maize; POSDRU Prof. Dr. Cătoi Cornel 2007-2013 4. Genetic diversity analysis of Romanian populations of glacial relict species Krascheninnikovia ceratoides (L.) Gueldenst. (Chenopodiaceae) for developing a conservation strategy; Grant USAMV Cluj-Napoca, RU Teaching Assist. Dr. Sisea Cristian Radu 2013 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published scientific articles - 6 8.2. Published scientific book - 1 8.3. Completed PhD theses - 2 8.4. Implementation of 3 GMO testing methodologies 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. GMO TESTING FOR THE PRESENCE OF ROUNDUP READY SOYBEAN, Sisea, C. R., D. Pamfil, Ioana Virginia Petricele, Iulia Francesca Pop, Oana Ciuzan, 2010, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 15, Issue: 1, Special Issue: SI, Supplement: S, Pages: 34-44. 9.2. RELATIONSHIPS OF WALNUT CULTIVARS IN A GERMPLASM COLLECTION: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PHENOTYPIC AND MOLECULAR DATA, Iulia Francesca Pop, Adina Cristina Vicol, Mihai Botu, Paul Andrei Raica, Kourosh Vahdati, Doru Pamfil, 2013, SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE, Volume: 153, Pages: 124-135. 9.3. MOLECULAR AND SEROLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION OF PLUM POX STRAINS IN THREE PLUMGROWING AREAS SITUATED IN TRANSYLVANIAN FRUIT CENTRAL AREA, ROMANIA, Briciu A., Pamfil D., Briciu D., 2012, BULGARIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE, Volume: 18, Issue: 1, Pages: 70-76. 9.4. ROLE OF SOME PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS IN A RESISTANT GENE PYRAMIDED POTATO GENOTYPE TO LATE BLIGHT, Taoutaou A., C. Socaciu, D. Pamfil, E. Balasz , C. Botez, 2013, BULGARIAN P a g e |73 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.1. National Reference Laboratory for the Assessment and Certification of Conformity of Vegetal Products Containing Genetically Modified Organisms JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE, Vol. 19 (1), p. 126-132. 9.5. NEW MARKERS FOR POTATO LATE BLIGHT RESISTANCE AND SUSCEPTIBILITY USING FTIR SPECTROSCOPY, Taoutaou A., Socaciu C., Pamfil D., Fetea F., Balazs E., Botez C., 2012, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 40, Issue: 1, Pages: 150-154. 9.6. EFFICIENT MICROPROPAGATION PROTOCOL FOR HIGHBUSH BLUEBERRY (VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM L.) CV. ELLIOT, Vescan L.A., D. Pamfil, Clapa Doina, A. Fira, C. R. Sisea, Iulia Francesca Pop, Ioana Virginia Petricele, Oana Ciuzan, Rodica Pop, 2012, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 17, Issue: 1, Pages: 6893-6902. 9.7. THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT FACTORS UPON THE IN VITRO PROPAGATION IN QUERCUS ROBUR AND Q. FRAINETTO BY SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS, Timofte Adrian I., Doru Pamfil, Palada-Nicolau Magdalena, Claudia S. Timofte, 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJNAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 1, Pages: 288-291. 9.8. AUXIN CONTROL IN THE FORMATION OF ADVENTITIOUS ROOTS, Pop Tiberia I., Doru Pamfil, Bellini Catherine, 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 1, Pages: 307-316. 9.9. EVALUATION OF THE GENETIC DIVERSITY OF SEVERAL CORYLUS AVELLANA ACCESSIONS FROM THE ROMANIAN NATIONAL HAZELNUT COLLECTION, Pop Iulia Francesca, Doru Pamfil, Paul Andrei Raica, Petricele Ioana, Vicol Adina, Harta Monica, Sisea Cristian Radu, Botu Mihai, 2010, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 38 Issue: 2 Special Issue: SI Pages: 61-67. 9.10. PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON MICROSATELLITE MARKER ANALYSIS OF RESISTANCE TO COMMON BUNT IN SOME WHEAT GENOTYPES (TRITICUM AESTIVUM L.), Coţa Laura Cristina, Doru Pamfil, Constantin Botez, Mircea A. Grigoraş, 2010, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJNAPOCA, Volume: 38, Issue: 2, Special Issue: SI, Pages: 42-47. 9.11. ASSESSMENT OF THE GENETIC VARIABILITY AMONG SOME JUGLANS CULTIVARS FROM THE ROMANIAN NATIONAL COLLECTION AT S.C.D.P. VÂLCEA USING RAPD MARKERS, Pop Iulia Francesca, Doru Pamfil, Paul Raica, Ioana Virginia Petricele, Cristian Sisea, Eszter Vas, Beata Botos, Monica Bodea, Mihai Botu, 2010, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 15 Issue: 2 Special Issue: SI Supplement: S Pages: 41-49. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Members of Romanian Academy: Prof. Dr. Pamfil Doru 10.2. Associated members ASAS: Prof. Dr. Pamfil Doru 10.3. Members in editorial /scientific boards of the national and international journals: - editor and reviewer for the Journal of Central European Agriculture - director of AcademicPres Publishing House, USAMV Cluj-Napoca - editor of the Bulletin of UASVM, Cluj-Napoca, B+ CNCSIS - editorial chief of Notulae Botanicae, USAMV Cluj-Napoca, B+ CNCSIS - member in the steering board of Agricultura Transilvaniei USAMV, Cluj-Napoca - member in the editorial board of Contribuţii botanice, UBB, Cluj-Napoca 10.4. Members of international organizations in the field: Prof. dr. Pamfil Doru - National Biosafety Committee (2008-2011) P a g e |74 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.1. National Reference Laboratory for the Assessment and Certification of Conformity of Vegetal Products Containing Genetically Modified Organisms - ENGL steering committee - Romanian representative at ENGL - FAO expert for food security (2013) 10.5. Participation in national/international scientific conferences: Prof. Dr. Pamfil Doru, Teaching Assist. Sisea Cristian Radu, 1st Global Conference on GMO Analysis, EU-JRC, Como, Italia, 2008. 10.6. External Internship scientific training: Teaching Assist. Dr. Sisea Cristian Radu. - “NRL ISO17025 accreditation training”, EC-JRC-IHCP, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2011 - “Transgene expression in plants”, ICGEB, New Delhi, India, 2008 - Co-Extra “Perspectives in coexistence and traceability along the supply chain: GMO detection, identification and quantification”, AgroBioInstitute, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2008 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. GMO testing of food matrices issued by ENGL: 28 tests. 11.2. GMO testing of soybean seed lots: 18 tests. 11.3. Testing for soybean transformation event GTS 40-3-2 (Roundup Ready). 11.4. Testing for maize transformation event MON 810. P a g e |75 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.2. Horticultural and forestry Plant Breeding and Genetics L.2.2. Horticultural and forestry Plant Breeding and Genetics 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Horticultural and forestry Plant Breeding and Genetics GAPHS Prof. Dr. Sestraş Radu Horticulture + 40 264 596 384 ext. 117 + 40 264 593 792 2. Objectives 2.1. Collection, preservation and the study of germplasm from different horticultural species. 2.2. Modern methods of induction and operation of natural and artificial variability. 2.3. Getting new genotypes of horticultural plants, selection, testing and creating of new cultivars. 2.4. Using the modern biotechnology and genetic engineering in plant breeding and providing food resources and food security. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Biodiversity and conservation of horticultural plants. 3.2. The Genetics improvement of horticultural species. 3.3. The production technology of horticultural seeds and seedlings. 3.4. The methodology of scientific research in genetics and plant breeding. 3.5. Using the biostatistics and experimental techniques in horticultural research. 3.6. The promotion of research in horticulture production: demonstrative plots, evaluation of new plant breads; scientific publication; enhancing the relation with the economic and social actors. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Sestraş Radu – genetic, plant breeding 4.2. Prof. Dr. Mitre Viorel – fruit-growing 4.3. Prof. Dr. Pop Nastasia – viticulture 4.4. Prof. Dr. Măniuţiu Dănuţ – vegetable growing 4.5. Prof. Dr. Cantor Maria – flower growing 4.6. Prof. Dr. Stan Rodica Silvia – English language 4.7. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lazăr Vasile – exploitation of horticultural products 4.8. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sima Rodica – vegetable growing 4.9. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cordea Mirela – plant breeding 4.10. Prof. Dr. Mitre Ioana – fruit-growing P a g e |76 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.2. Horticultural and forestry Plant Breeding and Genetics 4.11. Assist. Prof. Dr. Sestraş Adriana – biodiversity, experimental technique 4.12. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihalte Lucica – botany 4.13. Assist. Prof. Dr. Bunea Claudiu – viticulture 4.14. Assist. Prof. Dr. Singureanu Valentin – landscape design 4.15. Assist. Prof. Dr. Buta Erzsebet – flower growing 4.16. Dr. Eng. Vîlcan Alina – forestry 4.17. PhD Students: Dan Valentin – landscape design; Puskas Melinda – plant breeding; Cicevan Raluca – plant breeding; Sorin Şchiop – plant breeding; Tripon Andreea – horticulture. 4.18. MSc candidate Candrea Alexandra – horticulture 4.19. BSc candidate Morariu Paula – horticulture 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. In the field of plant biodiversity: exhaustive studies have been conducted on the substance of germplasm from different horticulture and forestry species, identifying genotypes resistant to diseases and / or pests were applied molecular techniques to identify polymorphisms and phylogenetic relationships of species, cultivars, origins. 5.2. In the field of genetics and plant breeding: has created new cultivars of apple, pear, gladioli, carnations, were approached modern improvement targets and caused variability required the creation of new genotypes in apple, pear, Gladiolus, Marigold, larch, spruce etc.; were developed in vitro propagation protocols; varietal types were tested in trees and shrubs, vines, vegetables and flowers on larch provenances respectively, spruce etc. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 1. Research laboratories in genetics and tree breeding species, vegetables, vines, flowers, forest species 5.1., 5.2. 2013 2. Equipment - specific research tools: microscopic analysis, molecular determination of the content of useful substances from plants, fruits, vegetables etc. 5.1., 5.2. 2013 Director/Project responsible Period 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme 1. Evaluation of gene pool diversity of autochthonous vine varieties using molecular markers and phenotypic; DIVIROM, PN2, Partnerships, Grant 51-037 2. The study of genetic variability and stability of fruit to the main varieties of plums grown in Transylvania with molecular markers and nonparametric methods; Grant CNCSIS, type A P a g e |77 Prof. Dr. Sestraş Radu 2007-2010 Prof. Dr. Mitre Viorel 2007-2008 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.2. Horticultural and forestry Plant Breeding and Genetics 3. Investigation of ornamental plant breeding germpasm and exchange of technology; MCT, Coop. Bilateral, 18 BIL Prof. Dr. Cantor Maria 2008-2009 4 The promotion of the Romanian research into the European research programs of international germplasm cryopreservation; CPM, CEEX Prof. Dr. Cantor Maria 2008 5. Research on the development and modernization of green spaces in Romania with a favourable impact on the environment and human; AGRAL, CEEX Prof. Dr. Cantor Maria 2008 6. Counteracting genetic erosion risk due to hereditary dowry narrowing of apple and pear cultivars and their vulnerability to the actions of agents to avoid stress by increasing genetic diversity; CORISCGEN, PN2, Partnerships, Grant 51-016 Prof. Dr. Sestraş Radu 2007-2010 7. Creating hybrid populations to prevent genetic erosion and widening of the basis for selection for new varieties to the hair, suitable systems for sustainable agriculture; PN2, Partnerships, Nr. 1216 Assist. Prof. Dr. Sestraş Adriana 2007-2010 8. Application of recurrent selection and MAS in interspecific hybrid populations of apple varieties to create decorative and identification of genotypes resistant to attack major diseases; PN2, IDEI, 1499 Prof. Dr. Sestraş Radu 2009-2011 9. The collection, maintenance and use of indigenous genetic biodiversity to develop integrated strategies useful tree species improvement programs; Sectoral Plan: ADER 2020 Assist. Prof. Dr. Sestraş Adriana 2011-2014 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - over 150 scientific papers, ISI Thomson Reuters (Web of Science - Science Citation Index Expanded, ISI Proceedings), Scopus, CABI Publishing (CAB Direct), DOAJ, BASE, Scientific Commons, Index Copernicus, CAS, CSA, EBSCO or other recognized international databases 8.2. Patents - 12 (new varieties, fertilizers foliar / fungicides) 8.3. Completed PhD. Theses - 19 (4 scientific advisors) 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. THE VARIABILITY OF DIFFERENT LARCH CLONE PROVENANCES ON THE RESPONSE TO THE ATTACK BY ITS MAIN PESTS AND FUNGAL DISEASES, Vilcan A., Taut I., Holonec L., Mihalte L., Sestras R.E., 2013, TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION, Volume: 27, Issue: 3, Pages: 697-705. 9.2. TRANSGENIC TOMATO PLANTS EXPRESSING THE ANTIGEN GENE PFCP‑2.9 OF PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM, Kantor M, Sestras R, Chowdhury K, 2013, PESQUISA AGROPECUARIA BRASILEIRA, Volume: 48, Issue: 1, Pages: 73-79. 9.3. PHENOTYPIC VARIATION AND GENETIC DIVERSITY OF CALENDULA OFFICINALIS (L.), Baciu A-D, Pamfil D, Mihalte L, Sestras Af, Sestras R.E., 2013. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 19(1): 143-151. 9.4. THE PLANT SIZE AND THE SPINE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FIRST GENERATION PROGENY P a g e |78 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.2. Horticultural and forestry Plant Breeding and Genetics OBTAINED THROUGH THE CROSS-POLLINATION OF DIFFERENT GENOTYPES OF CACTACEAE, Mihalte L, Sestras R.E., 2012, EUPHYTICA, Volume: 184, Issue: 3, Pages: 369-376. 9.5. POISSON PARAMETERS OF ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY: A QUANTITATIVE STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY APPROACH, Sestraş R.E., Jäntschi L., Bolboacă S.D., 2012, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, Volume: 13, Issue: 4, Pages: 5207-5229. 9.6. A SIMULATION STUDY FOR THE DISTRIBUTION LAW OF RELATIVE MOMENTS OF EVOLUTION, Jäntschi L., Bolboacă S.D., Sestraş R.E., 2012, COMPLEXITY, Volume: 17, Issue: 6, Pages: 52-63. 9.7. MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION AND PHYLOGENETIC DISTANCE AMONG SEVERAL GENOTYPES OF REBUTIA, AYLOSTERA, MEDIOLOBIVIA AND SULCOREBUTIA (CACTACEAE), Mihalte L., Sestras R.E., Feszt G., 2011, AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, Volume: 10, Issue: 61, Pages: 13051-13057. 9.8. POSSIBILITIES TO IMPROVE APPLE SCAB (VENTURIA INAEQUALIS (CKE.) WINT.) AND POWDERY MILDEW [PODOSPHAERA LEUCOTRICHA (ELL. ET EVERH.) SALM.] RESISTANCE ON APPLE BY INCREASING GENETIC DIVERSITY USING POTENTIALS OF WILD SPECIES, Sestras A.F., Pamfil D., Dan C., Bolboaca S.D., Jäntschi L., Sestras R.E., 2011, AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CROP SCIENCE, Volume: 5, Issue: 6, Pages: 748-755. 9.9. ORGANELLE GENETIC DIVERSITY AND PHYLOGEOGRAPHY OF SCOTS PINE (PINUS SYLVESTRIS L.), Floran V., Sestras R.E., Garcia-Gil R.M., 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJNAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 1, Pages: 317-322. 9.10. DEPENDENCE BETWEEN DETERMINATION COEFFICIENT AND NUMBER OF REGRESSORS: A CASE STUDY ON RETENTION TIMES OF MYCOTOXINS, Bolboaca S.D., Jäntschi L., Sestras R.E., 2011, STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA, Volume: 56, Issue: 1, Pages: 157-166. 9.11. ASSESSMENT OF GENETIC VARIATION ON FOUR GENERA OF ‘CACTACEAE’ USING TAXONOMIC, CYTOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR MARKERS METHODS, Mihalte L., Sestras R.E., Feszt G., Tamas E., 2011, PLANT OMICS, Volume: 4, Issue: 3, Pages: 142-148. 9.12. METHODS TO IMPROVE SEED GERMINATION OF CACTACEAE SPECIES, Mihalte L., Sestras R., Feszt G., 2011, BULGARIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE, Volume: 17, Issue: 3, Pages: 288295. 9.13. THE INFLUENCE OF HEAVY METALS ON GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF EICHHORNIA CRASSIPES SPECIES, CULTIVATED IN CONTAMINATED WATER, Buta Erzsebet, Paulette Laura, Mihăiescu Tania, Buta M., Cantor Maria, 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 2, Pages: 135-141. 9.14. IDENTIFICATION OF THE MOST ORGANOGENIC-RESPONSIVE VARIETY OF TOMATO USING THE VARIETY X MEDIUM INTERACTION, Kantor M., Sestras R., Chowdhury K., 2010, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 15, Issue: 5, Pages: 5640-5645. 9.15. A STUDY OF GENETIC ALGORITHM EVOLUTION ON THE LIPOPHILICITY OF POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS, Jäntschi L., Bolboaca S.D., Sestras R., 2010, CHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY, Volume: 7, Issue: 8, Pages: 1978-1989. 9.16. THE VARIABILITY OF JUVENILE PERIOD, FRUITS SIZE AND RESPONSE TO DISEASES ATTACK ON F-1 INTERSPECIFIC APPLE HYBRIDS AND THE EFFICIENCY OF SELECTION, Sestras R., Dan C., Pamfil D., Sestras A., Jäntschi L., Bolboaca S., 2010, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJNAPOCA, Volume: 38, Issue: 1, Pages: 234-240. 9.17. THE INFLUENCE OF CULTIVATION AND FERTILIZATION METHODS ON YIELD OF EGGPLANTS GROWN IN A POLYETHYLENE GREENHOUSE, Maniutiu D., Sima R., 2010, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 38, Issue: 1, Pages: 193-195. P a g e |79 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.2. Horticultural and forestry Plant Breeding and Genetics 9.18. META-HEURISTICS ON QUANTITATIVE STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIPS: STUDY ON POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS, Jäntschi L., Bolboaca S.D., Sestras R., 2010, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING, Volume: 16, Issue: 2, Pages: 377-386. 9.19. RESEARCH CONCERNING THE BEHAVIOR OF NEW CALLISTEPHUS CHINENSIS VARIETIES FOR ENRICHING THE ROMANIAN FLORAL ASSORTMENT, Cantor M,, Buta E., 2010, HORTSCIENCE, Volume: 45, Issue: 8, Supplement: S, Pages: S159-S159. 9.20. CLASSICAL APPROACHES OF GENETIC ALGORITHMS AND THEIR SUITABILITY, JÄNTSCHI L., BOLBOACA S.D., SESTRAS R., 2010, ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, Volume: 22, Issue: 3, Pages: 2275-2284. 9.21. DEVELOPMENTS IN THE ROMANIAN FORESTRY AND ITS LINKAGES WITH OTHER SECTORS, Abrudan I.V., Marinescu V., Ionescu O., Ioras F., Horodnic S., Sestras R., 2009, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 37, Issue: 2, Pages: 14-21. 9.22. MALARIA VACCINE CANDIDATE DIVERSITY OFFERS CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR EFFECTIVE VACCINE DEVELOPMENT, Chowdhury K., M. Kantor, R. Sestras, 2009, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 37, Issue: 1, Pages: 9-16. 9.23. EVALUATION OF OLD APPLE CULTIVARS GROWN IN CENTRAL TRANSYLVANIA, ROMANIA, Mitre I., V. Mitre, M. M. Ardelean, R. Sestras, A. Sestras, 2009, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 37, Issue: 1, Pages: 235-237. 9.24. USE OF PHENOTYPIC AND MAS SELECTION BASED ON BULK SEGREGANT ANALYSIS TO REVEAL THE GENETIC VARIABILITY INDUCED BY ARTIFICIAL HYBRIDIZATION IN APPLE, Sestras R., D. Pamfil, M. Ardelean, C. Botez, A. Sestras, I. Mitre, C. Dan, L. Mihalte, 2009, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 37, Issue: 1, Pages: 273-277. 9.25. GENOTYPIC VARIABILITY OF THE MAIN APPLE CULTIVARS GROWN IN TRANSYLVANIA EVALUATED BY MEANS OF RAPD ANALYSIS, Mitre I., L. Lukács, M. Ardelean, V. Mitre, R. Sestras, R. Pop, M. Cordea, 2009, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 37, Issue: 1, Pages: 261-264. 9.26. INHERITANCE OF VIGOUR TREE IN F1 APPLE INTERSPECIFIC HYBRIDS, Sestras R., D. Pamfil, A. Sestras, L. Jäntschi, S. Bolboaca, C. Dan, 2009, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJNAPOCA, Volume: 37, Issue: 1, Pages: 70-73. 9.27. HARD PROBLEMS IN GENE SEQUENCE ANALYSIS: CLASSICAL APPROACHES AND SUITABILITY OF GENETIC ALGORITHMS, Jantschi L., S. D. Bolboaca, R. Sestras, 2009, BIOTECHNOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT, Volume: 23, Issue: 2, Pages: 1275-1280. 9.28. INTRODUCTION OF NEW ROSES CULTIVARS INTO ORNAMENTAL COLLECTION AND THEIR BEHAVIOR IN TRANSYLVANIA CONDITIONS, Cantor M., Catana C., Buta E., 2009, HORTSCIENCE, Volume: 44, Issue: 4, Pages: 1155-1155. 9.29. STUDIES OF USE OF NEW CANNA INDICA CULTIVARS FOR IMPROVED STUDENT FLORAL COLLECTION, Cantor M., Pop R., Buta E., 2008, Volume: 43, Issue: 4, Pages: 1178-1178. 9.30. THE INFLUENCE OF FRUCTIFICATION MANAGING AND FERTILIZATION ON MEDIUM-LONG FRUIT CUCUMBER HYBRIDS CULTIVATED IN GREENHOUSE, Maniutiu D., Sima R., Ficior D., 2008, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 36, Issue: 2, Pages: 76-79. 9.31. THE DIFFERENCES AMONG PEAR GENOTYPES TO FIRE BLIGHT (ERWINIA AMYLOVORA) ATTACK, BASED ON OBSERVATIONS OF NATURAL INFECTION, Sestras A., Sestras R., Barbos A., Militaru M., 2008, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 36, Issue: 2, Pages: 98-103. 9.32. THE PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS AND IDENTIFICATION OF SORGHUM HALEPENSE AND RELATED P a g e |80 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.2. Horticultural and forestry Plant Breeding and Genetics SPECIES BASED ON THE CHI-B PARTIAL SEQUENCE, Chen Q., Wei W., Sestras R., 2008, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 36, Issue: 1, Pages: 55-58. 9.33. VARIABILITY AND HERITABILITY OF SEVERAL IMPORTANT TRAITS FOR GRAPE PRODUCTION AND BREEDING, Sestras R., Moldovan S.D., Popescu C.F., 2008, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 36, Issue: 1, Pages: 88-97. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Associate member ASAS (Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Prof. Dr. Sestraş Radu, Associate Prof. Dr. Tăut Ioan. 10.2. Member of editorial boards: - Prof. Dr. Sestraş Radu: editor in chief Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (ISI WoS, 'Plant Sciences', IF 2011 = 0.652) Scientia Notulae Biologicae, editorial member board: Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture, Agriculture, Frontiers in Crop Science and Horticulture, Leonardo Journal of Sciences, Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies, Agricultural Science / Agrarian Science, South-Western Journal of Horticulture, Biology and Environment etc. - Prof. Dr. Mitre Viorel - Advisory Editor and editorial board member Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, Notulae Scientia Biologicae, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture; - Assist. Prof. Dr. Lucica Mihalte - Assistant Editor Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici ClujNapoca, Notulae Scientia Biologicae etc. 10.3. Numerous papers indexed in International Data Bases: ISI Thomson Reuters, CAB Direct, DOAJ, Vinita, Index Copernicus, BASE, ScientificCommons, getCITED, BLD, EBSCO, SCOPUS etc. 10.4. Participation in numerous international scientific conferences. 10.5. Participation in organizations, companies, national scientific associations (e.g. Society of Horticulture and Forestry in Transylvania - SHST, Romanian Society of Horticulture - SRH etc.) And international (e.g., International Society for Horticultural Science - ISHS, European Association for Plant breeding Research - EUCARPIA and so on). 10.6. Awards, certificates, medals for team members at national and international scientific meetings, for scientific work, achievements and new plant varieties, patents etc. (e.g. Prof. Sestraş Radu medal 'G. Rudi', Univ. Agrarian Chisinau, 'Socio fee', La Società di Scienza Natural Medicine e dell 'Universita di Parma). 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Advice and expertise in horticulture: setting fruit growers, vineyards, vegetable and flower. 11.2. Assistance and advice in the maintenance, operation and use of horticultural crops. 11.3. Develop and implement specific programs safeness horticultural plants, creating and maintaining a healthy environment and food safety for consumers. 11.4. Develop and implement models for improving the creation and introduction of new crop cultivars in order to increase horticultural production. 11.5. Design, layout and landscaping. 11.6. Farm management and marketing of horticultural plants. P a g e |81 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.2. Horticultural and forestry Plant Breeding and Genetics 11.7. Support and advice in developing research projects 11.8. Horticultural research and education 11.9. Support the dissemination of the research results. 11.10. Publication of results in scientific journals like Botanicae Notulae Horti Agrobotanici ClujNapoca, Notulae Scientia Biologicae. P a g e |82 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.3. Business Administration and Rural Development L.2.3. Business Administration and Rural Development 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Business Administration and Rural Development Under construction, will be part of Economic Sciences Department site Assoc. Prof. Dr. Felix Arion Horticulture + 40264 596 384 ext. 380 + 40264 593 792 2. Objectives 2.1. Integrating the teaching activities of the staff involved with the requirements and needs of the economic environmental in business administration in rural areas. 2.2. Effective and efficient integration of students and graduates in the labour market on this field. 2.3. Integrating the efforts of the department and the university concerning the national and European strategy of developing businesses in agriculture and in the rural area. 2.4. Completing the university services available to the economic environment. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Business plan for setting up/developing businesses in rural domain (agriculture, tourism, rural area businesses). 3.2. Economical-managerial extension for acquiring and carrying on European projects of investments and development. 3.3. Developing complex marketing strategies for selling products in rural area. 3.4. Developing complex strategies for rural and regional development. 3.5. Impact study regarding economic/financial activity. 3.6. Market studies and researches in order to carry on the activities. 3.7. Estimating and measuring the quality of services in the rural area. 3.8. Estimating and measuring the economical value of public protected areas. 3.9. Studies regarding the consolidation of food market in rural area and developing short input chain. 3.10. Training in tourism, services and management. 3.11. Studies regarding the social impact of economic activities in rural area. 3.12. Extension services regarding dealing commercial contracts. 3.13. Sociological studies and researches regarding socio-economical development in rural area. 3.14. Analyzing facts in contemporary Romanian village. P a g e |83 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.3. Business Administration and Rural Development 4. Research team 4.1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Felix Arion - director of the laboratory, Management, Agribusiness, Tourism Management, Rural Development 4.2. Prof. Dr. Emilian Merce - member, Management, Agricultural Management, Statistics 4.3. Prof. Dr. Sabina Funar - member, Marketing, Consumers Behaviour 4.4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cristian Merce - member, Microeconomics, Macroeconomic 4.5. Lecturer Dr. Diana Dumitraş - member, Project Management, Econometrics 4.6. Lecturer Dr. Ileana Andreica - member, Accounting 4.7. Lecturer Dr. Marioara Ilea - member, Financial and Economic Analysis, Audit 4.8. Lecturer Dr. Mugurel Jitea - member, Finance, Agricultural Politics, Rural Development 4.9. Lecturer Dr. Alexandru Todea - member, Law 4.10. Lecturer Dr. Valentin Mihai - member, Tourism, Tourism Economy 4.11. Lecturer Dr. Marius Sabău - member, Marketing, Selling Techniques 4.12. Lecturer Dr. Lucica Armanca - member, Accounting 4.13. Lecturer Dr. Cristina Pocol - member, Rural Economy, Agricultural Economy, Rural Development, Regional Development 4.14. Lecturer Dr. Mihai Cucerzan - member, Rural Sociology 4.15. Lecturer Dr. Alexandru Simu - member, Management 4.16. Lecturer Dr. Camelia Todoran - member, Hygiene and Nutrition 4.17. Lecturer Dr. Anamaria Vâtcă - member, Zooeconomy 4.18. Lecturer Dr. Adriana Man - member, Marketing 4.19. Lecturer Dr. Iulia Mureşan - member, Agritourism, Tourism Management 4.20. Lecturer Dr. Mihai Orban - member, Guide and Touristic Orientation 4.21. PhD Students: Rezhen Harun - Resources Economy; Daniel Chiciudean – Marketing; Gabriela Chirlă – Marketing; Carmen Maricica Steluța Samoilă – Marketing; Lucian Naș - Management 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Market studies and economical researches. 5.2. Diagnostic Studies for training courses in entrepreneurship. 5.3. Impact studies of entrepreneurship training courses. 5.4. Marketing strategies. 5.5. Training courses. 5.6. Support activities for the National Network of Rural Development (RNDR). 5.7. Institutional developing projects. 5.8. Research projects. P a g e |84 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.3. Business Administration and Rural Development 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 1. Laptop (4 pcs.) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5,4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 2011 2. Multifunctional printer 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 2011 3. Network printer 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 2010 4. Video projector 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 2011 5. Auto laboratory 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 2011 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme Director/Project responsible Period 1. Developing labour market by promoting non-agricultural activities in rural area; FSE, POSDRU/13/5.2/S/11, nr.106/25.09.2008 Prof. Dr. Emilian Merce 2009-2012 2. Market studies and economic research, polls and statistics necessary for the diagnose of the actual situation in order to carry on the project “Entrepreneurship, from idea to success”, ID 61872; POSDRU/92/3.1/S/61872, Partner: FAER Reghin Assoc. Prof. Dr. Felix Arion 2010 3. Market studies and economic research, polls and statistics necessary for evaluating the impact of project implementation “Entrepreneurship, from idea to success”, ID 61872; POSDRU/92/3.1/S/ 61872, Partner: FAER Reghin Market, CPV 79300000-7 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Felix Arion 2012 4. Marketing strategies for micro financing tools; Partner: FAER Reghin, JASMINE - Technical Assistance Training, Proposal Ref JAS3/FAR/RO/2012/1 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Felix Arion 2012 5. Trasmissione e Trasparenza dei Prezzi Lungo La Filiera Agroalimentare; PRIN 2010-2011 managed by Ministry of Education, University and Research (Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università, e della Ricerca) Italy Assoc. Prof. Dr. Felix Arion 2012 6. Comparaison des dynamiques et potentiels de développement de deux territoires: Monts du Lyonnais (France) et Pays de Secas (Roumanie); Programme Leader, Project de coopération entre le GAL des Monts du Lyonnais et le GAL Tara Secaselor (Pays de Secas de Roumanie) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Felix Arion 2010-2012 P a g e |85 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.3. Business Administration and Rural Development 7. Implementation of Farming System for Establishing Milk Standards; Central Finance And Contracts Unit, Civil Society Dialogue-II, Fisheries and Agriculture (CSD-II/FA), CFCU/TR0703.01-02/FA, CFCU/TR0703.01-02/FA, CSDII/FA/ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Felix Arion 2011-2012 8. MSc Food Identity; European Commission, Directorate for Education, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency; Erasmus Mundus, Reference number ANGERS08terroir-08 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Felix Arion 2011-2016 9. Microbes and Traditional Foods: Competitors or Allies?; Socrates Erasmus Intensive Programme Assoc. Prof. Dr. Felix Arion 2011-2014 10. European Master “Green Food Industries”; Project reference number 526585-LLP-1-2012-1-FR-ERASMUSEMCR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Felix Arion 2011-2014 11. Cluster Microeconomics of Competitiveness (MOC), Prof. Dr. Michael E. Porter and the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School Assoc. Prof. Dr. Felix Arion 2012-2014 12. Training the farmer within the territory of ”Gal Câmpia Transilvaniei Association”, submitted for financing with PNDR from FEADR (111 L Measure) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Felix Arion 2013-2014 13. Training the farmer within the territory of “Gal Someș Transilvan Association”; submitted for financing with PNDR from FEADR (1.1.1. Measure) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Felix Arion 2013-2014 14. The impact of using economical values in management plans of national and natural parks from Romania; PN2, RU, PD 271 Lecturer Dr. Diana Dumitras 2010-2012 15. Estimating economical values of national and natural parks from Romania; TD 385, CNCSIS Lecturer Dr. Diana Dumitras 2007-2008 16. Technical-economical analysis of beekeeping in NorthWest Region of Romania in order to ensure durable development in beekeeping chain; PN2, PD Lecturer Dr. Cristina Pocol 2010-2012 17. Modern management tools for decision taking in agricultural farms; PN2, TD, No. 342 Lecturer Dr. Alexandru Vasile Simu 2007-2008 18. Evaluating the effects of new PAC reforms (after 2014) based on a simulating methodology at farm level; PD 190/2010 Lecturer Dr. IonelMugurel Jitea 2010 – 2012 19. Analysis of Social, Economic and Technical Impact of PAC on agricultural farms specialized on field crops in NorthWest Romania; 45 GR/17.05.2006 Lecturer Dr. IonelMugurel Jitea 2006 – 2007 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 16 8.2. Market studies and economic researches - 2 P a g e |86 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.3. Business Administration and Rural Development 8.3. Marketing studies - 1 8.4. Training courses - 15 8.5. Completed PhD thesis - 2 8.6. Bachelor thesis and M.Sc. - 5 8.7. Students involved in research activities - 36 8.8. International mobility of students - 16 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. SOCIO-ECONOMIC DETERMINANTS OF HONEY CONSUMPTION IN ROMANIA, Cristina Bianca Pocol, Călin Moldovan Teselios, 2012, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 10, Issue: 2, Pages: 18-21, Part: 1. 9.2. EVALUATION OF SUSTAINABILITY OF THE BEEKEEPING SECTOR IN THE NORTH WEST REGION OF ROMANIA, Cristina Bianca Pocol, Liviu Alexandru Marghitas, Anca Aurora Popa, 2012, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 10, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 132-138. 9.3. A BRIEF ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT ON THE VALUATION OF NATIONAL AND NATURAL PARKS: THE CASE OF ROMANIA, Diana E. Dumitraş, Felix H. Arion, Emilian Merce, 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 1, Pages: 134-138. 9.4. APPROPRIATE METHODS FOR EVALUATING THE AGRICULTURAL POLICIES’ CONSEQUENCES AT THE FARM LEVEL, Ionel-Mugurel Jitea, 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJNAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 1, Pages: 126-133. 9.5. MODELLING THE HONEY CONSUMPTION BEHAVIOUR IN ROMANIA BY USING SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC DETERMINANTS, Cristina Bianca Pocol, 2011, AFRICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, Volume: 6, Issue: 17, Pages: 4069-4080. 9.6. TWO WAYS OF ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING OF HEAVY METALS FROM AIR: NATIVE AND TRANSPLANTED LICHENS, Camelia Firuta Todoran, Ioan Valentin Petrscu –Mag, Alexandru Dorel Todea, 2010, METALURGIA INTERNATIONAL, Volume: 15, Special Issue: 9, Pages: 49-51. 9.7. AN ANALYSIS OF CONGESTION EFFECTS ACROSS AND WITHIN MULTIPLE RECREATION ACTIVITIES, Rollins, K, D. Dumitraş, A. Castledine, 2008, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICSREVUE CANADIENNE D’AGROECONOMIE, Volume: 56, Issue: 1, Pages: 95-116. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Representative as a member of the Consortium of Engineering Economics in Romania (CIER). 10.2. Representative as chairman and member of the Working Committee Agricultural Economics and Rural Development of the Cluj Branch of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Gheorghe Ionescu Sisesti. 10.3. Representative as a member of the Presidential Commission for Public Politics in Agriculture and Rural Development of Romania. 10.4. Representative as a methodological expert in Engineering and Management in Public Alimentation and Agritourism study program, the National Qualifications Authority (NCA). 10.5. Representative as a member in 8 Thematic Working Group (TWG 8) “Association and cooperation"of the National Network for Rural Development in Romania. 10.6. Representative as a member of the Working Group Economic development in rural (nonP a g e |87 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.3. Business Administration and Rural Development agricultural activities, rural infrastructure, social inclusion, cultural heritage) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. 10.7. Representative as a member of the Committee on forecast price stability of agricultural products of National Bank of Romania, Cluj Branch. 10.8. Representative as a member of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Engineering and Management field. 10.9. Representative as Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management (IJSEM). 10.10. Representative as a member of the editorial committee of Bulletin of University of Cluj-Napoca Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine vol. 69/2012 (2) Horticulture series. 10.11. Representative as a member of the Editorial Committee Agriculture, Agricultural Practice and Science Journal. 10.12. Representative as a member of Thematic Advisory Committee for Rural Development, Agriculture and Fisheries of the MARD, working group Innovation and training in order to develop programming documents for 2014-2020 period. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Market and economic research, surveys and statistics. 11.2. Market and economic research studies, surveys and statistics. P a g e |88 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.4. Landscape design and planning using sustainable concepts L.2.4. Landscape design and planning using sustainable concepts 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Landscape design and planning using sustainable concepts GREENLAND Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Dumitraş Horticulture +40 264 596 384, ext. 179 +40 264 593792 2. Objectives 2.1. Promoting and developing the sustainable landscaping systems. 2.2. Creation of the landscapes which are extended in and on built surfaces (buildings). 2.3. Integration and water management practices in landscaping practices to promote recreation and biodiversity. 2.4. Energetically efficient landscapes design. 2.5. Developing projects in order to optimize the relationship between built places and landscape. 2.6. Elaboration of the complete documentation for technical sustainable landscape projects. 2.7. Consultancy regarding implementing technologies for ornamental species growing in open field and protected culture. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Landscape architecture, consultancy, planning, and feasibility studies. 3.2. Planning landscape design ecological systems. 3.3. Horticulture. 3.4. Research. 4. Research team 4.1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dumitraş Adelina - landscape, horticulture, research, planning and landscape design consultancy, green spaces, arboriculture, floriculture 4.2. Prof. Dr. Cantor Maria - consultancy, horticulture, indoor flower species 4.3. Assist. Prof. Dr. Buta Erszebet - research, consultancy, horticulture, floriculture 4.4. Prof. Dr. Damian Aurel - research, consultancy 4.5. Assist. Prof. Dr. Singureanu Valentin - research, horticulture, computer aided design, irrigation systems 4.6. Prof. Dr. Stan Rodica - horticulture, botany, consultancy 4.7. Dr. Eng. Boancă Păuniţa - research, landscaping, landscape planning and design, sustainable P a g e |89 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.4. Landscape design and planning using sustainable concepts systems, land improvements 4.8. Dr. Eng. Borş-Oprisa Sonia - research, landscaping, landscape planning, land improvements 4.9. PhD student Eng. Nistor Rareş - research, landscaping, landscape planning, sustainable systems 4.10. Dr. Eng. Laczi Eniko - horticulture, consultancy, research 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Research activities. 5.2. Landscape planning and design activities. 5.3. Educational activities. 5.4. Consultancy. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 1. Computer laboratory 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2007 2. Software and programmes for landscape planning and design 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2008 constantly updated 3. Information equipments 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2009 - 2011 4. Polystyrene termocutter 5.1., 5.3. 2013 5. Electric jigsaw machine 5.2., 5.3. 2011 6. NIKON telemeter 5.1., 5.3. 2013 7. terrestrial GPS 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2012 8. pH-meter 5.1., 5.3. 2007 9. Moisturemeter 5.1., 5.3. 2008 10. Luxmeter 5.1., 5.3. 2009 Director/Project responsible Period 7. Representative research projects No. 1. Project title and financing programme The substantiation of the principles and the methodologies for designing experimental models in order to capitalize the green areas and degraded land, with impact on environmental pollution reduction in the context of integration in European Platform of sustainable resource management and ecological restoration in accordance with EU norms and standards; ROMOLAND, PN2, Capacităţi, Module III, Bilateral Cooperation Project, No.425/15.06.2010 P a g e |90 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dumitraş Adelina 2010-2012 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.4. Landscape design and planning using sustainable concepts 2. Implementation of some modern design concepts and solutions, planning and rehabilitation of the green spaces and restoration of degraded lands in order to preserve the natural biodiversity with an impact on reduction of environmental pollution in accordance with UE standards; ECOLAND, PN2, 162CPII/22.08.2008 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dumitraş Adelina 2008-2010 3. Improving the techniques of multiplication and conservation of the germplasm of dendro-floral species used in the arrangement of the ornamental ecosystems; CNCSIS, No. 846/2007 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dumitraş Adelina 2007-2009 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - over 100 articles published in national and international journals indexed in international databases 8.2. Patents - 5 8.3. Completed PhD theses - 2 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. LIFE QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN ROMANIA'S CITIES BY TRANSFORMATION OF VICINITY FORESTS IN FOREST – PARKS WITH MINIMUM INTERVENTIONS UPON THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT, Dumitras A. F.; Pop-Boanca P.; Damian A.; Bors-Oprisa S.; Clapa D.; Singureanu V.; Mazare G.; Sabo G., 2012, ACTA HORTICULTURAE, Volume: 937, Pages: 1081-1088. 9.2. SOUND POLLUTION LEVEL REDUCTION IN CLUJ-NAPOCA PARKS BY INTRODUCTION OF NEW CONSTRUCTIVE ELEMENTS IN THE GENERAL CONCEPT OF LANDSCAPE DESIGN, Dumitras A. F.; Pop-Boanca P.; Bors-Oprisa S.; Damian A.; Oroian I.; Nistor R., 2012, ACTA HORTICULTURAE, Volume: 937, Pages: 1073-1080. 9.3. THE INFLUENCE OF HEAVY METALS ON GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF EICHHORNIA CRASSIPES SPECIES, CULTIVATED IN CONTAMINATED WATER, Erzsebet Buta, Laura Paulette, Tania Mihăiescu, Mihai Buta, Maria Cantor, 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 2, Pages: 135-141. 9.4. RESEARCH CONCERNING THE BEHAVIOR OF NEW CALLISTEPHUS CHINENSIS VARIETIES FOR ENRICHING THE ROMANIAN FLORAL ASSORTMENT, Cantor Maria; Buta Erszebet, 2010, HORTSCIENCE, Volume: 45, Issue: 8, Supplement: S, Pages: S159-S159. 9.5. INTRODUCTION OF NEW ROSES CULTIVARS INTO ORNAMENTAL COLLECTION AND THEIR BEHAVIOR IN TRANSYLVANIA CONDITIONS, Maria Cantor, Corina Catana, Erszebet Buta, 2009, HORTSCIENCE, Volume: 44, Issue: 4, Pages: 1155-1155. 9.6. DEVELOPMENT OF WEB-ACCESSIBLE ORNAMENTAL COLLECTION DATABASE AT THE USAMV CLUJNAPOCA, ROMANIA, Cantor M.; Pop I.; Dumitras A.; Pop R.; Zaharia A., 2009, ACTA HORTICULTURAE, Volume: 813, Pages: 343-350. 9.7. NEW ROMANIAN GERBERA CULTIVARS, Cantor Maria, Lenuta Chis, Eugenia Harsan, 2008, HORTSCIENCE, Volume: 43, Issue: 4, Pages: 1196-1197. 9.8. STUDIES OF USE OF NEW CANNA INDICA CULTIVARS FOR IMPROVED STUDENT FLORAL COLLECTION, Maria Cantor, Rodica Pop, Erzsebet Buta, 2008, HORTSCIENCE, Volume: 43, Issue: 4, Pages: 1178-1178. P a g e |91 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.4. Landscape design and planning using sustainable concepts 9.9. MONITORING OF FLORAL SPECIES IN COLLECTION OF USAMV CLUJ FOR PRESERVATION AND UTILIZATION ON THE LANDSCAPE, Cantor Maria, Adelina Dumitraş, Zaharia D., Pop Rodica, Pop Ioana, 2007, HORTSCIENCE, Volume: 42, Issue: 4, Supplement: S, Pages: 951-951. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Member of the editorial / scientific of some scientific journals in the field, international/national: Adelina Dumitraş - Member of the editorial team of the scientific journal "ProEnvironment / ProMediu", ISSN: 2066-1363. 10.2. Participation at the international/national specialized conferences: - 2009, 9-13 June, 2nd International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture, Bologna, Italia. - 2010, 27-28 May, Scientific symposium with international participation "Horticulture Science, Quality, Diversity and Harmony”, USAMV Iaşi. - 2010, 6 August, 2nd National Conference ECOLAND, Cluj-Napoca. - 2010, 22-27 august, 28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisbon, Portugal. - 2010, 7-9 October, International Scientific Symposium dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Botanical Garden (Institute) of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM) "Conservation of plant diversity", Chisinau. - 2010, 26 November, Scientific Session for PhD students, first edition organized by the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Haţieganu", Cluj-Napoca. - 2011, 8-9 April, Horticulture and Landscape Conference from Transylvania, Sapientia University, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Technical and Humanist Sciences Targu Mures, Department of Horticulture. - 2011, 28-29 April, l CASEE-Conference „The EU Strategy for the Danube region - with specific emphasis on Land and Water Management and the Environment”, St. Istvan University, Gödöllö, Hungary. - 2011, 9 September - 1 October, The International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture”, USAMV Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. - 2011, 27-29 October, Scientific symposium In situ and ex situ Plant Diversity Conservation, Iaşi. - 2012, 2-5 May, 3rd CASEE conference “Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production in the Danube Region”, CASEE Board and USAMV Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca. - 2012, 16-19 May, „Conservation of Plant Diversity” 2nd edition, organized by the Botanical Garden (Institute) of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM), Chişinău, Republic Moldova. - 2012, 27-29 September, 11th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture”, Cluj-Napoca, organized by the USAMV Cluj-Napoca. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Feasibility studies for the implementation of the landscape architecture ecological systems. 11.2. Feasibility studies and case studies – Landscape architecture for industrial areas, commercial areas, urban parks. P a g e |92 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.4. Landscape design and planning using sustainable concepts 11.3. Landscape architecture planning. 11.4. Elaboration of the complete documentation for sustainable landscaping technical projects. 11.5. Consultancy in the implementation of ecological landscaping techniques. P a g e |93 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.5. Research laboratory on Vegetables L.2.5. Research laboratory on Vegetables 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Research laboratory on Vegetables LabLeg Prof.dr. Apahidean Al.Silviu Horticulture +40 264 596 384 ext. 282 2. Objectives 2.1. Testing production capacity and adaptation to the specific conditions of the Transylvanian tableland area of species, hybrids, and varieties of vegetables to promote their culture. 2.2. Study of the agrotechnologycal particularities of some vegetable species less known and cultivated in Romania in order to extend the production. 2.3. Study of some technological sequences of some vegetable species in greenhouses and polyethylene tunnels, to increase yield per unit area. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Vegetable seedling production. 3.2. Vegetables cultivation in open field, greenhouses and polyethylene tunnels. 3.3. Soilless vegetable growing systems. 3.4. Vegetables seeds production. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Maria Apahidean - areas: Vegetables growing in open field, greenhouses and polyethylene tunnels, Soilless vegetable growing systems 4.2. Prof. Dr. Dănuţ Măniuţiu- areas: Vegetables growing in open field, greenhouses and polyethylene tunnels, Soilless vegetable growing systems 4.3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rodica Sima - areas: Vegetables growing in open field, greenhouses and polyethylene tunnels, Soilless vegetable growing systems 4.4. Dr. Eng. Paven Ioan - areas: Vegetable seedling production, Vegetables seeds production 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Vegetables varieties and hybrids testing (lettuce, lamb's lettuce, Chinese cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli). 5.2. The study of some agrotechnological features of lamb’s lettuce species (Valerianela locusta L), rocket (Eruca sativa Mill.), and Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris). 5.3. Study of technological features at protected crops (single and double protection) of tomato, P a g e |94 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.5. Research laboratory on Vegetables cucumber, eggplant and early cabbage. 5.4. Improving the cultivation technology of tomatoes, cucumbers in greenhouses on organic substrates. 5.5. Improving the cultivation technology of peppers and eggplant in greenhouses on organic substrates. 5.6. Study of technological particularities of cauliflower and broccoli extra early crops. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 5.1, 5.4 1970 1. Greenhouse 1000 sqm 2. Polyethylene tunnel 320 sqm 5.1, 5.3, 5.5 2008 3. Polyethylene tunnel 240 sqm 5.3., 5.5. 2007 4. Tiller with car kit 5.1-5.6. 2009 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme Director/Project responsible Period 1. Developing technique of natural isotopic tracer the study of changes impact of exogenous and endogenous factors on the vegetable world; Trasinplant, Ceres, 06-53/2006 Prof. Dr. Apahidean Al. Silviu 2006-2008 2. Improving and providing basic seed, creation of new varieties and integrated protection ecotechnic methods at species in Transylvanian Tableland area; CEEX, no.32/2006, Prof. Dr. Apahidean Al. Silviu 2006-2008 3. Protection biotechniques of vegetable crops using ecomonal products; ECOLEG, no.51-93/2007 Prof. Dr. Apahidean Al. Silviu 2007-2010 4. Promoting Chinese cabbage among producers and consumers and developing the organic culture technology; PN II-Innovation, No. 173 CI Prof. Dr. Apahidean Al. Silviu 2013 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 45 8.2. Technologies - 6 8.3. Completed PhD theses - 7 8.4. Published specialty books in national publishers - 2 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. EVALUATION OF THE USE OF CARBON ISOTOPE DISCRIMINATION AS A SELECTION TOOL OF PERENNIAL FODDER SPECIES FOR TEMPORARY PASTURES, Sima Nicusor-Flavius; Sima Rodica P a g e |95 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.5. Research laboratory on Vegetables Maria; Cuna Stela; Cristea Gabriela; Mihai Valentin, 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 2, Pages: 34-41. 9.2. EVOLUTION OF THE BOTANICAL COMPOSITION AND FORAGE YIELD OF SEVERAL PERENNIAL FODDER LEGUME AND GRASS MIXTURES IN THE YEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT, Sima Nicusor Flavius; Mihai Gheoighe; Sima Rodica Maria, 2010, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 38, Issue: 3, Pages: 45-50. 9.3. THE INFLUENCE OF CULTIVATION AND FERTILIZATION METHODS ON YIELD OF EGGPLANTS GROWN IN A POLYETHYLENE GREENHOUSE, Măniuţiu D., Rodica Sima, 2010, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 38, Issue: 1, Pages: 193-195. 9.4. THE INFLUENCE OF FRUCTIFICATION MANAGING AND FERTILIZATION ON MEDIUM-LONG CUCUMBER HYBRIDS CULTIVATED IN GREENHOUSE, Măniuţiu D., Rodica Sima, Diana Ficior, 2008, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 36, Issue: 2, Pages: 76-79. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Associate member in ASAS – 1 (Prof. Dr. Apahidean Al. Silviu). 10.2. Participation in international conferences – 14. 10.3. Specialty books published by national publishers – 3. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Expert advice in the following areas: vegetable growing in open field, greenhouses and polyethylene tunnels, mushroom cultivation, vegetable seed production, seedling production. 11.2. Products: vegetable seedlings (tomato for open field crops, celery for open field crops). P a g e |96 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.6. Research Laboratory for Biodiversity and Bioconservation L.2.6. Research Laboratory for Biodiversity and Bioconservation 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Research Laboratory for Biodiversity and Bioconservation LCB Assoc. Prof. Dr. Corina Cătană Horticulture +40 264 596 384 ext. 247 +40 264 593 792 2. Objectives 2.1. Documentation of landrace diversity, review of knowledge (NGO and holdings, commercial knowledge and holdings, ex situ holdings and of scientific and popular literature) of landrace diversity, discussion of landrace diversity with landrace maintainers, design and enter data into landrace inventory and landrace collection; to maximize the longevity of genetic resources collections of the cultivated forms and wild relatives of vegetables/fruits by using the recommended international storage standards (IPGRI/FAO); Strategic Plan for conservation and bioconservation of the regional biodiversity (according to COP 10 al CBD 2010). 2.2. Development of the scientific based analytical role in bioconservation decision making with the regard of biodiversity conservation strategy in the regional (Transylvania) and national areal. 2.3. Plant dynamic monitoring to determine the genetic plant resources erosion, mainly to species of national food security economical value perspective. 2.4. Ex situ conservation: the strategic bioconservation beyond the natural plant resources(the Romanian and local varieties, hybrids, landraces and their relativities in the wild) by collecting and deposit the true samples of germplasm material; these will be also included in the germplasm scientific programmes, for breeding forms adapted to climatic changes and stress factors, as well. 2.5. Permanent concern regarded the improvement and absorption of the new techniques by young research team members, MSc, PhD and postdoc 2.6. Scientific and public publication of our research and work results. 2.7. Applying and respect all the ethics norms and implementation the new bioethics aspects related to our research activity. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Plant (and microbial) exams with the regard of data base the information needed for regional decision. 3.2. Qualitative and quantitative in functional biology expertise: morphological, genetically and molecular exams for plant species/ variety profile description. P a g e |97 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.6. Research Laboratory for Biodiversity and Bioconservation 3.3. Elaboration of the technical documentation and the computerized decision support kit. 4. Research team 4.1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Corina Cătană - Director of the Laboratory for Research in Biodiversity and Bioconservation, expertise and experience plant developmental genetics, cryopreservation, artificial seeds, germplasm analysis and standards in germplasm collections; functional plant biology, heuristic methods in Bioinformatics, theoretical, scientific background and practical approach evaluation in biosafety and risk assessment for the environmental release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). She coordinates scientific research projects and dissertation work focused on the use of different cellular techniques in identifying specific genes, with the aim of understanding the functional activity, and genetic technologies for transfer of genes of interest; understanding the essential role of these techniques in phylogenetic studies for genetics and evolution development of species with the purpose of understanding the distribution of genetic inter and intraspecific variation. Optimizing and developing conservation techniques that ensure in vitro genetics stability to eliminate the risk of genetic alteration information, as an alternative method of genetic erosion typical of a classical collections (in situ or botanical gardens). Collection, inventory and storage of samples, of vegetal organisms which have adaptive biological characteristics of interest for improvement programs in the perspective of climate changes or the occurrence of stress factors 4.2. Prof. Dr. Doru Pamfil - molecular taxonomy, genetic map, molecular biology, legislation 4.3. Dr. Călin Sebastian Vac - business and financial consultancy, is economist and system engineer currently employed by UASVM Cluj-Napoca as Head of European Research Office. He received a PhD degree in Agronomy in 2012, Management and Marketing in Agriculture field. Professional experience: as a financial consulting counselled over 100 clients about financial strategies, general or business management, investments, European funds, promoting, project management, cashflow etc, developed over 40 business plans, feasibility studies, other studies, realised 3 business evaluation and realised 3 market research. As a banking officer he developed over 15 computer applications for accurate administration of loans, guarantees and fees portfolio, exchange office, treasury, marketing built many financial situations and calculating many financial indicators and reporting them to the board, BNR, audit etc (over one hundred); innovated 6 new credit products. During the last 6 years, dr. Calin Vac has specialized in European project management domain, being involved in development and implementation of numerous projects, included research projects as strategic management advisor and financial engineering consulting position. He has published numerous papers in international and national peer-reviewed journals. He owns certificates as: European funding expert (“Transilvania” Business Center from Cluj-Napoca, 2012); public acquisition expert (“Master” Business Center from Deva, Sept. 2011); trainer (IRCETT Valuation Center from Cluj-Napoca, Feb. 2011) 4.4. Assist. Prof. Dr. Maria-Mihaela Antofie - Doctor in Biology since 2002, Lecturer for Plant genetics, Environmental monitoring and Biodiversity Professional experience: Environmental policy and strategies development at the national, community and international level – technical expert for Romania for the Working Party International Environmental Issues (WPIEI): desertification (20062009), and biosafety (2007-2009) biodiversity (2008-2009); Developing environmental policy and strategies starting with 2004 up today. Technical expert in analysing drafting and reviewing regulation for biosafety and biodiversity at the national and community level. TAIEX expert for environment and agriculture since Oct. 2008 up today; IUCN CEC Member – the Commission for Education and Communication of the International Union for Nature Conserving oct.2009 - 2017. Technical expert for risk assessment and evaluation in biosafety at the national, community and international levels. Fundamental research; ex situ conservation since 1993 up P a g e |98 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.6. Research Laboratory for Biodiversity and Bioconservation today; Biodiversity and biosafety politics 2004- up today 4.5. Assist. Prof. Dr. Sorana Bolboacă - team member – computational biology expert 4.6. 4 PhD students - research and laboratory Red List work support activity 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) NOTE: The Research Laboratory for Biodiversity and Bioconservation started its activity in 2012. 5.1. Acquisition of new germplasm resources. Enhancement de existing germplasm collection. Completion with wild types from spontaneous flora. 5.2. Establishment of in vitro cultures; Organize culture systems for regeneration and successful propagation of genetically stable plantlets for the species. The analysis of variance as expression of interaction between genotypes and different media component; get tissue cultures for cryopreservation. Embryogenesis, cryopreservation: Plant regeneration. 5.3. Characterization, identification and estimation of the genetic erosion: PCR based DNA analyses: Genetic resources evaluation by SSR loci profile analysis (number of alleles, heterozygosity and per locus detection). SSR markers obtained results will be used to find out the linkage group on pear chromosomes, number of detected alleles and the allele size range. Genetic distances among the individuals will be calculated using the Dice coefficient of similarity, and the SSR data dendrogram will be constructed using the Neighbour-Joining method. 5.4. Landraces inventory database (according the CIGAR standard) upload (taxonomy, molecular, protocols): Accessions and cultivars will be clustered on the basis of their relatedness, putative pedigrees links and geographical regions. Cluster analysis: to evaluate the homology among groups, cultivated varieties (and wild forms). 5.5. Create an in vitro living collection and the long term collection (cryopreservation of the artificial seed- somatic embryos). 5.6. Define and selection of the standard laboratory’s procedures and protocols to base the LCB`s QMS (with the regard of the ISO 17025 certification). 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 1. Laminar hood HEPA filters 5.1, 5.2. 2011-2013 2. Laminar hood HEPA filters 5.3. 2011-2013 3. Vortex mixer 5.1., 5.2. 2011-2013 4. DGGE commet assay 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2011-2013 5. Centrifuges 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2011-2013 6. Soxhlet 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2011-2013 7. Microscopes (Olympus – inverted, optic, apiflorescence) 5.1., 5.2. 2011-2013 8. UV for sterilisation 5.1., 5.2. 2011-2013 P a g e |99 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.6. Research Laboratory for Biodiversity and Bioconservation 9. Hydroponics 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2011-2013 10. Aeroponics 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2011-2013 11. Deep Freezer -80 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2011-2013 12. Deep Freezer 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2011-2013 13. Printer 14. RT-PCR 5.3. 2011-2013 15. PCR termocycler gradient 0,2 mL 5.3. 2011-2013 16. Horizontal/vertical electrophoresis 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2011-2013 17. Imaging processor 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2011-2013 18. Incubator CO2 unit 5.2. 2011-2013 19. Incubator 5.1., 5.2. 2011-2013 20. Moisture testing oven 5.1., 5.2. 2011-2013 21. Autoclav 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2011-2013 22. Spectrometer UV-Vis, FT-IR, Nanodrop 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2011-2013 23. ELISA Line 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2008 24. Microwave, sonic units 5.1., 5.2. 2011-2013 25. Microscope Motic with camera 5.1., 5.2. 2011-2013 26. Refrigerator 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2011-2013 27. Microtom 5.1., 5.2. 2011-2013 28. Water distilling system, deionised water system 5.1., 5.2. 2011-2013 29. Mill 5.1., 5.2. 2011-2013 30. Automatic seed selectors 5.1. 2011-2013 31. Liquid nitrogen station 5.1. 2011-2013 32. Fluid bed dryer 5.1. 2011-2013 33. Vegetation room 5.1. 2011-2013 2011-2013 The Laboratory for Biodiversity Research (LCB- the gene bank facility) was opened in 2012 and since June 2013 is fully equipped, at the state-of-the-art, for: P a g e |100 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.6. Research Laboratory for Biodiversity and Bioconservation - accurate taxonomy tests for validation: fully quipped for DNA PCR-based molecular taxonomy: PCR and electrophoresis equipment (horizontal and vertical); Imagine Acquisition and analysis, DGGE unit for Commet Assay, etc - micropropagation (plant cloning), cell culture growing and regeneration (reactivation) of the “artificial seeds” (somatic embryos encapsulation for long term cryopreservation): functional at the state-of-the art EU standards facilities for media preparation equipment, sterile room for tissue culture transfer and subculture (laminar air flow hoods with safety HEPA filters), controlled living collection room - acclimatization 2 mini boxes - functional analysis to assess the genetic stability of the reactivated (cryo)stored germplasm: controlled growth facilities (experimental station fields - 2 phytotrons, for in situ simulation; hydroponics and aeroponics station units, 2013); microscopes (optical, inverted, epiflorescent, access to electronic TEM), microtome, DNA micromanipulator, computing and microscopy imagine dedicated software; IR (2008), NMR and UV-VIS (2011), NMR and FT-IR (2010) spectroscopy; Soxhlet for extraction, ELISA station, ultrasonic bath, refractometer, etc. - special facilities for germplasm material storage: cold storage facilities (20 freezers for -20°C, 2 deep freezers for -40°C, 1 deep freezer for -80°C, liquid nitrogen (-196°C) station and 2 containers (capacity for DNA samples); - equipment for sampling, fluid bed dryer , seed drying and conditioning for long term storage (2011); - computers for computational research and model kits development for landrace management, seed collection and in vitro culture studies; - accesiories (balances- analytical and thermic, pH-meters, autoclaves, water preparation and purification, marine bath, etc.). 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme Director/Project responsible 1. Use of molecular technologies for breeding crop cultures of economic interest; PN2, No. 51-085/2007 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Corina Cătană 2007-2010 2. Preservation of local breeds authorised for ornamental plants to be valorised in floriculture industry; PN2, No. 52172/2008 Dr. Călin Vac 2008-2010 3. The Institute of Advanced Horticultural Researches of Transylvania; FEDR by POS CCE, 2010 Dr. Călin Vac 2010-2013 Period 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) NOTE: The Research Laboratory for Biodiversity and Bioconservation started its activity in 2012. 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) Scientific results and publications: in progress considering that The Research Laboratory for Biodiversity and Bioconservation is one year old (2012) and laboratory effective bench activity just started (Sept. 2013). P a g e |101 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.6. Research Laboratory for Biodiversity and Bioconservation 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Corina Cătană - Member of the Euroscience Governing Board (2008-2010), participated in the execution of over 20 research projects, of which 8 projects as director/project manager, with the result embodied in the publication of scientific articles: specialized books, educational manuals, initiated and coordinated BioArt projects for public communication of science, etc. She is the Quality Management System Manager for CERT-GMO certification laboratory (Life Science Institute at USAMV Cluj-Napoca. 10.2. Assist. Prof. Dr. Maria-Mihaela Antofie - Project coordinator UNEP GEF “Development of the National Biosafety Framework for Romania” GFL 2716-02-4596; Antofie, M. M., 2012, "Red Lists for crop species and their role in adaptation strategies in Padulosi, S., Bergamini, N., & Lawrence, T. On farm conservation of neglected and underutilized species: status, trends and novel approaches to cope with climate change: Proceedings of an International Conference, Frankfurt, June, 2011. Antofie, M. M., 2011, The Red List of Crop Varieties from Romania, Publishing House Lucian Blaga University from Sibiu, 290 pp. 10.3. Dr. Călin Vac - Awards: Transilvania Bank Cluj-Napoca (Cluj-Napoca, 2004) – award for excellence, offered by Euromoney publication, Gala of Multipliers European Values, 4th edition (ADR-NV and Regional Center Europe Direct North Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca 2012) - Great award for Competitiveness. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. In situ services: - Plant audit for natural, cultivated and post-hazardous land surfaces. According to our identification and data records we offer models and solution for management and vegetation restoration (risk assessment and management). - Botanical services. Microbial identification. - Botanical and plant culture monitoring and data acquisition. - Consultancy and plant audit dossier and decision making. Ethical tools that can be used to improve the environmental performance of SMEs . 11.2. Ex situ services and laboratory tests and analysis. - Design and elaboration of the technical documentation and the computerized decision support kit. - Growing multifactor models design. - Sampling and storing the germplasm of economical values (seeds, planting material, in living collection cryopreservation). - Local landraces physical germplasm collection. - Cytological and taxonomic analyses for vegetal biologic material homologation. 11.3. Consultancy (direct or on-line) - A holistically approach in selection of recommended sources and resources for plant seed material and advised materials, by analysing the main results from the different domains (trans-disciplinary) in one integrative model. - Integration of public and private biodiversity data, to create a local capability for the proper mobilization of expert knowledge. P a g e |102 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.7. Land reclamation, land measurements and exact science L.2.7. Land reclamation, land measurements and exact science 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Land reclamation, land measurements and exact science IFMTSE IFMTSE Prof. Dr. Marcel Dîrja Horticulture +40 264 596 384 ext. 272 +40 264 593 792 2. Objectives 2.1. Develop solutions and scientific concepts in the evaluation and qualitative surveying. 2.2. Develop research programs and consulting. 2.3. Developing long-term research systems. 2.4. Concentration and developing the research potential (human resources and logistics). 2.5. Providing assistance, enforcement, promotion and implementation of measures concerning land improvement as complex hydraulic works and agro-pedo-ameliorative. 2.6. Project elaboration and extension of research results. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Land improvements: prevention and removal action of risk factors: drought, excess water, soil erosion, landslides and flooding, levelling, shaping and classification of land, water management, use of information systems for real estate advertising works and property valuation. 3.2. Land Measurements and Cadastre: designing and building networks for space geodetic networks land surveying and other engineering works, making topographic surveys necessary to produce plans and topographic and thematic maps; raising of utilities by angular measurements of distances, the level differences in surveying purposes and to reduce them to the reference surface, land application projects and spatial planning, civil engineering, forms of communication and art works, hydraulic structures and land improvements, determining the displacements and deformations construction and land. 3.3. Exact science: development of information systems in the cadastre, land reclamation and other related fields, using mathematical apparatus in the study of geo-mechanical, electrical, physical and chemical analysis, development, design, use and implementation of programming algorithms, using modelling and simulation programs in the design, problem solving specific land improvements, land and cadastral measurements. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Budiu Viorel - Land Reclamation, Land Surveying And Cadastre, Hydrology 4.2. Prof. Dr. Luca Emil - Exploitation Of Land Reclamation And Irrigation, Rural Development, Land Management, Agronomy P a g e |103 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.7. Land reclamation, land measurements and exact science 4.3. Prof. Dr. Dîrja Marcel - Land Reclamation, Hydraulic Structures, Property Valuation, Forestry Amelioration 4.4. Prof. Dr. Ortelecan Mircea Vasile - Geodesy, Cartography, Underground Surveying, Monitoring the Behaviour Of Buildings And Land 4.5. Prof. Dr. Ciotlăuş Ana - Topography, Cadastre, Agronomy, Land Improvements 4.6. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pop Ioana Delia - Numerical And Statistical Analyses, Mathematical Modelling, Relational Databases, Web Design, And Computer Aided Graphics 4.7. Prof. Dr. Criveanu Horea Radu - Physics, Biophysics, Agrometeorology 4.8. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Matei Florica - Applied Mathematics In Engineering Sciences, Applied Mathematics Statistics, Databases And Geographical Information Systems 4.9. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pop Nicolae - Engineering Topography, Cadastre, Hydrology, Land Improvements 4.10. Assist. Prof. Dr. Sobolu Rodica Cristina - Wavelets Analysis And Implementation Of Algorithms Of This Type, Statistical Approximation Rows Of Linear Positive Operators, The Study Of Subdivision Schemes, Biological Statistics, Numerical Methods Implementation, Biostatic Processing Of Experimental Data 4.11. Assist. Prof. Dr. Rus Olimpia Cristina - Probability Theory And Approximation Theory 4.12. Assist. Prof. Dr. Deák Jutka Éva - Land Reclamation, Topography, Agronomy 4.13. Assist. Prof. Dr. Ficior Diana - Geodesy, Agronomy 4.14. Assist. Prof. Dr. Lupuț Ioan Nicolae - Topography, Topographical Drawing, Info Graphics, Photogrammetry, Cadastre 4.15. Eng. Dr. Hoble Adela Gabriela - Land Improvement, Design, Layout and Landscaping 4.16. PhD Students: Eng. Vladar Lazlo Beata - Geodesy, Cartography, Geography; Eng. Sălăgean Tudor Geodesy, Geomatics, Design, Layout and Landscaping; Eng. Bădescu Rodica - Geodesy, Materials Processing, Computerized Mining Topography And Cadastre; Eng. Golgoțiu Tiberiu - Geodesy, Materials Processing, Computerized Mining Topography And Cadastre; Eng. Varga Nineta Geodesy, Materials Processing, Computerized Mining Topography And Cadastre; Eng. Voevod Mihai - Engineering And Environmental Protection in Agriculture, Protection of Natural And Anthropogenic 4.17. Domokos Alice Dorottya - Programmer Analyst 4.18. Balaş Maria - Laboratory Engineer, Horticulture, Management of Obtaining Products In Controlled Climate 4.19. Mărghitaş Cristina - Laboratory Engineer, Agriculture 4.20. Cioancă Bogdan - Laboratory Engineer, Organic Agriculture 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Research, development and implementation in land reclamation on: stabilization slippery surfaces, their agricultural exploitation, erosion of surface soil with drainage and modern infiltrometers, crop water consumption by direct and indirect methods, the degree of protection against soil erosion and land slope consolidation; hydro-ameliorative works using GIS methods, correction and amelioration of forestry torrents. 5.2. Research, development and implementation in land survey and cadastre, on: thalweg deep erosion monitoring, achieving short-term forecasts, medium and long landslide phenomena, P a g e |104 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.7. Land reclamation, land measurements and exact science improvement and modernization of geodetic bases, surveying and geodetic methods and marking of the industrial design and infrastructure. 5.3. Research, development and implementation in exact science, on: Obtaining new methods for approximating the solution of Volterra integral equations, mathematical modelling of various phenomena in the life sciences and their processing, geographical information systems to monitor water erosion and landslides; numerically solving differential and integral equations. 5.4. Coordination and editing the Agriculture journal, biannual, rated B + by CNCSIS, indexed in the international data base, print ISSN 1221-5317. 5.5. Coordination of students in scientific meetings organized by: UASVM Cluj-Napoca, UASVM Bucureşti; University „1 Decembrie 1918” Alba Iulia, UASVM Iaşi, UASVM Timişoara. 5.6. Collective participation and involvement in various research projects CNCSIS, CX and international projects. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity 1. Analytical balance, ovens, Sony camera, gravure, projector, projection screen, stage, stereopticon Kinderman, boards, tapes, irrigation system, overhead Total Station Trimble infiltrometer, tachometer, rain gauge, telemeter, motor-drill, edimeter, micro hand mill GR PP, velocimeter, experimental fields. Organizing, evaluating and monitoring the work of land reclamation: Distomat, GPS 210, levelling apparatus, tapes, pantometer, radio transmitters, Zeiss levelling apparatus, licensed software: TopoSys 7; MapSys 9; AutoCAD Civil 3D, Leica Geoff Terramodel, AutoCAD Land Desktop, Raster Design, Trimble digital level, total station Elta 130, Sprinter electronic level, total station Leica TC 805, 1205, 720 NA levels, GPS, SR20, Builder theodolites, GPS receiver, Leica Geoff Terramodel, network support points. Photogrammetry, photo interpretation, geodesy, teledetection, automation work in cadastre and GIS: 2. Acquisition (year) 2008-2009 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2005-2011 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme 1. Research regarding the hydro-ameliorative works from Somes Mic meadow, between Cluj-Napoca and Dej, using geodetic and topographic methods for achieving a geographic informational system (GIS); Grant USAMV Cluj-Napoca 2. Research regarding the use of modern geodetic and topographic methods on implementation the support network necessary to locate and monitor different objectives from USAMV Cojocna experimental station P a g e |105 Director/Project responsible Period Prof. Dr. Dîrja Marcel 2013 Prof. Dr. Ortelecan Mircea Vasile 2013 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.7. Land reclamation, land measurements and exact science perimeter; Grant USAMV Cluj-Napoca 3. Aspects regarding using GIS in order to highlight and exploit the land from USAMV didactic and experimental station, Cojocna perimeter; Grant USAMV Cluj-Napoca Prof. Dr. Ciotlăuş Ana 2013 4. Research on the dynamics of water infiltration into the soil and its influence on landslides; ID 89, PN2, IDEI Assoc. Prof. Dr. Matei Florica 2007 - 2010 5. Reducing emissions of gases using metal catalysts supported. Technology of preparation and physical and chemical characterization; PN2, Partnerships Assoc. Prof. Dr. Matei Florica 2008 - 2011 6. Obtaining technology, structural and electronic characterization of metal catalysts supported with direct applications in environmental protection; PN2, Partnerships Assoc. Prof. Dr. Matei Florica 2008 - 2011 8. The study of water consumption and irrigation regime of lettuce grown in protected areas; Grant CNCSIS Assist. Prof. Dr. Deák Jutka Éva 2004-2006 9. Research regarding the risk of surface erosion, depth erosion, active landslides, and means to rehabilitate them for preventing potential hydrological disaster in northwest Transylvania; Grant CNCSIS,A, c. 1128/2006 Prof. Dr. Dîrja Marcel 2006-2008 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 280 8.2. Services - 2 (Cojocna documentation and repositioning the limits of Jucu experimental base) 8.3. Completed PhD theses - 24 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. SOME ASPECTS OF USING MODERN GNSS-RTK TYPE TECHNOLOGY IN AGRICULTURE, Badescu Gabriel; Badescu Rodica; Stefan Ovidiu; Dirja Marcel; 2012, LECTURE NOTES IN MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, Volume: 7, Pages: 326-332. 9.2. DIMENSIONALITY ANALYSIS OF SUPPORTED Ni NANOCLUSTERS THROUGH XRD AND MAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS, Aldea N.; Rednic V.; Pintea S.; Marginean P.; Rednic L.; Pop V.; Dorolti E.; Macavei S.; Matei F., 2011, DIGEST JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS AND BIOSTRUCTURES, Volume: 6, Issue: 4, Pages: 1991-2000. 9.3. XAS A NEW COMPUTER PACKAGE PROGRAM FOR X-RAY ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY DATA ANALYSIS, N. Aldea, K. L. Kolipaka, V. Rednic, F. Matei, 2011, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, Volume: 13, Issue: 11-12, Pages: 1581-1585. 9.4. AUTOMATING FIELD DATA COLLECTION RELATED TO THE SOIL MOISTURE STATUS, Pop Ioana, Matei Florica, Stanca Liana, Budiu Viorel, Deak Jutka, 2010, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 8, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 635-638, Part: 1. 9.5. AUTOMATING THE SENSIBLE HEAT COMPUTATION, Ioana Pop, Liana Stanca, Marcela Sârbu and Ioana Tănăsescu, 2009, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 7, Issue: 34, Pages: 912-914, Part: 2. 9.6. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF EXAFS SPECTRA FOR CLOSE-SHELL SYSTEMS, Aldea N., Pintea S., Rednic P a g e |106 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.7. Land reclamation, land measurements and exact science V., Matei F., Xie Yaning, 2009, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, Volume: 11, Issue: 12, Pages: 2167-2171. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Prof. Dr. Budiu Viorel: Corresponding member of ASAS (2009). 10.2. Prof. Dr. Luca Emil: Member of Professional Journalists Union of Romania, General Secretary of the Society for Ecological Agriculture of Romania, member of the Romanian National Committee of Irrigation and Drainage; Chairman of the Apuseni Mountains, Member of the Society of Plant Protection Transylvania Member of: Romanian National Society for Science soil, Ecoinspect first Romanian body control and certification of organic products, the Research Board of Advisors, American Biographical Institute. 10.3. Prof. Dr. Dîrja Marcel: Member of the ANCPI National Committee; authorized person: Prefecture Cluj - Consulting and Cluj-Napoca City Hall, member of the reception committee of engineering spares, city hall of Cluj-Napoca, 2002-2004; Faculty Council of Horticulture Faculty from UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Scientific Committee of the XVIII National Conference of Soil Science; county commission to receive land improvement works - DARD Cluj, the commission presented in reception areas aside after their temporary removal - DARD Cluj; commission to improve the reception of new ameliorative perimeters from Cluj county - Cluj DARD. Member of the Board of Directors of ANIF - 2010. 10.4. Prof. Dr. Criveanu Horea: Member of: National Society of Physics Romanian National Society for Soil Science, International Union of Soil Science Societies, Association of Farmers in RomaniaBioterra. 10.5. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pop Ioana: Member of: Mathematical Society of Romania, Society of Horticulture and Forestry in Transylvania, Roses Buddies Society from Romania, International Society for Horticultural Science, Associate Editors - Bulletin Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca Editors Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, Editors - Bulletin Vol. Horticulture 2008, 2009. 10.6. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Matei Florica: Member of: Mathematical Society of Romania, Society of Horticulture and Forestry in Transylvania. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Cadastral documentation. 11.2. Cadastral limits repositioning. 11.3. Monitoring landslides. P a g e |107 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.8. Integrated Management of Forestry Ecosystems L.2.8. Integrated Management of Forestry Ecosystems 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Integrated Management of Forestry Ecosystems MANIEFOR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Liviu Holonec Horticulture +40 264 596 384 ext. 378 +40 264 593 792 2. Objectives 2.1. Identification of new valuable genetic resources and their preservation. 2.2. Modernization of seedling producing technologies in forestry nurseries. 2.3. Projection of forest and degraded land artificial regeneration works. 2.4. Applying forest integrated protection modern methods. 2.5. Quality analysis of seeds. 2.6. Introduction of special value exotic species in culture. 2.7. Impact study of forestry technical interventions over forestry ecosystems. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Forestry species study – trees and bushes. 3.2. Stational land mapping of forestry and degraded land. 3.3. Cropping, conditioning, keeping, quality analysis, and seed preparation for seeding. 3.4. Producing forestry and ornamental seedlings in nurseries. 3.5. Artificial regeneration of forestry land. 3.6. Ecological reconstruction of degraded lands. 3.7. Forest integrated protection. 3.8. Organizing forestry exploitations sites. 3.9. Wood and forestry products study. 3.10. Hunting species biology and etology. 3.11. Forest certification. 4. Research team 4.1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Liviu Holonec - Forestry Seeds, Seedling Production In Nurseries, Artificial Regeneration Of Forestry And Degraded Land, Forestry Certification 4.2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ioan Tăut - Forest Protection, Forest Technological Actions, Risk Factors P a g e |108 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.8. Integrated Management of Forestry Ecosystems 4.3. Prof. Dr. Rodica Stan - English For Specific Purposes 4.4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ioana Mitre - Forest Accessory Products 4.5. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Dumitraş - Landscaping Management 4.6. Assist. Prof. Dr. Ilie Covrig - Forest Exploitation And Transportation 4.7. Assist. Prof. Dr. Horia Dan Vlaşin - Forest Management 4.8. Assist. Prof. Dr. Vasile Şimonca - Dendrometry and Forest Auxology 4.9. Assist. Prof. Dr. Adriana Sestraş - Biostatistics And Experimental Techniques 4.10. Assist. Dr. Vasile Ceuca - Hunting Species 4.11. Assist. Dr. Alexandru Colişar - Torrent Correction 4.12. Eng. Dr. Alina Truţa - Afforestation, Monitoring And Dendrology 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Research activities. 5.3. Didactical activities. 5.2. Project activities. 5.4. Consultancy. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 1. Computers laboratory 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2008 2. Software and CAD software 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2008 3. Informatics equipment 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2009 - 2012 4. GIS hardware 5.1., 5.2. 2011 5. Hypsometers, dendrometres, clupe 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2011 6. Pressler drills 5.1., 5.2. 2009 7. Chainsaw, pruning knife 5.3. 2008 Director/Project responsible Period 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme 1. Production index revision in Quercus Genus, in nursery; National Forestry Directory ROMSILVA, Alba Forestry Directory Assoc. Prof. Dr. Liviu Holonec 2009-2014 2. Researches regarding the setting up of ecological, wooden buildings and social dwelling places, using a multilevel system; S.C.EFEMER S.R.L. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Liviu Holonec 2011-2012 3 ROMOLAND; PN2, Bilateral co-operation project, no.425/15.06.2010 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dumitraş Adelina 2010-2012 P a g e |109 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.8. Integrated Management of Forestry Ecosystems 4 Concepts and modern solutions of design, management and rehabilitation of landscape implementation; ECOLAND, PN2, 162CPII/22.08.2008, PS-CDI Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dumitraş Adelina 2008-2010 5 Improvement of the multiplication and conservation techniques of dendro-florestry germoplasm used in ornamental ecosystems management; CNCSIS, no. 846/2007 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dumitraş Adelina 2007-2009 6 Concepts and modern solutions of design, management and rehabilitation of landscape implementation; CEEX, 162 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ioan Tăut 2009 7 Sustainable management of degraded land maintenance of the Transylvanian hilly area in the context of European structures integration; CEEX, 68 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ioan Tăut 2006 - 2008 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - over 120 articles 8.2. Patents - 1 (in the process of patenting) 8.3. Completed PhD - 5 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. THE VARIABILITY OF DIFFERENT LARCH CLONE PROVENANCES ON THE RESPONSE TO THE ATTACK BY ITS MAIN PESTS AND FUNGAL DISEASES, Alina Vâlcan, Ioan Tăut, Liviu Holonec, Lucica Mihalte, Radu E. Sestraş, 2013, TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION, Volume: 27, Issue: 3, Pages: 697-705. 9.2. EVALUATION OF BETULIN AND BETULINIC ACID CONTENT IN BIRCH BARK FROM DIFFERENT FORESTRY AREAS OF WESTERN CARPATHIANS, Liviu Holonec, Floricuța Ranga, Diana Crainic, Alina Truţa, Carmen Socaciu, 2012, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 40, Issue: 2, Pages: 99-105. 9.3. STATUS OF THE SOUTHERN CARPATHIAN FORESTS IN THE LONG-TERM ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH NETWORK, Badea O, Bytnerowicz A, Silaghi D, Neagu S, Barbu I, Iacoban C, Iacob C, Guiman G, Preda E, Seceleanu I, Oneata M, Dumitru I, Huber V, Iuncu H, Dinca L, Leca S, Taut I., 2012, ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 184(12):7491-515. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ioan Tăut – Associate member AAFS. 10.2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Liviu Holonec – member of the editorial board of Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences - 10.3. Eng. Dr. Alina Truţa - member of the editorial board – Notulae Scientia Biologicae Journal ; pISSN 2067-3205; eISSN2067-3264 - 10.4. Participations in congresses and conferences, as follows: - 2009, 9th -13th June, 2nd International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture, Bologna, Italy. - 2010, 27th -28th May, Scientific Symposium with international participation „Horticultura - P a g e |110 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.2.8. Integrated Management of Forestry Ecosystems Ştiinţă, Calitate, Diversitate şi Armonie”, UASVM Iaşi. - 2010, 6th August, the 2nd National Conference ECOLAND, Cluj-Napoca. - 2010, 22nd -27th August, 28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisbon, Portugal. - 2010, 7th -9th October, International Scientific Symposium dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the setting up of the Botanical Garden (Institute) of the Moldavian Science Academy (AŞM), Chişinău, Moldavian Republic. - 2011, 8th -9th April, Horticulture and Landscaping Conference of Transylvania, Sapientia University, Cluj-Napoca, Technical and Humanistic Sciences Faculty Târgu-Mureş, Department of Horticulture. - 2011, 28th -29th April, l CASEE-Conference „The EU Strategy for the Danube region - with specific emphasis on Land and Water Management and the Environment”, St. Istvan University. Gödöllö. Hungary. - 2011, 9th September - 1st October, The International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture”, U.A.S.V.M. Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. - 2011, 27th -29th October, Scientific symposium in situ and ex situ Plant Diversity Conservation, Iaşi. - 2012, 2nd - 5th May, 3rd CASEE conference “Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production in the Danube Region”, CASEE Board and UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca. - 2012, 16th -19th May, „Conservation of Plant Diversity” 2nd edition, organized by the Botanical Garden (Institute) of the Moldavian Science Academy, Chişinău, Moldavian Republic. - 2012, 27th -29th September, 11th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture”, Cluj-Napoca, organized by UASVM Cluj-Napoca. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Afforestation projects elaboration 11.2. Technical assistance in seedling producing and afforestation. 11.3. Stational mapping of degraded soils and the working out of technical solutions for afforestation 11.4. Forrest hunt and pest control. 11.5. Consultancy in applying forest technical measures. 11.6. Designing works and organizing exploitation sites. P a g e |111 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 Faculty of Horticulture - Research Infrastructure The Research Infrastructure- Faculty of Horticulture Research Centers and Laboratories DNA extraction laboratory DNA sequencer Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) platform Images vegetative room and micropropagation P a g e |112 Laboratory preparation of vegetable samples USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 Faculty of Horticulture - Research Infrastructure Post –PCR Analysier Spectrophotometry Images from the experimental collection of fruit trees and grape (planted in 2013) Laboratory for the implementation/survey of socio economics studies Images from the experimental greenhouses (vegetable growing and floriculture) Real-time PCR for OMG testing Equipment used in geodesy P a g e |113 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.3.1. Center for Advanced Research and Extension in Apiculture 3. FACULTY OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH CENTERS C.3.1. Center for Advanced Research and Extension in Apiculture 1. Contact data The name of the research center Acronym Logo Center for Advanced Research and Extension in Apiculture APHIS- DIA Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Prof. Dr. Liviu Al. Mărghitaş Animal Science and Biotechnologies +40 264 596 384 ext. 387 +40 264 593 792 2. Objectives 2.1. Developing the advanced research component in the field of beekeeping. 2.2. Laboratory services – physicochemical analysis of residual components from bee products, RNA/DNA-based molecular diagnostic techniques in the pathology of useful insects. 2.3. Extension services in the field of beekeeping. 2.4. Promoting the nutritional and apitherapeutical potential of bee products. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Physicochemical analysis of bee products, of the main nutrients and other food matrices. 3.2. The analysis of biologically active compounds with antioxidant and antibacterial activity of bee products. 3.3. Diagnosis of bee diseases. 3.4. The analysis of bee product contaminants. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Liviu Al. Mărghitaş – Center director, Apiculture Technology, Analysis, Analytical Laboratory Techniques, Bee Disease Diagnosis 4.2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daniel S. Dezmirean – member of research team, responsible for metrology, Beekeeping Technologies and Biotechnologies, Diagnosis in the pathology of useful insects P a g e |114 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.3.1. Center for Advanced Research and Extension in Apiculture 4.3. Eng. Dr. Otilia Bobiş – member of research team, responsible for quality, Study of Honey Authenticity, Contaminants’ Analysis (Pesticides) 4.4. Biol. Dr. Cristian Aurori – member of research team, Analytical Laboratory Techniques, Molecular analysis in apiculture, laboratory diagnosis, genetic transformation 4.5. Chemist Dr. Victoriţa Bonta – member of research team, Contaminants’ Analysis (Antibiotics, Pesticides), Carbohydrate HPLC Fingerprint 4.6. Biol. Dr. Adriana Aurori – member of research team, Analytical Laboratory Techniques, Genetic transformation, propolis and other extracts 4.7. PhD Students: Eng. Lavinia Tomos – Analytical Laboratory Techniques, Study of royal jelly authenticity; Eng. Rodica Mărgăoan – Analytical Laboratory Techniques, Study of bee pollen authenticity, FT-IR Analysis of Bee Products 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Ensuring the control of bee products by defining the chemical composition. 5.2. Ensuring bee products authenticity by contaminant analysis. 5.3. Identification of modern methods for the analysis of bee products. 5.4. Determination of the content of active principles from vitamins and amino acids class with a beneficent role on the human body. 5.5. Identification of plant secondary metabolites with antibacterial and antiviral effect. 5.6. Using new techniques for diagnosis and control of bee diseases. 5.7. Identification of sources or resistant ecotypes of the Apis mellifera species for the Varroa parasite. 5.8. Identification of molecular aspects of the immune system mechanisms of resistance to specific diseases of bees. 5.9. Ensuring the control of bee disease incidence through established procedures of diagnosis and molecular techniques. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 5.1. 2007 5.2., 5.4., 5.5., 5.6., 5.7. 2007 1. HPLC- IR System 2. HPLC-PDA System 3. HPLC-Fluorescence System 5.3. 2007 4. LC-MS System 5.8. 2009 5. GC-MS System 5.9. 2007 6. AAS System 5.9. 2007 7. Other laboratory equipment 5.1.-5.9. 2007-2009 P a g e |115 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.3.1. Center for Advanced Research and Extension in Apiculture 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme Director/Project responsible 1. Investigation of biological active features of bee products; CEEX II – 5917/18.09.2006 Prof. Dr. Marghitas Liviu 2006-2008 2. Investigation of biological active features of bee products; CEEX II Postdoc – 5917/18.09.2006 Prof. Dr. Marghitas Liviu 2006-2008 3. Researches concerning the antioxidant activity of biological active compounds from bee pollen; CNCSIS – TD Dr. Stanciu Oltica 2007-2008 4. Researches concerning the study of bioactive compounds from royal jelly; CNCSIS – TD Dr. Popescu Olimpia 2007-2009 5. Methodologies with high accuracy in the detection of residues and contaminants from bee products with alimentary value; PN2 – Partnerships – 51070 (1232) MRC-PA Prof. Dr. Marghitas Liviu 2007-2010 6. Development of the capacity of the APHIS laboratory for bee products’ authentication using modern methods and technologies; PN II – Capacities - ECERC 105/2007 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dezmirean Daniel 2007-2009 7. IZOTRAS Food traceability using isotopic methods. Case study: honey and wine; PN2 – Partnerships, 52140 Prof. Dr. Mărghitaş Liviu 2008-2011 8. Comparative study between the cost of production of the organic farming system and of the conventional farming system in the field of crop production; MAKIS Prof. Dr. Mărghitaş Liviu 2010-2011 8. RoBeeTech - Nucleus of High Scientific Competence for Apiculture Biotechnologies in Romania International Director 2010-2013 Period Prof. Dr. Robin F.A. Moritz USAMV Responsible Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dezmirean Daniel 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 46 cited in Web of Science out of which 11 in ISI journals 8.2. Developed technologies - 16 accredited analysis methods 8.3. Services - 1067 (analyses for doctorate thesis, graduation papers and public) 8.4. Analyses performed for external beneficiaries - 484 8.5. Completed PhD theses - 9 P a g e |116 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.3.1. Center for Advanced Research and Extension in Apiculture 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS IN ROMANIAN PROPOLIS RESEARCH, Liviu Mărghitaş, Daniel Dezmirean, Otilia Bobiş, 2013, EVIDENCE-BASED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE, Article Number: 159392. 9.2. COMPARISON BETWEEN LOCAL AND COMMERCIAL ROYAL JELLY – USE OF ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY AND 10-HYDROXY-DECENOIC ACID AS QUALITY PARAMETER, Crenguţa Pavel, Liviu Mărghitaş, Daniel Dezmirean, Lavinia Tomoş, Victorita Bonta, Agripina Sapcaliu, Anja Buttstedt, 2013, JOURNAL OF APICULTURAL RESEARCH, in press. 9.3. INTERACTIONS AMONG FLAVONOIDS OF PROPOLIS AFFECT ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY AGAINST THE HONEYBEE PATHOGEN PAENIBACILLUS LARVAE, Cristina Mihai, Liviu Mărghitaş, Daniel Dezmirean, Flore Chirilă, Robin Moritz, Helge Schluns, 2012, JOURNAL OF INVERTEBRATE PATHOLOGY, Volume: 110, Issue: 1, Pages: 68-72. 9.4. BOTANICAL ORIGIN CAUSES CHANGES IN NUTRITIONAL PROFILE AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF FERMENTED PRODUCTS OBTAINED FROM HONEY, Graţia Dezmirean, Mărghitaş L., Otilia Bobiş, Dezmirean D., Victorita Bonta, Erler S., 2012, JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, Volume: 60, Issue: 32, Pages: 8028-8035. 9.5. EVALUATION OF SUSTAINABILITY OF THE BEEKEEPING SECTOR IN THE NORTH WEST REGION OF ROMANIA, Pocol Cristina Bianca, L. Al. Mărghitaş, Anca Aurora Popa, 2012, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 10, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 132-138. 9.6. A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE MINERAL CONTENT OF FLOWER AND HONEYBEE COLLECTED POLLEN OF SELECTED PLANT ORIGIN (HELIANTHUS ANNUUS L. AND SALIX SP.), O. G. Stanciu, L. A. Mărghitaş, D. Dezmirean, M. G. Campos, 2011, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 16, Issue: 4, Pages: 6291-6296. 9.7. IN VITRO ANTIMICROBIAL EFFICACY OF HONEYDEW HONEY AND CALENDULA OFFICINALIS L. AGAINST PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA, Niculae M.; Spinu M.; Rindt K. I.; Sandru C. D.; Marghitas L. A.; Stan L.; Bobis O.; Brudasca G. F.; Tamas M., 2011, PLANTA MEDICA, Volume: 77, Issue: 12, Pages: 1458-1458. 9.8. THE STUDY OF THE ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF TRANSYLVANIAN (ROMANIAN) PROPOLIS, Liviu Al. Marghitas, Cristina M. Mihai, Flore Chirila, Daniel S. Dezmirean, Nicodim Fit, 2010, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 38, Issue: 3, Pages: 40-44. 9.9. THE DEVELOPMENT OF A BIOCHEMICAL PROFILE OF ACACIA HONEY BY IDENTIFYING BIOCHEMICAL DETERMINANTS OF ITS QUALITY, L.A.Mărghitaş, D.Dezmirean, Cristina Pocol, Marioara Ilea, Otilia Bobiş, Iosif Gergen, 2010, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 38, Issue: 2, Special Issue: SI, Pages: 84-90. 9.10. IN VITRO ANTIOXIDANT CAPACITY OF HONEYBEE-COLLECTED POLLEN OF SELECTED FLORAL ORIGIN HARVESTED FROM ROMANIA, Liviu A. Mărghitaş, Oltica G. Stanciu, Daniel S. Dezmirean, Otilia Bobiş, Olimpia Popescu, Stefan Bogdanov, Maria Graca Campos, 2009, FOOD CHEMISTRY, Volume: 115, Issue: 3, Pages: 878-883. 9.11. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND BIOACTIVE PROPERTIES OF DIFFERENT FLORAL ORIGIN HONEYS FROM ROMANIA, Liviu Al. Marghitas, D. Dezmirean, Adela Moise, Otilia Bobis, S. Bogdanov, 2009, FOOD CHEMISTRY, Volume: 112, Issue: 4, Pages: 863-867. 9.12. THE IMPORTANCE OF PROBIOTICS ADMINISTRATION TO SUCKING PIGS, Pasca Ioan; Marghitas Liviu Alexandru; Groza Ioan; Pusta Dana; Morar Roman; Oroian Teofil; Cimpean Adrian; Bogdan Liviu; Morar Iancu; Dezmirean Dan; Cenariu Mihai; Bogdan Ileana; Bogdan Sidonia; Oroian Rares, 2009, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 7, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 485-491. P a g e |117 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.3.1. Center for Advanced Research and Extension in Apiculture 9.13. TOTAL AND INDIVIDUAL CAROTENOIDS AND PHENOLIC ACIDS CONTENT IN FRESH, REFRIGERATED AND PROCESSED SPINACH (SPINACIA OLERACEA L.), Bunea Andrea; Andjelkovic Mirjana; Socaciu Carmen; Bobis Otilia; Neacsu Madalina; Verhe Roland; Van Camp John, 2008, FOOD CHEMISTRY, Volume: 108, Issue: 2, Pages: 649-656. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Prof. Dr. Liviu Mărghitaş: - Full Member of Romanian Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences „Gheorghe Ionescu-Şişeşti". - Vice-President of the Animal Husbandry Department of the Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences. - Honour President of Beekeepers’ Association form Romania, Cluj Branch. - Member of Romanian Animal Breeding Society. - Founding member of Association of Ecological Honey Producers of Romania. - Member of Romanian Society of Apitherapy. - Member of International Honey Commission. - Member of Honour of Romanian Society of Horticulture from Romania. 10.2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daniel Dezmirean: - Member of ACA Romania. - Member of Association of Ecological Honey Producers of Romania. - Member in Directory Council of Romanian Apitherapy Society – Research Department. 10.3. All laboratory personnel are members of the International Honey Commission 10.4. Participation in international scientific conferences: - International Symposium on the Consequence of the European Court of Justice Decision on pollen from genetically modified plants in honey, Berlin - Germany, December 2011. - The Second International Symposium of bee products and The meeting of the members of the International Honey Commission, Braganca - Portugal, September 2012. 10.5. Participation in national conferences: - Annual International Symposium of UASVM Cluj-Napoca. - Annual International Symposium of UASVMB Timişoara – Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies. - Annual International Symposium of UASVMB Timişoara – Faculty of Food Products’ Technology. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Physical-chemical and authenticity analysis for bee products. 11.2. Measurements of the chemical composition at various food matrices. P a g e |118 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.3.2. Reference Center for Advanced Research in Sericulture and Silk Production Promotion C.3.2. Reference Center for Advanced Research in Sericulture and Silk Production Promotion 1. Contact data The name of the research center Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Reference Center for Advanced Research in Sericulture and Silk Production Promotion CRCAS-PPM Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daniel S. Dezmirean Animal Science and Biotechnologies +40 264 596384 ext.387 +40 264 593792 2. Objectives 2.1. The development of the advanced research component in sericulture. 2.2. Diagnosis services through modern techniques in silkworm diseases. 2.3. Establishing a reserve of the Romanian sericulture genetic fund in CRCAS –PPM. 2.4. Promoting the production of silk and extension in sericulture. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Sericulture and mulberry tree culture. 3.2. Sericulture Biotechnologies. 3.3. Analysis and diagnosis of silkworm’s diseases. 3.4. Laboratory Techniques. 3.5. The analysis of the genetic variability of the silkworm by molecular techniques. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Liviu Alexandru Mărghitaş – Center vice-director: Silkworm rearing, analysis and analytical laboratory techniques, diagnosis of silkworm diseases 4.2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daniel Dezmirean – Center director: Technology and Sericulture Biotechnologies, Molecular Techniques of silkworm diseases diagnosis 4.3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ioan Paşca – member of research team: Sericulture technology 4.4. Dr. biol. Emilia Furdui – member of research team: Sericulture Biotechnologies 4.5. Dr. biol. Cristian Aurori – member of research team: Analytical Laboratory Techniques, Molecular analysis of the sericulture biological material, laboratory diagnosis, genetic transformation 4.6. Assist. Dr. Bogdan Vlaic – member of research team: Analysis of the genetic variability of the silkworm by molecular techniques 4.7. Dr. biol. Adriana Aurori – member of research team: Analytical Laboratory Techniques, in vitro micro propagation, cloning, genetic transformation P a g e |119 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.3.2. Reference Center for Advanced Research in Sericulture and Silk Production Promotion 4.8. Assist. Dr. Mihai Bentea – member of research team: Analytical Laboratory Techniques, Molecular Analysis of the biological sericulture material 4.9. PhD student Eng. Anton Nagy – member of research team: Sericulture Biotechnologies 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. The use of new diagnosis techniques and identifying the molecular aspects of the mechanisms of the immune system resistance to diseases specific to silkworm. 5.2. Using molecular techniques to characterize the breeds and hybrids of local silkworms. 5.3. Identification of bacterial species from the associated microflora, viruses and mycoses of silkworms. 5.4. Use of hormonal supplements and food additives in feed of silkworms. 5.5. Growth of breeds belonging to the sericulture genetic fund under the conditions of the Sericulture Family Mode. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 5.2. 2006 5.2., 5.3. 2005 5.3. 2008 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2009 5.3. 2008 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2008 5.1. 2008 1. Stereomicroscope Olympus SZX 2. Biophotometer 3. Real Time -QPCR analyser 4. Bacteriological Hoods (BSL 2) 5. Sequencer Beckman Coulter QIAxcel (Qiagen) 6. Refrigerated centrifuges 7. Ultra deep freezers, (-80o C) 8. PCR Cyclers 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2009 9. Nikon microscope 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2007 10 Electrophoresis equipment and UVP 5.1., 5.2., 5.3. 2007 11. Spectrophotometer (for vats and Nanodrop) 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., 5.4. 2011 12. MSF in the area of Transylvania 5.5. 2004 Director/Project responsible Period 7. Representative research projects No. 1. Project title and financing programme Conservation of the genetic potential and of the biodiversity of domestic sericulture resources; PN2, 51014, CO-SERISTECH (1356) P a g e |120 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paşca Ioan 2007-2010 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.3.2. Reference Center for Advanced Research in Sericulture and Silk Production Promotion 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 8 8.2. Patents - 1 (application for patent submitted) 8.3. Technologies - 4 methods of analysis in the accreditation process 8.4. Performed analysis - 38 for monitoring activity of disease incidence 8.5. Completed PhD theses - 4 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) NOTE: The Reference Center for Advanced Research in Sericulture and Silk Production Promotion started its activity in 2012. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Prof. Dr. Liviu Mărghitaş: - Vice-President of the Animal Husbandry Department of the Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences. - Founding member of the Silk Producers Association of Transylvania. - Member of International Sericulture Commission. - Official delegate of Romania in the International Sericulture Commission. 10.2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daniel Dezmirean: - Founding member of the Silk Producers Association of Transylvania. - President of the section Bombyx mori within the International Sericulture Commission. 10.3. Participation in international scientific conferences: - XX – Conference of International Sericulture Commission, December 13-16, 2011, Chiang Mai, Thailand (Mărghitaş L. /Dezmirean D.) - XXI, Conference of International Commission, June 14-16, 2012, USAMV Cluj-Napoca, Romania. - EURBEE 5th Conference 3-7th September 2012 Halle an der Saale, Germany. - XXII Conference of International Commission, February 23, 2013, New Delhi, India (Mărghitaş L. / Dezmirean D.) 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Analyzes on samples with the purpose of monitoring the incidence of silkworm diseases throughout Romania. 11.2. Promotion of silk production. 11.3. Studies and strategy for sericiculture development at National level. 11.4. Feasibility studies and implementation of projects of silkworm family farm. 11.5. MSF for silkworm rearing and mulberry plantation establishment and exploitation. P a g e |121 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.3.1. Zonal Laboratory for Animals Genotyping RESEARCH LABORATORIES L.3.1. Zonal Laboratory for Animals Genotyping 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Zonal Laboratory for Animals Genotyping LZGA Prof. Dr. Vlaic Augustin Animal Science and Biotechnologies +40 264 596384 ext.160; +40755-117128 +40 264 593792 2. Objectives 2.1. Genotyping of animal species at loci of some genes of economic interest associated with quantity and quality of some products (milk, meat). 2.2. Identification and molecular characterization of new allele at loci of the 6 major proteins from milk in Romanian buffalo, Steppe Gray, Carpathian goat breed and their use as genetic markers in selection. 2.3. Use of genetic polymorphisms of proteins from animal milk as genetic markers to identify authenticity and origin of milk and native milk products. 2.4. Native sheep genotyping for transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (scrapie) resistance/ susceptibility. 2.5. Embryos’ sex determination and sex detecting basis on DNA markers from meat/other tissue samples, in litigations’ case. 2.6. Determination of karyotype for chromosomal mutations’ identification. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Molecular Genetics. 3.2. Selection assisted by genetic markers (MAS). 3.3. Traceability of animal origin products. 3.4. Phylogeny. 3.5. Hereditary diseases. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Vlaic Augustin - laboratory head: coordination of laboratory activity, results’ processing and interpretation of effected genetic analyses, acquision of equipments and reagents 4.2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Coşier Viorica - laboratory second head: use of genetics and molecular biology techniques P a g e |122 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.3.1. Zonal Laboratory for Animals Genotyping 4.3. Prof. Dr. Oroian Teofil - member in research team: selection assisted by genetic markers 4.4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cighi Vasile - member in research team: selection assisted by genetic markers 4.5. Dr. Bălteanu Valentin - quality manager, charge of procedures: use of molecular techniques and results’ interpretation 4.6. Dr. Carşai Crina Teodora - charge of procedures: use of molecular techniques in cattle and goats 4.7. Dr. Şuteu Mihai - charge of procedures: use of molecular techniques in pigs 4.8. Post-graduated Banyai Flavius - charge of procedures: use of molecular techniques in horses 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Collecting and primary processing of samples destined for genetic analyses. 5.2. DNA and RNA extraction from different biological samples (blood, hair, meat, sperm, somatic cells), quantification and purification. 5.3. DNA amplification by PCR and Real Time PCR and PCR technique variants (PCR-RFLP, RT-PCR, RAPD, Multiplex PCR). 5.4. DNA, RNA and protein electrophoresis in specific gels (agarose, polyacrylamide). 5.5. Reading and interpretation of electrophoregrames in view to establish the genotypes. 5.6. Sheep genotyping at PrnP locus (prionic protein), which determines transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (scrapie) (DNA extraction, PCR preSnapShot amplification, PCR product purification, sequencing by Primer extension technique, capillarity electrophoresis, analysis and interpretation SNP type profiles from electrophoregrames and genotypes’ establishing). 5.7. De novo sequencing of DNA fragments (ABI Prism 3130 xl). 5.8. Analysis of fragments (microsatellites, SNP) (ABI Prism 3130 xl) at loci of economic interest or with purpose of identification in animal populations. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 1. Thermo-cycler with gradient 5.3. 2006 2. Real Time-PCR 5.3. 2007 3. System of images’ taking and document (Geldoc) 5.5. 2006-2007 4. Complete system of horizontal, vertical and isoelectric focusing electrophoresis 5.4., 5.6. 2006 5. Vertical autoclave 5.1. 2006 6. Thermostat 5.2. 2006 7. Analytic scale 5.1., 5.2., 5.4. 2006 8. Cooling centrifuge 5.2., 5.6. 2006 9. Vortex – 2 pieces 5.1., 5.2. 2006 P a g e |123 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.3.1. Zonal Laboratory for Animals Genotyping 10. System for pure water obtaining 5.3., 5.6., 5.7., 5.8. 2007 11. Machine of ice cubes 5.2., 5.3., 5.6. 2007 12. Deep freezer 5.2., 5.3., 5.6., 5.7. 2007 13. Hood CARBO 150 FA 5.2., 5.6., 5.7., 5.8. 2011 14. Spectrophotometer UV – VIS Nanodrop 5.2., 5.6. 2007 15. Ultrasonic water bath 5.1., 5.2., 5.6. 2007 16. Genetic analyzer ABI Prism 3130xl; Sequence Application, Modules and Gene Mapper, Software 5.5., 5.6., 5.7., 5.8. 2007-2008 Director/Project responsible Period 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme 1. Study of genetic variability to create straits in ciprinid populations (Cyprinus carpio) from Northwest of Transylvania by using genetic markers and associated biotechnologies for durable genofound preservation; CEEX, Module I, no. 45/2005 Prof. Dr. Oroian Teofil 2005-2008 2. Quality system making, development and implementation and accreditation of a zonal laboratory of farm animals’ genotyping; CEEX, Module IV, no. 7578/2006 Prof. Dr. Vlaic Augustin 2006-2008 3. Crossbreeds production by crossbreeding of Tsigai and Suffolk breeds in view to increase the quantity and quality of sheep meat; CNCSIS, type A, no. 1145/2006 Prof. Dr. Vlaic Augustin 2006-2008 4. Resistance increasing at transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (scrapie) in sheep populations from Romania by selection assisted at molecular level for durable development of sheep breeding and exploitation, alimentary security and human health insurance; CEEX, M1, no. 2246/2006 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Coşier Viorica 2006-2008 5. Researches concerning Hinfl polymorphism inside Pit 1 gene and its use in selection assisted by molecular markers (MAS) in Romanian cattle breeds; CNCSIS, type A, no. 1125/2006 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Coşier Viorica 2006-2008 6. Study of polymorphism impact of casein alfa-s1 genetic marker in Carpathian goat breed on milk quality, cheese obtaining efficiency and sensory features; PN2, no. 52104/2008 Prof. Dr. Vlaic Augustin 2008-2012 7. Characterization of protein polymorphisms from milk of farm species and their possible use study as genetic markers to identify the testified authenticity of milky products; PN2 PCE, ID 2545/2008 Prof. Dr. Vlaic Augustin 2008-2012 P a g e |124 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.3.1. Zonal Laboratory for Animals Genotyping 8. Phenotypic appreciation and genetic characterization by molecular techniques of some boar population Sus Scrofa ferus with determination of impact factors on ecosystems from area to avoid species genetic vulnerability; PN2, no. 52105/2008 Prof. Dr. Oroian Teofil 2008-2012 9. From rustic to improved: Polymorphism study of some key genes involved in development and lactogenic capacity of mammary gland in cattle and goats; TE PN2, no. 113/2010 Dr. Carşai Crina Teodora 2010-2013 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 80 8.2. Analyses for external beneficiaries - 7 beneficiaries (234 samples) 8.3. Completed PhD theses - 10 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. IDENTIFICATION OF AN INTRONIC REGULATORY MUTATION AT THE BUFFALO ALPHA(S1)-CASEIN GENE THAT TRIGGERS THE SKIPPING OF EXON 6, Balteanu Valentin Adrian; Carsai Teodora Crina; Vlaic Augustin, 2013, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS, Volume: 40, Issue: 7, Pages: 43114316. 9.2. A SIGNATURE PROTEIN-BASED METHOD TO DISTINGUISH MEDITERRANEAN WATER BUFFALO AND FOREIGN BREED MILK, Caira Simonetta; Pinto Gabriella; Balteanu Valentin A.; Chianese Lina; Addeo Francesco, 2013, FOOD CHEMISTRY, Volume: 141, Issue: 1, Pages: 597-603. 9.3. A HIGH THROUGHPUT GENOTYPING APPROACH REVEALS DISTINCTIVE AUTOSOMAL GENETIC SIGNATURES FOR EUROPEAN AND NEAR EASTERN WILD BOAR, Manunza Arianna; Zidi Ali; Yeghoyan Seryozha; Balteanu Valentin Adrian; Carsai Teodora Crina; Scherbakov Oleg; Ramirez Oscar; Eghbalsaied Shahin; Castello Anna; Mercade Anna; Amills Marcel, 2013, PLOS ONE, Volume: 8, Issue: 2, Article Number: e55891. 9.4. EVIDENCE OF ALTERNATIVE SPLICING OF PORCINE BETA-CASEIN (CSN2), Şuteu M, Vlaic A., Bălteanu VA., Wavreille J., Renaville R., 2012, ANIMAL GENETICS, Volume: 43, Issue: 4, Pages: 474475. 9.5. THE GENETIC RESISTANCE OF RAMS FROM TURCANA BREED TO OVINE TRANSMISSIBLE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY (SCRAPIE), V. Coşier, A. Vlaic, Vioara M., R. Constantinescu, 2011, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 16, Issue: 4, Pages: 6328-6335. 9.6. MOLECULAR MARKERS USED IN GENETIC BIO-CONSERVATION OF THE ROMANIAN GREY STEPPE BREED, Creanga S, Maciuc V., Bălteanu V.A., 2011, CURRENT OPINION IN BIOTECHNOLOGY, Volume: 22, Supplement: 1, Pages: S54-S54. NOTE: Prof. PhD. Vlaic Augustin is a member of the Econogene Consortium and contributed to a number of 3 ISI articles published by the Consortium during 2009-2012 ( ); 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Prof. Dr. Vlaic Augustin: P a g e |125 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.3.1. Zonal Laboratory for Animals Genotyping - Member in Editorial Committee of some scientific journals of specific profile: - Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca; Series: Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Science and Biotechnologies, Veterinary Medicine, 2008-2011, Publisher. - Journal of Animal Husbandry, 2008-2009, member in redaction team. - Journal “Notulae Scientia Biologicae”, 2010-2012, editor. 10.2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Coşier Viorica: - Member in editorial/scientific committee of some scientific journals: - Aacl Bioflux Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation&Legislation -International Journal of the Bioflux Society, ISSN 1844-9166 - Hvm Bioflux, Human&Veterinary Medicine, 10.3. Participation in international and national scientific conferences: - The 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th, International Symposium PROSPECTS FOR 3rd MILLENNIUM AGRICULTURE, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012). - Symposium Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Medicine and Economics in rural development and the healthy and food safety production, University of Novisad, June 20-27, 2010. - Acvapedia 2012, The International Aquaculture and Aquatic Life Sciences Conference, Szarvas, November 27-29, Hungary. - International PhD Student Conference, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, Faculty of Agronomy, Czech, 25.11.2009. - 3rd International Symposium “Safe food. Plant Production, Animal Production, Management”. University of Technology and Life Sciences, Bydgoszcz, Poland. 18-20. 09, 2008. - International Scientific Symposium: USAMVB, Timişoara, 2008-2012. - International Scientific Symposium: USAMV Iaşi, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, 2008-2011. - XI International Conference on Goats, Gran Canaria, Spain, 27.09.2012. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Genotyping analyses of cattle in loci of major milk proteins. 11.2. Genotyping analyses of goats at loci of milk major proteins. 11.3. Sex determination from meat samples in cattle. 11.4. DNA extraction, DNA quantification and purification from blood in Romanian buffalo. 11.5. Genotyping analyses in all animal species (DNA, RNA, proteins’ extraction, quantification and purification, amplification, electrophoresis, sequencing, reading and interpretation of results. P a g e |126 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.3.2. Laboratory for Certification and Cryopreservation of Animal Germplasm L.3.2. Laboratory for Certification and Cryopreservation of Animal Germplasm 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Laboratory for Certification and Cryopreservation of Animal Germplasm CGA Asisst. Prof. Dr. Marius Zăhan Animal Science and Biotechnologies +40 264 596384 +40 264 593792 2. Objectives 2.1. Developing of germplasm banks in Mangalitsa and Tsigai aboriginal pig and sheep breeds. 2.2. Researches to optimize the biotechnology of in vitro embryo production. 2.3. Researches to optimize the sperm and oocyte cryopreservation. 2.4. Impact study on antioxidant activity of the influence of some substances on cryopreserved and in vitro cultured gametes and embryos. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Semen, oocyte and pre-implanted embryo quality certification. 3.2. Sperm, oocyte, embryo and somatic cell cryopreservation. 3.3. Artificial insemination and embryo transfer in farm animals. 3.4. In vitro embryo production by IVF (in vitro fertilization) and ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection). 3.5. Testing the activity of some substances in animal cell culture. 4. Research team 4.1. Asisst. Prof. Dr. Marius Zăhan - laboratory head: cryopreservation, assisted reproduction (ICSI), semen quality evaluation, animal cell culture 4.2. Prof. Dr. Vasile Miclea – member of the research team: doctorate coordinator, specialty consultancy in animal reproduction and biotechnology of reproduction 4.3. Assist. Dr. Ileana Miclea – member of the research team: in vitro embryo production, oocyte and embryo quality evaluation, animal cell culture 4.4. Biol. Carmen Mariotti – member of the research team: taking charge of biological material and processing, cleaning and sterilization of glassware and instruments, aseptic conditions’ maintaining in laboratory 4.5. Post-graduate Iulian Roman – member of the research team: in vitro embryo production by ICSI P a g e |127 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.3.2. Laboratory for Certification and Cryopreservation of Animal Germplasm 4.6. Post-graduate Florin Ghiuru Varo – member of the research team: semen cryopreservation 4.7. Post-graduate Delia Orlovski – member of the research team: in vitro embryo production, animal cell culture 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Developing of sperm and oocyte bank in Mangalitsa breed. 5.2. Developing of sperm and oocyte bank in Tsigai breed. 5.3. Semen, oocyte and embryo quality evaluation. 5.4. Embryo in vitro production by FIV and ICSI in pig, cattle, sheep and horse. 5.5. Boar and ram sperm cryopreservation. 5.6. Sow and sheep oocyte vitrification. 5.7. Testing the antioxidant activity of C and E vitamins as well the luteine on oocyte in vitro maturation, embryo in vitro culture and semen cryopreservation. 5.8. Nitrogen liquid storage of some cell lines. 5.9. Activity testing of some vegetal extracts on animal cell culture. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment 1. Photometer SDM5 2. Cell counter Beckman Coulter Z2 dual 3. Heating plates HT 400 and 200 4. Marine bath Memert and dry bath with Minitube granules 5. Stereomicroscopes with heating platforms Nikon and Olympus SZ 51 6. Microscope Olympus BX41 with heating plate, phase contrast and dark field, computer with soft and monitor TFT 17`` 7. Olympus IX51 inversed microscope with heating plate, phase contrast, fluorescence and monitoring system Colorview II, computer wit soft and monitor TFT 17`` 8. Inversed microscope Olympus IX51, with heating plate, phase contrast, relief contrast, micromanipulation system Narishige and monitoring system Colorview II, computer with soft and monitor TFT 17`` 9. Incubator with CO2 Memmert INCO2 with external analyzer for CO2 10. Device for packing, sealing and inscriptioning of Minitube P a g e |128 Related activity Acquisition (year) Equipment used for semen, oocyte and embryo quality analysis 2007-2011 Equipment for in vitro embryo production by IVF and ICSI 2007-2011 Equipment used 2007-2009 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.3.2. Laboratory for Certification and Cryopreservation of Animal Germplasm straws 11. Device for cryopreservation Cryostat C 35 P 12. Deep freezer Sanyo 13. Containers for cryopreservation with liquid nitrogen of 47L, 35L, 20L and 5L 14. Machine for laboratory glassware washing Mielle 15. Autoclave Raypa 16. Drying oven Memmert UNP400 17. Hoods with sterile laminary flux and II security level Termo and April 18. Device for air purification CodaAir Aero700 19. Pure and ultrapure ware making system MilliQ (Elix and Simplicity) 20. Electronic scale AND GH 202 21. pH-meter Hanna 22. Micro-osmometer Minitube; spectrophotometer Spectro UVS-2700 for cryopreservation Equipment used for cleaning, sterilization and aseptic conditions’ maintaining 2007-2009 Equipment used for analysis of physical-chemical parameters of culture medium and liquid solutions 2007 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme Director/Project responsible Period 1. Laboratory for animal germplasm certification and cryopreservation; CEEX, M4 Prof. Dr. Vasile Miclea 2006-2008 2. Certification and conservation of genetic potential of Mangalitsa breed using biotechnology methods; PN2, Cooperation Asisst. Prof. Dr. Marius Zăhan 2008-2011 3. Researches concerning the effect of some antioxidants in oocyte maturation and embryo culture media; CNCSIS, TD Assist. Dr. Ileana Miclea 2007-2009 4. Ex situ preservation of genetic potential of Tsigai breed bred in Transylvania; PN II, Cooperation Prof. Dr. Vasile Miclea 2008-2011 5. Knowledge development concerning the cryopreservation of sperm and oocytes belonging to the Mangalitsa and Bazna breeds; PN II, Ideas Prof. Dr. Vasile Miclea 2008-2011 6. Research on the “in situ” preservation of pigs belonging to the Bazna and Mangalitsa breeds, with a minimal risk of inbreeding; Plan sectorial, ADER 2020 Prof. Dr. Vasile Miclea 2011-2014 P a g e |129 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.3.2. Laboratory for Certification and Cryopreservation of Animal Germplasm 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 58 8.2. Completed PhD theses - 7 8.3. Dissertation projects – 8 8.4. Graduate projects - 19 8.5. Scientific papers published by students: 13 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. MODULATION OF MURINE MACROPHAGES PHAGOCYTIC ACTIVITY BY POLYSACCHARIDE EXTRACT FROM CHENOPODIUM BONUS-HENRICUS, Zahan Marius; Miclea Ileana; Criste Adriana; Miclea Vasile, 2013, CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, Volume: 38, Issue: 2, Pages: 183186. 9.2. VITRIFICATION OF IMMATURE AND IN VITRO MATURED SWINE OOCYTES BY SOPS, Zahan M.; Hettig A.; Miclea I.; Orlovski D.; Miclea V., 2013, REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS, Volume: 48, Special Issue: SI, Supplement: 1, Pages: 105-105. 9.3. COMBINATIONS OF TROLOX AND ASCORBIC ACID IMPROVE CUMULUS EXPANSION AND NUCLEAR MATURATION OF PIG OOCYTES, Miclea I.; Pacala N.; Zahan M.; Miclea V., 2013, REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS, Volume: 48, Special Issue: SI, Supplement: 1, Pages: 108-108. 9.4. ANTIOXIDANTS HAVE A BENEFICIAL EFFECT ON CUMULUS EXPANSION AND VIABILITY OF VITRIFIED PIG OOCYTES, Miclea I., A. Hettig, N. Pacala, M. Zahan, V. Miclea, 2012, REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS, Volume: 47, Special Issue: SI, Supplement: 5, Pages: 98-98. 9.5. IMPROVING QUALITY OF FROZEN-THAWED MANGALITSA BOAR SEMEN USING DIFFERENT ANTIOXIDANTS SUPPLEMENTATION, Zăhan Marius, F. Varo-Ghiuru, A. Hettig, I. Miclea, V. Mireşan, I. Roman, V. Miclea, 2012, REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS, Volume: 47, Special Issue: SI, Supplement: 5, Pages: 115-115. 9.6. EFFECT OF LUTEIN ON SWINE OOCYTE VIABILITY, CUMULUS EXPANSION AND EMBRYO CULTURE, Ileana Miclea, Andrea Hettig, Marius Zahan, Iulian Roman, Vasile Miclea, 2011, CURRENT OPINION IN BIOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 22 Supplement: 1 Pages: S52-S52. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Participation in international and national scientific conferences: - The International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture”, 2008-2012, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. - International Scientific Meeting “Animal Breeding in the Context of Modern Agriculturefrom Science to Practice”, 2008-2012, Timişoara, Romania. - The International Scientific Symposium “Modern Animal Husbandry-science, creativity innovation”, 2008-2009, Iasi, Romania. - The International Session of Scientific Communications "Animal science and biodiversity base of the durable agriculture and environmental protection", 2009-2010, Bucharest, Romania. - The Annual International Conference of the Romanian Society of Biochemistry and P a g e |130 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.3.2. Laboratory for Certification and Cryopreservation of Animal Germplasm Molecular Biology (RSBMB), USAMV Cluj-Napoca, 30th Sept.-3rd Oct. 2009, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. - International Conference of DAGENE "Biodiversity is life-Agrobiodiversity is our life", 15-17 April 2010, Brazi, Romania. - International Scientific Symposium for PhD Students and Students of Agricultural Colleges, 16-18 February 2010, Zakopane, Poland. - International Scientific Symposium “Realizări şi Perspective în Zootehnie şi Biotehnologii”, October 2010, Chişinău, Moldova. - International Scientific Conference “Zilele Academice Arădene” ed. XXI, 20-22 May 2011, Arad, Romania. - CASEE-Conference “The EU Strategy for the Danube region–with specific emphasis on Land and Water Management and the Environment” April 28–29, 2011, Gödöllö, Hungary. - European Biotechnology Congress, 28 September - 1 October 2011, Istanbul, Turkey. - 16th ESDAR (European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction), August 30-September 02, 2012, Dublin, Ireland. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Sperm production analysis of breeding stock. 11.2. Sperm cryopreservation of breeding stock. 11.3. Bovine, swine, ovine/goat artificial insemination. 11.4. Bovine and swine embryo transfer. 11.5. Sperm, oocyte and embryo quality evaluation. 11.6. In vitro embryo production. 11.7. Toxicity determination of some substances in animal cell culture. 11.8. Sperm, oocyte, embryo and cell line storage. 11.9. Specialty consultancy in management of reproduction and biotechnology of reproduction. P a g e |131 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.3.3. Laboratory of Research and Feed Quality Control L.3.3. Laboratory of Research and Feed Quality Control 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Laboratory of Research and Feed Quality Control LCCF Prof. Dr. Aurel Şara Animal Science and Biotechnologies +40 264 596 384 ext. 257; +40749021648 +40 264 593 792 2. Objectives 2.1. Determination of crude chemical composition of fodders (crude protein, crude fat, crude cellulose, cruse ash, no-nitrated extractive substances) and of biological samples (eggs, milk, meat). 2.2. Identification of fatty acids and of vitamins from fodders and biological samples. 2.3. Determination of qualitative and quantitative content in aminoacids from fodders and biological samples (eggs, milk, meat). 2.4. Identification of contaminants from fodders (mycotoxins, nitrates, heavy metals). 2.5. Determination of pesticide content from fodders. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Animal nutrition. 3.2. Control of fodders’ quality. 3.3. Biochemistry. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Sara Aurel - Laboratory Director - activity coordination in laboratory, processing and interpretation of chemical analysis results of fodders and effected biological samples 4.2. Asisst. Prof. Dr. Odagiu Antonia - member of research team, Technical Manager and second Quality Manager - charge of chemical analyses and laboratory procedures 4.3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bele Constantin - member of research team, Quality Manager - charge of quality and metrology 4.4. Assist. Dr. Benţea Mihai - member of research team - charge of supply (acquisition of equipment and reagents) 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Collecting and primary processing of fodder 5.4. Determination of water and fodders’ pH, samples and of biological samples destined used in effected experiments. P a g e |132 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.3.3. Laboratory of Research and Feed Quality Control for chemical analyses. 5.5. Determination of calcium from fodders. 5.2. Weighting of samples destined for chemical 5.6. Determination of aminoacids analyses. mycotoxins’ content from fodders. and 5.3. Determination of crude protein, fat, cellulose 5.7. Determination of fatty acids and pesticides and ash from fodders and biological samples from fodders. (meat, eggs). 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 1. Laboratory Mill Retsch PM 100 5.1 2007 2. Electronic analytic Scale Shimadzu AW 320 M 5.2 2007 3. System for protein determination by Kjeldahl method 5.3 2007 4. System for fat determination by Soxhlet Vel Ser 148/3 method 5.3 2007 5. System of fibbers’ extraction Velp Fiwe3 5.3 2007 6. pH meter WTW Inolab PH Set 5.4 2007 7. Flanphotometer Kleinfeld Labortechnik 410 5.5 2007 8. System liquid chromatograph (HPLC) 5.6 2007 9. Gas-chromatograph Clarus 600 5.7 2007 Director/Project responsible Period 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme 1. Development, implementation of quality system and accreditation of a zonal laboratory of fodders’ quality certification; CEEX/ Module IV, no. 166/10.08.2006 Prof. Dr. Şara Aurel 2006-2008 2. Nitrogen retention increase in ruminants by optimization of rumen microbial proteosynthesis; PN2, Program 4, no. 51- Prof. Dr. Şara Aurel 2007-2010 038/2007 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 59 8.2. Analyses effected for external beneficiaries - 9 beneficiaries (100 samples) 8.3. Completed PhD theses - 5 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. TESTING MULTIREGRESSION MODEL IN PREDICTING PHYTOPHTORA INFESTANS L. ATTACK DEGREE ON POTATO CULTURE DEVELOPED IN CLIMATIC CONDITIONS FROM TRANSYLVANIA, ROMANIA, P a g e |133 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.3.3. Laboratory of Research and Feed Quality Control Ioan Gh. Oroian, Antonia Odagiu, Ilie Covrig, Laura Paulette, Teodor Rusu, 2013, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 11, Issue: 1, Pages: 449-453. 9.2. TOCOFEROL AND FATTY ACIDS CONTENTS OF SELECTED ROMANIAN CEREAL GRAINS, Matea, Cristian Tudor, O. Negrea, I. Haş, Simona Ifrim, C. Bele, 2008, CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.102, Issue 15 (Special Issue), pp. s726-s727. 9.3. QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF SULFAMIDE RESIDUES IN CHICKEN MEAT BY A NEW SOLID PHASE EXTRACTION AND HPLC- UV FOR DETECTION, Constantin Bele, Octavian Negrea, Adela Pintea, Francisc Vasile Dulf, Dan Lupu and Alexandru R. Biris, 2008, CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.102, Issue 15 (Special Issue), pp. s589. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Prof. Dr. Şara Aurel - member in the editorial committee of some journals with specific profile: - Archiva Zootehnica, Institute of Biology and Animal Nutrition Baloteşti, 2008-2011. - Journal of Animal Husbandry, 2008-2009. 10.2. Participation in international scientific conferences: - The 8th, 9th, 10th, and 12th, International Symposium PROSPECTS FOR 3rd MILLENNIUM AGRICULTURE, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012). - International Scientific Symposium USAMVB Timişoara, 2008- 2012. - International Symposium of Biology and Animal Nutrition, IBNA Baloteşti, 2008-2009. - Alltech’s 25th International Animal Health and Nutritional Symposium, Lexington, Kentucky, USA, May 17-20, 2009. - Symposium „Perspectives in prevention and fungi and mycotoxins’ control”. Sângeorgiu de Mureş, September 17, 2010. - International Scientific Symposium: USAMV Iaşi, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, 2009. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Analyses of fodder and biological samples. 11.2. Studies regarding optimization of rumen microbial proteosynthesis. 11.3. Studies regarding bases of nutrition. 11.4. Studies regarding fodders’ production. P a g e |134 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.3.4. Research Laboratory in Fisheries L.3.4. Research Laboratory in Fisheries 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Research Laboratory in Fisheries L.C.P. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ladosi Daniela Animal Science and Biotechnologies +40 264 596 384 daniela_ladosi@yahoo 2. Objectives 2.1. Physical-chemical studies of natural waters and from cyprinid and salmon farms from Cluj County. 2.2. Optimization of tools to equilibrate the physical-chemical and biological parameters as well the identification and elimination of possible pollutant sources from fisheries. 2.3. Behaviour studies in different aquarium fish species. 2.4. Identification of natural waters with crayfish species and monitoring the environment parameters in zones in which they are disappeared with a view to rehabilitate for genetic potential and biodiversity preservation. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Cyprinid rearing. 3.2. Salmon rearing. 3.3. Special aquaculture. 3.4. Aquarium science. 4. Research team 4.1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ladosi Daniela - laboratory head - Cyprinid rearing, Salmon rearing, Special aquaculture 4.2. Prof. Dr. Negrea Octavian - member of research team - Fish pathology, Water quality 4.3. Asisst. Prof. Dr. Raducu Camelia - responsible for quality - Water physical-chemical determinations 4.4. Asisst. Elisabeta Maxim - member of research team - Cyprinid rearing, Salmon rearing, Special aquaculture, laboratory inventory and supply 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Physical, chemical and biological determinations of natural waters and from fisheries from Cluj County. P a g e |135 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.3.4. Research Laboratory in Fisheries 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 1. Micro-centrifuge 5.1. 2007 2. Appliance system for stirring 5.1. 2007 3. Complete system for observation and processing of micro and macroscopic images 5.1. 2008 4. Trans-luminator 5.1. 2008 5. Electric boiler 5.1. 2008 6. Stereomicroscope 5.1. 2007 7. System for gel analysis 5.1. 2007 8. Vat of de electrophoresis 5.1. 2007 9. Autoclave 5.1. 2007 10. Hood with laminar flux 5.1. 2007 11. Analytical scale 5.1. 2006 12. Distillate water equipment 5.1. 2007 13. Spectrophotometer UV-VIS 5.1. 2007 14. Thermo-cycler 5.1. 2007 15. Refrigerator -20° C 5.1. 2007 16. Freezer -96° C 5.1. 2007 17. Multi-parameter for water analysis 5.1. 2008 Director/Project responsible Period 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme 1. Development of organic aquaculture of salmonid in biosafety re-circulating systems; Contract 52/150/2008, Project 2557, Partner University ”Dunărea de Jos “ Galaţi Prof. Dr. Bud Ioan 2008 2. Implementation of some reproduction biotechnologies in pike-perch in view to increase the productive potential of this species; Partner Banat UASVM Timişoara Prof. Dr. Bud Ioan 2007-2010 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 17 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. FUNCTIONALIZED SINGLE-WALLED CARBON NANOTUBES FOR LIPASE IMMOBILIZATION, C. Bele, A. Bunea, C. Matea, Stefan R., O. Negrea, 2011, CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.105, Issue S6 (Special Issue), p. s1008. P a g e |136 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.3.4. Research Laboratory in Fisheries 9.2. TARTRAZINE DETERMINATION FROM MUSTARD SAMPLE BY HPLC, TLC-PHOTODENSITOMETRY AND TLC- DIGITAL PROCESSING OF IMAGES, Simona Codruta Cobzac, C. T. Matea, C. Bele, O. Negrea, 2011, CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.105, Issue S6 (Special Issue), p. s1038. 9.3. HISTOLOGICAL EVIDENCE FOR INOCULATIVE ACTION OF IMMATURE LINGUATULA SERRATA IN LYMPH NODES OF INTERMEDIATE HOST, Miclaus V.; Mihalca A. D.; Negrea O.; Oana L., 2008, PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH, Volume: 102, Issue: 6, Pages: 1385-1387. 9.4. QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF SULFAMIDE RESIDUES IN CHICKEN MEAT BY A NEW SOLID PHASE EXTRACTION AND HPLC- UV FOR DETECTION, Constantin Bele, Octavian Negrea, Adela Pintea, Francisc Vasile Dulf, Dan Lupu and Alexandru R. Biris, 2008, CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.102, Issue 15 (Special Issue), pp. s589. 9.5. TOCOPHEROL AND FATTY ACIDS CONTENTS OF SELECTED ROMANIAN GRAINS, Cristian Tudor Matea, Octavian Negrea, Ioan Has, Simona Ifrim and Constantin Bele, 2008, CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.102, Issue 15 (Special Issue), pp. s726-s727. 9.6. SEASONAL CHANGES OF BUFFALO COLOSTRUM: PHYSICOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS, FATTY ACIDS AND CHOLESTEROL VARIATION, Coroian A., Erler S., Matea C., Miresan V., Raducu C., Bele C., Coroian C., 2013, CHEMISTRY CENTRAL JOURNAL, Volume: 7, Article Number: 40. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Participation in scientific conferences: - International Symposium “Prospects for the Agriculture of the 3rd Millennium”, USAMV ClujNapoca 2008 – 2012. - 5th Meeting on Chemistry&Life, Brno, Czech Republic, 14-16 September 2011. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Physical-chemical and biological analyses of water from fisheries. P a g e |137 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies - Research Infrastructure The Research Infrastructure- Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies Research Centers and Laboratories Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer AAS Gas-Chromatograph, Shimadzu GC 2010 Research Center for Apiculture and Sericiculture Productions Liquid-Chromatograph with detector MS and PDA Shimadzu Spectrophotometer ND2000 Nanodrop UV-VIS Research Center for Apiculture and Sericiculture Productions Thermo-cycler My Gene MG96+/MG96G Thermostate and Real Time-PCR Regional Laboratory of Animal Genotyping P a g e |138 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies - Research Infrastructure Stereomicroscopes Nikon and Olympus SZ 51 Cell Counter Beckman Coulter Z 2 dual Laboratory for Certification and Cryopreservation of Animal Germoplasm Spectrophotometer UV and Water Bath Research Laboratory in Fishery System for protein determination by Kjeldahl method Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Research P a g e |139 Device for packing, sealing and inscriptioning of Minitube straws Laboratory for Certification and Cryopreservation of Animal Germoplasm Incubator CO2 and Soxhlet device EV 16 Laboratory of Xenobiotic Propagation Evaluation in Agricultural Environment USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.1. Research Center - Veterinary Biotechnologies 4. FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE RESEARCH CENTERS C.4.1. Research Center - Veterinary Biotechnologies 1. Contact data The name of the research center Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Research Center - Veterinary Biotechnologies Prof. Dr.Ioan Groza Veterinary Medicine +40 264 596 384 ext. 254 +40 264 593 792 2. Objectives 2.1. Performing molecular analysis and flow cytometry (DNA, RNA, cell surface markers). 2.2. Performing complex analysis on milk (biochemistry, milk somatic cell count, detect subclinical mastitis), blood (blood biochemistry, hormone dosage) and tissue. 2.3. Performing complex analysis on semen, semen cryopreservation. 2.4. Performing in vitro fertilization of oocytes from different species of domestic animals, embryo sexing and their transfer to recipient females. 2.5. Research on embryonic and adult stem cells. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Flow cytometry. 3.2. PCR Analysis. 3.3. RT – PCR analysis. 3.4. ELISA reactions. 3.5. Milk Analysis. 3.6. Blood Analysis. 3.7. Tissues Analysis. 3.8. Performing macroscopic and microscopic examination of semen. 3.9. Semen dilution and preservation by refrigeration or freezing. Semen storing. 3.10. In vitro fertilization of oocytes obtained from slaughtered animals or by ultrasound guided puncture. 3.11. Animal embryo cryopreservation. 3.12. Sexing and embryo transfer. P a g e |140 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.1. Research Center - Veterinary Biotechnologies 3.13. Initiation of murine embryonic and adult stem cell lines. 3.14. Immunohistochemical characterization of stem cell lines. 3.15. Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells, their characterization and differentiation. Characterization of differentiated cells. Isolation and maintenance of different cell cultures. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Groza Ioan Stefan - director of research Center, expertise in the field of animal reproductive biotechnologies 4.2. Assist. Prof. Dr. Beteg Florin - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal surgery 4.3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bogdan Marian Liviu - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal reproductive biotechnologies 4.4. Assist. Prof. Dr. Campean Adrian - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal breeding 4.5. Assist. Prof. Dr. Cenariu Mihai Cosmin - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal reproductive biotechnologies 4.6. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ciupe Maria Simona - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal reproductive biotechnologies 4.7. Assist. Prof. Dr. Cristescu Mihai - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal internal diseases 4.8. Prof. Dr. Giurgiu Gavril - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal internal diseases 4.9. Assist. Prof. Dr. Macri Adrian - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal nutrition 4.10. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Morar Iancu Adrian - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal reproductive biotechnologies 4.11. Prof. Dr. Muste Aurel - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal surgery 4.12. Assist. Prof. Dr. Neagu Daniela - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal internal diseases 4.13. Prof. Dr. Ognean Laurent - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal physiology 4.14. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pasca Ioan - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal breeding 4.15. Assist. Prof. Dr. Pop Alexandru Raul - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal reproductive biotechnologies 4.16. Dr. Popovici Cristian - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal internal diseases 4.17. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pusta Dana Liana - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal genetics 4.18. Assist. Prof. Dr. Scurtu Iuliu - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal internal diseases 4.19. Dr. Szakacs Andrei - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal nutrition 4.20. Dr. Balaci Iulia - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal reproductive P a g e |141 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.1. Research Center - Veterinary Biotechnologies biotechnologies 4.21. Dr. Berce Cristian - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal reproductive biotechnologies 4.22. Dr. Borzan Mihai - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal reproductive biotechnologies 4.23. Dr. Catana Laura - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal reproductive biotechnologies 4.24. Dr. Ilea Cristina - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal reproductive biotechnologies 4.25. Dr. Matei Sorana - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal reproductive biotechnologies 4.26. Dr. Pall Emoke - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal reproductive biotechnologies 4.27. Dr. Parlapan Laura - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal reproductive biotechnologies 4.28. Dr. Petrean Anamaria - member of research Center, expertise in the field of animal reproductive biotechnologies 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Characterization by flow cytometry of different heterogeneous cell populations, with regard to surface markers expressed (blood, bone marrow, organs and tissues, cell cultures), immunophenotyping of different cell populations by flow cytometry; counting different cell populations. 5.2. PCR analysis: Genomic DNA isolation, amplification of DNA, agarose gel electrophoresis and visualization of the amplified DNA bands, optimization techniques for the polymerase chain reaction, extraction of DNA from the gel and preparation of samples for sequencing, RNA isolation, complementary DNA biosynthesis, RT-PCR analysis, ELISA. 5.3. Milk analysis: Determination of the biochemical composition of milk (fat, protein, carbohydrates, dry, free fatty acids, sterols), determination of the freezing point, identification of added water, pH value, changes in pH). Determination of somatic cells in milk. Determination of electrical conductivity changes of milk. 5.4. Blood Analysis: Hormone level, blood biochemistry (liver enzymes, amylase, urea nitrogen, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, total protein, albumin, globulin, glucose, creatinine, total bilirubin, cholesterol, bile acids, thyroxin, and total carbon dioxide). 5.5. Tissue analysis: hormonal dosage, biochemical analysis. 5.6. Performing macroscopic and microscopic examination of semen. 5.7. Dilution and semen preservation by refrigeration and freezing. Semen storing. 5.8. Harvesting of oocytes from ovaries from slaughtered animals or through ultrasound guided puncture. Morphological assessment of oocytes. Growing oocytes for maturation. Preparation of semen for in vitro fertilization - sperm capacitation. Induction of in vitro fertilization. Growing embryos resulting from in vitro fertilization. Morphological assessment of the degree of embryonic development after in vitro fertilization. Cryopreservation of embryos derived by in vivo or in vitro fertilization. Sexing embryos. Embryo transfer from donor animals. 5.9. Initiation of murine embryonic and adult stem cell lines. Immunohistochemical characterization of P a g e |142 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.1. Research Center - Veterinary Biotechnologies stem cell lines. Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells, their characterization and differentiation. Characterization of differentiated cells. Isolation and maintenance of different cell cultures. Embryo harvesting, cultivation and use in order to obtain embryonic stem cells. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 5.1 2008 1. FACS Canto II flow cytometer 2. PCR thermocycler 5.2, 5.8 2008 3. Electrophoresis line 5.2, 5.8 2008 4. ELISA reader 5.2 2009 5. Fluorescence microscope 5.8, 5.6, 5.3, 5.4 2009 6. Vortex 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 2008 7. Sterile hood 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 2009 8. Ultrapure water device 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 2009 9. Vertical Autoclave 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 2009 10. Dishwasher 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 2009 11. Gas chromatograph 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 2008 12. EKOMILK 5.3 2008 13. SOMATIC CELL COUNTER 5.3 2008 14. WAIKATO mastitis indicator 5.3 2008 15. VetScan VS2 5.4 2008 16. Laboratory centrifuge with evaporator 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 2008 17. Refrigerator 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 2008 18. Microscope 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 2008 19. SpermaCue device 5.6, 5.7 2007 P a g e |143 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.1. Research Center - Veterinary Biotechnologies 20. Semiautomatic straw filler 5.6, 5.7 2007 21. Semen straw printer 5.6, 5.7 2007 22. Laboratory centrifuge 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 2007 23. Water bath 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 2009 24. Cryopreservation device 5.6, 5.7 2009 25. Liquid nitrogen containers 5.7 2007 26. Stationary ultrasound scanner 5.8 2009 27. Sterile hood 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 2008 28. Microscope 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 2008 29. Micromanipulator 5.8 2008 30. Incubator with CO2 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 2009 31. pH meter 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 2007 32. Inverted microscope wit video caption 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 2007 33. Refrigerator with freezer 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 2007 34. Stereomicroscope 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 2007 35. Micro-centrifuge 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 2008 36. Analytical scale 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 2008 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme Director/Project responsible Period 1. The stem cell: its implication in regeneration and tissue healing processes; CEEX 2/2008 Prof. Dr.Ioan Groza 2005-2008 2. The animal steroids and their implication on genital Prof. Dr. Ioan 2006-2008 P a g e |144 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.1. Research Center - Veterinary Biotechnologies tumors in humans; CEEX 103/2006 3. The bone-inductive potential of stag horns that can be used for bone regeneration; CEEX 73/2006 4. Screening, prophylaxis and correction of genito-urinary malformations in children in the age of minimally invasive therapeutic techniques (laparoscopy, endoscopy); CEEX 154/2006 5. Groza Prof. Dr. Ioan Groza 2006-2008 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Simona Ciupe 2006-2008 Modernization and extension of the germoplasm laboratory; PN2, Capacities, Module 1, no. 107/cp/I/14092007 Prof. Dr. Ioan Groza 2007-2009 6. The autolog transplantation of neural tissue from the olfactive mucosa and stem cells for the treatment of spinal injuries in dog; PN2, Partnerships, no. 62085/01.10.2008 Prof. Dr. Ioan Groza 2008-2011 7. The evaluation of the combined therapeutic effect of calpain inhibitors and trophic vascular factors in spinal injuries; PN2, Partnerships, no. 42109/01.10.2008 Prof. Dr. Ioan Groza 2008-2011 8. The prophylaxis of the colo-rectal cancer by generating, testing and modulation of undifferentiated stem cell vaccines; PN2, Partnerships, no. 42111/01.10.2008 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Simona Ciupe 2008-2011 9. Implementation of modern bovine embryo and fetal sexing methods; RU-PD, code CNCSIS 298 Assist. Prof. Dr. Cenariu Mihai 2010-2012 10. In vitro modulation of cardiac differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells; RU-PD; code CNCSIS 299 Dr. Pall Emoke 2010-2012 11. Influence of natural and synthetic hormone administration on the gametogene function in males; RUPD, code CNCSIS 258 Assist. Prof. Dr. Pop Raul 2010-2012 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 289 8.2. Technologies - 14 8.3. Completed PhD theses - 16 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. IMMUNE ONTOGENY AND ENGRAFTMENT RECEPTIVITY IN THE SHEEP FETUS, Jessica L. SkopalChase, Pixley J.S., Torabi A., Cenariu M.C., Bhat A., Thain D.S., Frederick N.M., Daria M. Groza, Zanjani E.D., 2009, FETAL DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY, Volume: 25, Issue: 1, Pages: 102-110. 9.2. THERAPEUTIC AND IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECT OF TWO COMPLEX HOMEOPATHIC PRODUCTS USED AGAINST CHRONIC ENDOMETRITIS IN SIMMENTAL COWS, Bogdan L., I. Groza, Sanda Andrei, Adela Pintea, Simona Ciupe, M. Cenariu, Ileana Bogdan, I. Pașca, Sidonia Bogdan, Anamaria Petrean, A. Macri, 2009, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 7, Issue: 2, Pages: 243-246. 9.3. THERAPEUTIC AND IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECTS OF TWO NATURAL PRODUCTS ON THE P a g e |145 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.1. Research Center - Veterinary Biotechnologies PUERPERAL ENDOMETRITIS OF DAIRY COWS, Bogdan L., I. Groza, I. Morar, Simona Ciupe, M. Cenariu, Ileana Bogdan, Sidonia Bogdan, Anamaria Petrean, A. David, 2009, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 7, Issue: 2, Pages: 189-192. 9.4. THE IMPORTANCE OF PROBIOTICS ADMINISTRATION TO SUCKING PIGS, Paşca I, L. Al. Mărghitaş, I. Groza, Dana Pusta, R. Morar, T. Oroian, A. Cîmpean, L. Bogdan, I. Morar, D. Dezmirean, M. Cenariu, Ileana Bogdan, Sidonia Bogdan, R. Oroian, 2009, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 7, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 485-491. 9.5. FLOW CYTOMETRICAL IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF HUMAN CORD BLOOD DERIVED HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELLS ENGRAFTED IN SHEEP BONE MARROW FOLLOWING IN UTERO TRANSPLANTATION, Groza I., M. Cenariu, Daria Groza, Emoke Pall, C. Peștean, 2009, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 14, Issue: 6, Pages: 4798-4803. 9.6. IN VIVO GENERATION OF BETA-CELL-LIKE CELLS FROM CD34(+) CELLS DIFFERENTIATED FROM HUMAN EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS, Goodrich A.D., Ersek A., Varain N.M., Groza D., Cenariu M., Thain D.S., Almeida-Porada G., Porada C.D., Zanjani E.D., 2010, EXPERIMENTAL HEMATOLOGY, Volume: 38, Issue: 6, Pages: 516-525. 9.7. SEXING OF BOVINE EMBRYOS USING POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR) AND FLUORESCENT IN SITU HYBRIDIZATION (FISH), Cenariu Mihai, Ioan Groza, Pall Emoke, Liviu Bogdan, Iancu Morar, Simona Ciupe, Raul Pop, 2011, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 16, Issue: 2, Pages: 6055-6061. 9.8. IN VITRO DIFFERENTIATION OF MOUSE EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS INTO CARDIAC CELLS, Pall Emoke, Lichner Zsuzsanna, Gocza Elen, Groza I., Cenariu M., Olga Soritau, Tomuleasa C., 2011, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS Volume: 16 Issue: 3 Pages: 6170-6180. 9.9. ESTABLISHMENT OF AN EMBRYONIC STEM CELL LINE FROM BLASTOCYST STAGE MOUSE EMBRYOS, Pall Emoke, Groza I., Cenariu M., Olga Soritau, Gocza Elen, Tomuleasa C., 2011, ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY, Volume: 52, Issue: 3, Supplement: S, Pages: 1005-1010. 9.10. EVALUATION OF BOVINE EMBRYO BIOPSY TECHNIQUES ACCORDING TO THEIR ABILITY TO PRESERVE EMBRYO VIABILITY, Cenariu M., Pall E., Cernea C., Groza I., 2012, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICINE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, Article Number: 541384. 9.11. THE ROLE OF BMP-2 IN MOUSE EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS DIFFERENTIATION, Pall E., Cenariu M., Groza I.S., 2012, REVISTA ROMANA DE MEDICINA DE LABORATOR, Volume: 20, Issue: 1, Pages: 39-44. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Prof. Dr. Groza Ioan: - Member of Romanian Academy. - Member of ASAS. - Director of Cluj Veterinary Journal. - Member in the editorial board of Bulletin USAMV CN. - Member of the editorial board of Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Spiru Haret University. - Member of the editorial board of Revista Română de Medicină Veterinară. - Multiple participations in national and international conferences. P a g e |146 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.1. Research Center - Veterinary Biotechnologies - Assist. Prof. Dr. Beteg Florin; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bogdan Marian Liviu; Assist. Prof. Dr. Campean Adrian; Assist. Prof. Dr. Cenariu Mihai Cosmin; Assist. Prof. Dr. Ciupe Maria Simona; Assist. Prof. Dr. Cristescu Mihai; Prof. Dr. Giurgiu Gavril; Assist. Prof. Dr. Macri Adrian ; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Morar Iancu Adrian ; Prof. Dr. Muste Aurel; Assist. Prof. Dr. Neagu Daniela; Prof. Dr. Ognean Laurent; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pasca Ioan; Assist. Prof. Dr. Pop Alexandru Raul; Dr. Popovici Cristian; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pusta Dana Liana; Assist. Prof. Dr. Scurtu Iuliu; Dr. Szakacs Andrei ; Dr. Balaci Iulia; Dr. Berce Cristian; Dr. Borzan Mihai; Dr. Catana Laura; Dr. Ilea Cristina; Dr. Matei Sorana; Dr. Parlapan Laura; Dr. Petrean Anamaria; Dr. Ilea Cristina; Dr. Matei Sorana - multiple participations in national and international conferences. 10.2. Assist. Prof. Dr. Cenariu Mihai Cosmin: - External member of Hungarian Academy. - Editorial board member of Cluj Veterinary Journal. 10.3. Assist. Prof. Dr. Ciupe Maria Simona - editorial board member of Cluj Veterinary Journal. 10.4. Dr. Pall Emoke - external member of the Hungarian Academy. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Performing molecular analysis and flow cytometry (DNA, RNA, cell surface markers). 11.2. Performing complex analysis on milk (biochemistry milk somatic cell count, detect subclinical mastitis), blood (blood biochemistry, hormone dosage) and tissues. 11.3. Performing complex analysis on semen, semen cryopreservation. 11.4. Performing in vitro fertilization of oocytes from different species of domestic animals, embryo sexing and transfer to recipient females. 11.5. Isolation, characterization, cultivation and differentiation of embryonic and adult stem cells. P a g e |147 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.2. Experimental and comparative pathology C.4.2. Experimental and comparative pathology 1. Contact data The name of the research center Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Experimental and comparative pathology PATCOMEX Prof. dr. Cornel Cătoi Veterinary Medicine +40 264 596 384 +40 264 593 792 2. Objectives 2.1. Active engagement of groups of Romanian specialists in international organizations and consortia of training and research. 2.2. Contribution to the increase of the quality of research and the exploitation of research results of all specialists from home and abroad in the field of comparative and experimental pathology. 2.3. Contribution to the academic training of students, PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and postgraduate training. 2.4. Increase of the international visibility of Romanian research in the field. 2.5. Setting professional standards in the field. 2.6. Blood analyzes on request of the clients. 2.7. Making a clear backup of the cases on the basis of laboratory data. 2.8. Biochemical analyzes of urine. 2.9. Serum biochemical analyzes. 2.10. Design of experimental models for toxicity, oncology and comparative pathology studies. 2.11. Interpretation of clinical and anatomical data of comparative pathology and experimental studies. 2.12. Microbiological and Immunological diagnosis using high fidelity techniques. 2.13. Microbial sensitivity techniques approved by EUCAST and CLSI. 2.14. Testing of the antimicrobial effect of new antibiotics and other natural products with antimicrobial effect. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Comparative anatomy. 3.2. Cell biology. 3.3. Histology, embryology. 3.4. Haematology. 3.5. Serology. P a g e |148 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.2. Experimental and comparative pathology 3.6. Blood and urine biochemistry. 3.7. Anaesthesiology, surgical techniques and intensive therapy. 3.8. Veterinary toxicology. 3.9. Veterinary Pathology (Gross, Cytopatology, Histopathology, Imunofluorescence, Confocal microscopy, in situ hybridization). Imunohistochemistry, 3.10. Microbiology, Immunology, Epidemiology. 3.11. Forensic medicine. 3.12. Ultrasound. 3.13. Internal medicine. 3.14. Oncology. 3.15. Pharmacology. 3.16. Veterinary management. 3.17. Regenerative medicine. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Cornel Catoi – center coordinator - Comparative Pathology, oncology, regenerative medicine 4.2. Dr. Bouari Cosmina – center secretary – Microbiology 4.3. Prof. Dr. Ioan Marcus – Oncology, Haematology 4.4. Prof. Dr. Liviu Oană - Anaesthesiology, Surgical techniques and Veterinary intensive therapy 4.5. Prof. Dr. Viorel Miclăuș - Cell biology, Histology, Embryology 4.6. Prof. Dr. Alecsandru Ioan Baba – Comparative pathology, comparative oncology 4.7. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adrian Oros - Veterinary toxicology 4.8. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mircea Mircean – Internal diseases, ultrasound, endoscopy, EKG 4.9. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nicodim Fit – Microbiology, Immunology 4.10. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Răpuntean Sorin - Epidemiology 4.11. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihai Cernea – Pharmacology 4.12. Assist. Prof. Dr. Alexandru Gudea – Comparative anatomy, Veterinary forensic medicine 4.13. Assist. Prof. Dr. Bogdan Sevastre – Haematology, Oncology 4.14. Assist. Prof. Dr. Anca Chereji – Pharmacology 4.15. Assist. Prof. Dr. George Nadăs - Microbiology, Immunology 4.16. Assist. Prof. Dr. Chirilă Flore - Microbiology, Immunology 4.17. Assist. Prof. Dr. Gal Adrian – Comparative pathology and oncology, Veterinary forensic medicine 4.18. Assist. Prof. Dr. Ober Ciprian – Veterinary surgery 4.19. Assist. Prof. Dr. Pestean Cosmin – Anaesthesiology, intensive therapy 4.20. Assist. Dr. Bolfă Pompei - Comparative pathology and oncology 4.21. Assist. Dr. Taulescu Marian - Comparative pathology and oncology, Veterinary forensic medicine 4.22. Assist. Dr. Ioan Vasile Rus - Cell biology, Histology, Embryology P a g e |149 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.2. Experimental and comparative pathology 4.23. Researcher Tabaran Flaviu – Nanomedicine, Comparative pathology 4.24. Researcher Nagy Andras – Comparative pathology 4.25. PhD Students: Borza Gabriel - Comparative pathology; Fărcaş Laura - Comparative pathology, Neuropathology; Vidrighinescu Raluca – Comparative pathology; Irimie Alexandra - Comparative pathology; Sarpataki Orsolya – Clinical haematology; Bedecean Ioana - Clinical haematology, emergency therapy; Stefan Andrei - Clinical haematology, medical informatics; Manalachioaie Radu – urine analysis; Bel Lucia – Surgery, emergency therapy; Crecan Cristian - Surgery, emergency therapy; Daniela Oros - Surgery, emergency therapy Support Staff: 4.26. Eng. laborant Edith Bagameri - Pharmacology 4.27. Eng. Lab. Banyai Rozalia - Histopathology 4.28. Assist. Mihaly Csaba - necropsy 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Veterinary Medical Diagnostic - clinical and post-mortem. 5.2. Veterinary forensic medicine. 5.3. Consulting in veterinary management. 5.4. Determination of drug residues. 5.5. Testing in vivo antitumor effects of new molecules. 5.6. Testing in vivo effects of carbon nanotubes. 5.7. Tests for bacterial and parasitic chemoresistant. 5.8. Biocompatibility testing of prosthetic materials. 5.9. Study of prevalence and pathogenesis of tumoral disease. 5.10. Studies on neuroprotection and nerve regeneration. 5.11. Study of the etiopathogenesis and treatment of nutrition and metabolic diseases in humans and animals. 5.12. Study of the etiopathogenesis and treatment of chronic diseases (e.g. atherosclerosis, osteochondritis dissecans, myopathies, gastritis, liver cirrhosis). 5.13. Study of the effectiveness of new surgical models in regenerative medicine. 5.14. Testing antimicrobial, antitumoral and regenerative effects of different molecules / natural products - in vitro and in vivo. 5.15. Determination of metals in tissues (poisoning, forensic, research). 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment 1. Leica RM2135 Microtome 2. Leica CM 1850 Cryotome 3. Tissue Processor VIP 200 P a g e |150 Related activity Pathology, histopathology: Acquisition (year) 2002-2012 2002-2012 5.1 – 5.14 2002-2012 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.2. Experimental and comparative pathology 4. Automatic histological staining apparatus DRS 601 2002-2012 5. Leica Bond Max - automatic staining apparatus immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization 2002-2012 6. Paraffin embedding station GTE 3 2002-2012 7. Chemical hood 5008C 2002-2012 8. Sterile laminar flow hood Testel Bio II 2002-2012 9. CO2 incubator for cell cultures 2002-2012 10. Low Temperature Freezer Scientific 725 - 860C 2002-2012 11. Research Microscopes Olympus BX40, BX51 (bright field, dark contrast phase) 2002-2012 12. C. Zeiss fluorescence microscope 2002-2012 13. Automatic Olympus image analysis line 2002-2012 14. Eppendorf 5702 R Refrigerated Laboratory Centrifuge 2002-2012 15. ZEISS 710 confocal microscope 2002-2012 16. BINDER Incubator 2002-2012 17. Elix water purification system 2002-2012 18. Memmert Incubator 19. Olympus CX41 Optical Microscope IT Pathophysiology, Haematology: 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.85.14 2007-2012 2007-2012 20. Abacus Junior Vet Haematology Analyzer 21. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Semi-automatic Biochemistry Analyzer 2007-2012 22. Biohit Prouline Automatic pipettes with adjustable volume 2007-2012 23. Pipetus Pipettes 2007-2012 24. Magnetic stirrer 2007-2012 25. Vortex Mixer 2007-2012 26. CONSORT C532 type pH meter 2007-2012 27. Hettich Universal 320R Centrifuge table with cooling 2007-2012 28. Semi-automatic biochemistry analyzer 29. Tecan Elisa Line 30. Server with drug resistance analysis software 31. Kern model A analytical balance 2007-2010 32. Kern EMB model 200-2 analytical balance 2007-2010 33. Eko Pol oven - model SLN 53 2007-2010 34. Wiggenhauser Vortex shaker 2007-2010 P a g e |151 2007-2012 Pharmacology: 2007-2010 5.1- 5.4, 5.7, 5.11, 5.12, 5.14 2007-2010 2007-2010 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.2. Experimental and comparative pathology 35. Binocular Laboratory Microscope 2007-2010 36. Ergoval GDR Microscope 2007-2010 37. Stereomicroscope 2007-2010 38. Panasonic Digital Camera 2007-2010 39. MBL 2100 Binocular Microscope 2007-2010 40. Centrifuge 2007-2010 41. BA model 310 binocular microscope 2007-2010 42. ML 4M Microscope 2007-2010 43. Matrx VME 2 Midmark Small animal inhalation anaesthesia machines 44. Dräger Cato Small animal inhalation anaesthesia apparatus Surgical techniques, anaesthetics: 5.1, 5.2, 5.8, 5.10, 5.12-5.14 2005-2012 2005-2012 45. Matrx VML Inhalation Anaesthesia machine for large animals 46. Drager Infinity Delta Multiparameter 2005-2012 47. Braun infusion Fm 2005-2012 48. Weinman Oxygen Concentrator 2005-2012 49. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer Toxicology: 2005-2012 2010 5.1-5.15 50. Olympus CX22 microscopes 51. Glarex Zeiss Microscope Microbiology, Immunology: 5.1, 5.2, 5.7, 5.14 2000-2012 2000-2012 52. Incubator for aerobic bacteria I 53. Incubator - TS 5151, Type EN 025 2000-2012 54. Incubator with adjustment of the incubation temperature and aeration for fungi 2000-2012 55. Vertical laminar flow hood - Mini-V Telstar Spain 2000-2012 56. Class II bacteriological hood - 900 Excelsior biohazard Asalair Hood 2000-2012 57. Colonies counting device - Colony Counter BOECO CC-1 model 2000-2012 58. Hot Air Oven 2000-2012 59. Electric Autoclave 2000-2012 60. Digital Cameras - Epson PC 800 memory CADD 256, Olympus SP-500, 6 MP and optics for taking pictures of the microbial cultures. 2000-2012 61. AQUAPUR deionised water apparatus 2000-2012 62. Microplate Reader - Model Anthos 2010 ELISA Plus, ADAP 2000-2012 P a g e |152 2000-2012 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.2. Experimental and comparative pathology basic software 63. Power Gel Electrophoresis 2000-2012 64. Electronic interpretation of biochemical reactions kits for bacteria-API bioMérieux, France 2000-2012 65. TREK Diagnostic Systems - Electronic identification of microorganisms and antibiotic susceptibility determination 2000-2012 66. Ultrasound Logiq alpha 100 67. ECG AT1 vet 68. Pentax videoendoscopy 2004-2008 69. Screen Master Plus Biochemical analyzer 2004-2008 Internal diseases: 2004-2008 5.1 – 5.14 2004-2008 7. Representative research projects Director/Project responsible Period Obtaining and characterization of new targeted-nanodrugs with naphtoquinonic active substance (NANOQMED); PN2, Grant no. 61- 002/2007 Prof. Dr. I. Marcus 2007-2010 2. Promoting of an integrated approach regarding cellular pathology and tissue comparative research, for adjustment of the local thematic areas to the European standards; PATHCERO; CEEX, M3, Grant no. 105/2006 Prof. Dr. I. Marcus 2008-2011 3. Clinical and Laboratory Studies concerning the influence of some exogenous compounds (Deuterium Depleted Water) on the development of the experimental laboratoty cancer on laboratory animals; CNCSIS, No. 790 Prof. Dr. I. Marcus 2007-2010 4. Clinical and Laboratory Studies; CNCSIS, No. 55/2002 Prof. Dr. I. Marcus 2002 5. Influence of oxidative stress in increased tenascin synthesis and its significance in melanoma in dogs, identification of new phytotherapeutic opportunities; PN-II-ID-PCE, CNCSIS, No. 1106/2009 Dr. Bogdan Sevastre 2008-2009 6. Morphological, biochemical and genetic evaluation of Hypericum populations in Transylvania to identify and preserve highly productive bioforms and their sustainable use; CEEX; BIOTECH, No. 5/14.09.2007, Partner: Institute of Biological Research Cluj-Napoca Dr. Bogdan Sevastre 2010-2013 7. Evaluation of Genetic Resources of Peucedanum species (Fam. Apiaceae) in Transylvania to their sustainable use in phytotherapy; BIOTECH, No. 8/07.10.2005, Partner: Institute of Biological Research Cluj-Napoca Dr. Bogdan Sevastre 2007-2010 8. Implementation of biomathematic models for monitoring and prediction of chemoresistance of digestive strongyls and therapeutic alternatives without polluting component; PN2 Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihai Cernea 2007-2009 No. Project title and financing programme 1. P a g e |153 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.2. Experimental and comparative pathology 9. Anthelmintic resistance in equine Strongylidosis detection, control and evaluation of predictive indicators; UASMV CN - RU Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihai Cernea 2008-2011 10. The study of mammary tumors in the bitch and cat; PN2, CNCSIS 39 Assist. Prof. Dr. Gal Adrian Florin 2008-2011 11. Study of mammary tumours: vasculogenic mimicry in canine mammary tumours, tumour stem cells - a new hypothetical model of tumourigenesis, the implication of oxidative stress in chemical mammary carcinogenesis; PN2, RU, No. 185/2010 Assist. Prof. Dr. Gal Adrian Florin 2008-2011 12. Control of intimal hyperplasia by modulating local hemodynamics; CNCSIS, A, no. 40530/05.11.2003 Prof. Dr. Cornel Catoi 2008-2011 13. Investigations on cell therapy in vascular disease; CNCSIS, A, No. 1123 Prof. Dr. Cornel Catoi 2010-2012 14. Helicobacter pylori infection in humans and animals possibilities of transmission, implications for human and veterinary pathology, typing strains, antibiotic resistance testing; HELICOPAT, CEEX, Viasan, 185/2006 Prof. Dr. Cornel Catoi 2012-2015 15. Use of tissue and micro-array technologies in determining the molecular signature of epithelial ovarian tumours with low and high malignancy potential. Identification of candidate genes in borderline tumour angiogenesis; MTARRAY-SIGN, CEEX, Viasan, no. 147/2006 Prof. Dr. Cornel Catoi 2012-2015 16. Development through interdisciplinary research of new drug therapies designed to ensure neuroprotection in cerebral ischemia; NEUROPROTER, PN2, Partnerships, PC 41 - 072/2007 Prof. Dr. Cornel Catoi 2010-2012 17. Development of the research and expertise capacity of the veterinary forensics lab by technical and methodological upgrading, accreditation of the laboratory; MELVET, PCND – Capacities, Modul1/106 CP-1/2007 Prof. Dr. Cornel Catoi - Director 2012 18. Postlesional vascular remodelling in an animal model; CNCSIS, A Prof. Dr. Cornel Catoi 2010-2013 19. CHEMOPROTECT -Photochemoprotection in photoinduced cutaneous epithelial neoplasm by natural byproducts; PN II 42-104/01.10.2008 Prof. Dr. Cornel Catoi 2008-2011 20. HEMOSEP - Expert system for noninvasive prognosis of the evolution of chronic liver disease by the analysis of the biological parameters and portal hemodynamic evolution; PN II 12-131/01.10.2008 Prof. Dr. Cornel Catoi 2008-2011 21. NANOCITOX - Evaluation and modulation of biodistribution and citotoxicity of carbon nanotubes with bimolecular applications; PN II 42-112/01.10.2008 Prof. Dr. Cornel Catoi 2008-2011 22. Investigations on the role of inflammation and endothelial progenitor cells in neovascularization of the adipose tissue in obesity; CNCSIS, IDEI, No. 1484/2008 Prof. Dr. Cornel Catoi 2008-2010 P a g e |154 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.2. Experimental and comparative pathology 23. Postdoctoral bursary - Analgesia with intraspinal administered opioids in animals; POSDRU/89/1.5/S/62371 Assist. Prof. Dr. Cosmin Peștean 2010-2012 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - over 200 articles in BDI journals; 30 ISI articles 8.2. Patents - 2 - Anftalendionic loaden antiproliferative cytotoxic immunoconjugates ; Authors: Tamaian Radu, Marcus Ioan, Niculescu-Violeta Carolina, Sevastre Bogdan, Prodan Iulia Luciana - Naftalendionic derivative used to control tumour growth; Authors: Niculescu Violeta-Carolina, Tamaian Radu, Marcus Ioan, Prodan Iulia Luciana, Sevastre Bogdan - Diploma and Gold Medal, Brussels Eureka: The Belgian and International Trade Fair for Technological Innovation, Brussels, 17th November 2012 8.3. Services: - Clinical exam, diagnosis, treatment – over 2000 cases - Post mortem diagnosis –over 3000 cases - Microbiological analysis –over 1000 cases - Haematology, Serology, Toxicology – over 1500 cases - Drug testing – over 20 products - Forensic medicine –over 100 cases 8.4. Completed PhD theses - 15 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. EFFECTS OF ASTAXANTHIN SUPPLEMENTATION ON CHEMICALLY INDUCED TUMORIGENESIS IN WISTAR RATS, Gal Adrian F, Sanda Andrei, Cristina Cernea, Marian Taulescu, Cornel Catoi, 2012, ACTA VETERINARIA SCANDINAVICA, Volume: 54, Article Number: 50. 9.2. ASPECTS REGARDING INTRATUMOR ANGIOGENESIS AND VASCULOGENIC MIMICRY IN CANINE MAMMARY TUMORS, Gal Adrian F.; Baba Alecsandru I.; Miclaus Viorel; Titilincu Adriana; Cuc Cosmina; Taulescu Marian; Catoi Cornel, 2011, REVISTA ROMANA DE MEDICINA DE LABORATOR, Volume: 19, Issue: 3, Pages: 289-302. 9.3. THE FIRST DESCRIPTION OF A CONGENITAL RIGHT VENTRICULAR CARDIAC ANEURYSM IN A PIGEON (COLUMBA LIVIA DOMESTICA, CLUJ BLUE TUMBLER PIGEON), Gal A.F., F. Tabaran, M. Taulescu, C. Catoi, 2012, AVIAN DISEASES, Volume: 56, Issue: 4, Pages: 778-780. 9.4. THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN NSAIDS AND CANDIDA ALBICANS ON THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT OF GUINEA PIGS, Nadăş G.C., Taulescu M.A., Ciobanu L., Fiţ N.I., Flore C., Răpuntean S., Bouari C.M., Catoi C., 2013, MYCOPATHOLOGIA, Volume: 175, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 221-230. 9.5. EFFICACY OF SUBANTIMICROBIAL-DOSE DOXYCYCLINE AGAINST NITROSATIVE STRESS IN CHRONIC PERIODONTITIS, Pârvu A.E., Alb S.F., Crăciun A., Taulescu M.A., 2013, ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA, Volume: 34, Issue: 2, Pages: 247-254. 9.6. METASTATIC CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA IN A LLAMA (LAMA GLAMA), Taulescu M.A., Bolfa P.F., Buiga R., Gal A.F., Sevastre B., Morar I., Catoi C., 2012, JOURNAL OF VETERINARY DIAGNOSTIC INVESTIGATION, Volume: 24, Issue: 5, Pages: 986-989. P a g e |155 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.2. Experimental and comparative pathology 9.7. THE EFFECT OF CHRONIC TOXICITY OF PETHIDINE ON THE SPINAL CORD: AN EXPERIMENTAL MODEL IN RABBITS, Peștean Cosmin, Marian Taulescu, Ciprian Ober, Cornel Cătoi, Viorel Miclăuș, Liviu Oana, Constantin Bodolea, 2013, ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY, vol 54, 4. 9.8. HISTOLOGICAL EVIDENCE FOR INOCULATIVE ACTION OF IMMATURE LINGUATULA SERRATA IN LYMPH NODES OF INTERMEDIATE HOST, Miclauş V, Mihalca AD, Negrea O, Oana L., 2008, PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH, Volume: 102, Issue: 6, Pages: 1385-1387. 9.9. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON HISTOLOGICAL CHANGES IN THE SINUS MEMBRANE FOLLOWING SINUS LIFT, Onişor-Gligor F, Lucaciu O, Oana L, Gheban D, Florea A, 2011, ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY, Volume: 52, Issue: 4, Pages: 1293-1297. 9.10. SERUM CHANGES INDUCED BY INTRAMEDULLAR EXPERIMENTAL ADMINISTRATION OF BISPHOSPHONATES, Almăşan H., Băciuţ G., Băciuţ M., Almăşan O., Bran S., Oana L., 2011, ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY, Volume: 52, Supplement: 1, Pages: 435-442. 9.11. OXIDANT–ANTIOXIDANT IMBALANCE IN HORSES INFECTED WITH EQUINE INFECTIOUS ANAEMIA VIRUS, Bolfa Pompei Florin, Caroline Leroux, Adela Pintea, Sanda Andrei, Cornel Catoi, Marian Taulescu, Flaviu Tabaran, Marina Spinu, 2012, VETERINARY JOURNAL, Volume: 192, Issue: 3, Pages: 449-454. 9.12. CHEMOPREVENTIVE EFFECTS OF CALLUNA VULGARIS AND VITIS VINIFERA EXTRACTS ON UVBINDUCED SKIN DAMAGE IN SKH-1 HAIRLESS MICE, Filip A., Clichici S., Daicoviciu D., Catoi C., Bolfa P., Postescu I.D., Gal A., Baldea I., Gherman C., Muresan A., 2011, JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY, Volume: 62, Issue: 3, Pages: 385-392. 9.13. EVALUATION OF THE POSSIBLE ENDOCRINE DISRUPTIVE EFFECT OF BUTYLATED HYDROXYANISOLE, BUTYLATED HYDROXYTOLUENE AND PROPYL GALLATE IN IMMATURE FEMALE RATS, Pop Anca, Berce Cristian, Bolfa Pompei, Nagy Andras, Catoi Cornel, Dumitrescu IonBogdan, Silaghi-Dumitrescu Luminita, Loghin Felicia, 2013, FARMACIA, Volume: 61, Issue: 1, Pages: 202-211. 9.14. INHIBITION OF UVB-INDUCED SKIN PHOTOTOXICITY BY A GRAPE SEED EXTRACT AS MODULATOR OF NITROSATIVE STRESS, ERK/NF-KB SIGNALING PATHWAY AND APOPTOSIS, IN SKH-1 MICE, Filip Gabriela Adriana, Ion Dan Postescu, Pompei Bolfa, Cornel Catoi, Maria Perde-Schrepler, Adriana Muresan, Simona Clichici, 2013, FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY, Volume: 57, Pages: 296306. 9.15. HEPATIC AND SYSTEMIC EFFECTS OF ROSUVASTATIN ON AN EXPERIMENTAL MODEL OF BILE DUCT LIGATION IN RATS, Olteanu D., A. Nagy, M. Dudea, A. Filip, A. Muresan, C. Catoi, P.A. Mircea, S. Clichici, 2012, JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY, Volume: 63, Issue: 5, Pages: 483496. 9.16. THE EFFECTS OF CHITOSAN AND LOW DOSE DEXAMETHASONE ON EXTRAHEPATIC CHOLESTASIS AFTER BILE DUCT LIGATION IN WISTAR RATS, Olteanu D., A. Filip, A. Mureşan, A. Nagy, F. Tabaran, R. Moldovan, N. Decea, C. Catoi, S. Clichici, 2012, ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA HUNGARICA, Volume: 99, Issue: 1, Pages: 61-73. 9.17. NON-INVASIVE OXIDATIVE STRESS MARKERS FOR LIVER FIBROSIS DEVELOPMENT IN THE EVOLUTION OF TOXIC HEPATITIS, Clichici S.; Catoi C.; Mocan T.; Filip A.; Login C.; Nagy A.; Daicoviciu D.; Decea N.; Gherman C.; Moldovan R.; Muresan A., 2011, ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA HUNGARICA, Volume: 98, Issue: 2, Pages: 195-204. 9.18. SHORT-TERM SPLENIC IMPACT OF SINGLE-STRAND DNA FUNCTIONALIZED MULTI-WALLED CARBON NANOTUBES INTRAPERITONEALLY INJECTED IN RATS, Clichici Simona, Alexandru Radu P a g e |156 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.2. Experimental and comparative pathology Biris, Cornel Catoi, Adriana Filip, Flaviu Tabaran, 2013, JOURNAL OF APPLIED TOXICOLOGY, Epub ahead of print. 9.19. ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECT OF ESSENTIAL VEGETAL EXTRACTS ON STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS COMPARED TO ANTIBIOTICS, Fiţ Iosif Nicodim, Gheorghe Răpuntean, Sorin Răpuntean, Flore Chirilă, George Cosmin Nadăş, 2009, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 37, Issue: 2, Pages: 117-123. 9.20. MORPHOLOGICAL AND CULTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF SOME STRAINS OF UNICELLULAR ALGAE OF THE GENUS PROTOTHECA SAMPLED FROM MASTITIC COW MILK, Răpuntean Sorin, Gheorghe Răpuntean , Nicodim Fiţ , Cosmina Cuc, George Nadăş, 2009, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 37, Issue: 1, Pages: 31-40. 9.21. RESEARCHES REGARDING IN VITRO ANTIMICROBIAL EFFECT OF SOME TYPES OF HONEY FROM TRANSYLVANIA ON STAPHYLOCOCCI ISOLATED FROM ANIMALS AND HUMANS, Fiţ N., F. Chirilă, G. Nadăş, C. Bouari, S.L. Pantrea, E. Pall, B. Pompei, 2011, PLANTA MEDICA, Volume: 77, Issue: 12, Pages: 1457-1458. 9.22. THE EFFECT OF DISTRACTION RATE ON BONE HISTOLOGICAL AND HISTOMORPHOMETRICAL PROPERTIES IN AN OVINE MANDIBLE MODEL, Dinu C., W. Kretschmer, M Băciuţ, H. Rotaru, Sorana Bolboacă, D. Gheban, A. Muste, C. Cătoi, C. Peştean, G. Băciuţ, 2011, ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY, Volume: 52, Issue: 3, Pages: 819-825. 9.23. DYNAMIC EFFECTS OVER PLASMA REDOX BALLANCE FOLLOWING SUBCUTANEOUS INJECTION OF SINGLE WALLED CARBON NANOTUBES FUNCTIONALIZED WITH SINGLE STRAND DNA, Mocan T., S. Clichici, AR. Biris, S. Simon, C. Catoi, F. Tabaran, A. Filip, D. Daicoviciu, N. Decea, R. Moldovan, L. Mocan, A. Muresan, 2011, DIGEST JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS AND BIOSTRUCTURES, Volume: 6, Issue: 3, Pages: 1207-1214. 9.24. HISTOMORPHOMETRIC, FRACTAL AND LACUNARITY COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SHEEP (OVIS ARIES), GOAT (CAPRA HIRCUS) AND ROE DEER (CAPREOLLUS CAPREOLLUS) COMPACT BONE SAMPLES, Gudea A., A.C. Ștefan, 2013, FOLIA MORPHOLOGICA, Vol 72, No 3, pp. 239-248. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Participation in scientific conferences: - Equine Parasite Drug Resistance - International Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, on August 1, 2008. - Congresso Nacional de Doencas Infecciosas e Microbiologia Clinica, SIDA e Parasitologia- XII Congresso Portugues de Parasitologia, 8-11 Octobre 2008, Vilamoura, Portugal. - IV Congresso Ciências Veterinárias I Congresso Ibérico de Epidemiologia INRB, INIA Fonte Boa, 27-29 November 2008. - Symposium organized by the Equine Veterinary Association of Romania, USAMV Cluj-Napoca, 29 September 2011. - EMOP XI – European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 25-29 July 2012. - XVI Congresso Português de Parasitologia Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria Lisbao, Portugal, 29 e 30 de Novembro de 2012. - The Third Symposium of Etnopharmarmacology, July 19-22, 2008, Braşov, Romania. - 3rd National Conference of the Romanian Society of Pathophysiology "Classic and Modern conventional and unconventional exploration in Pathology”, 15-17 October, 2009, Oradea. P a g e |157 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.2. Experimental and comparative pathology - The Second National Conference on gemotherapy, 20 – 21 May, 2011, Cluj. - International Conference of Animal Pathophysiology, 25-26 May, 2011, Saint Petersburg, Russia. - The fourth Symposium of Etnopharmarmacology, 21-24 June, 2011, Braşov, Romania. - EMOP European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, 25-29 July, 2012, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. - Conference and Advanced Translational Research Workshop, “Chronic Dieses – From Pathogenesis to Therapy” 25-27 October, 2012, Timisoara, Romania. - European Society of Veterinary Pathology annual meetings (2004-2012). - First International Conference of Comparative Medicine (October 18-20, Romanian Academy Aula, Bucharest, 2012). - 7th Central European gastroenterology Meeting CEURGEM (Cluj-Napoca, 27-29 Sep, 2012). - Annual participation in the international symposium of Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca (2007-2012) entitled “PROSPECTS FOR THE 3rd MILLENNIUM AGRICULTURE”. - 59th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (4-9 September, 2011, Antalya-Turkey). - Annual International Symposium of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology (SRBC), Cluj-Napoca – years 2010, 2011, 2012. - Symposium of the Institute for Diagnosis and Animal Health Bucharest (“Al VI-lea Simpozion Aniversar al IDSA Bucuresti”), 11-12 October, 2012. - International Symposium on Veterinary Medicine, USAMV Iași, 2010 and 2011. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Drug testing. P a g e |158 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses 1. Contact data The name of the research center Acronym Logo Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses Zooparazlab Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Prof. Dr. Cozma Vasile Veterinary Medicine +40 264 596 384, ext. 165 +40 264-593 792 2. Objectives 2.1. Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases: - Conducting and coordinating research activity into the surveillance, diagnosis and control of zoonoses; - Human resource training (Master’s degree, PhD, postdoctoral studies); - Developing institutional partnerships at regional, national and international level; - Providing consultancy and technology transfer; - Monitoring of zoonoses; - Organizing symposiums, conferences, national and international congresses; - Editing of Scientia Parasitologica journal; - Testing of drug efficacy in animals (antiparasitic, chemotherapy and antibiotics); - Determination of drug residues from animal products and subproducts; - Assessing of drug influence on the intestinal microflora. 2.2. Infectious Diseases and Preventive Medicine: - Development of new diagnostic techniques; - Monitoring of effects of various diseases on host organisms; - Selection of new therapy products; - Increasing research skills of young teachers, researchers and students; - Valorisation of results through scientific papers; - Compliance with research ethics and European experimental bioethics. 2.3. Food Hygiene and Public Health: - Developing of research infrastructure in the field of food safety and security, prioritary research domain established through RDI national strategy to provide “controlled food chain” in the relationship between consumer protection and food safety; - Increasing the use of existing research infrastructures; - Development of informational infrastructures and scientific documentation; P a g e |159 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses - Finalizing development strategy and directing innovative laboratory research activities of the department of livestock production and food safety; - Obtaining funding and requesting offers for purchased equipment and selection of those proper for research needs; - Developing the knowledge base associated to analysis methods, food-induced prevention; - Development of highly-skilled human resources. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Parazitology and Parasitic Diseases. 3.2. Infectious Diseases and Preventive Medicine. 3.3. Microbiological exams for the purpose of diagnostic and establishing adequate therapy. 3.4. Immunological exams for the diagnostic and characterization of immunophysiological/ immunopathological prophile. 3.5. Consulting in the management of episodes of disease due to microbial agents. 3.6. Microbiology. 3.7. Food Hygiene and Public Health. 3.8. Pharmacology and Pharmacy. 3.9. Testing of veterinary products and preparing the registration file (preclinical and clinical studies, tolerance, efficacy and resistance). 3.10. Testing for drug resistance to chemotherapics and antibiotics. 3.11. Determination of drug residue in food products of animal origin. 3.12. Phytotherapy. 3.13. Veterinary Management Consulting. 3.14. Physiology. 4. Research team Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases 4.1. Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma – Director 4.2. Prof. Dr. H.C. Eronim Şuteu 4.3. Prof. Dr. Călin Gherman - Trichinelosis 4.4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Viorica Mircean - Dermatology 4.5. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrei Mihalca – Vector-borne diseases 4.6. Assist. Prof. Dr. Cristian Magdaş - Mycology 4.7. Assist. Dr. Adriana Györke - Protozoology 4.8. Assist. Prof. Dr. Cristina Laura Ştefănuţ - Physiology 4.9. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihai Cernea - Pharmacology and Pharmacy 4.10. Dr. Anamaria Paştiu - Protozoology P a g e |160 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses 4.11. Dr. Diana Onac - Tapeworm diseases 4.12. Dr. Mirabela Dumitrache – Vector-borne diseases 4.13. PhD Students: Anamaria Balea – Protozoology; Zsuzsa Kalmar – Molecular biology; Daniel Marcutan – Vector-borne diseases; Gianluca d’Amico – Vector-borne diseases. Infectious Diseases and Preventive Medicine 4.14. Prof. Dr. Marina Spinu 4.15. Prof. Dr. Constantin Vasiu 4.16. Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Brudaşcă 4.17. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dana Şandru 4.18. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihaela Niculae Microbiology 4.19. Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Răpuntean 4.20. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nicodim Fiţ 4.21. Assist. Prof. Dr. Flore Chirilă 4.22. Assist. Prof. Dr. George Nadăş Food Hygiene and Public Health 4.23. Prof. Dr. Marian Mihaiu 4.24. Assist. Prof. Dr. Sorin Dan 4.25. Dr. Alexandra Lăpuşan 4.26. Dr. Carmen Jecan 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Scientific research activities – related to the research projects in progress: 1. Studies of eco-epidemiology, biology and molecular genetics of the Lyme disease vectors. 2. Genetic variation of some key zoonotic pathogens: Borrelia spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Sarcocystis spp. Echinococcus spp. and Trichinella spp. 3. Molecular identification of Trichinella species circulating in Romania. 4. Molecular epidemiology of echinococcosis / hydatidosis in humans and animals. 5. Screening of Toxoplasma gondii infection in some animal species and in humans. 6. Assessment of chemoresistance of parasites. 7. Antibioresitance tests. 8. Determination of drug residue in animals. 9. Consulting services in antihelminthic medication. 10. Consulting in veterinary management. 11. Blood tests. 12. Bacterioscopical exam: special staining for bacteria, digital processing of microscope images. P a g e |161 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses 13. Bacteriological exam: inoculation on special culture media for potentially pathogenic aerobic and anerobic bacteria, inoculation on special selective and/or differentiation media, biochemical tests on API systems, complete antibiograms. 14. Serological exams, serotyping for E. coli and Salmonella spp., hemagglutination inhibition reaction in Newcastle’s disease, CBC, tests for identifying and quantifying nonspecific and specific immune effectors, special exams/tests with high sensitivity and specificity: immunfluorescence (IF), estimation of functional capacity of nonspecific cellular effectors – phagocytosis activity, investigation of functional level of specific cellular effectors (blastic transformation test, inhibition of leucocyte migration reaction, in vivo hypersensitivity tests), PCR and RT-PCR - molecular identifying and genotyping of some microorganisms. 15. Conducting a complex of investigations in case of an infectious disease, to establish: sources of infection, focus extention, infected species, degree of zoonotic risk, diagnostics in farm animal raising units, diagnostics in infectious diseases of pets. 16. Dry matter and water content analysis: gravimetric analysis. 17. pH analysis and electrical conductivity: electronics. 18. Chemical analysis of food: proteins, fats, raw ashes, non-nitrogenic extractive substances, gravimetry, volumetry, extraction, hydrolysis, distillation. 19. Determination of freshness (acidity) of food products: volumetric analysis. 20. Determination of chloride: volumetric analysis. 21. Identifying and determining microbial contaminants from food through classical methods (selective culture media and API kits) and automated modern ones (PCR). 22. Determining of the total number of somatic cells and the total number of germs from milk: through classical and automated methods. 23. Screening of Trichinella spiralis larvae in meat: artificial digestion (reference method). 24. Identifying the origin of food products through molecular methods. 5.2. ERASMUS-MUNDUS master program – in order to train PhD students in international laboratories. 5.3. Symposiums, conferences, round tables - organized to present the results obtained by members of the Research Center. 5.4. Journal Club – weekly meeting to present the results obtained and the knowledge of topics of interest. 5.5. Scientific circles – prospective PhD students training and presentation of results obtained by those for the completion of their degree and dissertation. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases 1. BioRad ELISA line Imunology: 2008 - 2013 5.1.1., 5.1.2., 5.1.3, 5.1.4., 5.1.5. 2. Olympus BX61 microscope P a g e |162 Microscopic 2008 - 2013 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses 3. Olympus DP72 digital camera 4. Olympus SZX16 stereomicroscope 5. Olympus BX41 - microscope dark light 2008 - 2013 6. Desktop computers 2008 - 2013 7. Olympus SZ60 - stereomicroscope 2008 - 2013 8. Video digital camera XC30 Olympus 2008 - 2013 9. Software Cell-F 2008 - 2013 10. Olympus SZ 53 2008 - 2013 11. Olympus SZ 51 2008 - 2013 12. Molecular biology module (Conventional PCR Bioneer System, MyGenie 96 Gradient Thermal Block, RT (real time) System –PCR Bioneer, Exicycler 96, Environmental Shaker Incubator ES-20/60 BioSan) 13. Spectrophotometry module (ECM 830 Electro Square Porator –BTX Harvard device, Picodrop Spectrophotometer model PICOPET01) 14. Bio Rad electrophoresis imaging: 5.1.1., 5.1.2., 5.1.3, 5.1.4., 5.1.5. DNA extraction, DNA amplification: 2008 - 2013 2008 - 2013 2008 - 2013 5.1.1., 5.1.2., 5.1.3, 5.1.4., 5.1.5. Cell electroporation, determination of proteine/DNA concentration: 2008 - 2013 2008 - 2013 5.1.1., 5.1.2., 5.1.3, 5.1.4., 5.1.5. 15. iPrep Invitrogen microarray scanner Extraction of nucleic acids and proteins 2008 - 2013 16. Bio-analyzer and IPGphor GE Healthcare Perform electrophoresis, staining, blotting by SDS-PAGE, native-PAGE, 2DPAGE, IEF and DNA electrophoresis 2008 - 2013 17. ADN/ARN Hybridization oven Agilent Technologies, model G2545A. Incubator for hybridization DNA/RNA 2008 - 2013 18. Autolab Toyota Hylux Field trips to collect samples: 2008 - 2013 5.1.1., 5.1.2., 5.1.3, 5.1.4., 5.1.5. 19. Autolab Volkswagen Amarok Field trips to collect samples: 2008 - 2013 5.1.1., 5.1.2., 5.1.3, 5.1.4., 5.1.5. P a g e |163 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses 20. Tranquilizer gun Tranquilization of wild animals for ectoparasites and blood collection: 2008 - 2013 5.1.1., 5.1.2., 5.1.3, 5.1.4., 5.1.5. 21. Semi-automatic biochemistry analyzer 22. TecanELISA line 23. Server software for the analysis of drug resistance 24. Kern balance model A 25. Kern balance model EMB 200-2 26. Incubator Pol Eko – model SLN 53 27. Vortex Wiggenhauser 28. Microscope 29. Microscope Ergoval RDG 30. Stereomicroscope 31. Panasonic Digital Camera 32. Microscope MBL 2100 33. Centrifuge 34. Microscope BA 310 35. Microscope ML 4M Tests of parasites chemoresistant 2007-2010 Tests for antibiotic resistance Determination of drug residues in animals Infectious Diseases and Preventive Medicine 1. Pure air enclosure 2. Hood 3. Vortex mixer 4. Multiple vortex 5. Water bath 6. Centrifuge 7. Refrigerated centrifuge 8. Zeiss Microscope 9. UV lamp 10. Automatic pipettes 200-1000 microliter 11. Automatic pipettes 2-20 microliter 12. Ultrafreezer 13. Printer P a g e |164 Immunoassay: 2008 - 2013 5.2 2008 - 2013 Serology: 2008 - 2013 5.2 2008 - 2013 2008 - 2013 5.1., 5.2. 2008 - 2013 2008 - 2013 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 2008 - 2013 2008 - 2013 Immunoassay, serology, microbiology 2008 - 2013 Keeping samples at -°80C 2008 - 2013 2008 - 2013 2008 - 2013 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses 14. RT-PCR 15. Sterile air enclosure 16. Hood DNA amplification 2008 - 2013 Immunoassay, serology, microbiology: 2008 - 2013 2008 - 2013 5.1, 5.2 17. CO2 incubator Microbiology: 2008 - 2013 18. Incubator 5.1 2008 - 2013 19. Laboratory autoclave Sterilization 2008 - 2013 20. CO2Incubator Microbiology: 2008 - 2013 21. Incubator 5.1 2008 - 2013 22. PCR termocycler 5.1 2008 - 2013 23. Electrophoresis 24. Zeiss Microscope 25. Refrigerator 26. ELISA line 27. Microwave 2008 - 2013 5.1, 5.2 2008 - 2013 2008 - 2013 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 2008 - 2013 5.1, 5.2 2008 - 2013 Microbiology 1. Deionized water system 2008 - 2013 2. Water distilling system 2008 - 2013 3. Electric vertical autoclave 2008 - 2013 4. Horizontal electrophoresis 2008 - 2013 5. Ultrasonicator 2008 - 2013 6. Thermostatic baths - between 3-6 litters capacity, temperature control, thermostat for 120 minutes 2008 - 2013 7. Balance, Centrifuge 2008 - 2013 8. Hot air incubator 2008 - 2013 9. Microwave incubator - 20 litters capacity with digital control power (100-1000W) and working time 2008 - 2013 10. Vertical laminar flow hood - 99.99% Hepa filters, gas burner, adjustable flow, gas lamp, UV lamp 2008 - 2013 11. Binocular loupe 2008 - 2013 12. Laboratory Glassware Washer - 6 wash programs and prewash 2008 - 2013 13. Microscope MC5 - dark light, phase contrast and UV 2008 - 2013 14. UV microscope and photography 2008 - 2013 15. Thermostats 2008 - 2013 16. Optic microscopes 2008 - 2013 P a g e |165 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses Food Hygiene and Public Health 1. Kjelahl Installation 5.1.17. 2009 2. Soxhlet Installation 5.1.17. 2009 3. Calcinatory 5.1.17. 2001 4. C 532 electronic pH meter with temperature sensor 5.1.16., 5.1.18. 2008 5. Electronic Conductivity Hanna 5.1.16. 2009 6. Electric autoclave 5.1.20. 2011 7. Electronic balance 5.1.20. 2010 8. Thermostat and incubator Memmert 5.1.15, 5.1.20 2010 9. Bioflux, Class II Hood 5.1.20 2010 10. Stomacher 400 homogenizer 5.1.20 2010 11. Olympus microscope with digital camera 5.1.20. 2010 12. Eppendorf Minispin PLUS – PCR centrifuge 5.1.20., 5.1.23. 2011 13. Vortex 5.1.20, 5.1.23. 2010 14. Water bath AISI-310 5.1.20, 5.1.23. 2011 15. Termocycler PCR 5.1.20, 5.1.23. 2011 16. Electrophoresis 5.1.20, 5.1.23. 2011 17. Artificial digestion system 5.1.22. 2010 Director/Project responsible Period 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases 1. Optimization of the control of Toxoplasma gondii infection in some animal species and in human, as a public health problem in the Central and Western Romania; PN2, PC Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma 2007-2010 2. Potential epidemiological connections and control modalities in the cryptosporidiosis of animals and human; PN2, PC Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma 2007-2010 3. Epidemiological investigations, diagnosis, pathogenesis and immunology in neosporosis in cattle and dogs in northwest, central and southern Romania; PN2, PC Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma 2008-2011 4. Molecular epidemiology studies in echinococcosis/ hydatidosis in humans and animals in southern and northwestern Romania, strategic and management program of the disease; PN2, PC Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma 2008-2011 5. Development of a research center and a reference laboratory in the diagnosis and control of parasitic zoonoses in Transylvania; PN2, Capacit. Module I Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma 2008-2009 P a g e |166 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses 6. Comparative epidemiological survey on the prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in sheep livestock in Romania and France; PN2, Capacit. Module III – bilateral Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma 2009-2010 7. Implementation and application of an immunological test for diagnosis in sheep Cestoda contamination; PN2, Capacit. Module III – bilateral Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma 2009-2010 8. Biomolecular identification and genetic variation of Trichinella species; PN2, Capacit. Module III – bilateral Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma 2009-2010 9. Neosporosis in Romania - diagnostic and epidemiological studies in cattle, goats and dogs; POSDRU, „Postdoctoral School in agriculture and veterinary medicine” Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma 2010-2013 10. Gene variation of key zoonotic pathogens (Borrelia spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Echinococcus spp. and Trichinella spp.) in and between Romania and China; PN2, Capacit. Module III - bilateral Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma 2013-2014 11. Study of helmintofauna in wild carnivores from sylvatic ecosystems in Transylvania: epidemiological aspects, ecopoluation and human contamination; CNCSIS, A, code 198 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Călin Gherman 2007-2009 12. Molecular identification of Trichinella spp. circulating among wild and domestic animals in Romania; PN2, CNCSIS RU-MC, No. 20/1.10.2007 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Călin Gherman 2007-2009 13. Development of modern methods for determining the dyes in beverages for quality assurance and food security; PN2, PC, No. 51-072/18.09.2007 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Călin Gherman 2007-2010 14. Fundamental and applied studies of eco epidemiology, biology and molecular genetics of the Lyme disease vectors; PN2, IDEI - PCCE, No. 7/2010 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Călin Gherman 2010-2013 15. Geospatial approach to the ecology, distribution and vectorial role of parasitic Arthropoda; PN2, IDEI, PCCE, No. 236/2011 Assist. Prof. Dr. Andrei Mihalca 2010-2013 16. Development of a prophylaxis program for coccidiosis control based on the use of Artemisia annua in chickens; PN-II-PTPCCA-2011-3.2-0274 Assist. Dr. Adriana Györke 2011-2014 17. Analysis of genetic diversity of populations of Trichinella in Romania and the identification of specific genetic markers for species; PNCDI HR - RP CS Dr. Radu Blaga 2013-2016 18. Implementation and application of an immunological test in the diagnosis tapeworm diseases in sheep; PN2, Module III – bilateral CS Dr. Radu Blaga 2007-2009 19. Identification of bimolecular and genetic variation of Trichinella species; PN2, Capacit. Module III – bilateral CS Dr. Radu Blaga 2009-2010 20. Genetic diversity and epidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection in goat-kids in Romania; Grant USAMV Cluj- Dr. Pastiu Anamaria 2009-2010 P a g e |167 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses Napoca, RU 21. Rhipicephalus saguineus: geographic distribution, ecobiology and vectorial role; Grant USAMV Cluj-Napoca, RU Dr. Dumitrache Mirabela 2013 22. Study of dermatophytes pathogenesis; Bilateral cooperation project Romania-Belgium, UEFISCDI – 594/2012 Dr. Bagut Tatiana member 2013 23. Implementation of biomathematics models of monitoring and prediction of digestive strongyls chemoresistance and therapeutic alternatives without polluting component; PN2, Idei, No. 412/2007 Assist. Prof. Dr. Dr. Mihai Cernea 2012-2014 24. Preclinical and clinical studies regarding the tolerance, efficacy and safety of Parakill product – antiparasitic suspension in target species; Funded by S.C. Romvac S.A. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihai Cernea 25. Preclinical and clinical studies regarding the tolerance, efficacy and safety of Romoxibendazol product – 15% powder in target species; Funded by S.C. Romvac S.A. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihai Cernea 26. Preclinical and clinical studies regarding the tolerance, efficacy and safety of Romoxibendazol product – tablets in target species; Funded by S.C. Romvac S.A. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihai Cernea 27. Antihelminthic resistance in equine Strongylidosis – detection, control and evaluation predictive indicators; Funded by USAMV-Iaşi Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihai Cernea 2007-2010 Infectious Diseases and Preventive Medicine 28. Development of a paradigm for assessment of heavy metal and microbial pollution in wild birds and fish and its implementation for conservation of biodiversity in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve –Research project PN2, PCCA 61/2012 Prof. Dr. Marina Spînu 2012-2015 Microbiology 29. Romanian High Competence Scientific Center in Bee Biotechnology– RoBeeTech; POS CCE, Operation 2.1.2., No. 207/20.07.2010, ID. 618, SMIS-CSNR 12460 Assist. Prof. Dr. Chirilă Flore, member 2010-2013 30. Investigations on the transmission, pathogeniticy and phytotherapy in protothecal infections in humans and animals; PD-RU 175/2010. Dr. Bouari (Cuc) Cosmina Maria 2010-2012 31. Identification of some Candida spp. strains isolated from humans and animals using comparatively Chromagar candida, API 20C multitest system and respectively PCR; Grant USAMV Cluj-Napoca, RU Assist. Prof. Dr. Nadăş George Cosmin 2012 32. The influence of Candida spp. yeast in the development of gastro-intestinal lesions caused by non steroidal antiinflammatory drugs; POSDRU, Postdoc, No. 62371 Assist. Prof. Dr. Nadăş George Cosmin 2010-2013 Food Hygiene and Public Health P a g e |168 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses 33. Safety of traditional cheeses – functional model for quality and traceability testing; CNCSIS, code 857 Prof. Dr. Mihaiu Marian 2007-2009 34. Functional food model for cardio-vascular and atherosclerotic diseases' prevention through an intelligent system of risk analysis; MACSIM, PN2, No. 52135/1/2008 Prof. Dr. Mihaiu Marian 2008-2011 35. Researches concerning quality and traceability markers in the buffalo milk chain; PN2, Exploratory research program, CNCSIS 1495/2008 Prof. Dr. Mihaiu Marian 2008-2011 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases 8.1. Completed PhD theses - 18 8.2. ISI articles published - 51 8.3. Services - 6 contracts 8.4. BDI articles as first author - 51 Infectious Diseases and Preventive Medicine 8.1. ISI and BDI articles published - 77 8.2. Technologies - 12 8.3. Services - 5 contracts; 8.4. Analyzes performed for external beneficiaries - 2 contracts; 8.5. Completed PhD theses - 8 Microbiology 8.1. ISI articles published - 13 Food Hygiene and Public Health 8.1. ISI and BDI articles published - 42 8.2. Completed PhD theses - 8 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. IN ROMANIA, EXPOSURE TO TOXOPLASMA GONDII OCCURS TWICE AS OFTEN IN SWINE RAISED FOR FAMILIAL CONSUMPTION AS IN HUNTED WILD BOAR, BUT OCCURS RARELY, IF EVER, AMONG FATTENING PIGS RAISED IN CONFINEMENT, Paştiu A.I., Györke A., Blaga R., Mircean V., Rosenthal B.M., Cozma V., 2013, PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH, Volume: 112, Issue: 6, Pages: 2403-2407. 9.2. NORTHERN WHITE-BREASTED HEDGEHOGS ERINACEUS ROUMANICUS AS HOSTS FOR TICKS INFECTED WITH BORRELIA BURGDORFERI SENSU LATO AND ANAPLASMA PHAGOCYTOPHILUM IN ROMANIA, Dumitrache M.O., Paștiu A.I., Kalmár Z., Mircean V., Sándor A.D., Gherman C.M., Peștean C., Mihalca A.D., Cozma V., 2013, TICKS AND TICK-BORNE DISEASES, Volume: 4, Issue: 3, Pages: 214-217. 9.3. FIRST DETECTION OF ECHINOCOCCUS GRANULOSUS G1 AND G7 IN WILD BOARS (SUS SCROFA) AND RED DEER (CERVUS ELAPHUS) IN ROMANIA USING PCR AND PCR-RFLP TECHNIQUES, Onac D., Győrke A., Oltean M., Gavrea R., Cozma V., 2013, VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, P a g e |169 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses Volume: 193, Issue: 1-3, Pages: 289-291. 9.4. MULTIDISCIPLINARY ANALYSIS OF KNEMIDOCOPTES JAMAICENSIS PARASITISING THE COMMON CHAFFINCH, FRINGILLA COELEBS: PROOFS FOR A MULTISPECIES COMPLEX?, Dabert J., Dabert M., Gal A.F., Miclăuș V., Mihalca A.D., Sándor A.D., 2013, PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH, Volume 112, Issue 6, Pages 2373-2380. 9.5. REVIEW OF "ECOLOGY OF PARASITE-VECTOR INTERACTIONS" BY WILLEM TAKKEN AND CONSTANTIANUS J.M. KOENRAADT, Mihalca A.D., 2013, PARASITES & VECTORS, Vol.: 6, Art. Number: 72. 9.6. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVEY OF NEOSPORA CANINUM INFECTION IN DOGS FROM ROMANIA, Gavrea R., Mircean V., Pastiu A., Cozma V., 2012, VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 188, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 382-385. 9.7. CO2 FLAGGING - AN IMPROVED METHOD FOR THE COLLECTION OF QUESTING TICKS, Gherman C.M., Mihalca A.D., Dumitrache M.O., Györke A., Oroian I., Sandor M., Cozma V., 2012, PARASITES & VECTORS, Volume: 5, Article Number: 125. 9.8. FIRST REPORT OF BORRELIA BURGDORFERI SENSU LATO IN TWO THREATENED CARNIVORES: THE MARBLED POLECAT, VORMELA PEREGUSNA AND EUROPEAN MINK, MUSTELA LUTREOLA (MAMMALIA: MUSTELIDAE), Gherman C.M., Sándor A.D., Kalmár Z., Marinov M., Mihalca A.D., 2012, BMC VETERINARY RESEARCH, Volume: 8, Article Number: 137. 9.9. TICK PARASITES OF RODENTS IN ROMANIA: HOST PREFERENCES, COMMUNITY STRUCTURE AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, Mihalca A.D., Dumitrache M.O., Sándor A.D., Magdaş C., Oltean M., Györke A., Matei I.A., Ionică A., D’Amico G., Cozma V., Gherman C.M., 2012, PARASITES & VECTORS, Volume: 5, Article Number: 266. 9.10. EFFECTS OF ASTAXANTHIN SUPPLEMENTATION ON CHEMICALLY INDUCED TUMORIGENESIS IN WISTAR RATS, Gal A.F., Andrei S., Cernea C., Taulescu M., Catoi C., 2012, ACTA VETERINARIA SCANDINAVICA, Volume: 54, Article Number: 50. 9.11. EVALUATION OF BOVINE EMBRYO BIOPSY TECHNIQUES ACCORDING TO THEIR ABILITY TO PRESERVE EMBRYO VIABILITY, Cenariu M., Pall E., Cernea C., Groza I., 2012, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICINE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, Article Number: 541384. 9.12. ZOONOTIC PATHOGENS ASSOCIATED WITH HYALOMMA AEGYPTIUM IN ENDANGERED TORTOISES: EVIDENCE FOR HOST-SWITCHING BEHAVIOUR IN TICKS?, Paştiu A.I., Matei I.A., Mihalca A.D., D’Amico G., Dumitrache M.O., Kalmár Z., Sándor A.D., Gherman C.M., Cozma V., 2012, PARASITES & VECTORS, Volume: 5, Article Number: 301. 9.13. PREVALENCE AND MOLECULAR IDENTIFICATION OF CRYPTOSPORIDIUM ISOLATES FROM PET LIZARDS AND SNAKES IN ITALY, Rinaldi L., Capasso M., Mihalca A.D., CirilloR. Cringoli G., Cacciò S., 2012, PARASITE-JOURNAL DE LA SOCIETE FRANCAISE DE PARASITOLOGIE, Volume: 19, Issue: 4, Pages: 437-440. 9.14. SUBCONJUNCTIVAL INFESTATION WITH SETARIA, Ţălu S.D., Ştefănuț A.C., Mihalca A.D., Coroiu Z., 2012, HELMINTHOLOGIA, Volume: 49, Issue: 2, Pages: 119-121. 9.15. SEROPREVALENCE AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF DIROFILARIA IMMITIS AND TICK-BORNE INFECTIONS (ANAPLASMA PHAGOCYTOPHILUM, BORRELIA BURGDORFERI SENSU LATO, AND EHRLICHIA CANIS) IN DOGS FROM ROMANIA, Mircean V., Dumitrache M.O., Györke A., Pantchev N., Jodies R., Mihalca A.D., Cozma V., 2012, VECTOR-BORNE AND ZOONOTIC DISEASES, Volume: 12, Issue: 7, Pages: 595-604. 9.16. MECHANISMS OF SKIN ADHERENCE AND INVASION BY DERMATOPHYTES, Baldo A., Monod M., Mathy A., Cambier L., Băguţ E.T., Defaweux V., Symoens F., Antoine N., Mignon B., 2012, P a g e |170 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses MYCOSES, Volume: 55, Issue: 3, Pages: 218-223. 9.17. SUBTILISIN SUB3 IS INVOLVED IN ADHERENCE OF MICROSPORUM CANIS TO HUMAN AND ANIMAL EPIDERMIS, Băguţ E.T., Baldo A., Mathy A., Cambier L., Antoine N., Cozma V., Mignon B., 2012, VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY, Volume: 160, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 413-419. 9.18. FELINE POLYMORPHONUCLEAR NEUTROPHILS PRODUCE PRO-INFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES FOLLOWING EXPOSURE TO MICROSPORUM CANIS, Cambier L., Mathy A., Baldo A., Băguţ E.T., Tabart J., Antoine N., Mignon B., 2013, VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY, Volume: 162, Issue: 2-4, Pages: 800-805. 9.19. IXODES RICINUS IS THE DOMINANT QUESTING TICK IN FOREST HABITATS IN ROMANIA: THE RESULTS FROM A COUNTRYWIDE DRAGGING CAMPAIGN, Mihalca A.D., Gherman C.M., Magdaş C., Dumitrache M.O., Györke A., Sándor A.D., Domşa C., Oltean M., Mircean V., Mărcuţan D.I., D'Amico G., Păduraru A.O., Cozma V., 2012, EXPERIMENTAL AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY, Volume: 58, Issue: 2, Pages: 175-182. 9.20. SYNOPSIS OF THE HARD TICKS (ACARI: IXODIDAE) OF ROMANIA WITH UPDATE ON HOST ASSOCIATIONS AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, Mihalca A.D., Dumitrache M.O., Magdaş C., Gherman C.M., Domşa C., Mircean V., Ghira I.V., Pocora V., Ionescu D.T., Sikó Barabási S., Cozma V., Sándor A.D., 2012, EXPERIMENTAL AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY, Volume: 58, Issue: 2, Pages: 183-206. 9.21. PREVALENCE AND RISK FACTORS OF GIARDIA DUODENALIS IN DOGS FROM ROMANIA, Mircean V., Györke A., Cozma V., 2012, VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 184, Issue: 2-4, Pages: 325-329. 9.22. SEROPREVALENCE OF TOXOPLASMA GONDII AND NEOSPORA CANINUM IN DAIRY GOATS FROM ROMANIA, Iovu A., Györke A., Mircean V., Gavrea R., Cozma V., 2012, VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 186, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 470-474. 9.23. FLOTAC CAN DETECT PARASITIC AND PSEUDOPARASITIC ELEMENTS IN REPTILES, Rinaldi L., Mihalca A.D., Cirillo R., Maurelli M.P., Montesano M., Capasso M., Cringoli G., 2012, EXPERIMENTAL PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 130, Issue: 3, Pages: 282-284. 9.24. CHARACTERIZATION OF HOST-PARASITE INTERACTIONS DURING THE EXPERIMENTAL TRICHINELLA SPIRALIS INFECTION IN PIGS, Oltean M., Gavrea R., Dumitrache M., Băguţ T., Gherman C.M., Cozma V., Györke A., 2012, HELMINTHOLOGIA, Volume: 49, Issue: 3, Pages: 139-146. 9.25. PREVALENCE OF GIARDIA SPECIES IN STOOL SAMPLES BY ELISA IN HOUSEHOLD CATS FROM ROMANIA AND RISK FACTORS, Mircean V., Györke A., Jarca A., Cozma V., 2011, JOURNAL OF FELINE MEDICINE AND SURGERY, Volume: 13, Issue: 6, Pages: 479-482. 9.26. HARD TICKS (IXODIDAE) IN ROMANIA: SURVEILLANCE, HOST ASSOCIATIONS, AND POSSIBLE RISKS FOR TICK-BORNE DISEASES, Dumitrache M.O., Gherman C.M., Cozma V., Mircean V., Györke A., Sándor A.D., Mihalca A.D., 2011, PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH, Volume: 110, Issue: 5, Pages: 20672070. 9.27. COENDANGERED HARD-TICKS: THREATENED OR THREATENING?, Mihalca A.D., Gherman C.M., Cozma V., 2011, PARASITES & VECTORS, Volume: 4, Article Number: 71. 9.28. TOXOPLASMA GONDII IN ROMANIAN HOUSEHOLD CATS: EVALUATION OF SEROLOGICAL TESTS, EPIDEMIOLOGY AND RISK FACTORS, Györke A., Opsteegh M., Mircean V., Iovu A., Cozma V., 2011, PREVENTIVE VETERINARY MEDICINE, Volume: 102, Issue: 4, Pages: 321-328. 9.29. SEROPREVALENCE OF NEOSPORA CANINUM IN DAIRY CATTLE FROM NORTH-WEST AND CENTER OF ROMANIA., Gavrea R.R., Iovu A., Losson B., Cozma V., 2011., PARASITE-JOURNAL DE LA SOCIETE FRANCAISE DE PARASITOLOGIE, Volume: 18, Issue: 4, Pages: 349-351. 9.30. OCCURRENCE OF FILARIA IN DOMESTIC DOGS OF SAMBURU PASTORALISTS IN NORTHERN KENYA P a g e |171 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses AND ITS ASSOCIATIONS WITH CANINE DISTEMPER, Albrechtová K., Sedlák K., Petrželková K.J., Hlaváč J., Mihalca A.D., Lesingirian A., Kanyari P.W., Modrý D., 2011, VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 182, Issue: 2-4, Pages: 230-238. 9.31. SEROLOGICAL REACTIVITY TO BORRELIA BURGDORFERI SENSU LATO IN DOGS AND HORSES FROM DISTINCT AREAS IN ROMANIA, Kiss T., Cadar D., Krupaci A.F., Bordeanu A., Brudaşcă G.F., Mihalca A.D., Mircean V., Gliga L., Dumitrache M.O., Spînu M., 2011, VECTOR-BORNE AND ZOONOTIC DISEASES, Volume: 11, Issue: 9, Pages: 1259-1262. 9.32. THE FIRST REPORT OF KNEMIDOCOPTES INTERMEDIUS FAIN ET MACFARLANE, 1967 (ACARI: ASTIGMATA) IN NATURALLY INFECTED EUROPEAN BIRDS, Dabert J., Mihalca A.D., Sándor A.D., 2011, PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH, Volume: 109, Issue: 1, Pages: 237-240. 9.33. FIRST SURVEY ON HARD TICKS (IXODIDAE) COLLECTED FROM HUMANS IN ROMANIA: POSSIBLE RISKS FOR TICK-BORNE DISEASES, Briciu V.T., Titilincu A., Tăţulescu D.F., Cârstina D., Lefkaditis M., Mihalca A.D., 2011, EXPERIMENTAL AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY, Volume: 54, Issue: 2, Pages: 199204. 9.34. ARE GOBIID FISH MORE SUSCEPTIBLE TO PREDATION IF PARASITIZED BY EUSTRONGYLIDES EXCISU S? AN ANSWER FROM ROBBED SNAKES, Sloboda M., Mihalca A.D., Falka I., Petrzelková K.J., Carlsson M., Ghira I., Modrý D., 2010, ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, Volume: 25, Issue: 2, Pages: 469473. 9.35. PULMONARY LESIONS CAUSED BY THE NEMATODE RHABDIAS FUSCOVENOSA IN A GRASS SNAKE, NATRIX NATRIX, Mihalca A.D., Miclaus V., Lefkaditis M., 2010, JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES, Volume: 46, Issue: 2, Pages: 678-681. 9.36. FIRST IDENTIFICATION OF NEOSPORA CANINUM BY PCR IN ABORTED BOVINE FOETUSES IN ROMANIA, Suteu O, Titilincu A, Modrý D, Mihalca A, Mircean V, Cozma V., 2010, PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH, Volume: 106, Issue: 3, Pages: 719-722. 9.37. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDIES CONCERNING CRYPTOSPORIDIOSIS SPECIES IN CALVES IN THE CENTER AND NORTHWEST REGIONS OF ROMANIA, Bejan A., Iovu A., Mircean V., Magdaş C., Cozma V., 2010, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE, Volume: 26, Supplement: 1, Pages: S71-S71. 9.38. PREVALENCE OF ENDOPARASITES IN HOUSEHOLD CAT (FELIS CATUS) POPULATIONS FROM TRANSYLVANIA (ROMANIA) AND ASSOCIATION WITH RISK FACTORS, Mircean V., Titilincu A., Vasile C., 2010, VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 171, Issue: 1-2, Pages: 163-166. 9.39. A NEW SPECIES OF ISOSPORA SCHNEIDER, 1881 (APICOMPLEXA: EIMERIIDAE) IN RUPPELL'S AGAMA AGAMA RUEPPELLI (VAILLANT) (SAURIA: AGAMIDAE) FROM EAST AFRICA, WITH A REVIEW OF THIS GENUS IN AGAMID LIZARDS, Mihalca A.D., Jirků M., Malonza P.K., Modrý D., 2009, SYSTEMATIC PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 74, Issue: 3, Pages: 219-223. 9.40. TRICHINELLA SPP. INFECTION IN HORSES OF ROMANIA: SEROLOGICAL AND PARASITOLOGICAL SURVEY, Blaga R., Cretu C.M., Gherman C., Draghici A., Pozio E., Noeckler K., Kapel C.M., Dida I., Cozma V., Boireau P., 2009, VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 159, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 285-289. 9.41. ANIMAL TRICHINELLA INFECTION IN ROMANIA: GEOGRAPHICAL HETEROGENEITY FOR THE LAST 8 YEARS, Blaga R., Durand B., Stoichici A., Gherman C., Stefan N., Cozma V., Boireau P., 2009, VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 159, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 290-294. 9.42. CO-DISTRIBUTION PATTERN OF A HAEMOGREGARINE HEMOLIVIA MAURITANICA (APICOMPLEXA: HAEMOGREGARINIDAE) AND ITS VECTOR HYALOMMA AEGYPTIUM (METASTIGMATA: IXODIDAE), Siroký P., Mikulícek P., Jandzík D., Kami H., Mihalca A.D., Rouag R., Kamler M., Schneider C., Záruba M., Modrý D., 2009, JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 95, Issue: 3, Pages: 728-733. 9.43. TRICHINELLA SPECIES CIRCULATING AMONG WILD AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS IN ROMANIA, Blaga P a g e |172 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses R., Gherman C., Cozma V., Zocevic A., Pozio E., Boireau P., 2009, VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 159, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 218-221. 9.44. PREVALENCE AND INTENSITY OF OTODECTES CYNOTIS IN KITTENS FROM THESSALONIKI AREA, GREECE, Lefkaditis M.A., Koukeri S.E., Mihalca A.D., 2009, VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 163, Issue: 4, Pages: 374-375. 9.45. FIRST IDENTIFICATION OF TRICHINELLA SP. IN GOLDEN JACKAL (CANIS AUREUS) IN ROMANIA, Blaga R., Gherman C., Seucom D., Cozma V., Boireau P., 2008, JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES, Volume: 44, Issue: 2, Pages: 457-459. 9.46. HISTOLOGICAL EVIDENCE FOR INOCULATIVE ACTION OF IMMATURE LINGUATULA SERRATA IN LYMPH NODES OF INTERMEDIATE HOST, Miclăuş V., Mihalca A.D., Negrea O., Oană L., 2008, PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH, Volume: 102, Issue: 6, Pages: 1385-1387. 9.47. COPROMICROSCOPIC AND MOLECULAR ASSAYS FOR THE DETECTION OF CANCER-CAUSING PARASITIC NEMATODE SPIROCERCA LUPI, Traversa D., Avolio S., Modrý D., Otranto D., Iorio R., Aroch I., Cringoli G., Milillo P., Albrechtová K., Mihalca A.D., Lavy E., 2008, VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 157, Issue: 1-2, Pages: 108-116. 9.48. PREVALENCE AND INTENSITY OF BLOOD APICOMPLEXAN INFECTIONS IN REPTILES FROM ROMANIA, Mihalca A.D., Racka K., Gherman C., Ionescu D.T., 2008, PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH, Volume: 102, Issue: 5, Pages: 1081-1083. 9.49. THE ROLE OF THE SAND LIZARD (LACERTA AGILIS) IN THE TRANSMISSION CYCLE OF BORRELIA BURGDORFERI SENSU LATO, Majláthová V., Majláth I., Hromada M., Tryjanowski P., Bona M., Antczak M., Víchová B., Dzimko S., Mihalca A., Peťko B., 2008, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY, Volume: 298, Supplement: 44, Pages: 161-167. 9.50. IN VITRO ANTIMICROBIAL EFFICACY OF HONEYDEW AND CALENDULA OFFICINALIS L. AGAINST PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA, Niculae M., Spînu M., Şandru C., Chirilă F., 2011, PLANTA MEDICA, Volume: 77, Issue: 12, Pages: 1458-1458. 9.51. PREVALENCE OF ANAPLASMA PHAGOCYTOPHILUM INFECTION IN EUROPEAN WILD BOAR (SUS SCROFA) POPULATIONS, Kiss T., Cadar D., Krupaci F.A., Bordeanu A., Spînu M., 2013, EPIDEMIOL INFECT, Epub ahead of print. 9.52. CAPSID PROTEIN EVOLUTION AND COMPARATIVE PHYLOGENY OF NOVEL PORCINE PARVOVIRUSES, Cadar D., Cságola A., Kiss T., Tuboly T., 2013, MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION, Volume: 66, Issue: 1, Pages: 243-253. 9.53. TICK PREVENTION AT A CROSSROAD: NEW AND RENEWED SOLUTIONS, Kiss T., Cadar D., Spînu M., 2012, VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 187, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 357-366. 9.54. SEROLOGICAL REACTIVITY TO BORRELIA BURGDORFERI SENSU LATO IN DOGS AND HORSES FROM DISTINCT AREAS IN ROMANIA, Kiss T., Cadar D., Krupaci A.F., Bordeanu A., Brudaşcă Gh.F., Mihalca A.D., Mircean V., Gliga L., Dumitrache M.O., Spînu M., 2011, VECTOR-BORNE AND ZOONOTIC DISEASES, Volume: 11, Issue: 9, Pages: 1259-1262. 9.55. PHYLOGENY AND EVOLUTIONARY GENETICS OF PORCINE PARVOVIRUS IN WILD BOARS, Cadar D., Dán Á., Tombácz K., Lőrincz M., Kiss T., Becskei Z., Spînu M., Tuboly T., Cságola A., 2012, INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION, Volume: 12, Issue: 6, Pages: 1163-1171. 9.56. DETECTION OF NATURAL INTER- AND INTRA-GENOTYPE RECOMBINATION EVENTS REVEALED BY CAP GENE ANALYSIS AND DECREASING PREVALENCE OF PCV2 IN WILD BOARS, Cadar D., Cságola A., Lőrincz M., Tombácz K., Spînu M., Tuboly T., 2012, INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION, Volume: 12, Issue: 2, Pages: 420-427. 9.57. DISTRIBUTION AND GENETIC DIVERSITY OF PORCINE HOKOVIRUS IN WILD BOARS, Cadar D., P a g e |173 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses Cságola A., Lőrincz M., Tombácz K., Spînu M., Tuboly T., 2011, ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY, Volume: 156, Issue: 12, Pages: 2233-2239. 9.58. GENETIC DETECTION AND ANALYSIS OF PORCINE BOCAVIRUS TYPE 1 (POBOV1) IN EUROPEAN WILD BOAR (SUS SCROFA), Cadar D., Cságola A., Lőrincz M., Tombácz K., Kiss T., Spînu M., Tuboly T., 2011, VIRUS GENES, Volume: 43, Issue: 3, Pages: 376-379. 9.59. OXIDANT-ANTIOXIDANT IMBALANCE IN HORSES INFECTED WITH EQUINE INFECTIOUS ANAEMIA VIRUS, Bolfă P.F., Leroux C., Pintea A., Andrei S., Catoi C., Taulescu M., Tabaran F., Spînu M., 2012, VETERINARY JOURNAL, Volume: 192, Issue: 3, Pages: 449-454. 9.60. THE EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENT AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CYCLICITY ON THE IMMUNE SYSTEM OF VIPERINAE, Köbölkuti L., Cadar D., Czirják G., Niculae M., Kiss T., Şandru C., Spînu M., 2012, SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL, Pages: 1-6, Article Number: 574867. 9.61. ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECT OF ROMANIAN PROPOLIS ON PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA AND STAPHYLOCOCCUS INTERMIDIUS, Stan L., Niculae M., Mărghitaş Al. L., Spînu M., Dezmirean D., 2012, 2012, PLANTA MEDICA, Volume: 78, Issue: 11, Pages: 1094-1094. 9.62. PREVALENCE OF PORCINE CIRCOVIRUSES IN TRANSYLVANIAN WILD BOARS, DETECTED BY REALTIME PCR, Cadar D., Csagola A., Spinu M., et al., 2010, ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA, Volume: 58, Issue: 4, Pages: 475-481. 9.63. ANTIBACTERIAL ACTION OF AN AQUEOUS GRAPE SEED POLYPHENOLIC EXTRACT, Veronica Sanda Chedea, Cornelia Braicu, Flore Chirilă, Ciprian Ober and Carmen Socaciu, 2011, AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, Volume: 10, Issue: 33, Pages: 6276-6280. 9.64. RESEARCHES REGARDING IN VITRO ANTIMICROBIAL EFFECT OF SOME TYPES OF HONEY FROM TRANSYLVANIA ON STAPHYLOCOCCI ISOLATED FROM ANIMALS AND HUMANS, N. Fiţ, F. Chirilă, G. Nadăş, C. Bouari, S.L. Pantrea, E. Pall, B. Pompei, 2011, PLANTA MEDICA, Volume: 77, Issue: 12, Pages: 1457-1458. 9.65. INTERACTIONS AMONG FLAVONOIDS OF PROPOLIS AFFECT ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY AGAINST THE HONEYBEE PATHOGEN PAENIBACILLUS LARVAE, Cristina Manuela Mihai, Liviu Al. Mărghitaş, Daniel S. Dezmirean, Flore Chirilă, Robin F.A. Moritz, Helge Schlüns, 2012, JOURNAL OF INVERTEBRATE PATHOLOGY, Volume: 110, Issue: 1, Pages: 68-72. 9.66. RECOMBINANT ANOXYBACILLUS FLAVITHERMUS T1 ESTERASE/LIPASE: OPTIMISATION OF EXPRESSION AND RECOVERY, Chiş Laura-Mihaela; Hrişcu Monica; Chirilă Flore; Lupău Iulia; Toşa Monica; Irimie Florin Dan, 2012, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, Volume: 11, Issue: 11, Pages: 1915-1922. 9.67. IN VITRO EFFECT OF OZONATED SALINE ON MICROORGANISMS INVOLVED IN PANCREATIC AND PERIPANCREATIC NECROSIS INFECTION IN SEVERE ACUTE PANCREATITIS, Al Hajjar N., Fl. Pitu, E. Pall, F. Pitu, I. Suarasan, C. Popa and N. Fiţ, 2012, AFRICAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY RESEARCH, Volume: 6, Issue: 3, Pages: 611-616. 9.68. SCREENING OF FIVE ALCOHOLIC PLANTS EXTRACTS EFFECTS ON THE IMMUNE STATUS OF ROMANIAN EIAV INFECTED HORSES, P.Bolfă, C. Cătoi, A. Gal, M. Taulescu, N. Fiţ, G. Nadaş, M. Niculae, M. Tămaş, C. Cuc, M. Spînu, 2011, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 16, Issue: 6, Pages: 6730-6739. 9.69. GRANULOMATOUS LESIONS EXPERIMENTALLY INDUCED BY PROTOTHECA IN MICE, C. Bouari, A. Gal, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfa and C. Catoi, 2012, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY, Volume: 146, Issue: 1, Pages: 64-64. 9.70. PROTECTIVE MECHANISMS OF GRAPE SEED EXTRACT (BURGUND MARE VARIETY) ON CHRONIC ULTRAVIOLET B IRRADIATION-INDUCED SKIN DAMAGE IN SKH-1 HAIRLESS MICE, P. Bolfa, C. Catoi, A. Filip, A. Gal, M. Taulescu, A. Nagy, F. Tabaran, G. Borza, R. Moussa and C. Cuc, 2012, JOURNAL P a g e |174 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY, Volume: 146, Issue: 1, Pages: 64-64. 9.71. PRENEOPLASTIC AND NEOPLASTIC MAMMARY AND NON-MAMMARY LESIONS ASSOCIATED WITH INFLAMMATION IN CHEMICALLY INDUCED CARCINOGENESIS IN WISTAR RATS, A.F. Gal, S. Andrei, C. Bouari, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfa and C. Catoi, 2012, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY, Volume: 146, Issue: 1, Pages: 65-65. 9.72. HEPATIC CIRRHOSIS IN TWELVE DOGS AFTER EXPOSURE TO INAPPROPRIATE COMMERCIAL DOG FOOD, L. Nagy, C. Cuc, F. Tabaran, A. Gal, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfa, G. Borza and C. Catoi, 2012, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY, Volume: 146, Issue: 1, Pages: 77-77. 9.73. METASTATIC CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA IN LLAMA (LAMA GLAMA), M. Taulescu, P.F. Bolfa, R. Buiga, A. Gal, B. Sevastre, Morar Iancu, C. Catoi, 2012, JOURNAL OF VETERINARY DIAGNOSTIC INVESTIGATION, Volume: 24, Issue: 5, Pages: 986-989. 9.74. SEASONAL VARIATIONS IN THE BIOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BUFFALO MILK, Mihaiu M., C. Bele, Alexandra Lapusan, Romolica Mihaiu, S. D. Dan, Carmen Taulescu, Cristian Matea, 2010, STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA, Volume: 55, Issue: 3, Pages: 197-205. 9.75. THE ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY AND TRACEABILITY BIOMARKERS IN THE BUFFALO MILK PRIMARY PRODUCTION, Mihaiu M., Alexandra Lapusan, C. Bele, Romolica Mihaiu, S. D. Dan, Carmen Taulescu, Cristian Matea, 2011, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 16, Issue: 5, Pages: 6548-6555. 9.76. PROTEIN CHARACTERIZATION OF ROMANIAN BUFFALO MILK COMPARED TO COW MILK, Marian Mihaiu, Alexandra Lapusan, Romolica Mihaiu, Sorin Daniel Dan, Carmen Jecan, Anamaria Cozma, 2012, STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA, Volume: 57, Issue: 1, Pages: 205-212. 10. National and international prestige Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases 10.1. Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma: - Member of Academy of Agricultural Forestry Sciences “Gheorghe Ionescu-Siseşti”. - Member of the editorial board of the journals: Scientia Parasitologica; European Multicolloquium of parasitology; Notulae Scientia Biologicae. - Participation in international conferences: - Cozma V., Györke A., Ashash U., Ruca M., Magdaş C., Cernea C.L., Immunoprophylactic efficiency against coccidiosis in broilers by transmission of maternal antibodies from CoxAbic® vaccinated hens; Apicomplexa in farm animals, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saude de Lisboa, 25-28 October, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. - Cozma V., Parasitology Journals in Romania: past, present and future; EMOP XI, Universitatea de Științe Agricole si Medicină Veterinară Cluj-Napoca, 25-29 July, 2012, Cluj-Napoca, România. - Cozma V., Paştiu A., Gavrea R.R.: Epioemiological study in Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum, EMOP XI, Universitatea de Științe Agricole si Medicină Veterinară Cluj-Napoca, 25-29 July, 2012, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. - Cozma V., Pastiu A., Gherman C., Mircean V., Mihalca A., Magdas C., Gyorke A., Oltean M., Zagon D, Gavrea R.: “Epidemiologia si factorii de risc in zoonoze parazitare transmise prin consumul de carne”; The Anniversary of 20 Years from the foundation of the Free Internationl University of Moldavia; Universitatea Libera din Moldova; 15-17 P a g e |175 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses October, Chisinau, Moldavia. - 10.2. Cozma V., Bejan A., Gyorke A., Bolfa P., Gavrea R., Mircean V.: Recording of an outbreak of goat cryptosporidiosis in Cluj country, 3rd CAPARA WGs Workshop & MC Meeting, 10-12.11.2011 Limasol – Cyprus. Prof. Dr. Călin Gherman: - Member of the editorial board of the journals: Scientia Parasitologica. - Participation in international conferences: - 10.3. Gherman C., Oltean M., 2012. Trichinella in wild carnivores in Romania. Program&Abstract Book, pg. 172 (EMOP XI, 25-29.07.2012 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania). Assoc. Prof. Dr. Viorica Mircean - Participation in international conferences: - Viorica Mircean, Mircea V. Mircean, Cornel Cătoi, Adrian F. Gal, Mirabela O. Dumitrache, Andras Nagy, Marian Taulescu, Vasile Cozma. Superficial necrolytic dermatitis in a dog. A case report. Poster Published in Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, 21(suppl. 3):2327-29, September 2012: 7th Central European Gastroenterology Meeting – ClujNapoca, România. - Mircean V., Chivu R., Jurj R., Dumitrache M.O., Cozma V., 2012. Prevalence of endoparasites in brown bears (Ursus arctos) from natural habitats in Romania. Program&Abstract Book, pg. 470 (EMOP XI, 25-29.07.2012 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania). - Mircean Viorica, Dumitrache Mirabela; Pantchev Nikola; Jodies Robert; Cozma Vasile, Mihalca Andrei. Seroprevalence and epidemiological aspects of Borrelia burgdorferi, Ehrlichia canis and Anaplasma phagocytophilum in dogs in Romania – poster. Published in TTP7 Proceedings, 2011. 28 August-20 September 2011: Seventh Ticks and Tick-borne Pathogens, International Conference – Zaragoza, Spain. - Mircean Viorica - Do we treat correct endoparasitic diseases in dogs and cats? – Oral presentation. 11-12 November, 2011:The 6th Edition of the Romanian Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress; The 3rd Edition of the East European Veterinary Conference, AMVAC. - Mircean Viorica - Diagnostic approach to prurit in dogs– Oral presentation. 11-12 November, 2011: The 6th Edition of the Romanian Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress; The 3rd Edition of the East European Veterinary Conference, AMVAC. - Mircean V, Titilincu A, Cozma V.; The prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in cats in Romania – poster, 20-24 September 2008:Toxoplasma Centennial Congress, Buzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. - Mircean V., Titilincu A., Cozma V.; Prevalence of parasite in cats from Transylvania (Romania)- poster, 24- 28 August 2008: Xth European Multicolloquium of Parasitology – Paris, France. 10.4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrei Mihalca: - Member of the editorial board of the journals: Scientia Parasitologica; North-Western Journal of Zoology; International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. - Participation in international conferences: - P a g e |176 Mihalca A.D., 2012. Arthropod parasites of endangered vertebrates: threatened or threatening? Program&Abstract Book, pg. 199 (EMOP XI, 25-29.07.2012 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania). USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses 10.5. Assist. Dr. Adriana Györke - Participation in international conferences: - Györke A., Pop L., Balea A., Pastiu A., Cozma V., 2012. Drug-resistance to anticoccidials of Eimeria spp. field isolates collected in 2010 from broiler chickens farms in Romania. Program&Abstract Book, pg. 85 (Apicomplexa in farm animals; International meeting Lisbon, 25-28 October 2012). - Györke A., Mircean V., Pastiu A., Banu T., Blaga R., Onac D., CozmaV., 2012. Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in sheep from Romania. Program& Abstract Book, pg. 67 (Apicomplexa in farm animals; International meeting - Lisbon, 25-28 October 2012). 10.6. Assist. Prof. Dr. Cristina Laura Ştefănuţ - Participation in international conferences: - Equine Parasite Drug Resistance- International Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, on August 1, 2008. - Congresso Nacional de Doencas Infecciosas e Microbiologia Clinica, SIDA e Parasitologia- XII Congresso Portugues de Parasitologia, 8-11 Octomber 2008, Vilamoura, Portugal. - IV Congresso Ciências Veterinárias I Congresso Ibérico de Epidemiologia INRB, INIA Fonte Boa, 27-29 Novembro 2008. - Romanian Equine Veterinary Association, USAMV Cluj-Napoca, 29 septembrie 2011. - EMOP XI – European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 25-29 July 2012. - XVI Congresso Português de Parasitologia Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria Lisbao, Portugal, 29 e 30 de Novembro de 2012. 10.7. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihai Cernea - Participation in international conferences: - Equine Parasite Drug Resistance- International Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, on August 1, 2008. - Congresso Nacional de Doencas Infecciosas e Microbiologia Clinica, SIDA e Parasitologia- XII Congresso Portugues de Parasitologia, 8-11 Octomber 2008, Vilamoura, Portugal. - IV Congresso Ciências Veterinárias I Congresso Ibérico de Epidemiologia INRB, INIA Fonte Boa, 27-29 Novembro 2008. - Romanian Equine Veterinary Association, USAMV Cluj-Napoca, 29 September, 2011. - EMOP XI – European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 25-29 July 2012. - XVI Congresso Português de Parasitologia Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria Lisbao, Portugal, 29 e 30 de Novembro de 2012. 10.8. Dr. Gavrea Raluca - Participation in international conferences: - Gavrea R. R., Pastiu A., Cozma V., 2012. First data regarding the seroprevalence of Neospora spp. infection in horses from Transylvania, Romania. Program&Abstract Book, pg. 75 (Apicomplexa in farm animals; International meeting - Lisbon, 25-28 October, 2012). - Gavrea R., Iovu A., Mircean V., Titilincu A., Cozma V., 2010, Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii infection in goats from Romania, Abstract Book, pg. 2-3 (2nd Working Groups Workshop & Management Committee Meeting, 29.09-1.10.2010 - Stara Lesna, High Tatras, Slovakia). - 6-8th November 2008 – Participation to The 17th National Conference of Parasitology, ClujNapoca Romania. P a g e |177 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses - COST Action FA: 1st Working groups Workshop and Management Committee meeting. 2009. - COST Action FA: 1st Working groups Workshop and Management Committee meeting. 2010, StaraLesna, Slovakia. - COST-TS-ECOST-Training School-FA0805. 2010, Napoli, Italy. - 3rd CAPARA WGs Workshop & MC Meeting. Cost action FA 0805. 10-12 Nov 2011, Limassol Cyprus. - Apicomplexa in Farm Animals. 25-28 Oct. 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. 10.9. Dr. Oltean Miruna - Participation in international conferences: - Oltean M., Mircean V., Gyorke A., Paştiu A., Gherman M., Cozma V., 2012. Seroepidemiological investigation on Trichinella spp. antibodies in cats from Romania. Program &Abstract Book, pg. 361 (EMOP XI, 25-29.07.2012 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania). - Oltean M., Sevastre B., Gyorke A., Gherman CM, Irimie A, Cozma V, Tăbăran F. The antitumour potential of Trichinella experimental infection. European Multicolloquim of parasitology XI, Universitatea de Științe Agricole si Medicină Veterinară Cluj-Napoca, 25-29 July, 2012, Cluj-Napoca, România. - Oltean Miruna, Zsuzsa Kalmar, B. J. Kiss, M. Marinov, A. Vasile, A.D. Sandor, C.M. Gherman, M.A. Lefkaditis, A.D. Mihalca, V. Cozma. Trichinella infection in mustelidae (Mammalia Carnivora) from Romania: New host-parasite associations in a highly endemic country. XIII International Conference on Trichinellosis, China, 1-6 August 2011. - Oltean Miruna, Adriana Gyorke, Raluca Gavrea, Mirabela Dumitrache, Tatiana Băguţ, C. Bratu, Corina Nicola, C. M. Gherman, V. Cozma. Some aspects of humoral and cellular immune responses in swine experimental Trichinella spiralis infection. XIII International Conference on Trichinellosis, China, 1-6 August 2011. 10.10. Dr. Paştiu Anamaria - Participation in international conferences: - Paştiu. A., Suteu O., Gyorke A., Balea A., Cozma V., 2012. The prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in diaphragm tissues from goat kids in Romania. Program&Abstract Book, pg. 24(4th Working Groups Workshop & Management Committee Meeting, 19-21.09.2012 – Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain). - Paştiu A., Gyorke A., Balea A., Onac D., Oltean M., Cozma V.,2012. Toxoplasma gondii infection in wild boars from north-west of Romania. Program&Abstract Book, pg. 391 (EMOP XI, 25-29.07.2012 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania). - Iovu A., Györke A., Gavrea R., Cozma V., 2011. Efficacy of toltrazuril against experimental infection with Toxoplasma gondii in mice, Abstract Book, pg. 44 (3rd Working Groups Workshop & Management Committee Meeting, 10-12.11.2011 – Limassol, Cyprus). - Iovu A., Titilincu A., Gavrea R., Magdaş C., Cozma V., 2010, Molecular investigation of goat abortions for the detection of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum, Abstract Book, 2021 (2nd Working Groups Workshop & Management Committee Meeting, 29.09-1.10.2010 Stara Lesna, High Tatras, Slovakia). - Iovu A., Titilincu A., Mircean V., Junie M., Cozma V., 2010, Identification of Toxoplasma gondii and Hammondia hammondi in sow abortions, International Journal of Molecular Medicine, Vol. 6, Supplement 1, S 71.(15th World Congress on Advances in Oncology & 13th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine – 7-9.10.2010 Loutraki, Greece). 10.11. Dr. Onac Diana - Participation in international conferences: P a g e |178 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses - Onac, D., Oltean, M., Gyorke, A., Cozma, V. Genetic variation of Echinococcus granulosus in wild boars from Romania. Program &Abstract Book, pg. 310 (EMOP XI, 25-29.07.2012 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania). 10.12. Dr. Mirabela Dumitrache - Participation in international conferences: - Dumitrache M.O., Kálmar Z., Sándor A.D., Paştiu A., Mircean V.,Gavrea R.R., Oltean M., Gherman M., Mihalca A., Cozma V.,2012. Molecular prevalence and genetic diversity of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in wild canids and felids from Romania. Program &Abstract Book, pg. 371 (EMOP XI, 25-29.07.2012 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania). 10.13. Dr. Tatiana Bagut - Participation in international conferences: - Băguţ E.T., Baldo A., Mathy A., Cambier L., Cozma V., Mignon B. Involvement of subtilisinlike serine proteases Sub3 in the adherence of Microsporumcanis to human and different animal species epidermis(EMOP XI, 25-29.07.2012 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania). - Cambier L., Mathy A., Băguţ E.T., Baldo A., Antoine N., Mignon B. Feline polymorphonuclear neutrophils produce pro-inflammatory cytokines in response to Microsporum canis – poster. Abstract published in Mycoses, 54(suppl. 4):154. 11-15 June, 2012: 18th Congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology – Berlin, Germany. - Mathy A., Baldo A., Salamin K., Cambier L., Defaweux V., Băguţ E.T., Weatherspoon A., Zimmermann C., Monod M., Mignon B. Characterization of a new potential virulence factor of Microsporumcanis, the secreted subtilisin Sub6 – poster. Abstract published in Mycoses, 54(suppl 2):112-113; 25-30 September, 2011: European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM) & EORTC Infectious Diseases Group – Valencia, Spain. - Băguţ E.T., Baldo A., Mathy A., Cambier L., Weatherspoon A., Leclercq M., Defaweux V., Zimmermann C., Mignon B. Implication de la protéase a sérine de type subtilisine Sub3 dans l’adhérence de Microsporum canis a l’épiderme de differentes especes animales et l’epiderme humain. 18-20 Mai 2011: Reunion Conjointe de la Société Française de la Parasitologie (SFP), de la Société Française de Mycologie Médicale (SFMM), du Groupement des Prostistologues de Langue Française (GPLF), Facultatea de Medicină Strasbourg – Strasbourg, France. - Weatherspoon A., Cambier L., Defaweux V., Băguţ E.T., Baldo A., Mathy A., Zimmermann C., Antoine N., Hubert P., Tabart J., Mignon B. Réponse cytokinique et expression du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité de type II par les cellules dendritique félines exposées à différentes constituants de Microsporum canis. 18-20 Mai 2011: Reunion Conjointe de la Société Française de la Parasitologie (SFP), de la Société Française de Mycologie Médicale (SFMM), du Groupement des Prostistologues de Langue Française (GPLF), Facultatea de Medicină Strasbourg – Strasbourg, France. - Zimmermann C., Mathy A., Baldo A., Cmbier L Băguţ E.T., Defaweux V., Weatherspoon A., Antoine N., Mignon B. Developpement d’un nouveau modele ex vivo pour l’etude de l’invasion de l’épiderme felin par Microsporum canis. 18-20 Mai 2011: Reunion Conjointe de la Société Française de la Parasitologie (SFP), de la Société Française de Mycologie Médicale (SFMM), du Groupement des Prostistologues de Langue Française (GPLF), Facultatea de Medicină Strasbourg – Strasbourg, France. Infectious Diseases and Preventive Medicine 10.14. Prof. Dr. Marina Spânu: - Associate member of ASAS from 2010. - Member of College doctors of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, from 2002. P a g e |179 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses - EFSA expert. - EAEVE expert -Clinical sciences. - Participation in international conferences: - Octavian Negrea, Vioara Mireşan, Camelia Răducu, Flore Chirilă, Iulia Feştilă, Zamfir Marchiş; Investigations on the Incidence of Pod Dermatitis in sheep, Scientific Papers: Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 2012, 45 (2), 459. (Symposium Program Bioengineering of Animal Resources Timişoara May 24-25, 2012). - Răpuntean, Gh. Răpuntean, N. Fiţ, F. Chirilă, G. Nadăş, Cosmina Cuc (2011) “Investigaţii privind dezvoltarea algelor din genul Prototheca pe unele medii de cultură”; Lucrări ştiinţifice medicină veterinară Timişoara 2012, vol. XLV (2), Al XI-lea Congres Naţional de Medicină Veterinară Bucureşti, 8-10 May. - Mihaela Niculae, Marina Spînu, Carmen Dana Şandru, F. Chirilă, F. Bolfă (2011) “Studii asupra utilizării unor bioproduse în controlul infecţiilor determinate de tulpini rezistente de E. coli”, Institutul de Diagnostic şi Sănătate Animală, Cel de-al VI-lea Simpozion aniversar 45 de ani de la înfiinţare 1966 – 2011 Bucureşti, 11-12 October, 2011. - Spinu, M., Niculae, M., Cadar, D., Sandru, C., Popescu, S.(2012). The dynamics of losses caused by Marek’s disease on a closed circuit intensive poultry farm. Proceedings of the 19th Scientific Conference with International Participation “Animal Protection and Welfare“, 3 October 2012, Brno, Czech Republic, pp. 157- 162. - Spinu, M., Niculae, M., Cadar, D., Popescu, S., Gheorghita, D (2012). Stress levels and adaptive cell-mediated immunity in Hypopphae rhamnoides treated, antigen primed farmed rabbits. Proceedings of the 19th Scientific Conference with International Participation “Animal Protection and Welfare“, 3 October 2012, Brno, Czech Republic, pp.150- 156. - Popescu S., C. Borda, C.I. Hegedus, E.A. Diugan, M. Spînu, C.D. Sandru, R. Ştefan (2011). Microbiologic water quality for dairy cows in rural households and farms from Transylvania, In Proceedings The 46th Croatian & 6th International Symposium on Agriculture, Feb. 14-18, Opatija, Croatia, p. 876-879. - Popescu S., E.A. Diugan, C.Borda, M. Spînu, C.D. Sandru (2011). Exercise effect on lameness prevalence in tied dairy cows. XVth ISAH Congress 2011, July 3-7, Vienna, Austria. Proceedings Volume III, International Society for Animal Hygiene, p.1089-1092. Food Hygiene and Public Health 10.15. Participation in international conferences: - International Symposium “Prospects for the Agriculture of the 3rd Millennium”, U.S.A.M.V. Cluj-Napoca; - Simpozion Internaţional “Contribution of the Scientific Research to Veterinary Medicine”, USAMV Bucureşti; - XI European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; - The 3rd CASEE Conference “Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production in the Danube Region” Cluj-Napoca P a g e |180 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases 11.1. Coproparasitological exams – using habitual enrichment methods to highlight parasitic elements (ovohelminthoscopic methods, larvohelminthoscopic methods, coprocultures, successive washing, intestinal scrapings). 11.2. Examination of muscular masses – through artificial digestion methods and trichinelloscopic methods to highlight the presence of Trichinella spp. and Sarcocystis spp. 11.3. Serological exams – to highlight the presence of antiparasitic antibodies in serum, plasma, meat juice or lactoserum (Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, Giardia spp., Eimeria spp., Cryptospordium parvum, Echinococcus granulosus, Trichinella spp., Fasciola hepatica, Borrelia spp., Anaplasma spp., Ehrlichia spp., Dyrofilaria spp.). 11.4. Molecular biology exams – PCR, RFLP-PCR, to highlight the presence of parasite’s genomic DNA (Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, Hammondia hammondi, Eimeria spp., Cryptospordium spp., Echinococcus granulosus, Trichinella spp., Borrelia spp., Anaplasma spp., Ehrlichia spp., Coxiella spp., Babesia spp.) Infectious Diseases and Preventive Medicine 11.5. Microbiological exams for the purpose of diagnostic and establishing adequate therapy: - Bacterioscopical exams. - Special staining for bacteria (Ziehl-Neelsen, OMS, Tribondeau-Fontana, Giemsa, Stamp etc). - Establishing bacterial shape and size. - Digital processing of microscope images. - Bacteriological exam. - Inoculation on special culture media for potentially pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. - Inoculation on special selective and/or differentiation media. - Establishing cultural characteristics of the bacteria. - Biochemical tests on API systems. - Complete antibiograms. 11.6. Immunological exams for the diagnostic and characterization of immunophysiological/ immunopathological prophile: - Serological exams. - Serological typification for E. coli and Salmonella spp. - Hemagglutination inhibition reaction in Newcastle’s disease. - CBC. - Tests for identifying and quantifying non-specific immune effectors (lysozyme, complement, total Ig, circulating immune complexes-CIC). - Tests for identifying and quantifying specific immune effectors (antibodies): RAR, RAL, RFC, RHA, RIHA, DID, Mancini test, immunelectrophoresis. P a g e |181 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.4.3. Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control of Zoonoses - Special exams/tests with high sensitivity and specificity: immunfluorescence (IF). - Estimation of functional capacity of non-specific cellular effectors – phagocytosis activity. - Investigation of functional level of specific cellular effectors (blastic transformation test, inhibition of leucocyte migration reaction, in vivo hypersensitivity tests). - PCR- molecular identifying and genotyping of some microorganisms. 11.7. Consulting in the management of episodes of disease due to microbial or parasitic agents: - Investigation complex, in case of an infectious disease, to establish: sources of infection, focus extention, infected species, degree of zoonotic risk (epidemiological investigation). - Diagnostic in farm animal raising units. - Diagnostic in infectious diseases of pets. - Ways of making plans for supervision, prophylaxis and control of infectious diseases. - Ways of interpreting and implementing legislation harmonized with Community. - Education in order to make necessary documentation for veterinary activities (concession, private practice, etc.). Food Hygiene and Public Health 11.8. Analytical determinations in order to evaluate the quality of food products. 11.9. Identifying and determining microbial contaminants from food through classical methods (selective culture media and API kits) and modern ones (automated PCR). 11.10. Determination of the total number of somatic cells and the total number of germs from milk: through classical and automated methods. 11.11. Screening of Trichinella spiralis larvae in meat: artificial digestion (reference method). 11.12. Identifying the origin of food products through molecular methods. P a g e |182 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.1. Physico-chemical techniques applied to the analysis of animal origin products RESEARCH LABORATORIES L.4.1. Physico-chemical techniques applied to the analysis of animal origin products 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Physico-chemical techniques applied to the analysis of animal origin products CHIMVET Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sanda Andrei Veterinary Medicine +40 264 596 384 ext. 126; 2. Objectives 2.1. Analysis of lipophilic compounds by chromatographic techniques (GC, HPLC, TLC): profile of fatty acids, cholesterol, fat-soluble vitamins (retinols, tocopherols). 2.2. Enzymatic determination (antioxidant enzymes, metabolic enzyme profile) in blood, milk, animal tissues (normal and pathological) and cells culture. 2.3. Determinations of oxidative stress markers in animal tissue (normal and pathological). 2.4. Analysis of the proteins profile in milk from different species by SDS-PAGE and RP-HPLC chromatography. 2.5. Determination of sulphonamides in animal products. 2.6. Determination of steroid compounds of different matrices by GC. 2.7. Using spectroscopic techniques in the analysis of animal products. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Medical Biochemistry. 3.2. Analytical chemistry techniques: chromatography (TLC, HPLC, GC); spectrophotometry (UV-Vis, IR); SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. 3.3. Biophysics. 3.4. Cells culture techniques. 4. Research team 4.1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sanda Andrei - Head of Laboratory: Medical biochemistry, analytical chemistry techniques 4.2. Prof. Dr. Constantin Bele - Medical Biochemistry, analytical chemistry techniques 4.3. Prof. Dr. Adela Pintea - Medical Biochemistry, analytical chemistry techniques, cell culture techniques P a g e |183 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.1. Physico-chemical techniques applied to the analysis of animal origin products 4.4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Razvan Stefan - Biophysics, spectroscopic techniques 4.5. Assist. Dr. Dumitrita Rugina - Analytical chemistry techniques, cell culture techniques 4.6. Dr. Cristian Matea - Analytical chemistry techniques 4.7. PhD student Maria Bindea - Biophysics 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. In vitro testing of natural antioxidants (carotenoids, tocopherols, polyphenols) in normal and tumour cell lines. 5.2. Quantification of sulphonamide residues in animal products. 5.3. Evaluation of the profile of lipids (fatty acids, cholesterol, fat-soluble vitamins); proteins and enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant systems in milk from different species. 5.4. The impact of subclinical mastitis infections on the chemical profile of cow milk. 5.5. In vivo testing of natural antioxidants (carotenoids, tocopherols, polyphenols) in rats treated with carcinogenic and toxic agents. 5.6. Evaluation of blood metabolic profile of various species. 5.7. Testing of phosphatidic biomaterials with antibacterial potential and stimulator of tissues regeneration. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 1. HPLC system with UV-Vis and fluorescence detection 5.1., 5.2. 2008 2. GC with FID detector and gas generators 5.3., 5.4. 2008 3. UV-Vis and FT-IR Spectrometers 5.1., 5.3., 5.4., 5.5., 5.7. 2009 - 2012 4. Electrophoresis system and mini gels dryer 5.3. 2011 5. Spectrofluorimeter 5.7. 2011 6. Semi-automatic Biochemistry Analyzer 5.1., 5.3., 5.6. 2010 7. Eppendorf vacuum concentrator 5.3., 5.4., 5.5. 2008 8. Centrifuges all activities 2010 - 2011 9. Polarimeter 5.4. 2010 10. Digital refractometer 5.4., 5.6. 2009 11. Rota vapour all activities 2010 12. pH-meters all activities 2009 - 2010 13. Ovens, thermoblocks all activities 2008 - 2010 14. Analytical balances all activities 2009 - 2010 15. Vortex, agitators all activities 2008 - 2011 P a g e |184 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.1. Physico-chemical techniques applied to the analysis of animal origin products 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme Director/Project responsible 1. Advanced techniques for the determination of residues in animal origin food; TECHIM Prof. Dr. Constantin Bele 2006 - 2008 2. Biomarkers use in diagnosis and control research; BiomarkDiag Prof. Dr. Adela Pintea 2006 - 2008 3. Evaluation of potential antioxidant effect of some natural compounds (carotenoids and polyphenols) in cultured RPE cell; PN2, IDEI Prof. Dr. Adela Pintea 2007 - 2010 4. Identification of new markers of oxidative stress used in the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in cows; PN2, IDEI Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sanda Andrei 2009 - 2011 5. The antibacterial character and stimulator of tissues regeneration of phosphate biomaterials; PN2, IDEI Assoc. Prof. Dr. Razvan Stefan 2009 - 2011 Period 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Articles published in ISI journals - 19 8.2. Patents - 1 (OSIM patent no.125476 A2/28.05.2010; Sulphamide extraction method in solid phase reaction mediated by multiwalled carbon nanotubes, Authors: Bele C., Matea C. T., Lupu D, Biriş A, Iancu C., Mocan L. 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF LYCOPENE FROM TOMATOES POWDER IN OXIDATIVE STRES INDUCED BY ADMINISTRATION OF L-THYROXIN IN RATS, Andrei S., Joanta A., Pintea A., Sarlea M.M., 2008, CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.102, Issue S3 (Special Issue), pp. s579. 9.2. QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF SULFONAMIDE RESIDUES IN CHICKEN MEAT BY A NEW SOLID PHASE EXTRACTION AND HPLC-UV FOR DETECTION, Bele C., Negrea O., Pintea A., Dulf F., Lupu D., Biriş A., 2008, CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.102, Issue S3 (Special Issue), pp. s589. 9.3. THERAPEUTIC AND IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECT OF TWO COMPLEX HOMEOPATHIC PRODUCTS USED AGAINST CHRONICENDOMETRITIS IN SIMMENTAL COWS, Bogdan L., Groza I., Andrei S., Pintea A., Ciupe S., Cenariu M., Pasca I., Bogdan S., Petrean A., Macri A., 2009, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 7, Issue: 2, Pages: 243-246. 9.4. THE MAJOR PROTEIN FRACTION OF MOUSE MILK REVISITED USING PROVEN PROTEOMIC TOOLS, Boumahrou N., Andrei S., G. Miranda, C. Henry, J.J. Panthier, P. Martin, And S. Bellier, 2009, JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY, Volume: 60, Pages: 113-118. 9.5. CAROTENOIDS MODULATE THE EFFECT OF COCCIDIAN INFECTION ON THE CONDITION AND IMMUNE RESPONSE IN MOULTING HOUSE SPARROWS, P.L. Pap, C.I. Vagasi, G.A. Czirjak, A. Titilincu, A. Pintea, Z. Barta, 2009, JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY, Volume: 212, Issue: 20, Pages: 3228-3235. 9.6. CHEESE AMINO ACIDS CHARACTERIZATION BY ISOTOPIC DILUTION GC-MS, A. Iordache, M. Culea, M. Jimborean, A. Pintea, M. Chiriac, 2009, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ECOLOGY, Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Pages: 149-155. P a g e |185 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.1. Physico-chemical techniques applied to the analysis of animal origin products 9.7. THE ASSESMENT OF QUALITY AND TRACEABILITY BIOMARKERS IN THE BUFFALO MILK PRIMARY PRODUCTION, M.Mihaiu, A.Lapusan, C. Bele, R. Mihaiu, S.Dan, C. Taulescu, C. Matea, C.Carsai, 2011, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 16, Issue: 5, Pages: 6548-6555. 9.8. GLUTATHIONE PEROXIDASE ACTIVITY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMATIC CELL COUNT, NUMBER OF COLONY FORMING UNITS AND PROTEIN CONTENT IN SUBCLINICAL MASTITIS COWS MILK, Andrei S., Matei S., Fit N., Cernea C., Ciupe S., Bogdan S., Groza I. S., 2011, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 16, Issue: 3, Pages: 6209-6217. 9.9. EVOLUTION OF MAJOR MILK PROTEINS IN MUS MUSCULUS AND MUS SPRETUS MOUSE SPECIES: A GENOPROTEOMIC ANALYSIS, N.Boumahrou, C. Bevilacqua, C.Beauvallet, Guy Miranda, Andrei S. , E.Rebours., S.Bellier, P. Martin, 2011, BMC GENOMICS, Volume: 12, Article Number: 80. 9.10. THE EFFECT OF COCCIDIANS ON THE CONDITION AND IMMUNE PROFILE OF MOLTING HOUSE SPARROWS (PASSER DOMESTICUS), Pap, P.L., Vagasi, C.I., Czirjak, G.A., Titilincu, A, Pintea A., Osvath, G., Fulop, A., Barta A Z., 2011, AUK, Volume: 128, Issue: 2, Pages: 330-339. 9.11. EFFECTS OF ASTAXANTHIN SUPPLEMENTATION ON CHEMICALLY INDUCED TUMORIGENESIS IN WISTAR RATS, Gal A., Andrei S., Cernea C., Taulescu M., Catoi C., 2012, ACTA VETERINARIA SCANDINAVICA, Volume: 54, Article Number: 50. 9.12. OXIDANT–ANTIOXIDANT IMBALANCE IN HORSES INFECTED WITH EQUINE INFECTIOUS ANAEMIA VIRUS, Bolfa P., Leroux C., Andrei S.A, Pintea A., Catoi C., Taulescu M., Tabaran F., Spînu M, 2012, VETERINARY JOURNAL, Volume: 192, Issue: 3, Pages: 449-454. 9.13. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF LIPOPHILIC COMPOUNDS IN EGGS OF ORGANICALLY RAISED ISA BROWN AND ARAUCANA HENS, A. Pintea, F.Dulf, A. Bunea, C. Matea, S.Andrei, 2012, CHEMICAL PAPERS, Volume: 66, Issue: 10, Pages: 955-963. 9.14. STRUCTURAL INVESTIGATIONS OF V2O5–P2O5–CAO GLASS SYSTEM BY FT-IR AND EPR SPECTROSCOPIES, R. Stefan, D. Simedru, A. Popa, I. Ardelean, 2012, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, Volume: 47, Issue: 8, Pages: 3746-3751. 9.15. PRENEOPLASTIC AND NEOPLASTIC MAMMARY AND NON-MAMMARY LESIONS ASSOCIATED WITH INFLAMMATION IN CHEMICALLY INDUCED CARCINOGENESIS IN WISTAR RATS, Gal A. F., S.Andrei, C. Bouari, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfa, C. Catoi, 2012, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY, Volume: 146, Issue: 1, Pages: 65-65. 9.16. SEASONAL CHANGES OF BUFFALO COLOSTRUM: PHYSICOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS, FATTY ACIDS AND CHOLESTEROL VARIATION, Coroian A., Erler S., Matea C., Miresan V., Raducu C., Bele C., Coroian C., 2013, CHEMISTRY CENTRAL JOURNAL, Volume: 7, Article Number: 40. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Participation in scientific conferences: - Symposium “Prospects for the Third Millennium Agriculture”, USAMV Cluj-Napoca, 2008 – 2012. - Symposium “Progress and perspectives in veterinary medicine”, Iasi, 2009 – 2011. - Annual International Conference of SRBBM 2008 – 2011. - 16th International Symposium on Carotenoids – Towards a Brighter Side of Life, Krakow, Poland, July, 2011. - 5th Meeting on Chemistry&Life, Brno, Czech Republic, 14-16 September 2011. - EuroFed Lipid, September 2008, Athens, Greece. - EuroFed Lipid, September 2012, Krakow, Poland. P a g e |186 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.2. Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory L.4.2. Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory Prof. Dr. Marina Spînu Veterinary Medicine +40 264 596 384 ext.173 +40 264 593 792 2. Objectives 2.1. Development of new diagnostic techniques. 2.2. Monitoring the effects of various diseases on the host. 2.3. Selecting new therapeutic products. 2.4. Increasing research competencies of young teaching staff, doctoral students and undergraduate students. 2.5. Validation of the research through scientific publications. 2.6. Rigorous implementation of ethical rules in research and biological experiments experimental. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Microbiological examinations for diagnostic purposes and application of the most suitable therapy. 3.2. Immunological investigations for diagnosis, defining the immunological/immunopathological profile of the individuals. 3.3. Consultancy in morbid episodes generated by microbial agents. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Spînu Marina – director, main laboratory veterinarian, Infectious diseases, Immunology, Epidemiology, cell mediated immunity tests 4.2. Prof. Dr. Brudaşcă Gh. F. – team member - Infectious diseases, Exotic and game animal pathology, Companion animal pathology 4.3. Assist. Prof. Dr. Şandru Carmen Dana – team member, Preventive medicine, Veterinary legislation 4.4. Dr. Niculae Mihaela – team member, Infectious diseases, evaluation of antimicrobial, therapeutical and immune modulating capacities of vegetal extracts, ELISA 4.5. Prof. Dr. Vasiu Constantin – team member, Infectious diseases, Epidemiology, consultancy in specific preventive schemes for infectious diseases in farmed animals 4.6. Dr. Vasiu Aurel - team member, Infectious diseases, screening of infectious diseases in farmed P a g e |187 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.2. Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory animals 4.7. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Popescu Silvana - team member, hygiene and animal welfare, animal protection 4.8. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chirilă Flore – team member, diagnosis of fish diseases and useful insects, isolation and identification of Enterobacteriaceae 4.9. Prof. Dr. Ognean Laurenţ - team member, Animal physiology, Haematology 4.10. Prof. Dr. Cozma Vasile - team member, Parasitic diseases, evaluation of chemo-resistance in parasites 4.11. PhD Students: Bordeanu Armela – ecoimmunology, humoral immune tests; Nagy Alexandru resistance to antibiotics; Lazar Eva - laboratory diagnosis in equine diseases 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Bacterioscopy: Special bacterial stains. Digital processing of microspcopical images. Bacteriology: Insemination on specific culture media for potentially pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, insemination on selective and/or differentiation media, chromogenic media, biochemical tests (API and variants), complete antibiogram. 5.2. Serological examinations: E. coli and Salmonella spp. typing, hemagglutination inhibition in Newcastle disease, Hemoleucogram, Tests for identification and quantification of innate humoral immune effectors, Tests for identification and quantification specific humoral effectors (antibodies of IgG and IgM classes), Examinations/tests with high specificity and sensitivity: imunofluorescence, ELISA, FTIR, estimation of the functional capacities of innate cellular immune effectors (phagocytosis), estimation of the functional capacities of adaptive cellular immune effectors (blast transformation of lymphocytes, leukocyte migration inhibition, in vivo hypersensitivity tests), PCR and RT-PCR – molecular identification and genotyping of microorganisms. 5.3. Complex investigations, for the establishment in the case of infectious diseases’ outbreaks of: infectious sources, spreading area, infected species, zoonotic risk. 5.4. On-farm diagnosis, Diagnosis of infectious diseases in companion animals. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment 1. Laminar box 2. Simple hood Related activity Immunological tests: Acquisition (year) 2008 - 2013 2008 - 2013 5.2 3 Vortex mixer 4 Multiple Vortex 5 Water bath 6 Centrifuge 7 Centrifuge +4C 8 Zeiss microscope 9 UV Lamp with holder P a g e |188 Serology: 2008 - 2013 5.2 2008 - 2013 2008 - 2013 5.1., 5.2. 2008 - 2013 2008 - 2013 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 2008 - 2013 2008 - 2013 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.2. Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory 10 Automatic pipettes 200-1000 Immunology, serology, microbiology 2008 - 2013 11 Automatic pipettes 2-20 microlitri 12 Deep freezer -80 Preservation of the samples 2008 - 2013 13 Printers Printing result sheets 2008 - 2013 14 RT-PCR device Amplification 2008 - 2013 15 Sterile hood 2008 - 2013 16 Simple hood Immunology, serology, microbiology: 2008 - 2013 2008 - 2013 5.1, 5.2 17 CO2 Incubator Microbiological tests: 2008 - 2013 5.1 18 Incubator 5.1 2008 - 2013 19 Autoclave Sterilization 2008 - 2013 20 PCR termocycler 5.1 2008 - 2013 21 Horizontal electrophoresis Electrophoresis 2008 - 2013 22 Microscope Zeiss x2 5.1, 5.2 2008 - 2013 23 Freezers 24 ELISA line 25 Microwave oven 26 Multiwavelenght spectrophotometer 2008 - 2013 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 2008 - 2013 5.1, 5.2 2008 - 2013 2008 - 2013 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme 1. Fundamental and applied studies in ecoepidemiology, biology and molecular genetics of Lyme disease vectors; PN2, Ideas, Complex exploratory research projects, 84/2010 2. Director/Project responsible Period Prof. Dr. Călin Gherman 2010-2013 Development of a paradigm for assessment of heavy metal and microbial pollution in wild birds and fish and its implementation for conservation of biodiversity in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve; PN2, Partnerships in priority fields, PCCA 61/2012 Prof. Dr. Marina Spînu 2012-2015 3. Romanian High Competence Scientific Center in Bee Biotechnology– RoBeeTech; POS CCE, Operation 2.1.2., No. 207/2010, ID. 618, SMIS-CSNR12460, Assist. Prof. Dr. Dr. Chirilă Flore member 2010-2013 4. Epidemiological, diagnostic, pathogentical and Prof. Dr. Vasile 2008-2011 P a g e |189 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.2. Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory immunological investigations in bovine and canine neosporosis in NW, center and South of Romania; PN2, PC Cozma 5. Molecular epidemiology studies in human and animal echinococcosis in S and NW of Romania Strategic program of disease; PN2, PC Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma 2008-2011 6. A research Center and reference laboratory in diagnosis and control of parasitic zoonoses in Transylvania; PN2, Capacities, Module I Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma 2008-2009 7. A comparative epidemiological investigation on Toxoplasma gondii infection prevalence in ovine of Romania and France; PN2, Capacities Module III – bilateral cooperation Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma 2009-2010 8. MOLECZOOPAR - Gene variation of key zoonotic pathogens (Borrelia spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Echinococcus spp. and Trichinella spp.) in Romania and China (2013-2014); PN2, Capacities Module III, bilateral cooperation Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma 2013-2014 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Publications - 93 8.2. Technologies - 12 8.3. Services - 5 contracts 8.4. Analyses for third parties – 2 contracts 8.5. Completed PhD theses - 18 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. STRUCTURAL INVESTIGATION OF xFE(2)O(3)center dot(70-x)B2O3 center dot 15ZNO center dot 15CAOGLASSES BY INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY AND DFT CALCULATIONS, Ştefan Răzvan, E. Vinţeler, A. Marcu, G. Ţarălungă, S. Popescu, I. Bratu, 2011, STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABESBOLYAI CHEMIA, Volume: 56, Issue: 1, Pages: 189-198. 9.2. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BEHAVIORAL AND OTHER WELFARE INDICATORS OF WORKING HORSES, Silvana Popescu, Eva-Andrea Diugan, 2013, JOURNAL OF EQUINE VETERINARY SCIENCE, Volume: 33, Issue: 1, Pages: 1-12. 9.3. ANTIBACTERIAL ACTION OF AN AQUEOUS GRAPE SEED POLYPHENOLIC EXTRACT, Veronica Sanda Chedea, Cornelia Braicu, Flore Chirilă, Ciprian Ober and Carmen Socaciu, 2011, AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, Volume: 10, Issue: 33, Pages: 6276-6280. 9.4. RESEARCHES REGARDING IN VITRO ANTIMICROBIAL EFFECT OF SOME TYPES OF HONEY FROM TRANSYLVANIA ON STAPHYLOCOCCI ISOLATED FROM ANIMALS AND HUMANS, N. Fiţ, F. Chirilă, G. Nadăş, C. Bouari, S.L. Pantrea, E. Pall, B. Pompei, PLANTA MEDICA, Volume: 77, Issue: 12, Pages: 1457-1458. 9.5. ANTIBACTERIAL ACTION OF AN AQUEOUS GRAPE SEED POLYPHENOLIC EXTRACT, Veronica Sanda Chedea, Cornelia Braicu, Flore Chirilă, Ciprian Ober and Carmen Socaciu, 2011, AFRICAN P a g e |190 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.2. Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, Volume: 10, Issue: 33, Pages: 6276-6280. 9.6. INTERACTIONS AMONG FLAVONOIDS OF PROPOLIS AFFECT ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY AGAINST THE HONEYBEE PATHOGEN PAENIBACILLUS LARVAE, Cristina Mihai, Liviu Mărghitaş, Daniel Dezmirean, Flore Chirilă, Robin Moritz, Helge Schluns, 2012, JOURNAL OF INVERTEBRATE PATHOLOGY, Volume: 110, Issue: 1, Pages: 68-72. 9.7. RECOMBINANT ANOXYBACILLUS FLAVITHERMUS T1 ESTERASE/LIPASE: OPTIMISATION OF EXPRESSION AND RECOVERY, Chiş Laura-Mihaela; Hrişcu Monica; Chirilă Flore; Lupău Iulia; Toşa Monica; Irimie Florin Dan, 2012, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, Volume: 11, Issue: 11, Pages: 1915-1922. 9.8. IN VITRO ANTIMICROBIAL EFFICACY OF HONEYDEW AND CALENDULA OFFICINALIS L. AGAINST PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA, Niculae M., Spînu M., Şandru C., Chirilă F., 2011, PLANTA MEDICA, Volume: 77, Issue: 12, Pages: 1458-1458. 9.9. PREVALENCE OF ANAPLASMA PHAGOCYTOPHILUM INFECTION IN EUROPEAN WILD BOAR (SUS SCROFA) POPULATIONS, Kiss T., Cadar D., Krupaci F.A., Bordeanu A., Spînu M., 2013, EPIDEMIOL INFECT, Epub ahead of print. 9.10. CAPSID PROTEIN EVOLUTION AND COMPARATIVE PHYLOGENY OF NOVEL PORCINE PARVOVIRUSES, Cadar D, Cságola A, Kiss T, Tuboly T, 2013, MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION, Volume: 66, Issue: 1, Pages: 243-253. 9.11. TICK PREVENTION AT A CROSSROAD: NEW AND RENEWED SOLUTIONS, Kiss T., Cadar D., Spînu M., 2012, VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 187, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 357-366. 9.12. SEROLOGICAL REACTIVITY TO BORRELIA BURGDORFERI SENSU LATO IN DOGS AND HORSES FROM DISTINCT AREAS IN ROMANIA, Kiss T., Cadar D., Krupaci A.F., Bordeanu A., Brudaşcă G.F., Mihalca A.D., Mircean V., Gliga L., Dumitrache M.O., Spînu M., 2011, VECTOR-BORNE AND ZOONOTIC DISEASES, Volume: 11, Issue: 9, Pages: 1259-1262. 9.13. PHYLOGENY AND EVOLUTIONARY GENETICS OF PORCINE PARVOVIRUS IN WILD BOARS, Cadar D., Dán Á., Tombácz K., Lőrincz M., Kiss T., Becskei Z., Spînu M., Tuboly T., Cságola A., 2012, INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION, Volume: 12, Issue: 6, Pages: 1163-1171. 9.14. DETECTION OF NATURAL INTER- AND INTRA-GENOTYPE RECOMBINATION EVENTS REVEALED BY CAP GENE ANALYSIS AND DECREASING PREVALENCE OF PCV2 IN WILD BOARS, Cadar D., Cságola A., Lőrincz M., Tombácz K., Spînu M., Tuboly T., 2012, INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION, Volume: 12, Issue: 2, Pages: 420-427. 9.15. DISTRIBUTION AND GENETIC DIVERSITY OF PORCINE HOKOVIRUS IN WILD BOARS, Cadar D, Cságola A, Lőrincz M, Tombácz K, Spînu M, Tuboly T., 2011, ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY, Volume: 156, Issue: 12, Pages: 2233-2239. 9.16. GENETIC DETECTION AND ANALYSIS OF PORCINE BOCAVIRUS TYPE 1 (POBOV1) IN EUROPEAN WILD BOAR (SUS SCROFA), Cadar D., Cságola A., Lőrincz M., Tombácz K., Kiss T., Spînu M., Tuboly T., 2011, VIRUS GENES, Volume: 43, Issue: 3, Pages: 376-379. 9.17. OXIDANT-ANTIOXIDANT IMBALANCE IN HORSES INFECTED WITH EQUINE INFECTIOUS ANAEMIA VIRUS, Bolfă P.F., Leroux C., Pintea A., Andrei S., Catoi C., Taulescu M., Tabaran F., Spînu M., 2012, VETERINARY JOURNAL, Volume: 192, Issue: 3, Pages: 449-454. 9.18. THE EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENT AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CYCLICITY ON THE IMMUNE SYSTEM OF VIPERINAE, Köbölkuti L., Cadar D., Czirják G., Niculae M., Kiss T., Şandru C., Spînu M., 2012, SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL, Pages: 1-6, Article Number: 574867. 9.19. ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECT OF ROMANIAN PROPOLIS ON PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA AND STAPHYLOCOCCUS INTERMIDIUS, Stan L., Niculae M., Mărghitaş Al. L., Spînu M., Dezmirean D., P a g e |191 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.2. Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory 2012, 2012, PLANTA MEDICA, Volume: 78, Issue: 11, Pages: 1094-1094. 9.20. IN ROMANIA, EXPOSURE TO TOXOPLASMA GONDII OCCURS TWICE AS OFTEN IN SWINE RAISED FOR FAMILIAL CONSUMPTION AS IN HUNTED WILD BOAR, BUT OCCURS RARELY, IF EVER, AMONG FATTENING PIGS RAISED IN CONFINEMENT, Paştiu A.I., Györke A., Blaga R., Mircean V., Rosenthal B.M., Cozma V., 2013, PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH, Volume: 112, Issue: 6, Pages: 2403-2407. 9.21. NORTHERN WHITE-BREASTED HEDGEHOGS ERINACEUS ROUMANICUS AS HOSTS FOR TICKS INFECTED WITH BORRELIA BURGDORFERI SENSU LATO AND ANAPLASMA PHAGOCYTOPHILUM IN ROMANIA, Dumitrache MO, Paştiu AI, Kalmár Z, Mircean V, Sándor AD, Gherman CM, Peştean C, Mihalca AD, Cozma V., 2013, TICKS AND TICK-BORNE DISEASES, Volume: 4, Issue: 3, Pages: 214-217. 9.22. ZOONOTIC PATHOGENS ASSOCIATED WITH HYALOMMA AEGYPTIUM IN ENDANGERED TORTOISES: EVIDENCE FOR HOST-SWITCHING BEHAVIOUR IN TICKS?, Paştiu A.I., Matei I.A., Mihalca A.D., D’Amico G., Dumitrache M.O., Kalmár Z., Sándor A.D., Gherman C.M., Cozma V., 2012, PARASITES & VECTORS, Volume: 5, Article Number: 301. 9.23. FIRST DETECTION OF ECHINOCOCCUS GRANULOSUS G1 AND G7 IN WILD BOARS (SUS SCROFA) AND RED DEER (CERVUS ELAPHUS) IN ROMANIA USING PCR AND PCR-RFLP TECHNIQUES, Onac D., Győrke A., Oltean M., Gavrea R., Cozma V., 2013, VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 193, Issue: 1-3, Pages: 289-291. 9.24. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVEY OF NEOSPORA CANINUM INFECTION IN DOGS FROM ROMANIA, Gavrea R., Mircean V., Pastiu A., Cozma V., 2012, VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 188, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 382-385. 9.25. CO2 FLAGGING - AN IMPROVED METHOD FOR THE COLLECTION OF QUESTING TICKS, Călin M Gherman, Andrei D Mihalca, Mirabela O Dumitrache, Adriana Györke, Ioan Oroian, Mignon Sandor and Vasile Cozma, 2012, PARASITES & VECTORS, Volume: 5, Article Number: 125. 9.26. SEROPREVALENCE AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF DIROFILARIA IMMITIS AND TICK-BORNE INFECTIONS (ANAPLASMA PHAGOCYTOPHILUM, BORRELIA BURGDORFERI SENSU LATO, AND EHRLICHIA CANIS) IN DOGS FROM ROMANIA, Mircean V., Dumitrache M.O., Györke A., Pantchev N., Jodies R., Mihalca A.D., Cozma V., 2012, VECTOR-BORNE AND ZOONOTIC DISEASES, Volume: 12, Issue: 7, Pages: 595-604. 9.27. IXODES RICINUS IS THE DOMINANT QUESTING TICK IN FOREST HABITATS IN ROMANIA: THE RESULTS FROM A COUNTRYWIDE DRAGGING CAMPAIGN, Mihalca A.D., Gherman C.M., Magdaş C., Dumitrache M.O., Györke A., Sándor A.D., Domşa C., Oltean M., Mircean V., Mărcuţan D.I., D'Amico G., Păduraru A.O., Cozma V., 2012, EXPERIMENTAL AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY, Volume: 58, Issue: 2, Pages: 175-182. 9.28. SYNOPSIS OF THE HARD TICKS (ACARI: IXODIDAE) OF ROMANIA WITH UPDATE ON HOST ASSOCIATIONS AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, Mihalca A.D., Dumitrache M.O., Magdaş C., Gherman C.M., Domşa C., Mircean V., Ghira I.V., Pocora V., Ionescu D.T., Sikó Barabási S., Cozma V., Sándor A.D., 2012, EXPERIMENTAL AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY, Volume: 58, Issue: 2, Pages: 183-206. 9.29. PREVALENCE AND RISK FACTORS OF GIARDIA DUODENALIS IN DOGS FROM ROMANIA, Mircean V., Györke A., Cozma V., 2012, VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 184, Issue: 2-4, Pages: 325329. 9.30. SEROPREVALENCE OF TOXOPLASMA GONDII AND NEOSPORA CANINUM IN DAIRY GOATS FROM ROMANIA, Iovu A., Györke A., Mircean V., Gavrea R., Cozma V., 2012, VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, Volume: 186, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 470-474. P a g e |192 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.2. Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory 9.31. CHARACTERIZATION OF HOST-PARASITE INTERACTIONS DURING THE EXPERIMENTAL TRICHINELLA SPIRALIS INFECTION IN PIGS, Oltean M., Gavrea R., Dumitrache M., Băguţ T., Gherman C.M., Cozma V., Györke A., 2012, HELMINTHOLOGIA, Volume: 49, Issue: 3, Pages: 139146. 9.32. PREVALENCE OF GIARDIA SPECIES IN STOOL SAMPLES BY ELISA IN HOUSEHOLD CATS FROM ROMANIA AND RISK FACTORS, Mircean V., Györke A., Jarca A., Cozma V., 2011, JOURNAL OF FELINE MEDICINE AND SURGERY, Volume: 13, Issue: 6, Pages: 479-482. 9.33. HARD TICKS (IXODIDAE) IN ROMANIA: SURVEILLANCE, HOST ASSOCIATIONS, AND POSSIBLE RISKS FOR TICK-BORNE DISEASES, Dumitrache M.O., Gherman C.M., Cozma V., Mircean V., Györke A., Sándor A.D., Mihalca A.D., 2011, PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH, Volume: 110, Issue: 5, Pages: 20672070. 9.34. COENDANGERED HARD-TICKS: THREATENED OR THREATENING?, Mihalca A.D., Gherman C.M., Cozma V., 2011, PARASITES & VECTORS, Volume: 4, Article Number: 71. 9.35. TOXOPLASMA GONDII IN ROMANIAN HOUSEHOLD CATS: EVALUATION OF SEROLOGICAL TESTS, EPIDEMIOLOGY AND RISK FACTORS, Györke A., Opsteegh M., Mircean V., Iovu A., Cozma V., 2011, PREVENTIVE VETERINARY MEDICINE, Volume: 102, Issue: 4, Pages: 321-328. 9.36. SEROPREVALENCE OF NEOSPORA CANINUM IN DAIRY CATTLE FROM NORTH-WEST AND CENTER OF ROMANIA., Gavrea R.R., Iovu A., Losson B., Cozma V., 2011., PARASITE-JOURNAL DE LA SOCIETE FRANCAISE DE PARASITOLOGIE, Volume: 18, Issue: 4, Pages: 349-351. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Director of the laboratory - Associate member of ASAS since 2010, member of the College of Doctors within the Hungarian Academy of Sciences since 2002, EFSA and EAEVE (clinical sciences) expert. 10.2. Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma - ASAS full member, EAEVE expert Public health. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Microbiological examinations for diagnostic and therapeutical purposes: - Bacteriscopy: - Special bacterial strains (Ziehl-Neelsen, OMS, Tribondeau-Fontana, Giemsa, Stamp etc). - Shape and size of bacteria. - Digital processing of microscopic images. - Bacteriology: - Insemination of potentially pathogenic bacteria on special culture media for aerobic and anaerobic germa. - Insemination on selective/differentiation media. - Cultural traits of the bacteria. - API tests for biochemical typing. - Complete antibiogram. 11.2. Immunological tests for immune profile, pathological changes and diagnostic purposes P a g e |193 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.2. Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory - Serology: - Seroptyping for E. coli and Salmonella spp. - HI in Newcastle disease. - Hemoleukogram. - Identification and quantification of humoral immune effectors. - Identification of specific humoral immune effectors (antibodies): RAT, SAT, CFT, HA, HAI, AGID, Mancini test, imunoelectrophoresis. - Specific and sensitive tests: ELISA; IF. - Phagocytosis. - Specific cell mediated immunity tests: blast transformation, leukocyte migration inhibition, in vivo hypersensitivity test. - PCR- RT PCR – molecular diagnosis. 11.3. Consultancy in morbid episodes generated by microbial and parasitic agents (risk assessment, management and control): - Epidemiological surveys. - On farm diagnosis. - Companion animals’ diseases diagnosis. - Drawing up and management of surveillance and contingency plans, prophylaxis and control of infectious diseases. - Interpretation and implementation of harmonized and EU legislation. - Training on establishment of documentation concerning the management of accession and private practices. P a g e |194 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.3. Animal production and food safety L.4.3. Animal production and food safety 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Animal production and food safety PRODSIGALIM Prof. Dr. Mihaiu Marian, DVM Veterinary Medicine +40 264 596 384, ext. 252 +40 264 592 793 m. 2. Objectives 2.1. Development of the research infrastructure in animal breeding, nutrition, hygiene and food safety in order to realize controlled food chain in relation with consumer protection and food safety. 2.2. Increasing use of the existing infrastructure through a better accessibility to national and international grant competition. 2.3. Finalize development strategy and directing of the innovative laboratory research activities of the department of animal production and food safety. 2.4. Development of highly skilled human resources. 2.5. Expanding the supply of consultancy services to various beneficiaries (farms, food processing units, individuals). 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Monitoring of microclimate factors level in shelters for different species and categories of animals (temperature, humidity, pressure, air flow speed, lighting, noise, noxious gases, dust and microorganisms). 3.2. Air quality monitoring in the vicinity of farms: harmful gases, dust, microorganisms. 3.3. Natural environmental factors level monitoring: temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed, lighting, noise, noxious gases, dust and microorganisms. 3.4. Determination of odour and noise pollution of the environment in the vicinity of breeding and exploitation of animals. 3.5. Complete examination of water quality consumed by animals and humans: determination of indicator parameters, chemical and microbiological through standardized methods. 3.6. Examination of wastewater from abattoirs and slaughter points. 3.7. Milk quality examination. 3.8. Consultancy for the location and construction of livestock farms. 3.9. Control of efficiency of air disinfection, surfaces in animal shelters and animal products processing units. 3.10. Assessment of farm animal and pets welfare by the most modern methods (according to USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 P a g e |195 L.4.3. Animal production and food safety European requirements). 3.11. Determination of chemical composition and quality of feed. 3.12. Mycological, bacteriological and mycotoxicological examination of feed. 3.13. The analysis of floristic structure of feed. 3.14. Assessment of nutritional and energy value of food and feed. 3.15. Food rations and diets for pets. 3.16. Development of recipes and formulations of mixed feed for farm animals. 3.17. Laboratory tests for assessing the integrity and hygienic quality of milk and milk products, meat and meat products. 3.18. Identification of pathogens, sanitary indicators from animal origin food and antibiotic resistance testing. 3.19. Identification of fraud from animal origin foods by molecular techniques. 3.20. Trichineloscopic examination for pork and wild boar meat. 3.21. Consulting for design and implementation of HACCP and prerequisite programs in food processing units and animal exploitation. 3.22. Consultancy for setting up factory laboratories in animal origin food processing units. 3.23. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity studies of antiparasitic drugs. 3.24. Influence of mutagens on workers exposed to environmental pollutants conditions. 3.25. In vitro culture of cattle, sheep, pigs and mice embryos. 3.26. Leukocyte cultures of cattle, sheep, swine, horses, study of optimized factors, physical, chemical and biological. 3.27. Study of numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities at the main farm animal species. 3.28. Cytogenetic study of aboriginal and imported sheep and goats, which present reproductive function disorders. 3.29. Obtaining mitotic preparations from bone marrow. 3.30. Techniques for obtaining leukocyte micronucleus. 3.31. Growth and preservation of mulberry silkworm genetic background in sericulture modules. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Marian Mihaiu, DVM - coordinator. Area of expertise: food technology and sanitary veterinary expertise; food hygiene and public health; food safety 4.2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ioan Paşca - member. Area of expertise: Consultancy in local genetic fund of various endangered species; reproduction livestock evaluation; testing; age evaluation in cattle, sheep, horses after teething; eggs incubation in poultry breeding; husbandry and conservation genetic fund of mulberry silkworms in sericulture modules 4.3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dana Pusta, DVM - member. Area of expertise: genetics and heredopatology, animal physiology 4.4. Assist. Dr. Silvana Popescu, DVM - member. Area of expertise: animal hygiene, welfare and protection; environmental protection; ethology 4.5. Assist. Prof. Dr. Sorin Daniel Dan, DVM - member. Area of expertise: food technology; food P a g e |196 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.3. Animal production and food safety hygiene and public health; food microbiology 4.6. Assist. Prof. Dr. Cristin Borda, DVM - member. Area of expertise: animal hygiene, welfare and protection; environmental protection; ethology 4.7. Assist. Prof. Dr. Adrian Cîmpean, DVM - member. Area of expertise: Consultancy in reproduction livestock evaluation; testing; improvement, planning and genetic improvement activities by matching pairs and crosses types differentiated by species; optimization farms with industrial production; eggs incubation in poultry breeding 4.8. Assist. Prof. Dr. Adrian Macri, DVM - member. Area of expertise: animal nutrition; clinical nutrition, mycotoxins identification in feed/food 4.9. Assist. Dr. Andrei Szakacs, DVM - member. Area of expertise: animal nutrition; clinical nutrition, mycotoxins identification in feed/food; parasitological diagnose in pigs 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Analysis of water content and dry substance: gravimetric, automated; 5.2. The analysis of pH and electrical conductivity: electronic; 5.3. Chemical analysis of food (protein, fat, crude ash, non-nitrogenous extractable substances), gravimetric, volumetric, extraction, hydrolysis, distillation, automated methods; 5.4. Determination of food freshness (acidity): volumetric; 5.5. Determination of chloride: volumetric; 5.6. Identification and determination of microbiological contaminants in food by classical methods (selective culture media and API kits) and modern (PCR) automated; 5.7. Determination of somatic cell load and the total number of bacteria in milk: classical and automated methods; 5.8. Detection of Trichinella spiralis larvae in meat: artificial digestion (reference method); 5.9. Identification of food origin by molecular methods; 5.10. Identification of antibiotic residues in milk and mastitis milk; 5.11. Consulting for local gene pool conservation of various endangered species; 5.12. Consulting for appreciation of breeding animals: Testing; 5.13. Consulting for age determination in cattle, sheep, horses by teething; 5.14. Consultants for genetic improvement planning, by matching pairs and differentiated crosses types on species; 5.15. Optimization of farms with industrial production; 5.16. Consulting for eggs incubates in poultry; 5.17. Growth and preservation of mulberry silkworm genetic background in sericulture modules 5.18. Consulting for biotechnology in breeding; 5.19. Consulting for pets breeding; 5.20. Analysis of gross chemical composition of feed (moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, SEN, crude ash); 5.21. Measurement of quality of feed (fat acidity, freshness protein, pH salt); 5.22. Mycological and bacteriological examinations of feed; P a g e |197 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.3. Animal production and food safety 5.23. Identification of mycotoxins in feed and food (aflatoxins, trichothecenes, zearalenone) using ELISA technique; 5.24. Establishment of rations and diets with Futter HYBRIMIN program; 5.25. Assessment of nutritional and energy value of feed and food; 5.26. Determination of microclimate factors level in shelters for different species and categories of animals: temperature, humidity, air flow rate, pressure, light, noise, noxious gases, dust and microorganisms; 5.27. Determination of air quality in the vicinity of farms with milk cows, pigs for fattening, laying hens, broiler chickens; 5.28. Determination of hygienic quality of various water sources used for watering livestock; 5.29. Determination of water quality consumed by the animals in farms and households; 5.30. Determination of raw cow milk quality (TNG, number of somatic cells, protein, fat); 5.31. Determination of the efficiency of air decontamination with classical and modern disinfectants in shelters for farm animals; 5.32. Examination of manure slurry from pig farms; 5.33. Examination of wastewater quality from small slaughterhouses and slaughter points; 5.34. Identification of welfare problems in dairy cows from bound and unbound system; 5.35. Identification of problems in horses welfare; 5.36. Identification of rabbit welfare issues in different housing systems. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 1. Kjelahl device 5.3. 2009 2. Soxhlet device 5.3. 2009 3. Calciner 5.3. 2001 4. Electronic pH-meter C 532 with temperature sensor 5.2., 5.4, 5.10 2008 5. Ekomilk 5.3. 2010 6. Ekotest 5.10 2011 7. Somatos M 5.10. 2010 8. Electronic conductometer Hanna 5.2. 2009 9. Electric autoclave 5.6. 2011 10. Electronic scale with two decimal, weighs up to 400 g 5.6. 2010 11. Thermostat and adjustable oven Memmert 5.1, 5.6 2010 12. Bioflux microflow class II laminar flow cabinet 5.6 2010 13. Stomacher blender 400 5.6 2010 14. Olympus optic microscope, provided with a 10 megapixel digital camera 5.6. 2010 P a g e |198 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.3. Animal production and food safety 15. PCR centrifuge - Eppendorf Minispin PLUS 5.6., 5.9. 2011 16. Vortex 5.6, 5.9. 2010 17. Water bath AISI-310 5.6, 5.9. 2011 18. Thermocycler PCR 5.6, 5.9. 2011 19. Electrophoresis chambers 5.6, 5.9. 2011 20. Artificial digestion system 5.8. 2010 21. Bx41Olympus Microscope 5.17 2008 22. Zoometer h=150 cm 5.12 2008 23. 3 Measuring sticks for animals 5.12 2008 24. Lab oven ESAC 100 5.17 2008 25. Mobile milking device 5.12 2005 26. Kruss Microscope 5.17 2007 27. Calciner oven 5.20 2012 28. Electronic scale with four decimal, weighs up to 200 g 5.20, 5.21, 5.22 2012 29. Computers and laptops with development of rations softs 5.24 2009 30. Motic Optic microscope 5.21 2009 31. Portable electronic pH-meter, with temperature probe 5.25 2009 32. Electronic thermometer 5.26, 5.28, 5.29, 5.32, 5.33 2009 33. Thermometer with IR 5.26 2007 34. Thermohygrometer 5.26, 5.27 2009 35. Hygrometer 5.26, 5.27 2003 36. Humidity tester 5.26 2003 37. Barometer 5.26 2002 38. Light meter 5.26, 5.27 2008 39. Anemometer 5.27 2009 40. Catermometer Hill 5.26 2002 41. Sonometer 5.26, 5.27 2008 42. Gas analyser Drager 5.26, 5.27 2008 43. Colonies counter 5.26, 5.27, 5.28, 5.29, 5,30, 5.31, 5.32, 5.33 2008 44. System for air monitoring MAS 100 5.26, 5.27, 5.31 2008 45. System for microbiological monitoring of water 5.28, 5.29, 5.33 2008 46. Photo colorimeter 5.28, 5.29, 5.33 2010 47. Turbidimeter 5.28, 5.29, 5.32, 5.33 2008 P a g e |199 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.3. Animal production and food safety 48. Tester pH/conductivity 5.28, 5.29, 5.32, 5.33 2012 49. Scale 5.26, 5.28, 5.29, 5.30, 5.32, 5.33 2005 50. Autoclave 5.26, 5.28, 5.29, 5.30, 5.31, 5.32, 5.33 2010 51. Incubator 5.26, 5.28, 5.29, 5.30, 5.31, 5.32, 5.33 2009 52. Ekomilk 5.30 2009 Director/Project responsible Period 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme 1. Informatic system in assuring traceability and food quality; CEEX, Module 1, code 33 Prof. Dr. Mihaiu Marian, DVM 2006-2008 2. Traditional cheese safety, functional model for assessing the quality and traceability; CNCSIS, A, Code 857 Prof. Dr. Mihaiu Marian, DVM 2007-2009 3. Functional Feeding Model for Atherosclerotic CardioVascular Diseases Prevention, through an Intelligent Hazard Analysis System – MACSIM; PN2, no. 52135/1/2008. Prof. Dr. Mihaiu Marian, DVM 2008-2011 4. Researches concerning traceability and quality markers on the buffalo milk chain; PN2, IDEI, CNCSIS, No. 1083/2009 Prof. Dr. Mihaiu Marian, DVM 2008-2011 5. Conservation of biodiversity and genetic potential of domestic sericulture resources; PNCDI 2, no. 51014/2007 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ioan Paşca 2007-2010 6. Study of the influence of the housing and management practices on the welfare of dairy cows; PN –II- ID-PCE, No. 1095/2009 Assist. Prof. Dr. Popescu Silvana, DVM 2008-2011 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Articles published in ISI and BDI journals - 180 8.2. Finalized PhD thesis - 4 8.3. Patents - 4 8.4. Award Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences "Gheorghe Ionescu-Siseşti" - Award "Gheorghe Constantinescu K. 2009," for article " Nutritional and hormonal supplements in silkworm nutrition", Author: Al. Liviu Mărghitaş, Daniel Dezmirean, Cristina Bojan, Ioan Pasca Gabriel Lenghel. P a g e |200 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.3. Animal production and food safety 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. SEASONAL VARIATIONS IN THE BIOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BUFFALO MILK, Mihaiu M., C. Bele, Alexandra Lapusan, Romolica Mihaiu, S. D. Dan, Carmen Taulescu, Cristian Matea, 2010, STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA, Volume: 55, Issue: 3, Pages: 197-205. 9.2. THE WELFARE ASSESSMENT OF TIED DAIRY COWS IN 52 SMALL FARMS IN NORTH-EASTERN TRANSYLVANIA USING ANIMAL-BASED MEASUREMENTS, Silvana Popescu, Cristin Borda, Carmen Dana Sandru, Razvan Stefan, Eva Lazar, 2010, SLOVENIAN VETERINARY RESEARCH, Volume: 47, Issue: 3, Pages: 77-82. 9.3. THE PREVALENCE OF LOSER COWS IN EXTENSIVE BREEDING SYSTEMS IN TRANSYLVANIA, Silvana Popescu, Cristin Borda, Dana C. Sandru, Cristina I. Hegedus, 2010, TURKISH JOURNAL OF VETERINARY & ANIMAL SCIENCES, Volume: 34, Issue: 6, Pages: 519-524. 9.4. MICROBIOLOGICAL AIR QUALITY IN TIE-STALL DAIRY BARNS AND SOME FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE IT, Popescu S., C. Borda, E. A. Diugan, 2011, AFRICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, Volume: 6, Issue: 32, Pages: 6726-6734. 9.5. THE ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY AND TRACEABILITY BIOMARKERS IN THE BUFFALO MILK PRIMARY PRODUCTION, Mihaiu M., Alexandra Lapusan, C. Bele, Romolica Mihaiu, S. D. Dan, Carmen Taulescu, Cristian Matea, 2011, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 16, Issue: 5, Pages: 6548-6555. 9.6. STRUCTURAL INVESTIGATION OF xFE(2)O(3)center dot(70-x)B2O3 center dot 15ZNO center dot 15CAOGLASSES BY INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY AND DFT CALCULATIONS, Ştefan Răzvan, E. Vinţeler, A. Marcu, G. Ţarălungă, S. Popescu, I. Bratu, 2011, STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABESBOLYAI CHEMIA, Volume: 56, Issue: 1, Pages: 189-198. 9.7. PROTEIN CHARACTERIZATION OF ROMANIAN BUFFALO MILK COMPARED TO COW MILK, Marian Mihaiu, Alexandra Lapusan, Romolica Mihaiu, Sorin Daniel Dan, Carmen Jecan, Anamaria Cozma, 2012, STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA, Volume: 57, Issue: 1, Pages: 205-212. 9.8. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BEHAVIORAL AND OTHER WELFARE INDICATORS OF WORKING HORSES, Silvana Popescu, Eva-Andrea Diugan, 2013, JOURNAL OF EQUINE VETERINARY SCIENCE, Volume: 33, Issue: 1, Pages: 1-12. 9.9. THE IMPORTANCE OF PROBIOTICS ADMINISTRATION TO SUCKING PIGS, Pasca Ioan; Marghitas Liviu Alexandru; Groza Ioan; Pusta Dana; Morar Roman; Oroian Teofil; Cimpean Adrian; Bogdan Liviu; Morar Iancu; Dezmirean Dan; Cenariu Mihai; Bogdan Ileana; Bogdan Sidonia; Oroian Rares, 2009, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 7, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 485-491. 9.10. THERAPEUTIC AND IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECT OF TWO COMPLEX HOMEOPATHIC PRODUCTS USED AGAINST CHRONIC ENDOMETRITIS IN SIMMENTAL COWS, Bogdan L., I. Groza, Sanda Andrei, Adela Pintea, Simona Ciupe, M. Cenariu, Ileana Bogdan, I. Pașca, Sidonia Bogdan, Anamaria Petrean, A. Macri, 2009, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 7, Issue: 2, Pages: 243-246. 9.11. THE QUALITY OF THE FIRST COLOSTRUM AND THE PROPHYLAXY OF THE NEONATAL DIARRHOEA IN CALVES, Morar R., Dana Pusta, I. Paşca, Rodica Sobolu, 2008, MAGYAR ALLATORVOSOK LAPJA, Vol. 130, Supplement II, p. 65. 9.12. VARIATIONS OF THE ANTIOXIDANT SYSTEMS IN BLOOD OF THE LACTATING DAIRY COWS EXPOSED TO SOLAR RADIATION, Pusta D., 2008, MAGYAR ALLATORVOSOK LAPJA, Vol. 130, Supplement II, p. 290. P a g e |201 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.3. Animal production and food safety 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Participation in scientific conferences: - International Symposium “Prospects for the Agriculture of the 3rd Millennium”, U.S.A.M.V. Cluj-Napoca. - International Symposium “Contribution of the Scientific Research to Veterinary Medicine”, USAMV Bucharest. - XI European Multi colloquium of Parasitology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. - The 3rd CASEE Conference “Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production in the Danube Region” Cluj-Napoca. - 48-th Croatian & 8th International Symposium on Agriculture, February 18 - 22, 2013, Lacroma Hotel, Dubrovnik, Croatia. - 47-th Croatian & 7th International Symposium on Agriculture, February 13 - 17, 2012. Grand Hotel Adriatic. Opatija. Croatia. - 20th International Colloquium on Animal Cytogenetics and Gene Mapping, Cordoba, Spain, April, 25-18, 2012. - International Conference Competitiveness and European Integration, 12-17 April 2011, BBU, FSEGA, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. - XIth National Congress of Veterinary Medicine, May 8 to 11, 2011, Bucharest, Romania. - The Third National Congress of Medical Genetics with International Participation, Timisoara, September 22 to 25, 2010. - Lecture „Interdisciplinary approach of Rare Diseases” 20-22 September, Timişoara. - Workshop „ Agricultural biotechnology and their regulation”, 9 Dec. 2009, USAMV Cluj – Napoca. - 19th International Congress of the Hungarian Association for Buiatrics, 14-17 October 2009, Debrecen, Hungary. - III International Symposium: Safe food. Plant production, animal production, management, 18-20 September, Bydgoszcz, Poland. - XXV Jubilee World Buiatrics Congress, July 6-11, 2008, Budapest, Hungary. - Integrative Medicine Seminar, Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, March 21 to 22, Romania. - 43rd Croatian and 3-rd International Symposium on Agriculture, February 18-23, Opatija, Croatia. - The XIVth ISAH Congress, International Society for Animal Hygiene, Vechta, Germany. - The 14th Ramiran International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. - The third International Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. - The third International Conference, Research people and actual tasks on multidisciplinary sciences, Bulgaria. - The XVth ISAH Congress, Vienna, Austria. - The 46th Croatian & 6th International Symposium on Agriculture, Opatija, Croatia. - Bioengineering International Symposium on Animal Resources, Faculty of Animal Sciences P a g e |202 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.3. Animal production and food safety and Biotechnologies Timisoara. - 19th International Conference on Animal Protection and Welfare, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, Brno, Czech Republic. - International Symposium Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture, USAMV Cluj-Napoca, Romania. - Annual Scientific Session, Animal Breeding and pathology today, FMV Timisoara. - International Symposium “Progresses and perspectives in veterinary medicine”, FMV Iaşi. - Symposium “Contribution of scientific research to the progress of Veterinary Medicine, FMV Bucharest. - XXVIIth Annual Scientific Session of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Analytical determination for quality evaluation of food products. 11.2. Identification and determination of microbiological contaminants in food by classical methods (selective culture media and API kits) and modern (PCR) automated. 11.3. Determination of somatic cell load and the total number of bacteria in milk: classical and automated methods. 11.4. Detection of Trichinella spiralis larvae in meat: artificial digestion (reference method). 11.5. Identification of food origin by molecular methods. 11.6. Analytical determination for quality evaluation of feed. 11.7. Establishment of rations and diets for farm animals. 11.8. Consulting for local gene pool conservation of various endangered species. 11.9. Consulting for appreciation of breeding animals: Testing. 11.10. Consulting for age determination in cattle, sheep, and horses by teething. 11.11. Consultants for genetic improvement planning, by matching pairs and differentiated crosses types on species. 11.12. Optimization of farms with industrial production. 11.13. Consulting for eggs incubates in poultry. 11.14. Growth and preservation of mulberry silkworm genetic background in sericulture modules. 11.15. Consulting for biotechnology in breeding. 11.16. Consulting for pets breeding. 11.17. Determination of microclimate factors level in shelters for different species and categories of animals: temperature, humidity, air flow rate, pressure, light, noise, noxious gases, dust and microorganisms. 11.18. Determination of air quality in the vicinity of farms with milk cows, pigs for fattening, laying hens, broiler chickens. 11.19. Determination of hygienic quality of various water sources used for watering livestock. 11.20. Determination of water quality consumed by the animals in farms and households. 11.21. Determination of raw cow milk quality (TNG, number of somatic cells, protein, fat). P a g e |203 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.3. Animal production and food safety 11.22. Determination of the efficiency of air decontamination with classical and modern disinfectants in shelters for farm animals. 11.23. Examination of manure slurry from pig farms. 11.24. Examination of wastewater quality from small slaughterhouses and slaughter points. 11.25. Evaluation of farm and pet animal welfare problems using the modern methods (according to European requirements). P a g e |204 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.4. Pharmacovigilance Laboratory L.4.4. Pharmacovigilance Laboratory 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Pharmacovigilance Laboratory Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihai Cernea Veterinary medicine + 40 264 589 284, ext.186 / 2. Objectives 2.1. Testing the effectiveness of medications used in animals (antiparasitic, chemotherapic and antibiotics). 2.2. Residue testing of medicinal products from and animal products. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Testing veterinary products and prepare the registration dossier (preclinical, clinical, tolerance, efficacy and resistance). 3.2. Tests of chemo-resistance and antibiotic resistance. 3.3. Determination of drug residues in animal products. 3.4. Phytotherapy. 3.5. Management consulting. 3.6. Monitoring of heavy metal poisoning in soil, plants, animals and animal products. 3.7. Experimental Oncology. 3.8. Evaluation of tumour markers of malignancy. 4. Research team Manager of Pharmacovigilnce laboratory: 4.1. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihai Cernea Permanent members: 4.2. Prof. Dr. Ioan Marcus 4.3. Prof. Adrian Oros, PhD 4.4. Assist. Prof. Dr. Anca Chereji 4.5. Assist. Prof. Dr. Bogdan Sevastre Temporary members: 4.6. Dr. Orsolya Sarpataki P a g e |205 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.4. Pharmacovigilance Laboratory 4.7. Dr. Radu Mănălăchioaie Auxiliary personnel: 4.8. Eng. Edith Bagameri 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Tests of resistance of parasites. 5.2. Tests of antibiotic resistance. 5.3. Determination of drug residues in animals. 5.4. Consulting services in the field of anthelmintic drug. 5.5. Veterinary management consultancy. 5.6. Haematology. 5.7. Biochemical Serum analyses. 5.8. Urine analyses. 5.9. Immunohistochemical coloration. 5.10. Toxicity studies in laboratory animals. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) Tests of resistance of parasites 2007-2010 Tests for antibiotic resistance 2007-2010 1. Semi-automatic biochemistry analyzer 2. Tecan Elisa Line 3. Server software for the analysis of drug resistance 4. Analytical balance Kern model A 5. Analytical balance Kern EMB model 200-2 6. Thermostat oven Eko - SLN model 53 7. Vortex shaker Wiggenhauser 8. Binocular Microscope Laboratory 2007-2010 9. Microscope Ergoval GDR 2007-2010 10. Stereomicroscope 2007-2010 11. Panasonic Digital Camera 2007-2010 12. MBL 2100 Binocular Microscope 2007-2010 13. Centrifuge 2007-2010 14. BA model 310 binocular microscope 2007-2010 15. ML Microscope 4M 2007-2010 16. ML Microscope 4M 17. Acer P5270 Projector 18. HP Compaq 8510 Laptop P a g e |206 Determination of drug residues in animals Haematology Serological 2007-2010 2007-2010 2007-2010 2007-2010 2007-2010 2007 - 2010 2007 - 2010 2007 - 2010 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.4. Pharmacovigilance Laboratory 19. Refrigerator investigation 20. Microwave Sterilizer 21. Memmert Incubator 22. Optical Microscope Olympus CX41 him 2007 - 2010 23. Optical microscope IOR 0006 2007 - 2010 24. Haematology Analyzer Abacus Junior 2007 - 2010 25. Semi-automatic Biochemistry Analyzer Stat Fax 1904 Plus 2007 - 2010 26. Automatic pipettes with adjustable volume 2007 - 2010 27. Biohit Prouline-4 pcs 2007 - 2010 28. Magnetic stirrer 2007 - 2010 29. Monodistilator GFL 2007 - 2010 30. PH meter type CONSORT C532 2007 - 2010 31. Electrolux refrigerator 2007 - 2010 32. Scout Pro Balance scale 2007 - 2010 33. Centrifuge, Hettich Universal 320R with refrigerated system 2007 - 2010 Biochemical urine exam 2007 - 2010 2007 - 2010 2007 - 2010 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme Director/Project responsible Period 1. Implementation of digestive strongyls chemoresistance monitoring and prediction biomathematical models and therapeutic nonpoluant alternatives; PN2, IDEI Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihai Cernea 2007 -2010 2. Preclinical and clinical evaluation of dosage and therapeutic efficacy of the product Paracan - tablets for dogs and cats; Funded by S.C. Romvac S.A. Assist. Prof. Dr. Anca Chereji 2010-2012 3. Preclinical and clinical studies on tolerance, resistance, effectiveness and safety of Parakill - Suspension antiparasitic on target species; Funded by S.C. Romvac S.A. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihai Cernea 2007 – 2010 4. Preclinical and clinical studies on tolerance, resistance, effectiveness and safety of Romoxibendazol 15% powder, in the target species; Funded by S.C. Romvac S.A. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihai Cernea 2007 – 2010 5. Preclinical and clinical studies on tolerance, resistance, effectiveness and safety of Romoxibendazol - tablets, in the target species; Funded by S.C. Romvac S.A. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihai Cernea 2007 – 2010 6. Anthelmintic resistance in equine Strongylidosis detection, predictive control and evaluation indicators; Funded by USAMV-Iaşi Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihai Cernea 2007 – 2010 7. Preparation and characterization of new nano-drugs target the active substance naphthoquinone; NANOQMED, PN2, No. 61-002/2007 Prof. Dr. Ioan Marcus 2007-2010 P a g e |207 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.4. Pharmacovigilance Laboratory 8. Promoting an integrated approach to the investigation of cellular pathology cellular and tissue compared to native themes adjustment to European standards; PATHCERO, CEEX, M3, Grant no. 105/2006 Prof. Dr. Ioan Marcus 2008-2011 9. The influence of oxidative stress and its significance increased tenascin synthesis in melanoma in dog’s herbal identifying opportunities; PN-II-ID-PCE, CNCSIS, no. 1106/2009 Assist. Prof. Dr. Bogdan Sevastre 2009-2011 10. Evaluation of morphological and biochemical and genetic populations of Hypericum in Transylvania to identify and highly productive bioforms conservation and their sustainable use in phytotherapy; CEEX, Biotech, No. 5/2007; Coordinator: Institute of Biological Research ClujNapoca Assist. Prof. Dr. Bogdan Sevastre 2007-2010 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 91 8.2. Patents – 2 - Naftalendionic antiproliferative cytotoxic immunoconjugate load, published in Official Bulletin of Industrial Property, Patent Section, 6/2012 p 29 - Derived Naftalendionic use features in controlling tumour growth, published in Official Bulletin of Industrial Property, Patent Section, 7/2012 p. 17 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. VISCUM ALBUM L. ALCOHOLIC EXTRACT ENHANCE THE EFFECT OF DOXORUBICIN IN EHRLICH CARCINOMA TUMOR CELLS, Sevastre B., N.K. Olah, D. Hanganu, O. Sarpataki, M. Taulescu, R. Manalachioaie, I. Marcus, C. Catoi, 2012, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 17, Issue: 1, Pages: 6975-6981. 9.2. METASTATIC CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA IN A LLAMA (LAMA GLAMA), Taulescu M.A., Bolfă P.F., Buiga R., Gal A.F., Sevastre B., Morar I., Cătoi C., 2012, JOURNAL OF VETERINARY DIAGNOSTIC INVESTIGATION, Volume: 24, Issue: 5, Pages: 986-989. 9.3. METASTATIC CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA IN A LLAMA (LAMA GLAMA), Taulescu M.A., Cătoi C., Buiga R., Bolfa P., Gal A., Cuc C., Moussa R., 2012, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY, Volume: 146, Issue: 1, Pages: 90-90. 9.4. COMPARATIVE STUDY CONCERNING MISTLETOE VISCOTOXINS ANTITUMOR ACTIVITY, Stan R.L., A.C. Hangan, L. Dican, B. Sevastre, D. Hanganu, C. Catoi, O. Sarpataki and C.M. Ionescu, 2013, ACTA BIOLOGICA HUNGARICA, Volume: 64, Issue: 3, Pages: 279-288. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Participation in international conferences: - Dr. Mihai Cernea: - Equine Parasite Drug Resistance- International Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, on August 1, 2008. P a g e |208 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.4.4. Pharmacovigilance Laboratory - Congresso Nacional de Doencas Infecciosas e Microbiologia Clinica, SIDA e ParasitologiaXII Congresso Portugues de Parasitologia, 8-11 Octobre 2008, Vilamoura, Portugal. - IV Congresso Ciências Veterinárias I Congresso Ibérico de Epidemiologia INRB, INIA Fonte Boa, 27-29 November 2008. - Symposium organized by Romania Equine Veterinary Association, Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, September 29, 2011. - EMOP XI – European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 25-29 July 2012. - XVI Congresso Português de Parasitologia Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria Lisbao, Portugal, 29 e 30 de Novembro de 2012. 10.2. Dr. Mihai Cernea - 3 workshop, 23 License studies, 7 dissertation, 19 articles for students symposium, published three books as sole or first author in publishing houses recognize by CNCSIS, on the subject of the parasitic resistance phenomenon. One was awarded by the ASAS and Romanian Academia. 10.3. Dr. Anca Chereji - 6 License studies, one dissertation. 10.4. Prof. Dr. Ioan Marcus - 12 License studies and one PhD theses, completed. 10.5. Dr. Bogdan. Sevastre - Participation in scientific conferences: - Sevastre B., O. Vostinaru, Iulia Prodan, Elena Morogan, I. Marcus, Cristina Mogosan, M. Tamas, C. Deliu, Peucedanum protective effect in experimental menopausal syndrome, The Third Symposium of Ethnopharmacology, 19-22, July 2008, Braşov, Romania. - Sevastre B., Tenascin, a question for future cancer research, The Third National Conference of the Romanian Society of Pathophysiology, 15-17 October, 2009, Oradea, Romania. - Sevastre B., Hanganu Daniela Olah Neli Kinga, Prodan Iulia, Taulescu M., Mănălăchioae R., Marcus I., C. Puică, Comparative study on pharmacological activity of two Viscum album L. extracts (Loranthacee), The second National Conference of Gemmotherapy, 20 – 21 May, 2011, Cluj-Napoca Romania. - Sevastre B., Olah Neli Kinga, Hanganu Daniela, Sárpataki Orsolya, Taulescu M., Mănălăchioae R., Marcus I., C. Catoi. Evaluation of Viscum album L. alcoholic extract, in combination chemotherapy, International Conference of Animal Pathophysiology, 25-26 May, 2011, Saint Petersburg, Russia. - Oltean M. , Sevastre B. , Györke A., Gherman C., Irimie A., Cozma V., Tăbăran F., The antitumour potential of Trichinella experimental infection, EMOP European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, 25-29 July, 2012, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. - Sevastre B., Sárpataki Orsolya, Ioana Bedecean, Olah Neli Kinga, Roxana L. Stan, Taulescu M., C. Catoi, I Marcus, Euonymus Europeans ethanolic extract inhibits the development of Ehrlich tumour cells in vivo, Conference and Advanced Translational Research Workshop, “Chronic Dieses – From Pathogenesis to Therapy”, 25-27 October, 2012, Timisoara, Romania. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Preclinical and clinical studies regarding drug tolerance, efficacy and safety – antiparasitic suspension in target species. 11.2. Implementation of biomatematics models of monitoring and prediction of digestive strongyls chemoresistance and therapeutic alternatives without polluting component. P a g e |209 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Research Infrastructure The Research Infrastructure - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Research Centers and Laboratories Olympus Microscope BX 41 Surveillance and zoonoses control Center ELISA Reader, Incubator and Washer Surveillance and zoonoses control Center Automatized Cryopreservation of animal semen and embryos Veterinary Medical Biotechnology Center Flow cyotmeter Veterinary Medical Biotechnology Center Gas chromatograph Veterinary Medical Biotechnology Center Sterile hood with laminar flow Comparative and Experimental Pathology Center P a g e |210 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Research Infrastructure Confocal microscope ZEISS L Comparative and Experimental Pathology Center Ekomilk - Ekotest and Somatoscop Laboratory - livestock production and animal safety Electrophoresis System Consort E4200 modular with accessories Laboratory of Applied physico-chemical techniques ELISA Reader, Incubator and Washer Laboratory of Veterinary Medical Laboratory Diagnostic ELISA flux – Tecan – determination of medicinal products residues and by-products Laboratory Research - Pharmacovigilance Anaesthesia device for pets Laboratory of Imaging diagnosis in pathological and surgical diseases, internal and reproductive diseases P a g e |211 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.1. Research Center of Biochemistry and Agrofood Biotechnology 5. FACULTY OF OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH CENTERS C.5.1. Research Center of Biochemistry and Agrofood Biotechnology 1. Contact data The name of the research center Acronym Logo Research Center of Biochemistry and Agrofood Biotechnology CCBBA Website Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail Prof. dr. Carmen Socaciu Food science and technology +40 264 595 825, ext.213 +40 264 593 792 2. Objectives 2.1. Food metabolomics: metabolic profile and fingerprint of secondary metabolites from plants and food, with applications in chemotaxonomy and biodiversity, authentication and traceability of food products. 2.2. Food biotechnology: products and bioprocesses assisted by enzymes and microorganisms. 2.3. Biorefining: valorification of active principles from agricultural and forest residues. 2.4. Technologies of microencapsulation with natural matrix for obtaining controlled release systems. 2.5. In vitro experimental systems (normal / tumour cell) to investigate the mechanisms of metabolic control and intra-and intercellular signalling. 2.6. Obtaining, characterization and testing of functionalized nanostructures with applications in biomedicine. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Chemistry of natural compounds: primary and secondary plant metabolites (pigments, phenolic compounds, phytosterols, glucosinolates). 3.2. Vegetal, food, animal and medical biochemistry: bioactive compounds with impact in life sciences and associated technologies. 3.3. Food metabolomics: advanced UV-Vis, IR, Raman spectrometry, and chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-DAD-MS, GC-MS). 3.4. Food biotechnology: fermentative processes on a vegetable support, enzyme-assisted extraction (biorefining). 3.5. In vitro test systems of biologically active natural compounds. 3.6. Evaporation, microencapsulation and granular, controlled release in abiotic and biological systems P a g e |212 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.1. Research Center of Biochemistry and Agrofood Biotechnology technologies. 3.7. Technologies for obtaining and use of nanobiostructures (nanoparticles, nanoubes, quantum dots, metal complexes with amino acids) with applications in biomedicine. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Carmen Socaciu - director (dom. 3.1. - 3.6.) 4.2. Prof. Dr. Constantin Bele (dom. 3.2., 3.7.) 4.3. Prof. Dr. Adela Pintea (dom. 3.1. - 3.3., 3.5.) 4.4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sanda Andrei (dom. 3.2., 3.3.) 4.5. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andreea Stănilă (dom. 3.1., 3.2., 3.7.) 4.6. Assist. Prof. Dr. Andreea Bunea (dom. 3.1. - 3.3., 3.5.) 4.7. Assist. Prof. Dr. Francisc Dulf (dom. 3.1. - 3.3.) 4.8. Assist. Dr. Dumitrita Rugina (dom. 3.1. - 3.3., 3.5.) 4.9. Assist. Dr. Loredana Leopold (dom. 3.1. - 3.3.) 4.10. Assist. Dr. Dan Vodnar (dom. 3.2. - 3.4., 3.6.) 4.11. Dr. Cristian Matea (dom. 3.3., 3.7.) 4.12. Simona VICAS – Assoc. Prof. Dr., University of Oradea (dom. 3.2., 3.3.) Postdoc. researchers: 4.13. Dr. Cristina Coman (dom. 3.3., 3.7.) 4.14. Dr. Zorita Sconta (dom. 3.1. - 3.3., 3.5.) 4.15. PhD students: Oana Lelia Pop (dom. 3.5., 3.6.); Cosmin POP (dom. 3.5., 3.6.) Research Assist.: 4.16. Chem. Floricuta Ranga (dom. 3.1. - 3.6.) 4.17. Chem. Florinela Fetea (dom. 3.1. - 3.6.) 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Profile and fingerprint of secondary metabolites from plants and food (pigments, phenolic compounds, phytosterols, glucosinolates). 5.2. Extraction, characterization and testing of new bioactive compounds from plants, forestry sources, agricultural residues: carotenoids, phenolic compounds, fatty acids, anthocyanins, phytosterols, glucosinolates. 5.3. Fermentative processes on vegetable support, enzyme assisted extraction (biorefining). 5.4. In vitro testing of natural antioxidants (anthocyanins pigments, carotenoids, polyphenols) on normal and tumour cell cultures. 5.5. In vivo testing of natural antioxidants (carotenoids, tocopherol) in rats treated with carcinogens. 5.6. Preparation and characterization of microcapsules / microspheres / beads and controlled release in vitro testing (probiotics, pigments, biodesinfectants). 5.7. Obtaining, spectral characterization and use of nanostructures (nanogold, carbon nanotubes, P a g e |213 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.1. Research Center of Biochemistry and Agrofood Biotechnology quantum dots) functionalized with applications in biomedicine. 5.8. Implications of metal complexes with amino acids in biological systems. 5.9. Determination of oxidative stress indices in animal tissue (normal and pathological) and various types of cell cultures. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 1. High performance liquid chromatograph with UV detection, Agilent 1100 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 2008 2. High performance liquid chromatograph with DAD detection Shimatsu 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 2007 3. High performance liquid chromatograph with DAD and MS detection (LC-MS) Agilent 1200 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 2009 4. Spectrometers UV-Vis: T70+, Perkin Elmer 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 2006-2009 5. Multianalyser Biotek (UV-Vis, fluorescence, chemiluminescence) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 2009 6. Spectrometer Nanodrop (UV-Vis) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 2009 7. Infrared spectrometer (FTIR) Shimatsu Prestige 21 5.1.-5.5 2006 8. Spectrometer Raman – Bruker GmbH 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.6 2008 9. Gas chromatograph with mass spectrometry detector (GC-MS) 5.1, 5.2 2009 10. Installation of micro-encapsulation 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 2009 11. Laboratory Bioreactor capacity 2 l 5.3, 5.4 2009 12. Pilot Bioreactor, capacity 12 l 5.3, 5.4 2009 13. CO2 Incubator - Memmert - Microbiology 5.4 2009 14. CO2 Incubator – Memmert – cell cultures 5.4 2009, 2013 15. Laminar flow hood for cell culture 5.4 2008 16. Horizontal electrophoresis system 5.4 2006 17. Zeiss optical microscopes 5.3, 5.4 2006 18. Fluorescence microscope with reverse 5.3, 5.4 2010 19. Cryogenic lyophilizor (Freeze drier) ALPHA 1-2 LD Plus 5.1, 5.3, 5.5, 5.6 2010 20. Deep freezer - 80 C 5.1-5.6 2009 21. Fluid bed dryer Glatt (pilot scale) 5.5 2007 22. Niro Minor spray dryer 5.5 2007 23. Microbiological hood - Gemi Steril 5.1-5.9 2006 24. Ultrasonic – Elmasonic 5.1-5.9 2007 25. Soxhlet Lipid extraction apparatus 5.1-5.9 2006 26. Centrifuge - MPW350 5.1-5.9 2007 27. Centrifuge - Sigma 113 5.1-5.9 2008 P a g e |214 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.1. Research Center of Biochemistry and Agrofood Biotechnology 28. Centrifuge – Eppendorf 5804R 5.1-5.9 2006 29. Rotary evaporator - Buchi 5.1-5.9 2007 30. Calcining kiln - Habertherm 5.1-5.9 2006 31. Ultrapure water system - Millipore UV DirectQ 5.1-5.9 2008 32. pH-meter – Inolab710, Hanna 5.1-5.9 2005-2008 33. Magnetic Stirrers - 1010 + UNIMAX Heidolph + Incubator 5.1-5.9 2005-2008 34. Oven - Binder 5.1-5.9 2006 Director/Project responsible Period 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme 1. Vegetal Metabolomics and functional food authenticity: advanced investigation (GC, LC- with spectroscopy IR / NIR / MS) and phytochemical fingerprint characterization); CNCSIS Grant Prof. Dr. Carmen Socaciu 2007-2008 2. Synergistic bioactivity study of functional antioxidant foods in reversal of metabolic syndrome MET-ANTIOX; CEEX Prof. Dr. Carmen Socaciu 2006-2008 3. Impact of mycotoxins produced by fungi of the genus Fusarium on the food chain; counteract investigation methods of their toxicity; CEEX Prof. Dr. Carmen Socaciu 2006-2008 4. Photothermal methods and complementary techniques for the study of quality, authenticity, counterfeiting and degradation of vegetable oils Prof. Dr. Carmen Socaciu 2006-2008 5. Nanostructures and nanoparticles of noble metals with Multifunctional plasmonic properties for relevant applications in nanophotonics, biodetection and laser spectroscopy - NANOBIOSPEC Prof. Dr. Carmen Socaciu 2006-2008 6. Sustainable recovery of medicinal herbs and hops by obtaining bioactive preparations (VADUPLAMED) Prof. Dr. Carmen Socaciu 2006-2008 7. Impact of multicomponent functional food in obesity and atherosclerosis combating (ANTIATERO ALIM) Prof. Dr. Carmen Socaciu 2006-2008 8. Project, thematic network to promote European Partnership in microtechnologies for bioencapsulation; CEEX Module III, No. 195 Prof. Dr. Carmen Socaciu 2006-2008 9. Extending the competence of laboratories for evaluation and authenticity certification of the quality and compliance of some functional foods, under EU rules; CEEX, M4, No. 109 Prof. Dr. Carmen Socaciu 2006-2008 10. Advanced methodologies (instrumental and chemometric) applied to evaluate the specific quality and authenticity fingerprint of functional foods; No. 51049/2007 Prof. Dr. Carmen Socaciu 2007-2009 11. Innovative technologies for the vegetable functional foods production with impact on human health Prof. Dr. Carmen 2007-2009 P a g e |215 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.1. Research Center of Biochemistry and Agrofood Biotechnology PHYTOMED - 61008/2007 Socaciu 12. Obtaining medicinal candy with functional ingredients); DROPSAN, PN2, Innovation, No. 73/2007 Prof. Dr. Carmen Socaciu 2007-2009 13. Identification of new markers of oxidative stress used in diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in cows; PN2, IDEAS, No. 1482 Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. Andrei 2009 - 2011 14. Evaluation of potential antioxidant effect of some natural compounds in cultured RPE cells; PN2, Idei, ID 854 Prof. Dr. A. Pintea 2007-2010 15. Testing antiproliferative, antioxidant and proapoptotic properties of blueberry polyphenolic extract on tumoral cultures cell, PN2, TE, No. 168 Assist. Prof. Dr. A.Bunea 2010-2013 16. Impact of esterification on the stability and antioxidant capacity of xanthophylls – from model systems to food systems; PN-II-ID, PCE-2011-3-0721 Prof. Dr. A. Pintea 2011-2014 17. Bioencapsulation multiscale interaction analysis; EUCOST, No. 865 Prof. Dr. Carmen Socaciu 2007-2011 18. Plant metabolic engineering for high value products; EUCOST; FA1006 Prof. Dr. Carmen Socaciu 2011-2014 19. Biological applications in agriculture and medicine of some complexes of amino acids with biometals; PN2, IDEI, CNCSIS Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Stănilă 2008-2011 20. Photothermal selective nanotherapy of hepatocarcinoma by internalization and intracellular activation mechanism of carbon nanotubes Laser functionalized bio-ligand, PN2 Prof. Dr. Bele C. 2008-2011 21. Photothermal Nanotherapy to eradicate methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus using gold biofunctionalized nanoparticles; PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.21289 Prof. Dr. Bele C. 2012-2015 22. Advanced techniques for the determination of chemical residues in food of animal origin; CEEX Module I Prof. Dr. Bele C. 2006-2008 23. Influence of microwaves on the bioactive compounds present in indigenous plants; PN-CD no.2488 Prof. Dr. Bele C. 2007-2010 24. Obtaining a magnetic bio-nanocomposite decorated with Ag nanoparticles having bactericid potential; Grant USAMV Cluj-Napoca, RU 1283 Assist. Prof. Dr. Matea C. 2013 25. Probiotics microencapsulation in different natural matrices and in vitro viability testing; PN2, Innovation Assist. Dr. Vodnar D. 2012 26. Safety management and food safety system, applied in microencapsulated probiotic jellies technology; PN2, Innovation Assist. Dr. Vodnar D. 2012 27. Improving food security through the use of smart labels with antimicrobial role applied on the surface of fruits; PN2, Innovation Assist. Dr. Vodnar D. 2012-2013 28. Safety management and food safety system applied in the development of bioactive antimicrobial packaging of Assist. Dr. Vodnar D. 2013 P a g e |216 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.1. Research Center of Biochemistry and Agrofood Biotechnology biofilm type; PN2, Innovation 29. Fatty acid composition of major lipid fractions - neutral and polar – from sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) ssp Carpathian; Grant USAMV Cluj-Napoca, RU 1215/4/2012 Assist. Prof. Dr. Dulf F. 2012 30. Evaluation of antioxidant potential of the water-and lipophilic compounds recovered from stone fruit residues; Grant USAMV Cluj-Napoca, RU 1346/8.02.2013 Assist. Prof. Dr. Dulf F. 2013 31. Determining the authenticity and antioxidant capacity of oils based on spectral fingerprint of phytochemical compounds (chlorophylls and carotenoids) using spectroscopic-optical methods; Grant USAMV ClujNapoca, RU Assist. Dr. Leopold L. 2012 32. New approaches for the detection of chemical residues in complex matrices using TLC-SERS coupling: detection of melamine, antibiotics and pesticides in milk and milk powder; PN2, TE, No. 323 Assist. Dr. Leopold L. 2010-2013 33. Nanobiotechnological tools with applications in molecular medicine: Synthesis, characterization, “in vitro" studies; PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0154 Dr. Coman C. 2012-2014 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. ISI (Web of Science) published articles – 95 8.2. BDI articles - 285 8.3. Finalized or purposed patents - 6 8.4. Products - 5 8.5. Realized technologies - 3 8.6. Services (laboratory analysis for external beneficiaries) - 15 8.7. Completed PhD theses - 18 8.8. PhD students who have conducted experimental studies in the laboratory center: 20 8.9. Postdoctoral researchers who have conducted experimental studies - 8 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. CORRELATIONS OF THE PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS AND THE PHENOLIC CONTENT IN SOME SPANISH AND FRENCH OLIVE OILS, Andjelkovic M, J Van Camp, M Pedra, K Renders, C. Socaciu, and R Verhe, 2008, JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, Volume: 56, Issue: 13, Pages: 5181-5187. 9.2. GLUTATHIONE PEROXIDASE ACTIVITY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMATIC CELL COUNT NUMBER OF COLONY FORMING UNITS AND PROTEIN CONTENT IN SUBCLINICAL MASTITIS COWS MILK, Andrei S., Matei S., Fit N., Cernea C., Ciupe S., Bogdan S., 2011, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 16, Issue: 3, Pages: 6209-6217. 9.3. PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF LYCOPENE FROM TOMATOES POWDER IN OXIDATIVE STRES INDUCED BY ADMINISTRATION OF L-THYROXIN IN RATS, Andrei S., Joanta A., Pintea A., Sarlea M.M., 2008, P a g e |217 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.1. Research Center of Biochemistry and Agrofood Biotechnology CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.102, Issue S3 (Special Issue), pp. s579. 9.4. MODIFICATION OF THE SIZE OF SUPPORTED CLUSTERS BY COADSORPTION OF AN ORGANIC COMPOUND: GOLD AND L-CYSTEINE ON RUTILE TIO2(110), Ataman E., C. Isvoranu, J. Knudsen, K. Schulye, J. N. Andersen, J. Schnadt, 2011, LANGMUIR, Volume: 27, Issue: 18, Pages: 1146611474. 9.5. UNCONVENTIONAL ZWITTERIONIC STATE OF CYSTEINE, Ataman E., C. Isvoranu, J. N. Andersen, J.Schnadt, K. Schulte, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, Volume: 2, Issue: 14, Pages: 1677-1681. 9.6. EFFICIENT SIRNA DELIVERY SYSTEM USING CARBOXILATED SINGLE-WALL CARBON NANOTUBES IN CANCER TREATMENT, Berindan Neagoe I., C. Braicu, C. Matea, C.Bele, Graur F., Katona G., Chedea V., and Al. Irimie, 2012, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL NANOTECHNOLOGY, Volume: 8, Issue: 4, Pages: 567-574. 9.7. FLOWER-SHAPED GOLD NANOPARTICLES: SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND THEIR APPLICATION AS SERS-ACTIVE TAGS INSIDE LIVING CELLS, Boca S., D. Rugină, A. Pintea, L. BarbuTudoran, S. Aştilean, 2011, NANOTECHNOLOGY, Volume: 22, Issue: 5, Article Number: 055702. 9.8. THERAPEUTIC AND IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECT OF TWO COMPLEX HOMEOPATHIC PRODUCTS USED AGAINST CHRONIC ENDOMETRITIS IN SIMMENTAL COWS, Bogdan L., Groza I., Andrei S., Pintea A., Ciupe S., Cenariu M., ., Pasca I., Bogdan S., Petrean A., Macri A., 2009, JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT, Volume: 7, Issue: 2, Pages: 243-246. 9.9. OXIDANT–ANTIOXIDANT IMBALANCE IN HORSES INFECTED WITH EQUINE INFECTIOUS ANAEMIA VIRUS, Bolfa Pompei Florin, Caroline Leroux, Adela Pintea, Sanda Andrei, Cornel Catoi, Marian Taulescu, Flaviu Tabaran, Marina Spinu, 2012, VETERINARY JOURNAL, Volume: 192, Issue: 3, Pages: 449-454. 9.10. THE MAJOR PROTEIN FRACTION OF MOUSE MILK REVISITED USING PROVEN PROTEOMIC TOOLS, Boumahrou N., Andrei S., G. Miranda, C. Henry, J.J. Panthier, P. Martin, And S. Bellier, 2009, JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY, Volume: 60, Pages: 113-118. 9.11. EVOLUTION OF MAJOR MILK PROTEINS IN MUS MUSCULUS AND MUS SPRETUS MOUSE SPECIES: A GENOPROTEOMIC ANALYSIS, N.Boumahrou, C. Bevilacqua, C.Beauvallet, Guy Miranda, Andrei S. , E.Rebours., S.Bellier, P. Martin, 2011, BMC GENOMICS, Volume: 12, Article Number: 80. 9.12. PROTECTIVE ACTION OF DIFFERENT NATURAL FLAVAN-3-OLS AGAINST AFLATOXIN B-1-RELATED CYTOTOXICITY, Braicu C., D. Rugina,V. Chedea, O.Tudoran, O. Balacescu, I. Neagoe, C. Socaciu, 2010, JOURNAL OF FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY, Volume: 34, Issue: 3, Pages: 595-610. 9.13. INDIVIDUAL AND COMBINED CYTOTOXIC EFFECTS OF THE MAJOR FOUR AFLATOXINS IN DIFFERENT IN VITRO STABILIZED SYSTEMS, Braicu C., I.Berindan-Neagoe,V. S. Chedea, L. Balacescu, I. Brie, O. Soritau,, C. Socaciu, A.Irimie, 2010, JOURNAL OF FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY, Volume: 34, Issue: 5, Pages: 1079-1090. 9.14. SCREENING AND QUANTIFICATION OF AFLATOXINS AND OCHRATOXIN A IN DIFFERENT CEREALS CULTIVATED IN ROMANIA USING THIN - LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY – DENSITOMETRY, C. Braicu, C. Puia, E. Bodoki and C. Socaciu, 2008, JOURNAL OF FOOD QUALITY, Volume: 31, Issue: 1, Pages: 108-120. 9.15. CAROTENOID AND FATTY ACIDS PROFILE OF BILBERRIES AND CULTIVATED BLUEBERRIES FROM ROMANIA, Bunea A., D. Rugină, A. Pintea, S. Andrei, R. Pop, C.Bunea, C. Bele, 2012, CHEMICAL PAPERS, Volume: 66, Issue: 10, Pages: 935-939. 9.16. COMPARATIVE POLYPHENOLIC CONTENT AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES OF SOME WILD AND CULTIVATED BLUEBERRIES FROM ROMANIA, Bunea A., D.Rugină, A.Pintea, Z. Sconta, C. I. Bunea, C. Socaciu, 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 39, P a g e |218 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.1. Research Center of Biochemistry and Agrofood Biotechnology Issue: 2, Pages: 70-76. 9.17. TOTAL AND INDIVIDUAL CAROTENOIDS AND PHENOLIC ACIDS CONTENT IN FRESH, REFRIGERATED AND PROCESSED SPINACH (SPINACIA OLERACEA L.), Bunea Andrea; Andjelkovic Mirjana; Socaciu Carmen; Bobis Otilia; Neacsu Madalina; Verhe Roland; Van Camp John, 2008, FOOD CHEMISTRY, Volume: 108, Issue: 2, Pages: 649-656. 9.18. CAROTENOIDS, TOTAL POLYPHENOLS AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF GRAPES (VITIS VINIFERA) CULTIVATED IN ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL SYSTEMS, Bunea C., N. Pop, A. .Babeş, C. Matea, F. . Dulf, A. Bunea, 2012, CHEMISTRY CENTRAL JOURNAL, Volume: 6, Article Number: 66. 9.19. ANTIOXIDANT/PROOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF A POLYPHENOLIC GRAPE SEED EXTRACT, Chedea V. , Braicu C., C.Socaciu, 2010, FOOD CHEMISTRY, Volume: 121, Issue: 1, Pages: 132-139. 9.20. ANTIBACTERIAL ACTION OF AN AQUEOUS GRAPE SEED POLYPHENOLIC EXTRACT, Veronica Sanda Chedea, Cornelia Braicu, Flore Chirilă, Ciprian Ober and Carmen Socaciu, 2011, AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, Volume: 10, Issue: 33, Pages: 6276-6280. 9.21. COMPOSITION IN POLYPHENOLS AND STABILITY OF THE AQUEOUS GRAPE SEED EXTRACT FROM THEROMANIAN VARIETY "MERLOT RECAS", Chedea V., Echim C., Socaciu C., 2011, JOURNAL OF FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY, Volume: 35, Issue: 1, Pages: 92-108. 9.22. KINETICS OF SOYBEAN LIPOXYGENASES ARE RELATED TO PH, SUBSTRATE AVAILABILITY AND EXTRACTION PROCEDURES, Chedea V., Vicas S and Socaciu C., 2008, JOURNAL OF FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY, Volume: 32, Issue: 2, Pages: 153-172. 9.23. PATTERNS OF CAROTENOID PIGMENTS EXTRACTED FROM TWO ORANGE PEEL WASTES (VALENCIA & NAVEL VAR.), Chedea V.S., Kefalas P., Socaciu C., 2010, JOURNAL OF FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY, Volume: 34, Issue: 1, Pages: 101-110. 9.24. APPLICATION OF FTIR SPECTROSCOPY FOR A RAPID DETERMINATION OF SOME HYDROLYTIC ENZYMES ACTIVITY ON SEA BUCKTHORN SUBSTRATE, Chis A., F.Fetea, A. Taoutaou and C. Socaciu, 2011, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 15, Issue: 6, Pages: 57385744. 9.25. EVALUATION OF HYDROLYTIC ACTIVITY OF DIFFERENT PECTINASES ON SUGAR BEET (BETA VULGARIS) SUBSTRATE USING FT-MIR SPECTROSCOPY, Chis A., Fetea F., Matei H., Socaciu C., 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 2, Pages: 99-104. 9.26. PLANTS AND NATURAL COMPOUNDS WITH ANTIDIABETIC ACTION, Coman C., D. Rugină, C. Socaciu, 2012, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 40, Issue: 1, Pages: 314-325. 9.27. SEASONAL CHANGES OF BUFFALO COLOSTRUM: PHYSICOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS, FATTY ACIDS AND CHOLESTEROL VARIATION, Coroian A., Erler S., Matea C., Miresan V., Raducu C., Bele C., Coroian C., 2013, CHEMISTRY CENTRAL JOURNAL, Volume: 7, Article Number: 40. 9.28. HIGHLY ACCURATE PHOTOPYROELECTRIC MEASUREMENT OF THERMAL DIFFUSIVITY OF VEGETABLE OILS, Dadarlat D., C. Neamtu, M. Streza, C. Socaciu, C.Bele, F. Dulf, 2009, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LIPID SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Volume: 111, Issue: 2, Pages: 148-154. 9.29. THE ANTIATERO ALIM STUDY: EFFECTS OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS WITH VEGETAL BIOACTIVE INGREDIENTS IN THE METABOLIC SYNDROME, Dragan, S; Ursoniu, S; Kaycsa, D, Samoila C., Rada M., C. Socaciu, 2008, PLANTA MEDICA, Volume: 74, Issue: 9, Pages: 1181-1182. 9.30. FATTY ACIDS IN BERRY LIPIDS OF SIX SEA BUCKTHORN (HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES L., SUBSPECIES CARPATICA) CULTIVARS GROWN IN ROMANIA, Dulf F. V. , 2012, CHEMISTRY CENTRAL JOURNAL, Volume: 6, Article Number: 106. P a g e |219 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.1. Research Center of Biochemistry and Agrofood Biotechnology 9.31. FREE AND ESTERIFIED STEROL DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR ROMANIAN VEGETABLE OIL, Dulf F. V. , M.L. Unguresan, Dan Cristian Vodnar, C. Socaciu,. Francisc V. Dulf, 2010, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 38, Issue: 2, Special Issue: SI, Pages: 91-97. 9.32. FATTY ACID AND PHYTOSTEROL CONTENTS OF SOME ROMANIAN WILD AND CULTIVATED BERRY POMACES, Dulf F. V. , S. Andrei, A. Bunea, C. Socaciu,2012, CHEMICAL PAPERS, Volume: 66, Issue: 10, Pages: 925-934. 9.33. FATTY ACID COMPOSITION OF LIPIDS IN POT MARIGOLD (CALENDULA OFFICINALIS L.) SEED GENOTYPES, Dulf F.V. Doru Pamfil, A. D. Baciu, A. Pintea, 2013, CHEMISTRY CENTRAL JOURNAL, Volume: 7, Article Number: 8. 9.34. PHYTOSTEROLAND FATTYACID PROFILE OF FOUR EDIBLE OILS PROCESSED IN ROMANIA, Dulf F., C. Socaciu, Bele C., Pintea A., Unguresan M., 2008, CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.102, Issue 15 (Special Issue), pp. s265–s1311. 9.35. EFFECTS OF ASTAXANTHIN SUPPLEMENTATION ON CHEMICALLY INDUCED TUMORIGENESIS IN WISTAR RATS, Gal Adrian F, Sanda Andrei, Cristina Cernea, Marian Taulescu, Cornel Catoi, 2012, ACTA VETERINARIA SCANDINAVICA, Volume: 54, Article Number: 50. 9.36. DETERMINATION OF CAROTENOIDS AND THEIR ESTERS IN FRUITS OF SEA BUCKTHORN (HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES L.) BY HPLC-DAD-APCI-MS, Giuffrida D., Pintea A., Dugo P., Torre G., Pop R., Mondello L., 2012, PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS, Volume: 23, Issue: 3, Pages: 267-273. 9.37. CHEMICAL RESEARCH OF CAROTENOIDS FROM ANTHEMIS TINCTORIA L. (ASTERACEAE), HANGANU D., A. PINTEA, A. MARCULESCU, C. TOMA, S. MIREL, 2008, Farmacia, VOL. LVI(3), P.344-351. 9.38. CHEMICAL RESEARCH OF CAROTENOIDS FROM CHENOPODIUM BONUS HENRICUS L. (CHENOPODIACEAE), Hanganu D., N. Olah, L. Vlase, A. Mărculescu, A. Pintea, 2012, FARMACIA, Volume: 60, Issue: 6, Pages: 840-849. 9.39. IN SITU LASER-INDUCED PHOTOCHEMICAL SILVER SUBSTRATE SYNTHESIS AND SEQUENTIAL SERS DETECTION IN A FLOW CELL, Herman K, Szabó L, Leopold LF, Chiş V, Leopold N., 2011, ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Volume: 400, Issue: 3, Pages: 815-820. 9.40. EVALUATION OF BETULIN AND BETULINIC ACID CONTENT IN BIRCH BARK FROM DIFFERENT FORESTRY AREAS OF WESTERN CARPATHIANS, Liviu Holonec, Floricuța Ranga, Diana Crainic, Alina Truţa, Carmen Socaciu, 2012, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 40, Issue: 2, Pages: 99-105. 9.41. ENHANCED LASER THERMAL ABLATION FOR THE IN VITRO TREATMENT OF LIVER CANCER BY SPECIFIC DELIVERY OF MULTIWALLED CARBON NANOTUBES FUNCTIONALIZED WITH HUMAN SERUM ALBUMIN, Iancu ., L. Mocan, C. Bele, A. I. Orza, F. A Tabaran, C. Catoi, R. Stiufiuc, A.Stir, C. Matea, D. Iancu, L.Agoston-Coldea, Florin Zaharie, Teodora Mocan, 2011, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE, Volume: 6, Pages: 129-141. 9.42. AMMONIA ADSORPTION ON IRON PHTHALOCYANINE ON AU(111): INFLUENCE ON ADSORBATESUBSTRATE COUPLING AND MOLECULAR SPIN, Isvoranu C., Bin Wang, Evren Ataman, Karina Schulte, Jan Knudsen, Jesper N. Andersen, Marie-Laure Bocquet, Joachim Schnadt, 2011, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, Volume: 134, Issue: 11, Article Number: 114710. 9.43. QUANTIFICATION OF CARBOHYDRATES IN FRUIT JUICES USING FTIR SPECTROSCOPY AND MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS, Leopold L.F., N.Leopold, H.A. Diehl, C.Socaciu, 2011, SPECTROSCOPYBIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS, Volume: 26, Issue: 2, Pages: 93-104. 9.44. RAMAN SPECTROSCOPIC AND DFT THEORETICAL STUDY OF 4-(2-PYRIDYLAZO)RESORCINOL AND ITS COMPLEXES WITH ZINC(II) AND COPPER(II), Leopold N., Szabo Laszlo, Pirnau A., Aluas M., Leopold L. F., Chis V., Cozar O., 2009, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR P a g e |220 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.1. Research Center of Biochemistry and Agrofood Biotechnology STRUCTURE, Volume: 919, Issue: 1-3, Pages: 94-99. 9.45. PREDICTION OF TOTAL ANTIOXIDANT CAPACITY OF FRUIT JUICES USING FTIR SPECTROSCOPY AND PLS REGRESSION, Leopold, L.F., N. Leopold, H.A. Diehl, and C. Socaciu, 2012, FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS, Volume: 5, Issue: 3, Pages: 405-407. 9.46. TOCOPHEROL AND FATTY ACIDS CONTENTS OF SELECTED ROMANIAN CEREAL GRAINS, Matea C. T., O.Negrea, I. Has, S. Ifrim, C. Bele, Tocopherol and fatty acids content in selected Romanian cereal grains, 2008, CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.102, Issue 15 (Special Issue), pp. s726-s727. 9.47. SELECTIVE EX-VIVO PHOTOTHERMAL ABLATION OF HUMAN PANCREATIC CANCER WITH ALBUMIN FUNCTIONALIZED MULTIWALLED CARBON NANOTUBES, Mocan L , Tabaran F, Mocan T, Bele C, Orza A, Lucan C, Stiufiuc R, Manaila I, Iulia F, Dana I, Zaharie F, Osian G, Vlad L, Iancu C, 2011, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE, Volume: 6, Pages: 915-928. 9.48. HPLC ANALYSIS OF CAROTENOIDS FROM SENECIO VERNALIS AND S. JACOBAEA (ASTERACEAE), Mogoşanu G.D., A. Pintea, L.E. Bejenaru, C. Bejenaru, G.Rău, H. Popescu, 2009, FARMACIA, Volume: 57, Issue: 6, Pages: 780-786. 9.49. HPLC ANALYSIS OF CAROTENOIDS FROM INULA HELENIUM L. FLOWERS AND LEAVES, Nan M., A. Pintea, A. Bunea, S. Eşianu, M. Tămaş, 2012, FARMACIA, Volume: 60, Issue: 4, Pages: 501-509. 9.50. ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF PTCDI: A COMBINED UV-VIS AND TD-DFT STUDY, Oltean, M., A. Calborean, G. Mile, M. Vidrighin, M. Iosin, L. Leopold, D. Maniu, N. Leopold, and V. Chiş, 2012, SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, Volume: 97, Pages: 703-710. 9.51. MOLECULAR TARGETS OF (-)-EPIGALLOCATECHIN-3-GALLATE (EGCG): SPECIFICITY AND INTERACTION WITH MEMBRANE LIPID RAFTS, Patra S., F. Rizzi, Silva A., D. Rugină, S. Bettuzzi, 2008, JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY, Volume: 59, Pages: 217-235. 9.52. A NEW FUNCTIONAL DAIRY PRODUCT CONTAINING AN OPTIMIZED MIXTURE OF LACTOCOCCUS BACTERIA, KEFIR AND BREWER’S YEASTS, Paucean, A. Socaciu C., D. Vodnar, E. Mudura, 2010, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 15, Issue: 6, Pages: 5793-5800. 9.53. FATTY ACIDS DISTRIBUTION IN THE LIPID FRACTIONS OF CALENDULA OFFICINALIS L. SEEDS OIL, Pintea A., Dulf F.V., Bele C., Andrei S., 2008, CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.102, Issue 15 (Special Issue), pp. s749-s750. 9.54. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF LIPOPHILIC COMPOUNDS IN EGGS OF ORGANICALLY RAISED ISA BROWN AND ARAUCANA HENS, A. Pintea, F.Dulf, A. Bunea, C. Matea, S.Andrei, 2012, CHEMICAL PAPERS, Volume: 66, Issue: 10, Pages: 955-963. 9.55. CATECHIN-RICH GREEN TEA EXTRACT MODULATES THE OXIDATIVE STATUS OF HUMAN RETINAL PIGMENT EPITHELIAL CELLS, Pintea A., Rugina D. , Parlog R., Socaciu C., 2010, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 15, Issue: 1, Pages: 4964-4978. 9.56. XANTHOPHYLLS PROTECT AGAINST INDUCED OXIDATION IN CULTURED HUMAN RETINAL PIGMENT EPITHELIAL CELLS, Pintea A., Rugină D., Pârlog R., A. Bunea, Socaciu C., 2011, JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS, Volume: 24, Issue: 6, Special Issue: SI, Pages: 830-836. 9.57. ANTIOXIDANT EFFECT OF TRANS-RESVERATROL IN CULTURED HUMAN RETINAL PIGMENT EPITHELIAL CELLS, Pintea A., Rugina D., Pop R., Bunea A., Socaciu C., Diehl H., 2011, JOURNAL OF OCULAR PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS, Volume: 27, Issue: 4, Pages: 315-321. 9.58. ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF FLAVANOLS FROM GRAPESEED EXTRACTS, Rugina D., S. Vicas, C. Momeu, C. Socaciu, 2008, CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.102, Issue 15 (Special Issue), pp. s1234-s1235. 9.59. ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES OF CHOKEBERRY EXTRACTS AND THE CYTOTOXIC ACTION OF THEIR ANTHOCYANIN FRACTION ON HELA HUMAN CERVICAL TUMOR CELLS, Rugină D., Z. Sconţa, L. P a g e |221 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.1. Research Center of Biochemistry and Agrofood Biotechnology Leopold, A. Pintea, A. Bunea, C. Socaciu, 2012, JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL FOOD, Volume: 15, Issue: 8, Pages: 700-706. 9.60. GAS- CHROMATOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF MAJOR VOLATILE COMPOUNDS FOUND IN TRADITIONAL FRUIT BRANDIES FROM TRANSYLVANIA, ROMANIA, Rusu Coldea T., Socaciu C., Parv M., Vodnar D., 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 2, Pages: 109-116. 9.61. SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SOME COBALT(II) COMPLEXES WITH AMINO ACIDS HAVING BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES, Rusu D., A. Stanila, Marian I., M. Rusu, R. Lucaciu, 2009, REVISTA DE CHIMIE, Volume: 60, Issue: 9, Pages: 939-943. 9.62. IN-TUBE EXTRACTION AND GC–MS ANALYSIS OF VOLATILE COMPONENTS FROM WILD AND CULTIVATED SEA BUCKTHORN (HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES L. SSP. CARPATICA) BERRY VARIETIES AND JUICE, Socaci, S. , C. Socaciu, M. Tofană, I. Raţi, A. Pintea, 2013, PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS, Volume: 24, Issue: 4, Pages: 319-328. 9.63. COMPLEMENTARY ADVANCED TECHNIQUES APPLIED FOR PLANT AND FOOD AUTHENTICATION, Socaciu C., Ranga F., Fetea F., Leopold D., Dulf F., Parlog R., 2009, CZECH JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCES, Volume: 27, Special Issue: SI, Pages: S70-S75. 9.64. ADVANCES IN NATURAL FOOD COLORANT CHEMISTRY. PART 1. CURRENT TECHNOLOGIES APPLIED FOR PIGMENTS’ EXTRACTION, Socaciu C., 2009, AGRO FOOD INDUSTRY HI-TECH, Volume: 20, Issue: 3, Pages: 43-46. 9.65. ADVANCES IN NATURAL FOOD COLORANT CHEMISTRY. PART 2. PURIFICATION AND FORMULATION VERSUS LEGAL SPECIFICATIONS, Socaciu C., 2009, AGRO FOOD INDUSTRY HITECH, Volume: 20, Issue: 4, Pages: 4-+. 9.66. STRUCTURAL INVESTIGATIONS OF SOME METALLIC COMPLEXES WITH THREONINE AS LIGAND, Stanilă A., Marcu A., Cozar O., David L; JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, Volume: 10, Issue: 4, Pages: 830-833. 9.67. ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF COPPER AND COBALT AMINO ACIDS COMPLEXES, Stănilă A., C. Braicu, S.Stănilă, R. M. Pop, 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 2, Pages: 124-129. 9.68. SPECTROSCOPIC INVESTIGATIONS OF NEW METALLIC COMPLEXES WITH LEUCINE AS LIGAND, Stănilă A., Cs. Nagy, A.Marcu, D.Cozma, D.Rusu; 2009, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, Volume: 267, Issue: 2, Pages: 419-421. 9.69. STRUCTURAL INVESTIGATION OF SOME TRANSITIONAL METALS WITH HYSTIDINE AS LIGAND, Stanilă A., Marcu A., Rusu D., Rusu M.,David L., 2008, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, Volume: 10, Issue: 9, Pages: 2351-2354. 9.70. PHOTOPYROELECTRIC DETECTION OF VEGETABLE OILS' ADULTERATION, Streza M., D. Dadarlat, C. Socaciu, C. Bele, F. Dulf, V. Simon, 2009, FOOD BIOPHYSICS Volume: 4, Issue: 3, Pages: 147150. 9.71. SERS APPROACH FOR ZN(II) DETECTION IN CONTAMINATED SOIL, Szabó L., L. F. Leopold, B. I. Cozar, N. Leopold, K. Herman, V. Chiş, , 2011, CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, Volume: 9, Issue: 3, Pages: 410-414. 9.72. SERS AND DFT INVESTIGATION OF 1-(2-PYRIDYLAZO)-2-NAPHTHOL AND ITS METAL COMPLEXES WITH AL(III), MN(II), FE(III), CU(II), ZN(II) AND PB(II), Szabó, L., K. Herman, N.E. Mircescu, A. Fasmaş, L.F. Leopold, N. Leopold, C. Buzumurgă, V. Chiş, 2012, SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART AMOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, Volume: 93, Pages: 266-273. P a g e |222 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.1. Research Center of Biochemistry and Agrofood Biotechnology 9.73. FOURIER TRANSFORMED INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY APPLIED FOR STUDYING COMPATIBLE INTERACTION IN THE PATHOSYSTEM PHYTOPHTORA INFESTANS-SOLANUM TUBEROSUM, Taoutaou A., Socaciu C., D.Pamfil, F. Fetea, E. Balasz, C. Botez, A. Chis, D. Briciu, A. Briciu, 2010, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 38, Issue: 3, Pages: 69-75. 9.74. NEW MARKERS FOR POTATO LATE BLIGHT RESISTANCE AND SUSCEPTIBILITY USING FTIR SPECTROSCOPY, Taoutaou A., Socaciu C., Pamfil D., Fetea F., Balazs E., Botez C., 2012, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 40, Issue: 1, Pages: 150-154. 9.75. CHARACTERIZATION OF NEUTRAL LIPID COMPOSITION OF NIGELLA SATIVA L. SEEDS OIL, Toma C., A. Pintea, C. Bele, F. Dulf, 2008, CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.102, Issue 15 (Special Issue), pp. s803-s804. 9.76. EVALUATION OF EFFIENCY, RELEASE AND OXIDATION STABILITY OF SEABUCKTHORN MICROENCAPSULATED OIL USING FOURIER TRANSFORMED INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY, Trif M., Socaciu C., 2008, CHEMIKE LISTY, Vol.102, Issue 15 (Special Issue), pp. s1198-s1199. 9.77. INHIBITORY EFFECTS OF ISOFLAVONES ON SOYBEAN LIPOXYGENASE-1 ACTIVITY, Vicas S., Chedea V., C.Socaciu, 2011, JOURNAL OF FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY, Volume: 35, Issue: 2, Pages: 613-627. 9.78. HYDROPHILIC AND LIPOPHILIC ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES OF MISTLETOE (VISCUM ALBUM) AS DETERMINED BY FRAP METHOD, Vicas S., Prokisch J., Rugina D., Socaciu C., 2009, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 37, Issue: 2, Pages: 112-116. 9.79. HPLC FINGERPRINT OF BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES OF VISCUM ALBUM FROM DIFFERENT HOST TREES, Vicaş S., Rugină D., Leopold D., Pintea A., Socaciu C., NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 1, Pages: 48-57. 9.80. COMPARATIVE STUDY ABOUT ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES OF VISCUM ALBUM FROM DIFFERENT HOST TREES, HARVESTED IN DIFFERENT SEASONS, Vicaş S., Rugina D., Socaciu C., 2011, JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL PLANTS RESEARCH, Volume: 5, Issue: 11, Pages: 2237-2244. 9.81. MONITORING LACTIC ACID FERMENTATION IN MEDIA CONTAINING DANDELION (TARAXACUM OFFICINALE) BY FTIR SPECTROSCOPY, Vodnar D. C, O.L. Pop, C. Socaciu, 2012, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 40, Issue: 1, Pages: 65-68. 9.82. HPLC CHARACTERIZATION OF LACTIC ACID FORMATION AND FTIR FINGERPRINT OF PROBIOTIC BACTERIA DURING FERMENTATION PROCESSES, Vodnar D., A. Paucean, F. Dulf, C. Socaciu, 2010, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 38, Issue: 2, Special Issue: SI, Pages: 109-113. 9.83. LACTIC ACID PRODUCTION BY LACTOBACILLUS PARACASEI 168 IN DISCONTINUOUS FERMENTATION USING LUCERNE GREEN JUICE AS NUTRIENT SUBSTITUTE, Vodnar D., J. Venus , R. Schneider , C. Socaciu, 2010, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, Volume: 33, Issue: 3, Pages: 468-474. 9.84. GREEN TEA INCREASES THE SURVIVAL YIELD OF BIFIDOBACTERIA IN SIMULATED GASTROINTESTINAL ENVIRONMENT AND DURING REFRIGERATED CONDITIONS, Vodnar D., Socaciu C., 2012, CHEMISTRY CENTRAL JOURNAL, Volume: 6, Article Number: 61. 9.85. MORPHOLOGY, FTIR FINGERPRINT AND SURVIVABILITY OF ENCAPSULATED LACTIC BACTERIA (ST REPTOCOCCUS THERMOPHILUS AND LACTOBACILLUS DELBRUECKII SUBSP BULGARICUS) IN SIMULATED GASTRIC JUICE AND INTESTINAL JUICE, Vodnar D., Socaciu C., Rotar A., Stanila A., 2010, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Volume: 45, Issue: 11, Pages: 2345-2351. 9.86. INHIBITION OF LISTERIA MONOCYTOGENES ATCC 19115 ON HAM STEAK BY TEA BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS INCORPORATED INTO CHITOSAN-COATED PLASTIC FILMS, Vodnar, D.C., 2012, CHEMISTRY CENTRAL JOURNAL, Volume: 6, Article Number: 74. P a g e |223 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.1. Research Center of Biochemistry and Agrofood Biotechnology 9.87. COMPARATIVE FINGERPRINT AND EXTRACTION YIELD OF MEDICINAL HERB PHENOLICS WITH HEPATOPROTECTIVE POTENTIAL, AS DETERMINED BY UV-VIS AND FT-MIR SPECTROSCOPY, Zavoi S., Fetea F., Ranga F., Pop R., Baciu A., Socaciu C., 2011, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 39, Issue: 2, Pages: 82-89. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Members of Academies: - Socaciu C., associate member ASAS. 10.2. Members of the journals editorial scientific Committee: - Dulf F. - Editorial Committee ProEnvironment - USAMV CN. - Socaciu C. - Editorial collective Bul. USAMV. - Vodnar D. - Editorial collective, Center of Excellence J. 10.3. Members of representative scientific societies: - Socaciu C. - reprez.RO to EUCheMS, HLPE-UN-FAO, Committee Member Carotenoids Int. Society, Committee Member RMN Biomedicina Int. Society. - Bele C. – Honorary Member of SCIA. 10.4. Participation at international conferences: - First Eur. Food Congress, 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia. - Int. MetaboMeeting, 2008, Lyon, France. - COST Meeting 865 Bioencapsulation Res. Group, 2008, Dublin, Ireland. - 7th Joint Meeting of AFERP, ASP, GA, PSE and SIF, 2008, Athena, Greece. - Int. Conf.Agr.Engineering, 2008 Iguassu, Brazil. - 43th Croatian and 3rd International Symposium on Agriculture, 2008, Opatja. - Adv.Spectr. on Biomed. & Nanostruct. Sys., 2008, Cluj-Napoca. - 5th Int. Conf. on Pigments in Food, 2008, Helsinki, Finland. - 3rd Int.Conf.on Polyphenols and Health, 2008, Kyoto, Japan. - XXIV Int.Conf. Polyphenols, 2008, Salamanca, Spain. - Int. Conf. Physiology, 2008, Cluj-Napoca. - COST 865 Meeting on Bioencapsulation, 2008, Luxemburg. - 5th Black Sea Conf. Anal.Chem. 2009, Fatsa, Turkey. - 6th Int. Conf. Chemical reactions in Food, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic. - EUROANALYSIS, Int Conf, 2009, Innsbruck, Austria. - Euro Food Chem XV Congress, 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark. - XVIIth Int.Conf. on Bioencapsulation, 2009, Groningen, Holland. - Int Symp. Metabolomics, 2010 Amsterdam, Holland. - Int. Symp. BIOVEG, 2010, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. - 6th Int.Conf.on Pigments in Food, June 2010, Budapest, Hungary. - RSBMB International Conference, 2010, Cluj-Napoca. P a g e |224 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.1. Research Center of Biochemistry and Agrofood Biotechnology - Int.Symp. Seabuckthorn, ISA, Dec. 2010, Potsdam, Germany. - Int.Symp. Anal. and Nanoanal. Meth. for Biomed. and Environ. Sci., 2010, Brasov. - EUROFOOD CHEM XVI - 2011, Gdansk, Poland. - 16th Int. Carotenoid Symp., 2011, Cracovia, Poland. - Int. Meeting- Current Challenges in Gastroint.Health Res., Febr. 2011, Braga, Portugal. - 5th Meeting on Chemistry & Life, 2011, Brno, Czech Republic. - Eur.Conf. Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, 2011, Coimbra, Portugal. - 1st Symp. Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry conference, Sept.2011- Craiova. - 34th FEBS Congress, 2011, Prague. - XIX Int.Conf.on Bioencapsulation, 2011, Amboise, France. - 4th and 5th Meeting Chemistry & Life’ 2009, 2011 – Brno, Czech Republic. - 13th DKMT Integrative Medicine, Nutrition and Health, 2011, Timisoara. - COST 865 Meeting, 2011, Murcia, Spain. - Int. Conf.PIM 2011, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. - 7th Int. Conf. "IMA 2011-Instrumental Methods of Analysis" 2011, Chania, Greece. - 2nd Conf.Plant Natural Products, COST FA 1006, Sept.2012, Cluj, Romania. - EuroFed Lipid, Sept. 2012, Cracovia, Poland. - NANO 2012 XI 2012, Rhodes, Greece. - 31st EUCMOS 2012, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. - IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo, 2012, Las Vegas, USA. - 7th Int.Conf.on Pigments in Food, 2013, Novarra, Italy. - EUROFOOD CHEM XVII - 2013, Istanbul, Turkey. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. HPLC pesticide determination in plant and soil samples. 11.2. Spectrophotometry. 11.3. HPLC determination in vegetable samples. 11.4. HPLC, TLC determination in teas and medicinal plants. 11.5. HPLC-MS determination in supplements. 11.6. Synthesis of gold, silver, silica, magnetic and quantum dots nanoparticles. 11.7. Functionalization of nanostructures for various biomedical, biotechnology and analytical applications. 11.8. Identification of metabolic biomarkers in plants and food. 11.9. Verification of the authenticity and quality of botanical and food supplements. 11.10. Obtaining and characterization of microcapsules and microspheres made from natural matrices. P a g e |225 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.2. Food Quality and Safety Research Center C.5.2. Food Quality and Safety Research Center 1. Contact data The name of the research center Food Quality And Safety Research Center Acronym Logo CASIGAL Website Prof. Dr. Maria Tofană Food Science And Technology +40 264 596 384 +40 264 593 792 Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail 2. Objectives 2.1. Obtaining, characterization and certification of products derived by innovative technologies and biotechnologies. 2.2. Research regarding the characterization of traditional products. 2.3. Obtaining and characterization of natural food additives and biologically active compounds. 2.4. Recovery of the food industry by-products. 2.5. Obtaining and characterization of probiotic and prebiotic functional foods. 2.6. Food quality and safety analysis in agri-food chain using modern high-performance. 2.7. Food nutritional characterization and labelling. 2.8. Food authentication. 2.9. Implementation of food safety and security standards to ensure the health, welfare and consumer protection. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Food technology and biotechnology. 3.2. Food quality and safety control in the agro-food traceability. 3.3. Food Authentication. 3.4. Implementation and auditing of food safety and quality management systems according to ISO 22000:1995. 3.5. Implementation and auditing of quality management systems in control laboratories according to ISO 17025:2005. 3.6. Design, organization, implementation and technological processes management specific to the food industry. 3.7. Integrated management of agro-food production. 3.8. Marketing of agro-food products and services. P a g e |226 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.2. Food Quality and Safety Research Center 3.9. Business Management. 3.10. New food product design and testing on the market. 3.11. Entrepreneurship. 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Tofană Maria– Director ( 3.2. 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.11) 4.2. Prof. Dr. Muste Sevastiţa (3.2. 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.11) 4.3. Assist. Prof. Dr. Elena Mudura (3.1- 3.10) 4.4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ţibulcă Dorin (3.1, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11) 4.5. Assist. Prof. Dr. Păucean Adriana (3.1- 3.10) 4.6. Prof. Dr. Apostu Sorin (3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.53.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.11) 4.7. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muntean Edward (3.2, 3.3, 3.11) 4.8. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Racolţa Emil (3.1, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11) 4.9. Assist. Prof. Dr. Rotar Mihaela Ancuţa (3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.53.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.11) 4.10. Assist. Prof. Dr. Suharoschi Ramona (3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.53.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.11) 4.11. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mureşan Crina Carmen (3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.53.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.11) 4.12. Assist. Dr. Socaci Sonia Ancuţa (3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.53.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.11 4.13. Assist. Dr. Jimborean Mirela (3.1, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11) 4.14. Assist. Dr. Semeniuc Cristina (3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.10) 4.15. Assist. Prof. Dr. Sălăgean Dan (3.1, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11) 4.16. Assist. Dr. Man Simona (3.1, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11) 4.17. Assist. Dr. Stan Laura (3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10) 4.18. Assist. Dr. Cătunescu Giorgiana (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6) 4.19. PhD Students: Mureşan Vlad (3.1. - 3.11.); Pop Carmen (3.1. - 3.11.); Borşa Andrei (3.1. - 3.11.); Salanţă Liana (3.1. - 3.11.); Mureşan Andruţa (3.1. - 3.11.); Fărcaş Anca (3.1. - 3.11.); Scrob Stăncuţa (3.1. - 3.11.); Borş Doiniţa (3.1. - 3.11.); Vlaic Romina (3.1. - 3.11.); Moldovan Ovidiu (3.1. - 3.11.) 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Determination of mycotoxins in food. 5.2. Determination of bitter substances from hops and hop products. 5.3. Determination of volatile oils, with their composition from aromatic and medicinal plants, and food flavours. 5.4. Determination of pesticides and chlorinated compounds. 5.5. Determination of antioxidant capacity. 5.6. Determination of polyphenols. 5.7. Determination of food quality (protein, crude fat, water, ash, NaCl, nitrites / nitrates, SO2, vitamin C). P a g e |227 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.2. Food Quality and Safety Research Center 5.8. Obtaining and characterization of new types beer. 5.9. Obtaining of traditional preparations and meat products. 5.10. Obtaining and characterization of some probiotic products. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 1. Photodensitometer 5.1 2005 2. Automatic titrator 5.2 2005 3. Liquid chromatograph HPLC with UV detector and fluorescence 5.2, 5.1, 5.6 2005 4. Gas-chromatograph GC-ECD, NPD 5.4 2004 5. Gas- chromatograph coupled with mass spectrometer and Head Space Combi Pal System 5.3, 5.6 2005-2009 6. UV-Vis Spetrofotometer 5.5, 5.7 2005 7. Soxhlet extractor 5.7, 5.4 2007 8. Kjeldhal system 5.7 2007 7. Brewing pilot station 5.8 2007-2008 8. Meat processing pilot station 5.9 2005-2008 9. Dairy pilot station 5.10 2005-2008 10. Preliminary sample preparation systems (rotary evaporator, oven, microwave calcining, SFE system extraction, TLC sample applicator, analytical balances, shaker, conductometer, refractometer. 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 2006-2009 7. Representative research projects Director/Project responsible No. Project title and financing programme 1. Food Safety Control by developing an integrated modelling, simulation and management system of advanced fermentative bioprocess in food industry; PN2, Partnerships Program Assist. Prof. Dr. Elena Mudura 2008-2009 2. Optimization of GC-MS systems to determine the fingerprint of volatile oils from aromatic and medicinal plants; PN2, TD, No. 160/2008 Assist. Dr. Socaci Sonia Ancuţa 2008-2009 3. Reducing mycotoxin contamination of cereals to obtain breads with high fiber content, safe for consumption; FIBRESIG, PN2, Partnerships Program Prof. Dr. Tofană Maria 2008 - 2011 4. Validated methods applied for quality assessment of Romanian propolis; PN2, PD, No. 106/2010 Assist. Dr. Stan Laura 2010-2012 P a g e |228 Period USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.2. Food Quality and Safety Research Center 5. Characterization of tomato flavour profiles using different extraction techniques and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry analysis; Grant USAMV ClujNapoca, RU, No. 1215/2012 Assist. Dr. Socaci Sonia Ancuţa 2012 6. Proteomic profile of the bacteria Escherichia coli, Salmonella group C, D and Staphylococcus aureus involved in food contamination; Grant USAMV ClujNapoca, RU, No. 1215/15/2012 Assist. Prof. Dr. Rotar Mihaela Ancuţa 2012 7. Propolis - steps towards standardization; Grant USAMV Cluj-Napoca; Grant USAMV Cluj-Napoca, RU, No. 1215/2/2012 Assist. Dr. Stan Laura 2012 8. The effect of gamma ionizing radiation type on the main quality characteristics of parsley; Grant USAMV ClujNapoca, RU, No. 1215/25/2012 Assist. Dr. Cătunescu Giorgiana 2012 9. Dynamics of carbohydrate metabolism in acidic doughs obtained by co-cultivation of lactobacilli and Saccharomyces yeast species; Grant USAMV ClujNapoca, RU, No. 1215/22/2012 Assist. Prof. Dr. Păucean Adriana 2012 10. Research on the technology of a home brewing kit; PN-IIIN-CI-2012-1-0010 PhD Student Borşa Andrei 2012 11. The increasing of productivity, competitiveness and products quality made at Mag Comimpex'94; PN-II-IN-CI2012-1-0047 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Racolţa Emil 2012 12. Energizing jellies; PN2, No. 12CI/2012 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Racolţa Emil 2012 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 280 8.2. Patents – 3 8.3. Patent applications - 2 8.4. Realized technologies - 1 8.5. Analysis - 180 8.6. Completed PhD theses - 10 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. CHEESE AMINO ACIDS CHARACTERISATION BY ISOTOPIC DILUTION GC-MS, Culea M., M. Jimborean, A. Pintea, M. Chiriac, A. Iordache, 2009, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ECOLOGY, Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Pages: 149-155. 9.2. PHARMACOGNOSTIC RESEARCH ON VIOLA DECLINATA WALDST. ET KIT. (VIOLACEAE), Toiu Anca, Edward Muntean, Ilioara Oniga, Mircea Tămaş, 2009, FARMACIA, Volume: 57, Issue: 2, Pages: 218-222. 9.3. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND BIOACTIVE PROPERTIES OF DIFFERENT FLORAL ORIGIN HONEYS FROM ROMANIA, Liviu Al. Marghitas, D. Dezmirean, Adela Moise, Otilia Bobis, S. Bogdanov, 2009, FOOD P a g e |229 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.2. Food Quality and Safety Research Center CHEMISTRY, Volume: 112, Issue: 4, Pages: 863-867. 9.4. A NEW FUNCTIONAL DAIRY PRODUCT CONTAINING AN OPTIMIZED MIXTURE OF LACTOCOCCUS BACTERIA, KEFIR AND BREWER’S YEASTS, Paucean, A. Socaciu C., D. Vodnar, E. Mudura, 2010, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 15, Issue: 6, Pages: 5793-5800. 9.5. HPLC CHARACTERIZATION OF LACTIC ACID FORMATION AND FTIR FINGERPRINT OF PROBIOTIC BACTERIA DURING FERMENTATION PROCESSES, Vodnar D., A. Paucean, F. Dulf, C. Socaciu, 2010, NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Volume: 38, Issue: 2, Special Issue: SI, Pages: 109-113. 9.6. MORPHOLOGY, FTIR FINGERPRINT AND SURVIVABILITY OF ENCAPSULATED LACTIC BACTERIA (STREPTOCOCCUS THERMOPHILUS AND LACTOBACILLUS DELBRUECKII SUBSP BULGARICUS) IN SIMULATED GASTRIC JUICE AND INTESTINAL JUICE, Vodnar D., Socaciu C., Rotar A., Stanila A., 2010, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Volume: 45, Issue: 11, Pages: 2345-2351. 9.7. ADVANTAGES OF "HEADSPACE" TECHNIQUE FOR GC/MS ANALISYS OF ESSENTIAL OILS, Serban Elena S.; Socaci Sonia A.; Tofana Maria; Maier Simona C.; Bojita Marius T., 2012, FARMACIA, Volume: 60, Issue: 2, Pages: 249-256. 9.8. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE KARST LAKE IGHIU (ROMANIA), Mihaiescu Radu; Pop Andreea Ioana; Mihaiescu Tania; Muntean Edward; Beldean Simion; Muntean Nicoleta; Alhafez Livia; Ozunu Alexandru, 2012, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, Volume: 11, Issue: 3, Pages: 623-626. 9.9. POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS IN WASTEWATER SEWERAGE SYSTEM FROM THE CLUJNAPOCA AREA, Alhafez L., Nicoleta Muntean, Edward Muntean, Tania Mihăiescu, Radu Mihăiescu, Dumitru Ristoiu, 2012, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, Volume: 11, Issue: 1, Pages: 5-12. 9.10. IN VITRO ANTIMICROBIAL EFFICACY OF HONEYDEW HONEY AND CALENDULA OFFICINALIS L. AGAINST PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA, Niculae M.; Spinu M.; Rindt K. I.; Sandru C. D.; Marghitas L. A.; Stan L.; Bobis O.; Brudasca G. F.; Tamas M., 2011, PLANTA MEDICA, Volume: 77, Issue: 12, Pages: 1458-1458. 9.11. ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECT OF ROMANIAN PROPOLIS ON PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA AND STAPHYLOCOCCUS INTERMIDIUS, Stan L., Niculae M., Mărghitaş Al. L., Spînu M., Dezmirean D., 2012, 2012, PLANTA MEDICA, Volume: 78, Issue: 11, Pages: 1094-1094. 9.12. IN-TUBE EXTRACTION AND GC–MS ANALYSIS OF VOLATILE COMPONENTS FROM WILD AND CULTIVATED SEA BUCKTHORN (HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES L. SSP. CARPATICA) BERRY VARIETIES AND JUICE, Socaci, S. , C. Socaciu, M. Tofană, I. Raţi, A. Pintea, 2013, PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS, Volume: 24, Issue: 4, Pages: 319-328. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Members of the journals editorial scientific Committee in the national field: - Tofana Maria, Muste Sevastita, Mudura Elena, Socaci Sonia, Salanţă Liana, Stan Laura Bulletin UASVM series Agricultura (2009-2012). - Tofană Maria, Muste Sevastiţa, Mudura Elena - Romanian Journal of Food Science (20102012). - Tofană Maria, Muste Sevastiţa – The Journal “Hameiul şi plantele medicinale”. 10.2. Members of the journals editorial scientific Committee in the international field: - Muntean Edward - American Journal of Analytical Chemistry (ISSN print: 2156-8251 / online: P a g e |230 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 C.5.2. Food Quality and Safety Research Center 2156-8278). - Muntean Edward- African Journal of Food Science (ISSN 1996-0794). - Muntean Edward -European Scientific Journal, ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) ISSN: 1857 – 7431. - Muntean Edward -Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering (hard copy ISSN 21625263): 10.3. Participation at international conferences: - Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” (2008-2012), Cluj-Napoca, Romania. - The International Conference on Food Chemistry, Engineering & Technology, (2008-2012), Timişoara. - Scientific symposium with international participation "65 years of higher agronomic education and 50 years of higher horticulture education in Craiova", 15-16 November, 2012, Craiova. - The Annual International Conference of RSBBM, 2010, USAMV Cluj-Napoca. - The International Symposium "HPTLC 2011" Berna, Switzerland. - 1st International Workshop on “Ambient Mass Spectrometry and Related Mass SpectrometryBased Techniques In Food / Natural Products Control: Safety, Authentication, Forensics, Metabolomics, 2012, Prague. - 14th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, Chromaleont spin-off of the University of Messina, 24-26 September 2012, Messina, Italy. - Belgrade Food International Conference "Food, Health and Well Being", Belgrade University, 26 - 28 November 2012, Belgrade, Serbia. - International Congress of Natural Products Research, July 28 to August 1, 2012, New York, USA. - The 6th Congress on Polyphenols Applications, 2012, Paris. - The 4th Leipzig Symposium "Rapeseed - Tremendous Potential for added Value Generation?" 20 – 21, March 2013, Leipzig, Germany. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Analysis regarding the hop bitter acids determination. 11.2. The establishment of optimal manufacturing recipes for bakery and pastry products using different types of additives containing soy derivatives. 11.3. Microbiological analysis on risk factors and microbiological control of the products, for quality assurance and compliance. 11.4. Optimizing food technologies. 11.5. Food quality control. 11.6. Food safety consulting. 11.7. Food authentication. . P a g e |231 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.5.1. Lab Testing For Food Quality and Safety RESEARCH LABORATORIES L.5.1. Lab Testing For Food Quality and Safety 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Lab Testing For Food Quality And Safety LICSA Website Prof. Dr. Maria Tofană Food Science And Technology +40 264 596 384 +40 264 593 792 Director Faculty Phone Fax E-mail 2. Objectives 2.1. Food quality and safety analysis in agri-food chain using modern high-performance equipments. 2.2. Characterization of natural food additives and biologically active compounds. 2.3. 2.3. Food authentication. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Food quality and safety control in the agro-food chain traceability. 3.2. Food authentication. 3.3. Analysis of chemical and microbiological contaminants. 3.4. Analysis of biologically active natural compounds (volatile oils, polyphenols, natural pigments, vitamins, bitter substances in hops). 4. Research team 4.1. Prof. Dr. Tofană Maria – Director; (3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4) 4.2. Prof. Dr. Muste Sevastiţa – Quality responsible; (3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4) 4.3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tibulca Dorin – IT responsible; (3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4) 4.4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mudura Elena – Equipments responsible; (3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4) 4.5. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muntean Edward – Analytical methods responsible; (3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4) 4.6. Assist. Prof. Dr. Rotar Mihaela Ancuţa – Supply chain responsible; (3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4) 4.7. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mureşan Crina Carmen – Analyst (3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4) 4.8. Assist. Dr. Socaci Sonia Ancuţa – (3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4) 4.9. Assist. Dr. Semeniuc Cristina - Analyst (3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4) P a g e |232 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.5.1. Lab Testing For Food Quality and Safety 4.10. Assist. Dr. Man Simona – Analyst (3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4) 4.11. Assist. Dr. Stan Laura – Analyst (3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4) 4.12. Assist. Dr. Cătunescu Giorgiana - Analyst (3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4) 4.13. PhD students (carrying out analyst activity): Mureşan Vlad (3.1., 3.2., 3.3., 3.4.); Pop Carmen (3.1., 3.2., 3.3., 3.4.); Borşa Andrei (3.1., 3.2., 3.3., 3.4.); Salanţă Liana (3.1., 3.2., 3.3., 3.4.); Mureşan Andruţa (3.1., 3.2., 3.3., 3.4.); Fărcaş Anca (3.1., 3.2., 3.3., 3.4.); Scrob Stăncuţa (3.1., 3.2., 3.3., 3.4.); Borş Doiniţa (3.1., 3.2., 3.3., 3.4.); Vlaic Romina (3.1., 3.2., 3.3., 3.4.); Moldovan Ovidiu (3.1., 3.2., 3.3., 3.4.) 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Determination of mycotoxins in food. 5.2. Determination of bitter substances from hops and hop products. 5.3. Determination of volatile oils, with their composition from aromatic and medicinal plants, and food flavours by applying different high-performance gas-chromatographic techniques. 5.4. Determination of pesticides and chlorinated compounds. 5.5. Highlighting the antimicrobial and antioxidant capacity. 5.6. Determination of polyphenols. 5.7. Determination of food quality (protein, aminoacids, fat, fatty acids, water, ash, NaCl, nitrites/nitrates, SO2, vitamins). 5.8. Highlighting the biological and pharmacological properties of some food, extracts and medicinal plants. 5.9. Characterization of functional foods. 5.10. Determination of physico-chemical and microbiological contaminants in food and water. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment 1. Photodensitometer 2. Automatic titrate 3. Related activity Acquisition (year) 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 2005 5.2, 5.10 2005 Liquid chromatograph HPLC 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 2005 4. Gas- chromatograph GC-ECD, NPD 5.4, 5.6, 5.7, 5.10 2004 5. Gas- chromatograph coupled with mass spectrometer and Head Space Combi Pal System, ITEX 5.3, 5.6, 5.7, 5.10 2005-2009 6. UV-Vis Spectrophotometer 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 2005 7. Soxhlet extractor 5.4, 5.7, 5.10 2007 8. Kjeldhal system 5.7, 5.10 2007 P a g e |233 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.5.1. Lab Testing For Food Quality and Safety 7. Representative research projects No. Project title and financing programme Director/Project responsible Period 1. Propolis - steps towards standardization; Grant USAMV Cluj-Napoca, RU No. 1215/2/2012 Assist. Dr. Stan Laura 2012 2. The effect of gamma ionizing radiation type on the main quality characteristics of parsley; Grant USAMV ClujNapoca, RU No. 1215/25/2012 Assist. Dr. Catunescu Giorgiana 2012 3. Research on the technology of a home brewing kit; PN-IIIN-CI-2012-1-0010 PhD Student Borşa Andrei 2012 4. Validated methods applied for quality assessment of Romanian propolis; PN2, PD, No. 106/2010 Assist. Dr. Stan Laura 2010-2012 5. Reducing mycotoxin contamination of cereals to obtain breads with high fiber content, safe for consumption; FIBRESIG, PN2, Partnerships Program Prof. Dr. Tofana Maria 2008 - 2011 6. Food Safety Control by developing an integrated modelling, simulation and management system of advanced fermentative bioprocess in food industry; PN2, Partnerships Program Assist. Prof. Dr. Mudura Elena 2008-2009 7. Optimization of GC-MS systems to determine the fingerprint of volatile oils from aromatic and medicinal plants; PN2, TD, No. 160/2008 Assist. Dr. Socaci Sonia Ancuţa 2008-2009 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 280 8.2. Analysis - 180 8.3. Completed PhD theses - 10 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. CHEESE AMINO ACIDS CHARACTERIZATION BY ISOTOPIC DILUTION GC-MS, A. Iordache, M. Culea, M. Jimborean, A. Pintea, M. Chiriac, 2009, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ECOLOGY, Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Pages: 149-155. 9.2. PHARMACOGNOSTIC RESEARCH ON VIOLA DECLINATA WALDST. ET KIT. (VIOLACEAE), Toiu Anca, Edward Muntean, Ilioara Oniga, Mircea Tămaş, 2009, FARMACIA, Volume: 57, Issue: 2, Pages: 218-222. 9.3. A NEW FUNCTIONAL DAIRY PRODUCT CONTAINING AN OPTIMIZED MIXTURE OF LACTOCOCCUS BACTERIA, KEFIR AND BREWER’S YEASTS, Paucean, A. Socaciu C., D. Vodnar, E. Mudura, 2010, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 15, Issue: 6, Pages: 5793-5800. 9.4. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND BIOACTIVE PROPERTIES OF DIFFERENT FLORAL ORIGIN HONEYS FROM ROMANIA, Liviu Al. Marghitas, D. Dezmirean, Adela Moise, Otilia Bobis, S. Bogdanov, 2009, FOOD CHEMISTRY, Volume: 112, Issue: 4, Pages: 863-867. 9.5. MORPHOLOGY, FTIR FINGERPRINT AND SURVIVABILITY OF ENCAPSULATED LACTIC BACTERIA P a g e |234 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.5.1. Lab Testing For Food Quality and Safety (STREPTOCOCCUS THERMOPHILUS AND LACTOBACILLUS DELBRUECKII SUBSP BULGARICUS) IN SIMULATED GASTRIC JUICE AND INTESTINAL JUICE, Vodnar D., Socaciu C., Rotar A., Stanila A., 2010, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Volume: 45, Issue: 11, Pages: 2345-2351. 9.6. IN VITRO ANTIMICROBIAL EFFICACY OF HONEYDEW HONEY AND CALENDULA OFFICINALIS L. AGAINST PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA, Niculae M.; Spinu M.; Rindt K. I.; Sandru C. D.; Marghitas L. A.; Stan L.; Bobis O.; Brudasca G. F.; Tamas M., 2011, PLANTA MEDICA, Volume: 77, Issue: 12, Pages: 1458-1458. 9.7. ADVANTAGES OF "HEADSPACE" TECHNIQUE FOR GC/MS ANALISYS OF ESSENTIAL OILS, Serban Elena S.; Socaci Sonia A.; Tofana Maria; Maier Simona C.; Bojita Marius T., 2012, FARMACIA, Volume: 60, Issue: 2, Pages: 249-256. 9.8. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE KARST LAKE IGHIU (ROMANIA), Mihaiescu Radu; Pop Andreea Ioana; Mihaiescu Tania; Muntean Edward; Beldean Simion; Muntean Nicoleta; Alhafez Livia; Ozunu Alexandru, 2012, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, Volume: 11, Issue: 3, Pages: 623-626. 9.9. POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS IN WASTEWATER SEWERAGE SYSTEM FROM THE CLUJNAPOCA AREA, Alhafez L., Nicoleta Muntean, Edward Muntean, Tania Mihăiescu, Radu Mihăiescu, Dumitru Ristoiu, 2012, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, Volume: 11, Issue: 1, Pages: 5-12. 9.10. ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECT OF ROMANIAN PROPOLIS ON PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA AND STAPHYLOCOCCUS INTERMIDIUS, Stan L., Niculae M., Mărghitaş Al. L., Spînu M., Dezmirean D., 2012, 2012, PLANTA MEDICA, Volume: 78, Issue: 11, Pages: 1094-1094. 9.11. IN-TUBE EXTRACTION AND GC–MS ANALYSIS OF VOLATILE COMPONENTS FROM WILD AND CULTIVATED SEA BUCKTHORN (HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES L. SSP. CARPATICA) BERRY VARIETIES AND JUICE, Socaci, S. , C. Socaciu, M. Tofană, I. Raţi, A. Pintea, 2013, PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS, Volume: 24, Issue: 4, Pages: 319-328. 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Members of the journal’s editorial scientific Committee in the national field: - Tofană Maria, Muste Sevastiţa, Mudura Elena, Socaci Sonia, Salanţă Liana, Stan Laura Bulletin UASVM series Agriculture (2009-2012). - Tofană Maria, Muste Sevastiţa, Mudura Elena - Romanian Journal of Food Science (20102012). - Tofană Maria, Muste Sevastiţa – The Journal “Hameiul şi plantele medicinale”. 10.2. Members of the journal’s editorial scientific Committee in the international field: - Muntean Edward - American Journal of Analytical Chemistry (ISSN print: 2156-8251 / online: 2156-8278). - Muntean Edward- African Journal of Food Science (ISSN 1996-0794). - Muntean Edward -European Scientific Journal, ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) ISSN: 1857 - 7431 (Online). - Muntean Edward -Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering (hard copy ISSN 21625263). 10.3. Participation at international conferences: P a g e |235 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.5.1. Lab Testing For Food Quality and Safety - Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” (2008-2012), Cluj-Napoca, Romania. - The International Conference on Food Chemistry, Engineering & Technology, (2008-2012), Timişoara. - Scientific symposium with international participation "65 years of higher agronomic education and 50 years of higher horticulture education in Craiova", 15-16 November, 2012, Craiova. - The Annual International Conference of RSBBM, 2010, USAMV Cluj-Napoca. - The International Symposium "HPTLC 2011" Berna, Switzerland. - 1st International Workshop on “Ambient Mass Spectrometry And Related Mass Spectrometry-Based Techniques In Food / Natural Products Control: Safety, Authentication, Forensics, Metabolomics, 2012, Prague. - 14th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, Chromaleont spin-off of the University of Messina, 24-26 September 2012, Messina, Italy. - Belgrade Food International Conference "Food, Health and Well Being", Belgrade University, 26-28 November, 2012, Belgrade, Serbia. - International Congress of Natural Products Research, July 28 to August 1, 2012, New York, USA. - The 6th Congress on Polyphenols Applications, 2012, Paris. - The 4th Leipzig Symposium "Rapeseed - Tremendous Potential for added Value Generation?" 20 – 21, March 2013, Leipzig, Germany. 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Analysis regarding the hop bitter acids determination. 11.2. The establishment of optimal manufacturing recipes for bakery and pastry products using different types of additives containing soy derivatives. 11.3. Physico-chemical analysis of food samples. 11.4. Microbiological analysis on risk factors and microbiological control of the products for quality assurance and compliance. P a g e |236 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.5.2. Molecular Nutrition and Proteomics Research Laboratory L.5.2. Molecular Nutrition and Proteomics Research Laboratory 1. Contact data The name of the research laboratory Acronym Logo Website Director Faculty +40 264 596 384 +40 264 593 792 E-mail Molecular Nutrition and Proteomics Research Laboratory PRONUTRITIONlab Assist. Prof. Dr. Ramona Suharoschi Food Science And Technology +40 264 596 384 +40 264 593 792 2. Objectives 2.1. Implementation of omics technologies to study molecular nutrition, toxicology, food biotechnologies, diagnostic. 2.2. BioGenProtOMICS platform development (collaboration with Dr. I.L. Muntean – ACAL, UTCN; Dr. Cristina Iuga - Drug Analysis, UMFCN). Integration of omics data (genomics and proteomics). 2.3. Production, purification and structural and functional characterization of bioactive peptides from food and food waste. 2.4. Design of innovative drugs / nutraceuticals and functional foods based on biopeptides properties. 2.5. Evaluation in vitro and in silico of antitumor effect, antihypertensive, immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, anti-oxidant, anti-thrombotic of biopeptides. 2.6. Omics analytical methods applications in the study of bioactive peptides. 3. Areas of expertise 3.1. Proteomics (gel-based proteomics): microorganisms), pharmacoproteomics. applications (milk, meat, vegetable matrices, 3.2. Microarray (transcriptomic, proteomic) - cancer, dermatological diagnosis, allergies, nutrition / obesity, toxicogenomics, nutrigenomics. 3.3. Cell cultures. 3.4. Omics technology data integration (Applied bioinformatics). 3.5. Discovery and validation in silico of biomarkers candidates (diagnostic, prognostic, predictive response / lack of response to therapy?); identifying therapeutic targets - key proteins. 3.6. Production, purification, structural and functional characterization of bioactive peptides. 3.7. Design of drugs / nutraceuticals and functional foods based on biopeptides properties. 3.8. Molecular diagnostics - Development kit screening for molecular diagnostic. 4. Research team 4.1. Assist. Prof. Dr. Ramona Suharoschi – 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4; 3.5; 3.6; 3.8 4.2. Assist. Prof. Dr. Ancuta M. Rotar – 3.1; 3.2; 3.6 P a g e |237 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.5.2. Molecular Nutrition and Proteomics Research Laboratory 4.3. Assist. Dr. Cristina Semeniuc – 3.1; 3.6 4.4. PhD Alina Uifalean, Drug analysis, UMF – 3.1; 3.3; 3.6; 3.7 4.5. PhD Irina Ielciu, Pharmaceutical botany, UMF - 3.1; 3.3; 3.6; 3.7 4.6. PhD Cristina Pop, Pharmacology, Physiology, Pathophysiology, UMF - 3.1; 3.3; 3.6; 3.7 4.7. Master student Husar Manuela Lavinia - 3.3; 3.8 Students: 4.8. Andreea Gheghes - 3.1; 3.6 4.9. Anton Maria - 3.1; 3.6 4.10. Gujan Raluca - 3.1; 3.6 4.11. Gusa Livia - 3.1; 3.6 4.12. Hosciuc Adriana - 3.1; 3.6 4.13. Catinean Roxana Maria - 3.1; 3.6 4.14. Corodea Mihaela - 3.1; 3.6 4.15. Moldovan Ancuta - 3.1; 3.6 4.16. Fostoc Giorgiana - 3.1; 3.6 4.17. Moldovan Andreea - 3.1; 3.6 4.18. Precup Gabriela - 3.1; 3.6 4.19. Razec Roxana - 3.1; 3.6 4.20. Rus Valentina - 3.1; 3.6 4.21. Sintejudean Simina - 3.1; 3.6 4.22. Stetco Ileana - 3.1; 3.6 4.23. Silasi Evelina - 3.1; 3.6 4.24. Todor Alexandra - 3.1; 3.6 4.25. Nadia Pinzari - 3.1; 3.6 5. Research activity in the last 5 years (2008-2013) 5.1. Serum / plasma proteomics - serum / plasma protein expression in diagnosing prostate cancer (gel-based). 5.2. LCR Proteomics - Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (gel-based). 5.3. Microbiology proteomics (gel-based). 5.4. Milk proteomics (gel-based). 5.5. Meat proteomics (gel-based). 5.6. Vegetable matrices proteomics (gel-based). 5.7. Protein allergens (food matrix) (gel-based). 5.8. In silico discovery and validation of biomarkers candidate from public data bases (ArrayExpress, geo, cibex). P a g e |238 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.5.2. Molecular Nutrition and Proteomics Research Laboratory 5.9. Omics data integration. 5.10. Proteomics circle (open lab for Cluj scientific community USAMV, UBB, UMF, IOCN). 5.11. Cell cultures. 5.12. In vitro and in silico design of drugs and functional foods. 5.13. Production, purification, isolation, and functional characterization of bioactive peptides. 5.14. In silico discovery and validation of biomarkers. 6. The research infrastructure No. Equipment Related activity Acquisition (year) 1. Hettich centrifuge, Micro 22 R 5.1-5.12 2007 2. Sanyo incubator with CO2, MCO-17AI 5.1-5.12 2007 3. Magnetic stirrer Ika, Mini MR standard 5.1-5.12 2007 4. Freezer Sanyo, MDF-U5186S 5.1-5.12 2007 5. Thermostatic water bath Raypa, Digibath-2 BAD-6 5.1-5.12 2007 6. Autoclave Raypa, AES-75 vertical, class II, module A1 5.1-5.12 2007 7. Inversion microscope Motic, AE30/31 5.1-5.12 2007 8. Analytical balance Kern, ABJ 120-4M 5.1-5.12 2007 9. Calculator ATV Promo 5.1-5.12 2007 10. Calibrating Imaging Densitometer, GS-800 5.1-5.12 2007 11. PowerPac HC Power Supply 5.1-5.12 2007 12. Mini-Protean 3 Cell 5.1-5.12 2007 13. Microbiological laminar flow hood, HF safe-1200 5.1-5.12 2008 14. MicroRoto for Liquid-Pahse IEF Cell 5.1-5.12 2008 15. Power Pac HV Power Supply 5.1-5.12 2008 16. PROTEAN IEF Cell 5.1-5.12 2008 17. Mini-Protean 3 Dodeca Cell 5.1-5.12 2008 18. Mini Trans-Blot Electrophoretic Transfer Cell 5.1-5.12 2008 19. Mini Rocker-Shaker Biosan, MR-1 5.1-5.12 2012 20. Vortex Biosan, model V-1 plus 5.1-5.12 2012 21. Arctic refrigerator, model AK366 NFS+ 5.1-5.12 2012 22. Mini-Protean 3 Multi-Casting Chamber 5.1-5.12 2008 23. Motic Camera, 480 5.1-5.12 2007 Director/Project responsible Period 7. Representative research projects No. 1. Project title and financing programme Development of a biological system for understanding the molecular models Involved in Prostate Cancer – P a g e |239 Assist. Prof. Dr. Ramona 2006-2008 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.5.2. Molecular Nutrition and Proteomics Research Laboratory MOLPAT; VIASAN, No. 180/2006 Suharoschi 2. In silico discovery of potential biomarkers, Grant USAMV Cluj-Napoca, RU, No. 1215/6/2012 Assist. Prof. Dr. Ramona Suharoschi 2012 3. Proteomic profile of the bacteria Escherichia coli, Salmonella group C, D and Staphylococcus aureus involved in food contamination; Grant USAMV ClujNapoca, RU, No. 1215/15/2012 Assist. Prof. Dr. Rotar Mihaela Ancuţa 2012 4. Identification by microarray reaction of tumour biomarkers with non-invasive predictive value in prostate cancer; PN2, IDEAS, No. 314/2007 Dr. Ovidiu Bălăcescu (IOCN) 2007-2010 5. Analytical and proteomic exploratory research in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid in elderly patients with postoperative cognitive dysfunction; PN2, IDEAS, No. 2631/2009 Dr. Constantin Bodolea (UMF Cluj-Napoca) 2009-2011 8. Main achievements (last 5 years) 8.1. Published articles - 17 8.2. Products – 1 (BioGenProtOMICS – (prototype) omics data integration software platform with searching services for discovery and validation of biomarkers-cloud applications, grid computing) 8.3. Technologies - 5 - differentiated protein extraction (membrane proteins, cytoplasmic / nuclear proteins, signalling protein, soluble / insoluble protein); fractionation (gel based / gel free), electrophoresis (SDSPAGE, urea-page, native-page: BN-page, CN-page, QPNC-page, tris-tricina electrophoresis) isolation metal acidic alkaline and neutral protein, determination of enzyme activity, isoforms isolation, native protein, low molecular weight proteins (LMW), proteins with high molecular weight (HMW), less abundant proteins (LAP) - IEF (gel-based, gel-free liquid phase), 2D-GE (profile protein, PTM, protein function, cellular localization, expression, PPI) - microarray (transcriptomic, proteomic) - WB (clinical immunodiagnostic) - nutritional journals for personalized nutrition 8.4. Services - 4 8.5. Analysis for external beneficiaries - 60 8.6. Completed PhD thesis - 1 9. Main research articles published in ISI journals (last 5 years) 9.1. NORMALIZATION FOR CDNA MICROARRAY DATA OF GENE EXPRESSION PROFILES FROM THE HUMAN PROSTATE CANCER CELL LINES (PC3) BY PRE-PROCESSING TWO-COLOR DATA, Bratfalean Dorina, Suharoschi Ramona, Muresan Crina, Agachi S. P., Cristea M. V., Cormos Ana-Maria, Gomez Garrido Alex., Hernandez Sanchez Miguel, 2009, COMPUTER-AIDED CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Volume: 26, Pages: 1033-1038. P a g e |240 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.5.2. Molecular Nutrition and Proteomics Research Laboratory 10. National and international prestige 10.1. Members of scientific journal’s editorial Committee: - Ramona Suharoschi - Member of the journal editorial scientific Committee Bulletin UASVM, 2012. 10.2. Participation at international conferences: - FEBS Congress 2008: Artificial neural networks to discover new differentially expressed genes into cDNA microarrays of genistein treated prostate cancer PC3 cells; Genistein promotes apoptosis and cell cycle arrest via mitochondrial pathways and Akt signaling pathways through nuclear receptor family in prostate cancer cells PC3. - 12-17 July 2008, International Congress of Genetics - Genistein modulation of intricate signalling pathways underlying PC3 cells treatment. - IEEE 12th International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, November 11-13, 2012, Larnaca, Cyprus. - 1st FCUB ERA Workshop, Proteomics analysis and protein structure identification of Escherichia coli, SDS-PAGE analysis of whey proteins from different heat-treated commercial bovine milk, 2011, Belgrade. - SRBBM 2010 - The Annual International Conference of Romanian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Proteomics in development of a system biology to understand genistein-based inhibition of prostate cancer, Profile of apoptosis, ageing, and inflammation proteins in postoperative cognitive syndrome, 2010, Bucharest. - OECI Pathobiology Workshop: Structure and Genetics, the new Paradigm, OECI (Organisation of European Cancer Institute) – European Economic Interest Grouping, 2008, Cluj-Napoca. - International Congress for Anticancer Treatment (ICACT), A good correlation between DD3PCA, hTERT, GDF15 and PSME gene expression for prostate cancer diagnosis, 5-8 February 2008, Paris, France. 10.3. Participation at national symposium: - VIASAN CEEX National Symposium (Module I), QRT-PCR Application in molecular diagnosis of prostate cancer, Sept. 2008, Bucharest. 10.4. Student scientific sessions: - 2010 SCSS Alma Mater, Sibiu: - R. F. Petrut - Prize I (E coli proteomic profile). - C. I. Bartalici - Prize II (Less abundant protein expression of different heat-treated cow's milk, using electrophoretic methods). - M. D. Bors - Prize III (The beneficial effects of phenols from vegetal oil assortments). 11. The research and services offer for the economic environment 11.1. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis; SDS-PGE, native-PAGE. 11.2. Immunodiagnostic (WB, ELISA array). 11.3. Microarray (transcriptomics: gene expression array, array RNA interference, microRNA array; proteomics: protein array, peptide array, antibody array, ELISA array, RP array). 11.4. Personalized nutrition assessment. P a g e |241 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 L.5.2. Molecular Nutrition and Proteomics Research Laboratory 11.5. Design of innovative drugs / nutraceuticals / functional foods in vitro and in silico. 11.6. In vitro screening of food peptides bioactive properties (antitumor, antimicrobial, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antihypertensive, antithrombotic, etc). 11.7. In vitro omics studies about production and metabolism of food peptides. 11.8. Production, purification and structural and functional characterization of bioactive peptides from food and food waste (blood, internal organs, cartilage, bananas peel, coconut shell, sunflower seeds shell, etc). 11.9. Developing of diagnostic kits. 11.10. BDV (omics data integration). 11.11. Evaluations in silico, in vitro (nutri[prote]omics, toxico[gen]omics, food-omics). P a g e |242 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 Faculty of Food Science and Technology - Research Infrastructure The Research Infrastructure – Faculty of Food Science and Technology Research Centers and Laboratories Bioreactor Electrolab 360 Fluorescence Microscope Research Center for Food Biochemistry and Biotechnology Raman – Bruker Spectrometer Installation for Microencapsulation Research Center for Food Biochemistry and Biotechnology Gaz chromatograph with mass spectrometry detection (GC-MS) Multianalyser Biotek ( UV-Vis, fluorescence, chemiluminescence) Research Center for Food Biochemistry and Biotechnology P a g e |243 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013 Faculty of Food Science and Technology - Research Infrastructure High Performance Liquid Cromatograph with DAD and MS detection (LC-MS Agilent 1200) High Performance Liquid Cromatograph with UV and fluorescence detection Research Center for Food Biochemistry and Biotechnology Gaz-Chromatograph – Mass Spectrometer with Head Space Combi Pal System Photodensitometer Camag TLC Scanner 3 Research Center for Food Quality and Safety Axonmicrorray (Genepixpro 4200 A) and densitometer Electrophoretic system (IEF cell) and 2D gel electrophoresis Research Laboratory Molecular Nutrion and Proteomics P a g e |244 USAMV Cluj-Napoca – THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE, June 2013
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