November - December 2011 Newsletter


November - December 2011 Newsletter
Grace Christian Fellowship Church
25890 Pine St., Calumet, MI 49913
Quarterly Newsletter
Issue 3, November-December, 2011
Our Mission: "To Create a loving environment that leads people
into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. To Reach out to all
who seek comfort, encouragement and healing by sharing God's
Grace and His Word."
A Message From Our Pastor
Dear Saints,
Come Worship with us every Sunday at 10:00
In Old Testament worship practices, a peace offering could be Our Village Missionaries:
made to give thanks to God for His goodness and to show
Pastor Merle and Gyngr McGee
heart felt desire to fellowship with Him. Three breads were
offered, two without yeast (unleavened) and one with yeast (leavened) Our Elders:
Mike Gilles
made with the finest flour. The unleavened breads were placed by the
Gary Langley
Scott Mull
priest as ―a memorial portion‖ on the altar, accompanying the fat of the
John Tuovila
animal of the fellowship offering. However, the offering with the bread
Our Deacons:
made with yeast and finest flour was used for a communal meal. The
Jerry Tuovila, Building & Maintenance
participants in the communal meal were the worshipper‘s family, and
maybe friends they invited to join them.
Brenda Tuovila, Fellowship & Sunshine
Karen Mattfolk, Finance
God orders our peace offering too, by way of the sacrament of
communion. We regularly examine our hearts and confess known sin.
Linda Hale, Public Relations
We make things right with our brethren. Then, the wafer without yeast
Sara Perfetti, Worship
is taken with the red wine, representing His body and blood willingly
offered on the altar. We do this in memory of HIS sacrifice which brings Committee for Children's Ministry:
Beth Mull, Nancy Langley, and
us into peace with The Father. Afterwards, we may freely fellowship
Karen Mattfolk
with God and other believers in the joy of our salvation by sharing food.
And so it is with the upcoming Holidays of Thanksgiving and
Christmas. We don‘t need to feel guilty any more! We may approach
both Holidays as a time to have those bountiful communal meals to
thank Him and to fellowship with one another.
Gyngr and I extend the Happiest of Holidays to all of you.
In HIS Love,
Pastor Merle
Our Groups:
Ladies Bible Study
Gyngr McGee and Beth Mull
Men‘s Bible Study
Pastor Merle
Youth Group
Karen Mattfolk
12 Step Bible Study
Pastor Merle and Scott Mull
PS. I think it’s awesome God allows the big, fat-calorie-laden thick-loaf
Couples Class
bread for us to fellowship with HIM and our Christian friends. Don’t
Scott & Beth Mull
Grace Christian Fellowship Church
25890 Pine St., Calumet, MI 49913
Annual GCF Summer Picnic
Submitted By: Brenda Tuovila
This year approximately 77 people attended our annual
Grace Christian Fellowship Church picnic at the Calumet
Township Park. The food was amazing and fellowship
even better. Hamburgers, pork chops, brats, corn on the
cob and bacon, yes bacon, for our burgers!
The day was full of sunshine. Many enjoyed walking on the
beach, agate picking, swimming, and some even engaged in a game of basketball.
The highlight of the day, however, was that Grace Christian Fellowship had the opportunity to celebrate with Steve and
Bradley Langley, Don Heikkala and Bryan Matkin as all four individuals made an outward expression of their inward
commitment to Jesus Christ when they were baptized in Lake Superior. We hold these men up as representatives of
the Kingdom as they continue their walk with Jesus.
GCF is seeking new ideas for next year‘s picnic. Maybe a balloon toss (watch out Pastor
Merle) or a three-legged race, etc.
Please speak with Brenda Tuovila if you have suggestions.
Thank you and God‘s Blessing to you all!
2011 Vacation Bible School: ―Discovering the Rock of Ages‖
Submitted By: VBS STAFF
Forty-two, yes 42, wonderful kids came to VBS, mining for nuggets more precious
than gold! They won prizes and wore Old West clothes. They brought friends and
made a bandana and drank a little rattlesnake juice! Betcha can‘t find that kind of
fun much anywhere else!!!!
Each night the adventures kicked-off with rip-roarin‘ singin‘ and get-your-feet-tomovin‘ music. Ole Sourdough and Otis showed up after that and tried some truth
tellin‘ about Jesus and His claims about Himself, like:
Only Jesus can rightly claim to be God
Only Jesus fulfills many prophecies
Only Jesus has such radical power and teaching
Only Jesus offers an empty tomb and eternal life
apart from works
Only Jesus has the power to transform lives
(Don‘t ya know — Otis was always showin‘ everyone truth as HE saw it. Cool — but
HIS ways of seein‘ things usually just made the kids laugh right out loud!) Then the
kids did Discovery Mine Bible Time, 24-Karat Craft sessions, and Kick-Up-The-Dust
games. Plus, they got some vittles and water everyday!
Now hearin‖ all that, aren‘t you puttin‘‘ VBS on your schedule for next year?
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Grace Christian Fellowship Church
25890 Pine St., Calumet, MI 49913
Ladies‘ Retreat: Gitchee Gumee, September 2011
Submitted By: Karen Mattfolk, Julie Judson, & Gyngr McGee
Keynote Speaker, Candy Parler -- ―Hope With All Your Heart‖
“Faith means being sure of the things we hope for… “ (Heb. 11:1a)
Candy‘s marriage fell apart while she was enduring a life-threatening health
crisis. She and her 5 kids experienced much pain, including hunger and
homelessness. Yet, Candy was at retreat declaring God‘s goodness to her
through it all. She encouraged us to put our hope in Christ, Who never
leaves us nor forsakes us!
―Seven women from GCF came to the retreat. Several of us spent some time
together one evening, talking and praying. What a great chance this occasion gave us to get to know one another
better!‖ Gyngr McGee
―Our speaker for the weekend outlined many troubles she has seen, but overcome. Through her presentation we saw
the hope that we can all have. I especially liked staying in the cabin with a few of the ladies. Getting to know each
other was fun. We laughed a lot with Julie‘s sense of humor. She's a funny gal.‖ Karen Mattfolk
―The key speaker, Candy Parler, spoke on how, through life's tragedies, we can hold on and hope, love and trust God
with all our heart. She taught on how God, each day, gave her "a platter of grace" to get through that day's challenges.
This was the second year for me at women's retreat, and again, new relationships were established by our great and
mighty God. God in His infinite and awesome ways, through this retreat, has brought me restoration, healing, and joy.‖
Julie Judson
Women‘s Study: Stones of Remembrance
Submitted By: Gyngr McGee & Beth Mull
The Ladies Bible Study group is wrapping up a 6 week study using the book,
Stones of Remembrance, by Lois Evans. This study has encouraged us to build
memorials that remind us of God‘s care and goodness. We have been meeting
on Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:30 PM, studying together and enjoying a special
social time with one another.
A new study is scheduled to begin after the Holidays. For more information,
please contact Gyngr McGee or Beth Mull.
Men‘s Study
Submitted By: Pastor Merle McGee
The Men’s Bible Study group meets every other Tuesday at 7:00 PM, alternating with a Thursday morning 7:30
AM meeting. In both studies, we use ideas from a book called Disciplines of a Godly Man by R. Kent Hughes to
challenge one another to commit to walking worthy of our calling as ‘Christian’ men. The study is open to friends
and family. Please contact Pastor Merle for details.
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Grace Christian Fellowship Church
25890 Pine St., Calumet, MI 49913
Disciples Clubb
Submitted By: Beth Mull
Our little disciples are learning the 10 Commandments and the Lord‘s
Prayer. Abriana, one of our teen helpers, is also teaching them some
of her original songs and motions to perform on family Sundays!
Sara Perfetti, our Praise and Worship Leader, has also offered her
assistance in joining the children to prepare and practice Christmas
songs for the Christmas program, a program you won‘t want to miss!
Help is always needed!
Couples Ministry
“ Our kids are so
motivated to
learn and soak
God’s word into
their hearts.
They are a true
motivation and
inspiration to
-Beth Mull
Submitted By: Scott & Beth Mull
We are currently on session 10 in our Love and Respect study by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. The
women are learning how important it is for a man to feel respected in a relationship, while the
men are practicing already learned materials regarding a woman‘s deep need for love.
Our couples continue to grow closer to God and each other!
Youth Group
Submitted By: Karen Mattfolk
The Teen Youth Group at Grace Christian is currently working on a 5 part series
based on the movie, To Save a Life. The movie tastefully deals with real life
issues that so many of our teens are dealing with today….from bullying, suicide,
divorce, teen partying and pregnancy. The main actor, Jake, is the most popular
kid in school and has a promising future, but his world is rocked when tragedy
strikes his childhood best friend. Now Jake is forced to ask, "Could I have saved
him?" With help from a few new friends, he embarks on a journey to live a life of
purpose, knocking down the sacred social barriers of high school life and
befriending a loner, Jonny Garcia. But when Jonny's life spirals out of control, will
Jake have what it takes to stop him from the same tragic end? Can one person
really make a difference? As a follow up to the movie, the 5 part series is designed to help the teens see that they too
can make a difference, through God. The goal is to share their struggles and search for God‘s answers, and as
a result, grow closer to one another and to God. To quote the group on the movie, "It‘s the best movie we‘ve ever
seen"! The Youth Group meets every Wednesday from 6:30-8:30 at the church and would welcome prayer coverage
for the teens.
In addition to working on the 5 part series, the Youth Group takes a special trip the 3rd week of every month. We call
it destination unknown. Why unknown? It‘s because only Pastor Merle knows where we are going. We all jump in the
cars and trust it will be a good destination. In the past, we‘ve toured Gitche Gumme Bible Camp; prospected for
copper; and visited a local cemetery for grave stone rubbing. In the beginning of every trip, the teens are both excited
and cautious. In the end, everyone enjoyed the time spent together. Where will we be going next? Well, only Pastor
Merle knows that one.
The youth group is growing and transportation is beginning to be a challenge. Our church could really use a 15
passenger van to pick up the teens. The majority of the group is coming from Dollar Bay and Lake Linden and we
desperately need transportation for them. Please pray with us to have this situation resolved.
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Grace Christian Fellowship Church
25890 Pine St., Calumet, MI 49913
Submitted by: Linda Hale
Christmas is right around the corner. We‘ll be decking the halls with boughs of holly,
making up lists and checking them twice, saying the weather outside is frightful, dashing
through the snow, wishing others good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year, and
remembering when all was calm, all was bright.
There are so many wonderful Christmas songs and carols sung every year, but have you
ever wondered their origin or what their lyrics really mean? For some reason (I was God
inspired), I had to find out more about ―The Twelve Days of Christmas‖. I went out on the
web and searched. Here is what was found.
The "true love" mentioned in the song doesn't refer to an earthly suitor, it refers to God
The "me" who receives the presents refers to every baptized person. The partridge in a pear tree is Jesus Christ.
Two turtle doves are the Old and New Testaments. Three French hens stand for faith, hope and love. The four calling
birds are the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. The five golden rings recall the Torah or Law, the first five
books of the Old Testament. The six geese a-laying stand for the six days of creation. Seven swans a-swimming
represent the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit--Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership,
and Mercy. The eight maids a-milking are the eight beatitudes. Nine ladies dancing are the nine fruits of the Holy
Spirit -- - Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control. The ten lords
a-leaping are the Ten Commandments. The eleven pipers piping stand for the eleven faithful disciples. The twelve
drummers drumming symbolize the twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed.
The stories about this song on the web vary. Some say that it is a song of Christian instruction, dating to the 16 th
century religious wars in England. Some say that it was a rhyming device to teach the catechism to youngsters of the
Catholic faith. Some debunk both and say it is an "urban myth". The true history of this song may never be proven.
But does it really matter? How wonderful to be able to take a whimsical song like this and turn it into a great learning
tool for our children and ourselves. Here‘s an idea. Let‘s take one verse each day for 12 days, start on December
25th (and did you know this is really the official beginning of the 12 Days of Christmas, with January 6th being the first
day of Epiphany), and memorize the lyrics with its association. Let‘s just be with Him. After all, isn‘t that the true
meaning of Christmas?
Grace Christian Fellowship Church
25890 Pine Street, Calumet, MI 49913
Radio AM 1700
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Grace Christian Fellowship Church
25890 Pine St., Calumet, MI 49913
Neighbors 4 Neighbors In Need of Donations
Submitted By: Kay Hoganson
“ The idea
for the
store, I
feel, was a
from God,
for I woke
up one
with the
name in
my head”
Neighbors 4 Neighbors, ―N4N‖, a donation store in Lake Linden, is owned and operated by Kay
Hoganson and Cathy Kelley. The idea of the store, I feel, was a message from God, for I woke up
one morning with the name in my head, says Kay. The store opened on June 1 st of this year.
The store‘s inventory is entirely based on donated goods brought in by the people of this
community. Customers are then asked to donate whatever they can for what they take from the
inventory. We have a suggested donation of $1 per bag of clothing to help defray our monthly
expenses as we are not subsidized by any church or organization.
The store has everything from clothing, household items, books, VCR tapes, knick-knacks, toys,
games, puzzles, you name it. Come check it out, everyone is welcome!
We currently need blankets; children‘s clothing ages 5-teens; boots; hats; coats; mittens; small
appliances; bed sheet sets; puzzles, and games to replenish our inventory.
The store is located at 116 Calumet St., Lake Linden (next to the Aspirus Walk-In Clinic) across the
street from the park. Our winter hours are currently Wed. 11-3 and Sat. 11-3, although we may
change these hours in the near future. Please call 369-0507 and talk with Kay Hoganson or Cathy
Kelley should you have any questions or want to donate items. Let me end by sending a huge
THANK YOU to Cheryl, Jill, Marion, Nancy, Sara and Yvonne for volunteering their time in helping us
with our store.
Parsonage Repaired and Painted & Sanctuary Remodeled
Submitted By: Merle McGee
Praise God! Two major construction projects have been completed this fall. First, workers
have completed the repair and painting of the parsonage before the snows.
The parsonage desperately needed exterior painting and repair of deteriorating trim, such
as window and door frames. We were blessed beyond our imagination as contributions
from our fundraising efforts almost met the total cost of the project. Many Thanks are
extended to those who graciously gave toward this project.
Secondly, the sanctuary was expanded and Pastor Merle‘s office was relocated to the fellowship room. Our plans are to hopefully get the trailer user-friendly next year and move
Pastor Merle‘s office either there or add an addition to the back of the church. The current
office could very possibly be our future Toddler Room.
Also a big thank you goes out to Phil Switzer who carved two signs for our internal doors
which read ―You Are Now Entering The Mission Field‖.
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Issue 3, November-December, 2011
Welch‘s Grape Juice, Small Paper Plates,
Napkins, Paper Cups, Box Drinks, Healthy Snacks for Sunday School
From your editors, Linda Hale & Shanna Cherubini:
Shanna and I would like to thank everyone for your contributions and support with Grace Christian Fellowship‘s quarterly newsletter. The next issue
is scheduled for January-March. Deadline for articles will be December
15th. If you would like to share any pictures or experiences with GCF,
please e-mail or
What might YOU submit for the next newsletter?
Remember in Prayer – Submit Needs or Names.
Pot Luck Recipe – That one everyone asked for!
Short Inspirational Stories – About your personal faith walk; about your
‗ministry;‘ about faith stories in our church, families and community.
Reading Recommendations or Reviews
Advertisements – Items for sale & help wanted.
Pictures – Church events. (Please caption.)
Village Missions conducts a missionary/pastor
ministry in a local church context primarily in rural
areas of North America. The objective is to reach
the entire community; therefore, denominational
issues are avoided. The missionary/pastor is to
become an integral part of community life, winning
the friendship and confidence of the people. He is
to be the spiritual leader, providing opportunity for
all to hear and respond to the Gospel. The aim is to
provide a Christ-centered community church
program capable of involving the entire population
of a local community.
Please Pray for your pastor and his wife and also for
all the Village Missionaries in America and Canada.
NOVEMBER 29TH—HOLIDAY LADIES‘ GATHERING—at Grace Christian Fellowship Church Tuesday, 6:30 PM (FREE. Dessert &
beverage. Invite friends. RSVP by 11/20) Speaker: Kathy Ptaszek—‖Remember: Who. What. When. Where. Why.‖ Music by
Sara Perfetti. (See Gyngr for more info).
DECEMBER 2ND— Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at Calumet Theatre Park— 6:00pm (Small group GCF carolers invited)
DECEMBER 17TH— Calumet Christmas Caroling
DECEMBER 18TH— Christmas Program, 7pm
November 2011
3rd Dawn Tuovila
7th John Tuovila
8th Sue Solomonson
10th Mike Gilles
November 2011
17th Dave McManus
21st Paula Simula
29th Gyngr McGee
December 2011
9th Mark Tuovila
18th Jacob Bonen
If you are celebrating your birthday in November or December and your name is not
We at Grace Christian Fellowship wish to keep you in our thoughts and prayers as you
celebrate your special day.
Grace Christian Fellowship Church
25890 Pine Street, Calumet, MI 49913
Radio AM 1700
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Upcoming Community Events
Recognize anyone here from last year‘s poster?
Friday, December 2
Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at Calumet Theatre Park - 6:00 pm
(Small Ensemble of GCF carolers invited.)
First Friday events at galleries, shops, and eateries, 6:30 pm – 9pm
Saturday, December 3, 10, & 17
Poor Artists Sale at CLK Public Schools Gym (Dec. 3rd)
"Calumet Celebrates the Arts" gallery events, various locations (Dec. 3rd)
Strolling musicians and carolers, 11-3, each Sat. (GCF carolers on 17th)
Santa visits and events, and free horse-drawn wagon rides, each Sat. 11-3
For more details, see:
Old-Fashioned Christmas, early December, featuring band programs with
decorating of the community tree; a Holiday Handcrafts Bazaar and
Cookie Sale; Storytelling; House Tour & Gourmet Tasting; Friends of Fashion‘s current exhibit. AND MORE. Info: or 906-5234612.
More information on community events is available at the Keweenaw Convention & Visitors Bureau in Calumet and on
Main Street Calumet’s website