HALFEN PRECAST PANEL ANCHORS FACADE CONTENTS Product selector Standard Types Variations 4 4 4 Identification of panel support fixings 5 Using Anchor bolts for panel support fixings 5 Calculation of wall panel loadings 6 8 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 Halfen top fixing dowel Type WPA-A/B Assembly and installation 19 21 Horizontal Anchoring Halfen Spacer bolts type DS-13/16/25 HALFEN Restraint tie type HKZ HALFEN Restraint tie type HKZ-GF HALFEN Restraint tie type HKZ-GU HALFEN Restraint with turnbuckle type SPV HALFEN Adjustable restraint type LD Plastic Wind Anchors type WDK 22 23 26 26 27 28 28 29 HALFEN Dowel restraint fixings Upper parts and Dowels Lower parts Spiral reinforcement Type HFV-B fits HFV1, HFV5 and HFV9 Possible combinations of dowel restraint fixings Adjustment fixing with Reinforcement Adjustment fixing type HFV-6N 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 HALFEN Parapet corbel HALFEN Parapet corbel BRA-N/A HALFEN Parapet corbel BRA-NJ/AJ 34 36 37 Assembly accessories for Halfen panel support fixing 40 Tender texts 41 Enquiry / Order form 42 1TCC030010 Halfen panel support fixings Halfen panel support fixings Type FPA-3 Halfen-panel support fixing type FPA-5 Halfen panel support fixing type FPA-5Z Halfen panel support fixing type FPA-5A Halfen panel support fixing type FPA-5AZ Halfen panel support fixing type FPA-S/-S1 Assembly and installation of FPA-3 Assembly and installation of FPA-5 Perforated Hanger strap for Type FPA 3 Perforated Hanger strap for Type FPA 5 3 PRODUCT SELECTOR STANDARD TYPES VARIATIONS Type FPA - 3 with backward suspension in the cast-in part Type FPA - 5 A for roof parapet (Variation) Type FPA - 5 AZ Two-point suspension for roof parapet (Variation) Recommended where pre planning is possible. Advantages for covered fixing and thin walls. Very easy installation. Fixing to the top of the slab. Same as Type 5A, but with a two-point suspension. Suitable if the minimum element thickness is insufficient to use the type FPA5A. Type FPA - 5 for fixing with Halfen anchor channel or Anchor bolts Type FPA - 5 Z same as type 5, but with a two-point suspension. Type FPA - 5 S for side fixings (Variation) Less requirements to the preliminary planning, but dependent on to the minimum thickness of the unit in relation to the fixing. (observe the official approval) Suitable if the minimum element thickness is insufficient to use the type FPA-5. Fixing to columns during later infill walling. Fixing to cantilever edge units possible. Attention: The support strap must be shimmed in order to allow the turning of the nut! 4 PRODUCT SELECTOR VARIATIONS Type FPA - S Special configuration Type FPA - S1 Special configuration Type WPA Special anchoring in case of small loads with Halfen channel cast into the precast unit. Special anchoring in case of small loads with perforated strap cast into the precast unit. The top fixing dowel is used for the fixing of corner panels at the top of the wall. I D E N T I F I C AT I O N O F PA N E L S U P P O RT F I X I N G S All parts of the panel support fixings are to be identified by a coloured marking. Load range (kN) 5.0 8.0 11.5 16.0 22.0 34.0 46.0 56.0 Colour of identification yellow red blue green brown black orange white U S I N G A N C H O R B O LT S F O R PA N E L S U P P O RT F I X I N G S We recommend, the use of anchor bolts permitted for tension area . If using other anchor bolts , the pressure area must be indicated. All fixings are to be calculated with the existing loads. 5 C A L C U L AT I O N O F WA L L PA N E L L O A D I N G S Applied loadings (light arrow) Q = 1/2 dead weight of the panel (with symmetrical suspension of the panel) + additional loads, e.g. brick facing W = 1/2 wind load on the panel* Wd = wind pressure, Ws = wind suction, according to DIN 1055, part 4 b1 Rz α A h2 Do Loads in fixings (dark arrow) = diagonal load in the suspension fixing = upper horizontal load = Do,w + Do,g = lower horizontal load = Du,w + Du,g = pressure at base from dead weight = pressure at base from wind ≅ 1/2 W (1/2 W = 1/4 wind load on whole panel*) for wind pressure: Du,w = Wd,u for wind suction: Du,w = -Ws,u Do,g = pressure at top from dead weight Do,w = pressure at top from wind ≅ 1/2 W (1/2 W = 1/4 wind load on whole panel*) for wind pressure: Do,w = Wd,o for wind suction: Do,w = -Ws,o Rz Do Du(Zu) Du,g Du,w h1 W Q B Du (Zu) Calculation: f h1 = spacing between horizontal anchors h2 = spacing between cast-in part and spacer bolt f = panel thickness b1 = f/2 + h2 x tan α (∑ Μ ) A = 0 → Du,g = Du max. = Du,g + Du,w Q x b1 h1 spacer bolts or dowel Du min. = Du,g - 1,2 x Ws,u spacer bolts or dowel <0 restraint anchor or dowel ≥0 spacer bolt <0 restraint anchor Do,g = Q x tan α - Du,g Do min. = Do,g - 1,2 x Ws,o α = angle of inclination (see tables page 11 or 13)) *The wind loads acting on each individual restraint fixing should be checked: a) for panels with overhangs that differ from the table b) for panels taking peak wind suction 6 ≥0 C A L C U L AT I O N O F WA L L PA N E L L O A D I N G S WIND PRESSURE For calculation of wind pressure in single support elements, e.g. precast cladding panels, the wind pressure loads (wd) are to be increased by 25%. wd = 1.25 x cp x q x A (kN/m2) cp = 0.8 WIND SUCTION IMPACT PRESSURE q Facing panels must be provide enough safety against lifting (≥ 1.2). If necessary, restraint ties should be installed. To be on the safe side we recommend to calculate the value of suction with cp= 0.7. Only at the edge the values for peak suction always have to be calculated with cp= 2.0 for the first 2m. ws = cp x q (kN/m2) Height above ground m Impact pressure q kN/m2 0-8 0.50 8-20 0.80 20-100 1.10 > 100 1.30 ARRANGEMENT OF COMPONENTS WITHIN THE PRECAST PANEL We recommend installing the panel support fixing at a distance of L/5 to the edge of the precast unit. In other cases the fixing elements should be arrange symmetrically to the cendroidal axis. Please ensure that there is enough distance between DS spacer bolts and the installation axis of the panel support fixing. If using restraint dowels, they must be arranged at the outer possible position. z y x Precast panel length L Installation dimensions: x [mm] Panel length L [mm] 100 bis 1000 150-200 1000-3000 300-400 3000-6000 y = approx. 1/5 from L > x z > y, between the panel support fixings 7 H A L F E N PA N E L S U P P O RT F I X I N G S T Y P E F PA - 3 Independently approved, installation details and selection table Component parts, Type FPA-3 FPA - 3 - R: (Cast-in support) Support arm and polystyrene recess former FPA - 3 - M: (Hanger assembly) Perforated strap with locating pin, nut, U-washer and locking bolt FPA - 3 - E: (Lower cast-in element) U-shaped bracket with angle cleat and polystyrene recess former FPA - 3 - G: (Complete set) FPA - 3 - R + FPA - 3 - M + FPA - 3 - E For assembly and installation instructions see page 16 Ordering example : Product Type Component part Load range (kN) Cavity (mm) FPA - 3 - G - 16.0 - 200 Load range kN Cast-in support FPA-3-R Order-no. dmin 0240.110- a dia. i g ar min s p to ro 5.0 00001 100 81 6 200 70 24 60 121 38 8.0 00002 115 85 6 200 80 24 60 130 40 11.5 00003 125 96 8 200 90 33 80 150 45 16.0 00004 140 115 8 250 120 35 80 165 50 22.0 00005 160 134 10 250 130 36 100 179 60 34.0 00006 180 155 12 300 150 44 100 202 70 46.0 00007 240 190 16 350 170 53 120 236 80 56.0 00008 300 213 16 400 200 58 120 255 94 8 5.0 8.0 11.5 Lower cast-in element FPA-3-E Load range kN Order-no. 0240.250- f min br min cr min c e (f1-e) (m+n) w dia. x y z 5.0 00001 70 50 107 120 8 14 51 107 6 - 250 8.0 00002 70 60 112 130 13 15 53 116 6 - 250 11.5 00003 80 70 122 140 18 18 60 133 8 - 250 16.0 00004 80 80 132 160 19 20 68 148 8 - 350 22.0 00005 90 100 132 160 19 23 71 151 8 - 400 34.0 00006 100 110 160 200 25 27 75 164 10 25 500 46.0 00007 115 140 180 220 29 33 80 166 12 42 500 56.0 00008 125 150 180 230 36 33 85 173 12 52 600 Higher values dmin will be required when using armin. Load range kN 16.0 22.0 34.0 46.0 56.0 Complete set FPA-3-GCavity Order-no. 0240.080- 40-120 00001 130-220 00002 40-120 00003 130-220 00004 40-120 00005 130-220 00006 40-120 00007 130-200 00008 40-130 00009 140-240 00010 40-120 00011 130-210 00012 50-120 00013 130-220 00014 60-120 00015 130-230 00016 subject to change without notice all dimensions in mm H A L F E N - PA N E L S U P P O RT F I X I N G T Y P E F PA - 3 Independently approved, installation details and selection table ro d min f min b ± 20* ar min a Steel reinforcement stirrup for cast-in support (available on request) yield strength 500N/mm2, tensile strength 550N/mm2 see table page 23 to dBR min p adjustment hr ±25 g α h c Steel reinforcement stirrup for lower cast-in element (available on request) yield strength 500N/mm2, tensile strength 550N/mm2 br min e dia. i f1 adjustment ± 30 y w dBR min 30° m u n t Spacer bolt and socket (order separately) z Øx cr min Offset version for load ranges ≥ 34 kN Further details: see type test report (on request) Type FPA 3 t Load range u α dia. kN [mm] [mm] 5.0 10 21 25.0° Cavity b (mm) 60 70 80 h h h 120 145 165 130 150 170 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 8.0 12 25 25.0° 16 33 25.0° 20 41 25.0° 120 145 20 41 22.5° 165 125 145 170 24 50 22.5° 155 180 27 56 20.0° 155 180 56.0 30 62 20.0° 150 160 170 180 190 h h h h h h h h h h 185 205 230 250 270 295 315 335 360 380 400 420 235 260 280 300 325 385 410 430 380 400 420 385 405 425 445 470 490 445 465 490 520 550 575 540 570 600 195 215 185 205 190 210 205 230 250 205 225 250 195 225 250 280 305 235 265 290 320 345 365 0240.220-00004 230 250 270 295 315 335 355 0240.220-00006 235 255 275 295 320 340 360 0240.220-00008 275 300 325 350 370 395 420 0240.220-00010 275 300 325 345 370 395 420 0240.220-00012 330 360 385 415 440 0240.220-00013 210 200 0240.220-00002 0240.220-00011 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) Order-no. Hanger assembly (M) 140 h 0240.220-00009 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 46.0 130 h 0240.220-00007 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 34.0 120 0240.220-00005 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 22.0 110 0240.220-00003 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 16.0 100 0240.220-00001 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 11.5 90 465 495 0240.220-00014 345 375 0240.220-00015 Useable site adjustment: h ±25, b ±20*, laterally ±30 * only even number of wall distances due to grading of the spacer bolt (see page 23 and 24) The dimension h is taken from support arm to upper edge of the angle in the lower cast-in element. Higher values dmin will be required when using armin. 400 430 455 485 510 0240.220-00016 Other cavity sizes on request subject to change without notice all dimensions in mm 9 H A L F E N - PA N E L S U P P O RT F I X I N G T Y P E F PA - 5 Independently approved, Installation details and selection table Component parts, Type FPA-5 FPA - 5 - M: (Hanger assembly) perforated strap with nut and washer, locking bolt and slotted strap FPA - 5 - E: (Lower cast-in element) U-shaped bracket with angle cleat and polystyrene recess former FPA - 5 - G: (Complete set) FPA - 5 - M + FPA - 5 - E For assembly and installation instructions see page 17. Variants (see page 4) - Type FPA-5A (spandrel version) - Type FPA-5S (version for lateral fixing) - Type FPA-5Z (dual-hole suspension) - Type FPA-5AZ (dual-hole suspension for spandrel version) Variation in angle α with smaller cavities: Load range [kN] Ordering example : Cavity b (mm) 60 70 80 90 Product Type Component part Load range (kN) Cavity (mm) 25,0° 8.0 18.5° 21.5° 11.5 16.5° 19.0° 22.0° 16.0 14.5° 17.0° 19.5° 22.5° 22.0 13.5° 15.5° 18.0° 20.0° 15.0° 16.5° 18.5° 46.0 Complete set FPA-5-G- 5.0 Cavity 8.0 Order no. 0240.030- 60-100 110-180 190-280 00001 00002 00003 Cavity 60-110 120-180 190-260 11.5 Order no. 0240.030- 00004 00005 00006 Order no. Cavity 0240.030- 60-120 130-190 200-290 00007 00008 00009 Cavity 60-140 150-190 200-280 22.0 Order no. 0240.030- 00010 00011 00012 15.5° 17.0°18.5° 56.0 16.0 34.0 Order no. Cavity 0240.030- 60-140 150-200 210-320 00013 00014 00015 Cavity 70-160 170-220 230-310 46.0 Order no. 0240.030- 00016 00017 00018 Order no. 0240.250- f min br min cr min c 5.0 00001 70 50 107 8.0 00002 70 60 112 11.5 00003 80 70 16.0 00004 80 22.0 00005 34.0 0240.030- 90-160 170-230 240-310 20.0° 56.0 Order no. Cavity Lower cast-in element FPA-5-E Load range [kN] 22.5° 14.0° 16.0° 18.5° 20.5° 34.0 FPA - 5 - G - 16.0 - 200 Load range [kN] 100 110 120 >120 5.0 18.5° 21.5° 00019 00020 00021 Cavity Order no. 100-150 160-250 260-350 00022 00023 00024 fixing with e (f1-e) (m+n) w dia. x y z Rz HALFEN channel HTA- Halfen bolt HS- Anchor bolts 120 8 14 51 107 6 - 250 5.5 38/17. l=150mm 37/17-M10x30 M10 130 13 15 53 116 6 - 250 8.8 49/30 50/30-M12x30 M12 122 140 18 18 60 133 8 - 250 12.7 52/34 50/30-M16x30 M16 80 132 160 19 20 68 148 8 - 350 17.7 52/34 50/30-M20x45 M20 90 100 132 160 19 23 71 151 8 - 400 23.8 72/49 72/49 M20x50 M20 00006 100 110 160 200 25 27 75 164 10 25 500 36.8 M24 46.0 00007 115 140 180 220 29 33 80 166 12 42 500 49.0 M27 56.0 00008 125 150 180 230 36 33 85 173 12 52 600 59.6 M30 stainless steel, recommended thread-diameter, must be in accordance with approval certificate for ≥ Rz stainless steel, approval certificate no. Z.21.4-34, see also brochure B in case of full load to the anchor 10 subject to change without notice. all dimensions in mm H A L F E N PA N E L S U P P O RT F I X I N G T Y P E F PA - 5 Independently approved, installation details and selection table f min b ± 20* recommended thread-diameter, must be in accordance with approval certificate for ≥ Rz ar min see approval certificate or manufacturers instructions M adjustment ± 25 h Steel reinforcement stirrup for cast-in support (available on request) yield strength 500N/mm2, tensile strength 550N/mm2 α c adjustment br min y hr f1 ± 30 see table page 23 30° w e n m dBR min u t Spacer bolt and socket (order separately) z dia. x cr min Offset version for load ranges ≥ 34 kN Further details: see type test report (on request) Type FPA 5 Load range dia.t [kN] [mm] 5.0 10 Cavity b (mm) u [mm] α 21 25.0° 60 70 80 h h h 185 180 175 185 180 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 8.0 12 25 25.0° 16 33 25.0° 20 41 25.0° 175 210 210 205 20 41 22.5° 240 235 230 24 50 22.5° 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 h h h h h h h h h h h h 200 220 240 265 285 305 325 350 370 390 415 435 215 240 260 280 345 370 390 0240.170-00002 195 200 225 260 260 255 250 46.0 27 56 20.0° 56.0 30 62 20.0° Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 325 0240.170-00005 220 240 265 285 305 325 285 285 280 350 370 245 265 285 310 330 245 270 350 390 415 290 315 340 365 275 270 340 335 375 390 410 365 435 395 415 435 440 -00012 460 485 460 485 0240.170-00014 295 320 340 365 390 415 330 360 440 0240.170-00017 355 385 410 435 465 0240.170-00019 370 430 -00009 0240.170-00011 0240.170-00016 340 410 0240.170-00006 0240.170-00008 220 200 0240.170-00003 0240.170-00013 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 305 0240.170-00010 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 34.0 120 0240.170-00007 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 22.0 110 0240.170-00004 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 16.0 100 0240.170-00001 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 11.5 90 490 520 545 0240.170-00020 355 0240.170-00022 Useable site adjustment: h ±25, b ±20*, laterally ±30 * only even number of wall distances due to grading of the spacer bolt (see page 23 and 24) The dimension h is taken from axis of fixing bolt to upper edge of the angle in the Lower cast-in element. 385 410 440 465 495 520 550 -00023 Other cavity sizes on request = angle α changed, therefore larger h subject to change without notice. all dimensions in mm 11 H A L F E N PA N E L S U P P O RT F I X I N G T Y P E F PA - 5 Z Dual-hole suspension f min b ± 20* Component parts, Type FPA-5Z recommended thread-diameter, must be in accordance with approval certificate for ≥ Rz FPA - 5Z - M: (Hanger assembly) Perforated strap with nut,u-washer, locking bolt and dual-hole suspension FPA - 5 - E: (Lower cast-in element) U-shaped bracket with angle cleat and polystyrene recess former, same components as Type FPA-5-E FPA - 5Z - G: (Complete set) FPA - 5Z - M + FPA - 5 - E M α h br min f1 w e m n Spacer bolt and sockets (order separately) For assembly and installation instructions see page 17 Variation in angle α with smaller cavities: Load range [kN] Complete set FPA-5Z-G- Cavity 60-100 110-180 190-280 Order no. 00001 00002 00003 Order no. Cavity 0240.060- 11.5 60 -110 120-180 190-260 00004 00005 00006 Cavity 0240.060- 60-120 130-190 200-290 00007 00008 00009 60-140 150-190 200-280 90 100 110 120 >120 16.0 14.5° 17.0° 19.5° 22.5° 22.0 13.5° 15.5° 18.0° 20.0° Order no. 00010 00011 00012 Cavity 15.0° 16.5° 18.5° 46.0 15.5° 17.0°18.5° 60-140 150-200 210-320 34.0 Order no. Cavity 0240.060- 00013 00014 00015 46.0 Order no. Cavity 0240.060- 70-160 170-220 230-310 22.5° 14.0° 16.0° 18.5° 20.5° 34.0 22.0 0240.060- 25,0° 56.0 16.0 Order no. Cavity 0240.060- 80 11.5 16.5° 19.0° 22.0° FPA - 5Z - G - 16.0 - 200 8.0 70 8.0 18.5° 21.5° Product Type Component part Load range (kN) Cavity (mm) 5.0 60 5.0 18.5° 21.5° Ordering example : Load range [kN] Cavity b (mm) 00016 00017 00018 56.0 Order no. Cavity 0240.060- 90-160 170-230 240-310 20.0° 00019 00020 00021 Order no. 0240.060- 100-190 160-250 260-350 00022 00023 00024 200 Further details: see type test report (on request) Type FPA 5Z Cavity b (mm) Load range [kN] s mm d mm α 5.0 120 8.5 25.0° 60 70 80 h h h 185 180 175 185 180 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 8.0 135 10.5 25.0° 160 12.5 25.0° 160 12.5 25.0° 175 210 210 205 170 16.5 22.5° 240 235 230 190 22.5 22.5° 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 h h h h h h h h h h h 200 220 240 265 285 305 325 350 370 390 415 435 215 240 260 280 345 370 390 0240.200-00002 195 200 225 260 260 255 250 46.0 250 25.0 20.0° 56.0 280 25.0 20.0° Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 0240.200-00003 0240.200-00005 220 240 265 285 305 325 285 285 280 350 370 220 245 265 285 310 330 245 270 350 390 415 290 315 340 365 275 270 340 335 375 390 410 365 435 395 415 435 440 -00012 460 485 460 485 0240.200-00014 295 320 340 365 390 415 330 360 440 0240.200-00017 355 385 410 435 465 0240.200-00019 370 430 -00009 0240.200-00011 0240.200-00016 340 410 0240.200-00006 0240.200-00008 490 520 545 0240.200-00020 355 0240.200-00022 Useable site adjustment: h ±25, b ±20*, laterally ±30 * only even number of wall distances due to grading of the spacer bolt (see page 23 and 24) The dimension h is taken from axis of fixing bolt to upper edge of the angle in the lower cast-in element. 12 325 0240.200-00013 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 305 0240.200-00010 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 34.0 120 h 0240.200-00007 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 22.0 110 0240.200-00004 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 16.0 100 0240.200-00001 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 11.5 90 385 410 440 465 495 520 550 -00023 Other cavity sizes on request = angle α changed, therefore larger h subject to change without notice. all dimensions in mm H A L F E N PA N E L S U P P O RT F I X I N G T Y P E F PA - 5 A Spandrel version fmin b ± 20* see table page 23 hr Component parts, Type FPA-5A ar according to approval certificate h ± 25* M α corner protection FPA - 5A - M: (Hanger assembly) perforated strap with nut, u-washer, locking bolt, slotted strap and corner protection (loose) FPA - 5A - E: (Lower cast-in element) u-shaped bracket with angle cleat and polystyrene recess former, same components as Type FPA-5-E FPA - 5A - G: (Complete set) FPA - 5A - M + FPA - 5 - E For assembly and installation instructions see page 17 Lower cast-in elements see table page 10 and 11 The spandrel version FPA-5A requires a little more space in cavity than FPA-5. To get the correct hole of perforated strap see table on page 18. Further details: see type test report (on request). lateral adjustment ± 30 Variation in angle α with smaller cavities: Load range [kN] Ordering example : Product Type Component part Load range Cavity Complete set FPA-5A-G- 5.0 8.0 11.5 16.5° 19.0° 22.0° 16.0 17.0° 19.5° 22.5° 22.0 15.5° 18.0° 20.0° 16.0 22.5° 16.0° 18.5° 20.5° 22.0 34.0 Cavity Order no. 0240.040- Cavity Order no. 0240.040- Cavity Order no. 0240.040- Cavity Order no. 0240.040- 60-100 110-180 190-280 00001 00002 00003 60-110 120-180 190-260 00004 00005 00006 60-120 130-190 200-290 00007 00008 00009 60-140 150-190 200-280 00010 00011 00012 60-140 150-200 210-320 00013 00014 00015 70-160 170-220 230-310 00016 00017 00018 Cavity b 10 110 11 α 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h 160 180 200 220 245 265 285 305 330 350 370 395 415 195 220 240 260 325 350 370 390 22 25.0° 170 165 12 135 13 26 25.0° 195 190 0240.180-00001 16 155 17 20 210 21 180 20 210 21 34 25.0° 215 210 24 260 25 205 280 41 25.0° 245 240 305 200 220 240 260 280 305 230 220 240 260 285 305 41 22.5° 260 255 250 240 325 325 290 315 335 360 0240.180-00013 50 22.5° 285 345 365 385 275 270 345 385 410 -00009 370 390 0240.180-00011 265 415 0240.180-00006 0240.180-00008 0240.180-00010 200 -00003 0240.180-00005 0240.180-00007 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 0240.180-00002 175 0240.180-00004 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 34.0 25.0° 8.0 15.5° 18.5° 21.5° 11.5 Order no. 0240.040- Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 22.0 100 110 120 >120 Cavity Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 16.0 90 Order no. 0240.040- Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 11.5 80 34.0 Type FPA 5A 8.0 70 Cavity dia. Load range ar dia. d e1 M [mm] [mm] [mm] [kN] [mm] 5.0 60 5.0 18.5° 21.5° FPA - 5A - G - 16.0 - 200 Load range [kN] Cavity b (mm) 410 410 -00012 435 460 435 460 0240.180-00014 265 0240.180-00016 Useable site adjustment: h ±25, b ±20*, laterally ±30 * only even number of wall distances due to grading of the spacer bolt (see page 23 and 24) The dimension h is taken from axis of fixing bolt to upper edge of the angle in the lower cast-in element. Other dimensions see FPA-5 290 315 335 360 385 410 0240.180-00017 Other cavity sizes on request = angle α changed, therefore larger h subject to change without notice. all dimensions in mm 13 H A L F E N PA N E L S U P P O RT F I X I N G T Y P E F PA - 5 A Z Spandrel version Dual-hole suspension Component parts, type FPA-5AZ fmin ar according to approval certificate h ± 25* hr see table page 23 b ± 20* corner protection α FPA - 5AZ - M: (Hanger assembly) Perforated strap with nut, U-washer, locking bolt, dual-hole suspension and corner protection FPA - 5A - E: (Lower cast-in element) u-shaped bracket with angle cleat and polystyrene recess same asType FPA-5-E FPA - 5AZ - G: (Complete set) FPA - 5AZ - M + FPA - 5 - E For assembly and installation instructions see page 17 The spandrel version FPA-5AZ requires a little more space in cavity than FPA-5. To get the correct hole of perforated strap see table on page 18. Further details: see type test report (on request). Please state ar-distance when ordering. lateral adjustment ± 30 Variation in angle α with smaller cavities: Ordering example : d Product Type Component Part Load range Cavity Complete set FPA-5AZ-G- 5.0 8.0 11.5 16.0 17.0° 19.5° 22.5° 22.0 15.5° 18.0° 20.0° 16.0° 18.5° 20.5° 22.0 22.5° 34.0 Order no. 0240.070- Cavity Order no. 0240.070- Cavity Order no. 0240.070- Cavity Order no. 0240.070- 60-100 110-180 190-280 00001 00002 00003 60-110 120-180 190-260 00004 00005 00006 60-120 130-190 200-290 00007 00008 00009 60-140 150-190 200-280 00010 00011 00012 60-140 150-200 210-320 00013 00014 00015 70-160 170-220 230-310 00016 00017 00018 yellow Cavity b dia. d [mm] α 8.5 25.0° red 10.5 25.0° blue 12.5 25.0° green 12.5 25.0° brown 16.5 22.5° Order no. Hanger assembly (M) black 22.5 22.5° Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h 170 165 160 180 200 220 245 265 285 305 330 350 370 395 415 195 190 195 220 240 260 325 350 370 0240.210-00001 180 0240.210-00002 175 0240.210-00004 215 210 205 280 200 220 240 260 280 0240.210-00007 245 240 305 305 260 255 230 220 240 260 285 305 345 365 385 250 240 275 270 325 265 290 315 335 360 415 410 -00009 345 370 390 0240.210-00011 0240.210-00013 285 325 390 0240.210-00006 0240.210-00008 0240.210-00010 200 0240.210-00003 0240.210-00005 385 410 -00012 410 435 460 410 435 460 0240.210-00014 265 290 0240.210-00016 Useable site adjustment: h ±25, b ±20*, laterally ±30 * only even number of wall distances due to grading of the spacer bolt (see page 23 and 24) The dimension h is taken from axis of fixing bolt to upper edge of the angle in the lower cast-in element. Other dimensions see FPA-5 14 25.0° 16.5° 19.0° 22.0° Cavity Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 34.0 100 110 120 >120 Order no. 0240.070- Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 22.0 90 Cavity Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 16.0 80 Order no. 0240.070- Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 11.5 70 8.0 15.5° 18.5° 21.5° 11.5 16.0 Type FPA 5AZ 8.0 60 5.0 18.5° 21.5° Cavity Load range Colour [kN] coding 5.0 Cavity b (mm) 34.0 FPA - 5AZ - G - 16.0 - 200 Load range [kN] Load range [kN] 315 335 360 385 0240.210-00017 Other cavity sizes on request = angle α changed, therefore larger h subject to change without notice. all dimensions in mm H A L F E N PA N E L S U P P O RT F I X I N G T Y P E F PA - S / - S 1 Special versions TYPE FPA-S Component parts, type FPA-S FPA-S-R: HTA-HALFEN channel (Cast-in support) 25° α h Ordering example type S: Product Type Component part Load range(kN) Cavity (mm) FPA-S-M: perforated strap with nut (Hanger assembly) and U-washer, rocker connector, 2 Halfen bolts with nut and U-washer FPA - S - M - 3.0 - 200 FPA-S-E: HTA-HALFEN channel (Lower cast-in element) Load range [kN] b fmin acc. HTA-approval certificate Type Load Marking range [kN] 3.0 5.0 FPA-S-R Cast-in support Halfen channel FPA-S-E FPA-S-M Lower cast-in Hanger assembly element Halfen channel HTA 28/15(A4) HTA 28/15(A4) FPA-S-R + FPA-S-M + FPA-S-E Complete set FPA-S-G- f FPA-S-G: (Complete set) 8.0 6.0 Order no. Order no. Cavity 0240.0100240.010- Cavity 80-180 190-200 00001 00002 80-180 190-200 Cavity b (mm) 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 h h h h h h h h h h h h h 3.0 kN 200 220 240 260 280 300 330 350 370 390 410 430 450 6.0kN 200 220 240 260 280 350 370 390 410 430 0240.150-00001 HTA 38/17(A4) HTA 38/17(A4) 00003 00004 80 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 6.0 3.0 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 300 200 -00002 330 0240.150-00003 450 -00004 TYPE FPA-S1 Component parts FPA-S1 FPA-S1-R: HTA-HALFEN channel (Cast-in support) FPA-S1-M: rocker connector, nut and u-washer, 1 x HALFEN bolt with nut and U-washer FPA-S1-E: perforated strap (Hanger assembly) 25° α h Ordering example type S1: Product Type Component part Load range (kN) Cavity (mm) FPA - S1 - M - 6.0 - 200 (additional reinforcement on site) b Type Load range [kN] 3.0 Additional reinforcement (on site) Yield strength 500N/mm2, tensile strength 550N/mm2, dia.6 mm (Form see page 11) Load range [kN] FPA-S1-R + FPA-S1-M + FPA-S1-E Complete set FPA-S1-G- f FPA-S1-G: (Complete set) 6.0 Cavity Order no. Cavity Order no. (mm) 0240.020- (mm) 0240.02080-150 160-200 00001 00002 80-150 160-200 00003 00004 Cavity b Marking FPA-S1-R Cast-in support Halfen channel FPA-S1-E Lower cast-in element perforated strap FPA-S1-M Hanger assembly 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 h h h h h h h h h h h h h 5.0 HTA 28/15(A4) 3.0 kN 3.0 kN 190 210 230 250 270 290 320 340 360 380 400 415 435 6.0 kN 6.0 kN 190 210 230 250 270 290 360 380 400 420 440 Order no. Hanger assembly (M) 6.0 3.0 8.0 HTA 38/17(A4) Order no. Hanger assembly (M) subject to change without notice 200 0240.160-00001 320 340 0240.160-00002 all dimensions in mm 15 H A L F E N PA N E L S U P P O RT F I X I N G T Y P E F PA 3 Assembly and installation instruction INSTALLATION OF THE CAST-IN SUPPORT FPA-3 R 3. Fix with nails to the formwork (see FPA-5). Nail holes are provided at the U-shaped bracket and the angle cleat. 6. Position complete assembly on the support arm. recess former support arm ASSEMBLY OF THE PRECAST WALL PANEL rocker connector suitable area for concrete edge reinforcement (on site) max. upper position max. lower position 1. Place the polystyrene recess onto the support arm. 2. Insert the reinforcing stirrup through the holes in the side straps of the support arms. 3. Attach the cast-in support to the formwork with 2 nails. (securing with additional reinforcement is possible). ASSEMBLY ACCESSORIES: - MOUNTING OF THE LOWER CASTIN ELEMENT FPA-3-E open ring spanner (order separately, see page 40) locating pin angle cleat u-shaped bracket recess former reinforcement (on site) polystyrene recess former 1. Insert the polystyrene recess former between u-shaped bracket and angle cleat (thicker part into the panel) and tighten the nuts. Nuts should be tightened to the torque value quoted in the following table. 2. Insert the reinforcing stirrup through the holes provided. 16 1. Remove the polystyrene recess former. 2. Slide the perforated strap between u-shaped bracket and angle cleat. Any polystyrene remaining in the gap between the u-shaped bracket and the angle cleat can be pushed out with the perforated strap. 3. Adjust the perforated strap roughly to the required length according to table page 18, fix the perforated strap by means of the locating pin (rotate the locating pin 180°). Bend the perforated strap over the angle cleat. 4. Tighten nuts to the torque values quoted in the following tables. 5. Assemble the rocker connector, place the u-washer and nut on the threaded rod of the perforated strap and hang into the cast-in support. RECOMMENDED TORQUE FOR BOLTS TO THE WALL PANELINSTALLATION PART FIXING recommended torque [Nm] Load range [kN] initial torque final torque 5.0 1 5 8.0 2 5 11.5 2 10 16.0 5 15 22.0 5 15 34.0 10 30 46.0 15 60 56.0 15 60 H A L F E N PA N E L S U P P O RT F I X I N G T Y P E F PA - 5 . . . Assembly and installation instruction CAST-IN THE LOWER CAST-IN ELEMENT FPA-5-E INTO WALL PANEL angle cleat U-shaped bracket ASSEMBLY OF THE PRECAST WALL PANEL 1. Set the approved anchor bolt into the concrete, according to the approval certificate and manufacturers instructions. suitable area for concrete edge fixingbolts highest installation lowest installation recess former slotted strap reinforcement (on site) polystyrene recess former 1. Insert the polystyrene recess former between U-shaped bracket (thicker part into the panel) and the angle cleat and tighten the nut. Nuts should be tightened to the torque value quoted in the following table. 2. Insert the reinforcing stirrups through the holes provided. 3. Fix with nails to the formwork. Nail holes are provided for this in both of the U-shaped bracket and the angle cleat wooden board temporary construction fixing bolts locating pin 2. Remove the polystyrene recess former from the lower fixing. 3. Slide the perforated strap between the U-shaped bracket and the angle cleat. Any polystyrene remaining in the gap between the U-shaped bracket and the angle cleat can be pushed out with the perforated strap. 4. Adjust the perforated strap roughly to the required length according to table page 18, fix the perforated strap by means of the locating pin (rotate the locating pin 180°). Bend the perforated strap over the angle cleat. 5. Tighten nuts to the torque values quoted in the following tables. 6. Fix the slotted strap to the threaded rod of the perforated strap with nuts and washers. 7. Secure the slotted strap with the fixing bolts. 8. Position complete assembly onto the support arm. two point suspension ASSEMBLY ACCESSORIES - open ring spanner (order separately, see page 40) TORQUE VALUES FOR BOLTS OF THE LOWER COMPONENT Load range Recommended torque [Nm] [kN] Initial torque Final torque 5.0 1 5 8.0 2 5 11.5 2 10 16.0 5 15 22.0 5 15 34.0 10 30 46.0 15 60 56.0 15 60 17 TA B L E T O S E L E C T T H E C O R R E C T H O L E O F P E R F O R AT E D S T R A P locating pin L axis of the hole preselected for fixing Z PERFORATED HANGER STRAP FOR TYPE FPA 3 Type FPA-3 Load range [kN] 5.0 Cavity b [mm] Z [mm] 8.0 L [mm] Z [mm] 11.5 L [mm] Z [mm] 16.0 L [mm] Z [mm] 22.0 L [mm] Z [mm] 34.0 L [mm] Z [mm] 46.0 L [mm] Z [mm] 56.0 L [mm] Z [mm] L [mm] 60 251 284 283 320 378 392.5 458 499.5 70 293 309 316 361 378 442.5 514 561.5 80 314 334 349 361 419 442.5 514 90 335 382 402 640 492.5 100 356 384 382 110 377 384 120 398 409 130 419 140 435 359 453 506 515 614 630 561.5 570 714 623.5 402 460 415 443 448 443 434 448 461 459 150 482 160 503 170 524 180 545 559 580 607 665 692.5 794 871.5 190 566 584 613 648 706 742.5 850 871.5 200 587 609 613 648 706 742.5 906 933.5 645 492.5 570 623.5 501 542.5 626 685.5 501 542.5 626 685.5 484 542 592.5 682 747.5 481 525 583 592.5 682 747.5 484 514 525 583 642.5 738 747.5 509 547 566 624 642.5 738 653 534 547 704 679 566 665 860 692.5 830 948 794 809.5 809.5 794 1042 PERFORATED HANGER STRAP FOR TYPE FPA 5 Type FPA-5 Load range [kN] 5.0 Cavity b [mm] Z [mm] 8.0 L [mm] L [mm] Z [mm] 16.0 L [mm] Z [mm] 22.0 L [mm] Z [mm] 34.0 L [mm] Z [mm] 46.0 L [mm] Z [mm] 56.0 L [mm] Z [mm] 60 167 184 217 238 255 - - - 70 167 184 217 238 255 292.5 - - 80 167 184 217 238 255 292.5 - - 90 188 184 238 255 292.5 346 - 100 209 209 217 238 255 292.5 346 375.5 110 230 234 250 238 296 292.5 120 251 259 283 279 296 292.5 346 375.5 130 272 284 316 279 337 342.5 346 375.5 140 293 316 320 337 342.5 402 375.5 150 314 349 361 378 392.5 402 375.5 160 335 359 382 361 419 392.5 458 437.5 170 377 384 382 402 419 442.5 514 437.5 180 398 409 415 402 460 442.5 514 190 419 434 448 443 501 492.5 200 440 501 492.5 246 435 645 subject to change without notice 18 Z [mm] 11.5 278 309 334 459 453 653 217 481 341 506 704 484 392 515 679 409 614 480 630 346 570 570 556 724 L [mm] 375.5 608 499.5 499.5 561.5 794 all dimensions in mm H A L F E N T O P F I X I N G D O W E L T Y P E W PA - A / B Calculation of loads Applied loads: (light arrows) Checking calculation: Q = 1/2 dead weight of the panel (with symmetrical suspension of the panel) Hmax ≤ table value see page 20 H b Hz W = 1/2 wind load on the panel Wd = wind pressure Ws = wind suction V Q a h Loads on fixings (dark arrows) W V=Q Du, Q = Qxa = Hexz h Hmax = Hexz + Ws x 0,5 = Do 0.5 x Ws corresponds 1/4 wind load on the whole panel Du = Du, Q + 0.5 Wd = wind load on 1/4 panel Du Du. g ≥ 1.2 Ws otherwise suction restraint fixing required. Dimensions: a = Load eccentricity calculate for small panel unit height with value a (centroidal axis to axis of anchor). With tall panels (e.g. storey height) its position can be assumed approximately on the panels centre line. h = distance between lower and upper restraint fixings Further information see page 20 H A L F E N T O P F I X I N G D O W E L T Y P E W PA - A / B Calculation r e dia. p H t g b c lg l Threaded plate, dimensions see page 20 (r ) Load range V [kN] Dowel [thread] A [mm2] W [mm3] 5.0 M24 x 1.5 380 1045 8.0 M28 x 1.5 573 1932 11.5 M30 x 1.5 661 2393 16.0 M35 x 1.5 908 3858 22.0 M39 x 1.5 1134 5387 34.0 M45 x 1.5 1521 8362 subject to change without notice. V dia. d The table values V or Hexz and/or Hmax may be exceeded providing the following checks are carried out (please consult HALFEN-DEHA technical department): A = Cross-sectional area of the dowel W = Section modulus of the dowel σ = Steel stress Nd = 1.35 (V + √3x Hmax) Md = 1.35 x Hmax (b+35) N M + <1 Nd Mpld Nd = A x 200 = 181.82 x A [N] 1.1 Mpld = 1.69 x W x 200 = 307.27 x W [N] 1.1 19 H A L F E N T O P F I X I N G D O W E L T Y P E W PA - A / B Selection table The Top Fixing Dowel is adjustable for height ± 15mm. (with b = 20mm : +15/-10mm). One dowel should be fitted with a plastic sleeve to allow thermal expansion. Type WPA -B (with plastic sleeve to allow thermal expansion) Type WPA -A (fixed) Ordering example : Product Type Load range(kN) Dimension b (mm) WPA -A -11.5 - 60 Load range V [kN] Colour Product Type -A/-B 11.5 16.0 22.0 34.0 yellow red blue green brown black 0241.010-00001 0241.010-00002 0241.010-00003 0241.010-00004 0241.010-00005 0241.010-00006 Order no. -B 0241.020-00001 0241.020-00002 0241.020-00003 0241.020-00004 0241.020-00005 0241.020-00006 H max. H max. H max. H max. H max. H max. kN kN kN kN kN kN 20 3.40 6.07 - - - - 30 2.94 5.26 6.27 9.85 13.30 19.57 40 2.58 4.64 5.54 8.73 11.80 17.42 50 2.31 4.15 4.96 7.83 10.61 15.70 60 2.08 3.76 4.49 7.10 9.63 14.28 70 1.90 3.43 4.10 6.50 8.82 13.10 80 - - 3.77 5.99 8.14 12.10 l [mm] 275 275 310 315 345 375 t [mm] 65 65 70 75 75 75 min c [mm] 140 140 160 160 190 220 dia. d [mm] 22 27 29 34 38 24 e [mm] M24 x 1.5 M28 x 1.5 M30 x 1.5 M35 x 1.5 M39 x 1.5 M45 x 1.5 lg [mm] 115 115 120 125 125 125 r [mm] 110 115 120 125 140 140 g [mm] 10 10 12 12 15 15 dia. p [mm] 60 70 70 70 80 80 max. Hz [kN] 5.18 9.25 9.85 15.48 20.37 29.36 subject to change without notice. 20 8.0 Order no. -A b [mm] WPA- 5.0 H A L F E N T O P F I X I N G D O W E L T Y P E W PA - A / B Assembly and installation instruction 4. The tapped plate is then twisted on to the exposed thread of the dowel. 1. Form a recess in the structure (grout hole) for the dowel may be cast directly into the concrete, in which case care should be taken to ensure that the dowel remains perpendicular. 2. The dowel (when not cast-in) should be grouted into the structure vertically using concrete (strength 35 N/mm2) 3. Form a recess in the precast unit for grouting in the dowel once aligned (recess dia.p see table page 20). 5. Positioning of the corner panel is then achieved vertically by use of the tapped plate and horizontally within the grout recess. 6. Once finally positioned the recess in the panel is grouted up with concrete (concrete strength ≥ 25N/mm2). The panel must be temporarily secured in it´s final position until the concrete grout has cured. 21 H O R I Z O N TA L A N C H O R I N G Halfen-Spacer bolts, wind anchors, dowel restraint fixings, summary of types Horizontal anchors are used as horizontal support of facing panels. Loads are to be calculated as shown on page 6. The selection of the version is made according to section, distance and accessibility. A lot of various Halfen-DEHA anchors in different load ranges are allowable. HALFEN WIND ANCHORS Version for the use between orthogonal surfaces: type HKZ Hammer-head restraint tie type HKZ-GF Hammer-head screw tie type HKZ-GU Hammer-head restraint tie, U-shaped HALFEN SPACER BOLTS Versions: type DS - 13, DS - 16, DS - 25 HALFEN DOWEL RESTRAINT FIXINGS Upper socket: Type HFV 1 Type HFV 2 Type HFV 5 Type HFV 8 Slotted plastic socket KS Slotted steel socket A4 Plastic socket KS Fixed socket A4 Dowels: Type HFV 3 Type HFV 7 Loose dowel A4 Fixed dowel A4 Lower socket: Type HFV 4 Type HFV 5 Type HFV 8 Type HFV 9 Grouting socket A4 Plastic socket KS Fixed socket A4 Plastic grouting socket KS Restraint tie Type HZK-GU Spacer bolt Type DS - 13 Version for the use between parallel surfaces: type LD Adjustable restraint type SPV Restraint with turnbuckle type WDK Plastic wind anchor Dowel fixing Type HFV 238 Adjustable dowel fixing: Type HFV 6N Adjustable dowel restraint fixing see page 33 (only supplied as complete set) Adjustable restraint Type LD 22 H A L F E N S PA C E R B O LT S T Y P E D S - 1 3 / 1 6 / 2 5 f Ordering example : b Product Type Thread Cavity b (mm) hr DS-13-10-100 Allowable loads and edge distances for Spacer bolts by using without additional reinforcement ALLOWABLE LOADS ON SPACER BOLTS Product DS Type Thread Cavity b [mm] ± 20mm M10 40 7.81 12.46 19.47 60 7.81 12.46 19.47 13 16 25 M12 M16 M20 M24 M27 36.37 - 36.37 46.60 Thread min f [mm] min hr [mm] - M10 70 50 7.81 - M12 70 90 12.46 80 120 16.64 90 120 19.47 90 135 24.48 100 150 28.80 Allowable compressive load [kN] zul.N [kN] 80 7.81 12.46 19.47 36.37 46.60 - 100 7.60 12.46 19.47 36.37 46.60 60.60 120 6.65 11.18 19.47 36.37 44.11 59.91 140 5.83 10.02 19.47 36.37 41.56 56.81 160 5.14 8.99 19.47 36.37 39.19 53.92 120 170 36.37 180 4.54 8.09 19.47 34.83 36.98 51.20 120 180 38.40 200 4.02 7.30 17.99 32.57 34.93 48.65 150 180 46.60 220 - - 16.63 30.49 33.01 46.25 120 180 38.40 240 - - 15.39 28.57 31.21 44.00 150 225 55.20 subject to change without notice Other cavity dimensions on request M16 M20 M24 M27 all dimensions in mm L L L DS 1 DS 3 Plastic socket DS 7 (separately) DS 5 DS 2 DS 1 DS 6 LH LH LH Spacer bolt Type DS - 13 Spacer bolt Type DS - 16 Spacer boltType DS - 25 consists of: tensile/compressive socket DS 3 consists of: consists of: spacer bolt DS 1 pressure plate DS 6 spacer bolt DS 1 The plastic socket DS 7 is to be ordered separately. DS-16 is not suitable for restraint Type LD. tensile/compressive socket DS 5 spacer bolt DS 2 The DS 5 socket is open ended allowing the DS 2 bolt, which has a slot in this end of its shank to be adjusted after assembly. 23 H A L F E N S PA C E R B O LT S T Y P E D S - 1 3 / 1 6 / 2 5 LENGTH OF SPACER BOLTS M10 Cavity b [mm] ± 20mm L DS-13/-25 40 60 M12 L DS-16 L DS-13/-25 70 90 90 110 80 110 100 M16 L DS-16 L DS-13/-25 72 92 75 92 112 95 130 112 132 115 130 150 132 152 120 150 170 152 140 170 190 172 160 190 210 180 210 200 M20 M24 L DS-13/-25 M27 L DS-13/-25 L DS-16 95 80 100 - 115 100 120 105 135 120 140 125 145 - - 135 155 140 160 145 165 145 165 172 155 175 160 180 165 185 165 185 192 175 195 180 200 185 205 185 205 192 212 195 215 200 220 205 225 205 225 230 212 232 215 235 220 240 225 245 225 245 230 250 232 252 235 255 240 260 245 265 245 265 220 - - - - 255 275 260 280 265 285 265 285 240 - - - - 275 295 280 300 285 305 285 305 subject to change without notice L DS-16 Other spacings on request L DS-16 L DS-13/-25 L DS-16 - - - 125 _ - all dimensions in mm Recommended Halfen spacer bolts suitable for buildings up to 100 m height and maximum area of the precast unit with minimum thickness f. Load range of panel support fixing [kN] Halfen spacer bolt DS Cavity b up to [mm] 5.0 M10 150 5.0 M12 250 8.0 M12 160 8.0 M16 390 11.5 M16 310 16.0 M16 220 16.0 M16 420 22.0 M16 350 34.0 M16 230 34.0 M16 260 46.0 M16 180 46.0 M16 210 56.0 M16 150 56.0 M16 380 Consisting of : Type 13: spacer bolt DS 1 and socket DS 3 Type 16: spacer bolt DS 1 and pressure plate DS 6 Type 25: spacer bolt DS 2 and socket DS 5 DS 3 b f LH DS 7 LENGTHS OF THE SOCKETS LH Thread tensile/compressive socket DS 3 LH Order-no. M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 M27 58 59 64 72 75 80 0243.030-00001 0243.030-00002 0243.030-00003 0243.030-00004 0243.030-00005 0243.030-00006 DS 6 Pressure plate DS 6 Order-no. Plastic socket DS 7 for DS - 16 (order separately) 0243.060-00001 0243.060-00002 0243.060-00003 0243.060-00004 0243.060-00005 0243.060-00006 70 70 80 80 - - - - LH Order-no. 0243.070-00001 0243.070-00002 0243.070-00003 0243.070-00004 tensile/compressive socket DS 5 Order-no. 24 LH LH = f (thickness of precast unit) 0243.050-LH 0243.050-LH 0243.050-LH 0243.050-LH DS 5 on request on request H A L F E N S PA C E R B O LT S T Y P E D S - 1 3 / 1 6 / 2 5 ORDER NOS. FOR SPACER BOLTS DS 1 / DS 2 M10 Length L 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 DS1 Order-no. 243.010- 00002 00003 00004 00005 00006 00007 00008 00009 00010 00011 DS2 Order-no. 243.020- 00001 00002 00003 00004 00005 00006 00007 00008 00009 - M12 Length L 72 92 112 132 152 172 192 212 232 252 DS1 Order-no. 243.010- 00012 00013 00014 00015 00016 00017 00018 00019 00020 00021 DS2 Order-no. 243.020- 00011 00012 00013 00014 00015 00016 00017 00018 00019 - M16 Length L 75 95 115 135 155 175 195 215 235 255 275 295 DS1 Order-no. 243.010- 00022 00023 00024 00025 00026 00027 00028 00029 00030 00031 00032 00033 DS2 Order-no. 243.020- 00021 00022 00023 00024 00025 00026 00027 00028 00029 00030 00031 - M20 Length L 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 DS1 Order-no. 243.010- 00035 00036 00037 00038 00039 00040 00041 00042 00043 00044 00045 00046 DS2 Order-no. 243.020- 00033 00034 00035 00036 00037 00038 00039 00040 00041 00042 00043 - M24 Length L 105 125 145 165 185 205 225 245 265 285 305 DS1 Order-no. 243.010- 00047 00048 00049 00050 00051 00052 00053 00054 00055 00056 00057 DS2 Order-no. 243.020- 00045 00046 00047 00048 00049 00050 00051 00052 00053 00054 - M27 Length L 145 165 185 205 225 245 265 285 305 DS1 Order-no. 243.010- 00058 00059 00060 00061 00062 00063 00064 00065 00066 DS2 Order-no. 243.020- 00056 00057 00058 00059 00060 00061 00062 00063 - ORDER NOS. FOR SPACER BOLTS DS 13 DS 13 dia. Cavity (mm) 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 M10 0243.130- 00001 00002 00003 00004 00005 00006 00007 00008 00009 - - M12 0243.130- 00010 00011 00012 00013 00014 00015 00016 00017 00018 - - M16 0243.130- 00019 00020 00021 00022 00023 00024 00025 00026 00027 00028 00029 M20 0243.130- 00030 00031 00032 00033 00034 00035 00036 00037 00038 00039 00040 M24 0243.130- - 00041 00042 00043 00044 00045 00046 00047 00048 00049 00050 M27 0243.130- - - - 00051 00052 00053 00054 00055 00056 00057 00058 ORDER NOS. FOR SPACER BOLTS DS 16 Cavity (mm) DS 16 140 160 180 200 220 240 M10 0243.160- 00001 00002 00003 00004 00005 00006 00007 00008 00009 - - M12 0243.160- 00010 00011 00012 00013 00014 00015 00016 00017 00018 - - M16 0243.160- 00019 00020 00021 00022 00023 00024 00025 00026 00027 00028 00029 M20 0243.160- 00030 00031 00032 00033 00034 00035 00036 00037 00038 00039 00040 M24 0243.160- - 00041 00042 00043 00044 00045 00046 00047 00048 00049 00050 M27 0243.160- - - - 00051 00052 00053 00054 00055 00056 00057 00058 dia. 40 60 80 100 120 25 HALFEN RESTRAINT TIE TYPE HKZ (only for tensile loads) Ordering example : Product/Type Suitable channel Distance a1 Material e HKZ-38/17-100-A4 ar b Component parts : - Tie with slot and serrations - Serrated washer a1 l Product HKZ a1 Load range Suitable ± 20 (tensile) channel [kN] [mm] (HTA) 28/15 Order-no. Stainless steel A4 0245.010- fixing to b l e ar Slot HALFEN channel [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] with T-head bolt 50 00001 0 90 75 00002 25 115 100 00003 50 140 00004 75 165 150 00005 100 190 175 00006 125 215 200 00007 150 240 125 3.5 25 HS 28/15 M10x30 recommended torque MA = 15 Nm Adjustment [mm] Order HALFEN T-head bolt separately. a1 or b ± 20mm 50 11x55 75 HS 38/17 M12x50 a1 or b 13x55 recommended tor± 20mm que MA = 25 Nm 0245.020- HKZ (HTA) 38/17 75 00002 0 115 100 00003 25 140 125 00004 50 165 00005 75 190 175 00006 100 215 200 00007 125 240 150 7.0 30 subject to change without notice short lengths 150, 200, or 250 mm long or officially approved drilled bolts Galvanized version on request Check edge distances ar when using drilled bolts. HALFEN RESTRAINT TIE TYPE HKZ-GF (suitable for tensile and compressive loads) Ordering example : Product/Type Suitable channel Distance a1 Material e HKZ-38/17-100-A4 ar b a1 l Product Load range a1 Suitable (tensile/com± 20 pression) channel [mm] [kN] (HTA) HKZ-GF 28/15 Order-no. Stainless steel A4 0245.050- b l e ar Slot [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] 75 00001 25 115 100 00002 50 140 00003 75 165 150 00004 100 190 175 00005 125 215 00002 25 143 00003 50 168 00004 75 193 00005 100 218 125 3.5 30 50 fixing to HALFEN channel with T-head bolt 11x55 HS 28/15 M10x30 recommended torque MA = 15 Nm 13x55 HS 38/17 M12x50 recommended torque MA = 25 Nm Adjustment [mm] Component parts : - Tie with welded threaded rod, pre-assembled locking plate, nut and U-washer - Serrated washer Order HALFEN T-head bolt separately. a1 or b ± 20mm 0245.060100 HKZ-GF (HTA) 38/17 125 150 175 26 7.0 35 75 a1 or b ± 20mm subject to change without notice short lengths 150, 200, or 250 mm long or officially approved drilled bolts Galvanized version on request Check edge distances ar when using drilled bolts. HALFEN RESTRAINT TIE TYPE HKZ-GU (suitable for tensile and compressive loads) Ordering example: Product/Type of Suitable channel Distance a1 Material e HKZ-GU-50/30-225-A4 h ar b a1 l Load a1 range Order-no. Suitable b l e ar h Slot Stainless steel A4 Product ± 20 (tensile/ channel [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] compression) 0245.090[kN] 200 HKZGU 38/17 225 ± 7.0 250 00001 125 243 00002 150 268 00003 175 293 44 fixing to HALFEN channel with T-head bolt Adjustment [mm] 75 HS 38/17 a1 M12x50 12 13x60 recommended torque ± 20 MA = 25 Nm 150 HS 49/30 a1 M16x50 15 17x60 recommended torque ± 20 MA = 60 Nm Component parts : - Tie with serrations, welded threaded rod and pre-assembled locking plate, nut and U-washer - Serrated washer Order HALFEN T-head bolt separately. 0245.100- HKZGU 50/30 200 00001 50 245 225 00002 75 270 250 00003 100 295 275 ± 12.0 00004 125 320 300 00005 150 345 56 short lengths 150, 200, or 250 mm long or officially approved drilled bolts Galvanized version on request Check edge distances ar when using drilled bolts. subject to change without notice 27 H A L F E N A D J U S TA B L E R E S T R A I N T T Y P E L D (suitable for tensile and compressive loads) t dia. k a The adjustable restraint type LD should be used in conjunction with spacer bolts M10, M12 and M16. When using spacer bolts M10 use Uwashers between the bolt head and the slot. (order separately). Load range Product (tensile) [kN] LD Installation: 1. Pass the spacer bolt through the slot in the strap. When using M10 spacer bolts use a washer under the bolt head. 2. Screw the spacer bolt into the socket and adjust. 3. Attach to the HALFEN channel. 4. Use the adjustor bolt to keep the strap parallel to the wall. 5. Tighten the HALFEN T-head bolt. Ordering example : Product Load range Order spacer bolts separately (see page 25 for details). LD-3.5 Component parts: - Adjustable restraint with setscrew - HALFEN bolt with nut Order-no. 0244.000- a [mm] t [mm] k ±15 [mm] dia. [mm] fixing to HALFEN channel HALFEN T-head bolt dia. x L 2.0 00001 40 10 38 11 HTA 28/15 M10x40 3.5 00002 48 12 39 13 HTA 38/17 M12x50 6.0 00003 60 15 46 17 HTA 49/30 M16x50 subject to change without notice short lengths 150, 200, or 250 mm long For allowable compressive loads see “Spacer bolts” page 23 HALFEN RESTRAINT WITH TURNBUCKLE TYPE SPV Ordering example : Product Load range Cavity (mm) Material L SPV- 7.0- 100- A4 b Component parts : - Turnbuckle - 2 HALFEN T-head bolts (righthand/ lefthand), 3 flat nuts, 2 U-washers and 2 locking washers Order HALFEN channel separately. subject to change without notice Short lenght 150, 200, 250 mm long All dimensions in mm. Load range [kN] 5.0 7.0 HALFEN T-head HALFEN T-head Cavity Turnbolt bolt Product b buckle lefthand thread righthand thread mm L M12 M12 100±10 50 60 40 SPV 00001 Orderno. 00007 HALFEN T-head HALFEN T-head Turnbolt bolt buckle lefthand thread righthand thread L M16 M16 - Orderno. 120±15 50 75 40 00002 50 75 40 00008 - - - 140±15 50 75 60 00003 50 75 60 00009 80 60 50 00013 160±15 50 95 60 00004 50 95 60 00010 80 75 60 00014 180±15 50 115 60 00005 50 115 60 00011 80 95 60 00015 200±15 50 135 60 00006 50 135 60 00012 80 115 60 00016 HALFEN channel 28 Orderno. 10.0 HALFEN T-head HALFEN T-head Turnbolt bolt buckle lefthand thread righthand thread L M16 M16 50 60 40 HTA 38/17 HTA 38/17 HTA 49/30 PLASTIC WIND ANCHORS TYPE WDK (suitable for tensile and compressive loads) PLASTIC WIND ANCHOR reinforced concrete Installation parts : Insert tube WDK-E-7.0-100 Order-no. 0247.010-00001 (for f = 80-100) Component parts : WDK-E-7.0-120 Order-no. 0247.010-00002 ( + for f = 105-120) Accessories : Plug with rim WDK-STR Order-no. Threaded tube + Ring plate WDK-M Order-no. 0247.020-00001 0250.060-00001 Plug without rim WDK-STO Order-no. 0250.060-00002 Extension (+20) for insert tube WDK-E-7.0-VRL20 Order-no. Extension for threaded tube WDK-M-7.0-VRL40 Order-no. 0247.020-00004 Attention: If using more than 2 extension parts (WDK-M-7.0-VRL40, additional spacer bolts (e.g. DS 13) should be used to take up pressure load. Distance between spacer bolt and WDK should be 150-300 mm. 0247.010-00003 Threaded rod + mortar cartridge Product code WDK-DUE-7.0-100- 20/ 60-A4 WDK-DUE-7.0-100- 70/100-A4 WDK-DUE-7.0-100-110/140-A4 Please observe the approval certificate of the manufacturer ! WDK-DUE-7.0-100-150/180-A4 Order-no. 0430.010-00014 0430.010-00015 0430.010-00016 0430.010-00017 for f [mm] for b from/up to [mm] 100 20/60 120 0/40 100 70/100 120 50/80 100 110/140 120 90/120 100 150/180 120 130/160 29 PLASTIC WIND ANCHORS TYPE WDK (suitable for tensile and compressive loads) ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION Insert tube Extension Threaded tube Extension Ring plate Mortar cartridge Threaded rod Plug CAST-IN Cast-in the insert tube (with corresponding extension if unit thickness > 100 mm), at position as shown in the installation drawing. With unit thicknesses of less than 100 mm the insert tube , WDK-E-7,0-100 Order-no. 0247.010-00001, can be shortened by up to 20 mm. damaged. Drill a hole (dia. 12 mm) through the threaded tube into the loadbearing construction. Insert the mortar cartridge into the cleaned hole. The threaded rod must be placed in with an impact-ratchet process using a hammer drill with setting equipment. Only after the mortar in the drill hole is hardened can the nut be tighten. moulding ASSEMBLY ON SITE Screw in the threaded rod , with the help of a box spanner (Order-no. 0403. 020-00006), into the insert tube . Eventually required extensions push on to the threaded tube. on the threaded Place the ring plate tube (or on to the extension ). To align the distance (b) twist the threaded tube. Place the concrete unit to its After placing the threaded rod the washer and nut should be screwed lightly. To align the distance (b) twist the threaded tube with box spanner(Order-no. 0403.020-00006). position. Use jam square timber between unit and in-situ concrete as a buffer, otherwise the plastic components can be 30 The approval certificate of the mortar cartridge system is to be observed. The threaded tube can be closed with a plug . HALFEN DOWEL RESTRAINT FIXINGS Upper parts and Dowels SLOTTED PLASTIC SOCKET TYPE HFV 1 SLOTTED STEEL SOCKET TYPE HFV 2 FIXED SOCKET TYPE HFV 8 Independently approved Independently approved 6 L 50 L 48 230 6 230 44/47 B B B C 75 60 50 120 Material: Stainless steel A4 Material: Plastic PLASTIC SOCKET TYPE HFV 5 Material: Stainless steel A4 LOOSE DOWEL TYPE HFV 3 FIXED DOWEL TYPE HFV 7 Independently approved Independently approved 230 150 L 60 D 150 B 48 Non stock item. Ask for time of delivery. 230 45 6 45 Material: Plastic Material: Stainless steel A4 Material: Stainless steel A4 Upper parts Product HFV 1 Load range Order-no. [kN] 0249.010- HFV 2 B [mm] L [mm] Order-no. Dowels HFV 5 L [mm] Order-no. 0249.020- B [mm] HFV 8 L [mm] Order-no. 0249.050- B [mm] HFV 7 L [mm] Order-no. 0249.080- B [mm] HFV 3 Order-no. 0249.070- dia. [mm] 0249.030- D [mm] 2.5 00001 18 100 00001 17 50 00001 16.5 100 00001 17 100 00001 16 00001 16 5.0 00002 22 100 00002 21 60 00002 20.5 100 00002 21 100 00002 20 00002 20 subject to change without notice all dimensions in mm 31 HALFEN DOWEL RESTRAINT FIXINGS Lower parts GROUTING SOCKET TYPE HFV 4 Independently approved PLASTIC SOCKET TYPE HFV 5 FIXED SOCKET TYPE HFV 8 Independently approved B L 230 L 200 L B 6 Styropor® 50 45 45 75 B 90 6 48 60 Remove polystyrene before placing dowel then fill up with mortar. Material: Plastic Material: Stainless steel A4 Material: Stainless steel A4 POSSIBLE COMBINATIONS OF DOWEL RESTRAINT FIXINGS GROUTING SOCKET TYPE HFV 9 B Upper Lower Independ. approved Dowel part part combination HFV 1 3 4 - 1 3 5 - 1 3 8 - 1 3 9 - 2 3 4 yes 2 3 5 - 2 3 8 yes 2 3 9 - 5 3 4 - 5 3 9 - Product Order-no. 8 3 4 yes HFV-B-WB 0249.100-00001 8 3 9 - HFV-B-A4 0249.100-00002 L Product SPIRAL REINFORCEMENT TYPE HFV-B fits HFV1, HFV5 and HFV9 Spiral reinforcement 60 x 80 mm Ordering example : Product Upper part Dowel Lower part Load range (kN) To be filled up with mortar after dowel is inserted. Material: Plastic HFV - 2 3 8 - 2.5 Lower parts Product HFV 4 Load range (kN) Order-no. 2.5 5.0 B [mm] L [mm] 00001 44 100 00001 44 100 0249.040- subject to change without notice 32 HFV 5 Order-no. HFV 8 B [mm] L [mm] 00001 16.5 100 00002 20.5 100 0249.050- Order-no. HFV 9 B [mm] L [mm] 00001 17 100 00002 21 100 0249.080- Order-no. 0249.090- 00001 B [mm] L [mm] 40 100 all dimensions in mm HALFEN DOWEL RESTRAINT FIXINGS Adjustment fixing ADJUSTMENT FIXING TYPE HFV-6N The adjustment fixing HFV-6N consists of two plastic sleeves with openings running diagonally opposite to each other and one with a twisted stainless steel flat pin. Adjustment is archieved by lateral movement to the flat pin in the diagonally opposite opening of both plastic sleeves. A surface to surface fixing of the facing panels is possible without time consuming screwing and unscrewing. The adjustment fixing is the easiest and most time saving way of fixing hanging facing panels with space behind them. Installation of the plastic sleeve during casting is achieved with the help of the fastening device which is attached to the plastic sleeve. It is fastened to the formwork and so secures the position of the plastic sleeve in the facing panel. Installation can therefore be carried out quickly and precisely. The fastening device is designed for a minimum thickness of the facing panel of 100 mm. When assembling, suitable wooden wedges or plastic washers are put onto the already assembled facing panels in order to avoid mounting the adjustment pin. Finally, the adjustment pin is covered with the accompanying foam strip and inserted from underneath into the socket of the facing panel hanging from the crane. In doing so, take care that both of the adjustment pins are inserted into the sockets of the facing panels in the same position each time, e.g. both left, central or right. When the facing panel is then lowered to exactly the correct height, the assembly pliers, which are specially shaped for this job, are inserted into the joint and the load on the adjustment pin is removed. This can now be pushed to the left or right with the help of a simple flat bar (approx. 300 x 50 x 5 mm) until the facing panel to be assembled is adjusted to the same height as the connected panel. After removing the assembly pliers the facing panel is completely assembled. The adjustment pin can no longer be moved. Product code Order-no. HFV-6N-4.0-A4 0249.060-00001 Load dmin fmax range [mm] [mm] 4.0 80 15 ADJUSTMENT FIXING WITH REINFORCEMENT 33 H A L F E N PA R A P E T C O R B E L Summary of types PARAPET CORBEL TYPE BRA-N, STANDARD Parapet corbel with welded-on pressure plate: Profile types: 100, 180, 300, 375, 500, 600, 750 and 900. Other dimensions on request. For vertical adjustment additional steel packing shims are required. The shims are to be placed underneath at the thrust bearing in front. Fixing with HALFEN channels or approved anchor bolts. This type is used to fix parapet units such as balcony units. The installation of the parapet corbel should be submerged in the floor slab (see example on page 36). Only two parapet corbels are to be arraned per parapet unit. Otherwise a adjustable version should be used. PARAPET CORBEL TYPE BRA-A, SPANDREL VERSION Parapet corbel with welded-on pressure plate: Profile types: 100, 180, 300, 375, 500, 600, 750 and 900. Other dimensions on request. For vertical adjustment additional steel packing shims are required. The shims are to be placed underneath at the thrust bearing in front. Fixing with HALFEN channels or approved anchor bolts. PARAPET CORBEL TYPE BRA-NJ, STANDARD ADJUSTABLE Parapet corbel with adjustor bolt: Profile types: 100, 180, 300, 375, 500, 600, 750 and 900. Other dimensions on request. Fixing with HALFEN channels or approved anchor bolts. For vertical adjustment with adjustor bolt the adjusting equipment BRA-Z2 is required. PARAPET CORBEL TYPE BRA-AJ, SPANDREL VERSION ADJUSTABLE Parapet corbel with adjustor bolt: Profile types: 100, 180, 300, 375, 500, 600, 750 and 900. Other dimensions on request. Fixing with HALFEN channels or approved anchor bolts. For vertical adjustment with adjustor bolt the adjusting equipment BRA-Z2 is required. 34 This type is used to fix parapet units such as spandrel panels at roof area (see example on page 36). Only two parapet corbels are to be arranged per parapet unit. Otherwise a adjustable version should be used. H A L F E N PA R A P E T C O R B E L Calculation of loads Applied loads: (light arrows) Q = weight of the parapet panel W = wind load on the parapet panel H = point loads f H Lever arms Q w = 50mm + b + 0.5f b = distance between parapet and the edge of the slab f = thickness of parapet panel hw = centre of the parapet panel - axis of anchor hH = point load position (Note: point load may be applied at the upper edge of parapet) - axis of anchor hH W hw Ho M Mo V v v b 50 Bending moment the largest bending moment on the parapet corbel occurs on the front support point: w all dimensions in mm MQ = Q x w MW = W x hw MH = H x hH Mo = ΣM = MQ + MW + MH ΣM n Select the parapet corbel according to its allowable bending moment n = number of parapet corbels per panel ≥ 2 if n>2 use adjustable parapet corbels NJ/AJ Checking calculation Q/n < allow. Q acc. to table page 38 Fixing equipment (behind) Rz = (ΣHo )2 + Mo 2 < allow. Rz (fixing equipment) v Ho = Σ H = H + W (per anchor) Mo = bending moment per anchor bearing load (in front) V= Mo +Q v 35 H A L F E N PA R A P E T C O R B E L B R A - N / A Independently approved f min M Type BRA-N Z dia. g i Type BRA-A slot m M e Ordering example : j *) v min b 50 Product Type Profile type Dimension b a *) levelling bolt and locking plate to order separately (see page 39) L BRA - N - 300 - 120 Further details: see type test report (on request) Product Profile type 100 180 300 375 500 600 750 900 allow. M [kNcm] 100 175 240 270 465 500 640 810 b [mm] BRA-N BRA-A L L L L L L L Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. L [mm] [mm] 0242.020- [mm] 0242.0200242.020- [mm] 0242.020- [mm] 0242.020- [mm] 0242.020- [mm] 0242.020- [mm] 0242.020- 0-30 340 00011 380 00051 480 00091 560 00131 530 00171 580 00211 605 00251 705 00291 40-60 370 00021 410 00061 510 00101 590 00141 560 00181 610 00221 635 00261 735 00301 70-90 400 00031 440 00071 540 00111 620 00151 590 00191 640 00231 665 00271 765 00311 100-120 430 00041 470 00081 570 00121 650 00161 620 00201 670 00241 695 00281 795 00321 Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. 0242.010- 0242.010- 0242.010- 0242.010- 0242.010- 0242.010- 0242.010- 0242.010- 0-30 340 00011 380 00051 480 00091 560 00131 530 00171 580 00211 605 00251 705 00291 40-60 3/0 00021 410 00061 510 00101 590 00141 560 00181 610 00221 635 00261 735 00301 70-90 400 00031 440 00071 540 00111 620 00151 590 00191 640 00231 665 00271 765 00311 100-120 430 00041 470 00081 570 00121 650 00161 620 00201 670 00241 695 00281 795 114 116 150 156 160 00321 a [mm] 88 108 e [mm] 35 40 49 54 60 60 68 74 fmin [mm] 80 90 100 110 110 110 130 130 dia.g [mm] 8 10 12 14 14 14 16 16 i [mm] 40 50 60 70 70 70 90 90 j [mm] 45 55 65 75 75 75 100 100 170 700 m [mm] 350 420 500 550 650 650 700 vmin [mm] 130 160 250 320 290 340 340 440 slot 13x80 17x80 17x80 17x80 21x80 21x80 21x80 21x80 Max. RZ [kN] 7.74 11.05 9.97 9.09 16.65 15.67 20.00 20.11 HTA 40/25 HTA 49/30 HTA 49/30 HTA 49/30 HTA 54/33 HTA 54/33 HTA 54/33 HTA54/33 HALFEN channel length 200 mm subject to change without notice Adjustment for b= ± 20 mm To check the length of parapet corbel out of the concrete. (concrete cover 20 mm). Z = L - j - 20 mm 36 Order no. all dimensions in mm H A L F E N PA R A P E T C O R B E L B R A - N J / A J Independently approved f min M Type BRA-NJ Z dia. g i Type BRA-AJ slot m M e Ordering example : j *) u Product Type Profile type Distance b (mm) a v min b 50 *) levelling bolt and locking plate to order separately (see page 39) L BRA - NJ - 300 - 120 Further details: see type test report (on request) Product Profile type 100 180 300 375 500 600 750 900 allow. M [kNcm] 100 175 240 270 465 500 640 810 b [mm] BRA-NJ BRA-AJ L L L L L L L Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. L [mm] [mm] 0242.040- [mm] 0242.0400242.040- [mm] 0242.040- [mm] 0242.040- [mm] 0242.040- [mm] 0242.040- [mm] 0242.040- 0-30 340 00011 380 00051 480 00091 560 00131 530 00171 580 00211 605 00251 705 00291 40-60 370 00021 410 00061 510 00101 590 00141 560 00181 610 00221 635 00261 735 00301 70-90 400 00031 440 00071 540 00111 620 00151 590 00191 640 00231 665 00271 765 00311 100-120 430 00041 470 00081 570 00121 650 00161 620 00201 670 00241 695 00281 795 00321 Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. 0242.030- 0242.030- 0242.030- 0242.030- 0242.030- 0242.030- 0242.030- Order no. 0242.030- 0-30 340 00011 380 00051 480 00091 560 00131 530 00171 580 00211 605 00251 705 00291 40-60 370 00021 410 00061 510 00101 590 00141 560 00181 610 00221 635 00261 735 00301 70-90 400 00031 440 00071 540 00111 620 00151 590 00191 640 00231 665 00271 765 00311 100-120 430 00041 470 00081 570 00121 650 00161 620 00201 670 00241 695 00281 795 114 88 108 e [mm] 44 48 57 62 69 69 77 83 fmin [mm] 80 90 100 110 110 110 130 130 dia.g [mm] 8 10 12 14 14 14 16 16 i [mm] 40 50 60 70 70 70 90 90 j [mm] 45 55 65 75 75 75 100 100 m [mm] 350 420 500 550 650 650 700 700 vmin [mm] 130 160 250 320 290 340 340 440 slot 13x80 17x80 17x80 17x80 21x80 21x80 21x80 21x80 Max. RZ [kN] 7.74 11.05 9.97 9.09 16.65 15.67 20.00 20.11 HTA 40/25 HTA 49/30 HTA 49/30 HTA 49/30 HTA 54/33 HTA 54/33 HTA 54/33 HTA 54/33 u [mm] HALFEN channel length 200 mm 116 150 156 160 00321 a [mm] 170 b + j + 20 mm + 50mm subject to change without notice all dimensions in mm Adjustment for b= ± 20 mm To check the length of parapet corbel out of the concrete. (concrete cover 20 mm). Z = L - j - 20 mm 37 H A L F E N PA R A P E T C O R B E L Calculation of loads Profile type fmin w [mm] Checking calculation: 100 180 300 375 500 600 750 900 max. allow. Q [kN] 1. ΣQ/n ≤ max. allow. Q [kN] 2. ΣM/n ≤ Load range M see also page 36 and 37 Q ü i ü Ws/Wd Rz 90 8.82 14.73 18.13 19.95 33.50 33.52 37.91 41.09 100 8.82 14.73 18.13 19.95 33.50 33.52 37.91 41.09 110 8.82 14.73 18.13 19.95 33.50 33.52 37.91 41.09 120 8.33 14.58 18.13 19.95 33.50 33.52 37.91 41.09 130 7.69 13.46 18.13 19.95 33.50 33.52 37.91 41.09 140 7.14 12.50 17.14 19.29 33.21 33.52 37.91 41.09 150 6.67 11.67 16.00 18.00 31.00 33.33 37.91 41.09 160 6.25 10.94 15.00 16.88 29.06 31.25 37.91 41.09 170 5.88 10.29 14.12 15.88 27.35 29.41 37.65 41.09 180 5.56 9.72 13.33 15.00 25.83 27.78 35.56 41.09 190 5.26 9.21 12.63 14.21 24.47 26.32 33.68 41.09 200 5.00 8.75 12.00 13.50 23.25 25.00 32.00 40.50 210 4.76 8.33 11.43 12.86 22.14 23.81 30.48 38.57 220 4.55 7.95 10.91 12.27 21.14 22.73 29.09 36.82 230 4.35 7.61 10.43 11.74 20.22 21.74 27.83 35.22 240 4.17 7.29 10.00 11.25 19.38 20.83 26.67 33.75 250 4.00 7.00 M ≥ 50 W 9.60 10.80 18.60 20.00 25.60 32.40 Max. connection load for fixing equipment vmin AQ Rz [kN] 7.74 11.05 9.97 max. AQ [kN] 9.09 16.65 15.67 20.00 20.11 9.07 13.60 17.00 18.93 31.13 31.00 35.46 38.60 W = distance between gravity axis of the load (Q) and front loadbearing point (AQ) Profile type b [mm] e r ≤ 500 mm for all parapet units with capping pressure 38 180 300 375 500 600 750 900 max. e [mm] (limited due to thermal expansion) 0 3800 4050 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 20 4500 4750 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 40 5250 5450 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 60 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 ≥ 80 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 fmin r 100 = i + 2 x allow. ü (ü = minimum concrete cover ) r subject to change without notice all dimensions in mm H A L F E N PA R A P E T C O R B E L Accessories for assembly 1. HALFEN channel for fixing the parapet unit to the structure. The HALFEN channel with typical length of 200 mm should be made of stainless steel (A4) if there is no concrete cover. If inserting to a recess and grout-in the galvanized version can be used. 2. The parapet corbel is to be cast in perpendicular to the precast unit. A concrete cover of 20 mm to the welded-on reinforcement is assumed. For other concrete covers the difference is to be added (only for chekking the anchor length - not for calculating the bending moments). Profile type 100 180 300 375 500 600 750 900 Profile type HALFEN channel HALFEN bolts b Z 100 HTA 40/25x200 M12x60 0-30 275 305 395 465 435 485 485 585 180 HTA 49/30x200 M16x60 40-60 305 335 425 495 465 515 515 615 300 HTA 49/30x200 M16x60 70-90 335 365 455 525 495 545 545 645 375 HTA 49/30x200 M16x60 500 HTA 54/33x200 M20x75 600 HTA 54/33x200 M20x75 750 HTA 54/33x200 M20x75 900 HTA 54/33x200 M20x75 100-120 365 395 485 555 525 575 575 675 Z Ordering example : Product Profile Length (mm) Material 200 HTA 40/25x200-A4 x t LA t Profile type LA 4. Adjustor bolt and locking plate. The vertical adjustment set for NJ and AJ consists of a hexagonal-head bolt, a locking plate and a shim. Available in hot dip galvanized (fv) or stainless steel (A4) to suit site conditions (criterias as for assembly partsl). x b= 0. 10. BRA-N/A BRA-NJ/AJ 40. 70. 100 b= 20. 50. 80. 110 b= 30. 60. 90. 120 100 280 50 65 200 190 180 180 320 60 70 230 220 210 300 410 70 80 320 310 300 375 480 75 80 390 380 370 500 450 80 100 360 350 340 600 500 80 100 410 400 390 750 500 90 105 410 400 390 900 600 95 110 510 500 490 3. Assembly parts: for fixing the Parapet corbels to the HALFEN channel an assembly set is required. The set consists of HALFEN bolts with nut and washer, locking plate and slotted shims in different thicknesses (3mm + 6mm). The criterias for using stainless steel (A4) parts or hot dip galvanized (fv)are to be observed. If there are no Halfen channels in the structure also approved anchor bolts can be used in accordance with the current approvals and manufacturers instructions (Rz see calculation). For this case the assembly set is to be used without the HALFEN bolts. Profile type Adjustor bolt 100 M16x40 180 M16x40 300 M20x50 375 M24x50 500 M27x60 600 M27x60 750 M30x60 900 M33x70 Ordering example : Product Accessory no. Profile type Material BRA - Z2 - 180 - A4 Ordering example : Product Accessory no. Profile type Material BRA - Z1 - 180 - A4 Assembly accessories: - Ring spanner - Torque wrench 39 A S S E M B LY A C C E S S O R I E S F O R H A L F E N PA N E L S U P P O RT F I X I N G DOUBLE ENDED OPEN SPANNER TYPE FPA-Z1 BOX SPANNER TYPE FPA-Z2 JOINTED BOX SPANNER TYPE FPA-Z3 S1 L S S2 S Double ended open spanner S1/S2 [mm] Order-no. 0403.010- 11/13 17/19 22/24 00003 30/32 00004 40 for the assembly of Box spanner type Z 02 S [mm] Order-no. 0403.020- 00001 13 00002 17 FPA, HKZ for the assembly of Jointed box spanner S [mm] L [mm] Order-no. 0403.020- 00001 13 600 00001 00002 17 600 00002 19 00003 19 600 00003 22 00004 22 650 00004 24 00005 24 650 00005 27 00006 30 650 00006 30 00007 36 00008 41 00009 46 00010 50 00011 BRA, WDK TENDER TEXTS Wall panel reinforced concrete grade........., ..........m long; ..............m high; .............m thick; reinforced as statically required, surface finish ...................................; manufacture, deliver and erect. Fixed to structure by means of HALFEN-panel support fixing type ............; cavity ...........mm; air gap .............mm. Restraint at panel top by means of HALFEN-spacer bolt type DS-.............; M..............; b...............mm. Restraint at panel bottom by means of HALFEN-dowel restraint fixing, type HFV-................; load range ...............kN. Suction restraint by means of HALFEN-wind anchor type .............; b .............mm; load range ............kN. Parapet panel reinforced concrete grade........., ..........m long; ..............m high; .............m thick; cutoff wall l/f ............./.............mm, reinforced as statically required, surface finish ...................................; manufacture, deliver and erect. Fixed to structure Restraint of lower edge of panel Parapet- (spandrel-) panel by means of HALFEN-Top fixing dowel WPA load range .............kN; respectively 1 x type A and B by means of HALFEN-Spacer bolt type DS-............; M ...........; b ...............mm or. by means of HALFEN-dowel restraint fixing type HFV-..................; load range .............kN. reinforced concrete grade........., ..........m long; ..............m high; .............m thick; reinforced as statically required, surface finish ...................................; manufacture, deliver and erect. Fixed to a concrete floor by means of HALFEN-Parapet corbel type BRA.............; load range .............kN. Distance between parapet and edge of floor slab b=................mm. 41 E N Q U I RY / O R D E R F O R M HALFEN-DEHA Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH Customer : Liebigstrasse 14 Building project : 40764 Langenfeld Germany Telephon +49 (0)2173-970-831 Fax +49 (0)2173-970-849 Enquiry Date : Purchase order Desired delivery date : Project-no. : Delivery address : Sheet. : HALFEN-Panel support fixing HALFEN-Panel support fixing HALFEN-Panel support fixing HALFEN-Panel support fixing Material: Material: Material: Material: Stainless steel W 1.4571/1.4401 (A4) FPA-5 FPA-5Z Complete set FPA-5-G-.....-...... Load range [kN] Stainless steel W 1.4571/1.4401 (A4) FPA-5A Complete set FPA-5Z-G-.....-...... b [mm] Order-no. 5.0 60-80 00001 5.0 90-180 00002 5.0 190-280 8.0 Load range [kN] Stainless steel b [mm] Order-no. 5.0 60-80 00001 5.0 90-180 00002 00003 5.0 190-280 60-100 00004 8.0 8.0 110-180 00005 8.0 190-260 11.5 Stainless steel W 1.4571/1.4401 (A4) FPA-5AZ Complete set FPA-5A-G-.....-...... Load range [kN] W 1.4571/1.4401 (A4) b [mm] Order-no. 5.0 60-90 00001 5.0 100-180 00002 00003 5.0 190-280 60-100 00004 8.0 8.0 110-180 00005 00006 8.0 190-260 60-110 00007 11.5 11.5 120-190 00008 11.5 200-290 16.0 Complete set FPA-5AZ-G-.....-...... Load range [kN] b [mm] Order-no. 5.0 60-90 00001 5.0 100-180 00002 00003 5.0 190-280 00003 60-110 00004 8.0 60-110 00004 8.0 120-180 00005 8.0 120-180 00005 00006 8.0 190-260 00006 8.0 190-260 00006 60-110 00007 11.5 60-120 00007 11.5 60-120 00007 11.5 120-190 00008 11.5 130-190 00008 11.5 130-190 00008 00009 11.5 200-290 00009 11.5 200-290 00009 11.5 200-290 00009 60-140 00010 16.0 60-130 00010 16.0 60-140 00010 16.0 60-140 00010 16.0 150-190 00011 16.0 140-190 00011 16.0 150-190 00011 16.0 150-190 00011 16.0 200-280 00012 16.0 200-280 00012 16.0 200-280 00012 16.0 200-280 00012 22.0 60-130 00013 22.0 60-130 00013 22.0 60-140 00013 22.0 60-140 00013 22.0 140-200 00014 22.0 140-200 00014 22.0 150-200 00014 22.0 150-200 00014 22.0 210-320 00015 22.0 210-320 00015 22.0 210-320 00015 22.0 210-320 00015 34.0 70-130 00016 34.0 70-130 00016 34.0 70-160 00016 34.0 70-160 00016 34.0 140-220 00017 34.0 140-220 00017 34.0 170-220 00017 34.0 170-220 00017 34.0 230-310 00018 34.0 230-310 00018 34.0 230-310 00018 34.0 230-310 00018 46.0 90-160 00019 46.0 90-130 00019 46.0 170-230 00020 46.0 140-230 00020 46.0 240-130 00021 46.0 240-130 00021 56.0 100-150 00022 56.0 100-150 00022 56.0 160-250 00023 56.0 160-250 00023 56.0 260-350 00024 56.0 260-350 00024 0240.030- nos. 0240.060- HALFEN-Spacer bolt DS-13 tensile/compressive sleeve consists of DS 1 and DS 3; Material: Stainless steel A4 nos. 0240.040- nos. nos. Please state the ar and aA dimensions when ordering. Product code DS-13DS-13DS-13DS-13DS-13DS-13DS-13- 42 0240.070- Thread M Cavity b mm nos. 43 HALFEN-DEHA WORLDWIDE HALFEN-DEHA is represented in more than 35 countries worldwide. Please contact our Export ServiceCenter, if you wish to receive information about the HALFEN-DEHA foreign representatives. HALFEN-DEHA Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH -Export ServiceCenterLiebigstr. 14 D-40764 Langenfeld GERMANY Phone: +49 (0) 2173-970-831 Fax: +49 (0) 2173-970-849 e-Mail: export@halfen-deha.de Internet: www.halfen-deha.com Northern Europe Phone: +49 (0) 2173-970-842 Fax: +49 (0) 2173-970-850 Eastern Europe Phone: +49 (0) 2173-970-834 Fax: +49 (0) 2173-970-850 Middle Europe Phone: +49 (0) 2173-970-193 Fax: +49 (0) 2173-970-849 Southern Europe Phone: +49 (0) 2173-970-839 Fax: +49 (0) 2173-970-850 Asia / Australia Phone: +49 (0) 2173-970-842 Fax: +49 (0) 2173-970-850 Arab Countries / Africa / Phone: +49 (0) 2173-970-842 Fax: +49 (0) 2173-970-850 North America Phone: +49 (0) 2173-970-193 Fax: +49 (0) 2173-970-849 South America Phone: +49 (0) 2173-970-839 Fax: +49 (0) 2173-970-850 © 2004 HALFEN-DEHA Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, applies also to copying in extracts Please contact the Export ServiceCenter for: INTERNET www.halfen-deha.com •Products •Catalogues •News •Download •Contact •Practice •About HALFEN-DEHA Technical and design changes reserved The information in this publication is based on state-of-the-art technology at the time of publication. We reserve the right to make technical and design changes at any time. HALFEN-DEHA shall not accept liability for the accuracy of the information in this publication or for any printing errors. 0.000 03/04 The HALFEN-DEHA Quality Management System is certified for the locations in Gemany and Switzerland according to DIN EN ISO 9001, Certificate No. QS-281 HH. FE - 030 - 03/04 NOTES REGARDING THIS CATALOGUE: HALFEN-DEHA Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH · Liebigstraße 14 · 40764 Langenfeld · GERMANY Telefon: + 49 (0) 2173-970-0 · Telefax: + 49 (0) 2173-970-123 · www.halfen-deha.com
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