October 2008 - Allegheny West Magazine


October 2008 - Allegheny West Magazine
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
Table of Contents
John Lestini, Jr.
21 In Oakdale: Meet the Musical Minister
23 Representing the Keystone State at the
Republican National Convention
28 Coyotes in Our Backyards
Under Construction:
High Tech School Environment
40 Oakdale’s ROCK: A Solid Place for All
52 WA Alumni Update
Publisher’s Note
On the Horizon
Around Your Town
Youth Corner
Chamber Business Link
Library News
Fire Watch
Your House & Senate
Community Marketplace
Municipal Roundup
Your Schools
Neighborhood Coupons
Community Connections
October 2008
Learning Curves
Foot Talk: Warts
by Dr. Tina Teimouri, Beaver Valley Foot Clinic
Mortgage Tips
by Dale Frank, Mortgage Advisory Group
About the Cover
Imperial resident Harriett Bolind and her grandson, Connor Bolind, enjoy
the 100+ pound pumpkin they grew in their backyard garden. Harriett
said they grow pumpkins each year, but this one by far has been their
largest from their pumpkin patch, all grown without fertilizers.
This Page
A fall scene on Walnut Street in Imperial.
Allegheny West
“Good News Always, Mailed and Delivered Free, Every Time”
Allegheny West Magazine is an all positive, good news publication
mailed free into homes and businesses to connect communities,
promote people, heighten awareness about the richness of the airport
region, and build pride in the western suburbs of Allegheny County.
West Allegheny Edition
Vol. 10 No. 2, Issue 56
October 2008
15 Walnut Street, Ste. 101, Imperial PA 15126
Phone: 724.695.3968 Fax: 724.695.2089
Email: alleghenywestmagazine@comcast.net
Pat Jennette, APR
G. Paul DeBor
R.H. Glovier
Jessica Harman
Yvonne Hervol
Gary Hamilton, North Fayette VFD
Catherine Roberts
Dr. Tina Temouri, Beaver Foot Clinic
Dale Frank, Mortgage Advisory Group
Findlay Township, North Fayette Township &
Oakdale Borough
West Allegheny School District
Pgh. Airport Area Chamber of Commerce
Western Allegheny Community Library
Annamarie Bey
Kaitlin Busch
Kiley Diaddigo
Maggi Normile
2004 &
Allegheny West Magazine - West
Allegheny Edition, is published in
February, April, June, August,
October, and December, 6 issues
a year, by Jennette Communications Group, 15 Walnut Street,
Suite 101, Imperial, PA 151261226. Mailed and delivered free
to 15,000 residents and
businesses in Clinton, Findlay,
North Fayette, Imperial, Oakdale,
McDonald, Sturgeon, and
surrounding areas. Extra copies
available at municipal offices,
schools, stores, businesses, and
hotels across the airport suburbs.
Available by mail subscription for
$12 annually.
Story ideas welcomed.
Community events and
announcements from non-profit
groups only must be rrecei
four weeks prior to publishing
date, limited to 30 words and
include a phone number. No part
of this publication may be
reproduced without the written
permission of Jennette
Communications Group. Copyright
1999 Allegheny West Magazine.
All rights reserved.
Publisher’s Note
As We Grow ...
Now in our tenth year of publishing, we
thought it was a wonderful time to
introduce a new service to the communities
we serve.
Hence, we proudly announce that we will
launch community phone directories in
Some of you may remember that we once
had such a directory -- listings of local
businesses and even residents (ours will only
be listing businesses and organizations, and
not residents), with advertisements from
your local stores and organizations. It was a
handy piece to have around, and certainly
helped boost visibility for those businesses, as their hometown residents
would more readily use services local to them than travel a distance for
similar services or go somewhere to someone they did not know.
Our directory will include a
map of our area. And, it will
include a section on all that’s
fun to do and enjoy in our
airport area communities -- a
recreation guide, so to speak.
So, watch out for this new gem to arrive in mailboxes sometime during
the winter.
To make this work, we need your support!
This is just one of the surprises we have in store as we celebrate our tenth
anniversary! More are coming!
Pat Jennette, APR
Publisher & Editor
Jennette Communications Group
also publishes the Moon Edition of
ghenyy West Ma
azine, the
Montour Edition of Alle
ghenyy West
azine, the Imperial/Findlay/
North Fayette/McDonald Edition of
the Town Planner Comm
Calendar,, and, in 2009, the
ea Phone Dir
portt Ar
Western Allegheny Community Library’s Capital Building Campaign
The Annual Christmas Light-Up Event in Clinton
2007 Winner BBB Torch Award for
Marketplace Ethics
Registered with Dun & Bradstreet
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
On the Horizon
The McDonald Trail Station along the Panhandle Trail
is open weekends, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., through October
under the McDonald Area Redevelopment Association
(MARA). The building is available as a rental hall and
also features the history of the McDonald area, as well
as information from the Panhandle and Montour Trails.
Anyone interested in MARA is welcome to attend
meetings held the first Thursday of each month at
6 p.m. This non-profit organization attracts business
development, beautifies the community, sponsors local
holiday event celebrations, and much more.
For further information, call (724) 926-2861.
On Sunday, October 12, the annual West Allegheny
Ministerial CROP WALK will be hosted by the Noblestown
United Methodist Church, 7313 Noblestown Road,
Oakdale. Registration begins at 1:30 p.m., and the 5K
walk begins at 2 p.m. on the Panhandle Trail in
Noblestown. Last year, 107 walkers collected $5,165.
All are invited to participate.
This Church World Service Walk has been happening
for more than 38 years to raise funds to feed the
hungry in local communities and throughout the world.
Twenty-five percent (25%) of the donations collected
through pledges are returned to the local West
Heritage Library in McDonald holds a continuous book
Allegheny Food Pantry.
sale. Available for sale are books, periodicals, videos,
DVDs, audiotapes, paperbacks, and more.
Each Tuesday at 5:30 p.m., Weight Watchers meets at
the library, and a book discussion group meets on the
Pittsburgh Technical Institute announces its new
second Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m.
Hospitality associate degree program, Hotel and
McDonald history from 1890-1982 is now available on
Casino Management.
Call (412) 809-5100 or visit www.pti.edu.
For more information, call (724) 926-4686 or e-mail
Lincoln Avenue Arts in McDonald will hold the 2nd
Annual Fall Arts & Crafts Show Fundraiser for the
Heritage Public Library in McDonald on Thursday,
November 6 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Heritage Library, 52
Fourth Street. Wine and refreshments will be
provided. For information, call (724) 926-8400 or
(724) 356-7356.
October 2008
The 2008 Women’s and Family Expo is October 11
and 12 at the Pittsburgh ExpoMart in Monroeville,
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on
Sunday. Admission is $5. Children 12 and under are
free. Discount coupons are available on the website at
In addition to a fall picnic recently held for seniors,
plans are to have seniors meet once a month at the
North Fayette Community Center for cards, special
programs, classes, and lunch. The community center
gym will be open for residents for walking from 8 to
10 a.m. More information on senior citizen programming will be available in the township newsletter.
Programs returning this fall include Mommy & Me,
men’s basketball, co-ed volleyball and family swim times.
New programs include CPR and First Aid, water walking,
adult flag football, and in-service day programming.
For more information, log onto www.north-fayette.com
or call (412) 788-4888 or (724) 693-3118.
St. Clair Hospital offers a variety of health programs
for families and new parents. They include a Family
Birth Center Tour, Mothers and Daughters: Growing and
Changing Workshop, Infant and Child CPR Class,
Introduction to Breastfeeding, Baby Basics, and
Childbirth Preparation classes.
Additionally, St. Clair offers numerous support
groups, a diabetes education center, nutrition education
classes, and more. For a complete list of programs, call
(412) 942-6294.
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
On the Horizon
Taste home brewed beers brewed by the members
of the Three Rivers Underground Brewers Club at Mr.
Small's in Millvale on Saturday, October 18 from 7 to
10 p.m. Also enjoy food from area restaurants and
music by local bands Highway 13 and the Beagle
Brothers. There will also be auction items and more.
Presented in conjunction with Sadie's Soldiers,
proceeds benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
Tickets to this age 21+ event are $30 and can be
purchased on Mr. Small’s website, (http://
=mrsmalls or www.brewingupacure.com.
Montours Presbyterian Church, 3151 Montour Church
Road, Rt. 22-30 West, will hold a Spaghetti Dinner, Bake
Sale, and Chinese Auction on Saturday, October 11, 4:30
to 6:30 p.m. Cost is $6 for adults, $3 for children, 5-12.
Children under four are free. Take-outs are available. Call
(412) 787-1050.
Montour Class of 1978 will hold its 30th reunion
on Saturday, November 29 at "Celebrations" in Imperial.
Please send contact information by e-mail to
dillingerdad@aol.com and/or classof78@joefucci.com.
The Moon Garden Club will host its “Sparkle and Magic
Holiday Home Tour” on Friday and Saturday, November
21 and 22. Tickets for Friday’s twilight tour are $20
each; tickets for Saturday’s daylight tour are $15 each.
This year’s tour will be at the home and beautifully
restored historic barn of Dick and Nancy Mills -- Roselea
Farm. In addition to the decorations, experience the
“one of a kind” white elephant corner and treats from
the bake shoppe.
Transportation will be provided to the home. For
tickets or a brochure, call Ellen at (412) 269-1048,
Peggy at (412) 264-7265, or Phyllis at
(412) 389-0707.
The Airport Area Friends of the Trail meet on the
Wednesday before the second Saturday of each month at
7 p.m. at the Forest Grove Fire Department. A cleanup
and work party is held every second Saturday of the
month at 9 a.m. Call (412) 262-3748 for more
information or visit the website at www.montourtrail.org.
Resurrection Lutheran Church at 7600 Steubenville
Pike in Hankey Farms, North Fayette Township, will hold
a Spaghetti Dinner on November 4, the day of the 2008
Presidential Election. Baked goods will also be sold.
For information, call (412) 488-4513.
Coraopolis United Methodist Church, 1205 Ridge
Avenue, Coraopolis, presents Harvest Songfest II,
Saturday, October 11, 7:30 p.m., featuring the Sounds of
Sturgeon Volunteer Fire Department will host a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, October 26 and Sunday, November
Pittsburgh Chorus.
23 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the firehall in Sturgeon. Meal includes pancakes, eggs, biscuits, sausage, gravy, and
A free-will offering will be taken, and childcare will be
more. The facility is smoke-free. For information, call (724) 926-9149.
available. Call (412) 264-3727.
The Community of St. Columbkille Roman Catholic Church
in Imperial, Pennsylvania
thanks you, Fr. Domenic Mancini!
Your prayerful liturgies, inspirational homilies, and dedicated
ministry have made you a Good Shepherd to your people.
We will always be grateful.
October 2008
Holy Trinity Catholic School on Steubenville Pike in
Robinson announces its 9th Annual Auction Dinner, “Viva
Las Vegas,” on Saturday, November 8. This year’s goal
is to raise funds toward the school’s improvement
projects, including the cafeteria floor and kitchen.
To donate funds or items for the auction, or for tickets,
call Mary Moody at (412) 299-7831.
On the Horizon
St. Margaret Mary Church, 807 Beaver Grade Road, Moon Township, will hold its
Holiday Craft Boutique on Saturday, November 1, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Juried
crafters from Pennsylvania and New York will have items on display. Lunches and a
bake sale will also be offered. Admission is free. Call (412) 264-5149.
The Carnegie Performing Arts Center announces its 2008-09 season at the newly
renovated Andrew Carnegie Music Hall. On tap this year: “The Nutcracker” over two
weekends, starting December 5 through December 13; “Swan Lake” on March 27,
28, and 29; and “Peter Pan” the weekend of April 17-19.
For more information, visit the website at www.carnegieperformingartscenter.com
or call (412) 279-8887.
Free hospice volunteer workshops and a six-week program designed for
individuals over 50 to become community health ambassadors are being offered
through Community Education programs at CCAC.
The two-day hospice volunteer workshops certify volunteers to perform a variety
of volunteer roles within the hospice family, and include breakfast and lunch.
Community health ambassador training is a free six-week course to train people
50 years of age and older to promote healthy aging and emphasize the ten keys to
healthy aging. The course encourages participants to become ambassadors for a
healthier community by taking what they learn and passing it along to others.
Both courses are offered at Boyce, North, and South campuses.
For more information, call (412) 237-2670 or visit www.ccac.edu, and search
A Craft & Gift Show for the benefit of Operation Troop Appreciation, sponsored by
the employees of Clearview Federal Credit Union, is now open to the public. Stop by
the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 1160 Thorn Run Road, Moon Township, on Saturday,
November 8, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will feature jewelry, candles, framed art,
baked goods, purses, numerous brand name items, and so much more. Vendor space
is available. For more information, call Michelle at (412) 269-3025.
Robinson Township Christian School in Robinson will hold its Annual Dinner and
Auction, “Celebrating 30 Years of Christian Education” on Friday, November 14 at the
Crowne Plaza Hotel in Moon Township.
For information, tickets, or to donate, contact Joan Iacono at (412) 913-0268.
October 2008
Our Advertisers
As with every issue, your community businesses are the reason for the publication of Allegheny
West Magazine. Please support these businesses. Their support allows us to mail this magazine,
free, into every household in Findlay, Clinton, North Fayette, Imperial, Oakdale, Sturgeon, and
portions of McDonald as a community service.
1/2 Off Greeting Cards, p. 55, 724.695.1964
1st Stop Automotive, p. 55, 724.695.2610
Medical Bill Advocates, p. 45, 412.303.0974,
A Door to Memories, p. 54, 724.630.1212,
Meyers, Tom - Plumbing, p. 36, 724.693.2880
Allegheny West Eye Care, p. 12, 724.695.3371,
Montours Church, p. 18, 412.787.1050
Moody Funeral Home, p. 42, 724.695.0411
Aunt Mini Storage, p. 37, 724.695.8700
Mortgage Advisory Group, p. 8, 412.446.0400,
Beaver Valley Foot Clinic, p. 55, 724.375.1577,
Mustio, State Rep., p. 17, www.markmustio.com
Bocktown Beer & Grill, p. 11, 412.788.2333,
Naughton’s Tree Service, p. 54, 412.331.5952,
Business Legal, p. 30, 412.257.2617,
Oakdale Foot & Ankle, p. 18, 412.787.8380
Oakdale UP Church, p. 34 & 54, 724.693.8950
Center for Organ Recovery & Educ.(CORE), p. 45,
Ohio Valley Genl. Hospital, p. 11, 412.777.6400,
1.800.DONORS-7, www.core.org
Charnie Insurance, p. 54, 412.787.3318
Paragon Homes, back cover, 412.787.8807,
Choices Pregnancy Centers, p. 26, 724.457.1220
Chiurazzi & Mengine, Attorneys, p. 34, 412.434.0773 Paws Here Awhile Pet Resort, p. 25,
724.573.4665, www.pawshereawhile.com
Christmas in the Village, p. 4, 724.947.9015
Pgh. Airport Area Chmbr. of Commerce, p. 24,
Citi-Smith Barney, p. 47, 412.392.5885,
412.264.6270, www.paacc.com
Pink Profiles, p. 13, 724.695.0204,
Clearview Federal Credit Union, p. 5
1.877.4LOAN40, www.clearviewfcu.org
Pippy, State Senator, p. 17
Clearview Stables, p. 55, 724.693.9686,
Pittsburgh Points West, p. 22, 412.494.9203,
Clinton Wesleyan Church, p. 24, 724.695.7076
Pittsburgh Technical Institute, p. 14,
Cool Home Improvements, p. 48, 412.262.1140,
412.809.5100, www.pti.edu
Polidor, Dr. Tamara, p. 20, 724.695.8447
Comfort Keepers, p. 37, 412.787.0709,
pT Group Physical Therapy, p. 13, 412.262.3354,
Covenant Family Church, p. 42, 724.263.7147,
Pustover Financial Services, p. 46,
Davey Tree Company, p. 13, 724.746.8852,
Quicksilver Golf Club, p. 20, 724.796.1594,
Enlow Station, p. 17, 724.695.8181
Rohm, Dr., p. 55, 724.695.2100
Family Chiropractic Center, p. 49, 412.787.3320,
Santiago Distributing, p. 30, 724.695.7289
Schumacher Homes, p. 12, 724.600.0225,
Findlay Township, p. 10, 724.695.0500,
Self Storage of North Fayette, p. 24, 724.695.8875
First Steps Pediatrics, p. 5, 412.788.1999,
Shell Station & Convenience Store, p. 1,
Fax: 724.695.8297
Fitness for Life, p. 26, 724.695.2239,
Starting Point Fitness, p. 37,
Franchek HVAC, p. 48, 724.899.3474
St. Clair Hospital, p. 7, 412.942.4000,
Fry’s Spiffy Dog, p. 20, 724.693.9392
Half Crown Hill Orchard, p. 43, 412.913.4981,
St. Columbkille Church, p. 6, 724.695.7325,
Heritage Valley Health Systems, inside front cover,
Sturgeon VFD, p. 30, 724.926.9149
412.787.5769, www.heritagevalley.org
The Traveling Tutor, p. 55, 412.874.5092
Heritage Valley - West Allegheny Healthcare,
Thomas Studio of Performing Arts, p. 55,
p. 14, 724.695.2411
412.787.7686, www.thomasdance.com
House Cleaning by Linda, p. 45, 412.519.6414
Thomas-Little Funeral Service, Inc., p. 26,
Howard Hanna-Bob Miller, p. 9, 412.498.3664,
Today’s Hair, p. 18, 724.695.0478
Imperial Tax Service, Inc., inside back cover,
Valley Presbyterian Church, p. 36,
Janoski’s, p. 55, 724.899.3438, www.janoskis.com
Vinarski, Dr. Irina, p. 19, 412.490.2500
Kovach’s Body Shop in McDonald, p. 45,
VR Financial Services, p. 34, 724.544.2071
Wharton-Herrick Funeral Home, p. 30,
Lazarowicz, Ken - CPA, p. 8, 412.299.7390
LaStone Therapy by Michelle, p. 45, 412.809.9809
NOTE: We list each advertiser’s
Liechti, Attorney Fred, p. 45, 412.787.5280
website here, too, where available,
Luther, Dr. Robert, p. 18, 412.788.6300,
to provide readers with access to
additional information about each
MTO Clean, p. 8, 1.866.21MAIDS,
What’s the secret to
selling your home in the
Pittsburgh area and receiving the very best
price possible? Well,
there is no secret - only
research and hard work.
Some sellers price their home
based on their own purchase cost,
expecting appreciation for each year
they occupied the property (say 3%,
4% or 10% per year, plus their
original investment.)
Others base their price on need. If
they plan to build a new home, they
take into account the cash needed to
complete their construction plus a
little extra. Others may need money
for college tuition or medical bills.
No matter the motivation, it is
important to understand that the right
selling price is the one that buyers
are willing to pay. It’s really the
buyers who set the final sale price,
because until buyers agree to pay
some amount for a home, there is no
Of course, buyers cannot simply
offer a low price and automatically
buy the house. The sellers must
agree, too. The sale price will be that
amount that is both offered ... and
Consult a full time professional real
estate agent with detailed information
about the prices buyers are currently
paying for homes. With that
information, you have the in-depth
knowledge needed to arrive at the
right price for your home. Price your
home correctly from the beginning,
and you can start packing!
Bob Miller is a full time, full service
professional residential and commercial Realtor® with Howard Hanna
Real Estate. For answers to your real
estate questions and for a complimentary comparative market analysis
of your properties, please contact me.
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
On the Horizon
Boy Scout Troop 830 in Clinton will host its 3rd Annual
Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, October 26 at the Findlay
Township Activity Center, Main Street, Imperial, from
8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cost is $6 for adults, $5 for seniors,
and $4 for children under 12.
The breakfast is a fundraiser for the troop’s general
For more information, or to advertise on the
placemats, call (724) 695-2239.
Ohio Valley General Hospital will hold its 20th Annual
Auction Elegance event on Saturday, November 8 at the
Sheraton Station Square. More information will be
A 5K Road Race and Walk is
scheduled for Saturday, October 12
at 9 a.m. at the Roadside West
Picnic Area in Raccon Creek Park,
and a Fall Foliage Walk will be held
on Sunday, October 19 from 2 to
3:30 p.m.
October 2008
West Hills Christian Church, 965 Thorn Run
Road, Moon Township, is coordinating a
Pittsburgh Against Hunger in Haiti effort on
November 8.
The church invites volunteers to help assemble
bags of dehydrated, nutritious meals for the
hungry children in Haiti. The goal is to send
142,500 meals to Haiti.
Volunteers will assemble meals, seal meal
bags, run supplies from station to station, create
mail labels, box assembled bags, and weigh
boxes for mailing.
At least 300 volunteers are needed, and all
ages from 7 to 107 are welcome to participate.
Each volunteer is asked to make a $25
donation to cover the food and shipping costs.
The total cost to purchase and ship 142,500
meals will cost
sign up for
shifts, and are
asked to
contribute $25
for each shift
must register
by October 27. Call Judy at (412) 264-9392, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
Monday through Thursday or e-mail her at:
judy@westhillscc.org; include “Pittsburgh Against Hunger” in
the subject line. Or, visit the website at www.westhillscc.org/
Robert Morris University's Colonial Theatre is super-psyched to announce the Pittsburgh premiere of
“Awesome 80s Prom,” an interactive experience in the style of Tony n' Tina's Wedding, November 13, 14, and
15 at 8 p.m. “Awesome 80s Prom” is set at the Wanaget High’s Senior Prom of 1989. It is a fun and festive
evening that sports many 1980s high school stereotypes, from the captain of the football team to the wacky
foreign exchange student, from the hottie head cheerleader to the smoking burnout, and all the geeks and
nerds who accompany them. In “Awesome 80s Prom,” they're all competing for Prom King and Queen, and after
an evening of dancing and partying with these characters, the audience gets to vote for the winners.
Directed by RMU's Professor Barbara Burgess-Lefebvre, “Awesome 80s Prom” encourages audience
members to dance, flirt, and party like it's 1989!
The prom committee is still choosing where to hold their dance so send an e-mail to: lefebvre@rmu or call
(412) 397-5409 for further information. Tickets are $10 and prom photos will be sold. Come as you are or in
your finest 1980s prom fashions!
The SNPJ in Imperial is among the fraternal organizations participating in the
Fraternal Societies of Greater Pittsburgh’s Second Annual Kidz Bowling fund-raising
tournament to benefit Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. The event will be held on
Sunday, November 2 at the Princess Lanes in Whitehall.
Activities and registration begin at 11:30 a.m., with kids’ activities prior to the
bowling. The event is open to all children ages 6-18. All bowlers will roll a three-game
series (ages 6-7 will bowl two games), and will be treated to food, prizes, and a
commemorative tee-shirt.
There is no cost to enter; however, each child must have a minimum of $25 in
sponsorships or promised sponsorships prior to entering. The bowler collecting the
most donations will receive a prize.
Entry forms are available by contacting Karen Pintar at (724) 695-1100 or by
sending an e-mail to: kpintar@snpj.com. For more information, visit the website at
The first ever Songwriter Girl Camp is coming to Pittsburgh October 17-19. Kirsti
Manna, #1 hit song writer, is bringing her newly launched Songwriter Girl Camp
concept to Robert Morris University’s Moon Township campus. Cost is $248 for
participants and $75 for observers. Room accommodations are not included. All
observers must accompany a participant but not all participants are required to bring
an observer.
A public show will be presented on October 18 at 7 p.m. Registrations can be made
online at www.songwritergirl.com.
Songwriter Girl Camp will give participants the opportunity to network and meet
face-to-face with people who create and work in the industry. Girls will have the
chance to attend workshops and gain information that can help take them to the next
level as a writer and writer/performer. They’ll collaborate with other attendees and
to○ work
A flea market will be held on Saturday, October 11 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the
Church of the Ascension, 114 Berry Street, Ingram. Tables will offer a variety of
donated items. Proceeds will benefit the church. For information, call (412) 922-8820.
Oakdale Borough will hold its second annual Holiday Craft and Vendor Show on
Saturday, November 22 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the community center. Cost is $30 for
tables. For more information, call (824) 693-9740.
Keystone Rehabilitation Systems will host a Fall Blood Drive with Central Blood Bank
on Monday, October 13, from 1 to 5:30 p.m. in the Penn Lincoln Center parking lot.
Enjoy food, give-a-ways, and a chance to win a $20 gas card and/or a 2009
Entertainment Book. For more information and to sign up, call (724) 695-5661.
Montour Valley VFW Post 7714 at 7971 Old Steubenville Pike invites all to their
first annual “Night at the Races” on Saturday, November 1. Doors open at
5:30 p.m. and post time is at 6:30 p.m. Admission is a $3 donation. Horse
ownership can be purchased at the Post for a $20 donation (winning owner
receives a minimum $50 value prize). Food and a cash bar will be available; no
smoking will be allowed inside. Proceeds benefit the VFW’s Building Fund,
Community and Veterans Outreach programs. Call (724) 695-8866.
An update on functional bowel disorders and treatment will be held on Saturday,
October 18 from 8:30 a.m. to noon at Allegheny General Hospital’s Magovern
Conference Center, 320 East North Avenue, Pittsburgh. To RSVP, call (412) 359-8209.
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
On the Horizon
The Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) Mortar Board Senior Honor Society and
Starbucks stores in Moon Township and Sewickley will host a used book sale benefiting Family
Foundations Early Head Start on Saturday, October 11 at the Moon Township Starbucks from
7 a.m. to 6 p.m. under the tent in the parking lot. Family Foundations Early Head Start will use
the proceeds to select new, age-appropriate books at Firstbook.org at a cost of less than two
dollars each.
Browse through hundreds of good used books to help Pittsburgh’s children in need. For
every two dollars the event raises, a needy child in the Moon/McKees Rocks or Coraopolis area
will receive a new book of his or her own.
Tax deductible donations, referencing Indiana University of Pennsylvania, can also be made at
Canevin Class of 1978 will hold its 30th reunion on Saturday, November 29 at Parkway Center
Inn, Pittsburgh. Event begins at 6:30 p.m. with a buffet dinner, dessert, five-hour open bar, and
entertainment. Cost is $50 per person. RSVP by contacting Tricia Roth Slade at (412) 331-0887 or
by e-mail at or pghslade@pghmail.com.
The second annual Dancing with the Celebrities event will be held on Saturday, December 6 at
the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, to benefit the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
Foundation’s Research Fund for Juvenile Diabetes.
This year’s reigning champion, Sheldon Ingram of WTAE-TV, defends his title against 11 other
local celebrities and notables. Each celebrity will perform a ballroom dance number and be judged,
and guests will cast their votes.
Reservations and more information about the dancers and the event are available at the
website, www.dancingwiththecelebritiesofpgh.net.
Available are packages including a formal dinner with music, or theater seating for the show and
social dancing only. Call (724) 733-0418 or Delana Murphy at (412) 586-6337.
October 2008
St. Clair Hospital is taking registrations for its 2008 influenza immunization program for adults 55 and older, beginning Monday, October 13. Prior
registration is required and can be made by calling (412) 942-6566,
between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. weekdays.
The flu shots will be administered at the St. Clair Hospital Outpatient
Center at Village Square, 2000 Oxford Drive, Bethel Park, on Sunday,
November 2, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and Sunday, November 9, 8 a.m. to
3 p.m. Parking is free.
Registrants must bring their medical insurance card (including Security
Blue and Medicare) and are urged to verify coverage with their respective
health insurance carrier prior to arrival. A prescription is not required
to receive a flu shot.
Clients of Health America (including Health Assurance, Advantra, and all
other Health America products), along with individuals without medical
insurance, will be charged $26 for each shot. Payment is due at the time of
service. Payment can be made by cash or personal check. Checks should
be made out to St. Clair Hospital. Credit and debit cards will not be
For more information, call (412) 942-6280.
St. Malachy School will host a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, December
7 in the church hall from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cost is $5 for adults, and $3 for
children ages 2-12.
The breakfast includes pancakes, homemade sausage, and beverage.
For more information, contact Amy Maxin at (412) 215-1480.
On the Horizon
A free self-defense class for women will be held on Wednesday, October 22, from 7
to 9 p.m. at the Findlay Township municipal building in Clinton.
Training will include carjacking, safety in the workplace, safety while traveling, and
other self-defense strategies which apply to everyday activities. The physical skills in this
course will be limited to less than ten actual techniques.
The instructor, Jack Leonard, is a retired State Police parole agent with more than 20
years of law enforcement experience.
Bring a pillow to class. All participants must register. Call (724) 695-0500.
Come to a Croptoberfest! This Festival of Memories provides a day-long
scrapbooking opportunity. The first one is on Saturday, October 11 from 9 a.m. to 9
p.m. at the Findlay Township Activity Center on Main Street. Cost is $40 per person, and
includes morning coffee and goodies, lunch and dinner, free gifts, and chances to win
the grand prize. For $60 per person, receive the 2008 Croptoberfest 8x8” coverset in
burnt orange with page protectors and project idea sheets. Register as soon as
possible by calling Mary Pat Pinsoneault at (724) 622-3002. Pre-registered guests
receive a $5 product gift certificate that can be used at the event.
The second one is on Saturday, October 18, also at the Activity Center, and also from
9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Cost is $40 and includes lunch, dinner, exclusive customer gift and idea
sheet, and door prizes. Call Michelle Koester at (724) 307-3333 or send her an e-mail
at michellekoestercm@comcast.net.
Lots of kids’ activities are happening this fall, too. Kid’s Creative Cooking classes for
youth in grades kindergarten through five are on Thursdays, October 16, November
20, and December 11 from 3:45 to 5:15 p.m. at the Findlay Activity Center. Cost is $8
per session for residents, $10 per session for non-residents, and enrollment is limited.
Bring your preschooler to Lunch Bunch. Come with a packed lunch and drink to the
Activity Center, lower level, for lunch and fun activities. Open to all children who turned
four by September 1, 2008. Registration is required, and must be made on the Monday
before these event dates: October 21, November 11, and December 9 . All sessions are
from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Cost is $5 per session, residents, or $7 for non-residents.
Also take part in Time for Toddlers and Time for Two and Three-Year-Olds. For
details, call (724) 695-0500.
Janoski’s Pumpkinland is open to the public every Saturday and Sunday in
October from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission includes hayrides, petting zoo, corn
maze, straw jump, haunted barn, face painting, pony rides, and pumpkin painting.
Join the Janoski’s for the fourth annual costume party on Sunday, October 26.
Judging begins at 2 p.m. Prizes will be awarded for each age group.
During the weekdays, field trips are available. Call for details.
Janoski’s farm market, bakery, and garden center are open daily from 8 a.m. to
7 p.m. Find apples, apple cider, cauliflower, pototoes, hardy mums, corn stalks,
straw, pumpkins, Halloween decorations, and more.
For information on events and activities or for directions, call (724) 899-3438
or visit the website at www.janoskis.com.
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Allegheny West
is seeking
for the SPRING 2009 semester. Students studying in the
fields of Communication, Journalism, Public Relations,
English, or a related area are welcome to apply. Must have
completed 1-2 years of study beyond high school, and have
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For information, call 724.695.3968 or e-mail:
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
Around Your Town
Meals on Wheels in Need of
Helpers to Deliver Meals
Assuring that no senior citizen goes hungry has been the mission
of the Meals On Wheels program. In addition to meeting basic
nutritional needs, Meals on Wheels helps older adults and persons
with disabilities stay healthy and independent.
Volunteer drivers are needed for only one to two days a month at
their convenience. A route usually takes one to two hours to
Volunteers deliver a hot meal, cold meal, and soup to clients five
days a week throughout the West Allegheny School District area.
Community members interested in helping with this worthy
cause are welcome to call Jan Cornell at (724) 899-2528, Clare
Dawson at (724) 695-0634, Judy Heck at (724) 899-3159, or Sue
Wise at (724) 693-0844.
Send a bit of “home” to someone you know!
Subscribe to
Allegheny West
Subscription rates are just $12 per year for six
issues! CALL: 724.695.3968 or send an e-mail
to: alleghenywestmagazine@comcast.net
October 2008
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
f you were asked to name some sports in
which athletes have been recorded using
steroids or performance-enhancing
drugs, it’s unlikely that chess, badminton,
figure skating, or gymnastics would even
make, let alone top, your list.
You probably wouldn’t name junior high or
high school athletes either, but the truth is
that these groups compose the largest market
for steroids, not the gridiron giants of the
football field or the super sluggers of baseball,
as most people would have guessed.
Such beliefs are just some of the misconceptions that Imperial resident John Lestini, Jr. is
trying to change in his role as founder and
director of the National Steroid Research
Center and Other Drugs of Abuse in Sports
John’s road to steroid abuse awareness and
prevention began as a certified sports
representative negotiating sports contracts and
recruiting players for professional sports
teams. He eventually became involved with
former Pittsburgh Steelers offensive lineman
Steve Courson, who, during his time with the
Steelers and Tampa Bay Buccaneers from
1978-85, developed into one of the NFL’s
strongest players.
But Courson’s success did not come without
a hefty price. In November 1988, Courson
was diagnosed with dilated-cardiomyopathy,
which he later admitted was likely the result
from years of steroid use, and soon found
himself facing the possibility of a heart
transplant and a heap of medical bills. After
learning of Courson’s medical expenses, John
established the Steve Courson Medical Trust
Fund. He accompanied the former two-time
Super Bowl champion across the country as
Courson shared his first-hand accounts
regarding his use of performance-enhancing
drugs and their dangers to students and
athletes at schools and colleges nationwide.
Courson’s lectures ultimately perked John’s
interest in steroid abuse, inspiring him to
establish the NSRC in 1989. Based out of
John’s Imperial home, this organization
remains dedicated to educating the public
about performance-enhancing drugs,
particularly their effects on public health and
their users and their families’ health and well
In 1992, John launched a Helpline, 1-800STEROIDS, for individuals seeking informa-
October 2008
tion on anabolic steroids or for those who
may need alternatives to medical needs. The
Helpline, which provides yet another
avenue for people to get the facts about
performance-enhancing drugs, has received
more than 27,000 calls since Parade
Magazine first announced the hotline in
October 1992 and again in May 1998.
“Much of our research has accumulated
from people who support our project,” says
John. “We get a lot of support from articles
and literature provided by the National
Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug
Information, the National Institute on
Drug Abuse (NIDA), medical personnel,
veterinarians, law enforcement—a variety of
One of those people is Dr. Mark
Hochhauser, a psychologist who has served
as a grant reviewer for NIDA on 22 review
panels and as a reviewer for the U.S. Office
of Substance Abuse Prevention and the
Office for Treatment Improvement at the
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment and
Dr. Hochhauser, who received his Ph.D.
from the University of Pittsburgh and has
worked at the University of Minnesota,
joined in John’s cause in the early 90s after
reading about the impact that the NSRC
was having on athletes and non-athletes
throughout the country. Like John, Dr.
Hochhauser shares a passion for intervention and prevention, evident in his four
opinion pieces and one conference presentation on the psychological effects of steroids
and steroid prevention programs.
“The main thing to realize is that these
drugs come with risks,” emphasizes Dr.
Hochhauser. “Young men in particular are
risk takers who are often in denial about the
risks associated with performance-enhancing drugs. Often the risks aren’t seen until
it’s too late, especially with athletes at the
junior high and high school levels. Parents
typically don’t treat steroids as seriously as
other drugs, so they’re more inclined not to
have the conversation with their kids.”
John stresses that it’s crucial that both
athletes and non-athletes fear the unknown
when using these drugs.
Dr. Hochhauser agrees adding, “Many
people think steroids hurt only those who
take them, but steroid abuse also creates
family, public health, and legal issues, and
not just for those who use these drugs.
Steroids are becoming a societal problem,
and policy makers and teachers need to
realize this.”
The NSRC was instrumental in helping
legislators recognize the importance of
steroid abuse by providing them with
research information. John also assisted
Courson with information and research
material as Courson testified at the
Congressional hearing before the Steroid
Trafficking Act was enacted in February
“To our knowledge, there is not a
medical treatment or rehabilitation center
in the United States,” John points out.
“Despite its impact on physical and mental
health and violent behavior, steroid abuse
has clearly been overlooked by the
prevention field.”
John adds that there is considerable value
in ongoing education programs for high
school and junior high school students.
Perhaps even more valuable is the inclusion
of parents in these programs.
“A great need is required to implement
steroids and performance-enhancing drug’s
education information in the drug
education programs in our schools,” says
Although John, a Prudential Financial
retiree, has received small grants from
Prudential CARES Volunteer Grants
Award program for his excellence in
volunteer commitment, leadership, and
service in his community, the NSRC and
its Helpline have been privately funded
since 1989. Much of this funding comes
primarily through donations as there are
no federal grants and little federal research.
Unfortunately, as long as funding remains
limited, so will the boundaries of his
organization, says John.
Still, the affirmation from steroid abusers
and their loved ones inspires John to
continue with the mission of the center.
“We get a lot of referrals from people
who believe in what we do,” says John. “If
we quit, we don’t know if anyone would
keep it up. The way I feel is that if we can
save even one life, it’s all been worth it.”
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
Around Your Town
WAMS Student Presents
Leadership Project to Rotary
ABOVE: West Allegheny Middle School student Jordan Tomazich,
right, recently gave a presentation to the McKees Rocks Rotary club
describing his experience at the Rotary Gateway Teen Leadership
Institute. RGTLI is a peer prevention, education, and leadership
program which encourages positive lifestyle choices among young
people. RGTLI participants are nominated by a school representative,
youth advisor, mentor, or Rotary Club member. This year’s event,
sponsored by Rotary International District 7300 and Gateway Rehabilitation Center, was held in July at LaRoche College.
Send a bit of “home” to someone you know! Subscribe to
Allegheny West Magazine!
Subscription rates are just $12 per year for six issues!
CALL: 724.695.3968 or
e-mail: alleghenywestmagazine@comcast.net
October 2008
Eighteen-year-old John Challis, a youth athlete from Freedom in Beaver County, made
local and national news over the past few months for his courage and inspirational
messages, before dying from lung and liver cancer on August 19. Before he died, he
set up the Courage for Life Foundation to provide opportunities for youth athletes
battling cancer. To contribute, visit: www.courageforlifefoundation.org. Or, send a taxdeductible contribution to: P.O. Box 123, Monaca, PA 15061.
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
Youth Corner
It is that time of year when ghosts and ghouls run about. And
soon one night kids will be running around the streets full of
laughter saying “trick or treat!” That’s right, it is Halloween time!
I took a survey at Holy Trinity School in Robinson and they
told me their favorite candy and costumes. The most popular
costume was Darth Vader. Other popular costumes included a
princess, Hannah Montana, other Star Wars characters, Harry
Potter characters, a mummy, Scream, Witches, a Hillbilly, and
many more. Kindergarteners voted the princess as the number
one costume in their grade. The funniest costume was submitted
by the fifth grade. It was a Tootsie Roll!
Holy Trinity has a good taste in sweets. Here is what they put.
Number one is the Halloween favorite, candy corn. Reese’s
peanut butter cups came in number two. Their other favorites
included chocolate, Hershey Bars, Crunch Bars, lollipops,
popcorn, and Kit Kats.
So, if you’re stuck and you don’t know what to be for this
creepy holiday, pick one of these costumes. No matter if you get
a trick or a treat, a good costume home made or bought is all you
need to keep the spirit alive!
Catherine, 12, is in the seventh grade at Holy Trinity School. She lives in
North Fayette Township.
October 2008
Reverend Mark Simonds has definitely taken the word
“ministry” to a whole new level in his home parish of
Oakdale United Presbyterian Church, located on
Hastings Avenue in Oakdale. When this preacher saw the
response of his church to the two guitar players they
already had been using during their services, he decided
to join in the service with his own musical talent, playing
a mountain dulcimer that he constructed himself. But
what the congregation may not know about their new
musician is that he has built many other instruments just
like the one he plays.
When Reverend Mark was still a pastor in Kansas, he
took up guitar playing as “a hobby rather than a great
musicianship.” He then moved on to try other instruments, and received a kit from his parents to build a
dulcimer. He quickly learned on this instrument and
said, “There were no wrong notes!” The kit took about
six hours to assemble, and the process was similar to
constructing a model airplane. Reverend Mark and his
wife designed the sound holes and before he knew it the
instrument was finished.
Dulcimers are uniquely American instruments,
although they were created in Appalachia. They mimic
the sound of a bagpipe with their three to six strings,
producing a very rich sound. Mountain dulcimers, like
the one Reverend Mark plays, are traditionally situated
on the lap and played in that way. Another type of
dulcimer is the hammered dulcimer, which is usually
used to produce Irish or Celtic music. However, there are
different versions of this instrument all over the world.
The kit he purchased was from a shop in Branson, and
he found that this was the closest place to find these kits.
As it is hard to hit a wrong note, learning came easy.
While you can buy books and music for this instrument,
Reverend Mark also said it is easy to memorize songs.
“I enjoy building them as much as I enjoy playing
them,” he said, and his parish is also glad that he is able
to add a new talent to his ministry.
Before he was able to bring his ministry to Oakdale, he
grew up in Economy Borough and attended Quigley
High School in Baden. From there he went to the
Virginia Military Institute.
It was there that he said, “In my first year is when I
experienced the opportunity for God to show me I
needed something more in my life. I met other people
whose faith made a difference in their lives.”
After attending the Chaplains’ Bible Study and having
an open mind to Christ, Reverend Mark said, “It was in
that first year that I made that commitment to Christ.”
While Reverend Mark always saw himself as working
somewhere in Intel or the CIA, or even as a character
from Tom Clancy’s books, “The Next Jack Ryan,” he said
that callings can change things.
“God puts a thought in your head and it makes sense,”
he said.
Upon graduating, he entered the seminary.
Meet the Musical Minister
He began working with churches, larger in size, and then
was asked to pursue his ministry at a church in Indiana, one
with only 17 members. He was there for a year and a half,
and upon putting his resume out once more, found two other
churches where he felt called to serve. One was near State
College and the other was in western Kansas, in a town of
2,600 people, in a county of 6,000. Ultimately, his decision
brought him to Kansas, and he spent seven years serving
there. But family was far away from Kansas and he felt the
call to move once more. He searched again, and found two
churches, both 45 minutes from his family. One church was
in Saxonburg and one was in Oakdale, but both were similar
sizes. He prayed for one week to see where God was calling
him to serve, and found that Oakdale United Presbyterian
Church, “felt like home, and was where we belonged.” He
bought a house in town and said that he and his family “felt
close to the community. You can’t commute to ministry, and
it’s a miracle the way the circumstances arose.”
Reverend Mark stays busy with his family -- three children
and his wife -- and his church, but also does a lot for the
In 2004, when the Oakdale United Presbyterian Church
merged with Good Shepherd parish after the floods following
Hurricane Ivan, a family and youth center was created at
Good Shepherd called The ROCK. The sanctuary was turned
into a gym, although the life of Jesus on the windows still
shows the mission and solemnity of the facility. Reverend
Mark participates in a day camp and after school program at
The ROCK, along with holding services at his own church.
He has definitely
learned a lot from the callings in
his life. He has
followed the call to
move and serve
different parishes,
and has found a
home in Oakdale
at the United
Church where
he feels he and
his family
belong. The
parish and the
are very
lucky and
blessed to
from the,
“Music of
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
Representing the Keystone State at the
It was her second time as an alternate delegate at the Republican
National Convention, and his first time. North Fayette residents
Roxanne Buckels and Bob Doddato were two of the four alternate
delegates representing the 18th Congressional District of U.S.
Congressman Tim Murphy at the convention, held last month in
The process began last winter, when Roxanne said each potential
alternate delegate candidate was required to secure a minimum of
250 legitimate Republican signatures in order to be placed on the
ballot for the primary election last May.
As an alternate, Roxanne said the experience and requirements
are not much different from the delegates themselves.
For example, she said the alternates sit in the stadium seats, while
the delegates sit on the convention floor. Both alternate and
regular delegates are required to attend daily breakfast briefings to
learn the events and speakers for the day. They are also required to
attend the convention sessions.
Bob added that, as alternates, they are also available to go to the
floor to vote if a delegate cannot be present.
This year, the convention delegates took five votes, Bob explained. They included accepting the officers of the party, accepting the party rules, agreeing on the platform of issues, and
accepting the nominations of the vice-president and president for
the general election.
“Jane Orie from western Pennsylvania represented our western
Pennsylvania region as a member of the platform committee,” Bob
Roxanne said there’s a lot of movement on the floor -- shuffling of
delegates, movement of media, and that all-important activity that
brings all walks of life together in politics -- networking.
“It’s a lot louder at the convention, too, than what you hear on
television,” Roxanne noted.
The loudness pervates the stadium throughout each day’s sessions,
depending upon the topic or the speaker.
Roxanne explained that “wranglers” from each state’s delegation
prompt their delegates to cheer, when to stand up, and when to
Whatever it takes to be represented, Roxanne noted, “We are there
to represent our state.”
Bob added, “The convention definitely got people excited for the
He also said, “I wanted to be part of it and thought it would be a
good opportunity to look at the platform issues. There was a great
concern among the delegates that McCain’s platform was different in
the context of carbon taxes and amnesty, especially. I wanted to
make sure we continued with our core principles and did not
change with a new presidential nominee.”
“We need good, ethical people in office, and this gave me an
opportunity to see for myself I can be a part of that process,” Bob
Going to the convention isn’t a cheap endeavor, either. Each
delegate pays for his or her own costs, although most of the meals
are paid for through sponsorships.
But for Roxanne, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
“It’s such a wonderful way to connect with people you would not
have had a chance to meet otherwise,” she said.
“And, since I have an interest in running for office some day, it
LEFT: The family of
Republican vicepresidential candidate
Sarah Palin, together
with presidential
candidate John McCain,
look on as Sarah Palin is
introduced to the
delegates at the National
Republican Convention.
October 2008
RIGHT: Roxanne Buckels, front right, and Bob
Doddato, back right, at the Republican National
Convention in Minnesota in September. Sonia
Stopperige, front left, was Roxanne’s guest at the
convention. Pictured, back left, is Pennsylvania
State Senator John Pippy.
provided me with a great way to meet other people.”
Bob said he is also interested in being further involved in
politics. A resident of Walden Woods, he grew up in the Sharon
area and attended Geneva College. He is currently the vicechairperson of the North Fayette Republican Committee and is
active in a number of local and regional campaigns.
Roxanne is also a Walden Woods resident and a long-time
resident of the community, where she owns and operates
Imperial Waterworks. She is the immediate past president of the
Airport Area Council of Republican Women and is presently the
chairperson of the North Fayette Republican Committee. She
also works as a volunteer for Chet Bieler, who is running for state
auditor general.
Roxanne said that being in the company of delegates from
around the nation gave her the chance to see how other states
run things, as well as learn what points of view delegates in other
parts of the nation hold on the issues of the candidates.
Delegates were invited to a wide variety of events and gatherings. In particular, all delegates were invited to a preview showing
of the movie, “An American Carol,” set to open in theatres on
October 3.
“It was a great movie which celebrates America and how
diverse we are,” she added.
Coming back from the four-day trip, Roxanne said she was
always reminded of the importance Pennsylvania plays in this
year’s presidential election.
“Pennsylvania is a big deal this year; we are more than a swing
state, because if Senator Obama loses Pennsylvania, it will take a
lot for him to win the election,” she explained.
Because of the number of electoral votes in Pennsylvania held
by Senator McCain (21), if McCain doesn’t win Pennsylvania,
he can still win the race.
Added Bob, “This year Pennsylvania is really being noted in
the polls, and that’s not always the case, so our state is definitely
playing an important role in the presidential election.”
Interestingly, Roxanne pointed out that Allegheny County has
the highest number of Republican registered voters than any
other county statewide.
“Going to the convention gives you a strong sense of country,
and you know you are doing this for history,” she said.
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
Foot Talk: Warts
This time of year I have been seeing a lot of
neuromas, warts, and stress fractures. This may not
seem like a topic you want to read about, but a few
minutes of learning now may save you and yours a lot of pain.
With so many people visiting pools and gyms or playing team sports,
warts are prevalent. It’s best to catch them early before they go through
your whole family or get bigger, making them more resistant to treatment.
Warts are caused by a virus that enters through a crack in the skin.
Children and teenagers (and pregnant women) are more susceptible than
Many people confuse warts with corns and calluses. It is also possible
to have carcinomas on the foot, so proper identification by a podiatrist is
important. Warts, or Verucca Plantaris, are usually flat, round, and hard.
The center often has pinpoint black spots that are capillaries the wart has
incorporated for its nutrition to allow it to grow larger. If the first wart is not
treated, it may form a cluster or spread to other parts of the foot.
Avoid walking barefoot, except on sandy beaches. Keep feet clean and dry.
Check your children’s feet regularly. Avoid contact with other warts -- DO NOT
Self treatment for plantar (meaning bottom of the foot) warts is not
recommended. While warts on other parts of the body respond well to over-thecounter treatment, a foot wart is mostly under the skin and home acid
treatments don’t work. In the office we have a stronger painless acid therapy
combined with trimming and occlusion. Surgical removal and electric destruction
are usually the quickest sure fire way to remove them.
Beaver Valley Foot Clinic provides foot care at several centers in the region, which include Moon, Cranberry, Aliquippa, Ambridge, and Beaver Falls. For more
information, call (724) 774-FOOT (3668).
Learning Curves is provided as a service to advertisers of Allegheny West Magazine to share educational and/or informational knowledge with the readership. To inquire
about Learning Curves, call (724) 695-3968.
October 2008
New in Town
Shell Station & Convenience Store
Four years after purchasing the 1.7-acre site on Route 30 in Clinton, Findlay
Township residents Ed and Tracy Kosis will open a Shell Gas Station and
Convenience Store at 1424 Route 30, Clinton in mid-November.
The closest Shell station is 12 miles from here, Charlie’s Country
Convenience, on Route 18.
“I designed this site based upon personal experience and seeing what other
places lacked during our travels across the country,” Ed explained.
Calling this his “rural prototype,” the Clinton store is the first of its kind for
the area.
As Ed points out, “It’s not your typical convenience store.”
The 3,000-square-foot brick and stone building will house a grocery section
that will feature an extensive convenience store selection. The Kosis’ will offer
take-home meals for lunch and dinner that can include rotisserie chicken,
meatloaf, hot turkey sandwiches, stuffed cabbage, and other entrees, as well
as fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh breads, a diverse choice of luncheon
meats, and an extensive selection of grocery items. There will be a full
selection of pizzas, sandwiches, and subs.
While no in-store area will be provided for sit-down eating, there will be an
outdoor patio that can seat up to 30 people, weather permitting.
The store will have a full kitchen on site, where the food service
management will prepare the food items.
Outside, the service station will have four gas pumps with eight nozzles.
There will be gasoline and diesel dispensing nozzles for passenger vehicles,
high flow diesel for trucks, and off-road diesel pumps for farm and heavy
equipment operators.
Personnel will provide individual service for high-flow diesel dispensing
weekdays between 6 and 9 a.m.
The store will be a beta test site where Advanced Petroleum will debut its
new Gilbarco marketing dispenser system. Coupon specials will appear on the
screen while customers pump fuel, offering the opportunity to take advantage
of discounts on products and services.
Both the inside and outside floors will feature stamped, heated concrete.
George Shockey from Butler provided all the site work, including fuel pump
installation. Hookstown resident Mike Hallam was the general contractor for
the building.
Throughout the
construction process, Ed said everyone
involved with the project remained committed to incorporating
“green” standards into the building. He said the white roof will save energy, all
site and canopy lighting is LED, and the walls are super-insulated.
Landscaping was designed for sound and site barriers to be sensitive to the
residents in the immediate area.
Ed Kosis and the new owners of the Marada Golf Course located directly
next store both agreed, with the approval of the Findlay Township Board of
Supervisors, to maintain full access to each other’s properties and services by
eliminating the required fence between establishments.
“It’s a win-win for both of us -- the golfers will have a place to stop before
and after they play, and we’ll have the opportunity to provide resources to the
golf course that they did not have before,” Ed explained.
“I want to personally thank Tom Gallant, Janet Craig, and Ray Chappell from
the Findlay Township Board of Supervisors for their support of this project,” Ed
added, “because if it wasn’t for them and their forward thinking to approve
this, it would not have happened.”
The growth of the Clinton area has taken off with recent construction at
Clinton Commerce Park and continued housing being developed within a mile
of the store at both Maronda Farms and Marion Estates.
To get to a gas station, explained Tracy Kosis, it’s at least four miles from
Imperial and 12 or more miles heading west on Route 30.
“This will make it much more convenient for the residents of Clinton to get
the immediate services they need,” she noted.
Ed and Tracy are taking applications and resumes for all positions, from
food services to clerks and managers. Applications are available at Sunrise
Accounting, 7882 Steubenville Pike, Imperial, PA 15126. For more
information, fax (724) 695-8297.
Four Things the
Industry Doesn’t
Want You to Know About Debt
Debt. It’s the American way. We use it to make purchases, big and small. We
use it to achieve the American dream of owning a house. But who really
“owns” your house if you have a mortgage? The bank does, and the
mortgage industry wants you to believe that a lifetime of debt is inevitable.
After all, if homeowners don’t continually finance and refinance their homes,
the industry won’t exist.
The truth is that debt is not inevitable. Becoming debt-free is not only
feasible, but you can easily achieve it in less time than you thought possible.
It might seem odd to you that the owner of a mortgage company is
advocating elimination of debt, however, I believe in the freedom and
opportunities of a debt-free lifestyle and want you to enjoy the same. My
company is not a debt counseling service charging high fees to negotiate with
your creditors, but instead, we are simply an ethical mortgage company who
helps homeowners become debt-free.
Now, here are the four things the mortgage industry doesn’t want you to
know about debt:
1. You can pay less interest charges in the long term, even if you refinance
a mortgage at a higher rate than your existing one.
2. You can be entirely debt free years before your mortgage is scheduled to
be paid off, even if you refinance a mortgage with a longer term than the
existing mortgage.
3. You can save money by consolidating short term debt into a mortgage.
4. You can totally eliminate credit card debt with a well-defined payoff
strategy, regardless of which card has the highest interest rate.
Begin your journey to a debt-free lifestyle. For examples, our website shows
a sample debt elimination proposal. Or, we can create one for you.
Findlay Township resident Dale Frank is the owner of the Mortgage Advisory
Group, located at 3000 Montour Church Road in North Fayette Township. To
contact Dale, call (412) 446-0400. Or, visit his website at www.loanadvisory.net.
Learning Curves is provided as a service to advertisers of Allegheny West Magazine
to share educational and/or informational knowledge with the readership. To inquire
about Learning Curves, call (724) 695-3968.
Now In our 10th Year
Serving the Community!
We serve the airport area with three distinct
community magazines, all mailed free into the
homes across 14 area communities. To learn
more about our publications, call 724.695.3968
October 2008
Chamber Business Link
Chamber Announces Annual Celebration of Excellence Winners
The Pittsburgh Airport Area
Chamber of Commerce announces
the winners and the finalists for the
2008 Annual Celebration of
Excellence (ACE) Awards. Chamber
members and business people
throughout the Airport Corridor
nominated individuals and companies for special recognition. The
nominees displayed excellence and
supportive and enterprising
approaches to business in the
Recognizes the Founder, CEO, or
President (must be under 40 years of
age) of a company who has demonstrated strong community involvement
and displayed a positive and diverse
social impact on the region. Employs no
more than 100 employees: WINNER: Dr.
Jonathan Buncke, West Hills Chiropractic
Group; FINALISTS: Jessica Galardini,
ChamberChoice; Jennifer JohnsenNazareth, State Farm Insurance; Morgan
Kumpfmiller, Colby Frame Company.
Recognizes a business that has
developed a new technology, innovative
product or service, or applied a
business system or service in an
innovative way. Employs no more than
100 employees: WINNER: Shared Acres
Community Supported Agriculture;
FINALISTS: GlamSLAM Productions;
DiCesaro Spine & Sport; Steel Shield
Recognizes an individual who
enhances a small business through his
or her employment, community
involvement, or professional affiliation.
This individual should be active in the
community (not just networking) making a difference: WINNER: Jessica
Galardini, ChamberChoice; FINALISTS:
John Herington, Hampton Inn Pittsburgh
Airport; William Ringle, The Callidus
ABOVE: The winners of this year’s Awards of Excellence (ACE) Awards are Jessica Galardini of
ChamberChoice, Dr. Jonathan Buncke of West Hills Chiropractic, Three Men and a Truck; Dr. Neal Fanelli
of Allegheny Medical, Miriem Bauer of SendOut Cards; and Dwayne Bauknight of Shared Acres CSA.
Recognizes a business started in the region
who has survived for three or more years and has
demonstrated the ability to overcome obstacles
including access to capital, operational efficiency,
control of expenses, customer loyalty, and
distribution of products or services. Employs no
more than 100 employees: WINNER: Two Men and
a Truck; FINALISTS: Computer Consultant Team,
LLC; DDS Web Design; A Basket of Pittsburgh.
Recognizes an outstanding individual who is a
chamber member, who has displayed above and beyond
service to the chamber, helping the organization
achieve its objectives and goals: WINNER: Dr. Neal
Fanelli, Allegheny Medical Occupational & Physical
Medicine Center; FINALISTS: Bernadette Puzzuole,
Rothman Gordon, P.C.; Sean Henderson, Kelly Services;
John Daley, Daley & Associates/Lincoln Financial
Advisors; Tim Dingo, Bayer Corporation.
Welcome New Members
National City – McKees Rocks
Lloyd’s of Pittsburgh
Closing Tech, LLC
Outdoor Lighting Perspectives
Boisvert Enterprises, LLC
5-Pointe Credit Restoration
Premier Business Solutions, LLC
Keymarket of PA, LLC
California University of PA –
Southpointe Center
Duquesne Financial Group
MassMutual Financial Group
Typecraft Press
Jamie Johnston, Makeup Artist
AFLAC, Janet Ruperto
FedEX Express
Interconnect Solutions, LLC
Lifetime Financial Growth
AllState Insurance Company
Comfort Keepers
Berger Kramer Law Offices
FedEX Ground (Contractor Relations
The Bath & Biscuit
Carol Leone Dance Gymnastics &
Covenant Family Church
Gateway Bank of Pennsylvania
PGT Trucking Inc.
Truck Fleet Rentals
Liberty Mutual – Benjamin Bogats
Miriam Bauer of SendOut Cards
was also the recipient of this year’s
Ambassador of the Year Award for
outstanding service on behalf of the
Leads to Success
October 23, 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.,
Wright’s Seafood Inn
Breakfast Briefing: Alternative
Energy Sources
October 31, 7:30 a.m., Doubletree
Hotel, Pittsburgh Airport
850 Beaver Grade Road Moon Township PA 15108 Phone: (412) 264-6270 Fax: (412) 264-1575
Satellite Office: One Veteran’s Way, Carnegie PA 15106 Phone: (412) 276-1414 x1326
www.paacc.com E-Mail: info@paacc.com
SALLY HAAS, President
SEAN HENDERSON, 1st Vice-Chair
BECKY COURSON, 2nd Vice-Chair
CONNIE RUHL, Spec. Proj. Coord.
DAN MURPHY, Vice-Chair
LINDSAY HEWITT, Events/Mbr. Svcs. Coord.
JILL KIPPER, Special Projects Representative
AMY SUPER, Communications Coordinator
BOB TERWILLIGER, Immed. Past Chairman
Serving the Communities of Aliquippa, Ambridge, Carnegie,
Clinton, Collier, Coraopolis, Crafton, Crescent, Edgeworth, Findlay,
Glenfield, Greentree, Haysville, Heidelberg, Hopewell, Ingram,
Kennedy, Leetsdale, McDonald, McKees Rocks, Moon Township,
Neville Island, North Fayette, Oakdale, Osborne, Pennsbury
Village, Robinson, Rosslyn Farms, Sewickley, Stowe, and
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
Picture of a
male coyote
that Gary
Fujak caught
in North
n any given morning in North Fayette, you just might hear
the howl of a coyote. These normally people-shy animals
have been spotted more frequently by people who live in
rural communities such as Imperial, Oakdale, and
Clinton, just to name a few.
“When people move into the woods, they are more likely to see
coyotes,” says Gary Fujak, the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s
Wildlife Conservation Officer for western Allegheny County.
Although people in North Fayette have spotted coyotes for more
than ten years, recent urban sprawl into these formerly wooded areas
have led to increased sightings of the usually secretive animals. In
the past 30 years, coyotes have become more common in Pennsylvania than black bears, bobcats, and otters. The population of coyotes
in the Keystone State is estimated to be about 30,000. Currently, all
65 counties in Pennsylvania have coyote populations, including
major cities such as Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Harrisburg. In 30
years, a coyote in Pennsylvania has attacked only one person.
“People don’t have to fear coyotes,” says Gary. “Coyotes are not a
threat to our health or safety. Just like the Pennsylvania black bear,
they are more afraid of you than you are of them.”
Coyotes are mammals that belong to the canine family, which also
includes wolves, foxes, and domestic dogs. Their scientific name is
canis latrans, which literally means, “barking dog.” Coyotes
interbred with gray wolves to produce the Eastern coyote, which is
an average of ten pounds heavier than its Western counterpart. The
second largest predator in Pennsylvania, the coyote ranges in weight
from 30 to 55 pounds, and is about 48 to 60 inches in length; about
the size of a small collie. Like the domestic dog, male coyotes are
generally larger than the females. Their coloring can be light blond,
reddish blond, tan, gray, brown, or black, and their fur may
combine any mix of the colors.
When Gary receives a call at the Pennsylvania Game Commission
to identify a coyote, he looks for four things: black stripes down the
front of the forelegs, oval-shaped paws that are larger in the front
October 2008
than the back, legs that appear too long for the body, and four
bands of color on hair found at the nape of the neck. Another
characteristic that distinguishes the coyote from the average pet
dog is the coyote’s thick bushy tail, which is usually positioned
downward, but can be horizontal if they are threatened. Their
ears, which are upright and pointed, can be positioned to
communicate their rank. Coyotes have a long pointy nose,
which can detect territorial markers left by other coyotes. Their
eyes are usually yellow, but they can also be brown. The
coyotes’ eyes, ears, and nose lend to their keen sense of sight,
hearing, and smell.
“Coyotes are the premier predators in Pennsylvania because
they have the most well-developed senses that no other animals
can compete with,” says Gary.
Coyotes are highly adaptable mammals, able to change their
habitat and diet to suit their environment. In the alwayschanging climate of western Pennsylvania, the Eastern coyote
can survive the hottest summer days and the coldest winter
nights. They have two types of fur: outside guard hairs, which
protect the insulated fur underneath. Twice a year, in late
winter and early spring, they molt, or shed, their hair to be
replaced by new growth. Coyotes are able to adapt to many
different areas, which is one of the reasons they are so prevalent
in this region. They are territorial animals that will live their
whole lifespan in one area, unless food sources change, or
development pushes them out. While raising their young,
coyotes can move their den to avoid detection by human or
other coyotes. Coyotes usually cover a territory ranging 30 to
50 miles, sometimes dispersing as much as 100 miles.
“Sometimes the coyotes’ regions overlap,” says Gary. “Like
domestic dogs, coyotes urinate and defecate in prominent
places to mark their territory.”
Coyotes are crepuscular; meaning they are most active at
twilight, before the sun rises at dawn and after the sun sets at
People do not have to fear
coyotes...they are not a threat to
our health or safety...they are more
afraid of you than you are of them.”
dusk. At twilight, the howl of one or two coyotes can give the
illusion of a dozen coyotes. Although they howl infrequently,
the sound can carry up to three miles in the rolling hills of
western Pennsylvania. Like the domestic dog, coyotes use
howling, barking, and snarling as a means of communication.
They yelp and yodel when playing with one another, and they
growl and bark when they feel threatened. In the summertime,
pups will mimic their parents’ howls, triggering more howls
from other canines. Coyotes will also howl in response to
other loud noises, such as fire alarms.
When they are hungry, coyotes will hunt at any time of day
or night. The Eastern coyote is a scavenger whose omnivorous
meals contain both plants and animals. Their diet consists
mainly of small rodents like rabbits, mice, ground squirrels,
raccoons, and opossums, but they will also eat berries, wild
plants, and insects such as grasshoppers. Coyotes are opportunistic predators who will kill weak prey, such as sickly cattle or
fawns in the spring. These skilled hunters usually stalk their
prey for 20 to 30 minutes before killing it and taking it with
them to eat. They also eat the carrion, or dead flesh, of deer
and domestic livestock that have been killed by other predators or died of natural causes.
Coyotes can also change their social dynamics to fit their
living situations. They are monogamous creatures that mate
for years or life. Their mating season begins in early January
and lasts until March. Several males court the female coyote,
but she chooses only one to breed with. Their gestation
period, or pregnancy term, is about 58 to 65 days. Around
April or May, the female has a litter of about six pups, but this
can range from three to nine pups. Unlike domestic dogs,
both the female and male coyotes take care of their pups. The
puppies are born blind, opening their eyes after about two
weeks. They suckle their mother’s milk for about five to seven
weeks, before going on their first group hunt at about six to ten
weeks of age. By the fall, the pups can hunt alone or as a small
family group, taking turns chasing and catching their prey. A family
group of coyotes consists of one dominant male and one dominant
female who do all the breeding. If the dominant male or female can
no longer fulfill their duties, another member of the group takes
Another reason for the flourishing coyote community in western
Pennsylvania is the athletic ability of these very intelligent animals.
Coyotes can run up to 30 miles per hour, and they can maintain
speeds of 20 miles per hour for extended period of time, long
enough to fatigue their prey. They are also excellent swimmers who
have the ability to leap an eight-foot wall. Eastern coyotes usually
live eight to ten years in the wild, but in captivity they can live for
15 to 18 years.
While coyotes are highly adaptable, extremely intelligent animals,
they also have their weaknesses. They are heavy sleepers, and they
tend to look behind them while running. Bears, wolves, and people
hunt coyotes. Baby coyotes can fall prey to owls, which swoop down
and catch them.
In Pennsylvania, all coyotes, from pups to adults, can be hunted
24-hours a day, 365 days a week, with no bag limit. Hunters must
have a valid hunting license or fur-takers license. Keeping coyotes as
pets in Pennsylvania is a violation of state law.
“The Game Commission couldn’t eradicate the coyote population, even if we used all of our resources. Coyotes aren’t going
anywhere. They’re here to stay,” says Gary. “Coyotes are a permanent resident of Pennsylvania.”
Residents in our community should be sure to never feed coyotes
or any other wild animals. Be sure to tightly seal garbage can lids
and don’t leave food outside. Never let small pets roam unattended,
especially in the woods.
For more information on coyotes in our area, visit the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s website at www.pgc.state.pa.us.
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
Around Your Town
Many Thanks to Sponsors of
“An Evening Under the Stars”
at the
Oct. 26 &
Nov. 23
8 am-1pm
Firehall ~ Smoke
Volunteer Fire Department
$2.00 OFF
526 Main Street, Sturgeon
Hall Rentals Available
(724) 926-9149
Air Conditioned
October 2008
expires 11/30/08
The committee of “An Evening Under the Stars” to benefit the
building project for the Western Allegheny Community Library
would like to thank the sponsors for supporting their third annual
evening of wine, food, dancing, and enjoyment. The event was held
at Clinton Park in Findlay Township on September 6.
Thank you to:
Chairman’s Council: New Age Environmental.
Benefactors: Allegheny West Magazine, Anonymous, John
Deklewa & Sons, Inc., Findlay Township Board of Supervisors,
Nancy Howell, Pustover Financial Services, West Allegheny
Foundation, and Wharton-Herrick Funeral Home.
Patrons: Cool Home Improvements, Inc., Mosites, Moody
Funeral Home, Pittsburgh Technical Institute, Small Diamond
Umpire Association, and Thomas-Little Funeral Services.
Sponsors: Greg Hanczar, Herman J. Heyl Florist, Attorney Fred
Liechti, Lutz Construction, Friends of State Representative Mark
Mustio, Friends of State Senator John Pippy, Oakdale Borough
Council, Mary Pat Pinsoneault-Creative Memories, Mark and Pam
Perry and Family, WAFEL, and Jim Wise.
Chinese Auction Contributors: Anonymous, Beijo Bags-Michelle
Brown, Carnegie Museum, Carnegie Science Center, Cavanaugh’s
Glassware, Creative Memories - Mary Pat Pinsoneault, Dick’s
Sporting Goods, Elizabeth Killmeyer, Half-Priced Bookstore, L.S.
Jewelers, Levin Furniture, Masquerade Imagination Superstore,
Moore’s Hardware, Mrs. Billie Dufresne, Nancy Thorne, National
Amusements, North Fayette Garden Club, Marty & Tricia Blazer,
Pampered Chef - Tiffany Gentile, Pepperoncini’s, Phipps Conservatory & Botanical Gardens, Inc., Piskorik Family, Pittsburgh Chop
House, Pittsburgh Steelers, Pittsburgh Technical Institute,
Primadonna Restaurant, Sam’s Club, Six Flames Restaurant, Steeler
Football Signed by the Steeler running backs, Tastefully Simple Amy Ziegler, Tetra Tech NUS, The Frick Art & Historical Center,
The Painted Giraffe, Today’s Hair, Wal-Mart, Western Allegheny
Community Library, and Wolff ’s Den Tanning.
New in Town
Pink Profiles
When Janet Mihalik and Flo Smith were growing up they always talked
about opening a business together. Who would have thought that breast
cancer would have brought that dream to reality? They are sisters who are
both breast cancer survivors.
“After our diagnosis we decided that we wanted to do something to increase
awareness and help fellow breast cancer survivors,” they said.
The sisters chose to make and sell a calendar with a portion of the proceeds
going to breast cancer initiatives. This was the beginning of Pink Profiles.
“We have met so many wonderful people and have enjoyed the sisterhood
that breast cancer survivors share in addition to focusing on a cure,” Janet and
Flo noted.
Each month of the calendar displays a picture of a breast cancer survivor
and a brief description of how this experience has impacted their life.
They added, “We felt that a calendar would be useful to organize and
document appointments, treatments, and surgeries that survivors endure. But,
a calendar is a calendar, so anyone can use it – ours just happens to also be
a reminder for everyone to get those yearly mammograms!”
That endeavor led them to open a photography and printing studio.
One of their services is to fulfill portrait needs such as holiday pictures,
family photos, pregnancies, graduations, newborns, communions, baptisms,
and birthdays. They also provide various mountings and framing, with or
without matting.
Everyone loves to receive a card or note that you put a little extra love and
personal attention into. Pink Profiles will help design and personalize
announcements, invitations, and greeting cards. A photograph can also be added
to any project.
“There’s always something to celebrate in our lives and time does go by
quickly. We can capture the special moments and milestones of your family for
you to enjoy through the years and share with others,” they added.
Pink Profiles offers professional quality that fits everyone’s budget.
Having started out of Janet’s home, they have moved their studio to Essex
Plaza at 7900 Steubenville Pike Suite 24 in Imperial. Pink Profiles will be open
Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 12 to 5 p.m.
Contact them at (412) 443-4170 or e-mail them at pink.profiles@comcast.net.
To order a calendar and help fight breast cancer go to www.pinkprofiles.net.
See their ad in this issue for a free offer!
WA Class of ‘63
LEFT: This past summer, the West Allegheny
Class of 1963 gathered for its 45th Reunion.
Pictured, front row, left to right: Carol Beck
Bradburn, Carol Lundeen Hazlett, Linda
Lauderbaugh Geisler, Pam Martincic Nonclerg,
Judy Harvey Windsheimer, Vicki Lukasiewicz
Moore, Holly Hayward Kraft, Esther Kress,
Darlene Campbell Phillips, and Carol Pattison
Moore; back row, left to right: John Robertson,
Pete Beaumont, Dennis Moeller, Harry
Seymour, Don Bozick, George Suchar, Tom
Phillips, Gus Schiefelbein, Bob Eiler, Jim
Osborne, Rich Hughes, and Dave Coates.
Performing at the
Magic Kingdom
LEFT: Student dancers from Pittsburgh Pro
Performance in Imperial traveled to Walt
Disney World in Orlando, Florida this past
summer. They performed a stage show at the
Magic Kingdom and the students were involved
in workshops with the Disney dance technicians. Pittsburgh Pro Performance is under the
direction and ownership of Lisa Winning.
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
under construction:
When West Allegheny students and staff returned from
their summer break, site fences and temporary partitions
weren’t the only changes that greeted them upon their
Thanks in part to the high school expansion and
renovation and the district’s collaboration with its
provider, Questeq,
and Foreman
Engineers, West
Allegheny broke
new ground on its
technology front
this school year
when the district
made innovative
upgrades to its
infrastructure to
strengthen its
Since forming in
April 2002, just
four years after the
Pennsylvania Department of Education selected the district
as the state’s model for educational institutions looking to
incorporate technology into their curricula, West Allegheny
has continued to be a pioneer in technology education with
support from the West Allegheny Technology Council. This
eleven-member council, along with the district’s building
technology coordinators, meets monthly at the district office
to discuss recommendations on everything from hardware/
software to business operations.
During the 2005-2006 school year, the council assisted
with updating the district’s three-year, $2.8 million
October 2008
technology (E-Tech) plan, as well as its Edline and
Gradequick software programs, which introduced the
district’s online grading system. This allowed teachers to
not only have access to a more efficient method of posting
students’ grades, but to Vision Software as well, a new
program that provided them with the ability to monitor
students’ computer
activity. The district
computer center
equipment was replaced
with 265 new compact
computers with CD
ROMs and CD writers/
DVD readers, flat panel
17-inch monitors,
printers, scanners, and a
Computer Assisted Design
(CAD) plotter. Additional
software improvements
simplified cafeteria
transactions while
InfoCentre’s latest version
enhanced the usefulness of
the library system.
And, that was just the
beginning of the West Allegheny Technology Council’s
vision. The following school year brought about even more
enhancements suggested in the district’s Education
Technology component of the E-Tech plan, which
addressed infrastructure, curriculum, and staff
development. Changes to the district’s Internet providers
expanded bandwidth and established a service agreement
for printer maintenance. A strategy to launch a K-12
technology program began to form and, together with
demands for technology staff development, focused on
determining suitable proficiency levels, evaluating the
current staff, and expanding in-service programs to improve
each individual’s proficiency.
Also included in the 2006-2007 school year’s district-wide
technology expansion were 215 additional computers complete
with computer configurations upgrades, laminated student ID
cards, PA Secure ID system, and web-based GradeQuick
software. The high school also received an up-to-the-minute
storage management system, Edline software, and
MyLunchMoney and Winsap online systems to assist its Food
Service Department.
“I’m very pleased that the board has supported the resources
I’ve recommended,” says Superintendent Dr. John DiSanti,
who serves on West Allegheny’s Technology Council. “We’re
really progressing and our technology keeps getting better and
This year is no exception.
With the 2008-2009 school year brings plans for even more
technological enhancements. These include establishing a new
contract with Questeq to add another full-time technician to
West Allegheny’s on-site support staff, as well as additional
improvements to services and systems throughout the district.
West Allegheny students, staff, and management will now
have unlimited access to 60 brand new, state-of-the-art
computers and projectors for projector carts as well as the
latest version of the district’s library software InfoCentre and
cafeteria software WinSap. Cafeterias in each of the district’s
five school buildings will also operate faster units at all cafeteria
Students and staff in the high school can expect to see issues
with current disk space resolved with the implementation of a
new Network Area Storage solution, whereas middle school
students and faculty will receive two print centers designed to
prevent classroom interference. At the three elementary schools,
additional SMART boards were brought in to create a more
interactive and motivated learning environment by allowing
students to view a computer’s desktop image on the white board
and interact directly with the monitor and input device by
writing in digital ink or using their fingers to point, click, and
drag, much like a computer mouse.
Parents of West Allegheny students can look forward to the
addition of a rapid alert system for parents. This automated
telephone notification system will instantaneously inform
parents of emergency situations and critical information
pertaining to the West Allegheny School District.
The implementation of a redesigned backup architecture
follows the district’s comprehensive technology inventory to
ensure more frequent and dependable backups of critical data.
These enhancements supplement West Allegheny’s acquisition
of a $93,346 Classrooms for the Future (CFF) grant provided
by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. This grant
focuses on utilizing technology to expand scholastic performance
via the Middle States Accreditation process and through
OPPOSITE PAGE: Top, Jennifer Jones uses laptops in the high school math and science programs; center, students in Carrie Morgan’s
seventh grade computer class at the middle school work on a program that teaches them to type correctly. The covers over the keyboards
prevent the students from seeing the keys so that they learn to type without looking at the keyboard.
THIS PAGE: Below, Wilson Elementary third grade teacher Angie Morrison’s class was involved in a lesson on the SMART board, practicing the
placement of words under the correct column. By placing their finger on the word, the computer technology of the SMART board allowed them to
drag the word to the correct column. A special marker for the SMART board allowed the students to underline the consonant cluster in the word.
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
statistical analysis by teachers to establish a student’s academic status
and recommend enhancement measures. Coupled with last year’s
grant provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and
an agreement with Questeq, the district was able to purchase laptop
computers for use in its math and science classes.
“We’ve received a significant amount of money for our technology
upgrades and infrastructure,” explains Dr. DiSanti, referring to the
more than $90,000 worth of technology equipment recently
installed at the high school for use within the Math Department.
An additional $8 million agreement between the Allegheny
Intermediate Unit (AIU) and an ultra high-speed Regional Wide
Area Network (RWAN) will allow West Allegheny students to
connect with 40 other school districts, four vo-tech schools, and the
AIU. The RWAN will lower Internet service fees while increasing
school network communication speeds, enabling districts across the
state to connect to one another.
“The district’s done a lot to bring the outside world into the
classroom,” adds Dr. DiSanti. “Students are now able to
communicate with people and resources across the world, a
possibility that at one time didn’t exist.”
The West Allegheny Technology Council believes that technology
education is an essential component of a solid educational
foundation that assists students in building the expertise required to
obtain technical comprehension and aptitude through activity-based
experiences, which Dr. DiSanti hopes will serve as an additional
instrument for both teachers and learners.
“These improvements enhance teacher and student research by
providing better Internet access,” Dr. DiSanti affirms. “Students
now have exposure to resources not typically in place in the past,
many of which are helping them become more self-driven and
allowing them to self-manage their work at their own pace.”
Rising Cost of College Tuition
To learn more about West Allegheny School District, and specifically
about the constantly evolving technology curriculum, visit the school’s
award-winning website at www.westallegheny.k12.pa.us.
October 2008
western allegheny community library
October 23 - AARP Safety Driving
Course – 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Call to register and
for more details, (724) 695-8150
November 4 – 8 - W.A.F.E.L. Friends of
the Library Used Book Sale – During
library hours in the community room next to
the library.
November 22 - Vendor Sale, 10 a.m. 3 p.m. Home sale companies and more will
be here to help you start your Christmas
shopping, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. This is a
fundraiser for the library. Will take catalog
orders too. Miss Stephanie will provide
crafts and stories for children.
October 1 and November 5 Bookworms Book Club, 1 p.m.
October 14 and November 11 - Cover to
Cover Book Club, 7 p.m.
October 2—Teen Writers and Artists—Let’s Make a Zine 6 -7:30 p.m. We’ll continue production of our own zine. New writers
and artists welcome.
October 6 - Learn to Knit for Teens: Make a Hip Hemp
Belt—6 -7:30 p.m., Learn the basics of knitting while making a
stylish belt. Great for you or to make for Christmas gifts!
October 12-18 - Teen Read Week - Books with Bite! Come
into the library and Vote for the Top Ten Teen Books of 2008!
October 14 - Girls Only - Polymer Clay Hamburger
Necklace and Earrings - 6 - 8 p.m. We’ll have a blast making
this great accessory set that will look good enough to eat!
October 16 - Best Bites Dessert Contest - 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Make your favorite dessert and bring it to the library for tasting and
judging. For more information, guidelines, and entry form, visit the
circulation desk or the Teen Scene website
October 20 - Teen Movie Night - Stupid Horror Movies,
4 -8 p.m. From man-eating rabbits to killer tomatoes; from an angry
50-foot woman to a walking tree seeking revenge—we’ll watch the
best of the worst horror/sci-fi movies ever made! We’ll provide
popcorn and drinks. Please bring a $2 donation for pizza.
October 23 - Are You Game? - Teen Gaming Club - 6 - 7:30
p.m. Grab your friends and come for a great night of fun and games
of all types!
October 27 - Teen Craft - Milk Jug Skeleton - 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Start saving your plastic gallon jugs - you’ll need nine for this bigger
than life-size skeleton! We’ll add some glow-in-the-dark paint and
he’ll be the hit of your neighborhood on Halloween!
October Mother Daughter Book Club - Date and time, TBA
November 6 - Teen Writers and Artists - Let’s Make a
Zine - 6 - 7:30 p.m. We’ll continue production of our own zine. New
writers and artists welcome.
November 10 - Girls Only Craft - Mood Rock Garden 6 - 7:30 p.m. We’ll turn a pie plate, colored sand, and river rocks into
a soothing desktop rock garden.
ABOVE: The library ended its summer-time fun with a pool party at
the Hankey Farms pool.
October and November – Join our Button Book Club. Call the
library or check out our web page for details.
Mondays, 10:30 – 10:55 a.m., Book Babies - 6 months 24 months
Mondays, 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. - Toddler Tales - 2 – 3 ½
Tuesdays, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. - Pre-K Kapers - 3 ½ and up
Thursdays, 1:30 – 2:15 p.m. - Bodies in Motion - Ages 2 years
and up
October 7 & November 5 - Book Cooks - 4:45 – 5:45 p.m. Ages 5 – Grade 2, Calling all young chefs! Join us at the library as we
discover how “scrumptious” learning can be! We’ll share stories and
tasty treats from some of our favorite books. Come hungry … for food
and fun!
October 15 and November 12 - Crazy Crafters - 6:45 – 7:45 p.m.,
All ages
October 18 - Jeepers, Creepers, It’s Halloween - 2 – 3 p.m.,
All ages
October 21 - Dangerous Program for Boys (and Girls!) - 6:45
– 7:45 p.m., Grades 3 and up. Kids are invited to try their hand at some
of the challenges, tricks, and great activities featured in “The Dangerous Book For Boys.” Including coin tricks, codes, and ciphers, and
games you can play almost anywhere! Don’t miss it!
October 22 - Bedtime Boogie - 6:45 – 7:45 p.m. All ages.
M-Th 10 am-8 pm Fri 10 am-4 pm Sat 9 am-4 pm
8042 Steubenville Pike, Oakdale PA 15071 (724) 695-8150 www.westernalleghenylibrary.org
Please register on the library’s website or at the library’s Circulation Desk for all programs
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
Around Your Town
Winning Athletic Teams
ABOVE: The 2008 North Fayette Township Little League Champions:
Zachary Podolinsky, David Rubis, Tyler Powell, David Waxter, Alex
Nicholson, Alex Guira, Jacob Johnson, Logan Powell, Tyler Eritz,
Andrew Koester, Greg Schaefer, Coaches Eric Johnson, Mike
Heidkamp, Steve Nicholson, and Head Coach Terry Powell.
ABOVE: West Allegheny U12 boys competed in the “5v5 Bethel Park
Tournament” and won the championship by beating the host team in
the title game 4-0. Back: Michael Roberts, Christian Stout, Justin Faix,
and Cooper Amos. Front: Kyle McCracken, Ryan Terabasso, Michael
Cummings, and Collin Wurst.
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WA Football Boosters
Receive Grant from Legislators
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ABOVE: State Senator John Pippy, left, and State Representative Mark
Mustio, right, present a check from the Department of Community and
Economic Resources to Ruste Sinclair, center, president of the West
Allegheny Football Boosters.
A check in the amount of $11,511 was presented to the West Allegheny
Football Boosters during the homecoming game against New Castle on
September 26.
The check was the result of an application submitted by the boosters
this past summer to the Department of Community and Economic
Development (DCED) to use for computer upgrades that will support the
football program at West Allegheny, as well as all of the athletics within
the West Allegheny High School and Middle School.
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Rebates for Hybrid Ownership
State Representative Mark Mustio reminds residents that the state can
help make the purchase of a new fuel-efficient vehicle more affordable
with a $500 rebate to owners of eligible hybrid vehicles.
A hybrid is defined by the state Department of Environmental
Protection (DEP) as a motor vehicle that draws its propulsion energy from
an onboard source of stored energy that is both an internal combustion
engine using combustible fuel and a rechargeable energy storage system.
While flexible fuel and diesel fuel vehicles are not eligible, DEP
maintains a list of specific vehicles whose owners can collect the rebate.
Rebates are offered on a first-come, first-served basis until funding is no
longer available.
For a full listing of eligible vehicles or for more information about the
rebate application process, visit www.RepMustio.com and click on
“Hybrid Tax Credit.”
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
The North Fayette Senior
Citizens held their first
picnic as a new orgnization
last month. The affair was a
cookout at the Lions’
Pavilion at North Fayette
Park, with chef Bob
Brozovich cooking up the
goodies and DJ George
Suhon providing good-time
music for all.
October 2008
Top left: Oakdale Borough had its share of fun this summer, too, with the
annual Luau in the heart of town, where authentic Hawaiian dancers -Tuika’s Polynesia Island Magic -- performed a 90-minute show. Also on tap
were pig roasting, Hawaiian pizza and ice, tiki torches, sand, and palm
trees. Middle left, the Banjo Club performed on September 6 for the crowd
during a concert for Oakdale residents this summer.
The 3rd Annual “An Evening Under the Stars” brought out more than 200 neighborhood folks for a night of wine, food tasting, music, and
hob-nobbing under the tents at Clinton Park on September 6. The event benefited the Western Allegheny Community Library Capital
Building Fund. the indoor wine and food area was the scene of the activity early on in the evening; BOTTOM, LEFT: the band Mad
Mike’s Blues Revue, featuring West Allegheny’s Dan Hanczar and Cliff Howell provided the evening’s entertainment.
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
Oakdale’s ROCK:
A Solid Place for All
It was meant to be, a gift from God. The flood of 2004 was a
blessing in disguise. It devastated the Oakdale community, causing
the destruction of the Good Shepherd Church. The church lost
everything from the kitchen in the basement to the organ in the
sanctuary. The estimated cost of repairs was $200,000. It looked
like all was lost; the road to rebuilding the church would be long
and bumpy.
Yet, the congregation and community members’ faith never
failed. Immediately following the flood, the Oakdale UP Church
became a refugee center. Although the flood only lasted one day,
the Red Cross brought in meals and the community donated food
which fed the community for six weeks.
With community donations, physical labor, and God’s blessing
the Good Shepherd Church was rebuilt into a youth and
community center called “The ROCK” in two years, for a much
smaller price of $20,000 than what the repairs would have cost.
“When I was the director the first year [The ROCK opened], a
lady gave the money she would have spent on Halloween candy to
the church because she thought it would benefit her more than
candy would,” said Charissa Kinzler, co-director of the summer
youth program at The ROCK. “It was such a heartfelt donation.”
The ROCK directly reflects the Oakdale community; it is a
beacon of hope. Not only did Oakdale survive the flood and
October 2008
recover, the community is better, stronger, and closer. The
ROCK offers a better place for the kids to be safe, have fun,
and learn about God.
Through it all, the community trusted in the scripture. They
lived the Bible verse that is painted on one of the walls in the
upstairs of the church and is framed in the office, reminding
everyone where they came from, where they are going, and to
never lose faith. Matthew 7: 24-25 states, “Therefore whoever
hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to
a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain
descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on
that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.”
Donations are still coming in today. Some donate money
while others donate furniture, video games, foosball tables, and
more. And not one donation goes unappreciated or unnoticed.
In the café, there are plates that hang on the wall with the
names of the different people and businesses that donated to
rebuilding the church.
“Some people gave their hearts and souls, others gave
significant amounts of money, and many did both,” said
Reverend Mark Simonds, pastor of the Oakdale United
Presbyterian Church.
Parts of the old church still remain, forever
embedding the images of the Good Shepherd Church
in everyone’s minds. Some old pews have been turned
into benches that line the walls of the café. One of
the countertops is made out of an old door. The
beautiful stained glass windows are still intact in the
sanctuary-turned-gym, protected from kick balls and
basketballs by giant plastic plates.
In its mission statement, The ROCK exists to
provide a safe environment for recreation, learning,
and strengthening relationships for youth and their
families in Oakdale and its surrounding areas.
During the school year, The ROCK runs an after
school program Monday through Thursday from 4 to
7 p.m. This past year, 174 kids participated in the
after school program, although the majority of them
are not members of the church. On any given
ABOVE: Charissa Kinzler, left, and Reverend Mark Simonds, right, oversee programs
at The ROCK.
This past summer marked another milestone for The ROCK. It launched its first
summer day camp program. The program, structured for children grades K-5, ran
from June 30 through August 8, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
The day camp gave children the opportunity to participate in recreational
activities, brush-up on their academic skills, and deepen their spiritual values.
Camp at The ROCK was anything but boring. Each week, the day camp had a new
theme. The themes were as follows: Week 1-Peace Out, Week 2-Sports, Week 3Survivor, Week 4-Holiday Hullabaloo, Week 5-My Town/My Community, and Week 6The Amazing Race. Every day from 9:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., each group of children
was on a structured rotation schedule. Rotations included gym and outdoor play,
computers, board games and crafts, reading, writing, and math enrichment,
devotions, and life and vocational skills. Once a week, the children walked to
Oakdale Boro Park to have some fun in the sun with their camp counselors.
Charissa Kinzler and Reverend Mark Simonds co-directed the program. It was
their goal to keep kids interested on a day to day basis by having fun and
strengthening their spiritual side.
“Every day is unique,” said Charissa. “We’ve barely even played the same game
twice in the gym!”
For example, during sports week, some of the staff from Camp Crestfield came
to The ROCK to play different games, such as volleyball and softball, with the kids.
At the end of the week, they held Olympic Games for everyone to participate in.
Survivor week consisted of different challenges each day, including a treasure
hunt. More unique games included bubble gum art and flour Jenga.
Holiday Hullabaloo vowed to be the messiest week of the summer program. The
kids celebrated holidays such as Easter, Thanksgiving, the Fourth of July, and
Christmas in July, when each of them received presents. One of the activities was
called “messy games.”
“The kids ended up covered from head to toe in eggs and flour. They even had
marshmallows in their hair,” said Charissa. “When the games were over, we brought
out shampoo and took them over to the water tank to clean them off.”
Charissa and Reverend Mark had help from five paid counselors throughout the
program. There were also teen volunteers that dedicated their time to bettering
the lives of the children through learning and love.
Parents could register their children for the program for one to six weeks.
Members of The ROCK paid $50 a week, while non-members paid $65. That’s
only about a dollar an hour! And if a family couldn’t afford the program, the
church absorbed the cost and put the child on scholarship.
The legacy of the Good Shepherd church still lives on today, through the
summer day camp program. The love and faith of the community can be seen
in the children’s eyes and heard in their laughter as they run up and down the
steps of the building. It is hard to believe that the basement, where they had
spiritual time each day, was completely under water.
The summer day camp program was a success and next year’s program is
already in the works. “It [the program] was a vision from God put into a lot of
people’s hearts,” said Charissa.
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
evening, 20 to 50 kids come to the church after school. Children
from Oakdale as well as surrounding communities, such as West
Allegheny, Chartiers Valley, South Fayette, and Fort Cherry, all
take part in the activities. The children have to register and pay a
minimal annual fee that covers insurance.
“The ROCK provides a safe place for kids and introduces them
to Jesus,” said Reverend Mark. “The program is meant to keep
kids out of trouble. Being here with loving adults is much safer
than being at home alone.”
The ROCK also functions as a community center and holds
events for adults. Every Wednesday night, there is a men’s Bible
study. The center periodically offers Zumba and pottery classes
and movie nights. The Boro of Oakdale sponsored the West Hills
Symphonic Band to play a show in the parking lot next to The
ROCK, while The ROCK held an art show during the
The ROCK also coordinates community celebrations throughout
the year. The directors planned a Fourth of July celebration this
past summer and, during the Christmas season, The ROCK hosts
the annual light-up night, sponsored by the Boro of Oakdale, with
a special appearance by Santa Claus himself.
September 17 marked The ROCK’s three-year anniversary. In
those three short years, The ROCK has rebuilt itself from the
ground up, and plans to continue to do so by adding more
programming and community events in years to come. Reverend
Mark believes the sky is the limit.
“The church may not realize what we have here,” he said. “We
got this [center] by an act of God. The center landed in their [the
community’s] lap and is a divine intervention with people, money,
and time.”
Within the next year, the basement of the church, which was
heavily damaged by the flood, is going to be turned into a daycare
center, ultimately completing the transition from a church to a
youth and community center.
“The legacy of the church is still there and strong,” said
Reverend Mark. “The method [of worship] is a little different, but
it goes on, just in a new way.”
October 2008
West Allegheny alumna Charissa Kinzler was recently honored with the
prestigious Community Champion/Jefferson Award, designed to recognize
significant community volunteerism. The program is presented by the
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, The Pittsburgh Foundation, and The Heinz
Charissa was recognized for her efforts two years ago to launch The ROCK
Youth and Family Center in Oakdale. With limited funds available to hire a
director, Charissa volunteered her time to oversee the establishment of
programming, volunteers, and funding.
This past summer, Charissa directed The ROCK’s summer camp program.
When not helping at The ROCK, Charissa donates her time to several
different organizations as a consultant to develop volunteer training
seminars, an after school curriculum, and a leadership seminar for teens.
She recently accepted a position as assistant director of education with the
Bradley Center, a residential treatment facility for children with mental health
disorders. Previously, she was a life skills and learning support teacher at
South Fayette High School.
Charissa recently moved from her hometown of Oakdale to Walden Woods
in North Fayette.
According to the Post-Gazette
website, “Community Champions are
the ordinary people who do extraordinary things without expectation of a
reward, who are committed to helping
and who donate their time and energy
to lend a hand and solve problems.
Once selected, the Post-Gazette
submits honorees to the American
Institute for Public Service for
consideration of a Jefferson Award.
The awards were created to
recognize and encourage outstanding
community and public service and are
considered the Nobel Prize for
volunteer service."
Jake Tessier of Hankey Farms teed up his ball at the 135-yard par three sixth
hole at Fort Cherry Golf Club. Jake was playing in the 17th Annual St. Columbkille
Golf outing. The format was a four man best ball scramble. His partners were
George Russi, Nick Nadik, and Fred Liechti.
As Jake went into his stance over the ball, someone in the foursome encouraged
him to put the ball on the green as two of his partners had missed the putting
surface with their tee-shot. Always an obliging person, Jake acknowledged the
request by not only getting it close but putting it in the hole. It was the first hole in
one ever at the St. Columbkille outing recollects Art Hilgert, a participant in the
tournament since its inception.
Under the watchful eye of West Allegheny kicking coach supreme Jim Littler,
junior Aaron Fleck booted a 50-yard field goal on September 12. The kick put the
Tribe ahead 17-14 in the third quarter of the Indians’ game with visiting Moon and
they went on to win 28-14.
A 50-yarder or longer is a rarity in high school and college football. Even in the
pro’s, less than five percent of the field goal attempts are from beyond mid-field.
Fleck’s kick put him third on the Indians’ all-time list behind Dave Brytus, who
booted a 53-yarder in 2001, and Kent McCullough, who did 51 yards in 1995.
Brytus is currently punting at Pitt. McCullough went to the University of Cincinnati.
Oakdale native Scott Patterson spent most of the past baseball
season on the 40-man roster of the New York Yankees. With the
exception of a two-week stint with the big league club in June, he
was optioned out to their top farm club in Scranton/Wilkes-Barre.
The Yankees put him on waivers on September 11 and he was
promptly picked up by the San Diego Padres who were in need of
late inning relief help. Prior to the Padres’ season ending series
with the Pirates in San Diego, Scott had an ERA of .000 in 3-1/3
innings with five strikeouts as a Padre. His overall major league
ERA was 1.93 with seven strikeouts in 4.2 innings pitched.
WA assistant football coach Scott Gardner is in his 20th year of coaching high
school football. Scott graduated from WA in 1982. He began coaching as an
assistant at his alma mater in 1988. He moved over to South Fayette for a brief
spell in the early 90s before returning to WA under newly appointed head coach
Bob Palko in 1995.
Palko takes great pride in his staff and acknowledges Gardner’s contribution
down through the years. “Scott’s been with me since I started here. He and Jim
Littler both were here before me,” said Palko.
With Gardner roaming the sidelines again this year, the Indians are looking to
make the play-offs for the12th straight season under Palko.
Gardner also is an assistant baseball coach.
ABOVE: A sign was recently posted near the Oakdale ballfield recognizing Scott Patterson.
Back in 1991, when he was an infant still in the arms of his mother, the son of
then West Allegheny football coach Terry George was conspicuous at the games in
his baby sized jersey with the numeral 00.
Tyler George is now a starting high school quarterback. But when he comes
onto the field again on October 10 at Joe DeMichela Stadium he will be wearing the
Blue and Gold of the visiting Hopewell Vikings.
West A senior Michelle Walker was named outstanding hitter in the MAC
Volleyball Tournament that has become the traditional kick-off to the volleyball
season. The Indians were runnersup to Hopewell in the tournament. Both the
Vikings and Indians were ranked in the top five in the state in a preseason poll.
Former WA athletes, C.J. Davis, Dave Brytus, and Dorn Dickerson all performed
at a level of excellence in Pitt’s season-saving 21-20 victory over Iowa on
September 20.
Davis is a four-year starter as offensive guard for the Panthers. He was singled
out for his outstanding blocking in the Iowa game by the ESPN-TV broadcasting
team on Pitt touchdown runs of 27, 17, and six yards.
Brytus punted eight times in the game for a 47.8 yard average. His coffin
corner 57-yarder pinned the Hawkeyes inside their one-yard line late in the game
with Pitt clinging to a one point lead. He had booted a 60-yarder on Pitt’s previous
Dickerson, arguably Pitt’s most versatile athlete, is listed as a tight end but
made his first career start by lining up as a wide receiver against Iowa. Later he
lined up at tight end and caught an 18-yard pass.
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
Fire Watch
Fire Prevention Week
Is it October already? Wow, another year seems to be flying by.
Before you know it we will be shoveling…..I’m not even going to
think about it. But October it is, the kids have been back in school
for a month or so, West A football is in full swing, and our beloved
Black and Gold are working on getting some jewelry for the other
hand. October also means the annual observance of Fire Prevention
Week. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) holds its
annual fire prevention awareness week From October 5 to 11 this
year. The theme is “Prevent Home Fires.” That sounds like a good
plan to me.
According to the NFPA, fire departments responded to almost
400,000 home fires in 2006. Cooking is the #1 cause of home fires,
with 40 percent of the fires reported starting in the kitchen.
Heating is the second leading cause of home fires. The main culprit
in this category is the improper use of space heaters. The other two
leading causes of fires in homes are electrical items and smoking
Your local fire departments will be making their way to the local
schools and day care facilities this month with the yearly fire
prevention message. Undoubtedly your child will bring home some
literature that will contain some great fire safety tips. Take some
time over dinner or just before bedtime to review what your child
has learned about preventing fires. Take a quick tour of the house
and check for overloaded outlets, space heaters too close to
furniture, or maybe an old worn electric cord in need of
replacement. Ask the kids what they should do in the event of a fire
in your home. You just might learn something and save a life in the
Let’s review some fire safety basics that everyone should be aware
of. First and foremost, consider smoke detectors. You should have
at least one smoke detector on each floor of your home (add one to
each bedroom for added protection). Be sure they work, and test
them monthly. Second is fire extinguishers. You should have at least
one ABC type extinguisher in the kitchen, and one in the garage
area and you should know how to use them.
Remember P.A.S.S. Pull the pin, Aim at the base of the flame,
Squeeze the handle and Sweep back and forth to extinguish the
flame. Finally there is E.D.I.T.H., which stands for Exit Drills In
The Home. It is very important that we all know the safest and
fastest way out of our homes and practice them. Don’t forget the
alternate route out if the main escape path is blocked. Once you are
out, stay out and wait for the fire department to arrive.
You can learn more about fire safety and fire prevention week by
going to the NFPA web site at www.NFPA.org or
www.firepreventionweek.org. Fire awareness does not stop after fire
prevention week passes. We must be on guard for the other 51
weeks of the year. Following the very basics of fire safety will help
to “Prevent Home Fires.”
Your House & Senate
One year and seven months after his Legislature reduction was referred to the PA House State Government Committee for
consideration, State Rep. Mark Mustio testified on House Bill 55 at an August 19 public hearing.
Referred to the State Government Committee on January 30, 2007, Rep. Mustio’s downsizing legislation would trim the House
of Representatives from the current 203 members to 161 and the Senate from 50 members to 40. House Bill 55 also calls for a
corresponding 20 percent in reductions in both House and Senate operating budgets. The legislation is designed to take effect
after the 2010 census, which is when the House and Senate legislative districts are redrawn to reflect population shifts.
To demonstrate ongoing leadership in the area of reducing the size of state government, Rep. Mustio has voluntarily reduced
his district office staff by 25 percent. Last June, he became the first state House member to voluntarily contribute one percent of
his monthly salary toward the total cost of his health care. He also has never accepted a taxpayer-funded automobile, reimbursement for mileage driven within his legislative district, or a taxpayer funded cell
In May 2008, the U.S. Treasury Department began distributing rebate checks to more
937 Beaver Grade Road
than 130 million households across the country as part of the federal economic stimulus
Moon Township, PA 15108
package approved by Congress.
(412) 262-2260
State Rep. Mark Mustio reminds local seniors that retirees, disabled veterans, and
low-wage workers who are not typically required to file a federal tax return could potentially
miss out on this rebate if they do not file a 2007 federal tax return by October 15.
For these individuals, it is also important to note that they must also show at least
$3,000 of income, which can include earned income, Social Security, Railroad Retirement
benefits, and certain benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Other income
restrictions apply.
937 Beaver Grade Road
Individuals who have already filed a 2007 federal tax return, do not need to submit
Moon Township, PA 15108
additional paperwork.
(412) 262-3780
NOTE: News and information is posted regularly to the websites of
State Sen. Pippy and State Rep. Mustio. Check these sites for news and helpful
October 2008
Kovach’s Body Shop
Amaranth Installation Held
On September 6, the International Order of the Amaranth came
to the area. The Grand Officers from Pennsylvania Amaranth
initiated 16 new members into the Order of the Amaranth, Oakdale
Court. The new Court now has 21 members and is growing, with
another initiation scheduled for October 3.
The Order of the Amaranth supports Diabetes Research as its
charity, and last year the Pennsylvania Amaranth raised $80,000 for
The new court is working hard to help this year’s contributions. If
interested, or for more information, call Debra Carr at
(724) 926-8761.
WA Senior is a Young Achiever
Clinton resident Tricia Glorioso, a senior at West Allegheny High
School, was named a Young Achiever by the Pittsburgh TribuneReview.
She was recognized for receiving the Rachel Carson Award
presented by Chatham College for showing promise in the study of
science or English and demonstrating concern for the environment.
Tricia is a member of West Allegheny’s Key Club and National
Honor Society. She is a member of the high school Show Choir and
the school musicals. She also plays the piano for the school.
Together with her family, Tricia hosts an annual event at a local
golf range for students in the life skills classes at West Allegheny
Middle School.
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Community Marketplace
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Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
Municipal Roundup
American Tire Distributors will rent 91,000-square-feet of
warehouse space at Clinton Commerce Park, utilizing a part of a
400,000-square-foot warehouse/distribution building constructed
by the Buncher Corporation.
Findlay Township issued grading permits in August for the North
Field Development on the Allegheny County Airport Authority
property. The development will encompass a 2,700-foot-roadway
and utilities on 105 acres.
Prominent Fluids in the RIDC Park received approval to add a
17,000-square-foot addition to its facility on Industry Drive.
Two companies will take up residence in the Findlay Industrial
Oakanite, a copper wire distribution company, will establish a
79,100-square-foot distribution center. Oakanite’s request to
relocate is being presented to the Findlay Township supervisors
for final approval at its October meeting.
ADC, a company that serves as an appliance distribution center,
is also presenting its application in October before the supervisors
for approval to build a brand new 155,000-square-foot warehouse
facility in the Findlay Industrial Park to store new appliances for
the purposes of fulfilling retail orders for various appliances for
Bids were recently sought for lighting the soccer field area at the
Findlay Recreation and Sports Complex along Route 30.
Due to extended use of the fields, the township decided to move
forward with the lighting project. Findlay will utilize a donation
of funds to pay for the lights, with the balance to be financed.
Gary Klingman, township manager, said no tax dollars will be
used for this project.
ABOVE, LEFT: Findlay Township Police Officer Mike Amaya, sixth from left, recently was recognized by the American Legion for donating his time
during his two-week vacation over the summer months to work with youth at a summer camp, the American Legion State Police Youth Week. Pictured
honoring Mike are, left to right, Findlay Township Supervisor Ray Chappell, Findlay Township Police Chief Jesse Lesko, Findlay Township Supervisor
Janet Craig, members of the American Legion, Amaya, Washington County Commissioner Larry Maggi, members of the American Legion, and
Findlay Township Supervisor Tom Gallant. ABOVE, RIGHT: Sergeant Mark Joyce was recently promoted to captain of the Findlay Township Police
Department, making him second in charge to Police Chief Jesse Lesko. A Moon Township resident, Captain Joyce has served with the Findlay police
force for more than 20 years. Left to right: Police Chief Jesse Lesko, Findlay Township Supervisor Janet Craig, Captain Joyce, and Findlay Township
Supervisors Tom Gallant and Ray Chappell.
October 2008
He added that the township hopes to have the project completed by the end of
the calendar year. All of the conduit was previously installed, which will
significantly move the project closer to a timely installation.
Findlay Township would like to remind residents that the township will
provide two leaf and yard waste pickups this fall. Collection will occur on
Saturdays, November 1 and 15. Residents are requested to place the materials in
30-gallon biodegradable bags and set the bags by the curb before 6 a.m. on those
Leaf bags can be purchased at most hardware stores such as Moore’s or Imperial
Hardware, Agway, and Home Depot and Lowes. Please do not use plastic bags,
as they are not biodegradable.
Limbs and branches are to be bundled and should not exceed three inches in
diameter or three feet in length.
Waste Management, the township’s contractor, will pick up the bags.
Another option for addressing the disposal of leaf/yard waste is backyard
composting. Composting is the natural decomposition of organic materials into a
form that returns nutrients to the earth and allows for better soil aeration.
Findlay Township strongly encourages the practice of backyard composting.
A composting workshop sponsored by the Penn State Cooperative Extension
will be held on Saturday, October 18 at Brady’s Run Park in Beaver County from
2 to 4 p.m. on the fundamentals of backyard composting. The cost is $10 per
person. To pre-register, call (724) 774-3003.
Community volunteers were in force to build a new playground at the
township’s new park on Donaldson Road on October 4.
“We’re excited about how everything came together as we entered the home
stretch,” said Parks and Recreation Director Bob Brozovich, “We built a great
playground that the community can be proud of and the kids are really going to
enjoy. Our committee has worked hard to get to this point and everyone’s excited
to bring this project to fruition.”
From Citi Smith Bar
This is the second in a three-part series on the process
involved with getting your personal financial affairs in order.
Addressing your financial goals and establishing a game
plan does not have to be an intimidating concept, and this
article is meant to help the reader begin to break the task
down into small steps. In the last issue, we addressed the
first step. This series is being presented by David Bigger, a
Financial Advisor at Smith Barney in downtown Pittsburgh.
Smith Barney is a division of Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
Each part of this series will be presented bi-monthly in this
magazine. If you’d like to read the article in its entirety, you
can view it at www.fa.smithbarney.com/davidbigger.
Ways You Can Still
Reshape Your Future in 2008
Seek to Ensur
Ensuree Liquidity
Experts recommend having three to six months’ worth
of living expenses in stable cash reserves in case of job
loss, an unforeseen expense or a larger-than-expected
tax bill. Instead of selling your long-term investments,
think about establishing a line of credit against your
real estate, investment securities or both to meet some
of your cash needs – and do it now, before you actually
need the money. If you wait until the need arises, you
may not have enough time to arrange funding, or your
credit rating may have suffered.
Strategic borrowing can do as much for your longterm financial goals as strategic management of what
you have now.
Simplify Your Account PPaaperw
You need quick access to your account information,
and you need to know that your information is current.
How many times have you scrambled to find an old
account statement – or the password for your bank,
brokerage, airline miles, e-mail and other accounts –
and had to pay for this added stress with added fees?
Everything from creating your comprehensive plan to
applying for a mortgage to year-end tax planning relies
on easy access to accurate records.
Citigroup, Inc. and its affiliates do not provide tax or legal
advice. To the extent that this material or any attachment
concerns tax matters, it is not intended to be used and
cannot be used by a taxpayer for the purpose of
avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. Any
such taxpayer should seek advice based on the
taxpayer’s particular circumstances from an independent
tax advisor.
For more information, contact David Bigger at Citi-Smith
Barney (412) 392-5885.
ABOVE: North Fayette Township summer program participants enjoyed a visit from
the Northwest EMS and learning about the important role the emergency service
responders play in protecting the residents in the community.
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
Municipal Roundup (cont.)
German Company to Build in Findlay
Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato, Governor Edward
G. Rendell, Allegheny County Airport Authority officials,
community leaders, and company executives this past summer
broke ground for a new Flabeg facility at Clinton Commerce Park,
a 240-acre site in Findlay Township at the intersection of Route 60
October 2008
and Clinton Road just north of Pittsburgh International Airport.
Flabeg, a German-based global leader in high-tech glass and
mirror applications, will use the facility to manufacture parabolic
solar mirrors that are used to help generate electricity at large-scale
solar power plants. It will be the company’s first U.S. facility of this
type and will create an estimated 300 new jobs in the region. The
first of two phases will start this fall and is expected to open in
October 2009. The total investment in both phases of the project is
anticipated to be $30 million. Flabeg will retain 198 jobs at its
Brackenridge location, which manufactures mirror glass for
passenger cars and commercial vehicles.
Development on airport property is an important goal of the
County Executive and Airport Authority officials. Site preparation
for Clinton Commerce Park, including infrastructure and utilities
connections, was made possible, in part, by a $7.5-million Pennsylvania Community & Economic Development grant. These sites
will allow for the development of 1.5 million-square-feet of
buildings with the potential for 750 to 1,500 new jobs.
Other recent developments on airport property include the
300,000-square-foot bulk warehouse facility built by the Buncher
Company at Clinton Commerce Park; a new 100,000-square-foot
facility by Knepper Press to house its printing operations;
Cherrington Extension in Moon Township; US Airways’ Operations Control Center, which is currently under construction; and
Dick’s Sporting Goods’ new headquarters at the Northfield
development area.
Like Mother, Like Son ....
North Fayette resident Rich Saveikis, Jr. knows a good bit
about hair design and styling, having worked in his mom’s
former salon, Marie’s, before she sold it last year.
Just as good things can go around and come back around,
Richie has found himself in the same footsteps his mother took
when she opened her original hair salon -- Tonidale Hair Salon
-- exactly 40 years ago this month.
Richie is the new owner of Tonidale Hair Salon, bringing the
tradition of the family back into the fold after a 12-year hiatus
when the salon was under a previous owner.
Originally, Richie did not intend to become a hairdresser.
“I danced while I was young and attended several
schools, eventually going on to Mercyhurst College for
a degree in dance,” Richie recalls. “But I decided I
didn’t want to do that, so I enrolled in the J.H.
Thompson Academy, now the Tony and Guy School,
to pursue my beautician’s license while I was attending Mercyhurst,” Richie tells it.
“I didn’t tell my mother I was doing this until after
I got my license,” he laughs.
Over the past 17 years, while working with mom,
Marie, at her salon, they both acknowledge that she
fired Richie not once, but twice, over the years.
“We’re over that and it was all amicable,” he
With Marie’s original Tonidale Hair Salon in the
hands of Richie, he plans to move the salon to a
higher level of excellence.
He is looking forward to giving the salon a whole
new look to project the type of forward-thinking
hair styling that Tonidale Hair Salon offers. He
also hopes to add more stylists.
Currently, there are two stylists on the staff: Kari
Szost and Ashley Powell, who both worked at
“I’m really enjoying this new aspect of my career as both a
hairdresser and a salon owner,” he pointed out.
This past summer, Marie and Richie attended a major
conference in Florida where they attended sessions on the latest
in hair fashion, cutting, and coloring techniques.
Said Marie, “My first customer when I opened this salon 40
years ago was Eleanor Kehm. I told her about the change here
with Richie now in charge and she was pleased to hear it.”
She added, “ We still have many customers who come back
here that have been with us for decades, but of course, we
always welcome new ones.”
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
Your Schools
Parkway West CTC Center
With a new school year underway, Parkway West Career and
Technology Center (CTC) invites individuals from business and
industry to share their career stories with sophomores, juniors, and
seniors at the school.
Parkway provides career and technology training in a wide
variety of career disciplines for students from Carlynton, Chartiers
Valley, Cornell, Keystone Oaks, Montour, Moon, Mt. Lebanon,
Quaker Valley, South Fayette, Sto-Rox, Upper St. Clair, and West
Many areas of training provided to the students also offer
opportunities for industry certifications as well.
Parkway coordinates an extensive Co-Op program with area
businesses throughout the school year, which pairs students with
businesses for internship and job opportunities.
To arrange a visit, call the school at (412) 923-1772, ext. 114 or
Residents that donate blood at Central Blood Bank can designate Parkway West Career and Technology Center as the donor
location. Parkway receives scholarship funds based on the number
of credits the school accrues from blood donations. Simply tell the
intake coordinator at the donation center to designate your
donation to Parkway West Career and Technology Center.
Each year, Parkway’s Health Assistant Program students and
staff also host blood donation drives. These blood drives will be
announced throughout the year.
Parkway has been a consistent recipient of scholarship funds
based on its active participation in the blood donation program
through Central Blood Bank.
October 2008
The National Technical Honor Society at Parkway West Career
and Technology Center’s is collecting used eyewear again this year
during the month of October. The eyewear will be recycled by the
Give the Gift of Sight Foundation and Lions Clubs International
and distributed to underprivileged people around the world.
Used prescription eyeglasses and non-prescription sunglasses are
being collected by the National Technical Honor Society members
through October 31. Donations may be dropped off at the school
in the office or given to any NTHS member.
The National Technical Honor Society recognizes outstanding
student achievement in career and technical education. Parkway
West CTC currently has 40 members. Leading the chapter this
year are president, Doug Lowden, a Public Safety Technology
student from Cornell; vice-president, Bobbie Jo Mack, a Drafting
and Design student from Montour; secretary, Liz Cannon, a
Public Safety Technology student from Sto-Rox; treasurer, Jerrica
Close, a Health Assistant student from Carlynton; and reporter,
Bob Lenfestey, a Machine Tool Technology student from
Last year the National Technical Honor Society was able to
donate 100 pairs of glasses to Give the Gift of Sight Foundation
and Lions Clubs International. To assist NTHS in this very
worthwhile service project, stop by the school, located at 7101
Steubenville Pike, Oakdale PA 15071, or call (412) 923-1772.
Twenty-five students from Parkway West Career & Technology
Center’s Health Assistant Program have passed certification exams
from the National Association for Home Care and Hospice.
Among those passing the exams were three students from West
Allegheny School District: Victoria Seibel, Desa Sandell, and Mary
West Allegheny School District
ABOVE: West Allegheny Middle School teacher Dan
Hanczar, right, accepts the award from representatives
of Gateway to the Arts.
West Allegheny Middle School social studies teacher Dan
Hanczar received the Root American Music Award, the first
such presentation by Gateway to the Arts. The award was
created in honor of University of Pittsburgh ethnomusicologist
Dr. Deane Root, who served on the Gateway board for many years. It is awarded to a
teacher who has participated in the Voices Across Time Program, a five-week teachers’
institute held at the University of Pittsburgh this past summer. The program focused
on integrating music into lessons in non-music subject areas such as social studies and
Gateway to the Arts makes the arts integral to education by bringing professional
artists into schools and providing professional development for teachers. Gateway also
provided two complimentary music assemblies for middle school students presented
by well-known blues artists Cephas and Wiggins. The performances highlighted the
cultural and historical aspects of the blues genre.
Parents of West Allegheny students can see exactly what their children
are eating at school each day through the district’s Internet-based service
called myLunchMoney.com. The service is a website where parents can
generate a seven-day history of their child’s/children’s cafeteria food
purchases. To take advantage of this service, parents must first enroll
online. For more information contact James Sheridan, Food Service
Director, (724) 695-5254.
Christopher Shattuck has been appointed to the position of
assistant high school principal. Previously, he served as Dean
of Students. Christopher is a West Allegheny alumnus.
West Allegheny plans to use a $60,000 grant from the
Department of Community and Economic Development to
build bleachers at the baseball field at Donaldson Elementary
2008-2009 SCHOOL YEAR
The West Allegheny School District hired nine new
employees for the 2008-2009 school year. Pictured are, front:
Brittney (Gradkowski) Kuhn, Wilson fifth grade teacher; Lisa
(Lutz) Meehan, Wilson half-time kindergarten long-term
substitute; Rachel Campbell, psychology intern; standing: Bill
Morosetti, high school math teacher; Amy (Schumacher)
Boesenberg, Wilson first grade teacher; Bob Meehan, Wilson
fifth grade teacher; and Ken Fibbi, Director of Buildings and
Grounds. Missing from the photograph are Julie McGough,
high school/middle school special education teacher; and
Hillary Mangis, school psychologist.
West Allegheny High School senior Michael Walker provided
improvements to the high school/middle school campus by donating
and installing three directional signs and 16 cross-country trail
markers. The project was a community service effort in conjunction
with his Eagle Scout project.
West Allegheny High School senior Akshay Hari participated in a
benefit festival on June 22 in Schenley Park in Pittsburgh. The
fundraising event was sponsored by Child Rights and You (CRY), an
international organization that promotes children’s rights. As the
featured vocal performer, Akshay sang songs in Hindi, the national
language of India.
Three West Allegheny elementary students participated in the
National Young Scholars Program (NYSP) this past summer.
Donaldson Elementary third grader Christina Jeter and Wilson
Elementary fourth grader Moira Gibson participated in the World
Explorers Discovery Strand of the program at the National 4-H
Center in Bethesda, Maryland from June 28 to July 3. Wilson
Elementary fourth grader Hunter Sullivan attended the session
entitled CSI 1 (Crime Scene Investigation): The Amazing Science of
Detection in Washington, D.C. from June 14 to June 19. Physical
education teacher Melissa Taranto nominated Christina for the
program while Horizons teacher Karen Evans Meyers nominated
Moira and Hunter.
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
Alumni Profile:
TED FROATS Class of ‘01
October 2008
hen Senior Airman Ted Froats isn’t
reporting on activities in Iraq or gathering
footage on behalf of the U.S. Air Force a
world away as a cameraman and news
reporter, he’s busy staying involved in a charity
organization to help the children of Iraq.
Called, “Kids of Iraq,” Airman Froats, 25, explains
that Air Force Captain Marci Hoffman came up with
the idea while stationed there about a year ago, but
had to return to the States while “Kids of Iraq” was
still in the planning stages.
“Shortly after my arrival in Iraq, I was elected social
publicity coordinator of the Panther’s Airman
Advisory Council (PAAC). Through this role, I came
in contact with Air Force Captain Michael Stewart,
who was trying to re-energize the campaign, and he
requested PAAC’s help.”
Ted took on the role of advertising “Kids of Iraq”
back here in the United States, and soon many boxes
of items began to arrive. On the day of this interview,
73 boxes came to their site.
Ted said that people in America are always asking
how they can help.
“How could someone NOT be
motivated to help children
achieve their dreams,” he said.
Since they are in a war zone and
cannot accept financial support
because, as Ted explains, “we can’t
take those dollars down to a local
department store and buy supplies,”
the charity’s volunteers are
collecting items such as sports
equipment (soccer balls, jump ropes,
Frisbees), school supplies, personal
hygiene items, toys (with the
exception of battery-operated items),
blankets, and clothes and shoes of all
Ted explained that the “Kids of Iraq”
effort is a private organization with no
ties to the military. All of its volunteers
are U.S. military members who are
currently serving in Iraq and simply
want to help the children by supporting
them in whatever way they can.
Airman First Class Jason Epley leads the volunteers
as they sort the supplies that come in each box, build
storage units, and distribute the supplies to children
across the country through their schools and homes.
Captain Stewart oversees the charity, and Ted
coordinates the donations from the states, ensuring
that the volunteers have everything they need to
accept, store, and disburse the supplies.
Supplies only started to arrive a little over a month
ago, and all involved are looking forward to many
more boxes to arrive in the coming months.
Ted said that helping with this effort has been a huge
inspiration, because he sees the difference it makes in the
lives of the children.
“Some of them are sick, some have lost at least one
parent, and nearly all of them are so poor that it is beyond
the imagination,” he said.
“These children, and their parents, simply face an
overwhelming level of desperation. And that’s the main
purpose of ‘Kids of Iraq:’ to give these children hope, to
give them the tools so they have a chance,” he added.
The age range is pre-school through high school, or ages
Ted said that the effort also makes another difference by
building up American-Iraq relations.
He stressed, “We want to leave this country better than
we found it; and we know that somewhere in one of these
schools is the future leader of Iraq. We have the power to
make sure that the future leader receives an education in
science and math and reading, rather than an education in
intimidation and genocide. We have the power to teach
that future leader about compassion for the less fortunate
by having compassion
for him or her when
THEY are less
After all, Ted
commented, “As
Margaret Mead said,
‘Never doubt that a
small group of
committed citizens
can change the
world. Indeed, it is
the only thing that
ever has.’ ”
For more
information, visit
the website at
332 AEW/HC
APO AE 09315-9997
ABOVE: Senior Airman Ted Froats is the publicity coordinator
for the Panther Airmen's Advisory Council, coordinates
collection and delivery of toys, school supplies and other
goods to Iraqi children through the "Kids of Iraq" program. He
is a radio and television broadcaster with the 332nd Air
Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs Office and is deployed from
Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.
Alumni Profile:
BEN SCOTT Class of ‘02
en Scott’s favorite days of work involve
conducting a hands-on investigation
inside a rocket motor, while on top of
the propellant.
“It’s always a bit of a rush when you realize you’re
climbing on 300,000 pounds of solid rocket
propellant,” says Ben, the son of Cathy and Jeff
Scott, and brother to Amanda of North Fayette
As a propellant design engineer for Alliant
Techsystems Incorporated (ATK) in Utah, Ben
writes the specification for the
production line to build each
segment of the solid rocket
booster. Specifically, he designs
what the propellant should
look like once it has solidified.
“Cracks or cuts on the
surface of the propellant can
have a detrimental effect
when the rocket motor is
fired,” explains Ben, a 2002
West Allegheny graduate.
In this case, he is
responsible for determining
whether the hardware is
safe to use, or if it must be
rebuilt. After completing
an investigation, Ben
presents his findings to
upper management and
NASA representatives.
Then comes the boring
part -- the paperwork.
Ben looks at this aspect of the job
as a challenge and says, “I’m sure somewhere down
the road all of this practice will pay off!”
When he was a student at West Allegheny, Ben
preferred math and science classes because “they
were always logical, unlike English, in which there
were always exceptions to the rules.” In elementary
school, his grandmother bought him a series of
“How Things Work” books, sparking interest in his
future career as a propellant design engineer.
“I think reading about air and space crafts in those
books really helped point me in the direction of
aerospace engineering as a career,” says Ben.
During his high school years at West Allegheny,
Ben played ice hockey and pole vaulted with the
Track and Field team. The National Honor Society
member also looked forward to winter ski trips to
Seven Springs with the Ski Club. Hoping to
“experience a new part of the country and meet new
people,” Ben went away to college in Indiana.
“Purdue was a ways from home -- about seven
hours -- but my family has always been very
supportive of my endeavors, even as I moved farther away
from Pittsburgh,” he says.
Initially, Ben considered studying mechanical
engineering, like his dad. After a year or so, he decided to
concentrate on Astro/ Aero Engineering (AAE).
“Purdue was a great school to study aerospace engineering,” says Ben. “Some of the testing facilities for classes
included large scale and supersonic wind tunnels.”
While still in college, Ben decided he wanted to work
with the cutting edge of propulsion systems, RAM and
Supersonic Combustion RAM (SCRAM). These specific jet
engines are a type of air breathing propulsion system that
gets much higher in the atmosphere
than a normal jet engine.
“These engines would be
part of a much more efficient
way of reaching space, if
engineers can some day
manage to work out all the
problems that are associated
with these systems,” explains
After graduating from
Purdue, Ben had to choose
between accepting a job position
in Salt Lake City, or one in
Cincinnati. He chose to work in
Utah because it “has the best snow
on Earth.”
“My mom has never actually told
me that she wishes I would have
taken the Cincinnati job since it was
much closer to home,” says Ben,
“but I’m pretty certain she has
thought about it.”
Despite the fact that he studied jet
engines and not rocket motors, Ben moved to Utah to
work as a propellant design engineer for ATK, a company
that specializes in aerospace and defense. Currently, he is
working on the Ares launch program, which will replace
the shuttle fleet after it retires in a few years.
“The rocket is the first stage in a multi-stage vehicle
which will carry astronauts into orbit,” Ben explains. “A
second Ares rocket called Ares V has two large solid rocket
boosters that will take all the heavy hardware up into orbit
to mate with a crew capsule.”
Next spring, Ben will graduate from the University of
Utah with a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering
and then he says, “I’ll be taking advantage of all the
outdoor activities the state of Utah has to offer. The fact
that Las Vegas is only a hop, skip, and a jump away from
my home has its appeal!”
And it’s true what people here say, agrees Ben, “Utah
does have the best snow on Earth.”
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
Around Your Town
Volunteer Firefighter
Scholarships Available at CCAC
Providing Door-to-Door Services
in the Airport Area
Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato and Community
College of Allegheny County President Alex Johnson announced
the Allegheny County Fire Volunteer Education, Service &
Training Scholarship Program (FireVEST) is accepting applications for 200 full scholarships for an associate’s degree or certificate
program at CCAC, as well as training at the Allegheny County
Fire Academy. Of the 200 scholarships, 150 will go to new recruits
who commit to five years of service to a volunteer fire department
in Allegheny County, and 50 scholarships will be awarded to
existing volunteers who commit to five additional years of service.
“Volunteer fire departments throughout Allegheny County are
experiencing difficulty in recruiting and retaining firefighters,” said
Onorato. “FireVEST creates a strong incentive to enlist new
firefighters and keep existing volunteers.”
Applicants must be residents of Allegheny County and either be
a current volunteer or join a volunteer fire department in Allegheny County. They must apply and be accepted to CCAC, file for
federal and state financial aid, and complete the financial aid
process on time and in its entirety.
If awarded a scholarship, the recipient must: serve as a volunteer
firefighter for five years in Allegheny County, maintain an
acceptable level of service as monitored by his or her fire department, complete two required courses at the Allegheny County Fire
Academy and a course in first aid and CPR, obtain Firefighter I
Certification through the Allegheny County Fire Academy,
maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 for the duration
of his or her studies, and repay a portion of the scholarship if
service or academic requirements are not met.
Applications are available on CCAC’s website at www.ccac.edu,
search keyword “FireVEST,” or call the Fire Academy at
(412) 931-3158, ext. 5.
Applications are due by November 15, and scholarships will be
awarded for CCAC’s spring 2009 semester, which begins on
January 12, 2009.
Allegheny West
on-line at www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
October 2008
Your Neighborhood Coupons
JUST $125. CALL 724.695.3968 or E-Mail: alleghenywestmagazine@comcast.net
Allegheny West Magazine / www.pghpointswest.com/allegwestmag
community connections
Office Information
at your fingertips
Trash Pickup: 724/693-9740; Water: 724/693-9740
Parks and Recreation
Office Information
Findlay Mun. Ctr., 1271 Rt. 30, Clinton, PA 15026, 724/695-0500,
website: www.findlay.pa.us, Hours: 8 am-4:30 pm
Supervisors: Thomas J. Gallant, Chrmn.; Janet Craig, V. Chrmn.;
Raymond Chappell, Mbr.; Twp. Mgr: Gary Klingman; Asst. Twp. Mgr.:
Chris Caruso; Bldg. Inspector: Russ Collins; Solicitors: E.J. Strassburger
& Alan Schuckrow; Plmbg./Sewer Inspector: Tim Cook; Public Works
Director: John O’Neal
6115 Noblestown Rd., Oakdale, PA 15071, 724/693-9740,
Fax: 724/693-0100
Website: www.oakdaleborough.com, Hrs: M-F 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Council: Huck Gamble, President; Russ Campbell, Vice President; Council
members: Keith Merlino, Paul Hennemuth, Tom Potts, Ross Rohbeck, Mayor;
Vince Tucceri, Esq.; Michele Cromer, Esq.; Kelly Rohbeck, Borough
Secretary; Laura Ahlborn, Assistant Secretary
Supervisors: Caucus: 1st Thur. monthly - 7 pm, Regular on 2nd Wed.
monthly - 7 pm, Workshop on 4th Thur. monthly - 7 pm
Planning Commission: Regular on 4th Tues. monthly - 7 pm
Zoning Hearing Bd.: Regular on 3rd Mon. monthly - 7 pm
Municipal Authority: Regular on 4th Mon. monthly - 6 pm
Council: 1st Wed. monthly, 7:30 pm, Community Ctr., Zoning Hearing
Bd.: On Request
Trash/ Recycling: Waste Management of Pa., (724) 228-4200
Municipal Authority: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., 724/695-3108
Parks and Recreation
Open Apr. 1-Oct. 31, 8 am to Sunset, Pavilion rentals: 8 am-11 pm, $50
residents/$75 non-residents + $25 deposit, call township for details
Earned Inc./Occup. Priv.: Barb Coates 724/695-0521;
Real Estate: Dorothy McCullough, 724/695-2995
Police: 9-1-1 or (724)695-7777 ~ Non-Emergency (724)695-1300
Fire: 9-1-1 or (724)695-7777 ~ Non-Emergency (724)695-8845
Ambulance 9-1-1 or (724)695-7777
Office Information
400 N. Branch Rd., Oakdale, PA 15071, Hours: 8 am - 5 pm
412/788-4888/724-693-9601, website: www.north-fayette.com
Supervisors: John Meyers, Jim Morosetti, J.R. Mangan
Mgr.: Robert Grimm; Bldg. Inspector: Mike Saville; Public Works Director: Victor Rogale; Bob
Brozovich, Parks & Rec. Director; Solicitor: Vincent Tucceri
Supervisors: Workshop: 1st Thursday monthly - 7:30 pm, Regular 2nd
Tuesday monthly - 7:30 pm
Planning Commission: Regular on 3rd Tuesday monthly - 7:30 pm
Joint Board: Meet as required
Zoning Hearing Board: Meet as required
Parks & Recreation: Regular: 3rd Monday monthly, 7 pm
Water Authority (@ Water Auth.): 3rd Tuesday monthly, 7:30 pm
Payroll: Regular: 4th Tuesday monthly, 7:30 pm
Transportation Auth.: Meetings vary, call office
Recycling: Every other week. Special containers available. Accept clear &
colored glass, aluminum & bi-metal beverage cans and steel (tin) food
cans, plastic food, soda, & milk containers--types 1 & 2 only. Contact twp.
office for complete schedule & guidelines.
Water: Western Allegheny County Municipal Authority (W.A.C.M.A.) (412)
788-4337; emergency: (412) 787-8900
Parks and Recreation
Pavilion rentals: 11 am-11 pm, Community Ctr. 1 mtg.
room and 1 recreation room, call twp for rates
Food Pantry: 2nd & 4th Tues., 9 a.m.-Noon; 3rd Wed., 5:30 pm-7 pm
Hankey Farms Pool, (summer season only) (412) 788-0806 after 11:30
am wknds. late May; Daily in summer from June 4; noon-7:00 pm, Family
pass: $200; Individual pass: $100; couples/dual: $170; Daily Rates: $5 adults,
$3 children 3 yrs-12 yrs, free for under 2 yrs old, $1 observers/non-swimmers. Children under 10 must be w/an adult.
Earned Inc./Occup. Privilege/R.E.: Tom Falcioni (724) 693-9366
Township Tax Assessor: Cindy Zimecki (412) 473-3161
Police - 9-1-1; non-emergency (412) 787-8900;
Fire - 9-1-1; non-emergency (412) 787-2883
NorthWest EMS - 9-1-1; non-emergency (412) 331-2600
Website: www.northfayettevfd.org, www.nortwestems.net
STURGEON: Emergency: 9-1-1-, Non-emergency: (724) 926-9149
Website: www.sturgeonfd.south-fayette.pa.us
Office Information
151 School St., McDonald PA 15057, (724) 926-8711,
Fax: (724) 926-2750, Office Hrs: M-F 8 am-4 pm,
Reg. Mtg. 1st Mon., 7:30 pm, Planning Comm. & Zoning Bd., as needed
Fire, Police & EMS: 9-1-1
Non-Emergency: Fire Only (724) 926-9190
Website: www.mcdonaldfire.com
64 October
County Real Estate Payments:
March 31 with discount; Face:After March
Questions concerning county taxes call:
School Real Estate Payments:
Discount: Aug. 31; Face: Oct. 31; Penalty: Nov. 1
Questions: (724) 693-9366
Open May-Oct.; Pavilion rentals: $60 plus $45 deposit - residents;
$90 plus $45 deposit - non-residents, call borough for info; Community Center: Rentals-724/693-9740; Sr. Citizens-724/693-8540
Donna Swider, Real Estate Tax Collector
Police & Fire: 9-1-1 Non-Emergency: (412) 331-2600;
Ambulance 9-1-1 Non-Emergency: (412) 761-2200
Website: www.oakdalehosecompany.org
West Allegheny School District, Box 55, Imperial, PA 15126, 724/
Parkway West Career & Technology Center, 7101 Steubenville Pike,
Oakdale, PA 15071, 412/923-1772
Pittsburgh Technical Institute, 1111 McKee Rd., Oakdale, PA 15071
Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC), 1000 McKee Rd.,
Oakdale PA 15071, 412/788-6464
(schedules may change seasonally)
Allegheny West Christian, Minister Faron Franklin
7600 Steubenville Pike, Oakdale PA 15071, 412/788-8818,
Sun. blended worship 11 am, eve svc 6:30 pm, Wed. Bible
study 7 pm, children’s programs during both Worship &
Bible study
Church of Jesus Christ, Pastor Robert Buffington
57 Moore Rd., Clinton PA 15026, 724/899-3935
Svcs: Sun. 10 am, 6:30 pm, Wed., 11 am
Church of the Living Christ, Rev. Brian Henry
220 W. Allegheny Rd., P.O. Box 46, Imperial, PA 15126
724/695-7188, Sun. Svc. 10:30 am, Wed. Family Night
7 pm, nursery all services, www.cotlc.com
Church of the Nazarene, Pastor Angela Kress
507 Rt. 30, Imperial, PA 15126, 724/947-9223, Sun. School
10 am, Sun. worship 11 am and 6 pm, Wed. 7 pm
Clinton United Presbyterian, Rev. Peter Grosso
Box 175, 25 Wilson Rd., Clinton, PA 15026, 724/695-7993,
Sun. School 9:45 am, Worship 11 am, youth fellowship Sun.
6:30 pm, Nursery during services, youth night Tues. 3:305:30 pm grades 2-5
Clinton Wesleyan, Rev. Ted Chapman
1022 Moon Clinton Rd., Clinton, PA 15026, 724/695-7076,
Sun. School 9:30 am, worship & children’s church 10:45
am, adult bible study, kids club (preschool-gr 6) & youth
group (gr 7-12) Wed. 7-8:15 pm, prayer mtg. Fridays, 6 pm
Crossroads United Methodist, Rev. Steve Cordle
1000 Crossroads Dr., Oakdale, PA 15071, 412/494-9999,
Sat. 6:30 pm, Sun. 9 am, 10:15 am, 11:30 am, Wee
Kidzone Ministry-birth-preschool all svcs, Kidzone Ministry,
K-5, 6:30 am, 10:15 am, 11:30 am, MS Ministry, Sun., 67:30 p.m., HS, 7:30-9 pm
Covenant Church, Pastors Keith & Lynn Eggert
Sun. 10:30 am, Springhill Suites, NF Twp., 724/263-7147
Hebron UP, Rev. George Leitze
1767 Route 30, Clinton, PA 15026, 724/899-2276
Summer-10 am, Sept.-May-11 am, Sunday School 9:45
am, Sept.-May all ages
Immanuel Orth. Presby. , Pastor Mark Garcia
W. Allegheny Comm. Library Bldg., 8042 Steubenville Pike,
Oakdale PA 15071,412/474-3266,
www.immanuelOPCPgh.org, Sun. 11 am & 6 pm (1:30 pm
first Sun. each month), Sun. morning instruction
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
198 N. Branch Rd., Oakdale PA 15071, 724/693-8150
Sunday Worship: 10 am, 1 pm, Bible Study Tues. &
Thurs. 7:30 pm
Montours UP, Rev. James A. Evans
3151 Montour Church Rd., Oakdale, PA 15071, 412/7871050, 10 am June-Aug, 11 am w/9:30 am Sun. School
Sept-May, Svc. of Wholeness & Healing 2nd Sun monthly
Noblestown UM, Rev. Rich Updegraff
7313 Noblestown Rd., Oakdale, PA 15071-1905
724/693-2755, 9 am service, Sun. Learning & Fellowship
10:15 am pre-school to grade 12 and two adult classes
Noblestown UP, Rev. Dr. Patty Giles-Petrosky
7427 Noblestown Rd., Oakdale, PA 15071
724/693-8250, 10 a.m., Service, 11 am Sun. School
Oakdale UP Church, Rev. Mark Simond
62 Hastings Ave., Oakdale, PA 15071, 724/693-8950
11 a.m., Sunday School 9:30 am
Resurrection Lutheran, Rev. Emilie Theobald-Rowlands
7600 Steubenville Pike, Oakdale, PA 15071, 412/7884513, Worship & Sun School, 9 am, Bible study, Mon 10
am. Thurs eve open to community for prayer, no worship
St. Columbkille R.C., Rev. Domenic Mancini
103 Church Rd., Imperial, PA 15126, 724/695-7325
Svcs: M-F 8 am, Wed. 7:15 pm, Sat., 6:30 pm, Sun. 7:30
am, 9 am, 10:30 am, noon
St. Patrick Roman Catholic Church, TBA
7322 Noblestown Rd., Oakdale, PA 15071,
724/693-9260, www.saint-patrick-parish.com, Parish
Office, 724/693-8447-Rel. Educ.&Youth Min, Sat. 5 pm,
Sun. 9 am, 11:30 am
Valley UP, Pastor Jeri-Lynne Bouterse
237 Main St., Imperial, PA 15126, 724/695-0300-Office,
Worship 10:30 am, Sun. School all ages to adult-9:30 am,
West Ridge Christian Community Church, Rev. Bill
Bolin, 100 Gorwood Dr., Coraopolis, PA 15108, 724/6957500, www.wrccc.org, email: info@wrccc.org, 9:00 & 11
am, & Kids Quest & nursery; Grd. Level Youth, Wed. 7 pm
American Legion Post 171, 866-693-8759
American LegionAuxiliary, 724/926-2643
American Legion Post 335, TBA
American Legion Post 485, 724/926-8825
Business Network Intl. (BNI)Airport Chapter, 412/941-0101
CBX-Commonwealth Business Exchange, 412/788-8211
Daughters of theAmerican Revolution, jacobferree@yahoo.com
Hollow Oak Land Trust, 412/264-5354
Imperial Lions Club, (724) 695-0568
Kiwanis Club, 412/264-6419
Masonic Lodge, Oakdale, 724/899-2440
McDonaldArea Development Corp., 724/926-4617
Montour Run Watershed Assn., 412/835-4033, www.mrwa.info
Montour Trail Council, (412) 257-3011
Montour Valley Grange, (724) 695-0481
Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS), Hebron 724/899-3669,
Valley 724/774-6317, Oakdale, (412) 494-9999
North Fayette Garden Club, 724/693-8413
North Fayette Republican Committee, 412/788-2840
Parkway West Rotary,(412) 292-4140
Pgh. Airport Area Chamber of Commerce, 412/264-6270
SNPJ Lodge 106, 724/695-1411 or 695/1100
SturgeonAthletic Association, 724/926-2150
The ROCK Community Center in Oakdale, (724) 693-2777
The Small Business Network (TSBN), 412/367-5979
VFW & Ladies Auxiliary, 412/788-4674 or 724/695-8866
Walden Woods Community Svc.Assn., 724/695-8100
WestAlleghenyAdopt-A-Highway, TBD
West Allegheny HistoricalAssociation, 724/695-2469
Western Ally. Friends to Enhance Library (WAFEL), 724/695-8150
Allegheny Power : 800-255-3443
Bureau of Mine Subsidence: 800-922-1678
Cable TV: Comcast: 412/264-6600
Columbia Gas Co.: 888-460-4332
Community Access TV:
Channel 14: 412/269-1191
Robt. Morris University: 412/262-8377
Dept. of Agriculture: 724/443-1585
Dept. of Elections: 412/350-4500
Dept. Environ. Protection: (814) 332-6945
Dog Licenses: 412/350-4111
Duquesne Light Co.: 800-393-7100
Hankey Farms Swimming Pool: (412) 788-0806
Meals on Wheels: 724/899-3602 or 724/695-0634
Allegheny Times: (412) 269-1144
Allegheny West Magazine: (724) 695-3968
Post-Gazette West: (724) 375-6814
Tribune Review: (412) 320-7945
Pa. American Water Co.: 800-474-7292
Peoples Gas/Dominion Cust. Svc: 800-764-0111
Settlers Cabin Park, (412) 787-2750, Tennis
Courts, 412/787-2824, Wave Pool, 412/787-2667
Triangle Pet Control: 412/771-7387
Western Alleg. Commun. Library: 724/695-8150
West Allegheny Food Pantry: 724/695-1305
West Allegheny Thrift Store: 724/695-1305
Findlay Township: 724/695-0500
North Fayette Seniors, (412) 788-4888
LifeSpan Oakdale Senior Resource Center, at
Oakdale Community Ctr: Seminary Ave.,
Oakdale, 724/693-8540 or 693-2621,
St. Columbkille: 724/695-7325
Coddlers Daycare, 412/787-1311
Crossroads U. Meth. Preschool, 412/494-9999
Helping Hands Childcare, 724/695-9200
Kristy’s Kiddie Care, 724/926-4200
Little Folks, 412/787-8822
Oakdale Kids Korner, 724/693-9733
Resurrection Luth. Nursery, 412/788-4513
St. Columbkille Preschool, 724/695-2146
Sunny’s Wee Kids Palace, 412/788-2273
Teddy Bear Village Child Care, 724/695-3490
Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Venturing Crew:
General No.: (412) 325-7963
Findlay 724-695-7526 (Cubs), 724/695-1125 (BS)
N. Fayette 412/889-8748 (Cubs), 724/695-2614 (BS)
Oakdale 724/693-2994 (Cubs), 724/693-2611 (BS)
Findlay Athl.Assn., 724/695-7790
Girl Scouts, W.A., 724/693-8493, (724) 695-1366
North Fayette Athletic Association, 412/580-0655
Oakdale Youth League, 724/693-9830
WAYA (Little Indians--WAYouth
Football & Cheerleading Assn.), 724/695-2449
WestAllegheny Aqua Club, 724/693-8395
West Allegheny Ice HockeyAssn., 724/695-3144
WestAllegheny Youth Soccer, 724/695-1984
or 724/695-0941
WestAllegheny Youth Wrestling, 724/695-3787
WesternArea YMCA, 412/787-3430
Youthtowne, 724/695-2306 or 724/899-3910
Al-A-Non andAla-A-Teen, 724/926-3396
Refer to the West Allegheny School District website or
the school district calendar, at
These lists are updated throughout the year. To
make a change, call Allegheny West Magazine at
724/695-3968 or send an e-mail to:
Allegheny West
U.S. Postage
I M P E R I A L , PA
Jennette Communications Group
15 Walnut Street, Suite 101
Imperial, PA 15126-1226
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