WTS-Boston Late Summer 2012 Newsletter
WTS-Boston Late Summer 2012 Newsletter
A Newsletter of WTS-Boston late summer 2012 photo: maryellen mitrano, fst Women’s Transportation Seminar - Boston Chapter | www.wtsinternational.org/boston In this issue... President’s Message 1 Feature Article 1 New Members 2 Advertising/Job Postings 2 WTS Events 5 WTS Announcements 6 Members in the News 7 Transportation Trivia 7 Landmark Ladies 8 WTS Calendar 8 Sponsor Profiles 9 Sponsor Listing 12 Contacts13 The submission deadline for articles and photographs for the next edition of the newsletter is Friday, October 5th. If you would like to submit articles, ads, or information for the newsletter, please email Beth Dudek or Shannon Reilly. Newsletter Committee Elizabeth Dudek - Co-Chair Shannon Reilly - Co-Chair Salam Alsaraby Alison Felix Nicola Migliacci Lauran Soares Kristen Whitman Michelle Zhe Contributors/Sources Holly Durso, MBTA Alison Felix, MAPC Heather Ostertog, Fay, Spofford, & Thorndike Dorri Raposa, HDR Engineering, Inc. Shannon Reilly, CIM Irene Shea, MBTA Kristen Whitman, Jacobs Photography Heather Hamilton Michael Manning Frank Monkiewicz WTS-Boston thanks for its generous donation of professional graphics and layout services for the WTS newsletter. President’s Message Feature Article By Lisa A. Schletzbaum, MassDOT 2102 WTS-Boston’s Awards and Scholarship Dinner with Guest Speaker Janet Kavinoky, U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Executive Director of Transportation and Infrastructure Now that summer i s co m i n g to a close, it seems that most people buckle down; t h e y e xc h a n g e their beach bag for their briefcase and take a more professional attitude toward the day. A main reason is probably the many years we spent growing up – having the summers off and then getting back to school in early September. Now that my children are in school, I want to be a good role model as they start their school year. If you are looking for a way to make the most of your professional day or help a friend or colleague do the same, you can turn to WTS. WTS-Boston tends to minimize programs over the summer so our members and volunteers can spend time with families and friends during the nice weather. But as September rolls in we are planning many programs you will not want to miss. Our Fall luncheon series will kick-off with MassDOT Highway Division Administrator Frank DePaola presenting Transportation Finance followed by the MassDOT Secretary and CEO, Richard Davey, welcoming exhibitors and attendees to our third annual W/M/DBE Diversity Expo in October. Our next Professional Development event will be a wine tasting format with speakers including Liz Levin and Luisa Paiewonsky, USDOT/Volpe Center, discussing how to position yourself for your next promotion. We are also planning our Worcester Breakfast with confirmed speaker Lieutenant Governor Murray in October. Continued on page 2 WTS-Boston Newsletter Late Summer 2012 By Heather N. Ostertog P.E., Fay, Spofford, & Thorndike Janet Kavinoky, Executive Director of Transportation and Infrastructure for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce On June 27, the WTS-Boston Annual Awards and Scholarship Dinner was held at the Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel. The honored guest speaker was Janet Kavinoky, Executive Director of Transportation and Infrastructure for the United States Chamber of Commerce. Ms. Kavinoky leads the Chamber’s efforts related to maintaining, expanding and modernizing the country’s transportation infrastructure. Ms. Kavinoky spoke about some of the highlights of the Temporary Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2012. These highlights include categorical exclusion for projects constructed in the existing right of way and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) exclusion for projects under $5,000,000. Continued on page 3 1 President's Message continued from page 1 The fall is also a great time to campaign for new WTS members. Help spread the word about the benefits of being a member. We have several membership campaigns planned throughout the remainder of the year. As all of you know, WTS-Boston has many male members and is supported by men at the highest levels of the industry, including those previously mentioned above. Watch this video and learn why you should encourage your male coworkers to join WTS-Boston. The Student Membership campaign starts up soon and coincides with our scholarship application process. And running through the end of the year is a special FREE one year membership to any U.S. Veteran, a special thank you from WTS to those who have served our Country. ADVERTISING/JOB POSTINGS WTS Career Center The WTS Career Center is accessible via the WTS website. Positions are in the public and private sectors, span various salary ranges, and are nationwide. Employers may also post job positions. The WTS Career Center is extremely user friendly. Simply log onto wtsinternational.org and select “Career Center.” Buckle up as you buckle down for the swing into the fall season. I ask you to encourage a colleague to join WTS-Boston and then join us for our fall programs. Lisa A. Schletzbaum WTS-Boston President MassDOT New Members Between June 8 and August 27, 2012, the WTS-Boston Chapter gained seven new members. • Jiang Bian, Parsons Brinckerhoff • Lisa DeMeo, City of Lowell • Caroline Ducas, Parsons Brinckerhoff • Alice Fan, Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. • Courtney Goldstein, Tetra Tech • Lori Wirkus, Flynn Wirkus Young, P.C. • Jack Wright, Weston & Sampson WTS-Boston Job Bank One of the many benefits of WTS-Boston is access to the WTS-Boston Job Bank. The Job Bank is located on the Boston chapter website. There are several job postings currently on the site! Welcome! WTS-Boston is on Facebook! To join Facebook, click on the icon above. WTS-Boston Newsletter Late Summer 2012 WTS-Boston is on Twitter! Get tweets about WTS-Boston luncheons, events and news. Search Twitter for WTS_Boston. 2 Awards continued from page 1 The Executive Director received her bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Wyoming and her MBA from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business. She invited everyone to please follow her on Twitter: @JanetKavinoky. This year’s scholarships were awarded to: Jacquelyn R. Smith Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship – Carolyn Creighton Ms. Creighton recently completed her sophomore year at Purdue University where she is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and expects to graduate in May 2014. Ann M. Hershfang Graduate Scholarship – Krystal Oldread Ms. Oldread is currently working on obtaining her Master’s in Transportation Engineering from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst (UMASS-Amherst). She is the Special Projects Supervisor at the UMASS Transit Service where she has worked for the past seven years. This year’s award recipients were: Claire Barrett Member of the Year – Carrie L. Rocha, P.E. Area Manager for Keville Enterprises, Ms. Rocha has been a member of WTS-Boston since 2001. She has made significant and numerous contributions to the success of the WTS-Boston chapter and has been an active member of the Connecticut Valley WTS chapter as well. While serving as WTS-Boston Treasurer, she helped the chapter transition to online registration and the use of PayPal to make payments. During her tenure as Secretary, she assisted the chapter with its use of Constant Contact, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Ms. Rocha said that the success of the WTS-Boston Chapter is largely due to its volunteers, and that professional networks and relationships are created here within the organization. Carrie Rocha, Keville Enterprises and Recipient of the Claire Barrett Member of the Year Award with WTS-Boston President Lisa Schletzbaum Rosa Parks Diversity Leadership Award – Jacquelyn I. Wilkins, Sustainability Program Manager, Massachusetts Port Authority Krystal Oldread (right), receiving the Ann M. Hershfang Graduate Scholarship from Alison Lima, WTS-Boston Vice President (left) Claire Barrett Memorial Graduate Scholarship – Candace Brakewood Ms. Brakewood earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Mechanical Engineering from John Hopkins University and a dual Masters in Transportation and Technology Policy from MIT. She will begin pursuing her Doctorate in Transportation this fall at Georgia Institute of Technology. Ms. Brakewood specializes in Public Transportation. Candace Brakewood, recipient of the Claire Barrett Memorial Scholarship Ms. Wilkins has worked tirelessly for WTS-Boston since the mid-1990s and has served on the Board for 10 years, two of which as President. During her time on the Board, Ms. Wilkins proposed and the chapter adopted the “Emerging Professionals Program”. This program allows two young members to take on leadership roles within WTS in exchange for free membership and attendance to chapter lunches. She is a member of her employer’s Diversity Committee and mentors young women at the Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport). Ms. Wilkins has facilitated partnerships between Massport and WTS with grass-roots and multi-cultural groups such as Altwheels, Boston GreenFest and the National Institute for Sustainable Economy. Liz Levin accepted the award on Ms. Wilkins' behalf. Liz Levin accepted the Rosa Parks Diversity Leadership Award on behalf of Jacki Wilkins, Massport Continued on page 4 WTS-Boston Newsletter Late Summer 2012 3 Awards continued from page 3 Innovative Transportation Solutions Award – MassDOT I-93 Fast 14 Project U.S. Secretary Ray LaHood called the MassDOT I-93 Fast 14 Rapid Bridge Replacement Project “One of the most ambitious projects we’ve seen” and it is considered one of the most successful projects of 2011. The project replaced 14 bridges on I-93 in Medford over the course of ten weekends in the summer of 2011. Under traditional bidding and construction practices, this project would typically have taken four years to complete. Some of the innovations that the project team used included Accelerated Bridge Construction, Design/ Build procurement, a special concrete mix and a comprehensive communications plan. MassDOT Project Manager Victoria Sheehan accepted the award on behalf of MassDOT and thanked all of the contractors, consultant firms, and public agencies that made the project a success. Sarah Ginand of Cambridge Systematics (right) receiving the Employer of the Year Award from WTS-Boston President Lisa Schletzbaum Woman of the Year – Margaret O’Meara, Vice President, Parsons Brinkerhoff Throughout her 30-year career, Ms. O’Meara has promoted the advancement of woman in transportation. “Every position I ever had was once held by a man,” Ms. O’Meara said. She has been actively involved in WTS, serving as President for two years, on the WTS International Board of Directors from 2008 – 2010, and is currently on the WTS International Advisory Board. She stated that WTS empowers women and men to succeed in transportation by providing access to transportation leaders. Ms. O’Meara believes that mentors matter and has been very involved in the WTS formal mentoring program since its inception in 1999. MassDOT – I-93 Fast 14 Project team including (left to right) Stephanie Boundy, Shoukry Elnahal, Jess Kenny, Paul Maloy, Jack Moran, Shahpar Negah, Murthy Kolla, Neil Boudreau, Frank DePaola, Administrator of MassDOT’s – Highway Division, Lisa Schletzbaum, WTS-Boston President, and Victoria Sheehan Employer of the Year – Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Sarah Ginand accepted this award on behalf of Cambridge Systematics. The company has recently celebrated its 40th anniversary and has 10 offices nationwide. Ms. Ginand said that Cambridge Systematics’ success is attributed to attracting talented employees. Currently, 30 members of Cambridge Systematics staff are members of and involved with WTS International. The company has an impressive percentage of woman leaders and employees, as nearly one-half of their 259 employees are women. Margaret O’Meara, Parsons Brinckerhoff and Recipient of the Woman of the Year Award WTS-Boston Newsletter Late Summer 2012 4 wts EVENTS WTS-Boston 20th Anniversary Golf Outing By Irene Shea, MBTA and Kristen Whitman, Jacobs On August 9, a clear and warm day perfect for golf, 16 foursomes enjoyed a day of fun and camaraderie at the Wayland Country Club for a nine-hole scramble. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the WTS-Boston Golf Outing, the afternoon included a special presentation honoring and thanking the two ladies who founded the event, Anna Barry of the MBTA and Esther Johnson, retired from the MBTA. Anna and Esther realized that men were enjoying the benefits of networking on the golf course and wanted to bring that same experience to WTS members. The ladies organized the first golf outing, a 9-hole scramble for 27 people at Kelley Greens in Nahant, in only six weeks. The goal was to encourage the participation of women golfers and non-golfers by keeping the fee low, creating a comfortable and friendly atmosphere, encouraging them to learn to play golf, providing an opportunity to network and, above all, having fun! Anna and Esther told funny stories of subsequent WTS golf outings where they dealt with everything from drunken (non-WTS) groups on the course to hurricanes. Anna shared an old photo of Esther and herself as well as golf prizes from the first year that she still treasures to this day. A fun, commemorative poster was created from these items by the MBTA Marketing Department. WTS-Boston Golf Outing women’s winning team (l-r): Linda Sharpe, Volpe/ MacroSys; Jill Barrett, Fitzgerald and Halliday; Chelsea Christenson, Nitsch Engineering; and Carrie Rocha, Keville Enterprises This year, the golf outing organizers kept the founders’ goals in mind, but added a new twist by awarding first place prizes in two divisions. Congratulations to the winners! WTS-Boston Golf Outing Winners Division Winning Team: Joe Cormier, Kleinfelder Doug Anderson, Kleinfelder Kyle Turshmann, Michael Baker Engineering Bill Kristoff, Michael Baker Engineering WTS-Boston Golf Outing Winning Team (l-r): Kyle Turschman, Michael Baker Engineering; Joe Cormier, Kleinfelder; Bill Kristoff, Michael Baker Engineering; and Doug Anderson, Kleinfelder Women's Division Winning Team: Chelsea Christenson, Nitsch Engineering Jill Barrett, Fitzgerald and Halliday Linda Sharpe, Volpe/MacroSys Carrie Rocha, Keville Enterprises Closest To the Pin: Chelsea Christensen, Nitsch Engineering Men’s Longest Drive: Christer Ericsson, Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Tim Kemper, Shaw Environmental Women’s Longest Drive: Daire Fontaine Colleen Moore, City Point Partners WTS-Boston Golf Outing Event Founders Anna Barry, MBTA (left) and Esther Johnson, retired from the MBTA (right), with Irene Shea, MBTA (middle) Continued on page 6 WTS-Boston Newsletter Late Summer 2012 5 Golf Outing continued from page 5 The Professional Development Committee is pleased to announce that almost $2,000 was raised for the WTS Foundation in what is the chapter’s largest scholarship fundraising event of the year. This successful event could not have happened without the generous support of the sponsors and the enthusiastic participation of the players, both experienced and novice. In spite of a challenging economic climate, we continue to receive outstanding support for this important event. Adopt-A-Hole sponsorships contributed $1,375. Raffle ticket sales contributed $508 and Mulligan sales amounted to $85. A special thank you to the following organizations who contributed to the scholarship fund by supporting the Adopt-A-Hole program: • Cambridge Systematics, Inc. • City Point Partners • Fitzgerald & Halliday, Inc. • Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. • HDR Engineering, Inc. • Keville Enterprises, Inc. • Nitsch Engineering • STV, Inc. • Tetra Tech • The Shaw Group • Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. After the outing, a delicious grilled steak tip and chicken buffet was enjoyed as the winning raffle ticket prizes were drawn. An abundance of generously donated items were up for grabs, including a golf bag, golf accessories, jewelry, a wine basket, gift cards, books and a round of golf. Thank you to the following firms and individuals for their raffle prize donations: • Carrie Rocha, Keville Enterprises • Fay, Spofford & Thorndike • Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. • Irene Shea, MBTA • Jacki Wilkins, Massport • Jacobs • Lisa Schletzbaum, MassDOT • Maxymillian • Print & More Associates Inc., State Certified MBE & DBE • Shaw Environmental and Infrastructure Group • Wayland CC Professional Development committee co-chairs Kristen Whitman of Jacobs and Irene Shea of the MBTA would also like to acknowledge the following committee members for their hard work organizing such a great event: Sheila Warren of Maxymillian, Mary Kate Toomey and Angela Joly, both of Jacobs and Heather Hamilton of MassDOT. Thanks also to Board Liaison Sarah Dennechuk of Jacobs and Kristine Gorman of STV. WTS-Boston Newsletter Late Summer 2012 wts announcements What is the WTS Foundation All About, Anyway? By Dorri Giles Raposa, HDR Engineering, Inc. and Vice President of the WTS Foundation Board of Directors I am really glad to have the o p p o r t u n i t y t o s h a re s o m e information on the WTS Foundation ( W TSF) with the W TS-Boston Chapter. I am serving on the WTSF Board as Vice Chair/Chair-elect for the next two years. This is an exciting time of visioning and building: bringing vision to a fairly new Foundation that is the successor to the WTS Scholarship Board and building on the tremendous success of our scholarship programs at the International and Chapter levels. The WTSF is an important part of WTS, in that we are the non-profit arm that allows WTS to conduct programs and activities funded by organizations, companies and individuals through tax-exempt contributions. The Mission of WTS and WTSF is “Transforming the transportation industry through the advancement of women.” The Foundation’s support of that mission comes in three key areas: • Scholarship: Providing and expanding existing scholarship opportunities to women pursuing transportation related degrees • Education: Providing and promoting more educational opportunities and career development to advance women in transportation • Research: Initiating, sponsoring and publishing research related to advancing women in transportation One area of importance to WTSF in the coming years is our relationship with the WTS Chapters, the backbone of our organization. Because the scholarship funds brought into WTS through Chapter and International activities reside within the Foundation for tax purposes, we need to be responsive and transparent in our activities. That is a top priority of the Foundation in 2012-2013. Your Chapter Board will be hearing more from the WTSF in the coming months. I am so excited to serve on the Foundation Board and to have had the true honor of serving as the President of the WTS-Boston Chapter. It’s been a 20-plus year love affair with WTS and, in particular, with the Boston Chapter. As a Chapter, you are easy to admire and hard to out do! I take great pride in my small part in that. I look forward to providing more updates and progress on the WTSF activities in the months to come. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have questions or comments. I can be reached at dorri.raposa@hdrinc.com. 6 WTS-Boston Call for Nominations: 2013-2014 Board In accordance with WTS-Boston Bylaws, the Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for the 2013 officer positions of President and Vice President, and three Directors-at-Large positions. All five positions shall have two-year terms. If any of these positions are of interest to you, or you would like to nominate someone you know, please complete the Nomination Form no later than October 1, 2012. For the Nominations Committee letter and Nomination Form click here. members in the news Anna Barry Named Deputy Commissioner of ConnDOT By Shannon Reilly, Construction Industries of Massachusetts The WTS-Boston community extends its sincerest congratulations to Anna Barry, currently Senior Director of Vehicle Engineering and Quality Assurance of the MBTA and current member of the WTSBoston Board of Directors, as she heads to Connecticut to serve as the state’s Deputy Commissioner of Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT). While WTS-Boston is saddened to see Anna leave Massachusetts, we know this position will challenge her in new and rewarding ways and it will allow her to share her enthusiasm, expertise and leadership with other transportation professionals. In announcing Anna’s appointment, ConnDOT Commissioner James Redeker offered that Anna possesses both the versatility and depth of experience that will help ConnDOT maximize its service to the citizens of Connecticut. WTS-Boston President Lisa Schletzbaum noted, “WTS-Boston is successful today because of the tremendous contributions of Anna Barry, most notably as a strong supporter and member of WTSBoston for over 30 years and co-founder of the WTS-Boston Golf Outing. She has lead the way for so many of us, by serving on the Board of Directors, by being a mentor, by providing advice when it was sought, by pushing the envelope and challenging all of us to do the same. She is a great friend and a great leader. On behalf of WTS-Boston, I wish her great success at ConnDOT.” Anna’s 35-plus year career in the transportation industry includes her many responsibilities at the MBTA, including roles as Senior Director of Vehicle Engineering and Quality Assurance, Director of Subway Operations, Director of Railroad Operations, and others. Anna also worked for the Boston & Maine Corporation and served as a research assistant for the Joint Committee on Transportation at the State House. She has most certainly left a permanent and valuable mark on transportation in the Commonwealth and she now has the opportunity to do the same in Connecticut. Congratulations Anna and thank you! WTS-Boston Newsletter Late Summer 2012 transportation trivia Submitted By Alison Felix, MAPC Unique Streets The Widest Street in the World Buenos Aires, Argentina, features the widest avenue in the world. At over 300 feet wide, 9 de Julio Avenue occupies a gap of an entire block in the city grid. Crossing the avenue by foot often requires a few minutes, as all intersections have t r a f f i c l i g h t s. U n d e r normal walking speed, it takes pedestrians normally two to three green lights to cross its twelve lanes of traffic. The Most Complicated Interchange The Judge Harry Pregerson Interchange in Los Angeles, CA is one of the most complicated interchanges in the country. Opened in 1993, this four-level interchange permits entry and exit in all directions between I-105 and the I-110. It is a stack interchange with layers of bridges making a complicated network of roads allowing smooth flow of traffic though both the interstate highways. Source: Somedifferentblogspot.com, Weird and Wonderful Ways in the World. Moving Sidewalks More than 100 years ago, a proposed solution to reduce congestion caused by crowds of people crossing the East River to access Manhattan’s rail and subway system was to install a network of “moving sidewalks.” One proposal called for creating a six-mile system with more than 10,000 platforms. The idea would have moved people with three separate tracks: two stepping platforms, one running at 3 mph and the second at 6 mph, and the main platform, which would have seating and run at 9 mph. Source: Atlantic Cities, Blast from the Transportation Past: New York’s Moving Sidewalks, June 18, 2012. 7 landmark ladies Welcome to WTS-Boston LandMark Ladies, an exciting column providing interesting facts about the inspirational women of WTSBoston’s leadership and history, soon to be commemorated in a WTS public art installation. Read these facts, delight in the highlights of women past and present, and receive updates on progress of the public art installation as we look forward to the celebration of our “Landmark Ladies” through art. Kathleen Stein, Transportation Planner By Holly Durso, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority This month’s column highlights and celebrates Kathleen Stein, a transportation planner with more than 30 years of experience in both the public and private sectors, and a long history of contributions to WTS. Ms. Stein spent about half her career in the public sector, working at the landmark Boston Transportation Planning Review, t h e Ce n t r a l Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n Planning Staff, and the New York City Department of City Planning. In the private sector, Ms. Stein was founding partner, with Jane Howard, of Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates (HSH), a transportation planning and engineering firm. Though she retired at the end of last year, Ms. Stein remains an active member of the Board of Directors of Cambridge Systematics. She was pleased that the company was recently named Employer of the Year at WTS-Boston’s 2012 Awards Banquet. Ms. Stein is proud of her long association with WTS, and regards being recognized in 2003 as National Member of the Year as one of the greatest honors of her long career in transportation planning. She is a Past President of the New York Chapter, and a founding member of the Boston Chapter. She remembers, in the early days of WTS-Boston, volunteering to keep the Chapter mailing list, with the thought that, though it was not a high-profile duty, it would provide the essential foundation for all that the fledgling chapter might do or become. Reflecting on how far the Chapter has come since then, she says, “I am so happy to see all that has been accomplished over the last three decades.” When Ms. Stein speaks with young women entering the transportation field, she always encourages them to join WTS. She advises them that getting involved in the organization is “the best way to get to know other professionals in the field, a wonderful way to network and learn, and a great way to be part of the advancement of women in our profession.” If you are interested in joining the WTS Public Art Committee, email Committee Co-chair Lisa Brothers. Stay tuned for updates on WTS Boston’s Art Project. WTS Calendar Board of Directors Tuesday, September 11th 8:00am – 9:30am Board Meeting – MBTA Board Room, 3rd Floor, 10 Park Plaza Tuesday, October 9th 8:00am – 9:30am Board Meeting – MBTA Board Room, 3rd Floor, 10 Park Plaza WTS EVENTS Thursday, September 27th 11:45am - 1:15pm Thursday, October 11th Registration and Networking 8:00am Breakfast 8:30am Program 9:00am Luncheon – Mechanics Hall, 321 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01608 Speaker: Frank DePaola, MassDOT Highway Division Administrator Worcester Breakfast – Courtyard Boston Tremont Hotel, 275 Tremont Street, Boston Speaker: Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray industry EVENTS Monday, October 22nd WTS-Boston Newsletter Late Summer 2012 Seventh Annual AltWheels Fleet Day – Four Points by Sheraton, Norwood, MA. For more information, visit http://www.altwheels.org/events08.html 8 consulting engineers and scientists Sponsor Profiles From roads and bridges to railways and airports, some of our recent transportation-related projects and new hires include: • MassDOT Route 2 over Route 140 subsurface investigation and liquefaction evaluation for the replacement of two bridges • MBTA accessible ramps installations • MassDOT Route 2 emergency repairs and instrumentation monitoring at two areas where slope failures and a landslide occurred following tropical storm Irene • Massachusetts Port Authority, Conley Terminal Dedicated Freight Corridor and Buffer Open Space • Recent hire, Mr. Benjamin Genes, with 31 years’ experience in environmental engineering, specializing in investigation and remediation of railroad fueling and shop facilities WTS-Boston Newsletter Late Summer 2012 For more information about GEI, please contact: Ileen Gladstone, PE Vice President (781) 721-4012 400 Unicorn Park Drive Woburn, MA 01801 9 Sponsor Profiles NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED, REGIONALLY FOCUSED Jacobs’ size, reach and project achievements give our clients the tools they need to achieve their goals. • Highway, Bridge, Tunnels/Underground • Railroads and Transit • Intermodal Facilities • Telecommunications • Aviation • Water/Wastewater • Buildings www.jacobs.com WTS-Boston Newsletter Late Summer 2012 Boston, MA • Bedford, NH • Providence, RI 10 Sponsor Profiles WTS-Boston Newsletter Late Summer 2012 11 Sponsor Profiles “ Throughout my first year out of college, I have benefitted immensely from joining WTS. Not only have I met other structural engineers, but I have started to understand just how many facets there are to the transportation industry.” – Alison J. Love, Engineering Specialist “ WTS has given me the opportunity to keep up with current events in the transportation industry by attending various programs as well as meeting other structural engineers and people in similar fields.” – Jillian A. Semprini, Engineering Specialist “I appreciate the opportunities WTS has given me to learn more about transportation in Boston.” – Nikole A. K. Bulger, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer STV is a leading, award-winning firm offering engineering, architectural, planning, environmental, and construction management services. We consistently rank among the country’s top 25 firms in education, corrections, highways, bridges, rail, and mass transit. With more than 35 offices, STV’s 1,700 professionals offer services to a diverse range of clients, including those in the transportation, institutional and commercial building, advanced technology, industrial, energy, and defense industries. A 100 percent employeeowned company, this year marks STV’s 100th anniversary. “ WTS has allowed me to network with other transportation architects across the country; allowing me to expand my thought process, and improve my understanding about how our transportation system works.” – Kristine C. Gorman, Project Manager and Designer “It has been a pleasure to have the opportunity to be a supporter of WTS. The organization is truly geared to educating its membership and helping them grow as professionals, leaders, and members of the transportation community.” – Mark W. Pelletier, P.E., Vice President ENDURING. DRIVEN. VISIONARY. 321 Summer Street, Boston, MA • info@ stvinc.com • www.stvinc.com Sponsor listing 2012 Sponsors EXECUTIVE ASSOCIATE CDM Smith Donovan Hatem LLP Geocomp Gilbane Building Company G Greenman – Pedersen, P d Inc. I (GPI) HDR HNTB Jacobs Kleinfelder/S E A Consultants Massachusetts Bay Commuter Railroad Massachusetts Port Authority Nitsch Engineering Parsons Brinckerhoff Tetra Tech VHB / Vanasse Hangen Brustlin BETA Group Bryant Associates BSC Group Cambridge Systematics F Spofford Fay, S ff d & Thorndike Th dik GEI Consultants, Inc. Keville Enterprises STV Incorporated The Shaw Group SUPPORTER BAKER/WOHL ARCHITECTS CDW Consultants CH2M Hill Crosby | Schlessinger | Smallridge E il Associates Epsilon A i t Green International Affiliates Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates MacroSys Nover-Armstrong Associates Robinson & Cole LLP SPONSORSHIP HAS ITS ADVANTAGES WTS-Boston Newsletter Late Summer 2012 12 contacts WTS-BOSTON - 2012 BOARD OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Lisa A. Schletzbaum MassDOT, Highway Division 617-973-7685 VICE PRESIDENT Alison Plant Lima, P.E. Tetra Tech 508-903-2313 SECRETARY Rachael Barolsky Sack U.S.DOT/ Volpe Center 617-494-6352 TREASURER Iris N. Ortiz Cambridge Systematics, Inc. 617-354-0167 PAST PRESIDENT Loretta Girard Doughty, P.E. HDR Engineering, Inc. 617-357-7700 DIRECTORS Anna M. Barry MBTA 617-222-3433 Genevieve Cahill BSC Group, Inc. 617-896-4320 Sarah E. Dennechuk, P.E. Jacobs 617-242-9222 Rachel Kaprielian MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles 617-973-7972 Helen Mao, P.E. Massachusetts Port Authority 617-568-3664 Rebecca S. Williamson, P.E. Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. 781-279-5500 ext.3007 WTS-BOSTON - 2012 COMMITTEE CHAIRS COMMUNICATIONS Michelle Daigle Federal Highway Administration Massachusetts Division 617-494-3330 Meghan Miller, E.I.T., LEED AP Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 617-728-7777 ext. 2923 DIVERSITY Donna Denio DiverseSpace 781-910-1921 Lyris Bauduy-Liautaud, P.E. MassDOT, Highway Division 617-973-8446 FINANCE Alison Felix, A.I.C.P. Metropolitan Area Planning Council 617-451-2770 ext. 2048 FUNDRAISING Marie Harris, P.E. Fay, Spofford & Thorndike 781-221-1246 MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH PUBLIC ART PROJECT Pamela Greco Susie Siden Bailey Lisa A. Brothers, P.E. Jessica Aker Lindsey K. Morse Hyun-A Park Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. 781-279-5500 ext. 3005 Massachusetts Department of Transportation 617-973-8257 MENTORING Gina Barberio U.S. DOT/Volpe Center 617-494-3571 Tammy Powell MBTA 617-222-6697 NEWSLETTER Beth Dudek Parsons Brinckerhoff 617-960-5059 Shannon A. Reilly, Esq. Construction Industries of Massachusetts 781-551-0582 HDR Engineering, Inc. 617-357-7700 U.S. DOT/Volpe Center 617-494-2435 PROGRAMS Kristine C. Gorman STV 617-303-1115 Carrie Lavallee, P.E. MassDOT, Highway Division 617-973-8834 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Irene Shea MBTA 617-222-1572 Kristen Whitman, P.E. Jacobs 617-532-4284 Nitsch Engineering 617-338-0063 Spy Pond Partners 617-395-4370 SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS Denise Bartone CDW Consultants, Inc. 508-875-2657 Sasha L. Wood, P.E. SPECIAL PROJECTS Heather N. Ostertog, P.E. Fay, Spofford & Thorndike 617-723-8882 ext. 223 Allison Sweeney MBTA 617-222-5471 Susan Nichols, LEED AP Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 617-924-1770 WTS-BOSTON - 2012 ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS (TERMS) PAST-PRESIDENT (2011-2012) Loretta Girard Doughty, P.E. HDR Engineering, Inc. 617-357-7700 PAST-PAST-PRESIDENT (2011-2012) Jacquelyn I. Wilkins Massachusetts Port Authority 617-568-3558 WTS-Boston Newsletter Late Summer 2012 Barbara Boylan (2012-2014) Lisa A. Brothers, P.E. (2010-2012) Nitsch Engineering 617-338-0063 Astrid Glynn (2010-2012) Transportation Planning and Resource Group 781-259-9353 Liz Levin (2010-2012) Janice Martin Bergeron (2011-2013) Gilbane Building Company 617-426-9570 ext. 104 Carrie L. Rocha, P.E. (2012-2014) Keville Enterprises, Inc. 339-793-3789 Luisa Paiewonsky (2011-2013) USDOT/Volpe Center 617-494-2364 Susan Quinones (2011-2013) Pamela Stephenson (2012-2014) Federal Highway Administration 617-494-3657 Dorri Giles Raposa WTS International Board HDR Engineering, Inc. 617-357-7733 Liz Levin & Company 617-974-5088 13