April - May - West Central School District 49-7


April - May - West Central School District 49-7
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
West Central Wire
West Central Public Schools
SD District 49-7
“To prepare all students for learning and living in a changing world.”
w w w .w e s t c e n t r a l . k 1 2 . s d . u s
-West Central Schools Mission Statement
WC Hartford & Humboldt Elementary Schools
Parents are a part of
our learning community.
See how on Page 5.
West Central Wire
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
Joe Krizan, President............................... 363-3309
1202 E. North Street, Humboldt, SD 57035
Parents are a part of our learning (Pictures)............... Front Cover
WC School Board........................................................................ 2
WC School Directory................................................................... 2
Early Dismissals.......................................................................... 2
School Calendar.......................................................................... 3
School Closing Information.......................................................... 3
Nondiscrimination Statement....................................................... 3
Message from Superintendent..................................................... 4
Elementary News
Kindergartners for 2011-2012................................................. 5
Parents are a part of our learning........................................... 5
Nurse’s Corner........................................................................ 6
Junior Achievement................................................................. 6
Hartford Elementary News
Souper Bowl Thrives............................................................... 7
Humboldt Elementary News
Tis the Season........................................................................ 7
Souper Bowl............................................................................ 8
Project Citizen......................................................................... 8
Third Grade Resident Experts................................................. 9
Middle School News
WCMS Science Fair................................................................ 9
High School News
2011 Prom / After Prom......................................................... 10
Prom Season........................................................................ 10
2010 U.S. Presidential Scholars............................................11
Library News.............................................................................. 12
Co-Curricular News
Band News............................................................................ 13
Chorus News......................................................................... 13
Summer Camps..................................................................... 14
Organization News
Destination Imagination......................................................... 15
Members Submit State FFA Degree Applications................. 16
Members Attend Legislative Breakfast.................................. 16
CDE Season in Full Swing.................................................... 17
Greetings from WC Athletic Boosters.................................... 17
KARE News.......................................................................... 18
Transportation News.............................................................. 18
WC Community Education.................................................... 19
WC Annual Music Association Dinner.....................Back Cover
April / May Calendar..................................................... Blue Insert
KARE Program Registration 2011............................. Yellow Insert
Laurie Cressman, Vice-President............. 528-6576
101 W. Mickelson, Hartford, SD 57033
Steve Dick............................................... 528-3420
301 N. Vandemark, Hartford, SD 57033
Wendy Otheim......................................... 528-7145
404 Sagehorn Drive, Hartford, SD 57033
Lisa Engels.............................................. 366-4893
46430 SD Hwy 38, Hartford, SD 57033
Please note: Regular school board meetings are held the second
Monday of each month in the Board Room at the Administration
Office. Meetings begin promptly at 5:30 p.m. unless otherwise
posted. All meetings are open to the public. If a person desires
to have an item placed on the agenda, please contact the
Administration Office one week prior to the scheduled meeting.
All meeting agendas are published in the Hartford Area News
and Humboldt Journal the week before the meeting. All school
board proceedings are also published in the newspapers.
Dr. Jeff Danielsen, Superintendent................... 528-3217
Dianna Tyler, Hartford Elementary Principal....... 528-3215
Matt Alley, Humboldt Elementary Principal..........363-3131
or 528-3325
Guy Johnson, Middle School Principal.................528-3799
Mark Hofer, High School Principal..................... 528-6236
Susan Kurtz, Business Manager........................ 528-3217
Dr. Joanne VanOsdel, Director of Special Services.. 528-3217
Marlys Lueth, Food Service Director.................. 528-6238
Rick Coker, Transportation Supervisor
(Bus Garage Office)..................................... 528-6235
Toby Bryant, Activities Director........................ 528-6397
FOR 2010-2011
Teacher staff development will be held in the afternoon.
This will result in an early dismissal. School will be
dismissed at 1:30 p.m. on the following day:
April 20
West Central Wire
April 20 .................... Early Dismissal 1:30 p.m. Teacher-In-Service
April 22 .....................................................................NO SCHOOL
April 25 .....................................................................NO SCHOOL
May 17 ...........................................................Last Day for Students
-Dismissal 1:00 p.m.
-End of 4th Quarter (45 Days)
May 18 .......................................................... Last Day for Teachers
May 21 ....................................................................... Graduation
Inclement Weather or Make-Up Days: The first five make-up days are
built into the school calendar, and if there are five or fewer days where
school is cancelled, we will not need to lengthen the school calendar. If we
exceed five days of absence, one day will be scheduled onto the end of the
school year for each day missed. The days that will be utilized if necessary
are: May 18, 19, 20, 23, and 24.
The following radio and TV stations will be notified in
the event that school should be cancelled or dismissed
early due to inclement weather conditions:
AM Radio
FM Radio
Hot 104.7,
KIKN 100.5,
MIXX 97.3,
Television Stations:
We make every effort to provide this information to families
prior to 6:30 a.m., however, the changing weather in South
Dakota may make this a challenge on some days. In any
case, we will notify these stations as soon as possible.
We care very much about your children and do our best to
make appropriate decisions based on student safety and
student achievement. Please remember that as a parent
or guardian, you have the right to keep your child home on
any day that you feel it is unsafe for your student to travel
to school due to weather conditions.
In addition, the School Reach Messaging System is
operational and will be utilized for school closings, delays,
or early dismissals. Please call Caryl Nolz at 528-3217
for changes in phone numbers.
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
The West Central School District #49-7 does not
discriminate in its employment policies and practices,
or in its educational programs (including career and
technical education programs) on the basis of race, color,
creed, religion, age, sex, disability, sexual orientation,
national origin, ancestry, or other human differences.
Requirement for admission to the Career and Technical
Education courses is completion of prerequisite
coursework of each area.
Career and Technical Education
offered at the West Central School District
Agriculture – Floriculture, Horticulture, Animal
Science, Natural Resources, Bio-Technology, and
Agriculture Leadership
Architecture and Construction – Introduction to
Technology, Production Technology, ComputerAided Drafting, Carpentry, and Building Trades
Food and Tourism Classes – Independent Living,
Food Management, and Family Relations
Technology – Multi-media, Web Design, Animation,
Computer I, and 3-D Programming
Inquiries specifically concerning the application of
Title VI, Title IX, or section 504 may be referred to:
Title VI (discrimination based on national origin/race)
......................................... Special Services Director
Title IX (discrimination based on gender)
................................................... Activities Director
Section 504 (discrimination based on disability)
......................................... Special Services Director
Both Special Services and
Activities Director can be reached at:
West Central School District
705 E. 2nd St.
Hartford, SD 57033
605-528-3217 OR
Kansas City Office
U.S. Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights
8930 Ward Parkway, Suite 2037
Kansas City, MO 64114-3302
Phone: 816-268-0550
Fax: 816-823-1404; TDD: 877-521-2172
E-mail: OCR.KansasCity@ed.gov
West Central Wire
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
from the
Superintendent’s Office
I was recently reading an online article called “21 Things that
Will be Obsolete by 2020.” This article gives a listing of things the
author suggests will no longer be found in schools by 2020. Two
that are hard to picture are desks and paper. For so many of us, we
associate sitting in a desk and using a pencil and paper to do our
homework with the vision of school. However, 21st Century learning
is changing the way our students learn as well as the way we do
business in general. We are evolving with the changes in society
and helping our students do the same. You can find the entire list of
predictions at: http://mindshift.kqed.org/2011/03/21-things-thatwill-be-obsolete-by-2020/.
Our new gym project is nearly complete. We anticipate the completion sometime in April,
which is almost three months ahead of schedule. We are thankful for the work of KochHazard Architects, Sioux Falls Construction, and the many sub-contractors for completing
this project in such an efficient fashion. More information will be forthcoming on an open
house for the public to see the new facility.
The legislative session has now ended, and South Dakota school districts have been asked
to take a reduction of 8.6% in the per-student formula. A separate piece of legislation adds
some money to the formula for this year only. That means that we will be reduced by 6.6%
in our general fund, knowing that 2% of that money will be reduced next year. Our board
and staff have been working on reductions that will have the least impact on our students,
however this amount is quite significant to our general fund.
One proposed change for next year will involve the distribution of this newsletter. We will
be eliminating all but two mailings to residents, however, we still want to stay in touch.
We are gathering e-mail addresses, in order to send electronic copies. If you are a district
resident who does not have children in our district, please contact Caryl Nolz either via
e-mail, caryl.nolz@k12.sd.us or phone, 528-3217, to let her know your e-mail address to
receive the newsletter electronically.
As always, we will continue to educate the students at West Central in the best manner
we can. Dakota STEP testing will be underway in April for students in grades 3-8 and 11.
Our students continue to shine in these opportunities, and we look forward to seeing the
achievement progress each Spring.
Dr. Jeff Danielsen
Superintendent of Schools
West Central Wire
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
Matt Alley, Humboldt Elementary Principal
605-528-3325 or 605-363-3131
Dianna Tyler, Hartford Elementary Principal
Kindergartners for School Year 2011-2012
Immunization certificates and physical forms MUST be returned to school by Monday, August 8th. Do
not plan to bring them in on the first day your child is attending kindergarten. Each form needs to
be checked by the school nurse BEFORE your child can start school. Because these forms get lost or
tattered over the summer months, please mail them to the school the day the exam is completed.
A child will be excluded from school for failure to have required immunizations according to the SD
State Law (13-28-7.1)
A summer camp for Children entering Kindergarten in the Fall of 2011
- Become familiar with school routines
- Gain experience working in a group situation
- Reinforce school readiness skills
- Explore new friendships
- Build self-confidence
- Have fun!
DATE: June 6-10 or June 13-17 for Hartford students
DATE: June 6-10 for Humboldt students
TIME: 9:00 - 12:00
LOCATION: Kindergarten classroom in Hartford and in Humboldt
COST: $40.00
INSTRUCTORS: Lesley Wolles & Dawn Mielke, Kindergarten teachers at West Central
Kindercamp is sponsored by West Central Community Education
Please call Pam at 528-3215 or Lois at 363-3131 for more information.
Parents are a part of our learning community.
At our elementary schools, parents play a significant role in the lives of our students. We encourage
parent involvement through our many activities throughout the year. Listed are some of the events
that bring us together: (See Front Cover for Pictures)
Trojan Reading Bowl • Donuts for Dads • Mornings with Moms • Literacy Night
Math & Science Night • Students of the Month Luncheon & Tyler Tuesdays • Grandparents’ Day
Track & Field Day • Open Houses • Conferences • Declam • Music Programs
Biography Fair • Classroom Parties • Veteran’s Day Assembly • Vocabulary Parade
Thank YOU!
We appreciate all of your involvement
West Central Wire
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
The school year is coming to a close and that means summer is right around the corner. Most people don’t
associate health concerns or illnesses with the warmer months as much as with the winter months. However,
while you or your child may be less likely to contract a “common cold” in July, there are just as many health and
safety concerns to take into account during those family vacations and neighborhood cookouts.
Water Safety
• Teach your child to swim.
• Always wear a US Coast Guard approved life jacket
when on a lake, river or ocean while boating, water
skiing, jet skiing or tubing.
• Warn your children about playing in canals or other
fast moving water.
• Do not let your child play around any water without
adult supervision.
• Don’t allow running or rough play around the water.
Sun Block Mistakes
• Not using sun block.
• Not using enough sun block.
• Not reapplying sun block every few hours.
• Missing areas of your child’s body when you apply
sun block.
• Waiting too long to put sun block on.
• Letting your kids play outside
when the sun is strongest,
between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm.
• Not providing kids with shade.
Summer Food Safety
• Wash hands and surfaces often.
• Don’t cross-contaminate.
• Cook food to proper temperatures.
•Refrigerate leftovers promptly. Food left out of refrigeration for more than 2 hours may not be safe to
eat. At 90 °F or above, food should not be left out
over 1 hour.
• If you have any doubts, throw it out.
Insect Repellents
• Insect repellents with DEET are probably the best
and most commonly used. It is generally safe as
long as the product has less than 10-30% DEET.
• Cover as much skin with clothing as possible.
• Wear light colored clothing, so as not to attract bugs.
• Avoid using any scented soaps or other products,
since the fragrances can also attract insects.
• Consider applying insect repellents to clothing
instead of to skin so that it won’t be absorbed.
• Wash off insect repellents as soon as possible.
• Avoid areas with insect nests.
• Follow the instructions, including age restrictions on
any insect repellent you are considering using.
Junior Achievement
Concludes 9th Year in West Central
Hartford/Humboldt, SD – Over 700 West Central students have been impacted by Junior
Achievement (JA) during the 2010 – 2011 school year. Area volunteers recently concluded classes in
grades 1st – 7th, along with a special course (Ethics in Business) for high school students, sponsored
by Citibank.
Organizers of the West Central chapter attribute this year’s success to two primary sources. A
great volunteer base and continued monetary support by local businesses and individual investors.
Community Ambassadors Vonnie Barnett and Scott Nelson would also like to thank the office staff
of the Junior Achievement Sioux Empire Region for their
administrative assistance throughout the school year.
Reminder, JA volunteers are currently in the process of
fundraising for the 2011 – 2012 school year. All sponsors
can expect recognition through signage and special events
for any contributions throughout the upcoming school year.
Other fundraising events in 2011 will be the annual Bean Bag
Tournament at the South Bar this summer and the annual
Bowl-A-Thon at Ten Pin Alley in the fall. If you would like to
know more about the West Central JA Chapter, please feel free
to call Vonnie (528-3435) or Scott (528-7320).
West Central Wire
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
Hartford Elementary
The Souper Bowl Thrives Despite Snowstorm!
Not even a 2-day break from school stopped West Central Hartford Elementary from collecting soup
and assorted items for this year’s “Souper Bowl of Caring.” The elementary school collected 1,156
cans of soup, peanut butter, tuna, and other items for the Humboldt Food Pantry.
Mrs. Spielmann’s second grade class was the winner
this year. They brought a total of 217 items for
the pantry. They received a football for their class
along with a $5.00 Trojan buck.
Second place
went to 1A with 124 items and third place was
2A with 107 cans. The true winners are the students
who brought items and thought of others. Thanks to all
who donated!
Mrs. Spielmann’s 2nd grade class.
Humboldt Elementary
Tis the Season...
We are into March now and that means our Dakota STEP Testing
is just around the corner. Humboldt Elementary will have a kickoff assembly for our 3rd - 5th graders on Friday, April 8th where
students will be encouraged to give their best effort. Testing will
begin on Monday, April 11th (note: this is a change from what was
provided in our school newsletter). Make-up days will be the week
of April 18th.
Parents are encouraged to see that students are getting adequate
sleep and nutritious meals. Students should also get plenty of
exercise as they will be “hard at work” during the testing sessions. We will provide students with
breaks and time to get fresh air during the testing days as well.
Each spring the Dakota STEP test is administered to all 3rd - 5th grade students in reading and
math.West Central Elementary’s 3rd - 5th grade students have tested above the state requirement
in both 2009 and 2010.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. A letter with more information will
soon be sent to the parents of our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders.
Matt Alley, Principal
WC Humboldt Elementary
West Central Wire
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
Humboldt Elementary
The Humboldt Elementary Student Council
has completed another one of its service
projects. In conjunction with the Super Bowl
XLV, they held their own Souper Bowl. This
was held the week prior to the Super Bowl.
Despite bad weather, and school closings, the
students collected 1000 items in three days.
Items included peanut butter, canned meats,
crackers, various soups, and vegetables.
These items were donated to the Faith
Lutheran Food Pantry in Humboldt. The
donation was greatly appreciated, as over
30 families use this food pantry per week.
This is one of very few food pantries between
Salem and Sioux Falls.
Student Council
members with
Pastor Glen and
items collected
Look at all the
food collected.
4th grade student
council waits to help
unload the truck.
Thank You all
for donating
to this
worthy cause.
Project Citizen
On February 24, the West Central 5th Grade class
participated in the Project Citizen local showcase. Project
Citizen is a civic literacy curriculum sponsored by the Center
for Civic Education and the Chiesman Center for Democracy.
The focus of the curriculum is to show students how to
be participatory citizens in a constitutional democracy by
teaching and having students model the process of public
policy making. In their social studies class, each 5th Grade
section class identified a 21st Century problem and offered a
problem solving statement. The students identified several
alternatives to solving the problem and researched pros and
cons for each alternative. Based on their research, students
selected the best solution to the problem and put together
a plan of action on how to implement the new policy. The
students documented their project on a tri-fold display board
and a 3-ring binder portfolio. During the showcase, each
class had 16 minutes to present their policy proposal before
a panel of judges and then had to be prepared to answer
6 minutes of follow up questions from the judges. All four
sections chose to address school policy issues. The topics
included a new dress code, more foreign language classes,
recycling milk cartons, and everyday Physical Education.
Class 5B won the showcase in a very close competition. Their
presentation focused on the need for more foreign language
classes and was called “Talk to the World.” These students
participated in the state Project Citizen showcase held in
Pierre on March 10th, where they received an excellent
rating on their presentation.
West Central Wire
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
Humboldt Elementary
Third Grade Resident Experts
Have you heard the buzz of activity? The third grade students have been honing their research skills
by becoming “Resident Experts.” Each student chose a topic of interest to them. They have been using
classroom computers, encyclopedias and other reference materials to
complete the project. During library and computer time, Mrs. Marketon
and Mr. Wiertzma helped students continue their investigations. All Third
graders chose 3-5 activities from a diverse menu to share their newly
acquired expertise. Some of the choices were: Power Point presentation,
poster, acrostic poem, newspaper article, diorama, and fact/fable flip
book. The children learned to read the resource information and then
retell it in their own words to avoid plagiarism. It has been exciting to
hear the students share their projects.
We have had “experts” teach us about historical events and people
like Pearl Harbor and Lewis and Clark. We have animal experts on
penguins, alligators and eagles just to name a few. We also have
experts on places like Russia, Ireland and things like jets. Did you
know that if a mother penguin loses her chick, she just goes and
takes a chick from another mother?
This project was a definite success. The children were excited and
very engaged. In fact, they are already asking when we will do
another project.
Guy Johnson, Principal
WCMS Science Fair
We are proud of the work that
all of our students put into the
science fair projects. Those who
created top projects represented
our school in the regional science
fair held in Brookings on March
25th. At WCMS, we believe that
students learn well when they are
challenged to find the solution to
complex problems.
The middle school science fair was held on February 17th in conjunction with parent-teacher conferences. As part of
our science curriculum, every middle school student prepares a project for the event. The science fair process includes
the selection of a problem to investigate, the formulation of a hypothesis or educated guess as to the solution, testing
and reporting out. Our WCMS students wonder about a variety of things, with problems ranging from building model
wind turbines and catapults to testing chemical processes. Our students not only had fun through their investigations,
but also learned a great deal in the process.
6th grade
• 1st place----John Funk & Corwin McBreen -- “ultimate drop”
• 2nd place---Emma Habben & Sydney Goertel -- “you light up my fog”
• 3rd place----Tyler Haberer & Isaiah Ohayan -- “what a drag”
7th grade
• 1st place----Collin Reese & Jonah Rechtenbaugh -- “wind power”
• 2nd place---Nathan Saygili -- “salty energy”
• 3rd place----Dan Haugen & Ethan French -- “got hops?”
8th grade
• 1st place----Keagan Peters -- “the levitating train”
• 2nd place---Madi Miller -- “warped words”
• 3rd place----Nasya Sechser & Hanna Wahl -- “CSI glowin blue”
West Central Wire
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
Mark Hofer, Principal
2011 Prom/After Prom
The 2011 Junior-Senior Prom will be held on Saturday, April 16th. All students participating in the lock-in
event will need to arrive by 5:30 PM when the doors will be locked. The Grand March will begin at 6:00 PM, and
the public is invited to this event. The west doors will be unlocked for your entrance. Visitors will NOT be allowed
to enter on the east side of the high school.
A catered dinner and senior slide show will follow the Grand March. Students will dance from
8:00 to midnight. Due to increased expenses and larger class sizes, there will be a non-refundable $20 fee for
all non-West Central junior and senior dates (i.e. out of school dates and underclassmen) due by March 30th.
For more information, contact prom advisors Heather Gayken and Brad Kennett at 528-6236.
After Prom, headed up by junior and senior parents, will begin at midnight. The plan is to leave WC at about
12:30 AM for the Madison Community Center. Upon arriving, the students will have something to eat and a
variety of activities will be available, such as swimming, hot tubbing, basketball, volleyball, arcade games, rock
climbing wall, Wii, and racquetball. A Hypnotist will perform at the end of the night and then the students will
return to West Central at about 5 AM for door prize drawings. For volunteering, donating, or more information,
please contact Stacey Sieverding at (605) 728-1390.
Prom Season
With prom season around the corner, here is some important information for parents, provided by
South Dakota Department of Public Safety.
With prom and graduation fast approaching, it’s important to talk to your children about the risks
and consequences of underage drinking. According to a recent survey*, 11th and 12th graders think
their peers are more likely to drink on the nights of prom and graduation, yet they don’t comprehend the
danger in driving on these evenings.
Of the students polled, 90 percent think their peers are likely to drink on prom night, and 79 percent
said the same about the night of graduation. However, only 29% think driving is dangerous on prom
night, and only 25% think likewise about graduation night.
As a parent, your perception of underage drinking matters to your children. In one study published in
the Journal of Studies on Alcohol, nearly 75 percent of South Dakota teens living in permissive households
say they drank heavily in ninth grade. Only 8 percent of children from nonpermissive households said the
It has been proven that when you talk to your children, they’ll listen. We can help you talk to your
kids. Visit www.safesouthdakota.com to learn more.
• Make a plan. Prepare yourself to talk to your kids.
• Present the facts. Set the tone by telling your kids you love them, and then present the facts.
• Listen. After presenting the facts as you see them, listen -- really listen!
• Discuss. Be steady and consistent. Resist being drawn into an argument.
• Set rules and consequences. Make it clear that you will not tolerate alcohol use. Set limits and follow
• Continue the conversation. Talking to your kids about alcohol use isn’t a one-time event -- it’s a
continuous process.
* According to a 2009 poll conducted by ORC Guideline for Liberty Mutual and Students Against Destructive Decisions.
West Central Wire
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
2010 U.S. Presidential
Scholars Announced
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced the selection of 141 outstanding high
school seniors as the 2010 U.S. Presidential Scholars. The students have demonstrated outstanding
academic achievement, artistic excellence, leadership, citizenship, service, and contribution to school
and community. U.S. Presidential Scholars will be honored for their accomplishments in Washington
D.C., from June 19-22.
“These student leaders and scholars show that setting high expectations and striving for excellence
pays off,” Duncan said. “Their academic and artistic achievements reflect a sense of purpose that we
should seek to instill in all students to prepare them for college, careers, civic responsibilities, and the
challenges of today’s job market.”
The 141 U.S. Presidential Scholars include one young man and one young woman from each state,
the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, and from U.S. families living abroad, as well as 15 chosen atlarge and 20 Presidential Scholars in the Arts. The White House Commission on Presidential Scholars
appointed by the President selected the scholars based on their academic success, artistic excellence,
essays, school evaluations and transcripts, as well as evidence of community service, leadership, and
demonstrated commitment to high ideals.
For the past 46 years, this prestigious program has honored more than 6,000 of the nation’s topperforming students. Of the three million students expected to graduate from high school this year,
more than 3,000 candidates qualified on the basis of outstanding performance on the College Board
SAT and ACT exams, or by nomination through the nationwide YoungArts™ competition conducted by
the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts.
The U.S. Presidential Scholars Program was created in 1964 to honor academic achievement. It was
expanded in 1979 to recognize students who demonstrate exceptional talent in the visual, literary
and performing arts.
Since 1983, each Presidential Scholar has invited his or her most inspiring and challenging
teacher to travel to Washington, D.C., to receive a Teacher Recognition Award from the U.S.
Department of Education and to participate in
the recognition events.
to West Central seniors
Emily McMahon
and Sean McCluskey
on there nomination for the
Presidential Scholars Program.
West Central Wire
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
Summer library hours will begin on Tuesday, May 19th. Those
hours will be:
Monday & Wednesday
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday & Thursday
3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Friday - CLOSED
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Used Book
In honor of National Library
Week, the West Central/
Hartford Branch library
will host a used book
sale on April 11-16. Hard
covered books will sell for
25 cents and paperbacks
for 10 cents. Come and
find some good buys!
Siouxland Libraries
Take a tour of Siouxland Libraries web site by going to www.siouxlandlib.org and see what is available
to you by living near a library either in Hartford or Humboldt.
On the upper left hand side are links to the Library Site Map: Kids, Teens, and Adults. The site map
will give you directions on how to get to the library nearest you plus the hours that branch is open to
the public. The other links – kids, teens and adults – each have links on what is new in the library,
workshops and other activities put on by the library.
The kid’s link can also be reached by the address www.slkids.org. Links available here are: what’s
new at the library, activities, fun links, the new Tumble Books, downloadables and other information
pertinent to children. This site will also let you know about any special activities being sponsored by
the library. Preschool story time will begin again at the Hartford Branch on March 17th for four weeks
on Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.
In the Teens site, you will find a new blog instituted for teens which will keep them informed on
new materials such as, available books and movies. Contests, workshops and other subjects are
addressed at this site.
You can always renew your books, place holds on items to be picked up at a Siouxland Libraries
branch of your choice and check out what’s new. A number of databases are open to you with a valid
library card. For example: an auto repair manual continues to be a favorite. At this site, you can also
read the most common questions and answers asked a librarian. If your question is not there, a link
will take you to our “Ask a librarian” where questions may be asked and answers will be given later.
Current Hartford library branch hours are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.;
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Stop in to see us and let
us help you with your reading, viewing or listening needs.
West Central Wire
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
Band News
Chorus News
Congratulations to Isaac McMahon and
Keagan Peters. Isaac made the 2011 South
Dakota High School All-State Band. He
played bassoon in the Lewis Band in Yankton
on March 24-26. Keagan represented West
Central Middle School by making the 2011
South Dakota Middle School All-State
Band. Keagan played trumpet with the top
6th, 7th, and 8th graders from across the
state on March 4th & 5th in Pierre.
Congratulations to the following five senior vocal
students - Megan Shumaker, Daniel Renner, Emily
McMahon, Sean McCluskey, and Paige Buhr. These
students were selected to sing the National Anthem
on Saturday, March 12 at the State ‘A’ Girl’s
Basketball Tournament in Watertown, SD. Paige
sang as a soloist for the afternoon session and a
quartet of Megan, Dan, Emily, and Sean sang for
the evening session.
Upcoming Events/Concerts:
Spring Concert:
April 19th at 7:00 p.m
in the HS Gym
The concert will feature
the 6th, 7th, 8th, and HS Band.
Upcoming Events/Concerts:
Middle School Spring Vocal Concert:
April 7 at 7:00 PM
High School Spring Vocal Concert:
April 11 at 7:00 PM
Hartford Elementary Spring Concert:
April 14 at 7:00 PM at Becker Center
Large Group Contest:
April 20 at Harrisburg High School
Humboldt Elementary Spring Concert:
K-3rd – April 28 at 7:00 PM
at Humboldt Gym
4th-5th – May 9th at 7:00 PM
at Humboldt Gym
Music Dinner:
April 30
Check out the Trojan
Tribune ONLINE!
West Central High School’s newspaper,
the Trojan Tribune, is online & includes
several interactive features.
Access the site at
the WEB
West Central Wire
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
Volleyball Camp
Coach Contact: Amy.R.Johnson@k12.sd.us
June 13th – 15th
9-12 Camp 9:00–11:30 (cost $50)
7-8 Camp 12:00–1:30 (cost $30)
5-6 Camp 2:00–3:00 (cost $20)
Football Camp
Coach Contact: Kent.Mueller@k12.sd.us
July 11th – 14th
Boys Basketball Camp
Coach Contact: Levi.A.Tvedt@k12.sd.us
May 31st – June 4th
Girls Basketball Camp
Coach Contact: Joe.Caffrey@k12.sd.us
June 6th – 9th
Wrestling Camp
Coach Contact: Mike.Ideker@12.sd.us
June 6th-9th – West Central Camp
June 26th-30th – Nebraska Camp
Band Camps
Director Contact: Daniel.Eye@k12.sd.us
Drumline/Colorguard Camp
July 20th, 21st, 25th and 26th
(9 a.m. – 4 p.m.)
Freshman/Section Leaders
July 27th
Instructor Contact: Kristen.Rhoades@k12.sd.us
Full Band Camp
July 28th-29th, August 1st-5th
(9 a.m. – 4 p.m.)
August 9th (6 p.m. – 8 p.m.)
Picture and Parent Preview
with potluck
August 11th (5 p.m. – 7 p.m.)
Tryouts – May 2nd
Coach Contact: emily@wildwaterwest.com
Jr/Sr High Camp
at Star Performance Complex
June 10th, 11th, and 12th
West Central Wire
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
Destination Imagination
Nine West Central Destination Imagination teams competed at Tri-Valley at Regional Competition on March
5th, 2011. Five of those teams will be moving on to compete at State Tournament in Pierre on April 2.
The 2nd grade Rising Star team performed but did not compete for scores. Team
members are Alaina Murphy, Skuya Hagen, Taylor Even, A.J. Nytroe, Abby Fraas
and Josie Koch. The team is managed by LeAnn Fraas.
The middle level team, “Dorks in Black,” placed first in Challenge A - Unidentified
Moving Object. Team managers are David Fraas and Tammy Martin. Members are
Gerald Fraas, Noah Larson, Allison Martin and Devin Clausen. The team members
are all 8th graders and will be moving on to State competition in April.
The middle level team “The Purple Elephants” placed first in Challenge B Spinning a Tale. Team members are 7th graders Erica Lorang and Adrianna Atkins.
The Purple
The team manager is Tracy Lorang. They will be moving on to State competition in
The elementary level team “Hip O Lympians” placed
second in Challenge C - Triple Take Road Show. Team
members are Heather Totten, Dana Voss, Eli McMahon, Ashly
Canfield, Chevy Powers, Gabe Lorang, and Zeb Johnson.
The fifth graders are managed by Deb Johnson and Tracy
Lorang. They will also be moving on to State competition.
Two elementary level teams from West Central also
competed in Challenge C, but did not place. The 3rd grade
team, Mystery Girls, managed by Brenda Sosa and Katie
Boggs included Epiphany Hammer, Bess Golden, Olivia
Dorks in Black Heath, Abbey Nielsen, Madison Charbonneau, Ariana Wolfe,
and Allie Kunkel. The WC Milkshakes, the fourth grade team
managed by Amanda Witt included Abby Witt, CJ Clausen,
Adrian Buss, Alex Buss, Laura Linneman, Ashley Nettifee
and Evie Golden
The Fabulous Four, the senior level team managed by
Amanda Witt, placed 3rd in Challenge C and will not be
continuing to State. Members include Courtney Anderson,
Krista Jacobson, Jackie Bossman and Lizzy Serrao. They are
all tenth graders.
The elementary level team Pink Panther, placed first in
Challenge E - Verses! Foiled Again! The 4th and 5th grade
Rising Stars
team is managed by Steve Schaffer. Team members are
Wyatt Powers, Bruce Shannon, Mike Miller, Meagan Canfield,
Maddison Tulin, Michael Gillespie and Elaina Wegleitner.
They will be moving on to state in April.
The Project Outreach team was invited to compete at
State by the Regional Tournament board. The Mind Busters
are 6th and 7th graders managed by Patty Larson. Members
of the team are Dalton Larson, Shawn Shannon II, Katrina
Callahan, Melissa Voss and Shona Bird.
All the teams did a great job. Be sure to wish the teams
moving on to State Tournament good luck on April 2nd!
The Hipolympians
West Central Wire
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
Members Submit State FFA Degree Applications
Eleven West Central FFA members recently completed their State FFA Degree Applications. The State
Degree is the highest award a member can receive on the state level. The award is based on the
student’s leadership and school activities as well as their involvement and accomplishment in their
Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE).
Members with exceptional SAE accomplishments may be eligible for any of the Star awards. Brooke
Pearson applied and was named District VII runner up for Star Farmer. The Star Farmer Award recognizes
those members who are involved in production agriculture and have
ownership in livestock or crop land or another entrepreneurial area
of production agriculture. Sydnie Howey is the District VII Star in
Placement runner-up. Placement SAE’s require a member to work in
an agricultural business accumulating paid and/or unpaid hours.
District VII Star candidates will now advance to state consideration
where the top four members in each of four Star categories will
be interviewed in a competition culminating during the State FFA
Convention in April.
West Central FFA Members who will be awarded the State FFA
Degree in April are: Brooke Pearson, Sydnie Howey, Jeremy
Nettifee, Stacia Knuth, Sami Galliger, Kelsey Wagner, Cam Green,
Tucker Smith, Spencer Kurtz, Ethan Schumacher, and Austin Wolfe.
Members Attend Legislative Breakfast
West Central FFA members recently attended the
annual South Dakota FFA Legislative Breakfast
in Pierre, SD. FFA members representing each of
the 7 FFA Districts traveled to Pierre, in between
snow days, in January. Members participated
in District Officer Training conducted by the
State Officers, toured the Capitol, participated
in question and answer sessions with education
and agriculture officials and discussed budget
shortfalls for South Dakota schools.
State Legislators arrived early the next morning to be greeted by FFA members from across the state.
Each District Officer was seated with Legislators from their home legislative district. John Farris,
former interim Secretary of Agriculture was the speaker for the breakfast session. Members had the
opportunity to share their own stories and the impact that Agricultural Education and FFA has had in
their lives.
Members representing West Central are Joe Schartz, Shannon Miller, Liz Renner, Anthony Even and
Maty Skinner. WCFFA Advisor, Linda Petersen accompanied the District Officers.
West Central Wire
CDE Season
in Full Swing
During the Spring months, WCFFA
members are busy preparing for
and competing in CDEs (Career
Development Events).
Career opportunities abound within
today’s agriculture industry. CDEs
help students develop the abilities
to think critically, communicate
clearly, and perform effectively in a
competitive job market.
There are 24 CDEs, covering job skills
in everything from communications
to mechanics. Some events allow
students to compete as individuals,
while others allow them to compete
in teams.
Over 50 members recently traveled
to CDEs held in Howard. Members
are starting the Production CDE with
The Natural Resources
Team of Riley Olson, Chelsea Munce,
Ethan Schumacher and Cam Green
placed 3rd as a team with Riley
placing among the top 10 individuals.
In Floriculture, Melinda Knuth placed
6th and Sydnie Howey placed 10th.
The Equine (Horse) Evaluation Team
of Jorry Lammers, Chrissy Becker
and Breanna Gray ranked 4th.
In Meats, the team of Sami Galliger,
Tiffany Hanisch, Liz Renner and
Kelsey Wagner placed 4th.
Members will compete in CDEs at
Tri-Valley, Flandreau and Lennox in
preparation for the State CDEs which
will be held in conjunction with the
State FFA Convention April 10-12
in Brookings. State winning teams
advance to national competition in
Indianapolis, IN during the National
FFA Convention in October.
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
Greetings from the West
Central Athletic Boosters!
once there click on flipflopweborder.pdf
The Booster Club is in need of a volunteer to fill the position of
Secretary and volunteers to coordinate concessions before track
meets and football games. If interested, please contact DeAnne
Rechtenbaugh at westcentralboosterclub@gmail.com.
ATTENTION High School Seniors! Be sure to stop by Mr. Murphy’s
office and pick up your application for the Booster Club Scholarship.
We will be awarding one girl and one boy a $250 scholarship.
Applications are due May 1, 2011.
The Booster Club sponsored two middle school basketball
tournaments this winter. The Girls’ tournament was held in January
and the Boys’ was in February. Each tournament had more than
30 teams participating. Thank you to all the coaches, players and
parents who helped make these tournaments successful.
The Booster Club has committed to donating $2000 per year
over the next 5 years to West Central to be used towards the
scoreboard that will be installed in the new gymnasium.
Be sure to check the merchandise sale that we have going on
right now. There is a link on the school website where you will find
the sale items listed in red. If you are interested in purchasing
any items, feel free to contact one of our officers.
The Athletic Boosters meet the third Sunday of the month.
Watch the Hartford and Humboldt Newspapers for the times and
locations of the meetings. Meeting minutes can be found on the
school website under the Booster Club link.
Until next time! Go Trojans!!
DeAnne Rechtenbaugh - President
West Central Wire
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
As the school year ends, Summer KARE begins. Some of the activities in Summer KARE
include swimming, crafts, computer time, reading, enriching age appropriate activities, and
weekly field trips.
Summer KARE is held at the Hartford Elementary building Monday through Friday from 7:00
am to 6:00 PM.
If your child is interested in attending Summer KARE this year, please complete both sides of
the registration form found in this newsletter and return it to Lori Johnson by April 15, 2011.
If you have any questions about the KARE program, you may contact Lori Johnson at 5283215, ext. 1324 or email her at lori.johnson@k12.sd.us.
BUS RULES ARE FOR SAFETY!- Please help your student to understand that bus rules are to
keep everyone safe and protected. Students need to obey the rules on the bus.
SHUTTLE DEPARTURE- The shuttle buses from Hartford to Humboldt leave at 8:10 every
morning. Please have your student at the school cafeteria early so they won’t miss the bus!
RIDING A DIFFERENT BUS? If your student is riding a bus other than their regularly assigned
bus, the driver must have a note from parents or the school. Seating is assigned and room is
not always available. Please communicate early if you need to make alternative arrangements.
LOST & FOUND Items left on the bus are taken to Hartford Elementary. Anything left on the bus
for more than a couple of days will be there.
BE READY EARLY. While we strive for consistency, please remember that bus stop times can
vary by about 10 minutes. Things beyond our control such as, weather, students not riding,
mechanical problems, etc., all factor into this.
NOT RIDING TODAY? Please remember to call the transportation office at 528-6235 before 6:30
am if your child is not riding that day. Voicemail is available 24/7 so you can call anytime. Email
notification is available at rick.coker@k12.sd.us
Thanks for letting us know if you’re not riding!
West Central Wire
APRIL 2011/MAY 2011
Thank you for your continued participation and support of WC
Community Education. For more information on our course offerings visit
our site at: http://wccommed.wikispaces.com/.
Click on Course Offerings on the left hand side of the site for a list of all
our course offerings throughout the school year & summer. The course
name is a link that will take you to a page with more detailed information
about each specific class/camp and a copy of the registration form.
Registration can be turned in at any WC School Office.
If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in teaching a class
through West Central Community Education, please contact Sara or Amy,
our co-directors. If you have ideas for a class, or are interested in
learning a certain craft, project, topic, or sport, we'd like to hear from
you. Your input and ideas help to make WC Community Education a
better program.
Current Open Course Offerings
Up Coming Courses/Events
Jazzercise - Weekly
Shelly Habben, Certified Instructor
Wednesday Nights, 7:30-8:30 PM
Saturday Mornings, 7:00-8:00 AM
Coupon Class - April/May
Other possible ideas we’re
working on for next year . . .
Hair Styling - May
This idea came from a community member who attended a class. We’re
working out the details with the instructor as this is being printed! Check
the website for more information!
Mac 101
Your HS student’s getting a Macbook for school,
and you want to know some of the basic ins &
outs for the Mac.
Wiki What?
What’s this wiki my son/daughter is using for
school. We’ll explore basic Web 2.0 tools used
by teachers in our district.
Digital Photography
Karate/Tae Kwon Do
Guitar Lessons
Jewelry Making
Make-up for Middle School Girls
We offered one session already in March, but we’re doing another session
in MAY by request! Watch the website/flyers from school for more
Track & Field Event - May
Ideas are in the works for a local track and field event for our elementary
aged students! Check the website and be looking for flyers!
Summer Art Camps - June
We have classes planned for all ages (20 months - adult). The descriptions
and registration is all on the website already! These classes are going to
be instructed by Brenda Sosa, Art Teacher at WC Hartford Elementary.
Summer Academic Enrichment Opportunities - June, July, August
We’re working out the details! Information should be posted on
the website the first week of April!
West Central Community Education
WC ADMIN OFFICE (605) 528-3217
705 East 2nd Street
Hartford, sd 57033
Sara Jost - sara.jost@k12.sd.us!
528-3799, Ext. 1200!
WC Community Ed Website:
Amy Hiedeman - amy.hiedeman@k12.sd.us
528-3799, Ext 1240, 1443, or 1313
West Central School District
Administration Office
P.O. Box 730
Hartford, SD 57033
Save the Date!
Saturday, April 30
You are cordially invited to
West Central’s Annual Music Association Dinner
When: Saturday, April 30
Where: WCHS Commons and Becker Center
Performances by: All 4th-12th Grade Band and Chorus Musicians
4:30 Serving begins in the Commons
5:00-6:45 Solos & ensembles will perform in the Commons
7:00 Grand Concert in the Becker Center
Tickets: $5 for children/students • $7 for adults
Tickets are available at the Hartford Branch Library, in pre-sales flyers from music students, and at the door.