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Innovation and Creative Thinking Skills By Elidjen, S.Kom, M.InfoCommTech elidjen@binus.edu Student Creativity Development Center (SCDC) Manager Binus University UBINUS VISION 20/20 A world-class university in continuous pursuit of innovation and enterprise Key Words World-class Knowledge institution What do we mean by…? Graduates of UBINUS will be accepted in the global market and environment through the highest level of education excellence encompassing teaching, learning and applied research A university characterized by the utilization of evolving knowledge to create economic value through its distinctive competences Innovation The economically successful introduction and application of new and existing scientific knowledge and teaching-learning process for practical purposes in order to create superior stakeholder value Enterprise Innovative business practices relating to an individual or organization's capability to drive positive changes in the global market and environment Bina Nusantara 2 Lion Air Mendobrak Pakem Industri Penerbangan I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every night and day Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can fly I believe I can fly Cuplikan lagu I Believe I Can Fly dari Robert Sylvester Kelly, peraih Grammy Award 1998, agaknya bisa menjadi “lagu wajib” maskapai penerbangan Lion Air. Bina Nusantara Lion Air Mendobrak Pakem Industri Penerbangan cont. Betapa tidak, motto Lion Air, “We make people fly”, senapas betul dengan lagu itu. Lion membuat naik pesawat yang semula terkesan “wah” dan eksklusif kini menjadi biasa saja. Siapa pun kini bisa bepergian dengan pesawat terbang. Bina Nusantara Lion Air Mendobrak Pakem Industri Penerbangan cont. Mengandalkan konsep low cost carrier (LCC), maskapai milik Rusdi Kirana ini berhasil mendobrak pakem industri penerbangan nasional. Tiket murah menjadi tren baru. Maskapai domestik diajak berlomba adu irit. Salah satu rahasia suksesnya adalah berani melawan arus. Bahkan per tanggal 30 April 2007, setiap bulannya Lion Air menambah 1 pesawat baru Boing 737-900ER dengan kapasitas 213 seats yang dikirim langsung dari pabrik Boing di Amerika. Total 122 pesawat baru. Bina Nusantara Tirto Utomo yang Visioner Banyak pakar pemasaran yang berpendapat bahwa air mineral dalam botol yang kemudian dikenal sebagai air mineral dengan merek Aquatidak akan laku dijual. Alasannya, orang disuruh minum air putih gratis saja enggan, apalagi kalau disuruh membayar mahal. Bina Nusantara Tirto Utomo yang Visioner cont. Tirto Utomo yakin, pada saatnya nanti kesadaran akan perlunya air minum yang jernih dan sehat akan timbul dan tumbuh semakin kuat, seiring dengan tambah parahnya polusi dan makin rusaknya lingkungan. Keyakinan itu timbul dari inspirasi yang didapat pada saat dia bekerja di sebuah perusahaan minyak. Ia melihat bahwa banyak expatriate hanya mau minum air kalau air itu adalah air yang berada dalam kemasan dan bermerk. Bina Nusantara Tirto Utomo yang Visioner cont. Semua orang tahu, Aqua telah menjadi market leader, menjadi tambang keuntungan yang tak kunjung habis, sehingga banyak meminjam istilah Paulus Winarto pengusaha ”latah” yang mengikuti jejaknya. Namun, mungkin saja dia juga memiliki keyakinan bahwa: being the first you get so many privileges and advantages. Bina Nusantara Pemikiran Di Luar Batasan Konvensional Pada dekade-dekade terakhir ini, banyak kita temukan produk-produk laris hasil pemikiran di luar batasan-batasan konvensional. • minuman tanpa rasa manis, bahkan tanpa rasa sama sekali. • makanan dengan kalori sangat rendah. • produk kecantikan dijual tanpa zat pewangi karena tak sedikit konsumen yang alergi dengan zat-zat pewangi. • sabun yang dijual tanpa menghilangkan rasa lengket Bina Nusantara Pemikiran Di Luar Batasan Konvensional cont. Konsumen bersedia membayar dengan harga lebih mahal untuk memperoleh produk-produk yang biaya produksinya jauh lebih rendah. Ingat, murah bukan jaminan untuk laris. Seorang guru besar pemasaran dari Amerika dalam suatu konferensi tahunan di New Orland mengatakan, ”Price has nothing to do with cost.” Harga jual tidak ada sangkut pautnya dengan harga pokok, dengan ongkos produksi barang atau jasa. Bina Nusantara Nike + iPod - Apple's Best Innovation As one runs, iPod nano tells you your time, distance, pace, and calories burned via voice feedback that adjusts music volume as it plays. In addition to progress reports, voice feedback congratulates you when you’ve reached a personal best — your fastest pace, longest distance and time, or most calories burned. Besides the voice feedback, iPod nano plays the workout songs you choose, or have the iPod nano choose it for you based on your workout. You can also choose to play PowerSong. Bina Nusantara Nike + iPod - Apple's Best Innovation Nike + iPod - Apple's Best Innovation “Where most initiatives focus on enticing consumers to complete a purchase, Nike+ continues to engage the consumer long after the transaction has occurred, keeping Nike+ runners motivated & connected, with each other & with the Brand. People are beginning to expect more from a brand than a witty narrative, and Nike+ redefines how a brand can reach its audience through meaningful enabling experiences.” Bina Nusantara - Nick Law, R/GA EVP/Chief Creative Officer Nike + iPod - Apple's Best Innovation + + Product + Content + Community = Bina Nusantara Premium Consumer Experience What is Innovation? The use of new ideas or current thinking applied in fundamentally different ways that result in significant change and economically successful. – IBM Research Bina Nusantara Source: 10 Lessons of Innovation. Experience from the Field. Idris Moote. A Presentation at Global Innovation Forum March 2007. Innovation is More than Invention Bina Nusantara Source: Innovation Frameworks Survey and Synthesis of Current Innovation Approaches Leading Edge Forum Technology Grant. Sponsored by the CSC Catalystsm Program and the Leading Edge Forum. Pascal Gambardella. April 2, 2006 Innovation is More than Invention cont. Innovation isn’t the same as invention. Innovation is a societal, not a technological, phenomenon, one that arises from the intersection of invention and insight.” Sam Palmisano, Chairman & CEO, IBM Bina Nusantara Innovation is the Key for Success Innovation is not absolutely necessary, —Andrew Papageorge Bina Nusantara but then neither is survival. Nine Dots Problem Draw nine spots, as in figure. Now without lifting your pen from the paper, draw four straight lines which go through all the dots. The reason why you may not have been able to solve the problem is that unconsciously your mind imposed a framework around the nine circles. You have to go beyond that invisible box. From this problem, which John Adair introduced in 1969, comes the phrase ‘Think outside the box!’ Bina Nusantara Creativity —Edward de Bono "Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way." Bina Nusantara Three Components of Creativity Amabile argues that creativity is a function of three components: expertise, creative thinking skills, & motivation. Expertise: knowledgeTechnical, procedural and intelectual CreativeThinking skills Expertise Creativity Motivation Bina Nusantara Motivation: intrinsic Is more effective than extrinsic Creative thinking skills: How flexible and Imaginatively people approach problems Barriers to Creativity • Why don’t we think creatively more often? • What are the barriers that get in our way? Barrier that get in our way • Time • Why change? • Usually don’t need to be creative • Habit • Routine • Haven’t been taught to be creative What are some other barriers that get in our way? Bina Nusantara Barriers to Creativity Mental blocks are reasons (attitudes) why we don’t “think something different.” “If you're not 10 Mental Locks failing every 1. The Right Answer now and again, 2. That’s Not Logical it's a sign you're 3. Follow the Rules not doing 4. Be Practical anything very 5. Avoid Ambiguity innovative.” 6. To Err Is Wrong -Woody Allen 7. Play Is Frivolous 8. That’s Not My Area The Commedian and Film 9. Don’t Be Foolish Director 10. I’m Not Creative Source: CPS: The Key Things to Keep in Mind, By Roger von Oech Bina Nusantara Ford Model ‘T’ Car: the mindset of Henry Ford Henry Ford’s model ‘T’ remained unchanged for years while General Motors (Chevrolet) was making changes – often using new technology. Henry Ford said: We’ll give the customer any color he wants as long as it is black. It was a statement by a man who had been on top so long he thought nothing could dislodge him from that position. He did not perceive the effects that the changing environment would have on customer’s wants and needs, and in particular on their requirements in terms of the motor car. Increasing consumer affluence, which developed as the American economy grew in the early part of the twentieth century, meant that people had more disposable income and hence more capacity to exercise choice. General Motors recognized this, but Ford did not. In the late 1920s Ford nearly went out of business as a result of this myopic approach. General Motors (Chevrolet) took over as number one in the USA, and Ford did not catch up until the late 1980s. Identify the blocks to creative thinking in this case? What action do you think Mr. Ford should take? Source: Creative Problem Solving for Manager, Tony Proctor. Bina Nusantara Golden Rules of Creative Thinking 1. Start small trying to discover new ways to be creative, but start. 2. Give yourself permission to abandon the old, obsolete ways of doing things and explore new ways. 3. It is not possible to change the way we think about everything. Target specific areas in which to try creative thinking techniques. 4. Understand that creative thinking requires time, but it is worth it! 5. Remember that creative thinking is both hard work and fun. Bina Nusantara Golden Rules of Creative Thinking cont. 6. Focus on what you can reasonably do. Trying to do too many things at once compromises the effort and may take away from the results. 7. Practice creative thinking for today as well as tomorrow. 8. Include other people in the creative thinking process with you. Collaboration fosters creative thinking. 9. Include “new and different” in your creative thinking process as well as “better and more.” 10.Keep innovating. Bina Nusantara 10 Questions To Encourage Ideas 1. What if…? 2. How can we improve…? 3. How will the Optimist Member and/or the community benefit? 4. Are we forgetting anything? 5. What’s the next step? 6. What can we do better…? 7. What do you think about…? 8. What should we add? 9. What should we eliminate? 10. What other ideas do you have...? Bina Nusantara The Six Myths of Creativity In an interview with Fast Company , Teresa Amabile busted six cherished myths about creativity. 1. Creativity Comes From Creative Types 2. Money Is a Creativity Motivator 3. Time Pressure Fuels Creativity 4. Fear Forces Breakthroughs 5. Competition Beats Collaboration 6. A Streamlined Organization Is a Creative Organization Very creative people are often thought to be highly intelligent. While this is occasionally true, evidence shows that the connection between intelligence and creativity is not straightforward. Sternberg and O’Hara (1999) found people with low IQs are not likely to be exceptionally creative but above 120, there is no correlation between traditional intelligence and creativity. They even suggest that individuals with very high IQs may be rewarded so much for their analytical thinking that they do not reach their creative potential. Sternberg, R. J. and O’Hara, L. (1999). Creativity and intelligence (251-272). In R. J. Sternberg, Creativity handbook, (pp. 251-272). New York: Cambridge University Press. Bina Nusantara Brainstorming Purpose: To generate a large number of ideas in a short period of time. Brainstorming is a great way to get new ideas. It make works more fun. Bina Nusantara Brainstorming Bina Nusantara Source: 10 Lessons of Innovation. Experience from the Field. Idris Moote. A Presentation at Global Innovation Forum March 2007. Brainstorming Brainstorming Rules • Evaluate later • Go for quantity – Flexibility => a range of different classes of ideas. – Fluency => variety of ideas clustered around a common theme. “The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of • Encourage wild ideas ideas.” • Build on other ideas Linus Pauling (two Nobel Prizes Winner ) – Elaboration Bina Nusantara Brainstorming Brainstorming Process • State the problem • Redefine the problem in terms of ‘how to…..’ • Identify one or two relevant redefinitions • Generate ideas for each redefinition • Select the most appropriate ideas Bina Nusantara SCAMPER SCAMPER is based on the notion that everything new is a modification of something that already exists. • S = Substitute • C = Combine • A = Adapt • M = Magnify • P = Put to Other Uses • E = Eliminate (or Minify) • R = Rearrange (or Reverse) Bina Nusantara SCAMPER To use the SCAMPER technique, first state the problem you’d like to solve or the idea you’d like to develop. Consider, for instance, the problem "How can I increase sales in my business?“ Following the SCAMPER recipe, here are a few questions you could ask: • S (Substitute): "What can I substitute in my selling process?" • C (Combine): "How can I combine selling with other activities?" • A (Adapt): "What can I adapt or copy from someone else’s selling process?" • M (Magnify): "What can I magnify or put more emphasis on when selling?" • P (Put to Other Uses): "How can I put my selling to other uses?" • E (Eliminate): "What can I eliminate or simplify in my selling process?" • R (Rearrange): "How can I change, reorder or reverse the way I sell?" Bina Nusantara “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” - Albert Einstein Bina Nusantara