Software & VST & Sample LIST 2015 LIST VST PLUGINS Company 2CAudio Company 112DB 112DB 112DB 112DB 112DB Company Abbey Road Abbey Road Abbey Road Abbey Road Company AcusticaAudio Company Antares Audio Technologies Antares Audio Technologies Antares Audio Technologies Antares Audio Technologies Antares Audio Technologies Company Anwida Soft Anwida Soft Anwida Soft Anwida Soft Anwida Soft Anwida Soft Anwida Soft Anwida Soft Company ArtsAcoustic Company Audio Damage Audio Damage Company Audio Ease Company AudioThing AudioThing Company BBE Sound 1 صفحه Manufacturer Aether Type - Format Reverb Manufacturer Big Blue Compressor Big Blue Limiter Redline Equalizer Redline Monitor Redline Preamp Manufacturer Brilliance Pack EMI TG12413 Limiter RS124 Compressor TG Mastering Pack Manufacturer Nebula 3 PRO Manufacturer Auto-Tune AVOX Evo Filter Harmony Engine Evo Microphone Modeler Manufacturer CX1V DX Reverb DX Reverb Light GEQ15V GEQ31v L1V PEQ1V Spazio Manufacturer ArtsAcoustic Reverb Manufacturer Dr.Device RatShack Electronic Reverb Manufacturer Altiverb Manufacturer Phase Motion Valve Filter VF Manufacturer Sonic Sweet Type - Format Dynamics (Compressor / Limiter) Dynamics (Compressor / Limiter) EQ Imaging / Panning / Spatial Distortion / Overdrive / Amp Type - Format EQ Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Mastering Type - Format Multi FX Type - Format Pitch Correction/Auto-Tuning Vocal Processor Filter Vocal Modeling Harmony Microphone Modeler Type - Format Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Reverb Reverb EQ EQ Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Parametric EQ Reverb Type - Format Reverb Type - Format Filter Reverb Type - Format Reverb Type - Format Phaser Filter Type - Format Exciter/Enhancer Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1DVD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Support PC Support PC PC PC PC PC Support Mac Mac Mac Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC Support PC-Mac Support Mac Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST BBE Sound Company Bitsonic Company Blue Cat Audio Company Brainworx Company Stomp Box Type - Format Mastering Type - Format Analyser/Monitor Type - Format EQ-Filter-Mastering-Dynamic Type - Format Company Cakewalk Company Cableguys Company Celemony Celemony Company Cycling '74 Company Cytomic Company Crysonic Crysonic Crysonic Crysonic Crysonic Crysonic Crysonic Stomp Ware Manufacturer Godlike.v1.3 Manufacturer Blue Cat Audio Manufacturer Complete Bundle Manufacturer Panther Stereo Manipulation Imperial Delay Little Foot Mongoose Mono Bass Panther Plus 10 db Plus 10 db Compressor Plus 10 db Equaliser Sasquatch T-bone Manufacturer Sonitus Manufacturer Volume Shaper Manufacturer Melodyne Editor Melodyne Studio Manufacturer Max(Max/Msp/Jitter) Manufacturer The Glue Manufacturer ANUNA INPRESSA newB V4 SINDO Spectra C2 Spectralive NXT V4 SpectraPhy V2HD Crysonic Company DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG TRANSILATE Manufacturer Compassion EQuality EQuick EQuilibrium PitchFunk TRANSIENT DESIGNER Type - Format Boz Digital Labs Boz Digital Labs Boz Digital Labs Boz Digital Labs Boz Digital Labs Boz Digital Labs Boz Digital Labs Boz Digital Labs Boz Digital Labs Boz Digital Labs Boz Digital Labs 2 صفحه Delay EQ Pan Phase alignment Delay Kick drum/Bass Enhancer Stereo Enhancer Stereo Enhancer EQ / Gain / Pan / Delay Compressor Compressor EQ Kick drum EQ Type - Format All Bundle Type - Format multiband sidechain compression Type - Format Pitch Shifter/Time Stretch Pitch Shifter/Time Stretch Type - Format Modular Environment Type - Format Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Type - Format EQ multiband compressor BASS Enhancer Stereo Image Expander / Narrower Compressor Analog Harmonics Physics Based Multiband Limiter/ Maximizer Dynamics (Compressor / Limiter) EQ EQ Equalizer Multi FXDelay Modulation Pitch Shifter 2015 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD PC-Mac Support PC Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac Support Mac Support Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Company DNR Collaborative Company Eiosis Company Elysia Elysia Elysia Company Empty Room Systems Empty Room Systems Company E-MU Company Expert Sleepers Company FabFilter FabFilter FabFilter FabFilter FabFilter FabFilter FabFilter FabFilter FabFilter FabFilter FabFilter FabFilter FabFilter FabFilter FabFilter Company Flux:: Flux:: Flux:: Flux:: Flux:: Flux:: Flux:: Flux:: Flux:: Flux:: Flux:: Flux:: Flux:: 3 صفحه Manufacturer MixControl Pro Manufacturer AirEQ 5.1 Manufacturer Mpressor Alpha Compressor Niveau Filter Manufacturer Empty 250 Systems DimD Manufacturer Proteus VX Manufacturer Meringue Manufacturer Micro One Pro DS Pro L Pro MB Pro Q-2 Pro-C PRO C2 Pro-G Pro-Q Saturn Simplon Timeless 2 Twin 2 Volcano 2 Manufacturer Alchemist Bitter Sweet 2 Epure Ircam Spat Ircam Verb Pure Compressor Pure DCCompressor Pure DExpander Pure Expander Pure Limiter Solera Stereo Tool Syrah Type - Format Channel Strip Type - Format EQ Type - Format Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) EQ Type - Format Reverb (Flanger / Phaser / Chorus / Tremolo) Type - Format Sound Module Type - Format Delay / Echo Type - Format Filter Synth (Analogue / Subtractive) De-esser Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Multiband Compressor EQ Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Gate-Ducker-Expander EQ Distortion Filter Delay / Echo Filter Synth (Analogue / Subtractive) Filter Type - Format Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) EQ Imaging/Panning/Spatial Reverb Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Imaging/Panning/Spatial Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) 2015 Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Support PC Support Mac Support PC-Mac PC PC Support PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC Support Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support Mac Mac Mac Mac Mac Mac Mac Mac Mac Mac Mac Mac Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Flux:: Flux:: Flux:: Company Focusrite Focusrite Focusrite Focusrite Company Harrison Company IK Multimedia IK Multimedia IK Multimedia IK Multimedia IK Multimedia IK Multimedia IK Multimedia Company Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Company iZotope iZotope iZotope iZotope iZotope iZotope iZotope iZotope iZotope iZotope iZotope iZotope iZotope iZotope iZotope Company knzaudio Company Klanghelm Klanghelm Klanghelm 4 صفحه Trax – Cross Synthesis Trax – Source/Filter Trax - Transformer Manufacturer D2-D3 Suite 1.8 Midnight Scarlett Plug-in Suite Manufacturer Mixbus Manufacturer Ampeg SVX Amplitube ARC System Classik Studio Reverb T-RackS CS 4 White 2A Limiting.Amplifier Black.76.Limiting.Amplifier Manufacturer Hardcore JuicePack Maximus Pitcher Vocodex Manufacturer iDrum Alloy Irus Nectar 2 Ozone 6 RX Spectron Trash Phatmatik Insight T-Pain Insight Stutter Edit Iris Vinyl Manufacturer MidiFier Manufacturer DC8C2 SDRR VUMT Spectral Processor Spectral Processor Spectral Processor Type - Format Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Mastering Various FX Type - Format Sequencer / Multitrack Type - Format Bass Amp Distortion / Overdrive / Amp Room Correction Reverb Mastering Suite Compressor/Limiter Compressor/Limiter Type - Format Guitar Effect Bundle Pack Dynamic - Mastering Pitcher Synth Type - Format Sampler (Loop Tool / Slicer) MIX & Mastering Virtual Instrumnets Vocal Processor Mastering Noise Removal / Restoration Multi FX Distortion / Overdrive / Amp Sample Slicer Metering T-Pain Metering Audio Reorderer Visual Instrument Lo Fi Type - Format Audio to MIDI Type - Format Compressor/Limiter Saturation VU Meter 2015 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Mac Mac Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC PC PC PC PC Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac 1CD PC-Mac 1CD PC-Mac 1CD PC-Mac 1CD PC-Mac 1CD PC-Mac 1CD PC-Mac 1CD PC-Mac 1CD PC-Mac 1CD Mac 1CD PC-Mac 6GB PC-Mac 1CD PC Size (GB) Support 1CD PC Size (GB) Support 1CD PC-Mac 1CD PC-Mac 1CD PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Company Lexicon Lexicon Company Mark Studio 1 Company MAGIX MAGIX MAGIX Company MCDsp MCDsp MCDsp MCDsp MCDsp Company MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction Manufacturer PCM Native Reverb LXP Native Reverb Manufacturer MarkBass Manufacturer EssentialFX Suite Vandal Vintage Effects Suite Manufacturer Analog Channel Channel G FilterBank ML4000 DE555 Manufacturer MAmp MAnalyzer MAutoAlign MAutoDynamicEq MAutoEqualizer MAutopan MAutoPitch MAutoVolume MBandPass MComb MCompare MCompressor MCreativeBundle MDrumLeveler MDrummer MDynamicEq MDynamics MEqualizer MEqualizerLinearPhase MFilter MFlanger MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MFreeEffectsBundle MFreeformAnalogEq MFreeformEqualizer MFreqShifter MLimiter MLoudnessAnalyzer MMasteringBundle MMixingBundle 5 صفحه Type - Format Reveb Reveb Type - Format Distortion / Overdrive / Amp Type - Format FX Distortion / Overdrive / Amp Effects Suite Type - Format Analog Tape EmulatorAnalog Dynamic EQ Filter Mastering Limiter DE-Esser Type - Format Distortion Analyser / Monitor Utility EQ EQ Imaging / Panning / Spatial Pitch Correction Dynamic Filter Combo Filter AB Referencing Dynamic Effect Pack Dynamic - Drum Leveler Drum Kits / Loops EQ Dynamic EQ EQ EQ - Filter Modulation (Flanger / Phaser / Chorus / Tremolo) Effects Pack EQ EQ Frequency ShifterSpectral Processor Dynamic Loudness Meter Effect Pack Effect Pack 2015 Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Support PC-Mac Mac Support Mac Support PC PC PC Support Mac Mac Mac Mac Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MModernCompressor MMultiAnalyzer MMultiBandAutopan MMultiBandChorus Dynamic Audio Analysis Tool Imaging / Panning / Spatial MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MMultiBandComb MMultiBandConvolution MMultiBandDelay MMultiBandDistortion MMultiBandFlanger MMultiBandFreqShifter MMultiBandGranular MMultiBandHarmonizer MMultiBandLimiter MMultiBandPhaser Comb Filter multiband MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MMultiBandReverb MMultiBandRhythmizer Reverb MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MMultiBandRingModulator MMultiBandSaturator MMultiBandTransient MMultiBandTremolo Ring Modulator Distortion / Overdrive / Amp Dynamic MeldaProduction MMultiBandVibrato MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MMultiBandWaveShaper MNoiseGenerator MNotepad MOscillator MPhaser Waveshaper Lo Fi Noise Generator Utility Notepad Test Signal Generator MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MPowerSynth MRecorder MReverb MRhythmizer Synth (Hybrid) Audio Utility Reverb MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MRingModulator MRotary MStereoExpander MSpectralDynamics MStereoGenerator MStereoProcessor MStereoScope MStereoSpread MTexturedStyleEditor MTotalBundle MTransient Ring Modulator Rotary Speaker Dynamic Imaging / Panning / Spatial stereo effect Imaging / Panning / Spatial Analyser / Monitor Stereo Expander Style editor Effect Pack MeldaProduction MTuner Tuner 6 صفحه Modulation (Flanger / Phaser / Chorus / Tremolo) Convolution ReverbFilterReverb Delay / Echo Distortion / Overdrive / Amp Dynamics (Compressor / Limiter) Frequency ShifterSpectral Processor Granularizer Harmonizer Dynamic Modulation (Flanger / Phaser / Chorus / Tremolo) Modulation (Flanger / Phaser / Chorus / Tremolo) Modulation (Flanger / Phaser / Chorus / Tremolo) Modulation (Flanger / Phaser / Chorus / Tremolo) Modulation (Flanger / Phaser / Chorus / Tremolo) Modulation (Flanger / Phaser / Chorus / Tremolo) Modulation (Flanger / Phaser / Chorus / Tremolo) 2015 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac 1CD 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac 1CD PC-Mac 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac 1CD PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MUltraMaximizer MUtility MVibrato MeldaProduction MVintageRotary MeldaProduction MeldaProduction MeldaProduction Company Nomad Factory Nomad Factory Nomad Factory Nomad Factory Nomad Factory Nomad Factory Nomad Factory Nomad Factory Nomad Factory Nomad Factory Nomad Factory Nomad Factory Nomad Factory Nomad Factory Company Numerikart Numerikart Numerikart Numerikart Company Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Company NuGen Audio NuGen Audio NuGen Audio NuGen Audio NuGen Audio Company Numerikart Numerikart Numerikart Numerikart Company Prosoniq MVocoder MWaveShaper MWobbler Manufacturer BlueVerb DRV-2080 British 7 صفحه Echoes-Analog Echo Box Essential Studio Suite Liquid Bundle Magma Magnetic Puls-Tec EQs Retrology E-Tone Retrology Motown Rock Amp Legends Analog Signature Program Equalizer EQP-4 Analog Mastering Blue Tube Manufacturer Infinite Loopazoid MidiZoid Delay MidiZoid Looper Stepazoide Sequencer Manufacturer Enhanced.EQ Passive.EQ Vari.Comp SuperchargerGT Manufacturer Monofilter4 MultiMonitor Stereoizer3 Stereoplacer3 VisLM Manufacturer Infinite Loopazoide Looper Midizoid Delay MidiZoid Looper Stepazoide Sequencer Manufacturer OrangeVocoder Dynamic Utility Modulation (Flanger / Phaser / Chorus / Tremolo) Modulation (Flanger / Phaser / Chorus / Tremolo) Vocoder Waveshaper Lo Fi Filter Distortion Wobble Type - Format Reverb Mastering Delay / Echo Bundle Bundle Effects Suite Reel-To Reel Audio Tape Warmer EQ EQ EQ Distortion / Overdrive / Amp Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Multi FX Type - Format Delay / Echo Delay / Echo Delay / Echo Step Sequencer Type - Format EQ EQ Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Compressor Type - Format Imaging / Panning / Spatial Imaging / Panning / Spatial Imaging / Panning / Spatial Analyser / MonitorMastering Analyser / MonitorMastering Type - Format Delay Echo Delay Delay Echo Step Sequencer Type - Format Vocoder 2015 1CD 1CD 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac 1CD PC-Mac 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC PC PC PC Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC PC PC PC Support PC طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Company Overloud Overloud Overloud Overloud Overloud Company OverTone DSP OverTone DSP OverTone DSP OverTone DSP OverTone DSP OverTone DSP Company Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix 8 صفحه Manufacturer BREVERB 2 Mark.Studio 2 SpringAge TH2.v2 VKFX.v2 Manufacturer DYN500 DYN4000 EQ500 FC70 v2.1.0 PTC-2A v2.1.0 PTH-2A v2.0.0 Manufacturer P&M AMBIOSONIQ P&M AMERICAN TWEED P&M ANALOGER P&M BRIGHTNESS P&M BRITISH TONE P&M CALIFORNIA TONE P&M CHORUS ENSEMBLE P&M CLARISONIX P&M CLASSIC FLANGER P&M CLASSIC PHASER P&M COOL-VIBE P&M DEGRADIATOR P&M DELUXE TILT P&M DIGITAL PLATE P&M DIGITAL REVERB P&M DIMENSION 3D P&M DISTORTED P&M ECHOFLEX P&M ELECTRO OPTICAL P&M ELECTRO'Q'TONE P&M GRANULIZER P&M LIQUID AIR Q P&M LOUDBASS P&M LS ROTATOR P&M MAGIC QUEEN P&M MONSTER BOOST P&M OB LA WAH P&M OCTAPLEXER P&M PSYCHO RING P&M RETRO COMPRESSOR P&M RETRO EQUALIZER P&M RETRO FILTER Type - Format Reverb Bass Amp simulator Reverb Distortion / Overdrive / Amp Multi FX Type - Format Compressor Dynamics EQ Gate Expander Compressor Compressor Dynamics EQ Limiter Compressor/Limiter EQ Pultec EQ Type - Format Spacializer Effects SuiteAmp Amp Simulator Effects SuiteAnalog Emulation Effects SuiteEqualizer Effects SuiteAmp Simulator Effects SuiteAmp Simulator Effects SuiteChorus Effects SuiteEqualize Effects SuiteFlanger Effects SuitePhaser Effects SuiteGuitar effect Effect RackSound Processing Effects Suite Effects SuiteReverb Effects SuiteReverberation Effects SuiteChorusFlanger Effects SuiteDistortion Effects SuiteDelay / Echo Effects SuiteCompressor/Limiter Effects Suite Effects Suite Effects Suite Effects Suite Effects Suite Effects Suite Effects Suite Effects Suite Effects Suite Effects Suite Effects Suite Effects Suite Effects Suite 2015 Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Plug & Mix Company Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Company PSPaudioware PSPaudioware 9 صفحه P&M RETRO LIMITER P&M SCREAMER P&M STEREOLIZER P&M TALKING TONE P&M TRANSCONTROL P&M TREMOLO PAN P&M ULTRAMAXIT P&M VINYLIZER Manufacturer Accusonus Drumatom Brainworx bx_boom! Brainworx bx_cleansweep V2 Brainworx bx_control V2 Brainworx bx_digital V2 Brainworx bx_dynEQ V2 Brainworx bx_hybrid V2 Brainworx bx_limiter Brainworx bx_meter Brainworx bx_refinement Brainworx bx_rockrack PRO Brainworx bx_saturator V2 Brainworx bx_shredspread Brainworx bx_solo Brainworx bx_stereomaker Brainworx bx_XL V2 Elysia Alpha Compressor Elysia Mpressor Elysia Museq Elysia niveau filter Maag EQ4 Noveltech Character Noveltech Vocal Enhancer ProAudioDSP DSM V2 SPL Attacker SPL De-Essers SPL DrumXChanger SPL Eq Rangers Vol. 1 SPL Free Ranger SPL Passeq SPL Transient Designer SPL TwinTube SPL Vitalizer MK2-T Vertigo VSC-2 Manufacturer Lexicon PSP 42 MasterQ effe Limiter Effects Suite Effects Suite Effects Suite Effects Suite Effects Suite Effects Suite Effects Suite Type - Format Leakage Suppression Bass Control Hi-Pass / Lo-Pass Filter Mid Side Tool M/S Mastering EQ dynamic eq 11-band equalizer Limiter Metering Harshness Control Guitar Amp Emulation Saturation Saturator Stereo Processor Mid Side Tool Stereo Processor Mid Side Mastering Limiter Compressor Compressor Equalizer Filter Equalizer Filter Equalizer6 band EQAir band EQEQ Character Vocal Enhancer Mastering Limiter Transient Shaping De-esser Drum Replacerdrum replacement EQ Equalizer Passive Equalizer Transient Designer Tube Saturation Sonic Enhancer VCA Compressor Type - Format Delay / Echo EQ 2015 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware PSPaudioware Company Softube Softube Softube Softube Softube Softube Softube Softube Softube Softube Softube Softube Softube Softube Company QuikQuak QuikQuak QuikQuak QuikQuak QuikQuak QuikQuak QuikQuak 10 صفحه MixPackv2.1.0 N2O v1.0.1 PSP 2Meters v2.1.0 PSP 85 v1.1.1 PSP 608 MultiDelay v1.6.1 PSP BussPressor v1.0.3 PSP ClassicQ v1.8.0 PSP ConsoleQ v1.8.0 PSP EasyVerb v1.7.0 PSP Echo v1.0.1 PSP MasterComp v1.7.1 PSP McQ v1.8.0 PSP Neon HR v2.0.3 PSP NobleQ v1.7 PSP oldTimerME v2.0.0 PSP PianoVerb2 v2.0.0 PSP preQursor v1.8.0 PSP RetroQ v1.8.0 PSP SpringBox v1.0.0 PSP Vintage Warmer 2.v2.5.2 PSP X-Dither.v1.0.0 PSP Xenon.v1.3.2 StereoPack v1.9.8 Manufacturer Acoustic Feedback BassAmpRoom FET Compressor Metal Amp Room Passive Active Pack Saturation Knob Spring Reverb Tonelux Tilt Tube Delay Tube-Tech CL 1B Tube-Tech PE 1C Valley People Dyna-mite Vintage Amp Room TridentA-Range Manufacturer Crowd Chamber v2.02 Fusion Field v3.32 Glass Viper v1.40 MashTactic v1.01 Pitchwheel v4.20 RaySpace v2.91 UpStereo Pro v1.0.1 Bundle(EQ-Compressor/Gate) Filter VU Meter Delay / Echo Delay / Echo BUS Compressor EQ EQ Reverb Tape Delay Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) EQ EQ EQ Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Reverb EQ EQ REVERB Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Dither Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Bundle(EQ-Compressor/Gate) Type - Format Distortion / Overdrive / Amp Distortion / Overdrive / Amp Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Distortion / Overdrive / Amp EQ Saturation REverb EQ Delay / ECHO Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) EQ Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Distortion / Overdrive / Amp EQ Type - Format Crowd SimulatorSpectral Processor Reverb Synth (Analogue / Subtractive) Filter Pitch Shifter / Time Stretch Reverb Imaging / Panning / Spatial 2015 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Company SKnote SKnote SKnote SKnote SKnote SKnote Company Slate Digital Company Sonalksis Sonalksis Sonalksis Sonalksis Sonalksis Sonalksis Sonalksis Sonalksis Sonalksis Sonalksis Company Sonnox Sonnox Sonnox Sonnox Sonnox Sonnox Sonnox Sonnox Sonnox Company Sonoris Audio Engine Sonoris Audio Engine Sonoris Audio Engine Sonoris Audio Engine Company SoundToys SoundToys SoundToys SoundToys SoundToys SoundToys SoundToys SoundToys Company SpinAudio 11 صفحه Manufacturer Cuttertone Necklace Presence Rev250 Reverb Roundtone Verbtone Manufacturer FG-X Mastering Processor Manufacturer Uber Compressor CQ1 Creative Filter Digital Grimebox DQ1 FreeG Mastering Suite SV-315 Compressor SV-517 EQ SV-719 Analogue Gate Manufacturer Oxford Dynamic Oxford EQ Oxford Inflator Oxford Limiter Oxford Reverb Oxford SuperEsser Oxford Transient Modulator Fraunhofer Pro-Codec Restore Manufacturer Mastering Compressor Mastering Equalizer Meter Parallel Equalizer Manufacturer Crystallizer Decapitator Devil-loc EchoBoy FilterFreak PanMan PhaseMistress Tremolator Manufacturer 3D Chorus Type - Format Mastering Reverb Spring Reverb Exciter / Enhancer ReverbChorusChorus delay phaser Exciter / Enhancer Reverb Type - Format Mastering Type - Format Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Filter Distortion / Overdrive / Amp EQ Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Mastering Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) EQ Gate Type - Format Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) EQ Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Reverb Deesser Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Codec Auditioner Noise Removal / Restoration Type - Format EQ Mastering Dynamic Meter EQMastering Type - Format Delay / Echo Distortion / Overdrive / Amp Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Delay / Echo Filter Imaging / Panning / Spatial Modulation (Flanger / Phaser) Modulation (Flanger / Phaser) Type - Format Multi FX 2015 Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Support PC PC PC PC PC PC Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC PC PC PC Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST SpinAudio SpinAudio SpinAudio SpinAudio SpinAudio SpinAudio SpinAudio Company Sound Radix Sound Radix Sound Radix Company SPL SPL SPL SPL SPL SPL SPL SPL SPL SPL Company Stillwell Audio Stillwell Audio Stillwell Audio Stillwell Audio Stillwell Audio Stillwell Audio Stillwell Audio Stillwell Audio Stillwell Audio Company TC Electronic Company ToneBoosters ToneBoosters ToneBoosters ToneBoosters ToneBoosters ToneBoosters ToneBoosters ToneBoosters ToneBoosters ToneBoosters ToneBoosters 12 صفحه 3D Delay 3D Panner Motion Effect 3D Panner studio ASIO FX Processor LE FX Designer RoomVerb SpainDelay Manufacturer Auto Align Pi SurferEQ Manufacturer Attacker DE-Verb DrumXchanger EQ Rangers Free Ranger Mo-Verb Passeq Transient Designer TwinTube Vitalizer MK2-T Manufacturer 1973 Bad Buss Mojo Bombardier Event Horizon Major Tom The Rocket Transient Monster Verbiage Vibe-EQ Manufacturer M30 Studio Reverb Manufacturer TB Barricade TB Compressor TB DeEsser TB EBU Loudness TB Equalizer TB EZCompressor TB EZQ TB Ferox TB Flx TB Gate TB Isone Delay / Echo Imaging / Panning / Spatial Imaging / Panning / Spatial Plug-in Chainer / Rack Multi FX Reverb Delay / Echo Type - Format Analyser / Monitor Mixing Mixer Phase Alignment EQ Dynamics and EQ Type - Format Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Drum Replacer EQ EQ Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) EQ Envelope Shaping Exciter / Enhancer Exciter / Enhancer Type - Format EQ Distortion / Overdrive / Amp Dynamics (Compressor / Limiter) Dynamics (Compressor / Limiter) Dynamics (Compressor / Limiter) Dynamics (Compressor / Limiter) Dynamics (Compressor / Limiter) Reverb EQ Type - Format Reverb Type - Format Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Compressor Deesser Analyser / Monitor Equalizer Compressor EQ Lo Fi Compressor Dynamics EQ Gate Binaural Room Simulator 2015 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD PC PC PC PC PC PC PC Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC Support Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST ToneBoosters ToneBoosters ToneBoosters ToneBoosters ToneBoosters ToneBoosters ToneBoosters Company Sugar Bytes Sugar Bytes Company URS URS URS Company Valhalla DSP Valhalla DSP Company Teragon Audio Company VertexDSP VertexDSP Company Voxengo Voxengo Voxengo Voxengo Voxengo Voxengo Voxengo Voxengo Voxengo Voxengo Voxengo Voxengo Voxengo Voxengo Voxengo Voxengo Company VRSonic Company Waldorf Waldorf Company WaveMachine Labs 13 صفحه TB IsoneSurround TB Module TB Omnisone TB ReelBus TB Reverb TB TimeMachin TB XYTool Manufacturer Turnado Thesys Manufacturer Classic Console Strip Max Bundle Saturation Manufacturer ValhallaRoom ValhallaVintageVerb Manufacturer KickMaker Manufacturer FaderWorks MultiInspector Manufacturer Crunchessor v2.8 CurveEQ v3.2 Deft Compressor v1.4 Drumformer v1.3 Elephant v3.11 GlissEQ v3.8 HarmoniEQ v2.2 LF Max Punch v1.5 Polysquasher 2.4 Shinechilla v1.0 Soniformer v3.4.1 SPAN Plus v1.1 TransGainer v1.5 VariSaturator v1.10 Voxformer v2.8 Warmifier v2.0 Manufacturer Vibestation LE Manufacturer D-pole Attack Manufacturer Drumagog Imaging / Panning / Spatial Modulation Imaging / Panning / Spatial Tape Simulator Reverb Lo Fi Imaging / Panning / Spatial Type - Format Multi FX MIDI Step Sequencer Type - Format Channel Strip Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter)-EQ Exciter / Enhancer Type - Format Reverb Reverb Type - Format Drum Synth Type - Format Mixer Analyser / Monitor Type - Format Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Linear Phase Spline EqualizerEQ Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Dynamics-Drums-Mastering Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) EQ EQ Exciter / Enhancer Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Exciter / Enhancer Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Analyser / Monitor Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter)/AMP Vocal Channel Strip Distortion / Overdrive / Amp Type - Format 3D Sound Design Type - Format Filter Drum Synth Type - Format Drum Replacer 2015 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC Support PC PC Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC Support PC PC Support Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Company Wave Arts Wave Arts Wave Arts Wave Arts Wave Arts Wave Arts Wave Arts Wave Arts Company Waves Company Xfer Records Xfer Records Company XILS-lab XILS-lab XILS-lab XILS-lab Company Manufacturer Master Restoration Dialog FinalPlug MasterVerb MultiDynamics Panorama TrackPlug Tube Saturator Manufacturer Waves 9 Manufacturer Serum LFOTool Manufacturer Le Masque Delay v1.1.0 Oxium v1.5.0 PolyKB II.Player v2.1.2 Synthix v1.0.3 Manufacturer Type - Format Noise Removal / Restoration Post Production Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Reverb Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Imaging / Panning / Spatial Dynamic(Compressor/Limiter) Tube Preamp Simulator Type - Format AllBundle Type - Format Synth Modulation Type - Format Mod DelayDelay / Echo Synthesizer Synth (Analogue / Subtractive) Synth (Analogue / Subtractive) Type - Format 2015 Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 40GB 16GB Support PC Support PC PC PC PC Mac PC-Mac Mac Mac PC Mac Mac Mac PC Support Mac PC Support PC-Mac PC-Mac VST SAMPLE Company Admiral Quality Company Arturia Arturia Arturia Arturia Arturia Arturia Arturia Arturia Arturia Arturia Arturia Arturia Arturia Company AudioRealism AudioRealism Company AudioBRO AudioBRO 14 صفحه Manufacturer Poly-Ana Manufacturer Spark Analog Factory Brass Jupiter 8 ARP2600 CS-80 Hip-Hop Modular Spark Analog Lab MiniMoog OberheimSEMV Prophet Manufacturer Bass Line (ABL) Drum Machine (ADM) Manufacturer LASS LASS 2 Type - Format Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Type - Format Drum Machine Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Brass Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Synth (Modular) Drum Machine Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Synth (Hybrid) Type - Format Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Drum Synth Type - Format Strings Strings طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Company Audjoo Company Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Company Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Company Bornemark Company 15 صفحه Manufacturer Helix Manufacturer Artist Complete Accordions Chris Hein Bass Chris Hein Guitar Chris Hein Horn 1 Chris Hein Horn 2 Chris Hein Horn 3 Chris Hein Horn 4 Chris Hein Horn Compact Chris Hein Winds Vol 1 Flutes Chris Hein Winds Vol 2 Clarinets Chris Hein Winds Vol 3 Oboes Chris Hein Winds Vol 4 Bassoons Convolution Space Ethno World 4 Ethno World 5 Galaxy 2 Galaxy Steinway Galaxy Vintage D Latin World Orient World Peter Siedlaczek's Complete Classical Collection Cult Samples Peter Siedlaczek's String Essentials TiTan Galaxy X Desert Winds Epic World Era Medieval Legends Chris Hein Horn Harmonica Xsample Chamber Ensemble Manufacturer First Call Horns Orchestrall Collection Raging Guitar London Solo String Smack Funk Soul Productions Ambient Black Funk Soul Productions Vintage Strings Manufacturer BroomStick Bass Manufacturer 2015 Type - Format Synth (Hybrid) Type - Format Drum Kits / Loops Accordion Bass Guitar Guitar Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass WoodWinds WoodWinds WoodWinds WoodWinds Atmosphere Module World World Piano / Keys Piano / Keys Piano / Keys Latin Module World Strings / Orchestral Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 8GB 3GB 13GB 19GB 15GB 15GB 15GB 15GB 4GB 12GB 10GB 7GB 9GB 9GB 10GB 8GB 30GB 12GB 6GB 5GB 5GB 12GB Support Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Sound Module Strings / Orchestral Synthesizer Sound Collection Synthesizer Oriental Wind Instruments Sound Module 1CD 20GB 35GB 17GB 3GB 8GB 10GB 3GB 15GB Size (GB) 2GB 2GB 12GB 5GB 1GB 4GB 4GB Size (GB) 1GB Size (GB) PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC Support Historical Medieval Instruments Harmonica Strings / Orchestral Type - Format Brass Orchestrall Guitar Strings / Orchestral Percussion Ambient String Type - Format Bass Player Type - Format طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Cakewalk Cakewalk Cakewalk Cakewalk Company Camel Audio Camel Audio Camel Audio Company EastWest EastWest EastWest EastWest EastWest EastWest EastWest EastWest EastWest EastWest EastWest EastWest EastWest Company EDIROL EDIROL EDIROL Company E-Lab E-Lab Company Future Audio Workshop Company Garritan Garritan Garritan Garritan Company GForce Company Hartmann Company IK Multimedia IK Multimedia IK Multimedia Company Image Line 16 صفحه Dimension Pro Rapture Studio Instrument Z3TA+ Manufacturer CamelPhat CamelSpace Cameleon 5000 Manufacturer Adrenaline Colossus Gold Platinium Ra StormBreakz StormDrum Kompakt Symphonic Choirs Vapor Silver Hardcore Bass Percussive Adventures 2 Boesendorfer 290 Manufacturer Orchestral SuperQuartet HyperCanvas Manufacturer Foundation Obsession Manufacturer Circle Manufacturer ARIA Player Jazz & Big Band (JABB) Gofriller Solo Cello Garritain Orchestral Manufacturer Minimonsta : melohman Manufacturer Neuron VS Manufacturer Miroslav Philharmonik SampleTank SampleMoog Manufacturer Deckadance Synth (Wavetable) Synth (Wavetable) Bundle Waveshaping Synth Type - Format Multi FX Multi FX Synth (Additive) Type - Format Sound Module GM Module Strings / Orchestral Strings / Orchestral World Sound Module Drumkit/Loop Virtual Choir Sound Module Strings / Orchestral Sound Module Sound Module Piano / Keys Type - Format Sound Module Sound Module Sound Module Type - Format Sampler Sampler Type - Format Synth (semi Modular) Type - Format Sampler/Sample Player Brass Strings / Orchestral Strings / Orchestral Type - Format Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Type - Format Synth Type - Format Strings / Orchestral Moog Module Sound Module Type - Format DJ Tool 2015 6GB 9GB 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 2GB 35GB 25GB 135GB 15GB 5GB 5GB 40GB 5GB 4GB 3GB 1GB 3GB Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 4GB 4GB Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 3GB 1GB 2GB Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 8GB 45 4GB Size (GB) 1CD PC PC-Mac PC PC Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC PC PC Support PC PC Support PC-Mac Support PC PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC Support PC Support PC-Mac PC PC Support PC-MAC طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Image Line Company Impact Soundworks Company ISM Company Korg Company LinPlug LinPlug LinPlug LinPlug LinPlug LinPlug LinPlug LinPlug LinPlug Company MusicLab MusicLab MusicLab MusicLab Company 17 صفحه DirectWave Drumaxx Edison Hardcore Harmor Groove.Machine PoiZone Morphine Sakura GrossBeat Harmless Line Sytrus Morphine Ogun Slicex Sytrus Sawer Toxic Biohazard ToxicIII DrumSynth Live DX-10 SimSynthLive SliceX Wasp Manufacturer Turkish Oud Manufacturer BazzISM Manufacturer Leagacy Collection Manufacturer Alpha Cronox Morphox Octopus Organ 3 SaxLab RMV Drum Addiction Relectro SPECTRAL Manufacturer RealGuitar 3 RealStrat 3 Real LPC 3 RealEight Manufacturer Sampler/Sample Player Sampler/Sample Player Audio Editor Guitar FX Synth (Additive) Groove Player Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Synth (Additive) PM String Synth FSU Synth (Hybrid) Synth Synth (Additive) Synth (Additive) Audio Editor Synth (Hybrid) Synth Synth (FM) Synth (FM) Drum Synth Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Audio Editor Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Type - Format Oud Type - Format Drum Synth Type - Format Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Type - Format Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Sample Synth Morphing Synthesizer Synth (Hybrid) Organ Saxophone Drum Sampler Multi FX Synth Type - Format Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Type - Format 2015 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 2GB Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD PC PC-MAC PC PC PC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC PC PC PC-MAC PC PC PC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC PC PC PC PC PC Support PC-Mac Support PC Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC PC-Mac PC-Mac PC PC PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Size (GB) Support 1CD PC-Mac 1GB PC-Mac 1GB PC-Mac 1CD PC-Mac Size (GB) Support طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Orange Tree Samples Orange Tree Samples Company Pettinhouse Pettinhouse Pettinhouse Pettinhouse Company Fixed Noise Fixed Noise Fixed Noise Company UVI PlugSound UVI PlugSound UVI PlugSound UVI PlugSound UVI PlugSound UVI PlugSound Company ProjectSAM ProjectSAM ProjectSAM ProjectSAM ProjectSAM ProjectSAM Company Prominy Prominy Prominy Prominy Company Rayzoon Technologies LLC Company Rob Papen Rob Papen Rob Papen Rob Papen Rob Papen Rob Papen Rob Papen Rob Papen Rob Papen Company Sample Logic Sample Logic Sample Logic 18 صفحه Evolution Electric Guitar Stratosphere Strawberry Manufacturer Guitar Power Chords WarmJazz AcousticGuitar Ukulele Guitar Manufacturer Kreate OTTO Rhythm Objekt Manufacturer Keyboard Fretted Drumpercussion HipHop Synth Global Manufacturer Orchestral Brass Classic Sam Horn Symphobia 2 ConcertHarp Symphobia 3 Colours Orchestrator Manufacturer LPC Guitar Sr5 Rock Bass SC Electric Giutar V-Metal Manufacturer Jamstix Manufacturer Albino Blue Predator Blade RG SubBoomBass RP-Verb Punch RAW Manufacturer Ambience Impacts Rhythms Cinematic Guitars Cinematic Guitar 2 Electric Guitar Electric Guitar Type - Format Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Type - Format Sound Module IDM Industrial Electronica workstation Electro / RB Module Type - Format Keyboard Guitar percussion Sound Moduler Synth GM Moduler / Sound Moduler Type - Format Brass Brass Strings / Orchestral Harp Strings / Orchestral ANIMATOR Orchestral Type - Format Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Type - Format Virtual Drummer Type - Format Synth (Hybrid) Synth (Hybrid) Synth (Hybrid) Synth (Hybrid) Guitar Synth (Hybrid) Reverb Drum Synth Drum Sampler Synthesizer Type - Format Sound Module Sound Module Sound Module 2015 2GB 2GB Size (GB) 1CD 3GB 3GB 1CD Size (GB) 4GB 5GB 4GB Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 10GB 1GB 20GB 2GB 36GB 5GB Size (GB) 40GB 9GB 65GB 10GB Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 6GB 6GB 17GB PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC PC PC PC PC PC Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC PC PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Sample Logic Sample Logic Sample Logic Sample Logic Sample Logic Sample Logic Sample Logic Sample Logic Sample Logic Sample Logic Sample Logic Sample Logic Sample Logic Company Sonic Reality Company Spectrasonics Spectrasonics Spectrasonics Spectrasonics Spectrasonics Company SonicCouture SonicCouture SonicCouture SonicCouture SonicCouture SonicCouture SonicCouture Company Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Company Submersible Music Company Syflex Company 19 صفحه Morphestra Synergy Synergy 2 The Element Fanfare Rumble Havoc ARPOLOGY ASSAULT Cinematic Keys CYCLONE THUNDER SPRINGS WATERHARP 2 Manufacturer Sonik Synth Manufacturer Atmosphere Omnisphere 2 Stylus RMX Trilian Trilogy Manufacturer Folklore instruments The Attic Array Mbira Clav Ondes Novachord The Hammersmith Professional Edition Manufacturer Grand 2 Groove Agent Halion 2 Halion String HyperSonic Xphraze Virtual Bassist Virtual Guitarist Virtual Electric Edition D’Cota Manufacturer Drum Core Manufacturer Sylfid-f1 Manufacturer Cinematic Orchestra Sound Module Sound Module Sound Module Big Band Drums cinematic percussive Sound Module cinematic percussive Piano Synth Pack Sound Module Sound Module Type - Format Sound Module Type - Format Dream Synth Module Synth (Hybrid) Realtime Groove Module Total Bass Module Bass Type - Format Percussion Synth World Synth Ondes Martenot NovachordPiano / Keys Piano Type - Format Grand piano Virtual Drummer Sampler 2 Strings / Orchestral Sound Module Phrase Synth Bass Guitar Rhythm Guitar Rhythm Guitar Synth (Hybrid) Type - Format Drum Type - Format Synth (Physical Modeling) Type - Format 2015 30GB 20GB 19GB 16GB 20GB 7GB 3GB 5GB 1GB 8GB 2.5GB 3GB 3GB Size (GB) 9GB Size (GB) 4GB 45GB 20GB 35GB 4GB Size (GB) 8GB 7GB 4GB 4GB 3GB 3GB 50GB Size (GB) 4GB 1CD 3GB 6GB 3GB 2GB 1CD 2GB 2GB 1CD Size (GB) 10GB Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC Support PC PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC Support PC Support PC Support طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Synapse Audio Synapse Audio Company The Sound Guy Company Tone2 Audiosoftware Tone2 Audiosoftware Tone2 Audiosoftware Tone2 Audiosoftware Tone2 Audiosoftware Tone2 Audiosoftware Tone2 Audiosoftware Tone2 Audiosoftware Tone2 Audiosoftware Company TubeOhm Company Ugo Ugo Ugo Ugo Ugo Company Ultimate X Sounds Ultimate X Sounds Company Vember Audio Company Vir2 Instruments Vir2 Instruments Vir2 Instruments Vir2 Instruments Vir2 Instruments Vir2 Instruments Vir2 Instruments Vir2 Instruments Vir2 Instruments Vir2 Instruments Vir2 Instruments Vir2 Instruments Vir2 Instruments Company VirSyn Company Way Out Ware Company 20 صفحه Orion DUNE Manufacturer SFX Machine Pro Manufacturer FilterBank Firebird Gladiator AkustiX Enhancer Bifilter ElectraX Warmverb RayBlaster Saurus Manufacturer Fluid Manufacturer Disturbance Ironhead Metallurgy M-Theory Tunguska Manufacturer UltraFocus XTreamFX Manufacturer Surge Manufacturer Acoustic Legend HD Basis Elite Orchestral Percussion Electri6ity Q SyntAX VI.One Violence Mojo:Horn Section World Impact:Global Percussion Studio Kit Builder Acou6tics APOLLO Cinematic Guitars Manufacturer TERA Manufacturer KikAxxe Manufacturer Virtual Studio Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Type - Format Multi FX Type - Format Synth (Semi Modular) Synth HCM Synth Mastering Suite Filter Synth (Hybrid) Multi FX Synth (Hybrid) Synth (Hybrid) Type - Format Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Type - Format Sampler (Loop Tool / Slicer) Drum Synth Multi FX Synth (Physical Modeling) Multi FX Type - Format Synth Sound FX Module Type - Format Synth (Hybrid) Type - Format Guitar Bass Percussion Guitar Sound Module Synth (Hybrid) Sound Module Sound Module Brass Percussion Acoustic Drum Module Guitar Guitar Type - Format Synth (Modular) Type - Format Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Type - Format 2015 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 10GB 10GB Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 20GB 9GB 20GB 29GB 12GB 4GB 23GB 1GB 31GB 14GB 8GB 10GB 12GB Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) PC PC Support Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC Support PC PC PC PC PC Support PC PC Support PC Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC Support PC-Mac Support طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Arabic and Middle Eastern Percussion Wizoo Wizoo Company Wusik Company XLN Audio XLN Audio XLN Audio Company Yellow Tools Company Zero-G Zero-G Zero-G Zero-G Zero-G Zero-G Zero-G Zero-G Zero-G Zero-G Zero-G Zero-G Zero-G Zero-G Company zplane Company Nikkoid Company Darbuka Latigo AudioRealism AudioRealism ABL ADM Company CineSamples CineSamples CineSamples CineSamples CineSamples CineSamples CineSamples CineSamples CineSamples CineSamples CineSamples CineSamples Manufacturer Cine Brass Voxos Drums of War 2 Deep Percussion Beds Piano In Blue CineOrch Hallywood winds Metallurgy Iron Guitar CINEBRASS CORE & PRO BUNDLE CinePerc CORE CineStrings CORE 21 صفحه Manufacturer Wusik Station Manufacturer Addictive Drums Addictive Drums 2 AddictiveKeys Manufacturer Majestic Manufacturer Afrolation Slam Altered States Beat Working In Cuba Morphology Nostalgia Nu jointz Outer Limits Phedra Vocal Forge Wired Analogue Sequencer Sound OF The 70S Operation Table Harmonica Manufacturer Vielklang Instant Harmony Manufacturer Absolute Piano Virtual Yamaha C6 Manufacturer Latin American Percussion Type - Format Sampler / WorkStation Type - Format Drum Kits / Loops Drum Kits / Loops Piano / Keys Type - Format Bass Type - Format Sound Module Sound Module Latin Percussion Sound Module Sound Module Sound Module Sound Module Sound Module Sound Module Sound Module Sound Module Sound Module Sound Module Harmonica Type - Format Harmonizer Type - Format Piano/Keys Type - Format Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Drum Synth Type - Format Brass Virtual Choir percussion Percussion Piano String Orchestral woodwinds Sound Module Guitar orchestral brass orchestral percussion orchestral string 2015 2GB 2GB Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 5GB 8GB 4GB Size (GB) 18GB Size (GB) 1CD 4GB 9GB 3GB 3GB 1GB 5GB 5GB 3GB 1GB 2GB 2GB 2GB 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 8GB 20GB 8GB 8GB 12GB 1CD 4GB 5GB 1CD 30GB 72GB 48GB PC PC Support PC Support PC-Mac PC PC-Mac Support PC Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC Support PC Support Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST CineSamples CineSamples CineSamples Company D16 Group D16 Group D16 Group D16 Group D16 Group D16 Group D16 Group Company discoDSP discoDSP discoDSP Company FXpansion FXpansion FXpansion FXpansion FXpansion FXpansion FXpansion FXpansion FXpansion FXpansion FXpansion FXpansion Company GForce Company GSi Company imperfect samples imperfect samples imperfect samples imperfect samples Company Insusurro Company Mixosaurus Company LennarDigital Company Native Instruments Native Instruments 22 صفحه CineWinds PRO CineWinds CORE Tina Guo Acoustic Cello Legato Manufacturer Drumazon Nepheton Nithnoat Toraverb Audio Lush Phoscyon Syntorus Manufacturer Discovery Pro Phantom Vertigo Manufacturer BFD BFD 3 Bloom v1.0.0.5 DCAM Dynamics DCAM FreeComp DCAM Synth Squad DCAM Synth Squad Etch v1.2.0.7 Geist v1.1.1.4 License Manager v2.0.17 Maul v1.0.1.1 Tremor v1.0.0.6 Manufacturer Minimonsta : Melohman Manufacturer MrRay 73 Manufacturer Brasted Upright Piano Complete Braunschweig Upright Piano Pro Fazioli WHITE baby GARAND Manufacturer Pure Manufacturer Mixosaurus Kit A Manufacturer Sylenth1 Manufacturer Akoustik Piano Abbey Road 50 Drums Orchestral wood winds woodwinds orchestral string Type - Format Drum Synth Drum Synth Drum Synth Reverb Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Modulation (Flanger) Type - Format Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Synth (Additive) Type - Format Acoustic Drum Module Acoustic Drum Module Filter DynamicsCompressors Bus CompressorCompressors Synth (Analogue / Subtractive) Synth (Analogue / Subtractive) Filter Sampling Drum Machine Multiband DistortionDistortion Drum MachineDrum Synth Type - Format Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Type - Format Electric Piano Type - Format Piano Piano Piano Piano Type - Format Rhythm Loop Type - Format Drum Kits - Loops Type - Format Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Type - Format Piano / Keys Drum Kits / Loops 2015 16GB 15GB 6GB Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 45GB 54GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 28GB 16GB 35GB 30GB Size (GB) 3GB Size (GB) 124GB Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 12GB 8GB PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support Mac Mac Mac Mac PC PC PC Support PC-Mac PC PC Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC Support Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments 23 صفحه Abbey Road 60s Drums Abbey Road 70s Drums Abbey Road 80s Drums Abbey Road Modern Drums Abbey Road Vintage Drummer Action Strikes Action Strings Alicia’s Keys Berlin Concert Grand Balinese Gamelan Library Balinese Gamelan Berlin Concert Grand CM Session Cuba Damage Drum Lab Library Evolve Evolve Mutation Evolve Mutation 2 Elektrik Piano Factory Kontakt George Duke Soul Treasures Kinetic Metal Kontakt Elements Selection R2 New York Concert Grand Pop Drums Retro Machines Mk2 Rise and Hit Library Scarbee A-200 Scarbee Funk Guitarist Scarbee Jay-Bass Scarbee Mark I Scarbee MM-Bass Amped Scarbee Pre-Bass Scarbee Rickenbacker Bass Scarbee Vintage Keys Scarbee Clavin Piano Session Horns Session Horns Pro Session Strings Session Strings Pro Sphere Factory Pack Stradivari Studio Drummer The Gentleman The Giant The Grandeur Drum Kits / Loops Drum Kits / Loops Drum Kits / Loops Drum Kits / Loops Drum Kits / Loops percussion Strings Piano / Keys Piano / Keys concert and synth Piano Sound Module percussion percussion percussion Sound Module Sound Module Sound Module Piano Sound Module Drum Kits / Loops percussion Sound Module Piano Drum Kits / Loops Synth Synth Keys Guitar Funk Guitar BASS piano electronic Guitar BASS Guitar BASS Guitar BASS Electric Pianos Piano / Keys Brass Brass Strings Strings Sound Module Strings / Orchestral Drum Sampler Piano Piano Piano 2015 8GB 8GB 8GB 8GB 8GB 3GB 10GB 8GB 6GB 18GB 3GB 2GB 3GB 16GB 3GB 6GB 2GB 2GB 5GB 25GB 3GB 2GB 2GB 3GB 1CD 3GB 6GB 1GB 8GB 4GB 2GB 12GB 3GB 7GB 6GB 3GB 4GB 27GB 2GB 30GB 30GB 1CD 7GB 3GB 3GB 5GB PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments Native Instruments 24 صفحه The Maverick The Orchestral Grands Upright Piano Vienna Concert Grand Vintage Organs West Africa Library Absynth Battery 3 Battery 4 B4 Driver Enhanced EQ FM8 Guitar Rig 5 PRO Kontakt Kontour Kore Player Maschine Massive Monark Passive EQ Polyplex PRO 53 Rammfire Razor RC 24 RC 48 Reaktor 6 Reaktor Prism Reaktor Spark Reflektor Replika Rounds Skanner XT Solid Bus Comp Solid Mix Series Supercharger GT The Finger R2 The Mouth Traktors Transient Master Vari Comp VC 2A VC 76 VC 160 Session Guitarist Strummed Acoustic Piano Piano Piano Piano Organ Percussion Synth Drum Sampler Drum Sampler Organ Creative filter and distortion effect EQ Synth Guitar Effects Sampler Keys Plucked Percussion Pad Universal Sound Platform Groove Sketch Pad Synth Synth (Analogue/subtractive) EQ Drums & Percussion Organ Guitar Effects Synth Synth (Additive) Reverb Reverb Synth (Modular) Synth (Modular) Synth (Modular) Reverb/Creative effects Reverb/Creative effects Bass Lead Pad Soundscape Bass Lead Pad Soundscape EQ EQ compressor Compressor Multi Effect Synthesizers Multi-Effects Guitar Effects Dynamics processor Boutique studio compressor Studio compressor Studio compressor Studio compressor Guitar 2015 5GB 15GB 3GB 3GB 2GB 2GB 12GB 3GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 8GB PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Company Neocymatics Company Orchestral Tools Orchestral Tools Orchestral Tools Orchestral Tools Company Refx Refx Refx Refx Refx Refx Refx Refx Company SampleModeling SampleModeling SampleModeling Company Sonik Academy Company Synapse Audio Synapse Audio Synapse Audio Synapse Audio Company Synthogy Synthogy Synthogy Company Soundiron Soundiron Soundiron Soundiron Soundiron Soundiron Soundiron Company Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music 25 صفحه Manufacturer Hybrid Strings Manufacturer Orchestral String Runs Berlin Woodwinds Library The Timpani Berlin Strings Manufacturer Beats Junox Nexus PlastiCZ QuadraSID Slayer Vanguard TBL(The BassLine) Manufacturer MR.Sax T. The Trombone The Saxophones Manufacturer ANA Manufacturer Orion Dune Poly-850 X-Poly Manufacturer Ivory Italian Grand Ivory Upright Pianos Ivory Grand Pianos Manufacturer Acoustic Saz Electric Saz Harp Guitar Iron Pack 07 Iron Pack 11 Iron Pack 12 Venus lIBRARY Manufacturer EZ Drummer EZ Drummer 2 EZX American EZX Classic EZX Claustrophobic EZX Drumkit From Hell Type - Format Strings Type - Format Strings / Orchestral Woodwinds Percussion Strings / Orchestral Type - Format Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Synth (Hybrid) Synth Synth Guitar Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Type - Format Brass Trombone Saxophones Type - Format Type - Format Virtual Studio Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Type - Format Piano / Keys Piano / Keys Piano / Keys Type - Format Guitar Acoustic Guitar chokes Electric Guitar Harp AtmosphericAmbient Flute fipple flute Prepared Acoustic Guitar Virtual Choir Type - Format Drum Kits / Loops Drum Kits / Loops Expansion EzDrummer Expansion EzDrummer Expansion EzDrummer Expansion EzDrummer 2015 Size (GB) 1GB Size (GB) 28GB 57GB 7GB 115GB Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 51GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 20GB 43GB 3GB Size (GB) 7GB 13GB 12GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 27GB Size (GB) 12GB 4GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC Support PC PC PC-Mac PC PC-Mac PC PC-Mac PC Support PC PC PC-MAC Support PC-Mac Support PC PC-Mac Mac Mac Support PC PC PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Toontrack Music Company Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall 26 صفحه EZX Electronic EZX Funk Masters EZX Jazz EZX Latin Percussion EZX Metal.Machine EZX MetalHeads EZX nashville EZX Twisted EZX Vintage Rock EZX POP EZX Solid Rock EZX The Blues EZX INDIE Folk EZX Rock Rock Superior Drummer custom vintage HIT factory Music city new york 3 new york2 Roots SDX Manufacturer BPM 120 PLP 120 VCP 120 VLP 120 LiquidAdlibs LiquidAmbient Works LiquidElectric_Bass LiquidElectrolines LiquidGUITAR Liquidhornsection LiquidSaxophone Liquid Score FX Liquid The Voice Liquid Trumpet Elastik 80s Punk Elastik Analog Attack Elastik Analog FX Elastik Antigravity.Maneuvers Elastik Art Of Sounds Elastik Balkan Lines Elastik Ballywood pop Elastik Chillers Joint Elastik christmass Expansion EzDrummer Expansion EzDrummer Expansion EzDrummer Expansion EzDrummer Expansion EzDrummer Expansion EzDrummer Expansion EzDrummer Expansion EzDrummer Expansion EzDrummer Expansion EzDrummer Expansion EzDrummer Expansion EzDrummer Expansion EzDrummer Expansion EzDrummer Expansion EzDrummer Drum Kits / Loops Expansion Sperior Drummer Expansion Sperior Drummer Expansion Sperior Drummer Expansion Sperior Drummer Expansion Sperior Drummer Expansion Sperior Drummer Type - Format Beat and Percussion Module Percussion Vintage Chord Progressions Sound Module Adlibs Ambient Bass Electrolines Guitar Brass Brass Sound Module Sound Module Brass Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module World World Loop Module Loop Module 2015 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 2GB 1GB 1CD 20GB 10GB 3GB 10GB 32GB 8GB 33GB Size (GB) 2GB 2GB 2GB 3GB 1CD 2GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 7GB 6GB 1GB 3GB 3GB 3GB 2.5GB 2GB 5GB 4GB 3GB 2GB PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC PC PC PC PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall 27 صفحه Elastik Club Tools Elastik Club.RnB Elastik Crunkzilla Elastik Dancehall Madness Elastik dyn-upopballads Elastik electro flux Elastik Electro ID Elastik Finest R&B Elastik funk & soul Elastik glam rock Elastik GOGO Elastik Groove shadow Elastik Hard techno Elastik HARDTECHNO VS SCHRANZ Elastik Hip Hop ElastikHIP_HOP_UNDERGROUND Elastik Indie.Rock Elastik Lounge orama Elastik Madness.Vol.2 Elastik Minimal Electro Vibes Elastik Minimal House Elastik Minimal Techno Elastik Oriental RnB Elastik POP Music Elastik Pop.Charts Elastik Pure Fire Elastik Reggae Fundamentals Elastik Retrofit Series Sensory Disruption Elastik Roots.Reggae Elastik Sensory Disruption Elastik Sound Of Berlin Elastik Soundscapes Elastik Studio Works Elastik Superme Styles Elastik The Resource D1 Elastik Urban jointz Elastik Urbanic Guitars Elastik URBANIC_PRODUCER_PACK_II Elastik Twang Elastik Percussion Elastik Deep House Elastik Thrash Metal Elastik Late Night Session A Elastik 8 Bit Stylez Elastik Funky Tonewheels Elastik Synth Pop Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Drums Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Drums Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module 2015 2GB 4GB 2GB 2GB 5GB 2.5GB 2GB 3GB 3GB 3GB 2GB 4GB 2GB 2.5GB 2.5GB 3GB 4.5GB 3GB 2GB 3GB 3GB 2GB 3GB 4.5GB 3GB 3GB 2GB 2GB 3GB 3GB 2GB 4GB 2GB 4GB 12GB 2GB 2GB 3GB 2GB 4GB 2GB 2GB 3GB 1GB 1GB 2GB PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall 28 صفحه Elastik 80s Smash Hits Elastik Caribbean Flavors Elastik Chart Hits Elastik Drums Elastik 70S Funl Rock Elastik Blues Colors Elastik Crunk Elastik Essentials of the Order Elastik Dubstep Skillz Elastik Electro House Inferno Elastik Disco De Luxe Elastik Future FX Elastik Ambient Elastik Urban Elastik 60s Psychedelic Rock Elastik Rare Grooves Elastik Chillout Breeze Elastik Big Beat Elastik Low Tuned Strings Elastik Drum_&_Bass_Lounge Elastik Electro.Pop Elastik Prog Rock Elastik Soulful-Pop Elastik JazzColors Elastik Loop Tool Elastik Metal Elastik Reggaeton Elastik Rock Ballads Elastik House Elastik Instruments Series 07 Trumpet Elastik Planet Trance Indie Rock 2 A Indie Rock 2 B Neurofunk On the Rock A On the Rock B On the Rock C On the Rock D Score FX 2 A Score FX 2 B Score FX 2 C Score FX 2 D Chart Hits 2 Dubtechno Vocal House Acoustic Guitar Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module 2015 3GB 2GB 1GB 3GB 4GB 6GB 4GB 3GB 2GB 1GB 1GB 1GB 4GB 2GB 3.5GB 2.5GB 1.5GB 1GB 1GB 1GB 2GB 2GB 4GB 3.5GB 4GB 4GB 2GB 8GB 2GB 2GB 4GB 2GB 2GB 1CD 2GB 2GB 2GB 2GB 2GB 2GB 2GB 2GB 1GB 1.5GB 1GB 1.5GB PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Ueberschall Company Vember Audio Company Expert Sleepers Expert Sleepers Expert Sleepers Company Humanoid Sound Systems Humanoid Sound Systems Company LUXONIX LUXONIX Company Novation Company Cluster Sound Company Cinematic String Cinematic String Company Ilya Efimov Sound Production 29 صفحه Ambient Noises Chillout Lounge Guitar Ballads Trap Upright Bass Disco House Shred Guitar Wonky Toys Daytime Tunes Acoustic Guitar 2 Bass Saxophone Brasil Nova Primeiro Chart Hits 2 Commercial Pop Deep Electro House Dubtechno Electro House 2 Looptool 3 Nightshift 2 Rock Classics Uplifting FX Uplifting Trance Vocal Dance Hits Trumpet 2 Jazz_Lounge Manufacturer Surge Manufacturer Minky Starshine Crossfade Loop Synth Silent Way Manufacturer Scanned Synth Mini Scanned Synth Pro Manufacturer Purity Ravity Manufacturer Bass Station Manufacturer Cult Bass Manufacturer Cinematic String Pro Edition Cinematic String 2 Manufacturer Ilya Efimov Nylon Guitar Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Loop Module Type - Format Synth (Hybrid) Type - Format Synth (Hybrid) Sample Looper Utility Type - Format Synth Synth Type - Format Sound Module Sound Module Type - Format Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Type - Format Bass Type - Format String String Type - Format Nylon Guitar 2015 1.5GB 2GB 2GB 1GB 1GB 1.5GB 1CD 1GB 2GB 1GB 1CD 2.5GB 1GB 4GB 2GB 1.5GB 1CD 2GB 1.5GB 8GB 1CD 1.5GB 1GB 1.5GB 5GB Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 2GB Size (GB) 21GB 26GB Size (GB) 7GB PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support Mac Support Mac Mac PC Support PC PC Support PC PC Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Ilya Efimov Sound Production Company PinkNoise Company U-HE U-HE Company Steven Slate Drums Company Soundiron Soundiron Soundiron Company Accordion Balalaika Guitar Bayan Classic Bass Domra Guitar Ilya LP Electric Modern.Bass NYLON STEEL TC Electric Guitar Armenian Duduk Manufacturer Revolver Manufacturer Zebra Uhbik Manufacturer Steven Slate Drums Platinum Manufacturer Venus Symphonic Women Choir Acoustic Saz Electric Saz Manufacturer Mixosaurus Daw Drum Mixosaurus Ilya Efimov Sound Production Ilya Efimov Sound Production Ilya Efimov Sound Production Ilya Efimov Sound Production Ilya Efimov Sound Production Ilya Efimov Sound Production Ilya Efimov Sound Production Ilya Efimov Sound Production Ilya Efimov Sound Production Ilya Efimov Sound Production Company Sugar Byte Sugar Byte Sugar Byte Sugar Byte Sugar Byte Sugar Byte Sugar Byte Sugar Byte Sugar Byte Sugar Byte Sugar Byte Sugar Byte Manufacturer Artillery2 Effectrix Robotronic Unique Vogue WOW Cyclop Guitarist Consequence Egoist Looperator TransVST Company Wavelore Company Wusik Manufacturer Glide Manufacturer Wusik Station Company Sonokinetic Sonokinetic Sonokinetic Sonokinetic 30 صفحه Manufacturer Sultan Drums Ney Qanun Fe Accordion Balalaika Guitar Bayan- Accordion Bass Guitar Domra-Russian Folk Electric Guitar Guitar Bass Nylon Guitar Steel Guitar Electric Guitar Duduk Type - Format synthesizer Type - Format Synth (Modular) Multi FX Type - Format Drum Type - Format Virtual Choir Turkish Guitar Turkish Guitar Type - Format Drum kits / Loop Type - Format Multi FX Multi FX Vocoder Synth (Analogue/subtractive) Multi FX Filter Synth Guitar Synth (Analogue/subtractive) groovebox Multi FX Sequencer AAX Converter Type - Format Slide Guitar Type - Format Sampler / WorkStation Synth Hybrid Type - Format Percussion Ethno Ney Qanun Percussion 2015 2GB 1.5GB 2.5GB 3GB 1CD 8GB 3GB 2.5GB 5GB 3GB 1GB Size (GB) 4GB Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 8GB Size (GB) 28GB 7GB 13GB Size (GB) 133GB Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 7GB Size (GB) 30GB Size (GB) 2GB 7GB 7GB 4GB PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC Support PC-Mac Pc-Mac Pc-Mac Pc-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Sonokinetic Company Kirk Hunte Kirk Hunte Kirk Hunte Kirk Hunte Kirk Hunte Kirk Hunte Kirk Hunte Kirk Hunte Company Tonehammer Company 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 31 صفحه Gediz Manufacturer ConcertStringsII Diamond Woodwinds Complete Diamond Basses Diamond Percussion Diamond Strings Combinations Diamond Violas and Cellos Diamond Violins Pop Rock Strings Manufacturer Requiem Professional Manufacturer 8Dioboe 1969 Legacy Piano Adagio Cellos Adagio Violins Vol.1 Alien Drum Ambient Guitar Basstard Bazantar Bulbul Tarang Claire Bassoon Claire Flute Virtuoso Claire Oboe Dobro Dubstep EDM Drumstep EDM Trap Epic Room Percussion Epic Taiko Fireworks Forgotten Voices Barbary Free Angels Glass Marimba Hybrid Tools Vol 2 Kokiriko Liberis Mandolin Solo Mark Deutschs Bazantar Mini Vocal turkish Type - Format String WoodWinds BASS Percussion String String String String Type - Format Virtual Choir Type - Format WoodWinds Piano String String Drum Guitar Bass Strings Strings (india) WoodWinds WoodWinds WoodWinds Natural Acoustic Series Dubstep Drum Electronic Dance Music Percussion Percussion Effect Vocal Symphonic Orchestral ambient musical sound design ambiences Sound Module String String Ambiences 2015 1CD Size (GB) 5GB 1GB 1CD 1CD 1.5GB 4GB 4GB 8GB Size (GB) 45GB Size (GB) 1CD 5GB 31GB 13GB 2GB 3GB 1GB 4GB 4GB 5GB 5GB 4.5GB 2GB 4GB 2GB 3.5GB 1CD 4GB 1CD 1.5GB 1.5GB 2GB 2GB 1CD 4GB 1.5GB 4GB 1CD Pc-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO 8DIO Company Studio Linked VST Studio Linked VST Company AMPLE SOUND AMPLE SOUND AMPLE SOUND AMPLE SOUND AMPLE SOUND AMPLE SOUND AMPLE SOUND AMPLE SOUND Company SoniVOX SoniVOX Company Spitfire Audio Spitfire Audio Spitfire Audio Spitfire Audio Spitfire Audio Company VIENNA Company Reveal Sound Company Atom Hub Company 32 صفحه Music Box Post Apocalyptic Guitar Productions Mark Deutschs Bazantar Productions Sea Horse Progressive Metal Guitar Rhythmic Aura Vol 2 Solo Frame Drums Solo Studio Violin Solo Taiko Drums Steel String Guitar and Strummer Wrenchenspiel ZEUS songwritingguitarii Epic Dhol CAGE Brass Manufacturer PlatinumHitWorkstation TrapBoomWorkstation Manufacturer AGF (Fender) AGG (Gibson) AGL (luthier Classic) AGM 2 (Martin Acoustic) AGP (PRS) ABJ ABP AGT (Talor Acoustic ) Manufacturer Broadway Big Band Symphonic Harp Manufacturer Albino Sable String Percussio Hans Zimmer Clarvis Scraped Percussion Mandolin Manufacturer CHAMBER BUNDLE Manufacturer Spire Manufacturer Old Mandolin Manufacturer Sound Module Guitar String Sound Module Guitar Synthetic Drums Strings Drums String FX Drums Guitars Percussion Brass Type - Format Hip Hop Module Hip-Hop Type - Format Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Type - Format Sound Module Harp Type - Format orchestral cinematic String Percussion Percussion String (mandolin) Type - Format String orchestral Type - Format Synth (Virtual-Analog) Type - Format String Type - Format 2015 1CD 1GB 3.5GB 1CD 3.5GB 1.5GB 1.8GB 4GB 3.5GB 6GB 1CD 6GB 1.2GB 2GB 22GB Size (GB) 6GB 6GB Size (GB) 4GB 8GB 4GB 6GB 4GB 4GB 4GB 5GB Size (GB) 106GB 2GB Size (GB) 20GB 81GB 65GB 6GB 1CD Size (GB) 4GB Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC PC Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST SoundDust Company Indiginus Company Output Sounds Output Sounds Ghost Dulcitone 1900 Manufacturer Torch Electric Guitar Manufacturer Signal REV X-Loops Piano Type - Format Guitar Electric Type - Format Pulse sequencer /Pulse Engine Reverse 2015 2GB Size (GB) 2GB Size (GB) 20GB 2GB PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac 1CD 1CD 1CD 5GB 1GB Size (GB) 1CD 1GB 1GB 1CD 1GB 5GB Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 6GB 3GB 4GB 4.5GB 4.5GB 4GB 8GB 1CD 4GB Size (GB) 5GB 3GB 1GB 1GB 3GB 6GB 1CD 10GB 4GB 1CD 2GB PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac MULTIFORMAT AKIA AKIA AKIA AKIA AKIA Company Beatserv Beatserv Beatserv Beatserv Beatserv Beatserv Company Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Best Service Company Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio 33 صفحه Cookin Hot Styles 2 Akai world traveller Hot steel blues ILIO Xsample Manufacturer Bombs and Bits Clash Series One Collection Detroit.Sound Series Two Collection Service K-Size Minimal Edition Manufacturer Pro Samples Da Nu RnB Hiphop Psy cdda ethno Diamonds Of Orient Studio BoxNature Studio BoxHuman StudioBoxTechnical Studio Box Specia TheEssenceOfPanflute Blazin RnB and HipHop Studio India Canira The Essence of Panflute Manufacturer 101 Below Phat Beats Circuit BreakerElectro House Drumatic Percussives Hadeeth (Middle Eastern) Heat Seekers Hip Hop and Soul Guitar Pak Hip Hop India Modern Percussion Indian Traditions Jazz Drums Loop Pak Loopalicious RnB Volume 2 MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio 34 صفحه Notorious Hip Hop and R&B Nu Jazz City Nu Metal City Nu Metal City 2 Off The Hook 3 Plush Primal Drums Punk & Indie Rock Slammin Sounds of So-Cal Reggaeton Hot Latin Hip Hop Rock Star Roots of South America 2 Rush Progressive House + Trance Rush Progressive House and Trance Sonic Reality Hard Rock Suite Grooves Symphonic Manoeuvres Acid Jazz City Hip Hop Exotica Inspiration HopHop RNB Textured Beats Audio Straight Outta BALLYHOOD BEATS Downbeat & Leftfield Elements Indian Flamenco made in Spain Groove Dimensions Hadeeth Arabic Rhythms Hip Hop City Hip Hop Philosophy Hit Zone Vol.3 Hybridizer 3 LA Drum Sessions Vol.2 Performance Loops Acoustic Guitars Performance Loops Drums Vol 1 Pop n Soul Guitars Primal Drums Revolucion Reggaeton Roots of India South American Construction Kit Pak Studio Guitars Syntron-X Technocore The Hybridizer West Coast Funk Stew Xtreme House Audio.treme House MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT 2015 4GB 4GB 1CD 2GB 12GB 7GB 4GB 5GB 5GB 5GB 1CD 6GB 3GB 2GB 4GB 5GB 3GB 4GB 4GB 4GB 2GB 7GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 3GB 1GB 4GB 7GB 4GB 1CD 1CD 12GB 4GB 2GB 1CD 1CD 8.5GB 3GB 3GB 4GB 1CD 1CD 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Big Fish Audio Company Bitword Company Bunker 8 Digital Labs Bunker 8 Digital Labs Bunker 8 Digital Labs Bunker 8 Digital Labs Bunker 8 Digital Labs Bunker 8 Digital Labs Bunker 8 Digital Labs Company CLUB HIP-HOP DRUMZ CLUB HIP-HOP DRUMZ Company Cluster Sound Quantic House Cluster Sound Quantic House Cluster Sound Quantic House Cluster Sound Quantic House Cluster Sound Quantic House Company Diamond Company Digital Redux 35 صفحه Audio RNB Swagga Elements Traditional Jazz Glitch Hop Groove Planet Heat Seekers hit zone vol 2 Mahadhi - African Rhythms The Rhythm Station The Afterparty Hip Hop Club Kits Electro Club Mahadhi African John Cage Prepared Piano Brush Artistry MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Manufacturer Oxide Kits Volume One Manufacturer Accelerator 1 Downtempo Darkness 1 Grime Step 1 Progressive House Atomic Transcendance Beats Breakin Pockets Dubstep Monolith 1 Manufacturer CLUB HIP-HOP DRUMZ 1 CLUB HIP-HOP DRUMZ 2 Manufacturer Cycling Tech House O Matic Minimalogic Quantic House CS - Quantic House Manufacturer Vocal Manufacturer Hacienda House MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT Chronic Horns The supreme Brass First Call Vintage Keyboards Bollywood Dreams Bollywood Elements BollywoodGroovesRex Dubstep Gypsy.Cafe Island.Guitars Steel and Wood - KLI Big Room.Anthems 2015 3GB 2GB 4GB 2GB 5GB 3GB 3GB 1CD 3GB 1CD 1GB 1CD 3GB 1CD 2GB 1GB 2GB 2GB 2GB 2GB 1GB 2GB 1CD Size (GB) 1GB Size (GB) 1GB 1GB 1CD 2GB 2GB 1GB 4GB Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1GB 1CD 2GB 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 2GB PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Company DRUM DROP Company East Wset East Wset Company Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Electronisound Company Equipped Music Company Flaminco Company FutureLoops FutureLoops FutureLoops FutureLoops Company GMO Company Iranian Sample Iranian Sample Iranian Sample Iranian Sample Iranian Sample Company 36 صفحه Manufacturer FISTFUL DRUMMER Manufacturer Voices of Passion India Aerosmith's Joey Kramer Drumloops Manufacturer Dub 'N Trance Elastic DnB Trance.Explosion Evolved Beatworks Greatest Beatz! Groove-A-Liptic Mad Beatz Monsta - Tronic Vol.1 Poison Sounds Serious Electro Super Pads And Textures supreme sounds technomania 1 technomania 2 technomania 3 Trance Explosion 1 Trance Explosion 2 tri hop explosion 1 trip hop pandemonium twisted remix Vinyl Rev2 Vinyl Rev-O-lution Manufacturer Slo`Motion Tokyo Soundscapes Manufacturer Guitar Flaminco Manufacturer India Desert Soundscapes Sitar Loops Tabla Loops Manufacturer String Ensemble Manufacturer Iranian Instruments Sample Loop 6.8 persian instruments 4 persian samples 2 Tavalali Manufacturer Type - Format MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format 2015 Size (GB) 2GB Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 8GB Size (GB) 2GB Size (GB) 14GB 2GB 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1.5GB 1CD 4GB 1CD 1CD Size (GB) Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST K2 Company Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Loopmasters Company Magesy Company majix majix majix majix majix 37 صفحه Orchestra Instruments Manufacturer Afro Latin Producer Davide Carbone Masterclass Deep Trance Techno Disco House Sessions 1 Disco House Sessions 2 DJ Pierre - Afro Acid House Downbeat & Leftfield DRUM & BASS PRODUCER GU Sample Series 6 Wally Lopez GU Sample Anil Chawla & Dale Anderson GUSampleJim.Rivers GUSultan GUNic.Fanciulli GUEgostereo. Harley & Muscle Deep House Producer Hip Hop Progressions Joey Youngman Jacked Out Future House Meat Katie - Tech Funk Producer NuTone Presents My Digital Enemy-New Tech House Presents Progressive House & Tech Producer Essentials Producer Essentials Psy Trance Pack 1 Push Button Bang Dark.Dub 2 Raw Power Releases Wave Alchemy Electro House Progressions Urban Soul Urban Soul Radiophonic Synth Workshop DirtyDutchHouse FrenchElectroHouseVol.2 TheMoodyBoyzDubElectronica AUTHOR HOUSE_&_NU_DISCO Manufacturer PLP ESSENTIALS.DANCE COLLECTION Manufacturer SoundPool Dance & House Soundpool SoundPool House & Techno Majix 15 Majix 17 2015 MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT 20GB Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 2GB 2GB 3GB 1CD 2GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 4GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 2GB 1CD 1CD 1CD PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT 2GB 2GB 1GB 1CD 2GB 2GB 3GB 1GB Size (GB) 4GB Size (GB) 1CD 8GB 1CD 6GB 8GB PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST majix majix Company M-Audio M-Audio M-Audio M-Audio M-Audio M-Audio M-Audio M-Audio Company MutekkiMedia MutekkiMedia MutekkiMedia Company Nine Volt Audio Nine Volt Audio Nine Volt Audio Nine Volt Audio Nine Volt Audio Company Prime Loops Prime Loops Prime Loops Prime Loops Prime Loops Prime Loops Prime Loops Prime Loops Prime Loops Prime Loops Prime Loops Prime Loops Prime Loops Prime Loops Company Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops 38 صفحه Majix 18 Majix house & techno Manufacturer Hydro Sonix 1 Latin Street Vol I Discrete Drums Vol II Discrete.Drums Worl Beat Cafe HydroSonix2 HellaBumps ElectroClash Manufacturer Hip Hop Definition Muteki Audio Boutique T Secret House Manufacturer Funky Rex Guitars Interlocked Groove Edition Beat.Bandit Stylin.Basslines Textural.Rex TexturalREXElectronic Manufacturer House Guitar Loops Mix Injections Tribal Progressions Fidget House Future House Drum Minimal and Twisted House Minimal Tech and House Drums Planet Of The Orchestra ArabicVibez ProgressiveSynthesis ProgressiveSynthesis Ibiza Dance Anthems BabylonBeats UrbanDanceFreakz Manufacturer Abstract Electro House 3 Ambient Metal Constructions Vol.1 Ambient Metal Constructions Vol.2 Ambient Metal Constructions Vol.3 ATL Dirty South Beats Vol.2 Bass infact Big Citi Loops Atlanta Runners Dirty South Edition Big Citi Loops Dirty South Crunk Runners 2 2015 MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Prime Loops Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT 8GB 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1.5GB 1GB 1.5GB Size (GB) 1CD 2GB 2.5GB Size (GB) 1GB 1.5GB 1GB 1GB 1GB Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1GB Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1GB 1CD 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac MULTIFORMAT 1CD PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops 39 صفحه Big Citi Loops Dirty South Ghetto Box MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Big tools MULTIFORMAT Big Up Arpeggio Synths MULTIFORMAT Boss Loops Grand Hustlaz Vol 1 MULTIFORMAT Boss Loops Hip Hop Billboard Editions MULTIFORMAT Boss Loops RnB Billboard Grooves MULTIFORMAT Boutique 1 MULTIFORMAT Boutique 2 MULTIFORMAT Boutique3 MULTIFORMAT CG3 TrapBoy Banger$ Vol1 MULTIFORMAT club revolotion MULTIFORMAT Commercial RnB Trance Dance Vol.4 MULTIFORMAT Commercial RnB Trance Dance Vol.5 MULTIFORMAT Dance ultra voice MULTIFORMAT Dark Voice MULTIFORMAT Deep Funky House Vol 1 MULTIFORMAT Deep House Progressions Vol 2 MULTIFORMAT Deep House Progressions Vol 3 MULTIFORMAT Deep House Progressions Vol 4 MULTIFORMAT Designed Club Series Vol 2 MULTIFORMAT Diamond Vocals Vol 2 MULTIFORMAT Dirty House Tools Vol 1 MULTIFORMAT Dirty South SwaggTown MULTIFORMAT DrumCodes MULTIFORMAT Electro District Vol 1 MULTIFORMAT Electro House Generation MULTIFORMAT Electro House Revolution Vol 1 MULTIFORMAT Electro House Revolution vol 2 MULTIFORMAT Electro Tip Trixxx MULTIFORMAT Evac MULTIFORMAT FRENCH ELECLTRO HOUSE MULTIFORMAT Fx revolotion MULTIFORMAT FX1 MULTIFORMAT FX2 MULTIFORMAT G.O.D Limited Speed Garage Tools MULTIFORMAT Gangsta Beats MULTIFORMAT Hard Dance Vocals MULTIFORMAT Hip HopDefinition MULTIFORMAT House Definition MULTIFORMAT Housemeister Session One MULTIFORMAT Hubert Tubbs Soulful Dance Vocals MULTIFORMAT Kick Free Revolution MULTIFORMAT Latin Loops and Percussion Vol1 MULTIFORMAT Lenny Dee Hard Electronic MULTIFORMAT Loops Supalife Tech House MULTIFORMAT Big Citi Loops Hook Town.Crunk.Vox.Edition 2015 1GB 1CD 2GB 1CD 1GB 1GB 1GB 1GB 1.5GB 1CD 1.5GB 1CD 1GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1.5GB 1CD 1CD 1.5GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1.5GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1GB 1.5GB 1CD 2GB 2.5GB 3GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 2GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1GB 1CD 3GB 2GB PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Producer Loops Company Prossesion Company Sample Magic Sample Magic Company SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb 40 صفحه Minimal Techno Namzilla loops Party House 3 Swedish Dutch Progressive P-L-S Psy Trance Explorations Pure Electro Vol 1 Pure Electro Vol 2 Salsa Beats MULTIFORMAT Secret House Session One Sound Electroshock Vol.1 Sound Future House Vol 4 Subtractive House Grooves Supalife Drum and Bass Hard Edition Supalife Dubstep Dark.Edition The New Sound Of Dubstep Trance Elevation Vol 1 Trance Elevation Volume 2 Tribal Progressive UERO HOUSE Ultimate Beats Vol 2 ultimate beats Ultimate RnB ultimate vocals VA House Party II VEC1 Wobble Breakdowns Trance Elevation Vol 3 AmbientGlitch progressions house UERO HOUSE 1 UERO HOUSE 2 UERO HOUSE 3 UERO HOUSE 4 UERO HOUSE 5 LA Pop Sessions Manufacturer Prossesion 1-50 Manufacturer Electro House Funky House Grooves Manufacturer Acidfanatic Meg Acidfanatic Twisted Beats AxsMusicGuitarFuzz2036 AxsMusicJingles2038 MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT 2015 1CD 1CD 1GB 1CD 1GB 1.5GB 1.5GB 1GB 1GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 3 GB 1 GB 1.5GB 2.5GB 6GB 4GB 1.5GB 2.5GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1GB 3GB 2GB 1GB 1.5GB 1.5GB 1GB 1GB 1CD 2GB Size (GB) 25GB Size (GB) 2GB 2GB Size (GB) 1GB 1CD 1CD 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb AxsMusicJingles2039 AxsMusicJingles2040 SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb SampleLIb Bouncing Beatz Drum EdirolClub50Foundation EKSWavelandTc EnsoniqENSONIQ-BSOUNDZ Company SampleTekk SampleTekk Company Sonart Audio Sonart Audio Company Sonic Reality Sonic Reality Sonic Reality Sonic Reality Company Sony Media Software 41 صفحه Bolder Sounds Granular Collection KURZWEiL N0C Ensoniq LA.RIOT ENSONIQ BSOUNDZ Ensoniq 6 Best of Sonic Arts Ensoniq InVision Interactive.Orchestral Ensoniq InVision Interactive Ethnic Equipped Music Smokers Reilght Deux Equipped Music Smokers Reilght Deux 2 Hip Hop Raw Flava HipHopInSessionVol1 HipHopInSessionVol2 HipHopInSessionVol3 HipHopInSessionVol4 Jeff Thomas Productions Killer.Hertz v 1 Jeff Thomas Productions Killer Hertz v 2 Justement Music Ambient XP 47 Justement.Music.Downtempo 46 MasterbitsZoneEthno Masterbits Inspiration Zone Ethno Masterbits Interactive Rave Machine Masterbits Masterbeat PRO 3900 Ethno Masterbits Rave Trax Vol 2Ethno MasterbitsRaversRevenge Masterbits Sampling 500 Masterbits Sampling Collection 600 Masterbits Sampling Collection 700 Samplecraze Mixing Simplified Creating Manufacturer Renaissance Flutes The Rain Piano Manufacturer Girls Construction Kit Love Liberation Construction Kit Manufacturer Acoustic Guitars Bass Guitars Electric Guitars Studio Drums Manufacturer Bass 2015 MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT 1CD 1CD 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 4GB 4GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1GB 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Sony Media Software Sony Media Software Sony Media Software Company Sounds To Sample Sounds To Sample Sounds To Sample Sounds To Sample Sounds To Sample Company Spectrasonics Company UEBERSCHALL UEBERSCHALL UEBERSCHALL UEBERSCHALL UEBERSCHALL UEBERSCHALL UEBERSCHALL UEBERSCHALL UEBERSCHALL UEBERSCHALL UEBERSCHALL UEBERSCHALL Company Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance 42 صفحه CHICAGO FIRE A DANCE Continental Drift World Music Prototechno Manufacturer Katana Bits Advanced Club Sounds 01 Murasame Riemann Kollektion Vol.01 Techhouse Beats Riemann Kollektion Vol.02 Techhouse Beats Riemann Kollektion Vol.03 Techhouse Beats Riemann Kollektion Vol.04 Techhouse Beats Manufacturer Hans zimmer Guitars 2 Manufacturer Black Beats From Da Block House Musique Latin House Essentials 2 TECHNO.TRANCE Black Beats From Da Block House Essentials FX House Essentials Vocals Urban Jointz Disco.Deluxe LoopEssentials NuMetal EURODANCEBER Manufacturer Dance Explotion Vol 1 Dirty Electro Vol 1 Dirty Electro Vol 2 Effect Vol 1 Effect Vol 2 Electro Essentials Vol 1 Electro Essentials Vol 2 Electro House.Vol.1 Electro Shock Vol 1 Electro ShockVol2 Esantial clubsounds vol 1 Esantial clubsounds vol 2 Esantial clubsounds vol 3 Esantial clubsounds vol 4 Essential Dubstep Vol 1 Essential House vol 1 Essential House Vol 2 Essential House vol 3 Future House vol 1 Future House vol 2 2015 MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT 2GB 1GB 1CD Size (GB) 2GB PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 3GB Size (GB) 1GB 1.5GB 1.80GB 1CD 1GB 1CD 1CD 1GB 1CD 1.5GB 1.5GB 1GB Size (GB) 2GB 1GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1GB 1CD 1CD 1GB 2GB 1GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1GB 1GB PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance Company Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone 43 صفحه Future House vol 3 Future House vol 4 Minimal House Vol 1 Rhythm.Guitars Vol 1 Rhythm.Guitars Vol 2 Sound Dirty Electro Vol 2 Sound Dirty Electro Vol 2 Studio Vocals Vol.1 Total Dance Sounds Vol 1 Total Dance Sounds Vol 2 Total Dance Sounds Vol 3 Trance Sensation Vol 1 Trance Sensation Vol 2 Trance Sensation Vol 3 Ultimate Bass Ultimate Fills Vol 1 Ultimate Fills Vol 2 Ultimate Fills Vol 3 Vocal Essentials Vol 1 Vocal Essentials Vol 2 Analog Drums Vol 1 Dance Explosion Vol 2 Essential Dubstep Vol 2 Pop.EssentialsVol1 Trap Essentials Vol 1 Freakz On Beatz Vol 3 Dance Ultra Voice Vol.1 Manufacturer Club Melodies 01 Club Melodies 02 Club Melodies 03 MULTIMEDIA FANTASY LEAD Drumelektro Kate Lesing Vocals Vol.2 Advancemidi Cutvocals Party Pads Technolooper 1 FX Collection Vol.2 Kate Lesing Vocals Roxx The Club Vol.1 Vocal-Pack - GENTLEMAN'S PITCHED VOCALS Acapellas.Cut.Vocals.Party Acapellas.Hardstyle.Vocals Acapellas.Kate.Lesing.Vocals.Trance.and.Dance FX.Collection.Vol.1 MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT 2015 1GB 1GB 1CD 1GB 1GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1GB 1CD 2GB 1.5GB 2GB 1CD 1.5GB 1.5GB 1.5GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 2.5GB 1GB 1.5GB 1GB 1.5GB 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1GB 1.5GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1GB PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Vip Zone Company Wave Alchemy Wave Alchemy Company Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Zero G Company Turkish Instrument Turkish Instrument Turkish Instrument Company sound vibez Company Digital LoopLine Company NanoMusikLoops NanoMusikLoops NanoMusikLoops NanoMusikLoops NanoMusikLoops NanoMusikLoops 44 صفحه Loops.Of.Dreams Multisamples.9.Syntmania Multisamples.Lucid.Dreamer.Leads Silver.Melodies Vinyl.Loops BassesBassdrumsDrums Manufacturer Electro House Progressions Electro House Underground Manufacturer Anthem House DarkSkiesCinematicAmbiences Degrees Of Abstract Ecstatic Grooves Firestorm GMiddleEastern Guitar Odyssey for Stylus RMX Hardcore DLP Heaven 17 DLP Interface Dance DLP Interface Guitar DLP Kocktail Kollection Old School Flavours Vol.2 Vintage Soundclash Total House Zero-G Pro Pack zero-g total trance Firestorm Urban elementz Vox India Vol.2 ZERO-G INDIAN DANCE Manufacturer turkish instruments 6 Turkish Persian Arabic Strings Virtual turkish Clarinbet Manufacturer DanceRadioHitz Vol 1 Manufacturer HipHop & RNB Manufacturer Big Room Trance Chords Vol 02 Big Room Trance Chords Vol.03 Trance And Dance Vol 1 Trance And Dance Vol 2 Trance Melody Vol 1 Zuzza Dance MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT 2015 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1GB 1.5GB Size (GB) 3.5GB 4.5GB 2.5GB 3GB 4GB 1.5GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1.5GB 1.5GB 4.5GB 1.5GB 9GB 1CD 4GB 4.5GB 1CD 5GB Size (GB) 1CD 5GB 6GB Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 3GB Size (GB) 1CD 1GB 1CD 1CD 1GB 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Company Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Black Hand Loops Company CNTRL SAMPLES CNTRL SAMPLES CNTRL SAMPLES CNTRL SAMPLES CNTRL SAMPLES Company Def Space Def Space Def Space Company DirtyBoiMusic DirtyBoiMusic DirtyBoiMusic DirtyBoiMusic DirtyBoiMusic DirtyBoiMusic DirtyBoiMusic DirtyBoiMusic DirtyBoiMusic DirtyBoiMusic Company DMS DMS DMS 45 صفحه Manufacturer All.About.Love Symphony2 KindOfBlackKeys Diamond2 Gangsta.Fire.West.Coast.Edition Gangsta Emotions Urban Energy Full Gangsta FireWestCoast TheBigAppleStories ProductionSuite Black_Symphony LuxuryBeats3 Emotions 2 GangstaFire.3 HoodMoneyVol1 ModernBeats Darkness Darkness3 WinterRomance Manufacturer Mainroom.Essentials Deep.House.Grooves Angel Stoxx Presents Deep_Tec Angel Stoxx Presents Big Techno State of Modern Trance Manufacturer DaTrapVol2 Dynamite.Pop Southern.Grillz Manufacturer 8Baller DirtyRnB DirtyTrapp MuscleMusic RichFoEva Vol 1 RichFoEvaVol2 TrueStory DirtyChampangeMusic Life at 1million feet2 WelcomeToTheTrapHouse Manufacturer BreaksPercussion DubstepCubaseProjectVol2 EssentialTranceVol5 Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT Type - Format MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT 2015 Size (GB) 1GB 1GB 1.5GB 1CD 1.5GB 1.5GB 1GB 1.5GB 1GB 1.5GB 1GB 2.5GB 1CD 1CD 1GB 1.5GB 1.5GB 1CD 1.5GB 1GB Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD Size (GB) 1CD 1CD 1CD Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST DMS DMS DMS DMS DMS DMS DMS DMS DMS DMS DMS DMS DMS DMS DMS DMS DMS DMS DMS EssentialTranceVol7 MechanimalCubasePsyTranceProject3 MechanimalPsytranceSamplesVol3 OldSkoolTranceCubaseProject ProducerToolsEDMPadsVol1 Producer Tools EDM Pads Vol 2 ProducerToolsEDMPadsVol3 ProducerToolsEDMPadsVol4 ProducerTools JustTranceVol4 ProducerToolsJustTranceVol5 TranceConstructionCubaseVol2 Company Empire Loops Empire Loops Company FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES 46 صفحه ThrilltexDubstepLoops TranceRushVol1 TranceRushVol 2 TranceRushVol3 UpliftingTranceMIDI8 UpliftingTranceMIDIVol3 UpliftingTranceMIDIVol4 Uplifting TranceMIDIVol 3 Manufacturer EmpireConstructionVol1UrbanClub EmpireConstructionVol3HipHop Manufacturer AddictiveArps DangerousBasses Blazin Vocalz Dance Edition vol 3 Brooklyn2Paris GhettoOrchestraVol1 HoodLifeMemories Pianos From DaHood Symphonies4 ThePianist Blazin Vocals Dance Edition EuroDanceFiestaVol4 MelodikAndProgressiveVol2 Melodik Electro MusicFromMars One NightInIbiza POPularGirls Pop My Cherry Str8t 2 the Charts That Big Room Sound 2K14 Miami Ultra EDM A-List Musik Vol.1 A-LIST MUSIK Vol.3 Amazing HouseSongs MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT 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تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES 47 صفحه ARABIAN TRAP 5 ARPOLOGIST BEATMASTERS - Bangin Hip Hop Orkestra Vol.3 BRASS KNUCKLES Dirty Bass Hookz Vol 2 DJ Yasmeen Latin Sunshine EDM Blaster EDM Latin Fever EDM Melodic Vocals 2 EDM Melodic Vocals 3 EDM Melodics Epic House Anthems Exotic Trap 2 HD GUITARS HOUSE MELODIC VOCALS House Radio Songs I RATHER BE POP LIVE SERIES POPSTAR GUITARS Massive EDM Festival MUST HAVE MUST HAVE AUDIO - BATTLEFIELD TRAP Must Have Audio Latin Summer Jams Neo EDM Vocals Melodics NEO LIVE - THE PIANIST NEO TRAP TRAPPED ON BILLBOARD ORCHESTRAL DUBSTEP SONGS COVER Pop Funk 2 Progressive EDM Songs PROGRESSIVE GUITAR MELODICS 2 Progressive House Vibes Ring The Alarm RnB N Funk Summer Hits Summer Mash Up Sweet Pop Music Sweet Pop Music Vol 2 SYMPHONICS HOLLYWOOD The Guitars RnB Cover The Pianist THE ZIM ORCHESTRA The Zim Pianos 3 The Zim Strings 3 TRAP CHICK VOCALS Trap Empire Trapchestra 2 Tropical Fiesta MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT 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FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES 48 صفحه We Go Latin WESTERN EDM SONGS 2 WHAT THE FUNK DJ YASMEEN - CUBANO HOUSE DJ Yasmeen Caribbean Salsa Trap Snake 3 Tribal Trap Wild Trap ULTIMATE PROGRESSIVE DROPS Must Have Audio VIP Trap Cover Radio Ready Pianos Cover Melodic Trap Demo Pop Culture Demo MHA DJ Power House Demo Neo EDM Blessed By Vocals Demo DJ Yasmeen Go Trap Or Go Home MERENGUE HOUSE DEMO Must Have Audio Trap Club Music Demo Sylenth Of Double W Demo Phat Dirty Anthems Demo DEEP HOUSE ORCHESTRA EDO - ELECTRONIC DUBSTEP ORCHESTRA EDO Electronic Dubstep Orchestra 2 ELH - ELECTRONIC LATIN HOUSE ETHNIC HOUSE Ghetto Orchestra Vol 2 The 808 School French Beatz FROM NOTHIN 2 SOMETHIN HOLLYWOOD SAD THEMES IN ELECTRO WE TRUST Vol.2 JUSTIN AND ROBIN JUSTIN AND ROBIN 2 JUSTIN AND ROBIN 3 JUSTIN AND ROBIN 4 JUSTIN AND ROBIN 5 MAINSTREAM PROGRESSIVE MELODRAMA MUST HAVE AUDIO - EDM ANTHEMIC SONGS 2 MUST HAVE AUDIO - EDM BANG MUST HAVE AUDIO - JESSICA'S HOUSE MUST HAVE AUDIO - PROGRESSIVE HOUSE IN DEMAND MUST HAVE AUDIO - SUNNY MOOMBAH MUST HAVE AUDIO - TRAP ORCHESTRA NEO EDM - COMMERCIAL DROPS AND MELODIES 2015 MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1GB 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-Mac PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT 1CD 1CD 1CD PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES FOX SAMPLES NEO EDM - SWEET EDM SONGS Neo House – 10 Epic Vocal Kits ORCHESTRAL MELODIC HIP HOP ORCHESTRAL SOUNDTRACKS PROGRESSIVE GUITAR MELODICS 3 PROGRESSIVE RADIO PROGRESSIVE SUMMER PUMP IT UP - BUBBLEGUM POP STARTED FROM THE BOTTOM STREET ORCHESTRA BANGERZ Vol.2 MELBOURNE BOUNCE DROPS - demo ANTHEMZ N SHOUTS Vol.2 GHETTO TEARS MUST HAVE AUDIO TROPICAL HOUSE SONGS MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT MULTIFORMAT 2015 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 2GB PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC PC-MAC Size (GB) 35GB Size (GB) 8GB 6GB 17GB 15GB Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 45GB 25GB Size (GB) 100GB 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 1CD Size (GB) 4GB 4GB 1CD Support PC-Mac Support PC PC PC PC Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC Support Mac Mac Support PC-Mac PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC-Mac Support PC PC PC DAW Software Company Abelton Company CakeWalk CakeWalk CakeWalk CakeWalk Company MakeMusic Company Gplayer Company Image Line Company APPLE APPLE Company Propellerhead Propellerhead Company AVID Company Sony Company Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg 49 صفحه Manufacturer Live 9 Manufacturer SONAR 8.5 SONAR X1 SONAR X2 SONAR X3 Manufacturer Finale Manufacturer Gplayer giga Manufacturer FL Studio Manufacturer Logic Studio 9 + Jam Pack LOGIC PRO X Manufacturer Reason 5 + Refill ReCycle Manufacturer Sibelius 8 Manufacturer Sound Forge Manufacturer Cubase 5 Nuendo 4 WaveLab 6 Type - Format Sequencer / Multitrack Type - Format Sequencer / Multitrack Sequencer / Multitrack Sequencer / Multitrack Sequencer / Multitrack Type - Format Notation Type - Format Sampler Type - Format Sequencer / Multitrack Type - Format Sequencer / Multitrack Sequencer / Multitrack Type - Format Virtual Studio Sample Slicer Type - Format Notation Type - Format Audio Editor Type - Format Sequencer / Multitrack Sequencer / Multitrack Audio Editor طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن Software & VST & Sample LIST Company Native Instrument Company Motu Company Presonus 50 صفحه Manufacturer Traktor Pro 2 v2.6 Manufacturer DIGITAL PERFORMER Manufacturer Studio ONE Type - Format DJ Controller Type - Format Sequencer / Multitrack Type - Format Sequencer / Multitrack 2015 Size (GB) Support 1CD PC-Mac Size (GB) Support 1GB PC-Mac Size (GB) Support 1CD Mac طبقه اول- پالک یک- ابتدای میرزا کوچک خان-خ جمهوری- تهران:آدرس 99607766 :تلفن
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