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January | 2015 MADE TO MEASURE SHUTTERS & BLINDS 20% OFF DUEttE 20% OFF twiLight 20% OFF wooDEn VEnEtiAns* BUY 3 gEt onE FREE on intU BLinDs For a free quotation call Alan since 1972 on 01573 229 036 07912 141 541 Mobile www.apollo-blinds.co.uk/borders * Applies to the Sunwood range of cut down wood range of Venetian blinds Terms & Conditions: Offers are for a limited period only and are subject to availability on selected fabrics and colours, while stocks last. Terms & Conditions apply. Apollo Blinds product guarantees vary depending upon product, fabric and finish. Full details can be found on our website www.apollo-blinds.co.uk FREE MEASURING FREE FITTING FULL GUARANTEE WITH EVERY PRODUCT 2 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 3 Hello everyone and Happy New Year to you all!! I hope you all had a great Christmas and you’ve managed to get the kids back down to earth! I love Christmas and with my kids getting older, now 8, 11 & 12, it’s getting even more and more enjoyable. They were so excited and it’s so pleasing to see their faces when opening their presents. That’s 2015 upon us and there’s a lot to look forward to if like me, you’re a Scotland sports fan. There’s the 6 Nations starting on 6th Feb, the Cricket World Cup starting on 14th Feb, in Sep/Oct the Rugby World Cup and the remaining qualifiers for Euro’16, what a year!! There’s a lot going on in this month’s Kelso Life too, so please take the opportunity to get yourself a cup of coffee, pull up a chair and enjoy the January 2015 issue of Kelso Life. Richard Copy deadline for the February issue is Wednesday 21st January Contents: Kelso Farmers Market Gardening Tales from Woodside 5 6 EMMA EMMERSON What’s on 9 Kelso Life 11 Kelso Blogger 12 The Kids Puzzle Page 14 RON HASTINGS The Rotary Club of Kelso 16 Kelso Library 18 ‘CITIZEN OF THE YEAR AWARD’ - TREVOR BLACK Nina Johnstone 20 Kelso Cricket Club AGM 23 Coffee Break Puzzles 26 ‘CHRISTMAS IS HERE’ Broomlands Primary School 29 Kelso’s World War 1 Exhibition 30 PARENTS COUNCIL APPEAL FOR ARTIFACTS Kelso Swimming Pool 33 Provost Report 34 PROVOST JOHN J BASSETT Edinburgh Rugby & Competition 36/37 Kelso Sports/ Clubs 38/39 Kelso Rugby Club 40 Answers to Kelso Life Puzzles 44 Giant Antique & Collectors Flea Market 45 List of Advertisers 46 Richard Sked 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 richard@kelsolife.co.uk www.kelsolife.co.uk 10 DAY SALE TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW LINES Jan 5th-15th – 20% off all PiP studio Culinary Concept Lush lampshades Clocks Rugs … and many other items cloudnine will be closed from Tuesday 28th January until Wednesday 4th February Next chalk paint workshops on 11th, 14th, 18th and 21st Feb. Phone for more details or to book on 01573 224742 Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts 4 New Year, New group, Slimming Success for Men and Women in Kelso On top of making their Christmas lists and planning their Christmas shopping, members of the brand new Kelso Slimming World group have been embarking on a mission to slim down for Christmas and the New Year and seen so much success already. Becky Scott, who recently opened the Kelso Slimming World group, says: "Christmas and New year holidays is a wonderful time of year with so much to celebrate, but if you’re feeling unhappy with your weight it can also be a very difficult time – there’s the fear of feeling uncomfortable in every party outfit and the worry that you might lose control completely and end up heavier than you were before. Tuesday 5.30pm & 7.30pm Gordon Fox Dance Academy, Kelso Tel: Becky 07856379432 Each week in our group we have been sharing recipes, advice and ideas for coping with potential challenges. From parties to January sales shopping trips we’ve helped one another to rediscover the magic of holidays while still achieving our dreams. "People often think it sounds too good to be true, but by making some careful choices and getting the right support it is possible to get through the holiday and start the new year without gaining more weight, our members can look forward to a new year and a new lifestyle. The Kelso Slimming World group is held every Tuesday at 5.30pm and 7.30pm at Gordon Fox Dance Acadamy. New members can simply pop along or call Becky on 07856379432. TIMBER KITS – Design to Finish EXTENSIONS & ALTERATIONS – All Trades KITCHENS & BATHROOMS REPLACEMENT WINDOWS – Timber & PVC ALL GENERAL JOINERY 24 HR CALL OUT Tel – 01573 470769 Mobile – 07970 445054 Email – linda.frame2@btinternet.com www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 55 Cross Keys Hotel From Border Marketing Hopefully with you Ashley Tait Junior Stylist Kelso Farmers Market Ashley Tait As Dec 20 stalls of local produce! The Zone Hairdressing CONFIDENCE IS THE BEST HAIRSTYLE Saturday 24th 9.30am to 1.30pm The Square, Kelso. 5 Mill Wynd, Kelso TD5 7HP 01573 225037 / 07791 224933 ashley.tait@yahoo.com Support your local Farmers Market Please mention KELSO LIFE when responding to adverts Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts 6 Gardening Tales from Woodside The deepest depths of winter can be a miserable time for gardeners. But don't worry, Spring will be with us soon and we can now spend useful time planning what we are going to do with the garden this year. Now that Christmas is past we can really turn our thoughts to the season ahead. January is a good month to evaluate the previous year in the garden. Did you manage to grow enough vegetables to keep you going right up to Christmas? Gardening magazines are fond of telling us that we should be able to produce vegetables all year round - they've obviously never experienced an average Scottish Borders winter! I tend to think of it as being a successful year if the majority of vegetables on the table at Christmas have come from the garden. So this year we've grown enough leeks and parsnips, but need to grow more carrots. These three vegetables store well in the ground - that is you don't have to harvest them until you need them. They'll sit quite happily in the ground until you're ready. In fact parsnips improve with the frost. It's the time of year to get your Kelsae Onions sown. You should sow them into trays filled with a fine compost which should be firmed gently. Thinly scatter the seeds on the compost and cover with about 1/4 inch of sieved compost. The ideal temperature for germination is 15-20⁰C, so place in a propagator, heated greenhouse or a suitable window sill. Once the seeds have germinated and have sprouted they need to be kept at about 18⁰C for around 2-3 weeks. After this they can be kept slightly cooler, but need good light and ventilation. Once they have developed leaves and are big enough to handle they can be pricked out individually into cells or small pots to grow on before you plant them outside, usually in early May. You should plant them into ground that has been well dug and manured over the winter - that's something you could be doing now to burn off some of those excess Christmas calories. A pH of about 7 seems to work best, so you might need to add lime if your ground is too acidic. An application of Blood, Fish and Bone is useful too, to give them a good start. If all the sowing and pricking out sounds too complicated, then simply phone me at Woodside to place an order for plants which we grow for you at Newton Don. These will be ready towards the end of April (depending on the weather) and are ready for planting out in early May. I would urge you all to have a go at growing this wonderful exhibition onion and to consider taking part in the Autumn Flower Show held annually in the Tait Hall and organised by Kelso Horticultural Society which has various categories for Kelsae Onions. If that seems a bit daunting, why not hold your own competition for the heaviest onion with your friends and neighbours? You should also keep an eye open for damage to the garden at this time of year - from snow, winds or hares and deer, and protect plants accordingly. Upright conifers can be tied up with strong twine to stop them being forced open by the weight of heavy snow, and branches that have been snapped by the wind should be neatly pruned to a bud and treated with "Seal and Heal" to prevent infection. Susceptible plants should be protected from animal damage with tree guards for individual plants and a frame of chicken netting for groups. Plants that are prone to very cold icy weather should be protected by horticultural fleece to keep them cosy. But don't worry - the evenings will soon start to get longer and the better weather will be with us before we know it! In the meantime, Happy Gardening! Emma Emmerson Visit Emma at Woodside just off the A68, north of Jedburgh on the B6400. Tel 01835 830315 or email emma@woodsidegarden.co.uk WALLED GARDEN, PLANT CENTRE, GARDEN SHOP AND CAFÉ OPEN 10-5 DAILY www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 7 Lawncare Winter Servicing from £49.99 • Expert factory-trained technicians. • Serviced to manufacturer specfications to protect your warranty. • Genuine parts at competitive prices. FREE COLLECTION IN THE KELSO AREA ® Lloyd Ltd KELSO Hunters Hall TD5 8BQ 01573 227 400 Also at: Willowburn Ind. Estate, Alnwick NE66 2PF. 01665 511 930 • *Terms and conditions apply. All prices include VAT. CHELTENHAM FESTIVAL PREVIEW NIGHT Tuesday 3rd March 2015 - Jedburgh Town Hall Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7.30pm start LEARN TO DRIVE WITH ESKSIDE HIGH PASS RATE Nervous pupils put at ease EXPERT PANEL INCLUDING – Ed Watson – Scottish Sun and Racing UK, Ryan Mania – Local Grand National Winning Jockey, Michael Shinners – Skybet, Brian Harding – Jockey to Nicky Richards, John Budden – Journalist & Tipster Insight on all 4 days of this tremendous Racing Spectacular including – Live Link with Paul Nicholls and David Pipe Stables Raffle in aid of The Injured Jockeys Fund £15.00 per ticket to include a £5 free bet. Full Bar Facilities (£1.00 booking fee per card transaction) Limited Capacity So Book Now – BE IN THE KNOW ! To book your ticket – email jump2itevents@gmail.com / call 0759 1212 972 FIRST 5 LESSONS for only £85 Tel : 01573 470355 Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts 8 20 Border Insurance Services Providing Independent Financial Advice you can trust since 1983 Mark Rutherford New ad with you MIKE BESWICK We offer “unrestricted” advice from the “Whole Market” For Investment Advice, Pensions & Retirement Planning,J H Hume Life & Health Insurance. 1 Horsemarket, Kelso 01573 224164 Please contact Mike Beswick Border Insurance Services is authorised and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority. 66 Woodmarket, Kelso, TD5 7AX. Telephone - 01573 225200 or email - info@borderinsurance.co.uk www.borderinsurance.co.uk HPM COOPER Landscaping & Garden Maintenance ∗ Fine lawn & meadow maintenance ∗ Dry stone walling ∗ Tree felling, hedge clearing/maintenance ∗ Driveways, gravel, slabbed, mono block etc ∗ All drainage work undertaken ∗ Digger & dumper hire with driver 07770 037778 / 01573 224502 E Mail - hc09247@gmail.com www.kelsolife.co.uk www.kelsolife.co.uk www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 9 January 2015 Mon 5th WHAT’S ON WHERE & WHEN Free Lip-reading classes for Deaf & Hard of Hearing people EVERY Monday at Kelso Hospital 10-12 noon. For info contact Tutor 07824 904190. Zumba at Kelso High School EVERY Monday. Call Denise on 07713 357450. Free Hypnotherapy & Mindfulness Taster Evening. Village Hall, Newstead, Melrose. 7.30pm - 9pm. Book your place at www.borderhypnotherapy.co.uk or phone Elaine on 01896 822757 or 07739 552752 Cobbles monthly pub quiz, 7:30 start, upstairs at The Cobbles. £2.50/person entry, includes half time snacks. Limit of 6 persons per team. Tues 6th Walk It Walks - EVERY Tuesday. Call Ray - 01573 226261 or Peter for Friday- 01573 224037 Yoga classes EVERY Tuesday (throughout school terms) Abbey Row Community Centre. Easier class 3.30-4.45 pm and general class 7.15-8.45 pm. All welcome. Anne Macnaughton 01835 822557. Wed 7th The Dippers-Borders Disabled Swimming Group- Kelso Swimming Pool- EVERY Wednesday Noon - 1pm, entrance fee £2.10. Friendly club offering fun & exercise. People with minor physical disabilities to wheel chair bound. Helpers available. Morag Sharp on 01835 822524. Friends of Kelso Library are holding a Tea Party in the Library from 2.15pm- 4.15pm. Entry by donation Border Prostate Cancer Support Group meetings at B.G.H. Chaplaincy- 7pm One Acchord ladies acappella chorus invites you to join us EVERY Wednesdays 7.30-9.30. Newtown St Boswells Community Hall. Try free for 4 weeks. 01573 223642 or wilmaoliver@yahoo.co.uk Thurs 8th Free Mindfulness Taster Session. Complete Health, 36 Galapark, Galashiels. 10am - 11.30am. Book your place online at www.livemindfully.co.uk or phone Elaine on 01896 822757 or 07739 552752 Kelso Thursday Club- ‘Selection of Film Clips’, Speaker - Stan Yates, 2pm Abbey Row Fri 9th Gentle Exercise Class - EVERY Friday at 10.30 at Abbey Row Kelso. Cost is £2 with a refreshment. Contact Denise on 07713 357450 for any information. Walk It Walks - EVERY Friday. Call Peter - 01573 224037 Kelso Folk & Live Music Club’s early session - The Planet (formerly Ace Centre) EVERY Friday 8 till 10pm Folk & Live Music Club’s session - The Cobbles. EVERY Friday from 9.45pm approx. Sat 10th & Sun 11th GIANT ANTIQUE & COLLECTORS FLEA MARKET - TABLE TOP SALE - SEE PAGE 45 FOR DETAILS Mon 12th Four Border Abbeys U3A - Memebrs monthly meeting followed by a talk by Andrew Armstrong on ‘Genealogy’, Guests welcome. Kelso Rugby Club at 2pm. Further info call 01573 450366 or www.u3asites.org.uk/fourborderabbeys Tues 13th Abbey Quilters meeting - Sandra’s surprise by Sandra Kinnoch. Abbey Row Centre @ 7pm. Thurs 15th Kelso Thursday Club’s ’Charles Darwin’, Speaker - Ursula Shone. 2pm Abbey Row Fri 16th KELSO CRICKET CLUB AGM - SEE PAGE 23 FOR DETAILS Tues 20th Kelso Stitchers- Abbey Row Centre 7pm- Stitching a banner for the new group. Enquiries: Rineke Sangster 01573 229414 Thurs 22nd Kelso Thursday Club’s ‘A Wildlife Tour of Northern India’, Speaker - Malcolm Ross. 2pm Abbey Row Sat 24th KELSO FARMERS MARKET - SEE PAGE 5 FOR DETAILS Wed 28th Kelso Accordion & Fiddle Club present - Charlie McIntee Band. Kelso Rugby Club from 7pm till 10.30pm. Please enter Car Park from Croft Road. Contact Fiona Oliver for info - 01668 216162. Thurs 29th Kelso Thursday Club’s - ‘CHARLESFIELD FIRST: the journey so far and what the future holds’, Speaker - Trevor Jackson. 2pm Abbey Row Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts 10 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 ������������������������� 12 13 11 27 12 26 richard@kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 BE A PART OF KELSO LIFE SR MOBILE TYRE FITTING Kelso Life is delivered to every house in Kelso together with all local businesses Distribution also includes Kelso Swimming Pool, Kelso Library, Hastings Property Shop, Sainsbury's Kelso, Kelso Tourist Information Office, local cafes ������������������ and a number of the outlying villages including Heiton, Sunlaws Village, Makerstoun, �� ��������������������������������� ���������������� Mobile ��������������� S SR RMobile Hume, Ednam, Morebattle, Birgham, Smailholm, Sprouston, Yetholm and Kirk Yetholm. S R Mobile �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� AsAsMarch asMarch �������������������������� This all means aNovember distribution of over 4600 in the Kelso Area as well being Relax & Indulge available on our web-site - www.kelsolife.co.uk ��������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� An �������������������������������������������������������������� and Enjoy an Afternoon of relaxation at the Roxburghe Hotel Health & How much? Elemis Facial �������������������������������������������������������������������������� Beauty Suite. ������������������� Colour Relax with a customised Elemis facial to target your B&W individual Jessica File & Polish ���������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������� needs followed byQuarter a Jessica File & Polish. To finish your Page £31perfect £43 with Discounts a �������������������������������������������������������������� afternoon, indulge in our Afternoon Tea served with a chilled Champagneon Inserts Half Page £55 £80 ��������������� glass of Perrier Jouet Champagne. Your ideal indulgence package Teamth ��������������������������������������������������������������������� Delivered 3 Full from 2014. £108 £143 Afternoon is available until the endPage of September for ��������������������������������������������������������������������� packages ���������������������� (No &VAT) £45.00 ��������������������������������������������������������� Book your appointment now with our Health Beauty Suite on 01573 450714. Log onto www.roxburghe.net for our full list of For more information contact Richard on:treatments and further special offers. �������������01896 830846 / 07900 197907 Roxburghe Hotel & Golf Course, Heiton, by Kelso, Roxburghshire TD5 8JZ e-mail : �richard@kelsolife.co.uk 07730 455777 ����� T: 01573 450 331 E: reception@roxburghe.net www.roxburghe.net ������������������������� �������������������������� ������������������ ��������������������������� Web-site �� 13 12 �� GN�� : www.kelsolife.co.uk 37 ����������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� BE A PART OF KELSO LIFE DELICIOUS Graeme Inkster Graeme Inkster Kelso Life is delivered to every house in Kelso together with all local businesses Homemade Puddings/Cakes Handyman Services Handyman Services * Roulades Distribution also includes Kelso Swimming Pool, Kelso Library, Hastings Property Shop, Kelso Tourist Kelso Amateur Dramatic Society Needs You Information Office, Sainsbury's Kelso, local cafes and a Sinclair Chiropadist number of the outlying villages including Heiton, Hume, AndLinda You And You!! Sunlaws Village, Ednam, Morebattle, Birgham, AsFind Mayus at our new showroom All aspects of DIY DIY undertaken including: Makerstoun, Smailholm, Yetholm Kirk Yetholm. Alland aspects of undertaken including: Unit 2,Sinclair Rosswood EST Linda Chiropadist Mothers Day Sunday 30th March, � N * Pavlovas * Cheesecakes Why Not Come Along to our AGM on April Graeme Inkster orders Shedden Park taken. RoadD 4600 K A ! Asnow Maybeing rd � Building Swiss Rolls As * previous Abbey Row 23 7 30pm inKelso, TD5Centre 7PY - www.kelsolife.co.uk A � Building � Joinery Local and National deliveries, revamping your Kitchen,and � Joinery � Plastering How much? * Gingerbreads You Thinking dont haveofto act, we need backstage We stock a wide Bathroom, Enrange Suite orof thefresh Utilityflowers, Room? � Tiling � Plastering front of house help well. * &Sponge B&W � Painting Then pop ingifts and as see ourcards extensive . range plants, and Decorating Cakes � TilingColour Quarter £31 £43 Of wall and floor ceramic tiles,Page � Hard Landscaping & Decorating Many More We would see grout you Birthdays atand theHalf Abbey Weddings PageRow £55 � Painting £80* tile love trim to edge, spacers � Fencing ISTRIBUTION OF OVER IN THE ELSO REA LSO AVAILABLE ON OUR WEB SITE Full Page from Anniversaries Call usSympathy on 226811 Experienced 01573 staff who are always or £108 (No VAT) � Hard £143 Landscaping � Fencing For information Any othermore requirements please ring and ask. Contact: For more information contact Richard on:- Jane Any other requirements please ring and ask. 07702 happy to 482817 help! 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 Tel. 01573 430328 Opening hours: Tel: 01573 450221 e-mail : richard@kelsolife.co.uk Mob. 07940 249020 9 Woodmarket,,Tues, Kelso, TD5& 7AT Wed, Thurs Fri Web-site : www.kelsolife.co.uk 9am==12.30pm 1.30pm==4.30pm Tel. 01573 430328Email : Simon Forsyth 1573 223323 With you Saturday janembell@gmail.com Mob. 07940 249020 elsoflowers.co.uk 9am==12.30pm www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 // 07900 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 830846 07900 197907 197907 Please mention KELSO LIFE when responding to adverts www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 richard@kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts FIONA DUFFY @ G AND S HAIR DESIGN�� 12 Stamp Duty All Change-Both Sides The Tweed No More Kelso Blogger The changes to Stamp Duty brought in by the Chancellor George Osborne in the “Autumn” Statement introduced a long overdue reform of this iniquitous burden on house buyers. We have been calling for change to this broken system back in 2005 so better late than never! The announcement affects purchasers in Scotland as well as those throughout the rest of the United Kingdom and came into effect on 4 December. It won’t have gone unnoticed that this follows hot on the heels of the post referendum Scottish Government’s announcement that they will reform Stamp Duty in Scotland but with the uniquely Scottish system delayed until 1 April 2015. After that we will have two systems running in tandem and in some sectors of the market this will provide a stark contrast on the tax levied on purchasers, depending on what side of the Border the property lies on, so it will no longer be the same both sides The Tweed! Both schemes address the unfairness of paying increased rates on the whole of the price if the price exceeded the set cut off points. This inevitably led to a “black Hole” at the margins and was particularly pronounced at properties around £250,000 where it jumped to 3% and buyers were reluctant to pay an extra £5000 or more in tax when the price was over that cut off. This also affect the lower end with a sudden jump at £125,000 from exempt to paying over £1250 and sellers invariably lost out and had to compromise and sell below value or risk losing the sale. The good news is that will no longer be a factor and buyers will face a bonus of little or no stamp duty. The real winners from the changes will be those buying just over the threshold for example a purchase at £140,000 was £1400 and will now be £300 and after April in Scotland that further reduces to £100. As prices are likely to firm up as sellers grow in confidence smart buyers may be wise to buy early and it’s worth remembering Scotland now shares the full benefits with the rest of the UK with all buyers able to take advantage of the “new” UK rates with immediate effect. As well as encouraging buyers this also addresses the fear of a stalled property market due to buyers delaying their purchase until April to take advantage of savings. Taken as a whole for the vast majority the changes are a positive, particularly the end to the blanket application of rates to the whole of the price, and the changes introduce an initial allowance £125,000 (increasing to £135,000 for Scotland only in April 2015) which isn’t lost as you progress up the scale similar to income tax allowances. On the downside, higher value properties will be major losers and after April in Scotland only any property over £250,000 will attract a 10% band rate as opposed to the current rate of 5% which will continue to apply over the border. In Scotland, the level at which you will be paying more has now reduced from the cross over point as announced at the time of the Scottish Government’s announcement from about £335,000 to £253,000 and the post April comparison of the 5% rate for the rest of the UK to 10% in Scotland flags up a significant extra cost to buying in Scotland above that level. Here in the Scottish Borders there are a significant number of buyers who move here from down south and if they are discouraged from buying on our side of the Tweed we risk losing the benefits of that inward investment with knock on affects for building industry and the wider local economy. While it might be an unusual time of year to commence marketing if your property is likely to be in the higher price bracket it would be wise to consider marketing early in the hope you attract a New Year buyer keen to avoid extra costs. It’s never too early to market your property and both sellers and buyers should act now to beat budget increases. Ron Hastings Follow me on Twitter at #HastingsHouses www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 13 PROFESSIONAL QUICK DRYING CARPET CLEANER CHRISTMAS OFFER Clean one carpet get second half price! CALL 01573 219062 07551639663 simonayton1965@outlook.com PAINTING & DECORATING, GARDENING, LANDSCAPING, FLAT PACK ASSEMBLY, GENERAL HOUSEHOLD TASKS PROFESSIONAL QUICK DRYING CARPET CLEANER FRIENDLY RELIABLE SERVICE REVITILISE YOUR CARPETS TODAY CALL 01573 219062 07551639663 simonayton1965@outlook.com Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts 14 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 d ��������������������������������� ����� ��������������������������� 15 26 4� ����� ������������������������ ��� ������� ��������������������� ����� ����������������������� ����� All Plumbing & Heating Jobs ������ AN considered Myles McNulty in Kelso & ��������� Myles McNulty As previous surrounding areas r �������� Myles McNulty As March Tweeddale ����� As previous ������������������������������� ons ������������������������������������� Dave Simpson al��� As previous ��������������� ���������������������������������� ������������� ����������������������������� ������������������������������� free estimates ���������������������������� Over 30 years experience �������������������������������� Friendly & Efficient Service ����������������������������������� ��� Gas Safe & WRAS Registered ������������������������������ ����������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� 4� when responding to adverts O LIFE ����������������������������������� 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 ����������������������������������� Life when responding to adverts 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 ��������������������������� � ��������������������������������� �� 16/04/2014, 19/03/2014, 22:28 21:50 ���������������������������������� ������� ���������������� �������������� 0 �� � 11 15 37 375 � Kelso BrianFarmers Deans Market Electrical Services R A U Kelso Amateur Dramatic Society Needs You � REGISTERED ELECTRICIAN And You Andus You!! Find at our new showroom � Village Ednam Hall GDUnit Diesel 2, Rosswood EST S R Mobile GCome D Diesel Why Along to our AGM on April Installation, Maintenance & Repair New ad with you G Not DAs Diesel Nov Shedden Park Road as November � Asin January 14 Deans 7Brian 30pm Abbey Row 23rdAs January 14 Kelso, TD5Centre 7PY Testing & Inspection As previous Kelso Music Society � Thinking of revamping your Kitchen,and 20 stalls ofbackstage You dont have to act, we need New Builds,En Conversions & Alterations Bathroom, Suite or the Utility Room? produce! front of house well. Then poplocal inhelp and as see our extensive range Domestic, & Industrial Of wall Commercial and floor ceramic tiles, We would see grout you atand the spacers Abbey Row tile love trim to edge, A �T � � S� �t � � T Saturday 27th Mob:01573 07753 865840 226811 9.30am to 1.30pm Tel: 01573 228122 The07702 Square, Kelso. 482817 ��������������������� Tues, Wed,your Thurs & Frilocal Support Saturday ��������������������������������� Farmers Market Call us on s or Opening hours: 9am==12.30pm AD H Ti 1.30pm==4.30pm 9am==12.30pm T M ����������������������� ������������������������������ Please mention KELSO richard@kelsolife.co.uk ������������������������������� Please mention Kelso Brian Deans BORDER ICE RINK Electrical Services Welcoming new patients in 2014! ������������������������ Kelso Travel Have you made that promise to yourself that you will try and s To come � ����������������������������������� REGISTERED ELECTRICIAN be healthier in 2015 but the thought of the gym puts you off? ���������������������������������� � Village Hall Ednam The Blind WE SUPPLY ANDMan FIT ALL TYPES OF Kelso Travel S R Mobile ��������������������� ������������� Maintenance & Repair New ad with with you you As August New ad SimonInstallation, Ayton Carpet run Ice an affordable monthly dental plan that covers THE your me Brian Deans as November Why notWegive WINDOW COVERING SkatingBLINDS a try? Gentle Touch Dental Practis ��������������������������������� examinations, x-rays and up to two hygiene treatments per ye Cleaner As previous Testing & Inspection Aqueous Bowen health It also includes 20% discount on any treatment New ad with you required. BORDERS AND NORTHUMBERLAND �������������������������������� As January To come New ad to come We are open every Sunday in January from 2.45pm – 5.15pm New Builds, Conversions & Alterations Our Services include: ��������� Dave Simpson �������������������������� •FREE���Dentures MEASURING •FREE QUOTATIONS Domestic, Commercial & Industrial Ice Disco Saturday As 31stprevious Jan 6pm – 8.30pm ������������������������������������� ���Crowns and bridges FOR A FREE HOM ������������������������������������� ���Porcelain veneers ��� � d � � 01289 Mob: 07753 865840 Tel: 01573 228122We look forward to seeing you all in the New Year! ���Hygienist ���Teeth whitening ���Orthodontics Tel: ������������ 01573 224 774 ��������������������� Web: www.bordericerink.co.uk ���������������������� ��������������������������������� ���6 Month Smiles Email: admin@bordericerink.co.uk ���Smile makeovers. Follow us: www.facebook.com/BIRkelso info@blind-m For more information please contact the practice on Tel: 0157 speak to our friendly staff or visit our website www.kelsoden www.blind-m ����01896 ����������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3760-0314-Ad A5 2-vNA.indd 1 830846 // 07900 07900 197907 197907 Please mention KELSO LIFE when when Please mention LIFE 830846 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / mention 07900 197907 07 01896 mention KELSO LIFE when responding toKELSO adverts 01896 830846 / Please 07900Please 197907 Kelso Life when r mention Kelso Life when to Please adverts www.kelsolife.co.uk 830846 07900 197907 907 �������������������� Please mention Kelso responding Life when01896 responding to/ adverts ���� ��������������������������� e t �� 6 34 16 16 �� 13 13 �� THE ROTARY CLUB OF KELSO DELICIOUS At its meeting on 20 November the Rotary Club of Kelso welcomed partners and Friends of Rotary to its weekly meeting and we were delighted to also welcome David Tait the President of the Kelso 41 Club with his wife Anne. Janice Whiteford from Earlston gave an informative and interesting illustrated talk about her time with the ‘Vine Trust’ providing medical aid to the populations living in Peru, on the banks of the mighty Amazon Kelso Rotary River. Club At the end of the meeting the Club was S Douglas pleased to award their ‘Citizen of the Year Award’ to Trevor Black in recognition of With you Newtown ad with Kelso you over many years and especially for re-introducing his service to the Delicious of cakes the annual Saint James’ Fair to the town. With you Homemade Puddings/Cakes * Roulades * Pavlovas * Cheesecakes * Swiss Rolls * Gingerbreads * Sponge Cakes * Many More ��������������������� Now supplying Kelso Wholefoods, Woodmarket, Kelso ������������ For more information contact: �������������������������������������������������� JANE Tel: 01573�450221 �������������������� ��������������������� President Stan Yates presents Trevor Black with a Rotary Citation and an engraved Emailof: hisjanembell@gmail.com Silver Salva in recognition receiving the ‘Citizen of the Year Award.’ �� 13 12 37 14 �� 14 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 FIONA DUFFY @ G AND S HAIR DESIGN�� � PAINTER & DECORATOR No job too big too big or or YOUR LOCAL No G & Sjob Hair Design As February too small too small EXPERTS � � TO MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT CALL 01573 228 206 Free estimates Free estimates I AM NOW TAKING APPOINTMENTS ON WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS FOR BRYAN JOHNSTON PLASTERING & TILING Mothers Day Linda Sinclair Chiropadist AsPLASTERING May 30th March, Sunday � now being taken. � orders TAPING Bryan Johnston Bryan Johnston Bryan Johnston Bryan Johnston � COVING Local and National deliveries, As previous Asprevious previous As previous As � ROUGHCASTING We stock a wide range of fresh flowers, � plants, FLOORgifts & WALL and TILING cards. Weddings Birthdays Call now Scott now on on Call Scott Anniversaries Sympathy Perms �������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� Experienced staff who are always Wash, cuts 224486 and blowdrys 01573 01573 224486 ��������������������������������������� happy to help! Shampoo and sets �������������������������������������������� 07811 555560 07811 555560 and Blowdrys TheWash Flower Room, 19 Woodmarket,, Kelso, TD5 7AT Colours � 01573 223323 ������������������ SCOTT COTT ORTHWICK S ORTHWICK ORTHWICK Hair Ups forB that special occasion info@kelsoflowers.co.uk Gents Cuts are also available & Tel: � �������������������� 34 �� Please mention KELSO LIFE���������������������������������������������������������� when responding to adverts www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 �������������������������������� �������������������� ��������������������������� www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts FIONA DUFFY @ G AND S HAIR DESIGN�� 17 CLOTH WORKS SHOP & WORKSHOP 62 WOODMARKET, KELSO TEL: 01573 224122 20% OFF RRP Just arrived Promotional Offer 20% OFF RRP on entire range of Voyage and Lorient fabrics in stock and to order HOLIDAY TIMES - SHOP Xmas Holidays closed from Tuesday 23rd December 5pm Re-open Monday 5th January 9am Soft Furnishing make up service on site, using customers own fabrics or choose from our large selection. Fabrics in store – PVC from £6 per metre, Nets from £3 per metre, Fleece & lots more... Fabric Specials (Laura Ashley etc) from £12 per metre. NEW RANGE OF READY MADE CURTAINS CHRISTMAS FABRICS & RIBBONS NOW IN STOCK SOFT FURNISHINGS • Custom made • Ready made • 10 Day express make up • Boxed cushions • Alterations DRESS MAKING • Patterns in Stock • Sewing Accessories for all your sewing needs To all our customers we wish you a Merry Xmas and Prosperous New Year and a big thank you from the girls Cloth Works October 2014 Ad HP.indd 1 Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts 10/12/2014 16:26 7 18 4 47� 11 Kelso Library Contact Centre � ������������������������ Kelso Library Contact Centre will be closed on 1st, 2nd and 3rd January 2015 and will re-open on Monday 5th January, 10am. ��������������������� Kelso Library Readers Group - The Group meet on the last Tuesday of each month. Please contact staff for more details. Kelso ���������������������������������������������� Library Contact Centre Tel: 01573 223171 ���������������������������������� STRESSBUSTERS BORDERS ����������������������� ������������������������������������������� NHS Borders are offering a FREE class in Anxiety Management. Come along to the session and learn more about health anxiety, ��������������������������������������������� & Heating whatAll keepsPlumbing it going and strategies to help how youJobs manage your worries. Tuesday 27th January 2015, � 5.30-6.30pm. in to book a place or call Kelso Library Contact Centre Tel: (01573) 223 171 REGISTERED ELECTRICIAN Call��������������������������������������������� considered in Kelso & � ������������������ BOOKBUG SESSIONS surrounding areas ��������������������������� Installation, &10.30-11am: Repair Bookbug Sessions start up again and will be held on the following dates in January, alternateMaintenance Friday mornings, from Lloyd ltd Brian Brian Deans Deans � 16th������������������� January & 30th January to come Testing & Inspection ���������������������� As previous Asyour previous There will be fun and rhymes forNew 0-4 years and their adults. Sharing rhymes with child has been proven to help them with ���������������������������������� Brian Deans Electrical Services ���������������� �������������� � ���������� reading and numbers. Why not come along to join in the fun? New Builds, Conversions & Alterations �������������������������� Exhibitions - In association with SBC Museums and Galleries: ������������������������� th th 6 November - 26 January 2015, ‘The Home Front’ - WW1 Home Front Domestic, in Kelso. Commercial & Industrial ��������������������������� The�������������� Kelso Archive There will also be a variety of displays running throughout the year featuring the ‘Kelso Archive’ and arranged by staff from the Heritage Hub. The exhibition currently on show is: Treasures from the Archive and play just now but we have before and there is always light at of the unique documents found in the Kelso Archive collection. A display frombeen thethere Heritage Hub, highlighting some free estimates !"#$! ��������������� ������������� Lloyd Ltd KELSO Mob: 07753 865840 Tel: 01573 228122 demise the reasons for the state we are. I shall not join the debate! n games to play. The type of winter has allowed us to play most of our For Further Information please contact: e played on Saturday. I doubt if anybody saw what was coming as we totally KelsoThey Library Contact Centre, Bowmont Street, Kelso (01573) 223171 y win to make it a double over the city side for the season. are still in e. Their plans were slightly derailed on Saturday, however. We cannot get libkelso@scotborders.gov.uk ontenders, Stewarts Melville, in a couple of weeks. Our win against Monday and Thursday Also at: Willowburn Ind. Estate, Alnwick NE66 2PF. 01665 511 10:00am-5:00pm; 930 ue title and gain promotion. e day of the Scotland v France match. That is a Bookers Border League 1:00pm - 7:00pm; Wednesday 10.00 - 2.00pm; Tuesday • *Terms conditions apply.asAll prices header includeinVAT. That,and hopefully, will count a double the Peebles on 22nd March. 10:00am-4:00pm; Saturday 9:30am-12:30pm. We did go up to Peebles to play this game but the pitch was notFriday playable. Over years experience Hunters Hall 30 TD5 8BQ 01573 227 400 Garden Equipment Iain Benton 07971 491 062 Friendly & Efficient Service Roxburghe ad GasThe Safe & WRAS Registered With you �� 4 35 14 4� Gala on 5th April, followed by Melrose, Hawick, Peebles, Langholm, Berwick, 17th May. Fraser McClung is in charge of the Sevens this year again and season inviting them to do the dame again on May 3rd. ams in each group. This gives the same number of ties on the day but it ��� 35 �� � ��������������������������������� 28 30 �� ABrian ndH rewBLACK BDeans everidge R � nding to 12 teams. For how long, I do not know as there is a big push going d by the SRU. Kelso, like many of the sides in our league, are not in favour of his elite group of teams. This initiative has been stalled, however, and gone on this one until season 2016/17. I bet you just cant wait! st season, they were promoted but have now been given a geography lesson il five of our away games. This has been because of injuries to the firsts and day morning and being unable to leave to get through to Glasgow or Dundee o the first fifteen in the event of call offs there. The other disappointing e weather has been against us and the game has been cancelled. Ponty. My spelling of Pontryhdyfen is not too good. Hence, my abbreviation! uins, who have recorded comfortably more wins than losses so far this a place in the SRU Youth Bowl. They go on to play in a local development vens tournament on Saturday 5th April. That is usually a good day out with ��������������������� ElElectrical ectrical Services Se r v i c e s Kelso������ Travel To come � ELECTRICIAN Brian����������������� Deans REGISTERED AsRH previous Black � As previous Members of well the Scottish Installation, Maintenance & Repair �� � back inAndrew theBeveridge e now training and parents organised a attended Race Night � �� Brian Deans Brian Deans communicating with the parents. Border t of a roll just now, having recorded a few wins over other schools. Decorators Federation Testing & Inspection As March As previous Work undertaken As previous ottish Rugby Union. Andrew Beveridge � the due date but I dont suppose anybody who has not paid by now is likely As March New Builds, Conversions & Alterations throughout the Borders eld on Friday 4 April and the Sevens which are on Saturday 3 May. The s Domestic�Commercial PAT Testing�Testing ��� Guaranteed workmanship � Domestic, Commercial & Industrial th rd ed in the last few years. The speakers at the Dinner include Sean Lineen, 25.No increase on last year! are at home. Your contact here is Jim Hewit. p on what is going on by visiting www.kelsorfc.co.uk . Our thanks go to Ian Free Estimates by Time Served tradesmen Full Mob: 07753Membership 865840 Call:228122 Quotations Free Tel: 01573 � the premises. Both upstairs and downstairs may be booked as well as �book hould arrange a booking through Douglas Bell, the Club Steward. In some �� on how many members are at an event. We do let the clubrooms out for e 3rd Age. � ��� �� �� d �� 01835 01573 824613 440249 ������������������ ��������������������������������� 07876 136277 or 440286 ��������������������� ��������������������� 4� ������������������������ Andrew Beveridge ��������������������� Counselling ����������������������� Electrical Service Services Time Out Kelso and Edinburgh All Plumbing & Heating Jobs Domestic�Commercial considered in Kelso & Myles McNulty PAT Testing�Testing surrounding areas Myles Time OutMcNulty Counselling Time Out Counselling Counselling As March Tweeddale previous New advert with you AsAs March Work undertaken ���������������� throughout the Borders Dave Simpson �������������� AsFree previous Estimates ��������������� Registered ������������� To enquire or request an Call: free estimates appointment please telephone 01835 824613 www.timeoutcounselling.co.uk 07876 136277 Gas Safe & WRAS Registered I Ne D M Over07775 30 years experience 816424 Friendly &orEfficient Service visit ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4� when responding to adverts Please mention KELSO LIFE �������������������������������� www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 www.kelsolife.co.uk 830846 // 07900 07900 197907 197907 �������������������� ��������������������������� Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts ��������������������������� � �� 19 19 �� 11 � � New toTO Kelso LEARN DRIVE Aches and Pains? WITH ESKSIDE Eskside DS DON’T MISS THE �� SWe ILLY SEPTEMBER SALE Have A A NEW NEW KELSO KELSO OFFICE OFFICE We Have AT ITZY BITZY SSHIGH PYLAW R OAD K ELSO Have YouPASS Tried PYLAW R OAD,,RATE KBowen? ELSO As December PASS RATE HIGH 26Bowen Douglas Crescent, 8BB The Technique is put gentle enough all Nervous pupils putKelso, at ease easeTD5for Nervous pupils at ages and uses small, light moves over ligament, tendon and muscle to stimulate the healing process within the body. Eskside DS to the elderly From babies Everyone is better with Bowen. As December YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT For moreClass information or to make VII MORTGAGE Class IV IV & &BROKER VII an appointment call or text (Cars, Vans (Cars, Vans & & Pick-Ups) Pick-Ups) Katy on 07999077804 or email Sales, Service, Call us on 01573 228274 Service, ForSales, current prices k.jonesbowen@gmail.com IRST ESSONS Repair Valeting room in the High Croft area) (Treatment Repair &&151 Valeting or 0779& 6670 F ������������������ ������������������ FOR O NE WEEK ONLY STARTING Cloud Nine Cattery Infaweb Infaweb Floor, Top Floor, ��January AsTop previous ONDAY 8TH SEPTEMBER M As Cloud As Nine Cattery Infaweb January 6 Bridge Street, 6As Bridge Street, Massive Bargains with up to As January previous A purpose built cattery, set in a beautiful country � � � � Kelso. A purpose built cattery, set in a beautiful country Kelso. 50% Off Items locationMany offering: location offering: ��Under floor heated sleep areas with indoor run & covered outdoor playsleep area areas with indoor run & ��Under floor heated Cloud Nine Cattery Websites ��Can cater for anyplay size of cat family. Websites covered outdoor area As��Can previous ��Most dietary requirements catered for. cater for any size of cat family. Social || SEO SEO || Analytics Analytics || PPC PPC Social 5L Contact Jon Jon Harrison Contact OpeningHarrison Hours Block booking discounts E-mail: enquiries@simplymortgagesplus.co.uk £85 01573 238 238 003 003 www.bowen-technique.co.uk 01573 Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm Website: www.simply-mortgages-plus.co.uk See all all our our services services at at�� See www.infaweb.com � TD5 7JD 12 Bridge Street, Kelso, www.infaweb.com � The Original Bowen Technique Tel :: 01573 470355 225199 Tel01573 01573 470355 01573229021 Please mention KELSO LIFE when responding to adverts ��Catsdietary requiringrequirements medication welcome. ��Most catered for. ��Excellent care at competitive prices. ��Cats requiring medication �welcome. ��Excellent care at competitive prices. ���������������������������� � �������������� You can Hours also find more online Opening -- 8am 5pm Fri Opening Hours 8am --information 5pm Mon Mon to to Fri at 8am 8am -- 12pm 12pm Saturday Saturday Op ���������������������������� Tel. 01573 430328 �������������� www.cloudninecattery.com� Simply Mortgages Plus is a trading name for Allan Connochie Mortgage Consultancy Ltd, an appointed representative of Personal Touch Financial Services Ltd, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority � Tel. 01573 430328 www.cloudninecattery.com� � Please mention KELSO LIFE when responding to mention adverts KELSO LIFE when ����������������������������������������������������� Please ����������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� 01896 830846 / Please 07900 197907 advertsmention Kelso Life when mention Kelso Life when responding to Please ���������������������������������������������������� NEW BOOK Kelso Life May April2014.indd 2014.indd 33 35 19/03/2014, 16/04/2014, 21:53 22:37 Charlie2014.indd Robeson rugby Kelso Life September 37 - Professional league player, veteran of the Western Front and Kelso saddler This is his story. Lovely new SPECIAL OCCASION Junior Disco Freestyle / RANGES Hip Hop now arriving Liba (Primary School Age) White for De-Icer As Spring previous Rock Salt Tuesdays 5:00pm-6:00pm £3.50 Choose from We are now This book shares the personal Stockists of the letters, photographs and COMPLETE experiences of Derek Robeson’s grandfather whorange survived Senior Disco Freestyle /of 3 years in Frontline trenches Hop War. in Hip the Great (Secondary Age) wear It also records School hisCasual grandmother’s Screenwash Snow Concentrate life on the Home Front. Scoops Tuesdays 6:15-7:15pm This is a high quality colour £3.50 production with lots of Kelso images. Ella Boo, Derek co-wrote Fantastic selectionand published Kelso Memories with Contact Gordon For of Further Info Pomodoro, co-ordinated tops,last year Don't Miss The Silly September Sale At Itzy Bitzy Alastair Campbell. Tel: 07900 676 865 Adini, Godske skirts and knitwear The book costs £15 and is available Email: info@gordonfoxdanceacademy.co.uk and others. to inspire your from Hector Innes Photography www.gordonfoxdanceacademy.co.uk For One Week Only Monday Spring wardrobe & at St.Starting James’ Fair.8th September BeautifulFollow hats andus at www.facebook.com/stuartdouglaskelso Unit 5 Abbotsford Court fascinators too All proceeds go to Sizes 10 - 26 Kelso TD5 7BQPoppyscotland & Help for Heroes (Next to Abbey Fitness) Massive Bargains WithBridge Up To 50% Many Items www.libafashions.co.uk 23-25 St,Off Kelso Please mention KELSO LIFE when responding to adverts Please mention mention Kelso Kelso Life Life when when responding responding to to adverts adverts Please ���������������������������������������������������� 20 CHRISTMAS IS HERE Great it is that time of year again; I must admit I love Christmas it is so good to have all your family together for a wee while. Well normally I spend each Christmas addition telling all you lovely fellow dog owners about the perils of our festive period on their tummies and your carpets, oh not forgetting the poor vet who would love to put his or her feet up for the day without any call outs. Guess what, I am not going to go on about those horrors this year. No mentioning the poor wee dog that ate the glass or plastic bauble off the Christmas tree or the one who opened the wrapped box of Chocolates then ate them packaging, foil and all. No, I’m not going there because you will all think I am a “meanie” who doesn’t treat her dogs to a wee bit extra at Santa time. Someone who doesn’t hide, “so they won’t see their pressie and spoil the surprise”, well yes I do, I am as bad as the rest of the dog loving population. So I will not go on about giving them way to much extra turkey with a couple of roast spuds, a kilted sausage or maybe two! Oh and don’t forget the mash and gravy. What is really odd, it’s eaten with so much gusto and looks lovely for them BUT when it is ejected with as much gusto from the rear end it doesn’t look like the lovely dinner they enjoyed only a few hours earlier and the smell is definitely different. The one word of warning I will give this year, which a few of the more greedy naughty breeds have fallen foul of, oh and they will often be the bin rakers is, PLEASE, PLEASE make sure you dispose of the yummy smelling tin foil so Fido cannot get hold of it and eat the lot, it makes them REALLY, REALLY sick. Well, see I haven’t gone on at you all or bent your ears trying to give everyone, Fido included, a peaceful and calm Christmas and New Year. On that note remember, when the cooking, washing and playing “mine-host” gets too much, just think how lovely it will be to get everyone out on a super walk which Fido will enjoy. The added bonus of an extra Christmas present, “a fun walk2”, with the most important people in their world! When you get back kids and dog will be worn out and just want to sleep while you relax. Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year to all my 2 and 4 legged friends, I look forward to seeing you all next year. Have fun! Nina NINA (of PAWS Dog Grooming) GROOMER TO THE BORDERS FOR 19 YEARS ALL BREED AND NON BREEDS CLIPPED, STYLED, BATHED & MASSAGED. NAILS AND TEETH CHECKED ALL TREATED WITH LOTS OF T.L.C. QUALIFIED BEHAVIOURIST TO BOOK or FOR HELP AND ADVICE PLEASE CALL 01890 830305 OR 0773 650 5199 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 21 21 The Engine Shed There’s an exciting new arrival in The Scottish Borders The Engine Shed As November 01573 348 118 CREATING BRANDS DEVELOPING BUSINESS The big idea We believe in your business as passionately as you do. Your success is something that we would like to share with you. We do this by creating your brand presence, delivering the experience and stimulating growth for your business. What we’re good at Promoting growth for your business using a clever mix of Creativity, Web Design and Marketing, both on and offline. www.theengineshed.scot Head Office: Infaweb Limited, Top Floor, 6 Bridge Street Kelso TD5 7JD Registered in Scotland. Company number SC419122, VAT registration number 115 9673 95 Welcoming new patients in 2015! We run an affordable monthly dental plan that covers your membership, examinations, x-rays and up to two hygiene treatments per year. It also includes 20% discount on any treatment required. Gentle Touch Dental Practice New advert with you Our Services include: Metal and white fillings Dentures Crowns and bridges Porcelain veneers Hygienist Teeth whitening Orthodontics 6 Month Smiles Invisalign orthodontics Smile makeovers. The Gentle Touch The Corn Exchange 31 Woodmarket Kelso TD5 7AT Tel: 01573 224802 www.kelsodentalpractice.com ce an le fin ilab 0% ava w no For more information please contact the practice on Tel: 01573 224802 and speak to our friendly staff or visit our website www.kelsodentalpractice.com Please mention KELSO LIFE when responding to adverts Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts 22 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 34 23 We would like to thank our customers for their continued support 10% discount on purchases throughout January when presenting this advert Quality Scotch Beef, Lamb and Pork Poultry Selection of Frozen Ready Meals Fresh morning rolls made daily in store Variety of pies, cooked meats, haggis and sausages Freezer packs made to order Free local delivery on request High Street, Yetholm. Tel 01573 420371 Opening Hours: Tue – Fri 8.00-12.30 13.00-17.00 Mon, Sat 8.00-12.00 Closed Main Street, Morebattle. Tel 01573 440219 Tue, Thurs & Fri 8.00-12.30 13.30-17.00 Mon & Wed 8.00-12.30 Closed Sat 8.00-12.00 Closed www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts 24 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 25 25 Tdpuu!Epvhmbt!! Qmvncjoh!boe!Ifbujoh!Mue! ! Hbt!&!Qmvncjoh!Jotubmmbujpot-! Tfswjdjoh!sfqbjst-!!Cpjmfst0!! Dfousbm!Ifbujoh-!dpplfst!&!Gjsft/! Pjm!Cpjmfst!&!MQH! Dpnqmfuf!cbuisppn!jotubmmbujpo! Voefsgmpps!ifbujoh!! ! ! ! OP!KPC!UPP!TNBMM! KVTU!HJWF!VT!B!DBMM! 07790629239 01573228802! Gill Orde Catering New ad with you J. H. HUME JHHume New ad with you WE MAY NOT HAVE HAD A WHITE CHRISTMAS BUT AT THIS PRICE YOU CAN PAINT EVERYWHERE WHITE! £13.99 JANUARY OFFER £12.95 For the best in quality and attention to detail Tel: 01573 229150 Email: eat@ordefood.com ordefood.com 7 LTR. DULUX MATT PBW 1-5 HORSEMARKET, KELSO TEL. 01573 224164 Please mention KELSO LIFE when responding to adverts Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts 26 PUZZLE TIME www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 27 Gordon Fox Dance Academy Gordon would like to wish all students old and new A Happy New Year!! All classes resume Wednesday January 14th 2015 ! Monday Pilates with Megan Darling Call 07789 036 976 Wednesday 50’s + Ballroom/Latin! Salsacise! ! ! Jive! ! ! ! Argentine Tango ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Tuesday Slimming World with Becky Call 07856 379 432 11:00-12:00 14:00-15:00 19:30-20:30 20:30-21:30 ! ! ! ! ! Thursday ! ! ! ! ! Saturday Ballroom/Latin (Private Class) ! 18:15 - 19:15 Salsa!! ! ! ! 19:30 - 20:30 Beginners Ballroom/Latin! 20:30 - 21:30 Friday Salsacise! ! ! ! Beginners Ballroom/Latin! 18:30-1930 19:30-20:30 Kid’s Disco/Street Dance!! Kid’s Ballroom/Latin! ! Contact Gordon for further Info Tel: 07900 676 865 Email: info@gordonfoxdanceacademy.co.uk www.gordonfoxdanceacademy.co.uk Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts 11:00-12:00 12:00-13:00 28 www.redpathtyres.com Fast-t friendly tyre centre. Established for 40 years. We t whilst you shop!! (2mins walking distance from the town square) FREE winter safety pack with the purchase of winter tyres. Don’t get left out in the cold! Call today on 01573 22 49 29 The Knowes, Kelso, Roxburghshire TD5 7BH www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 29 SPYLAW ROAD, KELSO J & P Plumbing New ad With you J&P Plumbing & Heating OIL BOILERS:-service installation BATHROOM & KITCHEN:- taps, baths, showers, Kitchen sinks HEATING ENGINEER contact: Paul Tel: 01890 830661/07773907235 Class IV & VII (Cars, Vans & Pick-Ups) Sales, Service, Repair & Valeting Opening Hours - 8am - 5pm Mon to Fri 8am - 12pm Saturday 01573 225199 On behalf of the Broomlands Primary School Parent Council I would like to thank everyone who has supported us in 2014 and everyone who attended, or was involved in some way or another in making our Annual Christmas Fair on Friday 28th November 2014 a huge success. Our small team worked very hard again to make it a successful event, hopefully providing something of interest for all of our many visitors Broomlands & supportersPrimary we hadSchool on the night. With you We received many donations for our Christmas Raffle & Stalls from Parents, Supporters and Businesses from within and around the Kelso area as well as further afield, far too many to mention individually, but every single one was very much appreciated by the Parent Council, the School and all the Pupils, especially in these difficult economic times. Our Christmas Fair is one of our main fundraising events which help us get those “extra” things for the benefit of the children; however, its success can only be achieved by the help and generosity of our numerous supporters and helpers. Please may I wish all our pupils, parents and carers, supporters, and all Kelso Life readers a Happy New Year. Irene McKenzie Chairperson Broomlands Primary School Parent Council Please mention KELSO LIFE when responding to adverts Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts 30 KELSO’S WORLD WAR ONE EXHIBITION th 13 – 18th July 2015 APPEAL FOR ARTEFACTS Friends of Kelso Museum have come together with several other Kelso organisations to commemorate World War One in Kelso. Working together with Scottish Borders Council Museums Service, the Friends of Kelso Museum are hosting an exhibition during Kelso Civic Week. The exhibition will focus on: Life at the Front including Gallipoli with its deep impact on Kelso Home Front including People, Shops, Business, Industry and the Farming Community The group are appealing for letters, objects, photographs, documents, stories etc. which people would be willing to lend for the exhibition. Do you have any items which you would be willing to share? If so please contact Assistant Curator Andrew Tulloch who is based at the Scottish Borders Council Museums Office in Duns. Telephone: 01361 884 114 e-mail: atulloch@scotborders.gov.uk Andrew will be curating the exhibition and will make a decision as to which items will be displayed in order to avoid duplication etc. It would be appreciated, if you have items, that you contact Andrew by 28th February 2015. www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 31 Brotherston Builders (Est 1970) • New Builds • Extensions • Alterations Soft Tissue Massage Specialist • Plastering & Roughcasting incorporating techniques from Mark Rutherford Sports, tissue & Swedish massage AsDeep november to tailor the treatment for YOU. • Free Estimates For an informal chat please Fully Insured Call 07764 Tel: 01573 223567 Tel: 01573 226379 Mobile: 07795 660478 449 279 Email mark@ksmc.co.uk www.ksmc.co.uk Mark H. Rutherford Dip SM Dip PT MISRM 6 Bridge Street (1st Floor) | Kelso | Scottish Borders | TD5 7JD Mark CONSULTATION Andrews FREE INITIAL Metropolitan Insurance Access to leading With edgeyou technology which gives you the ability to view your arrangements on your own personal website Offering independent financial planning since 1975 Offices at Taits Solicitors 10 The Square, Kelso, TD5 7HJ Contact: Email: Website: 200 High St East Wallsend NE28 7RB Mark Andrews Dip PFS Tel no. 0191 262 4282 Mob. 07866 130352 markandrews@metrofpc.co.uk www.metrofpc.co.uk Authorised and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority Please mention KELSO LIFE when responding to adverts Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts With you 4 4� �� �� � s ���� � � 32 4� Kelso Farmers ��������������� Brotherston Builders Brian Deans ������������������������ ��������������������� ������������������������ ������ Market ������� Electrical Services Kelso Travel ������������� � (Est 1970) � ������������� All Plumbing & Heating Jobs To New come �� Builds � � Brian Deans REGISTERED ELECTRICIAN considered in Kelso & � � As previous �� Extensions Mylessurrounding McNulty ������ areas Installation, Maintenance & Repair Mark Rutherford � Myles McNulty �� Alterations As March Brian Deans Brian Deans � �������������� ����������� with Lux you Travel Tweeddale Border previous Advert As previous Testing & Inspection As As previous �� Plastering & Roughcasting As previous �������������� 20 stalls of New Builds, Conversions & Alterations Free Estimates ����������������� local produce! Dave Simpson ����������� ������� ������������ � Domestic, Commercial & Industrial As previous ������������������� ������������ Fully Insured ��������������� ��������������� Mob: 07753 865840 Tel: 01573 223567 ������������� 9.30am to 1.30pm ������������������ Tel: 01573 226379 free estimates Tel: The01573 Square,228122 Kelso. ������������������� ��660478 ������������ � Mobile: 07795 30 years experience ��Over ������������ ��������������������� Support your local ������������������� & Efficient Service ��Friendly ������������������������� 2 Bullet Loan, Kelso, TD5 7EY ������������������������������ ������������������ Farmers Market ��������������������������������� ��������������� Gas Safe & WRAS Registered ���������������� �������������� � � � Saturday 26th �������������� 24th Ne M � d � ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4�when Pleasemention mentionKELSO KELSOLIFE LIFE whenresponding responding adverts Please toto adverts ����������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 ���������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts Please mention www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 // 07900 07900 197907 197907 �������������������� ��������������������������� � ������������������������ 19/03/2014, 16/04/2014, 21:51 16/04/2014, 22:28 19/03/2014,22:32 21:50 21/08/2014 ��������������������� CLASS Legion, Roxburgh Street, Kelso ����������������������� Royal BritishElectrical Services Brian Deans KelsoLife LifeMay April2014.indd May 2014.indd 2014.indd 17 Kelso 719 Kelso Life 2014.indd Kelso Life April September 2014.indd 4 4 ��������������������������������� Gas Safe & WRAS Registered • *Terms and conditions apply. All prices include VAT. All Plumbing & Heating Jobs considered in Kelso & Mylessurrounding McNulty areas 21:14 Kelso Travel EvERy Monday To come � Held Morning Class - 9.00am. Class 10.30am REGISTERED ELECTRICIAN � Village Lunchtimm Weigh and Go - 11.30am - 12.15pm Ednam Hall SRepair R Mobile Evening Classes - 4.30pm. Installation, Maintenance New ad with & you � Brian Deans as November Class Held 6.00pm/7.00pm Testing & Inspection As previous As March WEEKLy FEE onLy £4.00 ���������������� New Builds, Conversions & Alterations army, 53 Church Street, Berwick �������������� The Salvation EvERy TUESday Domestic, Commercial & Industrial CLASS ADVISER: WHY PAY MORE KEEP IT SIMPLE PHONE NUMBER: FIRST CLASS VISIT ONLY £4.00 E-MAIL: � BRYAN or HERE NOW JEANNIE UNIQUE NO REGISTRATION FEES 01573 226610 NO CHARGE FOR MISSED WEEKLY simplyslimming4u@live.co.uk CLASS FEES ��������������� ������������� Morning Class - 9.30am. Class Held 11.00am Mob: 07753 865840 CallTel: Jeannie01573 on 01573 226610 228122 Lunchtime Weigh and Go - 11.30am - 12 noon NEW 4 U 2015 MObILE SLIMMING HOME VISITS FOR INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS ARE WELCOME CALL JEANNIE 01573 226610 OR SIMPLYSLIMMING4U@LIVE.CO.UK free estimates Over 30 years experience * you can buy a 10 week Slim down for £35 * ��������������������� Friendly & Efficient Service “STAY SMART - SIMPLY SLIMMING” Gas Safe & WRAS Registered ����������������������������������������������� 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 ��������������������������� ��������������������������������� ���������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ Please mention KELSO 01896 830846 / Please 07900 197907 mention Kelso �������������������� 33 eS d k ! aCITe boo ay S p M r od lI ll o e t a C nlin o New to fitness classes? Try our 2 week timetable that is designed to offer a range of fitness sessions JUST for beginners. A greAt wAy to stArt 2015! Tue Thu Sat Tue Thu Sat 6th 8th 10th 13th 15th 17th Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan 20.15 - 20.45 13.00 - 13.30 10.15 - 10.45 20.15 - 20.45 13.00 - 13.30 10.15 - 10.45 Metafit Core Conditioning Spin Insanity Boxercise kettlercise Class Descriptions Boxercise H A combination of hand-eye co-ordination, balance and timing in a fun and energetic class based around the principles of boxing training. Core Conditioning C A 30-minute class focussing on your abs and back. Building strength and stability and improving posture. Insanity H Challenge yourself to your absolute limit and burning up to 1,000 calories per session, Kelso swimming Pool Inch Road, Kelso t: 01573 224944 | e: kelso@bslt.org.uk with the latest fitness craze to hit the UK. Kettlercise C A full body workout that increases strength and endurance using Kettlebells. Metafit H An effective, simple workout that uses the high intensity, interval training principles to raise your metabolic rate. Spin H An aerobicbased indoor cycling class that helps to improve cardiovascular endurance. active Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts 34 The Provost Report I hope you had a good Christmas, and New Year. It has been one year since we set up a Facebook page, to allow you the people of Kelso to see what is going on within Kelso and to have a view on what is going on. I think it has been good and it will get better with your help. I know we keep pushing but as a community I feel it is important to help each other, and look after our older residents to see that they are OK . You can make things easier for them by: Clearing snow from pathways of people who are unable to do it themselves Helping with shopping during severe weather to those most in need By doing anything you can to help. Just going to the door of your neighbour or an older person who lives in your street may be all the help they need. Please ensure all your private property including garages and sheds is secured - keep an eye on your neighbours - not just to gossip - but to keep them safe - there is a lot of bad behaviour in our midst just now - Think Safe please. Theft of Sound Equipment Police are appealing for witnesses or information following a break in at Kelso North Church. It happened between Monday night 24th November and the morning of 30th November 2014. If anyone has any information please contact the police on 101 or Kelso North or ourselves. Our Facebook posts show that some locals are concerned about recent Criminal activity in this area. The Borders are still probably one of the safest, and friendliest places in the UK which is why we are all a wee bit taken aback by recent events. If anyone has concerns about Personal or Property Safety and Security, contact Crime Prevention Officer for advice on the Police Scotland 101 non-emergency number. There is also a number from AGE SCOTLAND - Silver Line Scotland: 0800 4 70 80 90 where you can get equally good advice .Remember that crime is actually quite rare here. In relation to these activities - if we look after each other, these people will never win! There is an ongoing assessment on the town centre. We will meet up with SBC Officers to put right some small points, like Disabled Parking among other things. We have asked the Police to keep an eye on the parking in the town centre as well as in some other areas. I am around the town most days as are most of your Community Councillors. If you have a question please stop us and ask. If we cannot give you an answer we will find out for you and let you know. Community Councillors are volunteers and get no payment whatsoever and no expenses. They are your way in to SBC and other things which are going on within the community. We are always looking for new people to come on to the Community Council. To qualify you must be 18 or over, live in Kelso and registered to vote so if you think you could give up some of your time to help in the community please let me know. It would be really good to see some younger people. One hundred years ago this yea, 2015, men from Kelso who were members of the local TA Battalion 4th Battalion Kings Own Scottish Borderer were sent to Gallipoli. On the 12th July 1915 the Battalion were sent forward to take the trenches in front of them. On that day 4th Battalion lost 18 officers and 535 soldiers in 20 minutes. This was the biggest loss of life in the Borders since Flodden. 41 were from Kelso . There was never a Memorial put up but I hope to put this right this right this year with your help. If you would like to donate to the Gallipoli memorial fund you can hand it in or send it to Shirley at Kelso Hospital . I have also written a book which I have put on DVD format so can be read on your computer, Tablet or TV. It is on sale in Seasons Roxburgh Street, or by post from me. The cost is a donation of £5.00 all of which I will be giving to Kelso High School the help offset the cost of the Battle Field Trip which S3 go on. If you would like to make a donation to this again send it to me, Shirley or Seasons tell them it’s for the High School Fund. Thank you. If anyone has a question they wish to put, to SBC Councillors please send it to me or any member of the Community Council and they will bring it up on your behalf, or you are welcome to attend any of our meetings, which is the second Tuesday of the month. John J Bassett Provost of Kelso www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 st 6 24 Kelso Library Conta 10Border Quick Questions with .Kirsty Armstrong Insurance H OLY WE EK AND Services EAS TER HPM COOPER ���������� Kelso Library Readers Group - Meetings will commence again o Kirsty is one of a few Kelso High School students who have competed in many swimming competitions throughout Britain. Reading Im sure you willLibrary realise how A much A T KE LSO N ORthis Tarticle H A ND E DN M Tel: (01573) 22 for more details. Kelso Contact Centre hard work goes in to training for her swimming. Perhaps one day we may see her representing Team GB in the Olympics!! Friends of Kelso Library will be taking part in ‘Doors Open Day’ Building & Landscaping KELSO NORTH th Centenary Garden will be open Services on Saturdayinclude 6 September from ���������� With no call outwillFinancial charge and& There be a family story telling session with Tom Murray from Providing Independent and All extensions, new builds PCS Repair Douglas �� Upgrade 3B Insurance you NORTH can trust sincewith 1983 Reverend TomKELSO renovations undertaken AsNew December ad withadvice you Exhibitions In association Museums and Galleries: a no fixno fee policy, can ��SBC Installation The ToSquare come 26 June –Pension 6 NovemberPlanning – ‘Underground Kelso’. Some highlig Investment Advice Dry insurance stone walling Kelso Borders Borders insurance you really get aKelso better deal in willBrokers Kelso Library Life & Health Insurance Mortgage The Archive There also a variety of displays runni �� beRepair As previous Grant Connor: When did you start to swim competitively? Thursday, 17 April 7.00 pm Kirsty: When I was 7 years old I started doing little competitions and when I was 11 * I joined BEST (Borders Elite A Celebration of Holy Communion for Maundy Thursday. Swimming Team). Grant: How often do you train and what time do you get up in the morning? Kirsty: I get up at 4.20 am for training at 5.20 am at Selkirk on Monday and Friday and Galashiels on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. I then train at Kelso Monday, Thursday evenings. I also attend th Tuesday thand pm Friday, 18 April on 12.00 noon to 1.00 Kelso Rugby Club gym on a Tuesday evening and Tri- fitness in Galashiels on a Friday evening. personal The church will be open for reflection and meditation on Good Friday, with soft Grant: Have you ever swam in any competitions? (behind Just Plum) and gentle background music. The church will continue to be open Kirsty: I have represented East District in Sheffield, Scotland in Sunderland and, quite recently, I represented � in Ireland. in dual nations Scotland after 1.00 pm, so please feel free to come and go you please. As Independent Advisers, our business has noaslinks or ties to any one Grant: Have you ever Financial won any of this competitions and gained any medals? Kirsty: Scottish Schools Champion, District Champion Scottish and British Age group champion. provider. WeEast can access Lifeand Assurance, Pension, I becameproduct In addition, I have also won numerous East District and Scottish records. Investment and Mortgage products from the whole marketplace. This means we Friday, 18 April 7.00 pm Grant: Do you hope to be a professional swimmer? canI hope choose hundreds of financial tofor provide the best for you. Kirsty: to be selected for European Juniors team thisproducts season. Afrom Reflective Service of Readings and Music Good Friday. Grant: Although you wont be in the Commonwealth Games, do you hope to be in the Olympics? (new, with warranty) Mike Mark A Kirsty: Yes,Bmy long term goal is to be part of the Olympic team. Grant: What is your favourite stroke? Please contact20either Mike Beswick For Further Information ple Sunday, April 9.30 am Also refurbished desktops laptopsalways enjoyed since winning my first Scottish medal. Kirsty: Butterfly whichandI have ��������������� or Mark Kelso Library Contact Centre, Bowmont Stree Grant: Do you have any advice for aspiring swimmers? Easter Day Andrews Communion Kirsty: It will hurt, you will have bad days, your body will be sore and worn down. dive into If i cant fix your computer then However, when Tel : 07885607132 Foryou full list oflibkelso@scotborders. services the pool and hear everyone cheering your name and you have the time you have there is race no fee!of your life and you get the E-mail : info@kelsopcrepair.co.uk and pricing visit website 66 Woodmarket, 7AXis forever. been trying so hard to get, itll be worth it in the end. Pain Kelso, is victory For temporary, full terms and TD5 conditions Monday and Thursday 10:00 * Within Kelso Sunday, 20 April 11.00 am Grant: is there anybody-you would225200 like to thank? Telephone 01573 or email - info@borderinsurance.co.uk Tuesday 1:00pm - 7:00pm; Wednesd Kirsty: I would like to Celebrating thank Alex Jordan (my coach), ASP Sacrament (Athletes Sportof Programme) and SIS (Scottish Institute Easter with the Holy Baptism. www.borderinsurance.co.uk � 10:00am-4:00pm; Saturday Friday of Sport), without�������������� all of which it wouldnt have all been possible. Ashedge previous clearing/maintenance Tree felling, you Archive’ and arrangedWith by staff from the Heritage Hub. Builds the borders? The exhibition currently block on show��is: Custom ��������������������� D riveways, gravel, slabbed, mono etc Dual core processor, HD graphics KELSO NORTH Treasures from the Archive �� PC MOT We also carry a stock of & Windows 7 All drainage , ground &highlighting some of the uniqu A display fromworks thecables Heritage Hub, ������������ mice, keyboards & media tion. From £299 foundations undertaken �� Data Recovery EDNAM �������������������������������������������������� �� Ps3 & X-Box Digger & dumper hire with driver Basic web KELSO /NORTH £20 �������������������� 07770 page 037778 01573 224502 ���������������������� E Mail����������������������� - hc09247@gmail.com �� 13 12 14 12 23 37 �� 14 ���������������������������������������������������� EIL FORTUNE �NPAINTER ����������� & FIONA DUFFY @ G AND S HAIR DESIGN�� JOINER & GLAZIER DECORATOR ��������� � �������� All joinery work Triple B Graphics undertaken with you Kitchens, doors, windows No job too big or YOUR LOCAL No GButtler &B Sjob Hair Design Tom Triple Graphics Tom Buttler (wood & pvc) & flooring. � As Tom Tom AsButtler February previous with you too As previous too small EXPERTS As As previous Topseal GRP Roofing and � � TO MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT CALL 01573 228 206 Free Free estimates estimates Systems -ON I Weatherproofing AM NOW TAKING APPOINTMENTS WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Installer. FOR Approved Installer� T�h�BRYAN e���� Kel�s��oJOHNSTON om Re��iK i Ro���� �� ���� ������ PLASTERING hool py� &ScTILING &�������� Thera� BGM Roofing for ���� all your Mothers Day � Linda Sinclair Chiropadist ����� ����� � roofing needs! � or BGM30th RoofingMarch, AsPLASTERING May Sunday � ������������ As Nov Simon Ayton Carpet BGM Roofing BGM Roofing Slating & Tiling Simon Ayton Carpet orders now being taken. � TAPING ReiKi, Crystals, Simon Ayton Carpet Simon Ayton Carpet Cleaner As Nov As Nov Reiki Room ��Bryan GRP Fibreglass Flat Roof Johnston Cleaner COVING Cleaner Cleaner Local and National deliveries, Nutrition, Massages, As previous (25yr Guarantee) New ad with you PROFESSIONAL As previous As January January � ROUGHCASTING As January �Animal We stock aAs wide range of work fresh flowers, Lead & Zinc Treatments and more � QUICK FLOOR & WALL TILING DRYING Chimneys & Cement . plants, gifts and cards �� New Builds Weddings Birthdays ��������� � CARPET CLEANER Very Competitive Prices 12 Therapies Anniversaries Sympathy We wont be beaten on������������� price! �������������������������������������������� FRIENDLY RELIABLE ������������ SERVICE to choose from ��������������������������������������������� Experienced staff who are always Fully insured and Qualified REVITILISE YOUR CARPETS TODAY ���������������� Tradesman, ��������������������������������������� happy tobased help!in Kelso. For appointments call � � � �������������� Cath at 07551639663 07738 Call 638 486 Barrie 01573 223323 �������������������������� �� �����B ������ www.thekelsoreikiroom.com ������������������ � �������������������� S COTT ORTHWICK COTT ORTHWICK �S 07989 530026 � Ups for that special occasion simonayton1965@outlook.com 07845845682 � � � Hair info@kelsoflowers.co.uk Please mention KELSO LIFE when responding to adverts � � � � ����������������������������� �������� �� ����� ���� ���� Gents����� Cuts are also available & Tel: P So h � Colours ���������� �������� ��� ���� on ������ Call Scott now Free Estimates Call��������� Scott Perms ������������ ������� ��� ��� �� Wash, cuts 224486 and blowdrys 01573 01573 � � � � C ALL NOW ON � �� � Shampoo ��� ��������� and sets � �������������������������������������������� 07811 555560 07811 CALL 01573 219062 01890 830617 ����������������������������������� � Wash and Blowdrys Assuring Kelso, you of myTD5 best attention ��� Flower ������� ���������� ���� �� ���� ���������� The Room, 19 Woodmarket,, 7AT � �� 88� 34 35 41 �� 36 36 �� 36 �� � e 41 New Year cheese orders� � N ne a T h Re to If 34 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 830846 // 07900 197907 �� www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 07900 197907 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� www.kelsolife.co.uk www.kelsolife.co.uk 830846 07900 197907 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 830846 /// 07900 07900 197907 197907 www.kelsolife.co.uk �������������������������������� �������������������� ��������������������������� �������������������� ��������������������������� Please mention Kelso Life when www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 responding to adverts www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 // 07900 07900 197907 197907 �������������������� ��������������������������� FIONA DUFFY @ G AND S HAIR DESIGN�� 36 Rory Sutherland During Edinburgh Rugby’s recent Blitz Day – when the squad visited schools throughout the region – prop Rory Sutherland joined fellow Borderer Ross Ford in a visit to Kelso High School, fresh from scoring his debut try for the club just over 24 hours earlier. It’s been quite a season for Melrose-born Sutherland, who joined the club over the summer as a BT Sport Scottish Rugby Academy player and who already has seven caps under his belt. The former Trinity Primary and Hawick High School pupil came through the ranks with his hometown club and school sides before representing the Borders and Scotland at under-17 and under-18 in the back-row. He switched to loose-head prop during his first season of senior rugby at Hawick RFC and, after a season with Biggar, caught the attention of RBS Premiership runners-up and Border League winners Gala RFC. Under the tutelage of head coach George Graham, the dynamic 6ft, 110kg 22-year-old was a mainstay in one of the most imposing packs of the country’s top domestic division, and subsequently earned selection for Scotland Club XV earlier this year prior to joining Edinburgh. After making a first appearance against Leicester Tigers in August’s pre-season friendly at The Greenyards, Sutherland has cemented his place in the 23 sooner than anticipated. This was initially due to injury sustained by Allan Dell during the league match away to Leinster plus Alasdair Dickinson being away on international duty during the autumn viagogo Tests – however, he seized the opportunity with both hands and hasn’t looked back. He said: “When I arrived at the club in the summer I just tried to get as good a preseason under my belt as I could. Then I put pressure on the other props in the squad for a place. “Really, I didn’t think I would get as much game time as I have had to date,” he admitted, “but now I need to kick on and perform consistently.” That consistency led to the try against London Welsh in the European Rugby Challenge Cup on 7 December at BT Murrayfield, one of three scores from the front row in the 25-13 win – and surely one of many more to come. Tickets available from edinburghrugby.org or by calling 0131 346 5180 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 37 GT PERSONAL TRAINING SERVICES Do you want to lose weight or just be more fit & healthy? I could help you achieve this by: Developing an exercise programme that meets your specific needs and is fun Gail Traynor is a fully Motivating you to keep going qualified Personal Setting realistic goals and monitoring them Trainer and listed on Putting together healthy eating plans REPs Why not come along to my Saturday Bootcamp 9am Bridge End Park, Kelso. All Welcome! I also offer special intensive packages to prepare for weddings or special occasions. Previous clients have reached their ideal weight/shape prior to that big day. I can also give nutritional advice only and put healthy eating plans and menus together Contact me for a free initial no Phone: 01573 440789 obligation consultation You can also visit my website Mobile: 07979913526 on www.personaltraynor.co.uk Email: gail.traynor@gmail.com Personal Training is all about YOU Win 2x tickets to see v w/o 22 Jan* | BT Murrayfield simply answer the following question Who are the 3 teams in Edinburgh Rugby’s European Challenge Cup group? Email your answer to info@edinburghrugby.org for the chance to win Closing date is Monday 19 Jan, winners will be drawn thereafter and informed by email. *Game day / kick off unconfirmed at time of publication going to print. Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts 38 Kelso Sports/ CLUBS KELSO ORCHARD TENNIS CLUB - a charity registered in Scotland, Scottish charity number SC034005 The Club Awards Dinner was held in the Cobbles Inn on Saturday 22nd November where everyone enjoyed the excellent food, good company and absolutely superb tennis jokes!! Our high performance Special Olympians Lauren Waddell and Lucy Porteous were kind enough to bring along their 2014 medals for everyone to see. Club Tournament Winners 2014 Lesley Thomas Trophy Ladies Singles - Barbara Archer June Murray Trophy Ladies Doubles – Barbara Archer and Jane Wright McFarlane Cup Mixed doubles – Nik Stingl and Kate Bull Laing Trophy Mens Doubles – Lee Brown and Nik Stingl The Richie Allan Shield Mens Singles has still to be played. Special Award Smith/Wigmore most improved player trophy – Jane Wright. The Annual Xmas Tournament was held on Sunday 7th December with a great turnout, with 25 members braving the cold. Everyone wore something chrismassy (a couple of snowman, Santa and his elf even made an appearance!) Lots of fun games were played in teams and food was enjoyed by all. The results were as follows: 1st - Jane's Jingle Bells, 2nd - Kate's Christmas Crackers, 3rd - Maggie's Mince Pies, 4th - Lee's Little Helpers. Please note that the indoor tennis has currently ceased at Edenside Primary School due to the space being required for the Christmas tree and decorations. Lesley will let you know when this will recommence. All other arranged tennis will continue outdoors –weather permitting apart from the Xmas and new Year break. KELSO ANGLING ASSOCIATION - There was a good attendance at the AGM held on Wednesday 10th December. The main item to note is an increase in membership prices. Trout membership increases from £25 to £30, OAP membership from £5 to £10, youth membership stays at £5 and juniors remain free. The salmon permit increases by £10 tor both town & country members. There are corresponding increases for visitor permits. Salmon returns are now in showing a 45% increase on last year’s admittedly low returns. 119 salmon and 15 sea trout were caught this year. The heaviest salmon, of 22 lbs, was caught by Bill (Wish) Cockburn. The association would welcome applications for membership from anglers new to the area or to local residents wishing to take up what is an excellent recreational sport. Application forms are available from Tweedside Tackle and Orvis. The issue of Salmon Permits day will take place on Sunday 25th January from 2pm to 4pm in the British Legion. Finally may I wish all our members a happy new year and a wish for tight lines in 2015. Tight Lines! Roy Adam, Hon Secretary & Treasurer, royadam90@hotmail.com, 07962152780, 01573224001 THE BORDER ICE SKATING CLUB - at the Border Ice rink Kelso. The new season is up and running. The club is open to children up to the age of 15yrs. It is held every Sunday 12.15-2.15 till the end of March. Entrance each Sunday is £4.50, skate hire is £1.50. Membership is £25 per season. For more info please phone 01573 223063. KELSO SUB AQUA CLUB - Kelsac dive club meets at Kelso Swimming Pool at 7.30pm every Thursday, we welcome existing divers and anyone over the age of 15 who wants to learn to dive, for more detail please contact (Andrew Booth on Tel no 07979 365226) Web site www.kelsac-scotland.com KELSO BELLES CYCLING CLUB - Call 07866 689980 or e-mail hilaryjet@hotmail.com KELSO WHEELERS CYCLE CLUB - Kelso Wheelers Cycle Club was established in 2002 and membership currently stands at over 60 members. New members are always welcome. Over the years the club has enjoyed a number of successes in competitive cycling both on and off road. KWCC run a number of cycling activities within the town and these are too numerous to list. However if you would like further information on any of the following activities please contact the person identified – Mountain Biking/off road cycling – various runs leave Kelso at different times. These include trips to other venues such as Glentress. Contact Kev Welsh on 07919285887 or kevwelsh@kevwelsh.force9.co.uk Time Trials are run every Monday night from April to September over various distances. Contact Kenny Wilson on 07977984077 or kenny.wilson@kvernelandgroup.com Road runs take place at various times and days throughout the year over a number of distances. Contact Rob Ure on 07771274015 or roberture@rocketmail.com Youth cycle coaching is run most Wednesday nights throughout the year. Contact Ian McKenzie on 07838841124 or i.mckenzie.t.mckenzie@btinternet.com or Barrie Sweenie on 07769515555 or barrie.sweenie@gmail.com For membership contact Colin Dumma on 07772862544 or tontodumma@yahoo.co.uk or pop in to Simon Porteous Cycles, Bridge Street, Kelso JUNIOR BADMINTON - Kelso High School every Thursday- Secondary pupils 3.40-4.30, Primary (P3 upwards) 4.40-5.40. All welcome. Contact Lynn Young yfir40@aol.com or 07805 034932 EDENSIDE BADMINTON CLUB Every Tuesday evening (within school term) from 7.40pm-9.40pm at Edenside Primary School, New members welcome. Come along and enjoy this social yet quietly competitive club. www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 39 Kelso Sports/ CLUBS KELSO WRITERS' WORKSHOP - Focusing on short story and novel writing and using writing exercises, these workshops are designed to help all writers to perfect their skills. Beginners welcome. Tuesday every fortnight, Abbey Row Centre – 2.30pm – 4.30pm. Email mcgregor.iona@btinternet.com or call Iona 01573 410277. ROTARY CLUB OF KELSO – We are part of an international organisation for business and professional men and women who want to help people at home and abroad whilst enjoying great fellowship. We meet every Thursday at Ednam House Hotel at 6pm. For more details please email peter@kalemouth.com KELSO & DISTRICT PROBUS CLUB - Alan Hooper, 01573 229289, alanh494@btinternet.com KELSO THURSDAY GROUP - Isabel Gordon on 224753 or email: isabelagordon@btinternet.com KELSO CHESS CLUB - Meets every Tuesday, 7.30 p.m. Royal British Legion, 66 Roxburgh St. Players of all strengths welcome. Call Martin Keen on 01750 23171, or email martinkeen@uwclub.net . KELSO CAMERA CLUB - Every Thursday evening, Abbey Row Centre– 7pm. Call Ian 01573 223720 & visit the website www.kelsocameraclub.co.uk . KELSO BRIDGE CLUB - Do you play duplicate bridge (or have you in the past played)? Would you like to join us at the Kelso Club? We are currently looking for new members. We are a friendly club and you would receive a warm welcome. We are affiliated to the SBU. Our hands are computer dealt and marked with instant results. We meet throughout the year on Wednesday and Thursday evenings for three hours at the Abbey Row Centre. Partners can be arranged. If you are interested give our Secretary Mary Stone a ring on 01573 224223. EDNAM BRIDGE CLUB - Are you a bridge player? Or would you like to play bridge? In either case, why not come along to our club held in Ednam Village Hall on Monday afternoons from 1pm until 4pm (approx), where you will receive a warm welcome. The Club meets from the 6th October through to end of March 2015 and caters for new players, improvers and experienced players who are happy to help those who are less experienced. It is a very friendly club and there is no need to come with a partner as we draw for partners, so you could be playing with a complete novice or with somebody who has played cards for years. For absolute beginners separate tuition is offered until such a time as they are ready to join the main group and to progress to other more challenging clubs. It costs £1 per week to play and 50p for tea and a biscuit with an annual membership of £10. KELSO STITCHERS - We meet on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7pm in Abbey Row Centre, Kelso from September to June. Contact Rineke Sangster (secretary) Tel. 01573229414 for more info. ABBEY QUILTERS - Abbey quilters meet on the second Tuesday of the month except in July & August at Abbey Row Centre, Kelso TD 5 7BL at 7pm. Visitors £3. For further info contact Rineke Sangster 01573 229414. KELSO KNIT & NATTER - We meet at the Abbey Row Centre each Tuesday between 10am and 12 noon. Call Cathy Simpson on 01573 223292 or e-mail cathy.simpson@tiscali.co.uk KELSO ART GROUP – Is ideal for anyone with an interest in practicing art and crafts, from complete beginners to accomplished artists and working in a range of styles and media. We meet on Thursday mornings (10am till 12noon) in the Coffee room at the Abbey Row Centre in Kelso and continue through to the end of June 2014. To Join us; just come to one of our Thursday morning meetings or email KAG1@btconnect.com SYRINX FLUTES - is a group of flute players with a wide range of ability and an age span of over 50 years. Under our leader, Lis Dooner, formerly of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, we rehearse fortnightly on Monday evenings, alternately in Stichill and Melrose, from September to May, and perform in public about 3 times a year. Occasionally, on Sunday afternoons, we hold open workshops for flute players from near and far. We are always looking for new members of any age. Subscriptions are currently £35 (£28 students or unemployed) for a 7 week term. Associate, non-playing members free. Contacts: Lis Dooner 07774 813693; Elizabeth Raitt 01573 224494 m.e.raitt.t21@btinternet.com KELSO AIR CADETS - We meet every Monday and Wednesday evening at 7pm in the ATC hut ( Opposite the Tait Hall, next to Grove House ) Boys & Girls welcome between 13yrs & 18yrs. We go flying, gliding, shooting, fieldcraft, climbing, D of E, camps and much, much more! Call Robert 01573 225620 or 07738694567 KELSO PIPE BAND - Meets every Wednesday evening, 6.30pm at the Kelso High School. For information contact Secretary John Inglis - Tel. 01573 228102 SOUTHERN UPLAND ROVING ARCHERY SHOOT - We meet at least once a week. Special events and archery displays in and around the Scottish Borders. For more info call 01578 740205 or visit www.southernupland.com KELSO CRAWLERS - Kelso Crawlers running club welcomes runners of all abilities. So even if you have never run before you are more than welcome to come along and join the group. There are also a series of Sunday runs which are held on the last Sunday of each month. Details of the Sunday runs will be on the website. The club meets at the following times: 6.00pm Tuesday at Sainsburys car park, & 6.00pm Thursday at Sainsburys car park. Contact Stuart Keddie on 01573 420411 or stuartkeddie@uwclub.net See www.kelsocrawlers.org.uk for more info. Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts 40 A much improved series of performances has put a spring in the step of the Kelso players and supporters alike. A couple of wins in the league over Jed-Forest and Peebles with a narrow defeat to Selkirk gained a total of 9 league points to keep us ahead of relegationthreatened rivals Jed and Biggar and we have also closed the gap on the surprise packet that is Marr. A narrow defeat to Gala in the Booker Border League also showed what we are capable of doing. As I write, we have games against Biggar and Hillhead/ Jordanhill before Christmas and our third round cup match against Musselburgh is due on January 3rd. That is an interesting encounter as our visitors then are riding pretty high in their league and they did a serious number on Peebles in the previous round. We still have injury problems with some players being out for several weeks but, as we approach the turn of the year, we can only hope that their return in imminent. The team seems to be settling in well with the new coaching team of Gary Holborn and Andrew Skeen. Ewan Ford is also helping with warm ups and conditioning. It must be extra hard for the coaches as they are both player/coaches. When did Kelso last kick 2 drop goals in the same match, as Andrew Skeen did against Peebles? The seconds continue to train hard but often for no game with Peebles being the most recent team to concede a match to us. That was a surprise as they are league leaders and unbeaten. Thankfully, some of the seconds have been invited to step up to the plate and perform for the first fifteen. The Quins have had a good month as well and have moved up to 4th place in the semi junior league. A top 4 finish to the league is still a realistic target for the Quins and, with that, will come the chance to play National cup rugby. Mini and Midi continue to go well with the school teams competing very well at the younger age groups, reaching the semi finals of the Regional Schools cup at under 16 level, although they lost their recent match in this competition. Regular victories have been recorded against other Border schools and a recent win over Stirling County at S2 level gave a good guide to their true level as Stirling are regularly successful at age group rugby. The Minis are approaching the winter shut down and with it their Christmas party which will be a quiet affair especially if all 112 registered players turn up! It is planned to run several fund raisers during the season including the reintroduction of the Club Ball to be held on Saturday 17th January. Tickets for that are still available but as I write the Christmas Lunch has been sold out. By the time you read this, 6 Nations International tickets will probably have been distributed. The French game has been extremely popular and a few wealthy members will be heading for Twickenham. £85 for a ticket and that is not even in the Royal Box! Members just don’t seem to be interested in the games at Murrayfield. As we did well in the November tests, this is a surprise! I am sure there will still be tickets available for the Italy game, possibly the Wales game but, with the Ireland game being a possible Grand Slam or Championship decider at the end of March, I doubt if these tickets will not be snapped up when they go on public release. If you managed to get tickets for the World Cup in England next autumn, I congratulate you. They seem to be as rare as hen’s teeth. The dearest ticket for the competition is only £715 for the final! We launched our new website around 3 years ago and you may check up on what is going on by visiting www.kelsorfc.co.uk . Our thanks go to Ian Anderson for setting this up for us. Michael Lyall is the webmaster. Micklyall14@googlemail.com will catch up with him if you want to get anything related to the club put up on the website. The clubrooms have been busy with functions but it is never too late to book the premises. Both upstairs and downstairs may be booked as well as the kitchen. Any members who wish to hold an event in the clubrooms should arrange a booking through Douglas Bell, the Club Steward. In some cases, we may have to apply for an extension to our license depending on how many members are at an event. We do let the clubrooms out for regular events like line dancing, Zumba dancing, Bingo and University of the 3rd Age. The Committee and Players of the club are grateful for your support in 2014 and trust that you have an enjoyable festive period and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year. Norman Anderson www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 35 49 33 �� 35 33 41 32 �� 5 33 41 HSS �� ��������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� New advert with you � � Alzhiemers ��������������������������������� ��������������������������������� Tweeddale ������������������������������� Ad with you ������������������������������� Alzhiemers New to ���������������������������������� come Alzhiemers ���������������������������������� Ad ���������������� ���������������� Ad with with you you �������������� �������������� �� �������������������������� �������������������������� ���������������������������� ���������������������������� ������������� ������������� �� �� �� 11 25 �� 25�� 25 New toTO Kelso LEARN DRIVE InPain? Pain? New to Kelso In Chiropractic & Aches and Pains? Chiropractic &ESKSIDE WITH for a range .co.uk BurnbraeHealth .co.uk western acupuncture a range of SPYLAW OAD,for KBowen? ELSO Have You RTried 38 38 � � NEIL FORTUNE JOINER & GLAZIER LAZIER � � western acupuncture www.. Eskside www DS PYLAW ROAD,RATE Ksuch ELSO as .. AsSHIGH December HIGH PASS RATE PASS of painful painful conditions conditions such as .. Back or neck pain? Headache? Sciatica? Whiplash? Wejoinery Have A A NEW NEW KELSO OFFICE All We Have KELSO OFFICE work undertaken Kitchens, RD Décordoors, Kitchens, doors, windows windows RD Décor RD Décor RD Décor ������������������ ������������������ Cloud Nine Cattery Infaweb As March Infaweb As March (wood & pvc) & flooring. As March As March Top Floor, Floor, �� pvc) & flooring. AsTop previous (wood & Arthritis Try Safe & Effective Arthritis For moreClass information or to make & more . IV VII Class IV&& &call VIIor text Chiropractic (Western) & more . an appointment (Cars, Vans & *Katy Effective * Safe *Pick-Ups) Regulated * (Cars, Vans & Pick-Ups) on 07999077804 or email Topseal GRP Roofing and Kelso. A purpose built cattery, set in a beautiful country Kelso. Weatherproofing location offering: Systems Weatherproofing Systems -��Under floor heated sleep areas with indoor run & Approved Installer. Cloud Nine Cattery Websites Approved covered outdoor playWebsites area Installer. As��Can previous cater for any size of |cat family. Social SEO Analytics | PPC || SEO | Analytics Free Estimates ��MostSocial dietary requirements catered for. | PPC Free Estimates ��Cats requiring medication welcome. NOW CatALL ��Excellent care competitive prices.ON ���������������������������� Contact Jon Harrison The Bowen Technique is put gentle enough Nervous pupils put at at ease ease for all Nervous pupils Back Pain Back ages and uses small,Pain light moves over Sciatica ligament, tendon and muscle to stimulate NewBurnbrae Burnbrae Health advert Burnbrae Health advert Sciatica New Health advert Burnbrae Health advert the healing process within the body. Headache With you As May With you DS As May Headache Eskside From babies to the elderly Neck Pain Everyone is better with Bowen. Neck Pain As December acupuncture for your * Effective *treatment Safe * Regulated * Service, Sales, Service, ForSales, current prices co.uk k.jonesbowen@gmail.com www. BurnbraeHealth. muscle, joint other pains IRST 5&in&&the LValeting ESSONS Repair www .BurnbraeHealth .co.uk Treatment room High Croft area) (F Repair Valeting & Tel. 460356 01573 Tel. 01573 01573 460356 £85225570 As January Infaweb As January 6 Bridge Bridge Street, Street, 6 As January Topseal GRP Roofing and A purpose built cattery, set in a beautiful country � � � � location offering: ��Under floor heated sleep areas with indoor run & covered outdoor play area ��Can cater for any size of cat family. ��Most dietary requirements catered for. ��Cats requiring medication welcome. ��Excellent care at competitive prices. � Jon Harrison 01573 238 238 003 ON CContact ALL NOW 01573 003 07989 530026 See all all our our services services at at�� Burnbrae Studio, Nenthorn See Home visits available www.infaweb.com�� Home visits available Home visits available www.infaweb.com The Original Bowen Technique Home visits available Tel ::with 01573 470355 225199 01835 870403 07989 530026 Tel01573 01573 470355 Registered with the GCC. GCC. Member of the the BCA. BCA. Registered the Member of Please mention KELSO LIFE when responding to adverts You can Hours also find more online Opening -- 8am 5pm Mon Fri Opening Hours 8am --information 5pm Mon to to Fri at Block booking discounts 8am www.bowen-technique.co.uk 8am -- 12pm 12pm Saturday Saturday Burnbrae Studio, Studio, Nenthorn Nenthorn Burnbrae � �������������� ���������������������������� Tel. 01573 430328 �������������� www.cloudninecattery.com� Registered with the GCC. Member of the BCA. Registered with the GCC. Member of the BCA. � � Tel. 01573 430328 www.cloudninecattery.com� Please mention KELSO LIFE when responding to adverts ����������������������������������������������������� Please mention mention KELSO KELSO LIFE LIFE when whenresponding responding toadverts adverts Please to www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 ����������������������������������������������������� PLEASE mention GalaLife Lifewhen when responding to adverts! ���������������������������������������������������� Please Kelso Life when responding to adverts mention Kelso Life when responding toadverts adverts mention Kelso responding to www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 ���������������������������������������������������� K K W W GB GB tyres tyres new new to to Kelso Kelso DON’T CAUGHT OUT tyre For all your For all BE your tyre needs. needs. BUY YOUR WINTER TYRES TODAY 10% 10% off off when when u u buy buy 2 2 or or more more tyres tyres 01573 01573 226115 226115 free tyre check free tyre check Y N A BUY BUY ANY 2 WINTER TYREESIVE A N D R EC £15OFF 4 WINTER TYREESIVE A N D R EC £30OFF Call 01573 226115 KELSO • TD5 8DN UNITUNIT 5 • SPYLAW • SPYLAWROAD ROAD •••KELSO • TD5 8DN8DN UNIT 5 • 5SPYLAW ROAD KELSO • TD5 43 BE A PART OF KELSO LIFE Kelso Life is delivered to every house in Kelso together with all local businesses Distribution also includes Kelso Swimming Pool, Kelso Library, operty Shop, Sainsbury's Kelso, Kelso Tourist Information Office, local cafes ber of the outlying villages including Heiton, Sunlaws Village, Makerstoun, m, Morebattle, Birgham, Smailholm, Sprouston, Yetholm and Kirk Yetholm. all means a distribution of over 4600 in the Kelso Area as well being available on our web-site - www.kelsolife.co.uk ts red How much? Quarter Page Half Page Full Page from B&W £31 £55 £108 (No VAT) Colour £43 £80 £143 Discounts on 3 mth packages For more information contact Richard on:01896 830846 / 07900 197907 e-mail : richard@kelsolife.co.uk Web-site : www.kelsolife.co.uk BE A PART OF KELSO LIFE Kelso Life is delivered to every house in Kelso together with all local businesses Distribution also includes Kelso Swimming Pool, Kelso Library, Hastings Property Shop, Kelso Tourist Information Office, Sainsbury's Kelso, local cafes and a number of the outlying villages including Heiton, Hume, Sunlaws Village, Ednam, Morebattle, Birgham, Makerstoun, Smailholm, Yetholm and Kirk Yetholm. DISTRIBUTION OF OVER 4600 IN THE KELSO AREA! ALSO AVAILABLE ON OUR WEB-SITE - www.kelsolife.co.uk How much? Quarter Page Half Page Full Page from B&W £31 £55 £108 (No VAT) Mindfulness Courses & Free Introductory Sessions Manage thoughts Reduce stress Eight-Week Mindfulness Courses Galashiels 19 January - 9 March Mondays 10am - 12noon Newstead 21 January - 11 March Wednesdays 7pm - 9pm Colour £43 £80 £143 For more information contact Richard on:01896 830846 / 07900 197907 e-mail : richard@kelsolife.co.uk Web-site : www.kelsolife.co.uk Free Introductory Sessions Galashiels 5 January 10am - 12 noon Newstead 8 January 7pm - 9pm For more details & booking see website or contact Elaine Henderson elaine@livemindfully.co.uk Tel: 01896 822757 Mob: 07739552752 www.livemindfully.co.uk Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts 35 33 �� 44 33 35 32 �� 5 33 �� ��������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� �� Alzhiemers ��������������������������������� ��������������������������������� Tweeddale������������������������������� Ad with you ������������������������������� Alzhiemers New to ���������������������������������� come Alzhiemers ���������������������������������� Ad ���������������� ���������������� Ad with with you you �������������� �������������� �� �������������������������� �������������������������� ���������������������������� ���������������������������� ������������� ������������� �� �� �� 25 11 25 �� 25�� � � Chiropractic & OINER LAZIER Chiropractic & western acupuncture for a range www.. Eskside .co.uk www .co.uk DS western acupuncture a range of SSHIGH PYLAW R ,,for K ELSO PYLAW ROAD OAD Ksuch ELSO As December PASS RATE HIGH PASS RATE of painful painful conditions as .. We Have Have A A NEW NEW KELSO KELSO OFFICE OFFICE We conditions such as .. The Bowen Technique is gentle enough for all Nervous pupils put at ease Nervous pupils put at ease Back Pain Back ages and uses small,Pain light moves over RD Décor RD Décor RD Décor RD Décor ������������������ Sciatica tendon and muscle to stimulate ligament, ������������������ NewBurnbrae Burnbrae Health advert Cloud Nine Cattery Burnbrae Health advert Sciatica New Health advert Infaweb As March Infaweb As March AsFloor, AsMarch March the healing process within the body. Top Floor, Headache With you Headache Top ��January As previous As May With you As Infaweb Eskside DS From babies to the elderly As January Neck Pain 6 Bridge Street, � 6 BridgeAs Street, � Everyone is better with Bowen. Neck Pain � January As December � in a beautiful country A purpose built cattery, set Arthritis Kelso. A purpose built cattery, set in a beautiful country Kelso. location offering: Arthritis For moreClass information or to make & more . IV VII location offering: Class IV & &call VIIor text ��Under floor heated sleep areas with indoor run & & more . an appointment covered outdoor playsleep area areas with indoor run & ��Under floor heated (Cars, Vans & Pick-Ups) Cloud Nine Cattery * Effective * Safe * Regulated * (Cars, Vans & Pick-Ups) Websites on 07999077804 or email* ��Can cater for anyplay size of cat family. *Katy Effective * Safe * Regulated Websites covered outdoor area As previous Sales, Service, ��Most dietary requirements catered for. Service, ��Can cater for any size of |cat family. ForSales, current prices co.uk k.jonesbowen@gmail.com Social | SEO SEO Analytics | PPC www. ��Cats requiring medication Social | |welcome. Analytics ��Most dietary requirements catered for. | PPC Valeting www . Repair .co.uk room & in High Croft area) (Treatment Repair & the Valeting ��Excellent care at competitive prices. New toTO Kelso LEARN DRIVE InPain? Pain? New to Kelso In Aches and Pains? WITH ESKSIDE BurnbraeHealth Have You Tried Bowen? Back or neck pain? Headache? Sciatica? Whiplash? Try Safe & Effective Chiropractic & (Western) acupuncture treatment for your BurnbraeHealth. joint other pains Fmuscle, IRST 5 &LESSONS BurnbraeHealth & Tel. 01573 460356 You can Hours also find more online Opening -- 8am --information 5pm Mon Fri 01573 225570 Opening Hours 8am 5pm Mon to to Fri at Tel. 01573 460356 Block booking discounts £85 8am - 12pm Saturday www.bowen-technique.co.uk Burnbrae Studio, Studio, Nenthorn Nenthorn Burnbrae Studio, Nenthorn Home visits available 8am - 12pm Saturday 38 38 NEIL FORTUNE J &G �� All joinery work undertaken Kitchens, doors, windows (wood & pvc) & flooring. Topseal GRP Roofing and Weatherproofing Systems Approved Installer. Free Estimates ��Cats requiring medication �welcome. ��Excellent care at competitive prices. ���������������������������� Contact Jon� Harrison Harrison Contact Jon �������������� 01573 238 238 003 ON CALL NOW 01573 003 ���������������������������� Tel. 01573 430328 �������������� See all all our services� at at�� See our services www.cloudninecattery.com www.infaweb.com Tel. 01573 430328 www.infaweb.com �� 07989 530026 Home visits available visits available The Original Bowen Technique Home visits available Tel ::Home 01573 470355 225199 Tel01573 01573 470355 Registered with the GCC. GCC. Member Memberofofthe theBCA. BCA. Registered with with the the Registered Registered with the GCC. GCC. Member Memberof of the theBCA. BCA. � www.cloudninecattery.com� Please mention KELSO LIFE when responding to adverts � Please mention mention KELSO KELSO LIFE LIFE when when responding responding to adverts adverts ����������������������������������������������������� Please to www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 ����������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 Please Kelso Life Life when when responding responding toadverts adverts mention Kelso to www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 // 07900 07900 197907 197907 ���������������������������������������������������� K K W W st 6 �� 13 12 14 12 45 37 �� 14 ���������������������������������������������������� BRYAN JOHNSTON PAINTER ����������� & & COLLECTORS, GIANT ANTIQUE PLASTERING & TILING TOP SALE FLEA DECORATOR ���������MARKET-TABLE � �������� Mothers Day FIONA DUFFY @ G AND S HAIR DESIGN�� � Linda Sinclair Chiropadist SPRINGWOOD PARK ,K ELSO AsPLASTERING May 30th March, Sunday � No job too big orFurniture, Simon YOUR LOCAL No Ayton Carpet GButtler & Sjob Hair Design Coins, Medals, China, Bric aAyton Brac, Silver etc Tom Simon Ayton Carpet now being taken. � orders TAPING � Tom Buttler Simon Ayton Carpet Simon Carpet � As Tom Tom Buttler Cleaner As February previous Bryan Johnston Cleaner too small CALL TOprevious MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT As � COVING too Cleaner Cleaner EXPERTS and National As As As AsPROFESSIONAL previous Oprevious N SATURDAY 10TH AND SLocal UNDAY 11TH Jdeliveries, ANUARY Asprevious January � 01573 228 206 Free Free estimates estimates 9.30am - January � ROUGHCASTING As January We stock aAs wide range of fresh flowers, � QUICK FLOOR & WALL TILING DRYING plants, gifts cards. 4pm Both Days and I AM NOW TAKING APPOINTMENTS ON WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS FOR Weddings CARPET Birthdays CLEANER Colours Admission Children Free Sympathy ���������� �������� ��� ���� on ������£1.00 Anniversaries Call Scott now Call��������� Scott Perms �������������������������������������������� FRIENDLY RELIABLE SERVICE ������������ ������� ��� ��� �� ��������������������������������������������� Experienced staff who are always Wash, cuts and blowdrysby Caroline’s REVITILISE YOUR CARPETS TODAY 01573 224486 01573 Catering Coffee Shop �� ������ Shampoo ��������������������������������������� happy to help! ��� ��������� and sets �������������������������������������������� 07811 555560 07811 CALL 01573 219062 Wash and Blowdrys ��� ������� ���������� ���� �� ���� ���������� For further information please contact on The Flower Room, 19 Woodmarket,, Kelso,Trevor TD5 7AT � �� ����������������������� � e Kirsty: I would like to Celebrating thank Alex Jordan (my coach), ASP Sacrament (Athletes Sportof Programme) and SIS (Scottish Institute Easter with the Holy Baptism. � of Sport), without�������������� all of which it wouldnt have all been possible. 07551639663 � 01573 223323 �� ����� ������ ������������������ � �������������������� Hair Ups forPlease that special occasion info@kelsoflowers.co.uk mention KELSO LIFE simonayton1965@outlook.com when responding to adverts ����������������������������� COTT �S �S �� � COTT 228583 or 07760 660556 ORTHWICK B01573 ORTHWICK �������� �� ����� ���� ���� Gents����� Cuts are also available & Tel: � �� � 34 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 �� ���������������������������������������������������������� www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 830846 // 07900 07900 197907 197907 �������������������������������� �������������������� ��������������������������� Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 �������������������� ��������������������������� FIONA DUFFY @ G AND S HAIR DESIGN�� Kelso Life May April2014.indd 2014.indd 41 36 16/04/2014, 19/03/2014, 22:39 21:53 INS Douglas THE Rennie Welch NewS ad with you Douglas BORDERS As previous Rennie Welch New ad with you ������������ �������������� � � As previous TO MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT CALL � ��������� � �������� � �������� 01573 228 206 Rennie Welch I AM NOW TAKING APPOINTMENTS ON WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS FOR ������� ����� Colours 2 Year Guarantee ��������������������� ������������ Conservatory BlindAsSpecialist previous ���������� ��������� ����������������� ����������� ��Vertical Perms ������������������������������ ��Wooden ��Venetian ������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������� Wash, cuts and blowdrys ������������ ��������� �������������������������������� Shampoo and sets ��������������������� �������������������������������� �������������������� 01573 229036 ���������������������� Gents Cuts are also available & Wash and Blowdrys ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������ ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Hair Ups for that special occasion ���������������������������������������������������������������� www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 Please mention mention KELSO KELSO LIFE Please LIFE when when responding responding to to adverts adverts ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Please mention mention Kelso Kelso Life Life when when responding responding to adverts adverts www.kelsolife.co.uk 197907 ���������������������������������������������������� www.kelsolife.co.uk 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 Please to �������������������� ��������������������������� 46 LIST OF ADVERTISERS Accountants Rennie Welch Acupuncture Burnbrae Health Alzheimer Scotland Beautician Skin Unisex Clinic Beds & Bedroom Furniture Tweeddale Blinds Apollo Blinds Tweeddale Border Ice Rink Brewery Tempest Brewing Co. Broomlands Primary School Building Company Brotherston Builders HPM Cooper Butchers Valley Meats Carpet Cleaner Simon Ayton Catering Company The Orde Food Company Cattery Cloud Nine Cattery Cheltenham Festival Preview Night Chiropodist Linda Sinclair Chiropractor & Acupuncture Burnbrae Health Complementary Therapies Border Hypnotherapy Centre Counselling Services Time Out Counselling Services Curtains & Fabrics Clothworks Dance Studio Gordon Fox Dance Academy Michelle Douglas School of Dance Dentist Gentle Touch Dental Practice Dog Groomer Nina Johnstone Dress Making Clothworks Driving School Eskside School of Motoring Edinburgh Rugby Electrical Service Andrew Beveridge Brian Deans Electrical Services Estate Agents Hastings Property Financial Planning Metropolitan Financial Planning Flea Market Furniture Designer & Restorer Tom Buttler Furniture Shop Tweeddale Garage Services GD Auto Services Tweedside Commercials Garden Centre & Cafe Woodside Walled Garden Garden Maintenance HPM Cooper Gardening Equipment Lloyd Ltd www.kelsolife.co.uk 45 41 48 23 13 1 13 15 24 29 31 35 23 13 25 19 7 11 32 43 18 17 27 22 21 20 17 7 36/37 18 32 48 31 45 39 13 15 29 6 35 7 Hairdressers Ashley Tait Handyman Graeme Inkster Odd Job Man Hardware Stores Stuart Douglas Hotels, Inns & Restaurants Cross Keys Hotel Insurance Services Border Insurance Services Interior & Design Products Cloud Nine Joiner & Glazier Neil Fortune Terry Frame Kelso Cricket Club Kelso Farmers Market Kelso Life Kelso Rugby Club Kelso Swimming Pool Landscaping HPM Cooper Letting Agents Borders Country Lets Marketing Border Marketing Company Mortgage & Insurance Brokers Simply Mortgages Paint & Wallpaper Stores J H Hume Painter & Decorators Scott Borthwick Personal Trainer G T Personal Training Services Photographer & Processing Hector Innes Plastering & Tiling Bryan Johnston Plumber J & P Plumbing & Heating Myles McNulty Scott Douglas Plumbing & Heating Ltd Podiatrist Linda Sinclair Roofing Contractor BGM Roofing Shoe Shop Rogersons Fine Footwear Simply Slimming 4 U Jeannie Dickman Slimming World Rebecca Scott Solicitors Hastings Legal Sports Massage Mark Rutherford Stove Supplier & Installer Heating Solutions Scotland Ltd Woodland Energy Ltd Taxi Hire Border Luxury Travel Travel Agents Kelso Travel Tyres C & R Tyres GB Tyres Redpath Tyres Website Design The Engine Shed Wholefoods Shop Kelso Wholefoods 5 11 13 19 5 8 3 41 4 23 5 11/43 40 33 35 48 8 19 25 16 37 43 16 29 15 25 11 35 10 32 4 48 31 41 21 32 2 47 42 28 21 28 01896 830846 / 07900 197907 47 Your Local Tyre Supplier STATION YARD, SPROUSTON ROAD KELSO, TD5 8EU TEL: 01573 225454 www.candrtyres.co.uk Free quotations and technical advice All leading brands & sizes supplied Professional, friendly fitters Central location with easy access 5 minute walk from Sainsburys Personal, efficient service CONTACT US TODAY For Excellent Service & Value for Money Please mention Kelso Life when responding to adverts www.hastingslegal.co.uk KICK OFF THE NEW YEAR IN STYLE ITS NEVER TOO EARLY TO MARKET YOUR PROPERTY WITH HASTINGS PROPERTY SHOP THE MOVING FORCE IN KELSO Legal Office (01573) 226999 • Kelso Property Shop (01573) 225999 Borders Country Lets (01573) 229887 • Selkirk Property Shop (01750) 724160 www.hastingslegal.co.uk
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