Gazette March for website


Gazette March for website
Spring 2012
Guilder Gazette
June Membership Luncheon
In This Issue
Membership Information
“Allegiance” coming this fall 2
President ’s Message
In Memoriam
MFA Reports
MFA Luncheon Highlights
Brainstorming at Hattox Hall 6
News from The Old Globe
December Nights In Pictures 7
Awards Night 2011
Awards Night Highlights
New Production Kick - Offs 10
Fashion Show Save the Date 11
Calendar of Events
eScrip Information
Monday, June 25, 2012
Riverwalk Golf Course Mission Valley
Come join us and bring a
friend! You’ll experience a
wonderful afternoon with a
delicious lunch, fun boutique
shopping and an opportunity to show off your love of
The Old Globe and Globe
Guilders. Dotty Turner is
chairing the event.
Riverwalk Golf Course
Our special guest speaker, Bridget Poizner, is the founder of
“Save Their Story.” She will
show us how through interviews
conducted, memories will be
preserved. As she states in her
presentation, “Keep the memories of those you love alive for
the next generation.”
Bonnie Duell
VP Social
Thank You from The Old Globe
Dear Globe Guilders,
From all of the staff at the
Globe, I wish to extend a very
sincere thank you to each of
you, our fabulous Guilders!
You brighten the spirits of
everyone here and do such
extraordinary things to support the Globe, including
Awards Night, when you presented a hard-earned
$107,000 check to support
the Globe’s artistic and education programs; your lovely
MFA luncheon for the talented class of 2013; and our
Meet-and-Greet receptions,
where you fill our hungry tummies with tasty goodies and
welcome our guest artists
with open arms. And that’s
not to mention the many
performances and other
events, where you so gener-
ously donate your time, energy, spirit and love of theatre
to support this wonderful
institution. We appreciate
everything you do, and I look
forward to seeing you at the
Theatre all year long! Thank
Michael G. Murphy
Interim Managing Director
Page 2
Guilder Gazette
Membership Information
The Welcome Mat
Liz Helming
New and Rejoining Guilder Members Since October 2011
Esther Rodriguez
Janice L. Bart
Nancy Brock
Margi Sargis
Barbara Bolt
Randy Tidmore
Marlene Sterling
Amara Marsden
Bonnie Duell
Bonnie Wright
Michael Murphy
Interim Managing Director
The Old Globe
Marilyn McAvoy-Bergman
Major Gifts Director, The Old Globe
A very warm welcome to our
New and
Returning Members!
Amara Marsden
VP Membership
Susan Trost
Ginny Unanue
For additional ways to support
The Old Globe Theatre through the
Globe Guilders, please visit our website
Please call the President listed above.
The monthly financial reports are on file with
the Treasurer. If you are interested in any
information regarding normal accounts or
special events of the Globe Guilders, please
contact Barbara Bolt at
Annual Globe Guilders tax deductible
membership dues are:
$ 40
Regular Membership
$ 50
Supporting Membership
Corporate Membership
The Globe Guilders is an auxiliary existing
under the authority of the Board of Directors
of The Old Globe.
Coming this Fall - “Allegiance”
A New American Musical You Won’t Want to Miss
Sept. 6 - Oct. 21, 2012
Donald and Darlene Shiley Stage
Old Globe Theatre
Conrad Prebys Theatre Center
Allegiance – A New American Musical is an epic story of love, war and
heroism set during the Japanese American internment of World War II.
Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Omura family is relocated
from their home in Salinas, California to the Heart Mountain internment
camp in the wastelands of Wyoming. Their story reflects a conflicted
nation and people divided. Father Tatsuo, a successful store owner, resists their internment; mother Kimiko fears for their future, resigned to
their fate; older son James volunteers in an all-Japanese American army
regiment; and younger son Sam yearns for acceptance in America. Allegiance sheds new light upon a dark chapter of American history. With
its moving score, Allegiance connects the audience with universal
themes of love, family and redemption.
Page 3
A Message From Your President
The Guilder year continues to move along
with various events in
the planning stages.
Dotty Turner, chairman
of the June Membership
Luncheon, has planned
a great luncheon and
program at the Riverwalk Golf Course in
Mission Valley. The
date is Monday, June 25.
Mark your calendars now.
The Celebrating Couture Fashion Show is the most important
fund raiser on the Guilder calendar and this year our signature event, chaired by Chrissy
Roberts, will be held on Tuesday, August 7. For the first
time the show will feature acclaimed fashion designer
Monique Lhuillier and her newest collection at the Hilton San
Diego Bayfront Hotel. Patricia
Whalen is our Honorary Chair
this year. The Silent Auction
Committee is looking for contributions large and small.
Call chairman Jane Cowgill,
619.281.9222 with your donations.
In March, The Old Globe held
its 2012 Volunteer Appreciation Reception. The reception
is held to honor The Old
Globe’s volunteers
for their time and
effort behind the
scenes. Many of the
wonderful volunteers are Guilders.
Guilders receiving
awards this year are:
Volunteers of the
year: Norm and Pat
Gillespie, Outstanding Tour Docent: Alexa Hirsch,
Outstanding Administrative
Volunteer: Jane Cowgill, Outstanding Costume Volunteer:
Donna Blochwitz. Our congratulations to all of them.
Look for the new exciting redesigned Globe Guilders website,, being
launched in a few days. Esther
Rodriguez, Executive Vice
President has been working
with a Web Site Designer that
was approved by the Executive
Committee. The redesign will
be more contemporary to attract new members and allow
us to collect donations, membership and event ticket fees
by interfacing with the event
software vendor Greater Giving. Don't forget to go to our
Facebook page while on the
website. If you are not a member of Facebook go to the Facebook logo at the bottom of
the website home page and
that will link you to the site.
Looking forward to seeing all
of you at our events.
Liz Helming
Kathryn Frances Bemis Born January 18, 1919 in Baltimore, Maryland. Died December 16, 2011 in San Diego, California. She was very active in
the Globe Guilders and served
on the Executive Committee for
several years.
Donald H. Dechant November 23, 1923 to November 24, 2011. He passed away
at his home on Thanksgiving
Day, having celebrated his
88th birthday with family the
previous day. He and his wife,
Lois, were long time supporters of The Old Globe and members of the Globe Guilders.
Kathryn Irene Guymon was
born on January 27, 1922 and
passed away on Saturday, September 10, 2011 in Rancho Santa Fe. She was a staunch supporter of the Globe Guilders.
Page 4
Guilder Gazette
MFA Reports - Winter and Spring 2011-2012
First production of this
new season was
the Sheryl and Harvey
White Theatre; if you
didn't see it, you really missed a treat. Director
Rick Seer set it in India, during the period of the Raj,
which lent itself to smashingly beautiful costumes &
equally smashing performances.
Adoptions of MFA students
of the class of 2013 are now
open, just in time to greet
them during the December
News from Llance Bower re:
recent graduates working –
Nisi Sturgis is in
HBO's Board Walk
Empire (Television)
Shirene Babb
(“Shu”) is in Macbeth (also plays
Lady M) at Long
Wharf Theatre : )
SONS, Brian Friel's adaptation of the novel by Turgenev first seen in 1988,
opened February 25, in the
Studio Theatre on the USD
campus. Ray Chambers directed, and all the students
in both classes were in the
February 13th LUNCHEON members of the Class of
2013 presented the program. See pictures on the
following page.
Chair, and their committee
for a lovely Valentine event!
Committee members included Barbara Bolt, Nancy
Brock, Gail Dill, Bonnie
Duell, Globe Guilders VP
Social, Alexa Hirsch, Martha
Kohler, Randy Tidmore,
Rita Venturini, and Bonnie
2012 graduating students
are beavering away on their
final projects preparing
Thesis Pieces.
Thesis Pieces will be
presented on Monday,
April 16th, 7:30 pm, in the
Studio Theatre on the USD
campus; no charge, open
Aubrey Sevarino received
Ben Diskant will be in Cherry Orchard at Classic Stage
Brian Huynh and Nat McIntyre are in War Horse on
Over 100 attended the MFA
LUNCHEON in the Regency
Tower - Le Chanticleer
Room at the Town & Country
Resort & Convention Center.
Many thanks to Sally Berry,
Chair, Joan Pollard, Co-
fine reviews in IN THE
WAKE, at San Diego
Repertory theatre.
Carol Green
MFA Liaison
Page 5
MFA Luncheon February 13, 2012
MFA Students, Class of 2013—Performing for the Annual MFA Luncheon.
From left: Matthew Bellows, Danielle O’Farrell, Jeremy Fisher, Stephanie
Roetzel, Christopher Salazar, Whitney Wakimoto, Sean Michael Wilkinson.
Carol Green, MFA Liaison, presenting a
check for $2,000 to Ray Chambers,
Director of Acting for the MFA Program at
USD. This represents the Guilders’ annual
contribution to the MFA Program.
“Money Hat” Lady,
Bonnie Wright,
displaying her
work of art!
Above - Chrissy Roberts, this year’s Chair of “Celebrating Couture
2012”, announced the Honorary Chair, Pat Whalen (center) with
President Liz Helming adding her congratulations!
Below—MFA luncheon in the Regency Tower—Le Chanticleer Room
at the Town & Country Resort & Convention Center.
Page 6
Guilder Gazette
Membership News
Brainstorming at Hattox Hall to Stimulate Membership Growth
On Friday, February 10, Globe
Guilders high energy permeated
throughout Hattox Hall at their
monthly Steering Committee
meeting. After the customary
social preamble, it was down to
serious business. President Liz
Helming called the meeting to
order and challenged the group,
evenly spread into six
roundtables, led by a facilitator,
to reach consensus on three key initiatives to stimulate membership growth
in 2012.
Then Liz called on Executive Vice
President Esther Rodriguez to outline,
in a brief presentation, a number of
challenges and opportunities for the
group to address. After twenty
minutes of active brainstorming, each
facilitator shared her findings with the
Committee. As each
group’s initiatives were
presented, it was most
rewarding to see how
most of the ideas offered,
for the most part, appeared to support three
common objectives:
Expanding our membership by reaching out to
other professional, educational and
philanthropic organizations to find
common ground for cooperation
Mentoring new members to lengthen
the duration of their membership
and increase their satisfaction with
membership benefits
Attracting younger members with
current technology skills
A fourth common thread also
emerged: Utilizing more of the cur-
rent offerings of The Old Globe to
engage our members early on in supporting the Theatre where most needed, while deriving maximum enjoyment from these offerings.
The ideas and suggestions gathered
were most creative and will be shared
with our members to get everyone
working together to prioritize and
implement them. In all, it was a most
stimulating morning and an effort that
laid a fertile path for Globe Guilders
to follow to a bright future.
A very special thanks to everyone
who attended and so enthusiastically
participated, and to Rachel Plummer,
Eileen Prisby and the entire Globe
Development staff for so graciously
hosting such an important meeting for
the Globe Guilders.
Esther Rodriguez
Executive VP
News from The Old Globe
Guilders Honored at Recent Volunteer Appreciation Reception
Earlier this month, the Globe hosted the
annual 2012 Old Globe Volunteer Appreciation Reception, and many of the
Globe’s great volunteers – among them
a number of Guilders! – received
awards and recognition for all of the
efforts they put in behind-the-scenes.
Outstanding Globe Reader:
Elisabeth Gause & Barbara
Volunteers of the Year:
Patricia & Norman Gillespie
Outstanding Administrative
Volunteer: Jane Cowgill
Outstanding Tour Docent:
Alexa Hirsch
Outstanding Patron Service
Michael & Sheila Dershowitz
Outstanding Costume Volunteer
(Special Award): Donna Blochwitz
Outstanding Helen Edison Gift Shop
Volunteer: Nancy Stuhler
Outstanding Lady Carolyn’s
Pub Volunteer: Jan Kraklow
Usher Captain of the Year: Phil Ross
You can also see pictures on the
Globe’s website:
The Globe’s volunteers are truly
amazing, and we absolutely appreciate everything that you do!
Rachel Plummer
Theatre Liaison
Page 7
December Nights
December Nights, December 2 & 3, 2011. Committee: Esther Rodriguez, Coordinator; Marlene Sterling, On site Manager; Jane Cowgill, Popcorn; Barbara Bolt, Lapinsky Suite; Pat Gillespie, Theatre; Amara Marsden,
Grinch; and Marlene Sterling, Glo-Light Chairman. The event netted $5,468 and a great time was had by all!
Pictured above clockwise from top right: (1) Sunset on the Prado December 2, 2011; (2) The Grinch Tree; (3) GloLight Team Martha Kohler, Marlene Sterling and Forrest Sterling; (4) Popcorn Team in action: Shirley Mulcahy,
Jane Cowgill, Janet Bower, Sally Berry, and Randy Tidmore; (5) Jane Cowgill and Eileen Prisby; (6) The Santa Hatted Popcorn Team; (7) Front row: Jane Cowgill, Nancy Brock, Amara Marsden, a “Naughty” but dedicated Guilder
supporter, Marlene Sterling, and Randy Tidmore. Back row: Gary Helming, Pat Gillespie, Mitchell McLaughlin,
Norm Gillespie, Shirley Mulcahy, Leslie McLaughlin (back), Patricia Paul, Barbara Bolt, Liz Helming, Angie DeCaro,
Nicholle Tadeo, and Forrest Sterling; (8) Joel Heathcote; (9) Forrest Sterling. Page 8
Guilder Gazette
Awards Night - November 5, 2011
On November 5th at the
charming San Diego Yacht
Club, the Guilders gathered
to honor Guilder Volunteers
for 2011. While guests mingled, a harpist played lovely
music during the cocktail reception. Michael Murphy
brought the 69 guests up to
date on the exciting happenings at the Old Globe Theatre
and Rachel Plummer showed
a thought provoking video on
the Old Globe’s Education
Annual funds raised by the
Globe Guilders throughout
the year support programs at
the Theatre. A check was
presented by Guilder President, Liz Helming and Fashion
Show Chair Wendy Ledford
for $107,000. It was gratefully
accepted by Michael Murphy.
Irma Macpherson Founder Award winner Pat Gillespie
(center) congratulating President Award winner Alexa Hirsch
(left) and Guilder of the Year Award winner Barbara Bolt
Each year outstanding Guilders are recognized for the
time and dedication they
spend to support the organization. This year’s recipients
were no exception. Presenters and winners are pictured
on page 5.
Congratulations to all and a
special thank you to Fern
Murphy for all of her hard
work in making our Awards
Night, 2011 a special event.
Bonnie Duell
VP Social
Presentation of Globe Guilders’ Check for $107,000
to The Old Globe - Presented to Michael Murphy
by Wendy Ledford and Liz Helming
Page 9
Awards Night 2011
The President’s Award:: Alexa
Hirsch presented by Liz Helming
Fashion Show Chair
Award: Wendy Ledford
Presented by Marlene
Permanent Guilder of the Year
Award: Esther Rodriguez presented
by Jane Cowgill
Guilder of the Year
Award: Barbara Bolt
presented by Esther
Permanent Irma Macpherson
Founder Award: Gail Dill
presented by Joan Pollard
Harpist JoAnna
Potthoff playing
during the reception
Irma Macpherson Founder Award: Pat
Gillespie presented by Gail Dill
Pat & Norm Gillespie
Betsy Hamblin &
Rachel Plummer
Omar Winter, Suzie Turner &
Rod Smith
Fred & Bonnie Duell
The “Money
Hat” Lady
Gigi Cramer
Don Dill
Page 10
Guilder Gazette
New Production Kick-Offs
Nancy Brock and Pat Gillespie helping bring in the goodies for October
25th New Production Kick-Off..
Waiting for the cast to arrive! From left: Betsy Hamblin, Barbara Bolt, Randy Tidmore, Nancy Brock, Sally Crahan and Norm Gillespie. If you have not participated in one of these events, you are missing out. Join the fun! Volunteer!
From left: Kathy
Newton joins the
crew along with Pat
Gillespie, Barbara
Bolt, Nancy Brock,
Sally Crahan and
Betsy Hamblin.
Completing the set up
New Production Kick-Off - February
The Kick-Off Snack for "Anna Christy" was held on Valentine’s Day at The Old
Globe rehearsal hall at 1:45 pm. It was a huge success with approximately 60 people attending. Some even wandered in to have a bite from the rehearsal of "Room
with a View" because they remembered the deviled eggs from their Kick-Off.
We were invited in to hear welcoming speeches from Michael Murphy and the director, as well
as the playwright and set designer. The experience was terrific.
Our next Kick-Off's are:
April 3
"Nobody Loves You"
April 10
"The Scottsboro Boys"
Sign up and have a ball!! Call 619.461.9929
Randy Tidmore
VP Area Coordination
Page 11
Bonnie Duell
Carol Green
Liz Helming
Trudi Landreth
Amara Marsden
Rachael Plummer
Esther Rodriguez
Randy Tidmore
Norm & Pat Gillespie
Jane Cowgill
The Globe Guilders Invite you to SAVE THE DATE Tuesday, August 7, 2012 Celebrating Couture 2012
Presented by Neiman Marcus Featuring Monique Lhuillier Luncheon and Fashion Show Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel Proceeds to benefit The Old Globe. Invitations will arrive in June. Ramp Information Only ‐ Suzie Turner 619.749.6888 Carol Hanson
Liz Helming
Jill Holmes
Suzie Turner
Fran Viertel
Jordine Von Wantoch
The Guilder Gazette is sent to
members as a benefit of membership. For changes, corrections or
questions, please contact:
Amara Marsden
VP Membership
Phone: 858.597.2030
NOTE: Much of the Globe
Guilders mail is sent non-profit.
Bulk mail is NOT forwarded by the
Post Office. Please make sure to
keep the VP Membership informed
of your correct address.
Other Information ‐ Carol Hanson 619.229.2090 ____________________________________________________ SAVE YOUR TABLE NOW! MAIL YOUR CHECKS TODAY! Seating based on date of postmark. Check for five or more holds a table for 10 days Tables for 10: Individual Seating in each category. _____________ PREMIER $2,250 per table $225 per person _____________PREFERRED $1,450 per table $145 per person _____________RESERVED $105 per person $1,050 per table  CHECK (Payable to Globe Guilders)  VISA  MC  AMEX Credit Card Name ___________________________________________ Address __________________ City _________ State ___ Zip _______ Credit Card # ____________________________ Expiration Date _____ Email _____________________________ Phone _________________ Please mail to Globe Guilders, c/o Barbara Bolt 9860 Apple Tree Drive, Unit E, San Diego, CA 92124 NONPROFIT ORG.
PERMIT # 214
Calendar of Events
Apr 3
New Production Kick - Off
Apr 9
Executive Board Meeting
Apr 10 New Production Kick - Off
Apr 13 Steering Committee Meeting
P.O. Box 122171
San Diego, CA 92112-2171
Apr 16 MFA Thesis Pieces
Apr 22-24
Dated Material
Return Service Requested
Apr 24 New Production Kick - Off
Apr 29- May 6
London Theater Tour
Apr 30 Insight Seminar 6:30 pm
The Old Globe Theatre
"The Scottsboro Boys”
May 5 Opening Night 8:00 pm
The Old Globe Theatre
"The Scottsboro Boys"
May 7
Executive Board Meeting
May 11 Steering Committee Meeting
May 14 Insight Seminar 6:30 pm
Sheryl & Harvey White Theatre
"Nobody Loves You"
May 17 Opening Night 8:00 pm
Sheryl & Harvey White Theatre
"Nobody Loves You"
May 24-30
New York Theater Tour
Special Points of Interest
Next Gazette Deadline
May 16th
Please visit the Globe Guilders website
for additional events announced after
this issue was printed
We are NOT just a pretty
You can also find us on Facebook:

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