Green Gables


Green Gables
Green Gables
Margot Hightower, Principal
April 2016
Diane French, Dean of Students
Jim Wright, Counselor
Upcoming April Events
Dear GGB Parents,
Happy Spring to you all! So much goes on during the school year, however
Spring moves at a very quick pace! We have student led conferences, Battle of
the Books, state testing for 3-5th, track meets, start of planning for our next
school year, volunteer appreciation, staff appreciation, talent show and much,
much more!
Your child has a wonderful opportunity to share his/her learning with you at
our Student led conferences on April 14th and 15th. All families are invited to
attend during the open house times in each class while the teacher may request
an individual conference for your student, or as always, you may ask for an individual conference.
State testing (Smarter Balanced Assessment or SBA) begins soon for 3rd,
4th, and 5th grade students. All students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th will be taking these
statewide assessments in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math. Fifth graders
have an additional Science Assessment.
Our students will be taking the Smarter Balanced Assessment on:
3rd & 4th grade
April 26, 28, May 3, 4, 10
5th grade
May 5, 12, 17, 18, 24, 26
Attendance is critical during SBA testing. Please make every effort to have
your student(s) here on testing days AND on time so they can show their best
work. Any appointments need to be made outside of these times.
Upcoming change for next year will be our school’s grade level configuration.
We will be moving from Multiage to straight grades next year and have been
given our staffing for 2016-2017 school year. We will have some changes in
staff as we have staff moving away from the area. I am looking to hire six
teachers, along with a K-3 literacy teacher that will be given to each Elementary
school! Mrs. Acuna has already sent out a letter to you in asking for information
about your child’s placement for next year. It is important for you to take the time
to fill this out and return it as quickly as possible so that we can begin the work
of setting our classes up for next year.
Over the break our Garden Shed was burnt down causing a large hole in our
community garden here at GGB. We are working hard to get all accounted for
insurance but it has been a big hit to our program. I am excited to tell you we
had an anonymous donor who gave us a $500 home depot card to get us up
and going. We are so grateful, as we are truly starting at ground zero. Any
donations that can be made would be appreciated.
Thank you for all you do to send us the most amazing students each and
every day! Spring has sprung and we are blooming at Green Gables!
Love in Children and Their Learning,
11-13 Smiles Partners
14-15 Student led conferences
18 Field trip - Konrad/Corbett/ Beach/
19 Field trip - Chang/Rubatino
20 Field trip - Gendron/Chinn
21 Perseverance Assembly 2:40 pm
22 Earth Day Assembly 2:30 pm
23 Qualifying meet 8 am
District Meet 2:30 pm
25 Field trip - Thompson
27 Early Dismissal 1:50 pm
28 Field trip - Cross/Storm
29 Field trip - Trantino, Ms C, Ms
Clausen, Glass, Gordon, Corbett, Smith
Upcoming May Events
2 –6 Staff Appreciation Week
2 Field trip - Silvernale, Meehan,
3 Talent show practice 3:30 pm
6 Coffee House (staff lounge) 9 am
10 Talent Show 2:15 pm and 6 pm
11 Early dismissal 1:50pm
16-20 Book Fair
20 Volunteer Lunch 11:20-1:20 pm
21 Championship meet 8 am /
National Run a mile 2pm
25 Early Dismissal 1:50 pm
27 Courage Assembly 2:40 pm
30-31 NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day/
Snow Day
Upcoming June Events
Early Dismissal 1:50 pm
Carnival 6-9 pm
5th gr Celebration 6:30 pm
10 King Cty GG Library Visits 1-3pm
13 Safety Patrol to Wild Waves
Margot Hightower
9-3 pm
14 Field Day
15 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL - Dismissal at
11:10 am
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Career Day is rapidly approaching and we need YOUR experiences! Whether you are a
nurse, mechanic, astronaut, custodian or business owner - we need you! We want students
exposed to S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math).
We are looking for a variety of people interested in spending a day talking to our students
about their career. Many of our students are unaware of the career opportunities available to them
and this is a fantastic way to provide them with first hand knowledge of potential career paths. This
is also a great way for you to get involved in Green Gables and make an impact on the students’
future. If you are not interested but know someone who is, you may give them (or us) the necessary
contact information. The 2016 GGB Career Day is May 11th from 9:00-1:30.
Thank you in advance for your involvement! If you have any questions or would like to get
further information you may contact Debbie Finneseth at 253-945-2717
or email at:
Career day RSVP form
Please complete if you are interested in participating and return this form to your student’s teacher.
Student Name: __________________________
Grade/Team: _____________
_____I am interested in participating in Career Day on May 11th.
_____ I know someone who is interested in participating in Career Day on May 11 th.
Contact Name: ________________________________________________
Email address: _______________________________
Phone number: _______________________________
Watch D.O.G.S.
(Dads of Great Students)
Thank you March Watch DOGS
Mr. Clauson, Mr. Goretski,
Mr. Luikkonen
Volunteers are vital to Green Gables by supporting us in creating a sense of community. There are many ways to get
involved in the school, so each month a few ideas for volunteering at GGB will be listed here in the Help Wanted
section. You may call Debbie Finneseth for more ideas or if you have any questions on how to get started. 253-9452717
Parents are welcome to volunteer in their child's classroom. To find out what volunteer opportunities there are in your
child's class, please talk to your child's teacher. She/He may need occasional support in class or require some
preparatory work that can be done at home. Please let your child’s teacher know how much time you are available to
assist, so you can be given projects that fit into your time schedule. Whether it is 15 minutes or all day, your time and
support is appreciated and is an important part of what makes our school special.
PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) Team is looking for a few parents to be a part of our bi-monthly
meetings. PBIS “consists of rules, routines, and physical arrangements that are developed and taught by school staff to
prevent initial occurrences of behavior the school would like to target for change.” The team meets two Tuesdays a
month from 8:00-8:30am. You may contact Debbie Finneseth if you are interested in being a part of this growing team.
Are you artistic, crafty, or just want to be a part of our awesome Talent Show? We are looking for volunteers to make
decorations/backdrops and add some zing to our program. Please contact Kathy Cadaram if you are interested in
supporting this fun event. (253) 945-2734 or
Coming soon….GG’s fun filled Field Day is June 14
Battle of Math Brains
Congratulations for winning
3rd place in Battle of the Math
Brains competition at Meredith
Hill Elementary.
Ankit Gowda,
Maxwell Kao,
Connor McQuisten
Tyler Clausen
March 2016
Student of the Month “Adaptability”
Sophie Walker, Cameron Waldon, Emily McGlenn, Natalie Cross, Riley Miller,
Brennan Younts, Charles Dedmond, Brian Carrillo-Zamarripa, Fasai (Sky)
Mack, Ciera Woods-Washburn, Zariyah Loa, Josh Kalcha, Keyshaun Phair,
Adam Psachos-Dannelley, Samantha Jolley, Ray Renteria, Herandi Quezada,
Chandani Deol, Sadie Barrett
Citizen of the Month
Aiden Ordonez, Jaime Riestra, Sierra Hedden, Julia Dutcher, Gianna Claborn,
Kaeden Mullins, Tressa Winston, Naomi Iumai, Taylor Oppenheim, Cooper
Fernstrom, Lisa Kizis, Nika Ty, Kristina Nguyen, Nixon Edwards, Genevieve
Lull, Sophie Irons, Achilles Loa, Kayla Winston, Charley Figgins
2016-2017 Kindergarten Registration
Registration for Kindergarten is in full swing. Washington State requirements to start kindergarten in the fall
Child must be 5 years of age on or before August 31, 2016
Child’s original birth certificate or passport
Child’s current immunization record
Brigadoon also asks for proof of residence (lease/rental agreement, utility bill, etc)
Please note – immunizations must be up to date:
Hepatitis B – 3 doses (last dose at age 24 months or older)
DTaP/DT/Tdap/Td – 5 doses (if last dose is after 4th birthday dose 5 is not needed)
Polio (IPV) – 4 doses (if last dose is after age 4, dose 4 is not needed)
Varicella – 2 doses (both doses must be after the first birthday)
MMR– 2 doses (both doses must be after the first birthday)
We ask that you come to register at Green Gables before May 1st. between the
hours of 10am and 3pm, if possible.
Math Contest
This April we are taking a small handful of 4 and 5th grade students to attend a Middle School Math Competition. We
will be meeting every Monday for the next four weeks in preparation for the Thomas Jefferson Spring Math Bonanza
where we will be busy learning and solving fun and difficult math problems. The event will be on Saturday, April 30th
and will include Middle School students from our district and around Washington State. At GGB we believe in providing
opportunity for students to grow, to be enriched in Math, and to experience a thrill of Math Competition. You may wish
our team luck at the end of April.
Mrs. Fischer,
Instructional Coach
Annie Ravenscroft,
GGB Para/ GGB Math Team Coach
For the month of March students have been working hard on their Math Whizz account and RazKids Accounts. It would
be a good idea to take some time to check-in with your child and log into their accounts, there is a lot to celebrate. You
can access both online programs at home and are a great enrichment opportunity for your child. Our RazKids building
account would not be possible without our amazing PTA sponsoring this for our kids at Green Gables. Keep up all the
extra practice Green Geckos! Any practice and learning at home is a great enrichment.
MOST IMPROVED (August to March)
Nathan Urdahl
Zachary Kelley
Kingston Saelee
Trendon Guymon
Sydney Jackson
Alayna Jones
Rosie Hoxie
Phoebe Thomasy
Andrew Kayo
Riley Miller
Raymond Orme
Amelia Rennick
Dylan LaTurner
Erika Sledge
Jayden Scott
Jacob Verbeurgt
Thoma Holden
Halleta Tekalgn
Alexander Raya
Danielle Fischer,
Instructional Coach
Green Gables Elementary
King Country Green Schools Earth Heroes at School
Congratulations to Sun Hong and Alexis Jolley! They have went above and beyond this year helping with
Monday Green Team announcements, helping organize the "We Create Change Coin Drive" and countless
other Green Team events. They have been selected/ recognized as a 2016 King County Earth Heroes at
School. The Earth Heroes at School Program celebrates the importance of protecting and enhancing our
natural environment. Each year, outstanding individuals, groups and programs in King County schools are
recognized. A ceremony to recognize the 2016 Earth Heroes at School will be held on Thursday, May 5,
2016 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The ceremony will take place at Maplewood Greens and we are so proud
of Alexis and Sun for being selected. The Green Team this year is an impressive group and really supporting
green practices here at GGB. Remember at Green Gables... Think Clean, Think Green!
Ellen Trantina (K Teacher)
Dani Fischer (Instructional Coach)
I am a peacemaker!
By Lila Berg
By Victoria Kee
I am happy for everybody’s future.
I wonder how we are alive.
I hear music everywhere I go.
I see beautiful sights.
I want to live in peace.
I am Peace Maker.
I pretend when I play.
I feel dreamy when I close my eyes.
I touch and feel a surprise.
I worry that I can’t stay.
I cry when I’m hurt.
I am a Peace Maker.
I understand that everything must die
I say, “fly to freedom”.
I dream big things.
I try to have good luck.
I hope my wishes will come true.
I am a peacemaker.
I wonder if I can make peace.
I hear peaceful frogs.
I see peaceful pictures on the wall.
I want a kitten.
I am a peacemaker.
I pretend to be a cat.
I feel love.
I touch cats.
I worry about the power going out
I cry when I get hurt.
I am a peacemaker.
I understand my brother.
I say please.
I dream about cats
I try making peace.
I hope I get a dog.
I am a peacemaker.
Green Gables Elementary Students Leadership Team (SST which is a handful of teachers, our family liaison,
counselor, dean, instructional coach and building principal) put together a building survey in February and
received input from our community. This information is very informative and provided great family and student
perspective. We will use this information to help create action steps to support in our areas of growth and
celebrate our areas of strength.
Average Student Survey Results 0 = Disagree, 1 = Sometimes, 2= Agree (2 the highest score)
My teacher makes it clear what I am supposed to learn.
My teacher expects all students to work hard.
My teacher believes that I can learn and be successful.
I know that I can do quality work. 1.6
My teacher uses different ways to help me learn. 1.7
My teacher listens to my ideas and opinions. 1.6
I get extra help when I need it. 1.5
I know how to get help from an adult at school if I need it. 1.6
My teacher cares about me. 1.9
The adults in my school show respect for students. 1.7
Most students respect those who are different from them. 1.3
I feel safe in my school. 1.7
I feel safe when I am outside during recess. 1.5
I feel safe before and after school. 1.8
I feel safe in the café. 1.6
The school has fair rules. 1.5
Students are treated fairly if they get in trouble.
The school is clean.
Parents and adults often come and help at school.
I get help with my school work at home. 1.6
I like this school.
If I am doing a good job in school, my teacher tells me. 1.6
I have fun learning at school. 1.5
I like the food at the school. .9
Average Family Survey Results 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree Slightly, 3 = Agree Slightly, 4= Strongly
Agree (4 the highest score)
Classes challenge students to think and solve problems. 3.21
I know what my child is expected to learn. 3.10
School work is meaningful and made relevant. 3.30
Teachers do whatever it takes to help my child meet high academic standards. 3.37
All adults in the school show respect for all students. 3.38
Students respect those who are different from them. 3.22
My child feels safe at school. 3.3
I know how to get involved. 3.6
I feel welcome when I visit the office. 3.46
I feel welcome by my child’s teachers. 3.71
My child feels safe at recess and in the café. 3.26
I feel welcome when we attend school events. 3.65
My child’s school makes parents feel that they are the best experts on their own kids and make them feel like critical
partners. 3.22
14. The staff at our school takes an active interest in who students are, what they like, and how they think and feel.
15. There is a strong feeling this school that all students can learn. 3.42
16. Grades are given in a fair manner and students receive detailed information about their quality of work. 3.41
Life doesn’t frighten me at all
By Sierra and Mia
Bunnies are going crazy
Snakes flying in the air
Bugres croling my hair
Bugres croling my hair
Life doesn’t frighten me at all
Life doesn’t frighten me at all
Life doesn’t frighten me at all
Spiders are biting your toes
Ponies are going lazy.
Worms are sucking your hose
Life doesn’t frighten me at all.
Life doesn’t frighten me at all.
Little seeds growing
I go boo make them shoo
Big plants flowering.
Life doesn’t frighten me at all
I make fun way they run
life doesn't frighten me at all.
Not at all, not at all
Lady bug’s loving
Life doesn’t frighten me at all.
Little Ladies hating.
Life doesn’t frighten me at all
People turning off lights.
It’s only in my dreams.
Spiders crolling on a key
And big bees in the tree.
I have a magic boy
No, they don’t frighten me at all
That I keep in my toy
Snakes biting me
Life doesn’t frighten me at all
Dogs with a fleas
Not at all not at all
They don’t frighten me at all
Life doesn’t frighten me at all
Ghosts make noises at night