South Hero
South Hero
The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 1 Northern Border Economic Development Grants Announced $1.7 Million Available for Economic Development The Northern Border Regional Commission, a federal-state partnership for economic and community development, announced the availability of $1.7 million in grant funds for projects in Essex, Orleans, Caledonia, Lamoille, and Franklin counties and the towns of Alburgh, Isle La Motte, and South Hero in Grand Isle County. The commission seeks applications from public bodies, nonprofit organizations, or Native American tribes for projects that will directly or indirectly result in job creation and positive economic impact. Alburgh- New listing, classic two bedroom, one bath cottage with stunning Easterly views and 72’ lake frontage, $179,000 Alburgh- sprawling three bedroom, two bath ranch style home with 100’ direct lake frontage, conveniently located close to the New York and Canadian borders, $179,000 ISLE LA MOTTE- 1 bdrm seasonal cottage on private triple lot, live in cottage while you build your dream home on the state permitted lakefront building lot with 100’ west facing lake frontage, $235,000 Isle La Motte- Great investment opportunity, two well cared for mobile homes on over 16 acres, live in one while rent from the other covers your mortgage, $169,000 An informational session will be held Wednesday, March 9 at the Swanton Village Offices from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. Grant proposals can be for any of the following purposes: transportation, telecommunication, and basic public infrastructure; workforce development; entrepreneurship, technology, or business development; resource conservation, tourism and recreation; or community-owned renewable energy development. For more information, contact: Jared Duval, VT Dept. of Economic Development,; 802-272-2461 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m The information session will also include an overview and opportunity to comment on the new Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for the six northern counties. The development strategy sets goals and priorities for the region to ensure coordinated economic development and guides priorities for state and federal grants. A copy of the DRAFT CEDS can be found at http:// pdf Location: 120 First Street, Swanton We at the Co-op still believe that service is a key part of the product we sell. That's why we still make house calls at your convenience to review your farm, home or business insurance. Rt. 2, South Hero, Vt. (802)372-8804 Andrea Champagne Real Estate “Thank you so much for all the big & all the small details you took care of and helped us with in the purchase of our home! We love it here… it feels like home and is perfect for us. With our schedule and travel, we cannot imagine having done this without you. You went above and beyond in all things!” – Ralph & Sharon Country Home Rich with Character! Grand Isle - Historic Post & Beam on 3 Acres. Updates include the furnace, standing seam metal roof in 2000, & more! Offered at $247,000 1050’ of Shared Lakefront! Cozy Lake Champlain Cottage! Alburgh – 100’ of gradual, direct, sunset-facing lakefront! Nestled in the trees with end-of-the-road privacy. Come listen to the waves! Offered at $175,000 Alburgh - 2014 remodel! Tasteful finishes & added sunroom! Association dues means low maintenance and more time for relaxation!! Offered at $169,900 Beautiful Acreage! Alburgh - Fantastic 48+ acres! Some trees, some open meadow. Frontage on Martell Road & Rte 78. Some active hayfields! Lovely large lot. Offered at $121,000 Andrea M. Champagne Patti LaBounty Lee B. Taylor Dale Morway Janet Jarvis Hatin Abby Lagrow 802.372.4500 APRIL INSPECTIONS DUE 4 Call Mitchel or Chris 372-6139 Route 2 & 314 South Hero We sti ll mak e House Calls. The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 2 Grand Isle County Mentoring to Participate in ECHO Community Science Night Myakka River in Venice, Florida PAST AND PRESENT NORTH HERO FOLKS GATHER FOR SOUTHERN TOWN MEETING AND ISLANDER READING Last year’s participants in the Community Science Night held at ECHO Community Science Night for Mentoring is a celebration of mentoring in northwestern Vermont. The Chittenden County Mentoring Network supports more than 1000 mentor pairs and partners with ECHO and Mobius to provide fun, educational opportunities for local youth throughout the year. ECHO is hosting 150 youth from ages 5 to 22 and their adult mentors from mentoring programs in Chittenden, Grand Isle and Franklin counties for an evening of learning, bonding and entertainment. The event features free dinner, hands-on demonstration by the ECHO E-Team; a leadership group of local teenagers who volunteer as educators. On Wednesday March 16 from 5:30 to 7 pm 45 pairs of mentors and mentees from the Grand Isle County Mentoring Program will participate in the Community Science Night. Location: ECHO, Burlington. Information: Leslie Ward at 802-372-5239 or Six couples, past and present residents and elected officials and volunteers of North Hero, met recently on the banks of the scenic Myakka River in Venice FL for a “South North Hero Town Meeting.” Attending were Lou and Anne Dorwaldt, Jim and Marie Kilbride, Mike and Biffie Gallant, Ralph and Lynn Soule, Rich and Eileen Mitchell and Mike and Sue Sullivan. The group included Town Moderators, SelectBoard members, Justices of the Peace, assistant Town Clerk, Library Commissioners, Listers, Development Review Board, Cemetery Commissioners, Water Board, Recreation Committee. North Hero Historical Society volunteers, and C.I.D.E.R volunteers. All were delighted to read the latest issue of The Islander. Vermont Veterans Fund Success When asked, Islanders respond! Island Chapter raised over $950 at the Town Meeting bake sale. There is still time to order your Vermont Apple Pie for $15. Call Linda at 802-372-4435. The apples are generously donated by Hackett’s Orchard of South Hero. Pies can be ordered and paid for now, delivered at your convenience – baked or freezer ready. We can and add Vermont cheese if you please. Grand Patron Islander, John Lake is positive the statewide goal will be met. All proceeds benefit the Vermont Veterans Fund, distributed locally this summer, only to Vermont Veterans agencies. Many thanks Islanders! C.I.D.E.R. Presented with Sandbar Memorial Flag Alburgh Rabies Clinic There will be a rabies clinic at the Fire Station on Saturday, March 12 from 10 to Noon. The fee for this will be $10 and for your convenience the Town Clerks office will be open that day for registrations. The fee for registering is $10 if your dog or wolf-hybrid is spayed or neutered and $14 if they are intact. After April 1 both fees will be an additional $2. Three lucky winners who registered their four legged friend before the April 1 deadline will receive a gift basket of goodies for their friend and maybe even a little something for you, their two legged counterpart. Animals from neighboring towns are welcome. Location: Alburgh Fire Station From left to right: Executive Director of C.I.D.E.R. Robin Way, C.I.D.E.R. Board President Jackie Ward, VFW Post Commander Gerald Carton, and Flag Coordinator Michael Guernsey. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10854 presented Champlain Islanders Developing Essential Resources with the 15th United States flag flown over the new Sandbar Memorial to those who lost their lives to the September 11 attacks. The flag was presented to C.I.D.E.R. Board President Jackie Ward and Executive Director Robin Way at a meeting of the C.I.D.E.R. Board of Directors on February 25 by Post Commander Gerald Carton and Flag Coordinator Michael Guernsey. Along with the flag, the Grand Isle County based community non-profit organization was presented with a framed certificate that read “For their leadership and steadfast commitment to the public, tirelessly serving our elders, citizens and community”. Join the “Champlain Islands Grown” Guide to Agriculture Yogi Little League Baseball and Softball Registration South Hero Land Trust will be printing the 11th edition of the “Champlain Islands Grown” Guide to Agriculture in May! This Island-wide guide connects farms, agricultural businesses and local food businesses to the community. In addition to listings for local farms and businesses, it includes a map of farm stands and information about local farmers’ markets, CSA shares, agricultural events, and more. We are seeking producers from the five Grand Isle County towns that are interested in being listed. Farms of all kinds are welcome to participate, as well as local restaurants, markets and specialty food makers offering or using Champlain Islands grown products or ingredients. Caterers who emphasize local sourcing of ingredients are also encouraged to contact South Hero Land Trust. Last year’s guide contained information on over 65 local farms and businesses. We hope to expand the list in 2016 to connect our community with even more great farms and businesses that make the Islands one of the best places in Vermont for fresh, local food. Due to the ice storm and GISU School cancellations last week, YOGI Little League will hold another registration on Wednesday, March 9 at the Grand Isle School. The registration will be held in the school lobby from 6 to 7 pm. Girls between the ages of 4 and 12 on or before December 31 are eligible to play. Boys between the ages of 4 and 12 on or before April 30 are eligible to play. Location: Grand Isle School Lobby. Information: Mike Talbot at 802-734-0622 We offer free listings to local farms and businesses and provide free copies to the public. Criteria for being in the guide are: for farmers, your product must be grown or raised on Islands soil; restaurants and markets must offer at least some Island-grown products and make a genuine effort to use or offer local products when available. We also offer advertising space to any business interested in supporting local farms and agriculture in the Islands. Business card sized advertisements cost $100 and are included in each of our 2,000 print copies, as well as our online version. If you would like to be part of this great resource, please contact Katy Lord at South Hero Land Trust. Call 802-372-3786 or e-mail All new entries are due by April 4. Please get in touch as soon as possible. Here is what the agency had to say about the number one scam targeting senior citizens: “The IRS will never call a taxpayer to demand immediate payment, nor will the agency call about taxes owed without first having mailed a bill to the taxpayer. The IRS will never demand that a taxpayer pay taxes without giving him or her the opportunity to question or appeal the amount claimed to be owed.” South Hero Tremble – 72 SOUTH HERO HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS The Folsom Education and Community Center announces the 27th Annual Donald B. Robinson Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is for a South Hero High School Senior. Applications have been made available through your high school guidance department. The deadline for receipt of the completed application is May 2. If you would like more information about this scholarship or need an application, please call Sue at 802-372-6600. SOUTH HERO DEMOCRATIC POST PRIMARY PRESIDENTIAL TOWN CAUCUS The South Hero Democratic Party will hold a Post Primary Presidential Town Caucus on Wednesday, March 30 at the South Hero Town Office Building at 7 pm. The purpose of this caucus is to elect delegates to the Democratic State Convention which will be held on Sunday, May 22 at the Barre Opera House. Location: South Hero Town Office Building. Information: Carol Tremble at 802-372-4805 YOUR NEWS IS WELCOME Does your department, committee, board, organization, or school have news that you’d like to share. The Islander welcomes all of the above to submit their news, information, events and activities for publication here. Your information is welcome. Our readers, residents and taxpayers want to hear from you. The email address for submissions is islander@ and you are welcome to call the office with any questions, 802-372-5600. If there is anything we can be of help with, please contact us. _______________________ Send your South Hero News, tips, story ideas to Deadline Noon every Saturday TOWN MEETING 2016 TOWN OFFICER RESULTS Town Moderator 1 year: Timothy Maxham – 676 Selectman 3 years: Graham Skip Brown – 657 Selectman 2 years: Ross A Brown – 284 / George Rice – 348 Lister: Uno Ro – 203 Library Trustee: Elissa Giroux – 632 Cemetery Commissioner: James G. Robinson – 676 Grand Juror 1 year: H. Ohmer Corbin – 676 Constable 1 year: Everett Dubuque – 654 Town Agent 1 year: Peter R. Yates – 680 Articles: Town Budget of $847,208, $679,178 to be raised by taxes: Yes – 569 / No 176 - Highway Department Budget of $510,020, $479,980 to be raised by taxes : Yes – 566 / No – 186 - Library Budget of $73,355: Yes – 566 / No – 186 - Cemetery Budget of $15,000: Yes – 593 / No – 145 - South Hero Rescue Equipment Replacement Funds of $25,000: Yes – 664 / No – 87 - South Hero Rescue Budget of $15,000: Yes – 692 / No – 67 - South Hero Rescue Replacement of Doors $5,500: Yes – 681 / No – 77 - Masonic Lodge of $4,000: Yes – 266 / No – 481 SCHOOL BALLOT RESULTS - School Budget of $3,485,703: Yes – 488 / No – 266 School Moderator: Timothy Maxham – 686 School Director 3 year: Kristina Bowser – 602 School Director 3 year: R J Sweeney – 595 School Director 2 year: Bentley Vaughan – 85 / Lucas The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 3 Dick’s Repair Shop LLC Parts Plus Car Care Center 79 Allen Road Grand Isle, VT 802-372-6651 Roger & Rosemary Rabideau Just Hang Up Some of us would not dream of hanging up on an IRS agent who calls to say you owe back taxes, but that is the advice the Internal Revenue Service is passing on, according to the Association of Mature American Citizens. HUGE Indoor Flea Market • Antiques •Collectibles •Pictures • Jewelry • Toys & Dolls • CD’s & DVD’s Sunday, March 13 9:00 - 5:00 pm - Free Admission Milton Grange Hall • Route 7 802-829-7403 The IRS impersonation scam targets a huge segment of the population based on the fact that the agency receives as many as 13,000 complaints each week. Up to 50 people a week fall for the deception with some 5,000 having lost more than $26 million. CRIME WATCH 2/29-3/6 Thur 3/3: Property Watch, Vehicle Complaint; Tue 3/1: Alarm; Mon 2/29: Trespassing, Citizen Assist, Alarm To the Editor, Grand Isle County Act 46 Study Committee Favors Keeping 7th And 8th Graders On Islands. Your front page article on Act 46 in last week’s issue, March 1, 2016, of The Islander was informative. However, it missed some big and important news. That news is that when the Grand Isle County Act 46 Study Committee met on February 23, they concluded that students and taxpayers alike would be well served if all the counties’ seventh and eighth graders were schooled at the middle schools in Alburgh, Grand Isle and South Hero. The alternative would be to send all our 12 and 13 year olds off island; this would have added $800,000 to the county’s school tax bill. The conclusion was not unanimous. Alburgh, Grand Isle and South Hero favored keeping their middle schools for both programmatic and financial reasons. Isle la Motte preferred the programmatic aspects of continuing to send their middle schoolers off island but found the financial burden prohibitive. North Hero concluded that the programmatic benefits of continuing to send their middle schoolers off island were priceless. For more information, the entire February 23 meeting will be broadcast on LCATV. The next county-wide Act 46 Forum will take place on Saturday, March 19 at 10 am at the Grand Isle School. Bart Wilcox, North Hero The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 4 ALBURGH Send your Alburgh News, tips, story ideas to Deadline Noon every Saturday TOWN MEETING 2016 TOWN OFFICER RESULTS Town Moderator 1 year: Terry A. Tatro 524 Town Clerk 1 year: Donna L. Bohannon 568 Town Treasurer 1 year: Donna L. Bohannon - 426 / Linda Poissant Gotshall - 152 Selectman 2 year: Chuck Pease - 295 / Jan R. Tatro – 234 Selectman 3 year: Robert Creller Jr. – 509 Selectman 3 year with 2 remaining: Tyler Gotshall – 336 / Leeann Porto – 217 Selectman 3 year with 1 year remaining: Lee Kimball 483 Lister 3 year: James Magner – 479 Auditor: No legal majority. Deed Agent 1 year: Terry A. Tatro – 508 Town Agent 1 year: Terry A. Tatro – 505 Constable 1 year: George McGrath – 211 Delinquent Tax Collector 1 year: Terry A. Tatro – 506 Grand Juror 1 year: Ralph Tatro – 497 ARTICLES - Town Budget of $635,350 , $411,850 to be raised by taxes: Yes – 361 / No – 212 - Highway Budget of $614,704, $523,354 to be raised by taxes: Yes – 388 / No – 186 - Blacktop Town Highways Budget of $60,000: Yes – 424 / No – 151 - Alburgh Volunteer Fire Department Inc. Budget of $55,000: Yes – 415 / No – 173 - Alburgh Volunteer Fire Department Inc. Reserve Equipment Fund: Yes – 388 / No – 201 - Alburgh Volunteer Fire Department Inc. Ambulance Purchase $250,000, funds raised over 5 consecutive years ($50,000 or less each year): Yes – 344 / No – 231 SCHOOL BALLOT RESULTS - School Budget of $6,010,248: Yes – 274 / No – 282 School Moderator 1 year: Terry A. - Tatro 507 School Director 2 year: Mallory Ovit – 476 School Director 3 year: Trevor Creller – 534 School Director 3 year with 1 year remaining: Michael Savage – 498 WATER AND SEWER BILLS DUE Village of Alburgh Water and Sewer bills are due March 20 by 5 pm. For customers unable to make it into the Office during regular business hours please utilize the drop box located on the South side of the building. TOWN CLERK’S NOTES By Donna Bohannon Another Town Meeting has come and gone, we the voters have cast our votes and we have a few new members on our Municipal Selectboard. I would like to applaud all of the candidates for stepping up and throwing their hats into the ring of our local government. They all did a fantastic job and should be commended for wanting to be a part of that government. Thank-you all that campaigned for a position and remember, your voice can still be heard at meetings. Selectboard members shall have the general supervision of the affairs of the town and shall cause to be performed all duties required of towns and town school districts not committed by law to the care of any particular officer. 24 V.S.A. § 872. Congratulations go out to our two new Selectmen Tyler Gotshall and Chuck Pease who will be performing the duties required of our Town. They will join forces on the Board with Robert Creller Jr. who ran unopposed as an incumbent, Alton Bruso who has one year remaining in his term and Lee Kimball who ran unopposed as an incumbent who was appointed to fill a vacancy last year. For a full list of each of the positions filled, including the presidential primary results, visit our website at These five men, who make up the Alburgh Selectboard, are sworn to be true and faithful to the State of Vermont, the Constitution, Government and you the people of our community. They are sworn to do equal right and justice to all persons and they have all taken the oath to affirm that. We the voters elected to have these men in this position but our job does not stop there. It is up to us to help them do their job. They cannot know of problems or take action to correct problems if they are not told about them. It is up to the community to attend meetings and weigh in on the topics that matter to the Town. By the same token, it is up to the community to pat these men on the back when progress has been made because of their actions. You, the public are invited to join the Selectboard at their regular meetings and add your input on the issues that affect our Town and affect you. Regular Selectboard meeting are held the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month and start at 7 pm. The agendas and minutes can be found on our website These meetings are open to the public and your input is not only welcome, it is needed. This is our Town and insight as well as feedback from different views is vital. Join us on the second or fourth Tuesday of each month and take part in what goes on in our Town. The Alburgh Planning Commission is updating the Town Plan and would like input from Alburgh residents. You can do the survey online, at https:// or you can pick up a paper version at the Alburgh Town Office. Please help us, by giving us your opinion. The Planning Commission will be meeting on March 16 to discuss the survey Another reminder that springtime is also time again to register your dogs at the Town Clerks Office. A current rabies vaccination is all that we require to ensure that your four legged friend is listed as being a member of Alburgh in the event that he or she gets lost their home can be found again and they can be returned to you. If your furry companion needs its vaccinations, there will be a rabies clinic at the Fire Station on Saturday, March 12 from 10 to Noon. The fee for this will be $10 and for your convenience, the Town Clerks office will be open that day for registrations. The fee for registering is $10 if your dog or wolfhybrid is spayed or neutered and $14 if they are intact. After April 1, both fees will be an additional $2. Three lucky winners who registered their four legged friend before the April 1 deadline will receive a gift basket of goodies for their friend and maybe even a little something for you, their two legged counterpart. I am sending out another plea for old photos of the Alburgh Springs Community Hall. The bell has been restored to its beautiful glory and the goal is to return it to its rightful home on top of the building. The keeper of the bell at this time and others would like to restore the tower to what it was originally. If you have any old pictures of the Community Hall that show what the original bell tower looked like and you do not mind sharing, please send a copy to townofalburgh@fairpoint. net or stop in at the Municipal Building and we can make a copy from your original. If you have a hard copy that you would prefer to mail in, you can send it to 1 North Main Street, Alburgh, VT 05440. We can return the original if it is the only copy and you would like it back. The temperatures will be climbing, the grass Monday March 14 Monthly Meeting 6:00 Saturday March 26 Live Music by Friction 8- Midnight will be getting greener and the flowers will be in full bloom before we know it. Do not forget to take time to inhale the scent of those blooms and pause now and again to soak in the feel of the sunshine on your face. We have a limited number of days on this planet, do not waste them by being bitter or sad. Embrace each day, your loved ones, friends and neighbors and see what great things there are in this wonderful world. Life is full of mystery and excitement, go out and find it; live it. PRUDENTIAL COMMITTEE MEMBER FOR SAFD #2 The Town of Alburgh Selectboard on behalf of the South Alburgh Fire District #2 is seeking candidates to fill the position of prudential committee member. See the legal notice in this issue for details. SCHOOL NOTES By Jim Ross, Principal The 2016 Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium assessment dates have been set. All students in grades 3 through 8 will be participating in the SBAC assessments from April 4 through April 8. It is essential that students be available during this window of time. PRIZE BINGO: Alburgh Eighth Grade Prize Bingo will be held March 12 at the Alburgh Fire Station Hall. Doors open at 11am and BINGO starts at 1 pm. There are great prizes to be won including Disney Kids Camping Chairs and Titus Mountain lift tickets. Refreshments will be sold. YOUR NEWS IS WELCOME Does your department, committee, board, organization, or school have news that you’d like to share. The Islander welcomes all of the above to submit their news, information, events and activities for publication here. Your information is welcome. Our readers, residents and taxpayers want to hear from you. The email address for submissions is islander@ and you are welcome to call the office with any questions, 802-372-5600. If there is anything we can be of help with, please contact us. CRIME WATCH 2/29-3/6 Sat 3/5: Citizen Dispute; Fri 3/4: Service of APO; Thur 3/3: VIN Inspection; Mon 2/29: Assist DCF The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 5 Grand Isle Send your Grand Isle News, tips, story ideas to Deadline Noon every Saturday TOWN MEETING 2016 TOWN OFFICER RESULTS Cemetery Commission 5 year: Lucille B. Campbell – 700 Constable: Todd Boutin – 699 Library Commission 5 year: Diane Cota – 442 / Amy Stegner – 260 Lister 3 year: Susan Lawrence – 711 Selectboard 2 year: Adam White – 665 Selectboard 3 year: AnnaMarie Demars – 651 Town Agent 1 year: Jane B. Pomykala – 717 Grand Juror 1 year: Jane B. Pomykala – 714 Town Moderator 1 year: No candidates. Write in: Alan Arthur – 31 ARTICLES: - Print Full Details of Delinquent Tax List: Yes – 519 / No 240 - Exempt from taxation property at 231 US Route2 owed by volunteer/non-profit Grand Isle Fire Dept. Inc: Yes – 596 / No – 166 - Trustees of Library investigate formation of joint public library with one or more neighboring communities to share expenses and resources? Yes – 668 / No – 103 - Town Budget of $206,511: Yes – 574 / No – 186 - Cemetery Budget of $33,600: Yes – 608 / No – 147 - Library Budget of $41,929: Yes – 558 / No – 200 - Grand Isle Volunteer Fire & Rescue Communications $26,000: Yes – 673 / No 95 - Grand Isle Volunteer Fire Department $61,500: Yes – 615 / No 149 - Grand Isle Rescue Budget $15,000: Yes – 697 / No – 75 - Highway Budget of $346,513: Yes – 568 / No – 194 - Road Materials Budget of $50,000: Yes – 591 / No – 168 - Recreation Committee Budget of $14,000: Yes – 550 / No – 211 - Visiting Nurses Association $6,146: Yes – 647 / No – 121 - Island Arts $1000: Yes – 448 / No 316 Total Allocations: $1,302,199 SCHOOL BALLOT RESULTS - School Budget of $5,357,400: Yes – 501 / No – 251 School Board 3 year: Carol Miller 716 School Director 3 year: Gerald Marckres – 674 School Moderator 1 year: Alan Arthur – 31 Voter Checklist: 1394 Votes Cast: 809 Voter Turnout: 58% YOUR NEWS IS WELCOME Does your department, committee, board, organization, or school have news that you’d like to share. The Islander welcomes all of the above to submit their news, information, events and activities for publication here. Your information is welcome. Our readers, residents and taxpayers want to hear from you. The email address for submissions is and you are welcome to call the office with any questions, 802-372-5600. If there is anything we can be of help with, please contact us. ___________ CRIME WATCH 2/29-3/6 Sat 3/5: VIN Inspection, Welfare Check; Fri 3/4: Vehicle Complaint; Wed 3/2: Citizen Assist; Tue 3/1: Assist Fire; Mon 2/29: Citizen Assist (2), Assist Rescue, Service of APO Main St. Alburgh • 796-3434 Mon-Fri 7-6, Sat 8-12, Sun Closed Propane Fillups Protect Your Car - Spray Undercoating starting at $89 Join South Hero Land Trust to Explore Beautiful South Hero Through the Seasons! By Katy Lord, South Hero Land Trust Outreach Coordinator Eighteen community members came out for our February walk, braving the wind and rain to learn about the history of the Island Line railroad at Allen Point Access Area. The New Year brings an exciting addition to South Hero Land Trust programs! Last fall, our friend and South Hero resident Chuck Hulse, came to us to help organize a series of naturalist walks aimed at bringing our community closer to the many spectacular outdoor spaces that South Hero has to offer. With beautiful and diverse natural areas such as Round Pond State Park, the Landon Community Trail and the Rail Trail right at our fingertips, we hope to showcase the South Hero landscape throughout the seasons with a year-long series of walks. Each month, we will explore a new topic, such as winter ecology, wildflowers, edible wild plants and the night sky. On January 9 we kicked off the series with a walk at Round Pond Natural Area. Thirteen of our friends and neighbors came out to discover Round Pond’s forest, field, wetland and lakeshore communities. Led by South Hero Land Trust staff Katy Lord and Emily Alger, the group identified native species, learned about the history of the wetland and sipped hot cider from Hackett’s Orchard. Our February walk at Allen Point Access Area brought almost twenty community members out on an overcast morning to observe the frozen lake and learn about the old Island Line railroad! South Hero Land Trust is excited to share plans for three upcoming naturalist walks. Join us for a closer look, as the landscape transitions from winter to spring! Join South Hero Land Trust to celebrate the first day of spring! South Burlington Recreation and Parks Department consulting ecologist Sophie Mazowita will teach us to identify animal tracks and other signs of wildlife as we walk the Landon Community Trail on March 20 from 10 to 11:30 am to learn animal tracking. Learn about Vermont’s state tree, the sugar maple and other native tree species in conjunction with Vermont Maple Open House weekend. Erin Gawarkiewicz of the UVM Field Naturalist Program will join us to answer questions about maples, pines, hemlock and more. After the hike, stick around at Snow Farm Winery for VT Maple Open House weekend festivities, including a pop-up farmers’ market and sugar-making demonstration. This will take place on April 2 from 10 to 11:30 am. Discover which native plants are in bloom in May at the Landon Community Trail. South Hero resident and nature enthusiast Chuck Hulse will teach us the basics of wildflower identification on May 21 from 10 to 11:30 am. RSVPs are welcome for all of our naturalist walks Location: Trails in South Hero. Information: Katy at 802-372-3786 or email The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 6 ALBURGH By: Gina Lewis, Library Director 802-796-6077, NEW BOOKS: New books this week are “Off The Grid” by C.J. Box, “The Steel Kiss” by Jeffrey Deaver, and “The Waters of Eternal Youth” by Donna Leon. SOUPER SUNDAY: The library will be holding it’s annual Souper Sunday on Sunday, March 20th 1:30 - 3:30. $5 all you can eat Soup, Bread, and Desserts. RADA: The library will be running a fundraiser selling RADA cutlery! If you are interested in purchasing something please stop by the library and take a look at the catalog! You may also contact any library trustee to place an order. The monies raised in the fundraiser will be used for purchasing new books and supporting library programs. This fundraiser will be going on until March 25th. BOOK NIGHT: Monday, March 14 at 7:00 pm to discuss the book “Double Whammy” by Carl Hiaasen. TRUSTEES: The library trustees will meet on Wednesday, March 16 at 9:00 am. STORYTIME: Preschool story time is held every Monday at 11:30 am. Stories, Crafts, and Snacks are provided! AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM: The library after school program is in full swing! For a schedule of after school events please call Amy 796-6077. ADULT COLORING: The Coloring group is meeting every Thursday from 4-6. We provide coloring books and pencils. Come play with us! WRITING GROUP: Every Friday from 6-8 pm a group of creative writers are meeting. Anyone who enjoys writing (regardless of age) is welcome to attend. PASSES: The library has a discounted and free admission passes that may be checked out for the day. Passes include the ECHO center, VT state parks, VT historical parks, the Maritime Museum, and Shelburne Museum. 16 South Main Street, Alburgh – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 1:00 to 6:00 pm; Tuesday: 9:00 to 5:00 pm; Saturday: 10:00 to 1:00 pm. GRAND ISLE By: Kathy Tulissi, Librarian 802-372-4797, grandislefreelibrary@ NEW BOOKS: “Scandalous Behavior” by Stuart Woods, “The Vegetarian” By Han Kang and “The Bazaar of Bad Dreams” by Stephen King. “Listen, Slowly” by Thanhha Lai; “The Thing About Jellyfish” by Ali Benjamin. North Hero, VT (802)372-9514 TRUSTEES INFO: Trustees meet on the second Monday of even numbered months at 6 pm; the public is always welcome to attend. WEEKLY EVENTS: Story Time is still going on but we have added a few things to enhance your Storytime. Come listen to a great book on Wednesdays at 10 am. Toddler sing-a-long is first Wednesday of each month. We have started Yoga for kids every second Wednesday with Anza Meyers – we are so excited. Hope to see you there. FIBER NIGHT: Meet us on Thursday evenings, 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Everyone is welcome even those who do not do a fiber craft. Come and see what we do, meet new people, get re-acquainted with old friends and enjoy the conversation. Fiber crafts include: knit, crochet, quilt, sew, embroider, etc. FREE PASSES: The Library has passes for the ECHO Museum, Shelburne Farms and Vermont History Museum, Vermont Historical Site and Vermont State Park Passes. Check out our Library Blog for more details. Through the generosity of the Friends Group of Grand Isle Public Library we purchased a Shelburne Museum Pass you will need an up-to-date Library card to use the Shelburne Museum Pass. Be sure to check the hours and admission dates of the museums. FREE WI-FI: Public computers are available in the library and wireless internet can be accessed from the parking lot at any time you will need to, come inside for a password. - 10 Hyde Road, Grand Isle – – We’re on Facebook - Free WIFI Tuesday: 1:00 to 8:00 pm; Wednesday: 9:00 to Noon; Thursday: 4:00 to 8:00 pm and Saturday: 9:00 to 3:00 pm. ISLE LA MOTTE The library is closed for the season. NORTH HERO By: Judy Poquette, Librarian 802-372-5458, Borrow our library pass for reduced admission to the Echo Center. We also have passes for Vermont History Museum and Vermont Heritage Galleries. NEW IN THE LIBRARY: BOOKS: “The Passenger” by Lisa Lutz, “The Infinite Sea” by Richard Yancey, “Beloved Enemy” by Eric Lustbader, “The Things We Keep” by Sally Hepworth, “The Forgetting Time” by Sharon Guskin, “In Other Words” by Jhumpa Lahiri, “Cometh the Hour” by Jeffrey Archer. “The Immortal Irishman: The Irish Revolutionary Who Became an American Hero” by Timothy Egan. “Off the Grid” by C.J. Box, “A Friend of Mr. Lincoln” by Stephen Harrigan, “River of No Return” by David Bertsch. DVDS: “Creed”, “Spectre”, “Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials”, “Champlain: the Lake Between.” Coming soon: “Mockingjay Part 2” and T”he Peanuts Movie”. CHILDRENS’ ITEMS: “Beep Beep Go To Sleep” by Todd Tarpley, “The Grasshopper and the Ant” by Jerry Pinkney. Route 2, North Hero – We’re on Facebook. Free WI-FI Tuesday: 2:00 to 7:00 pm; Thursday: 10:00 to 3:00 pm; Saturday: 9:00 to 1:00 pm Librarian Judy Poquette is retiring and this is her last North Hero Library update. We wish Judy the very best! It has been a pleasure to work with her! Congratulations on your retirement! SOUTH HERO By: Keagan Calkins, Director 802-372-6209, TODDLER TUNES: Saturday, March 26 at 10:00 am led by Lee English. Stop by to sing, dance, and play! PAINTING PARTY: Tuesday, March 8 from 5:30 to 7:30. Learn to paint a beautiful winter scene while conversing and enjoying snacks and refreshments. Please pre-register. $25 per person. PJ STORYTIME: Wednesday, March 16 at 6:00 pm. Wear your Pajamas to the library for Storytime, snacks, a craft and fun! NEEDLE FELT OWL: Friday, March 18 3:00 to 5;30 pm. Learn to needle-felt your own owl. RUSTY BLACKBIRDS: Wednesday, March 30 at 6:30 pm. Green Mountain Audubon Society presents “Rusty Blackbirds: Going but not Gone – Yet” BOOK DISCUSSION: Wednesday, April 20 from 6:30 to 7:45 pm. “84 Charing Cross Road” by Helene Hanff. TRUSTEES MEETING: The Library Board of Trustees Meeting is held on the second Tuesday of every month at 4:30 pm, and it is open to the public. Please note the next meeting will be March 8. 75 South Street, South Hero – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 3:00 to 8:00 pm; Friday: 3:00 to 6:00 pm; Saturday: 9:00 to 3:00 pm. ACROSS THE LAKE Submitted by: Mary Racicot Send your news to NCCS CHEERLEADERS WIN COMPETITION Congratulations to the Northeastern Clinton Central School cheerleaders on their first place win in the Champlain Valley Athletic Conference Section VII State Qualifier Cheerleading Competition at Beekmantown High School this past week. The team won the overall title as well as first place in the Small Varsity category. Moriah Central School won second place in Small Varsity and Northern Adirondack took third place in the same category. NCCS BOYS VARSITY WINS SECTION VII CHAMPIONSHIP When the Northeastern Clinton Central School Boys Cougar basketball team of 7 went to the floor to play the Section VII Class B championship their team the number of players was a question, however, the team went on to beat Saranac with a win of 52 to 41. It was an exciting game and the boys gave it their all to come out on top according to Coach Robb Garrand. Melik McLeod led the team with 20 points and his teammates carried the game with their baskets and defensive play. The scoring was Hollister 9, Beasley 12, McManus 3, Duffy 8, with Mossey and Bousbon assisting in defense. It was on to Glens Falls to play in the NYSPHSAA Class B boys’ basketball sub-regional on Wednesday when the Cougars lost to Hudson with a score of 7666. Coach Garrand and the NCCS Cougars can be proud of their accomplishments this season and we congratulate them! LADY COUGARS ADVANCE TO REGIONALS It was an exciting game of basketball to have NCCS Lady Cougar Kayla Carder reach a mile-stone of 1,000 points in her high school basketball career and to also be on the team that will go on to the NYSPHSAA regional in Canton. The girls earned the privilege of playing the regional by defeating Glens Falls 56-50 in a NYSPHSAAA Class B girls’ basketball sub-regional game at Glens Falls Civic Center on Wednesday. It was a good game as both teams played hard and with expertise. Coach Frank Dumas is proud of his girls for coming off with the win against a good team. It is on to Canton this weekend. Good Luck to the Lady Cougars and Coach Dumas. GRANT FOR NEW HEALTH CENTER IN CHAMPLAIN Hudson Headwaters Health Network has received $2,977.03 from New York State to help replace its health center in Champlain. The state grant is part of more than $18 million awarded to capital projects that will help create community-based, high quality and cost-effective health care programs in Clinton, Franklin and Essex counties. “These funds will help Hudson Headwaters expand essential health care services to people living in the towns of Champlain, Altona, Chazy, West Chazy, Mooers and the Village of Rouses Point,” said John Rugge, MD, CEO. These Northern Clinton County communities are home to more than 17,000 residents. The existing facility, North Country Family Health, is the only local primary care office. Last year, people sought medical care at North Country Family Health with nearly 17,500 visits; 30% higher than the previous year,” Rugge said. The new health center will have 24 primary care exam rooms, three behavioral health-counseling rooms; a procedure room and additional space for specialty care services. “Our goal is to expand access to health care to better serve the area,” Rugge said. To that end, Hudson Headwaters is working with the University of Vermont Health Network, which includes CVPH to bring additional services to the new health center. The new 25,916 square-foot health center will be located on Route 11, just east of the Northway. Construction is expected to begin this spring and cost about $9 million to build and outfit. In addition to the state funds, Hudson Headwaters previously secured $1 million from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $250,000 from the Northern Border Regional Commission, The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 7 Island Industrial Park, 4 Island Circle Grand Isle, Vermont Hours: 8:00-4:30 Mon.-Thurs. 8:00-3:30 Fri. $100,000 from Stewart’s Shops and $20,000 from the New York State Health Foundation. Hudson Headwaters is a not-for-profit, communitybased network of 17 health centers serving the Adirondack North Country and Glens Falls Region since 1981. Its services include comprehensive primary care, obstetrics and gynecology, behavioral health, dentistry, lab, imaging and more. 37TH ANNUAL SKATING SHOW Fire and Ice is the theme the North Country Skating Club will present for their 37th Annual Skating Show on Saturday, March 12 at 6:30 pm and Sunday, March 13 at 2 pm at the Rouses Point Civic Center. CHAMPLAIN HISTORY SERIES 2016 The Village of Champlain History Center Series 2016 will hold its first presentation with Dr. Connie Shemo discussing “A Bridge Between Cultures: Two Chinese Women Physicians and their Medical Work in China and the United States 1890s to 1930s” at the Samuel de Champlain History Center on Wednesday, March 9 at 6:30 pm. This event is open to the public and is free. Refreshments will be provided. ELECTION DAY IN VILLAGES OF ROUSES POINT AND CHAMPLAIN Voters will go to the polls to elect a mayor and two trustees in the Village of Rouses Point on Tuesday, March 15. All candidates are running unopposed. Running for Mayor is Daniel Letourneau who is seeking the position now held by outgoing Mayor George Rivers who decided to not seek re-election, a position he has held for several years. Ben Arno and Tom Dart are each seeking a trustee position, which will be vacated by Trustees Brad Martin and Joseph Treadwell. Both trustees decided not to seek re-election. In the Village of Champlain, incumbent village Trustees Thomas Trombley and Amy Gehrig will run for another two year term. Both are running unopposed. It is important that residents go out to vote to support these candidates. Last year, in the Village of Rouses Point, a write-in vote win gave John Mott a position on the Village of Rouses Point defeating candidate Joseph Treadwell. A few years ago, Justice LaBounty was returned to office on a write-in vote defeating candidate Michael Phillips. The voting hours are from 12:00 noon to 9:00 p.m. Rouses Point residents will vote at the Rouses Point Civic Center, Lake Street, Rouses Point and Champlain residents will vote at the Champlain Village Offices, 1104 Route 9, Champlain. CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE DINNER American Legion Post 912 will be hosting a St. Patrick’s Day Dinner of corned beef and cabbage on Thursday, March 17 from 4 to 7 pm at the American Legion on Pratt Street in Rouses Point. Tickets are $10 for adults, seniors $8 and under 5 is free. Take-out dinners will be available. There will be Irish dancers for your entertainment at 4:30 pm and there will be music from 6 to 9 pm for your listening and dancing pleasure. ROUSES POINT STAGE BINGO BENEFIT The Rouses Point Center Stage Committee will be holding a benefit prize bingo at the Alburgh Fire Station on Friday, March 11 with the first game at 6:30 pm and door opening at 5 pm. There will be bingo mania with prizes including a 6-piece patio set with umbrella, Akwesasne Casino package, Ethan Allen cruise tickets, wine, gift baskets, gift certificates, a 50/50 lottery and more. All proceeds will be used for the benefit of the Samuel de Champlain Stage summer programs and concerts. The Stage committee has a long list of interesting programs of music, dance and other events planned for Summer 2016 for the enjoyment of residents of the Northern Tier. There is no charge for any of these performances. Refreshments will be available for purchase. HOMETOWN CABLE Home Town Cable, 24, is the viewer-supported, local cable-TV/Internet channel for the communities of Altona, Champlain, Chazy, Ellenburg, Mooers and Rouses Point. Daily 4-hour programming starts play at 11, 3 and 7 both am and pm, except Wednesday which is a 3-hour program shown at 11, 2, 5 and 8 both am and pm. Programming is also available as free video-on-demand at and Wednesday March 9: Champlain vs. Ellenburg third and fourth grade boys’ basketball; NAC vs. NCCS JV girls’ basketball. Thursday and Friday, March 10 and 11: NAC vs. NCCS varsity boys’ basketball; NCCS vs. Plattsburgh boys’ hockey; Rouses Point Village board meeting. Saturday and Sunday, March 12 and 13: Talking Business with Joey Trombley at Kyle’s Auction House in Mooers; Our Little Corner with Gordie Little and “Frontier Town Abandoned Theme Park Then and Now” followed by What’s Going on Here with Bob Venne in Frontier Town. Monday and Tuesday, March 14 and 15: Chazy vs. Westport varsity girls’ basketball; NCCS vs. Beekmantown varsity boys’ basketball; Champlain Town board meeting. Wednesday, March 16: Champlain Rouses Point vs. Ellenburg third and fourth grade boys’ basketball; NAC vs. NCCS JV boys’ basketball; St. Patrick’s Choir and their Irish Concert at the Anchorage. The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 8 North Hero Send your North Hero News, tips, story ideas to Deadline Noon every Saturday TOWN MEETING 2016 TOWN OFFICER RESULTS Moderator 1 year: Ben W. Joseph – 381 Selectboard 3 year: Ben W. Joseph – 399 Selectboard 2 year: Evan Potvin – 362 Lister 3 year: Marilyn Lagrow – 350 Auditor 3 year: Bart Wilcox – 338 Cemetery Commissioner 5 year – Frank Dattilio – 374 Library Trustee 4 year: Bob Greenough – 376 Library Trustee 3 year: Marie Kilbride – 364 Library Trustee 2 year: No minimum vote First Constable 1 year: Jim Benson – 369 Town Agent 1 year: Marie Kilbride – 366 Grand Juror 1 year: Pamela Eaton – 365 Planning Commissioner 3 year: Richard Mitchell – 332 Planning Commissioner 3 year: Chip Porter – 292 Planning Commissioner 2 year: Pete Johnson – 385 ARTICLES - Town Budget of $897,479, $683,129 to be raised by taxes: Yes – 317 / No – 80 - North Hero Volunteer Fire Department Equipment $28,000: Yes – 386 / No- 23 - North Hero Volunteer Fire Department Communication Portion of $19,000: Yes – 379 / No – 30 - Grand Isle Rescue Operating Expenses of $10,000: Yes – 375 / No – 34 - Grand Isle Sheriff’s Department Sum of $50,336: Yes – 323 / No – 78 - North Hero Elementary Facility Fees Incurred by Town and Community Programs $31,000: Yes – 318 / No – 79 -Pelots Bay Restoration Association effort of cleaning and removal of invasive weeds from Pelots Bay and Carry Bay sum of $10,000: Yes – 231 / No – 173 - Visiting Nurses Association Sum of $6,750: Yes – 357 / No – 43 - North Hero Historical Society Sum of $4,000: Yes – 290 / No – 110 - Voices Against Violence Laurie’s House Sum of $1,000: Yes – 297 / No – 97 - North Hero Library Trustees authorization to spend all funds (i.e. fund raising, town allocations, grants, etc.) for support of the Library: Yes – 380 / No – 25 SCHOOL BALLOT RESULTS -School Budget of $1,634,963: Yes – 270 / No – 115 School Moderator 1 year: Ben W. Joseph – 373 School Director 3 year: Judith Wimble – 344 School Director 2 year: A Dave Davis – 337 YOUR NEWS IS WELCOME Does your department, committee, board, organization, or school have news that you’d like to share. The Islander welcomes all of the above to submit their news, information, events and activities for publication here. Your information is welcome. Our readers, residents and taxpayers want to hear from you. The email address for submissions is islander@ and you are welcome to call the office with any questions, 802-372-5600. If there is anything we can be of help with, please contact us. NEWS FROM NORTH HERO PARKS AND RECREATION By Berney Skutel The North Hero Parks and Recreation Committee, would like to thank the citizens of North Hero for passing the 2016 Town Budget. With the support of North Hero taxpayers, we can now look forward to providing affordable summer camps and swim lessons for the children and grandchildren of North Hero. We will be able to fund our Youth Assistant program, enabling young adults from North Hero to learn important job and life skills. Furthermore, we will be able to continue the renovation at Camp Ingalls, making these historical buildings safe and accessible for all. We are happy to be able to sponsor other events that benefit our small town such as the annual Green Up Day Celebration at Camp Ingalls, the Winter Dance Series at the Community Hall and the end of summer Senior Lunch at Camp Ingalls. We will also be able to maintain our extensive trail system at Pelots Natural Area and Camp Ingalls and Butternut Ridge area along with several Geocache sites. By far the most exciting new venture will be the agreement recently made with the Vermont State Parks to admit all North Hero residents to Knight Point State Park at no cost. This means that North Hero residents will have free admission to the park for the entire season. By the end of May, we will have resident entrance cards available at the Town Office. We appreciate your support and commitment to our town. Now is the time to sign up for summer camps and swim lessons. Information can be found on the town website: SCHOOL NEWS By Joe Restighini, Principal I would like to extend a sincere thank you to all of those who voted last Tuesday. The overwhelming turnout and sheer volume of votes is a great testament to the fact that the community has an opinion on the issues of the day. In passing the budget your voice gives us further energy to be awesome for your future leaders. I can assure you that your vote is for a rigorous curriculum, a dedicated and invested team of teachers, excellent extracurricular opportunities and community events that are welcoming to all. Thank you. Next week ends the second trimester. Thursday is a half day for students and Friday there is no school for students. Teachers, staff and I will be working on assessment data and preliminary results show great progress. Our Fountas and Pinnell data from the fall offered a 52% proficient or above rate. This reflected some summer regression and although the number was concerning we were hopeful of the learning to come. Testing just concluded for the winter and our score is now 72% proficient or above. The grade 4 class tested at 100% proficiency or above. The Fountas and Pinnell is an English Language Arts test and screens students on: fluency, comprehension, accuracy and is a researched method for finding student instructional levels. Growth and progress! Our first and second graders had a special guest this past week from the Vermont Astronomical Society. Ronald Anstey came to share his photographs and knowledge on our known solar system. Students were thrilled to learn about the Orion Nebula, red and blue stars and facts about the planets. Did you know that our sun is only a medium size star, but is big enough for a million Earth’s to fit inside? Go to to learn more. There is an event every summer, hosted by a local friend on Poor Farm Road, where the stars line up and everyone is invited. BYOT; bring your own telescope! Please contact the office if you need childcare for the teacher in service day on Friday. Island Memorial Pet Services Loyalty Personalized Cremation Services with Transportation! Clean Air Permit# AP05034 Deserves Dignity 802-316-2284 NORTH HERO RECREATION COMMITTEE LOOKING FOR SUMMER YOUTH ASSISTANTS The North Hero Recreation Committee is accepting applications from young people of the town of North Hero, including those whose parents or grandparents reside in the town, for youth assistants at our summer camps. If you have completed grades 7 through 12 or are between the ages of 13 and 18, enjoy working with children and love to be outside our camps might be just what you are looking for. Applicants may choose among Nature, Story Telling, Art and Kayak camps or apply for them all. A stipend of $100 to $200 will be offered to successful candidates. Application deadline is Saturday, April 30. __________________________ CRIME WATCH 2/29-3/6 Thur 3/3: Drugs Former State Wrestling Champ Helps Team The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 9 By Lyn Jarvis Who was to know that Ryan Johnston, proprietor of McKee’s Pub and Grill in South Hero was twice the Vermont State Wrestling Champ? Pictured above, with his niece Vera, that was revealed in a recent Fox 44 sportscast. Johnston graduated from Springfield High School in 1996 where he was part of the Cosmos wrestling team. Coached by the late Bob Schweitzer those glory days faded due to budget cuts and space restrictions. That is about to change says current coach Donnie Beebe who has been working for years to bring his recreational team to the varsity level. Ryan Johnston pictured with his niece Having to practice on small mats in a closed down elementary school, local fund raising and a generous donation from Johnston has enabled the purchase of a full size wrestling mat. The team hopes to return to the varsity power they once were when he led the Cosmos to two state championships. To see the story, go to Fox 44 Ryan Johnston. East Shore Vineyard Opens Tasting Room in South Hero East Shore Vineyard, a vineyard and winery that produces some of Vermont’s most exciting and delicious wines, is pleased to announce the opening of their tasting room on East Shore Road in South Hero. Owners and childhood friends Ben Durant and Hal Evans purchased the vineyard in 2012 from Durant’s in-laws, Bob and Linda Livingstone. Since then, they have worked hard to take East Shore to the next level. With the 2014 acquisition of the Landon Farm in South Hero, Durant and Evans made a commitment to the Champlain Islands and their dream of having a destination tasting room, winery, and vineyard where locals and visitors alike can gather. The tasting room is currently open for winter hours Fridays from 12pm to 7pm, Saturdays from 12pm to 6pm and Sundays from 12pm to 5pm. Dates are also available for parties and events, including weddings, throughout the summer and fall. The Tasting Hall is located at 20 East Shore Road in South Hero. Please contact Ben or Hal at 802-372-3090 for questions and information or visit www. LCBP Hosts History of the Adirondack Park! The Lake Champlain Basin Program will host History of the Adirondack Park on Thursday, March 10 at the LCBP office in Grand Isle. The LCBP will host guest speaker Jim Connolly, former Planning Director at Adirondack Park Agency. Connolly, who also served as the New York DEC coordinator for the Lake Champlain Basin Program, will share historic images of charcoal kilns and mountain life around the time the Park was formed and discuss water supply concerns. This free public program begins at 6:30 pm in the Lake Champlain Basin Program Office and Vermont Fish and Wildlife Building, 54 West Shore Road, Grand Isle, located just north of the Grand Isle ferry entrance. Homemade desserts will be served. Location: 54 West Shore Road, Grand Isle. Information: 802-372-3213 Gift of the Forest: Wabanaki Maple Sugaring On Friday, March 11 from 6:30 to 8 pm at the Missisquoi Refuge Headquarters Building please join Dr. Fred Wiseman as he investigates oral history and folkloric evidence for maple sugaring by ancient Wabanaki people. Dr. Wiseman will attempt to “tease” out truth and theory behind maple sugaring as a true cultural and agricultural practice among local indigenous peoples or perhaps something borrowed, at least in part, from early European arrivals. Dr. Wiseman examines the evidence as well as Wabanaki maple collecting and processing tools to attempt to get clarity as to the Wabanaki aboriginality of Maple sugaring. Location: Missisquoi Refuge Headquarters Building Refuge Owl Prowl Walk Please Join Friends Board member, Ken Copenhaver for an evening walk to watch and listen for some of our resident birds who operate during the “night shift ”. The 2016 Owl Prowl will be offered to interested refuge visitors this winter on Friday evening March 11 from 6 until 9 pm and will start at the Stephen Young Marsh Trail on Tabor Road. The Stephen Young Marsh trail is located on Tabor Road one-mile south of Route 78. Look for signage worded “Refuge Trails Parking” for the Parking lot location. Resident owls including great horned owls, barred owls and screech owls all frequent the refuge trail areas in the winter and early spring. Dress appropriately for this time outside and bring a low intensity flashlight with you. Location: Stephen Young Marsh Trail, Tabor Road, Swanton. Information: Register at 802-868-4781 The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 10 Last Chance for Tickets to St. Patrick’s Gala at McKee’s Pub Join your friends and neighbors for the fourth annual St. Patrick’s celebration at McKee’s Island Pub and Pizza to benefit the Island Arts Youth Scholarship Fund. Tom Chappelow’s Seawolves, out of Isle La Motte, will entertain with chanteys and jigs. Doors open at 6 pm on Sunday, March 13. Island Arts members, friends and area businesses including Hackett’s Orchard, Shore Acres, A & B Beverages, North Hero House, Leunig’s Bistro and Ben & Jerry’s have all donated items for a silent auction that will be orchestrated by Dick Malone, of South Hero. But the stars of the evening are the chefs at McKee’s Pub, under the direction of Ryan Johnston, who will serve an all-you-can-eat corned beef dinner with all the trimmings including boiled cabbage, potatoes, carrots, Caesar salad, lamb stew and a fruited bread pudding. $25 tickets may be purchased at McKee’s, the Alburgh Public Library and by calling the Island Arts office at 802-372-8889. Tickets may also be purchased at the door. Location: McKee’s Pub, South Hero. Information: 802-372-8889 Academic Kudos ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The following students have been named to the Dean’s List: Timothy Bonin of Milton; Cole Cooper and Bocephus Leduc, both of Rouses Point and Alec LaPierre of Chazy. BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY The following student has been named to the Dean’s List: Devin Latremore of Chazy. EMMANUEL COLLEGE The following students have been named to the Dean’s List: Emily Miner of Fairfax and Abigail Thompson of Swanton. ST. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY The following students have been named to the Dean’s List: Thomas A. Bedard of Mooers; Evie S. Brahmstedt of Swanton; Katherine E. Centabar of St. Albans; Everett M. Gander and Sean M. Morrissey both of Milton and Molly Manning of Fairfax. EMERSON COLLEGE The following students have been named to the Dean’s List: Marijke Ameigh of North Hero; Liam Gibbons and Michaela Halnon both of Milton. RICE MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL The following students have been named to Honor Roll: Isabel Kline; Jordan Lawrence and Brynn Murray. ST. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY Emily L. Brown of Grand Isle is participating in an off-campus study abroad program during the Spring 2016 semester in Denmark. BOSTON UNIVERSITY Jennifer C. Morris of South Hero earned a Master of Public Health in Global Health. Congratulations Jennifer! PRATT INSTITUTE The following student was named to the Dean’s List: Christine Perry of Milton. CONNECTICUT COLLEGE Alicia Muir of Milton, class of 2019 at Connecticut College, has been named to the Dean’s list for the 2015 fall semester, achieving high honors. ST. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY Thomas A. Bedard of Mooers has been selected for membership into Beta Beta Beta, the national biological honorary society, at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York. Bedard is a member of the Class of 2017 and is majoring in biology. South Hero Players Present “Almost Maine” The South Hero Players are pleased to present “Almost Maine”, a quirky, romantic comedy by John Cariani. As the northern lights shimmer in the star filled sky above the mythical town of “Almost Maine” its residents find themselves falling in and out of love in unexpected and often hilarious ways. March 24 through 26 and April 1 through 3, the play will be on stage at the Camp Ta-Kum-Ta Barn in South Hero. All shows are at 7 pm except on Sunday, April 3 is a matinee at 2 pm. “Almost Maine” is directed by Noni Stuart. Proceeds are to benefit Camp Ta-KumTa. Tickets cost $12 for general admission; seniors and children under the age of 14 are $10. Advance ticket locations are Keeler’s Bay Variety, South Hero; A & B Beverage, Grand Isle and Harborside Harvest Market, North Hero. “A series of nine amiably absurdist vignettes about love with a touch of good-natured magic realism, witty, romantic, unsentimental, “ The New York Times” Location: Camp Ta-Kum-Ta, Sunset View Road, South Hero. All You Can Eat Breakfast The Alburgh Volunteer Fire Department is having an All You Can Eat Breakfast Easter Sunday, March 27 from 7 to Noon. Menu includes pancakes, eggs to order, ham, bacon, sausage, home fries, toast, coffee, juice and milk. Prices are: $9 Adults; $8 Seniors; $7 ages 6 to 12 and free for 5 and under. Location: Alburgh Fire Department The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 11 Cleaning Up Our Streets By Tonya L. Poutry About this time last year, the Grand Isle Sheriff’s Department, (GISD) began receiving reports of used needles in various locations, discarded on Reynolds Road in Grand Isle. Several other locations including Marycrest -- Grand Isle’s Town Beach, Adam School Road, and the Grand Isle Recreational Park, to name a few, followed. Miranda Brugger, formerly of Grand Isle was arrested in conjunction with the disposed needles. Needles found on Moccasin Avenue, during Green Up Day in May 2015, were traced back to Brugger through an investigation by Sergeant Blake Allen. Brugger was initially charged with reckless endangerment; however, a more appropriate and much stronger charge of Creating a Public Health Hazard was brought given the facts of the case by State’s Attorney Doug DiSabito. Brugger, currently incarcerated, was convicted of Violation of Condition of Release, three Violations of Probation and Creating a Public Health Hazard on Thursday, March 3 at the Grand Isle County Courthouse. State’s Attorney DiSabito credits the conviction to the incredible investigative work of Sergeant Blake Allen of GISD, in collaboration with the State’s Attorney office. “Grand Isle County is so very fortunate to have such dedicated and professional law enforcement officers such as Sgt. Allen. Used needles and other sharps are dangerous to people and pets if not disposed of safely because they can injure people and spread infections that cause serious health conditions.” said DiSabito. Brugger will serve thirty days to three years in jail and is credited with serving forty-two days thus far. Her release is determined by the Department of Corrections. Another requirement DiSabito added to the plea agreement was that Ms. Brugger, “shall sign up and participate in Green Up Day on May 7, 2016.” This was a non-negotiable provision in the plea agreement from the State’s Attorney office. “In Grand Isle County, we will not tolerate the littering and dumping of used needles wherever illegal substance abusers feel like. It creates a public health hazard and puts our neighbors at risk”, stated DiSabito. ___________________________________________________ A new report of needles at the Grand Isle Rec Park, has residents concerned and taking action. Residents in the immediate area are on alert for suspicious people and vehicles. The Grand Isle Sheriff’s Department asks that you contact them immediately in the event that you witness suspicious circumstances. If you find needles, please report them to the GISD at 802-372-4482. You can submit an anoymaus tip at www. “We will not be victims of those that choose to discard needles, rob our businesses and live in fear of these criminals,” said Julie Dickie. Dickie, Grand Isle Resident and owner of The Outhouse was burglarized last September. Four people have been arraigned in conjunction with the burglary of The Outhouse, Kim’s Snackbar, and several home burglaries. Instead of being a victim, Dickie has organized a Personal Safety and Self Defense Class to be held at the Grand Isle School this Saturday, March 12. It is open to all and free. Personal safety and awareness is an important topic for everyone and no technique will work all the time, but being aware of your surroundings at all times is important. A hands-on demonstration to help a person escape an attack as well as proper use of pepper spray will be used. The presenters will be Robert Kalinowski and his daughter Whitney. Robert has nearly 30 years of law enforcement experience. He retired as a Lieutenant from the Vermont State Police and he is currently the Training Coordinator and Firearms Coordinator at the Bennington County Sheriff’s Office. Robert spent approximately 10 years training new recruits at the academy, training his co-workers and other various law enforcement agencies in the subject area of Non-Lethal Use of Force and the proper use of deploying pepper at St. Joseph’s Church Hall in Grand Isle every Thursday at 6:30p.m. with Early Birds starting at 6:15p.m. spray. Prior to retirement, Robert spent his last 5 years with the Vermont State Police as their Firearms Training Coordinator and continues to help instruct at the academy. Robert and Whitney have done numerous personal safety presentations for different groups. Bob and Whitney recently have been part of the MACE Safety program, see their video here: https:// In addition to the Personal Safety presentation, Sheriff Ray Allen of the Grand Isle Sheriff’s Department will also be providing a Public Safety presentation geared toward children. Topics include safe homes, schools and neighborhoods. This all-ages seminar is proudly sponsored by The Outhouse, The Islander, McKee’s Island Pub & Pizza and the Grand Isle Sheriff’s Department. Light refreshments will be served. The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 12 History of the Abenaki and their French Allies Vermonters with early ancestral roots in the state may be familiar with research techniques for Yankee or Quebecois history but they can be stumped when encountering Native American ancestry. Jeanne Brink will discuss the history of the Abenaki and their relationship with their French allies. She will also talk about the Abenaki of the twenty-first century and their efforts to preserve their culture, traditions and language. This class will take place on March 12 from 10:30 to Noon and the cost is $5. We are also open for research Tuesdays 3 to 9:30 pm and Saturdays from 10 to 4 pm. Location: 377 Hegeman Avenue, Colchester. Information: or 802-3109285 Comfort Food Dinner All are invited to welcome Daylight Savings Time and support the Grand Isle Volunteer Fire Department at a Comfort Food Dinner. The dinner will be held at St. Joseph’s Church on Sunday, March 13 from 4 to 6 pm. Prices: $10 Adults; $6 children 8 and under and $25 immediate family maximum. The menu includes scalloped potatoes, ham, goulash, macaroni and cheese, taco chicken chili, veggie platter and desserts. Location: St. Joseph’s Church, Grand Isle. Legion and Auxiliary Meeting Postponed The American Legion and The American Legion Auxiliary monthly meeting is postponed from March 7 to March 14 at 6 pm. This meeting is the birthday of The American Legion and we will have a pizza followed by cake. The American Legion will be electing officers for 2016-2017. The American Legion Auxiliary will be nominating Officers for 2016-2017. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Location: American Legion Post, Alburgh. St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon Come and join us at the St. Andrew’s United Church Hall in Hemmingford on Thursday, March 17 for a St. Patrick’s Day luncheon put on by the United Church Women from 11:30 to 1:30 pm, serving ham, scalloped potatoes, baked beans, veggies, assorted salads, dessert, tea, coffee and juice. Location: St. Andrew’s United Church Hall, Hemmingford. Fish Fry Sacred Heart Parish will host a Fish Fry featuring fried perch, macaroni and cheese, tater tots, coleslaw, rolls, beverages and a dessert on Friday, March 18 from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. This all you can eat meal is $10 for adults; children ages 6 to 12 cost $5. Take outs for $10. Location: Sacred Heart Parish Center, 8 Hall Street, Chazy, NY South Hero Masonic Lodge Supper The Masonic Lodge will be hosting an oyster stew and ham dinner with sides and dessert on March 12 from 5 to 7 pm at the South Hero Congregational Church. Price is $20 for adults and $10 for kids under 12. Come on out and help support the Lodge! Location: South Hero Congregational Church. Information: www.patmos17. com Online Registration for Isle La Motte 5K Race & ½ Mile Fun Run at St. Anne’s Shrine By Paul Hinman Online registration for this year’s Isle La Motte 5K and 1/2 mile Fun Run on July 16 has begun. We are very proud that this year’s event will benefit both the Isle La Motte Recreation Department and the Wounded Warrior Project. This charity provides assistance to our great service men and women who have been injured. We are adding many new sponsors and will have prizes for most age categories. We will also have tech shirts for the first 200 entrants. We look forward to having you at this year’s run/walk. Follow Isle La Motte 5k on Facebook. The course begins and ends at at the historic site of the St. Anne’s Shrine. It is extremely fast and flat and along the west shore of Lake Champlain. This year registration is being coordinated by Online registration link is: Over 18 years of age -$25; 14 years thru age 18-$15; Under age 14-$3; Active military and veterans-$15 Prizes will be awarded to the top three male and female finishers. There will be prizes for all ½ Mile Fun runners and prizes for most age categories and random prize drawings for all to win. Food and water will be available for all participants. Check-in and registration begins at 7:15 am. The Youth Fun Run (1/2 mile) is for those ages 12 years old and younger and will begin at 8:15 am. The 5K starts at 8:30 am. An awards presentation will follow. Location: St. Anne’s Shrine, Isle La Motte. Information: 802-928-3434 or The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 13 ACROSS THE SandBAR Submitted by: Lorinda A. Henry Send your news to TOWN CALENDAR Wednesday, March 9 at 6 pm Recreation Commission; Thursday, March 10 from 7 to 9 pm Development Review Board; Tuesday, March 15 6 pm Planning Commission; Tuesday, March 22 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm Conservation Commission; Thursday, March 24 from 7 to 9 pm Development Review Board; Tuesday, April 5 at 6 pm Planning Commission THANK YOU TO VOTERS By Town Manager’s Office Thank you Milton for the great turnout to vote on Town Meeting Day. 3,130 of our 7,571 registered voters cast ballots; that is just over 40%! A much higher turnout than in previous years. Thanks for the support and passage of all Town Meeting Articles. POT HOLE REPAIR The ever changing weather brings potholes. The Highway Department will be out aggressively filling potholes this week if the weather cooperates. If you have a pothole repair to report, please either fill out our citizen request online form at address listed below or call our Public Works Office at 802-893-6030. Reminder, the Vermont Agency of Transportation maintains Route 7 and Route 2. Potholes found on these roads can be reported to the District Office directly at 802-655-1580 or contact Milton Public Works and we will forward the message to VTrans. Town Manager’s Office http:// SUGAR ON SNOW PARTY The next event will be our community Sugar On Snow Party. This will be on Saturday, March 19, please note this is a different day of the week than in the past. Also new is the venue; we will be holding it at the Arrowhead Senior Citizen Center, Middle Road. The event is from 1 to 4 pm and admission is free with donations accepted. The Sugar On Snow has gotten so popular we needed more parking. The center is also more accessible to all. GROOVY LUNCH BUNCH Milton’s seniors meet each Wednesday for fun, friendship and food. All meals and programs are sponsored by the Champlain Valley Agency on Aging and are held at the Milton Arrowhead Senior Citizens’ Center unless otherwise noted. Seniors age 60 and over are welcome. Call Shirley early at 802893-1619 at least 25 hours ahead for reservations. A $4 donation is appreciated. CVAA Advocate is Julie Petersen at 802-865-0360 or 1-800-642-5119. Meal Site Coordinator is Rhonda Fletcher. Menus for March: March 9, Salisbury steak with gravy, tossed green salad with dressing, baked potato and sour cream, wheat roll and butterscotch pudding with topping; March 16, herb baked chicken breast, carrots and peas, roasted red potatoes, wheat bread and fruited Jell-O; March 23, soft burrito, beef and beans filling with shredded cheese and lettuce, mild salsa on the side, sour cream, plain potato chips and fresh fruit; March 30, chicken and biscuits, mashed potato, green beans and Mandarin oranges. FOOD DRIVE The Milton food shelf is in critical need of nonperishable food items to help our neighbors. Donations can be made at the Milton Family Community Center weekdays from 8:30 to 5 pm. Questions? Contact Erik Wells at the Town Manager’s Delicious Roast Pork Dinner Tired of being in the house? Want to skip cooking, the clean-up and spend a pleasant evening with friends and neighbors? The Islands in the Sun Senior Center in Alburgh has a solution, bring your friends and family and enjoy our fabulous roast pork feast! Office at 802-891-8020 or ewells@town.milton. The Milton Community Center can always use your help with the food shelf. Favored items include: Peanut Butter; Jelly; Cereal, both cold and hot; Poptarts and Breakfast Bars; Canned Meat: Tuna, Ham Salmon or Chicken; Cream soup for casseroles; Pasta noodles, any shapes and sizes except lasagna; Rice: Rice-a-Roni, Uncle Bens or Success Bags; Ready Made Meals and Helpers, both Hamburger and Tuna; Spaghetti Sauce; Canned Tomatoes; Tomato Sauce; Tomato Paste; Canned Soups or Stews; Boxed Lipton Cup-of-Soups or Ramen Noodles; Baking and Pancake mix; Milk, shelf stable, evaporated or powdered; Canned Vegetables; Canned Fruit; Fruit Juices: the 12 ounce concentrate cans are great, easy to store and pack; Spaghetti-O’s, Ravioli, Chili; Boxed Macaroni n’ Cheese; Jell-O and Pudding; Snacks and Crackers; Beans both dry and canned. Thank you for your generosity. PUBLIC LIBRARY PROGRAMS AND EVENTS The Milton Public Library offers a wide variety of programs for all ages. EARLY LITERACY STORY TIMES: Mondays Infant Story Time begins at 10 am for up to 18 months with stories and songs; Tuesdays at 10 am is Preschool Story Time for ages 3 to 5 with stories and crafts; Fridays at 10 am is Toddler Story Time for ages 18 months to 3 years with stories and yoga and rhythmic movement; Saturdays at 10 am Drop-in story time for all ages with Cleo, the Therapy Dog coming first and third Saturdays to enjoy being read to. MORE WEEKLY PROGRAMS FOR KIDS: MFCC Play Group every Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30 to 11 am. Saturday playgroup is held at the Milton Family Community Center. No fee, drop-ins and home school also welcome. Adults get to meet other parents and care-givers while the young ‘uns have fun with a trained facilitator. MONTHLY EVENTS FOR KIDS: Lego at the Library, first and third Mondays from 3:30 to 5 pm for grades K through 5. When you visit the library, be sure to look for the kids’ creations on top of the youth reading shelves! Maker Workshops for ages 11 and up; next one is Jewelry Making on March 19 at 10 am. ALL AGES: Game Night Tuesdays for older teens and adults from 5 to 8 pm meets second and fourth Tuesday of the month; drop in for games and fun. All are welcome! ADULT LIBRARY PROGRAMS: Bridge Club meets every Wednesday for all levels from 1 to 3 pm. Daytime Handcrafters Club meets on third Thursdays beginning at 1 pm and all are welcome. Writers’ Club for beginning writers, second and fourth Mondays from 6:30 to 8 pm. One-on-One Computer Classes, sign-up required, third Wednesdays and first and third Tuesdays of each month. Game Nights for older teens and adults, second and fourth Tuesdays from 5 to 8 pm. Adult Coloring Club, a new pastime for grown-ups which is said to elicit a lot of the benefits of meditation. Come check it out the second Wednesday of the month from 6:30 to 8 pm. HOURS: Monday through Thursday 9 to 8 pm; Friday 9 to 5 pm; Saturday 9 to 4 pm All library programs are free of charge. To register for events please call the library at 802-893-4644. On Saturday, March 12 we will be serving a complete dinner with all the home-made fixings that you love. We are expecting a large crowd so please call ahead and tell us how many people will be in your party so we can plan enough for everyone. We will begin serving at 5 pm. After dinner you can sit and enjoy your coffee and dessert in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. Join us for this first supper of the season with delicious food and desserts. A donation of $10 for adults, $9 for Seniors and $8 for Alburgh Rod & Gun Club Announces Raffle Winners The officers of the Alburgh Rod & Gun Club thanks all who participated in their latest raffle held throughout December and congratulates all of the winners . Proceeds from the raffle enable the Club to continue the upgrades to the facility. You must be a member to use the range, and can purchase your yearly memberships for $30 at Bill’s Sporting Goods at A&B Beverage in Grand Isle, and also at the Bargain Barn in Alburgh. The club will be hosting hunter and bow hunter education courses on Saturday, April 9 and Sunday, April 10. You must register through the Vermont Fish and Wildlife website and complete the online home study course prior to attending. Trash Survey Northwest Solid Waste District needs your help to gauge the success of their efforts! Please go to the link below to take a quick survey about trash. If you enter your contact info, you will be entered in a drawing for a composting bin and a countertop food scrap container. nwswd_trash_survey members is requested. Proceeds will go toward further improvements in the building so we can host more events for the island community. Hope to see you all there. And do not forget, while you are at the Center, you can renew your membership for 2016 and enjoy the discounted price for all future dinners. It is a good deal! Location: Islands in the Sun Senior Center, Alburgh. The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 14 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9 - Yogi Little League Baseball and Softball Registration at Grand Isle School Lobby; 6 to 7 pm THURSDAY, MARCH 10 - History of the Adirondack Park at Lake Champlain Basin Program, Grand Isle; 6:30 pm FRIDAY, MARCH 11 - Salsa Classes at North Hero Community Hall; 7 pm - Rouses Point Center Stage holding Bingo Benefit at Alburgh Fire Station; 5 pm - Free Community Supper at South Hero Congregational Church; 5:30 to 7 pm - Gift of the Forest: Wabanaki Maple Sugaring at Missisquoi Refuge, Swanton; 6:30 to 8 pm - Refuge Owl Prowl Walk at Stephen Young Marsh Trail, Swanton; 6 to 9 pm SATURDAY, MARCH 12 - Rabies Clinic at the Alburgh Fire Station; 10 to Noon - Annual Relay for Life at Catamount Outdoor Family Center, Williston; 4 pm to Midnight - Special Prize Bingo at Alburgh Fire Station; 11 am - Mason Lodge Supper at South Hero Congregational Church; 5 to 7 pm - Red Steller and the Working Man Band at Kristy’s Corner, Grand Isle; 8 pm to Midnight - Northern Lights Square Dance at Northeastern Clinton Central School, Champlain; 7:30 to 10 pm - Free Haircuts at Cornerstone Community Church, Milton; 10 to 2 pm - Community Personal Safety Seminar at Grand Isle School; 1 to 5 pm - Roast Pork Dinner at Islands in the Sun Senior Center, Alburgh; 5 pm - Vermont Genealogy Library Class, Colchester; 10:30 to Noon SUNDAY, MARCH 13 - Fourth Annual All You Can Eat Corned Beef Dinner with entertainment at McKee’s Pub in South Hero; 6 pm - GIVFD Comfort Food Dinner at St. Joseph’s Church, Grand Isle; 4 to 6 pm MONDAY, MARCH 14 Weekly HAPPENingS - REOCCURRING EVENTS - MONDAY Thursday •Preschool Storytime at the Alburgh Library; 11:30 am •Film Night at the Alburgh Library; 7 pm •Tai Chi with Rob Rousseau at the South Hero Congregational Church; 9:00 to 10:00 am •Lunch at “The Neighbors”, South Hero Congregational Church; Noon. •Adult Coloring at the Alburgh Library; 4:00 pm •Fiber Night at the Grand Isle Library; 6:30 to 8 pm •Living Strong in the Islands Strength & Balance Training at St. Rose of Lima Church, South Hero; 9:30 to 10:30 am •Tai Chi with Rob Rousseau at the South Hero Congregational Church 3:00 to 4:00 pm •Bingo at St. Joseph’s Church, Grand Isle; 6:15 pm TUESDAY •Living Strong in the Islands Strength & Balance Training at St. Rose of Lima Church, South Hero; 9:30 to 10:30 am •Tai Chi with Rob Rousseau at the South Hero Congregational Church 3 to 4 pm Wednesday •Story Time at the Grand Isle Library; 10 am •Tai Chi with Rob Rousseau at the South Hero Congregational Church 9:00 to 10:00 am •Lunch at “The Neighbors”, South Hero Congregational Church; Noon. •Bingo at Islands in the Sun Senior Center, Alburgh; 5 pm Friday •Lunch at “The Neighbors”, South Hero Congregational Church; Noon. •Writing Group meets at the Alburgh Public Library; 6 to 8 pm •Tai Chi with Rob Rousseau at the South Hero Congregational Church 9 to 10 am •Wine Down at Snowfarm Vineyard 6 to 8:30 pm To submit your weekly event, contact Tonya at 802.372.5600 or *Some restrictions and fees may apply - American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary meeting, Alburgh; 6 pm TUESDAY, MARCH 15 - Vermont Genealogy Library Class, Colchester; 10:30 to Noon WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16 - ECHO Community Science Night, Burlington; 5:30 to 7 pm THURSDAY, MARCH 17 - Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner with entertainment at American Legion Post 912, Rouses Point; 4 to 9 pm - St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon at St. Andrew’s United Church Hall, Hemmingford; 11:30 to 1:30 pm FRIDAY, MARCH 18 - Salsa Classes at North Hero Community Hall; 7 pm - Bring a Gift Bingo at St. Amadeus Parish, Alburgh; 5 pm - Sacred Heart Parish Fish Fry, Chazy; 4:30 to 7:30 pm SATURDAY, MARCH 19 - Ducks Unlimited Banquet at the Alburgh American Legion; 4:30 pm - Milton Historical Society Sugar on Snow at Arrowhead Senior Center, Milton; 1 to 4 pm - Newman Center Film Series, Plattsburgh; 7 pm SUNDAY, MARCH 20 - Rabies Clinic at South Hero Volunteer Fire Department; Noon to 2 pm - Salsa Classes at North Hero Community Hall; 7 pm - Palm Sunday Buffet Breakfast at St. Rose Church, South Hero; 7:30 am - Souper Sunday at Alburgh Library; 1:30 to 3:30 pm - Palm Sunday Brunch at Peru Community Church; 9 to 1 pm - South Hero Land Trust Hike; 10 to 11:30 am THURSDAY, MARCH 24 - Maunday Thursday Services at South Hero Congregational Church; 7 pm - “Almost Maine” at Camp TaKum-Ta Barn, South Hero; 7 pm FRIDAY, MARCH 25 - “Almost Maine” at Camp TaKum-Ta Barn, South Hero; 7 pm SATURDAY, MARCH 26 - Egg Hunt, Bombardier Park West, Milton; 10 am - “Almost Maine” at Camp TaKum-Ta Barn, South Hero; 7 pm SUNDAY, MARCH 27 - All You Can Eat Breakfast at Alburgh Fire Department; 7 to Noon - Easter Sunrise Service on Sweeney Hill, Town Line Road, Grand Isle; 6:45 am WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30 - South Hero Democratic PostPrimary Presidential Town Caucus at South Hero Town Office; 7 pm Bring a Gift Bingo St. Amadeus Parish will be hosting a Bring-a-Gift Bingo on Friday, March 18. The doors of the Parish center will open at 5 pm. The games will begin at 6 pm. The cost is: $5 for 18 or fewer cards PLUS a gift; an $8 to $10 value. Maurice’s wonderful soups and more will be available at the Snack Bar. Location: St. Amadeus Parish, Alburgh. Information: or 802-796-3481 Milton Historical Society Upcoming Events On Saturday, March 19, the Historical Society invites everyone to a Sugar on Snow Party at the Arrowhead Senior Center from 1 to 4 pm. A new day and new location with the same old fashioned fun: live music, maple treats and of course, sugar on snow! Do not miss the annual meeting on Wednesday, April 7 at 7 pm at 13 School Street, Milton. Location: 46 Middle Road, Milton Ducks Unlimited Banquet in March The Lake Champlain Islands Ducks Unlimited Banquet will be held on Saturday, March 19 at 4:30 pm. The event will be held at the Alburgh American Legion. Attendees requesting tickets before March 1, will be entered to win $100 in raffle tickets. Call Chairman Location: Alburgh American Legion. Information: Eddie at 802-752-0909 or Women’s History Month at the Newman Center To mark Women’s History Month, the 16mm film series at the Newman Center salutes vintage character actress Salome Jens, still going strong at 80 and her 60th anniversary in film and television. See her dynamic second movie, 1961’s “Angel Baby,” in which she is unforgettable as the female answer to Burt Lancaster’s “Elmer Gantry” the previous year. The film will be shown on Saturday, March 19 at 7 pm. Location: 90 Broad Street, Plattsburgh. Information: Rabies Clinic in South Hero The South Hero Volunteer Fire Department will again sponsor a Rabies Clinic on Sunday March 20 from 12 to 2 pm. Please bring your cats and dogs for their rabies shot. The cost of the rabies shot is $10. The clinic will be held in the Fire Station in South Hero. You are also able to renew your dog license for South Hero and Grand Isle at the Rabies Clinic. Dog licenses are due in Grand Isle and South Hero by April 1. In addition, South Hero Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary will be selling Support your Fire Department T-shirts for $10. Location: South Hero Fire House. Information: The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 15 The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 16 LEGAL NOTICES TOWN OF ALBURGH PRUDENTIAL COMMITTEE MEMBER FOR SAFD #2 The Town of Alburgh Selectboard on behalf of the South Alburgh Fire District #2 is seeking candidates to fill the position of prudential committee member. Interested parties should submit a letter of interest to the Town of Alburgh 1 North Main St., Alburgh, VT 05440. The Board will appoint a new committee member at the regular Board meeting on March 8th. Meeting will begin at 7pm. STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL DIVISION Grand Isle Unit Docket No. 6-2-14 Gicv Green Tree Servicing LLC, Plaintiff, VS Tracy L. Theoret, Lawrence A. Theoret, Jr. a/k/a Larry A. Theoret Jr., The Estate of Lawrence A. Theoret, Jr., Portfolio Recovery Assoc., Cavalry Portfolio Services, LLC and Occupants of 79 Truck Route, Alburgh, VT Defendants Notice of Foreclosure Sale Pursuant to the Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure by Judicial Sale, entered by the Vermont Superior Court, Civil Division-Grand Isle Unit on July 1, 2015 in the above captioned matter, for the breach of conditions of a certain mortgage given by Tracy L. Theoret and Larry A. Theoret to GreenPoint Credit, LLC, dated April 18, 2000 and recorded on April 20, 2000 in Volume 86, Pages 28-34 of the Land Records of the Town of Alburgh, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, and for the purpose of foreclosing the same, the property described hereinafter will be sold at Public Auction April 7, 2016 at 2:00 P.M., at the subject property located at 79 Truck Route, Alburgh, Vermont, being all and singular the premises described in said mortgage. To wit: Being all the same land and premises conveyed in a certain Warranty Deed from Lawrence A. Theoret and Frances M. Theoret to Lawrence A. Theoret, Jr. and Tracy L. Theoret, which deed is dated January 20, 2000, and recorded January 20, 2000 in Volume 85, Pages 115-116 of the Town of Alburgh Land Records and further described in a certain Mortgage Deed, dated April 18, 2000 from Larry A. Theoret Jr and Tracy L. Theoret to Green point Credit, LLC. Said Mortgage Deed was recorded on April 20, 2000 in Volume 86, Pages 28-34 of the Land Records of the Town of Alburgh. Assignment of Mortgage from GreenPoint Credit, LLC by its Attorney-in-Fact Green Tree Servicing LLC to Green Tree Servicing LLC dated October 31, 2013 was recorded on November 25, 2013 in Book 160, Pages 271-274 of the Land Records of the Town of Alburgh. Also included is a 2000 FLEETWOOD HOMES, EAGLE 14x74 SERIAL # PAFLY22A46422AB. Terms of sale: At the sale, the person holding the public sale shall sell to the highest bidder all of the Mortgaged Property, subject to property taxes and municipal assessments, if any, due and owing to the Town of Alburgh. If the Plaintiff makes the highest bid, Plaintiff shall be required to pay cash or certified funds only to the extent that its bid is in excess of the sum due it by the Defendant Mortgagor up to the date of sale under the Judgment and Decree. The purchaser at the sale shall pay cash or certified funds to the person holding the sale. A deposit shall be paid at the time of sale of at least $10,000.00 or 10% of the bid, whichever is greater, in the form of cash, a bank treasurer’s check, or certified funds. Plaintiff is authorized to require the purchaser to sign a Purchase and Sales Agreement. Any adjournment of the sale must comply with the requirements of 12 V.S.A § 4953(b). The sale is subject to confirmation order by the Vermont Superior Court, Civil Division-Grand Isle Unit. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at anytime prior to the sale date by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale or inquire at the Law Office of Jeffrey D. Lewis, PO Box 588, South Royalton VT 05068, (802)763-7002. Green Tree Servicing LLC By, Jeffrey D. Lewis Law Office of Jeffrey D. Lewis P.O. Box 588, South Royalton, Vermont 05068 (802)763-7002 Death Notices JUDITH K. COUTURE 1940 - 2016 E A S T ALBURGH- It is with griefstricken hearts that we tell you we have had to say goodbye to Judy. She was the beloved mother, mem, sister and friend to many. Judy was always Mem or Mem Cooch. She will be greatly missed but we take comfort that she is with the love of her life, husband Pete, both now watching over us. Judy leaves behind six children; sons, Doyle and his companion Hope, Darren and Derek and his wife Nikki; daughters, Danielle Currier and husband Tony, Devra Metevier and husband Marty and Darla Lawyer and husband Todd; several greatly loved grandchildren and great grandchildren; sister, Jolene and brother Gerald of Manchester, Maine; brother-in-law, Bernard and wife Betty and special friends, Mike and Vonnie Lamotte. Judy was predeceased by her husband Pete, mother and father, Malcolm and Phyliss Smith; brother, Phillip, sister-in-law, Shirley and grandson, Adam Duval. You have left us to continue your journey but you will be with us forever in our hearts and memories. A Graveside Service will be held in the spring at the family lot in Bush Cemetery, Alburgh. Gifts in Judith’s memory may be made to The Key Bank, in care of James Schuler, 201 Swanton Road, Saint Albans 05478. CORA SULIA MARTIN N O R T H HERO/EDENCora Sulia Martin, age 75 years, a lifelong North Hero resident died late Wednesday evening, March 2, at the home of her daughter Robin in Eden with loving family at her side. Cora was able to celebrate her true loves birthday with him in Heaven. Born in North Hero on May 23, 1940, she was the daughter of the late Albert and Julia (Way) Sulia. She graduated from Alburgh High School and on June 13, 1959 was married to James Vance Martin, Sr., who predeceased her on, September 9, 2009. Cora will be remembered as a great cook working over many years at various local restaurants. She was also a Licensed Nursing Assistant having worked several years for the Chittenden-Grand Isle Visiting Nurse Association and also at the former DeGoesbriand Unit of the Medical Center Hospital of Vermont. She and her husband were very active in Vermont 4-H and she was also a member of the American Legion Auxiliary, Creller–Landon Post 60 in Alburgh. In earlier years Cora had also been employed with Thermal Wire of South Hero. Cora leaves her three sons, James Martin, Jr. and wife Jen of North Hero, Mark Martin and wife Joanne of Isle La Motte and Michael Martin of North Hero; four daughters, Robin Gutierrez and companion Dean of Eden, Julie Shay of Florida, Donna Blaise of North Hero and Dorothy Hilliker and her husband Robert of Alburgh; four sisters, Theresa and husband Monty Jarvis of St. Albans and Dorothy and husband Donald Bodily of Boise, Idaho, Josie and family of Kentucky and Judy Hubbard of Aloha, Oregon; 13 grandchildren; eight great grandchildren; sister-in-law Ann Martin and family of St. Albans; brother-in-law, Dale Martin and wife Sis of Georgia; sister-in-law, Norma Scullien of Rhode Island; sister-in-law, Carol Burns of Las Vegas, Nevada and many nieces, nephews a newly adopted son, Eddie Wendel and many friends of the Lakeview Campground community in Eden. She was predeceased by a brother, Charles Bruley. A Funeral Service will be held Saturday, March 12 at 11 am from The Kidder Memorial Home, 89 Grand Avenue in Swanton. Pastor John C. Kehoe of the Alburgh Bible Church will officiate. Interment will follow on Monday, June 13 at the Martin family lot in the Alburgh Center Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home on Friday, March 11 from 5 to 8 pm. Cora’s family would like to extend their deepest gratitude to the Lamoille County Home Health Agency and Hospice including, Colleen, Judy, Gerette, Karen and Alden for all of their support, encouragement and professional care. It was Cora’s request that gifts in her memory be made to the American Cancer Society, New England Division, 55 Day Lane, Williston 05495 or to the American Diabetes Association, 10 Speen Street, Framingham, Massachusetts 01701. JOHN (JACK) POTVIN The family of John (Jack) Potvin invites you to a celebration of his life on Sunday, March 13 from 1:00 to 7:00 pm at The Island Hub, Grand Isle. There will be food, music and many memories to share. Please, no outside alcohol. Northern Lights Square Dance Club The Northern Lights Square Dance Club is having a dance on Saturday, March 12 from 7:30 to 10 pm with Mr. Corry Lowden calling Mainstream and Plus. The dance will be held at the Northeastern Clinton Central School located at 103 State Route 276 in Champlain. Please enter at back of school. Location: NCCS, Champlain. Information: Fran 518-236-6919. Free Haircuts “Haircuts from the Heart” will offer free Haircuts on Saturday, March 12 from 10 to 2 pm at Cornerstone Community Church. If you or someone you know is facing tough times, on fixed income or limited resources, this day is for you! Licensed professional stylists will be giving haircuts for men, women and kids. You can have your nails polished while kids have their faces painted. Enjoy refreshments and fun. Groups please call ahead with number of people and approximate time you will arrive. Location: 26 Bombardier Road, Milton. Information: 802-893-1481 The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 17 Isle La Motte Send your Isle La Motte News, tips, story ideas to Deadline Noon every Saturday TOWN MEETING 2016 TOWN & SCHOOL OFFICER RESULTS Town Moderator 1 year: Rustam Spaulding – 203 School Moderator 1 year: Rustam Spaulding -205 Town Clerk 1 year: Michelle Murray – 209 Town Treasurer 1 year: Michele Murray – 120 / Cathy Tudhope – 113 School Board 3 year: Barbara Callahan – 104 / Jane Zera – 125 Town Agent: No candidates. Write In: Jim Senesac Sr. – 7 Selectboard: Selby Turner – 188 Cemetary Commission 3 year: Christopher Smith – 206 Delinquent Tax Collector 1 year: Mary Labrecque – 199 Trustee of Public Funds 3 year: Daniel Rainville – 218 Lister 3 yeas: No candidates. Write in: Deb Daly – 7 Grand Juror 1 year: No candidates. Write in: James Senesac Sr. - 5 Constable 1 year: Monte F. Maas – 167 Auditor 2 year: No candidates. Write in: Sylvia Jensen – 11 Auditor 3 year: No candidates. Write in: Slyvia Jensen – 11 *Top votes in write in category are listed when no candidate ran for the position* Isle La Motte held Town Meeting on Saturday, February 26, 2016. All of the below articles passed by voice vote. Article 1. Use general surplus from current fiscal year to reduce taxes next fiscal year. Article 2. Isle La Motte Volunteer Fire Co. Inc Budget of $43,000 Article 3. Visiting Nurses Association sum of $2,020 Article 4. Northwestern Counseling and Support Services sum of $700 Article 5. Champlain Valley Agency on Aging sum of $700 Article 6. Northwest Regional Planning Commission sum of $479 Article 7. American Red Cross sum of $350 Article 8. Lake Champlain Islands Economic Development Corp. sum of $400 Article 9. Green Up Vermont sum of $50 Article 10. Vermont Adult Learning sum of $100 Article 11. Isle La Motte School Community Use sum of $14,500 Article 12. Friends of Northern Lake Champlain sum of $1000 Article 13. Franklin Grand Isle Court Diversion sum of $250 Article 14. Vermont Rural Fire Protection Task Force sum of $100 Article 15. Cemetery Commission for Restoration of Graves sum of $5000 Article 16. Island Arts sum of $1000 Article 17. Franklin/Grand Isle United Way sum of $500 Article 18. Champlain Island Food Shelf sum of $1000 Article 19. Voices Against Violence Laurie’s House sum of $1000 Article 20:General Fund Surplus of $23,393 to reduce taxes SCHOOL (AUSTRALIAN BALLOT) - School Budget of $1,206,326.52: Yes – 115 / No – 127 Article 2. $40,000 to install siding, insulate, install windows on the Town Hall: Yes – 129 / No – 94 Article 3. Town Budget of $390,000.00 to meet expenses/liabilities, $278,120 to be raised by taxes: Yes 145 / No – 94 Does your department, committee, board, organization, or school have news that you’d like to share. The Islander welcomes all of the above to submit their news, information, events and activities for publication here. Your information is welcome. Our readers, residents and taxpayers want to hear from you. The email address for submissions is islander@ and you are welcome to call the office with any questions, 802-372-5600. If there is anything we can be of help with, please contact us. SCHOOL NOTES By Tom Tregan, Principal Don’t miss the Community Dinner prepared by Chef Lisa, scheduled for Tuesday, March 15. Students will soon be readying invitations to the community inviting them to partake in a dinner at no expense. _______________________________________ CRIME WATCH 2/29-3/6 Fri 3/4: Assist Rescue, Service of APO, Vehicle Complaint; Wed 3/2: Citizen Assist (2), Assist Rescue; Tue 3/1: Unsecured Premise Health Services Northwestern Counseling & Support Services, Inc. •CHURCH SERVICES• Congregational Church of South Hero, U.C.C. SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:30 A.M. YEAR-ROUND SUNDAY SCHOOL & Nursery Care Ages 5 and under We Invite and Welcome Everyone. Pastor: Rev. Cordelia Burpee 24 South St., South Hero, VT 05486 Tel: 802-372-4962 E-mail: • Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 3pm Free Community Supper 2nd Friday each month 5:30-7pm Island Roman Catholic Parishes Serving the churches of Alburgh, Grand Isle, Isle La Motte & South Hero MASS SCHEDULE St. Amadeus, Alburgh- Sunday: 10:30 a.m. St. Joseph, Grand Isle- Sunday: 9:00 a.m. St. Joseph, Isle La Motte- Saturday: 6:00 p.m. St. Rose of Lima, South HeroSaturday: 4:00 p.m. Rev. Thomas Nadeau St. Amadeus Office 796-3481 St. Rose of Lima Office 372-4092 Champlain Islands Parish Services Rev. Bobbie Rambach Isle La Motte United Methodist Church Sunday 8:00 am North Hero United Methodist Church Worship 9:30 a. Grand Isle Methodist Church Worship 11am The Churches with... OPEN HEARTS... OPEN MINDS... OPEN DOORS... Parish Office 372-6638 UNION BIBLE CHURCH Main St., Route 2, Alburgh, VT Dr. John C. Kehoe, Pastor 796-3055 Independent—Bible Believing—Gospel Preaching SUNDAY School & Bible Study _______ 9:30AM SUNDAY Worship__________________ 10:30AM WEDNESDAY Prayer Mtg. & Bible Study 7:00PM WEDNESDAY Children's Bible Club____ 7:00PM “A Friendly and Joyful Welcome Awaits You” Nursery Provided at all Services website: GOD'S LITTLE BROWN CHURCH A non-denominational GCMF affiliated Church Behavior Health Crisis Services • 524-6554 or 1-800-834-7793 • CORNER ROUTE 2 AND ROUTE 129 SOUTH ALBURGH, VERMONT 05440 REV. C. ANDREW CHRYSLER, PASTOR (802)782-9384 WWW.GLBCVT.ORG “God’s Word has the answer” Al-Anon WORSHIP......SUNDAY 10:00 AM BIBLE STUDY/PRAYER-WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM 1-866-972-5266 for friends & families of alcoholics THE BORDERS REGIONAL MINISTRY A cooperative Anglican/Episcopal ministry March 13th: Fifth Sunday in Lent 10 a.m. St. Thomas’, Noyan US 2 north thru Alburgh to VT/QC 225 The Rev. Thora L. Chadwick 802-863-8036 The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 18 -FOR SALE- --------------------------------Frabill Aqua-life S9X gallon bait station, 3 power sources, new condition, $40 firm. Jiffy triple serrated ice chisel, $50 firm, Call Pat 802-9283239 --------------------------------- -FOR RENT- --------------------------------SOUTH HERO- 2 BR, 1 1/2 Bath. 900 sq ft. Electric, Hot water, dead end road. $1200. 1st, last, deposit. Call 802-598-5224 for appt. Ready Now! Leave message. --------------------------------- -WANTED- --------------------------------Wanted to buy- Collector will pay cash for old wood bird carvings, goose, duck, shore birds decoys. 802-238-1465. --------------------------------West View Mapleworks will be buying sap for the upcoming sugar season. Call Bill Champagne at 802-343-6202. 3/15 --------------------------------- -JOBS- --------------------------------Grand Isle County Clerk position available - The Grand Isle Courts seek a qualified individual to fill the position of county clerk. This part-time position for the Grand Isle Courts averages 5 hours per week, and does not offer benefits. Qualified applicants may apply with their resume at the Grand Isle Courthouse or by mail to the Assistant Judges, Grand Isle Courts, and P.O. Box 127, North Hero, VT 05474 or by email to For a copy of a detailed job description, one may be obtained at the County Court in North Hero or requested by email from Assistant Judge Potvin. Application close by MARCH 21, 2016. --------------------------------- -SERVICES- --------------------------------WELDING: Aluminum - stainless & steel. Inshop & portable. Propeller, skeg repair. Jesberger Welding. 802-796-4079 802-324-6954. 5/31/16 --------------------------------ISLAND SEWING: All aspects of sewing. Alterations, mending, formal wear. Specializing in bridal gowns. 30+ years experience. Call 802372-0194 BTFN --------------------------------Remodeling, Windows, Doors, Roofs, Tile, Floors, Paint - Inside & Out, Barn Restoration, House Lifting, Foundation Repair. Insured. Bill Miller 802-355-0313 3/15 --------------------------------E.C. ELECTRIC- Licensed Electrician with 25+ years experience. 802-796-4610 3/29 -SERVICESJohn B. Kneen •Smoke Alarms •Renovations •CO Alarms •New Construction •Fully Insured •30 Yrs Experience 802-238-4802 • Grand Isle -JOBS- --------------------------------LANDRY CARPENTRY - Local G/C estimating Spring/Summer project now! 802-372-3701 3/29 LARGE enough to store your car or small boat! Route 2, Alburgh VT small enough to Call today for sizes & info! clear your clutter! s r r TM RESPITE PROVIDER/PERSONAL CARE ATTENDANT (PCA) Attention high school seniors or anyone who has an interest in the medical field or has a desire to work with children. Northwestern Counseling & Support Services is in the process of screening individuals to work for families as Respite Providers or Personal Care Attendants (PCA). The ideal candidate should be mature, responsible, and caring. If you have time to provide support to a child we are looking for you. This is a great opportunity for afterschool, weekends, and summer employment. Interested individuals need to be at least 18 years old and enjoy being around children. Interest in community activities a plus. Applicants should have a reliable vehicle along with a clean driving record. Complete background checks will be conducted. Please contact Danielle at (802) 393-6657 for more information or complete an application online at “Creating a stronger workforce, one employee at a time.” NCSS, INC. 107 Fisher Pond Road St. Albans, Vermont 04578 We are an Equal Opportunity Employer The Islander, March 8, 2016 Page 19 The Crabapple Tree By Lyn Jarvis I have a crabapple tree just to the right of my driveway next to the house. It is a nicely shaped tree because it gets trimmed a lot to keep the branches from blocking entry to the garage and slapping the house on windy days. Who would have thought that little sprig planted so many years ago would grow to be 15 feet tall? Crabapple trees belong to the Rosaceae family, or rose family. They share the same genus; Malus, as apples. All apples, including crabapples, are believed to have originated in the mountains of Kazakhstan. All crabapples are edible and some make good jelly, though most are too bitter. Henry David Thoreau in his essay “Wild Apples”, perhaps best describes that special “crabbed” flavor; “sour enough to set a squirrel’s teeth on edge and make a jay scream.” I found that out long ago when I tried to use them for applesauce. Despite this the tree brings me great joy, albeit just twice a year. First, in May when its delicate fragrant pink blooms attract honey bees and humming birds. Although short lived, it a sure sign that we have survived another winter and spring has arrived. Even more, I enjoy a winter show that is produced by the January thaw and softening of the rock hard crabapples. Birds that I seldom see this time of year arrive from somewhere, pick the tree clean and move on. Cedar waxwings swoop in along with downy and red bellied woodpeckers, robins, chickadees, grackles, cardinals and sparrows all here to enjoy a few days of food for the taking. I am always impressed seeing so many of them; so respectful of one another inviting all to share in the bounty. We can learn a lot from them. Even as the tree is picked clean, it will not be long until new buds emerge and the cycle begins again. There will be hundreds of fragrant blooms to create a new crop of crabapples and next winters feast for our feathered friends. Serving the Champlain Islands Prearranged Funeral Planning Route 7 - P.O. Box 113 - Milton, VT 05468 (802) 893-6323 most influential families on Sunday, March 20 at 2:00 pm. Location: 1 Ethan Allen Homestead, Burlington Souper Sunday The Alburgh library will be holding their annual Souper Sunday on Sunday, March 20 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. Price is $5 for all you can eat. Menu includes soup, bread and desserts. Location: Alburgh Library Palm Sunday Brunch On Sunday, March 20 from 9 to 1 pm the Peru Community Church will hold their annual Palm Sunday Brunch and will be held at the Peru Community Church Fellowship Center. Prices are: $8 Adults; $5 children ages 5 to 12; free for children under 5. The menu features scrambled eggs, French toast, bacon, biscuits and gravy, hash browns, fresh fruit salad, milk, coffee, tea and assorted juices. Proceeds to benefit local missions and the Peru Community Church Capital Campaign. The Peru Community Church is a federated Church of both the United Methodist and Presbyterian traditions. The church has been continuously used for worship services since 1833 and the building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The adjacent Fellowship Center serves as a gathering place for church events and the wider community including Scouts, AA and Lions. The church’s mission states “We, the Community Church of Peru, a dynamic, ecumenical Christian community of faith, bound in loving fellowship and service, gather to worship God, looking for a sense of belonging and seeking a faith to sustain us.” All are welcome. Location: Corner of Pleasant and Elm Streets, Peru. Information: 518-643-8641 Ethan Allen Homestead Winter Enrichment Program “One Family, Four Generations, Two Hundred Years” Jane Williamson, Director of the Rokeby Museum, will tell the story of early VT resident Thomas Robinson and his descendants, one of Vermont’s Birthday Cake and Spaghetti and Meatball Supper Saturday, April 2 St. Rose of Lima will be holding their annual Birthday Cake and Spaghetti and Meatball Supper beginning at 5 pm. Adults: $10 Children: $5. Come out and enjoy good food, friends and neighbors and start beating Cabin Fever! Location: St. Rose Church, South Hero. Information: 802-372-4092 Palm Sunday Buffet Breakfast On Sunday, March 20 St. Rose of Lima Church will host their annual Palm Sunday Buffet Breakfast. Serving will begin at 7:30 am. The cost is as follows: Adults: $8 Children: $4. Take-outs will be available. Location: St. Rose Church, South Hero. Information: 802-372-4092 ISLANDS REALTY INC. GRAND ISLE Gracious & well appointed Lakefront Contemporary residence located in upscale neighborhood. There are extensive views of Lake Champlain and the Islands from nearly every room and it has the most exquisite gradual pebble beach, perfect for family gatherings. $1,252,000. SOUTH HERO NORTH HERO Custom built w/top of the line features! 3 BR/3 BA home on .54 acre lot. 110’ of direct gradual lake-shore w/deep clean water. 2 car garage w/ guest qtrs., 2 sided fireplace, natural stone floors w/radiant heat, chefs kitchen w/double wall ovens, SS appliances & unique hammered granite counter-tops, master suite w/fireplace & balcony. Lake & mtn views. $699,000. NORTH HERO SOUTH HERO Private , 10 acre retreat w/stunning panoramic lake & mountain views. Recently renovated, featuring, large open design, natural light, birch floors, and a sleek modern gourmet kitchen w/granite counters, cherry cabinets, and 3x8 ft Island, perfect for entertaining. Wraparound deck. 400’ of shared lake shore w/community dock & mooring rights. $599,000. ISLE LA MOTTE Commercial property w/Lake Champlain views! Currently leased to 3 Medical offices. The office complex could be configured in different ways. It offers 30+ parking spaces & excellent visibility on Route 2, close the RT 314 and the Ferry. This is an excellent income producing property with many possibilities. $329,900. Year Round Lakefront Living at an affordable price! This cozy 2 Bedroom 1 Bath home features panoramic westerly views of Lake Champlain, 90 feet of direct lake frontage, and a private lot with mature trees & perennial gardens on a quiet dead end road. $239,900. Looking for peace & quiet? Check out this updated 3 BR/2.5 BA home on 10.10 acres with fruit trees, meadows & arborvitaes for privacy. 2 car detached garage. $225,000. ALBURGH GRAND ISLE Charming 3 BR, one level living home with many updates! Nice 1.06 acre lot with detached 2 car garage. New roof, front porch, siding, kitchen and more!!! Move in condition!!! $224,900. Energy efficient, 3 BR/2.5 BA, yr around home w/ beautiful views. Featuring, master suite w/walk-in closet, full bath w/Jacuzzi tub, bonus room, 3 season sun room, cathedral ceilings, HW floors, tiled kitchen & baths, 2 car garage/workshop & shared 80ft right of way to lake. NOW $285,000. 3 BR/2 BA year round home on the shores of Lake Champlain. Large living room with gas stove. Nice screened porch. 2 car garage. 1.04 acres and 175’ of lake frontage. Natural ramp to the lake. Only $199,900. FRANZ ROSENBERGER 802-777-7646 CARLA LANGLOIS 802-363-5758 CRAIG SNYDER 802-372-5777 EVAN POTVIN 802-999-6277 NORTH HERO SHARI SWAINBANK 802-233-6392 2 Ferry Rd., South Hero: 802.372.5777 TIM TRAPANI 802-236-1402
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