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2:33 PM
Language Input
Vocabulario y gramática
Page 348
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Read, listen to, and understand
information about
• cooking expressions
• foods and appliances
Vocabulario y gramática en contexto
• following a recipe
• giving directions in the kitchen
Core Instruction
enlatado, -a
Standards: 1.2
congelado, -a
Resources: Teacher’s Resource Book: Input
Script, p. 118, Clip Art, pp. 132–135, Audio Script,
p. 119; Voc. and Gram. Transparencies 125–126;
TPR Stories Book, pp. 91–103; Audio Program:
Tracks 1–2
Focus: Presenting vocabulary for cooking,
foods, and appliances
Suggestions: Use the Input Script from
the Teacher’s Resource Book or the story
from the TPR Stories Book to present the
new vocabulary, or use one of these
Have students brainstorm a list of their
favorite dishes. Ask students what
ingredients are needed to make the
dishes. Have them think of verbs they
would find in a recipe: add, chop, peel,
mix, beat.
Present the vocabulary in three groups:
cooking expressions, foods, and
Gather recipe card pictures or photos of
different dishes and their preparation from
magazines. Using the new vocabulary, ask
students yes / no questions about the
pictures. Then ask where certain foods are
stored or cooked: ¿Pongo la mantequilla
en el horno? ¿Cocinas el tocino en la
Write three column labels on the board:
enlatado, congelado, fresco. As you name
different foods, ask students in which
column they should be placed. Then ask
students to raise their hands if they agree
with you on which foods taste better,
using sentences such as: Las frutas frescas
son más sabrosas que las frutas
el refrigerador
fresco, -a
el microondas
el horno
el fregadero
al horno
la estufa
la olla
el pedazo
la sartén
el fuego
frito, -a
348 trescientos cuarenta y ocho
Tema 7 • Buen provecho
Bellringer Review
Have students copy these words
for rooms of a house and write next to
them two activities that they might do
Additional Resources
Audio Program: Canciones CD, Disc 22
Advanced Learners
Heritage Language Learners
Have students create an advertisement for a
cooking show. They should include the name of
the show, the dishes that will be made, and
pictures with labels of ingredients and utensils
that the viewers will need: una olla para
mezclar. Post their ads in the classroom.
Have students choose one of their favorite dishes
that is typical of their heritage country and write
the recipe in Spanish. Over the course of the
chapter, have them prepare a script and make a
how-to video of their dish. Review the script with
them, and have them present the video to the
class, sharing the script with viewers.
2:33 PM
Page 349
—Una receta que aprendí de mi abuela que vivía en Valencia.
Se llama arroz a banda. Es un arroz típico de la provincia de
Alicante y ha sido el favorito de mi familia. Aquí está la lista
de los ingredientes que necesitamos.
el caldo
—¿Qué vamos a preparar?
Language Input
el vinagre
Standards: 1.2
Resources: Teacher’s Resource Book: Audio
Script, p. 119; Audio Program: Track 3; Answers on
el aceite
el ajo
la salsa
la cucharada
Arroz a banda
Script and Answers:
1. En la cocina hay comida enlatada. (cans)
2. Siempre hay aceite y vinagre. (oil and vinegar)
3. Debes lavar las verduras en el fregadero antes de
cocinarlas. (sink)
4. Todas las cocinas tienen una sartén y una olla. (frying
pan and pot)
5. Mucha gente no tiene un microondas. (microwave)
6. Muchas personas prefieren comer la comida fresca.
(fresh vegetables)
7. Necesito una cucharada de sal. (measuring spoons)
Ingredientes (8
unos 3 litros
de caldo de pesca
los camarones
1 cucharada de pim
100 gr de camaro
2 kg de sepia 1
azafrán 3
1 tomate grande
aceite de oliva
entón dulce 2
1 kg de arroz
bien cortado
ajoaceite (una sal
Focus: Listening comprehension about
items in the kitchen
Suggestions: If you prefer, use the transparency to check comprehension. As each
item is read, point to any object. Have
students give a “thumbs-up” sign if you
have indicated the correct object, and a
“thumbs-down” sign if you haven’t.
sa de ajo y aceite
tlefish 2 papri2
saffron (Sasaffron
ffron is an exp
ensive spice spice used
used f b
nge ll is an expensive
los mariscos
for its
bright orange-yellow color, intense
flavor, and aroma.)
Standards: 1.2
Resources: Teacher’s Resource Book: Audio
Script, p. 119; Audio Program: Track 4; Answers on
La cocina típica
¿Lógico o no?
¿Qué hay en tu cocina? Escucha mientras
Ignacio describe una cocina típica. Mira los
dibujos y las fotos, y señala el objeto (o los
objetos) que menciona.
¿Sabes cocinar? Levanta una mano si lo que
oyes es lógico y levanta las dos manos si
no es lógico.
Más práctica
Practice Workbook, pp. 133–134:
7A-1, 7A-2
● WAV Wbk.: Writing, p. 132
● Guided Practice: Vocab. Flash Cards,
pp. 237–242
● Real. para hispanohablantes, p. 252
For: Vocab. Practice
Web Code: jdd-0702
trescientos cuarenta y nueve
Capítulo 7A
Enrich Your Teaching
Focus: Listening comprehension about
Suggestions: Explain some basic cooking
techniques: batir, freír, picar.
Script and Answers:
1. A veces hay que cortar el pollo en pedazos pequeños.
(one hand)
2. Es importante picar el caldo. (two hands)
3. Vamos a beber el aceite. (two hands)
4. A muchas personas les gusta freír el pollo. (one hand)
5. Es importante abrir la lata antes de usar las
zanahorias enlatadas. (one hand)
6. Normalmente se usa leche congelada para cocinar.
(two hands)
7. Las verduras frescas son mejores para la salud que
las verduras enlatadas. (one hand)
8. Normalmente se mezclan con las manos los ingredientes de una receta. (two hands)
Resources for All Teachers
Culture Note
The Spanish town of Valencia is located on the
Mediterranean Sea. Since it first became a town
in 138 B.C., los valencianos have fished for
their food. Bass, bream, squid, mussels, and
prawns are still an important part of Valencia’s
Have small groups research foods and cooking
techniques of one country. Is there a variety of
ways to prepare foods that are in abundance?
Have students write instructions in command
form for making one dish. They should include a
picture of the dish.
Quiz on PresEXPRESS
9:22 AM
Page 350
Language Input
¿Cómo se hace la paella?
Core Instruction
Standards: 1.2
Using prior experience
Resources: Voc. and Gram. Transparencies
127–128; Audio Program: Track 5
Focus: Presentation of additional
vocabulary to discuss cooking
Pre-reading: Direct attention to the
Estrategia. Conduct a survey to find out
who likes to cook or bake and who thinks
cooking consists of popping food in the
microwave. Have both groups discuss how
they “feel” about cooking. Scan the photos
and decide which boy is a cook: Javier or
Ignacio. Have students turn to p. 342 for
more information on paella.
Reading: Pause after the second panel and
discuss Javier’s approach to cooking (Le
gusta cocinar con ingredientes frescos).
Pause after panel 6 and discuss how Javier
and Ignacio are feeling and if students can
understand each one’s frustration. Have
volunteers act out the dialogue.
Post-reading: After reading, have students
predict whether or not Ana will like her
surprise dinner. Complete Actividad 3 to
check comprehension.
Pre-AP* Support
Activity: Make flashcards to represent the nine
new verbs presented on p. 348. Divide the class
in two groups. Alternate bringing to the front of
the room one member from each group. Hold the
large flashcards up above the student’s head so
that he or she cannot see it (but his or her group
can) and have group members pantomime the
activity to him or her to identify. Allow 5 seconds.
If the student does not guess the word in the time
allowed, show the card to the other group for an
instant point if called out appropriately. Continue
until all flashcards have been used.
• Pre-AP* Resource Book: Comprehensive guide to
Pre-AP* vocabulary skill development, pp. 47–53
Ignacio y Javier van a
hacer paella. ¿Qué les pasa
en la cocina?
What do you know about cooking?
Are you “at home” in the kitchen or
do you feel uncomfortable? Look at
the photos and guess how Javier
and Ignacio feel.
Javier: ¡No tires el aceite!
Y no añadas más. Tienes
más que suficiente. Primero
vamos a freír los ajos.
Ignacio: Javier, ¿cómo se
hace la paella? Quiero
preparar una comida
especial para Ana.
Javier: Bueno, está bien.
Vamos a necesitar
camarones y mariscos. No
uso ingredientes ni
congelados ni enlatados.
Queremos todo bien fresco.
Ignacio: Voy a encender la
cocina . . .
Javier: A ver . . . el aceite
tiene que estar bien
caliente. No, todavía no
está . . . Yo preparo los
mariscos. Tú, no te olvides
del aceite. No dejes que se
caliente demasiado.
Javier: ¡No, Ignacio! Tienes
que picar los ajos primero.
Ignacio: ¿Picar?
Javier: Sí, cortar los ajos
en pedazos muy pequeños.
También se dice . . .
los camarones = las gambas
la cocina = la estufa (España)
350 trescientos cincuenta
Tema 7 • Buen provecho
If your school allows it, have students
prepare a variety of dishes from Spanishspeaking countries to share with another
class. Have them label the dishes in
Spanish and write a list of the ingredients
for others to read. Be sure students are
aware of the ingredients in each dish, in
case of food allergies or other dietary
restrictions. Encourage them to be food
critics and write notes about every dish
they sample. Volunteers may share their
reviews with the class.
Advanced Learners
Students with Learning Difficulties
Have students create the scene in which Ana
arrives for dinner. How does Ana react? Does
Ignacio take all the credit? Perhaps Ana can
inquire how the dish was made and Ignacio
does not know how to respond. Encourage
students to use humor. Remind them to include
the new vocabulary.
Draw attention to the Estrategia. Before
students begin reading the Videohistoria, ask
questions to build on their prior experience:
Have you prepared a favorite dish so many times
that the recipe is committed to memory? When
you are attempting an unfamiliar task, do you
ask questions of someone more experienced?
2:33 PM
Page 351
Language Input
Core Instruction
Standards: 1.2
Resources: Teacher’s Resource Book: Video
Script, p. 122; Video Program: Cap. 7A; Video
Program Teacher’s Guide: Cap. 7A
Ignacio: ¿Con qué se sirve
la paella? ¿Con papas fritas?
Javier: No, no, no . . . Se sirve
con una ensalada.
Ignacio: Bueno, ¿enciendo
el horno ya?
Javier: ¡No! No se puede
usar el horno para hacer la
paella. Se prepara la paella
encima de la cocina.
Ignacio: ¿Pongo el aceite en
la olla?
Javier: Deja esa olla y
escucha bien. Primero tienes
que calentar el aceite en
una sartén grande.
1. ¿Qué le pregunta Ignacio a Javier? ¿Por qué?
2. ¿Qué necesitan los chicos?
Focus: Comprehension of contextualized
Pre-viewing: Have students review the
Videohistoria and write a list of
ingredients for paella and the initial steps,
according to Javier. Have students
brainstorm a list of ingredients that Javier
would use to make a salad.
Viewing: Show the video once without
pausing, then show it again, pausing to
discuss why Javier’s paella tastes so good.
Discuss the steps Ignacio wants to take to
prepare paella. Ask students how they
can tell that Javier and Ignacio are both
getting frustrated.
Post-viewing: Complete the Video
Activities in the Writing, Audio & Video
4. ¿Qué quiere hacer Ignacio primero en la cocina? ¿Está
bien? ¿Qué le dice Javier?
5. ¿Qué quiere hacer Ignacio luego? ¿Qué le dice Javier?
Javier: ¡Ignacio! ¡Apaga la
cocina! ¿En qué estabas
Ignacio: Bueno, en la
sorpresa de Ana cuando . . .
Javier: Pues, así, creo que
va a recibir una gran
sorpresa, pero no va a ser
buena . . . Vamos a seguir . . .
6. ¿Qué le pasó a Ignacio al final? ¿En qué estaba pensando?
Más práctica
Practice Workbook, pp. 135–136:
7A-3, 7A-4
● WAV Wbk.: Video, pp. 126–128
● Guided Practice: Vocab. Check,
pp. 243–246
● Real. para hispanohablantes, p. 253
For: Vocab. Practice
Web Code: jdd-0703
trescientos cincuenta y uno
Capítulo 7A
Enrich Your Teaching
Standards: 1.2
3. Según Javier, ¿se puede servir la paella con papas fritas?
¿Con qué se sirve?
Resources: Answers on Transparencies
Focus: Verifying comprehension of the
Suggestions: Read the questions and
have students look at their lists. Have
students identify where they found the
answers in the story.
1. Ignacio quiere saber cómo se hace la paella porque
quiere preparar una comida especial para Ana. (1)
2. Necesitan camarones y mariscos frescos (y aceite y
ajo). (1, 4, and 5)
3. No. Se sirve la paella con una ensalada. (2)
4. Quiere encender el horno. No está bien porque se
prepara la paella encima de la cocina. (3)
5. Quiere poner el aceite en una olla. Javier dice que
debe calentar el aceite en una sartén grande. (4)
6. Se olvidó del aceite y lo quemó. Estaba pensando en
Ana. (8)
Resources for All Teachers
Additional Resources
Culture Note
La paella originated in the eighth century in
Valencia after the Moors introduced rice to the
Iberian peninsula. The rice was grown in marshy
wetlands that were also home to rabbits, snails,
and ducks. These items, plus beans, were
added to the rice to make the original paella
valenciana. Each area of Spain adds its own
regional ingredients. In Costa del Sol mussels,
squid, and shrimp are used. In Seville, they also
use seafood, including lobster, garnished with
lemon wedges.
WAV Wbk.: Audio Act. 5, p. 129
Teacher’s Resource Book: Audio Script,
pp. 119–120
• Audio Program: Track 7
Quiz on PresEXPRESS
Prueba 7A-1: Vocab. Recognition,
pp. 177–178