learn.Kabbalah.com - The Kabbalah Centre


learn.Kabbalah.com - The Kabbalah Centre
Kabbalah is an ancient wisdom for change that many thousands of people
around the world are learning. Once taught and understood only by a select few—
Plato, Pythagoras, and Sir Isaac Newton are some of the progressive thinkers who
used Kabbalah to uncover the fundamental nature of this world. Today, the wisdom
of Kabbalah is available to anyone who desires to learn.
Each and every one of us has a purpose to fulfill in this lifetime, and a spark of
the Divine inside. Most of us know we are capable of becoming more. If our lives
are consumed with confusion, uncertainty and fear it’s because we are not moving
toward achieving our potential.
Learning and utilizing the wisdom of Kabbalah awakens our consciousness and
leads us to a greater path: one where we can effect lasting global change. This is
the purpose of studying Kabbalah.
Kabbalah Publishing is the official publishing division of Kabbalah
Centre International, Inc. We are distributors of the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah.
Since the first recorded document hailing back to The Book of Formation written by
Abraham 4,000 years ago, Kabbalah was a closely guarded mystery reserved for
That changed in 1922, when The Kabbalah Centre was established by Rav Ashlag.
This master kabbalist was the first to modernize the wisdom and make it accessible.
He then passed the mantle of leading The Kabbalah Centre and publishing the
sources of enlightenment to his student, Rav Brandwein, who later passed it to Rav
Berg. Rav Brandwein began publishing and self-distributing ancient texts under the
imprint of The Kabbalah Learning Centre. These include the Zohar, The Writings of
the Ari, as well as The Ten Luminous Emanations.
Rav Berg broke with the tradition of keeping this wisdom exclusive to only male
scholars when he began to teach his wife, Karen. Together, in 1971, they opened The
Kabbalah Centre to everyone. Today, Kabbalah Centre International, Inc. has grown
into more than 20 Centres around the world and a multitude of study groups.
In 1977, our imprint changed to Research Centre of Kabbalah and we published An
Entrance to the Zohar, An Entrance to the Tree of Life, Kabbalah for the Layman, To
the Power of One, Secret Codes of the Universe, Time Zones, and Wheels of a Soul,
which have each sold nearly 20,000 copies.
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Historically the wisdom is relayed from master to disciple. Every generation has
teachers who in turn study and transmit the knowledge to their students. The
Kabbalah Centre and Kabbalah Publishing operate in much the same manner. For
four decades, Rav Berg and Karen Berg have been sharing this wisdom through
books and classes, and more recently with online content. Their sons, Yehuda and
Michael, have also committed their lives to teaching Kabbalah, and the student base
now spans the globe.
In 2002, Kabbalah Publishing officially launched with Michael Berg’s bestseller, The
Secret. In 2003, Yehuda Berg continued the success with The 72 Names of God. This
was one year after he and his brother garnered great acclaim at other publishing
houses with their seminal works, The Way, (Michael Berg, Wiley) and The Power
of Kabbalah, (Yehuda Berg, Jodere). Repackaged with the Kabbalah Publishing
imprint, The Power of Kabbalah has since been licensed into 23 languages including
Spanish, German, Dutch, Turkish, Italian, Bulgarian, Latvian, Korean, Russian and
Portuguese. Honoring the path true to the lineage of The Kabbalah Centre, Michael
authored the first Aramaic to English translation of the 23-volume set of the Zohar,
including the commentary known as the Sulam, a project he began when he was
only 18 years old and completed ten years later.
Previously, the Zohar and the knowledge contained therein were only available to the
great scholars of history. In a radical departure from kabbalistic tradition, Karen Berg
penned the first book on Kabbalah for women, God Wears Lipstick. With subjects
ranging from relationships and sex, to prosperity and Bible studies, Kabbalah
Publishing has an active backlist of 70 print titles, plus audio titles such as The Living
Kabbalah System—the first ever at-home study system on Kabbalah following the
master-teacher model—bringing the wisdom forward another step in accessibility.
We release approximately 25 books a year, including new editions of classics and
books in the Spanish language. In 2010, with robust sales in English and Spanish for
The Power to Change Everything by Yehuda Berg, Kabbalah Publishing printed its
first title in Portuguese, O Poder de Mudar Todo. Working with our licensing partners
many of our titles are available in other languages, such as The Way, which has been
translated into Spanish, German, Japanese, Arabic, Dutch, Turkish, Portuguese,
Danish, Finnish, Swedish, Italian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Latvian, Greek. Farsi,
Ukranian, Korean, and Czechoslovakian.
PAGE 3 | publishing.kabbalah.com
NEW 2013
To Be Continued,
Reincarnation and the Purpose of Our Lives
by Karen Berg
If we lived with an awareness of reincarnation and karma we would
never think of life as random, perceive ourselves as victims, and we’d
always be conscious of our actions. Life would make more sense and
would be infinitely more fulfilling.
Reincarnation is the soul’s journey back to the Light via multiple
physical incarnations. In each lifetime, the soul returns to the physical
world to correct a different aspect of itself. In one incarnation a soul may
need to learn about being rich; in another it may need to learn about
being poor. Or it may need to experience strength and weakness, anger
and compassion, beauty and unsightliness. It doesn’t matter if a person
was Cleopatra or a foot soldier, the point is to be conscious of the
things we failed at; the damage we came to restore so we can make the
correction this time around.
ISBN: 978-1-57189-862-3
Pub Date: September 2012
Hard cover
Pages: 224
Available in: English Russian, Spanish,
Portuguese, Hebrew
Reading this book can help people understand some of the challenges
and questions they have in this lifetime that may have come from
another life. Part I addresses the process of reincarnation—how and
why it happens. In Part II, readers learn about life challenges and why
it’s important to embrace them as a necessary part of our soul’s work.
In Part III, readers can detect past life lessons by using kabbalistic tools
of angels, astrology, palm and face reading.
Awareness of our soul’s journey creates a context that helps us
to guide our lives and appreciate what we were given. With this
knowledge gleaned over many lifetimes our soul eventuality manages
to understand all the lessons and puts all of these fragments together.
As it does so, the soul gathers sparks of Light back to itself. Eventually it
returns to the source of all Light—the Creator—complete.
When we understand reincarnation our mistakes in this life don’t
become devastating. We develop a level of spiritual maturity that helps
us to perceive how everything is part of a bigger plan designed to help
us to change and grow.
Death is not the end of the game, but just a chance to do over. We have
nothing to fear. Life will be continued . . .
PAGE 4 | publishing.kabbalah.com
karen berg
Spiritual Director, Kabbalah Centre International
...To Be Continued... is a result of a lifelong exploration of metaphysics.
Ever since Karen Berg was a child, she knew there was a higher power.
As she searched for greater meaning and connection her studies
encompassed reincarnation, healing energy, and astrology. By the age
of 18, she was a medium. But she had a higher calling.
Over four decades ago, Karen met her husband Rav Berg. Together
they set out to make Kabbalah comprehensible and relevant to
all people in the world desiring an understanding of the spiritual
dimension. Their mission has been to provide people with kabbalistic
principles they can apply to improve their own lives, and by doing so
uplift the world. Under their stewardship The Kabbalah Centre has
grown from a single location into one of the world’s leading sources of
spiritual wisdom with more than 40 locations around the globe.
One of Karen’s goals is to inspire spiritual dialogue as a bridge to
create peace between diverse groups. She has done this by teaching
kabbalistic principles that increase awareness of people’s similarities
and celebrate our differences. Kids Creating Peace is one of The
Kabbalah Centre initiatives.
Karen travels extensively to communicate her message of universal
spirituality and peace. She spoke at Mastering the Ultimate Challenges
in London and Poland with Donna Karan and at the Power of Peace
conference in London with Dr. Jehan Sadat. She also led more than
1200 people of all faiths on a march of peace with the governor of
Nablus in the square that once sparked acts of hatred and war.
Karen’s previous books are the bestselling God Wears Lipstick and
Simple Light. She lives in Los Angeles, California.
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Navigating the Universe
A roadmap for understanding the cosmic influences which shape our lives
By Rav Berg
Challenging traditional and scientific thoughts about reality, Rav
Berg constructs a blueprint for those of us who are searching for
total understanding of the world around us. According to kabbalistic
principles, events on the Earthly plane manifest as a result of cosmic
influence. There are forces that shape human condition and exert their
control over our physical universe.
In this book, Rav Berg tells what these cosmic forces are and how to
use them to make our lives better. He decodes narratives from The
Book of Formation, the Zohar—the essential text of Kabbalah, and the
Bible. Tales and parables within these books are symbolic reflections of
the inner metaphysical realm through which one can perceive the divine
mysteries of the universe.
ISBN: 978-1-57189-739-8
Pub Date: February 2011
Soft cover
Pages: 237
Available in: English Spanish,
Portuguese, Russian
Navigating the Universe offers a bridge between the Earthly realm and
the Celestial realm. Rav Berg shows that the roots of most misfortune
can be traced to cosmic danger zones. He offers a precise timetable of
celestial conditions so we can approach positive energy intelligences
of the universe and tap their power. Armed with this information, we can
transcend the realm of chance, luck and indetermination.
Rav Berg keys us into specific dates to use when undertaking a new
venture such as: opening a business, getting married, moving to a new
home. Kabbalah can guide us through illusion to the all-embracing
reality that the most fundamental natural laws date back to the Heavens
and its origins.
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Spiritual Director, The Kabbalah Centre
Kabbalist Rav Berg has been director of The Kabbalah Centre since
1969, when he was given the leadership from Rabbi Yehuda Tzvi
Brandwein. Along with his wife, Karen, Rav Berg opened the doors of
Kabbalah to everyone interested in achieving life improvement through
spiritual realization. Under his leadership, The Centre expanded
the study Kabbalah from an exclusive scholarly pursuit, to an open
international forum that teaches the wisdom as a way of creating a
better life and a better world.
Rav Berg was born in Williamsburg, New York, into a family with
a long rabbinical tradition. He studied at Beit Midrash Gavoha in
Lakewood, New Jersey, and was ordained at the renowned rabbinical
seminary, Torah VaDaat in Williamsburg. His principle contributions
to the dissemination of Kabbalah include the, editing, translation,
and publication of many of its cardinal works. He has authored many
popular titles including Immortality, Wheels of the Soul, The Power of
You, and The Energy of the Hebrew Letters.
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the power of kabbalah
By Yehuda Berg
The bestseller that popularized the
contemporary Kabbalah movement, revised
and more comprehensive
Our familiar reality is the physical 1 Percent Realm in which we live.
Here we face challenges and obstacles 24/7. Yet there is another world
called the 99 Percent Realm. According to Kabbalah everything we truly
desire: love, joy, peace of mind, freedom, is available to us when we
connect with this dimension beyond our five senses. When we reactively
deal with our problems through anger, jealousy, fear, and insecurity we
inadvertently disconnect ourselves from the source of lasting fulfillment.
Imagine if we could use our difficulties as stepping stones to constantly
access the 99 Percent. Utilizing kabbalistic tools we can rise above the
limitations of this physical world and make a connection to this highest
source of energy.
ISBN: 978-1-57189-699-5
Pub Date: January 2010
Soft cover
Pages: 256
Available in: Arabic NEW 2013,
Bulgarian, Danish, Dutch, English,
French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian,
Italian, Korean, Icelandic, Lithuanian,
Norwegian NEW 2013, Persian, Polish,
Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish,
Slovak NEW 2013
The 13 principles found in this book are culled from teachings that are
more than 4000 years old. When applied, these principles can help us
to remove chaos, personal struggle, and despair and reconnect us to a
destiny of lasting happiness. This is the power of Kabbalah.
This newly edited and updated edition features additional content and
spiritual exercises, and is more accessible for meeting today’s current
challenges. We discover how to align our actions with our higher
purpose and become conscious of the unlimited possibilities in our own
life. We become wise.
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SATAN: An Autobiography
As told to Yehuda Berg
The bestseller that popularized the
contemporary Kabbalah movement, revised
and more comprehensive
They say that the greatest trick “the Devil” ever pulled was convincing
us that he doesn’t exist. In this book, Yehuda Berg uses the device of
an “as told to” autobiography to explain the concept of The Adversary
which plays a major role in Kabbalistic wisdom. We learn that Satan
resides within everyone, manifesting as a recurrent little voice of
uncertainty and negativity, and that is how havoc is wreaked throughout
the world. By doing the spiritual work that Kabbalah teaches, we can
banish doubt and evil influences from our lives, and eliminate chaos
from the world. Although Yehuda takes creative license with the
narrative, he presents a truthful representation of Kabbalah’s view on
the force of evil in the physical universe.
ISBN: 978-1-57189-662-9
Pub Date: 2009
Hard cover
Pages: 245
Available in: English, Hebrew,
Protegees, Russian, Spanish,
Review By The Truth Revealed
Satan, An Autobiography seals the deal. This book has been written
with the Adversary telling the story. It is informative, enlightening, funny,
absolutely brilliant. I have endeavored to purchase as many copies as
I possibly can and give as gifts freely to inform people that our ego,
our reactionary button to everything that destroys, kills, creates pain
and suffering continuously. Every decision and choice we have made
knowingly or unknowingly has been the result of our selfish, self-serving
ego. Every person who reads this book should leave inspired, hopeful,
joyful, and ecstatic. You now know how the magic trick works. Once
you know how the rabbit is pulled out of the hat, you have been given
the secret to unending happiness for all eternity. No more excuses. No
more lies. Now live and walk in truth. How we treat our fellow man is
the measure of success we will experience on this planet. There is no
heaven or hell to go to. You chose how you will live this life. Everything
that happens to you is contributing to you being a better you. Overcome
your ego at every opportunity and in exchange you get the keys to the
vault of everything you seek after. This is a MUST read.
PAGE 9 | publishing.kabbalah.com
Make Love, Make Light
By Yehuda Berg
Of all human desires, the sexual urge is the strongest. Kabbalah on
Sex is a stimulating, thought-provoking exploration into this important
aspect of human relationships. Best-selling author, Yehuda Berg,
provides potent insights for transforming our sex life beyond what we
dare to imagine. He takes us on a far-reaching journey through time
where we discover the spiritual origins of lovemaking, according to the
ancient teachings of Kabbalah. Understanding the divine nature of sex
helps us heal issues around shame and negative self-images, making
it possible to access higher levels of connection to our self, our partner
and spirit. Learn how to elevate the sexual experience to new heights of
understanding and fulfillment as these kabbalistic secrets concerning
love, death, the human soul, the meaning of existence, and the
intimacies of human encounters are revealed. All this and more awaits
us between the covers.
ISBN: 978-1-57189-738-1
Pub Date: December 2006
Hard cover
Pages: 282
Available in: English, Portuguese,
Russian, Spanish
PAGE 10 | publishing.kabbalah.com
Co-Director of Kabbalah Centre International
A bestselling author and prominent
authority on Kabbalah, Yehuda
Berg is part of a long lineage of
kabbalistic masters, and the son of
Rav and Karen Berg.
Bestselling Author
Spiritual Teacher
Agent of Change
In 2007, recognized by Newsweek as “the world’s
leading authority on the Kabbalah movement,” the
magazine named him as one of the top five rabbis
in the United States. In 2009, GQ magazine’s The
Gentlemen’s Fund honored him for being an Agent of
Change in the field of Education. A progressive voice
on spirituality, Yehuda is a prolific author of more than
30 books on topics ranging from self-empowerment,
depression, sex, to commentary on the Bible. His
bestsellers are The Power of Kabbalah and The 72
Names of God, which have been translated into 20
and 14 languages respectively. His daily and weekly
Tune-Ups are sent to more than 200,000 fans, and he
contributes regularly to Huffington Post. Yehuda
speaks internationally visiting cites like Madrid, Manila,
and Sao Paulo, as well as places closer to home
such as Miami, Austin, and New York. He teaches
thousands of people including dignitaries, celebrities,
and prisoners, and believes strongly in the power of
human consciousness as a means to create personal
and global change. Utilizing Kabbalah as a wisdom of
transformation, he simply delivers deep and complex
concepts in a way that is applicable to daily life.
Yehuda is co-director of Kabbalah Centre International,
Inc. Founded in 1922, KCI is a non-for-profit
organization leading the way to bringing Kabbalah to
everyone who wants to learn. As co-director, Yehuda
is involved in developing programs for more than 20
Centres, 50 study groups and teaching training, and
he directs Kabbalah Publishing. Yehuda lives in Los
Angeles with his wife and five children.
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Secrets of the Zohar
Stories and Meditations to Awaken the Heart
By Michael Berg
The Zohar is an acknowledged source of great spiritual wisdom that is
as ancient as the Bible itself. Revealed to Moses as the “decoder” of the
Bible, The Zohar was passed on as oral tradition until it was recorded as
a sacred text that remained hidden for thousands of years.
The book you are holding in your hand is a doorway to the Zohar
for everyone who wishes to enter. Michael Berg, noted Kabbalistic
scholar, bestselling author and co-director of The Kabbalah Centre,
has selected and organized 37 of the Zohar’s key stories in a new and
unique way that is designed to make its amazing power accessible to
Each chapter begins with a clear explanation of what follows it: A
particular portion of the Zohar that presents wisdom to address many
of life’s challenges—fears, the need for inspiration, the search for a soul
mate, the purpose of our spiritual work—all presented side by side in
both Aramaic and its English translation.
ISBN: 978-1-57189-577-6
Pub Date: 2007
Hard cover
Pages: 225
Available in: English, Hebrew,
French NEW 2013 Portuguese,
Russian, Spanish
At the end of each chapter is a simple but profound meditation for
putting the portion’s message into action. The meditation is given in
three ways: paraphrased into English, followed by the Aramaic to scan,
and finally, translated phonetically from the Aramaic so you can read it
aloud to intensify its power.
According to the greatest sages of Kabbalah, The Light of the Creator
is embodied in the Zohar’s very letters and words. Scanning it in
the original Aramaic is as important as reading its translation and
understanding its relevance to your daily life.
Most people think of the Zohar as a collection of commentaries on the
Bible. But, as Michael Berg makes clear in this book, the truth is that
it is much more. It is an energy source and the most powerful tool you
can use for your spiritual transformation. The Zohar is a bridge into the
perfect world envisioned in the mind of God at the moment of Creation.
The more you connect to it, the more you become one with that world,
and the more you will experience joy and fulfillment.
SECRETS OF THE ZOHAR: Stories and Meditations to Awaken the Heart
truly will awaken your heart and show you an inspired path to fulfillment.
PAGE 12 | publishing.kabbalah.com
Michael Berg
Co-director of the Kabbalah Centre International
Michael Berg is co-director of the Kabbalah Centre International. An
accomplished Kabbalistic scholar and teacher, Michael was the first
person to translate the entire 23-volume Zohar from ancient Aramaic
into English, a monumental task which he completed when he was
only 28. His other books include Becoming Like God, The Secret,
Well of Life, and the national bestseller, The Way. Michael is also the
co-director of kabbalah.com, the leading educational website on the
wisdom of Kabbalah, and the founder of Raising Malawi, an orphan
aid agency dedicated to caring for orphans and vulnerable children in
Malawi, Africa. He lives in Los Angeles, California with his wife and three
children, and lectures widely around the world..
PAGE 13 | publishing.kabbalah.com
The 72 Names of God
Technology for the Soul
Yehuda B erg
The only tool for quick-fix of spiritual relief, The 72 Names are not names
in the ordinary sense; they are a source of energy that tap into the
infinite current that flows through the world. This exquisitely designed
book provides in-depth explanations of each Name. By applying
these tools for spiritual well-being, we can diffuse negative energy and
stress, dispel anger, dump depression, create self esteem, cultivate the
power of prosperity, and become fearless. Using this technology that is
encoded in the Bible, anyone can begin to transform their life.
ISBN: 978-1-57189-135-8
Hard cover
Available in: Arabic, English, German,
Hebrew, Italian, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, Spanish, Turkish,
Pub Date: 2004
Pages: 216
Angel Intelligence
Yehuda B erg
Angels facilitate the circulation of energy throughout the non-physical
universe. Invisible, intangible, and yet they influence us; angels serve
as the infrastructure of the spiritual world. Some have existed forever —
archangels, angels of the days of the week and of the zodiac, guardian
angels, and the Angel of Death. But other angels are created by our
actions — good or bad. When we are mindful of our actions, we are
able to harness the power of angels, transform ourselves, and find
greater fulfillment.
ISBN: 978-1-57189-569-1
Hard cover
Available in: English, Portuguese,
Russian, Spanish
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Pub Date: September 2007
Pages: 256
Becoming Like God
Our Ultimate Destiny
Michael B erg
Becoming Like God offers a revolutionary method for becoming all
powerful. Written with extraordinary clarity, Michael Berg presents a
logical approach to achieving our supreme birthright. In revealing this
opportunity for humanity, he highlights ways to develop our natural
God-like attributes, and diminish the aspects of our nature that interfere
with our destiny. In his succinct style, Michael provides the answer to
the eternal question of why we are here: To become like God.
ISBN: 978-1-57189-661-2
Hard cover
Available in: English, German, Hebrew,
Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish,
Turkish, Japanese
Pub Date: 2004
Pages: 178
Energy of the Hebrew Letters
Rav B erg
The Zohar tells us that one of God’s first creations was the twenty-two
letters of the Hebrew alphabet. But these letters are far more than the
simple symbols of communication that would later be used in a galley
of type. In the metaphysical universe, each letter transfers awesome
power from the Upper World to our physical dimension. Yet only one
would be found to contain the attributes necessary to trigger the cosmic
event that would propel the unseen world into the realm of material
reality. As many know, the letter Bet was chosen. It is the first letter,
of the first word, of the first story in the first book of the Five Books of
Kabbalists teach that the Hebrew alphabet, which, in Hebrew, is called
“ivrit” comes from the root word “lavir” meaning “to transfer.” Letters are
like wires, a technology for transferring energy from the Light of God
into the physical world. The allegory of the letters as they pleaded their
respective cases for the primary role in God’s creative process is the
blueprint by which Creation was made possible. Rav Berg illustrates the
bedrock of Kabbalah, and poetically reveals the spiritual meaning and
history of each of the twenty-two letters: How and why it was created,
and what energy it transmits to us.
ISBN: 978-1-57189-640-7
Soft cover
Available in: English, Portuguese, Spanish
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Pub Date: 2010
Pages: 400
God Wears Lipstick
Karen B erg
This groundbreaking and bestselling book reveals the power that’s
innate to every woman. From a Kabbalalistic perspective, Karen Berg
outlines life’s deeper meaning, and gives tangibles solutions to issues
women face today. She delves into the spiritual purpose of relationships
- to reach our highest potential - and the way to enrich our connection to
our self, our mate, our children, and God.
ISBN: 978-1-57189-581-3
Hard cover
Available in:Available in: Danish, English,
French NEW 2013 German NEW 2013,
Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian NEW 2013,
Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish
Pub Date: January 2005
Pages: 274
Technology of Mind over Matter
Rav B erg
Long before “nano” entered the vernacular as an abbreviation for
“nanotechnology,” Rav Berg was speaking and writing in spiritual terms
about this scientific concept, which is basically “less is more” rather
than “the bigger, the better.” That less physicality can produce more
power is a relatively recent scientific discovery, but it is something that
kabbalists have known throughout the ages. Simply put, it is the triumph
of mind over matter. Space will continue to be reduced until there is
nothing more between us and the world around us. This lends support
for the notion that “we are all one,” and by extension, to the credo “Love
your neighbor as yourself.”
ISBN: 978-1-57189-582-0
Hard cover
Available in: English, Hebrew, Portuguese,
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Pub Date: March 2008
Pages: 282
The Power of Kabbalah for Teens
Yehuda B erg
The teenage years have never been an easy time. Peer pressure,
school, competition, and raging hormones, combined with the struggle
to figure out one’s identity and what life is all about, can make these
years tough to negotiate. Everything seems crucial, larger than life, and
finding the right place to turn to for guidance can be difficult. In The
Power of Kabbalah for Teens, Yehuda Berg offers 13 practical steps that
teens can take to gain control of their lives and realize the happiness
they desire and deserve. Each step is carefully explained in down-toearth language and includes an exercise to help apply that step to the
reader’s own life. Drawing from his extensive knowledge in counseling
parents and children, as well from his own adolescent experiences,
Yehuda offers accessible answers to difficult questions about drugs,
alcohol, sex, eating disorders, abuse, family ties, dating, depression,
rebellion, and friendship. Clever black-and-white drawings illustrate
each of the 13 steps.
ISBN: 978-1-57189-576-9
Soft cover
Available in: English, Spanish
Pub Date: October 2008
Pages: 256
The power to change everything
Yehuda B erg
A thought-provoking call to action on our current global crisis. Stating
that our collective abdication of personal responsibility- in every facet of
our lives including the economy, the environment, politics, healthcare,
and religion - has contributed to the challenges we face, Yehuda asserts
that assuming accountability for our actions (or lack thereof) and their
consequences is the key to achieving change for the better. He urges
us to access the power within, using the principles of Kabbalah, in
order to create the consciousness shift required for lasting positive
ISBN: 978-1-57189-633-9
Soft cover
Available in: English, German, Hebrew,
Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian,
PAGE 17 | publishing.kabbalah.com
Pub Date: October 2009
Pages: 384
The Prayer of the Kabbalist
The 42-Letter Name of God
Yehuda B erg
Kabbalists believe that one of the most powerful prayers is the Ana
Beko’ach or 42-Letter Name of God. This name is a vehicle we can use
to tap into the energy of Creation—the source of joy and fulfillment—
and help make a connection to life-improving energies. It is a meditation
anyone can use to “”start over,”” and get rid of excess “”baggage.”” The
actual prayer consists of seven sentences with six letters each; hence
the title: The 42-letter Name.”
ISBN: 978-1-57189-575-2
Hard cover
Available in: English, Hebrew, Portuguese,
Russian, Spanish
Pub Date: September 2007
Pages: 162
Defeating Depression with the Power of Kabbalah
Yehuda B erg
Absence of desire or lack of interest are often listed as symptoms
of depression, a medical condition that affects nearly 20 million
Americans. A myriad of drugs, herbal remedies, and therapies are
now available to treat this condition and although they may ease the
symptoms, none have managed to cure this crippling affliction. In his
clear, strong, and heartfelt book, noted scholar and author Yehuda Berg
offers a new prescription for those who suffer from depression: The
healing energies of Kabbalah. This simple yet profound treatment allows
depression sufferers to take back their lives. Readers learn to reconnect
with desire, reemerge from the debilitating darkness, and overcome
depression once and for all. Yehuda suggests specific Kabbalistic tools
for readers to use on the path to recovery, while case histories provide
further illumination and inspiration.
ISBN: 978-1-57189-560-8
Hard cover
Available in: English, Spanish
PAGE 18 | publishing.kabbalah.com
Pub Date: March 2007
Pages: 206
The Secret
Unlocking the Source of Joy and Fulfillment
Michael B erg
Michael Berg spent years studying this ancient once-hidden wisdom
before putting the pieces of the puzzle together and sharing it with
the modern world. The Secret explains the essence of lfe in its most
concise and powerful form. Using stories and insights from the greatest
sages of Kabbalah, Michael Berg shows how to free ourselves from
unhappiness, and gain the joy and fulfillment that is our destiny. Learn
the secret and activate the power to change the course of life; live
the secret and understand the purpose of life; share the secret and
transform humanity.
ISBN: 978-1-57189-588-2
Hard cover
Available in: Arabic, Dutch, Danish,
English, Greek, Hebrew, Hungary,
Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Pub Date: November 2007
Pages: 112
Simple Light
Wisdom from a Woman’s Heart
Karen B erg
This book delivers a message that is simple, direct, and straight from
the heart: Light, the source of all joy, comes from unconditional love
and sharing. A collection of insights culled from Karen Berg’s writings
and teachings over the last 30 years, the wise words shared here are
both personal and universal. Whether talking about family, relationships,
work, faith, life or death, Karen always manages to keep it real while
finding Light in the ordinary as well as the mysterious. Simple Light is
not intended to be read in one sitting or sequentially, although it can be.
It’s food for moments of thought and inspiration.
ISBN: 978-1-57189-593-6
Hard cover
Available in: English, Hebrew, Polish,
Portuguese, Russian, Spanish,
PAGE 19 | publishing.kabbalah.com
Pub Date: Mar 2008
Pages: 156
True Prosperity
How to Have Everything
Yehuda B erg
Money is energy, and harnessing it involves utilizing a spiritual business
plan the Universe has blueprinted for us. This entails: being the cause
and not the effect in life; taking responsibility; breaking chains of
routine thinking and guilt; and using stress as a surfboard to ride to
new levels of wealth and achievement. Yehuda shows how to use
goals strategically and flexibly to create abundance in all areas of life.
By arming ourselves with certainty, we can overcome The Competitor
(code word for ego), and continually be at the right place at the right
time, making the right business decisions. Utilizing spiritual principles
can help us to attract more sustenance from the universe, as well more
fulfillment in a world that works better for everyone.
ISBN: 978-1-57189-647-6
Hard cover
Available in: English, Hebrew, Polish,
Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Pub Date: April 2010
Pages: 176
The Spiritual Rules of Engagement
How Kabbalah Can Help Your Soul Mate Find You
Yehuda B erg
More than a decade after the runaway bestseller The Rules advised
women on how to land “Mr. Right,” it’s time for a new set of rules with
a more spiritual approach. This book describes relationships from a
kabbalistic perspective and explains what makes them work (or not
work); reveals that it is the woman who holds the power to determine
the outcome; and identifies the differences that cause men and women
to think and act differently. Although not a compilation of dating tips,
its rules do work. They have to work: They are the laws of the universe.
Readers learn the true meaning of the term “soul mate;” and why it’s
better for a man to pursue a woman, not the other way around. These
are more than just rules of engagement; they’re rules for creating a
happier, more fulfilling life.
ISBN: 978-1-57189-592-9
Hard cover
Available in: English, Hebrew, Polish,
Portuguese, Russian, Spanish,
PAGE 20 | publishing.kabbalah.com
Pub Date: February 2008
Pages: 192
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