March 2009 NorWester - Olympic Peninsula Region
March 2009 NorWester - Olympic Peninsula Region
THE NOR’WESTER VOL. 9, NO.2 The The newsletter of the Olympic Peninsula Region The newsletter newsletter of of the the Olympic Olympic Peninsula Peninsula Region Region Porsche Porsche Club of America Porsche Club Club of of America America March/April 2009 Issue Features….. Volume 9, No. 2 President’s Message Technology on the Road Member Spotlight Track & Racing Info Goodie Store Event Calendar March/April 2009 In This Issue Special Recognition……... 2 Board M embers & Chairs 3 Region at a Glance…………….. 4 From the President & Editor………………... 5 Board M eeting M inutes…………... 6 Technology on the Road…………………... 8 M ember Spotlight……………... 12 Car Shows……………….. 16 Racing & Track Info……….. 18 Goodie Store Order Forms………… 20 New M embers & Auto Platz…………….. 22 Calendar of Events……… 23 Nor’Wester Newsletter Nor’Wes ter is the offi cial newsletter of the Olympic Peninsula Region of the Porsche Club of America and is published bimonthly. Opinions expressed are those o f the authors and do not necess arily constitute opinions of the Porsche Club of America, Olympic Peninsula Region, the Board o f Directors or the Nor’Wester Editor. Articles and photographs by OPR members are encourag ed and should be submitted to the Nor’Wester Editor, Gloria Mellon ( no later than the 15th o f the month prior to publication. Classifieds (50 words or less) are free for OPR & PCA members, must be Porsche relat ed and typically run fo r two months. Please send submissions to The Nor’Wester Editor. $15 for non-PCA members. Commercial advertising is accepted at the following yearly rates, paid in advance. Rates will be pro-rated based on the rem aining newsletter issues. Checks should be made payable to “ OPR-PCA” and given to Robert Becken or mailed to “OPR-PCA” P.O. Box 3572, in Silverdale, WA 98383-3572. Advertisements may be submitted electronically (jpg, gif, tif) to geesluwez@com If your ad is larger than 10MB in size, then it will need to be submitted in printed format or mailed on a CD-ROM. We are always looking to expand our Advertisers – please spread the word to any business owners that may be interested. If you know any potential advertisers that you think would place an ad in the newsletter, contact the advertising chair Patrick Mitchell Color Rates Black & White Rates Ad Sizes Back Cover (3/4 Page) $540 N/A Inside Covers (Full Page) $600 N/A Full Page $450 $300 Hal f Page $318 $210 Quarter Page $180 $120 Business Card $108 SPECIAL RECOGNITION This month’s recognition goes to M aryann & Bill Elwell. Those two are the hardest working and most devoted people alive. They helped to create the region and continue, year after year, to be involved with our Olympic Peninsula Region. They are always giving of themselves tirelessly. Bill has been the Web M aster since the inception of the charter in October 2003, I mean the whole five years. He has been writing “Technology on the Road” for at least three years and always steps up to fill in with articles for the Nor’Wester when nobody else will. He has arranged, hosted and written about many tech sessions and also his share of tours. Each year he has been the emcee of the annual holiday party, somewhat of a lanky Santa Claus, in a dress suit, calling out the numbers and explaining each time ever so patiently how the system works. He’s always incredibly entertaining. As for Maryann, I don’t know how many of you know this, but she is the affiliate club member of the family. She has held the treasurer’s position, secretary’s position, she co-edited the newsletter one year, and of course, she was the president for the last two years. And now she is holding down the position as the event chair. She is the epitome of generosity when it comes to giving her time to this club. She is always stepping up to the plate to pick up where others have left off or when there is nobody able to volunteer for an event or tour. She works with her whole heart and you can see it in everything she does. All I can say is, keep doing what you’re doing and know that you are both assets to the Olympic Peninsula Region and we all thank you for your commitment to this Club! $72 OPR Website can be viewed at Articles, photos, and classified ads are gladly accepted by the Webmaster, Dino Davis On the Cover: Grant Wolfkill’s 2006 911S at his house near Shelton, WA Volume 9, No. 2 2 March/April 2009 Committee Chairs 2009 Board of Directors Membership: Gloria M ellon President: John James S ocial/Event: M aryann Elwell ___________________________ Webmaster: Dino Davis Vice President: Brooks Hanford Newsletter: Gloria M ellon Secretary: Barbara Hanford Publisher: John Keller _______________________________ Advertising: Patrick M itchell Treasure r: Robert Becken Goodie S tore: John Wyman _____________________________ Technical: Randy Baisden Past President: Maryann Elwell S peed Event: Jeff Smith ___________________________ Member at Large: Keith Mellon Get Your Personalized OPR-PCA Nametag! If you do not have an Olympic Peninsula name tag and would like to order one, the cost is $15 each. Just provide your check made out to “OPR-PCA” along with your name and Porsche model to Bob Becken at Olympic Peninsula Region Porsche Club, P.O. Box 3572, Silverdale, WA 98383. ____________________________ PCA Zone 6 Rep: Dave Cooley Visit: Volume 9, No. 2 3 March/April 2009 OPR AT A GLANCE PRE-THANKSGIVING Charity Car Show RALLY IN THE VALLEY TIMBER HOUSE LEMAY Tour PORSCHES ON THE PIER CANNON BEACH WATERTON GLACIER Cruiser’s Car Show Narrows Car Show HISTORICS OLYMPIC LOOP 5th Annive rsary Cele bration O Volume 9, No. 2 4 LEMAY March/April 2009 FROM THE PRESIDENT: John James Greetings! As you receive this Newsletter, all of us will be chomping at the bit, tuning up our motors, changing the oil----don't forget to check those tire pressures, polishing our Porsches (or hiring Jeff Smith to do the hard stuff) and getting ready to hit the road with the Ol ympic Peninsula Region/PCA for tours, car shows, dinners and just plain fun! A great schedule of events has been put together by your Board, Chairpersons and especially our club's Social Chair, Maryann Elwell. Also, don't forget to take advantage of our Sister Region's activities at PNWR, Oregon, or the Inland Region based in Spokane. I have been a PCA member since 1979 (Our Country's President was a peanut farmer!) and have enjoyed many different types of e vents. In the early days it was driver ed events and autocross, today I enjoy the tours, dinners and technical sessions. The point being, there is some activity for eve ryone in the club to enjoy! In fact, one could be busy just about every weekend and even during the week IF YOU CHOOSE! That's the great part of our club, you get to pick and select those events most appealing to you and, if applicable, your significant other or your kids. Want to visit a great town, join us in the Fall for the Leavenworth Oktoberfest tour, want to test your dri ving skills, take in an a utocross at Bremerton Airport, want to share your pride and joy Porsche with others, join us for one of a dozen or so car shows. Your Board of Directors, Officers and chairpersons look forward to seeing you out there! Speaking of chairpersons, I want to share with all the members, two recently initiated chair positions within OPR. Our past president, Randy Baisden, has agreed to be our Technical Chairman and Jeff Smith our Speed Event Coordinator. Having a problem with your Porsche? Contact Randy. He has a long history with our marque and hundreds of contacts in our hobby. If he does not have the answer, he can direct you to someone with expertise on your model Porsche from 914's to turbos. Interested in autocross, Porsche Club Racing, vintage racing or any speed oriented event, contact Jeff Smith. Jeff is an experienced autocrosser and will be running a 944 in a new Pacific NorthWest 944 racing series this year. Both Jeff and Randy can be contacted at the e-mail addresses on page 3. Remember, OPR is your club, come on out and enjoy your Porsche and meet some really nice folks at the same time! Best regards, John James FROM THE EDITOR: Gloria Mellon In this newsletter, as you read, I would like to ask you to think about what you get from the content of the Nor’Wester. Do you like the split between the topics? Do you feel that it needs to have more on the technical side of things, it is a car club magazine after all. Are you getting enough out of it as a club member? Do you enjoy seeing the spotlights on our club members and should the focus remain mostly on the personal stories of the membership? As a relatively small club, we are able to get to know each other better. It is such a great opportunity that many bigger clubs do not have. I know my tendency is to lean more towards getting to know people in the region, but now that the two chairman have been added to the region’s list of volunteers, it will be possible to get some more technical articles added to the array of information that can be put in the newsletter. If you feel you would like to make a contribution to the success of the Nor’Wester, you are who I and the readers are looking for as well. If you have any pictures of your car in a beautiful setting or on a tour, please email them to me so that I may use them in future editions. Volume 9, No. 2 5 March/April 2009 IN THE SIXTH ZONE: Dave Cooley, Zone 6 Representative 2009 I just got back from Spokane where I met with the Region Preside nts from Zone 6 (the Pacific Northwest including Canada). The fourteen of us had gathe re d to discuss and e xamine PCA matte rs, but we took time out to have a fine time toge ther, make ne w friendships, and exchange an awareness that we share the finest natural setting on the continent. In August, the five Canadian regions will present a major destination e vent at the Sun Peaks ski are a near Kamloops, BC. From whe re you are it's a short drive to a fe rry te rminal, a relaxing passage to the east side of the Sound, a couple of hours to get across the border, thence about three hours into the Canadian mountains for se ve ral days of rafting, hiking, gre at food, golf, and e scaping charging moose . And, of course , the re will be that crowd of incre dible pe ople who make up PCA. If that's not your cup of tea, you can wait for some of the same Canadians to dock at Port Angele s and lead them around your peninsula. They're an energe tic bunch and you'll be glad you did. Conve rsely, you could roll your favorite stee ds onto the same ferry and try the drive from Victoria to Port Hardy. It wouldn't e ven be hard to le t them know you're coming and maybe inspire them to show you the best pit stops along the way. The golf course in Port Hardy isn't half bad for a place that has wolf tracks in the sand traps. Frankly, I've had it up to here with gas prices and the e conomy. Our season approaches, and it's time to get that oil change d, the tires checke d, and calibrate the GPS. I have a factory ski rack on my elde rly 928, and snow tire s, so maybe I'm a ste p ahead of you. The point is, of course, if you don't do it now, you'll be that much older when you do. Ask Maryann Elwell how we 're going to share tours with othe r regions . . . OLYMPIC PENINSULA REGION—PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA January 14, 2009 The meeting was called to order by President John James at 7pm at the Kitsap Way Family Pancake House in Bremerton. Minutes of the last meeting were approved. New officers for 2009 were introduced: President John James, Vice President Brooks Hanford, Secretary Barbara Hanford, Treasurer Robert Becken, Member at Large Keith Mellon, Past President Maryann Elwell. Board Members Present: President John James, Vice President Brooks Hanford, Treasurer Robert Becken, Secretary Barbara Hanford, Member at Large Keith Mellon, Past President Mary ann Elwell. Members Present: Randy & Sandy Baisden, Jeff Smith, Ingrid Pay ne, Debbie & Alex Raphael, Dino & Christine Davis, John Wy man, Gloria Mellon, Bill Elwell, Tony Imbarrato, Patrick Mitchell, Brett Burroughs, Douglas Duncan, and Jack Sutton. BOARD MEMBER AND CHAIR REPORTS: President: John announced Region 6 will be holding next meeting February 20-22 in Spokane. Since he will be unavailable on that date he requested someone volunteer to represent OPR at that meeting. Past President Maryann Elwell volunteered to serve as our representative at the meeting. Vice President: Brooks had no report. Secretar:y: Barbara Hanford no report. Treasurer: Bob Becken and Jeff Smith are working on the transfer of financial paperwork from Jeff to Bob. December beginning balance was $2,727.14 with ending balance of $2,872.05. All current bills have been paid. Balance as of 10am on January 14 was $854.12. Member at Large: Keith had no report. Membership Chair: Gloria Mellon reported membership is remaining about the same, 237 overall. 130 members and 107 affiliates. She asked for membership participation in recruiting new members for our Region. Newsletter Editor: Gloria Mellon thanked previous editor Chris Poly ak and Publisher John Keller for their outstanding efforts in transitioning to the 24-page with color format that we now publish. Members applauded Gloria for the exceptional edition of the January -February 2009 newsletter. It was suggested that we might add events from other regions in addition to PNWR to encourage cross-promotion and attendance. Gloria asked members to contact her with ideas and photos for upcoming editions. Newsletter will be mailed to all members who pay the $15 OPR annual subscription fee. This was approved by an e-mail vote of the Board. Website: Bill Elwell introduced our new webmaster Dino Davis. Social/Events Chair: Mary ann Elwell is new Chair. She will be updating our Calendar and providing assistance to individual chairs for events this y ear. Mary ann presented a three-month advance calendar for Jan-March 2009. Goodie Store: Jon Wyman continues as Chair. Order forms for items currently available are in the current OPR Newsletter. He welcomes suggestions for new items or other comments. Advertising: Chair, Patrick Mitchell, reported that some advertisers have downsized or dropped newsletter advertising for 2009. Economic issues seem to be a factor. Mary ann moved, seconded by Bob B. that an e-mail go to members regarding advertising opportunities. Passed. It was also agreed that Patrick has authority to work out contract details with advertisers. This will allow him to tailor ads and pay ment plans to fit their needs. OLD BUSINESS: Holiday Party at Port Hadlock, Dec. 12, 2008: Barb & Brooks Hanford, Chairs. Patrick Mitchell reported that it was a very successful event (his full report in January newsletter). Comments from other members expressed their satisfaction with the event. It was suggested that we return to The Inn at Port Hadlock for our 2009 Holiday party . Food and lodging were excellent and well-priced. Staff was very supportive. Other suggestions included holding on a Saturday , and having a short touring event in the afternoon. Date suggested was Saturday , Dec. 19. Barb and Brooks agreed to chair again and will confirm the date before next meeting. Volume 9, No. 2 6 March/April 2009 NEW BUSINESS: Event Proposal: Bob Becken proposed a Car Show for Father’s Day , June 21, at Great Wolf Mountain Water Park at Ground Mound, south of Olympia. Lee King had a preliminary talk with them and they are very interested in working with us. This could also be our Charity event with proceeds to Boy s & Girls Clubs. After some discussion, John asked Bob to follow-up on this event and report at next meeting. John requested member input on possible LeMay Tour for 2009. Every one who had attended previously felt it was a worthwhile and popular event. A joint event with the Glass Ody ssey Corvette Club was suggested. A tour including both sites was preferred. John reported that they may be breaking ground for their new facility and this might affect availability . He will follow-up on this event. Upcoming events are listed in the January newsletter, website , meeting handout and e-mails from Gloria Mellon. Contact Mary ann Elwell at 253-853-4003 for further information. Upcoming meetings: A discussion of alternating meeting sites around the Region was held. For example, holding a Summer BBQ at MAX RPM , meeting on the west side of the Hood Canal Bridge, and other Kitsap County locations. In other new business, Maryann and Gloria reported that newsletter mailings should be going to all National officers, all Zone 6 Regions, etc. However, since this would be very expensive, it was proposed and approved that the newsletter be e-mailed as PDF file to most of this list with some exceptions as the Editor selects. President John James announced he will be filling the position of Technical Advisor/Driver Representative. This will be a joint position for Jeff Smith and Randy Baisden. The meeting adjourned t 8:15pm Barbara Hanford, Secretary NEXT MEETING WILL BE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, AT A LOCATION TO BE ANNOUNCED. OLYMPIC PENINSULA REGION—PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA January 14, 2009 The meeting was called to order by Pres. John James at 7pm at Angel’s Homesty le Buffet in Bremerton. Minutes for Jan. 14, 2009 meeting were approved. Board Members Present: President John James, Vice President Brooks Hanford, Treasurer Robert Becken, Secretary Barbara Hanford, Member at Large Keith Mellon, Past President Mary ann Elwell. Members Present: Gloria Mellon, Warren Stoner, Grace Stoner, Brian Forde, Douglas Duncan, Jon Wyman, Linda Wyman, Patrick Mitchell, Dino Davis. BOARD MEMBER AND CHAIR REPORTS: President: John reminded members that he will be unable to attend the Region 6 President’s meeting in Spokane on Feb. 20-22. Past President Mary ann Elwell will represent OPR at the meeting. Vice President: No Report Secretary: No Report Treasurer: Bob reported a current balance of $1,372.12. The audit for 2008 still needs to be done. Grace Stoner will chair and schedule meeting. Member at Large: Keith pointed out that we have a small portion of our members pay ing newsletter assessment of $15 per y ear (instead of annual dues). He suggested there might be other way s to create income to help cover cost of newsletters and event expenses. Several suggestions were made during discussion and the Board will continue to explore options for increasing income. Membership Chair: Gloria Mellon reported 233 members. 128 primary , 105 affiliates. She encouraged every one to work on recruitment of new members. Newsletter Editor: Gloria Mellon set the weekend of February 20 for the next newsletter deadline. She requested that any one who has Club photos to send th em to her. She needs to replace her extensive computer files which have vanished. Website: Dino Davis is now running our site. To send him information mail to dinotdavis Social Chair: Mary ann Elwell reviewed the February through May schedule and distributed to every one present. The schedule will be available in detail in the newsletter and at the website. Postcards will also be mailed to all members on months between newsletters. Goodie Store: Jon Wyman reported that there has been little activity from the newsletter order forms. Suggestions included pictures of items in newsletter and website. Show samples at events as a way to gain interest and orders. Jon will continue to work marketing ideas for Goodie Store items. Advertising: Patrick Mitchell is continuing to wor k on newsletter advertising but is finding it a difficult sell due to the current economic situation. Following a lengthy discussion which provided new ideas and possible clients Patrick will continue to develop strategies to increase advertising. Technical Chair: Randy Baisden absent Speed Events Chair: Jeff Smith was absent OLD BUSINESS: Bob Becken: Update on proposed car show for Father’s Day , June 21, at Great Wolf Water Park Resort, Grand Mound (south of Olympia). Based on 50 car entries, Great Wolf would provide 2 water park passes per entry and a discount on rooms. Their charity is Boy s & Girls Clubs if we want to use as one of our charity events. Bob suggested a $25 entry fee per car. If we decide to proceed with this event, we should set an early registration deadline to insure we have enough participants and perhaps charge additional for late registrations. Bob will contact Great Wolf for additional details and report at March meeting. John Ja mes: LeMay Tour with Glass Ody ssey Corvette Club proposed for September was approved depending on the museum’s building schedule. This could be an issue since OPR has other activities planned for September. NEW BUSINESS: 2009 Charity Event: Cy stic Fibrosis Foundation contacted Mary ann about participating in their 2009 fundraiser walk. They want us to return with a car show and walk participants. The Board approved sponsorship again for the May 9 event. Mary ann will have pledge forms and other materials available soon. Meeting Locations: John James expressed his plan to move the meetings around the Region to allow greater participation. For March, we’ll meet at Angel’s Buffet in Bremerton again & April is undecided. May will be a BBQ at MAXRPM. Members suggested possible locations and will report at next meeting. UPCOMING EVENTS: TIME CHANGE ALERT! NEXT BOARD/MEMBER MEETING will be Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at the Angel’s Homestyle Buffet at 4111 Wheaton Way in East Bremerton BUSINESS MEETING STARTS AT 6:30PM. COME EARLIER TO ORDER DINNER. Volume 9, No. 2 March 11—Board/Member Meeting at Angel’s Homesty le Buffet, 4111 Wheaton Way , East Bremerton. Dinner at 6pm, Meeting at 6:45pm. March 14—Sixth Annual Chili Coo koff at Bill and Maryann Elwell’s in Gig Harbor at 2pm. March 29—Spring Tour chaired by Bill and Mary ann Elwell. April 4—Progressive Dinner chaired by Bob Becken. April 8—Board/Member Meeting at 7pm. Location TBA May 8—Ocho De May o Dinner at 7pm at Los Casadores on Kitsap Way , Bremerton, chaired by Gloria & Keith Mellon. May 13—Board/Member Meeting at 6:30pm at MAXRPM, Bremerton. BBQ. Details later. May 16—Viking Fest Parade in Poulsbo followed by picnic at Faye Bainbridge State Park. George and Barb Avila-Parade, Patrick Mitchell, picnic. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm Barbara Hanford, Secretary NEXT MEETING WILL BE MARCH 11 AT ANGEL’S HOMESTYLE BUFFET, 4111 WHEATON WAY, EAST BREMERTON. DINNER AT 6PM WITH MEETING TO BEGIN AT 6:30PM. 7 March/April 2009 Automotive Technology of the Near Future By Bill Elwell This is the 14th article I’ve written and my imagination is starting to run dry. So just like M ike Rowe does at the end of his Discovery Channel TV show “Dirty Jobs”, I’m asking for your help. If you would like to have me write about a particular topic, send me a suggestion. M y email address is at the end of this article. In this issue we’ll examine technology that will likely end up in our cars very soon. At a pace that is almost frightening to some of us, technology is turning dreams into automotive reality. As we saw when we talked about Electronic Stability Control (ESC), computers are looking at our control inputs to determine what we’re trying to make the car do. So you might ask why we don’t just hook the gas and brake pedals directly to the computers. Turns out we’re already headed down that path. Sure, most of the cars on the road today still have a mechanical link from the brake pedal to the master cylinder and from the gas pedal to some sort of mechanical throttle. That’s changing quickly. One example is found in hybrid cars. Think about it. M ost hybrids have two sources of power, a gas engine and an electric motor. You might pull away from a stop light under electric power only. Later when you accelerate more, the computer can fire up the gas engine for additional power. The gas pedal is linked electrically to the computer which handles all the power coordination and hides the complexity of what’s really happening. It’s a similar situation with the brakes. A hybrid has conventional hydraulic brakes as well as an electrical regenerative braking system. Light application of the brakes kicks the regenerative system into gear (which charges the battery). Heavier braking uses the hydraulic system. As drivers we just step on the brake and the computer handles the rest. This is called “drive by wire” which refers to the fact that the pedals are now connected to the car by electrical signals not mechanical rods. In the last few issues we covered air bags, traction control, and electronic stability control (ESC). These are three safety features that we enjoy today thanks to computers. But there are more. Some of these features are available now on high end models from some manufactures, while others are just around the corner. Lane change warning systems alert us when we try to change lanes without a turn signal. That feature is going to put my wife out of a job! Forward collision warning systems warn you when you approach an object too quickly. The next logical step with that feature is to use that information to automatically apply the brakes. All the major auto makers have developed implementations of this feature. Blind spot warning systems can tell us when something or someone is close to our vehicle but out of our view. Rollover protection is really an extension of ESC specifically designed to reduce the chances of a rollover. Let’s not stop there. Have you ever been frustrated because you can’t use your cruise control in moderate to heavy traffic? What if you could tell the cruise control to maintain 70 M PH unless your path is blocked by slower traffic? In that case the car would match speeds with the car in front of you. Wouldn’t that be cool? You can actually get this feature on select high end cars today. What’s next? M ercedes has a system in some of their cars that detects an emergency stopping situation. At that point the computer takes over and applies the brakes to stop the car as quickly as possible. If a potential collision is detected, systems can further prepare a car for an accident by taking up the slack in the seat belts and deploying protective airbags to shield you from flying glass among other things. These are all systems that take control of some portion of the car. Auto makers walk a very fine line between using technology to assist the driver and taking over complete control of some portion of the operation of the car. There is another class of automation that we can discuss and that is communication of systems inside and outside the car. For example, ESC can talk to PRINTEX Volume 9, No. 2 8 March/April 2009 the braking system to control the brakes on each wheel. It also talks to the engine management system to limit engine power if necessary. I’ll bet most of you don’t know that many of our cars carry event-data recorders. Think of these like the black box data recorders on airplanes. They record a ton of data for a brief period before an accident. They were originally created so that auto manufacturers could look at the performance of car safety systems in real world accidents. All of the automated systems in the car communicate with each other over numerous data networks and the event recorder grabs that info and stores a few seconds of it. Of course, there’s a dark side to this little known feature. The data can tell someone how fast you were going before an accident, if your lights were on, if you were signaling a turn with your blinker, if you were using the brakes or the gas pedal, and on and on. The police and your insurance company love to get their hands on that data after an accident. I could fill a page on issues around this topic alone. But what about communication of information between your car and other cars around you? It’s coming. Let’s say you’re driving along and your stability control system detects that you just drove over a patch of black ice. It can radio that information to the cars on the road behind you. If nothing else, a warning could be given to other drivers. Would you like to get a warning that traffic has come to a stop a mile or so up the road? Some navigation systems can give you a little of that today. It could be a lot better if cars talked to each other. Here’s a wild extrapolation of car-to-car communication and automation. Some of us, when we were younger and not nearly as bright, found out that if you followed another car close enough the wind resistance essentially disappeared. Race car folks call this drafting. Eliminating that wind resistance would significantly raise your gas mileage. Don’t try this! Unsafe doesn’t even begin to describe this practice in real traffic. But if our cars could talk to each other, in theory, it would be possible to “link up” to the car in front of you. The car in front would control the engine and brake systems of the car behind it. This would eliminate human reaction time and potentially make drafting a real life reality. OK, I know that some of you want me to skip right to the end of the book. Will cars ever drive themselves? The short answer is, yes, computers can operate a vehicle in an urban setting today. But the question really is, will we ever want to give up control? In 2007 the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) held a competition called the DARPA Urban Challenge. The competition pitted 11 autonomous vehicles against each other on a course of real suburban and urban roads. The competition was held at George Volume 9, No. 2 9 Air Force Base in Victorville, CA. The course was about 60 miles long. All the competitors were out on the streets at the same time along with numerous vehicles operated by real drivers. Contestants had 6 hours to complete the course and they had to obey traffic laws in the process. A team from Carnegie M ellon University finished first in a little over 4 hours. That translates to an average of 14 M PH. The vehicle was a Chevy Tahoe. Its exterior was loaded with sensors and cameras while the interior was packed with computers. This tells us that autonomous vehicle operation is possible and it’s only a matter of time before it becomes practical. But with any technology we have to look at the potential benefits and compare them to the costs. For example, let’s look at airbags. Airbags save lives and that’s a huge benefit. The material cost is minimal, probably under $100 per airbag. But what about the potential human cost? If an airbag fails, we are in no worse a situation than if we had no airbag at all. Let’s compare that to my “car drafting” system that would let you follow close behind another car to save gas. The benefit would be a significant improvement in highway gas mileage. The material cost is minimal since the hardware to implement such a system will already be on cars pretty soon. But what about the potential human cost? If such a system were to fail, it would leave the driver in a very dangerous position where they would not have otherwise been. Automakers won’t take a risk like that. Which brings us back to the autonomous vehicle, we will have the ability to build a practical autonomous vehicle in the near future. But it will probably take us a while before we are willing to share the roads them. Arthur C. Clark stated, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” New things come at us so fast today that we have come to expect the unexpected. But think back 20 or 30 years and imagine driving down the highway in the passenger seat with a friend behind the wheel. Suddenly he starts talking to someone but it’s not you. He’s asking this imaginary person to place a phone call. The radio turns itself off and from the car speakers you hear a phone ring and then someone answers. Your friend proceeds to talk to them. Hands free cell phone technology integrated into the car audio system is common today. But 30 years ago you would have torn that car apart to figure out how your friend pulled off that trick. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to send your ideas for future articles to I’ll talk to you next time. March/April 2009 Olympic Peninsula Region Porsche Club of America A Guide to Tour Etiquette One of the most enjoyable aspects of our Porsche Club is the Tour Season. The following are simple rules to ensure a fun and safe event. Drivers Meeting: Plan to arrive 15 to 30 minutes ahead of out time to be briefed on the route and sign the waiver. Rest Stops : Every 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Please pull ahead slowly to farthest parking space to allow all to get parked in an orderly and efficient manner. Large Groups : If o ver 25-30 cars, try to break into two groups with a leader/sub-leader and sweeper in each group. If someone has car trouble, pull over to side and put flashers on, call on radio and/or phone leader on cell phone with news. Sweeper car should stop to help. Congested areas: Be careful through congested areas and don't speed. Follow your route instructions or call tour leader if lost on cell phone. To Regroup: Leader will pull over onto wide shoulder or safe place to regroup when cars become separated. Speeds and Passing: Spirited driving does not need to include excessive speeds or passing using poor judgment. Observe laws and good sense and do not pass on solid yellow line in your lane, double yellow lines, on blind curves, school zones, in congested areas and others. Don't weave in and out of traffic to catch up. Observe speed limits. Don't go much faster to catch up if you get behind. Catch up gradually. Occasionally other cars will get mixed into our group. If you need to pass them be courteous and remember we are representatives of the Porsche Club and all of it's members. Passing the Tour Leader: Passing the tour leader or sub-group leader or conducting side tours without approval of the tour leader is unacceptable. The tour leaders have traveled the route numerous times in preparation for this day, know when to use caution and will dictate the speed at which the tour progresses. If a tour member should pass the tour or group leader and go on ahead of the group, that member will be considered as having left the tour and not be allowed to rejoin. If you need to leave the tour early, please notify the tour leader and leave at a rest stop or regrouping, so that other cars behind you do not mistake you as still being on the tour and follow you. Finally: Not observing Olympic Peninsula Region Porsche Club Tour Etiquette may result in being banned from participating in further tours. Thank you for your co-operation and have a great tour!! Volume 9, No. 2 10 March/April 2009 REGISTRATION STARTS: MARCH 3, 2009 Colorado invites you to the 54th Porsche Parade Keystone Resort June 29th – July 4th 2009 Welco me to Colorado The joint regions of Rocky Mountain and Alpine Mountain will be hosting the 54th Porsche Parade in 2009 at the Keystone Resort in Colorado. Colorado has played host to five past Porsche Parades, so our history is tried and true. If you come and join in the fun, you will come away with that “high country spirit.” The 2009 Parade Committee has enjoyed the planning process for the 54th Porsche Parade. We are excited to share our lovely state with all Porsche enthusiasts, their families, our sponsors, and friends around the world. Lakeside Village Photo by Lisa Gibson Kathy Fricke, Chair Porsche Parade 2009 Information taken from the PCA website at Volume 9, No. 2 11 March/April 2009 MEMBER SPOTLIGHT GRANT WOLFKILL While most people liv e solely for an experience, Grant Wolfkill has liv ed life far bey ond what most of us w ould consider to be normal. Life for him has been ex traordinary. I started out w anting to focus on the life of the oldest member of our region, w hat I got w as a story about a v ery modest and humble man w ho has spent most of his life not just racing in cars but around the w orld and approaching ev ery opportunity that w ay as w ell. Ev en to this day, at this moment in time, he’s 86 years YOUNG and he ex udes an attitude about life that leads y ou to believ e it w ill never end. You w on’t take the fire out of him until it does. No matter how much has been throw n at him, no matter how the cards hav e been dealt, he just keeps his head high and focuses his energy on his family , cars and racing. Grant w as born in Portland, Oregon in 1923, but w as rais ed in the Puget Sound area his w hole life. His father w as a shipy ard w orker in Bremerton until he retired in 1950 and mov ed out near Shelton. Grant graduated from high school and then w ent to the Univ ersity of Washington. After 2 y ears of college, he joined the US Marine Corp w here he began his career as a combat cameraman. It w as 1942. He w as assigned to the 1st Marine Div ision at Peleliu in the South Pacific w here he w as w ounded in the shoulder by a grenade fragment. After that, he w as stationed in Okinawa w ith the 6th Marine Div ision w here he was wounded again. Yeh, 2 purple hearts… He w as sent to Japan to recuperate but then v olunteered to go to Nagasaki w here he shot footage of the dev astation after the Atomic Bomb w as dropped. Upon his dis charged he w as a Staff Sargeant. In 1946, he came back home and began his studies again at UW in the field of Far Eastern studies & the Japanese language. Shortly before he w as to graduate, the second to the last quarter, his Div ision Officer from the Marine Corp. approached him about a job doing trav el documentaries ov erseas. For some of you that remember back that far, that w as when people use to go to the mov ies to see films about countries far aw ay. These documentaries w ere called “Trav elogues”. So Grant jumped at the chance! Trav eling and good money ; that w as a no-brainer. He started his adv entures in Scotland. While he was there, he met a group of guys that turned him on to racing. He started out w ith a Jaguar XK120 and did some club racing at an old WWII hangar at Winfalls in Silv er Stone. While he made it around Europe doing films, he had started to make a name for himself racing too. Once in Germany, he knew he w anted to buy one of the fast little cars that kept passing him on the track, it w as a Porsche…In 1952 he bought his first one, a 1500 Super for $3012 brand new. He had it shipped to Bremerton w ith all the accessories offered, that w as a sport exhaust and chrome w heels , it w as a deep red color and had a black interior. Bet he w is hes he still had that car! Grant trav eled all ov er Europe doing his trav el films and in the mid 50’s he w as sent to South America to start doing films there. He made a documentary about Brazil w hich was show n in New York City. It w as v iewed by the BBC w hic h in turn landed Grant a position to make more films for them. He again trav eled to more foreign countries continuing his film making. Volume 9, No. 2 12 By 1959, Grant w as als o establishing his name in the world of racing. Jebson Transport w ho was basic ally his sponsor, started getting cars directly from the factory for him to race. They afforded him the priv ileged of racing without him hav ing any out of pocket ex penses, while the BBC sent him all ov er the Far East to make films. He raced w herever he w ent. But in Hong Kong the racecar he had personally bought , a Porsche 550 Spider, #5, w as shipped from Munich. At the time, Porsches w ere built there. Although he did not driv e it, the 550 Spider placed 2n d in the Targa Florio w hic h w as w ritten about in the new ly formed Porsche Club of America magazine called Panorama. By 1960, Grant took a job with NBC and he also met his lov ely w ife-to-be Barbara. He started out filming documentaries, but as the w orld’s problems heated up and telev ision was coming into family homes, news became the focus. Ev en though Grant w as considered a film maker, news w as the direction broadcasting w as taking. Luckily his job allow ed him to stay in Honk Kong and continue on the racing circuit. Barbara lov ed racing too. And as w e all know how having someone that lov es something as much as y ou do makes life so much more fulfilling. With Barbara in his heart and a Porsche Spider on the track, Grant entered the 7th Macau Grand Prix , which was an amateur street race of 60 laps around the city and in 1960 w as the first time it w as considered a “national race w ith foreign participation”. Sev eral w ell known racers participated and although Grant placed 2n d in the race, he broke the lap record 5 times and set the new lap record time of 3:17.20. In 1961, Grant w as hitting the new s scene pretty hard, not much time for racing. It w as May and he w as stay ing at a hotel in Vientiane, Laos. He had been sick w ith pneumonia for a few w eeks and once he was on the road to recovery, it w as back to the trenches. At the time this was the prelude to the Vietnam War, w hic h w as better know n as the “Secret War”. On May 14th, the three ruling factions of Laos had signed a peace treaty . The nex t day, Grant got on a helicopter-H34 to cov er a story of continued fighting in the hills of Padong. What he got w as shot dow n by soldiers that w ere not aw are of any cease fire agreement. He and his comrades managed to land safely but w ere captured and held in jungle areas that w ere, by all accounts, remote and unciv iliz ed compared to our standards ev en back in the 60’s. Grant, being the eternal optimist, just knew someone w ould know the chopper w ent dow n, someone w ould come to get them and they w ould be found. But that w as not to be the case. For 15 months, they were held as Prisoners of War. While in captiv ity , they suffered being tied up, not bathing, hav ing leeches on them, getting dy sentery, and being de-hy drated to say the least. The ev eryday things he enjoy ed is w hat he kept in his mind to get him through, that and his Marine training background. He and his cohorts supported each other in order to keep their sanity through this long period of time. He told me that tow ards the end of his detainment the soldiers had communic ated w ith him that a Russian helicopter w as coming to pic k them up. He and his comrades w ere giv en March/April 2009 machetes to clear a field to make way for it. He said they listened for day s until they finally heard the roar of rotors coming to get them. There w as no grandeur, just… let’s get on the chopper and get the heck out of here. The date w as August 17, 1962. From there they w ere taken to safety in Vientiane. Immediately he w as flow n directly back to New York City where he w as taken to the Dorsett Hotel in Manhattan to prepare for an interv iew on the Today Show in Rockerfeller Plaza the nex t day. The first thing he did w as shave, but that didn’t set w ell w ith the netw ork officials as the 15 month old beard signified a man that had been captured against his w ill and held by heathens. But Grant being Grant didn’t let that bother him. He did his interv iew and flew right back to the thick of things in Southeast Asia. Before his capture he was 6’3” and w eighed 184lbs, which was dow n from his normal weight due to the pneumonia he had suffered in the w eeks prior. Upon his release and after eating for 4 day s he w eighed in at 138lb. Grant told me that he w as glad he w as not one of the military guy s because they w ere made to re-introduce food gradually . He ate w hat he w anted and as much as he w anted and nev er became sick from over-eating. He w as 38 years old w hen this happened to him. For his amazing heroism and brav ery Grant w as aw arded the Medal of Freedom from President John F. Kennedy. I cannot ex press in detail all that he endured w hile he w as captured during those fifteen months in this short article, but y ou can read all about his ordeal at length in the book he w rote, “Reported to Be Aliv e”. It describes what happened to Westerners that w ere held against their w ill in a jungle of primitiv e and unciv ilized people. Follow ing his release, Grant w as approached about racing at Macau again. It w as scheduled for Nov ember. Realiz ing that he w as still not w ell enough to race, he recommended a few of his friends. One friend, Herbert Linge w as chosen to run the race. During practice trials he lost control and totaled the 550 Spider #5 . Totally heart w renching & heart breaking! It w as so hard to believ e! He continued on his recuperation w hile still reporting the new s of the Far East. And he had hooked up w ith Barbara on a more steady basis. Totally smitten, he didn’t care w hat he had to do to be w ith his true lov e. In 1965, Barbara raced at Macau in the sports car div is ion w ith a Super 7 Lotus, w hile Grant raced his Jaguar in the, now known as, Formula 3 race. What a great thing to lov e and ex perience together. At this point, they decided to get married. While hav ing a conversation w ith a good friend, he mentioned they w ould be heading to Mex ic o to race, do some relax ing and may be get married. The friend insisted that they come to California and get married at his house. The friend w ho w as als o the best man was no other than Stev e McQueen. Grant had gotten to know him w hile filming “Sand Pebbles” in Hong Kong. Grant w ent on to hold jobs in New York and then came back to the Pacific Northw est w here he and Barbara raised their tw o children, Kim & Kiki in the Puget Sound Area. He continued racing at Seattle International Racew ay (PRI) until 1987 when he hung up his racing boots. His racing circuit now inv olv es follow ing his (Cont. next page) Volume 9, No. 2 13 March/April 2009 his children’s careers. Needless to say, they are both race oriented after follow ing the long race career of their father. Kim w as a driv er for Team Seattle in the 24 hours of Day tona and held the senior editor position at Road & Track Magazine for 7 years. He also recently did a track test for the new 320HP Cayman for Porsche DE. Kiki competed in the Panoz-sponsored 1999 Women’s Global GT. And both are currently w orking for Mic rosoft. Kim ov ersees MSN Autos and Kiki dev elops their game racing softw are. Talk about the apple not falling too far from the tree. Here is the list of the Porsches 1952 356-1500 1954 356-1500 1959 550 Spider 1960 356 1962 356 1972 914-6 1972 914 1974 911 Carrera 1979 928 1983 944 1987 944T Throughout Grant’s life he has ow ned in the neighborhood of 20 Porsches. Now Grant and Barbara liv e a mostly quiet life out near Shelton in the house his parents built and retired in. A modest home that now supports a 4 car garage w ith that gorgeous Cobalt Blue 997. Grant and Barbara still take it out for a driv e ev ery now and then, w hic h goes to show you that stay ing activ e and keeping a positiv e attitude are imperativ e to being able to driv e your Porsche when you reach 86. A lesson for us all to liv e by! Grant has owned: 1989 944T 1992 RS America 1995 993 C2 1997 996 1997 996 - 4S 1999 Boxster 2001 Boxster S 2003 996 2005 997 2005 Cayenne 2006 911S Anyone want to take a trip to Deutschland in April? The Silve r Sage Region is going! Re d Jones, Pre sident Silver Sage If any one is interested contact Linda ASAP at 208-377-0559 or 8 nights accommodations in first class (or better) hotels Breakfast daily . 3 dinners with beer and wine (Munich, Zell am See, Stuttgart) 2 cocktail gatherings (Munich 1st & last nights). Motorcoach transportation per itinerary , Admission to museums & attractions included in itinerary . Services of KNETWORKS, Inc. representatives throughout the tour ITINERARY: Saturday , April 4th - tour officially begins with welcome cocktail party and festive dinner that features Bavarian specialties. Sunday , April 5th - Free day in Munich. Monday , April 6th - travel through the picturesque Bavarian country side to the Austrian city of Salzburg, home of Mozart and the Sound of Music Tuesday , April 7th - bus will depart for the scenic drive to Gmund where it all began!! The first stop is the Porsche Museum, the first Porsche workshop, continue on to Zell am See. Prior to arriving at the hotel y ou will be able to catch a glimpse at the Porsche family home and burial site. Dinner tonight (included) will be served at your very special hotel! Wednesday , April 8th - stop enroute to Stuttgart to visit the new Mercedes Museum before arriving at the hotel. The evening is free to get to know Stuttgart ind ependently . Thursday , April 9th - bus will depart for the Porsche facility in Zuffenhausen. Here y ou will visit the new Porsche Museum and the Porsche boutique. Then, enjoy lunch in the Porsche casino where the Factory employees eat. In the afternoon y ou will get an up-close tour of the Porsche factory . Dinner tonight (included) will be a festive delight! Friday , April 10th - depart for the romantic walled city of Rothenburg. Enroute y ou'll visit the attractive car museum here, and y ou will also see the castle which is still inhabited. Arrival time in Rothenburg will be early so y ou can shop, visit some of the museums, and walk the wall. There is a wide variety of good restaurants for your dinner. Saturday , April 11th - begin the trip back to Munich. Much of the ride will be via the Romantic Road which is studded with quaint towns and villages. This evening join the fun at the farewell cocktail gathering where we bid auf weidersehen to our fellow travelers. The tour officially ends (sadly ..) with this gathering. Sunday , April 12th - Enjoy another luscious breakfast in the hotel. After settling y our personal account make y our way to the airport or continue y our European travels. Cost, per person, based on double occupancy: 16-22 passengers $2375 12-15 passengers $2583 Not included: Meals & beverages not noted in itinerary Items of a person al nature (mini bar, in-room movies, laundry, etc.) Tips to bus drivers Airport trans fers Volume 9, No. 2 14 March/April 2009 SHOW & SHINE CAR SHOWS Gloria Mellon Below I have compiled a list of a number of car shows that will be held in our region for this year which include an import category. Most all of them are based on some type of festivities, door prizes and awards. If you have never been to one, you would be surprised at how much fun they can be. It would be easy to think that you just sit by your car all day, doing nothing, but people are really interested in our cars. As a region, it helps to put ourselves out where we can get some exposure and increas e our membership. Surprisingly, there are a lot of people that don’t know we have a region right here in their backyard. If you would like to attend any of them, please let me know. Notice the Charity Show & Shine registration on the next page. And there are 2 in June that are back to back and the h ope is that once the overnight arrang ements are con fi rmed, we will go to Hoquiam for the day then head to Grand Mound in the evening for the charity show on Sunday. APRIL 25 Port Townsend EXPO MAY 2nd Aberdeen Eagles M ay 9 OPR Charity Car Show CFF Poulsbo MAY 31 Forest Festival Shelton JUNE 20 Pushrods Show n Shine Hoquiam JUNE 21 OPR Charity Great Wolf Grand M ound JUNE 27 Rakers Cruise In Port Townsend JULY 3-5 Historics Corral (1day) Kent PRI JULY 18 Elks Bremerton JULY 26 Porsches on the Pier Port Angeles AUGUST 1 Cruisin the Narrows Gig Harbor AUGUST 9 Cruise In Port Orchard AUGUST 15 Port Ludlow Days SEPTEM BER 5 Fly In & Car Show Bremerton SHOW-N-SHINE June 20th 2009, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Auto Show on the grass in the Historical Olym pic Stadium, 101 28th St. Hoquiam , WA 98550 Sponsored By: Push Rods of Hoquiam Registration: $15 To register a ride. Trophies Door Prizes Dash Plaques Poker Walk Music from the 50's by Johnny Manson Food and Fun Father’s Day Car Show & Extravaganza We have been invited to do a car show at Great Wolf Lodge - Grand Mound on Sunday, June 21, 2009 – Father’s Day. For those of you not familiar with them, they are an indoor water park near Centralia, WA. They are allowing 50 cars and provide two, day passes to the water park for each car. This is an incredible offer, as they do not have day passes for the general public. The only way to use the water park is to stay over night. I looked into taking my boys and it was going to cost us way over $300 to spend the night and to spend all the money that goes with the experience. We are going to turn this event into a fundraiser as well for “The Boys & Girls Club”. For that reason we are going to have a $25 entry fee to attend the event. We are offering this to members of our own club until April 30th, meaning you must make your commitment and remit payment by then in order to secure a spot at the show. After that, if there are any spaces left we will open it to other car clubs. We are currently negotiating discounted room rates for those that might want to spend the night. We are also investigating the possibility of attending another car show in Hoquiam on Saturday and doing a cruise around that area and ending up at Great Wolf for the night – if the room rates are attractive. We are looking to have the show from 10:00AM till 2:00 PM – Sunday, June 21, 2009. Set up beginning around 8AM. These day passes will ONLY be good for the day of the event, but they do not need to be used by the people in the Porsche Club. We can invite friends, kids, grandkids, neighbor’s kids or whom ever else you are comfortable seeing in a bathing suit. This is a VERY cheap way to gain access to this water park that is otherwise very expensive to visit. This will be a first come, first serve event. Mail your money in and get on the list. We will open to other car clubs on May 1st. We are still in the planning stages and some details may change, but will be made available as they are negotiated. Volume 9, No. 2 15 March/April 2009 7th Annual Olympic Peninsula PCA Charity Show & Shine Benefits Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Date: May 9, 2009 Start Time: 8:30A – Meeting at Poulsbo McDonalds to drive over as a group Location: Vinland Elementary School Parking Lot in Poulsbo in concert with the Great Strides Walk-A-Thon. People’s Choice trophy to be awarded. Space is Limited – Register Early to Reserve Your Spot Submit Registration Form below with payment of $20 made out to “ OPR-PCA” or “ CFF” and mail to OPR-PCA, P.O. Box 3572, Silverdale, WA 98383-3572. Must RSVP to Maryann Elwell by 4/30/09 at or (253) 853-4003. All entry fees are a tax deductible donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Everyone is encouraged to add an additional donation to your entry fee and participate in the Great Strides Walk. If you register to walk for the CFF you can get also get people to sponsor you. See details for registering on-line for the walk at to send e-mail to prospective donors and accept and track your sponsor donations made via credit card. You can also request a paper walk sponsor form from Maryann to use to collect sponsor donations by cash or check. OPR-PCA 2009 Charity Show & Shine Registration Form Name: _______________________________________ Phone #: ________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Car Model/Make of Entry: ____________________________________Year: ______________ Names of persons participating in the Great Strides Walk: ______________________________________________________________________________ Volume 9, No. 2 16 March/April 2009 TRACK & RACING INFO by Jeff Smith The autocross and track season has already started. Some of our region’s usual track enthusiasts, myself included, attended the February autocross practice events and are now preparing for the first events in M arch. I thought a brief explanation and information about the various track and high performance driving opportunities in our area might be beneficial for our new members or any members interested in getting their cars out on the track, or just wondering what the heck this ‘track’ stuff is all about. There are many types and levels of track events and this could get really lengthy if I tried to fully explain all of them. I will attempt a brief overview and then suggest at the end where you may find much more information about the various organizations and opportunities, mostly concentrating on local and Porsche Club activities. In general and very simplified there are programs that teach you basic car control fundamentals or driving instruction on the race track that does not actually involve racing or autocross (which is competition with one car at a time on a course defined by cones where the speeds are not high). Then there are the higher speed competitive events like Time Trials and Road Racing that some of us are involved with but that’s probably better left to another article or series of articles. Our region does not at this time put on our own track or competitive events. So, for Porsche specific events we attend the Pacific Northwest Region and Oregon Region events. The Pacific Northwest Region has Driver Skills (performance driving instruction) and Autocross (timed competition on cone defined courses) events at Bremerton M otorsports Park, and Drivers Education (advanced car control and safe driving techniques on the race track) at Pacific Raceways. The Oregon Region has similar programs held at Portland International Raceway. If you go to those region’s respective web sites there is much more information available. I suggest you start at the Pacific Northwest region’s “At the Track” section of their site. There are other clubs putting on driver training & competitive events locally at the Bremerton track, Pacific Raceways (Kent, Wa) and Hampton M ills (Packwood,Wa). See links below for more information on their programs. If you have any interest at all come on out and say hello and see what it’s like. Those of us out there will be glad to show you around, explain what’s happening, and of course help you get started! All events are all free to spectators, very friendly environments and people and usually pretty entertaining at the least. Our newsletter and website has the local Pacific Northwest Region’s autocross events listed. And of course those of us already involved would be happy to talk to you and answer questions just about any time. Just be careful asking me, I can get pretty enthused and talkative! Internet Links for more information: www. (see “At the Track”) (see “Events”) www. www. 2008 OPR-PCA Membership Directory Contact our Membership Chair, at to request a copy of the latest Olympic Peninsula Region membership directory. Also, if you have any address changes or telephone updates, please pass new information to Gloria. Volume 9, No. 2 17 March/April 2009 This article is a re-print from 2007 so that you will be able to read the whole story of Kurt & Lori’s wonderful adventure... 901 -The Find It’s hard to believe that it was almost 20 years ago, in November 1988 to be exact, that Lori and I were spending a sunny Sunday morning at the Pomona Swap Meet when a life changing event was about to take place for the two of us. Lori and I had joined PCA in 1986, after purchasing our 1st Porsche and were extremely active Porschephiles to say the least. Our personal calendar was set in January by blocking out all upcoming year’s PCA dates (including the aforementioned swap meets). We read Panorama cover to cover, as well as anything else Porsche related and were pretty up to date on things Porsche related. As a matter of fact, just a few weeks prior to the Swap Meet we read an article about the oldest known existing 901 in the U.S., serial number 300032, being raced in Historics at various locations. What made our ability to recall the 300032 serial number important was about to become clear to us. While strolling through the Porsche section of vehicles, looking at both display and “ For Sale” vehicles of all ages, we noticed a bright red 911 with a sign indicating, “ For Sale, 1966 911S, $4600” (yeah, I know there is no such animal, but the fellow selling the car did not). It was clearly an early car, and the lack of any indentations for decals in the engine compartment was something I didn’t recall ever having seen. That led to a few more casual observations, noting the lack of rocker panel trim, the four screw horn grills (at least on one side), the “ different looking” wood trim across the dash. I finally asked to see the front compartment to check for rust, but was really in search of the Porsche’s serial number. You should note that while VIN number plates are riveted to the early cars in three places, the serial number is also stamped in the vehicle in the front compartment, pretty close to the heater compartment door. Anyway, the sellers said sure, take a look, and opened the front lid for us to examine. There, stamped into the car we saw the serial number, and it was 300020. (Just to refresh your memory, the earliest known number we had read about was 300032, 12 numbers newer than the car I was looking at). It’s at times like this when (if I could) I’d have danced a jig, or screamed out what I’d discovered, or something equally as stupid. Somehow I managed to bottle up my emotions, thank the guy for giving me a look, and casually mention I’d ask my wife for her opinion. I gave little hope of anything further happening, mentioned there was significant rust and wished him good luck in getting rid of it. Lori and I made quickly for the closest Beer Stand, completely disregarding the fact it was about 10:30 A.M., to calm shaking nerves, to discuss the importance of what we had just found, and to decide what to do next. The conclusion that we wanted the 901 was made quickly, given it was really a 901. We concluded that, in order not to look either too anxious or too stupid, we’d negotiate a better price and condition the sale on our “mechanic” checking out the car. The actual negotiations went pretty quickly, starting at an offer of $4000 a compromise price of Volume 9, No. 2 $4300 was agreed on, and it was decided we’d meet the owner at his home in a couple of hours to pick up the car for inspection. While waiting nervously for the assigned time, we called our good friend Bob Cutshaw, a Porsche expert (and owner at that time of a 1965 911) and explained our situation. He agreed to attempt to confirm the vehicle’s age that very afternoon, if we could simply drive out to his house about 50 miles away. We agreed. The trip out to Bob’s house was not without trepidation. The 901 felt extremely loose (we learned why later), but we drove slowly and got there in one piece. Bob spent quite a bit of time over, under, around and through the car and confirmed that this was the real deal. He commented that very first day, however, that we’d be money ahead to simply cut out the factory serial number stamping, weld it into another early car, and just say it was number 20. We all laughed, but in hindsight, his estimate (at least in terms of dollars) may have been understated. Nonetheless, we returned the car to the seller with check in hand, got the pink and transfer docs from him, and headed home. We now owned the oldest known 901 in the U.S., and as far as we knew anywhere in the world. That day was a milestone for sure, but it was only the very beginning of a long, expensive and rewarding restoration project. While the details of that is a story for another time, we’ve included a photo of the finished 901 that was used in a European Car magazine cover story many years later. While that’s part of the “ other story”, we wanted you to enjoy seeing what we ended up with. Kurt & Lori Schneider 18 March/April 2009 Look it’s a 911 no it’s a Cayenne no it’s a…. four door Porsche??? Submitted by Randy Baisden Like it or not Porsche has added a new member to the already powerful line up. Welcome the Panamera, Porsche’s first four door GT car. After the first official pictures hit the net a month ago the rumor mill began quickly. Despite what you may think about the car or have read on blogs or random auto sites here is what we know from Porsche officially. Production of the Panamera will begin at the Leipzig plant in Germany, currently a 237,000 sq ft production hall and logistic center are under construction to facilitate the new Panamera final assembly. T he engines however will be built in the main Zuffenhausen plant while the painted body shells will be supplied from Volkswagen’s Hanover plant. Porsche is working with over 70 different suppliers to construct the new car and hopes to have a 20,000 units per year put on the streets world wide. The Panamera will be propelled by a few different power plants ranging from 300 BHP to 500 BHP. All motors will utilize Porsche’s new DFI system currently uses on the Cayenne and 911 and upcoming Cayman/Boxster motors along with additional turbo charging for some models. For those of you who miss the days of a 6 speed, Porsche will be offering a traditional manual gear box and the new 7speed Doppelkupplungsgetriebe or PDK system.. However here in the states we will only receive the PDK. Power will be put to the ground by a standard rear wheel drive layout or a new more sophisticated lightweight all wheel drive system and for those of us who want to go green even a hybrid model is in the works. All models will boast outstanding power and torque with good fuel economy and exhaust emissions reduced to a minimum. Because we will only be seeing the PDK in U.S. we will get all the goodies that come with it, Sports Chrono Package will be available in the Panamera just as in the 911 series. The package will make the vehicle react much quicker with more dynamic gear change and engine feel enhancing the overall feel of this ultra premium saloon. The body shell will be constructed from an intelligent lightweight system making use of high-strength steel, alloys and high-tech plastics. All of this will result in again better fuel economy but one of the lowest weights in its class helping driving dynamics stay at a high level. Body design of the Panamera had to stick with the styling you would expect from Porsche. With the idea of “ Instantly Porsche” the Panamera got many lines that match the 911 and Cayenne giving it a new and distinct look but still holding true to Porsche philosophy. The design also holds true to a functional cabin and storage capabilities while giving it a sports car look and feel. Strong air intakes and wheel arches, long sleek engine compartment with contoured wings flanking the flat front lid create a typical 911 look. The first public glimpse of the Panamera will be the Shanghai auto show scheduled from April 20 th -28 th with an official press conference on April 19 th . With the first U.S. vehicles should hit the dealer showrooms in the fall. T he initial launch will only include the normally aspirated V8 dubbed the Panamera S as well as its powerhouse turbocharged cousin the Panamera T urbo, leaving the V6 and hybrid models to launch at a later date. The S will feature the standard rear wheel drive layout with the 4S and T urbo’s getting the new light weight all wheel drive system and Porsche Traction Management (PTM). Suspension will be a regular steel coil spring with variable dampers. Also made available will be a new adaptive air suspension with additional air volume and just like the Cayenne line this will be standard on the T urbo model. Now couple this with the PDK and its Sport Plus from the Chrono Package and the Cayennes Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC) and you are sitting in a true sports car again. Make your own impressions of its looks but this will be a true Porsche. Just as the Cayenne has grown in sales to out do the 911 and Boxster combined the Panamera will too become part of our vocabulary. With rivals like Mercedes, Aston Martin, Lamborghini and Audi all producing ultra premium sports saloons its was just a matter of time before Porsche put their own twist on the platform. No matter who the car appeals to it becomes another test bed for new technology that can be used in the entire line up. So welcome the Porsche Panamera to the historic line up we all love and I hope to see some new all Porsche garages with this adaptation of sports saloon. Written by Sam Gilbert Volume 9, No. 2 19 March/April 2009 Olympic P eninsula Region Porsche Club Goodie Store Price List Description Nike Golf Dri-Fit Classic Sport Shirt (Polo Style) Rib Knit Body and Collar, 3-button placket Colors: Midnight Nave, Vivid Green, White, Varsity Red, Skyline Blue Port Authority Silk Touch Crewneck T-Shirt 65/35 cotton/poly blend, hemmed sleeves Colors: Royal Blue, White Black, Cool Grey, Red, Navy Catalog # Price Each Size 267020 $35.00 $36.00 $38.00 $11.00 $12.00 $14.00 $15.00 $16.00 $17.00 $35.00 $36.00 $38.00 $39.00 XS-XL XXL XXXL-XXXXL XS-XL XXL XXXL XXXXL XXXXXL XXXXXXL XS-XL XXL XXXL XXXXL $11.00 $12.00 $14.00 $11.00 $12.00 $14.00 $15.00 $5.50 $6.50 $27.50 $28.50 $30.50 $31.50 $32.00 $33.00 $35.00 $36.00 $150.00 $155.00 $160.00 $165.00 $46.00 $47.00 $49.00 $50.00 $46.00 $47.00 $19.00 $50.00 $46.00 $47.00 $19.00 $50.00 $24.50 $25.50 $27.50 $29.00 $24.50 $25.50 $27.50 $29.00 $26.50 $29.50 $29.50 $60.50 $65.00 XS-XL XXL Plus 1X XS-XL XXL Plus 1X Plus 2X S-XL XXL XS-XL XXL XXXL XXXXL XS-XL XXL Plus 1X Plus 2X XS-XL XXL XXXL XXXXL XS-XL XXL XXXL XXXXL XS-XL XXL Plus 1X Plus 2X XS-XL XXL XXXL XXXXL XS-XL XXL Plus 1X Plus 2X XS-XL XXL XXXL XXXXL XS-XL XXL XXXL XS-XL XXL-XXXXL XMR-1W $60.50 $65.00 XS-XL XXL XMV-1 $47.00 $50.00 XS-XL XXL-XXXXL XMV-1W $47.00 $50.00 XS-XL XXL BX-2 $90.00 $99.00 XS-XL XXL-XXXXL BX-2W 1445 $90.00 $99.00 $99.00 $5.50 XS-XL XXL XXL One Size 1445A $5.60 One Size 1490 $5.50 One Size K550 Ping Collection Micro Pique Long Sleeve Mock Neck 60/40 cotton/wicking poly, Welt collar and cuffs with spandex Colors: Black, White, True Navy. P317 Sport-Tek Ladies Racerback Gym Tank Top 95% cotton/5% spandex, Colors: White or Black with colored trim Trim Colors: Red, Royal Blue, Black, Navy, White Sport-Tek Ladies Ringer T-Shirt 95% cotton/5% spandex, Colors: White with colored trim Trim Colors: Red, Royal Blue, Black, Navy, White L204 Gildan Ultra Cotton Tank Top 100% Cotton, Banded neck and arms; Colors: Black, Navy, Red, Royal Port Authority Flatback Rib Quarter Zip Pullover 85/15 cotton/poly flatback rib, Brass metal zipper with leather pull Colors: True Red, Harbor Blue, Black, Ivory, Navy 2200 L202 F220 Ladies Flatback Rib Full Zip Jacket Princess Cut for feminine fit Colors: True Red, Harbor Blue, Black L221 Port Authority Wool and Leather Letterman Jacket 24 ounce Melton wool body; Genuine leather sleeves; Knit collar and cuffs Diamond quilted nylon lining; Snap front closure; Interior chest pocket Slash pockets with leather trim. Color: Black Port Authority MRX Jacket Two-tone; 78/22 nylon/cotton oxford shell Nylon taffeta lining; Lower slash pockets Colors: Pacific Blue/Grey, Black/Grey, Brown/Stone, Orange/Grey Woman's Port Authority Tiger Mountain Fleece Jacket Microfleece; Weatherproof laminate insert; Princess Cut for feminine fit Front zipper pockets; Lycra trimmed cuffs and hem Colors: Navy, Red, Black, Midnight Heather, Moss Men's Port Authority Tiger Mountain Fleece Jacket Microfleece; Weatherproof laminate insert; Front zipper pockets; Lycra trimmed cuffs and hem Colors: Navy, Red, Black Men's Port Authority R-Tek Fleece Vest 13 ounce R-Tek fleece; Twill Taping inside the neck Lycra-trimmed armholes and waistband; Zippered pockets Colors: Red, Midnight Heather, Royal Blue, Dark Green, Black Men's Port Authority R-Tek Fleece Vest 13 ounce R-Tek fleece; Twill Taping inside the neck Lycra-trimmed armholes and waistband; Zippered pockets Colors: Light Pink, Midnight Heather, Royal Blue, Raspberry, Gray Heather StormTech Mock Neck Tee Combed 100% cotton interlock; Lightweight relaxed fit; Solid body. Colors: Oxford Black, Oxford Navy, Oxford Tan, Slate Brown Men's St ormTech Fleet Micro Ripstop Rainshell Water resistant nylon shell; packs/sips into self pocket; concealed hood; Colors: Black, Navy, Red, Rever se Blue Woman's StormTech Fleet Micro Ripstop Rainshell Water resistant nylon shell; packs/sips into self pocket; concealed hood; Colors: Black, Navy, Red, Rever se Blue Men's St ormTech Fleet Micro Ripstop Vest Water resistant nylon shell; packs/sips into self pocket; concealed hood; Colors: Black, Navy, Red, Rever se Blue Woman's StormTech Fleet Micro Ripstop Vest Water resistant nylon shell; packs/sips into self pocket; concealed hood; Colors: Black, Navy, Red, Rever se Blue Men's Cirrus H2Xtreme Bonded Shell 2-ply bonded microfiber shell; adjustable cuffs; zipper pull; draw cord hem Colors: Coal, Harvest Pumpkin, Sport Red, Cool Blue, Kiwi, Black, Navy Women's Cirrus H2Xtreme Bonded Shell 2-ply bonded microfiber shell; adjustable cuffs; zipper pull; draw cord hem Colors: Coal, Harvest Pumpkin, Birch, Sport Red, Cool Blue, Kiwi, Black, Navy Unstructured Chino Headwear Low profile; Chino twill; Adjustable buckle w/ tuck-away strap; Colors: Black, Navy, Khaki, Stone, Hunter, Royal, Col. Blue, TX Orange, Cardinal, Gold, Olive Unstructured Chino Sandwich Bill Headwear Low profile; Chino twill; Adjustable buckle w/ tuck-away strap; Contrasting under visor and sweatband; Colors: Black, Navy, White, Stone, Hunter, Royal, Col. Blue, Texas Orange, Cardinal, Gold, Olive Unstructured Waterproof Nylon Headwear Low profile; Treated Nylon, Velcro closure; Solid Colors: Black, Navy, Stone J783 Volume 9, No. 2 20 J765 L200 F200 JP79 LP79 MPX-1 XMR-1 March/April 2009 Goodie Store Items & Colors Catalog # 267020 Catalog # L204 Catalog # K550 Catalog # P317 Catalog # 2200 Catalog # L202 Catalog # MPX-1 Catalog # F220 Catalog # J765 Catalog # L221 Catalog # L200 Catalog # F200 Catalog # BX-2/BX2W Catalog # JP79 Catalog # LP79 Catalog # J783 Catalog # XMV-1/ XMV-1W Catalog # XMR-1/ XMR-1W Catalog # 1445 Catalog # 1445A Volume 9, No. 2 21 Catalog # 1490 March/April 2009 Welcome New OPR-PCA Members! Transfers: David Utley, Bainbridge Island — 1979 Black 930 Stanley Nealey, Quilcene — 1987 944 Michael Scrafford, Poulsbo — 1985 Red 944 Auto Platz (Classifieds) For Sale: Weltmeister short shift kit for 74 through 86 911. Used only for a short time & removed/replaced with original shifter for Portland Parade Concours. Half the cost of new one - $50. If it doesn't fit properly, I will refund your money. Contact John James at 253-265-2500. For Sale: Porsche Parts, never used and used ones for models all 356, 911,912, some 914, 924, 928, 930, 944 retired and everything must go. Please call Peter 360-373-3099 Wanted: Looking to buy a 67-73 911. I'll consider all models. Hoping to find a original, or near original, rust free car. Ideal would probably be to have original paint. A checkable ownership background would be good. Contact Gene Stahl at 360-681-0151. Wanted Porsche wheels: 15”x7” Fuchs or “Cookie Cutters”. Need several for my ’83 944 SCCA ITS / 944 Cup race car. Cosmetically challenged OK. Also aftermarket wheels if they are race worthy and will fit. Interested in full sets, pairs, or singles. Jeff Smith, 360-340-1206 or email Multiple Race Sanctioning Bodies Marketing Opportunity: Ge t your company displayed at several different Northwest racing venues. Our team will be campaigning in NHRA, SCCA, PC A and possibly others. 2009 season packages available for as little as $1,000, or as much as you want. Contact Leeland King at 360-790-1977 or Jeff Smith at 360-340-1206 for more information. Other PCA Region’s Driving Events: 3/14 – 8A/7:15A – 4P PNWR Autocross (#1 of 8)/Driver Skills Day at Bremerton Raceway. Autocross is $25 or $20 if you pre-register which is available 1-2 weeks before event at Contact Tim/Linda Kornacki at or (425) 672-0209. Driver Skills full-day course in the fundamentals of performance driving. Cost is $55/driver plus $30/helmet (if needed). Advance registration required. Go to For questions, contact Robert Durff at 4/1 – 7-9P – PNWR Drivers Education (DE) G round School at Mercer Island Community Center (8236 SE 24th Street ) is required for all firsttime drivers at a P NWR DE event (or if over 2 years time away) regardless of experience at other tracks or clubs. This 2-hour classroom training session is $10. For details go to or contact Gregory Erickson at 4/10 – 7A-5P – PNWR Driver Education Day held at P acific Raceway in Kent. P re-registration required and is available online at Cost is $205/driver plus $20/helmet (if needed) if registered before deadline or $215/driver after deadline, if space is available. Go to or contact Gregory Erickson at 4/18 – 8A – 4P PNWR Autocross (#2 of 8) at Bremerton Raceway. 5/17 – 11A ORPCA High Performance Driver Education at Portland International. Cost is $185/driver by deadline or $200/driver after deadline, space available. Questions/sign up contact Don Clinkinbeard at 503 970 4848/e-mail Registration opens 4/12/09 at 12:00A at 5/20 – 7-9P – PNWR Drivers Education (DE) G round School at Mercer Island Community Center (8236 SE 24th Street ) for first time drivers. 5/23 – 8A/7:15A – 4P PNWR Autocross (#3 of 8)/Driver Skills Day at Bremerton Raceway. 5/30 – 7A-5P – PNWR Driver Education Day held at P acific Raceway in Kent. P re-registration required starting April 22 nd at Volume 9, No. 2 22 March/April 2009 2009 Olympic Peninsula Region Calendar March 2009 3rd-5th – 54th Annual Porsche Parade 2009 Registration Opens – This year’s Parade will be in Keystone, CO near Denver. Registration is slightly different from prior years and registering on any of these three days will all be considered to have the same priority. For more details go to http://porscheparad 11th – 6:00/6:30P – Dinner/Board & Membership Meeting at Angel’s Homestyle Buffet at 4111 Wheaton Way in East Bremerton. Phone: (360) 377-7044. Cost per person is $10.81 for all you can eat. It's under new management and food is quite good, THE MEETING TIME IS STARTING EARLIER (at 6:30) DUE TO ROOM AVAILABILITY. 14th – 2:00P – 6th Annual Chili Cookoff at Bill & Maryann Elwell’s house in Gig Harbor. Must RSVP to maelwell@centuryt or or via phone: (253) 853-4003 by 3/7/09. Please mention if you will be making Chili or something else. If you have one of the trophies from last year, please return to the Elwell’s by 3/7/09. 29th – 9:00A – Spring Tour. RSVP to Maryann or Bill Elwell at maelwell@centu or or via phone: (253) 853-4003 by 3/23/09. April 2009 4th – 7:00P – Progressive Dinner. If interested in hosting a course or to RSVP, contact Bob Becken at 66stingray@wav ecabl or via phone: (360) 710-7666. 8th – 6:30P/7:00P – BBQ Dinner/Board & Membership Meeting at MAXRPM at 2320 6th St. in Bremerton. Phone: (360) 373-6758. 25th – noon – Tour to Port Townsend. We need a volunteer to plan the driving portion of this event. If interested, please cont act Maryann at or via phone: (253) 853-4003 ASAP. We will tour Bergstrom's Antique & Classic Autos (809 Washington Street), stop at Quimper Inn with a 5:30P dinner to follow at a local restaurant in Port Townsend. RSVP for dinner to Mike Kenna at (360) 385-1256 or via e-mail to May 2009 9th –8:30A – Charity Show & Shine. Meet at Poulsbo McDonalds to drive as a group to the Cystic Fibrosis Great Strides Fundraiser at Vinland Elementary School. In addition to the Walk-a-thon, OPR will hold a car show and shine during the event to gather additional funds for the charity. Submit Registration Form with payment of $15 early bird by 3/30/09 or $20 thereafter, made out to "OPR-PCA" or "CFF" and mail to OPR-PCA, P.O. Box 3572, Silverdale, WA 98383-3572. Parking is limited, so must RSVP to Maryann Elwell at maelwell@centu or via phone: (253) 853-4003 no later than 4/15/09. 9th – 6:00P – Nueve De Mayo Dinner. At Los Cazadores, a wonderful little Mexican restaurant at 3329 Kitsap Way in Bremerton. Celebrate the Mexican way, have a margarita! Please RSVP by 5/1/2008 to Gloria Mellon at 360-405-0211 or by email at geesluwez@com 13th – 6:30P/7:00P – BBQ Dinner/Board & Membership Meeting at MAXRPM at 2320 6th St. in Bremerton. Phone (360)373-6758. 16th – noon – Viking Fest Parade in Poulsbo followed by Picnic at Faye Bainbridge Park. RSVP to Patrick Mitchell at (206) 780-3880 or via e-mail to for the picnic. We need a volunteer to head up the parade. If interested, please con tact Maryann at or via phone: (253) 853-4003. TBD – Tech Session – We need a volunteer to plan this event. If interested, please contact Mary ann at or via phone: (253) 853-4003. June 2009 10th – 6:30P/7:00P – BBQ Dinner/Board & Membership Meeting at MAXRPM at 2320 6th St. in Bremerton. Phone (360)373-6758. 20th – Hoquiam Car Show – Please RSVP by 6/10/09 to Gloria Mellon at (360)405-0211 or by e-mail at 21st – Great Wolf Lodge Charity Show & Shine – Benefiting Boys & Girls Club of America. Submit Registration Form with payment of $25 made out to "OPR-PCA" and mail to OPR-PCA, P.O. Box 3572, Silverdale, WA 98383-3572. Includes 2 free water park passes for the day per car entry. Parking is limited, so must RSVP to Bob Becken at or via phone: (360)710-7666 no later than 5/15/09. After that we are opening up registration to other car clubs. More details to come regarding special overnight rate at the Lodge. 27th – Port Townsend Car Show Please RSVP by 6/20/09 to Gloria Mellon at (360)405-0211 or e-mail at geesluwez@com 28th – Shelton Car Show – Please RSVP by 6/20/09 to Gloria Mellon at (360)405-0211, or by e-mail at geesluwez@com 29th – July 4th – 54th Annual Porsche Parade in Keysone. CO (near Denver). Registration starts May 3rd – 5th and will be accepted fo r fi rst 1000 entrants. Volume 9, No. 2 23 March/April 2009 O LYMPIC PENINSULA REGIO N PO RSCHE CLUB P.O . BO X 3572 SILVERDALE, WA 98383-3572 Volume 9, No. 2 24 Bill & Maryann Elwell’s 1989 944S2 March/April 2009
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