Science Opportunities in Moldova - Science and Technology Center
Science Opportunities in Moldova - Science and Technology Center
Science Opportunities in Moldova Institute Profiles and Technology Profiles of Some Technical Universities and Scientific Institutes in Moldova The information in this booklet is prepared as a starting point to learn about universities, institutes and the scientific expertise and technology developments. Interested parties should contact the inventors and the institutes directly for collaboration and partnering opportunities. This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the governments of Canada, the European Union, and the United States of America, as Parties to the Agreement Establishing the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU). 1 Science Opportunities in Moldova Preface The Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) has developed this booklet as a reference guide for opportunities in this country. Similar booklets are being developed for universities, scientific institutes and technology opportunities in the five countries that STCU works in, namely, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. Over the last few years it has become apparent to us that such scientific organizations need to promote their scientific skills and opportunities in order to seek partnering opportunities with western investors and western organizations, both public and private. This booklet contains one-page capability descriptions of Moldovan universities and scientific institutes (Institute Profile Forms- IPFs). After each IPF one can find a number of one-page technology profile forms (TPFs). More information can be obtained directly from the scientific contacts provided at the universities and institutes. As these countries move toward a market-driven economic structure, their scientific institutes and universities will become increasingly important as technology drivers that promote the scientific research and technologies that are being developed and produced by their scientists. In order to establish business relations with western investors and business people, the various scientific communities will need new tools that will enable them to demonstrate their intellectual capital in the most productive manner. To meet the competitive challenges of integrating into the largely knowledge-based economies of the western world, the countries of the former Soviet Union will need to change and adapt. They will need to utilize the forms by which scientific communities get their products to the marketplace and through sales acquire wealth and promote healthy economies. Licensing, technology transfer and new high technology start-up companies will be some of the necessary steps leading to global economic integration. An integral and valuable resource for universities, scientists, researchers, and scientific organizations in the West is the development of Technology Transfer Offices within their various organizations. The scientific communities in the countries of the former Soviet Union are now aware that the kind of services that these Technology Transfer Offices provide is very much needed by them also. This booklet of Science Opportunities in Moldova is a way to address this need. We want to thank the scientific organizations that have prepared the original profiles of their scientific expertise and their technology opportunities. It must be noted that in translating from one language into another exact correlations are not always possible; stylistic, cultural, business and legal discrepancies do occur. Good luck with your scientific developments, and may this booklet help to promote the scientific opportunities that exist in Moldova, as it moves toward a global, market-driven knowledge economy. Editor Please note: STCU is not responsible for the contents of any of the institute and technology profiles in this booklet. The material should be used as a guide only in order to interest others to collaborate and partner with the scientific organizations of Moldova. 2 Preface Science and Technology Center in Ukraine – STCU STCU is an intergovernmental organization whose mission is the non-proliferation of knowledge and expertise in weapons of mass destruction. STCU is headquartered in Ukraine and works in 5 countries, namely, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. We support the scientists of the Former Soviet Union in their transition from building weaponry to redirecting their scientific skills to peaceful research in the civilian, government and private sectors. We encourage their participation, interaction and collaboration with western scientific and business communities. We have many scientific projects which were sponsored with the financial support of STCU’s Governing Parties from the US, EU and Canada. For more information about STCU’s activities please visit our website at STCU is an established, western style organization having over 15 years of operational experience. STCU helps you search and set up tailored development projects. Key benefits of working with STCU are moderate R&D costs, project monitoring and customs clearance assistance provided. The STCU project related activities are supported and augmented by other initiatives: Training Programs, Patent and Licensing Support, Sustainability Promotion, Travel Grant Program, Targeted R&D Initiative, and others. 3 Science Opportunities in Moldova Table of Contents Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMCS) . . . . . . . . . 6 Informational Tools for Assistance of Sonographic Examinations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Romanian Reusable Resources for Natural Language Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Moldova State University. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Electrophotographic Information Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Technologies of Obtaining of Preparations from Algae Biomass and Utilization of Them for the Increasing of Bulls and Boars Spermatogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Obtaining Highly Effective Natural Products Synthesized Biologically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Institute of Applied Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Development of Silicon PV Modules by Spray Pirolysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Electroplasmolysis of Biological Raw Materials and Apparatus for its Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 New Installation for Electro-Spark Alloying . . . . . . . . . 20 New Installation for Manufacturing Hard-Machine Details by Electropulse, Electro-Erosion and Electrochemical Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Advanced ZnO Laser Nanoresonators for Photonics . 22 Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Lavander (lavandula angustifolia mill.) Varietes-Clones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Salvia Sclarea L. (Clary Sage) Varietes with Different Periods of Harvesting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Virus Free Grapevine Plantlets Production . . . . . . . . . 28 Seedless Grapevine Hybrids Production Through Direct Embryogenesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 New Varieties of Medicinal Plants Marigold (Calendula Officinalis L.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Cultivating Raspberries with Ecological Safety . . . . . . 31 Indigenous Varieties of Leguminous Crops. . . . . . . . . 32 Indigenous Varieties of Leguminous Crops . . . . . . . . 33 Propagation, Domestication, and Introduction of Rhodiola Rosea L. . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Natural Plant Growth Regulator Reglalg . . . . . . . . . . 35 4 New Tomato Varieties Mihaela, Jubiliar 60/20, Prestij. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Indigenous Varieties of Cereal Crops Ingen 33 and Ingen 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Indigenous Varieties of Cereal Crops Hordeiforme 335 and Auriu 273 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Indigenous Varieties of Cereal Crops Moldova 5 and Moldova 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Technology of a Purposeful Fruit Cultivation for a Long-Term Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Reducing Apple Harvest Losses During Storage . . . . 41 Improving Plant Productivity and Resistance Increase in Conditions of Anthropogenic Polluted Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Institute of Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 New Dental Preparations on the Base of Fennel Seeds Extract (“Fenglicol” and ”Fencarin”) and Technologies of Their Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 State Medical and Pharmaceutical University "Nicolae Testemitanu" . . . . . . . 48 Method for Restoration of Lymphocirculation Through the Thoracic Duct in the Hepatic Cirrhosis With Refractory Ascites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Otorhinolaryngologic (Ear, Nose and Throat) Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Internal Complexes of Copper (II) with Antibacterial and Antifungal Action. . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Izofural - New Antiseptic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Compounds of Cooper with Antibacterial Properties to a Large Spectrum of Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Microorganisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 New Antibacterial Substances with Antibacterial Activity to a Large Spectrum of Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Microorganisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Institute of Plant Protection and Ecological Agriculture. . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Entomophagous Trichogramma for Biological Plant Protection of the Agricultural Crops Against Pests . . . 58 Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Table of Contents Microbian Enzymatic Preparation with Pectolytic Activity for Application in Food Industry, Oenology . . . . . . . . . 62 Microbian Enzymatic Preparation with Lipolytic Activity for Application in Food Industry, Leather Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Institute of Power Engineering . . . . . . . . . 64 Heat Pump Using Carbon Dioxide as Working Fluid for Winemaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Installation for Use of a Bitumen Waste . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Damp Filtration Effective for Clearing of Burnt Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Combined Solar Heater of the Liquid and Gaseous Heat-Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Microwire Resistive Divider for High Voltage Measurement of Alternating Current of 6.3-35 Kv. . . . 70 Phase Shift Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Technical University of Moldova. . . . . . . . 72 Photodiode with Selective Bidimensional Sensitivity . 74 Selective Photodiode With Modulated Sensibility . . . . 75 Fiber Microlens for Optical Coupling Elements . . . . . 76 Laser Emission Module for Fiber Optic Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Laser Diode Module With Collimator . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Physiotherapy Device “Teralaser-Fm” for Profilaxy and Treatment of Huge Spectrum Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Air Ionisier for Profilaxy and Treatment of Respiratory and Cardiovascular System Ilnesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 The Device for Diagnostics of Oral Cavity Fabrics Pliability for Manufacturing of High Quality Dentures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 The Low-Energy Illumination Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Low Speed Impeller Pump for Hydraulic Energy Conversion Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Mixer for the Preparation of Various Types of Mixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Process of Producing Iodine-Fortified Sun Flower Oil With High Biological Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Process of Producing Iodine-Fortified Margarine with High Biological Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Wind Power Station With Asymmetrical Airodynamic Profile Blades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Micro-Hydro-Power Station for the Conversion of Flowing Water Kinetic Energy into Mechanical or Electrical Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Industrial Installation for Electromagnetic Heat Treatment of Vegetable Oil Products . . . . . . . . . 89 Hydro Turbine With Vertical Blades. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 D.Ghitu Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Device for Measuring Pressure of Various Gases . . . 94 Technology of Preparation of Ultrathin Superconducting Nanostructures for Spintronic . . . . . 95 Superconducting MgB2 Films for Technical Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 State Enterprise “Information Society Development Institute” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Informational Tools for Distance Learning and Remote Design in GUAM Community . . . . . . . . . 100 Institute of Geology and Seismology . . . 102 The Application of Phytoremediation for DDTs Polluted Site Decontamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Public Medical-Sanitary Institution the Research Institute of Mother and Child Health Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 National Scientific and Applied Centre of Preventive Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Institute Eliri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 STCU Secretariat Contact Information. . . 112 5 Science Opportunities in Moldova Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMCS) Technical Area Keywords: theoretical and applied research in algebra and adjacent domains, differential equations, mathematical modeling, computer science General Information The Institute of Mathematics with Computing Center was formed in 1964. From 1998 this institution has turned into the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMCS). From the first years of the Institute existence the Computing Center played the special role, being a pioneer in promotion of computer science in Moldova. In 2003 the Computing Center was separated from the Institute and became an independent unit. IMCS consists of 5 laboratories: Laboratory of Algebra and Topology, Laboratory of Differential Equations, Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling, Laboratory of Programming Systems and Laboratory of Information Systems. IMCS has now 64 employees, including 26 PhD, 11 Dr. Sc., 2 Academicians and 3 Corresponding Members of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Institute’s Focus Research efforts of IMCS are concentrated in the following fields: • Topological algebra; • Rings, modules and categories; • Theory of radicals in rings and modules; • Quasigroups theory and its applications in code theory and cryptography; • Mathematical logic; • Geometry; • Theory of algebraic invariants of the differential equations systems; • Partial differential equations; • Game theory and discrete optimal control; • Numerical analysis; • Probability theory; • Formal models of computation; • Natural language processing; • Decision support systems. 6 Institute Profile Valuable Technology Offerings • Tools for modeling of underground gas storage and influence of seismic waves and shocks; • Informational tools for assistance of sonographic examinations; • New technologies for expert knowledge acquiring, formalizing, storage and management; • Toolkit for automatic software development; • Romanian reusable resources for natural language technology. Scientific Cooperation and Technology Transfer IMCS has been a participant of a number of international projects funded by INTAS, FP5, CRDF-MRDA, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, NATO, UNESCO, UNDP and STCU. The Institute has established international scientific contacts and collaboration with many scientific centers: • Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences; • Computing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; • Belorusian State University; • S. P. Timoshenko Institute of Mechanics of the National Academy Sciences of Ukraine; • Institute of Computer Science, Iasi Subsidiary of the Romanian Academy; • Institute of the Artificial Intelligence of the Romanian Academy. Contact Details Svetlana Cojocaru Director, Dr. of Sc. 5, Academiei str., Chisinau, MD-2028, Republic of Moldova Phone: +(373) 22 72-59-82 Fax: +(373) 22 73-80-27 E-mail: Olga Popcova Chief Technology Commercialization Officer Phone: +(373) 22 73-81-30 Fax: +(373) 22 73-80-27 E-mail: website: 7 Science Opportunities in Moldova Informational Tools for Assistance of Sonographic Examinations Description The system helps the specialist in sonographic analysis to draw the conclusion more correctly, especially in emergency cases or in unspecific clinic/paraclinic cases. A physician, even without wide experience, has access to a resource, where the process of sonographic examination is detailed and formalized, includes useful information on anatomy, ultrasonic semeiology, differential diagnostic. The system offers to user a "second opinion" with necessary explanations and images that are similar to the examined case. Fig.1. Sonographic investigation interface for gallbladder. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages • The procedure of investigation using the system is similar to the usual one; • Guide in the examination process; • Improvement of the level of sonographic examination of a patient; • Help in obtaining of relevant information about diseases; • Possibility to store sonographic images and provide image annotation based on medical descriptors; • Access to a collection of images, representative for specific diseases; • Retrieval of similar images; • Simplicity to use due an user-friendly interface; • Adaptivity to different levels of physician's experience or preferences; • Generator of standardized investigation reports. • The sonographists, practicing in isolated zones with limited access to experts consultations; • The novices for training. Stage of Development Prototype of the system was tested and is available for demonstration. This technology was proofed on two organs (gallbladder and pancreas) and can be extended in the future for the whole abdominal zone. Areas of Application The offered system can be useful for: • All categories of physicians to well-structure examination process, preventing possible errors, and to obtain standardized reports; • The experienced physicians, examining some difficult cases; Contact Details Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Academy of Sciences of Moldova Contact person: Constantin Gaindric Address: 40, 5, Academiei str., Chisinau, MD-2028, Republic of Moldova 8 Tel: +(373) 22 72-50-12 Fax: +(373) 22 73-80-27 E-mail: Website: Technology Profile Romanian Reusable Resources for Natural Language Technology Description The Romanian Reusable Resources for Natural Language Technology (3RNLT) consist of a database with the linguistic information for Romanian at the word level, and a set of service programs. The database has 6 main tables and 16 auxiliary tables. The main tables are words, words_engl, words_rus, word_flexies, word_synonyms, word_translations. The former three tables contain respectively Romanian, English, and Russian words. Table word_flexies contains all inflected forms of the words from the table word. The table word_synonyms represents dictionary of synonyms for Romanian, and table word_translations contains Romanian-English and Romanian-Russian translations. The auxiliary tables contain morphological information, information about part of speech, domains, syntactic roles, etc. At present the database contains about 1 million of words. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages For automation of the process of 3RNLT database completion the inflexion programs has been elaborated, that can be used in static or dynamic way. The methods for database correctness and integrity verification has been elaborated. These methods can be: automated – based on formal properties of 3RNLT, and semiautomated – with expert involvement. In this case special resources visualization engines, orthographic correctors, parallel dictionaries are used. Areas of Application A software intended to generate dictionaries starting from 3RNLP that organizes the content information is realized in PHP. The user has to specify criteria for selection of the words which will be included into the dictionary, the size of dictionary page, the dictionary type (synonyms, translations, morphology) and a template should be defined for the HTML layout. 1. RomSP – texts spellchecker A Web search engine has for Romanian Fig.2. Interface of the computer aided learning system for Romanian been elaborated with the possibilities to involve some particularities of Romanian morphology. Using computational lexicon for Romanian from 3RNLT the search can be carried out not only for one word apart, but for all its derivative forms as well. The texts spellchecker for Romanian, RomSP, has been elaborated with possibilities to supplement the resources and an original algorythm of suggestions search for erroneous words. A computer aided learning system for Romanian has been elaborated. The system provides Romanian morphology study for three users categories: 1) persons who do not know grammar and possess poor vocabulary; 2) persons who understand spoken language and have a non-systematized knowledge of grammar; 3) persons who know Romanian, but want to deepen their knowledge on grammar, linguistic features, derivation of words, etc. Stage of Development The functioning version of 3RNLT and several applications are accessible at Contact Details Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Academy of Sciences of Moldova Contact person: Constantin Ciubotaru Address: 5, Academiei str., Chisinau, MD-2028, Republic of Moldova Tel: +(373) 22 73-80-73 Fax: +(373) 22 73-80-27 E-mail: Website: 9 Science Opportunities in Moldova MOLDOVA STATE UNIVERSITY Technical Area Keywords: applied mathematics and informatics, archaeology, nonpolluting technologies, biodiversity, biosecurity General Information Moldova State University (MSU) consists of 6 centres of scientific research, including 24 laboratories. Results of research and innovation activity are obtained by scientific staff, which includes: over 450 Doctors of Science, about 90 Ph.Ds, and 430 doctoral candidates. Currently the research is carried out in the projects selected on a competitive basis: 31 - institutional projects, 20 - state program projects, 10 – international projects. The results of the scientific activity during the last 5 years are reflected in about 200 monographs, 250 textbooks, 650 methodological materials, more than 11,000 scientific articles published in national and international reviews. MSU has 166 patents over the past 5 years. University’s inventive activity is accompanied by the presentations of the achievements in various exhibitions, international and Republican fairs. Participation in these events is determined with 140 gold, silver and bronze medals. MSU has a rich scientific library, over 700 thousand proceedings with a circulation of nearly 2 million volumes are stored there. The library is equipped with automated local network and electronic catalogue. Readers have access to various databases. The MSU prepares highly qualified scientific-didactic workers, experts in a wide range of specialties for the area of scientific research and technological development, education, culture, industry and other branches of national economy and public life, destined to ensure a durable economic development of the society, to increase the well-being and the quality of life. Institute’s Focus Main objectives of the University are focused on: • Theoretical and applied mathematics; • Current issues in applied informatics; • Physics and technology of materials, structures and optoelectronic semiconductor devices; • Nonpolluting technologies and new materials with useful properties for national economy; • Biodiversity, biosecurity and rational use of natural resources; • Theoretical and applied linguistics, history and theory of literature; • Archaeology, problems of ethnogenesis, interethnic and international relations; • Social and economic issues, political and students’ role in society; • Legal issues in contemporary stage in Moldova; • Modernization of higher education in Moldova in the context of European integration. 10 Institute Profile Valuable Technology Offerings University research activity is promoted both by MSU professors and studious youth. The achievements of students in science for the past five years have been the subject of the interesting debates in many conferences. They were reflected in various scientific papers. Many scientific achievements have been appreciated in national republican and municipal competitions. Scientific Cooperation and Technology Transfer Moldova State University is a member of the International Association of Universities, the Eurasian Association of Universities and University Agency of the Francophony (AUPELF). The directions of technical-scientific and international educational cooperation and major achievements in this area include: • Didactic and scientific cooperation with institutions of higher education: Romania (47), France (1), Russia (12), U.S.A. (7), Belgium (4), Germany (2), Canada (2), Italy ( 1), Poland (1), Finland (1), Ukraine (7), Israel (1), Estonia (1); • Participation in competitions and in the presentation of papers to perform work within the International programs: INTAS projects (11), SCOPES (3); FCRD (39), projects of the Francophone University Agency (7) ; • Participation in research in the framework of cooperation with: various institutions in Romania, Institute of Plant Genetics in Gatersleben (Germany), National Research Centre CNRS-PHASE, Strasbourg (France), University of Antwerp (Belgium); • Participation in international scientific events and activities (Romania, France, Russia, USA, Belgium, Germany, Canada, Italy, Poland, Finland, Ukraine); • Exchange programs for students and experts; • Training of students and doctoral candidates. MSU prestige in international arena is also enhanced by the 27 personalities from 15 countries with the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of MSU. Contact Details Professor Gheorghe Ciocanu Address: 60, Al. Mateevici St. Chisinau, MD 2009, Republic of Moldova Tel: (+373 22) 577 401 Fax: (+373 22) 244 248 Chief Technology Commercialization Officer Eleonora Boldocean Tel: (+373 22) 577 811; 577 757 Fax: (+373 22) 244 248 E-mail: 11 Science Opportunities in Moldova Electrophotographic Information Carrier Description Charge- (hole or electron) transport polymeric materials have been widely used in many fields, including electrophotography, organic electroluminescent devices, and others. They also play an important role in electrophotoconductive materials’ elaboration, which attract much interest because of the potential application in holographic optical data storage and real time imaging process. Carbazole containing polymers are also well known for their photorefractive properties. Carbazole containing polymers can be used in production of photothermoplastic materials only in case when they correspond to certain requirements: they must be transparent; they must manifest adhesion for support; and they should possess certain thermo-mechanic and deformational characteristics. With the purpose to obtain carbazole containing copolymers with improved complex of physical–mechanical properties, the possibility of N-vinylcarbazole copolymerization with higher alkenes – octene-1 (OC-1) and hexadecene-1 (HD-1) has been studied. On the basis of the prepared photopolymeric materials there have been developed double-layered photothermoplastic recording media (PTPM carriers). The first layer is the photosensitive one. As the second recording layer there has been used well known thermoplastic materials (TPM) which possess high specific resistance and good deformational properties in corona discharge, namely the copolymer styrene: butylmethacrylate 50:50 mol% (BMA50). The electro-photographic information carrier includes a support, a visualization layer of thermoplastic polymer and an electro-photosensitive layer based on N-vinylcarbazole copolymer sensitized with 2,4,7-trinitrofluorenone. As light sensitive layer there has been used a copolymer obtained from N-vinylcarbazole and a higher alkene 1-octene or 1hexadecene in the presence of an initiator, taken in the following component ratio, mol %: N-vinylcarbazole 40…60 Higher alkene 40…58 Initiator 1…2. Fig. 1. Structure of information carrier. Fig. 2. Structure of photosensitive copolymers. Fig. 3. Structure of thermoplastic copolymer. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages • Photographical sensitivity S=10-4 – 10-5J/cm2; • Resolution R > 2000 mm-1; • Diffraction efficiency η ~ 10%; • Vacuum techique is not used in the elaboration process; • Lower cost, comparing with known analogues; • Ecologically pure. Fig. 4. An example of holoarray recorded on two-layer carrier using a green laser (k = 532 nm). Areas of Application Opto-electronics, photonics, holography, protection of different documents and products. Stage of Development Patented. Contact Details Moldova State University Contact person: Dr. Ştefan Robu Address: 60, Alexei Mateevici St. Chisinau, MD2009, Republic of Moldova 12 Fig. 5. A reconstructed holographical image, using a red laser. Tel.: (+373 22) 577 548 Fax: (+373 22) 244 248 E-mail: Technology Profile Technologies of Obtaining of Preparations from Algae Biomass and Utilization of Them for the Increasing of Bulls and Boars Spermatogenesis Description The proposed technology includes the obtaining of BioRSp preparation from the spirulina biomass for its utilization as regulator of bulls and boars spermatogenesis and its implementation. The obtained preparation is intended for zootechny, veterinary medicine as a solution for injection 0,5 and/or 1,0% in 10ml or 400 ml. Serial production of the BioRSp preparation carried out according to the standards of quality production. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages The originality of technologies consists in utilization of obtained preparation for the bulls and boars qualitative and quantitative indices of spermatogenesis increasing, improving of androgynous status of bulls, increasing of the viability of seed at cryopreservation, as well as its ability to fertilize. The advantages of elaborated technology: highly effective cryopreservation of seed, increasing of the concentration of testosterone, as well as concentration and mobility of the seed cells. Fig. 1 BioRSp preparation forms. Stage of Development Scientific and technical documentation has been prepared; Pilot investigations have been made. Areas of Application Biotechnology industry, pharmacy, veterinary, zootechny. Contact Details Moldova State University Contact person: Academician Valeriu Rudic Address: 60, Alexei Mateevici St. Chisinau, MD2009, Republic of Moldova Tel.: (+373 22) 577 535 E-mail: 13 Science Opportunities in Moldova Obtaining Highly Effective Natural Products Synthesized Biologically Description The proposed technology includes the obtaining of new preparations on the basis of spirulina biomass - Osteobior (5,0 mg capsules), Imunobior (5,0 mg capsules), alcohol solutions - Osteobior (10 mg/ml and 50 mg/ml), Imunobior (10 mg/ml and 50 mg/ml) and its implementation, as well as quality parameters of standardization at the diverse stages of production. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages The originality of technologies consists in utilization of directed synthesis at cyanobacteria Spirulina platensis with the aim to enrich the biomass with chromium or zinc and the further extraction of bioactive substances, organically linked with one of these micronutrients. The advantages of elaborated technology: possibility of obtaining of highly effective natural products synthesized biologically with osteoregenerative or immunostimulatory effects, short development cycle of the producent and the small area needed for production. Fig. 1. Technology’s procedure steps. Areas of Application Biotechnology industry, pharmacy, medicine. Fig. 2. Osteobior and Imunobior preparations forms. Stage of Development Scientific and technical documentation has been prepared; Pilot investigations have been made. Contact Details Moldova State University Contact person: Academician Valeriu Rudic Address: 60, Alexei Mateevici St. Chisinau, MD2009, Republic of Moldova 14 Tel.: (+373 22) 577 535 E-mail: Technology Profile 15 Science Opportunities in Moldova INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS Technical Area Keywords: solid state physics, semiconductor technology, nanotechnology, theoretical physics General Information The Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) was eshtablished in 1964, when physical laboratories of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics joined the Institute of Electro-Physical Problems. The IAP is known worldwide for the research in theoretical and applied areas. Institute’s Focus The main scientific areas of the Institute are: Fundamental and applied research in physics and physical chemistry of condensed matter: crystalline, noncrystalline and nanostructured materials, atoms and nuclei, electronics and quantum optics, design of high technologies and multifunctional electronic, optoelectronic and photonic devices; Fundamental and experimental research using electricity as a catalyst in heat and mass transfer, in cavitation, in electrofloatation and electroplasmolysis; modification of surfaces of materials by electrophysical and electrochemical methods; development of high technologies and up-to-date techniques. Main results of the IAP are: • In compound HgCr2S4 a colossal magnetocapacitive effect and multiferroic behavior were discovered, manifested through a simultaneous magnetic and ferroelectric order. • The correlation was established between the electronic structure and the capacity of individual molecules and unidimensional systems, having metal ions with unquenched orbital moments, to function as single-molecule and single-chain magnets. • For the first time, a new theoretical interpretation was proposed and then tested on the system of CdSe0.6S0.4:Cr2+ to calculate optic bands in the infrared area of the AIIBIV doped crystals, in which impurity ions are in the mixed ligand environment. • Based on holografic registration, a complex method of deformation measurement using speckle interferometry and holography was developed to control, by indirect contact, object deformations and displacements. • To raise the productivity of production 1.8-2 times, the technology of galvanic covering to recondition used parts was modified and offered to the private sector. It also increased resistance to wear up to 1.5-2 times, savings of materials and energy being 25-30%. • Technological pilot Centre was set up for reconditioning agricultural machines parts. The Center uses advanced technology based on alligation of two electro-physico-chemical methods: sparkling and plasmochemical treatment, which is of low cost, materials-and-energy saving and simple to implement. Valuable Technology Offerings Examples of product and technology offerings by the IAP include various specialized equipment units, systems and devices for wide-range applications: • anisotropy of mechanical properties under indentation and its causes; • dislocation structure and stress state of the material around indentations; • dislocation mobility during microindentation (MI) and nanoindentation (NI); • influence of various external factors on mechanical properties of materials under MI and NI (intensive plastic de- 16 Institute Profile formation, load value, deformation temperature, doping and radiation); • temperature regimes of the indentation processes; • mechanisms of deformation under MI and NI; • rotation-translation plasticity during concentrated load action; • crystallographic support (service) of materials science in Moldova can be used by every scientific center in the republic and it includes X-ray study of polycrystalline (powder) and monocrystalline samples of new materials; • studies of the structure of crystalline compounds, with three subdivisions: - supramolecular systems such as co-crystals, host-guest complexes; analysis of weak interactions; - coordination compounds such as clusters, coordination polymers, exchange interactions, structure of products of template condensation; - structure of biological active compounds, pharmaceutical preparations, structure – property relationships. Scientific Cooperation and Technology Transfer The IAP has been participated in different international projects funded by INTAS, STCU, CRDF, MRDA, SCOPES, AERONET, EU Framework Program for Research and Technological Development and by other Foundations. The Institute maintains extensive international scientific contacts and collaborates with many scientific centers, such as: • USA (Brown University Providence RY, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, Texas A&M University, University of California, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Rice University, University of Texas at Dallas, Clemson University, Duke University); • Russia (Physical Technical Institute, St.Petersburg; Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Moscow State University); • Spain (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid); • Ukraine (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Scientific Research Company "Carat" of Ministry of Industry Policy of Ukraine (Lviv)); • Belgium (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); • France (Ecole Centrale Paris); • Switzerland (Villigen, Paul Schevrev Institute); • Belarus (State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk). Contact Details Professor Leonid Culiuc, Director Address: 5, Academiei St. Chisinau, MD-2028, Republic of Moldova Tel.: (+373 22) 735 534; 723 252 Fax: (+373 22) 738 149 E-mail: Chief Technology Commercialization Officer Marianna Roman Phone: + (373 22) 73 55 34 E-mail : 17 Science Opportunities in Moldova Development of Silicon PV Modules by Spray Pirolysis Description The spray technology of obtaining transparent conductive layers (TCO) and of producing a laboratory installation for their fabrication has been developed. (Fig.1) The ITO/nSi solar cells with the surface area of 50cm and the efficiency of over 10% have been made. The panels on the base of those solar cells have been assembled with the power up to 36W (Fig.2). Fig. 3 The I-V load characteristics at AM1.5 spectral distribution and 1000W/m2 illumination. 1 - frontal illumination; 2 - rear illumination Stage of Development Fig.1. General image of the in- Fig.2. General view of ITO/nSi stallation for ITO thin films depo- solar panels. sition. Using the spray method, bifacial ITO/ nSi/n+Si solar cells (BSC) have been made. The BSC contain Back surface field (BSF) that increase efficiency of these cells. Prototype available for testing; Tested, available for demonstration. The spraying methods of monofacial and bifacial SC preparation are protected by: - Moldavian Patents: MD 2245, 3737 - SU Patent: Method of photovoltaic cell preparation N1533590 Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages - the spray technology is simpler and cheaper, expensive equipment and highly qualified personnel are not required - power inputs are low due to low temperature of the proposed technology, i.e. 450 C in comparison with the traditional technology temperature of 1200 C - the proposed technology is less polluting - waste of Si from the electronic industry can be - used. Areas of Application • Solar energetics:Stationary concentrating PV system. Contact Details Institute of Applied Physics Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Academia str.5, MD 2028, Chisinau, Rep. of Moldova 18 Contact person: acad. Alexei Simashkevich, Tel. (+37322) 738054 Fax (+37322) 738149, E-mail:, Technology Profile Electroplasmolysis of Biological Raw Materials and Apparatus for its Usage Description Electroplasmolysis is a process of the treatment of biological raw materials by the electric current, during which there is the exfloitation of the protoplast and cell shells, that results in the increase of the juice yield. The technology is based on higher permeability of cell membranes under the influence of an electric current. There happens to be a partial softening and breaking of the cells of the peel, thus making easier its diffusion in the surrounding liquid medium. Fig.2. Technology implemented with JSC “Murmansk Trawl Fleet”, on the trawler “Maxim Starostin” Fig.1 Technological line for processing fruits using electroplasmolysis: 1 - tipper, 2 - input hopper, 3 - washing machine, 4 – inspection conveyor, 5 - inclined conveyor, 6 – crusher, 7 - pulp hopper, 8 - pump, 9 – electroplasmoliyator, 10 - flow, 11 - press. Areas of Application Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages Stage of Development Innovative aspect is expressed in the type and form of the electrical signals, as well as in the construction of the electroplasmoliyator. The main advantages are: • Increased juice yield from vegetables, fruits and berries by 2 - 10%, depending on the type of raw materials • Accelerated process of pressing apple pomaceby 20% • Increased evaporation rate in the production of concentrate tomato products - by 15% • Increased drying rate of pressed apple pomace by 15-18% • Increased exit of cod-liver oil from cod breeds of fish by 8-14 % • Decreased content of cod-liver oil in fish flour from a jack mackerel up to 25 %, which increases the flour shelf-life. Tested, available for demonstration – field tested The technology has been implemented with the JSC “Murmansk Trawl Fleet”, on the trawler "Maxim Starostin" in Montevideo port (Uruguay), and with the SC “Garanovschi ” S.R.L (Moldova). MD Patent № 3641, 3669, 3740 Food and Canning Industry; Winemaking Contact Details Institute of Applied Physics Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Academia str.5, MD 2028, Chisinau, Rep. of Moldova Contact person: Dr. Andrei PAPCENCO, Tel. (+373 22) 731733, (+373 22) 738149 Fax: (+373 22) 738149 e-mail: 19 Science Opportunities in Moldova New Installation for Electro-Spark Alloying Description Installation of electro-spark alloying of metal surfaces «ПЭЛ-28» is intended for enhance of wear resistance and recoveries of sizes of worn-out parts of machines and press tools, a reinforcement of cutting tools and machining attachments, coating of noble metals and alloys on electric contacts. Can be put as alloys (WC, TiC, VC, etc), and pure metals (Ni, Co, Cu, or Al alloys). Main Advantages of Installation Results of electro-spark alloying: - Recoveries of sizes of the outweared mounting surfaces of details and increase service life in 3-4 times: working surfaces, decrease of a time of their repair and service, increase of time of between-repairs work of equipment. Simplicity and mobility of installation allow to use it directly on work place, thus from the personnel high qualification and long instruction is not required. Areas of Application Installation can be claimed on: - Machine-technological stations, - In repair manufacture, - At the factories of heavy engineering industry, easy and process industry, - In electric power industry, etc. Stage of Development Tested, available for demonstration – field tested. Installations can be made under parameters of the customer. Main characteristics: Maximum thickness of coating - up to 0.4-0.5 mm, Efficiency - up to 3-5 sm2/min, Power - from 0.3 kW, Weight - from 9 kg. - Time increase between resharpening and working life of cutting tools (metal-cutting or woodworking) in 5-8 times Main Advantages of Process 1. Locality of treatment of surfaces, minor heating of a detail, and possibility of formation of demanded operating characteristics of surfaces, high cohesive resistance of covering with the basic material. 2. Economy of material resources at the expense of: increases of wear resistance of workpieces and restoration of Contact Details Institute of Applied Physics Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Academia str.5, MD 2028, Chisinau, Rep. of Moldova 20 Contact person: Dr. Paramonov Anatolii Tel. (+373 22) 73 17 36 e-mail: Technology Profile New Installation for Manufacturing Hard-Machine Details by Electropulse, Electro-Erosion and Electrochemical Processing Description Universal installation "Elekta-2" is designed for manufacturing hard-machine details, mostly from tempered alloyed steels and hard alloys by a consequence of electricall methods. Processing is conducted with a single setting up of a detail in a machine and its processing by a chain of methods mentioned below, electrodes-tools and working liquids. The typical sequence of processing is the following: an electro-pulse technology for maximum material removal; electro-erosion technology for the removal of a defective layer and the reduction of the surface roughness; electrochemical technology for the finishing accurate processing and high-quality surface. • Reduce operating personnel. The installation is ecologically friendly due to the optimal processing methods that allow less chemical working liquids consumption. Areas of Application • Mechanical tools processing, mostly from tempered alloyed steels and hard alloys. • Die-mold and die manufacturing • Extrusion form tools Fig.2 Examples of manufacturing hard-machine details Stage of Development Fig.1 Universal installation “Elekta - 2” Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages Innovative aspect consists in a chain of electrical methods for mechanical tools processing and their integration in a single universal installation. The main advantages of the proposed installation are the following: • Universality and high quality and accuracy of processing • Reduction, up to 3-4 times, of the time and cost of details manufacturing and processing • Smaller dimensions of the installation and its working space Prototype available for testing. Laboratory tests of the prototype confirmed the high performance and advantages of the proposed installation and technologies. The proposed integration of technologies and the installation have been protected by the following patents. The authors are inviting partners and investors for scaling up the proposed technical solutions and their implementation in industrial production. Contact Details Institute of Applied Physics Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Academia str.5, MD 2028, Chisinau, Rep. of Moldova Contact person: Dr. Anatolii Paramonov, Alexandr Covali Tel. (+373 22) 73 17 36 e-mail: 21 Science Opportunities in Moldova Advanced ZnO Laser Nanoresonators for Photonics Description The control of the morphology of ZnO assembling is an effective way to design laser resonators. Due to a high optical quality, the material is a gain medium for stimulated emission. The combination of these two factors is an excellent basis for the development of a variety of new ultraviolet microlasers. New methods for growing hierarchical ZnO structures by chemical vapour transport from a mixture of ZnO and carbon powders in a vertical or horizontal furnace with specific temperature gradients and carrier gas flow rates were developed. Those methods create conditions for radial self-assembling of hexagonal ZnO nanorods in cylindrical micro-clusters, or for the growth of hemispherical mi-cro-formations assembled from ZnO nanostructures. ZnO structure in the form of a wire was grown with a modified vapour transport and condensation method. The wire consists of a dense core that may play the role of waveguide and a shell formed mainly from tertapod-type crystallites. Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages Technological advantages: technological methods developed are simple and cost effective, do not require evacuation systems, and, in some cases, even gas flows are not necessary. Technical advantages: as a result of using the invention, the size of a laser resonator is reduced, the threshold for stimulated emission is diminished, the variety of resonators and laser modes is enlarged, which increases the performance of optoelectronic and photonic circuits, and reliability of identification and security systems. The advantages of ZnO material over GaN, which is the main optoelectronic material used for applications in the UV spectral range, are summarized in the comparative matrix. The materials have nearly the same bandgap cor-responding to the UV spectral range. However, the exciton binding energy of ZnO is mach higher, assuring effective excitonic emission at room temperature, which is essential for UV laser applications. Short comparative matrix Parameter Low cost technology 22 GaN + - Energy bandgap 3.37 eV 3.44 eV Exciton binding energy 60 meV 26 meV Excitonic emission at room temperature + - Easy control of nano-resonator parameters + - Controlled n-type growth + - Controlled p-type growth - + Fig. 1. SEM image of cylindrical self-assembled micro-structures of the ZnO nano-wires and laser emission spectrum. Emission spectra are measured with increasing excitation density from (1) to (5). The produced ZnO laser structures are for optical pumping, since technological methods for a controlled p-type material growth are not available for ZnO. Areas of Application The produced structures are suitable for applications in integrated nanoscale optoelectronics, photonics, and sensor technologies requiring coherent UV light for signal processing. Stage of Development Experimental samples are prepared. The method are protected by: • Moldavian Patent: MD 3320 • Moldavian Patent: MD 3822 Contact Details Institute of Applied Physics Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Academia str.5, MD 2028, Chisinau, Rep. of Moldova ZnO Contact person: Veaceslav Ursachi Tel.: (+373-22) 23-75-08; 73-90-48 Fax.: (+373-22) 73-81-49; E-mail: Technology Profile 23 Science Opportunities in Moldova Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Technical Area Keywords: molecular biology, genetics, plant breeding, mineral nutrition, photosynthesis General Information The Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology, Mold. Acad. Sci. was founded at the initiative of the Moldavian Academy of Sciences, on the basis of Decision of the Moldavian Government No 1326 dated 14.12.2005 regarding Fusion of the Institute of Genetics, ASM; Institute of Plant Physiology, ASM; Aromatic and Medicinal Plant Branch of the Research Institute of Maize and Sorghum; Center of Plant Genetic Resources, ASM. The Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology including 3 scientific centers and 10 laboratories. It has above 157 employees, with 25 Phd and 73 above (Dr.Sc.), 3 corresponding members of ASM and 2 Academicians of ASM. Institute’s Focus Institute’s areas of core competencies include the following: Fundamental direction: Genetic and molecular control of the quantitative and qualitative precious peculiarities, elaboration of the new principles for majoring and quantification of heritable variability, study of genetics and physiology diversity & plant gene pool conservation, genetic and physiology mechanisms for manipulation the productive processes. Applied direction: elaboration of the new principles, breeding technologies and biotechnologies, creation of varieties and hybrids with productivity, quality and ecological resistance to different agricultural system, elaboration of physiologic methods of optimization and providing the stability of productive processes in the intensive organic (ecological) agriculture and high precision. Valuable Tecnology Offerings Technologies of cellular and pollen breeding; for selection of resistant genotypes to stress factors such as biotic and abiotic, in vitro and in vivo; molecular technologies to identify genotypes with special biological features; reglation of productivity and plant resistance by the action of exogenous factors (micro, macroelements, biological active substance; optimization of growth, development and productivity factors. 24 Institute Profile Scientific Cooperation and Technology Transfer We cooperate with the next organizations: Institute of Physical Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Genetics, RAS, Russia; Institute of Genetics and Citologie, Bielarusi; Institute of Genetics, Romania; Institute of Plant Physiology, RAS, Russia; Institute of Plant Physiology, Ucraina Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Address: MD – 2002, Pădurii str. 20, Chisinau, Republic Moldova Tel: (+373 22) 77 04 47 Contact person: Barbacar Nicolae, Director Fax: (+373 22) 55 61 80 E-mail:; 25 Science Opportunities in Moldova Lavander (lavandula angustifolia mill.) Varietes-Clones Description Stage of Development Three new varieties-clones of Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) with different term of ripening are offered: Early - Moldoveanca-4, Late – Alba-7; Middle ripe - Vis Magic-10 Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages New varieties are distinguished by: - frost resistance, - winter hardiness, - drought resistance, - disease resistance. The varieties are characterized by: high yield of inflorescences; high content of essential oil high productivity of essential oils high quality of essential oil Varieties are different in terms of harvest time and facilitate to extend the lavender harvest period as 15 days. This varieties form a conveyer during harvesting, which allows a gradual harvesting of each variety and ensures a substantial reduction of raw material and essential oil losses. Table 1. Productivity of Lavender varieties Varieties Moldoveanca4, early ripening Yield of infloEssential oil Production of rescontent, % (dry essential oil, mat.) kg/ha cences t/ha 12.8 3.491 178.8 7.4 4.224 132.0 12.8 5.376 250.0 10.9 2.629 115.0 Vis magic-10, middle ripening Alba-7 late ripening Chişinau-90, standard Fig.1. General view of early lavender variety Moldoveanca-4 Fig.2 General view late lavender variety Alba-7 Varieties are protected by Moldova Patent variety of plants (73MD, 2010; 74MD, 2010; 75MD, 2010). The results were appreciated in the International Exhibition, Bucharest (Medal Inventica, 2005); in the International Exhibition, Chisinau, (Silver Medal, Bronze Medal, Cup and Diploma “Best Inventor” INFOINVENT, 2007). Areas of Application Agriculture; medicine; perfumery. Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Contact person: Dr. Maria Gonceariuc Address: 22 Padurii St. Chisinau 2002, Republic of Moldova Tel./Fax: (+ 373 22) 660 394 26 Mob.: (+ 373 79) 160 411 E-mail: Technology Profile Salvia Sclarea L. (Clary Sage) Varietes with Different Periods of Harvesting Description We offer Clary sage (Salvia sclarea L.) new high-effective varieties which are winter-hardy, resistant to drought and diseases, and with an enhanced producing capacity: early ripening variety Ambra Plus (fig.1), late-ripening varieties Victor and Nataly Clary, a variety with a middle ripening Dacia-99). Varieties form a conveyer during harvesting, which allows a gradual harvesting of each variety and ensures a substantial reduction of raw material and essential oil losses. All varieties are represent very complex hybrids and suitable for both processing technology of raw material as well as production of essential oil through distillation and production technology of concrete through organic solvent extraction. In its turn, this contributes to the increase of the areas occupied with sage and processing of a higher quantity of raw material while expanding industrial processing capacities. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages • High productivity of row materials and essential oil; • High quality of essential oil and concrete; • Exploitation of industrial plantations 3 years instead of 2 years as currently are grown and harvested standard varieties in Moldova and current varieties in Ukraine and Europe • A different vegetative period, gradual ripening allows the expansion of the harvesting period up to 27 days; • Conveyor early, medium and late varieties increases industrial productivity by 20 %; Table 1. Yield of inflorescences Moldavian Salvia sclarea cultivars Cultivar Inflorescence yield, t/ha Σ I year II year III year Dacia 50, standard early 9.9 35.9 16.8 62.6 Ambra Plus, early Dacia 99, middle ripe 18.0 9.5 31.5 36.9 23.1 15.6 73.3 62.0 M-404, standard late 12.2 27.6 15.1 54.9 Victor, late 9.8 34.9 14.9 59.6 Natali- Clary, late 15.0 33.9 17.3 66.2 Fig.1. General view of plantation of Clary sage (variety Ambra Plus). • Seeding rate only 4 kg/ha. The essential oil producing capacity of Clary sage new varieties are: Ambra Plus – 73.3 kg/ha Dacia-99 - 62 kg/ha Victor and Nataly Clary- 60-66 kg/ha (table 1) with a high concentration of linalil acetate (65-70%) and sclareol (612%), as well as concrete producing capacity – 200-250 kg/ha with a high content of sclareol (60-70%). The efficiency of these varieties grows substantially when, following essential oil distillation, the wastes are extracted with organic solvents resulting in concrete with a sclareol concentration of more than 60%. Areas of Application Agriculture (production of raw material, processing, essential oil and concrete production); medicine (balneology: baths, massage; treatment diseases of the respiratory apparatus, rheumatic diseases); perfumery (component in producing of the high quality perfume). Stage of Development Varieties are protected by Moldova variety certificates (MD 297; MD 301; MD 405; MD 501). The results were appreciated in the International Exhibition, Bucharest (Medal Inventica, 2005); in the International Exhibition, Chisinau, (Silver Medal, Cup and Diploma “Best Inventor” INFOINVENT, 2007). Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Contact person: Dr. Maria Gonceariuc Address: 22 Padurii St. Chisinau 2002, Republic of Moldova Tel./Fax: (+ 373 22) 660 394 Mob.: (+ 373 79) 160 411 E-mail: 27 Science Opportunities in Moldova Virus Free Grapevine Plantlets Production Description: The International Council for the Study of Virus and Viruslike Diseases of Grapevine recognizes over 70 infectious agents affecting this culture. Many of them cause disorders that reduce the plant vigour and longevity, the quality and quantity of the yield. Infected propagating material is largely responsible for the spread of these diseases among and within viticulture regions. According to existing legislation all vineyards must be founded using only virus free material. The meristem tip culture is used for elimination of harmful viruses. Grapevine shoot tips are micropropagated on different variants of Murashige & Skoog medium selected for each genotype. In order to obtain virus free plants an individual protocol for virus eradication is necessary (only meristem culture, meristem culture and thermotherapy or chemotherapy). For confirmation of virus elimination the plantlets were tested out in virus detection. Virus free plantlets may by used for mass micropropagation and foundation of a depository of virus free stock plants. Innovative aspect and main advantages: Meristeme culture is a unique technique to produce plants free from various pathogens including viruses, viroides, mycoplasma. Benefit of using meristem culture as a means of regeneration consist in production of stabile forms and virus free stock plants. Meristem derived plantlets carry many quantitative and qualitative performance. The productivity of healthy plants is higher; the resistance to unfavourable climatic conditions increase; the fruit yield quality of meristem derived plants is higher than of runner derived plants. Areas of application: Virus free depository-collections are subject of all Grapevines genetic resources, including valuable genotypes with resistance to unfavourable biotic and abiotic factors. Elimination of the harmful viruses by meristem culture The increasing security for grapevine genotypes has been asked by Agricultural Department, Scientific Institutes of the Academy of Sciences, private organizations. Stage of Development: • Technical protocols of standard plantlets production are developed. • Pilot lots of local cultivars are obtained. • Developed algorithms are available for other horticulture species. Targeted Companies: On virus free plantlets are interested: • big and middle producers; • producers from other viticulture countries interested in our new cultivars resistant to unfavourable factors; • breeders and viticulture centres interested in autochthonous varieties as source of high quality and productivity. Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Contact person: Larisa Andronic, PhD, Deputy director Address: 22 Padurii St. Chisinau 2002, Republic of Moldova 28 Tel: (373 22) 66 04 09 Fax: (373 22) 55 61 80 E-mail: Technology Profile Seedless Grapevine Hybrids Production Through Direct Embryogenesis Description: Using of technique of somatic embryos safe through their excise previous abort and their subsequent cultivation on the nutritional medium in vitro conditions till integral plants are proposed. Success of in vitro technique depends on the selected medium, hybrid combination and postanthsis period (determining embryos age until the time of transferring on culture medium). Difficulties in the process of genetic improvement of seedless can be overcome by in vitro techniques, following the stage of creation of new forms from initials. Technologies in vitro embryos represent single enable way that in a relatively short period of time is available to produce plants from new combinations of starting genotypes with different degree of seedless. Innovative aspect and main advantages: Modern biotechnology and especially, the applying in vitro techniques, offers the unique possibility of obtaining new forms of seedless grapevine vines, rapid multiplication in controlled conditions leading to healthy material. The grapevine seedless varieties posed the major advantages compared with the varieties with seeds, having a broader range of application and a growing demand on the international market. The benefit of cutting obtained through in vitro techniques is covered by seedless varieties. In vitro technology reduces in half the length process of grapevine improvement. Also, in vitro biotechnology is a real method that offers the possibility of obtaining of new genotypes with valorous characters in a short period of time. Areas of application: All new grapevine forms are subject of genetic resources, as origin stenospermocarpy. The increasing interest on seedless genotypes defines the requirements of Agricultural Departments, Scientific Institutes, private organisations. Stage of Development: • Technical protocols of standard plantlets production are developed. • Pilot lots of various hydrides combinations are obtained. • Developed algorithms are available for other hybrids combinations. Targeted Companies: • big and middle producers; • producers from other viticulture countries interested in our new forms resistant to unfavourable factors; • breeders and viticulture centres interesting in autochthonous seedless cultivars as source of high quality and productivity, resistance to unfavorable factors. Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Contact person: Svetlana Smerea, PhD, scientific collaborator Address: 22 Padurii St. Chisinau 2002, Republic of Moldova Tel: (373 22) 66 03 89 Fax: (373 22) 55 61 80 E-mail: 29 Science Opportunities in Moldova New Varieties of Medicinal Plants Marigold (Calendula Officinalis L.) Description We propose tow new varieties marigold: Diana and Nataly (Fig.1) with large inflorescences, large number of ligulate flowers and with a high producing capacity of more than 1.3 - 1.4 t/ha dry inflorescences. Marigold (Calendula) is a medicinal species drug successfully used for treatment of many diseases. This plant is used also in ornamental floriculture. Varieties are distinguished by the tubular flowers colour. Thus, variety Nataly has the tubular flowers as well as ligulate flowers are orange, while variety Diana has the tubular flowers are brown and the ligulate flowers are orange. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages New varieties of marigold Nataly and Diana are distinguished by: • drought resistance; • disease resistance; • high productivity • high quality of inflorescences • high content of flavone • high content of polyphenoles The concentration of the active matter in the new marigold is much higher than that in the local population cultivated in Moldova, which served as control (Table 1). Seeding rate is only 3 kg/ha. Table 1. Pot marigold varieties productivity and quality of row materials Variety Dry inflorescences yield, t/ha Flavones content, % Polyphenols content, % Nataly 1.4 0.873 0.988 Diana 1.3 0.624 1.038 standard 0.6 0.387 0.463 Fig.1. General view of plantation of marigold (Calendula) varieties Nataly Areas of Application Agriculture, pharmacy, medicine, ornamental floriculture. Stage of Development Varieties are protected by Moldova variety certificates (MD 302; MD 328). The results were appreciated at the International Exhibition, Chisinau, (Silver Medals, INFOINVENT, 2007). Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Contact person: Dr. Maria Gonceariuc Address: 22 Padurii St. Chisinau 2002, Republic of Moldova 30 Tel./Fax: (+ 373 22) 660 394 Mob.: (+ 373 79) 160 411 E-mail: Technology Profile Cultivating Raspberries with Ecological Safety Description The ‘know-how’ of fruits of a raspberry on an ecological basis is offered. It provides raspberry cultivation on soils which meet the obligatory requirements of ecological production stated in the ‘know-how’, and replacing all chemical fertilizers, substances but at use of natural preparations. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages Ecological culture of the raspberry gives certificated production of fruits of a raspberry with increasing up to 220250 q/ha and, in comparison with a prototype, the profit is increasing by 20-25 % per 1 ha at the expense of decrease in the expense of material resources and manual labour. The capital investments is reducing by 19-20 % as well in comparison with the existing ones. Innovation elements: • Choice of plots of land corresponding to requirements and follow to the established norms for cultivation of ecological foodstuff; • Use of optimum structure of plantations corresponding to requirements for cultivation of non-polluting production; • Application of natural fertilizers and means of plants protection according to requirements of eco- Fig.2. Fructifying plant of a raspberry. Fig.3. Quality of the grown up crop of a raspberry. logical agriculture; • Introduction of the technology components that are safe for health of people and for environment. Areas of Application Horticulture. Stage of Development Fig.1. General view of plantation. The technology is tested in field conditions by Co Ltd “Lefcons-Agro”, village Floreni, Moldova. Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Contact person: Dr. of Sc. Nicolae Bujoreanu Address: 22 Padurii St. Chisinau 2002, Republic of Moldova Tel.(037322) 66-39-32 E.mail: 31 Science Opportunities in Moldova Indigenous Varieties of Leguminous Crops Description Soya [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] varieties Zodiac and Alina have been developed through a hybridization method. The authors are A. Budac, V. Celac, L. Coreţchi, and I. Chirtoacă. The parental types for variety Zodiac are as follows: the maternal one is the variety Timpurie and the paternal one is Bălţi-82. The bean productivity is 14.98-26.3 q/ha. The protein content in beans is 35.4-36.8%, the oil content is 21.0-24.2%. The weight of 1,000 beans makes 127 g. The vegetation period is 108-115 days. The plant is 60-70 cm tall. It is characterized by a high setting level of the first seedpod (14.7cm) and an enhanced drought resistance. The initial types for variety Alina are as follows: the maternal one is the variety Chişinău 16 and the paternal one is Amurskaia 41. The bean productivity is 14.5–26.3 q/ha. The protein content in beans is 35.9- 40.4%, the oil content is 19.8-21.18%. The weight of 1,000 beans ranges between 118 and 132 g. The vegetation period is 119-129 days. The plant is 60-65 cm tall. It is characterized by a high setting level of the first seedpod and an enhanced resistance to drought and cold during germination. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages As compared with the standard variety Bălţi-82, the variety Zodiac exceeds it in productivity by 15.6% (2.8 q/ha). As compared with the standard variety Bucuria, the variety Alina exceeds it in productivity by 26% (4.1 q/ha). Both varieties Zodiac and Alina are resistant to the following diseases: seedling root rot, downy mildew, bacteriosis, bacterial angular leaf and pod spot, virosis, and white mould. (a) (b) Fig.1. Soya [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] varieties Zodiac and Alina. Stage of Development The varieties are registered in Moldova (Zodiac in 2004, Alina in 2002) and recommended for cultivation in the South and Center of the Republic of Moldova. Plant variety award decision ##128, 129 dated 11.11.2009. Areas of Application Agriculture. Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Contact person: Dr. A. Budac Address: 22 Padurii St. Chisinau 2002, Republic of Moldova 32 Tel.: (+373 22) 555 268 Mob.: (+373 79) 824 239 Fax.: (+373 22) 556 168 E-mail: Technology Profile Indigenous Varieties of Leguminous Crops Description There have been developed and introduced in Moldova the chickpea varieties Ichel and Botna and lentil varieties Aurie and Verzuie. The chickpea variety Ichel is an erect steam plant, of green colour, achieves the height of 80 cm, the Cabuli type. The seeds are round, with the yellow cotyledons, the mass of 1000 seeds is 209 g. The seed production achieves 1,47 t/ha. Pure ecological seed are designated for the food and refining industry. The chickpea variety Botna is a semi-erect stem plant, green-violet, the Desi type. The angle-round seeds are wrinkled, brown, with yellow cotyledons, the mass of 1000 seeds is 228g. The seed production constitutes 1,71 t/ha. Pure ecological seed are designated for the food and re- fining industry as well as for animal fodder. The plants are considered as a soil improvement tool. The lentil variety Aurie are middle height plants (40 cm) with 3 ramifications and 43 pods on each plant. The round seeds are yellow colored. The mass of 1000 seeds is 72,2g and contain 27,3% of protein and 1,9% of fats. The medium harvest is 1,44 t/ha. The vegetating period is of 119 days. The lentil variety Verzuie are short height plants (30-35 cm) with 3-4 ramifications and 72 pods on each plant. The small brown-green mottled seeds are about of 0,5 cm in size. The mass of 1000 seeds is 31,5 g and contain 26,7% of protein and 1,5% of fats. The medium harvest is 2,29 t/ha. The vegetating period is of 98 days. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages The varieties are resistant to drought and high temperatures, tolerant to many diseases and pests. a) Chickpea varieties Ikhel Areas of Application b) Fig.1. General view of plantation (a) and seeds (b) of the chickpea variety Botna. Agriculture. Stage of Development The varieties are registered in Moldova. Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Contact person: Prof. V. Celac Address: 22 Padurii St. Chisinau 2002, Republic of Moldova Tel.: (+ 373 22) 555 268 Mob.: (+ 373 79) 824 239 Fax.: (+373 22) 556 168 E-mail: 33 Science Opportunities in Moldova Propagation, Domestication, and Introduction of Rhodiola Rosea L. Description The Center of Advanced Biological Technologies (CABT) has developed an innovative program of plant multiplication, secondary metabolites extraction, purification and analysis of biochemical components that have antioxidant and adaptogen effects. These components are inducing “well-being”, improving the immune system, reducing cardiovascular diseases and oxidative stress. They stimulate non-specific resistance and help organisms to resist chem- Fig.1. Plants of R. rosea growing in Romanian Carpathian Mountains. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages • Existence of the developed systems of R. rosea selection, seeds germination and obtaining of vigor seedlings; • The advanced stage of development of procedure for obtaining viable and vigor “artificial seeds” from generative and in vitro propagated plants; • Accessibility of selected valuable and genetically heterogeneous R. rosea genotypes. • Developed agronomic techniques of cultivation and carrying out the cultivation of selected descendents; • Existence of well-developed infrastructure for physiological and biochemical control of plants physiological state and obtaining a large quantity of plantlets using traditional and biotechnological methods; • Well-developed infrastructure for chemical control of natural products. • Optimized methods of in vitro propagation of R. rosea. Areas of Application Ecology, medicine. Stage of Development All mentioned methods, facilities, and sources for multiplication are available for demonstration. Some methods are patented in Moldova and others are secret know-how. Fig.2. In vitro propagation (a) and one year old rhizomes of R. rosea (b). ical, physical and mental stress. Plants that contain unsaturated fatty acids, polyphenols, and antocianidines and their combinations are the sources of substances that have beneficial effects against oxidative stress, cardiovascular and immune diseases. Among plants that contains substances with adaptogenic effects one of the most famous is Rhodiola rosea L. Fig.3. Planting of R. rosea (a) and three year old plants of R. rosea growing in Moldova. Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Contact person: Prof. Alexandru Dascaliuc Address: 22 Padurii St. Chisinau 2002, Republic of Moldova 34 Tel.: (+ 373 22) 530 177 Mob.: (+ 373) 095 100768 Fax.: (+ 373 22) 556 280 E-mail: Technology Profile Natural Plant Growth Regulator Reglalg Description Reglalg is a natural plant growth regulator (PGR) extracted from algae in special conditions. It improves the vitality and quality of the crops by natural means. In mixture with fungicides and pesticides Reglalg diminishes their effective doses. As a result, the detrimental effect of chemical crop protectants on the environment and human health could be reduced, while the efficient use of natural resources improved. Reglalg is regulatory preparation that induces the systemic acquired resistance (SAR), influences on plant growth and productivity. It could be regarded as an option for economically sustainable organic crop production. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages • Acts as a PGR that in specific concentrations stimulate roots growth, activates secondary roots formation and development, provide better mineral and water supply to the plants. • On cereals it promotes the deeper immersing of node of bushiness that have beneficial effects on plants frost- and drought-tolerance. • Reglalg components increase plant resistance to frost, drought, high temperature and snow mould. • In combination with fungicides and pesticides Reglalg retains growth-regulating capacities and promote their activity. • Integration of Reglalg in generally accepted agrotechnical procedures is not hampered by the requirement of costly investments for equipment and end-users trainings. It can be applied using the techniques developed for the chemical compounds. • Easy to use in preparative form (liquid, before use diluted up with water). • Long-term storage in the dark, at a wide range of temperatures (9-18oC). • Accessible transportation and storage costs. • Action of Reglalg is environmentally friendly: safe for people, animals, bees and environment. It could be regarded as an option for economically sustainable organic crop production. Fig.1. The 4 days old sunflower plantlets obtained from the seeds treated (b) and untreated (a) with solution of Reglalg. Areas of Application Agriculture, plant protection. Wide spectrum of application: cereals, maize, sunflowers, potatoes, fruit trees and vegetables. Stage of Development It is approved for implementation in agriculture in Moldova. To implement intensive application of the Reglalg it is necessary to organize its advertising, marketing and largescale production. Principles of use the preparation are partially protected by patents of Modova. Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Contact person: Prof. Alexandru Dascaliuc Address: 22 Padurii St. Chisinau 2002, Republic of Moldova Tel.: (+ 373 22) 530 177 Mob.: (+ 373) 095 100768 Fax.: (+ 373 22) 556 280 E-mail: 35 Science Opportunities in Moldova New Tomato Varieties Mihaela, Jubiliar 60/20, Prestij Description New tomato varieties Mihaela, Jubiliar, and Prestij have been developed at the Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology. The authors are Nadejda Mihnea, Grati Maria, Chireeva Galina, Grati Vasile, and Jacotă Anatol. The fruits of the variety Mihaela are medium sized weighing 85.0...90.0 g, round shaped (I = 0.96). The fruits contain 4.5...5.2% of dry matter, 3.0...3.5% of sugars, 20...25 mg/% of vitamin C. The variety is early ripening with a vegetation period is 107-111 days. The total yield makes 50.0 t/ha-70.0 t/ha, the marketable yield is 48.0-68.0 t/ha. The fruits of the variety Jubiliar 60/20 are cylindrical weighing 120-130g, slightly costate. Unripe fruits are uniformly whitish, the mature fruits are red and contain a medium number of seeds. The fruits are characterized by high tasty qualities and contain 5.0...5.5% of dry matter, 5.0...5.4% of sugars, 40.0...46.5 mg/% of vitamin C, the acidity is 0.40...0.50%. The variety is mid-late ripening, the vegetation period is 115-120 days. In the transplant culture, the variety ensures a yield of 60.0...70.0 t/ha, while the standard fruit yield is high (90.0...95.0%). The fruits of the variety Prestij are large with weighing 120140 g, flatly round. The unripe fruits are green with a weakly pronounced spot at the basis, the ripe fruits are uniformly red. The number of seed lobes is 4-5, the seed number per fruit is more than 120. The fruits are characterized by high tasting qualities and contain 5.6-6.2% of dry matter, 5.55.4% of sugars, 52.0-55.0 mg/% of vitamin C, 0.56-0.78% of acidity. The variety is mid-ripening with a vegetation period of 108-114 days. In the transplant culture, the variety ensures a yield of 65.-72.0 t/ha, while the standard fruit yield is high (93.0...96.05%). The variety is resistant to cold (80.0%). The varieties Mihaela, Jubiliar, and Prestij are recommended for cultivation through seedling transplants with a density of 55-57 thousand plants per ha. It can be used fresh, to produce juice and other tomato products. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages Fig.1. Tomato variety Mihaela. Fig.2. Tomato Variety Jubiliar. Fig.3. Tomato Variety Prestij. The variety Jubiliar 60/20 is mid-late, high productive with superior tasting qualities, can be transported to long distances. The variety Prestij is productive with large high-quality fruits, resistant to cold. Areas of Application Agriculture. Stage of Development The varieties are registered in Moldova (Mihaela in 2006; Jubiliar in 2008; Prestij in 2009). The variety Mihaela harmoniously combines high productivity, good tasting qualities with the resistance to cold and drought. The productivity is high at cultivation through both seeds and seedling transplants. Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Contact person: Dr. Nadejda Mihnea Address: 22 Padurii St. Chisinau 2002, Republic of Moldova 36 Tel.: (+ 373 22) 770 447 Mob.: (+ 373 22) 556 180 E-mail: Technology Profile Indigenous Varieties of Cereal Crops Ingen 33 And Ingen 35 Description The variety Ingen 33 has been developed through hybridization of the varieties Ingen 8 (Institute of Genetics) and Plai (Romania) followed by an individual selection in F2. The variety belongs to the Leucurum-Leucomelean variation (a white spike, without pubescence, with white and gray awns, the kernel is red). The spike is of a medium size (9.0-10.0 cm), cylindrical of a medium density (28-30 spikelets per 10 cm of the spike rachis length). The kernel is large (the weight of 1,000 kernels is 45-46 g), oval, contains 12.0%-14.0% of protein and 24%-25% of gluten. The variety Ingen 35 has been developed through hybridization of the varieties Ingen 8 (Institute of Genetics) and CAD 2/917 followed by an individual selection in the F2-F4 generation. The variety belongs to the Leucomelean variation (a white spike, without pubescence, with white and gray awns, the kernel is red). The spike is of a medium size (9.5-11.0 cm), cylindrical of a medium density (28-32 spikelets per 10 cm of the spike rachis length). The kernel is large (the weight of 1,000 kernels is 45-47 g), oval, contains 13.0%-14.0% of protein and 22%-24% of gluten. The varieties belong to a medium ripening group. In field conditions they are characterized by high resistance to diseases such as mildew, brown and yellow rust, brown foot rot, septoriose. They are resistant to drought and wintering. a) Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages The varieties are high-productive with a yield of 5.0-6.0 q/ha (Ingen 33) and 5.0-7.0 q/ha (Ingen 35), which is higher than that of the witness variety Ingen 93. The varieties are resistant to lodging and the biochemical qualities are fairly good. Areas of Application b) Fig.1. Cereal varieties Ingen 33 (a) and Ingen 35 (b). Agriculture. Stage of Development The varieties are registered in Moldova. Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Contact person: Prof. Buiucli Address: 22 Padurii St. Chisinau 2002, Republic of Moldova Tel.: (+ 373 22) 660 364 Mob.: (+ 373 69) 724 201 Fax.: (+373 22) 556 168 E-mail: 37 Science Opportunities in Moldova Indigenous Varieties of Cereal Crops Hordeiforme 335 and Auriu 273 Description The cereal varieties Hordeiforme 335 and Auriu 273 have been developed through hybridization of the varieties Iantari x Hordeiforme 333 followed by selection in F2. The varieties belong to the Hordeiforme variation (red spike with red awns, the kernel is white-yellowish). The spikes are of a medium size (7.7-8.0 cm for Hordeiforme 335 and 6.5-7.0 cm for Auriu 273), cylindrical of a medium density (29-31 spikelets per 10 cm of the spike rachis length). The kernels are oval, large (the weight of 1,000 kernels is 48-51 g for Hordeiforme 335 and 45-48 g for Auriu 273). The variety Hordeiforme 335 contains 12.0%13.0% of protein and 24%-25% of gluten, and variety Auriu 273 contains 14.0%-15.0% of protein and 27%-30% of gluten. The varieties belong to a medium ripening group. In field conditions they are characterized by high resistance to diseases such as mildew, brown and yellow rust, root rot, smut. They are resistant to drought and wintering. a) Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages The varieties are high-productive with a yield of 3.0-5.0 q/ha (Hordeiforme 335) and 4.6-5.0 q/ha (Auriu 273), which is higher than that of the witness variety Hordeiforme 333. The varieties are resistant to lodging and have high qualities for macaroni production. The macaroni produced from this flour are yellow and are not boiled soft. Areas of Application Agriculture. Stage of Development The varieties are registered in Moldova. b) Fig.1. Cereal varieties Hordeiforme 335 (a) and Auriu 273 (b). Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Contact person: Prof. Buiucli Address: 22 Padurii St. Chisinau 2002, Republic of Moldova 38 Tel.: (+ 373 22) 660 364 Mob.: (+ 373 69) 724 201 Fax.: (+373 22) 556 168 E-mail: Technology Profile Indigenous Varieties of Cereal Crops Moldova 5 and Moldova 11 Description The cereal varieties Moldova 5 and Moldova 11 have been developed through hybridization of the varieties Belceanca 5 x Basarabeanca followed by selection in F2. The variety Moldova 5 belongs to the Lutescens variation (white awnless spike without pubescence, the kernel is red coloured). The spike is of a medium size (7.1-7.5 cm long), cylindrical of a medium density (21-24 spikelets per 10 cm of the spike rachis length). The kernel is large (the weight of 1,000 kernels is 43-45 g), oval, contains 12.8%-14.0% of protein and 26.8%-30% of gluten. The variety Moldova 11 belongs to the Erutrospermum variation (a white awned spike without pubescence, the kernel is red coloured). The spike is of a medium size (7.47.8 cm long), cylindrical of a medium density (23-25 spikelets per 10 cm of the spike rachis length). The kernel is large (the weight of 1,000 kernels is 44-46 g), oval, contains 13.0%-14.0% of protein and 26%-28% of gluten. The varieties belong to a medium ripening group. In field conditions they are characterized by high resistance to diseases such as mildew, brown and yellow rust, root rot, smut. They are resistant to drought and wintering. a) Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages The varieties are high-productive with a medium yield of 52-54 q/ha, which is by 6-7 q/ha higher than that of the witness variety Odesscaia 117. The vatrieties are resistant to lodging and have good baking qualities, it has been graded with 5 points in comparison with 4 points of the witness variety. Areas of Application Agriculture. Stage of Development The varieties are registered in Moldova. b) Fig.1. Cereal varieties Moldova 5 (a) and Moldova 11 (b). Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Contact person: Prof. Buiucli Address: 22 Padurii St. Chisinau 2002, Republic of Moldova Tel.: (+ 373 22) 660 364 Mob.: (+ 373 69) 724 201 Fax.: (+373 22) 556 168 E-mail: 39 Science Opportunities in Moldova Technology of a Purposeful Fruit Cultivation for Long-Term Storage Description Methods and procedures of regulation of processes initiation and morphogenesis fruit buds, division and lengthening of cells, flowering and formation fruits on branches are offered. The developed technology allows to keep a stable crop, provides high quality and ability of fruits to storage. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages The technology is the new decision of regulation of efficiency of fruit-trees, improvements of quality of fruits and their stability to adverse factors of environment, and also in storage. Application of this technology gives raising the level of crop yield, depending on variety, by 2500-4000 kg/ha. The technology is based on the following stages: Intensification of processes of cell divisions as well as lengthening of cells (formation of quality of fruits); Regulation of intensity of growth processes, accumulation of chlorophyll pigments, plastic and mineral substances in apple fruits; Intensification of processes of initiation and morphogenesis fruit buds for a crop of next year; Increase in efficiency, quality and ability of fruits to storage as a result of application of biologically active substance of a natural origin and Ca. Time delay of process of flowering for the purpose of reduction of losses as a result of spring frosts; Areas of Application Horticulture. Stage of Development Stabilization of a crop with the removal method or holding back of young fruits; The technology is patented in Moldova (MD 254, 636, 1341, 1500, 2438, 2923, 2945) The results were appreciated in International Exhibition of Inventions, R&T Transfer, Moldova (Gold Medal, Inventica, 2008). Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Contact person: Dr. of Sc. Nicolae Bujoreanu Address: 22 Padurii St. Chisinau 2002, Republic of Moldova 40 Tel.: (+ 373 22) 663 932 Mob.: (+ 373 69) 221 432 E-mail: Technology Profile Reducing Apple Harvest Losses During Storage Description The methods and procedures for forecasting of stability of fruits to physiological disturbances, fungi diseases and tissues dehydration have been offered, as well as the optimum mode of harvesting and its storage have been defined. Application of ecologically safe substances essentially increase stability of fruits to various losses in storage. Reduction of losses of a crop damaged by pathogenic fungi; Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages The complex system of improvement of quality and ability of fruits to storage has been developed. The period of storage of fruits is directly proportional to intensity of biochemical processes. Time of removal of fruit from storage is before any visible changes, at the beginning of overripe stage of fruit. The technology is based on: Definition of optimum term of harvesting; Reduction of losses of a crop resulted by dehydration of tissues. Establishment of optimum term of removal of fruits from storage. Areas of Application Horticulture (long-term storage). Stage of Development Estimation of ability of fruits to storage; The technology is patented in Moldova (MD682, 700, 721, 907, 1183, 1554, 1797, 1798, 2809, 3373, SU1346071). The results were appreciated in the International Exhibition of Inventions, R&T Transfer, Moldova (Gold Medal, Inventica, 2008). Definition of degree of stability to physiological disturbances; Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Contact person: Dr. of Sc. Nicolae Bujoreanu Address: 22 Padurii St. Chisinau 2002, Republic of Moldova Tel.: (+ 373 22) 663 932 Mob.: (+ 373 69) 221 432 E-mail: 41 Science Opportunities in Moldova Improving Plant Productivity and Resistance Increase in Conditions of Anthropogenic Polluted Soils Description Repeated and not always rational use of pesticides, herbicides, some fertilizers, and also radiation contamination, contamination from a truck, aerospace industry have resulted in essential upset of equilibrium in ecosystem, destruction of soils, and deterioration of health and heredity of the population. The intensity of plant growth, photosynthetic activity, and quality of production, resistance to diseases, vermin and low temperatures are reduced on the polluted soils. In these conditions the necessity of development of effective scientifically based technology for ecosystem remediation is a primary problem. Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Academy of Sciences of Moldova together with International Radioecology Laboratory of Chernobyl Center for Nuclear Safety, Radioactive Waste and Radioecology of Cabinet of Ministers of the Ukraine offer to use three kinds of rizospheric microorganisms and their metabolites in combination with a new microfertilizer Мicrocom for toxicants destruction in soil, reduction of chemical load on both plants and soil and deriving of ecological pure production. Preliminary researches enabled the creation of a highly effective technology for complex regulation of growth conditions and plants nutrition and detoxication of soils contaminated with the harmful chemical compounds. Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages The main scientific-methodical approaches is the use of achievements of microbiology and plants physiology for remediation of polluted ecosystems; complex regulation of plants growth and development with the purpose of increasing their productivity and resistance to unfavoura-ble conditions of growth. The uniqueness of the methodological approach is in the following: а) saprophyte soil lived microorganisms are used both for risosphere bacte-rization, and foliar treatment of plants; b) complex use of microorganisms and traces elements. Main advantage of the offered technology, in compari-son with existing, is usage of concrete strains of rizospheric microorganisms and their metabolites in combination with a special composition of complicated microfertilizer Microcom. Application of such complex of microorganisms and microelements amplifies the influence on the destructions of toxicants in soil, plants resistance to diseases and other unfouvarable conditions of growth, reduces chemical load on plants and soil. It will allow: to activate the processes of absorption of nutritive elements, growth, activity of enzymes, fixing of molecular nitro- Fig 1. Control grape seedlings (row on the right) and plants treated by trace elements and microorganisms (three rows on the left). gen; to reduce the technogenic pollution of ecosystem objects; to increase productivity and resistance of plants, quality of production and state of health of the population. Preliminary data showed the intensification of processes of growth and development of plants, increase of plant resistance by 3-6% and productivity by 10-15% under the treatment. Areas of Application Last years viticulture of Moldova is guided by production of healthy landing material of grape plants, free from bacterial cancer. Therefore developed technology will have primary significance in the given branch. The new landing plantations should be planted on soils where the last 6-10 years vineyards did not grow, in other words, on soils, where earlier oneyears cultures have grew, with heavily treatment by herbicides. Bacterization of seedling and young plants, also of fruit-bearing plantations will be very effective method of regulation of the mineral status of soils and plants. Offered technology can be used for remediation of soils contaminated by heavy metals and radioactive elements. The requirement of remediation of the polluted soil, necessity of regulation of growth and development of grapes as well as other cultures is topical also for southern regions of Ukraine, Russia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. Stage of Development Development phase – laboratory tested and proved in conditions of production; Covered by patents of former USSR N 1050115, N 1467809, N 2654 G2, 2005 etc. Contact Details Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology Contact person: Sofia Veliksar Address: 22 Padurii St. Chisinau 2002, Republic of Moldova 42 Tel.: (+ 373 22) 568 157 Fax: (+373 22) 555 514 E-mail: Technology Profile 43 Science Opportunities in Moldova INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY Technical Area Keywords: coordination compounds, organic biologically active compounds, physical-chemical processes and mechanisms, methods of analytical control of ecosystems and non-polluting technologies General Information The Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova was founded in 1959 on the basis of the sectors of organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry and the laboratory of analytical chemistry of the Moldavian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Institute’s Focus • Investigations of the influence of electronic structure on the nuclei configuration and dynamics have been crowned with the discovery entitled „The effect of tunnel cleavage of energetic levels of polyatomic systems in the state of electronic degeneration”; • Developments in the theory and practice of the template synthesis of coordination compounds of transition metals with organic ligands of chelating and macrocyclic type. Original methods have been devised related to the synthesis of new coordination compounds of biometals with polyfunctional ligands, including compounds with significant antitumoral, antiviral, anti-chlorosis activity, as well as compounds with psychotropic properties; • The laws of superacidic cyclisation reaction of terpenes have been established for various classes of terpene compounds (alcohols, their acetates, acids, esters, phenyl sulphones etc.); • Technologies of the production of activated carbon from vegetal by-products have been developed to be used for the detoxification of human body, for treatment of waste waters, surface and ground water. Valuable Technology Offerings • Coordination compounds with various useful properties: polynuclear compounds of Cr(III) as molecular magnets, catalysts of technological and biotechnological processes, macrocyclic colorants for plastics and synthetic fibres; new compounds for the obtaining of extra-pure metals, compounds for ion selective electrodes; agents for anticorrosive coating and protection of metals; • Coordination combinations with anticancer, antiviral, antibacterial, anticoccide, antidote properties; growth regulators for plants and algae; • Odorant products, aromatizers and biologically active products on the basis of natural terpenes, useful in tobacco processing, perfumery, medicine; • Methods of obtaining organic substances with psycho-stimulating effects, anticonvulsant, sedative, tranquilizing, antimycotic effects; regulators of cardiac activity; compounds with significant tuberculostatic activity; • Procedures of obtaining and regeneration of activated carbons from vegetal wastes; medicinal preparations on 44 Institute Profile the basis of activated carbons, catalysts and adsorbents for the purification of underground and natural waters; • Efficient methods of dosing heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Fe, Ni, Zn, and Mo) in foodstuffs and environmental objects; • New preparations from grape seeds for medicine, veterinary and agriculture; • New compositions for covering the interior walls of buildings. Scientific Cooperation and Technology Transfer The Institute participated in different international projects funded by INTAS, STCU, CRDF, MRDA, SCOPES, BMBF, RFBR, NATO and collaborates with many scientific centers, such as: • Romania (University „Politehnica”, Bucharest; Institute ECOIND, Bucharest; University „A. I. Cuza”, Iasi; University „Gh. Asachi”, Iasi; National Institute of Materials Physics, Bucharest; Institute of Physical Chemistry „G. Murgulescu”, Bucharest; Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry “P. Poni”, Iasi; Institute of Organic Chemistry „C. D. Neniţescu”, Bucharest); • Ukraine (Institute of Colloid Chemistry and Water Chemistry); • Russia (Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry; The Association of Science and Production „Neorganica”, Electrostali, Moscow region; Institute of Technical Physics, Kazan); • Belarus (Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry); • Poland (Chemistry Faculty of „A. Mickiewicz” University, Poznań); Institute of Physical Chemistry; Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics); • Holland (Agrarian University from Vageningen); • USA (Centre for Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Wilmington; Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Texas at Austin); • Spain (Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Valencia); • Italy (Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, CNR, Pozzuoli (Na)); Laboratorio di Chimica Bioorgabica Universita degli Studi di Trento, Italia; Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e Odontoiatria); • Germany (University of Leipzig, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Leipzig); • France (Laboratory of Synthesis and Study of Systems of Biological Interest and Laboratory of Molecular and Macromolecular Photochemistry, University Blaise Pascal, Aubiere Cedex). Contact Details Institute of Chemistry Contact person: Professor Tudor Lupacu, Director Address: 3, Academiei St. Chisinau, MD-2028, Republic of Moldova Tel.: (+373 22) 725 490 Fax: (+373 22) 739 954 E-mail:, Chief Technology Commercialization Officer Vadim Druta E-mail: 45 Science Opportunities in Moldova New Dental Preparations on the Base of Fennel Seeds Extract (“Fenglicol” and ”Fencarin”) and Technologies of Their Production Description New medicinal preparations (“FENGLICOL” and ”FENCARIN”) and technologies of their production are proposed on the base of extract of fennel seeds Foeni-culum vulgare as well as with inclusion of additional ingredients: essential oil in Fenglicol, marigold flowers components in Fencarin, glycerol and ethanol. Optimal production conditions of main components of the preparations and ready pharmaceutical forms on their base have been elaborated. Production technologies have been developed. All necessary requirements of Russian Pharmacological Committee for this kind of drugs such as acute and chronical toxicity, specific pharmacological activity and others have been studied and determined. Preparations have anti-inflammatory, wound healing, deodorant and anesthetic activities. They are recom-mended for treatment and prophylaxis of inflammatory pathologies of mouth mucosa and especially for chronical periodontitis, stomatitis and gingivitis. Their taste, anesthetic and deodorant properties make it possible to apply in child stomatology. Pharmaceutical form: transparent or slightly opalescent emulsion, with sweet taste and pleasant odor of anise, with pale yellow-brown color with greenish tint, packed in 40 or 50 ml bottles. Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages In comparison with many medicines our products pos-sess higher affectivity for treatment of inflammatory diseases of mouth mucosa, have excellent good taste and deodorant properties that permit their application not only in adult but also in pediatric stomatology. The preparations don’t have decalcification activity on the dental tissues, in contrast with many natural and synthetic drugs existing on today’s pharmaceutical market. They don’t have side effects as they are pro-duced from ecologically clean raw materials. In con-nection with it they can have high competitive power in comparison with other preparations. By this time there is a base for medical application of the preparations on the basis of stomatological institu-tions where clinical tests have been already carried out. As a result of improved technology production of fen-nel tincture development of new combined preparations on the base of fennel tincture is possible. Fig.1. Pharmaceutical forms of medicinal preparations “FENGLICOL” and “FENCARIN”. Areas of Application Medicine, pharmacy, stomatology. Stage of Development Development phase –laboratory tested, available for demonstration. Technical feasibility study. Normative documents of the pharmaceutical forms have been elaboated, clinical tests have been carried out in Moldova and Russia (showed affirmative results). Covered by patents of Moldova: ## 2326 MD and 2448 MD. Contact Details Institute of Chemistry Contact person: Dr. Felix Shepel Address: 3 Academia St. Chisinau 2028, Republic of Moldova 46 Tel.: (+373 22) 739 758; 739 754; 528 615; (+079) 610 296 (cell) E-mail: Technology Profile 47 Science Opportunities in Moldova State Medical and Pharmaceutical University "Nicolae Testemitanu" Technical Area Keywords: biomedicine, pharmaceutics, maintaining and strengthening health / medicine, medicine, pharmacy General Information State Medical and Pharmaceutical University "Nicolae Testemitanu" of the Republic of Moldova was founded in 1945, being based on the didactical staff of the Institute of Medicine of S-Petersburg, evacuated from Kislovodsc after the Second World War. Beginning with the first year, there were created the scientific directions, proceeding from the regional health problems for that period. Currently the University has become a real scientific, educational and medical center of our country and has a considerable scientific potential, able to solve the major health problems. The didactic and scientific staff currently consists of 1180 faculties, including 9 academicians, 5 corresponding members of ASM (Academy of Sciences of Moldova), 169 Habilitate doctors, 579 PhDs in medicine and pharmacy, 122 professors, 397 associate professor. About 200 postgraduate students PhD are studying at our University. Main scientific directions of the University Basic and applied scientific researches are directed in the following areas: • Determining the risk factors, developing new methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention; • Morphophysiological mechanisms of pathological processes; • Developing, studying, production and standardization of medicines using local raw materials. Only in the last 15 years (1994-2008) the employees of the SMPhU "Nicolae Testemitanu” elaborated and implemented in the medical and scientific practice over 2700 new methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention. On the base of elaborations made in the last 15 years (1994-2009) were submitted 307 applications for patent and received 281 patents and more than 2000 certificates. Valuable Technology Offerings • Elaboration of medicinal preparations. Over the last15 years have been developed 16 new indigenous drugs: "Izoturon", Difetur", "Profetur", "Metiferon"- hypertensive medicines,"Olizin" - nasal decongestant, "Regesan" – regenerating cytoprotector drug; "Carbosen", "Medicas - E"- adsorbents," Izofural "," Cimpelsept "," antibacterial ointment, "Nucina" - antibacterial and antifungal agent, "Neamon-HEPA", "Imupurin", "Imuheptin" " Adenoprosin "hepatoprotectors. Also during this period have been discovered over 40 new substances of local material with antibacterial and antifungal properties with low toxicity; • Developing of new methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Also in this period were developed: - nutrition mediums: nutritional medium for the cultivation of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli","Nutritional environment for selective detection of Enterobacteriaceae microorganisms", "Selective medium for identification of bacteria of the genus Streptococcus", "Nutritional medium for full indication of microorganisms in water","Nutritional medium for determining Corynebacteriae diphtheriae; 48 Institute Profile - transplants for reconstruction of articulations defects, remodeling nose lobe and throat plastics; - devices for treatment optimization ("Device for fixation and reposition of pelvic bones ","Device for fixing mucous foils of nasal septum","Device for determining the degree of deformation nasal bone fracture", "Device for examining the auditory tube in patients with chronic media otitis", "Establishing Device in spine deformations and injuries", "Device for surgical treatment of scoliosis", "Device for osteosynthesis of fractures functional maleolare" , "Device for determining nasal fracture", "Device and method for determining the distortion of zygomatic arch fracture"; - new methods of treatment and diagnosis: "Method for treatment of skin wounds by vitaminotherapy", "Method of immobilization of teeth in the jaw bone," Method of treatment of hepatic cirrhosis with enterosorbent Medicas - E "," Method of osteosynthesis of knee cap fracture”, "Method of preparation of bone autotransplant", "Method of osteosynthesis of perioprotetic fractures of the femur", "Mini-invasive methods of diagnosis and ethiopathogenetic treatment in lower urinary tract infection in children", "Method of diagnosing of pancreatic function in children", Method of restoration without pivot of front teeth", "Method of forecasting the residual states in patients with paranoid schizophrenia", etc. Scientific Cooperation and Technology Transfer Over 20 subdivisions (departments and laboratories) of SMPhU "Nicolae Testemitanu”, have relations of scientific collaboration with the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, in particular with the Institute of Genetics, Institute of Physiology and Sanocreatology, Institute of Microbiology, Scientific Center of Pathobiology Pathology Institute of Chemistry, Institute of Virology, Institute of Plants Physiology, Institute of Applied Physics, State Technical University, State University of Moldova, medical scientific centers in the country; collaborates with all republican, municipal and district hospitals directly and through the Ministry of Health. At international level it has relations of cooperation with over 100 organizations / institutions from 20 countries of the world (Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, France, UK, USA, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Poland, Israel, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Italy, Turkey) both within bilateral cooperation and in research programs. Contact Details State Medical and Pharmaceutical University "Nicolae Testemitanu" of Republic of Moldova Contact person: Prof. Viorel Prisacari Address: bd. Stefan cel Mare, 165, 2004, Moldova Tel. 24-17-82 Fax. 24-23-44 e-mail:,, web-site: Chief Technology Commercialization Officer Eugenia Balan Tel. + (373 22) 20 53 65; 20 51 58; 24 34 08 Fax (373 22) 24 23 44; + (373) 697 42 520 E-mail: 49 Science Opportunities in Moldova Method for Restoration of Lymphocirculation Through the Thoracic Duct in the Hepatic Cirrhosis With Refractory Ascites Description The invention relates to medicine, particularly hepatology and can be used for restoration of lymphocirculation through the thoracic duct to patients with hepatic cirrhosis with refractory ascites. Summary of the invention consists in that under local anesthesia it is made a horizontal incision of 4…5 cm in the left supraclavicular region, there are sectioned the I…IV cervical fasciae, it is mobilized the internal jugular vein and the left venous angle, it is separated the thoracic lymphatic duct in the region of the left venous angle, it is mobilized the thoracic lymphatic duct along the full cervical segment with release from adhesions, there are mobilized the afferent lymphatic branches, it is prepared one of the branches, having the greatest diameter, through which it is introduced a bulbous-end probe with the diameter of 1…2 mm into the lumen of the thoracic lymphatic duct, then it is temporarily pressed with the help of a clip the terminal part of the thoracic duct and with the help of a syringe it is retrogradely introduced under pressure an anesthetic solution by filling the lumen of the cervical duct, the other afferent lymphatic branches are sectioned and legated, and after restoration of lymphocirculation it is released the terminal portion of the thoracic lymphatic duct. The wound is sutured in layers. As anesthetic solution it is used 2% or 10% lidocaine in the quantity of 5…10 ml. Fig.1. The operation for reactivation on lymphostream in TLD. Areas of Application Medicine - surgical hepatology, gastroenterology. Stage of Development Patented in Moldova: MD 116; 2009.10.07. Large clinical application. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages A genuine conception of step-by-step segmentary lymphostream disorder has been suggested, which made it possible to motivate the pathogeny indications for operating the thoracic lymphatic duct. Taking into consideration the role of the lymphocirculatory disorders in increasing the ascites syndrome, the operation for decompressing the neck segment of the thoracic duct has been worked out and implemented. This generation made it possible to improve the results of the treatment of cirrhotic refracted ascites and the growth of life quality of the patients suffering from decompensating liver cirrhosis. Contact Details State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “N.Testemitanu” Contact person: Dr. Gheorghe Anghelici Address: Bd. Moscova 2, ap.196 Chisinau МD 2068, Republic of Moldova 50 Tel.: (+ 373 22) 495 559 E-mail: Technology Profile Otorhinolaryngologic (Ear, Nose and Throat) Device Description The device includes a tube (1) with axial canal (2), one of the tube ends (3) being flattened out and bent through 20° about the tube axis, a transversal slot (4) with the section surface of 3 mm2, made at the bend base, and the opposite tube end (5) is made with thread (6), a T-joint (7) with a central branch pipe (8) joined with the threaded end of the device’s tube by means of an elastic tube (12) and with two lateral branch pipes (9,10) for connection respectively of a syringe (13) with an antiseptic solution and of a vacuum pump by means of an elastic tube (14), at the same time the T-joint is equipped with an angle cock (11) at an angle of 90°. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages This device is designed for different kind of surgical interventions and manipulations in ENT, when aspiration and introduction of antiseptic solution is needed. Areas of Application The invention refers to medicine, in particular to otorhinolaryngology. Stage of Development Protected by Moldova patent “Otorhinolaryngologic device” MD 3043. Fig.1. Otorhinolaryngologic device. Contact Details State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “N.Testemitanu” ENT Department Contact person: Prof. Mihail Maniuc Address: 2, V.Alexandri St. Chisinau МD 2068, Republic of Moldova Tel.: (+ 373 22) 729 298 E-mail: 51 Science Opportunities in Moldova Internal Complexes of Copper (II) with Antibacterial and Antifungal Action Description b) The invention relates to a group of new class tiosemicarbazonatilor coordination compounds of transition metals, biologically active, showing marked bactericidal and fungicidal activities against large spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and fungicides. The activity of compounds is much higher compared with furatsilin and nistatin used in medical practice. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages Antibacterial activity is higher by 64-4166 times – for the gram-positive microorganisms, and from 2 to 297 times – for the gram-negative microorganisms, compared with furatsilin. And antifungal activity is 1,6 to 25,8 times higher compared with nistatin. The toxicity of compounds is about 8 times lower compared with furatsilin toxicity. The procedure for obtaining the compounds is simply declared, the initial substances are available, environmentally safe yield is 82%. Areas of Application c) Medicine, veterinary, pharmaceutical industry. a) Fig.1. Toxicity (b), fungicidal (a) and bactericidal (c) activities of the complexes of thiosemicarbazones classes. Stage of Development Compounds have been tested for the antibacterial and antifungal activity in laboratory conditions. Covered by Patent of Moldova, Nr 2003. Contact Details State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “N.Testemitanu” Contact person: Prof. Viorel Prisacari Address: Bd. Ştefan cel Mare 165 Chisinau МD 2004, Republic of Moldova 52 Tel.: (+ 373 22) 44 630; 41 782 Fax: (+373 22) 42 344 E-mail: Technology Profile Izofural - New Antiseptic Description Izohidrafural - new organic substance of the nitrifurane group; shows evidencеd antibacterial activity to a large spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. IZOFURAL – new antibacterial remedy, developed on base of this organic compound, with low toxicity and strong bactericide activity against the wide spectrum of the gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages It is 4 times more active and 9 times less toxic then furatsilin (fig 1). Synthesis procedure is simple, some of the synthesis’ components are approachable from local raw materials. The mode of production and keeping conditions are simple. The preparation is clinically and ecologically safe and has high stability (~ 5 years). Before treatment After 5 days of treatment Fig.2. Results of Izofural treatment (patient B., 47 years; Politraumatism of open fracture of left calf). Areas of Application Medicine, veterinary, pharmaceutical industry. The drug IZOFURAL is effectively used in treatment of osteomyelitis, burns. Stage of Development Active pharmaceutical ingredients and the preparation have been pre-clinically tested in laboratory conditions (for antibacterial activity, stability in prolonged storage conditions and autoclave, dermato-irritative action, carcinogenic action, embryotoxicity, impacts on immunity and therapeutics). It has been initiated clinical trials of preparation. Covered by Patent of Moldova, Nr 196. Fig.1. Toxicity and bactericidal activity of Izofural. Contact Details State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “N.Testemitanu” Contact person: Prof. Viorel Prisacari Address: Bd. Ştefan cel Mare 165 Chisinau МD 2004, Republic of Moldova Tel.: (+373 22) 44 630; 41 782 Fax: (+373 22) 42 344 E-mail: 53 Science Opportunities in Moldova Compounds of Cooper with Antibacterial Properties to a Large Spectrum of Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Microorganisms Description The invention represents new organic substances, mixed legands of copper - tiosemicarbazonates and sulfanilamides, with low toxicity and evidenced antibacterial activity to a large spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages It is by 2 - 4000 times more active then structure analogues. The toxicity of the presented compounds is > 4000 mg/kg and belongs to the class of compounds with low toxicity. Areas of Application Medicine, veterinary, pharmaceutical industry. Stage of Development Compounds have been tested for the antibacterial and antifungal activities in laboratory conditions. Covered by Patent of Moldova, Nr 3124. Fig.1. The bactericidal activity of the compounds of cooper. Contact Details State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “N.Testemitanu” Contact person: Prof. Viorel Prisacari Address: Bd. Ştefan cel Mare 165 Chisinau МD 2004, Republic of Moldova 54 Tel.: (+373 22) 44 630; 41 782 Fax: (+373 22) 42 344 E-mail: Technology Profile New Antibacterial Substances with Antibacterial Activity to a Large Spectrum of Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Microorganisms Description The invention relates to new group of organic compounds, biologically active, from tiosemicarbazone class with low toxicity and evidenced bactericide activity to a large spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages The presented compounds being of about 2 – 64 times more active to the gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, than the prototype (furacilinum). The toxicity of the presented compounds is >1500 mg/kg and belongs to the class of compounds with low toxicity. Areas of Application Medicine, veterinary, pharmaceutical industry. Stage of Development Compounds have been tested for antibacterial and antifungal activities in laboratory conditions. Covered by Patent of Moldova, Nr 2942. Fig.1. Bactericidal activity of the new organic compounds. Contact Details State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “N.Testemitanu” Contact person: Prof. Viorel Prisacari Address: Bd. Ştefan cel Mare 165 Chisinau МD 2004, Republic of Moldova Tel.: (+373 22) 44 630; 41 782 Fax: (+373 22) 42 344 E-mail: 55 Science Opportunities in Moldova INSTITUTE OF PLANT PROTECTION AND ECOLOGICAL AGRICULTURE Technical Area Keywords: agricultural sciences, integrated plant protection, ecological agriculture research General Information The history of the Institute of Plant Protection and Ecological Agriculture of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova is starting in October 1968 when there has been founded National Institute of Biological Methods for Plant Protection. The organization of the Institute was conditioned by the need to develop alternative methods of plant protection and halt abusive chemistry in agriculture. Currently Institute has 104 employees, including 21Doctors of Science, 5 PhDs and 55 research fellows. Institute’s Focus Main activity direction of the Institute is focused on ‘Elaboration of environmentally safe, integrated systems, methods and means of plant protection against diseases, pests and weeds and their application technologies’. This fundamental directions includes the following objectives: • Determination of the structure and mechanisms of interaction useful components and pests (pathogens, pests, nematodes, weeds, etc.); • Methods for identifying pests and plant control with application of automated information collection and forecasting the development; • Technologies for production and application of plant protection means (entomophagous, microbiological preparations, biologically active substances, etc.); assessment of new biological agents (entomophagous microorganisms, viruses, pheromones, biologically active substances, extracts of vegetable origin, etc.); • Production of new means of plant protection and developing indications, scientific and methodological recommendations for their application in integrated plant protection systems; • Development requirements, designing and creating scientific and technological equipment, machines and apparatus for plant protection. Valuable Technology Offerings • Methods of assessment the degree of resistance to major pests for the major classes of pesticides; • Phenological model for the development of key pests of apple orchards – codling moth. • Methods of monitoring and control of stored products’ pests Ephestia kuehniella (Zeller) and Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) using pheromones traps; • Ecological safe technologies for greenhouse pest management; 56 Institute Profile • Methods of production and application of Trichogramma spp with different qualities for the agriculture crops protection; • Pheromones and pheromones traps for detecting, monitoring and mass trapping of 18 pests species; • Technological processes and technology for production and application of baculoviral preparations; • A technology of production and application of Rizoplan, Trichodermin, Vericilin, Nematofagin preparations for biological control; • Integrated pest management systems for tomato and grape production; • Information system for integrated plant protection ( / probio.index.asp). Scientific Cooperation and Technology Transfer The Institute has cooperative relationships with a number of institutions worldwide (Ukraine, Russia, Romania, USA, Canada) as well as some biotech companies, private companies, from inside and outside of Moldova. Contact Details Institute of Plant Protection and Ecological Agriculture Contact person: Professor Leonid Volosciuc, Director Address: 26/1, Pădurii St. Chisinau, MD 2060, Republic of Moldova Tel: (+373 22) 770 466; 568 357; 770 485 Fax: (+ 373 22) 779 641 E-mail:; Chief Technology Commercialization Officer Iulian Salagur Tel.: + (373 22) 56 83 56; Fax: + (373 22) 77 04 92; E-mail: 57 Science Opportunities in Moldova Entomophagous Trichogramma for Biological Plant Protection of the Agricultural Crops Against Pests Description One of the most important biological agents in Plant Protection is Trichogramma (useful insect) which is used against different pests in integrated plant protection. Rearing of Trichogramma on moth eggs increases the biological indexes and its efficacy in the field. Trichogramma evanescens W. reared on preliminarily irradiated moth eggs, has been used for different crops: corn, cabbage, peas, tomatoes combating noctuid pest complex, and Trichogramma embryophagum H. - against apple worm in the orchards. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages During the rearing process of the continuous mass production of Trichogramma the biological indexes such as prolificacy, percentage of females, number of total individuals, migration capacity diminish and as a result the biological efficacy decreases. With the scope of increasing the Trichogramma efficacy in the field, several technologies have been developed. Among new technologies, one of the most fundamental is the rearing process in laboratory conditions of the Trichogramma on preliminary irradiated moth eggs (Sitotraga Cerealella O.) which leads by 2 or 3 times higher biological indexes compared to initial prototypes (rearing of Trichogramma on non irradiated moth eggs). This result leads by 15 to 20% higher biological efficacy in the field and consecutively by a 15 to 20% more yield. The moth eggs irradiated production and Trichogramma production processes are factors that contribute to a higher productivity (by 2025%), lower costs (by 1,5 times) compared to Trichogramma prototypes – reared on non irradiated eggs and compared to chemical pesticides (by 3 to 4 times). Fig. 1 Moment of parasitism of Trichogramma on cabbage cutworm. Fig.2 Tomatoes protected from pests by Trichogramma evanescens. Areas of Application Agriculture. Stage of Development • Patented (Author's Certificate 300, 301, 1958); • Tested, prototype available for demonstrations/field tests; • Commercialized. Fig.3 Cabbage protected from pests by Trichogramma evanescens Contact Details Institute of Plant Protection and Ecological Agriculture Contact person: Dr. Lidia Gavrilita Address: 26/1, Pădurii St. Chisinau, MD 2060, Republic of Moldova 58 Tel.: (+373 2) 770 470; 770 466 ; +079 608 991 (cell) Fax: (+373 2) 779 641; E-mail:;; Technology Profile 59 Science Opportunities in Moldova INSTITUTE OF MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY Technical Area Keywords: physiological, biochemical and ecological features of microorganisms spread in different natural ecosystems of Moldova, microbiology, biotechnology and agricultural sciences, xenobiotic research General Information Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology of Academy of Sciences of Moldova was established in 2005, through the fusion of the following academic institutes: • Institute of Microbiology (founded in 1992 on the basis of the Microbiology Section, that started to work in 1959 – the sole scientific institution in Moldova in the field of general and industrial microbiology); • National Collection of Nonpathogenic Microorganisms (founded in 2003 according as a research institution main areas of which are storage, keeping and the utilization of the microbial resources); • Scientific Centre of Patho-biology and Pathology ASM (founded in 1991 with the purpose of integration and orientation of the principal basic and applied research directions in the area of the patho-biology and clinical pathology). Institute’s Focus Main objectives of the IMB are focused on: • Improvement of physiological and biochemical potential of microorganisms as the sources for products used in agriculture, food industry, preservation of the environment, medicine (hepatoprotectors, imunomodulators, antiatherosclerosis preparations); • Scientific basis of agricultural biotechnologies for vegetal protein obtaining and the improvement of the soil fertility; • Biotechnologies for the microorganisms potentially used for improvement of soil and water quality, biological degradation of xenobiotics; • Microbiological preparations obtaining; • Biotechnological methods of water, air and soil quality monitoring; • Proceedings for optimal keeping and storage of strains microorganisms for biotechnological and scientific scopes in accordance with international standards. 60 Institute Profile Valuable Technology Offerings • Improvement of the physiologic-biochemical potential of microorganisms as biotechnological objects; • Development of bioactive preparations production technologies designated for usage in agriculture and medicine as well as in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries; • Conservation and efficient utilization of the microbial resources. Scientific Cooperation and Technology Transfer The Institute maintains extensive international scientific contacts and collaborates with many scientific centers, such as: • Research Center "Molecular Endocrinology and Oncology" of University Laval (Quebec, Canada); • Neurology Center of Kislovodsk (Russia); • Department of Molecular and Structural Biology, Max Planck Institute, Germany; • Institutes Phthisiopneumology and Cardiology "Al.I.Cuza", University of Iasi; • State University of Marakesh, Morocco. Contact Details Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology Contact person: Academician Valeriu Rudic, Director Address: 1, Academiei St. Chisinau, MD 2028 MD, Republic of Moldova Tel: (+373 22) 739 878 Fax: (+ 373 22) 725 754 E-mail: Chief Technology Commercialization Officer Таtiana Сhiriac Tel: +373 22 725306 Fax: +373 22 725754 E-mail: 61 Science Opportunities in Moldova Microbian Enzymatic Preparation with Pectolytic Activity for Application in Food Industry, Oenology Description Areas of Application Technologies of obtaining of pectolytic enzymatic preparations include submerged cultivation of microorganism-producer on the cheap and accessible nutritive media, developed on the base of residual biomasses from crop production, food industry, and further separation of pectolytic enzymatic preparations (precipitation with ethyl alcohol) from culture filtrate. Enzymatic preparations obtained in accord with these technologies possess high technological peculiarities and are competitive with imported pectinases, widely applied in Moldova in different fields (in producing of juices from fruit and vegetables, bread making, in pastry, oenology). Results of preliminary testing of obtained enzymatic preparations showed perspective of their application in production of juices from fruit and vegetables. Food, wine industries, production of juices and essential oils, pharmacy. Stage of Development There have been worked out technical-scientific documentation, scheme of technological process, and technical conditions of preparation. Pilot research has been conducted. Patented: MD 1748, BOPI 9/2001; MD 2613, BOPI 11/2004; MD 2837, BOPI 8/2005; MD 3256 BOPI 2/2007. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages The originality of technologies consists in utilization of some fungal strains from genre Penicillium and Rhizopus with high and stable capacity of pectinases synthesis, short cultivation cycle (48-96 hours), and the utilization of advanced proceedings of oriented synthesis of microbial enzymes. Main advantages of developed technologies are: • High activity of enzymatic preparations; • Short cultivation cycle of strain-producers; • Accessible components of cultivation medium; • Possibility of oriented synthesis of pectolytic complex with utilization of coordinative compounds and electromagnetic radiation of millimeter range as stimulator factors. Contact Details Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology Contact person: Dr. Alexandra Deseatnic-Ciloci Address: 1, Academiei St. Chisinau МD 2028, Republic of Moldova 62 Tel.: (+ 373 22) 739 824, (+373 79) 253 061 E-mail: Technology Profile Microbian Enzymatic Preparation with Lipolytic Activity for Application in Food Industry, Leather Processing Description Areas of Application Technologies of obtaining of lipolytic enzymatic preparations include submerged cultivation of microorganisms-producers on the cheap and accessible nutritive media, developed on the base of residual biomasses from crop production, food industry, and further separation of lipolytic enzymatic preparations (precipitation with ethyl alcohol) from culture filtrate. Enzymatic preparations obtained in accord with these technologies possess high technological peculiarities and are competitive. Results of preliminary testing of obtained enzymatic preparations showed perspective of their application in leather and oil-fat industries. Microbiological, food, leather and oil-fat industries, medicine, production of detergents. Stage of Development There have been worked out technical-scientific documentation, scheme of technological process, and technical conditions of preparation. Pilot research has been conducted. Patented: MD 2362, MD 2458 , 2709. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages The originality of technologies consists in utilization of some fungal strains from genre Aspergillus and Rhizopus with high and stable capacity of lipases synthesis, short cultivation cycle (24 – 72 hours), and the utilization of advanced proceedings of oriented synthesis of microbial enzymes. Main advantages of developed technologies are: • High activity of enzymatic preparations; • Short cultivation cycle of strain-producers; • Accessible components of cultivation medium; • Possibility of oriented synthesis of lipolytic complex with utilization of coordinative compounds as stimulator. Contact Details Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology Contact person: Dr. Alexandra Deseatnic-Ciloci Address: 1, Academiei St. Chisinau МD 2028, Republic of Moldova Tel.: (+ 373 22) 739 824, (+373 79) 253 061 E-mail: 63 Science Opportunities in Moldova Institute of Power Engineering Technical Area Keywords: : Power energy safety, High voltage techniques, Renewable energy sources, Diagnostics of HV equipments, Electrical lines, power engineering, energy transport and distribution, energy conversion, system modeling, insulation diagnostics General Information The Institute was founded in 1991 on the basis of Cybernetics and Power Engineering Department set up from 1965. It is known as a national leader in the fields of energy and environment studies, long term energy planning, renewable energy sources, automatic electric drives systems and controllable high-voltage electrical lines. The Scientific Potential consists of: 28 scientific researchers, including 2 Full Members of the Academy of Sciences, 8 Doctors of Sciences and 9 PhDs and full staff consist from 71 persons. The structure of the Institute is based on five research laboratories as follows: • Modelling and diagnostics of the power equipment • Power efficiency and control systems • Controlled transmission lines • Renewed energy sources • Electropower equipment and power electronics Institute’s Focus • Increase of efficiency of transport and distributive electric networks; • Working out of optimal variants of intersystem communications development and joint functioning of power systems of Moldova and CIS countries, and also the analysis of possibilities of joining to UCTE; • Development of effective indicators system for power safety monitoring; • The analysis of losses in transport and distributive electric networks taking into account commercial losses; losses in thermal networks and working out of recommendations about their decreasing; • Working out of new effective means for the control and management of power system; • Means of low-potential heat conversion (low-potential thermal pumps); • New methods of synchronous pulse-width modulation for management of the large converters; • An effective utilization of renewed sources energy; • Foundation of test and demonstration polygon for renewed energy sources; • Short-term and long-term forecasts of electrical energy consumption development and scenarios of generating capacities building; • Calculation of C02 emissions and calculation of their distribution zone taking into account a wind rose, and also an estimation of influence of these pollution on environment and person health; • Effective non-destructive methods for control and diagnostics of the high-voltage equipment. 64 Institute Profile Valuable Technology Offerings • energy security indicators and solutions for effective functioning of power complex; • new technical solutions in construction of electric transmission and distribution lines, equipment for management of regimes of smart energy networks; • new methods of transients and stationary operation modes calculation in non-uniform circuits (lines) with distributed and concentrated parameters; • efficient use of electric and thermal energy; • computation of power losses in electrical transport lines; • installations and systems for energy conversion from renewable sources. Scientific Cooperation and Technology Transfer IPE collaborates with international laboratories and institutes: • ICPE-ECOENERG, Romania; • ICEMENERG (Energy research and modernizing institute), Romania; • Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania; • Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; • Electrodynamics institute from Ukraine: • ALLPLAN GmbH / AUSTRIA; • Byelorussia, Moscow, Greece, Italy. Contact Details Institute of Power Engineering of Academy of Sciences of Moldova Contact person: Vladimir P. Berzan, Director, Dr. of Sciences Address: Street Academy 5, Chisinau, MD2028, Republic Moldova Phone: +373 22 73-53-86; +373 22 73-53-84 Fax: +373 22 73-53-82 e-mail:; Mihai S.Tirsu Chief Technology Commercialization Officer phone: +373 22 73 53 84 fax: +373 22 73-53-82 e-mail: 65 Science Opportunities in Moldova Heat Pump Using Carbon Dioxide as Working Fluid for Winemaking Description Energy intensity decrease of the food industry production is now the purpose of innovative development in this area. Application of heat pumps (HP) in the industry makes up a very small part from the total heat pumps amount. So, for example, heat pumps using low grade heat from technological processes in winemaking practically are not applied, though examples of heating of a part of a factory premises from ground source heat pumps (USA). We offer the scheme of HP and its use in winemaking where HP is used simultaneously at cooling of fermenters, at criomaceraton and at the thermomaceration, processing of wines by heat and at the sanitary processing, later the same heat pump is used in technological process of wine processing by a cold and simultaneously at hot water preparation (sanitary processing of the equipment, hot water for personnel needs). This heat pump is used at work of distiller after the end of the period of wine processing by cold, or in the absence of a distiller for the bleeding of heat from the boiler flue gases (serving for the preparation of steam and hot water for the technological process needs) with the purpose of fuel utilization factor increase of the boiler. Expander use is possible, in the last case, in a heat pump loop what raises its energy and economic efficiency. Heat pump station should be supplied with the replaceable gas coolers and evaporators, and also to have a second loop (intermediate heat carrier contour). A cycle of the heat pump with the expander and ejector and HP work conditions at variable heat load assuming the use of linear control laws, and also an adjustable electric drive of the compressor. The use of ejectors for heat pumps on carbon dioxide is described in different works. But common use of expander and ejector was not considered in heat pump till now. is elaborated heat pump with two evaporators which work at the different temperature levels and by the various thermal loads and control system such a heat pump station. Payback period of the proposed heat pump is about 2 years at the price of natural gas 300$ for 1000 m3, at the price of electricity 0,12$ for 1 kWt hour, and at the price of the heat energy 70$ for 1 Gkal. Stage of Development Draft proposal is elaborated. The elaboration uses elements protected by the patent of Republic of Moldova, N3918. Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages Control of transferred thermal capacity from the low potential heat source is realized by means of changing the speed of circulation of a liquid in the loop and changing the area of a heat-transmitting surface, both in the evaporator, and in the intermediate heat exchanger depending on the operating parameter, for example, intensity of fermentation. It Contact Details Institute of Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Contact persons: M.L. Sit Address: 5 Academiei Street, MD2028, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 66 Tel./fax: (+373 22) 73-81-35 / 73-53-82 e-mail: Technology Profile Installation for Use of Bitumen Waste Description Bitumen products grow old during the period of work and lose the waterproofing properties. The material excluded from a cycle of work, keeps partially the properties of a reuse in the same work cycle, only after a cycle of reanimation. Simultaneously, use of installations on processings of a bitumen waste and reception of industrial bitumen would promote the solution of a problem connected with storage of some industrial wastes. On the other hand, would promote reduction of environmental contamination and avoidance of illegal storages of this waste. Process of work of the technological scheme on use of a bitumen waste consists that necessary thermal energy for bitumen fusion turns out at the expense of a bitumen waste. Owing to, a bitumen waste is fuel raw materials. Thus, we exclude burning of natural gas or other fuel from process. Ruberoid fuel or other bitumen waste which are part of soft coverings is burnt in a fire chamber of the special furnace to receive fused bitumen from the same waste. This procedure is accompanied by manual division of this waste from superfluous elements (a stone, concrete, etc.). Technical characteristics of elaborated sample are: • Bitumen production 280 – 430 kg/h • Amount of bitumen waste used as fuel 15 – 20 kg/h • Rated power up to 170 kW • Installed electrical power 6 – 8 kW • Working days in a year – 215 days chamber of burning of the furnace, increasing thus efficiency of combustion, and 10 % of these gases heat up gases after, preventing thus dew effect. Process of fusion of a bitumen waste and their transformation to industrial bitumen occurs in the radiant chamber to installation, where target gases are fused without burning a bitumen material, transforming it in fluid bitumen. Fluid bitumen gathers in special bunkers where briquetting in a solid condition is then made. The executed experiments have confirmed that components being in a bitumen waste approximately are equal to those from black oil: • Ashes in bitumen make 7% • Ashes in ruberiod make 11-12% • Humidity (summer) make 1% • Contents of volatiles make 5%. Moreover, the quantity of emissions has been established at burning of 5000 m3/h • SO2 – 300-370 mg/m3 • NOX – 79 mg/m3 • CO – 530 mg/m3 • CO2 – 15500 mg/m3 • Ashes – 612 mg/m3 Stage of Development The sample of installation was elaborated. Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages The principle of work of installation is based on fuel burning in a fire chamber, releasing easily evaporating substances and a soot (with the sizes about from 0.003 сm to 0.03 сm). For full combustion of such particles it is necessary, that the burnt gases have passed a distance in 3-5 m at temperature 800 0С. Therefore, an oven in which there are these processes of combustion is carried out the round form, and the special device for raw materials loading in the chamber is provided. Gases heat up air which passes through the device of preliminary heating to 200-300 0С, heated air stream feeds the Contact Details Institute of Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Contact persons: V.Berzan Address: 5 Academiei Street, MD2028, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Tel./fax: : (+373 22) 73-53-84 / 73-53-82 e-mail: 67 Science Opportunities in Moldova Damp Filtration Effective for Clearing of Burnt Gases Description Energy reception has an intermediate phase which consists in conversion of chemical energy in thermal, by direct burning. Burning process is accompanied by formation of solid particles which can have the sizes from nano up to micro metres. After burning these particles are thrown out in atmosphere through chimneys. It leads to environmental contamination, formation of harmful substances which negatively influence health of people. Technical solutions which are used now for clearing of mass of the burnt gases thrown out in atmosphere, do not solve in full a problem of clearing of gases from solid particles and microparticles. Schemes of a damp filtration of the burnt gases provide clearing of solid particles at level of 98 %. For the purpose of increase of this level it is offered to include the generator of acoustic waves in confusor of the filter for formation of some vortical movements in a point of crossing of streams of the burnt gases and damp air. Air consumption makes 2-5 % from volume of the processed gas. The given technology allows to lower emissions in atmosphere on 1.5 % in comparison with classical schemes. Level of clearing of gas to 99.7 % will allow to raise applications of the given technical solution. In order to exclude formation of a condensate it is provided additional heating of target gases after a filtration. It promotes to protect the equipment from corrosion. Fig.1. System of clearing of burnt gases Stage of Development The elaboration is protected by the patent of Republic of Moldova, N3990. Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages These systems which are studied provide high level of a filtration. However, essential noise of the resonator established in confusor of the damp filter is registered. The temperature of target gases after Venture pipe, at inclusion resonance system becomes hardly less than without acoustic system. The given technical solution is characterized by improvement of an intensification of an exchange of mass and temperatures in an acoustic field. The main problem of this solution consists in the raised noise level of these resonators which reaches 140Db and insignificant increase of aerodynamic resistance in the filtering device to 127 mm of a mercury column. Contact Details Institute of Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Contact persons: V.Berzan Address: 5 Academiei Street, MD2028, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 68 Tel./fax: : (+373 22) 73-53-84 / 73-53-82 e-mail: Technology Profile Combined Solar Heater of the Liquid and Gaseous Heat-Carrier Description The offered solar heater can find application in a heat supply systems of various technological objects (hothouses, drying installations, etc.), inhabited and industrial buildings. The known combined air-water solar collectors are difficult on a design, are inconvenient in assemblage and installation, have considerable weight, are insufficiently energetically effective and are expensive devices. The power institute, develops a design of the simple and effective device with use of the accessible and cheap materials, providing simultaneous or separate heating of the liquid and gaseous heat-carrier, in particular, water and air, and convenient in operation. Energy intensity decrease of the food industry production is now the purpose of innovative development in this area. Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages Fig.1. The cut of the combined solar heater Stage of Development The researches are executed. On a design patent MD 135 Z from 2010.01.31 is granted. The innovative elements are the discrete absorber consisting of a row parallel located with backlash from each other of pipes of oval section, located under a corner 10° 20° to a case cover. Besides, absorber pipes in other variant of execution have the rectangular form and are located in parallel to case cover. Lateral walls of the heater case are executed hollow of heat isolated material, and the formed channels serve for air passage. The absorber pipes can be made of metal, polymeric or composite materials, and as a heat-absorbing material for absorber pipes use a black matte paint, including selective. The absorber is placed on the hollow basic punched elements through which it is selected heated air. Technical result is improvement of operational characteristics, decrease in thermal losses of a heater, and also increase of its reliability and design simplification. Use of accessible and inexpensive materials for manufacturing of pipes of an absorber, the case of a heater and basic elements causes low cost of the device as a whole. The cut of the combined solar heater is shown on fig. 1. Contact Details Institute of Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Contact persons: V.V.Ermuratschii Address: 5 Academiei Street, MD2028, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Tel./fax: (+373 22) 72-70-40 / 73-53-82 e-mail: 69 Science Opportunities in Moldova Microwire Resistive Divider for High Voltage Measurement of Alternating Current of 6.3-35 Kv Description High-voltage voltage dividers on the basis of a microwire in glass insulation are the new measuring equipments with the raised technical characteristics at measurement of alternating current voltage in electric networks. Structurally they represent a set of resistive elements from a microwire placed in the protective case. The divider has a high-voltage and lowvoltage shoulder. Output voltage makes 3.5V and for it measurement the special voltage repeater is used. Sources of peak and phase errors are basically parasitic capacities on the case. In the developed design special constructive elements (dielectric) with which help are provided indemnification of peak and phase errors on the set frequency is carried out. Thus, the class of accuracy of voltage divider at level 0.2 can be provided on industrial frequency. In a divider design the built in device for protection against an overvoltage is provided. For dividers with rated voltage more 20kV transformer oil or SF6 gas is used as the isolating environment. Samples of dividers of type RVD (Resistive voltage divider) have been developed and tested for voltages 6.3kV, 10kV, 24kV and 35kV (Fig.1). Their metrological characteristics in dependence of temperature and design are experimentally defined. Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages High accuracy of measurement 0, 05 % in the temperature range 10-40oC. Measurement of alternating Fig.1. Samples of developed current of voltage 6-35 кV Fig.2. Dependences of errors of the divider DRT 24 kV on frequency with frequency of 40-60 Hz. Opportunity of other parameters measurement: difference of phases, frequencies, factor of voltage distortion. The weight of the voltage divider is 4-5 times less than weight of the voltage measuring transformer for the given class of accuracy. Areas of application Resistive voltage dividers can be used instead of measuring voltage transformers in high voltage electrical networks 6.3-35kV, in metrology as working steps for checkingmeasuring voltage transformers, as well as in various systems of accounting and quality control voltage. Stage of Development The proposed technical solution is covered with: 1 Patens: MD2180, MD3239, MD3664, MD3784, US 1712896, MD359C2 voltage dividers (6-10kV, 24kV and 35kV) Contact Details Institute of Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Contact persons: V.Berzan Address: 5 Academiei Street, MD2028, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 70 Tel./fax: : (+373 22) 73-53-84 / 73-53-82 e-mail: Technology Profile Phase Shift Transformer Description Energy market liberalization has imposed the need to develop special means for directing the flow of power and as a result of a class full of such tools called FACTS (Flexible Alternative Current Transmission Systems) controllers. One important means of control in this class is phase shift transformer (PST), which can be used as independently, and in a combination to other elements, that considerably expands area of their application. So far, the main directions of practical use of PST were: • Forced redistribution and regulation of power flows transport networks. • Flexibility increase of power system and ice fusion on wires of overhead-lines etc. Institute of power engineering of Academy of Sciences of Moldova has been developed new technical solution of PST (Fig. 1), possessing a number of essential technical and economic advantages in comparison with existing is offered. This technical solution allows increasing the operating speed of PST and providing efficient control of the dynamic processes connected with electromechanical fluctuations of synchronous machines rotors. Also allowing decrease weightdimensional and cost indexes, and increasing their controllability. Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages Developed technical solution of PST as well as other similar installations consists of two transformers: the basic and adjusting. Originality of the offered technical solution consists in a way of realisation and switching between windings of adjusting and additional transformers. It allows lowering the established capacity of installation approximately on 25%, keeping the same transferring ability (fig. 2). The offered technical solution allows reducing twice Fig.2. Comparison of installed power of standard and proposed technical solution S∑1 - total installed power of standard PST; S∑2 - total installed power of proposed PST a current and working voltage of the adjusting transformer, provides 7 steps of regulation of a phase shift corner. For the given scheme, the electronic switcher also is developed for a choice of a necessary corner of shift which has the total established capacity lower on 33% than standard solutions. The given innovative properties allow to increase management of degree and speed of power supply system mode, and also allows to increase the established capacity of installation located structurally in one tank. Areas of application • To constrains undesirable loop power flows that come into being due to meshed characteristics of interconnected power systems; • To maintain a constant or forcibly changed) steady-state or post-contingency active power flow between two nodes in the electrical network; • To damp the system oscillations by opposite modulation the phase angle between the voltages of corresponding nodes in the network; • To vary in wide range the level of series compensation of transmission upon condition of parallel connection with capacitor compensating banks. Stage of Development The proposed technical solution is covered with: Fig.1. Technical solution of proposed PST 1. Moldova Patent MD 3823 2. Moldova Patent MD2652 Contact Details Institute of Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Contact person: M.S.Tirshu, L.P.Calinin Address: 5 Academiei Street, MD2028, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Tel./fax. (+373 22) 735384 / 735382 e-mail: 71 Science Opportunities in Moldova TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MOLDOVA Technical Area Keywords: telecommunications, energetics, food industry, auto transport, light industry, machine building, industrial and civil construction, urbanism and architecture, informatics and microelectronics General Information Technical University of Moldova (TUM) occupies a special and well defined place in the local university scenery. At this moment, it is the only university of technical profile in the Republic of Moldova. TUM continues the tradition of the Polytechnic Institute of Chişinău, which was founded in 1964. In 1993 the above mentioned institute became by Government Decree the Technical University of Moldova. Since 1964 more than 66600 engineers and economists have been trained there. TUM comprises 10 faculties: "Energetics", "Engineering and Management in Machine Building", "Engineering and Management in Mechanics", "Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics", "Radioelectronics and Telecommunications", "Technology and Management in Food Industry", "Textile Industry", "Cadastre, Geodesy and Construction", "Urbanism and Architecture", "Economic Engineering and Business". There are 10 technical colleges affiliated to TUM. University is well-known by its scientific research area, having remarkable successes on the international level. Six research centres of TUM successfully apply into practice the University’s research strategy, participate in numerous grants and research programmes. The results of research are published as scientific works, monographs and invention patents, all of them contributing to University’s prestige. The students are engaged in the research process, elaboration of annual and licentiate theses by the presentation of the results obtained at national and international conferences. Institute’s Focus The prior research directions of TUM are centred in six Research and Development Centers, with the respective scientific directions: • Advanced technologies, science intensive industrial products and new materials in machine engineering; • Electronics, informatics and communications; • Modern technologies in the electrotechnics and energetics; • Processing, quality and safety of food products; • Architecture, construction and design; • Entrepreneurship and social-and- human education in engineering. 72 Institute Profile Valuable Technology Offerings • Industrial prototypes of the planetary precessional reducer for the various submersible installations; • Precessional multiplicators for the microhydrostations and wind turbines; • Kinematic precessional drives for various applications: avionics, cosmic device, fine mechanics; • Micro-optoelectronic devices and systems with diverse applications (medicine, industrial electronics, consumer electronics); • Equipment for control and diagnostic of semiconductor devices' parameters utilized in micro- and optoelectronics; • Emission and reception devices (PIN diodes, laser diodes) for functional optoelectronics; • Non-traditional technologies for solar cells manufacturing based on Si, InP, GaAs-AlGaAs. Scientific Cooperation and Technology Transfer International cooperation in the educational and research spheres constitutes one of University’s priorities. TUM has cooperation agreements with about 60 universities from Belgium, Republic of Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, France, Netherlands, Romania, USA, Sweden, Ukraine, Spain, Russia, etc. The institution participates with projects in different fields, and in international programs financed by EU and by the USA Government (projects financed by the Civilian Research and Development Foundation, the Moldovan Research and Development Association and the NATO Science Committee). One of the university’s advantages is the national and international recognition of research results. Twenty one scientists have been awarded the Republic of Moldova State Award on Science, Technological and Production fields. The last years the university has participated in Exhibitions and prestigious Fairs, such as: The Annual World Investment Exhibition, Research and Technological Transfer EUREKA, Brussels; INPEX, Pittsburg, etc. Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Contact person: Professor Valerian Dorogan Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare St. Chişinău, MD-2004, Republic of Moldova Tel/Fax: (+373 22) 235 405 E-mail: Chief Technology Commercialization Officer Sergey Zaporojan Tel: (+ 373 22) 509 915 E-mail: 73 Science Opportunities in Moldova Photodiode with Selective Bidimensional Sensitivity Description The photodiode with selective bidimensional sensitivity (quadrant-photodiode) elaborated on the basis of InP-InGaAsP heterostructures with InGaAsP thick wide-gap frontal layer assures selective sensitivity to λ=1.06 mm for atmosphere telecommunications systems usage. The photodiode structure is divided into 6 elements: four elements having circular sector form used for determination of the incident light signal position; a circumferential guard ring, which signalizes the incident signal emission moment; an integrated central detector with small area allows to detect high-frequency optic signals. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages The simultaneous combination of selective, coordinate and high-frequency sensitivity in a single device: • Selective photosensitivity (λΔ ≤ 70 nm); • Determination of X and Y coordinates of received optic signals by linear characteristic, the slope of the coordinate characteristic – 6⋅103 V/W⋅mm; • Detection of unitary optic signals with an impulse duration less than 10 ns and of more than 1 GHz. Fig. 1. Topology of quadrant-photodiode. 1 - four sectors for determination position of light signal; 2 - circumferential guard ring; 3- central detector. Competitive Areas of Application Instrument engineering, Electronics, Military. Control and direction of moving objects. Stage of Development The quadrant-photodiode was tested at: • National Research and Development Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation, Bucharest, Romania; • Régie Autonome «Industrial Army Group», Romania Covered by the patent of R. Moldova MD 887 G2 Fig.2. The coordinate characteristics for various radius of central detector. Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Valerian DOROGAN, vice-rector Sergiu ZAPOROJAN, department of scientific investigations Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare St. Chişinău, MD-2004, Republic of Moldova 74 Tel/Fax: (+373 22) 235 437; 235 405 E-mail: Technology Profile Selective Photodiode with Modulated Sensitivity Description The selective photodiode is made on the basis of InxGa1AsyP1-y multilayer heterostructure can be used for speeding up the information transmission for atmosphere and fiber telecommunication systems and for detecting simultaneously two or more optic signals with different wavelengths. The output signal amplitude is modulated at the 100 % by the inverse supply voltage of p-n junctions. The selective photodiode simultaneously receive two optic signals with different wavelengths and the photosensitivity for the both signals can be modulated by the supply voltage. x Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages • Speed up the information transmission for atmosphere and fiber telecommunications system • Photosensibility modulation up to 100% by the applied voltage • Detecting simultaneously two or more optic signals with different wavelengths • Exclusion of optic background influence and detection of signals with certain wavelengths only Fig. 1. Structure of selective photodiodes series. Competitive Areas of Application Atmosphere and fiber optic telecommunications systems Stage of Development The prototype of the selective photodiode was tested in the Laboratory of Micro-Optoelectronics, Technical University of Moldova. Covered by the patent of R. Moldova MD 886 G2 Fig.2. Current-voltage characteristic of selective photodiode. Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Valerian DOROGAN, vice-rector Sergiu ZAPOROJAN, department of scientific investigations Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare St. Chişinău, MD-2004, Republic of Moldova Tel/Fax: (+373 22) 235 437; 235 405 E-mail: 75 Science Opportunities in Moldova Fiber Microlens for Optical Coupling Elements Description The original making method of fiber optic components was elaborated. Tapered end with microlens was formed by a combine method of chemical etching and fusion process. Optical fiber was immersed slowly in an acid etchant to obtain the conical shape of fiber ends. To form fusion hemispherical lens the fiber end was heated by electric arc discharge. The microlens diameter is determinated by the duration and current density of the arc discharge. Characteristics of output power from fiber optic, for microlenses with radius of lens R=8 μm fabricated by the used only electric arc discharge (curve 1) and fabricated by the combine chemical etching and fused methods (curve 2) is shown in Fig.1. For the coupling of high-power laser diodes with optical fibers were designed and manufactured convex microlens on the homogeneous glass fiber fusion-spliced to the fiber optic. The efficiency of input radiation is depended not only on the curvature, but also on the length of the lens. Lenses with radius of 10 to 300 microns and length L of 50 microns to 3 mm were constructed and studied for various operating mode. a) Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages • Decrease of coupling losses of laser diodes to optical systems in fiber optic communication; • Diminish in number of coupling elements; • Simplification and reduction in price of coupling technology. b) Fig.1. Microlens (a), characteristics of output power (b). Competitive Areas of Application Fiber communication system, pumping of Er+-doped devices. Stage of Development The microlenses was setup in optoelectronic module and tested in Kursk State University, Russia. Fig.2. Convex microlens for various operating mode. Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Valerian DOROGAN, vice-rector Sergiu ZAPOROJAN, department of scientific investigations Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare St. Chişinău, MD-2004, Republic of Moldova 76 Tel/Fax: (+373 22) 235 437; 235 405 E-mail: Technology Profile Laser Emission Module for Fiber Optic Communications Description The module allows decreasing the coupling losses using an original simplified method for fiber optic communication systems, which offers a simple adjustment of the fiber for focusing the laser spot into the fiber core. The original manufacturing method was elaborated using a double quantum well InGaAs / InGaAsP / InGaP / GaAs laser diode mounted in a 5 pin original package fitted with a monitor photodiode and a thermistor for temperature monitoring. The laser is fiber-coupled, using low numerical aperture optic fiber (FO) with microlens. The fiber is fixed and adjusted using solder (10) heated in a microheater (8). This method allows removing and reinstalling the fiber in order to reduce optical losses and optimize the laser light injection into the fiber core. a) Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages • Decrease of coupling losses in the optical module; • Technology simplification. b) Fig.1. Emitted module design (a) and photo (b). Competitive Areas of Application Fiber optic communication systems, pumping of Er+-doped devices; material characterization; Raman spectroscopy. 1 - peltier thermocooler; 2 - Cu carrier; 3 - single mode fiber optic; 4 microsaddle; 5 - laser diode; 6 - AlN or BeO carrier; 7 - Cu-Md carrier; 8 - quartz carrier with microheater; 9 – microheater; 10 PbSn alloy; 11 - monitoring photodiode; 12 - thermistor. Stage of Development The optoelectronic module (1.3μm operating wavelength) was tested at the Kursk State University, Russia. Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Valerian DOROGAN, vice-rector Sergiu ZAPOROJAN, department of scientific investigations Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare St. Chişinău, MD-2004, Republic of Moldova Tel/Fax: (+373 22) 235 437; 235 405 E-mail: 77 Science Opportunities in Moldova Laser Diode Module With Collimator Description The laser diode module with collimator has a radiant flux power 500 mW, a wavelength of radiation 1.06 μm and beam divergence angle of less than 3 mrad. It was developed in order to obtain minimum divergence angle of optical beam by forming a system with cylindrical and spherical lenses. A quartz cylindrical microlens with a 50μm radius serves for focusing the ellipse-shaped spot light; the optical fiber is fixed at a distance of 25 μm and is used in the capacity of this lens. The light beam is collimated by a spherical lens with 10 mm diameter with a focus distance of 15 mm. The optical lenses are covered with antireflection layers. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages • Decrease of the divergence angle of the beam less than 3 mrad; • Simplification of the technology. a) Competitive Areas of Application Optical pump sources for solid-state lasers; atmosphere communication systems; environment monitoring; medicine. Stage of Development b) Fig.1. SEM image of the laser diode with cylindrical lens (a); photo of the optical module with collimator (b). The optoelectronic module (1.06 μm operating wavelength) was tested at the Technical University of Moldova. Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Valerian DOROGAN, vice-rector Sergiu ZAPOROJAN, department of scientific investigations Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare St. Chişinău, MD-2004, Republic of Moldova 78 Tel/Fax: (+373 22) 235 437; 235 405 E-mail: Technology Profile Physiotherapy Device “Teralaser-Fm” for Profilaxy and Treatment of Huge Spectrum Diseases Description Device is made based on heterojunctioned infrared semiconductor laser and ultraviolet electroluminescent diodes. It has 2 emission terminals with independent management and control. The device offer alternative due to the microcontroller usage: the selection frequency; power transmission choice; the choice of working time; working parameters indicating the screen; saving the 20 mode of work; autonomous operation more than 8 hour, automatically loading of batteries; produces beep at the beginning and end of work arrangements. Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages • Two optical terminals with independent control; • Combining coherent IR and UV radiation; • Broadband frequency modulation of UV and IR radiation; • Floating frequency in each range; • Fine tuning of the emission power; • Menu comfortable and setting arrangements; • Set the optical head; • Small dimensions 15 x 20 x 5 cm; • Minimal power consumption 1-5W; a) Competitive Areas of Application Medicine - Physiotherapy, Acupuncture. Stage of Development b) Fig.1. Device with two optical terminals (a) and the optical heads set (b). The device “Teralaser” was tested in Municipal hospitals and clinics of R.Moldova. Covered by patents of R.Moldova MD 2737 G2 Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Valerian DOROGAN, vice-rector Sergiu ZAPOROJAN, department of scientific investigations Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare St. Chişinău, MD-2004, Republic of Moldova Tel/Fax: (+373 22) 235 437; 235 405 E-mail: 79 Science Opportunities in Moldova Air Ionisier for Profilaxy And Treatment of Respiratory and Cardiovascular System Ilnesses • Sanatorium “NUFARUL ALB” Cahul; • MOLDTELECOM servise *09. Description The developed source of a high voltage for an ionizer of air on the basis of unit scheme with energy transfer by impulses allows to adjust smoothly the voltage output. The device has nine operating modes with advanced functionalities, all necessary information is displayed on the LCD display, the choice of modes and parameters is carried out from the touch keyboard. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages Use of microcontrollers, LCD screens, touch keyboard, use of modern components and details allows to create a modern device answering to any users’ requirements. Areas of Application Medicine; industrial enterprises, in offices - preventive maintenance; at agrarian branch for stimulation of growth plants and animals. Stage of Development a) The ionizer of air was tested in • Technical University of Moldova; • Children's republican hospital; Fig.1. Ionizer of air for group (a) and individual use (b). Disease name Number of patients Full recuperation,% Significant improvement,% Insignificant im- Worsening, provement,% % Bronchial asthma 47 69 24 7 0 Chronicle bronchitis 60 42 45 13 0 Bronchial disease 12 67 33 0 0 Stenocardia 17 35 59 6 0 Heart neurosis 24 75 24 1 0 Back radiculitis 25 36 44 20 0 Neurasthenia 66 71 21 8 0 Migraine 11 70 25 5 0 Insomnia 15 66 20 14 0 Phantom pains 17 94 6 0 0 Nettle-rash 12 82 18 0 0 Pyoderma 6 60 20 20 0 Bones fracture 172 70 30 0 0 Wounds 126 85 15 0 0 Burns 188 90 10 0 0 b) Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Valerian DOROGAN, vice-rector Sergiu ZAPOROJAN, department of scientific investigations Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare St. Chişinău, MD-2004, Republic of Moldova 80 Tel/Fax: (+373 22) 235 437; 235 405 E-mail: Technology Profile The Device for Diagnostics of Oral Cavity Fabrics Pliability for Manufacturing of High Quality Dentures Description The electronic device allows to make diagnostics of oral cavity fabrics pliability, with an opportunity for automatic correction of the gauge characteristic was developed. The device consists of mobile probes and movement element of its, strain gauge, amplifier. Control circuit is based on a microcontroller which allows simple control system, reduced complexity of elaboration for control scheme. Microcontroller allows simple upgrading of the device by reprogramming new operating performance. Use of microcontrollers, LCD screens, galvanic cells, pressure elements allow to create the modern device answering to any modern user requirements. a) Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages • Reduction in price (because it is one of the most expensive elements used); • Ensures high accuracy by strain gauge; • Using modern microcontroller command and control. Areas of Application Medicine - Stomatology. Stage of Development The device was tested in Center of Stomatology and Pharmaceutics of Medical State University of Moldova. b) Fig.1. Image and design of device. Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Valerian DOROGAN, vice-rector Sergiu ZAPOROJAN, department of scientific investigations Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare St. Chişinău, MD-2004, Republic of Moldova Tel/Fax: (+373 22) 235 437; 235 405 E-mail: 81 Science Opportunities in Moldova The Low-Energy Illumination Systems Description The system consists of light modules on the basis of electroluminescent diodes and the block of management. The block of management there is an intellectual scheme which makes automatic switching on/off of illumination, depending on a level of natural illumination; protection against short circuit, protection against an overstrain; an opportunity adjustment of sensitivity. The block of management can be added by 25 individual programs of work for street lamps and house illumination. Fig. Light module Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages • Significantly lower power consumption; • The self-directed work by photo sensors, noise sensors; • Over-voltage protection network and the output short circuit; • Using modern microcontroller command and control. Emitter Type ConsumNr. Of tion W/hour Emitters Fig. Block of management Monthly Consumption, kW Incandescent lamp 60 10 144 Halogen lamp 20 10 48 Our LED Emiter, 3900lm, 100 4 10 12 Fig. Illuminated office “Eco-Lux SRL”. Emitter Type Consumtion W/hour Output Lum angle en degrees Cost, EUR Our LED Emiter 4 100 3900 15 XD110-80-320 4 120 3400 24 EL-DL-25xx 5 150 3800 21 The table below presents a brief calculation of electricity consumption for various types of light emitters, for one month, with working time 10 hours per day. Areas of Application Energetics - illumination method of building facades, houses, the entertaining centers, parks, offices, terraces, bars, publicity boards, entrances, lifts. Stage of Development The illumination system was setup and tested in - Technical University of Moldova; - Office “Eco-Lux SRL”, Chisinau; - Private houses, vil.Besarabeasca, R.Moldova. Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Valerian Dorogan, vice-rector Sergiu Zaporojan, department of scientific investigations Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare St. Chişinău, MD-2004, Republic of Moldova Tel/Fax: (+373 22) 235 437; 235 405 82 E-mail: Technology Profile Low Speed Impeller Pump for Hydraulic Energy Conversion Systems Description Stage of Development The working elements of the water kinetic energy conversion systems develop very small speeds of rotation (1 – 5min-1). In the case of utilization of these systems for water pumping by high speed pumps (700 – 1500min-1) it is necessary to have a multiplication system with high multiplying ratio (i=140…1500). This fact leads to the increase of general costs and to the reduction of reliability. A more advantageous solution consists in the utilization of low speed impeller pumps. This solution is the basis of elaboration of the micro hydropower station for water kinetic energy conversion into mechanical energy for water pumping. Aiming at the above, jointly with SA HIDROTEHNICA, Chişinău, we have elaborated the concept of low speed pump (n=300...500 min-1), have performed ample computer simulation of water wheels (fig. 1,a), and have designed the construction (fig. 1,b) of two typo-dimensions of impeller pumps (n=300 min-1; n=500min-1). Two industrial prototypes of the designed impeller pumps have been executed at HIDROTEHNICA enterprise (fig. 2,a,b) and laboratory experimental testing on the mentioned enterprise’s stand has been carried out. As result of the carried out testing the following has been achieved: mechanical efficiency – 0,7; output factor - 30m3 (number of revolutions n=300 min-1 ) and 40m3 (n=500min-1), respectively. Low speed impeller pump are utilized in the microhydrostation structure. Two typo-dimensions (30m3 and 40m3) of low speed impeller pumps (number of revolutions n=300 min-1 and n=500min-1, respectively), have been tested in laboratory conditions. It follows to be tested in real conditions on the pilot micro hydropower station for water kinetic energy conversion into mechanical energy (for water pumping), which will be mounted on the Prut River near Stoienesti village. The low speed impeller pumps with updated spe-cifications can be produced at the HIDROTEHNICA enterprise, Chişinău. Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages Fig. 1. Computerized 3D model and design of the low speed impeller pump. The low speed impeller pumps were fabricated at the SA HIDROTEHNICA enterprise for the first time. Their utilisation in systems, in which the working element performs low speed revolutions, is reasonable as expenses for the multiplication system are reduced. Mechanical efficiency and output of the tested pumps are high. Areas of Application The impeller pumps which have been designed, fabri-cated and tested, can be utilized for water pumping in cases when the inlet revolution is relatively small (n=300…500min-1), such as micro hydropower stations for water kinetic energy conversion into mechanical ener-gy for water pumping; wind systems for water pumping, etc. a) b) Fig. 2. Industrial prototypes of the impeller pumps: a) n=300 min-1, Q=30m3; b) n=500min-1, Q=40m3. Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Centre for the Elaboration of Renewable Energy Conver-sion Systems (CERECS) Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare St. Chişinău, MD-2004, Republic of Moldova Tel/Fax: (+373 22) 237 861, (+373 22) 445 088 E-mail:; 83 Science Opportunities in Moldova Mixer for the Preparation of Various Types of Mixtures Description New designs of mixers with mixing members, made in the form of rods are proposed. Intensification of the process of preparing building mixes in mixers with rods working bodies is possible due to the division of the material into numerous streams, their immediate association and the subsequent repetition of these operations. The mixer comprises a horizontally installed onto supports body with a semi-cylindrical bottom, into the end walls of which is mounted a shaft with mixing members, made in the form of rods situated radially and in staggered order on the shaft. Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages a) • Simple construction of mixing organs; • Preparation of the dry and semidry mixtures, mortar, concrete and mixtures with inclusions; • Reduction of the mixing duration by 20 – 30%; • Reduction of the use of binder by 15 – 20 %; • Reduced of energy by 2 – 3 times. Areas of Application • • • • • • • Preparation of mixes; Building; Metallurgy; Animal industries; Agriculture; Pharmacology; Food-processing industry. b) Fig.1. Samples of mixers (a,b). Stage of Development • Laboratory and industrial tests are conducted. • The Republic of Moldova’s patents are received: 479, 480, 482, 547, 548, 655, 657, 1122, 1123, 1683, 2233, 2260, 2300, 2301, 2303, 2423, 3287, 3415, 3448, 3775 Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Department Railways, Roads, Bridges Contact person: Lungu Valeriu Address: 39, Dacia Ave. Chisinau, MD2060, Republic of Moldova 84 Tel.: (+373 22) 774 518 Fax: (+373 22) 774 411 E-mail: Technology Profile Process of Producing Iodine-Fortified Sun Flower Oil With High Biological Value Description There has been developed technology for obtaining iodinefortified sun flower oil with high biological value and antioxidative properties that are due to the molecular iodine and antioxidative spice plant components, respectively introduced in this oil. • The results of this work have been implemented to the factory SC “MULTIEVO” SRL in accordance with Manufactory’s Standard SF 40128744:001-2007; • The technology is covered by patent of the Republic of Moldova MD 3336 G2 2007.06.30. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages • The iodine-fortified sun flower oil differs in the presence of the stable π iodine-triglyceride compounds, formed by fixing the molecular iodine at the double bond of the unsaturated fatty acids; • The spice plant extracts introduced into the composition of the oil with the iodine content 1 µg I/ml exerts a stabilization influence on the processes of the accumulation of the primary and secondary oxidation products in the oil; • In vitro and in vivo researches of iodine bioavailability from iodine-fortified sun flower oil have proved that introduction of this oil in the ration of hypothyroid laboratory animals contribute to restoration of levels such thyroid hormones as T3, T4 and TSH, as a result of an efficient digestion and high iodine bioavailability from the present complex; • The offered technological process of producing of iodine-fortified sun flower oil with high biological value does not demand the additional equipment and expensive capital investments. Fig.1. Iiodine-fortified sun flower oil with high biological value. Areas of Application The iodine-fortified sun flower oil with high biological value can be used to prevent alimentary dependent iodine deficiency disorders as a salad dressing with the view of imparting a pleasant specific aroma of spice plants to various cold courses and snacks. Stage of Development • It has been developed the scientific basis and the technology of fabrication of iodine-fortified sun flower oil with high biological value; Fig. 2. The technological scheme of producing iodine-fortified sun flower oil with high biological value. Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Contact person: Cristina Popovici Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare Ave. Chisinau, MD2004, Republic of Moldova Tel: (+373 22) 238 645; 319 290 Fax: (+373 22) 319 176 E-mail: 85 Science Opportunities in Moldova Process of Producing Iodine-Fortified Margarine with High Biological Value Description It has been developed technology for obtaining iodine-fortified sandwich margarine with high biological value and prophylactic properties to prevent alimentary dependent iodine deficiency disorders. sandwich margarine with high biological value has been tested on an industrial pilot lot elaborated on the ice-cream factory “DRANCOR” SRL. • The technology is covered by patent of the Republic of Moldova MD 3114 G2 2006.08.31. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages • In proposed iodine-fortified sandwich margarine a part of sun-flower oil is replaced by iodinated double refined and deodorated sun flower oil with total iodine content 10μg I/cm3. • Fatty basis constitutes 82,00 - 80,25% and includes following ingredients: double refined and deodorated sun flower oil; refined maize oil; iodinated sun flower oil. • The technological scheme proposes obtaining food emulsion water/oil by means of succession realization of three mechanical processes: emulsification; cooling and maturation. • In vivo researches of iodine bioavailability from iodine-fortified sandwich margarine demonstrated that its introduction in ration of laboratory animals contributes the reconstitution of thyroid hormones levels and accumulation of iodine by thyroid gland. • The offered technological process of producing of iodine-fortified sandwich margarine with high biological value does not demand the additional equipment and expensive capital investments. Fig.1. Iodine-fortified sandwich margarine with high biological value. Areas of Application The iodine-fortified sandwich margarine with high biological value can be used to prevent alimentary dependent iodine deficiency disorders. Stage of Development • It has been elaborated the scientific basis and the technology of fabrication of iodine-fortified sandwich margarine with high biological value. • The offered technological scheme of producing Fig. 2. The technological scheme of producing iodine-fortified sandwich margarine with high biological value. Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Contact person: Cristina Popovici Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare Ave. Chisinau, MD2004, Republic of Moldova 86 Tel: (+373 22) 238 645; 319 290 Fax: (+373 22) 319 176 E-mail: Technology Profile Wind Power Station With Asymmetrical Airodynamic Profile Blades Description Stage of Development Small wind power stations (<100kW) are utilized mainly for the satisfaction of energy needs of decen-tralized consumers. The suggested wind station func-tions on the basis of the utilization of the aerodynamic effect developed by three blades with asymmetrical aerodynamic profile (fig. 1). In the result of the performed computer simulation and laboratory experimental research the three-blade rotor with asymmetrical aerodynamic profile was designed and fabricated (fig. 2). The blades have been made of fibre plastic materials which ensure resistance at bending and torsion. In order to reduce the cost of wind station the multiplier of rotor gyration is absent and the three-blade rotor gyration is transmitted directly to a frontal generator isochronous with low speed permanent magnets (approximately 100 min-1 ), by excluding the multiplier. The starting speed of the wind station is 3 m/s. At the speed of 4m/s the wind station produces approximately 2 kW of electrical energy; at 8 m/s – 10kW; 10 m/s -15kW; 12m/s – 25kW. When the speed is 8-9 m/s the wind station performs 100-120 min-1. The construction of the wind station with the rotor 9 m diameter and with an isochronous generator with permanent magnets D550x250mm has been designed and its industrial prototype is in phase of fabrication. The ETALON Centre for Advanced Technologies Implementation at the Technical University of Moldova will produce low cost micro hydropower stations at the demand of the decentralized consumers. Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages The efficiency of the Wind station with asymmetric aerodynamic profile of blades depends completely on the efficiency of the rotor. The three-blade rotor with the elaborated asymmetric aerodynamic profile allows an increase in the efficiency of the wind energy conversion. The proposed diagram of the Wind station ensures such basic advantages as the utilization of aerodynamic asymmetric profiles of blades; the efficiency of the electrical generator is about 92%; relatively reduced costs due to the constructive simplicity (absence of multiplier, and the construction of station protection mechanism for wind high speeds is simple). Fig.1 Wind station with asymmetrical airodynamic profile blades Areas of Application The designed wind station aims at the satisfaction of energy needs (for example, electrical or mechanical energy utilization for water pumping for irrigation purposes) of decentralized consumers (farmers, own-ers of chalet or small hotels located in places which are not easy to be accessed – mountains, small islands, etc.). Fig.2 The three-blade rotor (industrial prototype) Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Centre for the Elaboration of Renewable Energy Conversion Systems (CERECS) Contact persons: Ion Bostan, Valeriu Dulgheru Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare Ave. Chisinau, MD2004, Republic of Moldova Tel/Fax: + (373 22) 23 78 61, + (373 22) 44 50 88 E-mail:; 87 Science Opportunities in Moldova Micro-Hydro-Power Station for the Conversion of Flowing Water Kinetic Energy into Mechanical or Electrical Energy Description Micro hydropower stations are utilized to satisfy the energy needs of decentralized consumers without build-ing dams. The proposed micro hydropower station op-erates on the basis of the principle of flowing water kinetic energy conversion into mechanical or electrical energy. On the basis of the carried out theoretical re-search and undertaken computer simulations the con-ceptual diagram of micro-hydro-power stations with pintle and blades fixed on vertical axles has been elaborated. The conceptual diagram of the micro hydropower station is based on the conversion effi-ciency increase (Betz coefficient) by utilizing the hydrodynamic effect of the blades and by orientating the blades towards the water stream in optimum posi-tions from the point of view energy conversion. On the basis of this conceptual diagram the pilot-station of the bifunctional micro hydropower station (Fig.1) has been elaborated. Blades positioning mechanism will provide for their optimal position dependent on the water streams in any phase of rotor rotation. The rotor with hydro-dynamic profile blades, precessional multiplier, impeller pump and electrical generator are fixed on the housing made from a metal framing. The framing, in its turn, is mounted on four landing pontoons. The communicating bridge and the mode of fixing to the bank by cables allow the pilot –station to float depending on the changing level of flowing water. The pilot-station will serve as site for experimental research on more technical solutions and working elements in natural conditions, but, in particular, for research on efficient blades with hydro-dynamic profile. The pilot-station will be anchored to the bank with adjustable cables on its length via a communicat-ing bridge. The scheme of industrial prototype is proposed in fig. 2. It has a very simple construction and is destined to produce 3-10kW/h. The vertical rotor has 3 or 5 blades with hydrodynamic profile, positioned under an entering angle which is variable concerning the water stream speed. tions reach the value of approx. 0,3. The proposed diagram of the micro hydropower station axle ensures the following basic advantages: utilization of hydrodynamic profiles oriented to an entering angle which is variable con-cerning the flowing water speed; inefficient zones from the point of view of energy conversion are excluded by repositioning of blades which cross these zones; and the civil engineering expenses are minimum. All blades participate actively in flowing water kinetic energy conversion whatever the rotor angular position. Areas of Application The designed micro hydropower stations aim at the satis-faction of energy needs (for example, electrical or mechanical energy utilization for water pumping for irriga-tion purposes) of decentralized consumers, especially in rural districts, without building dams or lakes for water accumulation. It can be used separately or in a system integrated into other renewable energy conversion systems. Stage of Development The designed micro hydropower station is covered by patents: 2981MD; 2991MD; 2992MD; 2993MD; 3104MD. Actually the pilot station of the micro hydro-power station is in the final fabrication stage and will be mounted on the Prut River in Stoienesti village. The in-dustrial prototype is in the designing stage. Mechanical enterprises INCOMAŞ, Hidrotehnica and Topaz, which have hold of fabrication technologies for components, will produce low cost micro hydropower stations at the demand of the decentralized consumers. Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages The efficiency of the micro hydropower plant depends completely on the efficiency of the multi-blade vertical axis rotor. The proposed multi-blade rotor with pintle allows the increase of conversion efficiency (Betz coef-ficient) up to 0,45 (the maximum theoretical value is 0,59), but the known technical solu- Fig.1 Pilot-station of the bi-functional micro-hydro-power plant. Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Centre for the Elaboration of Renewable Energy Conversion Systems (CERECS) Contact persons: Ion Bostan, Valeriu Dulgheru 88 Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare Ave. Chisinau, MD2004, Republic of Moldova Tel/Fax: (+ 373 22) 237 861; 445 088 E-mail: Technology Profile Industrial Installation for Electromagnetic Heat Treatment of Vegetable Oil Products Description Our installation allows a uniform heat treatment in the whole product’s volume due to microwave field’s influence. For example the installation for soybeans’ heating with a productivity of 200 kg per hour has the output temperature of 65 oC, achieved in 143 seconds, using magnetrons total power of 6 kW (input temperature consists 15-20 oC). Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages The heating uniformity is achieved by applying microwave energy between the product’s layers, optimal correlation between microwave field’s intensity and layers’ thickness, and constant rating of product promotion through the resonator mine. • uniform heating process of the whole material volume; • exclusion of products’ local burning; • relatively low energy consumption; • automatic maintaining of output temperature regardless of input temperature. Fig.1. Photo of the elaborated installation Areas of Application The installation can be used at oil extraction plants for electromagnetic heat treatment of different oil products such as: soybeans, sunflower seeds, rape, cacao beans etc., for further oil extraction from these products. Stage of Development • It was elaborated the scientific basis and the technology of oil products’ heat treatment, and was constructed the described industrial installation. • The offered installation was tested in laboratories of Technical University of Moldova (Chisinau, Republic of Moldova) and on an industrial pilot elaborated by “Flora Power” (Augsburg, Germany) – a big company specialized in oil extracting plants’ manufacturing. • The elaborated technological process is covered by a patent of Republic of Moldova nr. 12738 from 2010.12.15. Fig. 2. Main parts of the installation Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Contact person: Eugeniu Ciobanu Address: 168 Stefan cel Mare bldv. MD-2004, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Tel: +373 68 068 678, +373 79 929 002 89 Science Opportunities in Moldova Hydro Turbine With Vertical Blades Description The renewable energy is the solution for the problems of preserving the environment and find new sources of energy for the future, in conditions of a permanent increase of consumption. The hydroelectricity is one of the most clean and less aggressive to the environment, finding new solutions of using this potential will increase the energetically independence and will give new possibilities in the field. The vertical blades turbine is designed in the way to use the energy of the moving water current (as rivers) and produce electricity throw a shaft connected to a generator. The blades are moved by a special made shaft at the base of their connection to holding mechanism. During the functioning when water flow throw the turbine the blades are arranged in a way that when a whole circle is made to have a bigger resistance in one way and the smaller in the way back. The turbine is a “star form” with 5 blades from 1 to 2,5 m height beginning to work from water velocity of 2m/s. will work better with accumulating batteries. The power can be from 3 to 15 kW depending on geometrical characteristics of turbine and the water velocity. Stage of Development The turbine now is developed at the facility and testing polygon of Technical University of Moldova at the Etalon enterprise of the University. Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages The turbine is designed to be moved by the water and it does not need a human operator or any electronic mechanism to turn the blades, also it is easy to use it by being putted on air balloons to not reach to the river bottom. This gives an opportunity to use it in different places and cover a part of electricity needs. Also one of the innovative for the turbines will be used a mechanism to depreciate shocks and noise. The turbine has a big efficiency with small depending on the using rate of water velocity, it just needs a continuous current generator and inverting system. Areas of Application This can be applied anywhere is a permanent water flow enough deep as river or under water current, especially in regions where are a lot of small rivers but it is not possible to build a dam for a common hydropower plant, because of geographical conditions or any other. This is designed to cover electrical energy needs of a house or a group of houses isolated with small consuming power, the system Contact Details Technical University of Moldova Contact person: Sergiu Ungureanu Address: Chisinau, 31 August 1989 street, Nr. 78 90 Phone: + (373 22) 23-72-82 (work) Mobile: + (373) 690 91 921 E-mail: Technology Profile 91 Science Opportunities in Moldova D.Ghitu Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies Technical Area Keywords: energy conversion systems, transport phenomena of low-dimensional structures, design and technologies of the nanostructured arrays and superconductivity of the thin film layered structures, low-dimensional structures, superconductivity, narrow gap semiconductors, thermoelectricity. General Information The Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova was founded on the base of the International Laboratory of Superconductivity and Solid State Electronics and Special Design and Technology Bureau with the Pilot-scale Production. Traditionally, the distinctive priorities of investigations were directed at the fundamental and applied research of Solid State Structures. Since 2006, the IEEN has become a leading scientific centre developing new research trends in Material Science. Organizational framework of IEEN consists of 5 scientific laboratories both with fundamental aspect and engineering design aimed at the elaboration of high-technology devices and equipment, their implementation in industry, medicine, automated systems, and power and ecological systems. Institute’s focus • Superconductivity, thermoelectricity and electrophysical properties of micro- and nanometer structures; • Research of quantum electron processes and transport phenomena in anisotropic low dimensional systems; • Fundamental and applied researches in the field of solid state electronics, technology and engineering of materials and electronic devices, including nanodimensional ones; • Materials, structures and electronic devices engineering development; • Complex research of influence of electromagnetic radiation on living bodies and applied biophysical problems; • Design and development of high-technology devices and equipment, their implementation in industry, medicine, agriculture, automated systems, computing, power and ecological systems. Valuable technology offerings • Microtechnologies of solid state materials and structures for engineering of electronic sensors and devices; • General purpose electronic devices and equipment for measurement of vacuum, pressure, temperature in modern technological processes; • Design of generators and electronic equipment of electromagnetic millimeter waves for treatment of medical and biological objects; 92 Institute Profile • Equipment for diagnostic and therapy and other medical equipment; • Design and development of electronic equipment for energetic systems; Scientific Cooperation and Technology Transfer • • • • • • • • • • • Institute of Nanotechnology (Karlsruhe, Germany) Institut für Physik, Universität Augsburg (Augsburg, Germany) Erstes Physikalisches Institut, Universität Göttingen (Göttingen, Germany) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Zurich, Switzerland) International Laboratory of High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperature (Wroclaw, Poland) Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia) Institute of Solid State Physics (Chernogolovka, Russia) Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia) Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia) Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia) Ivano-Frankovsk Pedagogical Institute (Ivano-Frankovsk, Ukraine) Contact Details D.Ghitu Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies Director: Prof., Anatolie Sidorenko Address: 3/3, Academiei street, Chisinau, MD-2028, Republic of Moldova Tel.: + (373 22) 73 70 92 Fax: + (373 22) 72 70 88 e-mail: e-mail: web: Responsible for International Collaboration Alexandr Todosiciuc, scientific researcher, Tel. + (373 22) 73 70 72 e-mail: Chief Technology Commercialization Officer Eleonora Mitsu Tel. + (373 22) 73 90 63; + (373) 783 50 139 e-mail: 93 Science Opportunities in Moldova Device for Measuring Pressure of Various Gases Description The device is designed for measuring the air pressure in a range of 1·10–5 to 800 mm Hg. Pressure is measured using thermocouple pressure gauges TTC-1 (with a pressure conversion range of 1·10–5 to 1·10–1 mm Hg) and TTC-2 (with a pressure conversion range of 1·10–4 to 20 mm Hg) and using the strain pressure gauge TTR-1 (with a pressure conversion range of 10 to 800 mm Hg) employing one measuring channel. Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages The studies showed the possibility to use the device for measuring pressure of various gases or their mixtures, which significantly expands the application range of the device. To study the calibration characteristics of the gauges comprising the device, we developed a gauge unit that employs Bayard-Alpert gauges, which can be used for preparing vacuum gauge systems for measuring pressures up to 1·10-8 mm Hg. The wide range of pressure measurement, high accuracy combined with low cost in comparison with foreign counterparts, makes the pressure gauge attractive for import substitution. Areas of Application Domain of implementation: the electronics industry, chemical industry, food industry, metallurgy industry, scientific research, and deposition of coatings. Stage of Development Engineering documentation has been developed; a prototype sample has been prepared; and acceptance tests have been performed. The tests were performed under production conditions in the factories "Vibropribor" and "Topaz." Certificate of registration of industrial design no. 1353 of June 11, 2009 was obtained for the device. Contact Details D.Ghitu Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies Address: Academiei 3/3 str., Chisinau, Republic of Moldova tel.(373)22-727092 fax (373)22727088 94 E-mail: Technology Profile Technology of Preparation of Ultrathin Superconducting Nanostructures for Spintronic Description Elaborated advanced technology for superconducting spintronics - technological process, based on magnetron sputtering of the metallic films with non-metallic protective layers, yields significant improvement in superconducting properties of thin Nb films and Nb/CuNi nanostructures in comparison with common methods of films deposition (Fig.1). The developed advanced technological process is patented (Patent RM №.175 from 31.03.2010). Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages Thanks to our technology, we can sputter a whole lot of samples with a strictly reproducible parameters in a single cycle of deposition. The first experimental observation of the double re-entrant superconductivity in superconductor/ ferromagnetic nanostructures (Nb/Cu41Ni59 bilayers) in dependence on the thickness of the ferromagnetic layer (Fig.2) (Published in : A.S. Sidorenko, V.I. Zdravkov, J. Kehrle, R.Morari, E.Antropov, G. Obermeier, S. Gsell, M. Schreck, C. Müller, V.V. Ryazanov, S. Horn, R. Tidecks, L.R. Tagirov. Extinction and Recovery of Superconductivity by Interference in Superconductor/Ferromagnet Bilayers. In book: Nanoscale Phenomena – Fundamentals and Applications,Ed. by H.Hahn, A.Sidorenko, I.Tiginyanu, Springer, 2009 p.1-10.) was found on our samples. Technology of passivation allows to save samples of the initial characteristics of nanolayers for a long time. 1. Nanostructure Nb/CuNi, fabricated by the elaborated method. Areas of application Design of a new generation of superconducting spintronic devices - high frequency operating superconducting spinswitch for telecommunication and computers Fig.2. Nonmonotonic dependence of the critical temperature of superconductive transition Tc (dF) for dNb ≈14.1, dNb≈7.8 nm and the curve of double recovery Tc (dF) for dNb≈6.2nm < ξs ~ 8 nm, where ξs is the superconductive length of coherence in Nb layer. Contact Details D.Ghitu Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies Address: Academiei 3/3 str., Chisinau, Republic of Moldova tel.(373)22-727092 fax (373)22727088 E-mail: 95 Science Opportunities in Moldova Superconducting MgB2 Films For Technical Applications Description First.step: DC-magnetron-sputtering of B-precursor in argon atmosphere Elaborated advanced method for production of high-quality, smooth superconducting MgB2 films with the highest superconducting properties. Method is based on DC-magnetron sputtering of the B-precursor film and post annealing in Mg atmosphere in a specially designed reusable Nb container placed in evacuated quarts reactor. MgB2 films are prepared using two-step method including dc-magnetron sputtering of B- precursor films from B target on (100) MgO or on sapphire substrates with the following annealing ex-situ at 850 °C in Mg vapour atmosphere in a specially designed self-sealed reusable Nb reactor Innovative Aspects and Main Advantages Produced MgB2 films with reliable reproducibility and long term stable parameters opens perspectives for technical applications of MgB2 films in microelectronics, especially for high-frequency superconducting devices. second step: annealing in Mg atmosphere Areas of application Field of application serves power superconducting electronics - powerful magnets, cables for transmission of current, power generators, powerful electric motors Stage of development Method was presented at the Brussel Exposition -2009, mentioned by medal and diploma, is covered by two patents: 1. Method of synthesis of MgB2. V. Zdravkov, A. Sidorenko, Th. Koch, Th. Schimmel, patent RM Nr.3511, from 17.12.2007. 2. Device for synthesis of magnesium diboride, V. Zdravkov, A. Sidorenko, Th. Koch Th. Schimmel, patent of RM Nr.3512, from 19.12.2007. Reactor for annealing of precursor MgB-films. 1 - Vacuumed quartz tube. 2 - Nb container with cone shape input. 3 - Nb plunger. 4 - Mg powder 5 – Sample holder with precursor. Contact Details D.Ghitu Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies Address: Academiei 3/3 str., Chisinau, Republic of Moldova tel.(373)22-727092 fax (373)22727088 96 E-mail: Technology Profile 97 Science Opportunities in Moldova State Enterprise “Information Society Development Institute” Technical Area Keywords: information and communication technologies, expert systems, network security, e-science, e-learning, web content management systems. General Information State Enterprise “Information Society Development Institute” (S.E. ISDI) was created in 2008, by the initiative of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM) and the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication (MITC) on the basis of the Information Resources and Networks Center of ASM. It is organised in 3 Laboratories: Research and Development of Information Society, Information and Communication Technologies, Information and Communication Services. ISDI is an ISO 9001-2008 certified research institution (certificate nr.AJAEU/09/11667) responsible for development of information systems and e-infrastructures for science and innovation organisations of the Republic of Moldova. Institute’s Focus The main scientific directions of the ISDI are assurance of scientific support for integration in the European research and information area and development of information systems in areas of strategic importance for the Republic of Moldova. ISDI aims to develop scientific and technological support in ICT, to enforce research in information society area and capitalize the research results from the ICT area. The main areas of research include: • e-Learning; • e-Science; • e-Society; • Digital libraries; • Expert systems; • Networks security; • Grid technologies; • Web content management systems. One of the priorities of ISDI activity relates to promotion of proactive policies, solutions and research in ICT area to strengthen and develop information society and science-industry partnership, as well as collaboration with academia on national and international level. 98 Institute Profile Valuable Technology Offerings • ACADEMICA network, established and administered by ISDI interconnects 27 research and supporting organisations; • Development of the Electronic Proposal Submission and Evaluation System «EXPERT online» for all nationallyfunded projects in science and innovation area (; • Implementation of the information system for educational management at the Universities of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Scientific Cooperation and Technology Transfer At the national level ISDI have relations of scientific cooperation with Institiutes of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova: Institute of Chemistry, Institute of Ecology and Geographic, Institute of Geology and Seismology, Institute of Neurology. It also cooperates with Technical University of Moldova, State University of Moldova and Academy of Economic Studies. At international level ISDI has relations of cooperation with over 20 institutions from 14 countries of the world (Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Greece) within international research programs (FP7). Contact Details State Enterprise “Information Society Development Institute” Contact person: Igor Cojocaru, Director Address: 5A, Academiei St. Chişinău, MD-2068, Republic of Moldova Tel: (+373 22) 738 774 Fax: (+373 22) 733 301 E-mail: 99 Science Opportunities in Moldova Informational Tools for Distance Learning and Remote Design in GUAM Community Description Development of a unique information environment of the four states belonging to GUAM association (Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova), intended for remote cooperation in the technical and scientific fields, can bring substantial benefits to all parties involved. The environment developed using a distributed technical system is intended mainly for collective work on common projects of the specialists from GUAM community, basi-cally for the former weapon scientists, as well as for distance education and continuing education of the specialists from the field mentioned above. Distributed technical system for joint work on common projects has been developed, comprising sets of data banks and databases (on 4 national servers and a com-mon GUAM server). Within the #4509 STCU project the Information Society Development Institute developed a website comprising relevant databases of qualified experts in various fields, the fields for training and continuing education, available trainers and scientific results. A study class was set up in Chisinau, Moldova, equipped with technologies for remote design of machine building items (based on CAD/CAM “Inventor” product), as well as for distance education of the relevant experts (via VPN connection). It passed several tests: simultaneous activities in the system, work in time sharing mode between the partners, mixed mode. The system is designed to serve as a per-manent means of communication for scientific and technical cooperation among researchers from GUAM community. Areas of Application • • • • Distance education; Remote design; Scientific and technical cooperation; Technical information exchange. Stage of Development Field tested, available for demonstration. Fig. 1. Structure of unique information environment in GUAM community. Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages The novelty consists in the fact that for the first time in the post-soviet space (i.e. Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova) there will be created a technical and scien-tific complex, that will provide common simultaneous activity of the experts from different countries on a common project, as well as training (continuing education) in a “collective dialogue” mode and common analysis of social and economical issues. A new step in the field of distance education is the teach-ing methodology developed on basis of CAD/CAM Inventor. Fig. 2. Scheme of the study class. Contact Details Information Society Development Institute Contact person: Igor Cojocaru Address: 5A, Academiei St. Chisinau, MD-2068, Republic of Moldova 100 Tel: (+373 22) 738 774 Fax: (+ 373 22) 733 301 Email: Website: Technology Profile 101 Science Opportunities in Moldova INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY General Information Institute includes six subdivisions: 1) Laboratory of Seismology, 2) Laboratory of Seismic Action 3) Center of Experimental Seismology, 4) Laboratory of Geochemistry, 5) Laboratory of Complex Study of crust, 6) Laboratory of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology. Institute's Focus The main scientific directions are: • seismic regime study of the Carpathian-Balkan region, seismic macrozoning of the territory of the Republic of Moldova, seismic microzoning of urban areas, seismotectonics and geodynamics; Digital Seismic station • study of regional geology, lithology and strati-graphy of geological formations and minerals deposits tectonics and neotectonics; • hydrodynamics and regime investigations of ground water, the ground water reserves and quality, hydrologic prognosis and riverbed processes of small rivers; • study of the geochemical processes in the geological environment, quantitative prognosis of environmental pollution, elaboration of methods for remediation of polluted areas, pollution localization and reduction. Valuable Technology Offering The method of dynamic property modeling of buildings was recommended for the construction in Moldova region. The seismic risk assessment was Analytic equipment made for Chisinau and other territory of Moldova. The micro seismic zoning can be offered for every cities and industrial areas in Moldova and everywhere. The seismic monitoring was organized by the digital stations. The on-line service was used for data transfer to the international centers. Special seismic, geological and hidrogeological mapping and geo-database creation are made by GIS technology (ArcGIS, Mapinfo). 102 Institute Profile The chemical analysis of monitoring substances of Water Framework Directive can be made for the environmental site assessment and remediation project design: POPs, PAHs, BTEX, triazines, heavy metals etc. International accepted soft and institute’s elabora-tions were utilized. for data storage and processing. The perspective area was delineated for the hydrocarbon fuel deposit and subsurface gas storages in Moldova republic. Scientific Cooperation and Technology Transfer Institute participated in different international projects in the cooperation with some international centers and organizations: WorldBank, NATO, INTAS, JICA, , UNDP, CRDF, MRDA, MilieuKontakt, ICPDR and universities from Trieste, Italy, Bucuresti, Ramania, Ankara, Turkey, Royal Military College, Kingston, Canada etc. Local and central authority can use our elaborations in different project for the planning of the sustainable territory development of and optimization of geological exploration . Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Construction, local authority. Institute posses a certificated analytical laboratory “GEOLAB” by ISO 17025 Geotehnical map of Chisinau Phytoremediation site Contact Details Institute of Geology and Seismology Director Dr. Vasile Alcaz Address: Academy str. 3, Chisinau, MD-2028, Republic of Moldova Tel.: + (373 22) 73 90 27, + (373 22) 72 36 08 Fax: + (373 22) 73 97 20 Chief of Geo-chemistry Laboratory: Bogdevici Oleg Address: Academy str. 3, Chisinau, MD-2028, Republic of Moldova Mob.: +(373) 790 51 898 E-mail: 103 Science Opportunities in Moldova The Application of Phytoremediation for DDTs Polluted Site Decontamination Description Areas of Application The main scientific directions are study of the geology and geophysics conditions of the Republic of Moldova. Environmental geochemistry of persistent organic pollutants, petrol pollutants (PAHs, BTEX etc.), and heavy metals are principal study topics of institute for water quality and environmental risk assessments, implementation of site remediation technologies. Investigation of the destructive geological phenomena also is in the filed of scientific interest of institute for sustainable development of the country and minimization of negative impact of different pollutants on environmental quality and public health. Institute possesses sufficient laboratory capabilities and experience for analytical work by the environmental investigation: determination of chlororganic pesticides, polichlorbiphenyls (PCBs) polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), BTEX; Identification of compounds in different objects by Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry; analysis of toxic elements (As, Se, Hg, Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Al, Mn, Fe, V, Si etc.) in natural and technological waters, foods, agriculture crops, soils, sediments, sewage sludge, metals and alloys. An environmental friendly technology has been devel-oped for the polluted site remediation. Proposed technol-ogy is a development of EPA method of phytoremedia-tion. Zucchini and pumpkin showed good results in Mol-dova conditions for the implementation of phytoremediation technology for POPs removal from soil. Local wild plants can be used also for this purpose in complex with cultivated plants. These approaches will give better results in complex utilization with other biotechnology (microbiological destruction). Stage of Development Tested in field conditions, available for demonstration. Certificate of accreditation by ISO 17025 #SNA MD CAECP LI 02 211. Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages The methodology for the inventory of POPs polluted areas, Environmental Risk Assessment procedure and phytoremediation technology in Moldova conditions has been developed. The phytoremediation experiment has been de-signed using five plant species: corn (Zea mays L.), zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo), pumpkin (C. pepo L. subsp. pepo), carrot (Daucus carota L.subsp. sativus (L.) Schübler & G.Martens.), and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). The principal plant parts have been analyzed for the assessment of pesticide accumulation (roots, steam, leaves, crop). Conclusion has been made that old pesticide storages with a relative high level of POPs pollution can be cleaned by the phytoremediation technology. It needs individual design for every lot in view of local conditions. Investigators should take into consideration all advantages and limitations of this technology and use it in complex with other biotechnology for more effective POPs destruc-tion. Fig.1. General view of plantation of the polluted site re-mediation. Contact Details Institute of Geology and Seismology Contact person: Bogdevici Oleg Address: 3 Academy St. Chisinau, MD 2028, Republic of Moldova 104 Tel/Fax: (+373 22) 739 081; (+373 22) 739 636 Cell: (+373) 790 51 898 E-mail: Technology Profile 105 Science Opportunities in Moldova Public Medical-Sanitary Institution The Research Institute of Mother and Child Health Care General Information PMSI RIMCHC is a medical institution of the 3rd level, that offers medical care based on the conception of practical application of innovation technology in public medicine in order to improve the quality of medical assistance of the mother and child for continuous development of counseling, antenatal diagnosis, neonatal pathology screening, treatment and rehabilitation of ill people, decrease of infant mortality and disability, and the promotion of a health life style. The scientific profile of the institute is the protection of the health of mother and child in accordance with the state policy in science and innovation areas with tendencies of contribution to the world science development in conformity with the “Strategy priorities of research - development for 2004-2010 years” approved by the Decree of Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, no. 566-XV from December 25th. The Institute has a total capacity of 1005 beds and staff of 1678 employees, including 52 scientific researchers, 311 doctors, and 672 nurses. Out of them 6 employees hold the scientific degree of Hability Doctor of Medicine, 40 Doctors of Medicine, and 475 are physicians of superior professional category. The Academicians Mrs. Eva Gudumac and Mr. Eugen Gladun perform their daily activities within the Institute. The institution runs its activities on a well determined basis, such as: Elaboration of evidence-based technologies in prophylaxis, diagnosis, treatment and recovery of ill women and children, elaboration of recommendation for the improvement of the quality management of medical services of the mother and child taking into account the existent needs in the country. Research Directions of the Institute “Evaluation of major risk factors for perinatal mortality, infant, maternal and child disability in Moldova" provided for 20062010 years. This scientific research domain has the following goals: 1. Prophylaxis and early preventive treatment of pregnant women with increased risk of fetus Central Nervous System disease for decreasement of child disability and neuropsychological sanation of society. 2. The study of specific adaptation of low weight new-borns (GMN) and very small at birth new-borns (GFMN) and the study of the impact of modern technologies in development of high somatic and neurological complications at these children. 3. Diagnosis and medico-surgical treatment of neuromuscular intestinal malformations at infants, on the base of morpho-functional examination. 4. Study of the impact of some genotypic factors on spreading of atopic diseases at children according to ecological determinants. 106 Institute Profile Independent Projects: Development of strategies for general state amelioration and psychomotor improvement at patients with Down's disease and improvement of psychological status of their families " International Projects: 1. Improving antenatal care in the focus of qualitative perinatal care 2. “Beyond the numbers: Implementation of new approaches of reviewing perinatal deaths in the Republic of Moldova” 3. Moldova-Swiss Perinatology project, Phase II, 2008-2011 Experience of International Cooperation 1. Moldova-Swiss Perinatology project, Phase II, 2008-2011 implemented in collaboration with the Center for International Health Tropical Institute, Basel, Switzerland. Cooperation Agreement signed on 20 May 2008. 2. “Beyond the numbers: Implementation of new approaches of reviewing perinatal deaths in the Republic of Moldova” supported by the International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the projects FIGO "Saving Mothers and Newborns Project," the agreement signed on 24.08.2006. Scientific Cooperation and Technology Transfer The Institute develops its activity in a close collaboration with the National Center for Preventive Medicine, the ScientificPractical Center for Management and Public Health, and with important international organizations – WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, SOROS Foundation, university centers and governmental organizations from Japan, France, Sweden, USA, Canada Great Britain, etc. Contact Details Public Medical-Sanitary Institution The Research Institute of Mother and Child Health Care Address: 93 Burebista, MD-2062, Chisinau , Moldova Tel: (+373 22) 52-36-61 Fax.(0 3732) 52-11-71 E-mail: 107 Science Opportunities in Moldova NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND APPLIED CENTRE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE Technical Area Keywords: problems of public health, immunization, reference diagnostics, infectious diseases, health monitoring, risks-factors, information technologies, economics in medicine, cost-effectiveness methods, non transmissible disease prevention . General Information National Scientific and Applied Centre of Preventive Medicine is accredited Institution in Republic of Moldova where R&D works on public health, epidemiology and hygiene are being conducted, as well as normative acts, guides, instructional-methodological and legal documentation are being developed. Institute’s Focus • • • • • • • Western blot , immunoblot investigations, PCR; Enzyme immunoassay tests; Investigations in the field of medical toxicology; Determination of debit-dose external gamma exposure of the Fund; Environmental factors influencing on health; Determination of surface contamination; Chemical and physical research in identifying the degree of contamination of products. Valuable Technology Offerings Development of original methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dangerous infections such as viral hepatitis B, C, herpes, seasonal influenza, bird flu, HIV/AIDS acute diarrhoea diseases, and surveillance and monitoring of infections morbidity, Improvement and adjustment to WHO requirements and EU National Immunization Programme in prevention of immune infections. Development and implementation of informational system of socio-hygienic monitoring in the steps of reducing the incidence of the diseases caused by exogenic factors. Cost-effectiveness ways to surveillance of public health and diseases prevention. Development and implementation of a new conception of radio-ecological monitoring of the territory, permitting operative implication in situations of accidents or radiological urgencies. 108 Institute Profile Scientific Cooperation and Technology Transfer The Center collaborates with international laboratories and institutes: • Pasteur Institute (St. Petersburg, Russia); • Institute of Nuclear Researches (Dubna, Russia); • International Atomic Energy Agency (Viena, Austria); • Public Health Institutes (Bucharest, Iaşi, Cluj-Napoca); • Institute of Microbiology (“Cantacuzino” Bucharest); • European office WHO for surveillance and actions in laboratory diagnosis of transmissible diseases (Lion, France); • European Center for Disease Control (ECDC, Stockholm); • Center for Disease Control (CDC, Atlanta, USA). Contact Details National Scientific and Applied Centre of Preventive Medicine Contact person: Professor Oleg Benesh, General Director Deputy Sanitary Doctor of Republic of Moldova Address: 67a, Gherghe Asachi St. Chisinau, MD 2028 MD, Republic of Moldova Tel: (+373 22) 574 501 E-mail: Professor Constantin Spinu, Deputy Director Tel: (+ 373 22) 574 503 E-mail: Ass. Prof. Valeriu Pantea, Scientific Secretary Tel: (+ 373 22) 574 533 E-mail: 109 Science Opportunities in Moldova INSTITUTE ELIRI Technical Area Keywords: instrument making, information technology, radioelectronics and microelectronics, cast microwire, nanocomposite, hybrid and integrated microelectronic, measurement and technology equipment General Information The Research Institute “ELIRI” was founded in 1959. In 1996 it was reorganized into a joint stock company. It is situated in Chisinau, the capital of the Republic of Moldova. In the sixties for the first time in the world the Research Institute “ELIRI” developed the industrial technology and equipment for production of cast microwires in glass isolation with a core diameter of less than 1 μm till dozens of μm and more of liquid metal phase and resistive alloys (this method was proposed by professor A.V. Ulitovskii). Institute’s Focus • Casting of the microwire in glass insulation with a core diameter of less than 1μm to tens of μm. • Manufacturing products on base of microwire: iliform (minimal length of an operating component is 1 mm), flat (minimal thickness is equal to applied microwire diameter) and bulk (minimal volume is 0,02 mm3) components. • Researches of process of receiving of filamentary nanocomposites of extensive length, including a number of technologic operations from the preparation of the initial glass matrix with filaments micron sizes of metallic elements, alloys, semiconductors and semimetals to its deformation to nanometrical sizes of filaments. • Hybrid and Integrated Microelectronics: researches in the field of hybrid technology of integrated microelectronics, on the basis of which elaborates and manufactures custom hybrid chips and functional units (up to the third degree of integration) - filters, voltage regulators, amplifiers, resistance and resistance-capacitance assemblies, emitters and receivers of infrared radiation and others. • Metrological instrument making: control gage, measuring instrument and imitator of electrical resistance, standard high-voltage dividers, installation for high-voltage transformers verification. • Information technology: elements of securities identifying, radioabsorbing protective fillers and materials. • Measuring equipment: transducer-converter for measuring of non-electrical and electrical units, devices. The Institute is equipped with devices and instruments for measurement of electric and non-electric units. For products manufacturing the institute uses equipment, produced by the industry and elaborated by the Institute, taking into account the structural features of the elaborated products and used materials (micron sizes, presence of glass insulation, etc.). In recent years, the USA, Germany, and Japan purchased over 20 units of measuring and technologic equipment. 110 Institute Profile Valuable Technology Offerings • Nanotechnology of nanostructure manufacturing; • Nanostructured microwire manufacturing. Scientific Cooperation and Technology Transfer The Institute collaborates with Istitutes of Academy of Science and Universities of the Republic of Moldova. Recently, the Institute has been executing orders for firms from USA, Republic of Korea, Britain, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, etc. The experimental production of the Institute in cooperation with a number of enterprises of the Republic of Moldova manufactures the developed products. Contact Details Institute Eliri Contact person: Dr. Efim Badinter, General Manager Address: «ELIRI» S.A. 5, Miron Costin St. Chisinau, MD 2068, Republic of Moldova Tel./Fax: (+373 22) 494 195; Tel: (+373 22) 442 243 E-mail: 111 Science Opportunities in Moldova STCU Secretariat Contact Information Science & Technology Center in Ukraine Headquarters 7a Metalistiv Street Kyiv 03057, Ukraine Tel.: +380-44-490-7150 Fax: +380-44-490-7145 e-mail: website: Executive Director (USA) Andrew A. Hood e-mail: Senior Deputy Executive Director (Ukraine) Igor Lytvynov e-mail: Deputy Executive Director (Canada) Landis Henry e-mail: Deputy Executive Director (European Union) Michel Zayet e-mail: Deputy Executive Director (USA) Victor Korsun e-mail: Chief Financial Officer (USA) Curtis “B.J.” Bjelajac e-mail: Chief Administrative Officer (European Union) Anthony Nichol e-mail: Information Office in Moldova Alfreda Rosca Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 1 Stefan cel Mare ave., MD – 2001, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Tel.: (+ 373 22) 54 69 33 Mobile tel.: (+ 373) 691 72 668 E-mail: 112