Current Catalog - Learning Sciences International
Current Catalog - Learning Sciences International
CONTINUOUS EDUCATOR GROWTH Catalog February 2016 NEW! PD PACKS & WORKSHOP DAYS Dylan Wiliam Center STRATEGIC FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT For Standards-Based Classrooms ESSENTIALS FOR ACHIEVING RIGOR Live Monitoring of Student Learning LSI TRACKER BOOKS FOR EDUCATORS Marzano - Wiliam - Sousa - Bender Karten - Murphy - Daccord & Reich Brookhart - Tate - and more! G R O W YO U R E X P E R T I S E BOOKS MADE FOR TEACHERS! NEWLY RELEASED BOOKS by respected authors and education researchers • Robert J. Marzano • Dylan Wiliam • David A. Sousa • Toby J. Karten • Joseph Murphy and more! LEARNING AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT ORDER TODAY: | 1.877.411.7114 Contents OFFICIAL C ATALOG OF LEARNING SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL FEB 2016 • VOLUME 7 • ISSUE 1 PRODUCTS 10 Marzano Center Essentials for Achieving Rigor A model of instruction focused on planning, strategies, and coaching for classroom rigor 21 3-Day PD Training: Beyond the Basics Best practices for getting all students ready to meet new standards 22 Strategic Formative Assessment NEW FEATURES 6 LSI Tracker New mobile app to let educators spend more time teaching and less time managing data 7 Architecture Day Hands-on workshop for building instructional leadership 8 PD Packs Professional development and technology packages that bring it all together Embedding formative assessment into classroom practice 31 Leadership and School Improvement Customized solutions for the specific needs of school leaders 33 Research Services Our experts help you analyze, document, and report your data 34 Hierarchical Evaluation Systems Moving the focus from compliance to long-term improvement 42 iObservation® An easy, efficient, and effective platform to conduct classroom observations and teacher evaluations ORDERING MADE EASY Online: Call: 1.877.411.7114 (M-F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST) Mail: Learning Sciences International 175 Cornell Road • Suite 18 Blairsville, PA 15717 Fax: 724.299.8133 44 Teacher Education Graduate education and master's degrees 3 Forward Featured in the January 2016 District Administrator Magazine - Sponored Content TRANSFORMING SCHOOLS BY TRANSFORMING OUR MENTAL MODEL OF INSTRUCTION The principal’s instructional vision is critical in the shift to rigorous, standards-based classrooms. In my travels across the country, one of the things I enjoy most is visiting schools. My colleagues and I are often invited into classrooms by principals eager to showcase their schools. The classrooms are typically well organized with hard-working teachers dispensing knowledge to well-behaved students dutifully following directions. Is there something wrong with this picture? By Michael Toth, CEO, Learning Sciences International When I am training district or school leaders, I ask them to envision an effective classroom. What do they see in their mind’s eye? Often their vision for instruction or mental model looks like this: A charismatic teacher holding students in rapt attention in a well-managed and orderly classroom. I ask them to contrast that mental model of instruction with this one: The teacher is mostly listening, walking around while skillfully facilitating and monitoring groups where students are vigorously questioning each other about the content. Students are engaged in cognitively complex tasks, researching in literature and on the Internet, and citing evidence to support their claims. The classroom resounds with the good noise of students engaged in learning with their peers. The students’ learning takes center stage, instead of the charismatic lecturer. Which classroom would you want your child to be in? It is important to note that the traditional mental model of teaching is not wrong. At one time it served well, but the world has changed, as has the rigor of new academic standards. Students can Google facts from their ever-present smart phones, making memorization less important. Today’s employers are seeking employees who can think critically and organize themselves into teams to solve complex problems and invent solutions. Our classroom learning environments need to reflect the way people work in today’s workplace. 4 A principal can only lead a school to his or her level of instructional vision. So how do principals change their mental model of effective instruction? In our experience, it starts with a RigorWalkTM of their school. A RigorWalk is a process of looking for specific scientific indicators of school leadership practices and rigorous standards-based instructional practices. A trained expert in the instructional shifts to rigorous standards-based teaching walks the school side-by-side with the principal, looking at and debriefing student and teacher evidence. Through this principal-coaching process, the principal develops a new mental model of instruction, so that he or she can lead the school forward by providing professional development and feedback to teachers in a supportive cycle, until the full transformation to rigorous instruction occurs. Through our work with RigorWalks and Demonstration Schools for Rigor, we have seen principals, teachers, and entire schools repeatedly make this transition. When teachers transition away from traditional teacher-centered classrooms where they are doing most of the “work”, to the new student-centered classrooms focused on real-world activities, where students are doing most of the “work”, we see the love of teaching return and re-energize the faculty. Teachers tell us it used to feel like they were pushing the students, and that they had to push harder each year. Now the students pull them to the learning. It all starts with supporting principals to transform their mental model to a new vision for instruction through walking their school to see what is possible. When their mental model changes, their instructional leadership changes too. Michael Toth is founder and CEO of Learning Sciences International. He advises state departments of education and district superintendents on issues of leadership and teacher effectiveness, school improvement, and leadership pipeline development and tracking systems. He is co-author, with Dr. Robert J. Marzano, of Teacher Evaluation That Makes a Difference: A New Model for Teacher Growth and Student Achievement and with Dr. Beverly Carbaugh and Dr. Robert J. Marzano of School Leadership for Results: Shifting the Focus of Leader Evaluation. Technology 1.877.411.7114 5 District School TECHNOLOGY Technology Spend more time teaching and less time managing data. NEW! REAL-TIME STUDENT PERFORMANCE TRACKING TECHNOLOGY WITH JUST A SIMPLE TAP, YOU CAN: • Create and manage student rosters and lessons • Track student progress on multiple tasks and learning targets • Add individualized comments about students’ scores • Automatically save work for further analysis and reporting • Navigate to prior lessons and revise assessments as needed • Easily generate lessonspecific class reports • Create a trend analysis or historical view of student progress 1.877.411.7114 6 The new LSI Tracker is a mobile-enabled application that empowers K–12 teachers to quickly track student performance during a lesson. Its unique features allow educators to see what is (or isn’t) working in their teaching so they can make realtime instructional decisions that ensure all students are meeting their learning targets each day. The beauty is in its ease of use, but the app is also robust enough to produce rich reports about the learning targets and evidences within each lesson. It uses data from multiple sources to help teachers stay focused on standards-aligned instruction. They can even build standards-driven performance scales and lesson plans and feed the outputs into the Tracker. Our tracking app is so easy to set up and integrate into any classroom setting, it won’t impede or slow down lessons, so teachers of all technical abilities can keep student engagement—and achievement—at their highest. Shift school culture to embrace rigorous, standards-based instruction and monitoring resulting in increased student achievment. THE ARCHITECTURE OF BUILDING INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP FOR STANDARDS-BASED CLASSROOMS AND FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT This workshop hones in on four key areas of focus for educational leaders shifting to a rigorous, standards-based instructional system. Participants will leave with fresh ideas and deeper insight into how they can help teachers build on their expertise as they construct rigorous learning targets and scales, track student progress, and maintain productive PLCs that encourage schoolwide growth and collaboration. NEW! DEEPEN YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF: • Growing teacher expertise on instructional strategies Learn about key teaching strategies that develop students’ higher-order thinking skills. • Establishing a rigorous, standards-based system Get research-based insight and practical tips to significantly increase schoolwide rigor. • Implementing short-cycle formative assessment Help teachers seamlessly build minute-to-minute monitoring into every lesson. • Building standards-based PLCs Promote effective mentoring and collaboration with strong Professional Learning Communities. In the process, you’ll maximize your school’s capacity to: • Increase the use of instructional strategies through a growth mindset • Plan for the creation of standards-based learning targets and scales • Communicate the purpose and need for a schoolwide model of instruction • Create conditions for rigorous, standards-based classroom instruction Each participant receives a complimentary Identifying Critical Content book from the Essentials Series or the Taxonomy Crosswalk Laminate, plus a 60-day trial subscription to the LSI Tracker app. Prerequisite: None Duration: 1 day Audience (min 25, recommended 50) Teacher Mentors, Teacher Leaders, Instructional/Curriculum Coaches, Building Administrators “ "Learning Sciences has been amazing. You really feel like they care about what it is that is going to be delivered." — Tammy Ferguson, A.D. Henderson University School, Florida 1.877.411.7114 1.877.411.7114 7 PD School District Workshop District School PD Workshop Construct rigorous learning targets and performance scales that drive instruction and provide a solid baseline for formative assessment. STANDARDS-BASED SCALES PD PACK This integrated blend of professional development and easy-to-use technology goes far beyond helping teachers build standards-driven scales. It shows them how to use research-based strategies to construct rigorous learning targets and performance scales that drive instruction and provide a solid baseline for formative assessment. The PD pack includes a day of focused Goals & Scales* training, an optional day of on-site Coaching for Implementation with a Learning Sciences International expert NEW! consultant, and an accompanying book**. It also includes a 60-day trial subscription for the LSI Tracker™ app, which helps teachers monitor student learning so they can make quick instructional shifts to ensure that all students are meeting learning targets. It doesn’t end when the training and coaching days are over… This PD Pack Includes: All year long, teachers will be able to generate learning targets and collect real-time student data with the LSI Tracker without sacrificing valuable class time to give quizzes and tests. Teachers learn how to make more informed instructional decisions so they can construct and implement rigorous learning goals and performance scales and align activities to specific standards that are proven to increase rigor. Workshop Goals & Scales Coaching Day (optional) Coaching for Implementation In Goals & Scales, participants learn to construct and implement rigorous learning goals and performance scales that not only help students understand what they are learning but also drive instructional decisions and formative assessment. Learning Sciences International expert trainers walk participants through the creation and implementation of goals and scales and teachers will have the opportunity to create or strengthen them for their own classroom and to model conversations for implementation. During the on-site coaching session, an expert consultant facilitates classroom observation and feedback and/or coaching to strengthen the implementation of the Goals & Scales training. The coaching day is intended as a follow-up for training in order to support instructional leaders as they provide feedback to teachers in the implementation of strategies. Audience (max. 50 people): Teachers, Teacher Mentors, Instructional/Curriculum Coaches, Building Administrators, Central Office Instructional/Curriculum Support Duration: 1 day Audience (max. 5 people): Teachers, Teacher Mentors, Instructional/Curriculum Coaches, Building Administrators, Central Office Instructional/Curriculum Support Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: Goals and Scales Prerequisite: None * Goals & Scales training is part of the Essentials for Achieving RigorTM professional development series. ** Creating & Using Learning Targets & Performance Scales is a practical, research-based instructional guide from the Essentials for Achieving Rigor book series that further sustains educators practice and deepens their knowledge of instructional techniques that move students toward 8 LSI TrackerTM Technology 60-Day Trial Subscription The LSI Tracker™ is a mobile-enabled application that empowers K–12 teachers to quickly track student progress during a lesson. Its unique features allow educators to see what is (or isn’t) working in their teaching so they can make real-time instructional decisions that ensure that all students are meeting their learning targets each day. Book Creating & Using Learning Targets & Performance Scales Do your students understand their learning goals? Based on the earlier work of Dr. Robert J. Marzano, this book provides explicit steps for teaching students to use performance scales to help students meet rigorous standards. It includes adaptations for various student populations, examples and nonexamples from classroom practice, and strategies to avoid making common mistakes. One book per participant Break the “test, intervention, test” pattern with short-cycle formative assessment. MONITORING FOR LEARNING PD PACK Educators know how important student evidence is, but many don’t have evidence until it’s too late to use it. This training helps teachers build minute-to-minute formative assessment into their lessons and then quickly track student performance in real time with the easy-to-use LSI Tracker™ app. Teachers can make instant instructional decisions to impact all students when they know who is learning, who needs support, and who needs to be challenged. This PD pack consists of a full-day Monitoring for Learning workshop, an optional day of on-site Coaching for Implementation with a Learning Sciences International expert consultant, and 60-day trial subscription for the LSI Tracker app, which streamlines formative assessment so teachers know if their students are learning even before the first test. Even better: effective, consistent monitoring will remain a fundamental part of everyday instruction long after the training is over. Why? Teachers and coaches learn classroom formative assessment techniques that elicit student evidence and they learn how to use feedback based on LSI Tracker data to sustain this powerful professional development and coaching all year long. NEW! This PD Pack Includes: Workshop Monitoring For Learning Coaching Day (optional) Coaching for Implementation LSI TrackerTM Technology 60-Day Trial Subscription In a standards-based classroom, teachers need to continuously check where students are in their learning. In Monitoring for Learning, participants learn how to build minute-to-minute formative assessment into their lessons to determine who is cognitively engaged and who is simply being compliant. This hands-on session gives teachers techniques, tools, and resources to monitor for learning during a lesson, using formative assessment techniques and adapting instruction based on student evidence. Intended as a follow-up for training, this on-site coaching session supports instructional leaders in providing feedback to teachers. An expert consultant facilitates classroom observation and feedback and/ or coaching to reinforce the implementation of the Monitoring for Learning training and the use of formative assessment techniques. On the coaching day, instructional coaches have the opportunity to visit working classrooms, share their observations, and learn how to provide targeted feedback with the Coaching and Feedback Tool. The LSI Tracker™ is a mobile-enabled application that empowers K–12 teachers to quickly track student progress during a lesson. Its unique features allow educators to see what is (or isn’t) working in their teaching so they can make real-time instructional decisions that ensure that all students are meeting their learning targets each day. Audience (max. 50 people): Teachers, Teacher Mentors, Instructional/Curriculum Coaches, Building Administrators, Central Office Instructional/Curriculum Support Audience (max. 5 people): Teachers, Teacher Mentors, Instructional/Curriculum Coaches, Building Administrators, Central Office Instructional/Curriculum Support Duration: 1 day Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: Monitoring for Learning 1.877.411.7114 9 PD School District Workshop District School PD Essentials for Achieving Rigor The Research Many states have seen drastic drops in student test scores after making the transition to new assessments based on more rigorous standards. For districts that haven’t shifted their instructional practices to meet the challenges of today’s increasingly demanding standards, this is troubling news. The Learning Sciences International research team looked at more than two million data points in one of the largest available databases of classroom observations and found that teachers are facing some serious challenges. Fewer than 6% of the lessons observed in the database were devoted to the highest level of cognitively complex tasks involving hypothesis generation and testing. Now, even the best teachers are working hard to make the critical shifts in their pedagogy that will help students succeed with standards. Figure 1: Highest frequency strategies associated with lecture, practice, and review. 0% 5% Identifying Critical Information 12.5% Practicing Skills, Strategies, and Processes 12.0% Chunking Content into “Digestible Bites” Achieving Rigor, a model of instruction explicitly designed to give teachers a clear road map that makes the journey toward increased rigor more efficient and focused. A Non-Evaluative Model of Instruction The Essentials provide a safe, evaluation-free zone for teachers to continue to grow as they practice and hone classroom strategies aligned to rigor. It gives them just the right guidance, support, coaching, and resources to make instructional changes that will help their students achieve. Teachers love the Essentials because the model works with any evaluation system that a school currently has in place, but it doesn’t evaluate. Rather, its chief objective is to help educators focus on research-based, core classroom Figure 2: Lowest frequency strategies, among the most critical for developing cognitively complex skills. 15% 10.7% Total = 47% 5% 0% Engaging Students in Cognitively Complex Tasks Involving Hypothesis Generation and Testing 1.2% Revising Knowledge 1.1% Organizing Students for Cognitively Complex Tasks 0.9% 11.8% Reviewing Content 10 10% The data have shed light on an urgent need. In response, we’ve developed the Marzano Center Essentials for Total = 3.2% 10% 15% COMPONENTS OF MARZANO CENTER ESSENTIALS FOR ACHIEVING RIGOR ARE DESIGNED TO SUPPORT AND FACILITATE: • Standards-based planning instructional strategies that build students’ higher-order thinking skills, such as analysis, reasoning, hypothesis generation and testing, and decision making. • Clear criteria for success • Essential classroom conditions for learning Student-Centered Pedagogy • Data reflection and action Rigorous instruction calls for educators to move away from traditional “sage on the stage” teaching methods. Instead, teachers will guide students toward accepting ownership of their own learning, empowering learners of all ages and abilities to solve complex, real-world problems whether they work individually or in collaborative groups. • Peer collaboration The Essentials will help teachers develop expertise in releasing autonomy to students, creating a student-centered pedagogy in which the learner owns most of the responsibility for the learning—a key factor in raising achievement. engaged in the same work, and Close Achievement Gaps Drops in student test scores can serve as a powerful call to action. The Essentials equip teachers with focused professional development—core classroom practices, planning and reflection tools, collaborative strategies, data analysis, and formative assessments—to move all students toward increased rigor. As teachers perfect these skills, rigorous instruction essentially becomes embedded into their daily work. In turn, it becomes natural for them to spend a larger portion of classroom time teaching cognitively complex skills that engage and prepare students for the new assessments. Schools Are Already Seeing Results Educators receiving early training on the Essentials for Achieving Rigor are already reporting a noticeable improvement in classroom instruction. Put into practice, it is “absolutely exciting” to see teaching with increased rigor, says one Florida high school principal. “As we support more of our teachers moving in that direction, it’s going to directly impact student achievement. Ultimately, we need to develop kids who, when they leave us, are critical thinkers and problem solvers.” The model helps teachers intentionally plan for and teach rigorous lessons, reflect on their progress, collaborate with peers monitor their students for the desired results—all in an environment designed to nurture, guide, and engage. We developed the Essentials for Achieving Rigor because reports indicate that most U.S. teachers are not prepared to teach to the level of rigor required by new state college and career readiness standards. To learn more and find out what educators are saying about the Essentials for Achieving Rigor, call or visit: 1.877.411.7114 1.877.411.7114 11 PD School District Essentials for Achieving Rigor District School PD Essentials for Achieving Rigor Successful standards-based instruction starts with teaching students foundational knowledge and skills that can be built upon throughout the instructional cycle. This type of instruction requires extended processing and application of knowledge and asks students to go beyond what is taught by asking questions and experimenting with their new knowledge. ESSENTIALS FOR ACHIEVING RIGOR Teachers will have the opportunity to strengthen the instructional strategies they currently utilize and uncover other strategies and criteria required to reach rigorous standards. During these hands-on sessions, teachers will create a toolbox filled with the instructional strategies, tools, and resources that are the focus of each session. Applicable to all sessions in the Essentials for Achieving Rigor series* Audience (max. 50 people): • Teachers and Teacher Mentors • Instructional/Curriculum Coaches • Building Administrators • Central Office Instructional/ Curriculum Support Duration: 1 day * Except: Coaching for Implementation, Designing Implementation, Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), Leadership Team Coaching (LTC), and Designing Units to Reach Rigor. Teaching Foundations Discover how to use criteria for success to identify critical content and group students as they process, elaborate, record, and represent their knowledge. Outcomes • Identify appropriate strategies for foundational learning and plan for the desired result • Observe the impact of foundational strategies on students in order to adapt instruction • Plan foundational lessons based on rigorous standards Prerequisite: None Product Code: PD000-MEAR-001 Guiding Deeper Thinking Explore how to manage student response rates with questioning sequence techniques, as well as help students practice skills, examine similarities and differences, analyze their reasoning, and revise their knowledge. Outcomes • Identify appropriate strategies for guiding deeper thinking and plan for the desired result • Observe the impact of deeper thinking strategies on students in order to adapt instruction • Plan deeper thinking lessons based on rigorous standards Prerequisite: None Product Code: PD000-MEAR-002 Facilitating Complex Learning Learn how to organize students and provide guidance and support as students engage in cognitively complex tasks, such as investigation, problem solving, experimental inquiry, and decision making. Outcomes • Identify appropriate strategies for facilitating complex learning and plan for the desired result • Anticipate the guidance and support necessary for complex learning • Observe the impact of complex learning strategies on students in order to adapt instruction • Plan lessons for complex learning based on rigorous standards Prerequisite: None Product Code: PD000-MEAR-003 12 Coaching for Implementation (C4I) Learning Sciences International offers on-site coaching sessions intended as a follow-up for training where an expert consultant facilitates a team of instructional leaders in classroom observation or artifact examination, feedback, and coaching to strengthen the implementation of the Marzano Center Essentials for Achieving Rigor. Options • Classroom Visits: Instructional coaches visit classrooms after which they debrief and learn ways to provide specific feedback using iObservation (max. 5 people) • Examining Artifacts: iObservation is used to study artifacts (lesson plans, performance scales, student work) to analyze teacher practice (max. 20 people) Audience (varies): • Teacher Mentors • Instructional/Curriculum Coaches • Building Administrators • Central Office Instructional/Curriculum Support Duration: 1 day Prerequisites: Corresponding training from the Strengthening Instruction Pathway or the Enhancing Instruction Pathway; iObservation licenses/accounts Goals & Scales Monitor & Measure Instructional Decision Making Successful standards-based planning begins with understanding the complexity that the standards require and building a progression of learning. Participants will create and implement rigorous learning goals and performance scales. They will understand the difference between declarative and procedural knowledge and how they relate to planning, cognitive, and conative processes required by the standards, and what and how learning targets are used to create a progression of performance levels. Outcomes • Unpack essential and supplemental standards • Use a taxonomy or cognitive tool (Marzano/ Bloom/Webb) to identify levels of cognition required by standards • Distinguish between a learning goal and an activity or assignment • Use standards to create rigorous learning goals • Create a scale that describes the levels of performance In this hands-on session, teachers learn how to use rigorous learning goals and performance scales to make instructional decisions and drive formative assessment. Teachers will create formative assessments to track student progress, plan to monitor student learning, and discover how to encourage student ownership of learning. Outcomes • Align assessment and instruction with standards using performance scales • Use performances scales for formative purposes • Design assessment tasks to track progress of learning targets • Help students track their own progress Teachers need to use instructional strategies strategically and efficiently for students to meet rigorous standards. In this session, teachers learn to purposefully select, implement, and align instructional strategies with standards-based performance scales so students can succeed with a rigorous learning progression. Outcomes • Understand how performance scales drive selection of instructional strategies • Understand how levels of cognitive complexity and student autonomy relate to rigor • Plan lessons that scaffold to rigorous standards Prerequisite: Goals & Scales Product Code: PD000-MEAR-010 Prerequisites: Goals & Scales, Monitor & Measure Product Code: PD000-MEAR-005 Prerequisites: Teaching Foundations, Guiding Deeper Thinking, or Facilitating Complex Learning Product Code: PD000-MEAR-004 SUPPLEMENTARY BOOK SERIES Learning Sciences International recommends that teachers using the Essentials for Achieving Rigor read this collection of books to gain a deeper understanding of the model. Co-written by Dr. Marzano and Learning Sciences consultants, each book addresses key areas of teacher effectiveness and shows educators how to have the most positive impact on student learning and teacher growth. ORDER YOUR COPIES TODAY! 1.877.411.7114 Product Code: BPP14001 ISBN: 987-1-941112-00-7 Product Code: BPP140007 Product Code: BPP140005 Product Code: BPP140006 Product Code: BPP140004 ISBN: 987-1-941112-06-9 ISBN: 987-1-941112-04-5 ISBN: 987-1-941112-05-2 ISBN: 987-1-941112-03-8 Product Code: BPP140008 ISBN: 987-1-941112-07-6 Product Code: BPP140009 ISBN: 987-1-941112-08-3 Product Code: BPP140010 ISBN: 987-1-941112-09-0 Product Code: BPP140003 ISBN: 987-1-941112-02-1 Product Code: BPP140002 ISBN: 987-1-941112-01-4 1.877.411.7114 13 PD School District Essentials for Achieving Rigor District School PD Essentials for Achieving Rigor Conditions for Learning Vocabulary for Learning Designing Units to Reach Rigor Learn to construct and plan to implement strategies necessary to design a learning environment that provides a foundation for achieving rigor, encourages student autonomy, and enhances instruction. Discover how-to strategies and teach associated conative skills, as well as how to tailor to student needs. Outcomes • Plan for the desired result of strategies that set the conditions for learning • Take student needs and situations into account when planning strategies that set the conditions for learning • Plan to monitor for the desired results of conditions and strategies in the classroom • Incorporate conative skills while establishing conditions Prerequisite: None This hands-on session guides participants through the Marzano six-step process for vocabulary instruction and provides examples of implementation. Participants have an opportunity to plan specific activities that will help them implement each step in their own classrooms. Outcomes • Understand how criteria for success drives vocabulary instruction • Monitoring and tracking student progress of vocabulary instruction • Integrate vocabulary instruction into rigorous standards-based lessons • Plan to monitor students’ understanding of vocabulary terms Help students achieve at the highest level possible by designing a unit using the techniques outlined in previous trainings. Collaborate with others and receive feedback as you tie together the lessons learned. In this ‘hands-on’ session, educators will enhance their toolbox with instructional strategies, resources, and tools. Outcomes • Use standards to create rigorous learning goals and performance scales • Align assessments with standards using performance scales • Take student needs and situations into account when planning strategies that set the conditions for learning • Use performance scales to drive the selection of instructional strategies • Plan to monitor for the desired result of foundational and deepening strategies • Plan for predictable challenges of foundational and deepening strategies • Use a performance scale as a basis for reflective action • Determine the most effective instructional decisions for students Product Code: PD000-MEAR-006 Monitoring for Learning In a standards-based classroom, teachers must continuously check where students are in their learning. Learn how to use classroom formative assessment to help students hit their learning targets. This hands-on session gives teachers techniques, tools, and resources to monitor for learning during a lesson, using assessment tasks, and adapt instruction based on student evidence. Outcomes • Plan to monitor during a lesson toward a learning target • Plan how to identify evidence of effective instruction • Apply appropriate monitoring techniques to check for evidence of learning • Adapt instruction based on monitoring evidence Prerequisites: None Product Code: PD000-LSI-026 Prerequisites: None Product Code: PD000-MEAR-027 Teach to Reach Participants of this hands-on session generate plans of action to address students’ needs and provide opportunities to reach their goals. Teachers gain instructional strategies, tools, and resources to use immediately in the classroom as they study techniques to bolster learning for students who need extra support, such as English language learners, those receiving special education, and highperforming students. Outcomes • Use criteria for success as a basis for reflective action • Reflect on practice and student outcomes to identify needs • Adapt instructional strategies to strengthen learning for all students • Determine if conditions for learning need to be changed based on classroom evidence • Create an action plan to address the needs of students identified from purposeful reflection Prerequisites: Goals & Scales, Monitor & Measure, and Instructional Decision Making Product Code: PD000-MEAR-021 “ "The training I received was priceless as far as my teaching career is concerned. I will be forever grateful as will my students this year and in the years to come." — Ellen Miller, Teacher, Florida 14 Duration: 2 days Prerequisites: Goals & Scales, Monitor & Measure, Instructional Decision Making, Reflection for Action, and Teach to Reach Product Code: PD000-MEAR-022 ESSENTIALS PD FOR LEADERS Goals & Scales for Leaders Monitor & Measure for Leaders Learn how to provide feedback to support teachers when constructing and implementing rigorous learning goals and performance scales to help students understand what they are learning and drive instructional decisions. School leaders will have the opportunity to discuss how to provide feedback as teachers create or strengthen goals and scales for the classroom. Outcomes: (Leaders will be able to provide feedback as teachers): • Analyze standards to unpack and establish learning targets • Categorize learning targets into levels of cognitive complexity • Organize targets into a scale describing levels of expected performance • Create a scale that describes the levels of performance • Develop an implementation plan for using learning targets, goals and scales Aligns with Goals & Scales for teachers. Learn to provide feedback to support teachers as they use rigorous learning targets from a performance scale to make instructional decisions (monitor) and drive formative assessment (measure). Leaders will discuss the importance of connecting assessments with the progression of learning embedded in a performance scale. They will examine how teachers plan to monitor student learning in both formal and informal ways to track student progress using evidence and discover how to encourage student ownership of learning by helping students track their own progress. Audience: (max 50) Administrators Duration: 1 day Product Code: PD000-MEAR-004-L Outcomes: (Leaders will be able to provide feedback as teachers): • Align assessment with standards using performance scales • Use performance scales for formative purposes • Design assessment tasks to track student progress of each learning target using various types of assessments • Help students track their own progress • Plan approaches to celebrating student progress Aligns with Monitor & Measure for teachers. Instructional Decision Making for Leaders Discuss how to support and provide valuable feedback to help teachers develop expertise in instructional decision making. School leaders will enhance their understanding of the instructional decision making process in order to more effectively support teachers as they plan to scaffold to rigorous standards in their classroom. Outcomes: (Leaders will able to provide feedback as teachers): • Specify instructional strategies in a learning progression to best help students learn the critical content • Evaluate selection and implementation of research-based instructional strategies • Plan lessons that scaffold to rigorous standards efficiently and strategically Aligns with Instructional Decision Making for teachers. Audience: (max 50) Administrators Duration: 1 day Product Code: PD000-MEAR-010-L Audience: (max 50) Administrators Duration: 1 day Product Code: PD000-MEAR-005-L 1.877.411.7114 15 PD School District Essentials for Achieving Rigor District School PD Essentials for Achieving Rigor Raise the bar for rigorous instruction with enhanced implementation and a whole-school approach to the Marzano Center Essentials for Achieving Rigor. Leadership Team Designing Implementation PLC Facilitators Whole School PLC Facilitators (Day 1) Monitoring for Learning PLC Facilitators (Day 2) Teaching Foundations LTC LTC Goals & Scales LTC Guiding Deeper Thinking Monitor & Measure LTC Facilitating Complex Learning LTC LTC Designing Implementation PLC Facilitator Training Leadership Team Coaching (LTC) Raising the bar for rigorous instruction requires solid leadership, a committed faculty, and an action plan that supports and maintains the vision. In this training, your leadership team will develop a plan for implementing Marzano Essentials with training on the instructional model, Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), and supporting school leader growth through focus groups. They will learn how to protect common planning time to support teacher growth, create common scales and assessments, and strengthen instructional intervention and enrichment. Outcomes • Learn the purpose for a school wide model of instruction and how to facilitate change that enhances student achievement • Conditions and expectations for increasing classroom rigor • The value of building and mentoring PLCs • The importance of monitoring student progress and teacher growth • Develop an implementation plan Recommended Progression: • Leadership Team builds an implementation plan during this session • Whole school participates in Monitoring for Learning, Teaching Foundations, Goals & Scales, Monitor & Measure, Guiding Deeper Thinking, and Facilitating Complex Learning • PLC Facilitator Training and Leadership Team Coaching enhance implementation Prerequisite: None Audience (max 50): Leadership Team Members Duration: 1 Day Teacher leaders assess their current use of PLCs, learn techniques to support and encourage new and experienced teachers, and identify next steps to mentor and build collaborative learning communities. The characteristics of an effective PLC will be identified as participants take a hands-on approach to establishing a culture of shared responsibility, positively impacting instructional practice and student growth, while increasing leadership capacity. Outcomes • Responsibilities and skills required for facilitating a successful PLC • Conditions, purpose, logistics, and work of a PLC • Stages of team development • Using common language and performance scales • Formative and summative assessment to track student progress • Increased use of student-centered instructional strategies • Problem-solving enrichment and interventions for students • Engaging in instructional rounds to observe others Recommended Progression: Learning Sciences recommends the first PLC day occur after Designing Implementation but before the first Teaching Foundations session. The second PLC day should occur after Monitor & Measure. Audience (max 50): • Teachers Leaders • Teacher Mentors • Instructional/Curriculum Coaches • Building Administrators Duration: 2 Days (not consecutive) On-site coaching sessions where an expert consultant facilitates examination of artifacts, data analysis, classroom observation, iObservation training, and feedback to strengthen the implementation of the Essentials for Achieving Rigor. Participants discuss the Coaching and Feedback Tool, ways to provide teacher feedback, and next steps in improving their instructional coaching practice. The building administrator receives an individualized session on implementation support and monitoring of anticipated outcomes. Outcomes • Coaching strategies to support teacher implementation • Viewing virtual classroom(s) after which they share observations and learn ways to provide specific feedback for growth to teachers • Examining artifacts that accompany the virtual classroom visit • Reviewing iObservation data Prerequisites: • The corresponding training. For instance, in order to participate in Leadership Team Coaching - Teaching Foundations, instructional leaders must have participated in the Teaching Foundations training. • iObservation license and accounts Audience (max 20): • Teacher Mentors • Instructional/Curriculum Coaches • Building Administrators • Central Office Instructional/Curriculum Support Duration: 1 Day/Session Product Code: PD000-MEAR-024 Product Code: PD000-MEAR-025 16 Become a Learning Sciences Marzano Center Certified Results Coach. Make a significant and sustained impact on teacher practice and drive student achievement to new heights. COACHING FOR SUSTAINABILITY WHAT IT IS WHAT IT DOES A competency- and evidence-based coaching certification to develop strong instructional leaders who can lead and sustain instructional initiatives. This innovative, five-tier certification will galvanize your district’s leadership coaching to impact teacher practice and student achievement. This program leads coaches to the critical instructional shifts required by rigorous standards, building their capacity to support and guide teachers through implementation. It helps schools create and sustain leadership coaching programs that serve multiple purposes, improving their use of: HOW IT WORKS Because the entire program is developed through our data-focused content modules, it provides results-driven coaching along with tools and technology to support, measure, and sustain the shifts. • Professional development training • Coaching practices • Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) • Support for struggling teachers • New teacher inductions • Instructional leader development 5 Coaching for Evidence of Rigor 4 Coaching for Evidence of Rigor Instructional Decision Making Teach to Reach 3 Coaching for Evidence of Rigor Monitor & Measure Facilitating Complex Learning 2 Coaching for Evidence of Rigor Guiding Deeper Thinking Goals & Scales 1 Orientation Monitoring for Learning Teaching Foundations Designing Units to Reach Rigor (2-day) PD Progression for Coaching Certification 1.877.411.7114 17 PD Teacher School District Essentials for Achieving Rigor Coaching Certification Teacher District School BOOKS Books MARZANO CENTER ESSENTIALS FOR ACHIEVING RIGOR SERIES Learning Sciences International has launched the Marzano Center Essentials for Achieving Rigor series, designed to help teachers develop expertise on essential strategies that move students toward the higherorder thinking skills required by today’s college and career readiness standards. All of these books were authored by Dr. Robert J. Marzano and his team of highly skilled education experts from the Marzano Center. Educators are looking for practical ways to effectively teach to rigorous college and career readiness standards, such as Common Core State Standards and other state or district standards. Each book in the Essentials for Achieving Rigor series provides explicit techniques to implement and then monitor a critical instructional strategy aligned with anchor standards, along with recommendations for adapting lessons to ensure that all students understand the content. Dr. Robert Marzano 18 With day-to-day examples to use as models for application in the classroom, as well as lists of common mistakes to avoid, this series is a must-have for schools and districts trying to align instruction to meet the challenges of increasingly rigorous academic standards. Identifying Critical Content Authors: Deana Senn, Amber C. Rutherford, Robert J. Marzano Processing New Information Authors: Tzeporaw Sahadeo-Turner, Robert J. Marzano Do your students know which content is most important to learn? Based on the earlier work of Dr. Robert J. Marzano, this book provides explicit steps for teaching students to identify critical content. It includes adaptations for various student populations, examples from classroom practice, and strategies to avoid common mistakes. Can your students encode critical information into their long-term memories? Based on the earlier work of Dr. Robert J. Marzano, this book provides explicit steps for teaching students to retrieve, process, and store critical information. It includes adaptations for various student populations, examples and nonexamples from classroom practice, and strategies to avoid making common mistakes. Product Code: BPP140001 ISBN: 978-1-941112-00-7 Product Code: BPP140004 ISBN: 978-1-941112-03-8 Examining Reasoning Authors: Tracy L. Ocasio, Robert J. Marzano Practicing Skills, Strategies, & Processes Authors: Kelly Harmon, Robert J. Marzano Can your students recognize when their own logic is flawed? Based on the earlier work of Dr. Robert J. Marzano, this book provides explicit steps for teaching students to examine errors in reasoning. It includes adaptations for various student populations, examples from classroom practice, and strategies to avoid common mistakes. Can your students process and respond to information quickly? Based on the earlier work of Dr. Robert J. Marzano, this book provides explicit steps for teaching students to use new knowledge and processes swiftly and accurately. It includes adaptations for various student populations, examples and nonexamples from classroom practice, and strategies to avoid making common mistakes. Product Code: BPP140007 ISBN: 978-1-941112-06-9 Recording & Representing Knowledge Authors: Ria A. Schmidt, Robert J. Marzano Can your students record and represent what they’ve learned? Based on the earlier work of Dr. Robert J. Marzano, this book provides explicit steps for teaching students how to record and represent knowledge. It includes adaptations, examples and nonexamples from classroom practice, and strategies to avoid making common mistakes. Product Code: BPP140005 ISBN: 978-1-941112-04-5 Examining Similarities & Differences Authors: Connie Scoles West, Robert J. Marzano Do your students know how to make meaningful comparisons? Based on the earlier work of Dr. Robert J. Marzano, this book provides explicit steps for teaching students how to examine similarities and differences. It includes adaptations, examples and nonexamples from classroom practice, and techniques to avoid making common mistakes. Product Code: BPP140006 ISBN: 978-1-941112-05-2 Product Code: BPP140008 ISBN: 978-1-941112-07-6 Engaging in Cognitively Complex Tasks Authors: Deana Senn, Robert J. Marzano Can your students analyze their own understanding of content? Based on the earlier work of Dr. Robert J. Marzano, this book provides explicit steps for teaching students to investigate, experiment, solve problems, and deepen their understanding of content. It includes adaptations for various student populations, examples and nonexamples from classroom practice, and strategies to avoid making common mistakes. Product Code: BPP140010 ISBN: 978-1-941112-09-0 Revising Knowledge Authors: Ria A. Schmidt, Robert J. Marzano Can your students effectively revise their knowledge? Based on the earlier work of Dr. Robert J. Marzano, this book provides explicit steps for teaching students how to revise their knowledge. It includes adaptations for various student populations, examples and nonexamples from classroom practice, and strategies to avoid making common mistakes. Organizing for Learning Authors: Deana Senn, Robert J. Marzano Can your students actively engage in cooperative projects? Based on the earlier work of Dr. Robert J. Marzano, this book provides explicit steps for teaching students to actively process content in groups. It includes adaptations for various student populations, examples and nonexamples from classroom practice, and strategies to avoid making common mistakes. Product Code: BPP140003 ISBN: 978-1-941112-02-1 Creating & Using Learning Targets & Performance Scales Authors: Carla Moore, Libby H. Garst, Robert J. Marzano Do your students understand their learning goals? Based on the earlier work of Dr. Robert J. Marzano, this book provides explicit steps for teaching students to use performance scales to help students meet rigorous standards. It includes adaptations for various student populations, examples and nonexamples from classroom practice, and strategies to avoid making common mistakes. Product Code: BPP140002 ISBN: 978-1-941112-01-4 19.95 perbulkbook, discounts available $ GET THE COMPLETE ESSENTIALS FOR ACHIEVING RIGOR BOOK SERIES WITH SLIPCASE 199.95 $ Product Code: XPS150001 Product Code: BPP140009 ISBN: 978-1-941112-08-3 1.877.411.7114 19 BOOKS Teacher School District Books Teacher District School BOOKS Books QUICK REFERENCE GUIDES Efficiency and convenience make it much easier to deliver rigorous, standards-based instruction. These durable, easy-access reference guides put the Marzano framework right at any educator’s fingertips. Each guide is protected with glossy, high-quality lamination and three-hole punched to fit into your grade book, planner, or binder. Rigor/Standards-Based Teaching Map This 8.5”x11” reference guide to the Marzano Center Essentials for Achieving Rigor teaching map flips over to a visual representation of the Marzano taxonomy of educational objectives, helping teachers organize their instruction to take learners from retrieval to knowledge utilization. Product Code: RPL150001 | Cost: $4.95 ISBN: 978-1-941112-42-7 Taxonomy Crosswalk Quickly look up question stems, products, terms, and phrases that take learners from retrieval and comprehension to analysis and knowledge utilization. This guide, which opens to 11”x25.5,” includes a clear and concise crosswalk chart that compares the taxonomies of Bloom, Webb, and Marzano. Product Code: RPL150002 | Cost: $8.95 ISBN: 978-1-941112-43-4 Learning Map/Desired Results Need quick access to the Marzano model? Teachers and observers alike can easily refer to every strategy and design question in Domains 1–4 of the learning map, along with the desired effect for each. This handy reference guide opens to 11”x17” and folds to fit into any grade book or planner. Product Code: RPL150003 | Cost: $6.95 ISBN: 978-1-941112-44-1 Cascading Domains of Influence Beginning with a clear illustration of the Marzano hierarchical evaluation system, this four-page reference guide unfolds to 11”x17”. A must-have for superintendents, principals, and assistant principals, it comes complete with the learning maps associated with the Marzano district leader and school leader evaluation models. Product Code: RPL150004 | Cost: $6.95 ISBN: 978-1-941112-45-8 20 Three days of deep professional development focused on helping you get ready to take students to an unprecedented level of cognitive complexity. ACHIEVING RIGOROUS NEW STANDARDS: BEYOND THE BASICS Planning Rigorous Units Leading Rigorous Planning This intermediate-level training moves past the foundation of what exactly rigorous standards are to how to utilize The Art and Science of Teaching to best teach them. Sessions operationalize new standards into units, lessons, and assessments. Participants will learn how to apply related cognitive processes to their practice and to design lessons to engage students for growth. In this hands-on session, educators will unpack and build scales, create assessments, and align lessons to the performance scales. Outcomes • Define what students need to know in the new standards • Create rigorous learning goals and performance scales that represent a progression of learning required by new standards • Understand how to effectively introduce new content using foundational strategies • Decide how to choose the best strategy to deepen knowledge and skills • Plan for and execute cognitively complex tasks that align with standards Audience (max. 50 people): Teachers and Teacher Mentors This training moves past the foundation of understanding rigorous standards to lead your teachers in planning rigorous units. Sessions focus on how facilitate and give feedback as teachers operationalize new standards into learning targets, units, lessons, and assessments. Participants will learn how to provide support as teachers design lessons to engage students for growth and apply related cognitive processes to their practice. Leaders will learn the characteristics of effective scales, assessments, and lessons aligned to the performance scales. In this hands-on session, leaders focus on how to support and give feedback on scales, assessments, and lessons aligned to the performance scales. Outcomes • Define what students need to know and be able to do in new standards • Give teacher feedback on rigorous learning goals and performance scales that represent a progression of learning required by new standards • Provide support on the alignment of assessments to learning targets • Effectively help teachers select and use researchbased instructional strategies Audience (max. 50 people): Administrators and Teacher Leaders, including Instructional Coaches and Teacher Mentors Duration: 3 days Prerequisite: Teaching Foundations, Guiding Deeper Thinking, or Facilitating Complex Learning Product Code: PD000-MEAR-028 Duration: 3 days Prerequisite: Teaching Foundations, Guiding Deeper Thinking, or Facilitating Complex Learning Product Code: PD000-MEAR-023 FOR MORE INFORMATION: 1.877.411.7114 (M–F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST) 1.877.411.7114 21 PD School District 3-Day Training District School PD Strategic Formative Assessment LEARNING INTENTIONS ACTIVATING STUDENTS FEEDBACK EVIDENCE OF LEARNING Introduction to Strategic Formative Assessment Helping teachers develop their use of minute-tominute and day-by-day assessment is a powerful way to improve student learning. To implement it effectively, however, teachers must shift their focus from what they are putting into the process to what students are getting out of it. This one-day workshop provides the research base for strategic formative assessment, introduces parties to the five key strategies, and provides information about how to form a Teacher Learning Community to sustain professional learning. Why Formative Assessment Should be a Priority for Every School There is growing evidence that helping teachers develop their use of minute-byminute, day-by-day formative assessment is one of the most powerful ways to improve student learning. • Studies show up to 75% increases in student learning when teachers master formative assessment strategies. • • n average, students exposed to formative assessment learn as much material O in eight months as other students learn in one year. Strategic formative assessment asks teachers, students, and their peers to elicit, interpret, and use evidence of student learning to make the most effective decisions about next steps in instruction. Outcomes • Why strategic formative assessment must be a priority for every school • Five key strategies of strategic formative assessment and practical techniques that teachers can use in their classrooms • How to support colleagues in developing their strategic formative assessment practice Audience (max. 120 people): • Teachers • School and District Administrators Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: None Product Code: PD000-D002 Dylan Wiliam, PhD, is an internationally recognized leader in the development of effective, research-based formative assessment strategies and practical techniques. His books, articles, school consultations, workshops, and conference presentations on formative assessment and Teacher Learning Communities (TLCs) have profoundly impacted teacher professional practice and student learning worldwide. In partnership with Learning Sciences International, Dr. Wiliam provides valuable guidance for embedding formative assessment into classroom practice. Through training, hands-on practice, and collaboration within TLCs, the Learning Sciences Dylan Wiliam Center helps educators develop and build formative assessment strategies that can significantly build teacher capacity and impact student achievement. Dr. Dylan Wiliam 22 STRATEGIC FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT PD PACK Based on the research of renowned education authority Dr. Dylan Wiliam and produced by the Learning Sciences Dylan Wiliam Center, the Strategic Formative Assessment PD Pack takes educators on a deep dive into formative assessment with high fidelity that results in increased student achievement. It allows teachers to keep doing what they already know works—without interrupting the learning to give a test. This package of full-day workshops, delivered by certified Dylan Wiliam Center staff developers, goes deep into the five key strategies of formative assessment and activates the techniques teachers can use to help all students think critically, preparing them to thrive in their future workplaces. Coaches will learn to provide targeted feedback to support teachers as they assess tasks and adapt instruction based on student evidence. This PD Pack Includes: Workshop: Setting the Destination for Strategic Formative Assessment Coaching Days: Strategic Coaching Teachers must be clear about where they are taking students in order to find out how well they are learning. The first of three Strategic Formative Assessment modules for teachers, this session focuses on how teachers establish clear learning intentions while helping students understand the criteria for success. Participants will discover how to create learning environments that produce successful, confident students and increased achievement. During these on-site coaching sessions, a certified Learning Sciences Dylan Wiliam Center expert consultant facilitates classroom observation and feedback and/or coaching to strengthen Strategic Formative Assessment implementation from teachers to instructional learners to administrators. The coaching days are intended as a follow-up to training in order to support instructional leaders as they provide feedback to teachers in the implementation of strategies and techniques. Product Code: PD000-D006 Workshop: Navigating the Journey for Strategic Formative Assessment To teach well, educators need to find out what students already know. In other words, they must elicit evidence of learning. The second of three Strategic Formative Assessment modules for teachers, this session provides tools to help teachers plan techniques and hinge questions that engage students in productive intellectual discussion. It also covers interpreting evidence, using it to adjust instruction, and providing meaningful feedback that moves learners forward. When students assess one another’s progress, it doesn’t just save work for teachers; when implemented properly, students working together can substantially improve learning. The final Strategic Formative Assessment module for teachers shows participants how to facilitate active learning and support students on their journey to critical thinking, increased rigor, and higher achievement. Teachers learn how to use hinge questions, discussions, and activities not to catch students, but to diagnose and determine next steps. Product Code: PD000-D008 Audience (max. 50 people): • Teachers/Instructional Staff • School Leaders • District Administrators Duration: 1 day Audience (max. 5 people): Teacher Mentors, Instructional/Curriculum Coaches, Building Administrators, Central Office Instructional/ Curriculum Support Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: Corresponding Workshop Product Code: PD000-D007 Workshop: Empowering Students for Strategic Formative Assessment Applicable to all Strategic Formative Assessment PD pack workshops* LSI Tracker Technology 60-Day Trial Subscription TM The LSI Tracker™ is a mobile-enabled application that empowers K–12 teachers to quickly track student progress during a lesson. Its unique features allow educators to see what is (or isn’t) working in their teaching so they can make real-time instructional decisions that ensure that all students are meeting their learning targets each day. Yearly Cost: $19.95 per person or $495 per building Embedding Formative Assessment: Practical Techniques for K-12 Classrooms by Dylan Wiliam & Siobhán Leahy Embedding Formative Assessment: Practical Techniques for K–12 Classrooms details how effective classroom formative assessment helps educators make minute-by-minute, day-by-day instructional decisions. This clear, practical guide for teachers centers on five key instructional strategies, along with an overview of each strategy and practical formative assessment techniques for implementing it in K–12 classrooms. One book per participant 1.877.411.7114 23 PD School District Strategic Formative Assessment Teacher District School BOOKS Books Leadership for Teacher Learning: Creating a Culture Where All Teachers Improve so That All Students Succeed Author: Dylan Wiliam NEW! Effective leaders inspire growth and improved performance in those they lead. The United States workforce will change significantly in the coming decades. Today’s students need teachers to prepare them to thrive in a constantly changing world. In turn, teachers need leadership that encourages them to grow in their practice. Leadership for Teacher Learning explores the correlation between teacher quality and student achievement. Drawing from evidence-based research findings, distinguished author and leading formative assessment authority Dylan Wiliam clearly and concisely explains how formative assessment, when applied properly, helps to create a structured and rigorous learning environment that increases student achievement. He also presents compelling research to give readers a clear picture of: • Which changes in classroom practice are most likely to impact student achievement • Formative assessment’s use in differentiated instruction (DI) and response to intervention (RTI) • How to select and support group leaders to ensure productive collaboration • Strategies to integrate formative assessment into teacher evaluation Tackling many of the toughest questions faced by school and district leadership, Wiliam discusses why efforts to change classroom practice have been relatively unsuccessful—and explores specific classroom tactics that do tend to raise student achievement, illustrating how significantly a teacher’s work impacts student learning. Product Code: BPP150113 ISBN: 978-1-941112-26-7 Cost: $29.95 Embedding Formative Assessment: Practical Techniques for K–12 Classrooms Authors: Dylan Wiliam & Siobhán Leahy Effective classroom formative assessment helps educators make minute-by-minute, day-by-day instructional decisions. This clear, practical guide for teachers centers on five key instructional strategies, along with an overview of each strategy and practical formative assessment techniques for implementing them in K–12 classrooms: • Clarifying, sharing, and understanding learning intentions and success criteria • Engineering productive discussion and activities that elicit evidence of learning • Providing feedback that moves learners forward • Activating students as learning resources for each other • Activating students to own their learning The authors provide guidance on when and how to use the specific techniques—along with tips, cautions, and enhancements—to sustain formative assessment. Product Code: BPP150112 ISBN: 978-1-941112-29-8 24 Cost: $29.95 Embedding Formative Assessment Professional Development Pack Authors: Dylan Wiliam, Siobhán Leahy Monthly workshops and materials, delivered on two DVDs, provide TLC members and leaders with guidance and resources to make formative assessment meaningful and productive. These workshops, designed by international education researchers Siobhán Leahy and Dylan Wiliam, illustrate the characteristics of effective, skillfully implemented TLCs and explore their impact on the implementation of formative assessment. Product Code: DDK130001 | Cost: $495.00 Embedded Formative Assessment Author: Dylan Wiliam Formative assessment plays an important role in increasing teacher quality and student learning when it’s viewed as a process rather than a tool. Emphasizing the instructional side of formative assessment, this book explores in depth the use of classroom questioning, learning intentions and success criteria, feedback, collaborative and cooperative learning, and selfregulated learning to engineer effective learning environments for students. Product Code/ISBN: 978-1-9340093-0-7 | Cost: $29.95 Inside the Black Box Series This groundbreaking series of booklets, developed by Dylan Wiliam, Paul Black, and instructional experts in various disciplines, makes a clear case for embedding formative assessment into classroom practice. Wiliam and Black argue that assessment becomes formative when educators use evidence to adapt instruction to meet student needs. Inside the Black Box and Working Inside the Black Box provide the research foundation and strategies for embedded formative assessment. Subsequent volumes explore embedding formative assessment within specific subject areas, with one volume focusing on the primary school classroom. Inside the Black Box Authors: Paul Black, Dylan Wiliam Geography Inside the Black Box Authors: Paul Weeden, David Lambert Product Code: BPP140105 ISBN: 978-1-941112-15-1 Product Code: BPP140104 ISBN: 978-1-941112-14-4 Inside the Black Box of Assessment Authors: Paul Black, Christine Harrison, Jeremy Hodgen, Bethan Marshall, Natasha Serret Modern Foreign Languages Inside the Black Box Authors: Jane Jones, Dylan Wiliam Product Code: BPP140111 ISBN: 978-1-941112-20-5 English Inside the Black Box Authors: Bethan Marshall, Dylan Wiliam Product Code: BPP140103 ISBN: 978-1-941112-13-7 Assessment for Learning: Putting it Into Practice Mathematics Inside the Black Box Authors: Jeremy Hodgen, Dylan Wiliam Authors: Paul Black, Chris Harrison, Clara Lee, Bethan Marshall, Dylan Wiliam Product Code: BPP140106 ISBN: 978-1-941112-16-8 Based on a two-year project involving 36 teachers at schools in the U.K., this book describes the specific practices that teachers found fruitful and the underlying ideas about learning that these developments illustrate. It discusses the problems that teachers encountered when implementing the new practices in their classrooms and give guidance for school management and LEAs about promoting and supporting the changes. Product Code/ISBN: 978-0-3352129-7-2 | Cost: $34.99 Working Inside the Black Box Authors: Paul Black, Christine Harrison, Clare Lee, Bethan Marshall Product Code: BPP140109 ISBN: 978-1-941112-19-9 Science Inside the Black Box Authors: Paul Black, Christine Harrison Product Code: BPP140108 ISBN: 978-1-941112-18-2 Product Code: BPP140101 ISBN: 978-1-941112-11-3 Inside the Primary Black Box Authors: Christine Harrison, Sally Howard Product Code: BPP140107 ISBN: 978-1-941112-17-5 Design and Technology Inside the Black Box Authors: Judy Moreland, Alister Jones, David Barlex Product Code: BPP140102 ISBN: 978-1-941112-12-0 Information and Communication Technology Inside the Black Box Authors: Mary Webb, Margaret Cox Product Code: BPP140110 ISBN: 978-1-941112-27-4 Cost: $9.95 per book, bulk discounts available 1.877.411.7114 25 BOOKS Teacher School District Books Teacher District School BOOKS Books NEW! Engaging the Rewired Brain Author: David A. Sousa Research reveals that the frequent use of technology causes distinct, short-term changes in students’ attention span, memory function, critical thinking processes, and social behavior. The long-term impact remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: students are engaging with new information in different ways, so educators must shift their instructional practice accordingly. In Engaging the Rewired Brain, bestselling educational neuroscience author Dr. David A. Sousa looks at how technology may be changing the way young people’s brains function and how educators can adapt instruction to keep students motivated to learn. Technology, he argues, can support and encourage effective instructional strategies for educators of any age group as long as teachers and leadership understand: • The type of classroom that engages the rewired brain • Strategies to determine whether, when, and how to use technology • Tips to help professional developers build teachers’ digital literacy • Benefits of differentiated instruction, flipped classrooms, and online learning With a glossary of scientific and technical terms and a resources section to connect educators with supplemental materials and information, this book is a must-have for anyone striving to understand technology’s impact on the young brain—and prepare today’s learners for an increasingly advanced future. Product Code: BPP150402 ISBN: 978-1-941112-25-0 Brain-Friendly Assessments: What They Are and How to Use Them Cost: $24.95 NEW! Inclusion & CCSS Supports For Students & Staff Author: Toby J. Karten Author: David A. Sousa Author Toby Karten summarizes the reasons and research behind Common Core State Standards and other initiatives and offers recommendations for using research-based inclusion strategies, instructional supports, monitoring, reflection, and collaborative practices to give all staff and students a step-by-step, outcome-based formula. Best-selling author Dr. David A. Sousa empowers teachers with valuable research findings from educational neuroscience as he describes critical factors to consider when designing and selecting assessment techniques to accurately gauge how well students learn and retain information. Sousa explores clear, practical, effective ways to develop and administer assessments that are in the best interest of students; design brain-friendly assessments to deepen students’ understanding; and fairly assess all students, including English-language learners and those who are homeschooled. Every student deserves access to a quality education, viable postsecondary options, and core knowledge. With collaborative planning, a deep understanding of rigorous standards, and Karten’s valuable guidance, any school can proficiently provide just that. Product Code: BPP150401 | Cost: $24.95 ISBN: 978-1-941112-21-2 Product Code: BPP150701 | Cost: $24.95 ISBN: 978-1-941112-32-8 26 NEW! iPads in the Classroom: From Consumption and Curation to Creation NEW! Leading School Improvement: A Framework for Action Author: Joseph Murphy Authors: Tom Daccord & Justin Reich In Leading School Improvement: A Framework for Action, author Joseph Murphy pulls together 14 practitionerbased articles to present a cohesive narrative about the unique and critical role that leadership plays in school improvement. Murphy clearly identifies key factors that shape the future of any school and explains the work that leaders must do to ramp up academic press and foster a supportive culture for school improvement. Many educators see iPads only as game stations or replacements for notebooks and textbooks. In iPads in the Classroom, authors Tom Daccord and Justin Reich explain how iPads present a tremendous opportunity for teachers to rethink the design of learning environments to best suit the needs of their students. This book isn’t about how to click on apps; it’s about how to transform schools and change students’ lives with differentiated, meaningful, purposeful learning that helps them develop the real-world skills they’ll eventually need for the working world and civic life in the decades ahead. Product Code: BPP151001 | Cost: $24.95 ISBN: 978-1-941112-93-9 He goes on to unpack the concept of leadership practice, focusing on the importance of personal characteristics and virtues, such as persistence, passion, courage, and integrity, for creating a truly powerful learning environment. Product Code: BPP150901 | Cost: $19.95 ISBN: 978-1-941112-41-0 20 Disciplinary Strategies for Working With Challenging Students Performance Assessment: Showing What Students Know and Can Do Author: Susan M. Brookhart Author: William N. Bender Fair, effective disciplinary strategies are essential in every classroom. Educators need practical, research-based strategies to manage difficult situations. 20 Disciplinary Strategies for Working With Challenging Students provides easy-toimplement solutions, such as flipped, technology-based, and project-based classroom formats, as well as RTI behavioral improvement programs, to improve disciplinary practice. With an emphasis on recent issues and trends, it offers practical tips and describes the research foundation for each tactic, exploring: • Differentiated disciplinary strategies for diverse scenarios • Solutions for specific challenges in modern discipline • Recommendations and examples of real-world application With proven discipline strategies in place, educators are free to focus on the ultimate goal: increasing student learning. Product Code: BPP150301 | Cost: $29.95 ISBN: 978-1-941112-22-9 It’s not just about what students know. What can students do with their knowledge? In Performance Assessment: Showing What Students Know and Can Do, author Susan M. Brookhart, Ph.D., shares her expertise on the topic of classroom performance assessment, bringing together practical, researchbased information to deepen educators’ understanding of: • What performance assessment is and what purposes it serves • Designing performance tasks to teach and assess learning • Using rubrics to support formative and summative assessment Brookhart explores four general categories of performance assessment and provides real-world recommendations for making performance assessment a routine part of instruction. Product Code: BPP150601 | Cost: $27.95 ISBN: 978-1-941112-30-4 1.877.411.7114 27 BOOKS Teacher School District Books Teacher District School BOOKS Books Becoming a Reflective Teacher Authors: Robert J. Marzano, Tina Boogren, Tammy Heflebower, Jessica Kanold-McIntyre, Debra J. Pickering Just as successful athletes must identify personal strengths and weaknesses, set performance goals, and engage in focused practice to meet their goals, teacher effectiveness depends on an educator’s ability to skillfully plan, reflect, and practice with deliberate and focused attention. With more than 270 research-based pedagogical strategies, organized under 41 elements of teaching, this illuminating instructional guide combines an innovative model of instruction with recommendations for incorporating productive goal setting, focused practice, and helpful feedback to improve your instructional practice. The authors also discuss using classroom observations, collaborative projects, and discussions to develop expertise as a reflective teacher. Product Code/ISBN: 978-0-9833512-3-8 | Cost: $34.95 The Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction Author: Robert J. Marzano Although classroom instructional strategies should be based on sound science and research, knowing when to use them and with whom is more of an art. In The Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction, author Robert J. Marzano presents a model for ensuring quality teaching that balances the necessity of researchbased data with the need to understand strengths and weaknesses of individual students. He articulates his framework in 10 questions that represent a logical planning sequence for successful instructional design. For classroom lessons to be effective, educators must examine every component of the teaching process with equal resolve. Product Code/ISBN: 978-1-4166057-1-3 | Cost: $26.95 Designing & Teaching Learning Goals & Objectives A Handbook for the Art and Science of Teaching Author: Robert J. Marzano Authors: Robert J. Marzano, John L. Brown Design and teach effective learning goals and objectives by following effective, research-based strategies. This first book in the Classroom Strategies Series includes a short summary of key research and provides step-by-step, hands-on strategies for implementation. Short quizzes help readers assess their understanding of the instructional best practices explained in each section. Product Code/ISBN: 978-0-9822592-0-7 | Cost: $24.95 This in-depth resource facilitates implementation of action steps from The Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction. Guidelines, checklists, and activities help teachers develop expertise on Dr. Marzano’s framework. Planning modules provide guidance for establishing learning goals, tracking progress, helping students interact with new content, testing hypotheses, and deepening students’ understanding. Product Code/ISBN: 978-1-4166081-8-9 | Cost: $29.95 The Highly Engaged Classroom Coaching Classroom Instruction Authors: Robert J. Marzano, Debra J. Pickering, Tammy Heflebower Authors: Robert J. Marzano, Julia A. Simms With guidance from this book, every teacher can create a classroom environment where engagement is the norm, rather than the exception. Part of the Classroom Strategies Series, this clear, highly practical guide summarizes key research and translates it into recommendations for classroom practice. Each chapter includes helpful exercises to reinforce the content. Product Code/ISBN: 978-0-9822592-4-5 | Cost: $29.95 28 This clear, practical instructional guide summarizes key research and translates it into recommendations for classroom practice. After explaining the history and research behind the book's content, the authors explore the non-evaluative nature of coaching, requirements of successful coaching, advantages and disadvantages of various coaching systems, and productive role-play activities for coaches and teachers. Product Code/ISBN: 978-0-9833512-6-9 | Cost: $34.95 Teaching & Assessing 21st Century Skills Questioning Sequences in the Classroom Authors: Robert J. Marzano, Julia A. Simms Explore the use of questioning to reinforce student learning by using a four-phase sequence. Learn how to ask students targeted, specific questions, use higher- and lower-order questioning, question students working independently or in groups, and teach students to draw on prior knowledge and external sources. Questioning sequences for lessons of any duration, and for each grade level in a variety of content areas are included. Authors: Robert J. Marzano, Tammy Heflebower As the 21st century unfolds, the pace of change in the world is accelerating. Teachers and administrators must lead the cultural shift required to ensure their students can survive and thrive in the changing world. In Teaching & Assessing 21st Century Skills, the authors present a model of instruction and assessment based on a combination of cognitive skills. This highly practical guide summarized key research and then translates it into recommendations for classroom practice. Product Code/ISBN: 978-0983351207MC | Cost: $34.95 Product Code/ISBN: 978-0-9858902-6-1 | Cost: $24.95 Classroom Management That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Every Teacher A Handbook for the Art and Science of Teaching Authors: Robert J. Marzano, Barbara B. Gaddy, Maria C. Foseid, Mark P. Foseid, and Jana S. Marzano Author: Robert J. Marzano It’s a fact that effectively managed classrooms can make a huge difference on students’ achievement gains – maybe as much as 20 percentile points. What hasn’t been clear is what teachers actually do to create effectively managed classrooms. Now, here’s a book that draws from more than 100 studies of classroom management to explain the four most important general components of effective classroom management and their impact on student engagement and achievement. Use this handbook in self-help, study group, and teacher workshop situations to implement the research-based classroom management practices from the ASCD best-seller Classroom Management That Works. The authors guide you through the classroom management approaches that support higher student achievement and provide you with hundreds of classroom-proven strategies and recommendations. Product Code/ISBN: 978-0871207937MC | Cost: $25.95 Product Code/ISBN: 978-1416602361MC | Cost: $27.95 Using Common Core Standards to Enhance Classroom Instruction & Assessment Transforming Classroom Grading Author: Robert J. Marzano Grading can be an invaluable tool for pinpointing strengths and weaknesses in students’ understanding, provide a shared language for discussing learning, and help improve student performance over time. Unfortunately, current practices in classroom grading, such as the use of overall letter grades or percentage scores, are not amenable to this type of specific feedback. In fact, they do little more than label learning at periodic intervals. Product Code/ISBN: 978-0871203830MC | Cost: $22.95 Authors: Robert J. Marzano, David C. Yanoski, Jan K. Hoegh, Julia A. Simms Discover how to weave an in-depth understanding of Common Core into successful classroom practice with this two-part resource. You’ll learn how to power the standards with guided assessment and measure student progress in a way that accurately reflects learning. Included are hundreds of ready-to-use, researchbased proficiency scales for English language arts and mathematics. Product Code/ISBN: 978-09833512-9-0 | Cost: $34.95 ORDERING MADE EASY 1.877.411.7114 (M–F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST) 1.877.411.7114 29 BOOKS Teacher School District Books Teacher District School BOOKS Books School Leadership for Results: Shifting the Focus of Leader Evaluation Authors: Beverly G. Carbaugh, Robert J. Marzano, Michael D. Toth School leaders significantly impact student achievement, but they need support, training, vision, and tools to be truly effective. In School Leadership for Results: Shifting the Focus of Leader Evaluation, education authorities Beverly Carbaugh, Robert Marzano, and Michael Toth discuss transforming evaluation into a model that: • Improves the performance of school leaders and aligns school leaders’ vision, mission, and goals • Connects goals with practices that impact teachers and students • Addresses key questions with domains, scales, and evidences • Ensures fair, unbiased school leader evaluations Effective school leader evaluation is a collaborative, shared process of focused improvement. Learn how to make it an integral part of your schools. Product Code: BPP140011 | Cost: $29.95 ISBN: 978-1-941112-10-6 District Leadership That Works Authors: Robert J. Marzano, Timothy Waters High-level leaders learn how to develop expertise on defined autonomy, a top-down power mechanism that focuses on district-defined, non-negotiable, common goals and a system of accountability supported by assessment tools. This book also addresses challenges that come with deep change in school culture and offers strategies for tactfully and successfully dealing with resistance. Product Code/ISBN: 978-1-935249-19-1 | Cost: $24.95 Effective Supervision: Supporting the Art and Science of Teaching Authors: Robert J. Marzano, Tony Frontier, David Livingston Teacher Evaluation That Makes a Difference Authors: Robert J. Marzano, Michael D. Toth Teacher evaluation systems are most successful when they focus on pedagogical growth and a common language of instruction. This book describes research-based teacher evaluation systems for school leaders, district leaders, and non-instructional support personnel that help educators develop expertise to increase student achievement. Product Code/ISBN: 978-14166157-3-6 | Cost: $28.95 Formative Assessment & Standards-Based Grading Author: Robert J. Marzano Learn how to implement an integrated system of assessment and grading that enhances your teaching and students’ learning. Dr. Marzano details benefits of using formative assessment during instruction and discusses effective design and interpretation strategies, tracking student progress, and assigning meaningful grades. Examples and exercises bring each concept to life and reinforce the content. Product Code/ISBN: 978-0-9822592-2-1 | Cost: $29.95 School Leadership That Works: From Research to Results Authors: Robert J. Marzano, Timothy Waters, and Brian A. McNulty What can school leaders really do to increase student achievement, and which leadership practices have the biggest impact on school effectiveness? For the first time in the history of leadership research in the United States, here’s a book that answers these questions definitively and gives you a list of leadership competencies that are research based. Product Code/ISBN: 978-1-416602-27-9 | Cost: $27.95 Leaders of Learning: How District, School, and Classroom Leaders Improve Student Achievement Authors: Richard DuFour and Robert J. Marzano In the spirit of Dr. Marzano’s landmark book, The Art and Science of Teaching, the authors make a researchbased case linking effective teacher supervision and evaluation to increased student achievement. Going way beyond scripted observation routines and typical value-added measurements, you’ll learn broad principles of effective supervision for any school. For many years, the authors have been fellow travelers on the journey to help educators improve their schools. Their first coauthored book focuses on district leadership, principal leadership, and team leadership, and addresses how individual teachers can be most effective in leading students—by learning with colleagues how to implement the most promising pedagogy in their classrooms. Product Code/ISBN: 978-1-4166115-5-4 | Cost: $27.95 Product Code/ISBN: 978-1935542667MC | Cost: $24.95 30 Learning Sciences International offers customized solution services to help you meet the specific needs of your schools and students. Our services were developed by a team of expert practitioners and are based on the most up-to-date research on school improvement, teacher effectiveness, and student achievement. LEADERSHIP Executive Leadership Coaching DEMONSTRATION SCHOOLS FOR RIGOR Individualized coaching for superintendents, deputy superintendents, and executive-level staff responsible for supervising school leaders. Develop a deeper understanding of the Marzano District and School Leader Evaluation models and learn to recognize effective leadership practices. Provide clear and actionable feedback to principals to help improve teacher and student performance. Build your district’s capacity to sustain improvements in leadership and teaching. Demonstration schools provide models of deep implementation of instructional leadership, pedagogy, and professional learning community (PLC) practices aligned with rigorous college and career readiness standards. Receive intensive professional development in: School Leadership Coaching Improve instructional leadership skills and reduce variability among principals. Learning Sciences consultants gather baseline data about improvement plans and processes, conduct focused observations, and guide principals through the development and implementation of short-term action plans that lead to measurable improvement in leadership and instructional practice. Leadership Academies These intensive, two-day sessions guide leaders to a deeper understanding of their roles, ensuring that schools are focused on student achievement guided by relevant, timely data. Examine the importance of pedagogical skills in enhancing student learning, and learn how to ensure that all teachers are continuously improving. Improve student achievement through a tiered system of supports: • The Academy for District Leaders assists superintendents and other district leaders responsible for supervising principals in guiding and reinforcing meaningful observer expectations in their schools. Deepen your understanding of how the Marzano School Leader Evaluation Model drives improvement in leadership practices. • The Academy for School Leaders helps district and school administrators practice and deepen their knowledge of the Marzano School Leader Evaluation Model. It also provides an opportunity for practical application of the model’s domains and elements to your data so you can develop action plans to incorporate into school and district improvement plans. • The Academy for Teacher Leaders provides opportunities for school-based instructional coaches, resource teachers, and teacher mentors to practice and deepen their knowledge of the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model. It helps teacher leaders use their school data to develop action plans that support high-quality instruction. • School improvement leadership coaching • Direct teacher professional development: Essentials for Achieving Rigor • Capacity building and coaching for PLC teams and team leaders SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT School Effectiveness Audits Take the first step toward systematic school improvement. Over the course of one full day, Learning Sciences consultants, in collaboration with the school leadership team, identify observable signs of supportive conditions for effective teaching and learning. Audit results, shared with the principal and the school leadership team, serve as supportive feedback to guide practice toward improvement. Intensive Supports Model for Schools Provide intensive supports for targeted schools to improve student achievement through the closely aligned efforts of principals, teachers, parents, community members, and students. Learn to clearly define learning targets and provide a continuous feedback loop among stakeholders. Teachers learn to: • Plan cognitively complex, standards-based instruction through professional development and coaching in the Essentials for Achieving Rigor. • Use observational data, student survey data, self-reflection, and frequent monitoring of formative assessment data to improve their use of teaching strategies. Principals learn to: • Accurately observe instruction and provide immediate, actionable feedback. Schools learn to: INDIVIDUALIZED CONSULTING We offer individualized consulting with our research team and educator consultants to meet the needs of your district or school. Contact us today! • Develop learning targets and communicate the targets to students and their families. • Provide information to students and their families about their progress toward learning targets. • Work collaboratively with community service providers to help students attain their learning targets. 1.877.411.7114 31 RESEARCH District Leadership and School Improvement District RESEARCH Data Analysis and Leadership Making sense of all of your data can be overwhelming. Our experts can help you analyze the present facts so you can make informed decisions about the future. DATA ANALYSIS RigorWalk™ helps school leadership teams gain the insight, perspective, and actionable data they need to determine what to address for whole-school improvement. During a RigorWalk, a Learning Sciences consultant meets with school leadership to collect information about current processes, policies, and systems that impact leading indicators of teacher practice and student learning. LSI then helps the leadership team identify support structures that will best impact teaching and learning. Research indicates that each of the following Pillars of Rigor must be in place to meet the demands of rigorous new standards, including Common Core: IRR Analysis and Report Writing The IRR Scoring and Feedback Assessment report measures observers’ scoring knowledge and aptitude when assessing teacher effectiveness. Our research team will provide feedback and recommendations to address the precise needs of observers in districts. Audience: Districts Prerequisite: IRR Scoring and Feedback Assessment 1. Conditions of School-wide Environment Delivery Options: 2. School Leadership 3. Growth Mindset • Face-to-face half-day with written report and presentation 4. Standards-Based Professional Learning Communities 5. Rigorous and Standards-Based Instruction 6. Formative Assessment Benefits With targeted, building-specific focus areas, RigorWalk finds root causes that impact a school’s delivery of standards-based instruction. Here are some of the things this research-based, results-driven tool will do for your school: • Compares the current level of rigor to the requirements of standards • Finds barriers to creating rigorous classrooms and subgroup achievement • Identifies classroom practices that need improvement • Ascertains a principal’s capacity as an instructional leader • Provides an objective view of learning in underperforming schools • Shows the impact of initiatives and professional development on instruction and leadership • Delivers actionable feedback and reliable data to drive improvement planning • Virtual presentation with written report: two-hour webinar • Written report only (available after receiving initial report with either virtual or face-to-face presentation) Product Codes: PD000-R010, PD000-R011, PD300-R010, PD300-R011, PD600-R010, PD600-R011 Observation Data Analysis and Report Writing Let us help you analyze the results of your classroom observations in iObservation. Our research team will provide specific recommendations to improve the overall effectiveness of teachers in your district. This report also helps districts make strategic decisions about teacher and observer performance, scoring distributions, and comment usage. Audience: Districts RigorWalk Formats Prerequisite: Observation Data RigorWalk Experience (Half day/school) Each school receives classroom visits and debrief of data Delivery Options: RigorWalk (full day/school) Classroom visits, leadership team discussion, and virtual data review and presentation Prerequisite(s) None Audience Cabinet-level members and school leadership 32 • Face-to-face half-day with written report and presentation • Virtual presentation with written report: two-hour webinar • Written report only (available after receiving initial report with either virtual or face-to-face presentation) Product Codes: PD000-R110, PD000-R111, PD300-R110, PD300-R111, PD600-R110, PD600-R111 Learning Sciences International is a leading developer of customized research projects for teacher and school leader effectiveness. RESEARCH SERVICES Is your teacher evaluation system working? Each school and district has unique needs. Our expert researchers and consultants are well-equipped to provide accurate, high-quality data that you can use to plan powerful and effective programs and interventions tailored for your schools. Do you need insight regarding: • Research and program evaluation to help you make your school and district programs truly effective? • Schools that are resistant to reform? • Teacher evaluation data to accurately gauge progress regarding teacher growth and student achievement? • Multiple measures of teacher effectiveness? • Student perception surveys? Effective data analysis, documentation, and reporting The research team at Learning Sciences International will show you how to analyze, document, and report your data to generate the maximum impact in your schools. Together, we will identify root causes and determine the best implementation plan for your teachers and students. We know you set high standards Our research services are comprehensive, accurate, and customizable to your needs. Learning Sciences International is a leading developer of personalized research projects for teacher and school leader effectiveness. Marzano Center Student Learning Objectives Traditional Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) are measurable, long-term academic growth targets that teachers set at the beginning of the year. While SLOs aim to demonstrate a teacher's impact on student learning, traditional SLOs do not provide formative feedback to teachers while students are still in their class. The purpose of the Marzano Center SLOs is to provide immediate feedback to teachers on how their students are performing on the standards. Participants delve into this method of adjusting teaching and learning while students are still in their classrooms. Call for more information. Student Surveys Research shows that information from student surveys, combined with data from classroom observations, is a strong predictor of student achievement gains. Through our student surveys, teachers can identify areas where their practice needs improvement, and where and why classroom strategies are working well. They give teachers and administrators a full, accurate picture of a host of critical factors that impact student achievement, so educators know whether students are: • Understanding the subject matter • Making connections to subsequent content • Staying engaged in learning • Feeling safe and valued at school Survey items align with high-probability, researchbased elements in the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model and Marzano Center Essentials for Achieving Rigor model of instruction. Data are assessed to determine areas of strengths and growth to inform professional development, which could ultimately lead to increased academic achievement. Note: Pricing is configured by the number of participating students, teachers, and schools. Call for more information. 1.877.411.7114 33 RESEARCH District Research and Data Analysis District EVALUATION Hierarchical Evaluation Systems Because continuous teacher growth makes every school better. Your students deserve a 31 percentile point increase in achievement.* Increased student achievement. It’s the goal of every teacher, administrator, school, and district. And the key to increasing student achievement is continuous teacher growth. Research has shown some classroom strategies in the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model to be associated with increases in student achievement as high as 31 percentile points. Imagine how each of your students could be served by that kind of increase in achievement. Let us show you how you can make student learning gains a reality in your district. The Marzano Teacher, Non-Classroom Instructor, School Leader, and District Leader evaluation models offer the first aligned evaluation framework, services, and support focused on deepening the skills and fulfilling the potential of every educator. That means better schools, better districts, better students, and a better world. FOUR EVALUATION MODELS FOCUSED ON GROWTH FOR EVERY EDUCATOR What makes the aligned Marzano evaluation models different: • E mphasize development, but also measure educator performance • Based on nearly five decades of K-12 education research • O ffer the real specificity of desired results that educators need to be successful *Correlations were associated with a 31 percentile point increase in student achievement, A Correlational Study: What Works in Oklahoma Schools. 34 • Teacher Evaluation Model • School Leader Evaluation Model • District Leader Evaluation Model • Non-Classroom Instructional Support Personnel Evaluation Model 1.877.411.7114 The Marzano District Leader Evaluation Model makes effective classroom instruction the primary focus across an entire district. Marzano District Leader Evaluation: Domains 1–6 In a fast-paced format, attendees receive an introduction to the model and guidance in using the model to give evaluative feedback to all district leaders. The Marzano District Leader Evaluation Model was designed for districts using the Marzano school and teacher evaluation models, but can be adapted by any district regardless of the school or teacher evaluation models currently in place. Outcomes • Learn how to use sources of evidence to score and give feedback on the model • Track progress in understanding and applying the model through authentic application and assessment Audience (max. 40 people): • District leaders who evaluate/observe • District leaders who will be evaluated using this model Duration: 1 day Product Code: PD000-LM9 End-of-Year Progress Participants calibrate the use of evidence in district leader evaluation during a private consultation between district leaders and a Marzano Center senior-level consultant. During the session, the consultant will: • Review the model and discuss fidelity of implementation • Review end-of-year performance evaluations as a whole or individually • Review evidence to support final ratings • Ensure rater-scoring agreement between departments and leaders Redevelopment: Calculating & Weighting and Policies & Procedures These training sessions help teacher evaluation committees review and update their policies to align them with the model. A series of recommendations and activities helps participants understand how to calculate and weight scores for final evaluations. They also become familiar with policies and procedures to operationalize the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model. Outcomes Evaluators of district leaders • Establish growth and development goals for teachers • Improve district's ability to make critical implementation decisions Duration: 1-day private consultation Audience (max. 35 people): Prerequisites: District Leader Team Consultation and Marzano District Leader Evaluation: Domains 1–6 training • • • • Audience (max. 20 people): Product Code: PD000-LM11 Teacher evaluation committees District and building leadership Teacher leaders Union representatives Duration: 1 or 2 days on-site, or 3 virtual sessions Product Codes: PD000-M026, PD000-M027, PD000-M028 District Leader Team Consultation This session will introduce the Marzano District Leader Evaluation Model. In addition, key district personnel begin the process of identifying those who will be evaluated by the Marzano District Leader Evaluation Model and discussing the local body of evidence to support and evaluate the performance of district leaders. The session is delivered before the Marzano District Leader Evaluation: Domains 1–6 training. Audience (max. 20 people): Evaluators of district leaders Duration: Half-day consultation Product Code: PD000-LM10 “ "I’m seeing an increased level of confidence on the part of principals and administrators, and there’s an accompanying level of confidence on the part of teachers." — Dr. Marvin Harrison, Leon County School District, Florida 1.877.411.7114 35 EVALUATION District District Leader Evaluation District EVALUATION School Leader Evaluation Designed to align with the 2014 Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model, the Marzano School Leader Evaluation Model promotes a schoolwide concentration on student achievement using a common language of instruction. Framework-independent training to increase leadership capacity Marzano School Leader Evaluation: Domains 1–5 Monitoring the Progress of School Leader Evaluation A Data-Driven Focus on Student Achievement The Marzano School Leader Evaluation Model, which includes five domains with 24 elements, provides principals and administrators with strategies and tools to empower their teachers so leaders and teachers can focus together on the ultimate objective of improving student learning. The Marzano School Leader Evaluation: Domains 1–5 training will introduce the School Leader Evaluation Model and the research to support the model. Outcomes This session helps district administrators who evaluate principals to determine the individual strengths and weaknesses of those principals and focus on the elements within the framework that generate growth and positively impact student achievement. Outcomes Increase leadership capacity and use your data to promote school improvement. This session focuses on engaging staff members in productive data analysis activities. Outcomes • Gain a solid understanding of the organization of the framework and how the design questions support each other • Learn how to help principals identify areas for growth • Understand sources of evidence and related data and procedures for providing accurate and consistent feedback • Identify available data sources and use critical information to inform and improve instruction • Explore the development of essential questions to identify and examine root causes, plan interventions, and reach school improvement goals, considering three levels of data Prerequisite: None. Participants need not be familiar with the Marzano School Leader Evaluation Model. • Learn how to use sources of evidence to score and give feedback on the model Audience (max. 10 people): Evaluators of principals • Track progress in understanding and applying the model through authentic application and assessment Duration: 1-day private consultation Audience (max.50 people): School and district leaders Prerequisite: Marzano School Leader Evaluation: Domains 1–5 training Product Code: PD000-LM12 Audience (max. 75 people): Product Code: PD000-LM6 • Evaluators of principals • Principals • Assistant principals End-of-Year Progress Monitoring Duration: 1-, 2-, or 3-day sessions Prerequisite: Domain 1 training Product Codes: PD000-LM1 (3-day session) PD000-LM4 (2-day session) PD000-LM8 (1-day session) End-of-year progress monitoring ensures support for districts using the Marzano School Leader Evaluation Model as they enter their Year 1 final leader evaluation period. Participants learn how evidence supports leader evaluation during a private consultation between administrators and a Marzano Center senior-level consultant. The session is delivered before the final leader evaluation period during the first year of implementation. Audience (max. 10 people): Evaluators of principals Duration: 1-day private consultation Prerequisite: Marzano School Leader Evaluation: Domains 1–5 training Product Code: PD000-LM7 Duration: 1 day Building and Sustaining Continuous Improvement of Instruction Increase leadership capacity with a focus on continuous improvement of instruction using data, individual teacher growth plans, and professional development. Outcomes • Use data and share expectations around your school's instructional model • Communicate a vision and provide feedback to reinforce instruction • Connect student achievement data to instruction • Use instructional data to plan for professional development Audience (max. 50 people): School and district leaders Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: A Data-Driven Focus on Student Achievement training; data from iObservation is used in this session Product Code: PD000-LM13 36 Renewed focus on student achievement calls for observers to understand classroom pedagogy to effectively guide teachers as they develop expertise. Our observer track ensures that participants are well versed in the Marzano framework and elements to support a schoolwide common language of instruction and fair, accurate evaluations. Domain 1: Framework iObservation Domain 1: IRR and Protocol Discover how the four domains of the 2014 Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model are connected and the positive impact they have when combined in a teacher’s practice. Learn how teaching is both an art and a science, where intentional planning and the use of specific strategies, along with observer feedback, make a big difference in teacher growth. Outcomes Match your understanding of the Marzano framework with technical training in the use of iObservation, the popular electronic platform with a dynamic, intuitive interface that tracks teacher growth over time. Hands-on work reveals how this technology will enhance productivity and support instructional growth. Outcomes • Gain a solid understanding of the organization of the framework and how the design questions support each other • Understand the vital features of iObservation As observers become familiar with the observation protocol, the common language of instruction is established. With an emphasis on high-efficiency college and career readiness strategies from Design Questions 1–5, participants study instructional strategies—or elements—used in lesson planning. Outcomes • Learn how to support and monitor a common language of instruction • Identify elements from Design Questions 1-5 in an observation • Use planning to identify the dominant element within a lesson • Understand the purpose of intentional planning and how to do it • Know the desired effect of each lesson segment and each design question • Identify the appropriate lesson segment and design question in an observation • Learn how to use the interface to document evidence and provide objective feedback Audience (max. 35 people): Observers (site-based and district level) Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: Domain 1: Framework Product Code: PD100-M001-V2 Audience (max. 75 people): Observers (site-based and district level) Duration: 1 day Prerequisites: Audience (max. 75 people): Observers (site-based and district level) • Domain 1: Framework • iObservation Duration: 1 day Product Code: PD000-M002-V2 Product Code: PD000-M001-V2 RECOMMENDED READING School Leadership for Results SHIFTING THE FOCUS OF LEADER EVALUATION School leaders significantly impact student achievement, but they need support, training, vision, and tools to be truly effective. In School Leadership for Results: Shifting the Focus of Leader Evaluation, education authorities Beverly Carbaugh, Robert Marzano, and Michael Toth discuss transforming evaluation into a model that: • Improves the performance of school leaders and aligns school leaders’ vision, mission, and goals • Connects goals with practices that impact teachers and students • Addresses key questions with domains, scales, and evidences • Ensures fair, unbiased school leader evaluations Authors: Beverly G. Carbaugh, Robert J. Marzano, Michael D. Toth Product Code: BPP140011 Cost: $29.95 Effective school leader evaluation is a collaborative, shared process of focused improvement. Learn how to make it an integral part of your schools. 1.877.411.7114 37 EVALUATION District Teacher Evaluation District EVALUATION Teacher Evaluation Domain 1: IRR and Scoring Domain 1: IRR and Feedback Supporting IRR Monitoring is a critical step in achieving success and positively impacting student achievement. This session focuses on establishing inter-rater reliability (IRR) through repeated video practice, using the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model. Explore Design Questions 6-9 and how they are a vital precondition for learning. Outcomes • Understand how to use the scale to identify the current level of implementation • Learn how monitoring can look different for each lesson segment, design question, and element • Identify and apply the scale for Design Questions 1–9 during an observation It’s the central component necessary for teacher growth: feedback. The quality of feedback is essential to supporting teachers’ deliberate practice. Although this session explores research, it is anchored in practical examples and tips to support instructional leaders to be successful throughout the feedback cycle. Outcomes Perfect your ability to objectively score what you observe in a classroom and give actionable feedback. Continue your development as an observer through the use of repeated, facilitated video practice as you deepen your understanding of the dynamic nature of observing and rating each element. Receive affirmation and adjustment on real-time observation data. Outcomes • Understand the need for formative and summative feedback and how to offer it • Learn the purposes for feedback and each observation type • Operationalize informal and formal feedback cycles for teacher growth using iObservation • Accurately identify elements at the appropriate scale level Audience (max. 75 people): Observers (site-based and district level) Audience (max. 75 people): Observers (site-based and district level) Duration: 1 day Prerequisites: Product Code: PD000-M003-V2 Audience (max. 50 people): Observers (site-based and district level) Prerequisites: • Domain 1 (all four sessions) • iObservation Prerequisites: • • • • • Deepen your skills as an observer and learn how to better support inter-rater reliability (IRR) within your school or district Duration: 1 day Duration: 1 day • Domain 1: Framework • iObservation • Domain 1: IRR and Protocol • Identify the desired effect of each element and understand how to rate it Domain 1: Framework iObservation Domain 1: IRR and Protocol Domain 1: IRR and Scoring Product Code: PD000-M007-V2 Product Code: PD000-M004-V2 “ "I’ve seen a change in my own practice as well as an impact on the students using the Marzano model." — Brian Schum, A.D. Henderson University School, Florida CHECK OUT THESE MUST-READ BOOKS Learning Sciences International recommends that teachers using the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model read this collection of books to gain a deeper understanding of the model. Written by Dr. Robert J. Marzano, each book addresses key areas of teacher effectiveness and shows educators how to make the most positive impact on students for their own growth. ORDER YOUR COPIES TODAY! • 1.877.411.7114 38 Product Code: 978-1-4166057-1-3 Product Code: 978-1-4166081-8-9 Cost: $26.95 Cost: $29.95 Domains 2–4: Understanding Unit Design Teachers’ actions in the classroom (Domain 1) truly depend on their level of implementation of Domains 2–4. Participants examine the continuous improvement cycle among Domains 2–4 and how to plan for and make connections among a teacher’s planning, implementation, and reflection on units of instruction. Outcomes • Understand intentional planning, how to create a unit of instruction, and continuous improvement models at the unit level • Learn how to capture appropriate evidences and provide feedback that leads to teacher growth • Evaluate units of instruction Audience (max. 75 people): Observers (site-based and district level) Duration: 1 day Prerequisites: • Domain 1 (all four sessions) • iObservation Product Code: PD000-M006-V2 Side-by-Side Principal Coaching Supervision and Feedback Let an expert consultant walk you through the classroom observation and feedback process. Begin with a briefing to establish goals for the coaching session, then move on to classroom visits. Follow up by sharing your observation data, then learn methods for providing specific, actionable feedback to teachers. Continue by brainstorming further steps in improving your practice as an instructional leader. Choose your format: • District wide, with up to five administrators per group • Targeted support for central office intervention, with up to five administrators per session • Principal coaching provided on the individual level Outcomes • Calibrate to have accurate observations and identify dominant elements • Solidify how to rate each observed element • Develop your skills at providing feedback • Build and deepen a common language of instruction The most effective teachers grow through specific, actionable feedback, and you will learn to give each of your teachers exactly what they need to continuously improve their instructional skills. Learn the crucial importance of iObservation in becoming the most effective instructional leader you can be. Outcomes • Use the observer scale and give appropriate, non-critical feedback • Improve inter-rater reliability • Develop a common language of instruction for critical conversations Audience (max. 75 people): Observers (site-based and district level) Duration: 1 day Prerequisites: • Domain 1 (all four sessions) • iObservation • Domains 2–4: Understanding Unit Design Product Code: PD000-M008-V2 Audience (max. 5 people): Observers (site-based and district level) Duration: 1 day Prerequisites: • Domain 1 (all four sessions) • iObservation • Domains 2–4: Understanding Unit Design Product Code: PD000-M005-V2 Product Code: 978-0-9833512-3-8 Product Code: 978-0-9822592-2-1 Product Code: 978-0-9822592-4-5 Product Code: 978-0-9822592-0-7 Cost: $34.95 Cost: $29.95 Cost: $29.95 Cost: $24.95 1.877.411.7114 39 EVALUATION District Teacher Evaluation District EVALUATION Teacher Evaluation Deliberate Practice Rounds Team Leader Training Deliberate practice is the orchestration of thoughtful planning, implementation, reflection, and resulting action, all leading to professional growth for teachers. Delve into the declarative knowledge related to deliberate practice and discover the tools to guide, monitor, and provide feedback. Outcomes Trains core instructional leaders to accurately implement the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model. Observers, identified as Rounds Team Leaders, spend four days with a Learning Sciences International senior staff developer to deepen their knowledge and improve inter-rater reliability (IRR) and scoring accuracy. After a full-day observation session, participants score classroom video clips. They then move into a live classroom setting with three repeated Side-by-Side Principal Coaching sessions in a small-group setting (max. of five participants). Sideby-Side Principal Coaching provides the purest form of professional development and increases observers’ scoring calibration. • Understand the essential components and actions of deliberate practice • Monitor deliberate practice through growth plans and additional measures Audience (max. 75 people): Observers (site-based and district level) Duration: 1 day Prerequisites: • • • • Domain 1 (all four sessions) iObservation Domains 2–4: Understanding Unit Design Supervision and Feedback Product Code: PD000-M010-V2 Outcomes • Create a core group of knowledgeable and calibrated observers • Improved IRR and accuracy in scoring Interactive Scoring with Dr. Marzano Courses Observers strengthen their observation and scoring skills and gain valuable, authentic experience assessing and providing feedback. Using the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model protocol, participants learn how to score in various domains while maintaining a focus on classroom strategies and behaviors. After scoring a series of video segments and comparing the observation results to Dr. Marzano’s ratings, each observer receives immediate feedback and an opportunity to reflect and improve assessment skills. Outcomes • Observers are prepared to participate in rich discussions of teachers’ instructional practices • Improved observer competency and consistency Audience (max. 1 person/license): Observers (site-based and district level) Audience: • Observers (site-based and district level) • Central office Duration: Varies Duration: Varies, depending on number of cohorts. • Domain 1 (all four sessions) • iObservation Prerequisites: Product Codes: MEV00-100-C1, MEV00-100-C2 • Domain 1 (all four sessions) • iObservation • Domains 2–4: Understanding Unit Design Prerequisites: Product Code: PD000-M032 “ "I have seen a shift in the culture amongst everybody who’s working with this; the teachers, program developers, the district, we’re really focused on teaching and learning and all of the aspects of what makes effective teaching and learning strategies and processes." — Dr. Michelle Gayle, James S. Rickards High School, Florida 40 With the Marzano Center Non-Classroom Instructional Support Personnel Evaluation Model, school leaders can observe, evaluate, and develop growth plans for instructional personnel who do not work in a traditional classroom setting. Non-Classroom Instructional Support Personnel Evaluation Model Side-by-Side Coaching (Non-Classroom) Learn how the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model has been adapted to evaluate non-classroom instructional support personnel and how it provides options for continuous improvement and growth plans. Participants examine what an evaluator will look for and what a teacher will actually put into practice. Let an expert consultant walk you through the observation and feedback process. Begin with a briefing to establish goals for the coaching session, then move on to the observation. Follow up by sharing your observation data, then learn methods for providing specific, actionable feedback to nonclassroom instructional support personnel. Continue by brainstorming further steps in improving your practice as an instructional leader. Choose the format: Observers will learn how to identify the desired effect of each element and how to give feedback to instructional support personnel for observable and non-observable behaviors, such as planning, reflecting, professionalism, and collegiality. Teachers will learn how to use the common language of instruction to identify evidences, plan content and/ or activities to support their plans, and use a scale for self-assessment and growth. Outcomes • Gain a solid understanding of how to use the framework as an observation and evaluation tool, as well as a plan for growth for non-classroom instructional support personnel • Learn the purpose and application of intentional planning as it relates to each unique instructional support personnel’s area of responsibility • Use a common language of instruction throughout a school or district for assessment and growth Audience (max. 60 people): • Observers • Teachers Duration: 1 day Recommended Reading: The Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction by Dr. Robert J. Marzano Product Code: PD000-M025-P • District wide, with up to five administrators per group • Targeted support for central office intervention, with up to five administrators per session THE NEED FOR A NON-CLASSROOM INSTRUCTIONAL PERSONNEL EVALUATION MODEL When it comes to evaluation, one size does not fit all. Many districts that have selected their teacher evaluation systems are now wondering how to evaluate non-classroom personnel. Speech pathologists, media • Coaching provided on an individual level Outcomes specialists, school psychologists, • Calibrate to have accurate observations and identify dominant elements personnel all play critical roles in • Solidify how to rate each observed element • Develop your skills at providing feedback • Build and deepen a common language of instruction nurses, and other support educating students. How can you provide them with fair evaluations that accurately reflect the work they do? Audience (max. 5 people): Observers Like our other evaluation models, Duration: 1 day the Marzano Center Non- Prerequisites: Classroom Instructional Support • Non-Classroom Instructional Support Personnel Evaluation Model training Personnel Evaluation Model is • iObservation specific instructional strategies Product Code: PD000-M005-IS correlated with student based on research identifying achievement. Rooted in the common language of the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model, it has been adapted to capture the unique responsibilities of support personnel. 1.877.411.7114 41 EVALUATION District Non-Classroom Instructional Support Personnel Evaluation District School TECHNOLOGY Technology Take the guesswork out of teacher and leader growth, observation, and evaluation with an easy, efficient, and effective technology platform. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & OBSERVATION/EVALUATION SOFTWARE iObservation is the leading observation technology platform that offers an interactive web-based data management system for classroom walkthroughs and teacher and leader evaluation. It manages the data collection process so schools can focus on effective teaching and learning. Customization offers flexibility for alignment with your current focus or initiatives. iObservation iObservation Fidelity Modules Match your understanding of the Marzano framework with technical training in the use of iObservation, the popular electronic platform with a dynamic, intuitive interface that tracks teacher growth over time. Hands-on work reveals how this technology will enhance productivity and support instructional growth. Outcomes • Understand the vital features of iObservation iObservation Fidelity Modules help evaluators calibrate, assess, and certify observer accuracy. The training includes master-scored classroom videos that districts can use to proctor sections as they measure and analyze observer accuracy. Two types of module formats—unsecure and secure—facilitate evaluation. In the unsecure module format, a master scoring team, led by Dr. Robert Marzano, provides correct answers to improve scoring rationale and calibration. In the secure module format, the answer key remains secure, allowing a district to use the same assessment multiple times. Outcomes • Improve observer scoring calibration • Learn how to use the interface to document evidences and provide objective feedback Audience (max. 35 people): Observers (site-based and district level) Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: Domain 1: Framework Product Code: PD100-M001 • Provide observers with additional resources to promote improvements in their observation skills and accuracy levels • Guard against scoring drift One-on-one virtual sessions are also available. Please call for details. Audience: Observers Product Code: PD300-M001, PD300-M002, PD300-M003, PD300-E1 Duration: 1-Year License Prerequisites: Session managers must attend a one-hour virtual tour. They will receive supporting documents, including the Session Management Quick Start Guide and Participant Quick Start Guide. Product Codes: IO000-10, IO500-M, IO500-M-20, IO500-M-21, PD300-03, IO000-91 “ "One of the things teachers like best about iObservation is that the feedback is instantaneous. In addition, there is a whole library of videos that they can use ..." — Shelly Bell, Elizabeth Cobb Middle School, Florida 42 WHY SHOULD YOU USE iOBSERVATION? IT’S EASY. Takes the guesswork out of walkthroughs, observations, and evaluations with digitized forms and built-in resources. IT’S EFFICIENT. Time-saving organizational and data management tools to maximize observer effectiveness. IT’S EFFECTIVE. Comprehensive planning and training support along with targeted professional development and real-time data reports connect teacher and leader performance to student achievement. 1.877.411.7114 Teacher MSEd Graduate Education and Master's Degrees PURSUE A MASTER'S DEGREE AROUND YOUR LIFESTYLE Online Graduate Education Programs for Today's Busy Teachers WHY CHOOSE US? Master of Science in Education and other graduate programs from the National Institute of Professional Practice and Wilkes University help educators stand out among their peers. Designed for busy teachers and leaders, our programs offer a flexible solution for education professionals who want to earn a master’s degree without disrupting their careers. You can earn your degree in as little as two years or your letter of endorsement in one year. Discover the unique advantages and powerful resources at your disposal: • Flexible online setting • Small class size Become an expert educator from the convenience of your home or classroom through online graduate programs rich in content, strategies, and resources that you can apply today to get results tomorrow. Our online graduate programs are grounded in the latest research developed by education leaders and practitioners who know what it’s like to be in your shoes and what it takes to make a positive impact on student growth. And just like traditional programs, you have access to passionate professors and caring graduate advisors dedicated to your success, along with supportive cohorts of fellow learners. • Immediate, real-world application • Enhanced student learning • Personal coaching • Online video and modeling segments • Increased salary potential TUITION AND FEES: Visit 1.888.235.6555 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE The National Institute for Professional Practice was founded in response to the needs of today’s educators. The National Institute offers several online master’s degrees and programs that provide educators with tools and strategies to make real and lasting changes in their classrooms. Through strategic alliances with nationally recognized experts and organizations, the degrees and certificates from the National Institute offer a revolutionary learning experience. in partnership with WILKES UNIVERSITY Wilkes University is an independent institution of higher education dedicated to academic and intellectual excellence through mentoring in the liberal arts, sciences, and professional programs. Founded in 1933 in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Wilkes provides its students with the experience, mentoring and education necessary for career and intellectual development as well as personal growth. A nationally recognized independent university, it boasts comprehensive undergraduate and graduate programs with both traditional and online courses, Middle States accreditation, and a focus on community and lifelong learning. 44 MSEd: Art & Science of Teaching Designed with Dr. Robert J. Marzano The measure of an educator’s professional success depends on how well students learn and apply knowledge. Synthesizing nearly 40 years of research, Dr. Robert J. Marzano designed the Art & Science of Teaching online graduate program with the National Institute for Professional Practice to equip educators with strategies and techniques that translate into measurable change in the classroom and increased student achievement. The only one of its kind, Dr. Marzano’s innovative program for K-12 teachers includes study guides, activities, and immediate, real-world classroom application. Outcomes: • Improve student learning and comprehension • Engage students in active participation • Help students develop critical thinking skills • Match teaching strategies to specific student needs • Apply theory and practice directly to the classroom MSEd: Reading with eligibility to apply for a Pennsylvania Reading Specialist Certificate Government initiatives focus on high-quality education for all children, and a key component is achieving grade-level goals for student reading in primary and secondary school. The online Reading graduate program provides PreK-12 teachers with a comprehensive literacy curriculum that addresses diverse learning needs. Courses focus on literacy assessment, diagnosis, and intervention; and development, differentiation, adaptation and leadership skills. Outcomes: • Plan, administer, score, and interpret a variety of literary assessments • Advance student writing through vocabulary development • Deepen student comprehension through research-based text comprehension instruction • Increase student appreciation for literature through a variety of genres • Evaluate effective materials for literacy instruction • Become a change agent for change in your school’s literacy program MSEd: Early Childhood Literacy The Early Childhood Literacy online graduate program provides a comprehensive literacy curriculum for K-3 teachers. It explores tools and resources to empower students to discover the joy of reading and writing. Learn how to engage and coach students to understand, remember, synthesize, and communicate what they read, both verbally and in writing. Unlike traditional master’s degrees, you can apply the strategies and techniques from this program directly into your classroom as you progress through each course. Outcomes: • Increase student listening and reading comprehension • Improve student reading fluency and vocabulary development • Create a language-rich classroom environment • Utilize word study for effective reading instruction • Build competency in student literacy • Develop students into independent readers and writers Letter of Endorsement: Teacher Leadership & Instructional Coaching Today’s teachers must balance instructional effectiveness with school culture and ever-changing social environments. They need a mentor to offer solutions and guidance in their practice. The online Teacher Leadership & Instructional Coaching program is designed for practicing instructional coaches who want to hone their skills and for educators looking to move into instructional coaching roles. Courses focus on the power of reflective practice, building leadership skills, problem-based coaching models, and strategies to build strong professional learning communities. Outcomes: • Apply coaching strategies to develop and maintain a strong leadership role • Foster a culture of continuous learning to introduce and support instructional change • Assess needs and learning styles of adult learners for custom mentoring • Guide teachers through social challenges and everyday teaching dilemmas • Mentor, motivate, and build trust with educators • Improve teacher effectiveness through strategic coaching MSEd: 21st Century Teaching & Learning In today’s media-rich culture, students have access to more learning resources than ever before. The 21st Century Teaching & Learning online graduate program addresses the challenges and opportunities of how constantly changing technology, vast amounts of information, and ambiguous situations affect the learning process. Designed specifically for middle school and high school teachers, this program provides strategies to adapt classroom instruction to meet the needs of 21st century students. Outcomes: • Integrate technology for collaboration and innovation • Enable students to connect critical thinking with creativity and problem-solving • Improve student communication skills in various in-person and technology outlets • Prepare students to apply what they learn to real-world scenarios • Develop students into self-reliant, lifelong learners “ "This entire course was well organized and executed. I have taken several online classes and this was, by far, the best experience I have had." — M. Becker, Teacher 1.877.411.7114 45 MSEd Teacher Graduate Education and Master's Degrees LEARNING AND PERFORMANCE ORDER FORM MANAGEMENT 175 Cornell Road • Suite 18 • Blairsville, PA 15717 CUSTOMER INFORMATION Person Requesting Order Phone Number PO Number Customer Reference Orders can be faxed to 724.299.8133 or emailed to BILL TO Name Attention Address SHIP TO Name Attention Address City State Email (required) Product/ISBN # City State Email (required) Item/Description ZIP ZIP Price Qty. 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Learning Sciences website Other website Social media Friend or colleague Other _______________ featuring Hear directly from Learning Sciences CEO, Michael D. Toth about the future of education. LEARNING AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT 175 Cornell Road • Suite 18 • Blairsville, PA 15717 Join Us for a "CHARTING THE FUTURE" Building Expertise 2016 Educator Conference June 15-17, Orlando, FL FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT IN A BRAIN-COMPATIBLE CLASSROOM: How Do We Really Know They’re Learning? Author: Marcia L. Tate How can students knock the top off any test? That’s one of the 14 key questions that Dr. Marcia L. Tate answers in Formative Assessment in a Brain-Compatible Classroom: How Do We Really Know They're Learning? Although teachers find some types of assessments difficult to grade, these assessments are often the only way to know how well certain students are learning. Tate describes the theories behind various assessment types and addresses specific ways to create brain-compatible learning environments that foster high achievement. Educators reading this book will be able to maximize the use of assessment, empowering all students to succeed. Available April 2016 Product Code: BPP150801 ISBN: 978-1-941112-31-1 Cost: $27.95 1.877.411.7114 |
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