Arties Gallery - The Chapel at Tinkers Creek
Arties Gallery - The Chapel at Tinkers Creek
,ffi M ffi h.orghort the Bibleye . nedrsbries of peoplelike tsther r{howasfaithfulandstood up for God.Herstoryhelps us Edrnnore dbout|{hoGod STATTOIUOBIECTIVES Resources Chlldren wtll poges3-6 * becomefamiliar with the story of Esther: Supplies * discoverthat each of us ts born to do something for Cod; photrcsor drowingso[ * learn that God has special plans for each oI us: * find that llke Esther, God wants us to be fatthful and stand up for God. STATTOIITSETUP cather photos or drawings of masks from around the world. Try downloadingand printing some from the Internet. Display the photos around the room. Decorate the room with crepe paper streamers for a festive flafu. Photocopythe Main Idea, Objectives,Bible Background for L€aders, ShepherdTips, and Check Your Facts for each leader and shepherd. [Seepages3-6.) Set out the materials neededfor the projects selected. E.tbGr Pernl$lon granted to photo.opy ior local church use, @ 2002 Ablbgdon Pre$. mosKS crepepoper sheomers optionol: moSKs WANT TO DO MORE? Collect real masks from around the world to display in your classroom. If you are doing the Kings Seal activity, invite a notary public to the class to e).plain the importance of the seal. SAFETYCHECK The church should be a place of security-a place where children can count on things and people being reliable. Shepherds should know the whereabouts of every child in the shepherd s group. and they should know where to reach a parent ln case o[ an emelgency. rl Check for allergies to any materials being used. rl Encourage the children to handle art supplies and tools responsibly. Resources Thefamily freasury of JewishHolidays by Malko Drucker Bible BIBLE STORY Open your Bible to Esther 9. Readverses24-28 and verse 32 to younger children. With older chil dren. ask a volunteer to read the verses. Haman...the enenyof allthe Jews,hadplotted against the Jewsto destroy them,andhadcast Pur-that ls "thelot'-to crushanddestroy them. ([sther9:24) Note Resources ondwebsites oreconstonliy chonging. Check for updotes thotmoy helpyouin plonning. (5-10 minutes) Tell the story of Pufim from ?1e Fdmilu 'freasLrnJoJJewisll Holidays, pages 76-78. Selecteither the entire reading or selections from it. Ask: wlut ao"" Purim mean? Why do peopledress up on Purim? How do people share the story of Purim? What is special about this holiday compared to other Jewish holidays? ACTTVTTY OPTTONS {45-50 minutes) Choose from the suggested acti\rities as your time a]rd the children s interest allow. Pemission groLed to phoio.opy lbr local church usc. O 2OO2AbinAJon Poftrxgr.ssto Biblc E:p.rt€nc€ stadonso ForAllAges Resources lrcnsperrenl Meisks Prepare Supplies Using the mask pattern (page 24) provided, cut several mask patterns out of cardstock or posterboard. ronSporenr ocetole white schoolglue poslerboordor cordslock trssuepoper (voriouscolors) woler poini brushesor smollsponges morKers 5Cr5SOr5 lorge popsicle siicksor point stirrers stopler/stoples contoinerslor Cut out acetate masks for younger children. t./iththe Children )dy: The tradition of weadng masks to celebratereligious festivals has been around for a very long time. The ancient Greeks performed plays du ng some of their religious festivals.The actors wore very large masks so everyonein the lheater could see their characters faces. During Purim. peoplewho are Jewish also make masks to help them tell and rememberthe story of Esther. Telling this story is an important part oI the celebrationol Purim. Give each child a pieceof acetate.Ask them to choosea mask patterlr. Use a marker to trace the pattern on the acetate,then cut it out. glue Staple the acetatemask to a large popsiclestick or paint stirrer so that the mask is secure, Invite the children to cut or tear shapesout of colored tissue paper. Using snall containers. dilute white school glue with equal amounts of water. Have the children use a paintbrush or small spongeto glue their tissue paper shapes to the mask. (Overlappingdifferent colors oI rissuewill crearean inlereslingaffect.)Let lhe mJsks dry. Ontinn Purchasea kit for making masks. Here are some suE€estions. . uu) / artsandcraJts PlastrcMasks Class Pack(9717375)- contains six full size "happy" and "sad' plastic masks completewith supplies. Cost:$47.80. MegctMask Kit lgz 16420)- contains eveq,'thingyou need to make 24 masks out of cardboard. Cost: $24.00. . w LDw,edushop.edu4kids. com/ catalag/ deJault.php Make-A-Mdsk ClcrssPack {EI l8O2) - contains si\ plastic facial forms a]rd activity guide. Costr $37.15. . Roylco Megd Mask Mctkrng Kit (61448- 1009) - contains 24 pre-cut cardboard masks along with decorating materials. Cost: $23.99. Bthcr Pcrmisslon gEnred to photocopy forlocal church nse. O 2002 Abingdon Prcss IalkTip Howdoesit feelto weoro coslume or mosk? to be Pretendinq ilse helps someone io understond how lhotpersonmight rcet. Supplies ForAllAges whitepoper croyons lemperopoini pencrls coloredpencils cholk mirrors Bibles Portreiit of Esther Sdy: R.iau Xuhto g LO) was an artist from Mexico.when she was young, Kailo was badly hurt in an accident.While Kahlo was recoveringfrom her accident, she started painting. Kahlo liked to paint pictures of people she knew. Sometimes, she even painted herselfl To make the portraits even more special. she surrounded the people in her pictures with things that were important to them. lmportant llote We can make portraits of orirselves, people we know, and even people ftom the Bible! Try to imagine what Esther might have looked like, and surround her with things that were important to her. Pleose do notdirect thechildrento go to ihewebsite, Thereis informotion obout Kohlo'slifeos wellos someof her pointings thotwouldnotbe oppropriote for children. To view sone ol Kahlo's paintings, visit thc following web site: R / kcthlo.html Please preview the palntings, as some are not appropriate for children. If you have access to either Eue crnd Her Sister or Esfher: Daughter oJ' Her People{boll1 out of pdnt). show the children the artwork of Esther. Cive each child a sheet of white paper. Invite the children to use a variety of coloring tools (pencil. markers, crayons. paint) to create their portraits of Esther. Encourage the children to use Bibles or talk to one another to remember what things were imDortant to Esther. Talklip Whotore someof thethingsor people thotwereimporlont to Esther? 0ption Have the children use mirrors to draw self-portraits.Talk to the children about what things are most important to them. Explain that some things that were important to Dsther (family. God) are still very imDortant todav. Are onyof those thingsolsoimporloni to you? ForAllAges fhe King's Scepter Supplies popertowelrolls smollChristmos bollornoments foil wropping poper croftiewelsond peorls foil gorlond olitlerolue Help the children follow these instmctions: Cover a paper towel roll with foil wrapping paper. (l,ong strips of different colors of foil paper wiapped at an angle will make a unique look. Encourage the children to use their imaginations when creating their scepters.) Use the tacky glue to attach an unbreakable Christmas ball ornament to the end of the wrapped paper towel ro11. L.kysL" Add jewels. gcrland or glillFr gluF lo finish lhe sceplcr When finished, act out the story of Esther entering the kings hall and hoping to speal<. (Review the story if necessarjr.) Pmission gnnled to photocopy lor local chur.h Nc. O 2OO2 Abrngdon Press. Poeerxpr.sel@ Btble E4.ite!.e Shttonso ForAllAges lhe King's 9eeil Prepare Create a backward alphabet display for the childrenLosee. {See sanple below.) Ao 8d )r Cb Withthe Children Resources Bible Supplies poper envelopes selfhordening cloy tootfipicks pencils or pens oldcroyons sofetylighcr{br odultuseonly) Read Esther 3i l-12. or tell the part of the story where Haman plots against Mordecai and seals the decree with the king's signet ring. Using information from "Check Your Facts," talk to the children about the king's signet fing. Invite the children to make their own slgnet rlng or stamp. Cive each child a small lump of self-hardening clay. To make the ring, roll the clay into a long strip. Have the children overlap the strip and press together to form a ring. Make one side of the ring thicker than the other. Flatten the thicker parl of the ring by lightly tapping the ring on a flat surlace. Invite the children to use a toothpick to create a personal design on the flattened surlace. Children may wish to include their initials in their design. Use the backward a.lphabet display as a guide for carving initials. To make the stamp, have the children roll their lump of clay into a ball. Contlnue rolling back and forth with one llnger in the center of the ball to create an hourglass shape. Have Lhe children flatten one end of the hourglass by tapping it lighuy on a Ilat surlace. Follow the instructions lor the ring lor creating a design on the llattened surface. While the seals are drying, invite the children to wiite a letter to a Iriend or family member, telling that person about Esther's bravery. Children may want to include Esther 4:14. Give each child an envelope. When the rings and stamps are hard, use the lighter to melt a small amount of crayon onto the flap of each child's envelope to seal it. Have the children use their seals to stamp the wa-x, being careful not to touch the hot wax with their finsers. 0ption Speedup the drying processby heating the rings and stamps in an oven. Use the baking directions on the packageof clay. lt.nnssbn granted ro photocopy for lDcalchurch use. O 2002 AltngdoD Press. IalkTips Tolkobouto person's ond lhe signoture king'sseol?Howore theythesome?How ore theydifferent? Whotis ihe importonce of o signoture? Supplies pofiernfor circle ondstor cordstock blueconshuction Poper goldor silverfoil wroppingpoper gluesticks pencils scissors r0ters ForAllAges lhe Steir ol Esther Ceird Prepare Make severalcircle and star patterns ou1 of 3' x 3 card stock. Cut outl 5/:" x 8" rectanglesof card stock paper 3 x 3 squaresof bhreconstruct.ion 3" x 3" squaies of gold or silver foil wrapping paper Withthe Children Give each child a rectangle, one blue square. alrd one foil square. Ask the children to fold t}le rectangle in half, creating a 5 y!" x 4" carcl. Have the children use the pattern to cut a circle from their blue construction paper. Then they can tmce and cut a star from lheir wrapprng paper. Talk Tip Whenwe collEsfier o sror,we ore soytng tholshewoso hero. Who ore someother heroes? Who ore someotherBible heroes? Have older children use a ruler and pencil [o lind and lightly mark the center of the card. Using their guides, the children can glue [he circle in the center of the card. They can then use their ruler to lincl the center of the circle and glue the star in the circle. Younger children can sinrply glue their circle on the card and the star on the circle. Write this message on the inside of the card: "God has special plans lbr you. L€t your light shine! ' Children may also want to personalize the message. or draw additional pictures on the inside of their card. Encourage the childrcn to add Esther 4: l4 to their message. Outreach idea: Cive these cards away with sweet treats nade in the Creative Cookery Station. P.mlsslon gmnted to pholDcopy l.r chur.h u*. O 2OO2 Abingdon Press. Iroftrxpt Bthl6!c. Sttd.N@ GTOSING ,u-,,',..., Have the children sit together in a circle with their masks facing up in their laps. Take a few moments to have the children look at their individual masks. Ask them to think about how their mask looks. Is it sad or funny? Does it look afraid or courageous?Invite conversation around these questions. Then ask everyonesit for a time of silencelooking at their masks. A5kl osther founcl her couragein times of sllence.whele do you find places that give you courage? CIOSe|tJith Pralef: rrrant you.cod for the manyfacesin our circle and in our world. we are thankful for the times ol fun and play and also for those tlmes when courageis needed.Thank you for the story of Esther and her courage,May she remind us that we also have gifts to offer each other. Amen. ft..,"",on 6on,.o,o Ono,o"upy for us€, O 2oO2Abhgdon hcss. OO 24 Pernlsston gtut€d to pholocopy for local church use. o 2oo2 Abingdon P.ess. Poftrxprcst@ Btbl6 st.tloE@