heart heart - Southside church of Christ


heart heart - Southside church of Christ
Vol. 14 Issue 2
A Publication of the Southside
Church of Christ
Ministering Evangelist
William A. Stephens
God’s People: An
Example to the World
It’s Okay to be
a Little Salty as Long
as you Shine!
Daily Bible
Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
The Properly
Seasoned Christian
Be Salty
Pass the Salt
Thanks for Giving
With this being the season that many correlate to giving, I would like to
take this time to give thanks to those who have worked so diligently on the
Heart-to-Heart since its inception. I am thankful for the writers, the children
(and adults) who posed for pictures and submitted artwork and word puzzles. I am also grateful for the proofreaders and the sisters who stayed late
nights in the church office printing until the room was as hot as a sauna. I
would like to thank everyone who reads the Heart-to-Heart and let us know that it has
blessed you in some way.
The Heart-to-Heart is an online publication now but the same hard work and dedication remains. Remember to thank the writers when you find their articles encouraging. It will mean
so much for them to know that their hard work is appreciated. For example, Michael and I received a card in the mail two weeks ago from the Sunshine Ministry thanking us for all we do
for the congregation. It meant so much to me and gave me the spiritual booster shot that I
needed to keep going. You know what they did? They added salt to my life. Now that I’m encouraged, I can go forth and encourage someone else. I would like to encourage you to continue to do the work that Christ left for us to do. Hold on, keep the faith, and be the “salt” for
Sometimes the holiday season is not a good time for everyone for various reasons. If you
are feeling a little down, sprinkle a little salt somewhere. Give someone a call, send them a
card and let them know that they were on your mind. We have all been through one thing or
another but we have come this far by faith, and we cannot stop now. Stay thankful and keep
praising God through it all.
Peace and blessings,
Georgette Washington
2 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
Pass the Salt
Page 3
Georgette Washington
Soul Food Daily Bible Reading
Sister R. Fuller
Executive Advisory Board
William Stephens, Minister
It’s Okay to be a Little Salty as Long as
you Shine!
Sister D. Penn
Chester Mayfield, Jr., Elder
Ricki Fuller, SLIM Advisor
Sherolyn Patterson, SLIM Advisor
The Properly Seasoned Christian
Brother G. Coleman
Be Salty
Sister D. Jerrido
God’s People: An Example to the World
Brother O. Gambrell
Staff Writers
Alethea Bell
Gerald Coleman
Ricki Fuller
Denise Jerrido
Heather Ascott-King
Dwayne McNeely
Dolly Penn
Scotland Ward
Lucera Parker
Design & Layout
Lawanda Champion
Georgette Washington
3 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
Pass the Salt
The purpose of the Heart-to-Heart (H2H) magazine is to motivate, inform, enhance, uplift and spiritually encourage everyone who reads it. Our mission is to
fulfill our responsibility to equip the saints to do God’s work and build up His
church, the body of Christ. We seek to help the church attain a unity in the faith
and knowledge of God’s Son, so that we will mature in the Lord, measuring up
to the full stature of Christ (Ephesians 4:12-13).
All Praises and Glory to God...Amen.
Southside members, if you are interested in using your God-given talent to
support this ministry through writing, drawing, photography, etc., please speak
with any Heart-to-Heart staff member for more information.
Content may be submitted to the following email address or through a Heart-to
-Heart staff member. All content is subject to approval by the Advisory Board
and/ or Editor. Submissions will be published at their sole discretion. Please
contact us for a copy of our content guidelines. Only content that adheres to
these guidelines will be considered for publishing in this magazine.
c/o Georgette Washington or Lawanda Champion
Using the topic “Pass the Salt”
and the scripture Matt. 5:13-14, the writers
were asked to think about how we are the salt
of the earth and light of the world, and how we
represent Christ on earth. It is our prayer that
their articles encourage you to keep the light
of Christ lit in your life, helping the lost find
their way to the Lord.
4 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
Pass the Salt
Ministry Contacts
Church Ministry
Church Administration, Church Activities,
Youth, Discipleship, S.L.I.M., Singles, Community Outreach (C.O.S.T.), College (all ministries)
(919) 599-7002
(919) 544-2147
(919) 682-9275
Worship, Education
Communications (Media, Music, Mktg & P.R.
& Technology-IT/Website)
(919) 491-0471
(919) 475-4088
Church Activities
Church Activities
(919) 599-7005
(919) 768-0250
(919) 471-2906
Physical Operations (Building & Grounds)
(919) 544-5260
(919) 599-3636
(919) 598-0151
Worship & K-Group
S.L.I.M. Advisors
Women's Counselor, S.L.I.M. Exec.,
Ladies’ Lectureship, Visitor Cards, H2H
(919) 599-7005
Hospitality, Kitchen, Ladies’ Lectureship
(919) 405-2442
(919) 598-1627
Baptismal, Communion, Golden Wisdom,
Young Girls/Ladies, Ladies’ Lectureship
Correspondence Courses, Ladies Activities,
H2H, Ladies’ Lectureship
Retreats/Trips, Special Activities, Ladies’ Lectureship, Sunshine
Ladies’ Bible Class, Single Mothers, Ladies’
Interior Design, Greeters, Showers,
Ladies’ Lectureship
(919) 598-0151
In an effort to help members of the congregation find their ministry, we will keep this contact list in every issue. You can also see brother Stephens or sister Ricki Fuller to fill out a Passion Survey to help you identify
which ministry most directly fits the area of service that you are most passionate about.
5 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
Pass the Salt
oul Food for the Soul Daily Bible Readings
Learning and Abiding in His Truth - “Following in the footsteps of Jesus
Christ as it pertains to the truth of the reason for His earthly existence; and,
of the Father’s will for my life, I recognize the importance of investing in my
spirit and my soul by learning His truth and applying His truth to my life; with
my everyday desire being to make GOD look good in my life, I accept that I can only
accomplish this through Christ’s grace and by learning and living the truth I learn!” ©
Ricki Y. Fuller – [See Deuteronomy 4:10; Psalm 119:73; Joshua 24:14-15; Isaiah 1:1719. Also see Isaiah 26:9; Matthew 11:29-30]
November 2014
NOTE: If you see
any errors,
please email me
com so we may
Learn of Him
keeping His
commands; it will
be well with your
loved ones too
Psalm 111:10
His praise
endures forever
as you seek His
wisdom in awe
and obedience
Deuteronomy 4:10
Honor and revere
Him from this day
forth-others will
see and honor Him
I Samuel 12:24 Ecclesiastes
Luke 1:50
Wow! Just look at 12:13-14
His mercy is on
the great things The truth of the you as you learn
He’s already
matter is GOD Is and abide in His
done for youwatching. Always truth.
Keep studying
honor and obey
and living in Him Him.
James 3:18
II Timothy 2:7
I John 5:20
Sowing peace
Listen to GOD’s Do you know it,
results in peace Word, consider or are you just
as you follow
what He Is
guessing? Read
Christ’s example saying to you and and live what
live His Word
John wrote here.
Genesis 22:12
Psalm 147:11
Spend time with Does He take
Him so you will
pleasure in you?
know beyond a
shadow of a
doubt that He will
bring you through!
John 14:23
I John 2:6
How beautiful!
If you say it, mean
These are the
it and live it! LOVE
Words of Jesus
the Christ! Is He
in you?
Psalm 119:73
Asking GOD for
His wisdom is like
saying ‘I love you’
to your dearest
Joshua 24:14-15
Make your choice
and stick to it. But
know this: As for
me, I choose
GOD and His
truth - Hallelujah!
Luke 8:15
John 4:23-24
Ephesians 6:24 I Kings 18:21
John 6:67-69
Psalm 119:111-112 Isaiah 1:17-19
Be good ground Be a true
Grace, mercy,
Stand as firmly
Peter said, “where Jesus Christ stood Learn to do good
rich and fertile
worshipper who love, truth, peace as did Jesus
else and to whom firmly on GOD’s
and live in peace,
encapsulating His reveres Him in
and all His
Christ for GOD’s can we go?” Truth word against the
joy and hope
Word and truth
Spirit and in
way and will in
says “nowhere
devil. His Word
unlike Cain in
and living in His Truth!
blessings to you your life. Be sure but to Christ.”
brings joy and
Genesis 4:7
in Him!
What do you say? contentment.
Acts 17:2, 18:4 Matthew 21:28- Deuteronomy 4:1 Psalm 119:4
Ezekiel 11:20
Matthew 28:19-20 Luke 1:6
Learn the
Listen, learn and Be diligent about His promises are Do as He says:
Continue to live
scriptures so you Say what you
do His word/truth following His
true. He is your
teach, baptize,
well before GOD
may reason with mean, and mean and He will bless Word
GOD if you keep teach and He is
and mankind and
GOD’s truth and what you say.
you spiritually
with you always
watch Him bless
and physically
your desires
John 15:14
He calls you His
friend if you keep
How awesome!
6 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
Pass the Salt
oul Food for the Soul Daily Bible Readings
Realizing and Visualizing His Victory - “Recognizing and appreciating the fact that on the cross
and in the grave, Jesus Christ won the victory for me over the awful influence of the evil one, sin
and all his devices; with the help of the Holy Spirit I, now, can be in a constant state of consciousness regarding what He has done for me to the point of my envisioning His victory for all humankind; knowing that a greater victory awaits me when I am in full fellowship with the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit throughout all eternity!” ©Ricki Y. Fuller – See I Corinthians 15:57-58; John 16:33; Romans 8:37; Revelation 15:2-3
December 2014
Ephesians 5:1820
Remind each
other of GOD’s
goodness every
Genesis 22:17
What a promise
that lives even to
this day. Others
around you are
blessed because
you obey Him!
Psalm 37:3-8
Imagine that-He
meets your desires,
cements your
commitment, shines
through you
Jeremiah 17:7-8
Trust in the Lord –
nothing can move
you and you will
always be fruitful
in Christ
John 16:33
John 12:31
John 14:1-3
Jesus Christ came Know this for sure, Christ has gone to
for you to have
the evil one
prepare your
peace and
cannot win with
mansion. He will
Christ in your life! be back to get
knowing you are
take you to your
victorious because
new home
of Him
Acts 9:31
Where there is
Christ, peace is;
Where there is
peace, comfort is;
Where comfort is,
the Holy Spirit Is!
Acts 23:11
So you be of good
cheer also
because our
Victorious Christ Is
in charge, and all
is well!
Acts 27:22, 25
You must believe
that what GOD says
is true – point blank!
II Corinthians
Okay, with so
great and
victorious a GOD,
it is high time to
put away
Romans 8:37
Nothing and
nobody can
separate you from
the love of GOD
because He made
you more than a
I John 5:4
Is that simple or
what? Our victory
is our faith from
and in Christ!
John 14:6
You will see the
Father as long as
you are baptized
into Christ!
John 17:14-15
Galatians 6:14
Jesus Christ prayed The world nor evil
for you. You are
has any grip on
safely delivered from you unless you
allow it
I Corinthians
II Corinthians 9:15
Thank GOD every
Study the word,
day, all day
embrace the
mystery, and see
the victory through
Galatians 1:3-5
I John 4:4
Do you realize you You are inhabited
are delivered from by the great I AM!
evil by the blood Oh, what joy and
of Christ?
Revelation 15:2-3 Revelation 12:10- Matthew 26:64;
Philippians 2:9-11 II Kings 5:1
I Chronicles 22:11
Proverbs 21:31
Praise Him every 11
To the glory of
GOD always gives Always invoke
Deliverance and
day as practice for Jesus Christ shed See it-Christ in
GOD the Father, the victory!
GOD’s presence and victory are GOD’s
when you get to
His blood and died victory on the right Jesus Christ
guidance in ALL you forte. Trust Him,
heaven. He Is
to deliver youhand of GOD’s
reigns (and you
not earthly
throne watching are with Him)!
II Corinthians 12:9
Live daily in the
strength of GOD
Romans 7:24-25
Hallelujah! Your
deliverance and
victory is really
only through
7 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
II Corinthians 2:14 I Corinthians
Wow! First the
victory then the
Thank GOD for
magnificent aroma the victory through
of Him carried
Christ and then
through you!
work on
Pass the Salt
NOTE: If you
see any errors,
please email me
com so we may
Join Community Outreach Spiritually
Together (C.O.S.T.) for this annual
event. Come fellowship with our
neighbors in the community.
8 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
Pass the Salt
It’s Okay to be a Little Salty as Long as you Shine!
Sister Dolly Penn
hen God refers to us as “the salt of
the earth” and “the light of the world”, He is
making the same point using different references (Matthew 5:13-14). The bottom-line:
As Christians we are here to add something
positive, Christ, to the world. Most would
agree that when salt and light are absent;
they are truly missed, leaving a negative
impact. Similarly, when it is not apparent
that Christ lives in us (i.e. He is absent from
our lives), we miss out on the benefit of a
relationship with Him AND the world misses
out on an opportunity to see God through
us. God uses us to season and illuminate
this flavorless, dark world.
Consider your favorite meal without seasoning. It is hard to do because it is probably not your favorite unless it has the right
taste. Without adequate seasoning, food is
just eaten for survival. Ever wonder why
you have no appetite when you are sick
and cannot smell or taste? We are challenged to be “salt”, adding Godly flavor to
this tasteless world. As Christians, we season the world with our speech (Col 4:6) and
our peaceful demeanor (Mark 9:50), which
are a direct reflection of our thoughts (Mark
7:18-23). We all know that too little salt is
worthless and too much salt can be harmful. Therefore, we have to follow the recipe
book, the Bible, so that we are seasoning
effectively, to God’s taste. If we do this,
people will eventually ask for the recipe and
God will add another grain of salt to the salt
shaker, the church (Acts 2:47). Unlike the
family recipe that stays in the family, this
recipe is to be shared with any and every9 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
one we contact. Furthermore, while we get a
dish that looks and
tastes the same every time we follow a recipe, in Christianity, the recipe tastes better
and better as we study, grow, and develop a
deeper understanding over time with the
help of the Light (John 8:12).
“This Little Light of Mine” is just a catchy
song we sang as children but, as we mature
in our Christian journeys, when we sing
“Hide it under a bushel, NO! I‘m gonna let it
shine,” the words should move us to action.
We are called to display our light proudly because it represents Christ in us. Christ was
not ashamed to die for us so we should not
be ashamed to shine, in our lives, for Him.
Despite His sacrifice, some of us do not
want the light to shine because a bright light
makes all things visible, even our shortcomings. Instead of shuffling in darkness, away
from Christ, we should clean up our mess so
that we can walk boldly, in the light (Acts
26:18, I John 1:5-7). This certainly does not
mean that we will be without sin. It means
we can say, with a clear conscience, that we
are trying our absolute best to live for Christ,
understanding that we all fall short which is
why we need Him (Romans 3:23).
To be salt and light we must all accept the
fact that we are only useful, meaningful, and
truly valuable when we have an intimate relationship with Christ and we live for Him.
With this understanding we can proudly fulfill
our roles as “instruments” (Romans 6:13) of
the Father and allow Him to equip us for
“good works” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Salt
Pass the Salt
The Properly Seasoned Christian
Brother Dwayne McNeely
like we are better than they, in God's Eyes, we
have missed the mark by adding too much salt to
the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses it's flavor; the dish. In our quest to evangelize, edify and
how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for
correct, it is unskillful of us to become confrontanothing but to be thrown out and trampled undertional in accusing people of being wrong. This
foot by men.” These words were spoken by Jesus makes people as bitter as too much salt in any
Christ and give us insight into the effect that we
dish will. We have to properly measure out our
should have on the environments that we are in.
salt and not bombard people with correcAlthough salt is the most common of spices, the
tion. Evangelism and correction are part of a
proper amount of it is often the most essential inprocess. They are often a dish which is cooked
gredient in any dish. When there is not enough
slowly over time and properly seasoned along
salt it is noticed and when there is too much it is
the way. Our relationship with God through Jealso noticed, but the right amount of salt seasons
sus Christ is not fast food. We can be principled
perfectly. The salt that I am speaking of is the
without being militant. The militant Christian is
Christ within us. The salt is our Christian characfar too overbearing and salty to be effective in his
ter in action. The salt is our words and our acor her environment.
tions. We are called to be the salt of the earth, so
let us examine how we season our environments.
Being the salt of the earth is tough. It requires
courage, patience, humility and discernment. There is a time to speak and a time to reOur Christian Salt should be used for edification,
frain from speaking. Having the ability to discern
correction, evangelism and for peace making. So, and properly season the situation you are in with
do we add the seasoning of correction in areas
the right amount of salt makes you a Seasoned
where it is needed? Do we stand up for what is
right in an environment where wrong is being perpetuated, or do we leave the situation devoid of
We are all in this together, and Christians need
the salt of correction? Sometimes deciding to
each other. So come to worship. Your salt is
stay out of it is not the Christ-like thing to
missed when you are not here. Your salt helps
do. Sometimes by not speaking up or standing up
us send up praises to God as a sweet smelling
for what is right, we leave our environment unsaltsavor. Come and fellowship because we season
ed and passively consent to that which should not
each other with our salt. We need the support
be. Being the salt of the earth takes courage and
and encouragement of our brothers and sisters in
Christ. H2H
atthew 5:13, “You are
Just as much as it is apparent when salt is missing from a dish, it is equally apparent when there
is too much salt in a dish as well. As we seek to
represent Christ in our environment, we have to
make sure that we remain humble and not become overbearing or critical of others. For we are
all guilty of sin. When we start to treat others
10 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
Pass the Salt
November is American Diabetes Month
If you don't live with diabetes yourself, then it's likely you have a family member or friend who
does. This November during National Diabetes Month, ask yourself if you're at risk of type 2 diabetes and take steps to prevent it. One in 12 Americans has diabetes – that’s more than 25 million
people. And another 79 million adults in the United States are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is one of the leading causes of disability and death in the United States. If it’s not
controlled, diabetes can cause blindness, nerve damage, kidney disease, and other health problems.
What is diabetes?
Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose levels are above normal. Most of the food we eat is
turned into glucose, or sugar, for our bodies to use for energy. The pancreas, an organ that lies
near the stomach, makes a hormone called insulin to help glucose get into the cells of our bodies.
When you have diabetes, your body either doesn't make enough insulin or can't use its own insulin
as well as it should. This causes sugar to build up in your blood.
Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes
You are at increased risk for developing pre-diabetes and
type 2 diabetes if you:
 Are 45 years of age or older.
 Are overweight.
 Have a family history of type 2 diabetes.
 Are physically active fewer than three times per week.
 Ever gave birth to a baby that weighed more than 9 pounds.
 Ever had diabetes while pregnant (gestational diabetes).
What Can You Do?
The good news? People who are at high risk for type 2 diabetes can lower their risk by more than half if they
make healthy changes. These changes include: eating healthy, increasing physical activity, and losing weight.
Contact the Durham Diabetes Coalition:
If you would like to speak with someone from the Durham
Diabetes Coalition, please call 919-560-7600.
See Diabetes friendly recipes on pages 15 and 16.
11 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
Pass the Salt
Be Salty
Sister Denise Jerrido
e’ve heard for years
how Christians are to the world as salt is
to preservation and removing gaminess
from the flavor of some cuts of meat. We
know from personal experience how salt
can just make things taste better. If you
look more closely, there is more to salt
than preservation, or just tasting good.
Many times you eat something and you
don’t realize how much salt is in it until
you read the label. On the other hand, if
the salt was missing, you would definitely know it.
for anything, except to be thrown out and
trampled underfoot by men (Matt 5:13,
NASB),” it is purposeful. It is not an accident that this statement follows what we
call the beatitudes in 10 of the previous
verses. (Growing up, we called these the
“BE” Attitudes.) These two sentences
are indications to me that the qualities
Jesus mentions actually make the world
a better place for us to live in and serve
God, because they neutralize the bitter,
enhance the sweet, and magnify the natural goodness of what God has provided
for us.
Chefs use salt to neutralize bitter flavors
and even enhance sweetness. Salt can
even make food smell better by enhancing the natural aromas of food like watermelon or cantaloupe by drawing out
their natural smells. (How food smells is
80% of the experience.)
These attributes are a few of the many
reasons cooking show contestants answer in unison, “More salt chef,” when
they are asked, “What does this
need?” If a contestant on one of these
shows fails to add a proper amount of
salt to a dish, the others roll their eyes,
suck their teeth, and talk under their
breath, “That was a rookie mistake.”
So, when Jesus tells the disciples “You
are the salt of the earth; but if the salt
has become tasteless, how can it be
made salty again? It is no longer good
12 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
Pass the Salt
13 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
Pass the Salt
God’s People: An Example To The World
“From Darkness to Light”
Brother Otis Gambrell
The ways of this world take
their toll on all mankind,
Christian and non-Christians. Kind hearts can
so often turn into cold rigid objects after being
exposed to life situations and circumstances
and ungodly people. People are afraid to
give of themselves or their finances unless
they receive something in return. People are
afraid to trust anyone. The society in which
we live too often becomes what people believe they must be. Unfortunately these things
describe the fate and direction of the common
man or women, but they cannot become the
fate of God’s children.
The bible says as Christians we are in this
world but yet we are not of this world. It’s only our relationship with God and an undying
faith that allows us to live a Godly life, and
become uncommon men and women and
beacons of light for Christ Jesus.
When we are living out the standards of the
Lord Jesus in our lives, we will be like light.
Now, light is an external quality that enables
one to see. Just like a glistening city sitting
high on a hillside whose light cannot be hidden, so the Christian who shines with the brilliance of the Lord Jesus cannot be hidden
from the view of the world. In other words,
your testimony will be seen and those around
you will see it and be touched by it.
To be the light God would have us be we
must first move out of the darkness. For at
one time you were darkness, but now you are
light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.
Ephesians 5:8 (ESV). All of us have a past;
some of our past life is good and some of it is
not so good. We can say our life is already
14 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
out there. But now, as children of God, we must
walk out of the darkness into the light and show
forth the characteristics of love, kindness, selflessness, and self control that exemplify the
new life of the new man or woman.
When we move out of the darkness, those
around will see a change in us. Therefore we
must study God’s word so that we are able to
show the world why we believe what we believe,
and why live the way we live. The bible
says; But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.
Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the
hope that you have. But do this with gentleness
and respect. 1Peter3:15 (NIV). When those
around you see the change, be prepared to tell
them why you have changed and moved from
darkness into the marvelous light of Christ Jesus.
Finally, once we move from the darkness into
the light, we will be tempted to fall back into our
old ways and manner of life. 1 Corinthians 15:58
says, Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye
stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the
work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that
your labour is not in vain in the Lord. The devil
does not want us to be successful in our influence upon the world. The devil would prefer the
world see us straddling the fence, with reprobate and carnal minds going from light one day
and back to darkness the next day. Do not be
conformed to this world, but be transformed
by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you
may discern what is the will of God, what is
good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2.
Let us not conform to the world but be the examples to the world. H2H
Pass the Salt
Tasty Diabetes Friendly Recipe
Mr. John's Meat-Stuffed Bell Peppers
6 green bell peppers, tops cut away and seeds
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 cup finely chopped yellow onions
1/2 cup finely chopped green bell peppers
1/2 pound ground beef
1/2 pound ground pork
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh parsley leaves
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
Pinch red pepper flakes
2 cups cooked long or medium-grain white rice
8 ounces tomato sauce
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
In a large pot of boiling water, parboil the peppers until just tender, 2 to 3 minutes. Remove with a
slotted spoon and dry on paper towels.
In a large saute pan or skillet, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Add the onions and chopped
bell peppers and cook, stirring, until soft, about 3 minutes. Add the beef, pork, garlic, parsley, salt,
black pepper, and pepper flakes. Cook until the meat is browned, stirring with a heavy wooden
spoon to break up the lumps, about 6 minutes. Add the rice and tomato sauce and stir well. Remove from the heat and adjust the seasoning, to taste.
Pour enough water into a baking dish to just cover the bottom, about 1/8-inch deep. Stuff the bell
peppers with the rice mixture and place in the baking dish. Bake until the peppers are very tender
and the filling is heated through, 25 to 30 minutes.
Remove from the oven and let rest for 10 minutes before serving.
Total Time: 1 hr 7 min
Prep:12 min
Inactive:10 min
Cook:45 min
Yield: 6 servings
Calories: 330
Total Fat: 17 g
Saturated Fat: 5 g
Protein: 17 g
Total Carbohydrates: 26 g
Sugar: 6 g
Fiber: 0 g
Cholesterol: 52 mg
Read more at: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/emeril-lagasse/mr-johns-meat-stuffed-bellpeppers-recipe.html?oc=linkback
Recipe courtesy Emeril Lagasse, 2003
15 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
Pass the Salt
December is Safe Toys
and Celebrations Month
The holiday season is a time for family,
fun, and festivity, but it can also be a
time of danger. Each year, many people
suffer from eye injuries caused by unsafe toys and celebrations. Watch those
tree branches, chill your champagne
bottles, cover the cork while releasing it,
and celebrate safely. If you experience
an eye injury, seek medical attention immediately.
CONTACT: Communications Division
American Academy of Ophthalmology
415.447.0258 | eyemd@aao.org |
Boost your immunity during
December 1st is
the cold winter months with
World AIDS Day
antioxidant-packed blueberries
and cranberries and vitamin Crich strawberries and apples.
In 1988 the World Health Organization
(WHO) established World AIDS Day.
December 1 focuses global attention on
the continuing impact of the epidemic and
encourages each of us to take action to
expand our collective response to it.
CONTACT: Office of HIV / AIDS and
Infectious Disease Policy | US Department of Health and Human Services |
202.690.5560 | contact@aids.gov |
16 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
Pass the Salt
1/4 cup (50 mL) blueberries
4-5 large strawberries, hulled
1 small apple, cored
1 tbsp (15 mL) maple syrup
1/4 cup (50 mL) dried cranberries
1 1/4 cups (300 mL) water, to taste
17 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
Pass the Salt
Business Listings
K1’s Accounting Services
Holland Design Studio
Gigi’s Custom Jewelry
Kinta Dixon
David Holland
Georgette Washington
Phone: 919.606.5969
Phone: 919.598.9886
Phone: 919.599.7704
Singing For All Occasions
Loop T. Lou Designs
Candice L. Mayfield, Singer
Tina Williams
Ahmon Amos
Phone: 919.768.3179
Phone: 919.225.2571
3036 Holloway St.
Durham, NC 27703
Office: 919.596.9661
Syreeta Gambrell
Cell: 919.697.7145
Certified Sisterlocks® Consultant
CJ’s Lawn Service
Phone: 919.697.6192
Phone: 919.884.5602
Email: syreetalocks@gmail.com
Tishna Hall
Noble and Noble Lawn Service
Phone: 919.358.7270
Sandra Dawson, BLS/CTR
Phone: 919.490.6789
Sweet T’s...Come and Eat!
Dex’s Computers
Contact: Dexter Williams
Safeguard Inspection Services, Inc.
Phone: 919.423.7436
David Holland
NC Licensed Home Inspector
Phone: 919.598.9886 · 919.730.1255
Michael D. Davis
Phone: 919.270.3919
Ascott-King Insurance, LLC
Heather Ascott-King
Phone: 919.602.0930
Williams2 Consulting, LLC
Phone: 919.240.7601
Cell: 904.563.3212
Moses Bethea, Jr.
Phone: 919.475.4088
BJ Photography
Brenda Jackson
Phone: 919.323.6411
Ms. J’s A+ Photography
Joe L. Williams, Jr., MA
Phone: 919.225.3009
Email: joewilliams62@frontier.com
18 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
Tony Noble
Pass the Salt
Business Listings
CJ’s Summer/Winter Boot Camp
Phone: 919-884.5602
Rosalind Ballard
Phone: 919.801.0025
Kristi Davis
Phone: 919.368.5910
Shea Butter, Black Soap, and
Scented Oils
Georgette Washington
Phone: 919.599.7704
The Fuller Institute
PO Box 11673 · Durham, NC 27703
Ricki Y. Fuller
Phone: 919.599.7005 · 919.267.8232
William A. Stephens
Phone: 919.599.7002
The Fuller Institute
Phone: 919.599.7005 · 919.267.8232
19 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014
Pass the Salt
Southside Church of Christ
c/o Heart2Heart
800 Elmira Avenue
Durham, NC 27707
Pass the Salt
20 Heart 2 Heart Nov/Dec 2014