read - ST Marys Blair


read - ST Marys Blair
St. Mary's
April 2015/May 2015
Prepare for a New Creation
Upcoming Events
4/2: Maundy Thursday
4/3: Good Friday
4/5: Easter Sunday
4/13-4/14: Church
Growth Leadership
5/10: Mother's Day
S T . M A RY 'S
1734 Grant St
Blair, NE 68008
(402) 426-2057
I read an interesting article
recently written by Charlie
Munger, the fairly-well known
partner of Warren Buffet.
Apparently he was at a
speaking engagement in Los
Angeles, representing a
particular business interest
with which he is associated.
Being that I—like nearly all of
you reading this message—
reside in eastern Nebraska,
and know that anything stated
by Mr. Buffet or Mr. Munger
always receives a lot of press
coverage, I made the decision
to see what the title of his talk
was about. And there is was:
“Prepare for Harder World”. A
daunting prognostication from
one famous, 90+ year-old
financier who was commenting
on what the next half-century
may bring.
While of course the Oracle of
Omaha (Mr. Buffet) and his
colleagues and associates
receive hyper-attention
because of the very real and
very significant importance
they wield on financial
matters, this article related to
me because of how I
associated the sentiments
with the larger Church. Over
the last few weeks, I have
heard a number of
individuals speaking with real
lament about the state of the
mainline churches. “People
just don’t care as much
anymore.” “We can’t
compete with other Sundaymorning and afternoon
activities.” “My spouse and I
work too much, and we gotta
sleep on that one day!”
Being that we are Christians,
we attempt, as best we can
hopefully, to utilize our
material possessions to and
for whatever purpose is at
hand. But we are to give all
of our spiritual needs and
petitions, as well as
thanksgivings for all that we
already have, to God.
Immediately---like the allimportant timely word in
Mark’s Gospel for this church
year—I thought of the person
of Jesus of Nazareth and the
importance of the Easter
message and his becoming
The Risen Lord, Jesus Christ.
That is, in the midst of all
that surrounds us in our daily
lives, the doom, the gloom,
the very real and hard
scenarios of struggle, work,
and the thanklessness that
we think we “receive” from
others…the constant news
flow of the latest catastrophe
anywhere in the
world…there is still a
message of Hope and Love.
There is always a new
opportunity to share the
Gospel—the Good News of
Jesus Christ—with anyone
who will listen. That is the
meaning of Easter: A new
hope that is eternal life
through Jesus Christ. A new
possibility for reconciliation
and transformation. A
renewed way of honoring
God and The Holy Trinity. A
new realization of God’s
mercy as His Son “emptied”
himself for our sake. With no
disrespect to a very
knowledgeable and insightful
financier, let us also “Prepare
for a New Creation!” Fr.
Page 2
Easter Message
It’s still dark when Mary
ventures out to find the tomb.
The graveyards around
Jerusalem don’t have much
greenery today. The earth is
mostly rock and stone, and it
is far from easy to make a
place to secure a body. Jesus’
body was put in a cave-like
space, with a stone rolled
across the opening to close it
up. Mary has made the
journey from wherever she’s
sheltered over the last day,
through darkened streets,
perhaps hearing cocks begin to
crow and townspeople start to
She nears the place, but
somehow it seems different
than they left it – this can’t be
it, can it? Who moved the
stone? A trip begun in tears
and grief now has added
burden– confusion, anger,
shock, chaos, abandonment.
His very body has been stolen.
She runs to tell the others. The
three tear back to the tomb –
no, the body is not there,
though some of the burial
cloths remain. Who has torn
away the shroud and stolen
him away? Why must the cruel
torture continue, sacrilege and
insult even after death? Who
has done this awful thing? The
men run away again, leaving
her to weep at even greater
She peers in once more – who
are these, so bold appearing?
“Fear not, woman… why do
you weep?” She turns away
and meets another, who says
the same – why do you weep,
who are you looking for? This
Bishop Clarkson Grant
gardener has himself been
planted and now springs up
green and vibrant, still rising
into greater life. He challenges
her to go and share that rising,
great news of green and life,
with those who have fled.
Still rising, still seeking union
with Creator, making tender
offering to beloved friends –
briefly I am with you, I am on
my way. Go and you will find
me if you look.
The risen one still offers life to
those who will look for
evidence of his gardening –
hope, friendship, healing,
reunion, restoration – to all
who have been uprooted, cut
off, to those who are parched
and withered, to those who lie
wasting in the desert. Why do
we weep or run away when
that promise abides?
We can find that green one,
still rising, if we will go stand
with the grieving Marys of this
world, if we will draw out the
terrified who have retreated to
their holes, if we will walk the
Emmaus road with the lost and
confused, if we will search out
the hungry in the
neighborhood called Galilee.
We will find him already there
before us, bringing new and
verdant life. The only place we
will not find him is in the tomb.
The Most Rev. Katharine
Jefferts Schori
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church
For a third year, The Bishop
Clarkson Foundation has
funded a line item in our
diocesan budget to support a
program that awards small
grants (up to $5,000) to
encourage and support church
growth. We have up to
$25,000 to award in 2015.
These grants can be used to
fund any ministry, initiative or
program designed to promote
real and sustainable church
growth. Grant applications to
help encourage numerical,
missional and spiritual growth
are welcomed.
- Maximum amount of grant $5,000
- Requests for smaller amounts
will receive particular
- No more than one grant
request per church per year
- Grant requests that include
partnerships between multiple
churches are encouraged
- Grants may be awarded to
the same church and project
for up to 3 consecutive years
- Deadline for application June 1, 2015
- Grants will be awarded in the
autumn of 2015
- Grant recipients will be
required to report on their
project outcomes in 2016
- Applications from churches
that accept and pay their full
diocesan faith asking will be
given priority
- Clarkson grants are intended
to support new, innovative and
entrepreneurial church
ministries targeted at growing
our local parishes. We will
carefully consider every grant
application, but applications to
fund existing ministries that
are not self-sustaining are less
likely to receive funding
Page 3
Youth Group Rock Climbing
The St. Mary’s Youth Group met together at the
University of Nebraska- Omaha’s Climbing Wall on
Sunday, March 8th. Most of the participants were
first-time climbers at such a facility. Taking part in
the early afternoon climbing sessions were: Candy
Hutchson and friend Amanda, Jesse Hutchson,
Danielle and Hailey Howell, and Fr. John Symonds.
The on-looking adult supporters were Jon
Hutchson, and Tom & Renee McWilliams.
New Roster of Acolytes
New Forward Day by Day
Throughout Lent, three
of the parish’s young
people have been
involved with acolyte
training. Danielle Howell,
Matthew Burns, and
Norah Cloudt have been
practicing the longstanding art of learning
how to be torch-bearers
within the Church. It is
anticipated that they will
become regular
participants within the
Acolytes rotation for St.
Mary’s beginning on
Easter Sunday. Let’s
welcome all three of
them in their new
The latest copy of the
popular daily
devotional, Forward
DAY by DAY, is
available in the
brochure rack in the
narthex. The latest
issue covers the
months of May, June,
and July.
Page 4
Spring Clean-Up Day Held March 28
Spring cleaning was alive
and well on Saturday
morning, March 28th.
Members of the parish
family came out for the
annual building & grounds
renewal within the church
to prepare for the
upcoming Easter holiday.
Special thanks to Junior
Warden Mark Card and the
Vestry for planning the
day’s activities. A special
thanks to: Bill & Nan
Smutko; Arwilla Tietjesn;
Kittie Stricklett; Tom &
Renee McWilliams and Karl
& Janelle Burns.
Page 5
April Calendar Items
4/1: Alcoholics Anonymous – “Wednesday Morning
Freedom Group” 9:30 AM
4/2: Maundy Thursday Service 7:00 PM
4/3: Good Friday Community Service: First United
Methodist 12:05 PM
4/3: Good Friday Service 7:00 PM
4/4: Great Vigil of Easter Service 5:00 PM
4/5: Easter Sunday service 10:00 AM
4/5: Easter Egg hunt 11:30 AM
4/7: St. Mary's Bible and Book Study Group:
Narthex 10:00 AM
4/7: Alcoholics Anonymous - "Tuesday Night
Happiness Group" 8:00 PM
4/8: Alcoholics Anonymous – “Wednesday Morning
Freedom Group” 9:30 AM
4/8: Vestry 6:30 PM
4/11: The Gathering 5:00 PM
4/13: Church Growth Leadership Summit: Lincoln
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
4/14: Church Growth Leadership Summit: Lincoln
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
4/14: St. Mary's Bible and Book Study Group:
Narthex 10:00 AM
4/14: Homeless Bridge Club 1:00 PM
4/14: 4/7: Alcoholics Anonymous - "Tuesday Night
Happiness Group" 8:00 PM
4/15: Alcoholics Anonymous – “Wednesday Morning
Freedom Group” 9:30 AM
4/15: Pastoral Care Team 10:00 AM
4/15: Daughters of the King 7:00 PM at Liberty
4/19: Third Sunday Brunch11:30 AM
4/21: St. Mary's Bible and Book Study Group:
Narthex 10:00 AM
4/21: 4/7: Alcoholics Anonymous - "Tuesday Night
Happiness Group" 8:00 PM
4/22: Alcoholics Anonymous – “Wednesday Morning
Freedom Group” 9:30 AM
4/25: The Gathering 5:00 PM
4/28: St. Mary's Bible and Book Study Group:
Narthex 10:00 AM
4/28: 4/7: Alcoholics Anonymous - "Tuesday Night
Happiness Group" 8:00 PM
4/29: Alcoholics Anonymous – “Wednesday Morning
Freedom Group” 9:30 AM
May Calendar Items
5/5: St. Mary's Bible and Book Study Group:
Narthex 10:00 AM
5/5: Alcoholics Anonymous - "Tuesday Night
Happiness Group" 8:00 PM
5/6: Alcoholics Anonymous – “Wednesday Morning
Freedom Group” 9:30 AM
5/9: The Gathering 5:00 PM
5/10: Blessing of the Animals for Rogation Sunday
5/10: Mother's Day
5/12: St. Mary's Bible and Book Study Group:
Narthex 10:00 AM
5/12: Homeless Bridge Club 1:00 PM
5/12: Alcoholics Anonymous - "Tuesday Night
Happiness Group" 8:00 PM
5/13: Alcoholics Anonymous – “Wednesday Morning
Freedom Group” 9:30 AM
5/13: Vestry 6:30 PM
5/14: Ascension Day Service 7:00 PM
5/17: Last Day of Godly Play
5/17: Third Sunday Brunch 11:30 AM
5/19: St. Mary's Bible and Book Study Group:
Narthex 10:00 AM
5/19: Alcoholics Anonymous - "Tuesday Night
Happiness Group" 8:00 PM
5/20: Alcoholics Anonymous – “Wednesday Morning
Freedom Group” 9:30 AM
5/20: Pastoral Care Team 10:00 AM
5/20: Daughters of the King 7:00 PM Parish Library
5/23: The Gathering 5:00 PM
5/24: Pentecost Sunday 10:00 AM
5/26: St. Mary's Bible and Book Study Group:
Narthex 10:00 AM
5/26: Alcoholics Anonymous - "Tuesday Night
Happiness Group" 8:00 PM
5/27: Alcoholics Anonymous – “Wednesday Morning
Freedom Group” 9:30 AM
Page 6
If you would like to begin receiving the
newsletter by email instead of the
paper copy, send an email to with the
subject e-newsletter. You will no longer
receive the paper copy, but an
electronic pdf version. If you would like
both a paper copy and the enewsletter, please specify that in the
If you would like to make an
announcement in the St. Mary’s
newsletter, send it to!
St. Mary's will host a baby shower for
Marie Shumake on Sunday, April 26th
following church services. Please make
plans to join us as we help Marie
celebrate and prepare for her newest
addition arriving this May!
Refreshments and snacks will be
served. Marie is most in need of general
baby care items--diapers, wipes,
bathing/grooming items, swaddling
blankets, etc. Please contact Rhonda
Dick at (402) 660-7250 or with questions.
VBS Coming June 8-12
Pack your trunks for VBS this summer!
Register now for VBS!
This summer, ignite kids' faith and expand their view of God's love for them- and
the world.
Register at: St. Mary's Episcopal Church
VBS dates: June 8-12
VBS times: 5:30 pm Dinner ~ 6:00 - 8:00 pm VBS
For more information call: Nicole 402-618-5679
Page 7
DR Missioners Seek Your Help
The NE Youth DR Mission Team
Returns to El Pedregal in June
The Diocese of Nebraska will be
well represented in the
mountains of central Dominican
Republic June 22-29, 2015.
Eighteen youth and leaders from
5 Nebraska parishes will once
again partner with Christ Church
Valdosta Georgia to complete
two very important construction
projects. First, we will build
another home for a church
family. This determined group
will also renovate an existing
building to serve the local
community as a Children’s
Shelter and Pre-School.
But that isn’t all your Nebraska
missioners have planned. Last
year, the Disney movies Frozen
and The Little Mermaid were
projected in Spanish for the
community. For many in
attendance, it was the first movie
they had ever seen. The time
spent together in fellowship was
beautiful, and has become
known as the “Movie Ministry.”
Rowan Ptomey
Since last June, a projector,
spare bulb, and more than 50
family friendly movies have
been delivered to Padre Alvaro
Yepes, and the Movie Ministry
A very special third project will
be completed in June by our NE
Summer Sanabria
Mission Rosebud 2015
Registration for this year's Diocesan Youth Outreach on the
Rosebud Indian Reservation opens Wednesday April 1st.
This year's trip will be June 14-19 and the cost will once again
be $250 per youth participant. Youth 12 and up will spend the
week completing a service project on the reservation,
providing lunch and VBS to children living in the town of
Rosebud, and having fun at the city pool and tubing down the
Niobrara River.
To register, and to learn more about our trip, visit the Diocese
website at:
Published March 27, 2015 | By tneadmin Nebraska Episcopalian
Youth Mission Team. A second
projector, DVD player, speakers
and other necessary equipment
will be installed in a dedicated
media room at the Diocesan
Camp. This room will be the
place where educational and
entertainment programs may be
enjoyed well into the future by
the community and by those
visiting the Diocesan Camp.
It is also the practice of the NE
Youth DR Mission Team to bring
much needed supplies to
present to the local priest for
distribution to the community.
Last year our group took 14
suitcases full of sports
equipment, medical supplies,
kitchen items, bedding,
vestments, school supplies and
a guitar.
This year Padre Alvaro has
indicated a great need for
school supplies and books for
their small library. Books for
grade school students should be
in Spanish, and books for the
upper grade levels can be in
English. At this time the school
does not have a computer lab.
Both of their computers are
broken. Used, but operable,
laptop computers are needed to
develop a computer laboratory at
the school.
How can you help? First, please
keep our 2015 NE Youth DR
Mission Team in your prayers.
Second, school supplies, books
and used laptops may be donated
for delivery this June to the
School of the Mount of the
Transfiguration. All donated
laptops will be returned to factory
settings prior to delivery. Finally,
you may financially support this
mission to change lives by
sending monetary gifts to Beth
Byrne, Diocesan Director of
Finance, at 109 North 18th
Street, Omaha NE 68102. Please
indicate your gift is to support the
NE Youth DR Mission.
Please contact Don and Melissa
Peeler at 402-572-7556, or at, with any
questions you may have
regarding this ministry or items
you may wish to donate.
Summer Murray
Page 8
From the Bishop
Remember that thou art dust, and
to dust shalt thou return.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ –
The season of Lent commences this
year on Wednesday February 18th.
The long stretch from Ash
Wednesday to Easter Sunday (40
days, which do not include the
Sundays that fall during those
weeks) is potentially one of the
most deeply meaningful seasons of
the Church calendar year. Over the
course of these weeks we will
journey together from the cold of
mid February to the warmth of early
April, from the cinders of Ash
Wednesday to the cool Baptismal
waters of the Great Vigil of Easter,
from the solemnity of, “Remember
that you are dust” to the glory of,
“Alleluia, Christ is Risen!”
By ancient tradition, Jesus’ followers
take on additional spiritual
disciplines during the season of
Lent. We don’t do this to earn any
special favor with God, but rather to
deepen our relationship with the
Holy One. Some people “give-up”
things for Lent. This makes sense if
by letting go of something in your
life more time or energy is created
to enrich your walk with Christ.
Other people “take on” new things
for Lent in a desire to achieve a similar
result. Anything you add to your life
that draws you closer to Jesus in some
fashion is a fit as a lenten discipline.
Many people draw strength and
meaning from associating their 40
days of lenten discipline with the 40
days Jesus was tempted in the
wilderness at the beginning of his
earthly ministry. Just as Jesus
renounced the temptations Satan
offered to embrace security, affection
and control outside of his relationship
with God, so too, we endeavor during
the season of Lent to rely fully – and
only – on God as the one source that
can meet all of our human needs.
Lent is in large part what you make it.
If you are thoughtful and intentional
about how you live these days, and
prayerful and open-minded to how
God might be moving in your life just
now, there is every reason to believe
that you can grow as a person of faith
during this special season, and come
to know the person of Jesus as a
savior, brother and friend like never
before. I hope you will join me in the
work of this one of a kind season.
Let’s make it a holy Lent!
Faithfully Yours in Christ –
+ Bishop Barker
Branching Out: Palm Sunday in Changchun
The Nebraska Episcopalian is
proud to share a new
collection of poems published
by Fr. Chuck Peek, Breezes on
Their Way to Becoming Winds.
The poetry collection is
available from
Poet/editor Susan Swartwout
says: “poems…accessible yet
challenging…entertaining and
gracefully connected in heart
and mind.” [TNE ed. – What
could describe our beloved Fr.
Peek better than that!]
Today’s poem, just in time for
Palm Sunday, is from this new
There were palm trees in
but here the bare-branched
offer little to the passers-by.
Off the hill to the north, kites
catch the strong currents and
their tails banners in the
dusky skies.
Below, along Xiyou Da Lu,
the way is strewn with the
usual debris
from where today’s vendors
had set up shop.
We come and go through the
narrow gate
through which students bike,
or parade
to waiting rows of buses and
Now, in our rooms, above the
below the hill, we believe we
can feel
some heat in the radiator along
the wall.
We have moved the flowers
Mary brought
to the table where bread and
will make a miracle of being
anywhere at all.
She was painfully shy,
explained in an email
it was her bad acnes, her bad
but this did not alter where
her face was set,
like another’s she’s never
heard of, who,
burdened by different streets
and hills and skies,
too trudged on till what was
willed was finished.
Changchun, China
March 20, 2005
Page 9
Happy Birthday To.........
4/8: Zach Van Gestel
4/11: Teri Cornett
4/11: Joyce Liberty
4/20: Emily Wilson
4/20: Retta Wolff
4/22: Pat Steinke
4/23: Linda Andersen
5/4: Jacob Swartwood
5/6: Bob Aronson
5/7: Kittie Stricklett
5/7: Gracie Coon
5/9: Jill Johnson
5/11: Frank Wolff
5/12: Adam Van Gestel
5/14: Amy Purdy
5/15: Jim Lemen
5/17: Jan Kolb
5/18: Asa Albus
5/18: Nick Smutko
5/20: Jenna Purdy
5/22: Betty Wilcox
5/25: Trisha Hall
5/27: Sidney Ham
Happy Anniversary To........
Jesse & Jill Johnson: 4/5
Tom & Linda Andersen: 4/26
Gordy & Linda Lippincott: 5/10
Asa & Imogene Albus: 5/15
Bob & Mabel Aronson: 5/18
Scott & Theresa Kolb: 5/24
Ministry Schedule – April 2015/May 2015
April 5
April 12
April 19
Nicole Cloudt
Bill Smutko
Pat Steinke
Iantha Wessel
Sharen Lemen
Helen Wilson
Bill & Nan Smutko
Paul & Jan Kolb
Asa & Imogene Albus
Gracie Coon
Renee McWilliams
Kim Symonds
April 26
Jesse Hutchson
Gracie Coon
Logan Thallas
Travis Mood
Jan Kolb
May 3
May 10
Jesse Hutchson
Gracie Coon
Kim Symonds
Rhonda Dick
May 17
Logan Thallas
Jesse Hutchson
Nicole Cloudt
Bill Smutko
Kathy Frahm & Jill
Josh & Rhonda Dick
Paul & Jan Kolb
Iantha Wessel
Bill & Nan Smutko
Gracie Coon
Pat Steinke
Nicole Cloudt
Sharen Lemen
Helen Wilson
Asa & Imogene Albus
Kathy Frahm & Jill
Renee McWilliams
Kim Symonds
May 24
May 31
Kathy Frahm
Janelle Burns
Thank you to Bill & Nan Smutko, Tom & Renee McWilliams, Karl & Janelle Burns,
Arwilla Tietjens and Kittie Stricklett for cleaning the interior of the church. It looks
Color Me
Kid's Corner
These activities can be found at
S Mary’s
Episcopal Church
1734 Grant St
Blair, NE 68008