the 916 bulletin
the 916 bulletin
THE 916 BULLETIN Monthly Newsletter of the BENEVOLENT & PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS Lodge #916 Vol. 8, No. 2 925 North Avenue Burlington, VT 05408 (802) 862-1342 The Exalted Ruler’s Message Hopefully, the hardest part of winter is behind us. As the train continues to plow through the month of February, let’s not forget February 16 as our 140th Anniversary of the Order of Elks. We have been on many different tracks through the past years; let’s just focus on staying on the “right side” of the track. We have a great fraternal organization and let’s keep it that way by not forgetting this year’s theme “United to Serve Others.” The New Year’s Eve Dinner dance was a great time to finish out the New Year. Chairperson Mary Tessier, with help from her husband Tom, organized a great party. Thank you from all that attended. On the morning of New Year’s Day, present and past officers visited members that were unable to attend our New Year’s Day festivities. Thank you, Hank Metevier for the limo ride and hats off to our driver, Mickey Auclair. We then returned to the Lodge for the annual toast. The room was filled with many old time members as well as new members. Again this year, laughter was brought to us by our Lodge “story tellers”, Charlie Neary and Nick Morwood. It just wouldn’t be the same without you guys. (Editor note: pictures on page 5) I want to thank Chef John Plunkett for a fine array of food. John Hill’s music entertainment kept everyone dancing well into the evening. Tom Tessier, Ray Benoit, Ed Vincent and Steve Metcalf - thanks to you guys for coming in early New Year’s Day to set up for the event. How about a great big “hooray” and thank you to our staff Carrie Plunkett, Kari Lopez and Jeanne Welsh. Their smiles and sense of humor always seem to amaze me. Last but not least, I want to thank all of the members and guests for the kind words given to myself and my Officers that day. We all try very hard to make this Lodge one we can all be proud of and enjoy coming to. Don’t forget the Penguin Plunge on February 9th. Again this year we will pay the $25.00 entry fee for you to take the plunge. Vermont Special Olympics is a very rewarding program for special people. Please help raise funds for them. Plunge – Plunge – Plunge! “Old Timers Night”, February 21st is always a fun night. Please try to attend. Good luck to our Ritual Team who will be competing in Rutland the weekend of February 23-24th! Happy Birthday to all Leap Year Babies! Fraternally, Diane Hazen, Exalted Ruler FEBRUARY 2008 350 Club ....................................................... 4 Activity Calendar ......................................... 8 Birthdays ...................................................... 5 Bits & Pieces ................................................ 4 Blood Drive .................................................. 3 Bridal Show.................................................. 6 Calcutta......................................................... 7 Coin Bandits................................................. 7 Comedy Night .............................................. 3 Contact Information ..................................... 2 Convention Yearbook................................... 3 Eldoes Annual Sweetheart Dance................. 4 Eldoes Update .............................................. 7 Elks Care Elks Share .................................... 3 French Night................................................. 7 In Vain We Call............................................ 2 Lodge Notices .............................................. 2 New Year’s Day Pictures ............................. 5 Officers......................................................... 2 Penguin Plunge............................................. 8 Proposed Members ....................................... 2 Raffle Tickets ............................................... 5 Silver Towers Calendars............................... 4 Special Notice............................................... 5 State Trustee Nominations ........................... 3 Steak Night Menus ....................................... 4 Texas Hold’em Tournament......................... 7 Volunteer of the Month ................................ 8 Penguin Plunge Saturday, February 9th French Night Saturday, February 9th 350 CLUB Saturday, February 14th Eldoes Sweetheart Dance Saturday, February 16th • • • The regular membership meetings will be held on the third Thursday of the month at 7pm. Members are welcome to attend the Governing Board meeting on the second Tuesday at 7pm in the upstairs meeting room. The Lodge Investigating Committee meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm when there are members proposed. THESE APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP OR REINSTATEMENT WILL BE BALLOTED ON AT THE FEBRUARY 21ST MEMBERSHIP MEETING Name Address Occupation Proposer JUDITH MCGIVNEY BURLINGTON RETIRED MARY ELLEN SESSA DEREK DEVINE BURLINGTON STUDENT MICHAEL DEVINE TAMMY FREEMAN BURLINGTON DRIVER RICKY BOUCHER SUZANNE SHEPARD ESSEX JUNCTION ADVISOR RANDY LOPES MARY BLANKEMEYER COLCHESTER ACCOUNTING DAVID BLANKEMEYER ROBERT HOLLINGER BURLINGTON RETIRED AL BARCOMB KEVIN BARCOMB BURLINGTON IBM AL BARCOMB BILL GAGNON BURLINGTON LAWYER CHRIS BISSONETTE PETER CUMMINGS PLATTSBURGH PAT BRENNAN IN VAIN WE CALL Name Date of Birth Initiated Died FREDERIC BLAKE FEBRUARY 1, 1927 SEPTEMBER 22, 1974 JANUARY 7, 2008 THE 916 BULLETIN LODGE OFFICERS 2007-2008 Exalted Ruler: Esteemed Leading Knight: Esteemed Loyal Knight: Esteemed Lecturing Knight: Secretary: Treasurer: Inner Guard: Esquire: Tiler: Chaplain: Organist: State Trustee: Diane Hazen Dave Blankemeyer Mary Paule Hill Rick Boucher Charles Munson Brian Bouchard Steve Schifilliti Robert Brown Daniel Ryan Hank Metevier Monthly Newsletter of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks #916 925 North Avenue - Burlington, VT 05408 Published monthly and mailed to all current Lodge Members and select others, by standard mail at Burlington, VT. The content can also be viewed at the Lodge’s Website, Relevant information for inclusion is welcomed and should be submitted by the 15th of the month proceeding the publication by: • emailing to • Placing the material in the 916 Bulletin mailbox at the Lodge front entranceway. • Mailing it to the Lodge to the attention of the 916 Bulletin. Bruce Webster, PER LODGE TRUSTEES Trustee (exp. 3/2008): Trustee and Chairman (exp. 3/2009): Trustee (exp. 3/2010): Trustee (exp. 3/2011): Trustee (exp. 3/2012): Fred Dusablon, PER Chris Bissonette Ron LaRose, PER, PSP Jim Procopio Gary Little, PER HOW TO CONTACT THE LODGE General Information Exalted Lodge Secretary.......................... Lodge Treasurer Trustees .......................................... Event Bookings Bulletin Editor We do our best to include all pertinent information that our members would find interesting, however if the materials are not received by the Editor on or before the 15th of the month, there is a chance that they may not be included in the next issue due to the time needed to produce, print and mail the Bulletin. Our goal is to have it delivered to our members by the 1st of the following month. We reserve the right to edit submitted items for brevity and appropriateness. The Exalted Ruler has the final responsibility for the Bulletin content. Editor - John Hill Photography - Wayne LaBonte 2 BLOOD DRIVE A very successful Blood Drive was held on December 28th with 46 units collected from 55 donors that stopped by! First Night buttons or t-shirts were given to each donor. We also had two Lodge Officers that donated for the first time: Esquire Bob Brown and Esteemed Leading Knight Dave Blankemeyer. Thank you BOTH! Non-member donors were: Sharole Somers, Sherry Star, Tracy Desilets, Mike Lehouiller, Ed Murray, John Herriels, James Hale, Ben Green, Barbara Evarts, Madeline Shappy, William Kent, Mick Cucenci, Adam Norton, BJ LaScala, Krystie LaScala-Hughes, Mary Cuylan, Di Howard, Anne Kimmel, Mary Procopio, MaryEllen Brown, Paul Kearney, Lee Keller, Rhonda Dawson, Jacki Richer, Ken Millman, Charles Richer and Sara VanArtsdale. Elks member donors: Norm Yandow, Gill Yendrzeski, Charles Munson, Brian Bouchard, Dick Desautels, Sue Schmitt, Ed Goddard, Mardi Senna, Keith Kovacik, Chrissy Johnson, Dennis Goyette, Don Irish, G. Blanchard, Carole Reese, Jeff Bryant, Bob Brown, Dave Blankemeyer, Mike Blondin, Diane Hazen, Don Trombley, Jim Procopio and David Dawson. (Editor note - some names were unreadable) Just a reminder that our future drives will be starting at 3:00pm and run until 7:00pm. I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to all Lodge donors, friends and neighbors for your fantastic support! Special thanks to Dave Ploesser (co-chair) and the Eldoes for all of your time and support to our Lodge. A total of 215 productive units of blood were collected during the six blood drives during 2007! With sincerest appreciation, Wilfred “Dizzy” Desilets, Chairperson, PER Thank you, thank you, thank you... for opening your hearts and wallets for the ENF Drive. Through your generosity on New Year’s Day we raised $1,496.00 for ENF. We continue to be number ONE in the State and number TWO in the country in per member giving for this year. New Year’s Day was a fun event for all members, good food, good conversation and great jokes provided by Charlie Neary and Nick Morwood. It was great to see everyone in the Lodge wearing ENF heart pins. The Elks National Foundation was established in 1928 as the charitable arm of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. The mission of ENF is to build stronger communities, drug awareness, hoop shoot, local scholarships and our State Charity: Silver Towers for Exceptional People. Our state in 2007 contributed $31,537.00 and received back $43,205.00 for ENF missions. Linda Langlois, ENF Chairperson Nominations for three year State Trustee to represent our Lodge will be held on February 21, 2008 at our monthly meeting. Charles Munson, Lodge Secretary COMEDY NIGHT The 81st Annual Convention Yearbook VT. State Elks Association, Inc. Convention to be held at the Sea Crest Resort, Falmouth, MA If you wish to place an AD in the yearbook, please contact an Officer of the Lodge Full Page $60.00 Half Page $40.00 Quarter Page $25.00 Come to the Lodge on Saturday night, February 23rd. We’ll have several stand up comedians to yuk it up! Admission is $15 to benefit Silver Towers. DEADLINE IS APRIL 1ST Specializing in residential & lakeshore properties for over 10 years. Whether you’re buying or selling, let me help you. ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION, LLC Roofing, Siding, Windows and more! Scott Beauvais 734-5402 655-7663 Angela MacDonald, Realtor 802-846-9523 3 Certified Installers of Owens Corning & GAF Materials BITS & PIECES • Have you seen the new High Definition television in the Jolly Corks Lounge? It has an excellent picture. Cookie isn’t crazy about it. It turns itself off periodically and the reason is unclear. High technology can be frustrating, can’t it Cookie? Date Menu Extra Meal 2/14 Ham Steak $12.00 3/13 Steak No Extras (March is for ticket holders only) Reminder: Make reservations for 350 Club Dinners at least TWO DAYS in advance. Only ONE (1) dinner per ticket Only ONE (1) guest dinner per ticket The next 350 Club dinner will be on February 14th. Volunteers are needed. Fraternally yours, Dave Blankemeyer Esteemed Leading Knight STEAK NIGHT MENU FEBRUARY 20, 2008 PRIME RIB SCHROD SHRIMP DIANE PETITE FILET W/ MERLOT SAUCE CHICKEN LOUIS ROAST PORK LOIN IF YOU HAVEN’T PURCHASED YOUR SILVER TOWERS CALENDAR YET THEY ARE STILL AVAILABLE AT THE BAR • Of course, during the daytime hours it is all about Cookie. No one had better touch “her” remote, or interfere with “her” soaps. Dear Cookie, someday when you have a minute I’ll show you how to work the “sleep timer” function on that set! • New Englanders will have a season worth remembering. Not only was 2007 a World Series Championship year for the beloved Red Sox, but the Patriots are on track to win the Super Bowl. Even if they don’t they have been incredible all season, and fans will be able to point to the 07-08 year as one of distinction. • Happy Valentine’s Day. Once again this year Reid Allen and his Barber Shop Quartet will serenade your loved one on Valentine’s Day. Not a bad gift idea. Contact information is available at the bar. • I was talking to Sue Austin yesterday. She was saying she remembers driving home from IBM on the straight beltline, before they built the curvy beltline. I believe that is also known as North Avenue! • Here are some useless factoids: Americas favorite color is blue, followed by red, green white and pink. One bucket of water can make enough fog to cover 105 square miles in 50 ft. of fog. (no indication how large that bucket might be). A plucked eyebrow takes 90 days to grow back. • A quote from former President Gerald Ford, “Things are more like they are now than they ever have been”. I don’t know about you, but that is a relief to me! John Plunkett ELDOES SWEETHEART DINNER/DANCE Saturday, February 16th Cocktails - 6:00pm/Dinner - 6:30pm Entertainment by Wes and Sally Blair Petite Filet, Baked Stuffed Chicken or Scrod $18 per person Tickets on sale through the Eldoes or at the bar 4 Raffle Tickets The 2007-2008 Vermont Elks State President’s Raffle tickets are now available at the bar. Tickets are only $10 each with the drawing on May 31, 2008. 1st ........... One week at the Seacrest Resort in Falmouth, MA for 4 people including breakfast and dinner. 2nd .......... One weekend at the Seacrest Resort for 4 people including breakfast and dinner. 3rd .......... 4 Red Sox tickets - great seats 4th .......... 4 New England Patriots tickets 8 rows back 5th ........... 18 holes of golf with golf cart 6-10th .... $500 cash drawings SPECIAL NOTICE There will be an increase in the price of drinks at the bar to help defray increased costs due to heating and electrical bills. Trustees and Governing Board Birthday this month? Bring your driver’s license to Steak Night and get $5 off ! 1 James Barrett Wesley Blair Maurice Lefebvre Todd McGovern Bernard Young 2 Thomas Brennan Robert Duggan, Jr. Donald Rivers 3 Randall Corey Henry Stannard 4 Ken Beardsley Jennifer Belisle Robert Carman Peter Jones Marty Metevier Thomas O’Brien Odeley Ross 5 Gary Bartlett Leo O’Brien, Jr. 6 Mickey Auclair John Jackson Gary Langevin 7 Arthur Bartlett William Rylant P. Emile Senesac Adrien Thibault Henry Valley Kurt Wright 8 Edward Companion C. Joseph Goodrich 9 Carol Forguites Richard Lavallee Peter Sheppard 10 Phillip Bushell 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Ronald Corey, Sr. Zeberiah Snow Richard Bevins, Jr. Tami Menard Donald Richer C. Harry Behney Richard Relyea Calvin Wilson Dominic Aloi James Guilbault Patricia Larrabee Mark MacCormack Donald Mallette Joseph Finnigan Arthur Rock Kyle Williams Fred Behnke Ross Christie William Glinka Bob McCann Robert Chadwick David Ely II Alan Longe 18 William Andrus Richard Bushnell Reginald Howard 19 Michael Evarts David Lavalette Peter Lawrence Eric Thaler Douglas Weston 20 Samuel Phelps John Shea 21 George Gamelin Dorothy Metevier Kuno Olson 22 Gerald Dupont Alden Ehler Patrick Jennings Robert Lecuyer Robert Ryan 23 Adelbert Carpenter Edward Couture George Jette Wayne LaBonte, Sr. 115 Woodbury Rd. Burlington, VT 05408 (802) 658-2771 APHY OTOGR H P E NT E LABO WAYN Weddings Portrait Event 5 24 25 26 27 28 29 Seth Lasker Matthew Plunkett Gregg Sharrow David Langlois Olivio Curti Fred Dusablon Leo Dusablon John Mattos Thomas Mayo John Varricchione John Vincent Debra Dion Mary Hill Edward Ploof Richard St.Peter William Tennien Lisa Tulkop James DubukeWilliam Rundle Donald Alexander 1st Annual Elks Bridal Show Sunday - February 24th Noon - 3pm Meet the area’s top Wedding and Event Professionals to help you plan your perfect wedding. Talk with the experts! Needleman’s Bridal & Formals will model the latest wedding attire Appetizers Fashions Prizes WIN A WEDDING DRESS! Tell y our friend s! A donation is suggested. Proceeds benefit Silver Towers. Aaron’s RICHARD BUSHNELL HOME INSPECTIONS Home 802-862-6647 TREE SERVICE 802-598-7670 Reasonable Responsible Reliable 70 Bay Rd., Colchester, VT 6 Cell 802-238-4267 Total House Mechanical Structural Roof Foundation Be Sure With A Professional Inspection French Night Saturday, February 9th Cocktails - 6:00pm Dinner - 7:00pm Dancing to “The Adams” - 9:00pm $25.00 per person ELDOES UPDATE “Be the Best of Whoever You Are!” The following is a list of our Holiday Bazaar raffle winners: Ginny Merchant, Ruth Martel, Dan Ryan, Betty Shappy, Marion Howard, Eileen Campbell, Barbara King, Jan Bossi, Nancy Stone, Julie DeSpirito, Ken Peters, Bev Brown, Bev Guest, Shirley Cross, Marilyn Luchini, Theda Hurtubise, Paula DeSpirito, Charlene Cannizzaro, and Sally Vachereau We thank you for your continued support! February birthdays wishes: Marie Ago, Cheryl Demers, Elsie Dinwiddie, Gisele Fontaine, Dorothy Metevier, Agatha Morrow and Betty Shappy Filet Mignon with Béarnaise Sauce, Split Pea Soup, Tourtière (Meat Pie), Salad, Potato, Rolls and Dessert Gentlemen - Jackets please Chairperson: Dizzy Desilets, PER (Volunteers needed. Sign up on bulletin board in bar.) LODGE CALCUTTA Sunday, February 24th Letters will go out within the next couple of weeks. If you would like to be put on the waiting list, please contact Gary Little. All tickets must be returned by February 18th. COIN BANDITS for There will be a change bucket at the Lodge for donations to this worthy cause. Next time you stop in, dig deep in your pockets for extra loose change. At the end of February all funds will be used locally to benefit this worthy cause. After all, our children are the future of the world...let’s help them out! Dave Blankemeyer Esteemed Leading Knight A belated Happy Birthday wish to Eileen Campbell! Remember, if you come to Steak Night during the month of your birthday, you will receive $5.00 off the price of your meal. Also, if you have not signed the monthly birthday sheet at a meeting, please do so or call me at 862-8878 to add your name to the list. Thanks! February 10 February 16 February 19 March 18 Upcoming events: Partners in Adventure Valentine Get-together Sweetheart Dance with Sally and Wes Blair ($18 per person – dinner choices: Baked Stuffed Chicken, Petit Filet – Scrod) Tickets may be purchased at the Lodge Fun-Nite at the Races meeting 7:00 p.m. Come and enjoy a fun night – see what the Eldoes are about – guests welcome. Hostesses: Sandra Enos, Marilyn Luchini, Carol O’Brien, Gigi Uzzell Meeting Night 7:00 p.m. / nomination of officers Terrific job turned in by our January hostesses: Pat Francis, Deb Stapleton, Virginia Giroux and Bev Zivitski. Their treats and snacks were a bonus to all Eldoes who attended the meeting! Thank you ladies. Another reason to join the Eldoes!!!! At our Christmas dinner in December, I apologize for omitting Dave Blankemeyer from the list of officers. After all he does for us, I don’t know how I could have forgotten him. Thank you Dave! Keep a watchful eye for an upcoming bulletin and a posting on the bulletin board at the lodge. The Eldoes will be having a raffle for a chance to win a Sylvania 20” Pure Flat Screen Digital TV. Tickets will be available through the Eldoes. Drawing will take place May 20th at the 2008 Installation of Officers Dinner. Happy Valentines Day! Sincerely, Linda DeLaricheliere, President Texas Hold’em Tournament On February 17th, the Lodge will be holding a Texas Hold’em Tournament to benefit Elk’s Charities. Tickets are on sale at the Lodge and may be purchased by both Elks members and nonmembers for $100. Sign-in at at 9am with play beginning at 10am. Ed Goddard, Chairperson 7 NON PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID BURLINGTON, VT PERMIT # 15 BURLINGTON LODGE #916 Benevolent and Protective Order of ELKS 925 North Avenue Burlington, VT 05408 Volunteer of the Month: RANDY LOPES There are new sign-up sheets BY MONTH! Don’t forget to put your name in the bucket to win Volunteer of the Month! Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday There is still time to represent the Lodge in the Penguin Plunge on February 9th! We’ll pay your $25 entry fee…all you have to do is get pledges (and get wet!). For more information contact Matt Engels at or call him at 233-3847. 3 4 5 Bingo 6:30pm 10 Partners in Adventure 6 7 Friday February 1 8 9 Private Function 13 14 Private Function 350 Club 6pm 2 Private Function Private Function Inv. Committee 7pm 11 12 Private Function Governing Board 7pm Bingo 6:30pm Saturday 15 Penguin Plunge French Night 6pm 16 Eldoes Sweetheart Dance 6pm 17 18 Texas Bingo 6:30pm Hold’em Poker Tournament 9am 19 Private Function Eldoes Meeting 7pm 20 Steak Night 6pm 21 22 PER/Old Timer’s Blood Drive Meeting Night 7pm 23 Comedy Night 7pm 24 Bridal Show Calcutta 25 Bingo 6:30pm 26 27 28 29 March 1 Private Function 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bingo 6:30pm Steak Night 6pm 8 Private Function