Charter of educational services 0-3


Charter of educational services 0-3
Charter of educational
services 0-3
assessorato all’educazione
Charter of Educational
Services 0-3
Assessorato all’Educazione
Direzione Istruzione
Servizio Servizi all’infanzia
Contents and structure definition
Dirigente Servizio Servizi all’infanzia
Coordinamento pedagogico servizi educativi 0-3
Responsabile Coordinamento pedagogico servizi educativi 0-3
Coordinatrici pedagogiche servizi educativi 0-3
with the contribution of
Responsabile Amministrativa Asili nido
Ufficio progetti speciali
Graphic design and layout
Angela Balli
Antonella Ortolani
The Charter of Educational Services is the product of a joint effort of parents Samantha
Pratesi, Monica Gelambi, Ermira Banaj, Valerio Marangolo, Francesca Mancini, Mara Febbraro, Annette Hoffmann, Letizia Gambino, Beatrice Bernini, Laura Di Benedetto, Adriana
Allegranti, Pamela Quercioli, Claudia Mearini, Sara Pini, Enrico Paoletti, Lian Pellicanò,
Silvia Bologni, Vania Rossi, Sofia Mazzoni, Andrea Cossu, Blerim Zeqiri, Silvia Malenotti,
Antonella Tundo, Claudia Santella, Silvia Donnini, Loriana Armellini, Stefania Becherucci,
Raffaele Bordoni, Massimo Calamante, Rita Moretti, Enrico Lo Pizzo, Simona Ugolini, Elettra Morini, Caterina Del Buffa, Gianmaria Federico Romano, Marco Giachetti, Giovanni
Genta, Maria Gabriella Santagada, Anna Palamidessi, Fabrizio Giannasi, Adele Tognaccini, Donatella Sterlicchio, Silvia Cipriani, Monica Cherici, Roberta Speronello, Marco Martusciello, Ciro Amendola, Salvatore Alberino, Caterina Canavese, Barbara Agresti, Sara
Sasi, Rita Traina, Maria Cicciopastore, Elisa Cirri, Caterina Brizzi, Elvira Bargagni, Stefano
Asdrubali, Matteo Bertieri, teachers Cristina Bertolani, Antonella A. Campanile, Emy Benvenuti, Paola Fabbri, Simona Frassineti, Rossella Gussoni, Letizia Piergiovanni, Anna Grazzini, Daniela Cencetti, Francesca D’Auria, Laura Minunno, Eugenia Paleologo, Federica
Dani, Angela Toncelli, Gianluca Ugolini, Luca Borsetti, Marina Cieri, Annalisa Pontiroli,
Maria Isabella Donati, Gabriella Anzivino, Serenella Viviani, Paola Tirinnanzi, Luigi Ponti, Elisabetta Petrucci, Maria Armentano, Elisabetta Faustini, Simona Bellandi, Alessandra
Ballerini, Monica Conato, Luana Aiuti, Mery Gomboli, Moira Galardi, Antonella Ciampi,
Giovanna Mazzariello, Angela Fossi, Francesca M. Garau, Maria Antonietta Pierucci, Serena Velocci, Claudia Fioravanti, Patrizia Cattini, Lucia Raviglione, Marzia Morandi, pedagogical coordinators Barbara Agresti, Beatrice Falcini, Anna Tomaselli, Liliana Dainelli,
Silvina Mateo, Lucia Casini, Francesca Nutini, Gabriella Mazzoni, Aurelia Caino, Giovanna Malavolti, Silvia Soverini, Alessandra Zocchi, Paola Checchi, Barbara Giacomelli, Silvia
Dini, Maria Cristina Coragli, Mariella Manetti, Francesca Bernocchi, Alessandra Bagni,
Stefania Sarti, Sonia Romagnoli, Lucia Boncristiani, members from both public and
private schools Simona Boboli, Alba Cortecci, Aldo Fortunati, Nicoletta Vergari, Sura
Spagnoli, Chiara Lanni, Paola Cecchi, Marzia Emmer, Leonardo Amulfi, Lina Mannucci.
Our heartfelt thanks go to Elisabetta Carlini and Anna Brebbia for their technical
and organizational support, to Angela Balli and Antonella Ortolani for the graphic layout
design, to ISI Florence at Palazzo Rucellai (in particular its Director, Professor Stefano U.
Baldassarri, and staff members Emma Bartolini, Serena Giorgi, Christina Infantino, Nienke
Scholten, and Irene Schiatti) for the English translation of this text and to He Jing and Maria
Omodeo (COSPE) for translating it into Chinese, to Prof. Laura Giorgi for translating it into
French, to the Office of Social Services, Family Services and Integration of the Municipality
of Florence and to Cooperativa C.A.T for translating it into other languages.
1. Charter of educational services 0-3 years: goals and principles
2. The Network of educational services 2.1 Educational services 0-3 years in the Florence area:
main features 2.2 The public educational offer: typologies 17
3. Access to educational services procedure
3.1 Calendar and timetable
3.2 Enrollment
3.3 Fees and payment procedures
3.4 Ranking criteria, withdrawing from programs and transfers 25
4. The educational project
4.1 The pedagogical and educational project 4.2 The educational context 4.3 Staff and their professional behavior: the team at a glance
4.4 The coordination of pedagogical services
4.5 Welcome to our services: becoming acquainted
4.6 Welcome to our services: equal opportunities for kids
with special educational needs 4.7 Family involvement
4.8 Enjoying kindergartern/play space 39
5. Complaints
6. Current regulations
When adults deal with you they must do what’s best for you
(from ‘Childrens’ Rights Made Simple’ by The Italian UNICEF Committee)
As usual, children show us the way. In order to do our best for them, we believe in the importance of
perceiving them as citizens from the very moment they are born. To the same purpose, we find it crucial to keep investing in projects and resources for babies and toddlers. The notion of transparency
characterizes this Charter of Educational Services 0-3 Years. In keeping with it, we wish to emphasize
cultural, pedagogical, social, and organizational principles, so as to raise the level of our city’s educational offerings. These are in turn translated into good, clear practice for all families to check and
verify. We believe that maintaining and adding services for this age group through the creation of a
combined public and private system, as carefully described in the following pages, stands out as a
specific choice and a consistent project. The latter has been implemented thanks to a combination
of ideals and strategies that the Municipality of Florence has forcefully supported from the start. Our
city believes in all this, as shown by its investing both money and efforts to reach this goal. During the
past few years, in my capacity as city councilor for such important matters as education and learning,
I had the opportunity of seeing new services being offered. At the same time, I realized that in oder
to yield results, there must be dialogue, exchange, interaction, care, and willingness to change. This
rests on the conviction that it is not just the children who must be educated but the community as a
whole. In sum, this document becomes another unifying tool, modelled as it is on those very features
that are peculiar to this area and to the needs of those who live here. The Charter of Educational Services thus represents a sort of identity document of our educational system, focused on the youngest
and yet no less important citizens of this city. It is a system based on the work experience and the
professionalism of all those who, in various ways, contribute to it. Obviously, it also depends on the
active collaboration and the educational support of the children’s families.
Through the Charter of Educational Services one can understand how crucial it has been, in our
effort, to identify qualified activities and practices, thus having the opportunity to rely on all those
professionals who have the necessary resources and skills to contribute to this system. I also wish
to add that the goal of this system is to offer equal educational opportunities to all, and to do so
in everyone’s interest. The following pages outline a diversfied, composite scenario attesting to the
history of the educational services in the Florentine area. It’s a story dating back to some forty years
ago and yet still in great shape, as it were, thanks to the efforts of many. Once again, the underlying
notion is that children should be the rationale behind all present and future choices.
The mutual efforts that led to this Charter can be seen in its many components; each one has contributed a piece to create such a complex, rich puzzle. Thoughts, feelings, beauty, and joy all surface
from the wonderful pictures of children that are published here, alongside those measurable criteria
that guarantee the agreement signed between the citizens and this Municipality.
In conclusion, I wish to thank all the people who have contributed to bring this document to life with
their minds, their hearts, and with the experience that they have gathered in many diverse yet always
intense ways together with our children and through our services.
Cristina Giachi
City Councilor for Education and Learning