2012 Annual Report - Angel Flight West


2012 Annual Report - Angel Flight West
Above an
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Departu tern States
in 13 W
Too many families know that
the rising cost of healthcare can
wipe out their precious savings.
Pete and Susan know this
only too well due to the costly
treatment of Pete’s cancer.
His chemotherapy treatments
require frequent visits traveling
800 miles round trip by car.
Transportation for his healthcare
is an added hidden cost
both financially, due to travel
expenses, and physically as
Pete’s illness and side affects
of treatment can leave him
uncomfortable and nauseated.
From the time the engine is
turned on to fly one of Pete’s
frequent missions, to the time
it is turned off, an AFW pilot
has donated his or her plane,
expertise, time, and money.
In 2012, our pilots and
commercial airline partners
donated $3.35 million dollars
in services. This generated
a significant reduction in
healthcare costs for the 4,007
missions flown out of the
6,880 missions that were
The real heroes of Angel Flight West
are the courageous patients and
families that we fly.”
–Volunteer Command Pilot
Imagine being a kid
at summer camp and
having to explain why
you have scars on your
arms or your face or
your legs. Schendel is
on her way to camp for
burn survivors where
she’ll be amongst other
kids with the same
health challenge. She
looks forward to this
every year because
there she can feel just
like another regular kid
at camp.
Schendel was one of
521 camp missions
flown to 16 different
special needs camps
throughout our 13
western state region.
An illness can take many
resources to bear. An ill child
often seems more resilient
than some adults because
many children don’t know
any different.
Eight-year-old Larry has
never had any solid food
since he was born. He has
a genetic defect of his liver
and intestines. Liquids are
injected directly into his
lower intestine through a
feeding tube. Larry travels to
UCLA Medical Center for a
series of transplants that will
give him what many of us
take for granted–the taste of
real food.
In 2 0 1 2 , A n g e l F lig h t
West provided 861
flights for children
li k e L a rry.
Thank you so much for helping us with
our patient, Jose L.! Big brother said he’d
never been in a plane like that before. We
were happy to see them, because they’ve
missed several scheduled appointments
with us due to transportation issues.”
–Hospital Social Worker
Leidy’s dad struggles in an
unstable job barely making
minimum wage and unable to
provide transportation for his
five-year-old daughter’s frequent
liver/small bowel transplant
appointments. Leidy enjoys this
part of her care–“the airplane
ride”–the best.
Although dealing with multiple issues associated with
premature birth, twins Maci and Peyton have much to coo
about. The twins are unable to travel by car for ongoing checkups because of their vulnerable condition. The problem is
relieved by AFW pilots, and the twins’ unemployed parents
can now put their time and energies towards more important
1,463 Command Pilots and ground volunteers helped
make our mission reality.
1,036 Command Pilots flew missions.
265 new members joined.
617 medical professionals
requested flights.
I remember when I was
injured and unable to
drive, our pilot not only
flew me to my destination,
but also drove me in his
personal vehicle all the
way to my clinic.”
–AFW Passenger
In addition to their flight
costs, AFW volunteer pilots
personally paid $35,915
for commercial tickets
when an AFW mission was
canceled due to weather.
Alaska Airlines donated
850 tickets to our mission.
In addition, AFW is a
premier charity for Alaska
Airlines Mileage Program
allowing more AFW
missions to be completed.
You can also donate your
frequent flyer mileage at
You probably do not
know that these flights
have been the highlight
of my stressful, hectic
life as of late. I look
forward to them and
the couple of hours
when I have no worries
and can just sit back,
relax, and enjoy the
–AFW Passenger
Angel Flight West is proud of
our continued association with
the Wounded Warriors Program
and to have flown WW II veterans
to Washington, D.C., as part of
the Honor Flights.
130 passengers needing ground
assistance were driven from the
airports to their destinations by
volunteers in our Earth Angels
Approximately 449,000 nautical
miles were flown for a total of
9,717 volunteer hours.
When I first joined AFW, I was hoping to do
some good and log a few hours in the air. I never
expected to be so touched by the opportunity to
help so many wonderful people in a unique way.”
– Volunteer Command Pilot
The mission began in
1983 with a few generous
pilots wanting to do more
than just fly their planes.
The fifteen Angel Flights
that were flown that first
year were arranged by
phone from a paper list.
Today, pilots can request
a mission with a click of a
key. This is accomplished
through our Angel Flight
Inf o rm a t ion D at ab a s e
System 2.0 (AFIDS 2.0)
originally designed by a
volunteer member and
now updated in 2012. We
are proud to offer AFIDS
2.0 free to all volunteer
pi l o t or g anizat ions in
order to coordinate flights
for needy passengers
across the country.
At 29 years old, Jason should
have been hanging out with
his wife and buddies,
b u i l d i n g a career, family
and doing what any 29-yearold would do. But for Jason,
life took an unexpected turn in
the form of a malignant brain
tumor that he battled for five
years–and sadly lost. His wife
says AFW’s “help allowed
us to focus on exploring life
together rather than worrying
about how we were going to get
to his doctor’s appointments.
With no treatment available
here in New Mexico, it was
imperative that we get to a
brain tumor center such as
UCSF. Your team made sure
that we were taken care of in
our time of need.”
For the s received the
Over 200 blood donation
missions were flown for
those in need of life-saving
Pilot & AFW Board member Dr.
Hunter Handsfield, WA Wing,
loading donated blood from the
Puget Sound Blood Center–the
blood service operator for virtually
all of WA west of the Cascades.
After blood drives in smaller WA
communities, AFW often transports
donations to Seattle for processing
and eventual distribution.
For the second year in
a row in 2012, Angel
Flight West received
Charity Navigator’s 4-star
rating recognizing good
governance and best
practices, consistently
executing its mission in a
fiscally responsible way.
We would like to thank every one of our generous donors.
Please know how much we appreciate your efforts to help us
continue our mission.
$50,000 and above
Elaine W. & Kevin P. Kauffman Family Foundation
$25,000 to $49,999
Amgen Foundation
Hixon Properties Incorporated
Medtronic Foundation
The Morris Foundation
Red Hot Chili Peppers/Evil Shenanigans Inc.
$10,000 to $24,999
Stephen Danz
George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation
The Edwards Lifesciences Fund
Employees Community Fund of Boeing California
Thomas & Mary Kay Gallagher Foundation
Green Foundation
Greenberg Traurig
Georgia Griffiths
Henry L. Guenther Foundation
Hasbro Children’s Fund
George Hoag Family Foundation
Christine James
Brian Keating
Lisa Marie Kellogg
Henry J. Krokus, Jr. Revocable Trust
Raj Luhar
Alan Lund
Kenneth T. & Eileen L. Norris Foundation
Gregor G. Peterson Family Foundation
Rubin Postaer and Associates
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Lon V. Smith Foundation
Union Bank
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
$5,000 to $9,999
The Allergan Foundation
Apple Matching Gifts Program
Schubert Atiga
William Ayer
Ayer Family Foundation
Browning-Kimball Foundation Discount Tire - America’s Tire
John Ferrell
Richard Gadbois
William Gillespie Foundation
William H. Hannon Foundation
Jeff & Linda Hendricks Family Foundation
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
Harry W. Morrison Foundation
Phillips Living Trust
Mike Roberts
Royal Tire
John & Alex Meneses Simpson
James Slavik
Turpin Family Charitable Trust
Ueberroth Family Foundation
Wallis Foundation
Whitefish Community Foundation
Warren Wood
The Zemeckis Charitable Foundation
Angel Flight West filled in the
last blank in my list of needs for
the surgery that has changed
my life.”
–AFW Passenger
$1,000 to $4,999
Kenneth & Gabrielle Adelman Fund
ADP - San Dimas
Kent Allebrand
Applied Computer Solutions
Skip Armstrong
Ausenco Psi LLC
Zoltan Azary
The Bank of America Foundation
Bavco Backflow Apparatus & Valve Co.
Gerald Bell
Donald Bennett
Ralph Blacker Trust
Margaret Bloomfield Trust
Stephen Bobko-Hillenaar
Bobko-Hillenaar Trust
Barry Bonds
David Bowling
Chuck Hohos & Joanne Brattain
David Brody
R. Harold Burton Foundation
Danna Campbell
Cancer Center of Irvine
Steve Cantrell
Carr & Ferrell, LLP
Cars 4 Causes
Paul Cate
Central Coast Claims Association
Susan Chamberlin
Dave Cleveland
Ron Danz
Mike Davis
Alan Dias
Ronald Diaz
Dilbeck Realtors & Associates Charitable Foundation
Roger & Keiko Dunham
ECHO of Northrop Grumman
The Emanuel Bachmann Foundation
Excel Research, LLC
Don Ferrel
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Charles Finkel
Brendan Fitzpatrick
Fleet Feet Bend Racing
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Wendi Gladstone
Fred & Linda Gluck
Bill Goedken
H. Hunter Handsfield & Patricia McInturff
Bob and Aubyn Howe Foundation
The Jackson Foundation
Laurel Johnson
Mary & George Johnston
Ajay Kishinchandani
Kiwanis Charities of Santa Monica, Inc.
Landmark Aviation
Robert Larkin
Fred Leistiko
Lightspeed Aviation Inc.
Centennial Airport Lions Club
Laura S. Long
Laura S. Long Revocable Trust
Marc Lorenzen
Ian Marks
Anna May Family Foundation
James McGrath
Kim Megonigal
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Kenneth Miech
Martin Monti
Lloyd Moore Foundation
Moran Development Company, LLC
Hal Morley
Dean & Mag Myers
Newton Foundation Donor Advised Fund
Mike Noggle
Dolores & W.K. Parcell
Rafe Pery
David Pound
Premier Trust
Gene Price Motorsports
Si Redd & Tamara Redd Charitable
Rehabilitation Nurses Society
Lady Leslie Ridley-Tree
Rob Ross
Santa Monica Rotary Club and Foundation
Westwood Village Rotary Club Foundation
Santa Barbara Foundation
Bill Shaffer
Grover Shetterly
Shuster Oil
Sikand Foundation
Kenneth & Gabrielle Adelman Fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Paul Speer
Paul B. & Deborah D. Speer Fund
State Farm Companies Foundation
Don Sterling
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Strada Racing Club, Inc.
Amy Sylvis
George Teufel
Triple L Inc.
Trojan Battery Company
Gerda Vogl Trust
Wells Fargo Foundation
Beverly Wertheimer
Ann Widay
Alfred L. & Constance Wolf Aviation Fund
Xi Chi Omega
Linda Yerzley
Up to $999
Paul Aanerud
Marilyn Abbott
Cheryl Abe
Sylvia Adams
Daniel Addy
Bob Allen
Alliance Bernstein Matching Gift Program
Am Aero
Brian Andersen
Irene Anderson
Larry Angelo
George Arscott
AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign
Atmos Inc.
Austine Studios
James Babbitt
Arthur & Ann Badgett
Terri Bagley
Kevin Baines
Dorothy Balch
Melissa Baldwin
Sofie & Katherine Balland
Gregory Bamford
Carol Bardot
William Baribault
Bobbie Barlow
Mike & Miki Barnblatt
Eileen Barlow & Brian Barney
George Barraza
Leslie Barstow
The Bassford Family Trust
Donald Bauer
Bear River Band of Rohnerville Rancheria
Gregg Beaty
John & Andri Beauchamp
Steven Beck
Cynthia Beckler
Bette Bellefeuille
Buck Bender
Terry Bensinger
Jeff & Barbara Benson
Deborah Berck
Curtis Bergman
N. Bergman
Eric Berman
Randle Biddle
Brian & Janet Bird
Heather Bland
Gerald Block
Melinda Blondin
Stuart Bloom
Wolfram Blume
Roger Bohl
Dale Bosworth
Diane & Mike Bottarini
Ann & Ed Brady
Marjorie Brann
Sally Brant
Shannon Breeland
Lauren Brener
Ray Breslau
Albert Bresnik
Mark Bretz
Herbert Bridge
Dana Briggs
Forrest Brissey
David & Helen Brom
Judy Brooks
Lois Brooks
Herbert Buchwald
Gary Burdick
Craig Burger
Patricia & Thomas Burke
Joan Burrows
Kenneth Butler
James & Kathy Bybokas
Jon Callaghan
Bruce Callander
Dan Calugar
Phyllis Campbell
James Carey
James Carlsen
Werner Carlson
James Carmack
Mary Carroll-Egelston
Michael Cashell
Bud Cashen
Janet Cathcart
Suellen & Michael Chandler
Lucy & Michael Chavez
Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program
James Cianci
Jon Clark
Jeffrey Clarke
Doug Clough
John Cochrane
Richard & Judy Codding
Carolyn Cohen
Len & Marsha Cohen
Alan Cohen
Jim Coleman
Edward Collins
Angel Colon
Walter Connally
Robert Conti
Kaia Converse
Marjorie J Cook Living Trust
Pat Corcoran
Hugh & Carol Corn
Fred Cotton
Kristen A. Courtney Revocable Trust
Covington Capital Management
Judy Craddick
Rick Craddock
Steve Cramer
Forrest & Alice Crane
Cosme Cruz
Pat & Myron Currie
Cason & Kaela Cusack
Scott Dalecio
Jeremy Davalos
Bob Davies
Robert Day
Frank Dean
Laura Del Favero
Emidio DelConte
We would like to recognize and express a special thanks to our members
who are presently serving in our military forces.
David DeMartini
Robert & Eleanor Demple Family Foundation
Robin Desmond
Peter DeSoto
Douglas DeVivo
James DeVries
Jerry DiLeva
Neal Dillman
Gale Dillman
Michael Dimmick
Catherine Doney
Lysandra & Lucas Donigian
Mark & Mari Donnelly
Irene Dorzback
Thomas & Mary Beth Doughty
A. Jeannette Douglas
Cherie Dowis
James & Marjorie Downie
Jeremy Drewry
Gary Drska
Sanjeev Dua
Jean Duncan
David Durbin
Dusty Wings
Craig Dyer
Carl Dyess
Keith & Ellie Dys
Edison International
George Edmundson
Hans Eggers
Barbara Eisenhut
Jeff Elder
Lee Eliseian
Tekla & Jim Ellingsen
Nothoms Elliot
James Elliott
Steve Ennis
Failure Analysis Service Technology, Inc.
Family Project
Fred Fead
Louis Febre
Jane Fellows
Ed & Cynthia Ferdinandsen
Jess Fernandez
Anthony Ferrara
Mike Ferraro
Bruce & Barbara Ferrell
Jason Fiala
Kate Fiegelson
Les Filler
Marvin Fink
Eric Fischl
Abigail Fitch
Nancy Flagg
John Flater
Angie Fonseca
Shelia Franey
Michael Frantz
Irene Franzoia
Richard Frederick
Duane Frederiksen
Lawrence Freer
Sherry & Richard Frenzel
The Fuller Family Foundation
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
Ruben Gamerberg
Carl & Linda Gardner
Mimi Garrison
Joanne Gehlert
Wayne Germano
Brian Gerritz
Jack Gershfeld
Lola Gershfeld
Vince Giampa
Oralia Gil
Give with Liberty Employee Donations
Barbara Gladstone
Kathleen Golden
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program
Fabian Gonell
Nicholas & Kathleen Goodman
Goodstein Foundation
William & Carol Gordon
Ira Gottfried
Kerry Gough
Heather Grahame
The Gralla Family Trust
Christophe Granger
Thomas Grant
Leo Granucci
Scott Gratsinger
Thomas Green
Ann Greenspun
Scott Grigsby
Michael Groll
David Gronner
Mary Jo Guichard
Norman & Jane Habermann
James Hager
Gary Hagstrom
Dennis Haigh
Charles Haley
Cheryl Hall
Roger & Julie Hanna
Thomas Hannah
Kathleen Hanson
John Hayes
Ronald Hays
Hays Family Foundation
Scott Hazard
Carol Healey
Health Net, Inc.
Heffernan Group Foundation
George Heidorn
Keith Heimbuck
Sylvia Heller
William Henningsgaard
Alison Hepburn
Janice Heppe
David Herrmann
Robert Herwig
High Performance Training, Inc.
David Hill
Robert Hill
John Hines
Cliff Hinson
Wayne & Traci Hirsch
Andre Hirschler
Sylvia Hochede
James Hoffman
D. Craig Hogan
Kenneth Hokanson
Chad Holcomb
Eric Holgersen
Katherine Holmes-Chuba
Christian Holtz
Jean Horner
Catherine Houghton
Pat Howard
Patrick S. Howard Revocable Trust
Tim Hu
William Huff
Carol Huff
Jean Hughes
Merrill Hunn
Edward Hunter
Robert Igelman
Independent Brokers, Inc
Allan Infeld
Intuit Foundation
Nancy Irwin
Steve Isaacs
Karen Ivy
Aileen Jaczko
Nancy Janssen
Rodney Jarrell
Warren Jewell
Jewish Community Foundation
William Johns
Joanne Johnson
Thomas & Nicole Johnson
Darrell Johnson
Charles Johnson
Christy Johnson
Carl Johnson
Mira Joncich
Pat Jones
Toni Jones
William Judd
Terry Judge
Diana Judson
Kemry Junker
Hayward Kaiser
Alan Kane
Emily Kane
William Keith
Robin Keith
Roger Keithley
Robert & Diane Kelce
Craig & Lita Keller
Pamela Kerman
William Kimsey
Scott King
David King
Kendall Kliewer
Marjorie Knock
Robin Kolko
Dave Kolstad
Kretschmer Private Foundation
Timothy Krone
Victor Kukel
Martha Kumar
Ruth Lacey
Margie LaCrue
Steve Laflin
Andrea & Louise Lance
Leenn Land
Edward Laski
Jane Laurie
Marie Lazzara
Sharon Marie Leahy
Joanne Lebow
Eleanor Lee
Dirk Lee
John Michael Lee
The Lee Family
William Leland
Lening Insurance Service, Inc.
Diane Lenkin
Leon Leonardo
Sharon Levin
Richard Levin
Steve Levine
Donald Lewis
Timothy Lewis
Andrew Lewis
Robert Liddell
Yvette Liddle
Mark Liebich
Todd Lindley
East Albany Lions Club
Al Lipper
Jody Lippman
Jeff & Christine Livengood
Regis & Dee Logan
Ignacio Lozano
George Luther
Steven Lynn
Laura MacDowell
Joan Macpherson Revocable Trust
Stephen Magee
Steven Magidson
HK Magleby
John Mahany
Don Majors
Make a Patient Smile Fund Norton
Sound Health Corporation
Todd Makiyama
Chris & Melody Malachowsky
David Maldewin
Bunny Malley
Kenney Mallory
Yervant Manavian
Michele Manzella
Benjamin Marcus
Rona Maroney
Bruce Martin
Erleen Martin
Maureen Masson
Wayne Maynard
Ryan Maynard
Doug Mayor
Mazuri Corporation
Rob McBeth
Colleen McCauley
Elver McClelland
Patrick McClure
Susan McEvoy
M. Dorothy McGinnes
Roe McGrath
Bruce McGregor
Craig McIntyre
Roland McKee
Allison McLain
Barbara McLean
Deborah McMillan
Juliette & Brad McMillan
William & Anne McMurray
Andrew McNear
Judy Mehlmauer
Mehta & Mann
I can’t possibly tell you how
much it means to patients
when I tell them what I can
arrange for them through
your generosity, when they
feel they have nowhere to turn
for help.” –Social Worker
Mark Merrill
Ernest Meshack-Hart
Billee Metz
Marshall Michaelian
D. Mickealson
Ross Miles
Helen Miller
Tim Miller
Julie Milligan
Robert Mills
John Mirabal
Miramont Etate Vineyards
Theodore Mitchell
Florence & Harry Moline
Gary & Mary Molyneaux
Gary Elwyn Monell
David Montgomery
Wayne Moon
Mike & Darcy Moore
Kevin Moore
Wilson Moore Family
Joe Moran
Neville Morcom
Peter More
Sandy Morgan
Greg Morgansen
Tom Morris
Susan Morrison
John Morrow
George Morse
Paula Mortensen
Bree & Carl Moseley
Creston Muller
Carrie Murphy
Pat Murphy
Dorothy Murphy
Patrick Murray
Murray & Pat Nackord
Gabor Nagy
Eric Neeb
Don Nelson
Donald Nelson
Scott & Annie Nelson
New Mexico State Employees Charities
Pat Newton
David Nicholson
Raymond Nickels
Ken Niles
M. L. Nislick
Stephen Nolte
James Noonan
Kirstin Noreen
NorthWestern Energy
Wilbur Nussbaum
O & M Industries
Geoffrey O’Brian
Mike & Vicki O’Connor
Jeff Oerding
Victor Ohman
Phyllis Olsen
David & Victoria O’Neal
Michael & Karen O’Neill
Sarah & Ed O’Reilly
Kathy & Ray Orlaske
Jack Oswald
The Pace Family Foundation
Pasadena Community Foundation
Raymond & Marybeth Pavlik
Christopher Pawlak
Kathleen & Sheldon Payne
Richard Payne
Dave Pechan
Pechanga Resort & Casino
Rosemary Pelissier
Carol Anne Peplow
James Pepping
Rachel Perlmutter
Mary & Don Petritz
Most patients are severely financially
stressed from lost wages and mounting
medical and household bills. They simply
cannot afford airfare to Seattle for the
potentially life saving or life extending
treatment they so desperately need.”
–Social Worker
Pezzolo Family Trust
Dennis Phelan
Kerrick Philleo
Jessica Phillips
Tracy & Christine Phillips
Lisa Pierson
James Pinkowski
Jon Pittman
Juan Plasencia
Curt Pohl
Augustin Polasek
Bruce Pollack
Jan Pollard
Gene Pope
Craig Porter
John Prescott
Glenn Prestwich
Fred Preuss
Richard Prillinger
Simon Pritikin
Processes Unlimited
International, Inc.
Professional Services
Exchange, Inc.
Edmund Purcell
Elsa Putzier
Michael Quigley
Joe Rainey
Chad & Breyon Raisland
William Ramos
Barbara Ranelletti
Lee & Whitney Ranstrom
Daniel & Claudia Rapkoch
Judy Rapp
Michael Rasmussen
Stephen Rath
Barak Raviv
Carol Ray
Maria Rayas
Razoo Foundation
Colin Reasoner
Jim Reidy
Hialeah Reilich
Magali Renault
John Rendall
Vicki & Lorenzo Reyes
Paul Reynolds
Steven & Karen Reynolds
Gregory Richards
Theresa Richman
Frank Riebli
Norman Rittenhouse
Ernest Roberts
George & Judy Robertson
Samantha Robinson
Frank Robitaille
Teresa Rocha
Karin Rodland
John A. Roger, Jr. Foundation
Victoria & Elliot Rogers
Robert Rohwer
Marie Rolf
Richard Rolph
Larry Rosolowski
Montebello Rotary Club
Bob Rowe
Pedro Rump
Jeff Rupprecht
Gary Sackett
Jenny Sanders
Lawrence & Linda Sands
Kathleen Sapp
Jo-Ann Sarubbi
Daniel Sauter
John Savage
Rodney Schatz
Jill & Scott Scheer
Charles Schiell
Christine & Eugene Schmidt
Tim & Terri Schmidt
Bobbi Schroeppel
Stephanie Schwenke
Kyle Scott
Scott Aviation
John Seabury
Hugh Seagreaves
Eric Selter
Virginia Semrau
Mary Jo & Terry Sexton
Nirat Shah
Steve & Andrea Shannon
Ronald Shapiro
Alan Shapiro
Fran Sharp
Stephen Shaw
Patrick Sheehy
Joe Shelton
Michael Sherman
Suzanne Sherman
Don & Connie Sherwood
Dennis Shogren
Lee Shulman
Darrel Shumard
Mary Ann Sickle
David Siegan
Jim Silvia
Colleen Simchuk
Anil Singh
Nathan & Holly Sink
Sherif Sirageldin
Sherry Sisson
WJ & BJ Sivelle
Marion Sluys
Barry Smith
Byrom Smith
Mark Smith
Joseph & Carolyn Smutko
James Snarski
Kevin & Barrie Snodgrass
David & Ann Socher
John Sorensen
Jerry Southwood
Kris Spelman
Michael Squadrille
Gary Standel
John & Peggy Starr
Joan Steinke
Kathleen Steinwart
Glenn & Karen Stephenson
Katherine Stevens
Marcus Stevenson
Douglas & Susan Stevenson
Johnny Stewart
William Steyh
Anthony Stieber
Bob Stoecker
Kay Stone
Ronald Stone
Christopher Stone
Mable & Gene Stone
The Stones Family Trust
Leroy Storaasli
Martin Stuart
Ellen & Richard Stubstad
Robert Sturdivant
Zitta & Richard Substad
Colin Summers
Eric Swartz
Steve Swigard
Lynda Tanner
Curtis Taylor
Thomas Tessier
James Theobald
Mark Thompson
John Thompson
Three Rivers Bank
Jason Tomarken
Candace Tomarken
Alexis Tomarken
Dana Tomarken
Arthur Tonsmeire
The Toppino Family Foundation
Averi Torres
Dennis Torres
Town Pump Foundation
George & Amy Tracy
Suzanne Trainor
Scott Trowbridge
Brian Tucek
Michael Tuchin
Joseph Tumminaro
Ellen Ufberg
Yehoram Uziel
Jacques Vaillancourt
John & Donna Valentine
Richard Van Hersett
Robert Van Horn
Raoul Van Landuyt
Russell Van Nuis
Bradley Van Sant
Rik Vanooteghem
James Vasbinder
Boris Vasilev
Michael Venturino
William Vierra
Nancy Virts
Michael Vogel
Robert Voit
Bo Von der Ahe
Leah Vriesman
Douglas & Sandra Wakefield
Gwen Walcott
Kevin Ware
Norma Warfield
Michelle Waterman
Brian & Susan Watt
Avi Wazana
Jim Weaver
Frank Weissig
Wells and Associates
Stefan Werner
Linda Whiston
Rose White
Elizabeth Whitney
Louise Wildee
Mark Williams
Hugh Williams
Janelle Williams
Kathy Williams
Margie Willroth
Larry & Jane Wilson
Jerry Winter
Stan Witnov
Susan Wolber
Edward Wolcott
Stephen Wolfe
Mark Wolper
Geoffrey Wood
Helene Wood
Philip Wood
Arnie Woodard
Edwin Newhall Woods
Frank Woolard
John Wrench
Michael Wright
Jeffrey Wright
Taylor Wright
The Wynne Brothers
Stephanie Yang
Angelynne Yee
Steve & Jodi Young
Beth & Jamie Ziegler
Gerald Ziglar
Lawrence Zubel
Every effort was made
to make this list of cash
donors as accurate as
possible; in-kind donations
and membership fees are
not included. Should there
be any error, we apologize
and ask that it be brought
to our attention via
Ending net assets at December 31, 2012 totaled
$1,225,641, consisting of $892,821 in unrestricted net
assets and $332,820 in temporarily restricted net assets.
“These flights not only give patients access to care, but also hope for
themselves and hope for humanity that such generosity exists.”
–Susan B. Merrick, Oncology Social Worker, Anchorage, AK
The costs of all flights are donated.
There is never a charge for an Angel Flight West mission.
Angel Flight West arranges free air transportation in response to health care and other compelling human needs.
Angel Flight West is dedicated to removing lack of access as a barrier to health care.
Angel Flight West is committed to helping one person at a time, to supporting the strength that lies in our
grassroots, and to continuing to maintain a culture of professionalism.
3161 Donald Douglas Loop South Santa Monica, CA 90405 888.426.ANGEL www.angelflightwest.org