December 2014 - Evergreen Golden Retriever Club


December 2014 - Evergreen Golden Retriever Club
December 2014
Volume 46, Issue 12
Thanks, Claudia! Your beautiful card and warm sentiments are irresistible, so I stole them for the cover. ~db
The Golden West
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Rescue Report – December 2014
Rich Randall – President, Evergreen Golden Retriever Rescue
We have come to a close for the Rescue efforts for Evergreen Golden Retriever Rescue (EGRR) in
2014. A low number of dogs have been rescued, roughly in the 30’s this year, same as the ongoing pattern of generally lower numbers of the last several years. But a substantial segment of
these intakes were senior dogs and medically-needy dogs. Therefore, there was a very high financial outlay in 2014, much higher than in previous years, for EGRR Rescue due to costs for veterinary care. There was also significant pressure and strain on EGRR’s foster home situation with
many of these senior and needy dogs holding longer-term places in our more experienced foster
Thanks to everyone who has volunteered in the Rescue activities for EGRR during 2014 and to
those who supported EGRR in 2014 through donations and kind words. All of the lucky dogs give
a very big woof of appreciation!!
The year has seen important events. An educational booth was held in March at the Seattle Kennel Club show, which was led as is the case each year by the efforts of the breed club sister organization, the Evergreen Golden Retriever Club (EGRC). The annual clinic organized through EGRC
and sponsored by the Animal Eye Clinic of Seattle in April for screening for pigmentary uveitis, a
known disorder in Goldens, was well attended by dogs of Rescue adopters. We also held our annual Rescue members’ meeting in May highlighted by a presentation on pigmentary uveitis. Mark
your calendars for next year’s members’ meeting which will be on Sunday, May 3, 2014. Our annual summer picnic was extremely well attended, even though it was a very, very hot day. Thanks
indeed for coming out!!!! We plan to continue the picnic in 2015, probably for a date in July.
Thanks must also be given to those who donated at these events and, above all and most certainly, to those that donated their time and energy to organize and help run these events.
A reminder that the 2015 Membership renewal period is now upon us. It is wonderful to think
of all those that have kept their memberships going year after year, and we kindly ask everyone to
do so again for calendar year 2015!!! Please also consider offering services as a short-term foster
home for those quick turn around younger and healthy dogs!!!!
Have a great upcoming Holiday period and certainly all the very Best Wishes for the coming New
The primary focus of Evergreen Golden Retriever Rescue (EGRR) is on rescuing Golden Retrievers in need.
Driven by our belief in responsible pet ownership, we are dedicated to ensuring for dogs such as these a future of
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The Golden West
Save the Date!
Please plan to attend the first meeting of 2015!
Thursday January 29, 2015. 7:30 pm
Woodinville Fire Station
17718 Woodinville-Snohomish Road NE, Woodinville, WA 98072
The program will be a discussing of the Specialty (2016 and beyond). The "steering
committee" is about to publish a Monkey Survey for people to give input and we'll probably
have some preliminary ideas.
EGRC Donations Making a Difference!
Letter to EGRC:
Thanks so much for your generous donation; we don't have a mailing address for you
so please excuse this informal way of expressing our appreciation. Our 250+ old dogs
are grateful for the help.
Judith Piper Executive Director
Old Dog Haven
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The Golden West
General Meeting Minutes
Evergreen Golden Retriever Club
December General Membership Meeting
December 6, 2014 (Holiday Party)
Kirkland Women’s Center, Kirkland WA
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President Nancy Light at 6:46 pm. A quorum was present.
REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT: (Nancy) : Welcome to members and guests to our Holiday Party. Thank you, Connie Carroll and committee for tonight. Will try to stick mainly to important announcements, and we’ll have election of a new
a. Suzanne Bolwell has resigned from the Board. Per the Bylaws, the Board has appointed Ane Brusendorff to fill the
b. The minutes of the Board and membership meetings will now be printed in the Golden West. It will exclude financial
information. There will be a new section in the members only section of the website (“log in”) for financial information like
current balances, budgets, and financial reports. Email Nancy for log in/password.
c. Due to the delay in proceeding on the 2015 Specialty and selecting judges, the Board appointed a Judges Selection
Committee consisting of Frank Pampiks, Kathy Fisk, Sherry Chevalier, Claudia Shaw, and Hach Hachtel. Using the list
last list we had from 2011,and adding names submitted by members, and including NKC judges who can judge Goldens,
they will select the 2015 judges.
d. Hach is in need of a grounds chair and help in doing the budget. The plan is to keep it simple.
e. A Specialty steering committee of Deb Pampiks, Nancy Light and Sheila Colyer will be meeting to plan for 2016 and
f. Jerry will be chairing the 2015 Hunt Test. Planning has begun. Nancy is in charge of workers. Any member who is entered in the hunt test will be expected to work in some capacity. We really need to support this event if we are to continue.
We need a chair for 2016.
g. We need a tracking chair too. May not do for 2015.
h. Ane has produced newly formatted roster. It is on the website in members only section.(Login)
i. Agility Trials June 13, 14 & 15, 2015, Argus. Joyce Palmer is chair.
j. Membership –Renewal forms and new member applications are here and also on web site
k. Programs /meetings– We need new program chairperson. January 22 meeting will likely focus on Specialties for 2016
and beyond. February is awards banquet. March or April: Barry Rickman, veterinary pathologist and at home euthanasia.
l. Awards Banquet- Likely February 15 at Azteca.
m. Awards – Lynn Anderson & Kathy Fisk –members need to return trophies to Frank tonight or to Lynn’s home
n. WC/WCX- BJ is checking to see if Flat-coats will be doing the WC/WCX in 2015
o. SKC – March 2015 – We have application. Chair not confirmed. Susan Babich is doing Meet the Breed.
p. CCA – 2015- Susan Babich chair. Claudia is working on having Gayle Watkins come for puppy raising seminar in
conjunction with CCA. Claudia and Caroline will co-chair. Date likely in Fall.
q. Eye Clinic – ( BJ) Likely in April. We would like the breeders to encourage the people that have dogs from them to
take advantage of this clinic. It is not just for rescue
The Board appointed Angel, BJ and Alice as budget committee for 2015 budget
Robin Reynolds was elected to membership
BRAGS: Brags were made.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Light
Acting Recording Secretary
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The Golden West
We're pleased to announce our latest showring highlights...
"TEN" Harmonys SweetGold Perfection BISS
WB & BISS - 2014 Golden Retriever Club BC Specialty
RWB & BOSS - 2014 Norcal Golden Retriever Club
BOSS - 2014 GRCA National Specialty
"ROCCO" CH SweetGold Festival BISS
WD, New CH - 2014 Del Valle Dog Club
Continued on next page
The Golden West
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"ACE" Am/Can CH SweetGold Double Down BISS
SD - 2014 Golden Retriever Club BC Specialty
JAM - 2014 Norcal Golden Retriever Club Specialty
BOB Finalist - 2014 GRCA National Specialty
BOB Finalist - 2014 Eukanuba AKC National
~Rich & Kym Anton
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The Golden West
Sweetgold Cleared For Takeoff O-NJC, S-TN-N, IAC, CL1, NW1, CCA – “Jett" qualified in 3
of 4 runs at the ZAP NADAC agility trial on November 29. He completed his Outstanding
Novice Jumpers title (6 qualifying scores) and his Superior Novice Tunnelers title (10 qualifying
~Gwen Sieben
Don’t forget to renew your
membership in EGRC!
The Membership form is available online
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The Golden West
Nancy Light, President
Box 575, Duvall, WA
BJ Modrell, Vice President
18005 230th Avenue NE
Woodinville, WA 98077
Bev Gettling, Recording Secretary
32567 NE 46th Pl, Carnation, WA 98014
Angel Audette, Treasurer
31639 122nd Avenue SE, Auburn, WA 98092
Liz Rudy, Corresponding Secretary
20800 123rd Street SE, Snohomish, WA 98290
Suzanne Bolwell
Jerry Leitch
Deb Pampiks
Claudia Shaw
Chair Persons
Newsletter Ed
Puppy Referral
Public Education
Golden Rescue
Health Clinic
Nominating Com
2015 Tracking
Caroline McCormick
Deborah Blair
Stacia White
Nancy Kiesler
Dee Romano
BJ Modrell
Gayle George-Sackett
Marcia MacDonald
BJ Modrell
Bev Gettling
Deb Bullard
GRCA Column
Deborah Blair
GRCA Delegate Bev Brown
Web Master
Bobbi Miller
Budget Comm.
Angel Audette
Judges Selection Hach Hachtel
Special Events
2015 Agility
2015 Hunt Test
2015 Specialty
2015 Awards
Joyce Palmer
Jerry Leitch
Hach Hachtel
Lynn Anderson
Kathy Fisk
Nancy Light
The Objectives of the Evergreen Golden Retriever Club
a) To preserve the structure, soundness,
temperament, natural abilities and personality of
the Golden Retriever as described in the breed
standard and to do all possible to bring their natural
abilities and qualities to perfection.
b) To urge members and breeders to accept the
standard of the breed as approved by the AKC as
the only standard of excellence by which the
Golden Retriever shall be judged.
c) To protect and advance the interest of the breed by
encouraging sportsmanlike conduct at dog shows,
field events, obedience trials and all functions and
events where EGRC is being represented.
d) To conduct sanctioned matches and specialty
shows, field events, obedience trials and tracking
under the rules of AKC and
e) To educate members and the public in all aspects
of owning a Golden Retriever.
General Information
General Meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each
month at 7:30 p.m. Check the calendar on the web site at The Board of Directors meets on the 1st
Tuesday of each month and members wishing to attend
must call the President to state their business.
Application for Membership: Prospective members
must attend two meetings or functions before application of
intent to join is accepted. Application forms may be
obtained from Board members, the Membership Chair, or
from the web site.
Change of Address. If you have moved, changed your
phone number or your e-mail address, please e-mail or call
Trish Hughes,, with this change. This is
the only way we will be able to keep our membership rosters
up to date.
Golden Retriever Club of America Contacts
Janet Peacock, Secretary—
(Jolene Cary, Ad. Asst)
P.O. Box 20434
Oklahoma City, OK 73156