Fall/Winter 2012 - Mission Helpers


Fall/Winter 2012 - Mission Helpers
Fall/Winter 2012
A Magazine of Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart
In this issue:
In Transition
A New Home in Venezuela
The Adaptive Way
A Magazine of Mission Helpers of the
Sacred Heart
Director of Mission Advancement:
Patricia Dodd-Celeste
Writer/Editor: Nancy Bowen
Sr. Dolores Beere
Sr. Dolores Glick
Sr. Loretta Cornell
Sr. Martha Pavelsky
Darla Benton
Nancy Brown
The Mission Helpers of the Sacred
Heart was founded in Baltimore,
Maryland, in 1890.
Our motto, THY KINGDOM COME, is
a constant reminder of our participation in Christ’s mission to reconcile the
world through love. Our mission takes
us throughout the United States as well
as to Puerto Rico and Venezuela. We
hope the magazine helps spread the
word about our Community throughout
the world.
(UPS 353-020) is published twice a year
and entered as Second Class matter at
the post office at Baltimore, Maryland.
Vol. 24, No. 2.
For information about bequests or
other types of planned giving, contact
Patricia Dodd-Celeste, Director of the
Mission Advancement Office, 1001
W. Joppa Road, Baltimore, Maryland,
21204, 410-823-8585 x247. A return
envelope is enclosed in the magazine.
Visit our website at:
On the cover:
Father Robert W. Murray helped the
Mission Helpers dedicate their new
home/Family Counseling Center in
Cabudare, Venezuela. Sister Elizabeth
Langmead, MHSH Vice President, was
in Cabudare for the dedication and also
visited the mission in the remote
villages of Manzanita.
There has been a lot going on in the Mission Helper Community and in the
world of women religious nationwide.
Here at home, the Community announced that it has decided to include
the sale of our Joppa Road property in our long-term financial plans. A feature story on this begins on page 3.
In Venezuela, we dedicated a new facility in Cabudare, which is home to
the Mission Helpers Family Counseling Center, and will serve as a formation
house as well as living quarters for the Sisters based there. Read more about
the new Center on page 6.
In August, Sister Elizabeth Langmead, MHSH Vice President, and I
attended the National Assembly of the Leadership Conference of Women
Religious (LCWR) in St. Louis. The 900 women religious attending prepared
our response to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) doctrinal
assessment of the LCWR.
After daily prayer, discussion and discernment, the LCWR issued its
“While acknowledging deep disappointment with the CDF report, the
members of the LCWR proclaimed their intention to use this opportunity to
explain to church leaders LCWR’s mission, values and operating principles….
The assembly articulated its belief that religious life, as it is lived by the
women religious who comprise LCWR, is an authentic expression of this life
that must not be compromised.”
The Assembly also passed resolutions on Immigration and Trafficking. To
read more about the Assembly and our speakers, go to www.lcwr.org.
The Mission Helpers, like all religious communities, have been heartened
and encouraged by the outpouring of affection and support from all over the
world. A banner reading, “We Love Our Sisters” greeted us at the entrance
to the Assembly. We felt the mutual support and a unity in moving forward
As a member of the LCWR and as a member of the Mission Helpers
Leadership Team, I thank you for your continued love and support.
God’s Blessings,
Sister Loretta Cornell, MHSH
The Mission Hel per
Mission Notes
• Sister Angela
Ann Zukowski in
• Faithful Friends
from Philadelphia
• The 31st Annual
Crab Feast
Vol. 24, Number 2
In Transition
The Community’s plans to
downsize the physical plant—
NOT the missions
The Adaptive Way
We Remember…
Marking the 75th anniversary
of The Adaptive Way—The
Mission Helpers changed the
way Americans were taught
Sister Victorine Minko
Sister Maria Jackson
Sister Mary Louise Zaworski
Sister Patricia Ann Brinker
Fall/Winter 2012
New Home in
The Mission Helpers in
Venezuela dedicate a
new Family Counseling
Center and a new home
for the Sisters
Mission Notes
Hot Crabs, Cold Beer,
Big Smiles
The annual Mission Helpers Crab
Feast was held on June 24 at the
American Legion Hall in Towson,
Maryland. The crabs were plump
and plentiful, the beer was cold, the
auction items were enticing
and the games of chance were
winners. In Thailand
From Philadelphia
Sister Angela Ann Zukowski participated in the Federation of
Asian Bishops Committee on
Social Communications Conference
(FABC-BISCOM) in Bangkok,
Thailand. Other participants included bishops who head Social
Communications efforts and
priests who serve as Secretaries
General for Social Communications.
Besides Thailand, there were representatives from India, Hong Kong,
Singapore, Korea, Philippines,
Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia,
Bruni, Japan, Myanmar and Sri
Lanka. Sister Angela Ann reports
that “the experience was absolutely
awesome—to be present, and to
listen and engage in enthusiastic
dialogue regarding the Catholic
Church and the impact of social
media networking in Asia.” In September, our faithful supporters from Philadelphia’s St.
Charles Borromeo Parish came
for their annual visit, prayer service,
sharing a meal and participating
in a Flea Market set up just for
them. This year, 38 people from
the Friendship Club came to the
Center—17 of them were new
members. Their spirited Flea Market
shopping resulted in a $725
donation to the ministries of the
Mission Helpers. Mrs. Gladys
Dawes, a long-time member of
the group, had been in hospice
care, but insisted on coming to say
her final good-bye to the Mission
Helpers. She went home to God
several weeks after her visit. Her
daughter, Sandy Dawes, coordinates the annual excursions to
Mission Helper Center. Sister Angela Ann Zukowski visits a Habitat for Humanity community during a recent trip to Bangkok,
Thailand, where she attended a meeting of the Federation of Asian Bishops Committee on Social
Communications. .
The Mission Helper  Fall/Winter 2012
Members of the Friendship Club of the St. Charles Borromeo parish in Philadelphia waiting for the
prayer service to begin during their annual visit to the Mission Helper Center.
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Mission Helpers to communicate with you
electronically? If so, please send us your e-mail
address to: www.missionhelpers.org.
Communicating on the Internet is good for our
environment and it saves us money. Thank you
for choosing e-mail.
The Mission Helper  Fall/Winter 2012
As many of our supporters know,
the Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart
recently announced that our long-range
plans are likely to include the sale of
Mission Helper Center, our property at
1001 W. Joppa Road, in Baltimore County.
We need to downsize our physical presence; we are not downsizing our ministries
nor our commitment to serving the people of
God wherever we are called.
Fortunately, we have always been a
“Community without walls.” We didn’t
build brick and mortar institutions; we went
where God called us to be. One exception: In
our earliest days, we built vocational training
facilities for black women and schools for the
deaf because these institutions did not exist.
Otherwise, for most of our 122 year history,
we have gone where the needs were.
The Mission Helper  Fall/Winter 2012
Our focus has been and still is on our
…in faith education for children and
…in hospitals, hospices and retirement
…in schools for children with special
needs and the deaf
…on the streets of major cities and in new
suburban parishes
…in remote Venezuelan villages
…to those addicted to alcohol or drugs
…to abused women and those seeking
asylum in our country
…on college campuses
…in Internet education
…in spiritual direction
All of our ministries attest to our desire to
make the Sacred Heart of Jesus known, loved
and worshipped throughout the world.
Like the Nation, the
Community is Aging
The continuation and growth of our ministries shares top priority with our commitment to the care of our elderly and infirm
Sisters—women who have given their lives
to God’s people and who now have special
That care is expensive. Last year we spent
34 percent of our annual budget on the care
of our Sisters in assisted living or skilled
nursing facilities.
The Mission Helpers are primarily supported by donations and gifts from our
contributors. Other sources of income include salaries from the ministries of some
of our Sisters, and the National Religious
Retirement Office (NRRO), which provides
approximately one-tenth of what it costs
to care for our Sisters in assisted living and
skilled nursing facilities. We receive no funding from the Catholic Church per se.
Like the general population, our over-70
population is growing and will continue to
grow over the next decades. (The Mission
Helpers are blessed with a growing number
of over-90s!)
Our situation is not unique; religious communities throughout the country share this
reality, and there are professional consultants
experienced in evaluating situations like ours
and helping to identify realistic options to
address our priorities in the future.
Assisting us in our evaluation were
the NRRO and the National Catholic
Development Conference, as well as a leading national business advisory consulting
firm. The bottom line became one of simple
arithmetic: If we are to nurture and grow our
ministries and care for our aging Sisters, we
must find some way to—as the experts say—
“fund our retirement.”
Our supporters have been very generous
to us over the years and we continue to need
that support and more, but even with contributions continuing at current or even higher
levels, our investments would be gone in just
over 10 years.
We are Still the Mission Helpers
of the Sacred Heart
We own the Mission Helper Center in
Towson, Maryland. It is home to 22 Sisters;
it is the place where Mission Helpers come
for renewal and where we gather annually to
evaluate the mission and make plans for the
future. The Center houses our administrative
offices as well as the chapel where we hold
daily Mass, celebrate our jubilees and honor
our Sisters who have gone home to God. We
will be sad to leave our home.
We moved to the Mission Helper Center
in 1992, downsizing from the 65-acre property we purchased in 1922 to the present 4.5
acres. We have enjoyed living, working, celebrating and worshiping in this space.
The Mission Helper  Fall/Winter 2012
But, last year, we spent 16 percent of our
annual budget to care for the facility, and
there are much needed capital improvements
that could cost as much as $300,000. The
property is expensive, and we can no longer
afford the full costs of maintaining a facility
of this size.
So, in February, at our quadrennial
Chapter gathering and after many months of
prayer, discernment and in-depth evaluation
of our present and projected financial situation, we very reluctantly made the decision
to include the sale of the property as part of
our long-term financial plan.
We are still the Mission Helpers of the
Sacred Heart—still actively engaged in our
ministries and in expanding our membership. The sale of the building would simply
be a change of address.
We have just begun the process of looking
for a new home and expect that it will take
between two-and-a-half and three years for
us to relocate.
As we plan for the future, here is a look at
Mission Helpers’ facilities past and present:
The Victorian mansion and the adjoining stone
building were the original structures on the 65acre parcel of land purchased by the Mission
Helpers from the Deford Family in 1922.
The 65-acre Mission Helper campus on Joppa
Road, circa 1975
The Mission Helpers Motherhouse on Biddle
Street in Baltimore, circa 1920
The Mission Helper  Fall/Winter 2012
New Home in
Last April, the Mission Helpers of the
Sacred Heart dedicated their new home in
Cabudare, Lara State, Venezuela. The property consists of two buildings, joined by a
The first building houses the Family
Counseling Center where Sister Rosa Sofia
Toledo and Sister Amarilis Flores Arrioja conduct individual and group counseling sessions for adults, children and young people
in need of emotional, spiritual, physical and
mental support.
In addition to space for counseling, the
building has a meeting area and a chapel. An
adjacent building will serve as a formation
house and is home to the Sisters.
The new facility in the city of Cabudare
is centrally located in Lara State; from there
the Sisters carry out their family ministry in
Barquisimeto, El Tocuyo, and other nearby
towns. The other Venezuelan mission is in
the remote, rural villages of Manzanita, located in a jungle-like region two hours west
of Cabudare.
Sister Elizabeth (Liz) Langmead, Mission
Helpers Vice President, attended the April 28
blessing of the new facility and stayed for a
16-day visit to the missions in both Cabudare
and Manzanita.
Sister Liz was joined by long-time friend
of the Mission Helpers, Father Robert W.
Murray of St. John the Baptist Parish in
Haverhill, Massachusetts. His former
Haverhill parish, St. James, has, for many
years, supported the Venezuelan missions.
Following are some scenes from the visit:
The Mission Helper  Fall/Winter 2012
Father Robert W. Murray cuts the ribbon to officially open the Mission Helper Family Counseling Center
and Sisters’ residence in Cabudare,Venezuela. Sister Rosa Sofia Toledo holds the microphone
Archbishop Antonio Jose Lopez Castillo of the
Diocese of Barquisimeto blesses the Sisters and
the new building. From the left, Sister Amarilis
Flores Arrioja, Sister Elizabeth Langmead, MHSH
Vice President, Sister Marita Rodriguez Segarra
and Sister Rosa Sofia
The Mission Helper  Fall/Winter 2012
The Chapel: The altar crucifix and statues were
from the Mission Helpers’ former convent in Boston.
A reading by Father Murray; Archbishop Castillo looking on
The Mission Helpers with Mari (second from the left), a volunteer who has been helping the Sisters
settle in at their new home
The Mission Helper  Fall/Winter 2012
The Mission Helpers, the altar and the Archbishop. The exotic plant beneath the altar, as well as the
shrubs in the courtyard, come from the mission in Manzanita.
Sister Rosa Sofia formally commissioning the lay missioners—28 men and women volunteers who work
with the Sisters in Cabudare.
The Mission Helper  Fall/Winter 2012
This year marks the 75th
Anniversary of “The Adaptive
Way,” which, in 1937, marked
a dramatic departure from
the way religion had been
taught in the past. New
concepts were developed by
a newly established Mission
Helpers Catechetical Center
housed in Sacred Heart
Hall on the Mission Helpers
Changing the Way
We Teach Our Children
Sister Rosalia Walsh was the director of the
Center. She was an early staff member of
the National Office of the Confraternity of
Christian Doctrine (CCD), which was established in 1935 to oversee religious education
nationwide. Sister Rosalia, who had written
“Child Psychology and Religion,” was a leading figure in the field of religious education
and the creator of “The Adaptive Way.”
Sister Rosalia was a mentor to Sister Jane
Geiger, MHSH, who entered the Community
in 1950. “She was already a legend in our
Community when I arrived,” recalls Sister
The Mission Helper  Fall/Winter 2012
Sister Rosalia, at the easel, developed dramatic new concepts in the way the Church teaches religion to
its children, bringing the scriptures to life in creative ways.
Jane. “She was known for her teaching and
writing and was frequently the main speaker
at religious education conferences at the local
and national level. She was a trailblazer in
our form of catechetical ministry.”
Sister Rosalia and the Mission Helpers
working with her believed that every child,
no matter the age or background, has the capacity and the right to learn about and experience God’s love.
The new guidelines offered more than
memorization of the catechism. “The Adaptive
Way” translated the lessons into words and
examples that six-, eight- or ten-year-olds
could understand. It brought the scripture
stories to life in creative ways.
Sister Rosalia wrote:
The purpose of telling stories in religion
class is to teach doctrine and motivate the
child to live it. The abstract definitions of
the catechism must become living realities
in the mind and life of the child. The story
arouses and holds interest and attention,
The Mission Helper  Fall/Winter 2012
fires the imagination, stirs the emotions…
The chief story for all ages is the life of
Christ. These stories should be told in such
a way that Jesus becomes a living person to
the child…
Pictures are a necessity for the teaching of
religion…they are used to illustrate the truths
of religion and should be devotional, colorful and adapted to the mental capacity of the
groups for which they are used. They make
the abstract concrete for the child, and help to
focus attention and to sustain interest.
Sharing the Faith
Hundreds of textbooks and manuals in
English and Spanish were written by and/or
published by the Mission Helpers—including
material for the deaf and for children with
learning problems. There were lesson
plans for pre-kindergarten through high
school. The Sisters created skits, games and
The Sisters at the Mission Helpers Catechetical Center developed hundreds of textbooks and manuals
that were used throughout the country. Today, the materials are carefully stored in the archives at Mission Helper Center in Baltimore. (See below)
songbooks based
on the principles
set forth in “The
Adaptive Way.”
Throughout the
succeeding decades
the Mission Helpers
of the Sacred Heart
were leaders in the
field of religious
education. In 1955 the Mission Helpers
were appointed national supervisors of the
Archdiocesan/Diocesan CCD programs.
“The introduction of ‘The Adaptive Way’
changed religious education from that time
on,” says Sister Jane. “With the book, the
teaching manuals and the student activity books in circulation, almost every major
catechetical conference included a Mission
Helper on the program. We traveled around
the country and went to military bases
overseas giving courses in the method and
doctrine to lay catechists and teachers of
In the ensuing years, other authors and
publishers created similar materials for use in
CCD classes and Catholic schools, but none
varied greatly from the theory and principles
taught in “The Adaptive Way.”
“Today,” says Sister Jane, “we may not
hear the term ‘The Adaptive Way,’ but it
provided a way for lay people to become involved in the Church and assume positions
formerly held only by Sisters and priests.
What people learned by ‘The Adaptive Way’
developed in them a deeper appreciation of
their faith and an enthusiasm about sharing
that faith with the next generation.” The Mission Helper  Fall/Winter 2012
In Memoriam
We Remember…
Four beloved Mission Helpers went home to God.
Sister Victorine Minko, mhsh
Born in Pittsburgh, Sister Victorine
Minko joined the Mission Helpers of the
Sacred Heart in 1945. She died
peacefully at The Villa, the
Community’s retirement/nursing facility in Baltimore, at age
94 on April 24.
Following graduation from
high school, Sister Victorine took a
business course and went to work
for the Allegheny County Tax
Division, where she worked for
nine years. During that time, she
served as a lay catechist and contemplated joining a religious community. She
entered the Mission Helpers on September 7,
1945, at age 28.
During the early decades of her ministry,
Sister Victorine taught religion and trained
catechists in Massachusetts,
New York, Texas, Michigan,
Pennsylvania, West Virginia,
Arizona and New Jersey. Between
missions, she worked in the
Motherhouse kitchen while getting
her bachelor’s degree in Sociology
from Loyola University Maryland.
In 1983, she was called to Our
Lady of Pompei, in Baltimore, where
she served as a pastoral minister
and taught religion classes for seven
years. Following her formal retirement, she
continued her ministry at Our Lady of Pompei
as a volunteer for the ensuing 11 years.
Sister Maria Jackson, mhsh
Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Sister Maria
Jackson died on April 29 at The Villa. She was
89 years old.
She had contemplated becoming
a Sister since early childhood, but
it wasn’t until she had graduated
from high school and was working
at Pittsburgh’s Capuchin Journal that
she heard three words that helped
her make a decision. She was admiring the crucifix that a Sister was
wearing and asked how she could
get one.
“You simply enter,” said the
Sister. “Those words got to me,” Sister Maria
recalled many years later.
She entered the Mission Helpers
Community in 1947. Her first mission was
in Arizona, where she taught religion to the
The Mission Helper  Fall/Winter 2012
children of Mexican immigrants living in
rural villages where English was a second
language. In her next ministry, she
realized a girlhood dream—to do
missionary work in Puerto Rico.
Several years later, she again
put her Spanish to work in
Venezuela teaching children and
high school girls and conducting
catechetical courses for adults.
The last 13 years of her 65-year
ministry were spent at Our Lady of
Pompeii Parish in Baltimore, where
she taught religion in the third
grade of the parish school and trained altar
service boys and girls. She also visited parishioners in their homes. “That was a beautiful
period,” she later recalled. “The parish was
family and we were in the center of it.”
Sister Mary Louise Zaworski, mhsh
Sister Mary Louise Zaworski died on
Saturday, June 30, 2012, in Ocean City,
Maryland. She was 69.
Born and raised in
Washington, Pennsylvania, she
joined the Mission Helpers of the
Sacred Heart in 1961.
As a teenager, she knew she
wanted to enter religious life, but
she wanted something other than
what she had experienced in parochial school. “I saw the teachers going between the school
and the nearby convent,” she
said. “And I didn’t want to be that closed
in. I liked that the Mission Helpers traveled
around and trained teachers and
then moved on.”
And travel she did! She held positions in religious education, pastoral ministry and chaplaincy in New
York, Texas, Arizona, New Jersey,
South Carolina, Pennsylvania,
Georgia, Florida and Maryland.
She held a bachelor’s degree in
Theology from Loyola University
Maryland and was a certified
NACC chaplain.
Sister Patricia Ann Brinker, mhsh
Sister Patricia Ann Brinker, a member of the
Community for 66 years, died on August 14,
at The Villa. She was 87 years old.
Born in Cumberland,
Maryland, Sister Patricia Ann
had parish missions in Arizona,
Virginia, South Carolina, New
York, Colorado, Pennsylvania
and Maryland, where she spent
her last years before retirement
at Our Lady of Pompeii in east
Baltimore. One of her favorite missions was in Brockway,
Pennsylvania, where she still had
many friends at the time of her death.
Several years ago, as she celebrated 60
years as a Mission Helper, Sister
Patricia Ann said that she had always wanted to be a nun. “But,”
she said, “I didn’t want to teach in
a school. The Mission Helpers were
perfect for me, because I got to teach
religion, which I loved, and, like
the very first Mission Helpers, we
visited families in their homes, held
religion classes, went into hospitals,
nursing homes, jails and prisons. It
was an ideal ministry.”
‘Til we meet again…May God hold them in the palm of His hand.
The Mission Helper  Fall/Winter 2012
Remembering the Mission Helpers
“…For where your treasure is,
there also will your heart be.”
—Matthew 6:21
As you, like the Mission Helpers, look to the future, we ask that you
consider continuing your support by including our Community in
your will or other estate planning.
Remembering the Mission Helpers in this way is a commitment to
the Sisters as they serve the people of God in future generations.
Including the Community as a bequest in your will is the simplest
and most common way to make your personal statement of ongoing
support. It only requires adding a sentence to your will saying that
you wish to leave a specific amount or a percentage of your estate to
the Mission Helpers.
It’s easy, but it is of enduring and inestimable value to the Community that you have so faithfully supported during your lifetime.
By making such a bequest, you become a member of the Mother
Demetrias Society. With your permission, your name will be added to
our honors list in all Annual Reports and you will be invited to join
the Sisters for special celebrations and events throughout the year.
Most important, including the Mission Helpers in your estate
planning carries on your support for our missions long after you have
gone home to God.
To find out more about the ways you can include the Mission Helpers
in your long-term financial plans or to speak with a professional financial
planner, contact Pat Dodd-Celeste, Director of Mission Advancement, at
410-823-8585, ext. 247.
Thank you for considering the Mission Helpers in your planning.
The Mission Helper  Fall/Winter 2012
Loving God, may those whom
you have called home rest in the
radiance of heaven’s light
Let us pray for those who have died in the Lord and live on in our hearts.
Babcock, Margaret Allen
Barry, Claire B.
Barry, Robert T.
Bergmann, James
Borges, Anne
Brady, Norman C., Sr.
Brennan, Alfred L., Sr.
Brinker, Sr. Patricia Ann, MHSH
Bruno, Emilia
Caliri, Janice
Christensen, Sr. Helen, RSM
Colburn, Roger
Coleman, Lou Ann Beacom
Collins, Margaret Mary
Condon, John J.
Cordeiro, James J.
Cwiek, William Walter, D.D.S.
Davis, Sr. Kiernan, RSM
Dawes, Gladys
Denk, Donald
Donnelly, Lauretta
Douglas, Eugene
Edwards, Louis C.
Entwistle, John G.
Epstein, Dolores ‘Dollie’
Evans, Charlotte
Fitzgerald, John
Flanagan, Frances
Flowers, Irene
Geiger, John
Giaroffa, Onofrio Joseph
Gibson, Sr. Clarita, RSM
Gizinsky, Steven
Goedeke, Charles Aloysius
Griisser, Theresa O.
Herwig, Rosemary C.
Hildner, John ‘Jack’
Holland, C. Albert
Huck, Jayne J.
Imel, Keeley
Johnson, Eileen
King, Charles
Labbe, Joanne
Laurie, John
Lorenzet, Philomena
Lutz, Carl
Macomber, Jean
Mardaga, Annette K.
Martin, Edgar
McCartan, Peter
Murphy, Joseph P.
Neer, Barbara Jean
Nicolas, Rosa
O’Dwyer, Evelyn
O’Grady, Agnes
Parker, Margaret
Pond, Kenneth
Pugh, Francis X., Sr.
Rafferty, Patrick
Reich, Harold Louis
Romano, Anthony J.
Schreiber, Rev. Gerard H., C.S.S.R.
Seluzicki, Cecilia
Summers, Robert W.
Supro, Melanie
Swain, Margaret Jane
Swartzlander, Carson
Tewey, Helen ‘Honey’ D.
Ward, Thomas
Wasielak, Florence
Weber, Rose
Wiedel, Andrew
Zaworski, Sr. Mary Louise, MHSH
Mission Helpers
of the Sacred Heart
Non-Profit Org.
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Mission Helpers of the
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